Ultracapacitor Cell Sizing

Maxwell Technologies®
BOOSTCAP® Ultracapacitor
Cell Sizing
Document # 10073627
Rev 3
An ultracapacitor's voltage profile (voltage vs. time) has two components; a capacitive component,
and a resistive component. The capacitive component represents the voltage change due to the
change in energy within the ultracapacitor. The resistive component represents the voltage change
due to the equivalent series resistance (ESR) of the ultracapacitor. Figure 1 illustrates these two
components for a constant current discharge. A charge profile will be similar, but voltages will
increase rather than decrease. In this document, all analysis will be based on discharges. For
multiple step applications, analyze each charge or discharge step separately.
Figure 1: Constant current discharge profile
In this figure, the following variables are indicated:
Vw =
working voltage
voltage drop due to ESR (see equation 3)
Capacitive = voltage drop due to discharge of the capacitor (see equation 2)
Vmin =
minimum voltage allowed by system (or minimum voltage occurring during
td =
discharge time
The capacitive component is governed by the equation;
Technical Note - Doc. #10073627 | Ver 3
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i =C*
Equation (1)
dV =
change in voltage
dt =
change in time (time of discharge)
Rearranging equation (1) and solving for dV;
dV = i *
Equation (2)
The resistive component is governed by the equation;
V = i*R
Equation (3)
voltage drop across the resistor
equivalent series resistance
The total voltage change when charging or discharging an ultracapacitor includes both of these
components. Combining the capacitive and resistive components in equations (2) and (3):
dV = i *
Equation (4)
Let us briefly analyze the variables in this equation.
dV =
the change in voltage during the discharge of the capacitor. This is determined by knowing
the working operating voltage (Vw), and the minimum allowable system voltage (Vmin). Vw
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Maxwell Technologies, Inc.
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should be the typical operating voltage at the beginning of a discharge. In some cases, this
will be the maximum voltage of the system (Vmax), but in other cases it will not. Also, be
careful to determine that the minimum allowable system voltage is used, and not simply the
lowest voltage at which the system currently operates. Often, the present minimum voltage
specification isn’t limited by the system, but by a component which may be replaced by the
the current during the discharge of the capacitor. This calculation assumes a constant
current during the discharge. Since most applications are approximately constant power, or
some other varying current, use the average current for this value. This can be determined
by calculating the current at maximum voltage (Imin = Power/Vmax), and at minimum voltage
(Imax = Power/Vmin), and averaging the two values.
In some cases, customers indicate a constant current requirement when constant power is
required. They often are assuming a constant voltage supply (like a battery or a DC power
supply), so they ignore constant power considerations. Verify whether constant current or
constant current is required. At lower voltages a constant power requires higher current as
the voltage decreases. This is often overlooked during the initial analysis, and can result in
under-sizing a solution.
dt =
the duration (in seconds) of the discharge pulse.
the capacitance of the complete ultracapacitor system at its operating point. This value will
be based on the number of individual capacitors in series or parallel. For ultracapacitors in
parallel, the capacitance is additive. For ultracapacitors in series, the capacitance is
additive at 1/capacitanc. The capacitance will also be affected by the duration of the pulse.
Very short pulses will require decreasing the effective capacitance and is addressed in a
separate document 1007234.
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Maxwell Technologies, Inc.
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C total = C cell *
# parallel
# series
Equation (5)
To determine how many cells are required in series, divide the maximum application
voltage, Vmax, by the maximum allowable cell voltage. The maximum allowable cell voltage
is determined by life and temperature considerations. Nominally, this can be assumed to be
2.5 volts per cell.
The number of cells in parallel is determined after the first iteration of this calculation. If the
first iteration indicates that there is inadequate capacitance for the application’s
requirements, the capacitance and resistance can be changed by either putting more cells
in parallel or by using larger cells. In some instances, using fewer series cells and choosing
to operate the individual cells at higher voltages is an option. This is a trade-off of
performance vs. life, since higher operating voltages decrease life. This trade-off must be
done on a case-by-case basis.
the resistance of the complete ultracapacitor system. This value will be based on the
number of individual capacitors in series or parallel. The greater the number of cells in
parallel, the lower the resistance. The greater number of cells in series, the greater the
resistance. Note that this is the opposite of how capacitance is calculated. The resistance
will also be affected by the duration of the pulse. Very short pulses will require decreasing
the effective resistance. This is addressed in a separate document #1007234. Determining
the number of cells in series or parallel has been discussed previously.
