MLIB User's Guide ARM® Cortex® M7F Document Number: CM7FMLIBUG Rev. 0, 10/2015 MLIB User's Guide, Rev. 0, 10/2015 2 Freescale Semiconductor, Inc. Contents Section number Title Page Chapter 1 Library 1.1 1.2 1.3 Introduction.................................................................................................................................................................... 13 1.1.1 Overview............................................................................................................................................................13 1.1.2 Data types.......................................................................................................................................................... 13 1.1.3 API definition.................................................................................................................................................... 14 1.1.4 Supported compilers.......................................................................................................................................... 15 1.1.5 Special issues..................................................................................................................................................... 15 Library integration into project (Keil µVision) ............................................................................................................. 15 1.2.1 Freescale pack installation.................................................................................................................................15 1.2.2 New project........................................................................................................................................................16 1.2.3 Linking the files into the project........................................................................................................................18 1.2.4 Library path setup.............................................................................................................................................. 20 Library integration into project (IAR Embedded Workbench) ..................................................................................... 22 1.3.1 New project........................................................................................................................................................22 1.3.2 Library path variable..........................................................................................................................................24 1.3.3 Linking the files into the project........................................................................................................................25 1.3.4 Library path setup.............................................................................................................................................. 26 Chapter 2 Algorithms in detail 2.1 2.2 MLIB_Abs......................................................................................................................................................................29 2.1.1 Available versions............................................................................................................................................. 29 2.1.2 Declaration.........................................................................................................................................................29 2.1.3 Function use.......................................................................................................................................................30 MLIB_AbsSat.................................................................................................................................................................30 2.2.1 Available versions............................................................................................................................................. 30 2.2.2 Declaration.........................................................................................................................................................31 2.2.3 Function use.......................................................................................................................................................31 MLIB User's Guide, Rev. 0, 10/2015 Freescale Semiconductor, Inc. 3 Section number 2.3 2.4 2.5 2.6 2.7 2.8 2.9 Title Page MLIB_Add..................................................................................................................................................................... 31 2.3.1 Available versions............................................................................................................................................. 31 2.3.2 Declaration.........................................................................................................................................................32 2.3.3 Function use.......................................................................................................................................................32 MLIB_AddSat................................................................................................................................................................ 33 2.4.1 Available versions............................................................................................................................................. 33 2.4.2 Declaration.........................................................................................................................................................33 2.4.3 Function use.......................................................................................................................................................34 MLIB_Add4................................................................................................................................................................... 34 2.5.1 Available versions............................................................................................................................................. 34 2.5.2 Declaration.........................................................................................................................................................35 2.5.3 Function use.......................................................................................................................................................35 MLIB_Add4Sat.............................................................................................................................................................. 35 2.6.1 Available versions............................................................................................................................................. 36 2.6.2 Declaration.........................................................................................................................................................36 2.6.3 Function use.......................................................................................................................................................36 MLIB_Clb...................................................................................................................................................................... 37 2.7.1 Available versions............................................................................................................................................. 37 2.7.2 Declaration.........................................................................................................................................................37 2.7.3 Function use.......................................................................................................................................................37 MLIB_Conv................................................................................................................................................................... 38 2.8.1 Available versions............................................................................................................................................. 38 2.8.2 Declaration.........................................................................................................................................................39 2.8.3 Function use.......................................................................................................................................................39 MLIB_ConvSc............................................................................................................................................................... 39 2.9.1 Available versions............................................................................................................................................. 40 2.9.2 Declaration.........................................................................................................................................................40 2.9.3 Function use.......................................................................................................................................................41 MLIB User's Guide, Rev. 0, 10/2015 4 Freescale Semiconductor, Inc. Section number Title Page 2.10 MLIB_Div...................................................................................................................................................................... 41 2.10.1 Available versions............................................................................................................................................. 41 2.10.2 Declaration.........................................................................................................................................................42 2.10.3 Function use.......................................................................................................................................................43 2.11 MLIB_DivSat................................................................................................................................................................. 43 2.11.1 Available versions............................................................................................................................................. 43 2.11.2 Declaration.........................................................................................................................................................44 2.11.3 Function use.......................................................................................................................................................44 2.12 MLIB_Div1Q................................................................................................................................................................. 45 2.12.1 Available versions............................................................................................................................................. 45 2.12.2 Declaration.........................................................................................................................................................46 2.12.3 Function use.......................................................................................................................................................46 2.13 MLIB_Div1QSat............................................................................................................................................................ 47 2.13.1 Available versions............................................................................................................................................. 47 2.13.2 Declaration.........................................................................................................................................................48 2.13.3 Function use.......................................................................................................................................................48 2.14 MLIB_Log2....................................................................................................................................................................48 2.14.1 Available versions............................................................................................................................................. 48 2.14.2 Declaration.........................................................................................................................................................49 2.14.3 Function use.......................................................................................................................................................49 2.15 MLIB_Mac..................................................................................................................................................................... 49 2.15.1 Available versions............................................................................................................................................. 49 2.15.2 Declaration.........................................................................................................................................................50 2.15.3 Function use.......................................................................................................................................................50 2.16 MLIB_MacSat................................................................................................................................................................51 2.16.1 Available versions............................................................................................................................................. 51 2.16.2 Declaration.........................................................................................................................................................52 2.16.3 Function use.......................................................................................................................................................52 MLIB User's Guide, Rev. 0, 10/2015 Freescale Semiconductor, Inc. 5 Section number Title Page 2.17 MLIB_MacRnd.............................................................................................................................................................. 53 2.17.1 Available versions............................................................................................................................................. 53 2.17.2 Declaration.........................................................................................................................................................54 2.17.3 Function use.......................................................................................................................................................54 2.18 MLIB_MacRndSat......................................................................................................................................................... 54 2.18.1 Available versions............................................................................................................................................. 54 2.18.2 Declaration.........................................................................................................................................................55 2.18.3 Function use.......................................................................................................................................................55 2.19 MLIB_Mac4................................................................................................................................................................... 56 2.19.1 Available versions............................................................................................................................................. 56 2.19.2 Declaration.........................................................................................................................................................56 2.19.3 Function use.......................................................................................................................................................57 2.20 MLIB_Mac4Sat..............................................................................................................................................................57 2.20.1 Available versions............................................................................................................................................. 57 2.20.2 Declaration.........................................................................................................................................................58 2.20.3 Function use.......................................................................................................................................................58 2.21 MLIB_Mac4Rnd............................................................................................................................................................ 58 2.21.1 Available versions............................................................................................................................................. 59 2.21.2 Declaration.........................................................................................................................................................59 2.21.3 Function use.......................................................................................................................................................59 2.22 MLIB_Mac4RndSat....................................................................................................................................................... 60 2.22.1 Available versions............................................................................................................................................. 60 2.22.2 Declaration.........................................................................................................................................................61 2.22.3 Function use.......................................................................................................................................................61 2.23 MLIB_Msu..................................................................................................................................................................... 61 2.23.1 Available versions............................................................................................................................................. 61 2.23.2 Declaration.........................................................................................................................................................62 2.23.3 Function use.......................................................................................................................................................62 MLIB User's Guide, Rev. 0, 10/2015 6 Freescale Semiconductor, Inc. Section number Title Page 2.24 MLIB_MsuSat................................................................................................................................................................63 2.24.1 Available versions............................................................................................................................................. 63 2.24.2 Declaration.........................................................................................................................................................64 2.24.3 Function use.......................................................................................................................................................64 2.25 MLIB_MsuRnd.............................................................................................................................................................. 64 2.25.1 Available versions............................................................................................................................................. 65 2.25.2 Declaration.........................................................................................................................................................65 2.25.3 Function use.......................................................................................................................................................65 2.26 MLIB_MsuRndSat......................................................................................................................................................... 66 2.26.1 Available versions............................................................................................................................................. 66 2.26.2 Declaration.........................................................................................................................................................67 2.26.3 Function use.......................................................................................................................................................67 2.27 MLIB_Msu4................................................................................................................................................................... 68 2.27.1 Available versions............................................................................................................................................. 68 2.27.2 Declaration.........................................................................................................................................................68 2.27.3 Function use.......................................................................................................................................................69 2.28 MLIB_Msu4Sat..............................................................................................................................................................69 2.28.1 Available versions............................................................................................................................................. 69 2.28.2 Declaration.........................................................................................................................................................70 2.28.3 Function use.......................................................................................................................................................70 2.29 MLIB_Msu4Rnd............................................................................................................................................................ 70 2.29.1 Available versions............................................................................................................................................. 71 2.29.2 Declaration.........................................................................................................................................................71 2.29.3 Function use.......................................................................................................................................................71 2.30 MLIB_Msu4RndSat....................................................................................................................................................... 72 2.30.1 Available versions............................................................................................................................................. 72 2.30.2 Declaration.........................................................................................................................................................73 2.30.3 Function use.......................................................................................................................................................73 MLIB User's Guide, Rev. 0, 10/2015 Freescale Semiconductor, Inc. 7 Section number Title Page 2.31 MLIB_Mul..................................................................................................................................................................... 73 2.31.1 Available versions............................................................................................................................................. 74 2.31.2 Declaration.........................................................................................................................................................74 2.31.3 Function use.......................................................................................................................................................75 2.32 MLIB_MulSat................................................................................................................................................................ 75 2.32.1 Available versions............................................................................................................................................. 