Keysight Technologies E4991B Impedance Analyzer 1 MHz to 500 MHz/1 GHz/3 GHz Data Sheet 02 | Keysight | E4991B Impedance Analyzer - Data Sheet Definitions Specification (spec.) Warranted performance. All specifications apply at 23 °C ± 5 °C unless otherwise stated, and 30 minutes after the instrument has been turned on. Speciications include guard bands to account for the expected statistical performance distribution, measurement uncertainties, and changes in performance due to environmental conditions. Typical (typ.) Expected performance of an average unit which does not include guardbands. It is not covered by the product warranty. Nominal (nom.) A general, descriptive term that does not imply a level of performance. It is not covered by the product warranty. Measurement Parameters and Range Measurement parameters Impedance parameters: |Z|, |Y|, Ls, Lp, Cs, Cp, Rs (R), Rp, X, G, B, D, Q, qz, Gy, |G|, Gx, y, qr, Vac, Iac, Vdc, Idc (Option E4991B-001 only) Material parameters (Option E4991B-002): (see “Option E4991B-002 material measurement (typical)” on page 19) Permittivity parameters: | r |, r’, r”, tan Permeability parameters: | r |, r’, r”, tan Measurement range Measurement range (|Z|): 120 mΩ to 52 kΩ. (Frequency = 1 MHz, Point averaging factor ≥ 8, Oscillator level = –3 dBm; or = –13 dBm, Measurement accuracy ≤ ± 10%, Calibration is performed within 23 °C ± 5 °C, Measurement is performed within ± 5 °C of calibration temperature) Source Characteristics Frequency Range: 1 MHz to 3 GHz (Option 300) 1 MHz to 1 GHz (Option 100) 1 MHz to 500 MHz (Option 050) Resolution: 1 mHz Accuracy: without Option E4991B-1E5: ± 10 ppm (23 °C ± 5 °C) ± 20 ppm (5 °C to 40 °C) with Option E4991B-1E5: ± 1 ppm (5 °C to 40 °C) 03 | Keysight | E4991B Impedance Analyzer - Data Sheet Stability: with Option E4991B-1E5: ± 0.5 ppm/year (5 °C to 40 °C) (typical) Oscillator level Range: Power (when 50 Ω load is connected to test port): –40 dBm to 1 dBm Current (when short is connected to test port): 0.0894 mArms to 10 mArms Voltage (when open is connected to test port): 4.47 mVrms to 502 mVrms Resolution: 0.1 dB1 Accuracy: (Power, when 50 Ω load is connected to test port) Frequency ≤ 1 GHz: ± 2 dB (23 °C ± 5 °C) ± 4 dB (5 °C to 40 °C) Frequency > 1 GHz: ± 3 dB (23 °C ± 5 °C) ± 5 dB (5 °C to 40 °C) with Option 010: Frequency ≤ 1 GHz Minimum: –3 dB, Maximum: +2 dB (23°C ± 5°C) Minimum: –5 dB, Maximum: +4 dB (5 °C to 40 °C) Frequency > 1 GHz Minimum: –4 dB, Maximum: +3 dB (23°C ± 5°C) Minimum: –6 dB, Maximum: +5 dB (5 °C to 40 °C) Output impedance Output impedance: 50 Ω (nominal) DC Bias (Option E4991B-001) DC voltage bias Range: 0 to ± 40 V Resolution: 1 mV Output impedance (series): 15Ω (typical) Accuracy: ± {0.05% + 5 mV + (|Idc[mA]| x 20 Ω)} (23 °C ± 5 °C) ± {0.2% + 10 mV + (|Idc[mA]| x 40 Ω)} (5 °C to 40 °C) Current limit range: 1mA to 100mA (both source and sink are limited to same current.) Current limit resolution: 2 µA Current limit accuracy: ± 4% (5 °C to 40 °C, typical) 1. When the unit is set at mV or mA, the entered value is rounded to 0.1 dB resolution. 04 | Keysight | E4991B Impedance Analyzer - Data Sheet DC current bias Range: 0 to 100 mA Resolution: 2 µA Output impedance (shunt): 20 kΩ minimum (typical) Accuracy: ± {0.2% + 20 µA + (|Vdc[V]|/10 kΩ)} (23 °C ± 5 °C) ± {0.4% + 40 µA + (|Vdc[V]|/5 kΩ)} (5 °C to 40 °C) Voltage limit range: 0.3 V to 40 V (both positive and negative sides are limited to same voltage.) Voltage limit resolution: 1 mV Voltage limit accuracy: ± (2% + 20 mV + |Idc| x 20 Ω) (5 °C to 40 °C, typical) DC bias monitor Monitor parameters: Voltage and current Voltage monitor accuracy: ± {0.2% + 10 mV + (|Idc[mA]| x 2 Ω)} (23 °C ± 5 °C, typical) ± {0.8% + 24 mV + (|Idc[mA]| x 4 Ω)} (5 °C to 40 °C, typical) Current monitor accuracy: ± {0.2% + 25 µA + (|Vdc[V]|/40 k Ω)} (23 °C ± 5 °C, typical) ± {0.8% + 60 µA + (|Vdc[V]|/20 k Ω)} (5 °C to 40 °C, typical) Sweep Characteristics Sweep conditions: Linear frequency, log frequency, OSC level (voltage, current, power), DC bias (voltage, current), log DC bias (voltage, current), segment Sweep range setup: Start/stop or center/span Sweep mode: Continuous, single Sweep directions: up sweep, down sweep Number of measurement points: 2 to 1601 Delay time: Types: point delay, sweep delay, segment delay Range: 0 to 30 sec Resolution: 1 msec 05 | Keysight | E4991B Impedance Analyzer - Data Sheet Segment sweep Available setup parameters for each segment: Sweep frequency range, number of measurement points, point averaging factor, oscillator level (power, voltage, or current), DC bias (voltage or current), segment time, segment delay. Number of segments: 1 to 201 Sweep span types: Frequency base or order base Measurement Accuracy Conditions for defining accuracy Temperature: 23 °C ± 5 °C1 Accuracy-specified plane: 7-mm connector of test head Accuracy defined measurement points: Same points at which the calibration is done.2 Basic accuracy (Typical) 0.45% Accuracy when open/short/load calibration is performed |Z|, |Y|: ±(Ea + Eb) [%] (see Figures 1 through 4 for examples of calculated accuracy) q:: ± L, C, X, B: ± (Ea + Eb) x √(1 + D2x) [%] R, G: ± (Ea + Eb) x √(1 + Q2x) [%] Ea + Eb 100 <1 at Qx tan Ea + Eb 100 ± 1 especially at |Dx| ≤ 0.1 Q: ± 1. Dx tan 100 Ea + Eb 100 100 (1 + Q2x )tan <1 Ea + Eb Ea + Eb ± 1 especially at [rad] (1 + D2x )tan 10 ≥ |Qx| ≥ 10 Ea + Eb ± at Dx tan 100 ± D: (Ea + Eb) Qx tan ± Q2x Ea + Eb 100 Ea + Eb 100 Ea + Eb 100 If the calibration is performed in 5 °C to 18 °C or 28 °C to 40 °C, the accuracy is degraded to doubled value (typical). 