Tested Feb. 12, 2004 File: AD9042S HDR generic.xls Page 1 of 4. RADIATION TEST REPORT PRODUCT: AD9042SDQMLR MASK: FILE: DATE CODE: GAMMA: 0, 100K GAMMA SOURCE: Co60 DOSE RATE: 44.15 rad/sec FACILITIES: National Semiconductor Sunnyvale, Ca. TESTED: February 12,2004 The RADTESTSM DATA SERVICE is a compilation of radiation test results on Analog Devices’ Space grade products. It is designed to assist customers in selecting the right product for applications where radiation is a consideration. Many S/N:1-3 Wafer#1 products manufactured by AnalogS/N:25,26 Devices,Wafer#2 Inc. have been shown to be radiation tolerant to most tactical radiation environments, S/N:49,50 Wafer#3Analog Devices , Inc. does not make any claim to maintain or guarantee levels of radiation tolerance without S/N:74,75 these Wafer#4 lot qualification test. S/N:97,98 Wafer#5 S/N:121,122 Wafer#6 It is the responsibility of the Procuring Activity to screen products from Analog S/N:145,146 Wafer#7 Devices, Inc. for compliance to Nuclear Hardness S/N:169,170 Wafer#10 Critical Items (HCI) specifications. S/N:193,194 Wafer#11 S/N:216,217 Wafer#12 Analog Devices, Inc. does not recommend use of this data to qualify other product grades or process S/N:239,240 Wafer#9 levels. Analog Devices, Inc. is not responsible and has no liability for any consequences, and all applicable Warranties are null and void, if any Analog product is modified in any way or used outside of normal environmental and operating conditions, including the parameters specified in the corresponding data sheet. Analog Devices does not guarantee that wafer manufacturing is the same for all process levels. WARNING: Tested Feb. 12, 2004 1.0 SN 1 2 3 25 26 49 50 74 75 97 98 121 122 145 146 169 170 193 194 216 217 239 240 min max stdev average +3S -3S IVCC @5.0V Initial 117.065 115.540 116.943 117.279 118.149 115.295 115.479 116.180 114.822 116.867 116.913 115.311 115.906 117.523 115.540 114.533 114.883 113.602 114.197 114.960 115.616 114.655 115.585 113.602 118.149 1.155 115.717 119.181 112.253 File: AD9042S HDR generic.xls mA 100K 140.045 115.234 122.147 117.523 117.889 115.234 115.387 116.028 114.685 116.959 116.928 114.975 117.371 117.310 115.280 114.410 114.899 113.373 113.998 114.410 115.234 114.533 115.418 113.373 122.147 1.875 115.874 121.498 110.250 3.0 SN 1 2 3 25 26 49 50 74 75 97 98 121 122 145 146 169 170 193 194 216 217 239 240 min max stdev average +3S -3S ENC Iil @0V Initial -287.251 -285.303 -288.683 -293.358 -296.729 -288.326 -290.172 -287.947 -287.329 -292.317 -292.940 -287.834 -289.380 -294.862 -286.159 -285.954 -285.817 -281.610 -284.325 -281.934 -289.063 -286.488 -287.274 -296.729 -281.610 3.871 -288.355 -276.743 -299.967 4.0 SN 1 2 3 25 26 49 50 74 75 97 98 121 122 145 146 169 170 193 194 216 217 239 240 min max stdev average +3S -3S ENC Iih @5V Initial 587.650 582.147 589.844 600.244 603.992 591.226 594.373 589.154 588.590 598.883 601.953 585.642 592.627 601.849 585.373 585.413 579.999 577.258 585.123 577.307 591.336 585.562 587.207 577.258 603.992 7.843 589.777 613.306 566.249 uA 100K 587.705 582.178 589.853 600.278 603.998 591.263 594.376 