μC/ USB Host TM Universal Serial Bus Host Stack User’s Manual V3.40 Micriμm 1290 Weston Road, Suite 306 Weston, FL 33326 USA www.micrium.com Designations used by companies to distinguish their products are often claimed as trademarks. In all instances where Micriμm Press is aware of a trademark claim, the product name appears in initial capital letters, in all capital letters, or in accordance with the vendor’s capitalization preference. Readers should contact the appropriate companies for more complete information on trademarks and trademark registrations. All trademarks and registered trademarks in this book are the property of their respective holders. Copyright © 2013 by Micriμm except where noted otherwise. All rights reserved. Printed in the United States of America. No part of this publication may be reproduced or distributed in any form or by any means, or stored in a database or retrieval system, without the prior written permission of the publisher; with the exception that the program listings may be entered, stored, and executed in a computer system, but they may not be reproduced for publication. The programs and code examples in this book are presented for instructional value. The programs and examples have been carefully tested, but are not guaranteed to any particular purpose. The publisher does not offer any warranties and does not guarantee the accuracy, adequacy, or completeness of any information herein and is not responsible for any errors or omissions. The publisher assumes no liability for damages resulting from the use of the information in this book or for any infringement of the intellectual property rights of third parties that would result from the use of this information. 600-uC-USB-Host-001 Table of Contents Chapter 1 1-1 1-1-1 1-1-2 1-1-3 1-2 1-2-1 1-2-2 1-2-3 1-3 1-3-1 1-3-2 1-4 1-4-1 1-4-2 1-4-3 About USB .............................................................................................. 8 Introduction ............................................................................................ 8 Bus Topology ......................................................................................... 8 USB Host ................................................................................................ 9 USB Device ............................................................................................ 9 Data Flow Model .................................................................................. 10 Endpoint ............................................................................................... 10 Pipes ..................................................................................................... 11 Transfer Types ..................................................................................... 11 Physical Interface and Power Management ....................................... 14 Speed ................................................................................................... 14 Power Distribution ............................................................................... 15 Device Structure and Enumeration ..................................................... 15 USB Device Structure .......................................................................... 15 Device States ....................................................................................... 17 Enumeration ......................................................................................... 18 Chapter 2 2-1 2-2 2-3 2-4 2-4-1 2-4-2 2-4-3 2-4-4 2-5 Getting Started ..................................................................................... 20 Prerequisites ........................................................................................ 21 Downloading the Source Code Files ................................................... 22 Installing the Files ................................................................................ 24 Building the Sample Application ......................................................... 25 Understanding Micrium Examples ...................................................... 25 Including USB Host Stack Source Code ............................................ 27 Copying and Modifying Template Files .............................................. 28 Modifying the Application Configuration File ..................................... 32 Running the Sample Application ......................................................... 33 3 Chapter 3 3-1 3-1-1 3-1-2 3-2 3-3 3-3-1 3-3-2 3-4 Architecture .......................................................................................... 38 USB Host Stack Overview ................................................................... 39 USB Host Stack Modules .................................................................... 40 USB Host Stack Dependencies ........................................................... 43 Sending and Receiving Data ............................................................... 44 Task Model ........................................................................................... 44 Hub Task .............................................................................................. 44 Asynchronous Task ............................................................................. 46 Enumeration Process ........................................................................... 46 Chapter 4 4-1 4-1-1 4-1-2 4-1-3 4-2 4-2-1 4-2-2 4-3 4-3-1 4-3-2 4-4 4-4-1 4-4-2 4-4-3 Configuration ........................................................................................ 48 Static Stack Configuration ................................................................... 48 USB Host Configuration ...................................................................... 49 USB Classes Configuration ................................................................. 52 Debug Configuration ............................................................................ 53 Application Specific Configuration ..................................................... 54 Task Priorities ...................................................................................... 55 Task Stack Sizes .................................................................................. 55 Host Controller Driver Configuration ................................................... 56 Host Controller Configuration Structure ............................................. 56 Host Controller Initialization ................................................................ 58 Configuration Examples ...................................................................... 62 Single Host Controller and Unique Device ......................................... 63 Single Host Controller and Multiple Devices ...................................... 64 Multi-Host Controllers and Multiple Devices ...................................... 67 Chapter 5 5-1 5-2 5-3 5-3-1 5-3-2 5-3-3 5-3-4 5-4 5-5 5-6 5-7 Host Driver Guide ................................................................................. 72 Host Driver Model ................................................................................ 73 Host Driver API ..................................................................................... 73 Interrupt Handling ................................................................................ 77 Single USB ISR Vector with ISR Handler Argument ........................... 78 Single USB ISR Vector ......................................................................... 78 Multiple USB ISR Vectors with ISR Handler Arguments .................... 79 Multiple USB ISR Vectors .................................................................... 79 Host Controller Driver Configuration ................................................... 80 Memory Allocation ............................................................................... 80 CPU and Board Support ...................................................................... 80 USB Host Controller Driver Functional Model .................................... 82 4 5-7-1 5-7-2 5-7-3 Root Hub Interactions .......................................................................... 82 Endpoint Opening ................................................................................ 83 URB Submit .......................................................................................... 84 Chapter 6 6-1 6-2 6-3 6-3-1 6-3-2 6-3-3 6-4 6-4-1 6-4-2 6-4-3 Communication Device Class ............................................................. 90 Overview ............................................................................................... 91 Class Implementation .......................................................................... 94 Configuration and Initialization ............................................................ 95 General Configuration .......................................................................... 95 Class Initialization ................................................................................ 95 Device Connection and Disconnection Handling ............................... 96 Abstract Control Model (ACM) Subclass ............................................ 98 Configuration and Initialization ............................................................ 98 Connection and Disconnection Handling ........................................... 99 Demo Application ............................................................................... 101 Chapter 7 7-1 7-1-1 7-2 7-3 7-3-1 7-3-2 7-3-3 7-4 7-4-1 Human Interface Device Class .......................................................... 104 Overview ............................................................................................. 105 Report ................................................................................................. 105 Class Implementation ........................................................................ 110 Configuration and Initialization .......................................................... 111 General Configuration ........................................................................ 111 Class Initialization .............................................................................. 112 Device Connection and Disconnection Handling ............................. 113 Demo Application ............................................................................... 115 Demo Application Configuration ....................................................... 116 Chapter 8 8-1 8-1-1 8-1-2 8-1-3 8-1-4 8-2 8-3 8-3-1 8-3-2 Mass Storage Class ........................................................................... 117 Overview ............................................................................................. 118 Mass Storage Class Protocol ............................................................ 118 Endpoints ........................................................................................... 119 Mass Storage Class Requests .......................................................... 119 Small Computer System Interface (SCSI) ......................................... 120 Class Implementation ........................................................................ 120 Configuration and Initialization .......................................................... 122 General Configuration ........................................................................ 122 Class Initialization .............................................................................. 122 5 8-3-3 8-4 8-4-1 Device Connection and Disconnection Handling ............................. 123 Demo Application ............................................................................... 124 Demo Application Configuration ....................................................... 127 Chapter 9 9-1 9-2 9-2-1 9-2-2 9-2-3 9-2-4 Porting μC/USB-Host to your Kernel ................................................ 129 Overview ............................................................................................. 129 Porting the Stack to your Kernel ....................................................... 131 Task Creation ..................................................................................... 131 Semaphore ......................................................................................... 131 Mutex .................................................................................................. 133 Message Queue ................................................................................. 134 Appendix A A-1 A-2 A-3 A-4 Core API Reference ........................................................................... 135 Host Functions ................................................................................... 136 Host Controller Functions .................................................................. 141 Class Management Functions ........................................................... 148 Kernel Abstraction Functions ............................................................ 150 Appendix B B-1 B-2 CDC API Reference ............................................................................ 169 CDC Functions ................................................................................... 170 ACM Functions ................................................................................... 174 Appendix C C-1 HID API Reference ............................................................................. 201 HID Functions ..................................................................................... 202 Appendix D D-1 D-2 MSC API Reference ........................................................................... 225 MSC Functions ................................................................................... 226 File System MSC Driver Functions .................................................... 228 Appendix E E-1 E-2 E-3 Host Controller Driver API Reference ............................................... 231 Host Driver Functions ........................................................................ 232 Root Hub Driver Functions ................................................................ 253 Host Driver BSP Functions ................................................................ 267 6 Appendix F F-1 F-2 F-3 F-4 F-5 F-6 F-7 F-8 F-9 F-10 F-11 F-12 F-13 Error Codes ........................................................................................ 271 Generic Error Codes .......................................................................... 272 Device Error Codes ............................................................................ 272 Configuration Error Codes ................................................................. 272 Interface Error Codes ........................................................................ 273 Endpoint Error Codes ........................................................................ 273 URB Error Codes ............................................................................... 273 Descriptor Error Codes ...................................................................... 274 Host Controller Error Codes .............................................................. 274 Kernel Layer Error Codes .................................................................. 274 Class Error Codes .............................................................................. 275 HUB Class Error Codes ..................................................................... 275 Human Interface Device (HID) Class Error Codes ............................ 275 Mass Storage Class (MSC) Error Codes ........................................... 276 7 Chapter 1 About USB This chapter presents a quick introduction to USB. The first section in this chapter introduces the basic concepts of the USB specification Revision 2.0. The second section explores the data flow model. The third section gives details about the device operation. Lastly, the fourth section describes USB device logical organization. The full protocol is described extensively in the USB Specification Revision 2.0 at http://www.usb.org. 1-1 INTRODUCTION The Universal Serial Bus (USB) is an industry standard maintained by the USB Implementers Forum (USB-IF) for serial bus communication. The USB specification contains all the information about the protocol such as the electrical signaling, the physical dimension of the connector, the protocol layer, and other important aspects. USB provides several benefits compared to other communication interfaces such as ease of use, low cost, low power consumption and, fast and reliable data transfer. 1-1-1 BUS TOPOLOGY USB can connect a series of devices using a tiered star topology. The key elements in USB topology are the host, hubs, and devices, as illustrated in Figure 1-1. Each node in the illustration represents a USB hub or a USB device. At the top level of the graph is the root hub, which is part of the host. There is only one host in the system. The specification allows up to seven tiers and a maximum of five non-root hubs in any path between the host and a device. Each tier must contain at least one hub except for the last tier where only devices are present. Each USB device in the system has a unique address assigned by the host through a process called enumeration (see section 1-4-3 on page 18 for more details on enumeration). 8 Chapter 1 The host learns about the device capabilities during enumeration, which allows the host operating system to load a specific driver for a particular USB device. The maximum number of peripherals that can be attached to a host is 127, including the root hub. Figure 1-1 Bus topology 1-1-2 USB HOST The USB host communicates with the devices using a USB host controller. The host is responsible for detecting and enumerating devices, managing bus access, performing error checking, providing and managing power, and exchanging data with the devices. 1-1-3 USB DEVICE A USB device implements one or more USB functions where a function provides one specific capability to the system. Examples of USB functions are keyboards, webcam, speakers, or a mouse. The requirements of the USB functions are described in the USB class specification. For example, keyboards and mice are implemented using the Human Interface Device (HID) specification. USB devices must also respond to requests from the host. For example, on power up, or when a device is connected to the host, the host queries the device capabilities during enumeration, using standard requests. 9 Data Flow Model 1-2 DATA FLOW MODEL This section defines the elements involved in the transmission of data across USB. 1-2-1 ENDPOINT Endpoints function as the point of origin or the point of reception for data. An endpoint is a logical entity identified using an endpoint address. The endpoint address of a device is fixed, and is assigned when the device is designed, as opposed to the device address, which is assigned by the host dynamically during enumeration. An endpoint address consists of an endpoint number field (0 to 15), and a direction bit that indicates if the endpoint sends data to the host (IN) or receives data from the host (OUT). The maximum number of endpoints allowed on a single device is 32. Endpoints contain configurable characteristics that define the behavior of a USB device: ■ Bus access requirements ■ Bandwidth requirement ■ Error handling ■ Maximum packet size that the endpoint is able to send or receive ■ Transfer type ■ Direction in which data is sent and receive from the host ENDPOINT ZERO REQUIREMENT Endpoint zero (also known as Default Endpoint) is a bi-directional endpoint used by the USB host system to get information, and configure the device via standard requests. All devices must implement an endpoint zero configured for control transfers (see section “Control Transfers” on page 11 for more information). 10 Chapter 1 1-2-2 PIPES A USB pipe is a logical association between an endpoint and a software structure in the USB host software system. USB pipes are used to send data from the host software to the device’s endpoints. A USB pipe is associated to a unique endpoint address, type of transfer, maximum packet size, and interval for transfers. The USB specification defines two types of pipes based on the communication mode: ■ Stream Pipes: Data carried over the pipe is unstructured. ■ Message Pipes: Data carried over the pipe has a defined structure. The USB specification requires a default control pipe for each device. A default control pipe uses endpoint zero. The default control pipe is a bi-directional message pipe. 1-2-3 TRANSFER TYPES The USB specification defines four transfer types that match the bandwidth and services requirements of the host and the device application using a specific pipe. Each USB transfer encompasses one or more transactions that send data to and from the endpoint. The notion of transactions is related to the maximum payload size defined by each endpoint type, that is when a transfer is greater than this maximum, it will be split into one or more transactions to fulfill the action. CONTROL TRANSFERS Control transfers are used to configure and retrieve information about the device capabilities. They are used by the host to send standard requests during and after enumeration. Standard requests allow the host to learn about the device capabilities; for example, how many and which functions the device contains. Control transfers are also used for class-specific and vendor-specific requests. A control transfer contains three stages: Setup, Data, and Status. These stages are listed in Table 1-1. 11 Data Flow Model Stage Description Setup The Setup stage includes information about the request. This SETUP stage represents one transaction. Data The Data stage contains data associated with request. Some standard and class-specific request may not require a Data stage. This stage is an IN or OUT directional transfer and the complete Data stage represents one ore more transactions. Status The Status stage, representing one transaction, is used to report the success or failure of the transfer. The direction of the Status stage is opposite to the direction of the Data stage. If the control transfer has no Data stage, the Status stage always is from the device (IN). Table 1-1 Control Transfer Stages BULK TRANSFERS Bulk transfers are intended for devices that exchange large amounts of data where the transfer can take all of the available bus bandwidth. Bulk transfers are reliable, as error detection and retransmission mechanisms are implemented in hardware to guarantee data integrity. However, bulk transfers offer no guarantee on timing. Printers and mass storage devices are examples of devices that use bulk transfers. INTERRUPT TRANSFERS Interrupt transfers are designed to support devices with latency constrains. Devices using interrupt transfers can schedule data at any time. Devices using interrupt transfer provide a polling interval which determines when the scheduled data is transferred over the bus. Interrupt transfers are typically used for event notifications. ISOCHRONOUS TRANSFERS Isochronous transfers are used by devices that require data delivery at a constant rate with a certain degree of error-tolerance. Retransmission is not supported by isochronous transfers. Audio and video devices use isochronous transfers. USB DATA FLOW MODEL Table 1-2 shows a graphical representation of the data flow model. 12 Chapter 1 6RIWZDUH +DUGZDUH 'HYLFHFRQWURO DQG FRQILJXUDWLRQ 6RIWZDUH $SSOLFDWLRQ $ 3K\VLFDO +DUGZDUH (3 (3 ,1 ,1 (3 287 3LSHV (3 ,1 (3 6RIWZDUH $SSOLFDWLRQ % 287 0X[ 'HPX[ 86%FDEOH (3 287 'HYLFH VWDQGDUG UHTXHVW (3 ,1 0X[ 'HPX[ (3 287 (3 (3 (3 (3 ,1 287 +RVW6RIWZDUH 6RIWZDUH +RVWFRQWUROOHU ,1 287 'HYLFH&RQWUROOHU 86% )XQFWLRQ$ 86% )XQFWLRQ% 'HYLFH)LUPZDUH Figure 1-2 USB data flow F1-2(1) The host software uses standard requests to query and configure the device using the default pipe. The default pipe uses endpoint zero (EP0). F1-2(2) USB pipes allow associations between the host application and the device’s endpoints. Host applications send and receive data through USB pipes. F1-2(3) The host controller is responsible for the transmission, reception, packing and unpacking of data over the bus. F1-2(4) Data is transmitted via the physical media. F1-2(5) The device controller is responsible for the transmission, reception, packing and unpacking of data over the bus. The USB controller informs the USB device software layer about several events such as bus events and transfer events. F1-2(6) The device software layer responds to the standard request, and implements one or more USB functions as specified in the USB class document. 13 Physical Interface and Power Management TRANSFER COMPLETION The notion of transfer completion is only relevant for control, bulk and interrupt transfers as isochronous transfers occur continuously and periodically by nature. In general, control, bulk and interrupt endpoints must transmit data payload sizes that are less than or equal to the endpoint’s maximum data payload size. When a transfer’s data payload is greater than the maximum data payload size, the transfer is split into several transactions whose payload is maximum-sized except the last transaction which contains the remaining data. A transfer is deemed complete when: ■ The endpoint transfers exactly the amount of data expected. ■ The endpoint transfers a short packet, that is a packet with a payload size less than the maximum. ■ The endpoint transfers a zero-length packet. 1-3 PHYSICAL INTERFACE AND POWER MANAGEMENT USB transfers data and provides power using four-wire cables. The four wires are: Vbus, D+, D- and Ground. Signaling occurs on the D+ and D- wires. 1-3-1 SPEED The USB 2.0 specification defines three different speeds. ■ Low Speed: 1.5 Mb/s ■ Full Speed: 12 Mb/s ■ High Speed: 480 Mb/s 14 Chapter 1 1-3-2 POWER DISTRIBUTION The host can supply power to USB devices that are directly connected to the host. USB devices may also have their own power supplies. USB devices that use power from the cable are called bus-powered devices. Bus-powered devices can draw a maximum of 500 mA from the host. USB devices that have an alternative source of power are called self-powered devices. 1-4 DEVICE STRUCTURE AND ENUMERATION Before the host application can communicate with a device, the host needs to understand the capabilities of the device. This process takes place during device enumeration. After enumeration, the host can assign and load a specific driver to allow communication between the application and the device. During enumeration, the host assigns an address to the device, reads descriptors from the device, and selects a configuration that specifies power and interface requirements. In order for the host to learn about the device’s capabilities, the device must provide information about itself in the form of descriptors. This section describes the device’s logical organization from the USB host’s point of view. 1-4-1 USB DEVICE STRUCTURE From the host’s point of view, USB devices are internally organized as a collection of configurations, interfaces and endpoints. CONFIGURATION A USB configuration specifies the capabilities of a device. A configuration consists of a collection of USB interfaces that implement one or more USB functions. Typically only one configuration is required for a given device. However, the USB specification allows up to 255 different configurations. During enumeration, the host selects a configuration. Only one configuration can be active at a time. The device uses a configuration descriptor to inform the host about a specific configuration’s capabilities. 15 Device Structure and Enumeration INTERFACE A USB interface or a group of interfaces provides information about a function or class implemented by the device. An interface can contain multiple mutually exclusive settings called alternate settings. The device uses an interface descriptor to inform the host about a specific interface’s capabilities. Each interface descriptor contains a class, subclass, and protocol codes defined by the USB-IF, and the number of endpoints required for a particular class implementation. ALTERNATE SETTINGS Alternate settings are used by the device to specify mutually exclusive settings for each interface. The default alternate settings contain the default settings of the device. The device also uses an interface descriptor to inform the host about an interface’s alternate settings. ENDPOINT An interface requires a set of endpoints to communicate with the host. Each interface has different requirements in terms of the number of endpoints, transfer type, direction, maximum packet size, and maximum polling interval. The device sends an endpoint descriptor to notify the host about endpoint capabilities. Figure 1-3 shows the hierarchical organization of a USB device. Configurations are grouped based on the device’s speed. A high-speed device might have a particular configuration in both high-speed and low/full speed. 16 Chapter 1 /RZ)XOO6SHG 6WUXFWXUH +LJK6SHHG 6WUXFWXUH 'HYLFH +6 'HYLFH /6)6 2WKHUFRQILJXUDWLRQ &IJ &IJ &IJ &IJ &IJ &IJ Q Q &RQILJXUDWLRQV ,) ,) ,) ,) Q ,) ,) Q ,QWHUIDFHV&ODVVHV 'HIDXOW 'HIDXOW $OW $OW (3 (3 $OW Q (3 $OW $OW (3 Q (3 ,QWHUIDFHV $OWHUQDWH6HWWLQJV $OW Q (3 Q (QGSRLQWV Figure 1-3 USB device structure 1-4-2 DEVICE STATES The USB 2.0 specification defines six different states and are listed in Table 1-2. Device States Description Attached The device is in the Attached state when it is connected to the host or a hub port. The hub must be connected to the host or to another hub. Powered A device is considered in the Powered state when it starts consuming power from the bus. Only bus-powered devices use power from the host. Self-powered devices are in the Powered state after port attachment. Default After the device has been powered, it should not respond to any request or transactions until it receives a reset signal from the host. The device enters in the Default state when it receives a reset signal from the host. In the Default state, the device responds to standard requests at the default address 0. Address 17 During enumeration, the host assigns a unique address to the device. When this occurs, the device moves from the Default state to the Address state. Device Structure and Enumeration Device States Description Configured After the host assigns an address to the device, the host must select a configuration. After the host selects a configuration, the device enters the Configured state. In this state, the device is ready to communicate with the host applications. Suspended The device enters into Suspended state when no traffic has been seen over the bus for a specific period of time. The device retains the address assigned by the host in the Suspended state. The device returns to the previous state after traffic is present in the bus. Table 1-2 USB Device States 1-4-3 ENUMERATION Enumeration is the process where the host configures the device and learns about the device’s capabilities. The host starts enumeration after the device is attached to one of the root or external hub ports. The host learns about the device’s manufacturer, vendor/product IDs and release versions by sending a Get Descriptor request to obtain the device descriptor and the maximum packet size of the default pipe (control endpoint 0). Once that is done, the host assigns a unique address to the device which will tell the device to only answer requests at this unique address. Next, the host gets the capabilities of the device by a series of Get Descriptor requests. The host iterates through all the available configurations to retrieve information about number of interfaces in each configuration, interfaces classes, and endpoint parameters for each interface and will lastly finish the enumeration process by selecting the most suitable configuration. 