ICP Test Report Certification Packet Company name : Littelfuse, Inc. Product Series: TVS Diode for ESD Protection Product #: SP3031-01ETG, SP3021-0ETG, SP1003-01ETG & SP3030-01ETG Issue Date: March 16, 2012 It is hereby certified by Littelfuse, Inc. that there is neither RoHS (EU Directive 2002/95/EC)-restricted substance nor such use, for materials to be used for unit parts, for packing/packaging materials, and for additives and the like in the manufacturing processes. In addition, it is hereby reported to you that the parts and sub-materials, the materials to be used for unit parts, the packing/packaging materials, and the additives and the like in the manufacturing processes, are all composed of the following components. Issued by: <Global EHS Engineer> (1) Parts, sub-materials and unit parts This document covers the TVS Diode for ESD Protection - Package Type RoHS-Compliant series products manufactured by Littelfuse, Inc. < Raw Materials Used Please see Table 1 (2) The ICP data on all measurable substances Please see appropriate pages as identifed in Table 1 Remarks:. 1 Table 1: List of Raw Materials covered by this report Total Parts 1 2 3 4 5 Form 585-047 Rev. A Raw Material Part Number N/A N/A NA 8006NS EME-G770H Raw Material Description Wafer (Si) Leadframe Gold Bondng Wire Adhesive Epoxy Ablestik Molding Compound 2 Page(s) 3-14 15-19 20-33 34-39 40-44 2/21/06 Test Report No. SHAECl104124701 Date:06 Apr 2011 Page1 of 12 FABSCO.,LTD CSIVCTECHNOLOGIES 14LIANGXI ROAD,WUXI,JIANGSU,PRC WAFER Thefollowingsamplg(s)was/weresubmittedandidenlifiedon behalfof the clientsas : Bipolar_BASED - SH sPl1-007816 SGSJobNo.: Composition: ModelNo.: 6" 31Mar2011 31lrar2011- 06Apr2011 Dateof SampleReceived: TestingPeriod: TestRequested: Selectedtest(s)as requestedby client. Pleasereferto nextpage(s). TestMethod: Pleas€referto nextpage(s). Bas€donthe performedtestson submittedsamples,the resultscomplywiththe amendments. RoHSDireclive 200295/EC anditssubsequent Test Results: : Conclusion Signedfor and on behalfof scs-csTcLtd. O"), nWuXi,Cissy ApprovedSignatory .llsdn4-li!-6ftrdr .nrh I on Eqrrn or &Fe e r hdrr,ff alhd r. rlr oFo c6tu'.1L@ tldd oitrn Mftor e sduio e*F'n r !4si$!lrds r,iqd r EE. s! c.d&E [!l l!!!!!!!!Jsr' ^di&rd'[email protected] dbi-ildqrd.dole|.$ad.i4{'h6h h.rHr ,ii rihib taiiiiii ;tumt. rft rh.c6D.rr Et d@!blr',!y I'b b lrtaflifi iilhuhh .raad:i|da{oiolbd.i' dyros.'se.G)r.'!d t'Er{hatr|lri{d8,ri0ia1di|l.rioi. Ft ..!t. ti[:68u1339t3!i|! a* 2o@$ 2@3 rE E06-2)6r.tu5a lEtE(6-21,6463511 N6.!{r.o Hlj(F-2131{@5gd HLiF-2 'tr506 . !Fdno+@d Mon&r oi tneSGSOrc|loISGSS,a) TestReport No.SHAEC1104124701 Date:06Apr2011 Page 2 ol 12 TestResultrs : TestPartDescription: Sp€dm€nNo. '1 SGSSamdelD D€6.fipton SHA11-041247.001Silversolidsheet Rema*s : (1)1 mg/kg=1 PPm=0.0001% (2) MDL= ftIethodDetectionLimit (3) ND= NotDetected( < ldDL) (4) "-" = NotRegulated RoHSDir€div€200295/EC Testl\4ethod: Withreforenc€to IEC62321:2008 (1)Detemination of Cadmium by ICP-OES. (2)Determination of Leadby ICP-OES. (3)Dotermination by lcP-oES. of Mercury (4)Determination by Colorimetric MethodusingUV-Vis. of Hexavalent Chromium (5)Detemination PBBS / PBDES content by GC-MS. of Test ltom(s) Cadmium(Cd) Lead(Pb) Mercury(Hg) (CrVl) Hexaval€nt Chromium Sumof PBBS Monobromobiphenyl Dibromobiphenyl Tribromobiphenyl Telrabmmobiphenyl Pentabromobiphenyl Hev€bromobiphenyl Heptabromobiphenyl Octabromobiphenyl Nonabromobiphenyl Dec€bromobiphenyl Sumof PBDES ether Monobromodiphenyl t!d! ui! 100 1,000 1,000 1,000 1,000 - mdks mg/kg mg/kg mg/kg mg/kg mgxs mg/Kg - ms4e - mg/Kg mgKg m9K9 - mdks - 2 2 2 2 N N N N mg/kg 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 . N N N N N N N N N N N D D D D ND D D D D D D D D D D D mdks 5 N D mg/Kg mgKg mg/(g 't,000 lA MDt nt.cmiL|Aqdby|b nkorc]r.itr In|'{.iofu, t.r lfff,i,1l :d;:t?;tu;6 lh.coho.iv! ror.r*t f$"ilttffii*i#;,ff;;fiifi;;.i;;G;:;i;-;-';."aiii#--Lort"r'"in"rpnu"m" s rh rft "iiha.ad;k ssnM 3'Afilit0tl'rhdxfiiudi4tluro*c +!..L|.*trEfitll€3ol*r*|l d "**n.n a@33 lrl: 200233 lErE{86-fi)e6SA l EnE1S-2r )611@53 H! (E-2rl614d5el Htjl*-!'l5a5uEt tw.cn.4.con csssihlt€Fgd@ Msmbe. or|n. sosGroue {SGssA) TestReport No.SHAEC1104124701 Date:06Apr2011 Testltem(s) tlnil Ud! Dibromodiphenyl ether Tribrornodiphenyl ether Tetrabromodiphenyl ether Pentabromodiphenyl ether Hexabromodiphenyl ether Heptabromodiphenyl ether Oclabromodiphenyl elher Nonabromodiphenyl ether De€abromodiphenyl ether mg/kg mg/kg mg/kg mS/kS mSftS mdkS mSikS mS/kS msn(g MDt 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 Page3 of 12 0p7 ND ND ND ND ND ND ND ND ND Notes: pormissible RoHSdheclive (1)Themaximum limitis quotedfromthedocument 2005,/618/EC amending 2002t95tEC Haldsl Te6t l/lethod I With reference to EN 14582: 2007, analysiswas performedby lon Chromatograph(lC). Unit Testltem(s) (F) Fluorine (Cl) Chlodne (Br) Bromine lodine(l) mSikS mS/kS mdkS mdkg MDt 0P1 50 50 50 50 ND ND ND ND Pht|alata6 TestMethod: Withrefefenceto EN14372:2004,analysiswas performedby GC-I\,IS ud! Test ltem(s) (oBP) DibutylPhthalate B€nzylbutyl Phthlate (BBP) (DEHP) Phthalate Bis-(2-ethylhexyl) % ./. % MDt 0.003 0.003 0.003 001 ND ND ND Notes : :; rii.d;;;-; IdihrFhorc|dr d.i.d 0..h h.fuer' ^ {d ft'c@t!vr fttlrlo-loYroiod,0rr|I*d,s1l{ialir +l..tl.*rEEtL!t83sll3t& !or' n's^{Dirr M3 ll ffiot06m t€!€t6-aF{€536'A rElE(S-21)611055! .l!rdm(t66 tL{6-2lla11{2504l!