HSP50216 Data Sheet P RE L I M I NA R Y Four-Channel Programmable Digital DownConverter The HSP50216 Quad Programmable Digital DownConverter (QPDC) is designed for high dynamic range applications such as cellular basestations where multiple channel processing is required in a small physical space. The QPDC combines into a single package, a set of four channels which include: digital mixers, a quadrature carrier NCO, digital filters, a resampling filter, a Cartesian-to-polar coordinate converter and an AGC loop. The HSP50216 accepts four channels of 16-bit real digitized IF samples which are mixed with local quadrature sinusoids. Each channel carrier NCO frequency is set independently by the microprocessor. The output of the mixers are filtered with a CIC and FIR filters, with a variety of decimation options. Gain adjustment is provided on the filtered signal. The digital AGC provides a gain adjust range of up to 96dB with programmable thresholds and slew rates. A cartesian to polar coordinate converter provides magnitude and phase outputs. A frequency discriminator provides a frequency output via the FIR filter. Selectable outputs include I samples, Q samples, Magnitude, Phase, Frequency and AGC gain. The output resolution is selectable from 4-bit fixed point to 32-bit floating point. The maximum output bandwidth achievable using a single channel is at least 1MHz. February 2000 File Number 4557.2 Features • Up to 70MSPS Input • Four Independently Programmable Downconverter Channels in a single package • Four Parallel 16-Bit Inputs -Fixed or Floating Point Format • 32-Bit Programmable Carrier NCO with > 115dB SFDR • 110dB FIR Out of Band Attenuation • Decimation from 8 to >65536 • 24-bit Internal Data Path • Digital AGC with up to 96dB of Gain Range • Filter Functions - 1 to 5 Stage CIC Filter - Halfband Decimation and Interpolation FIR Filter - Programmable FIR Filter - Resampling FIR Filter • Cascadable Filtering for Additional Bandwidth • Four Independent Serial Outputs • 3.3V Operation Applications • Narrow-Band TDMA through IS-95 CDMA Digital Software Radio and Basestation Receivers Ordering Information PART NUMBER HSP50216KI 1 TEMP RANGE (oC) -40 to +85 PACKAGE 196 Ld BGA PKG. NO V196.12x12 CAUTION: These devices are sensitive to electrostatic discharge; follow proper IC Handling Procedures. FOR MORE INFORMATION CONTACT: JUAN GARCIA - 321-729-5883 | Copyright © Intersil Corporation 2000 HSP50216 Block Diagram 2 HSP50216 Pinout 196 LEAD BGA TOP VIEW 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 A5 A7 A9 A11 A13 A15 SD1A A3 A6 A8 A10 VCC GND VCC GND VCC GND SD1C SD1D ADD0 ADD1 A1 A2 A4 ENIA A12 A14 SD2A SD1B SD2B SD2C SD2D INTRPT P15 P14 B15 A0 B14 ADD2 RESET P13 P12 B13 GND B12 P11 VCC P10 B11 VCC B10 P9 GND P8 B9 GND GND P7 VCC P6 CLK VCC B8 P5 GND P4 B7 GND B6 P3 VCC P2 B5 VCC B4 µP MODE P1 GND P0 B3 B2 ENIB CE RD WR B1 B0 C12 C6 C4 C2 C0 D15 D13 D11 ENID D3 D1 D0 C15 C14 C10 C8 GND VCC GND VCC GND VCC D9 D7 D5 D2 C13 C11 C9 C7 C5 C3 C1 ENIC D14 D12 D10 D8 D6 D4 A SYNCA SYNCB SCLK SYNCC SYNCD SYNCI SYNCO B C D E F G H J K L M N P POWER PIN SIGNAL PIN GROUND PIN THERMAL BALL 3 NC (NO CONNECTION) HSP50216 Pin Descriptions NAME TYPE DESCRIPTION POWER SUPPLY VCC - Positive Power Supply Voltage, 3.3V ±0.15 GND - Ground, 0V. A(15:0) I Parallel Data Input bus A. Sampled on the rising edge of clock when ENIA is active (low). B(15:0) I Parallel Data Input bus B. Sampled on the rising edge of clock when ENIB is active (low). C(15:0) I Parallel Data Input bus C. Sampled on the rising edge of clock when ENIC is active (low). D(15:0) I Parallel Data Input bus D. Sampled on the rising edge of clock when ENID is active (low). ENIA I Input enable for Parallel Data Input bus A. Active low. This pin enables the input to the part in one of two modes, gated or interpolated. In gated mode, one sample is taken per CLK when ENI is asserted. ENIB I Input enable for Parallel Data Input bus B. Active low. This pin enables the input to the part in one of two modes, gated or interpolated. In gated mode, one sample is taken per CLK when ENI is asserted. ENIC I Input enable for Parallel Data Input bus C. Active low. This pin enables the input to the part in one of two modes, gated or interpolated. In gated mode, one sample is taken per CLK when ENI is asserted. ENID I Input enable for Parallel Data Input bus D. Active low. This pin enables the input to the part in one of two modes, gated or interpolated. In gated mode, one sample is taken per CLK when ENI is asserted. CLK I Input clock. All processing in the HSP50216 occurs on the rising edge of CLK. SYNCI I Synchronization Input Signal. Used to align the processing with an external event or with other HSP50216 devices. SYNCI can update the carrier NCO, reset decimation counters, restart the filter compute engine, and restart the output section among other functions. For most of the functional blocks, the response to SYNCI is programmable and can be enabled or disabled. SYNCO O Synchronization Output Signal. The processing of multiple HSP50216 devices can be synchronized by tying the SYNCO from one HSP50216 device (the master) to the SYNCI of all the HSP50216 devices (the master and slaves). RESET I Reset Signal. Active low. Asserting reset will halt all processing and set certain registers to default values. SD1A O Serial Data Output 1A. A serial data stream output which can be programmed to consist of I1, Q1, I2, Q2, magnitude, phase, frequency (dφ/dt), AGC gain, and/or zeros. In addition, data outputs from Channels 0, 1, 2 and 3 can be multiplexed into a common serial output data stream. Information can be sequenced in a programmable order. See Serial Data Output Formatter Section and Microprocessor Interface Section. SD2A O Serial Data Output 2A. This output is provided as an auxiliary output for Serial Data Output 1A to route data to a second destination or to output two words at a time for higher sample rates. SD2A has the same programmability as SD1A except that floating point format is not available. See Serial Data Output Formatter Section and Microprocessor Interface Section. SD1B O Serial Data Output 1B. See description for SD1A. SD2B O Serial Data Output 2B. See description for SD2A. SD1C O Serial Data Output 1C. See description for SD1A. SD2C O Serial Data Output 2C. See description for SD2A. SD1D O Serial Data Output 1D. See description for SD1A. SD2D O Serial Data Output 2D. See description for SD2A. SCLK O Serial Output Clock. Can be programmed to be at 1, 1/2, 1/4, 1/8, or 1/16 times the clock frequency. The polarity of SCLK is programmable. SYNCA O Serial Data Output 1A sync signal. This signal is used to indicate the start of a data word and/or frame of data. The polarity and position of SYNCA is programmable. INPUTS CONTROL OUTPUTS 4 HSP50216 Pin Descriptions (Continued) NAME TYPE DESCRIPTION SYNCB O Serial Data Output 1B sync signal. This signal is used to indicate the start of a data word and/or frame of data. The polarity and position of SYNCB is programmable. SYNCC O Serial Data Output 1C sync signal. This signal is used to indicate the start of a data word and/or frame of data. The polarity and position of SYNCC is programmable. SYNCD O Serial Data Output 1D sync signal. This signal is used to indicate the start of a data word and/or frame of data. The polarity and position of SYNCD is programmable. MICROPROCESSOR INTERFACE P(15:0) I/O Microprocessor Interface Data bus. See Microprocessor Interface Section. P15 is the MSB. ADD(2:0) I Microprocessor Interface Address bus. ADD2 is the MSB. See Microprocessor Interface Section. Note: ADD2 is not used but designated for future expansion. WR I Microprocessor Interface Write Signal. The data on P(15:0) is written to the destination selected by ADD(2:0) on the rising edge of WR when CE is asserted (low). See Microprocessor Interface Section. RD I Microprocessor Interface Read Strobe. The data at the address selected by ADD(2:0) is placed on P(15:0) when RD is asserted (low) and CE is asserted (low). See Microprocessor Interface Section. µP MODE I Microprocessor Interface Mode Control. This pin is used to select the Read/Write mode for the Microprocessor Interface. CE I Microprocessor Interface Chip Select. Active low. This pin has the same timing as the address pins. INTRPT O Microprocessor Interrupt Signal. Asserted for a programmable number of clock cycles when new data is available on the selected Channel. Functional Description The HSP50216 is a four channel digital receiver integrated circuit offering exceptional dynamic range and flexibility. Each of the four channels consists of a front-end NCO/digital mixer/CIC-filter block and a back-end FIR/AGC/polarconversion block. The parameters for the four channels are independently programmable. Four parallel data input busses (A(15:0), B(15:0), C(15:0) and D(15:0)) and four serial data outputs (SDxA, SDxB, SDxC, and SDxD; x = 1 or 2) are provided. Each input can be connected to any or all of the internal signal processing channels, Channels 0, 1, 2 and 3. The output of each channel can be routed to any of the serial outputs. Outputs from more than one channel can be multiplexed through a common output if the channels are synchronized. The four channels share a common input clock and a common serial output clock, but the output sample rates can be synchronous or asynchronous. Bus multiplexers between the front end and back end sections provide flexible routing between channels for cascading back-end filters or for routing one front end to multiple back ends for polyphase filtering (to provide wider bandwidth filtering). A level detector is provided to monitor the signal level on any of the parallel data input busses. Each front end NCO/digital mixer/CIC filter section includes a quadrature numerically controlled oscillator (NCO), digital mixer, and a cascaded-integrator-comb filter (CIC). The NCO has a 32-bit frequency control word for 16.3MHz tuning resolution at an input sample rate of 70MSPS. The SFDR of the NCO is >115dB. The CIC filter order is programmable between 1 and 5 and the CIC decimation factor can be 5 programmed from 4 to 65536, depending on the number of stages selected. Each back end section includes an FIR processing block, an AGC and a cartesian-to-polar coordinate converter. The FIR processing block is a flexible filter compute engine that can compute a single FIR or a set of filters. A single filter in a chain can have up to 256 taps and the total number of taps in a set of filters can be up to 384. The filter compute engine supports a variety of filter types including decimation, interpolation and resampling filters. The coefficients for the programmable digital filters are 22 bits wide. Coefficients are provided in ROM for several halfband filter responses and for a resampler. The AGC section can provide up to 96dB of either fixed or automatic gain control. For automatic gain control, two settling modes and two sets of loop gains are provided. Separate attack and decay slew rates are provided for each loop gain. Programmable limits allow the user to select a gain range less than 96dB. The outputs of the cartesian-to-polar coordinate conversion block, used by the AGC loop, are also provided as outputs to the user for demodulation. The HSP50216 supports both fixed and floating point parallel data input modes. The floating point modes support gain ranging A/D converters. Gated, interpolated and multiplexed data input modes are supported. The serial data output word width for each data type can be programmed to one of ten output bit widths from 4-bit fixed point through 32bit IEEE floating point. HSP50216 The HSP50216 is programmed through a 16-bit microprocessor interface. The output data can also be read via the microprocessor interface for all channels that are synchronized. The HSP50216 is specified to operate to a maximum clock rate of 70MSPS over the industrial temperature range (-40oC to 85oC). The power supply voltage range is 3.3V ± 0.15V. The I/Os are not 5V tolerant. Input Select/Format Block Each front end block and the level detector block contains an input select/format block. A functional block diagram is provided in the above figure. The input source can be any of the four parallel input busses (see Microprocessor Interface Section Table 1, IWA *000h) or a test register loaded via the processor bus (see Microprocessor Interface Section Table 40, GWA F807h). The input to the part can operate in a gated or interpolated mode. Each input channel has an input enable (ENIx, x = A, B, C or D). In the gated mode, one input sample is processed per clock that the ENIx signal is asserted (low). Processing is disabled when ENIx is high. The ENIx signal is pipelined through the part to minimize delay (latency). In the interpolated mode, the input is zeroed when the ENIx signal is high, but processing inside the part continues. This mode inserts zeros between the data samples, interpolating the input data stream up to the clock rate. On reset, the part is set to gated mode and the input enables are disabled. The inputs are enabled by the first SYNCI signal. The input section can select one channel from a multiplexed data stream of up to 8 channels. The input enable is delayed by 0 to 7 clock cycles to enable a selection register. The register following the selection register is enabled by the non-delayed input enable to realign the processing of the 6 channels. The one-clock-wide input enable must align with the data for the first channel. The desired channel is then selected by programming the delay. A delay of zero selects the first channel, a delay of 1 selects the second, etc. The parallel input busses are 16 bits wide. The input format may be twos complement or offset binary format. A floating point mode is also supported. The floating point modes and the mapping of the parallel 16-bit input format is discussed below. Floating Point Input Mode Bit Mapping The input bit weighting for fixed point is 20 (corresponding to parallel input bus A, B, C or D bit 15) to 2-15 (corresponding to parallel input bus A, B, C or D bit 0). For floating point modes, the least significant 2 or 3 bits are used as exponent bits (See Floating Point Input Mode Bit Mapping Tables). The difference between the four floating point modes with three exponent bits is where the exponent saturates. HSP50216 Floating Point Input Mode Bit Mapping Tables A, B, C or D(15:0) Input: 2^ - 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13(exp2) 14(exp1) 15(exp0) 11-BIT MODE: 11-BIT MANTISSA (MINIMUM), 3-BIT EXPONENT, 30dB EXPONENT RANGE EXPONENT GAIN (dB) PIN BIT WEIGHTING TO 16-BIT INPUT MAPPING, 2^- 000 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 001 6 0 0 0 0 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 010 12 0 0 0 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 011 18 0 0 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 100 24 0 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 101 (Note 1) 30 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 z 10 z z z z z NOTE: 1. Or 110 or 111, the exponent input saturates at 101. 12-BIT MODE: 12-BIT MANTISSA, 3-BIT EXPONENT, 24dB EXPONENT RANGE EXPONENT GAIN (dB) PIN BIT WEIGHTING TO 16-BIT INPUT MAPPING, 2^- 000 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 001 6 0 0 0 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 010 12 0 0 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 011 18 0 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 100 (Note 2) 24 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 z 10 11 z z z z z NOTE: 2. Or 101, 110, or 111, the exponent input saturates at 100. 13-BIT MODE: 13-BIT MANTISSA, 3-BIT EXPONENT, 18dB EXPONENT RANGE EXPONENT GAIN (dB) PIN BIT WEIGHTING TO 16-BIT INPUT MAPPING, 2^- 000 0 0 0 0 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 001 6 0 0 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 010 12 0 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 011 (Note 3) 18 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 z z z z z z NOTE: 3. Or 100, 101, 110, or 111, the exponent input saturates at 011. 