18 Chapter 1 19 Chapter 2 Getting Started This chapter gives you some insight into how to install and use the μC/USB-Host stack. The following topics are explained in this chapter: ■ Prerequisites ■ Downloading the source code files ■ Installing the files ■ Building the sample application ■ Running the sample application After the completion of this chapter, you should be able to build and run your first USB host application using the μC/USB-Host stack. 20 Chapter 2 2-1 PREREQUISITES Before running your first USB host application, you must ensure that you have a minimal set of required tools and components: ■ A toolchain/IDE for your specific microcontroller ■ A development board ■ The μC/USB-Host stack with at least one of its USB class ■ A Host Controller Driver (HCD) that is compatible with your hardware for the μC/USB-Host stack ■ A Board Support Package (BSP) for your development board ■ Other software products required by μC/USB-Host (μC/OS-II or μC/OS-III, μC/CPU, μC/LIB, and μC/FS, when the Mass Storage Class is used) ■ An example project If Micriμm does not support your USB host controller or BSP, you will have to write your own HCD. Refer to Chapter 5, “Host Driver Guide” on page 72 for more information on writing your own USB HCD. You can also ask Micriμm to develop the driver for your specific host controller. 21 Downloading the Source Code Files 2-2 DOWNLOADING THE SOURCE CODE FILES μC/USB-Host can be downloaded from the Micriμm customer portal. The distribution package includes the full source code and documentation. You can log into the Micrium customer portal at the address below to begin your download (you must have a valid license to gain access to the file): http://micrium.com/login μC/USB-Host depends on other modules, and you need to install all the required modules before building your application. Depending on the availability of support for your hardware platform, ports and drivers may or may not be available for download from the customer portal. Table 2-1 shows the module dependency for μC/USB-Host. Module Name Required Note(s) μC/USB-Host Core YES Hardware independent USB Host core stack. μC/USB-Host Driver YES USB Host Controller Driver (HCD). Available only if Micriμm supports your controller, otherwise you have to develop it yourself or ask Micriμm to do it for you. Certain multi-host configurations might require to have more than one driver. μC/USB-Host HID Class Optional Available only if you purchased the Human Interface Device (HID) class. μC/USB-Host MSC Class Optional Available only if you purchased the Mass Storage Class (MSC). μC/USB-Host CDC ACM Optional Class Available only if you purchased the Communication Device Class (CDC) with the Abstract Control Model (ACM) subclass. μC/CPU Core YES Provides CPU specific data types and functions. μC/CPU Port YES Available only if Micriμm has support for your target architecture μC/LIB Core YES Micriμm run-time library μC/LIB Port Optional Available only if Micriμm has support for your target architecture μC/OS-II Core Optional Available only if your application is using μC/OS-II μC/OS-II Port Optional Available only if Micriμm has support for your target architecture μC/OS-III Core Optional Available only if your application is using μC/OS-III μC/OS-III Port Optional Available only if Micriμm has support for your target architecture μC/FS Optional Micriμm’s File System (FS). Required only if your application uses the Mass Storage Class. 22 Chapter 2 Module Name Required Note(s) μC/FS Driver for MSC device Optional Required only if your application uses the Mass Storage Class. μC/Clk Optional Required for μC/FS Table 2-1 μC/USB-Host Module Dependency Table 2-1 indicates that all the μC/USB-Host classes are optional because there is no required class to purchase with the μC/USB-Host Core and Driver. The class to purchase will depend on your needs. But don’t forget that you need a class to build a complete USB project. Table 2-1 also indicates that μC/OS-II and -III Core and Port are optional. Indeed, μC/USB-Host stack does not assume a specific kernel to work with, but it still requires one. 23 Installing the Files 2-3 INSTALLING THE FILES Once all the distribution packages have been downloaded to your host machine, extract all the files at the root of your C:\ drive for instance. The package may be extracted to any location. After extracting all the files, the directory structure should look as illustrated in Figure 2-1. In the example, all Micrium products sub-folders shown in Figure 2-1 will be located in C:\Micrium\Software\. Note that the μC/FS and μC/Clk products are shown in Figure 2-1 but are only required if the Mass Storage Class is used. uC-CPU <Architecture> uC-LIB Ports <Architecture> uCOS-II(III) Ports <Architecture> Source uC-USB-Host-V3 App Cfg Class CDC HID MSC HCD OS Source uC-FS CFG Dev MSC FAT OS Source uC-Clk OS Source Figure 2-1 Directory Tree for μC/USB-Host 24 Chapter 2 2-4 BUILDING THE SAMPLE APPLICATION This section describes all the steps required to build a USB-based application. The instructions provided in this section are not intended for any particular toolchain, but instead are described in a generic way that can be adapted to any toolchain. The best way to start building a USB-based project is to start from an existing project. If you are using μC/OS-II or μC/OS-III, Micriμm provides example projects for multiple development boards and compilers. If your target board is not listed on Micriμm’s web site, you can download an example project for a similar board or microcontroller. The purpose of the sample project is to allow your USB host to enumerate a device and perform basic communication with HID, MSC or CDC ACM devices depending on which class(es) you purchased. After you have successfully completed and run the sample project, you can use it as a starting point to run other USB class demos you may have purchased. μC/USB-Host requires a Real-Time Operating System (RTOS). The following assumes that you have a working example project running on μC/OS-II or μC/OS-III. 2-4-1 UNDERSTANDING MICRIUM EXAMPLES A Micriμm example project is usually placed in the following directory structure. \Micrium \Software \EvalBoards \<manufacturer> \<board_name> \<compiler> \<project name> \*.* Note that Micriμm does not provide by default an example project with the μC/USB-Host distribution package. Micriμm examples are provided to customers in specific situations. If it happens that you receive a Micriμm example, the directory structure shown above is generally used by Micriμm. You may use a different directory structure to store the application and toolchain projects files. 25 Building the Sample Application \Micrium This is where Micriμm places all software components and projects. This directory is generally located at the root directory. \Software This sub-directory contains all software components and projects. \EvalBoards This sub-directory contains all projects related to evaluation boards supported by Micriμm. \<manufacturer> This is the name of the manufacturer of the evaluation board. In some cases this can also be the name of the microcontroller manufacturer. \<board name> This is the name of the evaluation board. \<compiler> This is the name of the compiler or compiler manufacturer used to build the code for the evaluation board. \<project name> The name of the project that will be demonstrated. For example a simple μC/USB-Host with μC/OS-III project might have the project name ‘uCOS-III-USBH’. \*.* These are the source files for the project. This directory contains configuration files app_cfg.h, os_cfg.h, os_cfg_app.h, cpu_cfg.h and other project-required sources files. os_cfg.h is a configuration file used to configure μC/OS parameters such as the maximum number of tasks, events, objects, which μC/OS services are enabled (semaphores, mailboxes, queues), and so on. os_cfg.h is a required file for any μC/OS application. See the μC/OS-III (or μC/OS-II) documentation and books for further information. app.c contains the application code for the example project. As with most C programs, code execution starts at main(). At a minimum, app.c initializes μC/OS and creates a startup task that initializes other Micriμm modules. 26 Chapter 2 app_cfg.h is a configuration file for your application. This file contains #defines to configure the priorities and stack sizes of your application and the Micriμm modules’ tasks. app_<module>.c and app_<module>.h These optional files contain the Micriμm modules’ (μC/TCP-IP, μC/FS, μC/USB-Host, etc) initialization code. They may or may not be present in the example projects. 2-4-2 INCLUDING USB HOST STACK SOURCE CODE First, include the following files in your project from the μC/USB-Host source code distribution, as indicated in Figure 2-2. uC-USB-Host-V3 Class <class> usbh_<class>.c HCD <controller> usbh_drv_<controller>.c BSP <board name> usbh_bsp_<controller>.c OS <kernel> usbh_os.c Source usbh_class.c usbh_core.c usbh_hub.c Figure 2-2 μC/USB-Host Source Code Second, add the following include paths to your project’s C compiler settings: \Micrium\Software\uC-USB-Host-V3 \Micrium\Software\uC-USB-Host-V3\HCD\<controller>\BSP\<board name> If you are using the MSC class, you might need to add the following include path as well: \Micrium\Software\uC-USB-Host-V3\Class\MSC 27 Building the Sample Application 2-4-3 COPYING AND MODIFYING TEMPLATE FILES Copy the files from the application template and configuration folders into your application as illustrated in Figure 2-3. uC-USB-Host-V3 App app_usbh.h/.c CDC app_usbh_cdc_acm.h/.c HID app_usbh_hid.h/.c app_usbh_keyboard.h/.c app_usbh_mouse.h/.c EvalBoards <manufacturer> <board name> <compiler> <project name> MSC uC-FS-V4 app_usbh_msc.h/.c Cfg Template usbh_cfg.h usbh_hc_cfg.h/.c Figure 2-3 Copying Template Files. app_usbh.h/.c are the master template for USB host application-specific initialization code. This file contains the function App_USBH_Init(), which initializes the USB host stack and class-specific demos. Depending on the Kernel used, you might have to modify the USBH_STK data type for the kernel task‘s stacks. app_usbh_<class>.c contains a template to initialize and use a certain class. This file contains the class demo application. In general, the class application initializes the class, registers the class driver to the core, and performs some communication once a device is connected. Refer to the chapter(s) of the USB class(es) you purchased for more details about the class demos. usbh_cfg.h is a configuration file used to setup μC/USB-Host stack parameters such as the maximum number of devices, endpoints, or class-related parameters. usbd_hc_cfg.h/.c are configuration files used to set the Host Controller Driver(s) parameters such as base address, dedicated memory base address/size and number of endpoints. 28 Chapter 2 MODIFY HOST CONTROLLER CONFIGURATION Modify the host controller configuration file (usbh_hc_cfg.c) as needed for your application and USB Host Controller (HC). Refer to the driver specific readme file located in the \Micrium\Software\uC-USB-Host-V3\HCD\<driver name> folder for more details on how to fill this structure. Listing 2-1 describes the structure’s content. Note that you should declare one structure per HC you will use. USBD_DEV_CFG USBH_HC_TemplateCfg = { (CPU_ADDR)0x00000000u, (CPU_ADDR)0x00000000u, 0u, DEF_ENABLED, 1024u, 2u, 2u, 0u }; (1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7) (8) Listing 2-1 Host Controller Configuration Template L2-1(1) Give your HC configuration a meaningful name by replacing the word “Template”. L2-1(2) Specify the base address of your USB HC. L2-1(3) If your target has dedicated memory for the USB HC, you can specify its base address and size here. Depending on the USB HC, dedicated memory can be used to allocate driver buffers or DMA descriptors. L2-1(4) If the USB HC has direct access to the system memory, specify DEF_ENABLED here. Otherwise, DEF_DISABLED should be specified. L2-1(5) Specify the maximum length of the buffers that will be sent/received by the HC. L2-1(6) Specify the maximum of simultaneously opened bulk endpoints. L2-1(7) Specify the maximum of simultaneously opened interrupt endpoints. L2-1(8) Specify the maximum of simultaneously opened isochronous endpoints. 29 Building the Sample Application MODIFY USB APPLICATION INITIALIZATION CODE Listing 2-2 shows the code that you should modify based on your specific configuration done previously. You should modify the parts that are highlighted by the text in bold. The code snippet is extracted from the function App_USBH_Init() defined in app_usbh.c. The complete initialization sequence performed by App_USBH_Init() is presented in Listing 2-4. #include <usbh_bsp_template.h> (1) CPU_BOOLEAN App_USBH_Init (void) { USBH_ERR err; CPU_INT08U hc_nbr; err = USBH_Init(&AsyncTaskInfo, &HubTaskInfo); (2) .... hc_nbr = USBH_HC_Add(&USBH_HC_TemplateCfg, &TemplateHCD_DrvAPI, &TemplateHCD_RH_API, &TemplateBSP_API, &err); (3) (4) (5) (6) err = USBH_HC_Start(hc_nbr); (7) .... } Listing 2-2 App_USBH_Init() in app_usbh.c L2-2(1) Include the USB driver BSP header file that is specific to your board. This file can be found in the following folder: \Micrium\Software\uC-USB-Host\HCD\<controller>\BSP\<board name> L2-2(2) Initialize the USB host stack’s internal variables, structures and kernel port. L2-2(3) Specify the address of the host controller configuration structure that you modified in section “Modify Host Controller Configuration” on page 29. 30 Chapter 2 L2-2(4) Specify the address of the host controller driver’s API structure. The driver’s API structure is defined in the driver’s header file usually named usbh_hcd_<controller>.h. L2-2(5) Specify the address of the host controller driver’s Root Hub (RH) API structure. The RH API structure is defined in the driver’s header file usually named usbh_hcd_<controller>.h. L2-2(6) Specify the address of the host controller driver’s Board Support Package (BSP) API structure. The BSP API structure is defined in the BSP header file usually named usbh_bsp_<board name>.h. L2-2(7) Starts the given host controller. If you have more than one host controller, you should first add them all and then start each of them. 31 Building the Sample Application 2-4-4 MODIFYING THE APPLICATION CONFIGURATION FILE The USB application initialization code templates assume the presence of app_cfg.h. The following #defines must be present in app_cfg.h in order to build the sample application. #define APP_CFG_USBH_EN DEF_ENABLED (1) #define #define #define #define USBH_OS_CFG_ASYNC_TASK_PRIO USBH_OS_CFG_HUB_TASK_PRIO USBH_OS_CFG_ASYNC_TASK_STK_SIZE USBH_OS_CFG_HUB_TASK_STK_SIZE 4u 3u 512u 512u (2) #define #define #define APP_CFG_USBH_CDC_EN APP_CFG_USBH_HID_EN APP_CFG_USBH_MSC_EN DEF_ENABLED DEF_ENABLED DEF_ENABLED (3) #define #define #define #define LIB_MEM_CFG_OPTIMIZE_ASM_EN LIB_MEM_CFG_ARG_CHK_EXT_EN LIB_MEM_CFG_ALLOC_EN LIB_MEM_CFG_HEAP_SIZE DEF_DISABLED DEF_ENABLED DEF_ENABLED 4096u (4) #define #define #define TRACE_LEVEL_OFF TRACE_LEVEL_INFO TRACE_LEVEL_DBG #define #define APP_CFG_TRACE_LEVEL APP_CFG_TRACE #define APP_TRACE_INFO(x) \ ((APP_CFG_TRACE_LEVEL >= TRACE_LEVEL_INFO) #define APP_TRACE_DBG(x) \ ((APP_CFG_TRACE_LEVEL >= TRACE_LEVEL_DBG) 0u 1u 2u TRACE_LEVEL_DBG printf (5) (6) (7) ? (void)(APP_CFG_TRACE x) : (void)0) ? (void)(APP_CFG_TRACE x) : (void)0) Listing 2-3 Application Configuration #defines L2-3(1) APP_CFG_USBH_EN enables or disables the USB host application initialization code. L2-3(2) These #defines relate to the μC/USB-Host kernel requirements. The μC/USB-Host core requires two tasks, one to manage hub requests (device connection and enumeration) and another to manage asynchronous transfers. To properly set the priority of the asynchronous and hub tasks, refer to Appendix 4, “Task Priorities” on page 55. 32 Chapter 2 L2-3(3) This #define enables the USB host class-specific demo. You can enable one or more USB host class-specific demos. If you enable several USB host class-specific demos, you will be able to communicate with more than one type of devices. L2-3(4) Configure the desired size of the heap memory. Heap memory is used by μC/USB-Host drivers that use internal buffers and DMA descriptors which are allocated at run-time. It is also used to allocate extra USB Request Blocks (URB) for each endpoint. Refer to the μC/LIB documentation for more details on the other μC/LIB constants. L2-3(5) Most Micriμm examples contain application trace macros to output human-readable debugging information. Two levels of tracing are enabled: INFO and DBG. INFO traces high-level operations, and DBG traces high-level operations and return errors. Application-level tracing is different from μC/USB-Host tracing (refer to section 4-2 on page 54 for more details). L2-3(6) Define the application trace level. L2-3(7) Specify which function should be used to redirect the output of human-readable application tracing. You can select the standard output via printf(), or another output such as a text terminal using a serial interface. Note that each class requires its own applications-specific configuration. These configurations are described in the class chapters. 2-5 RUNNING THE SAMPLE APPLICATION The first step to integrate the demo application into your application code is to call App_USBH_Init(). This function is responsible for the following steps: ■ Initializing the USB host stack. ■ Calling USB host class-specific application code. ■ Adding host controller(s) to the stack. ■ Starting the host controller(s). 33 Running the Sample Application The App_USBH_Init() function is described in Listing 2-4. #if (APP_CFG_USBH_EN == DEF_ENABLED) CPU_BOOLEAN App_USBH_Init (void) { USBH_ERR err; CPU_INT08U hc_nbr; err = USBH_Init(&AsyncTaskInfo, &HubTaskInfo); if (err != USBH_ERR_NONE) { /* $$$$ Handle error */ return (DEF_FAIL); } #if (APP_CFG_USBH_<class>_EN == DEF_ENABLED) err = App_USBH_<class>_Init(); (1) (2) if (err != USBH_ERR_NONE) { /* $$$$ Handle error */ return (DEF_FAIL); } #endif hc_nbr = USBH_HC_Add(&USBH_HC_TemplateCfg, &TemplateHCD_DrvAPI, &TemplateHCD_RH_API, &TemplateBSP_API, &err); if (err != USBH_ERR_NONE) { /* $$$$ Handle error */ return (DEF_FAIL); } (3) err = USBH_HC_Start(hc_nbr); if (err != USBH_ERR_NONE) { /* $$$$ Handle error */ return (DEF_FAIL); } (4) return (DEF_OK); } #endif Listing 2-4 App_USBH_Init() Function 34 Chapter 2 L2-4(1) USBH_Init() initializes the USB host stack. This must be the first USB host function called by your application’s initialization code. If μC/USB-Host is used with μC/OS-II or -III, OSInit() must be called prior to USBH_Init() in order to initialize the kernel services. L2-4(2) Initialize the class-specific application demos by calling the function App_USBH_<class>_Init() where <class> can be CDC, HID or MSC. Class-specific demos are enabled and disabled using the APP_CFG_USBH_<class>_EN #define. L2-4(3) USBH_HC_Add() creates and adds a USB host controller to the stack. If your target supports multiple host controllers, you can add multiple USB host controllers. The function USBD_HC_Add() returns a host controller number; this number is used as a parameter for subsequent operations on host controller(s). L2-4(4) After all the host controller(s) have been successfully added to the stack and the class(es) have been initialized, USBH_HC_Start() should be called for each host controller. This function will enable interrupts on the host controller and will start listening for device connections. If you have more than one USB host controller, pay particular attention to the order you start them. For instance, companion USB host controllers should be started before the main controller. See Appendix 4, “Host Controller Initialization” on page 58 for more details about companion USB host controllers. 35 Running the Sample Application After building and downloading the application to your target, you should be able to successfully connect a device to it through USB. Once a USB device is connected, the host stack will detect the connection of a new device and will start the enumeration process. The stack will then probe each of the classes that have been added in order to find one that can handle the device. If no driver is found for your device, you will not be able to communicate with it. Once a class driver is found, the host stack is ready to communicate with the device. Table 2-2 lists the different section(s) you should refer to for more details on each USB class demo. Class Refer to... CDC ACM See “Demo Application” on page 101. HID See “Demo Application” on page 115. MSC See “Demo Application” on page 124. Table 2-2 USB Class Demos References 36 Chapter 2 37 Chapter 3 Architecture μC/USB-Host has been designed to be modular and adaptable to a variety of Central Processing Units (CPUs), real-time kernels, USB host controllers, and C compilers. In this chapter, you will learn how the μC/USB-Host structure and core functionality have been implemented. It is not required that you read and understand this chapter to be able to use μC/USB-Host, but it will certainly help you to understand the key concepts. 38 Chapter 3 3-1 USB HOST STACK OVERVIEW Figure 3-1 shows an overview of the relationships between the different modules and layers of the μC/USB-Host stack. zŽƵƌƉƉůŝĐĂƚŝŽŶ KƚŚĞƌh^ĐůĂƐƐĞƐ ;,/͕D^͘͘͘Ϳ ;ϮͿ ,ƵďĐůĂƐƐ <ĞƌŶĞů <ĞƌŶĞů ĂďƐƚƌĂĐƚŝŽŶ ůĂLJĞƌ ;ϭͿ ůĂƐƐĐŽŶƚƌŽůůĂLJĞƌ ;ϯͿ ŽƌĞ ;ϱͿ ;ϰͿ ,ŽƐƚŽŶƚƌŽůůĞƌ ƌŝǀĞƌϬ ,ŽƐƚŽŶƚƌŽůůĞƌ ƌŝǀĞƌϭ ͘͘͘ ,ŽƐƚŽŶƚƌŽůůĞƌ ƌŝǀĞƌŶ ,ŽƐƚŽŶƚƌŽůůĞƌ Ϭ ,ŽƐƚŽŶƚƌŽůůĞƌ ϭ ͘͘͘ ,ŽƐƚŽŶƚƌŽůůĞƌ Ŷ ;ϲͿ ^ŽĨƚǁĂƌĞ ,ĂƌĚǁĂƌĞ Figure 3-1 Overview of the μC/USB-Host Stack F3-1(1) For more information on the application layer, see Table 3-1. F3-1(2) For more information on the USB class layer, see Table 3-2. F3-1(3) For more information on the class control layer, see Table 3-3. F3-1(4) For more information on the core layer, see Table 3-4. F3-1(5) For more information on the kernel abstraction layer, see Table 3-5. F3-1(6) For more information on the Host Controller Driver layer, see Table 3-6. 39 USB Host Stack Overview 3-1-1 USB HOST STACK MODULES APPLICATION Table 3-1 summarizes the application layer characteristics. Name Application layer Description This is where your USB application is located Interacts with Core layer USB class layer Class control layer Files involved app_cfg.h usbh_hc_cfg.h/.c usbh_cfg.h other files part of your application Table 3-1 Application Layer Characteristics Your application interacts with the USB classes, the class control layer, and the core layer via a set of defined APIs and callbacks. See class chapters and API reference appendices for more details about the interactions. USB CLASS LAYER Table 3-2 summarizes the class layer characteristics. Name USB class layer Description This is where the class specific implementations are located Interacts with Application layer Core layer Kernel abstraction layer Class control layer Files involved usbh_hub.h/.c usbh_<class>.c/.h Table 3-2 USB Class Layer Characteristics Each class specific implementation (endpoint communication, specific protocol, data/messaging format) is located in this layer. Except for the Hub class, your application will interact with this layer to communicate with devices. 40 Chapter 3 CLASS CONTROL LAYER Table 3-3 summarizes the class control layer characteristics. Name USB class control layer Description Manage the device function <-> class driver association Interacts with Application layer USB class layer Core layer Files involved usbh_class.h/.c Table 3-3 Class Control Layer Characteristics The class control layer is in charge of the association between a device function and a USB class driver. Your application registers the class driver(s) it needs to the class control layer during initialization. Once a device is connected and has been enumerated, the class control layer will probe each class driver until it finds a class that can handle the device or one of its functions. CORE LAYER Table 3-4 summarizes the core layer characteristics. Name USB core layer Description Manage devices connection, enumeration and communication Interacts with Application layer Class control layer USB class layer Host Controller Driver(s) (HCD) Kernel abstraction layer Files involved usbh_core.h/.c Table 3-4 Core Layer Characteristics The core layer is the heart of the μC/USB-Host stack. This is where the device enumeration, communication and general management is handled. This is also where the general management of host controllers is handled. 41 USB Host Stack Overview KERNEL ABSTRACTION LAYER Table 3-5 summarizes the kernel abstraction layer characteristics. Name Kernel abstraction layer Description Offers an abstraction between the USB host stack and the real-time kernel. Interacts with USB class layer Host Controller Driver(s) (HCD) Files involved usbh_os.h/.c Table 3-5 Kernel Abstraction Layer Characteristics The kernel abstraction layer is a module that provides typical kernel services to the stack (task management, semaphore, mutex, etc...). μC/USB-Host assumes the presence of a real-time kernel, and this layer allows the USB host stack to be used with nearly any real-time kernel available. At the very least, the kernel used should provide the following services: ■ Task creation at run-time ■ Task delay ■ Semaphore ■ Mutex ■ Message queue Micriμm provides a kernel abstraction layer for μC/OS-II and μC/OS-III. For more information on how to port μC/USB-Host to a real-time kernel, see Chapter 9, “Porting μC/USB-Host to your Kernel” on page 129. 42 Chapter 3 HOST CONTROLLER DRIVER LAYER Table 3-4 summarizes the host controller driver layer characteristics. Name Host Controller Driver (HCD) layer Description Offers an abstraction between the host controller(s) hardware and the core layer. Interacts with Core layer Files involved usbh_hcd_<controller>.h/.c usbh_bsp_<controller>.h/.c Table 3-6 Host Controller Driver Layer Characteristics The HCD layer is an abstraction between the core layer and the host controller(s) hardware. It handles all the operations that are specific to the hardware (initialization, device and endpoints allocation/configuration, reception/transmission of USB packets, events report to the core, etc.). The USB host controller functions are encapsulated and implemented in the usbh_hcd_<controller>.c file. In order to have independent configuration for clock gating, interrupt controller and I/O pins control, specific to your board, another file must be implemented. This file is named usbh_bsp_<controller>.c, it is called the Board Specific Package (BSP). It contains everything that is closely related to the hardware on which the product will be used. Depending on the platform used, a project using μC/USB-Host may contain more than one HCD. For more information on how to integrate/use multiple host controllers within μC/USB-Host, see Chapter 4, “Configuration” on page 48. For more information on how to write a HCD, see Chapter 5, “Host Driver Guide” on page 72. 3-1-2 USB HOST STACK DEPENDENCIES The USB host stack depends on other Micriμm products. Following is a list of them. LIBRARIES Given that μC/USB-Host is designed to be used in safety critical applications, some of the “standard” library functions such as strcpy(), memset(), etc. have been rewritten to conform to the same quality standards as the rest of the USB Host stack. All these standard functions are part of a separate Micriμm product called μC/LIB. μC/USB-Host depends on this product. In addition, some data objects in USB controller drivers and core layer are created at run-time which implies the use of memory allocation from the heap function Mem_HeapAlloc(). 43 Sending and Receiving Data CPU LAYER μC/USB-Host can work with either an 8, 16, 32 or even 64-bit CPU, but it must have information about the CPU used. The CPU layer defines such information as the C data type corresponding to 16-bit and 32-bit variables, whether the CPU has little or big endian memory organization, and how interrupts are disabled and enabled on the CPU. CPU-specific files are found in the \uC-CPU directory and are used to adapt μC/USB-Host to a different CPU. 3-2 SENDING AND RECEIVING DATA μC/USB-Host is capable of sending and receiving data in two different ways: synchronously and asynchronously. In synchronous mode, the class/application blocks until the transfer operation completes or an error or time-out occurs. In asynchronous mode, the class/application does not block. An internal task of μC/USB-Host calls a class/application callback function once the transfer has completed. It will also inform of any error that could have occurred during the transfer. Note that for control transfers, only the synchronous mode is available. 3-3 TASK MODEL For its proper operation, μC/USB-Host core layer requires two tasks called hub and async task. The following sections describe these two tasks. 3-3-1 HUB TASK When a hub (root or external) reports a status change on one of its ports to the host, the host must interrogate it to discover what happened. The hub task is used for that process. Once a port status change is reported by a hub, a hub event is added to a queue to be further processed by the hub task. This task also handles the enumeration of any newly connected devices. The hub task is part of the hub class and is implemented as a state machine as illustrated in Figure 3-2. 