AND9349/D AX8052 Programming Manual Revision 2 2 TA B L E OF CONTENTS 1.Device Overview..................................................................................................... 7 1.1.Features..........................................................................................................7 2.AX8052................................................................................................................11 2.1.Performance.................................................................................................. 11 2.2.Instruction set................................................................................................12 2.3.Memory organization...................................................................................... 17 2.4.Data memory.................................................................................................18 2.4.1.Register banks........................................................................................18 2.4.2.Bit addressable locations.......................................................................... 19 2.4.3.Stack..................................................................................................... 19 2.4.4.Special Function Registers (SFR)............................................................... 19 2.4.5.Internal SFR descriptions..........................................................................20 - A................................................................................20 register – B...................................................................................20 Pointer – SP.............................................................................21 Status Word – PSW.............................................................. 21 Pointer – DPTR..........................................................................22 2.5.Interrupts......................................................................................................22 2.5.1.Interrupt priority..................................................................................... 23 2.5.2.Interrupt latency..................................................................................... 23 2.6.Interrupt Vectors............................................................................................23 3.AX8052 Registers..................................................................................................25 3.1.Register: SP...................................................................................................25 3.2.Register: DPH, DPL.........................................................................................25 3.3.Register: DPH1, DPL1..................................................................................... 25 3.4.Register: DPS................................................................................................ 25 3.5.Register: IE...................................................................................................26 3.6.Register: IP................................................................................................... 26 3.7.Register: EIE..................................................................................................27 3.8.Register: EIP..................................................................................................27 3.9.Register: E2IE................................................................................................28 3.10.Register: E2IP..............................................................................................28 3.11.Register: PSW..............................................................................................28 3.12.Register: ACC...............................................................................................29 3.13.Register: B.................................................................................................. 29 3.14.Register: XPAGE...........................................................................................29 4.Address Space...................................................................................................... 30 4.1.Memory Switch Architecture.............................................................................31 4.2.SFR Address Map............................................................................................33 4.3.X Register Address Map...................................................................................34 4.4.Register Overview.......................................................................................... 37 5.FLASH..................................................................................................................49 5.1.Features........................................................................................................49 5.2.Register: NVADDR0, NVADDR1.........................................................................49 5.3.Register: NVDATA0, NVDATA1......................................................................... 49 5.4.Register: NVSTATUS.......................................................................................49 3 5.5.Register: NVKEY.............................................................................................50 5.6.FLASH Protect Bits..........................................................................................50 6.Cache and Prefetch................................................................................................52 6.1.Register: CODECONFIG...................................................................................52 7.RAM....................................................................................................................53 8.Debug Interface....................................................................................................54 8.1.Features........................................................................................................54 8.2.Register: DBGLNKSTAT...................................................................................54 8.3.Register: DBGLNKBUF.....................................................................................55 9.System Controller..................................................................................................56 9.1.Features........................................................................................................57 9.2.Power Modes..................................................................................................58 9.3.Register: PCON.............................................................................................. 59 9.4.Register: CLKCON...........................................................................................60 9.5.Register: CLKSTAT..........................................................................................61 9.6.Register: WTCFGA, WTCFGB............................................................................ 62 9.7.Register: WTIRQEN.........................................................................................63 9.8.Register: WTSTAT...........................................................................................63 9.9.Register: WTCNTA0, WTCNTA1, WTCNTB0, WTCNTB1.........................................65 9.10.Register: WTCNTR1.......................................................................................65 9.11.Register: WTEVTA0, WTEVTA1, WTEVTB0, WTEVTB1, WTEVTC0, WTEVTC1..........65 9.12.Register: WDTCFG........................................................................................65 9.13.Register: WDTRESET.....................................................................................66 9.14.Register: LPOSCCONFIG................................................................................67 9.15.Register: LPOSCKFILT1, LPOSCKFILT0.............................................................68 9.16.Register: LPOSCREF1, LPOSCREF0..................................................................68 9.17.Register: LPOSCFREQ1, LPOSCFREQ0..............................................................69 9.18.Register: LPOSCPER1, LPOSCPER0..................................................................69 9.19.Register: FRCOSCCONFIG..............................................................................69 9.20.Register: FRCOSCKFILT1, FRCOSCKFILT0........................................................71 9.21.Register: FRCOSCREF1, FRCOSCREF0.............................................................72 9.22.Register: FRCOSCFREQ1, FRCOSCFREQ0.........................................................72 9.23.Register: FRCOSCPER1, FRCOSCPER0.............................................................72 9.24.Register: OSCFORCERUN...............................................................................72 9.25.Register: OSCRUN........................................................................................ 73 9.26.Register: OSCREADY.....................................................................................73 9.27.Register: OSCCALIB......................................................................................74 9.28.Register: LPXOSCGM.....................................................................................74 9.29.Register: MISCCTRL......................................................................................75 9.30.Register: XTALOSC....................................................................................... 75 9.31.Register: XTALAMPL......................................................................................76 9.32.Register: XTALREADY....................................................................................76 9.33.Register: SCRATCH0, SCRATCH1, SCRATCH2, SCRATCH3..................................77 9.34.Register: SILICONREV...................................................................................77 10.DMA Controller....................................................................................................79 AND9349/D 4 10.1.Features......................................................................................................80 10.2.Register: DMA0ADDR0, DMA0ADDR1, DMA1ADDR0, DMA1ADDR1......................80 10.3.Register: DMA0CONFIG, DMA1CONFIG............................................................80 10.4.Buffer Descriptor Format................................................................................81 11.Radio Interface....................................................................................................84 11.1.Features......................................................................................................84 11.2.Direct Access via X-Space..............................................................................84 11.3.Register: RADIODATA0, RADIODATA1, RADIODATA2, RADIODATA3....................85 11.4.Register: RADIOADDR0, RADIOADDR1............................................................85 11.5.Register: RADIOSTAT0, RADIOSTAT1..............................................................85 11.6.Register: RADIOACC..................................................................................... 85 11.7.Register: RADIOFDATAADDR0, RADIOFDATAADDR1..........................................86 11.8.Register: RADIOFSTATADDR0, RADIOFSTATADDR1...........................................86 11.9.Setup for Axsem Radio Chips......................................................................... 86 11.10.Access Waveforms...................................................................................... 87 12.GPIO..................................................................................................................89 12.1.Features......................................................................................................90 12.2.Dedicated Pins..............................................................................................91 12.3.GPIO Pins.................................................................................................... 91 12.4.Recommended Initialization Sequence.............................................................92 12.5.Register: PORTA, PORTB, PORTC, PORTR.........................................................93 12.6.Register: PINA, PINB, PINC, PINR................................................................... 93 12.7.Register: DIRA, DIRB, DIRC, DIRR..................................................................93 12.8.Register: ANALOGA.......................................................................................94 12.9.Register: INTCHGA, INTCHGB, INTCHGC..........................................................94 12.10.Register: EXTIRQ........................................................................................95 12.11.Register: PINCHGA, PINCHGB, PINCHGC........................................................95 12.12.Register: PALTA..........................................................................................95 12.13.Register: PALTB..........................................................................................96 12.14.Register: PALTC..........................................................................................96 12.15.Register: PINSEL.........................................................................................96 12.16.Register: GPIOENABLE.................................................................................97 12.17.Register: RADIOMUX...................................................................................97 13.ADC, Comparator, Temperature Sensor..................................................................99 13.1.Features.................................................................................................... 100 13.2.Register: ADCCLKSRC................................................................................. 100 13.3.Register: ADCCH0CONFIG, ADCCH1CONFIG, ADCCH2CONFIG, ADCCH3CONFIG..102 13.3.1.Measuring VDDIO.................................................................................103 13.4.Register: ADCCH0VAL0, ADCCH0VAL1, ADCCH1VAL0, ADCCH1VAL1, ADCCH2VAL0, ADCCH2VAL1.....................................................................................................103 13.5.Register: ADCTUNE0...................................................................................103 13.6.Register: ADCTUNE1...................................................................................103 13.7.Register: ADCTUNE2...................................................................................104 13.8.Register: ADCCONV.....................................................................................105 13.9.Register: ANALOGCOMP...............................................................................105 14.SPI Master/Slave Interface..................................................................................107 AND9349/D 5 14.1.Features.................................................................................................... 107 14.2.Register: SPSHREG..................................................................................... 108 14.3.Register: SPSCKSRC................................................................................... 108 14.4.Register: SPMODE.......................................................................................110 14.5.Register: SPSTATUS....................................................................................110 15.Timer Counter 0/1/2.......................................................................................... 111 15.1.Features.................................................................................................... 111 15.2.Register: T0CNT0, T0CNT1...........................................................................112 15.3.Register: T0PERIOD0, T0PERIOD1.................................................................113 15.4.Register: T0CLKSRC....................................................................................113 15.5.Register: T0MODE.......................................................................................114 15.6.Register: T0STATUS....................................................................................116 16.Output Compare 0/1..........................................................................................117 16.1.Register: OC0COMP0, OC0COMP1.................................................................117 16.2.Register: OC0MODE.................................................................................... 117 16.3.Register: OC0PIN........................................................................................118 16.4.Register: OC0STATUS..................................................................................119 17.Input Capture 0/1..............................................................................................120 17.1.Register: IC0CAPT0, IC0CAPT1.....................................................................120 17.2.Register: IC0MODE..................................................................................... 120 17.3.Register: IC0STATUS...................................................................................121 18.UART 0/1..........................................................................................................122 18.1.Features.................................................................................................... 