Freescale Semiconductor Application Note Document Number: AN3325 Rev. 0, 09/2006 Designing for Migration Among 8-Pin, 8-Bit MCUs MC9S08QG8, MC9S08QD4, and MC9RS08KA2 by: Inga Harris 8-bit Microcontroller Applications Engineer East Kilbride, Scotland Today’s designs demand flexibility, thereby adding functionality, improving performance, reducing power consumption, and increasing complexity. As soon as one version of a product is complete, there are already many ideas for features that will improve it in the next version. In many cases, the selected device cannot perform to meet the requirements of the next idea and a trade-off begins between the cost of changing components and the desired functionality. Portability is an important factor to consider at the outset of a project. The best way to speed the creation of a new project is to re-use the information and experience generated from previous developments. The goal is to find the best way to write an algorithm so that it is portable among devices. Typically, software tools such as compilers and code generation tools dictate the software development phase whereas hardware compatibility is a “nice to have.” The microcontroller is often changed when the next generation is designed. The number of pins and the peripherals associated with each © Freescale Semiconductor, Inc., 2006. All rights reserved. Contents 1 2 Compatibility Among Low-End Devices. . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2 1.1 Highly Integrated Low-End MCUs . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2 1.2 Ultra Low-End MCUs. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3 1.3 Filling the Gap Between Highly Integrated Low-End and Ultra Low-End . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4 1.4 Feature Comparisons . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4 1.5 Pin-To-Pin Compatibility . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 12 1.6 Migration Software Tools. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 14 Conclusion. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 16 Compatibility Among Low-End Devices pin also changes. In this case, the same hardware platform cannot be used to test new designs and new hardware is needed for the new product. The ability to move effortlessly from one hardware platform to another reduces the development, testing, and manufacturing time. Freescale’s Controller Continuum Strategy provides new devices that are pin-to-pin compatible with existing microcontrollers, allowing hardware platforms to be re-used and opening new possibilities to use both more peripherals and functionality or simplifying the design to improve the cost of the final product. Migrating between MCUs is easier to plan for at the low end of the controller continuum spectrum when the MCU is an 8-pin, 8-bit micro with small code size (up to 8K bytes of program space) because the pin count limits the number of peripherals a project will use. If designed correctly migrating the software and hardware is much simpler. 1 Compatibility Among Low-End Devices When designers look for devices in low-end applications they find some manufacturers do not offer compatible microcontrollers across different families. Therefore, switching from one device to another without changing the hardware and software becomes complicated. Redesigning the hardware or software means a new set of tests must be developed and run on the MCU, and every component the MCU interacts with during the project. This is usually time-consuming and expensive. To quickly migrate from one MCU to another it is important for devices to be pin-to-pin compatible and share the same developing platforms, such as hardware programmers, debugging interfaces, and software tools. 