{$-2l)51$63 ManberoftheSGsolouD ISGSSal TestReport No.SHAEC1104124701 Date:06 Apr2011 Page4 ot 12 (1)DBP,BBP,DEHP Reference information: (EC)No5522009amending Entry51 of Regulation Annex (EC)No 1907/2006 (previously XVllof REACHRegulation restricted underDirective 2005/84/EC): gre€ter i) Shallnotbe usedas substan@s in concentrations or in mixtures, than0,1% byweightof thoplasticised material, in toysandchildcare artides. jn a concent€tion greater ii)Toysandchildcare articles containing thes€phthalates than0.1% by w€ightof theplasticis€d material shallnotbeplacedonthemarket. Pleasereferto Regulation(EC)No 552/2009to get moredetailinfomation (EC)No552/2009 DINP,DNOP,DIDPReference infomation: Entry52of Regulation amending (EC)No 1907/2006 (previously AnnexXr'll of REACHRegulation restdcted underDirective 2005tutEc\. gre€lerthan0.1% byweightof i) Shallnotbe usedas substances or in mixtures, in concentrations plasticised material, in toysandchildcare whichcanbeplacedinthemouthby the articlgs children. greater thesephthalates in a concentration than0.1% ii)Suchtoysandchildcare articles containing by weightof the plasticisedmatedalshallnotbe placedonthe market. Pleas€referto Regulation(EC)No 552/2009to get moredetailinformation TeHromoblsphod A fiBBP.A TestMethod: Withreferenceto US EPA3550C:2007,analysiswasperformedby GC-MS. ud! Test ltem{s) A (TBBP-A) Tetrabromobisphenol MDt 10 mdkS 091 ND tl€Ebrlmoododod€cem HBCDD) Test lrethod : Withreferenceto USEPA3550C:2007,analysiswasperfomedby GC-IVS ud! Test ltem{s) (HBCDD) Hexabromocyclododecane lvpL 091 10 ND mgks PFOS(P€rfuo.ooctensSultonat6)andPFOA(Pe|fluoroodandcA.id) TestMethod: Withreferenceto USEPA3550C:2007,analysiswasperformedby HPLC'IVS Test ltem{s) (PFOS)andrelated Sulfonales Perfluorooctane Amide Saltand Acid,l\retal Acid(PFOA) Perfluorooctyl Unit mdkg MDL 10 lEL ND mdks 10 ND ' d &d's a @!l!sEe4r.:@!4'. a Do40d Doaad d ii;, ro comrnr b b odi'r'. odi,r.. Doaod ba;l'r'. E!4!r!9!Ie4{ i ii.ii-i,i.ilni..i;ii;..:;H-;i;;;;.oi.rrr ;fi;;i;,;;a;,i;; E+lr+si4l.jeggH .i€id.idhs ;6 i,ffiB ffi'H.:Sffi.ii'iii1fr&:l'iil' , ;;;ii&;; ;;;J;@i ;-',-rb ibM :;d;i;;;nfr arywdds 'dd.6dm'o h bn tn nFd ntr c;Ai;;;;;i;;r#; ;;;;iii;-liira d , ro rh ttht d.runn nid n Mp:{PY s'enunE-!!!_6dnrm 11j1':1:'-*:X':Y,i*i* lTi:,$j;fr;1",:r.iHH: ;iiia.iaura*'*to-'^a-*iLFnnh'.Mrd'6 r^tur t'bor'6r b.edd./ :t oer .(.) ctd 3"ErE lqloYds hddxln&$n,$.dcort 20@, Ln: M3 +1.}l.ttr610t33e!t3+i (S-11)611@3IEE€(6-'jF.0536'9 I E6E BL(6-21)5r5.(63 ffio3!t@ .!4'.tu8€Fd sftboroflhoSGSGrout(SGSSA) T€stReport No.SHAECl104124701 Date:06Apr201'1 Page5 of 12 Notes: (1)PFOSReferenc€ Information: Entry53of Regulation (EC)No5522009amending AnnexXVllof REACHRegulation(EC)No 1907/2006(previor.isty restrictedunderDireclive2OO6\2ZEC\ (i) Maynot be placedon the marketor usedas a subst€nceor constituentof oreDarations in a concentration equaltoor higherthan 0.005% by mass. (ii) [Iay not be placedon the ma*et in semi-fnishedproduc{sor anicbs,or partsth6r€of,if the concentration of PFOSis equalto or higherthan0.1% by masscatcutated withreference to the massof shucturallyor microstruc.tulally distinctpartsthat containPFOSor, for textilesor other coatedfiateri€ls,if the amountof PFOSis equalto or higherthan 1Ug/m, of the coatedmatedal. Pleasereferto Regulation(EC)No 552/2009to get moredetailinformation ;;;;b,-;iihb b;d @i.ri. ry lbls to i! omdrcd4on! xi,rd 6 tm' !d cdh@ ;;;;i diM- or 3 io' Fdni'. ooc{ih uddxo b'"rhQrht { x,i,r!!!! eo/rt4!.3r!!!!I!!E- f' - aiia9i! 6'ldMl lilHr,n l*:.il"^ffilffififfifi;u,",:ftli:t.il'ffiffi#ffitr'fr:ffit;-lti;;;;'t ;;"Dii€rdihd''ht.i...r.'[email protected] cn d h 6it.ir or !|ld oidfrr duib ih4 6 i1l bn -rd 6'tf.irro ' rhr'c.Gumlt6iiorb. rh. n6e '(r) cr.c f,'EfE.totaYlsndd&tu0sidgrdlol! *l..Lt.*JEai ?Mrdld5[, i];,i;;'.ih',;;; 9l^-ro!'-1T::s 20@t3 ll3sees+|| il:2M3 lE{El6+tF1q.$'4 t EIE{36-21)81102560 H!{d6-21)61ai4F4 rc{6-21)964m3 *@306@ .llidinorF@ (so9sa) Memb€r oilhoscs Group TestReport No.SHAECI'104124701 Date:06 Apr2011 Page6 of 12 ATTACHMENTS RoHSTestingFlowChart 1) Nameof the pe6onwhomadete6ting: AllenXiac/EvenXu/ AndyZhao/caryXu 2) Nameof the personin chargeoftesting: JeffZhang/George Xu/EtimLin 3) Thesesamples weredissolved totallyby pre-conditioning methodaccording to betowflowchart. (Cr6+andPBBS/PBDESte6t methodexctuded) Pb/CdrHg PBBs/PBDES 'l)AlkaliFusion / DryAshing 2)Acidtodissolve Adding1,5diphenylcarbazide for colof development mtddiMLbldbyb h;i *futuiir Adding1,S diphenylcarbazide for color development A red color indicat€6 the pre6ence of cP. necessary, vrbro d rqud.r .dnrbr. .r h!t: Y"r.!r!d4!!!-!!!..e${e ^t!$strtnhftBffi.ro' ',!t !rE-e!kr'!dcen.d,ih rdbrm.d i6a-ai did r *ro sdl'6iiiffii;;iii. b.d;. *v ri*, a* o'-' ;; trndd; i;fr|r,.a 6o! i''.'!Nrb rrbc 6ri. cl.nt cri.ir rid md sl. hn ddifri!* ddqd' fh fiy rr dulon, . ta nr.c@rr rh cMYr tdr.-F,5ifiv tdr .-Me .fiii" h. xflr dob't )op"nnt'.{'}.i ;oiidI'n'idi.liibcadmnonndbarEedd cadmn onnd b '.d*dnM ;tAi|..idi i"ott'. h-d.iid't'iiri.liib !a6DihdEr cr d 'h.6d.d tser lqr hnddis or1.coim4 &ed, ol i yro ib $np .(r) !..bi {t&lrlo.loflsid*iir0sltsr$dorb $!.Iil.*[Alu*xoe3+t MB a|:2(r?n3 !ElEl6-?r)61S5$79 tr4.!{6.n6 rE,E(6-21)611025! drs.drEo€am ru(s-21)61le5p{ Nr{6-t)54O61 (SGSSA) lrember ofln6SGSGroup TestReport No.SHAEC1104124701 Date:06Apr201'1 PageToi 12 PFOS/PFOA TestingFlowChart t) Nameof thgp€rsonwhomadetesting: JudyLj 2) Nameof the personin chargeoftestingrNancyDu Samplecutting/preparation .rtud oi.ru.c o. -o5M .{smm ,iiii'nin E!:d.11!.jf!?!!.1:ri!!l b' Hdioi. io,iari,* Dodtrfts 4d !l{* m Erdi,.mr ed cdh* ;;i;;;iiiotii"ii 6 'e' i*riu;;;;ou-n-"oy*.|c|i\EeLnodh.dvdh|erui6E{jfudi..sdxbr|ca4 tm nrcoinvr D.d@e. ;;i;il;hdo.fr rtur i,;;i ;:i;fi;; tu';;.L.nid 3-&tu$lofi{i.ld&hlhi{Sridtor! S! ..tl.*tr6lrll€3ol}!+l 2W3n lr|] 2o@3 gn! iirrh* ll' 69t'l! I iip-rLr!.tl!9944@_!!!.g!91! +!! rnbb !4E ar d ^hi{it .iriih rc b' hii' a9l!111:1!:l-'l:'-i,g|:::: I ElEt6-?r)6195$79 rEr (s-21) 61!0660 ur (6-21)6re!9( ri|.l3d-21)srffi. (SGgsA) M€mborot thosGSGorJo TestReport No.SHAEC1104124701 Date:06Apr2011 Page8 of 12 HalogenTestingFlow Chart 1)Nameof lhe personwhomadetesting: DaisyGong person 2) Nameof lhe in chargeof testing: AlexJiang Samplemeasurem€nt Combustion in oxygenbomb Dissolved in an absorption solution Analyzed by ion Doubleconfirm chromatog€phy. if by otherinstruments, N &ild ih.n' b.ffi bnr o!!'tr rx c.dltdt.rs d eanrbb {itrPidr*rqc@r6-!!!