14-BIT MODE: 14-BIT MANTISSA, 2-BIT EXPONENT, 12dB EXPONENT RANGE EXPONENT GAIN (dB) PIN BIT WEIGHTING TO 16-BIT INPUT MAPPING, 2^- 00 0 0 0 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 01 6 0 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 10 (Note 4) 12 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 NOTE: 4. Or 11, the exponent input saturates at 10. 7 10 11 12 13 z z z HSP50216 Level Detector in steps of 1/8dB or less. The I and Q PN codes are offset in time to decorrelate them. The PN code is selected and enabled in the test control register (F800h). The PN is added to the signal after the mix as: An input level detector is provided to monitor the signal level on any of the input busses. Which input bus, the input format, and the level detection type are programmable (see Microprocessor Interface Section Tables 37, 38 and 39, GWA’s F804h, F805h and F806h). The supported monitoring modes are: integrated magnitude (like the HSP50214 w/o the threshold), leaky integration (Yn = Xn x A + Yn-1 x (1-A)), and peak detection. The measurement interval can be programmed from 2 to 65537 samples (or continuous for the leaky integrator and peak detect cases). The output is 32 bits and is read via the µP interface. so the maximum level is -12dBFS and the minimum, nonzero level is -108dBFS. The PN code can be 215-1, 223-1 or 215-1 * 223-1. NCO/Mixer CIC Filter After the input select/format section, the samples are multiplied by quadrature sine wave samples from the carrier NCO. The NCO has a 32-bit frequency control, providing sub-hertz resolution at the maximum clock rate. The quadrature sinusoids have exceptional purity. The purity of the NCO should not be the determining factor for the receiver dynamic range performance. The phase quantization to the sine/cosine generator is 24 bits and the amplitude quantization is 19 bits. Next, the signal is filtered by a cascaded integrator/comb (CIC) filter. A CIC filter is an efficient architecture for decimation filtering. The power or magnitude squared frequency response of the CIC filter is given by: The carrier NCO center frequency is loaded via the µP bus. The center frequency control is double buffered - the input is loaded into a center frequency holding register via the µP interface. The data is then transferred from the holding register to the active register by a write to a address IWA *006h or by a SYNCI signal, if loading via SYNCI is enabled. To synchronize multiple channels, the carrier NCO phase accumulator feedback can be zeroed on loading to restart all of the NCOs at the same phase. A serial offset frequency input is also available for each channel through the D(15:0) parallel data input bus (if that bus is not needed for data input). This is legacy support for HSP50210 type tracking signals. After the mixers, a PN signal can be added to the data. This feature is provided for test and to digitally reduce the input sensitivity and adjust the receiver range (sensitivity). The effect is the same as increasing the noise figure of the receiver, reducing its sensitivity and overall dynamic range. The one bit PN data is scaled by a 16-bit programmable scale factor. The overall range for the PN is 0 to 1/8 full scale. A gain of 0 disables the PN input. The bit weighting for the gain is: SIGNAL (2^-): 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 PN (2^): S S S X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X GAIN REG (2^): X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X (A POSITIVE 16-BIT VALUE IS LOADED, S = SIGN) The minimum, non-zero, PN value is 1/(218) of full scale (-108dBFS) on each axis (-105dBFS total). For an input noise level of -75dBFS, this allows the SNR to be decreased 8 Bit Weights 0. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 Input Bits X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X PN Value ± 0 0 0 P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P 2N sin ( πMf ) P(f) = ------------------------ sin πf ----- R where M = Number of delays (1 for the HSP50216) N = Number of stages and R = Decimation factor. The CIC filter order is programmable from 0 to 5. The minimum decimation is 4. If the order is set to 0, there must be at least 4 clocks between samples or the decimation counter must be set to 4 to chose every 4th sample. The integrator/comb bit widths are: 69, 62, 53, 44, 34, 32, 32, 32, 32, 32. The integrators are sized for decimation factors up to 512 with 5 stages. The maximum decimation varies with the number of stages, but the maximum is 65536, limited by the decimation counter. A CIC filter has a gain of RN, where R is the decimation factor and N is the number of stages. For a 5 stage CIC, the gain is R5. The number of input bits is 24. The decimation factors that a CIC can handle depends on the sizes of the integrators. The integrators are sized to prevent more than one rollover per decimation period. In the HSP50216, the integrators are slightly oversized to reduce the quantization noise at each stage. Because the CIC filter gain can vary greatly with decimation, a barrel shifter is provided ahead of the CIC to add gain to the input signal. The shift factor is adjusted to keep the total barrel shifter and CIC filter between 0.5 and 1.0. The shift HSP50216 factor can be from 0 to 31. The equation used to compute the shift factor is: NOTE: With a CIC order of zero, the CIC shifter does not have sufficient range to route more than 10 bits to the back end. Shift Factor = 45 - Ceiling(log2(RN)). Back End Section One back-end processing section is provided per channel. Each back end section consists of a filter compute engine, a FIFO for rate smoothing, an AGC and a cartesian-to-polar coordinate conversion block. A block diagram showing the major functional blocks and data routing is shown above. The data input to the back end section is through the filter compute engine. There are two other inputs to the filter compute engine, they are a data recirculation path for cascading filters and a magnitude and dφ/dt feedback path for AM and FM filtering. There are seven outputs from each back end processing section. These are I and Q directly out of the filter compute engine (I2, Q2), I and Q passed through the FIFO and AGC multipliers (I1, Q1), magnitude (MAG), phase (or dφ/dt), and the AGC gain control value (GAIN). The I2/Q2 outputs are used when cascading back end stages. The routing of signals within the back end processing section is controlled by the filter compute engine. The routing information is embedded in the instruction bit fields used to define the digital filter being implemented in the filter compute engine. 9 HSP50216 Filter Compute Engine The filter compute engine is a dual multiply-accumulator (MAC) data path with a microcoded FIR sequencer. The filter compute engine can implement a single FIR or a set of filters. For example, the filter chain could include two halfband filters, a shaping (matched) filter and a resampling filter. The following filter types are currently supported by the architecture and microcode: • even symmetric w/ even # of taps decimation filters • even symmetric w/ odd # of taps decimation filters (including HBFs) • odd symmetric w/ even # of taps decimation filters • odd symmetric w/ odd # of taps decimation filters • asymmetric decimation filters • complex filters • interpolation filters (up to interpolate by 4) • interpolation halfband filters • resampling filters (under NCO control) • fixed resampling ratio filter (within the available number of coefficients) • quadrature to real filtering (w/ fs/4 up conversion) The input to the filter compute engine comes from one of three sources - a CIC filter output (which can also be another 10 backend section), the output of the filter compute engine (fed back to the input) or the magnitude and dφ/dt fed back from the cartesian-to-polar coordinate converter. The number and size of the filters in the chain is limited by the number of clock cycles available and by the data and coefficient RAM/ROM resources. The data RAM is 384 words (I/Q pairs) deep. The data addressing is modulo in power-of-2 blocks, so the maximum filter size is 256. The block size and the block starting memory address for each filter is programmable so that the available memory can be used efficiently. The coefficient RAM is 192 words deep. It is half the size of the data memory because filter coefficients are typically symmetric. ROMs are provided with halfband filter coefficients, resampling filter coefficients, and constants. The filter compute engine exploits symmetry where possible so that each MAC can compute two filter taps per clock, by doing a pre-add before multiplying. In the case of halfband filters, the zero-valued coefficients are skipped for extra efficiency. There is an overhead of one clock cycle per input sample for each filter in the chain (for writing the data into the data RAM) and (except in special cases) a two clock cycle overhead for the entire chain for program flow control instructions. The output of the filter compute engine is routed through a FIFO in the main output path. The FIFO is provided to more evenly space the FIR outputs when they are produced in HSP50216 bursts (as when computing interpolation filters). The FIFO is four samples deep. The FIFO is loaded by the output of the filter when that path is selected. It is unloaded by a counter. The spacing of the output samples is specified in clock periods. The spacing can be from 1 (fall through) to 4096 samples (approximately the spacing for a 16KSPS output sample rate when using 65MSPS clock). The number and order of the filtering in the filter chain is defined by a FIR control program. The FIR control program is a sequence of up to 32 instruction words. Each instruction word can be a filter or program flow instruction. The filter instruction defines a FIR in the chain, specifying the type of FIR, number of taps, decimation, memory allocation, etc. For program flow, a wait for input sample(s) instruction, a loop counter load, and several jumps (conditional and unconditional) are provided. Using a 65MSPS clock, the output sample rate could be as high as 1.25MSPS. The input sample rate from the CIC filter would be 2.5MSPS. The impulse response length would be 38 µsec (95 taps at 0.4µs/tap). Each additional filter added to the signal processing chain requires one instruction step. As an example of this, a typical filter chain might consist of two decimate-by-2 halfband filters being followed by a shaping filter with the final filter being a resampling filter. The program for this case might be (see Sample Filter Program #2 Instructions below): SAMPLE FILTER #2 PROGRAM STEP INSTRUCTION 0 Wait for enough input samples (usually equal to the total decimation - 8 in this case) 1 FIR Type = even symmetry 15 taps Halfband Dec x 2 Compute four outputs Memory block size 32 Memory block start at 0 Coefficient block start at 13 Output to step 2 Decrement wait count 2 FIR Type = even symmetry 23 taps Halfband Dec x 2 Compute two outputs Memory block size 32 Memory block start at 32 Coefficient block start at 24 Output to step 3 3 FIR Type = even symmetry 95 taps Dec x 2 Compute one output Memory block size 128 Memory block start at 64 Coefficient block start at 64 Step size 1 Output to step 4 4 FIR Type = resampler Increment NCO 6 taps Compute one output Memory block size 8 Memory block starts at 192 Coefficient block start at 512 Step size 32 Output to AGC 5 Jump, Unconditional, to 0 The simplest filter program computes a single filter. It has three instructions (see Sample Filter #1Program Instructions below): SAMPLE FILTER #1 PROGRAM STEP INSTRUCTION 0 Wait for enough input samples (equal to the decimation factor) 1 FIR Type = even symmetric 95 taps Dec x 2 Compute one output Decrement wait counter Memory block size 128 Memory block start at 64, Coefficient block start at 64 Step size 1 Output to AGC 2 Jump, Unconditional, to step 0 The parameters of the FIR (including type, number of taps, decimation and memory usage) are specified in the bit fields of the step 2 instruction word. To change the filtering the only other change needed is the number of samples in the wait threshold register. The filter in this example requires 52 clock cycles to compute, allocated as follows: SAMPLE FILTER #1 CLOCK CYCLES CALCULATION CLOCK CYCLES FUNCTION PERFORMED 48 Clocks for FIR computation (two taps/clock due to symmetry) 2 Clocks for writing the input data into the data RAMs (Decimate by 2 requires 2 inputs per output) 2 Clocks for the program flow instructions (wait and jump) 52 Total 11 HSP50216 Sample filter #2 requires: SAMPLE FILTER #3 PROGRAM • 32 + 32 + 128 + 8 = 200 data RAM locations • (95+1)/2=48 coefficient RAM location (resampler and HBF coefficient are in ROM). STEP 0 Wait for enough input samples (2 in this case) 1 FIR Type = even symmetry 19 taps Halfband Dec x 2 Compute one output Memory block size 32 Memory block start at 0 Coefficient block start at 18 Output to step 2 Reset wait count 2 FIR Type = even symmetry 30 taps Dec x 1 Compute one output Memory block size 64 Memory block start at 32 Coefficient block start at 64 Step size 1 Output to AGC 3 Jump, Unconditional, to 0 The number of clock cycles required to compute an output for Sample filter #2 is calculated as follows: SAMPLE FILTER #2 CLOCK CYCLES CALCULATION CLOCK CYCLES FUNCTION PERFORMED 20 Halfband 1 compute clocks (5 per compute x4 computes) 8 Halfband 1 input sample writes 14 Halfband 2 compute clocks (7 per compute x2 computes) 4 Halfband 2 input sample writes 48 48 x 1 FIR compute clocks 2 FIR input sample writes 6 6 x 1 resampler compute clocks 1 Resampler input sample writes 1 Jump instruction 1 Wait instruction 105 INSTRUCTION The number of clock cycles required to compute an output for Sample filter #3 is calculated as follows: Clock cycles per output Total decimation is 8, so the input sample rate for the FIR chain could be up to: SAMPLE FILTER #3 CLOCK CYCLES CALCULATION CLOCK CYCLES FUNCTION PERFORMED 6 6 x 1 HBF compute clocks 2 HBF input writes 15 15 x 1 FIR compute clocks 1 1 FIR input write 1 1 wait (95 x 2)/580,000 = 82µs. 1 1 jump The maximum output sample rate is dependent on the length and number of FIRs and their decimation factors. 