2. If the calibration is performed in different frequency points or different DC bias points from the measurement, the accuracy is degraded to doubled value (typical). 06 | Keysight | E4991B Impedance Analyzer - Data Sheet Measurement Accuracy (continued) Accuracy when open/short/load/low-loss capacitor calibration is performed. Condition: Point average factor ≥ 32 –23 dBm ≤ oscillator level ≤ +1 dBm Calibration points are same as measurement points (User frequency mode) Measurement is performed within ± 1 °C from the calibration temperature |Z|, |Y|: ±(Ea + Eb) [%] q: ± L, C, X, B: ± √(Ea + Eb)2 + (Ec Dx)2 [%] R, G: ± √(Ea + Eb)2 + (Ec Qx )2 [%] Ec 100 (1 + D2x )tan <1 1 especially at |Dx| ≤ 0.1 Q: at Qx tan Ec 100 especially at ± ± Dx tan Ec 100 Ec (1 + Q2x )tan <1 Ec 100 100 ± 1 10 ≥ |Qx| ≥ 10 Ec ± at Dx tan [rad] ± D: Ec 100 Qx tan ±Q2x Ec 100 Ec 100 Ec 100 Definition of each parameter Dx = Measurement value of D Qx = Measurement value of Q Ea = (Within ± 5 °C from the calibration temperature. Measurement accuracy applies when the calibration is performed at 23 °C ± 5 °C. When the calibration is performed beyond 23 °C ± 5 °C, measurement error doubles.) at –23 dBm ≤ oscillator level ≤ 1 dBm: 0.60 [%] (1 MHz ≤ Frequency ≤ 100 MHz) 0.70 [%] (100 MHz < Frequency ≤ 500 MHz) 1.00 [%] (500 MHz < Frequency ≤ 1 GHz) 2.00 [%] (1 GHz < Frequency ≤ 1.8 GHz) 4.00 [%] (1.8 GHz < Frequency ≤ 3 GHz) at –33 dBm ≤ oscillator level < –23 dBm: 0.65 [%] (1 MHz ≤ Frequency ≤ 100 MHz) 0.75 [%] (100 MHz < Frequency ≤ 500 MHz) 1.05 [%] (500 MHz < Frequency ≤ 1 GHz) 2.05 [%] (1 GHz < Frequency ≤ 1.8 GHz) 4.05 [%] (1.8 GHz < Frequency ≤ 3 GHz) 07 | Keysight | E4991B Impedance Analyzer - Data Sheet Measurement Accuracy (continued) at –40 dBm ≤ oscillator level < –33 dBm: 0.80 [%] (1 MHz ≤ Frequency ≤ 100 MHz) 0.90 [%] (100 MHz < Frequency ≤ 500 MHz) 1.20 [%] (500 MHz < Frequency ≤ 1 GHz) 2.20 [%] (1 GHz < Frequency ≤ 1.8 GHz) 4.20 [%] (1.8 GHz < Frequency ≤ 3 GHz) Eb = Zs Zx +Yo• Zx × 100 [%] (|Z x|: measurement value of |Z|) Ec = (see below) [%] at 1 MHz ≤ frequency ≤ 10 MHz 0.03 + 0.08 × F 0.03 + [%] at |Zx| < 1 Ω 1000 |Zx| 0.06 + 0.08 × F 1000 0.03 + |Zx| 0.08 × F + [%] at |Zx| > 1.8 kΩ 1000 60000 [%] at 1 Ω ≤ |Zx| ≤ 1.8 kΩ at 10 MHz < frequency < 100 MHz 0.05 + 0.08 × F 0.03 + [%] at |Zx| < 3 Ω 1000 |Zx| 0.06 + 0.08 × F 1000 0.05 + |Zx| 0.08 × F + [%] at |Zx| > 600 Ω 1000 60000 [%] at 3 Ω ≤ |Zx| ≤ 600 Ω at 100 MHz ≤ frequency ≤ 3 GHz 0.03 + 0.08 × F 0.03 + [%] at |Zx| < 1 Ω 1000 |Zx| 0.06 + 0.08 × F 1000 0.03 + |Zx| 0.08 × F + [%] at |Zx| > 1.8 kΩ 1000 60000 [%] at 1 Ω ≤ |Zx| ≤ 1.8 kΩ (F: frequency [MHz], typical) Zs = (Specification values of “point averaging factor ≥ 8” is applied only when point averaging factors at both calibration and measurement are 8 or greater.) at oscillator level = –3 dBm or –13 dBm: (11 + 0.5 × F) [mΩ] (averaging factor ≥ 8) (12 + 0.5 × F) [mΩ] (averaging factor ≤ 7) at oscillator level = –23 dBm: (12 + 0.5 × F) [mΩ] (averaging factor ≥ 8) (16 + 0.5 × F) [mΩ] (averaging factor ≤ 7) 08 | Keysight | E4991B Impedance Analyzer - Data Sheet Measurement Accuracy (continued) at –23 dBm < oscillator level ≤ 1 dBm: (17 + 0.5 × F) [mΩ] (averaging factor ≥ 8) (21 + 0.5 × F) [mΩ] (averaging factor ≤ 7) at –33 dBm ≤ oscillator level < –23 dBm: (25 + 0.5 × F) [mΩ] (averaging factor ≥ 8) (50 + 0.5 × F) [mΩ] (averaging factor ≤ 7) at –40 dBm ≤ oscillator level < –33 dBm: (50 + 0.5 × F) [mΩ] (averaging factor ≥ 8) (10 + 0.5 × F) [mΩ] (averaging factor ≤ 7) Yo = (Specification values of “point averaging factor ≥ 8” is applied only when point averaging factors at both calibration and measurement are 8 or greater.) at –17 dBm ≤ oscillator level ≤ 1 dBm: (1.7 + 0.1 × F) [μS] (averaging factor ≥ 8) (4.0 + 0.1 × F) [μS] (averaging factor ≤ 7) at –23 dBm ≤ oscillator level < –17 dBm: (4.0 + 0.1 × F) [μS] (averaging factor ≥ 8) (8.0 + 0.1 × F) [μS] (averaging factor ≤ 7) at –33 dBm ≤ oscillator level < –23 dBm: (10.0 + 0.1 × F) [μS] (averaging factor ≥ 8) (30.0 + 0.1 × F) [μS] (averaging factor ≤ 7) at –40 dBm ≤ oscillator level < –33 dBm: (20.0 + 0.1 × F) [μS] (averaging factor ≥ 8) (60.0 + 0.1 × F) [μS] (averaging factor ≤ 7) Calculated impedance measurement accuracy Figure 1. |Z|, |Y| Measurement accuracy when open/short/load calibration is performed. Oscillator level = –13 dBm, –3 dBm. Point averaging factor ≥ 8 within ± 5 °C from the calibration temperature. Figure 2. |Z|, |Y| Measurement accuracy when open/short/load calibration is performed. Oscillator level –13 dBm, –3 dBm. Point averaging factor ≤ 7 within ± 5 °C from the calibration temperature. 09 | Keysight | E4991B Impedance Analyzer - Data Sheet Calculated impedance measurement accuracy (continued) Figure 3. |Z|, |Y| Measurement accuracy when open/short/load calibration is performed. Oscillator level = –33 dBm. Point averaging factor ≥ 8 within ± 5 °C from the calibration temperature. Figure 4. |Z|, |Y| Measurement accuracy when open/short/load calibration is performed. Oscillator level = –33 dBm. Point averaging factor ≤ 7 within ± 5 °C from the calibration temperature. Figure 5. Q accuracy without low-loss capacitor calibration (Specification) and with low-loss capacitor calibration (Typical). Measurement Support Functions Error correction Available calibration and compensation Open/short/load calibration: Connect open, short, and load standards to the desired reference plane and measure each kind of calibration data. The reference plane is called the calibration reference plane. Low-loss capacitor calibration: Connect the dedicated standard (low-loss capacitor) to the calibration reference plane and measure the calibration data. Port extension compensation (fixture selection): When a device is connected to a terminal that is extended from the calibration reference plane, set the electrical length between the calibration plane and the device contact. Select the model number of the registered test fixtures in the E4991B’s setup toolbar or enter the electrical length for the user’s test fixture. 