122 18.2.Register: U0SHREG.....................................................................................122 18.3.Register: U0MODE...................................................................................... 123 18.4.Register: U0CTRL........................................................................................124 18.5.Register: U0STATUS....................................................................................124 19.Random Number Generator / AES........................................................................126 20.Contact Information...........................................................................................127 AND9349/D 6 Device Overview 1. D E V I C E O V E R V I E W AX8052 is a fully integrated embedded microcontroller optimized for short range radio applications, designed to be paired with Axsem RF technology. 1.1. F E A T U R E S • • • • • • AX8052 ◦ Industry standard 8052 instruction set ◦ High performance core, most instructions require only 1 clock per instruction byte ◦ 20MIPS ◦ Dual DPTR for high speed external memory copies ◦ 22 interrupt vectors Debugger ◦ 3 Wire (1 dedicated, 2 shared with GPIO Pins) debugger interface ◦ True hardware debugger with breakpoints and single stepping support ◦ User programmable 64bit key to restrict debugging to authorized personnel ◦ DebugLink interface allows "printf" style debugging without utilizing a UART or GPIO pins Memory ◦ In-Circuit programmable FLASH ◦ Large RAM ◦ High performance memory crossbar ◦ 4 Word ×16 Bits fully associative cache and prefetch unit to hide FLASH access latency Clocking ◦ Flexible clocking options thanks to an on-chip 20MHz fast RC oscillator, 10kHz/640Hz low power RC oscillator, fast crystal oscillator, low power tuning fork crystal oscillator ◦ Fully automatic calibration of on-chip RC oscillators to a reference clock ◦ Clock monitor can detect failures of the main clock and switch to the on-chip fast RC oscillator ◦ Watchdog Power Modes ◦ Standby, sleep and deep sleep power modes for very low idle power consumption ◦ On-chip power-on reset and brown out detection 16Bit Wakeup Timer ◦ 2 Counting registers ◦ 4 Event registers allow flexible wakeup and software schedules AND9349/D Device Overview • • • • • • • • • • Dedicated Interface to Axsem Transceiver IC ◦ Easy access to transceiver registers by mapping transceiver registers into X address space ◦ Transceiver crystal may clock MCU GPIO ◦ Up to 24 GPIO pins, depending on package ◦ PB0-PB7 and PC0-PC7 5V tolerant inputs ◦ All GPIO pins support individually programmable pull-ups and interrupt on change ◦ Flexible allocation of GPIO pins to peripherals 16Bit General Purpose Timer (3x) ◦ Sawtooth and triangle modes ◦ Sigma-Delta mode converts timer into a DAC ◦ Optional double buffering of the PERIOD register allows controlled frequency changes ◦ Optional high-byte buffering allows atomic 16bit accesses ◦ Flexible clocking options, can use any internal or an external clock source, prescaler included 16Bit Output Compare Unit (2x) ◦ Used together with a General Purpose Timer to create PWM waveforms ◦ Optional double buffering 16Bit Input Capture Unit (2x) ◦ Used together with a General Purpose Timer to time events on an external or internal signal UART (2x) ◦ 5-9bit word length, 1-2 stop bits ◦ Uses one of the General Purpose Timers as baud rate generator Master/Slave SPI ◦ 4 or 3 line mode (with or without slave select line) ◦ Programmable clock phases ADC ◦ 10 Bit 500kSamples/s ADC ◦ Up to 8 channels ◦ Single ended and differential sampling ◦ x0.1, x1 and x10 gain amplifier ◦ Internal 1V reference ◦ Flexibly programmable conversion schedule ◦ Built-in temperature sensor Analog Comparators ◦ Internal or external reference ◦ Output signal may be routed to GPIO, read by software, or used as Input Capture trigger DMA controller ◦ 2 independent DMA channels ◦ Moves data between X-RAM and most on-chip peripherals AND9349/D 7 8 Device Overview Cycle-steal and round-robin memory arbitration ensure minimal impact on the AX8052 core ◦ Chained buffer descriptors allow arbitrarily elaborate buffering schemes and flexible interrupt generation Advanced Encryption Standard (AES)1 ◦ Dedicated AES crypto controller ◦ Dedicated DMA engine to fetch input data and keystream from X RAM and store output data into X RAM ◦ Multi Megabit/s data rates ◦ Supports AES-128, AES-192 and AES-256 international standards ◦ Programmable round number and software key schedule generation allow longer key lengths for higher security applications ◦ ECB, CFB and OFB chaining modes True Random Number Generator (RNG)1 ◦ Crypographic random numbers ◦ Passes the NIST Statistical Test Suite for Random Number Generators ◦ • • 1 For further information, contact [email protected] AND9349/D Device Overview Figure 1: Microfoot Block Diagram Figure 1 shows the block diagram of the Microfoot device. All blocks are interconnected via three busses, the P, X and SFR bus. AND9349/D 9 10 AX8052 2. AX8052 The AX8052 core is fully compatible with the MCS-51 instruction set. Standard 803x/805x assembler and compilers can be used to develop software. The peripherals however are vastly improved and therefore not compatible with other 8051/8052 implementations. 2.1. P E R F O R M A N C E The AX8052 core employs a pipelined architecture that greatly increases its instruction throughput over the standard 8052 architecture. Instead of using 12, 24 or 48 clock cycles to execute instructions, AX8052 requires between 1 and 11 clock cycles depending on instructions. 90% of the instructions are executed between 1 and 4 clock cycles. Clocks to execute 1 2 2+ 3 3+ 4 4+ 5 6 7 11 8052 instructions 21 23 8 21 17 10 2 4 3 1 2 Table 1: AX8052 performance There is one clock cycle latency when reading data in the IRAM. It does not concern internal SFR read and write accesses nor IRAM write accesses. Those instructions are indicated with an plus (+) in the instruction set summary table, indicating that the latency depends on the memory space access. Instructions doing read or write accesses to the external SFR memory space are also indicated with an plus (+) as the latency depends on the peripheral. There is as well one clock cycle latency when reading data in the XRAM. It is not the case for write accesses. The 4 register banks are located in the IRAM. So R0 and R1 of the active register bank selected by PSW[4:3] are not easily accessible when doing indirect addressing. In order to speed up this addressing mode, the core has two internal shadow registers to store R0 and R1 images. Doing so, it is not necessary to read R0 or R1 each time the core makes an indirect access. Nevertheless, instructions that change PSW[4:3] flags require 4 clock cycles more in order to read the new active R0 and R1. The bit addressable locations are also in the IRAM. Writing a bit to such memory locations implies a Read-Modify-Write operation, and so requires 2 clock cycles to read the byte and modify the appropriate bit, and one clock cycle to write the new byte in the IRAM. AND9349/D AX8052 2.2. I N S T R U C T I O N SET All the AX8052 instructions are the binary and functional equivalent of the 8051 counterparts, including opcodes, addressing modes and effects on PSW. The next table named “Instruction set summary” provides information about the arithmetic, logical, data transfer, boolean manipulation and program branching instructions. In order to simplify the table, different symbols are used. Their meanings are: • Rn: Register R0-R7 of the currently selected register bank. • @Ri: Data RAM location addressed indirectly through R0 or R1. • Rel: 8-bit, signed (2's complement) offset relative to the first bytes of the following instruction. • Direct: 8-bit internal data location’s address. This could be direct-access Data RAM location (0x00-0x7F) or an SFR (0x80-0xFF). • #data: 8 or 16-bit constants. • Bit: Direct-accessed bit in Data Ram or SFR. • Addr11: 11-bit destination address used by ACALL and AJMP. The destination must be within the same 2K-bytes page of program memory as the first byte of the following instruction. • Addr16: 16-bit destination address used by LCALL and LJMP. The destination may be anywhere within the program memory. Instruction Description Prgm bytes Clock cycles ARITHMETIC OPERATIONS ADD A, Rn Add register to Accumulator 1 2 ADD A, direct Add direct byte to Accumulator 2 2+ ADD A, @Ri Add indirect RAM to Accumulator 1 2 AND9349/D 11 12 AX8052 ADD A, #data Add immediate data to Accumulator 2 2 ADDC A, Rn Add register to Accumulator with carry 1 2 ADDC A, direct Add direct byte to Accumulator with carry 2 2+ ADDC A, @Ri Add indirect RAM to Accumulator with carry 1 2 ADDC A, #data Add immediate data to ACC with carry 2 2 SUBB A, Rn Subtract Register from ACC with borrow 1 2 SUBB A, direct Subtract direct byte from ACC with borrow 2 2+ SUBB A, @Ri Subtract indirect RAM from ACC with borrow 1 2 SUBB A, #data Subtract immediate data from ACC with borrow 2 2 INC A Increment Accumulator 1 1 INC Rn Increment register 1 3 INC direct Increment direct byte 2 3+ INC @Ri Increment indirect RAM 1 3 INC DPTR Increment Data Pointer 1 1 DEC A Decrement Accumulator 1 1 DEC Rn Decrement Register 1 3 DEC direct Decrement direct byte 2 3+ DEC @Ri Decrement indirect RAM 1 3 MUL AB Multiply A and B 1 11 DIV AB Divide A by B 1 11 DA A Decimal Adjust Accumulator 1 1 LOGICAL OPERATIONS ANL A, Rn AND Register to Accumulator 1 2 ANL A, direct AND direct byte to Accumulator 2 2+ ANL A, @Ri AND indirect RAM to Accumulator 1 2 ANL A, #data AND immediate data to Accumulator 2 2 ANL direct, A AND Accumulator to direct byte 2 3+ ANL direct, #data AND immediate data to direct byte 3 3+ ORL A, Rn OR register to Accumulator 1 2 ORL A, direct OR direct byte to Accumulator 2 2+ AND9349/D AX8052 ORL A, @Ri OR indirect RAM to Accumulator 1 2 ORL A, #data OR immediate data to Accumulator 2 2 ORL direct, A OR Accumulator to direct byte 2 3+ ORL direct, #data OR immediate data to direct byte 3 3+ XRL A, Rn Exclusive-OR register to Accumulator 1 2 XRL A, direct Exclusive-OR direct byte to Accumulator 2 2+ XRL A, @Ri Exclusive-OR indirect RAM to Accumulator 1 2 XRL A, #data Exclusive-OR immediate data to Accumulator 2 2 XRL direct, A Exclusive-OR Accumulator to direct byte 2 3+ XRL direct, #data Exclusive-OR immediate data to direct byte 3 3+ CLR A Clear Accumulator 1 1 CPL A Complement Accumulator 1 1 RL A Rotate Accumulator left 1 1 RLC A Rotate Accumulator left through the carry 1 1 RR A Rotate Accumulator right 1 1 RRC A Rotate Accumulator right through the carry 1 1 SWAP A Swap nibbles within the Accumulator 1 1 DATA TRANSFER MOV A, Rn Move register to Accumulator 1 1 MOV A, direct Move direct byte to Accumulator 2 2+ MOV A, @Ri Move indirect RAM to Accumulator 1 1 MOV A, #data Move immediate data to Accumulator 2 2 MOV Rn, A Move Accumulator to register 1 1 MOV Rn, direct Move direct byte to register 2 3+ MOV Rn, #data Move immediate data to register 2 2 MOV direct, A Move Accumulator to direct byte 2 2+ MOV direct, Rn Move register to direct byte 2 3+ MOV direct, direct Move direct byte to direct 3 3+ AND9349/D 13 14 AX8052 MOV direct, @Ri Move indirect RAM to direct byte 2 3+ MOV direct, #data Move immediate data to direct byte 3 3+ MOV @Ri, A Move Accumulator to indirect RAM 1 1 MOV @Ri, direct Move direct byte to indirect RAM 2 3+ MOV @Ri, #data Move immediate data to indirect RAM 2 2 MOV DPTR, #data Load Data Pointer with a 16-bit constant 3 3 MOVC A, @A+DPTR Move Code byte relative to DPTR to ACC 1 4 MOVC A, @A+PC Move Code byte relative to PC to ACC 1 4 MOVC @DPTR, A Move Accumulator To Program Memory 1 4 MOVX A, @Ri Move external RAM (8-bit addr) to ACC 1 2 MOVX A, @DPTR Move external RAM (16-bit addr) to ACC 1 2 MOVX @Ri, A Move ACC to external RAM (8-bit addr) 1 1 MOVX @DPTR, A Move ACC to external RAM (16-bit addr) 1 1 PUSH direct Push direct byte onto stack 2 3+ POP direct Pop direct byte from stack 2 3+ XCH A, Rn Exchange register with Accumulator 1 3 XCH A, direct Exchange direct byte with Accumulator 2 3+ XCH A, @Ri Exchange indirect RAM with Accumulator 1 3 XCHD A, @Ri Exchange low-order digit indirect RAM with ACC 1 3 BOOLEAN MANIPULATION CLR C Clear carry 1 1 CLR bit Clear direct bit 2 4 SETB C Set carry 1 1 SETB bit Set direct bit 2 4 CPL C Complement carry 1 1 CPL bit Complement direct bit 2 6 ANL C, bit AND direct bit to carry 2 3 ANL C, /bit AND complement of direct bit to carry 2 3 ORL C, bit OR direct bit to carry 2 3 AND9349/D AX8052 ORL C, /bit OR complement of direct bit to carry 2 3 MOV C, bit Move direct bit to carry 2 3 MOV bit, C Move carry to direct bit 2 4 JC rel Jump if carry is set 2 3 JNC rel Jump if carry not set 2 3 JB rel Jump if direct bit is set 3 5 JNB rel Jump if direct bit is not set 3 5 JBC bit, rel Jump if direct bit is set and clear bit 3 7 PROGRAM BRANCHING ACALL addr11 Absolute subroutine call 2 3 LCALL addr16 Long subroutine call 3 4 RET Return from subroutine 1 6 RETI Return from interrupt 1 6 AJMP addr11 Absolute jump 2 3 LJMP addr16 Long jump 3 4 SJMP rel Short jump (relative addr) 2 3 JMP @A+DPTR Jump indirect relative to the DPTR 1 3 JZ rel Jump if Accumulator is zero 2 3 JNZ rel Jump if Accumulator is not zero 2 3 CJNE A, direct, rel Compare direct byte to ACC and jump if not equal 3 4+ CJNE A, #data, rel Compare immediate to ACC and jump if not equal 3 4 CJNE Rn, #data, rel Compare immediate to register and jump if not equal 3 5 CJNE @Ri, #data, rel Compare immediate to indirect and jump if not equal 3 5 DJNZ Rn, rel Decrement register and jump if not zero 2 4 DJNZ direct, rel Decrement direct byte and jump if not zero 3 4+ NOP No Operation 1 1 Table 2: Instruction set summary AND9349/D 15 16 AX8052 2.3. M E M O R Y ORGANIZATION Program Memory External Data Memory 0xFFFF 0xFFFF 0x0000 0x0000 Data Memory Indirect addressing Direct addressing 0xFF SFR Special Function Register DATA Internal: A, B, PSW, IE, IP, SP, DPTR External: Ports, timers, UARTS... IRAM 0x80 0x7F DATA IRAM 0x30 0x2F 0x20 0x1F 0x00 40 48 50 58 60 68 70 78 BIT ADDRESSABLE IRAM R0-7, BANK0-3 IRAM Direct/Indirect addressing 00 08 10 18 20 28 30 38 R0 R1 R2 R3 R4 R5 R6 R7 R0 R1 R2 R3 R4 R5 R6 R7 R0 R1 R2 R3 R4 R5 R6 R7 R0 R1 R2 R3 R4 R5 R6 R7 Figure 2: AX8052 memory organization AND9349/D AX8052 2.4. D A T A MEMORY The AX8052 has 256 bytes of data memory mapping called IRAM (internal data) or SFR (Special Function Register) depending on the addressing mode used and the address space access. The memory space goes from 0x00 to 0xFF. The lower 128 bytes of data memory are used for general purpose registers, bits and scratch pad memory. Either direct or indirect addressing may be used to access the lower 128 bytes of data memory: • Location 0x00 through 0x1F are addressable as four banks of general purpose registers, each bank consisting of eight byte-wide registers. • The next 16 bytes locations 0x20 through 0x2F may either be addressed as bytes or as 128 bit locations accessible with the direct addressing mode. The upper 128 bytes region represents the upper part of internal data memory and the SFR. They are physically separated and are accessible through different addressing modes: • The upper 128 bytes of internal data memory is accessible only with indirect addressing. • Special Function Registers are accessible on the same address space, using direct addressing. 2.4.1. REGISTER BANKS The AX8052 uses 8 “R” registers (locations 0x00 through 0x1F) which are used in many instructions. These “R” registers are numbered from 0 through 7 (R0, R1, R2, R3, R4, R5, R6, R7) and are generally used to assist in manipulating values and moving data from one memory location to another. The microcontroller has 4 distinct register banks and only one of these banks may be enabled at a time. When the CPU is first booted up, register bank 0 is used by default. However, your program may instruct the CPU to use one of the alternate register banks; i.e., register bank 1, 2 or 3. In this case, R4 (for example) will no longer be the same as internal RAM address 04h. Two bits in the Program Status Word (PSW), RS0 (PSW.3) and RS1 (PSW.4), select the active register bank. Indirect addressing mode uses registers R0 and R1 as index registers. The AX8052 has a directly accessible image of the active R0 and R1, speeding up indirect accesses. Doing so, the core does not need to read R0 or R1 in IRAM before doing an indirect access. Each time AND9349/D 17 18 AX8052 the active R0 or R1 register is changed, or when RS0 and/or RS1 is modified, the core updates the R0 and R1 images. Register bank 3 Register bank 2 Register bank 1 Register bank 0 R0 R1 R2 R3 R4 R5 R6 R7 0x10 R0 R1 R2 R3 R4 R5 R6 R7 0x08 R0 R1 R2 R3 R4 R5 R6 R7 0x00 R0 R1 R2 R3 R4 R5 R6 R7 0x18 RS0=1 RS0=0 RS0=1 RS0=0 RS1=1 RS1=1 RS1=0 RS1=0 IRAM 0x00 -> 0x1F Figure 3: Register Banks 2.4.2. BIT ADDRESSABLE LOCATIONS The sixteen data memory location at 0x20 through 0x2F are also accessible as 128 individually addressable bits. Each bit has a bit address from 0x00 to 0x7F. Bit 0 of the byte at 0x20 has bit address 0x00 while bit 7 of the byte at 0x20 has bit address 0x07. Bit 7 of the byte at 0x2F has bit address 0x7F. A bit access is distinguished from a full byte access by the type of instruction used (bit source or destination operands as opposed to a byte source or destination). 40 48 50 58 60 68 70 78 0x20 00 08 10 18 20 28 30 38 0x2F IRAM 0x20 -> 0x2F Figure 4: Bit memory 2.4.3. STACK A programmer’s stack can be located anywhere in the 256-byte data memory. The stack area is designated using the Stack Pointer (SP, 0x81) SFR. The SP will point to the last location used. The next value pushed on the stack is place at SP+1, and then SP is incremented. A reset initializes the stack pointer to location 0x07. Therefore, the first value pushed on the stack is placed at location 0x08, which is also the first register (R0) of register bank 1. Thus, if more than one register bank is to be used, the SP should be initialized to a location in the data memory not being used for data storage. The stack depth can extend up to 256 bytes. 