Features • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • World Tuner Application Due to Integrated VCO Dividers RF Input for Weather Band Applications AM Reception 100 kHz Up to 30 MHz AM Up/Down Conversion Depending on Reception Frequency VCO Slave Mode for Phase Diversity Applications FM Image Rejection Mixer Selectable High-side/Low-side Injection for FM Mode Selectable FM Mixer Output RF-AGC Wideband Threshold Programmable for AM and FM RF-AGC Inband Threshold Programmable Cascode Control Voltage for AM FET Pre-stage Integrated Pin-diode Drivers for AM and FM Three Selectable IF Amplifier Inputs Fractional PLL with Fast Lock Time Small Frequency Steps for AM Excellent SNR for DRM Applications Differential Reference Frequency Input for PLL Down to 9 kHz or Integrated XCO Driver Available Two Wire Interface (TWI) with Two Selectable Bus Addresses Digital Electronic Alignment of Up to Two External Filter Stages Flexible and Economic IF Filter Concept Control Inputs for IF Gain, Reception Frequency and Keyed AGC Integrated State-machine for Optional Control of Alternative Frequency Check Only One Power Supply Voltage Necessary 1. Description The ATR4262M1 is a single-chip AM/FM and weather band tuner dedicated for digital IF solutions in car-radio applications. ATR4262M1 is produced using Atmel ® ’s advanced BICMOS2S technology and fulfills the automotive requirements. This part is suitable for HD Radio™ reception as well as for DRM solutions. The high flexibility allows to design high performance and cost optimized tuner solutions. Broadcast Radio Front-end IC for AM/FM/DRM/HD Radio ATR4262M1 Summary Preliminary NOTE: This is a summary document. The complete document is available under NDA. For more information, please contact your local Atmel sales office. 4994BS–AUDR–05/08 2. Pin Configuration Pinning QFN48 AMOUT1 AMOUT2 AMAGCTC1 FMOUT1 FMOUT2 VST IFIN1 IFREF IFIN2 VRT IFIN3 AMAGCT2 Figure 2-1. 48 47 46 45 44 43 42 41 40 39 38 37 36 1 35 2 34 3 33 4 32 5 31 6 ATR4262M1 30 7 29 8 28 9 27 10 26 11 25 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 SW3 IFOUT1 IFOUT2 VSPLL REF1 REF2 VRPLL AMLF FMLF VTUNE GNDPLL VCOBUF FMAGCTC KAGC IFGCL IFGCM ENABLE SDA SCL AFCC VRVCO VCOB VCOE GNDVCO AMIN1 AMIN2 AMCVC AMPIND SW1 FMPIND FMIN1 FMIN12 FMIN2 DAC1 DAC2 SW2 Table 2-1. 2 Pin Description Pin Symbol Function 1 AMIN1 AM mixer input 2 AMIN2 AM mixer input 3 AMCVC AM cascode voltage output 4 AMPIND AM pin diode output 5 SW1 6 FMPIND 7 FMIN1 8 FMIN12 FM mixer input 12 9 FMIN2 FM mixer input 2 10 DAC1 DAC tuning voltage output 1 11 DAC2 DAC tuning voltage output 2 SW1 switching output FM pin diode output FM mixer input 1 12 SW2 13 FMAGCTC SW2 switching output/external tuning voltage input 14 KAGC Keyed AGC input/SW7/lock detect/AFSAMPLE 15 IFGCL IF gain control LSB/SW4 RF AGC FM time constant 16 IFGCM 17 ENABLE IF gain control MSB/SW5 18 SDA Two-wire control bus SDA 19 SCL Two-wire control bus SCL Control bus ENABLE/address select ATR4262M1 [Preliminary] 4994BS–AUDR–05/08 ATR4262M1 [Preliminary] Table 2-1. Pin Description Pin Symbol Function 20 AFCC 21 VRVCO 22 VCOB VCO resonator (base) 23 VCOE VCO resonator (emitter) 24 GNDVCO 25 VCOBUF VCO buffer output/input 26 GNDPLL PLL ground 27 VTUNE 28 FMLF PLL loopfilter FM 29 AMLF PLL loopfilter AM 30 VRPLL Reference voltage digital 