Alcoa World Alumina Emissions to Air from Residue Disposal Area Assessment of Emissions from Diffuse Area Sources GHD Report Project Management and Technical Review by Greg Power and Associates March 2005 Contents Executive Summary 4 1. Introduction 6 1.1 6 2. 3. 4. Objectives Scope of Work 7 2.1 Phase 1 Scope: 7 2.2 Phase 2 Scope 8 Methods 11 3.1 Flux Hood 11 3.2 Odour Sampling 13 3.3 VOCs and Carbonyls 15 3.4 Quality Assurance 15 3.5 Quality Control 19 3.6 Safety 20 Results 21 4.1 Quality Control Results 21 4.2 Flux Hood Comparison 23 4.3 Emission Rates from Liquor Sources 29 4.4 Polycyclic Aromatic Hydrocarbons (PAHs) 31 4.5 Bitumen 33 4.6 Odour 33 5. Discussion 36 6. Conclusions 38 7. Recommendations 39 Table Index 61/15324/47345 Table 1. Phase 1. Sampling Program 7 Table 2 Phase 2. Sampling Program 9 Table 3. Residual Standard Deviation of Replicates (from emission rates) 22 Residue Pond Emissions Assessment of Emissions from Area Sources Table 4. Odour Emissions during First Phase 34 Table 5. Odour Emissions during Second Phase 35 Figure Index Figure 1. Location of Sampling Points 10 Figure 2. Flux Hood Floating on ROWS pond. 12 Figure 3. Sampling hood connected to Automated Sampling system 14 Figure 4: Effect of Ambient Temperature and Hood Material on Hood Temperature for Dry Residue 24 Figure 5: Effect of Ambient Temperature and Hood Material on Hood Temperature for Wet Residue 25 Figure 6: Comparison of Acetone Emission Rates for Acetone Measured by SS and PP Hoods 26 Figure 7: Emission Rates vs. Regional Temperature for Dry Residue: Run 1 27 Figure 8: Emission Rates vs. Regional Temperature for Dry residue: Run 2 27 Figure 9: Emission Rates vs. Regional Temperature for Wet Residue 28 Figure 10: Emission Rates vs. Regional Temperature for TO17 Compounds 29 Figure 11: Emission Rates of Carbonyls from Super-thickener and RDA2 Liquor 30 Figure 12: Carbonyl Emission Rates from the Cooling Pond 30 Figure 13: TO17 Emission Rates from the Cooling Pond 31 Figure 14: ROWS Pond 32 Figure 15: PAH Emissions 33 Appendices 61/15324/47345 A Emission Rates B Laboratory Results C Field Notes Residue Pond Emissions Assessment of Emissions from Area Sources Executive Summary GHD was commissioned by Alcoa World Alumina Pty Ltd (AWA) to undertake an assessment the contribution of diffuse area sources (as opposed to point sources) to the overall emissions of Volatile Organic Compounds (VOCs) and odour from the Wagerup Alumina Refinery. Greg Power and Associates managed the overall program interface and technical review. Independent review of the project was undertaken by Dr. Neil Salisbury (Environ Pty Ltd). Previous studies have established knowledge of the point source emissions, through an initial Emissions Inventory and a programme of ongoing measurements1,2. The intention of this study was to provide the information required for inclusion of the gaseous emissions from the Residue Drying Areas (RDAs) and various liquor storage areas associated with them, in the Refinery Emissions Inventory. This was in response to a finding of the Environmental Audit by AWN in 2003-33, and similar recommendation in the more recent Review by CSIRO4. Both recommended the use of an emission isolation flux chamber and method as described in USEPA document EPA/600/8-86/0085. The study was carried out in two Phases. Phase 1 was a preliminary survey of the main area sources in order to establish the overall order of magnitude contribution of these sources to air emissions, and to enable priorities for further investigation to be established. In Phase 2 more detailed study was made of the priority areas indicated from Phase 1. Two of the key issues investigated were the effect of diurnal variation on emissions, and the effect of the material of construction of the flux hood on the results obtained. All sampling and analysis was carried out according to standard USEPA techniques, or where an exact method was not available USEPA methods were adapted and tested to ensure their applicability in the specific application required. For example, USEPA methods for sampling of ambient air were adapted to collect samples on the flux hood discharge, which required recovery tests to be conducted to ensure that the absorbent materials were not overloaded. Also, there is no USEPA standard for flux hood measurements, EPA/600/8-86/008 being a “User’s Guide”5. This document was used as the basis of the methods used, along with other more recent information as appropriate. The main results from the Phase 1 study, carried out in October 2004, were: The main compounds detected in measurable amounts over most of the diffuse emission sources were formaldehyde, acetaldehyde and acetone, with smaller amounts of other carbonyl compounds and aromatics detected in a number of sources; The most concentrated emission sources are the Super-thickener and Cooling Pond, both of which contain relatively hot liquor; The rate of emission from residue is low, with dry residue lower than wet residue; 1 “Wagerup Refinery Air Emissions Inventory”, Alcoa World Alumina Australia, September 2002 2 “Wagerup Refinery Bi-Monthly Monitoring Programme “, Alcoa World Alumina Australia, reports from 2002 onwards 3 “Environmental Audit of Alcoa World Alumina Australia Wagerup Refinery”, AWN Pty Ltd, May 2003, Finding, p 13.3 4 “ Wagerup Air Quality Review”, CSIRO Atmospheric Research, May 2004, Recommendation 7, p 127 5 “Measurement of Gaseous Emission Rates from Land Surfaces Using an Emission Isolation Flux Chamber – User’s Guide”, USEPA Document EPA/600/8-86/008, 1986 61/15324/47345 Residue Pond Emissions Assessment of Emissions from Area Sources 4 The only Polycyclic Aromatic hydrocarbon (PAH) that could be detected was naphthalene, and then only from the Super-thickener; The results of Phase 1 were reviewed with Alcoa and other consultants. From this review a number of issues were identified for investigation in Phase 2. They were: The flux hood used in Phase 1 has a stainless steel hood, whereas the 1986 USEPA report refers to a plexiglass hood. The possibility that this difference could influence the results should be investigated and any differences quantified; There is likely to be diurnal variation in the rate of emissions from residue surfaces. This should be investigated and quantified; The residue areas vary considerably in relation to the time since deposition, the degree of drying that has taken place, and the effects of ploughing to promote evaporation and sprinkling to control dust. Some additional investigation of these effects should be done to improve the overall estimates of emission rates; The sources with the highest specific emission rates are the Super-thickener and Cooling Pond. Additional samples should be taken to confirm the measured rates and provide some indication of variability; An attempt should be made to achieve lower detection limits for PAHs on the Super-thickener and Cooling Pond. Phase 2 of the study was carried out in February 2005. The main results were: The stainless steel and Perspex flux hoods gave comparable results under most conditions. Under conditions of strong sunlight on residue surfaces, the Perspex hood was subject to solar heating that raised the temperature in the hood significantly above the ambient temperature. The stainless steel hood therefore better represented the undisturbed surface environment under those conditions; The diurnal variation in emissions from residue surfaces was quantified, and a correlation was found between ambient temperature and emission rates; The emissions from dry and wet residue surfaces were investigated. It was found that emission rate is a function of dryness, with emissions from very dry surfaces close to or below detection for most compounds; Extended sampling times to achieve lower detection limits gave additional information on trace emissions of PAHs from the hot liquor sources, but attempts to lower detection limits in this way for the more soluble compounds from the liquor sources appears to have resulted in loss of sample due to moisture effects. This work has provided a set of indicative data on the emission rates of VOCs and odour form the main diffuse sources at the RDAs. This data is presented in a form suitable as input to a dispersion model for determining ground level concentrations in the surrounding region. 61/15324/47345 Residue Pond Emissions Assessment of Emissions from Area Sources 5 1. Introduction GHD was commissioned by Alcoa World Alumina Pty Ltd (AWA) to undertake an assessment the contribution of diffuse area sources (as opposed to point sources) to the overall emissions of Volatile Organic Compounds (VOCs) and odour from the Wagerup Alumina Refinery. Greg Power and Associates managed the overall program interface and technical review. Independent review of the project was undertaken by Dr. Neil Salisbury (Environ Pty Ltd). Previous studies have established knowledge of the point source emissions, through an initial Emissions Inventory and a programme of ongoing measurements6,7. The intention of this study was to provide the information required for inclusion of the gaseous emissions from the Residue Drying Areas (RDAs) and various liquor storage areas associated with them, in the Refinery Emissions Inventory. This was in response to a finding of the Environmental Audit by AWN in 2003-38, and similar recommendation in the more recent Review by CSIRO9. Both recommended the use of an emission isolation flux chamber and method as described in USEPA document EPA/600/8-86/00810. The study was carried out in two Phases. Phase 1 was a preliminary survey of the main area sources in order to establish the overall order of magnitude contribution of these sources to air emissions, and to enable priorities for further investigation to be established. In Phase 2 more detailed study was made of the priority areas indicated from Phase 1. Two of the key issues investigated were the effect of diurnal variation on emissions, and the effect of the material of construction of the flux hood on the results obtained. 1.1 Objectives Phase 1 Undertake preliminary assessment of emissions of a range of analytes from the residue area at Wagerup in order to provide a basis for decision making. Identify issues and constraints, which can be addressed in second phase. Determine sources that appear to be significant. Phase 2 Validate method used in phase 1. Assess spatial and temporal variability of “significant sources”. Increase overall dataset in order to improve statistical validity. 6 “Wagerup Refinery Air Emissions Inventory”, Alcoa World Alumina Australia, September 2002 7 “Wagerup Refinery Bi-Monthly Monitoring Programme “, Alcoa World Alumina Australia, reports from 2002 onwards 8 “Environmental Audit of Alcoa World Alumina Australia Wagerup Refinery”, AWN Pty Ltd, May 2003, Finding, p 13.3 9 “ Wagerup Air Quality Review”, CSIRO Atmospheric Research, May 2004, Recommendation 7, p 127 10 “Measurement of Gaseous Emission Rates from Land Surfaces Using an Emission Isolation Flux Chamber – User’s Guide”, USEPA Document EPA/600/8-86/008, 1986 61/15324/47345 Residue Pond Emissions Assessment of Emissions from Area Sources 6 2. Scope of Work An initial Scope of Work was developed by GHD and Alcoa in September 2004. This scope was based on a requirement in the response to the 2003 Environmental Audit3, and the need to provide input data for atmospheric dispersion modelling needed for the Health Risk Assessment (HRA) required for the Wagerup III project approval process. The initial Scope became the scope for Phase 1 of the project. Following review of the Phase 1 results, additional work was defined for Phase 2, which was carried out in February 2005. 2.1 Phase 1 Scope: 2.1.1 General Samples to be collected using the isolation flux hood method described in USEPA Document EPA/600/8-86/0085, as recommended by independent consultants3,4 Sample capture and preparation to be according to Australian or International standard methods as far as possible, with any deviations from strict standards to be justified and validated as appropriate Analysis of all samples to be undertaken using recognised international standard methods in certified laboratories under NATA accreditation Collect bag samples for analysis for odour by dynamic olfactometry on selected samples Alcoa safety policies and procedures to be strictly adhered to, and personal safety to be a priority at all times in the work 2.1.2 Sampling Plan Samples to be collected from the following sites (Table 1): Table 1. Phase 1. Sampling Program Sample Site Number of Sampling Runs Standard Analysis Required Comments Cooling Pond (CP) 2 TO17, TO11A, AS 4323.3 One sample close to inlet, one from main water body. One volumetric air sample (not reported here). Run-off Water Storage (ROWS) 2 TO17, TO11A, AS 4323.3 One sample close to inlet, one from main water body Runoff Collection Pond (ROCP) 2 TO17, TO11A, AS 4323.3 One sample close to inlet, one from main water body Residue Disposal Area 2 (RDA2) 2 TO17, TO11A, AS 4323.3 Samples to be taken on surface of liquor currently stored in this area 61/15324/47345 Residue Pond Emissions Assessment of Emissions from Area Sources 7 Sample Site Number of Sampling Runs Standard Analysis Required Super-thickener (ST) 1 TO17, TO11A, AS 4323.3 Oxalate Storage 2 TO17, TO11A, AS 4323.3 Wet Residue11 1 TO17, TO11A, AS 4323.3 Dry Residue 1 TO17, TO11A, AS 4323.3 Wet Sand6 1 TO17, TO11A, AS 4323.3 Lower Dam 2 TO17, TO11A, AS 4323.3 2.1.3 Comments Reporting All results to be reported as specific emission rates, in units of micrograms per square meter per minute (µg/m2/min) or odour units per square meter per minute (OU/m2/min); Results to be provided in a summary report, and all original data to be made available, including field notes, laboratory reports, calculations, and quality control; 2.2 Phase 2 Scope 2.2.1 General General conditions as for Phase 1; In order to validate the method, conduct comparative evaluation of the performance of the stainless steel flux hood and a Perspex-domed flux hood of identical dimensions, both complying with specifications given in EPA 600/8-86/0085 in all other respects; Conduct an evaluation of the variation in emissions from dry and wet residue areas over two periods of 24 hours; Collect replicate samples from selected sources to enhance overall data set; Undertake sampling for PAHs on selected sources, targeting lower detection limits by collecting larger sample volumes; Collect bag samples for analysis for odour by dynamic olfactometry on selected samples. 11 In this report “residue” refers to the fine fraction of the Bayer residue, and “sand” refers to the coarse fraction 61/15324/47345 Residue Pond Emissions Assessment of Emissions from Area Sources 8 2.2.2 Sampling Plan Samples to be collected from the following sites (Table 2): Table 2 Phase 2. Sampling Program Sample Site Number of Sampling Runs Standard Analysis Required Comments RDA: Dry Residue just after tilling, and after a period of solar drying 32 TO17, TO11A, AS 4323.3 Stainless steel (Ss) and Perspex hoods co-located on dry residue RDA during two 24 hour cycles – the first set of samples from residue that had been recently tilled, and the second from the same area a week later after solar drying in hot conditions; TO-17 and TO-11A samples collected from both hoods every three hours; hoods removed from sampling site for at least an hour on each run to allow site to re-equilibrate to ambient conditions; 8 samples of odour collected from the stainless steel hood in addition to the other samples on second 24 hour run. RDA: Wet Residue 16 TO17, TO11A, AS 4323.3 Ss and Perspex hoods co-located on wet residue RDA during two 24 hour cycles; TO-17 and TO-11A samples collected from both hoods every six hours; hoods removed from sampling site for at least an hour on each run to allow site to re-equilibrate to ambient conditions; 4 samples of odour collected from the stainless steel hood in addition to the other samples on second 24 hour run; compared locating sample tube inside vs. outside the Perspex hood. Cooling Pond 3 TO17, TO11A Samples taken close to inlet, close to outlet, and at an intermediate location RDA2 3 TO17, TO11A Samples taken around the perimeter of the liquor area ROWS 4 TO17, TO11A Two samples during daylight, one at night; one pair near inlet, the other pair away from inlet Bitumen 2 TO17, TO11A Freshly sprayed area and area sprayed several weeks earlier sampled. Superthickener 2 TO17, TO11A Samples taken from open area away from still-well Dry Residue, Cooling Pond, Superthickener 3 PAH (Method Number (TO13) Extended sample times and larger absorbent volumes were used to improve the sensitivity for PAH determination. Method largely conforms to TO-13, but is relying on Tenax to retain vapours that might not be retained by PUF plug alone. 61/15324/47345 Residue Pond Emissions Assessment of Emissions from Area Sources 9 Figure 1. Location of Sampling Points 61/15324/47345 Residue Pond Emissions Assessment of Emissions from Area Sources 10 3. Methods Data was required to be provided in the form of specific emission rates (emission rate per unit area) of VOCs and odour, suitable for input to an air pollution model for determining dispersion in the surrounding environment. The requirement from Alcoa was to undertake this assessment according to standard methods where these exist. Any departure from standard methods was to be identified and where possible quantified as part of this study. It is noted that there is no accredited standard for the determination of emissions using an isolation flux hood. Rather, the USEPA document that is used is a “User’s Guide”5. The hood obtained by GHD for the initial sampling runs complies to the specifications in the User’s Guide in every respect except the material of construction of the dome. A hood with a stainless steel dome was chosen for this work, based on a) the knowledge that this design has become widely used in the USA and Europe, and b) the 1992 paper by B Eklund of Radian Corp, the commercial developers of the hood12. Eklund notes that there are advantages to using a stainless steel hood in corrosive environments, and also that artefacts due to solar heating are reduced. The matter of solar heating as a difficulty with Perspex hoods is also mentioned in the USEPA paper5. Nevertheless, following a review of the work by AWN13, it was decided to conduct a field evaluation of the stainless steel hood in comparison to a Perspex hood in Phase 2. GHD sourced a stainless steel emission isolation flux hood that complies with the published method in all respects except for the material of construction of the dome. The stainless steel hood has been used extensively in the United States and elsewhere, and was the preferred option for the Bayer liquor ponds because acrylic is identified as not being chemically resistant to alkalis. The comparison of the two types of hood carried out in this work also showed the stainless steel hood to have the advantage of minimising artefacts associated with enhanced solar heating on solid surfaces. 3.1 Flux Hood The flux hood is dimensionally the same as the flux hood described in EPA report EPA/600/8-86/008 and is shown in Figure 2. 12 “Practical Guidance for Flux Chamber Measurements of Fugitive Volatile Organic Emission Rates”, B Eklund, Radian Corporation Austin, Texas, in J Air Waste Management Assoc, 42, 1583-1591, Dec 1992 13 “Point Source and Area Source Emission Test Methods – Review”, AWN Pty Ltd, consultants report to Alcoa, Dec 2004 61/15324/47345 Residue Pond Emissions Assessment of Emissions from Area Sources 11 Figure 2. Flux Hood Floating on ROWS pond. The dimensions of the flux hood were exactly 16 inches (40.5 cm) diameter at the skirt giving an actual volume of 25.4 litres to the base of the skirt. Under the USEPA method the skirt can be inserted into the media (liquor, water, mud) to a maximum depth of 2.5 cm. At maximum insertion the volume in the skirt is 21.9 litres. The stainless steel dome was 17.4 cm high and is slightly flattened at the top to allow the 4 ports. This gives a volume inside the dome of 17 litres, providing an overall volume of 42.4 litres to the base of the skirt or 38.9 litres to the insertion depth. At 5 litres a minutes this allows 3 times the volume to be circulated in approximately 25 minutes. This dome shape departs slightly from the USEPA method in that it has a small flat area on the top. However, Eklund (1996) indicates that tests have been undertaken comparing a completely cylindrical hood with the USEPA dome hood and there was no statistical difference in the results. The Perspex dome used in the second program was a perfect dome as described in the USEPA method. Ultrapure nitrogen was supplied to an inlet port via tygon tubing that was degassed for 48 hours by pulling ambient air through the tubing before it was used on site during the first study. In the second program all lines were swapped to be PTFE lines with stainless steel fittings in order to conform more accurately to the USEPA method. The nitrogen was then distributed via PTFE tube (in the stainless steel hood) and stainless steel tube (in the Perspex hood) run around the circumference, which had four holes, 61/15324/47345 Residue Pond Emissions Assessment of Emissions from Area Sources 12 located at equidistant points around the tube in accordance with the published USEPA method. Sample collection tubes (2 off) were run from the top of the dome to the centre of the dome. During the second program, it became clear that the higher temperature associated with the Perspex hood was leading to increased moisture condensation in tubes and samples lines outside of the Perspex dome. This was a cause for concern due to the potential for sample loss. Therefore a decision was made to locate the sample tubes as internal "probes" inside the Perspex hood since this would make the tubes the same temperature as the inside of the dome and avoid excessive condensation. Two comparison replicate runs were undertaken to test the efficacy of this approach. A fourth outlet was left open to allow the sweep air to exit. This port was also used to allow a thermocouple wire access to the interior of the flux hood. During the first program, the thermocouple logged continuously, both inside and outside of the flux hood to ascertain any temperature differential that might require correction. The nominal diameter of this port was 1.8 cm, noting that the thermocouple wire took up some of this space. In the second program temperatures in the hoods were collected at the start middle and end of each sample run. Operation of the hood requires that ultra-pure nitrogen or air is passed through the hood at a rate of 5 litres per minutes throughout the sampling run. To confirm that this was happening a field rotameter (SKC, Nutech Scientific, Victoria Park, WA) was connected onto the hood inlet line. The field rotameter was calibrated on a daily basis using a bubble flow meter supplied by SKC. When the sampling position allowed, the flow was regularly reviewed and adjusted as required. Where a crane was used, any change in flow rate was noted and logged when the system was returned to shore. In practice the flow rate proved stable throughout the 90 –120 minutes of a sampling run. The published method requires that no more than 40% (2 litres per minute) of the sweep gas can be drawn as sample at any time. Samples were collected sequentially, but because of the dual pump arrangement the total sampling rate of the two pumps was adjusted to ensure that the flow would not be greater than 2 litres a minute even if there was an overlap in the pumps triggering. Each time the hood was removed from the water surface and replaced it was necessary to equilibrate the hood by passing at least three volumes of sweep air through the hood prior to sampling. GHD equilibrated the hood for 30 minutes prior to collecting the samples giving more time than required to ensure this requirement was exceeded on each run. During the second program, when the two hoods were being compared the supply gas was split to the two hoods from a single cylinder. 3.2 Odour Sampling Odour sampling was undertaken according to Australian Standard Method AS4323.3. A lung type barrel (Figure 3) was located in the cage and connected to the hood using 3/8” PTFE tubing. GHD prefers the use of this wide bore tubing because it lowers flow resistance between the hood and the barrel enabling better control of flow rate using a constant flow rate pump. Calibrations of this system were undertaken daily and provided confidence that the flow drawn from the hood was a constant 1.8 liters per minute and below the 40% of sweep air allowed as part of the USEPA published report. Samples were collected into nalopthane bags supplied by The Odour Unit. The Odour Unit degasses the nalopthane bags prior to dispatch, however GHD also equilibrated them with the sample matrix by filling each bag from the hood and then evacuating this prior to collecting the sample for analysis. In some 61/15324/47345 Residue Pond Emissions Assessment of Emissions from Area Sources 13 cases this required that the system be returned to shore and that the hood therefore be re-equilibrated prior to collection of the samples. This usually meant that each sampling site required in excess of three hours to collect the required number of samples. The sample pump used in this method was a battery powered Aircheck 2000 (SKC). The Aircheck 2000 is a time programmable, mass flow controlled, constant flow pump. This allowed the pump to be triggered at an appropriate time once the hood had equilibrated and then collect a suitable sample volume at the appropriate flow prior to shutting down. The pump retains data on each run within internal memory and, on return to the shore, the pump characteristics were reviewed to ensure that it had operated correctly. Odour samples were assessed using dynamic olfactometry according to Australian Standard AS4323.3 by The Odour Unit, a Perth Based laboratory (Myaree, WA) that is NATA accredited for this method. Samples were presented to the laboratory within 24 hours in order to allow compliance with the maximum time limit of 30 hours under the standard. Figure 3. Sampling hood connected to Automated Sampling system 61/15324/47345 Residue Pond Emissions Assessment of Emissions from Area Sources 14 3.3 VOCs and Carbonyls VOCs were collected and analysed using the USEPA standard method TO-17, whilst Carbonyls were collected and analysed using USEPA TO-11A. TO-17 VOC tubes were packed and supplied by Geotech Laboratories (Welshpool, WA). TO-11A tubes were supplied by SKC (Nutech Scientific, Victoria Park WA). Please note that the TO-17 and TO-11A methods are designed for ambient monitoring of these substances and therefore there is some risk of sample breakthrough if emission sources were elevated or high in humidity. In view of this a qualitative assessment of the potential source strength and moisture was made of each source prior to sampling and the sampling volume reduced if this was considered a problem. Between one and three litres of sample was drawn though the TO-17 tubes in the first phase and this was increased on some sources to 6 litres in the second phase. Between 5 and 10 litres was drawn though the TO-11A tubes at a rate of 200ml per minute during the first phase and this was increased to up to 60 litres at a rate of 1 litre/min during the second phase. This gave detection limits for emission sources only two or three times higher than ambient guidelines where they exist (e.g. benzene, formaldehyde) and is therefore more than appropriate when receptors are located some distance away from the source. Tenax/Carbosieve packing was used for the TO-17 tubes and DNPH coated silica gel was used for the carbonyls tubes. Samples were collected using an Aircheck 2000 constant volume pump fitted with a constant pressure low flow adapter during the first phase. The packing on some of the tubes was found to be variable and this affected the flow rate through each tube. In view if this, the pump and tube combinations were individually calibrated immediately prior to sampling using a bubble flow meter. In order to reduce the risk of cross contamination the tubes were calibrated on 100 ml timed volumes and two calibration blanks were sent to the laboratory to ensure that there was no contamination from the calibration equipment. During the second phase all samples were collected using mass flow controlled constant volume pumps in order to reduce potential error from the constant pressure adapters. Each sample for odour required 2 runs (one to equilibrate the bag and one to collect the sample) and therefore it was possible to swap between tube types without incurring additional runs. 3.4 Quality Assurance 3.4.1 Sample Collection and Handling Quality assurance is a process that begins prior to the collection of sampling, with the selection of appropriate methods and sampling sites. In this study all air sampling methods were standard methods, although, as noted the TO-17 and TO-11A methods are ambient methods and therefore potential for sample loss was considered at all stages and where evidence appeared additional review and sampling was undertaken. The flux hood is the subject of a report by the USEPA and follow up clarification by Radian (the designer of that hood). Both reports are quite difficult to obtain and therefore are available to an interested reader in PDF format from the GHD Perth Library. 61/15324/47345 Residue Pond Emissions Assessment of Emissions from Area Sources 15 The flux hood matches the design of the EPA report except in two considerations; 1. The flux hood used in this program had two proximal sample collection tubes with the hood allowing for collection of two sample streams. This change is considered an improvement over the original method in that it allows for absolute integrity of sample flow where multiple samples are to be drawn simultaneously from the hood. 2. The flux hood dome comprised stainless steel as opposed to Perspex as in the original report. In both cases the skirt of the hood was stainless steel. A stainless steel dome was selected because of the lower reactivity of this material to hot caustic solution. It is noted in the companion report (Eklund, 1992) that the importance or otherwise of net energy flux (solar insolation) is discussed and identified as being important for contaminated surface soils and quiescent liquids with an organic layer over the surface. Since this is not the situation for all sources except, perhaps, dry residue, there is no sample integrity reason to support the use of a plexiglass hood over a stainless steel hood. Indeed we note that plexiglass is not chemically inert and may contribute to sample loss at low concentrations of analyte. With this in mind, appropriate sample recovery tests were performed. Eklund (1992), does however note that plexiglass allows the assessment of condensation levels within the flux hood. Condensation from the sources at Alcoa was a persistent problem and this is discussed when reviewing the results. However, GHD were aware of this issue as being significant because condensation beads formed on the surfaces of the transparent PTFE odour line and we were therefore able to consider this issue without the need for plexiglass. 3.4.2 Laboratory Quality Assurance Procedures This section is based on information and notes provided by Geotech Laboratories14. It is a summary and explanation of their NATA accredited procedures. TO17 Quality Assurance Theory – The USEPA TO-17 sampling protocol collects VOCs from air samples by passing a known volume of air through suitable adsorbent medium, (Tenax) followed by thermal desorption. The desorbed components are then separated by gas chromatography and analysed by mass spectrometry. The method is considered capable of measuring VOC concentrations of 0.5 ppb to 25 ppb in ambient air. In using this method for the current application, care is taken to ensure effects due to overloading of the adsorbent by moisture or high VOC concentrations are avoided. – The sample tubes are analysed using a Thermal Desorber coupled to a GC-MS by methods based on Sections 8 to 13 of US EPA TO17. This method must achieve a detection limit of ≤ 0.5 ppb (V). All limits specified below are derived from US EPA TO15 and TO17. Target compounds are quantified based on instrument responses of a set of authentic external standards, relative to an internal standard. The standards are prepared by adding a known amount of authentic material into a solvent and then diluting these as necessary. The standards are then introduced onto the tubes by a system designed to simulate sampling. A range of quality control measures is in place to ensure that the results are as robust and accurate as is practicable. Multipoint Calibration 14 Nigel West, Geotech Laboratories, private communication. 61/15324/47345 Residue Pond Emissions Assessment of Emissions from Area Sources 16 – A six point calibration curve is prepared for each target compound (this does not include the system blank i.e. zero). One calibration point may be deleted from each compound to ensure a correlation coefficient of > 0.96 for the range of compounds monitored. Daily / Single Point Calibration – A single point calibrant (normally 100 ng) is used to check that the system is still operating within acceptable parameters i.e. all compounds are responding within 30% of the multi point calibration. Blank Analyses – The system is monitored to ensure that any possible laboratory contamination is kept to a minimum. Analytical Procedure – After the system has passed all QC and cleanliness checks, samples may be analysed. The system is monitored by analysing a Check standard (Chkstd) after every 9-10 samples. This ensures that what happens to the samples while they are waiting for analysis also occurs to the Chkstd. A laboratory blank is also analysed at the end of the sequence. Reproducibility – The reproducibility of each of the sources of error, syringes, balances, MS etc is measured every six months. The results of these tests are entered into an Excel spreadsheet that is sent out with the client data. See the error analysis worksheet for an example. Error Analysis – The calculations used to derive the uncertainty estimations are based on the CSIRO National Measurement Laboratory Course Notes TM089 (Author R. Cook and W. Giardini). The results of these tests are included in the Excel spreadsheet that is sent out with the client data. Audit Accuracy – The accuracy of the benzene standard is determined six monthly. This gives the laboratory an independent indication of whether the standards need to be replaced. TO-11A Quality Assurance The USEPA TO-11A method is applicable for monitoring ambient air with low carbonyl content requires a calibrated pumping system to sample ambient air for a known time. The airflow can be between 100 mL/minute and 2000 mL/minute, depending on the concentration of organics present. The air is passed through a cartridge containing an adsorbent such as silica coated with 2,4-dinitrophenylhydrazine (DNPH) and a strong acid catalyst. The hydrazones resulting from reaction with airborne carbonyls and ketones are later analysed using high performance liquid chromatography. Before contacting the DNPH adsorbent, the ambient air is passed through granular potassium iodide to remove ozone, necessary to prevent loss of the DNPH product prior to analysis. Using TO-11A, low molecular weight carbonyl compounds including benzaldehyde are commonly measured to less than 0.5 ppb by volume. In using this method for the current application, care is taken to ensure effects due to overlading of the adsorbent by moisture or high VOC concentrations are avoided. Theory – Carbonyls reach equilibrium with 2,4 dinitrophenylhydrazine in acidic medium in the reaction described below. These derivatised carbonyls are extracted from their sample matrix (tube or 61/15324/47345 Residue Pond Emissions Assessment of Emissions from Area Sources 17 solution) and then analysed by HPLC. Quantitation is carried out by comparison with authentic standards. This procedure is based on a combination of USEPA Method 8315A, USEPA Method 0011, USEPA TO-5 and USEPA TO-11A. Preparation of Standards – Target compounds are quantified based on instrument responses of a set of authentic external standards. External standards are replaced as needed. The standards are then analysed and the data processed and reported Purity of Reagents and Derivatives: – After preparation of a fresh aldehyde or ketone DNPH derivative the compound needs to be diluted and analysed by HPLC to ensure that it is > 96 % pure. If not a different source of aldehyde or ketone needs to be obtained, or the raw material needs to be checked by another technique eg thermal desorption gas chromatography mass spectrometry. Once the purity of the standard has been established suitable adjustments need to be made to the calibration of that compound when the data is processed, this is done automatically in the Excel files used to calculate the abundance of the material. Multipoint Calibration – The entire suite of carbonyl standards is analysed in duplicate at least every six months, sooner if the daily calibration fails. Independent Standard: – Can be purchased from Novachem Phone. This standard is used to check the accuracy of the standards that are prepared in-house and should be run after the multipoint calibration. If this standard is kept sealed in the fridge it should last at least 18 months. Precision – A mid range standard is analysed with every batch of samples. Validation of Compounds Detected – Any new compounds that are added to the target suite need to be validated. This validation need only be carried out if the compound is not covered in USEPA TO-5 and TO-11A. Recoveries need to be > 80% for the compound to be acceptable. Validation comprises adding the new compound, at known concentrations, to either or both of the derivatising media at 0.2 ppm. Method Detection Limit: (MDL) – A very low range standard is analysed every six months. 