Fact Book 2009 【連結 Consolidated】 (2009年3月期 決算データ) For the Fiscal Year ended March 31, 2009 Page 1. 業績の概要 (1) (2) 2. 売上 (1) (2) (3)-(6) (7) Sales Sales Sales Sales by by by by Product Category Region/Overseas Sales Ratio Product Category and by Region Application 2 2 3,4 5 Cost of Sales/S.G.&A. Expenses/Operating Income 売上原価・販管費・営業利益 売上原価率・販管費比率 Cost of Sales/S.G.&A. Expenses/Operating Income Cost of Sales as % of Net Sales/S.G.&A. Expenses as % of Net Sales R&D Expenses 8 Others 金融収支 従業員数・研究開発人員数 為替レート・為替差損益 棚卸資産 自己資本・総資産 自己資本利益率・総資産利益率 1株当たり当期純利益・1株当たり純資産 1株当たり配当金・連結配当性向 計算式 データ集 7 7 Research and Development 研究開発費 6. その他 6 6 Capital Expenditures/Depreciation 設備投資 Capital Expenditures 当期純利益・減価償却費と設備投資の関係 Net Income, Depreciation, and Capex 5. 研究開発 (1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7) (8) ※ 1 1 Sales 4. 設備投資・減価償却費 (1) (2) Results of Operations Income Ratio 部門別売上高 地域別売上高・海外売上比率 部門別地域別売上高 用途別売上構成比 3. 売上原価・販管費・営業利益 (1) (2) Results of Operations 業績 利益率 Net Financial Revenue Number of Employees/Number of R&D Employees Exchange Rate/Foreign Currency Exchange Gains(Losses) Inventories Shareholders' Equity/Total Assets Return on Equity/Return on Total Assets Earnings per Share/Book Value per Share Dividends/Payout Ratio Formula 8 9 9 10 10 11 11 12 12 Data 13-15 貸借対照表・損益計算書・キャッシュフローの推移 10-year Summary of B/S, P/L and C/F 16-19 (注) 当資料は投資分析を目的として作成しておりますので、 投資分析にのみご使用ください。 2 2010年3月期の予想は、現時点で得られた情報にもとづいております。 従って、実際の業績は業況の変化などにより記載の予想と 大きく異なる場合があります。 Note:1 This data is prepared for investors investigation. Please pay attention to use this data only for investment analysis. 2 The forecasts for the fiscal year ending March, 2010 are based upon the information which the company considers reasonable at this time. Actual results may differ considerably by the changes of environment and so forth. 2009.5.12 発行 Issued: May 12, 2009 広報IR室 〒615-8585 京都市右京区西院溝崎町21 Tel: (075) 315-5729 Fax: (075) 311-0358 Public Relations and Investor Relations Dept. 21, Saiin Mizosaki-cho, Ukyo-ku, Kyoto, 615-8585, Japan Tel: +81 (75) 315-5729 Fax: +81 (75) 311-0358 1. 業績の概要 Results of Operations 【連結 Consolidated】 (1) 業績 Results of Operations (百万円/\million) 500,000 売上高 Net Sales 400,000 395,081 387,790 373,405 369,023 営業利益 Operating Income 350,000 317,140 300,000 経常利益 Ordinary Income 200,000 当期純利益 Net Income 76,054 100,000 68,318 69,497 78,437 79,320 77,578 48,304 45,135 67,361 62,796 47,446 10,540 22,000 18,544 31,931 22,500 9,837 10,000 0 '05/3 '06/3 '07/3 '08/3 '09/3 '10/3[予/Est.] (2) 利益率 Income Ratio (%) 30 営業利益率 Operating Income Ratio 21.5 20.2 20 19.6 20.6 18.0 17.6 12.2 12.5 10 17.6 経常利益率 Ordinary Income Ratio 16.8 当期純利益率 Net Income Ratio 12.0 8.6 5.8 3.3 3.1 6.4 6.3 2.9 0 '05/3 '06/3 '07/3 '08/3 '09/3 -1- '10/3[予/Est.] 2. 売上 Sales 【連結 Consolidated】 (1) 部門別売上高 Sales by Product Category (百万円/\million) 500,000 合計 Total 387,790 400,000 395,081 373,405 369,023 350,000 集積回路 Integrated Circuits 317,140 300,000 159,022 170,087 173,441 162,940 159,924 半導体素子 Discrete Semiconductor Devices 206,381 200,000 141,787 150,636 156,535 受動部品 Passive Components 155,469 114,232 100,000 23,610 44,603 24,998 42,068 24,735 40,369 23,446 '06/3 '07/3 ディスプレイ Displays 17,051 31,549 23,789 25,777 '08/3 '09/3 '10/3[予/Est.] 0 '05/3 19,193 100,790 (2) 地域別売上高・海外売上比率 Sales by Region/Overseas Sales Ratio (%) 70 (百万円/\million) 500,000 63.1 61.1 59.7 400,000 387,790 59.1 395,081 300,000 153,671 60 350,000 373,405 369,023 156,268 国内 Domestic 61.0 56.1 合計 Total 50 317,140 アジア Asia 137,761 161,852 143,269 40 アメリカ N.&S. America 123,791 30 200,000 174,159 200,100 209,738 20 206,310 168,679 100,000 ヨーロッパ Europe 177,853 10 13,990 0 19,021 '05/3 15,138 16,282 '06/3 15,212 16,459 '07/3 13,301 16,031 '08/3 -2- 11,684 12,985 '09/3 15,169 13,707 '10/3[予/Est.] 0 海外売上比率 Overseas Sales Ratio 【連結 Consolidated】 (3) 集積回路 地域別売上高 Integrated Circuits Sales by Region (百万円/\million) 240,000 (%) 80 合計 Total 206,381 200,000 170,087 173,441 162,940 159,022 60 159,924 160,000 53.2 52.0 52.1 50.5 51.2 48.6 120,000 85,874 82,977 78,128 国内 Domestic アジア Asia 96,669 76,775 40 81,750 アメリカ N.&S. America 80,000 93,794 40,000 0 80,145 79,375 68,391 3,861 3,598 2,968 4,596 5,672 3,872 3,822 3,498 3,858 '06/3 '07/3 ヨーロッパ Europe 74,693 78,345 3,207 '05/3 20 '08/3 '09/3 海外売上比率 Overseas Sales Ratio 9,477 6,439 0 '10/3[予/Est.] (4) 半導体素子 地域別売上高 Discrete Semiconductor Devices Sales by Region (百万円/\million) (%) 80 200,000 160,000 62.4 141,787 68.0 65.6 150,636 156,535 67.8 65.6 155,469 60 50,037 120,000 69.9 46,821 51,840 100,790 40 36,832 アメリカ N.&S. America 34,691 80,000 85,108 92,167 94,873 67,813 40,000 6,811 7,629 0 '05/3 国内 Domestic アジア Asia 114,232 53,345 74,000 合計 Total '06/3 6,935 7,097 6,660 4,510 6,752 7,233 7,113 5,076 '07/3 '08/3 '09/3 -3- 20 ヨーロッパ Europe 58,462 3,785 3,850 '10/3[予/Est.] 0 海外売上比率 Overseas Sales Ratio 【連結 Consolidated】 (5) 受動部品 地域別売上高 Passive Components Sales by Region (百万円/\million) 200,000 160,000 73.3 81.0 78.5 69.8 (%) 100 合計 Total 80 国内 Domestic 79.1 64.2 120,000 60 80,000 40 アジア Asia アメリカ N.