MATERIAL DECLARATION SHEET Material Number 86-L Cermet (Dual Cup) Product Line Panel Control Compliance Date September 30, 2005 RoHS Compliant Yes MSL N/A No. Construction Element (subpart) Homogeneous Material Material weight [g] 1 Rotor Driver Zinc 0.968 2 Shaft Brass Plating 3 4 Rivet X4 Substrate Headquarters Riverside CA Aluminum Ceramic 6.499 0.00593 0.902 0.3 Subpart mass of total wt. (%) 72 Material Mass % of total unit wt. 3.920 7429-90-5 25 1.361 5.455 Copper 7440-50-08 3 0.163 Copper 7440-50-8 61.5 22.841 Homogeneous Material/ Substances if applicable Materials Mass % Zinc 7440-66-6 Aluminum CASRN Zinc 7440-66-6 35.50 12.977 Lead 7439-92-1 3 1.097 Nickel 7440-02-0 100 0.033 Aluminum Chromium Copper 7429-90-5 7440-47-3 7440-50-8 93.5 1 3 4.744 0.051 0.152 Iron 7439-89-6 0.7 0.036 Magnesium 7439-98-5 0.5 0.025 Manganese 7439-96-5 0.2 0.010 Silicon 7440-21-3 0.8 0.041 Zinc 7440-66-6 0.25 0.013 Aluminum Oxide 1344-28-1 95 1.603 Silicon Oxide 7631-86-9 1 0.017 Magnesium Oxide 7309-48-4 2 0.034 Calcium Oxide 1305-78-8 2 0.034 CASRN: CAS Registry Number® is a Registered Trademark of the American Chemical Society 36.555 0.033 5.074 1.687 page 1 of 7 MATERIAL DECLARATION SHEET 5 6 Termination Ink Resistive Ink Ink Ink. 0.003 0.0015 Silver 7440-22-4 75 0.013 Palladium 7440-05-3 10 0.002 Disbismuth-trioxide 1304-76-3 10 0.002 Ruthenium(IV)oxide Silicon dioxide Nickel-monoxide 12036-10-1 7631-86-9 1313-99-1 1 1 1 0.0002 0.0002 0.0002 Lead-monoxide 1317-36-8 1 0.0002 Ruthenium(IV)oxide 12036-10-1 12.11 0.001 silver 7440-22-4 10.11 0.001 Palladium 7440-05-3 12.11 0.001 Diboron-trioxide 1303-86-2 1.05 0.0001 Aluminum oxide 1344-28-1 3.05 0.0003 Lead-monoxide 1317-36-8 19.11 0.002 Silicon dioxide 7631-86-9 14.11 0.001 Calcium Oxide 1305-78-8 1.05 0.0001 Dibismuth-trioxide 1304-76-3 11.11 0.001 Digadolinium-trioxide 12064-62-9 14.12 0.001 2.05 0.0002 Proprietary Ingredients 7 Resistive Ink Ink. 0.0015 Ruthenium(IV)oxide silver Palladium 12036-10-1 7440-22-4 7440-05-3 14.12 4.06 4.06 0.001 0.0003 0.0003 Diboron-trioxide 1303-86-2 2.06 0.0002 Aluminum oxide 1344-28-1 4.06 0.0003 Lead-monoxide 1317-36-8 25.12 0.002 Silicon dioxide 7631-86-8 15.05 0.001 Dibismuth-trioxide 1304-76-3 12.12 0.001 Digadolinium-trioxide 12064-62-9 13.12 0.001 6.18 0.001 Proprietary Ingredients Headquarters Riverside CA CASRN: CAS Registry Number® is a Registered Trademark of the American Chemical Society 0.017 0.008 0.008 page 2 of 7 MATERIAL DECLARATION SHEET 8 Terminal Wire Copper 0.03 Copper 7440-50-08 100 0.169 0.169 Plating 0.0015 Tin 7440-31-5 100 0.008 0.008 Strip Laminated 0.05 Copper 7440-50-8 70 0.197 Zinc 7440-66-6 30 0.084 Nickel 7440-02-0 18 0.040 