ACS8520 14-Jun-02 Register map quick-lookup table Parameter name Ad Def chip_id (read only- decimal value 8520) 00 48 Chip id (7:0) 01 21 Chip id (15:8) chip_revision (read only- value 0) 02 00 test_register1 (read/write) 03 00 test_register2 (read/write) 04 22 sts_interrupts (read/write) writing ā1sā will reset appropriate bits 05 FF status I8 status I7 status I6 status I5 status I4 06 FF Main ref fail 08 00 Oper. mode ExtSync phase alarm ExtSync phase alarm status I14 Phasemon Alarm T0 freq limit soft alarm status I13 T4 inputs failed T4 freq limit soft alarm status I12 Ami2 Viol Data Bits 7(msb) phase_alarm (read only) force sync accum 6 5 Chip revision (7:0) Disable 180o lock T4 Locked sts_operating_mode (read only) 09 01 sts_priority_table (read only) 0A 00 0B sts_current_DPLL_frequency (read only) 19 bit signed integer 0C 0D 00 Current DPLL frequency (15:8) 07 00 0E 00 0F 00 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 18 19 1A 1B 1C 1D 1E 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 2A 2B 2C 2D 30 66 66 66 66 66 66 66 32 54 76 98 BA DC FE 00 00 00 00 03 03 03 03 03 03 02 01 01 01 FF sts_sources_valid (read only) sts_reference_sources (read/write) status bit 0 = phase lock alarm status bit 1 = no activity alarm status bit 2 = out-of-band alarm 1 (hard) status bit 3 = out-of-band alarm 2 (soft) cnfg_ref_selection_priority (read/write) Lower no = higher priority 0 = do not use 1-15 = priority all priorities are relative Can be set independently for T0 and T4 cnfg_ref_source_frequency (read/write) 0000 0001 0010 0011 0100 0101 0110 0111 1000 1001 1010 = 8 kHz = 1544/2048 kHz2 = 6.48 MHz = 19.44 MHz = 25.92 MHz = 38.88 MHz = 51.84 MHz = 77.76 MHz = 155.52 MHz = 2 kHz = 4 kHz cnfg_sts_remote_sources_valid (read/write) 1 0 (lsb) Enable alog.resync Fast seconds msmt comp/ invert divinp pll lock Hold sts bits status I3 status I2 status I1 status I11 Ami2 LOS status I10 Ami1 Viol status I9 Ami1 LOS 00 3rd highest priority valid source 2nd highest priority valid source Current DPLL frequency (7:0) Current DPLL frequency (18:16) I8 force_select_reference_source (read/write) 33 0F cnfg_mode (read/write) 34 C4 Auto Ext Sync En Lock to T0 DPLL 35 40 cnfg_differential_inputs (read/write) 36 02 cnfg_uPsel_pins1 (read only) 37 I6 I5 I4 I3 I2 I1 I14 I13 I12 I11 I10 I9 <I3> (3:0) <I4> (3:0) <I5> (3:0) <I6> (3:0) <I7> (3:0) <I8> (3:0) <I9> (3:0) <I10> (3:0) <I11> (3:0) <I12> (3:0) <I13> (3:0) <I14> (3:0) Forced operating mode force_select_reference_source Ph Alarm timeout en Clock edge Manual Holdover en Ext Sync Sync en TO8,9 Outputs from T0(1)/T4(0) T4 digital feedback Sonet/ SDH i/p Master/ Slave Reversion mode Force T1 input source selection I6PECL I5PECL Micro-Processor type 7F 1=Sonet 0=SDH for Dig2 39 08 Digital2(1:0) (Sonet/SDH) 00=1.544/2.048MHz 01=3.088/4.096MHz 10=6.176/8.192MHz 11=12.352/16.384MHz 3A C6 3B 75 cnfg_digital_frequencies (read/write) 1=Sonet 0=SDH for Dig1 Digital1(1:0) (Sonet/SDH) 00=1.544/2.048MHz 01=3.088/4.096MHz 10=6.176/8.192MHz 11=12.352/16.384MHz cnfg_differential_outputs (read/write) T07 LVDS enable * = default cnfg_bandwidth (read/write) cnfg_holdover_frequency (read/write) 19 bit signed integer status <I1> status <I3> status <I5> status <I7> status <I9> status <I11> status <I13> programmed_priority <I1> programmed_priority <I3> programmed_priority <I5> programmed_priority <I7> programmed_priority <I9> programmed_priority <I11> programmed_priority <I13> Set to 0000 Set to 0000 reference_source_frequency reference_source_frequency reference_source_frequency reference_source_frequency reference_source_frequency reference_source_frequency reference_source_frequency reference_source_frequency reference_source_frequency reference_source_frequency reference_source_frequency reference_source_frequency Remote status, channels <14:9> 00 cnfg_T4_path (read/write) I7 status <I2> status <I4> status <I6> status <I8> status <I10> status <I12> status <I14> programmed_priority <I2> programmed_priority <I4> programmed_priority <I6> programmed_priority <I8> programmed_priority <I10> programmed_priority <I12> programmed_priority <I14> Set to 0 Set to 0 bucket_id<I1>(1:0) Set to 0 Set to 0 bucket_id<I2>(1:0) divn lock8k bucket_id<I3>(1:0) divn lock8k bucket_id<I4>(1:0) divn lock8k bucket_id<I5>(1:0) divn lock8k bucket_id<I6>(1:0) divn lock8k bucket_id<I7>(1:0) divn lock8k bucket_id<I8>(1:0) divn lock8k bucket_id<I9>(1:0) divn lock8k bucket_id<I10>(1:0) divn lock8k bucket_id<I11>(1:0) divn lock8k bucket_id<I12>(1:0) divn lock8k bucket_id<I13>(1:0) divn lock8k bucket_id<I14>(1:0) Remote status, channels <8:1> 3F cnfg_nominal_frequency (read/write) 16 bit unsigned integer Operating mode (2:0) 00 32 * = default 2 Currently selected reference source 31 38 3 Highest priority valid source cnfg_operating_mode (read/write) cnfg_dig_outputs_sonsdh (read/write) T4 Locked 4 T06 LVDS enable T06 PECL enable Limit (freeze) integral path when DPLL limits Auto b/w switch Acq/lock 3C 99 Nominal Frequency (7:0) 3D 99 Nominal Frequency (15:8) 3E 00 Holdover Frequency (7:0) 3F 00 cnfg_holdover_modes (read/write) T07 PECL enable Holdover Frequency (15:8) Auto holdover averaging Fast/Slow averaging Mini-holdover selection Read back 01-instant averaged value 00-full 10-fast aver. 11-slow aver. Holdover Frequency (18:16) 40 88 cnfg_DPLL_freq_limit (read/write) 10 bit unsigned integer 41 76 42 00 cnfg_interrupt_mask (read/write) setting to 0 will mask the interrupt 43 FF status 8 status 7 Status 6 status 5 status 4 Status 3 status 2 status1 44 FF Main ref failed Status 14 status 13 status 12 Status 11 status 10 status 9 45 7F Oper. mode ExtSync phase alarm Phasmon T4 ref failed Ami2 Viol Ami2 LOS Ami1 Viol DPLL Frequency offset limit (7:0) DPLL Offset limit (9:8) T4 Status Ami1 LOS Parameter name Ad Def Data Bits 7(msb) cnfg_freq_divn (read/write) 14 bit integer to pre-scale selected inputs 46 FF 47 3F cnfg_monitors (read/write) 48 05 6 5 4 3 2 1 0 (lsb) Divide-input-by-n ratio (7:0) Monitor clock from Xtal Flag ref loss on TDO Ultra-fast switching Divide-input-by-n ratio (13:8) External prot. Freeze phase Switch en. buildout Phase buildout en Soft Frequency Hard Frequency monitor enable monitor enable cnfg_freq_mon_threshold (read/write) 49 23 Soft Frequency alarm threshold for standby sources (3:0) Hard frequency alarm threshold for standby sources (3:0) cnfg_freq_threshold_current_src (r/w) 4A 23 Hard frequency alarm threshold for selected source (3:0) cnfg_freqmeas (read/write) 4B 00 Soft Frequency alarm threshold for selected source (3:0) T4/T0B dual reg. select. sts_freq_meas (read only) 4C 00 cnfg_freq_soft_limit (read/write) 4D 8E cnfg_upper_threshold0(read/write) 50 06 Leaky bucket configuration 0: Activity alarm set threshold cnfg_lower_threshold0(read/write) 51 04 Leaky bucket configuration 0: Activity alarm reset threshold (7:0) cnfg_bucket_size0(read/write) 52 08 Leaky bucket configuration 0: Activity alarm bucket size (7:0) cnfg_decay_rate0(read/write) 53 01 cnfg_upper_threshold1(read/write) 54 06 Leaky bucket configuration 1: Activity alarm set threshold (7:0) cnfg_lower_threshold1(read/write) 55 04 Leaky bucket configuration 1: Activity alarm reset threshold (7:0) cnfg_bucket_size1(read/write) 56 08 Leaky bucket configuration 1: Activity alarm bucket size (7:0) cnfg_decay_rate1(read/write) 57 01 cnfg_upper_threshold2(read/write) 58 06 Leaky bucket configuration 2: Activity alarm set threshold (7:0) Frequency measurement Channel select (3:0) Frequency measurement result (7:0) En. Phaseloss on DPLL limit DPLL Frequency Soft Alarm Limit (6:0) Resolution = 0.628 ppm (7:0) Cfg 0: decay_rate (1:0) Cfg 1: decay_rate (1:0) cnfg_lower_threshold2(read/write) 