Stratix II Device Handbook, Volume 1 101 Innovation Drive San Jose, CA 95134 SII5V1-4.5 Copyright © 2011 Altera Corporation. All rights reserved. Altera, The Programmable Solutions Company, the stylized Altera logo, specific device designations, and all other words and logos that are identified as trademarks and/or service marks are, unless noted otherwise, the trademarks and service marks of Altera Corporation in the U.S. and other countries. All other product or service names are the property of their respective holders. Altera products are protected under numerous U.S. and foreign patents and pending applications, maskwork rights, and copyrights. Altera warrants performance of its semiconductor products to current specifications in accordance with Altera's standard warranty, but reserves the right to make changes to any products and services at any time without notice. Altera assumes no responsibility or liability arising out of the application or use of any information, product, or service described herein except as expressly agreed to in writing by Altera Corporation. Altera customers are advised to obtain the latest version of device specifications before relying on any published information and before placing orders for products or services. ii Altera Corporation Contents Chapter Revision Dates .......................................................................... vii About this Handbook ................................................................................ i How to Contact Altera ............................................................................................................................... i Typographic Conventions ......................................................................................................................... i Section I. Stratix II Device Family Data Sheet Revision History ....................................................................................................................... Section I–1 Chapter 1. Introduction Introduction ............................................................................................................................................ 1–1 Features ................................................................................................................................................... 1–1 Document Revision History ................................................................................................................. 1–6 Chapter 2. Stratix II Architecture Functional Description .......................................................................................................................... 2–1 Logic Array Blocks ................................................................................................................................ 2–3 LAB Interconnects ............................................................................................................................ 2–4 LAB Control Signals ......................................................................................................................... 2–5 Adaptive Logic Modules ...................................................................................................................... 2–6 ALM Operating Modes ................................................................................................................... 2–9 Register Chain ................................................................................................................................. 2–20 Clear & Preset Logic Control ........................................................................................................ 2–22 MultiTrack Interconnect ..................................................................................................................... 2–22 TriMatrix Memory ............................................................................................................................... 2–28 Memory Block Size ......................................................................................................................... 2–29 Digital Signal Processing Block ......................................................................................................... 2–40 Modes of Operation ....................................................................................................................... 2–44 DSP Block Interface ........................................................................................................................ 2–44 PLLs & Clock Networks ..................................................................................................................... 2–48 Global & Hierarchical Clocking ................................................................................................... 2–48 Enhanced & Fast PLLs ................................................................................................................... 2–57 Enhanced PLLs ............................................................................................................................... 2–68 Fast PLLs .......................................................................................................................................... 2–69 I/O Structure ........................................................................................................................................ 2–69 Double Data Rate I/O Pins ........................................................................................................... 2–77 External RAM Interfacing ............................................................................................................. 2–81 Programmable Drive Strength ..................................................................................................... 2–83 Altera Corporation iii Contents Stratix II Device Handbook, Volume 1 Open-Drain Output ........................................................................................................................ 2–84 Bus Hold .......................................................................................................................................... 2–84 Programmable Pull-Up Resistor .................................................................................................. 2–85 Advanced I/O Standard Support ................................................................................................ 2–85 On-Chip Termination .................................................................................................................... 2–89 MultiVolt I/O Interface ................................................................................................................. 2–93 High-Speed Differential I/O with DPA Support ............................................................................ 2–96 Dedicated Circuitry with DPA Support .................................................................................... 2–100 Fast PLL & Channel Layout ........................................................................................................ 2–102 Document Revision History ............................................................................................................. 2–104 Chapter 3. Configuration & Testing IEEE Std. 1149.1 JTAG Boundary-Scan Support ............................................................................... 3–1 SignalTap II Embedded Logic Analyzer ............................................................................................ 3–4 Configuration ......................................................................................................................................... 3–4 Operating Modes .............................................................................................................................. 3–5 Configuration Schemes ................................................................................................................... 3–7 Configuring Stratix II FPGAs with JRunner ............................................................................... 3–10 Programming Serial Configuration Devices with SRunner ..................................................... 3–10 Configuring Stratix II FPGAs with the MicroBlaster Driver ................................................... 3–11 PLL Reconfiguration ...................................................................................................................... 3–11 Temperature Sensing Diode (TSD) ................................................................................................... 3–11 Automated Single Event Upset (SEU) Detection ............................................................................ 3–13 Custom-Built Circuitry .................................................................................................................. 3–14 Software Interface ........................................................................................................................... 3–14 Document Revision History ............................................................................................................... 3–14 Chapter 4. Hot Socketing & Power-On Reset Stratix II Hot-Socketing Specifications ............................................................................................................... Devices Can Be Driven Before Power-Up .................................................................................... I/O Pins Remain Tri-Stated During Power-Up ........................................................................... Signal Pins Do Not Drive the VCCIO, VCCINT or VCCPD Power Supplies .................................... Hot Socketing Feature Implementation in Stratix II Devices .......................................................... Power-On Reset Circuitry .................................................................................................................... Document Revision History ................................................................................................................. 4–1 4–2 4–2 4–2 4–3 4–5 4–6 Chapter 5. DC & Switching Characteristics Operating Conditions ........................................................................................................................... 5–1 Absolute Maximum Ratings ........................................................................................................... 5–1 Recommended Operating Conditions .......................................................................................... 5–2 DC Electrical Characteristics .......................................................................................................... 5–3 I/O Standard Specifications ........................................................................................................... 5–4 Bus Hold Specifications ................................................................................................................. 5–17 On-Chip Termination Specifications ........................................................................................... 5–17 Pin Capacitance .............................................................................................................................. 5–19 Power Consumption ........................................................................................................................... 5–20 iv Altera Corporation Contents Contents Timing Model ....................................................................................................................................... 5–20 Preliminary & Final Timing .......................................................................................................... 5–20 I/O Timing Measurement Methodology .................................................................................... 5–21 Performance .................................................................................................................................... 5–27 Internal Timing Parameters .......................................................................................................... 5–34 Stratix II Clock Timing Parameters .............................................................................................. 5–41 Clock Network Skew Adders ....................................................................................................... 5–50 IOE Programmable Delay ............................................................................................................. 5–51 Default Capacitive Loading of Different I/O Standards .......................................................... 5–52 I/O Delays ....................................................................................................................................... 5–54 Maximum Input & Output Clock Toggle Rate .......................................................................... 5–66 Duty Cycle Distortion ......................................................................................................................... 5–77 DCD Measurement Techniques ................................................................................................... 5–78 High-Speed I/O Specifications .......................................................................................................... 5–87 PLL Timing Specifications .................................................................................................................. 5–91 External Memory Interface Specifications ....................................................................................... 5–94 JTAG Timing Specifications ............................................................................................................... 5–96 Document Revision History ............................................................................................................... 5–97 Chapter 6. Reference & Ordering Information Software .................................................................................................................................................. Device Pin-Outs ..................................................................................................................................... Ordering Information ........................................................................................................................... Document Revision History ................................................................................................................. Altera Corporation 6–1 6–1 6–1 6–2 v Contents vi Stratix II Device Handbook, Volume 1 Altera Corporation Chapter Revision Dates The chapters in this book, Stratix II Device Handbook, Volume 1, were revised on the following dates. Where chapters or groups of chapters are available separately, part numbers are listed. Chapter 1. Introduction Revised: Part number: May 2007 SII51001-4.2 Chapter 2. Stratix II Architecture Revised: May 2007 Part number: SII51002-4.3 Chapter 3. Configuration & Testing Revised: May 2007 Part number: SII51003-4.2 Chapter 4. Hot Socketing & Power-On Reset Revised: May 2007 Part number: SII51004-3.2 Chapter 5. DC & Switching Characteristics Revised: April 2011 Part number: SII51005-4.5 Chapter 6. Reference & Ordering Information Revised: April 2011 Part number: SII51006-2.2 Altera Corporation vii Chapter Revision Dates viii Stratix II Device Handbook, Volume 1 Altera Corporation About this Handbook This handbook provides comprehensive information about the Altera® Stratix® II family of devices. How to Contact Altera For the most up-to-date information about Altera products, refer to the following table. Contact (1) Contact Method Address Technical support Website Technical training Website Email Product literature Email Altera literature services Website Non-technical support (General) Email (Software Licensing) Email Note to table: (1) Typographic Conventions Visual Cue You can also contact your local Altera sales office or sales representative. This document uses the typographic conventions shown below. Meaning Bold Type with Initial Capital Letters Command names, dialog box titles, checkbox options, and dialog box options are shown in bold, initial capital letters. Example: Save As dialog box. bold type External timing parameters, directory names, project names, disk drive names, filenames, filename extensions, and software utility names are shown in bold type. Examples: fMAX, \qdesigns directory, d: drive, chiptrip.gdf file. Italic Type with Initial Capital Letters Document titles are shown in italic type with initial capital letters. Example: AN 75: High-Speed Board Design. Altera Corporation i Preliminary Typographic Conventions Visual Cue Italic type Stratix II Device Handbook, Volume 1 Meaning Internal timing parameters and variables are shown in italic type. Examples: tPIA, n + 1. Variable names are enclosed in angle brackets (< >) and shown in italic type. Example: <file name>, <project name>.pof file. Initial Capital Letters Keyboard keys and menu names are shown with initial capital letters. Examples: Delete key, the Options menu. “Subheading Title” References to sections within a document and titles of on-line help topics are shown in quotation marks. Example: “Typographic Conventions.” Courier type Signal and port names are shown in lowercase Courier type. Examples: data1, tdi, input. Active-low signals are denoted by suffix n, e.g., resetn. Anything that must be typed exactly as it appears is shown in Courier type. For example: c:\qdesigns\tutorial\chiptrip.gdf. Also, sections of an actual file, such as a Report File, references to parts of files (e.g., the AHDL keyword SUBDESIGN), as well as logic function names (e.g., TRI) are shown in Courier. 1., 2., 3., and a., b., c., etc. Numbered steps are used in a list of items when the sequence of the items is important, such as the steps listed in a procedure. ■ Bullets are used in a list of items when the sequence of the items is not important. ● • v The checkmark indicates a procedure that consists of one step only. 1 The hand points to information that requires special attention. c The caution indicates required information that needs special consideration and understanding and should be read prior to starting or continuing with the procedure or process. w The warning indicates information that should be read prior to starting or continuing the procedure or processes r The angled arrow indicates you should press the Enter key. f The feet direct you to more information on a particular topic. ii Preliminary Altera Corporation Section I. Stratix II Device Family Data Sheet This section provides the data sheet specifications for Stratix® II devices. This section contains feature definitions of the internal architecture, configuration and JTAG boundary-scan testing information, DC operating conditions, AC timing parameters, a reference to power consumption, and ordering information for Stratix II devices. This section contains the following chapters: Revision History Altera Corporation ■ Chapter 1, Introduction ■ Chapter 2, Stratix II Architecture ■ Chapter 3, Configuration & Testing ■ Chapter 4, Hot Socketing & Power-On Reset ■ Chapter 5, DC & Switching Characteristics ■ Chapter 6, Reference & Ordering Information Refer to each chapter for its own specific revision history. For information on when each chapter was updated, refer to the Chapter Revision Dates section, which appears in the full handbook. Section I–1 Stratix II Device Family Data Sheet Section I–2 Stratix II Device Handbook, Volume 1 Altera Corporation 1. Introduction SII51001-4.2 Introduction The Stratix® II FPGA family is based on a 1.2-V, 90-nm, all-layer copper SRAM process and features a new logic structure that maximizes performance, and enables device densities approaching 180,000 equivalent logic elements (LEs). Stratix II devices offer up to 9 Mbits of on-chip, TriMatrix™ memory for demanding, memory intensive applications and has up to 96 DSP blocks with up to 384 (18-bit × 18-bit) multipliers for efficient implementation of high performance filters and other DSP functions. Various high-speed external memory interfaces are supported, including double data rate (DDR) SDRAM and DDR2 SDRAM, RLDRAM II, quad data rate (QDR) II SRAM, and single data rate (SDR) SDRAM. Stratix II devices support various I/O standards along with support for 1-gigabit per second (Gbps) source synchronous signaling with DPA circuitry. Stratix II devices offer a complete clock management solution with internal clock frequency of up to 550 MHz and up to 12 phase-locked loops (PLLs). Stratix II devices are also the industry’s first FPGAs with the ability to decrypt a configuration bitstream using the Advanced Encryption Standard (AES) algorithm to protect designs. Features The Stratix II family offers the following features: ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ Altera Corporation May 2007 15,600 to 179,400 equivalent LEs; see Table 1–1 New and innovative adaptive logic module (ALM), the basic building block of the Stratix II architecture, maximizes performance and resource usage efficiency Up to 9,383,040 RAM bits (1,172,880 bytes) available without reducing logic resources TriMatrix memory consisting of three RAM block sizes to implement true dual-port memory and first-in first-out (FIFO) buffers High-speed DSP blocks provide dedicated implementation of multipliers (at up to 450 MHz), multiply-accumulate functions, and finite impulse response (FIR) filters Up to 16 global clocks with 24 clocking resources per device region Clock control blocks support dynamic clock network enable/disable, which allows clock networks to power down to reduce power consumption in user mode Up to 12 PLLs (four enhanced PLLs and eight fast PLLs) per device provide spread spectrum, programmable bandwidth, clock switchover, real-time PLL reconfiguration, and advanced multiplication and phase shifting 1–1 Features ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ Support for numerous single-ended and differential I/O standards High-speed differential I/O support with DPA circuitry for 1-Gbps performance Support for high-speed networking and communications bus standards including Parallel RapidIO, SPI-4 Phase 2 (POS-PHY Level 4), HyperTransport™ technology, and SFI-4 Support for high-speed external memory, including DDR and DDR2 SDRAM, RLDRAM II, QDR II SRAM, and SDR SDRAM Support for multiple intellectual property megafunctions from Altera MegaCore® functions and Altera Megafunction Partners Program (AMPPSM) megafunctions Support for design security using configuration bitstream encryption Support for remote configuration updates Table 1–1. Stratix II FPGA Family Features Feature EP2S15 EP2S30 EP2S60 EP2S90 EP2S130 EP2S180 ALMs 6,240 13,552 24,176 36,384 53,016 71,760 Adaptive look-up tables (ALUTs) (1) 12,480 27,104 48,352 72,768 106,032 143,520 Equivalent LEs (2) 15,600 33,880 60,440 90,960 132,540 179,400 M512 RAM blocks 104 202 329 488 699 930 M4K RAM blocks 78 144 255 408 609 768 M-RAM blocks 0 1 2 4 6 9 Total RAM bits 419,328 1,369,728 2,544,192 4,520,488 6,747,840 9,383,040 DSP blocks 12 16 36 48 63 96 18-bit × 18-bit multipliers (3) 48 64 144 192 252 384 Enhanced PLLs 2 2 4 4 4 4 Fast PLLs Maximum user I/O pins 4 4 8 8 8 8 366 500 718 902 1,126 1,170 Notes to Table 1–1: (1) (2) (3) One ALM contains two ALUTs. The ALUT is the cell used in the Quartus® II software for logic synthesis. This is the equivalent number of LEs in a Stratix device (four-input LUT-based architecture). These multipliers are implemented using the DSP blocks. 1–2 Stratix II Device Handbook, Volume 1 Altera Corporation May 2007 Introduction Stratix II devices are available in space-saving FineLine BGA® packages (see Tables 1–2 and 1–3). Table 1–2. Stratix II Package Options & I/O Pin Counts Device 484-Pin FineLine BGA 484-Pin Hybrid FineLine BGA 672-Pin FineLine BGA EP2S15 342 366 EP2S30 342 500 EP2S60 (3) 334 EP2S90 (3) Notes (1), (2) 780-Pin FineLine BGA 492 308 EP2S130 (3) 1,020-Pin FineLine BGA 1,508-Pin FineLine BGA 718 534 758 902 534 742 1,126 742 1,170 EP2S180 (3) Notes to Table 1–2: (1) (2) (3) All I/O pin counts include eight dedicated clock input pins (clk1p, clk1n, clk3p, clk3n, clk9p, clk9n, clk11p, and clk11n) that can be used for data inputs. The Quartus II software I/O pin counts include one additional pin, PLL_ENA, which is not available as generalpurpose I/O pins. The PLL_ENA pin can only be used to enable the PLLs within the device. The I/O pin counts for the EP2S60, EP2S90, EP2S130, and EP2S180 devices in the 1020-pin and 1508-pin packages include eight dedicated fast PLL clock inputs (FPLL7CLKp/n, FPLL8CLKp/n, FPLL9CLKp/n, and FPLL10CLKp/n) that can be used for data inputs. Table 1–3. Stratix II FineLine BGA Package Sizes Dimension Pitch (mm) Area (mm2) Length × width (mm × mm) 484 Pin 484-Pin Hybrid 672 Pin 780 Pin 1,020 Pin 1,508 Pin 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 529 729 729 841 1,089 1,600 23 × 23 27 × 27 27 × 27 29 × 29 33 × 33 40 × 40 All Stratix II devices support vertical migration within the same package (for example, you can migrate between the EP2S15, EP2S30, and EP2S60 devices in the 672-pin FineLine BGA package). Vertical migration means that you can migrate to devices whose dedicated pins, configuration pins, and power pins are the same for a given package across device densities. To ensure that a board layout supports migratable densities within one package offering, enable the applicable vertical migration path within the Quartus II software (Assignments menu > Device > Migration Devices). Altera Corporation May 2007 1–3 Stratix II Device Handbook, Volume 1 Features After compilation, check the information messages for a full list of I/O, DQ, LVDS, and other pins that are not available because of the selected migration path. Table 1–4 lists the Stratix II device package offerings and shows the total number of non-migratable user I/O pins when migrating from one density device to a larger density device. Additional I/O pins may not be migratable if migrating from the larger device to the smaller density device. 1 When moving from one density to a larger density, the larger density device may have fewer user I/O pins. The larger device requires more power and ground pins to support the additional logic within the device. Use the Quartus II Pin Planner to determine which user I/O pins are migratable between the two devices. Table 1–4. Total Number of Non-Migratable I/O Pins for Stratix II Vertical Migration Paths Vertical Migration Path 484-Pin FineLine BGA 672-Pin FineLine BGA EP2S15 to EP2S30 0 (1) 0 EP2S15 to EP2S60 8 (1) 0 EP2S30 to EP2S60 8 (1) 8 780-Pin FineLine BGA 1020-Pin FineLine BGA EP2S60 to EP2S90 0 EP2S60 to EP2S130 0 EP2S60 to EP2S180 0 0 (1) EP2S90 to EP2S130 1508-Pin FineLine BGA 16 17 EP2S90 to EP2S180 16 0 EP2S130 to EP2S180 0 0 Note to Table 1–4: (1) Some of the DQ/DQS pins are not migratable. Refer to the Quartus II software information messages for more detailed information. 1 f To determine if your user I/O assignments are correct, run the I/O Assignment Analysis command in the Quartus II software (Processing > Start > Start I/O Assignment Analysis). Refer to the I/O Management chapter in volume 2 of the Quartus II Handbook for more information on pin migration. 1–4 Stratix II Device Handbook, Volume 1 Altera Corporation May 2007 Introduction Stratix II devices are available in up to three speed grades, -3, -4, and -5, with -3 being the fastest. Table 1–5 shows Stratix II device speed-grade offerings. Table 1–5. Stratix II Device Speed Grades 484-Pin Hybrid FineLine BGA Device Temperature Grade 484-Pin FineLine BGA EP2S15 Commercial -3, -4, -5 Industrial -4 -4 EP2S30 Commercial -3, -4, -5 -3, -4, -5 Industrial -4 -4 EP2S60 Commercial -3, -4, -5 -3, -4, -5 Industrial -4 EP2S90 Commercial EP2S130 Commercial Industrial -4 -4 EP2S180 Commercial -3, -4, -5 -3, -4, -5 Industrial -4 -4 672-Pin FineLine BGA 780-Pin FineLine BGA 1,508-Pin FineLine BGA -3, -4, -5 -3, -4, -5 -4 -4, -5 -4 -4, -5 -3, -4, -5 -4 -4 -4, -5 -3, -4, -5 -3, -4, -5 Industrial Altera Corporation May 2007 1,020-Pin FineLine BGA -3, -4, -5 1–5 Stratix II Device Handbook, Volume 1 Document Revision History Document Revision History Table 1–6 shows the revision history for this chapter. Table 1–6. Document Revision History Date and Document Version Changes Made May 2007, v4.2 Moved Document Revision History to the end of the chapter. April 2006, v4.1 ● ● ● December 2005, v4.0 ● July 2005, v3.1 ● ● ● May 2005, v3.0 ● ● Summary of Changes — Updated “Features” section. Removed Note 4 from Table 1–2. Updated Table 1–4. — Updated Tables 1–2, 1–4, and 1–5. Updated Figure 2–43. — Added vertical migration information, including Table 1–4. Updated Table 1–5. — Updated “Features” section. Updated Table 1–2. — March 2005, v2.1 Updated “Introduction” and “Features” sections. — January 2005, v2.0 Added note to Table 1–2. — October 2004, v1.2 Updated Tables 1–2, 1–3, and 1–5. — July 2004, v1.1 ● Updated Tables 1–1 and 1–2. Updated “Features” section. — ● February 2004, v1.0 Added document to the Stratix II Device Handbook. 1–6 Stratix II Device Handbook, Volume 1 — Altera Corporation May 2007 2. Stratix II Architecture SII51002-4.3 Functional Description Stratix® II devices contain a two-dimensional row- and column-based architecture to implement custom logic. A series of column and row interconnects of varying length and speed provides signal interconnects between logic array blocks (LABs), memory block structures (M512 RAM, M4K RAM, and M-RAM blocks), and digital signal processing (DSP) blocks. Each LAB consists of eight adaptive logic modules (ALMs). An ALM is the Stratix II device family’s basic building block of logic providing efficient implementation of user logic functions. LABs are grouped into rows and columns across the device. M512 RAM blocks are simple dual-port memory blocks with 512 bits plus parity (576 bits). These blocks provide dedicated simple dual-port or single-port memory up to 18-bits wide at up to 500 MHz. M512 blocks are grouped into columns across the device in between certain LABs. M4K RAM blocks are true dual-port memory blocks with 4K bits plus parity (4,608 bits). These blocks provide dedicated true dual-port, simple dual-port, or single-port memory up to 36-bits wide at up to 550 MHz. These blocks are grouped into columns across the device in between certain LABs. M-RAM blocks are true dual-port memory blocks with 512K bits plus parity (589,824 bits). These blocks provide dedicated true dual-port, simple dual-port, or single-port memory up to 144-bits wide at up to 420 MHz. Several M-RAM blocks are located individually in the device's logic array. DSP blocks can implement up to either eight full-precision 9 × 9-bit multipliers, four full-precision 18 × 18-bit multipliers, or one full-precision 36 × 36-bit multiplier with add or subtract features. The DSP blocks support Q1.15 format rounding and saturation in the multiplier and accumulator stages. These blocks also contain shift registers for digital signal processing applications, including finite impulse response (FIR) and infinite impulse response (IIR) filters. DSP blocks are grouped into columns across the device and operate at up to 450 MHz. Altera Corporation May 2007 2–1 Functional Description Each Stratix II device I/O pin is fed by an I/O element (IOE) located at the end of LAB rows and columns around the periphery of the device. I/O pins support numerous single-ended and differential I/O standards. Each IOE contains a bidirectional I/O buffer and six registers for registering input, output, and output-enable signals. When used with dedicated clocks, these registers provide exceptional performance and interface support with external memory devices such as DDR and DDR2 SDRAM, RLDRAM II, and QDR II SRAM devices. High-speed serial interface channels with dynamic phase alignment (DPA) support data transfer at up to 1 Gbps using LVDS or HyperTransportTM technology I/O standards. Figure 2–1 shows an overview of the Stratix II device. Figure 2–1. Stratix II Block Diagram M4K RAM Blocks DSP Blocks for for True Dual-Port Multiplication and Full Memory & Other Embedded Implementation of FIR Filters Memory Functions M512 RAM Blocks for Dual-Port Memory, Shift Registers, & FIFO Buffers IOEs Support DDR, PCI, PCI-X, SSTL-3, SSTL-2, HSTL-1, HSTL-2, LVDS, HyperTransport & other I/O Standards IOEs IOEs IOEs IOEs LABs LABs LABs LABs LABs IOEs LABs IOEs LABs LABs LABs LABs LABs LABs IOEs LABs LABs LABs LABs LABs LABs IOEs LABs LABs LABs LABs LABs IOEs LABs LABs LABs LABs LABs IOEs LABs LABs LABs LABs IOEs LABs LABs LABs LABs IOEs LABs LABs LABs LABs IOEs LABs LABs LABs LABs IOEs LABs LABs LABs LABs IOEs LABs LABs LABs LABs IOEs LABs LABs LABs LABs IOEs LABs LABs LABs LABs IOEs LABs LABs LABs LABs IOEs LABs LABs LABs LABs LABs LABs IOEs LABs LABs LABs LABs LABs LABs IOEs LABs LABs LABs LABs LABs LABs LABs LABs M-RAM Block DSP Block 2–2 Stratix II Device Handbook, Volume 1 Altera Corporation May 2007 Stratix II Architecture The number of M512 RAM, M4K RAM, and DSP blocks varies by device along with row and column numbers and M-RAM blocks. Table 2–1 lists the resources available in Stratix II devices. Table 2–1. Stratix II Device Resources Device M512 RAM Columns/Blocks M4K RAM Columns/Blocks M-RAM Blocks DSP Block Columns/Blocks LAB Columns LAB Rows EP2S15 4 / 104 3 / 78 0 2 / 12 30 26 EP2S30 6 / 202 4 / 144 1 2 / 16 49 36 EP2S60 7 / 329 5 / 255 2 3 / 36 62 51 EP2S90 8 / 488 6 / 408 4 3 / 48 71 68 EP2S130 9 / 699 7 / 609 6 3 / 63 81 87 EP2S180 11 / 930 8 / 768 9 4 / 96 100 96 Logic Array Blocks Altera Corporation May 2007 Each LAB consists of eight ALMs, carry chains, shared arithmetic chains, LAB control signals, local interconnect, and register chain connection lines. The local interconnect transfers signals between ALMs in the same LAB. Register chain connections transfer the output of an ALM register to the adjacent ALM register in an LAB. The Quartus® II Compiler places associated logic in an LAB or adjacent LABs, allowing the use of local, shared arithmetic chain, and register chain connections for performance and area efficiency. Figure 2–2 shows the Stratix II LAB structure. 2–3 Stratix II Device Handbook, Volume 1 Logic Array Blocks Figure 2–2. Stratix II LAB Structure Row Interconnects of Variable Speed & Length ALMs Direct link interconnect from adjacent block Direct link interconnect from adjacent block Direct link interconnect to adjacent block Direct link interconnect to adjacent block Local Interconnect LAB Local Interconnect is Driven from Either Side by Columns & LABs, & from Above by Rows Column Interconnects of Variable Speed & Length LAB Interconnects The LAB local interconnect can drive ALMs in the same LAB. It is driven by column and row interconnects and ALM outputs in the same LAB. Neighboring LABs, M512 RAM blocks, M4K RAM blocks, M-RAM blocks, or DSP blocks from the left and right can also drive an LAB's local interconnect through the direct link connection. The direct link connection feature minimizes the use of row and column interconnects, providing higher performance and flexibility. Each ALM can drive 24 ALMs through fast local and direct link interconnects. Figure 2–3 shows the direct link connection. 2–4 Stratix II Device Handbook, Volume 1 Altera Corporation May 2007 Stratix II Architecture Figure 2–3. Direct Link Connection Direct link interconnect from left LAB, TriMatrix memory block, DSP block, or IOE output Direct link interconnect from right LAB, TriMatrix memory block, DSP block, or IOE output ALMs Direct link interconnect to right Direct link interconnect to left Local Interconnect LAB Control Signals Each LAB contains dedicated logic for driving control signals to its ALMs. The control signals include three clocks, three clock enables, two asynchronous clears, synchronous clear, asynchronous preset/load, and synchronous load control signals. This gives a maximum of 11 control signals at a time. Although synchronous load and clear signals are generally used when implementing counters, they can also be used with other functions. Each LAB can use three clocks and three clock enable signals. However, there can only be up to two unique clocks per LAB, as shown in the LAB control signal generation circuit in Figure 2–4. Each LAB's clock and clock enable signals are linked. For example, any ALM in a particular LAB using the labclk1 signal also uses labclkena1. If the LAB uses both the rising and falling edges of a clock, it also uses two LAB-wide clock signals. De-asserting the clock enable signal turns off the corresponding LAB-wide clock. Each LAB can use two asynchronous clear signals and an asynchronous load/preset signal. By default, the Quartus II software uses a NOT gate push-back technique to achieve preset. If you disable the NOT gate push-up option or assign a given register to power up high using the Quartus II software, the preset is achieved using the asynchronous load Altera Corporation May 2007 2–5 Stratix II Device Handbook, Volume 1 Adaptive Logic Modules signal with asynchronous load data input tied high. When the asynchronous load/preset signal is used, the labclkena0 signal is no longer available. The LAB row clocks [5..0] and LAB local interconnect generate the LAB-wide control signals. The MultiTrackTM interconnect's inherent low skew allows clock and control signal distribution in addition to data. Figure 2–4 shows the LAB control signal generation circuit. Figure 2–4. LAB-Wide Control Signals There are two unique clock signals per LAB. 6 Dedicated Row LAB Clocks 6 6 Local Interconnect Local Interconnect Local Interconnect Local Interconnect Local Interconnect Local Interconnect labclk0 labclk1 labclkena0 or asyncload or labpreset Adaptive Logic Modules labclk2 labclkena1 labclkena2 labclr1 syncload labclr0 synclr The basic building block of logic in the Stratix II architecture, the adaptive logic module (ALM), provides advanced features with efficient logic utilization. Each ALM contains a variety of look-up table (LUT)-based resources that can be divided between two adaptive LUTs (ALUTs). With up to eight inputs to the two ALUTs, one ALM can implement various combinations of two functions. This adaptability allows the ALM to be 2–6 Stratix II Device Handbook, Volume 1 Altera Corporation May 2007 Stratix II Architecture completely backward-compatible with four-input LUT architectures. One ALM can also implement any function of up to six inputs and certain seven-input functions. In addition to the adaptive LUT-based resources, each ALM contains two programmable registers, two dedicated full adders, a carry chain, a shared arithmetic chain, and a register chain. Through these dedicated resources, the ALM can efficiently implement various arithmetic functions and shift registers. Each ALM drives all types of interconnects: local, row, column, carry chain, shared arithmetic chain, register chain, and direct link interconnects. Figure 2–5 shows a high-level block diagram of the Stratix II ALM while Figure 2–6 shows a detailed view of all the connections in the ALM. Figure 2–5. High-Level Block Diagram of the Stratix II ALM carry_in shared_arith_in reg_chain_in To general or local routing dataf0 adder0 datae0 D dataa datab datac datad Q To general or local routing reg0 Combinational Logic adder1 D Q datae1 To general or local routing reg1 dataf1 To general or local routing carry_out shared_arith_out Altera Corporation May 2007 reg_chain_out 2–7 Stratix II Device Handbook, Volume 1 2–8 Stratix II Device Handbook, Volume 1 datae0 datac Local Interconnect Local datad datae1 Local Interconnect Local Interconnect dataf1 datab Local Interconnect Local Interconnect dataa Local Interconnect Interconnect dataf0 Local Interconnect 3-Input LUT 3-Input LUT 4-Input LUT 3-Input LUT 3-Input LUT 4-Input LUT shared_arith_out shared_arith_in carry_out carry_in VCC sclr syncload reg_chain_out reg_chain_in clk[2..0] aclr[1..0] ENA CLRN PRN/ALD D Q ADATA ENA CLRN PRN/ALD D Q ADATA asyncload ena[2..0] Local Interconnect Row, column & direct link routing Row, column & direct link routing Local Interconnect Row, column & direct link routing Row, column & direct link routing Adaptive Logic Modules Figure 2–6. Stratix II ALM Details Altera Corporation May 2007 Stratix II Architecture One ALM contains two programmable registers. Each register has data, clock, clock enable, synchronous and asynchronous clear, asynchronous load data, and synchronous and asynchronous load/preset inputs. Global signals, general-purpose I/O pins, or any internal logic can drive the register's clock and clear control signals. Either general-purpose I/O pins or internal logic can drive the clock enable, preset, asynchronous load, and asynchronous load data. The asynchronous load data input comes from the datae or dataf input of the ALM, which are the same inputs that can be used for register packing. For combinational functions, the register is bypassed and the output of the LUT drives directly to the outputs of the ALM. Each ALM has two sets of outputs that drive the local, row, and column routing resources. The LUT, adder, or register output can drive these output drivers independently (see Figure 2–6). For each set of output drivers, two ALM outputs can drive column, row, or direct link routing connections, and one of these ALM outputs can also drive local interconnect resources. This allows the LUT or adder to drive one output while the register drives another output. This feature, called register packing, improves device utilization because the device can use the register and the combinational logic for unrelated functions. Another special packing mode allows the register output to feed back into the LUT of the same ALM so that the register is packed with its own fan-out LUT. This provides another mechanism for improved fitting. The ALM can also drive out registered and unregistered versions of the LUT or adder output. f See the Performance & Logic Efficiency Analysis of Stratix II Devices White Paper for more information on the efficiencies of the Stratix II ALM and comparisons with previous architectures. ALM Operating Modes The Stratix II ALM can operate in one of the following modes: ■ ■ ■ ■ Normal mode Extended LUT mode Arithmetic mode Shared arithmetic mode Each mode uses ALM resources differently. In each mode, eleven available inputs to the ALM--the eight data inputs from the LAB local interconnect; carry-in from the previous ALM or LAB; the shared arithmetic chain connection from the previous ALM or LAB; and the register chain connection--are directed to different destinations to implement the desired logic function. LAB-wide signals provide clock, asynchronous clear, asynchronous preset/load, synchronous clear, Altera Corporation May 2007 2–9 Stratix II Device Handbook, Volume 1 Adaptive Logic Modules synchronous load, and clock enable control for the register. These LABwide signals are available in all ALM modes. See the “LAB Control Signals” section for more information on the LAB-wide control signals. The Quartus II software and supported third-party synthesis tools, in conjunction with parameterized functions such as library of parameterized modules (LPM) functions, automatically choose the appropriate mode for common functions such as counters, adders, subtractors, and arithmetic functions. If required, you can also create special-purpose functions that specify which ALM operating mode to use for optimal performance. Normal Mode The normal mode is suitable for general logic applications and combinational functions. In this mode, up to eight data inputs from the LAB local interconnect are inputs to the combinational logic. The normal mode allows two functions to be implemented in one Stratix II ALM, or an ALM to implement a single function of up to six inputs. The ALM can support certain combinations of completely independent functions and various combinations of functions which have common inputs. Figure 2–7 shows the supported LUT combinations in normal mode. 2–10 Stratix II Device Handbook, Volume 1 Altera Corporation May 2007 Stratix II Architecture Figure 2–7. ALM in Normal Mode Note (1) dataf0 datae0 datac dataa 4-Input LUT combout0 datab datad datae1 dataf1 4-Input LUT combout1 dataf0 datae0 datac dataa datab 5-Input LUT combout0 datad datae1 dataf1 dataf0 datae0 datac dataa datab datad datae1 dataf1 3-Input LUT 5-Input LUT combout0 5-Input LUT combout1 dataf0 datae0 dataa datab datac datad 6-Input LUT combout0 dataf0 datae0 dataa datab datac datad 6-Input LUT combout0 6-Input LUT combout1 datad datae1 dataf1 combout1 5-Input LUT 4-Input LUT dataf0 datae0 datac dataa datab combout0 combout1 datae1 dataf1 Note to Figure 2–7: (1) Combinations of functions with fewer inputs than those shown are also supported. For example, combinations of functions with the following number of inputs are supported: 4 and 3, 3 and 3, 3 and 2, 5 and 2, etc. The normal mode provides complete backward compatibility with fourinput LUT architectures. Two independent functions of four inputs or less can be implemented in one Stratix II ALM. In addition, a five-input function and an independent three-input function can be implemented without sharing inputs. Altera Corporation May 2007 2–11 Stratix II Device Handbook, Volume 1 Adaptive Logic Modules For the packing of two five-input functions into one ALM, the functions must have at least two common inputs. The common inputs are dataa and datab. The combination of a four-input function with a five-input function requires one common input (either dataa or datab). In the case of implementing two six-input functions in one ALM, four inputs must be shared and the combinational function must be the same. For example, a 4 × 2 crossbar switch (two 4-to-1 multiplexers with common inputs and unique select lines) can be implemented in one ALM, as shown in Figure 2–8. The shared inputs are dataa, datab, datac, and datad, while the unique select lines are datae0 and dataf0 for function0, and datae1 and dataf1 for function1. This crossbar switch consumes four LUTs in a four-input LUT-based architecture. Figure 2–8. 4 × 2 Crossbar Switch Example 4 × 2 Crossbar Switch sel0[1..0] inputa inputb out0 inputc inputd Implementation in 1 ALM dataf0 datae0 dataa datab datac datad Six-Input LUT (Function0) combout0 Six-Input LUT (Function1) combout1 out1 sel1[1..0] datae1 dataf1 In a sparsely used device, functions that could be placed into one ALM may be implemented in separate ALMs. The Quartus II Compiler spreads a design out to achieve the best possible performance. As a device begins to fill up, the Quartus II software automatically utilizes the full potential of the Stratix II ALM. The Quartus II Compiler automatically searches for functions of common inputs or completely independent functions to be placed into one ALM and to make efficient use of the device resources. In addition, you can manually control resource usage by setting location assignments. Any six-input function can be implemented utilizing inputs dataa, datab, datac, datad, and either datae0 and dataf0 or datae1 and dataf1. If datae0 and dataf0 are utilized, the output is driven to register0, and/or register0 is bypassed and the data drives out to the interconnect using the top set of output drivers (see Figure 2–9). If 2–12 Stratix II Device Handbook, Volume 1 Altera Corporation May 2007 Stratix II Architecture datae1 and dataf1 are utilized, the output drives to register1 and/or bypasses register1 and drives to the interconnect using the bottom set of output drivers. The Quartus II Compiler automatically selects the inputs to the LUT. Asynchronous load data for the register comes from the datae or dataf input of the ALM. ALMs in normal mode support register packing. Figure 2–9. 6-Input Function in Normal Mode Notes (1), (2) dataf0 datae0 dataa datab datac datad To general or local routing 6-Input LUT D Q To general or local routing reg0 datae1 dataf1 (2) D These inputs are available for register packing. Q To general or local routing reg1 Notes to Figure 2–9: (1) (2) If datae1 and dataf1 are used as inputs to the six-input function, then datae0 and dataf0 are available for register packing. The dataf1 input is available for register packing only if the six-input function is un-registered. Extended LUT Mode The extended LUT mode is used to implement a specific set of seven-input functions. The set must be a 2-to-1 multiplexer fed by two arbitrary five-input functions sharing four inputs. Figure 2–10 shows the template of supported seven-input functions utilizing extended LUT mode. In this mode, if the seven-input function is unregistered, the unused eighth input is available for register packing. Functions that fit into the template shown in Figure 2–10 occur naturally in designs. These functions often appear in designs as “if-else” statements in Verilog HDL or VHDL code. Altera Corporation May 2007 2–13 Stratix II Device Handbook, Volume 1 Adaptive Logic Modules Figure 2–10. Template for Supported Seven-Input Functions in Extended LUT Mode datae0 datac dataa datab datad dataf0 5-Input LUT To general or local routing combout0 D 5-Input LUT Q To general or local routing reg0 datae1 dataf1 (1) This input is available for register packing. Note to Figure 2–10: (1) If the seven-input function is unregistered, the unused eighth input is available for register packing. The second register, reg1, is not available. Arithmetic Mode The arithmetic mode is ideal for implementing adders, counters, accumulators, wide parity functions, and comparators. An ALM in arithmetic mode uses two sets of two four-input LUTs along with two dedicated full adders. The dedicated adders allow the LUTs to be available to perform pre-adder logic; therefore, each adder can add the output of two four-input functions. The four LUTs share the dataa and datab inputs. As shown in Figure 2–11, the carry-in signal feeds to adder0, and the carry-out from adder0 feeds to carry-in of adder1. The carry-out from adder1 drives to adder0 of the next ALM in the LAB. ALMs in arithmetic mode can drive out registered and/or unregistered versions of the adder outputs. 2–14 Stratix II Device Handbook, Volume 1 Altera Corporation May 2007 Stratix II Architecture Figure 2–11. ALM in Arithmetic Mode carry_in adder0 datae0 4-Input LUT To general or local routing D dataf0 datac datab dataa Q To general or local routing reg0 4-Input LUT adder1 datad datae1 4-Input LUT To general or local routing D 4-Input LUT Q To general or local routing reg1 dataf1 carry_out While operating in arithmetic mode, the ALM can support simultaneous use of the adder's carry output along with combinational logic outputs. In this operation, the adder output is ignored. This usage of the adder with the combinational logic output provides resource savings of up to 50% for functions that can use this ability. An example of such functionality is a conditional operation, such as the one shown in Figure 2–12. The equation for this example is: R = (X < Y) ? Y : X To implement this function, the adder is used to subtract ‘Y’ from ‘X.’ If ‘X’ is less than ‘Y,’ the carry_out signal is ‘1.’ The carry_out signal is fed to an adder where it drives out to the LAB local interconnect. It then feeds to the LAB-wide syncload signal. When asserted, syncload selects the syncdata input. In this case, the data ‘Y’ drives the syncdata inputs to the registers. If ‘X’ is greater than or equal to ‘Y,’ the syncload signal is de-asserted and ‘X’ drives the data port of the registers. Altera Corporation May 2007 2–15 Stratix II Device Handbook, Volume 1 Adaptive Logic Modules Figure 2–12. Conditional Operation Example Adder output is not used. ALM 1 X[0] Comb & Adder Logic Y[0] X[0] D R[0] To general or local routing R[1] To general or local routing R[2] To general or local routing Q reg0 syncdata syncload X[1] Comb & Adder Logic Y[1] X[1] D Q reg1 syncload Carry Chain ALM 2 X[2] Y[2] Comb & Adder Logic X[2] D Q reg0 syncload Comb & Adder Logic carry_out To local routing & then to LAB-wide syncload The arithmetic mode also offers clock enable, counter enable, synchronous up/down control, add/subtract control, synchronous clear, synchronous load. The LAB local interconnect data inputs generate the clock enable, counter enable, synchronous up/down and add/subtract control signals. These control signals are good candidates for the inputs that are shared between the four LUTs in the ALM. The synchronous clear and synchronous load options are LAB-wide signals that affect all registers in the LAB. The Quartus II software automatically places any registers that are not used by the counter into other LABs. Carry Chain The carry chain provides a fast carry function between the dedicated adders in arithmetic or shared arithmetic mode. Carry chains can begin in either the first ALM or the fifth ALM in an LAB. The final carry-out signal is routed to an ALM, where it is fed to local, row, or column interconnects. 2–16 Stratix II Device Handbook, Volume 1 Altera Corporation May 2007 Stratix II Architecture The Quartus II Compiler automatically creates carry chain logic during design processing, or you can create it manually during design entry. Parameterized functions such as LPM functions automatically take advantage of carry chains for the appropriate functions. The Quartus II Compiler creates carry chains longer than 16 (8 ALMs in arithmetic or shared arithmetic mode) by linking LABs together automatically. For enhanced fitting, a long carry chain runs vertically allowing fast horizontal connections to TriMatrix memory and DSP blocks. A carry chain can continue as far as a full column. To avoid routing congestion in one small area of the device when a high fan-in arithmetic function is implemented, the LAB can support carry chains that only utilize either the top half or the bottom half of the LAB before connecting to the next LAB. This leaves the other half of the ALMs in the LAB available for implementing narrower fan-in functions in normal mode. Carry chains that use the top four ALMs in the first LAB carry into the top half of the ALMs in the next LAB within the column. Carry chains that use the bottom four ALMs in the first LAB carry into the bottom half of the ALMs in the next LAB within the column. Every other column of LABs is top-half bypassable, while the other LAB columns are bottom-half bypassable. See the “MultiTrack Interconnect” on page 2–22 section for more information on carry chain interconnect. Shared Arithmetic Mode In shared arithmetic mode, the ALM can implement a three-input add. In this mode, the ALM is configured with four 4-input LUTs. Each LUT either computes the sum of three inputs or the carry of three inputs. The output of the carry computation is fed to the next adder (either to adder1 in the same ALM or to adder0 of the next ALM in the LAB) via a dedicated connection called the shared arithmetic chain. This shared arithmetic chain can significantly improve the performance of an adder tree by reducing the number of summation stages required to implement an adder tree. Figure 2–13 shows the ALM in shared arithmetic mode. Altera Corporation May 2007 2–17 Stratix II Device Handbook, Volume 1 Adaptive Logic Modules Figure 2–13. ALM in Shared Arithmetic Mode shared_arith_in carry_in 4-Input LUT To general or local routing D datae0 datac datab dataa datad datae1 Q To general or local routing reg0 4-Input LUT 4-Input LUT To general or local routing D 4-Input LUT Q To general or local routing reg1 carry_out shared_arith_out Note to Figure 2–13: (1) Inputs dataf0 and dataf1 are available for register packing in shared arithmetic mode. Adder trees can be found in many different applications. For example, the summation of the partial products in a logic-based multiplier can be implemented in a tree structure. Another example is a correlator function that can use a large adder tree to sum filtered data samples in a given time frame to recover or to de-spread data which was transmitted utilizing spread spectrum technology. An example of a three-bit add operation utilizing the shared arithmetic mode is shown in Figure 2–14. The partial sum (S[2..0]) and the partial carry (C[2..0]) is obtained using the LUTs, while the result (R[2..0]) is computed using the dedicated adders. 2–18 Stratix II Device Handbook, Volume 1 Altera Corporation May 2007 Stratix II Architecture Figure 2–14. Example of a 3-bit Add Utilizing Shared Arithmetic Mode shared_arith_in = '0' carry_in = '0' 3-Bit Add Example ALM Implementation ALM 1 1st stage add is implemented in LUTs. X2 X1 X0 Y2 Y1 Y0 + Z2 Z1 Z0 2nd stage add is implemented in adders. S2 S1 S0 + C2 C1 C0 R3 R2 R1 R0 Binary Add Decimal Equivalents 1 1 0 1 0 1 + 0 1 0 6 5 + 2 0 0 1 + 1 1 0 1 + 2x6 1 1 0 1 13 3-Input LUT S0 R0 X0 Y0 Z0 3-Input LUT C0 X1 Y1 Z1 3-Input LUT S1 R1 3-Input LUT C1 3-Input LUT S2 ALM 2 R2 X2 Y2 Z2 3-Input LUT C2 3-Input LUT '0' R3 3-Input LUT Shared Arithmetic Chain In addition to the dedicated carry chain routing, the shared arithmetic chain available in shared arithmetic mode allows the ALM to implement a three-input add. This significantly reduces the resources necessary to implement large adder trees or correlator functions. The shared arithmetic chains can begin in either the first or fifth ALM in an LAB. The Quartus II Compiler creates shared arithmetic chains longer than 16 (8 ALMs in arithmetic or shared arithmetic mode) by linking LABs together automatically. For enhanced fitting, a long shared Altera Corporation May 2007 2–19 Stratix II Device Handbook, Volume 1 Adaptive Logic Modules arithmetic chain runs vertically allowing fast horizontal connections to TriMatrix memory and DSP blocks. A shared arithmetic chain can continue as far as a full column. Similar to the carry chains, the shared arithmetic chains are also top- or bottom-half bypassable. This capability allows the shared arithmetic chain to cascade through half of the ALMs in a LAB while leaving the other half available for narrower fan-in functionality. Every other LAB column is top-half bypassable, while the other LAB columns are bottomhalf bypassable. See the “MultiTrack Interconnect” on page 2–22 section for more information on shared arithmetic chain interconnect. Register Chain In addition to the general routing outputs, the ALMs in an LAB have register chain outputs. The register chain routing allows registers in the same LAB to be cascaded together. The register chain interconnect allows an LAB to use LUTs for a single combinational function and the registers to be used for an unrelated shift register implementation. These resources speed up connections between ALMs while saving local interconnect resources (see Figure 2–15). The Quartus II Compiler automatically takes advantage of these resources to improve utilization and performance. 2–20 Stratix II Device Handbook, Volume 1 Altera Corporation May 2007 Stratix II Architecture Figure 2–15. Register Chain within an LAB Note (1) From Previous ALM Within The LAB reg_chain_in To general or local routing adder0 D Q To general or local routing reg0 Combinational Logic adder1 D Q To general or local routing reg1 To general or local routing To general or local routing adder0 D Q To general or local routing reg0 Combinational Logic adder1 D Q To general or local routing reg1 To general or local routing reg_chain_out To Next ALM within the LAB Note to Figure 2–15: (1) The combinational or adder logic can be utilized to implement an unrelated, un-registered function. See the “MultiTrack Interconnect” on page 2–22 section for more information on register chain interconnect. Altera Corporation May 2007 2–21 Stratix II Device Handbook, Volume 1 MultiTrack Interconnect Clear & Preset Logic Control LAB-wide signals control the logic for the register's clear and load/preset signals. The ALM directly supports an asynchronous clear and preset function. The register preset is achieved through the asynchronous load of a logic high. The direct asynchronous preset does not require a NOTgate push-back technique. Stratix II devices support simultaneous asynchronous load/preset, and clear signals. An asynchronous clear signal takes precedence if both signals are asserted simultaneously. Each LAB supports up to two clears and one load/preset signal. In addition to the clear and load/preset ports, Stratix II devices provide a device-wide reset pin (DEV_CLRn) that resets all registers in the device. An option set before compilation in the Quartus II software controls this pin. This device-wide reset overrides all other control signals. MultiTrack Interconnect In the Stratix II architecture, connections between ALMs, TriMatrix memory, DSP blocks, and device I/O pins are provided by the MultiTrack interconnect structure with DirectDriveTM technology. The MultiTrack interconnect consists of continuous, performance-optimized routing lines of different lengths and speeds used for inter- and intra-design block connectivity. The Quartus II Compiler automatically places critical design paths on faster interconnects to improve design performance. DirectDrive technology is a deterministic routing technology that ensures identical routing resource usage for any function regardless of placement in the device. The MultiTrack interconnect and DirectDrive technology simplify the integration stage of block-based designing by eliminating the re-optimization cycles that typically follow design changes and additions. The MultiTrack interconnect consists of row and column interconnects that span fixed distances. A routing structure with fixed length resources for all devices allows predictable and repeatable performance when migrating through different device densities. Dedicated row interconnects route signals to and from LABs, DSP blocks, and TriMatrix memory in the same row. These row resources include: ■ ■ ■ Direct link interconnects between LABs and adjacent blocks R4 interconnects traversing four blocks to the right or left R24 row interconnects for high-speed access across the length of the device 2–22 Stratix II Device Handbook, Volume 1 Altera Corporation May 2007 Stratix II Architecture The direct link interconnect allows an LAB, DSP block, or TriMatrix memory block to drive into the local interconnect of its left and right neighbors and then back into itself. This provides fast communication between adjacent LABs and/or blocks without using row interconnect resources. The R4 interconnects span four LABs, three LABs and one M512 RAM block, two LABs and one M4K RAM block, or two LABs and one DSP block to the right or left of a source LAB. These resources are used for fast row connections in a four-LAB region. Every LAB has its own set of R4 interconnects to drive either left or right. Figure 2–16 shows R4 interconnect connections from an LAB. R4 interconnects can drive and be driven by DSP blocks and RAM blocks and row IOEs. For LAB interfacing, a primary LAB or LAB neighbor can drive a given R4 interconnect. For R4 interconnects that drive to the right, the primary LAB and right neighbor can drive on to the interconnect. For R4 interconnects that drive to the left, the primary LAB and its left neighbor can drive on to the interconnect. R4 interconnects can drive other R4 interconnects to extend the range of LABs they can drive. R4 interconnects can also drive C4 and C16 interconnects for connections from one row to another. Additionally, R4 interconnects can drive R24 interconnects. Figure 2–16. R4 Interconnect Connections Notes (1), (2), (3) Adjacent LAB can Drive onto Another LAB's R4 Interconnect C4 and C16 Column Interconnects (1) R4 Interconnect Driving Right R4 Interconnect Driving Left LAB Neighbor Primary LAB (2) LAB Neighbor Notes to Figure 2–16: (1) (2) (3) C4 and C16 interconnects can drive R4 interconnects. This pattern is repeated for every LAB in the LAB row. The LABs in Figure 2–16 show the 16 possible logical outputs per LAB. Altera Corporation May 2007 2–23 Stratix II Device Handbook, Volume 1 MultiTrack Interconnect R24 row interconnects span 24 LABs and provide the fastest resource for long row connections between LABs, TriMatrix memory, DSP blocks, and Row IOEs. The R24 row interconnects can cross M-RAM blocks. R24 row interconnects drive to other row or column interconnects at every fourth LAB and do not drive directly to LAB local interconnects. R24 row interconnects drive LAB local interconnects via R4 and C4 interconnects. R24 interconnects can drive R24, R4, C16, and C4 interconnects. The column interconnect operates similarly to the row interconnect and vertically routes signals to and from LABs, TriMatrix memory, DSP blocks, and IOEs. Each column of LABs is served by a dedicated column interconnect. These column resources include: ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ Shared arithmetic chain interconnects in an LAB Carry chain interconnects in an LAB and from LAB to LAB Register chain interconnects in an LAB C4 interconnects traversing a distance of four blocks in up and down direction C16 column interconnects for high-speed vertical routing through the device Stratix II devices include an enhanced interconnect structure in LABs for routing shared arithmetic chains and carry chains for efficient arithmetic functions. The register chain connection allows the register output of one ALM to connect directly to the register input of the next ALM in the LAB for fast shift registers. These ALM to ALM connections bypass the local interconnect. The Quartus II Compiler automatically takes advantage of these resources to improve utilization and performance. Figure 2–17 shows the shared arithmetic chain, carry chain and register chain interconnects. 2–24 Stratix II Device Handbook, Volume 1 Altera Corporation May 2007 Stratix II Architecture Figure 2–17. Shared Arithmetic Chain, Carry Chain & Register Chain Interconnects Local Interconnect Routing Among ALMs in the LAB Carry Chain & Shared Arithmetic Chain Routing to Adjacent ALM ALM 1 ALM 2 Local Interconnect Register Chain Routing to Adjacent ALM's Register Inpu ALM 3 ALM 4 ALM 5 ALM 6 ALM 7 ALM 8 The C4 interconnects span four LABs, M512, or M4K blocks up or down from a source LAB. Every LAB has its own set of C4 interconnects to drive either up or down. Figure 2–18 shows the C4 interconnect connections from an LAB in a column. The C4 interconnects can drive and be driven by all types of architecture blocks, including DSP blocks, TriMatrix memory blocks, and column and row IOEs. For LAB interconnection, a primary LAB or its LAB neighbor can drive a given C4 interconnect. C4 interconnects can drive each other to extend their range as well as drive row interconnects for column-to-column connections. Altera Corporation May 2007 2–25 Stratix II Device Handbook, Volume 1 MultiTrack Interconnect Figure 2–18. C4 Interconnect Connections Note (1) C4 Interconnect Drives Local and R4 Interconnects up to Four Rows C4 Interconnect Driving Up LAB Row Interconnect Adjacent LAB can drive onto neighboring LAB's C4 interconnect Local Interconnect C4 Interconnect Driving Down Note to Figure 2–18: (1) Each C4 interconnect can drive either up or down four rows. 2–26 Stratix II Device Handbook, Volume 1 Altera Corporation May 2007 Stratix II Architecture C16 column interconnects span a length of 16 LABs and provide the fastest resource for long column connections between LABs, TriMatrix memory blocks, DSP blocks, and IOEs. C16 interconnects can cross M-RAM blocks and also drive to row and column interconnects at every fourth LAB. C16 interconnects drive LAB local interconnects via C4 and R4 interconnects and do not drive LAB local interconnects directly. All embedded blocks communicate with the logic array similar to LABto-LAB interfaces. Each block (that is, TriMatrix memory and DSP blocks) connects to row and column interconnects and has local interconnect regions driven by row and column interconnects. These blocks also have direct link interconnects for fast connections to and from a neighboring LAB. All blocks are fed by the row LAB clocks, labclk[5..0]. Table 2–2 shows the Stratix II device’s routing scheme. Table 2–2. Stratix II Device Routing Scheme (Part 1 of 2) Row IOE Column IOE DSP Blocks M-RAM Block M4K RAM Block M512 RAM Block ALM C16 Interconnect C4 Interconnect R24 Interconnect R4 Interconnect Direct Link Interconnect Local Interconnect Register Chain Carry Chain Source Shared Arithmetic Chain Destination Shared arithmetic chain v Carry chain v Register chain v Local interconnect v v v v v v v Direct link interconnect v R4 interconnect v v v v v R24 interconnect C4 interconnect C16 interconnect v v v v v v v v v v v v v v v v v v M512 RAM block v v v v M4K RAM block v v v v ALM M-RAM block v v v v DSP blocks v v Altera Corporation May 2007 v 2–27 Stratix II Device Handbook, Volume 1 TriMatrix Memory Table 2–2. Stratix II Device Routing Scheme (Part 2 of 2) Column IOE v Row IOE v v v v TriMatrix Memory Row IOE Column IOE DSP Blocks M-RAM Block M4K RAM Block M512 RAM Block ALM C16 Interconnect C4 Interconnect R24 Interconnect R4 Interconnect Direct Link Interconnect Local Interconnect Register Chain Carry Chain Source Shared Arithmetic Chain Destination v v TriMatrix memory consists of three types of RAM blocks: M512, M4K, and M-RAM. Although these memory blocks are different, they can all implement various types of memory with or without parity, including true dual-port, simple dual-port, and single-port RAM, ROM, and FIFO buffers. Table 2–3 shows the size and features of the different RAM blocks. Table 2–3. TriMatrix Memory Features (Part 1 of 2) Memory Feature M512 RAM Block (32 × 18 Bits) M4K RAM Block (128 × 36 Bits) M-RAM Block (4K × 144 Bits) 500 MHz 550 MHz 420 MHz v v Maximum performance True dual-port memory Simple dual-port memory v v v Single-port memory v v v Shift register v v ROM v v (1) FIFO buffer v v v v v Pack mode Byte enable v Address clock enable v v v v Parity bits v v v Mixed clock mode v v v Memory initialization (.mif) v v 2–28 Stratix II Device Handbook, Volume 1 Altera Corporation May 2007 Stratix II Architecture Table 2–3. TriMatrix Memory Features (Part 2 of 2) Memory Feature M512 RAM Block (32 × 18 Bits) M4K RAM Block (128 × 36 Bits) M-RAM Block (4K × 144 Bits) v v v v v Simple dual-port memory mixed width support True dual-port memory mixed width support Power-up conditions Outputs cleared Outputs cleared Outputs unknown Register clears Output registers Output registers Output registers Mixed-port read-during-write Unknown output/old data Unknown output/old data Unknown output Configurations 512 × 1 256 × 2 128 × 4 64 × 8 64 × 9 32 × 16 32 × 18 4K × 1 2K × 2 1K × 4 512 × 8 512 × 9 256 × 16 256 × 18 128 × 32 128 × 36 64K × 8 64K × 9 32K × 16 32K × 18 16K × 32 16K × 36 8K × 64 8K × 72 4K × 128 4K × 144 Notes to Table 2–3: (1) The M-RAM block does not support memory initializations. However, the M-RAM block can emulate a ROM function using a dual-port RAM bock. The Stratix II device must write to the dual-port memory once and then disable the write-enable ports afterwards. Memory Block Size TriMatrix memory provides three different memory sizes for efficient application support. The Quartus II software automatically partitions the user-defined memory into the embedded memory blocks using the most efficient size combinations. You can also manually assign the memory to a specific block size or a mixture of block sizes. When applied to input registers, the asynchronous clear signal for the TriMatrix embedded memory immediately clears the input registers. However, the output of the memory block does not show the effects until the next clock edge. When applied to output registers, the asynchronous clear signal clears the output registers and the effects are seen immediately. Altera Corporation May 2007 2–29 Stratix II Device Handbook, Volume 1 TriMatrix Memory M512 RAM Block The M512 RAM block is a simple dual-port memory block and is useful for implementing small FIFO buffers, DSP, and clock domain transfer applications. Each block contains 576 RAM bits (including parity bits). M512 RAM blocks can be configured in the following modes: ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ Simple dual-port RAM Single-port RAM FIFO ROM Shift register 1 Violating the setup or hold time on the memory block address registers could corrupt memory contents. This applies to both read and write operations. When configured as RAM or ROM, you can use an initialization file to pre-load the memory contents. M512 RAM blocks can have different clocks on its inputs and outputs. The wren, datain, and write address registers are all clocked together from one of the two clocks feeding the block. The read address, rden, and output registers can be clocked by either of the two clocks driving the block. This allows the RAM block to operate in read/write or input/output clock modes. Only the output register can be bypassed. The six labclk signals or local interconnect can drive the inclock, outclock, wren, rden, and outclr signals. Because of the advanced interconnect between the LAB and M512 RAM blocks, ALMs can also control the wren and rden signals and the RAM clock, clock enable, and asynchronous clear signals. Figure 2–19 shows the M512 RAM block control signal generation logic. The RAM blocks in Stratix II devices have local interconnects to allow ALMs and interconnects to drive into RAM blocks. The M512 RAM block local interconnect is driven by the R4, C4, and direct link interconnects from adjacent LABs. The M512 RAM blocks can communicate with LABs on either the left or right side through these row interconnects or with LAB columns on the left or right side with the column interconnects. The M512 RAM block has up to 16 direct link input connections from the left adjacent LABs and another 16 from the right adjacent LAB. M512 RAM outputs can also connect to left and right LABs through direct link interconnect. The M512 RAM block has equal opportunity for access and performance to and from LABs on either its left or right side. Figure 2–20 shows the M512 RAM block to logic array interface. 2–30 Stratix II Device Handbook, Volume 1 Altera Corporation May 2007 Stratix II Architecture Figure 2–19. M512 RAM Block Control Signals Dedicated Row LAB Clocks 6 Local Interconnect Local Interconnect Local Interconnect Local Interconnect Local Interconnect Local Interconnect Local Interconnect Local Interconnect Altera Corporation May 2007 outclocken inclocken inclock outclock wren rden outclr 2–31 Stratix II Device Handbook, Volume 1 TriMatrix Memory Figure 2–20. M512 RAM Block LAB Row Interface C4 Interconnect R4 Interconnect 16 Direct link interconnect to adjacent LAB Direct link interconnect to adjacent LAB dataout Direct link interconnect from adjacent LAB M512 RAM Block Direct link interconnect from adjacent LAB clocks datain control signals address 2 6 M512 RAM Block Local Interconnect Region LAB Row Clocks M4K RAM Blocks The M4K RAM block includes support for true dual-port RAM. The M4K RAM block is used to implement buffers for a wide variety of applications such as storing processor code, implementing lookup schemes, and implementing larger memory applications. Each block contains 4,608 RAM bits (including parity bits). M4K RAM blocks can be configured in the following modes: ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ True dual-port RAM Simple dual-port RAM Single-port RAM FIFO ROM Shift register When configured as RAM or ROM, you can use an initialization file to pre-load the memory contents. 2–32 Stratix II Device Handbook, Volume 1 Altera Corporation May 2007 Stratix II Architecture The M4K RAM blocks allow for different clocks on their inputs and outputs. Either of the two clocks feeding the block can clock M4K RAM block registers (renwe, address, byte enable, datain, and output registers). Only the output register can be bypassed. The six labclk signals or local interconnects can drive the control signals for the A and B ports of the M4K RAM block. ALMs can also control the clock_a, clock_b, renwe_a, renwe_b, clr_a, clr_b, clocken_a, and clocken_b signals, as shown in Figure 2–21. The R4, C4, and direct link interconnects from adjacent LABs drive the M4K RAM block local interconnect. The M4K RAM blocks can communicate with LABs on either the left or right side through these row resources or with LAB columns on either the right or left with the column resources. Up to 16 direct link input connections to the M4K RAM Block are possible from the left adjacent LABs and another 16 possible from the right adjacent LAB. M4K RAM block outputs can also connect to left and right LABs through direct link interconnect. Figure 2–22 shows the M4K RAM block to logic array interface. Figure 2–21. M4K RAM Block Control Signals Dedicated Row LAB Clocks 6 Local Interconnect Local Interconnect Local Interconnect Local Interconnect Local Interconnect Local Interconnect Local Interconnect Local Interconnect Altera Corporation May 2007 clocken_b clock_b clock_a clocken_a renwe_b renwe_a aclr_b aclr_a 2–33 Stratix II Device Handbook, Volume 1 TriMatrix Memory Figure 2–22. M4K RAM Block LAB Row Interface C4 Interconnect Direct link interconnect to adjacent LAB R4 Interconnect 16 Direct link interconnect to adjacent LAB 36 dataout M4K RAM Block Direct link interconnect from adjacent LAB Direct link interconnect from adjacent LAB datain control signals byte enable clocks address 6 M4K RAM Block Local Interconnect Region LAB Row Clocks M-RAM Block The largest TriMatrix memory block, the M-RAM block, is useful for applications where a large volume of data must be stored on-chip. Each block contains 589,824 RAM bits (including parity bits). The M-RAM block can be configured in the following modes: ■ ■ ■ ■ True dual-port RAM Simple dual-port RAM Single-port RAM FIFO You cannot use an initialization file to initialize the contents of an M-RAM block. All M-RAM block contents power up to an undefined value. Only synchronous operation is supported in the M-RAM block, so all inputs are registered. Output registers can be bypassed. 2–34 Stratix II Device Handbook, Volume 1 Altera Corporation May 2007 Stratix II Architecture Similar to all RAM blocks, M-RAM blocks can have different clocks on their inputs and outputs. Either of the two clocks feeding the block can clock M-RAM block registers (renwe, address, byte enable, datain, and output registers). The output register can be bypassed. The six labclk signals or local interconnect can drive the control signals for the A and B ports of the M-RAM block. ALMs can also control the clock_a, clock_b, renwe_a, renwe_b, clr_a, clr_b, clocken_a, and clocken_b signals as shown in Figure 2–23. Figure 2–23. M-RAM Block Control Signals Dedicated Row LAB Clocks 6 Local Interconnect Local Interconnect Local Interconnect Local Interconnect Local Interconnect Local Interconnect Local Interconnect Local Interconnect Local Interconnect Local Interconnect clocken_a Local Interconnect clock_a renwe_a aclr_a clock_b aclr_b renwe_b Local Interconnect clocken_b The R4, R24, C4, and direct link interconnects from adjacent LABs on either the right or left side drive the M-RAM block local interconnect. Up to 16 direct link input connections to the M-RAM block are possible from the left adjacent LABs and another 16 possible from the right adjacent LAB. M-RAM block outputs can also connect to left and right LABs through direct link interconnect. Figure 2–24 shows an example floorplan for the EP2S130 device and the location of the M-RAM interfaces. Figures 2–25 and 2–26 show the interface between the M-RAM block and the logic array. Altera Corporation May 2007 2–35 Stratix II Device Handbook, Volume 1 TriMatrix Memory Figure 2–24. EP2S130 Device with M-RAM Interface Locations Note (1) M-RAM blocks interface to LABs on right and left sides for easy access to horizontal I/O pins M4K Blocks M-RAM Block M-RAM Block M-RAM Block M-RAM Block M-RAM Block M-RAM Block M512 Blocks DSP Blocks LABs DSP Blocks Note to Figure 2–24: (1) The device shown is an EP2S130 device. The number and position of M-RAM blocks varies in other devices. 2–36 Stratix II Device Handbook, Volume 1 Altera Corporation May 2007 Stratix II Architecture Figure 2–25. M-RAM Block LAB Row Interface Note (1) Row Unit Interface Allows LAB Rows to Drive Port A Datain, Dataout, Address and Control Signals to and from M-RAM Block Row Unit Interface Allows LAB Rows to Drive Port B Datain, Dataout, Address and Control Signals to and from M-RAM Block L0 R0 L1 R1 M-RAM Block L2 Port A Port B R2 L3 R3 L4 R4 L5 R5 LAB Interface Blocks LABs in Row M-RAM Boundary LABs in Row M-RAM Boundary Note to Figure 2–25: (1) Only R24 and C16 interconnects cross the M-RAM block boundaries. Altera Corporation May 2007 2–37 Stratix II Device Handbook, Volume 1 TriMatrix Memory Figure 2–26. M-RAM Row Unit Interface to Interconnect C4 Interconnect R4 and R24 Interconnects M-RAM Block LAB Up to 16 dataout_a[ ] 16 Up to 28 Direct Link Interconnects datain_a[ ] addressa[ ] addr_ena_a renwe_a byteenaA[ ] clocken_a clock_a aclr_a Row Interface Block M-RAM Block to LAB Row Interface Block Interconnect Region Table 2–4 shows the input and output data signal connections along with the address and control signal input connections to the row unit interfaces (L0 to L5 and R0 to R5). 2–38 Stratix II Device Handbook, Volume 1 Altera Corporation May 2007 Stratix II Architecture Table 2–4. M-RAM Row Interface Unit Signals Unit Interface Block f Altera Corporation May 2007 Input Signals Output Signals L0 datain_a[14..0] byteena_a[1..0] dataout_a[11..0] L1 datain_a[29..15] byteena_a[3..2] dataout_a[23..12] L2 datain_a[35..30] addressa[4..0] addr_ena_a clock_a clocken_a renwe_a aclr_a dataout_a[35..24] L3 addressa[15..5] datain_a[41..36] dataout_a[47..36] L4 datain_a[56..42] byteena_a[5..4] dataout_a[59..48] L5 datain_a[71..57] byteena_a[7..6] dataout_a[71..60] R0 datain_b[14..0] byteena_b[1..0] dataout_b[11..0] R1 datain_b[29..15] byteena_b[3..2] dataout_b[23..12] R2 datain_b[35..30] addressb[4..0] addr_ena_b clock_b clocken_b renwe_b aclr_b dataout_b[35..24] R3 addressb[15..5] datain_b[41..36] dataout_b[47..36] R4 datain_b[56..42] byteena_b[5..4] dataout_b[59..48] R5 datain_b[71..57] byteena_b[7..6] dataout_b[71..60] See the TriMatrix Embedded Memory Blocks in Stratix II & Stratix II GX Devices chapter in volume 2 of the Stratix II Device Handbook or the Stratix II GX Device Handbook for more information on TriMatrix memory. 2–39 Stratix II Device Handbook, Volume 1 Digital Signal Processing Block Digital Signal Processing Block The most commonly used DSP functions are FIR filters, complex FIR filters, IIR filters, fast Fourier transform (FFT) functions, direct cosine transform (DCT) functions, and correlators. All of these use the multiplier as the fundamental building block. Additionally, some applications need specialized operations such as multiply-add and multiply-accumulate operations. Stratix II devices provide DSP blocks to meet the arithmetic requirements of these functions. Each Stratix II device has from two to four columns of DSP blocks to efficiently implement DSP functions faster than ALM-based implementations. Stratix II devices have up to 24 DSP blocks per column (see Table 2–5). Each DSP block can be configured to support up to: ■ ■ ■ Eight 9 × 9-bit multipliers Four 18 × 18-bit multipliers One 36 × 36-bit multiplier As indicated, the Stratix II DSP block can support one 36 × 36-bit multiplier in a single DSP block. This is true for any combination of signed, unsigned, or mixed sign multiplications. 1 2–40 Stratix II Device Handbook, Volume 1 This list only shows functions that can fit into a single DSP block. Multiple DSP blocks can support larger multiplication functions. Altera Corporation May 2007 Stratix II Architecture Figure 2–27 shows one of the columns with surrounding LAB rows. Figure 2–27. DSP Blocks Arranged in Columns DSP Block Column 4 LAB Rows Altera Corporation May 2007 DSP Block 2–41 Stratix II Device Handbook, Volume 1 Digital Signal Processing Block Table 2–5 shows the number of DSP blocks in each Stratix II device. Table 2–5. DSP Blocks in Stratix II Devices Note (1) Device DSP Blocks Total 9 × 9 Multipliers Total 18 × 18 Multipliers Total 36 × 36 Multipliers 12 96 48 12 EP2S15 EP2S30 16 128 64 16 EP2S60 36 288 144 36 EP2S90 48 384 192 48 EP2S130 63 504 252 63 EP2S180 96 768 384 96 Note to Table 2–5: (1) Each device has either the numbers of 9 × 9-, 18 × 18-, or 36 × 36-bit multipliers shown. The total number of multipliers for each device is not the sum of all the multipliers. DSP block multipliers can optionally feed an adder/subtractor or accumulator in the block depending on the configuration. This makes routing to ALMs easier, saves ALM routing resources, and increases performance, because all connections and blocks are in the DSP block. Additionally, the DSP block input registers can efficiently implement shift registers for FIR filter applications, and DSP blocks support Q1.15 format rounding and saturation. Figure 2–28 shows the top-level diagram of the DSP block configured for 18 × 18-bit multiplier mode. 2–42 Stratix II Device Handbook, Volume 1 Altera Corporation May 2007 Stratix II Architecture Figure 2–28. DSP Block Diagram for 18 × 18-Bit Configuration Optional Serial Shift Register Inputs from Previous DSP Block Output Selection Multiplexer Adder Output Block PRN D Multiplier Block Q ENA CLRN From the row interface block D PRN Q1.15 Round/ Saturate PRN Q D Q ENA CLRN ENA CLRN D Adder/ Subtractor/ Accumulator 1 Q1.15 Round/ Saturate PRN Q ENA CLRN D Optional Stage Configurable as Accumulator or Dynamic Adder/Subtractor PRN Q1.15 Round/ Saturate PRN Q D Q ENA CLRN Summation Block ENA CLRN Adder D Q ENA CLRN D PRN Q ENA CLRN PRN Q1.15 Round/ Saturate PRN D Q D Q ENA CLRN D D Adder/ Subtractor/ Accumulator 2 Q1.15 Round/ Saturate PRN Q ENA CLRN Optional Serial Shift Register Outputs to Next DSP Block in the Column Summation Stage for Adding Four Multipliers Together ENA CLRN PRN Q1.15 Round/ Saturate PRN Q ENA CLRN D Q ENA CLRN Optional Pipline Register Stage Optional Input Register Stage with Parallel Input or Shift Register Configuration to MultiTrack Interconnect Altera Corporation May 2007 2–43 Stratix II Device Handbook, Volume 1 Digital Signal Processing Block Modes of Operation The adder, subtractor, and accumulate functions of a DSP block have four modes of operation: ■ ■ ■ ■ Simple multiplier Multiply-accumulator Two-multipliers adder Four-multipliers adder Table 2–6 shows the different number of multipliers possible in each DSP block mode according to size. These modes allow the DSP blocks to implement numerous applications for DSP including FFTs, complex FIR, FIR, and 2D FIR filters, equalizers, IIR, correlators, matrix multiplication and many other functions. The DSP blocks also support mixed modes and mixed multiplier sizes in the same block. For example, half of one DSP block can implement one 18 × 18-bit multiplier in multiplyaccumulator mode, while the other half of the DSP block implements four 9 × 9-bit multipliers in simple multiplier mode. Table 2–6. Multiplier Size & Configurations per DSP Block DSP Block Mode Multiplier 9×9 Eight multipliers with eight product outputs Multiply-accumulator - Two-multipliers adder Four-multipliers adder 18 × 18 Four multipliers with four product outputs 36 × 36 One multiplier with one product output Two 52-bit multiplyaccumulate blocks - Four two-multiplier adder (two 9 × 9 complex multiply) Two two-multiplier adder (one 18 × 18 complex multiply) - Two four-multiplier adder One four-multiplier adder - DSP Block Interface Stratix II device DSP block input registers can generate a shift register that can cascade down in the same DSP block column. Dedicated connections between DSP blocks provide fast connections between the shift register inputs to cascade the shift register chains. You can cascade registers within multiple DSP blocks for 9 × 9- or 18 × 18-bit FIR filters larger than four taps, with additional adder stages implemented in ALMs. If the DSP block is configured as 36 × 36 bits, the adder, subtractor, or accumulator stages are implemented in ALMs. Each DSP block can route the shift register chain out of the block to cascade multiple columns of DSP blocks. 2–44 Stratix II Device Handbook, Volume 1 Altera Corporation May 2007 Stratix II Architecture The DSP block is divided into four block units that interface with four LAB rows on the left and right. Each block unit can be considered one complete 18 × 18-bit multiplier with 36 inputs and 36 outputs. A local interconnect region is associated with each DSP block. Like an LAB, this interconnect region can be fed with 16 direct link interconnects from the LAB to the left or right of the DSP block in the same row. R4 and C4 routing resources can access the DSP block's local interconnect region. The outputs also work similarly to LAB outputs as well. Eighteen outputs from the DSP block can drive to the left LAB through direct link interconnects and eighteen can drive to the right LAB though direct link interconnects. All 36 outputs can drive to R4 and C4 routing interconnects. Outputs can drive right- or left-column routing. Figures 2–29 and 2–30 show the DSP block interfaces to LAB rows. Figure 2–29. DSP Block Interconnect Interface DSP Block R4, C4 & Direct Link Interconnects OA[17..0] OB[17..0] R4, C4 & Direct Link Interconnects A1[17..0] B1[17..0] OC[17..0] OD[17..0] A2[17..0] B2[17..0] OE[17..0] OF[17..0] A3[17..0] B3[17..0] OG[17..0] OH[17..0] A4[17..0] B4[17..0] Altera Corporation May 2007 2–45 Stratix II Device Handbook, Volume 1 Digital Signal Processing Block Figure 2–30. DSP Block Interface to Interconnect Direct Link Interconnect from Adjacent LAB C4 Interconnect R4 Interconnect Direct Link Outputs to Adjacent LABs Direct Link Interconnect from Adjacent LAB 36 DSP Block Row Structure 36 LAB LAB 18 16 16 12 Control 36 A[17..0] B[17..0] OA[17..0] OB[17..0] 36 Row Interface Block DSP Block to LAB Row Interface Block Interconnect Region 36 Inputs per Row 36 Outputs per Row A bus of 44 control signals feeds the entire DSP block. These signals include clocks, asynchronous clears, clock enables, signed/unsigned control signals, addition and subtraction control signals, rounding and saturation control signals, and accumulator synchronous loads. The clock signals are routed from LAB row clocks and are generated from specific LAB rows at the DSP block interface. 2–46 Stratix II Device Handbook, Volume 1 Altera Corporation May 2007 Stratix II Architecture The LAB row source for control signals, data inputs, and outputs is shown in Table 2–7. Table 2–7. DSP Block Signal Sources & Destinations LAB Row at Interface f Altera Corporation May 2007 Control Signals Generated Data Inputs Data Outputs 0 clock0 aclr0 ena0 mult01_saturate addnsub1_round/ accum_round addnsub1 signa sourcea sourceb A1[17..0] B1[17..0] OA[17..0] OB[17..0] 1 clock1 aclr1 ena1 accum_saturate mult01_round accum_sload sourcea sourceb mode0 A2[17..0] B2[17..0] OC[17..0] OD[17..0] 2 clock2 aclr2 ena2 mult23_saturate addnsub3_round/ accum_round addnsub3 sign_b sourcea sourceb A3[17..0] B3[17..0] OE[17..0] OF[17..0] 3 clock3 aclr3 ena3 accum_saturate mult23_round accum_sload sourcea sourceb mode1 A4[17..0] B4[17..0] OG[17..0] OH[17..0] See the DSP Blocks in Stratix II & Stratix II GX Devices chapter in volume 2 of the Stratix II Device Handbook or the Stratix II GX Device Handbook, for more information on DSP blocks. 2–47 Stratix II Device Handbook, Volume 1 PLLs & Clock Networks PLLs & Clock Networks Stratix II devices provide a hierarchical clock structure and multiple PLLs with advanced features. The large number of clocking resources in combination with the clock synthesis precision provided by enhanced and fast PLLs provides a complete clock management solution. Global & Hierarchical Clocking Stratix II devices provide 16 dedicated global clock networks and 32 regional clock networks (eight per device quadrant). These clocks are organized into a hierarchical clock structure that allows for up to 24 clocks per device region with low skew and delay. This hierarchical clocking scheme provides up to 48 unique clock domains in Stratix II devices. There are 16 dedicated clock pins (CLK[15..0]) to drive either the global or regional clock networks. Four clock pins drive each side of the device, as shown in Figures 2–31 and 2–32. Internal logic and enhanced and fast PLL outputs can also drive the global and regional clock networks. Each global and regional clock has a clock control block, which controls the selection of the clock source and dynamically enables/disables the clock to reduce power consumption. Table 2–8 shows global and regional clock features. Table 2–8. Global & Regional Clock Features Feature Global Clocks Regional Clocks Number per device 16 32 Number available per quadrant 16 8 Sources Dynamic clock source selection Dynamic enable/disable CLK pins, PLL outputs, or internal logic CLK pins, PLL outputs, or internal logic v (1) v v Note to Table 2–8: (1) Dynamic source clock selection is supported for selecting between CLKp pins and PLL outputs only. Global Clock Network These clocks drive throughout the entire device, feeding all device quadrants. The global clock networks can be used as clock sources for all resources in the device-IOEs, ALMs, DSP blocks, and all memory blocks. These resources can also be used for control signals, such as clock enables and synchronous or asynchronous clears fed from the external pin. The 2–48 Stratix II Device Handbook, Volume 1 Altera Corporation May 2007 Stratix II Architecture global clock networks can also be driven by internal logic for internally generated global clocks and asynchronous clears, clock enables, or other control signals with large fanout. Figure 2–31 shows the 16 dedicated CLK pins driving global clock networks. Figure 2–31. Global Clocking CLK[15..12] Global Clock [15..0] CLK[3..0] Global Clock [15..0] CLK[11..8] CLK[7..4] Regional Clock Network There are eight regional clock networks RCLK[7..0] in each quadrant of the Stratix II device that are driven by the dedicated CLK[15..0] input pins, by PLL outputs, or by internal logic. The regional clock networks provide the lowest clock delay and skew for logic contained in a single quadrant. The CLK clock pins symmetrically drive the RCLK networks in a particular quadrant, as shown in Figure 2–32. Altera Corporation May 2007 2–49 Stratix II Device Handbook, Volume 1 PLLs & Clock Networks Figure 2–32. Regional Clocks RCLK[31..28] RCLK[27..24] CLK[15..12] RCLK[23..20] RCLK[3..0] CLK[3..0] CLK[11..8] RCLK[19..16] RCLK[7..4] CLK[7..4] Regional Clocks Only Drive a Device Quadrant from Specified CLK Pins, PLLs or Core Logic within that Quadrant RCLK[11..8] RCLK[15..12] Dual-Regional Clock Network A single source (CLK pin or PLL output) can generate a dual-regional clock by driving two regional clock network lines in adjacent quadrants (one from each quadrant). This allows logic that spans multiple quadrants to utilize the same low skew clock. The routing of this clock signal on an entire side has approximately the same speed but slightly higher clock skew when compared with a clock signal that drives a single quadrant. Internal logic-array routing can also drive a dual-regional clock. Clock pins and enhanced PLL outputs on the top and bottom can drive horizontal dual-regional clocks. Clock pins and fast PLL outputs on the left and right can drive vertical dual-regional clocks, as shown in Figure 2–33. Corner PLLs cannot drive dual-regional clocks. 2–50 Stratix II Device Handbook, Volume 1 Altera Corporation May 2007 Stratix II Architecture Figure 2–33. Dual-Regional Clocks Clock Pins or PLL Clock Outputs Can Drive Dual-Regional Network CLK[15..12] CLK[3..0] Clock Pins or PLL Clock Outputs Can Drive Dual-Regional Network CLK[3..0] CLK[11..8] PLLs CLK[15..12] CLK[11..8] PLLs CLK[7..4] CLK[7..4] Combined Resources Within each quadrant, there are 24 distinct dedicated clocking resources consisting of 16 global clock lines and eight regional clock lines. Multiplexers are used with these clocks to form busses to drive LAB row clocks, column IOE clocks, or row IOE clocks. Another multiplexer is used at the LAB level to select three of the six row clocks to feed the ALM registers in the LAB (see Figure 2–34). Figure 2–34. Hierarchical Clock Networks Per Quadrant Clocks Available to a Quadrant or Half-Quadrant Column I/O Cell IO_CLK[7..0] Global Clock Network [15..0] Clock [23..0] Lab Row Clock [5..0] Regional Clock Network [7..0] Row I/O Cell IO_CLK[7..0] Altera Corporation May 2007 2–51 Stratix II Device Handbook, Volume 1 PLLs & Clock Networks IOE clocks have row and column block regions that are clocked by eight I/O clock signals chosen from the 24 quadrant clock resources. Figures 2–35 and 2–36 show the quadrant relationship to the I/O clock regions. Figure 2–35. EP2S15 & EP2S30 Device I/O Clock Groups IO_CLKA[7:0] IO_CLKB[7:0] 8 8 I/O Clock Regions 8 24 Clocks in the Quadrant 24 Clocks in the Quadrant IO_CLKH[7:0] IO_CLKC[7:0] 8 8 IO_CLKG[7:0] IO_CLKD[7:0] 24 Clocks in the Quadrant 24 Clocks in the Quadrant 8 8 8 IO_CLKF[7:0] 2–52 Stratix II Device Handbook, Volume 1 IO_CLKE[7:0] Altera Corporation May 2007 Stratix II Architecture Figure 2–36. EP2S60, EP2S90, EP2S130 & EP2S180 Device I/O Clock Groups IO_CLKA[7:0] IO_CLKB[7:0] 8 IO_CLKC[7:0] 8 IO_CLKD[7:0] 8 8 I/O Clock Regions 8 8 IO_CLKE[7:0] IO_CLKP[7:0] 24 Clocks in the Quadrant 24 Clocks in the Quadrant 8 8 IO_CLKF[7:0] IO_CLKO[7:0] 8 8 IO_CLKN[7:0] IO_CLKG[7:0] 24 Clocks in the Quadrant 24 Clocks in the Quadrant 8 8 IO_CLKH[7:0] IO_CLKM[7:0] 8 8 IO_CLKL[7:0] 8 IO_CLKK[7:0] 8 IO_CLKJ[7:0] IO_CLKI[7:0] You can use the Quartus II software to control whether a clock input pin drives either a global, regional, or dual-regional clock network. The Quartus II software automatically selects the clocking resources if not specified. Clock Control Block Each global clock, regional clock, and PLL external clock output has its own clock control block. The control block has two functions: ■ ■ Altera Corporation May 2007 Clock source selection (dynamic selection for global clocks) Clock power-down (dynamic clock enable/disable) 2–53 Stratix II Device Handbook, Volume 1 PLLs & Clock Networks 1 When using the global or regional clock control blocks in Stratix II devices to select between multiple clocks or to enable and disable clock networks, be aware of possible narrow pulses or glitches when switching from one clock signal to another. A glitch or runt pulse has a width that is less than the width of the highest frequency input clock signal. To prevent logic errors within the FPGA, Altera recommends that you build circuits that filter out glitches and runt pulses. Figures 2–37 through 2–39 show the clock control block for the global clock, regional clock, and PLL external clock output, respectively. Figure 2–37. Global Clock Control Blocks CLKp Pins PLL Counter Outputs CLKSELECT[1..0] (1) 2 2 CLKn Pin 2 This multiplexer supports User-Controllable Dynamic Switching Internal Logic Static Clock Select (2) Enable/ Disable Internal Logic GCLK Notes to Figure 2–37: (1) (2) These clock select signals can be dynamically controlled through internal logic when the device is operating in user mode. These clock select signals can only be set through a configuration file (.sof or .pof) and cannot be dynamically controlled during user mode operation. 2–54 Stratix II Device Handbook, Volume 1 Altera Corporation May 2007 Stratix II Architecture Figure 2–38. Regional Clock Control Blocks CLKp Pin PLL Counter Outputs (3) CLKn Pin (2) 2 Internal Logic Static Clock Select (1) Enable/ Disable Internal Logic RCLK Notes to Figure 2–38: (1) (2) (3) Altera Corporation May 2007 These clock select signals can only be set through a configuration file (.sof or .pof) and cannot be dynamically controlled during user mode operation. Only the CLKn pins on the top and bottom of the device feed to regional clock select blocks.The clock outputs from corner PLLs cannot be dynamically selected through the global clock control block. The clock outputs from corner PLLs cannot be dynamically selected through the global clock control block. 2–55 Stratix II Device Handbook, Volume 1 PLLs & Clock Networks Figure 2–39. External PLL Output Clock Control Blocks PLL Counter Outputs (c[5..0]) 6 Static Clock Select (1) Enable/ Disable Internal Logic IOE (2) Internal Logic Static Clock Select (1) PLL_OUT Pin Notes to Figure 2–39: (1) (2) These clock select signals can only be set through a configuration file (.sof or .pof) and cannot be dynamically controlled during user mode operation. The clock control block feeds to a multiplexer within the PLL_OUT pin’s IOE. The PLL_OUT pin is a dual-purpose pin. Therefore, this multiplexer selects either an internal signal or the output of the clock control block. For the global clock control block, the clock source selection can be controlled either statically or dynamically. The user has the option of statically selecting the clock source by using the Quartus II software to set specific configuration bits in the configuration file (.sof or .pof) or the user can control the selection dynamically by using internal logic to drive the multiplexor select inputs. When selecting statically, the clock source can be set to any of the inputs to the select multiplexor. When selecting the clock source dynamically, you can either select between two PLL outputs (such as the C0 or C1 outputs from one PLL), between two PLLs (such as the C0/C1 clock output of one PLL or the C0/C1 c1ock output of the other PLL), between two clock pins (such as CLK0 or CLK1), or between a combination of clock pins or PLL outputs. The clock outputs from corner PLLs cannot be dynamically selected through the global control block. For the regional and PLL_OUT clock control block, the clock source selection can only be controlled statically using configuration bits. Any of the inputs to the clock select multiplexor can be set as the clock source. 2–56 Stratix II Device Handbook, Volume 1 Altera Corporation May 2007 Stratix II Architecture The Stratix II clock networks can be disabled (powered down) by both static and dynamic approaches. When a clock net is powered down, all the logic fed by the clock net is in an off-state thereby reducing the overall power consumption of the device. The global and regional clock networks can be powered down statically through a setting in the configuration (.sof or .pof) file. Clock networks that are not used are automatically powered down through configuration bit settings in the configuration file generated by the Quartus II software. The dynamic clock enable/disable feature allows the internal logic to control power up/down synchronously on GCLK and RCLK nets and PLL_OUT pins. This function is independent of the PLL and is applied directly on the clock network or PLL_OUT pin, as shown in Figures 2–37 through 2–39. 1 The following restrictions for the input clock pins apply: • • • • CLK0 CLK1 CLK2 CLK3 pin pin pin pin -> -> -> -> inclk[0] inclk[1] inclk[0] inclk[1] of of of of CLKCTRL CLKCTRL CLKCTRL CLKCTRL In general, even CLK numbers connect to the inclk[0] port of CLKCTRL, and odd CLK numbers connect to the inclk[1] port of CLKCTRL. Failure to comply with these restrictions will result in a no-fit error. Enhanced & Fast PLLs Stratix II devices provide robust clock management and synthesis using up to four enhanced PLLs and eight fast PLLs. These PLLs increase performance and provide advanced clock interfacing and clockfrequency synthesis. With features such as clock switchover, spread-spectrum clocking, reconfigurable bandwidth, phase control, and reconfigurable phase shifting, the Stratix II device’s enhanced PLLs provide you with complete control of clocks and system timing. The fast PLLs provide general purpose clocking with multiplication and phase shifting as well as high-speed outputs for high-speed differential I/O support. Enhanced and fast PLLs work together with the Stratix II high-speed I/O and advanced clock architecture to provide significant improvements in system performance and bandwidth. Altera Corporation May 2007 2–57 Stratix II Device Handbook, Volume 1 PLLs & Clock Networks The Quartus II software enables the PLLs and their features without requiring any external devices. Table 2–9 shows the PLLs available for each Stratix II device and their type. Table 2–9. Stratix II Device PLL Availability Fast PLLs Enhanced PLLs Device 1 2 3 4 7 8 9 10 5 6 11 12 EP2S15 v v v v EP2S30 v v v v v v v v EP2S60 (1) v v v v v v v v v v v v EP2S90 (2) v v v v v v v v v v v v EP2S130 (3) v v v v v v v EP2S180 v v v v v v v v v v v v v v v v v Notes to Table 2–9: (1) (2) (3) EP2S60 devices in the 1020-pin package contain 12 PLLs. EP2S60 devices in the 484-pin and 672-pin packages contain fast PLLs 1–4 and enhanced PLLs 5 and 6. EP2S90 devices in the 1020-pin and 1508-pin packages contain 12 PLLs. EP2S90 devices in the 484-pin and 780-pin packages contain fast PLLS 1–4 and enhanced PLLs 5 and 6. EP2S130 devices in the 1020-pin and 1508-pin packages contain 12PLLs. The EP2S130 device in the 780-pin package contains fast PLLs 1–4 and enhanced PLLs 5 and 6. 2–58 Stratix II Device Handbook, Volume 1 Altera Corporation May 2007 Stratix II Architecture Table 2–10 shows the enhanced PLL and fast PLL features in Stratix II devices. Table 2–10. Stratix II PLL Features Feature Enhanced PLL Fast PLL Clock multiplication and division m/(n × post-scale counter) (1) m/(n × post-scale counter) (2) Down to 125-ps increments (3), (4) Down to 125-ps increments (3), (4) Clock switchover v v (5) PLL reconfiguration v v Reconfigurable bandwidth v v Spread spectrum clocking v Programmable duty cycle v v Number of internal clock outputs 6 4 Number of external clock outputs Three differential/six single-ended (6) Number of feedback clock inputs One single-ended or differential (7), (8) Phase shift Notes to Table 2–10: (1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7) (8) For enhanced PLLs, m ranges from 1 to 256, while n and post-scale counters range from 1 to 512 with 50% duty cycle. For fast PLLs, m, and post-scale counters range from 1 to 32. The n counter ranges from 1 to 4. The smallest phase shift is determined by the voltage controlled oscillator (VCO) period divided by 8. For degree increments, Stratix II devices can shift all output frequencies in increments of at least 45. Smaller degree increments are possible depending on the frequency and divide parameters. Stratix II fast PLLs only support manual clock switchover. Fast PLLs can drive to any I/O pin as an external clock. For high-speed differential I/O pins, the device uses a data channel to generate txclkout. If the feedback input is used, you lose one (or two, if FBIN is differential) external clock output pin. Every Stratix II device has at least two enhanced PLLs with one single-ended or differential external feedback input per PLL. Altera Corporation May 2007 2–59 Stratix II Device Handbook, Volume 1 PLLs & Clock Networks Figure 2–40 shows a top-level diagram of the Stratix II device and PLL floorplan. Figure 2–40. PLL Locations CLK[15..12] 11 5 FPLL7CLK 7 10 FPLL10CLK CLK[3..0] 1 2 4 3 CLK[8..11] 8 9 FPLL9CLK PLLs FPLL8CLK 12 6 CLK[7..4] Figures 2–41 and 2–42 shows the global and regional clocking from the fast PLL outputs and the side clock pins. 2–60 Stratix II Device Handbook, Volume 1 Altera Corporation May 2007 Stratix II Architecture CLK8 C2 C2 RCK19 RCK17 RCK22 C3 CLK3 Fast PLL 2 CLK2 CLK1 CLK0 Fast PLL 1 RCK0 RCK1 RCK2 RCK3 RCK4 RCK5 RCK6 RCK7 GCK0 GCK1 GCK2 GCK3 Logic Array Signal Input To Clock Network GCK8 GCK9 GCK10 GCK11 RCK16 RCK18 RCK20 RCK21 RCK23 C1 C1 C3 C0 C0 Fast PLL 3 CLK9 CLK10 C3 C3 C1 C2 C0 C1 C2 C0 Fast PLL 4 CLK11 Figure 2–41. Global & Regional Clock Connections from Center Clock Pins & Fast PLL Outputs Note (1) Notes to Figure 2–41: (1) (2) Altera Corporation May 2007 EP2S15 and EP2S30 devices only have four fast PLLs (1, 2, 3, and 4), but the connectivity from these four PLLs to the global and regional clock networks remains the same as shown. The global or regional clocks in a fast PLL's quadrant can drive the fast PLL input. The global or regional clock input can be driven by an output from another PLL, a pin-driven dedicated global or regional clock, or through a clock control block, provided the clock control block is fed by an output from another PLL or a pin-driven dedicated global or regional clock. An internally generated global signal cannot drive the PLL. 2–61 Stratix II Device Handbook, Volume 1 PLLs & Clock Networks FPLL9CLK C1 C1 RCK19 RCK17 Fast PLL 8 FPLL8CLK FPLL7CLK Fast PLL 7 RCK0 RCK4 RCK1 RCK5 RCK2 RCK6 RCK3 RCK7 GCK0 GCK1 GCK2 GCK3 GCK8 GCK9 GCK10 GCK11 RCK16 RCK18 C0 C0 C3 C3 C3 C3 C2 C2 C1 C2 C2 C0 C1 RCK21 RCK20 RCK22 RCK23 C0 Fast PLL 9 Fast PLL 10 FPLL10CLK Figure 2–42. Global & Regional Clock Connections from Corner Clock Pins & Fast PLL Outputs Note (1) Note to Figure 2–42: (1) The corner fast PLLs can also be driven through the global or regional clock networks. The global or regional clock input can be driven by an output from another PLL, a pin-driven dedicated global or regional clock, or through a clock control block, provided the clock control block is fed by an output from another PLL or a pin-driven dedicated global or regional clock. An internally generated global signal cannot drive the PLL. 2–62 Stratix II Device Handbook, Volume 1 Altera Corporation May 2007 Stratix II Architecture Figure 2–43 shows the global and regional clocking from enhanced PLL outputs and top and bottom CLK pins. The connections to the global and regional clocks from the top clock pins and enhanced PLL outputs is shown in Table 2–11. The connections to the clocks from the bottom clock pins is shown in Table 2–12. Altera Corporation May 2007 2–63 Stratix II Device Handbook, Volume 1 PLLs & Clock Networks Figure 2–43. Global & Regional Clock Connections from Top & Bottom Clock Pins & Enhanced PLL Outputs Notes (1), (2), and (3) CLK15 CLK13 CLK12 CLK14 PLL5_FB PLL11_FB PLL 11 PLL 5 c0 c1 c2 c3 c4 c5 c0 c1 c2 c3 c4 c5 PLL5_OUT[2..0]p PLL5_OUT[2..0]n RCLK31 RCLK30 RCLK29 RCLK28 PLL11_OUT[2..0]p PLL11_OUT[2..0]n Regional Clocks RCLK27 RCLK26 RCLK25 RCLK24 G15 G14 G13 G12 Global Clocks Regional Clocks G4 G5 G6 G7 RCLK8 RCLK9 RCLK10 RCLK11 RCLK12 RCLK13 RCLK14 RCLK15 PLL6_OUT[2..0]p PLL6_OUT[2..0]n PLL12_OUT[2..0]p PLL12_OUT[2..0]n c0 c1 c2 c3 c4 c5 c0 c1 c2 c3 c4 c5 PLL 12 PLL 6 PLL12_FB PLL6_FB CLK4 CLK6 CLK5 CLK7 Notes to Figure 2–43: (1) (2) (3) EP2S15 and EP2S30 devices only have two enhanced PLLs (5 and 6), but the connectivity from these two PLLs to the global and regional clock networks remains the same as shown. If the design uses the feedback input, you lose one (or two, if FBIN is differential) external clock output pin. The enhanced PLLs can also be driven through the global or regional clock netowrks. The global or regional clock input can be driven by an output from another PLL, a pin-driven dedicated global or regional clock, or through a clock control block provided the clock control block is fed by an output from another PLL or a pin-driven dedicated global or regional clock. An internally generated global signal cannot drive the PLL. 2–64 Stratix II Device Handbook, Volume 1 Altera Corporation May 2007 Stratix II Architecture CLK15p v v v RCLK31 v (Part 1 RCLK30 v RCLK29 v RCLK28 v v RCLK27 v CLK14p RCLK26 v RCLK25 v RCLK24 CLK13 v CLK13p CLK15 CLK12 CLK12p Top Side Global & Regional Clock Network Connectivity CLK14 DLLCLK Table 2–11. Global & Regional Clock Connections from Top Clock Pins & Enhanced PLL Outputs of 2) Clock pins v v v CLK12n v v v v v v CLK13n v v v v CLK14n v v v v CLK15n v v v Drivers from internal logic v GCLKDRV0 v GCLKDRV1 v GCLKDRV2 v GCLKDRV3 v RCLKDRV0 v v RCLKDRV1 v v RCLKDRV2 v v RCLKDRV3 v RCLKDRV4 v v v RCLKDRV5 v v RCLKDRV6 v v RCLKDRV7 v Enhanced PLL 5 outputs c0 v v v c1 v v v c2 v v v c3 v v v Altera Corporation May 2007 v v v v v v v v 2–65 Stratix II Device Handbook, Volume 1 PLLs & Clock Networks v v v v v RCLK31 (Part 2 RCLK30 RCLK29 RCLK28 RCLK27 RCLK26 RCLK25 RCLK24 CLK15 v CLK14 v c5 CLK13 c4 CLK12 Top Side Global & Regional Clock Network Connectivity DLLCLK Table 2–11. Global & Regional Clock Connections from Top Clock Pins & Enhanced PLL Outputs of 2) v v v Enhanced PLL 11 outputs c0 v v c1 v v v v v c2 v v c3 v v v v v v c4 v v v c5 v v v v v v v v v v v RCLK15 v CLK7p RCLK14 v RCLK13 v RCLK12 v CLK6p RCLK11 v RCLK10 v RCLK9 CLK5 v CLK5p CLK7 CLK4 CLK4p CLK6 DLLCLK Bottom Side Global & Regional Clock Network Connectivity RCLK8 Table 2–12. Global & Regional Clock Connections from Bottom Clock Pins & Enhanced PLL Outputs (Part 1 of 2) Clock pins CLK4n v v v v v v v v v CLK5n v v v v CLK6n v v v CLK7n v v v v Drivers from internal logic GCLKDRV0 v GCLKDRV1 GCLKDRV2 2–66 Stratix II Device Handbook, Volume 1 v v Altera Corporation May 2007 Stratix II Architecture RCLK15 RCLK14 RCLK13 RCLK12 RCLK11 RCLK10 RCLK9 RCLK8 CLK7 CLK6 CLK5 CLK4 Bottom Side Global & Regional Clock Network Connectivity DLLCLK Table 2–12. Global & Regional Clock Connections from Bottom Clock Pins & Enhanced PLL Outputs (Part 2 of 2) v GCLKDRV3 v RCLKDRV0 v v RCLKDRV1 v v RCLKDRV2 v v RCLKDRV3 v RCLKDRV4 v v v RCLKDRV5 v v RCLKDRV6 v v RCLKDRV7 v Enhanced PLL 6 outputs c0 v v v c1 v v v v c2 v v v c3 v v v c4 v c5 v v v v v v v v v v v v v v v v Enhanced PLL 12 outputs c0 v v c1 v v v v c2 v v c3 v v c4 c5 Altera Corporation May 2007 v v v v v v v v v v v v v v 2–67 Stratix II Device Handbook, Volume 1 PLLs & Clock Networks Enhanced PLLs Stratix II devices contain up to four enhanced PLLs with advanced clock management features. Figure 2–44 shows a diagram of the enhanced PLL. Figure 2–44. Stratix II Enhanced PLL Note (1) From Adjacent PLL VCO Phase Selection Selectable at Each PLL Output Port Clock Switchover Circuitry Post-Scale Counters Spread Spectrum Phase Frequency Detector /c0 INCLK[3..0] /c1 4 /n PFD Charge Pump Loop Filter 8 VCO Global or Regional Clock (4) 4 Global Clocks 8 Regional Clocks /c2 6 /c3 6 /m I/O Buffers (3) /c4 (2) /c5 FBIN Shaded Portions of the PLL are Reconfigurable Lock Detect & Filter to I/O or general routing VCO Phase Selection Affecting All Outputs Notes to Figure 2–44: (1) (2) (3) (4) Each clock source can come from any of the four clock pins that are physically located on the same side of the device as the PLL. If the feedback input is used, you lose one (or two, if FBIN is differential) external clock output pin. Each enhanced PLL has three differential external clock outputs or six single-ended external clock outputs. The global or regional clock input can be driven by an output from another PLL, a pin-driven dedicated global or regional clock, or through a clock control block, provided the clock control block is fed by an output from another PLL or a pin-driven dedicated global or regional clock. An internally generated global signal cannot drive the PLL. 2–68 Stratix II Device Handbook, Volume 1 Altera Corporation May 2007 Stratix II Architecture Fast PLLs Stratix II devices contain up to eight fast PLLs with high-speed serial interfacing ability. Figure 2–45 shows a diagram of the fast PLL. Figure 2–45. Stratix II Device Fast PLL Clock Switchover Circuitry (4) Global or regional clock (1) Notes (1), (2), (3) VCO Phase Selection Selectable at each PLL Output Port Phase Frequency Detector Post-Scale Counters diffioclk0 (2) load_en0 (3) ÷c0 (5) Clock Input ÷n 4 PFD Charge Pump Loop Filter VCO ÷k 8 load_en1 (3) ÷c1 diffioclk1 (2) 4 Global clocks ÷c2 4 Global or regional clock (1) 8 Regional clocks ÷c3 ÷m 8 to DPA block Shaded Portions of the PLL are Reconfigurable Notes to Figure 2–45: (1) (2) (3) (4) (5) The global or regional clock input can be driven by an output from another PLL, a pin-driven dedicated global or regional clock, or through a clock control block, provided the clock control block is fed by an output from another PLL or a pin-driven dedicated global or regional clock. An internally generated global signal cannot drive the PLL. In high-speed differential I/O support mode, this high-speed PLL clock feeds the SERDES circuitry. Stratix II devices only support one rate of data transfer per fast PLL in high-speed differential I/O support mode. This signal is a differential I/O SERDES control signal. Stratix II fast PLLs only support manual clock switchover. If the design enables this ÷2 counter, then the device can use a VCO frequency range of 150 to 520 MHz. f I/O Structure See the PLLs in Stratix II & Stratix II GX Devices chapter in volume 2 of the Stratix II Device Handbook or the Stratix II GX Device Handbook for more information on enhanced and fast PLLs. See “High-Speed Differential I/O with DPA Support” on page 2–96 for more information on high-speed differential I/O support. The Stratix II IOEs provide many features, including: ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ Altera Corporation May 2007 Dedicated differential and single-ended I/O buffers 3.3-V, 64-bit, 66-MHz PCI compliance 3.3-V, 64-bit, 133-MHz PCI-X 1.0 compliance Joint Test Action Group (JTAG) boundary-scan test (BST) support On-chip driver series termination On-chip parallel termination On-chip termination for differential standards Programmable pull-up during configuration 2–69 Stratix II Device Handbook, Volume 1 I/O Structure ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ Output drive strength control Tri-state buffers Bus-hold circuitry Programmable pull-up resistors Programmable input and output delays Open-drain outputs DQ and DQS I/O pins Double data rate (DDR) registers The IOE in Stratix II devices contains a bidirectional I/O buffer, six registers, and a latch for a complete embedded bidirectional single data rate or DDR transfer. Figure 2–46 shows the Stratix II IOE structure. The IOE contains two input registers (plus a latch), two output registers, and two output enable registers. The design can use both input registers and the latch to capture DDR input and both output registers to drive DDR outputs. Additionally, the design can use the output enable (OE) register for fast clock-to-output enable timing. The negative edge-clocked OE register is used for DDR SDRAM interfacing. The Quartus II software automatically duplicates a single OE register that controls multiple output or bidirectional pins. 2–70 Stratix II Device Handbook, Volume 1 Altera Corporation May 2007 Stratix II Architecture Figure 2–46. Stratix II IOE Structure Logic Array OE Register OE D Q OE Register D Q Output Register Output A D Q CLK Output Register Output B D Q Input Register D Q Input A Input B Input Register D Q Input Latch D Q ENA The IOEs are located in I/O blocks around the periphery of the Stratix II device. There are up to four IOEs per row I/O block and four IOEs per column I/O block. The row I/O blocks drive row, column, or direct link interconnects. The column I/O blocks drive column interconnects. Figure 2–47 shows how a row I/O block connects to the logic array. Figure 2–48 shows how a column I/O block connects to the logic array. Altera Corporation May 2007 2–71 Stratix II Device Handbook, Volume 1 I/O Structure Figure 2–47. Row I/O Block Connection to the Interconnect Note (1) R4 & R24 Interconnects C4 Interconnect I/O Block Local Interconnect 32 Data & Control Signals from Logic Array (1) 32 LAB Horizontal I/O Block io_dataina[3..0] io_datainb[3..0] Direct Link Interconnect to Adjacent LAB Direct Link Interconnect to Adjacent LAB io_clk[7:0] LAB Local Interconnect Horizontal I/O Block Contains up to Four IOEs Note to Figure 2–47: (1) The 32 data and control signals consist of eight data out lines: four lines each for DDR applications io_dataouta[3..0] and io_dataoutb[3..0], four output enables io_oe[3..0], four input clock enables io_ce_in[3..0], four output clock enables io_ce_out[3..0], four clocks io_clk[3..0], four asynchronous clear and preset signals io_aclr/apreset[3..0], and four synchronous clear and preset signals io_sclr/spreset[3..0]. 2–72 Stratix II Device Handbook, Volume 1 Altera Corporation May 2007 Stratix II Architecture Figure 2–48. Column I/O Block Connection to the Interconnect Note (1) 32 Data & Control Signals from Logic Array (1) Vertical I/O Block Contains up to Four IOEs Vertical I/O Block 32 IO_dataina[3:0] IO_datainb[3:0] io_clk[7..0] I/O Block Local Interconnect R4 & R24 Interconnects LAB LAB Local Interconnect LAB LAB C4 & C16 Interconnects Note to Figure 2–48: (1) The 32 data and control signals consist of eight data out lines: four lines each for DDR applications io_dataouta[3..0] and io_dataoutb[3..0], four output enables io_oe[3..0], four input clock enables io_ce_in[3..0], four output clock enables io_ce_out[3..0], four clocks io_clk[3..0], four asynchronous clear and preset signals io_aclr/apreset[3..0], and four synchronous clear and preset signals io_sclr/spreset[3..0]. Altera Corporation May 2007 2–73 Stratix II Device Handbook, Volume 1 I/O Structure There are 32 control and data signals that feed each row or column I/O block. These control and data signals are driven from the logic array. The row or column IOE clocks, io_clk[7..0], provide a dedicated routing resource for low-skew, high-speed clocks. I/O clocks are generated from global or regional clocks (see the “PLLs & Clock Networks” section). Figure 2–49 illustrates the signal paths through the I/O block. Figure 2–49. Signal Path through the I/O Block Row or Column io_clk[7..0] To Logic Array To Other IOEs io_dataina io_datainb oe ce_in io_oe ce_out io_ce_in io_ce_out Control Signal Selection aclr/apreset IOE sclr/spreset io_aclr From Logic Array clk_in io_sclr clk_out io_clk io_dataouta io_dataoutb Each IOE contains its own control signal selection for the following control signals: oe, ce_in, ce_out, aclr/apreset, sclr/spreset, clk_in, and clk_out. Figure 2–50 illustrates the control signal selection. 