31 REF2 RefClockInput2/crystal oscillator 32 REF1 RefClockInput1/crystal oscillator AFC control input/SW6 switching output/lock detect/AFHOLD Reference voltage VCO VCO ground Tuning voltage output 33 VSPLL Supply voltage digital input 34 IFOUT2 IF output 2 35 IFOUT1 IF output 1 36 SW3 37 AMAGCTC2 38 IFIN3 IF amplifier input 39 VRT Reference voltage tuner 40 IFIN2 IF amplifier input 41 IFREF IF reference voltage 42 IFIN1 IF amplifier input 43 VST Supply voltage tuner 44 FMOUT2 FM mixer output 45 FMOUT1 FM mixer output 46 AMAGCTC1 47 AMOUT2 AM mixer output/FM Mixer Output 4 48 AMOUT1 AM mixer output/FM Mixer Output 3 Die pad GNDT_PAD SW3 switching output/lock detect/AFSAMPLE RF AGC AM time constant 2 RF AGC AM time constant 1 Tuner RF and IF Ground 3 4994BS–AUDR–05/08 3. Absolute Maximum Ratings Stresses beyond those listed under “Absolute Maximum Ratings” may cause permanent damage to the device. This is a stress rating only and functional operation of the device at these or any other conditions beyond those indicated in the operational sections of this specification is not implied. Exposure to absolute maximum rating conditions for extended periods may affect device reliability. Parameters Voltage Pin Group Min. Max. Unit Digital –0.5 +5.5 V Supply –0.5 +12 V Voltage references –0.5 +6.4 V SW1, SW3 –0.5 +12 V SW2 –0.5 VS + 0.5 V SW4, SW5, SW6, SW7 –0.5 + 5.5 V Mixer outputs –0.5 +16 V Analog –0.5 VS + 0.5 V Switches 0 2.7 mA Tamb –40 +100 °C Storage temperature Tstg –40 +100 °C Junction temperature Tj +150 °C Ptot 1.4 W Current Ambient temperature Power dissipation ESD HBM All pins –2 +2 kV ESD MM All pins –200 +200 V Parameters Test Condition Symbol Value Unit Thermal resistance junction-ambient Soldered to PCB RthJA 30 K/W 4. Thermal Resistance 5. Operating Range Parameters Symbol Value Unit Supply voltage VS 8 to 10 V Supply voltage for operation of control bus (data preservation in bus registers is guaranteed) VS 7 to 10 V Tamb –40 to +90 °C Ambient temperature 4 ATR4262M1 [Preliminary] 4994BS–AUDR–05/08 ATR4262M1 [Preliminary] 6. Functional Description The ATR4262M1 front end is designed for world-tuner applications. Due to its flexible divider arrangement, the tuner can be used for reception from 100 kHz to 163 MHz. The field of use covers all the common radio broadcast services from AM-LW to AM-SW (up to 30 MHz) and from FM-OIRT to US weatherband. The tuner application can be easily adapted to the requirements of DRM and HD-radio (IBOC). • FM section The ATR4262M1 contains a high performance FM image rejection mixer, which helps to reduce the demands and the cost of the front end application. The FM mixer output can be switched to an alternative pair of pins to allow different IF filter concepts for FM mode. Two selectable inputs can be used for independent FM front end sections. • AM section The AM section contains a dedicated AM prescaler for the LO signal. Very small tuning steps are possible using this divider, while at the same time a high PLL comparison frequency guarantees excellent phasenoise behavior. • RF-AGC Both AM and FM signal paths have their own RFAGCs with a wideband and a inband detector with individual thresholds. The thresholds for AM and FM can be programmed in 2 dB steps. An optional keyed AGC function reduces the wideband AGC threshold up to 6 dB in