-qldEM. hhd6ofid m-niHnn.iilirua-;;6fildfu.h'^de.dBe@d'[email protected]'|l''l r;r. rkc-D,vr ,;&Hffi-li;;i.;aGi,;ld;^i' fi"*dr. dr !-F.bdtv lbbc*' loqneni n ft r6.i'sdnaddo ;-JG;i;;.-Jim;;ii;;rd';'s.niot'ltrd"ndni d-d ,fitulsdd.d ftE)f,.. rdr irb l'at h r,hr .(.) $.rc lqaYBriFddn ulLit4shrdlcll! +!.-t1.*iEEitft8ee3*i ftrbrrEudd 20@3 in;20@3 rEsE(S-?r)61'r02563 t€lElS-?1F€53679 ffiols6m . sssdi€g{ad N!(6+1)6 0eiE4 N!{S-z)9l5061 Meobe.ofito SGSGrouoISGSSA) TestReport Date:06Apr2011 No.SHAECl1M12470'1 PageI of 12 TBBP-A Testing Flow Chart 1 ) Nameof the personwhomadetesting: GaryXu 2) Nameof the personin chargeoftesting:Elim Lin Samplemeasurement Liquidliquid extraction ;_*;;#;.;;'dn ':::i;-;;:l:=;;;;;^i^ ;id;ii r;ir d '{odn'i'i6 d @ *! oia''r adrEdh..sdd ;"e.r***rrd-dffiiffi k;r ;;,[email protected].. . i;i. ati'ilLr I d'o to h rffiFo d r.D h' cshl rorr . r.Mtlblfir crtl!,n, rh.cdDrvt Th;c@cryr D tib&dh]i'dn lDDoFdad d.dhin cnld-D ;,i;;];";ii;;;iid;;;;.;6 ,"iiiiii.lgini.i i;,iiuiiii;na;;;A-n;6-nia |oT.ad.d.I|d|d.lhcfutq t'EfE$IlgYlidto nry6 h rhpr.(.) Intrd dldrrlit4sn idcolt +I.Il.*lEgtu1l88943+* 20(,s3 lf:2M3 w*.j.3!t6m rElt(6er)6105€6'9 rErEt6-20611@63 ..93dE€4@ r[j(S-tF,r5aGl hrr6-211614!2534 SA) Mombsr ollhosGsorcuD ISGS TestReport No.SHAEC1104124701 Date:06Apr2011 Page10of 12 PhthalatesTestingFlowChart 1)Nameof lhe personwhomadetesting: VickeyGui person 2) Nameof the in chargeof testing:Susan Liu Samplecutting/preparation nulnihctr hrlrdDdrtus,',.,M r&p.(.rkt. 3"EtEj{otoldl|inon&{0$ust od|or! 20@3 *33e+3+f I|:2cM3 +l.Il.*rAl lE!€16-x[1g5SA rElE{s-2DBl4!?563 ntj{s-"}5{50dan hi {!a-21161a425€4 Mcric|tr . !Fdf(}+r M6mb* ol fto SSSGouDlSGgSA) TestReport No.SHAEC1104124701 Date:06Apr2011 Page11 ol 12 HBCDDTestingFlowChart r )Nameofthe personwhomadetesting:BillZhong 2tNameofthe personin chargeoftesting:SusanLiu Sample cutting/preparation ffiffi*'$s*ffinffi*ltffiffi*ffi 3'EEtltt0Ytrii.d&llltd,slldlctr +t ..tt.*rE'lui3€ot3|}|l m@s l8E(*-r)6r40255i lEl€6-aF4€n5D ffi.6j{.M . ro.diagE d Nn 2oor33 tsL(6-2tatr@4 ijls-ata6l&3 M.nDor orrh€sosorcup(sGs9^) TestReport No.SHAEC1104124701 Date:06Apr2011 Page12 d 12 Samplephoto: sHAl1-M1247.001 reportonly SGSauthentic€te thephotoonoriginal *" Endof Report-* m@33 t'drq,rbt0Yr'si.d&hrfididtu'dd6r. 'n|.t;.*rEl&|8.F {E lfi@3 rE €{6-2r)d11@6! |E!E{6-21)64€5$A rlul6-21t611e54. nr@-21)5a5dE3 m.frj!..om .€s.nh€sd sa) ofrhosogooqp1gG9 Memb€. Test Report l{o, LPCI/il2,a6i}1/11 at t | 1g10/2011 P!gc: 1 ol5 CTSR.LCTa/llEeo6/ryrcrlit DYI{ACFIFT INI'USTN|ESSOT.B}ID. 2!+A BLOCKD, PHASE[, BAYA t.EPns DUSrnrALZONE, I I OOO PEI{AI{G,XALAYSA Th.lolloulng |t|.rchlndlaa rla (wr|!) &bmlttad fid lrld|ttbd by th! clLr* a.: MicroNlPdAu lgadlramsusingCuBankC7025 Advahc€d ENlOMgTSAXA 806888, 806889 tol1 14S€pt€$bor SampleD6cdption Stock# JOB* lclsnutac{tring Date Countyol oflgln Dafo SamplgB€coiving Te6lingPedod Malay'ltiat 1410m11 12/t020llio l€V10/2011 Tgst noqu66t€d Selgcledt€3l(s)as r€que€tedby dbm T€3tM€thod Pl6asereferio nextpag9(8). ToEtResulits Pl9a8orol6rto noxlp€0€(9). Analt€is Toh PuiSgan& Tay sian Pins SERVICES(M) SDN.8HD, SGS LABORATORY CHONGKIENLEN B-Sc.(HoNS)AMlc LABMAMGER **'tg.j**ffi Es=:!::!s:sf.":^i=,---fi fii:EEff.--4:--.fi tr4iiFn:iiE!=;.;;;;-.nEGd+.""h HSi*F--f, L**.1E-=!E€,:,*!fi scsrraodtEs?vs{lt}sih ' ond (co't.tb.6ozr. ib26 J&ta{rcdvslb lva Kohrffrt! zno!Jgl5r?19a,'FyT I 4{03)s12t {o'& s'Etgo' oail BE lltbvlb TestReport No. LPClrl2{6&l /l I Dato: t&lozxl CtS F.t, cTgt 1/3906/Dyn.cralt P.gr: 2 ol5 Testrgguhs: I9ll.Eld-Qlrcddiq!: Sarnpl€O€sc'|p|ion A6 por pq!€ 1 & 4 : noHg Olrtcdy. 201l/83EU &tn.x ll Ted lt€rn(3): unit T€3tM€thod ndko lvlth fote€ncoto lEc 821It1:2008, andD6rfonn6d bvICPaES bad (Pb) nBnq wilh r€f6r6nc6to lEc 623212008, tt4erdry(Hg) ms4(0 Whhroto|onceio IEC621121 2008. andDdfonnodW ICPOE€ Cdmlum(Cd) lbxevalgnt Chomium(CrVl)ry Spotte3l / bollinorater en ecton (opdonal)* Sumot PBEa dd mrtonrst tI ICP{IFi wlfi r€f€renco to IEC8zB2l:m08 dEt€ lvith r9le|gnc€to lEc 8:|l|21:2008, Anii Mtnmdl hv Ii.!.MS Withr€teremo lo IEC62321 :2008, ard o€rtoinodbvGC-IJS Withlbturerc€to IEC82321:2008. i&nobro.nobiph€nyl n|ck! Dib.onoblphonyl nCkt Trib.omobiph€nY rncro TofabofiroUphc|tyl ndk€ H€xabomodph€ny| nVkS Wifi .6t$€nc€b IEC623212008. Peitatromoblph6nyl 'tar! whh rotoronca to IEC62321:a)08, HcpLbromoblptr€nyl n'Cks &ebromoblphenyl ntcrxs wlth reiarenc€lo lEc 62321:2008, andDofom€d bv GC-MS with r6ter€nc6to lEc 623212008, lSnabror'oUph.nt rnerfS D€cabromoUph€nyl ntsl(g ,nd dlodn6., bv (v:Jlrs Wilhr€tgrenco lo IEC62:mt:e00€, endo€rlom6dbvGC-MS wnhr€f€ronco to lEc 64n21 :2008. 6d neforhdd .n l E f.mal rtrri drtrmdl rn.l Mrnrndl b!. GC-MS hv al.:-!Lq lr af-MS hw ara.Il]rq Wnhr€i5r6nc€lo IEC82321:2m8, rnd erlffi.d lr a{:-llls wifl rdsr€nc.to lEc 6g)21:2rc8, rrrl erl66rt lN GC-MA R€€ull! N.O. N.D. N.D. Na06liw ^rbdn.-i.d sampleIn 50mL s0lulion N.0. N.D. 5 N.DN.D. N.D. 5 N.D, 5 N.D. N.D. 5 N.O. N.D. N.O. CHONGKIENLEN B.Sc.(HONSIAMIC LAB MANAGER iE;6;;- 2 0.mr{A0 p€rsocm' SGS LABORATORY SERVICESlM} SDN.BHD. Effitiffiritrffi-Effi:!!!+ -.di;jiirir;de ;-;AiF-,d -; UDI r tud u-d.ir.ad|.;rh'-ri*ct &lr$.Dont Ehsn,lhb/ts scs Lr!