EMC1201/EMC1202 Single/Dual Single-Wire Temp Sensor in SOT23-5 Using SMSC BudgetBusTMSensor Interface PRODUCT FEATURES Datasheet General Description Features The EMC1201 and EMC1202 are temperature sensors that communicate with a host over a single-wire SMSC BudgetBus™ Sensor Interface. The EMC1201 has an internal temperature sensor and the EMC1202 adds one remote diode. Packaged in a SOT23-5, the EMC1201 provides an accurate, low-cost, low-current, solution for critical temperature monitoring in applications such as embedded systems or computers. When used in combination with an SMSC Super I/O host, such as a keyboard controller, a complete thermal management system is created. A power down mode extends battery life in portable applications. The internal 11-bit sigma delta temperature-to-digital converter provides superb linearity, high accuracy and excellent noise immunity. Single-wire SMSC BudgetBus™ Sensor Interface Low Power, 3.0V to 3.6V Supply — < 50uA at 1 conversion per second — < 3uA in Standby External Temperature Sensor — Range -63.875º C to +191.875º C — 0.125º C resolution — ±1º C Accuracy 60º C to 100º C Self Contained Internal Temperature Sensor — Range 0º C to +85º C — 0.125º C resolution — ±3º C Accuracy 0º C to 85º C SOT23-5 Lead-free RoHS Compliant Packages — Diode Fault Reporting Applications PART NUMBER INTERNAL TEMPERATURE MONITOR EXTERNAL TEMPERATURE MONITOR EMC1201 EMC1202 1 1 0 1 Desktop and Notebook Computers Thermostats Smart batteries Industrial/Automotive Other Electronic Systems Simplified Block Diagram EMC1201/EMC1202 Switching Current Local Temp Diode DP Analog Mux DN 11-bit delta-sigma ADC External Diode for EMC1202 Only SMSC EMC1201/EMC1202 Temperature Registers BBUS Interface DATASHEET BBUS Revision 1.0 (06-10-08) Single/Dual Single-Wire Temp Sensor in SOT23-5 Using SMSC BudgetBusTMSensor Interface Datasheet ORDER NUMBERS: EMC1201-AGZQ-TR IN 5 PIN SOT23-5 LEAD-FREE ROHS COMPLIANT PACKAGE EMC1202-AGZQ-TR IN 5 PIN SOT23-5 LEAD-FREE ROHS COMPLIANT PACKAGE 80 ARKAY DRIVE, HAUPPAUGE, NY 11788 (631) 435-6000, FAX (631) 273-3123 Copyright © 2008 SMSC or its subsidiaries. All rights reserved. Circuit diagrams and other information relating to SMSC products are included as a means of illustrating typical applications. Consequently, complete information sufficient for construction purposes is not necessarily given. Although the information has been checked and is believed to be accurate, no responsibility is assumed for inaccuracies. SMSC reserves the right to make changes to specifications and product descriptions at any time without notice. Contact your local SMSC sales office to obtain the latest specifications before placing your product order. The provision of this information does not convey to the purchaser of the described semiconductor devices any licenses under any patent rights or other intellectual property rights of SMSC or others. All sales are expressly conditional on your agreement to the terms and conditions of the most recently dated version of SMSC's standard Terms of Sale Agreement dated before the date of your order (the "Terms of Sale Agreement"). The product may contain design defects or errors known as anomalies which may cause the product's functions to deviate from published specifications. Anomaly sheets are available upon request. SMSC products are not designed, intended, authorized or warranted for use in any life support or other application where product failure could cause or contribute to personal injury or severe property damage. Any and all such uses without prior written approval of an Officer of SMSC and further testing and/or modification will be fully at the risk of the customer. Copies of this document or other SMSC literature, as well as the Terms of Sale Agreement, may be obtained by visiting SMSC’s website at http://www.smsc.com. SMSC is a registered trademark of Standard Microsystems Corporation (“SMSC”). Product names and company names are the trademarks of their respective holders. SMSC DISCLAIMS AND EXCLUDES ANY AND ALL WARRANTIES, INCLUDING WITHOUT LIMITATION