44 Chapter 3 &ŽƌĞĂĐŚŚƵď͛ƐƉŽƌƚ͘͘͘ 'ĞƚƉŽƌƚƐƚĂƚƵƐ ŽŶŶĞĐƚŝŽŶƐƚĂƚƵƐ ĐŚĂŶŐĞ͍ ;ϭͿ ;ϮͿ z^ WŽƌƚĐŽŶŶĞĐƚŝŽŶĐŚĂŶŐĞ ĨůĂŐĐůĞĂƌ ĞǀŝĐĞĐŽŶŶĞĐƚĞĚ͍ z^ ZĞƐĞƚƉŽƌƚ ;ϯͿ EK EK &ƌĞĞĚĞǀŝĐĞ ;ϰͿ WŽƌƚƌĞƐĞƚĐŚĂŶŐĞĨůĂŐ ĐůĞĂƌ WŽƌƚƌĞƐĞƚƐƚĂƚƵƐ ĐŚĂŶŐĞ͍ ĞǀŝĐĞĐŽŶŶĞĐƚĞĚ͍ z^ 'ĞƚƉŽƌƚƐƚĂƚƵƐ ĞƚĞƌŵŝŶĞĚĞǀŝĐĞƐƉĞĞĚ ĂŶĚƌĞƉŽƌƚĐŽŶŶĞĐƚŝŽŶ ƚŽĐŽƌĞ EK WŽƌƚĞŶĂďůĞƐƚĂƚƵƐ ĐŚĂŶŐĞ͍ z^ WŽƌƚĞŶĂďůĞĐŚĂŶŐĞĨůĂŐ ĐůĞĂƌ EK 'ŽƚŽŶĞdžƚŚƵďƉŽƌƚŝĨ ĂŶLJ͘͘͘ Figure 3-2 Hub Task State Machine F3-2(1) Once the hub task is resumed, it will take the first hub event from the queue and will execute a series of operations on each of its port(s). F3-2(2) The host requests the port status. Port status contains information connection status, port enable status, reset state, speed of the device, etc. It also indicates which field changed since the last report. For more information on port status, see the Universal specification, revision 2.0, section 45 like device connected port status Serial Bus Enumeration Process F3-2(3) When a device is connected, the first thing to do is to reset it. Once the device has been properly reset, the hub task will request the port status once again. The new port status should indicate that the port reset status changed. F3-2(4) At this point, the device has been reset and the necessary resources to handle it have been allocated by the stack. It is now time to inform the core of the presence of a new device so it can enumerate it. For more information on how the core enumerates a newly connected device, see section 3-4 “Enumeration Process” on page 46. 3-3-2 ASYNCHRONOUS TASK This task manages all the asynchronous transfers that have been initiated by the class or the application. Once the transfer has completed, the core will be notified of the completion by the Host Controller Driver (HCD). If the transfer was initiated with an asynchronous API, this task is resumed and will call the class/application callback function. Note that this task is never used with control transfers as no asynchronous APIs are available for this type of transfer. 3-4 ENUMERATION PROCESS Once a device has been connected and recognized/allocated by the hub task (as described in section 3-3-1 “Hub Task” on page 44), the device will be enumerated by the core. The enumeration is a process by which the host learns about the device’s capabilities and functions. Figure 3-3 summarizes the enumeration process as executed by the μC/USB-Host stack. ZĞĂĚĐŽŶĨŝŐƵƌĂƚŝŽŶĚĞƐĐƌŝƉƚŽƌ;ƐͿ ZĞĂĚĚĞǀŝĐĞĚĞƐĐƌŝƉƚŽƌ ZĞĂĚĨŝƌƐƚϵďLJƚĞƐŽĨ ;ϲͿ ĐŽŶĨŝŐƵƌĂƚŝŽŶĚĞƐĐƌŝƉƚŽƌ ZĞĂĚĨŝƌƐƚϴďLJƚĞƐŽĨĚĞǀŝĐĞ ĚĞƐĐƌŝƉƚŽƌ ;ϭͿ ^ĞƚĚĞǀŝĐĞĂĚĚƌĞƐƐ hƉĚĂƚĞŵĂdžƉĂĐŬĞƚƐŝnjĞŽĨ ĐŽŶƚƌŽůĞŶĚƉŽŝŶƚƐ ;ϮͿ ZĞĂĚĨƵůůĚĞǀŝĐĞĚĞƐĐƌŝƉƚŽƌ ;ϯͿ ;ϰͿ ZĞƚƌŝĞǀĞƚŽƚĂůůĞŶŐƚŚŽĨ ;ϳͿ ĐŽŶĨŝŐƵƌĂƚŝŽŶĚĞƐĐƌŝƚƉƚŽƌ ZĞĂĚŵĂŶƵĨĂĐƚƵƌĞƌĂŶĚ ƉƌŽĚƵĐƚƐƚƌŝŶŐƐ ;ϱͿ ^ĞƚĐŽŶĨŝŐƵƌĂƚŝŽŶϭŽĨƚŚĞ ĚĞǀŝĐĞ ;ϭϬͿ ZĞĂĚĨƵůůĐŽŶĨŝŐƵƌĂƚŝŽŶ ;ϴͿ ĚĞƐĐƌŝƉƚŽƌ /ĨŽƚŚĞƌĐŽŶĨŝŐƵƌĂƚŝŽŶƉƌĞƐĞŶƚ ŝŶĚĞǀŝĐĞ ;ϵͿ Figure 3-3 Enumeration Process as Executed by μC/USB-Host 46 Chapter 3 F3-3(1) First step consists in reading the first 8 bytes of the device descriptor. At this point, the maximum packet size of the device control endpoints is unknown to the core, hence it is impossible to read more than 8 bytes. F3-3(2) The core retrieves and updates the maximum packet size of the control endpoints from the information contained in the first 8 bytes of the device descriptor. F3-3(3) Now that the core knows what is the maximum packet size of the control endpoints, it can request the full device descriptor. F3-3(4) Since the beginning, the device always responded to the default address 0. At this point, the core gives the device a unique address via a SetAddress request. F3-3(5) If the manufacturer and product string index contained in the device descriptor are non-zero, the core requests their content. This is only useful for tracing and debugging purposes. F3-3(6) At this moment, the core must read the configuration descriptor(s). Since the total length of the configuration descriptor is unknown, it is necessary to read the 9 first bytes of the configuration descriptor to retrieve its total length. F3-3(7) With the partial configuration descriptor, the core is now aware of the total length and knows how many bytes should be requested from the device. F3-3(8) The core reads the entire configuration descriptor. F3-3(9) If another configuration is available on the device, the core will read its descriptor as well. It will then have to go back to step (6). F3-3(10) Once all the configuration descriptors have been read, the core will, by default, set the first configuration. You are now ready to communicate with the device via your application. 47 Chapter 4 Configuration Before running it, μC/USB-Host you must configure it properly. There are three groups of configuration parameters: ■ Static stack configuration ■ Application specific configuration ■ Host Controller Driver (HCD) configuration This chapter explains how to setup all these groups of configuration. The last section of this chapter also provides examples of configuration following examples of typical use. 4-1 STATIC STACK CONFIGURATION μC/USB-Host is configurable at compile time via approximately 30 #defines in the application’s copy of usbh_cfg.h. μC/USB-Host uses #defines when possible, because they allow code and data sizes to be scaled at compile time based on enabled features and the configured number of USB objects. This allows the Read-Only Memory (ROM) and Random-Access Memory (RAM) footprints of μC/USB-Host to be adjusted based on application requirements. It is recommended that the configuration process begins with the default configuration values which in the next sections will be shown in bold. The sections in this chapter are organized following the order in μC/USB-Host’s template configuration file, usbh_cfg.h. 48 Configuration 4-1-1 USB HOST CONFIGURATION USBH_CFG_MAX_NBR_DEVS USBH_CFG_MAX_NBR_DEVS configures the maximum number of devices supported by the μC/USB-Host stack. USB uses a tiered star topology. Up to five external hubs can connect in series with a limit of 127 peripherals and hubs including the root hub. There is one root hub per USB host controller. USBH_CFG_MAX_NBR_DEVS value should always be less than 127 physical devices. If the host accepts only one single device with no use of external hubs, the value may be set to 1. Default value is 4. USBH_CFG_MAX_NBR_CFGS USBH_CFG_MAX_NBR_CFGS sets the maximum number of USB configurations per USB device. Most of the commercial USB devices support only one configuration. Refer to the Universal Serial Bus specification, Revision 2.0, section 9.2.3 for more details about USB configuration. Default value is 1. USBH_CFG_MAX_NBR_IFS USBH_CFG_MAX_NBR_IFS configures the maximum number of interfaces available per configuration. This value greatly depends on the USB class(es) used. Most of the supported classes require at least one interface, while CDC ACM requires two. Refer to the Universal Serial Bus specification, Revision 2.0, section 9.2.3 for more details about USB interfaces. Default value is 2. If a composite/compound device is to be attached to the μC/USB-Host stack, you may need to increase this value to 3 or 4. USBH_CFG_MAX_NBR_EPS USBH_CFG_MAX_NBR_EPS configures the maximum number of allowed endpoints per interface alternate setting. This value greatly depends on the USB class(es) used. For information on how many endpoints are needed for each class, refer to the class specific chapter. In general, an interface needs a pair of non-control endpoints for bidirectional communication. Default value is 2. 49 Configuration USBH_CFG_MAX_NBR_CLASS_DRVS USBH_CFG_MAX_NBR_CLASS_DRVS configures the maximum number of class drivers (HID, MSC, etc.) supported by the μC/USB-Host stack. The value should be greater or equal to 2 because the μC/USB-Host stack always integrates the Hub class counting for one class driver. Thus the minimum value would be one Hub class + one of the supported classes. The default value is 4. USBH_CFG_MAX_CFG_DATA_LEN USBH_CFG_MAX_CFG_DATA_LEN configures the maximum length of the buffer dedicated to receive the entire configuration descriptor content sent by the device. The full configuration descriptor contains the configuration descriptor itself, all Interfaces and their associated endpoint descriptors and any class-specific descriptors. Default value is 256. This value is convenient for standard classes such as CDC ACM, HID and MSC. USBH_CFG_MAX_HUBS USBH_CFG_MAX_HUBS configures the maximum number of hubs supported by the μC/USB-Host stack. The hubs encompass external hubs and root hub(s). In general, there is one root hub per host controller (HC). Default value is 2 (1 root hub + 1 external hub). USBH_CFG_MAX_HUB_PORTS USBH_CFG_MAX_HUB_PORTS specifies the maximum number of ports that can be active and managed at the same time per external hub connected to the host. If USBH_CFG_MAX_HUB_PORTS is set to a value less than the actual number of ports available on a hub, then the rest of the ports on this hub will be rendered unusable. For instance, if the value is 4 and the hub has 7 ports, 3 ports are inactive. If you connect a device to one of these 3 inactive ports, the host stack will not detect the connection. Currently on the market, the number of ports for external hubs can range from 2 to 7 with the most common being 4 and 7. Default value is 7. Figure 4-1 shows two 7-port hubs. One of them has a peculiarity explained below. 50 Configuration ,Ƶď ϭ Ϯ ϯ ϰ ;ϭͿ ϱ ϲ ,Ƶďϭ ϳ ϭ Ϯ ,ƵďϮ ϯ ϭ Ϯ ϯ ϰ ;ϮͿ Figure 4-1 7-Port Hubs F4-1(1) This 7-port hub is a normal external hub. The host will identify this hub as one unique device. F4-1(2) For the user, this 7-port hub looks externally the same as the one on the left, that is one upstream port connecting to the host and 7 downstream ports connecting to devices. In fact, this hub is composed of two hubs in series. Internally, the fourth port of Hub 1 is connected to the upstream port of Hub 2. You may encounter commercial 7-port external hubs that are designed internally as shown on the right hub. When this hub is connected to μC/USB-Host, the stack will see two devices. It will enumerate twice the hub: one enumeration for Hub 1 and one enumeration for Hub 2. Thus, you may need to increase USBH_CFG_MAX_NBR_DEVS to avoid reaching the maximum number of supported devices. USBH_CFG_MAX_STR_LEN USBH_CFG_MAX_STR_LEN specifies the maximum buffer length aimed to receive a string retrieved from the device as part of a GetDescriptor(String) request. If logging is not enabled (constant USBH_CFG_PRINT_LOG set to DEF_DISABLED), then USBH_CFG_MAX_STR_LEN can be set to 0. Default value is 256. 51 Configuration USBH_CFG_STD_REQ_TIMEOUT USBH_CFG_STD_REQ_TIMEOUT specifies a timeout expressed in milliseconds used during control transfers. This timeout defines the time allowed for the device to complete the standard request initiated by the host. Default value is 5000. Refer to the Universal Serial Bus specification, Revision 2.0, section for more details about timeouts during standard device requests. USBH_CFG_STD_REQ_RETRY USBH_CFG_STD_REQ_RETRY specifies the maximum number of attempts to get a certain descriptor. Default value is 3. USBH_CFG_MAX_NBR_HC USBH_CFG_MAX_NBR_HC specifies the maximum number of Host Controllers (HC) supported by the μC/USB-Host stack. Default value is 1. USBH_CFG_MAX_ISOC_DESC USBH_CFG_MAX_ISOC_DESC configures the maximum number of isochronous descriptors available for all isochronous endpoints. Default value is 1. USBH_CFG_MAX_EXTRA_URB_PER_DEV USBH_CFG_MAX_EXTRA_URB_PER_DEV configures the maximum number of additional USB Request Blocks (URB) available to perform streaming communication using asynchronous mode. Default value is 1. 4-1-2 USB CLASSES CONFIGURATION Refer to USB class chapters for more details about configuration constants related to each USB class. 52 Configuration 4-1-3 DEBUG CONFIGURATION Configurations in this section only need to be set during development/debug stages. Debug configuration allows you to output useful debug messages on a serial terminal or a debugger console. A set of debug macros are used in the different layers of μC/USB-Host. Different levels of debug messages can be chosen. USBH_CFG_PRINT_LOG USBH_CFG_PRINT_LOG enables or disables the functions to print messages to debug or trace the stack's flow of execution. When set to DEF_ENABLED, this configuration constant defines the following macro: USBH_PRINT_LOG(). This macro is used in different layers of μC/USB-Host and gives you debug information specific to a certain class, the core and the driver. Default value is DEF_DISABLED. USBH_CFG_PRINT_ERR USBH_CFG_PRINT_ERR enables or disables the debug messages that indicate a specific error code. When set to DEF_ENABLED, this configuration constant defines the following macro: USBH_PRINT_ERR(). This macro is used in different layers of μC/USB-Host and gives you error codes specific to a certain class or the core. Default value is DEF_DISABLED. USBH_PRINTF USBH_PRINTF macro allows you to output your debug messages on a debugger console or serial terminal by mapping USBH_PRINTF to a certain printf() function or equivalent. USBH_PRINTF is used by the macros USBH_PRINT_LOG() and USBH_PRINT_ERR() as shown in Code Listing 4-1. 53 Configuration #include <stdio.h> #define USBH_PRINTF printf #if (USBH_CFG_PRINT_LOG == DEF_ENABLED) #define USBH_PRINT_LOG(...) USBH_PRINTF(__VA_ARGS__) #endif (1) (2) #if (USBH_CFG_PRINT_ERR == DEF_ENABLED) (3) #define USBH_PRINT_ERR(err) USBH_PRINTF("ERR:%s:%d:err=%d\n", __FUNCTION__, __LINE__, err); #else #define USBH_PRINT_ERR(err) #endif Listing 4-1 Debug Macros L4-1(1) In this example, USBH_PRINTF is mapped to a standard printf() function defined in the standard I/O library, stdio.h, provided by the toolchain. Debug messages will be outputted on the debugger’s console window. L4-1(2) If USBH_CFG_PRINT_LOG is set to DEF_ENABLED, informative messages will be outputted to the console using the classic formatting allowed by the printf() function. L4-1(3) If USBH_CFG_PRINT_ERR is set to DEF_ENABLED, any error will be outputted to the console using a formatting such that the name of the function in which the error has been flagged, the line number at which the error was detected and the error code will be displayed. 4-2 APPLICATION SPECIFIC CONFIGURATION This section defines the configuration constants related to μC/USB-Host but that are application-specific. All these configuration constants relate to the kernel. For many kernels, the μC/USB-Host task priorities and stack sizes will need to be explicitly configured for the particular kernel (consult the specific kernel’s documentation for more information). These configuration constants should be defined in an application’s app_cfg.h file. 54 Configuration 4-2-1 TASK PRIORITIES As mentioned in section 3-3 “Task Model” on page 44, μC/USB-Host needs one hub task and one async task for its proper operation. The priority of μC/USB-Host’s hub and async task greatly depends on the USB requirements of your application. For some applications, it might be better to set the hub task at a high priority, especially if your application requires a lot of tasks and is CPU intensive. The hub task is responsible for the device’s connection/disconnection detection and enumeration. In that case, if the hub task has a low priority, the device connection will still be detected and it will be enumerated but the notification of a device enumeration completed to your application may be delayed. The μC/USB-Host stack allows the classes or your application tasks to exchange data in synchronous or asynchronous mode. The μC/USB-Host async task is in charge of the asynchronous transfers. In the case where the classes use or your application deals with asynchronous transfers, it is a good idea to set the async task with a higher priority than the hub task. You may want to be notified about an asynchronous transfer completion before a new device connection. The async task could have a lower priority than your application tasks if you know you will have quite a lot of code in your asynchronous callback functions. For more details about synchronous and asynchronous communication, refer to section 3-2 “Sending and Receiving Data” on page 44. For the μC/OS-II and μC/OS-III RTOS ports, the following constants must be configured within app_cfg.h: ■ USBH_OS_CFG_HUB_TASK_PRIO ■ USBH_OS_CFG_ASYNC_TASK_PRIO 4-2-2 TASK STACK SIZES For the μC/OS-II and μC/OS-III RTOS ports, the following constants must be configured within app_cfg.h to set the internal task stack sizes: ■ USBH_OS_CFG_HUB_TASK_STK_SIZE 512 ■ USBH_OS_CFG_ASYNC_TASK_STK_SIZE 512 The arbitrary stack size of 512 is a good starting point for most applications. 55 Configuration The only guaranteed method of determining the required task stack sizes is to calculate the maximum stack usage for each task. Obviously, the maximum stack usage for a task is the total stack usage along the task’s most-stack-greedy function path. Note that the most-stack-greedy function path is not necessarily the longest or deepest function path. The easiest and best method for calculating the maximum stack usage for any task/function should be performed statically by the compiler or by a static analysis tool since these can calculate function/task maximum stack usage based on the compiler’s actual code generation and optimization settings. So for optimal task stack configuration, we recommend to invest in a task stack calculator tool compatible with your build toolchain. 4-3 HOST CONTROLLER DRIVER CONFIGURATION During the initialization of the μC/USB-Host stack, you will have to initialize all the host controllers of your platform. In order to do that, for each host controller, you need to: 1 Declare a configuration structure of type USBH_HC_CFG containing all the characteristics of the host controller. 2 Add the host controller to the stack using the function USBH_HC_Add(). 3 Start the host controller operations by calling the function USBH_HC_Start(). 4-3-1 HOST CONTROLLER CONFIGURATION STRUCTURE The host controller configuration structure is declared in usbh_hc_cfg.h and defined in the file usbh_hc_cfg.c (refer to section 2-4-3 “Copying and Modifying Template Files” on page 28 for an example of initializing this structure). These files are distributed as templates, and you must modify them to have the proper configuration for your USB Host Controller (HC). A reference to the structure USBH_HC_CFG needs to be passed to the USBH_HC_Add() function, which allocates a HC. Each host controller driver comes with a specific readme file located in \Micrium\Software\uC-USB-Host-V3\HCD\<driver name> giving more information about the host controller specificities and limitations. You should refer to it to help you configure the structure USBH_HC_CFG. The fields of the following structure presented in Listing 4-2 are the parameters needed to configure the USB Host Controller Driver (HCD): 56 Configuration USBH_HC_CFG USBH_HC_OHCI_Cfg_AT91SAM9M10 = { (CPU_ADDR)0x00700000, (CPU_ADDR)0, 0, DEF_ENABLED, 1024u, 10u, 10u, 0u (1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7) (8) }; Listing 4-2 USB Host Controller Driver Configuration Structure L4-2(1) Base address of the USB HC hardware registers L4-2(2) Base address of the USB HC dedicated memory. L4-2(3) Size of the USB HC dedicated memory. L4-2(4) Flag indicating if the HC can access the system memory from which application/class/core data buffers have been allocated. If the flag is set to DEF_DISABLED, buffers will be copied from system memory to the dedicated memory accessed by the HC. This flag applies to HCs and their associated drivers that support DMA. L4-2(5) Maximum buffer length used to receive and send data. If the field DataBufFromSysMemEn is set to DEF_ENABLED, the host controller cannot access the system memory. Thus the HCD will allocate an associated data buffer from the HC’s dedicated memory and pass the buffer information to the HC for processing. If the field DataBufFromSysMemEn is set to DEF_DISABLED, the HCD will directly pass the buffer allocated from the system memory to the HC. L4-2(6) Maximum number of open bulk endpoints. L4-2(7) Maximum number of open interrupt endpoints. L4-2(8) Maximum number of open isochronous endpoints. 57 Configuration 4-3-2 HOST CONTROLLER INITIALIZATION Once the Host Controller (HC) configuration structure is ready, you will be able to add your HC to the μC/USB-Host stack and to start its operations. Figure 4-2 and Figure 4-3 introduce some typical HC architectures within a microcontroller. Wh Wh ƵƐ ƵƐ h^, h^,ϭ h^,Ϯ ZŽŽƚ,Ƶď ϭ Ϯ ZŽŽƚ,Ƶď ϭ Ϯ ZŽŽƚ,Ƶď ϭ Ϯ ;ϭͿ ;ϮͿ Figure 4-2 Typical Host Controller Architectures F4-2(1) The single HC is the most widespread architecture among embedded USB hosts. The single HC can be a vendor-specific, an Enhanced Host Controller Interface (EHCI) or an Open Host Controller Interface (OHCI) controller. F4-2(2) Some embedded systems contain several HCs. Here, this multi-host architecture has two HCs. Each one manages its own root hub composed of two ports. Figure 4-3 gives another example of a multi-host architecture. Here, a main HC shares a root hub with one ore more other HCs. The other HCs are called Companion controllers. You may find this type of architecture with EHCI and OHCI controllers where the main host controller would be an EHCI controller and companion controllers would be OHCI controllers. In general, an embedded systems’ microcontroller will have one EHCI associated with one OHCI. An EHCI controller can only be in charge of high-speed devices. Low- and full-speed devices are handled by the OHCI controller(s). Refer respectively to Enhanced Host Controller Interface Specification for Universal Serial Bus, Revision 1.0, March 12 2002 and OpenHCI Specification for USB, 09/14/99, Release 1.0a for more details about EHCI and OHCI controllers respectively. 58 Configuration Wh ƵƐ K,/ K,/ h^ŽŵƉĂŶŝŽŶ , h^, ZŽŽƚ,Ƶď ϭ Ϯ Figure 4-3 Multi-Host Architecture The template file app_usbh.c shows an example of HC initialization in the function App_USBH_Init(). Listing 4-3 presents the body of this function. The example in this function corresponds to a single HC architecture as shown in Figure 4-2 (left drawing). The example can be easily extended to describe the multi-host architecture shown in Figure 4-2 (right drawing). CPU_BOOLEAN App_USBH_Init (void) { USBH_ERR err; CPU_INT08U hc_nbr; ... hc_nbr = USBH_HC_Add(&USBH_HC_TemplateCfg, &TemplateHCD_DrvAPI, &TemplateHCD_RH_API, &TemplateBSP_API, &err); if (err != USBH_ERR_NONE) { return (DEF_FAIL); } err = USBH_HC_Start(hc_nbr); if (err != USBH_ERR_NONE) { return (DEF_FAIL); } (1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) return (DEF_OK); } Listing 4-3 Single Host Controller Initialization 59 Configuration L4-3(1) Add the unique HC to the stack by calling USBH_HC_Add(). This function will allocate and initialize certain internal structures associated to the HC and used by the core layer to manage the HC. It will also initialize the controller itself and get its speed. Several parameters are passed to USBH_HC_Add(). USBH_HC_Add() will return a HC number. In case of a multi-host architecture with two HCs, the second controller is added to the stack by calling one more time USBH_HC_Add(). USBH_HC_Add() will return a HC number unique to this second HC. L4-3(2) USBH_HC_TemplateCfg is the HC configuration structure of type USBH_HC_CFG previously initialized in usbh_hc_cfg.c. L4-3(3) TemplateHCD_DrvAPI is the HC driver’s API structure of type USBH_HC_DRV_API defined in the HC driver header file, usbh_hcd_<controller>.h. It defines the functions of the HC driver enabling the USB host stack core to talk to the controller. Refer to section “USB Controller API” on page 73 for more details about the USBH_HC_DRV_API structures and the associated API. L4-3(4) TemplateHCD_RH_API is the HC driver’s Root Hub (RH) API structure of type USBH_HC_RH_API defined in the HC driver header file, usbh_hcd_<controller>.h. It contains some functions permitting the root hub management. Refer to section “Root Hub API” on page 75 for more details about the USBH_HC_RH_API structures and the associated API. L4-3(5) TemplateBSP_API is the HC driver’s Board Support Package (BSP) API structure of type USBH_HC_BSP_API defined in the BSP header file, usbh_bsp_<controller>.h. It contains functions enabling the driver to configure the BSP part (that is USB clock, USB interrupt handler setup, etc.). Refer to section 5-6 “CPU and Board Support” on page 80 for more details about the USBH_HC_BSP_API structures and the associated API. L4-3(6) Start the USB operations of the HC. USBH_HC_Start() is called by passing the HC number previously obtained. This function will basically enable any interrupts that let the HC know about any root hub port events (for example, device connection/disconnection). In case of a multi-host architecture with two HCs, the second controller is started by calling once again USBH_HC_Start() with the correct HC number. 60 Configuration Listing 4-4 illustrates a multi-host initialization corresponding to Figure 4-3. In this example, a multi-host architecture composed of one EHCI and one OHCI is considered. CPU_BOOLEAN App_USBH_Init (void) { USBH_ERR CPU_INT08U CPU_INT08U err; ohci_hc_nbr; ehci_hc_nbr; ... ehci_hc_nbr = USBH_HC_Add(&USBH_HC_EHCI_Cfg_Template, &EHCI_DrvAPI, &EHCI_RH_API, &Template_EHCI_BSP_API, &err); if (err != USBH_ERR_NONE) { return (DEF_FAIL); } (1) ohci_hc_nbr = USBH_HC_Add(&USBH_HC_OHCI_Cfg_Template, &OHCI_DrvAPI, &OHCI_RH_API, &Template_OHCI_BSP_API, &err); if (err != USBH_ERR_NONE) { return (DEF_FAIL); } (2) err = USBH_HC_Start(ohci_hc_nbr); if (err != USBH_ERR_NONE) { return (DEF_FAIL); } (3) err = USBH_HC_Start(ehci_hc_nbr); if (err != USBH_ERR_NONE) { return (DEF_FAIL); } (4) return (DEF_OK); } Listing 4-4 Multi-Host Controllers Initialization L4-4(1) Add the EHCI controller to the μC/USB-Host stack by specifying its characteristics configuration, its associated driver API, root hub API and BSP API. 61 Configuration L4-4(2) Add the OHCI controller to the μC/USB-Host stack by specifying its characteristics configuration, its associated driver API, root hub API and BSP API. L4-4(3) Start the OHCI controller operations. L4-4(4) Start the EHCI controller operations. In the case of multi-host controllers initialization, it is recommended to add first all your HCs to the μC/USB-Host stack and then to start their operations. It is especially important for an EHCI controller working with OHCI controllers and sharing the same root hub. By default, the EHCI controller has the ownership of the root hub’s ports. If the device connected to a certain port cannot be managed by the EHCI controller, the port ownership goes to one of the OHCI controllers. As the EHCI controller relies on OHCI controllers, OHCI controllers should be started before the EHCI controller. For vendor-specific HCs, you might change the add/start host controller order for: adding the first controller to the stack and starting it with USBH_HC_Start(), then adding a second HC and starting it, and so on. In general, a vendor-specific controller will not share the same root hub with another vendor-specific controller. But adding all your HCs followed by starting each HC is a good practice. 4-4 CONFIGURATION EXAMPLES This section provides examples of configuration for μC/USB-Host stack based on some bus topology configurations. This section will only give examples of static stack configuration, as the application-specific configuration greatly depends on your application. Also, the host controller driver configuration depends on the hardware you use. The following examples are presented: ■ A single host controller and a unique USB device connected to it. ■ A single host controller and multiple USB devices connected to it. ■ Multi-host controllers and multiple USB devices connected to them. 62 Configuration 4-4-1 SINGLE HOST CONTROLLER AND UNIQUE DEVICE This example is the most simple bus topology you can find in which one USB device is connected to the only port of the host controller. In our example, the USB device is a Mass Storage Class (MSC) device. Figure 4-4 introduces the first bus topology example. The platform has only one host controller whose root hub is composed of 1 port. A MSC device composed of a pair of bulk endpoints to communicate is connected to this only port. h^,ŽƐƚ ŽŶƚƌŽůůĞƌ ZŽŽƚ,Ƶď ϭ ĞǀŝĐĞ D^ŝŶƚĞƌĨĂĐĞ ƵůŬ/E W ƵůŬ KhdW Figure 4-4 Single Host Controller and Unique Device Configuration Table 4-1 shows the values that should be set for the different configuration constants described earlier in order to support this bus topology. Configuration Value Explanation USBH_CFG_MAX_NBR_DEVS 1 Only one USB device accepted at a time. USBH_CFG_MAX_NBR_CFGS 1 Only one configuration is needed for a MSC device. USBH_CFG_MAX_NBR_IFS 1 Only one interface is required to describe a MSC function. USBH_CFG_MAX_NBR_EPS 2 MSC interface requires two bulk endpoints to communicate. USBH_CFG_MAX_NBR_CLASS_DRVS 2 Hub class always present in the USB Host stack + MSC class USBH_CFG_MAX_CFG_DATA_LEN 50 Size of a Configuration Descriptor sent by a MSC device must be less than 50 bytes. In general, a full MSC Configuration Descriptor = size(Configuration Descriptor) + size(Interface Descriptor) + 2 * size(Endpoint Descriptor) = 9 + 9 + 2 * 7 = 32 bytes. You should consider adding a safety margin in case the MSC Configuration Descriptor exceeds 32 bytes (e.g. 50 bytes). 63 Configuration Configuration Value Explanation USBH_CFG_MAX_HUBS 1 Only one hub (root hub) supported. USBH_CFG_MAX_HUB_PORTS 1 The root hub has only one port. USBH_CFG_MAX_STR_LEN 256 This value ensures that the USB Host stack can get any length of strings characters sent by the MSC device. This value could be lower. In general, any string describing the device is less than 50 characters. USBH_CFG_STD_REQ_TIMEOUT 5000 The device has 5 seconds to complete a standard request sent by the host. USBH_CFG_STD_REQ_RETRY 3 If a standard request fails, the host attempts up to 3 times to get a successful request. USBH_CFG_MAX_NBR_HC 1 One host controller on this platform. USBH_CFG_MAX_ISOC_DESC 1 Even if the MSC device does not use isochronous endpoints but only control and bulk endpoints, this value must be set to 1. USBH_CFG_MAX_EXTRA_URB_PER_DEV 1 This value should be set at least to 1. Table 4-1 Constant Values for Single Host Controller and Unique Device Configuration Example 4-4-2 SINGLE HOST CONTROLLER AND MULTIPLE DEVICES This example adds a bit of complexity to the basic example previously shown in Figure 4-4. This time, the USB Host stack has to support up to 2 external hubs in series and a certain number of USB devices. The platform still contains only one host controller with one port. The bus topology presented in Figure 4-5 is composed of: ■ 2 external hubs with 4 ports each. Each external hub is composed of one interrupt endpoint used for port events notification. ■ 3 Mass Storage Class (MSC) devices. Each MSC device is composed of a pair of bulk endpoints to communicate. ■ 2 Human Interface Devices (HID). Each HID is composed of one interrupt endpoint to communicate. An embedded host with limited capabilities can support such bus topology with a certain depth of hubs in series and a few USB devices at the same time. 64 Configuration h^,ŽƐƚ ŽŶƚƌŽůůĞƌ ZŽŽƚ,Ƶď ϭ ,Ƶď ,hŝŶƚĞƌĨĂĐĞ /ŶƚĞƌƌƵƉƚ/EW ϭ Ϯ ϯ ϰ ĞǀŝĐĞ ,Ƶď ĞǀŝĐĞ D^ŝŶƚĞƌĨĂĐĞ ,hŝŶƚĞƌĨĂĐĞ ,/ŝŶƚĞƌĨĂĐĞ ƵůŬ/E W ƵůŬ KhdW /ŶƚĞƌƌƵƉƚ/EW ϭ Ϯ ϯ /ŶƚĞƌƌƵƉƚ/EW ϰ ĞǀŝĐĞ ĞǀŝĐĞ ĞǀŝĐĞ D^ŝŶƚĞƌĨĂĐĞ ,/ŝŶƚĞƌĨĂĐĞ D^ŝŶƚĞƌĨĂĐĞ ƵůŬ/E W ƵůŬ KhdW /ŶƚĞƌƌƵƉƚ/EW ƵůŬ/E W ƵůŬ KhdW Figure 4-5 Single Host Controller and Multiple Devices Configuration Table 4-2 shows the values that should be set for the different configuration constants described earlier in order to support this bus topology. Configuration Value Explanation USBH_CFG_MAX_NBR_DEVS 7 2 external hubs + 5 other USB devices (in our example, 3 MSC and 2 HID). An external hub is also considered as a device. μC/USB-Host enumerates an external hub as it would do with any other USB devices. Notice that if the maximum number of supported devices has been reached, the stack will simply disregard any other USB devices trying to connect. In that case, a message could be displayed to the user saying that the maximum number of devices has been reached. USBH_CFG_MAX_NBR_CFGS 1 Only one configuration is usually needed for an external hub, a MSC device or a HID device. 