&S. America ヨーロッパ Europe 40,000 20 23,610 0 '05/3 24,735 8,446 24,998 7,558 10,510 12,716 13,856 14,714 1,612 3,040 1,915 2,807 1,728 2,548 1,434 2,266 '06/3 6,601 '07/3 5,030 23,446 '08/3 19,193 '09/3 3,569 3,653 17,051 12,623 11,206 1,057 737 0 1,859 1,537 海外売上比率 Overseas Sales Ratio '10/3[予/Est.] (6) ディスプレイ 地域別売上高 Displays Sales by Region (百万円/\million) 200,000 (%) 80 75.3 160,000 合計 Total 72.6 72.4 67.0 67.6 59.0 60 120,000 国内 Domestic アジア Asia 40 アメリカ N.&S. America 80,000 44,603 42,068 20 40,369 40,000 0 '05/3 18,308 13,891 11,157 21,257 22,899 23,568 2,359 2,426 2,788 2,678 2,850 2,854 '06/3 '07/3 31,549 7,781 25,777 8,339 23,789 6,529 14,389 13,549 2,236 1,168 1,519 1,880 0 2,190 3,153 ヨーロッパ Europe 18,377 '08/3 -4- '09/3 '10/3[予/Est.] 海外売上比率 Overseas Sales Ratio 【連結 Consolidated】 (7) 用途別売上構成比 Sales by Application (注)当グラフは、製品納入先から用途を推定して作成したものであり、 当社の推測を含んでいますので、参考値としてご使用ください。 Note: Data on this page include guess to some extent. Please use these data for your reference. 09/3 Others その他, 11.5% Visual 映像, 8.1% Audio 音響, 10.5% Home Appliances 家電, 2.4% Subassemblies 部品/ユニット, 16.4% Other Industrial 産機その他, 2.1% Other Consumer 民生その他, 15.2% Automotive 自動車, 8.6% Telecommunicatioins 通信機器 11.8% Computers and OA 事務機・電算機, 13.4% 08/9 Others その他, 11.9% Visual 映像, 8.3% Subassemblies 部品/ユニット, 16.7% Other Industrial 産機その他, 2.1% Automotive 自動車, 8.7% Telecommunicatiois 通信機器, 11.4% 用途 Application 映像 Visual 音響 Audio 家電 Home Appliances 民生その他 Other Consumer 事務機・電算機 Computers and OA 通信機器 Telecommunications 自動車 Automotive 産機その他 Other Industrial 部品/ユニット Subassemblies その他 Others Audio 音響, 12.1% Home Appliances 家電, 2.4% Other Consumer 民生その他, 12.1% Computers and OA 事務機・電算機, 14.3% 主な最終製品 End Products テレビ、デジタルテレビ、VTR、VTRカメラ、DVDプレーヤなど TV, Digital TV, VCR, VCR Camera, DVD, e.t.c. ラジカセ、CD、MD、カーオーディオ、ステレオ、MP3など Radio Cassette Recorder, CD, MD, Car Audio, Stereo, MP3, e.t.c. 電子レンジ、炊飯器、エアコン、カーエアコンなど Microwave Oven, Electric Rice Cooker, Air Conditioner, Car Air Conditioner, e.t.c. デジタルスチルカメラ、カメラ、電子楽器、ゲーム機、時計、健康機器など Digital Still Camera, Camera, Electronic Musical Instrument, Game Machine, Watch, Health Device, e.t.c. パソコン、サーバー、PDA、プリンタ、データストレージ(DVD-ROM、CD-RW、CD-ROM、HDD、FDD)、 モニタ、各種端末装置など PC, Server, PDA, Printer, Data Storage(DVD-ROM, CD-RW, CD-ROM, HDD, FDD), Monitor, Terminal, e.t.c. 電話機、携帯電話・PHS、モデム、FAX、ネットワークなど Telephone, Cellular Phone・PHS, Modem, FAX, Network, e.t.c. エンジンコントロールユニット、エアバッグ、カーナビなど Engine Control Unit, Air bag, Car Navigation, e.t.c. 電気測定器、工作機械、医療機器、自販機など Electrical Measuring Equipment, Machine Tool, Medical Equipment, Vending Machine, e.t.c. チューナー、モーター、電源、光ピックアップ、各種ユニットなど Tuner, Motor, Power, Optical Pick up Laser, Unit, e.t.c. 商社販売、OEMなど Sales for trading company, OEM, e.t.c. -5- 3.売上原価・販管費・営業利益 Cost of Sales/S.G.&A. Expenses/Operating Income 【連結 Consolidated】 (1) 売上原価・販管費・営業利益 Cost of Sales/S.G.&A. Expenses/Operating Income (百万円/\ million) 500,000 売上高 Net Sales 400,000 387,790 395,081 373,405 369,023 350,000 317,140 売上原価 Cost of Sales 300,000 221,132 243,516 251,516 230,839 243,800 217,282 200,000 100,000 販売費・一般管理費 S.G. & A. Expenses 71,836 76,054 75,954 68,318 74,067 69,497 75,204 89,318 005/3 06/3 '07/3 84,200 67,361 '08/3 10,540 22,000 '09/3 '10/3[予/Est.] 営業利益 Operating Income (2) 売上原価率・販管費比率 Cost of Sales as % of Net Sales /S.G.&A. Expenses as % of Net Sales (%) 80 68.5 59.9 62.8 63.7 69.7 売上原価率 Cost of Sales Ratio 61.8 60 販管費比率 S.G. &A. Expenses Ratio 40 28.2 24.1 20 19.5 19.6 18.7 05/3 06/3 '07/3 20.1 0 '08/3 -6- '09/3 '10/3[予/Est.] 4.設備投資・減価償却費 Capital Expenditures・Depreciation 【連結 Consolidated】 (1) 設備投資 Capital Expenditures 設備投資額 Capital Expenditures (百万円/\million) 100,000 85,171 集積回路 Integrated Circuits 80,239 80,000 38,295 60,925 60,000 44,254 51,490 34,403 50,500 38,721 40,000 20,000 22,782 22,052 半導体素子 Discrete Semiconductor Devices 受動部品 Passive Components 12,816 1,689 20,000 20,820 17,291 6,779 3,546 16,353 9,731 0 '05/3 06/3 4,767 22,700 3,443 2,033 2,445 2,018 07/3 15,973 16,970 1,886 ディスプレイ Displays 1,468 3,096 5,432 6,194 '08/3 '09/3 1,900 1,900 4,000 その他 Others '10/3[予/Est.] (2) 当期純利益・減価償却費と設備投資の関係 Net Income, Depreciation, and Capex (百万円/\million) 100,000 80,000 60,000 40,000 7,066 20,000 0- 47,159 '05/3 ネット金額 48,270 24,734 6,677 12,500 Net 120,000 90,000 60,000 30,000 48,304 当期純利益 Net Income 47,446 31,931 45,135 9,837 47,102 56,669 60,638 55,060 48,330 10,000 53,000 減価償却費 Depreciation 0- -38,721 -30,000 -85,171 -80,239 -60,925 -51,490 -50,500 -60,000 設備投資額 Capital Expenditures -90,000 -120,000 '05/3 06/3 07/3 '08/3 '09/3 -7- '10/3[予/Est.] 5.