ANY AND ALL IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY, FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE, TITLE, AND AGAINST INFRINGEMENT AND THE LIKE, AND ANY AND ALL WARRANTIES ARISING FROM ANY COURSE OF DEALING OR USAGE OF TRADE. IN NO EVENT SHALL SMSC BE LIABLE FOR ANY DIRECT, INCIDENTAL, INDIRECT, SPECIAL, PUNITIVE, OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES; OR FOR LOST DATA, PROFITS, SAVINGS OR REVENUES OF ANY KIND; REGARDLESS OF THE FORM OF ACTION, WHETHER BASED ON CONTRACT; TORT; NEGLIGENCE OF SMSC OR OTHERS; STRICT LIABILITY; BREACH OF WARRANTY; OR OTHERWISE; WHETHER OR NOT ANY REMEDY OF BUYER IS HELD TO HAVE FAILED OF ITS ESSENTIAL PURPOSE, AND WHETHER OR NOT SMSC HAS BEEN ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGES. Revision 1.0 (06-10-08) 2 DATASHEET SMSC EMC1201/EMC1202 Single/Dual Single-Wire Temp Sensor in SOT23-5 Using SMSC BudgetBusTMSensor Interface Datasheet Chapter 1 Pin Configuration VDD 1 GND 2 BBUS 3 5 GND/DN 4 GND/DP Figure 1.1 EMC1201 and EMC1202 Pin Configuration 1.1 Pin Description Table 1.1 EMC1201 and EMC1202 Pin Description PIN PIN NO. VDD 1 Supply Voltage VDD GND 2 Ground BBUS 3 Serial Bus Interface to SMSC Host GND/DP 4 Ground, or Diode 1 Positive Terminal, EMC1202 only GND/DN 5 Ground, or Diode 1 Negative Terminal, EMC1202 only SMSC EMC1201/EMC1202 DESCRIPTION 3 DATASHEET Revision 1.0 (06-10-08) Single/Dual Single-Wire Temp Sensor in SOT23-5 Using SMSC BudgetBusTMSensor Interface Datasheet 1.2 Absolute Maximum Ratings Table 1.2 EMC1201/EMC1202 Maximum Ratings DESCRIPTION Supply Voltage VDD Voltage on any other pin Operating Temperature Range Storage Temperature Range Lead Temperature Range RATING UNIT -0.3 to 5.0 V -0.3 to VDD +0.3 V 0 to 85 °C -55 to 150 °C Refer to JEDEC Spec. J-STD-020 Package Thermal Characteristics for SOT23-5 Power Dissipation TBD Thermal Resistance(at 0 air flow) 131.7 °C/W 2000 V ESD Rating, All Pins Human Body Model Note: Stresses above those listed could cause damage to the device. This is a stress rating only and functional operation of the device at any other condition above those indicated in the operation sections of this specification is not implied. When powering this device from laboratory or system power supplies, it is important that the Absolute Maximum Ratings not be exceeded or device failure can result. Some power supplies exhibit voltage spikes on their outputs when the AC power is switched on or off. In addition, voltage transients on the AC power line may appear on the DC output. If this possibility exists, it is suggested that a clamp circuit be used. Revision 1.0 (06-10-08) 4 DATASHEET SMSC EMC1201/EMC1202 Single/Dual Single-Wire Temp Sensor in SOT23-5 Using SMSC BudgetBusTMSensor Interface Datasheet Chapter 2 Electrical Characteristics Table 2.1 Electrical Characteristics VDD=3.0V to 3.6V, TA= 0°C to +85°C, Typical values at TA = 27°C unless otherwise noted PARAMETER SYMBOL MIN Supply Voltage VDD 3.0 Average Operating Current TYP MAX UNITS CONDITIONS 3.3 3.6 V IDD 545 560 μA Active mode (continuous) IPD 1.8 2 μA Standby mode ±1 ±3 °C 0°C≤TA≤85°C DC Power Internal Temperature Measurement Accuracy External Temperature Measurement (EMC1202 only) Temperature Accuracy Remote Diode 60°C to 100°C Remote Diode 0°C to 125°C ±1 ±3 °C °C 15°C≤TA≤70°C 0°C≤TA≤85°C ADC Resolution 0.125 °C Conversion Time per sensor 20 ms SMSC EMC1201/EMC1202 5 DATASHEET Active mode (continuous) See Section 3.3, "Power Modes" Revision 1.0 (06-10-08) Single/Dual Single-Wire Temp Sensor in SOT23-5 Using SMSC BudgetBusTMSensor Interface Datasheet Chapter 3 Product Description The EMC1201 and EMC1202 are SOT23 temperature sensors with a proprietary single wire SMSC BudgetBus™ Sensor Interface. Temperature information is communicated to a host device via the serial bus. All intelligence regarding the interpretation of temperature resides in the host. Figure 3.1 shows a typical system overview: EMC1202 Host (KBC1100) DP DN BBUS Interface BBUS Figure 3.1 System Overview Thermal management consists of the host acquiring the temperature data from the EMC1201 or EMC1202 and controlling the speed of one or more fans. Because the EMC1202 incorporates one internal and one external temperature diode, up to two separate thermal zones can be monitored and controlled. The host has the ability to compare measured temperature levels to preset limits and take the appropriate action when values are found to be out of limit. The EMC1202 is compatible with CPU substrate diodes. 