65 Configuration Configuration Value Explanation USBH_CFG_MAX_NBR_IFS 1 Only one interface is required to describe a Hub, a MSC or a HID function. USBH_CFG_MAX_NBR_EPS 2 The maximum number of endpoints needed among all the interfaces in this bus topology is taken. MSC interface requires two bulk endpoints to communicate. Hub and HID interfaces use only one endpoint for communication. USBH_CFG_MAX_NBR_CLASS_DRVS 3 Hub class (always present in the USB Host stack) + MSC class + HID class. USBH_CFG_MAX_CFG_DATA_LEN 100 Size of a Configuration Descriptor sent by an external hub, a MSC or HID device must be less than 100 bytes. In general: A full HUB Configuration Descriptor = size(Configuration Descriptor) + size(Interface Descriptor) + size(Hub Descriptor) + 1* size(Endpoint Descriptor) = 9 + 9 + 9 + 1 * 7 = 34 bytes. A full MSC Configuration Descriptor = size(Configuration Descriptor) + size(Interface Descriptor) + 2 * size(Endpoint Descriptor) = 9 + 9 + 2 * 7 = 32 bytes. A full HID Configuration Descriptor = size(Configuration Descriptor) + size(Interface Descriptor) + size(HID Descriptor) + 1* size(Endpoint Descriptor) = 9 + 9 + 12 + 1 * 7 = 37 bytes. Among HUB, MSC and HID, HID has the longest configuration descriptor. The value of USBH_CFG_MAX_CFG_DATA_LEN should be at least equal to the longest configuration descriptor size. A safety margin should be added. It is particularly true here because the HID descriptor has a size that varies according to the number of reports contained in the HID device. The HID descriptor size is given by this formula (9 + (N * 3)) with N = number of reports. USBH_CFG_MAX_HUBS 3 1 root hub + 2 external hubs in series. USBH_CFG_MAX_HUB_PORTS 4 It should always be set to the maximum of ports on the hub. USBH_CFG_MAX_STR_LEN 256 This value ensures that the USB Host stack can get any length of strings of characters sent by any of USB devices. This value could be lower. In general, any string describing the device is less than 50 characters. USBH_CFG_STD_REQ_TIMEOUT 5000 The device has 5 seconds to complete a standard request sent by the host. USBH_CFG_STD_REQ_RETRY 3 If a standard request fails, the host attempts up to 3 times to get a successful request. USBH_CFG_MAX_NBR_HC 1 One host controller on this platform. 66 Configuration Configuration Value USBH_CFG_MAX_ISOC_DESC 1 Explanation Even if external hubs, MSC and HID devices do not use isochronous endpoints, this value must be set to 1. USBH_CFG_MAX_EXTRA_URB_PER_DEV 1 This value should be set at least to 1. Table 4-2 Constant Values for Single Host Controller and Multiple Devices Configuration Example 4-4-3 MULTI-HOST CONTROLLERS AND MULTIPLE DEVICES This example describes a more complex bus topology. Here, the USB Host stack has to support up to 5 external hubs in series and a certain number of USB devices. The platform contains 2 host controllers. Each root hub associated to one host controller provides 2 ports. The bus topology presented in Figure 4-6 is composed of: ■ 6 external hubs with 4 ports each. Among the 6 external hubs, up to 5 hubs are in series which is the maximum allowed by the USB 2.0 specification. Each external hub is composed of one interrupt endpoint used for port events notification. ■ 6 Mass Storage Class (MSC) devices. Each MSC device is composed of a pair of bulk endpoints to communicate. ■ 3 Human Interface Devices (HID). Each HID is composed of one interrupt endpoint to communicate. ■ 2 composite devices composed of one HID function and one MSC function. This bus topology requires an embedded host with good capabilities to support the maximum depth of hubs in series and several USB devices connected at the same time to root hubs and external hubs. 67 Configuration ,ŽƐƚ h^,ŽƐƚ ŽŶƚƌŽůůĞƌ h^,ŽƐƚ ŽŶƚƌŽůůĞƌ ZŽŽƚ,Ƶď Ϯ ϭ ZŽŽƚ,Ƶď Ϯ ϭ ĞǀŝĐĞ ,Ƶď ,Ƶď ĞǀŝĐĞ D^ŝŶƚĞƌĨĂĐĞ ,hŝŶƚĞƌĨĂĐĞ ,hŝŶƚĞƌĨĂĐĞ ,/ŝŶƚĞƌĨĂĐĞ ƵůŬ/E W ƵůŬ KhdW /ŶƚĞƌƌƵƉƚ/EW ϭ Ϯ ϯ /ŶƚĞƌƌƵƉƚ/EW ϰ Ϯ ϯ ,Ƶď ĞǀŝĐĞ ĞǀŝĐĞ D^ŝŶƚĞƌĨĂĐĞ ,/ŝŶƚĞƌĨĂĐĞ Ϯ ϯ ϰ ƵůŬ/E W ƵůŬ KhdW ĞǀŝĐĞ ,Ƶď ĞǀŝĐĞ ,/ŝŶƚĞƌĨĂĐĞ ,hŝŶƚĞƌĨĂĐĞ D^ŝŶƚĞƌĨĂĐĞ /ŶƚĞƌƌƵƉƚ/EW /ŶƚĞƌƌƵƉƚ/EW ϭ Ϯ ϯ ĞǀŝĐĞ ,Ƶď D^ŝŶƚĞƌĨĂĐĞ ,hŝŶƚĞƌĨĂĐĞ ƵůŬ/E W ƵůŬ KhdW /ŶƚĞƌƌƵƉƚ/EW ϰ ,hŝŶƚĞƌĨĂĐĞ /ŶƚĞƌƌƵƉƚ/EW ϭ ϭ ϰ ƵůŬ/E W /ŶƚĞƌƌƵƉƚ/EW ƵůŬ KhdW /ŶƚĞƌƌƵƉƚ/EW ϭ Ϯ ϯ ϰ ,Ƶď ĞǀŝĐĞ ,hŝŶƚĞƌĨĂĐĞ ,/ŝŶƚĞƌĨĂĐĞ /ŶƚĞƌƌƵƉƚ/EW /ŶƚĞƌƌƵƉƚ/EW ϭ Ϯ ϯ ϰ ,Ƶď ,/ŝŶƚĞƌĨĂĐĞ /ŶƚĞƌƌƵƉƚ/EW /ŶƚĞƌƌƵƉƚ/EW Ϯ ϯ ϰ ĞǀŝĐĞ ĞǀŝĐĞ D^ŝŶƚĞƌĨĂĐĞ D^ŝŶƚĞƌĨĂĐĞ ƵůŬ/E W ƵůŬ KhdW ĞǀŝĐĞ ,hŝŶƚĞƌĨĂĐĞ ϭ D^ŝŶƚĞƌĨĂĐĞ ƵůŬ/E W ƵůŬ KhdW ƵůŬ/E W D^ŝŶƚĞƌĨĂĐĞ ƵůŬ/E W ƵůŬ KhdW ƵůŬ KhdW Figure 4-6 Multi-Host Controllers and Multiple Devices Configuration 68 Configuration Table 4-3 shows the values that should be set for the different configuration constants described earlier in order to support this bus topology. Configuration Value Explanation USBH_CFG_MAX_NBR_DEVS 17 6 external hubs + 11 other USB devices (in our example, 6 MSC, 3 HID and 2 composite devices). An external hub is also considered as a device. μC/USB-Host enumerates an external hub as it would do with any other USB devices. Notice that if the maximum number of supported devices has been reached, the stack will simply disregard any other USB devices trying to connect. In that case, a message could be displayed to the user saying that the maximum number of devices has been reached. USBH_CFG_MAX_NBR_CFGS 1 Only one configuration is usually needed for an external hub, a MSC device, a HID device or a composite device. USBH_CFG_MAX_NBR_IFS 2 A single device with a Hub, MSC or HID function requires only one interface to be described. But the configuration inside the composite device is composed of two interfaces. Thus, we take the maximum of required interfaces among all configurations to be supported. USBH_CFG_MAX_NBR_EPS 2 The maximum number of endpoints needed among all the interfaces in this bus topology is taken. MSC interface requires two bulk endpoints to communicate. Hub and HID interfaces use only one endpoint for communication. USBH_CFG_MAX_NBR_CLASS_DRVS 3 Hub class (always present in the USB Host stack) + MSC class + HID class. 69 Configuration Configuration Value Explanation USBH_CFG_MAX_CFG_DATA_LEN 100 Size of a Configuration Descriptor sent by an external hub, a MSC or HID device must be less than 100 bytes. In general: A full HUB Configuration Descriptor = size(Configuration Descriptor) + size(Interface Descriptor) + size(Hub Descriptor) + 1* size(Endpoint Descriptor) = 9 + 9 + 9 + 1 * 7 = 34 bytes. A full MSC Configuration Descriptor = size(Configuration Descriptor) + size(Interface Descriptor) + 2 * size(Endpoint Descriptor) = 9 + 9 + 2 * 7 = 32 bytes. A full HID Configuration Descriptor = size(Configuration Descriptor) + size(Interface Descriptor) + size(HID Descriptor) + 1* size(Endpoint Descriptor) = 9 + 9 + 12 + 1 * 7 = 37 bytes. Full Configuration Descriptor for the composite device = full HID Configuration Descriptor + size( Interface Descriptor for MSC) + 2 * size(Endpoint Descriptor) = 37 + 9 + 2 * 7 = 60 bytes. Among HUB, MSC, HID and composite device, the composite device has the longest configuration descriptor. The value of USBH_CFG_MAX_CFG_DATA_LEN should be at least equal to the longest configuration descriptor size. A safety margin should be added. It is particularly true here because the HID descriptor has a size that varies according to the number of reports contained in the HID device. The HID descriptor size is given by this formula (9 + (N * 3)) with N = number of reports. USBH_CFG_MAX_HUBS 8 2 root hubs + 6 external hubs. USBH_CFG_MAX_HUB_PORTS 4 The number of active ports per hub is limited to 4. It limits also the number of other USB devices that the USB host stack can manage. In case 7-port hubs are used in this bus topology, only 4 devices will be managed by the USB host stack because the 3 other ports would be inactive. You may increase the value of this constant to 7 to allow up to 7 active ports per hub. USBH_CFG_MAX_STR_LEN 256 This value ensures that the USB Host stack can get any length of strings of characters sent by any of USB devices. This value could be lower. In general, any string describing the device is less than 50 characters. USBH_CFG_STD_REQ_TIMEOUT 5000 The device has 5 seconds to complete a standard request sent by the host. USBH_CFG_STD_REQ_RETRY 3 If a standard request fails, the host attempts up to 3 times to get a successful request. USBH_CFG_MAX_NBR_HC 2 Two host controllers on this platform. 70 Configuration Configuration Value Explanation USBH_CFG_MAX_ISOC_DESC 1 Even if external hubs, MSC, HID and CDC devices do not use isochronous endpoints, this value must be set to 1. USBH_CFG_MAX_EXTRA_URB_PER_DEV 1 This value should be set at least to 1. Table 4-3 Constant Values for Multi-Host Controllers and Multiple Devices Configuration Example 71 Chapter 5 Host Driver Guide There are many USB Host Controllers (HC) available on the market and each requires a driver to work with μC/USB-Host. The amount of code necessary to port a specific USB HC to μC/USB-Host greatly depends on it’s complexity and features. If not already available, a driver can be developed, as described in this chapter. However, it is recommended to modify an already existing host driver with the new host’s specific code following the Micriμm coding convention for consistency. It is also possible to adapt drivers written for other USB host stacks or examples provided by the chip manufacturer, especially if the driver is short and it is a matter of simply copying data to and from the HC. This chapter describes the hardware (host) driver architecture for μC/USB-Host, including: ■ Host Driver API Definition(s) ■ Host Root Hub API Definition(s) ■ Host Configuration ■ Memory Allocation ■ CPU and Board Support Micriμm provides sample configuration code free of charge; however, the sample code will likely require modifications depending on the combination of processor, evaluation board, and USB HC(s). 72 Chapter 5 5-1 HOST DRIVER MODEL No particular memory interface is required by μC/USB-Host's driver model. Therefore, the USB Host Controller (HC) may use the assistance of a Direct Memory Access (DMA) controller to transfer data or handle the data transfers directly. 5-2 HOST DRIVER API USB CONTROLLER API All Host Controller Drivers (HCD) must declare an instance of the appropriate HCD API structure as a global variable within the source code. The API structure is an ordered list of function pointers utilized by μC/USB-Host when Host Controller (HC) hardware services are required. A sample HCD API structure is shown in Listing 5-1. USBH_HC_DRV_API USBH_<controller>_DrvAPI = { USBH_<controller>_Init, USBH_<controller>_Start, USBH_<controller>_Stop, USBH_<controller>_SpdGet, USBH_<controller>_Suspend, USBH_<controller>_Resume, USBH_<controller>_FrameNbrGet, (1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7) USBH_<controller>_EP_Open, USBH_<controller>_EP_Close, USBH_<controller>_EP_Abort, USBH_<controller>_EP_IsHalt, (8) (9) (10) (11) USBH_<controller>_URB_Submit, USBH_<controller>_URB_Complete, USBH_<controller>_URB_Abort, (12) (13) (14) }; Listing 5-1 HCD Interface API 73 Host Driver API Note: It is the HCD developers’ responsibility to ensure that all of the functions listed within the API are properly implemented and that the order of the functions within the API structure is correct. The different function pointers are: L5-1(1) HC initialization/add L5-1(2) HC start L5-1(3) HC stop L5-1(4) Get maximum speed of HC L5-1(5) HC suspend L5-1(6) HC resume L5-1(7) Retrieve frame number L5-1(8) Open an endpoint L5-1(9) Close an endpoint L5-1(10) Abort endpoint and pending URB(s) L5-1(11) Retrieve endpoint halt status L5-1(12) Submit an URB L5-1(13) Complete/free an URB L5-1(14) Abort an URB The details of each API function are described in section E-1 “Host Driver Functions” on page 232. 74 Chapter 5 ROOT HUB API All Host Controller Drivers (HCD) must declare an instance of the appropriate Root Hub (RH) API structure as a global variable within the source code. The RH API structure is an ordered list of function pointers utilized by μC/USB-Host when RH hardware services are required. A sample HCD RH API structure is shown below. USBH_HC_RH_API USBH_<controller>_RH_API = { USBH_<controller>_PortStatusGet, USBH_<controller>_HubDescGet, (1) (2) USBH_<controller>_PortEnSet, (3) USBH_<controller>_PortEnClr, USBH_<controller>_PortEnChngClr, (4) (5) USBH_<controller>_PortPwrSet, USBH_<controller>_PortPwrClr, (6) (7) USBH_<controller>_PortResetSet, USBH_<controller>_PortResetChngClr, (8) (9) USBH_<controller>_PortSuspendClr, USBH_<controller>_PortConnChngClr, (10) (11) USBH_<controller>_RHSC_IntEn, USBH_<controller>_RHSC_IntDis, (12) (13) }; Listing 5-2 RH Driver Interface API The different function pointers are: L5-2(1) Get port status L5-2(2) Get hub descriptor L5-2(3) Set port enable L5-2(4) Clear port enable L5-2(5) Clear port enable change flag L5-2(6) Set power on port 75 Host Driver API L5-2(7) Clear power on port L5-2(8) Set reset state on port L5-2(9) Clear port reset change flag L5-2(10) Clear port suspend L5-2(11) Clear port connection change flag L5-2(12) Enable RH interrupts L5-2(13) Disable RH interrupts The details of each RH API function are described in Appendix E, “Root Hub Driver Functions” on page 253. Note: μC/USB-Host HCD API function names may not be unique. Name clashes between HCDs are avoided by never globally prototyping HCD functions and ensuring that all references to functions within the driver are obtained by pointers within the API structure. The developer may arbitrarily name the functions within the source file so long as the API structure is properly declared. The user application should never need to call API functions. Unless special care is taken, calling HCD functions may lead to unpredictable results due to reentrancy. When writing your own HCD, you can assume that each driver API function accepts a pointer to a structure of the type USBH_HC_DRV as its first parameter. Through this structure, you will be able to access the following fields: typedef struct usbh_hc_drv USBH_HC_DRV; struct usbh_hc_drv { CPU_INT08U Nbr; void *DataPtr; USBH_DEV *RH_DevPtr; USBH_HC_CFG *HC_CfgPtr; USBH_HC_DRV_API *API_Ptr; USBH_HC_RH_API *RH_API_Ptr; USBH_HC_BSP_API *BSP_API_Ptr; }; (1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7) Listing 5-3 USB HC Driver Data Type 76 Chapter 5 L5-3(1) Unique index to identify HC. L5-3(2) Pointer to HCD specific data. L5-3(3) Pointer to RH device structure. L5-3(4) Pointer to HCD configuration. L5-3(5) Pointer to HCD API structure. L5-3(6) Pointer to RH API structure. L5-3(7) Pointer to Board Support Package (BSP) API structure. 5-3 INTERRUPT HANDLING Interrupt handling is accomplished using the following multi-level scheme. 1 Processor level kernel-aware interrupt handler 2 Host Controller Driver (HCD) interrupt handler During initialization, the HCD registers all necessary interrupt sources with the Board Support Package (BSP) interrupt management code. You can also accomplish this by plugging an interrupt vector table during compile time. Once the global interrupt vector sources are configured and an interrupt occurs, the system will call the first-level interrupt handler. The first-level interrupt handler is responsible for performing all kernel required steps prior to calling the USB HCD interrupt handler: USBH_<controller>_ISR_Handler(). Depending on the platform architecture (that is the way the kernel handles interrupts) and the USB HC interrupt vectors, the HCD interrupt handler implementation may follow one of the models described in the next sections. 77 Interrupt Handling 5-3-1 SINGLE USB ISR VECTOR WITH ISR HANDLER ARGUMENT If the platform architecture allows parameters to be passed to ISR handlers and the USB HC has a single interrupt vector for the USB host, the first-level interrupt handler may be defined as: PROTOTYPE void USBH_<controller>_BSP_IntHandler (void *p_arg); ARGUMENTS p_arg Pointer to USB HC driver structure that must be typecast to a pointer to USBH_HC_DRV. 5-3-2 SINGLE USB ISR VECTOR If the platform architecture does not allow parameters to be passed to ISR handlers and the USB HC has a single interrupt vector for the USB host, the first-level interrupt handler may be defined as: PROTOTYPE void USBH_<controller>_BSP_IntHandler (void); ARGUMENTS None. NOTES / WARNINGS In this configuration, the pointer to the USB HC driver structure must be stored globally in the BSP. Since the pointer to the USB HC driver structure is never modified, the BSP initialization function, USBH_<controller>_BSP_Init(), can save its address for later use. 78 Chapter 5 5-3-3 MULTIPLE USB ISR VECTORS WITH ISR HANDLER ARGUMENTS If the platform architecture allows parameters to be passed to ISR handlers and the USB HC has multiple interrupt vectors for the USB host (e.g., USB events, DMA transfers, ...), the first-level interrupt handler may need to be split into multiple sub-handlers. Each sub-handler would be responsible for managing the status reported to the different vectors. For example, the first-level interrupt handlers for a USB HC that redirects USB events to one interrupt vector and the status of DMA transfers to a second interrupt vector may be defined as: PROTOTYPE void USBH_<controller>_BSP_EventIntHandler (void *p_arg); void USBH_<controller>_BSP_DMA_IntHandler (void *p_arg); ARGUMENTS p_arg Pointer to USB HC driver structure that must be typecast to a pointer to USBH_HC_DRV. 5-3-4 MULTIPLE USB ISR VECTORS If the platform architecture does not allow parameters to be passed to ISR handlers and the USB HC has multiple interrupt vectors for the USB host (e.g., USB events, DMA transfers), the first-level interrupt handler may need to be split into multiple sub-handlers. Each sub-handler would be responsible for managing the status reported to the different vectors. For example, the first-level interrupt handlers for a USB HC that redirects USB events to one interrupt vector and the status of DMA transfers to a second interrupt vector may be defined as: PROTOTYPE void USBH_<controller>_BSP_EventIntHandler (void); void USBH_<controller>_BSP_DMA_IntHandler (void); ARGUMENTS None. 79 Host Controller Driver Configuration NOTES / WARNINGS In this configuration, the pointer to the USB HC driver structure must be stored globally in the BSP. Since the pointer to the USB HC driver structure is never modified, the BSP initialization function, USBH_<controller>_BSP_Init(), can save its address for later use. 5-4 HOST CONTROLLER DRIVER CONFIGURATION The USB Host Controller Driver (HCD) characteristics must be shared with the USB host stack through configuration parameters. All of these parameters are provided through a global structure of type USBH_HC_CFG. This structure is declared in the file usbh_hc_cfg.h, and defined in the file usbh_hc_cfg.c (refer to section “Modify Host Controller Configuration” on page 29 for an example on how to initialize this structure). These files are distributed as templates, and you should modify them to have the proper configuration for your USB Host Controller (HC). Refer to section 4-3 “Host Controller Driver Configuration” on page 56 for further details on HCD configuration. 5-5 MEMORY ALLOCATION Memory allocation in the driver can be simplified by the use of memory allocation functions available from Micriμm’s μC/LIB module. μC/LIB’s memory allocation functions provide allocation of memory from dedicated memory space (e.g., USB RAM) or general purpose heap. The driver may use the pool functionality offered by μC/LIB. Memory pools use fixed-sized blocks that can be dynamically allocated and freed during application execution. Memory pools may be convenient to manage objects needed by the driver. The objects could be for instance data structures mandatory for DMA operations. For more information on using μC/LIB memory allocation functions, consult the μC/LIB documentation. 5-6 CPU AND BOARD SUPPORT The USB host stack supports big-endian and little-endian CPU architectures. In order for HCDs to be platform-independent, it is necessary to provide a layer of code that abstracts details such as clocks, interrupt controllers, input/output (IO) pins, and other hardware modules configuration. With this board support package (BSP) code layer, it is possible for the majority of the USB host stack to be independent of any specific hardware, 80 Chapter 5 and for device drivers to be reused on different architectures and bus configurations without the need to modify stack or driver source code. These procedures are also referred as the USB host BSP for a particular development board. A sample host BSP interface API structure is shown in Listing 5-4. USBH_HC_BSP_API USBH_<controller>_BSP_API USBH_<controller>_BSP_Init, USBH_<controller>_BSP_IntReg, USBH_<controller>_BSP_IntUnReg }; = { (1) (2) (3) Listing 5-4 Host Controller BSP Interface API L5-4(1) HC BSP initialization function pointer L5-4(2) HC BSP interrupt register function pointer L5-4(3) HC BSP interrupt un-register function pointer The details of each HC BSP API function are described in section E-3 “Host Driver BSP Functions” on page 267. 81 USB Host Controller Driver Functional Model 5-7 USB HOST CONTROLLER DRIVER FUNCTIONAL MODEL This section describes the functional model of some typical operations in which the HCD will be involved. These functional models include: ■ Root Hub interactions ■ Endpoint open ■ URB submit 5-7-1 ROOT HUB INTERACTIONS Typically, a Root Hub (RH) will be addressed via a (set) of hardware registers. From the point of view of the core module, the RH is not different from another external hub. It will be managed by the Hub class through the use of Hub class-specific requests. It must then provide informations on RH port(s) in the same format as would do an external hub using the GetPortStatus request. This request returns two fields: wPortStatus and wPortChange. Some Host Controller (HC) hardware will provide port(s) status in this format via their hardware registers, but some will not. In case they don’t, the driver should declare the two following variables for each of its RH port(s) within its internal data structure as shown in Listing 5-5. typedef struct usbh_<controller>_data { ... CPU_INT16U RH_PortStatus[<port number>]; CPU_INT16U RH_PortChng[<port number>]; ... } USBH_<controller>_DATA; Listing 5-5 Root Hub Port Status Variables The variable RH_PortStatus[<port_number>] should be filled the same way as the wPortStatus field of the GetPortStatus request. See Table 11-21 of the Universal Serial Bus Specification, revision 2.0, at page 427 for more details. 82 Chapter 5 The variable RH_PortChng[<port_number>] should be filled the same way as the wPortChange field of the GetPortStatus request. See Table 11-22 of the Universal Serial Bus Specification, revision 2.0, at page 431 for more details. These fields will be requested by the core using the USBH_<controller>_PortStatusGet() function. Depending on your Host Controller (HC) hardware, some of the bits can be updated by reading hardware registers when this function is invocated or when interrupts are triggered. When your hardware controller generates an interrupt to inform about a device connect/disconnect, it is also important to notify the core module after updating the RH_PortStatus and RH_PortChng variables (if necessary). This is done by calling USBH_HUB_RH_Event(p_hc_drv->RH_DevPtr). Listing 5-6 shows an example of how the core should be notified of a device connect/disconnect from the ISR. if (<device connected>) { DEF_BIT_SET(p_data->RH_PortChng, USBH_HUB_STATUS_PORT_CONN); DEF_BIT_SET(p_data->RH_PortStatus, USBH_HUB_STATUS_PORT_CONN); USBH_HUB_RH_Event(p_hc_drv->RH_DevPtr); } if (<device disconnected>) { DEF_BIT_SET(p_data->RH_PortChng, USBH_HUB_STATUS_PORT_CONN); DEF_BIT_CLR(p_data->RH_PortStatus, USBH_HUB_STATUS_PORT_CONN); USBH_HUB_RH_Event(p_hc_drv->RH_DevPtr); } Listing 5-6 Device Connect/Disconnect Core Notification 5-7-2 ENDPOINT OPENING LIST-BASED HOST CONTROLLERS List-based controllers (like OHCI or EHCI controllers) generally have two or more lists of opened endpoints (async list, periodic list, ...). The lists represent data structures that are located in a memory region that is shared between the HC and HCD. Depending on the format of these lists and on the type of endpoint, opening an endpoint generally simply consist in allocating, initializing and adding a new entry to the list for the endpoint. Bandwidth usage should also be updated when a new periodic endpoint (interrupt and isochronous) is added. 83 USB Host Controller Driver Functional Model NON LIST-BASED HOST CONTROLLERS Host Controllers (HC) that are not list-based generally have a limited list of pipes used as endpoints. Moreover, the pipes may also have a defined type (control, bulk, interrupt or isochronous). It is the responsibility of the USBH_<controller>_EP_Open() function to find an available pipe of the requested type and mark it as used. 5-7-3 URB SUBMIT A USB Request Block (URB) is a structure that represents a USB transfer and that contains important information on that transfer. In μC/USB-Host, an URB is represented using the USBH_URB structure. Some of the fields of this structure must be set/updated or read by the driver. Listing 5-7 presents some important fields of the USBH_URB structure. typedef struct usbh_urb struct usbh_urb { CPU_REG08 USBH_EP USBH_ERR USBH_URB; State; *EP_Ptr; Err; (1) (2) (3) void CPU_INT32U void CPU_INT32U CPU_INT32U *UserBufPtr; UserBufLen; *DMA_BufPtr; DMA_BufLen; XferLen; (4) (5) (6) (7) (8) void *ArgPtr; (9) Token; (10) USBH_TOKEN ... }; Listing 5-7 USBH_URB Structure Important Fields L5-7(1) Contains the state of the URB. The driver should not set this field but might need to read it. The available URB states are described in Table 5-1. 84 Chapter 5 Error code Description USBH_URB_STATE_NONE The URB has been submitted to the core. USBH_URB_STATE_SCHEDULED The URB has been scheduled in the HC. USBH_URB_STATE_QUEUED The URB has completed. USBH_URB_STATE_ABORTED The URB has been aborted by the core or the application. Table 5-1 URB States L5-7(2) Pointer to the endpoint structure to which this URB is attached. Should not be modified by the driver. L5-7(3) Field that should be set by the driver to inform the core of any error during transfer. Table 5-2 summarizes some error codes that a driver could assign to this field. Error code Description USBH_ERR_NONE URB has completed successfully. USBH_ERR_HC_IO Input Output (IO) error occurred with the HC. USBH_ERR_EP_STALL Endpoint is in a stall condition. USBH_ERR_EP_NACK Device returned a NACK handshake and the HC has no hardware assistance to re-submit the URB. Table 5-2 URB Error Codes L5-7(4) Pointer to the data buffer that needs to be transferred/filled with received data. Should not be modified by the driver. L5-7(5) Length, in octets, of the data buffer. Should not be modified by the driver. L5-7(6) On DMA-based controllers, pointer to the data buffer that will be transferred/filled with received data by the DMA controller. Especially useful when the buffer needs to be copied into a USB dedicated memory to be read/written by the DMA controller. 85 USB Host Controller Driver Functional Model L5-7(7) Length, in octets, of the DMA buffer. L5-7(8) Contains the length, in octets, of the data transferred. This must be updated by the driver. L5-7(9) Pointer available to set driver specific data related to this URB. L5-7(10) Indicate the token of the transfer. Especially useful with control transfers. This field should not be modified by the driver. Can be one of the following: ■ USBH_TOKEN_SETUP ■ USBH_TOKEN_OUT ■ USBH_TOKEN_IN LIST-BASED HOST CONTROLLERS WITHOUT DEDICATED MEMORY On a list-based Host Controller (HC), submitting a new URB generally consists in allocating, initializing and adding a transfer to the endpoint list. The DMA controller will access the buffer data directly from the application buffer. Once the HC notifies of the transfer completion via an interrupt, the driver must update the p_urb->XferLen field accordingly and call USBH_URB_Done() within its ISR. LIST-BASED HOST CONTROLLERS WITH DEDICATED MEMORY Submitting an URB on a list-based controller using dedicated memory for data buffer is similar to a controller that does not use dedicated memory. For OUT endpoints, the main difference is that before inserting the transfer to the endpoint list, the driver must copy the buffer content to the dedicated memory. The field p_urb->DMA_BufPtr should be used by the driver to point to the buffer in dedicated memory. For IN endpoints, before submitting a transfer, the driver must set the field p_urb->DMA_BufPtr to make it point to an empty region of the dedicated memory that can hold up to p_urb->UserBufLen octets of data. Once the transfer has completed and the function USBH_URB_Done() has been invoked, the core module will call the function USBH_<controller>_URB_Complete(). The driver must copy the data to the field p_urb->UserBufPtr at this moment. 86 Chapter 5 NON LIST-BASED HOST CONTROLLERS Host Controllers (HC) that are not list-based generally use a FIFO for data transfers. FIFOs generally have a limited depth and are likely to be unable to hold an entire transfer, especially if it is a large transfer. Figure 5-1 summarizes the operations that must be done by the driver in this case. 86%+BFRQWUROOHU!B85%B6XEPLW 1R 287WUDQVIHU" <HV :ULWHGDWDWR),)2VWDUWWUDQVIHU 1R 7ULJJHUVWDUWRIUHDG 7UDQVIHUFRPSOHWHG,65 5HFHSWLRQFRPSOHWHG,65 (QGRIWUDQVIHU" &RS\),)2WRDSSOLFDWLRQEXIIHU <HV (QGRIUHFHSWLRQ" 1R <HV &DOO86%+B85%B'RQH Figure 5-1 URB Submit when HC is not List-Based F5-1(1) 87 Driver must write data to FIFO until it is full or the buffer is empty. USB Host Controller Driver Functional Model F5-1(2) The driver can now update the p_urb->XferLen field. It must then determine if the transfer is completed. It can simply be determined by comparing the total amount of data transferred with p_urb->UserBufLen. F5-1(3) Once the reception has completed, the driver must copy the data from the FIFO to the buffer at p_urb->UserBufPtr. F5-1(4) Many conditions must be considered to evaluate if a reception is complete. The following list describes the condition where the reception is considered complete. ■ The last transaction had a length of zero. ■ The last transaction had a length that is less than the maximum packet size of the endpoint. ■ The total amount of data received is equal to p_urb->UserBufLen. 