研究開発費 Research and Development 【連結 Consolidated】 研究開発費R&D Expenses (百万円/\million) (%) 14.0 40,290 研究開発費 R & D Expenses 12.7 40,000 12.0 36,500 33,891 33,794 32,342 33,061 10.4 10.0 30,000 8.8 8.7 8.6 8.9 8.0 30,660 22,066 21,673 22,464 28,400 22,288 20,000 10,000 5,906 6,320 5,609 0- 1,472 1,384 1,629 6,486 3,431 4,023 4,047 '05/3 '06/3 '07/3 6,274 1,543 2,743 '08/3 1,178 800 2,175 1,300 '09/3 半導体素子 Discrete Semiconductor Devices 6.0 受動部品 Passive Components 4.0 ディスプレイ Displays 2.0 6,000 集積回路 Integrated Circuits 売上高比率 as % of Net Sales 0.0 '10/3[予/Est.] 6.その他 Others (1)金融収支Net Financial Revenue (百万円/\million) 15,000 10,000 5,000 3,318 金融収支 Net Financial Revenue 11,808 10,414 6,283 5,791 1,500 0 '05/3 '06/3 '07/3 '08/3 '09/3 '10/3[予/Est.] 14,000 12,000 受取利息・配当金 Interest and Dividends 10,000 8,000 6,000 11,808 支払利息・割引料 Interest and Discounts 10,414 4,000 6,283 2,000 5,808 3,318 1,500 0 0 0 0 0 -16 0 '05/3 '06/3 '07/3 '08/3 '09/3 '10/3[予/Est.] -2,000 -8- 【連結 Consolidated】 (2)従業員数・研究開発人員数 Number of Eployees/Number of R&D Employees 全従業員数 Total Number of Employees (名/number) 24,000 22,034 22,000 20,000 海外関係会社 Overseas Subsidiaries 21,331 20,539 20,422 20,279 19,803 18,000 国内関係会社 Domestic Subsidiaries 16,000 14,531 14,000 12,000 15,410 15,353 15,129 15,026 14,431 ローム単体 Rohm Nonconsolidated 10,000 8,000 6,000 4,000 4,359 2,079 2,003 1,938 2,155 2,208 2,158 2,000 0 1,955 2,792 2,116 研究開発人員数 Number of R&D Employees 2,671 2,550 3,293 3,315 3,290 3,231 3,144 3,250 '05/3 '06/3 '07/3 '08/3 '09/3 '10/3[予/Est.] (3)為替レート・為替差損益 Exchange Rate/Foreign Currency Exchange Gains(Losses) (百万円/\million) (円/\) 10,000 5,000 113.1 117.0 115.3 3,156 107.3 4,466 0 100.6 95.0 100.0 332 為替差損益 Foreign Currency Exchange Gains(Losses) -700 -946 -5,000 50.0 -15,159 -10,000 期中平均レート (US$) Average for Fiscal Year(US$) -15,000 -20,000 0.0 '05/3 '06/3 '07/3 '08/3 '09/3 '10/3[予/Est.] (※10/3の為替レートは、業績予想の前提レートです。) (※Exchange rate for 10/3 is for the forecasts.) -9- 【連結 Consolidated】 (4)棚卸資産 Inventories (百万円/\million) (月/months) 100,000 4.50 4.20 90,000 4.00 80,000 棚卸資産 Inventories 3.50 70,000 3.00 2.85 2.79 3.00 棚卸資産回転月数 Inventory Turnover (月/months) 60,000 2.50 2.50 50,000 86,725 89,400 85,059 40,000 2.00 75,416 68,037 1.50 30,000 1.00 20,000 0.50 10,000 0 0.00 '05/3 '06/3 '07/3 '08/3 '09/3 (5)自己資本・総資産 Shareholders' Equity/Total Assets (百万円/\million) (%) 1,200,000 85.2 82.7 84.9 86.7 87.5 87.4 80.0 1,000,000 951,441 800,000 90.0 962,602 70.0 870,972 867,322 787,214 817,468 755,545 739,329 809,185 707,807 804,938 703,561 600,000 60.0 50.0 40.0 400,000 自己資本 Total Shareholders' Equity 総資産 Total Assets 30.0 20.0 200,000 10.0 -6 0 '05/3 '06/3 自己資本比率 Shareholders' Equity to Total Assets 0.0 '07/3 '08/3 '09/3 '10/3[予/Est.] ※自己資本=07/3期からの貸借対照表上の純資産の部合計-新株予約権-少数株主持分=06/3期までの貸借対照表上の株主資本 ※Shareholders' Equity = Total net assets - Stock subscription rights - Minority Interests on the balance sheet after FY07 = Shareholders' Equity on the balance -10- 【連結 Consolidated】 (6)自己資本利益率・総資産利益率 Return on Equity/Return on Total Assets (%) 15.0 自己資本利益率 Return on Equity 10.0 ROE 6.3 6.2 5.9 5.0 5.3 5.3 総資産利益率 Return on Total Assets 4.1 5.0 ROA 3.5 1.3 1.4 1.2 1.2 '09/3 '10/3[予/Est.] 0.0 '05/3 '06/3 '07/3 '08/3 ※自己資本=07/3期からの貸借対照表上の純資産の部合計-新株予約権-少数株主持分=06/3期までの貸借対照表上の株主資本 ※Shareholders' Equity = Total net assets - Stock subscription rights - Minority Interests on the balance sheet after FY07 = Shareholders' Equity on the balance sheet before FY06 (7)1株当たり当期純利益・1株当たり純資産 Earnings per Share/Book Value per Share (円/\) 8,000.00 7,182.64 6,895.25 6,821.68 7,000.00 6,459.81 6,326.64 6,439.61 6,000.00 1株当たり当期純利益 Earnings per Share 5,000.00 4,000.00 1株当たり純資産 Book Value per Share 3,000.00 2,000.00 1,000.00 380.22 416.39 413.57 284.66 89.76 91.27 0.00 '05/3 '06/3 '07/3 '08/3 '09/3 -11- '10/3[予/Est.] 【連結 Consolidated】 (8)1株当たり配当金・連結配当性向 Dividends/Payout Ratio 1株当たり記念配当金 commemorative 1株当たり期末配当金 Year-End 1株当たり中間配当金 First six months 連結配当性向 Payout Ratio (円/\) (%) 250.0 150.0 230.0 144.8 142.4 140.0 130.0 200.0 120.0 110.0 100.0 100.00 150.0 130.0 80.8 100.0 130.0 80.0 70.0 100.0 60.0 65.00 65.00 55.00 45.00 42.50 50.0 65.00 90.0 85.0 30.0 21.6 65.00 42.50 45.00 45.00 '05/3 '06/3 '07/3 50.0 40.0 24.2 22.4 90.0 65.00 65.00 20.0 10.0 0.0 0.0 '08/3 '09/3 '10/3[予/Est.] ※当期純利益から普通株主に帰属しない金額を控除した計算方法に変更しております。(企業会計基準に準拠) ※The computation has been changed to deduct the amount which is not attributable to common stockholders from net income. (Based on the standard accounting rule in Japan) ※計算式 Formula (期初棚卸資産+期末棚卸資産) (Inventories at the term beginning + Inventories at the term end) ■棚卸資産回転月数= Inventory Turnover 2 直近3ヶ月の月平均売上高 Average of nearest 3months sales of FY07 当期純利益 Net Income ■自己資本利益率= ROE (期初自己資本+期末自己資本) (Equity at the term beginning+Equity at the term end) 2 ※自己資本=07/3期からの貸借対照表上の純資産の部合計-新株予約権-少数株主持分(=06/3期までの貸借対照表上の株主資本(当社の場合)) ※Shareholders' Equity = Total net assets - Stock subcription rights - Minority Interests on the balance sheet after FY07 ( =Shareholders' Equity on the Balance Sheet before FY06) ■総資産利益率= ROA 当期純利益 Net Income (期初総資産+期末総資産) (Total Assets at the term beginning+Total Assets at the term end) 2 ■1株当たり当期純利益= EPS 当期純利益 Net Income 期中平均発行済株式数 Averege Number of Issued Common Stock ※07/3(予)の1株当たり当期純利益の算出については、期中平均発行済株式数に代えて、当中間期末の期末発行済株式数を使用しております。 ※As for the EPS calculation for 07/3(Est.), number of issued common stock at the term end is used instead of the average number of issued common stock. 純資産の部合計-少数株主持分 Total Net Assets-Minority Interests ■1株当たり純資産= Book Value per Share 期末発行済株式数 Issue Common Stock at the term end -12- 【連結 Consolidated】 データ集 Data 1-(1) 業績 Results of Operations 年度 Fiscal Year Ended '01/3 409,335 137,743 148,136 86,164 '02/3 321,264 66,458 75,041 39,273 '03/3 350,281 96,122 91,684 53,003 '04/3 355,630 94,507 92,083 63,717 '05/3 369,023 76,054 79,320 45,135 '06/3 387,790 68,318 78,437 48,304 '07/3 395,081 69,497 77,578 47,446 '00/3 34.0 34.0 18.5 '01/3 33.7 36.2 21.0 '02/3 20.7 23.4 12.2 '03/3 27.4 26.2 15.1 '04/3 26.6 25.9 17.9 '05/3 20.6 21.5 12.2 '06/3 17.6 20.2 12.5 '07/3 17.6 19.6 12.0 '08/3 18.0 16.8 8.6 '09/3 3.3 5.8 3.1 (%) '10/3[予/Est.] 6.3 6.4 2.9 '00/3 合計 Total 360,079 集積回路 Integrated Circuits 148,339 半導体素子 Discrete Semiconductor Devices 143,113 受動部品 Passive Components 36,400 ディスプレイ Displays 32,226 '01/3 409,335 175,454 157,236 42,691 33,952 '02/3 321,264 145,349 122,172 25,312 28,429 '03/3 350,281 159,424 136,252 24,688 29,916 '04/3 355,630 155,446 139,009 24,601 36,573 '05/3 369,023 159,022 141,787 23,610 44,603 '06/3 387,790 170,087 150,636 24,998 42,068 '07/3 395,081 173,441 156,535 24,735 40,369 '08/3 373,405 162,940 155,469 23,446 31,549 '09/3 317,140 159,924 114,232 19,193 23,789 (百万円/\million) '10/3[予/Est.] 350,000 206,381 100,790 17,051 25,777 '04/3 55.9 156,762 163,457 14,811 20,597 '05/3 56.1 161,852 174,159 13,990 19,021 '06/3 59.7 156,268 200,100 15,138 16,282 '07/3 61.1 153,671 209,738 15,212 16,459 '08/3 63.1 137,761 206,310 13,301 16,031 '09/3 61.0 123,791 168,679 11,684 12,985 (百万円/\million) '10/3[予/Est.] 59.1 143,269 177,853 15,169 13,707 年度 Fiscal Year Ended '00/3 '01/3 '02/3 '03/3 '04/3 '05/3 '06/3 '07/3 '08/3 '09/3 海外売上比率 Overseas Sales Ratio(%) 41.8 43.5 48.1 47.4 49.2 48.6 51.2 50.5 52.1 52.0 国内 Domestic 86,314 99,120 75,442 83,846 78,902 81,750 82,977 85,874 78,128 76,775 アジア Asia 51,987 63,133 61,982 67,363 67,146 68,391 79,375 80,145 78,345 74,693 アメリカ N.&S. America 4,994 5,888 3,811 3,935 3,550 3,207 3,861 3,598 2,968 4,596 ヨーロッパ Europe 5,042 7,312 4,112 4,279 5,847 5,672 3,872 3,822 3,498 3,858 (百万円/\million) '10/3[予/Est.] 53.2 96,669 93,794 9,477 6,439 売上高 Net Sales 営業利益 Operating Income 経常利益 Ordinary Income 当期純利益 Net Income '08/3 '09/3 373,405 317,140 67,361 10,540 62,796 18,544 31,931 9,837 (百万円/\million) '10/3[予/Est.] 350,000 22,000 22,500 10,000 '00/3 360,079 122,342 122,581 66,727 1-(2) 利益率 Income Ratio 年度 Fiscal Year Ended 営業利益率 Operating Income Ratio 経常利益率 Ordinary Income Ratio 当期純利益率 Net Income Ratio 2-(1) 部門別売上高 Sales by Product Category 年度 Fiscal Year Ended 2-(2) 地域別売上高・海外売上比率 Sales by Region/Overseas Sales Ratio 年度 Fiscal Year Ended 海外売上比率 Overseas Sales Ratio(%) 国内 Domestic アジア Asia アメリカ N.&S. America ヨーロッパ Europe '00/3 52.7 170,483 130,137 29,937 29,521 '01/3 52.0 196,293 150,259 28,576 34,205 '02/3 54.6 145,951 135,891 18,381 21,039 '03/3 53.9 161,456 151,371 18,111 19,342 2-(3) 集積回路 地域別売上高 Integrated Circuits Sales by Region 2-(4) 半導体素子 地域別売上高 Discrete Semiconductor Devices Sales by Region 年度 Fiscal Year Ended 海外売上比率 Overseas Sales Ratio(%) 国内 Domestic アジア Asia アメリカ N.&S. America ヨーロッパ Europe '00/3 61.5 55,032 59,963 15,697 12,420 '01/3 '02/3 '03/3 '04/3 '05/3 '06/3 '07/3 '08/3 '09/3 60.0 60.9 59.5 60.7 62.4 65.6 68.0 69.9 67.8 62,876 47,792 55,126 54,591 53,345 51,840 50,037 46,821 36,832 66,019 56,686 63,677 69,020 74,000 85,108 92,167 94,873 67,813 14,787 9,715 9,880 7,501 6,811 6,935 7,097 6,660 4,510 13,554 7,977 7,568 7,896 7,629 6,752 7,233 7,113 5,076 2-(5) 受動部品 地域別売上高 Passive Components Sales by Region (百万円/\million) '10/3[予/Est.] 65.6 34,691 58,462 3,785 3,850 '03/3 '04/3 '05/3 '06/3 '07/3 '08/3 '09/3 67.7 65.1 64.2 69.8 73.3 78.5 81.0 7,974 8,593 8,446 7,558 6,601 5,030 3,653 9,889 10,369 10,510 12,716 13,856 14,714 12,623 2,557 1,992 1,612 1,915 1,728 1,434 1,057 4,267 3,645 3,040 2,807 2,548 2,266 1,859 (百万円/\million) '10/3[予/Est.] 79.1 3,569 11,206 737 1,537 年度 Fiscal Year Ended '00/3 '01/3 '02/3 '03/3 '04/3 '05/3 '06/3 '07/3 '08/3 '09/3 海外売上比率 Overseas Sales Ratio(%) 46.2 45.1 51.1 51.5 59.9 59.0 67.0 72.4 75.3 72.6 国内 Domestic 17,332 18,633 13,893 14,510 14,675 18,308 13,891 11,157 7,781 6,529 アジア Asia 7,398 9,097 8,831 10,440 16,922 21,257 22,899 23,568 18,377 13,549 アメリカ N.