26 Clock cycles per output fCLK/(ceil(105/8)) = fCLK/14. With a 65MHz clock, this would support a maximum input sample rate to the FIR processor of 4.6MHz and an output sample rate up to 0.580MHz. The shaping filter impulse response length would be: Illustrating this concept with Filter Example #3, a higher speed filter chain might be comprised of one decimate-by-2 halfband filter (15 taps) followed by a 30 tap shaping FIR filter with no decimation. The program for this example could be: For Filter Example #3 and a 65MSPS input, the maximum output sample rate would be 2.5MSPS and the maximum FIR processor input sample rate would be 5MSPS (At 80MSPS, the FIR could be up to 42 taps). Channels 0, 1, 2 and 3 can be combined in a polyphase structure for increased bandwidth or improved filtering. Filter Example #4 will be used to demonstrate this capability. Symbol rate of 4.096 MSym. The desired output sample rate is 8.192MSPS. Arrange the four back end sections as four filters operating on the same CIC output at a rate of 65.536MHz/4=16.384MHz. Each channel computes the same sequence, offset by one output sample from the previous sample. Each channel decimates down to 2.048M and then the channels are 12 HSP50216 multiplexed together to get the desired 8.192MSPS. The input sample rate to the final filter of each channel must meet Nyquist for the final output to assure that no information is lost due to aliasing. SAMPLE FILTER #4 PROGRAM STEP INSTRUCTION 0 Wait for enough input samples (8 in this case) 1 FIR type = even symmetry 44 taps decx8 compute one output memory block size 64 memory block start at 0 coefficient block start at 64 step size 1 output to AGC offset memory read pointers by 0, -2, -4, -6 2 Jump, Unconditional, to 0 The number of FIR taps available for these requirements is calculated as follows: 65536/2048 = 32 clocks minus (8writes + 1wait + 1jump = 10clocks) = 22 clocks Therefore, the number of taps is: 22 x 2 = 44 taps. Multiplexing the four outputs gives a final output sample rate of 8.192. The impulse response is 44 taps at 16.384M or 22 output samples (11 symbols at 4.096M). The AGC loop filter output of channel 4 can be routed to control the forward AGC gain control of all four channels. This assures that the gains of the four back end sections are the same. The gain error, however, is only computed from every fourth output sample. The back end processing sections of two or more HSP50216s can be combined using the same polyphase approach, but the AGC gain from one part cannot be shared with another part (except via the µP interface), so polyphase filter using multiple parts would typically usually use a fixed gain. Filter Sequencer 13 HSP50216 The filter sequencer is programmed via an instruction RAM and several control registers. These are described below. Instruction RAMs The filter compute engine is controlled by a simple sequencer supporting up to 32 steps. Each step can be a filter or one of four sequence flow instructions - wait, jump (conditional or unconditional), load loop counter, or NOP. There are 128 bits per instruction word with each word consisting of condition code selects, FIR parameters and data routing controls. Not all of the instruction word bits are used for all instruction types. The actual sequencer instruction is only 9 bits. The rest of the bits are used for filter parameters or for the loop counter preload. Each sequence step is loaded in four 32-bit writes. The mapping of the bit fields for the instruction types is shown in the instruction bit field table that follows. When the filter is reset, the instruction pointer is set to 31 (the last instruction step). The read and write pointers are initialized on reset, so a reset must be done when the channel is initialized or restarted. A fixed offset can be added to the starting read address of the filter in one sequence step. This function is provided to offset the data reads of the filters in a polyphase filter bank all filters in the bank will write the same data to the same RAM location. To offset the computations the RAM read address is offset. The instruction word bits (127:0) are assigned to memory words as follows: • 31:0 to destination C C C C 0 0 0 1 0 x x x x x 0 0 • 63:32 to destination C C C C 0 0 0 1 0 x x x x x 0 1 • 95:64 to destination C C C C 0 0 0 1 0 x x x x x 1 0 • 127:96 to destination C C C C 0 0 0 1 0 x x x x x 1 1 where CCCC is the channel number and xxxxx is the instruction sequence step number. Note the µPHold bit in the filter compute engine control register (IWA = *00Ah) must be set for the microprocessor to read from or write to the instruction or coefficient RAMs. 14 HSP50216 Instruction Bit Fields INSTRUCTION BIT FIELDS BIT POSITIONS FUNCTION 8:0 Instruction DESCRIPTION Instruction Field Bit Mapping Bit 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0 WAIT 0 0 X X X X C C C FIR 0 1 Start IncrRS DecrSel DecrEn LdLp DecrLp EnU/C JUMP 1 J J J J C C C Type J (NOPs and loading the loop counter are special cases of the FIR instruction) XXXX = ignored JJJJJ = jump destination (sequence step number) CCC = condition code 000 = (waitcount ≥ threshold) 001 = waitcount ≥ threshold 010 = loop counter ≠ 0 011 = loop counter = 0 100 = RSCO Tab (RSCO - resampler NCO carry output) 101 = RSCO 110 = sync (if enabled) or µP controlled bit 111 = always Start = load parameters and start filter computation, set to zero for no-ops, loop counter loads IncrRS = increment resampler during this filter. Increments on start or at each FIR output depending on µPcontrol bit. DecrSel = selects between two decrement values for the wait counter. 14:9 FIR Type DecrEn = decrement wait count on starting this instruction. LdLp = load loop counter with the data in the I(20:9) bit field. The start bit should not be set when this bit is set. DecrLp = decrement loop counter on starting this instruction. EnU/C = enable U/C counter with this FIR. This multiplies the data by 1, j, -1, -j. The multiplication factor changes each time the filter runs. FIR Parameter Bit Fields 14:9 FIR type 000000 NOP 000001 Decimating FIR, Even Symmetric, Even # Taps 000010 Decimating FIR, Even Symmetric, Odd # Taps 000011 Decimating FIR, Odd Symmetric, Even # Taps 000100 Decimating FIR, Odd Symmetric, Odd # Taps 000101 Decimating FIR, Asymmetric 001000 Resampling FIR, Asymmetric 001001 Interpolating HBF 100000 Decimating FIR, Complex (Asymmetric) NOTES: 1. Regular interpolation FIRs are successive runs of a FIR with no data address increment, but with coefficient start address increments. 2. Decimating HBFs are even symmetric, odd number of taps but with different data step sizes. 3. U/C FIR is a normal FIR with the U/C bit enabled. 4. Other codes may be added in the future. 17:15 Steps per FIR 15 Specifies the number of steps per FIR instruction sequence (load with value minus 1) (set to 0 for all FIR types except complex which is set to 1) HSP50216 INSTRUCTION BIT FIELDS (Continued) BIT POSITIONS FUNCTION 28:18 Destination DESCRIPTION Destination Field Bit Mapping 28 27 26 25 24 23 22 21 20 19 18 AGCLFGN AGCLF Path1 OS FB F4 F3 F2 F1 F0 Path0 AGCLFGNAGC loop gain select. Only applies to Path 1. Loop gain 0 or 1 if AGCLF bit is set. Set to 0 (1 is a test mode for future chips). AGCLF AGC loop filter enable. Only applies to Path 1.The AGC loop is updated with the magnitude of this sample (Path(1:0) = 01). Path(1:0) Back End Data Routing Path Selection 00 Route output back to filter compute engine input to another FIR in the filter chain. 01 Route output thru the FIFO and AGC forward path to the cartesian-to-polar coordinate converter conversion and output (I1, Q1, magnitude, phase, gain) and also to route to a discriminator (i.e., dφ/dt FIR). 10 Route output directly to the output, bypassing the FIFO and AGC (I2, Q2). This path also routes to next channel FIR input. 31:29 Round Select OS Enable output strobe. Setting this bit generates a data ready signal when the data reaches the output section and starts the serial output sequence (paths 1, 2, 3). If OS is not set, there will be no output to the outside world from this channel, for that output calculation, but the data will be loaded into its output holding register (OS would not be set when routing the data to another back end when cascading channels). FB Feedback data path. When set, the magnitude and phase from the cartesian-to-polar coordinate converter block are routed to the filter compute engine input. Provided for discriminator filtering. F(4:0) Filter select. For data recirculated to the input of the FIR processor by path 0 or from the cartesian to polar coordinate converter output, these bits tell which filter sequencer step gets it as an input. 31:29 Round Select (Add rounding bit at specified location) 000 2-24, use this code when downshifting is not used. 001 2-23 010 2-22 011 2-21 100 2-20 101 2-19 110 2-18 111 no rounding Provided for use with the coefficient down-shift bits. 41:32 Data Memory Block Start Memory block base address, 0-1023, 0-383 are valid for the HSP50216. 44:42 Data Memory Block Size 44:42 Block Size 0 8 1 16 2 32 3 64 4 128 5 256 6 512 7 1024 (modulo addressing is used) 52:45 Data Memory Block-to-Block Step 16 0-255, usually equal to the decimation factor for the FIR in this instruction. HSP50216 INSTRUCTION BIT FIELDS (Continued) BIT POSITIONS FUNCTION 62:53 Coefficient Memory Block Start 63 Reserved 66:64 Coefficient Memory Block Size DESCRIPTION Memory base address of coefficients, 0-1023, 0-511 are valid on the HSP50216. Set to 0 66:64 Memory Block Size 0 8 1 16 2 32 3 64 4 128 5 256 6 512 7 1024 (Modulo addressing can be used, but is usually not needed. If not needed this bit field can always be set to 7). 75:67 Number of FIR Outputs Number of FIR outputs (range is 1 to 512, load w/ desired value minus 1). This is usually equal to the total decimation that follows the filter. 84:76 Read Address Pointer Step Read address pointer step (for next run). This is usually equal to the filter decimation times the number of outputs from the instruction. 93:85 Initial Address Offset 95:94 Reserved 104:96 Memory Reads Per FIR Output Initial address offset (to ADDRB). This is the offset from the start address to other end of filter. For symmetric filters, usually equal to -1 x (number of taps -1). Set to 0 This is based on the number of taps (load with value below minus 1). Type Value Symmetric, even number of taps (taps/2) or floor((taps+1)/2) Symmetric, odd number of taps (taps+1)/2 or floor((taps+1)/2) Decimating HBF (taps+5)/4 Asymmetric taps Complex taps Resampling taps/phase (six taps per phase for the ROM’d coefficients provided) Interpolating HBF (taps+5)/4-1 106:105 Clocks Per Memory Read Set to 0 for all but complex FIR, which is set to 1. 115:107 Data Memory Step Size 1 (ADDRA) Step size for all but the last tap computation of the FIR. Set to -2 for HBF, -1 otherwise. 117:116 Data Memory Step Size 2 (ADDRA) Step size for last tap computation. Set to -1. 117:116 Step size 119:118 Data Memory Address Offset Step 17 0 0 1 -1 2 -2 3 step size value (ADDRB) Step size for opposite end of symmetric filter. Set to +2 for Decimating HBF, to +1 for others (the B data is not used for asymmetric, resampling, and complex filters). HSP50216 INSTRUCTION BIT FIELDS (Continued) BIT POSITIONS 122:120 125:123 127:126 FUNCTION Coefficient Memory Step Size Coefficient Memory Block-to-Block Step Reserved 18 DESCRIPTION (ADDRC) Usually set to 1. 122:120 Step size 0 0 1 1 2 2 3 4 4 8 5 16 6 32 7 64 (ADDRC) Usually set to 0. 125:123 Step size 0 0 1 1 2 2 3 4 4 8 5 16 6 32 7 64 Set to 0 HSP50216 Basic Instruction Set 1. Wait for number of input samples > threshold 127:9 = 0 8:0 = 001 0000,0000,0000,0001h 5. NOP single clock 127:9 = 0 8:0 = 010000000b NOP1 = 0000,0000,0000,0080h 2. Jump unconditional 127:9 = 0 8:0 = 1JJJJJ111b example: jump to step 0= 0000,0000,0000,0107h 6. Load Loop Counter 127:21 = 0 20:9 = Loop counter preload (tested against 0) 8:0 = 010000100b example: LdLpCntr 14 = 0000,0000,0000,1C84h 3. Jump RSCO (jump on resampler NCO carry output) 127:9 = 0 8:0 = 1JJJJJ101b example: jump RSCO, step 0= 0000,0000,0000,0105h 7. NOPs more than 1 clock period NOP 8. FIR examples even#taps, odd#taps, even/odd symmetry, asymmetric, complex, hbf, interpolation, interpolation hbf, resampler, u/c 4. Jump RSCO (jump on no resampler NCO carry output) 127:9 = 0 8:0 = 1JJJJJ100b example: jump RSCO, step 0 = 0000,0000,0000,0104h Single FIR Basic Program This is the basic program for a single FIR. This program applies to decimation filters (including DECx1) that are symmetric or asymmetric (but not complex). The FIR output is routed through path A with the AGC enabled. 0 - WAIT FOR ENOUGH SAMPLES 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 127:96 00000000h 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 95:64 00000000h 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 64:32 00000000h 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0001 31:0 00000001h 0000 0001 0101 1111 1111 100R RRRR RRRR 127:96 015FF---h 00TT TTTT TTTD DDDD DDDD 0000 0000 0111 95:64 -----007h 0000 1000 0000 0000 0000 1010 0000 0000 63:32 08000A00h 0000 1011 0000 0000 0FFF FFF0 1100 1000 31:0 0B00--C8h 1 - FIR 2 - JUMP TO STEP 0 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 127:96 00000000h 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 95:64 00000000h 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 64:32 00000000h 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0001 0000 0111 31:0 00000107h Four bit fields must be filled in: F - filter type (this example applies to types 1-5) D - decimation (also loaded into wait threshold) T - number of taps minus 1 R - clocks/calculation (=floor((taps+1)/2) for symmetric, = taps for asymmetric) The rest of the instruction RAM would typically be filled with NOP instructions: 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 127:96 00000000h 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 95:64 00000000h 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 64:32 00000000h 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 1000 0000 31:0 00000080h 19 HSP50216 Wait Preload Register This register holds the wait counter threshold and two wait counter decrement values. Each is 10 bits. The wait counter counts filter input samples until the count is greater than or equal to the threshold. The wait counter then asserts a flag to the filter compute engine. The wait counter threshold is typically set to the total number of input samples needed to generate a filter output. A "WAIT" instruction in the filter compute engine waits for the wait counter flag signal before proceeding. The filter compute engine would then compute all the filters needed to produce an output and then would jump back to the "WAIT" instruction. The wait counter is implemented with an accumulator. This allows the count to go beyond the threshold without losing the sample count. Two bits in the FIR instruction decrement the wait counter (subtract a value) and select the decrement value. The decrement value is typically the number of samples needed for an output (total decimation), though it can be a different value to ignore inputs and shift the timing. (The read pointer increment must be adjusted as well.) The filter compute engine sequencer does not count each input sample or track whether each filter is ready to run. Instead, the wait counter is used to determine whether there are enough input samples to compute all the filters in the chain and get an output sample from the entire filter chain. This adds some additional delay since intermediate results are not precalculated, but it simplifies the filter control. The number of samples needed is equal to the total decimation of the filter chain. For example, with two decimate-by-2 halfband filters and a decimate-by-2 shaping FIR, the total decimation would be 8 so 8 samples are needed to compute an output. HBF1 would compute four times to generate four inputs to HBF2. HBF2 would compute twice to generate the two samples that the shaping FIR needs to compute an output. Resampler NCO The NCO is incremented by the filter compute engine. A bit in the filter instruction selects whether the NCO is incremented for that filter output. The center frequency control is double buffered, i.e., the control word is written to one register via the µP interface and then transferred to another (active) register on a write to the TNCF update strobe location or on a SYNCI (if enabled). As it is not possible to represent some frequencies exactly with an NCO and therefore, phase error accumulates eventually causing a bit slip, the phase accumulator length has been sized to where the error is insignificant. At an update rate of 1MHz, half an LSB of error in loading the 56-bit accumulator is 7e-12. After 1 year, the accumulated phase error is only 0.2e-3 of a bit (<1/10 of a degree). 