1.1 Highly Integrated Low-End MCUs The S08 family of microcontrollers focuses on bringing high-performance to low-end applications without sacrificing low-power operation. The MC9S08QG8 is a member of the S08 family that includes numerous peripherals in 8- and 16-pin packages. The S08 architecture allows developing a design fully programmed in C because the characteristics of the stack handling and its instructions are optimized for data and array handling. The Background Debug Controller (BDC) provides a single-wire debug interface to the target MCU that provides a convenient interface for programming the on-chip Flash and other nonvolatile memories. The BDC is also the primary debug interface for development and allows non-intrusive access to memory data and traditional debug features such as CPU register modify, breakpoints, and single instruction trace commands. In the S08 (and RS08 family described in Section 1.2, “Ultra Low-End MCUs”), address and data bus signals are not available on external pins. Debug is done through commands fed into the target MCU via the single-wire background debug interface. The debug module provides a means to selectively trigger and capture bus information so an external development system can reconstruct activity inside the MCU on a cycle-by-cycle basis without having external access to the address and data signals. Figure 1 shows the MC9S08QG8\4 block diagram. Of the three MCUs discussed in this document, the MC9S08QG8\4 is the most feature-rich and is available in 8- and 16-pin packages. Designing for Migration Among 8-Pin, 8-Bit MCUs, Rev. 0 2 Freescale Semiconductor Compatibility Among Low-End Devices Figure 1. MC9S08QG8 1.2 Ultra Low-End MCUs The RS08 architecture is optimized for small memory sizes. It includes a tiny addressing mode on which the instruction’s address is embedded within the instruction to make the code efficient. Placing the most computation-intensive data in this area helps the user create more optimized systems in both code size and execution speed. The ability to use indexed addressing gives the possibility to access different operand locations depending on the results of earlier program instructions. The BDC uses single-wire communication to program the memory and debug the code in the MCU. A major improvement in the interface is that the code can be debugged in-circuit, using the actual clock source and connected hardware used in the final design, thereby eliminating the possibility of the debug interface causing a problem. The new instructions and addressing modes are intended for small memory sizes and all the features and peripherals allow a cost-effective design when working with the RS08. Figure 2 shows a MC9RS08KA2 block diagram. The MC9RS08KA2 is the lowest end MCU discussed here. It is available in a 6-pin package for applications that are particularly space constrained and in an 8-pin package for applications needing more I/O. Designing for Migration Among 8-Pin, 8-Bit MCUs, Rev. 0 Freescale Semiconductor 3 Compatibility Among Low-End Devices Figure 2. MC9RS08KA2 1.3 Filling the Gap Between Highly Integrated Low-End and Ultra Low-End The midpoint between the ultra low-end MC9RS08KA2 and the highly integrated low-end device MC9S08QG8 is the MC9S08QD4. It has the same single-wire BDC module as the MC9S08QG8. Figure 3 shows the block diagram of the MC9S08QD4. 4k ICS Flash (8 MHz bus) 256 RAM 2 - ch 16 - bit Timer KBI S08 Core COP POR BDM LVD 1 - ch 16 - bit Timer 4 - ch 10 - bit ADC Figure 3. MC9S08QD4 1.4 Feature Comparisons Table 1 shows the three microcontrollers’ features in a side-by-side comparison. By being aware of the differences before design starts and acknowledging that a change in MCU could occur during your project, you can design your hardware and software to be portable. Designing for Migration Among 8-Pin, 8-Bit MCUs, Rev. 0 4 Freescale Semiconductor Compatibility Among Low-End Devices Table 1. MCU Feature Comparisons MC9S08QG QG4 MC9S08QD QG8 MC9RS08KA QD4 KA1 KA2 Core S08 S08 RS08 Bus Frequency 10 MHz 8MHz 10MHz Development Support DBDC = DBG BDC BDC Power Supply 1.8 to 3.6 V 2.7 to 5.5 V 1.8 to 5.5 V External Oscillator 8- pin: No No No 16-pin: Yes RAM (bytes) 256 512 256 63 63 Flash (bytes) 4K 8K 4K 1K 2K Modes Run, Wait, Stop1, Stop2, Stop3, and Active BDM Run, Wait, Stop2, Stop3, and Active BDM Run, Wait, Stop3, and Active BDM COP/LVI Yes Yes Yes ACMP Yes No Yes ADC 8-pin: 4-ch 10-bit 4-ch 10-bit No 16-pin: 8-ch 10-bit ICS Yes Yes Yes KB1 8-pin: 1-ch 8-pin: 4-ch 6-pin: 3-ch 16-pin: 8-ch 8-pin: 5-ch MTIM Yes No Yes SCI Yes No No SPI Yes No No IIC Yes No No TPM1 8-pin: 1-ch 16-bit 2-ch 16-bit No TPM2 No 1-ch 16-bit No Packages 8-pin: DIP, SOIC, DFN 8-pin: DIP, SOIC 6-pin: DFN 16-pin:DIP, TSSOP, QFN 1.4.1 8-pin: DIP, SOIC CPU The first difference between the MCUs is that the RS08 CPU has a reduced instruction set (compared to the S08 CPU), a 14-bit address bus (versus a 16-bit address bus on the S08 devices), and