Board Mountable Accelerometers

Engineer’s Circle
Board Mountable DC & AC-Response Accelerometer
Measurement Specialties introduces an
expanded offering of board mountable MEMS
DC-response and piezoelectric AC-response
accelerometers. For a detailed discussion on
the different types of accelerometers and their
applications, please see publication “Choose
the Right Type of Accelerometers” in the
Literature section of our website. The board
mountable DC-response accelerometers
include the reliable model 3022, 3052, & 3031
as well as the new hermetically sealed model
3038 and 3255A accelerometers. ACresponse models include 832, 834, and 836.
The Model 3031 and 3038 are MEMS DCresponse accelerometers designed to be
solder-mounted on circuit boards. The
accelerometers provide a
millivolt output signal and
features internal damping
and mechanical overload
stops that offer shock protection to 10,000g.
The output is ratiometric to the excitation
voltage which ranges from 2Vdc to 10Vdc.
The Model 3038 is packaged in a hermetic
ceramic LCC package and offered in ranges
from ±50g to ±6,000g with a flat
response up to 5,000Hz.
The reliable Model 3022 and 3052 are offered
in ranges from ±2g to ±200g with a flat
frequency response up to 4,000Hz. The
output is ratiometric to the excitation voltage
which ranges from 2Vdc to 10Vdc. The
Model 3022 provides an uncompensated
millivolt output while the
model 3052 incorporates
a passive temperature
compensation network.
The accelerometers are also available with a
Measurement Specialties, Inc.
32 Journey, Suite 150, Aliso Viejo, CA 92656 USA
Anthony Chu
mounting bracket as the model 3028 and
model 3058 respectively.
The Model 3255A is board
mountable amplified MEMS
accelerometer with a built-in
ASIC. The output is signal conditioned and
filtered for optimum resolution. The unit
comes in a hermetically sealed LCC package
for SMT or adhesive mounting. The model
3255A is powered from regulated 5Vdc. A
patented design allows the unit to be mounted
in one of for the three orthogonal sensing
The model 83X families of piezoelectric ACresponse triaxial accelerometers are
designed for measuring shock and vibration in
three orthogonal directions. They are ideal
for continuous monitoring applications due to
its very low (<4µA) current
consumption. Model 832 covers
ranges up to ±500g. Model 834
covers up to ±6,000g, and model 836 to
For more information regarding board
mountable accelerometers, please contact
our Applications Engineers at (949) 716-5377,
or email t&[email protected].
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+1 949-716-5377
t&[email protected]