130.4 MHz SAW Filter Part Number 250236B 1. Features Typical 1dB bandwidth of 1.8 MHz High attenuation Single Ended Operation Dual In-line Package (DIP) 2. Electrical Specifications Source and Load Impedance = 50Ω Room Temperature : +25℃ ℃ Minimum Typical Maximum MHz 130.25 130.4 130.55 dB - 23.0 25.0 1dB Bandwidth MHz 1.65 1.89 - 3dB Bandwidth MHz - 2.07 - 40dB Bandwidth MHz - 2.95 3.2 dB - 0.3 1.0 Group Delay Variation (fo ± 0.65 MHz) nsec - 150 300 Absolute Delay usec - 3.41 - Ultimate Rejection dBc 47 52 ppm/℃2 - -0.03 Center Frequency (fo) Insertion Loss Amplitude Ripple (fo ± 0.65 MHz) Temperature Coefficient of Frequency - Input POWER : +10dBm D3512 Package Dimension 5.5max 6.0max 7.6±0.2 2.5±0.2 12.8±0.5 Matching Schematic 1 5 L1 Input 50Ω L2 C2 25.4±0.2 2.5±0.2 0.45±0.05 35.1±0.5 C1 Output 50Ω L1 = 56nH, L2 = 68nH, C1 = 56pF, C2 = 39pF Dimensions shown are nominal in millimeters Pin Configuration Base : Fe(SPCC), Au plating over Ni plated Cap : Cu & Cr Alloy, Ni Plated Input 1 Ground 2,4 Output 5 Others Ground Termination : Kovar, Au Plated I T F Co., Ltd. 102-901, Bucheon Technopark 364, Samjeong-Dong, Ojeong-Gu, Bucheon-City, Gyounggi-Do, Korea 421-809 Tel: 82-32-621-1213 Fax: 82-32-621-1218 http://www.itf.co.kr sales@itf.co.kr 2015. 03. 11 Rev 1.0 130.4 MHz SAW Filter Part Number 250236B 3. Typical Performance ( at +25℃ ℃) 1dB Bandwidth & Ripple CH1 S21 CH2 S21 LOG LOG 40dB Bandwidth 10 Mar 2015 14:48:12 1: 0. 0000 dB 0. 000 000 MHz 3: . 04290 dB 1. 300 000 MHz 1 dB/ REF -22.53 dB 1 dB/ REF -22.91 dB BW: LOG 10 Mar 2015 14:47:21 1: 0. 0000 dB 0. 000 000 MHz 10 dB/ REF -22.64 dB CH1Markers REF=1 1. 892693 MHz cent : 130. 421789 MHz Cor CH1 S21 BW: 1 CH1Markers REF=1 2. 941989 MHz Cor cent : 130. 430106 MHz Q: 68. 908 2 Q: 44. 334 1_loss : -22 . 724 dB 1 1_loss : -22 . 647 dB 2 3 4 3 2 CH2Markers REF=2 mean:-22 . 747 dB Cor 3 4 s. dev: . 07290 dB p-p : . 30400 dB START 129. 150 000 MHz STOP 131. 650 000 MHz CENTER130. 400 000 MHz 3dB Bandwidth & Group Delay CH1 S21 CH2 S21 LOG DEL 10 Mar 2015 14:48:36 1: 0. 0000 dB 0. 000 000 MHz 3:-20 . 600 ns 1. 300 000 MHz 1 dB/ REF -22.53 dB 500 ns/ REF 3.185 us BW: Smith Chart(S11 & S22) CH1 S11 CH2 S22 1: 9. 9771 2: 23. 557 1 U FS 1 U FS 10 Mar 2015 14:49:03 107. 42 m 131. 11 pH 130. 400 000 MHz 17. 853 21. 789 nH 130. 400 000 MHz CH1Markers REF=1 2. 076351 MHz cent : 130. 421409 MHz Cor SPAN 12. 000 000 MHz Cor Q: 62. 813 1_loss : -22 . 719 dB 1 2 2 1 3 2 Smo Cor CH2Markers REF=2 mean: 43. 4139 us 3 Cor s. dev: 28. 229 ns p-p : 136. 41 ns CENTER130. 400 000 MHz SPAN 2. 500 000 MHz CENTER130. 400 000 MHz Wideband Properties CH1 S21 LOG SWR(S11 & S22) 10 Mar 2015 14:51:18 1: 0. 0000 dB 0. 000 000 MHz 10 dB/ REF -22.78 dB CH1Markers REF=1 2:-43 . 669 dB 81. 0000 MHz 1 SPAN 12. 000 000 MHz CH1 S11 CH2 S22 SWR SWR 2 / 2 / 10 Mar 2015 14:49:36 1: 5. 0093 130. 400 000 MHz 2: 2. 4611 130. 400 000 MHz REF 5.009 REF 2.461 Cor 3:-51 . 488 dB 107. 500 MHz 1 Cor 2 2 3 START . 010 000 MHz STOP 500. 000 000 MHz I T F Co., Ltd. 102-901, Bucheon Technopark 364, Samjeong-Dong, Ojeong-Gu, Bucheon-City, Gyounggi-Do, Korea 421-809 Tel: 82-32-621-1213 Fax: 82-32-621-1218 CENTER130. 400 000 MHz http://www.itf.co.kr SPAN 12. 000 000 MHz sales@itf.co.kr 2015. 03. 11 Rev 1.0