&S. America 2,944 2,205 1,748 1,738 1,767 2,359 2,426 2,788 2,236 1,519 ヨーロッパ Europe 4,550 4,015 3,955 3,227 3,208 2,678 2,850 2,854 3,153 2,190 (百万円/\million) '10/3[予/Est.] 67.6 8,339 14,389 1,168 1,880 年度 Fiscal Year Ended '00/3 '01/3 海外売上比率 Overseas Sales Ratio(%) 67.6 63.3 国内 Domestic 11,803 15,662 アジア Asia 10,787 12,009 アメリカ N.&S. America 6,301 5,695 ヨーロッパ Europe 7,507 9,323 '02/3 65.1 8,822 8,391 3,105 4,992 2-(6) ディスプレイ 地域別売上高 Displays Sales by Region -13- 【連結 Consolidated】 データ集 Data 3-(1) 売上原価・販管費・営業利益 Cost of Sales/S.G. & A. Expenses/Operating Income 年度 Fiscal Year Ended 売上高 Net Sales 売上原価 Cost of Sales 販売費・一般管理費 S.G. & A. Expenses 営業利益 Operating Income '00/3 360,079 179,379 58,357 122,342 '01/3 '02/3 '03/3 '04/3 '05/3 '06/3 '07/3 '08/3 '09/3 409,335 321,264 350,281 355,630 369,023 387,790 395,081 373,405 317,140 215,366 198,630 185,795 194,856 221,132 243,516 251,516 230,839 217,282 56,225 56,175 68,363 66,266 71,836 75,954 74,067 75,204 89,318 137,743 66,458 96,122 94,507 76,054 68,318 69,497 67,361 10,540 3-(2) 売上原価率・販管費比率 Cost of Sales as % of Net Sales/S.G & A. Expenses as % of Net Sales 年度 Fiscal Year Ended 原価率 Cost of Sales Ratio 販管費比率 S.G. & A. Expenses Ratio '00/3 49.8 16.2 '01/3 52.6 13.7 '02/3 61.8 17.5 '03/3 53.0 19.5 '04/3 54.8 18.6 '05/3 59.9 19.5 '06/3 62.8 19.6 '07/3 63.7 18.7 '08/3 61.8 20.1 '09/3 68.5 28.2 (%) '10/3[予/Est.] 69.7% 24.1% '00/3 57,996 24,197 13,736 3,633 1,895 14,533 '01/3 125,020 60,876 32,137 14,103 2,491 15,411 '02/3 43,326 15,801 13,289 4,838 1,637 7,759 '03/3 40,547 19,273 13,814 1,484 3,498 2,478 '04/3 51,958 23,129 16,028 1,665 4,466 6,669 '05/3 85,171 38,295 22,052 1,689 6,779 16,353 '06/3 80,239 44,254 20,820 1,886 3,546 9,731 '07/3 60,925 34,403 17,291 2,445 2,018 4,767 '08/3 38,721 12,816 16,970 2,033 1,468 5,432 '09/3 51,490 22,782 15,973 3,443 3,096 6,194 (百万円/\million) '10/3[予/Est.] 50,500 20,000 22,700 1,900 1,900 4,000 '00/3 '01/3 '02/3 '03/3 '04/3 '05/3 '06/3 '07/3 '08/3 '09/3 47,364 14,053 48,085 64,497 57,298 7,066 24,734 47,159 48,270 6,677 66,727 86,164 39,273 53,003 63,717 45,135 48,304 47,446 31,931 9,837 38,633 52,909 52,138 52,041 45,539 47,102 56,669 60,638 55,060 48,330 -57,996 -125,020 -43,326 -40,547 -51,958 -85,171 -80,239 -60,925 -38,721 -51,490 (百万円/\million) '10/3[予/Est.] 12,500 10,000 53,000 -50,500 4-(1) 設備投資 Capital Expenditures 年度 Fiscal Year Ended 設備投資額 Capital Expenditures 集積回路 Integrated Circuits 半導体素子 Discrete Semiconductor Devices 受動部品 Passive Components ディスプレイ Displays その他 Others 4-(2) 当期純利益・減価償却費と設備投資の関係 Net Income, Depreciation, and Capex 年度 Fiscal Year Ended ネット金額 Net 当期純利益 Net Income 減価償却費 Depreciation 設備投資額 Capital Expenditures 5 研究開発 Research and Development 年度 Fiscal Year Ended 売上高比率 as % of Net Sales(%) 研究開発費 R&D Expenses 集積回路 Integrated Circuits 半導体素子 Discrete Semiconductor Devices 受動部品 Passive Components ディスプレイ Displays (百万円/\million) '05/3 '06/3 '07/3 '08/3 '09/3 '10/3[予/Est.] 8.8 8.7 8.6 8.9 12.7 10.4 32,342 33,794 33,891 33,061 40,290 36,500 21,673 22,066 22,464 22,288 30,660 28,400 5,609 6,320 5,906 6,486 6,274 6,000 1,629 1,384 1,472 1,543 1,178 800 3,431 4,023 4,047 2,743 2,175 1,300 (※'02/3から研究開発費の計上基準を変更しております) (※Accounting rule of R&D expenses has been changed from '02/3.) '00/3 6.3 22,735 18,472 2,219 954 1,089 '01/3 5.1 20,832 16,785 2,395 670 981 '02/3 8.9 28,624 22,743 3,243 1,250 1,388 '03/3 9.1 31,827 24,672 3,910 1,156 2,087 '04/3 8.8 31,380 24,095 3,847 1,283 2,154 '00/3 4,739 4,797 -58 '01/3 5,314 5,320 -6 '02/3 3,592 3,596 -3 '03/3 2,785 2,786 -1 '04/3 2,370 2,370 0 '05/3 3,318 3,318 0 '06/3 6,283 6,283 0 '07/3 10,414 10,414 0 '08/3 11,808 11,808 0 '09/3 5,791 5,808 -16 (百万円/\million) '10/3[予/Est.] 1,500 1,500 0 '04/3 18,591 12,900 2,706 2,985 1,943 '05/3 19,803 14,431 2,079 3,293 2,155 '06/3 20,279 15,026 1,938 3,315 2,208 '07/3 20,422 15,129 2,003 3,290 2,158 '08/3 20,539 15,353 1,955 3,231 2,116 '09/3 22,034 14,531 4,359 3,144 2,792 (名/number) '10/3[予/Est.] 21,331 15,410 2,671 3,250 2,550 6-(1) 金融収支 Net Financial Revenue 年度 Fiscal Year Ended 金融収支 Net Financial Revenue 受取利息・配当金 Interest and dividends 支払利息 Interest Expenses (百万円/\million) '10/3[予/Est.] 350,000 243,800 84,200 22,000 6-(2) 従業員数・研究開発人員数 Number of Employees/Number of R&D Employees 年度 Fiscal Year Ended '00/3 全従業員数 Total Number of Employees 13,659 海外関係会社 Overseas Subsidiaries 7,218 国内関係会社 Domestic Subsidiaries 3,863 ローム単体 Rohm Non-Consolidated 2,578 研究開発人員数 Number of R & D Employees 1,221 '01/3 15,316 8,901 3,813 2,602 1,247 '02/3 15,174 9,575 2,919 2,680 1,331 '03/3 16,841 11,295 2,673 2,873 1,720 -14- 【連結 Consolidated】 データ集 Data 6-(3) 為替レート・為替差損益 Exchange Rate/Foreign Currency Exchange Gains (Losses) 年度 Fiscal Year Ended 期中平均レート(\/US$) Average Rate 為替差損益 Foreign Currency Exchange Gains(Losses) '00/3 111.9 -5,807 '01/3 109.7 4,452 '02/3 125.1 5,102 '03/3 122.3 -7,240 '04/3 114.0 -5,529 '00/3 52,713 1.73 '01/3 65,122 2.42 '02/3 47,713 1.82 '03/3 52,487 2.03 '04/3 61,493 2.15 (百万円/\million) '05/3 '06/3 '07/3 '08/3 '09/3 '10/3[予/Est.] 107.3 113.1 117.0 115.3 100.6 95.0 332 4,466 -946 -15,159 3,156 -700 (※'10/3の為替レートは、業績予想の前提レートです。) (※Exchange rate for '10/3 is for the forecasts.) 