75 2.32.2 Declaration.........................................................................................................................................................76 2.32.3 Function use.......................................................................................................................................................76 2.33 MLIB_MulNeg...............................................................................................................................................................77 2.33.1 Available versions............................................................................................................................................. 77 2.33.2 Declaration.........................................................................................................................................................78 2.33.3 Function use.......................................................................................................................................................78 2.34 MLIB_MulRnd...............................................................................................................................................................78 2.34.1 Available versions............................................................................................................................................. 79 2.34.2 Declaration.........................................................................................................................................................79 2.34.3 Function use.......................................................................................................................................................80 2.35 MLIB_MulRndSat..........................................................................................................................................................80 2.35.1 Available versions............................................................................................................................................. 80 2.35.2 Declaration.........................................................................................................................................................81 2.35.3 Function use.......................................................................................................................................................81 2.36 MLIB_MulNegRnd........................................................................................................................................................ 82 2.36.1 Available versions............................................................................................................................................. 82 2.36.2 Declaration.........................................................................................................................................................83 2.36.3 Function use.......................................................................................................................................................83 2.37 MLIB_Neg..................................................................................................................................................................... 84 2.37.1 Available versions............................................................................................................................................. 84 2.37.2 Declaration.........................................................................................................................................................84 2.37.3 Function use.......................................................................................................................................................84 MLIB User's Guide, Rev. 0, 10/2015 8 Freescale Semiconductor, Inc. Section number Title Page 2.38 MLIB_NegSat................................................................................................................................................................ 85 2.38.1 Available versions............................................................................................................................................. 85 2.38.2 Declaration.........................................................................................................................................................85 2.38.3 Function use.......................................................................................................................................................86 2.39 MLIB_Rcp......................................................................................................................................................................86 2.39.1 Available versions............................................................................................................................................. 86 2.39.2 Declaration.........................................................................................................................................................87 2.39.3 Function use.......................................................................................................................................................87 2.40 MLIB_Rcp1Q.................................................................................................................................................................87 2.40.1 Available versions............................................................................................................................................. 88 2.40.2 Declaration.........................................................................................................................................................88 2.40.3 Function use.......................................................................................................................................................88 2.41 MLIB_Rnd..................................................................................................................................................................... 89 2.41.1 Available versions............................................................................................................................................. 89 2.41.2 Declaration.........................................................................................................................................................89 2.41.3 Function use.......................................................................................................................................................89 2.42 MLIB_RndSat................................................................................................................................................................ 90 2.42.1 Available versions............................................................................................................................................. 90 2.42.2 Declaration.........................................................................................................................................................90 2.42.3 Function use.......................................................................................................................................................90 2.43 MLIB_Sat....................................................................................................................................................................... 91 2.43.1 Available versions............................................................................................................................................. 91 2.43.2 Declaration.........................................................................................................................................................91 2.43.3 Function use.......................................................................................................................................................92 2.44 MLIB_Sh1L................................................................................................................................................................... 92 2.44.1 Available versions............................................................................................................................................. 92 2.44.2 Declaration.........................................................................................................................................................93 2.44.3 Function use.......................................................................................................................................................93 MLIB User's Guide, Rev. 0, 10/2015 Freescale Semiconductor, Inc. 9 Section number Title Page 2.45 MLIB_Sh1LSat.............................................................................................................................................................. 93 2.45.1 Available versions............................................................................................................................................. 93 2.45.2 Declaration.........................................................................................................................................................94 2.45.3 Function use.......................................................................................................................................................94 2.46 MLIB_Sh1R................................................................................................................................................................... 94 2.46.1 Available versions............................................................................................................................................. 94 2.46.2 Declaration.........................................................................................................................................................95 2.46.3 Function use.......................................................................................................................................................95 2.47 MLIB_ShL..................................................................................................................................................................... 95 2.47.1 Available versions............................................................................................................................................. 96 2.47.2 Declaration.........................................................................................................................................................96 2.47.3 Function use.......................................................................................................................................................96 2.48 MLIB_ShLSat................................................................................................................................................................ 97 2.48.1 Available versions............................................................................................................................................. 97 2.48.2 Declaration.........................................................................................................................................................97 2.48.3 Function use.......................................................................................................................................................97 2.49 MLIB_ShR..................................................................................................................................................................... 98 2.49.1 Available versions............................................................................................................................................. 98 2.49.2 Declaration.........................................................................................................................................................99 2.49.3 Function use.......................................................................................................................................................99 2.50 MLIB_ShLBi..................................................................................................................................................................99 2.50.1 Available versions............................................................................................................................................. 99 2.50.2 Declaration.........................................................................................................................................................100 2.50.3 Function use.......................................................................................................................................................100 2.51 MLIB_ShLBiSat.............................................................................................................................................................100 2.51.1 Available versions............................................................................................................................................. 101 2.51.2 Declaration.........................................................................................................................................................101 2.51.3 Function use.......................................................................................................................................................101 MLIB User's Guide, Rev. 0, 10/2015 10 Freescale Semiconductor, Inc. Section number Title Page 2.52 MLIB_ShRBi................................................................................................................................................................. 102 2.52.1 Available versions............................................................................................................................................. 102 2.52.2 Declaration.........................................................................................................................................................103 2.52.3 Function use.......................................................................................................................................................103 2.53 MLIB_ShRBiSat............................................................................................................................................................ 103 2.53.1 Available versions............................................................................................................................................. 104 2.53.2 Declaration.........................................................................................................................................................104 2.53.3 Function use.......................................................................................................................................................104 2.54 MLIB_Sign.....................................................................................................................................................................105 2.54.1 Available versions............................................................................................................................................. 105 2.54.2 Declaration.........................................................................................................................................................105 2.54.3 Function use.......................................................................................................................................................106 2.55 MLIB_Sub......................................................................................................................................................................106 2.55.1 Available versions............................................................................................................................................. 106 2.55.2 Declaration.........................................................................................................................................................107 2.55.3 Function use.......................................................................................................................................................107 2.56 MLIB_SubSat.................................................................................................................................................................108 2.56.1 Available versions............................................................................................................................................. 108 2.56.2 Declaration.........................................................................................................................................................108 2.56.3 Function use.......................................................................................................................................................108 2.57 MLIB_Sub4....................................................................................................................................................................109 2.57.1 Available versions............................................................................................................................................. 109 2.57.2 Declaration.........................................................................................................................................................110 2.57.3 Function use.......................................................................................................................................................110 2.58 MLIB_Sub4Sat...............................................................................................................................................................110 2.58.1 Available versions............................................................................................................................................. 110 2.58.2 Declaration.........................................................................................................................................................111 2.58.3 Function use.......................................................................................................................................................111 MLIB User's Guide, Rev. 0, 10/2015 Freescale Semiconductor, Inc. 11 MLIB User's Guide, Rev. 0, 10/2015 12 Freescale Semiconductor, Inc. Chapter 1 Library 1.1 Introduction 1.1.1 Overview This user's guide describes the Math Library (MLIB) for the family of ARM Cortex M7F core-based microcontrollers. This library contains optimized functions. 1.1.2 Data types MLIB supports several data types: (un)signed integer, fractional, and accumulator, and floating point. The integer data types are useful for general-purpose computation; they are familiar to the MPU and MCU programmers. The fractional data types enable powerful numeric and digital-signal-processing algorithms to be implemented. The accumulator data type is a combination of both; that means it has the integer and fractional portions.The floating-point data types are capable of storing real numbers in wide dynamic ranges. The type is represented by binary digits and an exponent. The exponent allows scaling the numbers from extremely small to extremely big numbers. Because the exponent takes part of the type, the overall resolution of the number is reduced when compared to the fixed-point type of the same size. The following list shows the integer types defined in the libraries: • • • • Unsigned 16-bit integer —<0 ; 65535> with the minimum resolution of 1 Signed 16-bit integer —<-32768 ; 32767> with the minimum resolution of 1 Unsigned 32-bit integer —<0 ; 4294967295> with the minimum resolution of 1 Signed 32-bit integer —<-2147483648 ; 2147483647> with the minimum resolution of 1 MLIB User's Guide, Rev. 0, 10/2015 Freescale Semiconductor, Inc. 13 Introduction The following list shows the fractional types defined in the libraries: • Fixed-point 16-bit fractional —<-1 ; 1 - 2-15> with the minimum resolution of 2-15 • Fixed-point 32-bit fractional —<-1 ; 1 - 2-31> with the minimum resolution of 2-31 The following list shows the accumulator types defined in the libraries: • Fixed-point 16-bit accumulator —<-256.0 ; 256.0 - 2-7> with the minimum resolution of 2-7 • Fixed-point 32-bit accumulator —<-65536.0 ; 65536.0 - 2-15> with the minimum resolution of 2-15 The following list shows the floating-point types defined in the libraries: • Floating point 32-bit single precision —<-3.40282 · 1038 ; 3.40282 · 1038> with the minimum resolution of 2-23 1.1.3 API definition MLIB uses the types mentioned in the previous section. To enable simple usage of the algorithms, their names use set prefixes and postfixes to distinguish the functions' versions. See the following example: f32Result = MLIB_Mac_F32lss(f32Accum, f16Mult1, f16Mult2); where the function is compiled from four parts: • • • • MLIB—this is the library prefix Mac—the function name—Multiply-Accumulate F32—the function output type lss—the types of the function inputs; if all the inputs have the same type as the output, the inputs are not marked The input and output types are described in the following table: Table 1-1. Input/output types Type Output Input frac16_t F16 s frac32_t F32 l acc32_t A32 a float_t FLT f MLIB User's Guide, Rev. 0, 10/2015 14 Freescale Semiconductor, Inc. Chapter 1 Library 1.1.4 Supported compilers MLIB for the ARM Cortex M7F core is written in . The library is built and tested using the following compilers: • IAR Embedded Workbench • Keil µVision For the IAR Embedded Workbench, the library is delivered in the mlib.a file. For the Keil µVision, the library is delivered in the mlib.lib file. The interfaces to the algorithms included in this library are combined into a single public interface include file, mlib.h. This is done to lower the number of files required to be included in your application. 1.1.5 Special issues 1. The equations describing the algorithms are symbolic. If there is positive 1, the number is the closest number to 1 that the resolution of the used fractional type allows. If there are maximum or minimum values mentioned, check the range allowed by the type of the particular function version. 2. The library functions that round the result (the API contains Rnd) round to nearest (half up). 1.2 Library integration into project (Keil µVision) This section provides a step-by-step guide on how to quickly and easily include MLIB into an empty project using Keil µVision. This example uses the Freescale MKV58F1M0xxx22 part, and the default installation path (C:\Freescale\FSLESL \CM7F_FSLESL_4.2_KEIL) is supposed. If you have a different installation path, use that path instead. 1.2.1 Freescale pack installation If the compiler has never been used to create any Freescale MCU-based projects before, check whether the Freescale MCU pack for the particular device is installed. Follow these steps: MLIB User's Guide, Rev. 0, 10/2015 Freescale Semiconductor, Inc. 15 Library integration into project (Keil µVision) 1. Launch Keil µVision. 2. In the main menu, go to Project > Manage > Pack Installer…. 3. In the left-hand dialog (under the Devices tab), expand the All Devices > Freescale node. 4. Look for a line called "KVxx Series" and click it. 5. In the right-hand dialog (under the Packs tab), expand the Device Specific node. 6. Look for a node called "Keil::Kinetis_KVxx_DFP." If there are the Install or Update options, click the button to install/update the package. See Figure 1-1. 7. When installed, the button has the "Up to date" title. Now close the Pack Installer. Figure 1-1. Pack Installer 1.2.2 New project To start working on an application, create a new project. If the project already exists and is opened, skip to the next section. Follow these steps to create a new project: 1. Launch Keil µVision. 2. In the main menu, select Project > New µVision Project…, and the Create New Project dialog appears. 3. Navigate to the folder where you want to create the project, for example C: \KeilProjects\MyProject01. Type the name of the project, for example MyProject01. Click Save. See Figure 1-2. MLIB User's Guide, Rev. 0, 10/2015 16 Freescale Semiconductor, Inc. Chapter 1 Library 4. 5. 6. 7. Figure 1-2. Create New Project dialog In the next dialog, select the Software Packs in the very first box. Type '' into the Search box, so that the device list is reduced to the devices. Expand the node. Click the MKV58F1M0xxx22 node, and then click OK. See Figure 1-3. Figure 1-3. Select Device dialog 8. In the next dialog, expand the Device node, and tick the box next to the Startup node. See Figure 1-4. 9. Expand the CMSIS node, and tick the box next to the CORE node. MLIB User's Guide, Rev. 0, 10/2015 Freescale Semiconductor, Inc. 17 Library integration into project (Keil µVision) Figure 1-4. Manage Run-Time Environment dialog 10. Click OK, and a new project is created. The new project is now visible in the lefthand part of Keil µVision. See Figure 1-5. Figure 1-5. Project 11. In the main menu, go to Project > Options for Target 'Target1'…, and a dialog appears. 