Rtotal = Rcell *
# series
# parallel
Equation (6)
Technical Note - Doc. #10073627 | Ver 3
Maxwell Technologies, Inc.
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Determining Application Variables
In analyzing any application, we first need to determine the system variables. From these, we
determine the value of the variables required to solve Equation (4). We therefore need to gather
the following information about the application.
Vmax = maximum voltage
Vw = working operating voltage
Vmin = minimum allowable voltage
current requirement
power requirement
time of discharge (or charge)
The complete set of required information is listed here:
1) max voltage
2) min voltage
3) allowable voltage change during pulse
4) power or current
5) duration of pulse
6) temperature
7) repetition rate
8) required life
1 - used to determine # of series cells
1, 8 - used to determine cell voltage
2,3,4,5,6 - used to determine required cell size, or number of parallel cells
6 - determines ESR in cold temperature applications
7 - determines self heating from resistive losses (and therefore cooling requirements)
Technical Note - Doc. #10073627 | Ver 3
Maxwell Technologies, Inc.
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Brucker Strasse 21
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Phone: +49 (0)8105 24 16 10
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Maxwell Technologies, Inc. Shanghai Representative Office
Rm.2104, Suncome Liauw’s Plaza
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Shanghai 200120, P.R. China
Phone: +86 21 5836 5733
Fax: +86 21 5836 5620
We can now proceed in one of two directions: we can determine performance based on a known
capacitor size, or we can determine the required capacitor size to achieve a specific performance.
We will start by determining performance based on a known capacitor size.
Example Sizing Solution Based on Known Ultracapacitor
Let us assume we have an industrial un-interruptible power supply (UPS) application requiring 10
kilowatts (kW) for 5 seconds. The system will normally operate at 56 volts, and can function on a
voltage as low as 25 volts. The system will never experience greater than 60 volts.
Step 1: Determine basic system parameters
Vmax =
60 volts
Vw =
56 volts
Vmin =
25 volts
10 kW
time =
5 seconds
Step 2: Determine the values of the variables in Equation (4)
dV =
Vw – Vmin = 56 – 25 = 31 volts
average current
imax = Power/Vmin = 10,000 watts/25 volts = 400 amps
imin =
Power/Vmax = 10,000 watts/56 volts = 179 amps
iavg =
(400+179)/2 = 289 amps
289 A
dt =
5 sec
total stack capacitance
Technical Note - Doc. #10073627 | Ver 3
Maxwell Technologies, Inc.
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Maxwell Technologies, Inc. Shanghai Representative Office
Rm.2104, Suncome Liauw’s Plaza
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Phone: +86 21 5836 5733
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Vmax is defined as 60 volts. We assume that since the application is a UPS system, it will be
operating at or near its maximum voltage most of the time, and that the customer requires at least
10 years life. Divide Vmax by the cell voltage to get the required number of cells in series. For the
MC series of cells the cell voltage is 2.7V:
Vmax = 60 volts
Cell voltage = 2. volts
# of cells = 60 volts/2.5 volts = 23 series
From equation 5,
C total = C cell *
# parallel
# series
Assume use of the BCAP1500, cell capacitance = 1500 F (for a BCAP1500)
# parallel = 1 (initially a single string)
# series = 23
total stack capacitance = 1800F/23 = 65.2 F
From equation 6
Rtotal = Rcell *
# series
# parallel
R = total stack resistance. Since we have already selected a cell and the length of the
series, use these figures to calculate stack resistance.
Cell resistance = 0.00047 ohm (for a BCAP1500)
# series = 23
total stack resistance = 0.00047 ohm * 23 = 0.0108 ohm
Technical Note - Doc. #10073627 | Ver 3
Maxwell Technologies, Inc.
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Maxwell Technologies, Inc. Shanghai Representative Office
Rm.2104, Suncome Liauw’s Plaza
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Shanghai 200120, P.R. China
Phone: +86 21 5836 5733
Fax: +86 21 5836 5620
Having all the variables defined, we can solve for the change in voltage (dV), or for duration (dt).
Solving for a given change in voltage allows us to see how much margin we have on time. Solving
for a given duration allows us to see how much margin we have on voltage. Since Equation (4) is
already solved for dV, we will proceed in that direction.
dV = i *
Substituting in the values for i, dt, C, and R;
289A * 5 sec/65.2 F + 289A * 0.0108 ohm
dV =
22.16 + 3.12
dV =
25.28 volts
Our original requirement allowed a voltage change of 31 volts, and the solution provides 25.3 volts,
so this is a good fit. We have 81% of the allowed voltage drop (25.3/31). Since the equations are
simple linear relationships, the optimum ultracapacitor would be 81% the size of a BCAP1500 or a
1223F capacitor.