2.4.4. S P E C I A L F U N C T I O N R E G I S T E R S (SFR) The direct access data memory locations from 0x80 to 0xFF constitute the Special Function Registers (SFRs). AND9349/D AX8052 The internal SFR are the accumulator (A or ACC), the B register (B), the Stack Pointer (SP), the Program Status Word (PSW), the Interrupt Enable (IE) and Interrupt priority (IP) registers and the external Data Pointer register (DPL and DPH, known as DPTR). The word “internal” is used to describe those SFR because they are physically located inside the AX8052 core. In opposition to “internal” SFR, it exists external SFRs that provide control and data exchange with the AX8052 and peripherals (like ports, timers, UARTS...). The word “external” is used because the peripherals implementing those SFR are located outside the core. Direct addressing mode is used to access the SFR memory location, i.e. from 0x80 to 0xFF. SFRs with addresses ending in 0x0 or 0x8 (e.g. ACC, B, PSW, IP, IE…) are bit-addressable as well as byte-addressable. All other SFRs are byte-addressable only. Unoccupied addresses in the SFR space are reserved for future use (peripherals...). Accessing these areas will have an indeterminate effect and should be avoided. 2.4.5. I N T E R N A L SFR ACCUMULATOR - A R/W R/W ACC.7 ACC.6 DESCRIPTIONS R/W R/W ACC.5 ACC.4 R/W R/W ACC.3 ACC.2 R/W ACC.1 R/W ACC.0 Reset value: 0x00 SFR address: 0xE0 Bit addressable: Yes Bits 7-0: Accumulator (A). R/W B.7 B REGISTER R/W B.6 – B R/W B.5 R/W B.4 R/W B.3 R/W B.2 R/W B.1 R/W B.0 Reset value: 0x00 SFR address: 0xF0 Bit addressable: Yes Bits 7-0: B register (B). This register serves as a second accumulator for some arithmetic operations. AND9349/D 19 20 AX8052 S T A C K P O I N T E R – SP R/W R/W SP.7 SP.6 R/W R/W SP.5 SP.4 R/W R/W SP.3 SP.2 R/W R/W SP.1 SP.0 Reset value: 0x07 SFR address: 0x81 Bit addressable: No Bits 7-0: Stack Pointer (SP). The stack pointer holds the top location of the stack. It is incremented before every PUSH operations and decremented after every POP operations. R/W CY P R O G R A M S T A T U S W O R D – PSW R/W AC R/W F0 R/W RS1 R/W RS0 R/W OV R/W F1 R P Reset value: 0x00 SFR address: 0xD0 Bit addressable: Yes Bit 7: Carry Flag (CY). This bit is set when the last arithmetic operation resulted in a carry into (addition) or a borrow (subtraction). It is cleared to 0 by all other arithmetic operations. Bit 6: Auxiliary Carry Flag (AC). This bit is set when the last arithmetic operation resulted in a carry into (addition) or a borrow (subtraction) from the higher order nibble. It is cleared to 0 by all other arithmetic operations. Bit 5: User Flag 0 (F0). This is a bit-addressable, general purpose flag for use under software control. Bit 4-3: Register Bank Select (RS1-RS0). These bits select which register bank is used during register access. 0-0: Register Bank 0 is selected 0-1: Register Bank 1 is selected 1-0: Register Bank 2 is selected 1-1: Register Bank 3 is selected Bit 2: Overflow Flag (OV). This bit is set to 1 under the following circumstances: An ADD, ADDC or SUBB instruction causes a sign-change overflow. A MUL instruction results in an overflow (result is greater than 255). A DIV instruction causes a divide-by-zero condition. Bit 1: User Flag 1 (F1). This is a bit-addressable, general purpose flag for use under software control. Bit 0: Parity Flag (P). This bit is set to logic 1 if the sum of the eight bits in the accumulator is odd and cleared if the sum is even. AND9349/D AX8052 D A T A P O I N T E R – DPTR R/W R/W DPL.7 DPL.6 R/W R/W DPL.5 DPL.4 R/W R/W DPL.3 DPL.2 R/W DPL.1 R/W DPL.0 Reset value: 0x00 SFR address: 0x82 Bit addressable: No Bits 7-0: Data Pointer Low (DPL). The DPL register is the low byte of the 16-bit DPTR. DPTR is used to access indirectly addressed memory. R/W R/W DPH.7 DPH.6 R/W R/W DPH.5 DPH.4 R/W R/W DPH.3 DPH.2 R/W DPH.1 R/W DPH.0 Reset value: 0x00 SFR address: 0x83 Bit addressable: No Bits 7-0: Data Pointer High (DPH). The DPL register is the high byte of the 16-bit DPTR. DPTR is used to access indirectly addressed memory. 2.5. I N T E R R U P T S AX8052 includes an interrupt system supporting a total of 22 interrupt sources with 2 priority levels. If interrupts are enabled for the source, an interrupt request is generated when the interrupt input line is triggered. As soon as execution of the current instruction is complete, the CPU generates an LCALL to a predetermined address to begin execution of an interrupt service routine (ISR). Each ISR must end with an RETI instruction which returns program execution to the next instruction that would have been executed if the interrupt request had not occurred. If interrupts are not enabled, the interrupt input line activity is ignored by the hardware and program execution continues as normal. Each interrupt source can be individually enabled or disabled through the use of an associated interrupt enable bit in an SFR (IE, EIE, E2IE). However, interrupts must first be globally enabled by setting the EA bit (IE.7) to logic 1 before the individual interrupt enables are recognized. Setting the EA bit to logic 0 disables all interrupt sources regardless of the individual interrupt-enable settings. AND9349/D 21 22 AX8052 If an interrupt input line remains set after the CPU completes the return-from-interrupt (RETI) instruction, a new interrupt request will be generated immediately and the CPU will re-enter the ISR after completion of the next instruction. 2.5.1. INTERRUPT PRIORITY Each interrupt source can be individually programmed to one of two priority levels: low or high. A low priority interrupt service routine can be preempted by a high priority interrupt. A high priority interrupt cannot be preempted. Each interrupt has an associated interrupt priority bit in an SFR (IP, EIP, E2IP) used to configure its priority level. Low priority is the default. If two interrupts are recognized simultaneously, the interrupt with the higher priority is serviced first. If both interrupts have the same priority level, a fixed priority order is used to arbitrate. 2.5.2. INTERRUPT LATENCY Interrupts response time depends on the state of the CPU when the interrupt occurs. Pending interrupts are sampled and priority decoded each system clock cycle. Therefore, the fastest possible response time is 5 clock cycles: 1 clock cycle to detect the interrupt,and 4 clock cycles to complete the LCALL to the ISR. If the CPU is executing an ISR for an interrupt with equal or higher priority, the new interrupt will not be serviced until the current ISR completes, including the RETI and following instruction. 2.6. I N T E R R U P T V E C T O R S Address Vector 0x0000 Reset 0x0003 External 0 Interrupt 0x000B Wakeup Timer Interrupt 0x0013 External 1 Interrupt 0x001B GPIO Interrupt 0x0023 Radio Interrupt 0x002B Clock Management Interrupt (see OSCCALIB) 0x0033 Power Management Interrupt 0x003B Timer 0 Interrupt 0x0043 Timer 1 Interrupt AND9349/D AX8052 0x004B Timer 2 Interrupt 0x0053 SPI 0 Interrupt 0x005B UART 0 Interrupt 0x0063 UART 1 Interrupt 0x006B GPADC Interrupt 0x0073 DMA Interrupt 0x007B Output Compare 0 Interrupt 0x0083 Output Compare 1 Interrupt 0x008B Input Capture 0 Interrupt 0x0093 Input Capture 1 Interrupt 0x009B Random Number Generator Interrupt 0x00A3 AES Interrupt 0x00AB DebugLink Interrupt AND9349/D 23 24 AX8052 Registers 3. AX8052 R E G I S T E R S 3.1. R E G I S T E R : SP Name SP Bits 7:0 R/W RW Reset Description 0x07 Stack Pointer This is the stack pointer. See chapter for additional documentation. 3.2. R E G I S T E R : DPH, DPL Name Bits DPTR0 15:0 R/W Reset Description RW 0x0000 Data Pointer This is the data pointer register. It used in instructions that require a 16 Bit address. See chapter for additional documentation. 3.3. R E G I S T E R : DPH1, DPL1 Name DPTR1 Bits R/W 15:0 RW Reset Description 0x0000 Second Data Pointer This is the alternate data pointer register. 3.4. R E G I S T E R : DPS The AX8052 features dual DPTR support to speed up X memory operations, such as memory copies. Bit 0 of the DPS register selects which DPTR is used during operations that reference the DPTR register. Name DPS Bits 0 R/W RW Reset 0 Description Data Pointer Select; 0=DPTR0, 1=DPTR1 AND9349/D AX8052 Registers 3.5. R E G I S T E R : IE Name Bits R/W Reset Description IE0 0 RW 0 External 0 Interrupt Enable IE1 1 RW 0 Wakeup Timer Interrupt Enable IE2 2 RW 0 External 1 Interrupt Enable IE3 3 RW 0 GPIO Interrupt Enable IE4 4 RW 0 Radio Interrupt Enable IE5 5 RW 0 Clock Management Interrupt Enable IE6 6 RW 0 Power Management Interrupt Enable EA 7 RW 0 Global Interrupt Enable This register belongs to the interrupt controller. See chapter 2.5 for additional documentation about the interrupt subsystem. Interrupt sources enabled in this register may be used to wake up the microcontroller from sleep mode. EA does not need to be set to 1 for wake-up from sleep mode; it is sufficient for the interrupt source enable bit to be 1. 3.6. R E G I S T E R : IP Name Bits R/W Reset Description IP0 0 RW 0 External 0 Interrupt Priority IP1 1 RW 0 Wakeup Timer Interrupt Priority IP2 2 RW 0 External 1 Interrupt Priority IP3 3 RW 0 GPIO Interrupt Priority IP4 4 RW 0 Radio Interrupt Priority IP5 5 RW 0 Clock Management Interrupt Priority IP6 6 RW 0 Power Management Interrupt Priority This register belongs to the interrupt controller. See chapter 2.5 for additional documentation about the interrupt subsystem. AND9349/D 25 26 AX8052 Registers 3.7. R E G I S T E R : EIE Name Bits R/W Reset Description EIE0 0 RW 0 Timer 0 Interrupt Enable EIE1 1 RW 0 Timer 1 Interrupt Enable EIE2 2 RW 0 Timer 2 Interrupt Enable EIE3 3 RW 0 SPI 0 Interrupt Enable EIE4 4 RW 0 UART 0 Interrupt Enable EIE5 5 RW 0 UART 1 Interrupt Enable EIE6 6 RW 0 GPADC Interrupt Enable EIE7 7 RW 0 DMA Interrupt Enable This register belongs to the interrupt controller. See chapter 2.5 for additional documentation about the interrupt subsystem. 3.8. R E G I S T E R : EIP Name Bits R/W Reset Description EIP0 0 RW 0 Timer 0 Interrupt Priority EIP1 1 RW 0 Timer 1 Interrupt Priority EIP2 2 RW 0 Timer 2 Interrupt Priority EIP3 3 RW 0 SPI 0 Interrupt Priority EIP4 4 RW 0 UART 0 Interrupt Priority EIP5 5 RW 0 UART 1 Interrupt Priority EIP6 6 RW 0 GPADC Interrupt Priority EIP7 7 RW 0 DMA Interrupt Priority This register belongs to the interrupt controller. See chapter 2.5 for additional documentation about the interrupt subsystem. AND9349/D AX8052 Registers 3.9. R E G I S T E R : E2IE Name Bits R/W Reset Description E2IE0 0 RW 0 Output Compare 0 Interrupt Enable E2IE1 1 RW 0 Output Compare 1 Interrupt Enable E2IE2 2 RW 0 Input Capture 0 Interrupt Enable E2IE3 3 RW 0 Input Capture 1 Interrupt Enable E2IE4 4 RW 0 Random Number Generator Interrupt Enable E2IE5 5 RW 0 AES Interrupt Enable E2IE6 6 RW 0 DebugLink Interrupt Enable This register belongs to the interrupt controller. See chapter 2.5 for additional documentation about the interrupt subsystem. 3.10. R E G I S T E R : E2IP Name Bits R/W Reset Description E2IP0 0 RW 0 Output Compare 0 Interrupt Priority E2IP1 1 RW 0 Output Compare 1 Interrupt Priority E2IP2 2 RW 0 Input Capture 0 Interrupt Priority E2IP3 3 RW 0 Input Capture 1 Interrupt Priority E2IP4 4 RW 0 Random Number Generator Interrupt Priority E2IP5 5 RW 0 AES Interrupt Priority E2IP6 6 RW 0 DebugLink Interrupt Priority This register belongs to the interrupt controller. See chapter 2.5 for additional documentation about the interrupt subsystem. AND9349/D 27 28 AX8052 Registers 3.11. R E G I S T E R : PSW Name Bits R/W Reset Description PARITY 0 RW 0 Accumulator Parity F1 1 RW 0 User Flag 1 OV 2 RW 0 Overflow Flag RS 4:3 RW 00 Register Bank Select F0 5 RW 0 User Flag 0 AC 6 RW 0 Auxiliary Carry Flag CY 7 RW 0 Carry Flag This is the program status word. See chapter for additional documentation. 3.12. R E G I S T E R : ACC Name ACC Bits 7:0 R/W RW Reset 0x00 Description Accumulator This is the accumulator register. It is used as an operand in many instructions. See chapter for additional documentation. 3.13. R E G I S T E R : B Name B Bits 7:0 R/W RW Reset 0x00 Description B Register This is the B register. It is used to supply the second operand to the multiplication instruction. See chapter for additional documentation. 3.14. R E G I S T E R : XPAGE Name Bits XPAGE 7:0 R/W RW Reset 0x00 Description XPAGE Register AND9349/D AX8052 Registers The XPAGE register supplies the high byte of the X address for MOVX @Rx instructions. For compatibility with the SDCC runtime library, this register is also available under the name _XPAGE. AND9349/D 29 30 Address Space 4. A D D R E S S S P A C E The AX8052 uses a harvard architecture with 3.5 address spaces. P space is used by instruction fetch and can be accessed using MOVC instructions. I space can be accessed by direct MOV and indirect MOV @Rx instructions. The upper half of it may only be accessed by indirect moves MOV @Rx. SFR space can be accessed by direct MOV instructions. X space can be accessed by MOVX instructions. Address P (Code) Space X Space I Space Direct 0000–007F IRAM 0080–00FF XRAM SFR Indirect IRAM 0100–1FFF 2000–207F IRAM 2080–3F7F 3F80–3FFF 4000–4FFF FLASH SFR RREG 5000–5FFF RREG (nb) 6000–7FFF XREG 8000–BFFF C000–DFFF FLASH E000–FBFF FC00–FFFF Calibration Calibration XREG are the AX8052 registers that do not fit into SFR space. The XREG memory map can be found in chapter 4.3. The SFR memory map can be found in chapter 4.2. RREG are the registers of the radio chip. RREG (nb) is a mirror of the radio chip registers used for nonblocking access. The use of RREG and RREG (nb) is documented in chapter 11.2. Some memories can appear in multiple address spaces, for example the FLASH and the IRAM. Accessing them through different address spaces accesses the same content. The FLASH is organized as 64 1kByte pages. FLASH may be erased page-wise and written in 16Bit words. The last FLASH page is reserved for factory calibration data and should not be AND9349/D Address Space overwritten. It is highly recommended to call flash_apply_calibration() from libmf early in the startup sequence to ensure calibration data is applied to the AX8052. The upper half of FLASH may also be accessed in X space. This reduces the need for generic pointers2 by allowing to access constant and variable data through X space pointers only. 4.1. M E M O R Y S W I T C H A R C H I T E C T U R E AES 8052 DMA X Bus SFR Bus IRAM Bus Code Bus Cache Prefetch Arbiter Arbiter Arbiter Arbiter XRAM 0000-0FFF XRAM 1000-1FFF X Registers 4000-7FFF SFR Registers 80-FF Arbiter IRAM 00-FF Arbiter FLASH 0000-FFFF ROM E000-FFFF Figure 5: Memory Switch Architecture Figure 5 shows the memory multiplexing and switching architecture. As can be seen, the chip contains three bus masters: the microcontroller (AX8052), the DMA controller, and the AES core. Care has been taken so that multiple bus masters can access independent memories concurrently. 2 Generic pointers are pointers that contain, besides the address, an address space tag AND9349/D 31 32 Address Space 4.2. SFR A D D R E S S M A P Address Register Hex 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 A B C D E F 0x80– PORTA SP DPL DPH DPL1 DPH1 DPS PCON 0x8F PORTB DIRA DIRB DIRC PORTR PINR DIRR – 0x90– PORTC NVSTATUS NVADDR0 NVADDR1 NVDATA0 NVDATA1 NVKEY CODECONFIG 0x9F EIE T0MODE T0CLKSRC T0STATUS T0CNT0 T0CNT1 T0PERIOD0 T0PERIOD1 0xA0– E2IE T1MODE T1CLKSRC T1STATUS T1CNT0 T1CNT1 T1PERIOD0 T1PERIOD1 0xAF IE T2MODE T2CLKSRC T2STATUS T2CNT0 T2CNT1 T2PERIOD0 T2PERIOD1 0xB0– EIP RADIOACC RADIOADDR1 RADIOADDR0 RADIODATA3 RADIODATA2 RADIODATA1 RADIODATA0 0xBF IP OC0MODE OC0PIN OC0STATUS OC0COMP0 OC0COMP1 RADIOSTAT0 RADIOSTAT1 0xC0– E2IP OC1MODE OC1PIN OC1STATUS OC1COMP0 OC1COMP1 CLKCON CLKSTAT 0xCF PINA ADCCONV ADCCH0CONFIG ADCCH1CONFIG IC0MODE IC0STATUS IC0CAPT0 IC0CAPT1 0xD0– PSW ADCCLKSRC ADCCH2CONFIG ADCCH3CONFIG IC1MODE IC1STATUS IC1CAPT0 IC1CAPT1 0xDF – XPAGE WDTCFG WDTRESET SPMODE SPSTATUS SPSHREG SPCLKSRC 0xE0– ACC ANALOGCOMP DBGLNKSTAT DBGLNKBUF U0CTRL U0STATUS U0SHREG U0MODE 0xEF PINB WTIRQEN WTSTAT WTCNTR1 U1CTRL U1STATUS U1SHREG U1MODE AND9349/D Address Space Address Register Hex 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 A B C D E F 0xF0– B WTCFGA WTCNTA0 WTCNTA1 WTEVTA0 WTEVTA1 WTEVTB0 WTEVTB1 0xFF PINC WTCFGB WTCNTB0 WTCNTB1 WTEVTC0 WTEVTC1 WTEVTD0 WTEVTD1 4.3. X R E G I S T E R A D D R E S S M A P Address Register Hex 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 A B C D E F 0x3F80– PORTA – – – – – – PCON 0x3F8F PORTB DIRA DIRB DIRC PORTR PINR DIRR – 0x3F90– PORTC NVSTATUS NVADDR0 NVADDR1 NVDATA0 NVDATA1 NVKEY CODECONFIG 0x3F9F – T0MODE T0CLKSRC T0STATUS T0CNT0 T0CNT1 T0PERIOD0 T0PERIOD1 0x3FA0– – T1MODE T1CLKSRC T1STATUS T1CNT0 T1CNT1 T1PERIOD0 T1PERIOD1 0x3FAF IE T2MODE T2CLKSRC T2STATUS T2CNT0 T2CNT1 T2PERIOD0 T2PERIOD1 0x3FB0– – RADIOACC RADIOADDR1 RADIOADDR0 RADIODATA3 RADIODATA2 RADIODATA1 RADIODATA0 0x3FBF IP OC0MODE OC0PIN OC0STATUS OC0COMP0 OC0COMP1 RADIOSTAT0 RADIOSTAT1 AND9349/D 33 34 Address Space Address Register Hex 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 A B C D E F 0x3FC0– – OC1MODE OC1PIN OC1STATUS OC1COMP0 OC1COMP1 CLKCON CLKSTAT 0x3FCF PINA ADCCONV ADCCH0CONFIG ADCCH1CONFIG IC0MODE IC0STATUS IC0CAPT0 IC0CAPT1 0x3FD0– – ADCCLKSRC ADCCH2CONFIG ADCCH3CONFIG IC1MODE IC1STATUS IC1CAPT0 IC1CAPT1 0x3FDF – – WDTCFG WDTRESET SPMODE SPSTATUS SPSHREG SPCLKSRC 0x3FE0– – ANALOGCOMP DBGLNKSTAT DBGLNKBUF U0CTRL U0STATUS U0SHREG U0MODE 0x3FEF PINB WTIRQEN WTSTAT WTCNTR1 U1CTRL U1STATUS U1SHREG U1MODE 0x3FF0– – WTCFGA WTCNTA0 WTCNTA1 WTEVTA0 WTEVTA1 WTEVTB0 WTEVTB1 0x3FFF PINC WTCFGB WTCNTB0 WTCNTB1 WTEVTC0 WTEVTC1 WTEVTD0 WTEVTD1 0x7000– INTCHGA INTCHGB INTCHGC EXTIRQ PINCHGA PINCHGB PINCHGC ANALOGA 0x700F PALTA PALTB PALTC PINSEL GPIOENABLE – – – 0x7010– DMA0ADDR0 DMA0ADDR1 DMA1ADDR0 DMA1ADDR1 DMA0CONFIG DMA1CONFIG – – 0x701F – – – – – – – – 0x7020– ADCCH0VAL0 ADCCH0VAL1 ADCCH1VAL0 