20 The NCO update by the filter compute engine is typically at the resampler's input rate. The NCO then rolls over at a fraction of the resampler input rate. The output frequency is: (fIN/256)*N. N should be between 40000000000000h and FFFFFFFFFFFFFFh (decimation from 1 to 4). The resampler changes the sample rate by computing an output or not at each input. If an output is computed, its phase is shifted based on the NCO phase to slowly slide the timing of the output relative to the input. The output of the part will be at the input sample boundaries (except for any FIFOing following the filter compute engine). If D/A converted directly, there would be artifacts from the uneven sample spacing, but if the samples are stored and reconstructed at the proper rate (the NCO rollover rate), the signal would have only the distortion produced by interpolation image leakage and the time quantization due to the limited number of interpolation filter phases (32). HSP50216 AGC LOOP FILTER AGC ERROR DETECTOR AGC ERROR SCALING µP µP (11 MANTISSA 4 EXPONENT) SHIFT M U X 28 + EXP 16 MANTISSA 4 4 ∆ MSB = 0 LIMIT DET AGCGNSEL 4 EXP=2NNNN EXP † MAN † LOOP GAIN 1 AGC REGISTER 1 EXP † 16 MANTISSA = 01.XXXXXXXXXXXXXX AGC REGISTER 0 18 MAN † UPPER LIMIT † LOWER LIMIT † LOOP GAIN 0 EN AGC LOAD UNSIGNED † THRESHOLD STT.TTTTTTTTTTTTT (S = 0) 16 MSB = 0 LIMITER 19 REGISTER SERIAL OUT REGISTER (RANGE = -2.18344 TO 2.18344) MAGNITUDE (RANGE = 0 TO 2.32887) LIMIT DET 16 LIMITER 24 IFIR SHIFTER (RANGE = 0 TO 1) 24 24 IAGC CARTESIAN TO POLAR COORDINATE CONVERTER (G = 1.64676) 24 24 LIMITER QFIR SHIFTER LIMIT DET 24 QAGC AGC MULTIPLIER/SHIFTER † Controlled via microprocessor interface. FIGURE 1. AGC FUNCTIONAL BLOCK DIAGRAM AGC The loop gain register values adjust the response/settling time of the AGC loop. There are four values in two sets. Each set has both an attack and a decay gain. This allows asymmetric adjustment for applications such as VOX systems where the signal turns on and off. In these applications, the gains would be set for fast attack and slow decay so that the part decreases the gain quickly when the signal turns on, but increases the gain slowly when the signal turns off (in anticipation of it turning back on shortly). 21 Setting both the attack and decay gain values to zero disables the AGC (sets it as programmable gain stage). The loop gains are floating point with a 4-bit mantissa (0.MMMM) and 4-bit exponent (2EEEE). The gains through the AGC are: HSP50216 2^ Gain Error Mant mult out x2-17 EXP = 0 EXP = 1 EXP = 2 EXP = 4 EXP = 8 EXP = 15 UL, LL LOAD READ (µP) OUTPUT FORWARD GAIN 3 3 1 0 3 2 S S 2 9 1 X 2 8 0 X 2 7 1 X 2 6 2 X 2 5 3 X 2 4 4 X 2 3 5 X 2 2 6 X 2 1 7 X 2 0 8 X 1 9 9 X 1 8 0 X 1 7 1 X 1 6 2 X S S S S S S S S (0) (0) 0 0 X S S S S S S S E E E E E X S S S S S S S E E E E E X S S S S S S S E E E E E X S S S S S S X M M M M M X S S S S S S X M M M M M X S S S S S S X M M M M M X S S S S S S X M M M M M X S S S S S S X M M M M M X S S S S S S X M M M M M X S S S S S S X M M M M M X S S S S S X X M M M M M X S S S S S X X M M M M M X S S S S S X X M M M M M X S S S S S X X M M M M M M M M M M M S S S S S S S S E E E E E 1 1 1 1 1 1 5 4 3 2 1 0 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 X (threshold - magnitude) S = 0 if mag < or = to thresh S = 1 if mag > thresh in median mode, the error is set to SS10000000000000 (±2.0) 1 110000000000000 0 010000000000000 X X X X X S S S S X X X X X X X X S S S S X X X X X X X X S S S X X X X X X X X X S S X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X 0 0 0 0 X 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 M M 3 2 1 0 X X X X 0 0 0 X X X X 0 0 0 X X X 0 0 0 0 X X 0 0 0 0 0 TBD The forward gain consists of a 4-bit exponent and 14-bit mantissa and an implied 1 for an overall gain of: at least that large. The gain should be lowered after the settling. 0 1.M M M M M M M M M M M M M M * 2EEEE. The AGC gain limits register sets the minimum and maximum limits on the AGC gain. The total AGC gain range is 96dB, but only a portion of the range should be needed for most applications. For example, with a 16-bit output to a processor, the 16 bits may be sufficient for all but 24dB of the total input range possible. The AGC would only need to have a range of 24dB. This allows faster settling and the AGC would be at its maximum gain limit except when a high power signal was received. The AGC may be disabled by setting both limits to the same value. The gain weighting in dB is approximately: E E 4 2 8 4 E E M M M M M 1 2 6 3 1. 0. 0. 0. 5 7 3 1 5 7 8 5 7 5 M M M M M M M M M 0. 0 9 3 8 0. 0 4 6 9 0. 0 2 3 4 0. 0 1 1 7 0. 0 0 5 9 0. 0 0 2 9 0. 0 0 1 5 0. 0 0 0 7 0. 0 0 0 4 For a full scale error, the minimum non-zero AGC slew rate would be approximately 0.0002dB/output or 20dB/sec at 100ksps. The maximum gain would be 6dB/output. This much gain would probably result in significant AM on the output. The limits are on the forward gain are mapped as: E E E E M M M M M M M M M M M M ( 0 1. M M M M M M M M M M M M * 2EEEE) The AGC loop adjusts its gain to maintain the output signal magnitude at a level proportional to this set point. There is a gain of 1.64676 in the I/Q to magnitude computation, so the threshold should be set to 0.82338 times the desired I/Q magnitude at the output of the part. For median mode, the maximum gain step is approximately. 3dB/output. The step is fixed (it does not decrease as the error decreases) so a large gain will cause AM on the output Output (I or Q) Magnitude Computed Mag Threshold Gain Error S * set MSB to zero. Z 2 2 Z 1 1 1 0. 0. 0. 0. 0. 1 1 1 1 1 22 2 2 2 2 2 3 3 3 3 3 4 4 4 4 4 5 5 5 5 5 6 6 6 6 6 7 7 7 7 7 8 8 8 8 8 9 9 9 9 9 0 0 0 0 0 1 1 1 1 1 2 2 2 2 2 3 3 3 3 4 4 4 5 5 5 -1.0 to <1.0 0 to 1.414 0 to 2.329 0 to 2.329* ±2.329 HSP50216 Serial Data Output Formatter Section Serial Data Output Control Register The serial data output control register contains sync position and polarity (SYNCA, B, C or D), channel multiplexing, and scaling controls for the SD1x and SD2x (x = A, B, C or D) serial outputs (see Microprocessor Interface Section, Table 21, IWA *014h). Channel Routing Mask The multiplexing mask bits for each channel (see Microprocessor Interface Section Table 21, IWA *014h bits 19:16 for SD1x or bits 15:12 for SD2x) can be used to enable that channel’s output to any of the four serial outputs. These bits control the AND gates that mask off the channels, so a zero disables the channel’s connection to that output. To configure more than one channel's output onto a serial data output, the SD1 serial outputs and syncs from each channel (0,1, 2 and 3) are brought to each of the SD1 serial output sections and the SD2 serial outputs are brought to each of the SD2 serial output sections (the syncs are only associated with the SD1 serial ouputs). There, the four outputs are AND-ed with the multiplexing mask programmed in the serial data output control registers of channels 0 thru 3 and OR-ed together. By gating off the channels that are not wanted and delaying the data from each desired channel appropriately, the channels can be multiplexed into a 23 common serial output stream. It should be noted that in order to multiplex multiple channels onto a single serial data stream the channels to be multplexed must be synchronous. Serial Data Output Time Slot Content/Format Registers These four registers are used to program the content and format of the serial data output sequence time slots (see Microprocessor Interface Section, Tables 22 - 25, IWA *015h - *018h). There are seven data time slots that make up a serial data output stream. The number of data bits and data format of each slot is programmable as well as whether there will be a sync generated with the time slot (the syncs are only associated with the SD1 serial ouputs). Any of seven types of data or zeros can be chosen for each time slot. Eight bits are used to specify the content and format of each slot. As an example, suppose we wanted to output 32-bit I and Q values from channels 0 and 1 into the SD1A serial data output stream, we would program the following settings in the channel’s serial data output control and content/format registers: Channel 0: delay = 0 (IWA = 0014h, bits 11:0); HSP50216 first data time slot = I, 32-bit (IWA = 0015h, bits 7:0); second data time slot = Q, 32-bit (IWA = 0015h, bits 15:8); enable the serial output for this channel in the serial routing mask (IWA = 1014h, bit 16). third through seventh data time slot = zero and no sync,(IWA = 0015h, bits 31:16 and IWA = 0016h, bits 31:0); The syncs for the I and Q data are programmed as desired. The resulting order is CH0I first, then CH0Q, CH2I, and CH2Q. enable the serial output for this channel in the serial routing mask (IWA = 0014h, bit 16). Channel 1: As an example when no multiplexing of channel data is desired: delay = 64(IWA = 1014h, bits 11:0); IWA = 0014h, bit 12 for channel 0 would be set; first data time slot = I, 32-bit (IWA = 1015h, bits 7:0); IWA = 1014h, bit 13 in channel 1 would be set; second data time slot = Q, 32-bit (IWA = 1015h, bits 15:8); IWA = 2014h, bit 14 in channel 2 would be set, and third through seventh data time slot = zero and no sync, (IWA = 1015h, bits 31:16 and IWA = 1016h, bits 31:0); IWA = 3014h, bit 15 in channel 3 would be set allowing four serial data streams to be output on SD2A, SD2B, SD2C, and SD2D. The other bits in each channel’s mask would be cleared (programmed to 0). Microprocessor Interface The HSP50216 Microprocessor (µP) interface consists of a 16-bit bidirectional data bus, P(15:0), three address pins, ADD(2:0), a write strobe (WR), a read strobe (RD) and a chip enable (CE). Indirect addressing is used for control and configuration of the HSP50216. The control and configuration data to be loaded is first written to a 32-bit holding register at direct (external) addresses ADD(2:0) = 0 and 1, 16 bits at a time. The data is then transferred to the target register, synchronous to the clock, by writing the indirect (internal) address of the target register to direct (external) address 2, ADD(2:0) = 2. The interface generates a synchronous one clock cycle wide strobe to transfer the 24 data contained in the holding register to the target register. The synchronization and write process requires 4 clock periods. New data should not be written to the holding register until after the synchronization period is over. Data reads can be direct, indirect or FIFO-like depending on the data that is being read. The status register is read directly at direct (external) address 3, ADD(2:0) = 3. Readback of internal registers and memories is indirect. The 16-bit indirect (internal) address of the desired read source is first written to direct (external) address 3, ADD(2:0) = 3, to select the data. The data can then be read at direct HSP50216 (external) addresses ADD(2:0) = 0 and 1 (bits 15:0 at address 0 and 31:16 at address 1). The data types available via the indirect read are listed in the Tables of Indirect Read Address (IRA) Registers. (Note that the µPHold bit contained in the target register at Indirect Write Address (IWA) = *00Ah must be set to suspend the filter compute engine before the memories can be written to or read from.) The HSP50216 output data from the four channels is available through the microprocessor interface as well as from the serial data outputs. A FIFO-like interface is used to read the output data through the microprocessor interface. When new output data is available, it is loaded into a FIFO in a user programmed order (for details on the programming order see Global Write Address (GWA) = F820h - F83Fh). It can then be read, 16 bits at a time, at direct address 2, ADD(2:0) = 2. At the end of each read, the FIFO counter is advanced to the next location. This allows a DMA controller to read all of the data with successive reads to a single direct address. No writes or other interaction is required. The FIFO counter is reset and reloaded by each interrupt signal, see GWA F802h. New data in the FIFO is also indicated in the status register located at direct address ADD(2:0) = 3 if a polled mode is preferred. The eight data types available, for each of the four channels, via this interface are: I(23:8), I(7:0)+8 Zeroes, Q(23:8), Q(7:0)+8 Zeroes, Mag(23:8), Mag(7:0)+8 Zeroes, Phase (15:0), and AGC (15:0). The upper bits of I, i.e., I(23:8), and Q, i.e., Q(23:8), are not rounded to 16 bits. This interface can read the data from all the channels that are synchronized. However, because a common FIFO is used and the FIFO is reset and reloaded by each interrupt, it cannot be used for asynchronous channels. The direct address map for the microprocessor interface is shown in the Table of Microprocessor Direct Read/Write Addresses and the procedures for reading and writing to this interface are provided below. The bit field details for each indirect read and write address is provided in the Table of Indirect Read Address (IRA) Registers, Tables of Indirect Write Address (IWA) Registers (Tables 1 - 32) and Tables of Global Write Address (GWA) Registers (Tables 33 - 43). µP Read/Write Procedures To Write to the Internal Registers: 1. Load the indirect write holding registers at direct address ADD(2:0) = 0 and 1 with the data for the internal register (16 or 32 bits depending on the internal register being addressed). 2. Write the Indirect Write Address of the internal register being addressed to direct address ADD(2:0) = 2 (Note: A write strobe to transfer the contents of the Indirect Write Holding Register into the Target Register specified by the Indirect Address will be generated internally). 3. Wait 4 clock cycles before performing the next write to the indirect write holding registers. 25 To Write to the Internal Instruction/Coefficient RAMs: 1. Put the filter compute engine of the desired channel into the hold mode by setting bit 31 of the Filter Compute Engine / Resampler Control register located at IWA = *00Ah (Note: The * is equal to 0, 1, 2 or 3 depending on the channel being addressed). By setting bit 31 all FIR processing for the channel addressed will be stopped. 2. Load the indirect write holding registers at direct address ADD(2:0) = 0 and 1 with the data for the internal RAM location. 3. Write the Indirect Write Address of the internal RAM location being addressed to direct address ADD(2:0) = 2 (Note: A write strobe to transfer the contents of the Indirect Write Holding Register into the RAM location specified by the Indirect Address will be generated internally). 4. Wait 4 clock cycles before performing the next write to the indirect write holding registers. 5. After all data has been loaded, set the µPHold bit back low. To Read Internal Registers: 1. Write the Indirect Read Address of the internal register being addressed to direct address ADD(2:0) = 3. 2. Perform a read of the Indirect Read Holding Registers at direct address ADD(2:0) = 0 and 1. To Read Data Outputs: 1. Set up the µP FIFO Read Order Control Register (located at Global Write Address (GWA) = F820h - F83Fh). 2. Wait for interrupt or check flag. 3. Data can then be read, 16 bits at a time, at direct address 2, ADD(2:0) = 2. 4. Repeat step 3 for desired number of words. 5. Go to step 2. To Read Instruction/Coefficient Values: 1. Put the filter compute engine of the desired channel into the hold mode by setting bit 31 of the Filter Compute Engine / Resampler Control register located at IWA = *00Ah (Note: The * is equal to 0, 1, 2 or 3 depending on the channel being addressed). 2. Write the Indirect Read Address (IRA) of the internal RAM/ROM location being addressed to direct address ADD(2:0) = 3. 3. Wait 4 clock cycles. 4. Read the data at direct address ADD(2:0) = 0 and 1. 5. After all the data has been read, set the µPHold bit back low. HSP50216 TABLE OF MICROPROCESSOR DIRECT READ/WRITE ADDRESSES ADD(2:0) PINS REGISTER DESCRIPTION 0 WR Indirect Write Holding Register, Bits 15:0 1 WR Indirect Write Holding Register, Bits 31:16 2 WR Indirect Write Address Register for Internal Target Register (Generates a write strobe to transfer contents of the Write Holding Register into the Target Register specified by the Indirect Address, see also Tables of Indirect Address Registers) 3 WR Indirect Read Address Register (Used to select the Read source of data - uses the same register as Direct Address 2 but generates a read strobe (for RAMs and AGC) as needed instead of a write strobe). 