10 | Keysight | E4991B Impedance Analyzer - Data Sheet Measurement Support Functions (continued) Open/short compensation: When a device is connected to a terminal that is extended from the calibration reference plane, make open and/or short states at the device contact and measure each kind of compensation data. Calibration/compensation data measurement point Fixed frequency mode: Obtain calibration/compensation data at fixed frequency covering the entire frequency range of the E4991B. In device measurement, calibration or compensation is applied to each measurement point by using interpolation. Even if the measurement points are changed by altering the sweep setups, you don’t need to retake the calibration/ compensation data. User-defined frequency mode: Obtain calibration/compensation data at the same frequency as used in actual device measurement, which are determined by the sweep setups. Each set of calibration/ compensation data is applied to each measurement at the same frequency point. If the measurement points are changed by altering the sweep setups, calibration/compensation data become invalid and retaking calibration/compensation data is recommended. Trigger Trigger mode: Internal, external (external trigger input connector), bus (GPIB/LAN/USB), manual (front key) Averaging Types: Sweep-to-sweep averaging, point averaging Setting range: Sweep-to-sweep averaging: 1 to 999 (integer) Point averaging: 1 to 999 (integer) Display LCD display : Type/size: 10.4 inch TFT color LCD Resolution: XGA (1024 x 768)1 Number of traces: Data trace: 4 data traces per channel (maximum) Memory trace: 4 memory traces per channel (maximum) Trace data math: Data + Memory, Data - Memory, Data x Memory, Data/ Memory, Offset, Equation Editor Format: For scalar parameters: linear Y-axis, log Y-axis For complex parameters: Z, Y, [r, µr: polar, complex; G: polar, complex, Smith, admittance 1. Valid pixels are 99.99% and more. Below 0.01% of fixed points of black, green, or red are not regarded as failure. 11 | Keysight | E4991B Impedance Analyzer - Data Sheet Measurement Support Functions (continued) Other display functions: Each measurement channel has a display window with independent stimulus. Up to 4 display windows (channels) can be displayed. Marker Number of markers: 10 independent markers per trace. Reference marker available for delta marker operation Marker search: Search type: max value, min value, multi-peak, multi-target, peak, peak left, peak right, target, target left, target right, and width parameters with userdefined bandwidth values Search track: Performs search by each sweep Search range: User definable Other functions: Marker continuous mode, Δ marker mode, Marker coupled mode, Marker value substitution (Marker&), Marker zooming, Marker list, Marker statistics, and Marker signal/dc bias monitor Equivalent circuit analysis Circuit models: 3-component model (4 models), 4-component model (3 models) Analysis types: Equivalent circuit parameters calculation, frequency characteristics simulation Limit line test Deine the test limit lines that appear on the display for deine the test limit lines that appear on the display for pass/fail testing. Deined limits may be any combination of horizontal/sloping lines and discrete data points. testing. Deined limits may be any combination of horizontal/sloping lines and discrete data points. Interface GPIB 24-pin D-Sub (Type D-24), female; compatible with IEEE-488. IEEE-488 interface specification is designed to be used in environment where electrical noise is relatively low. LAN or USBTMC interface is recommended to use at the higher electrical noise environment. LAN interface 10/100/1000 Base T Ethernet, 8-pin configuration; auto selects between the two data rates 1. Refer to the standard for the meaning of each function code. 12 | Keysight | E4991B Impedance Analyzer - Data Sheet Interface (continued) USB host port Universal serial bus jack, Type A configuration; female; provides connection to mouse, keyboard, printer or USB stick memory. USB (USBTMC ) interface port Universal serial bus jack, Type B configuration (4 contacts inline); female; provides connection to an external PC; compatible with USBTMC-USB488 and USB 2.0.LA USB Test and Measurement Class (TMC) interface that communicates over USB, complying with the IEEE 488.1 and IEEE 488.2 standards. Handler interface 36-pin centronics, female Measurement Terminal (At Test Head) Connector type: 7-mm connector Rear Panel Connectors External reference signal input connector Frequency: 10 MHz ± 10 ppm (typical) Level: 0 dBm ± 3 dB (typical) Input impedance: 50 Ω (nominal) Connector type: BNC, female Internal reference signal output connector Frequency: 10 MHz ± 10 ppm (typical) Level: 0 dBm ± 3 dB into 50 Ω (typical) Output impedance: 50 Ω (nominal) Connector type: BNC, female High stability frequency reference output connector (Option E4991B-1E5) Frequency: 10MHz ± 1ppm Level: 0 dBm minimum Output impedance: 50 Ω (nominal) Connector type: BNC, female External trigger input connector Level: LOW threshold voltage: 0.5 V HIGH threshold voltage: 2.1 V Input level range: 0 V to +5 V 13 | Keysight | E4991B