ISL5585XEVAL Evaluation Board User’s Guide ® Application Note September 2002 AN1038 Introduction Getting Started The ISL55185XEVAL1 board can be used to evaluate the new ISL5585 3.3volt SLIC. This platform supports the evaluation of the performance of the ISL5585 at 3.3 volts with a 5 volt CODEC. The lab data presented in this application note had the following supplies voltages: Vcc (ISL5585) = 3.3V, Vcc (CODEC) = 5V, VBH = -100v and Vbl = -24v. Your evaluation kit should contain application note AN1038 and the following hardware. The ISL5585XEVAL1 evaluation board provides a complete evaluation system for the ISL5585 family of ringing SLICs. Included on the evaluation board is a single +5V CODEC for line circuit evaluations and on board logic for stand alone operation. The evaluation boards have been designed to support back to back operation, providing further insight to the complete signal path and solution. The transient behavior of the ISL5585 in response to mode changes has been improved. The benefit to the application is reduction or more likely elimination of DET glitches when off hook events occur. Voltage ratings for external components have been selected based on 100V device operation, therefore compatibility to lower voltage versions is guaranteed. 1. One ISL5585XEVAL1evaluation board. 2. One ISL5585X device sample, already in board. 3. One PLCC extraction tool. 4. One cable assembly with multi colored conductors. 5. One cable assembly with solid white conductors. The evaluation board should have the same appearance as the silk screen shown in Figure 1. Applying Power to the Evaluation Board Here are a few safeguards with power sequencing until you are accustomed to using the high voltages required by the devices. 1. Limit the current on all power supplies to 100mA. 2. Turn on the power supplies after the power cables are attached to the evaluation boards. FIGURE 1. EVALUATION BOARD SILK SCREEN 1 CAUTION: These devices are sensitive to electrostatic discharge; follow proper IC Handling Procedures. 1-888-INTERSIL or 321-724-7143 | Intersil (and design) is a registered trademark of Intersil Americas Inc. Copyright © Intersil Americas Inc. 2002. All Rights Reserved RSLIC18™ is a trademark of Intersil Corporation. Application Note 1038 Evaluation Board Functional Description J5 J6 J10 J7 J9 J8 J4 J11 JP3 JP9 JP6 JP4 J3 JP7 CODEC APP CKT JP8 ISL5585 APP CKT J12 J13 JP5 JP1 JP11 JP12 J2 JP2 J14 JP10 J1 S1 S2 S3 S4 S5 CLOCK GENERATION & MUX S6 J15 FIGURE 2. EVALUATION BOARD FUNCTIONAL DIAGRAM Evaluation Board Jumper Definitions JUMPER DESCRIPTION JP1 Connects SW- directly to the device Ring terminal of device. Used in conjunction with external load D TA and RTA . JP2 Connects SW+ through test load to the Tip terminal of device. Used in conjunction with external load DTA and RTA . JP3 Not used. Leave open. JP4 Connects the receive output of the CODEC (U6) to the device receive input -IN. Path is AC coupled with C IN . JP5 Position1, CODEC: Connects the CODEC receive output to the device ringing input. Path is AC coupled by CRS . Position 2, EXT: Connects the VRS connector J9 to the device ringing input. Path is AC coupled by C RS . Position 3 TRAP: Connects the VRS connector J9 thru RC network to the device ringing input. Path is AC coupled. JP6 Connects the device transmit output VTX to the CODEC amplifier for transhybrid balance. Path is AC coupled by CTX . JP7 Connects the receive output of CODEC to transhybrid amplifier, AC coupled by C1. Normally inserted for proper operation. JP8 Inserting