CISSOID The SOI design Specialists CHT-LDOS Preliminary datasheet Version 1.0 (05/2006) High-Temperature, 2.5V; 3.3V; 5V; 5.5V; 9V; 10V; 12V; 13V or 15V, 1A, Low-Dropout SOI-CMOS Voltage Regulator for symmetrical voltage applications. General Description Features The CHT-LDOS is a 1A, low-dropout linear voltage regulator compatible with hightemperature environments. Typical operation temperature range extends from -30°C to 225°C. • 1V to 20V dropout Voltage @400mA • 2V to 20V dropout Voltage @1A • Max 1A output current @ 225°C • 60dB input ripple rejection (0-100Hz) • Cload from 100nF to 1000µF, large The circuit is stable throughout the whole temperature range and under a large choice of capacitive loads. The minimum dropout voltage (Vin-Vout) is 2V with a 1A load current at 225°C and 1V for load currents lower than 400mA. The dropout voltage can span from 1 Volts to (1) 20 Volts . (1) ESR range • Available on die or in custom package on demand. (3-pins compatible) • Stand-by mode available. (4-pins) • Tungsten interconnects for long-term The circuit is a one-die solution. reliability CHT-LDOS is available in die and packages (currently TO-3 and TO-254) on demand. Related documents: • AN-06016: “Selecting correct CISSOID regulator depending on your application” • AN-06002: “Voltage regulator shortcircuit protection and associated potential startup problem”. Applications Power supplies for high-temperature electronic systems used in Well logging, Automotive, Aeronautics or Aerospace applications. Typical application (1) VNOM+2V Cin • The start-up is operative over the whole temperature range • Latch-up free Available voltages: • • • • • • • • • CHT-LDOS-025: CHT-LDOS-033: CHT-LDOS-050: CHT-LDOS-055 : CHT-LDOS-090 : CHT-LDOS-100 : CHT-LDOS-120: CHT-LDOS-130: CHT-LDOS-150: Vin Vout CHT-LDO CHT-LDOS GND 2.5V 3.3V 5.0V 5.5V 9.0V 10.0V 12.0V 13.0V 15.0V VNOM Cout CHT-LDOS - Preliminary datasheet Absolute Maximum Ratings Supply Voltage Vin (2) Junction Temperature (Tj) (3) Power dissipation Operating Conditions -0.3V…40V 315°C ESD Rating (expected) Human Body Model (1) Supply Voltage Junction temperature (3) Power Dissipation 1V to 20V dropout -30°C to 225°C >1kV Electrical Characteristics Following table is relative to the 5V mode (CHT-LDOS-050). For other nominal voltage, see notes under this table. Vin = Vout + 2V Parameter Output voltage accuracy Output voltage T° drift Output voltage line regulation Condition IL=10mA -30°C <Tj <225°C IL=10mA 25°C <Tj <225°C dropout=2V to 15V IL=60mA, -30°C <Tj <225°C Output voltage load regulation (i.e. Rout) IL=10mA to 1A @2V dropout -30°C <Tj <225°C (Vin-Vout) (droupout) Quiescent Ground Pin current IL≤400mA, -30°C <Tj <225°C IL=1A, -30°C <Tj <225°C 0 < IL <1A -30°C 225°C f=0Hz ..100Hz Iload=100mA Power supply rejection ratio Foldback current Short-circuit current Output noise 20°C <Tj <225°C 10Hz-10kHz IL=100mA, -30°C <225°C Units note 80 ppm (4) 1 mV/V (5) 0.1 V/A (6) V V mA (7) dB (8) Min Typ Max 0 40 -2 0 -1 0.04 2 1 2 tbd <Tj 3.2 2.9 2.5 300 tbd % A mA µVRMS Notes: (1) Vin max=30V (2) Above 225°C (Tj), a minimum load current of few mA could be required. (3) Max Power dissipation depends on packaging. CHT-LDOS in TO-3 or TO-254 packages presents a “junction-tocase” thermal resistance of maximum 5°C/W (Rth). (4) ppm are defined as [d(Vout)/d(T)]/Vout. For 5V mode, 40ppm corresponds to 200µV/°C. (5) Defining “x” as the nominal voltage, the line regulation is better than x/5 mV/V. (6) This includes the packaging parasitic resistor. (7) Defining “x” as the nominal voltage, the typical quiescent current at 2V