Eleven-Year Summary In millions of yen 1988 1989 1990 1991 1992 Sales and other income ................................ ¥2,755,217 ¥3,126,764 ¥3,504,308 ¥3,768,946 ¥3,851,579 Net sales ....................................................... 2,714,736 3,082,800 3,444,177 3,698,798 3,773,850 Operating income ......................................... 112,835 184,811 233,375 214,547 121,448 Income (loss) before income taxes ............... 72,050 132,190 173,741 134,189 51,445 Income taxes ................................................ 50,844 87,264 105,567 87,166 45,599 For the fiscal year: Net income (loss) .......................................... 25,363 64,477 85,219 54,383 15,276 Capital expenditures..................................... 249,987 285,726 343,778 356,731 321,727 Depreciation.................................................. 162,407 171,899 199,062 231,192 235,646 R&D expenses .............................................. 208,067 221,607 246,544 279,483 302,363 Basic ..................................................... 17.60 43.85 56.47 35.45 9.93 Diluted................................................... 17.34 40.91 52.70 34.02 9.93 Cash dividends ......................................... 9.00 9.00 10.00 10.00 10.00 Basic ..................................................... 88 219 282 177 50 Diluted................................................... 87 205 264 170 50 Cash dividends ......................................... 45 45 50 50 50 Total assets................................................... 2,904,928 3,346,412 3,683,999 3,929,533 4,081,217 Shareholders’ equity ..................................... 593,218 689,361 805,185 880,936 878,353 Employees .................................................... 102,452 104,022 114,599 117,994 128,320 Per share data (in yen and U.S. dollars): Per share of common stock: Net income (loss) Per American Depositary Share, each representing 5 shares of common stock: 22 Net income (loss) At year-end: Note: U.S. dollar amounts are translated from yen, for convenience only, at the rate of ¥133=U.S.$1. In thousands of U.S. dollars In millions of yen 1993 1994 1995 1996 1997 1998 1998 ¥3,583,552 ¥3,652,501 ¥3,829,538 ¥4,427,272 ¥5,064,872 ¥4,970,686 $37,373,579 3,514,979 3,579,787 3,769,357 4,397,192 4,948,437 4,901,122 36,850,541 27,136 77,481 155,769 247,802 183,781 190,404 1,431,609 (37,692) 25,110 74,724 151,318 121,222 90,993 684,158 22,019 25,531 51,448 76,376 24,900 48,033 361,150 (45,160) 6,606 35,316 77,166 91,581 41,302 310,541 230,787 230,069 300,220 401,999 405,772 385,346 2,897,338 226,456 213,380 222,780 260,247 272,933 285,862 2,149,338 275,017 261,659 266,006 298,713 348,537 381,239 2,866,459 (29.34) 4.29 22.92 49.98 59.05 25.94 0.195 (29.34) 4.29 22.36 45.14 51.38 24.05 0.181 10.00 10.00 10.00 11.00 11.00 11.00 0.083 23 (147) 21 115 250 295 130 0.98 (147) 21 112 226 257 120 0.90 50 50 50 55 55 55 0.41 3,978,899 4,039,809 4,151,320 4,683,120 4,799,165 4,973,836 37,397,263 805,833 782,061 790,749 878,852 1,003,371 1,070,757 8,050,805 140,969 147,910 151,069 152,719 151,966 152,450 RETURN ON SALES RETURN ON EQUITY SHAREHOLDERS’ EQUITY RATIO CURRENT ASSET TURNOVER (%) (%) (%) (Times) 2.0 10 22 1.9 1.5 8 21 1.8 20 1.7 19 1.6 1.0 6 0.5 4 0.0 2 -0.5 ’94 ’95 ’96 ’97 ’98 0.2 0.9 1.8 1.9 0.8 0 ’94 ’95 ’96 ’97 ’98 0.8 4.5 9.2 9.7 4.0 18 ’94 ’95 ’96 ’97 ’98 19.4 19.0 18.8 20.9 21.5 1.5 ’94 ’95 ’96 ’97 ’98 1.53 1.58 1.70 1.84 1.88