61/15324/47345 Residue Pond Emissions Assessment of Emissions from Area Sources 18 Column Performance – The efficiency of the column is determined from the 0.1 ppm standard data. Daily Calibration – The HPLC is calibrated with a mid or low range standard with every batch of samples analysed. A single point calibrant is used to check that the system is still operating within acceptable parameters i.e. all compounds are responding within 10% of the multi point calibration. This analysis may be repeated until the system passes or in cases where the calibration will never pass a multi point calibration should be carried out with fresh standards. Blank Analyses – The system is monitored by analysing laboratory and system blanks to ensure that any possible laboratory contamination is kept to a minimum. Sample Analysis Procedure: – After the system has passed all QC and cleanliness checks, samples may be extracted and then analysed. The system is monitored by re-analysing the single point calibrant after every 10 samples (20 analyses). The laboratory blank is also analysed at the end of the sequence. Reproducibility – The reproducibility of each of the sources of error, syringes, balances, MS etc is measured every six months. The results of these tests are entered into an Excel spreadsheet that is sent out with the client data. Error Analysis – The calculations used to derive the uncertainty estimations are based on the CSIRO National Measurement Laboratory Course Notes TM089 (Author R. Cook and W. Giardini). The results of these tests are included in the Excel spreadsheet that is sent out with the client data. 3.5 Quality Control Two trip/calibration blanks for TO-17 and TO-11A were collected during the initial monitoring round at Wagerup. Calibration blanks were used because of the need to calibrate each tube individually prior to collection of a sample. This exposed each tube to a small amount of ambient air, which needed to be accounted for. In the event, the trip/calibration blanks all returned values below the quantifiable detection limit. In the first phase, replicate samples were collected at the Superthickener for odour, TO-17 and TO-11A methods. In the event it appears that multiple sampling of some well-mixed area sources has also given good indication of repeatability. Additional replicates were also collected at the superthickener to confirm the emissions found at higher volumes. The second phase replicates were again collected to TO-17 and TO-11a at the superthickener. System blanks were collected according to the method described by Radian (USEPA, 1986). In this case the hood was placed on a Teflon sheet and equilibrated using the ultrapure nitrogen. Once equilibrated, samples were collected for each analyte according to the standard field methods and volumes. Initially system blanks returned values higher than some of the field samples and this appeared to be due to offgassing of the PTFE (Teflon). With this in mind, that PTFE was exposed to ambient air and further system blanks were undertaken. In order to be sure that a valid blank was 61/15324/47345 Residue Pond Emissions Assessment of Emissions from Area Sources 19 collected the system was also operated whilst being placed on a nalopthane odour bag which had been cut open This indicated a consistent system odour blank of 56 odour units, the presence of minimal amounts of acetone and benzaldehyde on the TO-17 tube. There were also small but consistent levels of formaldehyde, acetaldehyde and acetone on the system blanks. These values have been subtracted from the final emission estimates and have been included in the consolidated data spreadsheet. 3.6 Safety Safety consideration are extremely important in a program where personnel are operating next to areas of caustic liquor or caustic residue and on some occasions next to hot caustic liquors. This issue was increased due to a need to work at night. The following identifies some of the key safety issues and how they were addressed. Where this imposed a limitation on the ability to take samples this is also highlighted. 1. Superthickener – the Superthickener can only be accessed via a moving set of stairs leading to a rotating gantry. In order to place the sampling hood onto the gantry it was necessary to stop the rotating gantry and crane lift the equipment onto the gantry. This is a non-trivial logistical exercise limiting the amount of time available for sampling in this location, because larger cylinders cannot be transported in this manner and because the logistical requirements take considerable effort to achieve. 2. Dry Residue – sampling on dry residue requires the location of the equipment on a trailer. In order to allow an operator to remain in proximity to the equipment during sampling it is important to have a vehicular refuge that the operator can retreat to between forays (Note that on both occasions winds at night exceeded 50 km/hour leading to some localised dust lift off and daytime temperatures exceeded 40 degrees C). This had the effect of limiting the choice of sites. It was necessary to turn off sprinklers during this monitoring. 3. Wet Residue – Access to wet residue is very constrained when access is required at night. This meant that sampling points had to be immediately adjacent to RDA berms. In one case (RDA – 6) gas supply lines were extended to approximately 5m, which is within the limits of the published method. 4. RDA-2 and ROWS pond – sampling and access of most of these sites was achieved by crane. This limits the ability to cross-check zero gas supplies, however these appeared to be stable on these runs. 5. Cooling Pond – good access to the surface was possible at the Northern end and had to be undertaken with care on the Southern end. Samples were collected from the margins of the pond in these locations and two personnel were stationed at this location throughout the sampling. 61/15324/47345 Residue Pond Emissions Assessment of Emissions from Area Sources 20 4. Results Emission measurements were corrected for any contamination in the sample collection system, by system blank correction according to the USEPA procedure. The results presented in this report have not been temperature corrected. The detailed results, including the original laboratory data, are given in the appendices. Appendix A presents the results for each location as specific emission rates (emissions per square metre of area) in µg/m2/min. Note that this allows comparison of results to a standard condition. The original Laboratory results for each sample are shown in Appendix B, expressed as sample tube loadings in nanograms. The following sections summarise and discuss the main aspects of the results. 4.1 Quality Control Results Internal quality control relates to the overall consistency of the data. It includes blank correction and field replicate data. It also includes a reality check that highest emissions are found from the sites with the highest liquor concentrations and temperatures, for example, and investigates any results considered anomalous on the basis of knowledge of the processes and sources, and comparisons between results. Apart from odour and acetone, all substances were below the detection limit for at least one of the samples collected. This indicates that any background levels being contributed by the sample collection system (flux hood, tubing, pumps) in the field were not significant, and that any contribution of the system is accounted for by system blanks taken under laboratory conditions as required by the USEPA method. 4.1.1 Field Replicates Duplicate samples were taken at the Super-thickener samples to provide field replicate data. The Superthickener was chosen for this because it is the source expected to have the highest specific emission rate with low variability due to the uniformity of the source (well mixed liquid of large volume). Due to constraints associated with location and access, it was not possible to take replicates concurrently so each type of sample (odour, TO-11A, TO-17) was collected sequentially (that is two odour samples followed by two carbonyl samples and then two VOC samples). Replicates were taken at the super-thickener site for all sample types (Table 3). These results indicate good agreement in most cases (RSD<25%), but there are examples of unexplained variability that indicate the need for duplicate samples where possible. All determinations of carbonyl and VOC emission rates were based on multiple measurements. 61/15324/47345 Residue Pond Emissions Assessment of Emissions from Area Sources 21 Table 3. Residual Standard Deviation of Replicates (from emission rates) Analyte Mean StDev RSD(%)[1] 5.5 0.8 15% 546 566 81 15% 155 168 27 16% 1.7 1.5 0.4 27% 3.7 3.7 0.07 1.9% Sample 1 Sample2 Sample 3 Odour 2 (OU/m /s) 4.9 6.1 Acetone 2 (µg/m /min) 678 485 555 Acetaldehyde (µg/m2/min) 198 181 138 Benzene (µg/m2/min) 1.2 Toluene (µg/m2/min) 3.8 Sample 4 [1] Relative Standard Deviation (RSD) = Standard Deviation/Mean x 100 4.1.2 Blank Results Trip Blanks Both trip blanks of the TO-17 and TO-11A tubes were sent for analysis to the laboratory and indicated no detectable levels of analytes. System Blanks System blanks were collected according to the USEPA method, which specifies the use of PTFE as the material that the flux hood should be placed on to represent an uncontaminated surface. However it was found that the new PTFE (Teflon) used was not completely inert and required out-gassing before use. Once this was done it returned results consistent with an uncontaminated surface, and which could be used as a system blank. A total of five TO-17 system blanks; seven TO-11A system blanks and two odour blanks were collected. The applicable system blanks were subtracted from all results. 4.1.3 Laboratory QC Results of Laboratory QC checks and associated comments are included with relevant analytical documentation in Appendix B. 4.1.4 Sampling Volumes: Sensitivity vs. Sample Recovery In Phase 2 an attempt was made to improve sensitivity by increasing sample volumes. This was successful on the residue sources, and enabled determination of emission values for Propanal. MEK, Benzaldehyde, 2-Pentanone and n-Pentanal, which were below detection limits at the lower volumes. However it also raised questions in relation to sample recovery in the case of the hot, wet sources (super-thickener and Cooling Pond) despite the sample volumes and flow rates used in all cases being within the safe sampling volumes identified in methods TO11A and TO17. There was suggestion of sample breakthrough for these sources at the higher sample volumes, which could explain lower 61/15324/47345 Residue Pond Emissions Assessment of Emissions from Area Sources 22 reported emission rates of some compounds in comparison to those recorded in Phase 1, which warrants further investigation. 4.2 Flux Hood Comparison 4.2.1 Hood Temperature A series of measurements were carried out to establish the influence of the material of construction of the hood on the emission rates measured. This work was done in conjunction with the determination of diurnal variation in emissions from dry and wet residue. Measurements were made of the temperatures inside the hoods, and these were compared with the ambient temperature as measured at the Bancell Road weather station just south of the refinery. The results of these determinations on dry residue are summarised in Figure 4. On both days the Perspex hood showed higher internal temperatures than the stainless steel hood, but this effect was much greater on the first day. Ambient measurements of the mud were taken in the field at the sampling location. These agreed well with the readings at the Bancell Rd monitoring station on the first day, but not on the second day. During the day on the second run, the field residue temperature and the two hood temperatures agreed quite well, but the Bancell Rd temperature was significantly lower. All temperatures agreed well during the night. The corresponding results for wet residue are shown in Figure 5. In this case the hood temperatures for the two hoods agree very well, indicating that for the wet surface the temperature inside the hood is determined principally by the temperature of the bulk material and is little influenced by solar flux through the hood itself. The agreement between field residue temperature and hood temperature suggests that the surface temperature of the bulk substrate follows the ambient temperature quite closely. The differences between field residue temperature and Bancell Rd temperature were significant, particularly during the day as noted for the dry residue runs. 61/15324/47345 Residue Pond Emissions Assessment of Emissions from Area Sources 23 Figure 4: Effect of Ambient Temperature and Hood Material on Hood Temperature for Dry Residue Hood and Ambient Temperatures: Dry Residue 58 Run 1: 14-15/2/2005 Run 2: 25-26/2/2005 53 Temperature, degC 48 43 pp ss Banc Rd Field 38 33 28 23 1: 00 5 22 :0 0 19 :0 8 16 :0 0 13 :0 0 10 :0 7: 03 4: 12 0 56 :0 0 14 : 00 2: 00 00 0 00 03 :0 12 : 9: 1 4: 6: 0 7: 3: 0 8: 0: 0 05 :0 21 : 19 :0 0 18 Time of Day 61/15324/47345 Residue Pond Emissions Assessment of Emissions from Area Sources 24 Figure 5: Effect of Ambient Temperature and Hood Material on Hood Temperature for Wet Residue Hood vs Ambient Temperatures: Wet Residue 50 Run 1: 18-19/2/05 Run 2: 28/2-1/3/05 45 Temperature, degC 40 35 PP SS Banc Rd Field 30 25 20 15 10 21:11 3:00 9:30 13:25 9:15 11:15 13:00 17:07 23:00 5:50 Time 4.2.2 Statistical Comparison of Emissions Results Between Hoods The emission rates measured using the Stainless Steel (ss) and Perspex (pp) hoods were compared on dry and wet residue, under a range of conditions over 24 hour periods. The example of acetone is given in Figure 6. It can be seen that the variability between samples in each sequence is greater than the difference between hoods. In the case of Run 1 the effect of diurnal variation can be seen in both sets of results, whereas for Run 2 the data agree within the variability of the determination. The greater amount of data available for wet and dry residue allowed a more detailed test of the overall emissions and therefore paired t-tests were undertaken on each dry and one wet residue run. These test indicated that the differences between the two datasets were not statistically significant at the 95% confidence level. 61/15324/47345 Residue Pond Emissions Assessment of Emissions from Area Sources 25 Figure 6: Comparison of Acetone Emission Rates for Acetone Measured by SS and PP Hoods ACETONE: Dry Residue Comparision of Emission Rates for Stainless Steel and Perspex Hoods 0.8 0.7 Emission Rate, ug/m2/min 0.6 0.5 pp Run 1 ss Run 1 pp Run 2 ss Run 2 0.4 0.3 0.2 0.1 0 19:00 21:05:00 0:08:00 3:07:00 6:04:00 9:12:00 12:03:00 14:56:00 Time of Day 4.2.3 Effect of Temperature on Emission Rates An attempt was made to correlate regional ambient temperature with the measured rates of emissions from residue in order to enable evaluation of diurnal variations and facilitate emissions rate modelling over longer periods. Figure 7 to Figure 9 show the results of this for two sets of determinations on each of dry and wet residue. Essentially, for dry residue that has been recently ploughed there is some correlation for acetaldehyde but not for formaldehyde or acetone (Figure 7), and for residue that has undergone additional drying there is no dependence for any of the compounds emitted (Figure 8). Figure 9 indicates no relationship between regional temperature and emissions for any of the compounds emitted from wet residue, as all the lines of best fit have correlation coefficients of 0.3 or less. 61/15324/47345 Residue Pond Emissions Assessment of Emissions from Area Sources 26 Figure 7: Emission Rates vs. Regional Temperature for Dry Residue: Run 1 EMISSIONS vs AMBIENT TEMPERATURE Dry Residue Run 1, 14-15/02/05 4 3.5 Emission Rate, ug/m2/min 3 2.5 Formaldehyde Acetaldehyde Acetone Linear (Acetaldehyde) Linear (Acetone) 2 1.5 y = 2.4854Ln(x) - 7.7243 2 R = 0.8302 1 0.5 y = 0.0225x - 0.5033 2 R = 0.5607 0 20 22 24 26 28 30 32 34 36 38 Ambient Temperature (Bancell Rd) Figure 8: Emission Rates vs. Regional Temperature for Dry residue: Run 2 EMISSIONS vs AMBIENT TEMPERATURE Dry Residue Run 2, 25-26/02/05 2 1.8 Emission Rate, ug/m2/min 1.6 1.4 Formaldehyde Acetaldehyde Acetone Linear (Formaldehyde) Linear (Acetaldehyde) Linear (Acetone) 1.2 1 0.8 y = 0.0109x + 0.1593 2 R = 0.2305 0.6 0.4 y = 0.0159x - 0.1601 2 R = 0.278 0.2 y = 0.0063x - 0.097 2 R = 0.1076 0 18 20 22 24 26 28 30 32 34 Temperature, deg C 61/15324/47345 Residue Pond Emissions Assessment of Emissions from Area Sources 27 Figure 9: Emission Rates vs. Regional Temperature for Wet Residue CARBONYLS vs TEMPERATURE Wet Residue Run 1, 18/2/05 6.00 Emission Rate, ug/m2/min 5.00 4.00 Formaldehyde Acetaldehyde Acetone Linear (Formaldehyde) Linear (Acetaldehyde) Linear (Acetone) y = 0.8723Ln(x) - 0.0499 2 R = 0.0969 3.00 2.00 y = 0.0398x - 0.0269 2 R = 0.5773 1.00 y = -0.0419x + 2.0097 2 R = 0.6489 0.00 10 15 20 25 30 35 40 45 AMBIENT TEMPERATURE degC The emission rates for the TO17 compounds were all very low from residue surfaces. As expected they were higher from wet residue than dry residue. Figure 10 summarises the results for wet residue. There is no significant relationship between emissions of these compounds and regional temperature, as all of the correlation coefficients are less than 0.15. 61/15324/47345 Residue Pond Emissions Assessment of Emissions from Area Sources 28 Figure 10: Emission Rates vs. Regional Temperature for TO17 Compounds TO17 COMPOUNDS vs TEMPERATURE Wet Residue, 18/2/05 & 26/2/05 0.80 y = 0.0055x - 0.1022 2 R = 0.1368 0.70 y = 0.0082x - 0.1519 2 R = 0.1722 Benzene 2 Methyl Naphthalene Emission Rate, ug/m2/min 0.60 y = 0.0012x - 0.006 2 R = 0.1146 0.50 0.40 benzene toluene naphthalene 2-methyl naphthalene 1-methyl naphthalene heptane phenol nitrobenzene Linear (benzene) Linear (2-methyl naphthalene) Linear (1-methyl naphthalene) Linear (phenol) Linear (toluene) 1Methyl Naphthalene y = 0.0004x + 0.0021 2 R = 0.0485 Phenol y = 0.0007x + 0.0121 2 R = 0.0409 Toluene 0.30 0.20 0.10 0.00 10 15 20 25 30 35 40 45 -0.10 Ambient Temperature (Bancell Rd) 4.3 Emission Rates from Liquor Sources 4.3.1 Super-thickener The super-thickener is a large open vessel containing dilute Bayer liquor at a Total Alkali (TA) concentration of about 20g/L at a temperature of about 55oC. Samples can be taken by suspending the flux hood from the gantry that provides access to the central rake drive. The specific emission rates are highest from the super-thickener of all the residue area sources, because of its high temperature and concentration. Its contribution to overall mass emissions is relatively small however, because of its low surface area in comparison to the residue drying areas. 4.3.2 RDA-2 The open liquor storage area at RDA2 was also sampled. It has similar concentration to the superthickener, but is cooler. Its specific emission rates are correspondingly less. The specific emission rates for the carbonyl compounds from the super-thickener and RDA2 liquor are summarised in Figure 11. 4.3.3 Cooling Pond The specific emission rates of carbonyls from the Cooling Pond are shown in Figure 12, and for the TO17 compounds in Figure 13, 61/15324/47345 Residue Pond Emissions Assessment of Emissions from Area Sources 29 Figure 11: Emission Rates of Carbonyls from Super-thickener and RDA2 Liquor SUPERTHICKENER & RDA2 90 80 Emission Rate, ug/m2/min 70 60 ST 1 ST 2 50 RDA2 1 RDA2 2 RDA2 3 40 30 20 10 0 Formaldehyde Acetaldehyde Acetone Propanal MEK iso-Butanal Benzaldehyde 2-Pentanone n-Pentanal Figure 12: Carbonyl Emission Rates from the Cooling Pond COOLING POND Carbonyls 20.00 18.00 16.00 Emission Rate, ug/m2/min 14.00 12.00 Inlet Berm Outlet 10.00 8.00 6.00 4.00 2.00 0.00 Formaldehyde 61/15324/47345 Acetaldehyde Acetone Propanal Residue Pond Emissions Assessment of Emissions from Area Sources MEK Benzaldehyde 2-Pentanone n-Pentanal 30 Figure 13: TO17 Emission Rates from the Cooling Pond COOLING POND TO17 Compounds 12.00 Emission Rate, ug/m2/min 10.00 8.00 Inlet Berm Outlet 6.00 4.00 2.00 4.3.4 he xa ne K yl cy cl o hy lb M IB na l ut a PK M m et h m et 3 ap ht ha le ne yl n yl n ap ht ha le ne 1m et h ha le ne ht ne 2m et h na p xy le 1, 3- en ze ne et hy l-b lu en e to ze ne be n he x at rie n e 0.00 Run-off Water Storage (ROWS) Pond A set of four samples was taken on the ROWS Pond. The only compounds detected were the main carbonyls, and then at low and variable levels, as shown in Figure 14. 4.4 Polycyclic Aromatic Hydrocarbons (PAHs) A special set of samples was taken to investigate trace amounts of PAHs in the emissions from the main liquor sources and dry residue. This was done using a medium volume Tenax absorbent tube and sampling for extended periods, followed by the normal TO17 analysis. In addition a method based on USEPA TO-13 was employed to collect the less volatile PAHs. This method varied slightly from the standard approach in that Tenax was used as the adsorbent. This will have made no difference to the result. The results are shown in Figure 15. Naphthalene was the main PAH detected, at a specific emission rate of 23 ng/m2/min from the Super-thickener. Acenaphthylene, acenaphthene, fluorene, phenanthrene and chrysene were detected in trace amounts (<2 ng/m2/min). 61/15324/47345 Residue Pond Emissions Assessment of Emissions from Area Sources 31 Figure 14: ROWS Pond ROWS 2.5 2 Emission Rate, ug/m2/min 1.5 1 Formaldehyde Acetaldehyde Acetone 0.5 0 12:40 15:40 18:45 20:08 -0.5 -1 Time 61/15324/47345 Residue Pond Emissions Assessment of Emissions from Area Sources 32 Figure 15: PAH Emissions PAHs 25 Emission Rate, ng/m2/min 20 15 Super Thickener Cooling Pond Dry Mud 10 5 0 Naphthalene 4.5 acenaphthylene acenaphthene fluorene phenanthrene chrysene Bitumen Bitumen is sprayed on banks and roads at the residue area for dust control. The area involved is small overall, but there is from time to time an odour generated after spraying. Samples were taken to investigate the VOC emissions from fresh and aged bitumen. The results, shown in Appendix B, show the expected components in the emissions, mainly toluene, xylenes and naphthalenes for freshly sprayed bitumen, which quickly disappear as the material cures. 4.6 Odour Table 4 indicates specific odour emission rates found during the first program, whilst Table 5 indicates specific odour emission rates from the dry residue and wet residue respectively. It can be seen that odour emissions from dry residue were of a similar magnitude between the two programs. However, wet residue emissions were found to be higher during the second program. There is also a clear diurnal variation in odour emissions from the wet residue in Phase 2. Please note that these emission values were not temperature corrected. 61/15324/47345 Residue Pond Emissions Assessment of Emissions from Area Sources 33 Table 4. Odour Emissions during First Phase Specific Emission Rate (OU/m2/s) Location Cooling Pond 1 0.78 Cooling Pond 2 1.76 Rows Pond 1 0.13 Rows Pond 2 0.07 RDA 2-1 1.11 RDA 2-2 2.18 Lower Dam 1 0.93 Lower Dam 2 1.07 Oxalate 0.17 Oxalate 0.12 Superthickener 1 5.82 Superthickener 2 7.16 Dry Residue 0.06 Wet Residue 1.00 Wet Sand 1.00 ROCP2-2 0.15 ROCP2-1 0.28 61/15324/47345 Residue Pond Emissions Assessment of Emissions from Area Sources 34 Table 5. Odour Emissions during Second Phase Location RDA-6 (Wet Residue) RDA-5 (Dry Residue) 61/15324/47345 Time Collected Specific Emission Rate (OU/m2/s) 12:30hrs 16.96 18:10hrs 11.36 24:03hrs 5.6 09:15hrs 8.08 04:00hrs 1.2 05:45hrs 0.88 08:26hrs 0.6 10:00hrs 0.24 11:30hrs 0.08 14:20hrs 0.8 17:30hrs nd 23:17hrs 1 Residue Pond Emissions Assessment of Emissions from Area Sources 35 5. Discussion The information presented in this report is the result of a significant campaign of emissions monitoring undertaken by GHD at Alcoa’s Wagerup Residue Disposal Area. The emissions data is suitable for use in emission modelling. Generally, emission strengths were found to follow expected patterns, with the sources known to contain higher liquor concentrations of contaminants and with higher temperatures showing the higher specific emission rates (mass emission rate per unit area, µg/min/m2). Accordingly, the super-thickener and cooling ponds were found to have the highest specific emission rates. In addition, these emission sources are relatively uniform (well mixed liquor bodies), and for these reasons are more easily quantified. The residue disposal areas consist of residue in various stages of drying. These sources exhibit relatively low specific emission rates. Nevertheless, they have a large surface area, which increases the significance of their contribution to overall emission rates. The specific emission rates were found to be a function of factors, which vary according to the history, state of dryness, and environment of the residue. These factors are important in determining emission rates, which by analogy with soils are controlled by the following main residue-related factors: Air-filled porosity Bulk soil temperature Surface temperature The other main determinants of specific emission rates are the concentration and vapour pressure of the contaminants, and the wind speed10. To address the soil-related factors, in Phase 2 of the study samples were taken on residue at key stages of drying. Two sets of samples were taken on freshly deposited wet residue. Samples were also taken on residue that had been drying for several weeks, but had been recently tilled. That same area was sampled again after a week of solar drying under hot, dry conditions. In order to investigate the influence of surface temperature, a study of the diurnal variation in emissions was undertaken on the two dry residues and on wet residue. It was found that, for the recently tilled dry residue, emission rates tended to be greater in the heat of the day than at night. It was also found that there was a relationship between the temperature in the hood, the measured field ambient temperature at the site, and the regional ambient temperature. The relationship between specific emission rates and regional ambient temperature was investigated. It was found that there was a weak relationship for acetaldehyde, but not for the other species. For residue, which had been dried for a further week the emission rates were all much lower, and there was no longer a relationship with ambient temperature. For wet residue and for the liquor sources there was no significant relationship between emission rates and ambient temperature. The performance of the stainless steel (ss) and Perspex (pp) flux hoods was investigated. It was found that there was no statistically significant difference in the emission rates determined by the two hoods. This is consistent with the findings of Eklund10. It was noted that the pp hood has an internal hood temperature that is higher on sunny days than the ss hood due to the greenhouse effect created by the transparent dome. This can give rise to artificial enhancement of the emissions from the surface under 61/15324/47345 Residue Pond Emissions Assessment of Emissions from Area Sources 36 study in some circumstances. It also can increase the moisture content of air in the hood when sampling wet sources, as was the case for several of the situations in this study. This has the potential to reduce retention of analytes on the tubes due to condensation. On the other hand, if condensation is an issue it is more easily observed with a transparent hood. During this program the Perspex hood did not appear to be affected by the caustic environment. Overall, the performance of the hoods was generally the same, with some practical advantages to the ss hood. The sampling of wet sources, particularly when hot as for the super-thickener, is problematic for trace analysis of VOCs. The USEPA methods used are designed for application to ambient air. In applying them to flux hood emissions it is necessary to be aware of the limitations of acceptable sample loadings, and that these may change in the presence of high moisture. Attempts were made in this work to improve the sensitivity of detection of VOCs by increasing sampling time, but this was only partially successful. While all sampling times used were well within the limits allowed by the USEPA methods, recoveries were reduced and this is presumably due to the effects of moisture on the adsorbent media. Losses in recovery of this kind are to some extent compensated for by the use of deuterated standard additions by the laboratory. However, it is clearly preferable to avoid excessive condensation during sampling. 61/15324/47345 Residue Pond Emissions Assessment of Emissions from Area Sources 37 6. Conclusions The main conclusions from this work are: The USEPA flux hood method can be successfully applied to the determination of specific emission rates from solid and slurry residue, and open liquor sources at a Bayer alumina refinery, using a special cage and lowering method designed for this purpose where necessary to achieve access; The use of a stainless steel hood did not have any negative effect on the results obtained in comparison to a Perspex hood; the stainless steel hood had some advantages in eliminating artefacts introduced by greenhouse heating and possibly reducing moisture effects under some circumstances; for the purposes of this program, the Perspex hood was sufficiently chemically inert for use in contact with Bayer residue and dilute liquors; Emission rates were found to be a function of surface properties in the manners expected; moisture, concentration in substrate, and temperature are the main determinants of emission rates; The highest emission rates were from the more concentrated, hot liquor sources. The lowest emission rates were from dry residue and low concentration, cool liquid sources; The main sources of emissions from the residue areas at Wagerup have been characterised to enable dispersion modelling for determination of concentrations at regional receptors; A number of questions arising from this work warrant further investigation, including the effect of moisture on recoveries, the long and short term variability of emission rates from all sources, and the spatial and seasonal variability in emissions from the wet and dry residue areas. 61/15324/47345 Residue Pond Emissions Assessment of Emissions from Area Sources 38 7. Recommendations Based on the information provided in this report, the following recommendations are made: • The results from the emission rate determinations can be used as input to dispersion modelling; where possible average results over a large number of samples should be used, and Phase 2 results should be used where possible; • A more detailed sampling programme to improve the knowledge of the temporal and spatial source variability, particularly for the dry and wet residue areas, should be considered; • Further investigation of the effects of moisture on sample recovery from hot wet sources on sensitivity of detection and accuracy of analysis would be of benefit in increasing the applicability of these standard ambient methods to emission source determinations by flux hood. 61/15324/47345 Residue Pond Emissions Assessment of Emissions from Area Sources 39 Appendix A Emission Rates 61/15324/47345 Residue Pond Emissions Assessment of Emissions from Area Sources 40 Appendix A – List of Tables Table A1. Phase 2 Bitumen TO17 VOC Emission Rate (No samples collected during Phase 1)...................................................................................... 2 Table A2. Phase 2 Bitumen TO11 Carbonyls Emission Rate (No samples collected during Phase 1)............................................................................ 3 Table A3. Phase 1 Dry Residue TO17 VOC and TO11 Carbonyl Emission Rate ................................................................................................................ 4 Table A4. Phase 2 Dry Residue Run 1 TO17 VOC Emission Rate ....................................................................................................................................... 5 Table A5. Phase 2 Dry Residue Run 1 TO11 Carbonyl Emission Rate ............................................................................................................................... 6 Table A6. Phase 2 Dry Residue Run 2 TO17 VOC Emission Rate ....................................................................................................................................... 7 Table A7. Phase 2 Dry Residue Run 2 TO11 Carbonyl Emission Rate ............................................................................................................................... 