order to avoid desensitization of the tuner. Pin diode drivers for AM and FM are integrated to reduce cost for external components. In addition to the pin diode control, a cascode control voltage for the external LNA is provided by the AM-AGC block. • IF stage The IF amplifier has three selectable inputs, which can be matched to any common IF filter impedance by external components. With these inputs, the tuner application can be easily adapted to different broadcast standards, while conventional standards are still possible. Gain can be set via pins or by setting bits, which makes the ATR4262M1 very versatile and easy to adapt to different baseband architectures. • Fractional PLL The ATR4262M1 contains a complete fractional PLL, which guarantees fast lock time, low phase noise and small tuning steps. A reference clock frequency from 9 kHz up to 21 MHz provided by, for example, baseband can be used. Alternatively the integrated XCO with standard crystals from 10 MHz to 21 MHz can be used as the reference for the PLL. • Double tuner concept Like phase diversity or background tuning, double-tuner applications are also possible. For phase diversity applications, the tuner can also operate in slave mode with a master tuner providing the VCO frequency for both tuners. • Digital electronic alignment Two independent gain and offset programmable DACs are available to tune the FM front end section. The PLL’s tuning voltage is used as input for the DACs to ensure proper tracking to the reception frequency. In slave mode, the tuning voltage of a master tuner must be applied to a dedicated input pin. 5 4994BS–AUDR–05/08 • Alternative frequency check An optional state machine can control the alternative frequency check sequence for some common basebands. This feature reduces the CPU load of the main controller because the statemachine outputs the signals with the correct timing for quality check and muting of the baseband. • Switching outputs Up to seven general-purposes open-drain switches are available to simplify the customer application. • Two-wire control interface The ATR4262 can be programmed via a fast-mode TWI bus interface. Two different IC addresses can be selected to allow two tuners at the same bus segment. Various programming bits allow unique flexibility of operation modes. A tuner status byte provides information about the receiving conditions and the PLL status. • Package and power supply The ATR4262 comes in a small outline QFN48 package to allow small and cost-effective tuner applications. A single 8V to 10V supply voltage is sufficient to operate the ATR4262 and to reduce the complexity of the customer application. 6 ATR4262M1 [Preliminary] 4994BS–AUDR–05/08 ATR4262M1 [Preliminary] 7. VCO and AM Prescaler Settings Table 7-1 gives an example of the VCO divider and AM Prescaler settings and the reception frequencies. Table 7-1. Typical VCO Divider, AM Prescaler Settings, and Reception Frequencies Band VCOdivider (DFM) N-div. Prescaler (DPLL) IF [MHz] Min. Reception Frequency [MHz] Max. Reception Frequency [MHz] Min. VCO Frequency Max. VCO Frequency AMPrescaler (DAM) FM 2 2 +10.7 87.5 108 196.4 237.4 - JPN 3 3 –10.7 76 90 195.9 237.9 - WB 1 2 +10.7 162.4 162.55 173.1 173.25 - OIRT 3 3 +10.7 65.8 74 229.5 254.1 - OIRT 3 3 –10.7 65.8 74 165.3 189.9 - LW/MW - 2 +10.7 0.15 1.605 217 246.1 10 LW/MW - 2 +10.7 0.15 1.605 195.3 221.49 9 120m - 2 +10.7 2.3 2.5 208 211.2 8 49m - 2 +10.7 5.95 6.2 199.8 202.8 6 41m - 2 +10.7 7.1 7.35 213.6 216.6 6 31m - 2 +10.7 9.5 9.9 202 206 5 - 2 +10.7 21.45 21.85 192.9 195.3 3 ... ... 