@blr €ai6 (ll) sd' BH. 1016J.bntu$ar!ta. !1/l3vobKwnir ao18() m0, |wqF@ 2!2l, 1.6{095121 {CdFryrb.6O72.II t.6(@)5121 5 Test Report No. LPiClrl2aS}Ull gTS nd. Cfsirl I /3996/lttn!cr!li D!t! | 1Elol201l P!ga: 3 ot 5 mcnQ wllh r€fs|t,nce to lEc 62321:2008, and iftnobrfirEdiFhsn, etl€r nor(rg Wnhrele€ncgto IEC623212008, end oerldnn€d bv GC-rJrq N.D. Dlhmodiphsnt€tt€r nc/k! wlth r€fe€ncoto lEc 623212008. and oerhfiledW @-irs N.O. Trib.omodiptrooyl eth€r ms,?o wi$ relererlcoto tEc 6232:2(m8,and ntOAS wnhnte|gncoto IEC623212008, end Ponrabromodip+Ent €f ier rnslq wih rel6r6rp6to IEC61821:i008,and Hoxabronodlph€nyl €|ller mgro with reiaronceto tEC623212008,and o€rb.m€dW GC-MS H6@bromodip|tonyl €ttor nck! Wnhrele|gnco to IECe,621:2m8,and Oclab.omodlpheny' €ther n'0A0 Nonabomodlphen,et|or nEI(o wi$ r€brencelo IEC82321:2008,and etrrndl hv alll-lrs Wih referencoto IEC62121:2Om,and gumot PBDE TotrahDmodiphenyl 6ther D€cabomodiph€nt6tter ntcko D€r'o|m€d br GC-MS e.lodn€d rwl^nwl Bidm€d 6..Lr6dl d'lr'nrl bv GC-lJLS le lll:-Ms bv @-lJls h! ara'-Ms ls al1-tts Withr€fer€ncelo IEC82121:Zlm, and o€rlom€dbv GCt S N.D. N.D. 5 N,D. 5 N.D. 5 N.O. 5 N.D. N.D. 5 N.D. 5 N.D, 5 Nota: (a) m0A0- ppm ;(o.tvd%- lm0ppn) (b) N.D. - Not D.tocted {o) ltDL - Molhod DotoctionLinil (d)*. Spor.T..tl a. NoOallv€msansthe aboenceof C(Vl) on th€ iartad areai b. Positivetneansthe pf€€nc6 ol C(VD on lha tastad ar€a3 (Th6 t€3todsempl€Bhouldb€ lurthor vgdfiedby boiling-walerextrsctionn€thod il th€ spot t€sl rea{ll la n€galiveor ctnnot be confimed) Bolllne wata. axt,acllon: a. Negativ€meonsths ab€enceol C(Vl) on the t8tod ar€as b. Posiliv€moanglhe pa€96nceol C(Vl) on lho l6st6d arcas; Tho detocl€dconcsnlralionIn 50 mL boillngwal6r exttacllonsolutioni6 equal or great€r lhen 0.02 m€n(gv,ith 50 cm?sempleBuatacoar6a. For coraorionpFteclion coalingson melak: Infornalion on 8to€0€ condltloB and produclion date of ths tsatod samplels lnavarlabl€ andthus r$ults ot C(vl) ropresonlstatuaol the 3ampl6al lh6 tim6 ol t6Bllng. (e)-.Nolrooubr€d SERVICES(M) SDN.BHD. SGS LABORATORY CHONGKIENLEN AMlc S.Sc.(HONS) LAS MANAGER ;;;1-;;E;E--iii-l;i;;_;id;;Effi-'".i-k r;ftrid-Ebir scs tno.*.t .bad6d&5d5geE@dr!"-dc9!q'99*r!":t! SdvE {$ ah Orn (cdlF'rtb 6i92{) aU& s.btgo. hrul Ei..n l{o?3Jtbn tullcnr Ve|b 3l/s Kd xtut! 1.6{rq5121A2Ol+t(03)51219c2|w:!.o SGS TestReport o,LPCr:l2il69l/11 O|te:18/1(,2011 CTSR.f. CTS/It/:r996/Dynrcr.lt P.gs: 4 ol5 I3s!!e4-P$sig!q : Advsnc€d MicroNiPdAu lsadframeusir{ CuBlankC7025 EN102097SAXA E06888. 806889 14 &plomb€r2011 Mahlaia SamplgDo6cription silod * JOB* Manufacluring Dale Cournryof Odgin DYIACRAFTIIDUA'RIES SON.BHD. LPC{/246&1/t I SGSauthondcalo lhe photoon orioinalr€porlonly SGS LABORATORY SERVICES(M) SDN.BHD. CHONGKIENLEN AMIC B.Sc.(HONS) LAB MANAGER !i:*ffi --._!t-ct,*,'ffi fr;ddndd;r-;H SGSLdo.&rys..vi6 {ta)Sdr Bhd (cd'!rr r$.6172-I) dBhi-*tffi.d aoLo S.b'sq oarulEi6a. r|tbFb l{o26Jdrlr{0sikvalb 31/s Koltl(ffi! t.6lo}5l2l 420 1.6{lB)51?1S82 ffi"slsd Test Report l{o.lP€|rAn&tllil Drt : l&l(yA'll CIS nrt, cTgl t4lg€6iltyn.cr.ft Prga: 5 ot 5 2. ITEIENI|I{/\TIOT{OF LE/ID OOiITEIITBY |EC6Al2i 20C S.mploF6c€it||qarldR€gln|aton + J C{, damd€h smaUpl€c€€ Cd sampl€In lmdt ptec€6 + Wdgh 3€rnpb(0.2{.Q) iniodig€.Uonvi..€l Wolghi33mpb( dig€dlon!€|!61 .t W€l dlgr..ton/ Mlcloml/odig€dbn t "Tobly Dkaoh/i(f a AdUdqE3|bn l 'Iddt oh8oAair + + Fltdon Fri.adon ! Anaty3€gby lcp + Anatya.a by rcP 3, O€IEnXT|AIO OFTEFCURY CoitrEl{t By .. DETENTII{AIIOiIOF HEXAV LET|TCHROUIUI BY tEC6'ZXI 2mA EC.laa-aor s8npL F&M'|C andRogbrddr s5,npr€R€csM3andR€sblletoo J C{t rampl€InsmdtDtoc€€ Samdo Pnpa'afon J Wdgh lenpb (0.2{.59) hto dg€adonv*..1 spor"rd f||la|rbdv.) Add dgdton 6l6o*avo) J 'Toldly Oh.ot/!(r Boliine{dor3xledon ^"aty3€3 byUv' Fnra0on Sr6cnoetbio,r5!.. T6r R.pon An |y8.c by ICP a 9E!@!4!M-QE!!BPE99i!!!4|4 EUEC.!@!p09 Cd lanpb in smalld.c€ W.ighl.rnplo {0.14-09)lnbsr!*!on rllmu. * eoflsl Ette{on |tt$ T0ll€116 J morlhlough0.{5umm€nbranflt€r t, Aret .. byCGMS($th rtpropdabdl'rtlon) SERVICES(M} SDN.BHD. SGS LABORATORY CHONGKISNL€N B.SG.(HONS) AMIC LAg MANAGER SGSLncb! Sqtia 00 6dr Bld lcdFyih 6Cl2.{} rbr6 J.b.l,tlEi Vrilb 3lD0 X(b K.E ig 10160Sebt$.06nr Ehn, cB2 |*3as.M t.d(6)5121232!1.6 (03)5121 TestRemrt No.SHAEC1118664202 Date:24 Nov2011 Page1 of 14 (HANGZHOU) TANAKAELECTRONICS CO,,LTD, F1AREA,WESTNO.19STREET, NORTHNO.lOSTREET, HANGZHOU ECONOMIC & TECHNOLOGICAL DEVELOPMENT ZONE.HANGZHOU The followingsample(s)was/weresubmittedand identifiedon behalfof the clientsas : Au Bondingvvire Test Requested: - SH sP11-035221 18Nov2011 18Nov2011- 24Nov2011 Selecledtest(s)as requestedby client. Test llethod : Pleasereferto nextpage(s). Test Resultrs: Pleasereferto ne)dPage(s). Whentestedas specified,Oimethylfumarate(DlrF)contentof the submitted Decision 2011/135/EU of Commission samplecomplywiththerequirement (previously and2009/251/EC restricted under2010/153/Eu SGSJob No. : Date of Sample Received : Testing Period : Conclusion: Signedfor and on behalfof scs-csTcLtd. ,aQr"'' FanJingjie,JJ Approved Signatory ;;;l;A;; d' ry &hld d-;;r,r6Fd bh crb [email protected] b r.m. sd c.dbisb 'n;,Tu":$*ffi 3l coam't idhss 'rE ih' d !*g;;;i**:*#*lltrfl il.jlla-:-q:X'::'.:*|.Y:: i.qr.ts oatu!'..61i!tlilr ! {o i'+"s Fbidte*trr!, e6n e6:.r* * 'rl 6d' ih@J!!!!:rr4tlu!.!!lD.-6rqndr haJb* -D'_6{x'm' Bry!!4lvf,r4de4d:h 't;t h'fi16fi;iffiffiei.i-Ei-Ebr i,Sflifiili ;;lftiH.;ii:;i-ff;;ili;Aa ;;;; h . h kfili;iai;di d c h d ! ' d M o tfiG;.'. ' | h y ' f t . c of;n D ' r r F | d r ! b ] l | ' | | rhhd.&mn,ddb. ;;;;nFb;;d'hah"nddldmni ME{ddibo.fu'd bn.rytt 20C133 t'lJtdn!63Yariod&tuB'4sttaots 'F! .tt.*trqluft3o?391 lrl: M3 *scis{6cM r€!€t6-ab{€s79 I ErE{S-?i)61102541 NLI36-211616C&!.r6dsB@ Membsr oft\€ sos orooelscs sA) TestReport No.SHAEC1118664202 Date:24 Nov2011 Page2 ol 14 TestResufts: TestPartDescriotion: Sp€dm€nNo. 1 SGSS€md€lD D€€criplion SHA11-186642.001 Gotdwire Remarks: (1)1 mg/kg=1 PPm=00001% (2) lllDL = MethodDetectionLimit (3) ND= NotDeteded( < MDL) (4) '-" = 1r1o1 P*r,","d RoHSDirEdve 20t l/85/EU Testllethod: with referenc€ to lEc 62321:2008 ('l) Detemination of Cadmium by |CP-OES. (2)Determination of Leadby ICP-OES. (3)Determination of lllercury by ICP-OES. (4)Determination of Hexavalent Chromium by Spottest/ Colorjmetric l\rethod usingUV-Vis. (5)Detemination PBBS of / PBDES by GC-[4S. Test ltem(s) Cadmium(Cd) Lead(Pb) Mercury(Hg) (Cr(Vl)) He/€valentChromium t!r4i! ult 100 1,000 1,000 mg/kg mg/kg mg/kg 1,000 mgKg Monobromobiphenyl Dibromobiphenyl Tribromobiphenyl Tetrabromobiphgnyl Pentabromobiphenyl Hexabromobiphenyl Heptabromobiphenyl Octabromobiphenyl Nonabromobiphenyl Decabromobiphenyl Sumof PBDES Monobromodiphenyl ether 1,000 , tdr.ry t'.ME$6 'durb.'w1 b dr die dnbar o bn rtsd dtu oi rb ihr rh! 0!1 2 2 2 O - N D N D N D Negative N D 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 - N N N N N N N N N N N D D D D D D D D D D D 5 N D .