jumper sets the CODEC to A-law coding. Open sets the CODEC to µ-law coding. JP9 Inserting jumper powers down the CODEC. Open provides normal CODEC operation. JP10 Position 1: Sets the CODEC master clock to 2.048MHz. Position 2: Sets the CODEC master clock to 512kHz Position 3: Sets the CODEC master clock to 256kHz. JP11 Enables the on board logic multiplexer. Should be installed for single board or back to back evaluations. Remove when driving BNCs J10 thru J13. JP12 Inserting jumper selects on board clock and frame sync generator. Insert to configure board as master for back to back evaluations or for single board evaluations. Remove to configure board as slave for back to back evaluations. 2 Application Note 1038 Test Points TABLE 1. ISL5585 OPERATING MODES Each connector interface to the evaluation board has a test point. All test points are DC coupled and should be guarded against ground shorts. High impedance test inputs, such as oscilloscopes or DVMs, should be used to monitor these points. Unused BNC connections also provide convenient test point access. OPERATING MODE Toggle Switches The six toggle switches, S1 thru S6, interface directly to the ISL5585 device. Positioning any switch towards the top of the board is a logic “1”. Positioning any switch towards the bottom of the board is a logic “0”. All switches are labeled with the control signal names. F2 F1 F0 Low Power Standby 0 0 0 Forward Active 0 0 1 Unused 0 1 0 Reverse Active 0 1 1 Ringing 1 0 0 Forward Loop Back (Note) 1 0 1 Tip Open 1 1 0 Power Denial 1 1 1 NOTE: The ISL5585 device should always operate from low battery voltage when using the Forward Loop Back mode. The switch E0 selects the switch hook (E0 = 1) or the ground key detector (E0 = 0) to appear at DET. During ringing, the device overrides E0 and sends the ring trip detector to DET. The switched labeled SWC turns on the uncommitted switch when set to a logic low. The battery select signal BSEL, selects the high battery when set to logic high. The operating modes for the ISL5585 device are provided in Table 1. Refer to the device electrical data sheet for detailed descriptions regarding each operating mode according to the device under evaluation. Evaluation Board Connector Descriptions CONNECTOR DESCRIPTION J1 RJ11 type phone connector. J2 Ring terminal of board. J3 Tip terminal of board. J4 Grounding lug connected to board ground plane. J5 1: VCC. Positive 5V supply to CODEC U6, clock generator U5 and logic devices U2 thru U4 (red wire). 2: VBH. High negative battery supply to the ISL5585 device (orange wire). 3: VBL. Low negative battery supply to the ISL5585 device (yellow wire). 4: +5V. Positive 5V supply to the ISL5585 device and LEDs (green wire). 7 thru 10: GND. Twisted pair returns for external supply connections (black wires). J6 Identical pinout as J5. Either connector provides daisy chain connection to second board for back to back evaluation. J7 Transmit analog output from ISL5585 device, VTX. This path is AC coupled by CTX . J8 Receive analog input to ISL5585 device, VREC. This path is AC coupled by CIN . J9 Ringing input to ISL5585 device, VRS. This path is AC coupled by C RS. J10 Serial transmit data output of CODEC U6. J11 Serial receive data input to CODEC U6. J12 Common frame sync input for receive and transmit digital data. J13 Common clock for CODEC data transfer and conversion. J14 20 pin, 100 mil spacing header with all digital PCM data interfaces to CODEC U6. J15 20 pin, 100 mil spacing header with all digital interfaces to ISL5585 device. 