a reduced set of core registers (see Figure 4). However, CodeWarrior is capable of compiling most of the S08 instructions as pseudo-instruction. The Freescale document, AN3266, “Getting Started with RS08,” is a good reference if a move from S08 to RS08 is forseen. Designing for Migration Among 8-Pin, 8-Bit MCUs, Rev. 0 Freescale Semiconductor 5 Compatibility Among Low-End Devices S08 Programming Model RS08 Programming Model Figure 4. S08 and RS08 Programming Models If project development dictates a move from the MC9RS08KA2 to one of the S08 devices you should be aware that any SHA and SLA instructions will not compile, but are also unnecessary as the stack is present. The designer may wish to use the full S08 instruction set for efficient code usage. All commands that deal with the RS08 paging can also be removed. Addressing Modes The MC9RS08KA2 does not support extended, stack, or offset indexed addressing modes that are supported on the S08 devices. By avoiding these modes when developing with the S08 device the migration to the RS08 will be smoother; however, if you cannot avoid using these modes it can be worked around. By adding in these modes when moving to an S08 device the designer can made more efficient use of the CPU. Extended addressing is recovered on the RS08 by using paging; HCS08 — LDA extended RS08 — MOV#HIGH_6_13(extended),PAGESEL LDA MAP_ADDR_6(extended) The stack can be emulated to recover the stack addressing mode with the addition of the shadow program counter and the SHA and SLA instructions. Designing for Migration Among 8-Pin, 8-Bit MCUs, Rev. 0 6 Freescale Semiconductor Compatibility Among Low-End Devices The same functions can be performed by using indirect addressing in place of offset indexed addressing (see Figure 5). HC(S)08 RS08 No Offset Mode LDA ,X Indexed -> Indirect LDA ,X -> LDA D[X] PC D[X] $B0FF H:X $FF Memory Space A Memory Space A X PC $0F $0F $B0FF Index Register used as a 16-bit pointer 2 cycles $FF X register used as a pointer to memory Upper 6 address bits set to 0 3 cycles Figure 5. Indexed Addressing on the HCS08 and RS08 Instructions Not Supported Table 2 shows the non-addressing mode restricted S08 instructions that are not supported on the RS08 architecture. Table 2. Non-supported instructions Type Instructions Interrupt BIL, BIH, BMC, BMS, CLI, SEI, RTI, SWI BCD BHCC, BHCS, DAA, NSA Maths ASR, DIV, MUL 2’s Compliment BLT, BMI, BGE, BGT, BLE, BPL, NEG Condition Code TAP, TPA 1.4.2 Development Support The MC9S08QD4 and MC9RS08KA2 do not have the on-chip DGB module. This means that these devices have only 21 commands versus 30 on the MC9S08QG8, and only one hardware breakpoint. More details on the differences between debugging with and without the DBG module can be found in Freescale document AN2497, “HCS08/RS08 Background Debug Mode versus HC08 Monitor Mode.” Designing for Migration Among 8-Pin, 8-Bit MCUs, Rev. 0 Freescale Semiconductor 7 Compatibility Among Low-End Devices 1.4.3 Power Supply The VDD ratings of the three devices are a key factor when selecting an MCU. All devices will work with a 3 V supply. The MC9S08QG8 and MC9RS08KA2 will operate down to 2 V and the MC9S08QD4 and MC9RS08KA2 will operate at 5 V. 1.4.4 IRQ The MC9S08QG8 and MC9S08QD4 have the IRQ (interrupt request) pin which manages external interrupts with the IRQ status and control register, IRQSC. As the RS08 core has reduced interrupt handling capability due to the removal of the vector lookup mechanism, stack and index register, the IRQ function is not supported. Interrupts must be handled by polling in software. How to do so is described in the Freescale document, RS08QRUG, “RS08 Peripheral Module Quick Reference.” If migrating from the MC9RS08KA2 to an S08 device, any reference to the system interrupts pending register (SIP1) used in the polling must be adjusted to reference the corresponding interrupt flags on each modules register set and vice versa. 1.4.5 System Options The write-once system option register (SOPT) is different between the devices. If reducing features it will not harm the MCU to write to unimplemented bits, but if increasing features the designer must write all required bits. The designer will also find that the MC9RS08KA2 has only one SOPT register whereas the S08 devices have SOPT1 and SOPT2. 