12. Select the Target tab. 13. Select Use Single Precision in the Floating Point Hardware option. See Figure 1-5. Figure 1-6. FPU MLIB User's Guide, Rev. 0, 10/2015 18 Freescale Semiconductor, Inc. Chapter 1 Library 1.2.3 Linking the files into the project To include the library files in the project, create groups and add them. 1. Right-click the Target 1 node in the left-hand part of the Project tree, and select Add Group… from the menu. A new group with the name New Group is added. 2. Click the newly created group, and press F2 to rename it to FSLESL. 3. Right-click the FSLESL node, and select Add Existing Files to Group 'FSLESL'… from the menu. 4. Navigate into the library installation folder C:\Freescale\FSLESL \CM7F_FSLESL_4.2_KEIL\MLIB\Include, and select the mlib_fp.h file. If the file does not appear, set the Files of type filter to Text file. Click Add. See Figure 1-7. Figure 1-7. Adding .h files dialog 5. Navigate to the parent folder C:\Freescale\FSLESL\CM7F_FSLESL_4.2_KEIL \MLIB, and select the mlib.lib file. If the file does not appear, set the Files of type filter to Library file. Click Add. See Figure 1-8. MLIB User's Guide, Rev. 0, 10/2015 Freescale Semiconductor, Inc. 19 Library integration into project (Keil µVision) Figure 1-8. Adding .lib files dialog 6. Now, all necessary files are in the project tree; see Figure 1-9. Click Close. Figure 1-9. Project workspace 1.2.4 Library path setup The following steps show the inclusion of all dependent modules. 1. In the main menu, go to Project > Options for Target 'Target1'…, and a dialog appears. 2. Select the C/C++ tab. See Figure 1-10. 3. In the Include Paths text box, type the following path (if there are more paths, they must be separated by ';') or add it by clicking the … button next to the text box: • "C:\Freescale\FSLESL\CM7F_FSLESL_4.2_KEIL\MLIB\Include" 4. Click OK. 5. Click OK in the main dialog. MLIB User's Guide, Rev. 0, 10/2015 20 Freescale Semiconductor, Inc. Chapter 1 Library Figure 1-10. Library path addition Type the #include syntax into the code. Include the library into a source file. In the new project, it is necessary to create a source file: 1. Right-click the Source Group 1 node, and Add New Item to Group 'Source Group 1'… from the menu. 2. Select the C File (.c) option, and type a name of the file into the Name box, for example 'main.c'. See Figure 1-11. MLIB User's Guide, Rev. 0, 10/2015 Freescale Semiconductor, Inc. 21 Library integration into project (IAR Embedded Workbench) Figure 1-11. Adding new source file dialog 3. Click Add, and a new source file is created and opened up. 4. In the opened source file, include the following line into the #include section, and create a main function: #include "mlib_fp.h" int main(void) { while(1); } When you click the Build (F7) icon, the project will be compiled without errors. 1.3 Library integration into project (IAR Embedded Workbench) This section provides a step-by-step guide on how to quickly and easily include the MLIB into an empty project using IAR Embedded Workbench. This example uses the Freescale MKV58F1M0xxx22 part, and the default installation path (C:\Freescale \FSLESL\CM7F_FSLESL_4.2_IAR) is supposed. If you have a different installation path, then use that path instead. MLIB User's Guide, Rev. 0, 10/2015 22 Freescale Semiconductor, Inc. Chapter 1 Library 1.3.1 New project To start working on an application, create a new project. If the project already exists and is opened, skip to the next section. Perform these steps to create a new project: 1. Launch IAR Embedded Workbench. 2. In the main menu, select Project > Create New Project… so that the "Create New Project" dialog appears. See Figure 1-12. Figure 1-12. Create New Project dialog 3. Expand the C node in the tree, and select the "main" node. Click OK. 4. Navigate to the folder where you want to create the project, for example, C: \IARProjects\MyProject01. Type the name of the project, for example, MyProject01. Click Save, and a new project is created. The new project is now visible in the lefthand part of IAR Embedded Workbench. See Figure 1-13. Figure 1-13. New project 5. In the main menu, go to Project > Options…, and a dialog appears. MLIB User's Guide, Rev. 0, 10/2015 Freescale Semiconductor, Inc. 23 Library integration into project (IAR Embedded Workbench) 6. In the Target tab, select the Device option, and click the button next to the dialog to select the MCU. In this example, select Freescale > KV5x > Freescale MKV58F1M0xxx22. Select VFPv5 single precision in the FPU option. Click OK. See Figure 1-14. Figure 1-14. Options dialog 1.3.2 Library path variable To make the library integration easier, create a variable that will hold the information about the library path. 1. In the main menu, go to Tools > Configure Custom Argument Variables…, and a dialog appears. 2. Click the New Group button, and another dialog appears. In this dialog, type the name of the group PATH, and click OK. See Figure 1-15. MLIB User's Guide, Rev. 0, 10/2015 24 Freescale Semiconductor, Inc. Chapter 1 Library Figure 1-15. New Group 3. Click on the newly created group, and click the Add Variable button. A dialog appears. 4. Type this name: FSLESL_LOC 5. To set up the value, look for the library by clicking the '…' button, or just type the installation path into the box: C:\Freescale\FSLESL\CM7F_FSLESL_4.2_IAR. Click OK. 6. In the main dialog, click OK. See Figure 1-16. Figure 1-16. New variable 1.3.3 Linking the files into the project To include the library files into the project, create groups and add them. 1. Go to the main menu Project > Add Group… 2. Type FSLESL, and click OK. MLIB User's Guide, Rev. 0, 10/2015 Freescale Semiconductor, Inc. 25 Library integration into project (IAR Embedded Workbench) 3. Click on the newly created node FSLESL, go to Project > Add Group…, and create a MLIB subgroup. 4. Click on the newly created node MLIB, and go to the main menu Project > Add Files… See Figure 1-18. 5. Navigate into the library installation folder C:\Freescale\FSLESL \CM7F_FSLESL_4.2_IAR\MLIB\Include, and select the mlib_fp.h file. (If the file does not appear, set the file-type filter to Source Files.) Click Open. See Figure 1-17. 6. Navigate into the library installation folder C:\Freescale\FSLESL \CM7F_FSLESL_4.2_IAR\MLIB, and select the mlib.a file. If the file does not appear, set the file-type filter to Library / Object files. Click Open. Figure 1-17. Add Files dialog 7. Now you will see the files added in the workspace. See Figure 1-18. Figure 1-18. Project workspace 1.3.4 Library path setup 1. In the main menu, go to Project > Options…, and a dialog appears. 2. In the left-hand column, select C/C++ Compiler. 3. In the right-hand part of the dialog, click on the Preprocessor tab (it can be hidden in the right; use the arrow icons for navigation). 4. In the text box (at the Additional include directories title), type the following folder (using the created variable): • $FSLESL_LOC$\MLIB\Include 5. Click OK in the main dialog. See Figure 1-19. MLIB User's Guide, Rev. 0, 10/2015 26 Freescale Semiconductor, Inc. Chapter 1 Library Figure 1-19. Library path adition Type the #include syntax into the code. Include the library included into the main.c file. In the workspace tree, double-click the main.c file. After the main.c file opens up, include the following line into the #include section: #include "mlib_fp.h" When you click the Make icon, the project will be compiled without errors. MLIB User's Guide, Rev. 0, 10/2015 Freescale Semiconductor, Inc. 27 Library integration into project (IAR Embedded Workbench) MLIB User's Guide, Rev. 0, 10/2015 28 Freescale Semiconductor, Inc. Chapter 2 Algorithms in detail 2.1 MLIB_Abs The MLIB_Abs functions return the absolute value of the input. The function does not saturate the output. See the following equation: Equation 1. Algorithm formula 2.1.1 Available versions This function is available in the following versions: • Fractional output - the output is the fractional portion of the result; the result is within the range <-1 ; 1). The result may overflow. • Floating-point output - the output is a floating-point number; the result is a nonnegative value. The available versions of the MLIB_Abs function are shown in the following table. Table 2-1. Function versions Function name Input type Result type Description MLIB_Abs_F16 frac16_t frac16_t Absolute value of a 16-bit fractional value. The output is within the range <-1 ; 1). MLIB_Abs_F32 frac32_t frac32_t Absolute value of a 32-bit fractional value. The output is within the range <-1 ; 1). MLIB_Abs_FLT float_t float_t Absolute value of a 32-bit single precision floating-point value. The output is a non-negative value. MLIB User's Guide, Rev. 0, 10/2015 Freescale Semiconductor, Inc. 29 MLIB_AbsSat 2.1.2 Declaration The available MLIB_Abs functions have the following declarations: frac16_t MLIB_Abs_F16(frac16_t f16Val) frac32_t MLIB_Abs_F32(frac32_t f32Val) float_t MLIB_Abs_FLT(float_t fltVal) 2.1.3 Function use The use of the MLIB_Abs function is shown in the following example: #include "mlib.h" static frac32_t f32Result; static frac32_t f32Val; void main(void) { f32Val = FRAC32(-0.354); } /* f32Val = -0.354 */ /* f32Result = |f32Val| */ f32Result = MLIB_Abs_F32(f32Val); 2.2 MLIB_AbsSat The MLIB_AbsSat functions return the absolute value of the input. The function saturates the output. See the following equation: Equation 2. Algorithm formula 2.2.1 Available versions This function is available in the following versions: • Fractional output - the output is the fractional portion of the result; the result is within the range <0 ; 1). The result may saturate. MLIB User's Guide, Rev. 0, 10/2015 30 Freescale Semiconductor, Inc. Chapter 2 Algorithms in detail The available versions of the MLIB_AbsSat function are shown in the following table. Table 2-2. Function versions Function name Input type Result type Description MLIB_AbsSat_F16 frac16_t frac16_t Absolute value of a 16-bit fractional value. The output is within the range <0 ; 1). MLIB_AbsSat_F32 frac32_t frac32_t Absolute value of a 32-bit fractional value. The output is within the range <0 ; 1). 2.2.2 Declaration The available MLIB_AbsSat functions have the following declarations: frac16_t MLIB_AbsSat_F16(frac16_t f16Val) frac32_t MLIB_AbsSat_F32(frac32_t f32Val) 2.2.3 Function use The use of the MLIB_AbsSat function is shown in the following example: #include "mlib.h" static frac16_t f16Val, f16Result; void main(void) { f16Val = FRAC16(-0.835); } /* f16Val = -0.835 */ /* f16Result = sat(|f16Val|) f16Result = MLIB_AbsSat_F16(f16Val); */ 2.3 MLIB_Add The MLIB_Add functions return the sum of two addends. The function does not saturate the output. See the following equation: Equation 3. Algorithm formula MLIB User's Guide, Rev. 0, 10/2015 Freescale Semiconductor, Inc. 31 MLIB_Add 2.3.1 Available versions This function is available in the following versions: • Fractional output - the output is the fractional portion of the result; the result is within the range <-1 ; 1). The result may overflow. • Accumulator output with fractional inputs - the output is the accumulator type, where the result can be out of the range <-1 ; 1). The inputs are the fractional values only. • Accumulator output with mixed inputs - the output is the accumulator type, where the result can be out of the range <-1 ; 1). The inputs are the accumulator and fractional values. The result may overflow. • Floating-point output - the output is a floating-point number; the result is within the full range. The available versions of the MLIB_Add function are shown in the following table. Table 2-3. Function versions Function name Input type Addend 1 Addend 2 Result type Description MLIB_Add_F16 frac16_t frac16_t frac16_t Addition of two 16-bit fractional addends. The output is within the range <-1 ; 1). MLIB_Add_F32 frac32_t frac32_t frac32_t Addition of two 32-bit fractional addends. The output is within the range <-1 ; 1). MLIB_Add_A32ss frac16_t frac16_t acc32_t Addition of two 16-bit fractional addends; the result is a 32bit accumulator. The output may be out of the range <-1 ; 1). MLIB_Add_A32as acc32_t frac16_t acc32_t A 16-bit fractional addend is added to a 32-bit accumulator. The output may be out of the range <-1 ; 1). MLIB_Add_FLT float_t float_t float_t Addition of two 32-bit single precision floating-point addends. The output is within the full range. 2.3.2 Declaration The available MLIB_Add functions have the following declarations: frac16_t MLIB_Add_F16(frac16_t f16Add1, frac16_t f16Add2) frac32_t MLIB_Add_F32(frac32_t f32Add1, frac32_t f32Add2) acc32_t MLIB_Add_A32ss(frac16_t f16Add1, frac16_t f16Add2) acc32_t MLIB_Add_A32as(acc32_t a32Accum, frac16_t f16Add) float_t MLIB_Add_FLT(float_t fltAdd1, float_t fltAdd2) 2.3.3 Function use The use of the MLIB_Add function is shown in the following example: MLIB User's Guide, Rev. 0, 10/2015 32 Freescale Semiconductor, Inc. Chapter 2 Algorithms in detail #include "mlib.h" static acc32_t a32Result; static frac16_t f16Add1, f16Add2; void main(void) { f16Add1 = FRAC16(-0.8); f16Add2 = FRAC16(-0.5); } /* f16Add1 = -0.8 */ /* f16Add2 = -0.5 */ /* a32Result = f16Add1 + f16Add2 */ a32Result = MLIB_Add_A32ss(f16Add1, f16Add2); 2.4 MLIB_AddSat The MLIB_AddSat functions return the sum of two addends. The function saturates the output. See the following equation: Equation 4. Algorithm formula 2.4.1 Available versions This function is available in the following versions: • Fractional output - the output is the fractional portion of the result; the result is within the range <-1 ; 1). The result may saturate. The available versions of the MLIB_AddSat function are shown in the following table. Table 2-4. Function versions Function name Input type Addend 1 Addend 2 Result type Description MLIB_AddSat_F16 frac16_t frac16_t frac16_t Addition of two 16-bit fractional addends. The output is within the range <-1 ; 1). MLIB_AddSat_F32 frac32_t frac32_t frac32_t Addition of two 32-bit fractional addends. The output is within the range <-1 ; 1). MLIB User's Guide, Rev. 0, 10/2015 Freescale Semiconductor, Inc. 33 MLIB_Add4 2.4.2 Declaration The available MLIB_AddSat functions have the following declarations: frac16_t MLIB_Add_F16(frac16_t f16Add1, frac16_t f16Add2) frac32_t MLIB_Add_F32(frac32_t f32Add1, frac32_t f32Add2) 2.4.3 Function use The use of the MLIB_AddSat function is shown in the following example: #include "mlib.h" static frac32_t f32Add1, f32Add2, f32Result; void main(void) { f32Add1 = FRAC32(-0.8); f32Add2 = FRAC32(-0.5); } /* f32Add1 = -0.8 */ /* f32Add2 = -0.5 */ /* f32Result = sat(f32Add1 + f32Add2) */ f32Result = MLIB_AddSat_F32(f32Add1, f32Add2); 2.5 MLIB_Add4 The MLIB_Add4 functions return the sum of four addends. The function does not saturate the output. See the following equation: Equation 5. Algorithm formula 2.5.1 Available versions This function is available in the following versions: • Fractional output - the output is the fractional portion of the result; the result is within the range <-1 ; 1). The result may overflow. • Floating-point output - the output is a floating-point number; the result is within the full range. MLIB User's Guide, Rev. 0, 10/2015 34 Freescale Semiconductor, Inc. Chapter 2 Algorithms in detail The available versions of the MLIB_Add4 function are shown in the following table. Table 2-5. Function versions Function name Input type Add. 1 Add. 2 Add. 3 Result type Add. 4 Description MLIB_Add4_F16 frac16_t frac16_t frac16_t frac16_t frac16_t Addition of four 16-bit fractional addends. The output is within the range <-1 ; 1). MLIB_Add4_F32 frac32_t frac32_t frac32_t frac32_t frac32_t Addition of four 32-bit fractional addends. The output is within the range <-1 ; 1). MLIB_Add4_FLT float_t float_t float_t float_t float_t Addition of four 32-bit single precision floating-point addends. The output is within the full range. 2.5.2 Declaration The available MLIB_Add4 functions have the following declarations: frac16_t MLIB_Add4_F16(frac16_t f16Add1, frac16_t f16Add2, frac16_t f16Add3, frac16_t f16Add4) frac32_t MLIB_Add4_F32(frac32_t f32Add1, frac32_t f32Add2, frac32_t f32Add3, frac32_t f32Add4) float_t MLIB_Add4_FLT(float_t fltAdd1, float_t fltAdd2, float_t fltAdd3, float_t fltAdd4) 2.5.3 Function use The use of the MLIB_Add4 function is shown in the following example: #include "mlib.h" static frac32_t f32Result; static frac32_t f32Add1, f32Add2, f32Add3, f32Add4; void main(void) { f32Add1 = FRAC32(-0.3); f32Add2 = FRAC32(0.5); f32Add3 = FRAC32(-0.2); f32Add4 = FRAC32(-0.4); } /* /* /* /* f32Add1 f32Add2 f32Add3 f32Add4 = = = = -0.3 */ 0.5 */ -0.2 */ -0.4 */ /* f32Result = f32Add1 + f32Add2 + f32Add3 + f32Add4 */ f32Result = MLIB_Add4_F32(f32Add1, f32Add2, f32Add3, f32Add4); 2.6 MLIB_Add4Sat MLIB User's Guide, Rev. 0, 10/2015 Freescale Semiconductor, Inc. 35 MLIB_Add4Sat The MLIB_Add4Sat functions return the sum of four addends. The function saturates the output. See the following equation: Equation 6. Algorithm formula 2.6.1 Available versions This function is available in the following versions: • Fractional output - the output is the fractional portion of the result; the result is within the range <-1 ; 1). The result may saturate. The available versions of the MLIB_Add4Sat function are shown in the following table. Table 2-6. Function versions Function name Input type Add. 1 Add. 2 Add. 3 Add. 4 Result type Description MLIB_Add4Sat_F16 frac16_t frac16_t frac16_t frac16_t frac16_t Addition of four 16-bit fractional addends. The output is within the range <-1 ; 1). MLIB_Add4Sat_F32 frac32_t frac32_t frac32_t frac32_t frac32_t Addition of four 32-bit fractional addends. The output is within the range <-1 ; 1). 2.6.2 Declaration The available MLIB_Add4Sat functions have the following declarations: frac16_t MLIB_Add4Sat_F16(frac16_t f16Add1, frac16_t f16Add2, frac16_t f16Add3, frac16_t f16Add4) frac32_t MLIB_Add4Sat_F32(frac32_t f32Add1, frac32_t f32Add2, frac32_t f32Add3, frac32_t f32Add4) 2.6.3 Function use The use of the MLIB_Add4Sat function is shown in the following example: #include "mlib.h" static frac16_t f16Result, f16Add1, f16Add2, f16Add3, f16Add4; MLIB User's Guide, Rev. 0, 10/2015 36 Freescale Semiconductor, Inc. Chapter 2 Algorithms in detail void main(void) { f16Add1 = FRAC16(-0.7); f16Add2 = FRAC16(0.9); f16Add3 = FRAC16(0.4); f16Add4 = FRAC16(0.7); } /* /* /* /* f16Add1 f16Add2 f16Add3 f16Add4 = = = = -0.7 */ 0.9 */ 0.4 */ 0.7 */ /* f16Result = sat(f16Add1 + f16Add2 + f16Add3 + f16Add4) */ f16Result = MLIB_Add4Sat_F16(f16Add1, f16Add2, f16Add3, f16Add4); 2.7 MLIB_Clb The MLIB_Clb functions return the number of leading bits of the input. If the input is 0, it returns the size of the type minus one. 2.7.1 Available versions This function is available in the following versions: • Integer output with fractional input - the output is the unsigned integer value when the input is fractional; the result is greater than or equal to 0. The available versions of the MLIB_Clb function are shown in the following table. Table 2-7. Function versions Function name Input type Result type Description MLIB_Clb_U16s frac16_t uint16_t Counts the leading bits of a 16-bit fractional value. The output is within the range <0 ; 15>. MLIB_Clb_U16l frac32_t uint16_t Counts the leading bits of a 32-bit fractional value. The output is within the range <0 ; 31>. 2.7.2 Declaration The available MLIB_Clb functions have the following declarations: uint16_t MLIB_Clb_U16s(frac16_t f16Val) uint16_t MLIB_Clb_U16l(frac32_t f32Val) 2.7.3 Function use The use of the MLIB_Clb function is shown in the following example: MLIB User's Guide, Rev. 0, 10/2015 Freescale Semiconductor, Inc. 37 MLIB_Conv #include "mlib.h" static uint16_t u16Result; static frac32_t f32Val; void main(void) { f32Val = FRAC32(0.00000452); } /* f32Val = 0.00000452 */ /* u16Result = clb(f32Val) */ u16Result = MLIB_Clb_U16l(f32Val); 2.8 MLIB_Conv The MLIB_Conv functions return the input value, converted to the output type. 2.8.1 Available versions This function is available in the following versions: • Fractional output - the output is the fractional portion of the result; the result is within the range <-1 ; 1). • Accumulator output - the output is the accumulator type, where the result may be out of the range <-1 ; 1). • Floating-point output - the output is a floating-point number; the result is within the range <-1 ; 1) The available versions of the MLIB_Conv function are shown in the following table. Table 2-8. Function versions Function name Input type Result type Description MLIB_Conv_F16l frac32_t frac16_t Conversion of a 32-bit fractional value to a 16-bit fractional value. The output is within the range <-1 ; 1). MLIB_Conv_F16f float_t frac16_t Conversion of a 32-bit single precision floating-point value to a 16-bit fractional value. The output is within the range <-1 ; 1). If the result is out of this range, it is saturated. MLIB_Conv_F32s frac16_t frac32_t Conversion of a 16-bit fractional value to a 32-bit fractional value. The output is within the range <-1 ; 1). MLIB_Conv_F32f float_t frac32_t Conversion of a 32-bit single precision floating-point value to a 32-bit fractional value. The output is within the range <-1 ; 1). If the result is out of this range, it is saturated. MLIB_Conv_A32f float_t acc32_t Conversion of a 32-bit single precision floating-point value to a 32-bit accumulator value. The output is within the range <-65536.0 ; 65536.0). If the result is out of this range, it is saturated. Table continues on the next page... MLIB User's Guide, Rev. 0, 10/2015 38 Freescale Semiconductor, Inc. Chapter 2 Algorithms in detail Table 2-8. Function versions (continued) Function name Input type Result type Description MLIB_Conv_FLTs frac16_t float_t Conversion of a 16-bit fractional value to a 32-bit single precision floating-point value. The output is within the range <-1 ; 1). MLIB_Conv_FLTl frac32_t float_t Conversion of a 32-bit fractional value to a 32-bit single precision floating-point value. The output is within the range <-1 ; 1). MLIB_Conv_FLTa acc32_t float_t Conversion of a 32-bit accumulator value to a 32-bit single precision floating-point value. The output is within the range <-65536.0 ; 65536.0). 2.8.2 Declaration The available MLIB_Conv functions have the following declarations: frac16_t MLIB_Conv_F16l(frac32_t f32Val) frac16_t MLIB_Conv_F16f(float_t fltVal) frac32_t MLIB_Conv_F32s(frac16_t f16Val) frac32_t MLIB_Conv_F32f(float_t fltVal) acc32_t MLIB_Conv_A32f(float_t fltVal) float_t MLIB_Conv_FLTs(frac16_t f16Val) float_t MLIB_Conv_FLTl(frac32_t f32Val) float_t MLIB_Conv_FLTa(acc32_t a32Val) 2.8.3 Function use The use of the MLIB_Conv function is shown in the following example: #include "mlib.h" static frac32_t f32Result; static frac16_t f16Val; void main(void) { f16Val = FRAC16(-0.354); } /* f16Val = -0.354 */ /* f32Result = (frac32_t)f16Val << 16 */ f32Result = MLIB_Conv_F32s(f16Val); 2.9 MLIB_ConvSc The MLIB_ConvSc functions return the input value converted to the output type using a scale coefficient. MLIB User's Guide, Rev. 0, 10/2015 Freescale Semiconductor, Inc. 39 MLIB_ConvSc 2.9.1 Available versions The function is available in the following versions: • Fractional output - the output is the fractional portion of the result. The input value is divided by the scale to be within the range <-1 ; 1). The result may be saturated. • Accumulator output - the output is the accumulator type, where the result may be out of the range <-1 ; 1). • Floating-point output - the output is a floating-point number. The input value is multiplied by the scale to transform the fractional value into the real floating-point number. The result is within the full range. The available versions of the MLIB_ConvSc function are shown in the following table. Table 2-9. Function versions Function name Input type Value Scale Result type Description MLIB_ConvSc_F16ff float_t float_t float_t Conversion of a 32-bit single precision floating-point value to a 16-bit fractional value using a 32-bit single precision floating-point scale. The output is within the range <-1 ; 1); the result may saturate. MLIB_ConvSc_F32ff float_t float_t float_t Conversion of a 32-bit single precision floating-point value to a 32-bit fractional value using a 32-bit single precision floating-point scale. The output is within the range <-1 ; 1); the result may saturate. MLIB_ConvSc_A32ff float_t float_t float_t Conversion of a 32-bit single precision floating-point value to a 32-bit accumulator value using a 32-bit single precision floating-point scale. The output is within the range <-65536.0 ; 65536.0); the result may saturate. MLIB_ConvSc_FLTsf frac16_t float_t float_t Conversion of a 16-bit fractional value to a 32-bit single precision floating-point value using a 32-bit single precision floating-point scale. The output is within the range <-1 ; 1). MLIB_ConvSc_FLTlf frac32_t float_t float_t Conversion of a 32-bit fractional value to a 32-bit single precision floating-point value using a 32-bit single precision floating-point scale. The output is within the range <-1 ; 1). MLIB_ConvSc_FLTaf acc32_t float_t float_t Conversion of a 32-bit accumulator value to a 32-bit single precision floating-point value using a 32-bit single precision floating-point scale. The output is within the range <-65536.0 ; 65536.0); the result may saturate. 