3 Application Note 1038 Stand Alone Configuration J5 J6 J10 J7 J9 J8 J4 J11 JP3 JP9 J3 JP6 JP4 ISL55855 APP CKT JP8 JP7 CODEC APP CKT J12 JP5 JP1 JP11 JP12 J2 JP2 J14 JP10 J1 S1 S2 S3 S4 S5 S6 CLOCK GENERATION & MUX J15 FIGURE 3. STAND ALONE CONNECTORS AND JUMPERS Description Status LEDs The standalone configuration supports any measurement of the ISL5585 device. With all the jumper locations open, the device is totally isolated from all other active circuitry on the evaluation board. All other circuitry is powered, but does not interfere with proper SLIC operation. The status LEDs DET and ALM are active for the stand alone configuration. DET should only light when a DC current path exists from Tip to Ring or during forward loop back. ALM should only light during forward loop back operation. Normal device evaluations should not cause the ALM indicator to light. Power Supply Connections Power should be applied to the evaluation board using the primary power cable. Either J5 or J6 may be used. Prior to applying power, the voltage setting of each supply should be verified. The power supplies should be turned off while mating the primary power cable to the evaluation board. Jumper Settings All jumper positions should be open for the stand alone configuration. Uncommitted Switch Jumpers When the jumpers JP1 and JP2 are installed, the uncommitted switch is connected across Tip and Ring. The test load of D TA and RTA will connect across the Tip and Ring terminals when the uncommitted switch is turned on. The DC load will result in DET transitioning to a logic low. The circuit diagram is shown below. TIP Measurement Capability JP2 Nearly all AC and DC parameters of the device can be measured using this configuration. The device has been socketed to allow easy measurements of more than a single device. An extraction tool has been included with the evaluation kit and should be used to remove the device from the socket. The typical device measurements are listed below. 1. Power supply current per operating mode. 2. Tip and Ring DC voltages per operating mode. 3. On hook AC gains G42 , G24 and G44 . 4. Off hook AC gains G42 , G24 and G44 . 5. Other AC parameters such as longitudinal balance. 4 RING DTA RTA JP1 SW+ SW- SWC FIGURE 4. TEST LOAD SWITCHING Socket Removal The surface mount socket for the ISL5585 device has the same solder foot print as the PLCC package. Therefore, the socket may be removed for more extensive characterization. Application Note 1038 Stand Alone Configuration Typical Measurements Supply Currents (milli amps) - On Hook F2, F1, F0 E0 SWC BSEL ICC (Vcc= 3.3v) IBH (Vbh= -100v) IBL (Vbl = -24v) Low Power Standby 0, 0, 0 x 1 1 2.9 0.6 0.3 Forward Active 0, 0, 1 x 1 0 3.7 0 1.2 Unused 0, 1, 0 n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a Reverse Active 0, 1, 1 x 1 0 3.7 0 1.2 Ringing 1, 0, 0 x 1 1 5.6 1.5 0.7 Forward Loop Back 1, 0, 1 x 1 0 11.9 0 20 Tip Open 1, 1, 0 x 1 1 2.9 0.6 0.3 Power Denial 1, 1, 1 x 1 x 3.3 0 0.2 OPERATING MODE Tip and Ring Voltages (Volts) - On Hook OPERATING MODE F2, F1, F0 E0 SWC BSEL TIP RING Low Power Standby 0, 0, 0 x 1 1 -0.7 -52 Forward Active 0, 0, 1 x 1 0 -3.9 -17 Unused 0, 1, 0 n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a Reverse Active 0, 1, 1 x 1 0 -17 -3.9 Ringing 1, 0, 0 x 1 1 -50 -50 Forward Loop Back 1, 0, 1 x 1 0 -3.9 -17 Tip Open 1, 1, 0 x 1 1 Float -52 Power Denial 1, 1, 1 x 1 x Float Float AC Gains (dB), Off Hook, 600Ω Termination - Forward and Reverse Active Only OPERATING MODE F2, F1, F0 E0 SWC BSEL G42 G24 G44 Forward Active 0, 0, 1 x 1 0 0.0 -7.3 -7.3 Reverse Active 0, 1, 1 x 1 0 0.0 -7.3 -7.3 AC Gain Equations G42 RS V 2W ZL ZL RS G 4-2 = ------------ = 2 ---------- ---------------------------------------- = 2 -------------------- = ---------V IN R Z + Z + 2 Z + Z R I N L O RP L L IN G24 ZO G 24 = – --------------------------------------- Z O + 2R P + Z L G44 ZO RS = – ---------- --------------------------------------- G 44 = G 42 × G 24 R Z + 2R + Z IN L P O 5 Application Note 1038 Ringing Configuration J5 J6 J10 J7 J9 J8 J4 J11 JP3 JP9 JP6 JP4 J3 ISL5585 APP CKT JP8 JP7 CODEC APP CKT J12 J13 JP5 JP1 JP11 JP12 J2 JP2 J14 JP10 J1 S1 S2 S3 S4 S5 S6 1 0 0 x 1 1 CLOCK GENERATION & MUX J15 FIGURE 5. RINGING CONNECTORS AND JUMPERS Description The ringing configuration supports full evaluation of the ringing capability of the ISL5585 device. The evaluation board design does not include a 20Hz digital code generator, therefore, all ringing waveforms will be sourced by external test equipment. Power Supply Connections Power should be applied to the evaluation board using the primary power cable. Either J5 or J6 may be used. Prior to applying power, the voltage setting of each supply should be verified. The power supplies should be turned off while mating the primary power cable to the evaluation board. Jumper Settings The jumper JP5 provides three positions for different ringing techniques. TABLE 2. JP5 JUMPER POSITIONS JP5 POSN CODEC DESCRIPTION Connects the CODEC receive output to the device ringing input. Signal path is AC coupled. EXT Connects the VRS connector J9 to the device ringing input. Signal path is AC coupled. TRAP Connects the VRS connector J9 thru RC network to the device ringing input. Signal path is AC coupled. CODEC Ringing Most test equipment designed to evaluate the CODEC PCM interface are capable of output frequencies as low as 20Hz. If such a piece of equipment is available, then CODEC 6 ringing can be evaluated. The digital interface to the CODEC would be provided by the BNC connectors J10 thru J13. Verify JP11 is open prior to driving signals into the BNC connectors. An output level of 0dBm from the CODEC will provide full scale ringing when operating from -100V battery. External Ringing Source Using an external function generator at J9 provides the most control of the ringing waveform. The flexibility of the ringing interface can be fully exercised by the function generator. To evaluate DC offsets during ringing, the capacitor C RS must be shorted. Most functions generators provide DC offset as part of the output waveform. Positive DC offsets on VRS move Tip towards ground and Ring towards battery. Trapezoidal Ringing A logic level square wave, at J9, with 50% duty cycle will be shaped by the components RTRAP and CTRAP when this jumper position is selected. The components shipped with the evaluation board will result in a 75VRMS trapezoidal ringing waveform when operating from a -100V battery. Ring Trip Control Three very distinct actions occur when the devices detects a ring trip. First, the DET output is latched low. The latching mechanism eliminates the need for software filtering of the detector output. The latch is cleared when the operating mode is changed externally. Second, the VRS input is disabled, removing the ring signal from the line. Third, the device is internally forced to the forward active mode. The low battery is not automatically selected upon ring trip. Application Note 1038 Digital Loop Back Configuration J5 J6 J10 J7 J8 J9 J4 J11 JP3 JP9 JP6 JP4 J3 ISL5585 APP CKT JP8 JP7 CODEC APP CKT J12 J13 JP5 JP1 