1.4.6 Oscillator Only the 16-pin device of the MC9S08QG8 family has the ability to work with an external oscillator. As the QD and KA are limited to 8-pin, this feature can only be used when moving up the feature set. The internal oscillators are controlled by the ICS module. 1.4.7 ICS The ICS module on the MC9S08QG8 is different from that on the MC9S08QD4 and MC9RS08KA2 as it has the added function of incorporating the external oscillator component ability mentioned in Section 1.4.6, “Oscillator.” However, the modules have been designed to be compatible. If the project moves from the MC9S08QG8 using the internal reference clock, the CLKS bits in ICSC1 take care of themselves because bit 7 will ignore any attempt at writing and bit 6 has the same function. Any write to RDIV, IREFS, or IRCLKEN will also be ignored by the ICS on the MC9S08QD4 and MC9RS08KA2. The IREFSTEN has the same functionality and position so the previously written code will run. The same can be said for ICSC2, ICSSC, and the trim register. If the project is moving from MC9S08QD4 or MC9RS08KA2 to MC9S08QG8, the designer must ensure that all register bits are initialized. Table 3 shows the ICS registers for the three MCUs. Designing for Migration Among 8-Pin, 8-Bit MCUs, Rev. 0 8 Freescale Semiconductor Compatibility Among Low-End Devices Table 3. ICS Registers MC9S08QG8 ICS Registers ICSC1 R CLKS RDIV IREFS IRCLKEN IREFSTEN W RESET ICSC2 0 R 0 BDIV 0 0 0 1 0 0 RANGE HG0 LP EREFS ERCLKEN EREFSTEN 0 0 0 0 0 0 W RESET ICSTRM 0 1 R TRIM W ICSSC POR 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 RESET U U U U U U U U R 0 0 0 0 OSCINIT FTRIM POR 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 RESET 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 U CLKST W MC9S08QD4 ICS Registers ICSC1 R 0 CLKS 0 0 0 1 1 IREFSTEN 0 0 0 0 0 1 1 0 BDIV 0 0 LP 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 W RESET ICSC2 R W RESET ICSTRM 0 R TRIM W ICSSC POR 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 RESET U U U U U U U U R 0 0 0 0 0 CLKST 0 FTRIM POR 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 RESET 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 U W MC9RS08KA2 ICS Registers ICSC1 R 0 CLKS 0 0 0 0 0 IREFSTEN 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 W RESET Designing for Migration Among 8-Pin, 8-Bit MCUs, Rev. 0 Freescale Semiconductor 9 Compatibility Among Low-End Devices Table 3. ICS Registers (continued) ICSC2 R BDIV 0 0 LP 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 W RESET ICSTRM 0 R TRIM W ICSSC POR 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 RESET U U U U U U U U R 0 0 0 0 0 CLKST 0 FTRIM POR 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 RESET 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 U W 1.4.8 Modes of Operation All three microcontrollers have Run, Wait, Stop3, and Active BDM modes, but the MC9S08QD4 does not have Stop1 and the MC9RS08KA2 does not have Stop1 or Stop2 available. Stop1 is a complete power down. The MCU exits with only IRQ or reset pins and the MCU is always reset after stop recovery. All RAM contents are lost, all register contents are reset, and I/O pins are in reset state. Stop2 is a partial power down. The MCU exists with IRQ, reset, or internal RTI and the MCU is always reset after stop recovery. RAM contents are maintained with I/O states latched and the RTI can be used to wake up the MCU without an external event and register values are reset, but values can be saved to and restored from RAM. Stop3 is a more flexible stop mode but with higher power consumption. The MCU exits with any active interrupt: IRQ, KBI, LVD, RTI, or reset. RAM and register retain their values which means that it does not require re-initialization of peripherals and the design can use an external clock as a highly accurate input into the RTI. The MC9RS08KA2 STOP and WAIT instructions do behave slightly differently to compensate for the lack of stacking process as the code resumes from the next instruction upon exit. NOTE Typical stop3 current consumption values for the MC9S08QG8, MC9S08QD4 and MC9RS08KA2 are 750 nA, 900 nA and 2.5 μA at 3 V and 85ºC, respectively. 