SST49LF016C / M50FW080-M50FW016 Firmware Hub Device Comparison Application Note July 2008 Using Boh SST CFI and Spansion CFI in a System INTRODUCTION This Application Note is a comparative list of features for the SST49LF016C and the ST® M50FW080 and M50FW016 Firmware Hub Devices (FWH). Each device is used as BIOS storage and functions as a boot device when the first fetch cycles of the microprocessor are executed. DESCRIPTION The following tables detail the features, the software commands, and pin assignments for each device. All devices support a two Bus Write cycle command structure for FWH write cycles. A guide to mapping a consistent format 8 Mbit FWH BIOS image to a 16 Mbit FWH device is provided. TABLE 1: Features Features SST49LF016C M50FW080 M50FW016 Block/Sector Definition 64K / 4K 64K / N/A 64K / N/A Top Block and Block’s Partitions 16K Top block 8K/8K/32K1 64K 64K Programming Mode Supported AAI (Serial) A/A Mux A/A Mux Manufacturer ID/Device ID BFH / 5CH 20H / 2DH 20H / 2EH No Yes Yes VPP Pin T1.2075 1. 16K T-BLOCK_LK Memory Map Register Address is FFBFC002H 8K T_MINUS01_LK Memory Map Register Address is FFBFA002H 8K T_MINUS03_LK Memory Map Register Address is FFBF8002H 32K T_MINUS03_LK Memory Map Register Address is FFBF0002H Software Command Cycles TABLE 2: Software Command Cycles Command Sequence SST49LF008A M50FW080 M50FW016 40H or 10H (Single, double, and quadruple byte-programs.) 40H or 10H 40H or 10H (Single byte-program) No Op_code (Supported in Byte-program) 30H (A/A Mux only) 30H (Mode/A/A Mux mode) Sector-Erase (4K) 30H/D0H Not Supported See Quadruple By Software ID Entry 90H 90H or 89H 90H or 89H FFH 90H or 98H Byte-Program Quadruple Byte-Program Software ID Exit User-Security-ID-Program User-Security-ID-Program-Lockout A5H Not Supported Not Support 85H/00H Not Supported Not Supported T2.2075 8 Mbit BIOS Image Mapping: M50FW080 to SST49LF016C To map a modified BIOS image of the M50FW080 to the SST49LF016C, the BIOS ROM must occupy the top half memory address of the SST49LF016C. The starting address of the SST49LF016C memory map is 100000H, and starting address of the 4-GByte System Memory is FFF00000H. ©2008 Silicon Storage Technology, Inc. S72075-00-000 07/08 11 The SST logo and SuperFlash are registered trademarks of Silicon Storage Technology, Inc. These specifications are subject to change without notice. SST49LF016C / M50FW080/016 Firmware Hub Device Comparison Application Note Pin Assignments TABLE 3: 32-Lead PLCC (NHE)1, 2, 3 Pin TABLE 4: 32-Lead TSOP (WHE)1, 2, 3 SST49LF016C M50FW080 SST49LF016C M50FW080 1 NC (NC)4 VPP (VPP) Pin 1 NC NC (NC) 2 RST# RP (RP) 2 NC NC (NC) 3 GPI3 A9 (FGPI3) 3 NC NC (NC) NC (VSS) 4 GPI2 A8 (FGPI2) 4 NC4 5 [LD#] GPI1 A7 (FGPI1) 5 NC IC (IC) 6 [RY/BY#] GPI0 A6 (FGPI0) 6 GPI4 A10 (FGPI4) 7 [AAI] WP# A5 (WP) 7 LCLK RC (CLK) 8 TBL# A4 (TBL) 8 NC VCC (VCC) 9 ID3 A3 (ID3) 9 NC VPP (VPP) 10 ID2 A2 (ID2) 10 RST# RP (RP) 11 ID1 A1 (ID1) 11 GPI3 A9 (GPI3) 12 ID0 A0 (ID0) 12 GPI2 A8 (GPI2) 13 LAD0 DQ0 (FWH0) 13 [LD#] GPI1 A7 (GPI1) 14 LAD1 DQ1 (FWH1) 14 [RY/BY#] GPI0 A6 (GPI0) 15 LAD2 DQ2 (FWH2) 15 [AAI] WP# A5 (WP) 16 VSS VSS (VSS) 16 TBL# A4 (TBL) 17 LAD3 DQ3 (FWH3) 17 ID3 A3 (ID3) 18 NC DQ4 (RFU) 18 ID2 A2 (ID2) 19 NC DQ5 (RFU) 19 ID1 A1 (ID1) 20 NC DQ6 (RFU) 20 ID0 A0 (ID0) 21 NC DQ7 (RFU) 21 LAD0 DQ0 (FWH0/LAD0) 22 NC RB (RFU) 22 LAD1 DQ1 (FWH1/LAD1) 23 LFRAME# W (FWH4) 23 LAD2 DQ2 (FWH2/LAD2) 24 INIT# G (INIT) 24 VSS VSS (VSS) 25 VDD VCC (VCC) 25 LAD3 DQ3 (FWH3/LAD3) 26 NC VSS (VSS) 26 NC DQ4 (RFU) 27 NC NC (NC) 27 NC DQ5 (RFU) 28 NC NC (NC) 28 NC DQ6 (RFU) 29 NC IC (IC) 29 NC DQ7 (RFU) 30 GPI4 A10 (FGPI4) 30 VDD NC (NC) 31 LCLK RC (CLK) 31 LFRAME# W (FWH4/FRAME) 32 NC VCC (VCC) 32 INIT# G (INIT) T3.2075 1. 2. 3. 4. T4.2075 ( ) = Designates Firmware Hub Mode for STM devices [ ] = Needed for AAI Programming Mode on SST device NC = not internally connected Bold = Cross product pin inconsistencies 1. 2. 3. 4. ©2008 Silicon Storage Technology, Inc. ( ) = Designates Firmware Hub Mode [ ] = Needed for AAI Programming Mode on SST device NC = not internally connected Bold = Cross product pin inconsistencies S72075-00-000 2 07/08 SST49LF016C / M50FW080/016 Firmware Hub Device Comparison Application Note TABLE 5: 40-Lead TSOP (EIE)1, 2, 3 Pin SST49LF016C M50FW080 M50FW016 1 NC NC (NC) NC (NC) 2 NC4 IC (IC) IC (IC) 3 NC NC (NC) NC (NC) 4 NC NC (NC) NC (NC) 5 NC NC (NC) NC (NC) 6 NC NC (NC) NC (NC) 7 GPI4 A10 (FGPI4) A10 (FGPI4) 8 NC NC (NC) NC (NC) 9 LCLK RC (CLK) RC (CLK) 10 NC VCC (VCC) VCC (VCC) 11 NC VCC (VPP) VCC (VPP) 12 RST# RP (RP) RP (RP) 13 NC NC (NC) NC (NC) 14 NC NC (NC) NC (NC) 15 GPI3 A9 (FGPI3) A9 (FGPI3) 16 GPI2 A8 (FGPI2) A8 (FGPI2) 17 [LD#] GPI1 A7 (FGPI1) A7 (FGPI1) 18 [RY/BY#] GPI0 A6 (FGPI0) A6 (FGPI0) 19 [AAI] WP# A5 (WP) A5 (WP) 20 TBL# A4 (TBL) A4 (TBL) 21 ID3 A3 (ID3) A3 (ID3) 22 ID2 A2 (ID2) A2 (ID2) 23 ID1 A1 (ID1) A1 (ID1) 24 ID0 A0 (ID0) A0 (ID0) 25 LAD0 DQ0 (FWH0) DQ0 (FWH0) 26 LAD1 DQ1 (FWH1) DQ1 (FWH1) 27 LAD2 DQ2 (FWH2) DQ2 (FWH2) 28 LAD3 DQ3 (FWH3) DQ3 (FWH3) 29 VSS VSS (VSS) VSS (VSS) 30 VSS VSS (VSS) VSS (VSS) 31 NC VCC (VCC) VCC (VCC) 32 NC DQ4 (RFU) DQ4 (RFU) 33 NC DQ5 (RFU) DQ5 (RFU) 34 NC DQ6 (RFU) DQ6 (RFU) 35 NC DQ7 (RFU) DQ7 (RFU) 36 NC RB (RFU) RB (RFU) 37 INIT# G (INIT) G (INIT) 38 LFRAME# W (FWH4) W (FWH4) 39 VDD VCC (VCC) RFU (RFU) 40 NC VSS (VSS) VSS (VSS) T5.2075 1. 2. 3. 4. ( ) = Designates Firmware Hub Mode [ ] = Needed for AAI Programming Mode on SST device NC = not internally connected Bold = Cross product pin inconsistencies ©2008 Silicon Storage Technology, Inc. S72075-00-000 3 07/08 SST49LF016C / M50FW080/016 Firmware Hub Device Comparison Application Note CONCLUSION There are slight differences between the SST49LF016C and the M50FW080/M50FW016 devices. See SST49LF008A 8 Mbit Firmware Hub Data Sheet for detailed information on the device features. SST49LF016C software drivers are supported by most industry leading BIOS vendors making BIOS and programming support readily available. The ST is registered trademark of STMicroelectronics. STMicroelectronics M50FW080 and M50FW016 data used in this document was taken from the M50FW080 data sheet, revision 10; and the M50FW016 data sheet, revision 6. ©2008 Silicon Storage Technology, Inc. S72075-00-000 4 07/08