JP11 JP12 J2 JP2 J14 JP10 J1 S1 S2 S3 S4 S5 S6 0 0 1 x 1 0 CLOCK GENERATION & MUX J15 FIGURE 6. DIGITAL LOOP BACK CONNECTORS AND JUMPERS Description Signal Flow The digital loop back configuration verifies the interface and operation of the ISL5585 device and the CODEC. This configuration provides a self test to verify proper operation of the board. In addition, it provides a complete digital loop, allowing analog control of the digital input and output of the CODEC. Forward active and reverse active or teletax will support the digital loop back configuration. Driving a signal at VREC, J8, will result in a signal from the CODEC receive output when the ISL5585 device is terminated at Tip and Ring. The following diagram shows the signal path formed by the jumpers and terminated SLIC. VREC (J8) RIN TIP Power Supply Connections Power should be applied to the evaluation board using the primary power cable. Either J5 or J6 may be used. Prior to applying power, the voltage setting of each supply should be verified. The power supplies should be turned off while mating the primary power cable to the evaluation board. Jumper Settings TABLE 3. DIGITAL LOOP BACK JUMPER POSITIONS JP6 PO- -IN DR 600Ω J14 VTX RING ISL5585 -2 JP6 TG DT CODEC FIGURE 7. DIGITAL LOOP BACK SIGNAL FLOW All jumper settings and functions are described below. JUMPER JP4 DESCRIPTION Connects the device transmit output VTX to the CODEC amplifier for transhybrid balance. JP10, POSN 2 Sets the CODEC master clock to 512kHz. JP11 Enables the on board logic multiplexer. JP12 Inserting jumper selects on board clock and frame sync generator. J14, POSN 1 Connects the CODEC digital output DT to digital input DR. 7 With VREC input signal level of 0.775VRMS , a signal level of 0.337VRMS should result at the VTX output when terminated with 600Ω. The signal level at VTX is determined by the 4-wire to 4-wire gain, G44 , of the ISL5585. The transhybrid balance is not connected, therefore, the digitized signal level at the CODEC will be approximately 0.674VRMS . The CODEC transfer functions are set for unity gain, therefore the signal level at PO- should be approximately 0.674VRMS . The signal levels for digital loop back are independent of the clock selected by JP10. Refer to the device electrical data sheet for the design equations for the 4-wire to 4-wire gain as a function of termination and synthesized impedance. Application Note 1038 PCM4 Configuration J5 J6 J10 J7 J9 J8 J4 J11 JP3 JP9 JP6 JP4 J3 ISL5585 APP CKT JP8 JP7 CODEC APP CKT J12 J13 JP5 JP1 JP11 JP12 J2 JP2 J14 JP10 J1 S1 S2 S3 S4 S5 S6 0 0 1 x 1 0 CLOCK GENERATION & MUX J15 FIGURE 8. PCM4 CONNECTORS AND JUMPERS Description Clock and Frame Sync The PCM4 configuration verifies the AC transmission of the ISL5585 and CODEC. Any piece of test equipment capable of PCM testing with digital and analog interfaces can be used in this configuration. The clock and frame sync signals are driven at connectors J13 and J12 respectively. The clock input is common to the MCLK, BCLKT and BCLKR of the CODEC. The frame sync input is common to the receive and transmit frame syncs, FSR and FST, of the CODEC. These connections define synchronous mode of operation. Power Supply Connections Power should be applied to the evaluation board using the primary power cable. Either J5 or J6 may be used. Prior to applying power, the voltage setting of each supply should be verified. The power supplies should be turned off while mating the primary power cable to the evaluation board. Jumper Settings All jumper settings are described