2.9.2 Declaration The available MLIB_ConvSc functions have the following declarations: MLIB User's Guide, Rev. 0, 10/2015 40 Freescale Semiconductor, Inc. Chapter 2 Algorithms in detail frac16_t MLIB_ConvSc_F16ff(float_t fltVal, float_t fltSc) frac32_t MLIB_ConvSc_F32ff(float_t fltVal, float_t fltSc) acc32_t MLIB_ConvSc_A32ff(float_t fltVal, float_t fltSc) float_t MLIB_ConvSc_FLTsf(frac16_t f16Val, float_t fltSc) float_t MLIB_ConvSc_FLTlf(frac32_t f32Val, float_t fltSc) float_t MLIB_ConvSc_FLTaf(acc32_t a32Val, float_t fltSc) 2.9.3 Function use The use of the MLIB_ConvSc function is shown in the following example: #include "mlib.h" static frac32_t f32Result; static float_t fltVal, fltScale; void main(void) { fltVal = -0.736; fltScale = 435; } /* fltVal = -0.736 */ /* Scale is 435 */ /* f32Result = (frac32_t)((fltVal / fltScale) * 2 ^ 32) */ f32Result = MLIB_ConvSc_F32ff(fltVal, fltScale); 2.10 MLIB_Div The MLIB_Div functions return the fractional division of the numerator and denominator. The function does not saturate the output. See the following equation: Equation 7. Algorithm formula 2.10.1 Available versions This function is available in the following versions: • Fractional output - the output is the fractional portion of the result; the result is within the range <-1 ; 1). The function is only defined for: |nominator| < | denominator|. The function returns undefined results out of this condition. MLIB User's Guide, Rev. 0, 10/2015 Freescale Semiconductor, Inc. 41 MLIB_Div • Accumulator output - the output is the accumulator type, where the result may be out of the range <-1 ; 1). • Floating-point output - the output is a floating-point number; the result is within the full range. The available versions of the MLIB_Div function are shown in the following table: Table 2-10. Function versions Function name Input type Num. Denom. Result type Description MLIB_Div_F16 frac16_t frac16_t frac16_t Division of a 16-bit fractional numerator and denominator. The output is within the range <-1 ; 1). MLIB_Div_F16ls frac32_t frac16_t frac16_t Division of a 32-bit fractional numerator by a 16-bit fractional denominator; the output is a 16-bit fractional result. The output is within the range <-1 ; 1). MLIB_Div_F16ll frac32_t frac32_t frac16_t Division of a 32-bit fractional numerator and denominator; the output is a 16-bit fractional result. The output is within the range <-1 ; 1). MLIB_Div_F32ls frac32_t frac16_t frac32_t Division of a 32-bit fractional numerator by a 16-bit fractional denominator; the output is a 32-bit fractional result. The output is within the range <-1 ; 1). MLIB_Div_F32 frac32_t frac32_t frac32_t Division of a 32-bit fractional numerator and denominator. The output is within the range <-1 ; 1). MLIB_Div_A32ss frac16_t frac16_t acc32_t Division of a 16-bit fractional numerator and denominator; the output is a 32-bit accumulator result. The output may be out of the range <-1 ; 1). MLIB_Div_A32ls frac32_t frac16_t acc32_t Division of a 32-bit fractional numerator by a 16-bit fractional denominator; the output is a 32-bit accumulator result. The output may be out of the range <-1 ; 1). MLIB_Div_A32ll frac32_t frac32_t acc32_t Division of a 32-bit fractional numerator and denominator; the output is a 32-bit accumulator result. The output may be out of the range <-1 ; 1). MLIB_Div_A32as acc32_t frac16_t acc32_t Division of a 32-bit accumulator numerator by a 16-bit fractional denominator; the output is a 32-bit accumulator result. The output may be out of the range <-1 ; 1). MLIB_Div_FLT float_t float_t float_t Division of a 32-bit single precision floating-point numerator and denominator. The output is within the full range. 2.10.2 Declaration The available MLIB_Div functions have the following declarations: frac16_t MLIB_Div_F16(frac16_t f16Num, frac16_t f16Denom) frac16_t MLIB_Div_F16ls(frac32_t f32Num, frac16_t f16Denom) frac16_t MLIB_Div_F16ll(frac32_t f32Num, frac32_t f32Denom) frac32_t MLIB_Div_F32ls(frac32_t f32Num, frac16_t f16Denom) frac32_t MLIB_Div_F32(frac32_t f32Num, frac32_t f32Denom) acc32_t MLIB_Div_A32ss(frac16_t f16Num, frac16_t f16Denom) acc32_t MLIB_Div_A32ls(frac32_t f32Num, frac16_t f16Denom) MLIB User's Guide, Rev. 0, 10/2015 42 Freescale Semiconductor, Inc. Chapter 2 Algorithms in detail acc32_t MLIB_Div_A32ll(frac32_t f32Num, frac32_t f32Denom) acc32_t MLIB_Div_A32as(acc32_t a32Num, frac16_t f16Denom) float_t MLIB_Div_FLT(float_t fltNum, float_t fltDenom) 2.10.3 Function use The use of the MLIB_Div function is shown in the following example: #include "mlib.h" static frac32_t f32Num, f32Result; static frac16_t f16Denom; void main(void) { f32Num = FRAC32(0.2); f16Denom = FRAC16(-0.495); } /* f32Num = 0.2 */ /* f16Denom = -0.495 */ /* f32Result = f32Num / f16Denom */ f32Result = MLIB_Div_F32ls(f32Num, f16Denom); 2.11 MLIB_DivSat The MLIB_DivSat functions return the fractional division of the numerator and denominator. The function saturates the output. See the following equation: Equation 8. Algorithm formula 2.11.1 Available versions This function is available in the following versions: • Fractional output - the output is the fractional portion of the result; the result is within the range <-1 ; 1). The result may saturate. • Accumulator output - the output is the accumulator type, where the result may be out of the range <-1 ; 1). MLIB User's Guide, Rev. 0, 10/2015 Freescale Semiconductor, Inc. 43 MLIB_DivSat The available versions of the MLIB_DivSat function are shown in the following table: Table 2-11. Function versions Function name Input type Num. Denom. Result type Description MLIB_DivSat_F16 frac16_t frac16_t frac16_t Division of a 16-bit fractional numerator and denominator. The output is within the range <-1 ; 1). MLIB_DivSat_F16ls frac32_t frac16_t frac16_t Division of a 32-bit fractional numerator by a 16-bit fractional denominator; the output is a 16-bit fractional result. The output is within the range <-1 ; 1). MLIB_DivSat_F16ll frac32_t frac32_t frac16_t Division of a 32-bit fractional numerator and denominator; the output is a 16-bit fractional result. The output is within the range <-1 ; 1). MLIB_DivSat_F32ls frac32_t frac16_t frac32_t Division of a 32-bit fractional numerator by a 16-bit fractional denominator; the output is a 32-bit fractional result. The output is within the range <-1 ; 1). MLIB_DivSat_F32 frac32_t frac32_t frac32_t Division of a 32-bit fractional numerator and denominator. The output is within the range <-1 ; 1). MLIB_DivSat_A32as acc32_t frac16_t acc32_t Division of a 32-bit accumulator numerator by a 16-bit fractional denominator; the output is a 32-bit accumulator result. The output may be out of the range <-1 ; 1). 2.11.2 Declaration The available MLIB_DivSat functions have the following declarations: frac16_t MLIB_DivSat_F16(frac16_t f16Num, frac16_t f16Denom) frac16_t MLIB_DivSat_F16ls(frac32_t f32Num, frac16_t f16Denom) frac16_t MLIB_DivSat_F16ll(frac32_t f32Num, frac32_t f32Denom) frac32_t MLIB_DivSat_F32ls(frac32_t f32Num, frac16_t f16Denom) frac32_t MLIB_DivSat_F32(frac32_t f32Num, frac32_t f32Denom) acc32_t MLIB_DivSat_A32as(acc32_t a32Num, frac16_t f16Denom) 2.11.3 Function use The use of the MLIB_DivSat function is shown in the following example: #include "mlib.h" static frac32_t f32Num, f32Denom, f32Result; void main(void) { f32Num = FRAC32(0.4); f32Denom = FRAC32(-0.02); /* f32Num = 0.4 */ /* f32Denom = -0.02 */ /* f32Result = f32Num / f32Denom */ MLIB User's Guide, Rev. 0, 10/2015 44 Freescale Semiconductor, Inc. Chapter 2 Algorithms in detail } f32Result = MLIB_DivSat_F32(f32Num, f32Denom); 2.12 MLIB_Div1Q The MLIB_Div1Q functions return the single-quadrant fractional division of the numerator and denominator. The numerator and denominator must be non-negative numbers, otherwise the function returns undefined results. The function does not saturate the output. See the following equation: Equation 9. Algorithm formula 2.12.1 Available versions This function is available in the following versions: • Fractional output - the output is the fractional portion of the result; the result is within the range <0 ; 1). The function is only defined for: nominator < denominator, and both are non-negative. The function returns undefined results out of this condition. • Accumulator output - the output is the accumulator type, where the result is greater than or equal to 0. The available versions of the MLIB_Div1Q function are shown in the following table: Table 2-12. Function versions Function name Input type Num. Denom. Result type Description MLIB_Div1Q_F16 frac16_t frac16_t frac16_t Division of a non-negative 16-bit fractional numerator and denominator. The output is within the range <0 ; 1). MLIB_Div1Q_F16ls frac32_t frac16_t frac16_t Division of a non-negative 32-bit fractional numerator by a nonnegative 16-bit fractional denominator; the output is a nonnegative 16-bit fractional result. The output is within the range <0 ; 1). MLIB_Div1Q_F16ll frac32_t frac32_t frac16_t Division of a non-negative 32-bit fractional numerator and denominator; the output is a non-negative 16-bit fractional result. The output is within the range <0 ; 1). MLIB_Div1Q_F32ls frac32_t frac16_t frac32_t Division of a non-negative 32-bit fractional numerator by a nonnegative 16-bit fractional denominator; the output is a nonnegative 32-bit fractional result. The output is within the range <0 ; 1). Table continues on the next page... MLIB User's Guide, Rev. 0, 10/2015 Freescale Semiconductor, Inc. 45 MLIB_Div1Q Table 2-12. Function versions (continued) Function name Input type Num. Denom. Result type Description MLIB_Div1Q_F32 frac32_t frac32_t frac32_t Division of a non-negative 32-bit fractional numerator and denominator. The output is within the range <0 ; 1). MLIB_Div1Q_A32ss frac16_t frac16_t acc32_t Division of a non-negative 16-bit fractional numerator and denominator; the output is a non-negative 32-bit accumulator result. The output is greater than or equal to 0. MLIB_Div1Q_A32ls frac32_t frac16_t acc32_t Division of a non-negative 32-bit fractional numerator by a nonnegative 16-bit fractional denominator; the output is a nonnegative 32-bit accumulator result. The output is greater than or equal to 0. MLIB_Div1Q_A32ll frac32_t frac32_t acc32_t Division of a non-negative 32-bit fractional numerator and denominator; the output is a non-negative 32-bit accumulator result. The output is greater than or equal to 0. MLIB_Div1Q_A32as acc32_t frac16_t acc32_t Division of a non-negative 32-bit accumulator numerator by a non-negative 16-bit fractional denominator; the output is a 32-bit accumulator result. The output is greater than or equal to 0. 2.12.2 Declaration The available MLIB_Div1Q functions have the following declarations: frac16_t MLIB_Div1Q_F16(frac16_t f16Num, frac16_t f16Denom) frac16_t MLIB_Div1Q_F16ls(frac32_t f32Num, frac16_t f16Denom) frac16_t MLIB_Div1Q_F16ll(frac32_t f32Num, frac32_t f32Denom) frac32_t MLIB_Div1Q_F32ls(frac32_t f32Num, frac16_t f16Denom) frac32_t MLIB_Div1Q_F32(frac32_t f32Num, frac32_t f32Denom) acc32_t MLIB_Div1Q_A32ss(frac16_t f16Num, frac16_t f16Denom) acc32_t MLIB_Div1Q_A32ls(frac32_t f32Num, frac16_t f16Denom) acc32_t MLIB_Div1Q_A32ll(frac32_t f32Num, frac32_t f32Denom) acc32_t MLIB_Div1Q_A32as(acc32_t a32Num, frac16_t f16Denom) 2.12.3 Function use The use of the MLIB_Div1Q function is shown in the following example: #include "mlib.h" static frac32_t f32Num, f32Denom, f32Result; void main(void) { f32Num = FRAC32(0.2); f32Denom = FRAC32(0.865); } /* f32Num = 0.2 */ /* f32Denom = 0.865 */ /* f32Result = f32Num / f32Denom */ f32Result = MLIB_Div1Q_F32(f32Num, f32Denom); MLIB User's Guide, Rev. 0, 10/2015 46 Freescale Semiconductor, Inc. Chapter 2 Algorithms in detail 2.13 MLIB_Div1QSat The MLIB_Div1QSat functions return the fractional division of the numerator and denominator. The numerator and denominator must be non-negative numbers. The function saturates the output. See the following equation: Equation 10. Algorithm formula 2.13.1 Available versions This function is available in the following versions: • Fractional output - the output is the fractional portion of the result; the result is within the range <0 ; 1). The result may saturate. • Accumulator output - the output is the accumulator type, where the result is greater than or equal to 0. The available versions of the MLIB_Div1QSat function are shown in the following table: Table 2-13. Function versions Function name Input type Num. Denom. Result type Description MLIB_Div1QSat_F16 frac16_t frac16_t frac16_t Division of a non-negative 16-bit fractional numerator and denominator. The output is within the range <0 ; 1). MLIB_Div1QSat_F16ls frac32_t frac16_t frac16_t Division of a non-negative 32-bit fractional numerator by a non-negative 16-bit fractional denominator; the output is a non-negative 16-bit fractional result. The output is within the range <0 ; 1). MLIB_Div1QSat_F16ll frac32_t frac32_t frac16_t Division of a non-negative 32-bit fractional numerator and denominator; the output is a non-negative 16-bit fractional result. The output is within the range <0 ; 1). MLIB_Div1QSat_F32ls frac32_t frac16_t frac32_t Division of a non-negative 32-bit fractional numerator by a non-negative 16-bit fractional denominator; the output is a non-negative 32-bit fractional result. The output is within the range <0 ; 1). MLIB_Div1QSat_F32 frac32_t frac32_t frac32_t Division of a non-negative 32-bit fractional numerator and denominator. The output is within the range <0 ; 1). MLIB_Div1QSat_A32as acc32_t frac16_t acc32_t Division of a non-negative 32-bit accumulator numerator by a non-negative 16-bit fractional denominator; the output is a 32-bit accumulator result. The output is greater than or equal to 0. MLIB User's Guide, Rev. 0, 10/2015 Freescale Semiconductor, Inc. 47 MLIB_Log2 2.13.2 Declaration The available MLIB_Div1QSat functions have the following declarations: frac16_t MLIB_Div1QSat_F16(frac16_t f16Num, frac16_t f16Denom) frac16_t MLIB_Div1QSat_F16ls(frac32_t f32Num, frac16_t f16Denom) frac16_t MLIB_Div1QSat_F16ll(frac32_t f32Num, frac32_t f32Denom) frac32_t MLIB_Div1QSat_F32ls(frac32_t f32Num, frac16_t f16Denom) frac32_t MLIB_Div1QSat_F32(frac32_t f32Num, frac32_t f32Denom) acc32_t MLIB_Div1QSat_A32as(acc32_t a32Num, frac16_t f16Denom) 2.13.3 Function use The use of the MLIB_Div1QSat function is shown in the following example: #include "mlib.h" static frac32_t f32Num, f32Result; static frac16_t f16Denom; void main(void) { f32Num = FRAC32(0.02); f16Denom = FRAC16(0.4); } /* f32Num = 0.02 */ /* f16Denom = 0.4 */ /* f32Result = f32Num / f16Denom */ f32Result = MLIB_Div1QSat_F32ls(f32Num, f16Denom); 2.14 MLIB_Log2 The MLIB_Log2 functions return the binary logarithm of the input. See the following equation: Equation 11. Algorithm formula 2.14.1 Available versions This function is available in the following versions: • Unsigned integer output - the output is the unsigned integer result. MLIB User's Guide, Rev. 0, 10/2015 48 Freescale Semiconductor, Inc. Chapter 2 Algorithms in detail The available versions of the MLIB_Log2 function are shown in the following table. Table 2-14. Function versions Function name MLIB_Log2_U16 Input type Result type uint16_t uint16_t Description Binary logarithm of a 16-bit unsigned integer value. The output is greater than or equal to 0. 2.14.2 Declaration The available MLIB_Log2 functions have the following declarations: uint16_t MLIB_Log2_U16(uint16_t u16Val) 2.14.3 Function use The use of the MLIB_Log2 function is shown in the following example: #include "mlib.h" static uint16_t u16Result, u16Val; void main(void) { u16Val = 5; } /* u16Val = 5 */ /* u16Result = log2(u16Val) */ u16Result = MLIB_Log2_U16(u16Val); 2.15 MLIB_Mac The MLIB_Mac functions return the sum of the input accumulator, and the fractional product of two multiplicands. The function does not saturate the output. See the following equation: Equation 12. Algorithm formula MLIB User's Guide, Rev. 0, 10/2015 Freescale Semiconductor, Inc. 49 MLIB_Mac 2.15.1 Available versions This function is available in the following versions: • Fractional output - the output is the fractional portion of the result; the result is within the range <-1 ; 1). The result may overflow. • Accumulator output with mixed inputs - the output is the accumulator type, where the result can be out of the range <-1 ; 1). The accumulator is the accumulator type, the multiplicands are the fractional types. The result may overflow. • Floating-point output - the output is a floating-point number; the result is within the full range. The available versions of the MLIB_Mac function are shown in the following table. Table 2-15. Function versions Function name Input type Accum. Mult. 1 Mult. 2 Result type Description MLIB_Mac_F16 frac16_t frac16_t frac16_t frac16_t The upper 16-bit portion [16..31] of the fractional product (of two 16-bit fractional multiplicands) is added to a 16-bit fractional accumulator. The output is within the range <-1 ; 1). MLIB_Mac_F32lss frac32_t frac16_t frac16_t frac32_t The 32-bit fractional product (of two 16-bit fractional multiplicands) is added to a 32-bit fractional accumulator. The output is within the range <-1 ; 1). MLIB_Mac_F32 frac32_t frac32_t frac32_t frac32_t The upper 32-bit portion [32..63] of the fractional product (of two 32-bit fractional multiplicands) is added to a 32-bit fractional accumulator. The output is within the range <-1 ; 1). MLIB_Mac_A32ass acc32_t frac16_t frac16_t acc32_t The upper 16-bit portion [16..31] of the fractional product (of two 16-bit fractional multiplicands) is added to a 32-bit accumulator. The output may be out of the range <-1 ; 1). MLIB_Mac_FLT float_t float_t float_t float_t The product (of two 32-bit single-point floating-point multiplicands) is added to a single-point floatingpoint accumulator. The output is within the full range. 2.15.2 Declaration The available MLIB_Mac functions have the following declarations: frac16_t MLIB_Mac_F16(frac16_t f16Accum, frac16_t f16Mult1, frac16_t f16Mult2) frac32_t MLIB_Mac_F32lss(frac32_t f32Accum, frac16_t f16Mult1, frac16_t f16Mult2) frac32_t MLIB_Mac_F32(frac32_t f32Accum, frac32_t f32Mult1, frac32_t f32Mult2) acc32_t MLIB_Mac_A32ass(acc32_t a32Accum, frac16_t f16Mult1, frac16_t f16Mult2) float_t MLIB_Mac_F32(float_t fltAccum, float_t fltMult1, float_t fltMult2) MLIB User's Guide, Rev. 0, 10/2015 50 Freescale Semiconductor, Inc. Chapter 2 Algorithms in detail 2.15.3 Function use The use of the MLIB_Mac function is shown in the following example: #include "mlib.h" static frac32_t f32Accum, f32Result; static frac16_t f16Mult1, f16Mult2; void main(void) { f32Accum = FRAC32(0.3); f16Mult1 = FRAC16(0.1); f16Mult2 = FRAC16(-0.2); } /* f32Accum = 0.3 */ /* f16Mult1 = 0.1 */ /* f16Mult2 = -0.2 */ /* f32Result = f32Accum + f16Mult1 * f16Mult2 */ f32Result = MLIB_Mac_F32lss(f32Accum, f16Mult1, f16Mult2); 2.16 MLIB_MacSat The MLIB_MacSat functions return the sum of the input accumulator and the fractional product of two multiplicands. The function saturates the output. See the following equation: Equation 13. Algorithm formula 2.16.1 Available versions This function is available in the following versions: • Fractional output - the output is the fractional portion of the result; the result is within the range <-1 ; 1). The result may saturate. MLIB User's Guide, Rev. 0, 10/2015 Freescale Semiconductor, Inc. 51 MLIB_MacSat The available versions of the MLIB_MacSat function are shown in the following table. Table 2-16. Function versions Function name Input type Accum. Mult. 1 Mult. 2 Result type Description MLIB_MacSat_F16 frac16_t frac16_t frac16_t frac16_t The upper 16-bit portion [16..31] of the fractional product (of two 16-bit fractional multiplicands) is added to a 16-bit fractional accumulator. The output is within the range <-1 ; 1). MLIB_MacSat_F32lss frac32_t frac16_t frac16_t frac32_t The 32-bit fractional product (of two 16-bit fractional multiplicands) is added to a 32-bit fractional accumulator. The output is within the range <-1 ; 1). MLIB_MacSat_F32 frac32_t frac32_t frac32_t frac32_t The upper 32-bit portion [32..63] of the fractional product (of two 32-bit fractional multiplicands) is added to a 32-bit fractional accumulator. The output is within the range <-1 ; 1). 2.16.2 Declaration The available MLIB_MacSat functions have the following declarations: frac16_t MLIB_MacSat_F16(frac16_t f16Accum, frac16_t f16Mult1, frac16_t f16Mult2) frac32_t MLIB_MacSat_F32lss(frac32_t f32Accum, frac16_t f16Mult1, frac16_t f16Mult2) frac32_t MLIB_MacSat_F32(frac32_t f32Accum, frac32_t f32Mult1, frac32_t f32Mult2) 2.16.3 Function use The use of the MLIB_MacSat function is shown in the following example: #include "mlib.h" static frac16_t f16Mult1, f16Mult2; static frac32_t f32Accum, f32Result; void main(void) { f32Accum = FRAC32(-0.7); f16Mult1 = FRAC16(-1.0); f16Mult2 = FRAC16(0.8); } /* f32Accum = -0.7 */ /* f16Mult1 = -1.0 */ /* f16Mult2 = 0.8 */ /* f32Result = sat(f32Accum + f16Mult1 * f16Mult2) */ f32Result = MLIB_MacSat_F32lss(f32Accum, f16Mult1, f16Mult2); MLIB User's Guide, Rev. 0, 10/2015 52 Freescale Semiconductor, Inc. Chapter 2 Algorithms in detail 2.17 MLIB_MacRnd The MLIB_MacRnd functions return the sum of the input accumulator and the rounded fractional product of two multiplicands. The round method is the round to nearest. The function does not saturate the output. See the following equation: Equation 14. Algorithm formula 2.17.1 Available versions This function is available in the following versions: • Fractional output - the output is the fractional portion of the result; the result is within the range <-1 ; 1). The result may overflow. • Accumulator output with mixed inputs - the output is the accumulator type where the result can be out of the range <-1 ; 1). The accumulator is the accumulator type, the multiplicands are the fractional types. The result may overflow. The available versions of the MLIB_MacRnd function are shown in the following table. Table 2-17. Function versions Function name Input type Accum. Mult. 1 Mult. 2 Result type Description MLIB_MacRnd_F16 frac16_t frac16_t frac16_t frac16_t The fractional product (of two 16-bit fractional multiplicands), rounded to the upper 16 bits, is added to a 16-bit fractional accumulator. The output is within the range <-1 ; 1). MLIB_MacRnd_F32lls frac32_t frac32_t frac16_t frac32_t The fractional product (of a 32-bit and 16-bit fractional multiplicand), rounded to the upper 32 bits [16..48], is added to a 32-bit fractional accumulator. The output is within the range <-1 ; 1). MLIB_MacRnd_F32 frac32_t frac32_t frac32_t frac32_t The fractional product (of two 32-bit fractional multiplicands), rounded to the upper 32 bits [32..63], is added to a 32-bit fractional accumulator. The output is within the range <-1 ; 1). MLIB_MacRnd_A32ass acc32_t frac16_t frac16_t acc32_t The fractional product (of two 16-bit fractional multiplicands), rounded to the upper 16 bits [16..31], is added to a 32-bit accumulator. The output may be out of the range <-1 ; 1). MLIB User's Guide, Rev. 0, 10/2015 Freescale Semiconductor, Inc. 53 MLIB_MacRndSat 2.17.2 Declaration The available MLIB_MacRnd functions have the following declarations: frac16_t MLIB_MacRnd_F16(frac16_t f16Accum, frac16_t f16Mult1, frac16_t f16Mult2) frac32_t MLIB_MacRnd_F32lls(frac32_t f32Accum, frac32_t f32Mult1, frac16_t f16Mult2) frac32_t MLIB_MacRnd_F32(frac32_t f32Accum, frac32_t f32Mult1, frac32_t f32Mult2) acc32_t MLIB_MacRnd_A32ass(acc32_t a32Accum, frac16_t f16Mult1, frac16_t f16Mult2) 2.17.3 Function use The use of the MLIB_MacRnd function is shown in the following example: #include "mlib.h" static frac16_t f16Accum, f16Mult1, f16Mult2, f16Result; void main(void) { f16Accum = FRAC16(0.3); f16Mult1 = FRAC16(0.1); f16Mult2 = FRAC16(-0.2); } /* f16Accum = 0.3 */ /* f16Mult1 = 0.1 */ /* f16Mult2 = -0.2 */ /* f16Result = round(f16Accum + f16Mult1 * f16Mult2) */ f16Result = MLIB_MacRnd_F16(f16Accum, f16Mult1, f16Mult2); 2.18 MLIB_MacRndSat The MLIB_MacRndSat functions return the sum of the input accumulator and the rounded fractional product of two multiplicands. The round method is the round to nearest. The function saturates the output. See the following equation: Equation 15. Algorithm formula 2.18.1 Available versions This function is available in the following versions: MLIB User's Guide, Rev. 0, 10/2015 54 Freescale Semiconductor, Inc. Chapter 2 Algorithms in detail • Fractional output - the output is the fractional portion of the result; the result is within the range <-1 ; 1). The result may saturate. The available versions of the MLIB_MacRndSat function are shown in the following table. Table 2-18. Function versions Function name Input type Accum. Mult. 1 Mult. 2 Result type Description MLIB_MacRndSat_F16 frac16_t frac16_t frac16_t frac16_t The fractional product (of two 16-bit fractional multiplicands), rounded to the upper 16 bits, is added to a 16-bit fractional accumulator. The output is within the range <-1 ; 1). MLIB_MacRndSat_F32lls frac32_t frac32_t frac16_t frac32_t The fractional product (of a 32-bit and 16-bit fractional multiplicands), rounded to the upper 32 bits [16..48], is added to a 32-bit fractional accumulator. The output is within the range <-1 ; 1). MLIB_MacRndSat_F32 frac32_t frac32_t frac32_t frac32_t The fractional product (of two 32-bit fractional multiplicands), rounded to the upper 32 bits [32..63], is added to a 32-bit fractional accumulator. The output is within the range <-1 ; 1). 