Impedance Analyzer - Data Sheet Rear Panel Connectors (continued) Pulse width (Tp): ≥ 2 µsec (typical). See Figure 6 for definition of Tp. Polarity: Positive or negative (selective) Connector type: BNC, female Tp Tp 5V Tp Tp 5V OV OV Postive trigger signal Negative trigger signal Figure 6. Definition of pulse width (Tp) General Characteristics Environment conditions Operating condition Temperature: 5 °C to 40 °C Humidity: 20% to 80% at wet bulb temperature < +29 °C (non-condensation)) Flexible disk drive non-operating condition: 15% to 90% RH Flexible disk drive operating condition: 20% to 80% RH Altitude: 0 m to 2,000 m (0 feet to 6,561 feet) Vibration: 0.21 Grms maximum, 5 Hz to 500 Hz Warm-up time: 30 minutes Non-operating storage condition Temperature: –10 °C to +60 °C Humidity: 20% to 90% at wet bulb temperature < +40 °C (non-condensation) Altitude: 0 m to 4,572 m (0 feet to 15,000 feet) Vibration: 2.1 Grms maximum, 5 Hz to 500 Hz 14 | Keysight | E4991B Impedance Analyzer - Data Sheet General Characteristics (continued) EMC, safety, environment and compliance Description General characteristics EMC European Council Directive 2004/108/EC IEC 61326-1:2012 EN 61326-1:2013 CISPR 11:2009 +A1:2010 EN 55011: 2009 +A1:2010 Group 1, Class A IEC 61000-4-2:2008 EN 61000-4-2:2009 4 kV CD / 8 kV AD IEC 61000-4-3:2006 +A1:2007 +A2:2010 EN 61000-4-3:2006 +A1:2008 +A2:2010 3 V/m, 80-1000 MHz, 1.4 - 2.0 GHz / 1V/m, 2.0 - 2.7 GHz, 80% AM IEC 61000-4-4:2004 +A1:2010 EN 61000-4-4:2004 +A1:2010 1 kV power lines / 0.5 kV signal lines IEC 61000-4-5:2005 EN 61000-4-5:2006 0.5 kV line-line / 1 kV line-ground IEC 61000-4-6:2008 EN 61000-4-6:2009 3 V, 0.15-80 MHz, 80% AM IEC 61000-4-8:2009 EN 61000-4-8:2010 30A/m, 50/60Hz IEC 61000-4-11:2004 EN 61000-4-11:2004 0.5-300 cycle, 0% / 70% NOTE-1: When tested at 3 V/m according to EN61000-4-3, the measurement accuracy will be within specifications over the full immunity test frequency range except when the analyzer frequency is identical to the transmitted interference signal test frequency. NOTE-2: When tested at 3 V according to EN61000-4-6, the measurement accuracy will be within specifications over the full immunity test frequency range except when the analyzer frequency is identical to the transmitted interference signal test frequency. ICES-001:2006 Group 1, Class A AS/NZS CISPR11:2004 Group 1, Class A KN11, KN61000-6-1 and KN61000-6-2 Group 1, Class A Safety European Council Directive 2006/95/EC IEC 61010-1:2010 / EN 61010-1:2010 Measurement Category I Pollution Degree 2 Indoor Use 15 | Keysight | E4991B Impedance Analyzer - Data Sheet General Characteristics (continued) EMC, safety, environment and compliance (continued) CAN/CSA C22.2 No. 61010-1-12 Measurement Category I Pollution Degree 2 Indoor Use Environment This product complies with the WEEE Directive (2002/96/EC) marking requirements. The affixed label indicates that you must not discard this electrical/electronic product in domestic household waste. To return unwanted products, contact your local Keysight ofice, or see (http://www.keysight. com/environment/product/) for more information. Product Category: With reference to the equipment types in the WEEE Directive Annex I, this product is classed as a “Monitoring and Control instrumentation” product. Do not dispose in domestic household waste. Compliance Class C Power requirements 90V to 264V AC (Vpeak > 120V), 47 Hz to 63 Hz, 300 VA maximum Weight Main unit: 13 kg Test head: 1 kg Dimensions Main unit: See Figure 7 through Figure 9 Test head: See Figure 10 Option 007 test head dimensions: See Figure 11 Option 010 test head dimensions: See Figure 12 Figure 7. Main unit dimensions (front view, in millimeters) 16 | Keysight | E4991B Impedance Analyzer - Data Sheet General Characteristics (continued) Figure 8. Main unit dimensions (rear view, in millimeters) Figure 9. Main unit dimensions (side view, in millimeters) 17 | Keysight | E4991B Impedance Analyzer - Data Sheet 35 General Characteristics (continued) 59 41 20 59 RF OUT PORT 1 PORT 2 103 139 167 Only for E4991B DUT Port 56 Avoid static discharge ±42V Peak Max Output E4991B Test Head 42 160 Figure 10. Test head dimensions (in millimeters) 503 E4991B Opt 007 Temperature Characteristic Test Kit 152 Avoid Static Discharge 41 ±42V Peak Max Output CAT-I 152 97 116 124 E4991-61010 Figure 11. Option E4991B-007 test head dimensions (in millimeters) 18 | Keysight | E4991B Impedance Analyzer - Data Sheet General Characteristics (continued) 114 112 33 63 E4991B Only for E4991B 72 PORT 1 Opt 010 Test Head PORT 2 40 52 56 38 6 23 Avoid static discharge ±42V Peak Max Output 19 RF OUT DUT Port 20 124 Figure 12. Option E4991B-010 test head dimensions (in millimeters) 19 | Keysight | E4991B Impedance Analyzer - Data Sheet Option E4991B-002 Material Measurement (Typical) Measurement parameter Permittivity parameters: |[r|, [r’, [r”, tand Permeability parameters: |µr|, µr’, µr”, tand Frequency range Using with Keysight Technologies, Inc. 16453A: 1 MHz to 1 GHz (typical) Using with Keysight 16454A: 1 MHz to 1 GHz (typical) Measurement accuracy Conditions for defining accuracy: Calibration: Open, short, and load calibration at the fixture (7-mm connector) Calibration temperature: Calibration is performed at an environmental temperature within the range of 23 °C ± 5 °C. Measurement accuracy doubles when calibration temperature is 5 °C to 18 °C or 28 °C to 40 °C. Temperature: Temperature deviation: within ± 5 °C from the calibration temperature Environment temperature: Measurement accuracy applies when the calibration is performed at 23 °C ± 5 °C. When the calibration is below 18 °C or above 28 °C, measurement error doubles. Measurement frequency points: Same as calibration points1 Point averaging factor: ≥ 8 Electrode pressure setting of 16453A: maximum Typical accuracy of permittivity parameters: [r’ accuracy ± 5 + 10 + = ∆[' r m [' r m 0.1 f : t ['r m 'r m + 0.25 t + [ 100 1– 13 2 [%] f √['r m (at tand < 0.1) Loss tangent accuracy of [‘r (= ∆tand): • ± (Ea + Eb) (at tand < 0.1) where, Ea = at Frequency ≤ 1 GHz: 0.001 t 0.002 + • + 0.004f + f ['r m 1. 