0 RD Indirect Read, Bits 15:0 1 RD Indirect Read, Bits 31:0 2 RD Read Register (FIFO) - Reads FIFO data from output section (This location reads output data in the order loaded in Global Control Indirect Address Registers F820-F83F. The FIFO is automatically incremented to the next data location at the end of each read.) 3 RD Status Register P(15:0) BIT DESCRIPTION 15:12 Unused 11:6 Read non-bus input pins (ENIx, RESET, SYNCI) 11 RESET (Note: This bit is inverted with respect to the RESET input pin) 10 ENIA 9 ENIB 8 ENIC 7 ENID 6 SYNCI 5:2 26 Mask revision number 1 Level detector integration done. Active high. 0 New FIFO output data available (used for polling mode vs interrupt mode) Active low HSP50216 Tables of Indirect Write Address (IWA) Registers Note: These Indirect Write Addresses are repeated for each channel. In the addresses below, the * field is the channel select nibble. These bits of the Indirect Address select the target channel register for the data. Values of 0 through 3 and F are valid. A channel select nibble value of F is a special case which writes the data to the same location in each of the four channels simultaneously. TABLE 1. CHANNEL INPUT SELECT/FORMAT REGISTER (IWA = *000h) P(15:0) FUNCTION 15:13 Channel Input Source Selection - Selects as the data input for the channel specified in the Indirect Address either A(15:0), B(15:0), C(15:0), D(15:0) or the µP Test Input register as shown below. 12 15:13 Source Selected 000 A(15:0) 001 B(15:0) 010 C(15:0) 011 D(15:0) 100 µP Test input register. This is provided for testing and to zero the input data bus when a channel is not in use. The Global Write Address register for the µP Test input register is F807h. µP Test Register input enable selection 1 Bit 11 of this register is used as the input enable. 0 A one clock wide pulse generated on each write to lGWA F808h is used as the input enable. Select 0 to write test data into the part. Select 1 to input a constant or to disable the input for minimum power dissipation when an NCO/mixer/CIC section is unused. 11 10 9 8:7 µP input enable. When bit 12 is set, this bit is the input enable for the µP Test Register input. Active low. 0 Enabled 1 Disabled. Parallel Data Input Format 0 Two’s complement 1 Offset binary Fixed/Floating point 0 Fixed point 1 Floating point. The 16-bit input bus is divided into mantissa and exponent bits grouped either 13/3 or 14/2 depending on bits 8 and 7. See text. Floating point mantissa size select. The 16-bit data input is grouped as a 13/3 or 14/2 mantissa/exponent word. These control bits select the mantissa/exponent grouping, add an offset to the exponent and set the shift control saturation level. 00 11/3 bits 15:5 mantissa, 2:0 exponent 01 12/3 bits 15:4 mantissa, 2:0 exponent 10 13/3 bits 15:3 mantissa, 2:0 exponent 11 14/2 bits 15:2 mantissa, 1:0 exponent See the exponent tables contained in the Input Select/Format Block Section. 6:4 De-multiplex control. These control bits are provided to select a channel from a group of multiplexed channels. Up to 8 multiplexed data streams can be demultiplexed. These control bits select how many clocks after the ENIx signal to wait before taking the input sample. ENIx should be asserted for one clock period and aligned with the first channel of the multiplexed data set. For example, if four streams are multiplexed at half the clock rate, ENIx would align with the first clock period of the first stream, the second would start two clocks later, the next 4 clocks after ENIx, etc. The samples are aligned with ENIx (zero delay) at the input of the NCO/Mixer/CIC stage at the next ENIx. 000 Zero delay 111 7 clock periods of delay. All values from 0 through 7 are valid. 27 HSP50216 TABLE 1. CHANNEL INPUT SELECT/FORMAT REGISTER (IWA = *000h) P(15:0) 3 FUNCTION Interpolated/Gated Mode Select 0 Gated. The carrier NCO and CIC are updated once per clock when ENIx is asserted. 1 Interpolated. The CIC is updated every clock. The carrier NCO is updated once per clock when ENIx is asserted. The input is zeroed when ENIx is high. 2 Enable COF/COFSYNC inputs. When set, this bit enables two bits from the D(15:0) input data bus to be used as a carrier offset frequency input. 1 Enable SOF/SOFSYNC inputs. When set, this bit enables two bits from the D(15:0) input data bus to be used as a resampler offset frequency input. 0 Enable PN. When set, A PN code, weighted by the gain in location *001, is added to the input samples at the output of the mixer. TABLE 2. PN GAIN REGISTER (IWA = *001h) P(15:0) FUNCTION 31:16 Reserved, set to all 0’s. 15:0 PN generator gain register. This input is provided to reduce the sensitivity of the receiver. A PN code, weighted by the value in this location, is added to the data at the output of the mixer. Adding noise has the effect of increasing the receiver noise figure. One reason to do this would be to decrease the basestation cell size in small steps. This method is very accurate and repeatable and can be done on a FDM channel by channel basis. It does, however, reduce the overall dynamic range. An alternate way is to add attenuation at the RF and adjust the whole range upward. This does not reduce the overall range but only shift it, with the shift being done on all channels simultaneously. TABLE 3. CIC DECIMATION FACTOR REGISTER (IWA = *002h) P(15:0) 15:0 FUNCTION Load with the desired CIC decimation factor minus 1. TABLE 4. CIC DESTINATION FIR AND OUTPUT ENABLE/DISABLE REGISTER (IWA = *003h) P(15:0) 5:1 0 FUNCTION CIC output destination (FIR # in FIR processor). Usually set to 00001. CIC output enable. Active high. When low, the data writes from the CIC to the filter compute engine are inhibited. TABLE 5. CARRIER NCO/CIC CONTROL REGISTER (IWA = *004h) P(15:0) FUNCTION 31:19 Reserved, set to zero. 18:14 CIC barrel shift control. 00000 is the minimum shift factor and 11111 is maximum shift factor. This compensates for the CIC filter gain of RN, where N is the number of enabled CIC stages and R is the CIC decimation factor. The equation used to compute the shift factor is: Shift Factor = 45 - Ceiling(log2(RN)). Examples: N R Shift Factor 5 512 0 5 8 30 13:9 CIC stage bypasses. The integrator/comb pairs are numbered 1 thru 5 with 1 being the first integrator and first comb. Bit 13 bypasses the first integrator/comb pair, bit 12 bypasses the second, etc. The first integrator is the largest. Typically, the stages are enabled starting with stage 1 for maximum decimation range. 8:6 Carrier phase shift. Phase shifts of N*(π/4), N = 0 to 7. 5 Clear feedback (test signal or for mixer bypass). 4 NCO clear feedback on load. 3 Update frequency on SYNCI. Redundant. Set to1. See GWA register F802h. 28 HSP50216 TABLE 5. CARRIER NCO/CIC CONTROL REGISTER (IWA = *004h) (Continued) P(15:0) 2:1 0 FUNCTION Number of Carrier Offset Frequency (COF) serial input bits. 00 8 01 16 10 24 11 32 Enable serial offset frequency (zeros the data already loaded via the COF/COFSYNC pins). To disable the COF shifting see IWA register *000h. TABLE 6. CARRIER NCO CENTER FREQUENCY REGISTER (IWA = *005h) P(15:0) 31:0 FUNCTION Carrier Center Frequency (CCF) This is the frequency control for the carrier NCO. The center frequency control is double buffered. The contents of this register are transferred to the active register on a write to the CCFStrobe location or on a SYNCI (if load on SYNCI is enabled). The carrier center frequency is: CCF*fCLK/(232). CCF is a twos complement number and has a range of -231 to (231-1). fCLK is the input sample rate (ENIx assertion rate) for gated mode and the clock rate for interpolated mode. TABLE 7. CARRIER NCO CENTER FREQUENCY UPDATE STROBE REGISTER (IWA = *006h) P(15:0) FUNCTION N/A Writing to this address generates a strobe that transfers the CCF value to the active frequency register. The transfer to the active register can also be done using the SYNCI pin to synchronize the transfer in multiple parts or to synchronize to an external event. The value in the active register can be read at this address (the center frequency control before the serially loaded offset value is added). To read the value, either write this address to A(1:0) = 11 and then read at A(1:0) = 00 and 01, or read the value at A(1:0) = 00 and 01 after writing to this address and before writing a new address to either A(1:0) = 10 or 11. TABLE 8. TIMING NCO FREQUENCY CONTROL REGISTER, MSW (IWA = *007h) P(15:0) 31:0 FUNCTION These are the upper 32 bits of the 56-bit timing (resampler) NCO center frequency control. TABLE 9. TIMING NCO FREQUENCY CONTROL REGISTER, LSW (IWA = *008h) P(15:0) FUNCTION 31:8 These are the lower 24 bits of the 56-bit timing (resampler) NCO center frequency control. 7:0 Unused, set to zero. TABLE 10. TIMING NCO CENTER FREQUENCY LOAD STROBE REGISTER (IWA = *009h) P(15:0) FUNCTION N/A for WR A write to this location will update the resampler NCO center frequency. The upper 32 bits of the active register can be read at this 31:0 for RD address. TABLE 11. FILTER COMPUTE ENGINE/RESAMPLER CONTROL REGISTER (IWA = *00Ah) P(15:0) FUNCTION 31 µPHold. When set, this bit stops the filter compute engine and allows the µP access to the instruction and coefficient RAMs for reading and writing. On the high to low transition, the filter compute engine is reset (the read and write pointers are reset and the instruction at location 31 is fetched). 30 µPShiftZeroB. This bit, when set to zero, disables the coefficient shift bits (bits 9:8 of the master register when coefficient loading). 29 µPENLimit. This bit disables the data path saturation logic. Provided for test. Active high. Set to 0 to disable the normal ROM controlled limiting (ANDed with normal signal). 29 HSP50216 TABLE 11. FILTER COMPUTE ENGINE/RESAMPLER CONTROL REGISTER (IWA = *00Ah) (Continued) P(15:0) FUNCTION 28:24 µPZ(4:0). These bits, when set to zero, zero the corresponding read pointer address bits. This allows the pointers to be aliased, i.e., multiple filters can access and/or modify the same pointer. They are provided to change filters, coefficients or decimation over a sequence. 23 Unused, set to 0. 22 TCNO ENsync. If this bit is set, the center frequency is updated on a SYNCI. Redundant. Set to 1. 21:20 19 18 RSRVRS(1:0). Set to 01. Beginning/End. This bit selects whether the resampler NCO is updated at the beginning of a FIR computation or at the end of each FIR output computation. Usually, the resampler will be updated once at the beginning of each resampler computation and this will be bit set to 1. 1 Once at the beginning of the FIR instruction. 0 At the last tap of each of the instruction’s FIR computations (once per output). RSModeSelect. This bit selects whether the resampler is a phase shifter or a frequency shifter. 0 Phase shift. 1 Frequency shift. 17 RSCO. This bit is provided to force the resampler NCO carry when using the resampler as a phase shifter rather than for a frequency shift. This bit must be set for phase shifting and cleared for frequency shifting. (The bit is Or-ed with the normal carry.) 16 RS NCO clear phase accumulator feedback on load. When this bit is set, the feedback in the resampler NCO phase accumulator is zeroed whenever the center frequency word is updated. This forces the NCO to a known phase so the phase of multiple channels can be aligned. 15 Force NCO load. This bit, when set, zeroes the feedback in the resampler NCO phase accumulator. This is provided for test or to use the resampler for phase instead of frequency shifting. 14 Enable RS freq offset. This bit, when set, enables the serially loaded resampler offset frequency word. When zero, the offset is zeroed. To disable the shifting, see IWA register *000h. 13:12 11:0 Serial input word size. These bits select the number of bits in the resampler offset frequency word (loaded serially via SOF/SOFSYNC). 00 8 bits 01 16 bits 10 24 bits 11 32 bits FIFODelay. A FIFO is provided at the output of the filter compute engine to smooth the sample spacing when using the resampler or interpolation FIRs. In these filters, the outputs can be produced in bursts or with gaps. The FIFO takes the samples in and outputs them based on a counter timeout. If the FIFO is empty and the counter is at its terminal count (hold state), the data is passed through and the counter is reloaded. If the counter is not at terminal count, the data is held in the FIFO until the counter times out. The FIFO can hold up to 4 samples. The delay is programmed in clock periods. The value programmed is one less than the number of clocks of delay. Set to 0 for a delay of one (fall through). The delay should be programmed to slightly less then the desired spacing to prevent overflow. TABLE 12. FILTER START OFFSET REGISTER (IWA = *00Bh) P(15:0) FUNCTION 13:9 RAM Instruction number to which the offset is applied. 0-31. Aliasing applies. Used for polyphase filters. 8:0 Amount of offset. Offsets the data RAM address for filter #n. This is used to offset the channels from each other when breaking the processing up among multiple channels for polyphase filters. For example, four channels can receive the same data at 8 MSPS, filter and decimate by 8 to output at 1MHz. If the computations are offset by 2 samples each, then the outputs of the four channels can be multiplexed together to get an output sample rate of 4MSPS. With a 64MSPS clock, the composite filter could have more than 100 taps where a single channel would only be capable of around 24 taps at a 4MHz output. EXCEPT IN VERY RARE CIRCUMSTANCES, THIS VALUE SHOULD BE A NEGATIVE NUMBER. 30 HSP50216 TABLE 13. WAIT THRESHOLD/DECREMENT VALUE REGISTER (IWA = *00Ch) P(15:0) FUNCTION 31 µPTestBit. This bit is provided as a microprocessor controlled condition code for the filter compute engine for conditional execution or synchronous startup. Active high. 30 Set to 0. 29:20 Decrement value 1. Positive number. 19:10 Decrement value 0. Positive number. Usually set equal to the Threshold (bits 9:0). 9:0 Threshold. Number of samples needed to run a filter set and produce an output. TABLE 14. RESET WRITE POINTER OFFSET REGISTER (IWA = *00Dh) P(15:0) FUNCTION 8:0 This parameter is the offset between filter compute engine read and write pointers on filter compute engine reset. On reset, the read and write pointers for all the filters are loaded, the read pointer with zero and the write pointer with this value. Set to zero for a single filter and two for a multi-filter chain. TABLE 15. AGC GAIN LOAD REGISTER (IWA = *00Eh) P(15:0) FUNCTION 15:0 This location loads the AGC accumulator. If the loop attack/decay gain is set to zero and this value is within the AGC gain limits, the AGC will hold this value. If not, the AGC will be set to this gain (or to a limit) and then start to settle. 4xE (15:12), 12xM, (11:0) TABLE 16. AGC GAIN READ STROBE REGISTER (IWA = *00Fh) P(15:0) FUNCTION 31:0 Writing to this location will sample the AGC loop filter output (forward gain value) to stabilize it for reading. The value is read from for RD; this location after waiting the 4 clocks required for read synchronization. N/A for WR 31:16 AGC Gain for Channel 1. 15:0 AGC Gain for Channel 0. TABLE 17. AGC LOOP ATTACK/DECAY GAIN VALUES REGISTER (IWA = *010h) P(15:0) FUNCTION 31:24 Loop gain 0, decay gain value (signal decay, increase gain) 31:28 = EEEE (exponent), 27:24 = MMMM (mantissa) 23:16 Loop gain 1, decay gain value 23:20 = EEEE (exponent), 19:16 = MMMM (mantissa) 15:8 Loop gain 0, attack gain value (signal arrival, decrease gain) 15:12 = EEEE (exponent), 11:8 = MMMM (mantissa) 7:0 Loop gain 1, attack gain value 7:4 = EEEE (exponent), 3:0 = MMMM (mantissa) TABLE 18. AGC GAIN LIMITS REGISTER (IWA = *011h) P(15:0) FUNCTION 31:16 Upper gain limit. See AGC section. 15:0 Lower gain limit. See AGC section. TABLE 19. AGC THRESHOLD REGISTER (IWA = *012h) P(15:0) 15:0 FUNCTION AGC threshold. Equals 1.64676 times the desired magnitude of the I1/Q1 output. 31 HSP50216 TABLE 20. AGC/DISCRIMINATOR CONTROL REGISTER (IWA = *013h) P(15:0) FUNCTION 10 µP AGC loop gain select. 9 Enable filter compute engine control of AGC loop gain. When this bit is set, a bit in the filter compute engine destination field selects which loop gain to use with that filter output’s gain error. Setting bit 10 overrides this bit and forces a loop gain 1. 8 7:6 5 10:9 FUNCTION 00 Loop Gain 0 (µP controlled) 10 Loop gain 1 (µP controlled) 01 Loop Gain controlled by filter compute engine 11 Loop 1 (µP override of filter compute engine) Mean/Median. This bit controls the settling mode of the AGC. Mean mode settles to the mean of the signal and settles asymptotically to the final value. Median mode settles to the median and settles with a fixed step size. This mode settles faster and more predictably, but will have more AM after settling. 