Technical Note - Doc. #10073627 | Ver 3
Maxwell Technologies, Inc.
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Maxwell Technologies, Inc. Shanghai Representative Office
Rm.2104, Suncome Liauw’s Plaza
738 Shang Cheng Road
Pudong New Area
Shanghai 200120, P.R. China
Phone: +86 21 5836 5733
Fax: +86 21 5836 5620
Finding the Optimum Size Based on Unknown Ultracapacitor
An alternative method to size a solution is to determine the optimum size which meets the
requirements, then adjust based on actual product offerings. This is a good method if one does not
yet have the experience to make a good first estimate of appropriate size, as used in the previous
Step 1: Determine basic system parameters (same as previous example)
Vmax = 60 volts
Vw = 56 volts
Vmin = 25 volts
Power = 10 kW
time =
5 seconds
Step 2: Determine the values of the variables in equation #4
dV = Vw – Vmin = 56 – 25 = 31 volts
average current
imax = Power/Vmin = 10,000 watts/25 volts = 400 amps
imin = Power/Vmax = 10,000 watts/56 volts = 179 amps
iavg = (400+179)/2 = 289 amps
289 A
dt =
5 sec
total stack capacitance
total stack resistance.
We will solve for the total stack capacitance by using the RC time constant for determining
resistance. The RC time constant of an ultracapacitor is the product of its capacitance value
Technical Note - Doc. #10073627 | Ver 3
Maxwell Technologies, Inc.
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Maxwell Technologies GmbH
Brucker Strasse 21
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Phone: +49 (0)8105 24 16 10
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[email protected] – www.maxwell.com
Maxwell Technologies, Inc. Shanghai Representative Office
Rm.2104, Suncome Liauw’s Plaza
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Shanghai 200120, P.R. China
Phone: +86 21 5836 5733
Fax: +86 21 5836 5620
and resistance value. For this example, we will assume an ultracapacitor time constant of 0.7
seconds. Note that a BCAP1500 has 1500 F and 0.00047 ohms = 0.705 seconds. If this is not
known, use 1 second and repeat the process below to converge on cell requirements.
Since R*C = 0.7 seconds, R = 0.7/C
Having all the variables defined, we will rearrange equation #4 and solve for C:
Equation (4) originally:
dV = i *
Substitute R = 0.7/C:
dV = i *
0. 7
Factor out “i/C”
dV =
* (dt + 0.7 )
Solving for C
* (dt + 0.7 )
Substituting in the values for dV, i, and dt;
289A/31V * (5 + 0.7)
53.1 F
Remember, this value of capacitance is the total stack capacitance. We must now determine the
required cell capacitance. For this stage in the analysis, we only need to know the number of
Technical Note - Doc. #10073627 | Ver 3
Maxwell Technologies, Inc.
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Maxwell Technologies GmbH
Brucker Strasse 21
D-82205 Gilching
Phone: +49 (0)8105 24 16 10
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[email protected] – www.maxwell.com
Maxwell Technologies, Inc. Shanghai Representative Office
Rm.2104, Suncome Liauw’s Plaza
738 Shang Cheng Road
Pudong New Area
Shanghai 200120, P.R. China
Phone: +86 21 5836 5733
Fax: +86 21 5836 5620
series cells required. The analysis is the same as in the previous example, so we need 23 cells in
From equation 5,
Ctotal = Ccell *
# parallel
# series
Setting # parallel = 1
Ctotal =
C cell
# series
Solving for Ccell
Ccell = Ctotal *# series
Stack capacitance = 53.1 F
# series = 23 cells
Cell capacitance = 1222 F
Our previous analysis indicated that a BCAP1500 allowed a voltage drop that was 81% of the
allowed drop. It was noted that the optimum ultracapacitor size would be 81% of a BCAP1500.
Note that 81% of 1500 F is 1222 F.
If this were our initial analysis and we determined a 1222 F cell was the optimum solution, we
would then look to the actual product offerings.
Technical Note - Doc. #10073627 | Ver 3
Maxwell Technologies, Inc.
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Maxwell Technologies GmbH
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Phone: +49 (0)8105 24 16 10
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Maxwell Technologies, Inc. Shanghai Representative Office
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Phone: +86 21 5836 5733
Fax: +86 21 5836 5620