below. TABLE 4. PCM4 JUMPER POSITIONS JUMPER DESCRIPTION JP4 Connects the receive output of the CODEC (U6) to the device receive input -IN through RIN. Signal path is AC coupled. JP6 Connects the device transmit output VTX to the CODEC amplifier for transhybrid balance. Signal path is AC coupled. JP7 Connects the receive output of CODEC to transhybrid amplifier, AC coupled by C1. JP8 Inserting jumper set the CODEC to A-law coding. Open sets the CODEC to µ-law coding. This must match PCM test equipment coding scheme for proper operation. 8 Digital to Analog The receive signal path is defined from the CODEC PCM input to the ISL5585 Tip and Ring outputs. The PCM4 tester is capable of driving digital test signals on the PCM bus and measuring the resultant signal at Tip and Ring. With this type of capability, the full receive path can be evaluated. Typical performance measurements include overall loss, gain variation versus frequency, gain versus signal level and 2-wire return loss. In addition fidelity measurements such as idle channel noise and distortion are also performed. Analog to Digital The transmit signal path is defined from ISL5585 Tip and Ring interface to the CODEC PCM output. The same tests performed for the receive path also apply to the transmit path. Digital to Digital The digital to digital path is from the CODEC PCM input to the CODEC PCM output. This signal path provides a measure of the transhybrid balance for the line circuit. Most other AC performance metrics are base on analog to digital or digital to analog measurements. For proper transhybrid measurements, verify jumper JP7 is inserted. Application Note 1038 PCM4 Configuration Typical Measurements MODE A 33 VAR. GAIN/FRE. TX: +1.5 RX: -0.dBr A-A MODE A 33 VAR. GAIN/FRE. TX: +1.5 RX: RX TS +1.0 TS A-D D-A +0.0 RESULT D-D dB -1.5 200 TS 0 TX: FREQ. 1000 +0.00 dBm0 2000 3000 201Hz 3600 ∆ =100Hz FIGURE 9. DIGITAL TO ANALOG GAIN vs FREQUENCY MODE A 43 VAR. GAIN/LEV. TX: +2.0 RX: -0.0dBr MODIF. A-A D-A RESULT +0.0 D-A +0.0 D-D SWP/S 1000 +0.00 dBm0 2000 201Hz 3000 FREQ. 3600 ∆ = 100Hz FIGURE 10. ANALOG TO DIGITAL GAIN vs FREQUENCY MODE A 43 VAR. GAIN/LEV. TX: +2.0 +0.0 RX: dBr MODIF. RX: TS 0 RESULT A-A A-D +1.0 D-A +0.0 dB D-D dB A-D -1.5 200 TX: TS 0 A-D +1.0 0 +1.0 -1.0 RX: TS A-A dB SWP/S -1.0 dBr 0 0 RESULT +0.0 RX: D-D -1.0 -1.0 SWP/S -2.0 -55.0 TX: TS 0 -40.0 -55.0 0dBM0 -20.0 1014Hz LEVEL +0.0 ∆ = 2.0dB SWP/S TX: FIGURE 11. DIGITAL TO ANALOG GAIN vs LEVEL MODE A 55 TOTAL DIST. +44.0 TX: MODE A 55 TOTAL DIST. +44.0 A-A LEVEL +0.0 ∆ = 2.0dB TX: +0.0 RX: dBr A-A RX: +40.0 TS A-D 0 D-A RESULT+30.0 dB RESULT +30.0 D-A dB D-D +20.0 SWP/S +14.0 -55.0 -40.0 TS 0 -55.0 0dBm0 -20.0 1014Hz LEVEL +0.0 ∆ = 2.0dB FIGURE 13. DIGITAL TO ANALOG TOTAL DISTORTION 9 A-D 0 D-D +20.0 TX: -20.0 1014Hz FIGURE 12. ANALOG TO DIGITAL GAIN vs LEVEL RX: 0.0dBr RX:+40.0 TS -2.0 -55.0 -40.0 TS 0 -55.0 0dBm0 TX: +14.0 -55.0 -40.0 TS 0 -55.0 0dBm0 SWP/S -20.0 1014Hz LEVEL +0.0 ∆ = 2.0dB FIGURE 14. ANALOG TO DIGITAL TOTAL DISTORTION Application Note 1038 Back to Back Configuration MASTER 0 0 0 1 x 1 1 x 1 0 0 0 SLAVE SECONDARY POWER CABLE FIGURE 15. BACK TO BACK CONNECTORS AND JUMPERS Description TABLE 6. SLAVE BOARD JUMPER POSITIONS The back to back configuration connects two evaluation boards together at the PCM interface. The PCM output data from one board is the PCM input data to the other board. One board is configured as a master for clock generation and the other is configured as a slave. A secondary power cable provides daisy chain power to the second