589.139 588.608 598.877 601.978 585.672 592.636 601.849 585.370 585.431 580.017 577.292 585.153 577.316 591.379 585.584 587.231 577.292 603.998 7.839 589.794 613.312 566.277 620.000 -265.000 124.000 uA 100K -287.206 -285.613 -288.942 -293.620 -296.941 -288.573 -290.384 -288.286 -287.770 -292.671 -293.263 -288.098 -289.636 -295.120 -286.508 -286.166 -286.003 -282.098 -284.717 -282.242 -289.302 -286.734 -287.470 -296.941 -282.098 3.842 -288.644 -277.118 -300.169 Page 2 of 4. 1 122.000 -270.000 610.000 -275.000 600.000 120.000 118.000 -280.000 116.000 114.000 -285.000 590.000 580.000 112.000 570.000 -290.000 110.000 560.000 -295.000 108.000 550.000 106.000 -300.000 104.000 540.000 1 -305.000 Initial 100K Tested Feb. 12, 2004 33.0 SN 1 2 3 25 26 49 50 74 75 97 98 121 122 145 146 169 170 193 194 216 217 239 240 min max stdev average +3S -3S GE Initial -1.559 -1.516 -2.108 -1.529 -1.970 -1.670 -1.589 -1.621 -1.019 -1.946 -0.999 -1.557 -1.954 -1.509 -1.992 -2.320 -2.488 -2.524 -2.015 -2.464 -2.204 -2.442 -2.114 -2.524 -0.999 0.442 -1.889 -0.562 -3.215 File: AD9042S HDR generic.xls %Fs 100K -1.587 -1.165 -1.705 -1.118 -1.497 -1.185 -1.013 -1.285 -0.920 -1.514 -0.584 -1.118 -1.531 -1.281 -1.708 -1.836 -2.003 -2.523 -1.660 -2.344 -1.741 -2.166 -1.632 -2.523 -0.584 0.476 -1.524 -0.097 -2.951 0.000 Initial -0.500 34.0 SN 1 2 3 25 26 49 50 74 75 97 98 121 122 145 146 169 170 193 194 216 217 239 240 min max stdev average +3S -3S OE Initial 0.436 1.541 2.172 1.146 0.673 1.344 0.831 1.423 0.811 1.008 1.166 1.502 1.679 1.038 1.580 1.482 1.146 1.383 1.225 0.712 1.063 0.988 1.132 0.673 2.172 0.354 1.229 2.292 0.167 mV 100K 1.379 1.709 2.311 1.359 0.846 1.556 1.043 1.596 1.675 1.142 1.300 1.754 1.850 1.239 1.771 1.653 1.298 1.574 1.263 0.884 1.263 1.140 1.219 0.846 2.311 0.349 1.429 2.476 0.383 Page 3 of 4. 36.0 SN 1 2 3 25 26 49 50 74 75 97 98 121 122 145 146 169 170 193 194 216 217 239 240 min max stdev average +3S -3S 3.000 0.200 2.500 0.000 Lsb 100K -0.348 -0.600 -0.560 -0.581 -0.494 -0.410 -0.468 -0.343 -0.280 -0.453 -0.360 -0.328 -0.421 -0.275 -0.493 -0.640 -0.335 -0.519 -0.343 -0.401 -0.439 -0.354 -0.449 -0.640 -0.275 0.103 -0.434 -0.124 -0.744 100K Initial -1.000 2.000 -0.200 -1.500 1.500 -0.400 -2.000 1.000 -0.600 -2.500 0.500 -0.800 -3.000 0.000 -3.500 DNL min Initial -1.000 -0.586 -0.517 -0.507 -0.479 -0.484 -0.430 -0.315 -1.000 -0.520 -0.360 -0.261 -0.354 -0.287 -0.431 -0.549 -0.319 -0.547 -0.319 -0.396 -0.394 -0.441 -0.475 -1.000 -0.261 0.153 -0.453 0.007 -0.913 Initial 100K -1.000 100K Tested Feb. 12, 2004 File: AD9042S HDR generic.xls 38.0 SN 1 2 3 25 26 49 50 74 75 97 98 121 122 145 146 169 170 193 194 216 217 239 240 min max stdev average +3S -3S DNL max Initial 1.405 0.525 0.457 0.681 0.627 0.604 0.828 0.440 1.287 0.663 0.400 0.649 0.401 0.734 0.487 0.571 0.838 0.571 0.356 0.449 0.590 0.573 0.904 0.356 1.287 0.210 0.620 1.249 -0.010 Lsb 100K 0.766 0.595 0.483 0.503 0.748 0.637 0.829 0.467 0.870 0.639 0.637 0.738 0.731 0.597 0.584 0.560 0.849 0.943 0.525 0.550 0.700 0.665 1.068 0.467 1.068 0.157 0.678 1.149 0.207 1.400 1.200 1.000 0.800 0.600 0.400 0.200 0.000 Initial -0.200 100K Page 4 of 4.