dropout can be approximated as 2.8+x/13 mA @ -30°C and 2.5+x/13 mA at 225°C. (8) Defining “x” as the nominal voltage, the minimum power supply rejection ratio is …(tbd)…. Version 1.0 (17/05/2006) 2 CHT-LDOS - Preliminary datasheet Output Load, recommended specifications CHT-LDOS Resistances in series with capacitors represent the internal ESR of these capacitors. For large capacitors: CB= 0 to 1000µF RB= 0.2 to ∞ Ω For medium capacitors: CM= 0 to 6µF RM=0.1 to 1 Ω For small Capacitors: CS= 100n to 220nF RS=10m to 50m Ω Start-up conditions The start-up is operative over the whole temperature range. Refer to our application note for more details when using symmetrical voltages. • AN-06016: “Selecting correct CISSOID regulator depending on your application” • AN-06002: “Voltage regulator short-circuit protection and associated potential startup problem”. Version 1.0 (17/05/2006) 3 CHT-LDOS - Preliminary datasheet Measurements (CHT-LDOS-150) Note: Temperatures hereafter are ambient temperatures, not junction temperatures. 16 14 VOUT (V) 25° 40° C 100° C 150° C 200° C C 225° C 12 10 15.2 VOUT (V) 225° C 15.1 200° C 150° C 100° C 15 8 6 4 25° C 14.9 2 0 0 225° C 40°C ILoad (A) 0.5 1 1.5 2 2.5 Figure 1: Vout vs. ILoad @ 2V dropout 0.4 0.35 40°C ILoad (A) 14.8 0 0.5 1 1.5 2 2.5 Figure 2: Zoom on figure 1 15.15 ISC (A) VOUT (V) 15.1 0.3 0.25 15.05 0.2 15 0.15 0.1 14.95 0.05 T(°C) 0 -50 0 50 100 150 200 250 Figure 3: Typical short-circuit current vs. T° 15.2 T(°C) 14.9 -50 50 150 250 Figure 4: Vout vs. T° (2V dropout, 3 samples) VOUT (V) 225° 200° C C 150° 100° C C 25° C 15.1 15 40°C 14.9 VIN (V) 14.8 15 17 19 21 23 25 27 29 Figure 5: Vout vs. Vin over T° 0 .0 0 45 Tbd Should be very similar to CHT-LDO datasheet Figure 6: Input ripple rejection Iquiescent (A) 0 .0 0 43 40°C 0 .0 0 41 25° C 0 .0 0 39 0 .0 0 37 100° C Tbd Should be very similar to CHT-LDO datasheet 200° 225° C C VIN(V) 0 .0 0 35 16 18 20 22 24 Figure 7: IQuiescent vs. Vin over T° Version 1.0 (17/05/2006) 26 28 30 Figure 8: SVout(V²/Hz) @25°C, ILoad=100mA 4 Tbd Should be very similar to CHT-LDO datasheet Figure 9: Typical max load current over T° vs. dropout AC rejection, noise and maximum load current vs. dropout measurements have not been performed yet on CHT-LDOS family. However, based on simulation results, measurements result should be very similar to those presented in our CHT-LDO family datasheet. Available packaging and pinout. TO-3: (Bottom View) TO-254: Not Connected. TO-254 GND CASE CISSOID CHT-LDO-XXX VIN VOUT 15 0. Vin in Vout gnd Bottom View Contact & Ordering CISSOID S.A. Chemin du Cyclotron 6 1348 Louvain-la-Neuve Belgium Tel : +3210489210 Fax : +3210489219 Product Reference : CHT-LDOS-XXX-YYYY XXX= Output voltage. Example : 3.3V=033 ; 5V =050 ; 15V=150 YYYY=Package. TO3 or TO254 or DIE Ex: CHT-LDOS-050-TO3 = 5V voltage regulator with TO3 package Disclaimer Neither CISSOID, nor any of its directors, employees or affiliates make any representations or extend any warranties of any kind, either express or implied, including but not limited to warranties of merchantability, fitness for a particular purpose, and the absence of latent or other defects, whether or not discoverable. In no event shall CISSOID, its directors, employees and affiliates be liable for direct, indirect, special, incidental or consequential damages of any kind arising out of the use of its circuits and their documentation, even if they have been advised of the possibility of such a damage. The circuits are provided “as is”. CISSOID has no obligation to provide maintenance, support, updates, or modifications.