2–74 Stratix II Device Handbook, Volume 1 Altera Corporation May 2007 Stratix II Architecture Figure 2–50. Control Signal Selection per IOE Dedicated I/O Clock [7..0] Local Interconnect io_oe Local Interconnect io_sclr Local Interconnect io_aclr Local Interconnect io_ce_out Local Interconnect io_ce_in Local Interconnect io_clk ce_out clk_out clk_in ce_in sclr/spreset aclr/apreset oe Notes to Figure 2–50: (1) Control signals ce_in, ce_out, aclr/apreset, sclr/spreset, and oe can be global signals even though their control selection multiplexers are not directly fed by the ioe_clk[7..0] signals. The ioe_clk signals can drive the I/O local interconnect, which then drives the control selection multiplexers. In normal bidirectional operation, the input register can be used for input data requiring fast setup times. The input register can have its own clock input and clock enable separate from the OE and output registers. The output register can be used for data requiring fast clock-to-output performance. The OE register can be used for fast clock-to-output enable timing. The OE and output register share the same clock source and the same clock enable source from local interconnect in the associated LAB, dedicated I/O clocks, and the column and row interconnects. Altera Corporation May 2007 2–75 Stratix II Device Handbook, Volume 1 I/O Structure Figure 2–51 shows the IOE in bidirectional configuration. Figure 2–51. Stratix II IOE in Bidirectional I/O Configuration Note (1) ioe_clk[7..0] Column, Row, or Local Interconnect oe OE Register D Q clkout ce_out ENA CLRN/PRN OE Register tCO Delay VCCIO PCI Clamp (2) VCCIO Programmable Pull-Up Resistor aclr/apreset Chip-Wide Reset Output Register D sclr/spreset Q Output Pin Delay On-Chip Termination Drive Strength Control ENA Open-Drain Output CLRN/PRN Input Pin to Logic Array Delay Input Register clkin ce_in D Input Pin to Input Register Delay Bus-Hold Circuit Q ENA CLRN/PRN Notes to Figure 2–51: (1) (2) All input signals to the IOE can be inverted at the IOE. The optional PCI clamp is only available on column I/O pins. 2–76 Stratix II Device Handbook, Volume 1 Altera Corporation May 2007 Stratix II Architecture The Stratix II device IOE includes programmable delays that can be activated to ensure input IOE register-to-logic array register transfers, input pin-to-logic array register transfers, or output IOE register-to-pin transfers. A path in which a pin directly drives a register may require the delay to ensure zero hold time, whereas a path in which a pin drives a register through combinational logic may not require the delay. Programmable delays exist for decreasing input-pin-to-logic-array and IOE input register delays. The Quartus II Compiler can program these delays to automatically minimize setup time while providing a zero hold time. Programmable delays can increase the register-to-pin delays for output and/or output enable registers. Programmable delays are no longer required to ensure zero hold times for logic array register-to-IOE register transfers. The Quartus II Compiler can create the zero hold time for these transfers. Table 2–13 shows the programmable delays for Stratix II devices. Table 2–13. Stratix II Programmable Delay Chain Programmable Delays Quartus II Logic Option Input pin to logic array delay Input delay from pin to internal cells Input pin to input register delay Input delay from pin to input register Output pin delay Delay from output register to output pin Output enable register tCO delay Delay to output enable pin The IOE registers in Stratix II devices share the same source for clear or preset. You can program preset or clear for each individual IOE. You can also program the registers to power up high or low after configuration is complete. If programmed to power up low, an asynchronous clear can control the registers. If programmed to power up high, an asynchronous preset can control the registers. This feature prevents the inadvertent activation of another device's active-low input upon power-up. If one register in an IOE uses a preset or clear signal then all registers in the IOE must use that same signal if they require preset or clear. Additionally, a synchronous reset signal is available for the IOE registers. Double Data Rate I/O Pins Stratix II devices have six registers in the IOE, which support DDR interfacing by clocking data on both positive and negative clock edges. The IOEs in Stratix II devices support DDR inputs, DDR outputs, and bidirectional DDR modes. Altera Corporation May 2007 2–77 Stratix II Device Handbook, Volume 1 I/O Structure When using the IOE for DDR inputs, the two input registers clock double rate input data on alternating edges. An input latch is also used in the IOE for DDR input acquisition. The latch holds the data that is present during the clock high times. This allows both bits of data to be synchronous with the same clock edge (either rising or falling). Figure 2–52 shows an IOE configured for DDR input. Figure 2–53 shows the DDR input timing diagram. Figure 2–52. Stratix II IOE in DDR Input I/O Configuration Notes (1), (2), (3) ioe_clk[7..0] Column, Row, or Local Interconnect VCCIO To DQS Logic Block (3) DQS Local Bus (2) PCI Clamp (4) VCCIO Programmable Pull-Up Resistor On-Chip Termination Input Pin to Input RegisterDelay sclr/spreset Input Register D Q clkin ce_in ENA CLRN/PRN Bus-Hold Circuit aclr/apreset Chip-Wide Reset Latch Input Register D Q ENA CLRN/PRN D Q ENA CLRN/PRN Notes to Figure 2–52: (1) (2) (3) (4) All input signals to the IOE can be inverted at the IOE. This signal connection is only allowed on dedicated DQ function pins. This signal is for dedicated DQS function pins only. The optional PCI clamp is only available on column I/O pins. 2–78 Stratix II Device Handbook, Volume 1 Altera Corporation May 2007 Stratix II Architecture Figure 2–53. Input Timing Diagram in DDR Mode Data at input pin B0 A0 B1 A1 B2 A2 B3 A3 B4 CLK A0 A1 A2 A3 B0 B1 B2 B3 Input To Logic Array When using the IOE for DDR outputs, the two output registers are configured to clock two data paths from ALMs on rising clock edges. These output registers are multiplexed by the clock to drive the output pin at a ×2 rate. One output register clocks the first bit out on the clock high time, while the other output register clocks the second bit out on the clock low time. Figure 2–54 shows the IOE configured for DDR output. Figure 2–55 shows the DDR output timing diagram. Altera Corporation May 2007 2–79 Stratix II Device Handbook, Volume 1 I/O Structure Figure 2–54. Stratix II IOE in DDR Output I/O Configuration Notes (1), (2) ioe_clk[7..0] Column, Row, or Local Interconnect oe OE Register D Q clkout ENA CLRN/PRN OE Register tCO Delay ce_out aclr/apreset VCCIO PCI Clamp (3) Chip-Wide Reset OE Register D VCCIO Q sclr/spreset ENA CLRN/PRN Used for DDR, DDR2 SDRAM Programmable Pull-Up Resistor Output Register D Q ENA CLRN/PRN Output Register D Output Pin Delay On-Chip Termination clk Drive Strength Control Open-Drain Output Q ENA CLRN/PRN Bus-Hold Circuit Notes to Figure 2–54: (1) (2) (3) All input signals to the IOE can be inverted at the IOE. The tri-state buffer is active low. The DDIO megafunction represents the tri-state buffer as active-high with an inverter at the OE register data port. Similarly, the aclr and apreset signals are also active-high at the input ports of the DDIO megafunction. The optional PCI clamp is only available on column I/O pins. 2–80 Stratix II Device Handbook, Volume 1 Altera Corporation May 2007 Stratix II Architecture Figure 2–55. Output TIming Diagram in DDR Mode CLK A1 A2 A3 A4 B1 B2 B3 B4 From Internal Registers B1 DDR output A1 B2 A2 B3 A3 B4 A4 The Stratix II IOE operates in bidirectional DDR mode by combining the DDR input and DDR output configurations. The negative-edge-clocked OE register holds the OE signal inactive until the falling edge of the clock. This is done to meet DDR SDRAM timing requirements. External RAM Interfacing In addition to the six I/O registers in each IOE, Stratix II devices also have dedicated phase-shift circuitry for interfacing with external memory interfaces. Stratix II devices support DDR and DDR2 SDRAM, QDR II SRAM, RLDRAM II, and SDR SDRAM memory interfaces. In every Stratix II device, the I/O banks at the top (banks 3 and 4) and bottom (banks 7 and 8) of the device support DQ and DQS signals with DQ bus modes of ×4, ×8/×9, ×16/×18, or ×32/×36. Table 2–14 shows the number of DQ and DQS buses that are supported per device. Table 2–14. DQS & DQ Bus Mode Support (Part 1 of 2) Number of ×4 Groups Number of ×8/×9 Groups 484-pin FineLine BGA 8 4 0 0 672-pin FineLine BGA 18 8 4 0 484-pin FineLine BGA 8 4 0 0 672-pin FineLine BGA 18 8 4 0 484-pin FineLine BGA 8 4 0 0 672-pin FineLine BGA 18 8 4 0 1,020-pin FineLine BGA 36 18 8 4 Device EP2S15 EP2S30 EP2S60 Note (1) Package Altera Corporation May 2007 Number of Number of ×16/×18 Groups ×32/×36 Groups 2–81 Stratix II Device Handbook, Volume 1 I/O Structure Table 2–14. DQS & DQ Bus Mode Support (Part 2 of 2) Note (1) Device Package Number of ×4 Groups Number of ×8/×9 Groups EP2S90 484-pin Hybrid FineLine BGA 8 4 Number of Number of ×16/×18 Groups ×32/×36 Groups 0 0 780-pin FineLine BGA 18 8 4 0 1,020-pin FineLine BGA 36 18 8 4 1,508-pin FineLine BGA 36 18 8 4 18 8 4 0 1,020-pin FineLine BGA 36 18 8 4 1,508-pin FineLine BGA 36 18 8 4 EP2S180 1,020-pin FineLine BGA 36 18 8 4 1,508-pin FineLine BGA 36 18 8 4 EP2S130 780-pin FineLine BGA Notes to Table 2–14: (1) Check the pin table for each DQS/DQ group in the different modes. A compensated delay element on each DQS pin automatically aligns input DQS synchronization signals with the data window of their corresponding DQ data signals. The DQS signals drive a local DQS bus in the top and bottom I/O banks. This DQS bus is an additional resource to the I/O clocks and is used to clock DQ input registers with the DQS signal. The Stratix II device has two phase-shifting reference circuits, one on the top and one on the bottom of the device. The circuit on the top controls the compensated delay elements for all DQS pins on the top. The circuit on the bottom controls the compensated delay elements for all DQS pins on the bottom. Each phase-shifting reference circuit is driven by a system reference clock, which must have the same frequency as the DQS signal. Clock pins CLK[15..12]p feed the phase circuitry on the top of the device and clock pins CLK[7..4]p feed the phase circuitry on the bottom of the device. In addition, PLL clock outputs can also feed the phase-shifting reference circuits. Figure 2–56 illustrates the phase-shift reference circuit control of each DQS delay shift on the top of the device. This same circuit is duplicated on the bottom of the device. 2–82 Stratix II Device Handbook, Volume 1 Altera Corporation May 2007 Stratix II Architecture Figure 2–56. DQS Phase-Shift Circuitry Notes (1), (2), (3), (4) From PLL 5 (3) DQSn Pin DQS Pin DQSn Pin DQS Pin Δt Δt Δt Δt to IOE to IOE to IOE to IOE CLK[15..12]p (2) DQS Phase-Shift Circuitry DQS Pin DQSn Pin DQS Pin DQSn Pin Δt Δt Δt Δt to IOE to IOE to IOE to IOE DQS Logic Blocks Notes to Figure 2–56: (1) (2) (3) (4) There are up to 18 pairs of DQS and DQSn pins available on the top or the bottom of the Stratix II device. There are up to 10 pairs on the right side and 8 pairs on the left side of the DQS phase-shift circuitry. The Δt module represents the DQS logic block. Clock pins CLK[15..12]p feed the phase-shift circuitry on the top of the device and clock pins CLK[7..4]p feed the phase circuitry on the bottom of the device. You can also use a PLL clock output as a reference clock to the phaseshift circuitry. You can only use PLL 5 to feed the DQS phase-shift circuitry on the top of the device and PLL 6 to feed the DQS phase-shift circuitry on the bottom of the device. These dedicated circuits combined with enhanced PLL clocking and phase-shift ability provide a complete hardware solution for interfacing to high-speed memory. f For more information on external memory interfaces, refer to the External Memory Interfaces in Stratix II & Stratix II GX Devices chapter in volume 2 of the Stratix II Device Handbook or the Stratix II GX Device Handbook. Programmable Drive Strength The output buffer for each Stratix II device I/O pin has a programmable drive strength control for certain I/O standards. The LVTTL, LVCMOS, SSTL, and HSTL standards have several levels of drive strength that the user can control. The default setting used in the Quartus II software is the maximum current strength setting that is used to achieve maximum I/O performance. For all I/O standards, the minimum setting is the lowest drive strength that guarantees the IOH/IOL of the standard. Using minimum settings provides signal slew rate control to reduce system noise and signal overshoot. Altera Corporation May 2007 2–83 Stratix II Device Handbook, Volume 1 I/O Structure Table 2–15 shows the possible settings for the I/O standards with drive strength control. Table 2–15. Programmable Drive Strength Note (1) IOH / IOL Current Strength Setting (mA) for Column I/O Pins IOH / IOL Current Strength Setting (mA) for Row I/O Pins 3.3-V LVTTL 24, 20, 16, 12, 8, 4 12, 8, 4 3.3-V LVCMOS I/O Standard 24, 20, 16, 12, 8, 4 8, 4 2.5-V LVTTL/LVCMOS 16, 12, 8, 4 12, 8, 4 1.8-V LVTTL/LVCMOS 12, 10, 8, 6, 4, 2 8, 6, 4, 2 8, 6, 4, 2 4, 2 SSTL-2 Class I 12, 8 12, 8 SSTL-2 Class II 24, 20, 16 16 SSTL-18 Class I 12, 10, 8, 6, 4 10, 8, 6, 4 SSTL-18 Class II 20, 18, 16, 8 - HSTL-18 Class I 12, 10, 8, 6, 4 12, 10, 8, 6, 4 HSTL-18 Class II 20, 18, 16 - HSTL-15 Class I 12, 10, 8, 6, 4 8, 6, 4 HSTL-15 Class II 20, 18, 16 - 1.5-V LVCMOS Note to Table 2–15: (1) The Quartus II software default current setting is the maximum setting for each I/O standard. Open-Drain Output Stratix II devices provide an optional open-drain (equivalent to an opencollector) output for each I/O pin. This open-drain output enables the device to provide system-level control signals (e.g., interrupt and writeenable signals) that can be asserted by any of several devices. Bus Hold Each Stratix II device I/O pin provides an optional bus-hold feature. The bus-hold circuitry can weakly hold the signal on an I/O pin at its last-driven state. Since the bus-hold feature holds the last-driven state of the pin until the next input signal is present, you do not need an external pull-up or pull-down resistor to hold a signal level when the bus is tri-stated. 2–84 Stratix II Device Handbook, Volume 1 Altera Corporation May 2007 Stratix II Architecture The bus-hold circuitry also pulls undriven pins away from the input threshold voltage where noise can cause unintended high-frequency switching. You can select this feature individually for each I/O pin. The bus-hold output drives no higher than VCCIO to prevent overdriving signals. If the bus-hold feature is enabled, the programmable pull-up option cannot be used. Disable the bus-hold feature when the I/O pin has been configured for differential signals. The bus-hold circuitry uses a resistor with a nominal resistance (RBH) of approximately 7 kΩ to weakly pull the signal level to the last-driven state. See the DC & Switching Characteristics chapter in the Stratix II Device Handbook, Volume 1, for the specific sustaining current driven through this resistor and overdrive current used to identify the next-driven input level. This information is provided for each VCCIO voltage level. The bus-hold circuitry is active only after configuration. When going into user mode, the bus-hold circuit captures the value on the pin present at the end of configuration. Programmable Pull-Up Resistor Each Stratix II device I/O pin provides an optional programmable pull-up resistor during user mode. If you enable this feature for an I/O pin, the pull-up resistor (typically 25 kΩ) weakly holds the output to the VCCIO level of the output pin’s bank. Programmable pull-up resistors are only supported on user I/O pins, and are not supported on dedicated configuration pins, JTAG pins or dedicated clock pins. Advanced I/O Standard Support Stratix II device IOEs support the following I/O standards: ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ Altera Corporation May 2007 3.3-V LVTTL/LVCMOS 2.5-V LVTTL/LVCMOS 1.8-V LVTTL/LVCMOS 1.5-V LVCMOS 3.3-V PCI 3.3-V PCI-X mode 1 LVDS LVPECL (on input and output clocks only) HyperTransport technology Differential 1.5-V HSTL Class I and II Differential 1.8-V HSTL Class I and II Differential SSTL-18 Class I and II Differential SSTL-2 Class I and II 2–85 Stratix II Device Handbook, Volume 1 I/O Structure ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ 1.5-V HSTL Class I and II 1.8-V HSTL Class I and II 1.2-V HSTL SSTL-2 Class I and II SSTL-18 Class I and II Table 2–16 describes the I/O standards supported by Stratix II devices. Table 2–16. Stratix II Supported I/O Standards (Part 1 of 2) I/O Standard Type Input Reference Output Supply Board Termination Voltage (VREF) (V) Voltage (VCCIO) (V) Voltage (VTT) (V) LVTTL Single-ended - 3.3 - LVCMOS Single-ended - 3.3 - 2.5 V Single-ended - 2.5 - 1.8 V Single-ended - 1.8 - 1.5-V LVCMOS Single-ended - 1.5 - 3.3-V PCI Single-ended - 3.3 - 3.3-V PCI-X mode 1 Single-ended - 3.3 - LVDS Differential - 2.5 (3) - LVPECL (1) Differential - 3.3 - HyperTransport technology Differential - 2.5 - Differential 1.5-V HSTL Class I and II (2) Differential 0.75 1.5 0.75 Differential 1.8-V HSTL Class I and II (2) Differential 0.90 1.8 0.90 Differential SSTL-18 Class I and II (2) Differential 0.90 1.8 0.90 Differential SSTL-2 Class I and II (2) Differential 1.25 2.5 1.25 1.2-V HSTL(4) Voltage-referenced 0.6 1.2 0.6 1.5-V HSTL Class I and II Voltage-referenced 0.75 1.5 0.75 1.8-V HSTL Class I and II Voltage-referenced 0.9 1.8 0.9 SSTL-18 Class I and II Voltage-referenced 0.90 1.8 0.90 2–86 Stratix II Device Handbook, Volume 1 Altera Corporation May 2007 Stratix II Architecture Table 2–16. Stratix II Supported I/O Standards (Part 2 of 2) I/O Standard SSTL-2 Class I and II Type Voltage-referenced Input Reference Output Supply Board Termination Voltage (VREF) (V) Voltage (VCCIO) (V) Voltage (VTT) (V) 1.25 2.5 1.25 Notes to Table 2–16: (1) (2) (3) (4) This I/O standard is only available on input and output column clock pins. This I/O standard is only available on input clock pins and DQS pins in I/O banks 3, 4, 7, and 8, and output clock pins in I/O banks 9,10, 11, and 12. VCCIO is 3.3 V when using this I/O standard in input and output column clock pins (in I/O banks 9, 10, 11, and 12). The clock input pins supporting LVDS on banks 3, 4, 7, and 8 use VCCINT for LVDS input operations and have no dependency on the VCCIO level of the bank. 1.2-V HSTL is only supported in I/O banks 4,7, and 8. f For more information on I/O standards supported by Stratix II I/O banks, refer to the Selectable I/O Standards in Stratix II & Stratix II GX Devices chapter in volume 2 of the Stratix II Device Handbook or the Stratix II GX Device Handbook. Stratix II devices contain eight I/O banks and four enhanced PLL external clock output banks, as shown in Figure 2–57. The four I/O banks on the right and left of the device contain circuitry to support high-speed differential I/O for LVDS and HyperTransport inputs and outputs. These banks support all Stratix II I/O standards except PCI or PCI-X I/O pins, and SSTL-18 Class II and HSTL outputs. The top and bottom I/O banks support all single-ended I/O standards. Additionally, enhanced PLL external clock output banks allow clock output capabilities such as differential support for SSTL and HSTL. Altera Corporation May 2007 2–87 Stratix II Device Handbook, Volume 1 I/O Structure Figure 2–57. Stratix II I/O Banks Notes (1), (2), (3), (4) DQS8T VREF0B3 DQS7T VREF1B3 DQS6T VREF2B3 VREF3B3 DQS5T VREF4B3 PLL11 PLL5 Bank 11 Bank 9 DQS4T DQS3T DQS2T DQS1T DQS0T VREF0B4 VREF1B4 VREF2B4 VREF3B4 VREF4B4 PLL7 PLL10 VR EF1B 5 VREF 4B5 VREF 0B2 I/O banks 1, 2, 5 & 6 support LVTTL, LVCMOS, 2.5-V, 1.8-V, 1.5-V, SSTL-2, SSTL-18 Class I, HSTL-18 Class I, HSTL-15 Class I, LVDS, and HyperTransport standards for input and output operations. HSTL-18 Class II, HSTL-15-Class II, SSTL-18 Class II standards are only supported for input operations. PLL1 PLL4 VR EF1B6 VREF 2B6 Bank 6 This I/O bank supports LVDS and LVPECL standards for input clock operations. Differential HSTL and differential SSTL standards are supported for both input and output operations. VREF 4B6 This I/O bank supports LVDS and LVPECL standards for input clock operations. Differential HSTL and differential SSTL standards are supported for both input and output operations. VREF 3B6 I/O banks 7, 8, 10 & 12 support all single-ended I/O standards and differential I/O standards except for HyperTransport technology for both input and output operations. VREF 0B1 VREF 1B1 Bank 1 VR EF3B1 VR EF0B6 PLL3 VR EF4B1 PLL2 VREF 2B1 VR EF2B5 I/O banks 3, 4, 9 & 11 support all single-ended I/O standards and differential I/O standards except for HyperTransport technology for both input and output operations. Bank 5 This I/O bank supports LVDS and LVPECL standards for input clock operations. Differential HSTL and differential SSTL standards are supported for both input and output operations. VR EF3B5 Bank 2 This I/O bank supports LVDS and LVPECL standards for input clock operations. Differential HSTL and differential SSTL standards are supported for both input and output operations. VR EF1B2 VR EF2B2 VR EF3B 2 VREF 0B5 Bank 4 VREF 4B2 Bank 3 Bank 8 Bank 12 Bank 10 PLL12 PLL6 Bank 7 PLL8 PLL9 VREF4B8 DQS8B VREF3B8 VREF2B8 DQS7B VREF1B8 DQS6B VREF0B8 DQS5B VREF4B7 VREF3B7 VREF2B7 VREF1B7 VREF0B7 DQS4B DQS3B DQS2B DQS1B DQS0B Notes to Figure 2–57: (1) (2) (3) (4) Figure 2–57 is a top view of the silicon die that corresponds to a reverse view for flip-chip packages. It is a graphical representation only. Depending on the size of the device, different device members have different numbers of VREF groups. Refer to the pin list and the Quartus II software for exact locations. Banks 9 through 12 are enhanced PLL external clock output banks. These PLL banks utilize the adjacent VREF group when voltage-referenced standards are implemented. For example, if an SSTL input is implemented in PLL bank 10, the voltage level at VREFB7 is the reference voltage level for the SSTL input. Horizontal I/O banks feature SERDES and DPA circuitry for high speed differential I/O standards. See the High Speed Differential I/O Interfaces in Stratix II & Stratix II GX Devices chapter of the Stratix II Device Handbook, Volume 2 or the Stratix II GX Device Handbook, Volume 2 for more information on differential I/O standards. 2–88 Stratix II Device Handbook, Volume 1 Altera Corporation May 2007 Stratix II Architecture Each I/O bank has its own VCCIO pins. A single device can support 1.5-, 1.8-, 2.5-, and 3.3-V interfaces; each bank can support a different VCCIO level independently. Each bank also has dedicated VREF pins to support the voltage-referenced standards (such as SSTL-2). The PLL banks utilize the adjacent VREF group when voltage-referenced standards are implemented. For example, if an SSTL input is implemented in PLL bank 10, the voltage level at VREFB7 is the reference voltage level for the SSTL input. I/O pins that reside in PLL banks 9 through 12 are powered by the VCC_PLL<5, 6, 11, or 12>_OUT pins, respectively. The EP2S60F484, EP2S60F780, EP2S90H484, EP2S90F780, and EP2S130F780 devices do not support PLLs 11 and 12. Therefore, any I/O pins that reside in bank 11 are powered by the VCCIO3 pin, and any I/O pins that reside in bank 12 are powered by the VCCIO8 pin. Each I/O bank can support multiple standards with the same VCCIO for input and output pins. Each bank can support one VREF voltage level. For example, when VCCIO is 3.3 V, a bank can support LVTTL, LVCMOS, and 3.3-V PCI for inputs and outputs. On-Chip Termination Stratix II devices provide differential (for the LVDS or HyperTransport technology I/O standard), series, and parallel on-chip termination to reduce reflections and maintain signal integrity. On-chip termination simplifies board design by minimizing the number of external termination resistors required. Termination can be placed inside the package, eliminating small stubs that can still lead to reflections. Stratix II devices provide four types of termination: ■ ■ ■ ■ Altera Corporation May 2007 Differential termination (RD) Series termination (RS) without calibration Series termination (RS) with calibration Parallel termination (RT) with calibration 2–89 Stratix II Device Handbook, Volume 1 I/O Structure Table 2–17 shows the Stratix II on-chip termination support per I/O bank. Table 2–17. On-Chip Termination Support by I/O Banks (Part 1 of 2) On-Chip Termination Support Series termination without calibration I/O Standard Support Top & Bottom Banks Left & Right Banks 3.3-V LVTTL v v 3.3-V LVCMOS v v 2.5-V LVTTL v v 2.5-V LVCMOS v v 1.8-V LVTTL v v 1.8-V LVCMOS v v 1.5-V LVTTL v v 1.5-V LVCMOS v v SSTL-2 Class I and II v v SSTL-18 Class I v v SSTL-18 Class II v 1.8-V HSTL Class I v 1.8-V HSTL Class II v 1.5-V HSTL Class I v 1.2-V HSTL v 2–90 Stratix II Device Handbook, Volume 1 v v Altera Corporation May 2007 Stratix II Architecture Table 2–17. On-Chip Termination Support by I/O Banks (Part 2 of 2) On-Chip Termination Support Series termination with calibration Parallel termination with calibration Differential termination (1) I/O Standard Support Top & Bottom Banks 3.3-V LVTTL v 3.3-V LVCMOS v 2.5-V LVTTL v 2.5-V LVCMOS v 1.8-V LVTTL v 1.8-V LVCMOS v 1.5-V LVTTL v 1.5-V LVCMOS v SSTL-2 Class I and II v SSTL-18 Class I and II v 1.8-V HSTL Class I v 1.8-V HSTL Class II v 1.5-V HSTL Class I v 1.2-V HSTL v SSTL-2 Class I and II v SSTL-18 Class I and II v 1.8-V HSTL Class I v 1.8-V HSTL Class II v 1.5-V HSTL Class I and II v 1.2-V HSTL v Left & Right Banks LVDS v HyperTransport technology v Note to Table 2–17: (1) Clock pins CLK1, CLK3, CLK9, CLK11, and pins FPLL[7..10]CLK do not support differential on-chip termination. Clock pins CLK0, CLK2, CLK8, and CLK10 do support differential on-chip termination. Clock pins in the top and bottom banks (CLK[4..7, 12..15]) do not support differential on-chip termination. Altera Corporation May 2007 2–91 Stratix II Device Handbook, Volume 1 I/O Structure Differential On-Chip Termination Stratix II devices support internal differential termination with a nominal resistance value of 100 Ω for LVDS or HyperTransport technology input receiver buffers. LVPECL input signals (supported on clock pins only) require an external termination resistor. Differential on-chip termination is supported across the full range of supported differential data rates as shown in the DC & Switching Characteristics chapter in volume 1 of the Stratix II Device Handbook. f For more information on differential on-chip termination, refer to the High-Speed Differential I/O Interfaces with DPA in Stratix II & Stratix II GX Devices chapter in volume 2 of the Stratix II Device Handbook or the Stratix II GX Device Handbook. f For more information on tolerance specifications for differential on-chip termination, refer to the DC & Switching Characteristics chapter in volume 1 of the Stratix II Device Handbook. On-Chip Series Termination Without Calibration Stratix II devices support driver impedance matching to provide the I/O driver with controlled output impedance that closely matches the impedance of the transmission line. As a result, reflections can be significantly reduced. Stratix II devices support on-chip series termination for single-ended I/O standards with typical RS values of 25 and 50 Ω. Once matching impedance is selected, current drive strength is no longer selectable. Table 2–17 shows the list of output standards that support on-chip series termination without calibration. On-Chip Series Termination with Calibration Stratix II devices support on-chip series termination with calibration in column I/O pins in top and bottom banks. There is one calibration circuit for the top I/O banks and one circuit for the bottom I/O banks. Each on-chip series termination calibration circuit compares the total impedance of each I/O buffer to the external 25- or 50-Ω resistors connected to the RUP and RDN pins, and dynamically enables or disables the transistors until they match. Calibration occurs at the end of device configuration. Once the calibration circuit finds the correct impedance, it powers down and stops changing the characteristics of the drivers. f For more information on series on-chip termination supported by Stratix II devices, refer to the Selectable I/O Standards in Stratix II & Stratix II GX Devices chapter in volume 2 of the Stratix II Device Handbook or the Stratix II GX Device Handbook. 2–92 Stratix II Device Handbook, Volume 1 Altera Corporation May 2007 Stratix II Architecture f For more information on tolerance specifications for on-chip termination with calibration, refer to the DC & Switching Characteristics chapter in volume 1 of the Stratix II Device Handbook. On-Chip Parallel Termination with Calibration Stratix II devices support on-chip parallel termination with calibration for column I/O pins only. There is one calibration circuit for the top I/O banks and one circuit for the bottom I/O banks. Each on-chip parallel termination calibration circuit compares the total impedance of each I/O buffer to the external 50-Ω resistors connected to the RUP and RDN pins and dynamically enables or disables the transistors until they match. Calibration occurs at the end of device configuration. Once the calibration circuit finds the correct impedance, it powers down and stops changing the characteristics of the drivers. 1 On-chip parallel termination with calibration is only supported for input pins. f For more information on on-chip termination supported by Stratix II devices, refer to the Selectable I/O Standards in Stratix II & Stratix II GX Devices chapter in volume 2 of the Stratix II Device Handbook or the Stratix II GX Device Handbook. f For more information on tolerance specifications for on-chip termination with calibration, refer to the DC & Switching Characteristics chapter in volume 1 of the Stratix II Device Handbook. MultiVolt I/O Interface The Stratix II architecture supports the MultiVolt I/O interface feature that allows Stratix II devices in all packages to interface with systems of different supply voltages. The Stratix II VCCINT pins must always be connected to a 1.2-V power supply. With a 1.2-V VCCINT level, input pins are 1.5-, 1.8-, 2.5-, and 3.3-V tolerant. The VCCIO pins can be connected to either a 1.5-, 1.8-, 2.5-, or 3.3-V power supply, depending on the output requirements. The output levels are compatible with systems of the same voltage as the power supply (for example, when VCCIO pins are connected to a 1.5-V power supply, the output levels are compatible with 1.5-V systems). The Stratix II VCCPD power pins must be connected to a 3.3-V power supply. These power pins are used to supply the pre-driver power to the output buffers, which increases the performance of the output pins. The VCCPD pins also power configuration input pins and JTAG input pins. Altera Corporation May 2007 2–93 Stratix II Device Handbook, Volume 1 I/O Structure Table 2–18 summarizes Stratix II MultiVolt I/O support. Table 2–18. Stratix II MultiVolt I/O Support Note (1) Input Signal (V) VCCIO (V) 1.2 Output Signal (V) 1.2 1.5 1.8 2.5 3.3 1.2 (4) v (2) v (2) v (2) v (2) v (4) 1.5 1.8 1.5 (4) v v v (2) v (2) v (3) v 1.8 (4) v v v (2) v (2) v (3) v (3) v 2.5 2.5 (4) v v v (3) v (3) v (3) v 3.3 (4) v v v (3) v (3) v (3) v (3) 3.3 5.0 v v Notes to Table 2–18: (1) (2) (3) (4) To drive inputs higher than VCCIO but less than 4.0 V, disable the PCI clamping diode and select the Allow LVTTL and LVCMOS input levels to overdrive input buffer option in the Quartus II software. The pin current may be slightly higher than the default value. You must verify that the driving device’s VO L maximum and VO H minimum voltages do not violate the applicable Stratix II VI L maximum and VI H minimum voltage specifications. Although VCCIO specifies the voltage necessary for the Stratix II device to drive out, a receiving device powered at a different level can still interface with the Stratix II device if it has inputs that tolerate the VCCIO value. Stratix II devices do not support 1.2-V LVTTL and 1.2-V LVCMOS. Stratix II devices support 1.2-V HSTL. The TDO and nCEO pins are powered by VCCIO of the bank that they reside in. TDO is in I/O bank 4 and nCEO is in I/O bank 7. Ideally, the VCC supplies for the I/O buffers of any two connected pins are at the same voltage level. This may not always be possible depending on the VCCIO level of TDO and nCEO pins on master devices and the configuration voltage level chosen by VCCSEL on slave devices. Master and slave devices can be in any position in the chain. Master indicates that it is driving out TDO or nCEO to a slave device. For multi-device passive configuration schemes, the nCEO pin of the master device drives the nCE pin of the slave device. The VCCSEL pin on the slave device selects which input buffer is used for nCE. When VCCSEL is logic high, it selects the 1.8-V/1.5-V buffer powered by VCCIO. When VCCSEL is logic low it selects the 3.3-V/2.5-V input buffer powered by VCCPD. The ideal case is to have the VCCIO of the nCEO bank in a master device match the VCCSEL settings for the nCE input buffer of the slave device it is connected to, but that may not be possible depending on the application. Table 2–19 contains board design recommendations to ensure that nCEO can successfully drive nCE for all power supply combinations. 2–94 Stratix II Device Handbook, Volume 1 Altera Corporation May 2007 Stratix II Architecture Table 2–19. Board Design Recommendations for nCEO Stratix II nCEO VCCIO Voltage Level in I/O Bank 7 nCE Input Buffer Power in I/O Bank 3 VC C I O = 3.3 V VC C I O = 2.5 V VC C I O = 1.8 V VC C I O = 1.5 V VC C I O = 1.2 V VCCSEL high (VC C I O Bank 3 = 1.5 V) v(1), (2) v (3), (4) v (5) v v VCCSEL high (VC C I O Bank 3 = 1.8 V) v (1), (2) v (3), (4) v v Level shifter required v v (4) v (6) Level shifter required Level shifter required VCCSEL low (nCE Powered by VC C P D = 3.3V) Notes to Table 2–19: (1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) Input buffer is 3.3-V tolerant. The nCEO output buffer meets VO H (MIN) = 2.4 V. Input buffer is 2.5-V tolerant. The nCEO output buffer meets VOH (MIN) = 2.0 V. Input buffer is 1.8-V tolerant. An external 250-Ω pull-up resistor is not required, but recommended if signal levels on the board are not optimal. For JTAG chains, the TDO pin of the first device drives the TDI pin of the second device in the chain. The VCCSEL input on JTAG input I/O cells (TCK, TMS, TDI, and TRST) is internally hardwired to GND selecting the 3.3-V/2.5-V input buffer powered by VCCPD. The ideal case is to have the VCCIO of the TDO bank from the first device to match the VCCSEL settings for TDI on the second device, but that may not be possible depending on the application. Table 2–20 contains board design recommendations to ensure proper JTAG chain operation. Table 2–20. Supported TDO/TDI Voltage Combinations (Part 1 of 2) Device Stratix II Stratix II TDO VC C I O Voltage Level in I/O Bank 4 TDI Input Buffer Power V C C I O = 3.3 V VC C I O = 2.5 V VC C I O = 1.8 V VC C I O = 1.5 V VC C I O = 1.2 V Always VC C P D (3.3V) Altera Corporation May 2007 v (1) v (2) v (3) Level shifter required Level shifter required 2–95 Stratix II Device Handbook, Volume 1 High-Speed Differential I/O with DPA Support Table 2–20. Supported TDO/TDI Voltage Combinations (Part 2 of 2) Device Stratix II TDO VC C I O Voltage Level in I/O Bank 4 TDI Input Buffer Power V C C I O = 3.3 V VC C I O = 2.5 V VC C I O = 1.8 V VC C I O = 1.5 V VC C I O = 1.2 V v (1) v (2) v (3) Level shifter required Level shifter required VCC = 2.5 V v (1), (4) v (2) v (3) Level shifter required Level shifter required VCC = 1.8 V v (1), (4) v (2), (5) v Level shifter required Level shifter required VCC = 1.5 V v (1), (4) v (2), (5) v (6) v v Non-Stratix II VCC = 3.3 V Notes to Table 2–20: (1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) The TDO output buffer meets VOH (MIN) = 2.4 V. The TDO output buffer meets VOH (MIN) = 2.0 V. An external 250-Ω pull-up resistor is not required, but recommended if signal levels on the board are not optimal. Input buffer must be 3.3-V tolerant. Input buffer must be 2.5-V tolerant. Input buffer must be 1.8-V tolerant. High-Speed Differential I/O with DPA Support Stratix II devices contain dedicated circuitry for supporting differential standards at speeds up to 1 Gbps. The LVDS and HyperTransport differential I/O standards are supported in the Stratix II device. In addition, the LVPECL I/O standard is supported on input and output clock pins on the top and bottom I/O banks. The high-speed differential I/O circuitry supports the following high speed I/O interconnect standards and applications: ■ ■ ■ ■ SPI-4 Phase 2 (POS-PHY Level 4) SFI-4 Parallel RapidIO HyperTransport technology There are four dedicated high-speed PLLs in the EP2S15 to EP2S30 devices and eight dedicated high-speed PLLs in the EP2S60 to EP2S180 devices to multiply reference clocks and drive high-speed differential SERDES channels. Tables 2–21 through 2–26 show the number of channels that each fast PLL can clock in each of the Stratix II devices. In Tables 2–21 through 2–26 the first row for each transmitter or receiver provides the number of channels driven directly by the PLL. The second row below it shows the maximum channels a PLL can drive if cross bank channels are used from the adjacent center PLL. For example, in the 484-pin FineLine BGA EP2S15 2–96 Stratix II Device Handbook, Volume 1 Altera Corporation May 2007 Stratix II Architecture device, PLL 1 can drive a maximum of 10 transmitter channels in I/O bank 1 or a maximum of 19 transmitter channels in I/O banks 1 and 2. The Quartus II software may also merge receiver and transmitter PLLs when a receiver is driving a transmitter. In this case, one fast PLL can drive both the maximum numbers of receiver and transmitter channels. Table 2–21. EP2S15 Device Differential Channels Package 484-pin FineLine BGA 672-pin FineLine BGA Transmitter/ Receiver 484-pin FineLine BGA 672-pin FineLine BGA Altera Corporation May 2007 Center Fast PLLs Total Channels PLL 1 PLL 2 PLL 3 PLL 4 Transmitter 38 (2) 10 9 9 10 (3) 19 19 19 19 Receiver 42 (2) 11 10 10 11 (3) 21 21 21 21 Transmitter 38 (2) 10 9 9 10 (3) 19 19 19 19 Receiver 42 (2) 11 10 10 11 (3) 21 21 21 21 Table 2–22. EP2S30 Device Differential Channels Package Note (1) Transmitter/ Receiver Note (1) Center Fast PLLs Total Channels PLL 1 PLL 2 PLL 3 PLL 4 Transmitter 38 (2) 10 9 9 10 (3) 19 19 19 19 Receiver 42 (2) 11 10 10 11 (3) 21 21 21 21 Transmitter 58 (2) 16 13 13 16 (3) 29 29 29 29 Receiver 62 (2) 17 14 14 17 (3) 31 31 31 31 2–97 Stratix II Device Handbook, Volume 1 High-Speed Differential I/O with DPA Support Table 2–23. EP2S60 Differential Channels Package 484-pin FineLine BGA Center Fast PLLs Transmitter/ Total Receiver Channels PLL 1 PLL 2 PLL 3 PLL 4 Transmitter Receiver 672-pin FineLine BGA Transmitter Receiver 1,020-pin FineLine BGA Note (1) Transmitter Receiver Receiver 780-pin FineLine BGA Transmitter Receiver 1,020-pin FineLine BGA Transmitter Receiver 1,508-pin FineLine BGA Transmitter Receiver PLL 8 PLL 9 PLL 10 10 9 9 10 10 9 9 10 (3) 19 19 19 19 - - - - 42 (2) 11 10 10 11 11 10 10 11 (3) 21 21 21 21 - - - - 58 (2) 16 13 13 16 16 13 13 16 (3) 29 29 29 29 - - - - 62 (2) 17 14 14 17 17 14 14 17 (3) 31 31 31 31 - - - - 84 (2) 21 21 21 21 21 21 21 21 (3) 42 42 42 42 - - - - 84 (2) 21 21 21 21 21 21 21 21 (3) 42 42 42 42 - - - - Note (1) Center Fast PLLs Transmitter/ Total Receiver Channels PLL 1 PLL 2 PLL 3 PLL 4 484-pin Hybrid Transmitter FineLine BGA PLL 7 38 (2) Table 2–24. EP2S90 Differential Channels Package Corner Fast PLLs (4) Corner Fast PLLs (4) PLL 7 PLL 8 PLL 9 PLL 10 38 (2) 10 9 9 10 - - - - (3) 19 19 19 19 - - - - 42 (2) 11 10 10 11 - - - - (3) 21 21 21 21 - - - - 64 (2) 16 16 16 16 - - - (3) 32 32 32 32 - - - - 68 (2) 17 17 17 17 - - - - (3) 34 34 34 34 - - - 90 (2) 23 22 22 23 23 22 22 23 (3) 45 45 45 45 - - - - 94 (2) 23 24 24 23 23 24 24 23 (3) 46 46 46 46 - - - - 118 (2) 30 29 29 30 30 29 29 30 (3) 59 59 59 59 - - - - 118 (2) 30 29 29 30 30 29 29 30 (3) 59 59 59 59 - - - - 2–98 Stratix II Device Handbook, Volume 1 Altera Corporation May 2007 Stratix II Architecture Table 2–25. EP2S130 Differential Channels Package 780-pin FineLine BGA Center Fast PLLs Transmitter/ Total Receiver Channels PLL 1 PLL 2 PLL 3 PLL 4 Transmitter Receiver 1,020-pin FineLine BGA Transmitter Receiver 1,508-pin FineLine BGA Transmitter Receiver 1,020-pin FineLine BGA Receiver 1,508-pin FineLine BGA Transmitter Receiver PLL 7 PLL 8 PLL 9 PLL 10 16 16 16 16 - - - (3) 32 32 32 32 - - - - 68 (2) 17 17 17 17 - - - - (3) 34 34 34 34 - - - 88 (2) 22 22 22 22 22 22 22 22 (3) 44 44 44 44 - - - - 92 (2) 23 23 23 23 23 23 23 23 (3) 46 46 46 46 - - - - 156 (2) 37 41 41 37 37 41 41 37 (3) 78 78 78 78 - - - - 156 (2) 37 41 41 37 37 41 41 37 (3) 78 78 78 78 - - - - Note (1) Center Fast PLLs Transmitter/ Total Receiver Channels PLL 1 PLL 2 PLL 3 PLL 4 Transmitter Corner Fast PLLs (4) 64 (2) Table 2–26. EP2S180 Differential Channels Package Note (1) Corner Fast PLLs (4) PLL 7 PLL 8 PLL 9 PLL 10 88 (2) 22 22 22 22 22 22 22 22 (3) 44 44 44 44 - - - - 92 (2) 23 23 23 23 23 23 23 23 (3) 46 46 46 46 - - - - 156 (2) 37 41 41 37 37 41 41 37 (3) 78 78 78 78 - - - - 156 (2) 37 41 41 37 37 41 41 37 (3) 78 78 78 78 - - - - Notes to Tables 2–21 to 2–26: (1) (2) (3) (4) The total number of receiver channels includes the four non-dedicated clock channels that can be optionally used as data channels. This is the maximum number of channels the PLLs can directly drive. This is the maximum number of channels if the device uses cross bank channels from the adjacent center PLL. The channels accessible by the center fast PLL overlap with the channels accessible by the corner fast PLL. Therefore, the total number of channels is not the addition of the number of channels accessible by PLLs 1, 2, 3, and 4 with the number of channels accessible by PLLs 7, 8, 9, and 10. Altera Corporation May 2007 2–99 Stratix II Device Handbook, Volume 1 High-Speed Differential I/O with DPA Support Dedicated Circuitry with DPA Support Stratix II devices support source-synchronous interfacing with LVDS or HyperTransport signaling at up to 1 Gbps. Stratix II devices can transmit or receive serial channels along with a low-speed or high-speed clock. The receiving device PLL multiplies the clock by an integer factor W = 1 through 32. For example, a HyperTransport technology application where the data rate is 1,000 Mbps and the clock rate is 500 MHz would require that W be set to 2. The SERDES factor J determines the parallel data width to deserialize from receivers or to serialize for transmitters. The SERDES factor J can be set to 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, or 10 and does not have to equal the PLL clock-multiplication W value. A design using the dynamic phase aligner also supports all of these J factor values. For a J factor of 1, the Stratix II device bypasses the SERDES block. For a J factor of 2, the Stratix II device bypasses the SERDES block, and the DDR input and output registers are used in the IOE. Figure 2–58 shows the block diagram of the Stratix II transmitter channel. Figure 2–58. Stratix II Transmitter Channel Data from R4, R24, C4, or direct link interconnect + – 10 Local Interconnect Up to 1 Gbps 10 Dedicated Transmitter Interface diffioclk refclk Fast PLL load_en Regional or global clock Each Stratix II receiver channel features a DPA block for phase detection and selection, a SERDES, a synchronizer, and a data realigner circuit. You can bypass the dynamic phase aligner without affecting the basic sourcesynchronous operation of the channel. In addition, you can dynamically switch between using the DPA block or bypassing the block via a control signal from the logic array. Figure 2–59 shows the block diagram of the Stratix II receiver channel. 2–100 Stratix II Device Handbook, Volume 1 Altera Corporation May 2007 Stratix II Architecture Figure 2–59. Stratix II Receiver Channel Data to R4, R24, C4, or direct link interconnect Up to 1 Gbps + – D Q Data Realignment Circuitry 10 data retimed_data DPA Synchronizer Dedicated Receiver Interface DPA_clk Eight Phase Clocks 8 diffioclk refclk Fast PLL load_en Regional or global clock An external pin or global or regional clock can drive the fast PLLs, which can output up to three clocks: two multiplied high-speed clocks to drive the SERDES block and/or external pin, and a low-speed clock to drive the logic array. In addition, eight phase-shifted clocks from the VCO can feed to the DPA circuitry. f For more information on the fast PLL, see the PLLs in Stratix II & Stratix II GX Devices chapter in volume 2 of the Stratix II Device Handbook or the Stratix II GX Device Handbook. The eight phase-shifted clocks from the fast PLL feed to the DPA block. The DPA block selects the closest phase to the center of the serial data eye to sample the incoming data. This allows the source-synchronous circuitry to capture incoming data correctly regardless of the channel-tochannel or clock-to-channel skew. The DPA block locks to a phase closest to the serial data phase. The phase-aligned DPA clock is used to write the data into the synchronizer. The synchronizer sits between the DPA block and the data realignment and SERDES circuitry. Since every channel utilizing the DPA block can have a different phase selected to sample the data, the synchronizer is needed to synchronize the data to the high-speed clock domain of the data realignment and the SERDES circuitry. Altera Corporation May 2007 2–101 Stratix II Device Handbook, Volume 1 High-Speed Differential I/O with DPA Support For high-speed source synchronous interfaces such as POS-PHY 4, Parallel RapidIO, and HyperTransport, the source synchronous clock rate is not a byte- or SERDES-rate multiple of the data rate. Byte alignment is necessary for these protocols since the source synchronous clock does not provide a byte or word boundary since the clock is one half the data rate, not one eighth. The Stratix II device’s high-speed differential I/O circuitry provides dedicated data realignment circuitry for usercontrolled byte boundary shifting. This simplifies designs while saving ALM resources. You can use an ALM-based state machine to signal the shift of receiver byte boundaries until a specified pattern is detected to indicate byte alignment. Fast PLL & Channel Layout The receiver and transmitter channels are interleaved such that each I/O bank on the left and right side of the device has one receiver channel and one transmitter channel per LAB row. Figure 2–60 shows the fast PLL and channel layout in the EP2S15 and EP2S30 devices. Figure 2–61 shows the fast PLL and channel layout in the EP2S60 to EP2S180 devices. Figure 2–60. Fast PLL & Channel Layout in the EP2S15 & EP2S30 Devices Note (1) 4 LVDS Clock DPA Clock Quadrant Quadrant DPA Clock LVDS Clock 4 4 4 2 2 4 Fast PLL 1 Fast PLL 4 Fast PLL 2 Fast PLL 3 LVDS Clock DPA Clock Quadrant Quadrant DPA Clock LVDS Clock 2 2 4 Note to Figure 2–60: (1) See Table 2–21 for the number of channels each device supports. 2–102 Stratix II Device Handbook, Volume 1 Altera Corporation May 2007 Stratix II Architecture Figure 2–61. Fast PLL & Channel Layout in the EP2S60 to EP2S180 Devices Note (1) Fast PLL 7 Fast PLL 10 2 2 4 LVDS Clock DPA Clock Quadrant Quadrant DPA Clock LVDS Clock 4 4 4 2 2 4 Fast PLL 1 Fast PLL 4 Fast PLL 2 Fast PLL 3 LVDS Clock DPA Clock Quadrant Quadrant DPA Clock LVDS Clock 2 2 2 4 2 Fast PLL 8 Fast PLL 9 Note to Figure 2–61: (1) See Tables 2–22 through 2–26 for the number of channels each device supports. Altera Corporation May 2007 2–103 Stratix II Device Handbook, Volume 1 Document Revision History Document Revision History Table 2–27 shows the revision history for this chapter. Table 2–27. Document Revision History (Part 1 of 2) Date and Document Version Changes Made Summary of Changes — May 2007, v4.3 Updated “Clock Control Block” section. Updated note in the “Clock Control Block” section. — Deleted Tables 2-11 and 2-12. — Updated notes to: Figure 2–41 ● Figure 2–42 ● Figure 2–43 ● Figure 2–45 — Updated notes to Table 2–18. — Moved Document Revision History to end of the chapter. — August 2006, v4.2 Updated Table 2–18 with note. — April 2006, v4.1 ● ● ● ● ● ● Updated Table 2–13. Removed Note 2 from Table 2–16. Updated “On-Chip Termination” section and Table 2–19 to include parallel termination with calibration information. Added new “On-Chip Parallel Termination with Calibration” section. Updated Figure 2–44. December 2005, v4.0 Updated “Clock Control Block” section. July 2005, v3.1 ● ● ● May 2005, v3.0 ● ● ● ● ● ● March 2005, 2.1 ● ● ● ● Added parallel onchip termination description and specification. Changed RCLK names to match the Quartus II software in Table 2–13. — Updated HyperTransport technology information in Table 2–18. Updated HyperTransport technology information in Figure 2–57. Added information on the asynchronous clear signal. — Updated “Functional Description” section. Updated Table 2–3. Updated “Clock Control Block” section. Updated Tables 2–17 through 2–19. Updated Tables 2–20 through 2–22. Updated Figure 2–57. — Updated “Functional Description” section. Updated Table 2–3. — 2–104 Stratix II Device Handbook, Volume 1 Altera Corporation May 2007 Stratix II Architecture Table 2–27. Document Revision History (Part 2 of 2) Date and Document Version January 2005, v2.0 Changes Made Summary of Changes — ● Updated the “MultiVolt I/O Interface” and “TriMatrix Memory” sections. Updated Tables 2–3, 2–17, and 2–19. October 2004, v1.2 ● Updated Tables 2–9, 2–16, 2–26, and 2–27. — July 2004, v1.1 ● Updated note to Tables 2–9 and 2–16. Updated Tables 2–16, 2–17, 2–18, 2–19, and 2–20. Updated Figures 2–41, 2–42, and 2–57. Removed 3 from list of SERDES factor J. Updated “High-Speed Differential I/O with DPA Support” section. In “Dedicated Circuitry with DPA Support” section, removed XSBI and changed RapidIO to Parallel RapidIO. — ● ● ● ● ● ● February 2004, Added document to the Stratix II Device Handbook. v1.0 Altera Corporation May 2007 — 2–105 Stratix II Device Handbook, Volume 1 Document Revision History 2–106 Stratix II Device Handbook, Volume 1 Altera Corporation May 2007 3. Configuration & Testing SII51003-4.2 IEEE Std. 1149.1 JTAG BoundaryScan Support All Stratix® II devices provide Joint Test Action Group (JTAG) boundary-scan test (BST) circuitry that complies with the IEEE Std. 1149.1. JTAG boundary-scan testing can be performed either before or after, but not during configuration. Stratix II devices can also use the JTAG port for configuration with the Quartus® II software or hardware using either Jam Files (.jam) or Jam Byte-Code Files (.jbc). Stratix II devices support IOE I/O standard setting reconfiguration through the JTAG BST chain. The JTAG chain can update the I/O standard for all input and output pins any time before or during user mode through the CONFIG_IO instruction. You can use this capability for JTAG testing before configuration when some of the Stratix II pins drive or receive from other devices on the board using voltage-referenced standards. Because the Stratix II device may not be configured before JTAG testing, the I/O pins may not be configured for appropriate electrical standards for chip-to-chip communication. Programming those I/O standards via JTAG allows you to fully test I/O connections to other devices. A device operating in JTAG mode uses four required pins, TDI,TDO, TMS, and TCK, and one optional pin, TRST. The TCK pin has an internal weak pull-down resistor, while the TDI,TMS and TRST pins have weak internal pull-ups. The JTAG input pins are powered by the 3.3-V VCCPD pins. The TDO output pin is powered by the VCCIO power supply of bank 4. Stratix II devices also use the JTAG port to monitor the logic operation of the device with the SignalTap® II embedded logic analyzer. Stratix II devices support the JTAG instructions shown in Table 3–1. 1 Stratix II, Stratix, Cyclone® II, and Cyclone devices must be within the first 17 devices in a JTAG chain. All of these devices have the same JTAG controller. If any of the Stratix II, Stratix, Cyclone II, or Cyclone devices are in the 18th of further position, they fail configuration. This does not affect SignalTap II. The Stratix II device instruction register length is 10 bits and the USERCODE register length is 32 bits. Tables 3–2 and 3–3 show the boundary-scan register length and device IDCODE information for Stratix II devices. Altera Corporation May 2007 3–1 IEEE Std. 1149.1 JTAG Boundary-Scan Support Table 3–1. Stratix II JTAG Instructions JTAG Instruction Instruction Code Description SAMPLE/PRELOAD 00 0000 0101 Allows a snapshot of signals at the device pins to be captured and examined during normal device operation, and permits an initial data pattern to be output at the device pins. Also used by the SignalTap II embedded logic analyzer. EXTEST(1) 00 0000 1111 Allows the external circuitry and board-level interconnects to be tested by forcing a test pattern at the output pins and capturing test results at the input pins. BYPASS 11 1111 1111 Places the 1-bit bypass register between the TDI and TDO pins, which allows the BST data to pass synchronously through selected devices to adjacent devices during normal device operation. USERCODE 00 0000 0111 Selects the 32-bit USERCODE register and places it between the TDI and TDO pins, allowing the USERCODE to be serially shifted out of TDO. IDCODE 00 0000 0110 Selects the IDCODE register and places it between TDI and TDO, allowing the IDCODE to be serially shifted out of TDO. HIGHZ (1) 00 0000 1011 Places the 1-bit bypass register between the TDI and TDO pins, which allows the BST data to pass synchronously through selected devices to adjacent devices during normal device operation, while tri-stating all of the I/O pins. CLAMP (1) 00 0000 1010 Places the 1-bit bypass register between the TDI and TDO pins, which allows the BST data to pass synchronously through selected devices to adjacent devices during normal device operation while holding I/O pins to a state defined by the data in the boundary-scan register. ICR instructions Used when configuring a Stratix II device via the JTAG port with a USB Blaster, MasterBlaster™, ByteBlasterMV™, or ByteBlaster II download cable, or when using a .jam or .jbc via an embedded processor or JRunner. PULSE_NCONFIG 00 0000 0001 Emulates pulsing the nCONFIG pin low to trigger reconfiguration even though the physical pin is unaffected. CONFIG_IO (2) 00 0000 1101 Allows configuration of I/O standards through the JTAG chain for JTAG testing. Can be executed before, during, or after configuration. Stops configuration if executed during configuration. Once issued, the CONFIG_IO instruction holds nSTATUS low to reset the configuration device. nSTATUS is held low until the IOE configuration register is loaded and the TAP controller state machine transitions to the UPDATE_DR state. SignalTap II instructions Monitors internal device operation with the SignalTap II embedded logic analyzer. Notes to Table 3–1: (1) (2) Bus hold and weak pull-up resistor features override the high-impedance state of HIGHZ, CLAMP, and EXTEST. For more information on using the CONFIG_IO instruction, see the MorphIO: An I/O Reconfiguration Solution for Altera Devices White Paper. 3–2 Stratix II Device Handbook, Volume 1 Altera Corporation May 2007 Configuration & Testing The Quartus II software has an Auto Usercode feature where you can choose to use the checksum value of a programming file as the JTAG user code. If selected, the checksum is automatically loaded to the USERCODE register. Turn on the Auto Usercode option by clicking Device & Pin Options, then General, in the Settings dialog box (Assignments menu). Table 3–2. Stratix II Boundary-Scan Register Length Device Boundary-Scan Register Length EP2S15 1,140 EP2S30 1,692 EP2S60 2,196 EP2S90 2,748 EP2S130 3,420 EP2S180 3,948 Table 3–3. 32-Bit Stratix II Device IDCODE IDCODE (32 Bits) (1) Device Version (4 Bits) Part Number (16 Bits) Manufacturer Identity (11 LSB (1 Bit) (2) Bits) EP2S15 0000 0010 0000 1001 0001 000 0110 1110 1 EP2S30 0000 0010 0000 1001 0010 000 0110 1110 1 EP2S60 0001 0010 0000 1001 0011 000 0110 1110 1 EP2S90 0000 0010 0000 1001 0100 000 0110 1110 1 EP2S130 0000 0010 0000 1001 0101 000 0110 1110 1 EP2S180 0000 0010 0000 1001 0110 000 0110 1110 1 Notes to Table 3–3: (1) (2) The most significant bit (MSB) is on the left. The IDCODE's least significant bit (LSB) is always 1. 1 Altera Corporation May 2007 Stratix, Stratix II, Cyclone, and Cyclone II devices must be within the first 17 devices in a JTAG chain. All of these devices have the same JTAG controller. If any of the Stratix, Stratix II, Cyclone, and Cyclone II devices are in the 18th or after they fail configuration. This does not affect SignalTap II. 3–3 Stratix II Device Handbook, Volume 1 SignalTap II Embedded Logic Analyzer f For more information on JTAG, see the following documents: ■ ■ The IEEE Std. 1149.1 (JTAG) Boundary-Scan Testing for Stratix II & Stratix II GX Devices chapter of the Stratix II Device Handbook, Volume 2 or the Stratix II GX Device Handbook, Volume 2 Jam Programming & Test Language Specification SignalTap II Embedded Logic Analyzer Stratix II devices feature the SignalTap II embedded logic analyzer, which monitors design operation over a period of time through the IEEE Std. 1149.1 (JTAG) circuitry. You can analyze internal logic at speed without bringing internal signals to the I/O pins. This feature is particularly important for advanced packages, such as FineLine BGA® packages, because it can be difficult to add a connection to a pin during the debugging process after a board is designed and manufactured. Configuration The logic, circuitry, and interconnects in the Stratix II architecture are configured with CMOS SRAM elements. Altera® FPGA devices are reconfigurable and every device is tested with a high coverage production test program so you do not have to perform fault testing and can instead focus on simulation and design verification. Stratix II devices are configured at system power-up with data stored in an Altera configuration device or provided by an external controller (e.g., a MAX® II device or microprocessor). Stratix II devices can be configured using the fast passive parallel (FPP), active serial (AS), passive serial (PS), passive parallel asynchronous (PPA), and JTAG configuration schemes. The Stratix II device’s optimized interface allows microprocessors to configure it serially or in parallel, and synchronously or asynchronously. The interface also enables microprocessors to treat Stratix II devices as memory and configure them by writing to a virtual memory location, making reconfiguration easy. In addition to the number of configuration methods supported, Stratix II devices also offer the design security, decompression, and remote system upgrade features. The design security feature, using configuration bitstream encryption and AES technology, provides a mechanism to protect your designs. The decompression feature allows Stratix II FPGAs to receive a compressed configuration bitstream and decompress this data in real-time, reducing storage requirements and configuration time. The remote system upgrade feature allows real-time system upgrades from remote locations of your Stratix II designs. For more information, see “Configuration Schemes” on page 3–7. 3–4 Stratix II Device Handbook, Volume 1 Altera Corporation May 2007 Configuration & Testing Operating Modes The Stratix II architecture uses SRAM configuration elements that require configuration data to be loaded each time the circuit powers up. The process of physically loading the SRAM data into the device is called configuration. During initialization, which occurs immediately after configuration, the device resets registers, enables I/O pins, and begins to operate as a logic device. The I/O pins are tri-stated during power-up, and before and during configuration. Together, the configuration and initialization processes are called command mode. Normal device operation is called user mode. SRAM configuration elements allow Stratix II devices to be reconfigured in-circuit by loading new configuration data into the device. With realtime reconfiguration, the device is forced into command mode with a device pin. The configuration process loads different configuration data, reinitializes the device, and resumes user-mode operation. You can perform in-field upgrades by distributing new configuration files either within the system or remotely. PORSEL is a dedicated input pin used to select POR delay times of 12 ms or 100 ms during power-up. When the PORSEL pin is connected to ground, the POR time is 100 ms; when the PORSEL pin is connected to VCC, the POR time is 12 ms. The nIO PULLUP pin is a dedicated input that chooses whether the internal pull-ups on the user I/O pins and dual-purpose configuration I/O pins (nCSO, ASDO, DATA[7..0], nWS, nRS, RDYnBSY, nCS, CS, RUnLU, PGM[2..0], CLKUSR, INIT_DONE, DEV_OE, DEV_CLR) are on or off before and during configuration. A logic high (1.5, 1.8, 2.5, 3.3 V) turns off the weak internal pull-ups, while a logic low turns them on. Stratix II devices also offer a new power supply, VCCPD, which must be connected to 3.3 V in order to power the 3.3-V/2.5-V buffer available on the configuration input pins and JTAG pins. VCCPD applies to all the JTAG input pins (TCK, TMS, TDI, and TRST) and the configuration input pins when VCCSEL is connected to ground. See Table 3–4 for more information on the pins affected by VCCSEL. The VCCSEL pin allows the VCCIO setting (of the banks where the configuration inputs reside) to be independent of the voltage required by the configuration inputs. Therefore, when selecting the VCCIO, the VIL and VIH levels driven to the configuration inputs do not have to be a concern. Altera Corporation May 2007 3–5 Stratix II Device Handbook, Volume 1 Configuration The PLL_ENA pin and the configuration input pins (Table 3–4) have a dual buffer design: a 3.3-V/2.5-V input buffer and a 1.8-V/1.5-V input buffer. The VCCSEL input pin selects which input buffer is used. The 3.3V/2.5-V input buffer is powered by VCCPD, while the 1.8-V/1.5-V input buffer is powered by VCCIO. Table 3–4 shows the pins affected by VCCSEL. Table 3–4. Pins Affected by the Voltage Level at VCCSEL Pin VCCSEL = LOW (connected to GND) VCCSEL = HIGH (connected to VCCPD) 3.3/2.5-V input buffer is selected. Input buffer is powered by VC C P D . 1.8/1.5-V input buffer is selected. Input buffer is powered by VC C I O of the I/O bank. nSTATUS (when used as an input) nCONFIG CONF_DONE (when used as an input) DATA[7..0] nCE DCLK (when used as an input) CS nWS nRS nCS CLKUSR DEV_OE DEV_CLRn RUnLU PLL_ENA VCCSEL is sampled during power-up. Therefore, the VCCSEL setting cannot change on the fly or during a reconfiguration. The VCCSEL input buffer is powered by VCCINT and must be hardwired to VCCPD or ground. A logic high VCCSEL connection selects the 1.8-V/1.5-V input buffer, and a logic low selects the 3.3-V/2.5-V input buffer. VCCSEL should be set to comply with the logic levels driven out of the configuration device or MAX® II/microprocessor. If you need to support configuration input voltages of 3.3 V/2.5 V, you should set the VCCSEL to a logic low; you can set the VCCIO of the I/O bank that contains the configuration inputs to any supported voltage. If 3–6 Stratix II Device Handbook, Volume 1 Altera Corporation May 2007 Configuration & Testing you need to support configuration input voltages of 1.8 V/1.5 V, you should set the VCCSEL to a logic high and the VCCIO of the bank that contains the configuration inputs to 1.8 V/1.5 V. f For more information on multi-volt support, including information on using TDO and nCEO in multi-volt systems, refer to the Stratix II Architecture chapter in volume 1 of the Stratix II Device Handbook. Configuration Schemes You can load the configuration data for a Stratix II device with one of five configuration schemes (see Table 3–5), chosen on the basis of the target application. You can use a configuration device, intelligent controller, or the JTAG port to configure a Stratix II device. A configuration device can automatically configure a Stratix II device at system power-up. You can configure multiple Stratix II devices in any of the five configuration schemes by connecting the configuration enable (nCE) and configuration enable output (nCEO) pins on each device. Stratix II FPGAs offer the following: ■ ■ ■ Configuration data decompression to reduce configuration file storage Design security using configuration data encryption to protect your designs Remote system upgrades for remotely updating your Stratix II designs Table 3–5 summarizes which configuration features can be used in each configuration scheme. Table 3–5. Stratix II Configuration Features (Part 1 of 2) Configuration Scheme FPP Configuration Method MAX II device or microprocessor and flash device Design Security Decompression v (1) Enhanced configuration device Remote System Upgrade v (1) v v (2) v AS Serial configuration device v v v (3) PS MAX II device or microprocessor and flash device v v v Enhanced configuration device v v v Download cable (4) v v Altera Corporation May 2007 3–7 Stratix II Device Handbook, Volume 1 Configuration Table 3–5. Stratix II Configuration Features (Part 2 of 2) Configuration Scheme Configuration Method PPA MAX II device or microprocessor and flash device JTAG Download cable (4) Design Security Decompression Remote System Upgrade v MAX II device or microprocessor and flash device Notes for Table 3–5: (1) (2) (3) (4) In these modes, the host system must send a DCLK that is 4× the data rate. The enhanced configuration device decompression feature is available, while the Stratix II decompression feature is not available. Only remote update mode is supported when using the AS configuration scheme. Local update mode is not supported. The supported download cables include the Altera USB Blaster universal serial bus (USB) port download cable, MasterBlaster serial/USB communications cable, ByteBlaster II parallel port download cable, and the ByteBlasterMV parallel port download cable. f See the Configuring Stratix II & Stratix II GX Devices chapter in volume 2 of the Stratix II Device Handbook or the Stratix II GX Device Handbook for more information about configuration schemes in Stratix II and Stratix II GX devices. Device Security Using Configuration Bitstream Encryption Stratix II FPGAs are the industry’s first FPGAs with the ability to decrypt a configuration bitstream using the Advanced Encryption Standard (AES) algorithm. When using the design security feature, a 128-bit security key is stored in the Stratix II FPGA. To successfully configure a Stratix II FPGA that has the design security feature enabled, it must be configured with a configuration file that was encrypted using the same 128-bit security key. The security key can be stored in non-volatile memory inside the Stratix II device. This non-volatile memory does not require any external devices, such as a battery back-up, for storage. 3–8 Stratix II Device Handbook, Volume 1 Altera Corporation May 2007 Configuration & Testing 1 An encryption configuration file is the same size as a nonencryption configuration file. When using a serial configuration scheme such as passive serial (PS) or active serial (AS), configuration time is the same whether or not the design security feature is enabled. If the fast passive parallel (FPP) scheme us used with the design security or decompression feature, a 4× DCLK is required. This results in a slower configuration time when compared to the configuration time of an FPGA that has neither the design security, nor decompression feature enabled. For more information about this feature, refer to AN 341: Using the Design Security Feature in Stratix II Devices. Contact your local Altera sales representative to request this document. Device Configuration Data Decompression Stratix II FPGAs support decompression of configuration data, which saves configuration memory space and time. This feature allows you to store compressed configuration data in configuration devices or other memory, and transmit this compressed bit stream to Stratix II FPGAs. During configuration, the Stratix II FPGA decompresses the bit stream in real time and programs its SRAM cells. Stratix II FPGAs support decompression in the FPP (when using a MAX II device/microprocessor and flash memory), AS and PS configuration schemes. Decompression is not supported in the PPA configuration scheme nor in JTAG-based configuration. Remote System Upgrades Shortened design cycles, evolving standards, and system deployments in remote locations are difficult challenges faced by modern system designers. Stratix II devices can help effectively deal with these challenges with their inherent re-programmability and dedicated circuitry to perform remote system updates. Remote system updates help deliver feature enhancements and bug fixes without costly recalls, reduce time to market, and extend product life. Stratix II FPGAs feature dedicated remote system upgrade circuitry to facilitate remote system updates. Soft logic (Nios® processor or user logic) implemented in the Stratix II device can download a new configuration image from a remote location, store it in configuration memory, and direct the dedicated remote system upgrade circuitry to initiate a reconfiguration cycle. The dedicated circuitry performs error detection during and after the configuration process, recovers from any error condition by reverting back to a safe configuration image, and provides Altera Corporation May 2007 3–9 Stratix II Device Handbook, Volume 1 Configuration error status information. This dedicated remote system upgrade circuitry avoids system downtime and is the critical component for successful remote system upgrades. RSC is supported in the following Stratix II configuration schemes: FPP, AS, PS, and PPA. RSC can also be implemented in conjunction with advanced Stratix II features such as real-time decompression of configuration data and design security using AES for secure and efficient field upgrades. f See the Remote System Upgrades With Stratix II & Stratix II GX Devices chapter in volume 2 of the Stratix II Device Handbook or the Stratix II GX Device Handbook for more information about remote configuration in Stratix II devices. Configuring Stratix II FPGAs with JRunner JRunner is a software driver that configures Altera FPGAs, including Stratix II FPGAs, through the ByteBlaster II or ByteBlasterMV cables in JTAG mode. The programming input file supported is in Raw Binary File (.rbf) format. JRunner also requires a Chain Description File (.cdf) generated by the Quartus II software. JRunner is targeted for embedded JTAG configuration. The source code is developed for the Windows NT operating system (OS), but can be customized to run on other platforms. f For more information on the JRunner software driver, see the JRunner Software Driver: An Embedded Solution to the JTAG Configuration White Paper and the source files on the Altera web site ( Programming Serial Configuration Devices with SRunner A serial configuration device can be programmed in-system by an external microprocessor using SRunner. SRunner is a software driver developed for embedded serial configuration device programming that can be easily customized to fit in different embedded systems. SRunner is able to read a .rpd file (Raw Programming Data) and write to the serial configuration devices. The serial configuration device programming time using SRunner is comparable to the programming time when using the Quartus II software. f For more information about SRunner, see the SRunner: An Embedded Solution for EPCS Programming White Paper and the source code on the Altera web site at f For more information on programming serial configuration devices, see the Serial Configuration Devices (EPCS1 & EPCS4) Data Sheet in the Configuration Handbook. 3–10 Stratix II Device Handbook, Volume 1 Altera Corporation May 2007 Configuration & Testing Configuring Stratix II FPGAs with the MicroBlaster Driver The MicroBlasterTM software driver supports an RBF programming input file and is ideal for embedded FPP or PS configuration. The source code is developed for the Windows NT operating system, although it can be customized to run on other operating systems. For more information on the MicroBlaster software driver, see the Configuring the MicroBlaster Fast Passive Parallel Software Driver White Paper or the Configuring the MicroBlaster Passive Serial Software Driver White Paper on the Altera web site ( PLL Reconfiguration The phase-locked loops (PLLs) in the Stratix II device family support reconfiguration of their multiply, divide, VCO-phase selection, and bandwidth selection settings without reconfiguring the entire device. You can use either serial data from the logic array or regular I/O pins to program the PLL’s counter settings in a serial chain. This option provides considerable flexibility for frequency synthesis, allowing real-time variation of the PLL frequency and delay. The rest of the device is functional while reconfiguring the PLL. f Temperature Sensing Diode (TSD) See the PLLs in Stratix II & Stratix II GX Devices chapter in volume 2 of the Stratix II Device Handbook or the Stratix II GX Device Handbook for more information on Stratix II PLLs. Stratix II devices include a diode-connected transistor for use as a temperature sensor in power management. This diode is used with an external digital thermometer device. These devices steer bias current through the Stratix II diode, measuring forward voltage and converting this reading to temperature in the form of an 8-bit signed number (7 bits plus sign). The external device's output represents the junction temperature of the Stratix II device and can be used for intelligent power management. The diode requires two pins (tempdiodep and tempdioden) on the Stratix II device to connect to the external temperature-sensing device, as shown in Figure 3–1. The temperature sensing diode is a passive element and therefore can be used before the Stratix II device is powered. Altera Corporation May 2007 3–11 Stratix II Device Handbook, Volume 1 Temperature Sensing Diode (TSD) Figure 3–1. External Temperature-Sensing Diode Stratix II Device Temperature-Sensing Device tempdiodep tempdioden Table 3–6 shows the specifications for bias voltage and current of the Stratix II temperature sensing diode. Table 3–6. Temperature-Sensing Diode Electrical Characteristics Parameter IBIAS high IBIAS low VBP - VBN VBN Series resistance 3–12 Stratix II Device Handbook, Volume 1 Minimum Typical Maximum Unit 80 100 120 μA 8 10 0.3 12 μA 0.9 V 3 Ω 0.7 V Altera Corporation May 2007 Configuration & Testing The temperature-sensing diode works for the entire operating range, as shown in Figure 3–2. Figure 3–2. Temperature vs. Temperature-Sensing Diode Voltage 0.95 0.90 100 μA Bias Current 10 μA Bias Current 0.85 0.80 0.75 Voltage (Across Diode) 0.70 0.65 0.60 0.55 0.50 0.45 0.40 –55 –30 –5 20 45 70 95 120 Temperature (˚C) The temperature sensing diode is a very sensitive circuit which can be influenced by noise coupled from other traces on the board, and possibly within the device package itself, depending on device usage. The interfacing device registers temperature based on milivolts of difference as seen at the TSD. Switching I/O near the TSD pins can affect the temperature reading. Altera recommends you take temperature readings during periods of no activity in the device (for example, standby mode where no clocks are toggling in the device), such as when the nearby I/Os are at a DC state, and disable clock networks in the device. Automated Single Event Upset (SEU) Detection Stratix II devices offer on-chip circuitry for automated checking of single event upset (SEU) detection. Some applications that require the device to operate error free at high elevations or in close proximity to Earth’s North or South Pole require periodic checks to ensure continued data integrity. The error detection cyclic redundancy check (CRC) feature controlled by Altera Corporation May 2007 3–13 Stratix II Device Handbook, Volume 1 Document Revision History the Device & Pin Options dialog box in the Quartus II software uses a 32-bit CRC circuit to ensure data reliability and is one of the best options for mitigating SEU. You can implement the error detection CRC feature with existing circuitry in Stratix II devices, eliminating the need for external logic. For Stratix II devices, CRC is computed by the device during configuration and checked against an automatically computed CRC during normal operation. The CRC_ERROR pin reports a soft error when configuration SRAM data is corrupted, triggering device reconfiguration. Custom-Built Circuitry Dedicated circuitry is built in the Stratix II devices to perform error detection automatically. This error detection circuitry in Stratix II devices constantly checks for errors in the configuration SRAM cells while the device is in user mode. You can monitor one external pin for the error and use it to trigger a re-configuration cycle. You can select the desired time between checks by adjusting a built-in clock divider. Software Interface In the Quartus II software version 4.1 and later, you can turn on the automated error detection CRC feature in the Device & Pin Options dialog box. This dialog box allows you to enable the feature and set the internal frequency of the CRC between 400 kHz to 50 MHz. This controls the rate that the CRC circuitry verifies the internal configuration SRAM bits in the FPGA device. For more information on CRC, refer to AN 357: Error Detection Using CRC in Altera FPGA Devices. Document Revision History Table 3–7 shows the revision history for this chapter. Table 3–7. Document Revision History (Part 1 of 2) Date and Document Version Changes Made May 2007, v4.2 Moved Document Revision History section to the end of the chapter. Updated the “Temperature Sensing Diode (TSD)” section. 3–14 Stratix II Device Handbook, Volume 1 Summary of Changes — — Altera Corporation May 2007 Configuration & Testing Table 3–7. Document Revision History (Part 2 of 2) Date and Document Version Changes Made Summary of Changes April 2006, v4.1 Updated “Device Security Using Configuration Bitstream Encryption” section. — December 2005, v4.0 Updated “Software Interface” section. — May 2005, v3.0 ● January 2005, v2.1 Updated JTAG chain device limits. — January 2005, v2.0 Updated Table 3–3. — July 2004, v1.1 ● ● ● ● Updated “IEEE Std. 1149.1 JTAG Boundary-Scan Support” section. Updated “Operating Modes” section. Added “Automated Single Event Upset (SEU) Detection” section. Updated “Device Security Using Configuration Bitstream Encryption” section. Updated Figure 3–2. February 2004, Added document to the Stratix II Device Handbook. v1.0 Altera Corporation May 2007 — — — 3–15 Stratix II Device Handbook, Volume 1 Document Revision History 3–16 Stratix II Device Handbook, Volume 1 Altera Corporation May 2007 4. Hot Socketing & Power-On Reset SII51004-3.2 Stratix® II devices offer hot socketing, which is also known as hot plug-in or hot swap, and power sequencing support without the use of any external devices. You can insert or remove a Stratix II board in a system during system operation without causing undesirable effects to the running system bus or the board that was inserted into the system. The hot socketing feature also removes some of the difficulty when you use Stratix II devices on printed circuit boards (PCBs) that also contain a mixture of 5.0-, 3.3-, 2.5-, 1.8-, 1.5- and 1.2-V devices. With the Stratix II hot socketing feature, you no longer need to ensure a proper power-up sequence for each device on the board. The Stratix II hot socketing feature provides: ■ ■ ■ Board or device insertion and removal without external components or board manipulation Support for any power-up sequence Non-intrusive I/O buffers to system buses during hot insertion This chapter also discusses the power-on reset (POR) circuitry in Stratix II devices. The POR circuitry keeps the devices in the reset state until the VCC is within operating range. Stratix II Hot-Socketing Specifications Stratix II devices offer hot socketing capability with all three features listed above without any external components or special design requirements. The hot socketing feature in Stratix II devices allows: ■ ■ ■ Altera Corporation May 2007 The device can be driven before power-up without any damage to the device itself. I/O pins remain tri-stated during power-up. The device does not drive out before or during power-up, thereby affecting other buses in operation. Signal pins do not drive the VCCIO, VCCPD, or VCCINT power supplies. External input signals to I/O pins of the device do not internally power the VCCIO or VCCINT power supplies of the device via internal paths within the device. 4–1 Stratix II Hot-Socketing Specifications Devices Can Be Driven Before Power-Up You can drive signals into the I/O pins, dedicated input pins and dedicated clock pins of Stratix II devices before or during power-up or power-down without damaging the device. Stratix II devices support any power-up or power-down sequence (VCCIO, VCCINT, and VCCPD) in order to simplify system level design. I/O Pins Remain Tri-Stated During Power-Up A device that does not support hot-socketing may interrupt system operation or cause contention by driving out before or during power-up. In a hot socketing situation, Stratix II device's output buffers are turned off during system power-up or power-down. Stratix II device also does not drive out until the device is configured and has attained proper operating conditions. Signal Pins Do Not Drive the VCCIO, VCCINT or VCCPD Power Supplies Devices that do not support hot-socketing can short power supplies together when powered-up through the device signal pins. This irregular power-up can damage both the driving and driven devices and can disrupt card power-up. Stratix II devices do not have a current path from I/O pins, dedicated input pins, or dedicated clock pins to the VCCIO, VCCINT, or VCCPD pins before or during power-up. A Stratix II device may be inserted into (or removed from) a powered-up system board without damaging or interfering with system-board operation. When hot-socketing, Stratix II devices may have a minimal effect on the signal integrity of the backplane. 1 ■ ■ You can power up or power down the VCCIO, VCCINT, and VCCPD pins in any sequence. The power supply ramp rates can range from 100 μs to 100 ms. All VCC supplies must power down within 100 ms of each other to prevent I/O pins from driving out. During hot socketing, the I/O pin capacitance is less than 15 pF and the clock pin capacitance is less than 20 pF. Stratix II devices meet the following hot socketing specification. The hot socketing DC specification is: | IIOPIN | < 300 μA. The hot socketing AC specification is: | IIOPIN | < 8 mA for 10 ns or less. 4–2 Stratix II Device Handbook, Volume 1 Altera Corporation May 2007 Hot Socketing & Power-On Reset IIOPIN is the current at any user I/O pin on the device. This specification takes into account the pin capacitance, but not board trace and external loading capacitance. Additional capacitance for trace, connector, and loading needs must be considered separately. For the AC specification, the peak current duration is 10 ns or less because of power-up transients. For more information, refer to the Hot-Socketing & Power-Sequencing Feature & Testing for Altera Devices white paper. A possible concern regarding hot-socketing is the potential for latch-up. Latch-up can occur when electrical subsystems are hot-socketed into an active system. During hot-socketing, the signal pins may be connected and driven by the active system before the power supply can provide current to the device's VCC and ground planes. This condition can lead to latch-up and cause a low-impedance path from VCC to ground within the device. As a result, the device extends a large amount of current, possibly causing electrical damage. Nevertheless, Stratix II devices are immune to latch-up when hot-socketing. Hot Socketing Feature Implementation in Stratix II Devices The hot socketing feature turns off the output buffer during the power-up event (either VCCINT, VCCIO, or VCCPD supplies) or power down. The hotsocket circuit will generate an internal HOTSCKT signal when either VCCINT, VCCIO, or VCCPD is below threshold voltage. The HOTSCKT signal will cut off the output buffer to make sure that no DC current (except for weak pull up leaking) leaks through the pin. When VCC ramps up very slowly, VCC is still relatively low even after the POR signal is released and the configuration is finished. The CONF_DONE, nCEO, and nSTATUS pins fail to respond, as the output buffer can not flip from the state set by the hot socketing circuit at this low VCC voltage. Therefore, the hot socketing circuit has been removed on these configuration pins to make sure that they are able to operate during configuration. It is expected behavior for these pins to drive out during power-up and power-down sequences. Each I/O pin has the following circuitry shown in Figure 4–1. Altera Corporation May 2007 4–3 Stratix II Device Handbook, Volume 1 Hot Socketing Feature Implementation in Stratix II Devices Figure 4–1. Hot Socketing Circuit Block Diagram for Stratix II Devices Power On Reset Monitor Output Weak Pull-Up Resistor PAD R Output Enable Voltage Tolerance Control Hot Socket Output Pre-Driver Input Buffer to Logic Array The POR circuit monitors VCCINT voltage level and keeps I/O pins tristated until the device is in user mode. The weak pull-up resistor (R) from the I/O pin to VCCIO is present to keep the I/O pins from floating. The 3.3-V tolerance control circuit permits the I/O pins to be driven by 3.3 V before VCCIO and/or VCCINT and/or VCCPD are powered, and it prevents the I/O pins from driving out when the device is not in user mode. The hot socket circuit prevents I/O pins from internally powering VCCIO, VCCINT, and VCCPD when driven by external signals before the device is powered. Figure 4–2 shows a transistor level cross section of the Stratix II device I/O buffers. This design ensures that the output buffers do not drive when VCCIO is powered before VCCINT or if the I/O pad voltage is higher than VCCIO. This also applies for sudden voltage spikes during hot insertion. There is no current path from signal I/O pins to VCCINT or VCCIO or VCCPD during hot insertion. The VPAD leakage current charges the 3.3-V tolerant circuit capacitance. 4–4 Stratix II Device Handbook, Volume 1 Altera Corporation May 2007 Hot Socketing & Power-On Reset Figure 4–2. Transistor Level Diagram of FPGA Device I/O Buffers VPAD Logic Array Signal (1) (2) VCCIO n+ n+ p-well p+ p+ n+ n-well p-substrate Notes to Figure 4–2: (1) (2) This is the logic array signal or the larger of either the VCCIO or VPAD signal. This is the larger of either the VCCIO or VPAD signal. Power-On Reset Circuitry Stratix II devices have a POR circuit to keep the whole device system in reset state until the power supply voltage levels have stabilized during power-up. The POR circuit monitors the VCCINT, VCCIO, and VCCPD voltage levels and tri-states all the user I/O pins while VCC is ramping up until normal user levels are reached. The POR circuitry also ensures that all eight I/O bank VCCIO voltages, VCCPD voltage, as well as the logic array VCCINT voltage, reach an acceptable level before configuration is triggered. After the Stratix II device enters user mode, the POR circuit continues to monitor the VCCINT voltage level so that a brown-out condition during user mode can be detected. If there is a VCCINT voltage sag below the Stratix II operational level during user mode, the POR circuit resets the device. When power is applied to a Stratix II device, a power-on-reset event occurs if VCC reaches the recommended operating range within a certain period of time (specified as a maximum VCC rise time). The maximum VCC rise time for Stratix II device is 100 ms. Stratix II devices provide a dedicated input pin (PORSEL) to select POR delay times of 12 or 100 ms during power-up. When the PORSEL pin is connected to ground, the POR time is 100 ms. When the PORSEL pin is connected to VCC, the POR time is 12 ms. Altera Corporation May 2007 4–5 Stratix II Device Handbook, Volume 1 Document Revision History Document Revision History Table 4–1 shows the revision history for this chapter. Table 4–1. Document Revision History Date and Document Version Changes Made Summary of Changes May 2007, v3.2 Moved the Document Revision History section to the end of the chapter. — April 2006, v3.1 ● Updated “Signal Pins Do Not Drive the VCCIO, VCCINT or VCCPD Power Supplies” section. May 2005, v3.0 ● Updated “Signal Pins Do Not Drive the VCCIO, VCCINT or VCCPD Power Supplies” section. Removed information on ESD protection. January 2005, v2.1 Updated input rise and fall time. — January 2005, v2.0 Updated the “Hot Socketing Feature Implementation in Stratix II Devices”, “ESD Protection”, and “Power-On Reset Circuitry” sections. — July 2004, v1.1 ● ● ● Updated all tables. Added tables. February 2004, Added document to the Stratix II Device Handbook. v1.0 4–6 Stratix II Device Handbook, Volume 1 ● Updated hot socketing AC specification. — — — Altera Corporation May 2007 5. DC & Switching Characteristics SII51005-4.5 Operating Conditions Stratix® II devices are offered in both commercial and industrial grades. Industrial devices are offered in -4 speed grades and commercial devices are offered in -3 (fastest), -4, -5 speed grades. Tables 5–1 through 5–32 provide information about absolute maximum ratings, recommended operating conditions, DC electrical characteristics, and other specifications for Stratix II devices. Absolute Maximum Ratings Table 5–1 contains the absolute maximum ratings for the Stratix II device family. Table 5–1. Stratix II Device Absolute Maximum Ratings Symbol Parameter Notes (1), (2), (3) Conditions Minimum Maximum Unit VCCINT Supply voltage With respect to ground –0.5 1.8 V VCCIO Supply voltage With respect to ground –0.5 4.6 V VCCPD Supply voltage With respect to ground –0.5 4.6 V VCCA Analog power supply for PLLs With respect to ground –0.5 1.8 V VCCD Digital power supply for PLLs With respect to ground –0.5 1.8 V VI DC input voltage (4) –0.5 4.6 V IOUT DC output current, per pin –25 40 mA TSTG Storage temperature No bias –65 150 °C TJ Junction temperature BGA packages under bias –55 125 °C Notes to Tables 5–1 (1) (2) (3) (4) See the Operating Requirements for Altera Devices Data Sheet. Conditions beyond those listed in Table 5–1 may cause permanent damage to a device. Additionally, device operation at the absolute maximum ratings for extended periods of time may have adverse affects on the device. Supply voltage specifications apply to voltage readings taken at the device pins, not at the power supply. During transitions, the inputs may overshoot to the voltage shown in Table 5–2 based upon the input duty cycle. The DC case is equivalent to 100% duty cycle. During transitions, the inputs may undershoot to –2.0 V for input currents less than 100 mA and periods shorter than 20 ns. Altera Corporation April 2011 5–1 Operating Conditions Table 5–2. Maximum Duty Cycles in Voltage Transitions Symbol Parameter Condition Maximum Duty Cycles Unit VI Maximum duty cycles in voltage transitions VI = 4.0 V 100 % VI = 4.1 V 90 % VI = 4.2 V 50 % VI = 4.3 V 30 % VI = 4.4 V 17 % VI = 4.5 V 10 % Recommended Operating Conditions Table 5–3 contains the Stratix II device family recommended operating conditions. Table 5–3. Stratix II Device Recommended Operating Conditions (Part 1 of 2) Symbol Parameter Conditions Note (1) Minimum Maximum Unit VCCINT Supply voltage for internal logic 100 μs ≤ risetime ≤ 100 ms (3) 1.15 1.25 V VCCIO Supply voltage for input and output buffers, 3.3-V operation 100 μs ≤ risetime ≤ 100 ms (3), (6) 3.135 (3.00) 3.465 (3.60) V Supply voltage for input and output buffers, 2.5-V operation 100 μs ≤ risetime ≤ 100 ms (3) 2.375 2.625 V Supply voltage for input and output buffers, 1.8-V operation 100 μs ≤ risetime ≤ 100 ms (3) 1.71 1.89 V Supply voltage for output buffers, 100 μs ≤ risetime ≤ 100 ms (3) 1.5-V operation 1.425 1.575 V Supply voltage for input and output buffers, 1.2-V operation 100 μs ≤ risetime ≤ 100 ms (3) 1.14 1.26 V VCCPD Supply voltage for pre-drivers as well as configuration and JTAG I/O buffers. 100 μs ≤ risetime ≤ 100 ms (4) 3.135 3.465 V VCCA Analog power supply for PLLs 100 μs ≤ risetime ≤ 100 ms (3) 1.15 1.25 V VCCD Digital power supply for PLLs 100 μs ≤ risetime ≤ 100 ms (3) 1.15 1.25 V VI Input voltage (see Table 5–2) (2), (5) –0.5 4.0 V VO Output voltage 0 VCCIO V 5–2 Stratix II Device Handbook, Volume 1 Altera Corporation April 2011 DC & Switching Characteristics Table 5–3. Stratix II Device Recommended Operating Conditions (Part 2 of 2) Symbol TJ Parameter Conditions Operating junction temperature Note (1) Minimum For commercial use Maximum Unit 0 85 °C For industrial use –40 100 °C For military use (7) –55 125 °C Notes to Table 5–3: (1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7) Supply voltage specifications apply to voltage readings taken at the device pins, not at the power supply. During transitions, the inputs may overshoot to the voltage shown in Table 5–2 based upon the input duty cycle. The DC case is equivalent to 100% duty cycle. During transitions, the inputs may undershoot to –2.0 V for input currents less than 100 mA and periods shorter than 20 ns. Maximum VCC rise time is 100 ms, and VCC must rise monotonically from ground to VC C . VCCPD must ramp-up from 0 V to 3.3 V within 100 μs to 100 ms. If VC C P D is not ramped up within this specified time, your Stratix II device does not configure successfully. If your system does not allow for a VCCPD ramp-up time of 100 ms or less, you must hold nCONFIG low until all power supplies are reliable. All pins, including dedicated inputs, clock, I/O, and JTAG pins, may be driven before VCCINT, VCCPD, and VCCIO are powered. VC C I O maximum and minimum conditions for PCI and PCI-X are shown in parentheses. For more information, refer to the Stratix II Military Temperature Range Support technical brief. DC Electrical Characteristics Table 5–4 shows the Stratix II device family DC electrical characteristics. Table 5–4. Stratix II Device DC Operating Conditions (Part 1 of 2) Symbol Parameter Conditions II Input pin leakage current VI = VCCIOmax to 0 V (2) IOZ Tri-stated I/O pin leakage current VO = VCCIOmax to 0 V (2) IC C I N T 0 VCCINT supply current (standby) VI = ground, no load, no toggling inputs TJ = 25° C ICCPD0 VCCPD supply current (standby) Altera Corporation April 2011 VI = ground, no load, no toggling inputs TJ = 25° C, VCCPD = 3.3V EP2S15 Note (1) Minimum Typical Maximum Unit –10 10 μA –10 10 μA (3) A 0.25 EP2S30 0.30 (3) A EP2S60 0.50 (3) A EP2S90 0.62 (3) A EP2S130 0.82 (3) A EP2S180 1.12 (3) A EP2S15 2.2 (3) mA EP2S30 2.7 (3) mA EP2S60 3.6 (3) mA EP2S90 4.3 (3) mA EP2S130 5.4 (3) mA EP2S180 6.8 (3) mA 5–3 Stratix II Device Handbook, Volume 1 Operating Conditions Table 5–4. Stratix II Device DC Operating Conditions (Part 2 of 2) Symbol ICCI00 Parameter Conditions VCCIO supply current (standby) VI = ground, no load, no toggling inputs TJ = 25° C Note (1) Minimum Typical Maximum Unit EP2S15 4.0 (3) mA EP2S30 4.0 (3) mA EP2S60 4.0 (3) mA EP2S90 4.0 (3) mA EP2S130 4.0 (3) mA 4.0 (3) mA Vi = 0; VCCIO = 3.3 V 10 25 50 kΩ Vi = 0; VCCIO = 2.5 V 15 35 70 kΩ Vi = 0; VCCIO = 1.8 V 30 50 100 kΩ Vi = 0; VCCIO = 1.5 V 40 75 150 kΩ Vi = 0; VCCIO = 1.2 V 50 90 170 kΩ 1 2 kΩ EP2S180 RCONF (4) Value of I/O pin pull-up resistor before and during configuration Recommended value of I/O pin external pull-down resistor before and during configuration Notes to Table 5–4: (1) (2) (3) (4) Typical values are for TA = 25°C, VCCINT = 1.2 V, and VCCIO = 1.5 V, 1.8 V, 2.5 V, and 3.3 V. This value is specified for normal device operation. The value may vary during power-up. This applies for all VCCIO settings (3.3, 2.5, 1.8, and 1.5 V). Maximum values depend on the actual TJ and design utilization. See the Excel-based PowerPlay Early Power Estimator (available at or the Quartus II PowerPlay Power Analyzer feature for maximum values. See the section “Power Consumption” on page 5–20 for more information. Pin pull-up resistance values are lower if an external source drives the pin higher than VCCIO. I/O Standard Specifications Tables 5–5 through 5–32 show the Stratix II device family I/O standard specifications. Table 5–5. LVTTL Specifications (Part 1 of 2) Symbol Parameter Conditions Minimum Maximum Unit VCCIO (1) Output supply voltage 3.135 3.465 V VI H High-level input voltage 1.7 4.0 V VIL Low-level input voltage –0.3 0.8 V VOH High-level output voltage 5–4 Stratix II Device Handbook, Volume 1 IOH = –4 mA (2) 2.4 V Altera Corporation April 2011 DC & Switching Characteristics Table 5–5. LVTTL Specifications (Part 2 of 2) Symbol VOL Parameter Low-level output voltage Conditions Minimum IOL = 4 mA (2) Maximum Unit 0.45 V Notes to Tables 5–5: (1) (2) Stratix II devices comply to the narrow range for the supply voltage as specified in the EIA/JEDEC Standard, JESD8-B. This specification is supported across all the programmable drive strength settings available for this I/O standard as shown in the Stratix II Architecture chapter in volume 1 of the Stratix II Device Handbook. Table 5–6. LVCMOS Specifications Symbol Parameter Conditions VCCIO (1) Output supply voltage VIH High-level input voltage VIL Low-level input voltage VOH High-level output voltage VCCIO = 3.0, IOH = –0.1 mA (2) VOL Low-level output voltage VCCIO = 3.0, IOL = 0.1 mA (2) Minimum Maximum Unit 3.135 3.465 V 1.7 4.0 V –0.3 0.8 V VCCIO – 0.2 V 0.2 V Notes to Table 5–6: (1) (2) Stratix II devices comply to the narrow range for the supply voltage as specified in the EIA/JEDEC Standard, JESD8-B. This specification is supported across all the programmable drive strength available for this I/O standard as shown in the Stratix II Architecture chapter in volume 1 of the Stratix II Device Handbook. Table 5–7. 2.5-V I/O Specifications Symbol Parameter Conditions VCCIO (1) Output supply voltage VIH High-level input voltage VIL Low-level input voltage VOH High-level output voltage IOH = –1mA (2) VOL Low-level output voltage IOL = 1 mA (2) Minimum Maximum Unit 2.375 2.625 V 1.7 4.0 V –0.3 0.7 V 2.0 V 0.4 V Notes to Table 5–7: (1) (2) Stratix II devices VC C I O voltage level support of 2.5 ± -5% is narrower than defined in the Normal Range of the EIA/JEDEC standard. This specification is supported across all the programmable drive settings available for this I/O standard as shown in the Stratix II Architecture chapter in volume 1 of the Stratix II Device Handbook. Altera Corporation April 2011 5–5 Stratix II Device Handbook, Volume 1 Operating Conditions Table 5–8. 1.8-V I/O Specifications Symbol Parameter VCCIO (1) Output supply voltage VI H High-level input voltage Conditions VIL Low-level input voltage VOH High-level output voltage IOH = –2 mA (2) VOL Low-level output voltage IOL = 2 mA (2) Minimum Maximum Unit 1.71 1.89 V 0.65 × VCCIO 2.25 V –0.30 0.35 × VCCIO VCCIO – 0.45 V V 0.45 V Notes to Table 5–8: (1) (2) The Stratix II device family’s VC C I O voltage level support of 1.8 ± -5% is narrower than defined in the Normal Range of the EIA/JEDEC standard. This specification is supported across all the programmable drive settings available for this I/O standard as shown in the Stratix II Architecture chapter in volume 1 of the Stratix II Device Handbook. Table 5–9. 1.5-V I/O Specifications Symbol Parameter VCCIO (1) Output supply voltage VI H High-level input voltage Conditions VIL Low-level input voltage VOH High-level output voltage IOH = –2 mA (2) VOL Low-level output voltage IOL = 2 mA (2) Minimum Maximum Unit 1.425 1.575 V 0.65 × VCCIO VCCIO + 0.30 V –0.30 0.35 × VCCIO V 0.75 × VCCIO V 0.25 × VCCIO V Notes to Table 5–9: (1) (2) The Stratix II device family’s VC C I O voltage level support of 1.5 ± -5% is narrower than defined in the Normal Range of the EIA/JEDEC standard. This specification is supported across all the programmable drive settings available for this I/O standard as shown in the Stratix II Architecture chapter in volume 1 of the Stratix II Device Handbook. Figures 5–1 and 5–2 show receiver input and transmitter output waveforms, respectively, for all differential I/O standards (LVDS, LVPECL, and HyperTransport technology). 5–6 Stratix II Device Handbook, Volume 1 Altera Corporation April 2011 DC & Switching Characteristics Figure 5–1. Receiver Input Waveforms for Differential I/O Standards Single-Ended Waveform Positive Channel (p) = VIH VID Negative Channel (n) = VIL VCM Ground Differential Waveform VID p−n=0V VID Figure 5–2. Transmitter Output Waveforms for Differential I/O Standards Single-Ended Waveform Positive Channel (p) = VOH VOD Negative Channel (n) = VOL VCM Ground Differential Waveform VOD p−n=0V VOD Altera Corporation April 2011 5–7 Stratix II Device Handbook, Volume 1 Operating Conditions Table 5–10. 2.5-V LVDS I/O Specifications Symbol Parameter Conditions Minimum Typical Maximum Unit 2.375 2.500 2.625 V VCCIO I/O supply voltage for left and right I/O banks (1, 2, 5, and 6) VID Input differential voltage swing (single-ended) 100 350 900 mV VICM Input common mode voltage 200 1,250 1,800 mV VOD Output differential voltage (single-ended) RL = 100 Ω 250 450 mV VOCM Output common mode voltage RL = 100 Ω 1.125 1.375 V RL Receiver differential input discrete resistor (external to Stratix II devices) 90 100 110 Ω Minimum Typical Maximum Unit 3.135 3.300 3.465 V Table 5–11. 3.3-V LVDS I/O Specifications Symbol Parameter Conditions VCCIO (1) I/O supply voltage for top and bottom PLL banks (9, 10, 11, and 12) VID Input differential voltage swing (single-ended) 100 350 900 mV VICM Input common mode voltage 200 1,250 1,800 mV VOD Output differential voltage (single-ended) RL = 100 Ω 250 710 mV VOCM Output common mode voltage RL = 100 Ω 840 1,570 mV RL Receiver differential input discrete resistor (external to Stratix II devices) 110 Ω 90 100 Note to Table 5–11: (1) The top and bottom clock input differential buffers in I/O banks 3, 4, 7, and 8 are powered by VCCINT, not VCCIO. The PLL clock output/feedback differential buffers are powered by VCC_PLL_OUT. For differential clock output/feedback operation, VCC_PLL_OUT should be connected to 3.3 V. 5–8 Stratix II Device Handbook, Volume 1 Altera Corporation April 2011 DC & Switching Characteristics Table 5–12. LVPECL Specifications Symbol Parameter Conditions Minimum Typical Maximum Unit 3.135 3.300 3.465 V 600 1,000 mV VCCIO (1) I/O supply voltage VID Input differential voltage swing (single-ended) 300 VICM Input common mode voltage 1.0 2.5 V VOD Output differential voltage (single-ended) RL = 100 Ω 525 970 mV VOCM Output common mode voltage RL = 100 Ω 1,650 2,250 mV RL Receiver differential input resistor 110 Ω 90 100 Note to Table 5–12: (1) The top and bottom clock input differential buffers in I/O banks 3, 4, 7, and 8 are powered by VCCINT, not VCCIO. The PLL clock output/feedback differential buffers are powered by VCC_PLL_OUT. For differential clock output/feedback operation, VCC_PLL_OUT should be connected to 3.3 V. Table 5–13. HyperTransport Technology Specifications Symbol Parameter Conditions Minimum Typical Maximum Unit 2.375 2.500 2.625 V VCCIO I/O supply voltage for left and right I/O banks (1, 2, 5, and 6) VID Input differential voltage swing RL = 100 Ω (single-ended) 300 600 900 mV VICM Input common mode voltage RL = 100 Ω 385 600 845 mV VOD Output differential voltage (single-ended) RL = 100 Ω 400 600 820 mV Δ VOD Change in VOD between high and low RL = 100 Ω 75 mV VOCM Output common mode voltage RL = 100 Ω Δ VOCM Change in VOCM between high and low RL Receiver differential input resistor 440 600 RL = 100 Ω 780 mV 50 mV 90 100 110 Ω Minimum Typical Maximum Unit 3.0 3.3 3.6 V VCCIO + 0.5 V Table 5–14. 3.3-V PCI Specifications (Part 1 of 2) Symbol Parameter VCCIO Output supply voltage VIH High-level input voltage Altera Corporation April 2011 Conditions 0.5 × VCCIO 5–9 Stratix II Device Handbook, Volume 1 Operating Conditions Table 5–14. 3.3-V PCI Specifications (Part 2 of 2) Symbol Parameter Conditions VIL Low-level input voltage VOH High-level output voltage IOUT = –500 μA VOL Low-level output voltage IOUT = 1,500 μA Minimum Typical –0.3 Maximum Unit 0.3 × VCCIO V 0.9 × VCCIO V 0.1 × VCCIO V Maximum Unit 3.6 V Table 5–15. PCI-X Mode 1 Specifications Symbol Parameter Conditions Minimum Typical VCCIO Output supply voltage 3.0 VIH High-level input voltage 0.5 × VCCIO VCCIO + 0.5 V VIL Low-level input voltage –0.30 0.35 × VCCIO V VIPU Input pull-up voltage VOH High-level output voltage IOUT = –500 μA VOL Low-level output voltage IOUT = 1,500 μA 0.7 × VCCIO V 0.9 × VCCIO V 0.1 × VCCIO V Maximum Unit Table 5–16. SSTL-18 Class I Specifications Symbol Parameter Conditions Minimum Typical VCCIO Output supply voltage 1.71 1.80 1.89 V VREF Reference voltage 0.855 0.900 0.945 V VTT Termination voltage VREF – 0.04 VREF VREF + 0.04 V VIH (DC) High-level DC input voltage VREF + 0.125 VIL (DC) Low-level DC input voltage VREF – 0.125 V VIH (AC) High-level AC input voltage VIL (AC) Low-level AC input voltage VOH High-level output voltage IOH = –6.7 mA (1) VOL Low-level output voltage IOL = 6.7 mA (1) V VREF + 0.25 V VREF – 0.25 VTT + 0.475 V V VTT – 0.475 V Note to Table 5–16: (1) This specification is supported across all the programmable drive settings available for this I/O standard as shown in the Stratix II Architecture chapter in volume 1 of the Stratix II Device Handbook. 5–10 Stratix II Device Handbook, Volume 1 Altera Corporation April 2011 DC & Switching Characteristics Table 5–17. SSTL-18 Class II Specifications Symbol Parameter Conditions Minimum Typical Maximum Unit VCCIO Output supply voltage 1.71 1.80 1.89 V VREF Reference voltage 0.855 0.900 0.945 V VTT Termination voltage VREF – 0.04 VREF VREF + 0.04 V VIH (DC) High-level DC input voltage VREF + 0.125 V VIL (DC) Low-level DC input voltage VREF – 0.125 VIH (AC) High-level AC input voltage VREF + 0.25 V VIL (AC) Low-level AC input voltage VREF – 0.25 VOH High-level output voltage IOH = –13.4 mA (1) VOL Low-level output voltage IOL = 13.4 mA (1) V VCCIO – 0.28 V V 0.28 V Note to Table 5–17: (1) This specification is supported across all the programmable drive settings available for this I/O standard as shown in the Stratix II Architecture chapter in volume 1 of the Stratix II Device Handbook. Table 5–18. SSTL-18 Class I & II Differential Specifications Symbol Parameter Conditions Minimum Typical Maximum Unit 1.80 1.89 V VCCIO Output supply voltage 1.71 VSWING (DC) DC differential input voltage 0.25 VX (AC) AC differential input cross point voltage V (VCCIO/2) – 0.175 (VCCIO/2) + 0.175 V VSWING (AC) AC differential input voltage VISO Input clock signal offset voltage 0.5 × VCCIO V ΔVISO Input clock signal offset voltage variation ±200 mV VOX (AC) AC differential cross point voltage Altera Corporation April 2011 0.5 (VCCIO/2) – 0.125 V (VCCIO/2) + 0.125 V 5–11 Stratix II Device Handbook, Volume 1 Operating Conditions Table 5–19. SSTL-2 Class I Specifications Symbol Parameter VCCIO Output supply voltage VTT Termination voltage Conditions Minimum Typical Maximum Unit 2.375 2.500 2.625 V VREF – 0.04 VREF VREF + 0.04 V 1.188 1.250 VREF Reference voltage 1.313 V VIH (DC) High-level DC input voltage VREF + 0.18 3.00 V VIL (DC) Low-level DC input voltage –0.30 VREF – 0.18 V VI H (AC) High-level AC input voltage VR E F + 0.35 VI L (AC) Low-level AC input voltage VOH High-level output voltage IOH = –8.1 mA (1) VOL Low-level output voltage IOL = 8.1 mA (1) V VR E F - 0.35 VTT + 0.57 V V VTT – 0.57 V Note to Table 5–19: (1) This specification is supported across all the programmable drive settings available for this I/O standard as shown in the Stratix II Architecture chapter in volume 1 of the Stratix II Device Handbook. Table 5–20. SSTL-2 Class II Specifications Symbol Parameter Conditions Minimum Typical Maximum Unit 2.375 2.500 2.625 V VREF – 0.04 VREF VREF + 0.04 V 1.188 1.250 1.313 V VCCIO Output supply voltage VTT Termination voltage VREF Reference voltage VIH (DC) High-level DC input voltage VREF + 0.18 VCCIO + 0.30 V VIL (DC) Low-level DC input voltage –0.30 VREF – 0.18 V VR E F + 0.35 VR E F - 0.35 V VI H (AC) High-level AC input voltage VI L (AC) Low-level AC input voltage VOH High-level output voltage IOH = –16.4 mA (1) VOL Low-level output voltage IOL = 16.4 mA (1) V VTT + 0.76 V VTT – 0.76 V Note to Table 5–20: (1) This specification is supported across all the programmable drive settings available for this I/O standard as shown in the Stratix II Architecture chapter in volume 1 of the Stratix II Device Handbook. 5–12 Stratix II Device Handbook, Volume 1 Altera Corporation April 2011 DC & Switching Characteristics Table 5–21. SSTL-2 Class I & II Differential Specifications Symbol Parameter Conditions Minimum Typical Maximum Unit 2.500 2.625 V VCCIO Output supply voltage 2.375 VSWING (DC) DC differential input voltage 0.36 VX (AC) AC differential input cross point voltage V (VCCIO/2) – 0.2 (VCCIO/2) + 0.2 V VSWING (AC) AC differential input voltage VISO Input clock signal offset voltage 0.5 × VCCIO V ΔVISO Input clock signal offset voltage variation ±200 mV VOX (AC) AC differential output cross point voltage 0.7 V (VCCIO/2) – 0.2 (VCCIO/2) + 0.2 V Table 5–22. 1.2-V HSTL Specifications Symbol Parameter Conditions Minimum Typical Maximum Unit 1.14 1.20 1.26 V 0.50 × VC C I O 0.52 × VC C I O V VCCIO Output supply voltage VR E F Reference voltage 0.48 × VC C I O VIH (DC) High-level DC input voltage VR E F + 0.08 VC C I O + 0.15 V VIL (DC) Low-level DC input voltage –0.15 VR E F – 0.08 V VIH (AC) High-level AC input voltage VR E F + 0.15 VC C I O + 0.24 V VIL (AC) Low-level AC input voltage –0.24 VR E F – 0.15 V VOH High-level output voltage IO H = 8 mA VR E F + 0.15 VC C I O + 0.15 V VOL Low-level output voltage IO H = –8 mA –0.15 VR E F – 0.15 V Altera Corporation April 2011 5–13 Stratix II Device Handbook, Volume 1 Operating Conditions Table 5–23. 1.5-V HSTL Class I Specifications Symbol Parameter Conditions Minimum Typical Maximum Unit VCCIO Output supply voltage 1.425 1.500 1.575 V VREF Input reference voltage 0.713 0.750 0.788 V VTT Termination voltage 0.713 0.750 0.788 V VIH (DC) DC high-level input voltage VREF + 0.1 VIL (DC) DC low-level input voltage –0.3 VIH (AC) AC high-level input voltage VREF + 0.2 VIL (AC) AC low-level input voltage VOH High-level output voltage IOH = 8 mA (1) VOL Low-level output voltage IOH = –8 mA (1) V VREF – 0.1 V V VREF – 0.2 VCCIO – 0.4 V V 0.4 V Note to Table 5–23: (1) This specification is supported across all the programmable drive settings available for this I/O standard as shown in the Stratix II Architecture chapter in volume 1 of the Stratix II Device Handbook. Table 5–24. 1.5-V HSTL Class II Specifications Symbol Parameter Conditions Minimum Typical Maximum Unit 1.425 1.500 1.575 V VCCIO Output supply voltage VREF Input reference voltage 0.713 0.750 0.788 V VTT Termination voltage 0.713 0.750 0.788 V VIH (DC) DC high-level input voltage VREF + 0.1 VIL (DC) DC low-level input voltage –0.3 VIH (AC) AC high-level input voltage VREF + 0.2 VIL (AC) AC low-level input voltage VOH High-level output voltage IOH = 16 mA (1) VOL Low-level output voltage IOH = –16 mA (1) V VREF – 0.1 V VREF – 0.2 V V VCCIO – 0.4 V 0.4 V Note to Table 5–24: (1) This specification is supported across all the programmable drive settings available for this I/O standard as shown in the Stratix II Architecture chapter in volume 1 of the Stratix II Device Handbook. 5–14 Stratix II Device Handbook, Volume 1 Altera Corporation April 2011 DC & Switching Characteristics Table 5–25. 1.5-V HSTL Class I & II Differential Specifications Symbol Parameter Conditions Minimum Typical Maximum Unit 1.425 1.500 1.575 V VCCIO I/O supply voltage VDIF (DC) DC input differential voltage 0.2 VCM (DC) DC common mode input voltage 0.68 VDIF (AC) AC differential input voltage 0.4 VOX (AC) AC differential cross point voltage 0.68 V 0.90 V V 0.90 V Table 5–26. 1.8-V HSTL Class I Specifications Symbol Parameter Conditions Minimum Typical Maximum Unit VCCIO Output supply voltage 1.71 1.80 1.89 V VREF Input reference voltage 0.85 0.90 0.95 V VTT Termination voltage 0.85 0.90 0.95 V VIH (DC) DC high-level input voltage VREF + 0.1 VIL (DC) DC low-level input voltage –0.3 VIH (AC) AC high-level input voltage VREF + 0.2 VIL (AC) AC low-level input voltage VOH High-level output voltage IOH = 8 mA (1) VOL Low-level output voltage IOH = –8 mA (1) V VREF – 0.1 V V VREF – 0.2 VCCIO – 0.4 V V 0.4 V Note to Table 5–26: (1) This specification is supported across all the programmable drive settings available for this I/O standard as shown in the Stratix II Architecture chapter in volume 1 of the Stratix II Device Handbook. Altera Corporation April 2011 5–15 Stratix II Device Handbook, Volume 1 Operating Conditions Table 5–27. 1.8-V HSTL Class II Specifications Symbol Parameter Conditions Minimum Typical Maximum Unit VCCIO Output supply voltage 1.71 1.80 1.89 V VREF Input reference voltage 0.85 0.90 0.95 V VTT Termination voltage 0.85 0.90 0.95 VIH (DC) DC high-level input voltage VREF + 0.1 VIL (DC) DC low-level input voltage –0.3 VIH (AC) AC high-level input voltage VREF + 0.2 VIL (AC) AC low-level input voltage VOH High-level output voltage IOH = 16 mA (1) VOL Low-level output voltage IOH = –16 mA (1) V V VREF – 0.1 V V VREF – 0.2 VCCIO – 0.4 V V 0.4 V Note to Table 5–27: (1) This specification is supported across all the programmable drive settings available for this I/O standard as shown in the Stratix II Architecture chapter in volume 1 of the Stratix II Device Handbook. Table 5–28. 1.8-V HSTL Class I & II Differential Specifications Symbol Parameter Conditions Minimum Typical Maximum Unit 1.71 1.80 1.89 V VCCIO I/O supply voltage VDIF (DC) DC input differential voltage 0.2 VCCIO + 0.6 V V VCM (DC) DC common mode input voltage 0.78 1.12 V VDIF (AC) AC differential input voltage 0.4 VCCIO + 0.6 V V VOX (AC) AC differential cross point voltage 0.68 0.90 V 5–16 Stratix II Device Handbook, Volume 1 Altera Corporation April 2011 DC & Switching Characteristics Bus Hold Specifications Table 5–29 shows the Stratix II device family bus hold specifications. Table 5–29. Bus Hold Parameters VCCIO Level Parameter Conditions 1.2 V Min Max 1.5 V Min 1.8 V Max Min 2.5 V Max Min Max 3.3 V Min Unit Max Low sustaining current VIN > VIL (maximum) 22.5 25.0 30.0 50.0 70.0 μA High sustaining current VIN < VIH (minimum) –22.5 –25.0 –30.0 –50.0 –70.0 μA Low overdrive current 0 V < VIN < VCCIO 120 160 200 300 500 μA High overdrive current 0 V < VIN < VCCIO –120 –160 –200 –300 –500 μA 2.00 V Bus-hold trip point 0.45 0.95 0.50 1.00 0.68 1.07 0.70 1.70 0.80 On-Chip Termination Specifications Tables 5–30 and 5–31 define the specification for internal termination resistance tolerance when using series or differential on-chip termination. Table 5–30. Series On-Chip Termination Specification for Top & Bottom I/O Banks (Part 1 of 2) Notes (1), 2 Resistance Tolerance Symbol 25-Ω RS 3.3/2.5 Description Conditions Commercial Max Industrial Max Unit Internal series termination with calibration (25-Ω setting) VC C I O = 3.3/2.5 V ±5 ±10 % Internal series termination without calibration (25-Ω setting) VC C I O = 3.3/2.5 V ±30 ±30 % Altera Corporation April 2011 5–17 Stratix II Device Handbook, Volume 1 Operating Conditions Table 5–30. Series On-Chip Termination Specification for Top & Bottom I/O Banks (Part 2 of 2) Notes (1), 2 Resistance Tolerance Symbol 50-Ω RS 3.3/2.5 Description Conditions Commercial Max Industrial Max Unit Internal series termination with calibration (50-Ω setting) VC C I O = 3.3/2.5 V ±5 ±10 % Internal series termination without calibration (50-Ω setting) VC C I O = 3.3/2.5 V ±30 ±30 % 50-Ω RT 2.5 Internal parallel termination with calibration (50-Ω setting) VC C I O = 1.8 V ±30 ±30 % 25-Ω RS 1.8 Internal series termination with calibration (25-Ω setting) VC C I O = 1.8 V ±5 ±10 % Internal series termination without calibration (25-Ω setting) VC C I O = 1.8 V ±30 ±30 % Internal series termination with calibration (50-Ω setting) VC C I O = 1.8 V ±5 ±10 % Internal series termination without calibration (50-Ω setting) VC C I O = 1.8 V ±30 ±30 % 50-Ω RT 1.8 Internal parallel termination with calibration (50-Ω setting) VC C I O = 1.8 V ±10 ±15 % 50−Ω RS 1.5 Internal series termination with calibration (50-Ω setting) VC C I O = 1.5 V ±8 ±10 % Internal series termination without calibration (50-Ω setting) VC C I O = 1.5 V ±36 ±36 % 50-Ω RT 1.5 Internal parallel termination with calibration (50-Ω setting) VC C I O = 1.5 V ±10 ±15 % 50−Ω RS 1.2 Internal series termination with calibration (50-Ω setting) VC C I O = 1.2 V ±8 ±10 % Internal series termination without calibration (50-Ω setting) VC C I O = 1.2 V ±50 ±50 % Internal parallel termination with calibration (50-Ω setting) VC C I O = 1.2 V ±10 ±15 % 50-Ω RS 1.8 50-Ω RT 1.2 Notes for Table 5–30: (1) (2) The resistance tolerances for calibrated SOCT and POCT are for the moment of calibration. If the temperature or voltage changes over time, the tolerance may also change. On-chip parallel termination with calibration is only supported for input pins. 5–18 Stratix II Device Handbook, Volume 1 Altera Corporation April 2011 DC & Switching Characteristics Table 5–31. Series & Differential On-Chip Termination Specification for Left & Right I/O Banks Resistance Tolerance Symbol Description Conditions Commercial Industrial Max Max Unit 25-Ω RS 3.3/2.5 Internal series termination without calibration (25-Ω setting) VC C I O = 3.3/2.5 V ±30 ±30 % 50-Ω RS 3.3/2.5/1.8 Internal series termination without calibration (50-Ω setting) VC C I O = 3.3/2.5/1.8 V ±30 ±30 % 50-Ω RS 1.5 Internal series termination without calibration (50-Ω setting) VC C I O = 1.5 V ±36 ±36 % RD VC C I O = 2.5 V Internal differential termination for LVDS or HyperTransport technology (100-Ω setting) ±20 ±25 % Pin Capacitance Table 5–32 shows the Stratix II device family pin capacitance. Table 5–32. Stratix II Device Capacitance Symbol Note (1) Parameter Typical Unit CI O T B Input capacitance on I/O pins in I/O banks 3, 4, 7, and 8. 5.0 pF CI O L R Input capacitance on I/O pins in I/O banks 1, 2, 5, and 6, including highspeed differential receiver and transmitter pins. 6.1 pF CC L K T B Input capacitance on top/bottom clock input pins: CLK[4..7] and CLK[12..15]. 6.0 pF CC L K L R Input capacitance on left/right clock inputs: CLK0, CLK2, CLK8, CLK10. 6.1 pF CC L K L R + Input capacitance on left/right clock inputs: CLK1, CLK3, CLK9, and CLK11. 3.3 pF CO U T F B Input capacitance on dual-purpose clock output/feedback pins in PLL banks 9, 10, 11, and 12. 6.7 pF Note to Table 5–32: (1) Capacitance is sample-tested only. Capacitance is measured using time-domain reflections (TDR). Measurement accuracy is within ±0.5pF Altera Corporation April 2011 5–19 Stratix II Device Handbook, Volume 1 Power Consumption Power Consumption Altera® offers two ways to calculate power for a design: the Excel-based PowerPlay Early Power Estimator power calculator and the Quartus® II PowerPlay Power Analyzer feature. The interactive Excel-based PowerPlay Early Power Estimator is typically used prior to designing the FPGA in order to get an estimate of device power. The Quartus II PowerPlay Power Analyzer provides better quality estimates based on the specifics of the design after place-androute is complete. The Power Analyzer can apply a combination of userentered, simulation-derived and estimated signal activities which, combined with detailed circuit models, can yield very accurate power estimates. In both cases, these calculations should only be used as an estimation of power, not as a specification. f For more information about PowerPlay tools, refer to the PowerPlay Early Power Estimator User Guide and the PowerPlay Early Power Estimator and PowerPlay Power Analyzer chapters in volume 3 of the Quartus II Handbook. The PowerPlay Early Power Estimator is available on the Altera web site at See Table 5–4 on page 5–3 for typical ICC standby specifications. Timing Model The DirectDriveTM technology and MultiTrackTM interconnect ensure predictable performance, accurate simulation, and accurate timing analysis across all Stratix II device densities and speed grades. This section describes and specifies the performance, internal timing, external timing, and PLL, high-speed I/O, external memory interface, and JTAG timing specifications. All specifications are representative of worst-case supply voltage and junction temperature conditions. 1 The timing numbers listed in the tables of this section are extracted from the Quartus II software version 5.0 SP1. Preliminary & Final Timing Timing models can have either preliminary or final status. The Quartus II software issues an informational message during the design compilation if the timing models are preliminary. Table 5–33 shows the status of the Stratix II device timing models. 5–20 Stratix II Device Handbook, Volume 1 Altera Corporation April 2011 DC & Switching Characteristics Preliminary status means the timing model is subject to change. Initially, timing numbers are created using simulation results, process data, and other known parameters. These tests are used to make the preliminary numbers as close to the actual timing parameters as possible. Final timing numbers are based on actual device operation and testing. These numbers reflect the actual performance of the device under worst-case voltage and junction temperature conditions. Table 5–33. Stratix II Device Timing Model Status Device Preliminary Final EP2S15 v EP2S30 v EP2S60 v EP2S90 v EP2S130 v EP2S180 v I/O Timing Measurement Methodology Altera characterizes timing delays at the worst-case process, minimum voltage, and maximum temperature for input register setup time (tSU) and hold time (tH). The Quartus II software uses the following equations to calculate tSU and tH timing for Stratix II devices input signals. tSU = + data delay from input pin to input register + micro setup time of the input register – clock delay from input pin to input register tH = – data delay from input pin to input register + micro hold time of the input register + clock delay from input pin to input register Figure 5–3 shows the setup and hold timing diagram for input registers. Altera Corporation April 2011 5–21 Stratix II Device Handbook, Volume 1 Timing Model Figure 5–3. Input Register Setup & Hold Timing Diagram Input Data Delay micro tSU micro tH Input Clock Delay For output timing, different I/O standards require different baseline loading techniques for reporting timing delays. Altera characterizes timing delays with the required termination for each I/O standard and with 0 pF (except for PCI and PCI-X which use 10 pF) loading and the timing is specified up to the output pin of the FPGA device. The Quartus II software calculates the I/O timing for each I/O standard with a default baseline loading as specified by the I/O standards. The following measurements are made during device characterization. Altera measures clock-to-output delays (tCO) at worst-case process, minimum voltage, and maximum temperature (PVT) for default loading conditions shown in Table 5–34. Use the following equations to calculate clock pin to output pin timing for Stratix II devices. tCO from clock pin to I/O pin = delay from clock pad to I/O output register + IOE output register clock-to-output delay + delay from output register to output pin + I/O output delay txz/tzx from clock pin to I/O pin = delay from clock pad to I/O output register + IOE output register clock-to-output delay + delay from output register to output pin + I/O output delay + output enable pin delay Simulation using IBIS models is required to determine the delays on the PCB traces in addition to the output pin delay timing reported by the Quartus II software and the timing model in the device handbook. 1. Simulate the output driver of choice into the generalized test setup, using values from Table 5–34. 2. Record the time to VMEAS. 3. Simulate the output driver of choice into the actual PCB trace and load, using the appropriate IBIS model or capacitance value to represent the load. 5–22 Stratix II Device Handbook, Volume 1 Altera Corporation April 2011 DC & Switching Characteristics 4. Record the time to VMEAS. 5. Compare the results of steps 2 and 4. The increase or decrease in delay should be added to or subtracted from the I/O Standard Output Adder delays to yield the actual worst-case propagation delay (clock-to-output) of the PCB trace. The Quartus II software reports the timing with the conditions shown in Table 5–34 using the above equation. Figure 5–4 shows the model of the circuit that is represented by the output timing of the Quartus II software. Figure 5–4. Output Delay Timing Reporting Setup Modeled by Quartus II VTT VCCIO RT Output Buffer Output GND Outputp RS VMEAS CL Outputn RD GND Notes to Figure 5–4: (1) (2) (3) Output pin timing is reported at the output pin of the FPGA device. Additional delays for loading and board trace delay need to be accounted for with IBIS model simulations. VCCPD is 3.085 V unless otherwise specified. VCCINT is 1.12 V unless otherwise specified. Figures 5–5 and 5–6 show the measurement setup for output disable and output enable timing. Altera Corporation April 2011 5–23 Stratix II Device Handbook, Volume 1 Timing Model Table 5–34. Output Timing Measurement Methodology for Output Pins Notes (1), (2), (3) Measurement Point Loading and Termination I/O Standard RS (Ω) RD (Ω) RT (Ω) VCCIO (V) VTT (V) CL (pF) VMEAS (V) LVTTL (4) 3.135 0 1.5675 LVCMOS (4) 3.135 0 1.5675 2.5 V (4) 2.375 0 1.1875 1.8 V (4) 1.710 0 0.855 1.5 V (4) 1.425 0 0.7125 PCI (5) 2.970 10 1.485 PCI-X (5) SSTL-2 Class I 2.970 25 50 2.325 1.123 10 1.485 0 1.1625 SSTL-2 Class II 25 25 2.325 1.123 0 1.1625 SSTL-18 Class I 25 50 1.660 0.790 0 0.83 SSTL-18 Class II 25 25 1.660 0.790 0 0.83 1.8-V HSTL Class I 50 50 1.660 0.790 0 0.83 1.8-V HSTL Class II 25 25 1.660 0.790 0 0.83 1.5-V HSTL Class I 50 50 1.375 0.648 0 0.6875 1.375 0.648 0 0.6875 0 0.570 1.5-V HSTL Class II 1.2-V HSTL with OCT 25 50 1.140 Differential SSTL-2 Class I 50 50 2.325 1.123 0 1.1625 Differential SSTL-2 Class II 25 25 2.325 1.123 0 1.1625 Differential SSTL-18 Class I 50 50 1.660 0.790 0 0.83 Differential SSTL-18 Class II 25 25 1.660 0.790 0 0.83 1.5-V Differential HSTL Class I 50 50 1.375 0.648 0 0.6875 25 1.375 0.648 0 0.6875 1.5-V Differential HSTL Class II 1.8-V Differential HSTL Class I 50 50 1.660 0.790 0 0.83 1.8-V Differential HSTL Class II 25 25 1.660 0.790 0 0.83 LVDS 100 2.325 0 1.1625 HyperTransport 100 2.325 0 1.1625 LVPECL 100 3.135 0 1.5675 Notes to Table 5–34: (1) (2) (3) (4) (5) Input measurement point at internal node is 0.5 × VCCINT. Output measuring point for VMEAS at buffer output is 0.5 × VCCIO. Input stimulus edge rate is 0 to VCC in 0.2 ns (internal signal) from the driver preceding the I/O buffer. Less than 50-mV ripple on VCCIO and VCCPD, VCCINT = 1.15 V with less than 30-mV ripple VCCPD = 2.97 V, less than 50-mV ripple on VCCIO and VCCPD, VCCINT = 1.15 V 5–24 Stratix II Device Handbook, Volume 1 Altera Corporation April 2011 DC & Switching Characteristics Figure 5–5. Measurement Setup for txz Note (1) tXZ, Driving High to Tristate Enable OE OE ½ VCCINT Dout Din 100 Ω Disable “1” Din 100 mv Dout thz GND tXZ, Driving Low to Tristate Enable OE 100 Ω Disable ½ VCCINT OE Dout Din Din Dout “0” tlz VCCIO 100 mv Note to Figure 5–5: (1) Altera Corporation April 2011 VCCINT is 1.12 V for this measurement. 