ADCCH1VAL1 ADCCH2VAL0 ADCCH2VAL1 ADCCH3VAL0 ADCCH3VAL1 0x702F ADCTUNE0 ADCTUNE1 ADCTUNE2 – – – – – 0x7040– RADIOFDATAADDR RADIOFDATAADDR RADIOFSTATADDR 0 1 0 RADIOFSTATADDR 1 RADIOMUX – – – 0x704F – – – – – – – – AND9349/D Address Space Address Register Hex 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 A B C D E F 0x7050– OSCFORCERUN OSCRUN OSCREADY OSCCALIB LPXOSCGM – – – 0x705F – – – – – – – – 0x7060– LPOSCCONFIG – LPOSCKFILT0 LPOSCKFILT1 LPOSCREF0 LPOSCREF1 LPOSCFREQ0 LPOSCFREQ1 0x706F LPOSCPER0 LPOSCPER1 – – – – – – 0x7070– FRCOSCCONFIG – FRCOSCKFILT0 FRCOSCKFILT1 FRCOSCREF0 FRCOSCREF1 FRCOSCFREQ0 FRCOSCFREQ1 0x707F FRCOSCPER0 FRCOSCPER1 – – – – – – 0x7080– – – – – SCRATCH0 SCRATCH1 SCRATCH2 SCRATCH3 0x708F – – – – – – – – 0x7F00– SILICONREV MISCCTRL – – – – – – 0x7F0F – – – – – – – – 0x7F10– – – – – – – – – 0x7F1F XTALOSC XTALAMPL XTALREADY – – – – – AND9349/D 35 36 Address Space 4.4. R E G I S T E R O V E R V I E W Addr Name Dir R Reset Hex Bit 7 Description 6 5 4 3 2 1 0 MCU Core 81 SP RW R 00000111 SP(7:0) Stack Pointer 82 DPL RW R 00000000 DPTR0(7:0) Data Pointer 83 DPH RW R 00000000 DPTR0(15:8) Data Pointer 84 DPL1 RW R 00000000 DPTR1(7:0) Second Data Pointer 85 DPH1 RW R 00000000 DPTR1(15:8) Second Data Pointer 86 DPS RW R –––––––0 – 87 PCON RW R –––00000 BROWNO WAKEUP UT A8 IE RW R 00000000 EA IE(6:0) Interrupt Enable B8 IP RW R –0000000 – IP(6:0) Interrupt Priority 98 EIE RW R 00000000 EIE(7:0) Extended Interrupt Enable B0 EIP RW R 00000000 EIP(7:0) Extended Interrupt Priority A0 E2IE RW R 00000000 E2IE(7:0) Extended 2 Interrupt Enable C0 E2IP RW R 00000000 E2IP(7:0) Extended 2 Interrupt Priority D0 PSW RW R 00000000 CY E0 ACC RW R 00000000 ACC(7:0) Accumulator F0 B RW R 00000000 B(7:0) B Register D9 XPAGE RW R 00000000 XPAGE(7:0) XPAGE Register E2 DBGLNKSTAT RW R 000––––– DBG TXIE DBG RXIE E3 DBGLNKBUF RW R –––––––– DBGBUF – AC – – – WDTRES ET SWRESE T XRAMKEEP F0 DBGEN CHGIE RS(1:0) DBG EN – OV DBGTX UNDER DBGTX EMPTY – DPS PWRMODE F1 DBGRX OVER Data Pointer Select Power Control PARITY DBGRX FULL Program Status Word DebugLink Status DebugLink Buffer Register AND9349/D Address Space Addr Name Dir R Reset Hex Bit 7 Description 6 5 4 3 2 1 0 GPIO 80 PORTA RW R 00000000 PORTA(7:0) PORTA Register C8 PINA R R –––––––– PINA(7:0) PINA Register 89 DIRA RW R 00000000 DIRA(7:0) DIRA Register 88 PORTB RW R 00000000 PORTB(7:0) PORTB Register E8 PINB R R –––––––– PINB(7:0) PINB Register 8A DIRB RW R 00000000 DIRB(7:0) DIRB Register 90 PORTC RW R 00000000 PORTC(7:0) PORTC Register F8 PINC R R –––––––– PINC(7:0) PINC Register 8B DIRC RW R 00000000 DIRC(7:0) DIRC Register 8C PORTR RW R 00000000 PORTR(7:0) PORTR Register 8D PINR R R –––––––– PINR(7:0) PINR Register 8E DIRR RW R 00000000 DIRR(7:0) DIRR Register 7007 ANALOGA RW R 00000000 ANALOGA(7:0) ANALOGA Register 7000 INTCHGA RW R 00000000 INTCHGA(7:0) Port A Interrupt On Change Register 7001 INTCHGB RW R 00000000 INTCHGB(7:0) Port B Interrupt On Change Register 7002 INTCHGC RW R 00000000 INTCHGC(7:0) Port C Interrupt On Change Register 7003 EXTIRQ RW R –000–000 – 7004 PINCHGA R R –––––––– PINCHGA(7:0) Port A Pin Change Register 7005 PINCHGB R R –––––––– PINCHGB(7:0) Port B Pin Change Register 7006 PINCHGC R R –––––––– PINCHGC(7:0) Port C Pin Change Register EXTIRQ1 PIN EXTIRQ1 MODE(1:0) – EXTIRQ0 PIN EXTIRQ0 MODE(1:0) External Interrupt Configuration AND9349/D 37 38 Address Space Addr Name Dir R Reset Hex Bit 7 Description 6 5 7008 PALTA RW R 00000000 PALTA(7:0) 7009 PALTB RW R ––000000 – – PALTB(5:0) 700A PALTC RW R –––00000 – – – 700B PINSEL RW R 00000000 PINSEL(7:0) 700C GPIOENABLE RW R –––––––1 – 4 3 2 1 0 Port A Alternate Function Register – Port B Alternate Function Register PALTC(4:0) Port C Alternate Function Register Alternate Function Input Pin Selection Register – – – – – GPIO ENABLE GPIO Port Enable System Controller C6 CLKCON RW R 00001000 CLKMON(1:0) CLKPRE(2:0) CLKSRC(2:0) Clock Control C7 CLKSTAT R R –––––––– CLK LOSS – CLKPREST(2:0) CLKSRCST(2:0) Clock Status Wakeup Timer F1 WTCFGA RW R ––001111 – – WTDIVA(2:0) WTSRCA(2:0) Wakeup Timer A Configuration F9 WTCFGB RW R ––001111 – – WTDIVB(2:0) WTSRCB(2:0) Wakeup Timer B Configuration E9 WTIRQEN RW R 00000000 WTIBD WTIBC WTIBB WTIBA WTIAD WTIAC WTIAB WTIAA Wakeup Timer Interrupt Enable EA WTSTAT RC R –––––––– WTSBD WTSBC WTSBB WTSBA WTSAD WTSAC WTSAB WTSAA Wakeup Timer Status F2 WTCNTA0 R R –––––––– WTCNTA(7:0) Wakeup Counter A F3 WTCNTA1 R R –––––––– WTCNTA(15:8) Wakeup Counter A FA WTCNTB0 R R –––––––– WTCNTB(7:0) Wakeup Counter B FB WTCNTB1 R R –––––––– WTCNTB(15:8) Wakeup Counter B EB WTCNTR1 R R –––––––– WTCNTR(15:8) Wakeup Counter Register F4 WTEVTA0 R R 00000000 WTEVTA(7:0) Wakeup Event A F5 WTEVTA1 R R 00000000 WTEVTA(15:8) Wakeup Event A F6 WTEVTB0 R R 00000000 WTEVTB(7:0) Wakeup Event B AND9349/D Address Space Addr Name Dir R Reset Hex Bit 7 Description 6 5 4 3 2 1 0 F7 WTEVTB1 R R 00000000 WTEVTB(15:8) Wakeup Event B FC WTEVTC0 R R 00000000 WTEVTC(7:0) Wakeup Event C FD WTEVTC1 R R 00000000 WTEVTC(15:8) Wakeup Event C FE WTEVTD0 R R 00000000 WTEVTD(7:0) Wakeup Event D FF WTEVTD1 R R 00000000 WTEVTD(15:8) Wakeup Event D Watchdog Timer DA WDTCFG RW R ––000000 – – DB WDTRESET W R –––––––– WDTRESET(7:0) WDT LCK WDT ENA WDTDIV(3:0) Watchdog Configuration Watchdog Reset Low Power Oscillator Calibration 7060 LPOSCCONFIG RW R –0000001 – LPOSC FAST LPOSC PRESC(2:0) LPOSC CALSRC(2:0) Low Power Oscillator Configuration 7063 LPOSCKFILT1 RW R 00100000 LPOSCKFILT(15:8) Low Power Oscillator Calibration Filter Constant 7062 LPOSCKFILT0 RW R 11000100 LPOSCKFILT(7:0) Low Power Oscillator Calibration Filter Constant 7065 LPOSCREF1 RW R 01100001 LPOSCREF(15:8) Low Power Oscillator Calibration Reference 7064 LPOSCREF0 RW R 10101000 LPOSCREF(7:0) Low Power Oscillator Calibration Reference 7067 LPOSCFREQ1 RW R 00000000 LPOSCFREQ(9:2) 7066 LPOSCFREQ0 RW R 0000–––– LPOSCFREQ(1:-2) 7069 LPOSCPER1 RW R –––––––– LPOSCPER(15:8) Low Power Oscillator Calibration Period 7068 LPOSCPER0 RW R –––––––– LPOSCPER(7:0) Low Power Oscillator Calibration Period Low Power Oscillator Calibration Frequency – – – – Low Power Oscillator Calibration Frequency AND9349/D 39 40 Address Space Addr Name Dir R Reset Hex Bit 7 Description 6 5 4 3 2 1 0 Fast RC Oscillator Calibration 7070 FRCOSCCONFIG RW R 00000000 FRCOSC FRCOSC PRESC(3:0) PERGAIN FRCOSC CALSRC(2:0) 7073 FRCOSCKFILT1 RW R 00100000 FRCOSCKFILT(15:8) Fast RC Oscillator Calibration Filter Constant 7072 FRCOSCKFILT0 RW R 11000100 FRCOSCKFILT(7:0) Fast RC Oscillator Calibration Filter Constant 7075 FRCOSCREF1 RW R 01100001 FRCOSCREF(15:8) Fast RC Oscillator Calibration Reference 7074 FRCOSCREF0 RW R 10101000 FRCOSCREF(7:0) Fast RC Oscillator Calibration Reference 7077 FRCOSCFREQ1 RW R 00000000 FRCOSCFREQ(9:2) Fast RC Oscillator Calibration Frequency 7076 FRCOSCFREQ0 RW R 0000–––– FRCOSCFREQ(1:-2) 7079 FRCOSCPER1 RW R –––––––– FRCOSCPER(15:8) Fast RC Oscillator Calibration Period 7078 FRCOSCPER0 RW R –––––––– FRCOSCPER(7:0) Fast RC Oscillator Calibration Period – – – Fast RC Oscillator Configuration – Fast RC Oscillator Calibration Frequency Oscillator Control 7050 OSCFORCERUN RW R ––––0000 – – – – LPXOSC FRUN XOSC FRUN LPOSC FRUN FRCOSC FRUN Oscillator Force Run 7051 OSCRUN R R –––––––– – – – – LPXOSC RUN XOSC RUN LPOSC RUN FRCOSC RUN Oscillator Force Run 7052 OSCREADY R R –––––––– – – – – LPXOSC RDY XOSC RDY LPOSC RDY FRCOSC RDY Oscillator Force Run 7053 OSCCALIB RW R –––––100 LPOSC CALIRQ FRCOSC CALIRQ LPOSC FRCOSC CLKLOSS CLKLOSS LPOSC CALIRQM CALIRQM IRQE CALIRQE FRCOSC CALIRQE Oscillator Interrupt Status 7054 LPXOSCGM RW R 1––01000 LPXOSC BOOST – – LPXOSCGM(4:0) 7F01 MISCCTRL RW R ––––––00 – – – – – Low Power Crystal Oscillator Transconductance – XOSC DIS LPXOSC DIS Miscellaneous Control AND9349/D Address Space Addr Name Dir R Reset Hex Bit 7 Description 6 5 4 3 2 1 0 Scratch 7084 SCRATCH0 RW R –––––––– SCRATCH(7:0) Scratch Register; State is maintained in Deep Sleep 7085 SCRATCH1 RW R –––––––– SCRATCH(15:8) Scratch Register; State is maintained in Deep Sleep 7086 SCRATCH2 RW R –––––––– SCRATCH(23:16) Scratch Register; State is maintained in Deep Sleep 7087 SCRATCH3 RW R –––––––– SCRATCH(31:24) Scratch Register; State is maintained in Deep Sleep DMA Controller 7010 DMA0ADDR0 RW R 11111111 DMA0ADDR(7:0) DMA Channel 0 Buffer Descriptor Address 7011 DMA0ADDR1 RW R 11111111 DMA0ADDR(15:8) DMA Channel 0 Buffer Descriptor Address 7012 DMA1ADDR0 RW R 11111111 DMA1ADDR(7:0) DMA Channel 1 Buffer Descriptor Address 7013 DMA1ADDR1 RW R 11111111 DMA1ADDR(15:8) DMA Channel 1 Buffer Descriptor Address 7014 DMA0CONFIG RW R 00–00000 D0RUN D0IRQ – D0SOURCE(4:0) DMA Channel 0 Configuration 7015 DMA1CONFIG RW R 00–00000 D1RUN D1IRQ – D1SOURCE(4:0) DMA Channel 1 Configuration Radio Controller B4 RADIODATA3 RW R 00000000 RADIODATA(31:24) Radio Chip Register Access Data B5 RADIODATA2 RW R 00000000 RADIODATA(23:16) Radio Chip Register Access Data B6 RADIODATA1 RW R 00000000 RADIODATA(15:8) Radio Chip Register Access Data B7 RADIODATA0 RW R 00000000 RADIODATA(7:0) Radio Chip Register Access Data B2 RADIOADDR1 RW R –0000000 – Radio Chip Register Access Address B3 RADIOADDR0 RW R 00000000 RADIOADDR(7:0) RADIOADDR(14:8) Radio Chip Register Access Address AND9349/D 41 42 Address Space Addr Name Dir R Reset Hex Bit 7 Description 6 5 4 3 2 1 0 BF RADIOSTAT1 R R –––––––– RADIOSTAT(15:8) Radio Chip Status BE RADIOSTAT0 R R –––––––– RADIOSTAT(7:0) Radio Chip Status B1 RADIOACC RW R ––––0000 RC BUSY RC WRITE 7040 RADIOFDATAADDR0 RW R 00000000 RADIOFDATAADDR(7:0) 7041 RADIOFDATAADDR1 RW R ––––0000 – 7042 RADIOFSTATADDR0 RW R 00000000 RADIOFSTATADDR(7:0) 7043 RADIOFSTATADDR1 RW R ––––0000 – – – 7044 RADIOMUX RW R –0000111 – RADIO SPI RADIOCLK(1:0) 9C T0CNT0 RW R 00000000 T0CNT(7:0) Timer 0 Counter 9D T0CNT1 RW R 00000000 T0CNT(15:8) Timer 0 Counter 9E T0PERIOD0 RW R 00000000 T0PERIOD(7:0) Timer 0 Period 9F T0PERIOD1 RW R 00000000 T0PERIOD(15:8) 9A T0CLKSRC RW R 00001111 T0 CLK SYNC T0 CLK INV T0CLKDIV(2:0) 99 T0MODE RW R 00000000 T0 IRQMU T0 IRQMO T0PRBUF(1:0) 9B T0STATUS R R 00–––––– T0 IRQMPU T0 IRQMPE T0 IRQPU T0 IRQPE T0 IRQEU T0 IRQEO T0 IRQRU T0 IRQRO A4 T1CNT1 RW R 00000000 T1CNT(7:0) Timer 1 Counter A5 T1CNT1 RW R 00000000 T1CNT(15:8) Timer 1 Counter A6 T1PERIOD0 RW R 00000000 T1PERIOD(7:0) Timer 1 Period – – – – RADIOADDRFMT(1:0) RADIODATAFMT(1:0) Radio Chip Access Mode and Control Radio Chip FIFO Data Register Address – RADIOFDATAADDR(11:8) Radio Chip FIFO Data Register Address Radio Chip FIFO Status Register Address – RADIOFSTATADDR(11:8) Radio Chip FIFO Status Register Address RADIO IRQ Radio Controller Pin Multiplexing Control RADIOSYSCLK(2:0) Timer 0 Timer 0 Period T0 LBUF T0CLKSRC(2:0) Timer 0 Clock Source T0MODE(2:0) Timer 0 Mode Timer 0 Status Timer 1 AND9349/D Address Space Addr Name Dir R Reset Hex Bit 7 Description 6 5 4 3 2 1 0 A7 T1PERIOD1 RW R 00000000 T1PERIOD(15:8) Timer 1 Period A2 T1CLKSRC RW R 00001111 T1 CLK SYNC T1 CLK INV T1CLKDIV(2:0) A1 T1MODE RW R 00000000 T1 IRQMU T1 IRQMO T1PRBUF(1:0) A3 T1STATUS R R 00–––––– T1 IRQMPU T1 IRQMPE T1 IRQPU T1 IRQPE T1 IRQEU T1 IRQEO T1 IRQRU T1 IRQRO AC T2CNT2 RW R 00000000 T2CNT(7:0) Timer 2 Counter AD T2CNT1 RW R 00000000 T2CNT(15:8) Timer 2 Counter AE T2PERIOD0 RW R 00000000 T2PERIOD(7:0) Timer 2 Period AF T2PERIOD1 RW R 00000000 T2PERIOD(15:8) Timer 2 Period AA T2CLKSRC RW R 00001111 T2 CLK SYNC T2 CLK INV T2CLKDIV(2:0) A9 T2MODE RW R 00000000 T2 IRQMU T2 IRQMO T2PRBUF(1:0) AB T2STATUS R R 00–––––– T2 IRQMPU T2 IRQMPE T2 IRQPU T2 IRQPE T2 IRQEU T2 IRQEO T2 IRQRU T2 IRQRO T1 LBUF T1CLKSRC(2:0) Timer 1 Clock Source T1MODE(2:0) Timer 1 Mode Timer 1 Status Timer 2 T2 LBUF T2CLKSRC(2:0) Timer 2 Clock Source T2MODE(2:0) Timer 2 Mode Timer 2 Status Output Compare 0 BC OC0COMP0 RW R 00000000 OC0COMP(7:0) BD OC0COMP1 RW R 00000000 OC0COMP(15:8) B9 OC0MODE RW R 00000–00 OC0 IRQMU BA OC0PIN RW R 00000000 OC0PCU(1:0) OC0 IRQMO Output Compare 0 Compare Value Output Compare 0 Compare Value OC0CMPBUF(1:0) OC0 LBUF OC0PCO(1:0) OC0PCF(1:0) – OC0MODE(1:0) Output Compare 0 Mode OC0PCR(1:0) Output Compare 0 Output Pin Configuration AND9349/D 43 44 Address Space Addr Name Dir R Reset Hex BB OC0STATUS Bit Description 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0 OC0 IRQMCE OC0 CUNDER OC0 CEMPTY OC0 IRQEF OC0 IRQER OC0 IRQRF OC0 IRQRR RW R 00–––––– OC0 IRQMCU Output Compare 0 Status Output Compare 1 C4 OC1COMP0 RW R 00000000 OC1COMP(7:0) Output Compare 1 Compare Value C5 OC1COMP1 RW R 00000000 OC1COMP(15:8) Output Compare 1 Compare Value C1 OC1MODE RW R 00000–00 OC1 IRQMU C2 OC1PIN RW R 00000000 C3 OC1STATUS RW R 00–––––– OC1 IRQMO OC1CMPBUF(1:0) OC1 LBUF OC1PCU(1:0) OC1PCO(1:0) OC1 IRQMCU OC1 CUNDER OC1 IRQMCE OC1 CEMPTY – OC1MODE(1:0) Output Compare 1 Mode OC1PCF(1:0) OC1PCR(1:0) Output Compare 1 Output Pin Configuration OC1 IRQEF OC1 IRQRF Output Compare 1 Status OC1 IRQER OC1 IRQRR Input Capture 0 F820 IC0CAPT0 R R –––––––– IC0CAPT(7:0) F821 IC0CAPT1 R R –––––––– IC0CAPT(15:8) CC IC0MODE RW R –0000000 – CD IC0STATUS RW R 0000–––– IC0TRIG(3:0) IC0 IRQMCO Input Capture 0 Capture Value Input Capture 0 Capture Value IC0 IRQMCF IC0 LBUF IC0EDGE(1:0) IC0MODE(1:0) Input Capture 0 Mode – IC0 IRQE Input Capture 0 Status – IC0 IRQR Input Capture 1 F820 IC1CAPT0 R R –––––––– IC1CAPT(7:0) F821 IC1CAPT1 R R –––––––– IC1CAPT(15:8) D4 IC1MODE RW R –0000000 – D5 IC1STATUS RW R 0000–––– IC1TRIG(3:0) SPSHREG RW R –––––––– SPSHREG(7:0) IC1 IRQMCO Input Capture 1 Capture Value Input Capture 1 Capture Value IC1 IRQMCF IC1 LBUF IC1EDGE(1:0) IC1MODE(1:0) Input Capture 1 Mode – IC1 IRQE Input Capture 1 Status – IC1 IRQR SPI DE SPI Shift Register AND9349/D Address Space Addr Name Dir R Reset Hex Bit Description 7 6 5 4 3 DF SPCLKSRC RW R 00000111 SP SCK PH SP SCK INV SPSCKDIV(2:0) DC SPMODE RW R ––000000 – – SPSSIE DD T0STATUS R R –––––––– – SP FIRST SPSS STAT E6 U0SHREG RW R –––––––– U0SHREG(7:0) E7 U0MODE RW R ––000000 U0TXBRK U0RXDGL U0STOP E4 U0CTRL RW R 00000000 U0 TX8 U0 MCE U0 BRKIE U0 FEIE U0 TXIE E5 U0STATUS R R –––––––– U0 RX8 –U0TX IDLE U0 BRKDET U0TX UNDER EE U1SHREG RW R –––––––– U1SHREG(7:0) EF U1MODE RW R ––000000 U1TXBRK U1RXDGL U1STOP EC U1CTRL RW R 00000000 U1 TX8 U1 MCE U1 BRKIE U1 FEIE U1 TXIE ED U1STATUS R R –––––––– U1 RX8 – U1 BRKDET U1TX UNDER 2 1 0 SPSCKSRC(2:0) SPI Clock Source SPTXIE SPRXIE SPDIR SPMODE(1:0) SPI Mode SPSS CHG SPTX UNDER SPTX EMPTY SPRX OVER SPI Status SPRX FULL UART 0 UART 0 Shift Register U0WL(2:0) U0 FERR U0BRG(1:0) UART 0 Mode U0 RXIE U0 TXEN U0 RXEN UART 0 Control U0TX EMPTY U0RX OVER U0RX FULL UART 0 Status UART 1 UART 1 Shift Register U1WL(2:0) U1 FERR U1BRG(1:0) UART 1 Mode U1 RXIE U1 TXEN U1 RXEN UART 1 Control U1TX EMPTY U1RX OVER U1RX FULL UART 1 Status FLASH Controller 92 NVADDR0 RW R 00000000 NVADDR(7:0) Flash Address Register 93 NVADDR1 RW R 00000000 NVADDR(15:8) Flash Address Register 94 NVDATA0 RW R 00000000 NVDATA(7:0) Flash Data Register 95 NVDATA1 RW R 00000000 NVDATA(15:8) Flash Data Register 91 NVSTATUS R R –––––––– – – – – – – NVUN LOCK NV BUSY Flash Status Register AND9349/D 45 46 Address Space Addr Name Dir R Reset Hex Bit 7 Description 6 5 4 3 2 1 0 W R –––––––– NVCMD(7:0) Flash Command Register W R –––––––– NVKEY(7:0) Flash Unlock Key Register CODECONFIG RW R 110–0000 CACHE PRE FETCH INSN D1 ADCCLKSRC RW R 00000111 ADC ACT ADCCLKDIV(3:0) C9 ADCCONV RW R 00000000 ADC IRQ ADC BUSY 7028 ADCTUNE0 RW R 00000001 ADCTUNE0(7:0) ADC Tuning 0 7029 ADCTUNE1 RW 00000010 ADCTUNE1(7:0) ADC Tuning 1 CA ADCCH0CONFIG RW R 11111111 CH0MODE(1:0) CH0INN(2:0) CH0INP(2:0) ADC Channel 0 Configuration CB ADCCH1CONFIG RW R 11111111 CH1MODE(1:0) CH1INN(2:0) CH1INP(2:0) ADC Channel 1 Configuration D2 ADCCH2CONFIG RW R 11111111 CH2MODE(1:0) CH2INN(2:0) CH2INP(2:0) ADC Channel 2 Configuration D3 ADCCH3CONFIG RW R 11111111 CH3MODE(1:0) CH3INN(2:0) CH3INP(2:0) ADC Channel 3 Configuration 7020 ADCCH0VAL0 R R –––––––– CH0VAL(7:0) ADC Channel 0 Value 7021 ADCCH0VAL1 R R –––––––– CH0VAL(15:8) ADC Channel 0 Value 7022 ADCCH1VAL0 R R –––––––– CH1VAL(7:0) ADC Channel 1 Value 7023 ADCCH1VAL1 R R –––––––– CH1VAL(15:8) ADC Channel 1 Value 7024 ADCCH2VAL0 R R –––––––– CH2VAL(7:0) ADC Channel 2 Value 7025 ADCCH2VAL1 R R –––––––– CH2VAL(15:8) ADC Channel 2 Value 7026 ADCCH3VAL0 R R –––––––– CH3VAL(7:0) ADC Channel 3 Value 7027 ADCCH3VAL1 R R –––––––– CH3VAL(15:8) ADC Channel 3 Value 96 NVKEY ROM Controller 97 PRE FETCH MOVC INVLD XRAML8 – – 0 0 0 Code Address Space Configuration ADC ADC PEND ADCCLKSRC(2:0) ADC Clock Source CONVSRC(2:0) ADC Conversion Control AND9349/D Address Space Addr Name Dir R Reset Hex Bit 7 Description 6 702A ADCTUNE2 RW R 11101000 WAKEP(2:0) E1 ANALOGCOMP RW R ––000000 ACOPM1 ST R R 1000111X SILICONREV(7:0) ACOMP0 ST 5 4 3 2 WAKEC(2:0) ACOMP1 INV ACOMP0 INV ACOMP1 REF ACOMP1 IN 1 0 PMODE(1:0) ADC Power Saving Modes ACOMP0 REF Analog Comparators ACOMP0 IN Revision 7F00 SILICONREV Silicon Revision Crystal Oscillator 7F18 XTALOSC RW R ––––0100 – – – – XTALOSCGM(3:0) GM of Crystal Oscillator 7F19 XTALAMPL RW R 1––––000 XTAL REG ON – – – – XTALREGVC(2:0) Crystal Oscillator Critical Amplitude 7F1A XTALREADY RW R ––––0001 XTAL SIG DET XTAL READY – – XTAL AMP DIS XTALREADYMODE(2:0) Crystal Oscillator Ready Detection Mode AND9349/D 47 48 FLASH 5. FLASH The FLASH is the user rewritable non-volatile memory. It is organized as 64 1kByte pages. It may be erased page-wise, and written as 16Bit words. The small sector size enables the FLASH to be used for configuration data where traditionally E2PROM would have been used, obviating the need for additional E2PROM. 5.1. F E A T U R E S • • • • The FLASH size is 64kBytes Word size is 16 Bits Erase Sector size is 1kByte Secure erase ensures that the main flash data is fully erased before erasing the protect and key bits 5.2. R E G I S T E R : NVADDR0, NVADDR1 Name Bits R/W NVADDR 15:0 RW Reset Description 0x0000 Flash Address Register This register stores the address for FLASH write or page erase operations. 