8 Table A8. Phase 1 Wet Residue TO17 VOC and TO11 Carbonyl Emission Rate................................................................................................................ 9 Table A9. Phase 2 Wet Residue Run 1 TO17 VOC Emission Rate..................................................................................................................................... 10 Table A10. Phase 2 Wet Residue Run 1 TO11 Carbonyl Emission Rate........................................................................................................................... 11 Table A11. Phase 2 Wet Residue Run 2 TO17 VOC Emission Rate................................................................................................................................... 12 Table A12. Phase 2 Wet Residue Run 2 TO11 Carbonyl Emission Rate........................................................................................................................... 13 Table A13. Phase 1 Cooling Pond TO17 VOC Emission Rate ............................................................................................................................................ 14 Table A14. Phase 1 Cooling Pond TO11 Carbonyl Emission Rate .................................................................................................................................... 15 Table A15. Phase 2 Cooling Pond TO17 VOC Emission Rate ............................................................................................................................................ 16 Table A16. Phase 2 Cooling Pond TO11 Carbonyl Emission Rate .................................................................................................................................... 17 Table A17. Phase 1 Run-off Water Storage (ROWS) TO17 VOC and TO11 Carbonyl Emission Rate ............................................................................ 18 Table A18. Phase 2 Run-off Water Storage (ROWS) TO17 VOC Emission Rate .............................................................................................................. 19 Table A19. Phase 2 Run-off Water Storage (ROWS) TO11 Carbonyl Emission Rate....................................................................................................... 20 Table A20. Phase 1 Superthickener TO17 VOC and TO11 Carbonyl Emission Rate ....................................................................................................... 21 Table A21. Phase 2 Superthickener TO17 VOC Emission Rate ......................................................................................................................................... 22 Table A22. Phase 2 Superthickener TO11 Carbonyl Emission Rate ................................................................................................................................. 23 Table A23. Phase 1 Residue Disposal Area 2 (RDA2) TO17 VOC and TO11 Carbonyl Emission Rate.......................................................................... 24 Table A24. Phase 2 Residue Disposal Area 2 (RDA2) TO17 VOC Emission Rate ............................................................................................................ 25 Table A25. Phase 2 Residue Disposal Area 2 (RDA2) TO11 Carbonyl Emission Rate .................................................................................................... 26 Table A26. Phase 2 Superthickener, Cooling Pond and Dry Residue PAH Emission Rate ............................................................................................ 27 Table A27. Phase 1 Lower Dam TO17 VOC and TO11 Carbonyl Emission Rate (Phase 1 only) .................................................................................... 28 Table A28. Phase 1 ROCP2 TO17 VOC and TO11 Carbonyl Emission Rate (Phase 1 only) ........................................................................................... 29 Table A29. Phase 1 Oxalate TO17 VOC and TO11 Carbonyl Emission Rate (Phase 1only)............................................................................................ 30 Table A30. Phase 1 Wet Sand TO17 VOC and TO11 Carbonyl Emission Rate (Phase 1 only) ....................................................................................... 31 61/15324/50009 Wagerup Refinery - Residue Area Emissions Assessment Emissions Appendix 1 Table A1. Phase 2 Bitumen TO17 VOC Emission Rate (No samples collected during Phase 1) VOCs by WIENV 31 Client ID TO17 Date 16/02/2005 16/02/2005 16/02/2005 Time 11:50 18:36 21:05 Hood Perspex Stainless Steel Perspex Tube No B15517 A01467 A72151 05-053 13 05-053 15 05-053 19 µg/m2/min µg/m2/min µg/m2/min 0.43 0.04 0.07 nd 0.01 nd 1,3-xylene 0.11 0.05 nd 1,2-xylene nd 0.01 nd 0.46 0.04 nd nd 0.01 nd 2-methyl naphthalene 0.06 0.06 0.09 1-methyl naphthalene 0.14 0.14 0.04 MPK 0.04 nd nd Geotech ID Toluene Ethyl-benzene Naphthalene 1H-indole Fresh Bitumen Fresh Bitumen Old Bitumen nd = not detected 61/15324/50009 Wagerup Refinery - Residue Area Emissions Assessment Emissions Appendix 2 Table A2. Phase 2 Bitumen TO11 Carbonyls Emission Rate (No samples collected during Phase 1) Carbonyls by WIENV 34 Client ID Fresh Bitumen Fresh Bitumen Old Bitumen Date 16/02/2005 16/02/2005 16/02/2005 Time 11:50 18:36 21:05 Hood Perspex Stainless Steel Perspex Tube No 1274305376 1274305375 1274305379 Geotech ID HP021821.D HP021845.D HP021825.D µg/m2/min µg/m2/min µg/m2/min Formaldehyde 0.52 3.11 0.52 Acetaldehyde nd 1.30 0.23 0.05 0.17 0.03 TO11 Acetone nd = not detected 61/15324/50009 Wagerup Refinery - Residue Area Emissions Assessment Emissions Appendix 3 Table A3. Phase 1 Dry Residue TO17 VOC and TO11 Carbonyl Emission Rate Client ID Dry Residue 28/10 VOCs by WIENV 31 Tube No A14300 TO17 Geotech ID 10280416.D µg/m2/min Acetone 1.50 Benzene 0.81 Toluene 2.12 Benzaldehyde 0.49 Aceto-phenone 1.18 MEK 1.68 MPK 0.29 Carbonyls by WIENV 34 Dry Residue 28/10 µg/m2/min TO11 Formaldehyde nd Acetaldehyde 8.02 Acetone 28.83 61/15324/50009 Wagerup Refinery - Residue Area Emissions Assessment Emissions Appendix 4 Table A4. Phase 2 Dry Residue Run 1 TO17 VOC Emission Rate VOCs by WIENV 31 Date TO17 Time 18:36 18:36 0:08 0:08 3:07 3:07 6:04 6:04 9:12 9:12 12:03 12:03 14:56 14:56 Hood Perspex Stainless Steel Perspex Stainless Steel Perspex Stainless Steel Perspex Stainless Steel Perspex Stainless Steel Perspex Stainless Steel Perspex Stainless Steel Tube No A11293 A11144 C06289 A15036 A72258 C06252 B16433 A72158 A12416 C06646 B15881 A11389 A09645 A14439 02180520.D 02180527.D 02180516.D 14/02/2005 14/02/2005 15/02/2005 15/02/2005 15/02/2005 15/02/2005 15/02/2005 15/02/2005 15/02/2005 15/02/2005 15/02/2005 15/02/2005 15/02/2005 15/02/2005 Geotech ID 02180514.D 02180509.D 02180518.D 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 02180511.D 02180521.D 02180522.D 02180524.D 02180510.D 02180504.D 02180512.D 02180526.D µg/m /min µg/m /min µg/m /min µg/m /min µg/m /min µg/m /min µg/m /min µg/m /min µg/m2/min µg/m2/min µg/m2/min µg/m2/min µg/m2/min µg/m2/min Benzene nd 0.88 nd nd nd nd nd nd 0.05 nd nd 0.03 nd nd Toluene nd 0.04 nd nd nd nd 0.06 nd nd nd nd nd nd nd 1,3-xylene nd 0.05 nd nd nd nd 0.05 nd nd nd nd nd nd nd MEK nd 0.30 nd nd nd nd nd nd nd nd nd nd 0.11 nd MPK nd 0.13 nd nd nd nd nd nd nd nd nd nd nd nd Heptane nd 0.13 nd nd nd nd 0.07 nd nd nd nd nd nd nd Phenol nd nd nd nd nd nd 0.04 0.05 nd nd nd nd nd nd nd = not detected 61/15324/50009 Wagerup Refinery - Residue Area Emissions Assessment Emissions Appendix 5 Table A5. Phase 2 Dry Residue Run 1 TO11 Carbonyl Emission Rate Carbonyls by WIENV 34 Date 14/02/2005 TO11 Time 19:19 18:36 21:05 21:05 0:08 0:08 3:07 3:07 6:04 6:04 9:12 9:12 12:03 12:03 14:56 14:56 Hood Perspex Stainless Steel Perspex Stainless Steel Perspex Stainless Steel Perspex Stainless Steel Perspex Stainless Steel Perspex Stainless Steel Perspex Stainless Steel Perspex Stainless Steel Tube No 14/02/2005 14/02/2005 14/02/2005 15/02/2005 15/02/2005 15/02/2005 15/02/2005 15/02/2005 15/02/2005 15/02/2005 15/02/2005 15/02/2005 15/02/2005 15/02/2005 15/02/2005 1274305376 1274305375 1274305379 1274305370 1274305372 1274305378 1274305377 1274305374 1274305373 1274305371 1274304759 1274304756 1274304758 1274304750 1274304757 1274304753 Geotech ID HP021821.D HP021845.D HP021825.D HP021847.D HP021843.D HP021823.D HP021819.D HP021809.D HP021841.D HP021817.D HP021833.D HP021835.D HP021811.D HP021813.D HP021839.D HP021831.D µg/m2/min µg/m2/min µg/m2/min µg/m2/min µg/m2/min µg/m2/min µg/m2/min µg/m2/min µg/m2/min µg/m2/min µg/m2/min µg/m2/min µg/m2/min µg/m2/min µg/m2/min µg/m2/min Formaldehyde 0.77 3.37 0.78 1.16 3.27 0.20 0.20 0.09 0.03 0.01 nd 0.30 1.88 3.76 1.53 1.40 Acetaldehyde nd 1.30 0.23 0.32 0.26 0.09 0.20 nd 0.20 0.15 0.69 1.12 0.71 1.36 0.15 nd 0.05 0.17 0.03 0.05 0.03 nd 0.01 nd 0.01 nd 0.04 0.12 0.12 0.54 0.45 0.20 nd nd nd nd nd nd nd nd nd nd nd nd nd nd 0.23 nd Acetone MEK nd = not detected 61/15324/50009 Wagerup Refinery - Residue Area Emissions Assessment Emissions Appendix 6 Table A6. Phase 2 Dry Residue Run 2 TO17 VOC Emission Rate VOCs by WIENV 31 Date 25/02/2005 25/02/2005 25/02/2005 25/02/2005 25/02/2005 25/02/2005 25/02/2005 25/02/2005 Time 4.12 4.12 7.03 7.03 10.00 10.00 13.00 13.00 Hood Perspex Stainless Steel Perspex Stainless Steel Perspex Stainless Steel Perspex Stainless Steel Tube No A72166 B16459 A10482 A14506 C06514 B16449 A13823 A01467 03010513.D 03010527.D 03010512.D 03010525.D 03020529.D 03010518.D 03010516.D 03010524.D µg/m2/min µg/m2/min µg/m2/min µg/m2/min µg/m2/min µg/m2/min µg/m2/min µg/m2/min Benzene nd nd nd nd 0.06 nd nd nd Toluene nd nd 0.77 3.37 0.78 1.16 3.27 0.20 Date 25/02/2005 25/02/2005 25/02/2005 25/02/2005 25/02/2005 25/02/2005 26/02/2005 26/02/2005 Time 16.08 16.08 19.00 19.00 22.05 22.05 1.00 1.00 Hood Perspex Stainless Steel Perspex Stainless Steel Perspex Stainless Steel Perspex Stainless Steel Tube No A10058 B15517 A16087 A15036 A11352 A09645 A70150 A14502 03010519.D 03010526.D 03010511.D 03020528.D 03010514.D 03010523.D 03010515.D 03010521.D µg/m2/min µg/m2/min µg/m2/min µg/m2/min µg/m2/min µg/m2/min µg/m2/min µg/m2/min Benzene nd nd nd nd nd nd nd nd Toluene 0.04 0.04 0.05 0.04 0.13 nd 0.06 0.06 TO17 Geotech ID …contd Geotech ID nd = not detected 61/15324/50009 Wagerup Refinery - Residue Area Emissions Assessment Emissions Appendix 7 Table A7. Phase 2 Dry Residue Run 2 TO11 Carbonyl Emission Rate Carbonyls by WIENV 34 Date 25/02/2005 25/02/2005 25/02/2005 25/02/2005 25/02/2005 25/02/2005 25/02/2005 25/02/2005 TO11 Time 4.12 4.12 7.03 7.03 10.00 10.00 13.00 13.00 Hood Perspex Stainless Steel Perspex Stainless Steel Perspex Stainless Steel Perspex Stainless Steel Tube No 1274305529 1274305524 1274305521 1274305520 1274305522 1274305528 1274305525 1274305523 Geotech ID HP030122.D HP030136.D HP030116.D HP030134.D HP030112.D HP030110.D HP030138.D HP030124.D µg/m /min 2 µg/m /min 2 µg/m /min 2 µg/m /min 2 µg/m /min 2 µg/m /min 2 µg/m /min 2 µg/m /min Formaldehyde 0.14 0.16 nd 0.15 0.19 0.43 0.16 0.77 Acetaldehyde nd nd nd 0.07 nd 0.06 0.50 nd 0.38 0.25 0.41 0.34 0.32 0.47 0.73 0.49 nd nd nd nd 0.15 nd nd nd Acetone MEK 2 nd nd nd nd nd nd nd nd Date 25/02/2005 25/02/2005 25/02/2005 25/02/2005 25/02/2005 25/02/2005 26/02/2005 26/02/2005 Time 16.08 16.08 19.00 19.00 22.05 22.05 1.00 1.00 Hood Perspex Stainless Steel Perspex Stainless Steel Perspex Stainless Steel Perspex Stainless Steel Tube No 1274305526 1274305527 1274305544 1274305545 1274305549 1274305548 1274305547 1274305543 Geotech ID HP030144.D HP030140.D HP030120.D HP030142.D HP030114.D HP030118.D HP030130.D HP030132.D 2 µg/m /min 2 µg/m /min 2 µg/m /min 2 µg/m /min 2 µg/m /min 2 µg/m /min 2 µg/m /min µg/m /min Formaldehyde 0.19 nd 0.14 0.16 nd 0.13 0.14 nd Acetaldehyde nd nd nd 0.12 nd 0.02 0.07 nd Acetone 0.63 0.29 0.27 0.65 0.24 0.35 0.46 0.39 MEK 0.17 nd nd nd nd nd nd nd iso-Butanal 3.25 nd nd nd nd nd nd nd iso-Butanal …contd 61/15324/50009 Wagerup Refinery - Residue Area Emissions Assessment Emissions Appendix 2 8 Table A8. Phase 1 Wet Residue TO17 VOC and TO11 Carbonyl Emission Rate VOCs by WIENV 31 Client ID Dry Residue 28/10 TO17 Tube No A14300 Geotech ID 10280416.D µg/m2/min Acetone 117.29 Benzene 0.31 Toluene nd Benzaldehyde 0.65 Aceto-phenone 1.54 MEK 9.07 MPK 0.56 Heptane 0.70 Carbonyls by WIENV 34 Client ID Dry Residue 28/10 TO11 Tube No 979701729 Geotech ID HP110315.D µg/m2/min Formaldehyde nd Acetaldehyde 0.02 Acetone 7.34 61/15324/50009 Wagerup Refinery - Residue Area Emissions Assessment Emissions Appendix 9 Table A9. Phase 2 Wet Residue Run 1 TO17 VOC Emission Rate VOCs by WIENV 31 Date 18/02/2005 18/02/2005 18/02/2005 18/02/2005 18/02/2005 18/02/2005 18/02/2005 Time 3:00 3:00 9:30 9:30 13:25 13:25 21:11 Type Perspex Stainless Steel Perspex Stainless Steel Perspex Stainless Steel Perspex Tube No A63757 A14314 A10347 A70303 A13110 A10353 A10069 Geotech ID 02240506.D 02240507.D 02240512.D 02240508.D 02240510.D 02240511.D 02240504.D ug/m2/min µg/m2/min µg/m2/min µg/m2/min µg/m2/min µg/m2/min µg/m2/min µg/m2/min Acetone 104.25 24.06 nd 6.80 nd nd 71.56 Benzene nd nd 0.08 0.06 0.54 nd 0.03 Toluene nd nd 0.02 nd nd nd nd Naphthalene nd nd nd nd nd nd 0.02 2-methyl naphthalene nd nd 0.02 nd 0.73 nd 0.06 1-methyl naphthalene 0.03 nd 0.04 nd 0.12 0.02 0.06 MEK 13.21 7.79 0.64 0.88 nd 2.14 5.80 MPK 0.65 0.62 1.42 nd 0.64 0.32 1.43 3 methyl butanal 0.33 0.07 0.05 0.04 nd 0.04 0.04 Heptane 1.53 nd nd nd nd nd nd Phenol 0.02 0.02 0.03 0.02 0.06 nd nd Nitrobenzene 0.02 nd nd nd 0.03 nd nd Iodomethane nd nd nd nd nd nd nd TO17 61/15324/50009 Wagerup Refinery - Residue Area Emissions Assessment Emissions Appendix 10 Table A10. Phase 2 Wet Residue Run 1 TO11 Carbonyl Emission Rate Carbonyls by WIENV 34 Date 18/02/2005 18/02/2005 18/02/2005 18/02/2005 18/02/2005 18/02/2005 18/02/2005 18/02/2005 Time 3:00 3:00 9:30 9:30 13:25 13:25 21:11 21:11 Hood Perspex Stainless Steel Perspex Stainless Steel Perspex Stainless Steel Perspex Stainless Steel 1274304990 1274304995 1274304755 1274304751 1274304997 1274304998 1274304754 1274304752 Geotech ID HP022519.D HP022513.D HP022517.D HP022524.D HP022526.D HP022520.D HP022511.D HP022515.D µg/m2/min µg/m2/min µg/m2/min µg/m2/min µg/m2/min µg/m2/min µg/m2/min µg/m2/min Formaldehyde 1.60 0.96 0.99 1.09 0.05 nd 1.11 1.25 Acetaldehyde 0.47 0.09 1.21 1.12 1.48 1.63 1.63 0.72 Acetone 2.92 1.53 1.74 2.29 2.64 5.05 3.99 1.89 Propanal nd 1.75 nd 0.16 nd nd nd nd 0.32 0.21 nd 0.25 0.41 0.55 0.31 0.17 iso-Butanal nd nd 0.15 nd nd nd nd nd Benzaldehyde nd nd nd 0.31 0.26 nd 0.23 nd TO11 Tube No MEK nd = not detected 61/15324/50009 Wagerup Refinery - Residue Area Emissions Assessment Emissions Appendix 11 Table A11. Phase 2 Wet Residue Run 2 TO17 VOC Emission Rate VOCs by WIENV 31 Date 28/02/2005 28/02/2005 28/02/2005 28/02/2005 28/02/2005 28/02/2005 Time 11.15 11.15 17.07 17.07 23.00 23.00 Hood Perspex Stainless Steel Perspex Stainless Steel Perspex Stainless Steel Tube No C06289 C06252 A00360 A11408 C06646 A09661 µg/m2/min µg/m2/min µg/m2/min µg/m2/min µg/m2/min µg/m2/min Toluene 0.09 0.06 0.07 0.06 0.06 0.05 Styrene nd nd 2.00 nd nd nd Benzaldehyde 0.44 0.17 nd nd 0.08 nd Aceto-phenone 0.12 0.29 0.32 0.33 0.66 0.13 nd 0.02 0.02 nd nd 0.01 2-methyl naphthalene 0.14 0.06 0.07 nd nd nd 1-methyl naphthalene 0.07 nd 0.04 nd nd nd MPK 0.83 0.65 0.70 0.27 0.11 0.08 MIBK 0.18 nd nd nd nd nd nd 0.02 nd nd nd nd TO17 Naphthalene Phenol nd = not detected 61/15324/50009 Wagerup Refinery - Residue Area Emissions Assessment Emissions Appendix 12 Table A12. Phase 2 Wet Residue Run 2 TO11 Carbonyl Emission Rate Carbonyls by WIENV 34 Date 28/02/2005 28/02/2005 28/02/2005 28/02/2005 28/02/2005 28/02/2005 28/02/2005 28/02/2005 28/02/2005 28/02/2005 Time 9.15 9.15 11.15 11.15 13.00 13.00 17.07 17.07 23.00 23.00 Hood Inside Outside Perspex Stainless Steel Inside Outside Perspex Stainless Steel Perspex Stainless Steel Tube No 1274304608 1274304603 1274304605 1274304692 1274304691 1274304690 1274305259 1274305250 1274304699 1274304698 Geotech ID HP030204.D HP030202.D HP030203.D HP030207.D HP030206.D HP030205.D HP030219.D HP030215.D HP030214.D HP030213.D µg/m2/min µg/m2/min µg/m2/min µg/m2/min µg/m2/min µg/m2/min µg/m2/min µg/m2/min µg/m2/min µg/m2/min Formaldehyde 0.08 0.09 0.13 0.16 0.14 0.11 0.10 0.13 nd nd Acetaldehyde 0.73 0.35 1.75 0.53 1.18 0.56 1.12 0.88 0.25 nd Acetone 2.38 1.34 2.78 3.06 2.08 1.38 4.21 3.44 1.64 1.06 MEK 0.27 0.15 0.32 0.62 0.23 0.20 0.42 0.39 0.22 0.21 iso-Butanal nd nd nd nd 0.33 nd nd nd nd nd n-Pentanal nd nd 1.46 nd nd nd 0.20 nd nd nd TO11 nd = not detected 61/15324/50009 Wagerup Refinery - Residue Area Emissions Assessment Emissions Appendix 13 Table A13. Phase 1 Cooling Pond TO17 VOC Emission Rate VOCs by WIENV 31 Client ID Cooling Pond 1 Cooling Pond 1 Cooling Pond 2 TO17 Tube No A14306 A70218 A11389 10280407.D 10280409.D 10280421.D 2 µg/m /min 2 µg/m /min µg/m2/min Acetone nd nd 49.97 Benzene 2.91 7.92 nd Toluene 0.56 1.10 0.19 nd 0.13 nd Benzaldehyde 0.83 2.56 0.20 Naphthalene 0.13 0.24 nd 2-methyl naphthalene 0.12 0.18 0.19 1-methyl naphthalene nd 0.16 0.12 MEK nd nd 7.32 MPK 0.75 1.97 0.74 MIBK nd 0.22 nd Phenol 0.29 nd nd Dibutylamine 1.00 2.26 2.39 2 Ethyl Hexanol 3.39 11.17 0.60 Geotech ID 1,3-xylene 61/15324/50009 Wagerup Refinery - Residue Area Emissions Assessment Emissions Appendix 14 Table A14. Phase 1 Cooling Pond TO11 Carbonyl Emission Rate Carbonyls by WIENV 34 Client ID Cooling Pond 1 TO11 Tube No 922803918 922803916 HP102842.D HP102834.D Geotech ID µg/m2/min Cooling Pond 1 µg/m2/min Cooling Pond 2 µg/m2/min Formaldehyde nd nd Acetaldehyde 10.27 37.79 Acetone 31.02 53.36 61/15324/50009 Wagerup Refinery - Residue Area Emissions Assessment Emissions Appendix 15 Table A15. Phase 2 Cooling Pond TO17 VOC Emission Rate VOCs by WIENV 31 Client ID Cooling Pond Inlet Cooling Pond Berm Cooling Pond Outlet Date 24/02/2005 24/02/2005 24/02/2005 Time 13.33 15.05 16.30 B16456 A11071 A15016 02250507.D 02250506.D 02250509.D µg/m2/min µg/m2/min µg/m2/min 0.48 0.16 nd Benzene nd nd 0.62 Toluene 0.43 0.47 nd nd 0.15 nd 1,3-xylene 0.10 0.11 nd Naphthalene 0.39 0.47 0.12 2-methyl naphthalene 0.12 0.11 nd 1-methyl naphthalene 0.31 0.35 0.14 MPK 5.81 10.23 2.48 3 methyl butanal 0.39 0.11 nd MIBK 0.98 0.63 0.64 nd nd 0.17 TO17 Tube No Geotech ID Hexatriene Ethyl-benzene Methyl cyclohexane 61/15324/50009 Wagerup Refinery - Residue Area Emissions Assessment Emissions Appendix 16 Table A16. Phase 2 Cooling Pond TO11 Carbonyl Emission Rate Carbonyls by WIENV 34 Client ID Cooling Pond Inlet Cooling Pond Berm Cooling Pond Outlet TO11 Date 24/02/2005 24/02/2005 24/02/2005 Time 13.33 15.05 16.30 B A C HP022530.D HP022529.D HP022532.D µg/m2/min µg/m2/min µg/m2/min Formaldehyde 0.25 nd nd Acetaldehyde 12.50 nd 17.31 Acetone 7.89 13.28 18.54 Propanal 0.63 nd 0.59 MEK 1.15 1.71 3.07 Benzaldehyde 1.08 nd 0.99 2-Pentanone 0.31 0.44 0.95 n-Pentanal 0.91 0.39 0.82 Tube No Geotech ID nd = not detected 61/15324/50009 Wagerup Refinery - Residue Area Emissions Assessment Emissions Appendix 17 Table A17. Phase 1 Run-off Water Storage (ROWS) TO17 VOC and TO11 Carbonyl Emission Rate VOCs by WIENV 31 Client ID Rows Pond 1 Rows Pond 2 TO17 Tube No A12078 A73725 10280408.D 10280420.D µg/m2/min µg/m2/min Acetone nd 1.61 Benzene nd 2.66 Toluene nd 1.05 Heptane nd 11.77 Dibutylamine 12.16 nd 2 Ethyl Hexanol 0.40 nd Geotech ID Semi-quantitive Results Carbonyls by WIENV 34 Client ID Rows Pond 1 Rows Pond 2 TO11 Tube No 9.23E+08 9.23E+08 HP102813.D HP102811.D µg/m2/min µg/m2/min Formaldehyde nd nd Acetaldehyde 1.21 nd Acetone 0.63 nd Geotech ID 61/15324/50009 Wagerup Refinery - Residue Area Emissions Assessment Emissions Appendix 18 Table A18. Phase 2 Run-off Water Storage (ROWS) TO17 VOC Emission Rate VOCs by WIENV 31 Client ID ROWS1 ROWS2 ROWS3A ROWS3B Date 24/02/2005 24/02/2005 1/03/2005 1/03/2005 Time 12.40 15.40 18.45 20.08 A11369 A10755 A11293 A72158 03010517.D 02250508.D µg/m2/min µg/m2/min µg/m2/min µg/m2/min 0.14 nd 0.04 0.02 Aceto-phenone nd nd nd 0.04 Naphthalene nd nd 0.01 0.02 Phenol nd nd nd nd TO17 Tube No Geotech ID Toluene nd = not detected 61/15324/50009 Wagerup Refinery - Residue Area Emissions Assessment Emissions Appendix 19 Table A19. Phase 2 Run-off Water Storage (ROWS) TO11 Carbonyl Emission Rate Carbonyls by WIENV 34 Client ID ROWS1 ROWS2 ROWS3A ROWS3B TO11 Date 24/02/2005 24/02/2005 1/03/2005 1/03/2005 Time 12.40 15.40 18.45 20.08 Tube No 1274304994 1274305255 1274305253 1274305254 Geotech ID HP030126.D HP022534.D HP030217.D HP030218.D µg/m2/min µg/m2/min µg/m2/min µg/m2/min Formaldehyde nd 2.20 nd nd Acetaldehyde 0.02 0.25 nd nd Acetone 0.26 0.17 0.25 0.32 nd = not detected 61/15324/50009 Wagerup Refinery - Residue Area Emissions Assessment Emissions Appendix 20 Table A20. Phase 1 Superthickener TO17 VOC and TO11 Carbonyl Emission Rate VOCs by WIENV 31 Client ID Superthickener Superthickener TO17 Tube No A13714 A10353 10280411.D 10280423.D 2 µg/m /min µg/m2/min Acetone nd 2623.38 Benzene 1.38 2.04 Toluene 4.43 4.31 1,3-xylene 1.31 0.33 Benzaldehyde 7.00 7.39 Naphthalene 1.01 nd 2-methyl naphthalene 2.67 2.63 1-methyl naphthalene 1.88 1.79 Biphenyl 0.35 0.35 MEK nd 407.88 MPK 16.35 29.26 heptane 0.37 0.38 MIBK 2.73 nd Client ID Superthickener Superthickener Superthickener 3 Superthickener 2 Tube No 979701719.00 979701735.00 # 0979701615 979701634.00 HP110306.D HP102830.D 2 µg/m /min µg/m2/min µg/m2/min µg/m2/min Formaldehyde nd nd 23.35 11.37 Acetaldehyde 231.15 211.21 156.90 176.76 Acetone 793.54 567.53 637.26 621.74 Geotech ID Carbonyls by WIENV 34 Geotech ID 61/15324/50009 Wagerup Refinery - Residue Area Emissions Assessment Emissions Appendix 21 Table A21. Phase 2 Superthickener TO17 VOC Emission Rate VOCs by WIENV 31 Client ID Superthickener Superthickener TO17 Date 1/03/2005 1/03/2005 A72188 A12413 µg/m2/min µg/m2/min Benzene 0.99 1.24 Toluene 4.72 4.29 1,3-xylene 0.28 0.86 1,2-xylene nd 0.28 Benzaldehyde nd 0.43 Aceto-phenone 7.07 7.29 Naphthalene 0.12 0.15 2-methyl naphthalene 0.16 0.34 1-methyl naphthalene 0.13 0.26 MPK 16.72 23.58 MIBK 3.00 3.43 DMDS 1.78 1.59 Tube No 61/15324/50009 Wagerup Refinery - Residue Area Emissions Assessment Emissions Appendix 22 Table A22. Phase 2 Superthickener TO11 Carbonyl Emission Rate Carbonyls by WIENV 34 Client ID Superthickener Superthickener TO11 Date 1/03/2005 1/03/2005 Tube No 1274304694 1274304693 Geotech ID HP030209.D HP030208.D µg/m2/min µg/m2/min Formaldehyde 0.69 0.87 Acetaldehyde 58.02 55.45 Acetone 74.79 79.92 Propanal 1.60 1.48 MEK 6.99 8.27 iso-Butanal 0.49 0.73 Benzaldehyde 2.01 2.05 2-Pentanone 1.97 2.70 n-Pentanal 2.90 2.41 61/15324/50009 Wagerup Refinery - Residue Area Emissions Assessment Emissions Appendix 23 Table A23. Phase 1 Residue Disposal Area 2 (RDA2) TO17 VOC and TO11 Carbonyl Emission Rate VOCs by WIENV 31 Client ID RDA2-1 RDA2-2 TO17 Tube No A13823 A00360 10280405.D 10280417.D µg/m2/min µg/m2/min nd 16.17 0.49 nd Geotech ID Acetone 1,3-xylene Carbonyls by WIENV 34 Client ID RDA2-1 RDA2-2 TO11 Tube No 922803911.00 922803917.00 HP102824.D HP102815.D µg/m2/min µg/m2/min Formaldehyde nd nd Acetaldehyde 8.27 3.05 Acetone 41.39 16.66 Geotech ID nd = not detected 61/15324/50009 Wagerup Refinery - Residue Area Emissions Assessment Emissions Appendix 24 Table A24. Phase 2 Residue Disposal Area 2 (RDA2) TO17 VOC Emission Rate VOCs by WIENV 31 Date 1/03/2005 1/03/2005 1/03/2005 11.00 13.30 16.00 A72151 A62959 A72163 µg/m2/min µg/m2/min µg/m2/min Benzene nd nd 0.14 Toluene nd 0.05 0.43 Benzaldehyde nd 0.12 nd Aceto-phenone nd 0.04 0.86 Naphthalene nd 0.01 0.09 2-methyl naphthalene nd nd 0.16 1-methyl naphthalene nd nd 0.12 MPK 0.76 nd 9.32 MIBK nd nd 0.86 DMDS nd nd 0.13 Dimethylacetamide nd 0.06 nd Time TO17 Tube No nd = not detected 61/15324/50009 Wagerup Refinery - Residue Area Emissions Assessment Emissions Appendix 25 Table A25. Phase 2 Residue Disposal Area 2 (RDA2) TO11 Carbonyl Emission Rate Carbonyls by WIENV 34 Date Time TO11 Tube No 1/03/2005 1/03/2005 1/03/2005 11.00 13.30 16.00 1274305251 1274304695 1274304252 Geotech ID HP030216.D HP030210.D HP030201.D µg/m2/min µg/m2/min µg/m2/min Formaldehyde 0.13 0.12 0.14 Acetaldehyde 7.19 9.51 9.41 Acetone 9.54 13.64 11.62 Propanal nd 0.13 nd MEK 1.12 1.70 1.58 Benzaldehyde 0.52 0.58 0.65 2-Pentanone 0.47 0.72 0.59 n-Pentanal 0.57 1.03 0.71 nd = not detected 61/15324/50009 Wagerup Refinery - Residue Area Emissions Assessment Emissions Appendix 26 Table A26. Phase 2 Superthickener, Cooling Pond and Dry Residue PAH Emission Rate PAHs Client ID Superthickener Cooling Pond Dry Residue 01/03/2005 01/03/2005 22/02/2005 DT030305.D DT030309.D DT022508.D ng/m2/min ng/m2/min ng/m2/min Naphthalene 34.38 7.49 13.49 Acenaphthylene 1.74 1.36 nd Acenaphthene 2.43 0.39 nd Fluorene 1.82 nd nd Phenanthrene 1.23 0.33 nd Chrysene 0.82 0.23 0.22 Date Geotech ID nd = not detected 61/15324/50009 Wagerup Refinery - Residue Area Emissions Assessment Emissions Appendix 27 Table A27. Phase 1 Lower Dam TO17 VOC and TO11 Carbonyl Emission Rate (Phase 1 only) VOCs by WIENV 31 Client ID Lower Dam 1 Lower Dam 2 TO17 Tube No A08278 A15036 10280404.D 10280416.D µg/m2/min µg/m2/min Acetone NM 11.19 Benzene 0.95 nd Toluene 0.24 nd nd 0.28 heptane 2.28 nd Methyl cyclohexane 0.17 nd Geotech ID MEK Carbonyls by WIENV 34 Client ID Lower Dam 1 Lower Dam 2 TO11 Tube No 922803912.00 922803919.00 HP102840.D HP102821.D µg/m2/min µg/m2/min Formaldehyde nd nd Acetaldehyde 0.65 2.53 Acetone 6.29 12.67 Geotech ID 61/15324/50009 Wagerup Refinery - Residue Area Emissions Assessment Emissions Appendix 28 Table A28. Phase 1 ROCP2 TO17 VOC and TO11 Carbonyl Emission Rate (Phase 1 only) VOCs by WIENV 31 Client ID ROCP2-1 ROCP2-2 TO17 Tube No C06214 A63757 10280406.D 10280418.D µg/m2/min µg/m2/min Acetone NM 10.39 Benzene 0.35 0.24 MEK nd 0.74 MIBK nd 0.22 Geotech ID Carbonyls by WIENV 34 Client ID ROCP2-1 ROCP2-2 TO11 Tube No 922803910.00 922803914.00 HP102832.D HP102817.D µg/m2/min µg/m2/min Formaldehyde nd nd Acetaldehyde 7.08 nd Acetone 3.90 0.87 Geotech ID 61/15324/50009 Wagerup Refinery - Residue Area Emissions Assessment Emissions Appendix 29 Table A29. Phase 1 Oxalate TO17 VOC and TO11 Carbonyl Emission Rate (Phase 1only) VOCs by WIENV 31 Client ID Oxalate Oxalate TO17 Tube No A09661 C06646 10280410.D 10280422.D µg/m2/min µg/m2/min Acetone nd 8.82 Benzene 2.20 1.73 Toluene 0.82 0.82 Benzaldehyde 0.42 0.36 MEK nd 2.74 MPK 0.15 0.38 Heptane 0.17 nd Phenol 0.10 0.22 Dibutylamine 9.07 17.93 2 Ethyl Hexanol 0.88 1.85 Geotech ID Carbonyls by WIENV 34 Client ID Oxalate Oxalate TO11 Tube No 979701749.00 979701705.00 HP102819.D HP102838.D µg/m2/min µg/m2/min Formaldehyde nd nd Acetaldehyde 1.09 2.61 Acetone 2.79 10.21 Geotech ID 61/15324/50009 Wagerup Refinery - Residue Area Emissions Assessment Emissions Appendix 30 Table A30. Phase 1 Wet Sand TO17 VOC and TO11 Carbonyl Emission Rate (Phase 1 only) VOCs by WIENV 31 Client ID Sand 28/10 TO17 Tube No A13190 Geotech ID 10280404.D µg/m2/min Acetone 119.91 Benzene 1.12 Benzaldehyde 1.47 Aceto-phenone 2.37 2-methyl naphthalene 107.92 MEK 13.64 MPK 0.89 Phenol 0.12 Carbonyls by WIENV 34 Client ID Sand 28/10 TO11 Tube No 979701772.00 Geotech ID HP110309.D µg/m2/min Formaldehyde nd Acetaldehyde nd Acetone nd 61/15324/50009 Wagerup Refinery - Residue Area Emissions Assessment Emissions Appendix 31 61/15324/50009 Wagerup Refinery - Residue Area Emissions Assessment Emissions Appendix 32 Appendix B Laboratory Results 61/15324/47345 Residue Pond Emissions Assessment of Emissions from Area Sources 41 Phase 1 Env 04-314 Final.xls, Report GHD PO Box Y3106 Perth WA 6832 Attention: Your Ref No: Our Ref No: November 22, 2004 Mark Goldstone 61-15324 ENV 04-314 REPORT ON SAMPLE ANALYSIS Introduction: Fourteen liquid samples, seventeen TO17 tubes and fourteen DNPH tubes were received on the 28th October 2004, it was requested that the samples be analysed to determine a number of components. Methods of Analysis: The TO17 tubes were analysed to determine the amount of Volatile Organic Compounds according to WIENV 31 (based on the analytical section of US EPA TO15 and TO17). The DNPH tubes were analysed to determine the amount of aldehydes and keytones according to WIENV 34 (based on USEPA TO5 and TO11A). The caustic solutions were analysed to determine the amount of VOCs present by purge and trap gas chromatography mass spectrometry using WIENV 38 based on US EPA Methods 5030 and 8260B. TOC and carbonate are being determined by SGS laboratories. Sodium and aluminium were determined by atomic adsorption spectroscopy. Results The results are tabulated on the following worksheet. GEOTECHNICAL SERVICES Nigel West Senior Chemist Page 1 of 1 Angela Downey Environmental Chemist Data supplied by Geotechnical Services. This report should only be reproduced in full. (I) RESULTS Page 1 of 6 acetone hexatriene benzene pyridine toluene ethyl-benzene 1,3-xylene ethynyl-benzene styrene 1,2-xylene benzaldehyde 1,3,5-trimethyl-benzene benzonitrile benzofuran aceto-phenone naphthalene quinoline 1H-indole 2-methyl naphthalene 1-methyl naphthalene biphenyl acenaph-thylene acenaph-thene dibenzo-furan 9H-fluorene MEK MPK 3 methyl butanal heptane MIBK DMDS dimethylacetamide phenol nitrobenzene methyl cyclohexane dimethylformamide Iodomethane indene Semi-quantitive Results Dibutylamine 2 Ethyl Hexanol Analyte VOCs by WIENV 31 Matrix: Mixed Not Monitored nd 0.050 nd 0.013 nd nd nd nd nd nd nd nd nd nd nd nd nd nd nd nd nd nd nd nd Not Monitored nd nd 0.120 nd nd nd nd nd 0.009 nd nd nd nd nd 0.01 0.01 Lower Dam 1 A08278 10280404.D total ug 0.005 0.005 0.005 0.005 0.005 0.005 0.005 0.005 0.005 0.005 0.005 0.005 0.005 0.005 0.005 0.005 0.005 0.005 0.005 0.005 0.005 0.005 0.005 0.005 0.005 0.005 0.005 0.005 0.005 0.005 0.005 0.005 0.005 0.005 0.005 0.005 0.005 0.005 Client ID Tube No Geotech ID PQL (ug) nd nd 0.57 nd nd nd nd nd nd nd nd nd nd nd nd nd nd nd nd nd nd nd nd nd nd nd nd 0.014 nd nd nd nd nd nd nd nd nd nd nd nd Lower Dam 2 A15036 10280416.D total ug nd nd Not Monitored nd nd nd nd nd 0.025 nd nd nd nd nd nd nd nd nd nd nd nd nd nd nd nd nd nd Not Monitored nd nd nd nd nd nd nd nd nd nd nd nd ROA2-1 A13823 10280405.D total ug nd nd 0.82 nd nd nd nd nd nd nd nd nd nd nd nd nd nd nd nd nd nd nd nd nd nd nd nd nd nd nd nd nd nd nd nd nd nd nd nd nd ROA2-2 A00360 10280417.D total ug nd 0.01 Not Monitored nd 0.018 nd nd nd nd nd nd nd nd nd nd nd nd nd nd nd nd nd nd nd nd nd nd Not Monitored nd nd nd nd nd nd nd nd nd nd nd nd ROCP2-1 C06214 10280406.D total ug Env 04-314 Final.xls, Summarised Results nd nd 0.05 0.17 Not Monitored nd 0.15 nd 0.028 nd nd nd nd nd 0.047 nd nd nd nd 0.006 nd nd 0.006 nd nd nd nd nd nd Not Monitored 0.038 nd nd nd nd nd 0.014 nd nd nd nd nd 0.17 0.84 0.61 0.02 Not Monitored Not Monitored nd nd 0.60 nd nd nd 0.083 nd nd nd 0.010 nd nd nd nd nd nd nd 0.20 nd nd nd nd nd nd nd nd nd 0.018 nd nd nd nd nd 0.014 nd 0.012 nd nd nd nd nd nd nd nd nd nd nd Not Monitored Not Monitored 0.15 nd nd nd nd nd 0.02 nd nd nd nd nd nd nd nd nd nd nd nd nd nd nd nd nd 0 0 2.5 nd nd nd 0.010 nd nd nd nd nd 0.016 nd nd nd nd nd nd nd 0.010 0.006 nd nd nd nd nd 0.37 0.037 nd nd nd nd nd nd nd nd nd nd nd Data supplied by Geotechnical Services. This report should only be reproduced in full. 0.530 nd 0.012 nd nd nd nd nd nd nd nd nd nd nd nd nd nd nd nd nd nd nd nd nd nd 0.037 nd nd nd 0.011 nd nd nd nd nd nd nd nd ROCP2-2 Cooling Pond 1 Cooling Pond 1 Rows Pond 1 Cooling Pond 2 A63757 A14306 A70218 A12078 A11389 10280418.D 10280407.D 10280409.D 10280408.D 10280421.D total ug total ug total ug total ug total ug Page 2 of 6 nd = not detected Carbonate (mg/L) TOC (mg/L) Sodium by AAS (mg/L) Aluminium by AAS (mg/L) Others 1,3, 5 Hexatriene heptane methyl cyclohexane benzene MIBK DMDS toluene ethylbenzene 1,3-xylene ethynylbenzene 1,2-xylene styrene benzofuran 1,3,5-trimethylbenzene indene 2 Methyl Nap 1 Methyl Nap VOCs by WIENV 38 Formaldehyde Acetaldehyde Acetone Propanal MEK iso-Butanal Benzaldehyde 2-Pentanone n-Pentanal p-Tolualdehyde 2-Hexanone Hexanal Carbonyls by WIENV 34 PQL 10 mg/L 1 mg/L 0.1 mg/L 0.5 mg/L PQL (mg/L) 0.003 0.003 0.003 0.003 0.01 0.003 0.003 0.003 0.003 0.003 0.003 0.003 0.03 0.003 0.01 0.03 0.03 0.2 0.2 0.2 0.2 0.2 0.2 0.2 0.2 0.2 0.2 0.2 0.2 total ug Client ID Lower Dam 1 #7 120 12 20 1.2 Lower Dam 1 #7 PT110209.D mg/L nd nd nd nd nd nd nd nd nd nd nd nd nd nd nd nd nd Lower Dam 2 #8 120 10 19 1.0 Lower Dam 2 #8 PT110210.D mg/L nd nd nd nd nd nd nd nd nd nd nd nd nd nd nd nd nd 0.19 0.86 3.80 nd nd nd nd nd nd nd nd nd Lower Dam 2 922803919 HP102821.D total ug Lower Dam 1 922803912 HP102840.D total ug nd 0.39 2.2 nd nd nd nd nd nd nd nd nd Lower Dam 2 Lower Dam 1 ROA2-1 #5 22000 1500 11900 3560 ROA2-1 #5 PT110207.D mg/L nd nd nd nd nd nd nd nd nd nd nd nd nd nd nd nd nd 0.46 2.3 11 nd 1.4 nd nd 0.35 0.22 nd nd nd ROA2-1 922803911 HP102824.D total ug ROA2-1 ROA2-2 #6 22000 1500 12200 3580 ROA2-2 #6 PT110208.D mg/L nd nd nd nd nd nd nd nd nd nd nd nd nd nd nd nd nd 0.2 0.99 4.8 nd nd nd nd nd nd nd nd nd ROA2-2 922803917 HP102815.D total ug ROA2-2 ROCP2-2 Cooling Pond 1 Cooling Pond 1 Rows Pond 1 Cooling Pond 2 nd nd 0.84 nd nd nd nd nd nd nd nd nd 1.2 2.8 8.4 nd 1.1 nd 0.32 nd nd nd nd nd ROCP2-1 #11 10000 630 4800 510 Cooling Pond 1 #1 17000 1200 9700 2990 Rows 1 #3 3000 120 1600 190 Rows 1 #3 PT110205.D mg/L nd nd nd nd nd nd nd nd nd nd nd nd nd nd nd nd nd 0.26 0.53 0.78 nd nd nd nd nd nd nd nd nd Cooling Pond 2 #2 22000 1300 10100 3080 Cooling Pond 2 #2 PT110307.D mg/L nd nd nd nd nd nd nd nd nd nd nd nd nd nd nd nd nd 0.44 9.70 14.00 0.49 1.60 nd 0.78 0.33 0.57 nd nd nd Data supplied by Geotechnical Services. This report should only be reproduced in full. ROCP2-2 #12 8700 470 4600 390 ROCP2-1 ROCP2-2 Cooling Pond 1 #11 #12 #1 PT110214.D PT110213.D PT110203.D mg/L mg/L mg/L nd nd nd nd nd nd nd nd nd nd nd nd nd nd nd nd nd nd nd nd nd nd nd nd nd nd nd nd nd nd nd nd nd nd nd nd nd nd nd nd nd nd nd nd nd nd nd nd nd nd nd 0.2 2 1.6 nd nd nd nd nd nd nd nd nd ROCP2-1 ROCP2-2 Cooling Pond 1 Cooling Pond 1 Rows Pond 1 Cooling Pond 2 922803910 922803914 922803918 922803913.00 922803916.00 HP102832.D HP102817.D HP102842.D HP102813.D HP102834.D total ug total ug total ug total ug total ug total ug ROCP2-1 Env 04-314 Final.xls, Summarised Results (I) RESULTS Page 3 of 6 acetone hexatriene benzene pyridine toluene ethyl-benzene 1,3-xylene ethynyl-benzene styrene 1,2-xylene benzaldehyde 1,3,5-trimethyl-benzene benzonitrile benzofuran aceto-phenone naphthalene quinoline 1H-indole 2-methyl naphthalene 1-methyl naphthalene biphenyl acenaph-thylene acenaph-thene dibenzo-furan 9H-fluorene MEK MPK 3 methyl butanal heptane MIBK DMDS dimethylacetamide phenol nitrobenzene methyl cyclohexane dimethylformamide Iodomethane indene Semi-quantitive Results Dibutylamine 2 Ethyl Hexanol Analyte VOCs by WIENV 31 Matrix: Mixed 0.106 nd 0.160 nd 0.063 nd nd nd nd nd nd nd nd nd nd nd nd nd nd nd nd nd nd nd nd nd nd nd 0.708 nd nd nd nd nd nd nd nd nd nd nd 1 1 Rows Pond 2 A73725 10280420.D total ug 12.5 nd 0.124 nd 0.017 nd nd nd nd nd 0.093 nd nd nd nd 0.011 nd nd 0.011 0.009 nd nd nd nd nd 2.3 0.12 nd 0.009 0.014 nd nd nd nd nd nd nd nd Cooling Pond 2 A70310 10280419.D total ug 0 0 Not Monitored nd 0.075 nd 0.028 nd nd nd nd nd 0.020 nd nd nd nd nd nd nd nd nd nd nd nd nd nd Not Monitored 0.005 nd 0.006 nd nd nd 0.004 nd nd nd nd nd 26th Oct A09661 10280410.D total ug 1 0 0.44 nd 0.084 nd 0.040 nd nd nd nd nd 0.023 nd nd nd nd nd nd nd nd nd nd nd nd nd nd 0.13 0.02 nd nd nd nd nd 0.011 nd nd nd nd nd 26th Oct C06646 10280422.D total ug nd 1 Not Monitored nd 0.035 nd 0.11 nd 0.033 nd nd nd 0.181 nd nd nd nd 0.025 nd nd 0.067 0.047 0.009 nd nd nd nd Not Monitored 0.41 nd 0.009 0.069 nd nd nd nd nd nd nd nd 27th Oct A13714 10280411.D total ug nd 1 66.9 nd 0.052 nd 0.11 nd 0.008 nd nd nd 0.19 nd nd nd nd nd nd nd 0.067 0.046 0.009 nd nd nd nd 10 0.7 nd 0.010 nd nd nd nd nd nd nd nd nd 27th Oct A10353 10280423.D total ug 5020 nd 47 nd nd nd nd nd nd nd 67 nd nd nd 99 nd nd nd 5 nd nd nd nd nd nd 570 37 nd nd nd nd nd 5 nd nd nd nd nd Sand 28/10 A13190 10280404.D total ng Env 04-314 Final.xls, Summarised