6-(4) 棚卸資産 Inventories 年度 Fiscal Year Ended 棚卸資産 Inventories 棚卸資産回転月数 Inventory Turnover (月/months) '05/3 68,037 2.50 '06/3 86,725 2.79 '07/3 85,059 2.85 '08/3 75,416 3.00 (百万円/\million) '09/3 89,400 4.20 6-(5) 自己資本・総資産 Shareholders’ Equity/Total Assets 年度 Fiscal Year Ended 総資産 Total Assets 自己資本 Total Shareholders' Equity 自己資本比率 Shareholders' Equity to Total Assets(%) (百万円/\million) '00/3 '01/3 '02/3 '03/3 '04/3 '05/3 '06/3 '07/3 '08/3 '09/3 '10/3[予/Est.] 648,335 764,494 740,627 805,692 846,799 867,322 951,441 962,602 870,972 809,185 804,938 509,717 591,408 639,210 676,577 715,938 739,329 787,214 817,468 755,545 707,807 703,561 78.6 77.4 86.3 84.0 84.5 85.2 82.7 84.9 86.7 87.5 87.4 (%) 6-(6) 自己資本利益率・総資産利益率 Return on Equity/Return on Total Assets '09/3 1.3 1.2 '10/3[予/Est.] 年度 Fiscal Year Ended 自己資本利益率 Return on Equity 総資産利益率 Return on Total Assets '00/3 13.9 11.1 '01/3 15.7 12.2 '02/3 6.4 5.2 '03/3 8.1 6.9 '04/3 9.2 7.7 '05/3 6.2 5.3 '06/3 6.3 5.3 '07/3 5.9 5.0 '08/3 4.1 3.5 年度 Fiscal Year Ended '00/3 '01/3 '02/3 '03/3 '04/3 '05/3 '06/3 '07/3 '08/3 '09/3 1株当たり当期純利益 Earnings per Share 566.55 726.52 330.95 445.52 535.62 380.22 416.39 413.57 284.66 89.76 1株当たり純資産 Book Value per Share 4,325.10 4,986.03 5,385.64 5,694.92 6,026.56 6,326.64 6,821.68 7,182.64 6,895.25 6,459.81 '10/3[予/Est.] 1.4 1.2 6-(7) 1株当たり当期純利益・1株当たり純資産 Earnings per Share/Book Value per Share (円/\) 91.27 6,439.61 6-(8) 1株当たり配当金・連結配当性向 Dividends/Payout Ratio (円/\) '00/3 '01/3 '02/3 '03/3 '04/3 '05/3 '06/3 '07/3 '08/3 '09/3 '10/3[予/Est.] 19.00 19.00 19.00 22.00 55.00 85.00 90.00 100.00 230.00 130.00 130.00 3.4 2.6 5.7 4.9 10.3 22.4 21.6 24.2 80.8 144.8 142.4 (※当期純利益から普通株式に帰属しない金額を控除した計算方法に変更しております。(企業会計に準拠)) 年度 Fiscal Year Ended 配当金 Dividends 連結配当性向 Payout Ratio (※The computation has been changed to deduct the amount which is not attributable to common stockholders from net income. (Based on the standard accounting rule in Japan)) 6-(9) 期中平均発行済株式数・期末発行済株式数 Averege Number of Issued Common Stock/Issued Common Stock at the Term End '09/3 '10/3[予/Est.] 期中平均発行済株式数 Averege Number of Issued Common Stock 117,777,493 118,598,996 118,670,877 118,743,246 118,783,647 118,561,981 115,768,014 114,720,030 112,168,173 109,577,205 年度 Fiscal Year Ended 109,577,205 117,851,099 118,613,291 118,687,990 118,785,890 118,781,637 116,850,835 115,384,269 113,811,499 109,574,553 109,577,205 109,577,205 期末発行済株式数 Issued Common Stock at the Term End '00/3 '01/3 '02/3 '03/3 '04/3 '05/3 '06/3 '07/3 <御参考> Reference 品目 Product Category 集積回路 Integrated Circuits 半導体素子 Discrete Semiconductor Devices 受動部品 Passive Components ディスプレイ Displays モノリシックIC Monolithic ICs トランジスタ Transistors 抵抗器 Resistors サーマルヘッド Thermal Heads 主要製品 Main Products フォトリンクモジュール Photo Link Modules 発光ダイオード Light Emitting Diodes パワーモジュール Power Modules ダイオード Diodes コンデンサ Capacitors イメージセンサヘッド LEDディスプレイ Image Sensor Heads LED Displays -15- 半導体レーザ Laser Diodes その他 Others '08/3 貸借対照表・損益計算書の推移 10-Year Summary 【連結 Consolidated】 連結貸借対照表 Consolidated Balance Sheets 年度 Fiscal Year Ended (百万円/\million) '08/3 '09/3 '00/3 '01/3 '02/3 '03/3 '04/3 '05/3 '06/3 '07/3 407,523 449,683 445,094 519,996 530,121 512,990 568,111 602,704 535,897 464,187 171,892 185,106 231,109 310,054 307,319 270,337 310,908 336,122 323,216 247,960 85,461 84,350 92,508 93,078 102,048 102,419 79,655 63,991 46,908 47,960 38,681 58,175 39,174 50,538 38,141 43,293 47,713 52,487 61,493 68,037 86,725 85,059 75,416 89,400 4,900 4,752 4,356 3,676 3,894 4,417 4,439 3,409 11,333 14,159 12,425 12,138 17,787 11,758 9,963 7,986 3,560 1,645 1,032 1,174 394 2,433 《資産の部》 《Assets》 流動資産 Total current assets 現金及び預金 Cash and time deposits 受取手形及び売掛金 95,548 98,784 Notes and accounts receivable-trade 有価証券 71,673 76,003 Securities たな卸資産 52,713 65,122 Inventories 前払年金費用 4,093 Prepaid pension cost 繰延税金資産 10,021 14,315 Deferred tax assets 未収還付法人税等 Refundable income taxes その他 6,244 6,761 Other 貸倒引当金 -570 -505 Allowance for doubtful notes and accounts 固定資産 12,403 - 6,243 6,820 10,279 6,494 7,257 11,792 5,144 6,207 -978 -590 -502 -594 -717 -578 -474 -497 213,889 314,811 295,532 285,696 316,678 354,332 383,329 359,898 335,074 344,998 180,961 249,832 238,331 216,201 217,627 253,958 283,462 275,207 245,009 282,239 115,096 123,029 142,649 146,664 150,281 156,327 173,011 196,505 193,270 210,215 Fixed Assets 有形固定資産 Total tangible fixed assets 建物及び構築物 Buildings and structures 機械装置及び運搬具 241,324 295,905 314,052 314,428 328,069 364,086 431,447 457,425 447,519 463,466 Machinery, equipment and vehicles 工具器具及び備品 