1 Mean mode 0 Median mode Unused. Set to zero. PhaseOutputSel 1 dφ/dt 0 Phase 4:3 DiscShift(1:0). Shifts the phase up 0, 1, 2, or 3-bit positions, discarding the bits shifted off the top. This makes the phase modulo 360, 180, 90, or 45 degrees to remove PSK modulation. The resulting phase is 18 bits. 2:0 DiscDelay(2:0). Sets the delay, in sample times, for the dφ/dt calculation. 000 1 111 8 TABLE 21. SERIAL DATA OUTPUT CONTROL REGISTER (IWA = *014h) P(15:0) 28 FUNCTION Sync polarity 1 Active low (low for one serial clock per word with a sync). 0 Active high. 27:26 Reserved, set to zero. 25:24 Sync position. This applies to all time slots in the serial output. The Sync programming is associated with the SD1x serial output data stream (x = A, B, C, or D). 23:22 00 Sync is asserted during the clock period following the last data bit of the word (early sync). 01 Sync is asserted during the serial clock period prior to the first data bit of the serial word (late sync). 1X Sync is asserted during the serial clock period of the first data bit of the serial word (coincident sync). Reserved, set to zero. 32 HSP50216 TABLE 21. SERIAL DATA OUTPUT CONTROL REGISTER (IWA = *014h) (Continued) P(15:0) 21:20 FUNCTION Magnitude output scale factor. The magnitude output of the cartesian to polar coordinate conversion has bits weighted as: 2(2 1 0.-1 -2 -3 -4 . . . ) The gain in the conversion is 0.82338. When using 16 bits, the range is such that the LSB has a weight of 0.00007 and the maximum output is 2.32, both after the conversion gain. This corresponds to an I/Q vector length of -83dBFS to +3dBFS. These control bits add gain (with saturation) for more resolution at the bottom of the scale. A code of 00 passes the magnitude unchanged, 01 shifts the magnitude up one bit position’ 10 shifts by 2 positions and 11 shifts up three positions. The resulting bit weights and range (after conversion gain) for the unsigned numbers are: Code Bit Weights dBFS 00 2 1 0 -1 -2 . . . -11 -12 -13 +3 to -83 01 1 0 -1 -2 -3 . . . -12 -13 -14 +3 to -89 10 0 -1 -2 -3 -4 . . . -13 -14 -15 +1.7 to -95 11 -1 -2 -3 -4 -5 . . . -14 -15 -16 -4.3 to -101 The upper limits on codes 00 and 01 are the same, but 01 has no leading zero. 19:16 15:12 11:0 Serial data output SD1 routing mask. 0 disables. 1 enables. Bit Enabled Output 16 Enables the serial output for this channel to pin SD1A. 17 Enables the serial output for this channel to pin SD1B. 18 Enables the serial output for this channel to pin SD1C. 19 Enables the serial output for this channel to pin SD1D. Serial data output SD2 routing mask. 0 disables. 1 enables. Bit Enabled Output 12 Enables the serial output for this channel to pin SD2A. 13 Enables the serial output for this channel to pin SD2B. 14 Enables the serial output for this channel to pin SD2C. 15 Enables the serial output for this channel to pin SD2D. Output hold-off delay. This parameter adds additional delay from the output of the filter compute engine to start of the serial output stream for multiplexing channels. Load with the desired delay (0 = zero, 1 = one, 2 = two, etc.). TABLE 22. SERIAL DATA OUTPUT 1 CONTENT/FORMAT REGISTER 1 (IWA = *015h) P(15:0) FUNCTION 31:24 Fourth serial slot in Serial Data Output 1 (SD1x). x = A, B, C or D. See bits 7:0 for functional description of bits 31:24. 23:16 Third serial slot in Serial Data Output 1 (SD1x). x = A, B, C or D. See bits 7:0 for functional description of bits 23:16. 15:8 Second serial slot in Serial Data Output 1 (SD1x). x = A, B, C or D. See bits 7:0 for functional description of bits 15:8. 33 HSP50216 TABLE 22. SERIAL DATA OUTPUT 1 CONTENT/FORMAT REGISTER 1 (IWA = *015h) (Continued) P(15:0) 7:0 FUNCTION First serial slot in Serial Data Output 1 (SD1x). x = A, B, C or D. Bit Function 7 Sync generated. When set, a sync pulse is generated with the data slot (Serial Data Output 1 only, i.e., the sync is only associated with Output 1). Set to zero for Output 2, SD2x. 6:3 Word width/format. All fixed point data is twos complement. The data is rounded (asymmetrically, with saturation) to the desired number of bits. 0000 0-bit, fixed point (actually 1-bit position is used) 0001 4-bit, fixed point 0010 6-bit, fixed point 0011 8-bit, fixed point 0100 10-bit, fixed point 0101 12-bit, fixed point 0110 16-bit, fixed point 0111 20-bit, fixed point 1000 24-bit, fixed point 1001 32-bit fixed (8 LSBs are zeroed) 1010 32-bit, floating point, IEEE format All other codes are invalid. Note: Floating point format is only available on the Serial Data Output 1. Code 1010 is invalid on Serial Data Output 2. 2:0 Data type 000 Zeros 001 I1 (data routed from FIFO and AGC path) 010 Q1 (data routed from FIFO and AGC path) 011 Magnitude of I1/Q1 100 Phase (or dφ/dt) of I1/Q1 101 I2 (data routed directly from the filter processor) 110 Q2 (data routed directly from the filter processor) 111 AGC gain of I1/Q1 path The filter processor must be programmed appropriately to route the data to I1/Q1 or I2/Q2. NOTE: Disable a slot by setting the 8-bit word to 00h. When disabled, a slot still uses one clock period. If, for example, the slots are programmed to 16-bit, disabled, 16-bit, there would a one clock idle period between the two 16-bit data words. If a new data sample occurs before the current set of data has been output, the new data will preempt the output and the first slot of the new data will begin immediately. If a late sync was programmed, it will not occur. 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 ABCDEF 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 ABCDEF I,Q 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 1 2 3 ZZZZZZZZ MAG Z 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 1 2 3 Z Z Z Z Z Z Z Z (MSB zero unless shifted) PH 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 ZZZZZZZZZZZZZZ AGC Z 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 Z Z Z Z Z Z Z Z Z Z Z Z Z Z (MSB zeroed) TABLE 23. SERIAL DATA OUTPUT 1 CONTENT/FORMAT REGISTER 2 (IWA = *016h) P(15:0) FUNCTION 31:24 Set to zero 23:16 Seventh serial slot in Serial Data Output 1 (SD1x). x = A, B, C or D. See bits 7:0 of Table 22 for functional description of bits 23:16. 15:8 Sixth serial slot in Serial Data Output 1 (SD1x). x = A, B, C or D. See bits 7:0 of Table 22 for functional description of bits 15:8. 7:0 Fifth serial slot in Serial Data Output 1 (SD1x). x = A, B, C or D. See bits 7:0 of Table 22 for functional description of bits 7:0. 34 HSP50216 TABLE 24. SERIAL DATA OUTPUT 2 CONTENT/FORMAT REGISTER 1 (IWA = *017h) P(15:0) FUNCTION 31:24 Fourth serial slot in Serial Data Output 2 (SD2x). x = A, B, C or D. See bits 7:0 of Table 22 for functional description of bits 23:16. 23:16 Third serial slot in Serial Data Output 2 (SD2x). x = A, B, C or D. See bits 7:0 of Table 22 for functional description of bits 23:16. 15:8 Second serial slot in Serial Data Output 2 (SD2x). x = A, B, C or D. See bits 7:0 of Table 22 for functional description of bits 15:8. 7:0 First serial slot in Serial Data Output 2 (SD2x). x = A, B, C or D. See bits 7:0 of Table 22 for functional description of bits 7:0. TABLE 25. SERIAL DATA OUTPUT 2 CONTENT/FORMAT REGISTER 2 (IWA = *018h) P(15:0) FUNCTION 31:24 Set to zero 23:16 Seventh serial slot in Serial Data Output 2 (SD2x). x = A, B, C or D. See bits 7:0 of Table 22 for functional description of bits 23:16. 15:8 Sixth serial slot in Serial Data Output 2 (SD2x). x = A, B, C or D. See bits 7:0 of Table 22 for functional description of bits 15:8. 7:0 Fifth serial slot in Serial Data Output 2 (SD2x). x = A, B, C or D. See bits 7:0 of Table 22 for functional description of bits 7:0. TABLE 26. SOFTWARE RESET REGISTER (IWA = *019h) P(15:0) FUNCTION N/A Writing to this location resets the following activities of the functional block indicated. Input Format/Select, NCO, Mixer and CIC Clears any pending enable in each channel's input demultiplexer function, loads the CIC decimation counter (the load value is indeterminate if the decimation counter preload register has not been loaded), clears all processing enables (stops all processing in the data path, but does not clear the data path registers). Filter Compute Engine Resets the Read/Write pointers, fetch instruction 31 and start the filter program execution. AGC Resets the compute blocks in both the forward and loop filter blocks (any calculations in progress are lost). Cartesian-to-Polar Coordinate Converter Resets the compute blocks (any calculations in progress are lost). FIFO Resets counter (clears the FIFO, all data is lost). Resampler Timing NCO Clears the slave (active) frequency registers and clears the phase accumulator. Output Section Resets the serial output section (clears all registers, counters, and flags but does not clear the configuration registers). Self Test Control Resets the self test control logic of the front end (Input Format/Select, NCO, Mixer, and CIC) and the back end (Filter Compute Engine, AGC, and Cartesian-to-Polar Coordinate Converter). TABLE 27. CHANNEL TIMING ADVANCE STROBE REGISTER (IWA = *01Ah) P(15:0) N/A FUNCTION Writing to this location inserts one extra data sample in the CIC to FIR path by repeating a sample. Used for shifting the FIR filter compute engine timing. TABLE 28. CHANNEL TIMING RETARD STROBE Register (IWA = *01Bh) P(15:0) N/A FUNCTION Writing to this location deletes one data sample in the CIC to FIR path. Used for shifting the FIR filter compute engine timing. 35 HSP50216 TABLE 29. FILTER COMPUTE ENGINE INSTRUCTION RAMS (IWA = *100h THRU *17Fh) P(15:0) FUNCTION 31:0 These locations in RAM are used to store the Filter Compute Engine instruction words. There are 128 bits per instruction word with each word consisting of condition code selects, FIR parameters and data routing controls. The filter compute engine is controlled by a simple sequencer supporting up to 32 steps where each step is defined by a 128 bit instruction word. The 128 bit instruction word is assigned to RAM memory in four 32 bit data writes through the Microprocessor Interface. Hence, 128 32-bit memory locations are required per channel to support the 32 steps of the Filter Sequencer. See the Filter Compute Engine and Filter Sequencer sections of the data sheet for more details. TABLE 30. FILTER COMPUTE ENGINE INSTRUCTION POINTER RAMS (IWA = *180h THRU *1FCh) P(15:0) FUNCTION TABLE 31. FILTER COMPUTE ENGINE COEFFICIENT RAM1 (IWA = *440h THRU *47Fh) P(15:0) FUNCTION 31:0 These locations in RAM are used to store the 22-bit filter coefficients used by the Filter Compute Engine of each channel in implementing a FIR filter. The 22-bit FIR filter coefficients are loaded in the upper 22 bits of each 32-bit RAM location. The two LSBs of the second byte (bits 9:8 of the total 32 bits, 31:0) are the shift bits. These are set to zero if not used. The least significant byte (bits 7:0 of the total 32 bits, 31:0) are ignored. RAM1 address space allows for storage of 64 filter coefficients out of the total of 192 filter coefficient storage locations. See the Filter Compute Engine and Filter Sequencer sections of the data sheet for more details. TABLE 32. FILTER COMPUTE ENGINE COEFFICIENT RAM2 (IWA = *480h THRU *4FFh) P(15:0) FUNCTION 31:0 These locations in RAM are used to store the 22-bit filter coefficients used by the Filter Compute Engine of each channel in implementing a FIR filter. The 22-bit FIR filter coefficients are loaded in the upper 22 bits of each 32-bit RAM location. The two LSBs of the second byte (bits 9:8 of the total 32 bits, 31:0) are the shift bits. These are set to zero if not used. The least significant byte (bits 7:0 of the total 32 bits, 31:0) are ignored. RAM1 address space allows for storage of 128 filter coefficients out of the total of 192 filter coefficient storage locations. See the Filter Compute Engine and Filter Sequencer sections of the data sheet for more details. 36 HSP50216 Tables of Global Write Address (GWA) Registers NOTE: These Global Write Addresses control global functions on the HSP50216, so they are not repeated for each channel. The top five address bits select this set of registers (F8XXh). TABLE 33. TEST CONTROL REGISTER (GWA = F800h) P(15:0) 31:17 FUNCTION These bits can be routed to the output pins by setting bit 16 below. The bit to pin mapping is: 31 = Intrpt 30 = SYNCO 28 = SYNCA 27 = SYNCB 29 = SERCLK (unless x1 CLK is selected) 26 = SYNCC 25 = SYNCD 24 = SD1A 23 = SD1B 22 = SD1C 21 = SD1D 20 = SD2A 19 = SD2B 18 = SD2C 17 = SD2D This is provided for testing board level interconnects. To control the SERCLK output, a divided down clock must be selected in the serial clock control register (GWA = F803h). 16 15:10 This bit, when high, routes bits 31:17 to the output pins in place of the normal outputs. Bit 0 of this register must also be set to activate this function. Unused - set to zero. 9 Set-up time to CLOCK adjust. Adjusting the delay trades set up time for hold time. This bit is used to best center the delay without a mask change. 8 Set-up time to WRITE adjust. Adjusting the delay trades set up time for hold time. This bit is used to best center the delay without a mask change. 7:4 These bits, when set, route the MSB of the SIN output of the channel’s carrier NCO to the number 2 serial output pin in place of the normal output. 7=CH0 6=CH1 5=CH2 4=CH3 3 Offset I PN by XORing bit 10 of the PN generator with the output PN. 2 Enable (223 - 1) PN generator. The PN signal that can be added to the mixer output of each channel is produced from a (223 - 1) sequence, a (215 - 1) sequence or both. Two separate generators are provided. The outputs of both are XORed together to extend the repeat period. Either or both generators can be disabled. The XORed output can further be XORed with a delayed version of the (223 - 1) sequence on the I channel to decorrelate it from the Q channel. Otherwise, the same sequence will be used on both I and Q. 1 Enable (215 - 1) PN generator. 0 Test mode. When asserted, this bit puts the chip into internal (self) test mode. TABLE 34. BUS ROUTING CONTROL REGISTER (GWA = F801h) P(15:0) FUNCTION 31:24 Unused - set to zero. 23:20 Interrupt pulse width. The width of the interrupt pulse at the pin can be programmed to be from 1 to 15 clocks wide. Program with the desired number of clocks. (NOTE: The pulse counter is only reset with the RESET pin. If a channel is reset by software or a SYNCI, any interrupt pulse in process will finish.) 19:17 DataRdy delay (CH1 only). Test. From 1-8. 16 CH1orD# AGC to CH0 ext AGC. This bit selects whether the AGC loop filter output from CH1 or CH3 is routed to the external AGC gain input of CH0. 0=CH3, 1=CH1. 15:14 CH3 ext source mux sel. These bits select whether the CH2 source mux, CIC2, or FIR2out is routed to the external input of FIR3. 0=CH2srcmux, 1=FIR2, 2=CIC2. 13 CH2 ext source mux sel. This bit selects whether the CH1 external source mux or FIR1out is routed to the external input of FIR2. 0=CH1srcmux, 1=FIR1out. 12 CH1 ext source mux sel. This bit selects whether the CIC0 output or FIR0out is routed to the external input of FIRB. 0=CIC0, 1=FIR0out. 11 CH0 backend input sel. 0=CIC0, 1=CIC1 (test). 10 CH1 backend input sel 0=CIC1, 1=CH1 ext src mux. 9 CH2 backend input sel 0=CIC2, 1=CH2 ext src mux. 8 CH3 backend input sel 0=CIC3, 1=CH3 ext source mux. 37 HSP50216 TABLE 34. BUS ROUTING CONTROL REGISTER (GWA = F801h) (Continued) P(15:0) FUNCTION 7 CH0 Ext AGC input enable. 0=CH0 loop filt, 1=external input. 6 CH1 Ext AGC input enable 0=CH1 loop filt, 1=external input. 5 CH2 Ext AGC input enable 0=CH2 loop filt, 1=external input. 4 CH3 Ext AGC input enable Set to 0. 3 CH0 enable serial output 1=FIR0 out enabled to serial outputs. 2 CH1 enable serial output 1=FIR1 out enabled to serial outputs. 1 CH2 enable serial output 1=FIR2 out enabled to serial outputs. 0 CH3 enable serial output 1=FIR3 out enabled to serial outputs. TABLE 35. RESET/SYNC/INTERRUPT SOURCE SELECTION REGISTER (GWA = F802h) P(15:0) FUNCTION 31 When set, an interrupt will be generated on each data output of channel 0 to the output block. Typically, this bit will only be set for one channel. 