3.1 Temperature Monitors Thermal diode temperature measurements are based on the change in forward bias voltage (ΔVBE) of a diode when operated at two different currents: where: ΔVBE = VBE _ HIGH − VBE _ LOW ⎛I ln⎜⎜ HIGH = q ⎝ I LOW ηkT ⎞ ⎟⎟ ⎠ k = Boltzmann’s constant T = absolute temperature in Kelvin q = electron charge η = diode ideality factor The change in Revision 1.0 (06-10-08) ΔVBE voltage is proportional to absolute temperature T. 6 DATASHEET SMSC EMC1201/EMC1202 Single/Dual Single-Wire Temp Sensor in SOT23-5 Using SMSC BudgetBusTMSensor Interface Datasheet VDD Ihigh Ilow Internal or Remote Diode Ibias Bias Diode fs fs fs fs/2048 Delta Vbe Sample & Hold 1-bit Sigma Delta Modulator Digital Averaging Filter 11-bit Accurate Conversion Figure 3.2 Detailed Block Diagram of Temperature Monitor Architecture Figure 3.2 shows a detailed block diagram of the temperature measurement circuit. As shown, the EMC1201 and EMC1202 incorporates switched capacitor technology that samples the temperature diode voltage at two bias currents and holds the difference voltage. The sample frequency is 100kHz and the current levels Ihigh and Ilow are 170uA and 10uA respectively. The output of the switched capacitor sample and hold circuit interfaces to a single bit delta sigma analog to digital converter. This ADC runs at 100kHz sample frequency and its output is digitally filtered and averaged over 2048 samples effectively generating 11 bit accuracy. The advantages of this architecture over Nyquist rate FLASH or SAR converters are superb linearity and inherent noise immunity. The linearity can be directly attributed to the delta sigma ADC single bit comparator while the noise immunity is achieved by the digital averaging filter. The overall effective bandwidth of the system is fs/2048 which translates to a 50Hz bandwidth at 100kHz sample rate. Conversion time equals about 20ms per temperature monitor. 3.1.1 EMC1202 Temperature Monitoring The EMC1202, incorporates one internal diode and can monitor an additional temperature zone via one external diode. An internal analog multiplexer switches between the internal and external diode. Total conversion time for one internal and one external temperature reading is about 40ms. The external diode can be either a CPU substrate diode or a discrete diode connected transistor like the 2N3904 or 2N3906. External diode connected transistors examples are shown in Figure 3.3: to DP to DP to DP to DN to DN to DN Local Ground Typical remote substrate transistor i.e. CPU substrate PNP Typical remote discrete PNP transistor i.e. 2N3906 Typical remote discrete NPN transistor i.e. 2N3904 Figure 3.3 EMC1202 External Diode Examples 3.2 SMSC BudgetBus™ Sensor Interface The EMC1201 and EMC1202 communicate with a host controller, such as the KBC1100, through the proprietary single wire SMSC BudgetBus™ Sensor Interface known as BBUS. The BBUS is a single wire serial communication protocol between the computer host and its peripheral devices. Please refer to the BBUS Specification for detailed information about the modes of operation. SMSC EMC1201/EMC1202 7 DATASHEET Revision 1.0 (06-10-08) Single/Dual Single-Wire Temp Sensor in SOT23-5 Using SMSC BudgetBusTMSensor Interface Datasheet 3.3 Power Modes The EMC1201 and EMC1202 have two basic modes of operation: Standby Mode: The host can initiate standby mode by actively pulling the BBUS low. When the Host places the device in standby mode, the device immediately powers down to draw < 2uA of supply current. It will remain in this state until it is awakened by the host. If the host pulls the BBUS line low while temperature data is being clocked out, the device