0.1 1– 13 2 f √['r m In fixed frequency calibration mode, if a measurement frequency point is not included in the calibration points, the accuracy at the measurement point is degraded to its doubled value (typical). 20 | Keysight | E4991B Impedance Analyzer - Data Sheet Option E4991B-002 Material Measurement (Typical) (continued) Eb = ∆['r m 1 0.002 [' tand ['rm • 100 + r m t f = Measurement frequency [GHz] t = Thickness of MUT (material under test) [mm] [‘r m = Measured value of [‘r tand = Measured value of dielectric loss tangent Typical accuracy of permeability parameters: µ r’ accuracy = 4+ ∆µ' r m : µ' r m 0.02 f × 25 + Fµ'r m 1 + Fm´r m 15 Fµ'r m 2 f 2 [%] (at tand < 0.1) • Loss tangent accuracy of µ r (= ∆tand): ±(Ea + Eb ) (at tand < 0.1) where, Ea = 0.002 + 0.001 + 0.004f Fµ'r mf Eb = ∆µ r m' tand • µ'r m 100 f = Measurement frequency [GHz] F = h ln c [mm] b h = Height of MUT (material under test) [mm] b = Inner diameter of MUT (material under test) [mm] c = Outer diameter of MUT (material under test) [mm] µ’r m = Measured value of µ’r tand = Measured value of loss tangent 21 | Keysight | E4991B Impedance Analyzer - Data Sheet Option E4991B-002 Material Measurement (Typical) (continued) Examples of calculated permittivity measurement accuracy ∆ [' Figure 13. Permittivity accuracy ( r) vs. frequency (at t = 0.3 mm, typical) ['r ∆ [’ Figure 14. Permittivity accuracy ( r) vs. frequency (at t = 1 mm, typical) [’r ∆ [’ Figure 15. Permittivity accuracy ( r) vs. frequency (at t = 3 mm, typical) [’r 22 | Keysight | E4991B Impedance Analyzer - Data Sheet Option E4991B-002 Material Measurement (Typical) (continued) Figure 16. Dielectric loss tangent (tand) accuracy vs. frequency (at t = 0.3 mm, typical)1 Figure 17. Dielectric loss tangent (tand) accuracy vs. frequency (at t = 1 mm, typical)1 Figure 18. Dielectric loss tangent (tand) accuracy vs. frequency (at t = 3 mm, typical)1 1. This graph shows only frequency dependence of Ea to simplify it. The typical accuracy of tan d is defined as Ea + Eb; refer to “Typical accuracy of permittivity parameters” on page 15. Figure19. Figure 18.Permittivity Permittivity(['(ε' ) frequency vs. frequency (at t =(at 0.3t mm, = 0.3typical) mm, typical) r r) vs. Figure 20. Permittivity ([’r) vs. frequency (at t = 1 mm, typical) Figure 21. Permittivity ([’r) vs. frequency (at t = 3 mm, typical) 23 | Keysight | E4991B Impedance Analyzer - Data Sheet Option E4991B-002 Material Measurement (Typical) (continued) Examples of calculated permeability measurement accuracy Figure 22. Permeability accuracy (∆µ'r) vs. frequency (at F = 0.5 mm, typical) µ'r Figure 23. Permeability accuracy ( ∆µ’r) vs. frequency (at F = 3 mm, typical) µ’r ∆µ' Figure 24. Permeability accuracy ( r) vs. frequency (at F = 10 mm, typical) µ'r 24 | Keysight | E4991B Impedance Analyzer - Data Sheet Option E4991B-002 Material Measurement (Typical) (continued) Figure 25. Permeability loss tangent (tand) accuracy vs. frequency (at F = 0.5 mm, typical)1 Figure 28. Permeability (µ'r) vs. frequency (at F = 0.5 mm, typical) Figure 26. Permeability loss tangent (tand) accuracy vs. frequency (at F = 3 mm, typical)1 Figure 29. Permeability (µ'r) vs. frequency (at F = 3 mm, typical) Figure 27. Permeability loss tangent (tand) accuracy vs. frequency (at F = 10 mm, typical)1 Figure 30. Permeability (µ'r) vs. frequency (at F = 10 mm, typical) 1. This graph shows only frequency dependence of Ea to simplify it. The typical accuracy of tanδ is defined as Ea + Eb; refer to “Typical accuracy of permeability parameters” on page 16. 25 | Keysight | E4991B Impedance Analyzer - Data Sheet Option E4991B-007 Temperature Characteristic Test Kit This section contains specifications and supplemental information for the E4991B Option E4991B-007. Except for the contents in this section, the E4991B standard specifications and supplemental information are applied. Operation temperature Range: –55 °C to +150 °C (at the test port of the high temperature cable) +5 °C to +40 °C (Main unit, test head, and their connection cable) Source characteristics Frequency Range: 1 MHz to 3 GHz (Option 300) 1 MHz to 1 GHz (Option 100) 1 MHz to 500 MHz (Option 050) Oscillator level Source power accuracy at the test port of the high temperature cable: Frequency ≤ 1 GHz: Minimum: –4 dB, Maximum: +2 dB (23°C ± 5°C) Minimum: –6 dB, Maximum: +4 dB (5 °C to 40 °C) Frequency > 1 GHz: Minimum: –5 dB, Maximum: +3 dB (23°C ± 5°C) Minimum: –7 dB, Maximum: +5 dB (5 °C to 40 °C) Measurement accuracy (at 23 °C ± 5 °C) Conditions1 The measurement accuracy is specified when the following conditions are met: Calibration: open, short and load calibration is completed at the test port (7-mm connector) of the high temperature cable Calibration temperature: calibration is performed at an environmental temperature within the range of 23 °C ± 5 °C. Measurement accuracy doubles when calibration temperature is +5 °C to +18 °C or +28 °C to +40 °C. Measurement temperature range: within ± 5 °C of calibration temperature Measurement plane: same as calibration plane Impedance, admittance and phase angle accuracy: |Z|, |Y| ± (Ea + Eb) [%] (see Figure 31 through Figure 34 for calculated accuracy) q 1. ± (Ea + Eb) [rad] 100 The high temperature cable must be kept at the same position throughout calibration and measurement. 