88 Chapter 5 89 Chapter 6 Communication Device Class This chapter describes the Communications Device Class (CDC) class and the associated CDC subclass supported by μC/USB-Host. μC/USB-Host currently supports the Abstract Control Model (ACM) subclass. The CDC and the associated subclass implementation complies with the following specifications: ■ Universal Serial Bus, Class Definitions for Communications Devices, revision 1.2, November 3 2010. ■ Universal Serial Bus, Communications, Subclass for PSTN Devices, revision 1.2, February 9, 2007. CDC includes various telecommunication and networking devices. Telecommunication devices encompass analog modems, analog and digital telephones, ISDN terminal adapters, etc. Networking devices contain, for example, ADSL and cable modems, Ethernet adapters and hubs. CDC defines a framework to encapsulate existing communication services standards, such as V.250 (for modems over telephone network) and Ethernet (for local area network devices), using a USB link. A communication device is in charge of device management, call management when needed and data transmission. CDC defines seven major groups of devices. Each group belongs to a model of communication which may include several subclasses. Each group of devices has its own specification document besides the CDC base class. The seven groups are: ■ Public Switched Telephone Network (PSTN), devices including voiceband modems, telephones and serial emulation devices. ■ Integrated Services Digital Network (ISDN) devices, including terminal adaptors and telephones. 90 Communication Device Class ■ Ethernet Control Model (ECM) devices, including devices supporting the IEEE 802 family (for instance cable and ADSL modems, WiFi adaptors). ■ Asynchronous Transfer Mode (ATM) devices, including ADLS modems and other devices connected to ATM networks (workstations, routers, LAN switches). ■ Wireless Mobile Communications (WMC) devices, including multi-function communications handset devices used to manage voice and data communications. ■ Ethernet Emulation Model (EEM) devices which exchange Ethernet-framed data. ■ Network Control Model (NCM) devices, including high-speed network devices (High Speed Packet Access modems, Line Terminal Equipment) 6-1 OVERVIEW A CDC device is composed of several interfaces to implement a certain function. It is formed by the following interfaces: ■ Communications Class Interface (CCI) ■ Data Class Interface (DCI) A CCI is responsible for the device management and optionally the call management. The device management enables the general configuration and control of the device and the notification of events to the host. The call management enables the establishment and termination of calls. Call management might be multiplexed through a DCI. A CCI is mandatory for all CDC devices. It identifies the CDC function by specifying the communication model supported by the CDC device. The interface(s) following the CCI can be any defined USB class interface, such as Audio or a vendor-specific interface. The vendor-specific interface is represented specifically by a DCI. A DCI is responsible for data transmission. The data transmitted and/or received do not follow a specific format. Data could be raw data from a communication line, data following a proprietary format, etc. All the DCIs following the CCI can be seen as subordinate interfaces. 91 Communication Device Class A CDC device must have at least one CCI and zero or more DCIs. One CCI and any subordinate DCI together provide a feature to the host. This capability is also referred to as a function. In a CDC composite device, you could have several functions. And thus, the device would be composed of several sets of CCI and DCI(s) as shown in Figure 6-1. &'&'HYLFH )XQFWLRQ )XQFWLRQ )XQFWLRQ &&, &&, &&, '&, '&, $XGLR '&, Figure 6-1 CDC Composite Device A CDC device is likely to use the following combination of endpoints: ■ A pair of control IN and OUT endpoints called the default endpoint. ■ An optional bulk or interrupt IN endpoint. ■ A pair of bulk or isochronous IN and OUT endpoints. Table 6-1 provides a list of all the different types of endpoints distinguished by their data flow direction, interface and application. Endpoint Direction Interface Use for Control IN Device-to-host CCI Standard requests for enumeration, class-specific requests, device management and optionally call management. Control OUT Host-to-device CCI Standard requests for enumeration, class-specific requests, device management and optionally call management. Interrupt or bulk IN Device-to-host CCI Events notification, such as ring detect, serial line status, network status. Bulk or isochronous IN Device-to-host DCI Raw or formatted data communication. Bulk or isochronous OUT Host-to-device DCI Raw or formatted data communication. Table 6-1 CDC Endpoint Use 92 Communication Device Class Most communication devices use an interrupt endpoint to notify the host of any events. The seven major models of communication encompass several subclasses. A subclass describes the way the device should use the CCI to handle the device management and call management. Table 6-2 shows all the possible subclasses and the communication model they belong to. Subclass Communication model Example of devices using this subclass Direct Line Control Model PSTN Modem devices directly controlled by the USB host Abstract Control Model PSTN Serial emulation devices, modem devices controlled through a serial command set Telephone Control Model PSTN Voice telephony devices Multi-Channel Control Model ISDN Basic rate terminal adaptors, primary rate terminal adaptors, telephones CAPI Control Model ISDN Basic rate terminal adaptors, primary rate terminal adaptors, telephones Ethernet Networking Control ECM Model ATM Networking Control DOC-SIS cable modems, ADSL modems that support PPPoE emulation, Wi-Fi adaptors (IEEE 802.11-family), IEEE 802.3 adaptors ATM ADSL modems WMC Mobile terminal equipment connecting to wireless devices Device Management WMC Mobile terminal equipment connecting to wireless devices Mobile Direct Line Model WMC Mobile terminal equipment connecting to wireless devices OBEX WMC Mobile terminal equipment connecting to wireless devices Ethernet Emulation Model EEM Devices using Ethernet frames as the next layer of transport. Model Wireless Handset Control Model Not intended for routing and Internet connectivity devices Network Control Model NCM IEEE 802.3 adaptors carrying high-speed data bandwidth on network Table 6-2 CDC Subclasses 93 Communication Device Class 6-2 CLASS IMPLEMENTATION μC/USB-Host Communication Device Class (CDC) is designed to allow subclasses to be built on top of it. It offers an API to the subclasses that allows to communicate using Data Class Interface (DCI) and Communication Class Interface (CCI). Figure 6-2 shows how CDC base and subclass(es) interact. +RVW $SSOLFDWLRQ &'&6XEFODVV &'&%DVH&ODVV &86%+RVW&RUHDQG&RQWUROOHU'ULYHU &'&GHYLFH Figure 6-2 CDC Implementation F6-2(1) CDC base class offers an API to the subclasses that allows to communicate with a CDC device via DCI and CCI. F6-2(2) Your application interacts with the subclass for the communication. F6-2(3) Upon device connection, your application must add a reference on the device and release it on device disconnection. F6-2(4) At initialization, your application must register the CDC driver to the core. 94 Communication Device Class 6-3 CONFIGURATION AND INITIALIZATION 6-3-1 GENERAL CONFIGURATION There is only one configuration constant necessary to customize the CDC host base class. This constant is located in the usbh_cfg.h file. Table 6-3 shows a description of this constant. Constant Description USBH_CDC_CFG_MAX_DEV Configures the maximum number of CDC functions the class can handle. Table 6-3 CDC Configuration Constant 6-3-2 CLASS INITIALIZATION In order to be integrated to the core and considered on a device connection, the CDC base class driver must be added to the core class driver list. This is done by calling USBH_ClassDrvReg() and is described in Listing 6-1. USBH_ERR App_USBH_CDC_Init (void) { USBH_ERR err; ... err = USBH_ClassDrvReg( &USBH_CDC_ClassDrv, App_USBH_CDC_ClassNotify, (void *)0); (1) (2) (3) return(err); } Listing 6-1 CDC Initialization L6-1(1) First parameter is a CDC class driver structure. It is defined in usbh_cdc.h. L6-1(2) Second parameter is a pointer to the application’s callback function. This function will be called upon CDC device connection/disconnection. L6-1(3) Last parameter is an optional pointer to application specific data. 95 Communication Device Class 6-3-3 DEVICE CONNECTION AND DISCONNECTION HANDLING Upon connection/disconnection of a CDC device, your application will be notified via a callback function. Listing describes the operations that must be performed at that moment. static void App_USBH_CDC_ClassNotify (void CPU_INT08U void *p_class_dev, is_conn, *p_ctx) { USBH_ERR USBH_CDC_DEV CPU_INT08U CPU_INT08U err; *p_cdc_dev; sub_class; protocol; (void)&p_ctx; p_cdc_dev = (USBH_CDC_DEV *)p_class_dev; switch (is_conn) { case USBH_CLASS_DEV_STATE_CONN: err = USBH_CDC_RefAdd(p_cdc_dev); if (err != USBH_ERR_NONE) { /* $$$$ Handle error */ return; } (1) err = USBH_CDC_SubclassGet(p_cdc_dev, &sub_class); if (err != USBH_ERR_NONE) { /* $$$$ Handle error */ (void)USBH_CDC_RefRel(p_cdc_dev); return; } (2) err = USBH_CDC_ProtocolGet(p_cdc_dev, &protocol); if (err != USBH_ERR_NONE) { /* $$$$ Handle error */ (void)USBH_CDC_RefRel(p_cdc_dev); return; } (3) /* $$$$ Subclass specific operations. */ break; (4) 96 Communication Device Class case USBH_CLASS_DEV_STATE_DISCONN: /* $$$$ Subclass specific operations. */ (void)USBH_CDC_RefRel(p_cdc_dev); break; (5) (6) default: break; } } Listing 6-2 CDC Device Connection/Disconnection L6-2(1) Add an application USBH_CDC_RefAdd(). reference to this CDC device by calling L6-2(2) At this point, your application is not aware of what is the CDC subclass used by the device. A call to this function will let you retrieve the subclass code. L6-2(3) Your application can optionally need to retrieve the protocol code of the CDC device. L6-2(4) Subclass specific initialization must be performed here. Refer to your specific subclass section of this chapter for more details. L6-2(5) Subclass specific de-initialization must be performed here. Refer to your specific subclass section of this chapter for more details. L6-2(6) On a CDC device disconnection, your application must release its reference. 97 Communication Device Class 6-4 ABSTRACT CONTROL MODEL (ACM) SUBCLASS The ACM subclass is used by two types of communication devices: ■ Devices supporting AT commands (for instance, voiceband modems). ■ Serial emulation devices which are also called Virtual COM port devices. Micriμm’s ACM subclass implementation complies with the following specification: Universal Serial Bus, Communications, Subclass for PSTN Devices, revision 1.2, February 9, 2007. 6-4-1 CONFIGURATION AND INITIALIZATION GENERAL CONFIGURATION There is only one configuration constant necessary to customize the ACM subclass. This constant is located in the usbh_cfg.h file. Table 6-3 shows a description of this constant. Constant USBH_CDC_ACM_CFG_MAX_DEV Description Configures the maximum number of CDC ACM functions the class can handle. Should be <= USBH_CDC_CFG_MAX_DEV. Table 6-4 CDC ACM Subclass Configuration Constant SUBCLASS INITIALIZATION The ACM subclass does not have to be registered to the core, but it must be initialized. This is done by calling USBH_CDC_ACM_GlobalInit(). 98 Communication Device Class 6-4-2 CONNECTION AND DISCONNECTION HANDLING Upon connection/disconnection of a CDC ACM device, your application will be notified via a callback function as described in Listing . A few ACM subclass specific steps must be performed as well at that moment. ACM subclass specific operations on device connection and disconnection are described in Listing 6-3. static void App_USBH_CDC_ClassNotify (USBH_CDC_DEV CPU_INT08U void *p_class_dev, is_conn, *p_ctx) { USBH_ERR USBH_CDC_ACM_DEV CPU_INT08U CPU_INT08U err; *p_cdc_acm_dev; sub_class; protocol; (void)&p_ctx; switch (is_conn) { case USBH_CLASS_DEV_STATE_CONN: /* $$$$ CDC base class specific operations. */ if (sub_class != USBH_CDC_CONTROL_SUBCLASS_CODE_ACM) { /* $$$$ Handle error */ (void)USBH_CDC_RefRel(p_cdc_dev); return; } if ((protocol != USBH_CDC_CONTROL_PROTOCOL_CODE_USB ) && (protocol != USBH_CDC_CONTROL_PROTOCOL_CODE_V_25_AT) && (protocol != USBH_CDC_CONTROL_PROTOCOL_CODE_VENDOR )) { /* $$$$ Handle error */ (void)USBH_CDC_RefRel(p_cdc_dev); return; } (1) (2) 99 Communication Device Class p_cdc_acm_dev = USBH_CDC_ACM_Add(p_cdc_dev, (3) &err); if (err != USBH_ERR_NONE) { /* $$$$ Handle error */ (void)USBH_CDC_RefRel(p_cdc_dev); return; } USBH_CDC_ACM_EventRxNotifyReg(p_cdc_acm_dev, App_USBH_CDC_ACM_SerEventNotify); (4) err = USBH_CDC_ACM_LineCodingSet(p_cdc_acm_dev, USBH_CDC_ACM_LINE_CODING_BAUDRATE_19200, USBH_CDC_ACM_LINE_CODING_STOP_BIT_2, USBH_CDC_ACM_LINE_CODING_PARITY_NONE, USBH_CDC_ACM_LINE_CODING_DATA_BITS_8); (5) if (err != USBH_ERR_NONE) { /* $$$$ Handle error */ (void)USBH_CDC_ACM_Remove(p_cdc_acm_dev); (void)USBH_CDC_RefRel(p_cdc_dev); return; } err = USBH_CDC_ACM_LineStateSet(p_cdc_acm_dev, USBH_CDC_ACM_DTR_SET, USBH_CDC_ACM_RTS_SET); if (err != USBH_ERR_NONE) { /* $$$$ Handle error */ (void)USBH_CDC_ACM_Remove(p_cdc_acm_dev); (void)USBH_CDC_RefRel(p_cdc_dev); return; } break; case USBH_CLASS_DEV_STATE_DISCONN: USBH_CDC_ACM_Remove(p_cdc_acm_dev); (6) (7) /* $$$$ CDC base class specific operations. */ break; default: break; } } Listing 6-3 CDC ACM Device Connection/Disconnection 100 Communication Device Class L6-3(1) Ensure that the connected CDC device uses ACM subclass. L6-3(2) Make sure the protocol code used is supported by the subclass/application. L6-3(3) Instantiate an ACM device for the connected CDC device. L6-3(4) Registers an application callback function that will be called by the subclass on reception of notification event from the device. L6-3(5) Set device’s line coding parameters. L6-3(6) Set device line state. L6-3(7) Free the instantiated ACM reference on device disconnection. 6-4-3 DEMO APPLICATION A simple demo application is provided with the host Abstract Control Model (ACM) subclass. This demo application can be used as a starting point to create your own application. It is intended to be used with a CDC ACM USB modem that supports AT commands. For more information on AT commands, visit the following web page: http://support.microsoft.com/kb/164660. Note that the demo application handles only one CDC ACM device at a time and thus you should not attempt to connect more than one CDC ACM device at a time. Upon a CDC ACM device connection, the demo application will initiate a few AT commands and wait for modem‘s response. Here is the list of the commands that will be issued: ■ ATQ0V1E0 ■ ATI0 ■ ATI1 ■ ATI2 ■ ATI3 ■ ATI7 101 Communication Device Class The response received from the device will then be displayed on the output terminal if application tracing is enabled. Listing 6-4 shows an example of output given by the demo application with an USRobotics Model 5637 modem. ========== AT CMD ========== ATQ0V1E0 ====== STATUS / DATA ======= ATQ0V1E0 OK ========== AT CMD ========== ATI0 ====== STATUS / DATA ======= 5601 OK ========== AT CMD ========== ATI1 ====== STATUS / DATA ======= 5588 OK ========== AT CMD ========== ATI2 ====== STATUS / DATA ======= OK ========== AT CMD ========== ATI3 ====== STATUS / DATA ======= U.S. Robotics 56K FAX USB V1.2.23 OK ========== AT CMD ========== ATI7 ====== STATUS / DATA ======= Configuration Profile... Product Type ... Canada USB Listing 6-4 CDC ACM Demo Application Output Example 102 Communication Device Class DEMO APPLICATION CONFIGURATION Before running the CDC ACM demo application, you must configure it properly. The configuration constants that must be set are located in the app_cfg.h file. Table 6-5 lists the preprocessor constants that must be defined. Preprocessor Constants Description Default Value APP_CFG_USBH_EN Enables μC/USB-Host in your application. DEF_ENABLED APP_CFG_USBH_CDC_EN Enables CDC ACM demo application. DEF_ENABLED APP_CFG_USBH_CDC_MAIN_TASK_PRIO CDC ACM application task priority. 21 APP_CFG_USBH_CDC_MAIN_TASK_STK_SIZE CDC ACM application task stack size. 1000 Table 6-5 Demo Application Configuration Constants 103 Chapter 7 Human Interface Device Class This chapter describes the Human Interface Device (HID) class supported by μC/USB-Host. The HID implementation complies with the following specifications: ■ Device Class Definition for Human Interface Devices (HID), 6/27/01, Version 1.11. ■ Universal Serial Bus HID Usage Tables, 10/28/2004, Version 1.12. The HID class encompasses devices used by humans to control computer operations. Keyboards, mice, pointing devices, game devices are some examples of typical HID devices. The HID class can also be used in a composite device that contains some controls such as knobs, switches, buttons and sliders. HID data can exchange data for any purpose using only control and interrupt transfers. The HID class is one of the oldest and most popular USB classes. This class also includes various types of output directed to the user information (e.g. LEDs on a keyboard). 104 Human Interface Device Class 7-1 OVERVIEW A HID device is composed of the following endpoints: ■ A pair of control IN and OUT endpoints called the default endpoint. ■ An interrupt IN endpoint. ■ An optional interrupt OUT endpoint. Table 7-1 describes the use of the different endpoints: Endpoint Direction Used for Control IN Device-to-host Standard requests for enumeration, class-specific requests, and data communication (Input, Feature reports sent to the host with GET_REPORT request). Control OUT Host-to-device Standard requests for enumeration, class-specific requests and data communication (Output, Feature reports received from the host with SET_REPORT request). Interrupt IN Device-to-host Data communication (Input and Feature reports). Interrupt OUT Host-to-device Data communication (Output and Feature reports). Table 7-1 HID Class Endpoints Use 7-1-1 REPORT A host and a HID device exchange data using reports. A report contains formatted data giving information about controls and other physical entities of the HID device. A control is manipulable by the user and operates an aspect of the device. For instance, a control can be a button on a mouse or a keyboard, a switch, etc. Other entities inform the user about the state of certain device’s features. For instance, LEDs on a keyboard notify the user about the caps lock on, the numeric keypad active, etc. 105 Human Interface Device Class The format and the use of a report data is understood by the host by analyzing the content of a Report descriptor. Analyzing the content is done by a parser. The Report descriptor describes the data provided by each control in a device. It is composed of items. An item is a piece of information about the device and consists of a 1-byte prefix and variable-length data. Refer to “Device Class Definition for Human Interface Devices (HID) Version 1.11”, section 5.6 and 6.2.2 for more details about the item format. There are three principal types of items: ■ Main item defines or groups certain types of data fields. ■ Global item describes data characteristics of a control. ■ Local item describes data characteristics of a control. Each item type is defined by different functions. An item function can also be called a tag. An item function can be seen as a sub-item that belongs to one of the three principal item types. Table 7-2 gives a brief overview of the item’s functions in each item type. For a complete description of the items in each category, refer to Device Class Definition for Human Interface Devices (HID) Version 1.11, section 6.2.2. Item type Item function Description Main Input Describes information about the data provided by one or more physical controls. Output Describes data sent to the device. Feature Describes device configuration information sent to or received from the device which influences the overall behavior of the device or one of its components. Collection Group related items (Input, Output or Feature). End of Collection Closes a collection. 106 Human Interface Device Class Item type Item function Description Global Usage Page Identifies a function available within the device. Logical Minimum Defines the lower limit of the reported values in logical units. Logical Maximum Defines the upper limit of the reported values in logical units. Physical Minimum Defines the lower limit of the reported values in physical units, that is the Logical Minimum expressed in physical units. Physical Maximum Defines the upper limit of the reported values in physical units, that is the Logical Maximum expressed in physical units. Unit Exponent Indicates the unit exponent in base 10. The exponent ranges from -8 to +7. Unit Indicates the unit of the reported values. For instance, length, mass, temperature units, etc. Local Report Size Indicates the size of the report fields in bits. Report ID Indicates the prefix added to a particular report. Report Count Indicates the number of data fields for an item. Push Places a copy of the global item state table on the CPU stack. Pop Replaces the item state table with the last structure from the stack. Usage Represents an index to designate a specific Usage within a Usage Page. It indicates the vendor’s suggested use for a specific control or group of controls. A usage supplies information to an application developer about what a control is actually measuring. Usage Minimum Defines the starting usage associated with an array or bitmap. Usage Maximum Defines the ending usage associated with an array or bitmap. Designator Index Determines the body part used for a control. Index points to a designator in the Physical descriptor. Designator Minimum Defines the index of the starting designator associated with an array or bitmap. Designator Maximum Defines the index of the ending designator associated with an array or bitmap. String Index String index for a String descriptor. It allows a string to be associated with a particular item or control. String Minimum Specifies the first string index when assigning a group of sequential strings to controls in an array or bitmap. String Maximum Specifies the last string index when assigning a group of sequential strings to controls in an array or bitmap. Delimiter Defines the beginning or end of a set of local items. Table 7-2 Item’s Function Description for each Item Type 107 Human Interface Device Class A control’s data must define at least the following items: ■ Input, Output or Feature Main items. ■ Usage Local item. ■ Usage Page Global item. ■ Logical Minimum Global item. ■ Logical Maximum Global item. ■ Report Size Global item. ■ Report Count Global item. Figure 7-1 shows the representation of a Mouse Report descriptor content from a host HID parser perspective. The mouse has three buttons (left, right and wheel). &ROOHFWLRQ $SSOLFDWLRQ 8VDJH 0RXVH &ROOHFWLRQ 3K\VLFDO 8VDJH 3RLQWHU ,QSXW5HSRUW GDWD ,QSXW5HSRUW FRQVWDQW ,QSXW5HSRUW GDWD 8VDJH0LQ EXWWRQ 8VDJH0D[ EXWWRQ /RJLFDO0LQ /RJLFDO0D[ 5HSRUW &RXQW 5HSRUW6L]H 5HSRUW &RXQW 5HSRUW6L]H /RJLFDO0LQ /RJLFDO0D[ 5HSRUW &RXQW 5HSRUW6L]H 8VDJH3DJH%XWWRQ 8VDJH; 8VDJH< 8VDJH3DJH*HQHULF'HVNWRS 8VDJH3DJH*HQHULF'HVNWRS Figure 7-1 Report Descriptor Content from a Host HID Parser View 108 Human Interface Device Class F7-1(1) The Usage Page item function specifies the general function of the device. In this example, the HID device belongs to a generic desktop control. F7-1(2) The Collection Application groups Main items that have a common purpose and may be familiar to applications. In the diagram, the group is composed of three Input Main items. For this collection, the suggested use for the controls is a mouse as indicated by the Usage item. F7-1(3) Nested collections may be used to give more details about the use of a single control or group of controls to applications. In this example, the Collection Physical, nested into the Collection Application, is composed of the same 3 Input items forming the Collection Application. The Collection Physical is used for a set of data items that represent data points collected at one geometric point. In the example, the suggested use is a pointer as indicated by the Usage item. Here the pointer usage refers to the mouse position coordinates and the system software will translate the mouse coordinates in movement of the screen cursor. F7-1(4) Nested usage pages are also possible and give more details about a certain aspect within the general function of the device. In this case, two Inputs items are grouped and correspond to the buttons of the mouse. One Input item defines the three buttons of the mouse (right, left and wheel) in terms of number of data fields for the item (Report Count item), size of a data field (Report Size item) and possible values for each data field (Usage Minimum and Maximum, Logical Minimum and Maximum items). The other Input item is a 13-bit constant allowing the Input report data to be aligned on a byte boundary. This Input item is used only for padding purposes. F7-1(5) Another nested usage page referring to a generic desktop control is defined for the mouse position coordinates. For this usage page, the Input item describes the data fields corresponding to the x- and y-axis as specified by the two Usage items. 109 Human Interface Device Class After analyzing the previous mouse Report descriptor content, the host’s HID parser is able to interpret the Input report data sent by the device with an interrupt IN transfer or in response to a GET_REPORT request. The Input report data corresponding to the mouse Report descriptor shown in Figure 7-1 is presented in Table 7-3. The total size of the report data is 4 bytes. Different types of reports may be sent over the same endpoint. For the purpose of distinguishing the different types of reports, a 1-byte report ID prefix is added to the data report. If a report ID was used in the example of the mouse report, the total size of the report data would be 5 bytes. Bit offset Bit count Description 0 1 Button 1 (left button). 1 1 Button 2 (right button). 2 1 Button 3 (wheel button). 3 13 Not used. 16 8 Position on axis X. 24 8 Position on axis Y. Table 7-3 Input Report Sent to Host and Corresponding to the State of a 3-Buttons Mouse. A Physical descriptor indicates the part or parts of the body intended to activate a control or controls. An application may use this information to assign a functionality to the control of a device. A Physical descriptor is an optional class-specific descriptor and most devices have little gain for using it. Refer to “Device Class Definition for Human Interface Devices (HID) Version 1.11” section 6.2.3 for more details about this descriptor. 7-2 CLASS IMPLEMENTATION μC/USB-Host Human Interface Device (HID) class is designed to support multiple interfaces/report IDs HID devices. It offers a report descriptor parser that will be able to determine the usage and the number of report IDs and types of the device. This allows the application to listen on specific input report IDs and send feature/output reports. The reports received from the device will be passed to your application in a raw format, letting the application parse it and handle any specific element(s). 110 Human Interface Device Class 7-3 CONFIGURATION AND INITIALIZATION 7-3-1 GENERAL CONFIGURATION There are many configuration constants necessary to customize the HID host class. These constants are located in the usbh_cfg.h file. Table 7-2 shows their description. Constant Description USBH_HID_CFG_MAX_DEV Maximum number of HID functions the class can handle. USBH_HID_CFG_MAX_NBR_APP_COLL Maximum number of application collections per HID function. USBH_HID_CFG_MAX_NBR_REPORT_ID Maximum number of report IDs per HID function. USBH_HID_CFG_MAX_NBR_REPORT_FMT Maximum number of report formats per application collection. USBH_HID_CFG_MAX_NBR_USAGE Maximum number of usages per report format. USBH_HID_CFG_MAX_TX_BUF_SIZE Length in octets of transmission buffer (used with output and feature reports). USBH_HID_CFG_MAX_RX_BUF_SIZE Length in octets of reception buffer (must be at least equal to the length of the longest input report). USBH_HID_CFG_MAX_NBR_RXCB Maximum number of application callback functions associated to input report per HID function. USBH_HID_CFG_MAX_REPORT_DESC_LEN Maximum length in octets of the report descriptor. USBH_HID_CFG_MAX_ERR_CNT Maximum number of communication errors that can occur before the communication is stopped. USBH_HID_CFG_MAX_GLOBAL Maximum number of push/pop items. USBH_HID_CFG_MAX_COLL Maximum number of collections. Figure 7-2 HID Configuration Constants 111 Human Interface Device Class 7-3-2 CLASS INITIALIZATION In order to be integrated to the core and considered on a device connection, the HID class driver must be added to the core class driver list. This is done by calling USBH_ClassDrvReg() and is described in Listing 7-1. USBH_ERR App_USBH_HID_Init (void) { USBH_ERR err; ... err = USBH_ClassDrvReg( &USBH_HID_ClassDrv, App_USBH_HID_ClassNotify, (void *)0); (1) (2) (3) return(err); } Listing 7-1 HID Initialization L7-1(1) First parameter is the HID class driver structure. It is defined in usbh_hid.h. L7-1(2) Second parameter is a pointer to the application’s callback function. This function will be called upon HID device connection/disconnection. L7-1(3) Last parameter is an optional pointer to application specific data. 112 Human Interface Device Class 7-3-3 DEVICE CONNECTION AND DISCONNECTION HANDLING Upon connection/disconnection of a HID device, your application will be notified via a callback function. Listing describes the operations that must be performed at that moment. static void App_USBH_HID_ClassNotify (void CPU_INT08U void *p_class_dev, is_conn, *p_ctx) { CPU_INT08U CPU_INT08U USBH_HID_REPORT_ID USBH_HID_REPORT_ID USBH_HID_DEV USBH_ERR nbr_report_id; report_id_cnt; *p_report_id_array; *p_report_id; *p_hid_dev; err; (void)&p_ctx; p_hid_dev = (USBH_HID_DEV *)p_class_dev; switch (is_conn) { case USBH_CLASS_DEV_STATE_CONN: err = USBH_HID_RefAdd(p_hid_dev); if (err != USBH_ERR_NONE) { /* $$$$ Handle error */ return; } (1) err = USBH_HID_IdleSet(p_hid_dev, 0u, 0u); if (err == USBH_ERR_EP_STALL) { /* $$$$ Handle error. */ } else if (err != USBH_ERR_NONE) { /* $$$$ Handle error. */ return; } (2) err = USBH_HID_Init(p_hid_dev); if (err != USBH_ERR_NONE) { /* $$$$ Handle error */ return; } (4) (3) 113 Human Interface Device Class err = USBH_HID_GetReportIDArray(p_hid_dev, &p_report_id_array, (5) &nbr_report_id); if (err != USBH_ERR_NONE) { /* $$$$ Handle error */ return; } for (report_id_cnt = 0u; report_id_cnt < nbr_report_id; report_id_cnt++) { p_report_id = &p_report_id_array[report_id_cnt]; if (p_report_id->Type != 0x08u) { continue; } if (p_hid_dev->Usage == USBH_HID_APP_USAGE_KBD) { err = USBH_HID_RegRxCB( p_hid_dev, p_report_id->ReportID, (USBH_HID_RXCB_FNCT)App_USBH_KBD_CallBack, (void *)p_hid_dev); } else if (p_hid_dev->Usage == USBH_HID_APP_USAGE_MOUSE) { err = USBH_HID_RegRxCB( p_hid_dev, p_report_id->ReportID, (USBH_HID_RXCB_FNCT)App_USBH_MouseCallBack, (void *)p_hid_dev); } (6) (7) } break; case USBH_CLASS_DEV_STATE_DISCONN: USBH_HID_RefRel(p_hid_dev); break; (8) } } Listing 7-2 HID Device Connection/Disconnection L7-2(1) First step is to add an application reference to this HID device by calling the function USBH_HID_RefAdd(). L7-2(2) You should then immediately call the function USBH_HID_IdleSet(). This will set the idle time of the HID device. Some devices may fail to respond correctly if the SetIdle request is not issued at that moment. For more information of the SetIdle request, see Device Class Definition for Human Interface Devices (HID), Version 1.11, section 7.2.4. 