evaluation board. Power Supply Connections Power should be applied to the evaluation board using the primary power cable. Either J5 or J6 may be used. Prior to applying power, the voltage setting of each supply should be verified. The power supplies should be turned off while mating the power cables to the evaluation boards. Jumper Settings All jumper settings are described below. TABLE 5. MASTER BOARD JUMPER POSITIONS JUMPER DESCRIPTION JP4 Connects the receive output of the CODEC (U6) to the device receive input -IN through RIN. JP6 Connects the device transmit output VTX to the CODEC amplifier for transhybrid balance. JP7 Connects the receive output of CODEC to transhybrid amplifier, AC coupled by C1. JP10, POSN 2 Sets the CODEC master clock to 512kHz. JP11 Enables the on board logic multiplexer. JP12 Configures board as master. 10 JUMPER DESCRIPTION JP4 Connects the receive output of the CODEC (U6) to the device receive input -IN through RIN. JP6 Connects the device transmit output VTX to the CODEC amplifier for transhybrid balance. JP7 Connects the receive output of CODEC to transhybrid amplifier, AC coupled by C1. JP11 Enables the on board logic multiplexer. In this configuration the master board provides the clock and frame sync to the slave board. The selection of the clock rate is arbitrary and may be any of the available frequencies. The ribbon cable used to connect the two boards at J14 also connects the ground planes of the two evaluation boards. Having returns adjacent to the high speed clock edges is critical to reducing board level noise. If transmission quality is poor verify both master and slave boards are set up for same coding scheme, JP8. In addition, verify the transhybrid jumper, JP7, is inserted in both boards. If signal quality still does not improve, verify JP12 of the slave board is not populated. Analog to Analog Verification The back to back configuration verifies the complete signal path of two evaluation boards. Full duplex transmission is provided from one Tip and Ring interface to the other. Both ISL5585 devices do not have to be in the same transmission mode (forward, reverse or teletax) for proper back to back operation. Application Note 1038 CPS1 CPS2 D1 CPS3 VCC VBL VBH AUX RP1 U1 TIP VRS CRS CTX ISL5585 RP2 RING VTX RS SW+ CRT RRT -IN SW- CIN CFB VFB RT RSH SWC SH BSEL E0 RIL ILIM F0 F1 CDC VCC RIN CDC F2 CPOL DET POL ALM TL RTL AGND BGND FIGURE 16. ISL5585 BASIC APPLICATION CIRCUIT Basic Application Circuit Component List COMPONENT VALUE TOLERANCE RATING COMPONENT VALUE TOLERANCE RATING C DC, CFB 4.7µF 20% 10V U1 - Ringing SLIC ISL5585 N/A N/A R RT 20kΩ 1% 0.1W C PS1 0.1µF 20% >100V R SH 49.9kΩ 1% 0.1W C PS2 , CPS3 0.1µF 20% 100V R IL 71.5kΩ 1% 0.1W D1 1N400X type with breakdown > 100V. RS 66.5kΩ 1% 0.1W R TL 17.8kΩ 1% 0.1W R P1, RP2 = 50Ω , 0.5W, matched to 0.1Ω. C IN , CRS , C TX , CRT , C POL 0.47µF 20% 10V Protection resistor values are application dependent and will be determined by protection requirements. Standard applications will use ≥ 50Ω per side. Design Parameters: Ring Trip Threshold = 90mAPEAK. Switch Hook Threshold = 12mA, Loop Current Limit = 24.6mA, Transient current limit: ISOURCE = 100mA, ISINK = 120mA, Synthesize Device Impedance = 66.5KΩ /133.3 = 500Ω, with 51Ω protection resistors, impedance across Tip and Ring terminals = 603Ω. 11 TIP RING J5 J5 J5 J5 J5 J5 J5 J5 J5 J5 J4 J1 J5 TIP J2 RING J6 J6 J6 5 6 7 8 9 10 J6 J6 J6 J6 4 J6 2 3 J6 5 6 7 8 9 10 4 3 2 1 +5V R14 VCC R2 R1 R15 + BSEL +5V CRT J6 1 F2 - F1 CR2 CR1 +5V + RIL +5V F2 F0 17 4 19 AUX 