26 | Keysight | E4991B Impedance Analyzer - Data Sheet Option E4991B-007 Temperature Characteristic Test Kit (continued) where, Ea = at –23 dBm ≤ oscillator level ≤ 1 dBm: 0.70 [%] (1 MHz ≤ ƒ≤ 100 MHz) 0.80 [%] (100 MHz < ƒ≤ 500 MHz) 1.10 [%] (500 MHz < ƒ≤ 1 GHz) 2.10 [%] (1 GHz < ƒ≤ 1.8 GHz) 4.10 [%] (1.8 GHz < ƒ≤ 3 GHz) at –33 dBm ≤ oscillator level < –23 dBm: 0.75 [%] (1 MHz ≤ ƒ≤ 100 MHz) 0.85 [%] (100 MHz < ƒ≤ 500 MHz) 1.15 [%] (500 MHz < ƒ≤ 1 GHz) 2.15 [%] (1 GHz < ƒ≤ 1.8 GHz) 4.15 [%] (1.8 GHz < ƒ≤ 3 GHz) at –40 dBm ≤ oscillator level < –33 dBm: 0.90 [%] (1 MHz ≤ ƒ≤ 100 MHz) 1.00 [%] (100 MHz < ƒ≤ 500 MHz) 1.30 [%] (500 MHz < ƒ≤ 1 GHz) 2.30 [%] (1 GHz < ƒ≤ 1.8 GHz) 4.30 [%] (1.8 GHz < ƒ≤ 3 GHz) (Where, ƒ is frequency) Eb = Zs + Yo × |Z x | × 100 [%] |Z x | Where, |Z x |= Absolute value of impedance Zs = At oscillator level = –3 dBm, or –13 dBm: (23 + 0.5 × F) [mΩ] (point averaging factor ≥ 8) (24 + 0.5 × F) [mΩ] (point averaging factor ≤ 7) At oscillator level = –23 dBm: (24 + 0.5 × F) [mΩ] (point averaging factor ≥ 8) (28 + 0.5 × F) [mΩ] (point averaging factor ≤ 7) At –23 dBm < oscillator level ≤ 1 dBm: (29 + 0.5 × F) [mΩ] (point averaging factor ≥ 8) (36 + 0.5 × F) [mΩ] (point averaging factor ≤ 7) At –33 dBm ≤ oscillator level < –23 dBm: (35 + 0.5 × F) [mΩ] (point averaging factor ≥ 8) (70 + 0.5 × F) [mΩ] (point averaging factor ≤ 7) At –40 dBm ≤ oscillator level < –33dBm: (50 + 0.5 × F) [mΩ] (point averaging factor ≥ 8) (150 + 0.5 × F) [mΩ] (point averaging factor ≤ 7 Yo (Where, F is frequency in MHz) = At –17 dBm ≤ oscillator level ≤ 1 dBm: (8 + 0.1 × F) [μS] (averaging factor ≥ 8) (10 + 0.1 × F) [μS] (averaging factor ≤ 7) 27 | Keysight | E4991B Impedance Analyzer - Data Sheet Option E4991B-007 Temperature Characteristic Test Kit (continued) At –23 dBm ≤ oscillator level < –17 dBm: (10 + 0.1 × F) [μS] (averaging factor ≥ 8) (14 + 0.1 × F) [μS] (averaging factor ≤ 7) At –33 dBm ≤ oscillator level < –23 dBm: (15 + 0.1 × F) [μS] (averaging factor ≥ 8) (40 + 0.1 × F) [μS] (averaging factor ≤ 7) At –40 dBm ≤ oscillator level < –33 dBm: (35 + 0.1 × F) [μS] (averaging factor ≥ 8) (80 + 0.1 × F) [μS] (averaging factor ≤ 7) (Where, F is frequency in MHz) Calculated Impedance/Admittance Measurement Accuracy Figure 31. |Z|, |Y| measurement accuracy when open/short/load calibration is performed. Oscillator level = –13 dBm, –3 dBm. Point averaging factor ≥ 8 within ± 5 °C of calibration temperature. Figure 32. |Z|, |Y| measurement accuracy when open/short/load calibration is performed. Oscillator level –13 dBm, –3 dBm. Point averaging factor ≤ 7 within ± 5 °C of calibration temperature. Figure 33. |Z|, |Y| measurement accuracy when open/short/load calibration is performed. Oscillator level = –33 dBm. Point averaging factor ≥ 8 within ± 5 °C of calibration temperature. Figure 34. |Z|, |Y| measurement accuracy when open/short/load calibration is performed. Oscillator level = –33 dBm. Point averaging factor ≤ 7 within ± 5 °C of calibration temperature. 28 | Keysight | E4991B Impedance Analyzer - Data Sheet Typical Effects of Temperature Change on Measurement Accuracy When the temperature at the test port (7-mm connector) of the high temperature cable changes from the calibration temperature, typical measurement accuracy involving temperature dependence effects (errors) is applied. The typical measurement accuracy is represented by the sum of error due to temperature coefficients (Ea´ , Yo´ and Z´s), hysteresis error (Eah , Yoh and Zsh) and the specified accuracy. Conditions Temperature compensation: Temperature compensation data is acquired at the same temperature points as measurement temperatures. Typical measurement accuracy (involving temperature dependence effects)1: |Z|, |Y|: ± (Ea + Eb + Ec + Ed) [%] q : ± (Ea + Eb + Ec + Ed) [rad] 100 Where, Ea, Eb = Refer pages 25 and 26. Ec = Ea´ × ∆T + Eah [%] Ed = Zs´ × ∆T + Zsh + (Y ´ × ∆T + Y ) × |Z | × 100 [%] o oh x |Z x | Where, |Z x | = Absolute value of measured impedance Figure 35. Typical frequency characteristics of temperature coefficient, (Ec+Ed)/∆T, when |Zx|= 10 Ω and 250 Ω 2. Here, Ea´ , Zs´ and Yo´ are given by the following equations: Without temperature compensation With temperature compensation 1 MHz ≤ ƒ < 500 MHz 500 MHz ≤ ƒ ≤ 3 GHz Ea´ 0.006 + 0.015 × ƒ [%/°C] 0.006 + 0.015 × ƒ [%/°C] 0.006 + 0.015 × ƒ [%/°C] Z s´ 1 + 10 × ƒ [mΩ/°C] 1 + 10 × ƒ [mΩ/°C] 5 + 2 × ƒ [mΩ/°C] Yo´ 0.3 + 3 × ƒ [µS/°C] 0.3 + 3 × ƒ [µS/°C] 1.5 + 0.6 × ƒ [µS/°C] 1. See graphs in Figure 35 for the calculated values of (Ec+Ed) exclusive of the hysteresis errors Eah, Z sh and Yoh, when measured impedance is 10 Ω and 250 Ω. 2. Read the value of ∆|Z|%/°C at the material measurement frequency and multiply it by ∆T to derive the value of (Ec+Ed). 