114 Human Interface Device Class L7-2(3) Some HID devices do not support the SetIdle request and thus will reply with a STALL handshake. This is normal and the function should not return in this case. L7-2(4) The function USBH_HID_Init() should then be called. At this moment, the report descriptor will be requested and parsed. L7-2(5) In order to listen to incoming input reports sent by the device, your application needs to set callback function(s). In order to retrieve the reports list, the function USBH_HID_GetReportIDArray() should be called. L7-2(6) Skip report IDs that are not of INPUT type. L7-2(7) You can set different application callback functions for each report ID depending on the device usage. The usage defined in p_hid_dev->Usage is the first usage local item of the report descriptor. Your application callback function can be set by calling the function USBH_HID_RegRxCB(). Note that this callback function will receive the rough report and will have to parse it manually. L7-2(8) Release the application‘s reference to the HID device. 7-4 DEMO APPLICATION A simple demo application is provided with the host Human Interface Device (HID) class. This demo application can be used as a starting point to create your own application. This demo application expect a certain report format and is compatible with the majority of the mice and keyboards using US layout available on the market. However, there might be mice or keyboards that use slightly different reports and thus you will have to parse the report differently. Also note that you will have to write your own report parser for other device types like gamepads. Depending on the device type (mouse or keyboard), the demo application will output status on the default output console. If a mouse is connected, the output will look like Listing 7-3. If the device is a keyboard, the console will display the key pressed. 115 Human Interface Device Class Pointer at (x, y) = (-202, 308) Pointer at (x, y) = (-221, Pointer at (x, y) = (-225, Pointer at (x, y) = (-228, Pointer at (x, y) = (-230, Pointer at (x, y) = (-231, Pointer at (x, y) = (-232, Left button pressed Left button released Pointer at (x, y) = (-243, Pointer at (x, y) = (-247, Pointer at (x, y) = (-253, Pointer at (x, y) = (-256, Right button pressed Pointer at (x, y) = (-258, Pointer at (x, y) = (-260, Pointer at (x, y) = (-261, Right button released 307) 306) 305) 304) 303) 302) 296) 295) 294) 293) 292) 291) 290) Listing 7-3 Demo Application Output when a Mouse is Connected 7-4-1 DEMO APPLICATION CONFIGURATION Before running the HID demo application, you must configure it properly. The configuration constants that must be set are located in the app_cfg.h file. Table 7-4 lists the preprocessor constants that must be defined. Preprocessor Constants Description Default Value APP_CFG_USBH_EN Enables μC/USB-Host in your application. DEF_ENABLED APP_CFG_USBH_HID_EN Enables HID demo application. DEF_ENABLED Table 7-4 Demo Application Configuration Constants 116 Chapter 8 Mass Storage Class This section describes the Mass Storage Class (MSC) supported by μC/USB-Host. The MSC implementation offered by μC/USB-Host is in compliance with the following specifications: ■ Universal Serial Bus Mass Storage Class Specification Overview, Revision 1.3 Sept. 5, 2008. ■ Universal Serial Bus Mass Storage Class Bulk-Only Transport, Revision 1.0 Sept. 31, 1999. MSC is a protocol that enables the transfer of information between a USB device and a host. The information is anything that can be stored electronically: executable programs, source code, documents, images, configuration data, or other text or numeric data. The USB device appears as an external storage medium to the host. A file system defines how the files are organized in the storage media. The USB mass storage class specification does not require any particular file system to be used on conforming devices. Instead, it provides a simple interface to read and write sectors of data using the Small Computer System Interface (SCSI) transparent command set. The USB mass storage host class supports two transport protocols: ■ Bulk-Only Transport (BOT) ■ Control/Bulk/Interrupt (CBI) Transport. The mass storage device class supported by μC/USB-Host implements the SCSI transparent command set using the BOT protocol only, which signifies that only bulk endpoints will be used to transmit data and status information. The MSC implementation supports only one logical unit. 117 Chapter 8 8-1 OVERVIEW 8-1-1 MASS STORAGE CLASS PROTOCOL The MSC protocol is composed of three phases: ■ The Command Transport ■ The Data Transport ■ The Status Transport Mass storage commands are sent by the host through a structure called the Command Block Wrapper (CBW). For commands requiring a data transport stage, the host will attempt to send or receive the exact number of bytes from the device as specified by the length and flag fields of the CBW. After the data transport stage, the host attempts to receive a Command Status Wrapper (CSW) from the device detailing the status of the command as well as any data residue (if any). For commands that do not include a data transport stage, the host attempts to receive the CSW directly after CBW is sent. The protocol is detailed in Figure 8-1. 5HDG\ &RPPDQG7UDQVSRUW &%: 'DWD2XWIURP+RVW 'DWD,QWR+RVW 6WDWXV7UDQVSRUW &6: Figure 8-1 MSC Protocol 118 Overview 8-1-2 ENDPOINTS On the host side, in compliance with the BOT specification, a MSC device is composed of the following endpoints: ■ A pair of control IN and OUT endpoints called default endpoint. ■ A pair of bulk IN and OUT endpoints. Table 8-1 indicates the different uses of the endpoints. Endpoint Direction Used for Control IN Control OUT Device to Host Host to Device Enumeration and MSC class-specific requests Bulk IN Bulk OUT Device to Host Host to Device Receive CSW and data Send CBW and data Table 8-1 MSC Endpoint Use 8-1-3 MASS STORAGE CLASS REQUESTS There are two defined control requests for the MSC BOT protocol. These requests and their descriptions are detailed in Table 8-2. Class Requests Description Bulk-Only Mass Storage Reset This request is used to reset the mass storage device and its associated interface. This request readies the device to receive the next command block. Get Max LUN This request is used to return the highest logical unit number (LUN) supported by the device. For example, a device with LUN 0 and LUN 1 will return a value of 1. A device with a single logical unit will return 0 or stall the request. The maximum value that can be returned is 15. Table 8-2 Mass Storage Class Requests 119 Chapter 8 8-1-4 SMALL COMPUTER SYSTEM INTERFACE (SCSI) SCSI is a set of standards for handling communication between computers and peripheral devices. These standards include commands, protocols, electrical interfaces and optical interfaces. Storage devices that use other hardware interfaces such as USB, use SCSI commands for obtaining device/host information and controlling the device’s operation and transferring blocks of data in the storage media. SCSI commands cover a vast range of device types and functions and as such, devices need a subset of these commands. In general, the following commands are necessary for basic communication: ■ INQUIRY ■ READ CAPACITY(10) ■ READ(10) ■ REQUEST SENSE ■ TEST UNIT READY ■ WRITE(10) 8-2 CLASS IMPLEMENTATION μC/USB-Host Mass Storage Class (MSC) requires a File System (FS) to work properly. Micriμm’s μC/FS supports μC/USB-Host MSC and is the recommended FS. Figure 8-2 describes how your application interacts with MSC, the core module, and μC/FS. 120 Class Implementation +RVW $SSOLFDWLRQ &)6 0DVV6WRUDJH&ODVV &86%+RVW&RUHDQG&RQWUROOHU'ULYHU 06&GHYLFH Figure 8-2 MSC Interactions F8-2(1) μC/FS sees the USB MSC class as a storage device driver. F8-2(2) All the operations on files and folders from your application are done via μC/FS. Your application cannot access a MSC device using μC/USB-Host MSC without the use of a file system. For more information on how to perform file and folder operations, refer to the μC/FS user manual. F8-2(3) Upon device connection, your application must add a reference on the device and release it on device disconnection. F8-2(4) At initialization, your application must register the MSC driver to the core. 121 Chapter 8 8-3 CONFIGURATION AND INITIALIZATION 8-3-1 GENERAL CONFIGURATION There is only one configuration constant necessary to customize the MSC host class. This constant is located in the usbh_cfg.h file. Table 8-3 shows a description of this constant. Constant Description USBH_MSC_CFG_MAX_DEV Configures the maximum number of MSC functions the class can handle. Figure 8-3 MSC Configuration Constant 8-3-2 CLASS INITIALIZATION In order to be integrated to the core and considered on a device connection, the MSC class driver must be added to the core class driver list. This is done by calling USBH_ClassDrvReg() and is described in Listing 8-1. USBH_ERR App_USBH_MSC_Init (void) { USBH_ERR err; ... err = USBH_ClassDrvReg( &USBH_MSC_ClassDrv, App_USBH_MSC_ClassNotify, (void *)0); (1) (2) (3) return (err); } Listing 8-1 MSC Initialization L8-1(1) First parameter is MSC class driver structure. It is defined in usbh_msc.h. L8-1(2) Second parameter is a pointer to the application’s callback function. This function will be called upon MSC device connection/disconnection. L8-1(3) Last parameter is an optional pointer to application specific data. 122 Configuration and Initialization 8-3-3 DEVICE CONNECTION AND DISCONNECTION HANDLING Upon connection/disconnection of a MSC device, your application will be notified via a callback function. Listing 8-2 describes the operations that must be performed at that moment. static void App_USBH_MSC_ClassNotify (void CPU_INT08U void *p_class_dev, is_conn, *p_ctx) { USBH_MSC_DEV USBH_ERR FS_ERR CPU_INT32U *p_msc_dev; err_usbh; err_fs; unit_nbr; (void)&p_ctx; p_msc_dev = (USBH_MSC_DEV *)p_class_dev; switch (is_conn) { case USBH_CLASS_DEV_STATE_CONN: err_usbh = USBH_MSC_RefAdd(p_msc_dev); if (err_usbh != USBH_ERR_NONE) { /* $$$$ Handle error */ return; } (1) unit_nbr = FSDev_MSC_DevOpen(p_msc_dev, &err_fs); if (err_fs != FS_ERR_NONE) { FSDev_MSC_DevClose(p_msc_dev); USBH_MSC_RefRel(p_msc_dev); /* $$$$ Handle error */ return; } break; (2) case USBH_CLASS_DEV_STATE_DISCONN: FSDev_MSC_DevClose(p_msc_dev); USBH_MSC_RefRel(p_msc_dev); break; (3) default: break; } } Listing 8-2 MSC Device Connection/Disconnection 123 Chapter 8 L8-2(1) On a MSC device connection, the first step is to add an application reference to this MSC device by calling the function USBH_MSC_RefAdd(). L8-2(2) Second step consists of allocating/opening a MSC device in the File System (FS). This is done by calling FSDev_MSC_DevOpen(). If this call is successful, you will now be able to communicate with the device using μC/FS. The connected MSC device will have the following mounting point: msc:<unit_nbr>://. L8-2(3) On MSC device disconnection, your application must de-allocate/close the MSC device in the FS and release its reference. 8-4 DEMO APPLICATION A simple demo application is provided with the host Mass Storage Class (MSC). This demo application can be used as a starting point to create your own application. Upon connection of a MSC device, the demo application will open a file, perform a write/read operation, and close the file. Listing 8-3 describes the file operations that are performed by the demo application. 124 Demo Application #define #define USBH_MSC_DEMO_FS_EXAMPLE_FILE APP_USBH_MSC_FS_BUF_SIZE static CPU_INT08U static void "msc:x:\\MSPrint.txt" 49u App_USBH_MSC_BufTx[] = "This is USB Mass Storage Demo sample output file."; App_USBH_MSC_FileTask (void *p_ctx) { ... (void)&p_ctx; (void)Str_Copy(&name[0u], APP_USBH_MSC_FS_EXAMPLE_FILE); while (DEF_TRUE) { unit_nbr = (CPU_INT32U)USBH_OS_MsgQueueGet(App_USBH_MSC_DevQ, 0u, (1) &err_usbh); if (err_usbh != USBH_ERR_NONE) { continue; } name[4u] = ASCII_CHAR_DIGIT_ZERO + (CPU_CHAR)unit_nbr; p_file = FSFile_Open(name, (FS_FILE_ACCESS_MODE_CREATE | FS_FILE_ACCESS_MODE_WR | FS_FILE_ACCESS_MODE_RD), &err_fs); if (err_fs != FS_ERR_NONE) { continue; } (2) len_wr = FSFile_Wr( p_file, (void *)&App_USBH_MSC_BufTx[0u], APP_USBH_MSC_FS_BUF_SIZE, &err_fs); if ((err_fs != FS_ERR_NONE ) || (len_wr != APP_USBH_MSC_FS_BUF_SIZE)) { FSFile_Close(p_file, &err_fs); continue; } (3) FSFile_PosSet(p_file, 0u, FS_FILE_ORIGIN_START, &err_fs); if (err_fs != FS_ERR_NONE) { FSFile_Close(p_file, &err_fs); continue; } 125 Chapter 8 len_rd = FSFile_Rd( p_file, (void *)&App_USBH_MSC_BufRx[0u], APP_USBH_MSC_FS_BUF_SIZE, (4) &err_fs); if ((err_fs != FS_ERR_NONE ) || (len_rd != APP_USBH_MSC_FS_BUF_SIZE)) { FSFile_Close(p_file, &err_fs); continue; } APP_TRACE_INFO(("Comparing original data and data read from USB drive... ")); cmp = Mem_Cmp((void *)&App_USBH_MSC_BufTx[0u], (5) (void *)&App_USBH_MSC_BufRx[0u], APP_USBH_MSC_FS_BUF_SIZE); if (cmp == DEF_YES) { APP_TRACE_INFO(("Passed\n\r")); } else { APP_TRACE_INFO(("Failed!\n\r")); } FSFile_Close(p_file, &err_fs); } } Listing 8-3 MSC Demo Application L8-3(1) The application’s file task pends on a queue. Once a device is connected, the queue is posted from the application class notification callback with the unit number of the connected MSC device. L8-3(2) The file named MSPrint.txt is opened in the root folder of the MSC device. If the file is not present, it will be created. L8-3(3) The string This is the USB Mass Storage Demo sample output file. is written to the MSPrint.txt file. L8-3(4) The content of the file is read back. L8-3(5) The written and read content of the file are compared. If they match, the demo application indicates a success. 126 Demo Application 8-4-1 DEMO APPLICATION CONFIGURATION Before running the MSC demo application, you must configure it properly. The configuration constants that must be set are located in the app_cfg.h file. Table 8-3 lists the preprocessor constants that must be defined. Preprocessor Constants Description Default Value APP_CFG_USBH_EN Enables μC/USB-Host in your application. DEF_ENABLED APP_CFG_USBH_MSC_EN Enables MSC demo application. DEF_ENABLED APP_CFG_USBH_MSC_FILE_TASK_PRIO MSC application task priority. 20 APP_CFG_USBH_MSC_FILE_TASK_STK_SIZE MSC application task stack size. 1000 Table 8-3 Demo Application Configuration Constants In order to use the demo application, you must properly configure μC/FS. Refer to the μC/FS user manual for more information on how to configure, initialize and use this product. 127 Chapter 8 128 Chapter 9 Porting μC/USB-Host to your Kernel μC/USB-Host requires a Kernel (also known as a Real-Time Operating System, RTOS). In order to make it usable with nearly any kernels available on the market, it has been designed to be easily portable. Micriμm provides a port for both μC/OS-II and μC/OS-III and recommends using one of these kernels. In case you need to use another kernel, this chapter will explain you how to port μC/USB-Host to your kernel. 9-1 OVERVIEW In order to be portable to other kernels, μC/USB-Host uses an abstraction layer to instantiate and use kernel services. Figure 9-1 shows how the different modules of μC/USB-Host interacts with the kernel via the abstraction layer. 129 Chapter 9 zŽƵƌƉƉůŝĐĂƚŝŽŶ KƚŚĞƌh^ĐůĂƐƐĞƐ ;,/͕D^͘͘͘Ϳ ,ƵďĐůĂƐƐ <ĞƌŶĞů <ĞƌŶĞů ĂďƐƚƌĂĐƚŝŽŶ ůĂLJĞƌ ůĂƐƐĐŽŶƚƌŽůůĂLJĞƌ ŽƌĞ ,ŽƐƚŽŶƚƌŽůůĞƌ ƌŝǀĞƌϬ ,ŽƐƚŽŶƚƌŽůůĞƌ ƌŝǀĞƌϭ ͘͘͘ ,ŽƐƚŽŶƚƌŽůůĞƌ ƌŝǀĞƌŶ ,ŽƐƚŽŶƚƌŽůůĞƌ Ϭ ,ŽƐƚŽŶƚƌŽůůĞƌ ϭ ͘͘͘ ,ŽƐƚŽŶƚƌŽůůĞƌ Ŷ ^ŽĨƚǁĂƌĞ ,ĂƌĚǁĂƌĞ Figure 9-1 μC/USB-Host Interactions with the Kernel Each USB class implementation and the core layer interacts with the kernel abstraction layer. The kernel abstraction layer is shared by all the modules. It offers a unified API to the stack to access common kernel services such as task creation and semaphore creation/pend/post, etc. Your application should not use the abstraction layer. It should interact directly with the kernel. However, for maintenance simplicity, the demo applications provided by Micriμm uses the kernel abstraction layer. μC/USB-Host requires a kernel that minimally offers the following services: ■ Task creation ■ Semaphores ■ Mutex Plus, the Mass Storage Class (MSC) demo application provided by Micriμm requires message queuing. 130 Porting the Stack to your Kernel 9-2 PORTING THE STACK TO YOUR KERNEL A template kernel abstraction layer file is provided with μC/USB-Host. It is located in the following folder: \Micrium\Software\uC-USB-Host-V3\OS\Template 9-2-1 TASK CREATION μC/USB-Host requires a few tasks to work properly: ■ One for the async task ■ One for the hub task ■ One for the Communication Device Class (CDC) demo application (optional) ■ One for the Mass Storage Class (MSC) demo application (optional) To instantiate these tasks, μC/USB-Host will call the USBH_OS_TaskCreate() function twice. This function must be implemented in your kernel abstraction layer. For further details on how to implement this function, refer to Appendix A, “Kernel Abstraction Functions” on page 150. 9-2-2 SEMAPHORE μC/USB-Host requires several semaphores to work properly: ■ One for the async task ■ One for the hub task ■ One per endpoint ■ One for the CDC demo application (optional) 131 Chapter 9 Listing 9-1 shows how the number of semaphores required should be computed in your kernel abstraction layer (if necessary). #define USBH_OS_SEM_REQUIRED (3u + (((USBH_CFG_MAX_NBR_EPS * USBH_CFG_MAX_NBR_IFS) + 1u) * USBH_CFG_MAX_NBR_DEVS)) \ Listing 9-1 Semaphore Number Computation Table 9-1 summarizes the semaphores related functions that must be implemented in your kernel abstraction layer. Function Description USBH_OS_SemCreate() Creates/instantiates a semaphore. USBH_OS_SemDestroy() Destroys a semaphore. USBH_OS_SemWait() Waits/pends on a semaphore. USBH_OS_SemWaitAbort() Aborts pend on a semaphore. USBH_OS_SemPost() Posts a semaphore. Table 9-1 Semaphore API For further details on how to implement these functions, refer to Appendix A, “Kernel Abstraction Functions” on page 150. 132 Porting the Stack to your Kernel 9-2-3 MUTEX μC/USB-Host requires several mutexes (mutual exclusion) to work properly: ■ One per Host Controller Driver (HCD) ■ One per device ■ One per USB function ■ One per endpoint Listing 9-2 shows how the number of mutex required should be computed in your kernel abstraction layer (if necessary). #define USBH_OS_MUTEX_REQUIRED ((((USBH_CFG_MAX_NBR_EPS * USBH_CFG_MAX_NBR_IFS) + 1u) * \ USBH_CFG_MAX_NBR_DEVS) + \ USBH_CFG_MAX_NBR_DEVS + USBH_CFG_MAX_NBR_HC + \ USBH_CDC_CFG_MAX_DEV + USBH_HID_CFG_MAX_DEV + \ USBH_MSC_CFG_MAX_DEV) Listing 9-2 Mutex Number Computation Table 9-2 summarizes the mutex related functions that must be implemented in your kernel abstraction layer. Function Description USBH_OS_MutexCreate() Creates/instantiates a mutex. USBH_OS_MutexLock() Locks a mutex. USBH_OS_MutexUnlock() Unlocks a mutex. USBH_OS_MutexDestroy() Destroys a mutex. Table 9-2 Mutex API For further details on how to implement these functions, refer to Appendix A, “Kernel Abstraction Functions” on page 150. 133 Chapter 9 9-2-4 MESSAGE QUEUE μC/USB-Host’s MSC demo application requires a message queue to work properly. Table 9-3 summarizes the message queue related functions that must be implemented in your kernel abstraction layer. If the MSC demo application is not used within your project, you can leave these functions empty. Function Description USBH_OS_MsgQueueCreate() Creates/instantiates a message queue. USBH_OS_MsgQueuePut() Posts a message to the queue. USBH_OS_MsgQueueGet() Pends on the queue and returns the first element. Table 9-3 Message Queues API For further details on how to implement these functions, refer to Appendix A, “Kernel Abstraction Functions” on page 150. 134 Appendix A Core API Reference This appendix provides a reference to the μC/USB-Host core layer API. The following information is provided for each of the services: ■ A brief description ■ The function prototype ■ The filename of the source code ■ A description of the arguments passed to the function ■ A description of returned value(s) ■ Specific notes and warnings regarding use of the service 135 Appendix A A-1 HOST FUNCTIONS A-1-1 USBH_Init() Allocates and initializes resources required by the USB Host stack. FILES usbh_core.h/usbh_core.c PROTOTYPE USBH_ERR USBH_Init (USBH_KERNEL_TASK_INFO USBH_KERNEL_TASK_INFO *async_task_info, *hub_task_info); ARGUMENTS async_task_info Structure that contains information on asynchronous task. hub_task_info Structure that contains information on hub task. RETURNED VALUE Error code from this function. USBH_ERR_NONE USBH_ERR_ALLOC USBH_ERR_INVALID_ARG USBH_ERR_CLASS_DRV_ALLOC USBH_ERR_OS_SIGNAL_CREATE USBH_ERR_OS_TASK_CREATE CALLERS Application. 136 NOTES / WARNINGS USBH_Init() must be called: ■ Only once from a product’s application. ■ After product’s OS has been initialized. 137 Appendix A A-1-2 USBH_VersionGet() Get the μC/USB-Host software version. FILES usbh_core.h/usbh_core.c PROTOTYPE CPU_INT32U USBH_VersionGet (void) ARGUMENTS None. RETURNED VALUE μC/USB-Host version. CALLERS Application. NOTES / WARNINGS The value returned is multiplied by 10000. For example, version 3.40.02, would be returned as 34002. 138 A-1-3 USBH_Suspend() Suspends the USB Host stack by calling suspend for every class driver loaded followed by a call to the suspend function of each host controller. FILES usbh_core.h/usbh_core.c PROTOTYPE USBH_ERR USBH_Suspend (void) ARGUMENTS None. RETURNED VALUE Error code from this function. USBH_ERR_NONE Host Controller Driver error code. CALLERS Application. NOTES / WARNINGS This call will move all the connected devices to the suspend state as well. 139 Appendix A A-1-4 USBH_Resume() Resumes the USB Host stack by calling every host controller resume function and then calling resume for every class driver loaded. FILES usbh_core.h/usbh_core.c PROTOTYPE USBH_ERR USBH_Resume (void) ARGUMENTS None. RETURNED VALUE Error code from this function. USBH_ERR_NONE Host Controller Driver error code. CALLERS Application. NOTES / WARNINGS Calling this function will also resume the bus activity with all the devices connected. 140 A-2 HOST CONTROLLER FUNCTIONS A-2-1 USBH_HC_Add() Adds a host controller. FILES usbh_core.h/usbh_core.c PROTOTYPE CPU_INT08U USBH_HC_Add (USBH_HC_CFG USBH_HC_DRV_API USBH_HC_RH_API USBH_HC_BSP_API USBH_ERR *p_hc_cfg, *p_drv_api, *p_hc_rh_api, *p_hc_bsp_api, *p_err); ARGUMENTS p_hc_cfg Pointer to specific USB host controller configuration. p_drv_api Pointer to specific USB host controller driver API. p_hc_rh_api Pointer to specific USB host controller root hub driver API. p_hc_bsp_api Pointer to specific USB host controller board-specific API. p_err Pointer to variable that will receive the return error code from this function: USBH_ERR_NONE USBH_ERR_INVALID_ARG USBH_ERR_HC_ALLOC USBH_ERR_DEV_ALLOC USBH_ERR_OS_SIGNAL_CREATE Host Controller Driver error code 141 Appendix A RETURNED VALUE Host Controller index if host controller successfully added. USBH_HC_NBR_NONE Otherwise. CALLERS Application. NOTES / WARNINGS None. 142 A-2-2 USBH_HC_Start() Starts the given host controller. FILES usbh_core.h/usbh_core.c PROTOTYPE USBH_ERR USBH_HC_Start (CPU_INT08U hc_nbr); ARGUMENTS hc_nbr Host controller number. RETURNED VALUE Error code from this function: USBH_ERR_NONE USBH_ERR_INVALID_ARG USBH_ERR_DESC_INVALID USBH_ERR_CFG_MAX_CFG_LEN USBH_ERR_UNKNOWN USBH_ERR_EP_INVALID_STATE USBH_ERR_HC_IO USBH_ERR_EP_STALL USBH_ERR_DRIVER_NOT_FOUND USBH_ERR_OS_SIGNAL_CREATE Host Controller Driver error code CALLERS Application. NOTES / WARNINGS None. 143 Appendix A A-2-3 USBH_HC_Stop() Stops the given host controller. FILES usbh_core.h/usbh_core.c PROTOTYPE USBH_ERR USBH_HC_Stop (CPU_INT08U hc_nbr); ARGUMENTS hc_nbr Host controller number. RETURNED VALUE Error code from this function: USBH_ERR_NONE USBH_ERR_INVALID_ARG Host Controller Driver error code CALLERS Application. NOTES / WARNINGS None. 144 A-2-4 USBH_HC_PortEn() Enable specified port of given host controller's root hub. FILES usbh_core.h/usbh_core.c PROTOTYPE USBH_ERR USBH_HC_PortEn (CPU_INT08U CPU_INT08U hc_nbr, port_nbr); ARGUMENTS hc_nbr Host controller number. port_nbr Port number. RETURNED VALUE Error code from this function: USBH_ERR_NONE USBH_ERR_INVALID_ARG USBH_ERR_UNKNOWN USBH_ERR_EP_INVALID_STATE USBH_ERR_HC_IO USBH_ERR_EP_STALL Host Controller Driver error code CALLERS Application. NOTES / WARNINGS None. 145 Appendix A A-2-5 USBH_HC_PortDis() Disable specified port of given host controller's root hub. FILES usbh_core.h/usbh_core.c PROTOTYPE USBH_ERR USBH_HC_PortDis (CPU_INT08U CPU_INT08U hc_nbr, port_nbr); ARGUMENTS hc_nbr Host controller number. port_nbr Port number. RETURNED VALUE Error code from this function: USBH_ERR_NONE USBH_ERR_INVALID_ARG USBH_ERR_UNKNOWN USBH_ERR_EP_INVALID_STATE USBH_ERR_HC_IO USBH_ERR_EP_STALL Host Controller Driver error code CALLERS Application. NOTES / WARNINGS None. 146 A-2-6 USBH_HC_FrameNbrGet() Gets current frame number. FILES usbh_core.h/usbh_core.c PROTOTYPE CPU_INT32U USBH_HC_FrameNbrGet (CPU_INT08U USBH_ERR hc_nbr, *p_err); ARGUMENTS hc_nbr Host controller number. p_err Pointer to variable that will receive the return error code from this function : USBH_ERR_NONE USBH_ERR_INVALID_ARG Host Controller Driver error code RETURNED VALUE Curent frame number processed by the Host Controller. CALLERS Application. NOTES / WARNINGS None. 147 Appendix A A-3 CLASS MANAGEMENT FUNCTIONS A-3-1 USBH_ClassDrvReg() Registers a class driver to the USB host stack. FILES usbh_class.h/usbh_class.c PROTOTYPE USBH_ERR USBH_ClassDrvReg (USBH_CLASS_DRV USBH_CLASS_NOTIFY_FNCT void *p_class_drv, class_notify_fnct, *p_class_notify_ctx); ARGUMENTS p_class_drv Pointer to the class driver. class_notify_fnct Class notification function pointer. p_class_notify_ctx Class notification function context pointer. RETURNED VALUE Error code from this function: USBH_ERR_NONE USBH_ERR_INVALID_ARG USBH_ERR_CLASS_DRV_ALLOC CALLERS Application. NOTES / WARNINGS None. 148 A-3-2 USBH_ClassDrvUnreg() Unregisters a class driver from the USB host stack. FILES usbh_class.h/usbh_class.c PROTOTYPE USBH_ERR USBH_ClassDrvUnreg (USBH_CLASS_DRV *p_class_drv) ARGUMENTS p_class_drv Pointer to the class driver. RETURNED VALUE Error code from this function: USBH_ERR_NONE USBH_ERR_INVALID_ARG USBH_ERR_CLASS_DRV_NOT_FOUND CALLERS Application. NOTES / WARNINGS None. 149 Appendix A A-4 KERNEL ABSTRACTION FUNCTIONS A-4-1 USBH_OS_LayerInit() Initializes the kernel abstraction layer. FILES usbh_os.h/usbh_os.c PROTOTYPE USBH_ERR USBH_OS_LayerInit (void) ARGUMENTS None. RETURNED VALUE Error code from this function: USBH_ERR_NONE USBH_ERR_ALLOC CALLERS USBH_Init(). NOTES / WARNINGS None. 150 A-4-2 USBH_OS_VirToBus() Converts from virtual address to physical address if the operating system uses virtual memory. FILES usbh_os.h/usbh_os.c PROTOTYPE void *USBH_OS_VirToBus (void *x) ARGUMENTS x Virtual address to convert RETURNED VALUE The corresponding physical address CALLERS ■ OHCI driver ■ EHCI driver NOTES / WARNINGS Most of the embedded operating systems don’t use virtual memory addressing. Hence, this function can be implemented as shown in Listing A-1. void *USBH_OS_VirToBus (void { return (x); } *x) Listing A-1 Typical USBH_OS_VirToBus() Function Implementation 151 Appendix A A-4-3 USBH_OS_BusToVir() Converts from physical address to virtual address if the operating system uses virtual memory. FILES usbh_os.h/usbh_os.c PROTOTYPE void *USBH_OS_BusToVir (void *x) ARGUMENTS x Physical address to convert RETURNED VALUE The corresponding virtual address CALLERS ■ OHCI driver ■ EHCI driver NOTES / WARNINGS Most of the embedded kernels don’t use virtual memory addressing. Hence, this function can be implemented as shown in Listing A-2. void *USBH_OS_BusToVir (void { return (x); } *x) Listing A-2 Typical USBH_OS_BusToVir() Function Implementation 152 A-4-4 USBH_OS_TaskCreate() Creates a task. FILES usbh_os.h/usbh_os.c PROTOTYPE USBH_ERR USBH_OS_TaskCreate (CPU_CHAR CPU_INT32U USBH_TASK_FNCT void CPU_INT32U CPU_INT32U USBH_HTASK *p_name, prio, task_fnct, *p_data, *p_stk, stk_size, *p_task) ARGUMENTS p_name Pointer to a string that contains a name to assign to the task (can be NULL) prio Priority of the task task_fnct Pointer to the task’s function body p_data Pointer to the data that is passed to the task function p_stk Pointer to the beginning of the task’s stack stk_size Size of the task’s stack p_task Pointer to a variable that will receive the handle of the task RETURNED VALUE Error code from this function: USBH_ERR_NONE USBH_ERR_ALLOC USBH_ERR_OS_TASK_CREATE 153 Appendix A CALLERS ■ Core layer ■ Micriμm’s CDC and MSC demo applications NOTES / WARNINGS None. 154 A-4-5 USBH_OS_DlyMS() Delays the current task by the specified delay in milliseconds. FILES usbh_os.h/usbh_os.c PROTOTYPE void USBH_OS_DlyMS (CPU_INT32U dly) ARGUMENTS dly Delay, in milliseconds RETURNED VALUE None. CALLERS Various. NOTES / WARNINGS None. 155 Appendix A A-4-6 USBH_OS_DlyUS() Delays the current task by the specified delay in microseconds. FILES usbh_os.h/usbh_os.c PROTOTYPE void USBH_OS_DlyUS (CPU_INT32U dly) ARGUMENTS dly Delay, in microseconds RETURNED VALUE None. CALLERS Host Controller Driver. NOTES / WARNINGS None. 156 A-4-7 