5.3. R E G I S T E R : NVD AT A0, NVDATA1 Name NVDATA Bits R/W 15:0 RW Reset Description 0x0000 Flash Data Register This register stores the data for FLASH write operations. 5.4. R E G I S T E R : NVSTATUS Name NVBUSY Bits R/W 0 R Reset – Description Indicates the Flash Controller is Busy. This bit can only be observed when executing from memory other than Flash AND9349/D FLASH NVUNLOCK 1 NVCMD R – Indicates that the Flash Controller is unlocked, i.e. the unlock sequence has been successfully written to the NVKEY register 7:0 W – Flash Controller Commands Command Meaning 0x00 NOP 0x10 Bulk Erase 0x20 Flash Page Erase 0x30 Flash Word Write 0x34 Flash Protect Bits Write The NVSTATUS register reports FLASH controller status when read and serves as a command register when written. 5.5. R E G I S T E R : NVKEY Name NVKEY Bits R/W 7:0 W Reset – Description Unlock Key Register Normally, the Flash controller is locked, and commands (other than NOP) are not executed. This is indicated by NVUNLOCK in register NVSTATUS being zero. To unlock the Flash controller, first 0x41, then 0x78, must be written to NVKEY within 16 System clock cycles. To lock the Flash controller again, write any other value to the NVKEY register. This mechanism ensures that the FLASH contents are not changed inadvertently. 5.6. FLASH P R O T E C T B I T S The FLASH controller features individual erase and write protect bits for each FLASH sector. To protect a sector, write the address from the table below into the NVADDR register, write AND9349/D 49 50 FLASH all ones except for the bit corresponding to the sector to be protected, which should be cleared, to the NVDATA register, and then issue the Flash Protect Bits Write command. Note that Protect bits can only be set by a Bulk Erase command, which clears the whole FLASH. So once protected, a sector cannot be unprotected except by clearing the complete FLASH. Address F E D C B A 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0 0x0000 ERASEPROTECT(15:0) 0x0002 ERASEPROTECT(31:16) 0x0004 ERASEPROTECT(47:32) 0x0006 ERASEPROTECT(63:48) 0x0008 WRITEPROTECT(15:0) 0x000A WRITEPROTECT(31:16) 0x000C WRITEPROTECT(47:32) 0x000E WRITEPROTECT(63:48) Erase Protect Bits Write Protect Bits AND9349/D Cache and Prefetch 6. C A C H E AND PREFETCH AX8052 contains a small, 4 Words × 16 Bits fully associative write-through cache to hide the FLASH access latencies. The cache is consistent with respect to writes over the code bus (MOVC), i.e. a write that hits in the cache invalidates the respective cache line. The cache is not consistent with writes to the code memories over other interfaces, especially the FLASH using the NV controller, and to XRAM via the XDATA bus. In this case, the cache must be manually flushed. The replacement strategy is pseudo-LRU. The cache also contains the prefetch controller. Prefetching hides memory latencies for streaming accesses (i.e. program fetching without jumps). Prefetching may be separately enabled/disabled for code fetches and MOVC reads. 6.1. R E G I S T E R : CODECONFIG Name Bits R/ W Reset Description MBZ 0 RW 0 Must be zero MBZ 1 RW 0 Must be zero MBZ 2 RW 0 Must be zero XRAML8 3 RW 0 Enable XRAM in code address space 0x0000–0x1FFF INVLD 4 W – Writing this bit as 1 invalidates the cache PREFETCHMOVC 5 RW 0 Enable Code Memory MOVC Prefetching PREFETCHINSN 6 RW 1 Enable Code Memory Instruction Prefetching CACHE 7 RW 1 Enable Code Memory Caching The XRAML8 bit maps, if set, the 8kBytes XRAM into code memory space. This allows code to execute from XRAM. AND9349/D 51 52 RAM 7. RAM AX8052 contains 256 Bytes of IRAM and 8 kBytes of XRAM. The 8 kBytes XRAM are split into two 4 kBytes halves. Both halves can be individually preserved or switched off during sleep mode (refer to the PCON register). The XRAM memory can be accessed in a cyclesteal fashion by the DMA controller and the AES crypto engine. AND9349/D Debug Interface 8. D E B U G I N T E R F A C E The main purpose of the Debug Interface is to aid debugging by allowing the core to be stopped, to examine state, and to set breakpoints. It is also used for in-circuit system programming and for testing. 8.1. F E A T U R E S • 3 Wire (1 dedicated, 2 shared) synchronous serial interface • Code protection prevents unauthorized access to the Firmware, while still allowing full debug capability to authorized users • if Code Protection is enabled, only Secure Bulk FLASH erase may be executed by unauthorized users • Boundary Scan (proprietary, not 1149.1 compliant) can be emulated by injecting instructions to read/write GPIO port registers • Unlimited number of break points • Single stepping support • DebugLink allows printf style debugging into a debugger window without the need for dedicated pins. DebugLink is accessed on the microcontroller side using the DBGLNKSTAT and DBGLNKBUF registers documented below. It is similar to using an UART. 8.2. R E G I S T E R : DBGLNKST AT Name Bits R/ W Reset Description DBGRXFULL 0 R – Rx Full interrupt request DBGRXOVER 1 R – Rx Overrun interrupt request (clears on read) AND9349/D 53 54 Debug Interface DBGTXEMPTY 2 R – Tx Empty interrupt request DBGTXUNDER 3 R – Tx Underrun interrupt request (clears on read) DBGEN 4 R – Status of the DBG_EN input (i.e. 1 if the debug interface is enabled) (reading clears the DBG_EN change interrupt) DBGENCHGIE 5 RW 0 DBG_EN change interrupt enable DBGRXIE 6 RW 0 Receiver interrupt enable DBGTXIE 7 RW 0 Transmitter interrupt enable 8.3. R E G I S T E R : DBGLNKBUF Name DBGBUF Bits R/W 7:0 RW Reset – Description DebugLink Buffer Register AND9349/D System Controller 9. S Y S T E M C O N T R O L L E R VREG Flash VDDIO SMTEN PCON Power Managem ent RESET_N Debug IF VREG Logic POR VREG Syscon Brown Out Reset Logic Int ernal Reset WDT LPOSC Calib LPOSC Int errupt FRCOSC XOSC Glitch Free Clock Switch FRCOSC Calib Wakeup Tim er Prescaler ÷ 1,2,4,8,... Syst em Clock Clock Monit or LPXOSC RSYSCLK Debug IF True RNG Figure 6: System Controller Block Diagram The system controller generates the power supplies, reset and clock signals. Figure 6 shows the block diagram of the System Controller. AND9349/D 55 56 System Controller 9.1. F E A T U R E S The system controller contains several reset sources, namely: • RESET_N Pin • Power On Reset • Brown Out Detector • Watchdog Timer • Software Reset (SWRESET Bit in PCON) The PCON Register allows the software to query the reset cause. Since CPU registers are not preserved during sleep and deep sleep modes, after waking up from sleep or deep sleep the CPU starts executing at the reset vector as well. Bit 6 of PCON allows the software to distinguish wake up from reset events. The system controller is also responsible for generating the system clock. A glitch free clock multiplexer, controlled by the CLKCON register, selects one clock source among the following oscillators: • Fast RC Oscillator 20MHz • Low Power Oscillator 10kHz/640Hz • Radio Chip (SYSCLK) • Fast Crystal Oscillator • Low Power Tuning Fork Crystal Oscillator Because clock switching must be glitch free, switching the clock source takes several cycles of the old as well as the new clock source. Clock switching status may be queried using the CLKSTAT register. An optional clock monitor may observe the output of the clock multiplexer and switch back to the fast RC oscillator, should the selected clock source cease to toggle. The clock multiplexer is followed by a prescaler, also controlled by the CLKCON AND9349/D System Controller register, which allows the CPU execution speed and thus current consumption to be closely tuned to the task at hand. A wakeup timer with two counter (time) registers and four event (match) registers provides flexible timed wakeups. Calibration logic for the Low Power oscillator and the Fast RC oscillator allows these oscillators to be automatically calibrated against a more precise (e.g. Crystal) oscillator. Calibration may be programmed to automatically run whenever the chosen reference oscillator is switched on. A programmable watchdog may be used to detect erratic firmware behavior and to reset the chip on such an event. 9.2. P O W E R M O D E S AX8052 supports different power modes, that differ in current consumption, the amount of state (memory) retained, and the possible wakeup sources. Power modes are controlled via the PCON register. Name Wakeup Current3 50nA Retention 32bit SCRATCH Register Description Deep Sleep one dedicated pin lowest power, chip completely powered down except for SCRATCH Register Sleep Wakeup Timer 500nA– (LPOSC/LPXOSC/ 1.5μA RSYSCLK), Interrupt on Port Change Pxx 32bit SCRATCH system clock stopped, Register, IRAM, FLASH powered down, all XRAM peripherals powered down (programmable) Standby any enabled interrupt 85μA + running peripherals RAM, all Registers system clock running if needed, FLASH powered down, some peripherals may continue running depending on user choice Running n/a 150μA/MHz n/a different selectable clock sources 3 Current Consumption is approximate only, and may be different for different members of the AX8052 family. Please refer to the appropriate datasheet for accurate current consumption values AND9349/D 57 58 System Controller 9.3. R E G I S T E R : PCON Name PWRMODE Bits R/W Reset 1:0 RW 00 Description Set Power Mode (see section 9.2 for a documentation of the Power Modes) Bits Meaning 00 Running 01 Standby 10 Sleep 11 Deepsleep XRAMKEEP 3:2 RW 00 specify which of the XRAM halves should be kept on during sleep SWRESET 4 RW 0 Software Reset; Writing 1 resets the Chip; Reading 1 indicates that the last reset was caused by a software reset WDTRESET 5 R – Watchdog Reset; Reading 1 indicates that the last reset was caused by a watchdog reset WAKEUP 6 R – Wakeup Reset; Reading 1 indicates that the last reset was caused by a wakeup from sleep or deep sleep RC – Brownout (Interrupt) BROWNOUT 7 When writing PWRMODE=01 to enter standby mode, the following instruction may be executed before the microcontroller is stopped. It is therefore recommended to use enter_standby() from libmf, or to add a NOP instruction after PWRMODE=01 writes. When using the debugger, standby mode may be terminated by changing the PWRMODE bits of PCON to 00, using the register window. When entering Sleep mode, the microcontroller and most peripherals, except the wakeup timer and the GPIO logic, are powered down. When entering Deep Sleep mode, the microcontroller and all peripherals are powered down, and the GPIO pins are frozen (GPIOENABLE is reset to zero). When waking up from Sleep or Deep Sleep mode, the microcontroller re-starts executing at address 0x0000, and the registers of powered-down peripherals are reset, similar to power-on reset or releasing RESET_N. Wakeup may be distinguished from reset by examining the WAKEUP bit of register PCON. Since the debug interface logic is in the microcontroller power domain, a connected debugger prevents the microcontroller from being powered down. There are therefore some differences between running with debugger versus running stand-alone with respect to AND9349/D System Controller Sleep and Deep Sleep modes. It is therefore recommended to use the enter_sleep() and enter_deepsleep() routines from libmf, which minimize the differences. Furthermore, power consumption in Sleep and Deep Sleep modes are considerably higher with the debugger connected. 9.4. R E G I S T E R : CLKCON Name CLKSRC Bits R/W Reset 2:0 RW 000 Description Requested System Clock Source Bits Meaning 000 FRCOSC 001 LPOSC 010 XOSC 011 LPXOSC 100 RSYSCLK 101 invalid 110 invalid 111 invalid CLKPRE 5:3 RW 001 Requested System Clock Prescaler Bits Meaning 000 ÷1 001 ÷2 010 ÷4 011 ÷8 100 ÷16 101 ÷32 110 ÷64 111 ÷128 AND9349/D 59 60 System Controller CLKMON 7:6 RW 00 Clock Monitor Period Bits Meaning 00 Off 01 4 LPOSC Periods 10 16 LPOSC Periods 11 64 LPOSC Periods Do not select XOSC or LPXOSC unless a crystal is connected – see OSCFORCERUN for details. 9.5. R E G I S T E R : CLKST AT Name CLKSRCST Bits R/W Reset 2:0 R – Description Currently selected System Clock Source Bits Meaning 000 FRCOSC 001 LPOSC 010 XOSC 011 LPXOSC 100 RSYSCLK 101 invalid 110 invalid 111 invalid AND9349/D System Controller CLKPREST 5:3 R – Currently selected System Clock Prescaler Bits Meaning 000 ÷1 001 ÷2 010 ÷4 011 ÷8 100 ÷16 101 ÷32 110 ÷64 111 ÷128 CLKLOSS 7 RC – Clock Loss Detected and Switched Back to Default This register reflects the currently active clock settings. Normally, it reflects the values of the CLKCON register. Since clock switching takes time, however, it will not immediately take on new values. 9.6. R E G I S T E R : WTCFGA, WTCFGB These two registers select the clock sources for both wakeup timer counter registers. AND9349/D 61 62 System Controller Name Bits R/W Reset WTSRCA 2:0 RW WTSRCB 111 111 WTDIVA 5:3 RW WTDIVB 001 001 Description Bits Meaning 000 FRCOSC 001 LPOSC 010 XOSC 011 LPXOSC 100 RSYSCLK 101 invalid 110 invalid 111 Off Bits Meaning 000 ×2 001 ×1 010 ÷2 011 ÷4 100 ÷8 101 ÷16 110 ÷32 111 ÷64 Do not select XOSC or LPXOSC unless a crystal is connected – see OSCFORCERUN for details. 9.7. R E G I S T E R : WTIRQEN Name Bits R/W Reset Description WTIAA 0 RW 0 Wakeup Timer Interrupt on Event A match with Counter A WTIBA 1 RW 0 Wakeup Timer Interrupt on Event B match with Counter A WTICA 2 RW 0 Wakeup Timer Interrupt on Event C match with Counter A WTIDA 3 RW 0 Wakeup Timer Interrupt on Event D match with Counter A AND9349/D System Controller WTIAB 4 RW 0 Wakeup Timer Interrupt on Event A match with Counter B WTIBB 5 RW 0 Wakeup Timer Interrupt on Event B match with Counter B WTICB 6 RW 0 Wakeup Timer Interrupt on Event C match with Counter B WTIDB 7 RW 0 Wakeup Timer Interrupt on Event D match with Counter B 9.8. R E G I S T E R : WTST AT Name Bits R/ W Reset Description WTSAA 0 RC – Wakeup Timer Event A matched with Counter A; cleared on read WTSBA 1 RC – Wakeup Timer Event B matched with Counter A; cleared on read WTSCA 2 RC – Wakeup Timer Event C matched with Counter A; cleared on read WTSDA 3 RC – Wakeup Timer Event D matched with Counter A; cleared on read WTSAB 4 RC – Wakeup Timer Event A matched with Counter B; cleared on read WTSBB 5 RC – Wakeup Timer Event B matched with Counter B; cleared on read WTSCB 6 RC – Wakeup Timer Event C matched with Counter B; cleared on read WTSDB 7 RC – Wakeup Timer Event D matched with Counter B; cleared on read Match flags are cleared on read of this register. Note however that the match condition has level triggered semantics; if the match condition persists after reading this register, the match flag will immediately be set again. So the recommended sequence of events upon a wakeup timer match are: 1. Read the WTSTAT register to determine which events matched 2. Update the corresponding WTEVT registers AND9349/D 63 64 System Controller 3. Reread WTSTAT to clear the match bits of the event registers modified in step 2 above; check if any new matches corresponding to other event registers happened in the meantime; if so, go back to step 2 WTSTAT bits are set on match regardless of the setting of the corresponding WTIRQEN bits. There is no mechanism available for atomic WTEVT updates, both halves need to be updated separately. This gives rise to the possibility of matches to intermediate values. Therefore, the WTSTAT bits corresponding to the WTEVT register being updated may be set. It is therefore recommended to read WTSTAT after updating a WTEVT register to clear the WTSTAT bits corresponding to the changed WTEVT register (but do not loose WTSTAT bits of other WTEVT registers). Due to the level triggered semantics of the WTSTAT bits, if WTEVT is still equal to a WTCNT register, the respective WTSTAT bit will be re-set to one immediately. 9.9. R E G I S T E R : WTCNT A0, WTCNTA1, WTCNTB0, WTCNTB1 Name Bits WTCNTA 15:0 R/ W R Reset – Description Wakeup Counter WTCNTB 9.10. R E G I S T E R : WTCNTR1 Name WTCNTR1 Bits 7:0 R/ W R Reset – Description Wakeup Counter Register; when reading WTCNTA0, WTCNTA1 is latched into WTCNTR1; when reading WTCNTB0, WTCNTB1 is latched into WTCNTR1; this allows reading counter registers atomically 9.11. R E G I S T E R : WTEVTA0, WTEVTA1, WTEVT B0, WTEVTB1, WTEVTC0, WTEVTC1 The wakeup timer contains four event registers and two counter registers. All event registers are continuously compared to all counter registers, and match events are generated if any match is detected. These are the four match registers. AND9349/D System Controller Name Bits R/ W WTEVTA 15:0 RW Reset Description 0x0000 Wakeup Timer Event Register WTEVTB WTEVTC WTEVTD 9.12. R E G I S T E R : WDTCFG The watchdog timer runs off the low power oscillator. Once enabled, the watchdog timer must be periodically reset by writing to the WDTRESET (see below), otherwise the watchdog resets the CPU. Name WDTDIV Bits 3:0 R/ W RW Reset Description 0x0000 Watchdog Timer Divider; This field can only be changed if both WDTENA and WDTLCK is zero. Bits Meaning 0000 ÷2 0001 ÷4 0010 ÷8 0011 ÷16 0100 ÷32 0101 ÷64 0110 ÷128 0111 ÷256 1000 ÷512 1001 ÷1024 1010 ÷2048 1011 ÷4096 1100 ÷8192 1101 ÷16384 AND9349/D 65 66 System Controller 1110 ÷32768 1111 ÷65536 WDTENA 4 RW 0 Watchdog Timer Enable WDTLCK 5 RW 0 Watchdog Timer Configuration Lock; when set to 1, this register may no longer be changed 9.13. R E G I S T E R : WDTRESET Name WDTRESET Bits R/W Reset 7:0 W – Description If 10101110 is written to this register, the watchdog is reset 9.14. R E G I S T E R : LPOSCCONFIG Name Bits R/W Reset LPOSC CALSRC 2:0 RW 001 Description Low Power Oscillator Calibration Source Bits Meaning 000 FRCOSC 001 Off (no Calibration) 010 XOSC 011 invalid 100 RSYSCLK 101 invalid 110 invalid 111 invalid AND9349/D System Controller LPOSC PRESC LPOSC FAST 5:3 RW 6 RW 000 0 Bits Meaning 000 ×2 001 ×1 010 ÷2 011 ÷4 100 ÷8 101 ÷16 110 ÷32 111 ÷64 Select the Frequency of the Low Power Oscillator. 