29 | Keysight | E4991B Impedance Analyzer - Data Sheet Typical Effects of Temperature Change on Measurement Accuracy (continued) ƒ = Measurement frequency in GHz Eah, Zsh and Yoh are given by following equations: Eah = Ea´ × ∆Tmax × 0.3 [%] Zsh = Zs´ × ∆Tmax × 0.3 [mΩ] Yoh = Yo´ × ∆Tmax × 0.3 [µS] ∆T = Difference of measurement temperature‑from calibration temperature Use ∆T = 0 °C if temperature compensation is set to off and the difference ≤ 5 °C. Use ∆T = 0 °C if temperature compensation is set to on and the difference ≤ 20 °C. ∆Tmax = Maximum temperature change (°C) at the test port from calibration temperature after the calibration is performed. Use ∆Tmax = 0 °C if maximum temperature change ≤ 10 °C. Typical Material Measurement Accuracy When Using Options 002 and 007 Material measurement accuracy contains the permittivity and permeability measurement accuracy when the E4991B with Option 002 and 007 is used with the 16453A or 16454A test fixture. Measurement parameter Permittivity parameters: |[r |, [’r , [”r , tand Permeability parameters: |µ r |, µ’r, µ”r, tand Frequency Use with Keysight 16453A: 1 MHz to 1 GHz (typical) Use with Keysight 16454A: 1 MHz to 1 GHz (typical) Operation temperature Range: –55 °C to +150 °C (at the test port of the high temperature cable) +5 °C to +40 °C (Main unit, test head, and their connection cable) Typical material measurement accuracy (-55 °C to 150 °C) Conditions The measurement accuracy is specified when the following conditions are met: Calibration: Open, short and load calibration is completed at the test port (7-mm connector) of the high temperature cable. User frequency mode1 1. In fixed frequency calibration mode, if a measurement frequency point is not included in the calibration points, the accuracy at the measurement point is degraded to its doubled value (typical). 30 | Keysight | E4991B Impedance Analyzer - Data Sheet Typical Material Measurement Accuracy When Using Options 002 and 007 (continued) Calibration temperature: Calibration is performed at an environmental temperature within the range of 23 °C ± 5 °C. Measurement accuracy doubles when calibration temperature is 5 °C to 18 °C or 28 °C to 40 °C. Measurement temperature range of main unit, test head, and their connecting cable. Within ± 5 °C of calibration temperature Oscillator level: Same as the level set at calibration Point averaging factor: ≥ 8 Typical permittivity measurement accuracy 2: [r´ accuracy E[ = ∆[´r m : [´r m ± 5 + 10 + 0.5 × t + 0.25 × [´r m + 100 f [´r m t 1– 13 f √[´r m [%] (at tand < 0.1) 2 Loss tangent accuracy of [´r (= ∆tand) : ± (Ea + Eb ) (at tand < 0.1) where, Ea = at Frequency ≤ 1 GHz 0.002 + 0.0025 × t + (0.008 × f ) + f [´r m 1– 0.1 13 f √ [´r m 2 Eb = ∆ [´r m 1 0.002 × + [´r m × tand [´r m 100 t f = Measurement frequency [GHz] t = Thickness of MUT (material under test) [mm] [´r m = Measured value of [´r tand = Measured value of dielectric loss tangent 2. The accuracy applies when the electrode pressure of the 16453A is set to maximum. 31 | Keysight | E4991B Impedance Analyzer - Data Sheet Typical Material Measurement Accuracy When Using Options 002 and 007 (continued) Typical permeability measurement accuracy: µ r´ accuracy Eµ = ∆µ´r m : µ´r m 25 + F × µ´ × 1 + 15 4 + 0.02 × rm f F × µ´r m F × µ´r m 2 ×f2 [%] (at tand < 0.1) Loss tangent accuracy of µ r (= ∆tand) : ± (Ea + Eb ) (at tand < 0.1) where, Ea = 0.002 + 0.005 + 0.004 × f F × µ´r m × f Eb = ∆µ´r m tand × µ´r m 100 f = Measurement frequency [GHz] F = h ln c [mm] b h = Height of MUT (material under test) [mm] b = Inner diameter of MUT [mm] c = Outer diameter of MUT [mm] µ´r m = Measured value of µ´r tand = Measured value of loss tangent 32 | Keysight | E4991B Impedance Analyzer - Data Sheet Examples of Calculated Permittivity Measurement Accuracy ∆[' Figure 36. Permittivity accuracy ( r) vs. frequency, (at t = 0.3 mm typical) ['r Figure 39. Dielectric loss tangent (tand) accuracy vs. frequency (at t = 0.3 mm, typical)1 Figure 40. Dielectric loss tangent (tand) accuracy vs. frequency (at t = 1 mm, typical)1 ∆[' Figure 37. Permittivity accuracy ( r) vs. frequency, (at t = 1 mm typical) ['r ∆[' Figure 38. Permittivity accuracy ( r) vs. frequency, (at t = 3 mm typical) ['r Figure 41. Dielectric loss tangent (tand) accuracy vs. frequency (at t = 3 mm, typical)1 1. The typical accuracy of tanδ is defined as Ea + Eb; refer to “Typical permittivity measurement accuracy” on page 28. 33 | Keysight | E4991B Impedance Analyzer - Data Sheet Examples of Calculated Permittivity Measurement Accuracy (continued) Figure 42. Permittivity (['r) vs. frequency (at t = 0.3 mm, typical) Figure 43. Permittivity (['r) vs. frequency (at t = 1 mm, typical) Figure 44. Permittivity (['r) vs. frequency (at t = 3 mm, typical) 34 | Keysight | E4991B Impedance Analyzer - Data Sheet Examples of Calculated Permittivity Measurement Accuracy (continued) Figure 45. Permeability accuracy (∆µ'r) vs. frequency (at F = 0.5 mm, typical) µ'r Figure 48. Permeability loss tangent (tand) accuracy vs. frequency (at F = 0.5 mm, typical)1 Figure 46. Permeability accuracy (∆µ'r) vs. frequency (at F = 3 mm, typical) µ'r Figure 49. Permeability loss tangent (tand) accuracy vs. frequency (at F = 3 mm, typical)1 Figure 47. Permeability accuracy (∆µ'r) vs. frequency (at F = 10 mm, typical) µ'r Figure 50. Permeability loss tangent (tand) accuracy vs. Frequency (at F = 10 mm, typical)1 1. This graph shows only frequency dependence of Ea for simplification. The typical accuracy of tan d is defined as Ea + Eb; refer to “Typical permeability measurement accuracy” on page 28. 