1.4.9 Analog Comparator The ACMP module functions the same in the MC9S08QG8 and the MC9RS08KA2. The registers are identical and the electrical characteristics are the same. The MC9S08QD4 does not have an on-chip ACMP but it is likely this function can be initiated by the ADC, which shares the same pins. Designing for Migration Among 8-Pin, 8-Bit MCUs, Rev. 0 10 Freescale Semiconductor Compatibility Among Low-End Devices 1.4.10 Analog to Digital Convertor The only difference between the ADC on the MC9S08QG8 and the MC9S08QD4 is the option for four extra channels on the 16-pin MC9S08QG8. The MC9RS08KA2 does not have this module, but because the ACMP shares the same pins an ADC can be implemented using this module and the MTIM. Freescale document, “RS08 Peripheral Module Quick Reference,” explains how to recreate this function. NOTE MC9S08QG8 and MC9S08QD4 devices have slightly different module names in the CodeWarrior header files. ADC is named ADC1 on the MC9S08QD4. 1.4.11 IIC, SCI and SPI The MC9S08QG8 is a serial communication-rich microcontroller whereas the MC9S08QD4 and MC9RS08KA2 do not have these modules on chip. These serial communication features can be simulated to various degrees in software and Freescale has published numerous application notes showing how to emulate these types of modules. Please refer to for the latest versions of these application notes and quick reference guides. 1.4.12 KBI The keyboard interrupt modules on the three devices differ only in the number of channels. 1.4.13 MTIM and TPM The MTIM module is available on the MC9S08QG8 and the MC9RS08KA2. This module is a simple 8-bit counter with four selectable clock sources and nine prescaler values. The MC9S08QG8 and the MC9S08QD4 have and on-chip TPM. This module is a more sophisticated 16-bit timer than the MTIM. The MC9S08QG8 has a single two-channel TPM. Two additional configuration options that are not available on the TPM of the MC9S08QD4 were added to this device. The ACMP module connect its output to the TPM input capture channel 0 by setting ACIC in SOPT2. With ACIC set, the TPMCH0 pin is not externally available regardless of the configuration of the TPM module. The MTIM and the TPM can be clocked simultaneously. When the external clock for the TPM module, TPMCLK, is selected by setting CLKS[B:A] = 1:1 in TPMSC the TCLK input on PTA5 can be enabled as external clock inputs to both the MTIM and TPM. The MC9S08QD4 has two independent TPM modules: one 1 channel and one 2 channel. Each TPM may be configured for buffered, center-aligned pulse-width modulation (CPWM) on all channels. Clock sources are independently selectable per TPM on a multiple TPM device such as the MC9S08QD4. It has selectable clock sources and clock prescaler taps for division by 1, 2, 4, 8, 16, 32, 64, or 128. It can be configured as 16-bit free-running or up/down (CPWM) count operation or 16-bit modulus register to control counter range. Each channel has an individual interrupt and a terminal count interrupt for each TPM module on a multiple TPM device such as the MC9S08QD4. Designing for Migration Among 8-Pin, 8-Bit MCUs, Rev. 0 Freescale Semiconductor 11 Compatibility Among Low-End Devices Each channel may be input capture, output compare, or buffered edge-aligned PWM with rising-edge, falling-edge, or any-edge input capture trigger. Each channel has set, clear, or toggle output compare action and have selectable polarity on PWM outputs. 1.5 Pin-To-Pin Compatibility These three devices are pin-to-pin compatible. You can replace one device for any of the other two without creating electrical problems in the connection on the new device so long as you perform the necessary I/O configuration. Table 4 shows the pin assignment and priority for the 8-pin package versions of the MC9S08QG8, MC9S08QD4, and the MC9RS08KA2. Table 4. Pin Descriptions MC9S08QG8 MC9S08QD4 MC9RS08KA2 8 DFN, 8 NB SOIC, 8 PDIP 8 PDIP, 8 NB SOIC 8 PDIP, 8 NB SOIC Pin # Priority Lowest Highest Lowest Highest Lowest Highest 1 PTA5 IRQ TCLK RESET PTA5 TPM2CH1 IRQ RESET PTA2 KBIP2 2 PTA4 ACMPO BKGD MS PTA4 TPM2CH0 BKGD MS ACMPO BKGD 3 VDD VDD VDD 4 VSS VSS VSS 5 PTA3 KBIP3 SCL ADP3 PTA3 KBIP3 TCLK2 ADP3 PTA5 KBIP5 6 PTA2 KBIP2 SDA ADP2 PTA2 KBIP2 TCLK1 ADP2 PTA4 KBIP4 7 PTA1 KBIP1 ADP1 ACMP– PTA1 KBIP1 TPM1CH1 ADP1 PTA1 KBIP1 ACMP– 8 PTA0 KBIP0 TPMCH0 ADP0 ACMP+ PTA0 KBIP0 TPM1CH0 ADP0 PTA0 KBIP0 ACMP+ PTA3 TCLK RESET VPP MS VDD, Ground (VSS), Reset, and Background connection for programming and debugging code are on the same pins. Peripherals that exist on all the devices, such as keyboard interrupt module, are located on the same pins