________________________________________________________________________ DATE: 17th April, 2012 PCN #: 2076 PCN Title: Discontinuance of Selected Analog Devices with Suggested Drop-In Replacements Dear Customer: This is an announcement of change(s) to products that are currently being offered by Diodes Incorporated. We request that you acknowledge receipt of this notification within 30 days of the date of this PCN. If you require samples for evaluation purposes, please make a request within 30 days as well. Otherwise, samples may not be built prior to this change. Please refer to the implementation date of this change as it is stated in the attached PCN form. Please contact your local Diodes sales representative to acknowledge receipt of this PCN and for any sample requests. The changes announced in this PCN will not be implemented earlier than 90 days from the notification date stated in the attached PCN form. Previously agreed upon customer specific change process requirements or device specific requirements will be addressed separately. For questions or clarification regarding this PCN, please contact your local Diodes sales representative. Sincerely, Diodes Incorporated PCN Team DIC-034 R1 Page 1 of 3 Diodes Incorporated www.diodes.com Rel Date: 4/28/2010 ________________________________________________________________________ PRODUCT CHANGE NOTICE PCN-2076 REV00 Notification Date: Implementation Date: Product Family: Change Type: PCN #: 17th April, 2012 15th July, 2012 Selected Analog Devices End of Life 2076 TITLE Discontinuance of Selected Analog Devices with Suggested Drop-in Replacements DESCRIPTION OF CHANGE The parts listed below (with non-green mold compound) are being discontinued and replaced by already existing and previously qualified part numbers with green mold compound. These parts have been in high-volume production. Green mold compound does not contain any halogens or Sb2O3 flame retardants. Products will remain 94-V0 compliant, 260ºC maximum reflow temperature for 30 sec (Total) and MSL 1. Full electrical characterization and high reliability testing was completed on representative replacement devices built with the green mold compound material to ensure no change to device functionality or data sheet electrical specification before shipment. A life-time buy opportunity is being provided until 15th July, 2012. The last shipment date for non-Green product is 15th August, 2012. IMPACT Parts listed in the “Affected Parts” column below are being discontinued and can be replaced immediately with part listed in the “Replacement Parts” column. PRODUCTS AFFECTED Affected Parts (EOL, non-Green) List Replacement Parts (Green) List Affected Parts (EOL, non-Green) List Replacement Parts (Green) List AH266K-PL-A AH266K-PG-B-A AP1506-12K5L-13 AP1506-12K5G-13 AH266K-PL-B AH266K-PG-B-B AP1506-33K5L-13 AP1506-33K5G-13 AH287-PL-B AH287-PG-B AP1506-50K5L-13 AP1506-50K5G-13 AH291-PL-B AH291-PG-B AP1506-K5L-13 AP1506-K5G-13 AP1501-12K5L-13 AP1501-12K5G-13 AP1511SA No replacement AP1501-33K5L-13 AP1501-33K5G-13 AP1901SL-13 No replacement AP1501-50K5L-13 AP1501-50K5G-13 AP2001SL-13 No replacement AP1501A-12K5L-13 AP1501A-12K5G-13 AP2014ASL-13 AP2014ASG-13 AP1501A-33K5L-13 AP1501A-33K5G-13 ATS276H-PL-A ATS276H-PG-B-A AP1501A-50K5L-13 AP1501A-50K5G-13 ATS276H-PL-B ATS276H-PG-B-B AP1501A-K5L-13 AP1501A-K5G-13 ATS277H-PL-A ATS277H-PG-B-A AP1501-K5L-13 AP1501-K5G-13 ATS277H-PL-B ATS277H-PG-B-B WEB LINKS DIC-034 R1 Page 2 of 3 Diodes Incorporated www.diodes.com Rel Date: 4/28/2010 ________________________________________________________________________ Manufacturer’s Notice: http://www.diodes.com/quality/pcns For More Information Contact: http://www.diodes.com/contacts Data Sheet: http://www.diodes.com/products DISCLAIMER Unless a Diodes Incorporated Sales representative is contacted in writing within 30 days of the posting of this notice, all changes described in this announcement are considered approved. DIC-034 R1 Page 3 of 3 Diodes Incorporated www.diodes.com Rel Date: 4/28/2010