15m A small VCO frequency range of e.g., 195.3 MHz to 237.9 MHz allows reception of the most important bands like FM, JPN, LW, MW, 49m, 41m, and 31m. 8. Power Supply There is only one power supply voltage (8V to 10V) necessary for operation of the ATR4262M1. 7 4994BS–AUDR–05/08 9. IF Filter Stage Concept There are several different IF filter concepts possible depending on the broadcast standard and the targeted quality range of the tuner. For that purpose a programmable switch for the FM mixer output as well as three programmable inputs for the IF amplifier is available. Table 9-1. IF Filter Stage Configuration Number of Mixer Output Tanks Number of IF Filters Mixer tank Ceramic filter (BW 180 kHz) 1 1 Mixer tank Ceramic filter (BW 180 kHz) Mixer tank Ceramic filter (20 kHz) 2 2 AM crystal filter Not used or connected to AMFMOUT Mixer tank Ceramic filter (BW 180 kHz) Crystal filter (BW 7 kHz) 1 2 AM crystal filter, separate tank Mixer tank Ceramic filter (BW 180 kHz) Mixer tank Crystal filter (BW 7 kHz) 2 2 HD Radio Mixer tank Ceramic filter (BW 400 kHz) Mixer tank Ceramic filter (BW 180 kHz) 2 2 HD Radio low cost Not used or connected to AMFMOUT Mixer tank Ceramic filter (BW 400 kHz) 1 1 HD Radio with AM filter Mixer tank Ceramic filter (BW 400 kHz) Mixer tank Ceramic filter (BW 180 kHz) Ceramic filter (BW 30 kHz) 2 3 Configuration FMOUT AMFMOUT AM low cost Not used or connected to AMFMOUT AM ceramic filter (compatible to DRM) Figure 9-1. Example of Simple IF Filter Stage Concept KF2 RS2 180 +VS RF12 x + y = 300Ω x RKF2out 330 KF1 RS1 1k8 RF1out F2 y RKF1out 1k8 C Rin(IF2) 8 IFREF CIF1in IFINAM MXFMOUT CIF2in IFINFM CF2in Rin(IF1) ATR4262M1 [Preliminary] 4994BS–AUDR–05/08 ATR4262M1 [Preliminary] 10. Double Tuner Application Figure 10-1. Double Tuner Operation IFOUT1 REF CLK1 IFOUT2 REF CLK2 IFOUT1 270 pF* IFOUT2 270 pF* 1 µH* 1 µH* 10 nF* 10 nF* 35 34 IFOUT1 IFOUT2 REF1 32 32 REF2 31 31 IFOUT1 IFOUT2 REF1 ATR4262M1 REF2 VCOBUF 25 25 VCOBUF 27 or 10,11 12 SW2 SDA 18 18 SDA SCL 19 19 SCL 35 ATR4262M1 34 100 pF VTUNE or DAC Master ENABLE Slave ENABLE 17 17 5V (high) 10 nF ENABLE1 10.1 SDA SCL ENABLE2 *) optional Two-Wire Interface-Bus Address Modes To allow programming of both ICs (e.g., double tuner), SCL and SDA can be connected to both ICs. There are two different modes for ENABLE. For example, the ENABLE pin of the master IC is not connected (open mode). Only a capacitor to ground is required to avoid oscillations of the ENABLE pin. To program the master IC for open mode, the address byte C2h must be used. The ENABLE pin of the other IC (slave) has to be set to high. The applied voltage for high mode should be in the range of 2.5V to 5.3V. Address byte C0h is used as the slave in this case. Another possibility is the use of separate ENABLE lines which can be controlled by a microcontroller. 