24,182 24,786 25,482 25,584 27,691 31,391 35,661 39,396 39,017 43,593 Tools and furniture 土地 46,178 51,628 52,692 52,537 53,968 64,582 67,541 61,617 62,350 84,391 Land 建設仮勘定 17,719 46,108 23,506 17,779 23,592 33,181 21,909 17,994 16,947 16,412 Construction in progress 減価償却累計額 -263,540 -291,626 -320,051 -340,792 -365,976 -395,610 -446,109 -497,731 -514,097 -535,839 Accumulated depreciation 無形固定資産 695 1,965 2,355 2,871 2,632 1,803 2,546 2,674 3,423 22,462 32,232 63,013 54,845 66,623 96,419 98,570 97,320 82,015 86,641 40,296 23,519 53,483 44,290 57,355 89,084 89,781 87,519 69,763 76,216 29,877 5,152 6,196 7,866 6,966 5,794 7,253 8,056 10,364 3,596 4,091 3,786 3,673 3,029 2,691 1,835 1,785 2,154 2,284 7,190 6,680 貸倒引当金 -225 Allowance for doubtful accounts -339 -341 -389 -294 -250 -410 -397 -362 -352 Intangible fixed assets 投資その他の資産 Investments and other assets 投資有価証券 Investment securities 繰延税金資産 Deferred tax assets その他 Other 為替換算調整勘定 26,922 - - - - - - - - - Exchange adjustments 資産合計 648,335 764,494 740,627 805,692 Total assets -16- 846,799 867,322 951,441 962,602 870,972 809,185 【連結 Consolidated】 連結貸借対照表 Consolidated Balance Sheets 年度 Fiscal Year Ended 《負債の部》 《Liabilities》 流動負債 Current liabilities 支払手形及び買掛金 Notes and accounts payable-trade 未払金 Other accounts payable 未払法人税等 Accrued income taxes 繰延税金負債 Deferred tax liabilities その他 Other 固定負債 Long-term liabilities 繰延税金負債 Deferred tax liabilities 退職給付(与)引当金 Liability for retirement benefits 役員退職慰労引当金 Allowance for directors' retirement その他 Other 負債合計 Total liabilities 《純資産の部》 《Net assets》 株主資本 Shareholders' equity 資本金 Common stock 資本剰余金 Capital surplus 利益剰余金 Retained earnings 自己株式 Treasury stock-at cost (百万円/\million) '08/3 '09/3 '00/3 '01/3 '02/3 '03/3 '04/3 '05/3 '06/3 '07/3 98,477 136,765 58,579 83,681 88,319 85,964 105,778 80,382 62,775 68,325 24,224 22,760 17,390 17,866 23,431 22,153 27,622 23,649 17,677 15,722 27,469 58,478 19,025 22,975 42,213 42,260 47,109 34,066 25,596 28,192 31,860 36,786 7,841 28,732 10,400 8,873 16,012 8,079 6,154 1,017 207 1,088 1,620 747 381 477 538 780 780 3,704 14,715 17,651 12,700 13,359 11,892 12,199 14,495 13,807 12,566 19,687 27,198 35,377 42,552 45,190 42,246 41,688 58,144 64,401 52,324 31,019 11,107 18,703 24,610 26,253 32,857 38,896 55,041 61,245 49,827 14,832 11,290 14,131 15,431 16,801 7,404 805 989 957 838 12,216 1,431 1,963 2,510 2,135 1,983 1,986 2,069 2,159 - - - - - - - - 44 39 1,658 3,969 125,676 172,143 101,131 128,871 130,566 127,652 163,923 144,784 115,099 99,344 - - - - - - - 813,722 792,537 777,395 - - - - - - - 86,969 86,969 86,969 - - - - - - - 102,403 102,403 102,403 - - - - - - - 676,749 695,117 679,996 - - - - - - - -52,400 -91,953 -91,973 - - - - - - - 3,746 -36,991 -69,587 - - - - - - 3,614 1,901 168 benefits 評価・換算差額等 Unrealized or translatted gain/loss その他有価証券評価差額金 Net unrealized gain on available-for-sale securities 為替換算調整勘定 Foreign currency translation adjustments - - - - - - 131 -38,893 -69,756 - - - - - - - 349 326 2,033 - - - - - - - 817,818 755,872 709,840 - - - - - - - 962,602 870,972 809,185 12,942 942 285 244 294 340 303 - - - 86,802 86,969 86,969 86,969 86,969 102,403 102,403 102,403 102,403 - - 102,236 - 455,743 506,100 566,749 601,689 639,760 - - - 996 709 2,673 2,569 6,524 -19,362 -42,556 -34,061 -13,074 - - -6,527 - -41 -243 -301 -20,241 -35,369 - - - 591,408 639,210 676,577 715,938 739,329 787,214 - - - 負債・少数株主持分 及び資本合計 648,335 764,494 Total liabilities, minority interests and shareholders' equity 740,627 805,692 846,799 867,322 951,441 - - - 少数株主持分 Minority interests 純資産合計 Total net assets 負債・純資産合計 Total of liabilities and net asset 《少数持株持分》 《Minority interests》 少数株主持分 Minority interests 《資本の部》 《Shareholders' Equity》 資本金 86,601 86,687 Common stock 資本剰余金 87,514 102,121 Capital surplus 利益剰余金 335,682 419,179 Retained earnings − 788 その他有価証券評価差額金 Net unrealized gain on available for-sale securities − -17,348 為替換算調整勘定 Foreign currency translation adjustments 自己株式 -80 -18 Treasury stock 資本合計 Total shareholders' equity 509,717 -17- - - 【連結 Consolidated】 連結損益計算書 Consolidated Statements of Income 年度 Fiscal Year Ended (百万円/\million) '08/3 '09/3 '00/3 '01/3 '02/3 '03/3 '04/3 '05/3 '06/3 '07/3 360,079 409,335 321,264 350,281 355,630 369,023 387,790 395,081 373,405 317,140 179,379 215,366 198,630 185,795 194,856 221,132 243,516 251,516 230,839 217,282 販売費及び一般管理費 58,357 Selling, general and administrative expenses 56,225 56,175 68,363 66,266 71,836 75,954 74,067 75,204 89,318 122,342 137,743 66,458 96,122 94,507 76,054 68,318 69,497 67,361 10,540 7,662 12,644 11,653 4,649 4,058 4,767 12,157 10,889 12,538 9,777 7,423 2,250 3,070 9,087 6,482 1,501 2,039 2,808 17,104 1,773 122,581 148,136 75,041 91,684 92,083 79,320 78,437 77,578 62,796 18,544 702 566 28 190 12,812 21 248 2,246 1,798 745 8,381 1,644 6,940 1,399 3,826 8,500 