USBH_OS_MutexCreate() Creates a mutex. FILES usbh_os.h/usbh_os.c PROTOTYPE USBH_ERR USBH_OS_MutexCreate (USBH_HMUTEX *p_mutex) ARGUMENTS p_mutex Pointer to variable that will receive handle of the mutex. RETURNED VALUE Error code from this function: USBH_ERR_NONE USBH_ERR_ALLOC USBH_ERR_OS_SIGNAL_CREATE CALLERS Various. NOTES / WARNINGS None. 157 Appendix A A-4-8 USBH_OS_MutexLock() Acquires/locks a mutex. FILES usbh_os.h/usbh_os.c PROTOTYPE USBH_ERR USBH_OS_MutexLock (USBH_HMUTEX ARGUMENTS mutex Mutex handle. RETURNED VALUE Error code from this function: USBH_ERR_NONE USBH_ERR_OS_TIMEOUT USBH_ERR_OS_FAIL CALLERS Various. NOTES / WARNINGS None. 158 mutex) A-4-9 USBH_OS_MutexUnlock() Releases a mutex. FILES usbh_os.h/usbh_os.c PROTOTYPE USBH_ERR USBH_OS_MutexUnlock (USBH_HMUTEX mutex) ARGUMENTS mutex Mutex handle. RETURNED VALUE Error code from this function: USBH_ERR_NONE USBH_ERR_OS_FAIL CALLERS Various. NOTES / WARNINGS None. 159 Appendix A A-4-10 USBH_OS_MutexDestroy() Destroys a mutex. FILES usbh_os.h/usbh_os.c PROTOTYPE USBH_ERR USBH_OS_MutexDestroy (USBH_HMUTEX ARGUMENTS mutex Mutex handle. RETURNED VALUE Error code from this function: USBH_ERR_NONE USBH_ERR_OS_FAIL USBH_ERR_FREE CALLERS Various. NOTES / WARNINGS None. 160 mutex) A-4-11 USBH_OS_SemCreate() Creates a semaphore initialized with the given count. FILES usbh_os.h/usbh_os.c PROTOTYPE USBH_ERR USBH_OS_SemCreate (USBH_HSEM CPU_INT32U *p_sem, cnt) ARGUMENTS p_sem Pointer to variable that will receive handle of the semaphore cnt Count value with which the semaphore will be initialized RETURNED VALUE Error code from this function: USBH_ERR_NONE USBH_ERR_OS_SIGNAL_CREATE USBH_ERR_ALLOC CALLERS Various. NOTES / WARNINGS None. 161 Appendix A A-4-12 USBH_OS_SemDestroy() Destroys a semaphore. FILES usbh_os.h/usbh_os.c PROTOTYPE USBH_ERR USBH_OS_SemDestroy (USBH_HSEM ARGUMENTS sem Semaphore handle RETURNED VALUE Error code from this function: USBH_ERR_NONE USBH_ERR_OS_FAIL USBH_ERR_FREE CALLERS Various. NOTES / WARNINGS None. 162 sem) A-4-13 USBH_OS_SemWait() Pends on a semaphore. FILES usbh_os.h/usbh_os.c PROTOTYPE USBH_ERR USBH_OS_SemWait (USBH_HSEM CPU_INT32U sem, timeout) ARGUMENTS sem Semaphore handle timeout Timeout value, expressed in milliseconds RETURNED VALUE Error code from this function: USBH_ERR_NONE USBH_ERR_OS_TIMEOUT USBH_ERR_OS_ABORT USBH_ERR_OS_FAIL CALLERS Various. NOTES / WARNINGS None. 163 Appendix A A-4-14 USBH_OS_SemWaitAbort() Aborts a semaphore and resumes all tasks pending on it. FILES usbh_os.h/usbh_os.c PROTOTYPE USBH_ERR USBH_OS_SemWaitAbort (USBH_HSEM ARGUMENTS sem Semaphore handle RETURNED VALUE Error code from this function: USBH_ERR_NONE USBH_ERR_OS_FAIL CALLERS Various. NOTES / WARNINGS None. 164 sem) A-4-15 USBH_OS_SemPost() Posts a semaphore. FILES usbh_os.h/usbh_os.c PROTOTYPE USBH_ERR USBH_OS_SemPost (USBH_HSEM sem) ARGUMENTS sem Semaphore handle RETURNED VALUE Error code from this function: USBH_ERR_NONE USBH_ERR_OS_FAIL CALLERS Various. NOTES / WARNINGS None. 165 Appendix A A-4-16 USBH_OS_MsgQueueCreate() Creates a message queue. FILES usbh_os.h/usbh_os.c PROTOTYPE USBH_HQUEUE USBH_OS_MsgQueueCreate (void CPU_INT16U USBH_ERR **p_start, size, *p_err) ARGUMENTS p_start Pointer to the base address of the message queue storage area size Size of the queue p_err Pointer to variable that will receive the return error code from this function USBH_ERR_NONE USBH_ERR_ALLOC USBH_ERR_OS_SIGNAL_CREATE RETURNED VALUE Handle of the message queue. CALLERS Micriμm’s MSC demo application. NOTES / WARNINGS This function can be left empty if Micriμm’s MSC demo application is not used. 166 A-4-17 USBH_OS_MsgQueuePut() Posts a message to a message queue. FILES usbh_os.h/usbh_os.c PROTOTYPE USBH_ERR USBH_OS_MsgQueuePut (USBH_HQUEUE void msg_q, *p_msg) ARGUMENTS msg_q Message queue handle p_msg Pointer to the message to post RETURNED VALUE Error code from this function: USBH_ERR_NONE USBH_ERR_OS_FAIL CALLERS Micriμm’s MSC demo application. NOTES / WARNINGS This function can be left empty if Micriμm’s MSC demo application is not used. 167 Appendix A A-4-18 USBH_OS_MsgQueueGet() Pends on a queue and retrieves the first message from it. FILES usbh_os.h/usbh_os.c PROTOTYPE void *USBH_OS_MsgQueueGet (USBH_HQUEUE CPU_INT32U USBH_ERR msg_q, timeout, *p_err) ARGUMENTS msg_q Message queue handle timeout Pointer to the message to post p_err Pointer to variable that will receive the return error code from this function USBH_ERR_NONE USBH_ERR_OS_TIMEOUT USBH_ERR_OS_ABORT USBH_ERR_OS_FAIL RETURNED VALUE Pointer to the first message from the queue. CALLERS Micriμm’s MSC demo application. NOTES / WARNINGS This function can be left empty if Micriμm’s MSC demo application is not used. 168 Appendix B CDC API Reference This appendix provides a reference to the μC/USB-Host Communication Device Class (CDC) and the Abstract Control Model (ACM) subclass API. The following information is provided for each of the services: ■ A brief description ■ The function prototype ■ The filename of the source code ■ A description of the arguments passed to the function ■ A description of returned value(s) ■ Specific notes and warnings regarding use of the service 169 Appendix B B-1 CDC FUNCTIONS B-1-1 USBH_CDC_RefAdd() Increments the CDC device's application reference counter. FILES usbh_cdc.h/usbh_cdc.c PROTOTYPE USBH_ERR USBH_CDC_RefAdd (USBH_CDC_DEV *p_cdc_dev) ARGUMENTS p_cdc_dev Pointer to the CDC device. RETURNED VALUE Error code from this function. USBH_ERR_NONE USBH_ERR_INVALID_ARG CALLERS Application. NOTES / WARNINGS None. 170 B-1-2 USBH_CDC_RefRel() Decrements the CDC device's application reference counter. Frees the device if there is not anymore references to it. FILES usbh_cdc.h/usbh_cdc.c PROTOTYPE USBH_ERR USBH_CDC_RefRel (USBH_CDC_DEV *p_cdc_dev) ARGUMENTS p_cdc_dev Pointer to the CDC device. RETURNED VALUE Error code from this function. USBH_ERR_NONE USBH_ERR_INVALID_ARG USBH_ERR_FREE CALLERS Application. NOTES / WARNINGS None. 171 Appendix B B-1-3 USBH_CDC_SubclassGet() Retrieves CDC device‘s subclass code. FILES usbh_cdc.h/usbh_cdc.c PROTOTYPE USBH_ERR USBH_CDC_SubclassGet(USBH_CDC_DEV CPU_INT08U *p_cdc_dev, *p_subclass) ARGUMENTS p_cdc_dev Pointer to the CDC device. p_subclass Pointer to variable that will receive the subclass code. RETURNED VALUE Error code from this function. USBH_ERR_NONE USBH_ERR_INVALID_ARG CALLERS Application. NOTES / WARNINGS None. 172 B-1-4 USBH_CDC_ProtocolGet() Retrieves CDC device‘s protocol code. FILES usbh_cdc.h/usbh_cdc.c PROTOTYPE USBH_ERR USBH_CDC_ProtocolGet(USBH_CDC_DEV CPU_INT08U *p_cdc_dev, *p_protocol) ARGUMENTS p_cdc_dev Pointer to the CDC device. p_protocol Pointer to variable that will receive the protocol code. RETURNED VALUE Error code from this function. USBH_ERR_NONE USBH_ERR_INVALID_ARG CALLERS Application. NOTES / WARNINGS None. 173 Appendix B B-2 ACM FUNCTIONS B-2-1 USBH_CDC_ACM_GlobalInit() Initializes all the USB CDC ACM structures and global variables. FILES usbh_acm.h/usbh_acm.c PROTOTYPE USBH_ERR USBH_CDC_ACM_GlobalInit (void) ARGUMENTS None. RETURNED VALUE Error code from this function. USBH_ERR_NONE USBH_ERR_ALLOC CALLERS Application. NOTES / WARNINGS This function must be called only once at initialization. 174 B-2-2 USBH_CDC_ACM_Add() Allocates memory for a CDC ACM device structure, reads ACM descriptor from the interface and retrieves ACM events and requests supported by the device. FILES usbh_acm.h/usbh_acm.c PROTOTYPE USBH_CDC_ACM_DEV *USBH_CDC_ACM_Add (USBH_CDC_DEV USBH_ERR *p_cdc_dev, *p_err) ARGUMENTS p_cdc_dev Pointer to the CDC device. p_err Pointer to variable that will receive the return error code from this function. USBH_ERR_NONE USBH_ERR_ALLOC USBH_ERR_DESC_INVALID USBH_ERR_INVALID_ARG RETURNED VALUE Pointer to the CDC ACM device. CALLERS Application. NOTES / WARNINGS None. 175 Appendix B B-2-3 USBH_CDC_ACM_Remove() Frees CDC ACM device. FILES usbh_acm.h/usbh_acm.c PROTOTYPE USBH_ERR USBH_CDC_ACM_Remove (USBH_CDC_ACM_DEV *p_cdc_acm_dev) ARGUMENTS p_cdc_acm_dev Pointer to the CDC ACM device. RETURNED VALUE Error code from this function. USBH_ERR_NONE USBH_ERR_FREE USBH_ERR_INVALID_ARG CALLERS Application. NOTES / WARNINGS None. 176 B-2-4 USBH_CDC_ACM_EventRxNotifyReg() Registers callback function to be called when serial state is received from device. FILES usbh_acm.h/usbh_acm.c PROTOTYPE void USBH_CDC_ACM_EventRxNotifyReg (USBH_CDC_ACM_DEV USBH_CDC_SERIAL_STATE_NOTIFY *p_cdc_acm_dev, p_serial_state_notify) ARGUMENTS p_cdc_acm_dev Pointer to the CDC ACM device. p_serial_state_notify Pointer to callback function. RETURNED VALUE None. CALLERS Application. NOTES / WARNINGS None. 177 Appendix B B-2-5 USBH_CDC_ACM_LineCodingSet() Specifies typical asynchronous line-character formatting properties by sending a SetLineCoding class request to the device. FILES usbh_acm.h/usbh_acm.c PROTOTYPE USBH_ERR USBH_CDC_ACM_LineCodingSet (USBH_CDC_ACM_DEV CPU_INT32U CPU_INT08U CPU_INT08U CPU_INT08U *p_cdc_acm_dev, baud_rate, stop_bits, parity_val, data_bits) ARGUMENTS p_cdc_acm_dev Pointer to the CDC ACM device. baud_rate Baud rate in bits per second. USBH_CDC_ACM_LINE_CODING_BAUDRATE_110 USBH_CDC_ACM_LINE_CODING_BAUDRATE_300 USBH_CDC_ACM_LINE_CODING_BAUDRATE_1200 USBH_CDC_ACM_LINE_CODING_BAUDRATE_2400 USBH_CDC_ACM_LINE_CODING_BAUDRATE_4800 USBH_CDC_ACM_LINE_CODING_BAUDRATE_9600 USBH_CDC_ACM_LINE_CODING_BAUDRATE_19200 USBH_CDC_ACM_LINE_CODING_BAUDRATE_38400 USBH_CDC_ACM_LINE_CODING_BAUDRATE_56700 USBH_CDC_ACM_LINE_CODING_BAUDRATE_115200 USBH_CDC_ACM_LINE_CODING_BAUDRATE_230400 USBH_CDC_ACM_LINE_CODING_BAUDRATE_460800 USBH_CDC_ACM_LINE_CODING_BAUDRATE_921600 178 stop_bits Stop bits value. USBH_CDC_ACM_LINE_CODING_STOP_BIT_1 USBH_CDC_ACM_LINE_CODING_STOP_BIT_1_5 USBH_CDC_ACM_LINE_CODING_STOP_BIT_2 parity_val Parity value. USBH_CDC_ACM_LINE_CODING_PARITY_NONE USBH_CDC_ACM_LINE_CODING_PARITY_ODD USBH_CDC_ACM_LINE_CODING_PARITY_EVEN USBH_CDC_ACM_LINE_CODING_PARITY_MARK USBH_CDC_ACM_LINE_CODING_PARITY_SPACE data_bits Number of data bits. USBH_CDC_ACM_LINE_CODING_DATA_BITS_5 USBH_CDC_ACM_LINE_CODING_DATA_BITS_6 USBH_CDC_ACM_LINE_CODING_DATA_BITS_7 USBH_CDC_ACM_LINE_CODING_DATA_BITS_8 RETURNED VALUE Error code from this function. USBH_ERR_NONE USBH_ERR_NOT_SUPPORTED USBH_ERR_INVALID_ARG USBH_ERR_DEV_NOT_READY USBH_ERR_UNKNOWN USBH_ERR_EP_INVALID_STATE USBH_ERR_HC_IO USBH_ERR_EP_STALL Host Controller Driver error code CALLERS Application. 179 Appendix B NOTES / WARNINGS The SetLineCoding request is described in Universal Serial Bus Communications Class Subclass Specification for PSTN Devices, revision 1.2 section 6.3.10. 180 B-2-6 USBH_CDC_ACM_LineCodingGet() Retrieves current device‘s asynchronous line-character formatting properties by sending a GetLineCoding class request to the device. FILES usbh_acm.h/usbh_acm.c PROTOTYPE USBH_ERR USBH_CDC_ACM_LineCodingGet (USBH_CDC_ACM_DEV CPU_INT32U CPU_INT08U CPU_INT08U CPU_INT08U *p_cdc_acm_dev, *p_baud_rate, *p_stop_bits, *p_parity_val, *p_data_bits) ARGUMENTS p_cdc_acm_dev Pointer to the CDC ACM device. p_baud_rate Pointer to variable that will receive the current baud rate in bits per second. USBH_CDC_ACM_LINE_CODING_BAUDRATE_110 USBH_CDC_ACM_LINE_CODING_BAUDRATE_300 USBH_CDC_ACM_LINE_CODING_BAUDRATE_1200 USBH_CDC_ACM_LINE_CODING_BAUDRATE_2400 USBH_CDC_ACM_LINE_CODING_BAUDRATE_4800 USBH_CDC_ACM_LINE_CODING_BAUDRATE_9600 USBH_CDC_ACM_LINE_CODING_BAUDRATE_19200 USBH_CDC_ACM_LINE_CODING_BAUDRATE_38400 USBH_CDC_ACM_LINE_CODING_BAUDRATE_56700 USBH_CDC_ACM_LINE_CODING_BAUDRATE_115200 USBH_CDC_ACM_LINE_CODING_BAUDRATE_230400 USBH_CDC_ACM_LINE_CODING_BAUDRATE_460800 USBH_CDC_ACM_LINE_CODING_BAUDRATE_921600 181 Appendix B p_stop_bits Pointer to variable that will receive the current stop bits value. USBH_CDC_ACM_LINE_CODING_STOP_BIT_1 USBH_CDC_ACM_LINE_CODING_STOP_BIT_1_5 USBH_CDC_ACM_LINE_CODING_STOP_BIT_2 p_parity_val Pointer to variable that will receive the current parity value. USBH_CDC_ACM_LINE_CODING_PARITY_NONE USBH_CDC_ACM_LINE_CODING_PARITY_ODD USBH_CDC_ACM_LINE_CODING_PARITY_EVEN USBH_CDC_ACM_LINE_CODING_PARITY_MARK USBH_CDC_ACM_LINE_CODING_PARITY_SPACE p_data_bits Pointer to variable that will receive the current number of data bits. USBH_CDC_ACM_LINE_CODING_DATA_BITS_5 USBH_CDC_ACM_LINE_CODING_DATA_BITS_6 USBH_CDC_ACM_LINE_CODING_DATA_BITS_7 USBH_CDC_ACM_LINE_CODING_DATA_BITS_8 RETURNED VALUE Error code from this function. USBH_ERR_NONE USBH_ERR_NOT_SUPPORTED USBH_ERR_INVALID_ARG USBH_ERR_DEV_NOT_READY USBH_ERR_UNKNOWN USBH_ERR_EP_INVALID_STATE USBH_ERR_HC_IO USBH_ERR_EP_STALL Host Controller Driver error code CALLERS Application. 182 NOTES / WARNINGS The GetLineCoding request is described in Universal Serial Bus Communications Class Subclass Specification for PSTN Devices, revision 1.2, section 6.3.11. 183 Appendix B B-2-7 USBH_CDC_ACM_LineStateSet() Generates RS-232/V.24 style control signals by sending a SetControlLineState request to the device. FILES usbh_acm.h/usbh_acm.c PROTOTYPE USBH_ERR USBH_CDC_ACM_LineStateSet (USBH_CDC_ACM_DEV CPU_INT08U CPU_INT08U *p_cdc_acm_dev, dtr_bit, rts_bit) ARGUMENTS p_cdc_acm_dev Pointer to the CDC ACM device. dtr_bit Indicates to DCE if DTE is present or not. This signal corresponds to V.24 signal 108/2 and RS-232 signal DTR. USBH_CDC_ACM_DTR_SET USBH_CDC_ACM_DTR_CLR rts_bit Carrier control for half duplex modems. This signal corresponds to V.24 signal 105 and RS-232 signal RTS. USBH_CDC_ACM_RTS_SET USBH_CDC_ACM_RTS_CLR RETURNED VALUE Error code from this function. USBH_ERR_NONE USBH_ERR_NOT_SUPPORTED USBH_ERR_INVALID_ARG USBH_ERR_DEV_NOT_READY USBH_ERR_UNKNOWN 184 USBH_ERR_EP_INVALID_STATE USBH_ERR_HC_IO USBH_ERR_EP_STALL Host Controller Driver error code CALLERS Application. NOTES / WARNINGS The SetControlLineState request is described in Universal Serial Bus Communications Class Subclass Specification for PSTN Devices, revision 1.2, section 6.3.12. 185 Appendix B B-2-8 USBH_CDC_ACM_BreakSend() Sends special carrier modulation that generates an RS-232 style break. FILES usbh_acm.h/usbh_acm.c PROTOTYPE USBH_ERR USBH_CDC_ACM_BreakSend (USBH_CDC_ACM_DEV CPU_INT16U *p_cdc_acm_dev, break_time) ARGUMENTS p_cdc_acm_dev Pointer to the CDC ACM device. break_time Duration of the break signal, in milliseconds. RETURNED VALUE Error code from this function. USBH_ERR_NONE USBH_ERR_NOT_SUPPORTED USBH_ERR_INVALID_ARG USBH_ERR_DEV_NOT_READY USBH_ERR_UNKNOWN USBH_ERR_EP_INVALID_STATE USBH_ERR_HC_IO USBH_ERR_EP_STALL Host Controller Driver error code CALLERS Application. 186 NOTES / WARNINGS The SendBreak request is described in Universal Serial Bus Communications Class Subclass Specification for PSTN Devices, revision 1.2, section 6.3.13. 187 Appendix B B-2-9 USBH_CDC_ACM_CmdSend() Sends an encapsulated command to the device using a class-specific request. FILES usbh_acm.h/usbh_acm.c PROTOTYPE USBH_ERR USBH_CDC_ACM_CmdSend (USBH_CDC_ACM_DEV CPU_INT08U CPU_INT32U *p_cdc_acm_dev, *p_buf, buf_len) ARGUMENTS p_cdc_acm_dev Pointer to the CDC ACM device. p_buf Pointer to buffer that contains the command. buf_len Buffer length in octets. RETURNED VALUE Error code from this function. USBH_ERR_NONE USBH_ERR_INVALID_ARG USBH_ERR_DEV_NOT_READY USBH_ERR_UNKNOWN USBH_ERR_EP_INVALID_STATE USBH_ERR_HC_IO USBH_ERR_EP_STALL Host Controller Driver error code CALLERS Application. 188 NOTES / WARNINGS The SendEncapsulatedCommand request is described in Universal Serial Bus Class Definitions for Communications Devices, revision 1.2, section 6.2.1. 189 Appendix B B-2-10 USBH_CDC_ACM_RespRx() Receives encapsulated response from device. FILES usbh_acm.h/usbh_acm.c PROTOTYPE USBH_ERR USBH_CDC_ACM_RespRx (USBH_CDC_ACM_DEV CPU_INT08U CPU_INT32U *p_cdc_acm_dev, *p_buf, buf_len) ARGUMENTS p_cdc_acm_dev Pointer to the CDC ACM device. p_buf Pointer to buffer that will receive the response from the device. buf_len Buffer length in octets. RETURNED VALUE Error code from this function. USBH_ERR_NONE USBH_ERR_INVALID_ARG USBH_ERR_DEV_NOT_READY USBH_ERR_UNKNOWN USBH_ERR_EP_INVALID_STATE USBH_ERR_HC_IO USBH_ERR_EP_STALL Host Controller Driver error code CALLERS Application. 190 NOTES / WARNINGS The GetEncapsulatedResponse request is described in Universal Serial Bus Class Definitions for Communications Devices, revision 1.2, section 6.2.2. 191 Appendix B B-2-11 USBH_CDC_ACM_DataTx() Sends data to CDC ACM device. This function is blocking. FILES usbh_acm.h/usbh_acm.c PROTOTYPE CPU_INT32U USBH_CDC_ACM_DataTx (USBH_CDC_ACM_DEV void CPU_INT32U USBH_ERR *p_cdc_acm_dev, *p_buf, buf_len, *p_err) ARGUMENTS p_cdc_acm_dev Pointer to the CDC ACM device. p_buf Pointer to transmit buffer. buf_len Buffer length in octets. p_err Variable that will receive the return error code from this function. USBH_ERR_NONE USBH_ERR_INVALID_ARG USBH_ERR_EP_INVALID_TYPE USBH_ERR_EP_INVALID_STATE Host Controller Driver error code RETURNED VALUE Number of octets transmitted. CALLERS Application. 192 NOTES / WARNINGS None. 193 Appendix B B-2-12 USBH_CDC_ACM_DataRx() Receives data from CDC ACM device. This function is blocking. FILES usbh_acm.h/usbh_acm.c PROTOTYPE CPU_INT32U USBH_CDC_ACM_DataRx (USBH_CDC_ACM_DEV void CPU_INT32U USBH_ERR *p_cdc_acm_dev, *p_buf, buf_len, *p_err) ARGUMENTS p_cdc_acm_dev Pointer to the CDC ACM device. p_buf Pointer to buffer that will contain the received data. buf_len Buffer length in octets. p_err Variable that will receive the return error code from this function. USBH_ERR_NONE USBH_ERR_INVALID_ARG USBH_ERR_EP_INVALID_TYPE USBH_ERR_EP_INVALID_STATE Host Controller Driver error code RETURNED VALUE Number of octets received. CALLERS Application. 194 NOTES / WARNINGS None. 195 Appendix B B-2-13 USBH_CDC_ACM_DataTxAsync() Sends data to CDC ACM device. This function is non-blocking. FILES usbh_acm.h/usbh_acm.c PROTOTYPE USBH_ERR USBH_CDC_ACM_DataTxAsync (USBH_CDC_ACM_DEV void CPU_INT32U USBH_CDC_DATA_NOTIFY void *p_cdc_acm_dev, *p_buf, buf_len, tx_cmpl_notify, *p_tx_cmpl_arg) ARGUMENTS p_cdc_acm_dev Pointer to the CDC ACM device. p_buf Pointer to buffer that contains data to transmit. buf_len Buffer length in octets. tx_cmpl_notify Function that will be invoked upon completion of transmit operation. p_tx_cmpl_arg Pointer to application‘s argument that will be passed as parameter of tx_cmpl_notify. 196 RETURNED VALUE Error code from this function. USBH_ERR_NONE USBH_ERR_INVALID_ARG USBH_ERR_EP_INVALID_TYPE USBH_ERR_EP_INVALID_STATE USBH_ERR_ALLOC USBH_ERR_UNKNOWN Host Controller Driver error code CALLERS Application. NOTES / WARNINGS None. 197 Appendix B B-2-14 USBH_CDC_ACM_DataRxAsync() Receives data from CDC ACM device. This function is non-blocking. FILES usbh_acm.h/usbh_acm.c PROTOTYPE USBH_ERR USBH_CDC_ACM_DataRxAsync (USBH_CDC_ACM_DEV void CPU_INT32U USBH_CDC_DATA_NOTIFY void *p_cdc_acm_dev, *p_buf, buf_len, rx_cmpl_notify, *p_rx_cmpl_arg) ARGUMENTS p_cdc_acm_dev Pointer to the CDC ACM device. p_buf Pointer to buffer that will contain the received data. buf_len Buffer length in octets. rx_cmpl_notify Function that will be invoked upon completion of receive operation. p_rx_cmpl_arg Pointer to application‘s argument that will be passed as parameter of rx_cmpl_notify. 198 RETURNED VALUE Error code from this function. USBH_ERR_NONE USBH_ERR_INVALID_ARG USBH_ERR_EP_INVALID_TYPE USBH_ERR_EP_INVALID_STATE USBH_ERR_ALLOC USBH_ERR_UNKNOWN Host Controller Driver error code CALLERS Application. NOTES / WARNINGS None. 199 Appendix B 200 Appendix C HID API Reference This appendix provides a reference to the μC/USB-Host Human Interface Device (HID) class API. The following information is provided for each of the services: ■ A brief description ■ The function prototype ■ The filename of the source code ■ A description of the arguments passed to the function ■ A description of returned value(s) ■ Specific notes and warnings regarding use of the service 201 Appendix C C-1 HID FUNCTIONS C-1-1 USBH_HID_Init() Initializes the HID device, reads & parses the report descriptor and creates the report ID list. FILES usbh_hid.h/usbh_hid.c PROTOTYPE USBH_ERR USBH_HID_Init (USBH_HID_DEV *p_hid_dev) ARGUMENTS p_hid_dev Pointer to the HID device. RETURNED VALUE Error code from this function. USBH_ERR_NONE USBH_ERR_INVALID_ARG USBH_ERR_DESC_ALLOC USBH_ERR_HID_RD_PARSER_FAIL USBH_ERR_UNKNOWN USBH_ERR_EP_INVALID_STATE USBH_ERR_HC_IO USBH_ERR_EP_STALL USBH_ERR_DESC_EXTRA_NOT_FOUND USBH_ERR_DESC_INVALID USBH_ERR_DEV_NOT_READY USBH_ERR_ALLOC Host controller driver error code CALLERS Application. 202 NOTES / WARNINGS None. 203 Appendix C C-1-2 USBH_HID_RefAdd() Increments the HID device's application reference counter. FILES usbh_hid.h/usbh_hid.c PROTOTYPE USBH_ERR USBH_HID_RefAdd (USBH_HID_DEV *p_hid_dev) ARGUMENTS p_hid_dev Pointer to the HID device. RETURNED VALUE Error code from this function. USBH_ERR_NONE USBH_ERR_INVALID_ARG USBH_ERR_OS_ABORT USBH_ERR_OS_FAIL CALLERS Application. NOTES / WARNINGS None. 204 C-1-3 USBH_HID_RefRel() Decrements the HID device's application reference counter. Frees the device if there is not anymore references to it. FILES usbh_hid.h/usbh_hid.c PROTOTYPE USBH_ERR USBH_HID_RefRel (USBH_HID_DEV *p_hid_dev) ARGUMENTS p_hid_dev Pointer to the HID device. RETURNED VALUE Error code from this function. USBH_ERR_NONE USBH_ERR_INVALID_ARG USBH_ERR_OS_ABORT USBH_ERR_OS_FAIL CALLERS Application. NOTES / WARNINGS None. 205 Appendix C C-1-4 USBH_HID_GetReportIDArray() Returns the array of Report ID structures and the number of Report ID structures. FILES usbh_hid.h/usbh_hid.c PROTOTYPE USBH_ERR USBH_HID_GetReportIDArray (USBH_HID_DEV USBH_HID_REPORT_ID CPU_INT08U *p_hid_dev, **p_report_id, *p_nbr_report_id) ARGUMENTS p_hid_dev Pointer to the HID device. p_report_id Pointer to variable that will receive the array of report ID structures. p_nbr_report_id Pointer to variable that will receive the number of report ID structures. RETURNED VALUE Error code from this function. USBH_ERR_NONE USBH_ERR_INVALID_ARG USBH_ERR_DEV_NOT_READY CALLERS Application. NOTES / WARNINGS None. 206 C-1-5 USBH_HID_GetAppCollArray() Returns application collection structures array and number of application collection structures. FILES usbh_hid.h/usbh_hid.c PROTOTYPE USBH_ERR USBH_HID_GetAppCollArray (USBH_HID_DEV USBH_HID_APP_COLL CPU_INT08U *p_hid_dev, **p_app_coll, *p_nbr_app_coll) ARGUMENTS p_hid_dev Pointer to the HID device. p_app_coll Pointer to variable that will receive the array of application collection structures. p_nbr_app_coll Pointer to variable that will receive the number of application collection structures. RETURNED VALUE Error code from this function. USBH_ERR_NONE USBH_ERR_INVALID_ARG USBH_ERR_DEV_NOT_READY CALLERS Application. NOTES / WARNINGS None. 207 Appendix C C-1-6 USBH_HID_IsBootDev() Tests whether the HID interface belongs to the boot subclass. FILES usbh_hid.h/usbh_hid.c PROTOTYPE CPU_BOOLEAN USBH_HID_IsBootDev (USBH_HID_DEV USBH_ERR *p_hid_dev, *p_err) ARGUMENTS p_hid_dev Pointer to the HID device. p_err Pointer to the variable that will receive the return error code from this function. USBH_ERR_NONE USBH_ERR_INVALID_ARG USBH_ERR_DEV_NOT_READY RETURNED VALUE DEF_TRUE Device belongs to boot subclass. DEF_FALSE Otherwise. CALLERS Application. NOTES / WARNINGS None. 208 C-1-7 USBH_HID_RxReport() Receives input or feature report from the device. This function is blocking. FILES usbh_hid.h/usbh_hid.c PROTOTYPE CPU_INT08U USBH_HID_RxReport (USBH_HID_DEV CPU_INT08U void CPU_INT08U CPU_INT16U USBH_ERR *p_hid_dev, report_id, *p_buf, buf_len, timeout_ms, *p_err) ARGUMENTS p_hid_dev Pointer to the HID device. report_id Report ID. p_buf Pointer to buffer that will receive the report. buf_len Buffer length, in octets. timeout_ms Timeout, in milliseconds. p_err Pointer to variable that will receive the return error code from this function. USBH_ERR_NONE USBH_ERR_INVALID_ARG USBH_ERR_DEV_NOT_READY USBH_ERR_NULL_PTR USBH_ERR_EP_INVALID_TYPE USBH_ERR_EP_INVALID_STATE USBH_ERR_UNKNOWN USBH_ERR_HC_IO USBH_ERR_EP_STALL Host controller driver error code 209 Appendix C RETURNED VALUE Number of octets received. CALLERS Application. NOTES / WARNINGS p_buf contains only the report data without the report ID. 210 C-1-8 USBH_HID_TxReport() Sends report to the device. This function is blocking. FILES usbh_hid.h/usbh_hid.c PROTOTYPE CPU_INT08U USBH_HID_TxReport (USBH_HID_DEV CPU_INT08U void CPU_INT08U CPU_INT16U USBH_ERR *p_hid_dev, report_id, *p_buf, buf_len, timeout_ms, *p_err) ARGUMENTS p_hid_dev Pointer to the HID device. report_id Report ID. p_buf Pointer to the buffer that contains the report. buf_len Buffer length, in octets. timeout_ms Timeout, in milliseconds. p_err Pointer to variable that will receive the return error code from this function. USBH_ERR_NONE USBH_ERR_INVALID_ARG USBH_ERR_DEV_NOT_READY USBH_ERR_NULL_PTR USBH_ERR_EP_INVALID_TYPE USBH_ERR_EP_INVALID_STATE USBH_ERR_UNKNOWN USBH_ERR_HC_IO USBH_ERR_EP_STALL Host controller driver error code 211 Appendix C RETURNED VALUE Number of octets sent. CALLERS Application. NOTES / WARNINGS Do not add the report ID to p_buf, it will be added automatically. 212 C-1-9 USBH_HID_RegRxCB() Registers a callback function to receive reports from the device asynchronously. The callback function will be associated to the given report ID. FILES usbh_hid.h/usbh_hid.c PROTOTYPE USBH_ERR USBH_HID_RegRxCB (USBH_HID_DEV CPU_INT08U USBH_HID_RXCB_FNCT void *p_hid_dev, report_id, async_fnct, *p_async_arg) ARGUMENTS p_hid_dev Pointer to the HID device. report_id Report ID. async_fnct Callback function. p_async_arg Pointer to context that will be passed to callback function. RETURNED VALUE Error code from this function. USBH_ERR_NONE USBH_ERR_INVALID_ARG USBH_ERR_DEV_NOT_READY USBH_ERR_HID_NOT_IN_REPORT USBH_ERR_ALLOC USBH_ERR_HID_REPORT_ID CALLERS Application. 213 Appendix C NOTES / WARNINGS None. 214 C-1-10 USBH_HID_UnregRxCB() Unregisters the callback function for the given report ID. FILES usbh_hid.h/usbh_hid.c PROTOTYPE USBH_ERR USBH_HID_UnregRxCB (USBH_HID_DEV CPU_INT08U *p_hid_dev, report_id) ARGUMENTS p_hid_dev Pointer to the HID device. report_id Report ID. RETURNED VALUE Error code from this function. USBH_ERR_NONE USBH_ERR_HID_REPORTID_NOT_REGISTERED USBH_ERR_DEV_NOT_READY CALLERS Application. NOTES / WARNINGS None. 215 Appendix C C-1-11 USBH_HID_ProtocolSet() Sets protocol (boot/report) of the HID device. FILES usbh_hid.h/usbh_hid.c PROTOTYPE USBH_ERR USBH_HID_ProtocolSet (USBH_HID_DEV CPU_INT16U *p_hid_dev, protocol) ARGUMENTS p_hid_dev Pointer to the HID device. protocol Protocol to set. USBH_HID_REQ_PROTOCOL_BOOT USBH_HID_REQ_PROTOCOL_REPORT RETURNED VALUE Error code from this function. USBH_ERR_NONE USBH_ERR_INVALID_ARG USBH_ERR_DEV_NOT_READY USBH_ERR_UNKNOWN USBH_ERR_EP_INVALID_STATE USBH_ERR_HC_IO USBH_ERR_EP_STALL Host controller driver error code CALLERS Application. 216 NOTES / WARNINGS For more information on the Set_Protocol request, see Device Class Definition for Human Interface Devices (HID), 6/27/01, Version 1.11, section 7.2.6. 217 Appendix C C-1-12 USBH_HID_ProtocolGet() Gets protocol (boot/report) of the HID device. FILES usbh_hid.h/usbh_hid.c PROTOTYPE USBH_ERR USBH_HID_ProtocolGet (USBH_HID_DEV CPU_INT16U *p_hid_dev, *p_protocol) ARGUMENTS p_hid_dev Pointer to the HID device. p_protocol Pointer to variable that will receive the protocol code of the device. RETURNED VALUE Error code from this function. USBH_ERR_NONE USBH_ERR_INVALID_ARG USBH_ERR_DEV_NOT_READY USBH_ERR_UNKNOWN USBH_ERR_EP_INVALID_STATE USBH_ERR_HC_IO USBH_ERR_EP_STALL Host controller driver error code CALLERS Application. 218 NOTES / WARNINGS For more information on the Get_Protocol request, see Device Class Definition for Human Interface Devices (HID), 6/27/01, Version 1.11, section 7.2.5. 219 Appendix C C-1-13 USBH_HID_IdleSet() Sets idle state duration for a given report ID. FILES usbh_hid.h/usbh_hid.c PROTOTYPE USBH_ERR USBH_HID_IdleSet (USBH_HID_DEV CPU_INT08U CPU_INT32U *p_hid_dev, report_id, dur) ARGUMENTS p_hid_dev Pointer to the HID device. report_id Report ID. If 0, idle state request will apply to all the report IDs. dur Duration of the idle state in milliseconds. RETURNED VALUE Error code from this function. USBH_ERR_NONE USBH_ERR_INVALID_ARG USBH_ERR_DEV_NOT_READY USBH_ERR_UNKNOWN USBH_ERR_EP_INVALID_STATE USBH_ERR_HC_IO USBH_ERR_EP_STALL Host controller driver error code CALLERS Application. 220 NOTES / WARNINGS For more information on the Set_Idle request, see Device Class Definition for Human Interface Devices (HID), 6/27/01, Version 1.11, section 7.2.4. 221 Appendix C C-1-14 USBH_HID_IdleGet() Gets idle duration for given report ID. FILES usbh_hid.h/usbh_hid.c PROTOTYPE CPU_INT32U USBH_HID_IdleGet (USBH_HID_DEV CPU_INT08U USBH_ERR *p_hid_dev, report_id, *p_err) ARGUMENTS p_hid_dev Pointer to the HID device. report_id Report ID. p_err Pointer to variable that will receive the return error code from this function. USBH_ERR_NONE USBH_ERR_INVALID_ARG USBH_ERR_DEV_NOT_READY USBH_ERR_UNKNOWN USBH_ERR_EP_INVALID_STATE USBH_ERR_HC_IO USBH_ERR_EP_STALL Host controller driver error code RETURNED VALUE Idle duration in milliseconds. CALLERS Application. 222 NOTES / WARNINGS For more information on the Get_Idle request, see Device Class Definition for Human Interface Devices (HID), 6/27/01, Version 1.11, section 7.2.3. 223 Appendix C 224 Appendix D MSC API Reference This appendix provides a reference to the μC/USB-Host Mass Storage Class (MSC) API. The following information is provided for each of the services: ■ A brief description ■ The function prototype ■ The filename of the source code ■ A description of the arguments passed to the function ■ A description of returned value(s) ■ Specific notes and warnings regarding use of the service 225 Appendix D D-1 MSC FUNCTIONS D-1-1 USBH_MSC_RefAdd() Increments the MSC device's application reference counter. FILES usbh_msc.h/usbh_msc.c PROTOTYPE USBH_ERR USBH_MSC_RefAdd (USBH_MSC_DEV *p_msc_dev) ARGUMENTS p_msc_dev Pointer to the MSC device. RETURNED VALUE Error code from this function. USBH_ERR_NONE USBH_ERR_INVALID_ARG USBH_ERR_OS_ABORT USBH_ERR_OS_FAIL CALLERS Application’s MSC device connection callback. NOTES / WARNINGS None. 226 D-1-2 USBH_MSC_RefRel() Decrements the MSC device's application reference counter. Frees the device if there is not anymore references to it. FILES usbh_msc.h/usbh_msc.c PROTOTYPE USBH_ERR USBH_MSC_RefRel (USBH_MSC_DEV *p_msc_dev) ARGUMENTS p_msc_dev Pointer to the MSC device. RETURNED VALUE Error code from this function. USBH_ERR_NONE USBH_ERR_INVALID_ARG USBH_ERR_OS_ABORT USBH_ERR_OS_FAIL CALLERS Application’s MSC device disconnection callback. NOTES / WARNINGS None. 227 Appendix D D-2 FILE SYSTEM MSC DRIVER FUNCTIONS The functions described in this section only apply to μC/FS. D-2-1 FSDev_MSC_DevOpen Adds a MSC unit. FILES fs_dev_msc.h/fs_dev_msc.c PROTOTYPE FS_QTY FSDev_MSC_DevOpen (USBH_MSC_DEV FS_ERR *p_msc_dev, *p_err) ARGUMENTS p_msc_dev Pointer to the MSC device. p_err Pointer to variable that will receive the return error code from this function: FS_ERR_NONE FS_ERR_NULL_PTR FS_ERR_DEV_UNIT_NONE_AVAIL FS_ERR_DEV_IO FS_ERR_DEV_TIMEOUT RETURNED VALUE Unit number to which device has been assigned. CALLERS Application’s MSC device connection callback. 