Sonardyne Global Headquarters T. +44 (0) 1252 872288 F. +44 (0) 1252 876100 E. Datasheet Syrinx – Doppler Velocity Log Description The Syrinx DVL is a class leading Doppler Velocity Log that builds on Sonardyne’s existing product range of acoustic instrumentation by bringing to market a high integrity, high performance instrument. Syrinx can be used as a standalone navigation instrument or can be integrated into Sonardyne’s SPRINT system or other 3rd party navigation systems. This new DVL provides the best of both worlds in a single unit. With a large altitude range and high precision at all altitudes, this combines the best of 300 and 1200 kHz DVLs. Syrinx utilises both Doppler and Correlation technology to gain performance advantages in environments where each technology is best suited. Processing techniques have been refined to avoid any loss in output measurements including undulating and sharp roll off terrain of any type. The instrument has been tested over terrains with near vertical gradients to ensure velocity estimates are always provided, even when individual beam data can show vast differences in altitude. Adaptive signalling techniques utilise the best signal type for the environment and terrain, this allows both low and high altitude class leading performance. Syrinx allows users to simultaneously output data of different formats, so you can provide the ROV crew with one data format and your survey crew another. This reduces the requirement of more than one DVL on board the ROV, saving on weight and costs. Sonardyne have developed the transducers to be singularly interchangeable, dramatically reducing maintenance costs and times. Key Features • Class leading 600 kHz DVL combining the benefits of 300 and 1200 kHz instruments in one • Reliable adaptive bottom lock • Capsule case design built around field proven USBL array capsules developed over last 30 years • Concurrent Ethernet and serial connectivity • Individually replaceable transducers • On-board DVL Manager web interface for configuration and diagnostics • Standard 4000 m titanium housing for Work Class ROVs • Full linear signal processing • Up to 25 Hz ping rate • 0.4 to 175 m operation range • Tight integration to Sonardyne SPRINT INS, providing unmatched DVL aided navigation even in challenging bottom lock conditions Sonardyne Global Headquarters T. +44 (0) 1252 872288 F. +44 (0) 1252 876100 E. Specifications Syrinx – Doppler Velocity Log Features Operating Frequency Bottom Velocity – Single Ping Precision Standard Deviation @ 1 m/s* Long Term Accuracy Minimum/Maximum Altitude Velocity Range Velocity Resolution Data Output Rate Maximum Transmit Source Level (dB re 1 uPa @ 1 m) Water Reference Velocity Accuracy Layer Size Minimum/Maximum Range Sensors Temperature Pitch/Roll (Optional) Pressure (Optional) Configuration Array Communication and Logging Communications Trigger Inputs Internal Logging Output Output Telegrams Power Environmental Mechanical Construction Dimensions (Height x Max Diameter) Weight in Air/Water Type 8275 600 kHz ±0.22 cm/s ±0.12% ±0.1 cm/s 0.4/175 m >10 m/s 0.01 cm/s 25 Hz max 217 dB ±0.2% ±0.1 cm/s Selectable 0.5 m/70 m -5° to 40°C ±0.5° ±0.1% full scale 4-beam array @ 30° beam angles Dual RS232, multi-port Ethernet (TCP & UDP) 3 V–12 V rising or falling edge configurable 32 GB internal memory Sonardyne proprietary, PD4, PD0, SDDBT Simultaneous telegram output Voltage Range (DC Input) 24 V (±10%) Average Power (Typical) 10 W Depth Rating 3000 m/4000 m/6000 m Operating Temperature -5 to 55°C Storage Temperature -20 to 55°C Aluminium (3000 m)/Titanium (4000 m, 6000 m) 196 mm x 225 mm (4000 m version) 12.0 kg/4.0 kg (4000 m version) *Standard deviation refers to proven single-ping true horizontal velocity precision, specified at 20-30 m altitude. Specifications subject to change without notice - 12/2015