Results 3370 nd 9 nd nd nd nd nd nd nd 24 nd nd nd 44 nd nd nd nd nd nd nd nd nd nd 260 16 nd 20 nd nd nd nd nd nd nd nd nd Wet Mud 28/10 A12494 10280405.D total ng nd nd Not Monitored nd nd nd nd nd nd nd nd nd 0.008 nd nd nd nd nd nd nd nd nd nd nd nd nd nd Not Monitored nd nd nd nd nd nd nd nd nd nd nd nd Untitled A70014 10280412.D total ug Data supplied by Geotechnical Services. This report should only be reproduced in full. 87 nd 42 nd 110 nd nd nd nd nd 31 nd nd nd 61 nd nd nd nd nd nd nd nd nd nd 87 15 nd nd nd nd nd nd nd nd nd nd nd Dry Mud 28/10 A14300 10280416.D total ng Page 4 of 6 nd = not detected Carbonate (mg/L) TOC (mg/L) Sodium by AAS (mg/L) Aluminium by AAS (mg/L) Others 1,3, 5 Hexatriene heptane methyl cyclohexane benzene MIBK DMDS toluene ethylbenzene 1,3-xylene ethynylbenzene 1,2-xylene styrene benzofuran 1,3,5-trimethylbenzene indene 2 Methyl Nap 1 Methyl Nap VOCs by WIENV 38 Formaldehyde Acetaldehyde Acetone Propanal MEK iso-Butanal Benzaldehyde 2-Pentanone n-Pentanal p-Tolualdehyde 2-Hexanone Hexanal Carbonyls by WIENV 34 total ug Cooling Pond 2 Cooling Pond 2 Rows 2 #4 3000 140 1700 200 Rows 2 #4 PT110206.D mg/L nd nd nd nd nd nd nd nd nd nd nd nd nd nd nd nd nd 0.22 nd 0.52 nd nd nd nd nd nd nd nd nd Rows Pond 2 922803915.00 HP102811.D total ug Rows Pond 2 nd 0.86 3.1 nd 0.4 nd nd nd nd nd nd nd 26th Oct 979701705 HP102838.D total ug 26th Oct 0.41 35.00 120.00 nd 14.00 0.55 0.20 4.20 1.30 nd nd nd 27th Oct 979701719 HP110306.D total ug 27th Oct 0.2 32 86 0.97 9.5 0.33 1.2 2.2 1.3 nd nd nd 27th Oct 979701735 HP102830.D total ug 27th Oct Oxalate 2 26/10 Oxalate 26/10Thickener 1 27/1Thickener 2 27/10 #14 #13 #9 #10 46000 48000 22000 22000 6200 6200 1500 1500 27000 26000 12300 12200 4300 4200 3900 3900 Oxalate 2 26/10 Oxalate 26/10Thickener 1 27/1Thickener 2 27/10 #14 #13 #9 #10 PT110306.D PT110305.D PT110211.D PT110212.D mg/L mg/L mg/L mg/L nd nd nd nd nd nd nd nd nd nd nd nd nd nd nd nd nd nd 0.011 nd nd nd nd nd nd nd 0.004 nd nd nd nd nd nd nd nd nd nd nd nd nd nd nd nd nd nd nd nd nd nd nd nd nd nd nd nd nd nd nd nd nd nd nd nd nd nd nd nd nd nd 0.49 1.3 nd nd nd nd nd nd nd nd nd 26th Oct 979701749 HP102819.D total ug 26th Oct 1.1 0.21 0.32 nd nd nd nd nd nd nd nd nd Sand 28/10 979701772 HP110309.D total ug Sand 28/10 Env 04-314 Final.xls, Summarised Results nd 0.23 2.20 nd nd nd nd nd nd nd nd nd Wet Mud 28/10 979701638 HP110311.D total ug Wet Mud 28/10 Untitled Data supplied by Geotechnical Services. This report should only be reproduced in full. 1.4 2 7 nd 0.77 nd 0.28 nd 0.47 nd nd nd Dry Mud 28/10 979701729 HP110315.D total ug Dry Mud 28/10 (I) RESULTS Page 5 of 6 acetone hexatriene benzene pyridine toluene ethyl-benzene 1,3-xylene ethynyl-benzene styrene 1,2-xylene benzaldehyde 1,3,5-trimethyl-benzene benzonitrile benzofuran aceto-phenone naphthalene quinoline 1H-indole 2-methyl naphthalene 1-methyl naphthalene biphenyl acenaph-thylene acenaph-thene dibenzo-furan 9H-fluorene MEK MPK 3 methyl butanal heptane MIBK DMDS dimethylacetamide phenol nitrobenzene methyl cyclohexane dimethylformamide Iodomethane indene Semi-quantitive Results Dibutylamine 2 Ethyl Hexanol Analyte VOCs by WIENV 31 Matrix: Mixed nd nd nd nd nd nd nd nd nd nd nd nd nd nd nd nd nd nd nd nd nd nd nd nd nd nd nd nd nd nd nd nd nd nd nd nd nd nd nd nd 1028040.D total ug Method Blank Env 04-314 Final.xls, Summarised Results Data supplied by Geotechnical Services. This report should only be reproduced in full. Method Blank 1,3, 5 Hexatriene heptane methyl cyclohexane benzene MIBK DMDS toluene ethylbenzene 1,3-xylene ethynylbenzene 1,2-xylene styrene benzofuran 1,3,5-trimethylbenzene indene 2 Methyl Nap 1 Methyl Nap Others Page 6 of 6 nd = not detected nd nd nd nd PT110304.D mg/L nd nd nd nd nd nd nd nd nd nd nd nd nd nd nd nd nd Carbonate (mg/L) TOC (mg/L) Sodium by AAS (mg/L) Aluminium by AAS (mg/L) Method Blank nd nd nd nd nd nd nd nd nd nd nd nd HP102808.D total ug Method Blank VOCs by WIENV 38 Formaldehyde Acetaldehyde Acetone Propanal MEK iso-Butanal Benzaldehyde 2-Pentanone n-Pentanal p-Tolualdehyde 2-Hexanone Hexanal Carbonyls by WIENV 34 Method Blank Env 04-314 Final.xls, Summarised Results Data supplied by Geotechnical Services. This report should only be reproduced in full. Env 04-322.xls, Report GHD PO Box Y3106 Perth WA 6832 Attention: Your Ref No: Our Ref No: November 10, 2004 Mark Goldstone 6115324 ENV 04-322 REPORT ON SAMPLE ANALYSIS Introduction: Three TO17 tubes and four DNPH tubes were received on the 3rd November 2004, it was requested that the samples be analysed to determine a number of components. Methods of Analysis: The TO17 tubes were analysed to determine the amount of Volatile Organic Compounds according to WIENV 31 (based on the analytical section of US EPA TO15 and TO17). The DNPH tubes were analysed to determine the amount of aldehydes and ketones according to WIENV 34 (based on USEPA TO5 and TO11A). Results The results are tabulated on the following worksheet. GEOTECHNICAL SERVICES Nigel West Senior Chemist Angela Downey Environmental Chemist Page 1 ofThis 1 report should only be reproduced in full. Samples are analysed as received unless stated otherwise. (I) RESULTS Matrix: Mixed VOCs from TO17 tube by WIENV 31 Analyte acetone hexatriene benzene pyridine toluene ethyl-benzene 1,3-xylene ethynyl-benzene styrene 1,2-xylene benzaldehyde 1,3,5-trimethyl-benzene benzonitrile benzofuran aceto-phenone naphthalene quinoline 1H-indole 2-methyl naphthalene 1-methyl naphthalene biphenyl acenaph-thylene acenaph-thene dibenzo-furan 9H-fluorene MEK MPK 3 methyl butanal heptane MIBK DMDS dimethylacetamide phenol nitrobenzene methyl cyclohexane dimethylformamide Iodomethane indene Carbonyls from DNPH tube by WIENV 34 Formaldehyde Acetaldehyde Acetone Propanal MEK iso-Butanal Benzaldehyde 2-Pentanone n-Pentanal p-Tolualdehyde 2-Hexanone Hexanal nd = not detected Tube No Geotech ID PQL (ng) Sand 28/10 A13190 10280404.D total ng 28/10 A14300 10280416.D total ng 28/10 A12494 10280405.D total ng 1028040.D total ng Blank 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5020 nd 47 nd nd nd nd nd nd nd 67 nd nd nd 99 nd nd nd 5 nd nd nd nd nd nd 570 37 nd nd nd nd nd 5 nd nd nd nd nd 87 nd 42 nd 110 nd nd nd nd nd 31 nd nd nd 61 nd nd nd nd nd nd nd nd nd nd 87 15 nd nd nd nd nd nd nd nd nd nd nd 3370 nd 9 nd nd nd nd nd nd nd 24 nd nd nd 44 nd nd nd nd nd nd nd nd nd nd 260 16 nd 20 nd nd nd nd nd nd nd nd nd nd nd nd nd nd nd nd nd nd nd nd nd nd nd nd nd nd nd nd nd nd nd nd nd nd nd nd nd nd nd nd nd nd nd nd nd nd nd GHD ID Geotech ID PQL (total ug) 979701772 HP110309.D total ug 0.2 0.2 0.2 0.2 0.2 0.2 0.2 0.2 0.2 0.2 0.2 0.2 1.1 0.21 0.32 nd nd nd nd nd nd nd nd nd 979701638 979701710 HP110311.D HP110313.D total ug total ug nd 0.23 2.20 nd nd nd nd nd nd nd nd nd nd 1.6 10 nd 0.92 nd nd nd nd nd nd nd 979701729 HP110315.D total ug HP102808.D total ug 1.4 2 7 nd 0.77 nd 0.28 nd 0.47 nd nd nd nd nd nd nd nd nd nd nd nd nd nd nd Page 1 of 2 Angela Downey 5 Not Detected HP112203.D HP111811.D HP111815.D HP111827.D HP111816.D Volume of Extract (mL) nd Daily Calibration Multipoint Calibration MDL Lab No Precision Lab No Column Efficiency ad HP112205.D HP112207.D HP112209.D CP1 # 0979701610 ST3 # 0979701615 ST2 # 0979701634 Processed By Geotechnical Services 41-45 Furnace Road Welshpool Perth WA 6106 Australia Lab Number Sample Name Checked By Geotechnical Services Pass 100 100 100 Analyte Detection Limit (ug) Errors + / - % % Sample Used nw Nigel West 1.0 nd 0.752 0.903 Formaldehyde 0.36 11.7 Total ug Date ppm standard nd 4.16 9.09 Acetaldehyde 0.17 11.7 Total ug 26/11/2004 1.86 16.6 31.8 Acetone 0.39 11.7 Total ug nd nd nd MEK 0.33 12.2 Total ug Data Supplied by Geotechnical Services. This report should only be reproduced in full. nd nd nd Propanal 0.37 11.8 Total ug Test Report for Analysis of Carbonyl Derivatives by WIENV 34 (Based on the Analytical Sections of USEPA TO5 & Mark Goldstone Our Ref No Env 04-347 Samples Received 19-Nov-04 Disclaimer: Geotech has analysed the derivatised samples provid GHD Your Ref No 6115324 Samples Analysed 22-Nov-04 on the analytical components of USEPA TO11A and TO5. Env 04-347.xls, Results Page 2 of 2 Angela Downey 5 Not Detected HP112203.D HP111811.D HP111815.D HP111827.D HP111816.D Volume of Extract (mL) nd Daily Calibration Multipoint Calibration MDL Lab No Precision Lab No Column Efficiency ad HP112205.D HP112207.D HP112209.D CP1 # 0979701610 ST3 # 0979701615 ST2 # 0979701634 Processed By Geotechnical Services 41-45 Furnace Road Welshpool Perth WA 6106 Australia Lab Number Sample Name G nd nd nd iso-Butanal 0.31 11.8 Total ug Test Report for Analysis of Carb & TO11A) Mark Goldstone Our Ref No ded by methods based GHD Your Ref No nd nd nd nd nd nd Benzaldehyde 2-Pentanone 0.17 0.47 12.1 12.1 Total ug Total ug nd nd nd n-Pentanal 0.39 13.2 Total ug nd nd nd nd nd nd Hexanal 0.17 12.8 Total ug Data Supplied by Geotechnical Services. This report should only be reproduced in full. nd nd nd p-Tolualdehyde 2-Hexanone 0.25 0.47 13.0 13.6 Total ug Total ug Env 04-347.xls, Results GHD 239 Adelaide Terrace Perth WA 6004 Attention: Your Ref No: Our Ref No: December 1, 2004 L. Jefferys 0456 ENV 04-349 REPORT ON ANALYSIS OF GAS BAGS Introduction: Two TO17 tubes and two DNPH impregnated tubes were received on 23/11/04, and analysed according to the instructions on your chain of custody 0456. Methods of Analysis: The tubes were analysed to determine the amount of Volatile Organic Carbon according to WIENV 31 (based on the analytical section of US EPA TO15 and TO17).The amount of aldehydes and ketones was determined according to WIENV 34 (based on USEPA TO5 and TO11A). Results The results are tabulated on the following worksheets. GEOTECHNICAL SERVICES Angela Downey Environmental Chemist Nigel West Senior Chemist Angela Downey 5 Not Detected HP112403.D HP111811.D HP111815.D HP111827.D HP111816.D Volume of Extract (mL) nd Daily Calibration Multipoint Calibration MDL Lab No Precision Lab No Column Efficiency ad HP112405.D HP112407.D # 0979701714 CD # 0979701691 UCD Processed By Geotechnical Services 41-45 Furnace Road Welshpool Perth WA 6106 Australia Lab Number Sample Name Checked By Geotechnical Services Pass 100 100 Analyte Detection Limit (ug) Errors + / - % % Sample Used nw Nigel West 1.0 2.96 3.31 Formaldehyde 0.36 11.7 Total ug Date ppm standard 1.95 0.821 Acetaldehyde 0.17 11.7 Total ug 26/11/2004 1.5 0.802 Acetone 0.39 11.7 Total ug nd nd Propanal 0.37 11.8 Total ug nd nd MEK 0.33 12.2 Total ug Test Report for Analysis of Carbonyl Derivatives by WIENV 34 (Based on the Analytical Sections of USEPA TO5 & L. Jeffreys Our Ref No Env 04-249 Samples Received 23-Nov-04 Disclaimer: Geotech has analysed the derivatised samples provi Your Ref No 61/15324 Samples Analysed 24-Nov-04 on the analytical components of USEPA TO11A and TO5. GHD nd nd iso-Butanal 0.31 11.8 Total ug ded by methods based & TO11A) nd nd nd nd Benzaldehyde 2-Pentanone 0.17 0.47 12.1 12.1 Total ug Total ug nd nd n-Pentanal 0.39 13.2 Total ug nd nd nd nd p-Tolualdehyde 2-Hexanone 0.25 0.47 13.0 13.6 Total ug Total ug nd nd Hexanal 0.17 12.8 Total ug Date Volume(mLs) Sample 11230408.D 11230409.D 11230410.D 11230403.D 0 ng 1 ng 2 ng 5 ng 10 ng 20 ng 50 ng 100 ng 10ng std #A14330 20ng std #A13823 50ng std #A70012 100ng std #A61949 200ng std #C06407 500ng std #A13704 1000ng std #A08278 11230404.D 11230407.D 11230406.D 11230402.D Solid Standards Liquid Stds Blank #A70014 11230409.D Multipoint Calibration 10 ng solids 100ng std 11230411.D chkstd Daily Calibration 11230402.D 11230413.D 11230412.D 1 1 1 Lab No 972.1 547.3 254.3 103.7 50.4 nd nd nd 104 1170.0 (1000 ng) nd 820 540 < 5.0 ng 13.7 Units acetone Error +/- % Compound 11230402.D Not Detected ad nw Page 1 of 4 of Geotechnical Services, Report Env 04-349 Report.xls 965.6 551.6 222.6 95.4 43.8 4.8 nd nd 95 nd nd nd nd < 5.0 13.1 ng hexatriene 73.5 73.5 73.5 73.5 73.5 73.5 73.5 73.5 105 1140.0 (1000 ng) nd nd nd < 5.0 12.7 ng benzene 801.5 493.0 216.3 98.9 47.7 13.2 23.6 nd 99 nd nd 51 33 < 5.0 13.0 ng pyridine 966.9 540.7 221.2 105.6 47.5 8.1 nd nd 106 482.0 (400 ng) nd nd nd < 5.0 13.8 ng toluene 953.8 553.6 224.2 99.4 42.2 3.4 8.7 nd 99 nd nd nd nd < 5.0 12.8 ng ethylbenzene This document shall not be reproduced except in full. Sample/s are analysed as received unless stated otherwise. 30-Nov-04 Should have the same first four numbers in the Lab No as the samples From TO15 Worksheet Should have the same Lab No as the Lab Blank in F9 From TO15 Worksheet Processed By Angela Downey Checked By Nigel West Date Geotechnical Services Geotechnical Services 41-45 Furnace Road Welshpool Perth WA 6106 Australia Month/Day/Yr/Sample No eg 10180204 is analysed on Oct 18th 2002 and is sample No 4 Initials Errors Determined Without Sampling BFB Lab Number nd Pass 11230402.D Pass Daily Calibration Check 09200411.D Comments 10ng std not used for the majority of samples. (see attached worksheet for further details) Lab Blank K-VCD K-CD Lab Blank Lab No Multipoint Calibration Check Lab Nos Time Detection Limits. Based on Sample Volume on tube A09988 Sample ID 1st Precision Lab No A12374 A09988 No Tube 956.8 547.9 220.2 99.7 44.1 4.8 9.7 nd 100 nd nd nd nd < 5.0 7.4 ng 1,3-xylene Test Report for Determination of Volatile Organic Compounds by in-House Method WIENV 31 L.Jefferys Our Ref No Env 04-349 Samples Received 23-Nov-04 Disclaimer: Geotechnical Services has not been involved in the collection of these samples. Your Ref No 61/15324 Samples Analysed 23-Nov-04 Geotech has determined the VOCs by thermal desorption GC-MS GHD Env 04-349 Report.xls VOC Date last opened 30/03/2005 11230411.D 11230409.D chkstd 10 ng solids 563.6 11230407.D 11230408.D 11230409.D 11230410.D 11230403.D 11230404.D 2 ng 5 ng 10 ng 20 ng 50 ng 100 ng Date 939.1 111.2 60.0 22.7 970.3 552.9 213.9 98.9 41.2 7.3 10.3 nd 99 nd nd nd nd < 5.0 12.8 ng styrene Page 2 of 4 of Geotechnical Services, Report Env 04-349 Report.xls h 2002 and is sample No 4 s Nigel West nw me first four numbers in the Lab No as th eet me Lab No as the Lab Blank in F9 eet samples. (see attached worksheet for fur 244.9 11230406.D 28.8 11230402.D 1 ng nd 111 54.0 (50 ng) nd nd nd < 5.0 0 ng Solid Standards 11230402.D 11230413.D 11230412.D Lab No 1 1 1 A09988 ng 12.6 Units Error +/- % Volume(mLs) ethynyl-benzene Compound Sample Compounds by in-House Metho Samples Received 23-Nov-04 Samples Analysed 23-Nov-04 771.1 535.7 205.8 99.5 42.8 9.2 16.5 nd 100 nd nd nd nd < 5.0 13.4 ng benzaldehyde 773.9 501.5 162.3 83.0 35.5 13.7 20.6 11.0 83 nd 11.0 nd nd < 5.0 12.8 1,3,5trimethylbenzene ng 750.6 576.2 222.4 99.3 40.3 nd 7.1 nd 99 nd nd nd nd < 5.0 12.6 ng benzonitrile 789.1 509.6 185.9 90.0 45.4 22.7 27.6 nd 90 nd nd 6.8 6.9 < 5.0 12.9 ng benzofuran 480.4 542.9 210.6 98.2 46.4 4.4 15.1 nd 98 nd nd nd nd < 5.0 14.2 ng acetophenone 620.7 535.1 218.0 113.8 54.0 21.8 13.5 nd 11 9.5 (10 ng) nd nd nd < 0.50 12.7 ng naphthalene 895.0 541.4 218.6 106.3 55.4 21.7 39.1 nd 106 55.6 (50 ng) nd nd nd < 5.0 13.1 ng 1163.0 572.8 170.4 89.8 26.9 nd 1.3 nd 9 nd nd nd nd < 0.50 15.0 ng quinoline1H-indole This document shall not be reproduced except in full. Sample/s are analysed as received unless stated otherwise. 943.8 560.1 239.5 100.0 42.5 nd 6.5 nd 100 nd nd nd nd < 5.0 12.6 ng 1,2-xylene Env 04-349 Report.xls VOC 1163.0 572.8 170.4 89.8 26.9 nd 1.3 nd 90 nd nd nd nd < 5.0 13.1 ng 2-methyl naphthalene 623.7 528.8 216.5 101.0 52.0 18.3 29.4 nd 101 nd nd nd nd < 5.0 12.9 ng 1-methyl naphthalene Date last opened 30/03/2005 991.5 634.0 Date 974.1 534.4 215.5 101.7 54.1 22.2 16.5 nd 10 nd nd nd nd < 0.50 12.9 ng acenaphthene Page 3 of 4 of Geotechnical Services, Report Env 04-349 Report.xls h 2002 and is sample No 4 s Nigel West nw me first four numbers in the Lab No as th eet me Lab No as the Lab Blank in F9 eet samples. (see attached worksheet for fur 527.0 507.3 11230403.D 11230404.D 50 ng 100 ng 93.0 11230410.D 20 ng 193.3 11230409.D 10 ng 92.0 11230408.D 5 ng 191.9 11230407.D 2 ng 43.8 11230406.D 1 ng 16.4 11230402.D 0 ng Solid Standards 48.2 9 9 11230409.D 10 ng solids 23.6 nd nd 11230411.D chkstd nd nd nd nd nd 1.2 1.3 11230402.D 11230413.D 11230412.D 12.5 < 0.50 < 0.50 Lab No 1 1 1 A09988 nd 15.2 13.3 Error +/- % 20.1 ng ng Units Volume(mLs) acenaphthylene Compound Sample biphenyl Compounds by in-House Metho Samples Received 23-Nov-04 Samples Analysed 23-Nov-04 923.5 529.2 210.3 103.1 53.6 21.3 16.4 nd 10 nd nd nd nd < 0.50 12.9 ng 9H-fluorene No Data No Data No Data No Data No Data No Data No Data No Data No Data No Data No Data No Data No Data No data 9H-fluoren9-one No Data No Data No Data No Data No Data No Data No Data No Data No Data No Data No Data No Data No Data No data phenanthrene No Data No Data No Data No Data No Data No Data No Data No Data No Data No Data No Data No Data No Data No data fluoranthene No Data No Data No Data No Data No Data No Data No Data No Data No Data No Data No Data No Data No Data No data pyrene 970.2 493.4 227.5 107.9 53.7 15.3 3.9 nd 108 nd nd nd nd < 5.0 12.6 ng MEK 983.4 526.8 212.3 96.1 44.7 7.5 11.3 nd 96 nd nd nd nd < 5.0 12.6 ng MPK 1004.1 474.7 230.3 94.1 47.7 17.0 11.5 nd 94 nd nd nd nd < 5.0 15.3 ng 3 methyl butana This document shall not be reproduced except in full. Sample/s are analysed as received unless stated otherwise. 1012.9 467.8 190.2 83.0 41.3 16.3 12.4 nd 8 nd nd nd nd < 5.0 12.8 ng dibenzo-furan Env 04-349 Report.xls VOC 964.0 557.1 236.6 102.9 46.8 4.2 nd nd 103 nd nd nd nd < 5.0 13.7 ng heptane 964.9 561.4 217.3 111.5 46.8 1.3 13.8 nd 112 nd nd nd nd < 5.0 12.5 ng MIBK 978.4 548.5 198.6 108.1 43.1 8.3 12.3 nd 108 35.4 (50 ng) nd nd nd < 5.0 12.8 ng DMDS Date last opened 30/03/2005 796.2 472.5 229.8 108.6 60.4 5.3 25.6 nd 109 nd nd nd nd < 5.0 Bag A 12.6 ng methylacetam 11230406.D 11230407.D 11230408.D 11230409.D 11230410.D 11230403.D 11230404.D 1 ng 2 ng 5 ng 10 ng 20 ng 50 ng 100 ng Date 81.0 187.4 554.7 489.5 231.3 553.5 741.6 36.9 37.1 109.4 17.2 12.6 8.8 11.1 nd 1.7 81 nd nd nd nd < 5.0 13.5 ng 642.5 485.0 251.8 92.2 57.2 9.4 3.3 nd 92 nd nd nd nd < 5.0 13.7 ng ng 690.1 500.3 214.3 97.9 51.1 17.3 6.6 nd 98 nd nd nd nd < 5.0 15.5 ng 526.7 441.8 175.9 86.0 54.2 32.7 36.8 18.4 86 nd nd nd nd < 5.0 12.7 ng Total Quantifie d VOC 11230411.D 11230411.D 11230411.D Check std Calibrated against tol quinoline indole solids and MNs C2 Benz 10 Not Corrected 7 17 T R O P E R F O D 12 pyr, DMS dimethylacet/formaNot Corrected benz, hept, MIBK, me cyhe E N 11230411.D Report End of 15 Lab No against chkstd Correction for Calibration (%) acetone, hexatriene, MEK, M Comments This document shall not be reproduced except in full. Sample/s are analysed as received unless stated otherwise. 690.1 493.7 249.3 97.4 50.5 nd 15.4 nd 97 nd nd nd nd < 5.0 12.6 ng nitrobenzeneethyl cyclohexan methylformam Iodomethane indene Page 4 of 4 of Geotechnical Services, Report Env 04-349 Report.xls h 2002 and is sample No 4 s Nigel West nw me first four numbers in the Lab No as th eet me Lab No as the Lab Blank in F9 eet samples. (see attached worksheet for fur 11230402.D 0 ng Solid Standards 11 nd 11230411.D 11230409.D chkstd 10 ng solids < 0.50 Artefacts nd nd nd 1 1 1 Lab No 11230402.D 11230413.D 11230412.D A09988 ng 13.9 Units Error +/- % Volume(mLs) phenol Compound Sample Compounds by in-House Metho Samples Received 23-Nov-04 Samples Analysed 23-Nov-04 Env 04-349 Report.xls VOC Date last opened 30/03/2005 Env 04-351 Report.xls, comments GHD 239 Adelaide Terrace Perth WA 6004 Attention: Your Ref No: Our Ref No: December 1, 2004 L. Jefferys 0458 ENV 04-351 REPORT ON ANALYSIS OF GAS BAGS Introduction: Two TO17 tubes and two DNPH impregnated tubes were received on 24/11/04, and analysed according to the instructions on your chain of custody 0458. Methods of Analysis: The tubes were analysed to determine the amount of Volatile Organic Carbon according to WIENV 31 (based on the analytical section of US EPA TO15 and TO17).The amount of aldehydes and ketones was determined according to WIENV 34 (based on USEPA TO5 and TO11A). Results The results are tabulated on the following worksheets. GEOTECHNICAL SERVICES Angela Downey Environmental Chemist Page 1 of 1 Nigel West Senior Chemist Data supplied by Geotechnical Services. This report should only be reproduced in full. 2 Not Detected HP112603.D HP111811.D HP111815.D HP111827.D HP111816.D Volume of Extract (mL) nd Daily Calibration Multipoint Calibration MDL Lab No Precision Lab No Column Efficiency Page 1 of 2 jm Joanne Menegazzo HP112605.D HP112607.D 1274300474/K-DP 1274300475/K-CW Processed By Geotechnical Services 41-45 Furnace Road Welshpool Perth WA 6106 Australia Lab Number Sample Name 1.0 0.80 0.70 Formaldehyde 0.36 11.7 Total ug ad Checked By Angela Downey Geotechnical Services Pass 100 100 Analyte Detection Limit (ug) Errors + / - % % Sample Used 29/11/2004 1.1 0.88 Acetone 0.39 11.7 Total ug nd nd Propanal 0.37 11.8 Total ug nd nd MEK 0.33 12.2 Total ug Data supplied by Geotechnical Services. This report should only be reproduced in full. Date ppm standard 0.33 0.29 Acetaldehyde 0.17 11.7 Total ug Test Report for Analysis of Carbonyl Derivatives by WIENV 34 (Based on the Analytical Sections of USEPA TO5 & L. Jeffreys Our Ref No Env 04-351 Samples Received 24-Nov-04 Disclaimer: Geotech has analysed the derivatised samples provi GHD Your CoC No 0458 Samples Analysed 26-Nov-04 on the analytical components of USEPA TO11A and TO5. Env 04-351 Report.xls, Ald & Ket 2 Not Detected HP112603.D HP111811.D HP111815.D HP111827.D HP111816.D Volume of Extract (mL) nd Daily Calibration Multipoint Calibration MDL Lab No Precision Lab No Column Efficiency Page 2 of 2 Processed By Geotechnical Services 41-45 Furnace Road Welshpool Perth WA 6106 Australia HP112605.D HP112607.D 1274300474/K-DP 1274300475/K-CW jm Joanne Menegazzo Lab Number Sample Name G nd nd iso-Butanal 0.31 11.8 Total ug Test Report for Analysis of Carb& TO11A) L. Jeffreys Our Ref No ided by methods based GHD Your CoC No nd nd nd nd Benzaldehyde 2-Pentanone 0.17 0.47 12.1 12.1 Total ug Total ug nd nd nd nd nd nd p-Tolualdehyde 2-Hexanone Hexanal 0.25 0.47 0.17 13.0 13.6 12.8 Total ug Total ug Total ug R E P O R T O F E N D End of Report Data supplied by Geotechnical Services. This report should only be reproduced in full. nd nd n-Pentanal 0.39 13.2 Total ug Env 04-351 Report.xls, Ald & Ket Date 11230408.D 11230409.D 11230410.D 11230403.D 0 ng 1 ng 2 ng 5 ng 10 ng 20 ng 50 ng 100 ng 10ng std #A14330 20ng std #A13823 50ng std #A70012 100ng std #A61949 200ng std #C06407 500ng std #A13704 1000ng std #A08278 11230404.D 11230407.D 11230406.D 11230402.D Solid Standards Liquid Stds Blank #A70014 11260403.D Multipoint Calibration 10 ng solids 11260423.D chkstd 100ng std 11260404.D 11260406.D 11260407.D 1 1 1 Lab No 972.1 547.3 254.3 103.7 50.4 nd nd nd 100 1450.0 (1000 ng) nd nd 150 < 5.0 ng 13.7 Units acetone Error +/- % Compound Daily Calibration 11260404.D Not Detected ad nw 01-Dec-04 Should have the same first four numbers in the Lab No as the samples From TO15 Worksheet Should have the same Lab No as the Lab Blank in F9 From TO15 Worksheet Processed By Angela Downey Checked By Nigel West Date Geotechnical Services Geotechnical Services 41-45 Furnace Road Welshpool Perth WA 6106 Australia Month/Day/Yr/Sample No eg 10180204 is analysed on Oct 18th 2002 and is sample No 4 Initials Errors Determined Without Sampling BFB Lab Number nd Pass 11260404.D Pass Daily Calibration Check 09200411.D Page 1 of 4 Volume(mLs) Sample Comments 10ng std not used for the majority of samples. (see attached worksheet for further details) Lab Blank K-DP K-CW Lab Blank Lab No Multipoint Calibration Check Lab Nos Time Detection Limits. Based on Sample Volume on tube A11215 Sample ID 1st Precision Lab No A11215 C06676 No Tube 965.6 551.6 222.6 95.4 43.8 4.8 nd nd 99 nd nd nd nd < 5.0 13.1 ng hexatriene 999.2 491.2 197.6 114.5 56.9 18.1 3.8 nd 101 1150.0 (1000 ng) nd nd nd < 5.0 12.7 ng benzene 801.5 493.0 216.3 98.9 47.7 13.2 23.6 nd 89 nd nd nd nd < 5.0 13.0 ng pyridine 966.9 540.7 221.2 105.6 47.5 8.1 nd nd 103 446.0 (400 ng) nd nd nd < 5.0 13.8 ng toluene 956.8 547.9 220.2 99.7 44.1 4.8 9.7 nd 97 nd nd nd nd < 5.0 7.4 ng 1,3-xylene Data supplied by Geotechnical Services. This report should only be reproduced in full. 953.8 553.6 224.2 99.4 42.2 3.4 8.7 nd 96 nd nd nd nd < 5.0 12.8 ng ethylbenzene Test Report for Determination of Volatile Organic Compounds by in-House Method WIENV 31 L. Jefferys Our Ref No Env 04-351 Samples Received 24-Nov-04 Disclaimer: Geotechnical Services has not been involved in the collection of these samples. Your Ref No 0458 Samples Analysed 26-Nov-04 Geotech has determined the VOCs by thermal desorption GC-MS GHD Env 04-351 Report.xls, Voc 11260423.D 11260403.D chkstd 10 ng solids 563.6 11230407.D 11230408.D 11230409.D 11230410.D 11230403.D 11230404.D 2 ng 5 ng 10 ng 20 ng 50 ng 100 ng Date Page 2 of 4 h 2002 and is sample No 4 s Nigel West nw me first four numbers in the Lab No as th eet me Lab No as the Lab Blank in F9 eet samples. (see attached worksheet for fur 244.9 11230406.D 939.1 111.2 60.0 22.7 28.8 11230402.D 1 ng nd 121 53.7 (50 ng) nd nd nd < 5.0 0 ng Solid Standards 11260404.D 11260406.D 11260407.D Lab No 1 1 1 A11215 ng 12.6 Units Error +/- % Volume(mLs) ethynyl-benzene Compound Sample Compounds by in-House Metho Samples Received 24-Nov-04 Samples Analysed 26-Nov-04 970.3 552.9 213.9 98.9 41.2 7.3 10.3 nd 98 nd nd nd nd < 5.0 12.8 ng styrene 943.8 560.1 239.5 100.0 42.5 nd 6.5 nd 95 nd nd nd nd < 5.0 12.6 ng 1,2-xylene 771.1 535.7 205.8 99.5 42.8 9.2 16.5 nd 92 nd nd nd nd < 5.0 13.4 ng benzaldehyde 773.9 501.5 162.3 83.0 35.5 13.7 20.6 11.0 83 nd nd nd nd < 5.0 12.8 1,3,5trimethylbenzene ng 750.6 576.2 222.4 99.3 40.3 nd 7.1 nd 95 nd nd nd nd < 5.0 12.6 ng benzonitrile 789.1 509.6 185.9 90.0 45.4 22.7 27.6 nd 89 nd nd nd nd < 5.0 12.9 ng benzofuran Env 04-351 Report.xls, Voc 480.4 542.9 210.6 98.2 46.4 4.4 15.1 nd 88 nd nd nd nd < 5.0 14.2 ng acetophenone 620.7 535.1 218.0 113.8 54.0 21.8 13.5 nd 10 9.5 (10 ng) nd nd nd < 0.50 12.7 ng naphthalene ng 1163.0 572.8 170.4 89.8 26.9 nd 1.3 nd 8 nd nd nd nd < 0.50 15.0 1163.0 572.8 170.4 89.8 26.9 nd 1.3 nd 83 nd nd nd nd < 5.0 13.1 ng 2-methyl naphthalene 623.7 528.8 216.5 101.0 52.0 18.3 29.4 nd 105 nd nd nd nd < 5.0 12.9 ng 1-methyl naphthalene Data supplied by Geotechnical Services. This report should only be reproduced in full. 895.0 541.4 218.6 106.3 55.4 21.7 39.1 nd 97 49.2 (50 ng) nd nd nd < 5.0 13.1 ng quinoline1H-indole 991.5 634.0 Date Page 3 of 4 h 2002 and is sample No 4 s Nigel West nw me first four numbers in the Lab No as th eet me Lab No as the Lab Blank in F9 eet samples. (see attached worksheet for fur 527.0 507.3 11230403.D 11230404.D 50 ng 100 ng 93.0 11230410.D 20 ng 193.3 11230409.D 10 ng 92.0 11230408.D 5 ng 191.9 11230407.D 2 ng 43.8 11230406.D 1 ng 16.4 11230402.D 0 ng Solid Standards 48.2 9 96 11260403.D 10 ng solids 23.6 nd nd 11260423.D chkstd nd nd nd nd nd nd nd 11260404.D 11260406.D 11260407.D 12.5 < 0.50 < 0.50 Lab No 1 1 1 A11215 nd 15.2 13.3 Error +/- % 20.1 ng ng Units Volume(mLs) acenaphthylene Compound Sample biphenyl Compounds by in-House Metho Samples Received 24-Nov-04 Samples Analysed 26-Nov-04 974.1 534.4 215.5 101.7 54.1 22.2 16.5 nd 10 nd nd nd nd < 0.50 12.9 ng acenaphthene 1012.9 467.8 190.2 83.0 41.3 16.3 12.4 nd 9 nd nd nd nd < 5.0 12.8 ng dibenzo-furan 923.5 529.2 210.3 103.1 53.6 21.3 16.4 nd 10 nd nd nd nd < 0.50 12.9 ng 9H-fluorene No Data No Data No Data No Data No Data No Data No Data No Data No Data No Data No Data No Data No Data No data 9H-fluoren9-one No Data No Data No Data No Data No Data No Data No Data No Data No Data No Data No Data No Data No Data No data phenanthrene No Data No Data No Data No Data No Data No Data No Data No Data No Data No Data No Data No Data No Data No data fluoranthene Env 04-351 Report.xls, Voc No Data No Data No Data No Data No Data No Data No Data No Data No Data No Data No Data No Data No Data No data pyrene 970.2 493.4 227.5 107.9 53.7 15.3 3.9 nd 108 nd nd nd nd < 5.0 12.6 ng MEK 983.4 526.8 212.3 96.1 44.7 7.5 11.3 nd 94 nd nd nd nd < 5.0 12.6 ng MPK 964.0 557.1 236.6 102.9 46.8 4.2 nd nd 110 nd nd nd nd < 5.0 13.7 ng heptane 964.9 561.4 217.3 111.5 46.8 1.3 13.8 nd 70 nd nd nd nd < 5.0 12.5 ng MIBK 978.4 548.5 198.6 108.1 43.1 8.3 12.3 nd 73 41.6 (50 ng) nd nd nd < 5.0 12.8 ng DMDS 796.2 472.5 229.8 108.6 60.4 5.3 25.6 nd 106 nd nd nd nd < 5.0 Bag A 12.6 ng methylacetam Data supplied by Geotechnical Services. This report should only be reproduced in full. 1004.1 474.7 230.3 94.1 47.7 17.0 11.5 nd 113 nd nd nd nd < 5.0 15.3 ng 3 methyl butana 11230406.D 11230407.D 11230408.D 11230409.D 11230410.D 11230403.D 11230404.D 1 ng 2 ng 5 ng 10 ng 20 ng 50 ng 100 ng Date Page 4 of 4 h 2002 and is sample No 4 s Nigel West nw me first four numbers in the Lab No as th eet me Lab No as the Lab Blank in F9 eet samples. (see attached worksheet for fur 11230402.D 0 ng Solid Standards 81.0 187.4 554.7 489.5 109.4 553.5 741.6 36.9 37.1 231.3 17.2 12.6 8.8 11.1 nd 90 nd nd nd nd < 5.0 13.5 ng 642.5 485.0 251.8 92.2 57.2 9.4 3.3 nd 132 nd nd nd nd < 5.0 13.7 ng 690.1 493.7 249.3 97.4 50.5 nd 15.4 nd 73 nd nd nd nd < 5.0 12.6 ng 690.1 500.3 214.3 97.9 51.1 17.3 6.6 nd 121 nd nd nd nd < 5.0 15.5 ng 526.7 441.8 175.9 86.0 54.2 32.7 36.8 18.4 85 nd nd nd nd < 5.0 12.7 ng nitrobenzeneethyl cyclohexan methylformam Iodomethane indene 1.7 8 nd 11260423.D 11260403.D chkstd 10 ng solids < 0.50 Artefacts nd nd 2.81 1 1 1 Lab No 11260404.D 11260406.D 11260407.D A11215 ng 13.9 Units Error +/- % Volume(mLs) phenol Compound Sample Compounds by in-House Metho Samples Received 24-Nov-04 Samples Analysed 26-Nov-04 ng Total Quantifie d VOC 11260423.D 11260423.D 11260423.D Check std Calibrated against Env 04-351 Report.xls, Voc tol quinoline indole solids and MNs C2 Benz T R O P E R F Data supplied by Geotechnical Services. This report should only be reproduced in full. Not Corrected Not Corrected 7 10 O D 13 pyr, DMS dimethylacet/formaNot Corrected benz, hept, MIBK, me cyhe E N 11260423.D Report End of 31 Lab No against chkstd Correction for Calibration (%) acetone, hexatriene, MEK, M Comments GHD 239 Adelaide Terrace Perth WA 6004 Attention: Your Ref No: Our Ref No: December 1, 2004 L. Jefferys 0461 ENV 04-356 REPORT ON ANALYSIS OF GAS BAGS Introduction: Three TO17 tubes and four DNPH impregnated tubes were received on 25/11/04, and analysed according to the instructions on your chain of custody 0461. Methods of Analysis: The tubes were analysed to determine the amount of Volatile Organic Carbon according to WIENV 31 (based on the analytical section of US EPA TO15 and TO17).The amount of aldehydes and ketones was determined according to WIENV 34 (based on USEPA TO5 and TO11A). Results The results are tabulated on the following worksheets. The GC-MS failed during the analysis of tube A14250 (KW), no data is available for this sample GEOTECHNICAL SERVICES Angela Downey Environmental Chemist Nigel West Senior Chemist 2 Not Detected HP112603.D HP111811.D HP111815.D HP111827.D HP111816.D Volume of Extract (mL) nd Daily Calibration Multipoint Calibration MDL Lab No Precision Lab No Column Efficiency jm Joanne Menegazzo HP112609.D HP112611.D HP112613.D 1274300471/K1 1274300472/K1 1274300469/UCW Processed By Geotechnical Services 41-45 Furnace Road Welshpool Perth WA 6106 Australia Lab Number Sample Name 1.0 0.62 0.94 0.62 Formaldehyde 0.14 11.7 Total ug ad Checked By Angela Downey Geotechnical Services Pass 100 100 100 Analyte Detection Limit (ug) Errors + / - % % Sample Used Date ppm standard 0.29 0.37 0.90 Acetaldehyde 0.07 11.7 Total ug 29/11/2004 0.40 0.40 0.40 Acetone 0.15 11.7 Total ug nd nd < 0.2 Propanal 0.15 11.8 Total ug < 0.2 < 0.2 < 0.2 MEK 0.13 12.2 Total ug Test Report for Analysis of Carbonyl Derivatives by WIENV 34 (Based on the Analytical Sections of USEPA TO5 & L. Jeffreys Our Ref No Env 04-356 Samples Received 25-Nov-04 Disclaimer: Geotech has analysed the derivatised samples provi Your CoC No 0461 Samples Analysed 26-Nov-04 on the analytical components of USEPA TO11A and TO5. GHD nd nd nd iso-Butanal 0.12 11.8 Total ug ded by methods based & TO11A) nd nd nd nd nd nd Benzaldehyde 2-Pentanone 0.07 0.19 12.1 12.1 Total ug Total ug nd nd nd n-Pentanal 0.16 13.2 Total ug nd nd nd nd nd nd p-Tolualdehyde 2-Hexanone 0.10 0.19 13.0 13.6 Total ug Total ug nd nd nd Hexanal 0.07 12.8 Total ug Date Volume(mLs) Sample 11230408.D 11230409.D 11230410.D 11230403.D 0 ng 1 ng 2 ng 5 ng 10 ng 20 ng 50 ng 100 ng 10ng std #A14330 20ng std #A13823 50ng std #A70012 100ng std #A61949 200ng std #C06407 500ng std #A13704 1000ng std #A08278 11230404.D 11230407.D 11230406.D 11230402.D Solid Standards Liquid Stds Blank #A70014 11260403.D Multipoint Calibration 10 ng solids 100ng std 11260423.D chkstd Daily Calibration 11260404.D 11260408.D 11260410.D 11260409.D 1 1 1 1 Lab No 11260404.D Not Detected 972.1 547.3 254.3 103.7 50.4 nd nd nd 100 1450.0 (1000 ng) ad nw Page 1 of 4 of Geotechnical Services, Report Env 04-356 Report.xls < 5.0 12.7 ng benzene 965.6 551.6 222.6 95.4 43.8 4.8 nd nd 99 nd 999.2 491.2 197.6 114.5 56.9 18.1 3.8 nd 101 1150.0 (1000 ng) 801.5 493.0 216.3 98.9 47.7 13.2 23.6 nd 89 nd nd 31 nd < 5.0 13.0 ng pyridine 966.9 540.7 221.2 105.6 47.5 8.1 nd nd 103 446.0 (400 ng) nd nd nd < 5.0 13.8 ng toluene 953.8 553.6 224.2 99.4 42.2 3.4 8.7 nd 96 nd nd nd nd < 5.0 12.8 ng ethylbenzene This document shall not be reproduced except in full. Sample/s are analysed as received unless stated otherwise. 01-Dec-04 Should have the same first four numbers in the Lab No as the samples From TO15 Worksheet Should have the same Lab No as the Lab Blank in F9 From TO15 Worksheet Processed By Angela Downey Checked By Nigel West Date Geotechnical Services Geotechnical Services 41-45 Furnace Road Welshpool Perth WA 6106 Australia Month/Day/Yr/Sample No eg 10180204 is analysed on Oct 18th 2002 and is sample No 4 Initials Errors Determined Without Sampling BFB Lab Number nd Pass 11260404.D Pass Daily Calibration Check 09200411.D < 5.0 13.1 ng hexatriene nd nd nd 290 nd nd nd nd nd Sample lost due to instrument failure. < 5.0 ng 13.7 Units acetone Error +/- % Compound Comments 10ng std not used for the majority of samples. (see attached worksheet for further details) Lab Blank K1 UCW K2 Lab Blank Lab No Multipoint Calibration Check Lab Nos Time Detection Limits. Based on Sample Volume on tube B16431 Sample ID 1st Precision Lab No B16431 C06705 A14250 No Tube 956.8 547.9 220.2 99.7 44.1 4.8 9.7 nd 97 nd nd nd nd < 5.0 7.4 ng 1,3-xylene Test Report for Determination of Volatile Organic Compounds by in-House Method WIENV 31 L.Jefferys Our Ref No Env 04-356 Samples Received 25-Nov-04 Disclaimer: Geotechnical Services has not been involved in the collection of these samples. Your Ref No 0461 Samples Analysed 26-Nov-04 Geotech has determined the VOCs by thermal desorption GC-MS GHD Env 04-356 Report.xls VOC Date last opened 30/03/2005 11260423.D 11260403.D chkstd 10 ng solids 563.6 11230407.D 11230408.D 11230409.D 11230410.D 11230403.D 11230404.D 2 ng 5 ng 10 ng 20 ng 50 ng 100 ng Date 939.1 111.2 60.0 22.7 970.3 552.9 213.9 98.9 41.2 7.3 10.3 nd 98 nd nd nd nd < 5.0 12.8 ng styrene Page 2 of 4 of Geotechnical Services, Report Env 04-356 Report.xls h 2002 and is sample No 4 s Nigel West nw me first four numbers in the Lab No as th eet me Lab No as the Lab Blank in F9 eet samples. (see attached worksheet for fur 244.9 11230406.D 28.8 11230402.D 1 ng nd 121 53.7 (50 ng) nd nd nd < 5.0 0 ng Solid Standards 11260404.D 11260408.D 11260410.D 11260409.D Lab No 1 1 1 1 B16431 ng 12.6 Units Error +/- % Volume(mLs) ethynyl-benzene Compound Sample Compounds by in-House Metho Samples Received 25-Nov-04 Samples Analysed 26-Nov-04 771.1 535.7 205.8 99.5 42.8 9.2 16.5 nd 92 nd nd nd nd < 5.0 13.4 ng benzaldehyde 773.9 501.5 162.3 83.0 35.5 13.7 20.6 11.0 83 nd nd nd nd < 5.0 12.8 1,3,5trimethylbenzene ng 750.6 576.2 222.4 99.3 40.3 nd 7.1 nd 95 nd nd nd nd < 5.0 12.6 ng benzonitrile 789.1 509.6 185.9 90.0 45.4 22.7 27.6 nd 89 nd nd nd nd < 5.0 12.9 ng benzofuran 480.4 542.9 210.6 98.2 46.4 4.4 15.1 nd 88 nd nd nd nd < 5.0 14.2 ng acetophenone 620.7 535.1 218.0 113.8 54.0 21.8 13.5 nd 10 9.5 (10 ng) nd nd nd < 0.50 12.7 ng naphthalene 895.0 541.4 218.6 106.3 55.4 21.7 39.1 nd 97 49.2 (50 ng) nd nd nd < 5.0 13.1 ng 1163.0 572.8 170.4 89.8 26.9 nd 1.3 nd 8 nd nd nd nd < 0.50 15.0 ng quinoline1H-indole This document shall not be reproduced except in full. Sample/s are analysed as received unless stated otherwise. 