18 VRS 20 VTX 22 -IN 21 VFB 7 SWC 1 E0 10 F0 9 F1 8 F2 16 NC 15 BSEL 12 DET ALM 13 DET ALM SWC E0 14 2 AGND BGND CDC POL TL 25 TD 27 SH 26 ILIM RTA 5 SW+ 6 SW- 24 3 +5V VBLVBH 23 RIN CR3 CIN VBH CPS5 JP3 VBL DTA 1 TIP 28 RING JP2 CPS4 JP1 CR4 CPS1 CPS2 CPS3 +5V CDC 2 1 2 RRT S6 3 2 CPOL S3 ISL5585 S4 RSH S1 3 1 S2 3 1 RTL 2 3 1 2 S5 3 1 2 3 1 RP CP 2 4 6 8 10 12 14 16 18 20 ALM 1 DET 3 BSEL 5 7 F2 9 F1 11 F0 13 15 E0 17 SWC 19 J15 X0-43B 4 5 14 11 VCC 4 5 14 11 VCC CTRAP VAG R4 R3 R9 R8 R7 R6 R5 20 19 18 17 5 4 3 2 1 TI+ VAC TI- TC P0+ P0- P1 R0- R0+ 0.1µF C2 15 JP8 A-LAW VSS _PCI 0R DT U6 FSR MC145484 FST BCLKR BCLKT MCLK µ/A VDD 6 VCC 10 13 7 14 9 12 11 16 8 9 P0 P1 P2 P3 Q0 PL Q1 Q2 CP Q3 U/D TC CE RC 15 1 10 GND = 8, VCC = 16 7 12 13 3 2 6 C4 VCC FS_CNT C5 C6 1 411 S 311 410 310 U4 R11 R10 110 111 210 211 JP12 MASTER JP9 PD JP10 15 1 10 9 2.048MHz 1 2 P0 P1 P2 P3 3 512kHz 3 4 PL Q0 2 2 256kHz 5 6 Q1 3 6 CP Q2 5 7 DR_IN Q3 6 U/D 12 TC 11 13 CE RC CLK_IN 10 GND = 8, VCC = 16 14 FS_IN 13 VRS JP7 2 CODEC THB 4 EXT 6 TRAP RTRAP C1 14 VCC OUT 8 U5 7 GND CFB VCC 1 3 5 JP4 CODEC VXMIT J7 RS CTX CRS VREC J8 U2 74HC191M U2 74HC191M 12 4Y 3Y 2Y 1Y R13 VCC J13 J12 J10 J11 J14 2 DR_IN 1 4 3 FS_OUT 5 6 8 7 CLK_OUT 9 10 11 12 CLK_IN 13 14 15 16 FS_IN 17 18 19 20 DR_N DT_OUT JP11 B2B 15 R12 12 FS_OUT 9 CLK_OUT 7 4 DT_OUT VCC CLK FS DT DR OE 74HC257M Evaluation Board Schematic Application Note 1038 Application Note 1038 ISL5585XEVAL1 Electrical Component List COMPONENT VALUE TOLERANCE RATING COMPONENT VALUE TOLERANCE RATING U 1 - Ringing SLIC HC5518x N/A N/A R 3, R7 100kΩ 1% 0.10W U 2, U 3 74HC191M N/A N/A R5, R6, R8, R9, R10, R11, R12, R13 10kΩ 1% 0.10W U4 74HC257M N/A N/A R14, R15 51Ω 5%, picked to 0.1Ω 0.50W U5 XO-43B N/A N/A CRT, C IN, CRS, CTX, C1, CPOL, CTRAP 0.47µF 20% 20V U6 MC145484DW N/A N/A CDC, CFB 4.7µF 20% 20V R RT, RTRAP 20kΩ 1% 0.10W CPS1, CPS2, CPS3, CPS4, CPS5 0.1µF 20% 100V R SH 49.9kΩ 1% 0.10W C2, C3, C4, C5, C6 0.1µF 20% 20V R IL 71.5kΩ 1% 0.10W CR3 DL4003CT-ND N/A N/A R TA 100Ω 1% 0.25W DTA BAS21ZXCT N/A N/A RS 66.5kΩ 1% 0.10W CR1, CR2 LN1251C N/A N/A RP 0Ω 1% 0.10W R4 44.2kΩ 1% 0.10W R 1, R 2 499Ω 1% 0.10W RTL 17.8kΩ 1% 0.10W R IN 66.5kΩ 1% 0.10W ISL5585XEVAL1 Mechanical Component List COMPONENT VALUE TOLERANCE RATING COMPONENT VALUE TOLERANCE RATING U 1- Socket 822271-1 N/A N/A J14, J15 10 Pin Header N/A N/A U 6 Socket IC51-0202-347 N/A N/A J2, J3, J4 39F893 N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A J5, J6 43045-1000 N/A N/A JP5, JP10 3 Pin Header J1 555165-1 N/A N/A JP1, JP2, JP3, JP4, JP6, JP7, JP8, JP9, JP11, JP12 1 Pin Header J7, J8, J9, J10, J11, J12, J13 CBJR20 N/A N/A S1, S2, S3, S4, S5, S6 65F1681 All Intersil U.S. products are manufactured, assembled and tested utilizing ISO9000 quality systems. Intersil Corporation’s quality certifications can be viewed at Intersil products are sold by description only. Intersil Corporation reserves the right to make changes in circuit design, software and/or specifications at any time without notice. Accordingly, the reader is cautioned to verify that data sheets are current before placing orders. Information furnished by Intersil is believed to be accurate and reliable. However, no responsibility is assumed by Intersil or its subsidiaries for its use; nor for any infringements of patents or other rights of third parties which may result from its use. No license is granted by implication or otherwise under any patent or patent rights of Intersil or its subsidiaries. For information regarding Intersil Corporation and its products, see 13