and peripherals, such the analog comparator, can be multiplexed with analog-to-digital converter. Pins share more than one peripheral, allowing migration to a different device and using the new device’s periperhal to improve functionality. For example, when controlling a motor with a general purpose output you can move to a different device with PWM capability and use the peripheral of the MCU without changing the hardware. The pins on all the devices also have the same current limit of 25 mA. 1.5.1 Pin 1 Pin 1 has the reset signal and a timer channel (either from MTIM or TPM) on all of the products. MC9S08QG8 and MC9S08QD4 also have the IRQ pin function located on this pin. The MC9RS08KA2 device has an additional KBI which can be used to emulate an interrupt request in software. The MC9RS08KA2 also has VPP on this pin. This is the highest priority signal but it is used only during programming of the Flash memory. Because the voltage required to program is 12 V, it is unlikely to be built into the fuctionality of the application board and it is only used during development and programming during the manufacturing process. Designing for Migration Among 8-Pin, 8-Bit MCUs, Rev. 0 12 Freescale Semiconductor Compatibility Among Low-End Devices 1.5.2 Pin 2 Pin 2 has the BKGD/MS function common to all products. The MC9S08QG8 and MC9RS08KA2, which have the ACMP module in common, have the output of the module on this pin. The MC9S08QD4, which does not have a ACMP, has one of its second TPM channels available in this pin. 1.5.3 Pins 3 and Pin 4 – Power All the 8-pin package options have VDD and VSS on pins 3 and 4, respectively. The three products have different ranges of operating voltage (VDD), which can be supplied to the MCU, but the correct choice of MCU will mitigate any problems. 1.5.4 Pins 5 and 6 A KBI function and an ADC channel are bonded to these pins. The MC9S08QG8 has an SCI clock and data signal on these pins. The MC9S08QD4 has its MTIM channels available. 1.5.5 Pin 7 Pin 7 has a KBI function common to all parts. It is also host to an analog function, either ACMP, ADC, or both depending on the MCU. The MC9S08QD4 has one of the additional TPM channels bonded to this pin. 1.5.6 Pin 8 Pin 8 also has KBI as well as some analog functionality. A TPM channel is available on this pin when either MC9S08QG8 or MC9S08QD4 are selected. 1.5.7 Examples Two scenarios lead to the migration from one device to another pin-compatible device. The first is when the option of a new peripheral includes another MCU that could simplify the development of the code. The second, opposite case, is when a feature can be performed in software to emulate a peripheral and therefore the project can use a cheaper device. For the first case, an example of PWM generation based on analog voltage is used. This operation can be easily solved using the smaller device on the migration path, the MCRS08KA2. Even though the RS08 does not have a timer that can automatically generate PWM or an analog-to-digital converter, both functionalities can be emulated with the 8-bit modulo timer and the analog comparator of the RS08. However, generating more than one PWM of different characteristics can be complicated to solve in code because we are using the timer to generate the first PWM and the ADC emulation. Migrating to the next device on the path, the MC9S08QD4, can quickly solve the problem because the ADC is an included peripheral can use two or even the three timer channels in the device to generate the PWM. Moving up to the MC9S08QG8 can add capabilities to use the included I2C peripheral to communicate data or to store it into an external memory component. Designing for Migration Among 8-Pin, 8-Bit MCUs, Rev. 0 Freescale Semiconductor 13 Compatibility Among Low-End Devices The second could be found at the beginning of the development phase when the complexity of the design is bigger than it really is. During the design of the hardware, in the middle of the code development it is found that the problem can be solved easier than anticipated and the design can change to a smaller device. In this case, the design can move from a MC9S08QG8 to an MC9S08QD4 or to a MC9RS08KA2 without any change in the hardware. The pin-to-pin compatibility is of use because hardware testing of the device can continue. The missing peripherals can be emulated on the new part with the existing ones and at the end of the development, the functionality will be that required and the cost of the design will be lower than the initial calculation. 