Copper 7440-50-08 65 0.146 Spacer Strip 9 Pot Wiper Solder Inlay Nickel Wire 10 11 12 0.04 Pot Rotor Secondary Pot Housing Primary Pot Housing Headquarters Riverside CA PBT PBT PBT 0.0015 0.03 0.5293 0.577 1.9653 Zinc 7440-66-6 17 0.038 Tin 7440-31-5 94.5 0.008 Silver 7440-22-4 5.2 0.0004 Bismuth 7440-69-9 0.30 0.00003 Nickel 7440-02-0 18 0.030 Copper 7440-50-8 65 0.110 Zinc 7440-66-6 17 0.029 Glass 65997-17-3 25 0.744 Poly(butylene terephthalate) 30965-26-5 65 1.935 Antimony Compounds 7440-36-0 5 0.149 Antimony Oxide 1309-64-4 5 0.149 Glass 65997-17-3 25 0.811 Poly(butylene terephthalate) 30965-26-5 65 2.110 Antimony Compounds 7440-36-0 5 0.162 Antimony Oxide 1309-64-4 5 0.162 Glass 65997-17-3 25 2.764 Poly(butylene terephthalate) 30965-26-5 65 7.185 Antimony Compounds 7440-36-0 5 0.553 Antimony Oxide 1309-64-4 5 0.553 CASRN: CAS Registry Number® is a Registered Trademark of the American Chemical Society 0.281 0.225 0.008 0.169 2.977 3.245 11.054 page 3 of 7 MATERIAL DECLARATION SHEET 13 14 Lube (Shaft) Bushing Grease Aluminum Plating 15 Rear Cover Headquarters Riverside CA Stainless Steel 0.003 0.9 0.0008219 0.92 Siloxanes and Silicones, di-Me, di-Ph Lithium Stearate Silane, dichlorodimethyl,reaction products with silica Diphenylamine 68083-14-7 68.9 0.012 4485-12-5 25.3 0.004 68611-44-9 4.7 0.001 122-39-4 0.89 0.0002 Silicon 7440-21-3 0.7 0.035 Iron 7439-89-6 0.34 0.017 0.017 Copper 7440-50-8 0.34 0.017 Manganese 7439-96-3 0.09 0.005 Magnesium 7439-98-5 0.9 0.046 Chromium 7440-47-3 0.09 0.005 Zinc 7440-66-6 0.05 0.003 Titanium 7440-32-6 0.02 0.001 Aluminum 7429-90-5 97.47 4.934 Nickel 7440-02-0 100 0.005 Carbon 7440-44-0 0.01 0.001 Manganese 7435-96-5 1.84 0.095 Phosphorus 7723-14-0 0.03 0.002 Sulfur 7704-34-9 0.002 0.0001 Silicon 7440-21-3 0.1 0.005 Chromium 7440-47-3 18.61 0.963 Nickel 7440-02-0 9.9 0.512 Molybdenum 7439-92-1 0.42 0.022 Copper 7440-50-8 0.37 0.019 Nitrogen 7727-37-9 0.05 0.003 Iron 7439-89-6 68.66 3.553 CASRN: CAS Registry Number® is a Registered Trademark of the American Chemical Society 5.062 0.005 5.175 page 4 of 7 MATERIAL DECLARATION SHEET 16 17 18 19 Front Cover Washer Spring Washer Lube (Element) Stainless Steel PTFE Beryllium Copper Grease Brass 0.716 0.007 0.031 0.003 0.078 0.002 20 Fixed Blade/Terminal X 2 Inlay Flash Under Plating Finish Plating Headquarters Riverside CA 0.0002 0.0017 0.0023 Carbon 7440-44-0 0.15 0.006 Manganese 7435-96-5 2 0.081 Silicon 7440-21-3 1 0.040 Chromium 7440-47-3 19 0.765 Nickel 7440-02-0 10 0.403 Iron 7439-89-6 67.8 2.731 Polytetrafluoroethylene 1-Dichloro-1Fluoroethane Copper 9002-84-0 15 0.006 1717-00-6 85 0.033 7440-50-8 98.1 0.171 Silicon 7440-21-3 0.2 0.0003 