9 4994BS–AUDR–05/08 11. Ordering Information Extended Type Number Package Remarks ATR4262M1-PLQW QFN48 - 7 × 7 Taped and reeled 12. Package Information Package: QFN 48 - 7 x 7 Exposed pad 4.5 x 4.5 (acc. JEDEC OUTLINE No. MO-220) Dimensions in mm 7 Not indicated tolerances ± 0.05 1 max. 5.5 +0 0.05-0.05 4.5 37 48 1 48 1 36 technical drawings according to DIN specifications 0.4±0.1 25 0.23 12 12 24 13 0.5 nom. Drawing-No.: 6.543-5089.01-4 Issue: 2; 24.01.03 10 ATR4262M1 [Preliminary] 4994BS–AUDR–05/08 ATR4262M1 [Preliminary] 13. Revision History Please note that the following page numbers referred to in this section refer to the specific revision mentioned, not to this document. Revision No. History 4994BS-AUDR-03/08 • all pages: Part Number changed in ATR4262M1 • all pages: IBOC changed in HD Radio • Page 1: Features changed • Page 4: Table Absolute Maximum Ratings changed • Page 5: narrowband replaced by inband • Page 7: Last row changed • Page 9: Heading 22.1 changed • Page 10: Ordering Information changed 11 4994BS–AUDR–05/08 Headquarters International Atmel Corporation 2325 Orchard Parkway San Jose, CA 95131 USA Tel: 1(408) 441-0311 Fax: 1(408) 487-2600 Atmel Asia Room 1219 Chinachem Golden Plaza 77 Mody Road Tsimshatsui East Kowloon Hong Kong Tel: (852) 2721-9778 Fax: (852) 2722-1369 Atmel Europe Le Krebs 8, Rue Jean-Pierre Timbaud BP 309 78054 Saint-Quentin-en-Yvelines Cedex France Tel: (33) 1-30-60-70-00 Fax: (33) 1-30-60-71-11 Atmel Japan 9F, Tonetsu Shinkawa Bldg. 1-24-8 Shinkawa Chuo-ku, Tokyo 104-0033 Japan Tel: (81) 3-3523-3551 Fax: (81) 3-3523-7581 Technical Support broadcast@atmel.com Sales Contact www.atmel.com/contacts Product Contact Web Site www.atmel.com Literature Requests www.atmel.com/literature Disclaimer: The information in this document is provided in connection with Atmel products. No license, express or implied, by estoppel or otherwise, to any intellectual property right is granted by this document or in connection with the sale of Atmel products. EXCEPT AS SET FORTH IN ATMEL’S TERMS AND CONDITIONS OF SALE LOCATED ON ATMEL’S WEB SITE, ATMEL ASSUMES NO LIABILITY WHATSOEVER AND DISCLAIMS ANY EXPRESS, IMPLIED OR STATUTORY WARRANTY RELATING TO ITS PRODUCTS INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, THE IMPLIED WARRANTY OF MERCHANTABILITY, FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE, OR NON-INFRINGEMENT. IN NO EVENT SHALL ATMEL BE LIABLE FOR ANY DIRECT, INDIRECT, CONSEQUENTIAL, PUNITIVE, SPECIAL OR INCIDENTAL DAMAGES (INCLUDING, WITHOUT LIMITATION, DAMAGES FOR LOSS OF PROFITS, BUSINESS INTERRUPTION, OR LOSS OF INFORMATION) ARISING OUT OF THE USE OR INABILITY TO USE THIS DOCUMENT, EVEN IF ATMEL HAS BEEN ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGES. Atmel makes no representations or warranties with respect to the accuracy or completeness of the contents of this document and reserves the right to make changes to specifications and product descriptions at any time without notice. Atmel does not make any commitment to update the information contained herein. Unless specifically provided otherwise, Atmel products are not suitable for, and shall not be used in, automotive applications. Atmel’s products are not intended, authorized, or warranted for use as components in applications intended to support or sustain life. © 2008 Atmel Corporation. All rights reserved. Atmel ®, logo and combinations thereof, and others are registered trademarks or trademarks of Atmel Corporation or its subsidiaries. Other terms and product names may be trademarks of others. 4994BS–AUDR–05/08