(r) h.bd t-hrttltetl|utudtifilhii4aii{idctiE +l -.LJi.*trB'.drl€soeeel mgKg mg/Kg ms/Ks mS/kS mg/Kg mg/Kg mg/Kg mgKg mgKs mg/K9 mg/kg mg/Kg MDt 2!@3 ll 2@3 r EtE{s-2.)61.(las61 IEE(66-2116'S96?9 welscm H!(a-2116fiq04 Nr{6-21F1e0063 .is'd'iEo.$@ Mehbarol di. SGSGrooo{SGSsA) T€stReport No. SHAECl118664202 Test ltem(s) Dibromodiph€nyl ether Tribrorhodiphenyl ether Tetrabromodiphenyl ether Pentabromodiphenyl ether Hexabromodiphenyl ether Heptabromodiphenyl ether Oclabromodiphenyl ether Nonabromodiphenyl ether Decabromodiphenyl ether tinit Date:24 Nov 2011 ud! MDt 001 mgKs mgxs mS/kS mg/Kg mg/Kg mg/Kg mg/Kg mg/(9 mg/Kg 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 ND ND ND ND ND ND ND ND ND Page3 of 14 Notes : (1)Themaimump€missible limitis quotedfromdireclive 2011/65/EU, Annextl (2) o: a. Positivemeansthe pres€nceof CrVlon thetesledareas; b. Negative meanstheabsence of CrVlonthetestedareas Forcorosionprotectioncoatingson metalstInfomationon storageconditionsand producliondateof thetestedsampleis unavailable andthusresults of Cr(Vl)rgpresent statusof thesampleat thetimeof testing. Hslooe.l Test Method: With referenceto EN 14582:2007,analysiswas perfomedby lon Chromatograph (lC). Test ltem{sl Fluonne(F) Cblorine(CD Bromine(Br) lodine(l) Ult mg/Kg mg/Kg mg/Kg mdks MDt ppl 50 50 50 50 ND ND ND ND Ele.n6n(5) Test Method : With referenceto uS EPA Method 30508:1996, analysiswas performedby ICP-OES. udl Test ltem(s) Antimony(Sb) (P) Phosphorus mS/kS mg/kS hd hli rm! h rm! ddedil&id ddedillrid rmnndbi ru.;d.r'nd n rdrdodt I c.dqd m m rh.d'i h.r&d.it, .i !t'rlo. ta@ .!r.rr, ^ Mat p01 10 20 ND ND lrlrrtb or cq!.n o' |sr{b. .' !!!4r!!9!l!!!!!!fl-r!!(!!!E d lltrjw {. M.mlh0-6d mr .iiia. Anii6. n dniini^=o h-Friitioi o! oltc rd sdn$ ddhFrdorrcra to. )E3thMdiororri.abr'd dfr lhdn h rhl.nrftdDh? orr ro ib 3.hPL.(.) rdbd /Bll4$eY.tslodxrtlDatjd,ShtiCtlQir tsE.ijl.*iEEtdrt8aeii3Cc 20C33 ll:2t83 rE&Ets-ti6110455r lE!€(86-21)6,1€Sr9 m.i.4..dd 11!{[email protected](6-21)5a6083 .$d'ft@*s Memb6.ol th6SGSGrolp {SGssA) TestReport No.SHAECi118664202 Date:24 Nov2011 Page4 ol 14 Phtr|elei66 Test Method: With referenc€to EN14372:2004,analysis wasperformed by GC-MS. Tosl ltem(s) DibutylPhthalate (DBP) BenzylbutylPfnhatale(BBP) Bis-(2-elhylhexyl)Phthalale(DEHP) Diisononyl (DINP) Phthalate (DNOP) Di-n-octyl Phthalate Diisodecyl Phthalate (DIDP) udr MAr @1 % 0.003 0.003 0.003 0.010 0.003 0.010 ND ND ND ND ND ND ./" % a/o 7o Notes: (1)DBP,BBP,DEHP Reference information: Entry51ofRegulation (EC)No5S2y2OO9 amending Annex XVllof REACHRegulation (EC)No 1907/2006 (previousty restricted underDirective 2O0S/84/EC): i) Shallnotbeusedas substances greater or in mixtures, in @ncentEtions than0,1% byweightof theplasticised material, intoysandcfiildcare articles. ii)Toysandchildcare anidescontaining greater thesephthalates in a concentration than0.1% by weightof the plasticisedmaterialshallnotbe placedon lhe market. Pleasereferto Regulation(EC)No5522009to getmoredetaitinformation DINP,DNOP,DIDPReference infomation: (EC)No552/2009 Entry52ofRegulation am€ndlng (EC)No 1907/2006 AnnexXy'llofREACHRegulation (previously restricted underDireclive 2005/84/EC). i) Shallnotbe usedas sutrstances greater or in mixtufes, in concenhations than0.1 % byw€ightof theplasticised material, in toysandchildc€re articles whidlcanbeplacedin themouthby children. greater ii) Suchtoysandchildcare artades containing thesephthalates in a concentration than0.1% byweightoftheplasticised material shallnotbeplacedonthemarket. Pleas€referto Regulation(EC)No5522009to get moredetailinformation . CofimiseionD€dsion2011/I3AEU(p|Briousv.Btrict6dundd 20iU153EU and2009/251/EC) DinEt'M tumeEb(DMF) TestMethod: Solventexhaclion,analysiswasp€rfrcrmed by GC-MS. Testltem{s) Dimethyl lumarate(DNIF) tird! 0.1 ur! mS/kS UDt 0A 0.1 NO PVCPolyviny'ctrbrl&) l"!fit&taY&rhdr.rri&rd.slbldao'|E 20023 +l.ll.*iEgtrtlno|}3+|l ln: 2M3 (s-21)6S36f9 l E!€{6"1) 0r,{4563rErE h! {&-t! 1614@04NLl6-ZtF{&006i Monb$ olll|e SGSGlo@{SOSSA) TestReport No.SHAEC1118664202 Date:24 Nov2011 P€ge5 of 14 TestMethod: In-house method(SHTC-CHE|VI-SOP-115-T), FTIFYHATR. Tesl ltem(s) PVC MDL OOI Negalive !d! NotesI (1)Negative=Undetectable,Positive=Detedabte Herob.omoqdodod€cen€ tlBCDDt TestMethod: Wth referenceto US EpA3550C:2007,anatysiswasperformedby GC-MS. Tesl ltem(sl Hexabromocyclododecane (HBCDD) UlI Mot pa 10 ND mS/kS PFOSlFre.fiuorcodane Sultbnabs)and FbrfuorooaanoicA.id (PFOA) TestMeihod: Withreference to USEPA3550C:2007,analysis wasperformed by HPLC-MS. T€st ltem(s) PertluorooclaneSulfonales(PFOS)and rclated Acad,lvletal SaltandAmide Pe uorooctanoicAcid (PFOA) tillit Ud! MDt !01 1,000 mg/kg 10 ND mg/Kg ND Notes: lr€x. limitspecified (EU)No.75712010 (previously bycommission rcgulation restdcied underentry53of (EC)No552i2009 (EC)No 1907/2006) Regulation amending AnnexXVllof REACHRegulation q'.dccda*.ors ry.uqdbrt k;d ddmill&4.d M ddtuiil&i'ld b bm 5a r'! c.{.k 5d,b !!!i|l* .br'l* c.rd@ M -d,6r bk.Gtun.mrudrdh brffillEiiacDf,rbntu htr rd5rc.rE d diltlh!.trd ob hE@ r'rtrn, dgun.dMtE rer EddE re o.(d cr.r$h.r!arlrw!,!s'!Iq4!!-!qqlle .t B4!:tllE!r!s4l!3e4!!r'u!n! 0.4i.i! ib.lnL(lodn oniorb.rupredl _ d.Fdbbrhidfl .p!eddr6.conr.d, yb1i..ncr.l.,trbd t At4theYd*rto d)(n, fi$14goluo*r +t'li.*iE8l/Jftee+3+& 2(@33 lfrr@3 rEtE(06-tt6t,oa5$tESEfs-2.F/€c879 r*c^ r{.cdo .sesdmGs.m H!m-?1)sr506i rllr(6-211614024a4 MgnDff olrhssosGlouo(gcss ) TestReport Date:24 Nov2011 No.SHAEC1118664202 Page6 of 14 ATTACHMENTS RoHSTestingFlowChart Xiao/Gary Xu 1) Nameof the personwhomadetesting:JanShi,ryoyo Wangr'Allen Xu/ElimLin 2) Nameof thepe6onin chargeof testing: JeffZhang/George methodaccording lo belowflowchart. 