NXP ARM Cortex-M0™ microcontrollers LPC1200 Up to 128 KB Flash and configurable peripherals for industrial control Powered by the smallest, most energy-efficient Cortex-M0 core, the LPC1200 provides compelling solutions for industrial control. The series includes up to 128 KB Flash and 8 KB SRAM, and offers configurable peripherals ideally suited for energy-efficient controls and appliances. Key features `` ARM Cortex-M0 processor - Up to 30 MHz CPU frequency with zero wait state from Flash - Nested Vectored Interrupt Controller (NVIC) supports ` 32 vectored interrupts with fast and deterministic latency - Three reduced-power modes: Sleep, Deep-sleep, and Deep power-down `` Memories - Up to 8 kB SRAM - Up to 128 kB Flash memory with 512 Byte page erase `` Serial communication interfaces - Two UARTs with fractional baud-rate generation and internal FIFO plus RS-485, modem, and IrDA supports - I2C with Fast-mode Plus for twice the devices on one bus and longer transmission distances SSP (SPI) controller with FIFO and multi-protocol capabilities `` Analog peripherals - 10-bit Analog-to-Digital Converter (ADC) with eight channels and conversion rates up to 400 ksps - Two comparators, each with up to six selectable external sources, fully configurable on either positive or negative comparator input channels `` Other peripherals - Direct Memory Access (DMA) controller with 21 channels supports onboard UART, SPI, ADC, RTC, counters/timers, comparators, I2C, and GPIO - Cyclic Redundancy Check (CRC) engine with programmable polynomial settings and support for several CRC standards - Two 32-bit general-purpose counter/timers with four capture inputs and four match outputs - Two 16-bit general-purpose counter/timers with two capture inputs and two match outputs - Windowed Watchdog Timer (WDT) designed to comply with IEC 60730 Class B safety requirements - 32-bit Real-time Clock (RTC) - Up to 55 general-purpose I/O (GPIO) pins, all with configurators and a digital filter Applications `` White goods `` Industrial control `` Home automation `` Power conversion `` UPS LPC122x Flash ARM CORTEX-M0 Up to 128 KB SRAM AHB-LITE Bus General description The LPC1200 series extends NXP’s 32-bit ARM microcontroller continuum by targeting a wide range of industrial applications in the areas of factory and home automation. The series offers a wide range of Flash memory sizes, from 32 to 128 KB, with 512 Bytes page erase. Benefitting from the ARM Cortex-M0 Thumb instruction set, the LPC1200 has up to 50% higher code density compared to common 8/16-bit MCUs performing typical tasks. The LPC1200 also features an optimized` ROM-based divide library for Cortex-M0, which offers code size saving and several times the arithmetic performance of software based libraries. The high efficiency of the Cortex-M0 core also helps the LPC1200 achieve lower average power for similar applications. The LPC1200 has up to 55 GPIO and new onboard peripherals including DMA, CRC, comparators, an RTC, and a 1% internal oscillator, which provides the accuracy needed for Baud rate generation. Additional features `` Programmable high-current output driver on four pins `` Processor wake-up from Deep-sleep mode via 12 port pins or peripherals interrupts `` Power-On Reset (POR) `` Brownout detect with four separate thresholds for interrupt and forced reset `` 12 MHz internal RC oscillator trimmed to 1% accuracy that can also be used as a system clock or Baud rate generator `` PLL allows CPU operation up to the maximum CPU rate without the need for a high-frequency crystal. Can be run from the main oscillator, the internal RC oscillator, or the Watchdog oscillator `` Clock generation unit with divider that can reflect the main oscillator clock, IRC clock, CPU clock, and Watchdog clock. `` Available in 48- or 64-pin LQFP package Up to 8 KB ROM DMA Controller High-speed GPIO (55) Development tools The easy-to-use LPCXpresso IDE for the LPC1200 series is priced under $30. Other development tools from IAR, Keil, Hitex, and Code Red can be found at www.nxp.com/ microcontrollers. All NXP’s Cortex-M microcontrollers are upwardly binary compatible and offer all the advantages of a single development toolchain. Users can easily migrate their designs between Cortex-M0 and Cortex-M3 with minimum effort. CRC Engine 32-bit Timers (2) Bridge 16-bit Timers (2) UART (2) Windowed WDT SSP/SPI Power Control I2C PMU, power modes, BOD, single Vdd power supply, POR Clock Generation Unit 12 MHz, 1% IRC OSC, watchdog OSC, 1-25 MHz System OSC, system PLL APB Bus `` Lighting `` Alarm systems `` PC peripherals `` POS SERIAL INTERFACES ADC 8-channel, 10-bit Real-time Clock Comparators (2) SYSTEM ANALOG Type f max (MHz) FLASH (KB) RAM (KB) I/O pins DMA CRC RS-485 UART I²C/FM+ SPI ADC Selection guide LPC1227FBD64/301 LPC1226FBD64/301 LPC1225FBD64/321 LPC1225FBD64/301 LPC1224FBD64/121 LPC1224FBD64/101 30 30 30 30 30 30 128 96 80 64 48 32 8 8 8 8 4 4 55 55 55 55 55 55 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 2 2 2 2 2 2 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 LPC1227FBD48/301 LPC1226FBD48/301 LPC1225FBD48/321 LPC1225FBD48/301 LPC1224FBD48/121 LPC1224FBD48/101 30 30 30 30 30 30 128 96 80 64 48 32 8 8 8 8 4 4 39 39 39 39 39 39 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 2 2 2 2 2 2 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 www.nxp.com © 2011 NXP Semiconductors N.V. All rights reserved. Reproduction in whole or in part is prohibited without the prior written consent of the copyright owner. The Date of release: February 2011 information presented in this document does not form part of any quotation or contract, is believed to be accurate and reliable and Document order number: 9397 750 17026 may be changed without notice. No liability will be accepted by the publisher for any consequence of its use. Publication thereof Printed in the Netherlands does not convey nor imply any license under patent- or other industrial or intellectual property rights.