30 When set, the input to the part will be disabled (the input enable will be zeroed and held at zero) on a µP reset (this is always true for the reset pin, whether this bit is set or not, and additionally, the reset pin sets the input mode to gated). The input enable will be released for the input sample that aligns with the SYNCI signal. This is a method for starting up the processing synchronous with a particular data sample. 29 When this bit is set, the carrier center frequency will be updated from the holding register to the active register on SYNCI signals. If the bit is set in register IWA = *004h to clear the phase accumulator feedback on loading, this function will synchronize the phase of multiple channels. After initial synchronization, the bit in IWA = *004h can be cleared and updates will be synchronous and phase continuous across channels. 28 When this bit is set, the FIR filter compute engine is reset on SYNCI. Resetting the FIR filter compute engine requires 32 clock cycles to initialize the read and write pointers. 27 When this bit is set, the AGC is reset on SYNCI. 26 This bit has the same function as bit 29, but for the timing (resampler) NCO. The bit to zero the phase accumulator feedback is in register IWA = *00Ah. 25 When this bit is set, the CIC decimation counter is reset on SYNCI. 24 When this bit is set, the serial output block is reset on SYNCI. If bit 4 in location GWA F803h is set, the serial clock divider is also reset. 23:16 Same functions as 31:24 for channel 1. 15:8 Same functions as 31:24 for channel 2. 7:0 Same functions as 31:24 for channel 3. TABLE 36. SERIAL CLOCK CONTROL REGISTER (GWA = F803h) P(15:0) FUNCTION 4 Enables resetting serial clock divider on SYNCI. When enabled, a SYNCI enabled for any of the serial data outputs in the Reset/Sync register will reset the serial clock divider. 3 SCLK polarity. 1 Clock low to high transition occurs at the center of the data bit. 0 Clock high to low transition at the center of the data bit. 38 HSP50216 TABLE 36. SERIAL CLOCK CONTROL REGISTER (GWA = F803h) (Continued) P(15:0) 2:0 FUNCTION SCLK rate. 000 Serial clock disabled. 001 Serial clock rate is Input CLK Rate. 010 Serial clock rate is Input CLK Rate/2. 011 Serial clock rate is Input CLK Rate/4. 100 Serial clock rate is Input CLK Rate/8. 101 Serial clock rate is Input CLK Rate/16. Other codes are undefined. TABLE 37. INPUT LEVEL DETECTOR SOURCE SELECT/FORMAT REGISTER (GWA = F804h) P(15:0) FUNCTION 15:13 Channel Input Source Selection. Selects as the data input for the level detector either A(15:0), B(15:0), C(15:0), D(15:0) or the µP Test Input register as shown below. 15:13 Source Selected 000 A(15:0) 001 B(15:0) 010 C(15:0) 011 D(15:0) 100 µP Test input register. This is provided for testing and to zero the input data bus when a channel is not in use. The Top Level Control register address for the µP Test input register is F807h. 12 µP Register input enable select 1 = bit 11, 0 = one clock wide pulse on each write to location F808h. Select 0 to write data test data into the part. Select 1 to input a constant or to disable the input for minimum power dissipation when an NCO/mixer/CIC section is unused. 11 µP input enable. When bit 12 is set, this bit is the input enable for the µP register input. Active low. 0=enabled, 1=disabled. 10 Parallel Data Input Format 9 8:7 6:4 0 Two’s complement 1 Offset binary Fixed/Floating point 0 Fixed point 1 Floating point. The 16-bit input bus is divided into mantissa and exponent bits grouped either 13/3 or 14/2 depending on bits 8 and 7. See text. Floating point mantissa size select. The 16-bit data input is grouped as a 13/3 or 14/2 mantissa/exponent word. These control bits select the mantissa/exponent grouping, add an offset to the exponent and set the shift control saturation level. 00 11/3 bits 15:5 mantissa, 2:0 exponent 01 12/3 bits 15:4 mantissa, 2:0 exponent 10 13/3 bits 15:3 mantissa, 2:0 exponent 11 14/2 bits 15:2 mantissa, 1:0 exponent De-multiplex control. These control bits are provided to demultiplex an input data stream comprised of a set of multiplexed data streams. Up to 8 multiplexed data streams can be demultiplexed. These control bits select how many clocks after the ENIx signal to wait before taking the input sample. ENIx should be asserted for one clock period and aligned with the first channel of the multiplexed data set. For example, if four streams are multiplexed at half the clock rate, ENIx would align with the first clock period of the first stream, the second would start two clocks later, the next 4 clocks after ENIx, etc. The samples are aligned with ENIx (zero delay) at the input of the NCO/Mixer/CIC stage at the next ENIx. 000 zero delay 111 7 clock periods of delay. 39 HSP50216 TABLE 37. INPUT LEVEL DETECTOR SOURCE SELECT/FORMAT REGISTER (GWA = F804h) (Continued) P(15:0) 3 2:0 FUNCTION Interpolated/Gated Mode Select 0 Gated. The carrier NCO and CIC are updated once per clock when ENIx is asserted. 1 Interpolated. The CIC is updated every clock. The carrier NCO is updated once per clock when ENIx is asserted. The input is zeroed when ENIx is high. Unused. Set to 0. TABLE 38. INPUT LEVEL DETECTOR CONFIGURATION REGISTER (GWA = F805h) P(15:0) 21 20 FUNCTION 1 Ones complement of 16-bit data after formatting. 0 Unmodified input. 1 Free run (ignore interval counter). 0 Stop when interval counter times out. This bit may also be set low temporarily when free running to stabilize the accumulator data for reading. 19:18 17:16 15:0 Input Level Detector Leak factor, A. 00 1 01 2-8 10 2-12 11 2-16 Input Level Detector Mode 00 Leaky integrator (Yn = A*Xn + (1-A)*Yn-1, where A is the gain selected in bits 19:18). 01 Peak detector. 10 Integrator (bit 20 should be set to 0). Input Level Detector Interval Load with two less than the desired number of input samples. The interval range is 2 to 65537 input samples. TABLE 39. INPUT LEVEL DETECTOR START STROBE REGISTER (GWA = F806h) P(15:0) FUNCTION N/A Writing to this location clears the input level detector accumulator and restarts the interval counter. When the interval counter is done, bit 1 of the status word is set. TABLE 40. µP/TEST INPUT BUS REGISTER (GWA = F807h) P(15:0) FUNCTION 15:0 This 16-bit value can be used as the input to one or more NCO/Mixer/CIC sections for test or to set the input to a constant value to minimize power when the channel is not in use. The ENI signal for this input is either bit 11 in the channel register at IWA *000h or the strobe generated by a write to location GWA F808h (selected via bit 12 of the channel register at IWA *000h). TABLE 41. µP/TEST INPUT BUS ENI REGISTER (GWA = F808h) P(15:0) N/A FUNCTION A write to this location, generates and ENI strobe for the µP driven input port (when selected via bit 12 of IWA *000h). TABLE 42. SYNCO STROBE REGISTER (GWA = F809h) P(15:0) FUNCTION N/A A write to this location will cause a one-clock-wide pulse on the SYNCO pin. The SYNCO pin is used to synchronize multiple channels or parts. The SYNCO pin from one part is typically connected to the SYNCI pin of all the parts. Up to two pipeline registers may be inserted in the SYNCO to SYNCI path. 40 HSP50216 TABLE 43. µP FIFO READ ORDER CONTROL REGISTER (GWA = F820h thru F83Fh) P(15:0) 4:0 FUNCTION The five bits selecting the data type are encoded as follows: C C D D D, where CC is the channel number and DDD is the data type. DDD Data Type 000 I(23:8) The upper 16 bits of the I data path via the FIFO/AGC. 001 I(7:0),8*zeros The lower 8 bits of the I data path. 010 Q(23:8) The upper 16 bits of the Q data path via the FIFO/AGC. 011 Q(7:0),8*zero The lower 8 bits of the Q data path. 100 Mag(23:8) The upper 16 bits of magnitude (after the gain adjust described in channel register) 101 Mag(7:0),8*zero The lower 8 bits of magnitude. 110 Phase(15:0) The upper 16 bits of phase. 111 AGC gain (15:0) The upper 16 bits of the AGC gain. Table of Indirect Read Address (IRA) Registers The address decoding for the read source locations is given below. The internal address of the data to be read is written to direct address 3 (ADD(2:0) = 3) to select and/or fetch the data. A strobe is generated, if needed, to fetch or stabilize the data for reading. If a strobe is needed, the indirect read address must be written to direct address 3 each time the data is needed. If a strobe is not needed, the data can be read repeatedly at direct addresses 0 and 1(ADD(2:0) = 0 and 1, respectively) with any changes in the data showing up immediately. The strobe to sample the AGC gain is generated separately by an indirect write (see IWA *00Fh in the Tables of Indirect Write Address Registers). This allows the AGC gain of all the channels to be sampled simultaneously. NOTE: These Indirect Read Addresses are repeated for each channel. In the addresses below, the * field is the channel select nibble. These bits of the Indirect Address select the target channel register for the data being read. Values of 0 through 3 and F are valid. TABLE 44. TABLE OF INDIRECT READ ADDRESS (IRA) REGISTERS IRA FUNCTION *006h Active Carrier NCO Center Frequency *00Ch Wait Preload, Decr 1&2 *009h Active Timing NCO Center Freq (Most Significant 32 bits) *00Fh AGC gain *100h - *17Fh Instruction RAMs *180h - *1FCh Instruction RAMs (pointer DRAM) *400h - *43Fh Coefficient ROM -HBF, const. *440h - *47Fh Coefficient RAM -1 *480h - *4FFh Coefficient RAM -2 *500h - *5FFh Coefficient ROM -Resampler F806h Input Level Detector Output 41 HSP50216 Absolute Maximum Ratings Thermal Information Supply Voltage . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . +6V Input, Output or I/O Voltage . . . . . . . . . . . . GND -0.5V to VCC +0.5V ESD Classification . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Class III Thermal Resistance (Typical) θJA (oC/W) 196 Lead BGA Package (Note 5). . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 27 w/200 LFM Air Flow . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 24 w/400 LFM Air Flow . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 23 Maximum Junction Temperature . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .150oC Maximum Storage Temperature Range . . . . . . . . . . -65oC to 150oC Maximum Lead Temperature (Soldering 10s) . . . . . . . . . . . . .300oC Operating Conditions Voltage Range . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . +3.15V to +3.45V Temperature Range Industrial. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . -40oC to 85oC Input Low Voltage . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 0V to +0.8V Input High Voltage . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .2V to VCC CAUTION: Stresses above those listed in “Absolute Maximum Ratings” may cause permanent damage to the device. This is a stress only rating and operation of the device at these or any other conditions above those indicated in the operational sections of this specification is not implied. NOTE: 5. θJA is measured with the component mounted on an evaluation PC board in free air. Electrical Specifications VCC = 3.3V ± 0.15V, TA = -40oC to 85oC, Industrial MIN MAX UNITS Logical One Input Voltage PARAMETER SYMBOL VIH VCC = 3.45V TEST CONDITIONS 2.0 - V Logical Zero Input Voltage VIL VCC = 3.15V - 0.8 V Output High Voltage VOH IOH = -2mA, VCC = 3.15V 2.6 - V Output Low Voltage VOL IOL = 2mA, VCC = 3.15V - 0.4 V 10 µA Input Leakage Current II VIN = VCC or GND, VCC = 3.45V -10 IO VIN = VCC or GND, VCC = 3.45V -10 10 µA Standby Power Supply Current ICCSB VCC = 3.45V, Outputs Not Loaded, No CLK - 500 µA Operating Power Supply Current ICCOP f = 70MHz, VIN = VCC or GND, VCC = 3.45V, Outputs Not Loaded - 850 mA (Note 6) Freq = 1MHz, VCC open, all measurements are referenced to device ground - 7 pF (Note 7) - 7 pF (Note 7) Output Leakage Current Input Capacitance CIN Output Capacitance COUT NOTES: 6. Power Supply current is proportional to frequency of operation and programmed configuration of the part. Typical rating for ICCOP is 11mA/MHz. 7. Capacitance: TA = 25oC, controlled via design or process parameters and not directly tested. Characterized upon initial design and at major process or design changes. VCC = 3.3V ± 0.15V, TA = -40oC to 85oC Industrial AC Electrical Specifications PARAMETER SYMBOL MIN MAX UNITS CLK Frequency fCLK - 70 MHz CLK High tCH 5 - ns CLK Low tCL 5 - ns Setup Time - Data Inputs, Input Enables, SYNCI to CLK High tDS 6 - ns Hold Time - Data Inputs, Input Enables, SYNCI to CLK High tDH 0 - ns CLK to Output Valid - SYNCO, INTRPT tPDC - 6.5 ns RESET Pulse Width Low tRW 5 - ns RESET Setup Time to CLK High (Note 8) tRS 6 - ns Output Rise, Fall Time (Note 9) tRF - 3 ns INPUT AND CONTROL TIMING 42 HSP50216 VCC = 3.3V ± 0.15V, TA = -40oC to 85oC Industrial (Continued) AC Electrical Specifications PARAMETER SYMBOL MIN MAX UNITS P(15:0) Setup Time to Rising Edge of WR tDSW 10 - ns P(15:0) Hold Time from Rising Edge of WR tDHW -2 - ns A(1:0) Setup Time to Rising Edge of WR tASW 10 - ns MICROPROCESSOR WRITE TIMING A(1:0) Hold Time from Rising Edge of WR tAHW -2 - ns CE Setup Time to Rising Edge of WR tCSW 10 - ns CE Hold Time from Rising Edge of WR tCHW -2 - ns tWL 5 - ns A(1:0) Setup Time to FALLING Edge of RD tASR 8 - ns A(1:0) Hold Time from RISING Edge of RD tAHR -2 - ns RD Enable Time tRE - 11.5 ns RD Disable Time (Note 9) tRD - 8 ns RD to P(15:0) Data Valid Time tDV - 12 ns CE Setup Time to Falling Edge of RD tCSR 8 - ns CE Hold Time from Rising Edge of RD tCHR -2 - ns CLK to Serial Data, Sync and SCLK (Divide-by 2 thru 16 Modes) tPD - 6.5 ns CLK Low to SCLK Low (Divide-by 1 Mode, Note 9) tPDL - 6.5 ns CLK High to SCLK High (Divide-by 1 Mode, Note 9) tPDH - 3 ns WR Low Time MICROPROCESSOR READ TIMING SERIAL CLOCK OUTPUT TIMING Time Skew Between SCLK and Serial Data or Serial Sync (Divide-by 2 thru 16 Modes, Note 9) tSKEW1 -1 1 ns Time Skew Between SCLK and Serial Data or Serial Sync (Divide-by 1 Mode, Note 9) tSKEW2 0.5 2 ns NOTES: 8. The HSP50216 goes into reset immediately on RESET going low and comes out of reset on the 4th rising edge of CLK after RESET goes high. 9. Controlled via design or process parameters and not directly tested. Characterized upon initial design and at major process or design changes. AC Test Load Circuit S1 DUT CL (NOTE) ± NOTE - TEST HEAD CAPACITANCE, 40pF (TYP) IOH 1.5V SWITCH S1 OPEN FOR ICCSB AND ICCOP EQUIVALENT CIRCUIT 43 IOL HSP50216 Waveforms 1/fCLK tCH tCL CLK tDS tDH AIN, BIN, CIN, DIN, ENIA, ENIB, ENIC, ENID, SYNCI tPDC SYNCO, INTRPT tRW tRS RESET FIGURE 2. INPUT AND CONTROL TIMING RD CE WR ADD(1:0) P(15:0) tDSW tASW tDHW tAHW tWL tCSW tCHW FIGURE 3. MICROPROCESSOR WRITE TIMING 44 HSP50216 Waveforms (Continued) RD CE WR ADD(1:0) P(15:0) tRE tDV tRD tASR tAHR tCSR tCHR FIGURE 4. MICROPROCESSOR READ TIMING CLK SCLK (/2 THRU /16) SCLK (DIVIDE BY 1) tPDH tPDL SYNC tSKEW SDXX tPD FIGURE 5. SERIAL OUTPUT TIMING 2.0V 0.5V tRF tRF FIGURE 6. OUTPUT RISE AND FALL TIMES 45 HSP50216 ROMd FIR Filters - Response Curves 0.0 0 -1.0 -20 -40 -2.0 N=1 -60 dB dB N=1 -3.0 -80 N=2 -4.0 N=5 N=2 N=3 -100 N=3 -5.0 N=4 -120 N=5 N=4 -6.0 0.0 0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4 -140 0.00 0.5 0.10 0.20 fS/R 0.30 0.40 0.50 fS/R FIGURE 7. CIC PASSBAND ROLLOFF FIGURE 8. CIC FIRST ALIAS LEVEL 0 -10 0 HBF5 HBF1 dB -20 -40 -60 -80 -100 -120 HBF2 HBF3 0 0.125 0.25 0.375 0.5 fS -140 0.0 0.5 1.0 1.5 2.0 3.0 2.5 NOTE: HBF4 not included in the ROMd Fir Filter Coefficient memory. See Note 10 of Table 46. fS/R FIGURE 9. 