JFW Industries, Inc. Phone: 317-887-1340 [email protected] www.jfwindustries.com SPECIFICATION SHEET JFW MODEL 50R-246 ROTARY ATTENUATOR Frequency Range DC-2700 MHz Impedance 50 Ohms nominal Attenuation Range 0-70 dB in 10 dB steps VSWR 1.2:1 maximum 1.4:1 maximum Insertion Loss 0.6 dB maximum 0.17 dB typical @ 1000 MHz 0.44 dB typical @ 2700 MHz Attenuation Accuracy ± 0.5 dB or 1% DC-500 MHz ± 0.5 dB or 2% 500-1000 MHz ± 0.5 dB or 3% 1000-2700 MHz (whichever is greater) RF Input Power 2 Watts average Direction of Rotation Attenuation increases in a Clockwise direction Indexing 30 degrees with stops at Minimum and maximum RF Connector SMA female Knob/Panel Mounting Drawing 092-8435-01 Outline Drawing 092-428-07 (50R-246 SMA) ECR/ECN # Page 1 of 1 DATE REV APPR / DATE ECR/ECN # DATE DC-1000 MHz 1000-2700 MHz REV APPR / DATE 9999 05/01/2003 B BAC 09/08/2005 16402 10/15/2008 E TRS 10/15/2008 11843 09/08/2005 C BAC 09/08/2005 17378 07/02/2009 F TRS 07/02/2009 16357 09/30/2008 D TRS 09/30/2008 25776 09/28/2015 G TRS 09/29/2015 JFW FORM E-7-F REV F