2.18.2 Declaration The available MLIB_MacRndSat functions have the following declarations: frac16_t MLIB_MacRndSat_F16(frac16_t f16Accum, frac16_t f16Mult1, frac16_t f16Mult2) frac32_t MLIB_MacRndSat_F32lls(frac32_t f32Accum, frac32_t f32Mult1, frac16_t f16Mult2) frac32_t MLIB_MacRndSat_F32(frac32_t f32Accum, frac32_t f32Mult1, frac32_t f32Mult2) 2.18.3 Function use The use of the MLIB_MacRndSat function is shown in the following example: #include "mlib.h" static frac32_t f32Accum, f32Mult1, f32Mult2, f32Result; void main(void) { f32Accum = FRAC32(-0.7); f32Mult1 = FRAC32(-1.0); f32Mult2 = FRAC32(0.8); /* f32Accum = -0.7 */ /* f32Mult1 = -1.0 */ /* f32Mult2 = 0.8 */ /* f32Result = sat(round(f32Accum + f32Mult1 * f32Mult2)) */ MLIB User's Guide, Rev. 0, 10/2015 Freescale Semiconductor, Inc. 55 MLIB_Mac4 } f32Result = MLIB_MacRndSat_F32(f32Accum, f32Mult1, f32Mult2); 2.19 MLIB_Mac4 The MLIB_Mac4 functions return the sum of two products of two pairs of multiplicands. The function does not saturate the output. See the following equation: Equation 16. Algorithm formula 2.19.1 Available versions This function is available in the following versions: • Fractional output - the output is the fractional portion of the result; the result is within the range <-1 ; 1). The result may overflow. • Floating-point output - the output is a floating-point number; the result is within the full range. The available versions of the MLIB_Mac4 function are shown in the following table. Table 2-19. Function versions Function name Input type Product 1 Mult. 1 Mult. 2 Product 2 Mult. 1 Result type Description Mult. 2 MLIB_Mac4_F32ssss frac16_t frac16_t frac16_t frac16_t frac32_t Addition of two 32-bit fractional products (of two 16-bit fractional multiplicands). The output is within the range <-1 ; 1). MLIB_Mac4_FLT float_t float_t float_t float_t float_t Addition of two 32-bit single-point floating-point products (of two 32-bit single-point floating-point multiplicands). The output is within the full range. 2.19.2 Declaration The available MLIB_Mac4 functions have the following declarations: MLIB User's Guide, Rev. 0, 10/2015 56 Freescale Semiconductor, Inc. Chapter 2 Algorithms in detail frac32_t MLIB_Mac4_F32ssss(frac16_t f16Add1Mult1, frac16_t f16Add1Mult2, frac16_t f16Add2Mult1, frac16_t f16Add2Mult2) float_t MLIB_Mac4_FLT(float_t fltAdd1Mult1, float_t fltAdd1Mult2, float_t fltAdd2Mult1, float_t fltAdd2Mult2) 2.19.3 Function use The use of the MLIB_Mac4 function is shown in the following example: #include "mlib.h" static frac32_t f32Result; static frac16_t f16Add1Mult1, f16Add1Mult2, f16Add2Mult1, f16Add2Mult2; void main(void) { f16Add1Mult1 f16Add1Mult2 f16Add2Mult1 f16Add2Mult2 } = = = = FRAC16(0.2); FRAC16(-0.7); FRAC16(0.3); FRAC16(-0.25); /* /* /* /* f16Add1Mult1 f16Add1Mult2 f16Add2Mult1 f16Add2Mult2 = = = = 0.2 */ -0.7 */ 0.3 */ -0.25 */ /* f32Result = f16Add1Mult1 * f16Add1Mult2 + f16Add2Mult1 * f16Add2Mult2*/ f32Result = MLIB_Mac4_F32ssss(f16Add1Mult1, f16Add1Mult2, f16Add2Mult1, f16Add2Mult2); 2.20 MLIB_Mac4Sat The MLIB_Mac4Sat functions return the sum of two products of two pairs of multiplicands. The function saturates the output. See the following equation: Equation 17. Algorithm formula 2.20.1 Available versions This function is available in the following versions: • Fractional output - the output is the fractional portion of the result; the result is within the range <-1 ; 1). The result may saturate. MLIB User's Guide, Rev. 0, 10/2015 Freescale Semiconductor, Inc. 57 MLIB_Mac4Rnd The available versions of the MLIB_Mac4Sat function are shown in the following table. Table 2-20. Function versions Function name Input type Product 1 Mult. 1 MLIB_Mac4Sat_F32ssss Product 2 Mult. 2 frac16_t frac16_t Result type Mult. 1 frac16_t Description Mult. 2 frac16_t frac32_t Addition of two 32-bit fractional products (of two 16-bit fractional multiplicands). The output is within the range <-1 ; 1). 2.20.2 Declaration The available MLIB_Mac4Sat functions have the following declarations: frac32_t MLIB_Mac4Sat_F32ssss(frac16_t f16Add1Mult1, frac16_t f16Add1Mult2, frac16_t f16Add2Mult1, frac16_t f16Add2Mult2) 2.20.3 Function use The use of the MLIB_Mac4Sat function is shown in the following example: #include "mlib.h" static frac32_t f32Result; static frac16_t f16Add1Mult1, f16Add1Mult2, f16Add2Mult1, f16Add2Mult2; void main(void) { f16Add1Mult1 f16Add1Mult2 f16Add2Mult1 f16Add2Mult2 } = = = = FRAC16(-1.0); FRAC16(-0.9); FRAC16(0.8); FRAC16(0.7); /* /* /* /* f16Add1Mult1 f16Add1Mult2 f16Add2Mult1 f16Add2Mult2 = = = = -1.0 */ -0.9 */ 0.8 */ 0.7 */ /* f32Result = sat(f16Add1Mult1 * f16Add1Mult2 + f16Add2Mult1 * f16Add2Mult2) */ f32Result = MLIB_Mac4Sat_F32ssss(f16Add1Mult1, f16Add1Mult2, f16Add2Mult1, f16Add2Mult2); 2.21 MLIB_Mac4Rnd The MLIB_Mac4Rnd functions return the rounded sum of two products of two pairs of multiplicands. The round method is the round to nearest. The function does not saturate the output. See the following equation: MLIB User's Guide, Rev. 0, 10/2015 58 Freescale Semiconductor, Inc. Chapter 2 Algorithms in detail Equation 18. Algorithm formula 2.21.1 Available versions This function is available in the following versions: • Fractional output - the output is the fractional portion of the result; the result is within the range <-1 ; 1). The result may overflow. The available versions of the MLIB_Mac4Rnd function are shown in the following table. Table 2-21. Function versions Function name Input type Product 1 Mult. 1 Mult. 2 Product 2 Mult. 1 Result type Description Mult. 2 MLIB_Mac4Rnd_F16 frac16_t frac16_t frac16_t frac16_t frac16_t Addition of two 16-bit fractional products (of two 16-bit fractional multiplicands), rounded to the upper 16 bits. The output is within the range <-1 ; 1). MLIB_Mac4Rnd_F32 frac32_t frac32_t frac32_t frac32_t frac32_t Addition of two 32-bit fractional products (of two 32-bit fractional multiplicands), rounded to the upper 32 bits. The output is within the range <-1 ; 1). 2.21.2 Declaration The available MLIB_Mac4Rnd functions have the following declarations: frac16_t MLIB_Mac4Rnd_F16(frac16_t f16Add1Mult1, frac16_t f16Add1Mult2, frac16_t f16Add2Mult1, frac16_t f16Add2Mult2) frac32_t MLIB_Mac4Rnd_F32(frac32_t f32Add1Mult1, frac32_t f32Add1Mult2, frac32_t f32Add2Mult1, frac32_t f32Add2Mult2) 2.21.3 Function use The use of the MLIB_Mac4Rnd function is shown in the following example: #include "mlib.h" static frac16_t f16Result, f16Add1Mult1, f16Add1Mult2, f16Add2Mult1, f16Add2Mult2; void main(void) MLIB User's Guide, Rev. 0, 10/2015 Freescale Semiconductor, Inc. 59 MLIB_Mac4RndSat { } f16Add1Mult1 f16Add1Mult2 f16Add2Mult1 f16Add2Mult2 = = = = FRAC16(0.256); FRAC16(-0.724); FRAC16(0.365); FRAC16(-0.25); /* /* /* /* f16Add1Mult1 f16Add1Mult2 f16Add2Mult1 f16Add2Mult2 = = = = 0.256 */ -0.724 */ 0.365 */ -0.25 */ /* f16Result = round(f16Add1Mult1 * f16Add1Mult2 + f16Add2Mult1 * f16Add2Mult2) */ f16Result = MLIB_Mac4Rnd_F16(f16Add1Mult1, f16Add1Mult2, f16Add2Mult1, f16Add2Mult2); 2.22 MLIB_Mac4RndSat The MLIB_Mac4RndSat functions return the rounded sum of two products of two pairs of multiplicands. The round method is the round to nearest. The function saturates the output. See the following equation: Equation 19. Algorithm formula 2.22.1 Available versions The function is available in the following versions: • Fractional output - the output is the fractional portion of the result; the result is within the range <-1 ; 1). The result may saturate. The available versions of the MLIB_Mac4RndSat function are shown in the following table. Table 2-22. Function versions Function name Input type Product 1 Mult. 1 Mult. 2 Product 2 Mult. 1 Result type Description Mult. 2 MLIB_Mac4RndSat_F16 frac16_t frac16_t frac16_t frac16_t frac16_t Addition of two 16-bit fractional products (of two 16-bit fractional multiplicands), rounded to the upper 16 bits. The output is within the range <-1 ; 1). MLIB_Mac4RndSat_F32 frac32_t frac32_t frac32_t frac32_t frac32_t Addition of two 32-bit fractional products (of two 32-bit fractional multiplicands), rounded to the upper 32 bits. The output is within the range <-1 ; 1). MLIB User's Guide, Rev. 0, 10/2015 60 Freescale Semiconductor, Inc. Chapter 2 Algorithms in detail 2.22.2 Declaration The available MLIB_Mac4RndSat functions have the following declarations: frac16_t MLIB_Mac4RndSat_F16(frac16_t f16Add1Mult1, frac16_t f16Add1Mult2, frac16_t f16Add2Mult1, frac16_t f16Add2Mult2) frac32_t MLIB_Mac4RndSat_F32(frac32_t f32Add1Mult1, frac32_t f32Add1Mult2, frac32_t f32Add2Mult1, frac32_t f32Add2Mult2) 2.22.3 Function use The use of the MLIB_Mac4RndSat function is shown in the following example: #include "mlib.h" static frac32_t f32Result, f32Add1Mult1, f32Add1Mult2, f32Add2Mult1, f32Add2Mult2; void main(void) { f32Add1Mult1 f32Add1Mult2 f32Add2Mult1 f32Add2Mult2 } = = = = FRAC32(-1.0); FRAC32(-0.9); FRAC32(0.8); FRAC32(0.7); /* /* /* /* f32Add1Mult1 f32Add1Mult2 f32Add2Mult1 f32Add2Mult2 = = = = -1.0 */ -0.9 */ 0.8 */ 0.7 */ /* f32Result = sat(round(f32Add1Mult1 * f32Add1Mult2 + f32Add2Mult1 * f32Add2Mult2))*/ f32Result = MLIB_Mac4RndSat_F32(f32Add1Mult1, f32Add1Mult2, f32Add2Mult1, f32Add2Mult2); 2.23 MLIB_Msu The MLIB_Msu functions return the fractional product of two multiplicands subtracted from the input accumulator. The function does not saturate the output. See the following equation: Equation 20. Algorithm formula 2.23.1 Available versions This function is available in the following versions: • Fractional output - the output is the fractional portion of the result; the result is within the range <-1 ; 1). The result may overflow. MLIB User's Guide, Rev. 0, 10/2015 Freescale Semiconductor, Inc. 61 MLIB_Msu • Accumulator output with mixed inputs - the output is the accumulator type, where the result can be out of the range <-1 ; 1). The accumulator is the accumulator type, the multiplicands are the fractional types. The result may overflow. • Floating-point output - the output is a floating-point number; the result is within the full range. The available versions of the MLIB_Msu function are shown in the following table. Table 2-23. Function versions Function name Input type Accum. Mult. 1 Mult. 2 Result type Description MLIB_Msu_F16 frac16_t frac16_t frac16_t frac16_t The upper 16-bit portion [16..31] of the fractional product (of two 16-bit fractional multiplicands) is subtracted from a 16-bit fractional accumulator. The output is within the range <-1 ; 1). MLIB_Msu_F32lss frac32_t frac16_t frac16_t frac32_t The 32-bit fractional product (of two 16-bit fractional multiplicands) is subracted from a 32-bit fractional accumulator. The output is within the range <-1 ; 1). MLIB_Msu_F32 frac32_t frac32_t frac32_t frac32_t The upper 32-bit portion [32..63] of the fractional product (of two 32-bit fractional multiplicands) is subtracted from a 32-bit fractional accumulator. The output is within the range <-1 ; 1). MLIB_Msu_A32ass acc32_t frac16_t frac16_t acc32_t The upper 16-bit portion [16..31] of the fractional product (of two 16-bit fractional multiplicands) is subtracted from a 32-bit accumulator. The output may be out of the range <-1 ; 1). MLIB_Msu_FLT float_t float_t float_t float_t The product (of two 32-bit single-point floating-point multiplicands) is subtracted from a single-point floating-point accumulator. The output is within the full range. 2.23.2 Declaration The available MLIB_Msu functions have the following declarations: frac16_t MLIB_Msu_F16(frac16_t f16Accum, frac16_t f16Mult1, frac16_t f16Mult2) frac32_t MLIB_Msu_F32lss(frac32_t f32Accum, frac16_t f16Mult1, frac16_t f16Mult2) frac32_t MLIB_Msu_F32(frac32_t f32Accum, frac32_t f32Mult1, frac32_t f32Mult2) acc32_t MLIB_Msu_A32ass(acc32_t a32Accum, frac16_t f16Mult1, frac16_t f16Mult2) float_t MLIB_Msu_FLT(float_t fltAccum, float_t fltMult1, float_t fltMult2) 2.23.3 Function use The use of the MLIB_Msu function is shown in the following example: MLIB User's Guide, Rev. 0, 10/2015 62 Freescale Semiconductor, Inc. Chapter 2 Algorithms in detail #include "mlib.h" static acc32_t a32Accum, a32Result; static frac16_t f16Mult1, f16Mult2; void main(void) { a32Accum = ACC32(2.3); f16Mult1 = FRAC16(0.1); f16Mult2 = FRAC16(-0.2); } /* a32Accum = 2.3 */ /* f16Mult1 = 0.1 */ /* f16Mult2 = -0.2 */ /* a32Result = a32Accum - f16Mult1 * f16Mult2 */ a32Result = MLIB_Msu_A32ass(a32Accum, f16Mult1, f16Mult2); 2.24 MLIB_MsuSat The MLIB_MsuSat functions return the fractional product of two multiplicands subtracted from the input accumulator. The function saturates the output. See the following equation: Equation 21. Algorithm formula 2.24.1 Available versions This function is available in the following versions: • Fractional output - the output is the fractional portion of the result; the result is within the range <-1 ; 1). The result may saturate. The available versions of the MLIB_MsuSat function are shown in the following table. Table 2-24. Function versions Function name Input type Accum. Mult. 1 Mult. 2 Result type Description MLIB_MsuSat_F16 frac16_t frac16_t frac16_t frac16_t The upper 16-bit portion [16..31] of the fractional product (of two 16-bit fractional multiplicands) is subtracted from a 16-bit fractional accumulator. The output is within the range <-1 ; 1). MLIB_MsuSat_F32lss frac32_t frac16_t frac16_t frac32_t The 32-bit fractional product (of two 16-bit fractional multiplicands) is subtracted from a 32-bit fractional accumulator. The output is within the range <-1 ; 1). Table continues on the next page... MLIB User's Guide, Rev. 0, 10/2015 Freescale Semiconductor, Inc. 63 MLIB_MsuRnd Table 2-24. Function versions (continued) Function name Input type Accum. MLIB_MsuSat_F32 frac32_t Mult. 1 frac32_t Mult. 2 frac32_t Result type frac32_t Description The upper 32-bit portion [32..63] of the fractional product (of two 32-bit fractional multiplicands) is subracted from a 32-bit fractional accumulator. The output is within the range <-1 ; 1). 2.24.2 Declaration The available MLIB_MsuSat functions have the following declarations: frac16_t MLIB_MsuSat_F16(frac16_t f16Accum, frac16_t f16Mult1, frac16_t f16Mult2) frac32_t MLIB_MsuSat_F32lss(frac32_t f32Accum, frac16_t f16Mult1, frac16_t f16Mult2) frac32_t MLIB_MsuSat_F32(frac32_t f32Accum, frac32_t f32Mult1, frac32_t f32Mult2) 2.24.3 Function use The use of the MLIB_MsuSat function is shown in the following example: #include "mlib.h" static frac32_t f32Accum, f32Mult1, f32Mult2, f32Result; void main(void) { f32Accum = FRAC32(0.9); f32Mult1 = FRAC32(-1.0); f32Mult2 = FRAC32(0.2); } /* f32Accum = 0.9 */ /* f32Mult1 = -1.0 */ /* f32Mult2 = 0.2 */ /* f32Result = sat(f32Accum - f32Mult1 * f32Mult2) */ f32Result = MLIB_MsuSat_F32(f32Accum, f32Mult1, f32Mult2); 2.25 MLIB_MsuRnd The MLIB_MsuRnd functions return the rounded fractional product of two multiplicands subtracted from the input accumulator. The round method is the round to nearest. The function does not saturate the output. See the following equation: Equation 22. Algorithm formula MLIB User's Guide, Rev. 0, 10/2015 64 Freescale Semiconductor, Inc. Chapter 2 Algorithms in detail 2.25.1 Available versions This function is available in the following versions: • Fractional output - the output is the fractional portion of the result; the result is within the range <-1 ; 1). The result may overflow. • Accumulator output with mixed inputs - the output is the accumulator type, where the result can be out of the range <-1 ; 1). The accumulator is the accumulator type, the multiplicands are the fractional types. The result may overflow. The available versions of the MLIB_MsuRnd function are shown in the following table. Table 2-25. Function versions Function name Input type Accum. Mult. 1 Mult. 2 Result type Description MLIB_MsuRnd_F16 frac16_t frac16_t frac16_t frac16_t The fractional product (of two 16-bit fractional multiplicands), rounded to the upper 16 bits, is subtracted from a 16-bit fractional accumulator. The output is within the range <-1 ; 1). MLIB_MsuRnd_F32lls frac32_t frac32_t frac16_t frac32_t The fractional product (of a 32-bit and 16-bit fractional multiplicands), rounded to the upper 32 bits [16..48], is subtracted from a 32-bit fractional accumulator. The output is within the range <-1 ; 1). MLIB_MsuRnd_F32 frac32_t frac32_t frac32_t frac32_t The fractional product (of two 32-bit fractional multiplicands), rounded to the upper 32 bits [32..63], is subtracted from a 32-bit fractional accumulator. The output is within the range <-1 ; 1). MLIB_MsuRnd_A32ass acc32_t frac16_t frac16_t acc32_t The fractional product (of two 16-bit fractional multiplicands), rounded to the upper 16 bits [16..31], is subtracted from a 32-bit accumulator. The output may be out of the range <-1 ; 1). 2.25.2 Declaration The available MLIB_MsuRnd functions have the following declarations: frac16_t MLIB_MsuRnd_F16(frac16_t f16Accum, frac16_t f16Mult1, frac16_t f16Mult2) frac32_t MLIB_MsuRnd_F32lls(frac32_t f32Accum, frac32_t f32Mult1, frac16_t f16Mult2) frac32_t MLIB_MsuRnd_F32(frac32_t f32Accum, frac32_t f32Mult1, frac32_t f32Mult2) acc32_t MLIB_MsuRnd_A32ass(acc32_t a32Accum, frac16_t f16Mult1, frac16_t f16Mult2) MLIB User's Guide, Rev. 0, 10/2015 Freescale Semiconductor, Inc. 65 MLIB_MsuRndSat 2.25.3 Function use The use of the MLIB_MsuRnd function is shown in the following example: #include "mlib.h" static frac16_t f16Accum, f16Mult1, f16Mult2, f16Result; void main(void) { f16Accum = FRAC16(0.3); f16Mult1 = FRAC16(0.1); f16Mult2 = FRAC16(-0.2); } /* f16Accum = 0.3 */ /* f16Mult1 = 0.1 */ /* f16Mult2 = -0.2 */ /* f16Result = round(f16Accum - f16Mult1 * f16Mult2) */ f16Result = MLIB_MsuRnd_F16(f16Accum, f16Mult1, f16Mult2); 2.26 MLIB_MsuRndSat The MLIB_MsuRndSat functions return the rounded fractional product of two multiplicands subtracted from the input accumulator. The round method is the round to nearest. The function saturates the output. See the following equation: Equation 23. Algorithm formula 2.26.1 Available versions This function is available in the following versions: • Fractional output - the output is the fractional portion of the result; the result is within the range <-1 ; 1). The result may saturate. MLIB User's Guide, Rev. 0, 10/2015 66 Freescale Semiconductor, Inc. Chapter 2 Algorithms in detail The available versions of the MLIB_MsuRndSat function are shown in the following table. Table 2-26. Function versions Function name Input type Accum. Mult. 1 Mult. 2 Result type Description MLIB_MsuRndSat_F16 frac16_t frac16_t frac16_t frac16_t The fractional product (of two 16-bit fractional multiplicands), rounded to the upper 16 bits, is subtracted from a 16-bit fractional accumulator. The output is within the range <-1 ; 1). MLIB_MsuRndSat_F32lls frac32_t frac32_t frac16_t frac32_t The fractional product (of a 32-bit and 16-bit fractional multiplicands), rounded to the upper 32 bits [16..48], is subtracted from a 32-bit fractional accumulator. The output is within the range <-1 ; 1). MLIB_MsuRndSat_F32 frac32_t frac32_t frac32_t frac32_t The fractional product (of two 32-bit fractional multiplicands), rounded to the upper 32 bits [32..63], is subtracted from a 32-bit fractional accumulator. The output is within the range <-1 ; 1). 2.26.2 Declaration The available MLIB_MsuRndSat functions have the following declarations: frac16_t MLIB_MsuRndSat_F16(frac16_t f16Accum, frac16_t f16Mult1, frac16_t f16Mult2) frac32_t MLIB_MsuRndSat_F32lls(frac32_t f32Accum, frac32_t f32Mult1, frac16_t f16Mult2) frac32_t MLIB_MsuRndSat_F32(frac32_t f32Accum, frac32_t f32Mult1, frac32_t f32Mult2) 2.26.3 Function use The use of the MLIB_MsuRndSat function is shown in the following example: #include "mlib.h" static frac32_t f32Accum, f32Mult1, f32Mult2, f32Result; void main(void) { f32Accum = FRAC32(0.3); f32Mult1 = FRAC32(0.1); f32Mult2 = FRAC32(-0.2); } /* f32Accum = 0.3 */ /* f32Mult1 = 0.1 */ /* f32Mult2 = -0.2 */ /* f32Result = sat(round(f32Accum - f32Mult1 * f32Mult2)) */ f32Result = MLIB_MsuRndSat_F32(f32Accum, f32Mult1, f32Mult2); MLIB User's Guide, Rev. 0, 10/2015 Freescale Semiconductor, Inc. 67 MLIB_Msu4 2.27 MLIB_Msu4 The MLIB_Msu4 functions return the subtraction of the products of two multiplicands. The function does not saturate the output. See the following equation: Equation 24. Algorithm formula 2.27.1 Available versions The function is available in the following versions: • Fractional output - the output is the fractional portion of the result; the result is within the range <-1 ; 1). The result may overflow. • Floating-point output - the output is a floating-point number; the result is within the full range. The available versions of the MLIB_Msu4 function are shown in the following table. Table 2-27. Function versions Function name Input type Minuend product Mult. 1 Mult. 2 Subtrahend product Mult. 1 Result type Description Mult. 2 MLIB_Msu4_F32ssss frac16_t frac16_t frac16_t frac16_t frac32_t Subtraction of two 32-bit fractional products (of two 16-bit fractional multiplicands). The output is within the range <-1 ; 1). MLIB_Msu4_FLT float_t float_t float_t float_t float_t Subtraction of two 32-bit singlepoint floating-point products (of two 32-bit single-point floatingpoint multiplicands). The output is within the full range. 2.27.2 Declaration The available MLIB_Msu4 functions have the following declarations: frac32_t MLIB_Msu4_F32ssss(frac16_t f16MinMult1, frac16_t f16MinMult2, frac16_t f16SubMult1, frac16_t f16SubMult2) float_t MLIB_Msu4_FLT(float_t fltMinMult1, float_t fltMinMult2, float_t fltSubMult1, float_t fltSubMult2) MLIB User's Guide, Rev. 0, 10/2015 68 Freescale Semiconductor, Inc. Chapter 2 Algorithms in detail 2.27.3 Function use The use of the MLIB_Msu4 function is shown in the following example: #include "mlib.h" static frac32_t f32Result; static frac16_t f16MinMult1, f16MinMult2, f16SubMult1, f16SubMult2; void main(void) { f16MinMult1 f16MinMult2 f16SubMult1 f16SubMult2 } = = = = FRAC16(0.2); FRAC16(-0.7); FRAC16(0.3); FRAC16(-0.25); /* /* /* /* f16MinMult1 f16MinMult2 f16SubMult1 f16SubMult2 = = = = 0.2 */ -0.7 */ 0.3 */ -0.25 */ /* f32Result = f16MinMult1 * f16MinMult2 - f16SubMult1 * f16SubMult2 */ f32Result = MLIB_Msu4_F32ssss(f16MinMult1, f16MinMult2, f16SubMult1, f16SubMult2); 2.28 MLIB_Msu4Sat The MLIB_Msu4Sat functions return the subtraction of the products of two multiplicands. The function saturates the output. See the following equation: Equation 25. Algorithm formula 2.28.1 Available versions This function is available in the following versions: • Fractional output - the output is the fractional portion of the result; the result is within the range <-1 ; 1). The result may saturate. MLIB User's Guide, Rev. 0, 10/2015 Freescale Semiconductor, Inc. 69 MLIB_Msu4Rnd The available versions of the MLIB_Msu4Sat function are shown in the following table. Table 2-28. Function versions Function name Input type Minuend product Mult. 1 MLIB_Msu4Sat_F32ssss Subtrahend product Mult. 2 frac16_t frac16_t Result type Mult. 1 frac16_t Description Mult. 2 frac16_t frac32_t Subtraction of two 32-bit fractional products (of two 16-bit fractional multiplicands). The output is within the range <-1 ; 1). 2.28.2 Declaration The available MLIB_Msu4Sat functions have the following declarations: frac32_t MLIB_Msu4Sat_F32ssss(frac16_t f16MinMult1, frac16_t f16MinMult2, frac16_t f16SubMult1, frac16_t f16SubMult2) 2.28.3 Function use The use of the MLIB_Msu4Sat function is shown in the following example: #include "mlib.h" static frac32_t f32Result; static frac16_t f16MinMult1, f16MinMult2, f16SubMult1, f16SubMult2; void main(void) { f16MinMult1 = f16MinMult2 = f16SubMult1 = f16SubMult2 = } FRAC16(0.8); FRAC16(-0.9); FRAC16(0.7); FRAC16(0.9); /* /* /* /* f16MinMult1 f16MinMult2 f16SubMult1 f16SubMult2 = = = = 0.8 */ -0.9 */ 0.7 */ 0.9 */ /* f32Result = sat(f16MinMult1 * f16MinMult2 - f16SubMult1 * f16SubMult2) */ f32Result = MLIB_Msu4Sat_F32ssss(f16MinMult1, f16MinMult2, f16SubMult1, f16SubMult2); 2.29 MLIB_Msu4Rnd The MLIB_Msu4Rnd functions return the rounded subtraction of two products of two pairs of multiplicands. The round method is the round to nearest. The function does not saturate the output. See the following equation: MLIB User's Guide, Rev. 0, 10/2015 70 Freescale Semiconductor, Inc. Chapter 2 Algorithms in detail Equation 26. Algorithm formula 2.29.1 Available versions This function is available in the following versions: • Fractional output - the output is the fractional portion of the result; the result is within the range <-1 ; 1). The result may overflow. The available versions of the MLIB_Msu4Rnd function are shown in the following table. Table 2-29. Function versions Function name Input type Minuend product Mult. 1 Mult. 2 Subtrahend product Mult. 1 Result type Description Mult. 2 MLIB_Msu4Rnd_F16 frac16_t frac16_t frac16_t frac16_t frac16_t Subtraction of two 16-bit fractional products (of two 16-bit fractional multiplicands), rounded to the upper 16 bits. The output is within the range <-1 ; 1). MLIB_Msu4Rnd_F32 frac32_t frac32_t frac32_t frac32_t frac32_t Subtraction of two 32-bit fractional products (of two 32-bit fractional multiplicands), rounded to the upper 32 bits. The output is within the range <-1 ; 1). 