
Application Note: JN-AN-1001
Calculating JN516x Power Consumption
This Application Note describes how to calculate the power required by an NXP
JN516x wireless microcontroller running an IEEE 802.15.4-based application. The
formulae necessary to calculate the time required to complete common 802.15.4
network operations are presented in conjunction with the electrical current consumed
by the JN516x devices during these operations. Additionally, timings and current
consumption information are provided for specific tasks. An example is included that
describes how the information presented can be used to determine the battery
capacity requirements of an application.
IEEE 802.15.4 Network Operations
The timings of all 802.15.4 operations are based on one fundamental piece of information,
the symbol rate. When operating in the 2.4-GHz band, the symbol rate is defined as 62500
symbols per second. Each symbol comprises four bits of information and, therefore, the
over-air data rate is 250 kbps. Below are the formulae required to calculate the time taken to
perform common 802.15.4 network operations, based on this data rate.
Energy Detection (ED) Scan
This is dependent on the number of channels to be scanned and the time for which each one
is scanned, both of which are selected by the user.
NumberOfChannelsScanned = 1 to 16
= 0 to 14
ED Scan Period (ms)
= [960 x (2ScanDuration + 1) / 62.5] x NumberOfChannelsScanned
Data Transmission
The maximum size of a data frame is 127 bytes, of which 6 bytes form the Physical layer
header and 9 to 25 bytes form the MAC layer header. The size of the MAC layer header is
dependent on the addressing mode used; see the table below for details.
Addressing Mode*
MAC Header Size (bytes)
No source or destination address (only PAN ID included)
16-bit source and destination addresses
64-bit source and destination addresses
* Further addressing mode combinations are available; see the IEEE 802.15.4 Standard for details.
The remaining 96 to 112 bytes can be used for the transmission of data. The total time taken
to transmit a single data frame can be calculated as follows:
PayloadSize (bytes)
= 1 to 112
HeaderSize (bytes)
= 15 to 31
Data Frame Transmission Period (ms)
= (HeaderSize + PayloadSize) x 8 / 250
JN-AN-1001 (v1.5) 12-Nov-2013
© NXP Laboratories UK 2013
Calculating JN516x Power Consumption
Beacon Frame Transmission
The maximum size of a beacon frame is 127 bytes. This comprises a Physical layer header,
a MAC layer header, beacon overhead and the beacon payload. The Physical layer header
size is fixed at 6 bytes. The size of the MAC layer header is dependent on the addressing
mode used; see the table below for details.
Addressing Mode
MAC Header Size (bytes)
16-bit short address
64-bit address
The beacon overhead depends on the number of GTSs used and the number of pending
address fields. The beacon payload can take up the remaining bytes and is available for the
transmission of application-specific data.
= 6 bytes
= 11 or 17 bytes
= 3 to 52 bytes
0 to (127 – PHYHeaderSize – MACHeaderSize – BeaconOverhead) bytes
Beacon Frame Transmission Period (ms) =
(PHYHeaderSize + MACHeaderSize + BeaconOverhead + BeaconPayload ) x 8 / 250
CSMA/CA Channel Access
Access to the radio channel is gained using the CSMA/CA algorithm. Before a data frame is
transmitted, a Clear Channel Assessment (CCA) is performed to determine if the channel is
currently in use. The CCA takes 8 symbol periods (0.128 ms) to complete. The time at which
the CCA is performed and how frequently it is repeated (if the channel is found to be busy)
are determined by the type of CSMA/CA algorithm used.
If regular beacons are not used then data is transmitted using unslotted CSMA/CA. This
algorithm is based on back-off periods, where one back-off period is equal to 20 symbol
periods. Two variables are used by the algorithm:
• NB is the number of times the algorithm has been required to back off while
attempting the current transmission; this is initialised to zero.
• BE is the back-off exponent and is related to how many back-off periods a device
will wait before attempting to assess the channel – the maximum number of backoff periods is given by (2BE – 1). BE is initialised to macMinBE (in the range 0 to 3)
and has a default value of 3.
