, One. TELEPHONE: (973) 376-2922 20 STERN AVE. SPRINGFIELD, NEW JERSEY 07081 (212)227-6005 FAX: (973) 376-8960 U.S.A. D44C Series Silicon NPN Power Transistors DESCRIPTION •With TO-220 package •Complement to type D45C Series •Very low collector saturation voltage •Fast switching APPLICATIONS •Designed for various specific and general purpose application •Shunt and switching regulators ,, •Low and high frequency inverters converters and etc. PINNING DESCRIPTION PIN 1 Base 2 Collector;connected to mounting base 3 Emitter 1 2 3 Fig.1 simplified outline (TO-220C) .nul symbol Absolute maximum ratings (Ta=25 ) SYMBOL PARAMETER CONDITIONS D44C1,2,3 Collector-base voltage 55 Open emitter 70 D44C10,11,12 90 D44C1,2,3 30 Collector-emitter voltage VEBO Emitter-base voltage Ic V D44C7,8,9 D44C4,5,6 VCEO UNIT 40 D44C4,5,6 VCBO VALUE 45 Open base V D44C7,8,9 60 D44C10,11,12 80 Open collector 5 V Collector current (DC) 4 A ICM Collector current -peak 6 A IB Base current (DC) 1 A PD Total power dissipation 30 W T, Junction temperature 150 'stg Storage temperature -55-150 Qualiry Semi-Conductors Tc=25 D44C Series Silicon NPN Power Transistors CHARACTERISTICS Tj=25 unless otherwise specified SYMBOL VcEsa, PARAMETER CONDITIONS D44C2, 3,5,6,8,9,11, 12 lc=1A;lB=50mA D44C1,4,7,10 I C =1A;I B =0.1A MIN TYP. Collector-emitter saturation voltage MAX UNIT 0.5 V Base-emitter saturation voltage IC=1A;IB=0.1A 1.3 V ICES Collector cut-off current VCE=Rated VCEs; 100 MA IEBO Emitter cut-off current VEB=5V; lc=0 10 MA VeEsat D44C3,6,9,12 hpE-1 DC current gain D44C2, 5,8,11 lc=0.2A;V C E=1V D44C1,4,7,10 hFE-2 fr 40 120 100 220 25 D44C1,4,7,10 lc=1A;V CE =1V 10 D44C2, 3, 5,6,8,9,11, 12 lc=2A;V C E=1V 20 DC current gain Transition frequency lc=20mA;VCE=4V; f=1.0MHz MHz 50 Switching times tr Rise time ts Storage time tf Fall time lc=1.0A;VCC=20V IB1=-IB2=0.1A 0.3 MS 0.7 MS 0.4 us D44C Series Silicon NPN Power Transistors PACKAGE OUTLINE • I D mi 280 1 t 300*0.01 P^SJ tii. a.oo 0.45 3.75 L3S ., 830 US U] CM O! 13.00 1.20 1580 508 -i UG 2.60 •* no