2.29.2 Declaration The available MLIB_Msu4Rnd functions have the following declarations: frac16_t frac16_t frac32_t frac32_t MLIB_Msu4Rnd_F16(frac16_t f16MinMult1, frac16_t f16MinMult2, frac16_t f16SubMult1, f16SubMult2) MLIB_Msu4Rnd_F32(frac32_t f32MinMult1, frac32_t f32MinMult2, frac32_t f32SubMult1, f32SubMult2) 2.29.3 Function use The use of the MLIB_Msu4Rnd function is shown in the following example: #include "mlib.h" static frac16_t f16Result, f16MinMult1, f16MinMult2, f16SubMult1, f16SubMult2; MLIB User's Guide, Rev. 0, 10/2015 Freescale Semiconductor, Inc. 71 MLIB_Msu4RndSat void main(void) { f16MinMult1 = f16MinMult2 = f16SubMult1 = f16SubMult2 = } FRAC16(0.256); FRAC16(-0.724); FRAC16(0.365); FRAC16(-0.25); /* /* /* /* f16MinMult1 f16MinMult2 f16SubMult1 f16SubMult2 = = = = 0.256 */ -0.724*/ 0.365 */ -0.25 */ /* f32Result = round(f16MinMult1 * f16MinMult2 - f16SubMult1 * f16SubMult2) */ f16Result = MLIB_Msu4Rnd_F16(f16MinMult1, f16MinMult2, f16SubMult1, f16SubMult2); 2.30 MLIB_Msu4RndSat The MLIB_Msu4RndSat functions return the rounded subtraction of two products of two pairs of multiplicands. The round method is the round to nearest. The function saturates the output. See the following equation: Equation 27. Algorithm formula 2.30.1 Available versions This function is available in the following versions: • Fractional output - the output is the fractional portion of the result; the result is within the range <-1 ; 1). The result may saturate. The available versions of the MLIB_Msu4RndSat function are shown in the following table. Table 2-30. Function versions Function name Input type Minuend product Mult. 1 Mult. 2 Subtrahend product Mult. 1 Result type Description Mult. 2 MLIB_Msu4RndSat_F16 frac16_t frac16_t frac16_t frac16_t frac16_t Subtraction of two 16-bit fractional products (of two 16bit fractional multiplicands), rounded to the upper 16 bits. The output is within the range <-1 ; 1). MLIB_Msu4RndSat_F32 frac32_t frac32_t frac32_t frac32_t frac32_t Subtraction of two 32-bit fractional products (of two 32bit fractional multiplicands), MLIB User's Guide, Rev. 0, 10/2015 72 Freescale Semiconductor, Inc. Chapter 2 Algorithms in detail Table 2-30. Function versions Function name Input type Minuend product Mult. 1 Subtrahend product Mult. 2 Mult. 1 Result type Description Mult. 2 rounded to the upper 32 bits. The output is within the range <-1 ; 1). 2.30.2 Declaration The available MLIB_Msu4RndSat functions have the following declarations: frac16_t MLIB_Msu4RndSat_F16(frac16_t f16MinMult1, frac16_t f16MinMult2, frac16_t f16SubMult1, frac16_t f16SubMult2) frac32_t MLIB_Msu4RndSat_F32(frac32_t f32MinMult1, frac32_t f32MinMult2, frac32_t f32SubMult1, frac32_t f32SubMult2) 2.30.3 Function use The use of the MLIB_Msu4RndSat function is shown in the following example: #include "mlib.h" static frac32_t ; static frac16_t f16Result, f16MinMult1, f16MinMult2, f16SubMult1, f16SubMult2; void main(void) { f16MinMult1 f16MinMult2 f16SubMult1 f16SubMult2 } = = = = FRAC16(0.8); FRAC16(-0.9); FRAC16(0.7); FRAC16(0.9); /* /* /* /* f16MinMult1 f16MinMult2 f16SubMult1 f16SubMult2 = = = = 0.8 */ -0.9 */ 0.7 */ 0.9 */ /* f16Result = sat(round(f16MinMult1 * f16MinMult2 - f16SubMult1 * f16SubMult2)) */ f16Result = MLIB_Msu4RndSat_F16(f16MinMult1, f16MinMult2, f16SubMult1, f16SubMult2); 2.31 MLIB_Mul The MLIB_Mul functions return the product of two multiplicands. The function does not saturate the output. See the following equation: Equation 28. Algorithm formula MLIB User's Guide, Rev. 0, 10/2015 Freescale Semiconductor, Inc. 73 MLIB_Mul 2.31.1 Available versions This function is available in the following versions: • Fractional output with fractional inputs - the output is the fractional portion of the result; the result is within the range <-1 ; 1). The inputs are the fractional values only. The result may overflow. • Fractional output with mixed inputs - the output is the fractional portion of the result; the result is within the range <-1 ; 1). The inputs are the accumulator and fractional values. The result may overflow. • Accumulator output - the output is the accumulator type where the result can be out of the range <-1 ; 1). The result may overflow. • Floating-point output - the output is a floating-point number; the result is within the full range. The available versions of the MLIB_Mul function are shown in the following table: Table 2-31. Function versions Function name Input type Mult. 1 Mult. 2 Result type Description MLIB_Mul_F16 frac16_t frac16_t frac16_t Product of two 16-bit fractional multiplicands; the output are the upper 16 bits of the results [16..31]. The output is within the range <-1 ; 1). MLIB_Mul_F16as acc32_t frac16_t frac16_t Product of a 32-bit accumulator and a 16-bit fractional multiplicand; the output is a 16-bit fractional portion, which has the upper 16 bits of the fractional value of the result [16..31]. The output is within the range <-1 ; 1). MLIB_Mul_F32ss frac16_t frac16_t frac32_t Product of two 16-bit fractional multiplicands; the result is a 32-bit fractional value. The output is within the range <-1 ; 1). MLIB_Mul_F32 frac32_t frac32_t frac32_t Product of two 32-bit fractional multiplicands; the output are the upper 32 bits of the results [16..31]. The output is within the range <-1 ; 1). MLIB_Mul_A32 acc32_t acc32_t acc32_t Product of two 32-bit accumulator multiplicands; the output is a 32bit accumulator, which has the upper mid bits of the result [16..47]. The output is within the range <-65536.0 ; 65536.0). MLIB_Mul_FLT float_t float_t float_t Product of two 32-bit single precision floating-point multiplicands. The output is within the full range. 2.31.2 Declaration The available MLIB_Mul functions have the following declarations: MLIB User's Guide, Rev. 0, 10/2015 74 Freescale Semiconductor, Inc. Chapter 2 Algorithms in detail frac16_t MLIB_Mul_F16(frac16_t f16Mult1, frac16_t f16Mult2) frac16_t MLIB_Mul_F16as(acc32_t a32Accum, frac16_t f16Mult) frac32_t MLIB_Mul_F32ss(frac16_t f16Mult1, frac16_t f16Mult2) frac32_t MLIB_Mul_F32(frac32_t f32Mult1, frac32_t f32Mult2) acc32_t MLIB_Mul_A32(acc32_t a32Mult1, acc32_t a32Mult1) float_t MLIB_Mul_FLT(float_t fltMult1, float_t fltMult2) 2.31.3 Function use The use of the MLIB_Mul function is shown in the following example: #include "mlib.h" static frac32_t f32Result; static frac16_t f32Mult1, f16Mult2; void main(void) { f16Mult1 = FRAC16(0.4); f16Mult2 = FRAC16(-0.2); } /* f16Mult1 = 0.4 */ /* f16Mult2 = -0.2 */ /* f32Result = f16Mult1 * f16Mult2 */ f32Result = MLIB_Mul_F32ss(f16Mult1, f16Mult2); 2.32 MLIB_MulSat The MLIB_MulSat functions return the product of two multiplicands. The function saturates the output. See the following equation: Equation 29. Algorithm formula 2.32.1 Available versions This function is available in the following versions: • Fractional output with fractional inputs - the output is the fractional portion of the result; the result is within the range <-1 ; 1). The inputs are the fractional values only. The result may saturate. MLIB User's Guide, Rev. 0, 10/2015 Freescale Semiconductor, Inc. 75 MLIB_MulSat • Fractional output with mixed inputs - the output is the fractional portion of the result; the result is within the range <-1 ; 1). The inputs are the accumulator and fractional values. The result may saturate. • Accumulator output - the output is the accumulator type where the result can be out of the range <-1;1). The result may overflow. The available versions of the MLIB_MulSat function are shown in the following table: Table 2-32. Function versions Function name Input type Mult. 1 Mult. 2 Result type Description MLIB_MulSat_F16 frac16_t frac16_t frac16_t Product of two 16-bit fractional multiplicands; the output is the upper 16 bits of the results [16..31]. The output is within the range <-1 ; 1). MLIB_MulSat_F16as acc32_t frac16_t frac16_t Product of a 32-bit accumulator and a 16-bit fractional multiplicand; the output is a 16-bit fractional value, which has the upper 16 bits of the fractional portion of the result [16..31]. The output is within the range <-1 ; 1). MLIB_MulSat_F32ss frac16_t frac16_t frac32_t Product of two 16-bit fractional multiplicands; the result is a 32bit fractional value. The output is within the range <-1 ; 1). MLIB_MulSat_F32 frac32_t frac32_t frac32_t Product of two 32-bit fractional multiplicands; the output are the upper 32 bits of the results [16..31]. The output is within the range <-1 ; 1). MLIB_MulSat_A32 acc32_t acc32_t acc32_t Product of two 32-bit accumulator multiplicands; the output is a 32-bit accumulator, which has the mid bits of the result [16..47]. The output is within the range <-65536.0 ; 65536.0). 2.32.2 Declaration The available MLIB_MulSat functions have the following declarations: frac16_t MLIB_MulSat_F16(frac16_t f16Mult1, frac16_t f16Mult2) frac16_t MLIB_MulSat_F16as(acc32_t a32Accum, frac16_t f16Mult) frac32_t MLIB_MulSat_F32ss(frac16_t f16Mult1, frac16_t f16Mult2) frac32_t MLIB_MulSat_F32(frac32_t f32Mult1, frac32_t f32Mult2) acc32_t MLIB_MulSat_A32(acc32_t a32Mult1, acc32_t a32Mult1) 2.32.3 Function use The use of the MLIB_MulSat function is shown in the following example: #include "mlib.h" static acc32_t a32Accum; static frac16_t f16Mult, f16Result; MLIB User's Guide, Rev. 0, 10/2015 76 Freescale Semiconductor, Inc. Chapter 2 Algorithms in detail void main(void) { a32Accum = ACC32(-5.5); f16Mult = FRAC16(0.3); } /* a32Accum = -5.5 */ /* f16Mult = 0.3 */ /* f16Result = sat(a32Accum * f16Mult) */ f16Result = MLIB_MulSat_F16as(a32Accum, f16Mult); 2.33 MLIB_MulNeg The MLIB_MulNeg functions return the negative product of two multiplicands. The function does not saturate the output. See the following equation: Equation 30. Algorithm formula 2.33.1 Available versions This function is available in the following versions: • Fractional output with fractional inputs - the output is the fractional portion of the result; the result is within the range <-1 ; 1). The inputs are the fractional values only. • Fractional output with mixed inputs - the output is the fractional portion of the result; the result is within the range <-1 ; 1). The inputs are the accumulator and fractional values. The result may overflow. • Accumulator output - the output is the accumulator type where the result can be out of the range <-1;1). The result may overflow. • Floating-point output - the output is a floating-point number; the result is within the full range. The available versions of the MLIB_MulNeg function are shown in the following table. Table 2-33. Function versions Function name Input type Mult. 1 Mult. 2 Result type Description MLIB_MuNegl_F16 frac16_t frac16_t frac16_t Negative product of two 16-bit fractional multiplicands; the output are the upper 16 bits of the results [16..31]. The output is within the range <-1 ; 1). MLIB_MulNeg_F16as acc32_t frac16_t frac16_t Negative product of a 32-bit accumulator and a 16-bit fractional multiplicand; the output is a 16-bit fractional value, which has the upper 16 bits of the fractional portion of the result [16..31]. The output is within the range <-1 ; 1). Table continues on the next page... MLIB User's Guide, Rev. 0, 10/2015 Freescale Semiconductor, Inc. 77 MLIB_MulRnd Table 2-33. Function versions (continued) Function name Input type Mult. 1 Mult. 2 Result type Description MLIB_MulNeg_F32ss frac16_t frac16_t frac32_t Negative product of two 16-bit fractional multiplicands; the result is a 32-bit fractional value. The output is within the range <-1 ; 1). MLIB_MulNeg_F32 frac32_t frac32_t frac32_t Negative product of two 32-bit fractional multiplicands; the output are the upper 32 bits of the results [16..31]. The output is within the range <-1 ; 1). MLIB_MulNeg_A32 acc32_t acc32_t acc32_t Product of two 32-bit accumulator multiplicands; the output is a 32-bit accumulator, which has the mid bits of the result [16..47]. The output is within the range <-65536.0 ; 65536.0). MLIB_MulNeg_FLT float_t float_t float_t Negative product of two 32-bit single precision floating-point multiplicands. The output is within the full range. 2.33.2 Declaration The available MLIB_MulNeg functions have the following declarations: frac16_t MLIB_MulNeg_F16(frac16_t f16Mult1, frac16_t f16Mult2) frac16_t MLIB_MulNeg_F16as(acc32_t a32Accum, frac16_t f16Mult) frac32_t MLIB_MulNeg_F32ss(frac16_t f16Mult1, frac16_t f16Mult2) frac32_t MLIB_MulNeg_F32(frac32_t f32Mult1, frac32_t f32Mult2) acc32_t MLIB_MulNeg_A32(acc32_t a32Mult1, acc32_t a32Mult1) float_t MLIB_MulNeg_FLT(float_t fltMult1, float_t fltMult2) 2.33.3 Function use The use of the MLIB_MulNeg function is shown in the following example: #include "mlib.h" static frac32_t f32Result; static frac16_t f16Mult1, f16Mult2; void main(void) { f16Mult1 = FRAC16(0.5); f16Mult2 = FRAC16(-0.3); } /* f16Mult1 = 0.5 */ /* f16Mult2 = -0.3 */ /* f32Result = f16Mult1 * (-f16Mult2) */ f32Result = MLIB_MulNeg_F32ss(f16Mult1, f16Mult2); 2.34 MLIB_MulRnd MLIB User's Guide, Rev. 0, 10/2015 78 Freescale Semiconductor, Inc. Chapter 2 Algorithms in detail The MLIB_MulRnd functions return the rounded product of two multiplicands. The round method is the round to nearest. The function does not saturate the output. See the following equation: Equation 31. Algorithm formula 2.34.1 Available versions This function is available in the following versions: • Fractional output with fractional inputs - the output is the fractional portion of the result; the result is within the range <-1 ; 1). The inputs are the fractional values only. The result may overflow. • Fractional output with mixed inputs - the output is the fractional portion of the result; the result is within the range <-1 ; 1). The inputs are the accumulator and fractional values. The result may overflow. • Accumulator output - the output is the accumulator type where the result can be out of the range <-1 ; 1). The result may overflow. The available versions of the MLIB_MulRnd function are shown in the following table: Table 2-34. Function versions Function name Input type Mult. 1 Mult. 2 Result type Description MLIB_MulRnd_F16 frac16_t frac16_t frac16_t Product of two 16-bit fractional multiplicands; the output is rounded to the upper 16 bits of the results [16..31]. The output is within the range <-1 ; 1). MLIB_MulRnd_F16as acc32_t frac16_t frac16_t Product of a 32-bit accumulator and a 16-bit fractional multiplicand; the output is a 16-bit fractional value, which is rounded to the upper 16 bits of the fractional portion of the result [16..31]. The output is within the range <-1 ; 1). MLIB_MulRnd_F32ls frac32_t frac16_t frac32_t Product of a 32-bit and a 16-bit fractional multiplicand; the output is rounded to the upper 32 bits of the fractional portion of the result [16..47]. The output is within the range <-1 ; 1). MLIB_MulRnd_F32 frac32_t frac32_t frac32_t Product of two 32-bit fractional multiplicands; the output is rounded to the upper 32 bits of the results [16..31]. The output is within the range <-1 ; 1). MLIB_MulRnd_A32 acc32_t acc32_t acc32_t Product of two 32-bit accumulator multiplicands; the output is rounded to the middle bits of the result [16..47]. The output is within the range <-65536.0 ; 65536.0). MLIB User's Guide, Rev. 0, 10/2015 Freescale Semiconductor, Inc. 79 MLIB_MulRndSat 2.34.2 Declaration The available MLIB_MulRnd functions have the following declarations: frac16_t MLIB_MulRnd_F16(frac16_t f16Mult1, frac16_t f16Mult2) frac16_t MLIB_MulRnd_F16as(acc32_t a32Accum, frac16_t f16Mult) frac32_t MLIB_MulRnd_F32ls(frac32_t f32Mult1, frac16_t f16Mult2) frac32_t MLIB_MulRnd_F32(frac32_t f32Mult1, frac32_t f32Mult2) acc32_t MLIB_MulRnd_A32(acc32_t a32Mult1, acc32_t a32Mult1) 2.34.3 Function use The use of the MLIB_MulRnd function is shown in the following example: #include "mlib.h" static frac32_t f32Mult1, f32Mult2, f32Result; void main(void) { f32Mult1 = FRAC32(0.5); f32Mult2 = FRAC32(-0.24564); } /* f32Mult1 = 0.5 */ /* f32Mult2 = -0.24564 */ /* f32Result = round(f32Mult1 * f32Mult2) */ f32Result = MLIB_MulRnd_F32(f32Mult1, f32Mult2); 2.35 MLIB_MulRndSat The MLIB_MulRndSat functions return the rounded product of two multiplicands. The round method is the round to nearest. The function saturates the output. See the following equation: Equation 32. Algorithm formula 2.35.1 Available versions This function is available in the following versions: • Fractional output with fractional inputs - the output is the fractional portion of the result; the result is within the range <-1 ; 1). The inputs are the fractional values only. The result may saturate. MLIB User's Guide, Rev. 0, 10/2015 80 Freescale Semiconductor, Inc. Chapter 2 Algorithms in detail • Fractional output with mixed inputs - the output is the fractional portion of the result; the result is within the range <-1 ; 1). The inputs are the accumulator and fractional values. The result may saturate. • Accumulator output - the output is the accumulator type where the result can be out of the range <-1 ; 1). The result may overflow. The available versions of the MLIB_MulRndSat function are shown in the following table: Table 2-35. Function versions Function name Input type Mult. 1 Mult. 2 Result type Description MLIB_MulRndSat_F16 frac16_t frac16_t frac16_t Product of two 16-bit fractional multiplicands; the output is rounded to the upper 16 bits of the results [16..31]. The output is within the range <-1 ; 1). MLIB_MulRndSat_F16as acc32_t frac16_t frac16_t Product of a 32-bit accumulator and a 16-bit fractional multiplicand; the output is a 16-bit fractional value, which is rounded to the upper 16 bits of the fractional portion of the result [16..31]. The output is within the range <-1 ; 1). MLIB_MulRndSat_F32ls frac32_t frac16_t frac32_t Product of a 32-bit multiplicand and a 16-bit fractional multiplicand; the output is rounded to the upper 32 bits of the fractional portion of the result [16..47]. The output is within the range <-1 ; 1). MLIB_MulRndSat_F32 frac32_t frac32_t frac32_t Product of two 32-bit fractional multiplicands; the output is rounded to the upper 32 bits of the results [16..31]. The output is within the range <-1 ; 1). MLIB_MulRndSat_A32 acc32_t acc32_t acc32_t Product of two 32-bit accumulator multiplicands; the output is rounded to the the mid bits of the result [16..47]. The output is within the range <-65536.0 ; 65536.0). 2.35.2 Declaration The available MLIB_MulRndSat functions have the following declarations: frac16_t MLIB_MulRndSat_F16(frac16_t f16Mult1, frac16_t f16Mult2) frac16_t MLIB_MulRndSat_F16as(acc32_t a32Accum, frac16_t f16Mult) frac32_t MLIB_MulRndSat_F32ls(frac32_t f32Mult1, frac16_t f16Mult2) frac32_t MLIB_MulRndSat_F32(frac32_t f32Mult1, frac32_t f32Mult2) acc32_t MLIB_MulRndSat_A32(acc32_t a32Mult1, acc32_t a32Mult1) 2.35.3 Function use The use of the MLIB_MulRndSat function is shown in the following example: MLIB User's Guide, Rev. 0, 10/2015 Freescale Semiconductor, Inc. 81 MLIB_MulNegRnd #include "mlib.h" static frac32_t f32Mult1, f32Mult2, f32Result; void main(void) { f32Mult1 = FRAC32(-1.0); f32Mult2 = FRAC32(-1.0); } /* f32Mult1 = -1.0 */ /* f32Mult2 = -1.0 */ /* f32Result = sat(round(f32Mult1 * f32Mult2))*/ f32Result = MLIB_MulRndSat_F32(f32Mult1, f32Mult2); 2.36 MLIB_MulNegRnd The MLIB_MulNegRnd functions return the rounded negative product of two multiplicands. The round method is the round to nearest. The function does not saturate the output. See the following equation: Equation 33. Algorithm formula 2.36.1 Available versions This function is available in the following versions: • Fractional output with fractional inputs - the output is the fractional portion of the result; the result is within the range <-1 ; 1). The inputs are the fractional values only. • Fractional output with mixed inputs - the output is the fractional portion of the result; the result is within the range <-1 ; 1). The inputs are the accumulator and fractional values. The result may overflow. • Accumulator output - the output is the accumulator type where the result can be out of the range <-1 ; 1). The result may overflow. The available versions of the MLIB_MulNegRnd function are shown in the following table: Table 2-36. Function versions Function name Input type Mult. 1 MLIB_MulNegRnd_F16 frac16_t Mult. 2 frac16_t Result type frac16_t Description Negative product of two 16-bit fractional multiplicands; the output is rounded to the upper 16 bits of the results [16..31]. The output is within the range <-1 ; 1). Table continues on the next page... MLIB User's Guide, Rev. 0, 10/2015 82 Freescale Semiconductor, Inc. Chapter 2 Algorithms in detail Table 2-36. Function versions (continued) Function name Input type Mult. 1 Mult. 2 Result type Description MLIB_MulNegRnd_F16as acc32_t frac16_t frac16_t Negative product of a 32-bit accumulator and a 16-bit fractional multiplicand; the output is a 16-bit fractional value, which is rounded to the upper 16 bits of the fractional portion of the result [16..31]. The output is within the range <-1 ; 1). MLIB_MulNegRnd_F32ls frac32_t frac16_t frac32_t Negative product of a 32-bit fractional multiplicand and a 16-bit fractional multiplicand; the output is rounded to the upper 32 bits of the fractional portion of the result [16..47]. The output is within the range <-1 ; 1). MLIB_MulNegRnd_F32 frac32_t frac32_t frac32_t Negative product of two 32-bit fractional multiplicands; the output is rounded to the upper 32 bits of the results [16..31]. The output is within the range <-1 ; 1). MLIB_MulNegRnd_A32 acc32_t acc32_t acc32_t Product of two 32-bit accumulator multiplicands; the output is rounded to the the middle bits of the result [16..47]. The output is within the range <-65536.0 ; 65536.0). 2.36.2 Declaration The available MLIB_MulNegRnd functions have the following declarations: frac16_t MLIB_MulNegRnd_F16(frac16_t f16Mult1, frac16_t f16Mult2) frac16_t MLIB_MulNegRnd_F16as(acc32_t a32Accum, frac16_t f16Mult) frac32_t MLIB_MulNegRnd_F32ls(frac32_t f32Mult1, frac16_t f16Mult2) frac32_t MLIB_MulNegRnd_F32(frac32_t f32Mult1, frac32_t f32Mult2) acc32_t MLIB_MulNegRnd_A32(acc32_t a32Mult1, acc32_t a32Mult1) 2.36.3 Function use The use of the MLIB_MulNegRnd function is shown in the following example: #include "mlib.h" static frac32_t f32Mult1, f32Mult2, f32Result; void main(void) { f32Mult1 = FRAC32(0.3); f32Mult2 = FRAC32(-0.5); } /* f32Mult1 = 0.3 */ /* f32Mult2 = -0.5 */ /* f32Result = round(f32Mult1 * (-f32Mult2)) */ f32Result = MLIB_MulNegRnd_F32(f32Mult1, f32Mult2); MLIB User's Guide, Rev. 0, 10/2015 Freescale Semiconductor, Inc. 83 MLIB_Neg 2.37 MLIB_Neg The MLIB_Neg functions return the negative value of the input. The function does not saturate the output. See the following equation: Equation 34. Algorithm formula 2.37.1 Available versions This function is available in the following versions: • Fractional output - the output is the fractional portion of the result; the result is within the range <-1 ; 1). The result may overflow. • Floating-point output - the output is a floating-point number; the result is within the full range. The available versions of the MLIB_Neg function are shown in the following table: Table 2-37. Function versions Function name Input type Result type Description MLIB_Neg_F16 frac16_t frac16_t Negative value of a 16-bit fractional value. The output is within the range <-1 ; 1). MLIB_Neg_F32 frac32_t frac32_t Negative value of a 32-bit fractional value. The output is within the range <-1 ; 1). MLIB_Neg_FLT float_t float_t Negative value of a 32-bit single precision floating-point value. The output is within the full range. 2.37.2 Declaration The available MLIB_Neg functions have the following declarations: frac16_t MLIB_Neg_F16(frac16_t f16Val) frac32_t MLIB_Neg_F32(frac32_t f32Val) float_t MLIB_Neg_FLT(float_t fltVal) 2.37.3 Function use The use of the MLIB_Neg function is shown in the following example: MLIB User's Guide, Rev. 0, 10/2015 84 Freescale Semiconductor, Inc. Chapter 2 Algorithms in detail #include "mlib.h" static frac32_t f32Val, f32Result; void main(void) { f32Val = FRAC32(0.85); } /* f32Val = 0.85 */ /* f32Result = -f32Val */ f32Result = MLIB_Neg_F32(f32Val); 2.38 MLIB_NegSat The MLIB_NegSat functions return the negative value of the input. The function saturates the output. See the following equation: Equation 35. Algorithm formula 2.38.1 Available versions The function is available in the following versions: • Fractional output - the output is the fractional portion of the result; the result is within the range <-1 ; 1). The result may saturate. The available versions of the MLIB_NegSat function are shown in the following table: Table 2-38. Function versions Function name Input type Result type Description MLIB_NegSat_F16 frac16_t frac16_t Negative value of a 16-bit value. The output is within the range <-1 ; 1). MLIB_NegSat_F32 frac32_t frac32_t Negative value of a 32-bit value. The output is within the range <-1 ; 1). 