5–25 Stratix II Device Handbook, Volume 1 Timing Model Figure 5–6. Measurement Setup for tzx tZX, Tristate to Driving High Disable OE OE Enable ½ VCCINT Dout Din “1” Din 1 MΩ tzh Dout ½ VCCIO tZX, Tristate to Driving Low Disable Enable ½ VCCINT OE 1 MΩ OE Dout Din “0” Din ½ VCCIO tzl Dout Table 5–35 specifies the input timing measurement setup. Table 5–35. Timing Measurement Methodology for Input Pins (Part 1 of 2) Notes (1)–(4) Measurement Conditions Measurement Point I/O Standard VCCIO (V) LVTTL (5) VREF (V) 3.135 Edge Rate (ns) VM E A S (V) 3.135 1.5675 LVCMOS (5) 3.135 3.135 1.5675 2.5 V (5) 2.375 2.375 1.1875 1.8 V (5) 1.710 1.710 0.855 1.5 V (5) 1.425 1.425 0.7125 PCI (6) 2.970 2.970 1.485 PCI-X (6) 2.970 2.970 1.485 SSTL-2 Class I 2.325 1.163 2.325 1.1625 SSTL-2 Class II 2.325 1.163 2.325 1.1625 SSTL-18 Class I 1.660 0.830 1.660 0.83 SSTL-18 Class II 1.660 0.830 1.660 0.83 1.8-V HSTL Class I 1.660 0.830 1.660 0.83 5–26 Stratix II Device Handbook, Volume 1 Altera Corporation April 2011 DC & Switching Characteristics Table 5–35. Timing Measurement Methodology for Input Pins (Part 2 of 2) Notes (1)–(4) Measurement Conditions Measurement Point I/O Standard VCCIO (V) VREF (V) Edge Rate (ns) VM E A S (V) 1.8-V HSTL Class II 1.660 0.830 1.660 0.83 1.5-V HSTL Class I 1.375 0.688 1.375 0.6875 1.5-V HSTL Class II 1.375 0.688 1.375 0.6875 1.2-V HSTL with OCT 1.140 0.570 1.140 0.570 Differential SSTL-2 Class I 2.325 1.163 2.325 1.1625 Differential SSTL-2 Class II 2.325 1.163 2.325 1.1625 Differential SSTL-18 Class I 1.660 0.830 1.660 0.83 Differential SSTL-18 Class II 1.660 0.830 1.660 0.83 1.5-V Differential HSTL Class I 1.375 0.688 1.375 0.6875 1.5-V Differential HSTL Class II 1.375 0.688 1.375 0.6875 1.8-V Differential HSTL Class I 1.660 0.830 1.660 0.83 1.8-V Differential HSTL Class II 1.660 0.830 LVDS 2.325 1.660 0.83 0.100 1.1625 HyperTransport 2.325 0.400 1.1625 LVPECL 3.135 0.100 1.5675 Notes to Table 5–35: (1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) Input buffer sees no load at buffer input. Input measuring point at buffer input is 0.5 × VCCIO. Output measuring point is 0.5 × VCC at internal node. Input edge rate is 1 V/ns. Less than 50-mV ripple on VCCIO and VCCPD, VCCINT = 1.15 V with less than 30-mV ripple VCCPD = 2.97 V, less than 50-mV ripple on VCCIO and VCCPD, VCCINT = 1.15 V Performance Table 5–36 shows Stratix II performance for some common designs. All performance values were obtained with the Quartus II software compilation of library of parameterized modules (LPM), or MegaCore® functions for the finite impulse response (FIR) and fast Fourier transform (FFT) designs. Altera Corporation April 2011 5–27 Stratix II Device Handbook, Volume 1 Timing Model 1 The performance numbers in Table 5–36 are extracted from the Quartus II software version 5.1 SP1. Table 5–36. Stratix II Performance Notes (Part 1 of 6) Note (1) Resources Used ALUTs TriMatrix Memory Blocks DSP Blocks -3 Speed Grade (2) -3 Speed Grade (3) -4 Speed Grade -5 Speed Grade Unit 21 0 0 654.87 625.0 523.83 460.4 MHz Applications LE 16-to-1 multiplexer (4) Performance 32-to-1 multiplexer (4) 38 0 0 519.21 473.26 464.25 384.17 MHz 16-bit counter 16 0 0 566.57 538.79 489.23 421.05 MHz 64-bit counter 64 0 0 244.31 232.07 209.11 181.38 MHz TriMatrix Memory M512 block Simple dual-port RAM 32 × 18 bit 0 1 0 500.00 476.19 434.02 373.13 MHz FIFO 32 x 18 bit 22 1 0 500.00 476.19 434.78 373.13 MHz TriMatrix Memory M4K block Simple dual-port RAM 128 x 36 bit (8) 0 1 0 540.54 515.46 469.48 401.60 MHz True dual-port RAM 128 × 18 bit (8) 0 1 0 540.54 515.46 469.48 401.60 MHz FIFO 128 × 36 bit 22 1 0 530.22 499.00 469.48 401.60 MHz Simple dual-port RAM 128 × 36 bit (9) 0 1 0 475.28 453.30 413.22 354.10 MHz True dual-port RAM 128 × 18 bit (9) 0 1 0 475.28 453.30 413.22 354.10 MHz 5–28 Stratix II Device Handbook, Volume 1 Altera Corporation April 2011 DC & Switching Characteristics Table 5–36. Stratix II Performance Notes (Part 2 of 6) Note (1) Resources Used ALUTs TriMatrix Memory Blocks DSP Blocks -3 Speed Grade (2) -3 Speed Grade (3) -4 Speed Grade -5 Speed Grade Unit Single port RAM 4K × 144 bit 0 1 0 349.65 333.33 303.95 261.09 MHz Simple dual-port RAM 4K × 144 bit 0 1 0 420.16 400.00 364.96 313.47 MHz True dual-port RAM 4K × 144 bit 0 1 0 349.65 333.33 303.95 261.09 MHz Single port RAM 8K × 72 bit 0 1 0 354.60 337.83 307.69 263.85 MHz Simple dual-port RAM 8K × 72 bit 0 1 0 420.16 400.00 364.96 313.47 MHz True dual-port RAM 8K × 72 bit 0 1 0 349.65 333.33 303.95 261.09 MHz Single port RAM 16K × 36 bit 0 1 0 364.96 347.22 317.46 271.73 MHz Simple dual-port RAM 16K × 36 bit 0 1 0 420.16 400.00 364.96 313.47 MHz True dual-port RAM 16K × 36 bit 0 1 0 359.71 342.46 313.47 268.09 MHz Single port RAM 32K × 18 bit 0 1 0 364.96 347.22 317.46 271.73 MHz Simple dual-port RAM 32K × 18 bit 0 1 0 420.16 400.0 364.96 313.47 MHz True dual-port RAM 32K × 18 bit 0 1 0 359.71 342.46 313.47 268.09 MHz Single port RAM 64K × 9 bit 0 1 0 364.96 347.22 317.46 271.73 MHz Simple dual-port RAM 64K × 9 bit 0 1 0 420.16 400.0 364.96 313.47 MHz True dual-port RAM 64K × 9 bit 0 1 0 359.71 342.46 313.47 268.09 MHz Applications TriMatrix Memory M-RAM block Performance Altera Corporation April 2011 5–29 Stratix II Device Handbook, Volume 1 Timing Model Table 5–36. Stratix II Performance Notes (Part 3 of 6) Note (1) Resources Used ALUTs TriMatrix Memory Blocks DSP Blocks -3 Speed Grade (2) -3 Speed Grade (3) -4 Speed Grade -5 Speed Grade Unit 9 × 9-bit multiplier (5) 0 0 1 430.29 409.16 373.13 320.10 MHz 18 × 18-bit multiplier (5) 0 0 1 410.17 390.01 356.12 305.06 MHz 18 × 18-bit multiplier (7) 0 0 1 450.04 428.08 391.23 335.12 MHz 36 × 36-bit multiplier (5) 0 0 1 250.00 238.15 217.48 186.60 MHz 36 × 36-bit multiplier (6) 0 0 1 410.17 390.01 356.12 305.06 MHz 18-bit, four-tap FIR filter 0 0 1 410.17 390.01 356.12 305.06 MHz 8-bit,16-tap parallel FIR filter 58 0 4 259.06 240.61 217.15 185.01 MHz 8-bit, 1024-point, streaming, three multipliers and five adders FFT function 2976 22 9 398.72 364.03 355.23 306.37 MHz 8-bit, 1024-point, streaming, four multipliers and two adders FFT function 2781 22 12 398.56 409.16 347.22 311.13 MHz 8-bit, 1024-point, single output, one parallel FFT engine, burst, three multipliers and five adders FFT function 984 5 3 425.17 365.76 346.98 292.39 MHz 8-bit, 1024-point, single output, one parallel FFT engine, burst, four multipliers and two adders FFT function 919 5 4 427.53 378.78 357.14 307.59 MHz Applications DSP block Larger designs Performance 5–30 Stratix II Device Handbook, Volume 1 Altera Corporation April 2011 DC & Switching Characteristics Table 5–36. Stratix II Performance Notes (Part 4 of 6) Note (1) Resources Used ALUTs TriMatrix Memory Blocks DSP Blocks -3 Speed Grade (2) -3 Speed Grade (3) -4 Speed Grade -5 Speed Grade Unit 8-bit, 1024-point, single output, two parallel FFT engines, burst, three multiplier and five adders FFT function 1725 10 6 430.29 401.92 373.13 319.08 MHz 8-bit, 1024-point, single output, two parallel FFT engines, burst, four multipliers and two adders FFT function 1594 10 8 422.65 407.33 373.13 329.10 MHz 8-bit, 1024-point, quadrant output, one parallel FFT engine, burst, three multipliers and five adders FFT function 2361 10 9 315.45 342.81 325.73 284.25 MHz 8-bit, 1024-point, quadrant output, one parallel FFT engine, burst, four multipliers and two adders FFT function 2165 10 12 373.13 369.54 317.96 256.14 MHz 8-bit, 1024-point, quadrant output, two parallel FFT engines, burst, three multipliers and five adders FFT function 3996 14 18 378.50 367.10 332.33 288.68 MHz 8-bit, 1024-point, quadrant output, two parallel FFT engines, burst, four multipliers and two adders FFT function 3604 14 24 391.38 361.14 340.25 280.89 MHz Applications Larger designs Performance Altera Corporation April 2011 5–31 Stratix II Device Handbook, Volume 1 Timing Model Table 5–36. Stratix II Performance Notes (Part 5 of 6) Note (1) Resources Used ALUTs TriMatrix Memory Blocks DSP Blocks -3 Speed Grade (2) -3 Speed Grade (3) -4 Speed Grade -5 Speed Grade Unit 8-bit, 1024-point, quadrant output, four parallel FFT engines, burst, three multipliers and five adders FFT function 6850 28 36 334.11 345.66 308.54 276.31 MHz 8-bit, 1024-point, quadrant output, four parallel FFT engines, burst, four multipliers two adders FFT function 6067 28 48 367.91 349.04 327.33 268.24 MHz 8-bit, 1024-point, quadrant output, one parallel FFT engine, buffered burst, three multipliers and adders FFT function 2730 18 9 387.44 388.34 364.56 306.84 MHz 8-bit, 1024-point, quadrant output, one parallel FFT engine, buffered burst, four multipliers and two adders FFT function 2534 18 12 419.28 369.66 364.96 307.88 MHz 8-bit, 1024-point, quadrant output, two parallel FFT engines, buffered burst, three multipliers five adders FFT function 4358 30 18 396.51 378.07 340.13 291.29 MHz 8-bit, 1024-point, quadrant output, two parallel FFT engines, buffered burst four multipliers and two adders FFT function 3966 30 24 389.71 398.08 356.53 280.74 MHz Applications Larger designs Performance 5–32 Stratix II Device Handbook, Volume 1 Altera Corporation April 2011 DC & Switching Characteristics Table 5–36. Stratix II Performance Notes (Part 6 of 6) Note (1) Resources Used ALUTs TriMatrix Memory Blocks DSP Blocks -3 Speed Grade (2) -3 Speed Grade (3) -4 Speed Grade -5 Speed Grade Unit 8-bit, 1024-point, quadrant output, four parallel FFT engines, buffered burst, three multipliers five adders FFT function 7385 60 36 359.58 352.98 312.01 278.00 MHz 8-bit, 1024-point, quadrant output, four parallel FFT engines, buffered burst, four multipliers and two adders FFT function 6601 60 48 371.88 355.74 327.86 277.62 MHz Applications Larger designs Performance Notes for Table 5–36: (1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7) (8) (9) These design performance numbers were obtained using the Quartus II software version 5.0 SP1. These numbers apply to -3 speed grade EP2S15, EP2S30, EP2S60, and EP2S90 devices. These numbers apply to -3 speed grade EP2S130 and EP2S180 devices. This application uses registered inputs and outputs. This application uses registered multiplier input and output stages within the DSP block. This application uses registered multiplier input, pipeline, and output stages within the DSP block. This application uses registered multiplier input with output of the multiplier stage feeding the accumulator or subtractor within the DSP block. This application uses the same clock source that is globally routed and connected to ports A and B. This application uses locally routed clocks or differently sourced clocks for ports A and B. Altera Corporation April 2011 5–33 Stratix II Device Handbook, Volume 1 Timing Model Internal Timing Parameters See Tables 5–37 through 5–42 for internal timing parameters. Table 5–37. LE_FF Internal Timing Microparameters -3 Speed Grade (1) Symbol -3 Speed Grade (2) -4 Speed Grade -5 Speed Grade Parameter Unit Min (3) Max Min (3) Max Min (4) Max Min (3) Max tS U LE register setup time before clock 90 95 104 104 121 ps tH LE register hold time after clock 149 157 172 172 200 ps tC O LE register clock-to-output delay 62 tC L R Minimum clear pulse width 204 214 234 234 273 ps tP R E Minimum preset pulse width 204 214 234 234 273 ps tC L K L Minimum clock low time 612 642 703 703 820 ps tC L K H Minimum clock high time 612 642 703 703 820 ps 94 62 99 59 62 109 62 127 ps tL U T 162 378 162 397 162 170 435 162 507 ps tA D D E R 354 619 354 650 354 372 712 354 829 ps Notes to Table 5–37: (1) (2) (3) (4) These numbers apply to -3 speed grade EP2S15, EP2S30, EP2S60, and EP2S90 devices. These numbers apply to -3 speed grade EP2S130 and EP2S180 devices. For the -3 and -5 speed grades, the minimum timing is for the commercial temperature grade. Only -4 speed grade devices offer the industrial temperature grade. For the -4 speed grade, the first number is the minimum timing parameter for industrial devices. The second number is the minimum timing parameter for commercial devices. 5–34 Stratix II Device Handbook, Volume 1 Altera Corporation April 2011 DC & Switching Characteristics Table 5–38. IOE Internal Timing Microparameters -3 Speed Grade (1) Symbol -3 Speed Grade (2) -4 Speed Grade -5 Speed Grade Parameter Unit Min (3) Max Min (3) Max Min (4) Max Min (3) Max tS U IOE input and output register setup time before clock 122 128 140 140 163 ps tH IOE input and output register hold time after clock 72 75 82 82 96 ps tC O IOE input and output register clock-tooutput delay 101 169 101 177 97 101 194 101 226 ps tP I N 2 C O M B O U T _ R Row input pin to IOE combinational output 410 760 410 798 391 410 873 410 1,018 ps tP I N 2 C O M B O U T _ C Column input pin to IOE combinational output 428 787 428 825 408 428 904 428 1,054 ps 1,101 2,439 ps 991 2,246 ps tC O M B I N 2 P I N _ R Row IOE data input to combinational output pin 1,101 2,026 1,101 2,127 1,854 tC O M B I N 2 P I N _ C Column IOE data input to combinational output pin 991 1,946 tC L R Minimum clear pulse width 200 210 229 229 268 ps tP R E Minimum preset pulse width 200 210 229 229 268 ps tC L K L Minimum clock low time 600 630 690 690 804 ps tC L K H Minimum clock high time 600 630 690 690 804 ps 991 1,049 2,329 1,101 944 991 2,131 Notes to Table 5–38: (1) (2) (3) (4) These numbers apply to -3 speed grade EP2S15, EP2S30, EP2S60, and EP2S90 devices. These numbers apply to -3 speed grade EP2S130 and EP2S180 devices. For the -3 and -5 speed grades, the minimum timing is for the commercial temperature grade. Only -4 speed grade devices offer the industrial temperature grade. For the -4 speed grade, the first number is the minimum timing parameter for industrial devices. The second number is the minimum timing parameter for commercial devices. Altera Corporation April 2011 5–35 Stratix II Device Handbook, Volume 1 Timing Model Table 5–39. DSP Block Internal Timing Microparameters (Part 1 of 2) -3 Speed Grade (1) Symbol -3 Speed Grade (2) -4 Speed Grade -5 Speed Grade Parameter Unit Min (3) Max Min (3) Max Min (4) Max Min (3) Max tS U Input, pipeline, and output register setup time before clock 50 52 57 57 67 ps tH Input, pipeline, and output register hold time after clock 180 189 206 206 241 ps tC O Input, pipeline, and output register clockto-output delay tI N R E G 2 P I P E 9 Input register to DSP block pipeline register in 9 × 9-bit mode 1,312 2,030 1,312 2,030 1,250 2,334 1,312 2,720 1,312 ps tI N R E G 2 P I P E 1 8 Input register to DSP block pipeline register in 18 × 18-bit mode 1,302 2,010 1,302 2,110 1,240 2,311 1,302 2,693 1,302 ps tI N R E G 2 P I P E 3 6 Input register to DSP block pipeline register in 36 × 36-bit mode 1,302 2,010 1,302 2,110 1,240 2,311 1,302 2,693 1,302 ps tP I P E 2 O U T R E G 2 A D D DSP block pipeline register to output register delay in twomultipliers adder mode 0 1,450 0 924 0 880 924 0 924 0 ps tP I P E 2 O U T R E G 4 A D D DSP block pipeline register to output register delay in fourmultipliers adder mode 1,134 1,850 1,134 1,942 1,080 2,127 1,134 2,479 1,134 ps tP D 9 Combinational input to output delay for 9×9 2,100 2,880 2,100 3,024 2,000 3,312 2,100 3,859 2,100 ps tP D 1 8 Combinational input to output delay for 18 × 18 2,110 2,990 2,110 3,139 2,010 3,438 2,110 4,006 2,110 ps tP D 3 6 Combinational input to output delay for 36 × 36 2,939 4,450 2,939 4,672 2,800 5,117 2,939 5,962 2,939 ps tC L R Minimum clear pulse width 2,212 ps 2,543 2,543 1,667 0 ps 2,322 1,522 0 0 1,943 5–36 Stratix II Device Handbook, Volume 1 924 0 2,964 Altera Corporation April 2011 DC & Switching Characteristics Table 5–39. DSP Block Internal Timing Microparameters (Part 2 of 2) -3 Speed Grade (1) Symbol -3 Speed Grade (2) -4 Speed Grade -5 Speed Grade Parameter Unit Min (3) Max Min (3) Max Min (4) Max Min (3) Max tC L K L Minimum clock low time 1,190 1,249 1,368 1,368 1,594 ps tC L K H Minimum clock high time 1,190 1,249 1,368 1,368 1,594 ps Notes to Table 5–39: (1) (2) (3) (4) These numbers apply to -3 speed grade EP2S15, EP2S30, EP2S60, and EP2S90 devices. These numbers apply to -3 speed grade EP2S130 and EP2S180 devices. For the -3 and -5 speed grades, the minimum timing is for the commercial temperature grade. Only -4 speed grade devices offer the industrial temperature grade. For the -4 speed grade, the first number is the minimum timing parameter for industrial devices. The second number is the minimum timing parameter for commercial devices. Table 5–40. M512 Block Internal Timing Microparameters (Part 1 of 2) -3 Speed Grade (2) Symbol -3 Speed Grade (3) Note (1) -4 Speed Grade -5 Speed Grade Parameter Unit Min (4) Max Min (4) 2.433 Max 1,989 2,664 2,089 Min (4) Max 2,089 3,104 tM 5 1 2 R C Synchronous read cycle time 2,089 tM 5 1 2 W E R E S U Write or read enable setup time before clock 22 23 25 25 29 ps tM 5 1 2 W E R E H Write or read enable hold time after clock 203 213 233 233 272 ps tM 5 1 2 D ATA S U Data setup time before clock 22 23 25 25 29 ps tM 5 1 2 D ATA H Data hold time after clock 203 213 233 233 272 ps tM 5 1 2 WA D D R S U Write address setup time before clock 22 23 25 25 29 ps tM 5 1 2 WA D D R H Write address hold time after clock 203 213 233 233 272 ps tM 5 1 2 R A D D R S U Read address setup time before clock 22 23 25 25 29 ps tM 5 1 2 R A D D R H Read address hold time after clock 203 213 233 233 272 ps Altera Corporation April 2011 2,318 2,089 Max Min (5) ps 5–37 Stratix II Device Handbook, Volume 1 Timing Model Table 5–40. M512 Block Internal Timing Microparameters (Part 2 of 2) -3 Speed Grade (2) Symbol -3 Speed Grade (3) Note (1) -4 Speed Grade -5 Speed Grade Parameter Unit Min (4) 298 Max Min (4) Max 478 298 501 2,461 Min (5) Max Min (4) Max 284 298 548 298 640 ps 2,003 2,102 2,695 2,102 3,141 ps tM 5 1 2 D ATA C O 1 Clock-to-output delay when using output registers tM 5 1 2 D ATA C O 2 Clock-to-output delay without output registers 2,102 2,345 2,102 tM 5 1 2 C L K L Minimum clock low time 1,315 1,380 1,512 1,512 1,762 ps tM 5 1 2 C L K H Minimum clock high time 1,315 1,380 1,512 1,512 1,762 ps tM 5 1 2 C L R Minimum clear pulse width 151 165 165 192 ps 144 Notes to Table 5–40: (1) (2) (3) (4) (5) FMAX of M512 block obtained using the Quartus II software does not necessarily equal to 1/TM512RC. These numbers apply to -3 speed grade EP2S15, EP2S30, EP2S60, and EP2S90 devices. These numbers apply to -3 speed grade EP2S130 and EP2S180 devices. For the -3 and -5 speed grades, the minimum timing is for the commercial temperature grade. Only -4 speed grade devices offer the industrial temperature grade. For the -4 speed grade, the first number is the minimum timing parameter for industrial devices. The second number is the minimum timing parameter for commercial devices. Table 5–41. M4K Block Internal Timing Microparameters (Part 1 of 2) -3 Speed Grade (2) Symbol -3 Speed Grade (3) Note (1) -4 Speed Grade -5 Speed Grade Parameter Unit Min (4) Max Min (4) Max 2,240 1,462 2,351 Min (5) 2,575 Max tM 4 K R C Synchronous read cycle time 1,462 tM 4 K W E R E S U Write or read enable setup time before clock 22 23 25 25 29 ps tM 4 K W E R E H Write or read enable hold time after clock 203 213 233 233 272 ps tM 4 K B E S U Byte enable setup time before clock 22 23 25 25 29 ps tM 4 K B E H Byte enable hold time after clock 203 213 233 233 272 ps 5–38 Stratix II Device Handbook, Volume 1 1,393 1,462 Max Min (4) 1,462 3,000 ps Altera Corporation April 2011 DC & Switching Characteristics Table 5–41. M4K Block Internal Timing Microparameters (Part 2 of 2) -3 Speed Grade (2) Symbol -3 Speed Grade (3) Note (1) -4 Speed Grade -5 Speed Grade Parameter Unit Min (4) Max Min (4) Max Min (5) Max Min (4) Max tM 4 K D ATA A S U A port data setup time before clock 22 23 25 25 29 ps tM 4 K D ATA A H A port data hold time after clock 203 213 233 233 272 ps tM 4 K A D D R A S U A port address setup time before clock 22 23 25 25 29 ps tM 4 K A D D R A H A port address hold time after clock 203 213 233 233 272 ps tM 4 K D ATA B S U B port data setup time before clock 22 23 25 25 29 ps tM 4 K D ATA B H B port data hold time after clock 203 213 233 233 272 ps tM 4 K R A D D R B S U B port address setup time before clock 22 23 25 25 29 ps tM 4 K R A D D R B H B port address hold time after clock 203 213 233 233 272 ps tM 4 K D ATA C O 1 Clock-to-output delay when using output registers 334 524 334 549 319 334 601 tM 4 K D ATA C O 2 (6) Clock-to-output delay without output registers 1,616 2,453 1,616 2,574 1,540 1,616 2,820 tM 4 K C L K H Minimum clock high time 1,250 1,312 tM 4 K C L K L Minimum clock low time 1,250 tM 4 K C L R Minimum clear pulse width 144 334 701 ps 1,616 3,286 ps 1,437 1,437 1,675 ps 1,312 1,437 1,437 1,675 ps 151 165 165 192 ps Notes to Table 5–41: (1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) FMAX of M4K Block obtained using the Quartus II software does not necessarily equal to 1/TM4KRC. These numbers apply to -3 speed grade EP2S15, EP2S30, EP2S60, and EP2S90 devices. These numbers apply to -3 speed grade EP2S130 and EP2S180 devices. For the -3 and -5 speed grades, the minimum timing is for the commercial temperature grade. Only -4 speed grade devices offer the industrial temperature grade. For the -4 speed grade, the first number is the minimum timing parameter for industrial devices. The second number is the minimum timing parameter for commercial devices. Numbers apply to unpacked memory modes, true dual-port memory modes, and simple dual-port memory modes that use locally routed or non-identical sources for the A and B port registers. Altera Corporation April 2011 5–39 Stratix II Device Handbook, Volume 1 Timing Model Table 5–42. M-RAM Block Internal Timing Microparameters (Part 1 of 2) -3 Speed Grade (2) Symbol -3 Speed Grade (3) Note (1) -4 Speed Grade -5 Speed Grade Parameter Unit Min (4) Max Min (4) Max 2,774 1,866 2,911 Min (5) Synchronous read cycle time 1,866 tM E G AW E R E S U Write or read enable setup time before clock 144 151 165 165 192 ps tM E G AW E R E H Write or read enable hold time after clock 39 40 44 44 52 ps tM E G A B E S U Byte enable setup time before clock 50 52 57 57 67 ps tM E G A B E H Byte enable hold time after clock 39 40 44 44 52 ps tM E G A D ATA A S U A port data setup time before clock 50 52 57 57 67 ps tM E G A D ATA A H A port data hold time after clock 243 255 279 279 325 ps tM E G A A D D R A S U A port address setup time before clock 589 618 677 677 789 ps tM E G A A D D R A H A port address hold time after clock 241 253 277 277 322 ps tM E G A D ATA B S U B port setup time before clock 50 52 57 57 67 ps tM E G A D ATA B H B port hold time after clock 243 255 279 279 325 ps tM E G A A D D R B S U B port address setup time before clock 589 618 677 677 789 ps tM E G A A D D R B H B port address hold time after clock 241 253 277 277 322 ps tM E G A D ATA C O 1 Clock-to-output delay when using output registers 480 715 480 749 457 480 821 480 957 ps tM E G A D ATA C O 2 Clock-to-output delay without output registers 1,950 2,899 1,950 3,042 1,857 1,950 3,332 1,950 3,884 ps tM E G A C L K L Minimum clock low time 1,250 5–40 Stratix II Device Handbook, Volume 1 1,437 1,437 3,189 1,777 1,866 Max tM E G A R C 1,312 1,777 1,866 Max Min (4) 1,675 3,716 ps ps Altera Corporation April 2011 DC & Switching Characteristics Table 5–42. M-RAM Block Internal Timing Microparameters (Part 2 of 2) -3 Speed Grade (2) Symbol -3 Speed Grade (3) Note (1) -4 Speed Grade -5 Speed Grade Parameter Unit Min (4) Max Min (4) Max Min (5) Max Min (4) Max tM E G A C L K H Minimum clock high time 1,250 1,312 1,437 1,437 1,675 ps tM E G A C L R Minimum clear pulse width 144 151 165 165 192 ps Notes to Table 5–42: (1) (2) (3) (4) (5) FMAX of M-RAM Block obtained using the Quartus II software does not necessarily equal to 1/TMEGARC. These numbers apply to -3 speed grade EP2S15, EP2S30, EP2S60, and EP2S90 devices. These numbers apply to -3 speed grade EP2S130 and EP2S180 devices. For the -3 and -5 speed grades, the minimum timing is for the commercial temperature grade. Only -4 speed grade devices offer the industrial temperature grade. For the -4 speed grade, the first number is the minimum timing parameter for industrial devices. The second number is the minimum timing parameter for commercial devices. Stratix II Clock Timing Parameters See Tables 5–43 through 5–67 for Stratix II clock timing parameters. Table 5–43. Stratix II Clock Timing Parameters Symbol Altera Corporation April 2011 Parameter tC I N Delay from clock pad to I/O input register tC O U T Delay from clock pad to I/O output register tP L L C I N Delay from PLL inclk pad to I/O input register tP L L C O U T Delay from PLL inclk pad to I/O output register 5–41 Stratix II Device Handbook, Volume 1 Timing Model EP2S15 Clock Timing Parameters Tables 5–44 though 5–47 show the maximum clock timing parameters for EP2S15 devices. Table 5–44. EP2S15 Column Pins Regional Clock Timing Parameters Minimum Timing Industrial Commercial -3 Speed Grade tC I N 1.445 1.512 2.487 2.848 3.309 ns tC O U T 1.288 1.347 2.245 2.570 2.985 ns Parameter -4 Speed Grade -5 Speed Grade Unit tP L L C I N 0.104 0.102 0.336 0.373 0.424 ns tP L L C O U T -0.053 -0.063 0.094 0.095 0.1 ns -4 Speed Grade -5 Speed Grade Unit Table 5–45. EP2S15 Column Pins Global Clock Timing Parameters Minimum Timing Parameter Industrial Commercial -3 Speed Grade tC I N 1.419 1.487 2.456 2.813 3.273 ns tC O U T 1.262 1.322 2.214 2.535 2.949 ns tP L L C I N 0.094 0.092 0.326 0.363 0.414 ns tP L L C O U T -0.063 -0.073 0.084 0.085 0.09 ns Table 5–46. EP2S15 Row Pins Regional Clock Timing Parameters Minimum Timing Industrial Commercial -3 Speed Grade 1.232 1.288 2.144 Parameter tC I N -4 Speed Grade -5 Speed Grade Unit 2.454 2.848 ns tC O U T 1.237 1.293 2.140 2.450 2.843 ns tP L L C I N -0.109 -0.122 -0.007 -0.021 -0.037 ns tP L L C O U T -0.104 -0.117 -0.011 -0.025 -0.042 ns 5–42 Stratix II Device Handbook, Volume 1 Altera Corporation April 2011 DC & Switching Characteristics Table 5–47. EP2S15 Row Pins Global Clock Timing Parameters Minimum Timing Industrial Commercial -3 Speed Grade 1.206 1.262 2.113 Parameter tC I N -4 Speed Grade -5 Speed Grade Unit 2.422 2.815 ns tC O U T 1.211 1.267 2.109 2.418 2.810 ns tP L L C I N -0.125 -0.138 -0.023 -0.038 -0.056 ns tP L L C O U T -0.12 -0.133 -0.027 -0.042 -0.061 ns EP2S30 Clock Timing Parameters Tables 5–48 through 5–51 show the maximum clock timing parameters for EP2S30 devices. Table 5–48. EP2S30 Column Pins Regional Clock Timing Parameters Minimum Timing Parameter Industrial Commercial -3 Speed Grade -4 Speed Grade -5 Speed Grade Unit tC I N 1.553 1.627 2.639 3.025 3.509 ns tC O U T 1.396 1.462 2.397 2.747 3.185 ns tP L L C I N 0.114 0.113 0.225 0.248 0.28 ns tP L L C O U T -0.043 -0.052 -0.017 -0.03 -0.044 ns -4 Speed Grade -5 Speed Grade Unit Table 5–49. EP2S30 Column Pins Global Clock Timing Parameters Minimum Timing Industrial Commercial -3 Speed Grade tC I N 1.539 1.613 2.622 3.008 3.501 ns tC O U T 1.382 1.448 2.380 2.730 3.177 ns tP L L C I N 0.101 0.098 0.209 0.229 0.267 ns tP L L C O U T -0.056 -0.067 -0.033 -0.049 -0.057 ns Parameter Altera Corporation April 2011 5–43 Stratix II Device Handbook, Volume 1 Timing Model Table 5–50. EP2S30 Row Pins Regional Clock Timing Parameters Minimum Timing Industrial Commercial -3 Speed Grade 1.304 1.184 1.966 Parameter tC I N -4 Speed Grade -5 Speed Grade Unit 2.251 2.616 ns tC O U T 1.309 1.189 1.962 2.247 2.611 ns tP L L C I N -0.135 –0.158 –0.208 –0.254 –0.302 ns tP L L C O U T -0.13 –0.153 –0.212 –0.258 –0.307 ns -4 Speed Grade -5 Speed Grade Unit Table 5–51. EP2S30 Row Pins Global Clock Timing Parameters Minimum Timing Parameter Industrial Commercial -3 Speed Grade tC I N 1.289 1.352 2.238 2.567 2.990 ns tC O U T 1.294 1.357 2.234 2.563 2.985 ns tP L L C I N -0.14 -0.154 -0.169 -0.205 -0.254 ns tP L L C O U T -0.135 -0.149 -0.173 -0.209 -0.259 ns EP2S60 Clock Timing Parameters Tables 5–52 through 5–55 show the maximum clock timing parameters for EP2S60 devices. Table 5–52. EP2S60 Column Pins Regional Clock Timing Parameters Minimum Timing Industrial Commercial -3 Speed Grade tC I N 1.681 1.762 2.945 3.381 3.931 ns tC O U T 1.524 1.597 2.703 3.103 3.607 ns tP L L C I N 0.066 0.064 0.279 0.311 0.348 ns tP L L C O U T -0.091 -0.101 0.037 0.033 0.024 ns Parameter 5–44 Stratix II Device Handbook, Volume 1 -4 Speed Grade -5 Speed Grade Unit Altera Corporation April 2011 DC & Switching Characteristics Table 5–53. EP2S60 Column Pins Global Clock Timing Parameters Minimum Timing Industrial Commercial -3 Speed Grade tC I N 1.658 1.739 2.920 tC O U T 1.501 1.574 2.678 3.072 3.575 ns tP L L C I N 0.06 0.057 0.278 0.304 0.355 ns -0.097 -0.108 0.036 0.026 0.031 ns -4 Speed Grade -5 Speed Grade Unit Parameter tP L L C O U T -4 Speed Grade -5 Speed Grade Unit 3.350 3.899 ns Table 5–54. EP2S60 Row Pins Regional Clock Timing Parameters Minimum Timing Parameter Industrial Commercial -3 Speed Grade tC I N 1.463 1.532 2.591 2.972 3.453 ns tC O U T 1.468 1.537 2.587 2.968 3.448 ns tP L L C I N -0.153 -0.167 -0.079 -0.099 -0.128 ns tP L L C O U T -0.148 -0.162 -0.083 -0.103 -0.133 ns -4 Speed Grade -5 Speed Grade Unit Table 5–55. EP2S60 Row Pins Global Clock Timing Parameters Minimum Timing Industrial Commercial -3 Speed Grade tC I N 1.439 1.508 2.562 2.940 3.421 ns tC O U T 1.444 1.513 2.558 2.936 3.416 ns tP L L C I N -0.161 -0.174 -0.083 -0.107 -0.126 ns tP L L C O U T -0.156 -0.169 -0.087 -0.111 -0.131 ns Parameter Altera Corporation April 2011 5–45 Stratix II Device Handbook, Volume 1 Timing Model EP2S90 Clock Timing Parameters Tables 5–56 through 5–59 show the maximum clock timing parameters for EP2S90 devices. Table 5–56. EP2S90 Column Pins Regional Clock Timing Parameters Minimum Timing Industrial Commercial -3 Speed Grade tC I N 1.768 1.850 3.033 3.473 4.040 ns tC O U T 1.611 1.685 2.791 3.195 3.716 ns Parameter -4 Speed Grade -5 Speed Grade Unit tP L L C I N -0.127 -0.117 0.125 0.129 0.144 ns tP L L C O U T -0.284 -0.282 -0.117 -0.149 -0.18 ns Table 5–57. EP2S90 Column Pins Global Clock Timing Parameters Minimum Timing Commercial -3 Speed Grade -4 Speed Grade -5 Speed Grade Unit Industrial tC I N 1.783 1.868 3.058 3.502 4.070 ns tC O U T 1.626 1.703 2.816 3.224 3.746 ns Parameter tP L L C I N -0.137 -0.127 0.115 0.119 0.134 ns tP L L C O U T -0.294 -0.292 -0.127 -0.159 -0.19 ns -4 Speed Grade -5 Speed Grade Unit 3.124 3.632 ns Table 5–58. EP2S90 Row Pins Regional Clock Timing Parameters Minimum Timing Industrial Commercial -3 Speed Grade 1.566 1.638 2.731 Parameter tC I N tC O U T 1.571 1.643 2.727 3.120 3.627 ns tP L L C I N -0.326 -0.326 -0.178 -0.218 -0.264 ns tP L L C O U T -0.321 -0.321 -0.182 -0.222 -0.269 ns 5–46 Stratix II Device Handbook, Volume 1 Altera Corporation April 2011 DC & Switching Characteristics Table 5–59. EP2S90 Row Pins Global Clock Timing Parameters Minimum Timing Industrial Commercial -3 Speed Grade 1.585 1.658 2.757 Parameter tC I N -4 Speed Grade -5 Speed Grade Unit 3.154 3.665 ns tC O U T 1.590 1.663 2.753 3.150 3.660 ns tP L L C I N -0.341 -0.341 -0.193 -0.235 -0.278 ns tP L L C O U T -0.336 -0.336 -0.197 -0.239 -0.283 ns EP2S130 Clock Timing Parameters Tables 5–60 through 5–63 show the maximum clock timing parameters for EP2S130 devices. Table 5–60. EP2S130 Column Pins Regional Clock Timing Parameters Minimum Timing Parameter Industrial Commercial -3 Speed Grade -4 Speed Grade -5 Speed Grade Unit tC I N 1.889 1.981 3.405 3.722 4.326 ns tC O U T 1.732 1.816 3.151 3.444 4.002 ns tP L L C I N 0.105 0.106 0.226 0.242 0.277 ns tP L L C O U T -0.052 -0.059 -0.028 -0.036 -0.047 ns -4 Speed Grade -5 Speed Grade Unit Table 5–61. EP2S130 Column Pins Global Clock Timing Parameters Minimum Timing Industrial Commercial -3 Speed Grade tC I N 1.907 1.998 3.420 3.740 4.348 ns tC O U T 1.750 1.833 3.166 3.462 4.024 ns tP L L C I N 0.134 0.136 0.276 0.296 0.338 ns tP L L C O U T -0.023 -0.029 0.022 0.018 0.014 ns Parameter Altera Corporation April 2011 5–47 Stratix II Device Handbook, Volume 1 Timing Model Table 5–62. EP2S130 Row Pins Regional Clock Timing Parameters Minimum Timing Industrial Commercial -3 Speed Grade 1.680 1.760 3.070 Parameter tC I N -4 Speed Grade -5 Speed Grade Unit 3.351 3.892 ns tC O U T 1.685 1.765 3.066 3.347 3.887 ns tP L L C I N -0.113 -0.124 -0.12 -0.138 -0.168 ns tP L L C O U T -0.108 -0.119 -0.124 -0.142 -0.173 ns -4 Speed Grade -5 Speed Grade Unit Table 5–63. EP2S130 Row Pins Global Clock Timing Parameters Minimum Timing Parameter Industrial Commercial -3 Speed Grade tC I N 1.690 1.770 3.075 3.362 3.905 ns tC O U T 1.695 1.775 3.071 3.358 3.900 ns tP L L C I N -0.087 -0.097 -0.075 -0.089 -0.11 ns tP L L C O U T -0.082 -0.092 -0.079 -0.093 -0.115 ns EP2S180 Clock Timing Parameters Tables 5–64 through 5–67 show the maximum clock timing parameters for EP2S180 devices. Table 5–64. EP2S180 Column Pins Regional Clock Timing Parameters Minimum Timing Industrial Commercial -3 Speed Grade tC I N 2.001 2.095 3.643 3.984 4.634 ns tC O U T 1.844 1.930 3.389 3.706 4.310 ns tP L L C I N -0.307 -0.297 0.053 0.046 0.048 ns tP L L C O U T -0.464 -0.462 -0.201 -0.232 -0.276 ns Parameter 5–48 Stratix II Device Handbook, Volume 1 -4 Speed Grade -5 Speed Grade Unit Altera Corporation April 2011 DC & Switching Characteristics Table 5–65. EP2S180 Column Pins Global Clock Timing Parameters Minimum Timing Industrial Commercial -3 Speed Grade tC I N 2.003 2.100 3.652 3.993 4.648 ns tC O U T 1.846 1.935 3.398 3.715 4.324 ns -0.3 -0.29 0.053 0.054 0.058 ns -0.457 -0.455 -0.201 -0.224 -0.266 ns -4 Speed Grade -5 Speed Grade Unit Parameter tP L L C I N tP L L C O U T -4 Speed Grade -5 Speed Grade Unit Table 5–66. EP2S180 Row Pins Regional Clock Timing Parameters Minimum Timing Parameter Industrial Commercial -3 Speed Grade tC I N 1.759 1.844 3.273 3.577 4.162 ns tC O U T 1.764 1.849 3.269 3.573 4.157 ns tP L L C I N -0.542 -0.541 -0.317 -0.353 -0.414 ns tP L L C O U T -0.537 -0.536 -0.321 -0.357 -0.419 ns -4 Speed Grade -5 Speed Grade Unit Table 5–67. EP2S180 Row Pins Global Clock Timing Parameters Minimum Timing Industrial Commercial -3 Speed Grade tC I N 1.763 1.850 3.285 3.588 4.176 ns tC O U T 1.768 1.855 3.281 3.584 4.171 ns tP L L C I N -0.542 -0.542 -0.319 -0.355 -0.42 ns tP L L C O U T -0.537 -0.537 -0.323 -0.359 -0.425 ns Parameter Altera Corporation April 2011 5–49 Stratix II Device Handbook, Volume 1 Timing Model Clock Network Skew Adders The Quartus II software models skew within dedicated clock networks such as global and regional clocks. Therefore, intra-clock network skew adder is not specified. Table 5–68 specifies the clock skew between any two clock networks driving registers in the IOE. Table 5–68. Clock Network Specifications Name Description Min Typ Max Unit Clock skew adder EP2S15, EP2S30, EP2S60 (1) Inter-clock network, same side ±50 ps Inter-clock network, entire chip ±100 ps Clock skew adder EP2S90 (1) Inter-clock network, same side ±55 ps Inter-clock network, entire chip ±110 ps Clock skew adder EP2S130 (1) Inter-clock network, same side ±63 ps Inter-clock network, entire chip ±125 ps Clock skew adder EP2S180 (1) Inter-clock network, same side ±75 ps Inter-clock network, entire chip ±150 ps Note to Table 5–68: (1) This is in addition to intra-clock network skew, which is modeled in the Quartus II software. 5–50 Stratix II Device Handbook, Volume 1 Altera Corporation April 2011 DC & Switching Characteristics IOE Programmable Delay See Tables 5–69 and 5–70 for IOE programmable delay. Table 5–69. Stratix II IOE Programmable Delay on Column Pins Minimum Timing (2) Parameter Paths Affected Available Settings Note (1) -3 Speed Grade (3) -4 Speed Grade -5 Speed Grade Min Max Min Max Min Max Min Max Offset Offset Offset Offset Offset Offset Offset Offset (ps) (ps) (ps) (ps) (ps) (ps) (ps) (ps) Input delay from Pad to I/O dataout to logic pin to internal array cells 8 0 0 1,696 1,781 0 0 2,881 3,025 0 3,313 0 3,860 Input delay from Pad to I/O input register pin to input register 64 0 0 1,955 2,053 0 0 3,275 3,439 0 3,766 0 4,388 Delay from output register to output pin I/O output register to pad 2 0 0 316 332 0 0 500 525 0 575 0 670 Output enable pin delay tX Z , tZ X 2 0 0 305 320 0 0 483 507 0 556 0 647 Notes to Table 5–69: (1) (2) (3) The incremental values for the settings are generally linear. For the exact delay associated with each setting, use the latest version of the Quartus II software. The first number is the minimum timing parameter for industrial devices. The second number is the minimum timing parameter for commercial devices. The first number applies to -3 speed grade EP2S15, EP2S30, EP2S60, and EP2S90 devices. The second number applies to -3 speed grade EP2S130 and EP2S180 devices. Altera Corporation April 2011 5–51 Stratix II Device Handbook, Volume 1 Timing Model Table 5–70. Stratix II IOE Programmable Delay on Row Pins Minimum Timing (2) Parameter Paths Affected Available Settings Note (1) -3 Speed Grade (3) -4 Speed Grade -5 Speed Grade Min Max Min Max Min Max Min Max Offset Offset Offset Offset Offset Offset Offset Offset (ps) (ps) (ps) (ps) (ps) (ps) (ps) (ps) Input delay from Pad to I/O dataout to logic pin to internal array cells 8 0 0 1,697 1,782 0 0 2,876 3,020 0 3,308 0 3,853 Input delay from Pad to I/O input register pin to input register 64 0 0 1,956 2,054 0 0 3,270 3,434 0 3,761 0 4,381 Delay from output register to output pin I/O output register to pad 2 0 0 316 332 0 0 525 525 0 575 0 670 Output enable pin delay tX Z , tZ X 2 0 0 305 320 0 0 507 507 0 556 0 647 Notes to Table 5–70: (1) (2) (3) The incremental values for the settings are generally linear. For the exact delay associated with each setting, use the latest version of the Quartus II software. The first number is the minimum timing parameter for industrial devices. The second number is the minimum timing parameter for commercial devices. The first number applies to -3 speed grade EP2S15, EP2S30, EP2S60, and EP2S90 devices. The second number applies to -3 speed grade EP2S130 and EP2S180 devices. Default Capacitive Loading of Different I/O Standards See Table 5–71 for default capacitive loading of different I/O standards. Table 5–71. Default Loading of Different I/O Standards for Stratix II (Part 1 of 2) I/O Standard Capacitive Load Unit LVTTL 0 pF LVCMOS 0 pF 2.5 V 0 pF 1.8 V 0 pF 1.5 V 0 pF PCI 10 pF PCI-X 10 pF SSTL-2 Class I 0 pF 5–52 Stratix II Device Handbook, Volume 1 Altera Corporation April 2011 DC & Switching Characteristics Table 5–71. Default Loading of Different I/O Standards for Stratix II (Part 2 of 2) I/O Standard SSTL-2 Class II Altera Corporation April 2011 Capacitive Load Unit 0 pF SSTL-18 Class I 0 pF SSTL-18 Class II 0 pF 1.5-V HSTL Class I 0 pF 1.5-V HSTL Class II 0 pF 1.8-V HSTL Class I 0 pF 1.8-V HSTL Class II 0 pF 1.2-V HSTL with OCT 0 pF Differential SSTL-2 Class I 0 pF Differential SSTL-2 Class II 0 pF Differential SSTL-18 Class I 0 pF Differential SSTL-18 Class II 0 pF 1.5-V Differential HSTL Class I 0 pF 1.5-V Differential HSTL Class II 0 pF 1.8-V Differential HSTL Class I 0 pF 1.8-V Differential HSTL Class II 0 pF LVDS 0 pF HyperTransport 0 pF LVPECL 0 pF 5–53 Stratix II Device Handbook, Volume 1 Timing Model I/O Delays See Tables 5–72 through 5–76 for I/O delays. Table 5–72. I/O Delay Parameters Symbol Parameter tD I P Delay from I/O datain to output pad tO P Delay from I/O output register to output pad tP C O U T Delay from input pad to I/O dataout to core tP I Delay from input pad to I/O input register Table 5–73. Stratix II I/O Input Delay for Column Pins (Part 1 of 3) Minimum Timing I/O Standard Parameter Industrial LVTTL 2.5 V 1.8 V 1.5 V LVCMOS SSTL-2 Class I SSTL-2 Class II SSTL-18 Class I SSTL-18 Class II 1.5-V HSTL Class I -3 Speed -3 Speed -4 Speed -5 Speed Grade Grade Grade Grade Commercial (2) (3) Unit tP I 674 707 1223 1282 1405 1637 ps tP C O U T 408 428 787 825 904 1054 ps tP I 684 717 1210 1269 1390 1619 ps tP C O U T 418 438 774 812 889 1036 ps tP I 747 783 1366 1433 1570 1829 ps tP C O U T 481 504 930 976 1069 1246 ps tP I 749 786 1436 1506 1650 1922 ps tP C O U T 483 507 1000 1049 1149 1339 ps tP I 674 707 1223 1282 1405 1637 ps tP C O U T 408 428 787 825 904 1054 ps tP I 507 530 818 857 939 1094 ps tP C O U T 241 251 382 400 438 511 ps tP I 507 530 818 857 939 1094 ps tP C O U T 241 251 382 400 438 511 ps tP I 543 569 898 941 1031 1201 ps tP C O U T 277 290 462 484 530 618 ps tP I 543 569 898 941 1031 1201 ps tP C O U T 277 290 462 484 530 618 ps tP I 560 587 993 1041 1141 1329 ps tP C O U T 294 308 557 584 640 746 ps 5–54 Stratix II Device Handbook, Volume 1 Altera Corporation April 2011 DC & Switching Characteristics Table 5–73. Stratix II I/O Input Delay for Column Pins (Part 2 of 3) Minimum Timing I/O Standard Parameter Industrial 1.5-V HSTL Class II 1.8-V HSTL Class I 1.8-V HSTL Class II PCI PCI-X Differential SSTL-2 Class I (1) Differential SSTL-2 Class II (1) Differential SSTL-18 Class I (1) Differential SSTL-18 Class II (1) 1.8-V Differential HSTL Class I (1) 1.8-V Differential HSTL Class II (1) 1.5-V Differential HSTL Class I (1) 1.5-V Differential HSTL Class II (1) Altera Corporation April 2011 tP I 560 -3 Speed -3 Speed -4 Speed -5 Speed Grade Grade Grade Grade Commercial (2) (3) 587 993 1041 1141 Unit 1329 ps tP C O U T 294 308 557 584 640 746 ps tP I 543 569 898 941 1031 1201 ps tP C O U T 277 290 462 484 530 618 ps tP I 543 569 898 941 1031 1201 ps tP C O U T 277 290 462 484 530 618 ps tP I 679 712 1214 1273 1395 1625 ps tP C O U T 413 433 778 816 894 1042 ps tP I 679 712 1214 1273 1395 1625 ps tP C O U T 413 433 778 816 894 1042 ps tP I 507 530 818 857 939 1094 ps tP C O U T 241 251 382 400 438 511 ps tP I 507 530 818 857 939 1094 ps tP C O U T 241 251 382 400 438 511 ps tP I 543 569 898 941 1031 1201 ps tP C O U T 277 290 462 484 530 618 ps tP I 543 569 898 941 1031 1201 ps tP C O U T 277 290 462 484 530 618 ps tP I 543 569 898 941 1031 1201 ps tP C O U T 277 290 462 484 530 618 ps tP I 543 569 898 941 1031 1201 ps tP C O U T 277 290 462 484 530 618 ps tP I 560 587 993 1041 1141 1329 ps tP C O U T 294 308 557 584 640 746 ps tP I 560 587 993 1041 1141 1329 ps tP C O U T 294 308 557 584 640 746 ps 5–55 Stratix II Device Handbook, Volume 1 Timing Model Table 5–73. Stratix II I/O Input Delay for Column Pins (Part 3 of 3) Minimum Timing I/O Standard Parameter Industrial 1.2-V HSTL -3 Speed -3 Speed -4 Speed -5 Speed Grade Grade Grade Grade Commercial (2) (3) Unit tP I 645 677 1194 1252 - - ps tP C O U T 379 398 758 795 - - ps Notes for Table 5–73: (1) (2) (3) These I/O standards are only supported on DQS pins. These numbers apply to -3 speed grade EP2S15, EP2S30, EP2S60, and EP2S90 devices. These numbers apply to -3 speed grade EP2S130 and EP2S180 devices. Table 5–74. Stratix II I/O Input Delay for Row Pins (Part 1 of 2) Minimum Timing I/O Standard Parameter Industrial LVTTL 2.5 V 1.8 V 1.5 V -3 Speed -3 Speed -4 Speed -5 Speed Grade Grade Grade Grade Commercial (1) (2) Unit tP I 715 749 1287 1350 1477 1723 ps tP C O U T 391 410 760 798 873 1018 ps tP I 726 761 1273 1335 1461 1704 ps tP C O U T 402 422 746 783 857 999 ps tP I 788 827 1427 1497 1639 1911 ps tP C O U T 464 488 900 945 1035 1206 ps tP I 792 830 1498 1571 1720 2006 ps tP C O U T 468 491 971 1019 1116 1301 ps LVCMOS tP I 715 749 1287 1350 1477 1723 ps tP C O U T 391 410 760 798 873 1018 ps SSTL-2 Class I tP I 547 573 879 921 1008 1176 ps tP C O U T 223 234 352 369 404 471 ps tP I 547 573 879 921 1008 1176 ps SSTL-2 Class II SSTL-18 Class I SSTL-18 Class II 1.5-V HSTL Class I tP C O U T 223 234 352 369 404 471 ps tP I 577 605 960 1006 1101 1285 ps tP C O U T 253 266 433 454 497 580 ps tP I 577 605 960 1006 1101 1285 ps tP C O U T 253 266 433 454 497 580 ps tP I 602 631 1056 1107 1212 1413 ps tP C O U T 278 292 529 555 608 708 ps 5–56 Stratix II Device Handbook, Volume 1 Altera Corporation April 2011 DC & Switching Characteristics Table 5–74. Stratix II I/O Input Delay for Row Pins (Part 2 of 2) Minimum Timing I/O Standard Parameter Industrial 1.5-V HSTL Class II tP I 1.8-V HSTL Class I 1.8-V HSTL Class II -3 Speed -3 Speed -4 Speed -5 Speed Grade Grade Grade Grade Commercial (1) (2) 602 631 1056 1107 1212 Unit 1413 ps tP C O U T 278 292 529 555 608 708 ps tP I 577 605 960 1006 1101 1285 ps tP C O U T 253 266 433 454 497 580 ps tP I 577 605 960 1006 1101 1285 ps tP C O U T 253 266 433 454 497 580 ps LVDS tP I 515 540 948 994 1088 1269 ps tP C O U T 191 201 421 442 484 564 ps HyperTransport tP I 515 540 948 994 1088 1269 ps tP C O U T 191 201 421 442 484 564 ps Notes for Table 5–74: (1) (2) These numbers apply to -3 speed grade EP2S15, EP2S30, EP2S60, and EP2S90 devices. These numbers apply to -3 speed grade EP2S130 and EP2S180 devices. Table 5–75. Stratix II I/O Output Delay for Column Pins (Part 1 of 8) Minimum Timing I/O Standard LVTTL Drive Parameter Strength 4 mA 8 mA 12 mA 16 mA Industrial -3 -3 -4 -5 Speed Speed Speed Speed Unit Commercial Grade Grade Grade Grade (3) (4) tO P 1178 1236 2351 2467 2702 2820 ps tD I P 1198 1258 2417 2537 2778 2910 ps tO P 1041 1091 2036 2136 2340 2448 ps tD I P 1061 1113 2102 2206 2416 2538 ps tO P 976 1024 2036 2136 2340 2448 ps tD I P 996 1046 2102 2206 2416 2538 ps tO P 951 998 1893 1986 2176 2279 ps tD I P 971 1020 1959 2056 2252 2369 ps 20 mA tO P 931 976 1787 1875 2054 2154 ps tD I P 951 998 1853 1945 2130 2244 ps 24 mA (1) tO P 924 969 1788 1876 2055 2156 ps tD I P 944 991 1854 1946 2131 2246 ps Altera Corporation April 2011 5–57 Stratix II Device Handbook, Volume 1 Timing Model Table 5–75. Stratix II I/O Output Delay for Column Pins (Part 2 of 8) Minimum Timing I/O Standard LVCMOS Drive Parameter Strength 4 mA 8 mA 12 mA 16 mA tO P 1041 1091 2036 2136 2340 2448 ps tD I P 1061 1113 2102 2206 2416 2538 ps tO P 952 999 1786 1874 2053 2153 ps tD I P 972 1021 1852 1944 2129 2243 ps tO P 926 971 1720 1805 1977 2075 ps tD I P 946 993 1786 1875 2053 2165 ps tO P 933 978 1693 1776 1946 2043 ps tD I P 953 1000 1759 1846 2022 2133 ps tO P 921 965 1677 1759 1927 2025 ps tD I P 941 987 1743 1829 2003 2115 ps 24 mA (1) tO P 909 954 1659 1741 1906 2003 ps tD I P 929 976 1725 1811 1982 2093 ps 4 mA tO P 1004 1053 2063 2165 2371 2480 ps tD I P 1024 1075 2129 2235 2447 2570 ps 8 mA tO P 955 1001 1841 1932 2116 2218 ps tD I P 975 1023 1907 2002 2192 2308 ps 20 mA 2.5 V Industrial -3 -3 -4 -5 Speed Speed Speed Speed Unit Commercial Grade Grade Grade Grade (3) (4) 12 mA 16 mA (1) tO P 934 980 1742 1828 2002 2101 ps tD I P 954 1002 1808 1898 2078 2191 ps tO P 918 962 1679 1762 1929 2027 ps tD I P 938 984 1745 1832 2005 2117 ps 5–58 Stratix II Device Handbook, Volume 1 Altera Corporation April 2011 DC & Switching Characteristics Table 5–75. Stratix II I/O Output Delay for Column Pins (Part 3 of 8) Minimum Timing I/O Standard 1.8 V Drive Parameter Strength 2 mA Industrial -3 -3 -4 -5 Speed Speed Speed Speed Unit Commercial Grade Grade Grade Grade (3) (4) tO P 1042 1093 2904 3048 3338 3472 ps tD I P 1062 1115 2970 3118 3414 3562 ps 4 mA tO P 1047 1098 2248 2359 2584 2698 ps tD I P 1067 1120 2314 2429 2660 2788 ps 6 mA tO P 974 1022 2024 2124 2326 2434 ps tD I P 994 1044 2090 2194 2402 2524 ps tO P 976 1024 1947 2043 2238 2343 ps tD I P 996 1046 2013 2113 2314 2433 ps tO P 933 978 1882 1975 2163 2266 ps tD I P 953 1000 1948 2045 2239 2356 ps 12 mA (1) tO P 934 979 1833 1923 2107 2209 ps tD I P 954 1001 1899 1993 2183 2299 ps 2 mA tO P 1023 1073 2505 2629 2879 3002 ps tD I P 1043 1095 2571 2699 2955 3092 ps 4 mA tO P 963 1009 2023 2123 2325 2433 ps tD I P 983 1031 2089 2193 2401 2523 ps tO P 966 1012 1923 2018 2210 2315 ps tD I P 986 1034 1989 2088 2286 2405 ps tO P 926 971 1878 1970 2158 2262 ps tD I P 946 993 1944 2040 2234 2352 ps tO P 913 957 1715 1799 1971 2041 ps tD I P 933 979 1781 1869 2047 2131 ps 12 mA (1) tO P 896 940 1672 1754 1921 1991 ps tD I P 916 962 1738 1824 1997 2081 ps SSTL-2 Class II 16 mA tO P 876 918 1609 1688 1849 1918 ps tD I P 896 940 1675 1758 1925 2008 ps 8 mA 10 mA 1.5 V 6 mA 8 mA (1) SSTL-2 Class I 8 mA 20 mA 24 mA (1) Altera Corporation April 2011 tO P 877 919 1598 1676 1836 1905 ps tD I P 897 941 1664 1746 1912 1995 ps tO P 872 915 1596 1674 1834 1903 ps tD I P 892 937 1662 1744 1910 1993 ps 5–59 Stratix II Device Handbook, Volume 1 Timing Model Table 5–75. Stratix II I/O Output Delay for Column Pins (Part 4 of 8) Minimum Timing I/O Standard SSTL-18 Class I Drive Parameter Strength 4 mA tO P 909 953 1690 1773 1942 2012 ps tD I P 929 975 1756 1843 2018 2102 ps 6 mA tO P 914 958 1656 1737 1903 1973 ps tD I P 934 980 1722 1807 1979 2063 ps 8 mA tO P 894 937 1640 1721 1885 1954 ps tD I P 914 959 1706 1791 1961 2044 ps 10 mA SSTL-18 Class II tO P 898 942 1638 1718 1882 1952 ps tD I P 918 964 1704 1788 1958 2042 ps 12 mA (1) tO P 891 936 1626 1706 1869 1938 ps tD I P 911 958 1692 1776 1945 2028 ps 8 mA tO P 883 925 1597 1675 1835 1904 ps tD I P 903 947 1663 1745 1911 1994 ps tO P 894 937 1578 1655 1813 1882 ps 16 mA tD I P 914 959 1644 1725 1889 1972 ps tO P 890 933 1585 1663 1821 1890 ps tD I P 910 955 1651 1733 1897 1980 ps 20 mA (1) tO P 890 933 1583 1661 1819 1888 ps tD I P 910 955 1649 1731 1895 1978 ps 4 mA tO P 912 956 1608 1687 1848 1943 ps tD I P 932 978 1674 1757 1924 2033 ps tO P 917 962 1595 1673 1833 1928 ps tD I P 937 984 1661 1743 1909 2018 ps tO P 896 940 1586 1664 1823 1917 ps 18 mA 1.8-V HSTL Class I Industrial -3 -3 -4 -5 Speed Speed Speed Speed Unit Commercial Grade Grade Grade Grade (3) (4) 6 mA 8 mA 10 mA 12 mA (1) tD I P 916 962 1652 1734 1899 2007 ps tO P 900 944 1591 1669 1828 1923 ps tD I P 920 966 1657 1739 1904 2013 ps tO P 892 936 1585 1663 1821 1916 ps tD I P 912 958 1651 1733 1897 2006 ps 5–60 Stratix II Device Handbook, Volume 1 Altera Corporation April 2011 DC & Switching Characteristics Table 5–75. Stratix II I/O Output Delay for Column Pins (Part 5 of 8) Minimum Timing I/O Standard 1.8-V HSTL Class II 1.5-V HSTL Class I Drive Parameter Strength 16 mA tO P 877 919 1385 1453 1591 1680 ps tD I P 897 941 1451 1523 1667 1770 ps 18 mA tO P 879 921 1394 1462 1602 1691 ps tD I P 899 943 1460 1532 1678 1781 ps 20 mA (1) tO P 879 921 1402 1471 1611 1700 ps tD I P 899 943 1468 1541 1687 1790 ps 4 mA tO P 912 956 1607 1686 1847 1942 ps tD I P 932 978 1673 1756 1923 2032 ps tO P 917 961 1588 1666 1825 1920 ps tD I P 937 983 1654 1736 1901 2010 ps tO P 899 943 1590 1668 1827 1922 ps tD I P 919 965 1656 1738 1903 2012 ps 10 mA tO P 900 943 1592 1670 1829 1924 ps tD I P 920 965 1658 1740 1905 2014 ps 12 mA (1) tO P 893 937 1590 1668 1827 1922 ps tD I P 913 959 1656 1738 1903 2012 ps 6 mA 8 mA 1.5-V HSTL Class II Industrial -3 -3 -4 -5 Speed Speed Speed Speed Unit Commercial Grade Grade Grade Grade (3) (4) 16 mA tO P 881 924 1431 1501 1644 1734 ps tD I P 901 946 1497 1571 1720 1824 ps tO P 884 927 1439 1510 1654 1744 ps tD I P 904 949 1505 1580 1730 1834 ps tO P 886 929 1450 1521 1666 1757 ps tD I P 906 951 1516 1591 1742 1847 ps 1.2-V HSTL tO P 958 1004 1602 1681 - - ps tD I P 978 1026 1668 1751 - - ps PCI tO P 1028 1082 1956 2051 2244 2070 ps tD I P 1048 1104 2022 2121 2320 2160 ps tO P 1028 1082 1956 2051 2244 2070 ps tD I P 1048 1104 2022 2121 2320 2160 ps 18 mA 20 mA (1) PCI-X Altera Corporation April 2011 5–61 Stratix II Device Handbook, Volume 1 Timing Model Table 5–75. Stratix II I/O Output Delay for Column Pins (Part 6 of 8) Minimum Timing I/O Standard Differential SSTL-2 Class I Drive Parameter Strength 8 mA Industrial -3 -3 -4 -5 Speed Speed Speed Speed Unit Commercial Grade Grade Grade Grade (3) (4) tO P 913 957 1715 1799 1971 2041 ps tD I P 933 979 1781 1869 2047 2131 ps 12 mA tO P 896 940 1672 1754 1921 1991 ps tD I P 916 962 1738 1824 1997 2081 ps Differential 16 mA SSTL-2 Class II tO P 876 918 1609 1688 1849 1918 ps tD I P 896 940 1675 1758 1925 2008 ps 20 mA tO P 877 919 1598 1676 1836 1905 ps tD I P 897 941 1664 1746 1912 1995 ps tO P 872 915 1596 1674 1834 1903 ps tD I P 892 937 1662 1744 1910 1993 ps tO P 909 953 1690 1773 1942 2012 ps tD I P 929 975 1756 1843 2018 2102 ps 6 mA tO P 914 958 1656 1737 1903 1973 ps tD I P 934 980 1722 1807 1979 2063 ps 8 mA tO P 894 937 1640 1721 1885 1954 ps tD I P 914 959 1706 1791 1961 2044 ps tO P 898 942 1638 1718 1882 1952 ps tD I P 918 964 1704 1788 1958 2042 ps tO P 891 936 1626 1706 1869 1938 ps tD I P 911 958 1692 1776 1945 2028 ps tO P 883 925 1597 1675 1835 1904 ps tD I P 903 947 1663 1745 1911 1994 ps 16 mA tO P 894 937 1578 1655 1813 1882 ps tD I P 914 959 1644 1725 1889 1972 ps 18 mA tO P 890 933 1585 1663 1821 1890 ps tD I P 910 955 1651 1733 1897 1980 ps tO P 890 933 1583 1661 1819 1888 ps tD I P 910 955 1649 1731 1895 1978 ps 24 mA Differential SSTL-18 Class I 4 mA 10 mA 12 mA Differential SSTL-18 Class II 8 mA 20 mA 5–62 Stratix II Device Handbook, Volume 1 Altera Corporation April 2011 DC & Switching Characteristics Table 5–75. Stratix II I/O Output Delay for Column Pins (Part 7 of 8) Minimum Timing I/O Standard 1.8-V Differential HSTL Class I Drive Parameter Strength 4 mA tO P 912 956 1608 1687 1848 1943 ps tD I P 932 978 1674 1757 1924 2033 ps 6 mA tO P 917 962 1595 1673 1833 1928 ps tD I P 937 984 1661 1743 1909 2018 ps 8 mA tO P 896 940 1586 1664 1823 1917 ps tD I P 916 962 1652 1734 1899 2007 ps tO P 900 944 1591 1669 1828 1923 ps tD I P 920 966 1657 1739 1904 2013 ps tO P 892 936 1585 1663 1821 1916 ps tD I P 912 958 1651 1733 1897 2006 ps tO P 877 919 1385 1453 1591 1680 ps tD I P 897 941 1451 1523 1667 1770 ps 18 mA tO P 879 921 1394 1462 1602 1691 ps tD I P 899 943 1460 1532 1678 1781 ps 20 mA tO P 879 921 1402 1471 1611 1700 ps tD I P 899 943 1468 1541 1687 1790 ps tO P 912 956 1607 1686 1847 1942 ps tD I P 932 978 1673 1756 1923 2032 ps tO P 917 961 1588 1666 1825 1920 ps tD I P 937 983 1654 1736 1901 2010 ps tO P 899 943 1590 1668 1827 1922 ps tD I P 919 965 1656 1738 1903 2012 ps tO P 900 943 1592 1670 1829 1924 ps ps 10 mA 12 mA 1.8-V Differential HSTL Class II 1.5-V Differential HSTL Class I Industrial -3 -3 -4 -5 Speed Speed Speed Speed Unit Commercial Grade Grade Grade Grade (3) (4) 16 mA 4 mA 6 mA 8 mA 10 mA 12 mA Altera Corporation April 2011 tD I P 920 965 1658 1740 1905 2014 tO P 893 937 1590 1668 1827 1922 tD I P 913 959 1656 1738 1903 2012 5–63 Stratix II Device Handbook, Volume 1 Timing Model Table 5–75. Stratix II I/O Output Delay for Column Pins (Part 8 of 8) Minimum Timing I/O Standard 1.5-V Differential HSTL Class II Drive Parameter Strength 16 mA 18 mA 20 mA Industrial tO P 881 -3 -3 -4 -5 Speed Speed Speed Speed Unit Commercial Grade Grade Grade Grade (3) (4) 924 1431 1501 1644 1734 ps tD I P 901 946 1497 1571 1720 1824 ps tO P 884 927 1439 1510 1654 1744 tD I P 904 949 1505 1580 1730 1834 tO P 886 929 1450 1521 1666 1757 tD I P 906 951 1516 1591 1742 1847 Notes to Table 5–75: (1) (2) (3) (4) This is the default setting in the Quartus II software. These I/O standards are only supported on DQS pins. These numbers apply to -3 speed grade EP2S15, EP2S30, EP2S60, and EP2S90 devices. These numbers apply to -3 speed grade EP2S130 and EP2S180 devices. Table 5–76. Stratix II I/O Output Delay for Row Pins (Part 1 of 3) Minimum Timing I/O Standard LVTTL Drive Parameter Strength 4 mA Unit tO P 1267 1328 2655 2786 3052 3189 ps tD I P 1225 1285 2600 2729 2989 3116 ps tO P 1144 1200 2113 2217 2429 2549 ps tD I P 1102 1157 2058 2160 2366 2476 ps 12 mA (1) tO P 1091 1144 2081 2184 2392 2512 ps tD I P 1049 1101 2026 2127 2329 2439 ps 4 mA tO P 1144 1200 2113 2217 2429 2549 ps tD I P 1102 1157 2058 2160 2366 2476 ps 8 mA (1) tO P 1044 1094 1853 1944 2130 2243 ps tD I P 1002 1051 1798 1887 2067 2170 ps 8 mA LVCMOS Industrial -3 -3 -4 -5 Speed Speed Speed Speed Commercial Grade Grade Grade Grade (2) (3) 5–64 Stratix II Device Handbook, Volume 1 Altera Corporation April 2011 DC & Switching Characteristics Table 5–76. Stratix II I/O Output Delay for Row Pins (Part 2 of 3) Minimum Timing I/O Standard 2.5 V Drive Parameter Strength 4 mA 8 mA 12 mA (1) 1.8 V 2 mA tO P 1128 1183 2091 2194 2403 2523 ps tD I P 1086 1140 2036 2137 2340 2450 ps tO P 1030 1080 1872 1964 2152 2265 ps tD I P 988 1037 1817 1907 2089 2192 ps tO P 1012 1061 1775 1862 2040 2151 ps tD I P 970 1018 1720 1805 1977 2078 ps tO P 1196 1253 2954 3100 3396 3542 ps 1154 1210 2899 3043 3333 3469 ps tO P 1184 1242 2294 2407 2637 2763 ps tD I P 1142 1199 2239 2350 2574 2690 ps tO P 1079 1131 2039 2140 2344 2462 ps tD I P 1037 1088 1984 2083 2281 2389 ps 8 mA (1) tO P 1049 1100 1942 2038 2232 2348 ps tD I P 1007 1057 1887 1981 2169 2275 ps tO P 1158 1213 2530 2655 2908 3041 ps tD I P 1116 1170 2475 2598 2845 2968 ps tO P 1055 1106 2020 2120 2322 2440 ps tD I P 1013 1063 1965 2063 2259 2367 ps tO P 1002 1050 1759 1846 2022 2104 ps tD I P 960 1007 1704 1789 1959 2031 ps 6 mA 2 mA 4 mA SSTL-2 Class I 8 mA SSTL-2 Class II 16 mA (1) SSTL-18 Class I Unit tD I P 4 mA 1.5 V Industrial -3 -3 -4 -5 Speed Speed Speed Speed Commercial Grade Grade Grade Grade (2) (3) tO P 947 992 1581 1659 1817 1897 ps tD I P 905 949 1526 1602 1754 1824 ps 4 mA tO P 990 1038 1709 1793 1964 2046 ps tD I P 948 995 1654 1736 1901 1973 ps 6 mA tO P 994 1042 1648 1729 1894 1975 ps tD I P 952 999 1593 1672 1831 1902 ps tO P 970 1018 1633 1713 1877 1958 ps tD I P 928 975 1578 1656 1814 1885 ps tO P 974 1021 1615 1694 1856 1937 ps tD I P 932 978 1560 1637 1793 1864 ps 8 mA 10 mA (1) Altera Corporation April 2011 5–65 Stratix II Device Handbook, Volume 1 Timing Model Table 5–76. Stratix II I/O Output Delay for Row Pins (Part 3 of 3) Minimum Timing I/O Standard 1.8-V HSTL Class I Drive Parameter Strength 4 mA Unit tO P 972 1019 1610 1689 1850 1956 ps tD I P 930 976 1555 1632 1787 1883 ps 6 mA tO P 975 1022 1580 1658 1816 1920 ps tD I P 933 979 1525 1601 1753 1847 ps 8 mA tO P 958 1004 1576 1653 1811 1916 ps tD I P 916 961 1521 1596 1748 1843 ps tO P 962 1008 1567 1644 1801 1905 ps tD I P 920 965 1512 1587 1738 1832 ps 12 mA (1) tO P 953 999 1566 1643 1800 1904 ps tD I P 911 956 1511 1586 1737 1831 ps 4 mA tO P 970 1018 1591 1669 1828 1933 ps tD I P 928 975 1536 1612 1765 1860 ps tO P 974 1021 1579 1657 1815 1919 ps 10 mA 1.5-V HSTL Class I Industrial -3 -3 -4 -5 Speed Speed Speed Speed Commercial Grade Grade Grade Grade (2) (3) 6 mA tD I P 932 978 1524 1600 1752 1846 ps 8 mA (1) tO P 960 1006 1572 1649 1807 1911 ps tD I P 918 963 1517 1592 1744 1838 ps LVDS HyperTransport tO P 1018 1067 1723 1808 1980 2089 ps tD I P 976 1024 1668 1751 1917 2016 ps tO P 1005 1053 1723 1808 1980 2089 ps tD I P 963 1010 1668 1751 1917 2016 ps Notes to Table 5–76: (1) (2) (3) This is the default setting in the Quartus II software. These numbers apply to -3 speed grade EP2S15, EP2S30, EP2S60, and EP2S90 devices. These numbers apply to -3 speed grade EP2S130 and EP2S180 devices. Maximum Input & Output Clock Toggle Rate Maximum clock toggle rate is defined as the maximum frequency achievable for a clock type signal at an I/O pin. The I/O pin can be a regular I/O pin or a dedicated clock I/O pin. 5–66 Stratix II Device Handbook, Volume 1 Altera Corporation April 2011 DC & Switching Characteristics The maximum clock toggle rate is different from the maximum data bit rate. If the maximum clock toggle rate on a regular I/O pin is 300 MHz, the maximum data bit rate for dual data rate (DDR) could be potentially as high as 600 Mbps on the same I/O pin. Table 5–77 specifies the maximum input clock toggle rates. Table 5–78 specifies the maximum output clock toggle rates at 0pF load. Table 5–79 specifies the derating factors for the output clock toggle rate for a non 0pF load. To calculate the output toggle rate for a non 0pF load, use this formula: The toggle rate for a non 0pF load = 1000 / (1000/ toggle rate at 0pF load + derating factor * load value in pF /1000) For example, the output toggle rate at 0pF load for SSTL-18 Class II 20mA I/O standard is 550 MHz on a -3 device clock output pin. The derating factor is 94ps/pF. For a 10pF load the toggle rate is calculated as: 1000 / (1000/550 + 94 × 10 /1000) = 363 (MHz) Tables 5–77 through 5–79 show the I/O toggle rates for Stratix II devices. Table 5–77. Maximum Input Toggle Rate on Stratix II Devices (Part 1 of 2) Column I/O Pins (MHz) Row I/O Pins (MHz) Input I/O Standard Dedicated Clock Inputs (MHz) -3 -4 -5 -3 -4 -5 -3 -4 -5 LVTTL 500 500 450 500 500 450 500 500 400 2.5-V LVTTL/CMOS 500 500 450 500 500 450 500 500 400 1.8-V LVTTL/CMOS 500 500 450 500 500 450 500 500 400 1.5-V LVTTL/CMOS 500 500 450 500 500 450 500 500 400 LVCMOS 500 500 450 500 500 450 500 500 400 SSTL-2 Class I 500 500 500 500 500 500 500 500 500 SSTL-2 Class II 500 500 500 500 500 500 500 500 500 SSTL-18 Class I 500 500 500 500 500 500 500 500 500 SSTL-18 Class II 500 500 500 500 500 500 500 500 500 1.5-V HSTL Class I 500 500 500 500 500 500 500 500 500 1.5-V HSTL Class II 500 500 500 500 500 500 500 500 500 1.8-V HSTL Class I 500 500 500 500 500 500 500 500 500 Altera Corporation April 2011 5–67 Stratix II Device Handbook, Volume 1 Timing Model Table 5–77. Maximum Input Toggle Rate on Stratix II Devices (Part 2 of 2) Column I/O Pins (MHz) Row I/O Pins (MHz) Input I/O Standard Dedicated Clock Inputs (MHz) -3 -4 -5 -3 -4 -5 -3 -4 -5 1.8-V HSTL Class II 500 500 500 500 500 500 500 500 500 PCI (1) 500 500 450 - - - 500 500 400 PCI-X (1) 500 500 450 - - - 500 500 400 1.2-V HSTL (2) 280 - - - - - 280 - - Differential SSTL-2 Class I (1), (3) 500 500 500 - - - 500 500 500 Differential SSTL-2 Class II (1), (3) 500 500 500 - - - 500 500 500 Differential SSTL-18 Class I (1), (3) 500 500 500 - - - 500 500 500 Differential SSTL-18 Class II (1), (3) 500 500 500 - - - 500 500 500 1.8-V Differential HSTL Class I (1), (3) 500 500 500 - - - 500 500 500 1.8-V Differential HSTL Class II (1), (3) 500 500 500 - - - 500 500 500 1.5-V Differential HSTL Class I (1), (3) 500 500 500 - - - 500 500 500 1.5-V Differential HSTL Class II (1), (3) 500 500 500 - - - 500 500 500 - - - 520 520 420 717 717 640 HyperTransport technology (4) LVPECL (1) - - - - - - 450 450 400 LVDS (5) - - - 520 520 420 717 717 640 LVDS (6) - - - - - - 450 450 400 Notes to Table 5–77: (1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) Row clock inputs don’t support PCI, PCI-X, LVPECL, and differential HSTL and SSTL standards. 1.2-V HSTL is only supported on column I/O pins. Differential HSTL and SSTL standards are only supported on column clock and DQS inputs. HyperTransport technology is only supported on row I/O and row dedicated clock input pins. These numbers apply to I/O pins and dedicated clock pins in the left and right I/O banks. These numbers apply to dedicated clock pins in the top and bottom I/O banks. 5–68 Stratix II Device Handbook, Volume 1 Altera Corporation April 2011 DC & Switching Characteristics Table 5–78. Maximum Output Toggle Rate on Stratix II Devices (Part 1 of 5) I/O Standard 3.3-V LVTTL 3.3-V LVCMOS 2.5-V LVTTL/LVCMOS 1.8-V LVTTL/LVCMOS 1.5-V LVTTL/LVCMOS SSTL-2 Class I SSTL-2 Class II Altera Corporation April 2011 Drive Strength Column I/O Pins (MHz) -3 -4 -5 Note (1) Row I/O Pins (MHz) -3 -4 -5 Clock Outputs (MHz) -3 -4 -5 4 mA 270 225 210 270 225 210 270 225 210 8 mA 435 355 325 435 355 325 435 355 325 12 mA 580 475 420 580 475 420 580 475 420 16 mA 720 594 520 - - - 720 594 520 20 mA 875 700 610 - - - 875 700 610 24 mA 1,030 794 670 - - - 1,030 794 670 4 mA 290 250 230 290 250 230 290 250 230 8 mA 565 480 440 565 480 440 565 480 440 12 mA 790 710 670 - - - 790 710 670 16 mA 1,020 925 875 - - - 1,020 925 875 20 mA 1,066 985 935 - - - 1,066 985 24 mA 1,100 1,040 1,000 - - - 1,100 1,040 4 mA 230 194 180 230 194 180 230 194 180 8 mA 430 380 380 430 380 380 430 380 380 12 mA 630 575 550 630 575 550 630 575 550 16 mA 930 845 820 - - - 930 845 820 2 mA 120 109 104 120 109 104 120 109 104 4 mA 285 250 230 285 250 230 285 250 230 6 mA 450 390 360 450 390 360 450 390 360 8 mA 660 570 520 660 570 520 660 570 520 905 805 755 935 1,000 10 mA 905 805 755 - - - 12 mA 1,131 1,040 990 - - - 2 mA 244 200 180 244 200 180 244 200 180 4 mA 470 370 325 470 370 325 470 370 325 6 mA 550 430 375 - - - 550 430 375 8 mA 625 495 420 - - - 625 495 420 1,131 1,040 990 8 mA 400 300 300 - - - 400 300 300 12 mA 400 400 350 400 350 350 400 400 350 16 mA 350 350 300 350 350 300 350 350 300 20 mA 400 350 350 - - - 400 350 350 24 mA 400 400 350 - - - 400 400 350 5–69 Stratix II Device Handbook, Volume 1 Timing Model Table 5–78. Maximum Output Toggle Rate on Stratix II Devices (Part 2 of 5) I/O Standard SSTL-18 Class I SSTL-18 Class II 1.8-V HSTL Class I 1.8-V HSTL Class II 1.5-V HSTL Class I 1.5-V HSTL Class II Differential SSTL-2 Class I (3) Differential SSTL-2 Class II (3) Drive Strength Column I/O Pins (MHz) -3 -4 -5 Note (1) Row I/O Pins (MHz) -3 -4 -5 Clock Outputs (MHz) -3 -4 -5 4 mA 200 150 150 200 150 150 200 150 150 6 mA 350 250 200 350 250 200 350 250 200 8 mA 450 300 300 450 300 300 450 300 300 10 mA 500 400 400 500 400 400 500 400 400 12 mA 700 550 400 - - - 650 550 400 8 mA 200 200 150 - - - 200 200 150 16 mA 400 350 350 - - - 400 350 350 18 mA 450 400 400 - - - 450 400 400 20 mA 550 500 450 - - - 550 500 450 4 mA 300 300 300 300 300 300 300 300 300 6 mA 500 450 450 500 450 450 500 450 450 8 mA 650 600 600 650 600 600 650 600 600 10 mA 700 650 600 700 650 600 700 650 600 12 mA 700 700 650 700 700 650 700 700 650 16 mA 500 500 450 - - - 500 500 450 18 mA 550 500 500 - - - 550 500 500 20 mA 650 550 550 - - - 550 550 550 4 mA 350 300 300 350 300 300 350 300 300 6 mA 500 500 450 500 500 450 500 500 450 8 mA 700 650 600 700 650 600 700 650 600 10 mA 700 700 650 - - - 700 700 650 12 mA 700 700 700 - - - 700 700 700 16 mA 600 600 550 - - - 600 600 550 18 mA 650 600 600 - - - 650 600 600 20 mA 700 650 600 - - - 700 650 600 8 mA 400 300 300 400 300 300 400 300 300 12 mA 400 400 350 400 400 350 400 400 350 16 mA 350 350 300 350 350 300 350 350 300 20 mA 400 350 350 350 350 297 400 350 350 24 mA 400 400 350 - - - 400 400 350 5–70 Stratix II Device Handbook, Volume 1 Altera Corporation April 2011 DC & Switching Characteristics Table 5–78. Maximum Output Toggle Rate on Stratix II Devices (Part 3 of 5) I/O Standard Differential SSTL-18 Class I (3) Differential SSTL-18 Class II (3) 1.8-V Differential HSTL Class I (3) 1.8-V Differential HSTL Class II (3) 1.5-V Differential HSTL Class I (3) 1.5-V Differential HSTL Class II (3) Drive Strength Column I/O Pins (MHz) Note (1) Row I/O Pins (MHz) Clock Outputs (MHz) -3 -4 -5 -3 -4 -5 -3 -4 -5 4 mA 200 150 150 200 150 150 200 150 150 6 mA 350 250 200 350 250 200 350 250 200 8 mA 450 300 300 450 300 300 450 300 300 10 mA 500 400 400 500 400 400 500 400 400 12 mA 700 550 400 350 350 297 650 550 400 8 mA 200 200 150 - - - 200 200 150 16 mA 400 350 350 - - - 400 350 350 18 mA 450 400 400 - - - 450 400 400 20 mA 550 500 450 - - - 550 500 450 4 mA 300 300 300 - - - 300 300 300 6 mA 500 450 450 - - - 500 450 450 8 mA 650 600 600 - - - 650 600 600 10 mA 700 650 600 - - - 700 650 600 12 mA 700 700 650 - - - 700 700 650 16 mA 500 500 450 - - - 500 500 450 18 mA 550 500 500 - - - 550 500 500 20 mA 650 550 550 - - - 550 550 550 4 mA 350 300 300 - - - 350 300 300 6 mA 500 500 450 - - - 500 500 450 8 mA 700 650 600 - - - 700 650 600 10 mA 700 700 650 - - - 700 700 650 12 mA 700 700 700 - - - 700 700 700 16 mA 600 600 550 - - - 600 600 550 18 mA 650 600 600 - - - 650 600 600 700 650 600 - - - 700 650 600 3.3-V PCI 20 mA 1,000 790 670 - - - 1,000 790 670 3.3-V PCI-X 1,000 790 670 - - - 1,000 790 670 - - - 500 500 500 450 400 300 500 500 500 - - - LVDS (6) HyperTransport technology (4), (6) LVPECL (5) - - - - - - 450 400 300 3.3-V LVTTL OCT 50 Ω 400 400 350 400 400 350 400 400 350 2.5-V LVTTL OCT 50 Ω 350 350 300 350 350 300 350 350 300 Altera Corporation April 2011 5–71 Stratix II Device Handbook, Volume 1 Timing Model Table 5–78. Maximum Output Toggle Rate on Stratix II Devices (Part 4 of 5) I/O Standard Drive Strength Column I/O Pins (MHz) -3 -4 -5 Note (1) Row I/O Pins (MHz) -3 -4 -5 Clock Outputs (MHz) -3 -4 -5 1.8-V LVTTL OCT 50 Ω 700 550 450 700 550 450 700 550 450 3.3-V LVCMOS OCT 50 Ω 350 350 300 350 350 300 350 350 300 1.5-V LVCMOS OCT 50 Ω 550 450 400 550 450 400 550 450 400 SSTL-2 Class I OCT 50 Ω 600 500 500 600 500 500 600 500 500 SSTL-2 Class II OCT 25 Ω 600 550 500 600 550 500 600 550 500 SSTL-18 Class I OCT 50 Ω 560 400 350 590 400 350 450 400 350 SSTL-18 Class II OCT 25 Ω 550 500 450 - - - 550 500 450 1.2-V HSTL (2) OCT 50 Ω 280 - - - - - 280 - - 1.5-V HSTL Class I OCT 50 Ω 600 550 500 600 550 500 600 550 500 1.8-V HSTL Class I OCT 50 Ω 650 600 600 650 600 600 650 600 600 1.8-V HSTL Class II OCT 25 Ω 500 500 450 - - - 500 500 450 Differential SSTL-2 Class I OCT 50 Ω 600 500 500 600 500 500 600 500 500 Differential SSTL-2 Class II OCT 25 Ω 600 550 500 600 550 500 600 550 500 Differential SSTL-18 Class I OCT 50 Ω 560 400 350 590 400 350 560 400 350 Differential SSTL-18 Class II OCT 25 Ω 550 500 450 - - - 550 500 450 1.8-V Differential HSTL Class I OCT 50 Ω 650 600 600 650 600 600 650 600 600 1.8-V Differential HSTL Class II OCT 25 Ω 500 500 450 - - - 500 500 450 1.5-V Differential HSTL Class I OCT 50 Ω 600 550 500 600 550 500 600 550 500 5–72 Stratix II Device Handbook, Volume 1 Altera Corporation April 2011 DC & Switching Characteristics Table 5–78. Maximum Output Toggle Rate on Stratix II Devices (Part 5 of 5) Drive Strength I/O Standard OCT 50 Ω 1.2-V Differential HSTL Column I/O Pins (MHz) Note (1) Row I/O Pins (MHz) Clock Outputs (MHz) -3 -4 -5 -3 -4 -5 -3 -4 -5 280 - - - - - 280 - - Notes to Table 5–78: (1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) The toggle rate applies to 0-pF output load for all I/O standards except for LVDS and HyperTransport technology on row I/O pins. For LVDS and HyperTransport technology on row I/O pins, the toggle rates apply to load from 0 to 5pF. 1.2-V HSTL is only supported on column I/O pins in I/O banks 4, 7, and 8. Differential HSTL and SSTL is only supported on column clock and DQS outputs. HyperTransport technology is only supported on row I/O and row dedicated clock input pins. LVPECL is only supported on column clock pins. Refer to Tables 5–81 through 5–91 if using SERDES block. Use the toggle rate values from the clock output column for PLL output. Table 5–79. Maximum Output Clock Toggle Rate Derating Factors (Part 1 of 5) Maximum Output Clock Toggle Rate Derating Factors (ps/pF) I/O Standard 3.3-V LVTTL 3.3-V LVCMOS 2.5-V LVTTL/LVCMOS Altera Corporation April 2011 Drive Strength Column I/O Pins Row I/O Pins Dedicated Clock Outputs -3 -4 -5 -3 -4 -5 -3 -4 -5 4 mA 478 510 510 478 510 510 466 510 510 8 mA 260 333 333 260 333 333 291 333 333 12 mA 213 247 247 213 247 247 211 247 247 16 mA 136 197 197 - - - 166 197 197 20 mA 138 187 187 - - - 154 187 187 24 mA 134 177 177 - - - 143 177 177 4 mA 377 391 391 377 391 391 377 391 391 8 mA 206 212 212 206 212 212 178 212 212 12 mA 141 145 145 - - - 115 145 145 16 mA 108 111 111 - - - 86 111 111 20 mA 83 88 88 - - - 79 88 88 24 mA 65 72 72 - - - 74 72 72 4 mA 387 427 427 387 427 427 391 427 427 8 mA 163 224 224 163 224 224 170 224 224 12 mA 142 203 203 142 203 203 152 203 203 16 mA 120 182 182 - - - 134 182 182 5–73 Stratix II Device Handbook, Volume 1 Timing Model Table 5–79. Maximum Output Clock Toggle Rate Derating Factors (Part 2 of 5) Maximum Output Clock Toggle Rate Derating Factors (ps/pF) I/O Standard 1.8-V LVTTL/LVCMOS 1.5-V LVTTL/LVCMOS SSTL-2 Class I SSTL-2 Class II SSTL-18 Class I SSTL-18 Class II SSTL-2 Class I SSTL-2 Class II Drive Strength Column I/O Pins Row I/O Pins Dedicated Clock Outputs -3 -4 -5 -3 -4 -5 -3 -4 -5 2 mA 951 1421 1421 951 1421 1421 904 1421 1421 4 mA 405 516 516 405 516 516 393 516 516 6 mA 261 325 325 261 325 325 253 325 325 8 mA 223 274 274 223 274 274 224 274 274 10 mA 194 236 236 - - - 199 236 236 12 mA 174 209 209 - - - 180 209 209 2 mA 652 963 963 652 963 963 618 963 963 4 mA 333 347 347 333 347 347 270 347 347 6 mA 182 247 247 - - - 198 247 247 8 mA 135 194 194 - - - 155 194 194 8 mA 364 680 680 364 680 680 350 680 680 12 mA 163 207 207 163 207 207 188 207 207 16 mA 118 147 147 118 147 147 94 147 147 20 mA 99 122 122 - - - 87 122 122 24 mA 91 116 116 - - - 85 116 116 4 mA 458 570 570 458 570 570 505 570 570 6 mA 305 380 380 305 380 380 336 380 380 8 mA 225 282 282 225 282 282 248 282 282 10 mA 167 220 220 167 220 220 190 220 220 12 mA 129 175 175 - - - 148 175 175 8 mA 173 206 206 - - - 155 206 206 16 mA 150 160 160 - - - 140 160 160 18 mA 120 130 130 - - - 110 130 130 20 mA 109 127 127 - - - 94 127 127 8 mA 364 680 680 364 680 680 350 680 680 12 mA 163 207 207 163 207 207 188 207 207 16 mA 118 147 147 118 147 147 94 147 147 20 mA 99 122 122 - - - 87 122 122 24 mA 91 116 116 - - - 85 116 116 5–74 Stratix II Device Handbook, Volume 1 Altera Corporation April 2011 DC & Switching Characteristics Table 5–79. Maximum Output Clock Toggle Rate Derating Factors (Part 3 of 5) Maximum Output Clock Toggle Rate Derating Factors (ps/pF) I/O Standard Drive Strength -3 -4 -5 -3 -4 -5 -3 -4 -5 SSTL-18 Class I 4 mA 458 570 570 458 570 570 505 570 570 6 mA 305 380 380 305 380 380 336 380 380 8 mA 225 282 282 225 282 282 248 282 282 10 mA 167 220 220 167 220 220 190 220 220 12 mA 129 175 175 - - - 148 175 175 SSTL-18 Class II 1.8-V HSTL Class I 1.8-V HSTL Class II 1.5-V HSTL Class I 1.5-V HSTL Class II Differential SSTL-2 Class II (3) Altera Corporation April 2011 Column I/O Pins Row I/O Pins Dedicated Clock Outputs 8 mA 173 206 206 - - - 155 206 206 16 mA 150 160 160 - - - 140 160 160 18 mA 120 130 130 - - - 110 130 130 20 mA 109 127 127 - - - 94 127 127 4 mA 245 282 282 245 282 282 229 282 282 6 mA 164 188 188 164 188 188 153 188 188 8 mA 123 140 140 123 140 140 114 140 140 10 mA 110 124 124 110 124 124 108 124 124 12 mA 97 110 110 97 110 110 104 110 110 16 mA 101 104 104 - - - 99 104 104 18 mA 98 102 102 - - - 93 102 102 20 mA 93 99 99 - - - 88 99 99 4 mA 168 196 196 168 196 196 188 196 196 6 mA 112 131 131 112 131 131 125 131 131 8 mA 84 99 99 84 99 99 95 99 99 10 mA 87 98 98 - - - 90 98 98 12 mA 86 98 98 - - - 87 98 98 16 mA 95 101 101 - - - 96 101 101 18 mA 95 100 100 - - - 101 100 100 20 mA 94 101 101 - - - 104 101 101 8 mA 364 680 680 - - - 350 680 680 12 mA 163 207 207 - - - 188 207 207 16 mA 118 147 147 - - - 94 147 147 20 mA 99 122 122 - - - 87 122 122 24 mA 91 116 116 - - - 85 116 116 5–75 Stratix II Device Handbook, Volume 1 Timing Model Table 5–79. Maximum Output Clock Toggle Rate Derating Factors (Part 4 of 5) Maximum Output Clock Toggle Rate Derating Factors (ps/pF) I/O Standard Differential SSTL-18 Class I (3) Differential SSTL-18 Class II (3) 1.8-V Differential HSTL Class I (3) 1.8-V Differential HSTL Class II (3) 1.5-V Differential HSTL Class I (3) 1.5-V Differential HSTL Class II (3) Drive Strength Column I/O Pins Row I/O Pins Dedicated Clock Outputs -3 -4 -5 -3 -4 -5 -3 -4 -5 4 mA 458 570 570 - - - 505 570 570 6 mA 305 380 380 - - - 336 380 380 8 mA 225 282 282 - - - 248 282 282 10 mA 167 220 220 - - - 190 220 220 12 mA 129 175 175 - - - 148 175 175 8 mA 173 206 206 - - - 155 206 206 16 mA 150 160 160 - - - 140 160 160 18 mA 120 130 130 - - - 110 130 130 20 mA 109 127 127 - - - 94 127 127 4 mA 245 282 282 - - - 229 282 282 6 mA 164 188 188 - - - 153 188 188 8 mA 123 140 140 - - - 114 140 140 10 mA 110 124 124 - - - 108 124 124 12 mA 97 110 110 - - - 104 110 110 16 mA 101 104 104 - - - 99 104 104 18 mA 98 102 102 - - - 93 102 102 20 mA 93 99 99 - - - 88 99 99 4 mA 168 196 196 - - - 188 196 196 6 mA 112 131 131 - - - 125 131 131 8 mA 84 99 99 - - - 95 99 99 10 mA 87 98 98 - - - 90 98 98 12 mA 86 98 98 - - - 87 98 98 16 mA 95 101 101 - - - 96 101 101 18 mA 95 100 100 - - - 101 100 100 20 mA 94 101 101 - - - 104 101 101 3.3-V PCI 134 177 177 - - - 143 177 177 3.3-V PCI-X 134 177 177 - - - 143 177 177 LVDS - - - 155 (1) 155 (1) 155 (1) 134 134 134 HyperTransport technology - - - 155 (1) 155 (1) 155 (1) - - - LVPECL (4) - - - - - - 134 134 134 5–76 Stratix II Device Handbook, Volume 1 Altera Corporation April 2011 DC & Switching Characteristics Table 5–79. Maximum Output Clock Toggle Rate Derating Factors (Part 5 of 5) Maximum Output Clock Toggle Rate Derating Factors (ps/pF) I/O Standard Drive Strength Column I/O Pins Row I/O Pins Dedicated Clock Outputs -3 -4 -5 -3 -4 -5 -3 -4 -5 3.3-V LVTTL OCT 50 Ω 133 152 152 133 152 152 147 152 152 2.5-V LVTTL OCT 50 Ω 207 274 274 207 274 274 235 274 274 1.8-V LVTTL OCT 50 Ω 151 165 165 151 165 165 153 165 165 3.3-V LVCMOS OCT 50 Ω 300 316 316 300 316 316 263 316 316 1.5-V LVCMOS OCT 50 Ω 157 171 171 157 171 171 174 171 171 SSTL-2 Class I OCT 50 Ω 121 134 134 121 134 134 77 134 134 SSTL-2 Class II OCT 25 Ω 56 101 101 56 101 101 58 101 101 SSTL-18 Class I OCT 50 Ω 100 123 123 100 123 123 106 123 123 SSTL-18 Class II OCT 25 Ω 61 110 110 - - - 59 110 110 1.2-V HSTL (2) OCT 50 Ω 95 - - - - - - - 95 Notes to Table 5–79: (1) (2) (3) (4) For LVDS and HyperTransport technology output on row I/O pins, the toggle rate derating factors apply to loads larger than 5 pF. In the derating calculation, subtract 5 pF from the intended load value in pF for the correct result. For a load less than or equal to 5 pF, refer to Table 5–78 for output toggle rates. 1.2-V HSTL is only supported on column I/O pins in I/O banks 4,7, and 8. Differential HSTL and SSTL is only supported on column clock and DQS outputs. LVPECL is only supported on column clock outputs. Duty Cycle Distortion Altera Corporation April 2011 Duty cycle distortion (DCD) describes how much the falling edge of a clock is off from its ideal position. The ideal position is when both the clock high time (CLKH) and the clock low time (CLKL) equal half of the clock period (T), as shown in Figure 5–7. DCD is the deviation of the non-ideal falling edge from the ideal falling edge, such as D1 for the falling edge A and D2 for the falling edge B (Figure 5–7). The maximum DCD for a clock is the larger value of D1 and D2. 5–77 Stratix II Device Handbook, Volume 1 Duty Cycle Distortion Figure 5–7. Duty Cycle Distortion Ideal Falling Edge CLKH = T/2 CLKL = T/2 D1 D2 Falling Edge B Falling Edge A Clock Period (T) DCD expressed in absolution derivation, for example, D1 or D2 in Figure 5–7, is clock-period independent. DCD can also be expressed as a percentage, and the percentage number is clock-period dependent. DCD as a percentage is defined as (T/2 – D1) / T (the low percentage boundary) (T/2 + D2) / T (the high percentage boundary) DCD Measurement Techniques DCD is measured at an FPGA output pin driven by registers inside the corresponding I/O element (IOE) block. When the output is a single data rate signal (non-DDIO), only one edge of the register input clock (positive or negative) triggers output transitions (Figure 5–8). Therefore, any DCD present on the input clock signal or caused by the clock input buffer or different input I/O standard does not transfer to the output signal. Figure 5–8. DCD Measurement Technique for Non-DDIO (Single-Data Rate) Outputs IOE NOT inst1 clk INPUT VCC DFF PRN D Q OUTPUT output CLRN inst 5–78 Stratix II Device Handbook, Volume 1 Altera Corporation April 2011 DC & Switching Characteristics However, when the output is a double data rate input/output (DDIO) signal, both edges of the input clock signal (positive and negative) trigger output transitions (Figure 5–9). Therefore, any distortion on the input clock and the input clock buffer affect the output DCD. Figure 5–9. DCD Measurement Technique for DDIO (Double-Data Rate) Outputs IOE VCC clk DFF PRN D INPUT VCC Q CLRN inst2 OUTPUT output DFF PRN GND D Q NOT inst8 CLRN inst3 When an FPGA PLL generates the internal clock, the PLL output clocks the IOE block. As the PLL only monitors the positive edge of the reference clock input and internally re-creates the output clock signal, any DCD present on the reference clock is filtered out. Therefore, the DCD for a DDIO output with PLL in the clock path is better than the DCD for a DDIO output without PLL in the clock path. Tables 5–80 through 5–87 give the maximum DCD in absolution derivation for different I/O standards on Stratix II devices. Examples are also provided that show how to calculate DCD as a percentage. Table 5–80. Maximum DCD for Non-DDIO Output on Row I/O Pins (Part 1 of 2) Note (1) Row I/O Output Standard Altera Corporation April 2011 Maximum DCD for Non-DDIO Output -3 Devices -4 & -5 Devices Unit 3.3-V LVTTTL 245 275 ps 3.3-V LVCMOS 125 155 ps 2.5 V 105 135 ps 5–79 Stratix II Device Handbook, Volume 1 Duty Cycle Distortion Table 5–80. Maximum DCD for Non-DDIO Output on Row I/O Pins (Part 2 of 2) Note (1) Row I/O Output Standard Maximum DCD for Non-DDIO Output -3 Devices -4 & -5 Devices Unit 1.8 V 180 180 ps 1.5-V LVCMOS 165 195 ps SSTL-2 Class I 115 145 ps SSTL-2 Class II 95 125 ps SSTL-18 Class I 55 85 ps 1.8-V HSTL Class I 80 100 ps 1.5-V HSTL Class I 85 115 ps LVDS/ HyperTransport technology 55 80 ps Note to Table 5–80: (1) The DCD specification is based on a no logic array noise condition. Here is an example for calculating the DCD as a percentage for a non-DDIO output on a row I/O on a -3 device: If the non-DDIO output I/O standard is SSTL-2 Class II, the maximum DCD is 95 ps (see Table 5–80). If the clock frequency is 267 MHz, the clock period T is: T = 1/ f = 1 / 267 MHz = 3.745 ns = 3745 ps To calculate the DCD as a percentage: (T/2 – DCD) / T = (3745ps/2 – 95ps) / 3745ps = 47.5% (for low boundary) (T/2 + DCD) / T = (3745ps/2 + 95ps) / 3745ps = 52.5% (for high boundary) 5–80 Stratix II Device Handbook, Volume 1 Altera Corporation April 2011 DC & Switching Characteristics Therefore, the DCD percentage for the 267 MHz SSTL-2 Class II non-DDIO row output clock on a –3 device ranges from 47.5% to 52.5%. Table 5–81. Maximum DCD for Non-DDIO Output on Column I/O Pins Note (1) Column I/O Output Standard I/O Standard Maximum DCD for Non-DDIO Output Unit -3 Devices -4 & -5 Devices 3.3-V LVTTL 190 220 ps 3.3-V LVCMOS 140 175 ps 2.5 V 125 155 ps 1.8 V 80 110 ps 1.5-V LVCMOS 185 215 ps SSTL-2 Class I 105 135 ps SSTL-2 Class II 100 130 ps SSTL-18 Class I 90 115 ps SSTL-18 Class II 70 100 ps 1.8-V HSTL Class I 80 110 ps 1.8-V HSTL Class II 80 110 ps 1.5-V HSTL Class I 85 115 ps 1.5-V HSTL Class II 50 80 ps 1.2-V HSTL (2) 170 - ps LVPECL 55 80 ps Notes to Table 5–81: (1) (2) Altera Corporation April 2011 The DCD specification is based on a no logic array noise condition. 1.2-V HSTL is only supported in -3 devices. 5–81 Stratix II Device Handbook, Volume 1 Duty Cycle Distortion Table 5–82. Maximum DCD for DDIO Output on Row I/O Pins Without PLL in the Clock Path for -3 Devices Notes (1), (2) Maximum DCD Based on I/O Standard of Input Feeding the DDIO Clock Port (No PLL in Clock Path) Row DDIO Output I/O Standard 3.3-V LVTTL TTL/CMOS SSTL-2 SSTL/HSTL LVDS/ HyperTransport Technology Unit 3.3 & 2.5 V 1.8 & 1.5 V 2.5 V 1.8 & 1.5 V 3.3 V 260 380 145 145 110 ps 3.3-V LVCMOS 210 330 100 100 65 ps 2.5 V 195 315 85 85 75 ps 1.8 V 150 265 85 85 120 ps 1.5-V LVCMOS 255 370 140 140 105 ps SSTL-2 Class I 175 295 65 65 70 ps SSTL-2 Class II 170 290 60 60 75 ps SSTL-18 Class I 155 275 55 50 90 ps 1.8-V HSTL Class I 150 270 60 60 95 ps 1.5-V HSTL Class I 150 270 55 55 90 ps LVDS/ HyperTransport technology 180 180 180 180 180 ps Notes to Table 5–82: (1) (2) The information in Table 5–82 assumes the input clock has zero DCD. The DCD specification is based on a no logic array noise condition. Here is an example for calculating the DCD in percentage for a DDIO output on a row I/O on a -3 device: If the input I/O standard is SSTL-2 and the DDIO output I/O standard is SSTL-2 Class II, the maximum DCD is 60 ps (see Table 5–82). If the clock frequency is 267 MHz, the clock period T is: T = 1/ f = 1 / 267 MHz = 3.745 ns = 3745 ps Calculate the DCD as a percentage: (T/2 – DCD) / T = (3745ps/2 – 60ps) / 3745ps = 48.4% (for low boundary) (T/2 + DCD) / T = (3745 ps/2 + 60 ps) / 3745ps = 51.6% (for high boundary) 5–82 Stratix II Device Handbook, Volume 1 Altera Corporation April 2011 DC & Switching Characteristics Therefore, the DCD percentage for the 267 MHz SSTL-2 Class II DDIO row output clock on a –3 device ranges from 48.4% to 51.6%. Table 5–83. Maximum DCD for DDIO Output on Row I/O Pins Without PLL in the Clock Path for -4 & -5 Devices Notes (1), (2) Maximum DCD Based on I/O Standard of Input Feeding the DDIO Clock Port (No PLL in the Clock Path) Row DDIO Output I/O Standard 3.3-V LVTTL TTL/CMOS SSTL-2 SSTL/HSTL LVDS/ HyperTransport Technology Unit 3.3/2.5 V 1.8/1.5 V 2.5 V 1.8/1.5 V 3.3 V 440 495 170 160 105 ps 3.3-V LVCMOS 390 450 120 110 75 ps 2.5 V 375 430 105 95 90 ps 1.8 V 325 385 90 100 135 ps 1.5-V LVCMOS 430 490 160 155 100 ps SSTL-2 Class I 355 410 85 75 85 ps SSTL-2 Class II 350 405 80 70 90 ps SSTL-18 Class I 335 390 65 65 105 ps 1.8-V HSTL Class I 330 385 60 70 110 ps 1.5-V HSTL Class I 330 390 60 70 105 ps LVDS/ HyperTransport technology 180 180 180 180 180 ps Notes to Table 5–83: (1) (2) Table 5–83 assumes the input clock has zero DCD. The DCD specification is based on a no logic array noise condition. Table 5–84. Maximum DCD for DDIO Output on Column I/O Pins Without PLL in the Clock Path for -3 Devices (Part 1 of 2) Notes (1), (2) Maximum DCD Based on I/O Standard of Input Feeding the DDIO Clock Port (No PLL in the Clock Path) DDIO Column Output I/O Standard 3.3-V LVTTL TTL/CMOS SSTL-2 SSTL/HSTL 1.2-V HSTL Unit 3.3/2.5 V 1.8/1.5 V 2.5 V 1.8/1.5 V 1.2 V 260 380 145 145 145 ps 3.3-V LVCMOS 210 330 100 100 100 ps 2.5 V 195 315 85 85 85 ps Altera Corporation April 2011 5–83 Stratix II Device Handbook, Volume 1 Duty Cycle Distortion Table 5–84. Maximum DCD for DDIO Output on Column I/O Pins Without PLL in the Clock Path for -3 Devices (Part 2 of 2) Notes (1), (2) Maximum DCD Based on I/O Standard of Input Feeding the DDIO Clock Port (No PLL in the Clock Path) DDIO Column Output I/O Standard TTL/CMOS SSTL-2 SSTL/HSTL 1.2-V HSTL 2.5 V 1.8/1.5 V 1.2 V Unit 3.3/2.5 V 1.8/1.5 V 1.8 V 150 265 85 85 85 ps 1.5-V LVCMOS 255 370 140 140 140 ps SSTL-2 Class I 175 295 65 65 65 ps SSTL-2 Class II 170 290 60 60 60 ps SSTL-18 Class I 155 275 55 50 50 ps SSTL-18 Class II 140 260 70 70 70 ps 1.8-V HSTL Class I 150 270 60 60 60 ps 1.8-V HSTL Class II 150 270 60 60 60 ps 1.5-V HSTL Class I 150 270 55 55 55 ps 1.5-V HSTL Class II 125 240 85 85 85 ps 1.2-V HSTL 240 360 155 155 155 ps LVPECL 180 180 180 180 180 ps Notes to Table 5–84: (1) (2) Table 5–84 assumes the input clock has zero DCD. The DCD specification is based on a no logic array noise condition. Table 5–85. Maximum DCD for DDIO Output on Column I/O Pins Without PLL in the Clock Path for -4 & -5 Devices (Part 1 of 2) Notes (1), (2) DDIO Column Output I/O Standard Maximum DCD Based on I/O Standard of Input Feeding the DDIO Clock Port (No PLL in the Clock Path) TTL/CMOS SSTL-2 SSTL/HSTL Unit 3.3/2.5 V 1.8/1.5 V 2.5 V 1.8/1.5 V 440 495 170 160 ps 3.3-V LVCMOS 390 450 120 110 ps 2.5 V 375 430 105 95 ps 1.8 V 325 385 90 100 ps 1.5-V LVCMOS 430 490 160 155 ps SSTL-2 Class I 355 410 85 75 ps SSTL-2 Class II 350 405 80 70 ps 3.3-V LVTTL 5–84 Stratix II Device Handbook, Volume 1 Altera Corporation April 2011 DC & Switching Characteristics Table 5–85. Maximum DCD for DDIO Output on Column I/O Pins Without PLL in the Clock Path for -4 & -5 Devices (Part 2 of 2) Notes (1), (2) DDIO Column Output I/O Standard Maximum DCD Based on I/O Standard of Input Feeding the DDIO Clock Port (No PLL in the Clock Path) TTL/CMOS 3.3/2.5 V 1.8/1.5 V SSTL-2 SSTL/HSTL 2.5 V 1.8/1.5 V Unit SSTL-18 Class I 335 390 65 65 ps SSTL-18 Class II 320 375 70 80 ps 1.8-V HSTL Class I 330 385 60 70 ps 1.8-V HSTL Class II 330 385 60 70 ps 1.5-V HSTL Class I 330 390 60 70 ps 1.5-V HSTL Class II 330 360 90 100 ps 1.2-V HSTL 420 470 155 165 ps LVPECL 180 180 180 180 ps Notes to Table 5–85: (1) (2) Table 5–85 assumes the input clock has zero DCD. The DCD specification is based on a no logic array noise condition. Table 5–86. Maximum DCD for DDIO Output on Row I/O Pins with PLL in the Clock Path (Part 1 of 2) Note (1) Row DDIO Output I/O Standard 3.3-V LVTTL Altera Corporation April 2011 Maximum DCD (PLL Output Clock Feeding DDIO Clock Port) -3 Device -4 & -5 Device 110 105 Unit ps 3.3-V LVCMOS 65 75 ps 2.5V 75 90 ps 1.8V 85 100 ps 1.5-V LVCMOS 105 100 ps SSTL-2 Class I 65 75 ps SSTL-2 Class II 60 70 ps SSTL-18 Class I 50 65 ps 1.8-V HSTL Class I 50 70 ps 1.5-V HSTL Class I 55 70 ps 5–85 Stratix II Device Handbook, Volume 1 Duty Cycle Distortion Table 5–86. Maximum DCD for DDIO Output on Row I/O Pins with PLL in the Clock Path (Part 2 of 2) Note (1) Row DDIO Output I/O Standard LVDS/ HyperTransport technology Maximum DCD (PLL Output Clock Feeding DDIO Clock Port) -3 Device -4 & -5 Device 180 180 Unit ps Note to Table 5–86: (1) The DCD specification is based on a no logic array noise condition. Table 5–87. Maximum DCD for DDIO Output on Column I/O with PLL in the Clock Path Note (1) Column DDIO Output I/O Standard Maximum DCD (PLL Output Clock Feeding DDIO Clock Port) Unit -3 Device -4 & -5 Device 3.3-V LVTTL 145 160 ps 3.3-V LVCMOS 100 110 ps 2.5V 85 95 ps 1.8V 85 100 ps 1.5-V LVCMOS 140 155 ps SSTL-2 Class I 65 75 ps SSTL-2 Class II 60 70 ps SSTL-18 Class I 50 65 ps SSTL-18 Class II 70 80 ps 1.8-V HSTL Class I 60 70 ps 1.8-V HSTL Class II 60 70 ps 1.5-V HSTL Class I 55 70 ps 1.5-V HSTL Class II 85 100 ps 1.2-V HSTL 155 - ps LVPECL 180 180 ps Notes to Table 5–87: (1) (2) The DCD specification is based on a no logic array noise condition. 1.2-V HSTL is only supported in -3 devices. 5–86 Stratix II Device Handbook, Volume 1 Altera Corporation April 2011 DC & Switching Characteristics High-Speed I/O Specifications Table 5–88 provides high-speed timing specifications definitions. Table 5–88. High-Speed Timing Specifications & Definitions High-Speed Timing Specifications Definitions tC High-speed receiver/transmitter input and output clock period. fH S C L K High-speed receiver/transmitter input and output clock frequency. J Deserialization factor (width of parallel data bus). W PLL multiplication factor. tR I S E Low-to-high transmission time. tF A L L High-to-low transmission time. Timing unit interval (TUI) The timing budget allowed for skew, propagation delays, and data sampling window. (TUI = 1/(Receiver Input Clock Frequency × Multiplication Factor) = tC /w). fH S D R Maximum/minimum LVDS data transfer rate (fH S D R = 1/TUI), non-DPA. fH S D R D P A Maximum/minimum LVDS data transfer rate (fH S D R D PA = 1/TUI), DPA. Channel-to-channel skew (TCCS) The timing difference between the fastest and slowest output edges, including tC O variation and clock skew. The clock is included in the TCCS measurement. Sampling window (SW) The period of time during which the data must be valid in order to capture it correctly. The setup and hold times determine the ideal strobe position within the sampling window. Input jitter Peak-to-peak input jitter on high-speed PLLs. Output jitter Peak-to-peak output jitter on high-speed PLLs. tDUTY Duty cycle on high-speed transmitter output clock. tL O C K Lock time for high-speed transmitter and receiver PLLs. Table 5–89 shows the high-speed I/O timing specifications for -3 speed grade Stratix II devices. Table 5–89. High-Speed I/O Specifications for -3 Speed Grade (Part 1 of 2) Notes (1), (2) -3 Speed Grade Symbol Conditions Unit Min fH S C L K (clock frequency) fH S C L K = f H S D R / W Altera Corporation April 2011 W = 2 to 32 (LVDS, HyperTransport technology) (3) Typ Max 16 520 MHz W = 1 (SERDES bypass, LVDS only) 16 500 MHz W = 1 (SERDES used, LVDS only) 150 717 MHz 5–87 Stratix II Device Handbook, Volume 1 High-Speed I/O Specifications Table 5–89. High-Speed I/O Specifications for -3 Speed Grade (Part 2 of 2) Notes (1), (2) -3 Speed Grade Symbol Conditions Unit Min fH S D R (data rate) Typ Max J = 4 to 10 (LVDS, HyperTransport technology) 150 1,040 Mbps J = 2 (LVDS, HyperTransport technology) (4) 760 Mbps J = 1 (LVDS only) fH S D R D PA (DPA data rate) J = 4 to 10 (LVDS, HyperTransport technology) (4) 500 Mbps 150 1,040 Mbps 200 ps TCCS All differential standards - SW All differential standards 330 Output jitter - ps 190 ps Output tR I S E All differential I/O standards 160 ps Output tFA L L All differential I/O standards 180 ps 55 % 6,400 UI tDUTY 45 DPA run length DPA jitter tolerance DPA lock time Data channel peak-to-peak jitter Standard SPI-4 Parallel Rapid I/O Miscellaneous 0.44 Training Pattern Transition Density 0000000000 1111111111 10% 256 00001111 25% 256 10010000 50% 256 10101010 100% 256 01010101 50 UI Number of repetitions 256 Notes to Table 5–89: (1) (2) (3) (4) When J = 4 to 10, the SERDES block is used. When J = 1 or 2, the SERDES block is bypassed. The input clock frequency and the W factor must satisfy the following fast PLL VCO specification: 150 ≤ input clock frequency × W ≤ 1,040. The minimum specification is dependent on the clock source (fast PLL, enhanced PLL, clock pin, and so on) and the clock routing resource (global, regional, or local) utilized. The I/O differential buffer and input register do not have a minimum toggle rate. 5–88 Stratix II Device Handbook, Volume 1 Altera Corporation April 2011 DC & Switching Characteristics Table 5–90 shows the high-speed I/O timing specifications for -4 speed grade Stratix II devices. Table 5–90. High-Speed I/O Specifications for -4 Speed Grade Notes (1), (2) -4 Speed Grade Symbol Conditions Unit Min fH S C L K (clock frequency) fH S C L K = f H S D R / W fH S D R (data rate) W = 2 to 32 (LVDS, HyperTransport technology) (3) Typ Max 16 520 MHz W = 1 (SERDES bypass, LVDS only) 16 500 MHz W = 1 (SERDES used, LVDS only) 150 717 MHz J = 4 to 10 (LVDS, HyperTransport technology) 150 1,040 Mbps J = 2 (LVDS, HyperTransport technology) (4) 760 Mbps J = 1 (LVDS only) fH S D R D PA (DPA data rate) J = 4 to 10 (LVDS, HyperTransport technology) (4) 500 Mbps 150 1,040 Mbps 200 ps TCCS All differential standards - SW All differential standards 330 Output jitter - ps 190 ps Output tR I S E All differential I/O standards 160 ps Output tFA L L All differential I/O standards 180 ps 55 % 6,400 UI tDUTY 45 DPA run length DPA jitter tolerance DPA lock time Data channel peak-to-peak jitter 0.44 Standard Training Pattern Transition Density SPI-4 0000000000 1111111111 10% 256 Parallel Rapid I/O 00001111 25% 256 10010000 50% 256 10101010 100% 256 Miscellaneous 01010101 50 UI Number of repetitions 256 Notes to Table 5–90: (1) (2) (3) (4) When J = 4 to 10, the SERDES block is used. When J = 1 or 2, the SERDES block is bypassed. The input clock frequency and the W factor must satisfy the following fast PLL VCO specification: 150 ≤ input clock frequency × W ≤ 1,040. The minimum specification is dependent on the clock source (fast PLL, enhanced PLL, clock pin, and so on) and the clock routing resource (global, regional, or local) utilized. The I/O differential buffer and input register do not have a minimum toggle rate. Altera Corporation April 2011 5–89 Stratix II Device Handbook, Volume 1 High-Speed I/O Specifications Table 5–91 shows the high-speed I/O timing specifications for -5 speed grade Stratix II devices. Table 5–91. High-Speed I/O Specifications for -5 Speed Grade Notes (1), (2) -5 Speed Grade Symbol Conditions Unit Min fH S C L K (clock frequency) fH S C L K = f H S D R / W fH S D R (data rate) W = 2 to 32 (LVDS, HyperTransport technology) (3) Typ Max 16 420 MHz W = 1 (SERDES bypass, LVDS only) 16 500 MHz W = 1 (SERDES used, LVDS only) 150 640 MHz J = 4 to 10 (LVDS, HyperTransport technology) 150 840 Mbps J = 2 (LVDS, HyperTransport technology) (4) 700 Mbps J = 1 (LVDS only) fH S D R D PA (DPA data rate) J = 4 to 10 (LVDS, HyperTransport technology) (4) 500 Mbps 150 840 Mbps 200 ps TCCS All differential I/O standards - SW All differential I/O standards 440 Output jitter - ps 190 ps Output tR I S E All differential I/O standards 290 ps Output tFA L L All differential I/O standards 290 ps 55 % 6,400 UI tDUTY 45 DPA run length DPA jitter tolerance DPA lock time Data channel peak-to-peak jitter Standard SPI-4 Parallel Rapid I/O Miscellaneous 0.44 Training Pattern Transition Density 0000000000 1111111111 10% 256 00001111 25% 256 10010000 50% 256 10101010 100% 256 01010101 50 UI Number of repetitions 256 Notes to Table 5–91: (1) (2) (3) (4) When J = 4 to 10, the SERDES block is used. When J = 1 or 2, the SERDES block is bypassed. The input clock frequency and the W factor must satisfy the following fast PLL VCO specification: 150 ≤ input clock frequency × W ≤ 1,040. The minimum specification is dependent on the clock source (fast PLL, enhanced PLL, clock pin, and so on) and the clock routing resource (global, regional, or local) utilized. The I/O differential buffer and input register do not have a minimum toggle rate. 5–90 Stratix II Device Handbook, Volume 1 Altera Corporation April 2011 DC & Switching Characteristics PLL Timing Specifications Tables 5–92 and 5–93 describe the Stratix II PLL specifications when operating in both the commercial junction temperature range (0 to 85 °C) and the industrial junction temperature range (–40 to 100 °C). Table 5–92. Enhanced PLL Specifications (Part 1 of 2) Name Description Min fI N Input clock frequency fI N P F D Input frequency to the PFD fI N D U T Y Input clock duty cycle 40 60 % fE I N D U T Y External feedback input clock duty cycle 40 60 % tI N J I T T E R Input or external feedback clock input jitter tolerance in terms of period jitter. Bandwidth ≤ 0.85 MHz 0.5 ns (p-p) Input or external feedback clock input jitter tolerance in terms of period jitter. Bandwidth > 0.85 MHz 1.0 ns (p-p) Max Unit 2 500 MHz 2 420 MHz 250 ps for ≥ 100 MHz outclk ps or mUI (p-p) 25 mUI for < 100 MHz outclk tO U T J I T T E R Dedicated clock output period jitter tF C O M P External feedback compensation time fO U T Output frequency for internal global or regional clock 1.5 (2) tO U T D U T Y Duty cycle for external clock output (when set to 50%). 45 fS C A N C L K Scanclk frequency tC O N F I G P L L Time required to reconfigure scan chains for enhanced PLLs fO U T _ E X T PLL external clock output frequency Altera Corporation April 2011 Typ 50 10 ns 550.0 MHz 55 % 100 MHz 174/fS C A N C L K 1.5 (2) ns 550.0 (1) MHz 5–91 Stratix II Device Handbook, Volume 1 PLL Timing Specifications Table 5–92. Enhanced PLL Specifications (Part 2 of 2) Name Description Min Typ Max Unit 0.03 1 ms 1 ms 500 MHz 16.90 MHz tL O C K Time required for the PLL to lock from the time it is enabled or the end of device configuration tD L O C K Time required for the PLL to lock dynamically after automatic clock switchover between two identical clock frequencies fS W I T C H OV E R Frequency range where the clock switchover performs properly fC L B W PLL closed-loop bandwidth 0.13 fV C O PLL VCO operating range for –3 and –4 speed grade devices 300 1,040 MHz PLL VCO operating range for –5 speed grade devices 300 840 MHz fS S Spread-spectrum modulation frequency 30 150 kHz % spread Percent down spread for a given clock frequency 0.4 0.6 % tP L L _ P S E R R Accuracy of PLL phase shift ±15 ps tA R E S E T Minimum pulse width on areset signal. 10 ns tA R E S E T _ R E C O N F I G Minimum pulse width on the areset signal when using PLL reconfiguration. Reset the PLL after scandone goes high. 500 ns 4 1.20 0.5 Notes to Table 5–92: (1) (2) Limited by I/O fM A X . See Table 5–78 on page 5–69 for the maximum. Cannot exceed fO U T specification. If the counter cascading feature of the PLL is utilized, there is no minimum output clock frequency. 5–92 Stratix II Device Handbook, Volume 1 Altera Corporation April 2011 DC & Switching Characteristics Table 5–93. Fast PLL Specifications Name fI N Description Min Typ Max Unit Input clock frequency (for -3 and -4 speed grade devices) 16.08 717 MHz Input clock frequency (for -5 speed grade devices) 16.08 640 MHz fI N P F D Input frequency to the PFD 16.08 500 MHz fI N D U T Y Input clock duty cycle 40 60 % tI N J I T T E R Input clock jitter tolerance in terms of period jitter. Bandwidth ≤ 2 MHz 0.5 ns (p-p) Input clock jitter tolerance in terms of period jitter. Bandwidth > 2 MHz 1.0 ns (p-p) fV C O fO U T Upper VCO frequency range for –3 and –4 speed grades 300 1,040 MHz Upper VCO frequency range for –5 speed grades 300 840 MHz Lower VCO frequency range for –3 and –4 speed grades 150 520 MHz Lower VCO frequency range for –5 speed grades 150 420 MHz 4.6875 550 MHz 150 1,040 MHz 4.6875 (1) MHz 100 MHz PLL output frequency to GCLK or RCLK PLL output frequency to LVDS or DPA clock fO U T _ I O PLL clock output frequency to regular I/O pin fS C A N C L K Scanclk frequency tC O N F I G P L L Time required to reconfigure scan chains for fast PLLs fC L B W PLL closed-loop bandwidth tL O C K Time required for the PLL to lock from the time it is enabled or the end of the device configuration tP L L _ P S E R R Accuracy of PLL phase shift tA R E S E T 75/fS C A N C L K 1.16 5.00 28.00 MHz 0.03 1.00 ms ±15 ps 10 ns 500 ns Minimum pulse width on areset signal. tA R E S E T _ R E C O N F I G Minimum pulse width on the areset signal when using PLL reconfiguration. Reset the PLL after scandone goes high. ns Note to Table 5–93: (1) Limited by I/O fM A X . See Table 5–77 on page 5–67 for the maximum. Altera Corporation April 2011 5–93 Stratix II Device Handbook, Volume 1 External Memory Interface Specifications External Memory Interface Specifications Tables 5–94 through 5–101 contain Stratix II device specifications for the dedicated circuitry used for interfacing with external memory devices. Table 5–94. DLL Frequency Range Specifications Frequency Mode Frequency Range Resolution (Degrees) 0 100 to 175 30 1 150 to 230 22.5 2 200 to 310 30 240 to 400 (–3 speed grade) 36 240 to 350 (–4 and –5 speed grades) 36 3 Table 5–95 lists the maximum delay in the fast timing model for the Stratix II DQS delay buffer. Multiply the number of delay buffers that you are using in the DQS logic block to get the maximum delay achievable in your system. For example, if you implement a 90° phase shift at 200 MHz, you use three delay buffers in mode 2. The maximum achievable delay from the DQS block is then 3 × .416 ps = 1.248 ns. Table 5–95. DQS Delay Buffer Maximum Delay in Fast Timing Model Frequency Mode Maximum Delay Per Delay Buffer (Fast Timing Model) Unit 0 0.833 ns 1, 2, 3 0.416 ns Table 5–96. DQS Period Jitter Specifications for DLL-Delayed Clock (tDQS_JITTER) Note (1) Number of DQS Delay Buffer Stages (2) Commercial Industrial Unit 1 80 110 ps 2 110 130 ps 3 130 180 ps 4 160 210 ps Notes to Table 5–96: (1) (2) Peak-to-peak period jitter on the phase shifted DQS clock. Delay stages used for requested DQS phase shift are reported in your project’s Compilation Report in the Quartus II software. 5–94 Stratix II Device Handbook, Volume 1 Altera Corporation April 2011 DC & Switching Characteristics Table 5–97. DQS Phase Jitter Specifications for DLL-Delayed Clock (tDQS PHASE_JITTER) Note (1) Number of DQS Delay Buffer Stages (2) DQS Phase Jitter Unit 1 30 ps 2 60 ps 3 90 ps 4 120 ps Notes to Table 5–97: (1) (2) Peak-to-peak phase jitter on the phase shifted DDS clock (digital jitter is caused by DLL tracking). Delay stages used for requested DQS phase shift are reported in your project’s Compilation Report in the Quartus II software. Table 5–98. DQS Phase-Shift Error Specifications for DLL-Delayed Clock (tDQS_PSERR) Number of DQS Delay Buffer Stages (2) –3 Speed Grade (1) –4 Speed Grade –5 Speed Grade Unit 1 25 30 35 ps 2 50 60 70 ps 3 75 90 105 ps 4 100 120 140 ps Notes to Table 5–98: (1) (2) This error specification is the absolute maximum and minimum error. For example, skew on three delay buffer stages in a C3 speed grade is 75 ps or ± 37.5 ps. Delay stages used for requested DQS phase shift are reported in your project’s Compilation Report in the Quartus II software. Table 5–99. DQS Bus Clock Skew Adder Specifications (tDQS_CLOCK_SKEW_ADDER) Mode DQS Clock Skew Adder Unit ×4 DQ per DQS 40 ps ×9 DQ per DQS 70 ps ×18 DQ per DQS 75 ps ×36 DQ per DQS 95 ps Note to Table 5–99: (1) Altera Corporation April 2011 This skew specification is the absolute maximum and minimum skew. For example, skew on a ×4 DQ group is 40 ps or ±20 ps. 5–95 Stratix II Device Handbook, Volume 1 JTAG Timing Specifications Table 5–100. DQS Phase Offset Delay Per Stage Notes (1), (2), (3) Speed Grade Min Max Unit -3 9 14 ps -4 9 14 ps -5 9 15 ps Notes to Table 5–100: (1) (2) (3) The delay settings are linear. The valid settings for phase offset are -64 to +63 for frequency mode 0 and -32 to +31 for frequency modes 1, 2, and 3. The typical value equals the average of the minimum and maximum values. Table 5–101. DDIO Outputs Half-Period Jitter Notes (1), (2) Name Description Max Unit tO U T H A L F J I T T E R Half-period jitter (PLL driving DDIO outputs) 200 ps Notes to Table 5–101: (1) (2) JTAG Timing Specifications The worst-case half period is equal to the ideal half period subtracted by the DCD and half-period jitter values. The half-period jitter was characterized using a PLL driving DDIO outputs. Figure 5–10 shows the timing requirements for the JTAG signals. Figure 5–10. Stratix II JTAG Waveforms TMS TDI t JCP t JCH t JCL t JPSU t JPH TCK tJPZX t JPCO t JPXZ TDO 5–96 Stratix II Device Handbook, Volume 1 Altera Corporation April 2011 DC & Switching Characteristics Table 5–102 shows the JTAG timing parameters and values for Stratix II devices. Table 5–102. Stratix II JTAG Timing Parameters & Values Symbol Parameter Min Max Unit tJCP TCK clock period 30 ns tJCH TCK clock high time 13 ns tJCL TCK clock low time 13 ns tJPSU JTAG port setup time 3 ns tJPH JTAG port hold time 5 ns tJPCO JTAG port clock to output tJPZX tJPXZ 11 (1) ns JTAG port high impedance to valid output 14 (1) ns JTAG port valid output to high impedance 14 (1) ns Note to Table 5–102: (1) Document Revision History A 1 ns adder is required for each VC C I O voltage step down from 3.3 V. For example, tJPCO = 12 ns if VC C I O of the TDO I/O bank = 2.5 V, or 13 ns if it equals 1.8 V. Table 5–103 shows the revision history for this chapter. Table 5–103. Document Revision History (Part 1 of 3) Date and Document Version Changes Made Summary of Changes April 2011, v4.5 Updated Table 5–3. Added operating junction temperature for military use. July 2009, v4.4 Updated Table 5–92. Updated the spread spectrum modulation frequency (fS S ) from (100 kHz–500 kHz) to (30 kHz–150 kHz). May 2007, v4.3 ● ● ● Updated RCONF in Table 5–4. Updated fIN (min) in Table 5–92. Updated fIN and fINPFD in Table 5–93. Moved the Document Revision History section to the end of the chapter. Altera Corporation April 2011 — — 5–97 Stratix II Device Handbook, Volume 1 Document Revision History Table 5–103. Document Revision History (Part 2 of 3) Date and Document Version Changes Made August, 2006, v4.2 Updated Table 5–73, Table 5–75, Table 5–77, Table 5–78, Table 5–79, Table 5–81, Table 5–85, and Table 5–87. April 2006, v4.1 ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● Updated Table 5–3. Updated Table 5–11. Updated Figures 5–8 and 5–9. Added parallel on-chip termination information to “On-Chip Termination Specifications” section. Updated Tables 5–28, 5–30,5–31, and 5–34. Updated Table 5–78, Tables 5–81 through 5–90, and Tables 5–92, 5–93, and 5–98. Updated “PLL Timing Specifications” section. Updated “External Memory Interface Specifications” section. Added Tables 5–95 and 5–101. Updated “JTAG Timing Specifications” section, including Figure 5–10 and Table 5–102. Summary of Changes — ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● December 2005, v4.0 ● ● July 2005, v3.1 ● ● ● ● May 2005, v3.0 ● ● ● ● ● ● Changed 0.2 MHz to 2 MHz in Table 5–93. Added new spec for half period jitter (Table 5–101). Added support for PLL clock switchover for industrial temperature range. Changed fI N P F D (min) spec from 4 MHz to 2 MHz in Table 5–92. Fixed typo in tO U T J I T T E R specification in Table 5–92. Updated VD I F AC & DC max specifications in Table 5–28. Updated minimum values for tJ C H , tJ C L , and tJ P S U in Table 5–102. Update maximum values for tJ P C O , tJ P Z X , and tJ P X Z in Table 5–102. Updated “External Memory Interface Specifications” section. Updated timing numbers throughout chapter. — Updated HyperTransport technology information in Table 5–13. Updated “Timing Model” section. Updated “PLL Timing Specifications” section. Updated “External Memory Interface Specifications” section. — Updated tables throughout chapter. Updated “Power Consumption” section. Added various tables. Replaced “Maximum Input & Output Clock Rate” section with “Maximum Input & Output Clock Toggle Rate” section. Added “Duty Cycle Distortion” section. Added “External Memory Interface Specifications” section. — March 2005, v2.2 Updated tables in “Internal Timing Parameters” section. — January 2005, v2.1 Updated input rise and fall time. — 5–98 Stratix II Device Handbook, Volume 1 Altera Corporation April 2011 DC & Switching Characteristics Table 5–103. Document Revision History (Part 3 of 3) Date and Document Version January 2005, v2.0 ● ● ● ● ● ● October 2004, v1.2 ● July 2004, v1.1 ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● February 2004, v1.0 Changes Made Summary of Changes Updated the “Power Consumption” section. Added the “High-Speed I/O Specifications” and “On-Chip Termination Specifications” sections. Removed the ESD Protection Specifications section. Updated Tables 5–3 through 5–13, 5–16 through 5–18, 5–21, 5–35, 5–39, and 5–40. Updated tables in “Timing Model” section. Added Tables 5–30 and 5–31. — Updated Table 5–3. Updated introduction text in the “PLL Timing Specifications” section. — Re-organized chapter. Added typical values and CO U T F B to Table 5–32. Added undershoot specification to Note (4) for Tables 5–1 through 5–9. Added Note (1) to Tables 5–5 and 5–6. Added VI D and VI C M to Table 5–10. Added “I/O Timing Measurement Methodology” section. Added Table 5–72. Updated Tables 5–1 through 5–2 and Tables 5–24 through 5–29. — Added document to the Stratix II Device Handbook. Altera Corporation April 2011 — 5–99 Stratix II Device Handbook, Volume 1 Document Revision History 5–100 Stratix II Device Handbook, Volume 1 Altera Corporation April 2011 6. Reference & Ordering Information SII51006-2.2 Software Stratix® II devices are supported by the Altera® Quartus® II design software, which provides a comprehensive environment for system-on-aprogrammable-chip (SOPC) design. The Quartus II software includes HDL and schematic design entry, compilation and logic synthesis, full simulation and advanced timing analysis, SignalTap® II logic analyzer, and device configuration. See the Quartus II Handbook for more information on the Quartus II software features. The Quartus II software supports the Windows XP/2000/NT/98, Sun Solaris, Linux Red Hat v7.1 and HP-UX operating systems. It also supports seamless integration with industry-leading EDA tools through the NativeLink® interface. Device Pin-Outs Device pin-outs for Stratix II devices are available on the Altera web site at ( Ordering Information Figure 6–1 describes the ordering codes for Stratix II devices. For more information on a specific package, refer to the Package Information for Stratix II & Stratix II GX Devices chapter in volume 2 of the Stratix II Device Handbook or the Stratix II GX Device Handbook. Altera Corporation April 2011 6–1 Document Revision History Figure 6–1. Stratix II Device Packaging Ordering Information EP2S 90 F 1508 C 7 ES Family Signature EP2S: Optional Suffix Stratix II Indicates specific device options or shipment method. ES: Engineering sample Device Type 15 30 60 90 130 180 Speed Grade 3, 4, or 5, with 3 being the fastest Operating Temperature C: Commercial temperature (tJ = 0° C to 85° C) I: Industrial temperature (tJ = -40° C to 100° C) Military temperature (tJ = -55° C to 125° C) (1) Package Type Pin Count F: FineLine BGA H: Hybrid FineLine BGA Number of pins for a particular FineLine BGA package Note to Figure 6–1: (1) Applicable to I4 devices. For more information, refer to the Stratix II Military Temperature Range Support technical brief. Document Revision History Table 6–1 shows the revision history for this chapter. Table 6–1. Document Revision History Date and Document Version Changes Made Summary of Changes April 2011, v2.2 Updated Figure 6–1. May 2007, v2.1 Moved the Document Revision History section to the end of the chapter. — January 2005, v2.0 Contact information was removed. — October 2004, v1.1 Updated Figure 6–1. — February 2004, v1.0 Added document to the Stratix II Device Handbook. — 6–2 Stratix II Device Handbook, Volume 1 Added operating junction temperature for military use. Altera Corporation April 2011 Stratix II Device Handbook, Volume 2 101 Innovation Drive San Jose, CA 95134 SII5V2-4.5 Copyright © 2009 Altera Corporation. All rights reserved. Altera, The Programmable Solutions Company, the stylized Altera logo, specific device designations, and all other words and logos that are identified as trademarks and/or service marks are, unless noted otherwise, the trademarks and service marks of Altera Corporation in the U.S. and other countries. All other product or service names are the property of their respective holders. Altera products are protected under numerous U.S. and foreign patents and pending applications, maskwork rights, and copyrights. Altera warrants performance of its semiconductor products to current specifications in accordance with Altera's standard warranty, but reserves the right to make changes to any products and services at any time without notice. Altera assumes no responsibility or liability arising out of the application or use of any information, product, or service described herein except as expressly agreed to in writing by Altera Corporation. Altera customers are advised to obtain the latest version of device specifications before relying on any published information and before placing orders for products or services. ii Altera Corporation Contents Chapter Revision Dates ........................................................................... xi About this Handbook ............................................................................. xiii How to Contact Altera .......................................................................................................................... xiii Typographic Conventions .................................................................................................................... xiii Section I. Clock Management Revision History ....................................................................................................................... Section I–1 Chapter 1. PLLs in Stratix II and Stratix II GX Devices Introduction ............................................................................................................................................ 1–1 Enhanced PLLs ....................................................................................................................................... 1–5 Enhanced PLL Hardware Overview ............................................................................................. 1–5 Enhanced PLL Software Overview ................................................................................................ 1–9 Enhanced PLL Pins ........................................................................................................................ 1–12 Fast PLLs ............................................................................................................................................... 1–15 Fast PLL Hardware Overview ..................................................................................................... 1–15 Fast PLL Software Overview ........................................................................................................ 1–16 Fast PLL Pins ................................................................................................................................... 1–18 Clock Feedback Modes ....................................................................................................................... 1–20 Source-Synchronous Mode ........................................................................................................... 1–20 No Compensation Mode ............................................................................................................... 1–21 Normal Mode .................................................................................................................................. 1–22 Zero Delay Buffer Mode ................................................................................................................ 1–23 External Feedback Mode ............................................................................................................... 1–24 Hardware Features .............................................................................................................................. 1–25 Clock Multiplication and Division .............................................................................................. 1–26 Phase-Shift Implementation ......................................................................................................... 1–27 Programmable Duty Cycle ........................................................................................................... 1–29 Advanced Clear and Enable Control ........................................................................................... 1–29 Advanced Features .............................................................................................................................. 1–32 Counter Cascading ......................................................................................................................... 1–32 Clock Switchover ............................................................................................................................ 1–33 Reconfigurable Bandwidth ................................................................................................................ 1–44 PLL Reconfiguration ........................................................................................................................... 1–51 Spread-Spectrum Clocking ................................................................................................................ 1–51 Board Layout ........................................................................................................................................ 1–56 VCCA and GNDA ............................................................................................................................ 1–56 Altera Corporation iii Contents Stratix II Device Handbook, Volume 2 VCCD ................................................................................................................................................................................................................... 1–58 External Clock Output Power ...................................................................................................... 1–58 Guidelines ........................................................................................................................................ 1–61 PLL Specifications ................................................................................................................................ 1–62 Clocking ................................................................................................................................................ 1–62 Global and Hierarchical Clocking ................................................................................................ 1–62 Clock Sources Per Region .............................................................................................................. 1–64 Clock Input Connections ............................................................................................................... 1–69 Clock Source Control For Enhanced PLLs .................................................................................. 1–73 Clock Source Control for Fast PLLs ............................................................................................. 1–73 Delay Compensation for Fast PLLs ............................................................................................. 1–75 Clock Output Connections ............................................................................................................ 1–76 Clock Control Block ............................................................................................................................. 1–86 clkena Signals .................................................................................................................................. 1–90 Conclusion ............................................................................................................................................ 1–91 Referenced Documents ....................................................................................................................... 1–91 Document Revision History ............................................................................................................... 1–92 Section II. Memory Revision History ..................................................................................................................... Section II–1 Chapter 2. TriMatrix Embedded Memory Blocks in Stratix II and Stratix II GX Devices Introduction ............................................................................................................................................ 2–1 TriMatrix Memory Overview .............................................................................................................. 2–1 Parity Bit Support ............................................................................................................................. 2–3 Byte Enable Support ........................................................................................................................ 2–4 Pack Mode Support .......................................................................................................................... 2–7 Address Clock Enable Support ...................................................................................................... 2–8 Memory Modes ...................................................................................................................................... 2–9 Single-Port Mode ............................................................................................................................ 2–10 Simple Dual-Port Mode ................................................................................................................. 2–12 True Dual-Port Mode ..................................................................................................................... 2–15 Shift-Register Mode ....................................................................................................................... 2–18 ROM Mode ...................................................................................................................................... 2–20 FIFO Buffers Mode ......................................................................................................................... 2–20 Clock Modes ......................................................................................................................................... 2–20 Independent Clock Mode .............................................................................................................. 2–21 Input/Output Clock Mode ........................................................................................................... 2–23 Read/Write Clock Mode ............................................................................................................... 2–26 Single-Clock Mode ......................................................................................................................... 2–28 Designing With TriMatrix Memory .................................................................................................. 2–31 Selecting TriMatrix Memory Blocks ............................................................................................ 2–31 Synchronous and Pseudo-Asynchronous Modes ...................................................................... 2–32 Power-up Conditions and Memory Initialization ..................................................................... 2–32 Read-During-Write Operation at the Same Address ..................................................................... 2–33 iv Altera Corporation Contents Contents Same-Port Read-During-Write Mode .......................................................................................... Mixed-Port Read-During-Write Mode ........................................................................................ Conclusion ............................................................................................................................................ Referenced Documents ....................................................................................................................... Document Revision History ............................................................................................................... 2–33 2–34 2–35 2–36 2–36 Chapter 3. External Memory Interfaces in Stratix II and Stratix II GX Devices Introduction ............................................................................................................................................ 3–1 External Memory Standards ................................................................................................................ 3–4 DDR and DDR2 SDRAM ................................................................................................................. 3–4 RLDRAM II ....................................................................................................................................... 3–8 QDRII SRAM ................................................................................................................................... 3–10 Stratix II and Stratix II GX DDR Memory Support Overview ...................................................... 3–13 DDR Memory Interface Pins ......................................................................................................... 3–14 DQS Phase-Shift Circuitry ............................................................................................................ 3–21 DQS Logic Block ............................................................................................................................. 3–28 DDR Registers ................................................................................................................................. 3–31 PLL ................................................................................................................................................... 3–38 Enhancements In Stratix II and Stratix II GX Devices .................................................................... 3–38 Conclusion ............................................................................................................................................ 3–38 Referenced Documents ....................................................................................................................... 3–39 Document Revision History ............................................................................................................... 3–39 Section III. I/O Standards Revision History .................................................................................................................... Section III–1 Chapter 4. Selectable I/O Standards in Stratix II and Stratix II GX Devices Introduction ............................................................................................................................................ 4–1 Stratix II and Stratix II GX I/O Features ............................................................................................ 