5TH ORDER (N = 5) CIC RESPONSE 0 -10 -20 -30 -40 -50 -60 -70 -80 -90 -100 -110 -120 FIGURE 10. ROMd HALFBAND FILTER FREQUENCY RESPONSE HBF3 HBF2 HBF1 dB dB HBF4 -20 -30 -40 -50 -60 -70 -80 -90 -100 -110 -120 HBF5 HBF4 0 0.0625 0.125 0.1875 0.25 fS NOTE: HBF4 not included in the ROMd Fir Filter Coefficient memory. See Note 10 of Table 46. FIGURE 11. ROMd HALFBAND FILTER ALIAS FREQUENCY RESPONSE 46 HSP50216 ROMd FIR Filters - Response Curves (Continued) 10 0 0 -10 MAGNITUDE (dB) -40 -60 -80 -100 -20 -30 -40 -50 -60 -70 FREQUENCY (RELATIVE TO fS) NOTE: There is a 65dB limitation in SNR using the Re-Sampler Filter. FIGURE 12. POLYPHASE RESAMPLER FILTER BROADBAND FREQUENCY RESPONSE FIGURE 13. POLYPHASE RESAMPLER FILTER PASS BAND FREQUENCY RESPONSE 2 1 0 MAGNITUDE (dB) -1 -2 -3 -4 -5 -6 -7 -8 -9 0.5 0.4375 0.375 0.3125 0.25 0.1875 0.125 0.0625 0 -10 FREQUENCY (RELATIVE TO fS) FIGURE 14. POLYPHASE RESAMPLER FILTER EXPANDED RESOLUTION PASSBAND FREQUENCY RESPONSE 47 1 0.875 0.75 0.9375 FREQUENCY (RELATIVE TO fS) 0.8125 0 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 0.625 9 0.6875 8 0.5625 7 0.5 6 0.375 5 0.4375 4 0.3125 3 0.25 2 0.125 1 0.1875 -80 -120 0.0625 MAGNITUDE (dB) -20 HSP50216 TABLE 45. CIC PASSBAND AND ALIAS LEVELS FREQUENCY 5TH ORDER 4TH ORDER 3RD ORDER 2ND ORDER 1ST ORDER fS / R PASSBAND ALIAS PASSBAND ALIAS PASSBAND ALIAS PASSBAND ALIAS PASSBAND 0 0 <-200 0 <-200 0 <-200 0 <-200 0 <-200 0.01 -0.007 -199.564 -0.006 -159.651 -0.004 -119.738 -0.003 -79.825 -0.001 -39.913 0.02 -0.029 -169.041 -0.023 -135.233 -0.017 -101.425 -0.011 -67.617 -0.006 -33.808 0.03 -0.064 -151.023 -0.051 -120.818 -0.039 -90.614 -0.026 -60.409 -0.013 -30.205 0.04 -0.114 -138.129 -0.091 -110.503 -0.069 -82.877 -0.046 -55.252 -0.023 -27.626 0.05 -0.179 -128.048 -0.143 -102.438 -0.107 -76.829 -0.071 -51.219 -0.036 -25.610 0.06 -0.257 -119.749 -0.206 -95.799 -0.154 -71.849 -0.103 -47.900 -0.051 -23.950 0.07 -0.351 -112.683 -0.280 -90.146 -0.210 -67.610 -0.140 -45.073 -0.070 -22.537 0.08 -0.458 -106.522 -0.367 -85.218 -0.275 -63.913 -0.183 -42.609 -0.092 -21.304 0.09 -0.580 -101.054 -0.464 -80.843 -0.348 -60.633 -0.232 -40.422 -0.116 -20.211 0.10 -0.717 -96.135 -0.573 -76.908 -0.430 -57.681 -0.287 -38.454 -0.143 -19.227 0.11 -0.868 -91.662 -0.694 -73.330 -0.521 -54.997 -0.347 -36.665 -0.174 -18.332 0.12 -1.034 -87.558 -0.827 -70.047 -0.620 -52.535 -0.413 -35.023 -0.207 -17.512 0.13 -1.214 -83.766 -0.971 -67.013 -0.728 -50.260 -0.486 -33.507 -0.243 -16.753 0.14 -1.409 -80.241 -1.127 -64.193 -0.846 -48.145 -0.564 -32.096 -0.282 -16.048 0.15 -1.619 -76.947 -1.295 -61.558 -0.972 -46.168 -0.648 -30.779 -0.324 -15.389 0.16 -1.844 -73.855 -1.475 -59.084 -1.107 -44.313 -0.738 -29.542 -0.369 -14.771 0.17 -2.084 -70.943 -1.667 -56.754 -1.251 -42.566 -0.834 -28.377 -0.417 -14.189 0.18 -2.340 -68.189 -1.872 -54.551 -1.404 -40.913 -0.936 -27.276 -0.468 -13.638 0.19 -2.610 -65.579 -2.088 -52.463 -1.566 -39.347 -1.044 -26.231 -0.522 -13.116 0.20 -2.896 -63.098 -2.317 -50.478 -1.737 -37.859 -1.158 -25.239 -0.579 -12.620 0.21 -3.197 -60.734 -2.558 -48.587 -1.918 -36.440 -1.279 -24.294 -0.639 -12.147 0.22 -3.514 -58.477 -2.811 -46.782 -2.108 -35.086 -1.406 -23.391 -0.703 -11.695 0.23 -3.847 -56.319 -3.077 -45.055 -2.308 -33.792 -1.539 -22.528 -0.769 -11.264 0.24 -4.195 -54.252 -3.356 -43.402 -2.517 -32.551 -1.678 -21.701 -0.839 -10.850 0.25 -4.560 -52.269 -3.648 -41.815 -2.736 -31.361 -1.824 -20.907 -0.912 -10.454 0.26 -4.941 -50.363 -3.953 -40.291 -2.965 -30.218 -1.976 -20.145 -0.988 -10.073 0.27 -5.338 -48.531 -4.271 -38.825 -3.203 -29.119 -2.135 -19.412 -1.068 -9.706 0.28 -5.752 -46.767 -4.602 -37.413 -3.451 -28.060 -2.301 -18.707 -1.150 -9.353 0.29 -6.183 -45.066 -4.946 -36.053 -3.710 -27.040 -2.473 -18.026 -1.237 -9.013 0.30 -6.631 -43.426 -5.305 -34.740 -3.978 -26.055 -2.652 -17.370 -1.326 -8.685 0.31 -7.096 -41.842 -5.677 -33.473 -4.257 -25.105 -2.838 -16.737 -1.419 -8.368 0.32 -7.578 -40.311 -6.063 -32.249 -4.547 -24.187 -3.031 -16.125 -1.516 -8.062 0.33 -8.078 -38.832 -6.463 -31.066 -4.847 -23.299 -3.231 -15.533 -1.616 -7.766 0.34 -8.596 -37.401 -6.877 -29.921 -5.158 -22.440 -3.439 -14.960 -1.719 -7.480 0.35 -9.133 -36.015 -7.306 -28.812 -5.480 -21.609 -3.653 -14.406 -1.827 -7.203 0.36 -9.688 -34.674 -7.750 -27.739 -5.813 -20.804 -3.875 -13.869 -1.938 -6.935 0.37 -10.262 -33.374 -8.209 -26.699 -6.157 -20.024 -4.105 -13.349 -2.052 -6.675 0.38 -10.854 -32.114 -8.684 -25.691 -6.513 -19.268 -4.342 -12.845 -2.171 -6.423 0.39 -11.467 -30.892 -9.174 -24.713 -6.880 -18.535 -4.587 -12.357 -2.293 -6.178 0.40 -12.099 -29.707 -9.679 -23.766 -7.260 -17.824 -4.840 -11.883 -2.420 -5.941 0.41 -12.752 -28.557 -10.201 -22.846 -7.651 -17.134 -5.101 -11.423 -2.550 -5.711 0.42 -13.425 -27.442 -10.740 -21.953 -8.055 -16.465 -5.370 -10.977 -2.685 -5.488 0.43 -14.119 -26.359 -11.295 -21.087 -8.472 -15.815 -5.648 -10.544 -2.824 -5.272 0.44 -14.835 -25.308 -11.868 -20.246 -8.901 -15.185 -5.934 -10.123 -2.967 -5.062 0.45 -15.573 -24.287 -12.458 -19.430 -9.344 -14.572 -6.229 -9.715 -3.115 -4.857 0.46 -16.333 -23.296 -13.066 -18.637 -9.800 -13.978 -6.533 -9.318 -3.267 -4.659 0.47 -17.116 -22.334 -13.693 -17.867 -10.270 -13.400 -6.847 -8.933 -3.423 -4.467 0.48 -17.923 -21.399 -14.339 -17.119 -10.754 -12.840 -7.169 -8.560 -3.585 -4.280 0.49 -18.754 -20.492 -15.003 -16.393 -11.253 -12.295 -7.502 -8.197 -3.751 -4.098 0.50 -19.610 -19.610 -15.688 -15.688 -11.766 -11.766 -7.844 -7.844 -3.922 -3.922 48 ALIAS HSP50216 TABLE 46. DECIMATING HALFBAND FIR FILTER COEFFICIENTS DECIMATING HALFBAND #1 (DHBF #1, 7-TAP) DECIMAL DECIMATING HALFBAND #2 (DHBF #2, 11-TAP) HEX COEFF HEX HEX C0 FBFE40 - 0.031303406 00C250 0.005929947 FFD538 C1 000000 0.000000000 000000 C2 240100 C3 DECIMATING HALFBAND #4 (DHBF #4, 19-TAP) HEX -0.00130558 000C68 0.000378609 FFF4A0 -0.000347137 0.000000000 000000 0.000000000 000000 0.000000000 000000 0.000000000 0.281280518 F9B930 -0.049036026 0195A8 0.012379646 FF8320 -0.003810883 00525A 0.00251317 3FFE80 0.499954224 000000 0.000000000 000000 0.000000000 000000 0.000000000 000000 0.000000000 C4 240100 0.281280518 258400 0.29309082 0276A0 0.019245148 FEB320 -0.010158539 C5 000000 0.000000000 3FFF00 0.499969482 000000 0.000000000 000000 0.000000000 000000 0.000000000 C6 FBFE40 0.29309082 265480 0.299453735 F70D60 -0.069904327 03E920 0.03055191 F83FE0 -0.06055069 DECIMAL DECIMATING HALFBAND #5 (DHBF #1, 23-TAP) DECIMAL - 0.031303406 258400 DECIMAL DECIMATING HALFBAND #3 (DHBF #3, 15-TAP) HEX DECIMAL C7 000000 0.000000000 3FFE80 0.499954224 000000 0.000000000 000000 0.000000000 C8 F9B930 -0.049036026 265480 0.299453735 26EC80 0.304092407 F581A0 -0.081981659 C9 000000 0.000000000 000000 0.000000000 400000 0.500000000 000000 0.000000000 C10 00C250 0.005929947 F83FE0 26EC80 0.304092407 279B00 0.309417725 -0.06055069 C11 000000 0.000000000 000000 0.000000000 400000 0.500000000 C12 0195A8 0.012379646 F70D60 -0.069904327 279B00 0.309417725 C13 000000 0.000000000 000000 0.000000000 000000 0.000000000 C14 FFD538 0276A0 0.019245148 F581A0 -0.081981659 C15 000000 0.000000000 000000 0.000000000 C16 FF8320 -0.003810883 03E920 0.03055191 C17 000000 0.000000000 000000 0.000000000 C18 000C68 0.000378609 FEB320 -0.010158539 C19 000000 0.000000000 C20 00525A 0.00251317 C21 000000 0.000000000 C22 FFF4A0 -0.000347137 -0.00130558 NOTES: 10. Decimating Halfband Filter #4 Coefficients are shown for reference only and if it is desired to implement this FIR filter these coefficients would have to be loaded into the FIR Coefficient RAM (They are not included in the ROMd Fir Filter Coefficient memory). 11. The 22-bit ROMd FIR filter coefficients are located in the upper 22 bits of the Read register when read back from ROM memory (except for Halfband #4). These bits occupy the upper six bytes (24 bits) with the two LSBs of the lower byte (bits 9:8 of 31:0) being zero. The decimal value for the hexadecimal coefficient is calculated by first converting the hexadecimal value to decimal and the dividing by 223 (8388608). 49 HSP50216 TABLE 47. INTERPOLATING HALFBAND FIR FILTER COEFFICIENTS INTERPOLATING HALFBAND #2 (IHBF #2, 15-TAP) COEFF HEX DECIMAL INTERPOLATING HALFBAND #1 (IHBF #1, 23-TAP) HEX DECIMAL C0 FFAA24 -0.002620220 FFE944 -0.000693798 C1 000000 0.000000000 000000 0.000000000 C2 032B60 0.024761200 00A4B4 0.005026340 C3 000000 0.000000000 000000 0.000000000 C4 F07F40 -0.121116638 FD6640 -0.020317078 C5 000000 0.000000000 000000 0.000000000 C6 4CAB00 0.598968506 07D240 0.061103821 C7 800000 1.000000000 000000 0.000000000 C8 4CAB00 0.598968506 EB0340 -0.163963318 C9 000000 0.000000000 000000 0.000000000 C10 F07F40 -0.121116638 4F3600 0.618835449 C11 000000 0.000000000 800000 1.000000000 C12 032B60 0.024761200 4F3600 0.618835449 C13 000000 0.000000000 000000 0.000000000 C14 FFAA24 -0.002620220 EB0340 -0.163963318 C15 000000 0.000000000 C16 07D240 0.061103821 C17 000000 0.000000000 C18 FD6640 -0.020317078 C19 000000 0.000000000 C20 00A4B4 0.005026340 C21 000000 0.000000000 C22 FFE944 -0.000693798 NOTE: 12. The 22-bit ROMd FIR filter coefficients are located in the upper 22 bits of the Read register when read back from ROM memory. These bits occupy the upper six bytes (24 bits) with the two LSBs of the lower byte (bits 9:8 of 31:0) being zero. The decimal value for the hexadecimal coefficient is calculated by first converting the hexadecimal value to decimal and the dividing by 223 (8388608). 50 HSP50216 TABLE 48. RESAMPLER FIR FILTER COEFFICIENTS COEFF HEX DECIMAL COEFF HEX C 0 / 191 004000 0.001953125 C 32 / 159 FA3540 C 1 / 190 006910 0.003206253 C 33 / 158 C 2 / 189 007A90 0.003740311 C 3 / 188 008C90 C 4 / 187 DECIMAL COEFF HEX DECIMAL -0.045249939 C 64 / 127 0C2400 0.094848633 F97F00 -0.050811768 C 65 / 126 0F8600 0.121276855 C 34 / 157 F8C4C0 -0.056495667 C 66 / 125 131700 0.149139404 0.004289627 C 35 / 156 F80880 -0.062240601 C 67 / 124 16D400 0.178344727 009ED0 0.004846573 C 36 / 155 F74C40 -0.067985535 C 68 / 123 1ABA00 0.208801270 C 5 / 186 00B0E0 0.005397797 C 37 / 154 F691C0 -0.073677063 C 69 / 122 1EC500 0.240386963 C 6 / 185 00C230 0.005926132 C 38 / 153 F5DB80 -0.079238892 C 70 / 121 22F100 0.272979736 C 7 / 184 00D240 0.006416321 C 39 / 152 F52C00 -0.084594727 C 71 / 120 273A00 0.306457520 C 8 / 183 00E090 0.006853104 C 40 / 151 F48600 -0.089660645 C 72 / 119 2B9900 0.340606689 C 9 / 182 00ECC0 0.007225037 C 41 / 150 F3EC00 -0.094360352 C 73 / 118 300A00 0.375305176 C 10 / 181 00F620 0.007511139 C 42 / 149 F36140 -0.098594666 C 74 / 117 348800 0.410400391 C 11 / 180 00FBC0 0.007682800 C 43 / 148 F2E880 -0.102279663 C 75 / 116 390C00 0.445678711 C 12 / 179 00FCB0 0.007711411 C 44 / 147 F284C0 -0.105323792 C 76 / 115 3D9100 0.480987549 C 13 / 178 00F970 0.007612228 C 45 / 146 F23980 -0.107620239 C 77 / 114 420F00 0.516082764 C 14 / 177 00EFF0 0.007322311 C 46 / 145 F20940 -0.109092712 C 78 / 113 468200 0.550842285 C 15 / 176 00E050 0.006845474 C 47 / 144 F1F7C0 -0.109626770 C 79 / 112 4AE200 0.585021973 C 16 / 175 00C980 0.006149292 C 48 / 143 F20800 -0.109130859 C 80 / 111 4F2A00 0.618469238 C 17 / 174 00AAD0 0.005212784 C 49 / 142 F23C80 -0.107528687 C 81 / 110 535200 0.650939941 C 18 / 173 0083B0 0.004018784 C 50 / 141 F298C0 -0.104713440 C 82 / 109 575400 0.682250977 C 19 / 172 005370 0.002546310 C 51 / 140 F31F00 -0.100616455 C 83 / 108 5B2B00 0.712249756 C 20 / 171 0019A0 0.000782013 C 52 / 139 F3D280 -0.095138550 C 84 / 107 5ED000 0.740722656 C 21 / 170 FFD590 -0.001295090 C 53 / 138 F4B500 -0.088226318 C 85 / 106 623E00 0.767517090 C 22 / 169 FF86F0 -0.003694534 C 54 / 137 F5C900 -0.079803467 C 86 / 105 656E00 0.792419434 C 23 / 168 FF2D90 -0.006422043 C 55 / 136 F71040 -0.069816589 C 87 / 104 685D00 0.815338135 C 24 / 167 FEC930 -0.009485245 C 56 / 135 F88C40 -0.058219910 C 88 / 103 6B0500 0.836090088 C 25 / 166 FE59C0 -0.012886047 C 57 / 134 FA3E80 -0.044967651 C 89 / 102 6D6200 0.854553223 C 26 / 165 FDDF80 -0.016616821 C 58 / 133 FC27C0 -0.030036926 C 90 / 101 6F7000 0.870605469 C 27 / 164 FD5A60 -0.020679474 C 59 / 132 FE48C0 -0.013404846 C 91 / 100 712C00 0.884155273 C 28 / 163 FCCB00 -0.025054932 C 60 / 131 00A140 0.004920959 C 92 / 99 729200 0.895080566 C 29 / 162 FC31F0 -0.029726028 C 61 / 130 033140 0.024940491 C 93 / 98 73A100 0.903350830 C 30 / 161 FB9000 -0.034667969 C 62 / 129 05F7C0 0.046623230 C 94 / 97 745600 0.908874512 C 31 / 160 FAE600 -0.039855957 C 63 / 128 08F400 0.069946289 C 95 / 96 74B200 0.911682129 NOTE: 13. The 22-bit ROMd FIR filter coefficients are located in the upper 22 bits of the Read register when read back from ROM memory. These bits occupy the upper six bytes (24 bits) with the two LSBs of the lower byte (bits 9:8 of 31:0) being zero. The decimal value for the hexadecimal coefficient is calculated by first converting the hexadecimal value to decimal and the dividing by 223 (8388608). 51 HSP50216 . TABLE 49. BIT WEIGHTING FOR AGC LOOP FEEDBACK PATH AGC GAIN ACCUM GAIN ERROR BIT ERROR BIT POSITION INPUT WEIGHT AGC LOOP FILTER GAIN AGC LOOP (EXPONENT) FILTER AGC LOOP GAIN FILTER GAIN MULTIPLIER SHIFT SHIFT SHIFT SHIFT (MANTISSA) (OUTPUT) =0 =4 =8 = 15 AGC BIT WEIGHTS LIMITS TO OUTPUT SECTION TO µP 0 0 AGC GAIN RESOLUTION (dB) 31 2 2 2 2 30 2 2 2 2 3 E E 48 29 2 2 2 2 2 E E 24 28 2 2 2 2 1 E E 12 27 15 =2 2 2 2 2 2 0 E E 6 26 14 =1 1 2 2 2 1 -1 M M 3 25 13 = 0. 0. 0. 2 2 2 0. -2 M M 1.5 24 12 =1 x 1 2 2 2 1 -3 M M 0.75 23 11 =2 x 2 2 2 2 2 -4 M M 0.375 22 10 =3 x 3 2 2 2 3 -5 M M 0.1875 21 9 =4 x 4 2 2 2 4 -6 M M 0.09375 20 8 =5 5 2 2 2 5 -7 M M 0.04688 19 7 =6 6 2 2 1 6 -8 M M 0.02344 18 6 =7 7 2 2 0. 7 -9 M M 0.01172 17 5 =8 8 2 2 1 8 -10 M M 0.00586 16 4 =9 9 2 2 2 9 -11 M M 0.00293 15 3 = 10 10 2 1 3 10 -12 M 0.00146 14 2 = 11 11 2 0. 4 11 M 0.000732 13 1 = 12 12 2 1 5 12 M 0.000366 12 0 = 13 13 2 2 6 13 0.000183 14 1 3 7 14 0.0000916 10 0. 4 8 G 0.0000458 9 1 5 9 G 0.0000229 8 2 6 10 G 0.0000114 7 3 7 11 G 0.00000572 6 4 8 12 G 0.00000286 5 5 9 13 G 4 6 10 14 G 3 7 11 G G 2 8 12 G G 1 9 13 G G 0 10 14 G G 11 52 HSP50216 Plastic Ball Grid Array Packages (BGA) o A A1 CORNER V196.12x12 D 196 BALL PLASTIC BALL GRID ARRAY PACKAGE INCHES A1 CORNER I.D. E B TOP VIEW 0.15 M C A B 0.006 0.08 M C 0.003 b A1 CORNER D1 14 13 12 11 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 S A S A A1 CORNER I.D. MILLIMETERS SYMBOL MIN MAX MIN MAX NOTES A - 0.059 - 1.50 - A1 0.012 0.016 0.31 0.41 - A2 0.038 0.044 0.96 1.11 - b 0.016 0.020 0.41 0.51 7 D/E 0.468 0.476 11.90 12.10 - D1/E1 0.405 0.413 10.30 10.50 - N 196 196 - e 0.032 BSC 0.80 BSC - MD/ME 14 x 14 14 x 14 3 bbb 0.004 0.10 - aaa 0.005 0.12 Rev. 1 10/99 NOTES: A B C D E F G E1 H J K L M N P 1. Controlling dimension: MILLIMETER. Converted inch dimensions are not necessarily exact. e 7. Dimension “b” is measured at the maximum ball diameter, parallel to the primary datum C. 2. Dimensioning and tolerancing conform to ASME Y14.5M-1994. 3. “MD” and “ME” are the maximum ball matrix size for the “D” and “E” dimensions, respectively. 4. “N” is the maximum number of balls for the specific array size. 5. Primary datum C and seating plane are defined by the spherical crowns of the contact balls. 6. Dimension “A” includes standoff height “A1”, package body thickness and lid or cap height “A2”. ALL ROWS AND COLUMNS 8. Pin “A1” is marked on the top and bottom sides adjacent to A1. 9. “S” is measured with respect to datum’s A and B and defines the position of the solder balls nearest to package centerlines. When there is an even number of balls in the outer row the value is “S” = e/2. BOTTOM VIEW A1 A2 bbb C aaa C C A SEATING PLANE SIDE VIEW All Intersil semiconductor products are manufactured, assembled and tested under ISO9000 quality systems certification. Intersil semiconductor products are sold by description only. Intersil Corporation reserves the right to make changes in circuit design and/or specifications at any time without notice. Accordingly, the reader is cautioned to verify that data sheets are current before placing orders. Information furnished by Intersil is believed to be accurate and reliable. However, no responsibility is assumed by Intersil or its subsidiaries for its use; nor for any infringements of patents or other rights of third parties which may result from its use. No license is granted by implication or otherwise under any patent or patent rights of Intersil or its subsidiaries. For information regarding Intersil Corporation and its products, see web site www.intersil.com Sales Office Headquarters NORTH AMERICA Intersil Corporation P. O. Box 883, Mail Stop 53-204 Melbourne, FL 32902 TEL: (321) 724-7000 FAX: (321) 724-7240 53 EUROPE Intersil SA Mercure Center 100, Rue de la Fusee 1130 Brussels, Belgium TEL: (32) 2.724.2111 FAX: (32) 2.724.22.05 ASIA Intersil (Taiwan) Ltd. 7F-6, No. 101 Fu Hsing North Road Taipei, Taiwan Republic of China TEL: (886) 2 2716 9310 FAX: (886) 2 2715 3029