2.38.2 Declaration The available MLIB_NegSat functions have the following declarations: frac16_t MLIB_NegSat_F16(frac16_t f16Val) frac32_t MLIB_NegSat_F32(frac32_t f32Val) MLIB User's Guide, Rev. 0, 10/2015 Freescale Semiconductor, Inc. 85 MLIB_Rcp 2.38.3 Function use The use of the MLIB_NegSat function is shown in the following example: #include "mlib.h" static frac32_t f32Val, f32Result; void main(void) { f32Val = FRAC32(-1.0); } /* f32Val = -1.0*/ /* f32Result = sat(-f32Val) */ f32Result = MLIB_NegSat_F32(f32Val); 2.39 MLIB_Rcp The MLIB_Rcp functions return the reciprocal value for the input value. The function does not saturate the output. See the following equation: Equation 36. Algorithm formula 2.39.1 Available versions This function is available in the following versions: • Accumulator output with fractional input - the output is the accumulator type, where the absolute value of the result is greater than or equal to 1. The input is the fractional type. • Floating-point output - the output is a floating-point number; the result is within the full range. MLIB User's Guide, Rev. 0, 10/2015 86 Freescale Semiconductor, Inc. Chapter 2 Algorithms in detail The available versions of the MLIB_Rcp function are shown in the following table. Table 2-39. Function versions Function name Input type Result type Description MLIB_Rcp_A32s frac16_t acc32_t Reciprocal for a 16-bit fractional value; the output is a 32-bit accumulator value. The absolute value of the output is greater than or equal to 1. The division is performed with 32-bit accuracy. MLIB_Rcp1_A32s frac16_t acc32_t Reciprocal for a 16-bit fractional value; the output is a 32-bit accumulator value. The absolute value of the output is greater than or equal to 1. Faster version, where the division is performed with 16-bit accuracy. MLIB_Rcp_FLT float_t float_t Reciprocal for a 32-bit single precision floating-point value; the output is a 32-bit single precision floating-point. 2.39.2 Declaration The available MLIB_Rcp functions have the following declarations: acc32_t MLIB_Rcp_A32s(frac16_t f16Denom) acc32_t MLIB_Rcp1_A32s(frac16_t f16Denom) float_t MLIB_Rcp_FLT(float_t fltDenom) 2.39.3 Function use The use of the MLIB_Rcp function is shown in the following example: #include "mlib.h" static acc32_t a32Result; static frac16_t f16Denom; void main(void) { f16Denom = FRAC16(0.354); } /* f16Denom = 0.354 */ /* a32Result = 1/f16Denom */ a32Result = MLIB_Rcp1_A32s(f16Denom); 2.40 MLIB_Rcp1Q The MLIB_Rcp1Q functions return the single quadrant reciprocal value for the input value. The input value must be a nonnegative number, otherwise the function returns undefined results. The function does not saturate the output. See the following equation: MLIB User's Guide, Rev. 0, 10/2015 Freescale Semiconductor, Inc. 87 MLIB_Rcp1Q Equation 37. Algorithm formula 2.40.1 Available versions This function is available in the following versions: • Accumulator output with fractional input - the output is the accumulator type, where the result is greater than or equal to 1. The function is not defined for negative inputs. The input is the fractional type. The available versions of the MLIB_Rcp1Q function are shown in the following table. Table 2-40. Function versions Function name Input type Result type Description MLIB_Rcp1Q_A32s frac16_t acc32_t Reciprocal for a nonnegative 16-bit fractional value; the output is a positive 32-bit accumulator value. The output is greater than or equal to 1. The division is performed with 32-bit accuracy. MLIB_Rcp1Q1_A32s frac16_t acc32_t Reciprocal for a nonnegative 16-bit fractional value; the output is a positive 32-bit accumulator value. The output is greater than or equal to 1. Faster version, where the division is performed with 16bit accuracy. 2.40.2 Declaration The available MLIB_Rcp1Q functions have the following declarations: acc32_t MLIB_Rcp1Q_A32s(frac16_t f16Denom) acc32_t MLIB_Rcp1Q1_A32s(frac16_t f16Denom) 2.40.3 Function use The use of the MLIB_Rcp1Q function is shown in the following example: #include "mlib.h" static acc32_t a32Result; static frac16_t f16Denom; void main(void) { f16Denom = FRAC16(0.354); /* f16Denom = 0.354 */ MLIB User's Guide, Rev. 0, 10/2015 88 Freescale Semiconductor, Inc. Chapter 2 Algorithms in detail } /* a32Result = 1/f16Denom */ a32Result = MLIB_Rcp1Q1_A32s(f16Denom); 2.41 MLIB_Rnd The MLIB_Rnd functions round the input to the nearest value to meet the return type's size. The function does not saturate the output. See the following equation: Equation 38. Algorithm formula 2.41.1 Available versions This function is available in the following versions: • Fractional output - the output is the fractional portion of the result; the result is within the range <-1 ; 1). The result may overflow. The available versions of the MLIB_Rnd function are shown in the following table. Table 2-41. Function versions Function name MLIB_Rnd_F16l Input type frac32_t Result type frac16_t Description Rounding of a 32-bit fractional value to a 16-bit fractional value. The output is within the range <-1 ; 1). 2.41.2 Declaration The available MLIB_Rnd functions have the following declarations: frac16_t MLIB_Rnd_F16l(frac32_t f32Val) 2.41.3 Function use The use of the MLIB_Rnd function is shown in the following example: #include "mlib.h" static frac32_t f32Val; static frac16_t f16Result; MLIB User's Guide, Rev. 0, 10/2015 Freescale Semiconductor, Inc. 89 MLIB_RndSat void main(void) { f32Val = FRAC32(0.85); } /* f32Val = 0.85 */ /* f16Result = round(f32Val)*/ f16Result = MLIB_Rnd_F16l(f32Val); 2.42 MLIB_RndSat The MLIB_RndSat functions round the input to the nearest value to meet the return type's size. The function saturates the output. See the following equation: Equation 39. Algorithm formula 2.42.1 Available versions This function is available in the following versions: • Fractional output - the output is the fractional portion of the result; the result is within the range <-1 ; 1). The result may saturate. The available versions of the MLIB_RndSat function are shown in the following table. Table 2-42. Function versions Function name MLIB_RndSat_F16l Input type frac32_t Result type frac16_t Description Rounding of a 32-bit fractional value to a 16-bit fractional value. The output is within the range <-1 ; 1). 2.42.2 Declaration The available MLIB_RndSat functions have the following declarations: frac16_t MLIB_RndSat_F16l(frac32_t f32Val) 2.42.3 Function use The use of the MLIB_RndSat function is shown in the following example: MLIB User's Guide, Rev. 0, 10/2015 90 Freescale Semiconductor, Inc. Chapter 2 Algorithms in detail #include "mlib.h" static frac32_t f32Val; static frac16_t f16Result; void main(void) { f32Val = FRAC32(0.9997996); } /* f32Val = 0.9997996 */ /* f16Result = sat(round(f32Val)) */ f16Result = MLIB_RndSat_F16l(f32Val); 2.43 MLIB_Sat The MLIB_Sat functions return the fractional portion of the accumulator input. The output is saturated if necessary. See the following equation: Equation 40. Algorithm formula 2.43.1 Available versions This function is available in the following versions: • Fractional output with accumulator input - the output is the fractional portion of the result; the result is within the range <-1 ; 1). The result is saturated. The available versions of the MLIB_Sat function are shown in the following table. Table 2-43. Function versions Function name MLIB_Sat_F16a Input type acc32_t Result type frac16_t Description Saturation of a 32-bit accumulator value to a 16-bit fractional value. The output is within the range <-1 ; 1). 2.43.2 Declaration The available MLIB_Sat functions have the following declarations: frac16_t MLIB_Sat_F16a(acc32_t a32Accum) MLIB User's Guide, Rev. 0, 10/2015 Freescale Semiconductor, Inc. 91 MLIB_Sh1L 2.43.3 Function use The use of the MLIB_Sat function is shown in the following example: #include "mlib.h" static acc32_t a32Accum; static frac16_t f16Result; void main(void) { a32Accum = ACC32(5.6); } /* a32Accum = 5.6 */ /* f16Result = sat(a32Accum) */ f16Result = MLIB_Sat_F16a(a32Accum); 2.44 MLIB_Sh1L The MLIB_Sh1L functions return the arithmetically one-time-shifted value to the left. The function does not saturate the output. See the following equation: Equation 41. Algorithm formula 2.44.1 Available versions The function is available in the following versions: • Fractional output - the output is the fractional portion of the result; the result is within the range <-1 ; 1). The result may overflow. The available versions of the MLIB_Sh1L function are shown in the following table. Table 2-44. Function versions Function name Input type Result type Description MLIB_Sh1L_F16 frac16_t frac16_t Shift of a 16-bit fractional value by one time to the left. The output is within the range <-1 ; 1). MLIB_Sh1L_F32 frac32_t frac32_t Shift of a 32-bit fractional value by one time to the left. The output is within the range <-1 ; 1). MLIB User's Guide, Rev. 0, 10/2015 92 Freescale Semiconductor, Inc. Chapter 2 Algorithms in detail 2.44.2 Declaration The available MLIB_Sh1L functions have the following declarations: frac16_t MLIB_Sh1L_F16(frac16_t f16Val) frac32_t MLIB_Sh1L_F32(frac32_t f32Val) 2.44.3 Function use The use of the MLIB_Sh1L function is shown in the following example: #include "mlib.h" static frac32_t f32Result, f32Val; void main(void) { f32Val = FRAC32(-0.354); } /* f32Val = -0.354 */ /* f32Result = f32Val << 1 */ f32Result = MLIB_Sh1L_F32(f32Val); 2.45 MLIB_Sh1LSat The MLIB_Sh1LSat functions return the arithmetically one-time-shifted value to the left. The function saturates the output. See the following equation: Equation 42. Algorithm formula 2.45.1 Available versions This function is available in the following versions: • Fractional output - the output is the fractional portion of the result; the result is within the range <-1 ; 1). The result may saturate. MLIB User's Guide, Rev. 0, 10/2015 Freescale Semiconductor, Inc. 93 MLIB_Sh1R The available versions of the MLIB_Sh1LSat function are shown in the following table. Table 2-45. Function versions Function name Input type Result type Description MLIB_Sh1LSat_F16 frac16_t frac16_t Shift of a 16-bit fractional value by one time to the left. The output is within the range <-1 ; 1). MLIB_Sh1LSat_F32 frac32_t frac32_t Shift of a 32-bit fractional value by one time to the left. The output is within the range <-1 ; 1). 2.45.2 Declaration The available MLIB_Sh1LSat functions have the following declarations: frac16_t MLIB_Sh1LSat_F16(frac16_t f16Val) frac32_t MLIB_Sh1LSat_F32(frac32_t f32Val) 2.45.3 Function use The use of the MLIB_Sh1LSat function is shown in the following example: #include "mlib.h" static frac16_t f16Result, f16Val; void main(void) { f16Val = FRAC16(0.354); } /* f16Val = 0.354 */ /* f16Result = sat(f16Val << 1) */ f16Result = MLIB_Sh1LSat_F16(f16Val); 2.46 MLIB_Sh1R The MLIB_Sh1R functions return the arithmetically one-time-shifted value to the right. See the following equation: Equation 43. Algorithm formula MLIB User's Guide, Rev. 0, 10/2015 94 Freescale Semiconductor, Inc. Chapter 2 Algorithms in detail 2.46.1 Available versions This function is available in the following versions: • Fractional output - the output is the fractional portion of the result; the result is within the range <-0.5 ; 0.5). The available versions of the MLIB_Sh1R function are shown in the following table. Table 2-46. Function versions Function name Input type Result type Description MLIB_Sh1R_F16 frac16_t frac16_t Shift of a 16-bit fractional value by one time to the right. The output is within the range <-0.5 ; 0.5). MLIB_Sh1R_F32 frac32_t frac32_t Shift of a 32-bit fractional value by one time to the right. The output is within the range <-0.5 ; 0.5). 2.46.2 Declaration The available MLIB_Sh1R functions have the following declarations: frac16_t MLIB_Sh1R_F16(frac16_t f16Val) frac32_t MLIB_Sh1R_F32(frac32_t f32Val) 2.46.3 Function use The use of the MLIB_Sh1R function is shown in the following example: #include "mlib.h" static frac32_t f32Result, f32Val; void main(void) { f32Val = FRAC32(-0.354); } /* f32Val = -0.354 */ /* f32Result = f32Val >> 1 */ f32Result = MLIB_Sh1R_F32(f32Val); 2.47 MLIB_ShL The MLIB_ShL functions return the arithmetically shifted value to the left a specified number of times. The function does not saturate the output. See the following equation: MLIB User's Guide, Rev. 0, 10/2015 Freescale Semiconductor, Inc. 95 MLIB_ShL Equation 44. Algorithm formula 2.47.1 Available versions This function is available in the following versions: • Fractional output - the output is the fractional portion of the result; the result is within the range <-1 ; 1). The result may overflow. The available versions of the MLIB_ShL function are shown in the following table. Table 2-47. Function versions Function name Input type Result type Description Value Shift MLIB_ShL_F16 frac16_t uint16_t frac16_t Shift of a 16-bit fractional value to the left by a number of times given by the second argument; the shift is allowed within the range <0 ; 15>. The output is within the range <-1 ; 1). MLIB_ShL_F32 frac32_t uint16_t frac32_t Shift of a 32-bit fractional value to the left by a number of times given by the second argument; the shift is allowed within the range <0 ; 31>. The output is within the range <-1 ; 1). 2.47.2 Declaration The available MLIB_ShL functions have the following declarations: frac16_t MLIB_ShL_F16(frac16_t f16Val, uint16_t u16Sh) frac32_t MLIB_ShL_F32(frac32_t f32Val, uint16_t u16Sh) 2.47.3 Function use The use of the MLIB_ShL function is shown in the following example: #include "mlib.h" static frac16_t f16Result, f16Val; static uint16_t u16Sh; void main(void) { f16Val = FRAC16(-0.354); u16Sh = 6; /* f16Result = /* f16Val = -0.354 */ /* u16Sh = 6 */ f16Val << u16Sh */ MLIB User's Guide, Rev. 0, 10/2015 96 Freescale Semiconductor, Inc. Chapter 2 Algorithms in detail } f16Result = MLIB_ShL_F16(f16Val, u16Sh); 2.48 MLIB_ShLSat The MLIB_ShLSat functions return the arithmetically shifted value to the left a specified number of times. The function saturates the output. See the following equation: Equation 45. Algorithm formula 2.48.1 Available versions This function is available in the following versions: • Fractional output - the output is the fractional portion of the result; the result is within the range <-1 ; 1). The result may saturate. The available versions of the MLIB_ShLSat function are shown in the following table. Table 2-48. Function versions Function name Input type Result type Description Value Shift MLIB_ShLSat_F16 frac16_t uint16_t frac16_t Shift of a 16-bit fractional value to the left by a number of times given by the second argument; the shift is allowed within the range <0 ; 15>. The output is within the range <-1 ; 1). MLIB_ShLSat_F32 frac32_t uint16_t frac32_t Shift of a 32-bit fractional value to the left by a number of times given by the second argument; the shift is allowed within the range <0 ; 31>. The output is within the range <-1 ; 1). 2.48.2 Declaration The available MLIB_ShLSat functions have the following declarations: frac16_t MLIB_ShLSat_F16(frac16_t f16Val, uint16_t u16Sh) frac32_t MLIB_ShLSat_F32(frac32_t f32Val, uint16_t u16Sh) MLIB User's Guide, Rev. 0, 10/2015 Freescale Semiconductor, Inc. 97 MLIB_ShR 2.48.3 Function use The use of the MLIB_ShLSat function is shown in the following example: #include "mlib.h" static frac16_t f16Result, f16Val; static uint16_t u16Sh; void main(void) { f16Val = FRAC16(-0.003); u16Sh = 6; } /* f16Val = -0.003 */ /* u16Sh = 6 */ /* f16Result = sat(f16Val << u16Sh) */ f16Result = MLIB_ShLSat_F16(f16Val, u16Sh); 2.49 MLIB_ShR The MLIB_ShR functions return the arithmetically shifted value to the right a specified number of times. See the following equation: Equation 46. Algorithm formula 2.49.1 Available versions This function is available in the following versions: • Fractional output - the output is the fractional portion of the result; the result is within the range <-1 ; 1). The available versions of the MLIB_ShR function are shown in the following table. Table 2-49. Function versions Function name Input type Result type Description Value Shift MLIB_ShR_F16 frac16_t uint16_t frac16_t Shift of a 16-bit fractional value to the right by a number of times given by the second argument; the shift is allowed within the range <0 ; 15>. The output is within the range <-1 ; 1). MLIB_ShR_F32 frac32_t uint16_t frac32_t Shift of a 32-bit fractional value to the right by a number of times given by the second argument; the shift is allowed within the range <0 ; 31>. The output is within the range <-1 ; 1). MLIB User's Guide, Rev. 0, 10/2015 98 Freescale Semiconductor, Inc. Chapter 2 Algorithms in detail 2.49.2 Declaration The available MLIB_ShR functions have the following declarations: frac16_t MLIB_ShR_F16(frac16_t f16Val, uint16_t u16Sh) frac32_t MLIB_ShR_F32(frac32_t f32Val, uint16_t u16Sh) 2.49.3 Function use The use of the MLIB_ShR function is shown in the following example: #include "mlib.h" static frac16_t f16Result, f16Val; static uint16_t u16Sh; void main(void) { f16Val = FRAC32(-0.354); u16Sh = 8; } /* f16Val = -0.354 */ /* u16Sh = 8 */ /* f16Result = f16Val >> u16Sh */ f16Result = MLIB_ShR_F16(f16Val, u16Sh); 2.50 MLIB_ShLBi The MLIB_ShLBi functions return the arithmetically shifted value to the left a specified number of times. If the number of shifts is positive, the shift is performed to the left; if negative, to the right. The function does not saturate the output. See the following equation: Equation 47. Algorithm formula 2.50.1 Available versions The function is available in the following versions: • Fractional output - the output is the fractional portion of the result; the result is within the range <-1 ; 1). The result may overflow. MLIB User's Guide, Rev. 0, 10/2015 Freescale Semiconductor, Inc. 99 MLIB_ShLBiSat The available versions of the MLIB_ShLBi function are shown in the following table. Table 2-50. Function versions Function name Input type Result type Description Value Shift MLIB_ShLBi_F16 frac16_t int16_t frac16_t Bidirectional shift of a 16-bit fractional value to the left by a number of times given by the second argument; if the second argument is negative, the shift is performed to the right. The shift is allowed within the range <-15 ; 15>. The output is within the range <-1 ; 1). MLIB_ShLBi_F32 frac32_t int16_t frac32_t Bidirectional shift of a 32-bit fractional value to the left by a number of times given by the second argument; if the second argument is negative, the shift is performed to the right. The shift is allowed within the range <-31 ; 31>. The output is within the range <-1 ; 1). 2.50.2 Declaration The available MLIB_ShLBi functions have the following declarations: frac16_t MLIB_ShLBi_F16(frac16_t f16Val, int16_t i16Sh) frac32_t MLIB_ShLBi_F32(frac32_t f32Val, int16_t i16Sh) 2.50.3 Function use The use of the MLIB_ShLBi function is shown in the following example: #include "mlib.h" static frac32_t f32Result, f32Val; static int16_t i16Sh; void main(void) { f32Val = FRAC32(-0.354); i16Sh = -3; } /* f32Val = -0.354 */ /* i16Sh = -3 */ /* f32Result = f32Val << i16Sh */ f32Result = MLIB_ShLBi_F32(f32Val, i16Sh); 2.51 MLIB_ShLBiSat MLIB User's Guide, Rev. 0, 10/2015 100 Freescale Semiconductor, Inc. Chapter 2 Algorithms in detail The MLIB_ShLBiSat functions return the arithmetically shifted value to the left a specified number of times. If the number of shifts is positive, the shift is performed to the left; if negative, to the right. The function saturates the output. See the following equation: Equation 48. Algorithm formula 2.51.1 Available versions This function is available in the following versions: • Fractional output - the output is the fractional portion of the result; the result is within the range <-1 ; 1). The result may saturate. The available versions of the MLIB_ShLBiSat function are shown in the following table. Table 2-51. Function versions Function name Input type Result type Description Value Shift MLIB_ShLBiSat_F16 frac16_t int16_t frac16_t Bidirectional shift of a 16-bit fractional value to the left by a number of times given by the second argument; if the second argument is negative, the shift is performed to the right. The shift is allowed within the range <-15 ; 15>. The output is within the range <-1 ; 1). MLIB_ShLBiSat_F32 frac32_t int16_t frac32_t Bidirectional shift of a 32-bit fractional value to the left by a number of times given by the second argument; if the second argument is negative, the shift is performed to the right. The shift is allowed within the range <-31 ; 31>. The output is within the range <-1 ; 1). 2.51.2 Declaration The available MLIB_ShLBiSat functions have the following declarations: frac16_t MLIB_ShLBiSat_F16(frac16_t f16Val, int16_t i16Sh) frac32_t MLIB_ShLBiSat_F32(frac32_t f32Val, int16_t i16Sh) MLIB User's Guide, Rev. 0, 10/2015 Freescale Semiconductor, Inc. 101 MLIB_ShRBi 2.51.3 Function use The use of the MLIB_ShLBiSat function is shown in the following example: #include "mlib.h" static frac16_t f16Result, f16Val; static int16_t i16Sh; void main(void) { f16Val = FRAC16(-0.354); i16Sh = 14; /* f16Val = -0.354 */ /* i16Sh = 14 */ /* f16Result = sat(f16Val << i16Sh) */ f16Result = MLIB_ShLBiSat_F16(f16Val, i16Sh); } 2.52 MLIB_ShRBi The MLIB_ShRBi functions return the arithmetically shifted value to the right a specified number of times. If the number of shifts is positive, the shift is performed to the right; if negative, to the left. The function does not saturate the output. See the following equation: Equation 49. Algorithm formula 2.52.1 Available versions This function is available in the following versions: • Fractional output - the output is the fractional portion of the result; the result is within the range <-1 ; 1). The result may overflow. The available versions of the MLIB_ShRBi function are shown in the following table. Table 2-52. Function versions Function name MLIB_ShRBi_F16 Input type Value Shift frac16_t int16_t Result type frac16_t Description Bidirectional shift of a 16-bit fractional value to the right by a number of times given by the second argument; if the second argument is negative, the shift is performed to the left. The shift is allowed within the range <-15 ; 15>. The output is within the range <-1 ; 1). Table continues on the next page... MLIB User's Guide, Rev. 0, 10/2015 102 Freescale Semiconductor, Inc. Chapter 2 Algorithms in detail Table 2-52. Function versions (continued) Function name MLIB_ShRBi_F32 Input type Value Shift frac32_t int16_t Result type frac32_t Description Bidirectional shift of a 32-bit fractional value to the right by a number of times given by the second argument; if the second argument is negative, the shift is performed to the left. The shift is allowed within the range <-31 ; 31>. The output is within the range <-1 ; 1). 2.52.2 Declaration The available MLIB_ShRBi functions have the following declarations: frac16_t MLIB_ShRBi_F16(frac16_t f16Val, int16_t i16Sh) frac32_t MLIB_ShRBi_F32(frac32_t f32Val, int16_t i16Sh) 2.52.3 Function use The use of the MLIB_ShRBi function is shown in the following example: #include "mlib.h" static frac32_t f32Result, f32Val; static int16_t i16Sh; void main(void) { f32Val = FRAC32(0.354); i16Sh = 8; } /* f32In = 0.354 */ /* i16Sh = 8 */ /* f32Result = f32Val >> i16Sh */ f32Result = MLIB_ShRBi_F32(f32Val, i16Sh); 2.53 MLIB_ShRBiSat The MLIB_ShRBiSat functions return the arithmetically shifted value to the right a specified number of times. If the number of shifts is positive, the shift is performed to the right; if negative, to the left. The function saturates the output. See the following equation: MLIB User's Guide, Rev. 0, 10/2015 Freescale Semiconductor, Inc. 103 MLIB_ShRBiSat Equation 50. Algorithm formula 2.53.1 Available versions This function is available in the following versions: • Fractional output - the output is the fractional portion of the result; the result is within the range <-1 ; 1). The result may saturate. The available versions of the MLIB_ShRBiSat function are shown in the following table. Table 2-53. Function versions Function name Input type Result type Description Value Shift MLIB_ShRBiSat_F16 frac16_t int16_t frac16_t Bidirectional shift of a 16-bit fractional value to the right by a number of times given by the second argument; if the second argument is negative, the shift is performed to the left. The shift is allowed within the range <-15 ; 15>. The output is within the range <-1 ; 1). MLIB_ShRBiSat_F32 frac32_t int16_t frac32_t Bidirectional shift of a 32-bit fractional value to the right by a number of times given by the second argument; if the second argument is negative, the shift is performed to the left. The shift is allowed within the range <-31 ; 31>. The output is within the range <-1 ; 1). 2.53.2 Declaration The available MLIB_ShRBiSat functions have the following declarations: frac16_t MLIB_ShRBiSat_F16(frac16_t f16Val, int16_t i16Sh) frac32_t MLIB_ShRBiSat_F32(frac32_t f32Val, int16_t i16Sh) 2.53.3 Function use The use of the MLIB_ShRBiSat function is shown in the following example: include "mlib.h" static frac32_t f32Result, f32Val; MLIB User's Guide, Rev. 0, 10/2015 104 Freescale Semiconductor, Inc. Chapter 2 Algorithms in detail static int16_t i16Sh; void main(void) { f32Val = FRAC32(-0.354); i16Sh = 13; } /* f32Val = -0.354 */ /* i16Sh = 13 */ /* f32Result = sat(f32Val >> i16Sh) */ f32Result = MLIB_ShRBiSat_F32(f32Val, i16Sh); 2.54 MLIB_Sign The MLIB_Sign functions return the sign of the input. See the following equation: Equation 51. Algorithm formula 2.54.1 Available versions This function is available in the following versions: • Fractional output - the output is the fractional portion of the result; the result is within the range <-1 ; 1). • Floating-point output - the output is a floating-point number; the result is within the full range. The available versions of the MLIB_Sign function are shown in the following table. Table 2-54. Function versions Function name Input type Result type Description MLIB_Sign_F16 frac16_t frac16_t Sign of a 16-bit fractional value. The output is within the range <-1 ; 1). MLIB_Sign_F32 frac32_t frac32_t Sign of a 32-bit fractional value. The output is within the range <-1 ; 1). MLIB_Sign_FLT float_t float_t Sign of a 32-bit single precision floating-point value. The output is within the full range. 