4–1 Stratix II and Stratix II GX I/O Standards Support .......................................................................... 4–2 Single-Ended I/O Standards .......................................................................................................... 4–3 Differential I/O Standards ............................................................................................................ 4–10 Stratix II and Stratix II GX External Memory Interface .................................................................. 4–19 Stratix II and Stratix II GX I/O Banks ............................................................................................... 4–20 Programmable I/O Standards ...................................................................................................... 4–22 On-Chip Termination .......................................................................................................................... 4–27 On-Chip Series Termination without Calibration ..................................................................... 4–28 On-Chip Series Termination with Calibration ........................................................................... 4–30 On-Chip Parallel Termination with Calibration ........................................................................ 4–31 Design Considerations ........................................................................................................................ 4–33 I/O Termination ............................................................................................................................. 4–33 I/O Banks Restrictions .................................................................................................................. 4–34 I/O Placement Guidelines ............................................................................................................ 4–36 DC Guidelines ................................................................................................................................. 4–39 Conclusion ............................................................................................................................................ 4–42 Altera Corporation v Contents Stratix II Device Handbook, Volume 2 References ............................................................................................................................................. 4–42 Referenced Documents ....................................................................................................................... 4–43 Document Revision History ............................................................................................................... 4–44 Chapter 5. High-Speed Differential I/O Interfaces with DPA in Stratix II and Stratix II GX Devices Introduction ............................................................................................................................................ 5–1 I/O Banks ................................................................................................................................................ 5–1 Differential Transmitter ........................................................................................................................ 5–6 Differential Receiver .............................................................................................................................. 5–8 Receiver Data Realignment Circuit ............................................................................................... 5–9 Dynamic Phase Aligner ................................................................................................................. 5–10 Synchronizer ................................................................................................................................... 5–12 Differential I/O Termination ............................................................................................................. 5–12 Fast PLL ................................................................................................................................................ 5–13 Clocking ................................................................................................................................................ 5–14 Source Synchronous Timing Budget ........................................................................................... 5–16 Differential Data Orientation ........................................................................................................ 5–17 Differential I/O Bit Position ......................................................................................................... 5–17 Receiver Skew Margin for Non-DPA .......................................................................................... 5–19 Differential Pin Placement Guidelines ............................................................................................. 5–21 High-Speed Differential I/Os and Single-Ended I/Os ............................................................. 5–21 DPA Usage Guidelines .................................................................................................................. 5–22 Non-DPA Differential I/O Usage Guidelines ............................................................................ 5–26 Board Design Considerations ............................................................................................................ 5–27 Conclusion ............................................................................................................................................ 5–28 Referenced Documents ....................................................................................................................... 5–29 Document Revision History ............................................................................................................... 5–29 Section IV. Digital Signal Processing (DSP) Revision History .................................................................................................................... Section IV–1 Chapter 6. DSP Blocks in Stratix II and Stratix II GX Devices Introduction ............................................................................................................................................ 6–1 DSP Block Overview ............................................................................................................................. 6–1 Architecture ............................................................................................................................................ 6–8 Multiplier Block ................................................................................................................................ 6–8 Adder/Output Block ..................................................................................................................... 6–16 Operational Modes .............................................................................................................................. 6–21 Simple Multiplier Mode ................................................................................................................ 6–22 Multiply Accumulate Mode ......................................................................................................... 6–25 Multiply Add Mode ....................................................................................................................... 6–26 Software Support ................................................................................................................................. 6–32 Conclusion ............................................................................................................................................ 6–32 Referenced Documents ....................................................................................................................... 6–33 vi Altera Corporation Contents Contents Document Revision History ............................................................................................................... 6–33 Section V. Configuration& Remote System Upgrades Revision History ..................................................................................................................... Section V–1 Chapter 7. Configuring Stratix II and Stratix II GX Devices Introduction ............................................................................................................................................ 7–1 Configuration Devices ..................................................................................................................... 7–1 Configuration Features ......................................................................................................................... 7–4 Configuration Data Decompression .............................................................................................. 7–5 Design Security Using Configuration Bitstream Encryption ..................................................... 7–8 Remote System Upgrade ................................................................................................................. 7–9 Power-On Reset Circuit ................................................................................................................... 7–9 VCCPD Pins ....................................................................................................................................... 7–10 VCCSEL Pin .................................................................................................................................... 7–10 Output Configuration Pins ........................................................................................................... 7–13 Fast Passive Parallel Configuration .................................................................................................. 7–14 FPP Configuration Using a MAX II Device as an External Host ............................................ 7–15 FPP Configuration Using a Microprocessor ............................................................................... 7–26 FPP Configuration Using an Enhanced Configuration Device ............................................... 7–26 Active Serial Configuration (Serial Configuration Devices) ......................................................... 7–34 Estimating Active Serial Configuration Time ............................................................................ 7–43 Programming Serial Configuration Devices .............................................................................. 7–43 Passive Serial Configuration .............................................................................................................. 7–46 PS Configuration Using a MAX II Device as an External Host ............................................... 7–47 PS Configuration Using a Microprocessor ................................................................................. 7–54 PS Configuration Using a Configuration Device ....................................................................... 7–55 PS Configuration Using a Download Cable ............................................................................... 7–67 Passive Parallel Asynchronous Configuration ................................................................................ 7–73 JTAG Configuration ............................................................................................................................ 7–84 Jam STAPL ...................................................................................................................................... 7–91 Device Configuration Pins ................................................................................................................. 7–92 Conclusion .......................................................................................................................................... 7–106 Referenced Documents ..................................................................................................................... 7–106 Document Revision History ............................................................................................................. 7–107 Chapter 8. Remote System Upgrades with Stratix II and Stratix II GX Devices Introduction ............................................................................................................................................ 8–1 Functional Description .......................................................................................................................... 8–2 Configuration Image Types and Pages ......................................................................................... 8–5 Remote System Upgrade Modes ......................................................................................................... 8–8 Overview ........................................................................................................................................... 8–8 Remote Update Mode ...................................................................................................................... 8–9 Local Update Mode ........................................................................................................................ 8–12 Dedicated Remote System Upgrade Circuitry ................................................................................ 8–14 Altera Corporation vii Contents Stratix II Device Handbook, Volume 2 Remote System Upgrade Registers .............................................................................................. Remote System Upgrade State Machine ..................................................................................... User Watchdog Timer .................................................................................................................... Interface Signals between Remote System Upgrade Circuitry and FPGA Logic Array ...... Remote System Upgrade Pin Descriptions ................................................................................. Quartus II Software Support .............................................................................................................. altremote_update Megafunction .................................................................................................. Remote System Upgrade Atom .................................................................................................... System Design Guidelines .................................................................................................................. Remote System Upgrade With Serial Configuration Devices ................................................. Remote System Upgrade With a MAX II Device or Microprocessor and Flash Device ...... Remote System Upgrade with Enhanced Configuration Devices .......................................... Conclusion ............................................................................................................................................ Referenced Documents ....................................................................................................................... Document Revision History ............................................................................................................... 8–15 8–19 8–20 8–21 8–23 8–24 8–24 8–28 8–28 8–29 8–29 8–30 8–31 8–31 8–32 Chapter 9. IEEE 1149.1 (JTAG) Boundary-Scan Testing for Stratix II and Stratix II GX Devices Introduction ............................................................................................................................................ 9–1 IEEE Std. 1149.1 BST Architecture ...................................................................................................... 9–2 IEEE Std. 1149.1 Boundary-Scan Register .......................................................................................... 9–4 Boundary-Scan Cells of a Stratix II or Stratix II GX Device I/O Pin ........................................ 9–5 IEEE Std. 1149.1 BST Operation Control ............................................................................................ 9–7 SAMPLE/PRELOAD Instruction Mode ..................................................................................... 9–11 Capture Phase ................................................................................................................................. 9–12 Shift and Update Phases ................................................................................................................ 9–12 EXTEST Instruction Mode ............................................................................................................ 9–13 Capture Phase ................................................................................................................................. 9–14 Shift and Update Phases ................................................................................................................ 9–14 BYPASS Instruction Mode ............................................................................................................ 9–15 IDCODE Instruction Mode ........................................................................................................... 9–16 USERCODE Instruction Mode ..................................................................................................... 9–16 CLAMP Instruction Mode ............................................................................................................ 9–17 HIGHZ Instruction Mode ............................................................................................................. 9–17 I/O Voltage Support in JTAG Chain ................................................................................................ 9–17 Using IEEE Std. 1149.1 BST Circuitry ............................................................................................... 9–19 BST for Configured Devices ............................................................................................................... 9–19 Disabling IEEE Std. 1149.1 BST Circuitry ......................................................................................... 9–20 Guidelines for IEEE Std. 1149.1 Boundary-Scan Testing ............................................................... 9–20 Boundary-Scan Description Language (BSDL) Support ................................................................ 9–21 Conclusion ............................................................................................................................................ 9–21 References ............................................................................................................................................. 9–22 Referenced Documents ....................................................................................................................... 9–22 Document Revision History ............................................................................................................... 9–22 viii Altera Corporation Contents Contents Section VI. PCB Layout Guidelines Revision History .................................................................................................................... Section VI–1 Chapter 10. Package Information for Stratix II & Stratix II GX Devices Introduction .......................................................................................................................................... 10–1 Thermal Resistance .............................................................................................................................. 10–2 Package Outlines ................................................................................................................................. 10–5 484-Pin FBGA - Flip Chip .............................................................................................................. 10–5 672-Pin FBGA - Flip Chip .............................................................................................................. 10–6 780-Pin FBGA - Flip Chip .............................................................................................................. 10–9 1,020-Pin FBGA - Flip Chip ......................................................................................................... 10–11 1,152-Pin FBGA - Flip Chip ......................................................................................................... 10–13 1,508-Pin FBGA - Flip Chip ......................................................................................................... 10–15 Document Revision History ............................................................................................................. 10–17 Chapter 11. High-Speed Board Layout Guidelines Introduction .......................................................................................................................................... 11–1 PCB Material Selection ........................................................................................................................ 11–1 Transmission Line Layout .................................................................................................................. 11–3 Impedance Calculation .................................................................................................................. 11–4 Propagation Delay .......................................................................................................................... 11–8 Pre-Emphasis .................................................................................................................................. 11–9 Routing Schemes for Minimizing Crosstalk & Maintaining Signal Integrity ........................... 11–11 Signal Trace Routing .................................................................................................................... 11–13 Termination Schemes ........................................................................................................................ 11–19 Simple Parallel Termination ....................................................................................................... 11–19 Thevenin Parallel Termination ................................................................................................... 11–20 Active Parallel Termination ........................................................................................................ 11–21 Series-RC Parallel Termination .................................................................................................. 11–22 Series Termination ....................................................................................................................... 11–23 Differential Pair Termination ..................................................................................................... 11–23 Simultaneous Switching Noise ........................................................................................................ 11–24 Power Filtering & Distribution ................................................................................................... 11–26 Electromagnetic Interference (EMI) ................................................................................................ 11–28 Additional FPGA-Specific Information .......................................................................................... 11–29 Configuration ................................................................................................................................ 11–29 JTAG ............................................................................................................................................... 11–30 Test Point ....................................................................................................................................... 11–30 Summary ............................................................................................................................................. 11–30 References ........................................................................................................................................... 11–31 Document Revision History ............................................................................................................. 11–31 Altera Corporation ix Contents x Stratix II Device Handbook, Volume 2 Altera Corporation Chapter Revision Dates The chapters in this book, Stratix II Device Handbook, Volume 2, were revised on the following dates. Where chapters or groups of chapters are available separately, part numbers are listed. Chapter 1. PLLs in Stratix II and Stratix II GX Devices Revised: July 2009 Part number: SII52001-4.6 Chapter 2. TriMatrix Embedded Memory Blocks in Stratix II and Stratix II GX Devices Revised: January 2008 Part number: SII52002-4.5 Chapter 3. External Memory Interfaces in Stratix II and Stratix II GX Devices Revised: January 2008 Part number: SII52003-4.5 Chapter 4. Selectable I/O Standards in Stratix II and Stratix II GX Devices Revised: January 2008 Part number: SII52004-4.6 Chapter 5. High-Speed Differential I/O Interfaces with DPA in Stratix II and Stratix II GX Devices Revised: January 2008 Part number: SII52005-2.2 Chapter 6. DSP Blocks in Stratix II and Stratix II GX Devices Revised: January 2008 Part number: SII52006-2.2 Chapter 7. Configuring Stratix II and Stratix II GX Devices Revised: January 2008 Part number: SII52007-4.5 Chapter 8. Remote System Upgrades with Stratix II and Stratix II GX Devices Revised: January 2008 Part number: SII52008-4.5 Chapter 9. IEEE 1149.1 (JTAG) Boundary-Scan Testing for Stratix II and Stratix II GX Devices Revised: January 2008 Part number: SII52009-3.3 Altera Corporation xi Chapter Revision Dates Stratix II Device Handbook, Volume 2 Chapter 10. Package Information for Stratix II & Stratix II GX Devices Revised: May 2007 Part number: SII52010-4.3 Chapter 11. High-Speed Board Layout Guidelines Revised: May 2007 Part number: SII52012-1.4 xii Altera Corporation About this Handbook This handbook provides comprehensive information about the Altera® Stratix® II family of devices. How to Contact Altera For the most up-to-date information about Altera products, refer to the following table. Contact (1) Contact Method Address Technical support Website Technical training Website Email Website Product literature Non-technical support (General) Email (Software Licensing) Email Note to table: (1) Typographic Conventions Visual Cue You can also contact your local Altera sales office or sales representative. This document uses the typographic conventions shown below. Meaning Bold Type with Initial Capital Letters Command names, dialog box titles, checkbox options, and dialog box options are shown in bold, initial capital letters. Example: Save As dialog box. bold type External timing parameters, directory names, project names, disk drive names, filenames, filename extensions, and software utility names are shown in bold type. Examples: fMAX, \qdesigns directory, d: drive, chiptrip.gdf file. Italic Type with Initial Capital Letters Document titles are shown in italic type with initial capital letters. Example: AN 75: High-Speed Board Design. Italic type Internal timing parameters and variables are shown in italic type. Examples: tPIA, n + 1. Variable names are enclosed in angle brackets (< >) and shown in italic type. Example: <file name>, <project name>.pof file. Altera Corporation xiii Preliminary Typographic Conventions Visual Cue Stratix II Device Handbook, Volume 2 Meaning Initial Capital Letters Keyboard keys and menu names are shown with initial capital letters. Examples: Delete key, the Options menu. “Subheading Title” References to sections within a document and titles of on-line help topics are shown in quotation marks. Example: “Typographic Conventions.” Courier type Signal and port names are shown in lowercase Courier type. Examples: data1, tdi, input. Active-low signals are denoted by suffix n, e.g., resetn. Anything that must be typed exactly as it appears is shown in Courier type. For example: c:\qdesigns\tutorial\chiptrip.gdf. Also, sections of an actual file, such as a Report File, references to parts of files (e.g., the AHDL keyword SUBDESIGN), as well as logic function names (e.g., TRI) are shown in Courier. 1., 2., 3., and a., b., c., etc. Numbered steps are used in a list of items when the sequence of the items is important, such as the steps listed in a procedure. ■ Bullets are used in a list of items when the sequence of the items is not important. ● • v The checkmark indicates a procedure that consists of one step only. 1 The hand points to information that requires special attention. c The caution indicates required information that needs special consideration and understanding and should be read prior to starting or continuing with the procedure or process. w The warning indicates information that should be read prior to starting or continuing the procedure or processes r The angled arrow indicates you should press the Enter key. f The feet direct you to more information on a particular topic. xiv Preliminary Altera Corporation Section I. Clock Management This section provides information on the different types of phase-locked loops (PLLs). The feature-rich enhanced PLLs assist designers in managing clocks internally and also have the ability to drive off chip to control system-level clock networks. The fast PLLs offer general-purpose clock management with multiplication and phase shifting as well as highspeed outputs to manage the high-speed differential I/O interfaces. This section contains detailed information on the features, the interconnections to the logic array and off chip, and the specifications for both types of PLLs. This section contains the following chapter: ■ Revision History Altera Corporation Chapter 1, PLLs in Stratix II and Stratix II GX Devices Refer to each chapter for its own specific revision history. For information on when each chapter was updated, refer to the Chapter Revision Dates section, which appears in the full handbook. Section I–1 Clock Management Section I–2 Stratix II Device Handbook, Volume 2 Altera Corporation 1. PLLs in Stratix II and Stratix II GX Devices SII52001-4.6 Introduction Stratix® II and Stratix II GX device phase-locked loops (PLLs) provide robust clock management and synthesis for device clock management, external system clock management, and high-speed I/O interfaces. Stratix II devices have up to 12 PLLs, and Stratix II GX devices have up to 8 PLLs. Stratix II and Stratix II GX PLLs are highly versatile and can be used as a zero delay buffer, a jitter attenuator, low skew fan out buffer, or a frequency synthesizer. Stratix II and Stratix II GX devices feature both enhanced PLLs and fast PLLs. Stratix II and Stratix II GX devices have up to four enhanced PLLs. Stratix II devices have up to eight fast PLLs and Stratix II GX devices have up to four PLLs. Both enhanced and fast PLLs are feature rich, supporting advanced capabilities such as clock switchover, reconfigurable phase shift, PLL reconfiguration, and reconfigurable bandwidth. PLLs can be used for general-purpose clock management, supporting multiplication, phase shifting, and programmable duty cycle. In addition, enhanced PLLs support external clock feedback mode, spread-spectrum clocking, and counter cascading. Fast PLLs offer high speed outputs to manage the high-speed differential I/O interfaces. Stratix II and Stratix II GX devices also support a power-down mode where clock networks that are not being used can easily be turned off, reducing the overall power consumption of the device. In addition, Stratix II and Stratix II GX PLLs support dynamic selection of the PLL input clock from up to five possible sources, giving you the flexibility to choose from multiple (up to four) clock sources to feed the primary and secondary clock input ports. The Altera® Quartus® II software enables the PLLs and their features without requiring any external devices. Altera Corporation July 2009 1–1 Introduction Tables 1–1 and 1–2 show the PLLs available for each Stratix II and Stratix II GX device, respectively. Table 1–1. Stratix II Device PLL Availability Note (1) Fast PLLs Enhanced PLLs Device 1 2 3 4 7 8 9 EP2S15 v v v EP2S30 v v v EP2S60 v v v v v v v EP2S90 (2) v v v v v v v EP2S130 (3) v v v v v v EP2S180 v v v v v v 10 5 6 11 12 v v v v v v v v v v v v v v v v v v v v v v v v v v v v Notes for Table 1–1: (1) (2) (3) The EP2S60 device in the 1,020-pin package contains 12 PLLs. EP2S60 devices in the 484-pin and 672-pin packages contain fast PLLs 1–4 and enhanced PLLs 5 and 6. EP2S90 devices in the 1020-pin and 1508-pin packages contain 12 PLLs. EP2S90 devices in the 484-pin and 780-pin packages contain fast PLLs 1–4 and enhanced PLLs 5 and 6. EP2S130 devices in the 1020-pin and 1508-pin packages contain 12 PLLs. The EP2S130 device in the 780-pin package contains fast PLLs 1–4 and enhanced PLLs 5 and 6. Table 1–2. Stratix II GX Device PLL Availability Note (1) Fast PLLs Enhanced PLLs Device 1 2 EP2SGX30 (2) v v 3 (3) 4 (3) 7 8 9 (3) 10 (3) 5 6 v v 11 12 EP2SGX60 (2) v v v v v v v v EP2SGX90 v v v v v v v v EP2SGX130 v v v v v v v v Notes for Table 1–2: (1) (2) (3) The global or regional clocks in a fast PLL’s transceiver block can drive the fast PLL input. A pin or other PLL must drive the global or regional source. The source cannot be driven by internally generated logic before driving the fast PLL. EP2SGX30C and EP2SGX60C devices only have two fast PLLs (PLLs 1 and 2), but the connectivity from these two PLLs to the global and regional clock networks remains the same as shown in this table. PLLs 3, 4, 9, and 10 are not available in Stratix II GX devices. however, these PLLs are listed in Table 1–2 because the Stratix II GX PLL numbering scheme is consistent with Stratix and Stratix II devices. 1–2 Stratix II Device Handbook, Volume 2 Altera Corporation July 2009 PLLs in Stratix II and Stratix II GX Devices Table 1–3 shows the enhanced PLL and fast PLL features in Stratix II and Stratix II GX devices. Table 1–3. Stratix II and Stratix II GX PLL Features Feature Clock multiplication and division Enhanced PLL Fast PLL m/(n × post-scale counter) (1) m/(n × post-scale counter) (2) Down to 125-ps increments (3) Down to 125-ps increments (3) Clock switchover v v (4) PLL reconfiguration v v Reconfigurable bandwidth v v Spread-spectrum clocking v Programmable duty cycle v Number of clock outputs per PLL (5) 6 Phase shift Number of dedicated external clock outputs Three differential or six per PLL single-ended Number of feedback clock inputs per PLL v 4 (6) 1 (7) Notes to Table 1–3: (1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7) For enhanced PLLs, m and n range from 1 to 512 with 50% duty cycle. Post-scale counters range from 1 to 512 with 50% duty cycle. For non-50% duty-cycle clock outputs, post-scale counters range from 1 to 256. For fast PLLs, n can range from 1 to 4. The post-scale and m counters range from 1 to 32. For non-50% duty-cycle clock outputs, post-scale counters range from 1 to 16. The smallest phase shift is determined by the voltage controlled oscillator (VCO) period divided by eight. The supported phase-shift range is from 125 to 250 ps. Stratix II and Stratix II GX devices can shift all output frequencies in increments of at least 45. Smaller degree increments are possible depending on the frequency and divide parameters. For non-50% duty cycle clock outputs post-scale counters range from 1 to 256. Stratix II and Stratix II GX fast PLLs only support manual clock switchover. The clock outputs can be driven to internal clock networks or to a pin. The PLL clock outputs of the fast PLLs can drive to any I/O pin to be used as an external clock output. For high-speed differential I/O pins, the device uses a data channel to generate the transmitter output clock (txclkout). If the design uses external feedback input pins, you will lose one (or two, if fBIN is differential) dedicated output clock pin. Figure 1–1 shows a top-level diagram of Stratix II device and PLL locations. Figure 1–2 shows a top-level diagram of Stratix II device and PLL locations. See “Clock Control Block” on page 1–86 for more detail on PLL connections to global and regional clocks networks. Altera Corporation July 2009 1–3 Stratix II Device Handbook, Volume 2 Introduction Figure 1–1. Stratix II PLL Locations Enhanced PLL Enhanced PLL CLK12-15 11 FPLL7CLK 5 7 RCLK28-31 10 FPLL10CLK 4 3 CLK8-11 9 FPLL9CLK RCLK24-27 GCLK12-15 RCLK0-3 Fast PLLs CLK0-3 Fast PLLs RCLK20-23 GCLK0-3 1 2 GCLK8-11 Q1 Q2 Q4 Q3 RCLK4-7 Fast PLLs Fast PLLs RCLK16-19 GCLK4-7 RCLK8-11 FPLL8CLK RCLK12-15 8 12 6 CLK4-7 Enhanced PLL 1–4 Stratix II Device Handbook, Volume 2 Enhanced PLL Altera Corporation July 2009 PLLs in Stratix II and Stratix II GX Devices Figure 1–2. Stratix II GX PLL Locations CLK[15..12] FPLL7CLK 7 CLK[3..0] 1 2 11 5 12 6 PLLs FPLL8CLK 8 CLK[7..4] Enhanced PLLs Stratix II and Stratix II GX devices contain up to four enhanced PLLs with advanced clock management features. The main goal of a PLL is to synchronize the phase and frequency of an internal and external clock to an input reference clock. There are a number of components that comprise a PLL to achieve this phase alignment. Enhanced PLL Hardware Overview Stratix II and Stratix II GX PLLs align the rising edge of the reference input clock to a feedback clock using the phase-frequency detector (PFD). The falling edges are determined by the duty-cycle specifications. The PFD produces an up or down signal that determines whether the VCO needs to operate at a higher or lower frequency. Altera Corporation July 2009 1–5 Stratix II Device Handbook, Volume 2 Enhanced PLLs The PFD output is applied to the charge pump and loop filter, which produces a control voltage for setting the VCO frequency. If the PFD produces an up signal, then the VCO frequency increases. A down signal decreases the VCO frequency. The PFD outputs these up and down signals to a charge pump. If the charge pump receives an up signal, current is driven into the loop filter. Conversely, if it receives a down signal, current is drawn from the loop filter. The loop filter converts these up and down signals to a voltage that is used to bias the VCO. The loop filter also removes glitches from the charge pump and prevents voltage over-shoot, which filters the jitter on the VCO. The voltage from the loop filter determines how fast the VCO operates. The VCO is implemented as a four-stage differential ring oscillator. A divide counter (m) is inserted in the feedback loop to increase the VCO frequency above the input reference frequency. VCO frequency (fVCO) is equal to (m) times the input reference clock (fREF). The input reference clock (fREF) to the PFD is equal to the input clock (fIN) divided by the prescale counter (n). Therefore, the feedback clock (fFB) applied to one input of the PFD is locked to the fREF that is applied to the other input of the PFD. The VCO output can feed up to six post-scale counters (C0, C1, C2, C3, C4, and C5). These post-scale counters allow a number of harmonically related frequencies to be produced within the PLL. Figure 1–3 shows a simplified block diagram of the major components of the Stratix II and Stratix II GX enhanced PLL. Figure 1–4 shows the enhanced PLL’s outputs and dedicated clock outputs. 1–6 Stratix II Device Handbook, Volume 2 Altera Corporation July 2009 PLLs in Stratix II and Stratix II GX Devices Figure 1–3. Stratix II and Stratix II GX Enhanced PLL From Adjacent PLL VCO Phase Selection Selectable at Each PLL Output Port Clock Switchover Circuitry Post-Scale Counters ÷c0 Spread Spectrum Phase Frequency Detector INCLK[3..0] ÷c1 4 ÷n PFD Charge Pump Loop Filter Global or Regional Clock 8 VCO 4 Global Clocks 8 Regional Clocks ÷c2 6 ÷c3 6 (1) ÷m I/O Buffers (2) ÷c4 ÷c5 FBIN Shaded Portions of the PLL are Reconfigurable Lock Detect & Filter to I/O or general routing VCO Phase Selection Affecting All Outputs Notes to Figure 1–3: (1) (2) (3) (4) Each clock source can come from any of the four clock pins located on the same side of the device as the PLL. PLLs 5, 6, 11, and 12 each have six single-ended dedicated clock outputs or three differential dedicated clock outputs. If the design uses external feedback input pins, you will lose one (or two, if fBIN is differential) dedicated output clock pin. Every Stratix II and Stratix II GX device has at least two enhanced PLLs with one single-ended or differential external feedback input per PLL. The global or regional clock input can be driven by an output from another PLL, a pin-driven dedicated global or regional clock, or through a clock control block provided the clock control block is fed by an output from another PLL or a pin-driven dedicated global or regional clock. An internally generated global signal cannot drive the PLL. Altera Corporation July 2009 1–7 Stratix II Device Handbook, Volume 2 Enhanced PLLs External Clock Outputs Enhanced PLLs 5, 6, 11, and 12 each support up to six single-ended clock outputs (or three differential pairs). See Figure 1–4. Figure 1–4. External Clock Outputs for Enhanced PLLs 5, 6, 11 and 12 C0 C1 Enhanced PLL C2 C3 C4 C5 extclken0 (3) extclken2 (3) extclken3 (3) extclken1 (3) PLL#_OUT0p (1) PLL#_OUT0n (1) extclken4 (3) extclken5 (3) PLL#_OUT1p (1) PLL#_OUT1n (1) PLL#_OUT2p (1), (2) PLL#_OUT2n (1), (2) Notes to Figure 1–4: (1) (2) (3) These clock output pins can be fed by any one of the C[5..0] counters. These clock output pins are used as either external clock outputs or for external feedback. If the design uses external feedback input pins, you will lose one (or two, if fBIN is differential) dedicated output clock pin. These external clock enable signals are available only when using the altclkctrl megafunction. Any of the six output counters C[5..0] can feed the dedicated external clock outputs, as shown in Figure 1–5. Therefore, one counter or frequency can drive all output pins available from a given PLL. The dedicated output clock pins (PLL_OUT) from each enhanced PLL are powered by a separate power pin (e.g., VCC_PLL5_OUT, VCC_PLL6_OUT, etc.), reducing the overall output jitter by providing improved isolation from switching I/O pins. 1–8 Stratix II Device Handbook, Volume 2 Altera Corporation July 2009 PLLs in Stratix II and Stratix II GX Devices Figure 1–5. External Clock Output Connectivity to PLL Output Counters for Enhanced PLLs 5, 6, 11 and 12 Note (1) C0 C1 6 6 To I/O pins (1) C3 C4 C5 From internal logic or IOE 6 Multiplexer Selection Set in Configuration File C6 Note to Figure 1–5: (1) The design can use each external clock output pin as a general-purpose output pin from the logic array. These pins are multiplexed with I/O element (IOE) outputs. Each pin of a single-ended output pair can either be in phase or 180° out of phase. The Quartus II software places the NOT gate in the design into the IOE to implement 180° phase with respect to the other pin in the pair. The clock output pin pairs support the same I/O standards as standard output pins (in the top and bottom banks) as well as LVDS, LVPECL, differential HSTL, and differential SSTL. See Table 1–6, in the “Enhanced PLL Pins” section on page 1–12 to determine which I/O standards the enhanced PLL clock pins support. When in single-ended or differential mode, one power pin supports six single-ended or three differential outputs. Both outputs use the same I/O standard in single-ended mode to maintain performance. You can also use the external clock output pins as user output pins if external enhanced PLL clocking is not needed. The enhanced PLL can also drive out to any regular I/O pin through the global or regional clock network. Enhanced PLL Software Overview Stratix II and Stratix II GX enhanced PLLs are enabled in the Quartus II software by using the altpll megafunction. Figure 1–6 shows the available ports (as they are named in the Quartus II altpll megafunction) of the Stratix II and Stratix II GX enhanced PLL. Altera Corporation July 2009 1–9 Stratix II Device Handbook, Volume 2 Enhanced PLLs Figure 1–6. Enhanced PLL Ports (1) Physical Pin pllena (2), (3) inclk0 (2), (3) inclk1 C[5..0] (4) Signal Driven by Internal Logic Signal Driven to Internal Logic Internal Clock Signal locked scanwrite clkloss activeclock scanread scandataout scandata clkbad[1..0] scanclk scandone fbin clkswitch areset pfdena (5) pll_out0p pll_out0n (5) pll_out1p (5) pll_out1n (5) pll_out2p (5) pll_out2n (5) Notes to Figure 1–6: (1) (2) (3) (4) (5) Enhanced and fast PLLs share this input pin. These are either single-ended or differential pins. The primary and secondary clock input can be fed from any one of four clock pins located on the same side of the device as the PLL. Can drive to the global or regional clock networks or the dedicated external clock output pins. These dedicated output clocks are fed by the C[5..0] counters. Tables 1–4 and 1–5 describe all the enhanced PLL ports. Table 1–4. Enhanced PLL Input Signals (Part 1 of 2) Port Description Source Destination inclk0 Primary clock input to the PLL. Pin or another PLL n counter inclk1 Secondary clock input to the PLL. Pin or another PLL n counter fbin External feedback input to the PLL. Pin PFD pllena Enable pin for enabling or disabling all or a set of PLLs. Active high. Pin General PLL control signal clkswitch Switch-over signal used to initiate external clock switch-over control. Active high. Logic array PLL switch-over circuit 1–10 Stratix II Device Handbook, Volume 2 Altera Corporation July 2009 PLLs in Stratix II and Stratix II GX Devices Table 1–4. Enhanced PLL Input Signals (Part 2 of 2) Port Description Source Destination areset Signal used to reset the PLL which resynchronizes all the counter outputs. Active high. Logic array General PLL control signal pfdena Enables the outputs from the phase frequency detector. Active high. Logic array PFD scanclk Serial clock signal for the real-time PLL reconfiguration feature. Logic array Reconfiguration circuit scandata Serial input data stream for the real- Logic array time PLL reconfiguration feature. Reconfiguration circuit scanwrite Enables writing the data in the scan chain into the PLL. Active high. Logic array Reconfiguration circuit scanread Enables scan data to be written into the scan chain. Active high. Logic array Reconfiguration circuit Table 1–5. Enhanced PLL Output Signals (Part 1 of 2) Port Description Source Destination c[5..0] PLL output counters driving regional, PLL counter global or external clocks. Internal or external clock pll_out [2..0]p pll_out [2..0]n PLL counter These are three differential or six single-ended external clock output pins fed from the C[5..0] PLL counters, and every output can be driven by any counter. p and n are the positive (p) and negative (n) pins for differential pins. Pin(s) clkloss Signal indicating the switch-over circuit detected a switch-over condition. PLL switch-over circuit Logic array clkbad[1..0] Signals indicating which reference clock is no longer toggling. clkbad1 indicates inclk1 status, clkbad0 indicates inclk0 status. 1= good; 0=bad PLL switch-over circuit Logic array locked Lock or gated lock output from lock detect circuit. Active high. PLL lock detect Logic array activeclock PLL clock Signal to indicate which clock multiplexer (0 = inclk0 or 1 = inclk1) is driving the PLL. If this signal is low, inclk0 drives the PLL, If this signal is high, inclk1 drives the PLL Altera Corporation July 2009 Logic array 1–11 Stratix II Device Handbook, Volume 2 Enhanced PLLs Table 1–5. Enhanced PLL Output Signals (Part 2 of 2) Port Description Source Destination scandataout Output of the last shift register in the PLL scan chain scan chain. Logic array scandone Signal indicating when the PLL has completed reconfiguration. 1 to 0 transition indicates that the PLL has been reconfigured. PLL scan chain Logic array Enhanced PLL Pins Table 1–6 lists the I/O standards support by the enhanced PLL clock outputs. Table 1–6. I/O Standards Supported for Enhanced PLL Pins (Part 1 of 2) Note (1) Input Output I/O Standard INCLK FBIN EXTCLK LVTTL v v v LVCMOS v v v 2.5 V v v v 1.8 V v v v 1.5 V v v v 3.3-V PCI v v v 3.3-V PCI-X v v v SSTL-2 Class I v v v SSTL-2 Class II v v v SSTL-18 Class I v v v SSTL-18 Class II v v v 1.8-V HSTL Class I v v v 1.8-V HSTL Class II v v v 1.5-V HSTL Class I v v v 1.5-V HSTL Class II v v v 1.2-V HSTL Class I v v v 1.2-V HSTL Class II v v v 1–12 Stratix II Device Handbook, Volume 2 Altera Corporation July 2009 PLLs in Stratix II and Stratix II GX Devices Table 1–6. I/O Standards Supported for Enhanced PLL Pins (Part 2 of 2) Note (1) Input Output I/O Standard INCLK FBIN EXTCLK Differential SSTL-2 Class I v v v Differential SSTL-2 Class II v v v Differential SSTL-18 Class I v v v Differential SSTL-18 Class II v v v 1.8-V differential HSTL Class I v v v 1.8-V differential HSTL Class II v v v 1.5-V differential HSTL Class I v v v 1.5-V differential HSTL Class II v v v LVDS v v v v v v HyperTransport technology Differential LVPECL Note to Table 1–6: (1) The enhanced PLL external clock output bank does not allow a mixture of both single-ended and differential I/O standards. Table 1–7 shows the physical pins and their purpose for the Stratix II and Stratix II GX enhanced PLLs. For inclk port connections to pins see “Clock Control Block” on page 1–86. Table 1–7. Stratix II and Stratix II GX Enhanced PLL Pins (Part 1 of 3) Pin Note (1) Description CLK4p/n Single-ended or differential pins that can drive the inclk port for PLLs 6 or 12. CLK5p/n Single-ended or differential pins that can drive the inclk port for PLLs 6 or 12. CLK6p/n Single-ended or differential pins that can drive the inclk port for PLLs 6 or 12. CLK7p/n Single-ended or differential pins that can drive the inclk port for PLLs 6 or 12. CLK12p/n Single-ended or differential pins that can drive the inclk port for PLLs 5 or 11. CLK13p/n Single-ended or differential pins that can drive the inclk port for PLLs 5 or 11. CLK14p/n Single-ended or differential pins that can drive the inclk port for PLLs 5 or 11. CLK15p/n Single-ended or differential pins that can drive the inclk port for PLLs 5 or 11. PLL5_FBp/n Single-ended or differential pins that can drive the fbin port for PLL 5. Altera Corporation July 2009 1–13 Stratix II Device Handbook, Volume 2 Enhanced PLLs Table 1–7. Stratix II and Stratix II GX Enhanced PLL Pins (Part 2 of 3) Pin Note (1) Description PLL6_FBp/n Single-ended or differential pins that can drive the fbin port for PLL 6. PLL11_FBp/n Single-ended or differential pins that can drive the fbin port for PLL 11. PLL12_FBp/n Single-ended or differential pins that can drive the fbin port for PLL 12. PLL_ENA Dedicated input pin that drives the pllena port of all or a set of PLLs. If you do not use this pin, connect it to ground. PLL5_OUT[2..0]p/n Single-ended or differential pins driven by C[5..0] ports from PLL 5. PLL6_OUT[2..0]p/n Single-ended or differential pins driven by C[5..0] ports from PLL 6. PLL11_OUT[2..0]p/n Single-ended or differential pins driven by C[5..0] ports from PLL 11. PLL12_OUT[2..0]p/n Single-ended or differential pins driven by C[5..0] ports from PLL 12. VCCA_PLL5 Analog power for PLL 5. You must connect this pin to 1.2 V, even if the PLL is not used. GNDA_PLL5 Analog ground for PLL 5. You can connect this pin to the GND plane on the board. VCCA_PLL6 Analog power for PLL 6. You must connect this pin to 1.2 V, even if the PLL is not used. GNDA_PLL6 Analog ground for PLL 6. You can connect this pin to the GND plane on the board. VCCA_PLL11 Analog power for PLL 11. You must connect this pin to 1.2 V, even if the PLL is not used. GNDA_PLL11 Analog ground for PLL 11. You can connect this pin to the GND plane on the board. VCCA_PLL12 Analog power for PLL 12. You must connect this pin to 1.2 V, even if the PLL is not used. GNDA_PLL12 Analog ground for PLL 12. You can connect this pin to the GND plane on the board. VCCD_PLL Digital power for PLLs. You must connect this pin to 1.2 V, even if the PLL is not used. VCC_PLL5_OUT External clock output VCCIO power for PLL5_OUT0p, PLL5_OUT0n, PLL5_OUT1p, PLL5_OUT1n, PLL5_OUT2p, and PLL5_OUT2n outputs from PLL 5. VCC_PLL6_OUT External clock output VCCIO power for PLL6_OUT0p, PLL6_OUT0n, PLL6_OUT1p, PLL6_OUT1n and PLL6_OUT2p, PLL6_OUT2n outputs from PLL 6. VCC_PLL11_OUT External clock output VCCIO power for PLL11_OUT0p, PLL11_OUT0n, PLL11_OUT1p, PLL11_OUT1n and PLL11_OUT2p, PLL11_OUT2n outputs from PLL 11. 1–14 Stratix II Device Handbook, Volume 2 Altera Corporation July 2009 PLLs in Stratix II and Stratix II GX Devices Table 1–7. Stratix II and Stratix II GX Enhanced PLL Pins (Part 3 of 3) Pin Note (1) Description External clock output VCCIO power for PLL12_OUT0p, PLL12_OUT0n, PLL12_OUT1p, PLL12_OUT1n and PLL12_OUT2p, PLL12_OUT2n outputs from PLL 12. VCC_PLL12_OUT Note to Table 1–7: (1) The negative leg pins (CLKn, PLL_FBn, and PLL_OUTn) are only required with differential signaling. Fast PLLs Stratix II devices contain up to eight fast PLLs and Stratix II GX devices contain up to four fast PLLs. Fast PLLs have high-speed differential I/O interface capability along with general-purpose features. Fast PLL Hardware Overview Figure 1–7 shows a diagram of the fast PLL. Figure 1–7. Stratix II and Stratix II GX Fast PLL Block Diagram Global or regional clock (2) Clock (1) Switchover Circuitry VCO Phase Selection Selectable at each PLL Output Port Phase Frequency Detector diffioclk0 (3) 4 loaden0 (4) ÷c0 (5) Clock Input Post-Scale Counters ÷n PFD Charge Pump Loop Filter VCO ÷k diffioclk1 (3) 8 loaden1 (4) ÷c1 4 Global clocks ÷c2 4 Global or regional clock (2) 8 Regional clocks ÷c3 ÷m Shaded Portions of the PLL are Reconfigurable 8 to DPA block Notes to Figure 1–7: (1) (2) (3) (4) (5) Stratix II and Stratix II GX fast PLLs only support manual clock switchover. The global or regional clock input can be driven by an output from another PLL, a pin-driven dedicated global or regional clock, or through a clock control block provided the clock control block is fed by an output from another PLL or a pin-driven dedicated global or regional clock. An internally generated global signal cannot drive the PLL. In high-speed differential I/O support mode, this high-speed PLL clock feeds the SERDES. Stratix II devices only support one rate of data transfer per fast PLL in high-speed differential I/O support mode. This signal is a high-speed differential I/O support SERDES control signal. If the design enables this ÷2 counter, then the device can use a VCO frequency range of 150 to 520 MHz. Altera Corporation July 2009 1–15 Stratix II Device Handbook, Volume 2 Fast PLLs External Clock Outputs Each fast PLL supports differential or single-ended outputs for source-synchronous transmitters or for general-purpose external clocks. There are no dedicated external clock output pins. The fast PLL global or regional outputs can drive any I/O pin as an external clock output pin. The I/O standards supported by any particular bank determines what standards are possible for an external clock output driven by the fast PLL in that bank. f For more information, see the Selectable I/O Standards in Stratix II and Stratix II GX Devices chapter in volume 2 of the Stratix II GX Device Handbook (or the Stratix II Device Handbook). Fast PLL Software Overview Stratix II and Stratix II GX fast PLLs are enabled in the Quartus II software by using the altpll megafunction. Figure 1–8 shows the available ports (as they are named in the Quartus II altpll megafunction) of the Stratix II or Stratix II GX fast PLL. Figure 1–8. Stratix II and Stratix II GX Fast PLL Ports and Physical Destinations Physical Pin inclk0 (1) C[3..0] inclk1 (1) Signal Driven by Internal Logic Signal Driven to Internal Logic pllena (2) Internal Clock Signal locked areset pfdena scanclk scandata scanwrite scandataout scandone scanread Notes to Figure 1–8: (1) (2) This input pin is either single-ended or differential. This input pin is shared by all enhanced and fast PLLs. Tables 1–8 and 1–9 show the description of all fast PLL ports. Table 1–8. Fast PLL Input Signals (Part 1 of 2) Name Description Source Destination inclk0 Primary clock input to the fast PLL. Pin or another PLL n counter inclk1 Secondary clock input to the fast PLL. Pin or another PLL n counter 1–16 Stratix II Device Handbook, Volume 2 Altera Corporation July 2009 PLLs in Stratix II and Stratix II GX Devices Table 1–8. Fast PLL Input Signals (Part 2 of 2) Name Description Source Pin Destination pllena Enable pin for enabling or disabling all or a set of PLLs. Active high. PLL control signal clkswitch Switch-over signal used to initiate external clock Logic array switch-over control. Active high. Reconfiguration circuit areset Enables the up/down outputs from the phase-frequency detector. Active high. Logic array PLL control signal pfdena Enables the up/down outputs from the phase-frequency detector. Active high. Logic array PFD scanclk Serial clock signal for the real-time PLL control feature. Logic array Reconfiguration circuit scandata Serial input data stream for the real-time PLL control feature. Logic array Reconfiguration circuit scanwrite Enables writing the data in the scan chain into the PLL Active high. Logic array Reconfiguration circuit scanread Enables scan data to be written into the scan chain Active high. Logic array Reconfiguration circuit Table 1–9. Fast PLL Output Signals Name Description Source Destination c[3..0] PLL outputs driving regional or global clock. PLL counter Internal clock locked Lock or gated lock output from lock detect circuit. Active high. PLL lock detect Logic array scandataout Output of the last shift register in the scan chain. PLL scan chain Logic array scandone Signal indicating when the PLL has completed reconfiguration. 1 to 0 transition indicates the PLL has been reconfigured. PLL scan chain Logic array Altera Corporation July 2009 1–17 Stratix II Device Handbook, Volume 2 Fast PLLs Fast PLL Pins Table 1–10 shows the I/O standards supported by the fast PLL input pins. Table 1–10. I/O Standards Supported for Stratix II and Stratix II GX Fast PLL Pins I/O Standard INCLK LVTTL v LVCMOS v 2.5 V v 1.8 V v 1.5 V v 3.3-V PCI 3.3-V PCI-X SSTL-2 Class I v SSTL-2 Class II v SSTL-18 Class I v SSTL-18 Class II v 1.8-V HSTL Class I v 1.8-V HSTL Class II v 1.5-V HSTL Class I v 1.5-V HSTL Class II v Differential SSTL-2 Class I Differential SSTL-2 Class II Differential SSTL-18 Class I Differential SSTL-18 Class II 1.8-V differential HSTL Class I 1.8-V differential HSTL Class II 1.5-V differential HSTL Class I 1.5-V differential HSTL Class II LVDS v HyperTransport technology v Differential LVPECL 1–18 Stratix II Device Handbook, Volume 2 Altera Corporation July 2009 PLLs in Stratix II and Stratix II GX Devices Table 1–11 shows the physical pins and their purpose for the fast PLLs. For inclk port connections to pins, see “Clocking” on page 1–62. Table 1–11. Fast PLL Pins (Part 1 of 2) Pin Note (1) Description CLK0p/n Single-ended or differential pins that can drive the inclk port for PLLs 1, 2, 7 or 8. CLK1p/n Single-ended or differential pins that can drive the inclk port for PLLs 1, 2, 7 or 8. CLK2p/n Single-ended or differential pins that can drive the inclk port for PLLs 1, 2, 7 or 8. CLK3p/n Single-ended or differential pins that can drive the inclk port for PLLs 1, 2, 7 or 8. CLK8p/n Single-ended or differential pins that can drive the inclk port for PLLs 3, 4, 9 or 10. CLK9p/n Single-ended or differential pins that can drive the inclk port for PLLs 3, 4, 9 or 10. CLK10p/n Single-ended or differential pins that can drive the inclk port for PLLs 3, 4, 9 or 10. CLK11p/n Single-ended or differential pins that can drive the inclk port for PLLs 3, 4, 9 or 10. FPLL7CLKp/n Single-ended or differential pins that can drive the inclk port for PLL 7. FPLL8CLKp/n Single-ended or differential pins that can drive the inclk port for PLL 8. FPLL9CLKp/n Single-ended or differential pins that can drive the inclk port for PLL 9. FPLL10CLKp/n Single-ended or differential pins that can drive the inclk port for PLL 10. PLL_ENA Dedicated input pin that drives the pllena port of all or a set of PLLs. If you do not use this pin, connect it to GND. VCCD_PLL Digital power for PLLs. You must connect this pin to 1.2 V, even if the PLL is not used. VCCA_PLL1 Analog power for PLL 1. You must connect this pin to 1.2 V, even if the PLL is not used. GNDA_PLL1 Analog ground for PLL 1. Your can connect this pin to the GND plane on the board. VCCA_PLL2 Analog power for PLL 2. You must connect this pin to 1.2 V, even if the PLL is not used. GNDA_PLL2 Analog ground for PLL 2. You can connect this pin to the GND plane on the board. VCCA_PLL3 Analog power for PLL 3. You must connect this pin to 1.2 V, even if the PLL is not used. GNDA_PLL3 Analog ground for PLL 3. You can connect this pin to the GND plane on the board. VCCA_PLL4 Analog power for PLL 4. You must connect this pin to 1.2 V, even if the PLL is not used. GNDA_PLL4 Analog ground for PLL 4. You can connect this pin to the GND plane on the board. GNDA_PLL7 Analog ground for PLL 7. You can connect this pin to the GND plane on the board. VCCA_PLL8 Analog power for PLL 8. You must connect this pin to 1.2 V, even if the PLL is not used. GNDA_PLL8 Analog ground for PLL 8. You can connect this pin to the GND plane on the board. VCCA_PLL9 Analog power for PLL 9. You must connect this pin to 1.2 V, even if the PLL is not used. GNDA_PLL9 Analog ground for PLL 9. You can connect this pin to the GND plane on the board. VCCA_PLL10 Analog power for PLL 10. You must connect this pin to 1.2 V, even if the PLL is not used. Altera Corporation July 2009 1–19 Stratix II Device Handbook, Volume 2 Clock Feedback Modes Table 1–11. Fast PLL Pins (Part 2 of 2) Note (1) Pin GNDA_PLL10 Description Analog ground for PLL 10. You can connect this pin to the GND plane on the board. Note to Table 1–11: (1) The negative leg pins (CLKn and FPLL_CLKn) are only required with differential signaling. Clock Feedback Modes Stratix II and Stratix II GX PLLs support up to five different clock feedback modes. Each mode allows clock multiplication and division, phase shifting, and programmable duty cycle. Each PLL must be driven by one of its own dedicated clock input pins for proper clock compensation. The clock input pin connections for each PLL are listed in Table 1–20 on page 1–70. Table 1–12 shows which modes are supported by which PLL type. Table 1–12. Clock Feedback Mode Availability Mode Available in Clock Feedback Mode Enhanced PLLs Fast PLLs Source synchronous mode Yes Yes No compensation mode Yes Yes Normal mode Yes Yes Zero delay buffer mode Yes No External feedback mode Yes No Source-Synchronous Mode If data and clock arrive at the same time at the input pins, they are guaranteed to keep the same phase relationship at the clock and data ports of any IOE input register. Figure 1–9 shows an example waveform of the clock and data in this mode. This mode is recommended for sourcesynchronous data transfers. Data and clock signals at the IOE experience similar buffer delays as long as the same I/O standard is used. 1–20 Stratix II Device Handbook, Volume 2 Altera Corporation July 2009 PLLs in Stratix II and Stratix II GX Devices Figure 1–9. Phase Relationship Between Clock and Data in Source-Synchronous Mode Data pin inclk Data at register Clock at register In source-synchronous mode, enhanced PLLs compensate for clock delay to the top and bottom IO registers and fast PLLs compensate for clock delay to the side IO registers. While implementing source-synchronous receivers in these IO banks, use the corresponding PLL type for best matching between clock and data delays (from input pins to register ports). 1 Set the input pin to the register delay chain within the IOE to zero in the Quartus II software for all data pins clocked by a source-synchronous mode PLL. No Compensation Mode In this mode, the PLL does not compensate for any clock networks. This provides better jitter performance because the clock feedback into the PFD does not pass through as much circuitry. Both the PLL internal and external clock outputs are phase shifted with respect to the PLL clock input. Figure 1–10 shows an example waveform of the PLL clocks’ phase relationship in this mode. Altera Corporation July 2009 1–21 Stratix II Device Handbook, Volume 2 Clock Feedback Modes Figure 1–10. Phase Relationship between PLL Clocks in No Compensation Mode Phase Aligned PLL Reference Clock at the Input Pin PLL Clock at the Register Clock Port (1), (2) External PLL Clock Outputs (2) Notes to Figure 1–10. (1) (2) Internal clocks fed by the PLL are phase-aligned to each other. The PLL clock outputs can lead or lag the PLL input clocks. Normal Mode An internal clock in normal mode is phase-aligned to the input clock pin. The external clock output pin will have a phase delay relative to the clock input pin if connected in this mode. In normal mode, the delay introduced by the GCLK or RCLK network is fully compensated. Figure 1–11 shows an example waveform of the PLL clocks’ phase relationship in this mode. 1–22 Stratix II Device Handbook, Volume 2 Altera Corporation July 2009 PLLs in Stratix II and Stratix II GX Devices Figure 1–11. Phase Relationship Between PLL Clocks in Normal Mode Phase Aligned PLL Reference Clock at the Input Pin PLL Clock at the Register Clock Port External PLL Clock Outputs (1) Note to Figure 1–11: (1) The external clock output can lead or lag the PLL internal clock signals. Zero Delay Buffer Mode In the zero delay buffer mode, the external clock output pin is phase-aligned with the clock input pin for zero delay through the device. Figure 1–12 shows an example waveform of the PLL clocks’ phase relationship in this mode. When using this mode, Altera requires that you use the same I/O standard on the input clock, and output clocks. When using single-ended I/O standards, the inclk port of the PLL must be fed by the dedicated CLKp input pin. Altera Corporation July 2009 1–23 Stratix II Device Handbook, Volume 2 Clock Feedback Modes Figure 1–12. Phase Relationship Between PLL Clocks in Zero Delay Buffer Mode Phase Aligned PLL Reference Clock at the Input Pin PLL Clock at the Register Clock Port External PLL Clock Outputs (1) Note to Figure 1–12: (1) The internal PLL clock output can lead or lag the external PLL clock outputs. External Feedback Mode In the external feedback mode, the external feedback input pin, fbin, is phase-aligned with the clock input pin, (see Figure 1–13). Aligning these clocks allows you to remove clock delay and skew between devices. This mode is possible on all enhanced PLLs. PLLs 5, 6, 11, and 12 support feedback for one of the dedicated external outputs, either one single-ended or one differential pair. In this mode, one C counter feeds back to the PLL fbin input, becoming part of the feedback loop. In this mode, you will be using one of the dedicated external clock outputs (two if a differential I/O standard is used) as the PLL fbin input pin. When using this mode, Altera requires that you use the same I/O standard on the input clock, feedback input, and output clocks. When using single-ended I/O standards, the inclk port of the PLL must be fed by the dedicated CLKp input pin. 1–24 Stratix II Device Handbook, Volume 2 Altera Corporation July 2009 PLLs in Stratix II and Stratix II GX Devices Figure 1–13. Phase Relationship Between PLL Clocks in External Feedback Mode Phase Aligned PLL Reference Clock at the Input Pin PLL Clock at the Register Clock Port (1) External PLL Clock Outputs (1) fBIN Clock Input Note to Figure 1–13: (1) Hardware Features The PLL clock outputs can lead or lag the fBIN clock input. Stratix II and Stratix II GX PLLs support a number of features for general-purpose clock management. This section discusses clock multiplication and division implementation, phase-shifting implementations and programmable duty cycles. Table 1–13 shows which feature is available in which type of Stratix II or Stratix II GX PLL. Table 1–13. Stratix II and Stratix II GX PLL Hardware Features (Part 1 of 2) Availability Hardware Features Enhanced PLL Fast PLL Clock multiplication and division m (n × post-scale counter) m (n × post-scale counter) m counter value Ranges from 1 through 512 Ranges from 1 through 32 n counter value Post-scale counter values Altera Corporation July 2009 Ranges from 1 through 512 Ranges from 1 through 4 Ranges from 1 through 512 (1) Ranges from 1 through 32 (2) 1–25 Stratix II Device Handbook, Volume 2 Hardware Features Table 1–13. Stratix II and Stratix II GX PLL Hardware Features (Part 2 of 2) Availability Hardware Features Phase shift Programmable duty cycle Enhanced PLL Fast PLL Down to 125-ps increments (3) Down to 125-ps increments (3) Yes Yes Notes to Table 1–13: (1) (2) (3) Post-scale counters range from 1 through 512 if the output clock uses a 50% duty cycle. For any output clocks using a non-50% duty cycle, the post-scale counters range from 1 through 256. Post-scale counters range from 1 through 32 if the output clock uses a 50% duty cycle. For any output clocks using a non-50% duty cycle, the post-scale counters range from 1 through 16. The smallest phase shift is determined by the VCO period divided by 8. For degree increments, the Stratix II device can shift all output frequencies in increments of at least 45. Smaller degree increments are possible depending on the frequency and divide parameters. Clock Multiplication and Division Each Stratix II PLL provides clock synthesis for PLL output ports using m/(n × post-scale counter) scaling factors. The input clock is divided by a pre-scale factor, n, and is then multiplied by the m feedback factor. The control loop drives the VCO to match fIN (m/n). Each output port has a unique post-scale counter that divides down the high-frequency VCO. For multiple PLL outputs with different frequencies, the VCO is set to the least common multiple of the output frequencies that meets its frequency specifications. For example, if output frequencies required from one PLL are 33 and 66 MHz, then the Quartus II software sets the VCO to 660 MHz (the least common multiple of 33 and 66 MHz within the VCO range). Then, the post-scale counters scale down the VCO frequency for each output port. There is one pre-scale counter, n, and one multiply counter, m, per PLL, with a range of 1 to 512 for both m and n in enhanced PLLs. For fast PLLs, m ranges from 1 to 32 while n ranges from 1 to 4. There are six generic post-scale counters in enhanced PLLs that can feed regional clocks, global clocks, or external clock outputs, all ranging from 1 to 512 with a 50% duty cycle setting for each PLL. The post-scale counters range from 1 to 256 with any non-50% duty cycle setting. In fast PLLs, there are four post-scale counters (C0, C1, C2, C3) for the regional and global clock output ports. All post-scale counters range from 1 to 32 with a 50% duty cycle setting. For non-50% duty cycle clock outputs, the post-scale counters range from 1 to 16. If the design uses a high-speed I/O interface, you can connect the dedicated dffioclk clock output port to allow the high-speed VCO frequency to drive the serializer/deserializer (SERDES). 1–26 Stratix II Device Handbook, Volume 2 Altera Corporation July 2009 PLLs in Stratix II and Stratix II GX Devices The Quartus II software automatically chooses the appropriate scaling factors according to the input frequency, multiplication, and division values entered into the altpll megafunction. Phase-Shift Implementation Phase shift is used to implement a robust solution for clock delays in Stratix II and Stratix II GX devices. Phase shift is implemented by using a combination of the VCO phase output and the counter starting time. The VCO phase output and counter starting time is the most accurate method of inserting delays, since it is purely based on counter settings, which are independent of process, voltage, and temperature. 1 Stratix II and Stratix II GX PLLs do not support programmable delay elements because these delay elements require considerable area on the die and are sensitive to process, voltage, and temperature. You can phase shift the output clocks from the Stratix II or Stratix II GX enhanced PLL in either: ■ ■ Fine resolution using VCO phase taps Coarse resolution using counter starting time The VCO phase tap and counter starting time is implemented by allowing any of the output counters (C[5..0] or m) to use any of the eight phases of the VCO as the reference clock. This allows you to adjust the delay time with a fine resolution. The minimum delay time that you can insert using this method is defined by: Φfine = N 1 1 T = = 8fVCO 8MfREF 8 VCO where fREF is input reference clock frequency. For example, if fREF is 100 MHz, n is 1, and m is 8, then fVCO is 800 MHz and fINE equals 156.25 ps. This phase shift is defined by the PLL operating frequency, which is governed by the reference clock frequency and the counter settings. You can also delay the start of the counters for a predetermined number of counter clocks. You can express phase shift as: Φcoarse = Altera Corporation July 2009 C − 1 (C − 1)N = fVco MfREF 1–27 Stratix II Device Handbook, Volume 2 Hardware Features where C is the count value set for the counter delay time, (this is the initial setting in the PLL usage section of the compilation report in the Quartus II software). If the initial value is 1, C – 1 = 0° phase shift. Figure 1–14 shows an example of phase shift insertion using the fine resolution using VCO phase taps method. The eight phases from the VCO are shown and labeled for reference. For this example, CLK0 is based off the 0 phase from the VCO and has the C value for the counter set to one. The CLK1 signal is divided by four, two VCO clocks for high time and two VCO clocks for low time. CLK1 is based off the 135 phase tap from the VCO and also has the C value for the counter set to one. The CLK1 signal is also divided by 4. In this case, the two clocks are offset by 3 FINE. CLK2 is based off the 0phase from the VCO but has the C value for the counter set to three. This creates a delay of 2 COARSE, (two complete VCO periods). Figure 1–14. Delay Insertion Using VCO Phase Output and Counter Delay Time 1/8 tVCO tVCO 0 45 90 135 180 225 270 315 CLK0 td0-1 CLK1 td0-2 CLK2 You can use the coarse and fine phase shifts as described above to implement clock delays in Stratix II and Stratix II GX devices. The phase-shift parameters are set in the Quartus II software. 1–28 Stratix II Device Handbook, Volume 2 Altera Corporation July 2009 PLLs in Stratix II and Stratix II GX Devices Programmable Duty Cycle The programmable duty cycle allows enhanced and fast PLLs to generate clock outputs with a variable duty cycle. This feature is supported on each enhanced and fast PLL post-scale counter C[]. The duty cycle setting is achieved by a low and high time count setting for the post-scale counters. The Quartus II software uses the frequency input and the required multiply or divide rate to determine the duty cycle choices. The post-scale counter value determines the precision of the duty cycle. The precision is defined by 50% divided by the post-scale counter value. The closest value to 100% is not achievable for a given counter value. For example, if the C0 counter is ten, then steps of 5% are possible for duty cycle choices between 5 to 90%. If the device uses external feedback, you must set the duty cycle for the counter driving the fbin pin to 50%. Combining the programmable duty cycle with programmable phase shift allows the generation of precise non-overlapping clocks. Advanced Clear and Enable Control There are several control signals for clearing and enabling PLLs and their outputs. You can use these signals to control PLL resynchronization and gate PLL output clocks for low-power applications. Enhanced Lock Detect Circuit The lock output indicates that the PLL has locked onto the reference clock. Without any additional circuitry, the lock signal may toggle as the PLL begins tracking the reference clock. You may need to gate the lock signal for use as a system control. Either a gated lock signal or an ungated lock signal from the locked port can drive the logic array or an output pin. The Stratix II and Stratix II GX enhanced and fast PLLs include a programmable counter that holds the lock signal low for a user-selected number of input clock transitions. This allows the PLL to lock before enabling the lock signal. You can use the Quartus II software to set the 20-bit counter value. Altera Corporation July 2009 1–29 Stratix II Device Handbook, Volume 2 Hardware Features Figure 1–15 shows the timing waveform for the lock and gated lock signals. Figure 1–15. Timing Waveform for Lock and Gated Lock Signals PLL_ENA Reference Clock Feedback Clock Lock Filter Counter Reaches Value Count Gated Lock The device resets and enables both the counter and the PLL simultaneously when the pllena signal is asserted or the areset signal is de-asserted. Enhanced PLLs and fast PLLs support this feature. To ensure correct circuit operation, and to ensure that the output clocks have the correct phase relationship with respect to the input clock, Altera recommends that the input clock be running before the Stratix II device is finished configuring. PLL_ENA The PLL_ENA pin is a dedicated pin that enables or disables all PLLs on the Stratix II or Stratix II GX device. When the PLL_ENA pin is low, the clock output ports are driven low and all the PLLs go out of lock. When the PLL_ENA pin goes high again, the PLLs relock and resynchronize to the input clocks. You can choose which PLLs are controlled by the pllena signal by connecting the pllena input port of the altpll megafunction to the common PLL_ENA input pin. Also, whenever the PLL loses lock for any reason (be it excessive inclk jitter, clock switchover, PLL reconfiguration, power supply noise, etc.), the PLL must be reset with the areset signal to guarantee correct phase relationship between the PLL output clocks. If the phase relationship between the input clock versus output clock, and between different output clocks from the PLL is not important in your design, the PLL need not be reset. 1–30 Stratix II Device Handbook, Volume 2 Altera Corporation July 2009 PLLs in Stratix II and Stratix II GX Devices The level of the VCCSEL pin selects the PLL_ENA input buffer power. Therefore, if VCCSEL is high, the PLL_ENA pin’s 1.8/1.5-V input buffer is powered by VCCIO of the bank that PLL_ENA resides in. If VCCSEL is low (GND), the PLL_ENA pin’s 3.3/2.5-V input buffer is powered by VCCPD. f For more information about the VCCSEL pin, refer to the Configuring Stratix II and Stratix II GX Devices chapter in volume 2 of the Stratix II GX Device Handbook (or the Stratix II Device Handbook). pfdena The pfdena signals control the phase frequency detector (PFD) output with a programmable gate. If you disable the PFD, the VCO operates at its last set value of control voltage and frequency with some long-term drift to a lower frequency. The system continues running when the PLL goes out of lock or the input clock is disabled. By maintaining the last locked frequency, the system has time to store its current settings before shutting down. You can either use your own control signal or clkloss or gated locked status signals, to trigger pfdena. areset The areset signal is the reset or resynchronization input for each PLL. The device input pins or internal logic can drive these input signals. When driven high, the PLL counters reset, clearing the PLL output and placing the PLL out of lock. The VCO is set back to its nominal setting (~700 MHz). When driven low again, the PLL will resynchronize to its input as it relocks. If the target VCO frequency is below this nominal frequency, then the output frequency starts at a higher value than desired as the PLL locks. The areset signal should be asserted every time the PLL loses lock to guarantee correct phase relationship between the PLL input clock and output clocks. Users should include the areset signal in designs if any of the following conditions are true: ■ ■ ■ 1 Altera Corporation July 2009 PLL reconfiguration or clock switchover enabled in the design. Phase relationships between the PLL input clock and output clocks need to be maintained after a loss of lock condition. If the input clock to the PLL is not toggling or is unstable upon power up, assert the areset signal after the input clock is toggling, making sure to stay within the input jitter specification. Altera recommends that you use the areset and locked signals in your designs to control and observe the status of your PLL. 1–31 Stratix II Device Handbook, Volume 2 Advanced Features clkena If the system cannot tolerate the higher output frequencies when using pfdena higher value, the clkena signals can disable the output clocks until the PLL locks. The clkena signals control the regional, global, and external clock outputs. The clkena signals are registered on the falling edge of the counter output clock to enable or disable the clock without glitches. See Figure 1–56 in the “Clock Control Block” section on page 1–86 of this document for more information about the clkena signals. Advanced Features Stratix II and Stratix II GX PLLs offer a variety of advanced features, such as counter cascading, clock switchover, PLL reconfiguration, reconfigurable bandwidth, and spread-spectrum clocking. Table 1–14 shows which advanced features are available in which type of Stratix II or Stratix II GX PLL. Table 1–14. Stratix II and Stratix II GX PLL Advanced Features Availability Advanced Feature Enhanced PLLs Fast PLLs (1) Counter cascading v Clock switchover v v PLL reconfiguration v v Reconfigurable bandwidth v v Spread-spectrum clocking v Note to Table 1–14: (1) Stratix II and Stratix II GX fast PLLs only support manual clock switchover, not automatic clock switchover. Counter Cascading The Stratix II and Stratix II GX enhanced PLL supports counter cascading to create post-scale counters larger than 512. This is implemented by feeding the output of one counter into the input of the next counter in a cascade chain, as shown in Figure 1–16. 1–32 Stratix II Device Handbook, Volume 2 Altera Corporation July 2009 PLLs in Stratix II and Stratix II GX Devices Figure 1–16. Counter Cascading VCO Output VCO Output VCO Output C0 C1 C2 VCO Output C3 VCO Output C4 VCO Output C5 When cascading counters to implement a larger division of the high-frequency VCO clock, the cascaded counters behave as one counter with the product of the individual counter settings. For example, if C0 = 4 and C1 = 2, then the cascaded value is C0 × C1 = 8. 1 The Stratix II and Stratix II GX fast PLLs does not support counter cascading. Counter cascading is set in the configuration file, meaning they can not be cascaded using PLL reconfiguration. Clock Switchover The clock switchover feature allows the PLL to switch between two reference input clocks. Use this feature for clock redundancy or for a dual clock domain application such as in a system that turns on the redundant clock if the primary clock stops running. The design can perform clock switchover automatically, when the clock is no longer toggling, or based on a user control signal, clkswitch. 1 Enhanced PLLs support both automatic and manual switchover, while fast PLLs only support manual switchover. Automatic Clock Switchover Stratix II and Stratix II GX device PLLs support a fully configurable clock switchover capability. Figure 1–17 shows the block diagram of the switch-over circuit built into the enhanced PLL. When the primary clock signal is not present, the clock sense block automatically switches from Altera Corporation July 2009 1–33 Stratix II Device Handbook, Volume 2 Advanced Features the primary to the secondary clock for PLL reference. The design sends out the clk0_bad, clk1_bad, and the clk_loss signals from the PLL to implement a custom switchover circuit. Figure 1–17. Automatic Clock Switchover Circuit Block Diagram clk0_bad clksw clk0_bad Activeclock clkloss Switch-Over State Machine Clock Sense clkswitch Provides manual switchover support. inclk0 n Counter inclk1 muxout PFD refclk fbclk There are two possible ways to use the clock switchover feature. ■ Use the switchover circuitry for switching from a primary to secondary input of the same frequency. For example, in applications that require a redundant clock with the same frequency as the primary clock, the switchover state machine generates a signal that controls the multiplexer select input shown on the bottom of Figure 1–17. In this case, the secondary clock becomes the reference clock for the PLL. This automatic switchover feature only works for switching from the primary to secondary clock. ■ Use the CLKSWITCH input for user- or system-controlled switch conditions. This is possible for same-frequency switchover or to switch between inputs of different frequencies. For example, if inclk0 is 66 MHz and inclk1 is 100 MHz, you must control the switchover because the automatic clock-sense circuitry cannot monitor primary and secondary clock frequencies with a frequency difference of more than 20%. This feature is useful when clock sources can originate from multiple cards on the backplane, requiring a system-controlled switchover between frequencies of operation. You should choose the secondary clock frequency so the 1–34 Stratix II Device Handbook, Volume 2 Altera Corporation July 2009 PLLs in Stratix II and Stratix II GX Devices VCO operates within the recommended range of 500 to 1,000 MHz. You should also set the m and n counters accordingly to keep the VCO operating frequency in the recommended range. Figure 1–18 shows an example waveform of the switchover feature when using the automatic clkloss detection. Here, the inclk0 signal gets stuck low. After the inclk0 signal is stuck at low for approximately two clock cycles, the clock sense circuitry drives the clk0_bad signal high. Also, because the reference clock signal is not toggling, the clk_loss signal goes low, indicating a switch condition. Then, the switchover state machine controls the multiplexer through the clksw signal to switch to the secondary clock. Altera Corporation July 2009 1–35 Stratix II Device Handbook, Volume 2 Advanced Features Figure 1–18. Automatic Switchover Upon Clock Loss Detection inclk0 inclk1 (1) (2) muxout refclk fbclk clk0bad (3) (4) clk1bad lock activeclock clkloss PLL Clock Output Notes to Figure 1–18: (1) (2) (3) (4) The number of clock edges before allowing switchover is determined by the counter setting. Switchover is enabled on the falling edge of INCLK1. The rising edge of FBCLK causes the VCO frequency to decrease. The rising edge of REFCLK starts the PLL lock process again, and the VCO frequency increases. 1–36 Stratix II Device Handbook, Volume 2 Altera Corporation July 2009 PLLs in Stratix II and Stratix II GX Devices The switch-over state machine has two counters that count the edges of the primary and the secondary clocks; counter0 counts the number of inclk0 edges and counter1 counts the number of inclk1 edges. The counters get reset to zero when the count values reach 1, 1; 1, 2; 2, 1; or 2, 2 for inclock0 and inclock1, respectively. For example, if counter0 counts two edges, its count is set to two and if counter1 counts two edges before the counter0 sees another edge, they are both reset to 0. If for some reason one of the counters counts to three, it means the other clock missed an edge. The clkbad0 or clkbad1 signal goes high, and the switchover circuitry signals a switch condition. See Figure 1–19. Figure 1–19. Clock-Edge Detection for Switchover Reset Count of three on single clock indicates other missed edge. inclk0 inclk1 clkbad0 Manual Override When using automatic switchover, you can switch input clocks by using the manual override feature with the clkswitch input. 1 The manual override feature available in automatic clock switchover is different from manual clock switchover. Figure 1–20 shows an example of a waveform illustrating the switchover feature when controlled by clkswitch. In this case, both clock sources are functional and inclk0 is selected as the primary clock. clkswitch goes high, which starts the switchover sequence. On the falling edge of inclk0, the counter’s reference clock, muxout, is gated off to prevent any clock glitching. On the falling edge of inclk1, the reference clock multiplexer switches from inclk0 to inclk1 as the PLL reference and the activeclock signal changes to indicate which clock is selected as primary and which is secondary. The clkloss signal mirrors the clkswitch signal and activeclock mirrors clksw in this mode. Since both clocks are still functional during the manual switch, neither clk_bad signal goes high. Since the Altera Corporation July 2009 1–37 Stratix II Device Handbook, Volume 2 Advanced Features switchover circuit is edge-sensitive, the falling edge of the clkswitch signal does not cause the circuit to switch back from inclk1 to inclk0. When the clkswitch signal goes high again, the process repeats. clkswitch and automatic switch only work if the clock being switched to is available. If the clock is not available, the state machine waits until the clock is available. Figure 1–20. Clock Switchover Using the CLKSWITCH Control Note (1) inclk0 inclk1 muxout clkswitch activeclock clkloss clk0bad clk1bad Note to Figure 1–20: (1) Both inclk0 and inclk1 must be running when the clkswitch signal goes high to initiate a manual clock switchover event. Failing to meet this requirement causes the clock switchover to not function properly. Figure 1–21 shows a simulation of using switchover for two different reference frequencies. In this example simulation, the reference clock is either 100 or 66 MHz. The PLL begins with fIN = 100 MHz and is allowed to lock. At 20 s, the clock is switched to the secondary clock, which is at 66 MHz. 1–38 Stratix II Device Handbook, Volume 2 Altera Corporation July 2009 PLLs in Stratix II and Stratix II GX Devices Figure 1–21. Switchover Simulation Note (1) 10 9 8 7 6 PLL Output 5 Frequency (x10 MHz) 4 3 2 1 0 0 5 10 15 20 25 30 35 40 Time (μs) Note to Figure 1–21: (1) This simulation was performed under the following conditions: the n counter is set to 2, the m counter is set to 16, and the output counter is set to 8. Therefore, the VCO operates at 800 MHz for the 100-MHz input references and at 528 MHz for the 66-MHz reference input. Lock Signal-Based Switchover The lock circuitry can initiate the automatic switchover. This is useful for cases where the input clock is still clocking, but its characteristics have changed so that the PLL is not locked to it. The switchover enable is based on both the gated and ungated lock signals. If the ungated lock is low, the switchover is not enabled until the gated lock has reached its terminal count. You must activate the switchover enable if the gated lock is high, but the ungated lock goes low. The switchover timing for this mode is similar to the waveform shown in Figure 1–20 for clkswitch control, except the switchover enable replaces clkswitch. Figure 1–17 shows the switchover enable circuit when controlled by lock and gated lock. Figure 1–22. Switchover Enable Circuit Lock Gated Lock Altera Corporation July 2009 Switchover Enable 1–39 Stratix II Device Handbook, Volume 2 Advanced Features Manual Clock Switchover Stratix II and Stratix II GX enhanced and fast PLLs support manual switchover, where the clkswitch signal controls whether inclk0 or inclk1 is the input clock to the PLL. If clkswitch is low, then inclk0 is selected; if clkswitch is high, then inclk1 is selected. Figure 1–23 shows the block diagram of the manual switchover circuit in fast PLLs. The block diagram of the manual switchover circuit in enhanced PLLs is shown in Figure 1–23. Figure 1–23. Manual Clock Switchover Circuitry in Fast PLLs clkswitch inclk0 n Counter PFD inclk1 muxout refclk fbclk Figure 1–24 shows an example of a waveform illustrating the switchover feature when controlled by clkswitch. In this case, both clock sources are functional and inclk0 is selected as the primary clock. clkswitch goes high, which starts the switch-over sequence. On the falling edge of inclk0, the counter’s reference clock, muxout, is gated off to prevent any clock glitching. On the rising edge of inclk1, the reference clock multiplex switches from inclk0 to inclk1 as the PLL reference. When the clkswitch signal goes low, the process repeats, causing the circuit to switch back from inclk1 to inclk0. 1–40 Stratix II Device Handbook, Volume 2 Altera Corporation July 2009 PLLs in Stratix II and Stratix II GX Devices Figure 1–24. Manual Switchover Note (1) inclk0 inclk1 muxout clkswitch Note to Figure 1–24: (1) Both inclk0 and inclk1 must be running when the clkswitch signal goes high to initiate a manual clock switchover event. Failing to meet this requirement causes the clock switchover to not function properly. Software Support Table 1–15 summarizes the signals used for clock switchover. Table 1–15. altpll Megafunction Clock Switchover Signals Port (Part 1 of 2) Description Source Destination inclk0 Reference clk0 to the PLL. I/O pin Clock switchover circuit inclk1 Reference clk1 to the PLL. I/O pin Clock switchover circuit clkbad0(1) Signal indicating that inclk0 is no longer Clock switchover toggling. circuit Logic array clkbad1(1) Signal indicating that inclk1 is no longer Clock switchover toggling. circuit Logic array clkswitch Switchover signal used to initiate clock Logic array or I/O pin switchover asynchronously. When used in manual switchover, clkswitch is used as a select signal between inclk0 and inclk1 clswitch = 0 inclk0 is selected and vice versa. Clock switchover circuit clkloss(1) Signal indicating that the switchover circuit detected a switch condition. Clock switchover circuit Logic array locked Signal indicating that the PLL has lost lock. PLL Clock switchover circuit Altera Corporation July 2009 1–41 Stratix II Device Handbook, Volume 2 Advanced Features Table 1–15. altpll Megafunction Clock Switchover Signals Port (Part 2 of 2) Description activeclock(1) Signal to indicate which clock (0 = PLL inclk0, 1= inclk1) is driving the PLL. Source Destination Logic array Note for Table 1–15: (1) These ports are only available for enhanced PLLs and in auto mode and when using automatic switchover. All the switchover ports shown in Table 1–15 are supported in the altpll megafunction in the Quartus II software. The altpll megafunction supports two methods for clock switchover: ■ ■ When selecting an enhanced PLL, you can enable both the automatic and the manual switchover, making all the clock switchover ports available. When selecting a fast PLL, you can use only enable the manual clock switchover option to select between inclk0 or inclk1. The clkloss, activeclock and the clkbad0, and clkbad1 signals are not available when manual switchover is selected. If the primary and secondary clock frequencies are different, the Quartus II software selects the proper parameters to keep the VCO within the recommended frequency range. f For more information about PLL software support in the Quartus II software, see the altpll Megafunction User Guide. Guidelines Use the following guidelines to design with clock switchover in PLLs. ■ When using automatic switchover, the clkswitch signal has a minimum pulse width based on the two reference clock periods. The CLKSWITCH pulse width must be greater than or equal to the period of the current reference clock (tfrom_clk) multiplied by two plus the rounded-up version of the ratio of the two reference clock periods. For example, if tto_clk is equal to tfrom_clk, then the CLKSWITCH pulse width should be at least three times the period of the clock pulse. tCLKSWITCHCHmin tfrom_clk [2 + intround_up (tto_clk tfrom_clk)] 1–42 Stratix II Device Handbook, Volume 2 Altera Corporation July 2009 PLLs in Stratix II and Stratix II GX Devices ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ Applications that require a clock switchover feature and a small frequency drift should use a low-bandwidth PLL. The low-bandwidth PLL reacts slower than a high-bandwidth PLL to reference input clock changes. When the switchover happens, a low-bandwidth PLL propagates the stopping of the clock to the output slower than a high-bandwidth PLL. A low-bandwidth PLL filters out jitter on the reference clock. However, be aware that the low-bandwidth PLL also increases lock time. Stratix II and Stratix II GX device PLLs can use both the automatic clock switchover and the clkswitch input simultaneously. Therefore, the switchover circuitry can automatically switch from the primary to the secondary clock. Once the primary clock stabilizes again, the clkswitch signal can switch back to the primary clock. During switchover, the PLL_VCO continues to run and slows down, generating frequency drift on the PLL outputs. The clkswitch signal controls switchover with its rising edge only. If the clock switchover event is glitch-free, after the switch occurs, there is still a finite resynchronization period to lock onto a new clock as the VCO ramps up. The exact amount of time it takes for the PLL to relock is dependent on the PLL configuration. Use the PLL programmable bandwidth feature to adjust the relock time. If the phase relationship between the input clock to the PLL and output clock from the PLL is important in your design, assert areset for 10ns after performing a clock switchover. Wait for the locked signal (or gated lock) to go high before re-enabling the output clocks from the PLL. Figure 1–25 shows how the VCO frequency gradually decreases when the primary clock is lost and then increases as the VCO locks on to the secondary clock. After the VCO locks on to the secondary clock, some overshoot can occur (an over-frequency condition) in the VCO frequency. Figure 1–25. VCO Switchover Operating Frequency Primary Clock Stops Running Frequency Overshoot Switchover Occurs ΔFvco Altera Corporation July 2009 VCO Tracks Secondary Clock 1–43 Stratix II Device Handbook, Volume 2 Reconfigurable Bandwidth ■ ■ Reconfigurable Bandwidth Disable the system during switchover if it is not tolerant to frequency variations during the PLL resynchronization period. There are two ways to disable the system. First, the system may require some time to stop before switchover occurs. The switchover circuitry includes an optional five-bit counter to delay when the reference clock is switched. You have the option to control the time-out setting on this counter (up to 32 cycles of latency) before the clock source switches. You can use these cycles for disaster recovery. The clock output frequency varies slightly during those 32 cycles since the VCO can still drift without an input clock. Programmable bandwidth can control the PLL response to limit drift during this 32 cycle period. A second option available is the ability to use the PFD enable signal (pfdena) along with user-defined control logic. In this case you can use clk0_bad and clk1_bad status signals to turn off the PFD so the VCO maintains its last frequency. You can also use the state machine to switch over to the secondary clock. Upon re-enabling the PFD, output clock enable signals (clkena) can disable clock outputs during the switchover and resynchronization period. Once the lock indication is stable, the system can re-enable the output clock(s). Stratix II and Stratix II GX enhanced and fast PLLs provide advanced control of the PLL bandwidth using the PLL loop’s programmable characteristics, including loop filter and charge pump. Background PLL bandwidth is the measure of the PLL’s ability to track the input clock and jitter. The closed-loop gain 3-dB frequency in the PLL determines the PLL bandwidth. The bandwidth is approximately the unity gain point for open loop PLL response. As Figure 1–26 shows, these points correspond to approximately the same frequency. 1–44 Stratix II Device Handbook, Volume 2 Altera Corporation July 2009 PLLs in Stratix II and Stratix II GX Devices Figure 1–26. Open- and Closed-Loop Response Bode Plots Open-Loop Reponse Bode Plot Increasing the PLL's bandwidth in effect pushes the open loop response out. 0 dB Gain Frequency Closed-Loop Reponse Bode Plot Gain Frequency A high-bandwidth PLL provides a fast lock time and tracks jitter on the reference clock source, passing it through to the PLL output. A low-bandwidth PLL filters out reference clock, but increases lock time. Stratix II and Stratix II GX enhanced and fast PLLs allow you to control the bandwidth over a finite range to customize the PLL characteristics for a particular application. The programmable bandwidth feature in Stratix II and Stratix II GX PLLs benefits applications requiring clock switchover (e.g., TDMA frequency hopping wireless, and redundant clocking). Altera Corporation July 2009 1–45 Stratix II Device Handbook, Volume 2 Reconfigurable Bandwidth The bandwidth and stability of such a system is determined by the charge pump current, the loop filter resistor value, the high-frequency capacitor value (in the loop filter), and the m-counter value. You can use the Quartus II software to control these factors and to set the bandwidth to the desired value within a given range. You can set the bandwidth to the appropriate value to balance the need for jitter filtering and lock time. Figures 1–27 and 1–28 show the output of a low- and high-bandwidth PLL, respectively, as it locks onto the input clock. Figure 1–27. Low-Bandwidth PLL Lock Time 160 155 Lock Time = 8 μs 150 145 Frequency (MHz) 140 135 130 125 120 0 5 10 15 Time (μs) 1–46 Stratix II Device Handbook, Volume 2 Altera Corporation July 2009 PLLs in Stratix II and Stratix II GX Devices Figure 1–28. High-Bandwidth PLL Lock Time 160 155 Lock Time = 4 μs 150 145 Frequency (MHz) 140 135 130 125 120 0 0.5 1.0 1.5 2.0 2.5 3.0 3.5 4.0 4.5 Time (μs) A high-bandwidth PLL can benefit a system that has two cascaded PLLs. If the first PLL uses spread spectrum (as user-induced jitter), the second PLL can track the jitter that is feeding it by using a high-bandwidth setting. A low-bandwidth PLL can, in this case, lose lock due to the spread-spectrum-induced jitter on the input clock. A low-bandwidth PLL benefits a system using clock switchover. When the clock switchover happens, the PLL input temporarily stops. A low-bandwidth PLL would react more slowly to changes to its input clock and take longer to drift to a lower frequency (caused by the input stopping) than a high-bandwidth PLL. Figures 1–29 and 1–30 demonstrate this property. The two plots show the effects of clock switchover with a low- or high-bandwidth PLL. When the clock switchover happens, the output of the low-bandwidth PLL (see Figure 1–29) drifts to a lower frequency more slowly than the high-bandwidth PLL output (see Figure 1–30). Altera Corporation July 2009 1–47 Stratix II Device Handbook, Volume 2 5.0 Reconfigurable Bandwidth Figure 1–29. Effect of Low Bandwidth on Clock Switchover 164 162 160 158 Frequency (MHz) Input Clock Stops Re-lock 156 Initial Lock 154 152 Switchover 150 0 5 10 15 20 25 30 35 Time (μs) 1–48 Stratix II Device Handbook, Volume 2 Altera Corporation July 2009 40 PLLs in Stratix II and Stratix II GX Devices Figure 1–30. Effect of High Bandwidth on Clock Switchover 160 Input Clock Stops Re-lock 155 Initial Lock 150 145 Frequency (MHz) 140 135 Switchover 130 125 0 2 4 6 8 10 12 14 16 18 Time (μs) Implementation Traditionally, external components such as the VCO or loop filter control a PLL’s bandwidth. Most loop filters are made up of passive components such as resistors and capacitors that take up unnecessary board space and increase cost. With Stratix II and Stratix II GX PLLs, all the components are contained within the device to increase performance and decrease cost. Stratix II and Stratix II GX device PLLs implement reconfigurable bandwidth by giving you control of the charge pump current and loop filter resistor (R) and high-frequency capacitor CH values (see Table 1–16). The Stratix II and Stratix II GX device enhanced PLL bandwidth ranges from 130 kHz to 16.9 MHz. The Stratix II and Stratix II GX device fast PLL bandwidth ranges from 1.16 to 28 MHz. Altera Corporation July 2009 1–49 Stratix II Device Handbook, Volume 2 20 Reconfigurable Bandwidth The charge pump current directly affects the PLL bandwidth. The higher the charge pump current, the higher the PLL bandwidth. You can choose from a fixed set of values for the charge pump current. Figure 1–31 shows the loop filter and the components that can be set through the Quartus II software. The components are the loop filter resistor, R, and the high frequency capacitor, CH, and the charge pump current, IUP or IDN. Figure 1–31. Loop Filter Programmable Components IUP PFD R Ch IDN C Software Support The Quartus II software provides two levels of bandwidth control. Megafunction-Based Bandwidth Setting The first level of programmable bandwidth allows you to enter a value for the desired bandwidth directly into the Quartus II software using the altpll megafunction. You can also set the bandwidth parameter in the altpll megafunction to the desired bandwidth. The Quartus II software selects the best bandwidth parameters available to match your bandwidth request. If the individual bandwidth setting request is not available, the Quartus II software selects the closest achievable value. Advanced Bandwidth Setting An advanced level of control is also possible using advanced loop filter parameters. You can dynamically change the charge pump current, loop filter resistor value, and the loop filter (high frequency) capacitor value. 1–50 Stratix II Device Handbook, Volume 2 Altera Corporation July 2009 PLLs in Stratix II and Stratix II GX Devices The parameters for these changes are: charge_pump_current, loop_filter_r, and loop_filter_c. Each parameter supports the specific range of values listed in Table 1–16. Table 1–16. Advanced Loop Filter Parameters Parameter Values Resistor values (k) (1) High-frequency capacitance values (pF) (1) Charge pump current settings ( (1) Note to Table 1–16: (1) f PLL Reconfiguration f SpreadSpectrum Clocking For more information, see AN 367: Implementing PLL Reconfiguration in Stratix II Devices. For more information about Quartus II software support of reconfigurable bandwidth, see the Design Example: Dynamic PLL Reconfiguration section in volume 3, Verification, of the Quartus II Development Software Handbook. PLLs use several divide counters and different VCO phase taps to perform frequency synthesis and phase shifts. In Stratix II and Stratix II GX enhanced and fast PLLs, the counter value and phase are configurable in real time. In addition, you can change the loop filter and charge pump components, which affect the PLL bandwidth, on the fly. You can control these PLL components to update the output clock frequency, PLL bandwidth, and phase-shift variation in real time, without the need to reconfigure the entire FPGA. For more information about PLL reconfiguration, see AN 367: Implementing PLL Reconfiguration in Stratix II Devices. Digital clocks are square waves with short rise times and a 50% duty cycle. These high-speed clocks concentrate a significant amount of energy in a narrow bandwidth at the target frequency and at the higher frequency harmonics. This results in high energy peaks and increased electromagnetic interference (EMI). The radiated noise from the energy peaks travels in free air and, if not minimized, can lead to corrupted data and intermittent system errors, which can jeopardize system reliability. Traditional methods for limiting EMI include shielding, filtering, and multi-layer printed circuit boards (PCBs). However, these methods significantly increase the overall system cost and sometimes are not Altera Corporation July 2009 1–51 Stratix II Device Handbook, Volume 2 Spread-Spectrum Clocking enough to meet EMI compliance. Spread-spectrum technology provides you with a simple and effective technique for reducing EMI without additional cost and the trouble of re-designing a board. Spread-spectrum technology modulates the target frequency over a small range. For example, if a 100-MHz signal has a 0.5% down-spread modulation, then the frequency is swept from 99.5 to 100 MHz. Figure 1–32 gives a graphical representation of the energy present in a spread-spectrum signal vs. a non-spread spectrum-signal. It is apparent that instead of concentrating the energy at the target frequency, the energy is re-distributed across a wider band of frequencies, which reduces peak energy. Not only is there a reduction in the fundamental peak EMI components, but there is also a reduction in EMI of the higher order harmonics. Since some regulations focus on peak EMI emissions, rather than average EMI emissions, spread-spectrum technology is a valuable method of EMI reduction. Figure 1–32. Spread-Spectrum Signal Energy Versus Non-Spread-Spectrum Signal Energy Spread-Spectrum Signal Non-Spread-Spectrum Signal Δ = ~5 dB Amplitude (dB) δ = 0.5% Frequency (MHz) Spread-spectrum technology would benefit a design with high EMI emissions and/or strict EMI requirements. Device-generated EMI is dependent on frequency and output voltage swing amplitude and edge rate. For example, a design using LVDS already has low EMI emissions 1–52 Stratix II Device Handbook, Volume 2 Altera Corporation July 2009 PLLs in Stratix II and Stratix II GX Devices because of the low-voltage swing. The differential LVDS signal also allows for EMI rejection within the signal. Therefore, this situation may not require spread-spectrum technology. 1 Spread-spectrum clocking is only supported in Stratix II enhanced PLLs, not fast PLLs. Implementation Stratix II and Stratix II GX device enhanced PLLs feature spread-spectrum technology to reduce the EMIs emitted from the device. The enhanced PLL provides approximately 0.5% down spread using a triangular, also known as linear, modulation profile. The modulation frequency is programmable and ranges from approximately 30 kHz to 150 kHz. The spread percentage is based on the clock input to the PLL and the m and n settings. Spread-spectrum technology reduces the peak energy by four to six dB at the target frequency. However, this number is dependent on bandwidth and the m and n counter values and can vary from design to design. Spread percentage, also known as modulation width, is defined as the percentage that the design modulates the target frequency. A negative (–) percentage indicates a down spread, a positive (+) percentage indicates an up spread, and a ( ) indicates a center spread. Modulation frequency is the frequency of the spreading signal, or how fast the signal sweeps from the minimum to the maximum frequency. Down-spread modulation shifts the target frequency down by half the spread percentage, centering the modulated waveforms on a new target frequency. The m and n counter values are toggled at the same time between two fixed values. The loop filter then slowly changes the VCO frequency to provide the spreading effect, which results in a triangular modulation. An additional spread-spectrum counter (shown in Figure 1–33) sets the modulation frequency. Figure 1–33 shows how spread-spectrum technology is implemented in the Stratix II and Stratix II GX device enhanced PLL. Altera Corporation July 2009 1–53 Stratix II Device Handbook, Volume 2 Spread-Spectrum Clocking Figure 1–33. Stratix II and Stratix II GX Spread-Spectrum Circuit Block Diagram ÷n refclk Up PFD Down SpreadSpectrum Counter ÷m n count1 n count2 m count1 m count2 Figure 1–34 shows a VCO frequency waveform when toggling between different counter values. Since the enhanced PLL switches between two different m and n values, the result is a straight line between two frequencies, which gives a linear modulation. The magnitude of modulation is determined by the ratio of two m/n sets. The percent spread is determined by: percent spread = (fVCOmax - fVCOmin)/fVCOmax = 1 [(m2 × n1)/(m1 × n2)]. The maximum and minimum VCO frequency is defined as: fVCOmax = (m1/n1) × fREF fVCOmin = (m2/n2) × fREF Figure 1–34. VCO Frequency Modulation Waveform count2 values count1 values VCO Frequency 1–54 Stratix II Device Handbook, Volume 2 Altera Corporation July 2009 PLLs in Stratix II and Stratix II GX Devices Software Support You can enter the desired down-spread percentage and modulation frequency in the altpll megafunction through the Quartus II software. Alternatively, the downspread parameter in the altpll megafunction can be set to the desired down-spread percentage. Timing analysis ensures the design operates at the maximum spread frequency and meets all timing requirements. f For more information about PLL software support in the Quartus II software, see the altpll Megafunction User Guide. Guidelines If the design cascades PLLs, the source (upstream) PLL should have a low-bandwidth setting, while the destination (downstream) PLL should have a high-bandwidth setting. The upstream PLL must have a low-bandwidth setting because a PLL does not generate jitter higher than its bandwidth. The downstream PLL must have a high bandwidth setting to track the jitter. The design must use the spread-spectrum feature in a low-bandwidth PLL, and, therefore, the Quartus II software automatically sets the spread-spectrum PLL bandwidth to low. 1 If the programmable or reconfigurable bandwidth features are used, then you cannot use spread spectrum. Stratix II and Stratix II GX devices can accept a spread-spectrum input with typical modulation frequencies. However, the device cannot automatically detect that the input is a spread-spectrum signal. Instead, the input signal looks like deterministic jitter at the input of the downstream PLL. Spread spectrum can have a minor effect on the output clock by increasing the period jitter. Period jitter is the deviation of a clock’s cycle time from its previous cycle position. Period jitter measures the variation of the clock output transition from its ideal position over consecutive edges. With down-spread modulation, the peak of the modulated waveform is the actual target frequency. Therefore, the system never exceeds the maximum clock speed. To maintain reliable communication, the entire system and subsystem should use the Stratix II and Stratix II GX device as the clock source. Communication could fail if the Stratix II or Stratix II GX logic array is clocked by the spread-spectrum clock, but the data it receives from another device is not clocked by the spread spectrum. Altera Corporation July 2009 1–55 Stratix II Device Handbook, Volume 2 Board Layout Since spread spectrum affects the m counter values, all spread-spectrum PLL outputs are effected. Therefore, if only one spread-spectrum signal is needed, the clock signal should use a separate PLL without other outputs from that PLL. No special considerations are needed when using spread spectrum with the clock switchover feature. This is because the clock switchover feature does not affect the m and n counter values, which are the counter values switching when using spread spectrum. Board Layout The enhanced and fast PLL circuits in Stratix II and Stratix II GX devices contain analog components embedded in a digital device. These analog components have separate power and ground pins to minimize noise generated by the digital components. Stratix II and Stratix II GX enhanced and fast PLLs use separate VCC and ground pins to isolate circuitry and improve noise resistance. VCCA and GNDA Each enhanced and fast PLL uses separate VCC and ground pin pairs for their analog circuitry. The analog circuit power and ground pin for each PLL is called VCCA_PLL<PLL number> and GNDA_PLL<PLL number>. Connect the VCCA power pin to a 1.2-V power supply, even if you do not use the PLL. Isolate the power connected to VCCA from the power to the rest of the Stratix II or Stratix II GX device or any other digital device on the board. You can use one of three different methods of isolating the VCCA pin: separate VCCA power planes, a partitioned VCCA island within the VCCINT plane, and thick VCCA traces. Separate VCCA Power Plane A mixed signal system is already partitioned into analog and digital sections, each with its own power planes on the board. To isolate the VCCA pin using a separate VCCA power plane, connect the VCCA pin to the analog 1.2-V power plane. Partitioned VCCA Island Within VCCINT Plane Fully digital systems do not have a separate analog power plane on the board. Since it is expensive to add new planes to the board, you can create islands for VCCA_PLL. Figure 1–35 shows an example board layout with an analog power island. The dielectric boundary that creates the island should be 25 mils thick. Figure 1–36 shows a partitioned plane within VCCINT for VCCA. 1–56 Stratix II Device Handbook, Volume 2 Altera Corporation July 2009 PLLs in Stratix II and Stratix II GX Devices Figure 1–35. VCCINT Plane Partitioned for VCCA Island Thick VCCA Trace Because of board constraints, you may not be able to partition a VCCA island. Instead, run a thick trace from the power supply to each VCCA pin. The traces should be at least 20 mils thick. In each of these three cases, you should filter each VCCA_PLL pin with a decoupling circuit, as shown in Figure 1–36. Place a ferrite bead that exhibits high impedance at frequencies of 50 MHz or higher and a 10-F tantalum parallel capacitor where the power enters the board. Decouple each VCCA_PLL pin with a 0.1-F and 0.001-F parallel combination of ceramic capacitors located as close as possible to the Stratix II or Stratix II GX device. You can connect the GNDA_PLL pins directly to the same ground plane as the device’s digital ground. Altera Corporation July 2009 1–57 Stratix II Device Handbook, Volume 2 Board Layout Figure 1–36. PLL Power Schematic for Stratix II and Stratix II GX PLLs Ferrite Bead 1.2-V Supply 10 μF GND VCCA_PLL # (1) GNDA_PLL # (1) 0.001 μF 0.1 μF GND GND VCCINT VCCD_PLL # GND GND Repeat for Each PLL Power & Ground Set Stratix II Device Note to Figure 1–36 (1) Applies to PLLs 1 through 12. VCCD The digital power and ground pins are labeled VCCD_PLL<PLL number> and GND. The VCCD pin supplies the power for the digital circuitry in the PLL. Connect these VCCD pins to the quietest digital supply on the board. In most systems, this is the digital 1.2-V supply supplied to the device’s VCCINT pins. Connect the VCCD pins to a power supply even if you do not use the PLL. When connecting the VCCD pins to VCCINT, you do not need any filtering or isolation. You can connect the GND pins directly to the same ground plane as the device’s digital ground. See Figure 1–36. External Clock Output Power Enhanced PLLs 5, 6, 11, and 12 also have isolated power pins for their dedicated external clock outputs (VCC_PLL5_OUT, VCC_PLL6_OUT, VCC_PLL11_OUT and VCC_PLL12_OUT, respectively). Since the 1–58 Stratix II Device Handbook, Volume 2 Altera Corporation July 2009 PLLs in Stratix II and Stratix II GX Devices dedicated external clock outputs from a particular enhanced PLL are powered by separate power pins, they are less susceptible to noise. They also reduce the overall jitter of the output clock by providing improved isolation from switching I/O pins. 1 I/O pins that reside in PLL banks 9 through 12 are powered by the VCC_PLL<5, 6, 11, or 12>_OUT pins, respectively. The EP2S60F484, EP2S60F780, EP2S90H484, EP2S90F780, and EP2S130F780 devices do not support PLLs 11 and 12. Therefore, any I/O pins that reside in bank 11 are powered by the VCCIO3 pin, and any I/O pins that reside in bank 12 are powered by the VCCIO8 pin. The VCC_PLL_OUT pins can by powered by 3.3, 2.5, 1.8, or 1.5 V, depending on the I/O standard for the clock output from a particular enhanced PLL, as shown in Figure 1–37. Altera Corporation July 2009 1–59 Stratix II Device Handbook, Volume 2 Board Layout Figure 1–37. External Clock Output Pin Association with Output Power VCC_PLL5_OUT PLL5_OUT0p PLL5_OUT0n PLL5_OUT1p PLL5_OUT1n PLL5_OUT2p PLL5_OUT2n Filter each isolated power pin with a decoupling circuit shown in Figure 1–38. Decouple the isolated power pins with parallel combination of 0.1- and 0.001-Fceramic capacitors located as close as possible to the Stratix II or Stratix II GX device. 1–60 Stratix II Device Handbook, Volume 2 Altera Corporation July 2009 PLLs in Stratix II and Stratix II GX Devices Figure 1–38. Stratix II and Stratix II GX PLL External Clock Output Power Ball Connection Note (1) VCCIO Supply VCC_PLL#_OUT (1) 0.001 μF 0.1 μF GND GND VCC_PLL#_OUT (1) 0.001 μF 0.1 μF GND GND Stratix II or Stratix II GX Device Note to Figure 1–38: (1) Applies only to enhanced PLLs 5, 6, 11, and 12. Guidelines Use the following guidelines for optimal jitter performance on the external clock outputs from enhanced PLLs 5, 6, 11, and 12. If all outputs are running at the same frequency, these guidelines are not necessary to improve performance. ■ ■ Use phase shift to ensure edges are not coincident on all the clock outputs. Use phase shift to skew clock edges with respect to each other for best jitter performance. If you cannot drive multiple clocks of different frequencies and phase shifts or isolate banks, you should control the drive capability on the lower-frequency clock. Reducing how much current the output buffer has to supply can reduce the noise. Minimize capacitive load on the slower frequency output and configure the output buffer to lower current strength. The higher-frequency output should have an improved performance, but this may degrade the performance of your lowerfrequency clock output. Altera Corporation July 2009 1–61 Stratix II Device Handbook, Volume 2 PLL Specifications PLL Specifications f Clocking See the DC & Switching Characteristics chapter in volume 1 of the Stratix II GX Device Handbook (or the Stratix II Device Handbook) for information about PLL timing specifications Stratix II and Stratix II GX devices provide a hierarchical clock structure and multiple PLLs with advanced features. The large number of clocking resources in combination with the clock synthesis precision provided by enhanced and fast PLLs provides a complete clock-management solution. Global and Hierarchical Clocking Stratix II and Stratix II GX devices provide 16 dedicated global clock networks and 32 regional clock networks. These clocks are organized into a hierarchical clock structure that allows for 24 unique clock sources per device quadrant with low skew and delay. This hierarchical clocking scheme provides up to 48 unique clock domains within the entire Stratix II or Stratix II GX device. Table 1–17 lists the clock resources available on Stratix II devices. There are 16 dedicated clock pins (CLK[15..0]) on Stratix II and Stratix II GX devices to drive either the global or regional clock networks. Four clock pins drive each side of the Stratix II device, as shown in Figures 1–39 and 1–40. Enhanced and fast PLL outputs can also drive the global and regional clock networks. Table 1–17. Clock Resource Availability in Stratix II and Stratix II GX Devices (Part 1 of 2) Description Number of clock input pins Stratix II Device Availability Stratix II GX Device Availability 24 12 Number of global clock networks 16 16 Number of regional clock networks 32 32 Global clock input sources Clock input pins, PLL outputs, logic array Clock input pins, PLL outputs, logic array, inter-transceiver clocks Regional clock input sources Clock input pins, PLL outputs, logic array Clock input pins, PLL outputs, logic array, inter-transceiver clocks Number of unique clock sources in a quadrant 24 (16 global clocks and 8 regional clocks) 24 (16 GCLK and 8 RCLK clocks) Number of unique clock sources in the entire device 48 (16 global clocks and 32 regional clocks) 48 (16 GCLK and 32 RCLK clocks) 1–62 Stratix II Device Handbook, Volume 2 Altera Corporation July 2009 PLLs in Stratix II and Stratix II GX Devices Table 1–17. Clock Resource Availability in Stratix II and Stratix II GX Devices (Part 2 of 2) Description Stratix II Device Availability Stratix II GX Device Availability Power-down mode Global clock networks, regional clock GCLK, RCLK networks, dual-regional networks, dual-regional clock region clock region Clocking regions for high fan-out applications Quadrant region, dual-regional, entire device via global clock or regional clock networks Quadrant region, dual-regional, entire device via GCLK or RCLK networks Global Clock Network Global clocks drive throughout the entire device, feeding all device quadrants. All resources within the device IOEs, adaptive logic modules (ALMs), digital signal processing (DSP) blocks, and all memory blocks can use the global clock networks as clock sources. These resources can also be used for control signals, such as clock enables and synchronous or asynchronous clears fed by an external pin. Internal logic can also drive the global clock networks for internally generated global clocks and asynchronous clears, clock enables, or other control signals with large fanout. Figure 1–39 shows the 16 dedicated CLK pins driving global clock networks. Figure 1–39. Global Clocking Note (1) CLK12-15 11 5 10 7 GCLK12 - 15 16 CLK0-3 16 1 GCLK0-3 2 GCLK8-11 16 4 3 CLK8-11 16 GCLK4-7 9 8 12 6 CLK4-7 Note to Figure 1–39: (1) Altera Corporation July 2009 Stratix II GX devices do not have PLLs 3, 4, 9, and 10 or clock pins 8, 9, 10, and 11. 