3)Thesesamples weredissolved totallyby preconditioning (Cl6+andPBBS/PBOEStest m€thodexcluded) PBBSTPBDEs Pb/Cd/Hg Acid digestionwith midowave/hotplate Heatingto 90-95C for extraction 'l) AlkaliFusion/ DryAshing 2) Acidto dissolve Filtrationand pH adjustment Adding'1,5diphenylcarbazide Adding1,$ diphenylcarbazide forcolor development development A led color the indicates prcsence of cr6*.lf nece€s4ry, confirmwith dp,ew'lg.'.df, '|no.eMb[ iii"iiaiijro-iL,'fiJt ini-d cdrd's' E d6 r Doa;.nE,i.E+4rr4q .r.,+.:+9*+"]!!',-,.I9lg-l:,q1::'::|]j1*!jfl:i &Y .ic ludrdbi 'uxa d.h.. h.e t.fl lt.c@Y. .mnitrtr . iiiitiiiiiiiJar. -p"i,i'n, fi ;i"i liifid6d.; .eutuE. ;fi ;;;: ni;ii *bi'tuht. d;tnnri. nib edmn dior b ';;a-;'nid;i;; ';d-.i;i;'-d;;d--;:t,ind;i' ;ii ;in. - ilHffi#ff*iitrriT*i#i$"ffI duib a''65 h dr r.i nrd re oi rro 'hr ih! .(.) '..bd 3'AtEltIAY.i6FrId&tuo&irllBlacIir t689!}3.1i! {E'-L|.*i!At 2OqA3 trl:2@ rstE6-a|614t8660IETEIS-11)d|!5$?9 m.^ro;.oh NLl6-21'6r4@a1 fi|rF6-21)n5@3 . €tdn g*.o M6mb$ofth6scs Grclo{scs sa) Test Report No.SHAEC1118664202 Date:24 Nov 20 11 Page 7 ot 14 PFOS/PFOATesting Ftow Chart 1) Nameofthe personwho madete6ting:Judy Li 2) Nameofthe personin cha€e oftesting:LindaLi Samplecutting/preparation Samplemeasurement IhE{@md.sld!Y|h6ntsq{!|.db|tro.r'|c.iddrols..rk.ldMo{rl.d'.'.[.b|..|aqv.Io.Edl,b|.nhd'Jfuigl6r4.l|n!..M-od|d' ddid.Do4or! d.Et h i'rr sd c.ddBk li}i:"?#s.Hl--il]l"HH;i.aK,"ii#;;d-a#;;;;;:-6;;;;;;;';i;';ha;,;;[email protected] ;i;;;;;;it;;i;";;;;;ij;;Fd =!!!!9qlg44*-!+!!!L!!l- I!IA:-T:T-9:']]T:S:l il3'#:#"*ffirl'iiis{iffi$##iif,rT ffiiiJ#:l"it Fffiw,|1t t'atBt5tgY.t a!.d)oidlrid.9rilicod Sr .tll.*itEft!183s+3+t 20@3 In: doa33 andr$coo lE}€(6-21)6&'n rE!E{s-21)81102550 Nlj{S-A)6ra0(.53 .!a.rhiE&4@ ru1&+116141r5a1 M.mharordreSGSGf@olscs sA) No.SHAEC11'18664202 TestReport Date:24 Nov2011 Page8 of 14 HalogenTestingFlowChart 1) Nameof thepersonwhomadetesting: DaisyGong 2) Nameof thepersonin chargeoftesting:Alex Jiang Combustion in oxygenbomb Dissolved in an absorption solutaon Analfzedby ion Doubleconfirm chromatography. by otherinstruments, if 'lprw rc.d6Erot3.Ma DditE oEtu|l b r.nr.d e..&airiaa4d .ii"i:o?.iifiiiiGi-'i"'#i.io-oinii;;A;;;b;;;;tG!!iEriu&ro!4s@4!0, -tr,deb.dd.i"nft..h^ry*ddt*mM|L..itdhhffihaid,*drnm'*'rh.cqM'. asdi,t ;if, ;;i;I';; ;;"i.;;.nac;;De;;. ;;Gii.iF.;ni;i;ed;"''ilio'n.c""lry'ol.og*i|'trbbcd.dddqdnmtd. rid obto.noi. rc., 'dd. .ll.m h sr. s rE hHsd -F{ rl.rMrr b tu..nPr.(.) rt. @trr.d-!!!-6rdtr d. ^6 d' I hli to b. ini!'{. or " 'r.bd . t'&fEt$E l&r&.d&ni06ld,5hr,trJofi 200233 .Fl'lN,*iEElUri839E3** Nf:20@3 iEr€(ft-21161856t9 ffi.in-4!.coo rEtE(6"2r)8r{02563 rlL6-at6l402ro4 fl!(86-21)5a6&! .,esd'ilel!*r Memb3r orlh6SGSGoup{sGssA) TestReport No.SHAEC1118664202 HBCDD T$ting Date:24 Nov2011 PageI of 14 Flow Chart 1 )Nameof thep€rsonwhomadetesting: GaryXu 2) Nameof thepersonin chargeoftestingtElim Lin Samplemeasurcment Concentration/Dilution '{urb.nM b $L d.p.d ni.r6iy b rrr r.hpr.{.) r.rbd sEtE$r39&/Eri.dxlnretrfhrdiiclir 20(,31 'Ft..tl.*lrEi|lll33ee3+! i||:2@3 rE E(&?tl Rt1t65!tEtE€5"21)618S19 ilsm&rot rhesGsGouolsGssA) TestReport No. SHAEC1118664202 Date:24 Nov 2011 Page10of 14 ElementsTestingFlowChart 1) Nameof the personwho madetesting:YoyoWang/Jan Shi 2) Nameof the personin chargeof testing:Jeff Zhang Samplecutting/preparation tnr rnlcomnv. -. rrMr!$t trs 6cn.d bd6rrdrursrds r b{4'b4qldiorlb6ilm|4 i /r.ri.rn!.(.)i.hd ' " I t'E&$!69Y||$ lnr 'tl bx!tullg*!9lrglcnr . eiE8l{tl84e*3tll 2O@! ara: M3 i EIElS-2 )d1L2553|E|E(6-A)6'p536I9 Hr(&-2'tGr,!Sl1 F('6-? 15a6rfi6! ffi63$rF . !st-d4gF!B@ Momb€rol dt6SGAOrclp (SGSS,{) TestReport No.SHAEC1118664202 Date:24 Nov2011 Page11 of 14 DMF(Dimethylfumarate)TestingFlowChart 1) Nameof thepersonwho madetesting:TinaHu 2) Nameof lh€ personin chargeof testingrElimLin Samplecutting/preparation Samplemeasurement Ihrd@mdtredb'lD r! dn"i dI}1-19 1' ':1!!lll: di;d;i. b' Ebdd. tudrmE a' !as$!sj!&ra!!+!s'!s!EE^tudEn d{s &de b b i.,;iiiJc;n;; rm! rm! Fd s c.dhr| i.-i,'i"Ji !asll!l!-E&!!!4q'!!!!!!!4tu!!n '',sid.in . !f,M Arye&,.'ard ;brbondsdsl!Sl!'!X'-d9|-..1-4:l:lT:b-g ; ; i ' s . h h d d . d doic fu6.m .cffiY.'|'fF niir. | ' u ' nrh b D cc.@{t! l . i t h d s t r d!.r. e m 'rt l d 'd!ut ir.l ' r hrdldod. di dou;dil tiiiiiiialii"iritni,iri* r;i n;d;" dq"dd. rib doa noind'b. DE*dd .,6tr r. turr'*'s6n rMdr"&oranLu.Mn..doftnd.n;'rh'mkq .ISil-rJii--iirinJmar*-"bdaDF ii;Gii;;;;;'bnd'"'.db.iL.tLi.icoftnd.n;'rhc*d.droih iri,i-Ji-JniiiiE ;"ii-; drrori.Ih!.{r)r..6d J'.6tE't!&vd$Rddxrir0si1st dlcrn 20@ lnr20@3 6l.Ii.*iEEttr83gBs*l rErE$-?l)8r.0?550 rElEE-2rJ61€tr?9 hcir(Ecm .€tdnto$.M i!(s-21)6r1@${ Hrr(16-all545sEa3 Membffollh€ SGsGrcop{SGSSA) TestReport No.SHAEC1118664202 Date:24 Nov2011 Page12ot 14 PhthalatesTesttngFlowChart 1) Nameofthe p€rsonwhomadetesting:ElynYao 2) Nameofthe personin chargeoftesting:RachelZhang Samplemeasurement i yrari.rnrr.(.,h'bd dxruoialdgEdloh. 20@3 fiaEtltgYrrritu ll||:2@3 F! .til *iEgt|jl1889r]3q|! l EtE(s?r )614065!IEtE6{r)eF$rg ru(s-zr)614@1 Ht G6-21)515W63 (SGSSA) MomDsrollheSGsGmup TestReport No.SHAEC1118664202 O€te:24Nov2011 Page13 of 14 PVC Testing Flow Chart 1 )Nameof the personwhomadetesting: CarolLin 2) Nameof the per6onin chargeoftesting:Alex Jiang Samplecutling/preparalion Checkwave-number of C-Cl ffi #*6n"#+:g*s#;*gnl;1't****t** dbb rhtc@lltt tudoir, fiiii:"'iriii. sr fi;c-,i;r-iry;'i;t;la.'t{',' !d. r-rd.r!n! ;;&;ii;6;;d;i''i-.;n.d;n.dfi;t;'ni|.doffindmo!b.4n1.!dl,.Dth!|l'{/d!oj,.'d* .blt--hd-b.drF€d-'* ;ffi fiii;;ffET t'fiti|uaYdlnto dxdrl !'lirr.glid{ofl 'Fl .-til.itilgttftasts3il lf 2!@3 :2M3 tElE(s-21)6!045$ lE8E€6-?l)6{$19 hLtS-20G.4@ao4 -tj(36-2.)&40(a63 lw.cni!3.coo ..9.dm&*@ M8m$roffie SGaorc{o{ses sa) TestReport No.SHAEC11186&202 Date:24 Nov2011 Page14 ol 14 Samplephotol sHA'11-186642.001 reportonly thephotoonoriginal SGS€uthenticate *" Endof Report"" 1i#'ri:I#"*l*i;'*"".1'"::.rii',"m:m.'l*l*.:,r::n**"#***'!."."