59 04 Leaky bucket configuration 2: Activity alarm reset threshold (7:0) cnfg_bucket_size2(read/write) 5A 08 Leaky bucket configuration 2: Activity alarm bucket size (7:0) cnfg_decay_rate2(read/write) 5B 01 cnfg_upper_threshold3(read/write) 5C 06 Leaky bucket configuration 3: Activity alarm set threshold (7:0) cnfg_lower_threshold3(read/write) 5D 04 Leaky bucket configuration 3: Activity alarm reset threshold (7:0) cnfg_bucket_size3(read/write) 5E 08 Leaky bucket configuration 3: Activity alarm bucket size (7:0) cnfg_decay_rate3(read/write) 5F 01 60 85 61 cnfg_output_frequencies (read/write) 0000 disabled 0001 2kHz 0010 8kHz 0011 digital2 0100 digital1 0101 T0_6M 0110 T0_19M 0111 T0_25M 1000 T0_38M 1001 T0_51M 1010 T0_77M 1011 T4_5M 1100 T4_6M 1101 T4_19M 1110 T4_38M 1111 T4_77M cnfg_T4_DPLL_frequency AMI duty cycle 0 = 50/50 1 = 5/8 cnfg_T0_DPLL_frequency (all digital feedback except ā001ā) Cfg 2: decay_rate (1:0) Cfg 3: decay_rate (1:0) Output_frequency <T02> 86 Output_frequency (1011 = T4_155M) <T04> 62 8A Output_frequency (0011 = T0_155M <T06> 0101 = T0_311M) 63 F6 64 11 65 01 66 00 MfrSync enable FrSync enable T09 enable T08 enable Output_frequency <T01> Output_frequency <T03> Output_frequency (1011 = T4_155M) <T05> Output_frequency (0100 = T0_155M) <T07> T4 DPLL frequency 000- Squelched 001-OC-N 011- 16E1 100- 12T1 110- E3 111- T3 Sonet/SDH Auto Disable T4 AMI Duty cycle T4 selection o/p (pre T0/T4 mux) T4 for measuring T4 APLL for T0 T0 phase E1/T1 T0 DPLL frequency 000- OC-N 001- OC-N 011- 16E1 100- 12T1 110- R.F.U. 111- R.F.U. T0 Freq to T4 APLL 00 = 12E1 01 = 16E1 10 = 12T1 11 = 16T1 cnfg_T4_DPLL_bandwidth (read/write) 0B cnfg_T0_DPLL_acq_bandwidth (r/w) 69 0F cnfg_T4_DPLL_damping (read/write) 6A 10 T0 Locked bandwidth (4:0) 1000 = 0.1 Hz 1001 = 0.3 Hz 1010 = 1011 = 1.2 Hz 1100 = 2.5 Hz 1101 = 1110 = 8 Hz 1111 = 18 Hz 0000 = 0001 = 70 Hz 0.6 Hz 4 Hz 35 Hz T0 Acquisition bandwidth (4:0) T4 Alexander pd gain Analog 8K (2:0) T4 Damping factor (2:0) cnfg_T0_DPLL_damping (read/write) 6B 010- 12E1 101- 16T1 T4 bandwidth (1:0) 00 = 18Hz 01 = 35Hz 10 = 70Hz cnfg_T0_DPLL_locked_bandwidth (read/write) 67 010- 12E1 101- 16T1 T0 Damping factor (2:0) 001 = 1.2 010 = 2.5 100 = 10 101 = 20 T0 Alexander pd gain Analog 8K (2:0) 10 011 = 5 cnfg_T4_DPLL_alex_gain (read/write) 6C C2 Enable T4 Alexander pd gain Analog (2:0) T4 Alexander phase detector gain (2:0) cnfg_T0_DPLL_alex_gain (read/write) 6D C2 Enable T0 Alexander pd gain Analog (2:0) T0 Alexander phase detector gain (2:0) cnfg_phase_offset (read/write) 70 00 Phase Offset (7:0) 71 00 Phase Offset (15:8) cnfg PBO_phase_offset_ (read/write) 72 00 Phase Buildout Phase Offset (5:0) cnfg_phase_loss_coarse_limit (read/write) 74 cnfg_input_noise_window 76 Fine limit no_activity for Phaseloss phase loss enable (1) Coarse limit Wide range Phaseloss 85 enable enable (2) 06 noise window en. sts_current_phase (read only) 16 bit signed integer 77 00 Current Phase (7:0) 78 00 Current Phase (15:8) cnfg_phase_alarm_timeout (read/write) 79 32 cnfg_sync_pulses (read/write) 7A cnfg_sync_phase (read/write) 7B cnfg_phase_loss_fine_limit (read/write) 73 84 Signed integer, Resolution = 6.284 ps, Range = +- 205.914 ns Lockingfr as reset Enable Multi Phase resp. Phase loss fine limit(2:0) (default = 2§-180o) 7C Timeout value in 2s intervals (5:0) 2k/8k out from 8k invert T4 Indep Sync OC rates 00 MFr/FrSync 2B Fastsync Accums Sync monitor window 7D 02 cnfg_protection (read/write) 7E 85 cnfg_uPsel (read/write) 7F cnfg_sync_monitor (read/write) cnfg_interrupt (read/write) 00 (n(3:0)+1) Phase loss coarse limit in 2 8k pulse en -1 = Uip-p 2k invert 2k pulse en ExtSync phase Sync reference source Interrupt Interrupt general purpose tristate o/p Protection value(7:0)- 85h = fully unprotected, 86h = single unprotected Micro-Processor type Interrupt polarity