2.54.2 Declaration The available MLIB_Sign functions have the following declarations: MLIB User's Guide, Rev. 0, 10/2015 Freescale Semiconductor, Inc. 105 MLIB_Sub frac16_t MLIB_Sign_F16(frac16_t f16Val) frac32_t MLIB_Sign_F32(frac32_t f32Val) float_t MLIB_Sign_FLT(float_t fltVal) 2.54.3 Function use The use of the MLIB_Sign function is shown in the following example: #include "mlib.h" static frac32_t f32In, f32Result; void main(void) { f32In = FRAC32(-0.95); } /* f32In = -0.95 */ /* f32Result = sign(f32In)*/ f32Result = MLIB_Sign_F32(f32In); 2.55 MLIB_Sub The MLIB_Sub functions subtract the subtrahend from the minuend. The function does not saturate the output. See the following equation: Equation 52. Algorithm formula 2.55.1 Available versions This function is available in the following versions: • Fractional output - the output is the fractional portion of the result; the result is within the range <-1 ; 1). The result may overflow. • Accumulator output with fractional inputs - the output is the accumulator type, where the result can be out of the range <-1 ; 1). The inputs are the fractional values only. • Accumulator output with mixed inputs - the output is the accumulator type, where the result can be out of the range <-1 ; 1). The inputs are the accumulator and fractional values. The result may overflow. • Floating-point output - the output is a floating-point number; the result is within the full range. MLIB User's Guide, Rev. 0, 10/2015 106 Freescale Semiconductor, Inc. Chapter 2 Algorithms in detail The available versions of the MLIB_Sub function are shown in the following table. Table 2-55. Function versions Function name Input type Minuend Subtrahend Result type Description MLIB_Sub_F16 frac16_t frac16_t frac16_t Subtraction of a 16-bit fractional subtrahend from a 16-bit fractional minuend. The output is within the range <-1 ; 1). MLIB_Sub_F32 frac32_t frac32_t frac32_t Subtraction of a 32-bit fractional subtrahend from a 32-bit fractional minuend. The output is within the range <-1 ; 1). MLIB_Sub_A32ss frac16_t frac16_t acc32_t Subtraction of a 16-bit fractional subtrahend from a 16-bit fractional minuend; the result is a 32-bit accumulator. The output may be out of the range <-1 ; 1). MLIB_Sub_A32as acc32_t frac16_t acc32_t Subtraction of a 16-bit fractional subtrahend from a 32-bit accumulator. The output may be out of the range <-1 ; 1). MLIB_Sub_FLT float_t float_t float_t Subtraction of a 32-bit single precision floating-point subtrahend from a 32-bit single precision floating-point minuend. The output is within the full range. 2.55.2 Declaration The available MLIB_Sub functions have the following declarations: frac16_t MLIB_Sub_F16(frac16_t f16Min, frac16_t f16Sub) frac32_t MLIB_Sub_F32(frac32_t f32Min, frac32_t f32Sub) acc32_t MLIB_Sub_A32ss(frac16_t f16Min, frac16_t f16Sub) acc32_t MLIB_Sub_A32as(acc32_t a32Accum, frac16_t f16Sub) float_t MLIB_Sub_FLT(float_t fltMin, float_t fltSub) 2.55.3 Function use The use of the MLIB_Sub function is shown in the following example: #include "mlib.h" static acc32_t a32Accum, a32Result; static frac16_t f16Sub; void main(void) { a32Accum = ACC32(4.5); f16Sub = FRAC16(0.4); } /* a32Accum = 4.5 */ /* f16Sub = 0.4 */ /* a32Result = a32Accum - f16Sub */ a32Result = MLIB_Sub_A32as(a32Accum,f16Sub); MLIB User's Guide, Rev. 0, 10/2015 Freescale Semiconductor, Inc. 107 MLIB_SubSat 2.56 MLIB_SubSat The MLIB_SubSat functions subtract the subtrahend from the minuend. The function saturates the output. See the following equation: Equation 53. Algorithm formula 2.56.1 Available versions This function is available in the following versions: • Fractional output - the output is the fractional portion of the result; the result is within the range <-1 ; 1). The result may saturate. The available versions of the MLIB_SubSat function are shown in the following table. Table 2-56. Function versions Function name Input type Minuend Subtrahend Result type Description MLIB_SubSat_F16 frac16_t frac16_t frac16_t Subtraction of a 16-bit fractional subtrahend from a 16-bit fractional minuend. The output is within the range <-1 ; 1). MLIB_SubSat_F32 frac32_t frac32_t frac32_t Subtraction of a 32-bit fractional subtrahend from a 32-bit fractional minuend. The output is within the range <-1 ; 1). 2.56.2 Declaration The available MLIB_SubSat functions have the following declarations: frac16_t MLIB_SubSat_F16(frac16_t f16Min, frac16_t f16Sub) frac32_t MLIB_SubSat_F32(frac32_t f32Min, frac32_t f32Sub) 2.56.3 Function use The use of the MLIB_SubSat function is shown in the following example: MLIB User's Guide, Rev. 0, 10/2015 108 Freescale Semiconductor, Inc. Chapter 2 Algorithms in detail #include "mlib.h" static frac32_t f32Min, f32Sub, f32Result; void main(void) { f32Min = FRAC32(-0.5); f32Sub = FRAC32(0.8); } /* f32Min = -0.5 */ /* f32Sub = 0.8 */ /* f32Result = sat(f32Min - f32Sub) */ f32Result = MLIB_SubSat_F32(f32Min,f32Sub); 2.57 MLIB_Sub4 The MLIB_Sub4 functions return the subtraction of three subtrahends from the minuend. The function does not saturate the output. See the following equation: Equation 54. Algorithm formula 2.57.1 Available versions This function is available in the following versions: • Fractional output - the output is the fractional portion of the result; the result is within the range <-1 ; 1). The result may overflow. • Floating-point output - the output is a floating-point number; the result is within the full range. The available versions of the MLIB_Sub4 function are shown in the following table. Table 2-57. Function versions Function name Input type Minuend Sub. 1 Sub. 2 Sub. 3 Result type Description MLIB_Sub4_F16 frac16_t frac16_t frac16_t frac16_t frac16_t Subtraction of three 16-bit fractional subtrahends from 16-bit fractional minuend. The output is within the range <-1 ; 1). MLIB_Sub4_F32 frac32_t frac32_t frac32_t frac32_t frac32_t Subtraction of three 32-bit fractional subtrahends from 32-bit fractional minuend. The output is within the range <-1 ; 1). MLIB_Sub4_FLT float_t float_t float_t float_t float_t Subtraction of three 32-bit single precision floating-point subtrahends from 32-bit single precision floating-point. The output is within the full range. MLIB User's Guide, Rev. 0, 10/2015 Freescale Semiconductor, Inc. 109 MLIB_Sub4Sat 2.57.2 Declaration The available MLIB_Sub4 functions have the following declarations: frac16_t MLIB_Sub4_F16(frac16_t f16Min, frac16_t f16Sub1, frac16_t f16Sub2, frac16_t f16Sub3) frac32_t MLIB_Sub4_F32(frac32_t f32Min, frac32_t f32Sub1, frac32_t f32Sub2, frac32_t f32Sub3) float_t MLIB_Sub4_FLT(float_t fltMin, float_t fltSub1, float_t fltSub2, float_t fltSub3) 2.57.3 Function use The use of the MLIB_Sub4 function is shown in the following example: #include "mlib.h" static frac16_t f16Result, f16Min, f16Sub1, f16Sub2, f16Sub3; void main(void) { f16Min = FRAC16(0.2); f16Sub1 = FRAC16(0.3); f16Sub2 = FRAC16(-0.5); f16Sub3 = FRAC16(0.2); /* /* /* /* f16Min = 0.2 */ f16Sub1 = 0.3 */ f16Sub2 = -0.5 */ f16Sub3 = 0.2 */ /* f16Result = sat(f16Min - f16Sub1 - f16Sub2 - f16Sub3) */ f16Result = MLIB_Sub4_F16(f16Min, f16Sub1, f16Sub2, f16Sub3); } 2.58 MLIB_Sub4Sat The MLIB_Sub4Sat functions return the subtraction of three subtrahends from the minuend. The function saturates the output. See the following equation: Equation 55. Algorithm formula 2.58.1 Available versions This function is available in the following versions: • Fractional output - the output is the fractional portion of the result; the result is within the range <-1 ; 1). The result may saturate. MLIB User's Guide, Rev. 0, 10/2015 110 Freescale Semiconductor, Inc. Chapter 2 Algorithms in detail The available versions of the MLIB_Sub4Sat function are shown in the following table. Table 2-58. Function versions Function name Input type Minuend Sub. 1 Sub. 2 Sub. 3 Result type Description MLIB_Sub4Sat_F16 frac16_t frac16_t frac16_t frac16_t frac16_t Subtraction of three 16-bit fractional subtrahends from 16-bit fractional minuend. The output is within the range <-1 ; 1). MLIB_Sub4Sat_F32 frac32_t frac32_t frac32_t frac32_t frac32_t Subtraction of three 32-bit fractional subtrahends from 32-bit fractional minuend. The output is within the range <-1 ; 1). 2.58.2 Declaration The available MLIB_Sub4Sat functions have the following declarations: frac16_t MLIB_Sub4Sat_F16(frac16_t f16Min, frac16_t f16Sub1, frac16_t f16Sub2, frac16_t f16Sub3) frac32_t MLIB_Sub4Sat_F32(frac32_t f32Min, frac32_t f32Sub1, frac32_t f32Sub2, frac32_t f32Sub3) 2.58.3 Function use The use of the MLIB_Sub4Sat function is shown in the following example: #include "mlib.h" static frac32_t f32Result, f32Min, f32Sub1, f32Sub2, f32Sub3; void main(void) { f32Min = FRAC32(0.2); f32Sub1 = FRAC32(0.8); f32Sub2 = FRAC32(-0.1); f32Sub3 = FRAC32(0.7); } /* /* /* /* f32Min = 0.2 */ f32Sub1 = 0.8 */ f32Sub2 = -0.1 */ f32Sub3 = 0.7 */ /* f32Result = sat(f32Min - f32Sub1 - f32Sub2 - f32Sub3) */ f32Result = MLIB_Sub4Sat_F32(f32Min, f32Sub1, f32Sub2, f32Sub3); MLIB User's Guide, Rev. 0, 10/2015 Freescale Semiconductor, Inc. 111 MLIB_Sub4Sat MLIB User's Guide, Rev. 0, 10/2015 112 Freescale Semiconductor, Inc. Appendix A Library types A.1 bool_t The bool_t type is a logical 16-bit type. It is able to store the boolean variables with two states: TRUE (1) or FALSE (0). Its definition is as follows: typedef unsigned short bool_t; The following figure shows the way in which the data is stored by this type: Table A-1. Data storage 15 14 13 12 11 10 9 Value TRUE FALSE 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 Logi cal Unused 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 To store a logical value as bool_t, use the FALSE or TRUE macros. A.2 uint8_t The uint8_t type is an unsigned 8-bit integer type. It is able to store the variables within the range <0 ; 255>. Its definition is as follows: typedef unsigned char int8_t; The following figure shows the way in which the data is stored by this type: MLIB User's Guide, Rev. 0, 10/2015 Freescale Semiconductor, Inc. 113 uint16_t Table A-2. Data storage 7 6 5 4 Value 2 1 0 1 1 1 1 1 1 0 0 1 1 Integer 1 255 3 1 1 1 F 0 11 F 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 124 B 1 1 1 1 1 7 1 159 C 0 0 1 1 1 9 F A.3 uint16_t The uint16_t type is an unsigned 16-bit integer type. It is able to store the variables within the range <0 ; 65535>. Its definition is as follows: typedef unsigned short uint16_t; The following figure shows the way in which the data is stored by this type: Table A-3. Data storage 15 14 13 12 11 10 9 8 Value 65535 5 15518 40768 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0 1 1 1 1 1 1 0 0 0 1 0 1 1 0 0 0 Integer 1 1 0 0 1 1 1 1 0 0 0 0 F 0 1 0 1 0 0 0 0 F 1 1 1 1 1 0 1 0 1 0 5 0 1 1 1 9 1 F F 0 C 0 9 1 0 3 1 1 F 0 0 1 1 0 1 E 0 4 0 0 0 0 A.4 uint32_t MLIB User's Guide, Rev. 0, 10/2015 114 Freescale Semiconductor, Inc. Appendix A Library types The uint32_t type is an unsigned 32-bit integer type. It is able to store the variables within the range <0 ; 4294967295>. Its definition is as follows: typedef unsigned long uint32_t; The following figure shows the way in which the data is stored by this type: Table A-4. Data storage 31 24 23 16 15 Value 8 7 0 Integer 4294967295 F F F F F F F F 2147483648 8 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 55977296 0 3 5 6 2 5 5 0 3451051828 C D B 2 D F 3 4 A.5 int8_t The int8_t type is a signed 8-bit integer type. It is able to store the variables within the range <-128 ; 127>. Its definition is as follows: typedef char int8_t; The following figure shows the way in which the data is stored by this type: Table A-5. Data storage 7 Value 127 -128 60 -97 6 5 4 Sign 0 3 2 1 1 1 1 1 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 1 1 0 1 1 1 1 3 1 1 F 8 0 0 Integer 7 1 1 0 C 0 1 1 9 1 F MLIB User's Guide, Rev. 0, 10/2015 Freescale Semiconductor, Inc. 115 int16_t A.6 int16_t The int16_t type is a signed 16-bit integer type. It is able to store the variables within the range <-32768 ; 32767>. Its definition is as follows: typedef short int16_t; The following figure shows the way in which the data is stored by this type: Table A-6. Data storage 15 Value 32767 -32768 15518 -24768 14 13 12 11 10 9 8 Sign 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 0 0 1 0 0 0 Integer 0 1 1 1 1 1 7 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 1 F 0 0 0 0 0 1 1 1 3 1 1 F 8 0 1 0 1 1 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 C 9 F 0 0 1 1 1 9 1 1 0 1 F E 0 0 0 0 4 0 A.7 int32_t The int32_t type is a signed 32-bit integer type. It is able to store the variables within the range <-2147483648 ; 2147483647>. Its definition is as follows: typedef long int32_t; The following figure shows the way in which the data is stored by this type: Table A-7. Data storage 31 Value 24 23 16 15 S 8 7 0 Integer 2147483647 7 F F F F F F F -2147483648 8 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 55977296 0 3 5 6 2 5 5 0 -843915468 C D B 2 D F 3 4 MLIB User's Guide, Rev. 0, 10/2015 116 Freescale Semiconductor, Inc. Appendix A Library types A.8 frac8_t The frac8_t type is a signed 8-bit fractional type. It is able to store the variables within the range <-1 ; 1). Its definition is as follows: typedef char frac8_t; The following figure shows the way in which the data is stored by this type: Table A-8. Data storage 7 Value 0.99219 -1.0 0.46875 -0.75781 6 5 4 3 Sign 2 1 0 1 1 1 0 0 0 0 1 1 Fractional 0 1 1 1 1 7 1 0 F 0 0 0 0 8 0 0 0 1 1 1 1 3 1 0 C 0 1 1 1 9 F To store a real number as frac8_t, use the FRAC8 macro. A.9 frac16_t The frac16_t type is a signed 16-bit fractional type. It is able to store the variables within the range <-1 ; 1). Its definition is as follows: typedef short frac16_t; The following figure shows the way in which the data is stored by this type: Table A-9. Data storage 15 Value 0.99997 -1.0 14 13 12 11 10 9 8 Sign 0 6 5 4 3 2 1 0 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 0 0 Fractional 1 1 1 1 1 7 1 7 0 1 1 1 F 0 0 0 0 F 0 0 0 0 F 0 0 0 0 Table continues on the next page... MLIB User's Guide, Rev. 0, 10/2015 Freescale Semiconductor, Inc. 117 frac32_t Table A-9. Data storage (continued) 8 0.47357 -0.75586 0 0 0 1 1 1 1 3 1 0 0 0 0 1 0 C 0 1 1 1 9 0 0 1 1 1 9 1 1 0 1 F 1 0 0 0 E 0 0 0 0 4 0 To store a real number as frac16_t, use the FRAC16 macro. A.10 frac32_t The frac32_t type is a signed 32-bit fractional type. It is able to store the variables within the range <-1 ; 1). Its definition is as follows: typedef long frac32_t; The following figure shows the way in which the data is stored by this type: Table A-10. Data storage 31 Value 24 23 16 15 S 8 7 0 Fractional 0.9999999995 7 F F F F F F F -1.0 8 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0.02606645970 0 3 5 6 2 5 5 0 -0.3929787632 C D B 2 D F 3 4 To store a real number as frac32_t, use the FRAC32 macro. A.11 acc16_t The acc16_t type is a signed 16-bit fractional type. It is able to store the variables within the range <-256 ; 256). Its definition is as follows: typedef short acc16_t; The following figure shows the way in which the data is stored by this type: MLIB User's Guide, Rev. 0, 10/2015 118 Freescale Semiconductor, Inc. Appendix A Library types Table A-11. Data storage 15 Value 255.9921875 -256.0 1.0 -1.0 13.7890625 -89.71875 14 13 12 Sign 11 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 Integer 0 1 1 1 1 1 0 0 0 0 8 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 1 1 1 1 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 1 D 1 1 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 8 1 0 1 8 1 1 1 0 0 1 1 6 0 0 F 0 F 0 1 0 0 1 0 1 1 0 1 1 F 0 0 F 0 1 0 0 1 1 F 0 2 Fractional 1 7 3 0 1 0 0 1 E 1 1 0 0 3 5 1 0 0 1 2 4 To store a real number as acc16_t, use the ACC16 macro. A.12 acc32_t The acc32_t type is a signed 32-bit accumulator type. It is able to store the variables within the range <-65536 ; 65536). Its definition is as follows: typedef long acc32_t; The following figure shows the way in which the data is stored by this type: Table A-12. Data storage 31 Value 24 23 S 16 15 8 7 Integer 0 Fractional 65535.999969 7 F F F F F F F -65536.0 8 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1.0 0 0 0 0 8 0 0 0 -1.0 F F F F 8 0 0 0 23.789734 0 0 0 B E 5 1 6 -1171.306793 F D B 6 5 8 B C To store a real number as acc32_t, use the ACC32 macro. MLIB User's Guide, Rev. 0, 10/2015 Freescale Semiconductor, Inc. 119 float_t A.13 float_t The float_t type is a signed 32-bit single precision floating-point type, defined by IEEE 754. It is able to store the full precision (normalized) finite variables within the range <-3.40282 · 1038 ; 3.40282 · 1038) with the minimum resolution of 2-23. The smallest normalized number is ±1.17549 · 10-38. Nevertheless, the denormalized numbers (with reduced precision) reach yet lower values, from ±1.40130 · 10-45 to ±1.17549 · 10-38. The standard also defines the additional values: • • • • Negative zero Infinity Negative infinity Not a number The 32-bit type is composed of: • Sign (bit 31) • Exponent (bits 23 to 30) • Mantissa (bits 0 to 22) The conversion of the number is straighforward. The sign of the number is stored in bit 31. The binary exponent is decoded as an integer from bits 23 to 30 by subtracting 127. The mantissa (fraction) is stored in bits 0 to 22. An invisible leading bit (it is not actually stored) with value 1.0 is placed in front; therefore, bit 23 has a value of 0.5, bit 22 has a value 0.25, and so on. As a result, the mantissa has a value between 1.0 and 2. If the exponent reaches -127 (binary 00000000), the leading 1.0 is no longer used to enable the gradual underflow. The float_t type definition is as follows: typedef float float_t; The following figure shows the way in which the data is stored by this type: Table A-13. Data storage - normalized values 31 Value (2.0 - 2-23) · 2127 ≈ 3.40282 · 24 23 S 1038 16 15 8 7 Exponent 0 Mantissa 0 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 0 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 7 F 7 F F F F F -(2.0 - 2-23) · 2127 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 0 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 ≈ -3.40282 · 1038 F F 7 F F F F F Table continues on the next page... MLIB User's Guide, Rev. 0, 10/2015 120 Freescale Semiconductor, Inc. Appendix A Library types Table A-13. Data storage - normalized values (continued) 2-126 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 ≈ 1.17549 · 10-38 -2-126 ≈ -1.17549 · 0 0 8 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 10-38 1.0 8 0 8 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 3 -1.0 F 8 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 B π F 8 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 1 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 1 1 1 1 1 1 0 1 1 0 1 1 ≈ 3.1415927 -20810.086 4 0 4 9 0 F D B 1 1 0 0 0 1 1 0 1 0 1 0 0 0 1 0 1 0 0 1 0 1 0 0 0 0 1 0 1 1 0 0 C 6 A 2 9 4 2 C Table A-14. Data storage - denormalized values 31 Value 24 23 S 0.0 16 15 8 7 Exponent 0 Mantissa 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 -0.0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 8 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 (1.0 - 2-23) · 2-126 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 ≈ 1.17549 · 10-38 0 0 7 F F F F F -(1.0 - 2-23) · 2-126 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 ≈ -1.17549 · 10-38 2-1 · 2-126 ≈ 5.87747 · 10-39 -2-1 · 2-126 ≈ -5.87747 · 10-39 2-23 · 2-126 ≈ 1.40130 · 10-45 -2-23 · 2-126 ≈ -1.40130 · 10-45 8 0 7 F F F F F 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 4 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 8 0 4 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 8 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 MLIB User's Guide, Rev. 0, 10/2015 Freescale Semiconductor, Inc. 121 FALSE Table A-15. Data storage - special values 31 Value 24 23 S ∞ 0 Mantissa 0 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 F 8 0 0 0 0 0 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 F Not a number 8 7 Exponent 7 -∞ 16 15 F 8 0 * 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 7/F F 0 0 0 0 non zero 800001 to FFFFFF A.14 FALSE The FALSE macro serves to write a correct value standing for the logical FALSE value of the bool_t type. Its definition is as follows: #define FALSE ((bool_t)0) #include "mlib.h" static bool_t bVal; void main(void) { bVal = FALSE; } /* bVal = FALSE */ A.15 TRUE The TRUE macro serves to write a correct value standing for the logical TRUE value of the bool_t type. Its definition is as follows: #define TRUE ((bool_t)1) #include "mlib.h" static bool_t bVal; void main(void) { bVal = TRUE; } /* bVal = TRUE */ MLIB User's Guide, Rev. 0, 10/2015 122 Freescale Semiconductor, Inc. Appendix A Library types A.16 FRAC8 The FRAC8 macro serves to convert a real number to the frac8_t type. Its definition is as follows: #define FRAC8(x) ((frac8_t)((x) < 0.9921875 ? ((x) >= -1 ? (x)*0x80 : 0x80) : 0x7F)) The input is multiplied by 128 (=27). The output is limited to the range <0x80 ; 0x7F>, which corresponds to <-1.0 ; 1.0-2-7>. #include "mlib.h" static frac8_t f8Val; void main(void) { f8Val = FRAC8(0.187); } /* f8Val = 0.187 */ A.17 FRAC16 The FRAC16 macro serves to convert a real number to the frac16_t type. Its definition is as follows: #define FRAC16(x) ((frac16_t)((x) < 0.999969482421875 ? ((x) >= -1 ? (x)*0x8000 : 0x8000) : 0x7FFF)) The input is multiplied by 32768 (=215). The output is limited to the range <0x8000 ; 0x7FFF>, which corresponds to <-1.0 ; 1.0-2-15>. #include "mlib.h" static frac16_t f16Val; void main(void) { f16Val = FRAC16(0.736); } /* f16Val = 0.736 */ A.18 FRAC32 The FRAC32 macro serves to convert a real number to the frac32_t type. Its definition is as follows: MLIB User's Guide, Rev. 0, 10/2015 Freescale Semiconductor, Inc. 123 ACC16 #define FRAC32(x) ((frac32_t)((x) < 1 ? ((x) >= -1 ? (x)*0x80000000 : 0x80000000) : 0x7FFFFFFF)) The input is multiplied by 2147483648 (=231). The output is limited to the range <0x80000000 ; 0x7FFFFFFF>, which corresponds to <-1.0 ; 1.0-2-31>. #include "mlib.h" static frac32_t f32Val; void main(void) { f32Val = FRAC32(-0.1735667); } /* f32Val = -0.1735667 */ A.19 ACC16 The ACC16 macro serves to convert a real number to the acc16_t type. Its definition is as follows: #define ACC16(x) ((acc16_t)((x) < 255.9921875 ? ((x) >= -256 ? (x)*0x80 : 0x8000) : 0x7FFF)) The input is multiplied by 128 (=27). The output is limited to the range <0x8000 ; 0x7FFF> that corresponds to <-256.0 ; 255.9921875>. #include "mlib.h" static acc16_t a16Val; void main(void) { a16Val = ACC16(19.45627); } /* a16Val = 19.45627 */ A.20 ACC32 The ACC32 macro serves to convert a real number to the acc32_t type. Its definition is as follows: #define ACC32(x) ((acc32_t)((x) < 65535.999969482421875 ? ((x) >= -65536 ? (x)*0x8000 : 0x80000000) : 0x7FFFFFFF)) The input is multiplied by 32768 (=215). The output is limited to the range <0x80000000 ; 0x7FFFFFFF>, which corresponds to <-65536.0 ; 65536.0-2-15>. MLIB User's Guide, Rev. 0, 10/2015 124 Freescale Semiconductor, Inc. #include "mlib.h" static acc32_t a32Val; void main(void) { a32Val = ACC32(-13.654437); } /* a32Val = -13.654437 */ MLIB User's Guide, Rev. 0, 10/2015 Freescale Semiconductor, Inc. 125 MLIB User's Guide, Rev. 0, 10/2015 126 Freescale Semiconductor, Inc. How to Reach Us: Home Page: Web Support: Information in this document is provided solely to enable system and software implementers to use Freescale products. There are no express or implied copyright licenses granted hereunder to design or fabricate any integrated circuits based on the information in this document. Freescale reserves the right to make changes without further notice to any products herein. Freescale makes no warranty, representation, or guarantee regarding the suitability of its products for any particular purpose, nor does Freescale assume any liability arising out of the application or use of any product or circuit, and specifically disclaims any and all liability, including without limitation consequential or incidental damages. “Typical” parameters that may be provided in Freescale data sheets and/or specifications can and do vary in different applications, and actual performance may vary over time. All operating parameters, including “typicals,” must be validated for each customer application by customer's technical experts. Freescale does not convey any license under its patent rights nor the rights of others. Freescale sells products pursuant to standard terms and conditions of sale, which can be found at the following address: Freescale and the Freescale logo are trademarks of Freescale Semiconductor, Inc. ARM and Cortex are the registered trademarks of ARM Limited, in EU and/or elsewhere. ARM logo is the trademark of ARM Limited. All rights reserved. All other product or service names are the property of their respective owners. © 2015 Freescale Semiconductor, Inc. Document Number CM7FMLIBUG Revision 0, 10/2015