35 | Keysight | E4991B Impedance Analyzer - Data Sheet Examples of Calculated Permeability Measurement Accuracy (continued) Figure 51. Permeability (µ'r) vs. frequency (at F = 0.5 mm, typical) Figure 52. Permeability (µ'r) vs. frequency (at F = 3 mm, typical) Figure 53. Permeability (µ'r) vs. frequency (at F = 10 mm, typical) 36 | Keysight | E4991B Impedance Analyzer - Data Sheet Typical Effects of Temperature Change on Permittivity Measurement Accuracy When the temperature at the test port (7-mm connector) of the high temperature cable changes more than 5 °C from the calibration temperature, the typical permittivity measurement accuracy involving temperature dependence effects (errors) is applied. The typical permittivity accuracy is represented by the sum of error due to temperature coefficient (Tc), hysteresis error (Tc × ∆Tmax) and the accuracy at 23 °C ± 5 °C. Typical accuracy of permittivity parameters: [r´ accuracy = ∆ [´r m : [´r m ± (E[ + Ef + Eg) [%] Loss tangent accuracy of [‘ (= ∆tand) : ± (E[ + Ef + Eg ) 100 where, E[ = Permittivity measurement accuracy at 23 °C ± 5 °C Ef = Tc × ∆T × 100 Eg = Tc × ∆Tmax × 0.3 × 100 Tc [°C-1] = K1 + K2 + K3 See Figure 54 through Figure 56 for the calculated value of Tc without temperature compensation K1 [°C-1] = 1 × 10 -6 × (60 + 150 × ƒ) K2 [°C-1] = 1 ´ 3 × 10 -6 × (1 + 10 × ƒ) × [ r m × t f 1– +10 × ƒ 2 fo K3 [°C-1] = 1 5 × 10 -3 × (0.3 + 3 × ƒ) × [´r m t × 1– 1 f fo 2 +10 × ƒ 37 | Keysight | E4991B Impedance Analyzer - Data Sheet Typical Effects of Temperature Change on Permittivity Measurement Accuracy (continued) Typical accuracy of permittivity parameters (continued): with temperature compensation K1 = 1 × 10-6 × (60 + 150 × ƒ) K2 = at 1 MHz ≤ f < 500 MHz [r´m 1 3 × 10 × (1 + 10 × ƒ) × × t -6 1– +10 × ƒ f 2 fo at 500 MHz ≤ ƒ ≤ 1 GHz [´r m 1 3 × 10-6 × (5 + 2 × ƒ) × +10 × ƒ × t f 2 1– fo K3 = at 1 MHz ≤ ƒ < 500 MHz 5 × 10-3 × (0.3 + 3 × ƒ) × [´r m t 1 1 × f 1– +10 × ƒ 1 [r´ m ƒ 2 fo at 500 MHz ≤ ƒ ≤ 1 GHz 5 × 10-3 × (1.5 + 0.6 × ƒ) × t × 1– 1 f 2 +10 × ƒ fo = Measurement frequency [GHz] 13 ƒo = [GHz] √ [ŕ'm t = Thickness of MUT (material under test) [mm] [´r m = Measured value of [´r ∆T = Difference of measurement temperature from calibration temperature Use ∆T = 0 °C if temperature compensation is set to off and the difference ≤ 5 °C. Use ∆T = 0 °C if temperature compensation is set to on and the difference ≤ 20 °C. ∆Tmax = Maximum temperature change (°C) at test port from calibration temperature after the calibration is performed. Use ∆Tmax = 0 °C if maximum temperature change ≤ 10 °C. 38 | Keysight | E4991B Impedance Analyzer - Data Sheet Typical Effects of Temperature Change on Permittivity Measurement Accuracy (continued) Figure 54. Typical frequency characteristics of temperature coefficient of [’r (Thickness = 0.3 mm) Figure 55. Typical frequency characteristics of temperature coefficient of [’r (Thickness = 1 mm) Figure 56. Typical frequency characteristics of temperature coefficient of [’r (Thickness = 3 mm) 39 | Keysight | E4991B Impedance Analyzer - Data Sheet Typical Effects of Temperature Change on Permeability Measurement Accuracy When the temperature at the test port (7-mm connector) of the high temperature cable changes more than 5 °C from the calibration temperature, the typical permeability measurement accuracy involving temperature dependence effects (errors) is applied. The typical permeability accuracy is represented by the sum of error due to temperature coefficient (Tc), hysteresis error (Tc × ∆Tmax) and the accuracy at 23 °C ± 5 °C. Typical accuracy of permeability parameters: µ r´ accuracy = ∆µŕ m : µ´r m ± (Eµ + Eh + Ei ) [%] Loss tangent accuracy of µr (= ∆tand) : ± . (Eµ + Eh + Ei ) 100 where, Eµ = Permeability measurement accuracy at 23 °C ± 5 °C Eh = Tc × ∆T × 100 Ei = Tc × ∆Tmax × 0.3 × 100 Tc [°C-1] = K4 + K5 + K6 See Figure 57 through Figure 59 for the calculated value of Tc without temperature compensation K4 [°C-1] = K5 [°C-1] = 1 × 10-6 × (60 + 150 × ƒ) |1 – 0.01 × {F × (µ´r m – 1) + 10} × ƒ2| 1 × 10-2 × (1 + 10 × ƒ) × K6 [°C-1] {F × (µ´r m –1) + 20} × ƒ = 2 × 10-6 × (0.3 + 3 × ƒ) × {F × (µŕ m – 1) + 20} × ƒ |1 – 0.01 × {F × (µŕ m –1) + 10} × ƒ2| with temperature compensation K4 = K5 = 1 × 10-6 × (60 + 150 × ƒ) at 1 MHz ≤ ƒ < 500 MHz 1 × 10-2 × (1 + 10 × ƒ) × |1 – 0.01 × {F × (µ´r m – 1) +10} × ƒ2| {F × (µ´r m – 1) + 20} × ƒ at 500 MHz ≤ ƒ ≤ 1 GHz 1 × 10-2 × (5 + 2 × ƒ) × |1 – 0.01 × {F × (µ´r m – 1) +10} × ƒ2| {F × (µ´r m – 1) + 20} × ƒ 40 | Keysight | E4991B Impedance Analyzer - Data Sheet Typical Effects of Temperature Change on Permeability Measurement Accuracy (continued) Typical accuracy of permeability parameters (continued): K6 = at 1 MHz ≤ ƒ < 500 MHz 2 × 10-6 × (0.3 + 3 × ƒ) × {F × (µŕ m – 1) + 20} × ƒ |1 – 0.01 × {F × (µŕ m – 1) +10} × ƒ2| at 500 MHz ≤ ƒ ≤ 1 GHz 2 × 10-6 × (1.5 + 0.6 × ƒ) × {F × (µŕ m –1) + 20} × ƒ |1 – 0.01 × {F × (µŕ m –1) +10} × ƒ2| ƒ = Measurement frequency [GHz] F = h ln h = Height of MUT (material under test) [mm] b = Inner diameter of MUT [mm] c = Outer diameter of MUT [mm] µ´ = Measured value of µ´r ∆T = c [mm] b Difference of measurement temperature from calibration temperature Use ∆T = 0 °C if temperature compensation is set to off and the difference ≤ 5 °C. Use ∆T = 0 °C if temperature compensation is set to on and the difference ≤ 20 °C. ∆Tmax = Maximum temperature change (°C) at test port from calibration temperature after the calibration is performed. Use ∆Tmax = 0 °C if maximum temperature change ≤ 10 °C. 41 | Keysight | E4991B Impedance Analyzer - Data Sheet Typical Effects of Temperature Change on Permeability Measurement Accuracy (continued) Figure 57. Typical frequency characteristics of temperature coefficient of µ'r (at F = 0.5 mm) Figure 56. Typical frequency characteristics of temperature coefficient of µ'r (at F = 3 mm) Figure 59. Typical frequency characteristics of temperature coefficient of µ'r (at F = 10 mm) 42 | Keysight | E4991B Impedance Analyzer - Data Sheet Evolving Our unique combination of hardware, software, support, and people can help you reach your next breakthrough. We are unlocking the future of technology. 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