4,827 1,951 6,627 44,810 147,058 税金等調整前当期純利益(-損失) 114,902 Income before income taxes and minority interests 68,128 90,476 101,070 70,841 73,857 77,874 57,966 -25,520 法人税、住民税及び事業税 《営業損益の部》 《Operating revenues and expenses》 売上高 Net sales 売上原価 Cost of sales 営業利益 Operating income 《営業外損益の部》 《Non-operating income and expenses》 営業外収益 Non-operating income 営業外費用 Non-operating expenses 経常利益 Ordinary income 《特別損益の部》 《Extraordinary gain and loss》 特別利益 Extraordinary gains 特別損失 Extraordinary losses 47,564 61,173 22,621 35,280 26,731 20,975 25,297 17,902 18,406 6,156 -1,094 -593 6,207 2,198 10,537 4,691 192 12,497 7,600 -39,931 1,705 313 25 -6 84 40 63 28 28 -1,582 66,727 86,164 39,273 53,003 63,717 45,135 48,304 47,446 31,931 9,837 Income taxes-current 法人税等調整額 Income taxes-deferred 少数株主利益(-損失) Minority interests(losses) 当期純利益 Net income -18- 連結キャッシュフロー計算書 Consolidated Statements of Cash Flow 年度 Fiscal Year Ended (百万円/\million) '08/3 '09/3 '00/3 '01/3 '02/3 '03/3 '04/3 '05/3 '06/3 '07/3 税金等調整前当期純利益(純損失) 114,902 Income before income taxes and minority interests 調整項目: Adjustments for: 147,058 68,128 90,476 101,070 70,841 73,857 77,874 57,966 -25,520 減価償却費 38,759 Depreciation and amortization 連結調整勘定償却額 -679 Amortization of goodwill 受取利息及び受取配当金 -4,797 Interest and dividends income 為替差損(差益) 2,393 Foreign currency exchange losses (gains) 退職給付引当金等の純増加(-純減少)額 2,276 Increase (-decrease) in net liability for retirement benefits 有価証券評価損(-評価損戻入益) -478 Write - down of investment securities 売上債権の減少(-増加)額 -20,910 Decrease (-increase) in notes and accounts receivables - trade たな卸資産の減少(-増加)額 -10,896 Decrease (-increase) in inventories 仕入債務の増加(-減少)額 6,435 Increase (-decrease) in notes and accounts payables - trade その他 5,867 Other 利息及び配当金の受取額 4,910 Interest and dividends - received 収用補償金の受取額 -82 Interest - paid 法人税等の還付(-支払)額 -36,021 Income taxes - refunded (-paid) 53,081 52,376 52,424 45,868 47,442 57,032 61,141 55,604 48,951 -83 -83 -260 16 668 -40 -5,320 -3,596 -2,786 -2,370 -3,318 -6,283 -10,414 -11,808 -5,808 -1,999 -4,066 4,983 2,015 -1,320 -8,996 -1,966 12,086 1,160 -1,252 493 1,529 -8,977 -6,003 -106 -598 -29 -4,195 1,396 1,991 803 9 283 8 32 2,997 6,792 -270 15,203 -901 -10,822 716 -5,421 562 18,132 37,348 -10,466 19,427 -7,654 -12,142 -5,252 -14,274 4,724 3,865 9,095 -1,549 -5,470 569 6,604 -1,630 5,072 -5,237 -5,505 -15,288 4,572 1,001 -421 4,439 5,039 4,494 -6,601 10,071 20,477 5,546 3,752 3,036 2,569 3,510 6,652 10,516 12,185 6,287 -6 -3 -1 -58,034 -64,430 -866 -48,077 -20,440 -17,447 -26,103 -19,374 -13,330 132,672 84,725 140,931 78,365 91,919 94,548 103,929 136,191 65,971 6,931 11,186 -4,782 15,909 -27,564 8,385 2,707 8,444 -30,838 -46,294 -62,585 -56,497 -36,093 -40,169 -48,755 -4,781 36,763 31,444 39,270 31,932 44,123 40,054 65,455 41,559 -79,440 -35,827 -45,221 -78,753 -76,067 -68,985 -51,076 -53,852 11,289 253 202 《営業活動によるキャッシュ・フロー》 《Operating Activities》 営業活動によるキャッシュ・フロー Net cash provided by operating activities 103,823 - 1,383 - - - - - - - 《投資活動によるキャッシュ・フロー》 《Investing Activities》 定期性預金の減少(-増加)額 20,481 -6,275 Decrease (-increase) in time deposits 有価証券・投資有価証券の取得による支出 - -47,011 Purchases of securities and investment securities 有価証券・投資有価証券の売却等による収入 - 41,570 Proceeds from sales and repayments of securities and investment securities 有形固定資産の取得による支出 -55,010 -91,907 Purchases of property, plant and equipment 有形固定資産の売却による収入 - - Proceeds from sales of property, plant and equipment その他 -13,013 124 Other 投資活動によるキャッシュ・フロー Net cash used in investing activities -47,542 -103,498 - - - - - -1,118 1,110 1,180 -19 269 -716 -1,920 -81,978 -67,702 -38,381 -72,136 -87,429 -95,332 -50,142 -33,337 -90,407 -57 -19,940 -15,128 -17,031 -39,552 -20 《財務活動によるキャッシュ・フロー》 《Financing Activities》 自己株式の取得による支出 Purchases of tresury stock 配当金の支払額 Dividends paid その他 Other - - - -2,237 -2,246 -2,254 -2,255 -2,969 -10,096 -10,181 -10,334 -13,563 -25,202 -1,408 -15 52 -289 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -2,497 -2,262 -2,202 -2,544 -3,028 -30,037 -25,310 -27,367 -53,118 -27,719 7,601 5,972 -7,795 -15,171 3,944 17,585 5,293 -36,199 -11,190 34,513 20,793 92,209 -11,971 -21,603 -8,509 31,713 13,536 -63,345 175,033 209,546 230,340 322,549 310,578 288,974 280,465 312,178 325,715 財務活動によるキャッシュ・フロー -3,645 Net cash used in financing activities 現金及び現金同等物に係る換算差額 -7,423 Effect of exchange rate changes on cash and cash equivalents 現金及び現金同等物の増加(-減少)額 45,212 Net increase (-decrease) in cash and cash equivalents 現金及び現金同等物の増加(-減少)額期首残高 129,821 Cash and cash equivalents at beginning of year - 連結の範囲の変更に伴う現金及び現金同等物の増減額(ーは減少) Net increase (-decrease) in Cash and Cash Equivalents due to the Consolidation of Subsidiaries 現金及び現金同等物の期末残高 - 175,033 - 209,546 - 230,340 - 322,549 Cash and cash equivalents at end of year -19- - 310,578 - 288,974 - 280,465 - 312,178 - 325,715 -158 262,210