943.8 560.1 239.5 100.0 42.5 nd 6.5 nd 95 nd nd nd nd < 5.0 12.6 ng 1,2-xylene Env 04-356 Report.xls VOC 1163.0 572.8 170.4 89.8 26.9 nd 1.3 nd 83 nd nd nd nd < 5.0 13.1 ng 2-methyl naphthalene 623.7 528.8 216.5 101.0 52.0 18.3 29.4 nd 105 nd nd nd nd < 5.0 12.9 ng 1-methyl naphthalene Date last opened 30/03/2005 991.5 634.0 Date 974.1 534.4 215.5 101.7 54.1 22.2 16.5 nd 10 nd nd nd nd < 0.50 12.9 ng acenaphthene Page 3 of 4 of Geotechnical Services, Report Env 04-356 Report.xls h 2002 and is sample No 4 s Nigel West nw me first four numbers in the Lab No as th eet me Lab No as the Lab Blank in F9 eet samples. (see attached worksheet for fur 527.0 507.3 11230403.D 11230404.D 50 ng 100 ng 93.0 11230410.D 20 ng 193.3 11230409.D 10 ng 92.0 11230408.D 5 ng 191.9 11230407.D 2 ng 43.8 11230406.D 1 ng 16.4 11230402.D 0 ng Solid Standards 48.2 9 10 11260403.D 10 ng solids 23.6 nd nd 11260423.D chkstd nd nd nd nd nd nd nd 11260404.D 11260408.D 11260410.D 11260409.D 12.5 < 0.50 < 0.50 Lab No 1 1 1 1 B16431 nd 15.2 13.3 Error +/- % 20.1 ng ng Units Volume(mLs) acenaphthylene Compound Sample biphenyl Compounds by in-House Metho Samples Received 25-Nov-04 Samples Analysed 26-Nov-04 923.5 529.2 210.3 103.1 53.6 21.3 16.4 nd 10 nd nd nd nd < 0.50 12.9 ng 9H-fluorene No Data No Data No Data No Data No Data No Data No Data No Data No Data No Data No Data No Data No Data No data 9H-fluoren9-one No Data No Data No Data No Data No Data No Data No Data No Data No Data No Data No Data No Data No Data No data phenanthrene No Data No Data No Data No Data No Data No Data No Data No Data No Data No Data No Data No Data No Data No data fluoranthene No Data No Data No Data No Data No Data No Data No Data No Data No Data No Data No Data No Data No Data No data pyrene 970.2 493.4 227.5 107.9 53.7 15.3 3.9 nd 108 nd nd 16 nd < 5.0 12.6 ng MEK 983.4 526.8 212.3 96.1 44.7 7.5 11.3 nd 94 nd nd nd nd < 5.0 12.6 ng MPK 1004.1 474.7 230.3 94.1 47.7 17.0 11.5 nd 113 nd nd nd nd < 5.0 15.3 ng 3 methyl butana This document shall not be reproduced except in full. Sample/s are analysed as received unless stated otherwise. 1012.9 467.8 190.2 83.0 41.3 16.3 12.4 nd 9 nd nd nd nd < 5.0 12.8 ng dibenzo-furan Env 04-356 Report.xls VOC 964.0 557.1 236.6 102.9 46.8 4.2 nd nd 110 nd nd nd nd < 5.0 13.7 ng heptane 964.9 561.4 217.3 111.5 46.8 1.3 13.8 nd 70 nd nd nd nd < 5.0 12.5 ng MIBK 978.4 548.5 198.6 108.1 43.1 8.3 12.3 nd 73 41.6 (50 ng) nd nd nd < 5.0 12.8 ng DMDS Date last opened 30/03/2005 796.2 472.5 229.8 108.6 60.4 5.3 25.6 nd 106 nd nd nd nd < 5.0 Bag A 12.6 ng methylacetam 11230406.D 11230407.D 11230408.D 11230409.D 11230410.D 11230403.D 11230404.D 1 ng 2 ng 5 ng 10 ng 20 ng 50 ng 100 ng Date 81.0 187.4 554.7 489.5 109.4 553.5 741.6 36.9 37.1 231.3 17.2 12.6 8.8 11.1 nd 1.7 90 nd nd nd nd < 5.0 13.5 ng 642.5 485.0 251.8 92.2 57.2 9.4 3.3 nd 132 nd nd nd nd < 5.0 13.7 ng ng 690.1 500.3 214.3 97.9 51.1 17.3 6.6 nd 121 nd nd nd nd < 5.0 15.5 ng 526.7 441.8 175.9 86.0 54.2 32.7 36.8 18.4 85 nd nd nd nd < 5.0 12.7 ng Total Quantifie d VOC 11260423.D 11260423.D 11260423.D 11260423.D Check std Calibrated against tol quinoline indole solids and MNs C2 Benz Not Corrected Not Corrected 7 10 T R O P E R F O D 13 pyr, DMS dimethylacet/formaNot Corrected benz, hept, MIBK, me cyhe E N 11260423.D Report End of 31 Lab No against chkstd Correction for Calibration (%) acetone, hexatriene, MEK, M Comments This document shall not be reproduced except in full. Sample/s are analysed as received unless stated otherwise. 690.1 493.7 249.3 97.4 50.5 nd 15.4 nd 73 nd nd nd nd < 5.0 12.6 ng nitrobenzeneethyl cyclohexan methylformam Iodomethane indene Page 4 of 4 of Geotechnical Services, Report Env 04-356 Report.xls h 2002 and is sample No 4 s Nigel West nw me first four numbers in the Lab No as th eet me Lab No as the Lab Blank in F9 eet samples. (see attached worksheet for fur 11230402.D 0 ng Solid Standards 8 nd 11260423.D 11260403.D chkstd 10 ng solids < 0.50 Artefacts nd 3.2 nd 1 1 1 1 Lab No 11260404.D 11260408.D 11260410.D 11260409.D B16431 ng 13.9 Units Error +/- % Volume(mLs) phenol Compound Sample Compounds by in-House Metho Samples Received 25-Nov-04 Samples Analysed 26-Nov-04 Env 04-356 Report.xls VOC Date last opened 30/03/2005 GHD 239 Adelaide Terrace Perth WA 6004 Attention: Your Ref No: Our Ref No: December 22, 2004 L. Jefferys / Dr M Goldstone 6115324 ENV 04-372 REPORT ON ANALYSIS OF GAS BAGS Introduction: Two TO17 tubes and two DNPH impregnated tubes were received on 16/12/04, and analysed according to the instructions on your chain of custody 0461. Methods of Analysis: The tubes were analysed to determine the amount of Volatile Organic Carbon according to WIENV 31 (based on the analytical section of US EPA TO15 and TO17).The amount of aldehydes and ketones was determined according to WIENV 34 (based on USEPA TO5 and TO11A). Results The results are tabulated on the following worksheets. GEOTECHNICAL SERVICES Angela Downey Environmental Chemist Nigel West Senior Chemist 2 Not Detected HP121703.D HP121705.D HP111815.D HP111827.D HP111815.D Volume of Extract (mL) nd Daily Calibration Multipoint Calibration MDL Lab No Precision Lab No Column Efficiency jm Joanne Menegazzo HP121708.D HP121710.D 1274300476 - teflon 1274300477 - nalopthane Processed By Geotechnical Services 41-45 Furnace Road Welshpool Perth WA 6106 Australia Lab Number Sample Name Checked By Geotechnical Services Pass 100 100 Analyte Detection Limit (ug) Errors + / - % % Sample Used nw Nigel West 1.0 1.32 2.01 Formaldehyde 0.29 11.7 Total ug Date ppm standard < 0.2 0.23 Acetaldehyde 0.14 11.7 Total ug 22/12/2004 0.54 0.70 Acetone 0.14 11.7 Total ug nd nd Propanal 0.14 11.8 Total ug < 0.2 < 0.2 MEK 0.14 12.2 Total ug Test Report for Analysis of Carbonyl Derivatives by WIENV 34 (Based on the Analytical Sections of USEPA TO5 & L. Jeffreys Our Ref No Env 04-372 Samples Received 16-Dec-04 Disclaimer: Geotech has analysed the derivatised samples provi Your Job No 6115324 Samples Analysed 17-Dec-04 on the analytical components of USEPA TO11A and TO5. GHD < 0.2 < 0.2 iso-Butanal 0.14 11.8 Total ug ded by methods based & TO11A) nd < 0.2 nd nd Benzaldehyde 2-Pentanone 0.14 0.14 12.1 12.1 Total ug Total ug nd nd n-Pentanal 0.14 13.2 Total ug nd nd nd nd p-Tolualdehyde 2-Hexanone 0.14 0.14 13.0 13.6 Total ug Total ug nd nd Hexanal 0.14 12.8 Total ug Date Volume(mLs) Sample 12200407.D 12200408.D 0 ng 1 ng 2 ng 10ng std #A70251 20ng std #A70014 12200403.D 12200404.D 20 ng 50 ng 100 ng 200ng std #A13888 500ng std #A63757 1000ng std #A11144 12200410.D 12200409.D 5 ng 10 ng 50ng std #C06215 100ng std #A09645 12200406.D 12200402.D Solid Standards Liquid Stds Blank #A72153 12200409.D Multipoint Calibration 10 ng solids 100ng std 12210408.D chkstd Daily Calibration 12210402.D 12210405.D 12220402.D 1 1 1 Lab No 1022.9 511.2 161.0 127.5 62.4 22.5 18.6 nd 130 1300.0 (1000 ng) nd nd 9.1 < 5.0 ng 13.7 Units acetone Error +/- % Compound 12210402.D Not Detected nw jm Page 1 of 4 of Geotechnical Services, Report Env 04-372 Report.xls 1131.5 419.2 176.1 53.0 40.0 21.5 9.4 nd 53 nd nd nd nd < 5.0 13.1 ng hexatriene 842.2 463.1 204.4 79.9 41.5 17.3 16.2 nd 80 1800.0 (1000 ng) nd nd nd < 5.0 12.6 ng benzene 1072.9 521.6 208.6 117.2 56.0 17.4 8.9 nd 120 nd nd nd nd < 5.0 13.0 ng pyridine 872.1 461.7 195.1 124.6 51.8 6.8 10.8 nd 120 440.0 (400 ng) nd nd nd < 5.0 13.8 ng toluene 1069.5 491.3 199.9 118.4 49.7 26.1 9.7 7.7 120 5.3 5.0 nd nd < 5.0 12.9 ng ethylbenzene This document shall not be reproduced except in full. Sample/s are analysed as received unless stated otherwise. 22-Dec-04 Should have the same first four numbers in the Lab No as the samples From TO15 Worksheet Should have the same Lab No as the Lab Blank in F9 From TO15 Worksheet Processed By Nigel West Checked By Joanne Menegazzo Date Geotechnical Services Geotechnical Services 41-45 Furnace Road Welshpool Perth WA 6106 Australia Month/Day/Yr/Sample No eg 10180204 is analysed on Oct 18th 2002 and is sample No 4 Initials Errors Determined With Sampling BFB Lab Number nd Pass 12210402.D Fail RRT Daily Calibration Check 11230409.D Comments 10ng std not used for the majority of samples. (see attached worksheet for further details) Lab Blank 04-372 14/12 04-372 14/12 Lab Blank Lab No Multipoint Calibration Check Lab Nos Time Detection Limits. Based on Sample Volume on tube A12353 Sample ID 1st Precision Lab No 353 - nalopth 10347 - teflo No Tube 1079.6 477.8 181.2 158.5 47.4 24.1 7.7 5.0 160 3.5 nd nd nd < 5.0 13.7 ng 1,3-xylene Test Report for Determination of Volatile Organic Compounds by in-House Method WIENV 31 Mark Goldstone Our Ref No Env 04-372 Samples Received 16-Dec-04 Disclaimer: Geotechnical Services has not been involved in the collection of these samples. Your Ref No 61/5324 Samples Analysed 21-Dec-04 Geotech has determined the VOCs by sampling of the bag/s before thermal desorption GC-MS GHD Env 04-372 Report.xls VOC Date last opened 30/03/2005 12210408.D 12200409.D chkstd 10 ng solids 12200406.D 12200407.D 12200408.D 12200409.D 12200410.D 12200403.D 12200404.D 1 ng 2 ng 5 ng 10 ng 20 ng 50 ng 100 ng 1628.5 667.4 231.9 222.9 45.7 8.3 5.0 nd 220 17.0 (50 ng) nd nd nd < 5.0 992.5 455.2 202.2 113.0 44.6 18.7 10.3 nd 110 nd nd nd nd < 5.0 12.8 ng styrene Page 2 of 4 of Geotechnical Services, Report Env 04-372 Report.xls h 2002 and is sample No 4 s Joanne Menegazzo Date jm me first four numbers in the Lab No as th eet me Lab No as the Lab Blank in F9 eet samples. (see attached worksheet for fur 12200402.D 0 ng Solid Standards 12210402.D 12210405.D 12220402.D Lab No 1 1 1 A12353 ng 12.6 Units Error +/- % Volume(mLs) ethynylbenzene Compound Sample Compounds by in-House Metho Samples Received 16-Dec-04 Samples Analysed 21-Dec-04 1119.3 512.1 207.0 108.5 44.1 33.5 16.4 16.5 110 9.9 9.9 5.50 nd < 5.0 13.4 ng benzaldehyde 851.8 454.3 188.2 115.6 48.4 17.7 10.4 nd 120 nd nd nd nd < 5.0 12.8 ng 1,3,5-trimethylbenzene 1020.6 498.9 207.3 109.3 50.5 23.7 11.2 3.0 110 nd nd nd nd < 5.0 12.6 ng benzonitrile 863.9 449.4 207.4 112.1 52.0 nd 10.6 nd 110 nd nd nd nd < 5.0 12.9 ng benzofuran 980.8 495.5 202.9 158.2 48.8 19.9 16.8 nd 160 nd nd nd nd < 5.0 14.2 ng acetophenone 100.6 49.4 20.3 11.5 5.6 3.3 1.4 nd 11 8.7 (10 ng) nd nd nd < 0.50 12.7 ng naphthalene 911.0 490.6 200.6 79.3 58.4 8.2 8.2 2.5 79 64.0 (50 ng) nd nd nd < 5.0 13.1 ng quinoline This document shall not be reproduced except in full. Sample/s are analysed as received unless stated otherwise. 1018.9 426.4 143.4 151.0 41.2 12.0 9.2 nd 150 nd nd nd nd < 5.0 12.7 ng 1,2-xylene Env 04-372 Report.xls VOC 116.1 57.9 22.3 48.2 5.6 1.2 1.2 nd 48 nd nd nd nd < 0.50 14.9 ng 1Hindole 1161.0 579.5 223.4 481.9 55.7 11.8 12.5 nd 480 nd nd nd nd < 5.0 13.1 ng 2-methyl naphthalene 1014.2 493.8 205.3 102.1 50.9 22.7 11.7 nd 100 nd nd nd nd < 5.0 12.9 ng 1-methyl naphthalene Date last opened 30/03/2005 12210408.D 12200409.D chkstd 10 ng solids 12200403.D 12200404.D 50 ng 100 ng 107.2 51.5 21.4 9.4 104.1 52.1 20.7 11.0 6.0 4.1 1.7 nd 11 nd nd nd nd < 0.50 15.2 ng acenaphthylene 103.9 51.0 20.0 11.2 5.2 2.5 1.3 nd 11 nd nd nd nd < 0.50 12.9 ng acenaphthene Page 3 of 4 of Geotechnical Services, Report Env 04-372 Report.xls h 2002 and is sample No 4 s Joanne Menegazzo Date jm me first four numbers in the Lab No as th eet me Lab No as the Lab Blank in F9 eet samples. (see attached worksheet for fur 12200410.D 20 ng 5.3 12200408.D 12200409.D 5 ng 12200407.D 2 ng 10 ng 3.2 12200406.D 1.3 12200402.D 1 ng 0.9 9 nd nd nd nd < 0.50 0 ng Solid Standards 12210402.D 12210405.D 12220402.D Lab No 1 1 1 A12353 ng 13.3 Units Error +/- % Volume(mLs) biphenyl Compound Sample Compounds by in-House Metho Samples Received 16-Dec-04 Samples Analysed 21-Dec-04 110.0 50.3 20.1 11.1 5.2 2.2 1.2 nd 11 nd nd nd nd < 0.50 12.9 ng 9H-fluorene No Data No Data No Data No Data No Data No Data No Data No Data No Data No Data No Data No Data No Data No data 9H-fluoren9-one No Data No Data No Data No Data No Data No Data No Data No Data No Data No Data No Data No Data No Data No data phenanthrene No Data No Data No Data No Data No Data No Data No Data No Data No Data No Data No Data No Data No Data No data fluoranthene No Data No Data No Data No Data No Data No Data No Data No Data No Data No Data No Data No Data No Data No data pyrene 895.0 532.8 201.8 114.5 53.8 21.9 10.7 nd 110 nd nd nd nd < 5.0 12.6 ng MEK 949.1 504.6 225.0 109.9 51.4 17.7 14.1 nd 110 nd nd nd nd < 5.0 12.6 ng MPK 951.1 525.0 175.3 57.9 60.7 12.3 nd nd 58 nd nd nd nd < 5.0 15.3 ng 3 methyl butanal This document shall not be reproduced except in full. Sample/s are analysed as received unless stated otherwise. 104.0 50.2 19.9 9.6 5.4 2.1 1.4 nd 10 nd nd nd nd < 5.0 12.8 ng dibenzofuran Env 04-372 Report.xls VOC 1028.6 617.5 168.5 145.6 46.3 38.8 10.0 12.9 150 8.7 11.4 nd nd < 5.0 13.7 ng heptane 1085.2 450.6 206.8 96.4 21.6 27.4 10.3 13.5 96 11.0 9.0 nd nd < 5.0 12.5 ng MIBK 833.0 492.2 170.7 52.5 40.2 21.2 14.6 nd 52 60.0 (50 ng) nd nd nd < 5.0 12.8 ng DMDS Date last opened 30/03/2005 1086.4 535.8 220.2 91.2 66.3 26.6 6.6 17.3 91 14.0 12.0 nd nd < 5.0 Bag A 12.7 ng dimethylace tamide 12200406.D 12200407.D 12200408.D 12200409.D 12200410.D 12200403.D 12200404.D 1 ng 2 ng 5 ng 10 ng 20 ng 50 ng 100 ng 9.5 18.3 46.1 160.2 212.9 563.7 1037.2 1.8 3.8 4.6 15.4 18.8 52.7 102.6 nd 1.1 160 2.6 nd nd nd < 5.0 13.5 ng nitrobenzene Page 4 of 4 of Geotechnical Services, Report Env 04-372 Report.xls h 2002 and is sample No 4 s Joanne Menegazzo Date jm me first four numbers in the Lab No as th eet me Lab No as the Lab Blank in F9 eet samples. (see attached worksheet for fur 12200402.D 0 ng Solid Standards 15 nd 12210408.D 12200409.D chkstd 10 ng solids < 0.50 Artefacts nd nd nd 1 1 1 Lab No 12210402.D 12210405.D 12220402.D A12353 ng 13.9 Units Error +/- % Volume(mLs) phenol Compound Sample Compounds by in-House Metho Samples Received 16-Dec-04 Samples Analysed 21-Dec-04 417.9 243.7 176.3 116.0 32.1 nd 1.3 nd 120 8.6 8.6 nd nd < 5.0 13.7 ng 1153.0 562.5 221.5 97.1 51.3 35.9 15.0 24.2 97 21.0 20.7 nd nd < 5.0 12.7 ng dimethylfor mamide 778.7 378.2 152.0 92.3 27.1 nd 11.3 nd 92 nd nd nd 6.5 < 5.0 15.5 ng Iodomethane 874.7 478.1 206.4 140.4 47.8 11.2 9.2 nd 140 nd nd nd nd < 5.0 12.7 ng indene ng Total Quantified VOC 12210408.D 12210408.D 12210408.D Check std Calibrated against D tol quinoline indole solids and MNs C2 Benz 22 T R O P E R F Not Corrected O 9 Not Corrected 17 44 pyr, DMS dimethylacet/forma benz, hept, MIBK, me cyhe E N 23 12210408.D Report against chkstd Lab No End of Correction for Calibration (%) acetone, hexatriene, MEK, M Comments This document shall not be reproduced except in full. Sample/s are analysed as received unless stated otherwise. methyl cyclohexane Env 04-372 Report.xls VOC Date last opened 30/03/2005 THE ODOUR UNIT PTY LIMITED Showroom 1 16-32 Hulme Court Myaree WA 6154 Phone: +61 8 9330 9476 Facsimile: +61 8 9330 1868 Email:[email protected] Internet: ABN: 53 091 165 061 Accreditation Number: 14974 Form 06 - Perth Laboratory Odour Concentration Measurement Results The measurement was commissioned by: Organisation GHD Contact Leanne Jefferys Sampling Site Alcoa Kwinana Sampling Method Not specified Order details: Order requested by Date of order Order number Signed by Paige Gunnell 08/11/2004 TBA TBA Telephone Facsimile Email Sampling Team Order accepted by TOU Project # Project Manager Testing operator (08) 9429 6558 (08) 9429 6555 [email protected] Paige Gunnell Natasha Bowden 1139.1 Natasha Bowden Clayton Hough Investigated Item Odour concentration in odour units ‘ou’, determined by sensory odour concentration measurements, of an odour sample supplied in a sampling bag. Odour character is also assessed, however, this assessment is not covered by AS4323.3:2001. Identification The odour sample bags were labelled individually. Each label recorded the testing laboratory, sample number, sampling location (or Identification), sampling date and time, dilution ratio (if dilution was used) and whether further chemical analysis was required. Method The odour concentration measurements were performed using dynamic olfactometry according to the Australian Standard ‘Determination of Odour Concentration by Dynamic Olfactometry AS/NZS4323.3:2001. The odour perception characteristics of the panel within the presentation series for the samples were analogous to that for butanol calibration. Any deviation from the Australian standard is recorded in the ‘Comments’ section of this report. Measuring Range The measuring range of the olfactometer is 22 F 218 ou. If the measuring range was insufficient the odour samples will have been pre-diluted. The machine is not calibrated beyond dilution setting 217or below setting 23. This is specifically mentioned with the results. Environment The measurements were performed in an air- and odour-conditioned room. The room o o temperature is maintained at 25 C or less, with temperature fluctuations of less than ± 3 C. Measuring Dates The date of each measurement is specified with the results. Instrument Used The olfactometer used during this testing session was: ODORMAT SERIES 200107V05 Instrumental Precision The precision of this instrument (expressed as repeatability) for a sensory calibration must be r d 0.477 in accordance with the Australian Standard AS/NZS4323.3:2001. ODORMAT SERIES 200107V05: r = 0.384 (20 September, 2004) Compliance – Yes Instrumental Accuracy The accuracy of this instrument for a sensory calibration must be A d 0.217 in accordance with the Australian Standard AS/NZS4323.3:2001. ODORMAT SERIES 200107V05: A = 0.147 (20 September, 2004) Compliance – Yes Lower Detection Limit (LDL) The LDL for the olfactometer has been determined to be 16 ou (four times the lowest dilution setting) Traceability The measurements have been performed using standards for which the traceability to the national standard has been demonstrated. The assessors are individually selected to comply with fixed criteria and are monitored in time to keep within the limits of the standard. The results from the assessors are traceable to primary standards of n-butanol in nitrogen. Date: Wednesday, 24 November 2004 Report Number / Panel Roster Number: PER20041123 N. Bowden T. Schulz Principal and Managing Director The Odour Unit Pty Ltd ACN 091 165 061 Form 06 – Odour Concentration Results Sheet (V05) Authorised Signatory Issue Date: 13.11.2003 Issued By: SB Odour Measurement Manual Revision: 3 Revision Date: 01.03.2004 Approved By: TJS 1 of 1 PC40908 PC40909 CD UCD The Odour Unit Pty Ltd ACN 091 165 061 Form 06 – Odour Concentration Results Sheet TOU Sample ID Sample Location Analysis Date & Time 23/11/2004 15:01 hrs 23/11/2004 15:26 hrs Sampling Date & Time 22/11/2004 14:25 hrs 22/11/2004 16:20 hrs 5 5 Panel Size - - Issue Date: 13.11.2003 Issued By: SB Odour Measurement Manual 10 10 Valid ITEs Nominal Sample Dilution Factor - - Actual Sample Dilution (Adjusted for Temperature) Odour Sample Measurement Results 208 362 Sample Odour Concentration (as received, in the bag) (ou) 208 362 Sample Odour Concentration (Final, allowing for dilution) (ou) THE ODOUR UNIT PTY LIMITED Revision: 2 Revision Date: 13.11.2003 Approved By: TJS 2 of 2 Wetlands Wetlands Odour Character Accreditation Number: 14974 52 Concentration of Reference gas (ppm) 20 F 80 Panel Target Range for n-butanol (ppb) 1,450 Measured Concentration (ou) 36 Measured Panel Threshold (ppb) Yes Does this panel calibration measurement comply with AS/NZS4323.3:2001 (Yes / No) Accreditation Number: 14974 The Odour Unit Pty Ltd ACN 091 165 061 Form 06 – Odour Concentration Results Sheet NATA endorsed test report. This report shall not be reproduced, except in full. Issue Date: 13.11.2003 Issued By: SB Odour Measurement Manual END OF DOCUMENT Revision: 2 Revision Date: 13.11.2003 Approved By: TJS 3 of 3 Disclaimer: Parties, other than TOU, responsible for collecting odour samples hereby certify that they have voluntarily furnished these odour samples, appropriately collected and labelled, to The Odour Unit Pty Limited for the purpose of odour testing. The collection of odour samples by parties other than The Odour Unit Pty Limited relinquishes The Odour Unit Pty Limited from all responsibility for the sample collection and any effects or actions that the results from the test(s) may have. None. PER20041123 n-butanol Comments Reference Odorant Panel Roster Number Reference Odorant Odour Panel Calibration Results THE ODOUR UNIT PTY LIMITED THE ODOUR UNIT PTY LIMITED Showroom 1 16-32 Hulme Court Myaree WA 6154 Phone: +61 8 9330 9476 Facsimile: +61 8 9330 1868 Email:[email protected] Internet: ABN: 53 091 165 061 Accreditation Number: 14974 Form 06 - Perth Laboratory Odour Concentration Measurement Results The measurement was commissioned by: Organisation GHD Contact Mark Goldstone Sampling Site Alcoa Wagerup Sampling Method IFH Order details: Order requested by Date of order Order number Signed by Dr. Mark Goldstone 22/09/2004 TBA TBA Telephone Facsimile Email Sampling Team Order accepted by TOU Project # Project Manager Testing operator (08) 9429 6558 (08) 9429 6555 [email protected] Paige Gunnell (GHD) Natasha Bowden 1139.1 Natasha Bowden Natasha Bowden Investigated Item Odour concentration in odour units ‘ou’, determined by sensory odour concentration measurements, of an odour sample supplied in a sampling bag. Odour character is also assessed, however, this assessment is not covered by AS4323.3:2001. Identification The odour sample bags were labelled individually. Each label recorded the testing laboratory, sample number, sampling location (or Identification), sampling date and time, dilution ratio (if dilution was used) and whether further chemical analysis was required. Method The odour concentration measurements were performed using dynamic olfactometry according to the Australian Standard ‘Determination of Odour Concentration by Dynamic Olfactometry AS/NZS4323.3:2001. The odour perception characteristics of the panel within the presentation series for the samples were analogous to that for butanol calibration. Any deviation from the Australian standard is recorded in the ‘Comments’ section of this report. Measuring Range The measuring range of the olfactometer is 22 F 218 ou. If the measuring range was insufficient the odour samples will have been pre-diluted. The machine is not calibrated beyond dilution setting 217or below setting 23. This is specifically mentioned with the results. Environment The measurements were performed in an air- and odour-conditioned room. The room temperature is maintained at 25oC or less, with temperature fluctuations of less than ± 3 oC. Measuring Dates The date of each measurement is specified with the results. Instrument Used The olfactometer used during this testing session was: ODORMAT SERIES 200107V05 Instrumental Precision The precision of this instrument (expressed as repeatability) for a sensory calibration must be r d 0.477 in accordance with the Australian Standard AS/NZS4323.3:2001. ODORMAT SERIES 200107V05: r = 0.384 (20 September, 2004) Compliance – Yes Instrumental Accuracy The accuracy of this instrument for a sensory calibration must be A d 0.217 in accordance with the Australian Standard AS/NZS4323.3:2001. ODORMAT SERIES 200107V05: A = 0.147 (20 September, 2004) Compliance – Yes Lower Detection Limit (LDL) The LDL for the olfactometer has been determined to be 16 ou (four times the lowest dilution setting) Traceability The measurements have been performed using standards for which the traceability to the national standard has been demonstrated. The assessors are individually selected to comply with fixed criteria and are monitored in time to keep within the limits of the standard. The results from the assessors are traceable to primary standards of n-butanol in nitrogen. Date: Wednesday, 3 November 2004 Report Number / Panel Roster Number: PER20041030 N. Bowden T. Schulz Principal and Managing Director Authorised Signatory 1 of 3 The Odour Unit Pty Ltd ACN 091 165 061 Form 06 – Odour Concentration Results Sheet (V05) Issue Date: 13.11.2003 Issued By: SB Odour Measurement Manual Revision: 3 Revision Date: 01.03.2004 Approved By: TJS PC40831 PC40832 PC40830 ROCP2-2 Cooling Pond – Free Sample ROCP2-1 The Odour Unit Pty Ltd ACN 091 165 061 Form 06 – Odour Concentration Results Sheet TOU Sample ID Sample Location Analysis Date & Time 30/10/04 11:13hrs 30/10/04 11:45hrs 30/10/04 12:19hrs Sampling Date & Time 29/10/04 13:00hrs 29/10/04 14:45hrs 29/10/04 10:30hrs 5 5 5 Panel Size - - - Nominal Sample Dilution Issue Date: 13.11.2003 Issued By: SB Odour Measurement Manual 10 10 10 Valid ITEs - - - Actual Sample Dilution (Adjusted for Temperature) Odour Sample Measurement Results 478 256 274 Sample Odour Concentration (as received, in the bag) (ou) 478 256 274 Sample Odour Concentration (Final, allowing for dilution) (ou) THE ODOUR UNIT PTY LIMITED Revision: 2 Revision Date: 13.11.2003 Approved By: TJS 2 of 3 Mouldy Mouldy Mouldy Odour Character Accreditation Number: 14974 52 Concentration of Reference gas (ppm) 20 F 80 Panel Target Range for n-butanol (ppb) 1,450 Measured Concentration (ou) 36 Measured Panel Threshold (ppb) Yes Does this panel calibration measurement comply with AS/NZS4323.3:2001 (Yes / No) Accreditation Number: 14974 The Odour Unit Pty Ltd ACN 091 165 061 Form 06 – Odour Concentration Results Sheet NATA endorsed test report. This report shall not be reproduced, except in full. Issue Date: 13.11.2003 Issued By: SB Odour Measurement Manual END OF DOCUMENT Revision: 2 Revision Date: 13.11.2003 Approved By: TJS 3 of 3 Disclaimer: Parties, other than TOU, responsible for collecting odour samples hereby certify that they have voluntarily furnished these odour samples, appropriately collected and labelled, to The Odour Unit Pty Limited for the purpose of odour testing. The collection of odour samples by parties other than The Odour Unit Pty Limited relinquishes The Odour Unit Pty Limited from all responsibility for the sample collection and any effects or actions that the results from the test(s) may have. None. PER20041030 n-butanol Comments Reference Odorant Panel Roster Number Reference Odorant Odour Panel Calibration Results THE ODOUR UNIT PTY LIMITED THE ODOUR UNIT PTY LIMITED Showroom 1 16-32 Hulme Court Myaree WA 6154 Phone: +61 8 9330 9476 Facsimile: +61 8 9330 1868 Email:[email protected] Internet: ABN: 53 091 165 061 Accreditation Number: 14974 Form 06 - Perth Laboratory Odour Concentration Measurement Results The measurement was commissioned by: Organisation GHD Contact Mark Goldstone Sampling Site Alcoa Wagerup Sampling Method IFH Order details: Order requested by Date of order Order number Signed by Dr. Mark Goldstone 22/09/2004 TBA TBA Telephone Facsimile Email Sampling Team Order accepted by TOU Project # Project Manager Testing operator (08) 9429 6558 (08) 9429 6555 [email protected] Paige Gunnell (GHD) Natasha Bowden 1139.1 Natasha Bowden Clayton Hough Investigated Item Odour concentration in odour units ‘ou’, determined by sensory odour concentration measurements, of an odour sample supplied in a sampling bag. Odour character is also assessed, however, this assessment is not covered by AS4323.3:2001. Identification The odour sample bags were labelled individually. Each label recorded the testing laboratory, sample number, sampling location (or Identification), sampling date and time, dilution ratio (if dilution was used) and whether further chemical analysis was required. Method The odour concentration measurements were performed using dynamic olfactometry according to the Australian Standard ‘Determination of Odour Concentration by Dynamic Olfactometry AS/NZS4323.3:2001. The odour perception characteristics of the panel within the presentation series for the samples were analogous to that for butanol calibration. Any deviation from the Australian standard is recorded in the ‘Comments’ section of this report. Measuring Range The measuring range of the olfactometer is 22 F 218 ou. If the measuring range was insufficient the odour samples will have been pre-diluted. The machine is not calibrated beyond dilution setting 217or below setting 23. This is specifically mentioned with the results. Environment The measurements were performed in an air- and odour-conditioned room. The room temperature is maintained at 25oC or less, with temperature fluctuations of less than ± 3 oC. Measuring Dates The date of each measurement is specified with the results. Instrument Used The olfactometer used during this testing session was: ODORMAT SERIES 200107V05 Instrumental Precision The precision of this instrument (expressed as repeatability) for a sensory calibration must be r d 0.477 in accordance with the Australian Standard AS/NZS4323.3:2001. ODORMAT SERIES 200107V05: r = 0.384 (20 September, 2004) Compliance – Yes Instrumental Accuracy The accuracy of this instrument for a sensory calibration must be A d 0.217 in accordance with the Australian Standard AS/NZS4323.3:2001. ODORMAT SERIES 200107V05: A = 0.147 (20 September, 2004) Compliance – Yes Lower Detection Limit (LDL) The LDL for the olfactometer has been determined to be 16 ou (four times the lowest dilution setting) Traceability The measurements have been performed using standards for which the traceability to the national standard has been demonstrated. The assessors are individually selected to comply with fixed criteria and are monitored in time to keep within the limits of the standard. The results from the assessors are traceable to primary standards of n-butanol in nitrogen. Date: Wednesday, 3 November 2004 Report Number / Panel Roster Number: PER20041029 C. Hough T. Schulz Principal and Managing Director Authorised Signatory 1 of 2 The Odour Unit Pty Ltd ACN 091 165 061 Form 06 – Odour Concentration Results Sheet (V05) Issue Date: 13.11.2003 Issued By: SB Odour Measurement Manual Revision: 3 Revision Date: 01.03.2004 Approved By: TJS PC40827 PC40828 PC40829 Dry Mud Wet Mud Wet Sand The Odour Unit Pty Ltd ACN 091 165 061 Form 06 – Odour Concentration Results Sheet TOU Sample ID Sample Location Analysis Date & Time 29/10/04 15:05hrs 29/10/04 15:54hrs 29/10/04 15:30hrs Sampling Date & Time 28/10/04 11:50hrs 28/10/04 15:10hrs 28/10/04 16:45hrs 5 5 5 Panel Size - - - Nominal Sample Dilution Issue Date: 13.11.2003 Issued By: SB Odour Measurement Manual 10 10 10 Valid ITEs - - - Actual Sample Dilution (Adjusted for Temperature) Odour Sample Measurement Results 1,550 1,550 137 Sample Odour Concentration (as received, in the bag) (ou) 1,550 1,550 137 Sample Odour Concentration (Final, allowing for dilution) (ou) THE ODOUR UNIT PTY LIMITED Revision: 2 Revision Date: 13.11.2003 Approved By: TJS 2 of 2 Greasy / dirty Greasy / dirty Slight metallic Odour Character Accreditation Number: 14974 52 Concentration of Reference gas (ppm) 20 F 80 Panel Target Range for n-butanol (ppb) 1,450 Measured Concentration (ou) 36 Measured Panel Threshold (ppb) Yes Does this panel calibration measurement comply with AS/NZS4323.3:2001 (Yes / No) Accreditation Number: 14974 The Odour Unit Pty Ltd ACN 091 165 061 Form 06 – Odour Concentration Results Sheet NATA endorsed test report. This report shall not be reproduced, except in full. Issue Date: 13.11.2003 Issued By: SB Odour Measurement Manual END OF DOCUMENT Revision: 2 Revision Date: 13.11.2003 Approved By: TJS 3 of 3 Disclaimer: Parties, other than TOU, responsible for collecting odour samples hereby certify that they have voluntarily furnished these odour samples, appropriately collected and labelled, to The Odour Unit Pty Limited for the purpose of odour testing. The collection of odour samples by parties other than The Odour Unit Pty Limited relinquishes The Odour Unit Pty Limited from all responsibility for the sample collection and any effects or actions that the results from the test(s) may have. None. PER20041029 n-butanol Comments Reference Odorant Panel Roster Number Reference Odorant Odour Panel Calibration Results THE ODOUR UNIT PTY LIMITED THE ODOUR UNIT PTY LIMITED Showroom 1 16-32 Hulme Court Myaree WA 6154 Phone: +61 8 9330 9476 Facsimile: +61 8 9330 1868 Email:[email protected] Internet: ABN: 53 091 165 061 Accreditation Number: 14974 Form 06 - Perth Laboratory Odour Concentration Measurement Results The measurement was commissioned by: Organisation GHD Contact Mark Goldstone Sampling Site Alcoa Wagerup Sampling Method IFH Order details: Order requested by Date of order Order number Signed by Dr. Mark Goldstone 22/09/2004 TBA TBA Telephone Facsimile Email Sampling Team Order accepted by TOU Project # Project Manager Testing operator (08) 9429 6558 (08) 9429 6555 [email protected] Paige Gunnell (GHD) Natasha Bowden 1139.1 Natasha Bowden Clayton Hough Investigated Item Odour concentration in odour units ‘ou’, determined by sensory odour concentration measurements, of an odour sample supplied in a sampling bag. Odour character is also assessed, however, this assessment is not covered by AS4323.3:2001. Identification The odour sample bags were labelled individually. Each label recorded the testing laboratory, sample number, sampling location (or Identification), sampling date and time, dilution ratio (if dilution was used) and whether further chemical analysis was required. Method The odour concentration measurements were performed using dynamic olfactometry according to the Australian Standard ‘Determination of Odour Concentration by Dynamic Olfactometry AS/NZS4323.3:2001. The odour perception characteristics of the panel within the presentation series for the samples were analogous to that for butanol calibration. Any deviation from the Australian standard is recorded in the ‘Comments’ section of this report. Measuring Range The measuring range of the olfactometer is 22 F 218 ou. If the measuring range was insufficient the odour samples will have been pre-diluted. The machine is not calibrated beyond dilution setting 217or below setting 23. This is specifically mentioned with the results. Environment The measurements were performed in an air- and odour-conditioned room. The room temperature is maintained at 25oC or less, with temperature fluctuations of less than ± 3 oC. Measuring Dates The date of each measurement is specified with the results. Instrument Used The olfactometer used during this testing session was: ODORMAT SERIES 200107V05 Instrumental Precision The precision of this instrument (expressed as repeatability) for a sensory calibration must be r d 0.477 in accordance with the Australian Standard AS/NZS4323.3:2001. ODORMAT SERIES 200107V05: r = 0.384 (20 September, 2004) Compliance – Yes Instrumental Accuracy The accuracy of this instrument for a sensory calibration must be A d 0.217 in accordance with the Australian Standard AS/NZS4323.3:2001. ODORMAT SERIES 200107V05: A = 0.147 (20 September, 2004) Compliance – Yes Lower Detection Limit (LDL) The LDL for the olfactometer has been determined to be 16 ou (four times