1–63 Stratix II Device Handbook, Volume 2 Clocking Regional Clock Network Eight regional clock networks within each quadrant of the Stratix II and Stratix II GX device are driven by the dedicated CLK[15..0]input pins or from PLL outputs. The regional clock networks only pertain to the quadrant they drive into. The regional clock networks provide the lowest clock delay and skew for logic contained within a single quadrant. Internal logic can also drive the regional clock networks for internally generated regional clocks and asynchronous clears, clock enables, or other control signals with large fanout.The CLK clock pins symmetrically drive the RCLK networks within a particular quadrant, as shown in Figure 1–40. Refer to Table 1–18 on page 1–67 and Table 1–19 on page 1–68 for RCLK connections from CLK pins and PLLs. Figure 1–40. Regional Clocking Note (1) CLK12-15 11 5 7 10 RCLK28-31 RCLK24-27 RCLK20-23 RCLK0-3 CLK0 -3 Q1 Q2 1 2 4 3 Q4 Q3 CLK8-11 RCLK16-19 RCLK4-7 RCLK8-11 RCLK12-15 8 9 12 6 CLK4-7 Note to Figure 1–40: (1) Stratix II GX devices do not have PLLs 3, 4, 9, and 10 or clock pins 8, 9, 10, and 11. Clock Sources Per Region Each Stratix II and Stratix II GX device has 16 global clock networks and 32 regional clock networks that provide 48 unique clock domains for the entire device. There are 24 unique clocks available in each quadrant (16 global clocks and 8 regional clocks) as the input resources for registers (see Figure 1–41). 1–64 Stratix II Device Handbook, Volume 2 Altera Corporation July 2009 PLLs in Stratix II and Stratix II GX Devices Figure 1–41. Hierarchical Clock Networks Per Quadrant Clocks Available to a Quadrant or Half-Quadrant Column I/O Cell IO_CLK[7..0] Global Clock Network [15..0] Clock [23..0] Lab Row Clock [5..0] Regional Clock Network [7..0] Row I/O Cell IO_CLK[7..0] Stratix II and Stratix II GX clock networks provide three different clocking regions: ■ ■ ■ Entire device clock region Quadrant clock region Dual-regional clock region These clock network options provide more flexibility for routing signals that have high fan-out to improve the interface timing. By having various sized clock regions, it is possible to prioritize the number of registers the network can reach versus the total delay of the network. In the first clock scheme, a source (not necessarily a clock signal) drives a global clock network that can be routed through the entire device. This has the maximum delay for a low skew high fan-out signal but allows the signal to reach every block within the device. This is a good option for routing global resets or clear signals. In the second clock scheme, a source drives a single-quadrant region. This represents the fastest, low-skew, high-fan-out signal-routing resource within a quadrant. The limitation to this resource is that it only covers a single quadrant. In the third clock scheme, a single source (clock pin or PLL output) can generate a dual-regional clock by driving two regional clock network lines (one from each quadrant). This allows logic that spans multiple quadrants to utilize the same low-skew clock. The routing of this signal on an entire side has approximately the same speed as in a quadrant clock region. The internal logic-array routing that can drive a regional clock also supports this feature. This means internal logic can drive a Altera Corporation July 2009 1–65 Stratix II Device Handbook, Volume 2 Clocking dual-regional clock network. Corner fast PLL outputs only span one quadrant and hence cannot form a dual-regional clock network. Figure 1–42 shows this feature pictorially. Figure 1–42. Stratix II and Stratix II GX Dual-Regional Clock Region Clock pins or PLL outputs can drive half of the device to create dual-reginal clocking regions for improved I/O interface timing. The 16 clock input pins, enhanced or fast PLL outputs, and internal logic array can be the clock input sources to drive onto either global or regional clock networks. The CLKn pins also drive the global clock network as shown in Table 1–22 on page 1–72. Tables 1–18 and 1–19 for the connectivity between CLK pins as well as the global and regional clock networks. Clock Inputs The clock input pins CLK[15..0] are also used for high fan-out control signals, such as asynchronous clears, presets, clock enables, or protocol signals such as TRDY and IRDY for PCI through global or regional clock networks. Internal Logic Array Each global and regional clock network can also be driven by logic-array routing to enable internal logic to drive a high fan-out, low-skew signal. PLL Outputs All clock networks can be driven by the PLL counter outputs. 1–66 Stratix II Device Handbook, Volume 2 Altera Corporation July 2009 PLLs in Stratix II and Stratix II GX Devices Table 1–18 shows the connection of the clock pins to the global clock resources. The reason for the higher level of connectivity is to support user controllable global clock multiplexing. Table 1–18. Clock Input Pin Connectivity to Global Clock Networks CLK(p) (Pin) Clock Resource 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 GCLK0 v v GCLK1 v v GCLK2 v v GCLK3 v v GCLK4 v v GCLK5 v v GCLK6 v v GCLK7 v v 8 9 10 11 GCLK8 v (1) v (1) GCLK9 v (1) v (1) 14 15 GCLK12 v v GCLK13 v v GCLK10 v (1) v (1) GCLK11 v (1) v (1) 12 13 GCLK14 v v GCLK15 v v Note to Table 1–18: (1) Clock pins 8, 9, 10, and 11 are not available in Stratix II GX devices. Therefore, these connections do not exist in Stratix II GX devices. Altera Corporation July 2009 1–67 Stratix II Device Handbook, Volume 2 Clocking Table 1–19 summarizes the connectivity between the clock pins and the regional clock networks. Here, each clock pin can drive two regional clock networks, facilitating stitching of the clock networks to support the ability to drive two quadrants with the same clock or signal. Table 1–19. Clock Input Pin Connectivity to Regional Clock Networks (Part 1 of 2) CLK(p) (Pin) Clock Resource 0 RCLK0 1 2 RCLK7 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 v RCLK3 RCLK6 5 v RCLK2 RCLK5 4 v RCLK1 RCLK4 3 v v v v v RCLK8 v v RCLK9 v RCLK10 v RCLK11 RCLK12 RCLK13 RCLK14 RCLK15 v v v v v (1) RCLK16 v (1) RCLK17 RCLK18 v (1) v (1) RCLK19 v (1) RCLK20 v (1) RCLK21 RCLK22 1–68 Stratix II Device Handbook, Volume 2 v (1) Altera Corporation July 2009 PLLs in Stratix II and Stratix II GX Devices Table 1–19. Clock Input Pin Connectivity to Regional Clock Networks (Part 2 of 2) CLK(p) (Pin) Clock Resource 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 v (1) RCLK23 v RCLK24 v RCLK25 v RCLK26 v RCLK27 v RCLK28 v RCLK29 v RCLK30 v RCLK31 Note to Table 1–19: (1) Clock pins 8, 9, 10, and 11 are not available in Stratix II GX devices. Therefore, these connections do not exist in Stratix II GX devices. Clock Input Connections Four CLK pins drive each enhanced PLL. You can use any of the pins for clock switchover inputs into the PLL. The CLK pins are the primary clock source for clock switchover, which is controlled in the Quartus II software. Enhanced PLLs 5, 6, 11, and 12 also have feedback input pins, as shown in Table 1–20. Input clocks for fast PLLs 1, 2, 3, and 4 come from CLK pins. A multiplexer chooses one of two possible CLK pins to drive each PLL. This multiplexer is not a clock switchover multiplexer and is only used for clock input connectivity. Either an FPLLCLK input pin or a CLK pin can drive the fast PLLs in the corners (7, 8, 9, and 10) when used for general-purpose applications. CLK pins cannot drive these fast PLLs in high-speed differential I/O mode. Altera Corporation July 2009 1–69 Stratix II Device Handbook, Volume 2 Clocking Tables 1–20 and 1–21 show which PLLs are available in each Stratix II and Stratix II GX device, respectively, and which input clock pin drives which PLLs. Table 1–20. Stratix II Device PLLs and PLL Clock Pin Drivers (Part 1 of 2) All Devices Input Pin Enhanced PLLs Fast PLLs 1 2 3 EP2S60 to EP2S180 Devices 4 5 6 Enhanced PLLs Fast PLLs 7 8 CLK0 v v v (1) v (1) CLK1 (2) v v v (1) v (1) CLK2 v v v (1) v (1) CLK3 (2) v v v (1) v (1) 9 10 11 12 CLK4 v v CLK5 v v CLK6 v v CLK7 v v CLK8 v v v (1) v (1) CLK9 (2) v v v (1) v (1) CLK10 v v v (1) v (1) CLK11 (2) v v v (1) v (1) CLK12 v v CLK13 v v CLK14 v v CLK15 v v PLL5_FB v v PLL6_FB v PLL11_FB v PLL12_FB PLL_ENA v v FPLL7CLK (2) FPLL8CLK (2) FPLL9CLK (2) 1–70 Stratix II Device Handbook, Volume 2 v v v v v v v v v v v v v Altera Corporation July 2009 PLLs in Stratix II and Stratix II GX Devices Table 1–20. Stratix II Device PLLs and PLL Clock Pin Drivers (Part 2 of 2) All Devices Input Pin Enhanced PLLs Fast PLLs 1 2 3 EP2S60 to EP2S180 Devices 4 5 Enhanced PLLs Fast PLLs 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 v FPLL10CLK (2) Notes to Table 1–20: (1) (2) Clock connection is available. For more information about the maximum frequency, contact Altera Applications. This is a dedicated high-speed clock input. For more information about the maximum frequency, contact Altera Applications. Table 1–21. Stratix II GX Device PLLs and PLL Clock Pin Drivers (Part 1 of 2) All Devices EP2SGX60 to EP2SGX130 Devices Fast PLLs Enhanced PLLs Fast PLLs Enhanced PLLs 1 2 5 7 8 11 CLK0 v v v(2) v(2) CLK1 (2) CLK2 v v v(2) v(2) v v v(2) v(2) CLK3 (2) v v v(2) v(2) Input Pin 3 (1) 4 (1) 6 9 (1) 10 (1) 12 v v CLK5 v v CLK6 v v CLK7 v v CLK4 CLK8 (4) CLK9 (3), (4) CLK10 (4) CLK11 (3), (4) CLK12 v v CLK13 v v CLK14 v v CLK15 v v PLL5_FB v PLL6_FB PLL11_FB Altera Corporation July 2009 v v 1–71 Stratix II Device Handbook, Volume 2 Clocking Table 1–21. Stratix II GX Device PLLs and PLL Clock Pin Drivers (Part 2 of 2) All Devices Input Pin 1 EP2SGX60 to EP2SGX130 Devices Fast PLLs Enhanced PLLs 2 5 3 (1) 4 (1) 6 7 Fast PLLs Enhanced PLLs 8 11 9 (1) 10 (1) v PLL12_FB PLL_ENA 12 v v v v v v v v v FPLL7CLK (3) v FPLL8CLK (3) FPLL9CLK (3) FPLL10CLK (3) Notes to Table 1–21: (1) (2) (3) (4) PLLs 3, 4, 9, and 10 are not available in Stratix II GX devices. Clock connection is available. For more information about the maximum frequency, contact Altera Applications. This is a dedicated high-speed clock input. For more information about the maximum frequency, contact Altera Applications. Input pins CLK[11..8] are not available in Stratix II GX devices. CLK(n) Pin Connectivity to Global Clock Networks In Stratix II and Stratix II GX devices, the clk(n) pins can also feed the global clock network. Table 1–22 shows the clk(n) pin connectivity to global clock networks. Table 1–22. CLK(n) Pin Connectivity to Global Clock Network Clock Resource CLK(n) pin 4 GCLK4 GCLK5 GCLK6 GCLK7 5 6 7 12 13 v v v v v GCLK13 GCLK15 1–72 Stratix II Device Handbook, Volume 2 15 v GCLK12 GCLK14 14 v v Altera Corporation July 2009 PLLs in Stratix II and Stratix II GX Devices Clock Source Control For Enhanced PLLs The clock input multiplexer for enhanced PLLs is shown in Figure 1–43. This block allows selection of the PLL clock reference from several different sources. The clock source to an enhanced PLL can come from any one of four clock input pins CLK[3..0], or from a logic-array clock, provided the logic array clock is driven by an output from another PLL, a pin-driven dedicated global or regional clock, or through a clock control block, provided the clock control block is fed by an output from another PLL or a pin-driven dedicated global or regional clock. An internally generated global signal cannot drive the PLL. The clock input pin connections to the respective enhanced PLLs are shown in Table 1–20 above. The multiplexer select lines are set in the configuration file only. Once programmed, this block cannot be changed without loading a new configuration file. The Quartus II software automatically sets the multiplexer select signals depending on the clock sources that a user selects in the design. Figure 1–43. Enhanced PLL Clock Input Multiplex Logic (1) 4 clk[3..0] inclk0 core_inclk To the Clock Switchover Block (1) inclk1 4 Note to Figure 1–43: (1) The input clock multiplexing is controlled through a configuration file only and cannot be dynamically controlled in user mode. Clock Source Control for Fast PLLs Each center fast PLL has five clock input sources, four from clock input pins, and one from a logic array signal, provided the logic array signal is driven by an output from another PLL, a pin-driven dedicated global or regional clock, or through a clock control block, provided the clock control block is fed by an output from another PLL or a pin-driven dedicated global or regional clock. An internally generated global signal cannot drive the PLL. When using clock input pins as the clock source, you can perform manual clock switchover among the input clock sources. Altera Corporation July 2009 1–73 Stratix II Device Handbook, Volume 2 Clocking The clock input multiplexer control signals for performing clock switchover are from core signals. Figure 1–44 shows the clock input multiplexer control circuit for a center fast PLL. Figure 1–44. Center Fast PLL Clock Input Multiplexer Control (1) core_inclk clk[3..0] 4 inclk0 To the Clock Switchover Block core_inclk inclk1 (1) Note to Figure 1–44: (1) The input clock multiplexing is controlled through a configuration file only and cannot be dynamically controlled in user mode. Each corner fast PLL has three clock input sources, one from a dedicated corner clock input pin, one from a center clock input pin, and one from a logic array clock, provided the logic array signal is driven by an output from another PLL, a pin-driven dedicated global or regional clock, or through a clock control block, provided the clock control block is fed by an output from another PLL or a pin-driven dedicated global or regional clock. An internally generated global signal cannot drive the PLL. Figure 1–45 shows a block diagram showing the clock input multiplexer control circuit for a corner fast PLL. Only the corner FPLLCLK pin is fully compensated. Figure 1–45. Corner Fast PLL Clock Input Multiplexer Control core_inclk (1) FPLLCLK Center Clocks 4 inclk0 To the Clock Switchover Block inclk1 (1) core_inclk Note to Figure 1–45: (1) The input clock multiplexing is controlled through a configuration file only and cannot be dynamically controlled in user mode. 1–74 Stratix II Device Handbook, Volume 2 Altera Corporation July 2009 PLLs in Stratix II and Stratix II GX Devices Delay Compensation for Fast PLLs Each center fast PLL can be fed by any one of four possible input clock pins. Among the four clock input signals, only two are fully compensated, i.e., the clock delay to the fast PLL matches the delay in the data input path when used in the LVDS receiver mode. The two clock inputs that match the data input path are located right next to the fast PLL. The two clock inputs that do not match the data input path are located next to the neighboring fast PLL. Figure 1–46 shows the above description for the left-side center fast PLL pair. If the PLL is used in non-LVDS modes, then any of the four dedicated clock inputs can be used and are compensated. Fast PLL 1 and PLL 2 can choose among CLK[3..0] as the clock input source. However, for fast PLL 1, only CLK0 and CLK1 have their delay matched to the data input path delay when used in the LVDS receiver mode operation. The delay from CLK2 or CLK3 to fast PLL 1 does not match the data input delay. For fast PLL 2, only CLK2 and CLK3 have their delay matched to the data input path delay in LVDS receiver mode operation. The delay from CLK0 or CLK1 to fast PLL 2 does not match the data input delay. The same arrangement applies to the right side center fast PLL pair. For corner fast PLLs, only the corner FPLLCLK pins are fully compensated. For LVDS receiver operation, it is recommended to use the delay compensated clock pins only. Figure 1–46. Delay Compensated Clock Input Pins for Center Fast PLL Pair CLK0 CLK1 Fast PLL 1 Fast PLL 2 CLK2 CLK3 Altera Corporation July 2009 1–75 Stratix II Device Handbook, Volume 2 Clocking Clock Output Connections Enhanced PLLs have outputs for eight regional clock outputs and four global clock outputs. There is line sharing between clock pins, global and regional clock networks and all PLL outputs. See Tables 1–18 through 1–23 and Figures 1–47 through 1–53 to validate your clocking scheme. The Quartus II software automatically maps to regional and global clocks to avoid any restrictions. Enhanced PLLs 5, 6, 11, and 12 drive out to single-ended pins as shown in Table 1–23. You can connect each fast PLL 1, 2, 3, or 4 output (C0, C1, C2, and C3) to either a global or a regional clock. There is line sharing between clock pins, FPLLCLK pins, global and regional clock networks, and all PLL outputs. The Quartus II software will automatically map to regional and global clocks to avoid any restrictions. Figure 1–47 shows the clock input and output connections from the enhanced PLLs. 1 EP2S15, EP2S30, and EP2SGX30 devices have only two enhanced PLLs (5, 6), but the connectivity from these two PLLs to the global or regional clock networks remains the same. The EP2S60 device in the 1,020-pin package contains 12 PLLs. EP2S60 devices in the 484-pin and 672-pin packages contain fast PLLs 1–4 and enhanced PLLs 5 and 6. EP2S90 devices in the 1020-pin and 1508-pin packages contain 12 PLLs. EP2S90 devices in the 484-pin and 780-pin packages contain fast PLLs 1–4 and enhanced PLLs 5 and 6. EP2S130 devices in the 1020-pin and 1508-pin packages contain 12 PLLs. The EP2S130 device in the 780-pin package contains fast PLLs 1–4 and enhanced PLLs 5 and 6. 1–76 Stratix II Device Handbook, Volume 2 Altera Corporation July 2009 PLLs in Stratix II and Stratix II GX Devices Figure 1–47. Stratix II and Stratix II GX Top and Bottom Enhanced PLLs, Clock Pin and Logic Array Signal Connectivity to Global and Regional Clock Networks Notes (1) and (2) CLK15 CLK13 CLK12 CLK14 PLL5_FB PLL11_FB PLL 11 PLL 5 c0 c1 c2 c3 c4 c5 c0 c1 c2 c3 c4 c5 PLL5_OUT[2..0]p PLL5_OUT[2..0]n RCLK31 RCLK30 RCLK29 RCLK28 PLL11_OUT[2..0]p PLL11_OUT[2..0]n Regional Clocks RCLK27 RCLK26 RCLK25 RCLK24 G15 G14 G13 G12 Global Clocks Regional Clocks G4 G5 G6 G7 RCLK8 RCLK9 RCLK10 RCLK11 RCLK12 RCLK13 RCLK14 RCLK15 PLL6_OUT[2..0]p PLL6_OUT[2..0]n PLL12_OUT[2..0]p PLL12_OUT[2..0]n c0 c1 c2 c3 c4 c5 c0 c1 c2 c3 c4 c5 PLL 12 PLL 6 PLL12_FB PLL6_FB CLK4 CLK6 CLK5 CLK7 Notes to Figure 1–47: (1) (2) The redundant connection dots facilitate stitching of the clock networks to support the ability to drive two quadrants with the same clock. The enhanced PLLs can also be driven through the global or regional clock networks. The global or regional clock input can be driven by an output from another PLL, a pin-driven dedicated global or regional clock, or through a clock control block, provided the clock control block is fed by an output from another PLL or a pin-driven dedicated global or regional clock. An internally generated global signal cannot drive the PLL. Altera Corporation July 2009 1–77 Stratix II Device Handbook, Volume 2 Clocking Tables 1–23 and 1–24 show the global and regional clocks that the PLL outputs drive. Table 1–23. Stratix II Global and Regional Clock Outputs From PLLs (Part 1 of 3) PLL Number and Type EP2S15 through EP2S30 Devices Clock Network Enhanced PLLs Fast PLLs 1 2 3 EP2S60 through EP2S180 Devices 4 5 6 Enhanced PLLs Fast PLLs 7 8 GCLK0 v v v v GCLK1 v v v v GCLK2 v v v v GCLK3 v v v v 9 10 11 12 v v GCLK5 v v GCLK6 v v GCLK7 v v GCLK4 GCLK8 v v v v GCLK9 v v v v GCLK10 v v v v GCLK11 v v v v GCLK12 v v GCLK13 v v GCLK14 v v GCLK15 v v RCLK0 v v v RCLK1 v v v RCLK2 v v v RCLK3 v v v RCLK4 v v RCLK5 v v v RCLK6 v v v RCLK7 v v v v RCLK8 v v RCLK9 v v 1–78 Stratix II Device Handbook, Volume 2 Altera Corporation July 2009 PLLs in Stratix II and Stratix II GX Devices Table 1–23. Stratix II Global and Regional Clock Outputs From PLLs (Part 2 of 3) PLL Number and Type EP2S15 through EP2S30 Devices Clock Network Enhanced PLLs Fast PLLs 1 2 EP2S60 through EP2S180 Devices 3 4 5 6 Enhanced PLLs Fast PLLs 7 8 9 10 11 12 RCLK10 v v RCLK11 v v RCLK12 v v RCLK13 v v RCLK14 v v v RCLK15 v RCLK16 v v v RCLK17 v v v RCLK18 v v v RCLK19 v v v RCLK20 v v v RCLK21 v v v RCLK22 v v v RCLK23 v v v RCLK24 v v RCLK25 v v RCLK26 v v RCLK27 v v RCLK28 v v RCLK29 v v RCLK30 v v RCLK31 v v External Clock Output PLL5_OUT[3..0]p/ n PLL6_OUT[3..0]p/ n Altera Corporation July 2009 v v 1–79 Stratix II Device Handbook, Volume 2 Clocking Table 1–23. Stratix II Global and Regional Clock Outputs From PLLs (Part 3 of 3) PLL Number and Type EP2S15 through EP2S30 Devices Clock Network Enhanced PLLs Fast PLLs 1 2 3 EP2S60 through EP2S180 Devices 4 5 Enhanced PLLs Fast PLLs 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 v PLL11_OUT[3..0]p /n v PLL12_OUT[3..0]p /n Table 1–24. Stratix II GX Global and Regional Clock Outputs From PLLs (Part 1 of 3) PLL Number and Type EP2SGX60 through EP2SGX130 Devices Notes (2), (3), and (4) EP2SGX30 Devices Clock Network Fast PLLs 1 2 3 (1) 4 (1) Enhanced PLLs 5 6 Enhanced PLLs Fast PLLs 7 8 GCLK0 v v v v GCLK1 v v v v GCLK2 v v v v GCLK3 v v v v 9 (1) 10(1) 11 12 v v GCLK5 v v GCLK6 v v GCLK7 v v GCLK4 GCLK8 GCLK9 GCLK10 GCLK11 GCLK12 v v GCLK13 v v GCLK14 v v GCLK15 v v 1–80 Stratix II Device Handbook, Volume 2 Altera Corporation July 2009 PLLs in Stratix II and Stratix II GX Devices Table 1–24. Stratix II GX Global and Regional Clock Outputs From PLLs (Part 2 of 3) PLL Number and Type EP2SGX60 through EP2SGX130 Devices Notes (2), (3), and (4) EP2SGX30 Devices Clock Network Fast PLLs 3 (1) 4 (1) Enhanced PLLs 5 6 Fast PLLs 1 2 RCLK0 v v v 7 8 RCLK1 v v v RCLK2 v v v RCLK3 v v v RCLK4 v v v RCLK5 v v v RCLK6 v v v RCLK7 v v 9 (1) 10(1) Enhanced PLLs 11 12 v RCLK8 v v RCLK9 v v RCLK10 v v RCLK11 v v RCLK12 v v RCLK13 v v RCLK14 v v RCLK15 v v RCLK16 RCLK17 RCLK18 RCLK19 RCLK20 RCLK21 RCLK22 RCLK23 RCLK24 v v RCLK25 v v RCLK26 v v RCLK27 v v Altera Corporation July 2009 1–81 Stratix II Device Handbook, Volume 2 Clocking Table 1–24. Stratix II GX Global and Regional Clock Outputs From PLLs (Part 3 of 3) PLL Number and Type EP2SGX60 through EP2SGX130 Devices Notes (2), (3), and (4) EP2SGX30 Devices Clock Network Enhanced PLLs Fast PLLs 1 2 3 (1) 4 (1) 5 6 Enhanced PLLs Fast PLLs 7 8 9 (1) 10(1) 11 RCLK28 v v RCLK29 v v RCLK30 v v RCLK31 v v 12 External Clock Output v PLL5_OUT[3..0]p /n v PLL6_OUT[3..0]p /n v PLL11_OUT[3..0] p/n v PLL12_OUT[3..0] p/n Notes to Table 1–24: (1) (2) (3) (4) PLLs 3, 4, 9, and 10 are not available in Stratix II GX devices. The EP2S60 device in the 1,020-pin package contains 12 PLLs. EP2S60 devices in the 484-pin and 672-pin packages contain fast PLLs 1–4 and enhanced PLLs 5 and 6. EP2S90 devices in the 1020-pin and 1508-pin packages contain 12 PLLs. EP2S90 devices in the 484-pin and 780-pin packages contain fast PLLs 1–4 and enhanced PLLs 5 and 6. EP2S130 devices in the 1020-pin and 1508-pin packages contain 12 PLLs. The EP2S130 device in the 780-pin package contains fast PLLs 1–4 and enhanced PLLs 5 and 6. The fast PLLs also drive high-speed SERDES clocks for differential I/O interfacing. For information about these FPLLCLK pins, contact Altera Applications. 1–82 Stratix II Device Handbook, Volume 2 Altera Corporation July 2009 PLLs in Stratix II and Stratix II GX Devices Figures 1–48 through 1–51 show the global and regional clock input and output connections from the Stratix II fast PLLs. CLK8 C2 C2 RCK19 RCK17 RCK22 C3 CLK3 Fast PLL 2 CLK2 CLK1 CLK0 Fast PLL 1 RCK0 RCK1 RCK2 RCK3 RCK4 RCK5 RCK6 RCK7 GCK0 GCK1 GCK2 GCK3 Logic Array Signal Input To Clock Network GCK8 GCK9 GCK10 GCK11 RCK16 RCK18 RCK20 RCK21 RCK23 C1 C1 C3 C0 C0 Fast PLL 3 CLK9 CLK10 C3 C3 C1 C2 C0 C1 C2 C0 Fast PLL 4 CLK11 Figure 1–48. Stratix II Center Fast PLLs, Clock Pin and Logic Array Signal Connectivity to Global and Regional Clock Networks Notes (1) and (2) Notes to Figure 1–48: (1) (2) Altera Corporation July 2009 The redundant connection dots facilitate stitching of the clock networks to support the ability to drive two quadrants with the same clock. The global or regional clocks in a fast PLL's quadrant can drive the fast PLL input. The global or regional clock input can be driven by an output from another PLL, a pin-driven dedicated global or regional clock, or through a clock control block, provided the clock control block is fed by an output from another PLL or a pin-driven dedicated global or regional clock. An internally generated global signal cannot drive the PLL. 1–83 Stratix II Device Handbook, Volume 2 Clocking Figure 1–49. Stratix II GX Center Fast PLLs, Clock Pin and Logic Array Signal Connectivity to Global and Regional Clock Networks Notes (1) and (2) C0 CLK0 Fast PLL 1 CLK1 C1 C2 C3 Logic Array Signal Input To Clock Network C0 Fast PLL 2 CLK2 CLK3 C1 C2 C3 RCK0 RCK2 RCK1 RCK4 RCK3 RCK6 RCK5 GCK0 RCK7 GCK2 GCK1 GCK3 Notes to Figure 1–49: (1) (2) The redundant connection dots facilitate stitching of the clock networks to support the ability to drive two quadrants with the same clock. The global or regional clocks in a fast PLL's quadrant can drive the fast PLL input. The global or regional clock input can be driven by an output from another PLL, a pin-driven dedicated global or regional clock, or through a clock control block, provided the clock control block is fed by an output from another PLL or a pin-driven dedicated global or regional clock. An internally generated global signal cannot drive the PLL. 1–84 Stratix II Device Handbook, Volume 2 Altera Corporation July 2009 PLLs in Stratix II and Stratix II GX Devices C3 C3 RCK19 RCK17 Fast PLL 8 FPLL8CLK FPLL7CLK Fast PLL 7 RCK0 RCK4 RCK1 RCK5 RCK2 RCK6 RCK3 RCK7 GCK0 GCK1 GCK2 GCK3 GCK8 GCK9 GCK10 GCK11 RCK16 RCK18 C2 C1 C2 C3 C3 C0 C2 C1 C1 C2 C0 C0 C1 RCK21 RCK20 RCK22 RCK23 C0 Fast PLL 9 Fast PLL 10 FPLL10CLK FPLL9CLK Figure 1–50. Stratix II Corner Fast PLLs, Clock Pin and Logic Array Signal Connectivity to Global and Regional Clock Networks Note (1) Note to Figure 1–50: (1) Altera Corporation July 2009 The corner FPLLs can also be driven through the global or regional clock networks. The global or regional clock input can be driven by an output from another PLL, a pin-driven dedicated global or regional clock, or through a clock control block, provided the clock control block is fed by an output from another PLL or a pin-driven dedicated global or regional clock. An internally generated global signal cannot drive the PLL. 1–85 Stratix II Device Handbook, Volume 2 Clock Control Block Figure 1–51. Stratix II GX Corner Fast PLLs, Clock Pin and Logic Array Signal Connectivity to Global and Regional Clock Networks Note (1) RCK1 RCK3 RCK0 RCK2 RCK4 RCK6 C0 FPLL7CLK Fast PLL 7 C1 C2 C3 C0 FPLL8CLK Fast PLL 8 C1 C2 C3 RCK5 GCK0 RCK7 GCK2 GCK1 GCK3 Note to Figure 1–51: (1) Clock Control Block The corner FPLLs can also be driven through the global or regional clock networks. The global or regional clock input can be driven by an output from another PLL, a pin-driven dedicated global or regional clock, or through a clock control block, provided the clock control block is fed by an output from another PLL or a pin-driven dedicated global or regional clock. An internally generated global signal cannot drive the PLL. Each global and regional clock has its own clock control block. The control block has two functions: ■ ■ Clock source selection (dynamic selection for global clocks) Clock power-down (dynamic clock enable or disable) 1–86 Stratix II Device Handbook, Volume 2 Altera Corporation July 2009 PLLs in Stratix II and Stratix II GX Devices Figures 1–52 and 1–53 show the global clock and regional clock select blocks, respectively. Figure 1–52. Stratix II Global Clock Control Block CLKp Pins PLL Counter Outputs CLKSELECT[1..0] (1) 2 2 CLKn Pin Internal Logic 2 Static Clock Select (2) This Multiplexer Supports User-Controllable Dynamic Switching Enable/ Disable Internal Logic GCLK Notes to Figure 1–52: (1) (2) Altera Corporation July 2009 These clock select signals can only be dynamically controlled through internal logic when the device is operating in user mode. These clock select signals can only be set through a configuration file and cannot be dynamically controlled during user-mode operation. 1–87 Stratix II Device Handbook, Volume 2 Clock Control Block Figure 1–53. Regional Clock Control Block CLKp Pin PLL Counter Outputs (3) CLKn Pin (2) 2 Internal Logic Static Clock Select (1) Enable/ Disable Internal Logic RCLK Notes to Figure 1–53: (1) (2) These clock select signals can only be dynamically controlled through a configuration file and cannot be dynamically controlled during user-mode operation. Only the CLKn pins on the top and bottom for the device feed to regional clock select blocks. For the global clock select block, the clock source selection can be controlled either statically or dynamically. You have the option to statically select the clock source in configuration file generated by the Quartus II software, or you can control the selection dynamically by using internal logic to drive the multiplexer select inputs. When selecting statically, the clock source can be set to any of the inputs to the select multiplexer. When selecting the clock source dynamically, you can either select two PLL outputs (such as CLK0 or CLK1), or a combination of clock pins or PLL outputs. When using the altclkctrl megafunction to implement clock source (dynamics) selection, the inputs from the clock pins feed the inclock[0..1] ports of the multiplexer, while the PLL outputs feed the inclock[2..3] ports. You can choose from among these inputs using the CLKSELECT[1..0] signal. For the regional clock select block, the clock source selection can only be controlled statically using configuration bits. Any of the inputs to the clock select multiplexer can be set as the clock source. The Stratix II and Stratix II GX clock networks can be disabled (powered down) by both static and dynamic approaches. When a clock net is powered down, all the logic fed by the clock net is in an off-state, thereby reducing the overall power consumption of the device. 1–88 Stratix II Device Handbook, Volume 2 Altera Corporation July 2009 PLLs in Stratix II and Stratix II GX Devices The global and regional clock networks that are not used are automatically powered down through configuration bit settings in the configuration file (SRAM Object File (.sof) or Programmer Object File (.pof)) generated by the Quartus II software. The dynamic clock enable or disable feature allows the internal logic to control power up or down synchronously on GCLK and RCLK nets, including dual-regional clock regions. This function is independent of the PLL and is applied directly on the clock network, as shown in Figure 1–52 on page 1–87 and Figure 1–53 on page 1–88. The input clock sources and the clkena signals for the global and regional clock network multiplexers can be set through the Quartus II software using the altclkctrl megafunction. The dedicated external clock output pins can also be enabled or disabled using the altclkctrl megafunction. Figure 1–54 shows the external PLL output clock control block. Figure 1–54. Stratix II External PLL Output Clock Control Block PLL Counter Outputs (c[5..0]) 6 Static Clock Select (1) Enable/ Disable Internal Logic IOE (2) Internal Logic Static Clock Select (1) PLL_OUT Pin Notes to Figure 1–54: (1) (2) Altera Corporation July 2009 These clock select signals can only be set through a configuration file and cannot be dynamically controlled during user mode operation. The clock control block feeds to a multiplexer within the PLL_OUT pin’s IOE. The PLL_OUT pin is a dual-purpose pin. Therefore, this multiplexer selects either an internal signal or the output of the clock control block. 1–89 Stratix II Device Handbook, Volume 2 Clock Control Block clkena Signals Figure 1–55 shows how clkena is implemented. Figure 1–55. clkena Implementation clkena D Q clkena_out clk clk_out In Stratix II devices, the clkena signals are supported at the clock network level. This allows you to gate off the clock even when a PLL is not being used. The clkena signals can also be used to control the dedicated external clocks from enhanced PLLs. Upon re-enabling, the PLL does not need a resynchronization or relock period unless the PLL is using external feedback mode. Figure 1–56 shows the waveform example for a clock output enable. clkena is synchronous to the falling edge of the counter output. Figure 1–56. Clkena Signals counter output clkena clkout Note to Figure 1–56 (1) The clkena signals can be used to enable or disable the global and regional networks or the PLL_OUT pins. 1–90 Stratix II Device Handbook, Volume 2 Altera Corporation July 2009 PLLs in Stratix II and Stratix II GX Devices The PLL can remain locked independent of the clkena signals since the loop-related counters are not affected. This feature is useful for applications that require a low power or sleep mode. Upon re-enabling, the PLL does not need a resynchronization or relock period. The clkena signal can also disable clock outputs if the system is not tolerant to frequency overshoot during resynchronization. Conclusion Stratix II and Stratix II GX device enhanced and fast PLLs provide you with complete control of device clocks and system timing. These PLLs are capable of offering flexible system-level clock management that was previously only available in discrete PLL devices. The embedded PLLs meet and exceed the features offered by these high-end discrete devices, reducing the need for other timing devices in the system. Referenced Documents This chapter references the following documents: ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ Altera Corporation July 2009 altpll Megafunction User Guide AN 367: Implementing PLL Reconfiguration in Stratix II Devices Configuring Stratix II and Stratix II GX Devices chapter in volume 2 of the Stratix II GX Device Handbook (or the Stratix II Device Handbook) DC & Switching Characteristics chapter in volume 1 of the Stratix II GX Device Handbook (or the Stratix II Device Handbook) Selectable I/O Standards in Stratix II and Stratix II GX Devices chapter in volume 2 of the Stratix II GX Device Handbook (or the Stratix II Device Handbook) Verification, volume 3 of the Quartus II Development Software Handbook 1–91 Stratix II Device Handbook, Volume 2 Document Revision History Document Revision History Table 1–25 shows the revision history for this chapter. Table 1–25. Document Revision History (Part 1 of 2) Date and Document Version July 2009, v4.6 Changes Made ● ● Updated “Manual Override”, “Manual Clock Switchover”, and “Spread-Spectrum Clocking” sections. Updated notes to Figure 1–20 and Figure 1–24. Summary of Changes ● ● Both inclk0 and inclk1 must be running when the clkswitch signal goes high to initiate a manual clock switchover. Updated the spread spectrum modulation frequency from (100 kHz–500 kHz) to (30 kHz–150 kHz). January 2008, v4.5 Updated “External Clock Outputs” section. — Added the “Referenced Documents” section. — Minor text edits. — No change For the Stratix II GX Device Handbook only: Formerly chapter 6. The chapter number changed due to the addition of the Stratix II GX Dynamic Reconfiguration chapter. No content change. — May 2007, v4.4 Updated Table 7–6. — Updated notes to: Figure 7–7 ● Figure 7–47 ● Figure 7–48 ● Figure 7–49 ● Figure 7–50 ● Figure 7–51 — Updated the “Clock Source Control For Enhanced PLLs” section. — Updated the “Clock Source Control for Fast PLLs” section. — ● February 2007 Added “Document Revision History” section to this chapter. v4.3 Deleted paragraph beginning with “The Stratix II GX PLLs have the ability...” in the “Enhanced Lock Detect Circuit” section. — April 2006, v4.2 Chapter updated as part of the Stratix II Device Handbook update. — No change Formerly chapter 5. Chapter number change only due to chapter addition to Section I in February 2006; no content change. — 1–92 Stratix II Device Handbook, Volume 2 — Altera Corporation July 2009 PLLs in Stratix II and Stratix II GX Devices Table 1–25. Document Revision History (Part 2 of 2) Date and Document Version Changes Made Summary of Changes December 2005, v4.1 Chapter updated as part of the Stratix II Device Handbook update. — October 2005 v4.0 Added chapter to the Stratix II GX Device Handbook. — Altera Corporation July 2009 1–93 Stratix II Device Handbook, Volume 2 Document Revision History 1–94 Stratix II Device Handbook, Volume 2 Altera Corporation July 2009 Section II. Memory This section provides information on the TriMatrix™ embedded memory blocks internal to Stratix® II devices and the supported external memory interfaces. This section contains the following chapters: Revision History Altera Corporation ■ Chapter 2, TriMatrix Embedded Memory Blocks in Stratix II and Stratix II GX Devices ■ Chapter 3, External Memory Interfaces in Stratix II and Stratix II GX Devices Refer to each chapter for its own specific revision history. For information on when each chapter was updated, refer to the Chapter Revision Dates section, which appears in the full handbook. Section II–1 Preliminary Memory Section II–2 Preliminary Stratix II Device Handbook, Volume 2 Altera Corporation 2. TriMatrix Embedded Memory Blocks in Stratix II and Stratix II GX Devices SII52002-4.5 Introduction Stratix® II and Stratix II GX devices feature the TriMatrix™ memory structure, consisting of three sizes of embedded RAM blocks that efficiently address the memory needs of FPGA designs. TriMatrix memory includes 512-bit M512 blocks, 4-Kbit M4K blocks, and 512-Kbit M-RAM blocks, which are each configurable to support many features. TriMatrix memory provides up to 9 megabits of RAM at up to 550 MHz operation, and up to 16 terabits per second of total memory bandwidth per device. This chapter describes TriMatrix memory blocks, modes, and features. TriMatrix Memory Overview The TriMatrix architecture provides complex memory functions for different applications in FPGA designs. For example, M512 blocks are used for first-in first-out (FIFO) functions and clock domain buffering where memory bandwidth is critical; M4K blocks are ideal for applications requiring medium-sized memory, such as asynchronous transfer mode (ATM) cell processing; and M-RAM blocks are suitable for large buffering applications, such as internet protocol (IP) packet buffering and system cache. The TriMatrix memory blocks support various memory configurations, including single-port, simple dual-port, true dual-port (also known as bidirectional dual-port), shift register, and read-only memory (ROM) modes. The TriMatrix memory architecture also includes advanced features and capabilities, such as parity-bit support, byte enable support, pack mode support, address clock enable support, mixed port width support, and mixed clock mode support. When applied to input registers, the asynchronous clear signal for the TriMatrix embedded memory immediately clears the input registers. However, the output of the memory block does not show the effects until the next clock edge. When applied to output registers, the asynchronous clear signal clears the output registers and the effects are seen immediately. Altera Corporation January 2008 2–1 TriMatrix Memory Overview Table 2–1 summarizes the features supported by the three sizes of TriMatrix memory. Table 2–1. Summary of TriMatrix Memory Features Feature Maximum performance Total RAM bits (including parity bits) M512 Blocks M4K Blocks M-RAM Blocks 500 MHz 550 MHz 420 MHz 576 4,608 589,824 512 × 1 256 × 2 128 × 4 64 × 8 64 × 9 32 × 16 32 × 18 4K × 1 2K × 2 1K × 4 512 × 8 512 × 9 256 × 16 256 × 18 128 × 32 128 × 36 64K × 8 64K × 9 32K × 16 32K × 18 16K × 32 8K × 64 8K × 72 4K × 128 4K × 144 Parity bits v v v Byte enable v v v Pack mode v v Address clock enable v v Configurations Single-port memory v v v Simple dual-port memory v v v v v True dual-port memory Embedded shift register v v ROM v v FIFO buffer v v v Simple dual-port mixed width support v v v v v True dual-port mixed width support Memory initialization file (.mif) v v Mixed-clock mode v v v Power-up condition Outputs cleared Outputs cleared Outputs unknown Register clears Output registers only Output registers only Output registers only Same-port read-during-write New data available at positive clock edge New data available at positive clock edge New data available at positive clock edge Mixed-port read-during-write Outputs set to unknown or old data Outputs set to Unknown output unknown or old data 2–2 Stratix II Device Handbook, Volume 2 Altera Corporation January 2008 TriMatrix Embedded Memory Blocks in Stratix II and Stratix II GX Devices Tables 2–2 and 2–3 show the capacity and distribution of the TriMatrix memory blocks in each Stratix II and Stratix II GX family member, respectively. Table 2–2. TriMatrix Memory Capacity and Distribution in Stratix II Devices Device M512 M4K Columns/Blocks Columns/Blocks M-RAM Blocks Total RAM Bits EP2S15 4/104 3/78 0 419,328 EP2S30 6/202 4/144 1 1,369,728 EP2S60 7/329 5/255 2 2,544,192 EP2S90 8/488 6/408 4 4,520,448 EP2S130 9/699 7/609 6 6,747,840 EP2S180 11/930 8/768 9 9,383,040 Table 2–3. TriMatrix Memory Capacity and Distribution in Stratix II GX Devices Device M512 M4K M-RAM Total RAM Bits Columns/Blocks Columns/Blocks Blocks EP2SGX30C EP2SGX30D 6/202 4/144 1 1,369,728 EP2SGX60C EP2SGX60D EP2SGX60E 7/329 5/255 2 2,544,192 EP2SGX90E EP2SGX90F 8/488 6/408 4 4,520,448 EP2SGX130G 9/699 7/609 6 6,747,840 Parity Bit Support All TriMatrix memory blocks (M512, M4K, and M-RAM) support one parity bit for each byte. Parity bits add to the amount of memory in each random access memory (RAM) block. For example, the M512 block has 576 bits, 64 of which are optionally used for parity bit storage. The parity bit, along with logic implemented in adaptive logic modules (ALMs), implements parity checking for error detection to ensure data integrity. Parity-size data words can also be used for other purposes such as storing user-specified control bits. Altera Corporation January 2008 2–3 Stratix II Device Handbook, Volume 2 TriMatrix Memory Overview f Refer to the Using Parity to Detect Memory Errors white paper for more information on using the parity bit to detect memory errors. Byte Enable Support All TriMatrix memory blocks support byte enables that mask the input data so that only specific bytes, nibbles, or bits of data are written. The unwritten bytes or bits retain the previous written value. The write enable (wren) signals, along with the byte enable (byteena) signals, control the RAM blocks’ write operations. The default value for the byte enable signals is high (enabled), in which case writing is controlled only by the write enable signals. There is no clear port to the byte enable registers. M512 Blocks M512 blocks support byte enables for data widths of 16 and 18 bits only. For memory block configurations with widths of less than two bytes (×16/×18), the byte-enable feature is not supported. For memory configurations less than two bytes wide, the write enable or clock enable signals can optionally be used to control the write operation. Table 2–4 summarizes the byte selection. Table 2–4. Byte Enable for Stratix II and Stratix II GX M512 Blocks byteena[1..0] data ×16 Note (1) data ×18 [0] = 1 [7..0] [8..0] [1] = 1 [15..8] [17..9] Note to Table 2–4: (1) Any combination of byte enables is possible. M4K Blocks M4K blocks support byte enables for any combination of data widths of 16, 18, 32, and 36 bits only. For memory block configurations with widths of less than two bytes (×16/×18), the byte-enable feature is not supported. For memory configurations less than two bytes wide, the write enable or clock enable signals can optionally be used to control the write operation. 2–4 Stratix II Device Handbook, Volume 2 Altera Corporation January 2008 TriMatrix Embedded Memory Blocks in Stratix II and Stratix II GX Devices Table 2–5 summarizes the byte selection. Table 2–5. Byte Enable for Stratix II and Stratix II GX M4K Blocks Note (1) byteena [3..0] data ×16 data ×18 data ×32 data ×36 [0] = 1 [7..0] [8..0] [7..0] [8..0] [1] = 1 [15..8] [17..9] [15..8] [17..9] [2] = 1 - - [23..16] [26..18] [3] = 1 - - [31..24] [35..27] Note to Table 2–5: (1) Any combination of byte enables is possible. M-RAM Blocks M-RAM blocks support byte enables for any combination of data widths of 16, 18, 32, 36, 64, and 72 bits. For memory block configurations with widths of less than two bytes (×16/×18), the byte-enable feature is not supported. In the ×128 and ×144 simple dual-port modes, the two sets of byte enable signals (byteena_a and byteena_b) combine to form the necessary 16 byte enables. In ×128 and ×144 modes, byte enables are only supported when using single clock mode. However, the Quartus II software can implement byte enables in other clocking modes for ×128 or ×144 widths but will use twice as many M-RAM resources. If clock enables are used in ×128 or ×144 mode, you must use the same clock enable setting for both the A and B ports. Table 2–6 summarizes the byte selection for M-RAM blocks. Table 2–6. Byte Enable for Stratix II and Stratix II GX M-RAM Blocks Note (1) byteena data ×16 data ×18 data ×32 data ×36 data ×64 data ×72 [0] = 1 [7..0] [8..0] [7..0] [8..0] [7..0] [8..0] [1] = 1 [15..8] [17..9] [15..8] [17..9] [15..8] [17..9] [2] = 1 - - [23..16] [26..18] [23..16] [26..18] [3] = 1 - - [31..24] [35..27] [31..24] [35..27] [4] = 1 - - - - [39..32] [44..36] [5] = 1 - - - - [47..40] [53..45] [6] = 1 - - - - [55..48] [62..54] [7] = 1 - - - - [63..56] [71..63] Note to Table 2–6: (1) Any combination of byte enables is possible. Altera Corporation January 2008 2–5 Stratix II Device Handbook, Volume 2 TriMatrix Memory Overview Table 2–7 summarizes the byte selection for ×144 mode. Table 2–7. Stratix II and Stratix II GX M-RAM Combined Byte Selection for ×144 Mode Note (1) byteena data ×128 data ×144 [0] = 1 [7..0] [8..0] [1] = 1 [15..8] [17..9] [2] = 1 [23..16] [26..18] [3] = 1 [31..24] [35..27] [4] = 1 [39..32] [44..36] [5] = 1 [47..40] [53..45] [6] = 1 [55..48] [62..54] [7] = 1 [63..56] [71..63] [8] = 1 [71..64] [80..72] [9] = 1 [79..72] [89..73] [10] = 1 [87..80] [98..90] [11] = 1 [95..88] [107..99] [12] = 1 [103..96] [116..108] [13] = 1 [111..104] [125..117] [14] = 1 [119..112] [134..126] [15] = 1 [127..120] [143..135] Note to Table 2–7: (1) Any combination of byte enables is possible. Byte Enable Functional Waveform Figure 2–1 shows how the write enable (wren) and byte enable (byteena) signals control the operations of the RAM. When a byte enable bit is de-asserted during a write cycle, the corresponding data byte output appears as a “don't care” or unknown value. When a byte enable bit is asserted during a write cycle, the corresponding data byte output will be the newly written data. 2–6 Stratix II Device Handbook, Volume 2 Altera Corporation January 2008 TriMatrix Embedded Memory Blocks in Stratix II and Stratix II GX Devices Figure 2–1. Stratix II and Stratix II GX Byte Enable Functional Waveform inclock wren address data a0 an a1 contents at a0 contents at a1 10 XX a1 a2 XXXX 01 11 FFFF XX ABFF FFFF FFCD FFFF contents at a2 q (asynch) a0 ABCD XXXX byteena a2 ABCD ABXX doutn 1 XXCD ABCD ABFF FFCD ABCD For more information about MRAM and byte enable for the Stratix II device family, refer to the Stratix II FPGA Errata Sheet at the Altera web site at Pack Mode Support Stratix II and Stratix II GX M4K and M-RAM memory blocks support pack mode. In M4K and M-RAM memory blocks, two single-port memory blocks can be implemented in a single block under the following conditions: ■ ■ Each of the two independent block sizes is equal to or less than half of the M4K or M-RAM block size. Each of the single-port memory blocks is configured in single-clock mode. Thus, each of the single-port memory blocks access up to half of the M4K or M-RAM memory resources such as clock, clock enables, and asynchronous clear signals. Refer to “Single-Port Mode” on page 2–10 and “Single-Clock Mode” on page 2–28 for more information. Altera Corporation January 2008 2–7 Stratix II Device Handbook, Volume 2 TriMatrix Memory Overview Address Clock Enable Support Stratix II and Stratix II GX M4K and M-RAM memory blocks support address clock enable, which is used to hold the previous address value for as long as the signal is enabled. When the memory blocks are configured in dual-port mode, each port has its own independent address clock enable. Figure 2–2 shows an address clock enable block diagram. Placed in the address register, the address signal output by the address register is fed back to the input of the register via a multiplexer. The multiplexer output is selected by the address clock enable (addressstall) signal. Address latching is enabled when the addressstall signal turns high. The output of the address register is then continuously fed into the input of the register; therefore, the address value can be held until the addressstall signal turns low. Figure 2–2. Stratix II and Stratix II GX Address Clock Enable Block Diagram address[0] 1 0 address[N] 1 0 address[0] register address[N] register address[0] address[N] addressstall clock Address clock enable is typically used for cache memory applications, which require one port for read and another port for write. The default value for the address clock enable signals is low (disabled). Figures 2–3 and 2–4 show the address clock enable waveform during the read and write cycles, respectively. 2–8 Stratix II Device Handbook, Volume 2 Altera Corporation January 2008 TriMatrix Embedded Memory Blocks in Stratix II and Stratix II GX Devices Figure 2–3. Stratix II and Stratix II GX Address Clock Enable During Read Cycle Waveform inclock rdaddress a0 a1 a2 a3 a4 a5 a6 rden addressstall latched address (inside memory) an q (synch) doutn-1 q (asynch) a1 a0 dout0 doutn dout0 doutn dout1 dout1 dout1 dout1 dout1 a4 a5 dout1 dout4 dout4 dout5 Figure 2–4. Stratix II and Stratix II GX Address Clock Enable During Write Cycle Waveform inclock wraddress a0 a1 a2 a3 a4 a5 a6 00 01 02 03 04 05 06 data wren addressstall latched address (inside memory) contents at a0 contents at a1 an a1 a0 XX 01 02 XX contents at a3 XX contents at a5 Memory Modes Altera Corporation January 2008 a5 00 XX contents at a2 contents at a4 a4 03 04 XX XX 05 Stratix II and Stratix II GX TriMatrix memory blocks include input registers that synchronize writes, and output registers to pipeline data to improve system performance. All TriMatrix memory blocks are fully synchronous, meaning that all inputs are registered, but outputs can be either registered or unregistered. 2–9 Stratix II Device Handbook, Volume 2 Memory Modes 1 TriMatrix memory does not support asynchronous memory (unregistered inputs). Depending on which TriMatrix memory block you use, the memory has various modes, including: ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ Single-port Simple dual-port True dual-port (bidirectional dual-port) Shift-register ROM FIFO 1 Violating the setup or hold time on the memory block address registers could corrupt memory contents. This applies to both read and write operations. Single-Port Mode All TriMatrix memory blocks support the single-port mode that supports non-simultaneous read and write operations. Figure 2–5 shows the single-port memory configuration for TriMatrix memory. Figure 2–5. Single-Port Memory Note (1) data[ ] address[ ] wren byteena[] addressstall inclock inclocken q[] outclock outclocken outaclr Note to Figure 2–5: (1) Two single-port memory blocks can be implemented in a single M4K or M-RAM block. M4K and M-RAM memory blocks can also be halved and used for two independent single-port RAM blocks. The Altera® Quartus® II software automatically uses this single-port memory packing when running low on memory resources. To force two single-port memories into one M4K or M-RAM block, first ensure that each of the two independent RAM blocks is equal to or less than half the size of the M4K or M-RAM block. Secondly, assign both single-port RAMs to the same M4K or M-RAM block. 2–10 Stratix II Device Handbook, Volume 2 Altera Corporation January 2008 TriMatrix Embedded Memory Blocks in Stratix II and Stratix II GX Devices In single-port RAM configuration, the outputs can only be in read-during-write mode, which means that during the write operation, data written to the RAM flows through to the RAM outputs. When the output registers are bypassed, the new data is available on the rising edge of the same clock cycle on which it was written. Refer to “Read-DuringWrite Operation at the Same Address” on page 2–33 for more information about read-during-write mode. Table 2–8 shows the port width configurations for TriMatrix blocks in single-port mode. Table 2–8. Stratix II and Stratix II GX Port Width Configurations for M512, M4K, and M-RAM Blocks (Single-Port Mode) Port Width Configurations M512 Blocks M4K Blocks M-RAM Blocks 512 × 1 256 × 2 128 × 4 64 × 8 64 × 9 32 × 16 32 × 18 4K × 1 2K × 2 1K × 4 512 × 8 512 × 9 256 × 16 256 × 18 128 × 32 128 × 36 64K × 8 64K × 9 32K × 16 32K × 18 16K × 32 16K × 36 8K × 64 8K × 72 4K × 128 4K × 144 Figure 2–6 shows timing waveforms for read and write operations in single-port mode. Figure 2–6. Stratix II and Stratix II GX Single-Port Timing Waveforms inclock wren address an-1 an data (1) din-1 din q (synch) q (asynch) din-2 din-1 a0 a1 a2 a3 a4 din4 din-1 din din dout0 dout0 dout1 dout1 dout2 dout2 dout3 a5 a6 din5 din6 dout3 din4 din4 din5 Note to Figure 2–6: (1) The crosses in the data waveform during read mean “don’t care.” Altera Corporation January 2008 2–11 Stratix II Device Handbook, Volume 2 Memory Modes Simple Dual-Port Mode All TriMatrix memory blocks support simple dual-port mode which supports a simultaneous read and write operation. Figure 2–7 shows the simple dual-port memory configuration for TriMatrix memory. Figure 2–7. Stratix II and Stratix II GX Simple Dual-Port Memory Note (1) data[ ] wraddress[ ] wren byteena[] wr_addressstall wrclock wrclocken rdaddress[ ] rden q[ ] rd_addressstall rdclock rdclocken rd_aclr Note to Figure 2–7: (1) Simple dual-port RAM supports input/output clock mode in addition to the read/write clock mode shown. 2–12 Stratix II Device Handbook, Volume 2 Altera Corporation January 2008 TriMatrix Embedded Memory Blocks in Stratix II and Stratix II GX Devices TriMatrix memory supports mixed-width configurations, allowing different read and write port widths. Tables 2–9 through 2–11 show the mixed width configurations for the M512, M4K, and M-RAM blocks, respectively. Table 2–9. Stratix II and Stratix II GX M512 Block Mixed-Width Configurations (Simple Dual-Port Mode) Write Port Read Port 512 × 1 256 × 2 128 × 4 64 × 8 32 × 16 64 × 9 32 × 18 64 × 9 v v 32 × 18 v v 512 × 1 v v v v v 256 × 2 v v v v v 128 × 4 v v v v v 64 × 8 v v v v v 32 × 16 v v v v v Table 2–10. Stratix II and Stratix II GX M4K Block Mixed-Width Configurations (Simple Dual-Port Mode) Write Port Read Port 4K × 1 2K × 2 1K × 4 512 × 8 256 × 16 128 × 32 512 × 9 256 × 18 128 × 36 4K × 1 v v v v v v 2K × 2 v v v v v v 1K × 4 v v v v v v 512 × 8 v v v v v v 256 × 16 v v v v v v 128 × 32 v v v v v v 512 × 9 v v v 256 × 18 v v v 128 × 36 v v v Altera Corporation January 2008 2–13 Stratix II Device Handbook, Volume 2 Memory Modes Table 2–11. Stratix II and Stratix II GX M-RAM Block Mixed-Width Configurations (Simple Dual-Port Mode) Write Port Read Port 64K × 9 32K × 18 18K × 36 8K × 72 64K × 9 v v v v 32K × 18 v v v v 18K × 36 v v v v 8K × 72 v v v v 4K × 144 4K × 144 v In simple dual-port mode, M512 and M4K blocks have one write enable and one read enable signal. However, M-RAM blocks contain only a write-enable signal, which is held high to perform a write operation. M-RAM blocks are always enabled for read operations. If the read address and the write address select the same address location during a write operation, M-RAM block output is unknown. TriMatrix memory blocks do not support a clear port on the write enable and read enable registers. When the read enable is deactivated, the current data is retained at the output ports. If the read enable is activated during a write operation with the same address location selected, the simple dual-port RAM output is either unknown or can be set to output the old data stored at the memory address. Refer to “Read-During-Write Operation at the Same Address” on page 2–33 for more information. Figure 2–8 shows timing waveforms for read and write operations in simple dual-port mode. 2–14 Stratix II Device Handbook, Volume 2 Altera Corporation January 2008 TriMatrix Embedded Memory Blocks in Stratix II and Stratix II GX Devices Figure 2–8. Stratix II and Stratix II GX Simple Dual-Port Timing Waveforms wrclock wren wraddress an-1 data (1) din-1 a0 an a1 a2 din a3 a4 a5 din4 din5 a6 din6 rdclock rden (2) rdaddress bn q (synch) doutn-2 q (asynch) doutn-1 b1 b0 doutn-1 b2 b3 dout0 doutn dout0 doutn Notes to Figure 2–8: (1) (2) The crosses in the data waveform during read mean “don’t care.” The read enable rden signal is not available in M-RAM blocks. The M-RAM block in simple dual-port mode always reads out the data stored at the current read address location. True Dual-Port Mode Stratix II and Stratix II GX M4K and M-RAM memory blocks support the true dual-port mode. True dual-port mode supports any combination of two-port operations: two reads, two writes, or one read and one write at two different clock frequencies. Figure 2–9 shows Stratix II and Stratix II GX true dual-port memory configuration. Figure 2–9. Stratix II and Stratix II GX True Dual-Port Memory Note (1) data_a[ ] address_a[ ] wren_a byteena_a[] addressstall_a clock_a enable_a aclr_a q_a[] data_b[ ] address_b[] wren_b byteena_b[] addressstall_b clock_b enable_b aclr_b q_b[] Note to Figure 2–9: (1) Altera Corporation January 2008 True dual-port memory supports input/output clock mode in addition to the independent clock mode shown. 2–15 Stratix II Device Handbook, Volume 2 Memory Modes The widest bit configuration of the M4K and M-RAM blocks in true dualport mode is as follows: ■ ■ 256 × 16-bit (×18-bit with parity) (M4K) 8K × 64-bit (×72-bit with parity) (M-RAM) The 128 × 32-bit (×36-bit with parity) configuration of the M4K block and the 4K × 128-bit (×144-bit with parity) configuration of the M-RAM block are unavailable because the number of output drivers is equivalent to the maximum bit width of the respective memory block. Because true dual-port RAM has outputs on two ports, the maximum width of the true dual-port RAM equals half of the total number of output drivers. Table 2–12 lists the possible M4K block mixed-port width configurations. Table 2–12. Stratix II and Stratix II GX M4K Block Mixed-Port Width Configurations (True Dual-Port) Write Port Read Port 4K × 1 2K × 2 1K × 4 512 × 8 256 × 16 512 × 9 256 × 18 4K × 1 v v v v v 2K × 2 v v v v v 1K × 4 v v v v v 512 × 8 v v v v v 256 × 16 v v v v v 512 × 9 v v 256 × 18 v v Table 2–13 lists the possible M-RAM block mixed-port width configurations. Table 2–13. Stratix II and Stratix II GX M-RAM Block Mixed-Port Width Configurations (True Dual-Port) Write Port Read Port 64K × 9 32K × 18 18K × 36 8K × 72 64K × 9 v v v v 32K × 18 v v v v 18K × 36 v v v v 8K × 72 v v v v 2–16 Stratix II Device Handbook, Volume 2 Altera Corporation January 2008 TriMatrix Embedded Memory Blocks in Stratix II and Stratix II GX Devices In true dual-port configuration, the RAM outputs can only be configured for read-during-write mode. This means that during write operation, data being written to the A or B port of the RAM flows through to the A or B outputs, respectively. When the output registers are bypassed, the new data is available on the rising edge of the same clock cycle on which it was written. Refer to “Read-During-Write Operation at the Same Address” on page 2–33 for waveforms and information on mixed-port read-during-write mode. Potential write contentions must be resolved external to the RAM because writing to the same address location at both ports results in unknown data storage at that location. For a valid write operation to the same address of the M-RAM block, the rising edge of the write clock for port A must occur following the maximum write cycle time interval after the rising edge of the write clock for port B. Data is written on the rising edge of the write clock for the M-RAM block. Because data is written into the M512 and M4K blocks at the falling edge of the write clock, the rising edge of the write clock for port A should occur following half of the maximum write cycle time interval after the falling edge of the write clock for port B. If this timing is not met, the data stored in that particular address will be invalid. f Altera Corporation January 2008 Refer to the Stratix II Device Family Data Sheet (volume 1) of the Stratix II Device Handbook or the Stratix II GX Device Family Data Sheet (volume 1) of the Stratix II GX Device Handbook for the maximum synchronous write cycle time. 2–17 Stratix II Device Handbook, Volume 2 Memory Modes Figure 2–10 shows true dual-port timing waveforms for the write operation at port A and the read operation at port B. Figure 2–10. Stratix II and Stratix II GX True Dual-Port Timing Waveforms clk_a wren_a address_a an-1 an data_a (1) din-1 din din-2 q_a (synch) q_a (asynch) a0 din-1 din-1 din a1 a2 dout0 din dout0 dout1 a3 dout1 dout2 a4 a5 a6 din4 din5 din6 dout2 dout3 din4 dout3 din5 din4 clk_b wren_b address_b bn q_b (synch) doutn-2 q_b (asynch) doutn-1 b1 b0 doutn-1 doutn doutn dout0 b2 dout0 dout1 b3 dout1 dout2 Note to Figure 2–10: (1) The crosses in the data_a waveform during write mean “don’t care.” Shift-Register Mode All Stratix II memory blocks support the shift register mode. Embedded memory block configurations can implement shift registers for digital signal processing (DSP) applications, such as finite impulse response (FIR) filters, pseudo-random number generators, multi-channel filtering, and auto-correlation and cross-correlation functions. These and other DSP applications require local data storage, traditionally implemented with standard flip-flops that quickly exhaust many logic cells for large shift registers. A more efficient alternative is to use embedded memory as a shift-register block, which saves logic cell and routing resources. The size of a (w × m × n) shift register is determined by the input data width (w), the length of the taps (m), and the number of taps (n), and must be less than or equal to the maximum number of memory bits in the respective block: 576 bits for the M512 block, 4,608 bits for the M4K block, and 589,824 bits for the MRAM block. In addition, the size of w × n must be less than or equal to the maximum width of the respective block: 18 2–18 Stratix II Device Handbook, Volume 2 Altera Corporation January 2008 TriMatrix Embedded Memory Blocks in Stratix II and Stratix II GX Devices bits for the M512 block, 36 bits for the M4K block, and 144 bits for the MRAM block. If a larger shift register is required, the memory blocks can be cascaded. In M512 and M4K blocks, data is written into each address location at the falling edge of the clock and read from the address at the rising edge of the clock. The shift-register mode logic automatically controls the positive and negative edge clocking to shift the data in one clock cycle. The MRAM block performs reads and writes on the rising edge. Figure 2–11 shows the TriMatrix memory block in the shift-register mode. Figure 2–11. Stratix II and Stratix II GX Shift-Register Memory Configuration w × m × n Shift Register m-Bit Shift Register W W m-Bit Shift Register W W n Number of Taps m-Bit Shift Register W W m-Bit Shift Register W Altera Corporation January 2008 W 2–19 Stratix II Device Handbook, Volume 2 Clock Modes ROM Mode M512 and M4K memory blocks support ROM mode. A memory initialization file (.mif) initializes the ROM contents of these blocks. The address lines of the ROM are registered. The outputs can be registered or unregistered. The ROM read operation is identical to the read operation in the single-port RAM configuration. FIFO Buffers Mode TriMatrix memory blocks support the FIFO mode. M512 memory blocks are ideal for designs with many shallow FIFO buffers. All memory configurations have synchronous inputs; however, the FIFO buffer outputs are always combinational. Simultaneous read and write from an empty FIFO buffer is not supported. f Clock Modes Refer to the Single- and Dual-Clock FIFO Megafunctions User Guide and FIFO Partitioner Megafunction User Guide for more information on FIFO buffers. Depending on which TriMatrix memory mode is selected, the following clock modes are available: ■ ■ ■ ■ Independent Input/output Read/write Single-clock Table 2–14 shows these clock modes supported by all TriMatrix blocks when configured as respective memory modes. Table 2–14. Stratix II and Stratix II GX TriMatrix Memory Clock Modes Clocking Modes True Dual-Port Mode Independent v Input/output v 2–20 Stratix II Device Handbook, Volume 2 v v v Read/write Single clock Simple Dual-Port Single-Port Mode Mode v v v Altera Corporation January 2008 TriMatrix Embedded Memory Blocks in Stratix II and Stratix II GX Devices Independent Clock Mode The TriMatrix memory blocks can implement independent clock mode for true dual-port memory. In this mode, a separate clock is available for each port (A and B). Clock A controls all registers on the port A side, while clock B controls all registers on the port B side. Each port also supports independent clock enables for port A and B registers. Asynchronous clear signals for the registers, however, are supported. Altera Corporation January 2008 2–21 Stratix II Device Handbook, Volume 2 (1) 2–22 Stratix II Device Handbook, Volume 2 clock_a enable_a wren_a addressstall_a address_a[ ] byteena_a[ ] data_a[ ] 6 ENA D ENA D ENA D ENA D 6 LAB Row Clocks Q Q Q Q Write Pulse Generator Q Data Out Write/Read Enable Data In B q_a[ ] q_b[ ] Q D ENA Data Out Write/Read Enable Address Clock Enable B Address B Byte Enable B Memory Block 256 × 16 (2) 512 × 8 1,024 × 4 2,048 × 2 4,096 × 1 Address Clock Enable A Address A ENA D A Byte Enable A Data In Write Pulse Generator Q Q Q Q D ENA ENA D ENA D ENA D 6 clock_b enable_b wren_b addressstall_b address_b[ ] byteena_b[ ] data_b[ ] Clock Modes Figure 2–12 shows a TriMatrix memory block in independent clock mode. Figure 2–12. Stratix II and Stratix II GX TriMatrix Memory Block in Independent Clock Mode Note (1) Note to Figure 2–12: Violating the setup or hold time on the memory block address registers could corrupt the memory contents. This applies to both read and write operations. Altera Corporation January 2008 TriMatrix Embedded Memory Blocks in Stratix II and Stratix II GX Devices Input/Output Clock Mode Stratix II and Stratix II GX TriMatrix memory blocks can implement input/output clock mode for true and simple dual-port memory. On each of the two ports, A and B, one clock controls all registers for the following inputs into the memory block: data input, write enable, and address. The other clock controls the blocks’ data output registers. Each memory block port also supports independent clock enables for input and output registers. Asynchronous clear signals for the registers, however, are not supported. Figures 2–13 through 2–15 show the memory block in input/output clock mode for true dual-port, simple dual-port, and single-port modes, respectively. Altera Corporation January 2008 2–23 Stratix II Device Handbook, Volume 2 (1) 2–24 Stratix II Device Handbook, Volume 2 inclock inclocken wren_a addressstall_a address_a[ ] byteena_a[ ] data_a[ ] 6 ENA D ENA D ENA D ENA D 6 LAB Row Clocks Q Q Q Q Write Pulse Generator Q Data Out Write/Read Enable Data In B q_a[ ] q_b[ ] Q D ENA Data Out Write/Read Enable Address Clock Enable B Address B Byte Enable B Memory Block 256 × 16 (2) 512 × 8 1,024 × 4 2,048 × 2 4,096 × 1 Address Clock Enable A Address A ENA D A Byte Enable A Data In Write Pulse Generator Q Q Q Q ENA D ENA D ENA D ENA D 6 outclock outclocken wren_b addressstall_b address_b[ ] byteena_b[ ] data_b[ ] Clock Modes Figure 2–13. Stratix II and Stratix II GX Input/Output Clock Mode in True Dual-Port Mode Note (1) Note to Figure 2–13: Violating the setup or hold time on the memory block address registers could corrupt the memory contents. This applies to both read and write operations. Altera Corporation January 2008 TriMatrix Embedded Memory Blocks in Stratix II and Stratix II GX Devices Figure 2–14. Stratix II and Stratix II GX Input/Output Clock Mode in Simple Dual-Port Mode Note (1) 6 LAB Row Clocks Memory Block 256 ´ 16 Data In 512 ´ 8 1,024 ´ 4 2,048 ´ 2 4,096 ´ 1 6 data[ ] D Q ENA rdaddress[ ] D Q ENA Read Address Data Out byteena[ ] D Q ENA Byte Enable wraddress[ ] D Q ENA Write Address rd_addressstall Read Address Clock Enable wr_addressstall Write Address Clock Enable D Q ENA To MultiTrack Interconnect (3) rden (2) Read Enable D Q ENA wren Write Enable outclocken inclocken inclock D Q ENA Write Pulse Generator outclock Notes to Figure 2–14: (1) (2) (3) Violating the setup or hold time on the memory block address registers could corrupt the memory contents. This applies to both read and write operations. The read enable rden signal is not available in the M-RAM block. An M-RAM block in simple dual-port mode is always reading out the data stored at the current read address location. Refer to the Stratix II Device Family Data Sheet (volume 1) of the Stratix II Device Handbook or the Stratix II GX Device Family Data Sheet (volume 1) of the Stratix II GX Device Handbook for more information on the MultiTrack™ interconnect. Altera Corporation January 2008 2–25 Stratix II Device Handbook, Volume 2 Clock Modes Figure 2–15. Stratix II and Stratix II GX Input/Output Clock Mode in Single-Port Mode Note (1) 6 LAB Row Clocks Memory Block 256 ´ 16 Data In 512 ´ 8 1,024 ´ 4 2,048 ´ 2 4,096 ´ 1 6 data[ ] D Q ENA address[ ] D Q ENA Address Data Out byteena[ ] Byte Enable D Q ENA D Q ENA To MultiTrack Interconnect (2) Address Clock Enable addressstall wren Write Enable outclocken inclocken D Q ENA inclock Write Pulse Generator outclock Notes to Figure 2–15: (1) (2) Violating the setup or hold time on the memory block address registers could corrupt the memory contents. This applies to both read and write operations. Refer to the Stratix II Device Family Data Sheet (volume 1) of the Stratix II Device Handbook or the Stratix II GX Device Family Data Sheet (volume 1) of the Stratix II GX Device Handbook for more information on the MultiTrack interconnect. Read/Write Clock Mode Stratix II and Stratix II GX TriMatrix memory blocks can implement read/write clock mode for simple dual-port memory. This mode uses up to two clocks. The write clock controls the blocks’ data inputs, write address, and write enable signals. The read clock controls the data output, read address, and read enable signals. The memory blocks support independent clock enables for each clock for the read- and write-side registers. Asynchronous clear signals for the registers, however, are not supported. Figure 2–16 shows a memory block in read/write clock mode. 2–26 Stratix II Device Handbook, Volume 2 Altera Corporation January 2008 TriMatrix Embedded Memory Blocks in Stratix II and Stratix II GX Devices Figure 2–16. Stratix II and Stratix II GX Read/Write Clock Mode Note (1) 6 LAB Row Clocks Memory Block 256 ´ 16 Data In 512 ´ 8 1,024 ´ 4 2,048 ´ 2 4,096 ´ 1 6 data[ ] D Q ENA rdaddress[ ] D Q ENA Read Address Data Out byteena[ ] D Q ENA Byte Enable wraddress[ ] D Q ENA Write Address rd_addressstall Read Address Clock Enable wr_addressstall Write Address Clock Enable D Q ENA To MultiTrack Interconnect (3) rden (2) Read Enable D Q ENA wren Write Enable rdclocken wrclocken wrclock D Q ENA Write Pulse Generator rdclock Notes to Figure 2–16: (1) (2) (3) Violating the setup or hold time on the memory block address registers could corrupt the memory contents. This applies to both read and write operations. The read enable rden signal is not available in the M-RAM block. An M-RAM block in simple dual-port mode is always reading the data stored at the current read address location. Refer to the Stratix II Device Family Data Sheet (volume 1) of the Stratix II Device Handbook or the Stratix II GX Device Family Data Sheet (volume 1) of the Stratix II GX Device Handbook for more information on the MultiTrack interconnect. Altera Corporation January 2008 2–27 Stratix II Device Handbook, Volume 2 Clock Modes Single-Clock Mode Stratix II and Stratix II GX TriMatrix memory blocks implement single-clock mode for true dual-port, simple dual-port, and single-port memory. In this mode, a single clock, together with clock enable, is used to control all registers of the memory block. Asynchronous clear signals for the registers, however, are not supported. Figures 2–17 through 2–19 show the memory block in single-clock mode for true dual-port, simple dual-port, and single-port modes, respectively. 2–28 Stratix II Device Handbook, Volume 2 Altera Corporation January 2008 (1) Altera Corporation January 2008 clock enable wren_a addressstall_a address_a[ ] byteena_a[ ] data_a[ ] 6 ENA D ENA D ENA D ENA D 6 LAB Row Clocks Q Q Q Q Write Pulse Generator Q Data Out Write/Read Enable Data In B q_a[ ] q_b[ ] Q D ENA Data Out Write/Read Enable Address Clock Enable B Address B Byte Enable B Memory Block 256 × 16 (2) 512 × 8 1,024 × 4 2,048 × 2 4,096 × 1 Address Clock Enable A Address A ENA D A Byte Enable A Data In Write Pulse Generator Q Q Q Q ENA D ENA D ENA D ENA D 6 wren_b addressstall_b address_b[ ] byteena_b[ ] data_b[ ] TriMatrix Embedded Memory Blocks in Stratix II and Stratix II GX Devices Figure 2–17. Stratix II and Stratix II GX Single-Clock Mode in True Dual-Port Mode Note (1) Note to Figure 2–17: Violating the setup or hold time on the memory block address registers could corrupt the memory contents. This applies to both read and write operations. 2–29 Stratix II Device Handbook, Volume 2 Clock Modes Figure 2–18. Stratix II andStratix II GX Single-Clock Mode in Simple Dual-Port Mode Note (1) 6 LAB Row Clocks Memory Block 256 ´ 16 Data In 512 ´ 8 1,024 ´ 4 2,048 ´ 2 4,096 ´ 1 6 data[ ] D Q ENA rdaddress[ ] D Q ENA Read Address Data Out byteena[ ] D Q ENA Byte Enable wraddress[ ] D Q ENA Write Address rd_addressstall Read Address Clock Enable wr_addressstall Write Address Clock Enable D Q ENA To MultiTrack Interconnect (3) rden (2) Read Enable D Q ENA wren Write Enable enable D Q ENA clock Write Pulse Generator Notes to Figure 2–18: (1) (2) (3) Violating the setup or hold time on the memory block address registers could corrupt the memory contents. This applies to both read and write operations. The read enable rden signal is not available in the M-RAM block. An M-RAM block in simple dual-port mode is always reading the data stored at the current read address location. Refer to the Stratix II Device Family Data Sheet (volume 1) of the Stratix II Device Handbook or the Stratix II GX Device Family Data Sheet (volume 1) of the Stratix II GX Device Handbook for more information on the MultiTrack interconnect. 2–30 Stratix II Device Handbook, Volume 2 Altera Corporation January 2008 TriMatrix Embedded Memory Blocks in Stratix II and Stratix II GX Devices Figure 2–19. Stratix II and Stratix II GX Single-Clock Mode in Single-Port Mode Note (1) 6 LAB Row Clocks Memory Block 256 ´ 16 Data In 512 ´ 8 1,024 ´ 4 2,048 ´ 2 4,096 ´ 1 6 data[ ] D Q ENA address[ ] D Q ENA Address Data Out byteena[ ] Byte Enable D Q ENA D Q ENA To MultiTrack Interconnect (2) Address Clock Enable addressstall wren Write Enable enable clock D Q ENA Write Pulse Generator Notes to Figure 2–19: (1) (2) Violating the setup or hold time on the memory block address registers could corrupt the memory contents. This applies to both read and write operations. Refer to the Stratix II Device Family Data Sheet (volume 1) of the Stratix II Device Handbook or the Stratix II GX Device Family Data Sheet (volume 1) of the Stratix II GX Device Handbook for more information on the MultiTrack interconnect. Designing With TriMatrix Memory When instantiating TriMatrix memory, it is important to understand the features that set it apart from other memory architectures. The following sections describe the unique attributes and functionality of TriMatrix memory. Selecting TriMatrix Memory Blocks The Quartus II software automatically partitions user-defined memory into embedded memory blocks using the most efficient size combinations. The memory can also be manually assigned to a specific block size or a mixture of block sizes. Table 2–1 on page 2–2 is a guide for selecting a TriMatrix memory block size based on supported features. Altera Corporation January 2008 2–31 Stratix II Device Handbook, Volume 2 Designing With TriMatrix Memory f Refer to AN 207: TriMatrix Memory Selection Using the Quartus II Software for more information on selecting the appropriate memory block. Synchronous and Pseudo-Asynchronous Modes The TriMatrix memory architecture implements synchronous RAM by registering the input and output signals to the RAM block. The inputs to all TriMatrix memory blocks are registered providing synchronous write cycles, while the output registers can be bypassed. In a synchronous operation, RAM generates its own self-timed strobe write enable signal derived from the global or regional clock. In contrast, a circuit using asynchronous RAM must generate the RAM write enable signal while ensuring that its data and address signals meet setup and hold time specifications relative to the write enable signal. During a synchronous operation, the RAM is used in pipelined mode (inputs and outputs registered) or flow-through mode (only inputs registered). However, in an asynchronous memory, neither the input nor the output is registered. While Stratix II and Stratix II GX devices do not support asynchronous memory, they do support a pseudo-asynchronous read where the output data is available during the clock cycle when the read address is driven into it. Pseudo-asynchronous reading is possible in the simple and true dual-port modes of the M512 and M4K blocks by clocking the read enable and read address registers on the negative clock edge and bypassing the output registers. f Refer to AN 210: Converting Memory from Asynchronous to Synchronous for Stratix and Stratix GX Designs for more information. Power-up Conditions and Memory Initialization Upon power up, TriMatrix memory is in an idle state. The M512 and M4K block outputs always power-up to zero, regardless of whether the output registers are used or bypassed. Even if an MIF is used to pre-load the contents of the RAM block, the outputs will still power-up as cleared. For example, if address 0 is pre-initialized to FF, the M512 and M4K blocks power up with the output at 00. M-RAM blocks do not support MIFs; therefore, they cannot be pre-loaded with data upon power up. M-RAM blocks asynchronous outputs and memory controls always power up to an unknown state. If M-RAM block outputs are registered, the registers power up as cleared. When a read is performed immediately after power up, the output from the read operation will be undefined since the M-RAM contents are not initialized. The read operation will continue to be undefined for a given address until a write operation is performed for that address. 2–32 Stratix II Device Handbook, Volume 2 Altera Corporation January 2008 TriMatrix Embedded Memory Blocks in Stratix II and Stratix II GX Devices Read-DuringWrite Operation at the Same Address The “Same-Port Read-During-Write Mode” on page 2–33 and “MixedPort Read-During-Write Mode” on page 2–34 sections describe the functionality of the various RAM configurations when reading from an address during a write operation at that same address. There are two read-during-write data flows: same-port and mixed-port. Figure 2–20 shows the difference between these flows. Figure 2–20. Stratix II and Stratix II GX Read-During-Write Data Flow Port A data in Port B data in Mixed-port data flow Same-port data flow Port A data out Port B data out Same-Port Read-During-Write Mode For read-during-write operation of a single-port RAM or the same port of a true dual-port RAM, the new data is available on the rising edge of the same clock cycle on which it was written. This behavior is valid on all memory block sizes. Figure 2–21 shows a sample functional waveform. When using byte enables in true dual-port RAM mode, the outputs for the masked bytes on the same port are unknown (refer to Figure 2–1 on page 2–7). The non-masked bytes are read out as shown in Figure 2–21. Altera Corporation January 2008 2–33 Stratix II Device Handbook, Volume 2 Read-During-Write Operation at the Same Address Figure 2–21. Stratix II and Stratix II GX Same-Port Read-During-Write Functionality Note (1) inclock data A B wren q Old A Note to Figure 2–21: (1) Outputs are not registered. Mixed-Port Read-During-Write Mode This mode is used when a RAM in simple or true dual-port mode has one port reading and the other port writing to the same address location with the same clock. The READ_DURING_WRITE_MODE_MIXED_PORTS parameter for M512 and M4K memory blocks determines whether to output the old data at the address or a “don’t care” value. Setting this parameter to OLD_DATA outputs the old data at that address. Setting this parameter to DONT_CARE outputs a “don’t care” or unknown value. Figures 2–22 and 2–23 show sample functional waveforms where both ports have the same address. These figures assume that the outputs are not registered. The DONT_CARE setting allows memory implementation in any TriMatrix memory block, whereas the OLD_DATA setting restricts memory implementation to only M512 or M4K memory blocks. Selecting DONT_CARE gives the compiler more flexibility when placing memory functions into TriMatrix memory. The RAM outputs are unknown for a mixed-port read-during-write operation of the same address location of an M-RAM block, as shown in Figure 2–23. 2–34 Stratix II Device Handbook, Volume 2 Altera Corporation January 2008 TriMatrix Embedded Memory Blocks in Stratix II and Stratix II GX Devices Figure 2–22. Stratix II and Stratix II GX Mixed-Port Read-During-Write: OLD_DATA inclock address_a and address_b data_a Address Q A B wren_a wren_b q_b Old A B Figure 2–23. Stratix II and Stratix II GX Mixed-Port Read-During-Write: DONT_CARE inclock address_a and address_b data_a Address Q A B wren_a wren_b q_b Unknown B Mixed-port read-during-write is not supported when two different clocks are used in a dual-port RAM. The output value is unknown during a mixed-port read-during-write operation. Conclusion Altera Corporation January 2008 The TriMatrix memory structure of Stratix II and Stratix II GX devices provides an enhanced RAM architecture with high memory bandwidth. It addresses the needs of different memory applications in FPGA designs with features such as different memory block sizes and modes, byte enables, parity bit storage, address clock enables, mixed clock mode, shift register mode, mixed-port width support, and true dual-port mode. 2–35 Stratix II Device Handbook, Volume 2 Referenced Documents Referenced Documents This chapter references the following documents: ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ Document Revision History AN 207: TriMatrix Memory Selection Using the Quartus II Software AN 210: Converting Memory from Asynchronous to Synchronous for Stratix and Stratix GX Designs FIFO Partitioner Megafunction User Guide Single- and Dual-Clock FIFO Megafunctions User Guide Stratix II Device Family Data Sheet (volume 1) of the Stratix II Device Handbook Stratix II GX Device Family Data Sheet (volume 1) of the Stratix II GX Device Handbook Using Parity to Detect Memory Errors white paper Table 2–15 shows the revision history for this chapter. Table 2–15. Document Revision History Date and Document Version Changes Made Summary of Changes January 2008, v4.5 Added “Referenced Documents” section. — Minor text edits. — No change For the Stratix II GX Device Handbook only: Formerly chapter 7. The chapter number changed due to the addition of the Stratix II GX Dynamic Reconfiguration chapter. No content change. — May 2007, v4.4 Added note to “Byte Enable Functional Waveform” section. — Updated “Byte Enable Support” section. — February 2007 v4.3 Added the “Document Revision History” section to this chapter. — April 2006, v4.2 Chapter updated as part of the Stratix II Device Handbook update. — No change Formerly chapter 6. Chapter number change only due to chapter addition to Section I in February 2006; no content change. — December 2005, v4.1 Chapter updated as part of the Stratix II Device Handbook update. — October 2005 v4.0 Added chapter to the Stratix II GX Device Handbook. — 2–36 Stratix II Device Handbook, Volume 2 Altera Corporation January 2008 3. External Memory Interfaces in Stratix II and Stratix II GX Devices SII52003-4.5 Introduction Stratix® II and Stratix II GX devices support a broad range of external memory interfaces such as double data rate (DDR) SDRAM, DDR2 SDRAM, RLDRAM II, QDRII SRAM, and single data rate (SDR) SDRAM. Its dedicated phase-shift circuitry allows the Stratix II or Stratix II GX device to interface with an external memory at twice the system clock speed (up to 300 MHz/600 megabits per second (Mbps) with RLDRAM II). In addition to external memory interfaces, you can also use the dedicated phase-shift circuitry for other applications that require a shifted input signal. Typical I/O architectures transmit a single data word on each positive clock edge and are limited to the associated clock speed. To achieve a 400-Mbps transfer rate, a SDR system requires a 400-MHz clock. Many new applications have introduced a DDR I/O architecture as an alternative to SDR architectures. While SDR architectures capture data on one edge of a clock, the DDR architectures captures data on both the rising and falling edges of the clock, doubling the throughput for a given clock frequency and accelerating performance. For example, a 200-MHz clock can capture a 400-Mbps data stream, enhancing system performance and simplifying board design. Most new memory architectures use a DDR I/O interface. Although Stratix II and Stratix II GX devices also support the mature and well established SDR external memory, this chapter focuses on DDR memory standards. These DDR memory standards cover a broad range of applications for embedded processor systems, image processing, storage, communications, and networking. Stratix II devices offer external memory support in every I/O bank. The side I/O banks support the PLL-based interfaces running at up to 200 MHz, while the top and bottom I/O banks support PLL- and DLL-based interfaces. Figure 3–1 shows Stratix II device memory support. Altera Corporation January 2008 3–1 Introduction Figure 3–1. External Memory Support DQS8T VREF0B3 DQS7T VREF1B3 DQS6T VREF2B3 DQS5T VREF3B3 VREF4B3 PLL11 PLL5 Bank 11 Bank 9 DQS4T DQS3T DQS2T DQS1T DQS0T VREF0B4 VREF1B4 VREF2B4 VREF3B4 VREF4B4 PLL7 PLL10 VR EF1B 5 PLL1 PLL4 Support PLL-Based Implementation Support PLL-Based Implementation VR EF1B6 VREF 3B6 VREF 4B6 VREF 0B1 VREF 1B1 Support PLL- and DLL-Based Implementations VREF 2B6 Bank 6 Bank 1 VR EF3B1 VR EF0B6 PLL3 VR EF4B1 PLL2 VREF 2B1 VR EF2B5 Bank 5 VREF 4B5 VREF 0B2 VR EF3B5 Bank 2 Support PLL- and DLL-Based Implementations VR EF1B2 VR EF2B2 VR EF3B 2 VREF 0B5 Bank 4 VREF 4B2 Bank 3 Bank 12 Bank 8 Bank 10 Bank 7 PLL8 PLL9 VREF4B8 DQS8B VREF3B8 VREF2B8 DQS7B VREF1B8 DQS6B 3–2 Stratix II Device Handbook, Volume 2 VREF0B8 DQS5B PLL12 PLL6 VREF4B7 VREF3B7 VREF2B7 VREF1B7 VREF0B7 DQS4B DQS3B DQS2B DQS1B DQS0B Altera Corporation January 2008 External Memory Interfaces in Stratix II and Stratix II GX Devices Table 3–1 summarizes the maximum clock rate Stratix II and Stratix II GX devices can support with external memory devices. Table 3–1. Stratix II and Stratix II GX Maximum Clock Rate Support for External Memory Interfaces Notes (1), (2) –3 Speed Grade (MHz) –4 Speed Grade (MHz) –5 Speed Grade (MHz) Memory Standards DLL-Based PLL-Based DLL-Based PLL-Based DDR2 SDRAM (3), (5) 333 200 267 DDR SDRAM (3) 200 150 200 DLL-Based PLL-Based 167 233 167 133 200 100 RLDRAM II 300 200 250 (4) 175 200 175 QDRII SRAM 300 200 250 167 250 167 QDRII+ SRAM 300 (6) 250 (6) 250 (6) Notes to Table 3–1: (1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) Memory interface timing specifications are dependent on the memory, board, physical interface, and core logic. Refer to each memory interface application note for more details on how each specification was generated. The respective Altera MegaCore function and the EP2S60F1020C3 timing information featured in the Quartus® II software version 6.0 was used to define these clock rates. This applies for interfaces with both modules and components. You must underclock a 300-MHz RLDRAM II device to achieve this clock rate. To achieve speeds greater than 267 MHz (533 Mbps) up to 333 MHz (667 Mbps), you must use the Altera DDR2 SDRAM Controller MegaCore function that features a new dynamic auto-calibration circuit in the data path for resynchronization. For more information, see the Altera web site at For interfaces running at 267 MHz or below, continue to use the static resynchronization data path currently supported by the released version of the MegaCore function. The lowest frequency at which a QDRII+ SRAM device can operate is 238 MHz. Therefore, the PLL-based implementation does not support the QDRII+ SRAM interface. This chapter describes the hardware features in Stratix II and Stratix II GX devices that facilitate the high-speed memory interfacing for each DDR memory standard. This chapter focuses primarily on the DLL-based implementation. The PLL-based implementation is described in application notes. It then lists the Stratix II and Stratix II GX feature enhancements from Stratix devices and briefly explains how each memory standard uses the Stratix II and Stratix II GX features. f You can use this document with the following documents: ■ ■ ■ ■ Altera Corporation January 2008 AN 325: Interfacing RLDRAM II with Stratix II & Stratix GX Devices AN 326: Interfacing QDRII & QDRII+ SRAM with Stratix II, Stratix, & Stratix GX Devices AN 327: Interfacing DDR SDRAM with Stratix II Devices AN 328: Interfacing DDR2 SDRAM with Stratix II Devices 3–3 Stratix II Device Handbook, Volume 2 External Memory Standards External Memory Standards The following sections briefly describe the external memory standards supported by Stratix II and Stratix II GX devices. Altera offers a complete solution for these memories, including clear-text data path, memory controller, and timing analysis. DDR and DDR2 SDRAM DDR SDRAM is a memory architecture that transmits and receives data at twice the clock speed. These devices transfer data on both the rising and falling edge of the clock signal. DDR2 SDRAM is a second generation memory based on the DDR SDRAM architecture and transfers data to Stratix II and Stratix II GX devices at up to 333 MHz/667 Mbps. Stratix II and Stratix II GX devices can support DDR SDRAM at up to 200 MHz/400 Mbps. For PLL-based implementations, Stratix II and Stratix II GX devices support DDR and DDR2 SDRAM up to 150 MHz and 200 MHz, respectively. Interface Pins DDR and DDR2 SDRAM devices use interface pins such as data (DQ), data strobe (DQS), clock, command, and address pins. Data is sent and captured at twice the system clock rate by transferring data on the clock’s positive and negative edge. The commands and addresses still only use one active (positive) edge of a clock. DDR and DDR2 SDRAM use single-ended data strobes (DQS). DDR2 SDRAM can also use optional differential data strobes (DQS and DQS#). However, Stratix II and Stratix II GX devices do not use the optional differential data strobes for DDR2 SDRAM interfaces since DQS and DQSn pins in Stratix II and Stratix II GX devices are not differential. You can leave the DDR SDRAM memory DQS# pin unconnected. Only the shifted DQS signal from the DQS logic block is used to capture data. DDR and DDR2 SDRAM ×16 devices use two DQS pins, and each DQS pin is associated with eight DQ pins. However, this is not the same as the ×16/×18 mode in Stratix II and Stratix II GX devices (see “Data and Data Strobe Pins” on page 3–14). To support a ×16 DDR SDRAM device, you need to configure Stratix II and Stratix II GX devices to use two sets of DQ pins in ×8/×9 mode. Similarly if your ×32 memory device uses four DQS pins where each DQS pin is associated with eight DQ pins, you need to configure Stratix II and Stratix II GX devices to use four sets of DQS/DQ groups in ×8/×9 mode. Connect the memory device’s DQ and DQS pins to Stratix II and Stratix II GX DQ and DQS pins, respectively, as listed in Stratix II and Stratix II GX pin tables. DDR and DDR2 SDRAM also uses active-high data mask, DM, pins for writes. You can connect the memory’s DM pins 3–4 Stratix II Device Handbook, Volume 2 Altera Corporation January 2008 External Memory Interfaces in Stratix II and Stratix II GX Devices to any of Stratix II and Stratix II GX I/O pins in the same bank as the DQ pins of the FPGA. There is one DM pin per DQS/DQ group in a DDR or DDR2 SDRAM device. You can also use I/O pins in banks 1, 2, 5, or 6 to interface with DDR and DDR2 SDRAM devices. These banks do not have dedicated circuitry, though, and can only support DDR SDRAM at speeds up to 150 MHz and DDR2 SDRAM at speeds up to 200 MHz. DDR2 SDRAM interfaces using these banks are supported using the SSTL-18 Class I I/O standard. f For more information, see AN 327: Interfacing DDR SDRAM with Stratix II Devices and AN 328: Interfacing DDR2 SDRAM with Stratix II Devices. If the DDR or DDR2 SDRAM device supports error correction coding (ECC), the design will use an extra DQS/DQ group for the ECC pins. You can use any of the user I/O pins for commands and addresses to the DDR and DDR2 SDRAM. You may need to generate these signals from the system clock’s negative edge. The clocks to the SDRAM device are called CK and CK# pins. Use any of the user I/O pins via the DDR registers to generate the CK and CK# signals to meet the DDR SDRAM or DDR2 SDRAM device’s tDQSS requirement. The memory device’s tDQSS specification requires that the write DQS signal’s positive edge must be within 25% of the positive edge of the DDR SDRAM or DDR2 SDRAM clock input. Using regular I/O pins for CK and CK# also ensures that any PVT variations on the DQS signals are tracked the same way by these CK and CK# pins. Figure 3–2 shows a diagram that illustrates how to generate these clocks. Altera Corporation January 2008 3–5 Stratix II Device Handbook, Volume 2 External Memory Standards Figure 3–2. Clock Generation for External Memory Interfaces in Stratix II and Stratix II GX Devices LE VCC IOE GND D Q D Q D Q D Q VCC CK (1) DK (2) VCC GND VCC CK# (1) DK# (2) clk Notes to Figure 3–2: (1) (2) CK and CK# are the clocks to the memory devices. DK and DK# are for RLDRAM II interfaces. You can generate DK# and DK from separate pins if the difference of the Quartus II software’s reported clock-to-out time for these pins meets the RLDRAM II device’s tCKDK specification. Read and Write Operations When reading from the memory, DDR and DDR2 SDRAM devices send the data edge-aligned with respect to the data strobe. To properly read the data in, the data strobe needs to be center-aligned with respect to the data inside the FPGA. Stratix II and Stratix II GX devices feature dedicated circuitry to shift this data strobe to the middle of the data window. Figure 3–3 shows an example of how the memory sends out the data and data strobe for a burst-of-two operation. 3–6 Stratix II Device Handbook, Volume 2 Altera Corporation January 2008 External Memory Interfaces in Stratix II and Stratix II GX Devices Figure 3–3. Example of a 90° Shift on the DQS Signal Notes (1), (2) DQS pin to register delay DQS at FPGA pin Preamble Postamble DQ at FPGA pin DQS at IOE registers 90˚ degree (3) DQ at IOE registers DQ pin to register delay Notes to Figure 3–3: (1) (2) (3) RLDRAM II and QDRII SRAM memory interfaces do not have preamble and postamble specifications. DDR2 SDRAM does not support a burst length of two. The phase shift required for your system should be based on your timing analysis and may not be 90°. During write operations to a DDR or DDR2 SDRAM device, the FPGA needs to send the data to the memory center-aligned with respect to the data strobe. Stratix II and Stratix II GX devices use a PLL to center-align the data by generating a 0° phase-shifted system clock for the write data strobes and a –90° phase-shifted write clock for the write data pins for DDR and DDR2 SDRAM. Figure 3–4 shows an example of the relationship between the data and data strobe during a burst-of-four write. Altera Corporation January 2008 3–7 Stratix II Device Handbook, Volume 2 External Memory Standards Figure 3–4. DQ and DQS Relationship During a DDR and DDR2 SDRAM Write Notes (1), (2) DQS at FPGA Pin DQ at FPGA Pin Notes to Figure 3–4: (1) (2) This example shows a write for a burst length of four. DDR SDRAM also supports burst lengths of two. The write clock signals never go to hi-Z state on RLDRAM II and QDRII SRAM memory interfaces because they use free-running clocks. However, the general timing relationship between data and the read clock shown in this figure still applies. f For more information on DDR SDRAM and DDR2 SDRAM specifications, refer to JEDEC standard publications JESD79C and JESD79-2, respectively, from, or see AN 327: Interfacing DDR SDRAM with Stratix II Devices and AN 327: Interfacing DDR SDRAM with Stratix II Devices. RLDRAM II RLDRAM II provides fast random access as well as high bandwidth and high density, making this memory technology ideal for high-speed network and communication data storage applications. The fast random access speeds in RLDRAM II devices make them a viable alternative to SRAM devices at a lower cost. Additionally, RLDRAM II devices have minimal latency to support designs that require fast response times. Interface Pins RLDRAM II devices use interface pins such as data, clock, command, and address pins. There are two types of RLDRAM II memory: common I/O (CIO) and separate I/O (SIO). The data pins in a RLDRAM II CIO device are bidirectional while the data pins in a RLDRAM II SIO device are unidirectional. Instead of bidirectional data strobes, RLDRAM II uses differential free-running read and write clocks to accompany the data. As in DDR or DDR2 SDRAM, data is sent and captured at twice the system clock rate by transferring data on the clock’s positive and negative edge. The commands and addresses still only use one active (positive) edge of a clock. If the data pins are bidirectional, as in RLDRAM II CIO devices, connect them to Stratix II and Stratix II GX DQ pins. If the data pins are unidirectional, as in RLDRAM II SIO devices, connect the RLDRAM II device Q ports to the Stratix II and Stratix II GX device DQ pins and 3–8 Stratix II Device Handbook, Volume 2 Altera Corporation January 2008 External Memory Interfaces in Stratix II and Stratix II GX Devices connect the D ports to any user I/O pins in I/O banks 3, 4, 7, or 8 for optimal performance. RLDRAM II also uses active-high data mask, DM, pins for writes. You can connect DM pins to any of the I/O pins in the same bank as the DQ pins of the FPGA when interfacing with RLDRAM II CIO devices to any of the I/O pins in the same bank as the D pins when interfacing with RLDRAM II SIO devices. There is one DM pin per RLDRAM II device. You can also use I/O pins in banks 1, 2, 5, or 6 to interface with RLDRAM II devices. However, these banks do not have dedicated circuitry and can only support RLDRAM II devices at speeds up to 200 MHz. RLDRAM II interfaces using these banks are supported using the 1.8-V HSTL Class I I/O support. Connect the RLDRAM II device’s read clock pins (QK) to Stratix II or Stratix II GX DQS pins. Because of software requirements, you must configure the DQS signals as bidirectional pins. However, since QK pins are output-only pins from the memory, RLDRAM II memory interfacing in Stratix II and Stratix II GX devices requires that you ground the DQS pin output enables. Stratix II and Stratix II GX devices use the shifted QK signal from the DQS logic block to capture data. You can leave the QK# signal of the RLDRAM II device unconnected, as DQS and DQSn in Stratix II and Stratix II GX devices are not differential pins. RLDRAM II devices also have input clocks (CK and CK#) and write clocks (DK and DK#). You can use any of the user I/O pins for commands and addresses. RLDRAM II also offers QVLD pins to indicate the read data availability. Connect the QVLD pins to the Stratix II or Stratix II GX DQVLD pins, listed in the pin table. 1 Because the Quartus II software treats the DQVLD pins like DQ pins, you should ensure that the DQVLD pin is assigned to the pin table’s recommended pin. Read and Write Operations When reading from the RLDRAM II device, data is sent edge-aligned with the read clock QK and QK#. When writing to the RLDRAM II device, data must be center-aligned with the write clock (DK and DK#). The RLDRAM II interface uses the same scheme as in DDR or DDR2 SDRAM interfaces, where the dedicated circuitry is used during reads to center-align the data and the read clock inside the FPGA and the PLL center-aligns the data and write clock outputs. The data and clock relationship for reads and writes in RLDRAM II is similar to those in DDR and DDR2 SDRAM as shown in Figures 3–3 and 3–4. Altera Corporation January 2008 3–9 Stratix II Device Handbook, Volume 2 External Memory Standards f For details on RLDRAM II, see AN 325: Interfacing RLDRAM II with Stratix II & Stratix GX Devices. QDRII SRAM QDRII SRAM is the second generation of QDR SRAM devices. Both devices can transfer four words per clock cycle, fulfilling the requirements facing next-generation communications system designers. QDRII SRAM devices provide concurrent reads and writes, zero latency, and increased data throughput, allowing simultaneous access to the same address location. QDRII SRAM is available in burst-of-2 and burst-of-4 devices. Burst-of-2 devices support two-word data transfer on all read and write transactions, and burst-of-4 devices support four-word data transfer Interface Pins QDRII SRAM uses two separate, unidirectional data ports for read and write operations, enabling QDR data transfer. QDRII SRAM uses shared address lines for reads and writes. QDRII SRAM burst-of-two devices sample the read address on the rising edge of the clock and sample the write address on the falling edge of the clock while QDRII SRAM burst-of-four devices sample both read and write addresses on the clock’s rising edge. Connect the memory device’s Q ports (read data) to the Stratix II or Stratix II GX DQ pins. You can use any of the Stratix II or Stratix II GX device user I/O pins in I/O banks 3, 4, 7, or 8 for the D ports (write data), commands, and addresses. The control signals are sampled on the rising edge of the clock. You can also use I/O pins in banks 1, 2, 5, or 6 to interface with QDRII SRAM devices. However, these banks do not have dedicated circuitry and can only support QDRII SRAM devices at speeds up to 200 MHz. QDRII SRAM interfaces using these banks are supported using the 1.8-V HSTL Class I I/O support. QDRII SRAM uses the following clock signals: ■ ■ ■ Input clocks K and K# Output clocks C and C# Echo clocks CQ and CQ# Clocks C#, K#, and CQ# are logical complements of clocks C, K, and CQ, respectively. Clocks C, C#, K, and K# are inputs to the QDRII SRAM while clocks CQ and CQ# are outputs from the QDRII SRAM. Stratix II and Stratix II GX devices use single-clock mode for single-device QDRII SRAM interfacing where the K and K# are used for write operations, and CQ and CQ# are used for read operations. You should use both C or C# and K or K# clocks when interfacing with a bank of multiple QDRII SRAM devices with a single controller. 3–10 Stratix II Device Handbook, Volume 2 Altera Corporation January 2008 External Memory Interfaces in Stratix II and Stratix II GX Devices You can generate C, C#, K, and K# clocks using any of the I/O registers via the DDR registers. Because of strict skew requirements between K and K# signals, use adjacent pins to generate the clock pair. Connect CQ and CQ# pins to the Stratix II or Stratix II GX DQS and DQSn pins for DLL-based implementations. You must configure DQS and DQSn as bidirectional pins. However, since CQ and CQ# pins are output-only pins from the memory, the Stratix II or Stratix II GX device QDRII SRAM memory interface requires that you ground the DQS and DQSn output enable. To capture data presented by the memory, connect the shifted CQ signal to the input latch and connect the active-high input registers and the shifted CQ# signal is connected to the active-low input register. For PLL-based implementations, connect QK to the input of the read PLL and leave QK# unconnected. Read and Write Operations Figure 3–5 shows the data and clock relationships in QDRII SRAM devices at the memory pins during reads. Data is output one-and-a-half clock cycles after a read command is latched into memory. QDRII SRAM devices send data within a tCO time after each rising edge of the read clock C or C# in multi-clock mode, or the input clock K or K# in single clock mode. Data is valid until tDOH time after each rising edge of the read clock C or C# in multi-clock mode or the input clock K or K# in single clock mode. The CQ and CQ# clocks are edge-aligned with the read data signal. These clocks accompany the read data for data capture in Stratix II and Stratix II GX devices. Altera Corporation January 2008 3–11 Stratix II Device Handbook, Volume 2 External Memory Standards Figure 3–5. Data and Clock Relationship During a QDRII SRAM Read Note (1) C/K C#/K# tCO (2) Q tCO (2) QA tCLZ (3) QA + 1 tDOH (2) QA + 2 QA + 3 tCHZ (3) CQ tCQD (4) CQ# tCCQO (5) tCQOH (5) tCQD (4) Notes to Figure 3–5: (1) (2) (3) (4) (5) This relationship is at the memory device. The timing parameter nomenclature is based on the Cypress QDRII SRAM data sheet for CY7C1313V18. tCO is the data clock-to-out time and tDOH is the data output hold time between burst. tCLZ and tCHZ are bus turn-on and turn-off times respectively. tCQD is the skew between the rising edge of CQ or CQ# and the data edges. tCCQO and tCQOH are skew measurements between the C or C# clocks (or the K or K# clocks in single-clock mode) and the CQ or CQ# clocks. When reading from the QDRII SRAM, data is sent edge-aligned with the rising edge of the echo clocks CQ and CQ#. Both CQ and CQ# are shifted inside the FPGA using DQS and DQSn logic blocks to capture the data in the DDR IOE registers in DLL-based implementations. In PLL-based implementations, CQ feeds a PLL, which generates the clock to capture the data in the DDR IOE registers. When writing to QDRII SRAM devices, data is generated by the write clock while the K clock is 90° shifted from the write clock, creating a center-aligned arrangement. Read and write operations occur during the same clock cycle on independent read and write data paths along with the cycle-shared address bus. Performing concurrent reads and writes does not change the functionality of either transaction. If a read request occurs simultaneously with a write request at the same address, the new data on D is forwarded to Q. Therefore, latency is not required to access valid data. f For more information on QDRII SRAM, go to or see AN 326: Interfacing QDRII & QDRII+ SRAM with Stratix II, Stratix, & Stratix GX Devices. 3–12 Stratix II Device Handbook, Volume 2 Altera Corporation January 2008 External Memory Interfaces in Stratix II and Stratix II GX Devices Stratix II and Stratix II GX DDR Memory Support Overview This section describes Stratix II and Stratix II GX features that enable high-speed memory interfacing. It first describes Stratix II and Stratix II GX memory pins and then the DQS phase-shift circuitry and the DDR I/O registers. Table 3–2 shows the I/O standard associated with the external memory interfaces. Table 3–2. External Memory Support in Stratix II and Stratix II GX Devices Memory Standard I/O Standard DDR SDRAM SSTL-2 Class II DDR2 SDRAM SSTL-18 Class II(1) RLDRAM II (2) 1.8-V HSTL Class I or II (1) QDRII SRAM (2) 1.8-V HSTL Class I or II (1) Notes to Table 3–2: (1) (2) Stratix II and Stratix II GX devices support 1.8-V HSTL/SSTL-18 Class I and II I/O standards in I/O banks 3, 4, 7, and 8. In I/O banks 1, 2, 5, and 6, Class I is supported for both input and output operations, while Class II is only supported for input operations for these I/O standards. For maximum performance, Altera recommends using the 1.8-V HSTL I/O standard. RLDRAM II and QDRII SRAM devices also support the 1.5-V HSTL I/O standard. Stratix II and Stratix II GX devices support the data strobe or read clock signal (DQS) used in DDR SDRAM, DDR2 SDRAM, RLDRAM II, and QDRII SRAM devices with dedicated circuitry. Stratix II and Stratix II GX devices also support the DQSn signal (the DQS complement signal) for external memory types that require them, for example QDRII SRAM. DQS and DQSn signals are usually associated with a group of data (DQ) pins. However, these are not differential buffers and cannot be used in DDR2 SDRAM or RLDRAM II interfaces. 1 f You can also interface with these external memory devices without the use of dedicated circuitry at a lower performance. For more information, see the appropriate Stratix II or Stratix II GX memory interfaces application note available at Stratix II and Stratix II GX devices contain dedicated circuitry to shift the incoming DQS signals by 0°, 22.5°, 30°, 36°, 45°, 60°, 67.5°, 72°, 90°, 108°, 120°, or 144°, depending on the delay-locked loop (DLL) mode. There are four DLL modes. The DQS phase-shift circuitry uses a frequency reference to dynamically generate control signals for the delay chains in each of the DQS and DQSn pins, allowing it to compensate for process, Altera Corporation January 2008 3–13 Stratix II Device Handbook, Volume 2 Stratix II and Stratix II GX DDR Memory Support Overview voltage, and temperature (PVT) variations. This phase-shift circuitry has been enhanced in Stratix II and Stratix II GX devices to support more phase-shift options with less jitter. Besides the DQS dedicated phase-shift circuitry, each DQS and DQSn pin has its own DQS logic block that sets the delay for the signal input to the pin. Using the DQS dedicated phase-shift circuitry with the DQS logic block allows for phase-shift fine-tuning. Additionally, every IOE in a Stratix II or Stratix II GX device contains six registers and one latch to achieve DDR operation. DDR Memory Interface Pins Stratix II and Stratix II GX devices use data (DQ), data strobe (DQS and DQSn), and clock pins to interface with external memory. Figure 3–6 shows the DQ, DQS, and DQSn pins in the Stratix II or Stratix II GX I/O banks on the top of the device. A similar arrangement is repeated at the bottom of the device. Figure 3–6. DQ and DQS Pins Per I/O Bank Up to 8 Sets of DQ & DQS Pins Up to 10 Sets of DQ & DQS Pins DQ Pins I/O Bank 3 DQSn Pin DQ Pins PLL 11 PLL 5 I/O Bank 11 I/O Bank 9 DQS Pin DQS Phase Shift Circuitry I/O Bank 4 DQSn Pin DQS Pin Data and Data Strobe Pins Stratix II and Stratix II GX data pins for the DDR memory interfaces are called DQ pins. Stratix II and Stratix II GX devices can use either bidirectional data strobes or unidirectional read clocks. Depending on the external memory interface, either the memory device’s read data strobes or read clocks feed the Stratix II or Stratix II GX DQS (and DQSn) pins. 3–14 Stratix II Device Handbook, Volume 2 Altera Corporation January 2008 External Memory Interfaces in Stratix II and Stratix II GX Devices Stratix II and Stratix II GX DQS pins connect to the DQS pins in DDR and DDR2 SDRAM interfaces or to the QK pins in RLDRAM II interfaces. The DQSn pins are not used in these interfaces. Connect the Stratix II or Stratix II GX DQS and DQSn pins to the QDRII SRAM CQ and CQ# pins, respectively. In every Stratix II or Stratix II GX device, the I/O banks at the top (I/O banks 3 and 4) and bottom (I/O banks 7 and 8) of the device support DDR memory up to 300 MHz/600 Mbps (with RLDRAM II). These I/O banks support DQS signals and its complement DQSn signals with DQ bus modes of ×4, ×8/×9, ×16/×18, or ×32/×36. In ×4 mode, each DQS/DQSn pin drives up to four DQ pins within that group. In ×8/×9 mode, each DQS/DQSn pin drives up to nine DQ pins within that group to support one parity bit and the eight data bits. If the parity bit or any data bit is not used, the extra DQ pins can be used as regular user I/O pins. Similarly, with ×16/×18 and ×32/×36 modes, each DQS/DQSn pin drives up to 18 and 36 DQ pins respectively. There are two parity bits in the ×16/×18 mode and four parity bits in the ×32/×36 mode. Tables 3–3 through 3–6 show the number of DQS/DQ groups and non-DQS /DQ supported in each Stratix II or Stratix II GX density/package combination, respectively, for DLL-based implementations. Table 3–3. Stratix II DQS and DQ Bus Mode Support (Part 1 of 2) Number of ×4 Groups Number of ×8/×9 Groups 484-pin FineLine BGA 8 4 0 0 672-pin FineLine BGA 18 8 4 0 484-pin FineLine BGA 8 4 0 0 672-pin FineLine BGA 18 8 4 0 484-pin FineLine BGA 8 4 0 0 672-pin FineLine BGA 18 8 4 0 1,020-pin FineLine BGA 36 18 8 4 484-pin Hybrid FineLine BGA 8 4 0 0 Device EP2S15 EP2S30 EP2S60 EP2S90 Note (1) Package Number of Number of ×16/×18 Groups ×32/×36 Groups 780-pin FineLine BGA 18 8 4 0 1,020-pin FineLine BGA 36 18 8 4 1,508-pin FineLine BGA 36 18 8 4 18 8 4 0 1,020-pin FineLine BGA 36 18 8 4 1,508-pin FineLine BGA 36 18 8 4 EP2S130 780-pin FineLine BGA Altera Corporation January 2008 3–15 Stratix II Device Handbook, Volume 2 Stratix II and Stratix II GX DDR Memory Support Overview Table 3–3. Stratix II DQS and DQ Bus Mode Support (Part 2 of 2) Note (1) Number of ×4 Groups Number of ×8/×9 Groups EP2S180 1,020-pin FineLine BGA 36 18 8 4 1,508-pin FineLine BGA 36 18 8 4 Device Package Number of Number of ×16/×18 Groups ×32/×36 Groups Note to Table 3–3: (1) Check the pin table for each DQS/DQ group in the different modes. Table 3–4. Stratix II non-DQS and DQ Bus Mode Support Device Package Note (1) Number of ×4 Groups Number of ×8/×9 Groups 13 7 Number of Number of ×16/×18 Groups ×32/×36 Groups EP2S15 484-pin FineLine BGA 672-pin FineLine BGA 24 9 4 2 EP2S30 484-pin FineLine BGA 13 7 3 1 672-pin FineLine BGA 36 15 7 3 EP2S60 484-pin FineLine BGA 13 7 3 1 EP2S90 3 1 672-pin FineLine BGA 36 15 7 3 1,020-pin FineLine BGA 51 26 13 6 780-pin FineLine BGA 40 24 12 6 1,020-pin FineLine BGA 51 25 12 6 1,508-pin FineLine BGA 51 25 12 6 40 24 12 6 1,020-pin FineLine BGA 51 25 12 6 1,508-pin FineLine BGA 51 25 12 6 EP2S180 1,020-pin FineLine BGA 51 25 12 6 1,508-pin FineLine BGA 51 25 12 6 EP2S130 780-pin FineLine BGA Note to Table 3–4: (1) Check the pin table for each DQS/DQ group in the different modes. 3–16 Stratix II Device Handbook, Volume 2 Altera Corporation January 2008 External Memory Interfaces in Stratix II and Stratix II GX Devices Table 3–5. Stratix II GX DQS and DQ Bus Mode Support Device Package Note (1) Number of ×4 Groups Number of ×8/×9 Groups Number of Number of ×16/×18 Groups ×32/×36 Groups EP2SGX30C EP2SGX30D 780-pin FineLine BGA 18 8 4 0 EP2SGX60C EP2SGX60D 780-pin FineLine BGA 18 8 4 0 EP2SGX60E 1,152-pin FineLine BGA 36 18 8 4 EP2SGX90E 1,152-pin FineLine BGA 36 18 8 4 EP2SGX90F 1,508-pin FineLine BGA 36 18 8 4 EP2SGX130G 1,508-pin FineLine BGA 36 18 8 4 Note to Table 3–5: (1) Check the pin table for each DQS/DQ group in the different modes. Table 3–6. Stratix II GX Non-DQS and DQ Bus Mode Support Note (1) Device Package Number of ×4 Groups Number of ×8/×9 Groups Number of Number of ×16/×18 Groups ×32/×36 Groups 8 4 2 EP2SGX30 780-pin FineLine BGA 18 EP2SGX60 780-pin FineLine BGA 18 8 4 2 1,152-pin FineLine BGA 25 13 6 3 EP2SGX90 EP2SGX130 1,152-pin FineLine BGA 25 13 6 3 1,508-pin FineLine BGA 25 12 6 3 1,508-pin FineLine BGA 25 12 6 3 Note to Table 3–6: (1) Check the pin table for each DQS/DQ group in the different modes. 1 Altera Corporation January 2008 To support the RLDRAM II QVLD pin, some of the unused ×4 DQS pins, whose DQ pins were combined to make the bigger ×8/×9, ×16/×18, or ×32/×36 groups, are listed as DQVLD pins in the Stratix II or Stratix II GX pin table. DQVLD pins are for input-only operations. The signal coming into this pin can be captured by the shifted DQS signal like any of the DQ pins. 3–17 Stratix II Device Handbook, Volume 2 Stratix II and Stratix II GX DDR Memory Support Overview The DQS pins are listed in the Stratix II or Stratix II GX pin tables as DQS[17..0]T or DQS[17..0]B. The T denotes pins on the top of the device and the B denotes pins on the bottom of the device. The complement DQSn pins are marked as DQSn[17..0]T or DQSn[17..0]B. The corresponding DQ pins are marked as DQ[17..0]T[3..0], where [17..0] indicates which DQS group the pins belong to. Similarly, the corresponding DQVLD pins are marked as DQVLD[8..0]T, where [8..0] indicates which DQS group the pins belong to. The numbering scheme starts from right to left on the package bottom view. When not used as DQ, DQS, or DQSn pins, these pins are available as regular I/O pins. Figure 3–7 shows the DQS pins in Stratix II or Stratix II GX I/O banks. 1 The Quartus II software treats DQVLD pins as regular DQ pins. Therefore, you must ensure that the DQVLD pin assigned in your design corresponds to the pin table’s recommended DQVLD pins. Figure 3–7. DQS Pins in Stratix II and Stratix II GX I/O Banks Notes (1), (2), (3) Up to 8 Sets of DQ & DQS Pins Up to 10 Sets of DQ & DQS Pins DQ Pins I/O Bank 3 DQSn Pin DQS Pin DQ Pins PLL 11 PLL 5 I/O Bank 11 I/O Bank 9 DQS Phase Shift Circuitry I/O Bank 4 DQSn Pin DQS Pin Notes to Figure 3–7: (1) (2) (3) There are up to 18 pairs of DQS and DQSn pins on both the top and bottom of the device. See Table 3–3 for the exact number of DQS and DQSn pin pairs in each device package. See Table 3–7 for the available DQS and DQSn pins in each mode and package. Each DQS pin has a complement DQSn pin. DQS and DQSn pins are not differential. The DQ pin numbering is based on ×4 mode. There are up to 8 DQS/DQ groups in ×4 mode in I/O banks 3 and 8 and up to 10 DQS/DQ groups in ×4 mode in I/O banks 4 and 7. In ×8/×9 mode, two adjacent ×4 DQS/DQ groups plus one parity pin are combined; one pair of DQS/DQSn pins from the combined groups can drive all the DQ and parity pins. Since there is an even number of DQS/DQ groups in an I/O bank, combining groups is efficient. Similarly, in ×16/×18 mode, four adjacent ×4 DQS/DQ groups plus two parity pins are combined and one pair of DQS/DQSn pins from the combined groups can drive all the DQ and parity pins. In 3–18 Stratix II Device Handbook, Volume 2 Altera Corporation January 2008 External Memory Interfaces in Stratix II and Stratix II GX Devices ×32/×36 mode, eight adjacent DQS/DQ groups are combined and one pair of DQS/DQSn pins can drive all the DQ and parity pins in the combined groups. Table 3–7 shows which DQS and DQSn pins are available in each mode and package in the Stratix II or Stratix II GX device family. Table 3–7. Available DQS and DQSn Pins in Each Mode and Package Note (1) Package Mode 484-Pin FineLine BGA 484-Pin Hybrid FineLine BGA 672-Pin FineLine BGA 780-Pin FineLine BGA 1,020-Pin FineLine BGA 1,508-Pin FineLine BGA ×4 7, 9, 11, 13 Odd-numbered pins only All DQS and DQSn pins ×8/×9 7,11 3, 7, 11, 15 Even-numbered pins only ×16/×18 N/A 5, 13 3, 7, 11, 15 ×32/×36 N/A N/A 5, 13 Note to Table 3–7: (1) The numbers correspond to the DQS and DQSn pin numbering in the Stratix II or Stratix II GX pin table. There are two sets of DQS/DQ groups, one corresponding with the top side of the device and one with the bottom side of the device. 1 On the top and bottom side of the device, the DQ and DQS pins must be configured as bidirectional DDR pins to enable the DQS phase-shift circuitry. The DQSn pins can be configured as input, output, or bidirectional pins. You can use the altdq and altdqs megafunctions to configure the DQ and DQS/DQSn paths, respectively. However, Altera highly recommends that you use the respective Altera memory controller IP Tool Bench for your external memory interface data paths. The data path is clear-text and free to use. You are responsible for your own timing analysis if you use your own data path. If you only want to use the DQ and/or DQS pins as inputs, you need to set the output enable of the DQ and/or DQS pins to ground. Stratix II or Stratix II GX side I/O banks (I/O banks 1, 2, 5, and 6) support all the memory interfaces supported in the top and bottom I/O banks. For optimal performance, use the Altera memory controller IP Tool Bench to pick the data and strobe pins for these interfaces. Since these I/O banks do not have any dedicated circuitry for memory interfacing, they can support DDR SDRAM at speeds up to 150 MHz and other DDR memories at speeds up to 200 MHz. You need to use the SSTL-18 Class I I/O standard when interfacing with DDR2 SDRAM devices using pins in I/O bank 1, 2, 5, or 6. These I/O banks do not support the SSTL-18 Class II and Altera Corporation January 2008 3–19 Stratix II Device Handbook, Volume 2 Stratix II and Stratix II GX DDR Memory Support Overview 1.8-V HSTL Class II I/O standards on output and bidirectional pins, but you can use SSTL-18 Class I or 1.8-V HSTL Class I I/O standards for memory interfaces. 1 The Altera memory controller IP Tool Bench generates the optimal pin constraints that allow you to interface these memories at high frequency. Table 3–8 shows the maximum clock rate supported for the DDR SDRAM interface in the Stratix II or Stratix II GX device side I/O banks. Table 3–8. Maximum Clock Rate for DDR and DDR2 SDRAM in Stratix II or Stratix II GX Side I/O Banks Stratix II or Stratix II GX Device Speed Grade DDR SDRAM (MHz) DDR2 SDRAM (MHz) QDRII SRAM (MHz) RLDRAM II (MHz) -3 150 200 200 200 -4 133 167 167 175 -5 133 167 167 175 Clock Pins You can use any of the DDR I/O registers to generate clocks to the memory device. For better performance, use the same I/O bank as the data and address/command pins. Command and Address Pins You can use any of the user I/O pins in the top or bottom bank of the device for commands and addresses. For better performance, use the same I/O bank as the data pins. Other Pins (Parity, DM, ECC and QVLD Pins) You can use any of the DQ pins for the parity pins in Stratix II and Stratix II GX devices. The Stratix II or Stratix II GX device family has support for parity in the ×8/×9, ×16/×18, and ×32/×36 mode. There is one parity bit available per 8 bits of data pins. The data mask, DM, pins are only required when writing to DDR SDRAM, DDR2 SDRAM, and RLDRAM II devices. A low signal on the DM pins indicates that the write is valid. If the DM signal is high, the memory will mask the DQ signals. You can use any of the I/O pins in the same bank as the DQ pins (or the RLDRAM II SIO’s and QDRII SRAM’s D pins) for the DM signals. Each group of DQS and DQ signals in DDR 3–20 Stratix II Device Handbook, Volume 2 Altera Corporation January 2008 External Memory Interfaces in Stratix II and Stratix II GX Devices and DDR2 SDRAM devices requires a DM pin. There is one DM pin per RLDRAM II device. The DDR I/O output registers, clocked by the –90° shifted clock, creates the DM signals, similar to DQ output signals. 1 Perform timing analysis to calculate your write-clock phase shift. Some DDR SDRAM and DDR2 SDRAM devices support error correction coding (ECC), which is a method of detecting and automatically correcting errors in data transmission. In a 72-bit DDR SDRAM interface, there are eight ECC pins in addition to the 64 data pins. Connect the DDR and DDR2 SDRAM ECC pins to a Stratix II or Stratix II GX device DQS/DQ group. The memory controller needs extra logic to encode and decode the ECC data. QVLD pins are used in RLDRAM II interfacing to indicate the read data availability. There is one QVLD pin per RLDRAM II device. A high on QVLD indicates that the memory is outputting the data requested. Similar to DQ inputs, this signal is edge-aligned with QK/QK# signals and is sent half a clock cycle before data starts coming out of the memory. You need to connect QVLD pins to the DQVLD pin on the Stratix II or Stratix II GX device. The DQVLD pin can be used as a regular user I/O pin if not used for QVLD. Because the Quartus II software does not differentiate DQVLD pins from DQ pins, you must ensure that your design uses the pin table’s recommended DQVLD pin. DQS Phase-Shift Circuitry The Stratix II or Stratix II GX phase-shift circuitry and the DQS logic block control the DQS and DQSn pins. Each Stratix II or Stratix II GX device contains two phase-shifting circuits. There is one circuit for I/O banks 3 and 4, and another circuit for I/O banks 7 and 8. The phaseshifting circuit on the top of the device can control all the DQS and DQSn pins in the top I/O banks and the phase-shifting circuit on the bottom of the device can control all the DQS and DQSn pins in the bottom I/O banks. Figure 3–8 shows the DQS and DQSn pin connections to the DQS logic block and the DQS phase-shift circuitry. Altera Corporation January 2008 3–21 Stratix II Device Handbook, Volume 2 Stratix II and Stratix II GX DDR Memory Support Overview Figure 3–8. DQS and DQSn Pins and the DQS Phase-Shift Circuitry Note (1) From PLL 5 (3) DQSn Pin DQS Pin DQSn Pin DQS Pin Δt Δt Δt Δt to IOE to IOE to IOE to IOE CLK[15..12]p (2) DQS Phase-Shift Circuitry DQS Pin DQSn Pin DQS Pin DQSn Pin Δt Δt Δt Δt to IOE to IOE to IOE to IOE DQS Logic Blocks Notes to Figure 3–8: (1) (2) (3) There are up to 18 pairs of DQS and DQSn pins available on the top or the bottom of the Stratix II or Stratix II GX device, up to 8 on the left side of the DQS phase-shift circuitry (I/O banks 3 and 8), and up to 10 on the right side (I/O bank 4 and 7). Clock pins CLK[15..12]p feed the phase-shift circuitry on the top of the device and clock pins CLK[7..4]p feed the phase-shift circuitry on the bottom of the device. You can also use a phase-locked loop (PLL) clock output as a reference clock to the phase-shift circuitry. The reference clock can also be used in the logic array. You can only use PLL 5 to feed the DQS phase-shift circuitry on the top of the device and PLL 6 to feed the DQS phase-shift circuitry on the bottom of the device. Figure 3–9 shows the connections between the DQS phase-shift circuitry and the DQS logic block. 