will not enter standby mode until completion of the data transfer. After entering standby mode, the device will remain in this mode until it is forced into active mode by the host. The transition from standby to active mode occurs when the host is no longer pulling the BBUS low. Active Mode: The host initiates active mode by enabling a weak pull up on the BBUS. In this mode, the EMC1201 and EMC1202 continuously convert temperature data. During the time that the device is actively converting a temperature, the BBUS is in tri-state mode, and the Host places a weak pull-up on the bus to prevent it from floating. After a conversion is completed, the device automatically clocks out the data from the most recent conversion to the host. When the data packet has been entirely clocked out, the BBUS returns to tri-state mode, and the ADC begins converting the next temperature sample. While BBUS is in tri-state mode, the host can command the device to standby mode. 3.4 Temperature Data Format Temperature readings are coded in 2’s complement format with a -64ºC offset. This format spans from –63.875ºC to +191.875ºC with 0.125ºC resolution. A temperature measurement outside this range is reported as either –63.875ºC or +191.875ºC. The host must add 64ºC to calculate the actual temperature. Table 3.1 shows example temperature readings and the value that will be reported on the BBUS. Table 3.1 Temperature Data Format ACTUAL TEMP. (ºC) 2’S COMPLEMENT OF -64ºC OFFSET HEX Diode Fault 100 0000 0000 400 -63.875 100 0000 0001 401 -63.000 100 0000 1000 408 -1.000 101 1111 1000 5F8 0.000 110 0000 0000 600 +0.125 110 0000 0001 601 +1.000 110 0000 1000 608 As shown in Table 3.1, 400h is reserved for diode fault signaling which occurs when open or short conditions are detected between the external DP and DN pins. Revision 1.0 (06-10-08) 8 DATASHEET SMSC EMC1201/EMC1202 Single/Dual Single-Wire Temp Sensor in SOT23-5 Using SMSC BudgetBusTMSensor Interface Datasheet 3.5 Conversion Rate The conversion rate can be controlled by the host. This is accomplished by periodically placing the device in standby as described in Section 3.3, "Power Modes". SMSC EMC1201/EMC1202 9 DATASHEET Revision 1.0 (06-10-08) REVISION HISTORY D REVISION 3 DESCRIPTION A INITIAL RELEASE DATE RELEASED BY 7/07/04 S.K.ILIEV SEE DETAIL "A" 6 N 3 4 E E1 1 2 INDEX AREA (D/2 x E1/2) 3 e 5X b 2 4 c 4 5 END VIEW TOP VIEW 10 DATASHEET H C A2 GAUGE PLANE A 0.25 NOTES: 1. "N" IS THE TOTAL NUMBER OF LEADS . 2. TRUE POSITION SPREAD TOLERANCE IS ± 0.10mm AT MAXIMUM MATERIAL CONDITION. 3. PACKAGE BODY DIMENSION "D" DOES NOT INCLUDE MOLD FLASH, PROTRUSIONS OR GATE BURRS. MAXIMUM MOLD FLASH, PROTRUSIONS OR GATE BURRS IS 0.25 mm PER END. DIMENSION "E1" DOES NOT INCLUDE INTERLEAD FLASH OR PROTRUSION. MAXIMUM INTERLEAD FLASH OR PROTRUSION IS 0.25 mm PER SIDE. "D1" & "E1" DIMENSIONS ARE DETERMINED AT DATUM PLANE "H". 4. DIMENSIONS "b" & "c" APPLY TO THE FLAT SECTION OF THE LEAD BETWEEN 0.08 TO 0.15 mm FROM THE LEAD TIP. 5. DETAILS OF PIN 1 IDENTIFIER ARE OPTIONAL, BUT MUST BE LOCATED WITHIN THE INDEX AREA INDICATED (SEE TOP VIEW). 6. FIVE LEAD PACKAGE IS A VERSION OF 6 LEAD PACKAGE, WHERE LEAD #5 HAS BEEN REMOVED FROM 6 LEAD PACKAGE. SEATING PLANE A1 L ccc C 0 L1 SIDE VIEW DETAIL "A" (SCALE: 2/1) SMSC EMC1201/EMC1202 UNLESS OTHERWISE SPECIFIED DIMENSIONS ARE IN MILLIMETERS AND TOLERANCES ARE: DECIMAL ±0.1 X.X X.XX ±0.05 X.XXX ±0.025 THIRD ANGLE PROJECTION 80 ARKAY DRIVE HAUPPAUGE, NY 11788 USA ANGULAR ±1° TITLE NAME DATE S.K.ILIEV 7/06/04 DIM AND TOL PER ASME Y14.5M - 1994 MATERIAL N = 5 LEADS N = 6 LEADS FINISH 3-D VIEWS - S.K.ILIEV S.K.ILIEV REV DWG NUMBER CHECKED MO-5/6 SOT-2.9x1.6 7/06/04 APPROVED PRINT WITH "SCALE TO FIT" DO NOT SCALE DRAWING PACKAGE OUTLINE: 5/6 PIN SOT 1.6mm BODY WIDTH, 0.95mm PITCH DRAWN SCALE 7/07/04 STD COMPLIANCE 1:1 JEDEC: MO-178 / AA, AB Figure 4.1 EMC1201/EMC1202 5 Pin SOT Package Outline; 1.6mm Body Width, 0.95mm Pitch A SHEET 1 OF 1 Single/Dual Single-Wire Temp Sensor in SOT23-5 Using SMSC BudgetBusTMSensor Interface Datasheet Revision 1.0 (06-10-08) Chapter 4 Package Outline