© NXP Laboratories UK 2013
JN-AN-1001 (v1.5) 12-Nov-2013
Calculating JN516x Power Consumption
The unslotted CSMA/CA algorithm works as follows:
NB is set to 0, BE is set to macMinBE
Delay implemented for a random period in the range 0 to (2BE – 1) back-off periods
CCA is performed
If the channel is idle then data is transmitted, otherwise algorithm continues to Step 5
NB is set to NB + 1, BE is set to min(BE + 1, aMaxBE)
If NB is greater than macMaxCSMABackoffs then the transmission has failed, otherwise
algorithm returns to Step 1
The time between requesting that a data frame is transmitted and it actually being
transmitted is therefore dependent on the back-off period and the result of the CCA. The
time taken to complete a single back-off period can be calculated as follows:
BackoffPeriod (ms) = (2BE – 1) x 20 / 62.5
Data Reception
The time taken to receive a data frame is exactly the same as the time taken to transmit it.
However, it should be noted that the receiver must be switched on at some point before the
data frame is expected to arrive. How long before depends on the type of network being
used (beacon or non-beacon enabled) and how the application uses the network. An
examination of this is beyond the scope of this document.
JN-AN-1001 (v1.5) 12-Nov-2013
© NXP Laboratories UK 2013
Calculating JN516x Power Consumption
JN516x Current Consumption
This section contains information regarding the current consumption of the JN516x while
performing various operations. All quoted currents are typical values at 3V and 25°C.
Current (mA)
Active Processing
CPU active
(Radio off)
1.7 + 0.205/ MHz
Radio transmitting
CPU can run at 32, 16, 8, 4, 2 or 1 MHz.
GPIOs enabled. When in CPU Doze mode, the
current related to CPU speed is not consumed.
CPU in Doze mode
Radio receiving
CPU in Doze mode
The following current figures should be added to those above if the feature is being used
Temperature sensor and battery measurements
require ADC
Normal/Low power
For each UART
For each timer
2-wire Serial Interface
Sleep Modes
Sleep with IO wake-up
Sleep with IO and 32-kHz RC
oscillator timer wake-up
32-kHz Crystal Oscillator
Waiting on IO event
As an alternative sleep timer
The following current figures should be added to those above if the feature is being used
RAM Retention
Comparator (low power mode)
Reduced response time
Deep Sleep Mode
Deep Sleep
Waiting on chip RESET or IO event
Table 1: JN516x Current Consumption Summary
© NXP Laboratories UK 2013
JN-AN-1001 (v1.5) 12-Nov-2013
Calculating JN516x Power Consumption
JN516x Wake-up Timings
This section contains information about the time taken by the JN516x to perform operations
that are not related to the 802.15.4 protocol.
Time for crystal to
stabilise, ready to run CPU
Reached oscillator amplitude
threshold. Default bias current
Time for crystal to
stabilise, ready for radio
Wake up from Deep Sleep
or from Sleep
Time to CPU release
Start-up time from reset
(RESETN pin, BOR or
Time to CPU release
Wake up from CPU Doze
Battery Capacity Calculation – Example for JN516x
The following example illustrates how to calculate the battery capacity required by a device
in a non-beacon enabled star network that continuously performs the following actions:
Wakes from sleep
Reads data from a sensor connected to the two-wire serial interface
Performs a Clear Channel Assessment (CCA)
Transmits a data frame containing a payload of 64 bytes
Sleeps (without holding the memory contents) for 10 minutes before repeating Step 1
The durations and electrical currents corresponding to the above phases of device operation
are determined below.
Waking from Sleep
If the contents of RAM have not been held, the time taken to wake from sleep mode can be
calculated by adding the oscillator start-time to the application bootloader time (the
bootloader initialises the .bss and .data RAM segments). Note that the JN516x devices start
up using a fast RC oscillator and begin executing bootloader code at 24 MHz. After a further
(740-170) µs, the faster 32-MHz crystal has stabilised and a glitch-less switchover occurs.