3–22 Stratix II Device Handbook, Volume 2 Altera Corporation January 2008 External Memory Interfaces in Stratix II and Stratix II GX Devices Note (1) CLRN (6) PRN Q SCLR DQS bus EnableN DQS' NOT A EN DQS Logic Block (2) EN DQS or DQSn DQS Delay Settings to and from the Logic Array (5) 6 Delay Chains clock enable upndn Phase Comparator Input reference clock (4) DLL DQS Phase-Shift Circuitry (3) Up/Down Counter 6 6 Phase Offset Control DQS Delay Settings from the DQS Phase-Shift Circuitry 6 6 Phase offset settings from the logic array addnsub DQS or DQSn Phase Offset Settings D DQS Logic Block (2) DQS or DQSn DQS Logic Block (2) Q 6 6 6 Bypass D Q 6 6 DQS Delay Chain Update Enable Circuitry B Postamble Circuitry gated_dqs control reset DFF VCC Figure 3–9. DQS Phase-Shift Circuitry and DQS Logic Block Connections Notes to Figure 3–9: (1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) All features of the DQS phase-shift circuitry and the DQS logic block are accessible from the altdqs megafunction in the Quartus II software. You should, however, use Altera’s memory controller IP Tool Bench to generate the data path for your memory interface. DQS logic block is available on every DQS and DQSn pin. There is one DQS phase-shift circuit on the top and bottom side of the device. The input reference clock can come from CLK[15..12]p or PLL 5 for the DQS phase-shift circuitry on the top side of the device or from CLK[7..4]p or PLL 6 for the DQS phase-shift circuitry on the bottom side of the device. Each individual DQS and DQSn pair can have individual DQS delay settings to and from the logic array. This register is one of the DQS IOE input registers. Altera Corporation January 2008 3–23 Stratix II Device Handbook, Volume 2 Stratix II and Stratix II GX DDR Memory Support Overview The phase-shift circuitry is only used during read transactions where the DQS and DQSn pins are acting as input clocks or strobes. The phase-shift circuitry can shift the incoming DQS signal by 0°, 22.5°, 30°, 36°, 45°, 60°, 67.5°, 72°, 90°, 108°, 120°, or 144°. The shifted DQS signal is then used as clocks at the DQ IOE input registers. Figure 3–3 shows an example where the DQS signal is shifted by 90°. The DQS signals goes through the 90° shift delay set by the DQS phase-shift circuitry and the DQS logic block and some routing delay from the DQS pin to the DQ IOE registers. The DQ signals only goes through routing delay from the DQ pin to the DQ IOE registers and maintains the 90° relationship between the DQS and DQ signals at the DQ IOE registers since the software will automatically set delay chains to match the routing delay between the pins and the IOE registers for the DQ and DQS input paths. All 18 DQS and DQSn pins on either the top or bottom of the device can have their input signal phase shifted by a different degree amount but all must be referenced at one particular frequency. For example you can have a 90° phase shift on DQS0T and have a 60° phase shift on DQS1T both referenced from a 200-MHz clock. Not all phase-shift combinations are supported, however. The phase shifts on the same side of the device must all be a multiple of 22.5° (up to 90°), a multiple of 30° (up to 120°), or a multiple of 36° (up to 144°). In order to generate the correct phase shift with the DLL used, you must provide a clock signal of the same frequency as the DQS signal to the DQS phase-shift circuitry. Any of the CLK[15..12]p clock pins can feed the phase circuitry on the top of the device (I/O banks 3 and 4) or any of the CLK[7..4]p clock pins can feed the phase circuitry on the bottom of the device (I/O banks 7 and 8). Stratix II and Stratix II GX devices can also use PLLs 5 or 6 as the reference clock to the DQS phase-shift circuitry on the top or bottom of the device, respectively. PLL 5 is connected to the DQS phase-shift circuitry on the top side of the device and PLL 6 is connected to the DQS phase-shift circuitry on the bottom side of the device. Both the top and bottom phase-shift circuits need unique clock pins or PLL clock outputs for the reference clock. 1 3–24 Stratix II Device Handbook, Volume 2 When you have a PLL dedicated only to generate the DLL input reference clock, you must set the PLL mode to “No Compensation” or the Quartus® II software will change it automatically. Because there are no other PLL outputs used, the PLL doesn’t need to compensate for any clock paths. Altera Corporation January 2008 External Memory Interfaces in Stratix II and Stratix II GX Devices DLL The DQS phase-shift circuitry uses a delay-locked loop (DLL) to dynamically measure the clock period needed by the DQS/DQSn pin (see Figure 3–10). The DQS phase-shift circuitry then uses the clock period to generate the correct phase shift. The DLL in the Stratix II or Stratix II GX DQS phase-shift circuitry can operate between 100 and 400 MHz. The phase-shift circuitry needs a maximum of 256 clock cycles to calculate the correct input clock period. Data sent during these clock cycles may not be properly captured. 1 Although the DLL can run up to 400 MHz, other factors may prevent you from interfacing with a 400-MHz external memory device. 1 You can still use the DQS phase-shift circuitry for any memory interfaces that are less than 100 MHz. The DQS signal will be shifted by 2.5 ns and you can add more shift by using the phase offset module. Even if the DQS signal is not shifted exactly to the middle of the DQ valid window, the IOE should still be able to capture the data in this low frequency application. There are four different frequency modes for the Stratix II or Stratix II GX DLL. Each frequency mode provides different phase shift, as shown in Table 3–9. Table 3–9. Stratix II and Stratix II GS DLL Frequency Modes Available Number of Phase Shift Delay Chains Frequency Mode Frequency Range (MHz) 0 100–175 30, 60, 90, 120 12 1 150–230 22.5, 45, 67.5, 90 16 2 200–310 30, 60, 90, 120 12 3 240–400 (C3 speed grade) 240–350 (C4 and C5 speed grades) 36, 72, 108, 144 10 In frequency mode 0, Stratix II devices use a 6-bit setting to implement the phase-shift delay. In frequency modes 1, 2, and 3, Stratix II devices only use a 5-bit setting to implement the phase-shift delay. The DLL can be reset from either the logic array or a user I/O pin. This signal is not shown in Figure 3–10. Each time the DLL is reset, you must wait for 256 clock cycles before you can capture the data properly. Altera Corporation January 2008 3–25 Stratix II Device Handbook, Volume 2 Stratix II and Stratix II GX DDR Memory Support Overview 1 The input reference clock for the DQS phase-shift circuitry on the top side of the device can come from CLK[15..12]p or PLL 5. The input reference clock for the DQS phase-shift circuitry on the bottom side of the device can come from CLK[7..4]p or PLL 6. Table 3–10 lists the maximum delay in the fast timing model for the Stratix II DQS delay buffer. Multiply the number of delay buffers that you are using in the DQS logic block to get the maximum delay achievable in your system. For example, if you implement a 90° phase shift at 200 MHz, you use three delay buffers in mode 2. The maximum achievable delay from the DQS block is then 3 × .416 ps = 1.248 ns. Table 3–10. DQS Delay Buffer Maximum Delay in Fast Timing Model Frequency Mode Maximum Delay Per Delay Buffer (Fast Timing Model) Unit 0 0.833 ns 1, 2, 3 0.416 ns 3–26 Stratix II Device Handbook, Volume 2 Altera Corporation January 2008 External Memory Interfaces in Stratix II and Stratix II GX Devices Figure 3–10. Simplified Diagram of the DQS Phase-Shift Circuitry Note (1) addnsub Phase offset settings from the logic array DLL 6 Input reference clock (2) Phase Offset Control upndn Phase Comparator clock enable Up/Down Counter 6 Phase offset settings (3) 6 Delay Chains 6 DQS delay settings (4) 6 Notes to Figure 3–10: (1) (2) (3) (4) All features of the DQS phase-shift circuitry are accessible from the altdqs megafunction in the Quartus II software. You should; however, use Altera’s memory controller IP Tool Bench to generate the data path for your memory interface. The input reference clock for the DQS phase-shift circuitry on the top side of the device can come from CLK[15..12]p or PLL 5. The input reference clock for the DQS phase-shift circuitry on the bottom side of the device can come from CLK[7..4]p or PLL 6. Phase offset settings can only go to the DQS logic blocks. DQS delay settings can go to the logic array and/or to the DQS logic block. The input reference clock goes into the DLL to a chain of up to 16 delay elements. The phase comparator compares the signal coming out of the end of the delay element chain to the input reference clock. The phase comparator then issues the upndn signal to the up/down counter. This signal increments or decrements a six-bit delay setting (DQS delay settings) that will increase or decrease the delay through the delay element chain to bring the input reference clock and the signals coming out of the delay element chain in phase. The DQS delay settings contain the control bits to shift the signal on the input DQS pin by the amount set in the altdqs megafunction. For the 0° shift, both the DLL and the DQS logic block are bypassed. Since Stratix II and Stratix II GX DQS and DQ pins are designed such that the pin to IOE delays are matched, the skew between the DQ and DQS pin at the DQ IOE registers is negligible when the 0° shift is implemented. You can feed the DQS delay settings to the DQS logic block and the logic array. Altera Corporation January 2008 3–27 Stratix II Device Handbook, Volume 2 Stratix II and Stratix II GX DDR Memory Support Overview Phase Offset Control The DQS phase-shift circuitry also contains a phase offset control module that can add or subtract a phase offset amount from the DQS delay setting (phase offset settings from the logic array in Figure 3–10). You should use the phase offset control module for making small shifts to the input signal and use the DQS phase-shift circuitry for larger signal shifts. For example, if you need the input signal to be shifted by 75°, you can set the altdqs megafunction to generate a 72° phase shift with a phase offset of +3°. You can either use a static phase offset or a dynamic phase offset to implement the additional phase shift. The available additional phase shift is implemented in 2s-complement between settings –64 to +63 for frequency mode 0, and between settings –32 to +31 for frequency modes 1, 2, and 3. However, the DQS delay settings are at the maximum at setting 64 for frequency mode 0, and at the maximum at setting 32 for frequency modes 1, 2, and 3. Therefore, the actual physical offset setting range will be 64 or 32 subtracted by the DQS delay settings from the DLL. For example, if the DLL determines that to achieve 30° you will need a DQS delay setting of 28, you can subtract up to 28 phase offset settings and you can add up to 36 phase offset settings to achieve the optimal delay. 1 Each phase offset setting translates to a certain delay, as specified in the DC & Switching Characteristics of Stratix III Devices chapter in volume 2 of the Stratix III Device Handbook. When using the static phase offset, you can specify the phase offset amount in the altdqs megafunction as a positive number for addition or a negative number for subtraction. You can also have a dynamic phase offset that is always added to, subtracted from, or both added to and subtracted from the DLL phase shift. When you always add or subtract, you can dynamically input the phase offset amount into the dll_offset[5..0] port. When you want to both add and subtract dynamically, you control the addnsub signal in addition to the dll_offset[5..0] signals. DQS Logic Block Each DQS and DQSn pin is connected to a separate DQS logic block (see Figure 3–11). The logic block contains DQS delay chains and postamble circuitry. 3–28 Stratix II Device Handbook, Volume 2 Altera Corporation January 2008 External Memory Interfaces in Stratix II and Stratix II GX Devices 1 The input reference clock for the DQS phase-shift circuitry on the top side of the device can come from CLK[15..12]p or PLL 5. The input reference clock for the DQS phase-shift circuitry on the bottom side of the device can come from CLK[7..4]p or PLL 6. Note (1) CLRN (3) PRN Q SCLR DQS bus EnableN DQS' NOT A EN Input Reference Clock (2) EN D 6 DQS Delay Settings from the DQS PhaseShift Circuitry Phase Offset Settings 6 6 DQS or DQSn Pin Bypass Q 6 6 6 D Q 6 6 DQS Delay Chain Update Enable Circuitry B Postamble Circuitry gated_dqs control reset DFF VCC Figure 3–11. Simplified Diagram of the DQS Logic Block Notes to Figure 3–11: (1) (2) (3) All features of the DQS logic block are accessible from the altdqs megafunction in the Quartus II software. You should; however, use Altera’s memory controller IP Tool Bench to generate the data path for your memory interface. The input reference clock for the DQS phase-shift circuitry on the top side of the device can come from CLK[15..12]p or PLL 5. The input reference clock for the DQS phase-shift circuitry on the top side of the device can come from CLK[7..4]p or PLL 6. This register is one of the DQS IOE input registers. Altera Corporation January 2008 3–29 Stratix II Device Handbook, Volume 2 Stratix II and Stratix II GX DDR Memory Support Overview DQS Delay Chains The DQS delay chains consist of a set of variable delay elements to allow the input DQS and DQSn signals to be shifted by the amount given by the DQS phase-shift circuitry or the logic array. There are four delay elements in the DQS delay chain; the first delay chain closest to the DQS pin can either be shifted by the DQS delay settings or by the sum of the DQS delay setting and the phase-offset setting. The number of delay chains used is transparent to the users because the altdqs megafunction automatically sets it. The DQS delay settings can come from the DQS phase-shift circuitry on the same side of the device as the target DQS logic block or from the logic array. When you apply a 0° shift in the altdqs megafunction, the DQS delay chains are bypassed. The delay elements in the DQS logic block mimic the delay elements in the DLL. When the DLL is not used to control the DQS delay chains, you can input your own 6- or 5-bit settings using the dqs_delayctrlin[5..0] signals available in the altdqs megafunction. These settings control 1, 2, 3, or all 4 delay elements in the DQS delay chains. The amount of delay is equal to the sum of the delay element’s intrinsic delay and the product of the number of delay steps and the value of the delay steps. Both the DQS delay settings and the phase-offset settings pass through a latch before going into the DQS delay chains. The latches are controlled by the update enable circuitry to allow enough time for any changes in the DQS delay setting bits to arrive to all the delay elements. This allows them to be adjusted at the same time. The update enable circuitry enables the latch to allow enough time for the DQS delay settings to travel from the DQS phase-shift circuitry to all the DQS logic blocks before the next change. It uses the input reference clock to generate the update enable output. The altdqs megafunction uses this circuit by default. See Figure 3–12 for an example waveform of the update enable circuitry output. The shifted DQS signal then goes to the DQS bus to clock the IOE input registers of the DQ pins. It can also go into the logic array for resynchronization purposes. The shifted DQSn signal can only go to the active-low input register in the DQ IOE and is only used for QDRII SRAM interfaces. 3–30 Stratix II Device Handbook, Volume 2 Altera Corporation January 2008 External Memory Interfaces in Stratix II and Stratix II GX Devices Figure 3–12. DQS Update Enable Waveform DLL Counter Update (Every Eight Cycles) DLL Counter Update (Every Eight Cycles) System Clock DQS Delay Settings (Updated every 8 cycles) 6 bit Update Enable Circuitry Output DQS Postamble Circuitry For external memory interfaces that use a bidirectional read strobe like DDR and DDR2 SDRAM, the DQS signal is low before going to or coming from a high-impedance state. See Figure 3–3. The state where DQS is low, just after a high-impedance state, is called the preamble and the state where DQS is low, just before it returns to a high-impedance state, is called the postamble. There are preamble and postamble specifications for both read and write operations in DDR and DDR2 SDRAM. The DQS postamble circuitry ensures data is not lost when there is noise on the DQS line at the end of a read postamble time. It is to be used with one of the DQS IOE input registers such that the DQS postamble control signal can ground the shifted DQS signal used to clock the DQ input registers at the end of a read operation. This ensures that any glitches on the DQS input signals at the end of the read postamble time do not affect the DQ IOE registers. f See AN 327: Interfacing DDR SDRAM with Stratix II Devices and AN 328: Interfacing DDR2 SDRAM with Stratix II Devices for more details. DDR Registers Each IOE in a Stratix II or Stratix II GX device contains six registers and one latch. Two registers and a latch are used for input, two registers are used for output, and two registers are used for output enable control. The second output enable register provides the write preamble for the DQS strobe in the DDR external memory interfaces. This active low output enable register extends the high-impedance state of the pin by a half clock cycle to provide the external memory’s DQS write preamble time specification. Figure 3–13 shows the six registers and the latch in the Stratix II or Stratix II GX IOE and Figure 3–14 shows how the second OE register extends the DQS high-impedance state by half a clock cycle during a write operation. Altera Corporation January 2008 3–31 Stratix II Device Handbook, Volume 2 Stratix II and Stratix II GX DDR Memory Support Overview Figure 3–13. Bidirectional DDR I/O Path in Stratix II and Stratix II GX Devices Note (1) DFF OE (2) D Q OR2 OE Register AOE (3) 1 0 (4) DFF D Q OE Register BOE (5) DFF datain_l D Q 0 1 TRI (6) I/O Pin (7) Output Register AO DFF Logic Array datain_h D Q Output Register BO outclock combout DFF dataout_h Q D Input Register AI LatchTCHLA dataout_l Q D DFF neg_reg_out Q D ENA Latch C I Input Register BI (8) inclock Notes to Figure 3–13: (1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7) (8) All control signals can be inverted at the IOE. The signal names used here match with Quartus II software naming convention. The OE signal is active low, but the Quartus II software implements this as active high and automatically adds an inverter before input to the AOE register during compilation. The AOE register generates the enable signal for general-purpose DDR I/O applications. This select line is to choose whether the OE signal should be delayed by half-a-clock cycle. The BOE register generates the delayed enable signal for the write strobes or write clocks for memory interfaces. The tristate enable is by default active low. You can, however, design it to be active high. The combinational control path for the tristate is not shown in this diagram. You can also have combinational output to the I/O pin; this path is not shown in the diagram. On the top and bottom I/O banks, the clock to this register can be an inverted register A’s clock or a separate clock (inverted or non-inverted). On the side I/O banks, you can only use the inverted register A’s clock for this port. 3–32 Stratix II Device Handbook, Volume 2 Altera Corporation January 2008 External Memory Interfaces in Stratix II and Stratix II GX Devices Figure 3–14. Extending the OE Disable by Half-a-Clock Cycle for a Write Transaction Note (1) System clock (outclock for DQS) OE for DQS (from logic array) DQS 90˚ Delay by Half a Clock Cycle Preamble Postamble Write Clock (outclock for DQ, −90° phase shifted from System Clock) datain_h (from logic array) D0 D2 datain_l (from logic array) D1 D3 OE for DQ (from logic array) DQ D0 D1 D2 D3 Note to Figure 3–14: (1) The waveform reflects the software simulation result. The OE signal is an active low on the device. However, the Quartus II software implements this signal as an active high and automatically adds an inverter before the AOE register D input. Figures 3–15 and 3–16 summarize the IOE registers used for the DQ and DQS signals. Altera Corporation January 2008 3–33 Stratix II Device Handbook, Volume 2 Stratix II and Stratix II GX DDR Memory Support Overview Figure 3–15. DQ Configuration in Stratix II or Stratix II GX IOE Note (1) DFF (2) D OE Q OE Register AOE DFF D datain_l Q 0 TRI 1 Output Register AO DQ Pin DFF Logic Array D datain_h Q Output Register BO outclock (3) DFF Q D dataout_h Input Register AI Latch TCH LA Q dataout_l D ENA Latch C I DFF neg_reg_out Q D (4) Input Register BI (6) inclock (from DQS bus) (5) Notes to Figure 3–15: (1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) You can use the altdq megafunction to generate the DQ signals. You should, however, use Altera’s memory controller IP Tool Bench to generate the data path for your memory interface. The signal names used here match with Quartus II software naming convention. The OE signal is active low, but the Quartus II software implements this as active high and automatically adds an inverter before the OE register AOE during compilation. The outclock signal for DDR, DDR2 SDRAM, and QDRII SRAM interfaces has a 90° phase-shift relationship with the system clock. For 300-MHz RLDRAM II interfaces with EP2S60F1020C3, Altera recommends a 75° phase-shift relationship. The shifted DQS or DQSn signal can clock this register. Only use the DQSn signal for QDRII SRAM interfaces. The shifted DQS signal must be inverted before going to the DQ IOE. The inversion is automatic if you use the altdq megafunction to generate the DQ signals. Connect this port to the combout port in the altdqs megafunction. On the top and bottom I/O banks, the clock to this register can be an inverted register A’s clock or a separate clock (inverted or non-inverted). On the side I/O banks, you can only use the inverted register A’s clock for this port. 3–34 Stratix II Device Handbook, Volume 2 Altera Corporation January 2008 External Memory Interfaces in Stratix II and Stratix II GX Devices Figure 3–16. DQS Configuration in Stratix II or Stratix II GX IOE Note (1) DFF OE (2) D Q OE Register AOE OR2 1 0 (3) DFF D Q OE Register BOE DFF Logic Array datain_h (4) D Q TRI Output Register AO DQS Pin (5) 1 0 DFF datain_l (4) system clock D Q Output Register BO combout (7) Notes to Figure 3–16: (1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7) You can use the altdqs megafunction to generate the DQS signals. You should, however, use Altera’s memory controller IP Tool Bench to generate the data path for your memory interface. The signal names used here match with Quartus II software naming convention. The OE signal is active low, but the Quartus II software implements this as active high and automatically adds an inverter before OE register AOE during compilation. In RLDRAM II and QDRII SRAM, the OE signal is always disabled. The select line can be chosen in the altdqs megafunction. The datain_l and datain_h pins are usually connected to ground and VCC, respectively. DQS postamble circuitry and handling is not shown in this diagram. For more information, see AN 327: Interfacing DDR SDRAM with Stratix II Devices and AN 328: Interfacing DDR2 SDRAM with Stratix II Devices. DQS logic blocks are only available with DQS and DQSn pins. You must invert this signal before it reaches the DQ IOE. This signal is automatically inverted if you use the altdq megafunction to generate the DQ signals. Connect this port to the inclock port in the altdq megafunction. Altera Corporation January 2008 3–35 Stratix II Device Handbook, Volume 2 Stratix II and Stratix II GX DDR Memory Support Overview For interfaces to DDR SDRAM, DDR2 SDRAM, and RLDRAM II, the Stratix II or Stratix II GX DDR IOE structure requires you to invert the incoming DQS signal to ensure proper data transfer. This is not required for QDRII SRAM interfaces if the CQ signal is wired to the DQS pin and the CQ# signal is wired to the DQSn pin. The altdq megafunction, by default, adds the inverter to the inclock port when it generates DQ blocks. The megafunction also includes an option to remove the inverter for QDRII SRAM interfaces. As shown in Figure 3–13, the inclock signal’s rising edge clocks the AI register, inclock signal’s falling edge clocks the BI register, and latch CI is opened when inclock is 1. In a DDR memory read operation, the last data coincides with DQS being low. If you do not invert the DQS pin, you will not get this last data as the latch does not open until the next rising edge of the DQS signal. Figure 3–17 shows waveforms of the circuit shown in Figure 3–15. The first set of waveforms in Figure 3–17 shows the edge-aligned relationship between the DQ and DQS signals at the Stratix II or Stratix II GX device pins. The second set of waveforms in Figure 3–17 shows what happens if the shifted DQS signal is not inverted; the last data, Dn, does not get latched into the logic array as DQS goes to tristate after the read postamble time. The third set of waveforms in Figure 3–17 shows a proper read operation with the DQS signal inverted after the 90° shift; the last data, Dn, does get latched. In this case the outputs of register AI and latch CI, which correspond to dataout_h and dataout_l ports, are now switched because of the DQS inversion. Register AI, register BI, and latch CI refer to the nomenclature in Figure 3–15. 3–36 Stratix II Device Handbook, Volume 2 Altera Corporation January 2008 External Memory Interfaces in Stratix II and Stratix II GX Devices Figure 3–17. DQ Captures with Non-Inverted and Inverted Shifted DQS DQ & DQS Signals DQ at the pin Dn − 1 Dn DQS at the pin Shifted DQS Signal is Not Inverted DQS shifted by 90˚ Output of register A1 (dataout_h) Output of register B1 Output of latch C1 (dataout_l) Dn − 1 Dn − 2 Dn Dn − 2 Shifted DQS Signal is Inverted DQS inverted and shifted by 90˚ Output of register A1 (dataout_h) Output of register B1 Output of latch C1 (dataout_l) Altera Corporation January 2008 Dn − 2 Dn Dn − 1 Dn − 3 Dn − 1 3–37 Stratix II Device Handbook, Volume 2 Enhancements In Stratix II and Stratix II GX Devices PLL When using the Stratix II and Stratix II GX top and bottom I/O banks (I/O banks 3, 4, 7, or 8) to interface with a DDR memory, at least one PLL with two outputs is needed to generate the system clock and the write clock. The system clock generates the DQS write signals, commands, and addresses. The write clock is either shifted by –90° or 90° from the system clock and is used to generate the DQ signals during writes. For DDR and DDR2 SDRAM interfaces above 200 MHz, Altera also recommends a second read PLL to help ease resynchronization. When using the Stratix II and Stratix II GX side I/O banks 1, 2, 5, or 6 to interface with DDR SDRAM devices, two PLLs may be needed per I/O bank for best performance. Since the side I/O banks do not have dedicated circuitry, one PLL captures data from the DDR SDRAM and another PLL generates the write signals, commands, and addresses to the DDR SDRAM device. Stratix II and Stratix II GX side I/O banks can support DDR SDRAM up to 150 MHz. Enhancements In Stratix II and Stratix II GX Devices Stratix II and Stratix II GX external memory interfaces support differs from Stratix external memory interfaces support in the following ways: ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ Conclusion A PLL output can now be used as the input reference clock to the DLL. The shifted DQS signal can now go into the logic array. The DLL in Stratix II and Stratix II GX devices has more phase-shift options than in Stratix devices. It also has the option to add phase offset settings. Stratix II and Stratix II GX devices have DQS logic blocks with each DQS pin that helps with fine tuning the phase shift. The DQS delay settings can be routed from the DLL into the logic array. You can also bypass the DLL and send the DQS delay settings from the logic array to the DQS logic block. Stratix II and Stratix II GX devices support DQSn pins. The DQS/DQ groups now support ×4, ×9, ×18, and ×36 bus modes. The DQS pins have been enhanced with the DQS postamble circuitry. Stratix II and Stratix II GX devices support SDR SDRAM, DDR SDRAM, DDR2 SDRAM, RLDRAM II, and QDRII SRAM external memories. Stratix II and Stratix II GX devices feature high-speed interfaces that transfer data between external memory devices at up to 300 MHz/600 Mbps. DQS phase-shift circuitry and DQS logic blocks within the Stratix II and Stratix II GX devices allow you to fine-tune the phase shifts for the input clocks or strobes to properly align clock edges as needed to capture data. 3–38 Stratix II Device Handbook, Volume 2 Altera Corporation January 2008 External Memory Interfaces in Stratix II and Stratix II GX Devices Referenced Documents This chapter references the following documents: ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ Document Revision History AN 325: Interfacing RLDRAM II with Stratix II & Stratix GX Devices AN 326: Interfacing QDRII & QDRII+ SRAM with Stratix II, Stratix, & Stratix GX Devices AN 327: Interfacing DDR SDRAM with Stratix II Devices AN 328: Interfacing DDR2 SDRAM with Stratix II Devices DC & Switching Characteristics of Stratix III Devices chapter in volume 2 of the Stratix III Device Handbook Table 3–11 shows the revision history for this chapter. Table 3–11. Document Revision History Date and Document Version Changes Made Summary of Changes January 2008, v4.5 Added the “Referenced Documents” section. — No change For the Stratix II GX Device Handbook only: Formerly chapter 8. The chapter number changed due to the addition of the Stratix II GX Dynamic Reconfiguration chapter. No content change. — May 2007, v4.4 Updated the “Phase Offset Control” section. — Updated Figure 3–2. — Updated Table 3–1. — Minor text edits. Added Table 3–4 and Table 3–6. — Updated Note (1) to Figure 3–10. — February 2007 v4.3 Added the “Document Revision History” section to this chapter. — April 2006, v4.2 Chapter updated as part of the Stratix II Device Handbook update. — No change Formerly chapter 7. Chapter number change only due to chapter addition to Section I in February 2006; no content change. — December 2005 v4.1 Chapter updated as part of the Stratix II Device Handbook update. — October 2005 v4.0 Added chapter to the Stratix II GX Device Handbook. — Altera Corporation January 2008 3–39 Stratix II Device Handbook, Volume 2 Document Revision History 3–40 Stratix II Device Handbook, Volume 2 Altera Corporation January 2008 Section III. I/O Standards This section provides information on Stratix® II single-ended, voltagereferenced, and differential I/O standards. This section contains the following chapters: Revision History Altera Corporation ■ Chapter 4, Selectable I/O Standards in Stratix II and Stratix II GX Devices ■ Chapter 5, High-Speed Differential I/O Interfaces with DPA in Stratix II and Stratix II GX Devices Refer to each chapter for its own specific revision history. For information on when each chapter was updated, refer to the Chapter Revision Dates section, which appears in the full handbook. Section III–1 Preliminary I/O Standards Section III–2 Preliminary Stratix II Device Handbook, Volume 2 Altera Corporation 4. Selectable I/O Standards in Stratix II and Stratix II GX Devices SII52004-4.6 Introduction This chapter provides guidelines for using industry I/O standards in Stratix® II and Stratix II GX devices, including: ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ Stratix II and Stratix II GX I/O Features I/O features I/O standards External memory interfaces I/O banks Design considerations Stratix II and the Stratix II GX devices contain an abundance of adaptive logic modules (ALMs), embedded memory, high-bandwidth digital signal processing (DSP) blocks, and extensive routing resources, all of which can operate at very high core speed. Stratix II and Stratix II GX devices I/O structure is designed to ensure that these internal capabilities are fully utilized. There are numerous I/O features to assist in high-speed data transfer into and out of the device including: ■ ■ Single-ended, non-voltage-referenced and voltage-referenced I/O standards High-speed differential I/O standards featuring serializer/deserializer (SERDES), dynamic phase alignment (DPA), capable of 1 gigabit per second (Gbps) performance for low-voltage differential signaling (LVDS), Hypertransport technology, HSTL, SSTL, and LVPECL 1 ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ Altera Corporation January 2008 HSTL and SSTL I/O standards are used only for PLL clock inputs and outputs in differential mode. LVPECL is supported on clock input and outputs of the top and bottom I/O banks. Double data rate (DDR) I/O pins Programmable output drive strength for voltage-referenced and non-voltage-referenced single-ended I/O standards Programmable bus-hold Programmable pull-up resistor Open-drain output On-chip series termination On-chip parallel termination 4–1 Stratix II and Stratix II GX I/O Standards Support ■ ■ ■ f Stratix II and Stratix II GX I/O Standards Support On-chip differential termination Peripheral component interconnect (PCI) clamping diode Hot socketing For a detailed description of each I/O feature, refer to the Stratix II Architecture chapter in volume 1 of the Stratix II Device Handbook or the Stratix II GX Architecture chapter in volume 1 of the Stratix II GX Device Handbook. Stratix II and Stratix II GX devices support a wide range of industry I/O standards. Table 4–1 shows which I/O standards Stratix II devices support as well as typical applications. Table 4–1. Stratix II and Stratix II GX I/O Standard Applications (Part 1 of 2) I/O Standard Application LVTTL General purpose LVCMOS General purpose 2.5 V General purpose 1.8 V General purpose 1.5 V General purpose 3.3-V PCI PC and embedded system 3.3-V PCI-X PC and embedded system SSTL-2 Class I DDR SDRAM SSTL-2 Class II DDR SDRAM SSTL-18 Class I DDR2 SDRAM SSTL-18 Class II DDR2 SDRAM 1.8-V HSTL Class I QDRII SRAM/RLDRAM II/SRAM 1.8-V HSTL Class II QDRII SRAM/RLDRAM II/SRAM 1.5-V HSTL Class I QDRII SRAM/SRAM 1.5-V HSTL Class II QDRII SRAM/SRAM 1.2-V HSTL General purpose Differential SSTL-2 Class I DDR SDRAM Differential SSTL-2 Class II DDR SDRAM Differential SSTL-18 Class I DDR2 SDRAM Differential SSTL-18 Class II DDR2 SDRAM 1.8-V differential HSTL Class I Clock interfaces 1.8-V differential HSTL Class II Clock interfaces 1.5-V differential HSTL Class I Clock interfaces 4–2 Stratix II Device Handbook, Volume 2 Altera Corporation January 2008 Selectable I/O Standards in Stratix II and Stratix II GX Devices Table 4–1. Stratix II and Stratix II GX I/O Standard Applications (Part 2 of 2) I/O Standard 1.5-V differential HSTL Class II Application Clock interfaces LVDS High-speed communications HyperTransport™ technology PCB interfaces Differential LVPECL Video graphics and clock distribution Single-Ended I/O Standards In non-voltage-referenced single-ended I/O standards, the voltage at the input must be above a set voltage to be considered “on” (high, or logic value 1) or below another voltage to be considered “off” (low, or logic value 0). Voltages between the limits are undefined logically, and may fall into either a logic value 0 or 1. The non-voltage-referenced single-ended I/O standards supported by Stratix II and Stratix II GX devices are: ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ Low-voltage transistor-transistor logic (LVTTL) Low-voltage complementary metal-oxide semiconductor (LVCMOS) 1.5 V 1.8 V 2.5 V 3.3-V PCI 3.3-V PCI-X Voltage-referenced, single-ended I/O standards provide faster data rates. These standards use a constant reference voltage at the input levels. The incoming signals are compared with this constant voltage and the difference between the two defines “on” and “off” states. 1 Stratix II and Stratix II GX devices support stub series terminated logic (SSTL) and high-speed transceiver logic (HSTL) voltage-referenced I/O standards. LVTTL The LVTTL standard is formulated under EIA/JEDEC Standard, JESD8-B (Revision of JESD8-A): Interface Standard for Nominal 3-V/3.3-V Supply Digital Integrated Circuits. The standard defines DC interface parameters for digital circuits operating from a 3.0- or 3.3-V power supply and driving or being driven by LVTTL-compatible devices. The 3.3-V LVTTL standard is a Altera Corporation January 2008 4–3 Stratix II Device Handbook, Volume 2 Stratix II and Stratix II GX I/O Standards Support general-purpose, single-ended standard used for 3.3-V applications. This I/O standard does not require input reference voltages (VREF) or termination voltages (VTT). 1 Stratix II and Stratix II GX devices support both input and output levels for 3.3-V LVTTL operation. Stratix II Stratix II GX devices support a VCCIO voltage level of 3.3 V 5% as specified as the narrow range for the voltage supply by the EIA/JEDEC standard. LVCMOS The LVCMOS standard is formulated under EIA/JEDEC Standard, JESD8-B (Revision of JESD8-A): Interface Standard for Nominal 3-V/3.3-V Supply Digital Integrated Circuits. The standard defines DC interface parameters for digital circuits operating from a 3.0- or 3.3-V power supply and driving or being driven by LVCMOS-compatible devices. The 3.3-V LVCMOS I/O standard is a general-purpose, single-ended standard used for 3.3-V applications. While LVCMOS has its own output specification, it specifies the same input voltage requirements as LVTTL. These I/O standards do not require VREF or VTT. 1 Stratix II and Stratix II GX devices support both input and output levels for 3.3-V LVCMOS operation. Stratix II and Stratix II GX devices support a VCCIO voltage level of 3.3 V 5% as specified as the narrow range for the voltage supply by the EIA/JEDEC standard. 2.5 V The 2.5-V I/O standard is formulated under EIA/JEDEC Standard, EIA/JESD8-5: 2.5-V± 0.2-V (Normal Range), and 1.8-V – 2.7-V (Wide Range) Power Supply Voltage and Interface Standard for Non-Terminated Digital Integrated Circuit. The standard defines the DC interface parameters for high-speed, low-voltage, non-terminated digital circuits driving or being driven by other 2.5-V devices. This standard is a general-purpose, single-ended standard used for 2.5-V applications. It does not require the use of a VREF or a VTT. 4–4 Stratix II Device Handbook, Volume 2 Altera Corporation January 2008 Selectable I/O Standards in Stratix II and Stratix II GX Devices 1 Stratix II and Stratix II GX devices support both input and output levels for 2.5-V operation with VCCIO voltage level support of 2.5 V ± 5%, which is narrower than defined in the Normal Range of the EIA/JEDEC standard. 1.8 V The 1.8-V I/O standard is formulated under EIA/JEDEC Standard, EIA/JESD8-7: 1.8-V± 0.15-V (Normal Range), and 1.2-V – 1.95-V (Wide Range) Power Supply Voltage and Interface Standard for Non-Terminated Digital Integrated Circuit. The standard defines the DC interface parameters for high-speed, low-voltage, non-terminated digital circuits driving or being driven by other 1.8-V devices. This standard is a general-purpose, single-ended standard used for 1.8-V applications. It does not require the use of a VREF or a VTT. 1 Stratix II and Stratix II GX devices support both input and output levels for 1.8-V operation with VCCIO voltage level support of 1.8 V ± 5%, which is narrower than defined in the Normal Range of the EIA/JEDEC standard. 1.5 V The 1.5-V I/O standard is formulated under EIA/JEDEC Standard, JESD8-11: 1.5-V± 0.1-V (Normal Range) and 0.9-V – 1.6-V (Wide Range) Power Supply Voltage and Interface Standard for Non-Terminated Digital Integrated Circuit. The standard defines the DC interface parameters for high-speed, low-voltage, non-terminated digital circuits driving or being driven by other 1.5-V devices. This standard is a general-purpose, single-ended standard used for 1.5-V applications. It does not require the use of a VREF or a VTT. 1 Stratix II and Stratix II GX devices support both input and output levels for 1.5-V operation VCCIO voltage level support of 1.5 V ± 5%, which is narrower than defined in the Normal Range of the EIA/JEDEC standard. 3.3-V PCI The 3.3-V PCI I/O standard is formulated under PCI Local Bus Specification Revision 2.2 developed by the PCI Special Interest Group (SIG). Altera Corporation January 2008 4–5 Stratix II Device Handbook, Volume 2 Stratix II and Stratix II GX I/O Standards Support The PCI local bus specification is used for applications that interface to the PCI local bus, which provides a processor-independent data path between highly integrated peripheral controller components, peripheral add-in boards, and processor/memory systems. The conventional PCI specification revision 2.2 defines the PCI hardware environment including the protocol, electrical, mechanical, and configuration specifications for the PCI devices and expansion boards. This standard requires 3.3-V VCCIO. Stratix II and Stratix II GX devices are fully compliant with the 3.3-V PCI Local Bus Specification Revision 2.2 and meet 64-bit/66-MHz operating frequency and timing requirements. 1 The 3.3-V PCI standard does not require input reference voltages or board terminations. Stratix II and Stratix II GX devices support both input and output levels. 3.3-V PCI-X The 3.3-V PCI-X I/O standard is formulated under PCI-X Local Bus Specification Revision 1.0a developed by the PCI SIG. The PCI-X 1.0 standard is used for applications that interface to the PCI local bus. The standard enables the design of systems and devices that operate at clock speeds up to 133 MHz, or 1 Gbps for a 64-bit bus. The PCI-X 1.0 protocol enhancements enable devices to operate much more efficiently, providing more usable bandwidth at any clock frequency. By using the PCI-X 1.0 standard, you can design devices to meet PCI-X 1.0 requirements and operate as conventional 33- and 66-MHz PCI devices when installed in those systems. This standard requires 3.3-V VCCIO. Stratix II and Stratix II GX devices are fully compliant with the 3.3-V PCI-X Specification Revision 1.0a and meet the 133-MHz operating frequency and timing requirements. The 3.3-V PCI-X standard does not require input reference voltages or board terminations. 1 Stratix II and Stratix II GX devices support both input and output levels operation. SSTL-2 Class I and SSTL-2 Class II The 2.5-V SSTL-2 standard is formulated under JEDEC Standard, JESD8-9A: Stub Series Terminated Logic for 2.5-V (SSTL_2). The SSTL-2 I/O standard is a 2.5-V memory bus standard used for applications such as high-speed DDR SDRAM interfaces. This standard defines the input and output specifications for devices that operate in the SSTL-2 logic switching range of 0.0 to 2.5 V. This standard improves 4–6 Stratix II Device Handbook, Volume 2 Altera Corporation January 2008 Selectable I/O Standards in Stratix II and Stratix II GX Devices operation in conditions where a bus must be isolated from large stubs. SSTL-2 requires a 1.25-V VREF and a 1.25-V VTT to which the series and termination resistors are connected (Figures 4–1 and 4–2). 1 Stratix II and Stratix II GX devices support both input and output levels operation. Figure 4–1. 2.5-V SSTL Class I Termination VTT = 1.25 V Output Buffer 50 Ω 25 Ω Z = 50 Ω Input Buffer VREF = 1.25 V Figure 4–2. 2.5-V SSTL Class II Termination VTT = 1.25 V VTT = 1.25 V Output Buffer 50 Ω 25 Ω 50 Ω Z = 50 Ω Input Buffer VREF = 1.25 V SSTL-18 Class I and SSTL-18 Class II The 1.8-V SSTL-18 standard is formulated under JEDEC Standard, JESD8-15: Stub Series Terminated Logic for 1.8-V (SSTL_18). The SSTL-18 I/O standard is a 1.8-V memory bus standard used for applications such as high-speed DDR2 SDRAM interfaces. This standard is similar to SSTL-2 and defines input and output specifications for devices that are designed to operate in the SSTL-18 logic switching range 0.0 to 1.8 V. SSTL-18 requires a 0.9-V VREF and a 0.9-V VTT to which the series and termination resistors are connected. There are no class definitions for the SSTL-18 standard in the JEDEC specification. The specification of this I/O standard is based on an environment that consists of both series and parallel terminating resistors. Altera provides solutions to two derived applications in JEDEC specification, and names them Class I and Class II to be consistent with other SSTL standards. Figures 4–3 and 4–4 show SSTL-18 Class I and II termination, respectively. Altera Corporation January 2008 4–7 Stratix II Device Handbook, Volume 2 Stratix II and Stratix II GX I/O Standards Support 1 Stratix II and Stratix II GX devices support both input and output levels operation. Figure 4–3. 1.8-V SSTL Class I Termination VTT = 0.9 V Output Buffer 50 Ω 25 Ω Z = 50 Ω Input Buffer VREF = 0.9 V Figure 4–4. 1.8-V SSTL Class II Termination VTT = 0.9 V VTT = 0.9 V 50 Ω 50 Ω Output Buffer 25 Ω Z = 50 Ω Input Buffer VREF = 0.9 V 1.8-V HSTL Class I and 1.8-V HSTL Class II The HSTL standard is a technology-independent I/O standard developed by JEDEC to provide voltage scalability. It is used for applications designed to operate in the 0.0- to 1.8-V HSTL logic switching range such as quad data rate (QDR) memory clock interfaces. Although JEDEC specifies a maximum VCCIO value of 1.6 V, there are various memory chip vendors with HSTL standards that require a VCCIO of 1.8 V. Stratix II and Stratix II GX devices support interfaces to chips with VCCIO of 1.8 V for HSTL. Figures 4–5 and 4–6 show the nominal VREF and VTT required to track the higher value of VCCIO. The value of VREF is selected to provide optimum noise margin in the system. 1 4–8 Stratix II Device Handbook, Volume 2 Stratix II and Stratix II GX devices support both input and output levels operation. Altera Corporation January 2008 Selectable I/O Standards in Stratix II and Stratix II GX Devices Figure 4–5. 1.8-V HSTL Class I Termination VTT = 0.9 V Output Buffer 50 Ω Z = 50 Ω Input Buffer VREF = 0.9 V Figure 4–6. 1.8-V HSTL Class II Termination VTT = 0.9 V VTT = 0.9 V Output Buffer 50 Ω 50 Ω Z = 50 Ω Input Buffer VREF = 0.9 V 1.5-V HSTL Class I and 1.5-V HSTL Class II The 1.5-V HSTL standard is formulated under EIA/JEDEC Standard, EIA/JESD8-6: A 1.5-V Output Buffer Supply Voltage Based Interface Standard for Digital Integrated Circuits. The 1.5-V HSTL I/O standard is used for applications designed to operate in the 0.0- to 1.5-V HSTL logic nominal switching range. This standard defines single-ended input and output specifications for all HSTL-compliant digital integrated circuits. The 1.5-V HSTL I/O standard in Stratix II and Stratix II GX devices are compatible with the 1.8-V HSTL I/O standard in APEX™ 20KE, APEX 20KC, and in Stratix II and Stratix II GX devices themselves because the input and output voltage thresholds are compatible (Figures 4–7 and 4–8). 1 Altera Corporation January 2008 Stratix II and Stratix II GX devices support both input and output levels with VREF and VTT. 4–9 Stratix II Device Handbook, Volume 2 Stratix II and Stratix II GX I/O Standards Support Figure 4–7. 1.5-V HSTL Class I Termination VTT = 0.75 V Output Buffer 50 Ω Z = 50 Ω Input Buffer VREF = 0.75 V Figure 4–8. 1.5-V HSTL Class II Termination VTT = 0.75 V VTT = 0.75 V Output Buffer 50 Ω 50 Ω Z = 50 Ω Input Buffer VREF = 0.75 V 1.2-V HSTL Although there is no EIA/JEDEC standard available for the 1.2-V HSTL standard, Altera supports it for applications that operate in the 0.0 to 1.2-V HSTL logic nominal switching range. 1.2-V HSTL can be terminated through series or parallel on-chip termination (OCT). Figure 4–9 shows the termination scheme. Figure 4–9. 1.2-V HSTL Termination Output Buffer Z = 50 Ω Input Buffer OCT VREF = 0.6 V Differential I/O Standards Differential I/O standards are used to achieve even faster data rates with higher noise immunity. Apart from LVDS, LVPECL, and HyperTransport technology, Stratix II and Stratix II GX devices also support differential versions of SSTL and HSTL standards. 4–10 Stratix II Device Handbook, Volume 2 Altera Corporation January 2008 Selectable I/O Standards in Stratix II and Stratix II GX Devices f For detailed information on differential I/O standards, refer to the High-Speed Differential I/O Interfaces with DPA in Stratix II & Stratix II GX Devices chapter in volume 2 of the Stratix II Device Handbook or High-Speed Differential I/O Interfaces with DPA in Stratix II & Stratix II GX Devices chapter in volume 2 of the Stratix II GX Device Handbook. Differential SSTL-2 Class I and Differential SSTL-2 Class II The 2.5-V differential SSTL-2 standard is formulated under JEDEC Standard, JESD8-9A: Stub Series Terminated Logic for 2.5-V (SSTL_2). This I/O standard is a 2.5-V standard used for applications such as high-speed DDR SDRAM clock interfaces. This standard supports differential signals in systems using the SSTL-2 standard and supplements the SSTL-2 standard for differential clocks. Stratix II and Stratix II GX devices support both input and output levels. Figures 4–10 and 4–11 shows details on differential SSTL-2 termination. 1 Stratix II and Stratix II GX devices support differential SSTL-2 I/O standards in pseudo-differential mode, which is implemented by using two SSTL-2 single-ended buffers. The Quartus® II software only supports pseudo-differential standards on the INCLK, FBIN and EXTCLK ports of enhanced PLL, as well as on DQS pins when DQS megafunction (ALTDQS, Bidirectional Data Strobe) is used. Two single-ended output buffers are automatically programmed to have opposite polarity so as to implement a pseudo-differential output. A proper VREF voltage is required for the two single-ended input buffers to implement a pseudo-differential input. In this case, only the positive polarity input is used in the speed path while the negative input is not connected internally. In other words, only the non-inverted pin is required to be specified in your design, while the Quartus II software automatically generates the inverted pin for you. Although the Quartus II software does not support pseudo-differential SSTL-2 I/O standards on the left and right I/O banks, you can implement these standards at these banks. You need to create two pins in the designs and configure the pins with single-ended SSTL-2 standards. However, this is limited only to pins that support the differential pin-pair I/O function and is dependent on the single-ended SSTL-2 standards support at these banks. Altera Corporation January 2008 4–11 Stratix II Device Handbook, Volume 2 Stratix II and Stratix II GX I/O Standards Support Figure 4–10. Differential SSTL-2 Class I Termination VTT = 1.25 V Differential Transmitter 50 Ω VTT = 1.25 V Differential Receiver 50 Ω 25 Ω Z0 = 50 Ω 25 Ω Z0 = 50 Ω Figure 4–11. Differential SSTL-2 Class II Termination VTT = 1.25 V Differential Transmitter 50 Ω VTT = 1.25 V 50 Ω VTT = 1.25 V 50 Ω VTT = 1.25 V 50 Ω Differential Receiver 25 Ω Z0 = 50 Ω 25 Ω Z0 = 50 Ω Differential SSTL-18 Class I and Differential SSTL-18 Class II The 1.8-V differential SSTL-18 standard is formulated under JEDEC Standard, JESD8-15: Stub Series Terminated Logic for 1.8-V (SSTL_18). The differential SSTL-18 I/O standard is a 1.8-V standard used for applications such as high-speed DDR2 SDRAM interfaces. This standard supports differential signals in systems using the SSTL-18 standard and supplements the SSTL-18 standard for differential clocks. 1 4–12 Stratix II Device Handbook, Volume 2 Stratix II and Stratix II GX devices support both input and output levels operation. Altera Corporation January 2008 Selectable I/O Standards in Stratix II and Stratix II GX Devices Figures 4–12 and 4–13 shows details on differential SSTL-18 termination. Stratix II and Stratix II GX devices support differential SSTL-18 I/O standards in pseudo-differential mode, which is implemented by using two SSTL-18 single-ended buffers. The Quartus II software only supports pseudo-differential standards on the INCLK, FBIN and EXTCLK ports of enhanced PLL, as well as on DQS pins when DQS megafunction (ALTDQS, Bidirectional Data Strobe) is used. Two single-ended output buffers are automatically programmed to have opposite polarity so as to implement a pseudo-differential output. A proper VREF voltage is required for the two single-ended input buffers to implement a pseudo-differential input. In this case, only the positive polarity input is used in the speed path while the negative input is not connected internally. In other words, only the non-inverted pin is required to be specified in your design, while the Quartus II software automatically generates the inverted pin for you. Although the Quartus II software does not support pseudo-differential SSTL-18 I/O standards on the left and right I/O banks, you can implement these standards at these banks. You need to create two pins in the designs and configure the pins with single-ended SSTL-18 standards. However, this is limited only to pins that support the differential pin-pair I/O function and is dependent on the single-ended SSTL-18 standards support at these banks. Figure 4–12. Differential SSTL-18 Class I Termination VTT = 0.9 V Differential Transmitter 50 Ω VTT = 0.9 V 50 Ω Differential Receiver 25 Ω Z0 = 50 Ω 25 Ω Z0 = 50 Ω Altera Corporation January 2008 4–13 Stratix II Device Handbook, Volume 2 Stratix II and Stratix II GX I/O Standards Support Figure 4–13. Differential SSTL-18 Class II Termination VTT = 0.9 V Differential Transmitter 50 Ω VTT = 0.9 V 50 Ω VTT = 0.9 V 50 Ω VTT = 0.9 V 50 Ω Differential Receiver 25 Ω Z0 = 50 Ω 25 Ω Z0 = 50 Ω 1.8-V Differential HSTL Class I and 1.8-V Differential HSTL Class II The 1.8-V differential HSTL specification is the same as the 1.8-V single-ended HSTL specification. It is used for applications designed to operate in the 0.0- to 1.8-V HSTL logic switching range such as QDR memory clock interfaces. Stratix II and Stratix II GX devices support both input and output levels operation. Figures 4–14 and 4–15 show details on 1.8-V differential HSTL termination. Stratix II and Stratix II GX devices support 1.8-V differential HSTL I/O standards in pseudo-differential mode, which is implemented by using two 1.8-V HSTL single-ended buffers. The Quartus II software only supports pseudo-differential standards on the INCLK, FBIN and EXTCLK ports of enhanced PLL, as well as on DQS pins when DQS megafunction (ALTDQS, Bidirectional Data Strobe) is used. Two single-ended output buffers are automatically programmed to have opposite polarity so as to implement a pseudo-differential output. A proper VREF voltage is required for the two single-ended input buffers to implement a pseudo-differential input. In this case, only the positive polarity input is used in the speed path while the negative input is not connected internally. In other words, only the non-inverted pin is required to be specified in your design, while the Quartus II software automatically generates the inverted pin for you. Although the Quartus II software does not support 1.8-V pseudo-differential HSTL I/O standards on left/right I/O banks, you can implement these standards at these banks. You need to create two pins in the designs and configure the pins with single-ended 1.8-V HSTL standards. However, this is limited only to pins that support the differential pin-pair I/O function and is dependent on the single-ended 1.8-V HSTL standards support at these banks. 4–14 Stratix II Device Handbook, Volume 2 Altera Corporation January 2008 Selectable I/O Standards in Stratix II and Stratix II GX Devices Figure 4–14. 1.8-V Differential HSTL Class I Termination VTT = 0.9 V Differential Transmitter 50 Ω VTT = 0.9 V Differential Receiver 50 Ω Z0 = 50 Ω Z0 = 50 Ω Figure 4–15. 1.8-V Differential HSTL Class II Termination VTT = 0.9 V Differential Transmitter 50 Ω VTT = 0.9 V 50 Ω VTT = 0.9 V 50 Ω VTT = 0.9 V 50 Ω Differential Receiver Z0 = 50 Ω Z0 = 50 Ω 1.5-V Differential HSTL Class I and 1.5-V Differential HSTL Class II The 1.5-V differential HSTL standard is formulated under EIA/JEDEC Standard, EIA/JESD8-6: A 1.5-V Output Buffer Supply Voltage Based Interface Standard for Digital Integrated Circuits. The 1.5-V differential HSTL specification is the same as the 1.5-V single-ended HSTL specification. It is used for applications designed to operate in the 0.0- to 1.5-V HSTL logic switching range, such as QDR memory clock interfaces. Stratix II and Stratix II GX devices support both input and output levels operation. Figures 4–16 and 4–17 show details on the 1.5-V differential HSTL termination. Stratix II and Stratix II GX devices support 1.5-V differential HSTL I/O standards in pseudo-differential mode, which is implemented by using two 1.5-V HSTL single-ended buffers. Altera Corporation January 2008 4–15 Stratix II Device Handbook, Volume 2 Stratix II and Stratix II GX I/O Standards Support The Quartus II software only supports pseudo-differential standards on the INCLK, FBIN and EXTCLK ports of enhanced PLL, as well as on DQS pins when DQS megafunction (ALTDQS, Bidirectional Data Strobe) is used. Two single-ended output buffers are automatically programmed to have opposite polarity so as to implement a pseudo-differential output. A proper VREF voltage is required for the two single-ended input buffers to implement a pseudo-differential input. In this case, only the positive polarity input is used in the speed path while the negative input is not connected internally. In other words, only the non-inverted pin is required to be specified in your design, while the Quartus II software automatically generates the inverted pin for you. Although the Quartus II software does not support 1.5-V pseudo-differential HSTL I/O standards on left/right I/O banks, you can implement these standards at these banks. You need to create two pins in the designs and configure the pins with single-ended 1.5-V HSTL standards. However, this is limited only to pins that support the differential pin-pair I/O function and is dependent on the single-ended 1.8-V HSTL standards support at these banks. Figure 4–16. 1.5-V Differential HSTL Class I Termination VTT = 0.75 V Differential Transmitter 50 Ω VTT = 0.75 V 50 Ω Differential Receiver Z0 = 50 Ω Z0 = 50 Ω 4–16 Stratix II Device Handbook, Volume 2 Altera Corporation January 2008 Selectable I/O Standards in Stratix II and Stratix II GX Devices Figure 4–17. 1.5-V Differential HSTL Class II Termination VTT = 0.75 V Differential Transmitter 50 Ω VTT = 0.75 V 50 Ω VTT = 0.75 V 50 Ω VTT = 0.75 V 50 Ω Differential Receiver Z0 = 50 Ω Z0 = 50 Ω LVDS The LVDS standard is formulated under ANSI/TIA/EIA Standard, ANSI/TIA/EIA-644: Electrical Characteristics of Low Voltage Differential Signaling Interface Circuits. The LVDS I/O standard is a differential high-speed, low-voltage swing, low-power, general-purpose I/O interface standard. In Stratix II devices, the LVDS I/O standard requires a 2.5-V VCCIO level for the side I/O pins in banks 1, 2, 5, and 6. The top and bottom banks have different VCCIO requirements for the LVDS I/O standard. The LVDS clock I/O pins in banks 9 through 12 require a 3.3-V VCCIO level. Within these banks, the PLL[5,6,11,12]_OUT[1,2] pins support output only LVDS operations. The PLL[5,6,11,12]_FB/OUT2 pins support LVDS input or output operations but cannot be configured for bidirectional LVDS operations. The LVDS clock input pins in banks 4, 5, 7, and 8 use VCCINT and have no dependency on the VCCIO voltage level. This standard is used in applications requiring high-bandwidth data transfer, backplane drivers, and clock distribution. The ANSI/TIA/EIA-644 standard specifies LVDS transmitters and receivers capable of operating at recommended maximum data signaling rates of 655 megabit per second (Mbps). However, devices can operate at slower speeds if needed, and there is a theoretical maximum of 1.923 Gbps. Stratix II and Stratix II GX devices are capable of running at a maximum data rate of 1 Gbps and still meet the ANSI/TIA/EIA-644 standard. Because of the low-voltage swing of the LVDS I/O standard, the electromagnetic interference (EMI) effects are much smaller than complementary metal-oxide semiconductor (CMOS), transistor-to-transistor logic (TTL), and positive (or psuedo) emitter coupled logic (PECL). This low EMI makes LVDS ideal for applications Altera Corporation January 2008 4–17 Stratix II Device Handbook, Volume 2 Stratix II and Stratix II GX I/O Standards Support with low EMI requirements or noise immunity requirements. The LVDS standard does not require an input reference voltage. However, it does require a 100- termination resistor between the two signals at the input buffer. Stratix II and Stratix II GX devices provide an optional 100- differential LVDS termination resistor in the device using on-chip differential termination. Stratix II and Stratix II GX devices support both input and output levels operation. Differential LVPECL The low-voltage positive (or pseudo) emitter coupled logic (LVPECL) standard is a differential interface standard requiring a 3.3-V VCCIO. The standard is used in applications involving video graphics, telecommunications, data communications, and clock distribution. The high-speed, low-voltage swing LVPECL I/O standard uses a positive power supply and is similar to LVDS. However, LVPECL has a larger differential output voltage swing than LVDS. The LVPECL standard does not require an input reference voltage, but it does require a 100- termination resistor between the two signals at the input buffer. Figures 4–18 and 4–19 show two alternate termination schemes for LVPECL. 1 Stratix II and Stratix II GX devices support both input and output levels operation. Figure 4–18. LVPECL DC Coupled Termination Output Buffer Input Buffer Z = 50 Ω 100 Ω Z = 50 Ω Figure 4–19. LVPECL AC Coupled Termination VCCIO VCCIO Output Buffer 10 to 100 nF Z = 50 Ω R1 R1 R2 R2 Input Buffer 100 Ω 10 to 100 nF 4–18 Stratix II Device Handbook, Volume 2 Z = 50 Ω Altera Corporation January 2008 Selectable I/O Standards in Stratix II and Stratix II GX Devices HyperTransport Technology The HyperTransport standard is formulated by the HyperTransport Consortium. The HyperTransport I/O standard is a differential high-speed, high-performance I/O interface standard requiring a 2.5- or 3.3-V VCCIO. This standard is used in applications such as high-performance networking, telecommunications, embedded systems, consumer electronics, and Internet connectivity devices. The HyperTransport I/O standard is a point-to-point standard in which each HyperTransport bus consists of two point-to-point unidirectional links. Each link is 2 to 32 bits. The HyperTransport standard does not require an input reference voltage. However, it does require a 100- termination resistor between the two signals at the input buffer. Figure 4–20 shows HyperTransport termination. Stratix II and Stratix II GX devices include an optional 100- differential HyperTransport termination resistor in the device using on-chip differential termination. 1 Stratix II and Stratix II GX devices support both input and output levels operation. Figure 4–20. HyperTransport Termination Output Buffer Input Buffer Z = 50 Ω 100 Ω Z = 50 Ω Stratix II and Stratix II GX External Memory Interface f Altera Corporation January 2008 The increasing demand for higher-performance data processing systems often requires memory-intensive applications. Stratix II and Stratix II GX devices can interface with many types of external memory. Refer to the External Memory Interfaces in Stratix II & Stratix II GX Devices chapter in volume 2 of the Stratix II Device Handbook or the External Memory Interfaces in Stratix II & Stratix II GX Devices chapter in volume 2 of the Stratix II GX Device Handbook for more information on the external memory interface support in Stratix II or Stratix II GX devices. 4–19 Stratix II Device Handbook, Volume 2 Stratix II and Stratix II GX I/O Banks Stratix II and Stratix II GX I/O Banks Stratix II devices have eight general I/O banks and four enhanced phase-locked loop (PLL) external clock output banks (Figure 4–21). I/O banks 1, 2, 5, and 6 are on the left or right sides of the device and I/O banks 3, 4, and 7 through 12 are at the top or bottom of the device. Figure 4–21. Stratix II I/O Banks Notes (1), (2), (3), (4), (5), (6), (7) DQS8T VREF0B3 DQS7T VREF1B3 DQS6T VREF2B3 VREF3B3 DQS5T VREF4B3 PLL11 PLL5 Bank 11 Bank 9 DQS4T DQS3T DQS2T DQS1T DQS0T VREF0B4 VREF1B4 VREF2B4 VREF3B4 VREF4B4 PLL7 PLL10 VR EF1B 5 VREF 4B5 VREF 0B2 VR EF3B5 VR EF2B5 This I/O bank supports LVDS and LVPECL standards for input clock operations. Differential HSTL and differential SSTL standards are supported for both input and output operations. I/O banks 3, 4, 9 & 11 support all single-ended I/O standards and differential I/O standards except for HyperTransport technology for both input and output operations. Bank 5 This I/O bank supports LVDS and LVPECL standards for input clock operations. Differential HSTL and differential SSTL standards are supported for both input and output operations. VR EF1B2 VR EF2B2 Bank 2 VR EF3B 2 VREF 0B5 Bank 4 VREF 4B2 Bank 3 I/O banks 1, 2, 5 & 6 support LVTTL, LVCMOS, 2.5-V, 1.8-V, 1.5-V, SSTL-2, SSTL-18 Class I, HSTL-18 Class I, HSTL-15 Class I, LVDS, and HyperTransport standards for input and output operations. HSTL-18 Class II, HSTL-15-Class II, SSTL-18 Class II standards are only supported for input operations. PLL1 VR EF1B6 VREF 2B6 Bank 6 This I/O bank supports LVDS and LVPECL standards for input clock operations. Differential HSTL and differential SSTL standards are supported for both input and output operations. VREF 4B6 This I/O bank supports LVDS and LVPECL standards for input clock operations. Differential HSTL and differential SSTL standards are supported for both input and output operations. VREF 3B6 I/O banks 7, 8, 10 & 12 support all single-ended I/O standards and differential I/O standards except for HyperTransport technology for both input and output operations. VREF 0B1 VREF 1B1 VREF 2B1 Bank 1 VR EF3B1 VR EF0B6 PLL3 VR EF4B1 PLL2 PLL4 Bank 8 Bank 12 Bank 10 PLL12 PLL6 Bank 7 PLL8 PLL9 VREF4B8 DQS8B VREF3B8 VREF2B8 DQS7B VREF1B8 DQS6B VREF0B8 DQS5B VREF4B7 VREF3B7 VREF2B7 VREF1B7 VREF0B7 DQS4B DQS3B DQS2B DQS1B DQS0B Notes to Figure 4–21: (1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7) Figure 4–21 is a top view of the silicon die that corresponds to a reverse view for flip-chip packages. It is a graphical representation only. Refer to the pin list and Quartus II software for exact locations. Depending on the size of the device, different device members have different numbers of VREF groups. Banks 9 through 12 are enhanced PLL external clock output banks. These PLL banks utilize the adjacent VREF group when voltage-referenced standards are implemented. For example, if an SSTL input is implemented in PLL bank 10, the voltage level at VREFB7 is the reference voltage level for the SSTL input. Differential HSTL and differential SSTL standards are available for bidirectional operations on DQS pin and input-only operations on PLL clock input pins; LVDS, LVPECL, and HyperTransport standards are available for input-only operations on PLL clock input pins. Refer to the “Differential I/O Standards” on page 4–10 for more details. Quartus II software does not support differential SSTL and differential HSTL standards at left/right I/O banks. Refer to the “Differential I/O Standards” on page 4–10 if you need to implement these standards at these I/O banks. Banks 11 and 12 are available only in EP2S60, EP2S90, EP2S130, and EP2S180 devices. PLLs 7, 8, 9 10, 11, and 12 are available only in EP2S60, EP2S90, EP2S130, and EP2S180 devices. 4–20 Stratix II Device Handbook, Volume 2 Altera Corporation January 2008 Selectable I/O Standards in Stratix II and Stratix II GX Devices Stratix II GX devices have 6 general I/O banks and 4 enhanced phase-locked loop (PLL) external clock output banks (Figure 4–22). I/O banks 9 through 12 are enhanced PLL external clock output banks located on the top and bottom of the device. Figure 4–22. Stratix II GX I/O Banks Notes (1), (2), (3), (4) Bank 2 DQSx8 DQSx8 DQSx8 DQSx8 DQSx8 VREF0B4 VREF1B4 VREF2B4 VREF3B4 VREF4B4 Bank 4 Bank 9 This I/O bank supports LVDS and LVPECL This I/O bank supports LVDS and LVPECL standards for input clock operation. standards for input clock operations. Differential HSTL and differential SSTL Differential HSTL and differential SSTL standards are supported for both input standards are supported for both input and output operations. (3) and output operations. (3) I/O Banks 3, 4, 9 & 11 support all single-ended I/O standards for both input and output operation. All differential I/O standards are supported for both input and output operation at I/O banks 9 & 10. I/O Banks 1, & 2, support LVTTL, LVCMOS, 2.5 -V, 1.9 -]V, 1.5 -V, SSTL -2, SSTL-18 class I, LVDS, pseudo-differential SSTL -2, and pseudo-differential SSTL-18 class I standards for both input and output operations. HSTL, SSTL-18 class II, pseudo-differential HSTL, and pseudo-differential SSTL-18 class II standards are only supported for input operations. (4) PLL1 PLL2 PLL8 This I/O bank supports LVDS and LVPECL standards for input clock operations. Differential HSTL and differential SSTL standards are supported for both input and output operations. (3) Bank 16 I/O Banks 7, 8, 10 and 12 support all single-ended I/O standards for both input and output operation. All differential I/O standards are supported for both input and output operations at I/O bank 10 and 12. Bank 1 VREF0B1 VREF1B1 VREF2B1 VREF3B1 VREF4B1 Bank 11 PLL5 This I/O bank supports LVDS and LVPECL standards for input clock operations. Differential HSTL and differential SSTL standards are supported for both input and output operations. (3) Bank 15 VREF0B2 VREF1B2 VREF2B2 VREF3B2 VREF4B2 Bank 3 PLL11 Bank 8 Bank 12 Bank 10 Bank 7 VREF4B8 VREF3B8 VREF2B8 VREF1B8 VREF0B8 PLL12 PLL6 VREF4B7 VREF3B7 VREF2B7 VREF1B7 VREF0B7 DQSx8 DQSx8 DQSx8 DQSx8 Bank 13 DQSx8 Bank 14 DQSx8 DQSx8 VREF0B3 VREF1B3 VREF2B3 VREF3B3 VREF4B3 Bank 17 DQSx8 PLL7 DQSx8 DQSx8 DQSx8 DQSx8 DQSx8 Notes to Figure 4–22: (1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7) Figure 4–22 is a top view of the silicon die which corresponds to a reverse view for flip-chip packages. It is a graphical representation only. Depending on size of the device, different device members have different number of VREF groups. Refer to the pin list and the Quartus II software for exact locations. Banks 9 through 12 are enhanced PLL external clock output banks. Horizontal I/O banks feature transceiver and DPA circuitry for high speed differential I/O standards. Refer to the High-Speed Differential I/O Interfaces with DPA in Stratix II & Stratix II GX Devices chapter in volume 2 of the Stratix II GX Device Handbook, or the Stratix II GX Transceiver User Guide (volume 1) of the Stratix II GX Device Handbook for more information on differential I/O standards. Quartus II software does not support differential SSTL and differential HSTL standards at left/right I/O banks. Refer to the “Differential I/O Standards” on page 4–10 if you need to implement these standards at these I/O banks. Banks 11 and 12 are available only in EP2SGX60C/D/E, EP2SGX90E/F, and EP2SGX130G. PLLs 7,8,11, and 12 are available only in EP2SGX60C/D/E, EP2SGXE/F, and EP2SGX130G. Altera Corporation January 2008 4–21 Stratix II Device Handbook, Volume 2 Stratix II and Stratix II GX I/O Banks Programmable I/O Standards Stratix II and Stratix II GX device programmable I/O standards deliver high-speed and high-performance solutions in many complex design systems. This section discusses the I/O standard support in the I/O banks of Stratix II and Stratix II GX devices. Regular I/O Pins Most Stratix II and Stratix II GX device pins are multi-function pins. These pins support regular inputs and outputs as their primary function, and offer an optional function such as DQS, differential pin-pair, or PLL external clock outputs. For example, you can configure a multi-function pin in the enhanced PLL external clock output bank as a PLL external clock output when it is not used as a regular I/O pin. 1 I/O pins that reside in PLL banks 9 through 12 are powered by the VCC_PLL<5, 6, 11, or 12>_OUT pins, respectively. The EP2S60F484, EP2S60F780, EP2S90H484, EP2S90F780, and EP2S130F780 devices do not support PLLs 11 and 12. Therefore, any I/O pins that reside in bank 11 are powered by the VCCIO3 pin, and any I/O pins that reside in bank 12 are powered by the VCCIO8 pin. Table 4–2 shows the I/O standards supported when a pin is used as a regular I/O pin in the I/O banks of Stratix II and Stratix II GX devices. Table 4–2. Stratix II and Stratix II GX Regular I/O Standards Support (Part 1 of 2) Enhanced PLL External Clock Output Bank (2) General I/O Bank I/O Standard 1 2 3 4 5(1) 6(1) 7 8 9 10 11 12 LVTTL v v v v v v v v v v v v LVCMOS v v v v v v v v v v v v 2.5 V v v v v v v v v v v v v 1.8 V v v v v v v v v v v v v 1.5 V v v v v v v v v v v v v 3.3-V PCI v v v v v v v v 3.3-V PCI-X v v v v v v v v SSTL-2 Class I v v v v v v v v v v v v SSTL-2 Class II v v v v v v v v v v v v 4–22 Stratix II Device Handbook, Volume 2 Altera Corporation January 2008 Selectable I/O Standards in Stratix II and Stratix II GX Devices Table 4–2. Stratix II and Stratix II GX Regular I/O Standards Support (Part 2 of 2) Enhanced PLL External Clock Output Bank (2) General I/O Bank I/O Standard 1 2 3 4 5(1) 6(1) 7 8 9 10 11 12 SSTL-18 Class I v v v v v v v v v v v v SSTL-18 Class II (3) (3) v v (3) (3) v v v v v v 1.8-V HSTL Class I v v v v v v v v v v v v 1.8-V HSTL Class II (3) (3) v v (3) (3) v v v v v v 1.5-V HSTL Class I v v v v v v v v v v v v 1.5-V HSTL Class II (3) (3) v v (3) (3) v v v v v v v v v 1.2-V HSTL Differential SSTL-2 Class I (4) (4) (5) (5) (4) (4) (5) (5) Differential SSTL-2 Class II (4) (4) (5) (5) (4) (4) (5) (5) Differential SSTL-18 Class I (4) (4) (5) (5) (4) (4) (5) (5) Differential SSTL-18 Class II (4) (4) (5) (5) (4) (4) (5) (5) 1.8-V differential HSTL Class I (4) (4) (5) (5) (4) (4) (5) (5) 1.8-V differential HSTL Class II (4) (4) (5) (5) (4) (4) (5) (5) 1.5-V differential HSTL Class I (4) (4) (5) (5) (4) (4) (5) (5) 1.5-V differential HSTL Class II (4) (4) (5) (5) (4) (4) (5) (5) LVDS v v (6) (6) v v (6) (6) v v v v HyperTransport technology v v v v (6) (6) v v v v Differential LVPECL (6) (6) Notes to Table 4–2: (1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) This bank is not available in Stratix II GX Devices. A mixture of single-ended and differential I/O standards is not allowed in enhanced PLL external clock output bank. This I/O standard is only supported for the input operation in this I/O bank. Although the Quartus II software does not support pseudo-differential SSTL/HSTL I/O standards on the left and right I/O banks, you can implement these standards at these banks. Refer to the “Differential I/O Standards” on page 4–10 for details. This I/O standard is supported for both input and output operations for pins that support the DQS function. Refer to the “Differential I/O Standards” on page 4–10 for details. This I/O standard is only supported for the input operation for pins that support PLL INCLK function in this I/O bank. Altera Corporation January 2008 4–23 Stratix II Device Handbook, Volume 2 Stratix II and Stratix II GX I/O Banks Clock I/O Pins The PLL clock I/O pins consist of clock inputs (INCLK), external feedback inputs (FBIN), and external clock outputs (EXTCLK). Clock inputs are located at the left and right I/O banks (banks 1, 2, 5, and 6) to support fast PLLs, and at the top and bottom I/O banks (banks 3, 4, 7, and 8) to support enhanced PLLs. Both external clock outputs and external feedback inputs are located at enhanced PLL external clock output banks (banks 9, 10, 11, and 12) to support enhanced PLLs. Table 4–3 shows the PLL clock I/O support in the I/O banks of Stratix II and Stratix II GX devices. Table 4–3. I/O Standards Supported for Stratix II and Stratix II GX PLL Pins (Part 1 of 2) Enhanced PLL (1) I/O Standard (2) Input Fast PLL Output Input INCLK FBIN EXTCLK INCLK LVTTL v v v v LVCMOS v v v v 2.5 V v v v v 1.8 V v v v v 1.5 V v v v v 3.3-V PCI v v v 3.3-V PCI-X v v v SSTL-2 Class I v v v v SSTL-2 Class II v v v v SSTL-18 Class I v v v v SSTL-18 Class II v v v v 1.8-V HSTL Class I v v v v 1.8-V HSTL Class II v v v v 1.5-V HSTL Class I v v v v 1.5-V HSTL Class II v v v v Differential SSTL-2 Class I v v v Differential SSTL-2 Class II v v v Differential SSTL-18 Class I v v v Differential SSTL-18 Class II v v v 4–24 Stratix II Device Handbook, Volume 2 Altera Corporation January 2008 Selectable I/O Standards in Stratix II and Stratix II GX Devices Table 4–3. I/O Standards Supported for Stratix II and Stratix II GX PLL Pins (Part 2 of 2) Enhanced PLL (1) I/O Standard (2) Input Fast PLL Output Input INCLK INCLK FBIN EXTCLK 1.8-V differential HSTL Class I v v v 1.8-V differential HSTL Class II v v v 1.5-V differential HSTL Class I v v v 1.5-V differential HSTL Class II v v v LVDS v v v v v HyperTransport technology v Differential LVPECL v v Note to Table 4–3: (1) (2) The enhanced PLL external clock output bank does not allow a mixture of both single-ended and differential I/O standards. Altera does not support 1.2-V HSTL for PLL input pins on column I/O pins. f For more information, refer to the PLLs in Stratix II & Stratix II GX Devices chapter in volume 2 of the Stratix II Device Handbook or the PLLs in Stratix II & Straix II GX Devices chapter in volume 2 of the Stratix II GX Device Handbook. Voltage Levels Stratix II device specify a range of allowed voltage levels for supported I/O standards. Table 4–4 shows only typical values for input and output VCCIO, VREF, as well as the board VTT. Table 4–4. Stratix II and Stratix II GX I/O Standards and Voltage Levels (Part 1 of 3) Note (1) Stratix II and Stratix II GX VCCIO (V) I/O Standard Input Operation VREF (V) VTT (V) Output Operation Top and Bottom I/O Banks Left and Right I/O Banks (3) Top and Bottom I/O Banks Left and Right I/O Banks(3) Input Termination LVTTL 3.3/2.5 3.3/2.5 3.3 3.3 NA NA LVCMOS 3.3/2.5 3.3/2.5 3.3 3.3 NA NA Altera Corporation January 2008 4–25 Stratix II Device Handbook, Volume 2 Stratix II and Stratix II GX I/O Banks Table 4–4. Stratix II and Stratix II GX I/O Standards and Voltage Levels (Part 2 of 3) Note (1) Stratix II and Stratix II GX VCCIO (V) I/O Standard Input Operation VREF (V) VTT (V) Output Operation Top and Bottom I/O Banks Left and Right I/O Banks (3) Top and Bottom I/O Banks Left and Right I/O Banks(3) Input Termination 2.5 V 3.3/2.5 3.3/2.5 2.5 2.5 NA NA 1.8 V 1.8/1.5 1.8/1.5 1.8 1.8 NA NA 1.5 V 1.8/1.5 1.8/1.5 1.5 1.5 NA NA 3.3-V PCI 3.3 NA 3.3 NA NA NA 3.3-V PCI-X 3.3 NA 3.3 NA NA NA SSTL-2 Class I 2.5 2.5 2.5 2.5 1.25 1.25 SSTL-2 Class II 2.5 2.5 2.5 2.5 1.25 1.25 SSTL-18 Class I 1.8 1.8 1.8 1.8 0.90 0.90 SSTL-18 Class II 1.8 1.8 1.8 NA 0.90 0.90 1.8-V HSTL Class I 1.8 1.8 1.8 1.8 0.90 0.90 1.8-V HSTL Class II 1.8 1.8 1.8 NA 0.90 0.90 1.5-V HSTL Class I 1.5 1.5 1.5 1.5 0.75 0.75 1.5-V HSTL Class II 1.5 1.5 1.5 NA 0.75 0.75 1.2-V HSTL(4) 1.2 NA 1.2 NA 0.6 NA Differential SSTL-2 Class I 2.5 2.5 2.5 2.5 1.25 1.25 Differential SSTL-2 Class II 2.5 2.5 2.5 2.5 1.25 1.25 Differential SSTL-18 Class I 1.8 1.8 1.8 1.8 0.90 0.90 Differential SSTL-18 Class II 1.8 1.8 1.8 NA 0.90 0.90 1.8-V differential HSTL Class I 1.8 1.8 1.8 NA 0.90 0.90 1.8-V differential HSTL Class II 1.8 1.8 1.8 NA 0.90 0.90 1.5-V differential HSTL Class I 1.5 1.5 1.5 NA 0.75 0.75 1.5-V differential HSTL Class II 1.5 1.5 1.5 NA 0.75 0.75 3.3/2.5/1.8/1.5 2.5 3.3 2.5 NA NA LVDS (2) 4–26 Stratix II Device Handbook, Volume 2 Altera Corporation January 2008 Selectable I/O Standards in Stratix II and Stratix II GX Devices Table 4–4. Stratix II and Stratix II GX I/O Standards and Voltage Levels (Part 3 of 3) Note (1) Stratix II and Stratix II GX VCCIO (V) Input Operation I/O Standard VTT (V) Output Operation Top and Bottom I/O Banks Left and Right I/O Banks (3) Top and Bottom I/O Banks Left and Right I/O Banks(3) Input Termination NA 2.5 NA 2.5 NA NA 3.3/2.5/1.8/1.5 NA 3.3 NA NA NA HyperTransport technology Differential LVPECL (2) VREF (V) Notes to Table 4–4: (1) (2) (3) (4) Any input pins with PCI-clamping diode will clamp the VCCIO to 3.3 V. LVDS and LVPECL output operation in the top and bottom banks is only supported in PLL banks 9-12. The VCCIO level for differential output operation in the PLL banks is 3.3 V. The VCCIO level for output operation in the left and right I/O banks is 2.5 V. The right I/O bank does not apply to the Stratix II GX. The right I/O Bank on Stratix II GX devices consists of transceivers. 1.2-V HSTL is only supported in I/O banks 4,7, and 8. f On-Chip Termination Refer to the DC & Switching Characteristics chapter in volume 1 of the Stratix II Device Handbook or the DC & Switching Characteristics chapter in volume 1 of the Stratix II GX Device Handbook for detailed electrical characteristics of each I/O standard. Stratix II and Stratix II GX devices feature on-chip termination to provide I/O impedance matching and termination capabilities. Apart from maintaining signal integrity, this feature also minimizes the need for external resistor networks, thereby saving board space and reducing costs. Stratix II and Stratix II GX devices support on-chip series (RS) and parallel (RT) termination for single-ended I/O standards and on-chip differential termination (RD) for differential I/O standards. This section discusses the on-chip series termination support. f Altera Corporation January 2008 For more information on differential on-chip termination, Refer to the High-Speed Differential I/O Interfaces with DPA in Stratix II & Stratix II GX Devices chapter in volume 2 of the Stratix II Device Handbook or the High-Speed Differential I/O Interfaces with DPA in Stratix II & Stratix II GX Devices chapter in volume 2 of the Stratix II GX Device Handbook. 4–27 Stratix II Device Handbook, Volume 2 On-Chip Termination The Stratix II and Stratix II GX devices supports I/O driver on-chip series (RS) and parallel (RT) termination through drive strength control for single-ended I/Os. There are three ways to implement the RS and (RT) in Stratix II and Stratix II GX devices: ■ ■ ■ RS without calibration for both row I/Os and column I/Os RS with calibration only for column I/Os RT with calibration only for column I/Os On-Chip Series Termination without Calibration Stratix II and Stratix II GX devices support driver impedance matching to provide the I/O driver with controlled output impedance that closely matches the impedance of the transmission line. As a result, reflections can be significantly reduced. Stratix II and Stratix II GX devices support on-chip series termination for single-ended I/O standards (see Figure 4–23). The RS shown in Figure 4–23 is the intrinsic impedance of transistors. The typical RS values are 25 and 50. Once matching impedance is selected, current drive strength is no longer selectable. 1 On-chip series termination without calibration is supported on output pins or on the output function of bidirectional pins. Figure 4–23. Stratix II and Stratix II GX On-Chip Series Termination without Calibration Stratix II Driver Series Impedance Receiving Device VCCIO RS ZO RS GND 4–28 Stratix II Device Handbook, Volume 2 Altera Corporation January 2008 Selectable I/O Standards in Stratix II and Stratix II GX Devices Table 4–5 shows the list of output standards that support on-chip series termination without calibration. Table 4–5. Selectable I/O Drivers with On-Chip Series Termination without Calibration On-chip Series Termination Setting I/O Standard Row I/O 3.3-V LVTTL 3.3-V LVCMOS 2.5-V LVTTL 2.5-V LVCMOS 1.8-V LVTTL 1.8-V LVCMOS Column I/O Unit 50 50 25 25 50 50 25 25 50 50 25 25 50 50 25 25 50 50 25 50 25 50 1.5-V LVTTL 50 50 1.5-V LVCMOS 50 50 SSTL-2 Class I 50 50 SSTL-2 Class II 25 25 SSTL-18 Class I 50 SSTL-18 Class II 1.8-V HSTL Class I 50 1.8-V HSTL Class II 1.5-V HSTL Class I 50 1.2-V HSTL (1) 50 25 50 25 50 50 Note to Table 4–5: (1) 1.2-V HSTL is only supported in I/O banks 4,7, and 8. To use on-chip termination for the SSTL Class I standard, users should select the 50- on-chip series termination setting for replacing the external 25- RS (to match the 50- transmission line). For the SSTL Class II standard, users should select the 25- on-chip series termination setting (to match the 50- transmission line and the near end 50- pull-up to VTT). Altera Corporation January 2008 4–29 Stratix II Device Handbook, Volume 2 On-Chip Termination f For more information on tolerance specifications for on-chip termination without calibration, refer to the DC & Switching Characteristics chapter in volume 1 of the Stratix II Device Handbook or the DC & Switching Characteristics chapter in volume 1 of the Stratix II GX Device Handbook. On-Chip Series Termination with Calibration Stratix II and Stratix II GX devices support on-chip series termination with calibration in column I/Os in top and bottom banks. Every column I/O buffer consists of a group of transistors in parallel. Each transistor can be individually enabled or disabled. The on-chip series termination calibration circuit compares the total impedance of the transistor group to the external 25- or 50- resistors connected to the RUP and RDN pins, and dynamically enables or disables the transistors until they match (as shown in Figure 4–24). The RS shown in Figure 4–24 is the intrinsic impedance of transistors. Calibration happens at the end of device configuration. Once the calibration circuit finds the correct impedance, it powers down and stops changing the characteristics of the drivers. 1 On-chip series termination with calibration is supported on output pins or on the output function of bidirectional pins. Figure 4–24. Stratix II and Stratix II GX On-Chip Series Termination with Calibration Stratix II Driver Series Impedance Receiving Device VCCIO RS ZO RS GND 4–30 Stratix II Device Handbook, Volume 2 Altera Corporation January 2008 Selectable I/O Standards in Stratix II and Stratix II GX Devices Table 4–6 shows the list of output standards that support on-chip series termination with calibration. Table 4–6. Selectable I/O Drivers with On-Chip Series Termination with Calibration On-Chip Series Termination Setting (Column I/O) Unit 50 25 50 25 50 25 50 25 50 25 50 25 1.5 LVTTL 50 1.5 LVCMOS 50 SSTL-2 Class I 50 SSTL-2 Class II 25 SSTL-18 Class I 50 SSTL-18 Class II 25 1.8-V HSTL Class I 50 1.8-V HSTL Class II 25 1.5-V HSTL Class I 50 1.2-V HSTL (1) 50 I/O Standard 3.3-V LVTTL 3.3-V LVCMOS 2.5-V LVTTL 2.5-V LVCMOS 1.8-V LVTTL 1.8-V LVCMOS Note to Table 4–6: (1) 1.2-V HSTL is only supported in I/O banks 4,7, and 8. On-Chip Parallel Termination with Calibration Stratix II and Stratix II GX devices support on-chip parallel termination with calibration in column I/Os in top and bottom banks. Every column I/O buffer consists of a group of transistors in parallel. Each transistor can be individually enabled or disabled. The on-chip parallel termination calibration circuit compares the total impedance of the transistor group to Altera Corporation January 2008 4–31 Stratix II Device Handbook, Volume 2 On-Chip Termination the external 50- resistors connected to the RUP and RDN pins and dynamically enables or disables the transistors until they match. Calibration happens at the end of the device configuration. Once the calibration circuit finds the correct impedance, it powers down and stops changing the characteristics of the drivers. Table 4–7. Selectable I/O Drivers with On-Chip Parallel Termination with Calibration On-Chip Parallel Termination Setting (Column I/O) Unit 50 SSTL-2 Class II 50 SSTL-18 Class I 50 SSTL-18 Class II 50 1.8-V HSTL Class I 50 1.8-V HSTL Class II 50 1.5-V HSTL Class I 50 1.5-V HSTL Class II 50 1.2-V HSTL (1) 50 I/O Standard SSTL-2 Class I Note to Table 4–7: (1) 1.2-V HSTL is only supported in I/O banks 4,7, and 8. There are two separate sets of calibration circuits in the Stratix II and Stratix II GX devices: ■ ■ One calibration circuit for top banks 3 and 4 One calibration circuit for bottom banks 7 and 8 Calibration circuits rely on the external pull-up reference resistor (RUP) and pull-down reference resistor (RDN) to achieve accurate on-chip series and parallel termination. There is one pair of RUP and RDN pins in bank 4 for the calibration circuit for top I/O banks 3 and 4. Similarly, there is one pair of RUP and RDN pins in bank 7 for the calibration circuit for bottom I/O banks 7 and 8. Two banks share the same calibration circuitry, so they must have the same VCCIO voltage if both banks enable on-chip series or parallel termination with calibration. If banks 3 and 4 have different VCCIO voltages, only bank 4 can enable on-chip series or parallel termination with calibration because the RUP and RDN pins are located in bank 4. Bank 3 still can use on-chip series termination, but without calibration. The same rule applies to banks 7 and 8. 4–32 Stratix II Device Handbook, Volume 2 Altera Corporation January 2008 Selectable I/O Standards in Stratix II and Stratix II GX Devices 1 On-chip parallel termination with calibration is only supported for input pins. Pins configured as bidirectional do not support on-chip parallel termination. The RUP and RDN pins are dual-purpose I/Os, which means they can be used as regular I/Os if the calibration circuit is not used. When used for calibration, the RUP pin is connected to VCCIO through an external 25- or 50- resistor for an on-chip series termination value of 25 or 50 , respectively. The RDN pin is connected to GND through an external 25- or 50- resistor for an on-chip series termination value of 25 or 50 , respectively. For on-chip parallel termination, the RUP pin is connected to VCCIO through an external 50- resistor, and RDN is connected to GND through an external 50- resistor. f Design Considerations For more information on tolerance specifications for on-chip termination with calibration, refer to the DC & Switching Characteristics chapter in volume 1 of the Stratix II Device Handbook or the DC & Switching Characteristics chapter in volume 1 of the Stratix II GX Device Handbook. While Stratix II and Stratix II GX devices feature various I/O capabilities for high-performance and high-speed system designs, there are several other considerations that require attention to ensure the success of those designs. I/O Termination I/O termination requirements for single-ended and differential I/O standards are discussed in this section. Single-Ended I/O Standards Although single-ended, non-voltage-referenced I/O standards do not require termination, impedance matching is necessary to reduce reflections and improve signal integrity. Voltage-referenced I/O standards require both an input reference voltage, VREF, and a termination voltage, VTT. The reference voltage of the receiving device tracks the termination voltage of the transmitting device. Each voltage-referenced I/O standard requires a unique termination setup. For example, a proper resistive signal termination scheme is critical in SSTL standards to produce a reliable DDR memory system with superior noise margin. Altera Corporation January 2008 4–33 Stratix II Device Handbook, Volume 2 Design Considerations Stratix II and Stratix II GX on-chip series and parallel termination provides the convenience of no external components. External pull-up resistors can be used to terminate the voltage-referenced I/O standards such as SSTL-2 and HSTL. 1 Refer to the “Stratix II and Stratix II GX I/O Standards Support” on page 4–2 for more information on the termination scheme of various single-ended I/O standards. Differential I/O Standards Differential I/O standards typically require a termination resistor between the two signals at the receiver. The termination resistor must match the differential load impedance of the bus. Stratix II and Stratix II GX devices provide an optional differential on-chip resistor when using LVDS and HyperTransport standards. I/O Banks Restrictions Each I/O bank can simultaneously support multiple I/O standards. The following sections provide guidelines for mixing non-voltage-referenced and voltage-referenced I/O standards in Stratix II and Stratix II GX devices. Non-Voltage-Referenced Standards Each Stratix II and Stratix II GX device I/O bank has its own VCCIO pins and supports only one VCCIO, either 1.5, 1.8, 2.5, or 3.3 V. An I/O bank can simultaneously support any number of input signals with different I/O standard assignments, as shown in Table 4–8. For output signals, a single I/O bank supports non-voltage-referenced output signals that are driving at the same voltage as VCCIO. Since an I/O bank can only have one VCCIO value, it can only drive out that one value for non-voltage-referenced signals. For example, an I/O bank with a 2.5-V VCCIO setting can support 2.5-V standard inputs and outputs and 3.3-V LVCMOS inputs (not output or bidirectional pins). Table 4–8. Acceptable Input Levels for LVTTL and LVCMOS Acceptable Input Levels (V) Bank VCCIO (V) 3.3 2.5 3.3 v v (1) 2.5 v v 4–34 Stratix II Device Handbook, Volume 2 (Part 1 of 2) 1.8 1.5 Altera Corporation January 2008 Selectable I/O Standards in Stratix II and Stratix II GX Devices Table 4–8. Acceptable Input Levels for LVTTL and LVCMOS (Part 2 of 2) Acceptable Input Levels (V) Bank VCCIO (V) 3.3 2.5 1.8 1.5 1.8 v (2) v (2) v v (1) 1.5 v (2) v (2) v v Notes to Table 4–8: (1) (2) Because the input signal does not drive to the rail, the input buffer does not completely shut off, and the I/O current is slightly higher than the default value. These input values overdrive the input buffer, so the pin leakage current is slightly higher than the default value. To drive inputs higher than VCCIO but less than 4.0 V, disable the PCI clamping diode and select the Allow LVTTL and LVCMOS input levels to overdrive input buffer option in the Quartus II software. Voltage-Referenced Standards To accommodate voltage-referenced I/O standards, each Stratix II or Stratix II GX device’s I/O bank supports multiple VREF pins feeding a common VREF bus. The number of available VREF pins increases as device density increases. If these pins are not used as VREF pins, they cannot be used as generic I/O pins. However, each bank can only have a single VCCIO voltage level and a single VREF voltage level at a given time. An I/O bank featuring single-ended or differential standards can support voltage-referenced standards as long as all voltage-referenced standards use the same VREF setting. Because of performance reasons, voltage-referenced input standards use their own VCCIO level as the power source. For example, you can only place 1.5-V HSTL input pins in an I/O bank with a 1.5-V VCCIO. 1 Refer to the “Stratix II and Stratix II GX I/O Banks” on page 4–20 for details on input VCCIO for voltage-referenced standards. Voltage-referenced bidirectional and output signals must be the same as the I/O bank’s VCCIO voltage. For example, you can only place SSTL-2 output pins in an I/O bank with a 2.5-V VCCIO. 1 Altera Corporation January 2008 Refer to the “I/O Placement Guidelines” on page 4–36 for details on voltage-referenced I/O standards placement. 4–35 Stratix II Device Handbook, Volume 2 Design Considerations Mixing Voltage-Referenced and Non-Voltage-Referenced Standards An I/O bank can support both non-voltage-referenced and voltage-referenced pins by applying each of the rule sets individually. For example, an I/O bank can support SSTL-18 inputs and 1.8-V inputs and outputs with a 1.8-V VCCIO and a 0.9-V VREF. Similarly, an I/O bank can support 1.5-V standards, 2.5-V (inputs, but not outputs), and HSTL I/O standards with a 1.5-V VCCIO and 0.75-V VREF. I/O Placement Guidelines The I/O placement guidelines help to reduce noise issues that may be associated with a design such that Stratix II and Stratix II GX FPGAs can maintain an acceptable noise level on the VCCIO supply. Because Stratix II and Stratix II GX devices require each bank to be powered separately for VCCIO, these noise issues have no effect when crossing bank boundaries and, as such, these rules need not be applied. This section provides I/O placement guidelines for the programmable I/O standards supported by Stratix II and Stratix II GX devices and includes essential information for designing systems using their devices’ selectable I/O capabilities. VREF Pin Placement Restrictions There are at least two dedicated VREF pins per I/O bank to drive the VREF bus. Larger Stratix II and Stratix II GX devices have more VREF pins per I/O bank. All VREF pins within one I/O bank are shorted together at device die level. There are limits to the number of pins that a VREF pin can support. For example, each output pin adds some noise to the VREF level and an excessive number of outputs make the level too unstable to be used for incoming signals. Restrictions on the placement of single-ended voltage-referenced I/O pads with respect to VREF pins help maintain an acceptable noise level on the VCCIO supply and prevent output switching noise from shifting the VREF rail. Input Pins Each VREF pin supports a maximum of 40 input pads. 4–36 Stratix II Device Handbook, Volume 2 Altera Corporation January 2008 Selectable I/O Standards in Stratix II and Stratix II GX Devices Output Pins When a voltage-referenced input or bidirectional pad does not exist in a bank, the number of output pads that can be used in that bank depends on the total number of available pads in that same bank. However, when a voltage-referenced input exists, a design can use up to 20 output pads per VREF pin in a bank. Bidirectional Pins Bidirectional pads must satisfy both input and output guidelines simultaneously. The general formulas for input and output rules are shown in Table 4–9. Table 4–9. Bidirectional Pin Limitation Formulas Rules Formulas Input <Total number of bidirectional pins> + <Total number of VREF input pins, if any> 40 per VREF pin Output <Total number of bidirectional pins> + <Total number of output pins, if any> – <Total number of pins from smallest OE group, if more than one OE groups> 20 per VREF pin ■ If the same output enable (OE) controls all the bidirectional pads (bidirectional pads in the same OE group are driving in and out at the same time) and there are no other outputs or voltage-referenced inputs in the bank, then the voltage-referenced input is never active at the same time as an output. Therefore, the output limitation rule does not apply. However, since the bidirectional pads are linked to the same OE, the bidirectional pads will all act as inputs at the same time. Therefore, there is a limit of 40 input pads, as follows: <Total number of bidirectional pins> + <Total number of VREF input pins> 40 per VREF pin ■ If any of the bidirectional pads are controlled by different OE and there are no other outputs or voltage-referenced inputs in the bank, then one group of bidirectional pads can be used as inputs and another group is used as outputs. In such cases, the formula for the output rule is simplified, as follows: <Total number of bidirectional pins> – <Total number of pins from smallest OE group> 20 per VREF pin Altera Corporation January 2008 4–37 Stratix II Device Handbook, Volume 2 Design Considerations ■ Consider a case where eight bidirectional pads are controlled by OE1, eight bidirectional pads are controlled by OE2, six bidirectional pads are controlled by OE3, and there are no other outputs or voltage-referenced inputs in the bank. While this totals 22 bidirectional pads, it is safely allowable because there would be a possible maximum of 16 outputs per VREF pin, assuming the worst case where OE1 and OE2 are active and OE3 is inactive. This is useful for DDR SDRAM applications. ■ When at least one additional voltage-referenced input and no other outputs exist in the same VREF group, the bidirectional pad limitation must simultaneously adhere to the input and output limitations. The input rule becomes: <Total number of bidirectional pins> + <Total number of VREF input pins> 40 per VREF pin Whereas the output rule is simplified as: <Total number of bidirectional pins> 20 per VREF pin ■ When at least one additional output exists but no voltage-referenced inputs exist, the output rule becomes: <Total number of bidirectional pins> + <Total number of output pins> – <Total number of pins from smallest OE group> 20 per VREF pin ■ When additional voltage-referenced inputs and other outputs exist in the same VREF group, then the bidirectional pad limitation must again simultaneously adhere to the input and output limitations. The input rule is: <Total number of bidirectional pins> + <Total number of VREF input pins> 40 per VREF pin Whereas the output rule is given as: <Total number of bidirectional pins> + <Total number of output pins> – <Total number of pins from smallest OE group> 20 per VREF pin I/O Pin Placement with Respect to High-Speed Differential I/O Pins Regardless of whether or not the SERDES circuitry is utilized, there is a restriction on the placement of single-ended output pins with respect to high-speed differential I/O pins. As shown in Figure 4–25, all 4–38 Stratix II Device Handbook, Volume 2 Altera Corporation January 2008 Selectable I/O Standards in Stratix II and Stratix II GX Devices single-ended outputs must be placed at least one LAB row away from the differential I/O pins. There are no restrictions on the placement of single-ended input pins with respect to differential I/O pins. Single-ended input pins may be placed within the same LAB row as differential I/O pins. However, the single-ended input’s IOE register is not available. The input must be implemented within the core logic. This single-ended output pin placement restriction only applies when using the LVDS or HyperTransport I/O standards in the left and right I/O banks. There are no restrictions for single-ended output pin placement with respect to differential clock pins in the top and bottom I/O banks. Figure 4–25. Single-Ended Output Pin Placement with Respect to Differential I/O Pins Single-Ended Output Pin Differential I/O Pin Single_Ended Input Single-Ended Outputs Not Allowed Row Boundary DC Guidelines Power budgets are essential to ensure the reliability and functionality of a system application. You are often required to perform power dissipation analysis on each device in the system to come out with the total power dissipated in that system, which is composed of a static component and a dynamic component. The static power consumption of a device is the total DC current flowing from VCCIO to ground. Altera Corporation January 2008 4–39 Stratix II Device Handbook, Volume 2 Design Considerations For any ten consecutive pads in an I/O bank of Stratix II and Stratix II GX devices, Altera recommends a maximum current of 250 mA, as shown in Figure 4–26, because the placement of VCCIO/ground (GND) bumps are regular, 10 I/O pins per pair of power pins. This limit is on the static power consumed by an I/O standard, as shown in Table 4–10. Limiting static power is a way to improve reliability over the lifetime of the device. Figure 4–26. DC Current Density Restriction Notes (1), (2) I/O Pin Sequence of an I/O Bank VCC Any 10 Consecutive Output Pins pin+9 ∑ I pin ≤ 250mA pin GND VCC Notes to Figure 4–26: (1) (2) The consecutive pads do not cross I/O banks. VREF pins do not affect DC current calculation because there are no VREF pads. 4–40 Stratix II Device Handbook, Volume 2 Altera Corporation January 2008 Selectable I/O Standards in Stratix II and Stratix II GX Devices Table 4–10 shows the I/O standard DC current specification. Table 4–10. Stratix II and Stratix II GX I/O Standard DC Current Specification (Part 1 of 2) Note (1) IPIN (mA), Top and Bottom I/O Banks IPIN (mA), Left and Right I/O Banks(2) LVTTL (3) (3) LVCMOS (3) (3) 2.5 V (3) (3) 1.8 V (3) (3) I/O Standard 1.5 V (3) (3) 3.3-V PCI 1.5 NA 3.3-V PCI-X 1.5 NA SSTL-2 Class I 12 (4) 12 (4) SSTL-2 Class II 24 (4) 16 (4) SSTL-18 Class I 12 (4) 10 (4) SSTL-18 Class II 20 (4) NA 1.8-V HSTL Class I 12 (4) 12 1.8-V HSTL Class II 20 (4) NA 1.5-V HSTL Class I 12 (4) 8 1.5-V HSTL Class II 20 (4) NA 12 12 Differential SSTL-2 Class I Differential SSTL-2 Class II 24 16 Differential SSTL-18 Class I 12 10 Differential SSTL-18 Class II 20 NA 1.8-V differential HSTL Class I 12 12 1.8-V differential HSTL Class II 20 NA 1.5-V differential HSTL Class I 12 8 1.5-V differential HSTL Class II 20 NA Altera Corporation January 2008 4–41 Stratix II Device Handbook, Volume 2 Conclusion Table 4–10. Stratix II and Stratix II GX I/O Standard DC Current Specification (Part 2 of 2) IPIN (mA), Top and Bottom I/O Banks I/O Standard Note (1) IPIN (mA), Left and Right I/O Banks(2) Notes to Table 4–10: (1) (2) (3) (4) The current value obtained for differential HSTL and differential SSTL standards is per pin and not per differential pair, as opposed to the per-pair current value of LVDS and HyperTransport standards. This does not apply to the right I/O banks of Stratix II GX devices. Stratix II GX devices have transceivers on the right I/O banks. The DC power specification of each I/O standard depends on the current sourcing and sinking capabilities of the I/O buffer programmed with that standard, as well as the load being driven. LVTTL, LVCMOS, 2.5-V, 1.8-V, and 1.5-V outputs are not included in the static power calculations because they normally do not have resistor loads in real applications. The voltage swing is rail-to-rail with capacitive load only. There is no DC current in the system. This IPIN value represents the DC current specification for the default current strength of the I/O standard. The IPIN varies with programmable drive strength and is the same as the drive strength as set in Quartus II software. Refer to the Stratix II Architecture chapter in volume 1 of the Stratix II Device Handbook or the Stratix II GX Architecture chapter in volume 1 of the Stratix II GX Device Handbook for a detailed description of the programmable drive strength feature of voltage-referenced I/O standards. Table 4–10 only shows the limit on the static power consumed by an I/O standard. The amount of power used at any moment could be much higher, and is based on the switching activities. Conclusion Stratix II and Stratix II GX devices provide I/O capabilities that allow you to work in compliance with current and emerging I/O standards and requirements. With the Stratix II or Stratix II GX devices features, such as programmable driver strength, you can reduce board design interface costs and increase the development flexibility. References Refer to the following references for more information: ■ ■ ■ ■ Interface Standard for Nominal 3V/ 3.3-V Supply Digital Integrated Circuits, JESD8-B, Electronic Industries Association, September 1999. 2.5-V +/- 0.2V (Normal Range) and 1.8-V to 2.7V (Wide Range) Power Supply Voltage and Interface Standard for Non-terminated Digital Integrated Circuits, JESD8-5, Electronic Industries Association, October 1995. 1.8-V +/- 0.15 V (Normal Range) and 1.2 V - 1.95 V (Wide Range) Power Supply Voltage and Interface Standard for Non-terminated Digital Integrated Circuits, JESD8-7, Electronic Industries Association, February 1997. 1.5-V +/- 0.1 V (Normal Range) and 0.9 V - 1.6 V (Wide Range) Power Supply Voltage and Interface Standard for Non-terminated Digital Integrated Circuits, JESD8-11, Electronic Industries Association, October 2000. 4–42 Stratix II Device Handbook, Volume 2 Altera Corporation January 2008 Selectable I/O Standards in Stratix II and Stratix II GX Devices ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ Referenced Documents This chapter references the following documents: ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ Altera Corporation January 2008 PCI Local Bus Specification, Revision 2.2, PCI Special Interest Group, December 1998. PCI-X Local Bus Specification, Revision 1.0a, PCI Special Interest Group. Stub Series Terminated Logic for 2.5-V (SSTL-2), JESD8-9A, Electronic Industries Association, December 2000. Stub Series Terminated Logic for 1.8 V (SSTL-18), Preliminary JC42.3, Electronic Industries Association. High-Speed Transceiver Logic (HSTL)—A 1.5-V Output Buffer Supply Voltage Based Interface Standard for Digital Integrated Circuits, EIA/JESD8-6, Electronic Industries Association, August 1995. Electrical Characteristics of Low Voltage Differential Signaling (LVDS) Interface Circuits, ANSI/TIA/EIA-644, American National Standards Institute/Telecommunications Industry/Electronic Industries Association, October 1995. DC & Switching Characteristics chapter in volume 1 of the Stratix II Device Handbook DC & Switching Characteristics chapter in volume 1 of the Stratix II GX Device Handbook External Memory Interfaces in Stratix II & Stratix II GX Devices chapter in volume 2 of the Stratix II Device Handbook External Memory Interfaces in Stratix II & Stratix II GX Devices chapter in volume 2 of the Stratix II GX Device Handbook High-Speed Differential I/O Interfaces with DPA in Stratix II & Stratix II GX Devices chapter in volume 2 of the Stratix II Device Handbook High-Speed Differential I/O Interfaces with DPA in Stratix II & Stratix II GX Devices chapter in volume 2 of the Stratix II GX Device Handbook PLLs in Stratix II & Stratix II GX Devices chapter in volume 2 of the Stratix II Device Handbook PLLs in Stratix II & Straix II GX Devices chapter in volume 2 of the Stratix II GX Device Handbook Stratix II Architecture chapter in volume 1 of the Stratix II Device Handbook Stratix II GX Architecture chapter in volume 1 of the Stratix II GX Device Handbook Stratix II GX Transceiver User Guide (volume 1) of the Stratix II GX Device Handbook 4–43 Stratix II Device Handbook, Volume 2 Document Revision History Document Revision History Table 4–11 shows the revision history for this chapter. Table 4–11. Document Revision History (Part 1 of 2) Date and Document Version January 2008 v4.6 Changes Made Summary of Changes Updated Figure 4–22. — Updated Note 4 to Table 4–2. — Added “Referenced Documents” section. — Minor text edits. — No change For the Stratix II GX Device Handbook only: Formerly chapter 9. The chapter number changed due to the addition of the Stratix II GX Dynamic Reconfiguration chapter. No content change. — May 2007 v4.5 Added a note to the “On-Chip Series Termination with Calibration” section. — Added a note to the “On-Chip Series Termination without Calibration” section — Updated note to the “Stratix II and Stratix II GX I/O Features” section. — Updated the “LVDS” section. — Updated note to “1.5 V” section — ● ● Updated Note (1) for Table 10–4 Updated Note (2) for Table 10–3 — Updated Table 10–2, column heading for columns 9 and 10. — Updated Table 10–10. — Fixed typo in the “Stratix II and Stratix II GX I/O Features” section — February 2007 Added the “Document Revision History” section v4.4 to this chapter. — August 2006 v4.3 — Updated Table 9–2, Table 9–4, Table 9–5, Table 9–6, and Table 9–7. April 2006 v4.2 Chapter updated as part of the Stratix II Device Handbook update. — No change — Formerly chapter 8. Chapter number change only due to chapter addition to Section I in February 2006; no content change. 4–44 Stratix II Device Handbook, Volume 2 Altera Corporation January 2008 Selectable I/O Standards in Stratix II and Stratix II GX Devices Table 4–11. Document Revision History (Part 2 of 2) Date and Document Version Changes Made Summary of Changes December 2005 v4.1 Chapter updated as part of the Stratix II Device Handbook update. — October 2005 v4.0 Added chapter to the Stratix II GX Device Handbook. — Altera Corporation January 2008 4–45 Stratix II Device Handbook, Volume 2 Document Revision History 4–46 Stratix II Device Handbook, Volume 2 Altera Corporation January 2008 5. High-Speed Differential I/O Interfaces with DPA in Stratix II and Stratix II GX Devices SII52005-2.2 Introduction Stratix® II and Stratix® II GX device family offers up to 1-Gbps differential I/O capabilities to support source-synchronous communication protocols such as HyperTransport™ technology, Rapid I/O, XSBI, and SPI. Stratix II and Stratix II GX devices have the following dedicated circuitry for high-speed differential I/O support: ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ Differential I/O buffer Transmit serializer Receive deserializer Data realignment circuit Dynamic phase aligner (DPA) Synchronizer (FIFO buffer) Analog PLLs (fast PLLs) For high-speed differential interfaces, Stratix II and Stratix II GX devices can accommodate different differential I/O standards, including the following: ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ 1 I/O Banks Altera Corporation January 2008 LVDS HyperTransport technology HSTL SSTL LVPECL HSTL, SSTL, and LVPECL I/O standards can be used only for PLL clock inputs and outputs in differential mode. Stratix II and Stratix II GX inputs and outputs are partitioned into banks located on the periphery of the die. The inputs and outputs that support LVDS and HyperTransport technology are located in row I/O banks, two on the left and two on the right side of the Stratix II device and two on the left side of the Stratix II GX device. LVPECL, HSTL, and SSTL standards are supported on certain top and bottom banks of the die (banks 9 to 12) when used as differential clock inputs/outputs. Differential HSTL and SSTL standards can be supported on banks 3, 4, 7, and 8 if the pins on these banks are used as DQS/DQSn pins. Figures 5–1 and 5–2 show where the banks and the PLLs are located on the die. 5–1 I/O Banks Figure 5–1. Stratix II I/O Banks Note (1), (2), (3), (4), (5), (6), and (7) DQS8T VREF0B3 DQS7T VREF1B3 DQS6T VREF2B3 VREF3B3 DQS5T VREF4B3 PLL11 PLL5 Bank 11 Bank 9 DQS4T DQS3T DQS2T DQS1T DQS0T VREF0B4 VREF1B4 VREF2B4 VREF3B4 VREF4B4 PLL7 PLL10 VR EF1B 5 VREF 4B5 VREF 0B2 VR EF3B5 I/O banks 3, 4, 9 & 11 support all single-ended I/O standards and differential I/O standards except for HyperTransport technology for both input and output operations. I/O banks 1, 2, 5 & 6 support LVTTL, LVCMOS, 2.5-V, 1.8-V, 1.5-V, SSTL-2, SSTL-18 Class I, HSTL-18 Class I, HSTL-15 Class I, LVDS, and HyperTransport standards for input and output operations. HSTL-18 Class II, HSTL-15-Class II, SSTL-18 Class II standards are only supported for input operations. PLL1 PLL4 VR EF1B6 VREF 2B6 VREF 3B6 This I/O bank supports LVDS and LVPECL standards for input clock operations. Differential HSTL and differential SSTL standards are supported for both input and output operations. VREF 4B6 This I/O bank supports LVDS and LVPECL standards for input clock operations. Differential HSTL and differential SSTL standards are supported for both input and output operations. Bank 6 I/O banks 7, 8, 10 & 12 support all single-ended I/O standards and differential I/O standards except for HyperTransport technology for both input and output operations. VREF 0B1 VREF 1B1 Bank 1 VR EF3B1 VR EF0B6 PLL3 VR EF4B1 PLL2 VREF 2B1 VR EF2B5 This I/O bank supports LVDS and LVPECL standards for input clock operations. Differential HSTL and differential SSTL standards are supported for both input and output operations. Bank 5 VR EF2B2 This I/O bank supports LVDS and LVPECL standards for input clock operations. Differential HSTL and differential SSTL standards are supported for both input and output operations. VR EF1B2 Bank 2 VR EF3B 2 VREF 0B5 Bank 4 VREF 4B2 Bank 3 Bank 12 Bank 8 Bank 10 Bank 7 PLL8 PLL9 VREF4B8 DQS8B VREF3B8 VREF2B8 DQS7B VREF1B8 DQS6B VREF0B8 DQS5B PLL12 PLL6 VREF4B7 VREF3B7 VREF2B7 VREF1B7 VREF0B7 DQS4B DQS3B DQS2B DQS1B DQS0B Notes to Figure 5–1: (1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7) Figure 5–1 is a top view of the silicon die that corresponds to a reverse view for flip-chip packages. It is a graphical representation only. See the pin list and Quartus II software for exact locations. Depending on the size of the device, different device members have different numbers of VREF groups. Banks 9 through 12 are enhanced PLL external clock output banks. These PLL banks utilize the adjacent VREF group when voltage-referenced standards are implemented. For example, if an SSTL input is implemented in PLL bank 10, the voltage level at VREFB7 is the reference voltage level for the SSTL input. Differential HSTL and differential SSTL standards are available for bidirectional operations on DQS pin and input-only operations on PLL clock input pins; LVDS, LVPECL, and HyperTransport standards are available for input-only operations on PLL clock input pins. See the Selectable I/O standards in Stratix II & Stratix II GX Devices chapter in volume 2 of the Stratix II Device Handbook for more details. Quartus II software does not support differential SSTL and differential HSTL standards at left/right I/O banks. See the Selectable I/O standards in Stratix II & Stratix II GX Devices chapter in volume 2 of the Stratix II Device Handbook if you need to implement these standards at these I/O banks. Banks 11 and 12 are available only in EP2S60, EP2S90, EP2S130, and EP2S180 devices. PLLs 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, and 12 are available only in EP2S60, EP2S90, EP2S130, and EP2S180 devices. 5–2 Stratix II Device Handbook, Volume 2 Altera Corporation January 2008 High-Speed Differential I/O Interfaces with DPA in Stratix II and Stratix II GX Devices Figure 5–2. Stratix II GX I/O Banks Note (1), (2), (3), (4), (5), (6), and (7) DQS ×8 PLL7 DQS ×8 DQS ×8 DQS ×8 VREF0B3 VREF1B3 VREF2B3 VREF3B3 VREF4B3 DQS ×8 DQS ×8 DQS ×8 DQS ×8 Bank 4 Bank 9 VREF3B1 VREF4B1 Bank 1 VREF0B1 VREF1B1 14 17 I/O banks 1 & 2 support LVTTL, LVCMOS, 2.5 V, 1.8 V, 1.5 V, SSTL-2, SSTL-18 class I, LVDS, pseudo-differential SSTL-2 and pseudo-differential SSTL-18 class I standards for both input and output operations. HSTL, SSTL-18 class II, pseudo-differential HSTL and pseudo-differential SSTL-18 class II standards are only supported for input operations. (4) PLL2 I/O banks 7, 8, 10 and 12 support all single-ended I/O standards for both input and output operations. All differential I/O standards are supported for both input and output operations at I/O banks 10 and 12. This I/O bank supports LVDS This I/O bank supports LVDS and LVPECL standards for input clock operation. and LVPECL standards for input clock Differential HSTL and differential operation. Differential HSTL and differential SSTL standards are supported SSTL standards are supported for both input and output operations. (3) for both input and output operations. (3) Bank 8 PLL8 This I/O bank supports LVDS and LVPECL standards for input clock operation. Differential HSTL and differential SSTL standards are supported for both input and output operations. (3) VREF4B8 VREF3B8 VREF2B8 VREF1B8 VREF0B8 DQS ×8 DQS ×8 DQS ×8 DQS ×8 Bank 12 Bank 10 PLL12 PLL6 16 This I/O bank supports LVDS and LVPECL standards for input clock operations. Differential HSTL and differential SSTL standards are supported for both input and output operations. (3) I/O Banks 3, 4, 9, and 11 support all single-ended I/O standards for both input and output operations. All differential I/O standards are supported for both input and output operations at I/O banks 9 and 11. PLL1 VREF2B1 DQS ×8 VREF0B4 VREF1B4 VREF2B4 VREF3B4 VREF4B4 13 Bank 11 PLL5 15 Bank 2 VREF0B2 VREF1B2 VREF2B2 VREF3B2 VREF4B2 Bank 3 PLL11 Bank 7 VREF4B7 VREF3B7 VREF2B7 VREF1B7 VREF0B7 DQS ×8 DQS ×8 DQS ×8 DQS ×8 DQS ×8 Notes to Figure 5–2: (1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7) Figure 5–2 is a top view of the silicon die which corresponds to a reverse view for flip-chip packages. It is a graphical representation only. Depending on size of the device, different device members have different number of VREF groups. Refer to the pin list and the Quartus II software for exact locations. Banks 9 through 12 are enhanced PLL external clock output banks. Horizontal I/O banks feature transceiver and DPA circuitry for high speed differential I/O standards. Quartus II software does not support differential SSTL and differential HSTL standards at left/right I/O banks. Refer to the “Differential Pin Placement Guidelines” on page 5–21 if you need to implement these standards at these I/O banks. Banks 11 and 12 are available only in EP2SGX60C/D/E, EP2SGX90E/F, and EP2SGX130G. PLLs 7, 8, 11, and 12 are available only in EP2SGX60C/D/E, EP2SGXE/F, and EP2SGX130G. Altera Corporation January 2008 5–3 Stratix II Device Handbook, Volume 2 I/O Banks Table 5–1 lists the differential I/O standards supported by each bank. Table 5–1. Supported Differential I/O Types Bank Row I/O (Banks 1, 2, 5 and 6) (2) Type Clock Inputs Clock Outputs Data or Regular I/O Pins Column I/O (Banks, 3, 4 and 7 through 12) Clock Inputs Clock Outputs Data or Regular I/O Pins Differential HSTL v v (1) Differential SSTL v v (1) v v v v LVPECL LVDS v v v HyperTransport technology v v v Note to Table 5–1: (1) (2) Used as both inputs and outputs on the DQS/DQSn pins. Banks 5 and 6 are not available in Stratix II GX devices. Table 5–2 shows the total number of differential channels available in Stratix II devices. The available channels are divided evenly between the left and right banks of the die. Non-dedicated clocks in the left and right banks can also be used as data receiver channels. The total number of receiver channels includes these four non-dedicated clock channels. Pin migration is available for different size devices in the same package. Table 5–2. Differential Channels in Stratix II Devices (Part 1 of 2) Notes (1), (2), and (3) 484-Pin 484-Pin Hybrid FineLine BGA FineLine BGA 672-Pin FineLine BGA EP2S15 38 transmitters 42 receivers 38 transmitters 42 receivers EP2S30 38 transmitters 42 receivers 58 transmitters 62 receivers EP2S60 38 transmitters 42 receivers 58 transmitters 62 receivers Device EP2S90 38 transmitters 42 receivers EP2S130 5–4 Stratix II Device Handbook, Volume 2 780-Pin FineLine BGA 1,020-Pin FineLine BGA 1,508-Pin FineLine BGA Within the 1,508-pin Fin 84 transmitters 84 receivers 64 transmitters 68 receivers 90 transmitters 118 transmitters 94 receivers 118 receivers 64 transmitters 68 receivers 88 transmitters 156 transmitters 92 receivers 156 receivers Altera Corporation January 2008 High-Speed Differential I/O Interfaces with DPA in Stratix II and Stratix II GX Devices Table 5–2. Differential Channels in Stratix II Devices (Part 2 of 2) Notes (1), (2), and (3) Device 484-Pin 484-Pin Hybrid FineLine BGA FineLine BGA 672-Pin FineLine BGA EP2S180 780-Pin FineLine BGA 1,020-Pin FineLine BGA 1,508-Pin FineLine BGA Within the 1,508-pin Fin 88 transmitters 156 transmitters 92 receivers 156 receivers Notes to Table 5–2: (1) (2) (3) Pin count does not include dedicated PLL input pins. The total number of receiver channels includes the four non-dedicated clock channels that can optionally be used as data channels. Within the 1,508-pin FineLine BGA package, 92 receiver channels and 92 transmitter channels are vertically migratable. Table 5–3 shows the total number of differential channels available in Stratix II GX devices. Non-dedicated clocks in the left bank can also be used as data receiver channels. The total number of receiver channels includes these four non-dedicated clock channels. Pin migration is available for different size devices in the same package. Table 5–3. Differential Channels in Stratix II GX Devices Device 780-Pin FineLine BGA EP2SGX30 29 transmitters 31receivers EP2SGX60 29 transmitters 31 receivers EP2SGX90 EP2SGX130 1,152-Pin FineLine BGA Notes (1), (2), (3) 1,508-Pin FineLine BGA 42 transmitters 42 receivers 45 transmitters 47 receivers 59 transmitters 59 receivers 71 transmitters 73 receivers Notes to Table 5–3: (1) (2) (3) Altera Corporation January 2008 Pin count does not include dedicated PLL input pins. The total number of receiver channels includes the four non-dedicated clock channels that can optionally be used as data channels. EP2SGX30CF780 devices with four transceiver channels are vertically migratable to EP2SGX60CF780 devices with four transceiver channels. EP2SGX30DF780 devices with eight transceiver channels are vertically migratable to EP2SGX60DF780 devices with eight transceiver channels. EP2SGX60EF1152 devices with 12 transceiver channels are vertically migratable to EP2SGX90EF1152 devices with 12 transceiver channels. EP2SGX90FF1508 devices with 16 transceiver channels are vertically migratable to EP2SGX130GF1508 devices with 20 transceiver channels. 