228 NOTES / WARNINGS The return value should be used to form the name of the volume. For example, if the return value is 4, the volume name is msc:4:. A file name file.txt in the root directory of this volume would have the full path: msc:4:\\file.txt. 229 Appendix D D-2-2 FSDev_MSC_DevClose Closes a MSC unit. FILES fs_dev_msc.h/fs_dev_msc.c PROTOTYPE void FSDev_MSC_DevClose (USBH_MSC_DEV *p_msc_dev) ARGUMENTS p_msc_dev Pointer to the MSC device. RETURNED VALUE None. CALLERS Application’s MSC device disconnection callback. NOTES / WARNINGS None. 230 Appendix E Host Controller Driver API Reference This appendix provides a reference to the Host Controller Driver (HCD) API. The following information is provided for each of the services: ■ A brief description ■ The function prototype ■ The filename of the source code ■ A description of the arguments passed to the function ■ A description of returned value(s) ■ Specific notes and warnings regarding use of the service Note that since every HCD function is accessed only by function pointers via the HCD’s API structure, they do not need to be globally available and should therefore be declared as ‘static’. 231 Appendix E E-1 HOST DRIVER FUNCTIONS E-1-1 USBH_<controller>_Init() Initializes all internal variables and hardware registers necessary for host controller’s driver proper operations. This function should not start the host controller or enable interrupts. FILES Every host controller driver’s usbh_hcd_<controller>.c PROTOTYPE static void USBH_<controller>_Init (USBH_HC_DRV USBH_ERR *p_hc_drv *p_err); ARGUMENTS p_hc_drv Pointer to USB host driver structure. p_err Pointer to variable that will receive the return error code from this function. RETURNED VALUE None. CALLERS USBH_HC_Add() via 'p_hc_drv_api->Init()'. NOTES / WARNINGS 1 This function relies heavily on the implementation of several host board support package (BSP) functions. See “Host Driver BSP Functions” on page 267 for more information on device BSP functions. 2 The Init() function generally performs the following operations, however, depending on the host controller being initialized, functionality may need to be added or removed: 232 ■ Configures clock gating to the USB host, configure all necessary I/O pins and ports, and configure the related hardware interrupts. This is generally performed via the device’s BSP function pointer, Init(), implemented in usbh_bsp_<controller>.c (see section E-3-1 on page 267). ■ Resets USB controller or USB controller registers. ■ Disables and clears pending USB and root hub interrupts (should already be cleared). ■ For DMA hosts: Allocate memory for all necessary descriptors. This is performed via calls to μC/LIB’s memory module. If memory allocation fails, set p_err to USBH_ERR_ALLOC and return. ■ Sets p_err to USBH_ERR_NONE if initialization proceeded as expected. Otherwise, set p_err to an appropriate error code. 233 Appendix E E-1-2 USBH_<controller>_Start() Starts the host controller by enabling USB host controller’s interrupts. FILES Every host controller driver’s usbh_hcd_<controller>.c PROTOTYPE static void USBH_<controller>_Start (USBH_HC_DRV USBH_ERR *p_hc_drv *p_err); ARGUMENTS p_hc_drv Pointer to USB host driver structure. p_err Pointer to variable that will receive the return error code from this function. RETURNED VALUE None. CALLERS USBH_HC_Start() via 'p_hc_drv_api->Start()'. NOTES / WARNINGS The Start() function performs the following operations: 1 Registers driver’s ISR to the interrupt vector. This is generally performed via the device’s BSP function pointer, ISR_Reg(), implemented in usbh_bsp_<controller>.c (see section E-3-2 on page 268). The host’s BSP ISR_Reg() is also responsible for enabling the host interrupt controller. 2 Clears all interrupt flags. 3 Enables interrupts on the hardware controller. The host interrupt controller should have already been configured within the host driver Init() function. 234 4 Enables the controller. 5 Sets p_err equal to USBH_ERR_NONE if no errors have occurred. Otherwise, set p_err to an appropriate error code. 235 Appendix E E-1-3 USBH_<controller>_Stop() Stops the host controller by disabling USB host controller’s interrupts. FILES Every host controller driver’s usbh_hcd_<controller>.c PROTOTYPE static void USBH_<controller>_Stop (USBH_HC_DRV USBH_ERR *p_hc_drv *p_err); ARGUMENTS p_hc_drv Pointer to USB host driver structure. p_err Pointer to variable that will receive the return error code from this function. RETURNED VALUE None. CALLERS USBH_HC_Stop() via 'p_hc_drv_api->Stop()'. NOTES / WARNINGS Typically, the Stop() function performs the following operations: 1 Disables the controller. 2 Clears and disables interrupts on the hardware device. 3 Unregisters the driver’s ISR from the interrupt vector. This is generally performed via the device’s BSP function pointer, ISR_Unreg(), implemented in usbh_bsp.c (see section E-3-3 on page 269). The host’s BSP ISR_Unreg() is also responsible for disabling the host interrupt controller. 236 4 Sets p_err equal to USBH_ERR_NONE if no errors have occurred. Otherwise, set p_err to an appropriate error code. 237 Appendix E E-1-4 USBH_<controller>_SpdGet() Returns the speed of the host controller. FILES Every host controller driver’s usbh_hcd_<controller>.c PROTOTYPE static USBH_DEV_SPD USBH_<controller>_SpdGet (USBH_HC_DRV USBH_ERR *p_hc_drv, *p_err); ARGUMENTS p_hc_drv Pointer to USB host driver structure. p_err Pointer to variable that will receive the return error code from this function. RETURNED VALUE Host controller speed. USBH_DEV_SPD_LOW USBH_DEV_SPD_FULL USBH_DEV_SPD_HIGH CALLERS USBH_HC_Add() via 'p_hc_drv_api->SpdGet()'. NOTES / WARNINGS The function must set p_err equal to USBH_ERR_NONE if no errors have occurred. Otherwise, it must set p_err to an appropriate error code. 238 E-1-5 USBH_<controller>_Suspend() Suspends all communications on the host controller. FILES Every host controller driver’s usbh_hcd_<controller>.c PROTOTYPE static void USBH_<controller>_Suspend (USBH_HC_DRV USBH_ERR *p_hc_drv, *p_err); ARGUMENTS p_hc_drv Pointer to USB host driver structure. p_err Pointer to variable that will receive the return error code from this function. RETURNED VALUE None. CALLERS USBH_Suspend() via 'p_hc_drv_api->Suspend()'. NOTES / WARNINGS 1 This function should suspend all the transfers on the host controller. The transfers queues (if any), should not be flushed. 2 The function must set p_err equal to USBH_ERR_NONE if no errors have occurred. Otherwise, it must set p_err to an appropriate error code. 239 Appendix E E-1-6 USBH_<controller>_Resume() Resumes all communications on the host controller. FILES Every host controller driver’s usbh_hcd_<controller>.c PROTOTYPE static void USBH_<controller>_Resume (USBH_HC_DRV USBH_ERR *p_hc_drv, *p_err); ARGUMENTS p_hc_drv Pointer to USB host driver structure. p_err Pointer to variable that will receive the return error code from this function. RETURNED VALUE None. CALLERS USBH_Resume() via 'p_hc_drv_api->Resume()'. NOTES / WARNINGS 1 This function should resume all the transfers on the host controller. 2 The function must set p_err equal to USBH_ERR_NONE if no errors have occurred. Otherwise, it must set p_err to an appropriate error code. 240 E-1-7 USBH_<controller>_FrameNbrGet() Returns the USB frame count of the host controller. FILES Every host controller driver’s usbh_hcd_<controller>.c PROTOTYPE static CPU_INT32U USBH_<controller>_FrmNbrGet (USBH_HC_DRV USBH_ERR *p_hc_drv, *p_err); ARGUMENTS p_hc_drv Pointer to USB host driver structure. p_err Pointer to variable that will receive the return error code from this function. RETURNED VALUE USB frame count. CALLERS USBH_HC_FrameNbrGet() via 'p_hc_drv_api->FrameNbrGet()'. NOTES / WARNINGS The function must set p_err equal to USBH_ERR_NONE if no errors have occurred. Otherwise, it must set p_err to an appropriate error code. 241 Appendix E E-1-8 USBH_<controller>_EP_Open() Opens and configures an endpoint given its characteristics (endpoint type, endpoint address, maximum packet size, etc). FILES Every host controller driver’s usbh_hcd_<controller>.c PROTOTYPE static void USBH_<controller>_EP_Open (USBH_HC_DRV USBH_EP USBH_ERR *p_hc_drv, *p_ep *p_err); ARGUMENTS p_hc_drv Pointer to USB host driver structure. p_ep Pointer to a structure describing the endpoint. p_err Pointer to variable that will receive the return error code from this function. RETURNED VALUE None. CALLERS ■ USBH_EP_Open() via 'p_hc_drv_api->EP_Open()' ■ USBH_EP_Reset() via 'p_hc_drv_api->EP_Open()' ■ USBH_EP_DevDescRead() via 'p_hc_drv_api->EP_Open()' ■ USBH_EP_DevAddrSet() via 'p_hc_drv_api->EP_Open()' ■ USBH_DfltEP_Open() via 'p_hc_drv_api->EP_Open()'. 242 NOTES / WARNINGS 1 The endpoint open function allocates the resources needed for the endpoint and endpoint management. It also configures any hardware registers related to the endpoint. 2 The function must set p_err equal to USBH_ERR_NONE if no errors have occurred. Otherwise, it must set p_err to an appropriate error code. 243 Appendix E E-1-9 USBH_<controller>_EP_Close() Closes an endpoint, and un-initializes/clears endpoint configuration in hardware. FILES Every host controller driver’s usbh_hcd_<controller>.c PROTOTYPE static void USBH_<controller>_EP_Close (USBH_HC_DRV USBH_EP USBH_ERR *p_hc_drv, *p_ep *p_err); ARGUMENTS p_hc_drv Pointer to USB host driver structure. p_ep Pointer to a structure describing the endpoint. p_err Pointer to variable that will receive the return error code from this function. RETURNED VALUE None. CALLERS ■ USBH_EP_Close() via 'p_hc_drv_api->EP_Close()' ■ USBH_EP_Reset() via 'p_hc_drv_api->EP_Close()' ■ USBH_EP_DevDescRead() via 'p_hc_drv_api->EP_Close()' ■ USBH_EP_DevAddrSet() via 'p_hc_drv_api->EP_Close()' NOTES / WARNINGS 1 244 The endpoint close function frees the resources allocated to the endpoint and endpoint management. It also un-initializes/clears any hardware registers related to the endpoint. 2 The function must set p_err equal to USBH_ERR_NONE if no errors have occurred. Otherwise, it must set p_err to an appropriate error code. 245 Appendix E E-1-10 USBH_<controller>_EP_Abort() Aborts any pending transfer(s) on endpoint. FILES Every host controller driver’s usbh_hcd_<controller>.c PROTOTYPE static void USBH_<controller>_EP_Abort (USBH_HC_DRV USBH_EP USBH_ERR *p_hc_drv, *p_ep *p_err); ARGUMENTS p_hc_drv Pointer to USB host driver structure. p_ep Pointer to a structure describing the endpoint. p_err Pointer to variable that will receive the return error code from this function. RETURNED VALUE None. CALLERS USBH_EP_Reset() via 'p_hc_drv_api->EP_Abort()'. NOTES / WARNINGS 1 The endpoint abort function flushes all pending transfers on the endpoint. 2 The function must set p_err equal to USBH_ERR_NONE if no errors have occurred. Otherwise, it must set p_err to an appropriate error code. 246 E-1-11 USBH_<controller>_EP_IsHalt() Retrieves endpoint halt (stall) status. FILES Every host controller driver’s usbh_hcd_<controller>.c PROTOTYPE static CPU_BOOLEAN USBH_<controller>_EP_IsHalt (USBH_HC_DRV USBH_EP USBH_ERR *p_hc_drv, *p_ep *p_err); ARGUMENTS p_hc_drv Pointer to USB host driver structure. p_ep Pointer to a structure describing the endpoint. p_err Pointer to variable that will receive the return error code from this function. RETURNED VALUE Endpoint halt status. CALLERS USBH_URB_Submit() via 'p_hc_drv_api->EP_IsHalt()'. NOTES / WARNINGS The function must set p_err equal to USBH_ERR_NONE if no errors have occurred. Otherwise, it must set p_err to an appropriate error code. 247 Appendix E E-1-12 USBH_<controller>_URB_Submit() Submits a USB Request Block (URB) on an endpoint. FILES Every host controller driver’s usbh_hcd_<controller>.c PROTOTYPE static void USBH_<controller>_URB_Submit (USBH_HC_DRV USBH_URB USBH_ERR *p_hc_drv, *p_urb, *p_err); ARGUMENTS p_hc_drv Pointer to USB host driver structure. p_urb Pointer to a structure that represents the URB. p_err Pointer to variable that will receive the return error code from this function. RETURNED VALUE None. CALLERS USBH_URB_Submit() via 'p_hc_drv_api->URB_Submit()'. NOTES / WARNINGS 1 248 The URB_Submit() function performs the following operations: ■ If host controller supports Direct Memory Access (DMA), prepares DMA descriptor and adds it to the proper endpoint transfers list. ■ If host controller does not support DMA, depending on your host controller, you may have to copy data to different hardware registers/buffers depending on the transfer type. ■ Signals the host controller to start the transfer by writing to the necessary hardware register(s). ■ Sets p_err equal to USBH_ERR_NONE if no errors have occurred. Otherwise, sets p_err to an appropriate error code. 249 Appendix E E-1-13 USBH_<controller>_URB_Complete() Signals URB completion. FILES Every host controller driver’s usbh_hcd_<controller>.c PROTOTYPE static void USBH_<controller>_URB_Complete (USBH_HC_DRV USBH_URB USBH_ERR *p_hc_drv, *p_urb, *p_err); ARGUMENTS p_hc_drv Pointer to USB host driver structure. p_urb Pointer to a structure that represents the URB. p_err Pointer to variable that will receive the return error code from this function. RETURNED VALUE None. CALLERS USBH_URB_Complete() via 'p_hc_drv_api->URB_Complete()'. NOTES / WARNINGS 1 250 The URB_Complete() function performs the following operations: ■ If host controller supports DMA, frees any DMA descriptor used for the transfer. ■ If host controller does not support DMA and the transfer is a data reception, copies URB’s buffer to application’s buffer. ■ Sets the error code p_urb->Err of the URB depending on the transfer result. If no error occured, sets it to USBH_ERR_NONE. E-1-14 USBH_<controller>_URB_Abort() Aborts a URB. FILES Every host controller driver’s usbh_hcd_<controller>.c PROTOTYPE static void USBH_<controller>_URB_Abort (USBH_HC_DRV USBH_URB USBH_ERR *p_hc_drv, *p_urb, *p_err); ARGUMENTS p_hc_drv Pointer to USB host driver structure. p_urb Pointer to a structure that represents the URB. p_err Pointer to variable that will receive the return error code from this function. RETURNED VALUE None. CALLERS USBH_URB_Complete() via 'p_hc_drv_api->URB_Abort()'. NOTES / WARNINGS 1 The URB_Abort() function performs the following operations: ■ If host controller supports DMA, frees any DMA descriptor used for the transfer. ■ Sets p_urb->Err to USBH_ERR_URB_ABORT. ■ Clears any hardware registers that were set for the transfer. 251 Appendix E ■ 252 Sets p_err equal to USBH_ERR_NONE if no errors have occurred. Otherwise, sets p_err to an appropriate error code. E-2 ROOT HUB DRIVER FUNCTIONS These functions are designed to emulate typical requests that the host could make to an external hub. E-2-1 USBH_<controller>_PortStatusGet() Retrieves status of the specified root hub port. FILES Every host controller driver’s usbh_hcd_<controller>.c PROTOTYPE static CPU_BOOLEAN USBH_<controller>_PortStatusGet (USBH_HC_DRV CPU_INT08U USBH_HUB_PORT_STATUS *p_hc_drv, port_nbr, *p_port_status); ARGUMENTS p_hc_drv Pointer to USB host driver structure. port_nbr Root hub’s port number. p_port_status Port status structure to fill. RETURNED VALUE DEF_OK If operation is successful. DEF_FAIL If any error occurred. CALLERS USBH_HUB_RHCtrlReq() via 'p_hc_rh_api->PortStatusGet()'. 253 Appendix E NOTES / WARNINGS This function emulates a standard GetPortStatus control request. p_port_status structure should be filled as described in Universal Serial Bus Specification, Revision 2.0, section Most of root hubs use hardware registers to describe the state of their port(s). 254 E-2-2 USBH_<controller>_HubDescGet() Retrieves root hub descriptor. FILES Every host controller driver’s usbh_hcd_<controller>.c PROTOTYPE static CPU_BOOLEAN USBH_<controller>_HubDescGet (USBH_HC_DRV void CPU_INT08U *p_hc_drv, *p_buf, buf_len); ARGUMENTS p_hc_drv Pointer to USB host driver structure. p_buf Buffer that will contain the root hub descriptor. buf_len Length (in octets) of the buffer. RETURNED VALUE DEF_OK If operation is successful. DEF_FAIL If any error occurred. CALLERS USBH_HUB_RHCtrlReq() via 'p_hc_rh_api->HubDescGet()'. NOTES / WARNINGS This function emulates a standard GetHubDescriptor control request. p_buf should be filled as described in Universal Serial Bus Specification, Revision 2.0, section The content of the root hub descriptor is usually retrieved by knowing its characteristics (using hardware data sheets, for example) and by looking at the content of some hardware registers. Fill p_buf up to buf_len. Do not return DEF_FAIL if buf_len is smaller than the normal hub descriptor length. 255 Appendix E E-2-3 USBH_<controller>_PortEnSet() Sets root hub port enable. FILES Every host controller driver’s usbh_hcd_<controller>.c PROTOTYPE static CPU_BOOLEAN USBH_<controller>_PortEnSet (USBH_HC_DRV CPU_INT08U *p_hc_drv, port_nbr); ARGUMENTS p_hc_drv Pointer to USB host driver structure. port_nbr Root hub’s port number. RETURNED VALUE DEF_OK If operation is successful. DEF_FAIL If any error occurred. CALLERS USBH_HUB_RHCtrlReq() via 'p_hc_rh_api->PortEnSet()'. NOTES / WARNINGS This function emulates a standard SetPortFeature PORT_ENABLE control request. For more information on that request, see the Universal Serial Bus specification, revision 2.0. section Set Port Feature. Set necessary hardware register(s) to enable specified port. 256 E-2-4 USBH_<controller>_PortEnClr() Clears root hub port enable. FILES Every host controller driver’s usbh_hcd_<controller>.c PROTOTYPE static CPU_BOOLEAN USBH_<controller>_PortEnClr (USBH_HC_DRV CPU_INT08U *p_hc_drv, port_nbr); ARGUMENTS p_hc_drv Pointer to USB host driver structure. port_nbr Root hub’s port number. RETURNED VALUE DEF_OK If operation is successful. DEF_FAIL If any error occurred. CALLERS USBH_HUB_RHCtrlReq() via 'p_hc_rh_api->PortEnClr()'. NOTES / WARNINGS This function emulates a standard ClearPortFeature PORT_ENABLE control request. For more information on that request, see the Universal Serial Bus specification, revision 2.0. section Clear Port Feature. Set necessary hardware register(s) to disable specified port. 257 Appendix E E-2-5 USBH_<controller>_PortEnChngClr() Clears root hub port enable change notification. FILES Every host controller driver’s usbh_hcd_<controller>.c PROTOTYPE static CPU_BOOLEAN USBH_<controller>_PortEnChngClr (USBH_HC_DRV CPU_INT08U *p_hc_drv, port_nbr); ARGUMENTS p_hc_drv Pointer to USB host driver structure. port_nbr Root hub’s port number. RETURNED VALUE DEF_OK If operation is successful. DEF_FAIL If any error occurred. CALLERS USBH_HUB_RHCtrlReq() via 'p_hc_rh_api->PortEnChngClr()'. NOTES / WARNINGS This function emulates a standard ClearPortFeature C_PORT_ENABLE control request. Set necessary hardware register(s) to disable change notification of specified port enable state. 258 E-2-6 USBH_<controller>_PortPwrSet() Sets root hub port power. FILES Every host controller driver’s usbh_hcd_<controller>.c PROTOTYPE static CPU_BOOLEAN USBH_<controller>_PortPwrSet (USBH_HC_DRV CPU_INT08U *p_hc_drv, port_nbr); ARGUMENTS p_hc_drv Pointer to USB host driver structure. port_nbr Root hub’s port number. RETURNED VALUE DEF_OK If operation is successful. DEF_FAIL If any error occurred. CALLERS USBH_HUB_RHCtrlReq() via 'p_hc_rh_api->PortPwrSet()'. NOTES / WARNINGS This function emulates a standard SetPortFeature PORT_POWER control request. Set necessary hardware register(s) to enable power on specified port. 259 Appendix E E-2-7 USBH_<controller>_PortPwrClr() Clears root hub port power. FILES Every host controller driver’s usbh_hcd_<controller>.c PROTOTYPE static CPU_BOOLEAN USBH_<controller>_PortPwrClr (USBH_HC_DRV CPU_INT08U *p_hc_drv, port_nbr); ARGUMENTS p_hc_drv Pointer to USB host driver structure. port_nbr Root hub’s port number. RETURNED VALUE DEF_OK If operation is successful. DEF_FAIL If any error occurred. CALLERS USBH_HUB_RHCtrlReq() via 'p_hc_rh_api->PortPwrClr()'. NOTES / WARNINGS This function emulates a standard ClearPortFeature PORT_POWER control request. Set necessary hardware register(s) to disable power on specified port. 260 E-2-8 USBH_<controller>_PortResetSet() Sets root hub port reset state. FILES Every host controller driver’s usbh_hcd_<controller>.c PROTOTYPE static CPU_BOOLEAN USBH_<controller>_PortResetSet (USBH_HC_DRV CPU_INT08U *p_hc_drv, port_nbr); ARGUMENTS p_hc_drv Pointer to USB host driver structure. port_nbr Root hub’s port number. RETURNED VALUE DEF_OK If operation is successful. DEF_FAIL If any error occurred. CALLERS USBH_HUB_RHCtrlReq() via 'p_hc_rh_api->PortResetSet()'. NOTES / WARNINGS This function emulates a standard SetPortFeature PORT_RESET control request. Set necessary hardware register(s) to put specified port in the reset state. 261 Appendix E E-2-9 USBH_<controller>_PortResetChngClr() Clears port reset state notification. FILES Every host controller driver’s usbh_hcd_<controller>.c PROTOTYPE static CPU_BOOLEAN USBH_<controller>_PortResetChngClr (USBH_HC_DRV CPU_INT08U *p_hc_drv, port_nbr); ARGUMENTS p_hc_drv Pointer to USB host driver structure. port_nbr Root hub’s port number. RETURNED VALUE DEF_OK If operation is successful. DEF_FAIL If any error occurred. CALLERS USBH_HUB_RHCtrlReq() via 'p_hc_rh_api->PortResetChngClr()'. NOTES / WARNINGS This function emulates a standard ClearPortFeature C_PORT_RESET control request. Set necessary hardware register(s) to disable reset state change notification on specified port. 262 E-2-10 USBH_<controller>_PortSuspendClr() Clears root hub port suspend state. FILES Every host controller driver’s usbh_hcd_<controller>.c PROTOTYPE static CPU_BOOLEAN USBH_<controller>_PortSuspendClr (USBH_HC_DRV CPU_INT08U *p_hc_drv, port_nbr); ARGUMENTS p_hc_drv Pointer to USB host driver structure. port_nbr Root hub’s port number. RETURNED VALUE DEF_OK If operation is successful. DEF_FAIL If any error occurred. CALLERS USBH_HUB_RHCtrlReq() via 'p_hc_rh_api->PortSuspendClr()'. NOTES / WARNINGS This function emulates a standard ClearPortFeature PORT_SUSPEND control request. Set necessary hardware register(s) to disable port suspend state on specified port. 263 Appendix E E-2-11 USBH_<controller>_PortConnChngClr() Clears root hub port connection change notification. FILES Every host controller driver’s usbh_hcd_<controller>.c PROTOTYPE static CPU_BOOLEAN USBH_<controller>_PortConnChngClr (USBH_HC_DRV CPU_INT08U *p_hc_drv, port_nbr); ARGUMENTS p_hc_drv Pointer to USB host driver structure. port_nbr Root hub’s port number. RETURNED VALUE DEF_OK If operation is successful. DEF_FAIL If any error occurred. CALLERS USBH_HUB_RHCtrlReq() via 'p_hc_rh_api->PortConnChngClr()'. NOTES / WARNINGS This function emulates a standard ClearPortFeature C_PORT_CONNECTION control request. Set necessary hardware register(s) to disable port connection change notification on specified port. 264 E-2-12 USBH_<controller>_IntEn() Enables root hub interrupts. FILES Every host controller driver’s usbh_hcd_<controller>.c PROTOTYPE static CPU_BOOLEAN USBH_<controller>_IntEn (USBH_HC_DRV *p_hc_drv); ARGUMENTS p_hc_drv Pointer to USB host driver structure. RETURNED VALUE DEF_OK If operation is successful. DEF_FAIL If any error occurred. CALLERS USBH_HUB_EventReq() via 'p_hc_rh_api->IntEn()'. NOTES / WARNINGS None. 265 Appendix E E-2-13 USBH_<controller>_IntDis() Disables root hub interrupts. FILES Every host controller driver’s usbh_hcd_<controller>.c PROTOTYPE static CPU_BOOLEAN USBH_<controller>_IntDis (USBH_HC_DRV ARGUMENTS p_hc_drv Pointer to USB host driver structure. RETURNED VALUE DEF_OK If operation is successful. DEF_FAIL If any error occurred. CALLERS USBH_HUB_RHEvent() via 'p_hc_rh_api->IntDis()'. NOTES / WARNINGS None. 266 *p_hc_drv); E-3 HOST DRIVER BSP FUNCTIONS E-3-1 USBH_<controller>_BSP_Init() Initializes board-specific USB controller dependencies. FILES Every host controller driver’s usbh_bsp_<controller>.c PROTOTYPE static void USBH_<controller>_BSP_Init (USBH_HC_DRV USBH_ERR *p_hc_drv, *p_err); ARGUMENTS p_hc_drv Pointer to USB host driver structure. p_err Pointer to variable that will receive the return error code from this function. RETURNED VALUE None. CALLERS USBH_<controller>_Init(). NOTES / WARNINGS The function must set p_err equal to USBH_ERR_NONE if no errors have occurred. Otherwise, it must set p_err to an appropriate error code. 267 Appendix E E-3-2 USBH_<controller>_BSP_ISR_Reg() Registers USB driver’s ISR to interrupt vector. FILES Every host controller driver’s usbh_bsp_<controller>.c PROTOTYPE static void USBH_<controller>_BSP_ISR_Reg (CPU_FNCT_PTR USBH_ERR isr_fnct, *p_err); ARGUMENTS isr_fnct Pointer to driver’s ISR handler. p_err Pointer to variable that will receive the return error code from this function. RETURNED VALUE None. CALLERS USBH_<controller>_Start(). NOTES / WARNINGS The function must set p_err equal to USBH_ERR_NONE if no errors have occurred. Otherwise, it must set p_err to an appropriate error code. 268 E-3-3 USBH_<controller>_BSP_ISR_Unreg() Unregisters USB driver’s ISR to interrupt vector. FILES Every host controller driver’s usbh_bsp_<controller>.c PROTOTYPE static void USBH_<controller>_BSP_ISR_Unreg (USBH_ERR *p_err); ARGUMENTS p_err Pointer to variable that will receive the return error code from this function. RETURNED VALUE None. CALLERS USBH_<controller>_Stop(). NOTES / WARNINGS The function must set p_err equal to USBH_ERR_NONE if no errors have occurred. Otherwise, it must set p_err to an appropriate error code. 269 Appendix E 270 Appendix F Error Codes This appendix provides a brief explanation of μC/USB-Host error codes defined in usbh_err.h. Any error codes not listed here may be searched in usbh_err.h for both their numerical value and use. This appendix also contains class-specific error codes. Each error has a numerical value. The error codes are grouped. The definition of the groups are: Error code group Numbering series GENERIC 0 DEVICE 100 CONFIGURATION 200 INTERFACE 300 ENDPOINT 400 USB REQUEST BLOCK (URB) 500 DESCRIPTOR 600 HOST CONTROLLER (HC) 700 KERNEL LAYER 800 CLASS 1000 HUB CLASS 1200 HUMAN INTERFACE DEVICE (HID) CLASS 1300 MASS STORAGE CLASS (MSC) 1400 271 Appendix F F-1 GENERIC ERROR CODES Number Code name Description 0 USBH_ERR_NONE No error. 1 USBH_ERR_FAIL Hardware error occurred. 2 USBH_ERR_ALLOC Object/memory allocation failed. 3 USBH_ERR_FREE Object/memory de-allocation failed. 4 USBH_ERR_INVALID_ARG Invalid argument(s). 5 USBH_ERR_NULL_PTR Pointer argument(s) passed NULL pointer(s). 6 USBH_ERR_BW_NOT_AVAIL Bandwidth not available for endpoint. 7 USBH_ERR_NOT_SUPPORTED Feature or request not supported. 8 USBH_ERR_UNKNOWN Unknown error occurred. F-2 DEVICE ERROR CODES Number Code name Description 100 USBH_ERR_DEV_ALLOC Device allocation failed. Consider increasing USBH_CFG_MAX_NBR_DEVS constant. 101 USBH_ERR_DEV_NOT_READY Device is not ready. 102 USBH_ERR_DEV_NOT_RESPONDING Device is not responding. 103 USBH_ERR_DEV_NOT_HS Device is not High-Speed. F-3 CONFIGURATION ERROR CODES Number Code name Description 200 USBH_ERR_CFG_ALLOC Configuration allocation failed. Consider increasing USBH_CFG_MAX_NBR_CFGS constant. 201 USBH_ERR_CFG_MAX_CFG_LEN Configuration descriptor too long. Consider increasing USBH_CFG_MAX_CFG_DATA_LEN constant. 272 F-4 INTERFACE ERROR CODES Number Code name Description 300 USBH_ERR_IF_ALLOC Interface allocation failed. Consider increasing USBH_CFG_MAX_NBR_IFS constant. F-5 ENDPOINT ERROR CODES Number Code name Description 400 USBH_ERR_EP_ALLOC Endpoint allocation failed. Consider increasing USBH_CFG_MAX_NBR_EPS constant. 401 USBH_ERR_EP_FREE Endpoint de-allocation failed. 402 USBH_ERR_EP_INVALID_STATE Endpoint is in an invalid state. 403 USBH_ERR_EP_INVALID_TYPE Endpoint type is invalid. 404 USBH_ERR_EP_STALL Endpoint is in a stall condition. 405 USBH_ERR_EP_NACK Endpoint transaction returned a NAK handshake. 406 USBH_ERR_EP_NOT_FOUND Endpoint not found. F-6 URB ERROR CODES Number Code name Description 500 USBH_ERR_URB_ABORT URB has been aborted. 273 Appendix F F-7 DESCRIPTOR ERROR CODES Number Code name Description 600 USBH_ERR_DESC_ALLOC Isochronous descriptor allocation failed. Consider increasing USBH_CFG_MAX_ISOC_DESC constant. 601 USBH_ERR_DESC_INVALID Descriptor contains at least one invalid field. 602 USBH_ERR_DESC_LANG_ID_NOT_SUPPORTED Language ID is not supported. 603 USBH_ERR_DESC_EXTRA_NOT_FOUND Extra descriptor not found. F-8 HOST CONTROLLER ERROR CODES Number Code name Description 700 USBH_ERR_HC_ALLOC Host Controller allocation failed. Consider increasing USBH_CFG_MAX_NBR_HC constant. 701 USBH_ERR_HC_INIT Host Controller initialization failed. 702 USBH_ERR_HC_START Host Controller start failed. 703 USBH_ERR_HC_IO Host Controller general Input/Output error. 704 USBH_ERR_HC_HALTED Host Controller in halted state. 705 USBH_ERR_HC_PORT_RESET Host Controller port reset error. F-9 KERNEL LAYER ERROR CODES Number Code name Description 800 USBH_ERR_OS_TASK_CREATE Task creation failed. 801 USBH_ERR_OS_SIGNAL_CREATE Signal creation failed 802 USBH_ERR_OS_DEL Service close failed. 803 USBH_ERR_OS_TIMEOUT Signal pend timed-out. 804 USBH_ERR_OS_ABORT Signal pend aborted. 805 USBH_ERR_OS_FAIL Operation failed. 274 F-10 CLASS ERROR CODES Number Code name Description 1000 USBH_ERR_CLASS_PROBE_FAIL Class probing failed. 1001 USBH_ERR_CLASS_DRV_NOT_FOUND Class driver not found. 1002 USBH_ERR_CLASS_DRV_ALLOC Class driver allocation failed. Consider increasing USBH_CFG_MAX_NBR_CLASS_DRVS constant. F-11 HUB CLASS ERROR CODES Number Code name Description 1200 USBH_ERR_HUB_INVALID_PORT_NBR Invalid port number. 1201 USBH_ERR_HUB_PORT Port error. F-12 HUMAN INTERFACE DEVICE (HID) CLASS ERROR CODES Number Code name Description 1300 USBH_ERR_HID_ITEM_LONG Long items not supported. 1301 USBH_ERR_HID_ITEM_UNKNOWN Unknown item type. 1302 USBH_ERR_HID_MISMATCH_COLL Collection mismatch. 1303 USBH_ERR_HID_NOT_APP_COLL Not an application collection. 1304 USBH_ERR_HID_REPORT_OUTSIDE_COLL Report not part of a collection. 1305 USBH_ERR_HID_MISMATCH_PUSH_POP Push/pop items mismatch. 1306 USBH_ERR_HID_USAGE_PAGE_INVALID Invalid usage page. 1307 USBH_ERR_HID_REPORT_ID Invalid report ID. 1308 USBH_ERR_HID_REPORT_CNT Invalid report count. 1309 USBH_ERR_HID_PUSH_SIZE Invalid push size. 1310 USBH_ERR_HID_POP_SIZE Invalid pop size. 1311 USBH_ERR_HID_REPORT_INVALID_VAL Report format contains invalid value(s). 1312 USBH_ERR_HID_RD_PARSER_FAIL Report descriptor parsing failed. 275 Appendix F Number Code name Description 1313 USBH_ERR_HID_NOT_IN_REPORT No IN report. F-13 MASS STORAGE CLASS (MSC) ERROR CODES Number Code name Description 1400 USBH_ERR_MSC_CMD_FAILED CSW command error status. 1401 USBH_ERR_MSC_CMD_PHASE CSW phase error status. 1402 USBH_ERR_MSC_IO MSC Input/Output error. 1403 USBH_ERR_MSC_LUN_ALLOC Logical unit allocation failed. 276