Beryllium 7440-41-7 1.5 0.003 Aluminum Decanoic acid, mixed esters with heptanoic acid, octanoic acid Lithium 12hydroxystearate Isohexadecylisooctadecanoate Polyisobutylene Copper Zinc Silver Copper Zinc Tin Copper Nickel Gold 7429-90-5 0.2 0.0003 68130-53-0 54.4 0.009 7620-77-1 5.7 0.001 52006-45-8 33.7 0.006 9003-27-4 6.2 70 30 56 22 17 5 100 100 100 0.001 0.307 0.132 0.006 0.002 0.0019 0.0006 0.001 0.010 0.013 7440-50-8 7440-66-6 7440-22-4 7440-50-8 7440-66-6 7440-31-5 7440-50-8 7440-02-0 7440-57-5 CASRN: CAS Registry Number® is a Registered Trademark of the American Chemical Society 4.027 0.039 0.174 0.017 0.439 0.011 0.001 0.010 0.013 page 5 of 7 MATERIAL DECLARATION SHEET 21 22 23 24 Switch Housing Switch Cover Switch Inner Rotor Switch Outer Rotor DAP Compound PBT PBT PBT 1.45 0.8 0.55 0.25 25 Detent Spring Beryllium Copper 0.0428 26 Spring Helper Beryllium Copper 0.0187 27 Contact Button X2 Headquarters Riverside CA Antimony Trioxide 1309-64-4 3 0.245 Aluminum Trihydrate 21645-51-2 10 0.816 Diallyl Phthalate 1344-28-1 45 3.760 Glass Fiber 65997-17-3 40 3.262 Calcium Stearate 1592-23-0 2 0.163 Glass 65997-17-3 30 1.350 Antimony Oxide 1309-64-4 2 0.090 Antimony Compounds 7440-36-0 3 0.135 Poly(butylene terephthalate) 30965-26-5 65 2.925 Glass 65997-17-3 30 0.928 Antimony Oxide 1309-64-4 2 0.062 Antimony Compounds 7440-36-0 3 0.093 Poly(butylene terephthalate) 30965-26-5 65 2.011 Glass 65997-17-3 30 0.422 Antimony Oxide 1309-64-4 2 0.028 Antimony Compounds 7440-36-0 3 0.042 Poly(butylene terephthalate) 30965-26-5 7440-50-8 7440-21-3 7440-47-7 7439-90-5 7440-50-8 65 98.1 0.2 1.5 0.2 98.1 0.914 0.236 0.0005 0.004 0.0005 0.103 Copper Silicon Beryllium Aluminum Copper Silicon 7440-21-3 0.2 0.0002 Beryllium 7440-47-7 1.5 0.002 Aluminum 7439-90-5 0.2 0.0002 8.156 4.500 3.094 1.406 0.241 0.105 Silver 0.016 Silver 7440-22-0 100 0.090 0.090 Under Plating 0.00004 Nickel 7440-02-0 100 0.0002 0.0002 Finish Plating 0.0003 Gold 7440-57-5 100 0.002 0.002 CASRN: CAS Registry Number® is a Registered Trademark of the American Chemical Society page 6 of 7 MATERIAL DECLARATION SHEET 28 Moving Contact X2 Beryllium Copper 0.0748 Plating 0.0054 Total weight 17.778 Copper 7440-50-8 78 0.328 Silicon 7440-21-3 19.5 0.082 Beryllium 7440-47-7 2.3 0.010 Aluminum 7439-90-5 0.2 0.001 Tin 7440-31-5 100 0.030 0.421 0.030 This Document was updated on: May 16, 2007 Important remarks: 1. It is the responsibility of the user to verify they are accessing the latest version. 2. RoHS exemptions used: lead in glass (5); lead in copper alloys (6) Headquarters Riverside CA CASRN: CAS Registry Number® is a Registered Trademark of the American Chemical Society page 7 of 7