5–5 Stratix II Device Handbook, Volume 2 Differential Transmitter Differential Transmitter The Stratix II and Stratix II GX transmitter has dedicated circuitry to provide support for LVDS and HyperTransport signaling. The dedicated circuitry consists of a differential buffer, a serializer, and a shared fast PLL. The differential buffer can drive out LVDS or HyperTransport signal levels that are statically set in the Quartus® II software. The serializer takes data from a parallel bus up to 10 bits wide from the internal logic, clocks it into the load registers, and serializes it using the shift registers before sending the data to the differential buffer. The most significant bit (MSB) is transmitted first. The load and shift registers are clocked by the diffioclk (a fast PLL clock running at the serial rate) and controlled by the load enable signal generated from the fast PLL. The serialization factor can be statically set to 4, 6, 7, 8, or 10 using the Quartus II software. The load enable signal is automatically generated by the fast PLL and is derived from the serialization factor setting. Figure 5–3 is a block diagram of the Stratix II transmitter. Figure 5–3. Transmitter Block Diagram Serializer 10 TX_OUT Internal Logic diffioclk Fast PLL load_en Each Stratix II and Stratix II GX transmitter data channel can be configured to operate as a transmitter clock output. This flexibility allows the designer to place the output clock near the data outputs to simplify board layout and reduce clock-to-data skew. Different applications often require specific clock to data alignments or specific data rate to clock rate factors. The transmitter can output a clock signal at the same rate as the data with a maximum frequency of 717 MHz. The output clock can also be divided by a factor of 2, 4, 8, or 10, depending on the serialization factor. The phase of the clock in relation to the data can be set at 0° or 180° (edge or center aligned). The fast PLL provides additional support for 5–6 Stratix II Device Handbook, Volume 2 Altera Corporation January 2008 High-Speed Differential I/O Interfaces with DPA in Stratix II and Stratix II GX Devices other phase shifts in 45° increments. These settings are made statically in the Quartus II MegaWizard® software. Figure 5–4 shows the transmitter in clock output mode. Figure 5–4. Transmitter in Clock Output Mode Transmitter Circuit Parallel Series tx_outclock Internal Logic diffioclk load_en The serializer can be bypassed to support DDR (2) and SDR (1) operations. The I/O element (IOE) contains two data output registers that each can operate in either DDR or SDR mode. The clock source for the registers in the IOE can come from any routing resource, from the fast PLL, or from the enhanced PLL. Figure 5–5 shows the bypass path. Figure 5–5. Serializer Bypass IOE Supports SDR, DDR, or Non-Registered Data Path IOE Internal Logic tx_out Serializer Not used (connection exists) Altera Corporation January 2008 5–7 Stratix II Device Handbook, Volume 2 Differential Receiver Differential Receiver The receiver has dedicated circuitry to support high-speed LVDS and HyperTransport signaling, along with enhanced data reception. Each receiver consists of a differential buffer, dynamic phase aligner (DPA), synchronization FIFO buffer, data realignment circuit, deserializer, and a shared fast PLL. The differential buffer receives LVDS or HyperTransport signal levels, which are statically set by the Quartus II software. The DPA block aligns the incoming data to one of eight clock phases to maximize the receiver’s skew margin. The DPA circuit can be bypassed on a channel-by-channel basis if it is not needed. Set the DPA bypass statically in the Quartus II MegaWizard Plug-In Manager or dynamically by using the optional RX_DPLL_ENABLE port. The synchronizer circuit is a 1-bit wide by 6-bit deep FIFO buffer that compensates for any phase difference between the DPA block and the deserializer. If necessary, the data realignment circuit inserts a single bit of latency in the serial bit stream to align the word boundary. The deserializer includes shift registers and parallel load registers, and sends a maximum of 10 bits to the internal logic. The data path in the receiver is clocked by either the diffioclk signal or the DPA recovered clock. The deserialization factor can be statically set to 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, or 10 by using the Quartus II software. The fast PLL automatically generates the load enable signal, which is derived from the deserialization factor setting. Figure 5–6 shows a block diagram of the receiver. Figure 5–6. Receiver Block Diagram DPA Bypass Multiplexer Up to 1 Gbps + – D Q Data Realignment Circuitry 10 Internal Logic Dedicated Receiver Interface data retimed_data DPA Synchronizer DPA_clk Eight Phase Clocks 8 rx_inclk Fast PLL 5–8 Stratix II Device Handbook, Volume 2 diffioclk load_en Regional or Global Clock Altera Corporation January 2008 High-Speed Differential I/O Interfaces with DPA in Stratix II and Stratix II GX Devices The deserializer, like the serializer, can also be bypassed to support DDR (2) and SDR (1) operations. The DPA and data realignment circuit cannot be used when the deserializer is bypassed. The IOE contains two data input registers that can operate in DDR or SDR mode. The clock source for the registers in the IOE can come from any routing resource, from the fast PLL, or from the enhanced PLL. Figure 5–7 shows the bypass path. Figure 5–7. Deserializer Bypass IOE Supports SDR, DDR, or Non-Registered Data Path IOE rx_in Deserializer PLD Logic Array DPA Circuitry Receiver Data Realignment Circuit The data realignment circuit aligns the word boundary of the incoming data by inserting bit latencies into the serial stream. An optional RX_CHANNEL_DATA_ALIGN port controls the bit insertion of each receiver independently controlled from the internal logic. The data slips one bit for every pulse on the RX_CHANNEL_DATA_ALIGN port. The following are requirements for the RX_CHANNEL_DATA_ALIGN port: ■ ■ ■ ■ Altera Corporation January 2008 The minimum pulse width is one period of the parallel clock in the logic array. The minimum low time between pulses is one period of parallel clock. There is no maximum high or low time. Valid data is available two parallel clock cycles after the rising edge of RX_CHANNEL_DATA_ALIGN. 5–9 Stratix II Device Handbook, Volume 2 Differential Receiver Figure 5–8 shows receiver output (RX_OUT) after one bit slip pulse with the deserialization factor set to 4. Figure 5–8. Data Realignment Timing inclk rx_in 3 2 1 0 3 2 1 0 3 2 1 0 rx_outclock rx_channel_data_align 3210 rx_out 321x xx21 0321 The data realignment circuit can have up to 11 bit-times of insertion before a rollover occurs. The programmable bit rollover point can be from 1 to 11 bit-times independent of the deserialization factor. An optional status port, rx_cda_max, is available to the FPGA from each channel to indicate when the preset rollover point is reached. Figure 5–9 illustrates a preset value of four bit-times before rollover occurs. The rx_cda_max signal pulses for one rx_outclk cycle to indicate that the rollover has occurred. Figure 5–9. Receiver Data Re-alignment Rollover inclk rx_channel_data_align rx_outclk rx_cda_max Dynamic Phase Aligner The DPA block takes in high-speed serial data from the differential input buffer and selects one of eight phase clocks to sample the data. The DPA chooses a phase closest to the phase of the serial data. The maximum phase offset between the data and the phase-aligned clock is 1/8 UI, which is the maximum quantization error of the DPA. The eight phases 5–10 Stratix II Device Handbook, Volume 2 Altera Corporation January 2008 High-Speed Differential I/O Interfaces with DPA in Stratix II and Stratix II GX Devices are equally divided, giving a 45-degree resolution. Figure 5–10 shows the possible phase relationships between the DPA clocks and the incoming serial data. Figure 5–10. DPA Clock Phase to Data Bit Relationship rx_in D0 D1 D2 D3 D4 Dn 0˚ 45˚ 90˚ 135˚ 180˚ 225˚ 270˚ 315˚ Tvco 0.125Tvco Each DPA block continuously monitors the phase of the incoming data stream and selects a new clock phase if needed. The selection of a new clock phase can be prevented by the optional RX_DPLL_HOLD port, which is available for each channel. The DPA block requires a training pattern and a training sequence of at least 256 repetitions of the training pattern. The training pattern is not fixed, so you can use any training pattern with at least one transition on each channel. An optional output port, RX_DPA_LOCKED, is available to the internal logic, to indicate when the DPA block has settled on the closest phase to the incoming data phase. The RX_DPA_LOCKED de-asserts, depending on what is selected in the Quartus II MegaWizard Plug-In, when either a new phase is selected, or when the DPA has moved two phases in the same direction. The data may still be valid even when the RX_DPA_LOCKED is deasserted. Use data checkers to validate the data when RX_DPA_LOCKED is deasserted. An independent reset port, RX_RESET, is available to reset the DPA circuitry. The DPA circuit must be retrained after reset. Altera Corporation January 2008 5–11 Stratix II Device Handbook, Volume 2 Differential I/O Termination Synchronizer The synchronizer is a 1-bit 6-bit deep FIFO buffer that compensates for the phase difference between the recovered clock from the DPA circuit and the diffioclk that clocks the rest of the logic in the receiver. The synchronizer can only compensate for phase differences, not frequency differences between the data and the receiver’s INCLK. An optional port, RX_FIFO_RESET, is available to the internal logic to reset the synchronizer. The synchronizer is automatically reset when the DPA first locks to the incoming data. Altera® recommends using RX_FIFO_RESET to reset the synchronizer when the DPA signals a loss-of-lock condition beyond the initial locking condition. Differential I/O Termination f Stratix II and Stratix II GX devices provide an on-chip 100-differential termination option on each differential receiver channel for LVDS and HyperTransport standards. The on-chip termination eliminates the need to supply an external termination resistor, simplifying the board design and reducing reflections caused by stubs between the buffer and the termination resistor. You can enable on-chip termination in the Quartus II assignments editor. Differential on-chip termination is supported across the full range of supported differential data rates. For more information, refer to the High-Speed I/O Specifications section of the DC & Switching Characteristics chapter in volume 1 of the Stratix II Device Handbook or the High-Speed I/O Specifications section of the DC & Switching Characteristics chapter in volume 1 of the Stratix II GX Device Handbook. Figure 5–11 illustrates on-chip termination. Figure 5–11. On-Chip Differential Termination Stratix II Differential Receiver with On-Chip 100 Ω Termination LVDS/HT Transmitter Z0 = 50 Ω RD Z0 = 50 Ω On-chip differential termination is supported on all row I/O pins and on clock pins CLK[0, 2, 8, 10]. The clock pins CLK[1, 3, 9, 11], and FPLL[7..10]CLK, and the clocks in the top and bottom I/O banks (CLK[4..7, 12..15]) do not support differential on-chip termination. 5–12 Stratix II Device Handbook, Volume 2 Altera Corporation January 2008 High-Speed Differential I/O Interfaces with DPA in Stratix II and Stratix II GX Devices Fast PLL The high-speed differential I/O receiver and transmitter channels use the fast PLL to generate the parallel global clocks (rx- or tx- clock) and high-speed clocks (diffioclk). Figure 5–12 shows the locations of the fast PLLs. The fast PLL VCO operates at the clock frequency of the data rate. Each fast PLL offers a single serial data rate support, but up to two separate serialization and/or deserialization factors (from the C0 and C1 fast PLL clock outputs) can be used. Clock switchover and dynamic fast PLL reconfiguration is available in high-speed differential I/O support mode. f For additional information on the fast PLL, refer to the PLLs in Stratix II & Stratix II GX Devices chapter in volume 2 of the Stratix II Handbook or the PLLs in Stratix II & Stratix II GX Devices chapter in volume 2 of the Stratix II GX Handbook. Figure 5–12 shows a block diagram of the fast PLL in high-speed differential I/O support mode. Figure 5–12. Fast PLL Block Diagram Global or regional clock (2) Clock (1) Switchover Circuitry VCO Phase Selection Selectable at each PLL Output Port Phase Frequency Detector diffioclk0 (3) 4 loaden0 (4) ÷c0 (5) Clock Input Post-Scale Counters ÷n PFD Charge Pump Loop Filter VCO ÷k diffioclk1 (3) 8 loaden1 (4) ÷c1 4 Global clocks ÷c2 4 Global or regional clock (2) 8 Regional clocks ÷c3 ÷m Shaded Portions of the PLL are Reconfigurable 8 to DPA block Notes to Figure 5–12: (1) (2) (3) (4) (5) Stratix II fast PLLs only support manual clock switchover. The global or regional clock input can be driven by an output from another PLL, a pin-driven dedicated global or regional clock, or through a clock control block provided the clock control block is fed by an output from another PLL or pin-driven dedicated global or regional clock. In high-speed differential I/O support mode, this high-speed PLL clock feeds the SERDES. Stratix II devices only support one rate of data transfer per fast PLL in high-speed differential I/O support mode. This signal is a high-speed differential I/O support SERDES control signal. If the design enables this ÷2 counter, the device can use a VCO frequency range of 150 to 520 MHz. Altera Corporation January 2008 5–13 Stratix II Device Handbook, Volume 2 Clocking Clocking The fast PLLs feed in to the differential receiver and transmitter channels through the LVDS/DPA clock network. The center fast PLLs can independently feed the banks above and below them. The corner PLLs can feed only the banks adjacent to them. Figures 5–13 and 5–14 show the LVDS and DPA clock networks of the Stratix II devices. Figure 5–13. Fast PLL and LVDS/DPA Clock for EP2S15, EP2S30, and EP2S60 Devices Note (1) 4 LVDS Clock DPA Clock Quadrant Quadrant DPA Clock LVDS Clock 4 4 4 2 2 Fast PLL 1 Fast PLL 4 Fast PLL 2 Fast PLL 3 4 2 2 4 4 LVDS Clock DPA Clock Quadrant Quadrant DPA Clock LVDS Clock 4 Note to Figure 5–13: (1) Figure 5–13 applies to EP2S60 devices in the 484 and 672 pin packages. 5–14 Stratix II Device Handbook, Volume 2 Altera Corporation January 2008 High-Speed Differential I/O Interfaces with DPA in Stratix II and Stratix II GX Devices Figure 5–14. Fast PLL and LVDS/DPA Clocks for EP2S60, EP2S90, EP2S130 and EP2S180 Devices Note (1) Fast PLL 7 Fast PLL 10 2 2 4 LVDS Clock DPA Clock Quadrant DPA Clock Quadrant LVDS Clock 4 4 4 2 2 Fast PLL 1 Fast PLL 4 Fast PLL 2 Fast PLL 3 LVDS Clock 4 DPA Clock Quadrant DPA Clock Quadrant LVDS Clock 2 2 4 2 2 Fast PLL 8 Fast PLL 9 Note to Figure 5–14: (1) Figure 5–14 applies only to the EP2S60 in the 1020 Stratix II GX device. Figures 5–15 and 5–16 show the Fast PLL and LVDS/DPA clock of the Stratix II GX devices. Figure 5–15. Fast PLL and LVDS/DPA Clock for EP2SGX30C/D and EP2SGX60C/D Devices 4 LVDS Clock DPA Clock Quadrant Quadrant 4 2 2 Fast PLL 1 No Fast PLLs on Right Side of Stratix II GX Devices Fast PLL 2 4 4 Altera Corporation January 2008 LVDS Clock DPA Clock Quadrant Quadrant 5–15 Stratix II Device Handbook, Volume 2 Clocking Figure 5–16. Fast PLL and LVDS/DPA Clocks for EP2SGX60E, EP2SGX90 and EP2SGX130 Devices Fast PLL 7 2 4 LVDS Clock DPA Clock Quadrant Quadrant 4 2 Fast PLL 1 No Fast PLLs on Right Side of Stratix II GX Devices Fast PLL 2 2 Quadrant 4 LVDS Clock Quadrant DPA Clock 2 Fast PLL 8 Source Synchronous Timing Budget This section discusses the timing budget, waveforms, and specifications for source-synchronous signaling in Stratix II and Stratix II GX devices. LVDS and HyperTransport I/O standards enable high-speed data transmission. This high data transmission rate results in better overall system performance. To take advantage of fast system performance, it is important to understand how to analyze timing for these high-speed signals. Timing analysis for the differential block is different from traditional synchronous timing analysis techniques. Rather than focusing on clock-to-output and setup times, source-synchronous timing analysis is based on the skew between the data and the clock signals. High-speed differential data transmission requires the use of timing parameters provided by IC vendors and is strongly influenced by board skew, cable skew, and clock jitter. This section defines the source-synchronous differential data orientation timing parameters, the timing budget definitions for Stratix II and Stratix II GX devices, and how to use these timing parameters to determine a design's maximum performance. 5–16 Stratix II Device Handbook, Volume 2 Altera Corporation January 2008 High-Speed Differential I/O Interfaces with DPA in Stratix II and Stratix II GX Devices Differential Data Orientation There is a set relationship between an external clock and the incoming data. For operation at 1 Gbps and SERDES factor of 10, the external clock is multiplied by 10, and phase-alignment can be set in the PLL to coincide with the sampling window of each data bit. The data is sampled on the falling edge of the multiplied clock. Figure 5–17 shows the data bit orientation of the 10 mode. Figure 5–17. Bit Orientation in the Quartus II Software inclock/outclock 10 LVDS Bits MSB data in n-1 n-0 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 LSB 2 1 0 high-frequency clock Differential I/O Bit Position Data synchronization is necessary for successful data transmission at high frequencies. Figure 5–18 shows the data bit orientation for a channel operation. These figures are based on the following: ■ ■ ■ SERDES factor equals clock multiplication factor Edge alignment is selected for phase alignment Implemented in hard SERDES For other serialization factors use the Quartus II software tools and find the bit position within the word. The bit positions after deserialization are listed in Table 5–4. Figure 5–18 also shows a functional waveform. Timing waveforms may produce different results. Altera recommends performing a timing simulation to predict actual device behavior. Altera Corporation January 2008 5–17 Stratix II Device Handbook, Volume 2 Clocking Figure 5–18. Bit Order for One Channel of Differential Data Transmitter Channel Operation (x8 Mode) tx_outclock Previous Cycle tx_out X X X X X X X Current Cycle 7 X 6 5 4 3 Next Cycle 2 1 MSB 0 X X X X X X X X X X X X LSB Receiver Channel Operation (x4 Mode) rx_inclock rx_in 3 2 1 0 X X X X X X X X X X X X rx_outclock XXXX rx_out [3..0] XXXX XXXX 3210 Receiver Channel Operation (x8 Mode) rx_inclock rx_in 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0 X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X rx_outclock rx_out [7..0] XXXXXXXX 5–18 Stratix II Device Handbook, Volume 2 XXXXXXXX XXXX7654 3210XXXX Altera Corporation January 2008 High-Speed Differential I/O Interfaces with DPA in Stratix II and Stratix II GX Devices Table 5–4 shows the conventions for differential bit naming for 18 differential channels. The MSB and LSB positions increase with the number of channels used in a system. Table 5–4. LVDS Bit Naming Receiver Channel Data Number Internal 8-Bit Parallel Data MSB Position LSB Position 1 7 0 2 15 8 3 23 16 4 31 24 5 39 32 6 47 40 7 55 48 8 63 56 9 71 64 10 79 72 11 87 80 12 95 88 13 103 96 14 111 104 15 119 112 16 127 120 17 135 128 18 143 136 Receiver Skew Margin for Non-DPA Changes in system environment, such as temperature, media (cable, connector, or PCB) loading effect, the receiver's setup and hold times, and internal skew, reduce the sampling window for the receiver. The timing margin between the receiver’s clock input and the data input sampling window is called Receiver Skew Margin (RSKM). Figure 5–19 shows the relationship between the RSKM and the receiver’s sampling window. Altera Corporation January 2008 5–19 Stratix II Device Handbook, Volume 2 Clocking TCCS, RSKM, and the sampling window specifications are used for high-speed source-synchronous differential signals without DPA. When using DPA, these specifications are exchanged for the simpler single DPA jitter tolerance specification. For instance, the receiver skew is why each input with DPA selects a different phase of the clock, thus removing the requirement for this margin. Figure 5–19. Differential High-Speed Timing Diagram and Timing Budget for Non-DPA Timing Diagram External Input Clock Time Unit Interval (TUI) Internal Clock TCCS Receiver Input Data TCCS Sampling Window (SW) RSKM tSW (min) Bit n Timing Budget RSKM Internal tSW (max) Clock Bit n Falling Edge TUI External Clock Clock Placement Internal Clock Synchronization Transmitter Output Data RSKM RSKM TCCS TCCS 2 TSWEND Receiver Input Data TSWBEGIN 5–20 Stratix II Device Handbook, Volume 2 Sampling Window Altera Corporation January 2008 High-Speed Differential I/O Interfaces with DPA in Stratix II and Stratix II GX Devices Differential Pin Placement Guidelines In order to ensure proper high-speed operation, differential pin placement guidelines have been established. The Quartus II compiler automatically checks that these guidelines are followed and will issue an error message if these guidelines are not met. PLL driving distance information is separated into guidelines with and without DPA usage. High-Speed Differential I/Os and Single-Ended I/Os When a differential channel or channels of side banks are used (with or without DPA), you must adhere to the guidelines described in the following sections. ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ Altera Corporation January 2008 Single-ended I/Os are allowed in the same bank as the LVDS channels (with or without DPA) as long as the single-ended I/O standard uses the same VCCIO as the LVDS bank. Single-ended inputs can be in the same LAB row. Outputs cannot be on the same LAB row with LVDS I/Os. If input registers are used in the IOE, single-ended inputs cannot be in the same LAB row as an LVDS SERDES block. LVDS (non-SERDES) I/Os are allowed in the same row as LVDS SERDES but the use of IOE registers are not allowed. Single-ended outputs are limited to 120 mA drive strength on LVDS banks (with or without DPA). ● LVTTL equation for maximum number of I/Os in an LVDS bank: • 120 mA = (number of LVTTL outputs) × (drive strength of each LVTTL output) ● SSTL-2 equation: • 120 mA = (number of SSTL-2 I/Os) × (drive strength of each output) ÷ 2 ● LVTTL and SSTL-2 mix equation: • 120 mA= (total drive strength of all LVTTL outputs) + (total drive strength of all SSTL2 outputs) ÷ 2 Single-ended inputs can be in the same LAB row as a differential channel using the SERDES circuitry; however, IOE input registers are not available for the single-ended I/Os placed in the same LAB row as differential I/Os. The same rule for input registers applies for nonSERDES differential inputs placed within the same LAB row as a SERDES differential channel. The input register must be implemented within the core logic. The same rule for input registers applies for non-SERDES differential inputs placed within the same LAB row as a SERDES differential channel. 5–21 Stratix II Device Handbook, Volume 2 Differential Pin Placement Guidelines ■ Single-ended output pins must be at least one LAB row away from differential output pins, as shown in Figure 5–20. Figure 5–20. Single-Ended Output Pin Placement with Respect to Differential I/O Pins Single-Ended Output Pin Differential I/O Pin Single_Ended Input Single-Ended Outputs Not Allowed Row Boundary DPA Usage Guidelines The Stratix II and Stratix II GX device have differential receivers and transmitters on the Row banks of the device. Each receiver has a dedicated DPA circuit to align the phase of the clock to the data phase of its associated channel. When a channel or channels of left or right banks are used in DPA mode, the guidelines listed below must be adhered to. Fast PLL/DPA Channel Driving Distance ■ Each fast PLL can drive up to 25 contiguous rows in DPA mode in a single bank (not including the reference clock row). The unbonded SERDES I/O rows are included in the 25 row calculation. These channels can be anywhere in the bank, their distance from the PLL is not relevant, but the channels must be within 25 rows of each other. 5–22 Stratix II Device Handbook, Volume 2 Altera Corporation January 2008 High-Speed Differential I/O Interfaces with DPA in Stratix II and Stratix II GX Devices ■ ■ Unused channels can be within the 25 row span, but all used channels must be in DPA mode from the same fast PLL. Center fast PLLs can drive two I/O banks simultaneously, up to 50 channels (25 on the upper bank and 25 on the lower bank) as shown in Figure 5–21. If one center fast PLL drives DPA channels in the upper and lower banks, the other center fast PLL cannot be used for DPA. Figure 5–21. Driving Capabilities of a Center Fast PLL DPA DPA Top Channels Driven by Center PLL DPA DPA DPA Ref CLK Ref Clk Fast PLL Center PLL Used for DPA Fast PLL Center PLL Used for DPA Ref CLK Ref Clk DPA DPA DPA DPA Bottom Channels Driven by Center PLL DPA Altera Corporation January 2008 5–23 Stratix II Device Handbook, Volume 2 Differential Pin Placement Guidelines Using Corner and Center Fast PLLs ■ ■ If a differential bank is being driven by two fast PLLs, where the corner PLL is driving one group and the center fast PLL is driving another group, there must be at least 1 row of separation between the two groups of DPA channels (see Figure 5–22). The two groups can operate at independent frequencies. Not all the channels are bonded out of the die. Each LAB row is considered a channel, whether or not it has I/O support. No separation is necessary if a single fast PLL is driving DPA channels as well as non-DPA channels as long as the DPA channels are contiguous. Figure 5–22. Usage of Corner and Center Fast PLLs Driving DPA Channels in a Single Bank Fast PLL Corner PLL Used for DPA Ref CLK Ref Clk Diff I/O Diff I/O Diff I/O Diff I/O Channels Driven by Corner PLL Diff I/O Unused One Unused Channel for Buffer Diff I/O Diff I/O Channels Driven by Center PLL Diff I/O Diff I/O Diff I/O Ref CLK Fast PLL 5–24 Stratix II Device Handbook, Volume 2 Ref Clk Center PLL Altera Corporation January 2008 High-Speed Differential I/O Interfaces with DPA in Stratix II and Stratix II GX Devices Using Both Center Fast PLLs ■ ■ Both center fast PLLs can be used for DPA as long as they drive DPA channels in their adjacent quadrant only. See Figure 5–23. Both center fast PLLs cannot be used for DPA if one of the fast PLLs drives the top and bottom banks, or if they are driving cross banks (e.g., the lower fast PLL drives the top bank and the top fast PLL drives the lower bank). Figure 5–23. Center Fast PLL Usage When Driving DPA Channels DPA DPA Channels Driven by the Upper Center PLL DPA DPA DPA Ref CLK Ref Clk Fast PLL Center PLL Driving Top Bank Fast PLL Center PLL Driving Lower Bank Ref CLK Ref Clk DPA DPA DPA DPA Channels Driven by the Lower Center PLL DPA Altera Corporation January 2008 5–25 Stratix II Device Handbook, Volume 2 Differential Pin Placement Guidelines Non-DPA Differential I/O Usage Guidelines When a differential channel or channels of left or right banks are used in non-DPA mode, you must adhere to the guidelines in the following sections. Fast PLL/Differential I/O Driving Distance ■ As shown in Figure 5–24, each fast PLL can drive all the channels in the entire bank. Figure 5–24. Fast PLL Driving Capability When Driving Non-DPA Differential Channels Fast PLL Corner PLL Ref CLK Ref CLK Diff I/O Diff I/O Diff I/O Diff I/O Diff I/O Diff I/O Each PLL Can Drive the Entire Bank Diff I/O Diff I/O Diff I/O Diff I/O Diff I/O 5–26 Stratix II Device Handbook, Volume 2 Ref CLK Ref CLK Fast PLL Center PLL Altera Corporation January 2008 High-Speed Differential I/O Interfaces with DPA in Stratix II and Stratix II GX Devices Using Corner and Center Fast PLLs ■ ■ ■ The corner and center fast PLLs can be used as long as the channels driven by separate fast PLLs do not have their transmitter or receiver channels interleaved. Figure 5–25 shows illegal placement of differential channels when using corner and center fast PLLs. If one fast PLL is driving transmitter channels only, and the other fast PLL drives receiver channels only, the channels driven by those fast PLLs can overlap each other. Center fast PLLs can be used for both transmitter and receiver channels. Figure 5–25. Illegal Placement of Interlaced Duplex Channels in an I/O Bank Fast PLL Corner PLL Ref CLK Ref CLK Duplex Channel Driven by Center PLL Duplex Channel Driven by Corner PLL Diff I/O Diff I/O Diff I/O Diff I/O Interleaved Duplex Channel is Not Allowed Diff I/O Diff I/O Diff I/O Diff I/O Diff I/O Diff I/O Diff I/O Board Design Considerations f Altera Corporation January 2008 Ref CLK Ref CLK Fast PLL Center PLL This section explains how to achieve the optimal performance from the Stratix II and Stratix II GX high-speed I/O block and ensure first-time success in implementing a functional design with optimal signal quality. For more information on board layout recommendations and I/O pin terminations, refer to AN 224: High-Speed Board Layout Guidelines. 5–27 Stratix II Device Handbook, Volume 2 Conclusion To achieve the best performance from the device, pay attention to the impedances of traces and connectors, differential routing, and termination techniques. f Use this section together with the Stratix II Device Family Data Sheet in volume 1 of the Stratix II Device Handbook. The Stratix II and Stratix II GX high-speed module generates signals that travel over the media at frequencies as high as one Gbps. Board designers should use the following guidelines: ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ Conclusion Base board designs on controlled differential impedance. Calculate and compare all parameters such as trace width, trace thickness, and the distance between two differential traces. Place external reference resistors as close to receiver input pins as possible. Use surface mount components. Avoid 90° or 45° corners. Use high-performance connectors such as HMZD or VHDM connectors for backplane designs. Two suppliers of highperformance connectors are Teradyne Corp ( and Tyco International Ltd. ( Design backplane and card traces so that trace impedance matches the connector’s or the termination’s impedance. Keep an equal number of vias for both signal traces. Create equal trace lengths to avoid skew between signals. Unequal trace lengths also result in misplaced crossing points and system margins when the TCCS value increases. Limit vias, because they cause impedance discontinuities. Use the common bypass capacitor values such as 0.001, 0.01, and 0.1 F to decouple the fast PLL power and ground planes. You can also use 0.0047 F and 0.047 F. Keep switching TTL signals away from differential signals to avoid possible noise coupling. Do not route TTL clock signals to areas under or above the differential signals. Route signals on adjacent layers orthogonally to each other. Stratix II and Stratix II GX high-speed differential inputs and outputs, with their DPA and data realignment circuitry, allow users to build a robust multi-Gigabit system. The DPA circuitry allows users to compensate for any timing skews resulting from physical layouts. The data realignment circuitry allows the devices to align the data packet between the transmitter and receiver. Together with the on-chip differential termination, Stratix II and Stratix II GX devices can be used as a single-chip solution for high-speed applications. 5–28 Stratix II Device Handbook, Volume 2 Altera Corporation January 2008 High-Speed Differential I/O Interfaces with DPA in Stratix II and Stratix II GX Devices Referenced Documents This chapter references the following documents: ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ Document Revision History AN 224: High-Speed Board Layout Guidelines DC & Switching Characteristics chapter in volume 1 of the Stratix II Device Handbook DC & Switching Characteristics chapter in volume 1 of the Stratix II GX Device Handbook PLLs in Stratix II & Stratix II GX Devices chapter in volume 2 of the Stratix II Handbook PLLs in Stratix II & Stratix II GX Devices chapter in volume 2 of the Stratix II GX Handbook Selectable I/O standards in Stratix II & Stratix II GX Devices chapter in volume 2 of the Stratix II Device Handbook Stratix II Device Family Data Sheet in volume 1 of the Stratix II Device Handbook Table 5–5 shows the revision history for this chapter. Table 5–5. Document Revision History (Part 1 of 2) Date and Document Version Changes Made January 2008, v2.2 Updated Figure 5–2. May 2007, v2.1 Altera Corporation January 2008 Summary of Changes — Added “Referenced Documents” section. — Minor text edits. — Added Figure 5–9. — Updated “Receiver Data Realignment Circuit”. — For the Stratix II GX Device Handbook only: Formerly chapter 10. The chapter number changed due to the addition of the Stratix II GX Dynamic Reconfiguration chapter. — Updated entire chapter to include Stratix II GX information. — Changed chapter part number. — Fixed two types in “High-Speed Differential I/Os and Single-Ended I/Os” section — 5–29 Stratix II Device Handbook, Volume 2 Document Revision History Table 5–5. Document Revision History (Part 2 of 2) Date and Document Version February 2007 v2.0 Changes Made Summary of Changes This chapter changed from High-Speed, SourceSynchronous Differential I/O Interfaces in Stratix II GX Devices to “High-Speed Differential I/O Interfaces with DPA in Stratix II and Stratix II GX Devices”. — Added the “Document Revision History” section to this chapter. — Added “and Stratix II GX” after each instance of “Stratix II”. — Updated Figures 10–4, 10–20, 10–22. — Updated Note (4) of Figure 10–2. — Updated Table 10–1. — Updated the following sections: ● “I/O Banks” ● “Differential I/O Termination” ● “Fast PLL ” ● “Differential I/O Bit Position” ● “DPA Usage Guidelines” ● “Fast PLL/DPA Channel Driving Distance” — Updated Note (1) of Tables 10–2 and 10–3. — Added Note (5) to Figure 10–11. — Added Table 10–3. — Added Figures 10–14, 10–15, 10–19. — Deleted old section called High-Speed Differential I/Os and Single-Ended I/Os and added a new “High-Speed Differential I/Os and Single-Ended I/Os” section. — Deleted DPA and Single-Ended I/Os section. — Updated title and added Note (1) to Figure 10–12. — Added Note (1) to Figure 10–13. April 2006, v1.2 ● ● — Updated all the MegaWizard Plug-In Manager figures to match the Quartus II software GUI. Updated “Dedicated Source-Synchronous Circuitry” section, including Table 10–3. — February 2006, v1.1 ● Updated chapter number from 9 to 10. Updated Figures 10–11 and 10–12. — October 2005 v1.0 Added chapter to the Stratix II GX Device Handbook. — ● 5–30 Stratix II Device Handbook, Volume 2 Altera Corporation January 2008 Section IV. Digital Signal Processing (DSP) This section provides information for design and optimization of digital signal processing (DSP) functions and arithmetic operations in the onchip DSP blocks. This section contains the following chapter: ■ Revision History Altera Corporation Chapter 6, DSP Blocks in Stratix II and Stratix II GX Devices Refer to each chapter for its own specific revision history. For information on when each chapter was updated, refer to the Chapter Revision Dates section, which appears in the full handbook. Section IV–1 Preliminary Digital Signal Processing (DSP) Section IV–2 Preliminary Stratix II Device Handbook, Volume 2 Altera Corporation 6. DSP Blocks in Stratix II and Stratix II GX Devices SII52006-2.2 Introduction Stratix® II and Stratix II GX devices have dedicated digital signal processing (DSP) blocks optimized for DSP applications requiring high data throughput. These DSP blocks combined with the flexibility of programmable logic devices (PLDs), provide you with the ability to implement various high performance DSP functions easily. Complex systems such as CDMA2000, voice over Internet protocol (VoIP), highdefinition television (HDTV) require high performance DSP blocks to process data. These system designs typically use DSP blocks as finite impulse response (FIR) filters, complex FIR filters, fast Fourier transform (FFT) functions, discrete cosine transform (DCT) functions, and correlators. Stratix II and Stratix II GX DSP blocks consist of a combination of dedicated blocks that perform multiplication, addition, subtraction, accumulation, and summation operations. You can configure these blocks to implement arithmetic functions like multipliers, multiply-adders and multiply-accumulators which are necessary for most DSP functions. Along with the DSP blocks, the TriMatrixTM memory structures in Stratix II and Stratix II GX devices also support various soft multiplier implementations. The combination of soft multipliers and dedicated DSP blocks increases the number of multipliers available in Stratix II and Stratix II GX devices and provides you with a wide variety of implementation options and flexibility when designing your systems. f DSP Block Overview See the Stratix II Device Family Data Sheet in volume 1 of the Stratix II Device Handbook or the Stratix II GX Device Family Data Sheet in volume 1 of the Stratix II GX Device Handbook for more information on Stratix II and Stratix II GX devices, respectively. Each Stratix II and Stratix II GX device has two to four columns of DSP blocks that efficiently implement multiplication, multiply-accumulate (MAC) and multiply-add functions. Figure 6–1 shows the arrangement of one of the DSP block columns with the surrounding LABs. Each DSP block can be configured to support: ■ ■ ■ Altera Corporation January 2008 Eight 9 × 9-bit multipliers Four 18 × 18-bit multipliers One 36 × 36-bit multiplier 6–1 DSP Block Overview Figure 6–1. DSP Blocks Arranged in Columns with Adjacent LABs DSP Block Column 4 LAB Rows DSP Block The multipliers then feed an adder or accumulator block within the DSP block. Stratix II and Stratix II GX device multipliers support rounding and saturation on Q1.15 input formats. The DSP block also has input registers that can be configured to operate in a shift register chain for efficient implementation of functions like FIR filters. The accumulator within the DSP block can be initialized to any value and supports rounding and saturation on Q1.15 input formats to the multiplier. A single DSP block can be broken down to operate different configuration modes simultaneously. 1 6–2 Stratix II Device Handbook, Volume 2 For more information on Q1.15 formatting, see “Saturation and Rounding” on page 6–13. Altera Corporation January 2008 DSP Blocks in Stratix II and Stratix II GX Devices The number of DSP blocks per column and the number of columns available increases with device density. Table 6–1 shows the number of DSP blocks in each Stratix II device and the multipliers that you can implement. Table 6–1. Number of DSP Blocks in Stratix II Devices Device DSP Blocks 9×9 Multipliers Note (1) 18 × 18 Multipliers 36 × 36 Multipliers EP2S15 12 96 48 12 EP2S30 16 128 64 16 EP2S60 36 288 144 36 EP2S90 48 384 192 48 EP2S130 63 504 252 63 EP2S180 96 768 384 96 Note to Table 6–1: (1) Each device has either the number of 9 × 9-, 18 × 18-, or 36 × 36-bit multipliers shown. The total number of multipliers for each device is not the sum of all the multipliers. Table 6–2 shows the number of DSP blocks in each Stratix II GX device and the multipliers that you can implement. Table 6–2. Number of DSP Blocks in Stratix II GX Devices Note (1) DSP Blocks 9×9 Multipliers 18 × 18 Multipliers 36 × 36 Multipliers EP2SGX30C EP2SGX30D 16 128 64 16 EP2SGX60C EP2SGX60D EP2SGX60E 36 288 144 36 EP2SGX90E EP2SGX90F 48 384 192 48 EP2SGX130G 63 504 252 63 Device Note to Table 6–2: (1) Altera Corporation January 2008 Each device has either the number of 9 × 9-, 18 × 18-, or 36 × 36-bit multipliers shown. The total number of multipliers for each device is not the sum of all the multipliers. 6–3 Stratix II Device Handbook, Volume 2 DSP Block Overview In addition to the DSP block multipliers, you can use the Stratix II or Stratix II GX device’s TriMatrix memory blocks for soft multipliers. The availability of soft multipliers increases the number of multipliers available within the device. Table 6–3 shows the total number of multipliers available in Stratix II devices using DSP blocks and soft multipliers. Table 6–3. Number of Multipliers in Stratix II Devices Device EP2S15 DSP Blocks (18 × 18) Soft Multipliers (16 × 16) (1), (2) Total Multipliers (3), (4) 48 100 148 (3.08) EP2S30 64 189 253 (3.95) EP2S60 144 325 469 (3.26) EP2S90 192 509 701 (3.65) EP2S130 252 750 1,002 (3.98) EP2S130 384 962 1,346 (3.51) Notes to Table 6–3: (1) (2) (3) (4) Soft multipliers implemented in sum of multiplication mode. RAM blocks are configured with 18-bit data widths and sum of coefficients up to 18-bits. Soft multipliers are only implemented in M4K and M512 TriMatrix memory blocks, not M-RAM blocks. The number in parentheses represents the increase factor, which is the total number of multipliers with soft multipliers divided by the number of 18 × 18 multipliers supported by DSP blocks only. The total number of multipliers may vary according to the multiplier mode used. 6–4 Stratix II Device Handbook, Volume 2 Altera Corporation January 2008 DSP Blocks in Stratix II and Stratix II GX Devices Table 6–4 shows the total number of multipliers available in Stratix II GX devices using DSP blocks and soft multipliers. Table 6–4. Number of Multipliers in Stratix II GX Devices DSP Blocks (18 × 18) Soft Multipliers (16 × 16) (1), (2) Total Multipliers (3), (4) EP2SGX30C EP2SGX30D 64 189 253 (3.95) EP2SGX60C EP2SGX60D EP2SGX60E 144 325 469 (3.26) EP2SGX90E EP2SGX90F 192 509 701 (3.65) EP2SGX130G 252 750 1,002 (3.98) Device Notes to Table 6–4: (1) (2) (3) (4) f Altera Corporation January 2008 Soft multipliers implemented in sum of multiplication mode. RAM blocks are configured with 18-bit data widths and sum of coefficients up to 18-bits. Soft multipliers are only implemented in M4K and M512 TriMatrix memory blocks, not M-RAM blocks. The number in parentheses represents the increase factor, which is the total number of multipliers with soft multipliers divided by the number of 18 × 18 multipliers supported by DSP blocks only. The total number of multipliers may vary according to the multiplier mode used. Refer to the Stratix II Architecture chapter in volume 1 of the Stratix II Device Handbook or the Stratix II GX Architecture chapter in volume 1 of the Stratix II GX Device Handbook for more information on Stratix II or Stratix II GX TriMatrix memory blocks. Refer to AN 306: Implementing Multipliers in FPGA Devices for more information on soft multipliers. 6–5 Stratix II Device Handbook, Volume 2 DSP Block Overview Figure 6–2 shows the DSP block configured for 18 × 18 multiplier mode. Figure 6–3 shows the 9 × 9 multiplier configuration of the DSP block. Figure 6–2. DSP Block in 18 × 18 Mode Optional Serial Shift Register Inputs from Previous DSP Block Output Selection Multiplexer Adder Output Block PRN D Multiplier Block Q PRN ENA CLRN From the row interface block Q1.15 Round/ Saturate PRN D Q D Q ENA CLRN ENA CLRN D Adder/ Subtractor/ Accumulator 1 Q1.15 Round/ Saturate PRN Q PRN ENA CLRN D Optional Stage Configurable as Accumulator or Dynamic Adder/Subtractor Q1.15 Round/ Saturate PRN Q D Q ENA CLRN Summation Block ENA CLRN Adder D Q ENA CLRN D PRN Q PRN ENA CLRN Q1.15 Round/ Saturate PRN D Q D Q ENA CLRN D Adder/ Subtractor/ Accumulator 2 D Q1.15 Round/ Saturate PRN Q PRN ENA CLRN Optional Serial Shift Register Outputs to Next DSP Block in the Column Summation Stage for Adding Four Multipliers Together ENA CLRN Q1.15 Round/ Saturate PRN Q ENA CLRN D Q ENA CLRN Optional Pipline Register Stage Optional Input Register Stage with Parallel Input or Shift Register Configuration to MultiTrack Interconnect 6–6 Stratix II Device Handbook, Volume 2 Altera Corporation January 2008 DSP Blocks in Stratix II and Stratix II GX Devices Figure 6–3. DSP Block in 9 × 9 Mode D Q ENA CLRN D Q ENA D Q ENA CLRN Adder/ Subtractor/ 1a CLRN D Q ENA CLRN D Q ENA D Q ENA CLRN CLRN Summation D Q ENA CLRN D Q ENA D Q ENA CLRN Adder/ Subtractor/ 1b CLRN D Q ENA CLRN D Q ENA D Q ENA CLRN Output Selection Multiplexer CLRN D Q ENA CLRN D Q ENA D Q ENA CLRN D Q ENA CLRN Adder/ Subtractor/ 2a CLRN D Q ENA CLRN D Q ENA D Q ENA CLRN CLRN Summation D Q ENA CLRN D Q ENA D Q ENA CLRN Adder/ Subtractor/ 2b CLRN D Q ENA CLRN D Q ENA D Q ENA CLRN CLRN To MultiTrack Interconnect Altera Corporation January 2008 6–7 Stratix II Device Handbook, Volume 2 Architecture Architecture The DSP block consists of the following elements: ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ A multiplier block An adder/subtractor/accumulator block A summation block Input and output interfaces Input and output registers Multiplier Block Each multiplier block has the following elements: ■ ■ ■ ■ Input registers A multiplier block A rounding and/or saturation stage for Q1.15 input formats A pipeline output register 6–8 Stratix II Device Handbook, Volume 2 Altera Corporation January 2008 DSP Blocks in Stratix II and Stratix II GX Devices Figure 6–4 shows the multiplier block architecture. Figure 6–4. Multiplier Block Architecture mult_round (1) mult_saturate (1) signa (1) signb (1) aclr[3..0] shiftinb clock[3..0] shiftina ena[3..0] sourcea D Data A Data Out Q ENA Q1.15 Round/ Saturate CLRN sourceb (3) D Data B D Q ENA CLRN (2) Q Output Register Pipeline Register ENA mult_is_saturated CLRN D Q ENA CLRN Multiplier Block DSP Block shiftoutb shiftouta Notes to Figure 6–4: (1) (2) (3) These signals are not registered or registered once to match the data path pipeline. You can send these signals through either one or two pipeline registers. The rounding and/or saturation is only supported in 18 × 18-bit signed multiplication for Q1.15 inputs. Input Registers Each multiplier operand can feed an input register or directly to the multiplier. The following DSP block signals control each input register within the DSP block: ■ ■ ■ clock[3..0] ena[3..0] aclr[3..0] The input registers feed the multiplier and drive two dedicated shift output lines, shiftouta and shiftoutb. The dedicated shift outputs from one multiplier block directly feed input registers of the adjacent multiplier below it within the same DSP block or the first multiplier in the next DSP block to form a shift register chain, as shown in Figure 6–5. The Altera Corporation January 2008 6–9 Stratix II Device Handbook, Volume 2 Architecture dedicated shift register chain spans a single column but longer shift register chains requiring multiple columns can be implemented using regular FPGA routing resources. Therefore, this shift register chain can be of any length up to 768 registers in the largest member of the Stratix II or Stratix II GX device family. Shift registers are useful in DSP functions like FIR filters. When implementing 9 × 9 and 18 × 18 multipliers, you do not need external logic to create the shift register chain because the input shift registers are internal to the DSP block. This implementation significantly reduces the LE resources required, avoids routing congestion, and results in predictable timing. Stratix II and Stratix II GX DSP blocks allow you to dynamically select whether a particular multiplier operand is fed by regular data input or the dedicated shift register input using the sourcea and sourceb signals. A logic 1 value on the sourcea signal indicates that data A is fed by the dedicated scan-chain; a logic 0 value indicates that it is fed by regular data input. This feature allows the implementation of a dynamically loadable shift register where the shift register operates normally using the scan-chains and can also be loaded dynamically in parallel using the data input value. 6–10 Stratix II Device Handbook, Volume 2 Altera Corporation January 2008 DSP Blocks in Stratix II and Stratix II GX Devices Figure 6–5. Shift Register Chain Note (1) DSP Block 0 Data A D Q A[n] × B[n] ENA CLRN Data B D Q1.15 Round/ Saturate D Q ENA CLRN Q ENA CLRN shiftoutb shiftouta D Q A[n − 1] × B[n − 1] ENA CLRN D Q1.15 Round/ Saturate D Q ENA CLRN Q ENA CLRN shiftoutb shiftouta DSP Block 1 D Q A[n − 2] × B[n − 2] ENA CLRN D Q1.15 Round/ Saturate D Q ENA CLRN Q ENA CLRN shiftoutb shiftouta Note to Figure 6–5: (1) Either Data A or Data B input can be set to a parallel input for constant coefficient multiplication. Altera Corporation January 2008 6–11 Stratix II Device Handbook, Volume 2 Architecture Table 6–5 shows the summary of input register modes for the DSP block. Table 6–5. Input Register Modes Register Input Mode 9×9 18 × 18 36 × 36 Parallel input v v v Shift register input v v Multiplier Stage The multiplier stage supports 9 × 9, 18 × 18, or 36 × 36 multipliers as well as other smaller multipliers in between these configurations. See “Operational Modes” on page 6–21 for details. Depending on the data width of the multiplier, a single DSP block can perform many multiplications in parallel. Each multiplier operand can be a unique signed or unsigned number. Two signals, signa and signb, control the representation of each operand respectively. A logic 1 value on the signa signal indicates that data A is a signed number while a logic 0 value indicates an unsigned number. Table 6–6 shows the sign of the multiplication result for the various operand sign representations. The result of the multiplication is signed if any one of the operands is a signed value. Table 6–6. Multiplier Sign Representation Data A (signa Value) Data B (signb Value) Result Unsigned (logic 0) Unsigned (logic 0) Unsigned Unsigned (logic 0) Signed (logic 1) Signed Signed (logic 1) Unsigned (logic 0) Signed Signed (logic 1) Signed (logic 1) Signed There is only one signa and one signb signal for each DSP block. Therefore, all of the data A inputs feeding the same DSP block must have the same sign representation. Similarly, all of the data B inputs feeding the same DSP block must have the same sign representation. The multiplier offers full precision regardless of the sign representation. 1 6–12 Stratix II Device Handbook, Volume 2 When the signa and signb signals are unused, the Quartus® II software sets the multiplier to perform unsigned multiplication by default. Altera Corporation January 2008 DSP Blocks in Stratix II and Stratix II GX Devices Saturation and Rounding The DSP blocks have hardware support to perform optional saturation and rounding after each 18 × 18 multiplier for Q1.15 input formats. 1 Designs must use 18 × 18 multipliers for the saturation and rounding options because the Q1.15 input format requires 16-bit input widths. 1 Q1.15 input format multiplication requires signed multipliers. The most significant bit (MSB) in the Q1.15 input format represents the value’s sign bit. Use signed multipliers to ensure the proper sign extension during multiplication. The Q1.15 format uses 16 bits to represent each fixed point input. The MSB is the sign bit, and the remaining 15-bits are used to represent the value after the decimal place (or the fractional value). This Q1.15 value is equivalent to an integer number representation of the 16-bits divided by 215, as shown in the following equations. − 1 2 1 8 = 1 100 0000 0000 0000 = − = 0 001 0000 0000 0000 = 0x4000 215 0x1000 215 All Q1.15 numbers are between –1 and 1. When performing multiplication, even though the Q1.15 input only uses 16 of the 18 multiplier inputs, the entire 18-bit input bus is transmitted to the multiplier. This is like a 1.17 input, where the two least significant bits (LSBs) are always 0. The multiplier output will be a 2.34 value (36 bits total) before performing any rounding or saturation. The two MSBs are sign bits. Since the output only requires one sign bit, you can ignore one of the two MSBs, resulting in a Q1.34 value before rounding or saturation. When the design performs saturation, the multiplier output gets saturated to 0x7FFFFFFF in a 1.31 format. This uses bits [34..3] of the overall 36-bit multiplier output. The three LSBs are set to 0. The DSP block obtains the mult_is_saturated or accum_is_saturated overflow signal value from the LSB of the multiplier or accumulator output. Therefore, whenever saturation occurs, the LSB of the multiplier or accumulator output will send a 1 to the Altera Corporation January 2008 6–13 Stratix II Device Handbook, Volume 2 Architecture mult_is_saturated or accum_is_saturated overflow signal. At all other times, this overflow signal is 0 when saturation is enabled or reflects the value of the LSB of the multiplier or accumulator output. When the design performs rounding, it adds 0x00008000 in 1.31 format to the multiplier output, and it only uses bits [34..15] of the overall 36-bit multiplier output. Adding 0x00008000 in 1.31 format to the 36-bit multiplier result is equivalent to adding 0x0 0004 0000 in 2.34 format. The 16 LSBs are set to 0. Figure 6–6 shows which bits are used when the design performs rounding and saturation for the multiplication. 6–14 Stratix II Device Handbook, Volume 2 Altera Corporation January 2008 DSP Blocks in Stratix II and Stratix II GX Devices Figure 6–6. Rounding and Saturation Bits 18 × 18 Multiplication 1 Sign Bit 15 Bits 2 LSBs 18 00 2 Sign Bits (1) 31 Bits 3 LSBs 36 000 1 Sign Bit 15 Bits 2 LSBs 18 00 Saturated Output Result 2 Sign Bits (1) 31 Bits 1 11 3 LSBs 111000 Rounded Output Result 2 Sign Bits (1) 31 Bits 2 Sign Bits (1) 3 LSBs 000 + 15 Bits 18 Bits 0000 000 0 0000 000001 0000 000 0 0000 000000 19 LSBs are Ignored = 00 0000 000 0 0000 00000 Note to Figure 6–6: (1) Both sign bits are the same. The design only uses one sign bit, and the other one is ignored. If the design performs a multiply_accumulate or multiply_add operation, the multiplier output is input to the adder/subtractor/accumulator blocks as a 2.31 value, and the three LSBs are 0. Altera Corporation January 2008 6–15 Stratix II Device Handbook, Volume 2 Architecture Pipeline Registers The output from the multiplier can feed a pipeline register or this register can be bypassed. Pipeline registers may be implemented for any multiplier size and increase the DSP block’s maximum performance, especially when using the subsequent DSP block adder stages. Pipeline registers split up the long signal path between the adder/subtractor/accumulator block and the adder/output block, creating two shorter paths. Adder/Output Block The adder/output block has the following elements: ■ ■ ■ ■ An adder/subtractor/accumulator block A summation block An output select multiplexer Output registers Figure 6–7 shows the adder/output block architecture. The adder/output block can be configured as: ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ An output interface An accumulator which can be optionally loaded A one-level adder A two-level adder with dynamic addition/subtraction control on the first-level adder The final stage of a 36-bit multiplier, 9 × 9 complex multiplier, or 18 × 18 complex multiplier The output select multiplexer sets the output configuration of the DSP block. The output registers can be used to register the output of the adder/output block. 1 6–16 Stratix II Device Handbook, Volume 2 The adder/output block cannot be used independently from the multiplier. Altera Corporation January 2008 DSP Blocks in Stratix II and Stratix II GX Devices Figure 6–7. Adder/Output Block Architecture Note (1) adder1_round (2) Accumulator Feedback Output Select Multiplexer Result A / accum_sload_upper_data Output Registers accum_sload0 (2) addnsub1 (2) Adder/ Subtractor/ Accumulator 1 overflow0 Q1.15 Rounding (3) Result B signa (2) Summation Output Register Block signb (2) Result C / accum_sload_upper_data accum_sload1 (2) addnsub3 (2) Adder/ Subtractor/ Accumulator 2 Q1.15 Rounding (3) overflow1 Result D adder3_round (2) Accumulator Feedback Notes to Figure 6–7: (1) (2) (3) The adder/output block is in 18 × 18 mode. In 9 × 9 mode, there are four adder/subtractor blocks and two summation blocks. You can send these signals through a pipeline register. The pipeline length can be set to 1 or 2. Q1.15 inputs are not available in 9 × 9 or 36 × 36 modes. Adder/Subtractor/Accumulator Block The adder/subtractor/accumulator block is the first level adder stage of the adder/output block. This block can be configured as an accumulator or as an adder/subtractor. Altera Corporation January 2008 6–17 Stratix II Device Handbook, Volume 2 Architecture Accumulator When the adder/subtractor/accumulator is configured as an accumulator, the output of the adder/output block feeds back to the accumulator as shown in Figure 6–7. The accumulator can be set up to perform addition only, subtraction only or the addnsub signal can be used to dynamically control the accumulation direction. A logic 1 value on the addnsub signal indicates that the accumulator is performing addition while a logic 0 value indicates subtraction. Each accumulator can be cleared by either clearing the DSP block output register or by using the accum_sload signal. The accumulator clear using the accum_sload signal is independent from the resetting of the output registers so the accumulation can be cleared and a new one can begin without losing any clock cycles. The accum_sload signal controls a feedback multiplexer that specifies that the output of the multiplier should be summed with a zero instead of the accumulator feedback path. The accumulator can also be initialized/preloaded with a non-zero value using the accum_sload signal and the accum_sload_upper_data bus with one clock cycle latency. Preloading the accumulator is done by adding the result of the multiplier with the value specified on the accum_sload_upper_data bus. As in the case of the accumulator clearing, the accum_sload signal specifies to the feedback multiplexer that the accum_sload_upper_data signal should feed the accumulator instead of the accumulator feedback signal. The accum_sload_upper_data signal only loads the upper 36-bits of the accumulator. To load the entire accumulator, the value for the lower 16-bits must be sent through the multiplier feeding that accumulator with the multiplier set to perform a multiplication by one. The overflow signal will go high on the positive edge of the clock when the accumulator detects an overflow or underflow. The overflow signal will stay high for only one clock cycle after an overflow or underflow is detected even if the overflow or underflow condition is still present. A latch external to the DSP block has to be used to preserve the overflow signal indefinitely or until the latch is cleared. The DSP blocks support Q1.15 input format saturation and rounding in each accumulator. The following signals are available that can control if saturation or rounding or both is performed to the output of the accumulator: ■ ■ ■ accum_round accum_saturation accum_is_saturated output 6–18 Stratix II Device Handbook, Volume 2 Altera Corporation January 2008 DSP Blocks in Stratix II and Stratix II GX Devices Each DSP block has two sets of accum_round and accum_saturation signals which control if rounding or saturation is performed on the accumulator output respectively (one set of signals for each accumulator). Rounding and saturation of the accumulator output is only available when implementing an 16 × 16 multiplier-accumulator to conform to the bit widths required for Q1.15 input format computation. A logic 1 value on the accum_round and accum_saturation signal indicates that rounding or saturation is performed while a logic 0 indicates that no rounding or saturation is performed. A logic 1 value on the accum_is_saturated output signal tells you that saturation has occurred to the result of the accumulator. Figure 6–10 shows the DSP block configured to perform multiplieraccumulator operations. Adder/Subtractor The addnsub1 or addnsub3 signals specify whether you are performing addition or subtraction. A logic 1 value on the addnsub1 or addnsub3 signals indicates that the adder/subtractor is performing addition while a logic 0 value indicates subtraction. These signals can be dynamically controlled using logic external to the DSP block. If the first stage is configured as a subtractor, the output is A – B and C – D. The adder/subtractor block share the same signa and signb signals as the multiplier block. The signa and signb signals can be pipelined with a latency of one or two clock cycles or not. The DSP blocks support Q1.15 input format rounding (not saturation) after each adder/subtractor. The addnsub1_round and addnsub3_round signals determine if rounding is performed to the output of the adder/subtractor. The addnsub1_round signal controls the rounding of the top adder/subtractor and the addnsub3_round signal controls the rounding of the bottom adder/subtractor. Rounding of the adder output is only available when implementing an 16 × 16 multiplier-adder to conform to the bit widths required for Q1.15 input format computation. A logic 1 value on the addnsub_round signal indicates that rounding is performed while a logic 0 indicates that no rounding is performed. Summation Block The output of the adder/subtractor block feeds an optional summation block, which is an adder block that sums the outputs of both adder/subtractor blocks. The summation block is used when more than two multiplier results are summed. This is useful in applications such as FIR filtering. Altera Corporation January 2008 6–19 Stratix II Device Handbook, Volume 2 Architecture Output Select Multiplexer The outputs of the different elements of the adder/output block are routed through an output select multiplexer. Depending on the operational mode of the DSP block, the output multiplexer selects whether the outputs of the DSP blocks comes from the outputs of the multiplier block, the outputs of the adder/subtractor/accumulator, or the output of the summation block. The output select multiplier configuration is set automatically by software, based on the DSP block operational mode you specify. Output Registers You can use the output registers to register the DSP block output. The following signals can control each output register within the DSP block: ■ ■ ■ clock[3..0] ena[3..0] aclr[3..0] The output registers can be used in any DSP block operational mode. 1 f The output registers form part of the accumulator in the multiply-accumulate mode. Refer to the Stratix II Architecture chapter in volume 1 of the Stratix II Device Handbook or the Stratix II GX Architecture chapter in volume 1 of the Stratix II GX Device Handbook for more information on the DSP block routing and interface. 6–20 Stratix II Device Handbook, Volume 2 Altera Corporation January 2008 DSP Blocks in Stratix II and Stratix II GX Devices Operational Modes The DSP block can be used in one of four basic operational modes, or a combination of two modes, depending on the application needs. Table 6–7 shows the four basic operational modes and the number of multipliers that can be implemented within a single DSP block depending on the mode. Table 6–7. DSP Block Operational Modes Number of Multipliers Mode 9×9 Simple multiplier Eight multipliers with eight product outputs 18 × 18 Four multipliers with four product outputs 36 × 36 One multiplier Two 52-bit multiplyaccumulate blocks - Two-multiplier adder Four two-multiplier Two two-multiplier adder (one adder (two 9 × 9 complex multiply) 18 × 18 complex multiply) - Four-multiplier adder Two four-multiplier adder - Multiply accumulate - One four-multiplier adder The Quartus II software includes megafunctions used to control the mode of operation of the multipliers. After you make the appropriate parameter settings using the megafunction’s MegaWizard® Plug-In Manager, the Quartus II software automatically configures the DSP block. Stratix II and Stratix II GX DSP blocks can operate in different modes simultaneously. For example, a single DSP block can be broken down to operate a 9 × 9 multiplier as well as an 18 × 18 multiplier-adder where both multiplier's input a and input b have the same sign representations. This increases DSP block resource efficiency and allows you to implement more multipliers within a Stratix II or Stratix II GX device. The Quartus II software automatically places multipliers that can share the same DSP block resources within the same block. Additionally, you can set up each Stratix II or Stratix II GX DSP block to dynamically switch between the following three modes: ■ ■ ■ Altera Corporation January 2008 Up to four 18-bit independent multipliers Up to two 18-bit multiplier-accumulators One 36-bit multiplier 6–21 Stratix II Device Handbook, Volume 2 Operational Modes Each half of a Stratix II or Stratix II GX DSP block has separate mode control signals, which allows you to implement multiple 18-bit multipliers or multiplier-accumulators within the same DSP block and dynamically switch them independently (if they are in separate DSP block halves). If the design requires a 36-bit multiplier, you must switch the entire DSP block to accommodate the it since the multiplier requires the entire DSP block. The smallest input bit width that supports dynamic mode switching is 18 bits. Simple Multiplier Mode In simple multiplier mode, the DSP block performs individual multiplication operations for general-purpose multipliers and for applications such as computing equalizer coefficient updates which require many individual multiplication operations. 9- and 18-Bit Multipliers Each DSP block multiplier can be configured for 9- or 18-bit multiplication. A single DSP block can support up to eight individual 9 × 9 multipliers or up to four individual 18 × 18 multipliers. For operand widths up to 9-bits, a 9 × 9 multiplier will be implemented and for operand widths from 10- to 18-bits, an 18 × 18 multiplier will be implemented. Figure 6–8 shows the DSP block in the simple multiplier operation mode. 6–22 Stratix II Device Handbook, Volume 2 Altera Corporation January 2008 DSP Blocks in Stratix II and Stratix II GX Devices Figure 6–8. Simple Multiplier Mode mult_round (1) mult_saturate (1) signa (1) signb (1) aclr[3..0] shiftinb clock[3..0] shiftina ena[3..0] sourcea Output Register D Data A Data Out Q ENA CLRN D Q ENA Q1.15 Round/ Saturate sourceb (3) D Data B CLRN Q mult_is_saturated (2) D Q ENA ENA D Q ENA CLRN CLRN CLRN Multiplier Block DSP Block shiftoutb shiftouta Notes to Figure 6–8: (1) (2) (3) These signals are not registered or registered once to match the data path pipeline. This signal has the same latency as the data path. The rounding and saturation is only supported in 18- × 18-bit signed multiplication for Q1.15 inputs. The multiplier operands can accept signed integers, unsigned integers or a combination of both. The signa and signb signals can be changed dynamically and can be registered in the DSP block. Additionally, the multiplier inputs and result can be registered independently. The pipeline registers within the DSP block can be used to pipeline the multiplier result, increasing the performance of the DSP block. 36-Bit Multiplier The 36-bit multiplier is also a simple multiplier mode but uses the entire DSP block, including the adder/output block to implement the 36 × 36-bit multiplication operation. The device inputs 18-bit sections of the 36-bit input into the four 18-bit multipliers. The adder/output block adds the partial products obtained from the multipliers using the summation block. Pipeline registers can be used between the multiplier stage and the summation block to speed up the multiplication. The 36 × 36-bit multiplier supports signed, unsigned as well as mixed sign multiplication. Figure 6–9 shows the DSP block configured to implement a 36-bit multiplier. Altera Corporation January 2008 6–23 Stratix II Device Handbook, Volume 2 Operational Modes Figure 6–9. 36-Bit Multiplier signa (1) signb (1) aclr clock ena 18 A[17..0] D Q ENA CLRN Q CLRN 18 B[17..0] D ENA D Q ENA CLRN 18 A[35..18] D Q D ENA ENA CLRN B[35..18] D ENA Q 36 × 36 Multiplier Adder CLRN 18 D Q Data Out CLRN Q signa (2) ENA signb (2) CLRN 18 A[35..18] D Q ENA CLRN Q CLRN 18 B[17..0] D ENA D Q ENA CLRN 18 A[17..0] D Q ENA CLRN Q CLRN 18 B[35..18] D ENA D Q ENA CLRN Notes to Figure 6–9: (1) (2) These signals are either not registered or registered once to match the pipeline. These signals are either not registered, registered once, or registered twice to match the data path pipeline. 6–24 Stratix II Device Handbook, Volume 2 Altera Corporation January 2008 DSP Blocks in Stratix II and Stratix II GX Devices The 36-bit multiplier is useful for applications requiring more than 18-bit precision, for example, for mantissa multiplication of precision floatingpoint arithmetic applications. Multiply Accumulate Mode In multiply accumulate mode, the output of the multiplier stage feeds the adder/output block which is configured as an accumulator or subtractor. Figure 6–10 shows the DSP block configured to operate in multiply accumulate mode. Figure 6–10. Multiply Accumulate Mode aclr[3..0] clock[3..0] ena[3..0] Data A accum_sload_upper_data (3) accum_sload (3) shiftina shiftinb D Q D ENA CLRN D Q1.15 Round/ Saturate Q ENA Q1.15 Round/ Saturate Q Data Out ENA Accumulator CLRN CLRN accum_is_saturated (4) Data B D D Q ENA Q ENA CLRN D Q overflow ENA D Q ENA shiftoutb shiftouta signb (1), (2) signa (1), (2) mult_round (2) mult_saturate (2) D Q ENA mult_is_saturated (4) addnsub (3) signb (1), (3) signa (1), (3) accum_round (3) accum_saturate (3) Notes to Figure 6–10: (1) (2) (3) (4) The signa and signb signals are the same in the multiplier stage and the adder/output block. These signals are not registered or registered once to match the data path pipeline. You can send these signals through either one or two pipeline registers. These signals match the latency of the data path. A single DSP block can implement up to two independent 18-bit multiplier accumulators. The Quartus II software implements smaller multiplier accumulators by tying the unused lower-order bits of the 18-bit multiplier to ground. The multiplier accumulator output can be up to 52-bits wide to account for a 36-bit multiplier result with 16-bits of accumulation. In this mode, the DSP block uses output registers and the accum_sload and overflow Altera Corporation January 2008 6–25 Stratix II Device Handbook, Volume 2 Operational Modes signals. The accum_sload signal can be used to clear the accumulator so that a new accumulation operation can begin without losing any clock cycles. This signal can be unregistered or registered once or twice. The accum_sload signal can also be used to preload the accumulator with a value specified on the accum_sload_upper_data signal with a one clock cycle penalty. The accum_sload_upper_data signal only loads the upper 36-bits (bits [51..16] of the accumulator). To load the entire accumulator, the value for the lower 16-bits (bits [15..0]) must be sent through the multiplier feeding that accumulator with the multiplier set to perform a multiplication by one. Bits [17..16] are overlapped by both the accum_sload_upper_data signal and the multiplier output. Either one of these signals can be used to load bits [17..16]. The overflow signal indicates an overflow or underflow in the accumulator. This signal gets updated every clock cycle due to a new accumulation operation every cycle. To preserve the signal, an external latch can be used. The addnsub signal can be used to specify if an accumulation or subtraction is performed dynamically. 1 The DSP block can implement just an accumulator (without multiplication) by specifying a multiply by one at the multiplier stage followed by an accumulator to force the Quartus II software to implement the function within the DSP block. Multiply Add Mode In multiply add mode, the output of the multiplier stage feeds the adder/output block which is configured as an adder or subtractor to sum or subtract the outputs of two or more multipliers. The DSP block can be configured to implement either a two-multiply add (where the outputs of two multipliers are added/subtracted together) or a four-multiply add function (where the outputs of four multipliers are added or subtracted together). 1 The adder block within the DSP block can only be used if it follows multiplication operations. Two-Multiplier Adder In the two-multiplier adder configuration, the DSP block can implement four 9-bit or smaller multiplier adders or two 18-bit multiplier adders. The adders can be configured to take the sum of both multiplier outputs or the difference of both multiplier outputs. You have the option to vary the summation/subtraction operation dynamically. These multiply add functions are useful for applications such as FFTs and complex FIR filters. Figure 6–11 shows the DSP block configured in the two-multiplier adder mode. 6–26 Stratix II Device Handbook, Volume 2 Altera Corporation January 2008 DSP Blocks in Stratix II and Stratix II GX Devices Figure 6–11. Two-Multiplier Adder Mode mult_round (1) mult_saturate (1) signa (1) signb (1) aclr[3..0] clock[3..0] ena[3..0] shiftina signb (2) signa (2) addnsub_round (2) addnsub1 (2) shiftinb mult0_is_saturated (3) D Q ENA D Q ENA D Data A 1 Q ENA CLRN D Data B 1 D Q1.15 Round/ Saturate PRN Q ENA CLRN Q ENA Adder/ Subtractor/ Accumulator 1 CLRN D Data A 2 Q ENA CLRN D Data B 2 D Q ENA Data Out 1 CLRN PRN Q ENA CLRN Q ENA shiftoutb D Q1.15 Round/ Saturate Q1.15 Rounding mult1_is_saturated (3) D Q ENA D Q ENA shiftouta Notes to Figure 6–11: (1) (2) (3) These signals are not registered or registered once to match the data path pipeline. You can send these signals through a pipeline register. The pipeline length can be set to 1 or 2. These signals match the latency of the data path. Complex Multiply The DSP block can be configured to implement complex multipliers using the two-multiplier adder mode. A single DSP block can implement one 18 × 18-bit complex multiplier or two 9 × 9-bit complex multipliers. A complex multiplication can be written as: (a + jb) × (c + jd) = ((a × c) – (b × d)) + j ((a × d) + (b × c)) To implement this complex multiplication within the DSP block, the real part ((a × c) – (b × d)) is implemented using two multipliers feeding one subtractor block while the imaginary part ((a × d) + (b × c)) is implemented using another two multipliers feeding an adder block, for data up to 18-bits. Figure 6–12 shows an 18-bit complex multiplication. For data widths up to 9-bits, a DSP block can perform two separate complex Altera Corporation January 2008 6–27 Stratix II Device Handbook, Volume 2 Operational Modes multiplication operations using eight 9-bit multipliers feeding four adder/subtractor/accumulator blocks. Resources external to the DSP block must be used to route the correct real and imaginary input components to the appropriate multiplier inputs to perform the correct computation for the complex multiplication operation. Figure 6–12. Complex Multiplier Using Two-Multiplier Adder Mode DSP Block 18 18 A 36 18 18 C 18 37 Subtractor 18 B (A × C) − (B × D) (Real Part) 36 18 18 D 18 A 36 18 D 37 Adder 18 B (A × D) + (B × C) (Imaginary Part) 36 18 C Four-Multiplier Adder In the four-multiplier adder configuration, the DSP block can implement one 18 × 18 or two individual 9 × 9 multiplier adders. These modes are useful for implementing one-dimensional and two-dimensional filtering applications. The four-multiplier adder is performed in two addition stages. The outputs of two of the four multipliers are initially summed in the two first-stage adder/subtractor/accumulator blocks. The results of these two adder/subtractor/accumulator blocks are then summed in the final stage summation block to produce the final four-multiplier adder result. Figure 6–13 shows the DSP block configured in the four-multiplier adder mode. 6–28 Stratix II Device Handbook, Volume 2 Altera Corporation January 2008 DSP Blocks in Stratix II and Stratix II GX Devices Figure 6–13. Four-Multiplier Adder Mode mult_round (1) mult_saturate (1) signa (1) signb (1) aclr[3..0] clock[3..0] ena[3..0] shiftina shiftinb D PRN Q D ENA CLRN D Data A 1 Q ENA CLRN Q1.15 Round/ Saturate (4) D Data B 1 D PRN Q mult0_is_saturated (3) ENA CLRN PRN Q ENA CLRN Q ENA Adder/ Subtractor/ Accumulator 1 CLRN D Data A 2 Q ENA CLRN Q1.15 Round/ Saturate (4) D Data B 2 D Q1.15 Rounding (4) PRN Q D ENA CLRN PRN D Q ENA CLRN D addnsub1 (2) addnsub1/3_round (2) signa (2) signb (2) addnsub3 (2) Adder Q ENA CLRN Q1.15 Round/ Saturate (4) D Data B 1 D CLRN Q1.15 Round/ Saturate D Q1.15 Rounding (4) PRN Q ENA CLRN Q ENA D PRN Q ENA CLRN shiftoutb mult0_is_saturated (3) ENA CLRN Adder/ Subtractor/ Accumulator 1 (4) D PRN Q ENA CLRN Q ENA Data B 2 D Q CLRN D Data Out 1 CLRN PRN Q ENA Data A 2 D Q ENA PRN Q ENA CLRN D mult1_is_saturated (3) ENA CLRN Q ENA Data A 1 PRN Q D PRN Q mult1_is_saturated (3) ENA CLRN shiftouta Notes to Figure 6–13: (1) (2) (3) (4) These signals are not registered or registered once to match the data path pipeline. You should send these signals through the pipeline register to match the latency of the data path. These signals match the latency of the data path. The rounding and saturation is only supported in 18- × 18-bit signed multiplication for Q1.15 inputs. Altera Corporation January 2008 6–29 Stratix II Device Handbook, Volume 2 Operational Modes FIR Filter The four-multiplier adder mode can be used to implement FIR filter and complex FIR filter applications. To do this, the DSP block is set up in a four-multiplier adder mode with one set of input registers configured as shift registers using the dedicated shift register chain. The set of input registers configured as shift registers will contain the input data while the inputs configured as regular inputs will hold the filter coefficients. Figure 6–14 shows the DSP block configured in the four-multiplier adder mode using input shift registers. 6–30 Stratix II Device Handbook, Volume 2 Altera Corporation January 2008 DSP Blocks in Stratix II and Stratix II GX Devices Figure 6–14. FIR Filter Implemented Using the Four-Multiplier Adder Mode with Input Shift Registers Data A D 18 Q ENA CLRN Coefficient 0 D 18 Q D ENA Q A[n] × Coefficient 0 (to Adder) CLRN ENA CLRN D Q ENA CLRN Coefficient 1 D 18 Q D ENA Q A[n − 1] × Coefficient 1 (to Adder) CLRN ENA CLRN D Q ENA CLRN Coefficient 2 D 18 Q D ENA Q A[n − 2] × Coefficient 2 (to Adder) CLRN ENA CLRN Altera Corporation January 2008 6–31 Stratix II Device Handbook, Volume 2 Software Support The built-in input shift register chain within the DSP block eliminates the need for shift registers externally to the DSP block in logic elements (LEs). This architecture feature simplifies the filter design and improves the filter performance because all the filter circuitry is localized within the DSP block. 1 Input shift registers for the 36-bit simple multiplier mode have to be implemented using external registers to the DSP block. A single DSP block can implement a four tap 18-bit FIR filter. For filters larger than four taps, the DSP blocks can be cascaded with additional adder stages implemented using LEs. Software Support Altera provides two distinct methods for implementing various modes of the DSP block in your design: instantiation and inference. Both methods use the following three Quartus II megafunctions: ■ ■ ■ lpm_mult altmult_add altmult_accum You can instantiate the megafunctions in the Quartus II software to use the DSP block. Alternatively, with inference, you can create a HDL design an synthesize it using a third-party synthesis tool like LeonardoSpectrum or Synplify or Quartus II Native Synthesis that infers the appropriate megafunction by recognizing multipliers, multiplier adders, and multiplier accumulators. Using either method, the Quartus II software maps the functionality to the DSP blocks during compilation. Conclusion f See Quartus II On-Line Help for instructions on using the megafunctions and the MegaWizard Plug-In Manager. f For more information, see the Synthesis section in Design and Synthesis (volume 1) of the Quartus II Development Software Handbook. The Stratix II and Stratix II GX device DSP blocks are optimized to support DSP applications requiring high data throughput such as FIR filters, FFT functions and encoders. These DSP blocks are flexible and can be configured to implement one of several operational modes to suit a particular application. The built-in shift register chain, adder/subtractor/accumulator block and the summation block minimizes the amount of external logic required to implement these functions, resulting in efficient resource utilization and improved performance and data throughput for DSP applications. The Quartus II 6–32 Stratix II Device Handbook, Volume 2 Altera Corporation January 2008 DSP Blocks in Stratix II and Stratix II GX Devices software, together with the LeonardoSpectrum™ and Synplify software provide a complete and easy-to-use flow for implementing these multiplier functions in the DSP blocks. Referenced Documents This chapter references the following documents: ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ Document Revision History AN 306: Implementing Multipliers in FPGA Devices Design and Synthesis (volume 1) of the Quartus II Development Software Handbook Stratix II Architecture chapter in volume 1 of the Stratix II Device Handbook Stratix II GX Architecture chapter in volume 1 of the Stratix II GX Device Handbook Stratix II Device Family Data Sheet in volume 1 of the Stratix II Device Handbook Stratix II GX Device Family Data Sheet in volume 1 of the Stratix II GX Device Handbook Table 6–8 shows the revision history for this chapter. Table 6–8. Document Revision History Date and Document Version Changes Made Summary of Changes January 2008 v2.2 Added the “Referenced Documents” section. — Minor text edits. — No change For the Stratix II GX Device Handbook only: Formerly chapter 11. The chapter number changed due to the addition of the Stratix II GX Dynamic Reconfiguration chapter. No content change. — February 2007 v2.1 Added the “Document Revision History” section to this chapter. — No change Formerly chapter 10. Chapter number change only due to chapter addition to Section I in February 2006; no content change. — October 2005 v2.0 Added chapter to the Stratix II GX Device Handbook. — Altera Corporation January 2008 6–33 Stratix II Device Handbook, Volume 2 Document Revision History 6–34 Stratix II Device Handbook, Volume 2 Altera Corporation January 2008 Section V. Configuration& Remote System Upgrades This section provides configuration information for all of the supported configuration schemes for Stratix® II devices. These configuration schemes use either a microprocessor, configuration device, or download cable. There is detailed information on how to design with Altera enhanced configuration devices which includes information on how to manage multiple configuration files and access the on-chip FLASH memory space. The last chapter shows designers how to perform remote and local upgrades for their designs. This section contains the following chapters: Revision History Altera Corporation ■ Chapter 7, Configuring Stratix II and Stratix II GX Devices ■ Chapter 8, Remote System Upgrades with Stratix II and Stratix II GX Devices ■ Chapter 9, IEEE 1149.1 (JTAG) Boundary-Scan Testing for Stratix II and Stratix II GX Devices Refer to each chapter for its own specific revision history. For information on when each chapter was updated, refer to the Chapter Revision Dates section, which appears in the full handbook. Section V–1 Preliminary Configuration& Remote System Upgrades Section V–2 Preliminary Stratix II Device Handbook, Volume 2 Altera Corporation 7. Configuring Stratix II and Stratix II GX Devices SII52007-4.5 Introduction Stratix® II and Stratix II GX devices use SRAM cells to store configuration data. Because SRAM memory is volatile, configuration data must be downloaded to Stratix II and Stratix II GX devices each time the device powers up. Stratix II and Stratix II GX devices can be configured using one of five configuration schemes: the fast passive parallel (FPP), active serial (AS), passive serial (PS), passive parallel asynchronous (PPA), and Joint Test Action Group (JTAG) configuration schemes. All configuration schemes use either an external controller (for example, a MAX® II device or microprocessor) or a configuration device. Configuration Devices The Altera enhanced configuration devices (EPC16, EPC8, and EPC4) support a single-device configuration solution for high-density devices and can be used in the FPP and PS configuration schemes. They are ISP-capable through its JTAG interface. The enhanced configuration devices are divided into two major blocks, the controller and the flash memory. f For information on enhanced configuration devices, refer to the Enhanced Configuration Devices (EPC4, EPC8 & EPC16) Data Sheet in volume 2 of the Configuration Handbook. The Altera serial configuration devices (EPCS64, EPCS16, and EPCS4) support a single-device configuration solution for Stratix II and Stratix II GX devices and are used in the AS configuration scheme. Serial configuration devices offer a low cost, low pin count configuration solution. f For information on serial configuration devices, refer to the Serial Configuration Devices (EPCS1, EPCS4, EPCS16, EPCS64, and EPCS128) Data Sheet chapter in volume 2 of the Configuration Handbook. The EPC2 configuration devices provide configuration support for the PS configuration scheme. The EPC2 device is ISP-capable through its JTAG interface. The EPC2 device can be cascaded to hold large configuration files. f Altera Corporation January 2008 For more information on EPC2 configuration devices, refer to the Configuration Devices for SRAM-Based LUT Devices Data Sheet chapter in volume 2 of the Configuration Handbook. 7–1 Introduction The configuration scheme is selected by driving the Stratix II or Stratix II GX device MSEL pins either high or low as shown in Table 7–1. The MSEL pins are powered by the VCCIO power supply of the bank they reside in. The MSEL[3..0] pins have 9-k internal pull-down resistors that are always active. During power-on reset (POR) and during reconfiguration, the MSEL pins have to be at LVTTL VIL and VIH levels to be considered a logic low and logic high. 1 To avoid any problems with detecting an incorrect configuration scheme, hard-wire the MSEL[] pins to VCCPD and GND, without any pull-up or pull-down resistors. Do not drive the MSEL[] pins by a microprocessor or another device. Table 7–1. Stratix II and Stratix II GX Configuration Schemes (Part 1 of 2) Configuration Scheme MSEL3 MSEL2 MSEL1 MSEL0 Fast passive parallel (FPP) 0 0 0 0 Passive parallel asynchronous (PPA) 0 0 0 1 Passive serial (PS) 0 0 1 0 Remote system upgrade FPP (1) 0 1 0 0 Remote system upgrade PPA (1) 0 1 0 1 Remote system upgrade PS (1) 0 1 1 0 Fast AS (40 MHz) (2) 1 0 0 0 Remote system upgrade fast AS (40 MHz) (2) 1 0 0 1 FPP with decompression and/or design security feature enabled (3) 1 0 1 1 Remote system upgrade FPP with decompression and/or design security feature enabled (1), (3) 1 1 0 0 AS (20 MHz) (2) 1 1 0 1 Remote system upgrade AS (20 MHz) (2) 1 1 1 0 (4) (4) (4) (4) JTAG-based configuration (5) 7–2 Stratix II Device Handbook, Volume 2 Altera Corporation January 2008 Configuring Stratix II and Stratix II GX Devices Table 7–1. Stratix II and Stratix II GX Configuration Schemes (Part 2 of 2) Configuration Scheme MSEL3 MSEL2 MSEL1 MSEL0 Notes to Table 7–1: (1) (2) (3) (4) (5) These schemes require that you drive the RUnLU pin to specify either remote update or local update. For more information about remote system upgrades in Stratix II devices, refer to the Remote System Upgrades With Stratix II & Stratix II GX Devices chapter in volume 2 of the Stratix II Device Handbook or the Remote System Upgrades With Stratix II & Stratix II GX Devices chapter in volume 2 of the Stratix II GX Device Handbook. Only the EPCS16 and EPCS64 devices support up to a 40 MHz DCLK. Other EPCS devices support up to a 20 MHz DCLK. Refer to the Serial Configuration Devices (EPCS1, EPCS4, EPCS16, EPCS64, and EPCS128) Data Sheet for more information. These modes are only supported when using a MAX II device or a microprocessor with flash memory for configuration. In these modes, the host system must output a DCLK that is 4× the data rate. Do not leave the MSEL pins floating. Connect them to VCCPD or ground. These pins support the non-JTAG configuration scheme used in production. If only JTAG configuration is used, you should connect the MSEL pins to ground. JTAG-based configuration takes precedence over other configuration schemes, which means MSEL pin settings are ignored. Stratix II and Stratix II GX devices offer design security, decompression, and remote system upgrade features. Design security using configuration bitstream encryption is available in Stratix II and Stratix II GX devices, which protects your designs. Stratix II and Stratix II GX devices can receive a compressed configuration bit stream and decompress this data in real-time, reducing storage requirements and configuration time. You can make real-time system upgrades from remote locations of your Stratix II and Stratix II GX designs with the remote system upgrade feature. Table 7–2 and Table 7–3 show the uncompressed configuration file sizes for Stratix II and Stratix II GX devices, respectively. Table 7–2. Stratix II Uncompressed .rbf Sizes Device Notes (1), (2) Data Size (Bits) Data Size (MBytes) EP2S15 4,721,544 0.590 EP2S30 9,640,672 1.205 EP2S60 16,951,824 2.119 EP2S90 25,699,104 3.212 EP2S130 37,325,760 4.666 EP2S180 49,814,760 6.227 Notes to Table 7–2: (1) (2) Altera Corporation January 2008 These values are final. .rbf: Raw Binary File. 7–3 Stratix II Device Handbook, Volume 2 Configuration Features Table 7–3. Stratix II GX Uncompressed .rbf Sizes Device Note (1) Data Size (Bits) Data Size (MBytes) EP2SGX30C EP2SGX30D 9,640,672 1.205 EP2SGX60C EP2SGX60D EP2SGX60E 16,951,824 2.119 EP2SGX90E EP2SGX90F 25,699,104 3.212 EP2SGX130G 37,325,760 4.666 Note to Table 7–3: (1) .rbf: Raw Binary File. Use the data in Table 7–2 to estimate the file size before design compilation. Different configuration file formats, such as a Hexidecimal (.hex) or Tabular Text File (.ttf) format, will have different file sizes. However, for any specific version of the Quartus® II software, any design targeted for the same device will have the same uncompressed configuration file size. If you are using compression, the file size can vary after each compilation because the compression ratio is dependent on the design. This chapter explains the Stratix II and Stratix II GX device configuration features and describes how to configure Stratix II and Stratix II GX devices using the supported configuration schemes. This chapter provides configuration pin descriptions and the Stratix II and Stratix II GX device configuration file formats. In this chapter, the generic term device(s) includes all Stratix II and Stratix II GX devices. f Configuration Features For more information on setting device configuration options or creating configuration files, refer to Software Settings in volume 2 of the Configuration Handbook. Stratix II and Stratix II GX devices offer configuration data decompression to reduce configuration file storage, design security using data encryption to protect your designs, and remote system upgrades to allow for remotely updating your Stratix II and Stratix II GX designs. Table 7–4 summarizes which configuration features can be used in each configuration scheme. 7–4 Stratix II Device Handbook, Volume 2 Altera Corporation January 2008 Configuring Stratix II and Stratix II GX Devices Table 7–4. Stratix II and Stratix II GX Configuration Features Configuration Scheme FPP Configuration Method MAX II device or a Microprocessor with flash memory Design Security Decompression v (1) v (1) Remote System Upgrade v v (2) v AS Serial Configuration Device v v v (3) PS MAX II device or a Microprocessor with flash memory v v v Enhanced Configuration Device v v v Download cable v v Enhanced Configuration Device PPA MAX II device or a Microprocessor with flash memory JTAG MAX II device or a Microprocessor with flash memory v Notes to Table 7–4: (1) (2) (3) In these modes, the host system must send a DCLK that is 4× the data rate. The enhanced configuration device decompression feature is available, while the Stratix II and Stratix II GX decompression feature is not available. Only remote update mode is supported when using the AS configuration scheme. Local update mode is not supported. Configuration Data Decompression Stratix II and Stratix II GX devices support configuration data decompression, which saves configuration memory space and time. This feature allows you to store compressed configuration data in configuration devices or other memory and transmit this compressed bit stream to Stratix II and Stratix II GX devices. During configuration, Stratix II and Stratix II GX devices automatically recognize the compressed file format and decompresses the bit stream in real time and programs its SRAM cells. 1 Data indicates that compression typically reduces configuration bit stream size by 35 to 55%. Stratix II and Stratix II GX devices support decompression in the FPP (when using a MAX II device/microprocessor + flash), AS, and PS configuration schemes. Decompression is not supported in the PPA configuration scheme nor in JTAG-based configuration. Altera Corporation January 2008 7–5 Stratix II Device Handbook, Volume 2 Configuration Features 1 When using FPP mode, the intelligent host must provide a DCLK that is 4× the data rate. Therefore, the configuration data must be valid for four DCLK cycles. The decompression feature supported by Stratix II and Stratix II GX devices is different from the decompression feature in enhanced configuration devices (EPC16, EPC8, and EPC4 devices), although they both use the same compression algorithm. The data decompression feature in the enhanced configuration devices allows them to store compressed data and decompress the bitstream before transmitting it to the target devices. When using Stratix II and Stratix II GX devices in FPP mode with enhanced configuration devices, the decompression feature is available only in the enhanced configuration device, not the Stratix II or Stratix II GX device. In PS mode, use the Stratix II or Stratix II GX decompression feature because sending compressed configuration data reduces configuration time. Do not use both the Stratix II or Stratix II GX device and the enhanced configuration device decompression features simultaneously. The compression algorithm is not intended to be recursive and could expand the configuration file instead of compressing it further. When you enable compression, the Quartus II software generates configuration files with compressed configuration data. This compressed file reduces the storage requirements in the configuration device or flash memory, and decreases the time needed to transmit the bitstream to the Stratix II or Stratix II GX device. The time required by a Stratix II or Stratix II GX device to decompress a configuration file is less than the time needed to transmit the configuration data to the device. There are two ways to enable compression for Stratix II and Stratix II GX bitstreams: before design compilation (in the Compiler Settings menu) and after design compilation (in the Convert Programming Files window). To enable compression in the project’s compiler settings, select Device under the Assignments menu to bring up the Settings window. After selecting your Stratix II or Stratix II GX device, open the Device & Pin Options window, and in the General settings tab enable the check box for Generate compressed bitstreams (as shown in Figure 7–1). 7–6 Stratix II Device Handbook, Volume 2 Altera Corporation January 2008 Configuring Stratix II and Stratix II GX Devices Figure 7–1. Enabling Compression for Stratix II and Stratix II GX Bitstreams in Compiler Settings Compression can also be enabled when creating programming files from the Convert Programming Files window. Altera Corporation January 2008 1. Click Convert Programming Files (File menu). 2. Select the programming file type (POF, SRAM HEXOUT, RBF, or TTF). 3. For POF output files, select a configuration device. 4. In the Input files to convert box, select SOF Data. 5. Select Add File and add a Stratix II or Stratix II GX device SOF(s). 7–7 Stratix II Device Handbook, Volume 2 Configuration Features 6. Select the name of the file you added to the SOF Data area and click Properties. 7. Check the Compression check box. When multiple Stratix II or Stratix II GX devices are cascaded, you can selectively enable the compression feature for each device in the chain if you are using a serial configuration scheme. Figure 7–2 depicts a chain of two Stratix II or Stratix II GX devices. The first Stratix II or Stratix II GX device has compression enabled and therefore receives a compressed bit stream from the configuration device. The second Stratix II or Stratix II GX device has the compression feature disabled and receives uncompressed data. In a multi-device FPP configuration chain all Stratix II or Stratix II GX devices in the chain must either enable of disable the decompression feature. You can not selectively enable the compression feature for each device in the chain because of the DATA and DCLK relationship. Figure 7–2. Compressed and Uncompressed Configuration Data in the Same Configuration File Serial Configuration Data Serial or Enhanced Configuration Device Uncompressed Configuration Data Compressed Configuration Data Decompression Controller Stratix II or Stratix II GX FPGA nCE nCEO Stratix II or Stratix II GX FPGA nCE nCEO N.C. GND You can generate programming files for this setup from the Convert Programming Files window (File menu) in the Quartus II software. Design Security Using Configuration Bitstream Encryption Stratix II and Stratix II GX devices are the industry’s first devices with the ability to decrypt a configuration bitstream using the Advanced Encryption Standard (AES) algorithm—the most advanced encryption algorithm available today. When using the design security feature, a 7–8 Stratix II Device Handbook, Volume 2 Altera Corporation January 2008 Configuring Stratix II and Stratix II GX Devices 128-bit security key is stored in the Stratix II or Stratix II GX device. In order to successfully configure a Stratix II or Stratix II GX device that has the design security feature enabled, it must be configured with a configuration file that was encrypted using the same 128-bit security key. The security key can be stored in non-volatile memory inside the Stratix II or Stratix II GX device. This non-volatile memory does not require any external devices, such as a battery back-up, for storage. 1 When using a serial configuration scheme such as passive serial (PS) or active serial (AS), configuration time is the same whether or not the design security feature is enabled. If the fast passive parallel (FPP) scheme is used with the design security or decompression feature, a 4× DCLK is required. This results in a slower configuration time when compared to the configuration time of an FPGA that has neither the design security, nor decompression feature enabled. For more information about this feature, contact Altera Applications group. Remote System Upgrade Stratix II and Stratix II GX devices feature remote and local update. f For more information about this feature, refer to the Remote System Upgrades With Stratix II & Stratix II GX Devices chapter in volume 2 of the Stratix II Device Handbook or the Remote System Upgrades With Stratix II & Stratix II GX Devices chapter in volume 2 of the Stratix II GX Device Handbook Power-On Reset Circuit The POR circuit keeps the entire system in reset until the power supply voltage levels have stabilized on power-up. Upon power-up, the device does not release nSTATUS until VCCINT, VCCPD, and VCCIO of banks 3, 4, 7, and 8 are above the device’s POR trip point. On power down, VCCINT is monitored for brown-out conditions. The passive serial (PS) mode (MSEL[3,2,1,0] = 0010) and the Fast passive parallel (FPP) mode (MSEL[3,2,1,0] = 0000) always set bank 3 to use the lower POR trip point consistent with 1.8- and 1.5-V signaling, regardless of the VCCSEL setting. For all other configuration modes, VCCSEL selects the POR trip-point level. Refer to the section “VCCSEL Pin” on page 7–10 for more details. In Stratix II devices, a pin-selectable option PORSEL is provided that allows you to select between a typical POR time setting of 12 ms or 100 ms. In both cases, you can extend the POR time by using an external component to assert the nSTATUS pin low. Altera Corporation January 2008 7–9 Stratix II Device Handbook, Volume 2 Configuration Features VCCPD Pins Stratix II and Stratix II GX devices also offer a new power supply, VCCPD, which must be connected to 3.3-V in order to power the 3.3-V/2.5-V buffer available on the configuration input pins and JTAG pins. VCCPD applies to all the JTAG input pins (TCK, TMS, TDI, and TRST) and the configuration pins when VCCSEL is connected to ground. Refer to Table 7–5 for information on the pins affected by VCCSEL. 1 VCCPD must ramp-up from 0-V to 3.3-V within 100 ms. If VCCPD is not ramped up within this specified time, your Stratix II or Stratix II GX device will not configure successfully. If your system does not allow for a VCCPD ramp-up time of 100 ms or less, you must hold nCONFIG low until all power supplies are stable. VCCSEL Pin The VCCSEL pin selects the type of input buffer used on configuration input pins and it selects the POR trip point voltage level for VCCIO bank 3 powered by VCCIO3 pins. 1 For more information, refer to Table 7–24 on page 7–105. The configuration input pins and the PLL_ENA pin (Table 7–5) have a dual buffer design. These pins have a 3.3-V/2.5-V input buffer and a 1.8-V/1.5-V input buffer. The VCCSEL input pin selects which input buffer is used during configuration. The 3.3-V/2.5-V input buffer is powered by VCCPD, while the 1.8-V/1.5-V input buffer is powered by VCCIO. After configuration, the dual-purpose configuration pins are powered by the VCCIO pins of the bank in which they reside. Table 7–5 shows the pins affected by VCCSEL. 7–10 Stratix II Device Handbook, Volume 2 Altera Corporation January 2008 Configuring Stratix II and Stratix II GX Devices Table 7–5. Pins Affected by the Voltage Level at VCCSEL VCCSEL = LOW (connected to GND) VCCSEL = HIGH (connected to VCCPD) Pin nSTATUS (when used as an input) nCONFIG CONF_DONE (when used as an input) DATA[7..0] nCE DCLK (when used as an input) CS nWS 3.3/2.5-V input buffer is selected. Input buffer is powered by VC C P D . 1.8/1.5-V input buffer is selected. Input buffer is powered by VC C I O of the I/O bank. These input buffers are 3.3 V tolerant. nRS nCS CLKUSR DEV_OE DEV_CLRn RUnLU PLL_ENA VCCSEL is sampled during power-up. Therefore, the VCCSEL setting cannot change on the fly or during a reconfiguration. The VCCSEL input buffer is powered by VCCINT and has an internal 5-kpull-down resistor that is always active. 1 VCCSEL must be hardwired to VCCPD or GND. A logic high selects the 1.8-V/1.5-V input buffer, and a logic low selects the 3.3-V/2.5-V input buffer. VCCSEL should be set to comply with the logic levels driven out of the configuration device or MAX II device or a microprocessor with flash memory. VCCSEL also sets the POR trip point for I/O bank 3 to ensure that this I/O bank has powered up to the appropriate voltage levels before configuration begins. For passive serial (PS) mode (MSEL[3..0] = 0010) and for Fast passive parallel (FPP) mode (MSEL[3..0] = 0000) the POR circuitry selects the trip point associated with 1.5-V/1.8-V signaling. For all other configuration modes defined by MSEL[3..0] settings (other Altera Corporation January 2008 7–11 Stratix II Device Handbook, Volume 2 Configuration Features than 00X0 (MSEL[1] = X, “don't care”), VCCSEL=GND selects the higher I/O bank 3 POR trip point for 2.5-V/3.3-V signaling and VCCSEL=VCCPD selects the lower I/O bank 3 POR trip point associated with 1.5-V/1.8-V signaling. For all configuration modes with MSEL[3..0] not equal to 00X0 (MSEL[1] = X, “don't care”), if VCCIO of configuration bank 3 is powered by 1.8-V or 1.5-V and VCCSEL = GND, the voltage supplied to this I/O bank(s) may never reach the POR trip point, which prevents the device from beginning configuration. If the VCCIO of I/O bank 3 is powered by 1.5- or 1.8-V and the configuration signals used require 3.3- or 2.5-V signaling, you should set VCCSEL to VCCPD to enable the 1.8-/1.5-V input buffers for configuration. The 1.8-V/1.5-V input buffers are 3.3-V tolerant. 1 The fast passive parallel (FPP) and passive serial (PS) modes always enable bank 3 to use the POR trip point to be consistent with 1.8- and 1.5-V signaling, regardless of the VCCSEL setting. Table 7–6 shows how you should set VCCSEL depending on the configuration mode, the voltage level on VCCIO3 pins that power bank 3, and the supported configuration input voltages. Table 7–6. Supported VCCSEL Setting Based on Mode, VCCIO3, and Input Configuration Voltage VCCIO (Bank 3) Supported Configuration Input Voltages All modes 3.3-V/2.5-V 3.3-V/2.5-V GND All modes 1.8-V/1.5-V 3.3-V/2.5-V VCCPD (1) All modes 1.8-V/1.5-V 1.8-V/1.5-V VCCPD — 3.3-V/2.5-V 1.8-V/1.5-V Not Supported Configuration Mode VCCSEL Note to Table 7–6: (1) The VCCSEL pin can also be connected to GND for PS (MSEL[3..0]=0010) and FPP (MSEL[3..0]=0000) modes. 7–12 Stratix II Device Handbook, Volume 2 Altera Corporation January 2008 Configuring Stratix II and Stratix II GX Devices Table 7–7 shows the configuration mode support for banks 4, 7, and 8. Table 7–7. Stratix II Configuration Mode Support for Banks 4, 7 and 8 Configuration Voltage/VC C I O Support for Banks 4, 7, and 8 Configuration Mode 3.3/3.3 1.8/1.8 3.3/1.8 VCCSEL = GND VCCSEL = VCCPD VCCSEL = GND Fast passive parallel Y Y Y Passive parallel asynchronous Y Y Y Passive serial Y Y Y Remote system upgrade FPP Y Y Y Remote system upgrade PPA Y Y Y Remote system upgrade PS Y Y Y Fast AS (40 MHz) Y Y Y Remote system upgrade fast AS (40 MHz) Y Y Y FPP with decompression and/or design security Y Y Y Remote system upgrade FPP with decompression and/or design security feature enabled Y Y Y AS (20 MHz) Y Y Y Remote system upgrade AS (20 MHz) Y Y Y Output Configuration Pins You must verify that the configuration output pins for your chosen configuration modes meet the VIH of the configuration device. Refer to Table 7–22 on page 7–94 for a consolidated list of configuration output pins. The VIH of 3.3 V or 2.5 V configuration devices will not be met when the VCCIO of the output configuration pins are 1.8 V or 1.5 V. Level shifters will be required to meet the input high level voltage threshold VIH. Note that AS mode is only applicable for 3.3-V configurations. If I/O bank 3 is less than 3.3 V, level shifters are required on the output pins (DCLK, nCSO, ASDO) from the Stratix II or Stratix II GX device back to the EPCS device. Altera Corporation January 2008 7–13 Stratix II Device Handbook, Volume 2 Fast Passive Parallel Configuration The key is to ensure the VCCIO voltage of bank 3 is high enough to trip the VCCIO3 POR trip point on power-up. Also, to make sure the configuration device meets the VIH for the configuration input pins based on the selected input buffer. Fast Passive Parallel Configuration Fast passive parallel (FPP) configuration in Stratix II and Stratix II GX devices is designed to meet the continuously increasing demand for faster configuration times. Stratix II and Stratix II GX devices are designed with the capability of receiving byte-wide configuration data per clock cycle. Table 7–8 shows the MSEL pin settings when using the FFP configuration scheme. Table 7–8. Stratix II and Stratix II GX MSEL Pin Settings for FPP Configuration Schemes Notes (1), (2), and (3) Configuration Scheme MSEL3 MSEL2 MSEL1 MSEL0 FPP when not using remote system upgrade or decompression and/or design security feature 0 0 0 0 FPP when using remote system upgrade (4) 0 1 0 0 FPP with decompression and/or design security feature enabled (5) 1 0 1 1 FPP when using remote system upgrade and decompression and/or design security feature (4), (5) 1 1 0 0 Notes to Table 7–8: (1) (2) (3) (4) (5) You must verify the configuration output pins for your chosen configuraiton modes meet the VIH of the configuration device. Refer to Table 7–22 for a consolidated list of configuration output pins. The VIH of 3.3-V or 2.5-V configuration devices will not be met when the VCCIO of the output configuration pins is 1.8-V or 1.5-V. Level shifters will be required to meet the input high level voltage threshold VIH. The VCCSEL signal does not control TDO or nCEO. During configuration, these pins drive out voltage levels corresponding to the VCCIO supply voltage that powers the I/O bank containing the pin. For more information about multi-volt support, including information about using TDO and nCEO in multi-volt systems, refer to the Stratix II GX Architecture chapter in volume 1 of the Stratix II GX Device Handbook. These schemes require that you drive the RUnLU pin to specify either remote update or local update. For more information about remote system upgrade in Stratix II devices, refer to the Remote System Upgrades With Stratix II & Stratix II GX Devices chapter in volume 2 of the Stratix II Device Handbook or the Remote System Upgrades With Stratix II & Stratix II GX Devices chapter in volume 2 of the Stratix II GX Device Handbook. These modes are only supported when using a MAX II device or a microprocessor with flash memory for configuration. In these modes, the host system must output a DCLK that is 4× the data rate. FPP configuration of Stratix II and Stratix II GX devices can be performed using an intelligent host, such as a MAX II device, a microprocessor, or an Altera enhanced configuration device. 7–14 Stratix II Device Handbook, Volume 2 Altera Corporation January 2008 Configuring Stratix II and Stratix II GX Devices FPP Configuration Using a MAX II Device as an External Host FPP configuration using compression and an external host provides the fastest method to configure Stratix II and Stratix II GX devices. In the FPP configuration scheme, a MAX II device can be used as an intelligent host that controls the transfer of configuration data from a storage device, such as flash memory, to the target Stratix II or Stratix II GX device. Configuration data can be stored in RBF, HEX, or TTF format. When using the MAX II devices as an intelligent host, a design that controls the configuration process, such as fetching the data from flash memory and sending it to the device, must be stored in the MAX II device. 1 If you are using the Stratix II or Stratix II GX decompression and/or design security feature, the external host must be able to send a DCLK frequency that is 4× the data rate. The 4× DCLK signal does not require an additional pin and is sent on the DCLK pin. The maximum DCLK frequency is 100 MHz, which results in a maximum data rate of 200 Mbps. If you are not using the Stratix II or Stratix II GX decompression or design security features, the data rate is 8× the DCLK frequency. Figure 7–3 shows the configuration interface connections between the Stratix II or Stratix II GX device and a MAX II device for single device configuration. Figure 7–3. Single Device FPP Configuration Using an External Host Memory ADDR DATA[7..0] VCC (1) 10 kΩ VCC (1) 10 kΩ Stratix II Device MSEL[3..0] CONF_DONE GND nSTATUS External Host (MAX II Device or Microprocessor) nCE nCEO N.C. GND DATA[7..0] nCONFIG DCLK Note to Figure 7–3: (1) Altera Corporation January 2008 The pull-up resistor should be connected to a supply that provides an acceptable input signal for the device. VCC should be high enough to meet the VIH specification of the I/O on the device and the external host. 7–15 Stratix II Device Handbook, Volume 2 Fast Passive Parallel Configuration Upon power-up, the Stratix II and Stratix II GX devices go through a Power-On Reset (POR). The POR delay is dependent on the PORSEL pin setting; when PORSEL is driven low, the POR time is approximately 100 ms, if PORSEL is driven high, the POR time is approximately 12 ms. During POR, the device resets, holds nSTATUS low, and tri-states all user I/O pins. Once the device successfully exits POR, all user I/O pins continue to be tri-stated. If nIO_pullup is driven low during power-up and configuration, the user I/O pins and dual-purpose I/O pins have weak pull-up resistors, which are on (after POR) before and during configuration. If nIO_pullup is driven high, the weak pull-up resistors are disabled. 1 f You can hold nConfig low in order to stop device configuration. The value of the weak pull-up resistors on the I/O pins that are on before and during configuration can be found in the DC & Switching Characteristics chapter in volume 1 of the Stratix II Device Handbook or the DC & Switching Characteristics chapter in volume 1 of the Stratix II GX Device Handbook. The configuration cycle consists of three stages: reset, configuration and initialization. While nCONFIG or nSTATUS are low, the device is in the reset stage. To initiate configuration, the MAX II device must drive the nCONFIG pin from low-to-high. 1 VCCINT, VCCIO, and VCCPD of the banks where the configuration and JTAG pins reside need to be fully powered to the appropriate voltage levels in order to begin the configuration process. When nCONFIG goes high, the device comes out of reset and releases the open-drain nSTATUS pin, which is then pulled high by an external 10-k pull-up resistor. Once nSTATUS is released, the device is ready to receive configuration data and the configuration stage begins. When nSTATUS is pulled high, the MAX II device places the configuration data one byte at a time on the DATA[7..0] pins. 1 7–16 Stratix II Device Handbook, Volume 2 Stratix II and Stratix II GX devices receive configuration data on the DATA[7..0] pins and the clock is received on the DCLK pin. Data is latched into the device on the rising edge of DCLK. If you are using the Stratix II or Stratix II GX decompression and/or design security feature, configuration data is latched on the rising edge of every fourth DCLK cycle. After the configuration data is latched in, it is processed during the following three DCLK cycles. Altera Corporation January 2008 Configuring Stratix II and Stratix II GX Devices Data is continuously clocked into the target device until CONF_DONE goes high. The CONF_DONE pin goes high one byte early in parallel configuration (FPP and PPA) modes. The last byte is required for serial configuration (AS and PS) modes. After the device has received the next to last byte of the configuration data successfully, it releases the open-drain CONF_DONE pin, which is pulled high by an external 10-k pull-up resistor. A low-to-high transition on CONF_DONE indicates configuration is complete and initialization of the device can begin. The CONF_DONE pin must have an external 10-k pull-up resistor in order for the device to initialize. In Stratix II and Stratix II GX devices, the initialization clock source is either the internal oscillator (typically 10 MHz) or the optional CLKUSR pin. By default, the internal oscillator is the clock source for initialization. If the internal oscillator is used, the Stratix II or Stratix II GX device provides itself with enough clock cycles for proper initialization. Therefore, if the internal oscillator is the initialization clock source, sending the entire configuration file to the device is sufficient to configure and initialize the device. Driving DCLK to the device after configuration is complete does not affect device operation. You can also synchronize initialization of multiple devices or to delay initialization with the CLKUSR option. The Enable user-supplied start-up clock (CLKUSR) option can be turned on in the Quartus II software from the General tab of the Device & Pin Options dialog box. Supplying a clock on CLKUSR does not affect the configuration process. The CONF_DONE pin goes high one byte early in parallel configuration (FPP and PPA) modes. The last byte is required for serial configuration (AS and PS) modes. After the CONF_DONE pin transitions high, CLKUSR is enabled after the time specified as tCD2CU. After this time period elapses, Stratix II and Stratix II GX devices require 299 clock cycles to initialize properly and enter user mode. Stratix II and Stratix II GX devices support a CLKUSR fMAX of 100 MHz. An optional INIT_DONE pin is available, which signals the end of initialization and the start of user-mode with a low-to-high transition. This Enable INIT_DONE Output option is available in the Quartus II software from the General tab of the Device & Pin Options dialog box. If the INIT_DONE pin is used, it is high because of an external 10-k pull-up resistor when nCONFIG is low and during the beginning of configuration. Once the option bit to enable INIT_DONE is programmed into the device (during the first frame of configuration data), the INIT_DONE pin goes low. When initialization is complete, the INIT_DONE pin is released and pulled high. The MAX II device must be able to detect this low-to-high transition, which signals the device has Altera Corporation January 2008 7–17 Stratix II Device Handbook, Volume 2 Fast Passive Parallel Configuration entered user mode. When initialization is complete, the device enters user mode. In user-mode, the user I/O pins no longer have weak pull-up resistors and function as assigned in your design. To ensure DCLK and DATA[7..0] are not left floating at the end of configuration, the MAX II device must drive them either high or low, whichever is convenient on your board. The DATA[7..0] pins are available as user I/O pins after configuration. When you select the FPP scheme in the Quartus II software, as a default, these I/O pins are tri-stated in user mode. To change this default option in the Quartus II software, select the Pins tab of the Device & Pin Options dialog box. The configuration clock (DCLK) speed must be below the specified frequency to ensure correct configuration. No maximum DCLK period exists, which means you can pause configuration by halting DCLK for an indefinite amount of time. 1 If you are using the Stratix II or Stratix II GX decompression and/or design security feature and need to stop DCLK, it can only be stopped three clock cycles after the last data byte was latched into the Stratix II or Stratix II GX device. By stopping DCLK, the configuration circuit allows enough clock cycles to process the last byte of latched configuration data. When the clock restarts, the MAX II device must provide data on the DATA[7..0] pins prior to sending the first DCLK rising edge. If an error occurs during configuration, the device drives its nSTATUS pin low, resetting itself internally. The low signal on the nSTATUS pin also alerts the MAX II device that there is an error. If the Auto-restart configuration after error option (available in the Quartus II software from the General tab of the Device & Pin Options (dialog box) is turned on, the device releases nSTATUS after a reset time-out period (maximum of 100 µs). After nSTATUS is released and pulled high by a pull-up resistor, the MAX II device can try to reconfigure the target device without needing to pulse nCONFIG low. If this option is turned off, the MAX II device must generate a low-to-high transition (with a low pulse of at least 2 µs) on nCONFIG to restart the configuration process. The MAX II device can also monitor the CONF_DONE and INIT_DONE pins to ensure successful configuration. The CONF_DONE pin must be monitored by the MAX II device to detect errors and determine when programming completes. If all configuration data is sent, but the CONF_DONE or INIT_DONE signals have not gone high, the MAX II device will reconfigure the target device. 7–18 Stratix II Device Handbook, Volume 2 Altera Corporation January 2008 Configuring Stratix II and Stratix II GX Devices 1 If the optional CLKUSR pin is used and nCONFIG is pulled low to restart configuration during device initialization, you need to ensure CLKUSR continues toggling during the time nSTATUS is low (maximum of 100 µs). When the device is in user-mode, initiating a reconfiguration is done by transitioning the nCONFIG pin low-to-high. The nCONFIG pin should be low for at least 2 µs. When nCONFIG is pulled low, the device also pulls nSTATUS and CONF_DONE low and all I/O pins are tri-stated. Once nCONFIG returns to a logic high level and nSTATUS is released by the device, reconfiguration begins. Figure 7–4 shows how to configure multiple devices using a MAX II device. This circuit is similar to the FPP configuration circuit for a single device, except the Stratix II or Stratix II GX devices are cascaded for multi-device configuration. Figure 7–4. Multi-Device FPP Configuration Using an External Host Memory ADDR DATA[7..0] VCC (1) VCC (1) 10 kΩ 10 kΩ Stratix II Device 1 Stratix II Device 2 MSEL[3..0] MSEL[3..0] CONF_DONE CONF_DONE GND nSTATUS External Host (MAX II Device or Microprocessor) nCE nCEO GND nSTATUS nCE nCEO N.C. GND DATA[7..0] DATA[7..0] nCONFIG nCONFIG DCLK DCLK Note to Figure 7–4: (1) The pull-up resistor should be connected to a supply that provides an acceptable input signal for all devices in the chain. VCC should be high enough to meet the VIH specification of the I/O standard on the device and the external host. In multi-device FPP configuration, the first device’s nCE pin is connected to GND while its nCEO pin is connected to nCE of the next device in the chain. The last device’s nCE input comes from the previous device, while its nCEO pin is left floating. After the first device completes configuration in a multi-device configuration chain, its nCEO pin drives low to activate the second device’s nCE pin, which prompts the second device to begin configuration. The second device in the chain begins configuration within one clock cycle; therefore, the transfer of data destinations is transparent to the MAX II device. All other configuration pins (nCONFIG, nSTATUS, DCLK, DATA[7..0], and CONF_DONE) are connected to every device in Altera Corporation January 2008 7–19 Stratix II Device Handbook, Volume 2 Fast Passive Parallel Configuration the chain. The configuration signals may require buffering to ensure signal integrity and prevent clock skew problems. Ensure that the DCLK and DATA lines are buffered for every fourth device. Because all device CONF_DONE pins are tied together, all devices initialize and enter user mode at the same time. All nSTATUS and CONF_DONE pins are tied together and if any device detects an error, configuration stops for the entire chain and the entire chain must be reconfigured. For example, if the first device flags an error on nSTATUS, it resets the chain by pulling its nSTATUS pin low. This behavior is similar to a single device detecting an error. If the Auto-restart configuration after error option is turned on, the devices release their nSTATUS pins after a reset time-out period (maximum of 100 µs). After all nSTATUS pins are released and pulled high, the MAX II device can try to reconfigure the chain without pulsing nCONFIG low. If this option is turned off, the MAX II device must generate a low-to-high transition (with a low pulse of at least 2 µs) on nCONFIG to restart the configuration process. In a multi-device FPP configuration chain, all Stratix II or Stratix II GX devices in the chain must either enable or disable the decompression and/or design security feature. You can not selectively enable the decompression and/or design security feature for each device in the chain because of the DATA and DCLK relationship. If the chain contains devices that do not support design security, you should use a serial configuration scheme. If a system has multiple devices that contain the same configuration data, tie all device nCE inputs to GND, and leave nCEO pins floating. All other configuration pins (nCONFIG, nSTATUS, DCLK, DATA[7..0], and CONF_DONE) are connected to every device in the chain. Configuration signals may require buffering to ensure signal integrity and prevent clock skew problems. Ensure that the DCLK and DATA lines are buffered for every fourth device. Devices must be the same density and package. All devices start and complete configuration at the same time. Figure 7–5 shows multi-device FPP configuration when both Stratix II or Stratix II GX devices are receiving the same configuration data. 7–20 Stratix II Device Handbook, Volume 2 Altera Corporation January 2008 Configuring Stratix II and Stratix II GX Devices Figure 7–5. Multiple-Device FPP Configuration Using an External Host When Both Devices Receive the Same Data Memory ADDR DATA[7..0] VCC (1) VCC (1) 10 kΩ 10 kΩ Stratix II Device Stratix II Device MSEL[3..0] CONF_DONE nSTATUS External Host (MAX II Device or Microprocessor) nCE MSEL[3..0] CONF_DONE GND nCEO GND GND nSTATUS nCE N.C. (2) nCEO N.C. (2) GND DATA[7..0] DATA[7..0] nCONFIG nCONFIG DCLK DCLK Notes to Figure 7–5: (1) (2) The pull-up resistor should be connected to a supply that provides an acceptable input signal for all devices in the chain. VCC should be high enough to meet the VIH specification of the I/O on the device and the external host. The nCEO pins of both Stratix II or Stratix II GX devices are left unconnected when configuring the same configuration data into multiple devices. You can use a single configuration chain to configure Stratix II or Stratix II GX devices with other Altera devices that support FPP configuration, such as Stratix devices. To ensure that all devices in the chain complete configuration at the same time or that an error flagged by one device initiates reconfiguration in all devices, tie all of the device CONF_DONE and nSTATUS pins together. f For more information on configuring multiple Altera devices in the same configuration chain, refer to Configuring Mixed Altera FPGA Chains in volume 2 of the Configuration Handbook. FPP Configuration Timing Figure 7–6 shows the timing waveform for FPP configuration when using a MAX II device as an external host. This waveform shows the timing when the decompression and the design security feature are not enabled. Altera Corporation January 2008 7–21 Stratix II Device Handbook, Volume 2 Fast Passive Parallel Configuration Figure 7–6. FPP Configuration Timing Waveform Notes (1), (2) tCF2ST1 tCFG nCONFIG nSTATUS (3) tCF2CK tSTATUS tCF2ST0 t CLK CONF_DONE (4) tCF2CD tST2CK tCH tCL (5) DCLK tDH DATA[7..0] (5) Byte 0 Byte 1 Byte 2 Byte 3 Byte n User Mode tDSU User I/O High-Z User Mode INIT_DONE tCD2UM Notes to Figure 7–6: (1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) This timing waveform should be used when the decompression and design security feature are not used. The beginning of this waveform shows the device in user-mode. In user-mode, nCONFIG, nSTATUS, and CONF_DONE are at logic high levels. When nCONFIG is pulled low, a reconfiguration cycle begins. Upon power-up, the Stratix II or Stratix II GX device holds nSTATUS low for the time of the POR delay. Upon power-up, before and during configuration, CONF_DONE is low. DCLK should not be left floating after configuration. It should be driven high or low, whichever is more convenient. DATA[7..0] are available as user I/O pins after configuration and the state of these pins depends on the dual-purpose pin settings. Table 7–9 defines the timing parameters for Stratix II and Stratix II GX devices for FPP configuration when the decompression and the design security features are not enabled. Table 7–9. FPP Timing Parameters for Stratix II and Stratix II GX Devices (Part 1 of 2) Symbol Parameter Min Notes (1), (2) Max Units 800 ns tCF2CD nCONFIG low to CONF_DONE low tCF2ST0 nCONFIG low to nSTATUS low tCFG nCONFIG low pulse width 2 tSTATUS nSTATUS low pulse width 10 tCF2ST1 nCONFIG high to nSTATUS high tCF2CK nCONFIG high to first rising edge on DCLK 100 µs tST2CK nSTATUS high to first rising edge of DCLK 2 µs 7–22 Stratix II Device Handbook, Volume 2 800 ns µs 100 (3) µs 100 (3) µs Altera Corporation January 2008 Configuring Stratix II and Stratix II GX Devices Table 7–9. FPP Timing Parameters for Stratix II and Stratix II GX Devices (Part 2 of 2) Symbol Max Notes (1), (2) Parameter Min Units tDSU Data setup time before rising edge on DCLK 5 ns tDH Data hold time after rising edge on DCLK 0 ns tCH DCLK high time 4 ns tCL DCLK low time 4 ns tCLK DCLK period 10 ns fMAX DCLK frequency tR Input rise time 40 ns tF Input fall time 40 ns tCD2UM CONF_DONE high to user mode (4) 100 µs tC D 2 C U CONF_DONE high to CLKUSR enabled tC D 2 U M C CONF_DONE high to user mode with CLKUSR option on 100 20 MHz 4 maximum DCLK period tC D 2 C U (299 CLKUSR period) Notes to Table 7–9: (1) (2) (3) (4) This information is preliminary. These timing parameters should be used when the decompression and design security feature are not used. This value is obtainable if users do not delay configuration by extending the nCONFIG or nSTATUS low pulse width. The minimum and maximum numbers apply only if the internal oscillator is chosen as the clock source for starting up the device. Altera Corporation January 2008 7–23 Stratix II Device Handbook, Volume 2 Fast Passive Parallel Configuration Figure 7–7 shows the timing waveform for FPP configuration when using a MAX II device as an external host. This waveform shows the timing when the decompression and/or the design security feature are enabled. Figure 7–7. FPP Configuration Timing Waveform With Decompression or Design Security Feature Enabled Notes (1), (2) tCF2ST1 tCFG tCF2CK nCONFIG (3) nSTATUS tSTATUS tCF2ST0 (4) CONF_DONE tCF2CD DCLK tCL tST2CK tCH 1 2 3 4 1 2 3 4 (6) 1 (6) Byte 2 (5) 4 tCLK DATA[7..0] Byte 0 tDSU User I/O tDH Byte 1 (5) User Mode Byte n tDH High-Z User Mode INIT_DONE tCD2UM Notes to Figure 7–7: (1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7) This timing waveform should be used when the decompression and/or design security feature are used. The beginning of this waveform shows the device in user-mode. In user-mode, nCONFIG, nSTATUS and CONF_DONE are at logic high levels. When nCONFIG is pulled low, a reconfiguration cycle begins. Upon power-up, the Stratix II or Stratix II GX device holds nSTATUS low for the time of the POR delay. Upon power-up, before and during configuration, CONF_DONE is low. DCLK should not be left floating after configuration. It should be driven high or low, whichever is more convenient. DATA[7..0] are available as user I/O pins after configuration and the state of these pins depends on the dual-purpose pin settings. If needed, DCLK can be paused by holding it low. When DCLK restarts, the external host must provide data on the DATA[7..0] pins prior to sending the first DCLK rising edge. 7–24 Stratix II Device Handbook, Volume 2 Altera Corporation January 2008 Configuring Stratix II and Stratix II GX Devices Table 7–10 defines the timing parameters for Stratix II and Stratix II GX devices for FPP configuration when the decompression and/or the design security feature are enabled. Table 7–10. FPP Timing Parameters for Stratix II and Stratix II GX Devices With Decompression or Design Security Feature Enabled Note (1) Symbol Parameter Min tCF2CD nCONFIG low to CONF_DONE low tCF2ST0 nCONFIG low to nSTATUS low tCFG nCONFIG low pulse width 2 tSTATUS nSTATUS low pulse width 10 Max Units 800 ns 800 ns µs 100 (2) µs 100 (2) µs tCF2ST1 nCONFIG high to nSTATUS high tCF2CK nCONFIG high to first rising edge on DCLK 100 µs tST2CK nSTATUS high to first rising edge of DCLK 2 µs tDSU Data setup time before rising edge on DCLK 5 ns tDH Data hold time after rising edge on DCLK 30 ns tCH DCLK high time 4 ns tCL DCLK low time 4 ns tCLK DCLK period 10 fMAX DCLK frequency 100 MHz tD ATA Data rate 200 Mbps tR Input rise time 40 ns tF Input fall time 40 ns tCD2UM CONF_DONE high to user mode (3) 100 µs tC D 2 C U CONF_DONE high to CLKUSR enabled tC D 2 U M C CONF_DONE high to user mode with CLKUSR option on ns 20 4 maximum DCLK period tC D 2 C U + (299 CLKUSR period) Notes to Table 7–10: (1) (2) (3) These timing parameters should be used when the decompression and design security feature are used. This value is obtainable if users do not delay configuration by extending the nCONFIG or nSTATUS low pulse width. The minimum and maximum numbers apply only if the internal oscillator is chosen as the clock source for starting up the device. f Altera Corporation January 2008 Device configuration options and how to create configuration files are discussed further in the Software Settings chapter in the Configuration Handbook. 