CT05 Series Molded Switch CT05 Series The CT05 is a molded dry reed switch. It is single-pole, single throw (SPST) type, having normally open ruthenium contacts. The sensor is a double-ended type and may be actuated with an electromagnet, a permanent magnet or a combination of both. The device is designed for SMD mounting and is available in Gull Wing or J-lead configurations. CT05 Series Features Ideal for SMD pick and place Tape and reel packaging 5W rating Rugged encapsulation Excellent lifetime and reliability Applications: Proximity Sensor Medical Applications Hearing Aids Pulse Counter Test Coil The Magnetic sensitivity of the CT05 sensors is defined in a special test coil. Consult factory for details. ORDERING INFORMATION CT05-XXXX-G1 A complete part number is represented by the digits to the right of the CT05 series prefix followed by a suffix as shown below. Dimensions in Inches (Millimeters) Example: CT05-2550-G1 is -- a CT05 sensor (5mm encapsulated switch) -- with a sensitivity range from 25 to 50AT -- lead ends are formed according the the G1 version * CT05XXXX (0001-1999) without a suffix is a customer special. CT05-XXXX-J1 80 COTO TECHNOLOGY (USA) Tel: (401) 943-2686 / Fax (401) 942-0920 6 (Europe) Tel: +31-45-5439343 / Fax +31-45-5427216 CT05 Series Molded Switch Model Number Parameters OPERATING CHARACTERISTICS Operate Range Release Range ELECTRICAL CHARACTERISTICS Switched Power (max) Switched Voltage DC (max) Switched Voltage AC, RMS value (max) Switched Current DC (max) Switched Current AC, RMS value (max) Carry Current DC (max) Breakdown Voltage (min) Contact Resistance (initial max) Contact Resistance (initial typ.) Insulation Resistance (min) ENVIRONMENTAL RATINGS Storage Temperature Operating Temperature Soldering Temperature 1 Vibration Shock CT05-XXXX-G1 CT05-XXXX-J1 AT AT 25-50 5-45 25-50 5-45 W V V mA mA A V 5 140 100 350 250 0.5 230 160 140 5 140 100 350 250 0.5 230 160 140 Units mΩ mΩ MΩ °C °C °C G G 10 6 -40 to +125 -40 to +125 226 10 100 10 6 -40 to +125 -40 to +125 226 10 100 Note: Specifications are based on standard switch. Contact factory for other possibilities. Notes: 1 Surface mount component processing temperature: 438°F(226°C) max for 1 minute dwell time. Temperature measured on leads where lead exits molded package.) For Most Recent Data, Consult the Coto Technology Website: www.cotorelay.com 6 E-mail: info@cotorelay.com 81