the lowest dilution setting) Traceability The measurements have been performed using standards for which the traceability to the national standard has been demonstrated. The assessors are individually selected to comply with fixed criteria and are monitored in time to keep within the limits of the standard. The results from the assessors are traceable to primary standards of n-butanol in nitrogen. Date: Wednesday, 3 November 2004 Report Number / Panel Roster Number: PER20041028 C. Hough T. Schulz Principal and Managing Director Authorised Signatory 1 of 2 The Odour Unit Pty Ltd ACN 091 165 061 Form 06 – Odour Concentration Results Sheet (V05) Issue Date: 13.11.2003 Issued By: SB Odour Measurement Manual Revision: 3 Revision Date: 01.03.2004 Approved By: TJS None. Concentration of Reference gas (ppm) 52 10 10 Valid ITEs - - Nominal Sample Dilution 20 F 80 Panel Target Range for n-butanol (ppb) - - 1,550 Measured Concentration (ou) Odour Panel Calibration Results 5 5 Panel Size 10,800 8,780 33 Sharp chemical Sharp chemical Odour Character Yes Does this panel calibration measurement comply with AS/NZS4323.3:2001 (Yes / No) Sample Odour Concentration (Final, allowing for dilution) (ou) Measured Panel Threshold (ppb) 10,800 8,780 Sample Odour Concentration (as received, in the bag) (ou) Accreditation Number: 14974 The Odour Unit Pty Ltd ACN 091 165 061 Form 06 – Odour Concentration Results Sheet NATA endorsed test report. This report shall not be reproduced, except in full. Issue Date: 13.11.2003 Issued By: SB Odour Measurement Manual END OF DOCUMENT Revision: 2 Revision Date: 13.11.2003 Approved By: TJS 2 of 2 Disclaimer: Parties, other than TOU, responsible for collecting odour samples hereby certify that they have voluntarily furnished these odour samples, appropriately collected and labelled, to The Odour Unit Pty Limited for the purpose of odour testing. The collection of odour samples by parties other than The Odour Unit Pty Limited relinquishes The Odour Unit Pty Limited from all responsibility for the sample collection and any effects or actions that the results from the test(s) may have. Comments PER20041028 n-butanol PC40826 Super Thickener 2 28/10/04 15:08hrs 28/10/04 15:34hrs 27/10/04 no time given 27/10/04 no time given Reference Odorant Panel Roster Number PC40825 Super Thickener 1 Analysis Date & Time Sampling Date & Time Reference Odorant TOU Sample ID Sample Location Actual Sample Dilution (Adjusted for Temperature) Odour Sample Measurement Results THE ODOUR UNIT PTY LIMITED THE ODOUR UNIT PTY LIMITED Showroom 1 16-32 Hulme Court Myaree WA 6154 Phone: +61 8 9330 9476 Facsimile: +61 8 9330 1868 Email:[email protected] Internet: ABN: 53 091 165 061 Accreditation Number: 14974 Form 06 - Perth Laboratory Odour Concentration Measurement Results The measurement was commissioned by: Organisation GHD Contact Mark Goldstone Sampling Site Alcoa Wagerup Sampling Method IFH Order details: Order requested by Date of order Order number Signed by Dr. Mark Goldstone 22/09/2004 TBA TBA Telephone Facsimile Email Sampling Team Order accepted by TOU Project # Project Manager Testing operator (08) 9429 6558 (08) 9429 6555 [email protected] Paige Gunnell (GHD) Natasha Bowden 1139.1 Natasha Bowden Clayton Hough Investigated Item Odour concentration in odour units ‘ou’, determined by sensory odour concentration measurements, of an odour sample supplied in a sampling bag. Odour character is also assessed, however, this assessment is not covered by AS4323.3:2001. Identification The odour sample bags were labelled individually. Each label recorded the testing laboratory, sample number, sampling location (or Identification), sampling date and time, dilution ratio (if dilution was used) and whether further chemical analysis was required. Method The odour concentration measurements were performed using dynamic olfactometry according to the Australian Standard ‘Determination of Odour Concentration by Dynamic Olfactometry AS/NZS4323.3:2001. The odour perception characteristics of the panel within the presentation series for the samples were analogous to that for butanol calibration. Any deviation from the Australian standard is recorded in the ‘Comments’ section of this report. Measuring Range The measuring range of the olfactometer is 22 F 218 ou. If the measuring range was insufficient the odour samples will have been pre-diluted. The machine is not calibrated beyond dilution setting 217or below setting 23. This is specifically mentioned with the results. Environment The measurements were performed in an air- and odour-conditioned room. The room temperature is maintained at 25oC or less, with temperature fluctuations of less than ± 3 oC. Measuring Dates The date of each measurement is specified with the results. Instrument Used The olfactometer used during this testing session was: ODORMAT SERIES 200107V05 Instrumental Precision The precision of this instrument (expressed as repeatability) for a sensory calibration must be r d 0.477 in accordance with the Australian Standard AS/NZS4323.3:2001. ODORMAT SERIES 200107V05: r = 0.384 (20 September, 2004) Compliance – Yes Instrumental Accuracy The accuracy of this instrument for a sensory calibration must be A d 0.217 in accordance with the Australian Standard AS/NZS4323.3:2001. ODORMAT SERIES 200107V05: A = 0.147 (20 September, 2004) Compliance – Yes Lower Detection Limit (LDL) The LDL for the olfactometer has been determined to be 16 ou (four times the lowest dilution setting) Traceability The measurements have been performed using standards for which the traceability to the national standard has been demonstrated. The assessors are individually selected to comply with fixed criteria and are monitored in time to keep within the limits of the standard. The results from the assessors are traceable to primary standards of n-butanol in nitrogen. Date: Tuesday, 2 November 2004 Report Number / Panel Roster Number: PER20041027 C. Hough T. Schulz Principal and Managing Director Authorised Signatory 1 of 1 The Odour Unit Pty Ltd ACN 091 165 061 Form 06 – Odour Concentration Results Sheet (V05) Issue Date: 13.11.2003 Issued By: SB Odour Measurement Manual Revision: 3 Revision Date: 01.03.2004 Approved By: TJS None. Concentration of Reference gas (ppm) 52 10 10 Valid ITEs - - Nominal Sample Dilution 20 F 80 Panel Target Range for n-butanol (ppb) - - 1,550 Measured Concentration (ou) Odour Panel Calibration Results 5 5 Panel Size 239 315 239 315 33 Light caustic / humid Light caustic / humid Odour Character Yes Does this panel calibration measurement comply with AS/NZS4323.3:2001 (Yes / No) Sample Odour Concentration (Final, allowing for dilution) (ou) Measured Panel Threshold (ppb) Sample Odour Concentration (as received, in the bag) (ou) Accreditation Number: 14974 The Odour Unit Pty Ltd ACN 091 165 061 Form 06 – Odour Concentration Results Sheet NATA endorsed test report. This report shall not be reproduced, except in full. Issue Date: 13.11.2003 Issued By: SB Odour Measurement Manual END OF DOCUMENT Revision: 2 Revision Date: 13.11.2003 Approved By: TJS 2 of 2 Disclaimer: Parties, other than TOU, responsible for collecting odour samples hereby certify that they have voluntarily furnished these odour samples, appropriately collected and labelled, to The Odour Unit Pty Limited for the purpose of odour testing. The collection of odour samples by parties other than The Odour Unit Pty Limited relinquishes The Odour Unit Pty Limited from all responsibility for the sample collection and any effects or actions that the results from the test(s) may have. Comments PER20041027 n-butanol PC40809 Oxalate 2 27/10/04 11:20hrs 27/10/04 11:45hrs 26/10/04 10:10hrs 26/10/04 12:20hrs Reference Odorant Panel Roster Number PC40808 Oxalate 1 Analysis Date & Time Sampling Date & Time Reference Odorant TOU Sample ID Sample Location Actual Sample Dilution (Adjusted for Temperature) Odour Sample Measurement Results THE ODOUR UNIT PTY LIMITED THE ODOUR UNIT PTY LIMITED Showroom 1 16-32 Hulme Court Myaree WA 6154 Phone: +61 8 9330 9476 Facsimile: +61 8 9330 1868 Email:[email protected] Internet: ABN: 53 091 165 061 Accreditation Number: 14974 Form 06 - Perth Laboratory Odour Concentration Measurement Results The measurement was commissioned by: Organisation GHD Contact Mark Goldstone Sampling Site Alcoa Wagerup Sampling Method IFH Order details: Order requested by Date of order Order number Signed by Dr. Mark Goldstone 22/09/2004 TBA TBA Telephone Facsimile Email Sampling Team Order accepted by TOU Project # Project Manager Testing operator (08) 9429 6558 (08) 9429 6555 [email protected] Paige Gunnell (GHD) Natasha Bowden 1139.1 Natasha Bowden Natasha Bowden Investigated Item Odour concentration in odour units ‘ou’, determined by sensory odour concentration measurements, of an odour sample supplied in a sampling bag. Odour character is also assessed, however, this assessment is not covered by AS4323.3:2001. Identification The odour sample bags were labelled individually. Each label recorded the testing laboratory, sample number, sampling location (or Identification), sampling date and time, dilution ratio (if dilution was used) and whether further chemical analysis was required. Method The odour concentration measurements were performed using dynamic olfactometry according to the Australian Standard ‘Determination of Odour Concentration by Dynamic Olfactometry AS/NZS4323.3:2001. The odour perception characteristics of the panel within the presentation series for the samples were analogous to that for butanol calibration. Any deviation from the Australian standard is recorded in the ‘Comments’ section of this report. Measuring Range The measuring range of the olfactometer is 22 F 218 ou. If the measuring range was insufficient the odour samples will have been pre-diluted. The machine is not calibrated beyond dilution setting 217or below setting 23. This is specifically mentioned with the results. Environment The measurements were performed in an air- and odour-conditioned room. The room temperature is maintained at 25oC or less, with temperature fluctuations of less than ± 3 oC. Measuring Dates The date of each measurement is specified with the results. Instrument Used The olfactometer used during this testing session was: ODORMAT SERIES 200107V05 Instrumental Precision The precision of this instrument (expressed as repeatability) for a sensory calibration must be r d 0.477 in accordance with the Australian Standard AS/NZS4323.3:2001. ODORMAT SERIES 200107V05: r = 0.384 (20 September, 2004) Compliance – Yes Instrumental Accuracy The accuracy of this instrument for a sensory calibration must be A d 0.217 in accordance with the Australian Standard AS/NZS4323.3:2001. ODORMAT SERIES 200107V05: A = 0.147 (20 September, 2004) Compliance – Yes Lower Detection Limit (LDL) The LDL for the olfactometer has been determined to be 16 ou (four times the lowest dilution setting) Traceability The measurements have been performed using standards for which the traceability to the national standard has been demonstrated. The assessors are individually selected to comply with fixed criteria and are monitored in time to keep within the limits of the standard. The results from the assessors are traceable to primary standards of n-butanol in nitrogen. Date: Tuesday, 2 November 2004 Report Number / Panel Roster Number: PER20041026 N. Bowden T. Schulz Principal and Managing Director Authorised Signatory 1 of 1 The Odour Unit Pty Ltd ACN 091 165 061 Form 06 – Odour Concentration Results Sheet (V05) Issue Date: 13.11.2003 Issued By: SB Odour Measurement Manual Revision: 3 Revision Date: 01.03.2004 Approved By: TJS None. Concentration of Reference gas (ppm) 52 10 8 Valid ITEs - - Nominal Sample Dilution 20 F 80 Panel Target Range for n-butanol (ppb) - - 1,260 Measured Concentration (ou) Odour Panel Calibration Results 5 5 Panel Size 1,660 1,450 1,660 1,450 41 Wetlands Wetlands Odour Character Yes Does this panel calibration measurement comply with AS/NZS4323.3:2001 (Yes / No) Sample Odour Concentration (Final, allowing for dilution) (ou) Measured Panel Threshold (ppb) Sample Odour Concentration (as received, in the bag) (ou) Accreditation Number: 14974 The Odour Unit Pty Ltd ACN 091 165 061 Form 06 – Odour Concentration Results Sheet NATA endorsed test report. This report shall not be reproduced, except in full. Issue Date: 13.11.2003 Issued By: SB Odour Measurement Manual END OF DOCUMENT Revision: 2 Revision Date: 13.11.2003 Approved By: TJS 2 of 2 Disclaimer: Parties, other than TOU, responsible for collecting odour samples hereby certify that they have voluntarily furnished these odour samples, appropriately collected and labelled, to The Odour Unit Pty Limited for the purpose of odour testing. The collection of odour samples by parties other than The Odour Unit Pty Limited relinquishes The Odour Unit Pty Limited from all responsibility for the sample collection and any effects or actions that the results from the test(s) may have. Comments PER20041026 n-butanol PC40807 Lower Dam 2 26/10/2004 16:38hrs 26/10/2004 17:08hrs 25/10/2004 12:10hrs 25/10/2004 16:00hrs Reference Odorant Panel Roster Number PC40806 Lower Dam 1 Analysis Date & Time Sampling Date & Time Reference Odorant TOU Sample ID Sample Location Actual Sample Dilution (Adjusted for Temperature) Odour Sample Measurement Results THE ODOUR UNIT PTY LIMITED THE ODOUR UNIT PTY LIMITED Showroom 1 16-32 Hulme Court Myaree WA 6154 Phone: +61 8 9330 9476 Facsimile: +61 8 9330 1868 Email:[email protected] Internet: ABN: 53 091 165 061 Accreditation Number: 14974 Form 06 - Perth Laboratory Odour Concentration Measurement Results The measurement was commissioned by: Organisation GHD Contact Paige Gunnell Sampling Site Alcoa Sampling Method Not specified Order details: Order requested by Date of order Order number Signed by Paige Gunnell 15/11/2004 TBA TBA Telephone Facsimile Email Sampling Team Order accepted by TOU Project # Project Manager Testing operator (08) 9429 6558 (08) 9429 6555 [email protected] Paige Gunnell Natasha Bowden 1139.1 Natasha Bowden Natasha Bowden Investigated Item Odour concentration in odour units ‘ou’, determined by sensory odour concentration measurements, of an odour sample supplied in a sampling bag. Odour character is also assessed, however, this assessment is not covered by AS4323.3:2001. Identification The odour sample bags were labelled individually. Each label recorded the testing laboratory, sample number, sampling location (or Identification), sampling date and time, dilution ratio (if dilution was used) and whether further chemical analysis was required. Method The odour concentration measurements were performed using dynamic olfactometry according to the Australian Standard ‘Determination of Odour Concentration by Dynamic Olfactometry AS/NZS4323.3:2001. The odour perception characteristics of the panel within the presentation series for the samples were analogous to that for butanol calibration. Any deviation from the Australian standard is recorded in the ‘Comments’ section of this report. Measuring Range The measuring range of the olfactometer is 22 F 218 ou. If the measuring range was insufficient the odour samples will have been pre-diluted. The machine is not calibrated beyond dilution setting 217or below setting 23. This is specifically mentioned with the results. Environment The measurements were performed in an air- and odour-conditioned room. The room temperature is maintained at 25oC or less, with temperature fluctuations of less than ± 3 oC. Measuring Dates The date of each measurement is specified with the results. Instrument Used The olfactometer used during this testing session was: ODORMAT SERIES 200107V05 Instrumental Precision The precision of this instrument (expressed as repeatability) for a sensory calibration must be r d 0.477 in accordance with the Australian Standard AS/NZS4323.3:2001. ODORMAT SERIES 200107V05: r = 0.384 (20 September, 2004) Compliance – Yes Instrumental Accuracy The accuracy of this instrument for a sensory calibration must be A d 0.217 in accordance with the Australian Standard AS/NZS4323.3:2001. ODORMAT SERIES 200107V05: A = 0.147 (20 September, 2004) Compliance – Yes Lower Detection Limit (LDL) The LDL for the olfactometer has been determined to be 16 ou (four times the lowest dilution setting) Traceability The measurements have been performed using standards for which the traceability to the national standard has been demonstrated. The assessors are individually selected to comply with fixed criteria and are monitored in time to keep within the limits of the standard. The results from the assessors are traceable to primary standards of n-butanol in nitrogen. Date: Monday, 20 December 2004 Report Number / Panel Roster Number: PER20041216 N. Bowden T. Schulz Principal and Managing Director The Odour Unit Pty Ltd ACN 091 165 061 Form 06 – Odour Concentration Results Sheet (V05) Authorised Signatory Issue Date: 13.11.2003 Issued By: SB Odour Measurement Manual Revision: 3 Revision Date: 01.03.2004 Approved By: TJS 1 of 3 PC41020 PC41021 PC41022 GHD 1 GHD 2 GHD 3 The Odour Unit Pty Ltd ACN 091 165 061 Form 06 – Odour Concentration Results Sheet TOU Sample ID Sample Location Analysis Date & Time 16/12/2004 13:13hrs 16/12/2004 13:39hrs 16/12/2004 14:05hrs Sampling Date & Time 15/12/2004 12:00hrs 15/12/2004 14:30hrs 15/12/2004 16:00hrs 5 5 5 Panel Size - - - Issue Date: 13.11.2003 Issued By: SB Odour Measurement Manual 10 10 10 Valid ITEs Nominal Sample Dilution Factor - - - Actual Sample Dilution (Adjusted for Temperature) Odour Sample Measurement Results 56 56 60 Sample Odour Concentration (as received, in the bag) (ou) 56 56 60 Sample Odour Concentration (Final, allowing for dilution) (ou) THE ODOUR UNIT PTY LIMITED Revision: 2 Revision Date: 13.11.2003 Approved By: TJS 2 of 3 Slight sweet / musty Slight sweet / musty Slight sweet / musty Odour Character Accreditation Number: 14974 52 Concentration of Reference gas (ppm) 20 F 80 Panel Target Range for n-butanol (ppb) 1,100 Measured Concentration (ou) 47 Measured Panel Threshold (ppb) Yes Does this panel calibration measurement comply with AS/NZS4323.3:2001 (Yes / No) Accreditation Number: 14974 The Odour Unit Pty Ltd ACN 091 165 061 Form 06 – Odour Concentration Results Sheet NATA endorsed test report. This report shall not be reproduced, except in full. Issue Date: 13.11.2003 Issued By: SB Odour Measurement Manual END OF DOCUMENT Revision: 2 Revision Date: 13.11.2003 Approved By: TJS 3 of 3 Disclaimer: Parties, other than TOU, responsible for collecting odour samples hereby certify that they have voluntarily furnished these odour samples, appropriately collected and labelled, to The Odour Unit Pty Limited for the purpose of odour testing. The collection of odour samples by parties other than The Odour Unit Pty Limited relinquishes The Odour Unit Pty Limited from all responsibility for the sample collection and any effects or actions that the results from the test(s) may have. None. PER20041216 n-butanol Comments Reference Odorant Panel Roster Number Reference Odorant Odour Panel Calibration Results THE ODOUR UNIT PTY LIMITED Phase 2 Env 05-053.xls, Report GHD House 239 Adelaide Terrace Perth WA 6004 Attention: Your Ref No: Our Ref No: February 23, 2005 Mark Goldstone 6115324 ENV 05-053 REPORT ON ANALYSIS OF ALCOA SAMPLES Introduction: Twenty three TO17 tubes and eighteen DNPH impregnated tubes were received 18/02/05, these were analysed in accordance with the chain of custody (0102-0105). Methods of Analysis: The tubes were analysed to determine the amount of Volatile Organic Compounds according to WIENV 31 (based on the analytical section of US EPA TO15 and TO17).The amount of aldehydes and ketones was determined according to WIENV 34 (based on USEPA TO5 and TO11A). Results The results are tabulated on the following worksheets. GEOTECHNICAL SERVICES Angela Downey Environmental Chemist Page 1 of 1 Nigel West Senior Chemist Data supplied by Geotechnical Services HP021804.D Lab DNPH blank tube HP021821.D HP021845.D HP021825.D HP021847.D HP021843.D HP021823.D HP021819.D HP021809.D HP021841.D HP021817.D HP021833.D HP021835.D HP021811.D HP021813.D HP021839.D HP021831.D HP021815.D HP021837.D 2 Not Detected HP021803.D HP111811.D HP111815.D HP111827.D HP111816.D ad Angela Downey 1.0ug/ml std 1274300028 1274305376 1274305375 1274305379 1274305370 1274305372 1274305378 1274305377 1274305374 1274305373 1274305371 1274304759 1274304756 1274304758 1274304750 1274304757 1274304753 1274304993 1274304996 Volume of Extract (mL) nd Daily Calibration Multipoint Calibration MDL Lab No Precision Lab No Column Efficiency Page 1 of 1 Processed By Geotechnical Services 41-45 Furnace Road Welshpool Perth WA 6106 Australia Lab Number Sample Name Our Ref No Your Ref No Mark Goldstone GHD Checked By Geotechnical Services Pass 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 Analyte Detection Limit (ug) Errors + / - % % Sample Used Hood perspex stainless perspex stainless perspex stainless perspex stainless perspex stainless perspex stainless perspex stainless perspex stainless lab lab Time 19:19 18:36 21:05 21:05 0:08 0:08 3:07 3:07 6:04 6:04 9:12 9:12 12:03 12:03 14:56 14:56 Date 14/02/2005 14/02/2005 14/02/2005 14/02/2005 15/02/2005 15/02/2005 15/02/2005 15/02/2005 15/02/2005 15/02/2005 15/02/2005 15/02/2005 15/02/2005 15/02/2005 15/02/2005 15/02/2005 ppm standard Date nw Nigel West 1.05 nd nd 2.30 0.58 0.82 0.62 0.35 0.51 nd 0.51 0.43 1.21 1.91 1.31 2.36 0.43 nd nd nd Acetaldehyde 0.07 11.7 Total ug 1.0 1.05 (0.10) 2.47 6.64 2.45 3.43 6.48 1.50 1.50 1.32 1.22 1.20 1.18 1.64 4.13 7.16 3.57 3.41 2.67 4.89 Formaldehyde 0.14 11.7 Total ug 22/02/2005 1.00 (0.11) 0.48 0.68 0.44 0.50 0.44 0.36 0.42 nd 0.42 0.34 0.46 0.58 0.58 1.26 1.10 0.72 nd 0.40 Acetone 0.15 11.8 Total ug 1.03 nd nd nd nd nd nd nd nd nd nd nd nd nd nd nd nd nd nd nd Propanal 0.15 11.8 Total ug 1.06 nd nd nd nd nd nd nd nd nd nd nd nd nd nd nd 0.35 nd nd nd MEK 0.13 11.9 Total ug 1.06 nd nd nd nd nd nd nd nd nd nd nd nd nd nd nd nd nd nd nd iso-Butanal 0.12 12.7 Total ug Test Report for Analysis of Carbonyl Derivatives by WIENV 34 (Based on the Analytical Sections of USEPA TO5 & TO11A) Env 05-053 Samples Received 18-Feb-05 Disclaimer: Geotech has analysed the derivatised samples provided by methods based on the analytical components of USEPA TO11A and TO5. 6115324 Samples Analysed 18-Feb-05 Env 05-053.xls, DNPH Results 1.02 nd nd nd nd nd nd nd nd nd nd nd nd nd nd nd nd nd nd nd 1.05 nd nd nd nd nd nd nd nd nd nd nd nd nd nd nd nd nd nd nd Benzaldehyde 2-Pentanone 0.07 0.19 12.0 12.1 Total ug Total ug 1.03 nd nd nd nd nd nd nd nd nd nd nd nd nd nd nd nd nd nd nd n-Pentanal 0.16 12.5 Total ug 1.02 nd nd nd nd nd nd nd nd nd nd nd nd nd nd nd nd nd nd nd 1.02 nd nd nd nd nd nd nd nd nd nd nd nd nd nd nd nd nd nd nd Data supplied by Geotechnical Services 1.00 nd nd nd nd nd nd nd nd nd nd nd nd nd nd nd nd nd nd nd p-Tolualdehyde 2-Hexanone Hexanal 0.10 0.19 0.07 17.8 12.9 11.8 Total ug Total ug Total ug Volume(mLs) Sample 02090510.D 02090503.D 0 ng 1 ng 2 ng 5 ng 10 ng 20 ng 50 ng 100 ng 10ng std #A11408 20ng std #A14330 50ng std #A10058 100ng std #A08348 200ng std #A70150 500ng std #A15002 1000ng std #A10353 Pass 02180502.D Not Detected ad jm < 5.0 13.6 ng hexatriene < 5.0 13.1 ng benzene < 5.0 14.1 ng pyridine < 5.0 14.5 ng toluene < 5.0 13.6 ng ethylbenzene 873.2 466.8 205.6 104.2 24.3 nd 17.4 nd 110 1300.0 23-Feb-05 979.4 491.6 205.3 103.1 59.5 29.1 18.1 9.4 110 nd 1028.1 489.6 201.9 104.1 44.3 11.4 0.6 nd 110 1100.0 819.6 484.6 195.6 97.0 29.3 2.3 2.6 nd 98 nd 1154.8 528.9 202.7 100.7 47.0 8.8 3.5 nd 100 430.0 1001.3 505.0 197.6 99.9 45.3 10.8 10.7 nd 100 nd nd nd nd nd nd nd nd nd nd nd nd Not analysed nd nd 130 nd 5.90 nd No analytical data- high levels of moisture in sample caused mass spec to cut out No analytical data- high levels of moisture in sample caused mass spec to cut out nd nd nd nd nd Not analysed nd nd nd nd nd nd nd nd nd nd nd Not analysed nd nd nd nd nd Not analysed nd nd nd 8.90 nd Not analysed nd nd nd nd nd Not analysed nd 6.40 nd nd nd Not analysed nd nd nd nd nd Not analysed nd nd nd nd nd nd nd nd 5.30 nd nd nd nd nd nd nd nd nd nd nd nd nd nd Not analysed nd nd nd nd nd nd nd nd nd nd nd Not analysed nd nd nd nd 22.0 nd nd nd nd nd nd nd nd nd nd 65.0 nd Not analysed nd nd nd 25.0 6.70 Not analysed nd nd nd 14.0 nd Not analysed (1000 ng) (1000 ng) (400 ng) < 5.0 Should have the same first four numbers in the Lab No as the samples From TO15 Worksheet Should have the same Lab No as the Lab Blank in F9 From TO15 Worksheet Processed By Angela Downey Checked By Joanne Menegazzo Date Geotechnical Services Geotechnical Services 41-45 Furnace Road Welshpool Perth WA 6106 Australia Month/Day/Yr/Sample No eg 10180204 is analysed on Oct 18th 2002 and is sample No 4 Initials Errors Determined Without Sampling BFB Lab Number nd Daily Calibration Check 02180502.D Pass 02090504.D 02090509.D 02090508.D 02090507.D 02090506.D 02090502.D Solid Standards Liquid Stds 02180534.D 02180503.D chkstd 10 ng solids 02180502.D 02180514.D 02180509.D 02180513.D 02180508.D 02180518.D 02180511.D 02180521.D 02180520.D 02180527.D 02180516.D 02180522.D 02180524.D 02180510.D 02180504.D 02180512.D 02180526.D 02180505.D 02180525.D 02180507.D 02180506.D 02180517.D 02180519.D 02180523.D 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 Blank #A11369 18:36 18:36 21:05 21:05 0:08 0:08 3:07 3:07 6:04 6:04 9:12 9:12 12:03 12:03 14:56 14:56 Multipoint Calibration perspex stainless perspex stainless perspex stainless perspex stainless perspex stainless perspex stainless perspex stainless perspex stainless lab lab lab lab Lab No ng 15.4 Units acetone Error +/- % Compound 100ng std 11230409.D Page 1 of 4 Time Daily Calibration 14/02/2005 14/02/2005 14/02/2005 14/02/2005 15/02/2005 15/02/2005 15/02/2005 15/02/2005 15/02/2005 15/02/2005 15/02/2005 15/02/2005 15/02/2005 15/02/2005 15/02/2005 15/02/2005 11/02/2005 11/02/2005 11/02/2005 11/02/2005 16/02/2005 16/02/2005 16/02/2005 Lab Blank Lab No Multipoint Calibration Check Lab Nos Hood Detection Limits. Based on Sample Volume on tube A72261 Date Comments fail biphenyl Lab Blank 05-053 11 05-053 6 05-053 10 05-053 5 05-053 14 05-053 8 05-053 17 05-053 16 05-053 23 05-053 12 05-053 18 05-053 20 05-053 7 05-053 1 05-053 9 05-053 22 05-053 2 05-053 21 05-053 4 05-053 3 05-053 13 05-053 15 05-053 19 Sample ID 1st Precision Lab No A11293 A11144 A14502 A1 C06289 A15036 A72258 C06252 B16433 A72158 A12416 C06646 B15881 A11389 A09645 A14439 A72261 A62959 A70014 B16830 B15517 A01467 A72151 No Tube 983.8 496.0 202.8 107.8 49.2 17.8 19.3 nd 95 nd nd nd nd nd 6.80 nd nd nd nd nd nd nd nd nd nd nd 16.0 29.0 nd nd nd 7.30 < 5.0 14.3 ng 1,3-xylene Test Report for Determination of Volatile Organic Compounds by in-House Method WIENV 31 Mark Goldstone Our Ref No Env 05-053 Samples Received 18-Feb-05 Disclaimer: Geotechnical Services has not been involved in the collection of these samples. Your Ref No 6115324 Samples Analysed 18-Feb-05 Geotech has determined the VOCs by thermal desorption GC-MS GHD Env 05-053.xls, VOC Results Data supplied by Geotechnical Services 02090506.D 02090507.D 02090508.D 02090509.D 02090510.D 02090503.D 02090504.D 1 ng 2 ng 5 ng 10 ng 20 ng 50 ng 100 ng Page 2 of 4 ample No 4 s Joanne Menegazzo Date jm me first four numbers in the Lab No as t heet me Lab No as the Lab Blank in F9 heet 02090502.D 0 ng Solid Standards 02180534.D 02180503.D 02180502.D 02180514.D 02180509.D 02180513.D 02180508.D 02180518.D 02180511.D 02180521.D 02180520.D 02180527.D 02180516.D 02180522.D 02180524.D 02180510.D 02180504.D 02180512.D 02180526.D 02180505.D 02180525.D 02180507.D 02180506.D 02180517.D 02180519.D 02180523.D chkstd 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 Lab No 10 ng solids A72261 806.8 462.6 202.0 100.0 50.5 20.1 9.7 nd 110 959.7 493.8 198.7 100.1 48.4 15.9 7.2 nd 100 nd nd nd nd nd nd nd nd nd nd nd nd nd nd nd nd nd nd nd nd nd nd nd nd nd nd nd nd nd nd nd nd nd nd nd nd nd nd nd (50 ng) 54.0 nd nd nd < 5.0 13.2 ng styrene nd nd nd < 5.0 ng 13.2 Units Error +/- % Volume(mLs) ethynyl-benzene Compound Sample pounds by in-House Method W Samples Received 18-Feb-05 Samples Analysed 18-Feb-05 946.5 497.8 199.7 99.9 46.9 11.1 3.6 nd 110 nd nd nd nd nd nd nd nd nd nd nd nd nd nd nd nd nd nd 6.40 nd nd nd nd < 5.0 13.3 ng 1,2-xylene 295.1 429.4 199.3 101.7 65.3 36.3 56.9 26.0 97 nd nd nd nd nd nd nd nd nd nd nd nd nd nd nd nd nd nd nd nd nd nd nd < 5.0 13.5 ng benzaldehyde 790.8 509.8 188.8 99.1 58.5 29.3 28.2 16.3 110 nd nd nd nd nd nd nd nd nd nd nd nd nd nd nd nd nd nd nd nd nd nd nd < 5.0 13.8 1,3,5trimethylbenzene ng 271.7 377.5 187.0 103.6 66.2 37.5 33.2 21.7 100 nd nd nd nd nd nd nd nd nd nd nd nd nd nd nd nd nd nd nd nd nd nd nd < 5.0 12.7 ng benzonitrile 538.4 431.6 189.8 98.5 59.2 32.0 20.1 20.1 120 nd nd nd nd nd nd nd nd nd nd nd nd nd nd nd nd nd nd nd nd nd nd nd < 5.0 13.1 ng benzofuran 168.4 490.6 190.1 97.1 50.8 20.5 20.9 5.3 110 nd nd nd nd nd nd nd nd nd nd nd nd nd nd nd nd nd nd nd nd nd nd nd < 5.0 14.0 ng acetophenone 21.3 27.0 20.3 11.4 5.2 2.1 1.4 nd 10 9.2 nd nd nd nd nd nd nd nd nd nd nd nd nd nd nd nd 69.9 28.0 nd (10 ng) nd nd nd < 0.50 12.9 ng naphthalene Env 05-053.xls, VOC Results 835.6 472.7 198.7 99.1 49.6 22.5 13.5 nd 100 41.0 nd nd nd nd nd nd nd nd nd nd nd nd nd nd nd nd nd nd nd (50 ng) nd nd nd < 5.0 13.0 ng 89.9 41.1 19.4 7.1 5.1 2.9 1.6 nd 8 nd nd nd nd nd nd nd nd nd nd nd nd nd nd nd nd nd nd 5.90 nd nd nd nd < 0.50 22.0 ng quinoline1H-indole 899.1 411.4 194.1 71.2 51.4 28.9 15.8 nd 83 nd nd nd nd nd nd nd nd nd nd nd nd nd nd nd nd nd 8.40 59.0 nd nd nd nd < 5.0 13.1 ng 2-methyl naphthalene 303.9 345.5 225.3 100.3 50.5 21.8 13.7 nd 95 nd nd nd nd nd nd nd nd nd nd nd nd nd nd nd nd nd 21.0 24.0 nd nd nd nd < 5.0 13.0 ng 1-methyl naphthalene Data supplied by Geotechnical Services < 0.50 nd nd nd nd nd nd nd nd nd nd nd nd nd nd nd nd nd nd nd nd nd nd nd 9 < 0.50 nd nd nd nd nd nd nd nd nd nd nd nd nd nd nd nd nd nd nd nd nd nd nd 9 02180502.D 02180514.D 02180509.D 02180513.D 02180508.D 02180518.D 02180511.D 02180521.D 02180520.D 02180527.D 02180516.D 02180522.D 02180524.D 02180510.D 02180504.D 02180512.D 02180526.D 02180505.D 02180525.D 02180507.D 02180506.D 02180517.D 02180519.D 02180523.D 02180534.D 02180503.D chkstd 10 ng solids 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 02090503.D 02090504.D 50 ng 100 ng Page 3 of 4 ample No 4 s Joanne Menegazzo Date jm me first four numbers in the Lab No as t heet me Lab No as the Lab Blank in F9 heet 02090510.D 20 ng 10.0 02090508.D 02090509.D 5 ng 02090507.D 2 ng 10 ng 6.4 02090506.D 47.2 40.6 24.4 14.7 3.4 02090502.D 1 ng Lab No 0 ng Solid Standards A72261 49.3 57.0 21.0 10.1 5.3 2.0 1.5 nd 12.6 13.1 Error +/- % 1.7 ng ng Units Volume(mLs) acenaphthylene Compound Sample biphenyl pounds by in-House Method W Samples Received 18-Feb-05 Samples Analysed 18-Feb-05 54.9 57.9 19.8 10.1 5.0 2.4 1.4 nd 8 nd nd nd nd nd nd nd nd nd nd nd nd nd nd nd nd nd nd nd nd nd nd nd < 0.50 12.9 ng 79.9 89.9 21.4 10.1 3.2 nd nd nd 2 nd nd nd nd nd nd nd nd nd nd nd nd nd nd nd nd nd nd nd nd nd nd nd < 5.0 13.1 ng acenaphdibenzo-furan thene 71.2 52.4 19.8 10.2 6.0 3.2 2.3 1.4 6 nd nd nd nd nd nd nd nd nd nd nd nd nd nd nd nd nd nd nd nd nd nd nd < 0.50 12.9 ng 9H-fluorene No Data No Data No Data No Data No Data No Data No Data No Data No Data No Data No Data No Data No Data No Data No Data No Data No Data No Data No Data No Data No Data No Data No Data No Data No Data No Data No Data No Data No Data No Data No Data No Data No data 9H-fluoren9-one No Data No Data No Data No Data No Data No Data No Data No Data No Data No Data No Data No Data No Data No Data No Data No Data No Data No Data No Data No Data No Data No Data No Data No Data No Data No Data No Data No Data No Data No Data No Data No Data No data phenanthrene No Data No Data No Data No Data No Data No Data No Data No Data No Data No Data No Data No Data No Data No Data No Data No Data No Data No Data No Data No Data No Data No Data No Data No Data No Data No Data No Data No Data No Data No Data No Data No Data No data fluoranthene No Data No Data No Data No Data No Data No Data No Data No Data No Data No Data No Data No Data No Data No Data No Data No Data No Data No Data No Data No Data No Data No Data No Data No Data No Data No Data No Data No Data No Data No Data No Data No Data No data pyrene 925.1 537.8 210.4 102.9 nd nd nd nd 73 nd nd nd nd nd nd nd nd nd nd nd 17.0 nd nd nd nd nd nd nd nd nd nd 44.0 < 5.0 14.6 ng MEK Env 05-053.xls, VOC Results 1052.4 530.8 201.6 103.1 45.5 13.7 3.9 nd 92 nd nd nd nd nd nd nd nd nd nd nd nd nd nd nd nd nd 6.70 nd nd nd nd 19.0 < 5.0 13.5 ng 1008.2 464.9 204.9 103.3 47.6 17.4 2.1 2.1 91 nd nd nd nd nd nd nd nd nd nd nd nd nd nd nd nd nd nd nd nd nd nd nd < 5.0 14.5 ng MPK 3 methyl butana 840.8 445.1 204.9 104.3 60.4 22.6 18.9 4.1 110 nd nd nd nd nd 9.20 nd nd nd nd nd nd nd nd nd nd nd nd nd nd nd nd 19.0 < 5.0 13.9 ng heptane 1221.9 742.9 207.4 105.9 24.4 nd nd nd 93 nd nd nd nd nd nd nd nd nd nd nd nd nd nd nd nd nd nd nd nd nd nd nd < 5.0 13.3 ng MIBK 1553.2 857.4 200.0 92.3 3.0 nd nd nd 96 53.0 nd nd nd nd nd nd nd nd nd nd nd nd nd nd nd nd nd nd nd (50 ng) nd nd nd < 5.0 13.6 ng 1607.0 1300.5 319.7 93.4 nd nd nd nd 99 nd nd nd nd nd nd nd nd nd nd nd nd nd nd nd nd nd nd nd nd nd nd nd < 5.0 Bag A 12.4 ng DMDS methylacetam Data supplied by Geotechnical Services 51.7 02090507.D 02090508.D 02090509.D 02090510.D 02090503.D 02090504.D 2 ng 5 ng 10 ng 20 ng 50 ng 100 ng Page 4 of 4 ample No 4 s Joanne Menegazzo Date jm me first four numbers in the Lab No as t heet me Lab No as the Lab Blank in F9 heet 23.3 02090506.D 1 ng 80.9 16.8 10.4 6.2 2.5 02090502.D 0 ng 957.4 672.7 312.9 221.8 134.7 73.2 47.8 24.8 10 0.7 nd 100 nd 02180534.D 02180503.D chkstd 10 ng solids Solid Standards nd nd nd nd nd nd nd nd nd nd nd nd nd nd nd nd nd nd nd nd nd nd nd 6.00 7.40 nd nd nd nd nd nd nd nd nd nd nd nd nd < 5.0 nd nd nd < 0.50 Artefacts nd nd nd 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 Lab No 13.5 ng 537.8 363.7 203.9 102.8 70.5 33.7 27.5 17.9 120 nd nd nd nd nd nd nd nd nd nd nd nd nd nd nd nd nd nd nd nd nd nd nd < 5.0 13.9 ng 369.8 402.7 195.1 98.9 42.3 8.1 nd nd 120 nd nd nd nd nd nd nd nd nd nd nd nd nd nd nd nd nd nd nd nd nd nd nd < 5.0 12.4 ng nitrobenzeneethyl cyclohexa methylformam 02180502.D 02180514.D 02180509.D 02180513.D 02180508.D 02180518.D 02180511.D 02180521.D 02180520.D 02180527.D 02180516.D 02180522.D 02180524.D 02180510.D 02180504.D 02180512.D 02180526.D 02180505.D 02180525.D 02180507.D 02180506.D 02180517.D 02180519.D 02180523.D A72261 ng 13.5 Units Error +/- % Volume(mLs) phenol Compound Sample pounds by in-House Method W Samples Received 18-Feb-05 Samples Analysed 18-Feb-05 924.5 528.3 204.8 103.2 54.0 23.0 29.8 4.5 120 nd Not analysed. nd Not analysed. Not analysed. Not analysed. Not analysed. Not analysed. Not analysed. nd nd nd Not analysed. nd Not analysed. nd nd Not analysed. Not analysed. Not analysed. nd Not analysed. nd < 5.0 15.9 ng Iodomethane 677.4 760.8 188.7 99.3 24.2 nd nd nd 110 nd nd nd nd nd nd nd nd nd nd nd nd nd nd nd nd nd nd nd nd nd nd nd < 5.0 13.0 ng indene <5 <5 17 0 <5 <5 <5 <5 187 184 <5 0 225 0 <5 0 <5 <5 0 <5 7 ng Total Quantified VOC 02180534.D 02180534.D 02180534.D 02180534.D 02180534.D 02180534.D 02180534.D 02180534.D 02180534.D 02180534.D 02180534.D 02180534.D 02180534.D 02180534.D 02180534.D 02180534.D 02180534.D 02180534.D 02180534.D 02180534.D 02180534.D 02180534.D 02180534.D 02180534.D Check std Calibrated against Lab No 02180534.D acetone, hexatriene, MEK, MPK 23 benz, hept, MIBK, me cyhex 9 pyr, DMS