Product Reliability Reliability Investigation Results for Product Type 1PS88SB82 Time period: Q4/2013 to Q3/2014 Test Results AEC-Q101 Test Conditions Duration Quantity Rejects all parts see below 43440 0 #1 TEST Pre- and Post-Stress Electrical Test Tamb = 25 °C N/A #2 PC Preconditioning JESD22-A113 Bake Tamb = 125 °C Soak Tamb = 85 °C, RH = 85% Reflow soldering 24 hours 168 hours 3 cycles #5 HTRB High Temperature Reverse Bias JESD22-A108 Tj = rated Tjmax, VR > 80% of max. breakdown voltage [1] 1000 hours 5280 0 #7 TC Temperature Cycling JESD22-A104 -55 °C to Tjmax 1000 cycles 11360 0 #8 AC Autoclave JESD22-A102 Tamb = 121 °C, RH = 100 % Pressure = 205 kPa (29.7 psia) 96 hours 11360 0 #9 H3TRB High Humidity High Temperature Reverse Bias JESD22-A101 Tamb = 85 °C, RH = 85%, VR > 80 % of rated breakdown voltage 1000 hours 11360 0 # 10 IOL Intermittent Operating Life MIL-STD-750 Method 1037 ton = toff, devices powered to insure ΔTj = 125 °C for 7500 cycles or ΔTj = 100 °C for 15000 cycles 1000 hours 9360 0 # 20 RSH Resistance to Solder Heat JESD22-A111 / JESD22-B106 260 °C ± 5 °C 10 s 2700 0 # 21 SD Solderability J-STD-002 245 °C ± 5 °C 3s 2790 0 [1] The physical limitations of Schottky diodes have to be considered (thermal runaway). Calculation of FIT and MTBF Test considered for FIT calculation: High Temperature Reverse Bias (HTRB, AEC-Q101 Test # 5) Confidence level 60%, derated to 55 °C, activation energy 0.7 eV, test time 168 to 1000 hours Wafer Fab Technology Quantity Rejects Failure Rate MTBF NXP DHAM Schottky 5280 0 0.80 FIT 141837 years © 2015 NXP Semiconductors N.V. All rights reserved. Reproduction in whole or in part is prohibited without the prior written consent of the copyright owner. The information presented in this document does not form part of any quotation or contract, is believed to be accurate and reliable and may be changed without notice. No liability will be accepted by the publisher for any consequence of its use. Publication thereof does not convey nor imply any license under patent – or other industrial or intellectual property rights.