0=640Hz, 1=10.24kHz Note that the selected reference oscillator is not automatically turned on. The purpose of this feature is to allow “opportunistic” calibration, i.e. the calibration logic is always turned on, but is inactive until the reference oscillator is needed for another purpose. The reference oscillator can, however, be forced to run using the OSCFORCERUN register. The Radio Clock does not feature a ready signal, therefore calibration starts immediately if the Radio Clock is selected as reference clock. It is the responsibility of the user to make sure the Radio Clock is enabled and runs before selecting it as reference clock. For Axsem radios, this usually means: • setting the power mode register of the radio appropriately such that the oscillator circuitry is enabled • configuring SYSCLK • configuring PORTR, DIRR and RADIOMUX libmf provides functions to enable and disable the Radio Clock for Axsem radios. AND9349/D 67 68 System Controller 9.15. R E G I S T E R : LPOSCKFILT1, LPOSCKFILT0 R/ W Reset LPOSCKFILT 15:0 RW 0x20C4 Name Bits Description kFILT (Low Power Oscillator Calibration Filter Constant) The maximum value of kFILT, that results in quickest calibration (single cycle), but no jitter suppression, is: 20 20 PRESCALER⋅2 512000Hz⋅PRESCALER⋅2 k FILT =⌈ ⌉=⌈ ⌉ f REF f REF⋅base⋅k LPOSC Smaller values of kFILT result in longer calibration, but increased jitter suppression. 9.16. R E G I S T E R : LPOSCREF1, LPOSCREF0 Name Bits R/W LPOSCREF 15:0 RW Reset 0x61A8 Description LP Oscillator Reference Frequency Divider; set to f REF 640Hz⋅PRESCALER 9.17. R E G I S T E R : LPOSCFREQ1, LPOSCFREQ0 Name Bits R/W LPOSCFREQ 9:-2 RW Reset 0x000 Description LP Oscillator Frequency Tune Value; in 1 %. 32 9.18. R E G I S T E R : LPOSCPER1, LPOSCPER0 Name LPOSCPER Bits R/W 15:0 R Reset – Description Last measured LP Oscillator Period AND9349/D System Controller 9.19. R E G I S T E R : FRCOSCCONFIG Name Bits R/W Reset FRCOSC CALSRC 2:0 RW 000 Description Fast RC Oscillator Calibration Source Bits Meaning 000 Off (no Calibration) 001 LPOSC 010 XOSC 011 LPXOSC 100 RSYSCLK 101 invalid 110 invalid 111 invalid AND9349/D 69 70 System Controller FRCOSC PRESC 6:3 RW 0000 Bits Meaning 0000 ×2 0001 ÷1 0010 ÷2 0011 ÷4 0100 ÷8 0101 ÷16 0110 ÷32 0111 ÷64 1000 ÷128 1001 ÷256 1010 ÷512 1011 ÷1024 1100 ÷2048 1101 ÷4096 1110 ÷8192 1111 ÷16384 FRCOSC PERGAIN 7 RW 0 Period Gain; if 1, the measured period is multiplied by 16 Choose a reference clock source, and choose the reference clock prescaler such that the resulting reference frequency is above 500Hz. For best frequency measurement precision, the resulting reference frequency should be between 500Hz and 1kHz, but faster reference frequencies are permissible for faster acquisition. Note that the selected reference oscillator is not automatically turned on. The purpose of this feature is to allow “opportunistic” calibration, i.e. the calibration logic is always turned on, but is inactive until the reference oscillator is needed for another purpose. The reference oscillator can, however, be forced to run using the OSCFORCERUN register. The Radio Clock does not feature a ready signal, therefore calibration starts immediately if the Radio Clock is selected as reference clock. It is the responsibility of the user to make sure the Radio Clock is enabled and runs before selecting it as reference clock. For Axsem radios, this usually means: AND9349/D System Controller • setting the power mode register of the radio appropriately such that the oscillator circuitry is enabled • configuring SYSCLK • configuring PORTR, DIRR and RADIOMUX libmf provides functions to enable and disable the Radio Clock for Axsem radios. 9.20. R E G I S T E R : FRCOSCKFILT1, FRCOSCKFILT0 Name Bits R/W FRCOSCKFILT 15:0 RW Reset 0x20C4 Description kFILT (Fast RC Oscillator Calibration Filter Constant) The maximum value of kFILT, that results in quickest calibration (single cycle), but no jitter suppression, is: For PERGAIN=0, it is: f REF⋅220 k FILT =⌈ ⌉=⌈ ⌉ ˙ 15kHz⋅PRESCALER f base⋅τ REF k FRCOSC 20 2 For PERGAIN=1, it is: f REF⋅216 216 k FILT =⌈ ⌉=⌈ ⌉ f base⋅τ REF⋅k FRCOSC 15kHz⋅PRESCALER Smaller values of kFILT result in longer calibration, but increased jitter suppression. AND9349/D 71 72 System Controller 9.21. R E G I S T E R : FRCOSCREF1, FRCOSCRE F0 Name FRCOSCREF Bits R/W 15:0 RW Reset Description 0x61A8 Fast RC Oscillator Reference Frequency Divider; set to 20MHz⋅PRESCALER f REF 9.22. R E G I S T E R : FRCOSCFREQ1, FRCOSCFREQ0 Name Bits R/W FRCOSCFREQ 9:-2 RW Reset 0x000 Description Fast RC Oscillator Frequency Tune Value; in 1 %. 32 9.23. R E G I S T E R : FRCOSCPER1, FRCOSCPER0 Name FRCOSCPER Bits R/W 15:0 R Reset – Description Last measured Fast RC Oscillator Period 9.24. R E G I S T E R : OSCFORCERUN Normally, oscillators are automatically enabled when needed, except for oscillator calibration. This register allows oscillators to be turned on even if no peripheral needs the clock. This can be used to force oscillator calibration, or to hide startup latencies of the crystal oscillators when their future need is anticipated. Name Bits R/W Reset Description FRCOSC FRUN 0 RW 0 If 1, the Fast RC Oscillator is always enabled LPOSC FRUN 1 RW 0 If 1, the Low Power Oscillator is always enabled XOSC FRUN 2 RW 0 If 1, the Crystal Oscillator is always enabled LPXOSC FRUN 3 RW 0 If 1, the Low Power Crystal Oscillator is always enabled AND9349/D System Controller Do not enable the Crystal Oscillator or the Low Power Crystal Oscillator unless an appropriate Crystal is connected to the Oscillator pins and the pins are configured as analog input. Once enabled, the Crystal Oscillators will not disable again until they see two falling edges on their Oscillator pins, or until reset is applied. If no crystal is connected, or if the pins are not configured as analog inputs, these falling edges will not be seen. If accidentally enabled, the oscillator may be turned off again by calling libmf routines turn_off_xosc or turn_off_lpxosc. These routines, however, need to toggle pins PA0/PA1 or PA4/PA5, respectively, so they can only be used if toggling these pins does not upset the board periphery. 9.25. R E G I S T E R : OSCRUN This register indicates which oscillator is turned on. Name Bits R/ W Reset Description FRCOSC RUN 0 R – 1 indicates the Fast RC oscillator is enabled LPOSC RUN 1 R – 1 indicates the Low Power oscillator is enabled XOSC RUN 2 R – 1 indicates the Crystal oscillator is enabled LPXOSC RUN 3 R – 1 indicates the the Low Power Crystal oscillator is enabled 9.26. R E G I S T E R : OSCREADY This register indicates which oscillator is turned on and is operating. The crystal oscillators take some time between switching on and achieving stable oscillation. On these oscillators, RUN reads one and RDY reads zero during the startup period. Name Bits R/ W Reset Description FRCOSC RDY 0 R – 1 indicates the Fast RC oscillator is running and stable LPOSC RDY 1 R – 1 indicates the Low Power oscillator is running and stable AND9349/D 73 74 System Controller XOSC RDY 2 R – 1 indicates the Crystal oscillator is running and stable LPXOSC RDY 3 R – 1 indicates the the Low Power Crystal oscillator is running and stable 9.27. R E G I S T E R : OSCCALIB This register selects the events that will generate a clock management interrupt. Name Bits R/ W Reset Description FRCOSCCALIRQE 0 RW 0 Fast RC Oscillator Calibration Interrupt Enable LPOSCCALIRQE 1 RW 0 Low Power Oscillator Calibration Interrupt Enable CLKLOSSIRQE 2 RW 1 Clock Loss Interrupt Enable CLKLOSS 3 R – Clock Loss Status (same as CLKSTAT) FRCOSCCALIRQM 4 R – Fast RC Oscillator Calibration Missed LPOSCCALIRQM 5 R – Low Power Oscillator Calibration Missed FRCOSCCALIRQ 6 R – Fast RC Oscillator Calibration Updated Interrupt LPOSCCALIRQ 7 R – Low Power Oscillator Calibration Updated Interrupt 9.28. R E G I S T E R : LPXOSCGM This register configures the low power (tuning fork) crystal oscillator. AND9349/D System Controller Name LPXOSCGM LPXOSCBOOST Bits 4:0 7 R/ W Reset RW 01000 RW 1 Description Load Capacitance Configuration Bits (4:0) Meaning ⋮ ⋮ 00110 3.5μS ⋮ ⋮ 01000 4.6μS ⋮ ⋮ 01100 6.9μS ⋮ ⋮ 10000 9.1μS ⋮ ⋮ If set, the oscillator is boosted during startup (until the second falling edge is seen) 9.29. R E G I S T E R : MISCCTRL This register contains miscellaneous control bits. Name Bits R/ W Reset Description LPXOSCDIS 0 RW 0 If set, the LPXOSC is permanently disabled. Set this bit if no crystal is connected to PA3/PA4. XOSCDIS 1 RW 0 If set, the XOSC is permanently disabled. Set this bit if no crystal is connected to PA0/PA1. This register has no function in silicon revision V1. AND9349/D 75 76 System Controller 9.30. R E G I S T E R : XTALOSC This register allows the transconductance of the crystal oscillator to be configured. Normally, setting this register is not necessary, as a servo loop controls the transconductance to achieve low amplitude oscillation. This ensures the minimum possible current consumption. Name XTALOSCGM Bits R/W Reset 3:0 RW 0100 Description Gm (Gain) of the Crystal Oscillator Bits Bias Current 0000 0μS 0001 25μS 0010 50μS 0011 75μS ⋮ ⋮ 1110 350μS 1111 1000μS 9.31. R E G I S T E R : XTALAMPL This register controls the transconductance servo loop. This register should be left at the default value. Name XTALREGVC XTALREGON Bits R/W Reset 2:0 RW 7 RW 000 1 Description Crystal Oscillator Amplitude Bits Amplitude 000 180mV 001 195mV 010 230mV ⋮ ⋮ 111 460mV Crystal Oscillator Amplitude Regulator Enable AND9349/D System Controller 9.32. R E G I S T E R : XTALRE ADY This register controls the generation of the crystal oscillator ready signal. It should not normally be changed from the default. Name XTALREADYMODE Bits R/W Reset 2:0 RW 001 Description Crystal Oscillator Ready Mode Bits Meaning 000 Always Ready 001 Ready when XTAL READY = 1 010 Ready when XTAL SIG DET = 1 011 Ready when either XTAL READY = 1 or XTAL SIG DET = 1 (or both) 100 Never Ready 101 Invalid (never ready) 110 Invalid (never ready) 111 Ready when both XTAL READY = 1 and XTAL SIG DET = 1 XTAL AMP DIS 3 RW 0 If set, the crytal oscillator output amplifier is disabled XTAL READY 6 R – Crystal Oscillator READY signal XTAL SIG DET 7 R – Crystal Oscillator SIG DET signal 9.33. R E G I S T E R : SCRATCH0, SCRATCH1, SCRATCH2, SCRATCH3 The main purpose of the scratch registers is to provide 32bit of state storage during deep sleep mode. Name SCRATCH Bits R/ W 31:0 RW Reset – Description Scratch Register; State is maintained in Deep Sleep The scratch registers can only be read if GPIOENABLE (Register GPIOENABLE) is set to one. AND9349/D 77 78 System Controller 9.34. R E G I S T E R : SILICONREV This register returns a silicon revision identification number. Name SILICONREV Bits 7:0 R/ W RW Reset Description 1000111X Silicon Revision This register may contain the following values: SILICONREV Revision Name 0x8E (10001110) V1 0x8F (10001111) V1C AND9349/D DMA Controller 10. DMA C O N T R O L L E R The DMA controller transfers data between selected peripherals and the XRAM memory autonomously in the background without microcontroller intervention. This is especially useful as transferring radio chip FIFO data otherwise uses significant microcontroller cycles. DMA SFR X RAM DMAxADDR Descript or BUFADDR Buffer BUFLEN ACTLEN BDADDR BUFADDR Buffer BUFLEN ACTLEN BDADDR 0xFFxx Figure 7: DMA Engine Data Structures The advanced DMA engine uses buffer descriptors to describe one or multiple consecutive buffers in XRAM. The buffer descriptor is an 8 byte structure located in XRAM. Each buffer descriptor contains a pointer to a buffer fragment in XRAM, and its associated length. Once the DMA controller fills the buffer, the actual length is written back into the buffer descriptor, as well as flag bits, and the DMA engine follows another pointer to the next buffer descriptor. DMAxADDR points to the buffer descriptor the DMA engine is currently working on. It must be set by the Microcontroller before enabling the DMA engine. An address of 0xFFxx (the high byte set) as next buffer address stops the DMA engine. Each buffer descriptor may specify whether an interrupt should be signalled at completion of its buffer. Figure 7 Shows an illustration of the DMA Engine data structures. This data structure is very flexible. If it is desired to indefinitely repeat the same data (such as in a waveform synthesis application), this can easily be achieved by pointing BDADDR of the last descriptor to the address of the first descriptor. With some care, it is even possible to manipulate the buffer descriptor structure while the DMA engine is running. When replacing a stop marker (0xFFxx) with a buffer descriptor address, always write the low byte of the BDADDR field first. When replacing a buffer address with a stop marker (0xFFxx) always AND9349/D 79 80 DMA Controller write the high byte first (the low byte may be omitted). Never directly overwrite a buffer address with another one; always first write a stop marker and then overwrite the stop marker. This way, the DMA engine never sees an invalid (half old half new) address. So to add a new buffer descriptor to the end of a running DMA buffer descriptor chain, first write the address of the new buffer descriptor into the BDADDR field of the last existing buffer descriptor, low byte first. Afterwards, check whether the DMAxADDR SFR has 0xFFxx. In this case, the DMA engine terminated the (old) chain before the microcontroller completed adding the new buffer to the chain. In this case, the DMA channel must be restarted at the newly inserted buffer descriptor. 10.1. F E A T U R E S • • • • • Two DMA controller channels Operates on a linked list of buffer descriptors Accesses X-Bus and SFR-Bus peripherals in a cycle steal manner Most on-chip Peripherals are supported Both channels may be chained to support memory to memory copies 10.2. R E G I S T E R : DMA0ADD R0, DMA0ADD R1, DMA1ADDR0, DMA1ADD R1 Name DMA0ADDR Bits R/W 15:0 RW DMA1ADDR Reset 0xFFFF 0xFFFF Description Address of the DMA Buffer Descriptor; if DMAxADDR = 0xFFxx, the channel is switched off 10.3. R E G I S T E R : DMA0CONFIG, DMA1CONFIG Name DxSOURCE Bits 4:0 R/W RW Reset 00000 Description Bits Meaning 00000 XRAM→Other DMA Channel (for memory to memory copies) 00001 SPI Transmit 00010 UART 0 Transmit 00011 UART 1 Transmit 00100 Timer 0 (ΣΔ) 00101 Timer 1 (ΣΔ) AND9349/D DMA Controller 00110 Timer 2 (ΣΔ) 00111 Radio Transmit 01000 Output Compare 0 (PWM) 01001 Output Compare 1 (PWM) 01XXX reserved 10000 Other DMA Channel→XRAM (for memory to memory copies) 10001 SPI Receive 10010 UART 0 Receive 10011 UART 1 Receive 10100 ADC 10101 reserved 10110 reserved 10111 Radio Receive 11000 Input Capture 0 11001 Input Capture 1 11XXX reserved DxIRQ 6 RW 0 1=interrupt has occurred; cleared by reading this register DxRUN 7 RW 0 1=DMA channel running; automatically clears when reaching end of buffer chain 10.4. B U F F E R D E S C R I P T O R F O R M A T 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0 BUFADDR(7:0) BUFADDR(15:0) BUFLEN(7:0) IRQEN ERREN FMT BUFLEN(11:8) ACTLEN(7:0) DONE ERROR 0 0 ACTLEN(11:8) BDADDR(7:0) BDADDR(15:8) AND9349/D 81 82 DMA Controller BUFADDR points to the actual buffer in XRAM. BUFLEN is the maximum (allocated) length of the buffer. IRQEN is a flag that enables an interrupt upon completion of this buffer. ACTLEN is the actual length of the buffer (may be less than BUFLEN). BDADDR is the pointer to the next Buffer Descriptor. If BDADDR is 0xFFxx, then this is the last buffer descriptor, the DMA engine will stop when finishing this buffer. DxSOURCE Source FMT Meaning 00000 XRAM→DMA 10000 DMA→XRAM 00001 SPI Transmit FMT unused (set to 00) 00010 UART 0 Transmit Bits Meaning 00011 UART 1 Transmit 10001 SPI Receive 10010 UART 0 Receive 10011 UART 1 Receive 00100 Timer 0 (ΣΔ) 00101 Timer 1 (ΣΔ) 00110 Timer 2 (ΣΔ) FMT unused (set to 00) 00 All bytes sequentially written to UxSHREG 01 Bytes alternatively written to UxCTRL and UxSHREG 1X Invalid Bits Meaning 00 Bytes from UxSHREG / SPSHREG sequentially written to DMA Buffer 01 Bytes alternatively from UxSHREG / SPSHREG and UxSTATUS / SPSTATUS written to DMA Buffer 1X Invalid Bits Meaning 00 8 Bit data written to TxPERIOD1 01 16 Bit data (little endian) written to TxPERIOD0/TxPERIOD1 1X Invalid AND9349/D DMA Controller DxSOURCE Source 01000 Output Compare 0 (PWM) 01001 Output Compare 1 (PWM) 11000 Input Capture 0 11001 Input Capture 1 10100 00111 ADC Radio Transmit FMT Meaning Bits Meaning 00 8 Bit data written to OCxCOMP1 01 16 Bit data (little endian) written to OCxCOMP0/OCxCOMP1 1X Invalid Bits Meaning 00 8 Bit data (ICxCAPT1) written to DMA buffer 01 16 Bit data (little endian, ICxCAPT0/ICxCAPT1) written to DMA buffer 10 8 Bit data (ICxCAPT1) and status (ICxSTATUS) written to DMA buffer 11 16 Bit data (little endian, ICxCAPT0/ICxCAPT1) and status (ICxSTATUS) written to DMA buffer Bits Meaning 00 8 Bit data (ADCCHxVAL1) written to DMA buffer 01 16 Bit data (little endian, ADCCHxVAL0/ADCCHxVAL1) written to DMA buffer 1X Invalid Bits Meaning 00 All bytes sequentially written to FIFODATA 01 Bytes alternatively written to FIFOCMD and FIFODATA 10 All bytes sequentially written to FIFODATA, except the last, which is written to FIFOCMD 11 Register Read/Write; buffer consists of 2 Bytes Address (topmost bit: 1=write, 0=read), followed by 1 byte data AND9349/D 83 84 DMA Controller DxSOURCE 10111 Source Radio Receive FMT Meaning Bits Meaning 00 Bytes from FIFODATA sequentially written to DMA Buffer 01 Bytes alternatively from FIFODATA and “quickstatus” bytes written to DMA Buffer 10 Invalid 11 Register Read/Write; buffer consists of 2 Bytes Address (topmost bit: 1=write, 0=read), followed by 1 byte data AND9349/D Radio Interface 11. RADIO INTERFACE The Radio Interface is a dedicated interface unit to Axsem Radio chips, as well as some other SPI slave devices. It features easy microcontroller access by mapping the Radio registers into X address space. Normally, 8 bit Register accesses are performed. The Radio Interface however may perform up to 32 bit Register accesses, needed with some Axsem Radio chips to atomically read some tracking registers; in this case, the top most byte is returned from the X address space access, the other data bytes may afterwards be read out from SFR registers. 