#'..".ffiiiiil 'lm"m"*"u"rx'.."i:;'Jty"toc"^-onla*'"-lo lfr;#;;#;,:ii,;i; i;.;rdr"!?ate1!,IL19i:!t"j1?t1iJ*iJ:"*.:*"::X*i-11*,:::1lii""i.lll"J,i1l*:Li:'i;::J 200233 t"arlir{o&Ysnaii6dxrhuLtnd.iadgcid lFt.ljl. !n: 2M33 *it6li!18&9!t3C& rEAr€6-21)64Si36?9 r EtE{36-2r )6i402553 iL {6-?1)s4500363 (sGssA) Memborolta SGsGrouo Test Report No. rsgororrr-crsrymrr-soaos lssuedDate:2011.09. 20 Page 1 of 6 To, HENKELTEcHnoLocres 6thFl.Daeryung techno townll 569-21,Gas€n-dong Geumcheon-gu Seoul Korea The followingmerchandisewassubmittedand identifiedbythe clientas: SGSFileNo. -3030s AYAAl1 ProductName 8006NS ItemNo./PartNo. RgceivedDate 20'l1.09.14 TestPerlod 20t'1.01 95 . t o 201'1. 09.20 Test R$ults TestPedomed Forfurtherdetails,pleasereferto followingpage(s) results. following selected by applicantwith SGSKoreatestedthesample(s) sGS Kor€a Co. Lld. a l f l ' r \JQ-II-<Jo't- TlmothyJeon JinheeKim CindyPark Jefiy Jung/TestingPerson JeffJang / Chemical Lab Mg. i14)rir: i.oe s0 f,5210'ri /{ ,. lrL4W, :!!r!.' !,,(L!! rl:j:4rcElrdr Test Report No. rssor orfl-r-crsryAAr r"3ogos SampleNo. SampleDescription Item No./PartNo. Matorlala lssuedDate:2011.09.20 Page2 of6 AYAA11-30305.001 8006NS N/A Paste Unit Cadmium{Cd) Te3t Meihod UDL Wrlhrefercnceto IEC62321:2008.ICP 0.5 ICP wrthrcference to IEC62321:2008. with €ferenceto lEc 62321:2008, lcP 5 Wlh referenceto IEC62321:2008.UV-VIS 'I (Sb) Antimony mS4(S Withrefercnce 10 EPA3052(1996), USEPA 6010B(1936). tCP 10 N.D. N.D. N.D. N.D. N.D. (P) Phosphorous mg/Kg Wth Eiercnceto EPA3050B(19961. US EPA 60108{1996).tCP 10 N.O. HexavalentCh.omium(Cr Vl) Unit Test Melhod 2 MDL Results 5 5 5 5 5 N.D. 5 N.D. 5 N.D. 5 N.D. 5 5 N,D, N.D. N.D. 5 5 5 5 5 5 ND. N.D. N.D. N.D. N.D. N.D. GGlvls wlh refe€nceto lEc 62321:2008. EC62321:2008, GC-MS EC62321.2008, GC-MS Dibromobiohenvl EC 62321:2008 GC.lvlS Oclabromobiphenyl Decabromobiohenvl Ivlonobrcmodiohenvl ether Dibromodiohenvl ether T bromodiDhenvl €ther TetrabromodiDhenvlether elher Pentabromodiohenvl HexebfomodiDhenvl €ther slher Heplabromodiphenyl mg/K9 GGMS EC62321:2008. GC-MS EC62321:2008. GC-MS Wth €feEnceto IEC62321:2008, wrh referenc€ ro lEc 623212008,GC-MS GG[4S \Mlhrefercnce 1oIEC52321:2008. GC-MS Wth Eiercnceto IEC62321:2008, to IEC6232112008, GC-MS Wth reference GC]tlS wth rsfercnce to lEc 62321:2008. GGMS to |EC62321:2008, VWhrelercnce GC-MS wth rcfe€nceto lEc 62321.2008, GC-[4S wth refe€nceio lEc 62321i2008. GC-MS \Mthrcferenc€ to IEC62321:2006. GC-I,S wth refercnce to lEc 62321:2008. N.D. N.D. N,D. N.D, NOTE: (1)N.D.= Notdetected.(<lrDL) (2) mg/kg= ppm (3)MDL= MethodDetection Limit (4)-=Noregulation (Nounit) (5)" = Qualitative analysis (6)* = Boiling'water_extraclion: Negative= Absenceof CrVlcoating in boiling-water_extraction Positive= Presenceof CrVl coating;the detededconcentration solutionis equalorgeaterthan0.02mg/kgwith50cm2samplesurfacearea .r|r*sb@ rEird,ti;;i;;!i;;;i;d; fi ;*;;;b q& "! Ea 9 ',r! l:r"rF-ofu : i 16 rr !.! !!ratF!. 5!!!! :!ri lry _SGS Test Report No. regoror[r-crsryMrr-3osos lssued Date:2011.09.20 Page3 of6 AYAA1l-30305 001 8006NS N/A Paste SampleNo. SampleDescription liom No./PaftNo. Matedals MDL Unit mSl S Wlh relerenceto IEC62321:2008.GC-lVlS With Eferenceto IEC62321:2008.GC-MS 5 5 5 N.D. N.D. N.D. Unit Te3tMsthod MDL Results Blomine{Br) Chlofine(Cll BS EN 14582:2007 . lC B S E N 1 4 5 8 2 1 2 0 0l7c, B S E N 1 4 5 8 2 2 0 0 7t.C N.D. lodine(l) mg/k9 lc BSEN14582:2007 30 30 30 50 Unit Test Method MDL ether Ociabromodiphenyl ether Nonabrcmodiohenvl Decabromodiphenyl ether T€t ltems PFOA{Perlluorooctanioc acid) PFOS(Perfl!orooctane saluAmide) Sulfonales-Acid/l4etal :200E.Gc-lrs Wlh refe€ncelo lEc 62321 mg4(g LCA/IS us EPA3540C/3550C, LC/MS us EPA3540C/3550C. NOTE: ('1)N.D.= Notdetected.(<MDl) (2) mg/kg= ppm (3)MDL= lvethodDetection Limit (4)-=Noregulation (NoUnit) (5)" = Qualitative analysis (6)* = Boiling-water-extraction: = Absenceof CrVlcoating Negative = Presence in boiling-water-extractlon concentration thedetected Positive of CrVlcoating; 0.02mg/kgwith50 cm2samplesurfacearea. solutionis equalorgreaterthan b j'nr&h*pndadddrt; r a32 10)tr1!ri, Lr , r -:: 1.,:i rri i ND. N.D. N.D. N,D. Test Report No, regorollr-crsrvmrt+osos lssuedDate: 2011.09. 20 Page4 of 6 Piclure ofSamDle as Recelved: NOTE: (1) N.D.= Notdetected.(<MDl) (2)mg/kg= PPm (3)MDL= l,ilethod Limit Detection (4)-=Noregulation (NoUnit) (5)*' = Qualitative analysis (6)* = Boiling-water-extradion: Negative= Absenc€of CrVlcoating = Presence in boiling-wateFextraction concentration of C lcoating;thedetected Positive surfacearea cm2 sample greaterthan mg/kg with 50 0 02 solutionis equalor !14.. i:!i I r - ''f1i '! ir ! !e Jq Test Report No. rsgororrurcrsryrrrr-gogos lssuedDate:2011.09.20 Page5 of 6 Testing Flow Chart for RoHS:Cd/Pb/Hg/Cf./PBBS&PBDEsTesting Cd/Pb/Hg PBBs/PBDES cr 6+ Cr 6+ Mechanic_Sample Mechanic_Sample Samplelllleasurement SampleMeaaurement Acld Digestionwith ilicrowave/Hotplate Filtration Solvent Extraction of the SamDle NonmetallicMaterial lean.upwith Florisil Column AddingExtractionSolution Adding1,5Diphenylcarbazide for ColorDevelopment Heatingto 90-95"C for Extraction Residue SpotTest, Boiling Water Extraction of ExtractionSolution Filtrationand pHAdjustnent TotalDigestion A RedColorIndicates Adding1,s-Diphenylcarbazidethe Presenceof Cl6+ for ColorDevelopment ICP-AES/AAS/MS DATA confirm with Uv-vis DATA DATA methodaccordingto aboveflow chartfor Cd,Pb,Hg The sampleswere dissolvedtotallyby pre-conditioning seclion Chief : GilsaeYi NOTE: (l) N.D.= Notdetected.(<MDl) (2)mgftg= ppm (3)MDL= MethodDeteclion Limit (4)-=Noregulation (5)*' = Qualitative (NoUnit) analysis (6) ' = Boiling-water-extraction: N€gative= Absenceof CIVIcoating in boiling-wateFextraction Positive= Presenceof CrVlcoatinglthe detectedooncentration 0.02mg/kgwith50cm2samplesurfac€area solutionis equalorgreaterthan 5s rlL:r4!.d.i !o 1jv.! $ tit3etl?! Test Report No. rsgorotllrcrsryur'r.gogos 20 Page6of6 lssued Dater2011.09- Flow Chartfor HalogenTest SamplescreeningusingxRF. Liquidcontainingwate(>80%)? Weighthe samplesinto the combustionboat Add absorptionsolutloninto the bombor tube. Admit02 gas or 02 +Ar2gas andstartthe combustion. Allow duringabsorptionofthe burntgas. Analyzeabsorbedsolutionusinglon Chromatography. Data NOTE: (1) N.D.