1.6 Migration Software Tools It is important to have software tools that span a migration from one device to another. A single tool that works with all the devices is available. It is only necessary to familiarize yourself with a single tool and all the functionality associated with it. A software tool that generates code to initialize the peripherals of each device is included. The Device Initialization Tool in CodeWarrior helps designers concentrate only on the routines that have the functionality of the design thereby leaving the initialization of the peripheral to the tool. Because this tool, CodeWarrior for HC(R/S)08 V5.1, exists for these three devices, the peripheral initialization can be done automatically and designers must care only of the routines. Changing the target MCU in CodeWarrior versions 5.0 and above is simple. From the project menu, select Change MCU/Connection (see Figure 6). Figure 6. Change MCU/Connection You can change the connection and the target microcontroller from a comprehensive list of parts. CodeWarrior will substitute the previous MCU files with the newly-selected one, which will update the memory map and make available all declarations of the new modules. By compiling the project again, any potential problems in the migration appear as errors or warnings, which can be individually viewed. Application code will easily convert if written with the CodeWarrior header files, for example, PTA5 is named PTAD_PTAD5 across all 8-bit MCUs. HCS08 supports C code development in CodeWarrior but the C compiler for the RS08 is under development. Until the RS08 C compiler is available, code developers can use the CodeWarrior disassemble function to convert their C code into assembler (see Figure 7). In the source window Designing for Migration Among 8-Pin, 8-Bit MCUs, Rev. 0 14 Freescale Semiconductor Compatibility Among Low-End Devices CodeWarrior can disassemble a C program and show the assembly equivalent code. Figure 8 is a snapshot of the CodeWarrior display. Figure 7. How to Disassemble Figure 8. Example of Disassembled Code The last key consideration of low-end design is the debugging interface. A single-wire programming and debugging interface exists on the RS08 family and in the S08 devices. The same software will provide debugging interface for the design and designers can use the same tool to program all of them. A full design can be migrated to a different MCU without changing the hardware or the software and the same programming tools can be used for these devices. This is the BDC module. Designing for Migration Among 8-Pin, 8-Bit MCUs, Rev. 0 Freescale Semiconductor 15 Conclusion 2 Conclusion Portability is in designers’ minds when developing a project. Software portability and hardware compatibility are key factors in speeding design and getting the most out of an MCU. The use of devices that offer an effortless move from one device to another with different peripherals and features expands the use of the MCU in each design and give designers confidence to change the device if the design is required to do so. The use of the same tools to develop projects is also very important; it would be very inefficient to switch the software or the programmer to finish the migration and that is why having software and hardware tools that are also compatible for the devices is a very important component to quickly change the MCU used. Having the same programmer and debugger also helps to efficiently use the tools and make easier the migration process. Designing for Migration Among 8-Pin, 8-Bit MCUs, Rev. 0 16 Freescale Semiconductor THIS PAGE IS INTENTIONALLY BLANK Designing for Migration Among 8-Pin, 8-Bit MCUs, Rev. 0 Freescale Semiconductor 17 THIS PAGE IS INTENTIONALLY BLANK Designing for Migration Among 8-Pin, 8-Bit MCUs, Rev. 0 18 Freescale Semiconductor THIS PAGE IS INTENTIONALLY BLANK Designing for Migration Among 8-Pin, 8-Bit MCUs, Rev. 0 Freescale Semiconductor 19 THIS PAGE IS INTENTIONALLY BLANK How to Reach Us: Home Page: E-mail: [email protected] USA/Europe or Locations Not Listed: Freescale Semiconductor Technical Information Center, CH370 1300 N. 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