11.1. F E A T U R E S • Directly maps Radio Chip registers into the X Bus address space • Non-blocking access mode may be used to hide the access latency 11.2. D I R E C T A C C E S S VIA X-S P A C E When direct accesses are performed in the Radio Controller dedicated X address space, the controller performs the following actions: 1. Stall CPU core until the Radio Controller is not busy R 2. Copy Address Bits 11:0 into RADIOADDR1,RADIOADDR0(11:0) 3. Perform Radio Register Read access 4. End CPU core access, return contents RADIODATA3 RREG 4000–4FFF 1. Stall CPU core until the Radio Controller is not busy 2. Copy Address Bits 11:0 into RADIOADDR1,RADIOADDR0(11:0) W 3. Write CPU data to RADIODATA3 4. Perform Radio Register Write access 5. End CPU core access RREG (nb) 5000–5FFF 1. Stall CPU core until the Radio Controller is not busy R 2. Copy Address Bits 11:0 into RADIOADDR1,RADIOADDR0(11:0) 3. Start Radio Register Read access 4. End CPU core access, return data undefined W 1. Stall CPU core until the Radio Controller is not busy 2. Copy Address Bits 11:0 into RADIOADDR1,RADIOADDR0(11:0) AND9349/D 85 86 Radio Interface 3. Write CPU data to RADIODATA3 4. Start Radio Register Write access 5. End CPU core access The RREG area is blocking; the CPU is stalled until the register access is terminated. The RREG (nb) area is non-blocking. The register access is only initiated. The software is then responsible for polling the RCBUSY bit in RADIOACC and potentially retrieving the data from RADIODATA3. 11.3. R E G I S T E R : RADIODAT A0, RADIODAT A1, RADIODAT A2, RADIODATA3 Name RADIODATA Bits R/W 31:0 RW Reset Description 0x00000000 Radio Chip Register Read/Write Data 11.4. R E G I S T E R : RADIOADDR0, RADIOADD R1 Name RADIOADDR Bits R/W 14:0 RW Reset Description 0x0000 Radio Chip Register Read/Write Address 11.5. R E G I S T E R : RADIOSTAT0, RADIOST AT1 Name RADIOSTAT Bits R/W 15:0 R Reset – Description Radio Chip “Quick Status” (shifted out during address phase) 11.6. R E G I S T E R : RADIOACC Name RADIODATAFMT Bits 1:0 R/W RW Reset 00 Description Radio Chip Data Access Width Bits Meaning 00 8 Bit 01 16 Bit AND9349/D Radio Interface RADIOADDRFMT 3:2 RW 00 10 24 Bit 11 32 Bit Radio Chip Address Access Width Bits Meaning 00 7 Bit 01 15 Bit 10 12 Bit 11 7/12 Bit automatic RC WRITE 6 R – Current/Last Access: 0=Read, 1=Write RC BUSY 7 R – Radio Controller is busy with a transfer if 1 11.7. R E G I S T E R : RADIOFDATAADD R0, RADIOFD AT AADDR1 Name Bits R/W RADIOFDATAADDR 11:0 RW Reset 0x000 Description Radio Chip FIFO Data Register Address 11.8. R E G I S T E R : RADIOFST AT ADD R0, RADIOFST AT ADD R1 Name Bits R/W RADIOFDATAADDR 11:0 RW 11.9. S E T U P FOR Reset 0x000 Description Radio Chip FIFO Status Register Address AXSEM RADIO CHIPS The following table lists how to set up Radio Interface and GPIO registers in order to successfully communicate with an Axsem Radio chip. Registers RADIOFDATAADDR and RADIOFSTATADDR are only required if DMA access to the Radio chip FIFO is desired. It is recommended to use the appropriate routines from libmf, such as ax5031_reset(), ax5042_reset(), ax5043_reset(), or ax5051_reset(). These routines take care of setting up the AX8052 as well as the Radio chip registers correctly. Furthermore, they also work with the SOC AX8052F131, AX8052F142, AX8052F143, and AX8052F151. AND9349/D 87 88 Radio Interface Register Value PORTR 0xCB DIRR 0x15 Chip RADIOACC RADIOMUX RADIOFDATAADDR RADIOFSTATADDR AX5031 0x00 0x07 0x005 0x004 AX5042 0x00 0x07 0x005 0x004 AX5043 0x0C 0x07 0x029 0x028 AX5051 0x00 0x07 0x005 0x004 11.10. ACCESS WAVEFORMS SS SCK MOSI MISO R/W A6 A5 A4 A3 A2 A1 A0 D7 D6 D5 D4 D3 D2 D1 D0 S6 S5 S4 S3 S2 S1 S0 D7 D6 D5 D4 D3 D2 D1 D0 Figure 8: SPI 8bit Read/Write Access Figure 9: SPI 16bit Read/Write Access AND9349/D Radio Interface Figure 10: SPI 8bit Long Address Read/Write Access Figures 8, 9 and 10 show typical access waveforms. The SPI access is divided into three portions: the read/write bit, the address, and the data. There are four different addressing modes: 7 bit, 15 bit, 12 bit, and 7/12 bit automatic. The data portion may be 8, 16, 24 or 32 bits wide. During the address phase, status bits are returned. Addressing modes are summarized in the table below: Addressing Mode Code Description Condition First Address Byte Second Address Byte Figure 00 7 bit – R/W A6:A0 omitted 8, 9 01 15 bit – R/W A14:A8 A7:A0 – 10 12 bit – R/W 111 A11:A8 A7:A0 10 11 7/12 bit automatic ADDR<0x70 R/W A6:A0 omitted 8, 9 R/W 111 A11:A8 A7:A0 10 ADDR≥0x70 AND9349/D 89 90 GPIO 12. GPIO In order to maximize the number of user assignable pins, the AX8052 has only two dedicated pins (besides the supply pins), namely RESET_N and DBG_EN. The AX8052 has three general purpose 8 bit GPIO Ports, Port A, B and C. An additional port, Port R, is dedicated to connecting a Radio chip. Most GPIO pins may also be connected to peripherals. The registers PALTA, PALTB and PALTC configure which GPIO pins serve as dedicated peripheral output. Peripheral inputs may be selected using the PINSEL register. Each GPIO Pin features a programmable pull-up. Interrupt on pin change is provided for Ports A, B and C. Ports B, C and R are 5V tolerant. Port A pins should not exceed VDDIO. All digital inputs feature schmitt trigger buffers. Port A may be used as analog input. Digital input buffers should be switched off for Port A pins used as analog inputs by setting the appropriate bits of ANALOGA, to prevent additional current consumption. In order to prevent GPIO pin glitches after wakeup from deep sleep, GPIO pin state is latched when entering deep sleep mode. After wakeup and setup of the GPIO registers, the latches must be switched to transparent mode by writing 1 to GPIOENABLE. Depending on package, not all GPIO pins may be available, see the appropriate data sheet. AND9349/D GPIO Figure 11: GPIO Pin Block Diagram Figure 11 shows the block diagram of a GPIO pin. 12.1. F E A T U R E S • Port, Pin and Direction registers • Programmable Pull-up • Port A: Pins programmable as Analog Pins (switches off the input schmitt trigger to save power) • Interrupt on Port Change AND9349/D 91 92 GPIO 12.2. D E D I C A T E D P I N S Name Dir Pull I PD Debug Serial Interface Enable (active high) RESET_N I PU Reset Input (active low) DBG_EN Purpose PD = Pull Down; PU = Pull Up 12.3. GPIO P I N S The following table lists alternate functions for all GPIO pins. Name Alternate Functions PA0 T0OUT IC1 ANALOG0 XTALP PA1 T0CLK OC1 ANALOG1 XTALN PA2 OC0 U1RX ANALOG2 COMPI00 PA3 T1OUT ANALOG3 LPXTALP PA4 T1CLK COMPO0 ANALOG4 LPXTALN PA5 IC0 U1TX ANALOG5 COMPI10 PA6 T2OUT ADCTRIG ANALOG6 COMPI01 PA7 T2CLK COMPO1 ANALOG7 COMPI11 PB0 U1TX IC1 EXTIRQ0 PB1 U1RX OC1 PB2 IC0 T2OUT PB3 OC0 T2CLK PB4 U0TX T1CLK PB5 U0RX T1OUT PB6 DBG_DATA PB7 DBG_CLK PC0 SSEL T0OUT EXTIRQ0 PC1 SCK T0CLK COMPO1 EXTIRQ1 AND9349/D GPIO Name Alternate Functions PC2 SMOSI U0TX PC3 SMISO U0RX COMPO0 PC4 COMPO1 ADCTRIG EXTIRQ1 PC5 PC6 PC7 PR0 RSEL PR1 RSYSCLK PR2 RCLK PR3 RMISO PR4 RMOSI PR5 RIRQ PR6 PR7 12.4. R E C O M M E N D E D I N I T I A L I Z A T I O N S E Q U E N C E 1. Set the registers DIRA, DIRB, DIRC, PORTA, PORTB, PORTC, ANALOGA according to the board circuitry. Unconnected pins should either be driven or should have their pull-up enabled; this prevents floating pins, which can cause elevated current consumption of their digital input buffer. 2. Call flash_apply_calibration(); This routine copies manufacturing calibration data from the FLASH into the corresponding chip registers. 3. If an Axsem Radio SoC is used or if an Axsem Radio Chip is connected to Port R, the following routines should be called: • On cold start (PCON bit 6 zero), call ax*_reset() AND9349/D 93 94 GPIO • On warm start (PCON bit 6 one), call ax*_comminit() 4. Set GPIOENABLE to one 5. Configure the digital pins of the Radio (such as SYSCLK) The routines flash_apply_calibration(), ax*_reset() and ax*_comminit() can be found in libMF; please refer to the libMF documentation. Using these routines ensures that the interface between the microcontroller and the radio is set up correctly, and that the differences between the SoC and the corresponding discrete two-chip solution are handled transparently to the user software. 12.5. R E G I S T E R : PORTA, PORTB, PORTC, PORTR Name Bits R/W Reset PORTA 7:0 RW 0x00 PORTB 0x00 PORTC 0x00 PORTR 0x00 Description Port Output Control 12.6. R E G I S T E R : PINA, PINB, PINC, PINR Name Bits R/W Reset PINA 7:0 R – PINB – PINC – PINR – Description Port Input 12.7. R E G I S T E R : DIRA, DIRB, DIRC, DIRR Name DIRA Bits R/W Reset 7:0 RW 0x00 DIRB 0x00 DIRC 0x00 DIRR 0x00 Description Port Direction Control AND9349/D GPIO DIRx.y PORTx.y Px.y Pin Drive 0 0 Z 0 1 Z, Pull-Up 1 0 0 1 1 1 12.8. R E G I S T E R : ANALOGA Name ANALOGA Bits R/W Reset 7:0 RW 0x00 Description Port A Analog Mode Setting a bit in this register disables the digital input buffer of the corresponding port. This prevents additional current consumption when mid-scale analog voltages are applied to the corresponding port, which is used by an analog peripheral, such as the ADC, Comparators or Crystal Oscillators. Setting a bit causes the corresponding bit in the PINA and PINCHGA registers to become undefined. 12.9. R E G I S T E R : INTCHGA, INTCHGB, INTCHGC Name Bits R/W Reset INTCHGA 7:0 RW 0x00 INTCHGB 0x00 INTCHGC 0x00 Description Port Interrupt on Change AND9349/D 95 96 GPIO 12.10. Name R E G I S T E R : EXTIRQ Bits R/W Reset EXTIRQ0MODE 1:0 RW 00 Description External Interrupt 0 Mode Bits Meaning EXTIRQ0PIN 2 RW EXTIRQ1MODE 5:4 RW 00 Level High 01 Level Low 10 Rising Edge 11 Falling Edge 0 0: EXTIRQ0 is Port B.0; 1: EXTIRQ0 is Port C.0 00 External Interrupt 1 Mode Bits Meaning EXTIRQ1PIN 12.11. Name PINCHGA 6 RW 0 01 Level Low 10 Rising Edge 11 Falling Edge 0: EXTIRQ1 is Port B.3; 1: EXTIRQ1 is Port C.4 Bits R/W Reset 7:0 R – – PINCHGC – Name Level High R E G I S T E R : PINCHGA, PINCHGB, PINCHGC PINCHGB 12.12. 00 Description Port Change R E G I S T E R : PALTA Bits R/W Reset Description PALTA0 0 RW 0 Port A.0 enable T0OUT PALTA1 1 RW 0 Port A.1 enable OC1 PALTA2 2 RW 0 Port A.2 enable OC0 AND9349/D GPIO PALTA3 3 RW 0 Port A.3 enable T1OUT PALTA4 4 RW 0 Port A.4 enable COMPO0 PALTA5 5 RW 0 Port A.5 enable U1TX PALTA6 6 RW 0 Port A.6 enable T2OUT PALTA7 7 RW 0 Port A.7 enable COMPO1 12.13. Name R E G I S T E R : PALTB Bits R/W Reset Description PALTB0 0 RW 0 Port B.0 enable U1TX PALTB1 1 RW 0 Port B.1 enable OC1 PALTB2 2 RW 0 Port B.2 enable T2OUT PALTB3 3 RW 0 Port B.3 enable OC0 PALTB4 4 RW 0 Port B.4 enable U0TX PALTB5 5 RW 0 Port B.5 enable T1OUT 12.14. Name R E G I S T E R : PALTC Bits R/W Reset Description PALTC0 0 RW 0 Port C.0 enable T0OUT PALTC1 1 RW 0 Port C.1 enable COMPO1 PALTC2 2 RW 0 Port C.2 enable U0TX PALTC3 3 RW 0 Port C.3 enable COMPO0 PALTC4 4 RW 0 Port C.4 enable COMPO1 12.15. Name R E G I S T E R : PINSEL Bits R/W Reset Description PINSEL0 0 RW 0 0: U0RX is Port B.5; 1: U0RX is Port C.3 PINSEL1 1 RW 0 0: U1RX is Port B.1; 1: U1RX is Port A.2 AND9349/D 97 98 GPIO PINSEL2 2 RW 0 0: IC0 is Port B.2; 1: IC0 is Port A.5 PINSEL3 3 RW 0 0: IC1 is Port B.0; 1: IC1 is Port A.0 PINSEL4 4 RW 0 0: T0CLK is Port C.1; 1: T0CLK is Port A.1 PINSEL5 5 RW 0 0: T1CLK is Port B.4; 1: T1CLK is Port A.4 PINSEL6 6 RW 0 0: T2CLK is Port B.3; 1: T2CLK is Port A.7 PINSEL7 7 RW 0 0: ADCTRIG is Port C.4; 1: ADCTRIG is Port A.6 12.16. Name GPIOENABLE R E G I S T E R : GPIOENABLE Bits R/W Reset 0 RW 1 Description 0: All Port Pins keep their current state; 1: Port Pins normal operation This bit is reset to 0 when waking up from deep sleep. 12.17. Name R E G I S T E R : RADIOMUX Bits R/W Reset RADIOSYSCLK 2:0 RADIOIRQ 3 RW RW 111 0 Description Port R.1 Pin Function Bits Meaning 000 FRCOSC 001 LPOSC 010 XOSC 011 LPXOSC 100 invalid 101 invalid 110 System Clock 111 Off 0: IRQ is Port R.5; 1: IRQ is Port R.6 AND9349/D GPIO RADIOCLK 5:4 RW 00 Radio Clock Source Bits Meaning RADIOSPI 6 RW 0 00 Port R.1 01 Port B.0 10 Port B.7 11 Port C.4 0: Port R.0, R.2, R.3 and R.4 is GPIO; 1: Port R.0, R.2, R.3 and R.4 is Radio SPI AND9349/D 99 ADC, Comparator, Temperature Sensor Syst em Clock SYSCLK LPXOSC VDDIO XOSC Tem perat ure Sensor LPOSC ADC, C O M P A R A T O R , T E M P E R A T U R E S E N S O R FRCOSC 13. ADCCLKSRC Free Running One Shot PA6 Tim er 0 PA5 Tim er 1 Prescaler ÷1,2,4,8,... PA7 PA4 PA3 PA2 Tim er 2 PC4 ADCCONV PA1 Clock PA0 Trigger ADC Core PPP Gain ADC Result Ref × 0 .1 , × 1 , × 1 0 100 VREF 1V 0.5V Single Ended NNN ACOMP0IN ACOMP0ST/PA4/PC3 ACOMP0INV ACOMP0REF Syst em Clock ACOMP1IN ACOMP1ST/PA7/PC1 ACOMP1INV ACOMP1REF Figure 12: ADC Block Diagram AND9349/D ADC, Comparator, Temperature Sensor The ADC digitizes analog sensor signals. It also contains two general purpose comparators, as well as a temperature sensor. The ADC controller supports up to 4 channels. A channel is a combination of multiplexer, single ended/differential, and gain settings. Each channel has its own result register. When triggered, the ADC converts all configured channels in sequence. If more than 4 channels are needed, software may first convert a group of 4 channels, read the result, reprogram the channel config registers, convert the next group of 4 signals, and so on. The ADC needs a clock with a frequency of 16 times the sampling rate. This clock may be derived from any on-chip clock. A prescaler is also provided. In order to achieve maximum precision, calibration data, stored during factory test in the uppermost 1kByte FLASH sector, needs to stored in the ADC core. Therefore, flash_apply_calibration() must be called and 0x06 must be written to ADCTUNE1 before the ADC is used. 13.1. F E A T U R E S • 10 Bit ADC, 500kSamples/s • Single Ended and Differential • ×1, ×0.1 and ×10 gain settings • 2 additional Comparators • Temperature Sensor • Built-in 1V Reference • Conversion may be triggered by software, timer or external signal AND9349/D 101 102 ADC, Comparator, Temperature Sensor 13.2. R E G I S T E R : ADCCLKSRC This register selects the clock source which provides the timing for the ADC circuitry. The sampling rate of the ADC is Name 1 th of the clock frequency selected by this register. 16 Bits R/W Reset ADCCLKSRC 2:0 ADCCLKDIV 6:3 RW RW 111 0000 Description Clock Source Bits Meaning 000 FRCOSC 001 LPOSC 010 XOSC 011 LPXOSC 100 RSYSCLK 101 invalid 110 System Clock 111 Off Clock Prescaler Bits Meaning 0000 ÷1 0001 ÷2 0010 ÷4 0011 ÷8 0100 ÷16 0101 ÷32 0110 ÷64 0111 ÷128 1000 ÷256 1001 ÷512 1010 ÷1024 1011 ÷2048 AND9349/D ADC, Comparator, Temperature Sensor 1100 ÷4096 1101 ÷8192 1110 ÷16384 1111 ÷32768 ADCACT 7 R – ADC Active; the logical OR of ADCPEND and ADCBUSY in Register ADCCONV Do not select XOSC or LPXOSC unless a crystal is connected – see OSCFORCERUN for details. The System Clock may stop if the processor enters standby mode. Therefore, if System Clock is selected as ADC clock source, care has to be taken not to enter standby mode while a conversion is running. 13.3. R E G I S T E R : ADCCH0CONFIG, ADCCH1CONFIG, ADCCH2CONFIG, ADCCH3CONFIG Name Bits R/W Reset CH0CONFIG 7:0 RW 11111111 CH1CONFIG 7:0 RW 11111111 CH2CONFIG 7:0 RW 11111111 CH3CONFIG 7:0 RW 11111111 Description Bits Meaning 00NNNPPP Differential Mode, Gain ×0.1, NNN=negative terminal, PPP=positive terminal 01NNNPPP Differential Mode, Gain ×1, NNN=negative terminal, PPP=positive terminal 10NNNPPP Differential Mode, Gain ×10, NNN=negative terminal, PPP=positive terminal 11001PPP Single Ended Mode, Gain ×1, PPP=positive terminal 11011000 Temperature 11011001 VDDIO 11111111 Channel Off PPP and NNN encode the input port to be used for the positive and negative input, respectively. For the single ended modes, the negative input is connected to the internal 0.5V reference voltage, and therefore implicit. AND9349/D 103 104 ADC, Comparator, Temperature Sensor PPP, NNN Port PPP, NNN Port 000 A0 100 A4 001 A1 101 A5 010 A2 110 A6 011 A3 111 A7 Ports used for analog voltages need their corresponding digital input buffer disabled in register ANALOGA. Failure to do so results in additional current consumption by the digital input buffer when a mid-scale voltage is applied to the port. 13.3.1. M E A S U R I N G VDDIO After conversion of the IO voltage using ADCCHxCONFIG=0xD9, the conversion result can be converted into a voltage using the following formula: 10V VDDIO= ADCCHxVAL⋅ 16 −4.5V 2 ADCCHxVAL must be treated as an unsigned 16 Bit value. In other words, VDDIO is sampled using a full scale range of 10V, with an offset voltage of 4.5V. 13.4. R E G I S T E R : ADCCH0VAL0, ADCCH0VAL1, ADCCH1VAL0, ADCCH1VAL1, ADCCH2VAL0, ADCCH2VAL1 Name CHxVAL Bits R/ W 15:0 R Reset – Description ADC Channel Conversion Result Registers 13.5. R E G I S T E R : ADCTUNE0 Name ADCTUNE0 Bits R/W Reset 7:0 RW 01 Description Must be set to 0x01 AND9349/D ADC, Comparator, Temperature Sensor 13.6. R E G I S T E R : ADCTUNE1 Name ADCTUNE1 Bits R/W Reset 7:0 RW Description 0 Must be set to 0x06 13.7. R E G I S T E R : ADCTUNE2 Name PMODE Bits R/W Reset 1:0 RW 00 Description ADC Power Saving Mode Bits Meaning WAKEC 4:2 RW 010 00 No Powersave 01 Clock Stop between Bursts 10 Power Off between Bursts 11 Invalid Wakeup conversion cycles after Clock Stop Bits Meaning 000 0 001 1 010 2 011 3 100 4 101 6 110 8 111 12 AND9349/D 105 106 ADC, Comparator, Temperature Sensor WAKEP 7:5 RW 111 Wakeup conversion cycles after Power Up Bits Meaning 000 0 001 1 010 2 011 3 100 4 101 6 110 8 111 12 13.8. R E G I S T E R : ADCCONV Name CONVSRC Bits R/W Reset 2:0 RW 000 Description Conversion Control Bits Meaning 000 Idle 001 Start One-Shot Conversion (CONVSRC will read back as 0) 010 Pin Rising Edge 011 Pin Falling Edge 100 Timer 0 101 Timer 1 110 Timer 2 111 Continuous Free Running ADCPEND 5 R – ADC Conversion is Pending ADCBUSY 6 R – ADC is Busy ADCIRQ 7 RC – ADC Conversion Done Interrupt active; this bit clears on read of this register Whenever a conversion burst is triggered, for example by writing 001 to CONVSRC or if the selected event happens, the ADCPEND bit is set, and the ADC core starts to wake up from power down. When the ADC is ready to perform the conversion, ADCBUSY is set and AND9349/D ADC, Comparator, Temperature Sensor ADCPEND is cleared. After the conversion is done, ADCBUSY is cleared and the ADC core is powered down again. In order to wait for results to be available, software should either use the ADC interrupt, poll until the ADCIRQ bit is set, or poll for both ADCPEND and ADCBUSY to go low. Alternatively, software can also poll until ADCACT in register ADCCLKSRC goes low, which preserves the state of ADCIRQ. 