= Not detected.(<liDL) (2) mg/kg = ppm (3) MDL = MethodDetec{ionLimit (4)-=Noregulation (Nounit) (5)" = Qualitative analysis (6)' = Boiling-wateFextraction: Negative= Absenceof CrVlcoating in boiling-waterextraction concent€tion detected ofCrVlcoating;the Positive= Presence solutionis equalorgreaterthan0.02mg/kgwith50cm2samplesurfacearea |!,!4 !r!sl! l]sfruq TestReport No.SHAECl110406127 Dare: 05Jut2011 Page1 of 5 (SUZHOU) surflToMoBAKELTTE CO.,LTD. l4OJINJIHUROAD,START-UPAREA,CHINA.SINGAPORE SUZHOUINDIJSTRIAL PARK The followingsample(s)was/weresubmittedand identifedon behalfoftheclientsas : EME-G770HSERIES Test Method: - SH sP11-020560 0 1J u l 2 0 1 1 - 05Jul2011 01Jul201'1 Selectedtest(s)as requestedby client Pleasereferto nextpage(s). Test Results : Pleasereferto nextpage(s). SGSJob No. : Date of Sample Received Testing Period I Test Request€d: Signedfor and on behalfof scs-csTcLtd. ,rQr"'^ FanJingjie,JJ ApprovedSignatory ,bft $nt<thtbd Ittnlbr.lYa'siodxluol!.rshrdiotu ll: {1.}1.*,IBttl88e+3el 20@ 2@243 lA€(#?rdl{g6c lE&E6-h)0'13636t9M4!$rm . !0ir,,4e4@ Hrj6-ll6rr&$4 HL(6-2 )&e3 Momborol th6SGAGlolp (SGSgA) TestReport No.SHAEC1110406127 Date:05Jul2011 Page2 of 5 TestResults: TestPari DescdotionI Sp€dmenNo. 1 SGSSamplelD D€a.iption SHA11-104061.014 Darkgreysolidgrain Remarks: (1)1 mgikg=1 PPm=0.000'1% (2)MDL= l,rethod Deteclion Limit = (3)ND NotDetected ( < ltlDL) '-" = (4) NotRegulated RoHSDir6di\€ m02l95/EC (Section Analysis wasperformed to IEC62321:2008 8)forCadmium content. Testlvethod: (1)Wth reference by ICP-OES andAAS. (SedionI ) for Leadcontent. Analysis wasperformed by (2)Withr€ferenc€ to IEC62321:2008 ICP-OES andAAS. by (Section 7)for l ercurycontent. Analysis wasperfo.med (3)Withreferenc€ to IEC62321:2008 tcP-oEs. (ANNEX Chromium by Spottest/ (4)Withreference C)for Hexavalent to IEC62321:2008 Colorimetricl\rethod. Analysiswas performedby UV /is Spectrophotometer. was (ANNEX content. Analvsis A) for PBBS / PBDES (5)Withreference to IEC6232'1:2008 performedby GC/MS. Test ltem(s) Cadmium(Cd) L€ad(Pb) Mercury(Hg) HexavalentChromium(CrVl) tirni! Ud1 UDt 100 1,000 1,000 1,000 1,000 - mdkS mg/kg mg/kg mg,&g mg/kg mg/Kg ms/Kg mgKg 2 2 2 2 , N N N N N D D D D D - mdks - mg/Kg mgks _ mg/Kg 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 N N N N N N N D D D D D D D Monobrornobiphenyl Dibromobiphenyl Tribromobiphenyl Tetrabromobiphenyl Pentabromobiphenyl HexabromobiphenYl HeptabromobiphenYl q dis b b odsr €FeF sto @d*ErrhdP or $ 'HltiiiHiiir'lli,fi:; ;;;JhMdndd6..dddr"{ h* hsn4' @d3tr1-lidnqqr:cni, . D*Mn a !+!'!--Er4q+-r!!9qg-td* !'x:':il'"""':H.9:1iT5lH htu1*roi' d"* ffirJii'"'Jiiiiiri6;;iii;;i;-qm.'"a -4e . .-' * --. ; &.6id duib;tu AU : {ddroDar.itGud.fri rn -tsd rtu s v b rh t.nPr.cJ t.lsi iq5E$$9Yahibdxrnoc46t +E .$1.*'EEtdrts3s!l3e[ 9idle 20@33 !r] 2@3 lE € t6-2rl61!653rf4E@A)eS3679 m6ie5@ H!(S-21)61r&50aHli{[6-21)5aa!663 ..st6ir{lsm (sGssA) thssGsGlouP M6mborol TestReport Oate: 05Jul2011 No.SHAEC1110406127 Test ltem(s) Oclabromobiphenyl Nonabromobiphenyl Decabromobiphenyl Sumof PBDES Monobromodiphenyl ether Dibromodiphenyl ether Tribromodiphenylether Tetrabromodiphenyl ether Penlabromodiphenyl ether Hexabromodiphenyl ether Heptabomodiphenyl elher Octabromodiphenyl ether Nonabromodiphenyl ether Decabromodiphenyl elher tl!!t 1,000 - !]Iit mgks mgKs mgKg mg/kg mg/Kg mg/Kg - msfts - mgKg m9Kg mgKg mg/Kg mg/kg ms/Ks mg/Kg - M0! 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 Page3 of 5 pa ND ND ND ND ND ND ND ND ND ND ND ND ND ND Notes : (1) The maximump€missiblelimitis quotedfromthe document2005/6'18/EC amendingRoHSdirective 200z9stEc il'iiJ*iiffi ffi':Hffi lidi[F#'il#',-iffi.t';ffi {, ;irn-ao"os*,to-'a-*'nrMlo-r'rsdqo'n: &;';fi;;;fi drtrEi rnr. &-mh oMor b. @EcBd .r4!1rn tur'*rsd ;d;ifii;;idn"il.;,niiii. 4'.d fi;ffi;i ;i;; "tv'r ;;:;;;i;n;Gin,'.1\[d']irdftituni.'b.p"iu roti Itrlffi';idfii"i#;;:li'fi: ;i;;;;fi; :i;i;ff 3"Ar6Ett&Ydsid&lirDltrd,ilJt 'Fl..tl.*lExttll€891i3+t cclitr 200433 !n: 2@3 !o@nv rs.nrs4coo lElE186-a I ElEl6-2r)61,r0?a6l )6r€st9 i!ia-21161402a34Nlj(*-Z!)5r60G63 . sqed'dgS@ MsmD€loi nl6 SGSGlolloISGSSA) TestReport Date:05Jul201'1 No.SHAECl110406127 Page4 of 5 ATTACHMENTS RoHSTestingFlowChart 'l) Nameofthe personwhomadetesting: JanShil/oyoWang/Allen Xiao/GaryXu 2) N€meof thepersonin chargeoftesting:JeffZhang/George Xu/ElimLin weredis6olv€d methodaccording to belowflowchart. 3) Thesesamples totallyby preconditioning (Cr6+andPBBS/PBDEStest methodexcluded) SamplePreparation PB&/PBDES Pb/Cd/Hg '1)AlkaliFusion/ DryAshing 2) Acidto dissolve Adding1,5diphenylcarbazide development Adding1,5diphenylcarbazide for color development indicatesthe presence of ct6'- necessary, rh.@ftdrhrdbylfu ###HtH#ff;-,:ifih:* ;,fi iffi iii'ni66b--6;ia* F"-*:fi firi'S#i*i##trf#r$.H#*ffi iifi li;;';"'fi ;;,?;; t T.lT:l; "i''i&ffi rt 'dffiB. iN. ;;dlfi;i;i;;;;;-;Li;jlh d.bbnd!uodf,|}F'tigdl!tr i.f';*'nmauauo^pn- i-,itr i**. a. or -pa -n "i ,,."_,*_. rn. c@nvr *" ".__"ti;,;;dj,iiunii,nijri." r"ce.c*oiiredxoid,.conFq th'hrrnt.(.){'L! t'afBbraYdlrR..d)(,rdsl4EEdrcld {! '-t1.*trEltft39q3i* 20@ !t* r(.433 rftE|s-el)6 oea$ lElE(6-?l)64€St9 fr!(S-?1)546063 t1tjt86-?1t614{!r€4 (scssA) Mgmbff otthoscs Group T€stReport No.SHAEC1110406127 Date:05Jul2011 Page5 of 5 Samplephoto: sHA11-'104061.014 SGSadhefticatethe photoon odginalreportonly *" End of Report '"' .l}"lrd$,ffi il{#fr :ffi -Hlffi frt'il*ffi ";ffi*ffi ry.!!i.d h [r od.6r 6@d! or 5 t.Bfnib]lgYlsr@dxdrrNi4l*dcon! 20@3 lnrr!@3 S!..Li.tiE8tdrt8a9S3+* nrd.drtlo'dilprw!|l'4tu':io.lqEmr, rErEp6-a)6,{56n rErE{s-2r}611@5! h!t6-z)6r.02t01 "r€5-?115460cs! |*ci..s6..0n t lgsdn&td Menultoftt6 SGSGmlg{sos sa)