dimethylacet/formamide 6 End of E N D R E P O R T O F Report tol 7 C2 Benz 7 solids and MNsNot Corrected quinoline indoleNot Corrected against chkstd Correction for Calibration (%) refined hydrocarbons, possibly diesel, present refined hydrocarbons, possibly diesel, present Comments Env 05-053.xls, VOC Results Data supplied by Geotechnical Services GHD House 239 Adelaide Terrace Perth WA 6004 Attention: Your Ref No: Our Ref No: February 28, 2005 Mark Goldstone 6115324 ENV 05-059 INTERIM REPORT ON ANALYSIS OF SAMPLES Introduction: Nine TO17 tubes, one PAH tube, fourteen liquid samples and eight DNPH impregnated tubes were received 24/02/05, these were analysed in accordance with the chain of custody. Methods of Analysis: The amount of Volatile Organic Compounds was determined according to WIENV 31 (based on the analytical section of US EPA TO15 and TO17). The amount of aldehydes and ketones was determined according to WIENV 34 (based on USEPA TO5 and TO11A). The PAH's were determined according to WIENV 44 (based on USEPA TO13) solvent extraction followed by GCMS. BTEX compounds were determined based on WIENV 38 (based on USEPA 5030 and 8260). Results The results are tabulated on the following worksheets. Comments Three of the TO17 tubes were not analysed for acetone or iodomethane. One tube (A72153) had high levels of moisture which caused the mass spectrometer to fail, no data was collected for this sample. Subsequent samples were then screened for moisture which meant that no iodomethane or acetone data could be collected. The amount of Acetone on the first four tubes (A10069, B16859, A63757 and A14314) was significantly out of the calibration range. Sample A13110 appeared to have no compounds present and the internal standard had been washed ofF, this indicates a high volume of moisture had passed through the tube. GEOTECHNICAL SERVICES Angela Downey Environmental Chemist Nigel West Senior Chemist 2 Not Detected HP022506.D HP111811.D HP111815.D HP111827.D HP111816.D Volume of Extract (mL) nd Daily Calibration Multipoint Calibration MDL Lab No Precision Lab No Column Efficiency Angela Downey HP022507.D HP022508.D HP022511.D HP022515.D HP022519.D HP022513.D HP022517.D HP022524.D HP022526.D HP022520.D 1.0ug/ml std Tube Blank 1274304754 1274304752 1274304990 1274304995 1274304755 1274304751 1274304997 1274304998 ad Lab Number Sample Name Processed By Geotechnical Services 41-45 Furnace Road Welshpool Perth WA 6106 Australia Your Ref No Our Ref No Mark Goldstone GHD 18/02/2005 18/02/2005 19/02/2005 19/02/2005 19/02/2005 19/02/2005 19/02/2005 19/02/2005 Date 21.11 21.11 3.04 3.04 9.30 9.30 13.25 13.25 P S P S P S P S Time Hood Checked By Geotechnical Services Pass 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 Analyte Detection Limit (ug) Errors + / - % % Sample Used Env 05-059 6115324 nw Nigel West 1.0 1.05 nd 1.91 2.19 2.65 1.77 1.81 1.81 0.30 0.26 Date ppm standard 1.02 nd 2.63 1.31 0.90 0.35 2.09 1.79 1.33 1.38 Samples Analysed 25-Feb-05 Formaldehyde Acetaldehyde 0.14 0.07 11.7 11.7 Total ug Total ug Samples Received 24-Feb-05 28/02/2005 1.03 nd 6.34 3.33 4.77 2.81 3.11 3.65 2.41 4.05 Acetone 0.15 11.8 Total ug 1.01 nd nd nd nd 2.75 nd 0.22 nd nd Propanal 0.15 11.8 Total ug Disclaimer: Geotech has analysed the der on the analytical components of USEPA TO Test Report for Analysis of Carbonyl Derivatives by WIENV 34 (Based on the Analytical Sections of USEPA TO5 iso-Butanal 0.12 12.7 Total ug 1.06 nd nd nd nd nd 0.23 nd nd nd MEK 0.13 11.9 Total ug 1.07 nd 0.46 0.27 0.48 0.33 nd 0.35 0.31 0.40 rivatised samples provided by methods based O11A and TO5. & TO11A) 1.03 nd 0.34 nd nd nd nd 0.44 0.20 nd 1.07 nd nd nd nd nd nd nd nd nd Benzaldehyde 2-Pentanone 0.07 0.19 12.0 12.1 Total ug Total ug 1.05 nd nd nd nd nd nd nd nd nd n-Pentanal 0.16 12.5 Total ug 1.01 nd nd nd nd nd nd nd nd nd 1.04 nd nd nd nd nd nd nd nd nd p-Tolualdehyde 2-Hexanone 0.10 0.19 17.8 12.9 Total ug Total ug 1.04 nd nd nd nd nd nd nd nd nd Hexanal 0.07 11.8 Total ug 22/02 nd -- not detected PQL-- Practical quantitation limit Blank SS tube 1 Client ID Matrix: TO17 PAH tube (I) RESULTS DT022502.D DT022508.D Geotech ID Analyte ug ug PQL (ug) nd 7.53 0.05 nd nd 0.05 Naphthalene acenaphthylene nd nd 0.05 acenaphthene nd nd 0.05 fluorene nd 0.06 0.05 phenanthrene nd nd 0.05 anthracene nd nd 0.05 fluoranthene nd nd 0.05 pyrene nd nd 0.05 nd 0.16 0.05 nd nd 0.05 nd nd 0.05 nd nd 0.05 nd nd 0.05 nd nd 0.05 nd nd 0.05 benzo(a)anthracene chrysene enzo(b)fluoranthen benzo(k)fluoranthen benzo(a)pyreneeno(123cd)pyribenzo(ah)anthracen enzo(ghi)perylene nd -- not detec actical quantitation limit Time 1st Precision Lab No Comments Lab Blank Env 05-059 Env 05-059 Env 05-059 Env 05-059 Env 05-059 Env 05-059 Env 05-059 Env 05-059 Env 05-059 Hood Volume(mLs) Sample P From TO15 Worksheet 873.2 466.8 205.6 104.2 24.3 nd 17.4 nd 83 1300.0 (1000 ng) ad Without Sampling nw < 5.0 < 5.0 13.1 ng benzene < 5.0 14.1 ng pyridine 979.4 491.6 205.3 103.1 59.5 29.1 18.1 9.4 100 nd 1028.1 489.6 201.9 104.1 44.3 11.4 0.6 nd 110 1100.0 (1000 ng) 819.6 484.6 195.6 97.0 29.3 2.3 2.6 nd 89 nd 1154.8 528.9 202.7 100.7 47.0 8.8 3.5 nd 110 460.0 1001.3 505.0 197.6 99.9 45.3 10.8 10.7 nd 110 nd nd nd 2.66 nd (400 ng) nd nd nd nd nd nd nd < 5.0 13.6 ng ethylbenzene nd 15.00 nd nd nd nd nd < 5.0 14.5 ng toluene This document shall not be reproduced except in full. Sample/s are analysed as received unless stated otherwise. 28-Feb-05 02240502.D Should have the same first four numbers in the Lab No as the samples Not Detected Pass < 5.0 13.6 ng hexatriene nd nd nd nd 2700.00 nd nd nd 15000.00 nd nd nd nd 40.00 nd t delay: Not an 930.00 nd 8.70 nd nd nd nd t delay: Not an 3400.00 nd nd nd No Data as moisture caused Mass Spec to fail nd 11.00 nd t delay: Not an 10000.00 nd 3.54 nd 02240502.D Should have the same Lab No as the Lab Blank in F9 Pass From TO15 Worksheet 11230409.D fail biphenyl 02090503.D 02090504.D 50 ng 100 ng 500ng std #A150 1000ng std #A10 02090509.D 02090510.D 10 ng 02090508.D 5 ng 50ng std #A100 20 ng 02090507.D 2 ng 20ng std #A143 100ng std #A083 02090506.D 1 ng 200ng std #A70 02090502.D 0 ng 10ng std #A114 Solid Standards Blank #A1136 Multipoint Calibration Liquid Stds 02240503.D 02240514.D chkstd 10 ng solids 02240502.D 02240505.D 02240506.D 02240510.D 02240508.D 02240511.D 02240507.D 02240509.D 02240512.D 02240504.D 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 Lab No ng 15.4 Units acetone Error +/- % Compound Angela DowneyChecked By Nigel West Date Processed By Geotechnical Services Geotechnical Services 41-45 Furnace Road Welshpool Perth WA 6106 Australia Month/Day/Yr/Sample No eg 10180204 is analysed on Oct 18th 2002 and is sample No 4 Initials Errors Determined BFB Lab Number nd Daily Calibration Check 3.04 Daily Calibration 100ng std 19/02/2005 Page 1 of 4 of Geotechnical Services, Report Env 05-059.xls Lab Nos Date Detection Limits. Based on Sample Volume on tube A10069 Sample ID Lab Blank Lab No Multipoint Calibration Check B16859 A63757 A13110 A70303 A10353 A14314 A72153 A10347 A10069 No Tube 983.8 496.0 202.8 107.8 49.2 17.8 19.3 nd 110 nd nd nd nd nd nd nd nd nd nd < 5.0 14.3 ng 1,3-xylene Test Report for Determination of Volatile Organic Compounds by in-House Method WIENV 31 Mark Goldstone Our Ref No Env 05-059Samples Received 24-Feb-05 Disclaimer: Geotechnical Services has not been involved in the collection of these samples. Your Ref No 6115324 Samples Analysed 24-Feb-05 Geotech has determined the VOCs by thermal desorption GC-MS GHD Env 05-059.xls VOC Date last opened 30/03/2005 02240514.D 02240503.D chkstd 10 ng solids 02090506.D 02090507.D 02090508.D 02090509.D 02090510.D 02090503.D 02090504.D 1 ng 2 ng 5 ng 10 ng 20 ng 50 ng 100 ng Date 806.8 462.6 202.0 100.0 50.5 20.1 9.7 nd 110 51.0 959.7 493.8 198.7 100.1 48.4 15.9 7.2 nd 110 nd nd nd nd nd (50 ng) nd nd nd nd nd nd nd < 5.0 13.2 ng styrene nd nd nd nd nd nd nd < 5.0 Page 2 of 4 of Geotechnical Services, Report Env 05-059.xls 02 and is sample No 4 Services Nigel West nw e the same first four numbers in the Lab N Worksheet e the same Lab No as the Lab Blank in F Worksheet 02090502.D 0 ng Solid Standards 02240502.D 02240505.D 02240506.D 02240510.D 02240508.D 02240511.D 02240507.D 02240509.D 02240512.D 02240504.D Lab No 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 A10069 ng 13.2 Units Error +/- % Volume(mLs) ethynyl-benzene Compound Sample ompounds by in-House Method Samples Received 24-Feb-05 Samples Analysed 24-Feb-05 295.1 429.4 199.3 101.7 65.3 36.3 56.9 26.0 89 nd nd nd nd nd nd nd nd nd nd < 5.0 13.5 ng benzaldehyde 790.8 509.8 188.8 99.1 58.5 29.3 28.2 16.3 100 nd nd nd nd nd nd nd nd nd nd < 5.0 13.8 1,3,5trimethylbenzene ng 271.7 377.5 187.0 103.6 66.2 37.5 33.2 21.7 90 nd nd nd nd nd nd nd nd nd nd < 5.0 12.7 ng benzonitrile 538.4 431.6 189.8 98.5 59.2 32.0 20.1 20.1 95 nd nd nd nd nd nd nd nd nd nd < 5.0 13.1 ng benzofuran 168.4 490.6 190.1 97.1 50.8 20.5 20.9 5.3 97 nd nd nd nd nd nd nd nd nd nd < 5.0 14.0 ng acetophenone 21.3 27.0 20.3 11.4 5.2 2.1 1.4 nd 10 11.0 (10 ng) nd 3.49 nd 2.14 nd nd nd nd nd < 0.50 12.9 ng naphthalene 835.6 472.7 198.7 99.1 49.6 22.5 13.5 nd 92 45.0 (50 ng) nd nd nd nd nd nd nd nd nd < 5.0 13.0 ng 89.9 41.1 19.4 7.1 5.1 2.9 1.6 nd 9 nd nd nd nd nd nd nd nd nd nd < 0.50 22.0 ng quinoline1H-indole This document shall not be reproduced except in full. Sample/s are analysed as received unless stated otherwise. 946.5 497.8 199.7 99.9 46.9 11.1 3.6 nd 110 nd nd nd nd nd nd nd nd nd nd < 5.0 13.3 ng 1,2-xylene Env 05-059.xls VOC 899.1 411.4 194.1 71.2 51.4 28.9 15.8 nd 94 nd 2.78 9.00 nd 8.70 nd 54.00 nd nd nd < 5.0 13.1 ng 2-methyl naphthalene 303.9 345.5 225.3 100.3 50.5 21.8 13.7 nd 89 nd 6.00 8.70 nd nd 4.95 8.70 nd 2.14 nd < 5.0 13.0 ng 1-methyl naphthalene Date last opened 30/03/2005 ng 12.6 < 0.50 nd nd nd nd nd nd nd nd nd nd 9 ng 13.1 < 0.50 nd nd nd nd nd nd nd nd nd nd 10 Units Error +/- % 02090510.D 02090503.D 02090504.D 20 ng 50 ng 100 ng Date 5.3 10.1 21.0 57.0 49.3 14.7 24.4 40.6 47.2 Page 3 of 4 of Geotechnical Services, Report Env 05-059.xls 02 and is sample No 4 Services Nigel West nw e the same first four numbers in the Lab N Worksheet e the same Lab No as the Lab Blank in F Worksheet 02090508.D 02090509.D 5 ng 10 ng 10.0 2.0 6.4 02090507.D 2 ng nd 02090506.D 1 ng 1.5 02090502.D 0 ng 3.4 02240503.D 10 ng solids 1.7 02240514.D chkstd Solid Standards 02240502.D 02240505.D 02240506.D 02240510.D 02240508.D 02240511.D 02240507.D 02240509.D 02240512.D 02240504.D Lab No 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 A10069 Volume(mLs) acenaphthylene Compound Sample biphenyl ompounds by in-House Method Samples Received 24-Feb-05 Samples Analysed 24-Feb-05 54.9 57.9 19.8 10.1 5.0 2.4 1.4 nd 9 nd nd nd nd nd nd nd nd nd nd < 0.50 12.9 ng acenaphthene 71.2 52.4 19.8 10.2 6.0 3.2 2.3 1.4 9 nd nd nd nd nd nd nd nd nd nd < 0.50 12.9 ng 9H-fluorene No Data No Data No Data No Data No Data No Data No Data No Data No Data No Data No Data No Data No Data No Data No Data No Data No Data No Data No Data No data 9H-fluoren9-one No Data No Data No Data No Data No Data No Data No Data No Data No Data No Data No Data No Data No Data No Data No Data No Data No Data No Data No Data No data phenanthrene No Data No Data No Data No Data No Data No Data No Data No Data No Data No Data No Data No Data No Data No Data No Data No Data No Data No Data No Data No data fluoranthene No Data No Data No Data No Data No Data No Data No Data No Data No Data No Data No Data No Data No Data No Data No Data No Data No Data No Data No Data No data pyrene 925.1 537.8 210.4 102.9 nd nd nd nd 110 nd 91.00 810.00 nd 140.00 1900.00 nd 120.00 290.00 1100.00 < 5.0 14.6 ng MEK 1052.4 530.8 201.6 103.1 45.5 13.7 3.9 nd 99 nd 200.00 200.00 nd 11.00 93.00 47.00 nd 43.00 88.00 < 5.0 13.5 ng MPK 1008.2 464.9 204.9 103.3 47.6 17.4 2.1 2.1 110 nd 7.60 5.80 5.8 nd 47.00 nd 5.80 5.80 10.00 < 5.0 14.5 ng 3 methyl butana This document shall not be reproduced except in full. Sample/s are analysed as received unless stated otherwise. 79.9 89.9 21.4 10.1 3.2 nd nd nd 5 nd nd nd nd nd nd nd nd nd nd < 5.0 13.1 ng dibenzo-furan Env 05-059.xls VOC 840.8 445.1 204.9 104.3 60.4 22.6 18.9 4.1 110 nd nd nd nd nd 220.00 nd nd nd nd < 5.0 13.9 ng heptane 1221.9 742.9 207.4 105.9 24.4 nd nd nd 91 nd nd nd nd nd nd nd nd nd nd < 5.0 13.3 ng MIBK 1553.2 857.4 200.0 92.3 3.0 nd nd nd 94 61.0 (50 ng) nd nd nd nd nd nd nd nd nd < 5.0 13.6 ng DMDS Date last opened 30/03/2005 1607.0 1300.5 319.7 93.4 nd nd nd nd 110 nd nd nd nd nd nd nd nd nd nd < 5.0 Bag A 12.4 ng methylacetam 02090506.D 02090507.D 02090508.D 02090509.D 02090510.D 02090503.D 02090504.D 1 ng 2 ng 5 ng 10 ng 20 ng 50 ng 100 ng Date 221.8 312.9 672.7 957.4 51.7 80.9 134.7 10.4 16.8 73.2 6.2 23.3 47.8 2.5 Page 4 of 4 of Geotechnical Services, Report Env 05-059.xls 02 and is sample No 4 Services Nigel West nw e the same first four numbers in the Lab N Worksheet e the same Lab No as the Lab Blank in F Worksheet 02090502.D 0 ng 24.8 93 11 0.7 nd nd 02240514.D 02240503.D chkstd 10 ng solids Solid Standards nd nd 4.61 nd < 5.0 nd nd 2.56 2.16 nd nd nd < 0.50 Artefacts nd 11.00 2.69 4.07 2.51 nd 2.90 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 Lab No 13.5 ng 537.8 363.7 203.9 102.8 70.5 33.7 27.5 17.9 110 nd nd nd nd nd nd nd nd nd nd < 5.0 13.9 ng ng ng 924.5 528.3 204.8 103.2 54.0 23.0 29.8 4.5 110 677.4 760.8 188.7 99.3 24.2 nd nd nd 100 nd nd nd t delay: Not an nd nd nd nd nd nd nd nd nd < 5.0 13.0 nd 2.44 nd t delay: Not an nd t delay: Not an nd < 5.0 15.9 ng Total Quantifie d VOC 02240514.D 02240514.D 02240514.D 02240514.D 02240514.D 02240514.D 02240514.D 02240514.D 02240514.D Check std Calibrated against tol quinoline indole solids and MNs C2 Benz Not Corrected 9 2 13 T R O P E R F O D 18 9 pyr, DMS dimethylacet/forma benz, hept, MIBK, me cyhe E N 02240514.D Report End of 23 Lab No against chkstd Correction for Calibration (%) acetone, hexatriene, MEK, M Comments This document shall not be reproduced except in full. Sample/s are analysed as received unless stated otherwise. 369.8 402.7 195.1 98.9 42.3 8.1 nd nd 100 nd nd nd nd nd nd nd nd nd nd < 5.0 12.4 ng nitrobenzeneethyl cyclohexan methylformam Iodomethane indene 02240502.D 02240505.D 02240506.D 02240510.D 02240508.D 02240511.D 02240507.D 02240509.D 02240512.D 02240504.D A10069 ng 13.5 Units Error +/- % Volume(mLs) phenol Compound Sample ompounds by in-House Method Samples Received 24-Feb-05 Samples Analysed 24-Feb-05 Env 05-059.xls VOC Date last opened 30/03/2005 GHD House 239 Adelaide Terrace Perth WA 6004 Attention: Your Ref No: Our Ref No: February 28, 2005 Mark Goldstone 61/15324 ENV 05-061 REPORT ON ANALYSIS OF TUBE SAMPLES Introduction: Four TO17 tubes and four DNPH impregnated tubes were received 25/02/05, these were analysed in accordance with the chain of custody (1108). Methods of Analysis: The tubes were analysed to determine the amount of volatile organic compounds according to WIENV 31 (based on the analytical section of US EPA TO15 and TO17). The amount of aldehydes and ketones was determined according to WIENV 34 (based on USEPA TO5 and TO11A). Results The results are tabulated on the following worksheets. Comments GEOTECHNICAL SERVICES Angela Downey Environmental Chemist Nigel West Senior Chemist Processed By Geotechnical Services 41-45 Furnace Road Welshpool Perth WA 6106 Australia Volume of Extract (mL) nd Daily Calibration Multipoint Calibration MDL Lab No Precision Lab No Column Efficiency Location Cooling Pond Inlet Cooling Pond Berm Cooling Pond Outlet ROWS2 ad Angela Downey 2 Not Detected HP022506.D HP111811.D HP111815.D HP111827.D HP111816.D HP022507.D HP022509.D HP022530.D HP022529.D HP022532.D HP022534.D Time 13.33 15.05 16.30 15.40 1.0ug/ml std Tube Blank B A C 1274305255 Date 24/02/2005 24/02/2005 24/02/2005 24/02/2005 Lab Number Checked By Geotechnical Services Pass 100 100 100 100 100 100 Analyte Detection Limit (ug) Errors + / - % % Sample Used nw Nigel West 1.0 1.05 nd 0.22 nd nd 5.20 Formaldehyde 0.14 11.7 Total ug Date ppm standard 1.0 nd 10.9 nd 9.4 0.6 Acetaldehyde 0.07 11.7 Total ug 28/02/2005 1.03 nd 6.88 7.60 10.10 0.68 Acetone 0.15 11.8 Total ug Test Report for Analysis of Carbonyl Derivatives by WIENV 34 (Based on the Analytical Sections of USEPA Our Ref No Env 05-061 Samples Received 25-Feb-05 Disclaimer: Geotech Your Ref No 61/15324 Samples Analysed 25-Feb-05 on the analytical comp Sample Name Mark Goldstone GHD MEK 0.13 11.9 Total ug 1.07 nd 1.00 0.98 1.67 nd Propanal 0.15 11.8 Total ug 1.01 nd 0.55 nd 0.32 nd 1.06 nd nd nd nd nd iso-Butanal 0.12 12.7 Total ug h has analysed the derivatised samples provided by methods based ponents of USEPA TO11A and TO5. A TO5 & TO11A) 1.03 nd 0.94 nd 0.54 nd 1.07 nd 0.27 0.25 0.52 nd Benzaldehyde 2-Pentanone 0.07 0.19 12.0 12.1 Total ug Total ug 1.05 nd 0.80 0.22 0.45 nd n-Pentanal 0.16 12.5 Total ug 1.01 nd nd nd nd nd 1.04 nd nd nd nd nd p-Tolualdehyde 2-Hexanone 0.10 0.19 17.8 12.9 Total ug Total ug 1.04 nd nd nd nd nd Hexanal 0.07 11.8 Total ug Date Time 0 ng 1 ng 2 ng 5 ng 10 ng 20 ng 50 ng 100 ng 10ng std #A11408 20ng std #A14330 50ng std #A10058 100ng std #A08348 200ng std #A70150 500ng std #A15002 1000ng std #A10353 BFB Lab Number nd Daily Calibration Check ad Without Sampling Page 1 of 4 of Geotechnical Services, Report Env 05-061 REC.xls 02090504.D 02090503.D 02090510.D 02090509.D 02090508.D 02090507.D 02090506.D 02090502.D 02250503.D 873.2 466.8 205.6 104.2 24.3 nd 17.4 nd 160 1300.0 (1000 ng) delay: Not nd < 5.0 nw 28-Feb-05 979.4 491.6 205.3 103.1 59.5 29.1 18.1 9.4 100 nd nd 37.00 8.00 nd nd < 5.0 13.6 ng hexatriene 1028.1 489.6 201.9 104.1 44.3 11.4 0.6 nd 120 1100.0 (1000 ng) nd nd nd 30.00 nd < 5.0 13.1 ng benzene 819.6 484.6 195.6 97.0 29.3 2.3 2.6 nd 110 nd nd nd nd nd nd < 5.0 14.1 ng pyridine 1154.8 528.9 202.7 100.7 47.0 8.8 3.5 nd 110 460.0 (400 ng) nd 33.00 24.00 nd nd < 5.0 14.5 ng toluene This document shall not be reproduced except in full. Sample/s are analysed as received unless stated otherwise. Date Should have the same first four numbers in the Lab No as the samples From TO15 Worksheet Should have the same Lab No as the Lab Blank in F9 From TO15 Worksheet Processed By Angela Downey Checked By Nigel West Geotechnical Services Geotechnical Services 41-45 Furnace Road Welshpool Perth WA 6106 Australia Month/Day/Yr/Sample No eg 10180204 is analysed on Oct 18th 2002 and is sample No 4 Initials 02250502.D Not Detected Pass 02250502.D Pass fail biphenyl Solid Standards Liquid Stds Blank #A11369 Multipoint Calibration 10 ng solids 100ng std 02240514.D chkstd Daily Calibration 02250502.D 02250507.D 02250506.D 02250509.D 02250508.D Lab No ng 15.4 Units acetone Error +/- % Compound 1 1 1 1 1 Cooling Pond Inlet Cooling Pond Berm Cooling Pond Outlet ROWS2 11230409.D Lab Nos Volume(mLs) Sample 13.33 15.05 16.30 15.40 24/02/2005 24/02/2005 24/02/2005 24/02/2005 Lab Blank Lab No Multipoint Calibration Check Errors Determined Location Detection Limits. Based on Sample Volume on tube A11071 Comments Lab Blank Env 05-061 Env 05-061 Env 05-061 Env 05-061 Sample ID 1st Precision Lab No B16456 A11071 A15016 A10755 No Tube 1001.3 505.0 197.6 99.9 45.3 10.8 10.7 nd 110 nd nd nd 7.40 nd nd < 5.0 13.6 ng ethylbenzene 983.8 496.0 202.8 107.8 49.2 17.8 19.3 nd 100 nd nd 7.40 5.40 nd nd < 5.0 14.3 ng 1,3-xylene Test Report for Determination of Volatile Organic Compounds by in-House Method WIENV 31 Mark Goldstone Our Ref No Env 05-061 Samples Received 25-Feb-05 Disclaimer: Geotechnical Services has not been involved in the collection of these samples. Your Ref No 61/15324 Samples Analysed 25-Feb-05 Geotech has determined the VOCs by thermal desorption GC-MS GHD Env 05-061 REC.xls VOC's Date last opened 30/03/2005 02240514.D 02250503.D chkstd 10 ng solids 02090506.D 02090507.D 02090508.D 02090509.D 02090510.D 02090503.D 02090504.D 1 ng 2 ng 5 ng 10 ng 20 ng 50 ng 100 ng Date 806.8 462.6 202.0 100.0 50.5 20.1 9.7 nd 100 51.0 (50 ng) nd nd nd nd nd < 5.0 959.7 493.8 198.7 100.1 48.4 15.9 7.2 nd 110 nd nd nd nd nd nd < 5.0 13.2 ng styrene Page 2 of 4 of Geotechnical Services, Report Env 05-061 REC.xls ample No 4 Nigel West nw e first four numbers in the Lab No as the et e Lab No as the Lab Blank in F9 et 02090502.D 0 ng Solid Standards 02250502.D 02250507.D 02250506.D 02250509.D 02250508.D Lab No 1 1 1 1 1 A11071 ng 13.2 Units Error +/- % Volume(mLs) ethynyl-benzene Compound Sample pounds by in-House Method WIE Samples Received 25-Feb-05 Samples Analysed 25-Feb-05 295.1 429.4 199.3 101.7 65.3 36.3 56.9 26.0 91 nd nd nd nd nd nd < 5.0 13.5 ng benzaldehyde 790.8 509.8 188.8 99.1 58.5 29.3 28.2 16.3 99 nd nd nd nd nd nd < 5.0 13.8 1,3,5trimethylbenzene ng 271.7 377.5 187.0 103.6 66.2 37.5 33.2 21.7 95 nd nd nd nd nd nd < 5.0 12.7 ng benzonitrile 538.4 431.6 189.8 98.5 59.2 32.0 20.1 20.1 97 nd nd nd nd nd nd < 5.0 13.1 ng benzofuran 168.4 490.6 190.1 97.1 50.8 20.5 20.9 5.3 100 nd nd nd nd nd nd < 5.0 14.0 ng acetophenone 21.3 27.0 20.3 11.4 5.2 2.1 1.4 nd 10 11.0 (10 ng) nd 30.00 24.00 6.00 nd < 0.50 12.9 ng naphthalene 835.6 472.7 198.7 99.1 49.6 22.5 13.5 nd 110 45.0 (50 ng) nd nd nd nd nd < 5.0 13.0 ng 89.9 41.1 19.4 7.1 5.1 2.9 1.6 nd 4 nd nd nd nd nd nd < 0.50 22.0 ng quinoline1H-indole This document shall not be reproduced except in full. Sample/s are analysed as received unless stated otherwise. 946.5 497.8 199.7 99.9 46.9 11.1 3.6 nd 120 nd nd nd nd nd nd < 5.0 13.3 ng 1,2-xylene Env 05-061 REC.xls VOC's 899.1 411.4 194.1 71.2 51.4 28.9 15.8 nd 42 nd nd 9.50 5.54 nd nd < 5.0 13.1 ng 2-methyl naphthalene 303.9 345.5 225.3 100.3 50.5 21.8 13.7 nd 86 nd nd 24.00 18.00 6.70 nd < 5.0 13.0 ng 1-methyl naphthalene Date last opened 30/03/2005 ng 12.6 < 0.50 nd nd nd nd nd nd 10 ng 13.1 < 0.50 nd nd nd nd nd nd 11 Units Error +/- % 02090510.D 02090503.D 02090504.D 20 ng 50 ng 100 ng Date 5.3 10.1 21.0 57.0 49.3 14.7 24.4 40.6 47.2 Page 3 of 4 of Geotechnical Services, Report Env 05-061 REC.xls ample No 4 Nigel West nw e first four numbers in the Lab No as the et e Lab No as the Lab Blank in F9 et 02090508.D 02090509.D 5 ng 10 ng 10.0 2.0 6.4 02090507.D 2 ng nd 02090506.D 1 ng 1.5 02090502.D 0 ng 3.4 02250503.D 10 ng solids 1.7 02240514.D chkstd Solid Standards 02250502.D 02250507.D 02250506.D 02250509.D 02250508.D Lab No 1 1 1 1 1 A11071 Volume(mLs) acenaphthylene Compound Sample biphenyl pounds by in-House Method WIE Samples Received 25-Feb-05 Samples Analysed 25-Feb-05 54.9 57.9 19.8 10.1 5.0 2.4 1.4 nd 10 nd nd nd nd nd nd < 0.50 12.9 ng acenaphthene 71.2 52.4 19.8 10.2 6.0 3.2 2.3 1.4 9 nd nd nd nd nd nd < 0.50 12.9 ng 9H-fluorene No Data No Data No Data No Data No Data No Data No Data No Data No Data No Data No Data No Data No Data No Data No Data No data 9H-fluoren9-one No Data No Data No Data No Data No Data No Data No Data No Data No Data No Data No Data No Data No Data No Data No Data No data phenanthrene No Data No Data No Data No Data No Data No Data No Data No Data No Data No Data No Data No Data No Data No Data No Data No data fluoranthene No Data No Data No Data No Data No Data No Data No Data No Data No Data No Data No Data No Data No Data No Data No Data No data pyrene 925.1 537.8 210.4 102.9 nd nd nd nd 100 nd nd nd nd nd nd < 5.0 14.6 ng MEK 1052.4 530.8 201.6 103.1 45.5 13.7 3.9 nd 100 nd nd 450.00 520.00 120.00 nd < 5.0 13.5 ng MPK 1008.2 464.9 204.9 103.3 47.6 17.4 2.1 2.1 100 nd nd 30.00 5.80 nd nd < 5.0 14.5 ng 3 methyl butana This document shall not be reproduced except in full. Sample/s are analysed as received unless stated otherwise. 79.9 89.9 21.4 10.1 3.2 nd nd nd 6 nd nd nd nd nd nd < 5.0 13.1 ng dibenzo-furan Env 05-061 REC.xls VOC's 840.8 445.1 204.9 104.3 60.4 22.6 18.9 4.1 120 nd nd nd nd nd nd < 5.0 13.9 ng heptane 1221.9 742.9 207.4 105.9 24.4 nd nd nd 110 nd nd 76.00 32.00 31.00 nd < 5.0 13.3 ng MIBK 1553.2 857.4 200.0 92.3 3.0 nd nd nd 110 61.0 (50 ng) nd nd nd nd nd < 5.0 13.6 ng DMDS Date last opened 30/03/2005 1607.0 1300.5 319.7 93.4 nd nd nd nd 120 nd nd nd nd nd nd < 5.0 Bag A 12.4 ng methylacetam 02090506.D 02090507.D 02090508.D 02090509.D 02090510.D 02090503.D 02090504.D 1 ng 2 ng 5 ng 10 ng 20 ng 50 ng 100 ng Date 221.8 672.7 957.4 51.7 80.9 134.7 10.4 312.9 73.2 6.2 16.8 47.8 2.5 23.3 24.8 0.7 90 nd nd nd nd nd nd < 5.0 13.5 ng 537.8 363.7 203.9 102.8 70.5 33.7 27.5 17.9 120 nd nd nd 8.7 nd nd < 5.0 13.9 ng ng 924.5 528.3 204.8 103.2 54.0 23.0 29.8 4.5 120 nd delay: Not nd < 5.0 15.9 ng 677.4 760.8 188.7 99.3 24.2 nd nd nd 100 nd nd nd nd nd nd < 5.0 13.0 ng Total Quantifie d VOC 02240514.D 02240514.D 02240514.D 02240514.D 02240514.D Check std Calibrated against tol quinoline indole solids and MNs C2 Benz Not Corrected 9 2 13 T R O P E R F O D 18 9 pyr, DMS dimethylacet/forma benz, hept, MIBK, me cyhe E N 02240514.D Report End of 23 Lab No against chkstd Correction for Calibration (%) acetone, hexatriene, MEK, M Comments This document shall not be reproduced except in full. Sample/s are analysed as received unless stated otherwise. 369.8 402.7 195.1 98.9 42.3 8.1 nd nd 110 nd nd nd nd nd nd < 5.0 12.4 ng nitrobenzeneethyl cyclohexan methylformam Iodomethane indene Page 4 of 4 of Geotechnical Services, Report Env 05-061 REC.xls ample No 4 Nigel West nw e first four numbers in the Lab No as the et e Lab No as the Lab Blank in F9 et 02090502.D 0 ng Solid Standards 12 nd 02240514.D 02250503.D chkstd 10 ng solids < 0.50 Artefacts nd nd nd nd nd 1 1 1 1 1 Lab No 02250502.D 02250507.D 02250506.D 02250509.D 02250508.D A11071 ng 13.5 Units Error +/- % Volume(mLs) phenol Compound Sample pounds by in-House Method WIE Samples Received 25-Feb-05 Samples Analysed 25-Feb-05 Env 05-061 REC.xls VOC's Date last opened 30/03/2005 GHD House 239 Adelaide Terrace Perth WA 6004 Attention: Your Ref No: Our Ref No: March 5, 2005 Mark Goldstone 6115324 ENV 05-069 INTERIM REPORT ON ANALYSIS OF SAMPLES Introduction: Sixteen TO17 tubes, four PAH tubes and eighteen DNPH impregnated tubes were received 2/03/05, these were analysed in accordance with the chain of custody. Methods of Analysis: The amount of Volatile Organic Compounds was determined according to WIENV 31 (based on the analytical section of US EPA TO15 and TO17). The amount of aldehydes and ketones was determined according to WIENV 34 (based on USEPA TO5 and TO11A). The PAH's were determined according to WIENV 44 (based on USEPA TO13) solvent extraction followed by GCMS. Results The results are tabulated on the following worksheets. Comments The tubes were analysed to determine the amount of volatile organic compounds according to WIENV 31 (based on the analytical section of US EPA TO15 and TO17). The TO17 tubes were not analysed for acetone or iodomethane. The amount of aldehydes and ketones was determined according to WIENV 34 (based on USEPA TO5 and TO11A). The high volume PAH tubes were analysed to determine the amount of polyaromatic hydrocarbons (PAHs) using (described in US EPA TO13) solvent extraction followed by GCMS. GEOTECHNICAL SERVICES Angela Downey Environmental Chemist Nigel West Senior Chemist Page 1 of 2 Angela Downey 2 Not Detected HP030234.D HP111811.D HP111815.D HP111827.D HP111816.D Volume of Extract (mL) nd Daily Calibration Multipoint Calibration MDL Lab No Precision Lab No Column Efficiency ad HP030209.D HP030208.D HP030216.D HP030210.D HP030214.D HP030203.D HP030219.D HP030215.D HP030202.D HP030211.D HP030205.D HP030206.D HP030212.D HP030204.D HP030207.D HP030213.D HP030201.D HP030218.D HP030217.D 1274304694 1274304693 1274305251 1274304695 1274304699 1274304605 1274305259 1274305250 1274304603 1274304696 1274304690 1274304691 1274304697 1274304608 1274304692 1274304698 1274304252 1274305254 1274305253 Processed By Geotechnical Services 41-45 Furnace Road Welshpool Perth WA 6106 Australia Lab Number Sample Name Checked By Geotechnical Services Pass 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 Analyte Detection Limit (ug) Errors + / - % % Sample Used nw Nigel West 1.0 0.35 0.44 0.20 0.18 nd 0.19 0.15 0.20 0.14 nd 0.17 0.22 nd 0.14 0.25 nd 0.21 nd nd Formaldehyde 0.14 11.7 Total ug Date ppm standard 29 28 11 15 0.39 2.6 1.6 1.4 0.6 0.7 0.8 1.8 nd 1.2 0.82 nd 15 nd nd Acetaldehyde 0.07 11.7 Total ug 3/03/2005 38 41 15 21 2.5 4.2 6.0 5.3 2.2 4.8 2.1 3.2 2.2 3.9 4.8 1.6 18 0.70 0.66 Acetone 0.15 11.8 Total ug 3.5 4.2 1.7 2.6 0.33 0.48 0.60 0.60 0.25 0.54 0.29 0.35 nd 0.44 0.96 0.31 2.44 nd nd MEK 0.13 11.9 Total ug Data Supplied by Geotechnical Services. This report should only be reproduced in full. 0.81 0.75 nd 0.20 nd nd nd nd nd nd nd nd nd nd nd nd nd nd nd Propanal 0.15 11.8 Total ug Test Report for Analysis of Carbonyl Derivatives by WIENV 34 (Based on the Analytical Sections of USEPA TO5 & Mark Goldstone Our Ref No Env 05-069 Samples Received 2-Mar-05 Disclaimer: Geotech has analysed the derivatised samples provid GHD Your Ref No 6115324 Samples Analysed 2-Mar-05 on the analytical components of USEPA TO11A and TO5. Env 05-069.xls, Carbonyls Page 2 of 2 Angela Downey 2 Not Detected HP030234.D HP111811.D HP111815.D HP111827.D HP111816.D Volume of Extract (mL) nd Daily Calibration Multipoint Calibration MDL Lab No Precision Lab No Column Efficiency ad HP030209.D HP030208.D HP030216.D HP030210.D HP030214.D HP030203.D HP030219.D HP030215.D HP030202.D HP030211.D HP030205.D HP030206.D HP030212.D HP030204.D HP030207.D HP030213.D HP030201.D HP030218.D HP030217.D 1274304694 1274304693 1274305251 1274304695 1274304699 1274304605 1274305259 1274305250 1274304603 1274304696 1274304690 1274304691 1274304697 1274304608 1274304692 1274304698 1274304252 1274305254 1274305253 Processed By Geotechnical Services 41-45 Furnace Road Welshpool Perth WA 6106 Australia Lab Number Sample Name G 0.25 0.37 nd nd nd nd nd nd nd nd nd 0.52 nd nd nd nd nd nd nd iso-Butanal 0.12 12.7 Total ug Test Report for Analysis of Carb & TO11A) Mark Goldstone Our Ref No ded by methods based GHD Your Ref No 1.0 1.0 0.80 0.88 nd nd nd nd nd nd nd nd nd nd nd nd 1.0 nd nd 1.0 1.4 0.73 1.10 nd nd nd nd nd nd nd nd nd nd nd nd 0.91 nd nd Benzaldehyde 2-Pentanone 0.07 0.19 12.0 12.1 Total ug Total ug 1.5 1.2 0.88 1.6 nd 2.2 0.29 nd nd nd nd nd nd nd nd nd 1.1 nd nd n-Pentanal 0.16 12.5 Total ug nd nd nd nd nd nd nd nd nd nd nd nd nd nd nd nd nd nd nd nd nd nd nd nd nd nd nd nd nd nd nd nd nd nd nd nd nd nd Hexanal 0.07 11.8 Total ug Data Supplied by Geotechnical Services. This report should only be reproduced in full. nd nd nd nd nd nd nd nd nd nd nd nd nd nd nd nd nd nd nd p-Tolualdehyde 2-Hexanone 0.10 0.19 17.8 12.9 Total ug Total ug Env 05-069.xls, Carbonyls (I) RESULTS Page 1 of 1 nd -- not detected PQL-- Practical quantitation limit DT030306.D DT030307.D DT030305.D DT030309.D Blank Blank ST CP 01/03 01/03 Geotech ID Client ID Matrix: High Volume PAH tubes ug ug ug ug Analyte PQL (ug) 0.44 nd 3.58 1.20 nd nd 0.17 0.18 Naphthalene acenaphthylene 0.05 0.05 nd nd 0.24 0.05 acenaphthene 0.05 nd nd 0.18 nd fluorene 0.05 0.06 0.06 0.18 0.10 phenanthrene 0.05 nd nd nd nd anthracene 0.05 nd nd nd nd fluoranthene 0.05 nd nd nd nd pyrene 0.05 nd nd nd nd benzo(a)anthracene 0.05 Env 05-069.xls, PAHs nd 0.08 0.12 0.07 chrysene 0.05 nd nd nd nd benzo(b)fluoranthene 0.05 nd nd nd nd nd nd nd nd nd nd nd nd nd nd nd nd dibenzo(ah)anthracene 0.05 nd nd nd nd benzo(ghi)perylene 0.05 Data supplied by Geotechnical Services. This report should only be reproduced in full. benzo(k)fluoranthene benzo(a)pyrene indeno(123cd)pyrene 0.05 0.05 0.05 Date Your Ref No Volume(mLs) Sample Samples Analysed Samples Received 2 ng 5 ng 10 ng 20 ng 50 ng 100 ng 20ng std #B16456 50ng std #A72250 100ng std #A15016 200ng std #A12353 500ng std #A61949 1000ng std #A72153 03010505.D From TO15 Worksheet Should have the same Lab No as the Lab Blank in F9 From TO15 Worksheet 03010504.D 03010503.D 03010510.D 03010509.D 03010508.D 03010507.D 03010506.D 1223.4 370.4 52.2 25.3 17.9 nd nd nd 130 NA (1000 ng) nd 93000 NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA < 5.0 nw nw Processed By Nigel West Checked By Not Checked Date Geotechnical Services Geotechnical Services 41-45 Furnace Road Welshpool Perth WA 6106 Australia Month/Day/Yr/Sample No eg 10180204 is analysed on Oct 18th 2002 and is sample No 4 Initials Errors Determined Without Sampling 05-Mar-05 BFB Lab Number 03020508.D Should have the same first four numbers in the Lab No as the samples nd Not Detected Pass 03020508.D Pass Daily Calibration Check 11230409.D Comments fail biphenyl and phenol 0 ng 1 ng Solid Standards Blank #A13110 Liquid Stds Multipoint Calibration 03020509.D 03020526.D chkstd 10 ng solids 03020508.D 03040534.D 03020523.D 03020520.D 03020521.D 03020519.D 03020517.D 03020512.D 03020510.D 03020516.D 03020525.D 03020524.D 03020514.D 03020513.D 03020522.D 03020518.D 03020515.D Lab No ng 15.4 Units acetone 1231.2 389.9 40.7 21.9 10.5 nd nd nd 96 nd nd 2.05 nd nd nd nd nd nd nd nd nd nd nd nd nd nd nd < 5.0 13.6 ng hexatriene 1237.4 400.3 44.3 25.0 13.1 nd nd nd 95 990.0 (1000 ng) nd 140 46 58 nd nd nd nd nd nd nd nd nd nd 19.0 nd nd < 5.0 13.1 ng benzene 746.0 366.3 15.2 5.5 2.6 8.0 3.4 nd 99 nd nd nd nd nd nd nd nd nd nd nd nd nd nd nd nd nd nd < 5.0 14.1 ng pyridine 1383.4 439.8 42.5 22.7 12.0 nd nd nd 100 390.0 (400 ng) nd 370 220 200 nd 6.9 13 10 7.6 8.2 7.30 9.1 8.6 10 60 3.54 5.4 < 5.0 14.5 ng toluene 1102.8 443.0 42.3 23.0 11.9 nd nd nd 100 nd nd nd nd nd nd nd nd nd nd nd nd nd nd nd nd nd nd < 5.0 13.6 ng 1103.7 449.3 42.8 22.6 11.9 nd nd nd 100 nd nd nd 13.0 40.0 nd nd nd nd nd nd nd nd nd nd nd nd nd < 5.0 14.3 ng ethyl1,3 and 1,4benzene xylene Disclaimer: Geotechnical Services has not been involved in the collection of these samples. Geotech has determined the VOCs by thermal desorption GC-MS Error +/- % Compound 2-Mar-05 2-Mar-05 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 10ng std #A11071 100ng std Daily Calibration Lab Blank IS Recovery mostly acceptable, large number of VOCs present IS Recovery acceptable, large number of VOCs present IS Recovery acceptable, large number of VOCs present Poor Recovery of IS, results are approximations IS Recovery acceptable IS Recovery acceptable Poor Recovery of IS, large number of VOCs present, results are a Poor Recovery of IS, results are approximations IS Recovery acceptable IS Recovery acceptable IS Recovery acceptable IS Recovery acceptable IS Recovery acceptable IS Recovery acceptable, large number of VOCs present IS Recovery acceptable IS Recovery acceptable Lab Blank Lab No Multipoint Calibration Check Lab Nos Time Env 05-069 6115324 Detection Limits. Based on Sample Volume on tube A01444 Sample ID Our Ref No 1st Precision Lab No A10106 A72188 A12416 A72151 A62959 C06289 A00360 A01444 C06646 A09661 A11408 C06252 B16430 A72163 A72158 A11293 No Tube Mark Goldstone GHD Test Report for Determination of Volatile Organic Compounds by in-House Method WIENV 31 904.4 682.1 44.6 22.1 11.4 28.4 11.9 0.8 95 40.0 (50 ng) nd nd nd nd nd nd nd nd nd nd nd nd nd nd nd nd nd < 5.0 13.2 ng ethynylbenzene 1032.3 444.8 42.4 22.7 12.3 nd nd nd 100 nd nd nd nd nd nd nd nd 270 nd nd nd nd nd nd nd nd nd < 5.0 13.2 ng 1105.2 453.5 43.4 24.1 12.7 nd nd nd 100 nd nd nd nd 13.0 nd nd nd nd nd nd nd nd nd nd nd nd nd < 5.0 13.3 ng 35.9 316.4 51.5 23.8 13.0 nd nd nd 110 nd nd nd nd 20 nd 18 64 nd nd 12 nd nd 25 nd nd nd nd < 5.0 13.5 ng styrene 1,2-xylene benzaldehyde Known breakdown product of Tenax 417.1 262.3 2452.8 1318.4 550.7 86.6 106.5 153.7 110 nd nd nd nd nd nd nd nd nd nd nd nd nd nd nd nd nd nd < 5.0 13.8 1,3,5trimethylbenzene ng 276.3 397.0 2288.2 1195.2 586.6 22.6 11.7 nd 120 nd nd nd nd nd nd nd nd nd nd nd nd nd nd nd nd nd nd < 5.0 12.7 ng 186.9 143.4 27.6 14.2 6.3 nd nd nd 120 nd nd nd nd nd nd nd nd nd nd nd nd nd nd nd nd nd nd < 5.0 13.1 ng benzonitrile benzofuran 18.4 128.7 41.2 19.8 10.9 nd nd nd 84 