The application code should wait until the crystal is stable for radio transmission, which
occurs a further 430 µs later
(i.e. 1 ms from reset/wake event)
Time to wake from sleep = (1 – 0.170) = 0.830ms
While the bootloader is initialising the C-runtime environment, the wireless transceiver will
not be operating and therefore the current drawn is 4.98 mA (CPU clock rate of 16 MHz).
JN-AN-1001 (v1.5) 12-Nov-2013
© NXP Laboratories UK 2013
Calculating JN516x Power Consumption
Reading Data from Sensors
It is assumed that it takes 1 ms to read data from the sensor attached to the two-wire serial
interface. During this time, the current drawn by the JN516x is 5.04 mA. No account is taken
of the current drawn by the sensor.
Performing CCA
Before a data frame can be transmitted, the CSMA/CA algorithm is used to check that the
channel is not being used. The time taken to execute the CSMA/CA algorithm in a nonbeacon enabled network (assuming that the channel is found to be clear after the CCA and
that the random back-off period is 2) can be calculated as follows:
BackoffPeriod (ms)
= (22 – 1) x 20 / 62.5 = 0.96 ms
CCA Period (ms)
= 0.128 ms
During the back-off period, the application is running and the transceiver is on although it is
not transmitting and receiving. The current drawn during this period is 12.3 mA. During a
CCA, the radio receiver is on and therefore the current drawn is 17.5 mA.
Transmitting Data
Assuming that no source and destination data is included, the time taken to transmit a data
frame can be calculated as follows:
Data Frame Transmission Period (ms) = (HeaderSize + PayloadSize) x 8 / 250
Data Frame Transmission Period (ms) = (15 + 64) x 8 / 250 = 2.528 ms
The current drawn during this period is 15 mA, the radio transmitting current.
While Sleeping
The current drawn during the (approximately) 10-minute sleep period is 0.64 µA (Sleep
mode with I/O and RC oscillator timer wake-up)
Using the above time and current data, it is possible to calculate that the average current
required by the application is approximately 0.740 µA (see below for detailed calculation).
The device should therefore be capable of operating for over 32 years when powered by a
210-mAh button-cell.
The average current drawn by this application can be calculated by adding the electrical
charge consumed during each phase and dividing by the total cycle time (10 minutes).
Current (mA) x Time (ms)
Charge (µC)
Wake from sleep
4.98mA x 0.830ms
Read sensors
5.04mA x 1ms
CCA back-off
12.3mA x 0.96ms
17mA x 0.128ms
Transmit data
15.3mA x 2.528ms
0.00064mA x 600000ms
© NXP Laboratories UK 2013
JN-AN-1001 (v1.5) 12-Nov-2013
Calculating JN516x Power Consumption
Therefore, 445.8 µC of charge is consumed over a total cycle time of 600 s (10 minutes):
Average Current = Total Charge Consumed / Time = 445.8 / 600 = 0.743 µA
Note: This figure does not take into account the current drawn by the
sensor or the self-discharge of the battery.
If the calculations are repeated for a range of sleep durations, the following graph of lifetime
versus sleep duration is produced.
Figure 1: Lifetime vs Sleep Duration
JN-AN-1001 (v1.5) 12-Nov-2013
© NXP Laboratories UK 2013
Calculating JN516x Power Consumption
Revision History
Initial Release
Updated document template.
Added section on beacon frame timings.
Updated current consumption table.
Updated with latest current consumption figures and corrected average current figure in example.
Added detailed calculation of average current figure in example.
Minor corrections
Updated document to remove references to JN5121 and replace with JN5139 and JN5148
Updated for JN516x devices and removed JN5139/48 information
© NXP Laboratories UK 2013
JN-AN-1001 (v1.5) 12-Nov-2013
Calculating JN516x Power Consumption
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JN-AN-1001 (v1.5) 12-Nov-2013
© NXP Laboratories UK 2013