13.9. R E G I S T E R : ANALOGCOMP Name Bits R/W Reset Description ACOMP0IN 0 RW 0 Comparator 0 Input Select: 0=PA2; 1=PA6 ACOMP0REF 1 RW 0 Comparator 0 Reference Select: 0=PA0; 1=internal Reference ACOMP1IN 2 RW 0 Comparator 1 Input Select: 0=PA5; 1=PA7 ACOMP1REF 3 RW 0 Comparator 1 Reference Select: 0=PA3; 1=internal Reference ACOMP0INV 4 RW 0 Comparator 0 Inversion ACOMP1INV 5 RW 0 Comparator 1 Inversion ACOMP0ST 6 R – Comparator 0 Status ACOMP1ST 7 R – Comparator 1 Status AND9349/D 107 108 SPI Master/Slave Interface 14. SPI M A S T E R /S L A V E I N T E R F A C E SPISHREG MOSI MISO SCK SPI Cont rol SS SCKSRC T0OUT SCKDIV RSYSCLK XOSC Prescaler × 2,÷ 1,2,4,8 FRCOSC Syst em Clock Figure 13: SPI Block Diagram The SPI interface provides a general purpose SPI master or slave. Figure 13 shows the block diagram of the SPI interface. Its fully programmable, flexible clocking scheme allows it to connect to any SPI compatible peripheral or master. 14.1. F E A T U R E S • 8-Bit • Master • 3 and 4 wire Slave AND9349/D SPI Master/Slave Interface • in Master mode, SCLK can be the system clock, any of the oscillators or divided versions of it • Programmable Clock Phase and Inversion 14.2. R E G I S T E R : SPSHREG Name SPSHREG Bits 7:0 R/ W RW Reset – Description SPI Shift Register 14.3. R E G I S T E R : SPSCKSRC Name Bits R/W Reset SPSCKSRC 2:0 RW 111 Description Clock Source Bits Meaning 000 FRCOSC 001 LPOSC 010 XOSC 011 LPXOSC 100 RSYSCLK 101 T0OUT 110 System Clock 111 Off AND9349/D 109 110 SPI Master/Slave Interface SPSCKDIV 5:3 RW 000 Clock Prescaler Bits Meaning 000 ÷1 001 ÷2 010 ÷4 011 ÷8 100 ÷16 101 ÷32 110 ÷64 111 ÷128 SPSCKINV 6 RW 0 SPI Clock Invert SPSCKPH 7 RW 0 SPI Clock Phase Do not select XOSC or LPXOSC unless a crystal is connected – see OSCFORCERUN for details. The System Clock may stop if the processor enters standby mode. Therefore, if System Clock is selected as SPI clock source, an ongoing SPI transaction may be halted while the processor is in standby mode. SS MOSI D7 D6 D5 D4 D3 D2 D1 D0 MISO D7 D6 D5 D4 D3 D2 D1 D0 SCKPH= 0 SCKINV= 0 SCK SCKPH= 1 SCKINV= 0 SCKPH= 0 SCKINV= 1 SCKPH= 1 SCKINV= 1 Figure 14: SPI Waveforms Figure 14 shows the effect of the clock phase and inversion settings. AND9349/D SPI Master/Slave Interface 14.4. R E G I S T E R : SPMODE Name SPMODE Bits R/W Reset 1:0 RW 00 Description Operating Mode Bits Meaning 00 Off 01 Master 10 Slave, always selected 11 Slave, selected when SS=0 SPDIR 2 RW 0 Shift Direction, 0 = MSB first, 1 = LSB first SPRXIE 3 RW 0 SPI Receive interrupt enable SPTXIE 4 RW 0 SPI Transmit interrupt enable SPSSIE 5 RW 0 SPI SS change interrupt enable When switching to slave mode (SPMODE=10 or SPMODE=11), the SPI bus must be idle and SCK must be at its idle state (SCK=0 when SCKINV=0, or SCK=1 when SCKINV=1). Otherwise, bit synchronization between master and slave may not be achieved. Alternatively, when switching to SPMODE 11, SS=1 will also ensure bit synchronization. 14.5. R E G I S T E R : SPSTATUS Name Bits R/W Reset Description SPRXFULL 0 R – Rx Full interrupt request SPRXOVER 1 R – Rx Overrun interrupt request (clears on read) SPTXEMPTY 2 R – Tx Empty interrupt request SPTXUNDER 3 R – Tx Underrun interrupt request (clears on read) SPSSCHG 4 R – SS change interrupt request (clears on read) SPSSSTAT 5 R – Current SS status SPFIRST 6 R – First Word AND9349/D 111 112 Timer Counter 0/1/2 15. T I M E R C O U N T E R 0/1/2 Figure 15: Timer Block Diagram The 16bit Timer Counter peripheral provides the microcontroller with timing. Figure 15 shows the block diagram of the Timers. It can also interface to the analog world with its ΣΔ feature. PWM may be realized together with an output compare block. Input signal Timing may be captured together with an input capture block. 15.1. F E A T U R E S • Supports the following modes • Timer • Prescaler AND9349/D Timer Counter 0/1/2 • PWM • ΣΔ • Input Capture • Can operate from the system clock or another asynchronous clock (note that some modes are not supported with asynchronous clock) • Provides UART Baud Rate and ADC Sampling Rate clocks 15.2. R E G I S T E R : T0CNT0, T0CNT1 Name Bits R/W T0CNT 15:0 RW Reset Description 0x0000 Timer 0 Counter Since the timer may run at a different clock rate than the CPU, reading the timer register may not always be consistent. While every effort is made to make reads consistent, it is not always possible. Reads are consistent under the following conditions: • All modes that change the counter register only by one at a time, regardless of clock frequencies • Divide Triangle • Divide Sawtooth with T0PERIOD=0xFFFF • Multiply Sawtooth/Triangle with T0PERIOD=1 • All modes if PERIODTIMERCLK ≥ 2 ⋅ PERIODSYSCLK • All modes if T0CLKSYNC is enabled AND9349/D 113 114 Timer Counter 0/1/2 What does consistency mean? A read is consistent if it returns either the current counter value, or any counter value up to 2 ⋅ PERIODSYSCLK in the past. When writing to this register, it takes up to two timer clock cycles until the value appears in the internal counter register. 15.3. R E G I S T E R : T0PERIOD0, T0PERIOD1 Name Bits R/W T0PERIOD 15:0 RW Reset Description 0x0000 Timer 0 Period 15.4. R E G I S T E R : T0CLKSRC Name Bits R/W Reset Description T0CLKSRC 2:0 RW 111 Clock Source Bits Meaning 000 FRCOSC 001 LPOSC 010 XOSC 011 LPXOSC 100 RSYSCLK 101 T0CLK 110 System Clock 111 Off AND9349/D Timer Counter 0/1/2 T0CLKDIV T0CLKINV 5:3 RW 001 Clock Prescaler Bits Meaning 000 ×2 001 ×1 010 ÷2 011 ÷4 100 ÷8 101 ÷16 110 ÷32 111 ÷64 6 RW 0 Timer 0 Clock Invert T0CLKSYNC 7 RW 0 Timer 0 Clock Synchronisation to System Clock Do not select XOSC or LPXOSC unless a crystal is connected – see OSCFORCERUN for details. The System Clock may stop if the processor enters standby mode. Therefore, if System Clock is selected as Timer clock source, the timer may pause counting if the processor enters standby mode. AND9349/D 115 116 Timer Counter 0/1/2 15.5. R E G I S T E R : T0MODE Name Bits R/W T0MODE 2:0 RW T0LBUF 3 RW T0PRBUF 5:4 RW Reset Description 000 Operating Mode (see table below) Bits Meaning 000 Off 001 ΣΔ 010 Divide Sawtooth 011 Divide Triangle 100 Multiply Sawtooth 101 Multiply Triangle 110 invalid 111 invalid 0 Counter Buffering; 0 = No Buffering, 1 = TxCNT0, TxPERIOD0 updated/written on access of TxCNT1, TxPERIOD1; reading TxCNT0 returns value latched when reading TxCNT1; TxPERIOD0 is never buffered on reads as TxPERIOD can change only under program control 00 Period Buffering in Divide and Multiply Modes: Bits Meaning 00 No Double Buffering; TxPERIOD0 buffering according to TxLBUF 01 Internal Buffer updated on TxOVER 10 Internal Buffer updated on TxUNDER 11 Internal Buffer updated on TxOVER and TxUNDER Period Buffering in ΣΔ Mode: Bits Meaning T0IRQMO 6 RW 0 00 No Double Buffering; TxPERIOD0 buffering according to TxLBUF 01 Internal Buffer updated on T0OUT 10 Internal Buffer updated on T1OUT 11 Internal Buffer updated on T2OUT Interrupt on TxOVER enable AND9349/D Timer Counter 0/1/2 T0IRQMU 7 RW 0 Interrupt on TxUNDER enable Sawtooth Triangle Div TxOVER Tx OVER TxOVER TxPERIOD TxOVER Tx PERIOD TxCNT 1 TxCNT 1 1 Clk 1 Clk 0 0 Tx UNDER Tx OUT TxOUT Multiply TxOVER TxOVER TxOVER 0xFFFF TxOVER 0xFFFF TxCNT TxPERIOD TxCNT TxPERIOD 1 Clk 0 1 Clk 0 TxUNDER TxOUT TxOUT 15.6. R E G I S T E R : T0STATUS Name Bits R/W Reset Description T0IRQRO 0 R – TxOVER interrupt request (clears on read) T0IRQRU 1 R – TxUNDER interrupt request (clears on read) T0IRQEO 2 R – TxOVER interrupt missed (clears on read) T0IRQEU 3 R – TxUNDER interrupt missed (clears on read) T0IRQPE 4 R – TxPERIOD empty interrupt request T0IRQPU 5 R – TxPERIOD underrun interrupt request (clears on read) T0IRQMPE 6 RW 0 TxPERIOD empty interrupt enable T0IRQMPU 7 RW 0 TxPERIOD underrun interrupt enable AND9349/D 117 118 Output Compare 0/1 16. O U T P U T C O M P A R E 0/1 The output compare unit allows, together with a Timer, PWM waveforms to be generated. 16.1. R E G I S T E R : OC0COMP0, OC0COMP1 Name OC0COMP Bits R/W 15:0 RW Reset Description 0x0000 Output Compare 0 Compare Value 16.2. R E G I S T E R : OC0MODE Name OC0SRC Bits R/W Reset 1:0 RW 00 Description Source Timer Bits Meaning OC0LBUF 3 RW OC0CMPBUF 5:4 RW 00 Off 01 Timer 0 10 Timer 1 11 Timer 2 0 Compare Buffering; 0 = No Buffering, 1 = OCxCOMP0 written on access of OCxCOMP1 00 Period Buffering Bits Meaning 00 No Double Buffering; OCxCOMP0 buffering according to OC0LBUF 01 Internal Buffer updated on TxOVER 10 Internal Buffer updated on TxUNDER 11 Internal Buffer updated on TxOVER and TxUNDER OC0IRQMR 6 RW 0 Interrupt on compare rising edge OC0IRQMF 7 RW 0 Interrupt on compare falling edge AND9349/D Output Compare 0/1 16.3. R E G I S T E R : OC0PIN Name OC0PCR Bits R/W Reset 1:0 RW 00 Description Pin Change on Compare Rising Edge Bits Meaning OC0PCF 3:2 RW 00 00 No Change 01 Invalid 10 Clear 11 Set Pin Change on Compare Falling Edge Bits Meaning OC0PCO 5:4 RW 00 00 No Change 01 Invalid 10 Clear 11 Set Pin Change on TxOVER Bits Meaning OC0PCU 7:6 RW 00 00 No Change 01 Invalid 10 Clear 11 Set Pin Change on TxUNDER Bits Meaning 00 No Change 01 Invalid 10 Clear 11 Set AND9349/D 119 120 Output Compare 0/1 16.4. R E G I S T E R : OC0STATUS Name Bits R/W Reset Description OC0IRQRR 0 R – Compare Rising interrupt request (clears on read) OC0IRQRF 1 R – Compare Falling interrupt request (clears on read) OC0IRQER 2 R – Compare Rising interrupt missed (clears on read) OC0IRQEF 3 R – Compare Falling interrupt missed (clears on read) OC0CEMPTY 4 R – Compare Register Empty (clears on writing OC0COMP) OC0CUNDER 5 R – Compare Register Underrun (clears on read) OC0IRQMCE 6 RW 0 Compare Register Empty Interrupt Enable OC0IRQMCU 7 RW 0 Compare Register Underrun Interrupt Enable AND9349/D Input Capture 0/1 17. I N P U T C A P T U R E 0/1 The input capture units allow the timing of digital signals to be measured, together with a timer. On a programmable edge of the input signal (either rising or falling), the value of the selected timer is latched. Not only external signals may be measured; a wide variety of capture sources are programmable. Two timers plus an input capture unit may be used, for example, to measure the frequency of an unknown signal with respect to a known clock source. 17.1. R E G I S T E R : IC0CAPT0, IC0CAPT1 Name IC0CAPT Bits R/ W 15:0 R Reset – Description Input Capture 0 Capture Value 17.2. R E G I S T E R : IC0MODE Name IC0SRC Bits R/W Reset 1:0 RW 00 Description Source Timer Bits Meaning IC0EDGE 3:2 RW 00 00 Off 01 Timer 0 10 Timer 1 11 Timer 2 Trigger Signal Edge Bits Meaning 00 Invalid 01 Rising Edge 10 Falling Edge 11 Invalid AND9349/D 121 122 Input Capture 0/1 IC0LBUF 4 RW 0 Capture Buffering; 0 = No Buffering, 1 = ICxCAPT0 updated on access of ICxCAPT1 IC0IRQMCF 5 RW 0 Capture Register Full Interrupt Enable IC0IRQMCO 6 RW 0 Capture Register Overrun Interrupt Enable 17.3. R E G I S T E R : IC0STATUS Name Bits R/W Reset Description IC0IRQR 0 R – Capture interrupt request IC0IRQE 1 R – Capture interrupt missed (clears on read) Capture Trigger Signal Bits Meaning 0000 IC0 Capture Pin (IC1: IC1 Capture Pin) 0001 IC1 Capture Pin (IC1: IC0 Capture Pin) 0010 OC0 Compare Pin (IC1: OC1 Compare Pin) 0011 OC1 Compare Pin (IC1: OC0 Compare Pin) 0100 Timer 0 Out 0101 Timer 0 Clock 0110 Timer 1 Out IC0TRIG 7:4 RW 0000 0111 Timer 1 Clock 1000 Timer 2 Out 1001 Timer 2 Clock 1010 Analog Comparator 0 (IC1: Analog Comparator 1) 1011 Analog Comparator 1 (IC1: Analog Comparator 0) 1100 IRQ 1101 IC1 Capture Source (IC1: IC0 Capture Source) 1110 Capture Zero 1111 Capture One AND9349/D UART 0/1 18. UART 0/1 The UARTs provide two Universal Asynchronous Receiver Transmitters. 18.1. F E A T U R E S • Standard Universal Asynchronous Receiver Transmitter • Word Lengths: 5, 6, 7, 8, 9 bits • Stop Bits: 1, 2 (note that this only affects the transmitter, the receiver will always accept 1 stop bit) • Arbitrary baud rates can be generated using a timer as baud rate generator • Parity generation: none, even, odd (Software) • Break detection • Optional Receiver Deglitching for improved noise immunity 18.2. R E G I S T E R : U0SHREG Name U0SHREG Bits R/W Reset 7:0 RW – Description UART 0 Shift Register AND9349/D 123 124 UART 0/1 18.3. R E G I S T E R : U0MODE Name U0BRG Bits R/W Reset 1:0 RW 00 Description Baud Rate Generator (TxOUT = 16× Baudrate) Bits Meaning U0WL 4:2 RW 000 00 Off 01 Timer 0 10 Timer 1 11 Timer 2 Word Size Bits Meaning 000 8 Bits 001 9 Bits 010 invalid 011 invalid 100 invalid 101 5 Bits 110 6 Bits 111 7 Bits U0STOP 5 RW 0 Stop Bits; 0 = 1 Stop Bit, 1 = 2 Stop Bits U0RXDGL 6 RW 0 Receiver Deglitch (Figure 6) U0TXBRK 7 RW 0 Transmit Break enable AND9349/D UART 0/1 S R UxDG L R X Figure 16: UART Deglitch 18.4. R E G I S T E R : U0CTRL Name Bits R/W Reset Description U0RXEN 0 RW 0 Receiver enable U0TXEN 1 RW 0 Transmitter enable U0RXIE 2 RW 0 Receiver interrupt enable U0TXIE 3 RW 0 Transmitter interrupt enable U0FEIE 4 RW 0 Receiver Framing error interrupt enable U0BRKIE 5 RW 0 Receiver Break detect change interrupt enable (interrupt is activated if U0BRKDET changes, and cleared when U0BRKDET is read) U0MCE 6 RW 0 Multiprocessor Communication Enable; If set, the received byte is only stored in the receive register if the topmost bit is set U0TX8 7 RW 0 8th Tx Bit 18.5. R E G I S T E R : U0STATUS Name Bits R/W Reset Description U0RXFULL 0 R – Rx Full interrupt request U0RXOVER 1 R – Rx Overrun interrupt request (clears on read) AND9349/D 125 126 UART 0/1 U0TXEMPTY 2 R – Tx Empty interrupt request U0TXUNDER 3 R – Tx Underrun interrupt request (clears on read) (does not make any sense) U0FERR 4 R – Rx Framing Error interrupt request (clears on read) U0BRKDET 5 R – Rx Break Detected (interrupt clears on read) U0TXIDLE 6 R – Tx Idle U0RX8 7 R – 8th Rx Bit AND9349/D Random Number Generator / AES 19. R A N D O M N U M B E R G E N E R A T O R / AES The Random Number Generator and Advanced Encryption Standard (AES) engine are documented in the AX8052 Cryptographic Functions Programming Manual. ON Semiconductor and the ON logo are registered trademarks of Semiconductor Components Industries, LLC (SCILLC) or its subsidiaries in the United States and/or other countries. SCILLC owns the rights to a number of patents, trademarks, copyrights, trade secrets, and other intellectual property. A listing of SCILLC’s product/patent coverage may be accessed at SCILLC reserves the right to make changes without further notice to any products herein. SCILLC makes no warranty, representation or guarantee regarding the suitability of its products for any particular purpose, nor does SCILLC assume any liability arising out of the application or use of any product or circuit, and specifically disclaims any and all liability, including without limitation special, consequential or incidental damages. “Typical” parameters which may be provided in SCILLC data sheets and/or specifications can and do vary in different applications and actual performance may vary over time. All operating parameters, including “Typicals” must be validated for each customer application by customer’s technical experts. SCILLC does not convey any license under its patent rights nor the rights of others. SCILLC products are not designed, intended, or authorized for use as components in systems intended for surgical implant into the body, or other applications intended to support or sustain life, or for any other application in which the failure of the SCILLC product could create a situation where personal injury or death may occur. Should Buyer purchase or use SCILLC products for any such unintended or unauthorized application, Buyer shall indemnify and hold SCILLC and its officers, employees, subsidiaries, affiliates, and distributors harmless against all claims, costs, damages, and expenses, and reasonable attorney fees arising out of, directly or indirectly, any claim of personal injury or death associated with such unintended or unauthorized use, even if such claim alleges that SCILLC was negligent regarding the design or manufacture of the part. SCILLC is an Equal Opportunity/Affirmative Action Employer. This literature is subject to all applicable copyright laws and is not for resale in any manner. PUBLICATION ORDERING INFORMATION LITERATURE FULFILLMENT: Literature Distribution Center for ON Semiconductor 19521 E. 32nd Pkwy, Aurora, Colorado 80011 USA Phone: 303-675-2175 or 800-344-3860 Toll Free USA/Canada Fax: 303-675-2176 or 800-344-3867 Toll Free USA/Canada Email: [email protected] N. American Technical Support: 800-282-9855 Toll Free USA/Canada. Europe, Middle East and Africa Technical Support: Phone: 421 33 790 2910 Japan Customer Focus Center Phone: 81-3-5817-1050 Order Literature: For additional information, please contact your local Sales Representative ON Semiconductor Website: AND9349/D 127