6.6 nd 230 330 340 nd 5.9 18 43 12 94 19 48 42 14 120 5.8 nd < 5.0 14.0 ng acetophenone Known breakdown product of Tenax 202.2 300.8 43.2 23.6 10.2 17.2 10.5 nd 95 8.9 (10 ng) 2.4 2.4 5.6 7 nd 1.4 nd 2.5 1 nd 1.1 nd 2.6 nd 12 2.7 0.8 < 0.50 12.9 ng 84.4 49.4 nd nd nd 3.3 1.8 1.0 100 62.0 (50 ng) nd nd nd nd nd nd nd nd nd nd nd nd nd nd nd nd nd < 5.0 13.0 ng naphthalene quinoline 74 03020509.D 602.1 03010504.D No 4 Date n the Lab No as the s Blank in F9 4.3 259.5 03010503.D 03010509.D 03010510.D nd 1.2 03010508.D nd nd 03020526.D 03010507.D nd nd nd nd nd nd nd nd nd nd nd nd nd nd nd nd nd 03020508.D 03040534.D 03020523.D 03020520.D 03020521.D 03020519.D 03020517.D 03020512.D 03020510.D 03020516.D 03020525.D 03020524.D 03020514.D 03020513.D 03020522.D 03020518.D 03020515.D nd < 0.50 Lab No 8.1 22.0 Error +/- % 03010506.D ng Units 03010505.D 1H-indole Compound 2-Mar-05 2-Mar-05 n-House Method 239.5 274.0 42.3 19.8 8.6 13.0 6.5 2.7 120 nd nd 7.8 8 16 nd nd 20 10 nd nd nd nd 8.8 3.4 23 nd nd < 5.0 13.1 ng 2-methyl naphthalene 201.5 245.3 33.7 19.2 8.4 16.4 9.7 4.6 100 nd nd 4.7 6.1 12 nd nd 10 5.3 nd nd nd nd nd nd 17 nd nd < 5.0 13.0 ng 1-methyl naphthalene 279.5 281.9 258.1 143.5 83.5 66.5 75.2 108.5 120 nd nd nd nd nd nd nd nd nd nd nd nd nd nd nd nd nd nd < 0.50 13.1 ng biphenyl Known breakdown product of Tenax 539.4 368.3 38.4 18.1 8.5 24.1 9.7 1.6 89 nd nd nd nd nd nd nd nd nd nd nd nd nd nd nd nd nd nd < 0.50 12.6 ng acenaphthylene 263.2 182.4 2.1 1.0 nd 14.1 6.0 3.1 89 nd nd nd nd nd nd nd nd nd nd nd nd nd nd nd nd nd nd < 0.50 12.9 ng 432.8 362.3 39.2 21.8 12.5 46.3 35.6 30.7 88 nd nd nd nd nd nd nd nd nd nd nd nd nd nd nd nd nd nd < 5.0 13.1 ng 583.9 290.2 2.6 1.3 0.6 15.6 7.5 4.4 98 nd nd nd nd nd nd nd nd nd nd nd nd nd nd nd nd nd nd < 0.50 12.9 ng No Data No Data No Data No Data No Data No Data No Data No Data No Data No Data No Data No Data No Data No Data No Data No Data No Data No Data No Data No Data No Data No Data No Data No Data No Data No Data No Data No data acenaph9H-fluorendibenzo-furan 9H-fluorene thene 9-one No Data No Data No Data No Data No Data No Data No Data No Data No Data No Data No Data No Data No Data No Data No Data No Data No Data No Data No Data No Data No Data No Data No Data No Data No Data No Data No Data No data phenanthrene No Data No Data No Data No Data No Data No Data No Data No Data No Data No Data No Data No Data No Data No Data No Data No Data No Data No Data No Data No Data No Data No Data No Data No Data No Data No Data No Data No data fluoranthene No Data No Data No Data No Data No Data No Data No Data No Data No Data No Data No Data No Data No Data No Data No Data No Data No Data No Data No Data No Data No Data No Data No Data No Data No Data No Data No Data No data pyrene 1125.5 568.8 3749.8 2019.3 1071.5 24.0 11.1 5.5 120 nd nd 11000 NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA < 5.0 14.6 ng MEK 1239.6 424.3 41.3 21.4 12.4 nd nd nd 90 nd nd 410 780 1100 150 nd 120 95 nd 15 11 40 93 23 1300 nd nd < 5.0 13.5 ng MPK 1229.4 374.1 46.6 23.1 11.9 nd nd nd 97 nd nd nd nd nd nd nd nd nd nd nd nd nd nd nd nd nd nd < 5.0 14.5 ng 3 methyl butanal 1245.0 410.2 43.7 23.8 13.6 nd nd nd 100 nd nd nd nd nd nd nd nd nd nd nd nd nd nd nd nd nd nd < 5.0 13.9 ng heptane 921.3 921.9 nd nd nd 933.4 866.9 802.8 97 4.9 nd 9.5 140 160 nd nd 26 nd nd nd nd nd nd 24 120 nd nd < 5.0 13.3 ng MIBK 921.1 922.2 nd nd nd 859.9 803.0 803.0 92 48.0 (50 ng) nd 48 83 74 nd nd nd nd nd nd nd nd nd nd 18 nd nd < 5.0 13.6 ng DMDS 13.5 ng phenol 949.9 935.7 1.3 1.0 nd 1073.7 952.9 845.5 92 nd nd nd nd nd nd nd nd nd nd nd nd nd nd nd nd nd nd 353.0 241.9 23.4 10.6 3.7 13.5 7.5 4.7 98 nd nd nd nd nd nd 8.4 0.20 nd nd nd nd nd 2.76 nd nd 0.30 nd < 5.0 < 0.50 Bag Artefacts 12.4 ng methylacetam 162.9 572.3 47.3 19.6 13.3 13.6 4.5 2.2 90 nd nd 3.1 nd nd nd nd nd nd nd nd nd nd nd nd nd nd nd < 5.0 13.5 ng 853.9 439.1 56.1 26.9 15.8 nd nd nd 98 nd nd nd nd nd nd nd nd nd nd nd nd nd nd nd nd nd nd < 5.0 13.9 ng 415.7 487.2 nd nd nd nd nd nd 98 nd nd nd nd nd nd nd nd nd nd nd nd nd nd nd nd nd nd < 5.0 12.4 ng 1250.4 443.3 39.2 31.3 13.6 nd nd nd 89 nd nd 71 NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA < 5.0 15.9 ng nitrobenzeneethyl cyclohexan methylformam Iodomethane nd nd nd nd nd nd nd nd nd nd nd nd nd nd nd nd nd nd 90 nd nd nd 9.5 15.5 27.8 172.3 176.6 03020508.D 03040534.D 03020523.D 03020520.D 03020521.D 03020519.D 03020517.D 03020512.D 03020510.D 03020516.D 03020525.D 03020524.D 03020514.D 03020513.D 03020522.D 03020518.D 03020515.D 03020526.D 03020509.D 03010505.D 03010506.D 03010507.D 03010508.D 03010509.D 03010510.D 03010503.D 03010504.D No 4 Date n the Lab No as the s Blank in F9 < 5.0 Lab No ng ng 13.0 Units Total Quantifie d VOC indene Error +/- % Compound 2-Mar-05 2-Mar-05 n-House Method 03020526.D 03020526.D 03020526.D 03020526.D 03020526.D 03020526.D 03020526.D 03020526.D 03020526.D 03020526.D 03020526.D 03020526.D 03020526.D 03020526.D 03020526.D 03020526.D 03020526.D Check std Calibrated against quinoline indole 19 solids and MNs Not Corrected C2 Benz Not Corrected tol Not Corrected pyr, DMS dimethylacet/formamide Not Corrected T R O P E R F O D E benz, hept, MIBK, me cyhex Not Corrected 03020526.D Report End of N Lab No against chkstd Correction for Calibration (%) acetone, hexatriene, MEK, MPK Not Corrected Comments THE ODOUR UNIT PTY LIMITED Showroom 1 16-32 Hulme Court Myaree WA 6154 Phone: +61 8 9330 9476 Facsimile: +61 8 9330 1868 Email:[email protected] Internet: ABN: 53 091 165 061 Accreditation Number: 14974 Form 06 - Perth Laboratory Odour Concentration Measurement Results The measurement was commissioned by: Organisation GHD Contact Mark Goldstone Sampling Site Alcoa Wagerup Sampling Method Not specified Order details: Order requested by Date of order Order number Signed by Paige Gunnell 26/02/2005 TBA TBA Telephone Facsimile Email Sampling Team Order accepted by TOU Project # Project Manager Testing operator (08) 9429 6558 (08) 9429 6555 [email protected] Paige Gunnell, B. Deeley Natasha Bowden 1139.1 Natasha Bowden Natasha Bowden Investigated Item Odour concentration in odour units ‘ou’, determined by sensory odour concentration measurements, of an odour sample supplied in a sampling bag. Odour character is also assessed, however, this assessment is not covered by AS4323.3:2001. Identification The odour sample bags were labelled individually. Each label recorded the testing laboratory, sample number, sampling location (or Identification), sampling date and time, dilution ratio (if dilution was used) and whether further chemical analysis was required. Method The odour concentration measurements were performed using dynamic olfactometry according to the Australian Standard ‘Determination of Odour Concentration by Dynamic Olfactometry AS/NZS4323.3:2001. The odour perception characteristics of the panel within the presentation series for the samples were analogous to that for butanol calibration. Any deviation from the Australian standard is recorded in the ‘Comments’ section of this report. Measuring Range The measuring range of the olfactometer is 22 F 218 ou. If the measuring range was insufficient the odour samples will have been pre-diluted. The machine is not calibrated beyond dilution setting 217or below setting 23. This is specifically mentioned with the results. Environment The measurements were performed in an air- and odour-conditioned room. The room temperature is maintained at 25oC or less, with temperature fluctuations of less than ± 3 oC. Measuring Dates The date of each measurement is specified with the results. Instrument Used The olfactometer used during this testing session was: ODORMAT SERIES 200107V05 Instrumental Precision The precision of this instrument (expressed as repeatability) for a sensory calibration must be r d 0.477 in accordance with the Australian Standard AS/NZS4323.3:2001. ODORMAT SERIES 200107V05: r = 0.384 (20 September, 2004) Compliance – Yes Instrumental Accuracy The accuracy of this instrument for a sensory calibration must be A d 0.217 in accordance with the Australian Standard AS/NZS4323.3:2001. ODORMAT SERIES 200107V05: A = 0.147 (20 September, 2004) Compliance – Yes Lower Detection Limit (LDL) The LDL for the olfactometer has been determined to be 16 ou (four times the lowest dilution setting) Traceability The measurements have been performed using standards for which the traceability to the national standard has been demonstrated. The assessors are individually selected to comply with fixed criteria and are monitored in time to keep within the limits of the standard. The results from the assessors are traceable to primary standards of n-butanol in nitrogen. Date: Thursday, 3 March 2004 Report Number / Panel Roster Number: PER20050226 N. Bowden T. Schulz Principal and Managing Director The Odour Unit Pty Ltd ACN 091 165 061 Form 06 – Odour Concentration Results Sheet (V05) Authorised Signatory Issue Date: 13.11.2003 Issued By: SB Odour Measurement Manual Revision: 3 Revision Date: 01.03.2004 Approved By: TJS 1 of 1 PC50199 PC50200 PC50201 PC50202 PC50203 PC50204 PC50205 PC50206 RDA 5 RDA 5 RDA 5 RDA 5 RDA 5 RDA 5 RDA 5 RDA 5 The Odour Unit Pty Ltd ACN 091 165 061 Form 06 – Odour Concentration Results Sheet TOU Sample ID Sample Location Analysis Date & Time 26/02/2005 10:01hrs 26/02/2005 10:26hrs 26/02/2005 11:02hrs 26/02/2005 11:31hrs 26/02/2005 12:37hrs 26/02/2005 13:01hrs 26/02/2005 13:26hrs 26/02/2005 13:50hrs Sampling Date & Time 25/02/2005 02:00hrs 25/02/2005 05:45hrs 25/02/2005 08:26hrs 25/02/2005 10:00hrs 25/02/2005 11:30hrs 25/02/2005 14:20hrs 25/02/2005 17:30hrs 25/02/2005 23:17hrs 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 Panel Size - - - - - - - - Issue Date: 13.11.2003 Issued By: SB Odour Measurement Manual 10 10 10 10 10 10 8 10 Valid ITEs Nominal Sample Dilution Factor - - - - - - - - Actual Sample Dilution (Adjusted for Temperature) Odour Sample Measurement Results 79 52 74 56 60 69 76 84 * Sample Odour Concentration (Final, allowing for dilution) (ou) * See comments below 79 52 74 56 60 69 76 84 * Sample Odour Concentration (as received, in the bag) (ou) THE ODOUR UNIT PTY LIMITED 2 of 2 Revision: 2 Revision Date: 13.11.2003 Approved By: TJS Musty Musty Musty Musty Process liquor Musty Musty Musty Odour Character Accreditation Number: 14974 52 Concentration of Reference gas (ppm) 20 F 80 Panel Target Range for n-butanol (ppb) 1,450 Measured Concentration (ou) 36 Measured Panel Threshold (ppb) Yes Does this panel calibration measurement comply with AS/NZS4323.3:2001 (Yes / No) Accreditation Number: 14974 The Odour Unit Pty Ltd ACN 091 165 061 Form 06 – Odour Concentration Results Sheet NATA endorsed test report. This report shall not be reproduced, except in full. Issue Date: 13.11.2003 Issued By: SB Odour Measurement Manual END OF DOCUMENT Revision: 2 Revision Date: 13.11.2003 Approved By: TJS 3 of 3 Disclaimer: Parties, other than TOU, responsible for collecting odour samples hereby certify that they have voluntarily furnished these odour samples, appropriately collected and labelled, to The Odour Unit Pty Limited for the purpose of odour testing. The collection of odour samples by parties other than The Odour Unit Pty Limited relinquishes The Odour Unit Pty Limited from all responsibility for the sample collection and any effects or actions that the results from the test(s) may have. AS/NZS4323.3:2001 states samples are to be analysed within 30hrs of collection. Sample PC50199 was analysed 32hrs after collection, therefore it does not meet the Australian Standard and is not NATA certified. GHD Comment - TOU misunderstood collection time, which was 0200 on 26/2/05 PER2005.02.26 n-butanol Comments Reference Odorant Panel Roster Number Reference Odorant Odour Panel Calibration Results THE ODOUR UNIT PTY LIMITED THE ODOUR UNIT PTY LIMITED Showroom 1 16-32 Hulme Court Myaree WA 6154 Phone: +61 8 9330 9476 Facsimile: +61 8 9330 1868 Email:[email protected] Internet: ABN: 53 091 165 061 Accreditation Number: 14974 Form 06 - Perth Laboratory Odour Concentration Measurement Results The measurement was commissioned by: Organisation GHD Contact Mark Goldstone Sampling Site Alcoa Wagerup Sampling Method Not specified Order details: Order requested by Date of order Order number Signed by Paige Gunnell 01/03/2005 TBA TBA Telephone Facsimile Email Sampling Team Order accepted by TOU Project # Project Manager Testing operator (08) 9429 6558 (08) 9429 6555 [email protected] Paige Gunnell, B. Deeley Natasha Bowden 1139.1 Natasha Bowden Clayton Hough Investigated Item Odour concentration in odour units ‘ou’, determined by sensory odour concentration measurements, of an odour sample supplied in a sampling bag. Odour character is also assessed, however, this assessment is not covered by AS4323.3:2001. Identification The odour sample bags were labelled individually. Each label recorded the testing laboratory, sample number, sampling location (or Identification), sampling date and time, dilution ratio (if dilution was used) and whether further chemical analysis was required. Method The odour concentration measurements were performed using dynamic olfactometry according to the Australian Standard ‘Determination of Odour Concentration by Dynamic Olfactometry AS/NZS4323.3:2001. The odour perception characteristics of the panel within the presentation series for the samples were analogous to that for butanol calibration. Any deviation from the Australian standard is recorded in the ‘Comments’ section of this report. Measuring Range The measuring range of the olfactometer is 22 F 218 ou. If the measuring range was insufficient the odour samples will have been pre-diluted. The machine is not calibrated beyond dilution setting 217or below setting 23. This is specifically mentioned with the results. Environment The measurements were performed in an air- and odour-conditioned room. The room temperature is maintained at 25oC or less, with temperature fluctuations of less than ± 3 oC. Measuring Dates The date of each measurement is specified with the results. Instrument Used The olfactometer used during this testing session was: ODORMAT SERIES 200107V05 Instrumental Precision The precision of this instrument (expressed as repeatability) for a sensory calibration must be r d 0.477 in accordance with the Australian Standard AS/NZS4323.3:2001. ODORMAT SERIES 200107V05: r = 0.384 (20 September, 2004) Compliance – Yes Instrumental Accuracy The accuracy of this instrument for a sensory calibration must be A d 0.217 in accordance with the Australian Standard AS/NZS4323.3:2001. ODORMAT SERIES 200107V05: A = 0.147 (20 September, 2004) Compliance – Yes Lower Detection Limit (LDL) The LDL for the olfactometer has been determined to be 16 ou (four times the lowest dilution setting) Traceability The measurements have been performed using standards for which the traceability to the national standard has been demonstrated. The assessors are individually selected to comply with fixed criteria and are monitored in time to keep within the limits of the standard. The results from the assessors are traceable to primary standards of n-butanol in nitrogen. Date: Thursday, 3 March 2004 Report Number / Panel Roster Number: PER20050301 C. Hough T. Schulz Principal and Managing Director The Odour Unit Pty Ltd ACN 091 165 061 Form 06 – Odour Concentration Results Sheet (V05) Authorised Signatory Issue Date: 13.11.2003 Issued By: SB Odour Measurement Manual Revision: 3 Revision Date: 01.03.2004 Approved By: TJS 1 of 1 PC50216 PC50217 PC50218 PC50219 RDA 6 RDA 6 RDA 6 RDA 6 The Odour Unit Pty Ltd ACN 091 165 061 Form 06 – Odour Concentration Results Sheet TOU Sample ID Sample Location Analysis Date & Time 01/03/2005 11:30hrs 01/03/2005 12:00hrs 01/03/2005 12:30hrs 01/03/2005 13:00hrs Sampling Date & Time 28/02/2005 12:30hrs 28/02/2005 18:10hrs 01/03/2005 24:03hrs 01/03/2005 07:15hrs 5 5 5 5 Panel Size - - - - Issue Date: 13.11.2003 Issued By: SB Odour Measurement Manual 10 10 10 10 Valid ITEs Nominal Sample Dilution Factor - - - - Actual Sample Dilution (Adjusted for Temperature) Odour Sample Measurement Results 256 194 338 478 Sample Odour Concentration (as received, in the bag) (ou) 256 194 338 478 Sample Odour Concentration (Final, allowing for dilution) (ou) THE ODOUR UNIT PTY LIMITED 2 of 2 Revision: 2 Revision Date: 13.11.2003 Approved By: TJS Musty Musty Musty Mud / cement Odour Character Accreditation Number: 14974 52 Concentration of Reference gas (ppm) 20 F 80 Panel Target Range for n-butanol (ppb) 1,550 Measured Concentration (ou) 33 Measured Panel Threshold (ppb) Yes Does this panel calibration measurement comply with AS/NZS4323.3:2001 (Yes / No) Accreditation Number: 14974 The Odour Unit Pty Ltd ACN 091 165 061 Form 06 – Odour Concentration Results Sheet NATA endorsed test report. This report shall not be reproduced, except in full. Issue Date: 13.11.2003 Issued By: SB Odour Measurement Manual END OF DOCUMENT Revision: 2 Revision Date: 13.11.2003 Approved By: TJS 3 of 3 Disclaimer: Parties, other than TOU, responsible for collecting odour samples hereby certify that they have voluntarily furnished these odour samples, appropriately collected and labelled, to The Odour Unit Pty Limited for the purpose of odour testing. The collection of odour samples by parties other than The Odour Unit Pty Limited relinquishes The Odour Unit Pty Limited from all responsibility for the sample collection and any effects or actions that the results from the test(s) may have. None. PER2005.03.01 n-butanol Comments Reference Odorant Panel Roster Number Reference Odorant Odour Panel Calibration Results THE ODOUR UNIT PTY LIMITED Appendix C Field Notes 61/15324/47345 Residue Pond Emissions Assessment of Emissions from Area Sources 42 Appendix C – List of Tables Table C1. Phase 1 – Field Observations During Monitoring Program ........................................................................................................................ 2 Table C2. Phase 2 Dry Residue Run 1 - Field Observations During Monitoring Program........................................................................................ 7 Table C3. Phase 2 Dry Residue Run 2 - Field Observations During Monitoring Program........................................................................................ 9 Table C4. Phase 2 Wet Residue Run 1 and Bitumen - Field Observations During Monitoring Program .............................................................. 11 Table C5. Phase 2 Wet Residue Run 2 and Bitumen - Field Observations During Monitoring Program .............................................................. 12 Table C6. Phase 2 ROWS - Field Observations During Monitoring Program........................................................................................................... 13 Table C7. Phase 2 Cooling Pond - Field Observations During Monitoring Program............................................................................................... 14 Table C8. Phase 2 RDA2 - Field Observations During Monitoring Program ............................................................................................................ 15 Table C9. Phase 2 Superthickener - Field Observations During Monitoring Program............................................................................................ 16 Table C10. Phase 2 Cooling Pond and RDA5 (PAH Runs) - Field Observations During Monitoring Program ..................................................... 17 61/15324/50156 Wagerup Refinery - Residue Area Emissions Assessment Field Observations Appendix 1 Table C1. Phase 1 – Field Observations During Monitoring Program Date Location Type of Sample ID Sample Sample Flow Hood Internal Ambient Sweep Air Flow Start Time End Time Rate Temp (°C) Temperature (°C) Rate (Start/Finish) (hh:mm) (hh:mm) (L/min) 19/10/2004 Cooling Pond Cooling Pond 2 Cooling Pond Odour CP1 1800/min 38 25 5/5 1020 1035 VOC A70218 100ml/30sec 39 25 5/5 1020 1035 VOC A14306 100ml/30sec 40 27 5/5 1045 1055 ALD 922803918 100ml/30sec 41 26 5/5 1107 1157 Odour CP2 1800/min 45 25 1400 1415 VOC A70310 100ml/30sec 44 24 5/5 1450 1459 ALD 922803916 100ml/30sec 44 24 5/5 1345 1445 VOC A11389 100ml/30sec N/A N/A N/A 1430 1440 Odour RP1 1800/min 26 25 5/5 1015 1030 VOC A12078 100ml/36sec 26 25 5/5 0937 0949 ALD 922803913 100ml/30sec 26 25 5/5 1008 1058 Odour RP2 1800/min 26 25 5/3 1610 1620 VOC A73725 100ml/30sec 26 25 5/3 1610 1622 ALD 0822803915 100ml/30sec 26 25 5/5 1425 1515 Free 20/10/2004 ROWS Pond 1 ROWS Pond 2 61/15324/50156 Wagerup Refinery - Residue Area Emissions Assessment Field Observations Appendix 2 Date Location Type of Sample ID Sample Sample Flow Hood Internal Ambient Sweep Air Flow Start Time End Time Rate Temp (°C) Temperature (°C) Rate (Start/Finish) (hh:mm) (hh:mm) (L/min) 21/10/2004 ROCP2 ROCP2-2 22/10/2004 RDA2-1 RDA2-2 25/10/2004 Lower Dam 1 Lower Dam 2 61/15324/50156 Odour ROCP2-1 1800/min 24 20 5/4 1100 1115 VOC C06215 100ml/30sec 25 20 5/5 945 955 ALD 922803910 100ml/30sec 24 20 5/4 1100 1150 Odour ROCP2-2 1800/min 25 21 5/5 1540 1555 VOC A63757 100ml/30sec 25 21 5/5 1540 1550 ALD 922803914 100ml/30sec 24 20 5/5 1335 1425 Odour RDA2-1 1800/min 34 24 5/0 1100 1115 VOC A13823 100ml/30sec 34 22 5/5 0945 0955 ALD 922803911 100ml/30sec 34 24 5/0 1100 1150 Odour RDA2-2 1800min 38 24 5/5 1505 1520 VOC A00360 100ml/30sec 38 24 5/5 1505 1515 ALD 922803917 100ml/30sec 33 23 5/4.5 1305 1355 Odour LD1 1800/min 28 19 5/4 1120 1135 VOC A08278 100ml/40sec 25 18 5/4.5 1000 1014 ALD 922803912 100ml/30sec 28 19 5/4 1120 1210 Odour LD2 1800/min 32 24 5/5 1425 1440 Wagerup Refinery - Residue Area Emissions Assessment Field Observations Appendix 3 Date Location Type of Sample ID Sample Sample Flow Hood Internal Ambient Sweep Air Flow Start Time End Time Rate Temp (°C) Temperature (°C) Rate (Start/Finish) (hh:mm) (hh:mm) 1330 1340 (L/min) 26/10/2004 Oxalate 1 Oxalate 2 27/10/2004 Super-Thcknr 1 Super – Thcknr 2 28/10/2004 Wet Sand 61/15324/50156 VOC A15036 100ml/30sec 34 22 5/5 ALD 922803919 100ml/30sec 33 24 5/5 Odour Oxalate 1 1700/min 30 20 5/5 1030 1045 VOC A09661 100ml/44sec 30 20 5/5 1045 1055 ALD 097901749 100mls/31secs 30 20 5/5 1056 1146 Odour Oxalate 2 1700 29 25 5/5 1245 1300 VOC A06466 100mls/31secs 29 25 5/5 1300 1310 ALD 0979701705 100 mls/30secs 29 25 5/5 1311 1401 Odour ST1 1700 37 24 5/5 1145 1200 VOC A13714 100ml/69secs 37 24 5/5 1228 1239.5 ALD 0979701719 100ml/30secs 37 24 5/5 1252 1322 Odour ST2 1700 37 24 5/5 1212 1227 VOC A10353 100mls/59secs 37 24 5/5 1240 1250 ALD 0979701735 100mls/30secs 37 24 5/5 1323 1353 Odour Wet Sand 1800 mls/min 34 29 5/5 1045 1100 VOC A1319054 100mls/54 secs 34 29 5/5 1100 1115 Wagerup Refinery - Residue Area Emissions Assessment Field Observations Appendix 4 Date Location Type of Sample ID Sample Sample Flow Hood Internal Ambient Sweep Air Flow Start Time End Time Rate Temp (°C) Temperature (°C) Rate (Start/Finish) (hh:mm) (hh:mm) (L/min) Dry Residue Wet Residue 29/10/2004 Cooling Pond ALD 0979701772 100mls/32 secs 34 29 5/5 1115 1205 Odour Dry Residue 1800 mls/min 38 30 5/5 1240 1255 VOC A14300 100mls/58secs 38 30 5/5 1345 1405 ALD 09791729 100mls/34secs 38 30 5/5 1255 1345 Odour Wet Residue 1700 mls/min 35 30 5/5 1500 1515 VOC A12494 100mls/63secs 35 30 5/5 1515 1527 ALD 0979701638 100mls/35secs 35 30 5/5 1527 1617 Odour CPF 1800 N/A N/A N/A 1440 1450 ALD 979701710 100ml/30sec N/A 1422 1512 Odour A1 1800 5/5 1348 1411 VOC A1 100ml/47sec 5/5 1348 1403 ALD 979701741 100ml/30sec 5/5 1411 1501 VOC A13888 N/A N/A N/A N/A ALD 979701727 N/A N/A N/A N/A 979701785 N/A N/A N/A N/A A4 1800 5/5 1626 1640 Free 10/11/2004 Blank 1 Blank 2 Blank 3 Blank 4 61/15324/50156 Odour Wagerup Refinery - Residue Area Emissions Assessment Field Observations Appendix 5 Date Location Type of Sample ID Sample Sample Flow Hood Internal Ambient Sweep Air Flow Start Time End Time Rate Temp (°C) Temperature (°C) Rate (Start/Finish) (hh:mm) (hh:mm) (L/min) 17/11/2004 VOC A14330 100ml/30sec 5/5 1700 1710 ALD 979701698 100ml/30sec 5/5 1600 1650 Cooling Pond 1 ALD 979701610 100ml/30sec 18 17 5/5 940 955 Super thickener 1 ALD 979701721 100ml/30sec 35 17 5/5 1125 1130 Super thickener 2 ALD 979701634 100ml/30sec 35 17 5/5 1134 1144 Super thickener 3 ALD 979701615 100ml/30sec 35 17 5/5 1150 1155 61/15324/50156 Wagerup Refinery - Residue Area Emissions Assessment Field Observations Appendix 6 Table C2. Phase 2 Dry Residue Run 1 - Field Observations During Monitoring Program Date 14/02/2005 15/02/2005 Location Hood RDA5 run 1 S Type of Sample Sample ID Sample Flow Rate (mL/min) Gas Flow Start Time End Time (Start/Finish) (hh:mm) (hh:mm) (L/min) Temperature (°C) Ambient Temperature (°C) TO-11a 1274305375 1081 5/5 1836 1936 28 27.6 P TO-17 A11293 102 5/5 1836 1936 33 27.6 S TO-17 A11144 100 5/5 1836 1936 24.3 24.8 P TO-11a 1274305376 1114 5/5 1919 2019 24.0 24.8 S TO-17 A1 98 5/5 2105 2209 24.3 24.8 P TO-17 A14502 97 5/5 2105 2209 24 24.8 S TO-11a 1274305370 1215 5/5 2105 2209 21.6 22.6 P TO-11a 1274305379 1015 5/5 2105 2209 21.4 22.6 S TO-17 A15036 96 5/5 2408 108 21.6 22.6 P TO-17 C06289 95 5/5 2408 108 21.4 22.6 P TO-11a 1274305372 1079 5/5 2408 108 21.4 22.6 S TO-11a 1274305378 1053 5/5 2408 108 21.6 22.6 RDA5 run 1 P TO-11a 1274305377 1068 5/5 307 0407 20.6 21.6 S TO-11a 1274305374 1065 5/5 307 0407 20.7 21.6 S TO-17 C06252 95 5/5 307 0407 20.7 21.6 P TO-17 A72258 94 5/5 307 0407 20.6 21.6 P TO-17 B16433 187 5/5 604 704 21.7 23 S TO-17 A72158 94 5/5 604 704 21.2 23 61/15324/50156 Wagerup Refinery - Residue Area Emissions Assessment Field Observations Appendix 7 Date 15/02/2005 Location Hood Type of Sample Sample ID Sample Flow Rate (mL/min) Gas Flow Start Time End Time (Start/Finish) (hh:mm) (hh:mm) (L/min) Temperature (°C) Ambient Temperature (°C) S TO-11a 1274305371 1033 5/5 604 704 21.2 23 P TO-11a 1274305373 1027 5/5 604 704 21.7 23 RDA5 run 1 S TO-11a 1274304756 1065 5/5 912 1011 31.2 29.1 P TO-11a 1274304759 475 5/5 912 1011 41.3 29.1 S TO-17 C06646 94 5/5 912 1011 31.2 29.1 P TO-17 A12416 95 5/5 912 1010 41.3 29.1 P TO-11a 1274304758 469 5/5 1203 1303 53.8 34.3 S TO-11a 1274304750 469 5/5 1203 1303 40.6 34.3 P TO-17 B15881 207 5/5 1203 1303 53.8 34.3 S TO-17 A11389 205 5/5 1203 1304 40.6 34.3 S TO-17 A14431 100 5/5 1456 1554 46.4 36.3 P TO-17 A09645 106 5/5 1456 1554 38.8 36.3 P TO-11a 1274304757 1038 5/5 1456 1555 46.4 36.3 S TO-11a 1274304753 1064 5/5 1456 1556 38.8 36.3 61/15324/50156 Wagerup Refinery - Residue Area Emissions Assessment Field Observations Appendix 8 Table C3. Phase 2 Dry Residue Run 2 - Field Observations During Monitoring Program Date Location Hood Type of Sample Sample ID 25/02/2005 RDA 5 run 2 P TO-11a 1274305529 1074 5/5 412 512 17.2 17.2 S TO-11a 1274305524 1025 5/5 412 512 18.15 17.2 S TO-17 B16459 97 5/5 412 512 18.15 17.2 P TO-17 A72166 97 5/5 412 512 17.2 17.2 P TO-11a 1274305521 1012 5/5 703 803 25.75 25 S TO-11a 1274305520 979 5/5 703 803 26.4 25 S TO-17 A14506 93 5/5 703 803 26.4 25 P TO-17 A10482 91 5/5 703 803 25.75 25 S TO-11a 1274305528 982 5/5 1000 1103 43.1 41 P TO-11a 1274305522 988 5/5 1000 1103 46.25 41 S TO-17 B16449 98 5/5 1000 1103 43.1 41 P TO-17 C06514 95 5/5 1000 1103 46.25 41 P TO-11a 1274305525 1027 5/5 1300 1400 49.9 46 S TO-11a 1274305523 990 5/5 1300 1338 47.75 46 S TO-17 A01467 101 5/5 1300 1400 47.75 46 P TO-17 A13823 99 5/5 1300 1400 49.9 46 P TO-11a 1274305526 1031 5/5 1608 1710 31.4 30.8 S TO-11a 1274305527 1022 5/5 1608 1711 33 30.8 25/02/2005 RDA 5 run 2 61/15324/50156 Sample Flow Rate (mL/min) Wagerup Refinery - Residue Area Emissions Assessment Field Observations Appendix Gas Flow Start Time End Time Temperature (°C) Ambient (Start/Finish) (hh:mm) (hh:mm) Temperature (°C) (L/min) 9 S TO-17 B15517 102 5/5 1608 1710 33 30.8 P TO-17 A10058 103 5/5 1608 1711 31.4 30.8 5/5 530 542 odour S TO-11a 1274305545 1016 5/5 1900 2000 22.4 25.2 P TO-11a 1274305544 1022 5/5 1900 2000 23.5 25.2 P TO-17 A16087 99 5/5 1900 2000 23.5 25.2 S TO-17 A15036 99 5/5 1900 2000 22.4 25.2 5/5 2000 2012 odour P TO-11a 1274305549 1007 5/5 2205 2305 18.6 23.5 S TO-11a 1274305548 1021 5/5 2205 2305 20.9 23.5 S TO-17 A09645 94 5/5 2205 2305 20.9 23.5 P TO-17 A11352 96 5/5 2205 2305 18.6 23.5 5/5 2205 2217 odour S TO-11a 1274305543 1017 5/5 100 200 18 22.2 P TO-11a 1274305547 1009 5/5 100 200 17.5 22.2 P TO-17 A70150 94 5/5 100 200 17.5 22.2 S TO-17 A14502 93 5/5 100 200 18 22.2 5/5 200 212 odour 61/15324/50156 Wagerup Refinery - Residue Area Emissions Assessment Field Observations Appendix 10 Table C4. Phase 2 Wet Residue Run 1 and Bitumen - Field Observations During Monitoring Program Date 16/02/2005 18/02/2005 Location Hood Type of Sample Sample ID Sample Flow Rate (mL/min) Gas Flow (Start/Finish) (L/min) Start Time (hh:mm) End Time Temperature (°C) Ambient (hh:mm) Temperature (°C) Wet Bitumen TO-17 B15517 97 5/4.5 1150 1252 25.2 24.2 PAHs TO-17 A01467 214 5/5 1150 1450 32.4 30.8 Dry Dry Bitumen TO-17 A72151 100 5/5 1607 1712 25.8 25.8 S TO-11a 1274304752 1033 5/5 21.11 22.11 27.6 27.6 P TO-11a 1274304754 993 5/5 21.11 22.11 30.5 27.6 S TO-17 A72153 95 5/5 21.11 22.11 27.6 27.6 P TO-17 A10069 93 5/5 21.11 22.11 30.5 27.6 S TO-11a 1274304995 1049 5/5 3.04 4.04 35.5 28 P TO-11a 1274304990 997 5/5 3.04 4.04 35.5 28 P TO-17 A63757 96 5/5 3.04 4.04 35.5 28 S TO-17 A14314 94 5/5 3.04 4.04 35.5 28 S TO-11a 1274304751 946 5/5 9.3 10.3 29.6 23.1 P TO-11a 1274304755 1040 5/5 9.3 10.3 37.6 23.1 S TO-17 A70306(3) 91 5/5 9.3 10.3 29.6 23.1 P TO-17 A10347 94 5/5 9.3 10.3 37.6 23.1 P TO-11a 1274304997 1017 5/5 13.25 13.55 46.1 30.4 S TO-11a 1274304998 998 5/5 13.25 13.55 43.2 30.4 S TO-17 A10353 96 5/5 13.25 13.55 43.2 30.4 P TO-17 A13110 101 5/5 13.25 13.55 46.1 30.4 RDA 3 19/02/2005 19/02/2005 19/02/2005 61/15324/50156 Wagerup Refinery - Residue Area Emissions Assessment Field Observations Appendix 11 Table C5. Phase 2 Wet Residue Run 2 and Bitumen - Field Observations During Monitoring Program Date Location Hood Type of Sample Sample ID 28/02/2005 RDA-6 Perspex in TO-11a 1274304608 1016 5/5 915 1020 30 30 28/02/2005 RDA-6 Perspex out TO-11a 1274304603 1012 5/5 915 1020 30 30 28/02/2005 RDA-6 P TO-11a 1274304605 985 5/5 1115 1216 36.4 36.4 28/02/2005 RDA-6 S TO-11a 1274304692 1017 5/5 1115 1216 36.3 36.3 28/02/2005 RDA-6 P TO-17 C06289 94 5/5 1115 1216 36.4 36.4 28/02/2005 RDA-6 S TO-17 C06252 94 5/5 1115 1216 36.3 36.3 28/02/2005 RDA-6 Perspex in TO-11a 1274304691 997 5/5 1300 1402 35.8 35.8 28/02/2005 RDA-6 Perspex out TO-11a 1274304690 966 5/5 1300 1402 35.8 35.8 28/02/2005 RDA-6 S TO-11a 1274305250 1015 5/5 1707 1807 24.3 23.5 28/02/2005 RDA-6 P TO-11a 1274305259 1004 5/5 1707 1807 24.8 23.5 28/02/2005 RDA-6 S TO-17 A11408 96 5/5 1707 1807 24.3 23.5 28/02/2005 RDA-6 P TO-17 A00360 88 5/5 1707 1807 24.8 23.5 28/02/2005 RDA-6 P TO-11a 1274304699 1004 5/5 2300 2401 17.4 15.2 28/02/2005 RDA-6 S TO-11a 1274304698 1006 5/5 2300 2400 17.5 15.2 28/02/2005 RDA-6 P TO-17 C06646 93 5/5 2300 2401 17.2 15.2 28/02/2005 RDA-6 S TO-17 A09661 87 5/5 2300 2405 17.2 15.2 1/03/2005 RDA-6 P TO-11a 1274304696 1022 5/5 550 650 16.6 16.0 1/03/2005 RDA-6 S TO-11a 1274304697 958 5/5 550 650 16.8 16.0 1/03/2005 RDA-6 P TO-17 B16430 93 5/5 550 650 16.6 16.0 1/03/2005 RDA-6 S TO-17 A01444 87 5/5 550 650 16.8 16.0 61/15324/50156 Sample Flow Rate (mL/min) Wagerup Refinery - Residue Area Emissions Assessment Field Observations Appendix Gas Flow (Start/Finish) (L/min) Start Time (hh:mm) End Time (hh:mm) Temperature (°C) 12 Ambient Temperature (°C) Table C6. Phase 2 ROWS - Field Observations During Monitoring Program Date Location Hood Type of Sample Sample ID 24/02/2005 ROWS1 S TO-11a 1274304994 997 5/5 1240 1340 35 35 ROWS1 S TO-17 A11369 104 5/5 1240 1340 35 35 ROWS2 S TO-17 A10755 99 5/5 1540 1640 31 31 ROWS2 S TO-11a 1274305255 1091 5/5 1540 1640 31 31 ROWS3A S TO-17 A11293 75 5/5 1845 1945 25.5 24.3 ROWS3A S TO-11a 1274305253 1030 5/5 1845 1945 25.5 24.3 ROWS3B S TO-11a 1274305254 1000 5/5 2008 2046 24.6 24 ROWS3B S TO-17 A72158 75 5/5 2008 2108 24.6 24 1/03/2005 61/15324/50156 Sample Flow Rate (mL/min) Wagerup Refinery - Residue Area Emissions Assessment Field Observations Appendix Gas Flow (Start/Finish) (L/min) Start Time End Time Temperature (°C) Ambient (hh:mm) (hh:mm) Temperature (°C) 13 Table C7. Phase 2 Cooling Pond - Field Observations During Monitoring Program Date Location 24/02/2005 Cooling Pond Inlet Hood Type of Sample Sample ID Sample Flow Gas Flow Start Time End Time Temperature (°C) Rate (mL/min) (Start/Finish) (hh:mm) (hh:mm) (L/min) Ambient Temperature (°C) P TO-11a 1274305256 1090 5/5 1333 1405 48 35 Cooling Pond Inlet (b) P TO-17 B16456 5/5 1333 1405 48 35 Cooling Pond Berm P TO-11a 1274305257 1090 5/5 1505 1524 66.8 52.6 Cooling Pond Berm (a) P TO-17 A11071 5/5 1505 1526 66.8 52.6 Cooling Pond Outlet TO-11a 1274305258 1090 5/5 1630 1650 37 37 TO-17 A15016 5/5 1630 1650 37 37 P Cooling Pond Outlet (c) P 61/15324/50156 Wagerup Refinery - Residue Area Emissions Assessment Field Observations Appendix 97 97 97 14 Table C8. Phase 2 RDA2 - Field Observations During Monitoring Program Date 1/03/2005 Location RDA 2 61/15324/50156 Hood Type of Sample Sample ID Sample Flow Gas Flow Rate (mL/min) (Start/Finish) (L/min) Start Time (hh:mm) End Time (hh:mm) Temperature (°C) Ambient Temperature (°C) SS TO-11a 1274305251 1020 5/5 1100 1200 25 25 SS TO-17 A72151 132 5/5 1100 1200 25 25 SS TO-11a 1274304695 1019 5/5 1330 1430 30 30 SS TO-17 A62959 84 5/5 1330 1430 30 30 SS TO-17 A72163 74 5/5 1600 1715 25 25 SS TO-11a 1274304252 1027 5/5 1600 1700 25 25 Wagerup Refinery - Residue Area Emissions Assessment Field Observations Appendix 15 Table C9. Phase 2 Superthickener - Field Observations During Monitoring Program Date 1/03/2005 Location Hood Superthickener P Type of Sample Sample Flow Rate (mL/min) Gas Flow (Start/Finish) (L/min) Start Time End Time Temperature (°C) Ambient (hh:mm) (hh:mm) Temperature (°C) TO-11a 1274304694 1014 5/5 10:30 10:50 55 25 P TO-17 A72188 93 5/5 10:30 10:50 55 25 P TO-11a 1274304693 1014 5/5 11:20 11:40 55 28 P TO-17 A12413 93 5/5 11:20 11:40 55 28 T0-17 PAH A16466 180 5/5 12:10 12:30 55 30 A16466 120 5/5 12:30 14:10 55 30 ST1 1800 5/5 12:10 12:30 55 30 ST1 1200 5/5 12:30 14:10 55 30 PAH 61/15324/50156 Sample ID Wagerup Refinery - Residue Area Emissions Assessment Field Observations Appendix 16 Table C10. Phase 2 Cooling Pond and RDA5 (PAH Runs) - Field Observations During Monitoring Program Date 1/03/2005 Location Hood Type of Sample ID Sample Flow Gas Flow Sample Rate (mL/min) (Start/Finish) (L/min) Start Time (hh:mm) End Time Temperature (°C) Ambient (hh:mm) Temperature (°C) Cooling Pond SS TO-17 A73693 140 5/19 1537 1830 35.7 33.7 Cooling Pond SS PAH CP1 1200 1200 1537 1830 35.7 33.7 22/02/2005 RDA5 SS TO-17 B16859 146 5/5 1015 1645 34 33.03 22/02/2005 RDA5 SS PAH DM1 1800 5/5 1015 1715 34 33.03 61/15324/50156 Wagerup Refinery - Residue Area Emissions Assessment Field Observations Appendix 17 GHD Pty Ltd ABN 39 008 488 373 GHD House, 239 Adelaide Tce. Perth, WA 6004 P.O. Box Y3106, Perth WA 6832 T: 61 8 9429 6666 F: 61 8 9429 6555 E: [email protected] © GHD Pty Ltd 2004 This document is and shall remain the property of GHD Pty Ltd. The document should only be used for the purposes for which it was commissioned and in accordance with the Terms of Engagement for the commission. In particular, it should be noted that the results of this study are specific to the Wagerup alumina refinery, and should not therefore be used elsewhere without appropriate validation. Unauthorised use of this document in any form whatsoever is prohibited. Document Status Rev No. Author 61/15324/47345 Reviewer Name Approved for Issue Signature Residue Pond Emissions Assessment of Emissions from Area Sources Name Signature Date