7–25 Stratix II Device Handbook, Volume 2 Fast Passive Parallel Configuration FPP Configuration Using a Microprocessor In the FPP configuration scheme, a microprocessor can control the transfer of configuration data from a storage device, such as flash memory, to the target Stratix II or Stratix II GX device. 1 All information in “FPP Configuration Using a MAX II Device as an External Host” on page 7–15 is also applicable when using a microprocessor as an external host. Refer to that section for all configuration and timing information. FPP Configuration Using an Enhanced Configuration Device In the FPP configuration scheme, an enhanced configuration device sends a byte of configuration data every DCLK cycle to the Stratix II or Stratix II GX device. Configuration data is stored in the configuration device. 1 When configuring your Stratix II or Stratix II GX device using FPP mode and an enhanced configuration device, the enhanced configuration device decompression feature is available while the Stratix II and Stratix II GX decompression and design security features are not. Figure 7–8 shows the configuration interface connections between a Stratix II or Stratix II GX device and the enhanced configuration device for single device configuration. 1 f The figures in this chapter only show the configuration-related pins and the configuration pin connections between the configuration device and the device. For more information on the enhanced configuration device and flash interface pins, such as PGM[2..0], EXCLK, PORSEL, A[20..0], and DQ[15..0], refer to the Enhanced Configuration Devices (EPC4, EPC8 & EPC16) Data Sheet in volume 2 of the Configuration Handbook. 7–26 Stratix II Device Handbook, Volume 2 Altera Corporation January 2008 Configuring Stratix II and Stratix II GX Devices Figure 7–8. Single Device FPP Configuration Using an Enhanced Configuration Device VCC (1) Stratix II Device 10 kΩ (3) (3) nCEO GND 10 kΩ Enhanced Configuration Device DCLK DATA[7..0] OE (3) nCS (3) nINIT_CONF (2) DCLK DATA[7..0] nSTATUS CONF_DONE nCONFIG MSEL[3..0] VCC (1) N.C. nCE GND Notes to Figure 7–8: (1) (2) (3) f The pull-up resistor should be connected to the same supply voltage as the configuration device. The nINIT_CONF pin is available on enhanced configuration devices and has an internal pull-up resistor that is always active. This means an external pull-up resistor should not be used on the nINIT_CONF-nCONFIG line. The nINIT_CONF pin does not need to be connected if its functionality is not used. If nINIT_CONF is not used, nCONFIG must be pulled to VCC either directly or through a resistor. The enhanced configuration devices’ OE and nCS pins have internal programmable pull-up resistors. If internal pull-up resistors are used, external pull-up resistors should not be used on these pins. The internal pull-up resistors are used by default in the Quartus II software. To turn off the internal pull-up resistors, check the Disable nCS and OE pull-ups on configuration device option when generating programming files. The value of the internal pull-up resistors on the enhanced configuration devices can be found in the Enhanced Configuration Devices (EPC4, EPC8 & EPC16) Data Sheet in volume 2 of the Configuration Handbook. When using enhanced configuration devices, you can connect the device’s nCONFIG pin to nINIT_CONF pin of the enhanced configuration device, which allows the INIT_CONF JTAG instruction to initiate device configuration. The nINIT_CONF pin does not need to be connected if its functionality is not used. If nINIT_CONF is not used, nCONFIG must be pulled to VCC either directly or through a resistor. An internal pull-up resistor on the nINIT_CONF pin is always active in the enhanced configuration devices, which means an external pull-up resistor should not be used if nCONFIG is tied to nINIT_CONF. Upon power-up, the Stratix II or Stratix II GX device goes through a POR. The POR delay is dependent on the PORSEL pin setting; when PORSEL is driven low, the POR time is approximately 100 ms, if PORSEL is driven high, the POR time is approximately 12 ms. During POR, the device will reset, hold nSTATUS low, and tri-state all user I/O pins. The Altera Corporation January 2008 7–27 Stratix II Device Handbook, Volume 2 Fast Passive Parallel Configuration configuration device also goes through a POR delay to allow the power supply to stabilize. The POR time for enhanced configuration devices can be set to either 100 ms or 2 ms, depending on its PORSEL pin setting. If the PORSEL pin is connected to GND, the POR delay is 100 ms. If the PORSEL pin is connected to VCC, the POR delay is 2 ms. During this time, the configuration device drives its OE pin low. This low signal delays configuration because the OE pin is connected to the target device’s nSTATUS pin. 1 When selecting a POR time, you need to ensure that the device completes power-up before the enhanced configuration device exits POR. Altera recommends that you use a 12-ms POR time for the Stratix II or Stratix II GX device, and use a 100-ms POR time for the enhanced configuration device. When both devices complete POR, they release their open-drain OE or nSTATUS pin, which is then pulled high by a pull-up resistor. Once the device successfully exits POR, all user I/O pins continue to be tri-stated. If nIO_pullup is driven low during power-up and configuration, the user I/O pins and dual-purpose I/O pins will have weak pull-up resistors, which are on (after POR) before and during configuration. If nIO_pullup is driven high, the weak pull-up resistors are disabled. f The value of the weak pull-up resistors on the I/O pins that are on before and during configuration can be found in the Stratix II Device Handbook or the Stratix II GX Device Handbook. When the power supplies have reached the appropriate operating voltages, the target device senses the low-to-high transition on nCONFIG and initiates the configuration cycle. The configuration cycle consists of three stages: reset, configuration and initialization. While nCONFIG or nSTATUS are low, the device is in reset. The beginning of configuration can be delayed by holding the nCONFIG or nSTATUS pin low. 1 VCCINT, VCCIO and VCCPD of the banks where the configuration and JTAG pins reside need to be fully powered to the appropriate voltage levels in order to begin the configuration process. When nCONFIG goes high, the device comes out of reset and releases the nSTATUS pin, which is pulled high by a pull-up resistor. Enhanced configuration devices have an optional internal pull-up resistor on the OE pin. This option is available in the Quartus II software from the General tab of the Device & Pin Options dialog box. If this internal pull-up resistor is not used, an external 10-k pull-up resistor on the OE-nSTATUS line is required. Once nSTATUS is released, the device is ready to receive configuration data and the configuration stage begins. 7–28 Stratix II Device Handbook, Volume 2 Altera Corporation January 2008 Configuring Stratix II and Stratix II GX Devices When nSTATUS is pulled high, the configuration device’s OE pin also goes high and the configuration device clocks data out to the device using the Stratix II or Stratix II GX device’s internal oscillator. The Stratix II and Stratix II GX devices receive configuration data on the DATA[7..0] pins and the clock is received on the DCLK pin. A byte of data is latched into the device on each rising edge of DCLK. After the device has received all configuration data successfully, it releases the open-drain CONF_DONE pin which is pulled high by a pull-up resistor. Because CONF_DONE is tied to the configuration device’s nCS pin, the configuration device is disabled when CONF_DONE goes high. Enhanced configuration devices have an optional internal pull-up resistor on the nCS pin. This option is available in the Quartus II software from the General tab of the Device & Pin Options dialog box. If this internal pull-up resistor is not used, an external 10-k pull-up resistor on the nCS-CONF_DONE line is required. A low to high transition on CONF_DONE indicates configuration is complete and initialization of the device can begin. In Stratix II and Stratix II GX devices, the initialization clock source is either the internal oscillator (typically 10 MHz) or the optional CLKUSR pin. By default, the internal oscillator is the clock source for initialization. If the internal oscillator is used, the Stratix II or Stratix II GX device provides itself with enough clock cycles for proper initialization. You also have the flexibility to synchronize initialization of multiple devices or to delay initialization with the CLKUSR option. The Enable user-supplied start-up clock (CLKUSR) option can be turned on in the Quartus II software from the General tab of the Device & Pin Options dialog box. Supplying a clock on CLKUSR will not affect the configuration process. After all configuration data has been accepted and CONF_DONE goes high, CLKUSR will be enabled after the time specified as tCD2CU. After this time period elapses, Stratix II and Stratix II GX devices require 299 clock cycles to initialize properly and enter user mode. Stratix II and Stratix II GX devices support a CLKUSR fMAX of 100 MHz. An optional INIT_DONE pin is available, which signals the end of initialization and the start of user-mode with a low-to-high transition. The Enable INIT_DONE Output option is available in the Quartus II software from the General tab of the Device & Pin Options dialog box. If the INIT_DONE pin is used, it will be high due to an external 10-k pull-up resistor when nCONFIG is low and during the beginning of configuration. Once the option bit to enable INIT_DONE is programmed into the device (during the first frame of configuration data), the INIT_DONE pin will go low. When initialization is complete, the INIT_DONE pin will be released and pulled high. In user-mode, the user Altera Corporation January 2008 7–29 Stratix II Device Handbook, Volume 2 Fast Passive Parallel Configuration I/O pins will no longer have weak pull-up resistors and will function as assigned in your design. The enhanced configuration device will drive DCLK low and DATA[7..0] high at the end of configuration. If an error occurs during configuration, the device drives its nSTATUS pin low, resetting itself internally. Since the nSTATUS pin is tied to OE, the configuration device will also be reset. If the Auto-restart configuration after error option (available in the Quartus II software from the General tab of the Device & Pin Options dialog box) is turned on, the device will automatically initiate reconfiguration if an error occurs. The Stratix II or Stratix II GX device releases its nSTATUS pin after a reset time-out period (maximum of 100 µs). When the nSTATUS pin is released and pulled high by a pull-up resistor, the configuration device reconfigures the chain. If this option is turned off, the external system must monitor nSTATUS for errors and then pulse nCONFIG low for at least 2 µs to restart configuration. The external system can pulse nCONFIG if nCONFIG is under system control rather than tied to VCC. In addition, if the configuration device sends all of its data and then detects that CONF_DONE has not gone high, it recognizes that the device has not configured successfully. Enhanced configuration devices wait for 64 DCLK cycles after the last configuration bit was sent for CONF_DONE to reach a high state. In this case, the configuration device pulls its OE pin low, which in turn drives the target device’s nSTATUS pin low. If the Auto-restart configuration after error option is set in the software, the target device resets and then releases its nSTATUS pin after a reset time-out period (maximum of 100 µs). When nSTATUS returns to a logic high level, the configuration device will try to reconfigure the device. When CONF_DONE is sensed low after configuration, the configuration device recognizes that the target device has not configured successfully. Therefore, your system should not pull CONF_DONE low to delay initialization. Instead, you should use the CLKUSR option to synchronize the initialization of multiple devices that are not in the same configuration chain. Devices in the same configuration chain will initialize together if their CONF_DONE pins are tied together. 1 If the optional CLKUSR pin is used and nCONFIG is pulled low to restart configuration during device initialization, ensure CLKUSR continues toggling during the time nSTATUS is low (maximum of 100 µs). When the device is in user-mode, a reconfiguration can be initiated by pulling the nCONFIG pin low. The nCONFIG pin should be low for at least 2 µs. When nCONFIG is pulled low, the device also pulls nSTATUS and CONF_DONE low and all I/O pins are tri-stated. Because CONF_DONE is 7–30 Stratix II Device Handbook, Volume 2 Altera Corporation January 2008 Configuring Stratix II and Stratix II GX Devices pulled low, this activates the configuration device because it sees its nCS pin drive low. Once nCONFIG returns to a logic high level and nSTATUS is released by the device, reconfiguration begins. Figure 7–9 shows how to configure multiple Stratix II or Stratix II GX devices with an enhanced configuration device. This circuit is similar to the configuration device circuit for a single device, except the Stratix II or Stratix II GX devices are cascaded for multi-device configuration. Figure 7–9. Multi-Device FPP Configuration Using an Enhanced Configuration Device VCC (1) VCC (1) 10 kΩ (3) (3) Stratix II Device 2 N.C. nCEO MSEL[3..0] DATA[7..0] DATA[7..0] OE (3) nCS (3) nSTATUS GND CONF_DONE CONF_DONE nCONFIG nCONFIG nCE DCLK DCLK DATA[7..0] nSTATUS GND Enhanced Configuration Device Stratix II Device 1 DCLK MSEL[3..0] nCEO 10 kΩ nINIT_CONF (2) nCE GND Notes to Figure 7–9: (1) (2) (3) The pull-up resistor should be connected to the same supply voltage as the configuration device. The nINIT_CONF pin is available on enhanced configuration devices and has an internal pull-up resistor that is always active. This means an external pull-up resistor should not be used on the nINIT_CONF-nCONFIG line. The nINIT_CONF pin does not need to be connected if its functionality is not used. If nINIT_CONF is not used, nCONFIG must be pulled to VCC either directly or through a resistor. The enhanced configuration devices’ OE and nCS pins have internal programmable pull-up resistors. If internal pull-up resistors are used, external pull-up resistors should not be used on these pins. The internal pull-up resistors are used by default in the Quartus II software. To turn off the internal pull-up resistors, check the Disable nCS and OE pull-up resistors on configuration device option when generating programming files. 1 Enhanced configuration devices cannot be cascaded. When performing multi-device configuration, you must generate the configuration device’s POF from each project’s SOF. You can combine multiple SOFs using the Convert Programming Files window in the Quartus II software. f Altera Corporation January 2008 For more information on how to create configuration files for multi-device configuration chains, refer to Software Settings in volume 2 of the Configuration Handbook. 7–31 Stratix II Device Handbook, Volume 2 Fast Passive Parallel Configuration In multi-device FPP configuration, the first device’s nCE pin is connected to GND while its nCEO pin is connected to nCE of the next device in the chain. The last device’s nCE input comes from the previous device, while its nCEO pin is left floating. After the first device completes configuration in a multi-device configuration chain, its nCEO pin drives low to activate the second device’s nCE pin, which prompts the second device to begin configuration. All other configuration pins (nCONFIG, nSTATUS, DCLK, DATA[7..0], and CONF_DONE) are connected to every device in the chain. Pay special attention to the configuration signals because they may require buffering to ensure signal integrity and prevent clock skew problems. Ensure that the DCLK and DATA lines are buffered for every fourth device. When configuring multiple devices, configuration does not begin until all devices release their OE or nSTATUS pins. Similarly, since all device CONF_DONE pins are tied together, all devices initialize and enter user mode at the same time. Since all nSTATUS and CONF_DONE pins are tied together, if any device detects an error, configuration stops for the entire chain and the entire chain must be reconfigured. For example, if the first device flags an error on nSTATUS, it resets the chain by pulling its nSTATUS pin low. This low signal drives the OE pin low on the enhanced configuration device and drives nSTATUS low on all devices, which causes them to enter a reset state. This behavior is similar to a single device detecting an error. If the Auto-restart configuration after error option is turned on, the devices will automatically initiate reconfiguration if an error occurs. The devices will release their nSTATUS pins after a reset time-out period (maximum of 100 µs). When all the nSTATUS pins are released and pulled high, the configuration device tries to reconfigure the chain. If the Auto-restart configuration after error option is turned off, the external system must monitor nSTATUS for errors and then pulse nCONFIG low for at least 2 µs to restart configuration. The external system can pulse nCONFIG if nCONFIG is under system control rather than tied to VCC. Your system may have multiple devices that contain the same configuration data. To support this configuration scheme, all device nCE inputs are tied to GND, while nCEO pins are left floating. All other configuration pins (nCONFIG, nSTATUS, DCLK, DATA[7..0], and CONF_DONE) are connected to every device in the chain. Configuration signals may require buffering to ensure signal integrity and prevent clock skew problems. Ensure that the DCLK and DATA lines are buffered for every fourth device. Devices must be the same density and package. All devices will start and complete configuration at the same time. Figure 7–10 shows multi-device FPP configuration when both Stratix II or Stratix II GX devices are receiving the same configuration data. 7–32 Stratix II Device Handbook, Volume 2 Altera Corporation January 2008 Configuring Stratix II and Stratix II GX Devices Figure 7–10. Multiple-Device FPP Configuration Using an Enhanced Configuration Device When Both devices Receive the Same Data VCC (1) VCC (1) 10 kΩ (3) (3) Stratix II Device (4) N.C. nCEO DCLK DCLK MSEL[3..0] DATA[7..0] nSTATUS GND Enhanced Configuration Device Stratix II Device DCLK MSEL[3..0] DATA[7..0] CONF_DONE CONF_DONE nCONFIG nCONFIG (4) N.C. nCE GND DATA[7..0] OE (3) nSTATUS GND nCEO 10 kΩ nCS (3) nINIT_CONF (2) nCE GND Notes to Figure 7–10: (1) (2) (3) (4) The pull-up resistor should be connected to the same supply voltage as the configuration device. The nINIT_CONF pin is available on enhanced configuration devices and has an internal pull-up resistor that is always active. This means an external pull-up resistor should not be used on the nINIT_CONF-nCONFIG line. The nINIT_CONF pin does not need to be connected if its functionality is not used. If nINIT_CONF is not used, nCONFIG must be pulled to VCC either directly or through a resistor. The enhanced configuration devices’ OE and nCS pins have internal programmable pull-up resistors. If internal pull-up resistors are used, external pull-up resistors should not be used on these pins. The internal pull-up resistors are used by default in the Quartus II software. To turn off the internal pull-up resistors, check the Disable nCS and OE pull-ups on configuration device option when generating programming files. The nCEO pins of both devices are left unconnected when configuring the same configuration data into multiple devices. You can use a single enhanced configuration chain to configure multiple Stratix II or Stratix II GX devices with other Altera devices that support FPP configuration, such as Stratix and Stratix GX devices. To ensure that all devices in the chain complete configuration at the same time or that an error flagged by one device initiates reconfiguration in all devices, all of the device CONF_DONE and nSTATUS pins must be tied together. f Altera Corporation January 2008 For more information on configuring multiple Altera devices in the same configuration chain, refer to Configuring Mixed Altera FPGA Chains in the Configuration Handbook. 7–33 Stratix II Device Handbook, Volume 2 Active Serial Configuration (Serial Configuration Devices) Figure 7–11 shows the timing waveform for the FPP configuration scheme using an enhanced configuration device. Figure 7–11. Stratix II and Stratix II GX FPP Configuration Using an Enhanced Configuration Device Timing Waveform nINIT_CONF or VCC/nCONFIG tLOE OE/nSTATUS nCS/CONF_DONE tHC tCE tLC DCLK DATA[7..0] byte 1 Driven High byte 2 byte n tOE User I/O Tri-State User Mode Tri-State INIT_DONE tCD2UM (1) Note to Figure 7–11: (1) The initialization clock can come from the Stratix II or Stratix II GX device’s internal oscillator or the CLKUSR pin. f For timing information, refer to the Enhanced Configuration Devices (EPC4, EPC8 & EPC16) Data Sheet in volume 2 of the Configuration Handbook. f Device configuration options and how to create configuration files are discussed further in the Software Settings section in volume 2 of the Configuration Handbook. Active Serial Configuration (Serial Configuration Devices) In the AS configuration scheme, Stratix II and Stratix II GX devices are configured using a serial configuration device. These configuration devices are low-cost devices with non-volatile memory that feature a simple four-pin interface and a small form factor. These features make serial configuration devices an ideal low-cost configuration solution. Note that AS mode is only applicable for 3.3-V configurations. If I/O bank 3 is less than 3.3 V, level shifters are required on the output pins (DCLK, nCSO, ASDO) from the Stratix II or Stratix II GX device back to the EPCS device. 1 7–34 Stratix II Device Handbook, Volume 2 If VCCIO in bank 3 is set to 1.8 V, an external voltage level translator is needed to meet the VIH of the EPCS device (3.3 V). Altera Corporation January 2008 Configuring Stratix II and Stratix II GX Devices f For more information on serial configuration devices, refer to the Serial Configuration Devices (EPCS1, EPCS16, EPCS64, and EPCS128) Data Sheet in volume 2 of the Configuration Handbook. Serial configuration devices provide a serial interface to access configuration data. During device configuration, Stratix II and Stratix II GX devices read configuration data via the serial interface, decompress data if necessary, and configure their SRAM cells. This scheme is referred to as the AS configuration scheme because the device controls the configuration interface. This scheme contrasts with the PS configuration scheme, where the configuration device controls the interface. 1 The Stratix II and Stratix II GX decompression and design security features are fully available when configuring your Stratix II or Stratix II GX device using AS mode. Table 7–11 shows the MSEL pin settings when using the AS configuration scheme. Table 7–11. Stratix II and Stratix II GX MSEL Pin Settings for AS Configuration Schemes Note (2) Configuration Scheme MSEL3 MSEL2 MSEL1 MSEL0 Fast AS (40 MHz) (1) 1 0 0 0 Remote system upgrade fast AS (40 MHz) (1) 1 0 0 1 AS (20 MHz) (1) 1 1 0 1 Remote system upgrade AS (20 MHz) (1) 1 1 1 0 Notes to Table 7–11: (1) (2) Only the EPCS16 and EPCS64 devices support a DCLK up to 40 MHz clock; other EPCS devices support a DCLK up to 20 MHz. Refer to the Serial Configuration Devices (EPCS1, EPCS4, EPCS16, EPCS64, and EPCS128) Data Sheet in volume 2 of the Configuration Handbook for more information. Note that AS mode is only applicable for 3.3-V configuration. If I/O bank 3 is less than 3.3-V, level shifters are required on the output pins (DCLK,nCSO, and ASDO) from the Stratix II or Stratix II GX device back to the EPCS device. Serial configuration devices have a four-pin interface: serial clock input (DCLK), serial data output (DATA), AS data input (ASDI), and an active-low chip select (nCS). This four-pin interface connects to Stratix II and Stratix II GX device pins, as shown in Figure 7–12. Altera Corporation January 2008 7–35 Stratix II Device Handbook, Volume 2 Active Serial Configuration (Serial Configuration Devices) Figure 7–12. Single Device AS Configuration VCC (1) VCC (1) 10 kΩ 10 kΩ VCC (1) 10 kΩ Serial Configuration Device Stratix II or Stratix II GX FPGA nSTATUS CONF_DONE nCONFIG nCE nCEO VCC GND DATA DATA0 (3) MSEL3 DCLK DCLK (3) MSEL2 nCS nCSO (3) MSEL1 ASDI ASDO (3) MSEL0 (2) N.C. GND Notes to Figure 7–12: (1) (2) (3) Connect the pull-up resistors to a 3.3-V supply. Stratix II and Stratix II GX devices use the ASDO to ASDI path to control the configuration device. If using an EPCS4 device, MSEL[3..0] should be set to 1101. Refer to Table 7–11 for more details. Upon power-up, the Stratix II and Stratix II GX devices go through a POR. The POR delay is dependent on the PORSEL pin setting. When PORSEL is driven low, the POR time is approximately 100 ms. If PORSEL is driven high, the POR time is approximately 12 ms. During POR, the device will reset, hold nSTATUS and CONF_DONE low, and tri-state all user I/O pins. Once the device successfully exits POR, all user I/O pins continue to be tri-stated. If nIO_pullup is driven low during power-up and configuration, the user I/O pins and dual-purpose I/O pins will have weak pull-up resistors which are on (after POR) before and during configuration. If nIO_pullup is driven high, the weak pull-up resistors are disabled. f The value of the weak pull-up resistors on the I/O pins that are on before and during configuration can be found in the DC & Switching Characteristics chapter in volume 1 of the Stratix II Device Handbook and the DC & Switching Characteristics chapter in volume 1 of the Stratix II GX Device Handbook. The configuration cycle consists of three stages: reset, configuration and initialization. While nCONFIG or nSTATUS are low, the device is in reset. After POR, the Stratix II and Stratix II GX devices release nSTATUS, which is pulled high by an external 10-k pull-up resistor, and enters configuration mode. 7–36 Stratix II Device Handbook, Volume 2 Altera Corporation January 2008 Configuring Stratix II and Stratix II GX Devices 1 To begin configuration, power the VCCINT, VCCIO, and VCCPD voltages (for the banks where the configuration and JTAG pins reside) to the appropriate voltage levels. The serial clock (DCLK) generated by the Stratix II and Stratix II GX devices controls the entire configuration cycle and provides the timing for the serial interface. Stratix II and Stratix II GX devices use an internal oscillator to generate DCLK. Using the MSEL[] pins, you can select to use either a 40- or 20-MHz oscillator. 1 Only the EPCS16 and EPCS64 devices support a DCLK up to 40-MHz clock; other EPCS devices support a DCLK up to 20-MHz. Refer to the Serial Configuration Devices Data Sheet for more information. The EPCS4 device only supports the smallest Stratix II (EP2S15) device, which is when the SOF compression is enabled. Because of its insufficient memory capacity, the EPCS1 device does not support any Stratix II devices. Table 7–12 shows the active serial DCLK output frequencies. Table 7–12. Active Serial DCLK Output Frequency Oscillator Minimum Typical Maximum Units 40 MHz (1) 20 26 40 MHz 20 MHz 10 13 20 MHz Note to Table 7–12: (1) Only the EPCS16 and EPCS64 devices support a DCLK up to 40-MHz clock; other EPCS devices support a DCLK up to 20-MHz. Refer to the Serial Configuration Devices (EPCS1, EPCS4, EPCS16, EPCS16, and EPCS128) Data Sheet chapter in volume 2 of the Configuration Handbook for more information. In both AS and fast AS configuration schemes, the serial configuration device latches input and control signals on the rising edge of DCLK and drives out configuration data on the falling edge. Stratix II and Stratix II GX devices drive out control signals on the falling edge of DCLK and latch configuration data on the falling edge of DCLK. In configuration mode, Stratix II and Stratix II GX devices enable the serial configuration device by driving the nCSO output pin low, which connects to the chip select (nCS) pin of the configuration device. The Stratix II and Stratix II GX devices use the serial clock (DCLK) and serial data output (ASDO) pins to send operation commands and/or read address signals to the serial configuration device. The configuration device provides data on its serial data output (DATA) pin, which connects to the DATA0 input of the Stratix II and Stratix II GX devices. Altera Corporation January 2008 7–37 Stratix II Device Handbook, Volume 2 Active Serial Configuration (Serial Configuration Devices) After all configuration bits are received by the Stratix II or Stratix II GX device, it releases the open-drain CONF_DONE pin, which is pulled high by an external 10-k resistor. Initialization begins only after the CONF_DONE signal reaches a logic high level. All AS configuration pins, DATA0, DCLK, nCSO, and ASDO, have weak internal pull-up resistors that are always active. After configuration, these pins are set as input tri-stated and are driven high by the weak internal pull-up resistors. The CONF_DONE pin must have an external 10-k pull-up resistor in order for the device to initialize. In Stratix II and Stratix II GX devices, the initialization clock source is either the 10-MHz (typical) internal oscillator (separate from the active serial internal oscillator) or the optional CLKUSR pin. By default, the internal oscillator is the clock source for initialization. If the internal oscillator is used, the Stratix II or Stratix II GX device provides itself with enough clock cycles for proper initialization. You also have the flexibility to synchronize initialization of multiple devices or to delay initialization with the CLKUSR option. The Enable user-supplied start-up clock (CLKUSR) option can be turned on in the Quartus II software from the General tab of the Device & Pin Options dialog box. When you Enable the user supplied start-up clock option, the CLKUSR pin is the initialization clock source. Supplying a clock on CLKUSR will not affect the configuration process. After all configuration data has been accepted and CONF_DONE goes high, CLKUSR is enabled after 600 ns. After this time period elapses, Stratix II and Stratix II GX devices require 299 clock cycles to initialize properly and enter user mode. Stratix II and Stratix II GX devices support a CLKUSR fMAX of 100 MHz. An optional INIT_DONE pin is available, which signals the end of initialization and the start of user-mode with a low-to-high transition. The Enable INIT_DONE Output option is available in the Quartus II software from the General tab of the Device & Pin Options dialog box. If the INIT_DONE pin is used, it will be high due to an external 10-k pull-up resistor when nCONFIG is low and during the beginning of configuration. Once the option bit to enable INIT_DONE is programmed into the device (during the first frame of configuration data), the INIT_DONE pin goes low. When initialization is complete, the INIT_DONE pin is released and pulled high. This low-to-high transition signals that the device has entered user mode. When initialization is complete, the device enters user mode. In user mode, the user I/O pins no longer have weak pull-up resistors and function as assigned in your design. If an error occurs during configuration, Stratix II and Stratix II GX devices assert the nSTATUS signal low, indicating a data frame error, and the CONF_DONE signal stays low. If the Auto-restart configuration after error option (available in the Quartus II software from the General tab of the 7–38 Stratix II Device Handbook, Volume 2 Altera Corporation January 2008 Configuring Stratix II and Stratix II GX Devices Device & Pin Options dialog box) is turned on, the Stratix II or Stratix II GX device resets the configuration device by pulsing nCSO, releases nSTATUS after a reset time-out period (maximum of 100 µs), and retries configuration. If this option is turned off, the system must monitor nSTATUS for errors and then pulse nCONFIG low for at least 2 µs to restart configuration. When the Stratix II or Stratix II GX device is in user mode, you can initiate reconfiguration by pulling the nCONFIG pin low. The nCONFIG pin should be low for at least 2 µs. When nCONFIG is pulled low, the device also pulls nSTATUS and CONF_DONE low and all I/O pins are tri-stated. Once nCONFIG returns to a logic high level and nSTATUS is released by the Stratix II or Stratix II GX device, reconfiguration begins. You can configure multiple Stratix II or Stratix II GX devices using a single serial configuration device. You can cascade multiple Stratix II or Stratix II GX devices using the chip-enable (nCE) and chip-enable-out (nCEO) pins. The first device in the chain must have its nCE pin connected to ground. You must connect its nCEO pin to the nCE pin of the next device in the chain. When the first device captures all of its configuration data from the bit stream, it drives the nCEO pin low, enabling the next device in the chain. You must leave the nCEO pin of the last device unconnected. The nCONFIG, nSTATUS, CONF_DONE, DCLK, and DATA0 pins of each device in the chain are connected (refer to Figure 7–13). This first Stratix II or Stratix II GX device in the chain is the configuration master and controls configuration of the entire chain. You must connect its MSEL pins to select the AS configuration scheme. The remaining Stratix II or Stratix II GX devices are configuration slaves and you must connect their MSEL pins to select the PS configuration scheme. Any other Altera device that supports PS configuration can also be part of the chain as a configuration slave. Figure 7–13 shows the pin connections for this setup. Altera Corporation January 2008 7–39 Stratix II Device Handbook, Volume 2 Active Serial Configuration (Serial Configuration Devices) Figure 7–13. Multi-Device AS Configuration VCC (1) VCC (1) 10 kΩ 10 kΩ VCC (1) 10 kΩ Serial Configuration Device Stratix II or Stratix II GX FPGA Master nSTATUS CONF_DONE nCONFIG nCE nCEO GND DATA DATA0 DCLK DCLK nCS nCSO ASDI ASDO VCC (2) MSEL3 Stratix II or Stratix II GX FPGA Slave nSTATUS CONF_DONE nCEO nCONFIG nCE DATA0 (2) MSEL2 DCLK (2) MSEL1 (2) MSEL0 N.C. MSEL3 VCC MSEL2 MSEL1 MSEL0 GND GND Notes to Figure 7–13: (1) (2) Connect the pull-up resistors to a 3.3-V supply. If using an EPCS4 device, MSEL[3..0] should be set to 1101. Refer to Table 7–11 for more details. As shown in Figure 7–13, the nSTATUS and CONF_DONE pins on all target devices are connected together with external pull-up resistors. These pins are open-drain bidirectional pins on the devices. When the first device asserts nCEO (after receiving all of its configuration data), it releases its CONF_DONE pin. But the subsequent devices in the chain keep this shared CONF_DONE line low until they have received their configuration data. When all target devices in the chain have received their configuration data and have released CONF_DONE, the pull-up resistor drives a high level on this line and all devices simultaneously enter initialization mode. If an error occurs at any point during configuration, the nSTATUS line is driven low by the failing device. If you enable the Auto-restart configuration after error option, reconfiguration of the entire chain begins after a reset time-out period (a maximum of 100 µs). If the Auto-restart configuration after error option is turned off, the external system must monitor nSTATUS for errors and then pulse nCONFIG low to restart configuration. The external system can pulse nCONFIG if it is under system control rather than tied to VCC. 1 7–40 Stratix II Device Handbook, Volume 2 While you can cascade Stratix II or Stratix II GX devices, serial configuration devices cannot be cascaded or chained together. Altera Corporation January 2008 Configuring Stratix II and Stratix II GX Devices If the configuration bit stream size exceeds the capacity of a serial configuration device, you must select a larger configuration device and/or enable the compression feature. When configuring multiple devices, the size of the bitstream is the sum of the individual devices’ configuration bitstreams. A system may have multiple devices that contain the same configuration data. In active serial chains, this can be implemented by storing two copies of the SOF in the serial configuration device. The first copy would configure the master Stratix II or Stratix II GX device, and the second copy would configure all remaining slave devices concurrently. All slave devices must be the same density and package. The setup is similar to Figure 7–13, where the master is set up in active serial mode and the slave devices are set up in passive serial mode. To configure four identical Stratix II or Stratix II GX devices with the same SOF, you could set up the chain similar to the example shown in Figure 7–14. The first device is the master device and its MSEL pins should be set to select AS configuration. The other three slave devices are set up for concurrent configuration and its MSEL pins should be set to select PS configuration. The nCEO pin from the master device drives the nCE input pins on all three slave devices, and the DATA and DCLK pins connect in parallel to all four devices. During the first configuration cycle, the master device reads its configuration data from the serial configuration device while holding nCEO high. After completing its configuration cycle, the master drives nCE low and transmits the second copy of the configuration data to all three slave devices, configuring them simultaneously. Altera Corporation January 2008 7–41 Stratix II Device Handbook, Volume 2 Active Serial Configuration (Serial Configuration Devices) Figure 7–14. Multi-Device AS Configuration When devices Receive the Same Data Stratix II FPGA Slave nSTATUS CONF_DONE nCONFIG nCE VCC (1) VCC (1) 10 kΩ N.C. VCC (1) (2) MSEL3 DATA0 10 kΩ nCEO 10 kΩ VCC (2) MSEL2 DCLK (2) MSEL1 (2) MSEL0 GND Serial Configuration Device Stratix II FPGA Slave Stratix II FPGA Master nSTATUS CONF_DONE nCONFIG nCE nCEO GND DATA DATA0 DCLK DCLK nCS nCSO ASDI ASDO VCC (2) MSEL3 nSTATUS CONF_DONE nCONFIG nCE VCC (2) MSEL2 DCLK (2) MSEL1 N.C. (2) MSEL3 DATA0 (2) MSEL2 nCEO (2) MSEL1 (2) MSEL0 (2) MSEL0 GND GND Stratix II FPGA Slave nSTATUS CONF_DONE nCONFIG nCE DATA0 DCLK nCEO N.C. (2) MSEL3 VCC (2) MSEL2 (2) MSEL1 (2) MSEL0 GND Notes to Figure 7–14: (1) (2) Connect the pull-up resistors to a 3.3-V supply. If using an EPCS4 device, MSEL[3..0] should be set to 1101. Refer to Table 7–11 for more details. 7–42 Stratix II Device Handbook, Volume 2 Altera Corporation January 2008 Configuring Stratix II and Stratix II GX Devices Estimating Active Serial Configuration Time Active serial configuration time is dominated by the time it takes to transfer data from the serial configuration device to the Stratix II device. This serial interface is clocked by the Stratix II DCLK output (generated from an internal oscillator). As listed in Table 7–12 on page 7–37, the DCLK minimum frequency when choosing to use the 40-MHz oscillator is 20 MHz (50 ns). Therefore, the maximum configuration time estimate for an EP2S15 device (5 MBits of uncompressed data) is: RBF Size (minimum DCLK period / 1 bit per DCLK cycle) = estimated maximum configuration time 5 Mbits × (50 ns / 1 bit) = 250 ms To estimate the typical configuration time, use the typical DCLK period as listed in Table 7–12. With a typical DCLK period of 38.46 ns, the typical configuration time is 192 ms. Enabling compression reduces the amount of configuration data that is transmitted to the Stratix II or Stratix II GX device, which also reduces configuration time. On average, compression reduces configuration time by 50%. Programming Serial Configuration Devices Serial configuration devices are non-volatile, flash-memory-based devices. You can program these devices in-system using the USB-Blaster™ or ByteBlaster™ II download cable. Alternatively, you can program them using the Altera Programming Unit (APU), supported third-party programmers, or a microprocessor with the SRunner software driver. You can perform in-system programming of serial configuration devices via the AS programming interface. During in-system programming, the download cable disables device access to the AS interface by driving the nCE pin high. Stratix II and Stratix II GX devices are also held in reset by a low level on nCONFIG. After programming is complete, the download cable releases nCE and nCONFIG, allowing the pull-down and pull-up resistors to drive GND and VCC, respectively. Figure 7–15 shows the download cable connections to the serial configuration device. f Altera Corporation January 2008 For more information on the USB Blaster download cable, refer to the USB-Blaster Download Cable User Guide. For more information on the ByteBlaster II cable, refer to the ByteBlaster II Download Cable User Guide. 7–43 Stratix II Device Handbook, Volume 2 Active Serial Configuration (Serial Configuration Devices) Figure 7–15. In-System Programming of Serial Configuration Devices VCC (1) 10 kΩ VCC (1) 10 kΩ VCC (1) 10 kΩ Stratix II FPGA CONF_DONE nSTATUS Serial Configuration Device nCEO N.C. nCONFIG nCE 10 kΩ VCC DATA DATA0 (3) MSEL3 DCLK DCLK nCS nCSO (3) MSEL1 ASDI ASDO (3) MSEL0 (3) MSEL2 GND Pin 1 VCC (2) USB Blaster or ByteBlaser II 10-Pin Male Header Notes to Figure 7–15: (1) (2) (3) Connect these pull-up resistors to 3.3-V supply. Power up the ByteBlaster II cable's VCC with a 3.3-V supply. If using an EPCS4 device, MSEL[3..0] should be set to 1101. Refer to Table 7–11 for more details. You can program serial configuration devices with the Quartus II software with the Altera programming hardware (APU) and the appropriate configuration device programming adapter. The EPCS1 and EPCS4 devices are offered in an eight-pin small outline integrated circuit (SOIC) package. In production environments, serial configuration devices can be programmed using multiple methods. Altera programming hardware or other third-party programming hardware can be used to program blank serial configuration devices before they are mounted onto printed circuit boards (PCBs). Alternatively, you can use an on-board microprocessor to program the serial configuration device in-system using C-based software drivers provided by Altera. 7–44 Stratix II Device Handbook, Volume 2 Altera Corporation January 2008 Configuring Stratix II and Stratix II GX Devices A serial configuration device can be programmed in-system by an external microprocessor using SRunner. SRunner is a software driver developed for embedded serial configuration device programming, which can be easily customized to fit in different embedded systems. SRunner is able to read a raw programming data (.rpd) file and write to the serial configuration devices. The serial configuration device programming time using SRunner is comparable to the programming time with the Quartus II software. f For more information about SRunner, refer to AN 418: SRunner: An Embedded Solution for Serial Configuration Device Programming and the source code on the Altera web site at f For more information on programming serial configuration devices, refer to the Serial Configuration Devices (EPCS1, EPCS4, EPCS16, EPCS64, and EPCS128) Data Sheet in the Configuration Handbook. Figure 7–16 shows the timing waveform for the AS configuration scheme using a serial configuration device. Figure 7–16. AS Configuration Timing tCF2ST1 nCONFIG nSTATUS CONF_DONE nCSO tCL DCLK tCH tDH ASDO Read Address tDSU DATA0 bit N bit N − 1 bit 1 bit 0 tCD2UM (1) INIT_DONE User I/O User Mode Note to Figure 7–16: (1) The initialization clock can come from the Stratix II or Stratix II GX device’s internal oscillator or the CLKUSR pin. Altera Corporation January 2008 7–45 Stratix II Device Handbook, Volume 2 Passive Serial Configuration Table 7–13 shows the AS timing parameters for Stratix II devices. Table 7–13. AS Timing Parameters for Stratix II Devices Symbol Parameter Condition Minimum tC F 2 S T 1 nCONFIG high to nSTATUS high tD S U Data setup time before falling edge on DCLK 7 tD H Data hold time after falling edge on 0 Typical Maximum 100 DCLK tC H DCLK high time 10 tC L DCLK low time 10 tC D 2 U M CONF_DONE high to user mode 20 Passive Serial Configuration 100 PS configuration of Stratix II and Stratix II GX devices can be performed using an intelligent host, such as a MAX II device or microprocessor with flash memory, an Altera configuration device, or a download cable. In the PS scheme, an external host (MAX II device, embedded processor, configuration device, or host PC) controls configuration. Configuration data is clocked into the target Stratix II or Stratix II GX device via the DATA0 pin at each rising edge of DCLK. 1 The Stratix II and Stratix II GX decompression and design security features are fully available when configuring your Stratix II or Stratix II GX device using PS mode. Table 7–14 shows the MSEL pin settings when using the PS configuration scheme. Table 7–14. Stratix II and Stratix II GX MSEL Pin Settings for PS Configuration Schemes Configuration Scheme MSEL3 MSEL2 MSEL1 MSEL0 PS 0 0 1 0 PS when using Remote System Upgrade (1) 0 1 1 0 Note to Table 7–14: (1) This scheme requires that you drive the RUnLU pin to specify either remote update or local update. For more information about remote system upgrade in Stratix II devices, refer to the Remote System Upgrades With Stratix II & Stratix II GX Devices chapter in volume 2 of the Stratix II Device Handbook or the Remote System Upgrades With Stratix II & Stratix II GX Devices chapter in volume 2 of the Stratix II GX Device Handbook. 7–46 Stratix II Device Handbook, Volume 2 Altera Corporation January 2008 Configuring Stratix II and Stratix II GX Devices PS Configuration Using a MAX II Device as an External Host In the PS configuration scheme, a MAX II device can be used as an intelligent host that controls the transfer of configuration data from a storage device, such as flash memory, to the target Stratix II or Stratix II GX device. Configuration data can be stored in RBF, HEX, or TTF format. Figure 7–17 shows the configuration interface connections between a Stratix II or Stratix II GX device and a MAX II device for single device configuration. Figure 7–17. Single Device PS Configuration Using an External Host Memory ADDR DATA0 (1) VCC 10 k Ω VCC (1) Stratix II Device 10 k Ω CONF_DONE nSTATUS External Host (MAX II Device or Microprocessor) nCEO nCE N.C. MSEL3 GND DATA0 MSEL2 nCONFIG MSEL1 DCLK VCC MSEL0 GND Note to Figure 7–17: (1) Connect the pull-up resistor to a supply that provides an acceptable input signal for the device. VCC should be high enough to meet the VIH specification of the I/O on the device and the external host. Upon power-up, Stratix II and Stratix II GX devices go through a POR. The POR delay is dependent on the PORSEL pin setting; when PORSEL is driven low, the POR time is approximately 100 ms, if PORSEL is driven high, the POR time is approximately 12 ms. During POR, the device resets, holds nSTATUS low, and tri-states all user I/O pins. Once the device successfully exits POR, all user I/O pins continue to be tri-stated. If nIO_pullup is driven low during power-up and configuration, the user I/O pins and dual-purpose I/O pins will have weak pull-up resistors which are on (after POR) before and during configuration. If nIO_pullup is driven high, the weak pull-up resistors are disabled. 1 Altera Corporation January 2008 You can hold nConfig low in order to stop device configuration. 7–47 Stratix II Device Handbook, Volume 2 Passive Serial Configuration f The value of the weak pull-up resistors on the I/O pins that are on before and during configuration can be found in the Stratix II Device Handbook or the Stratix II GX Device Handbook. The configuration cycle consists of three stages: reset, configuration, and initialization. While nCONFIG or nSTATUS are low, the device is in reset. To initiate configuration, the MAX II device must generate a low-to-high transition on the nCONFIG pin. 1 VCCINT, VCCIO, and VCCPD of the banks where the configuration and JTAG pins reside need to be fully powered to the appropriate voltage levels in order to begin the configuration process. When nCONFIG goes high, the device comes out of reset and releases the open-drain nSTATUS pin, which is then pulled high by an external 10-k pull-up resistor. Once nSTATUS is released, the device is ready to receive configuration data and the configuration stage begins. When nSTATUS is pulled high, the MAX II device should place the configuration data one bit at a time on the DATA0 pin. If you are using configuration data in RBF, HEX, or TTF format, you must send the least significant bit (LSB) of each data byte first. For example, if the RBF contains the byte sequence 02 1B EE 01 FA, the serial bitstream you should transmit to the device is 0100-0000 1101-1000 0111-0111 1000-0000 0101-1111. The Stratix II and Stratix II GX devices receive configuration data on the DATA0 pin and the clock is received on the DCLK pin. Data is latched into the device on the rising edge of DCLK. Data is continuously clocked into the target device until CONF_DONE goes high. After the device has received all configuration data successfully, it releases the open-drain CONF_DONE pin, which is pulled high by an external 10-k pull-up resistor. A low-to-high transition on CONF_DONE indicates configuration is complete and initialization of the device can begin. The CONF_DONE pin must have an external 10-k pull-up resistor in order for the device to initialize. In Stratix II and Stratix II GX devices, the initialization clock source is either the internal oscillator (typically 10 MHz) or the optional CLKUSR pin. By default, the internal oscillator is the clock source for initialization. If the internal oscillator is used, the Stratix II or Stratix II GX device provides itself with enough clock cycles for proper initialization. Therefore, if the internal oscillator is the initialization clock source, sending the entire configuration file to the device is sufficient to configure and initialize the device. Driving DCLK to the device after configuration is complete does not affect device operation. 7–48 Stratix II Device Handbook, Volume 2 Altera Corporation January 2008 Configuring Stratix II and Stratix II GX Devices You also have the flexibility to synchronize initialization of multiple devices or to delay initialization with the CLKUSR option. The Enable user-supplied start-up clock (CLKUSR) option can be turned on in the Quartus II software from the General tab of the Device & Pin Options dialog box. Supplying a clock on CLKUSR will not affect the configuration process. After all configuration data has been accepted and CONF_DONE goes high, CLKUSR will be enabled after the time specified as tCD2CU. After this time period elapses, Stratix II and Stratix II GX devices require 299 clock cycles to initialize properly and enter user mode. Stratix II and Stratix II GX devices support a CLKUSR fMAX of 100 MHz. An optional INIT_DONE pin is available, which signals the end of initialization and the start of user-mode with a low-to-high transition. The Enable INIT_DONE Output option is available in the Quartus II software from the General tab of the Device & Pin Options dialog box. If the INIT_DONE pin is used it will be high due to an external 10-k pull-up resistor when nCONFIG is low and during the beginning of configuration. Once the option bit to enable INIT_DONE is programmed into the device (during the first frame of configuration data), the INIT_DONE pin will go low. When initialization is complete, the INIT_DONE pin will be released and pulled high. The MAX II device must be able to detect this low-to-high transition which signals the device has entered user mode. When initialization is complete, the device enters user mode. In user-mode, the user I/O pins will no longer have weak pull-up resistors and will function as assigned in your design. To ensure DCLK and DATA0 are not left floating at the end of configuration, the MAX II device must drive them either high or low, whichever is convenient on your board. The DATA[0] pin is available as a user I/O pin after configuration. When the PS scheme is chosen in the Quartus II software, as a default this I/O pin is tri-stated in user mode and should be driven by the MAX II device. To change this default option in the Quartus II software, select the Dual-Purpose Pins tab of the Device & Pin Options dialog box. The configuration clock (DCLK) speed must be below the specified frequency to ensure correct configuration. No maximum DCLK period exists, which means you can pause configuration by halting DCLK for an indefinite amount of time. If an error occurs during configuration, the device drives its nSTATUS pin low, resetting itself internally. The low signal on the nSTATUS pin also alerts the MAX II device that there is an error. If the Auto-restart configuration after error option (available in the Quartus II software from the General tab of the Device & Pin Options dialog box) is turned on, the Stratix II or Stratix II GX device releases nSTATUS after a reset time-out period (maximum of 100 µs). After nSTATUS is released and Altera Corporation January 2008 7–49 Stratix II Device Handbook, Volume 2 Passive Serial Configuration pulled high by a pull-up resistor, the MAX II device can try to reconfigure the target device without needing to pulse nCONFIG low. If this option is turned off, the MAX II device must generate a low-to-high transition (with a low pulse of at least 2 µs) on nCONFIG to restart the configuration process. The MAX II device can also monitor the CONF_DONE and INIT_DONE pins to ensure successful configuration. The CONF_DONE pin must be monitored by the MAX II device to detect errors and determine when programming completes. If all configuration data is sent, but CONF_DONE or INIT_DONE have not gone high, the MAX II device must reconfigure the target device. 1 If the optional CLKUSR pin is being used and nCONFIG is pulled low to restart configuration during device initialization, you need to ensure that CLKUSR continues toggling during the time nSTATUS is low (maximum of 100 µs). When the device is in user-mode, you can initiate a reconfiguration by transitioning the nCONFIG pin low-to-high. The nCONFIG pin must be low for at least 2 µs. When nCONFIG is pulled low, the device also pulls nSTATUS and CONF_DONE low and all I/O pins are tri-stated. Once nCONFIG returns to a logic high level and nSTATUS is released by the device, reconfiguration begins. Figure 7–18 shows how to configure multiple devices using a MAX II device. This circuit is similar to the PS configuration circuit for a single device, except Stratix II or Stratix II GX devices are cascaded for multi-device configuration. 7–50 Stratix II Device Handbook, Volume 2 Altera Corporation January 2008 Configuring Stratix II and Stratix II GX Devices Figure 7–18. Multi-Device PS Configuration Using an External Host Memory ADDR DATA0 VCC (1) 10 k Ω VCC (1) 10 k Ω Stratix II or Stratix II GX Device 1 Stratix II or Stratix II GX Device 2 CONF_DONE CONF_DONE nSTATUS External Host (MAX II Device or Microprocessor) nCE nSTATUS nCE nCEO MSEL3 GND DATA0 DATA0 VCC MSEL2 nCONFIG MSEL1 nCONFIG MSEL1 DCLK MSEL0 DCLK MSEL0 GND N.C. MSEL3 VCC MSEL2 nCEO GND Note to Figure 7–18: (1) The pull-up resistor should be connected to a supply that provides an acceptable input signal for all devices in the chain. VCC should be high enough to meet the VIH specification of the I/O on the device and the external host. In multi-device PS configuration the first device’s nCE pin is connected to GND while its nCEO pin is connected to nCE of the next device in the chain. The last device's nCE input comes from the previous device, while its nCEO pin is left floating. After the first device completes configuration in a multi-device configuration chain, its nCEO pin drives low to activate the second device's nCE pin, which prompts the second device to begin configuration. The second device in the chain begins configuration within one clock cycle. Therefore, the transfer of data destinations is transparent to the MAX II device. All other configuration pins (nCONFIG, nSTATUS, DCLK, DATA0, and CONF_DONE) are connected to every device in the chain. Configuration signals can require buffering to ensure signal integrity and prevent clock skew problems. Ensure that the DCLK and DATA lines are buffered for every fourth device. Because all device CONF_DONE pins are tied together, all devices initialize and enter user mode at the same time. Since all nSTATUS and CONF_DONE pins are tied together, if any device detects an error, configuration stops for the entire chain and the entire chain must be reconfigured. For example, if the first device flags an error on nSTATUS, it resets the chain by pulling its nSTATUS pin low. This behavior is similar to a single device detecting an error. Altera Corporation January 2008 7–51 Stratix II Device Handbook, Volume 2 Passive Serial Configuration If the Auto-restart configuration after error option is turned on, the devices release their nSTATUS pins after a reset time-out period (maximum of 100 µs). After all nSTATUS pins are released and pulled high, the MAX II device can try to reconfigure the chain without needing to pulse nCONFIG low. If this option is turned off, the MAX II device must generate a low-to-high transition (with a low pulse of at least 2 µs) on nCONFIG to restart the configuration process. In your system, you can have multiple devices that contain the same configuration data. To support this configuration scheme, all device nCE inputs are tied to GND, while nCEO pins are left floating. All other configuration pins (nCONFIG, nSTATUS, DCLK, DATA0, and CONF_DONE) are connected to every device in the chain. Configuration signals can require buffering to ensure signal integrity and prevent clock skew problems. Ensure that the DCLK and DATA lines are buffered for every fourth device. Devices must be the same density and package. All devices will start and complete configuration at the same time. Figure 7–19 shows multi-device PS configuration when both Stratix II or Stratix II GX devices are receiving the same configuration data. Figure 7–19. Multiple-Device PS Configuration When Both devices Receive the Same Data Memory ADDR DATA0 VCC (1) 10 k Ω VCC (1) 10 k Ω Stratix II Device Stratix II Device CONF_DONE CONF_DONE nSTATUS nCE External Host (MAX II Device or Microprocessor) nCEO MSEL3 GND DATA0 nSTATUS nCE N.C. (2) VCC MSEL2 nCEO MSEL3 GND DATA0 VCC MSEL2 nCONFIG MSEL1 nCONFIG MSEL1 DCLK MSEL0 DCLK MSEL0 GND N.C. (2) GND Notes to Figure 7–19: (1) (2) The pull-up resistor should be connected to a supply that provides an acceptable input signal for all devices in the chain. VCC should be high enough to meet the VIH specification of the I/O on the device and the external host. The nCEO pins of both devices are left unconnected when configuring the same configuration data into multiple devices. You can use a single configuration chain to configure Stratix II or Stratix II GX devices with other Altera devices. To ensure that all devices in the chain complete configuration at the same time or that an error flagged by one device initiates reconfiguration in all devices, all of the device CONF_DONE and nSTATUS pins must be tied together. 7–52 Stratix II Device Handbook, Volume 2 Altera Corporation January 2008 Configuring Stratix II and Stratix II GX Devices f For more information on configuring multiple Altera devices in the same configuration chain, refer to the Configuring Mixed Altera FPGA Chains chapter in volume 2 of the Configuration Handbook. PS Configuration Timing Figure 7–20 shows the timing waveform for PS configuration when using a MAX II device as an external host. Figure 7–20. PS Configuration Timing Waveform Note (1) tCF2ST1 tCFG tCF2CK nCONFIG nSTATUS (2) tSTATUS tCF2ST0 t CLK CONF_DONE (3) tCF2CD tST2CK tCH tCL (4) DCLK tDH DATA Bit 0 Bit 1 Bit 2 Bit 3 Bit n (4) tDSU User I/O High-Z User Mode INIT_DONE tCD2UM Notes to Figure 7–20: (1) (2) (3) (4) The beginning of this waveform shows the device in user-mode. In user-mode, nCONFIG, nSTATUS and CONF_DONE are at logic high levels. When nCONFIG is pulled low, a reconfiguration cycle begins. Upon power-up, the Stratix II or Stratix II GX device holds nSTATUS low for the time of the POR delay. Upon power-up, before and during configuration, CONF_DONE is low. DCLK should not be left floating after configuration. It should be driven high or low, whichever is more convenient. DATA[0] is available as a user I/O pin after configuration and the state of this pin depends on the dual-purpose pin settings. Table 7–15 defines the timing parameters for Stratix II and Stratix II GX devices for PS configuration. Table 7–15. PS Timing Parameters for Stratix II and Stratix II GX Devices (Part 1 of 2) Symbol tCF2CD tCF2ST0 Parameter Max Units nCONFIG low to CONF_DONE low 800 ns nCONFIG low to nSTATUS low 800 ns Altera Corporation January 2008 Min 7–53 Stratix II Device Handbook, Volume 2 Passive Serial Configuration Table 7–15. PS Timing Parameters for Stratix II and Stratix II GX Devices (Part 2 of 2) Symbol Parameter Min tCFG nCONFIG low pulse width 2 tSTATUS nSTATUS low pulse width 10 tCF2ST1 nCONFIG high to nSTATUS high tCF2CK Max Units µs 100 (1) µs 100 (1) µs nCONFIG high to first rising edge on DCLK 100 µs tST2CK nSTATUS high to first rising edge of DCLK 2 µs tDSU Data setup time before rising edge on DCLK 5 ns tDH Data hold time after rising edge on DCLK 0 ns tCH DCLK high time 4 ns tCL DCLK low time 4 ns tCLK DCLK period 10 fMAX DCLK frequency 100 MHz tR Input rise time 40 ns tF Input fall time tCD2UM CONF_DONE high to user mode (2) tC D 2 C U CONF_DONE high to CLKUSR enabled tC D 2 U M C CONF_DONE high to user mode with CLKUSR option on 20 ns 40 ns 100 µs 4 maximum DCLK period tC D 2 C U + (299 CLKUSR period) Notes to Table 7–15: (1) (2) This value is applicable if users do not delay configuration by extending the nCONFIG or nSTATUS low pulse width. The minimum and maximum numbers apply only if the internal oscillator is chosen as the clock source for starting the device. f Device configuration options and how to create configuration files are discussed further in Software Settings in volume 2 of the Configuration Handbook. An example PS design that uses a MAX II device as the external host for configuration will be available when devices are available. PS Configuration Using a Microprocessor In the PS configuration scheme, a microprocessor can control the transfer of configuration data from a storage device, such as flash memory, to the target Stratix II or Stratix II GX device. 7–54 Stratix II Device Handbook, Volume 2 Altera Corporation January 2008 Configuring Stratix II and Stratix II GX Devices 1 All information in the “PS Configuration Using a MAX II Device as an External Host” section is also applicable when using a microprocessor as an external host. Refer to that section for all configuration and timing information. PS Configuration Using a Configuration Device You can use an Altera configuration device, such as an enhanced configuration device, to configure Stratix II and Stratix II GX devices using a serial configuration bitstream. Configuration data is stored in the configuration device. Figure 7–21 shows the configuration interface connections between a Stratix II or Stratix II GX device and a configuration device. 1 f Altera Corporation January 2008 The figures in this chapter only show the configuration-related pins and the configuration pin connections between the configuration device and the device. For more information on the enhanced configuration device and flash interface pins (such as PGM[2..0], EXCLK, PORSEL, A[20..0], and DQ[15..0]), refer to the Enhanced Configuration Devices (EPC4, EPC8, EPC16, EPCS64, and EPCS128) Data Sheet chapter in volume 2 of the Configuration Handbook. 7–55 Stratix II Device Handbook, Volume 2 Passive Serial Configuration Figure 7–21. Single Device PS Configuration Using an Enhanced Configuration Device VCC (1) Stratix II Device MSEL2 DCLK DATA0 nSTATUS CONF_DONE nCONFIG MSEL1 nCEO MSEL0 nCE MSEL3 VCC 10 kΩ (3) VCC (1) 10 kΩ (3) Enhanced Configuration Device DCLK DATA OE (3) nCS (3) nINIT_CONF (2) N.C. GND GND Notes to Figure 7–21: (1) (2) (3) The pull-up resistor should be connected to the same supply voltage as the configuration device. The nINIT_CONF pin is available on enhanced configuration devices and has an internal pull-up resistor that is always active, meaning an external pull-up resistor should not be used on the nINIT_CONF-nCONFIG line. The nINIT_CONF pin does not need to be connected if its functionality is not used. If nINIT_CONF is not used, nCONFIG must be pulled to VCC either directly or through a resistor. The enhanced configuration devices’ OE and nCS pins have internal programmable pull-up resistors. If internal pull-up resistors are used, external pull-up resistors should not be used on these pins. The internal pull-up resistors are used by default in the Quartus II software. To turn off the internal pull-up resistors, check the Disable nCS and OE pull-ups on configuration device option when generating programming files. f The value of the internal pull-up resistors on the enhanced configuration devices can be found in the Operating Conditions table of the Enhanced Configuration Devices (EPC4, EPC8, & EPC16) Data Sheet chapter in volume 2 of the Configuration Handbook or the Configuration Devices for SRAM-based LUT Devices Data Sheet chapter in volume 2 of the Configuration Handbook. When using enhanced configuration devices, nCONFIG of the device can be connected to nINIT_CONF of the configuration device, which allows the INIT_CONF JTAG instruction to initiate device configuration. The nINIT_CONF pin does not need to be connected if its functionality is not used. An internal pull-up resistor on the nINIT_CONF pin is always active in enhanced configuration devices, which means an external pull-up resistor should not be used if nCONFIG is tied to nINIT_CONF. Upon power-up, the Stratix II and Stratix II GX devices go through a POR. The POR delay is dependent on the PORSEL pin setting. When PORSEL is driven low, the POR time is approximately 100 ms. If PORSEL is driven high, the POR time is approximately 12 ms. During POR, the device will reset, hold nSTATUS low, and tri-state all user I/O pins. The configuration device also goes through a POR delay to allow the power supply to stabilize. The POR time for EPC2 devices is 200 ms (maximum). The POR time for enhanced configuration devices can be set to either 7–56 Stratix II Device Handbook, Volume 2 Altera Corporation January 2008 Configuring Stratix II and Stratix II GX Devices 100 ms or 2 ms, depending on its PORSEL pin setting. If the PORSEL pin is connected to GND, the POR delay is 100 ms. If the PORSEL pin is connected to VCC, the POR delay is 2 ms. During this time, the configuration device drives its OE pin low. This low signal delays configuration because the OE pin is connected to the target device’s nSTATUS pin. 1 When selecting a POR time, you need to ensure that the device completes power-up before the enhanced configuration device exits POR. Altera recommends that you choose a POR time for the Stratix II or Stratix II GX device of 12 ms, while selecting a POR time for the enhanced configuration device of 100 ms. When both devices complete POR, they release their open-drain OE or nSTATUS pin, which is then pulled high by a pull-up resistor. Once the device successfully exits POR, all user I/O pins continue to be tri-stated. If nIO_pullup is driven low during power-up and configuration, the user I/O pins and dual-purpose I/O pins will have weak pull-up resistors which are on (after POR) before and during configuration. If nIO_pullup is driven high, the weak pull-up resistors are disabled. f The value of the weak pull-up resistors on the I/O pins that are on before and during configuration can be found in the DC & Switching Characteristics chapter in volume 2 of the Stratix II Device Handbook or the DC & Switching Characteristics chapter in volume 2 of the Stratix II GX Device Handbook. When the power supplies have reached the appropriate operating voltages, the target device senses the low-to-high transition on nCONFIG and initiates the configuration cycle. The configuration cycle consists of three stages: reset, configuration, and initialization. While nCONFIG or nSTATUS are low, the device is in reset. The beginning of configuration can be delayed by holding the nCONFIG or nSTATUS pin low. 1 To begin configuration, power the VCCINT, VCCIO, and VCCPD voltages (for the banks where the configuration and JTAG pins reside) to the appropriate voltage levels. When nCONFIG goes high, the device comes out of reset and releases the nSTATUS pin, which is pulled high by a pull-up resistor. Enhanced configuration and EPC2 devices have an optional internal pull-up resistor on the OE pin. This option is available in the Quartus II software from the General tab of the Device & Pin Options dialog box. If this internal pull-up resistor is not used, an external 10-k pull-up resistor on the OE-nSTATUS line is required. Once nSTATUS is released, the device is ready to receive configuration data and the configuration stage begins. Altera Corporation January 2008 7–57 Stratix II Device Handbook, Volume 2 Passive Serial Configuration When nSTATUS is pulled high, OE of the configuration device also goes high and the configuration device clocks data out serially to the device using the Stratix II or Stratix II GX device’s internal oscillator. The Stratix II and Stratix II GX devices receive configuration data on the DATA0 pin and the clock is received on the DCLK pin. Data is latched into the device on the rising edge of DCLK. After the device has received all configuration data successfully, it releases the open-drain CONF_DONE pin, which is pulled high by a pull-up resistor. Since CONF_DONE is tied to the configuration device’s nCS pin, the configuration device is disabled when CONF_DONE goes high. Enhanced configuration and EPC2 devices have an optional internal pull-up resistor on the nCS pin. This option is available in the Quartus II software from the General tab of the Device & Pin Options dialog box. If this internal pull-up resistor is not used, an external 10-k pull-up resistor on the nCS-CONF_DONE line is required. A low-to-high transition on CONF_DONE indicates configuration is complete and initialization of the device can begin. In Stratix II and Stratix II GX devices, the initialization clock source is either the internal oscillator (typically 10 MHz) or the optional CLKUSR pin. By default, the internal oscillator is the clock source for initialization. If you are using internal oscillator, the Stratix II or Stratix II GX device supplies itself with enough clock cycles for proper initialization. You also have the flexibility to synchronize initialization of multiple devices or to delay initialization with the CLKUSR option. You can turn on the Enable user-supplied start-up clock (CLKUSR) option in the Quartus II software from the General tab of the Device & Pin Options dialog box. Supplying a clock on CLKUSR will not affect the configuration process. After all configuration data has been accepted and CONF_DONE goes high, CLKUSR will be enabled after the time specified as tCD2CU. After this time period elapses, the Stratix II and Stratix II GX devices require 299 clock cycles to initialize properly and enter user mode. Stratix II and Stratix II GX devices support a CLKUSR fMAX of 100 MHz. An optional INIT_DONE pin is available, which signals the end of initialization and the start of user-mode with a low-to-high transition. The Enable INIT_DONE Output option is available in the Quartus II software from the General tab of the Device & Pin Options dialog box. If you are using the INIT_DONE pin, it will be high due to an external 10-k pull-up resistor when nCONFIG is low and during the beginning of configuration. Once the option bit to enable INIT_DONE is programmed into the device (during the first frame of configuration data), the INIT_DONE pin goes low. When initialization is complete, the INIT_DONE pin is released and pulled high. This low-to-high transition signals that the device has entered user mode. In user-mode, the user I/O 7–58 Stratix II Device Handbook, Volume 2 Altera Corporation January 2008 Configuring Stratix II and Stratix II GX Devices pins will no longer have weak pull-up resistors and will function as assigned in your design. Enhanced configuration devices and EPC2 devices drive DCLK low and DATA0 high at the end of configuration. If an error occurs during configuration, the device drives its nSTATUS pin low, resetting itself internally. Since the nSTATUS pin is tied to OE, the configuration device will also be reset. If the Auto-restart configuration after error option, available in the Quartus II software, from the General tab of the Device & Pin Options dialog box is turned on, the device automatically initiates reconfiguration if an error occurs. The Stratix II and Stratix II GX devices release the nSTATUS pin after a reset time-out period (maximum of 100 µs). When the nSTATUS pin is released and pulled high by a pull-up resistor, the configuration device reconfigures the chain. If this option is turned off, the external system must monitor nSTATUS for errors and then pulse nCONFIG low for at least 2 µs to restart configuration. The external system can pulse nCONFIG if nCONFIG is under system control rather than tied to VCC. In addition, if the configuration device sends all of its data and then detects that CONF_DONE has not gone high, it recognizes that the device has not configured successfully. Enhanced configuration devices wait for 64 DCLK cycles after the last configuration bit was sent for CONF_DONE to reach a high state. EPC2 devices wait for 16 DCLK cycles. In this case, the configuration device pulls its OE pin low, driving the target device’s nSTATUS pin low. If the Auto-restart configuration after error option is set in the software, the target device resets and then releases its nSTATUS pin after a reset time-out period (maximum of 100 µs). When nSTATUS returns to a logic high level, the configuration device tries to reconfigure the device. When CONF_DONE is sensed low after configuration, the configuration device recognizes that the target device has not configured successfully. Therefore, your system should not pull CONF_DONE low to delay initialization. Instead, use the CLKUSR option to synchronize the initialization of multiple devices that are not in the same configuration chain. Devices in the same configuration chain will initialize together if their CONF_DONE pins are tied together. 1 If you are using the optional CLKUSR pin and nCONFIG is pulled low to restart configuration during device initialization, you need to ensure that CLKUSR continues toggling during the time nSTATUS is low (maximum of 100 µs). When the device is in user-mode, pulling the nCONFIG pin low initiates a reconfiguration. The nCONFIG pin should be low for at least 2 µs. When nCONFIG is pulled low, the device also pulls nSTATUS and CONF_DONE low and all I/O pins are tri-stated. Because CONF_DONE is pulled low, this Altera Corporation January 2008 7–59 Stratix II Device Handbook, Volume 2 Passive Serial Configuration activates the configuration device because it sees its nCS pin drive low. Once nCONFIG returns to a logic high level and nSTATUS is released by the device, reconfiguration begins. Figure 7–22 shows how to configure multiple devices with an enhanced configuration device. This circuit is similar to the configuration device circuit for a single device, except Stratix II or Stratix II GX devices are cascaded for multi-device configuration. Figure 7–22. Multi-Device PS Configuration Using an Enhanced Configuration Device VCC (1) 10 kΩ Stratix II or Stratix II GX Device 2 MSEL3 VCC MSEL2 MSEL1 MSEL0 N.C. nCEO DCLK DATA0 nSTATUS CONF_DONE nCONFIG MSEL3 MSEL2 MSEL1 MSEL0 nCEO nCE 10 kΩ (3) Enhanced Configuration Device Stratix II or Stratix II GX Device 1 VCC (3) VCC (1) DCLK DATA0 nSTATUS CONF_DONE nCONFIG DCLK DATA OE (3) nCS (3) nINIT_CONF (2) nCE GND GND GND Notes to Figure 7–22: (1) (2) (3) The pull-up resistor should be connected to the same supply voltage as the configuration device. The nINIT_CONF pin is available on enhanced configuration devices and has an internal pull-up resistor that is always active, meaning an external pull-up resistor should not be used on the nINIT_CONF-nCONFIG line. The nINIT_CONF pin does not need to be connected if its functionality is not used. If nINIT_CONF is not used, nCONFIG must be pulled to VCC either directly or through a resistor. The enhanced configuration devices’ OE and nCS pins have internal programmable pull-up resistors. If internal pull-up resistors are used, external pull-up resistors should not be used on these pins. The internal pull-up resistors are used by default in the Quartus II software. To turn off the internal pull-up resistors, check the Disable nCS and OE pull-ups on configuration device option when generating programming files. 1 Enhanced configuration devices cannot be cascaded. When performing multi-device configuration, you must generate the configuration device's POF from each project’s SOF. You can combine multiple SOFs using the Convert Programming Files window in the Quartus II software. f For more information on how to create configuration files for multi-device configuration chains, refer to the Software Settings chapter of the Configuration Handbook. 7–60 Stratix II Device Handbook, Volume 2 Altera Corporation January 2008 Configuring Stratix II and Stratix II GX Devices In multi-device PS configuration, the first device’s nCE pin is connected to GND while its nCEO pin is connected to nCE of the next device in the chain. The last device’s nCE input comes from the previous device, while its nCEO pin is left floating. After the first device completes configuration in a multi-device configuration chain, its nCEO pin drives low to activate the second device’s nCE pin, prompting the second device to begin configuration. All other configuration pins (nCONFIG, nSTATUS, DCLK, DATA0, and CONF_DONE) are connected to every device in the chain. Configuration signals can require buffering to ensure signal integrity and prevent clock skew problems. Ensure that the DCLK and DATA lines are buffered for every fourth device. When configuring multiple devices, configuration does not begin until all devices release their OE or nSTATUS pins. Similarly, since all device CONF_DONE pins are tied together, all devices initialize and enter user mode at the same time. Since all nSTATUS and CONF_DONE pins are tied together, if any device detects an error, configuration stops for the entire chain and the entire chain must be reconfigured. For example, if the first device flags an error on nSTATUS, it resets the chain by pulling its nSTATUS pin low. This low signal drives the OE pin low on the enhanced configuration device and drives nSTATUS low on all devices, causing them to enter a reset state. This behavior is similar to a single device detecting an error. If the Auto-restart configuration after error option is turned on, the devices will automatically initiate reconfiguration if an error occurs. The devices will release their nSTATUS pins after a reset time-out period (maximum of 100 µs). When all the nSTATUS pins are released and pulled high, the configuration device tries to reconfigure the chain. If the Auto-restart configuration after error option is turned off, the external system must monitor nSTATUS for errors and then pulse nCONFIG low for at least 2 µs to restart configuration. The external system can pulse nCONFIG if nCONFIG is under system control rather than tied to VCC. The enhanced configuration devices also support parallel configuration of up to eight devices. The n-bit (n = 1, 2, 4, or 8) PS configuration mode allows enhanced configuration devices to concurrently configure devices or a chain of devices. In addition, these devices do not have to be the same device family or density as they can be any combination of Altera devices. An individual enhanced configuration device DATA line is available for each targeted device. Each DATA line can also feed a daisy chain of devices. Figure 7–23 shows how to concurrently configure multiple devices using an enhanced configuration device. Altera Corporation January 2008 7–61 Stratix II Device Handbook, Volume 2 Passive Serial Configuration Figure 7–23. Concurrent PS Configuration of Multiple Devices Using an Enhanced Configuration Device (1) VCC Stratix II Device 1 N.C. (3) (3) 10 kΩ Enhanced Configuration Device DCLK DATA0 DCLK DATA0 DATA1 MSEL1 nSTATUS CONF_DONE nCONFIG MSEL0 nCE OE (3) nCEO MSEL3 VCC 10 kΩ VCC (1) MSEL2 DATA[2..6] nCS (3) GND N.C. VCC Stratix II Device 2 nCEO DCLK DATA0 MSEL3 nSTATUS MSEL2 CONF_DONE nCONFIG MSEL1 nCE MSEL0 GND nINIT_CONF (2) DATA 7 GND GND Stratix II Device 8 N.C. nCEO MSEL1 DCLK DATA0 nSTATUS CONF_DONE nCONFIG MSEL0 nCE MSEL3 VCC MSEL2 GND GND Notes to Figure 7–23: (1) (2) (3) The pull-up resistor should be connected to the same supply voltage as the configuration device. The nINIT_CONF pin is available on enhanced configuration devices and has an internal pull-up resistor that is always active, meaning an external pull-up resistor should not be used on the nINIT_CONF-nCONFIG line. The nINIT_CONF pin does not need to be connected if its functionality is not used. If nINIT_CONF is not used, nCONFIG must be pulled to VCC either directly or through a resistor. The enhanced configuration devices’ OE and nCS pins have internal programmable pull-up resistors. If internal pull-up resistors are used, external pull-up resistors should not be used on these pins. The internal pull-up resistors are used by default in the Quartus II software. To turn off the internal pull-up resistors, check the Disable nCS and OE pull-ups on configuration device option when generating programming files. 7–62 Stratix II Device Handbook, Volume 2 Altera Corporation January 2008 Configuring Stratix II and Stratix II GX Devices The Quartus II software only allows the selection of n-bit PS configuration modes, where n must be 1, 2, 4, or 8. However, you can use these modes to configure any number of devices from 1 to 8. When configuring SRAM-based devices using n-bit PS modes, use Table 7–16 to select the appropriate configuration mode for the fastest configuration times. Table 7–16. Recommended Configuration Using n-Bit PS Modes Number of Devices (1) Recommended Configuration Mode 1 1-bit PS 2 2-bit PS 3 4-bit PS 4 4-bit PS 5 8-bit PS 6 8-bit PS 7 8-bit PS 8 8-bit PS Note to Table 7–16: (1) Assume that each DATA line is only configuring one device, not a daisy chain of devices. For example, if you configure three devices, you would use the 4-bit PS mode. For the DATA0, DATA1, and DATA2 lines, the corresponding SOF data is transmitted from the configuration device to the device. For DATA3, you can leave the corresponding Bit3 line blank in the Quartus II software. On the PCB, leave the DATA3 line from the enhanced configuration device unconnected. Alternatively, you can daisy chain two devices to one DATA line while the other DATA lines drive one device each. For example, you could use the 2-bit PS mode to drive two devices with DATA Bit0 (two EP2S15 devices) and the third device (EP2S30 device) with DATA Bit1. This 2-bit PS configuration scheme requires less space in the configuration flash memory, but can increase the total system configuration time. A system may have multiple devices that contain the same configuration data. To support this configuration scheme, all device nCE inputs are tied to GND, while nCEO pins are left floating. All other configuration pins (nCONFIG, nSTATUS, DCLK, DATA0, and CONF_DONE) are connected to every device in the chain. Configuration signals can require buffering to ensure signal integrity and prevent clock skew problems. Ensure that the DCLK and DATA lines are buffered for every fourth device. Devices must be the same density and package. All devices will start and complete Altera Corporation January 2008 7–63 Stratix II Device Handbook, Volume 2 Passive Serial Configuration configuration at the same time. Figure 7–24 shows multi-device PS configuration when the Stratix II or Stratix II GX devices are receiving the same configuration data. Figure 7–24. Multiple-Device PS Configuration Using an Enhanced Configuration Device When devices Receive the Same Data (1) VCC Stratix II or Stratix II GX 10 KΩ Device 1 (4) N.C. nCEO MSEL1 DCLK DATA0 nSTATUS CONF_DONE nCONFIG MSEL0 nCE MSEL3 VCC MSEL2 GND (4) N.C. (3) 10 KΩ Enhanced Configuration Device DCLK DATA0 OE (3) nCS (3) nINIT_CONF (2) Stratix II or Stratix II GX GND Device 2 nCEO MSEL3 VCC (3) VCC (1) MSEL2 MSEL1 DCLK DATA0 nSTATUS CONF_DONE nCONFIG nCE MSEL0 GND GND Last Stratix II or Stratix II GX Device (4) N.C. nCEO MSEL1 DCLK DATA0 nSTATUS CONF_DONE nCONFIG MSEL0 nCE MSEL3 VCC MSEL2 GND GND Notes to Figure 7–24: (1) (2) (3) (4) The pull-up resistor should be connected to the same supply voltage as the configuration device. The nINIT_CONF pin is available on enhanced configuration devices and has an internal pull-up resistor that is always active, meaning an external pull-up resistor should not be used on the nINIT_CONF-nCONFIG line. The nINIT_CONF pin does not need to be connected if its functionality is not used. If nINIT_CONF is not used, nCONFIG must be pulled to VCC either directly or through a resistor. The enhanced configuration devices’ OE and nCS pins have internal programmable pull-up resistors. If internal pull-up resistors are used, external pull-up resistors should not be used on these pins. The internal pull-up resistors are used by default in the Quartus II software. To turn off the internal pull-up resistors, check the Disable nCS and OE pull-ups on configuration device option when generating programming files. The nCEO pins of all devices are left unconnected when configuring the same configuration data into multiple devices. 7–64 Stratix II Device Handbook, Volume 2 Altera Corporation January 2008 Configuring Stratix II and Stratix II GX Devices You can cascade several EPC2 devices to configure multiple Stratix II or Stratix II GX devices. The first configuration device in the chain is the master configuration device, while the subsequent devices are the slave devices. The master configuration device sends DCLK to the Stratix II or Stratix II GX devices and to the slave configuration devices. The first EPC device’s nCS pin is connected to the CONF_DONE pins of the devices, while its nCASC pin is connected to nCS of the next configuration device in the chain. The last device’s nCS input comes from the previous device, while its nCASC pin is left floating. When all data from the first configuration device is sent, it drives nCASC low, which in turn drives nCS on the next configuration device. A configuration device requires less than one clock cycle to activate a subsequent configuration device, so the data stream is uninterrupted. 1 Enhanced configuration devices cannot be cascaded. Because all nSTATUS and CONF_DONE pins are tied together, if any device detects an error, the master configuration device stops configuration for the entire chain and the entire chain must be reconfigured. For example, if the master configuration device does not detect CONF_DONE going high at the end of configuration, it resets the entire chain by pulling its OE pin low. This low signal drives the OE pin low on the slave configuration device(s) and drives nSTATUS low on all devices, causing them to enter a reset state. This behavior is similar to the device detecting an error in the configuration data. Altera Corporation January 2008 7–65 Stratix II Device Handbook, Volume 2 Passive Serial Configuration Figure 7–25 shows how to configure multiple devices using cascaded EPC2 devices. Figure 7–25. Multi-Device PS Configuration Using Cascaded EPC2 Devices VCC (1) VCC (1) VCC (1) (3) 10 kΩ Stratix II Device 2 MSEL3 VCC MSEL2 MSEL1 MSEL0 GND N.C. DCLK DATA0 nSTATUS CONF_DONE nCONFIG nCEO 10 kΩ MSEL3 MSEL2 MSEL1 MSEL0 nCEO nCE GND 10 kΩ (3) EPC2/EPC1 Device 1 Stratix II Device 1 VCC (2) DCLK DATA0 nSTATUS CONF_DONE nCONFIG EPC2/EPC1 Device 2 DCLK DATA OE (3) nCS (3) nCASC nINIT_CONF (2) DCLK DATA nCS OE nINIT_CONF nCE GND Notes to Figure 7–25: (1) (2) (3) The pull-up resistor should be connected to the same supply voltage as the configuration device. The nINIT_CONF pin (available on enhanced configuration devices and EPC2 devices only) has an internal pull-up resistor that is always active, meaning an external pull-up resistor should not be used on the nINIT_CONF-nCONFIG line. The nINIT_CONF pin does not need to be connected if its functionality is not used. The enhanced configuration devices’ and EPC2 devices’ OE and nCS pins have internal programmable pull-up resistors. External 10-kpull-up resistors should be used. To turn off the internal pull-up resistors, check the Disable nCS and OE pull-ups on configuration device option when generating programming files. When using enhanced configuration devices or EPC2 devices, nCONFIG of the device can be connected to nINIT_CONF of the configuration device, allowing the INIT_CONF JTAG instruction to initiate device configuration. The nINIT_CONF pin does not need to be connected if its functionality is not used. An internal pull-up resistor on the nINIT_CONF pin is always active in the enhanced configuration devices and the EPC2 devices, which means that you shouldn’t be using an external pull-up resistor if nCONFIG is tied to nINIT_CONF. If you are using multiple EPC2 devices to configure a Stratix II or Stratix II GX device(s), only the first EPC2 has its nINIT_CONF pin tied to the device’s nCONFIG pin. You can use a single configuration chain to configure Stratix II or Stratix II GX devices with other Altera devices. To ensure that all devices in the chain complete configuration at the same time or that an error flagged by one device initiates reconfiguration in all devices, all of the device CONF_DONE and nSTATUS pins must be tied together. 7–66 Stratix II Device Handbook, Volume 2 Altera Corporation January 2008 Configuring Stratix II and Stratix II GX Devices f For more information on configuring multiple Altera devices in the same configuration chain, refer to the Configuring Mixed Altera FPGA Chains chapter in the Configuration Handbook. Figure 7–26 shows the timing waveform for the PS configuration scheme using a configuration device. Figure 7–26. Stratix II and Stratix II GX PS Configuration Using a Configuration Device Timing Waveform nINIT_CONF or VCC/nCONFIG tPOR OE/nSTATUS nCS/CONF_DONE DCLK DATA tDSU tCL D0 D1 tCH tDH tOEZX D2 D3 Dn tCO User I/O Tri-State User Mode Tri-State INIT_DONE (1) Note to Figure 7–26: (1) The initialization clock can come from the Stratix II or Stratix II GX device’s internal oscillator or the CLKUSR pin. f For timing information, refer to the Enhanced Configuration Devices (EPC4, EPC8 & EPC16) Data Sheet chapter in volume 2 of the Configuration Handbook or the Configuration Devices for SRAM-Based LUT Devices Data Sheet chapter in volume 2 of the Configuration Handbook. f Device configuration options and how to create configuration files are discussed further in the Software Settings chapter in volume 2 of the Configuration Handbook. PS Configuration Using a Download Cable In this section, the generic term “download cable” includes the Altera USB-Blaster™ universal serial bus (USB) port download cable, MasterBlaster™ serial/USB communications cable, ByteBlaster™ II parallel port download cable, and the ByteBlaster MV parallel port download cable. In PS configuration with a download cable, an intelligent host (such as a PC) transfers data from a storage device to the device via the USB Blaster, MasterBlaster, ByteBlaster II, or ByteBlasterMV cable. Altera Corporation January 2008 7–67 Stratix II Device Handbook, Volume 2 Passive Serial Configuration Upon power-up, the Stratix II and Stratix II GX devices go through a POR. The POR delay is dependent on the PORSEL pin setting. When PORSEL is driven low, the POR time is approximately 100 ms. If PORSEL is driven high, the POR time is approximately 12 ms. During POR, the device will reset, hold nSTATUS low, and tri-state all user I/O pins. Once the device successfully exits POR, all user I/O pins continue to be tri-stated. If nIO_pullup is driven low during power-up and configuration, the user I/O pins and dual-purpose I/O pins will have weak pull-up resistors which are on (after POR) before and during configuration. If nIO_pullup is driven high, the weak pull-up resistors are disabled. f The value of the weak pull-up resistors on the I/O pins that are on before and during configuration can be found in the DC & Switching Characteristics chapter in volume 1 of the Stratix II Device Handbook and the DC & Switching Characteristics chapter in volume 1 of the Stratix II GX Device Handbook. The configuration cycle consists of three stages: reset, configuration and initialization. While nCONFIG or nSTATUS are low, the device is in reset. To initiate configuration in this scheme, the download cable generates a low-to-high transition on the nCONFIG pin. 1 To begin configuration, power the VCCINT, VCCIO, and VCCPD voltages (for the banks where the configuration and JTAG pins reside) to the appropriate voltage levels. When nCONFIG goes high, the device comes out of reset and releases the open-drain nSTATUS pin, which is then pulled high by an external 10-k pull-up resistor. Once nSTATUS is released the device is ready to receive configuration data and the configuration stage begins. The programming hardware or download cable then places the configuration data one bit at a time on the device’s DATA0 pin. The configuration data is clocked into the target device until CONF_DONE goes high. The CONF_DONE pin must have an external 10-k pull-up resistor in order for the device to initialize. When using a download cable, setting the Auto-restart configuration after error option does not affect the configuration cycle because you must manually restart configuration in the Quartus II software when an error occurs. Additionally, the Enable user-supplied start-up clock (CLKUSR) option has no affect on the device initialization since this option is disabled in the SOF when programming the device using the Quartus II programmer and download cable. Therefore, if you turn on the CLKUSR option, you do not need to provide a clock on CLKUSR when you are configuring the device with the Quartus II programmer and a 7–68 Stratix II Device Handbook, Volume 2 Altera Corporation January 2008 Configuring Stratix II and Stratix II GX Devices download cable. Figure 7–27 shows PS configuration for Stratix II or Stratix II GX devices using a USB Blaster, MasterBlaster, ByteBlaster II, or ByteBlasterMV cable. Figure 7–27. PS Configuration Using a USB Blaster, MasterBlaster, ByteBlaster II or ByteBlasterMV Cable VCC (1) VCC (1) VCC (1) 10 kΩ (2) Stratix II or Stratix II GX Device 10 kΩ VCC (1) MSEL3 VCC MSEL2 10 kΩ VCC (1) 10 kΩ CONF_DONE nSTATUS MSEL1 10 kΩ (2) MSEL0 GND nCE GND DCLK DATA0 nCONFIG nCEO N.C. Download Cable 10-Pin Male Header (PS Mode) Pin 1 VCC GND VIO (3) Shield GND Notes to Figure 7–27: (1) (2) (3) The pull-up resistor should be connected to the same supply voltage as the USB Blaster, MasterBlaster (VIO pin), ByteBlaster II or ByteBlasterMV cable. The pull-up resistors on DATA0 and DCLK are only needed if the download cable is the only configuration scheme used on your board. This ensures that DATA0 and DCLK are not left floating after configuration. For example, if you are also using a configuration device, the pull-up resistors on DATA0 and DCLK are not needed. Pin 6 of the header is a VIO reference voltage for the MasterBlaster output driver. VIO should match the device’s VCCIO. Refer to the MasterBlaster Serial/USB Communications Cable User Guide for this value. In the ByteBlasterMV cable, this pin is a no connect. In the USB Blaster and ByteBlaster II cables, this pin is connected to nCE when it is used for active serial programming, otherwise it is a no connect. You can use a download cable to configure multiple Stratix II or Stratix II GX devices by connecting each device’s nCEO pin to the subsequent device’s nCE pin. The first device’s nCE pin is connected to GND while its nCEO pin is connected to the nCE of the next device in the chain. The last device’s nCE input comes from the previous device, while its nCEO pin is left floating. All other configuration pins, nCONFIG, nSTATUS, DCLK, DATA0, and CONF_DONE are connected to every device in the chain. Because all CONF_DONE pins are tied together, all devices in the chain initialize and enter user mode at the same time. Altera Corporation January 2008 7–69 Stratix II Device Handbook, Volume 2 Passive Serial Configuration In addition, because the nSTATUS pins are tied together, the entire chain halts configuration if any device detects an error. The Auto-restart configuration after error option does not affect the configuration cycle because you must manually restart configuration in the Quartus II software when an error occurs. Figure 7–28 shows how to configure multiple Stratix II or Stratix II GX devices with a download cable. Figure 7–28. Multi-Device PS Configuration using a USB Blaster, MasterBlaster, ByteBlaster II or ByteBlasterMV Cable VCC (1) VCC (1) 10 kΩ VCC Stratix II or Stratix II GX Device 1 MSEL3 MSEL2 MSEL1 MSEL0 (2) VCC (1) VCC VCC (1) 10 kΩ (2) Pin 1 VCC GND VIO (3) nCEO nCE GND 10 kΩ CONF_DONE nSTATUS DCLK GND 10 kΩ 10 kΩ Download Cable 10-Pin Male Header (PS Mode) VCC (1) DATA0 nCONFIG GND Stratix II or Stratix II GX Device 2 MSEL3 MSEL2 MSEL1 MSEL0 CONF_DONE nSTATUS DCLK GND nCEO N.C. nCE DATA0 nCONFIG Notes to Figure 7–28: (1) (2) (3) The pull-up resistor should be connected to the same supply voltage as the USB Blaster, MasterBlaster (VIO pin), ByteBlaster II or ByteBlasterMV cable. The pull-up resistors on DATA0 and DCLK are only needed if the download cable is the only configuration scheme used on your board. This is to ensure that DATA0 and DCLK are not left floating after configuration. For example, if you are also using a configuration device, the pull-up resistors on DATA0 and DCLK are not needed. Pin 6 of the header is a VIO reference voltage for the MasterBlaster output driver. VIO should match the device’s VCCIO. Refer to the MasterBlaster Serial/USB Communications Cable User Guide for this value. In the ByteBlasterMV cable, this pin is a no connect. In the USB Blaster and ByteBlaster II cables, this pin is connected to nCE when it is used for active serial programming, otherwise it is a no connect. 7–70 Stratix II Device Handbook, Volume 2 Altera Corporation January 2008 Configuring Stratix II and Stratix II GX Devices If you are using a download cable to configure device(s) on a board that also has configuration devices, electrically isolate the configuration device from the target device(s) and cable. One way of isolating the configuration device is to add logic, such as a multiplexer, that can select between the configuration device and the cable. The multiplexer chip allows bidirectional transfers on the nSTATUS and CONF_DONE signals. Another option is to add switches to the five common signals (nCONFIG, nSTATUS, DCLK, DATA0, and CONF_DONE) between the cable and the configuration device. The last option is to remove the configuration device from the board when configuring the device with the cable. Figure 7–29 shows a combination of a configuration device and a download cable to configure an device. Altera Corporation January 2008 7–71 Stratix II Device Handbook, Volume 2 Passive Serial Configuration Figure 7–29. PS Configuration with a Download Cable and Configuration Device Circuit VCC (1) 10 kΩ VCC (1) 10 kΩ VCC Stratix II or Stratix II GX Device (4) MSEL3 MSEL2 MSEL1 MSEL0 Download Cable 10-Pin Male Header (PS Mode) VCC (1) (5) 10 kΩ Pin 1 CONF_DONE nSTATUS DCLK VCC GND VIO (2) GND nCE GND (5) DATA0 nCONFIG nCEO N.C. (3) (3) (3) GND Configuration Device (3) DCLK DATA OE (5) nCS (5) (3) nINIT_CONF (4) Notes to Figure 7–29: (1) (2) (3) (4) (5) The pull-up resistor should be connected to the same supply voltage as the configuration device. Pin 6 of the header is a VIO reference voltage for the MasterBlaster output driver. VIO should match the device’s VCCIO. Refer to the MasterBlaster Serial/USB Communications Cable User Guide for this value. In the ByteBlasterMV cable, this pin is a no connect. In the USB Blaster and ByteBlaster II cables, this pin is connected to nCE when it is used for active serial programming, otherwise it is a no connect. You should not attempt configuration with a download cable while a configuration device is connected to a Stratix II or Stratix II GX device. Instead, you should either remove the configuration device from its socket when using the download cable or place a switch on the five common signals between the download cable and the configuration device. The nINIT_CONF pin (available on enhanced configuration devices and EPC2 devices only) has an internal pull-up resistor that is always active. This means an external pull-up resistor should not be used on the nINIT_CONF-nCONFIG line. The nINIT_CONF pin does not need to be connected if its functionality is not used. The enhanced configuration devices’ and EPC2 devices’ OE and nCS pins have internal programmable pull-up resistors. If internal pull-up resistors are used, external pull-up resistors should not be used on these pins. The internal pull-up resistors are used by default in the Quartus II software. To turn off the internal pull-up resistors, check the Disable nCS and OE pull-up resistors on configuration device option when generating programming files. f For more information on how to use the USB Blaster, MasterBlaster, ByteBlaster II or ByteBlasterMV cables, refer to the following data sheets: ■ ■ ■ ■ USB Blaster Download Cable User Guide MasterBlaster Serial/USB Communications Cable User Guide ByteBlaster II Download Cable User Guide ByteBlasterMV Download Cable User Guide 7–72 Stratix II Device Handbook, Volume 2 Altera Corporation January 2008 Configuring Stratix II and Stratix II GX Devices Passive Parallel Asynchronous Configuration Passive parallel asynchronous (PPA) configuration uses an intelligent host, such as a microprocessor, to transfer configuration data from a storage device, such as flash memory, to the target Stratix II or Stratix II GX device. Configuration data can be stored in RBF, HEX, or TTF format. The host system outputs byte-wide data and the accompanying strobe signals to the device. When using PPA, pull the DCLK pin high through a 10-k pullup resistor to prevent unused configuration input pins from floating. 1 You cannot use the Stratix II or Stratix II GX decompression and design security features if you are configuring your Stratix II or Stratix II GX device using PPA mode. Table 7–17 shows the MSEL pin settings when using the PS configuration scheme. Table 7–17. Stratix II and Stratix II GX MSEL Pin Settings for PPA Configuration Schemes Configuration Scheme MSEL3 MSEL2 MSEL1 MSEL0 PPA 0 0 0 1 Remote System Upgrade PPA (1) 0 1 0 1 Note to Table 7–17: (1) This scheme requires that you drive the RUnLU pin to specify either remote update or local update. For more information about remote system upgrades in Stratix II and Stratix II GX devices, refer to the Remote System Upgrades With Stratix II & Stratix II GX Devices chapter in volume 2 of the Stratix II Device Handbook or the Remote System Upgrades With Stratix II & Stratix II GX Devices chapter in volume 2 of the Stratix II GX Device Handbook. Figure 7–30 shows the configuration interface connections between the device and a microprocessor for single device PPA configuration. The microprocessor or an optional address decoder can control the device’s chip select pins, nCS and CS. The address decoder allows the microprocessor to select the Stratix II or Stratix II GX device by accessing a particular address, which simplifies the configuration process. Hold the nCS and CS pins active during configuration and initialization. Altera Corporation January 2008 7–73 Stratix II Device Handbook, Volume 2 Passive Parallel Asynchronous Configuration Figure 7–30. Single Device PPA Configuration Using a Microprocessor Address Decoder ADDR VCC (2) Memory 10 kΩ VCC (2) ADDR DATA[7..0] 10 k Ω Stratix II or Stratix II GX Device nCS (1) CS (1) CONF_DONE nSTATUS nCE Microprocessor GND DATA[7..0] nWS nRS nCONFIG RDYnBSY MSEL3 MSEL2 MSEL1 MSEL0 nCEO VCC N.C. GND VCC (2) 10 kΩ DCLK Notes to Figure 7–30: (1) (2) If not used, the CS pin can be connected to VCC directly. If not used, the nCS pin can be connected to GND directly. The pull-up resistor should be connected to a supply that provides an acceptable input signal for the device. VCC should be high enough to meet the VIH specification of the I/O on the device and the external host. During PPA configuration, it is only required to use either the nCS or CS pin. Therefore, if you are using only one chip-select input, the other must be tied to the active state. For example, nCS can be tied to ground while CS is toggled to control configuration. The device’s nCS or CS pins can be toggled during PPA configuration if the design meets the specifications set for tCSSU, tWSP, and tCSH listed in Table 7–18. Upon power-up, the Stratix II and Stratix II GX devices go through a POR. The POR delay is dependent on the PORSEL pin setting. When PORSEL is driven low, the POR time is approximately 100 ms. If PORSEL is driven high, the POR time is approximately 12 ms. During POR, the device will reset, hold nSTATUS low, and tri-state all user I/O pins. Once the device successfully exits POR, all user I/O pins continue to be tri-stated. If nIO_pullup is driven low during power-up and configuration, the user I/O pins and dual-purpose I/O pins will have weak pull-up resistors which are on (after POR) before and during configuration. If nIO_pullup is driven high, the weak pull-up resistors are disabled. 7–74 Stratix II Device Handbook, Volume 2 Altera Corporation January 2008 Configuring Stratix II and Stratix II GX Devices 1 f You can hold nConfig low in order to stop device configuration. The value of the weak pull-up resistors on the I/O pins that are on before and during configuration can be found in the DC & Switching Characteristics chapter in volume 1 of the Stratix II Device Handbook and the DC & Switching Characteristics chapter in volume 1 of the Stratix II GX Device Handbook. The configuration cycle consists of three stages: reset, configuration and initialization. While nCONFIG or nSTATUS are low, the device is in reset. To initiate configuration, the microprocessor must generate a low-to-high transition on the nCONFIG pin. 1 To begin configuration, power the VCCINT, VCCIO, and VCCPD voltages (for the banks where the configuration and JTAG pins reside) to the appropriate voltage levels. When nCONFIG goes high, the device comes out of reset and releases the open-drain nSTATUS pin, which is then pulled high by an external 10-k pull-up resistor. Once nSTATUS is released the device is ready to receive configuration data and the configuration stage begins. When nSTATUS is pulled high, the microprocessor should then assert the target device’s nCS pin low and/or CS pin high. Next, the microprocessor places an 8-bit configuration word (one byte) on the target device’s DATA[7..0] pins and pulses the nWS pin low. On the rising edge of nWS, the target device latches in a byte of configuration data and drives its RDYnBSY signal low, which indicates it is processing the byte of configuration data. The microprocessor can then perform other system functions while the Stratix II or Stratix II GX device is processing the byte of configuration data. During the time RDYnBSY is low, the Stratix II or Stratix II GX device internally processes the configuration data using its internal oscillator (typically 100 MHz). When the device is ready for the next byte of configuration data, it will drive RDYnBSY high. If the microprocessor senses a high signal when it polls RDYnBSY, the microprocessor sends the next byte of configuration data to the device. Alternatively, the nRS signal can be strobed low, causing the RDYnBSY signal to appear on DATA7. Because RDYnBSY does not need to be monitored, this pin doesn’t need to be connected to the microprocessor. Do not drive data onto the data bus while nRS is low because it will cause contention on the DATA7 pin. If you are not using the nRS pin to monitor configuration, it should be tied high. Altera Corporation January 2008 7–75 Stratix II Device Handbook, Volume 2 Passive Parallel Asynchronous Configuration To simplify configuration and save an I/O port, the microprocessor can wait for the total time of tBUSY (max) + tRDY2WS + tW2SB before sending the next data byte. In this set-up, nRS should be tied high and RDYnBSY does not need to be connected to the microprocessor. The tBUSY, tRDY2WS, and tW2SB timing specifications are listed in Table 7–18 on page 7–82. Next, the microprocessor checks nSTATUS and CONF_DONE. If nSTATUS is not low and CONF_DONE is not high, the microprocessor sends the next data byte. However, if nSTATUS is not low and all the configuration data has been received, the device is ready for initialization. The CONF_DONE pin will go high one byte early in parallel configuration (FPP and PPA) modes. The last byte is required for serial configuration (AS and PS) modes. A low-to-high transition on CONF_DONE indicates configuration is complete and initialization of the device can begin. The open-drain CONF_DONE pin is pulled high by an external 10-kpull-up resistor. The CONF_DONE pin must have an external 10-k pull-up resistor in order for the device to initialize. In Stratix II and Stratix II GX devices, the initialization clock source is either the internal oscillator (typically 10 MHz) or the optional CLKUSR pin. By default, the internal oscillator is the clock source for initialization. If the internal oscillator is used, the Stratix II or Stratix II GX device provides itself with enough clock cycles for proper initialization. Therefore, if the internal oscillator is the initialization clock source, sending the entire configuration file to the device is sufficient to configure and initialize the device. You also have the flexibility to synchronize initialization of multiple devices or to delay initialization with the CLKUSR option. The Enable user-supplied start-up clock (CLKUSR) option can be turned on in the Quartus II software from the General tab of the Device & Pin Options dialog box. Supplying a clock on CLKUSR does not affect the configuration process. After CONF_DONE goes high, CLKUSR is enabled after the time specified as tCD2CU. After this time period elapses, the Stratix II and Stratix II GX devices require 299 clock cycles to initialize properly and enter user mode. Stratix II devices support a CLKUSR fMAX of 100 MHz. An optional INIT_DONE pin is available, which signals the end of initialization and the start of user-mode with a low-to-high transition. This Enable INIT_DONE Output option is available in the Quartus II software from the General tab of the Device & Pin Options dialog box. If the INIT_DONE pin is used it is high because of an external 10-k pull-up resistor when nCONFIG is low and during the beginning of configuration. Once the option bit to enable INIT_DONE is programmed into the device (during the first frame of configuration data), the INIT_DONE pin goes low. When initialization is complete, the 7–76 Stratix II Device Handbook, Volume 2 Altera Corporation January 2008 Configuring Stratix II and Stratix II GX Devices INIT_DONE pin is released and pulled high. The microprocessor must be able to detect this low-to-high transition that signals the device has entered user mode. When initialization is complete, the device enters user mode. In user-mode, the user I/O pins no longer have weak pull-up resistors and function as assigned in your design. To ensure DATA[7..0] is not left floating at the end of configuration, the microprocessor must drive them either high or low, whichever is convenient on your board. After configuration, the nCS, CS, nRS, nWS, RDYnBSY, and DATA[7..0] pins can be used as user I/O pins. When choosing the PPA scheme in the Quartus II software as a default, these I/O pins are tri-stated in user mode and should be driven by the microprocessor. To change this default option in the Quartus II software, select the Dual-Purpose Pins tab of the Device & Pin Options dialog box. If an error occurs during configuration, the device drives its nSTATUS pin low, resetting itself internally. The low signal on the nSTATUS pin also alerts the microprocessor that there is an error. If the Auto-restart configuration after error option-available in the Quartus II software from the General tab of the Device & Pin Options dialog box-is turned on, the device releases nSTATUS after a reset time-out period (maximum of 100 µs). After nSTATUS is released and pulled high by a pull-up resistor, the microprocessor can try to reconfigure the target device without needing to pulse nCONFIG low. If this option is turned off, the microprocessor must generate a low-to-high transition (with a low pulse of at least 2 µs) on nCONFIG to restart the configuration process. The microprocessor can also monitor the CONF_DONE and INIT_DONE pins to ensure successful configuration. To detect errors and determine when programming completes, monitor the CONF_DONE pin with the microprocessor. If the microprocessor sends all configuration data but CONF_DONE or INIT_DONE has not gone high, the microprocessor must reconfigure the target device. 1 If you are using the optional CLKUSR pin and nCONFIG is pulled low to restart configuration during device initialization, ensure CLKUSR continues toggling during the time nSTATUS is low (maximum of 100 µs). When the device is in user-mode, a reconfiguration can be initiated by transitioning the nCONFIG pin low-to-high. The nCONFIG pin should go low for at least 2 µs. When nCONFIG is pulled low, the device also pulls nSTATUS and CONF_DONE low and all I/O pins are tri-stated. Once nCONFIG returns to a logic high level and nSTATUS is released by the device, reconfiguration begins. Altera Corporation January 2008 7–77 Stratix II Device Handbook, Volume 2 Passive Parallel Asynchronous Configuration Figure 7–31 shows how to configure multiple Stratix II or Stratix II GX devices using a microprocessor. This circuit is similar to the PPA configuration circuit for a single device, except the devices are cascaded for multi-device configuration. Figure 7–31. Multi-Device PPA Configuration Using a Microprocessor VCC (2) VCC (2) 10 kΩ (2) VCC 10 kΩ 10 kΩ Address Decoder VCC (2) ADDR Memory 10 kΩ ADDR DATA[7..0] Stratix II Device 1 DATA[7..0] nCS (1) CS (1) CONF_DONE nSTATUS Microprocessor Stratix II Device 2 nCE GND DCLK nCEO nWS nRS nCONFIG RDYnBSY MSEL3 MSEL2 MSEL1 MSEL0 VCC GND DATA[7..0] DCLK nCS (1) CS (1) CONF_DONE nSTATUS nCEO nCE nWS MSEL3 nRS MSEL2 nCONFIG MSEL1 RDYnBSY MSEL0 N.C. VCC GND Notes to Figure 7–31: (1) (2) If not used, the CS pin can be connected to VCC directly. If not used, the nCS pin can be connected to GND directly. The pull-up resistor should be connected to a supply that provides an acceptable input signal for all devices in the chain. VCC should be high enough to meet the VIH specification of the I/O on the device and the external host. In multi-device PPA configuration the first device’s nCE pin is connected to GND while its nCEO pin is connected to nCE of the next device in the chain. The last device’s nCE input comes from the previous device, while its nCEO pin is left floating. After the first device completes configuration in a multi-device configuration chain, its nCEO pin drives low to activate the second device’s nCE pin, which prompts the second device to begin configuration. The second device in the chain begins configuration within one clock cycle. Therefore, the transfer of data destinations is transparent to the microprocessor. Each device’s RDYnBSY pin can have a separate input to the microprocessor. Alternatively, if the microprocessor is pin limited, all the RDYnBSY pins can feed an AND gate and the output of the AND gate can feed the microprocessor. For example, if you have two devices in a PPA 7–78 Stratix II Device Handbook, Volume 2 Altera Corporation January 2008 Configuring Stratix II and Stratix II GX Devices configuration chain, the second device’s RDYnBSY pin will be high during the time that the first device is being configured. When the first device has been successfully configured, it will drive nCEO low to activate the next device in the chain and drive its RDYnBSY pin high. Therefore, since RDYnBSY signal is driven high before configuration and after configuration before entering user-mode, the device being configured will govern the output of the AND gate. The nRS signal can be used in multi-device PPA chain because the Stratix II and Stratix II GX devices tri-state the DATA[7..0] pins before configuration and after configuration before entering user-mode to avoid contention. Therefore, only the device that is currently being configured responds to the nRS strobe by asserting DATA7. All other configuration pins (nCONFIG, nSTATUS, DATA[7..0], nCS, CS, nWS, nRS and CONF_DONE) are connected to every device in the chain. It is not necessary to tie nCS and CS together for every device in the chain, as each device’s nCS and CS input can be driven by a separate source. Configuration signals may require buffering to ensure signal integrity and prevent clock skew problems. Ensure that the DATA lines are buffered for every fourth device. Because all device CONF_DONE pins are tied together, all devices initialize and enter user mode at the same time. Since all nSTATUS and CONF_DONE pins are tied together, if any device detects an error, configuration stops for the entire chain and the entire chain must be reconfigured. For example, if the first device flags an error on nSTATUS, it resets the chain by pulling its nSTATUS pin low. This behavior is similar to a single device detecting an error. If the Auto-restart configuration after error option is turned on, the devices release their nSTATUS pins after a reset time-out period (maximum of 100 µs). After all nSTATUS pins are released and pulled high, the microprocessor can try to reconfigure the chain without needing to pulse nCONFIG low. If this option is turned off, the microprocessor must generate a low-to-high transition (with a low pulse of at least 2 µs) on nCONFIG to restart the configuration process. In your system, you may have multiple devices that contain the same configuration data. To support this configuration scheme, all device nCE inputs are tied to GND, while nCEO pins are left floating. All other configuration pins (nCONFIG, nSTATUS, DATA[7..0], nCS, CS, nWS, nRS and CONF_DONE) are connected to every device in the chain. Configuration signals may require buffering to ensure signal integrity and prevent clock skew problems. Ensure that the DATA lines are buffered for every fourth device. Devices must be the same density and package. Altera Corporation January 2008 7–79 Stratix II Device Handbook, Volume 2 Passive Parallel Asynchronous Configuration All devices start and complete configuration at the same time. Figure 7–32 shows multi-device PPA configuration when both devices are receiving the same configuration data. Figure 7–32. Multiple-Device PPA Configuration Using a Microprocessor When Both devices Receive the Same Data VCC (2) VCC (2) 10 kΩ (2) VCC 10 kΩ 10 kΩ Address Decoder VCC (2) ADDR Memory 10 kΩ ADDR DATA[7..0] Stratix II Device DATA[7..0] nCS (1) CS (1) CONF_DONE nSTATUS Stratix II Device nCE GND DCLK nCEO Microprocessor nWS nRS nCONFIG RDYnBSY MSEL3 MSEL2 MSEL1 MSEL0 N.C. (3) VCC GND GND DATA[7..0] DCLK nCS (1) CS (1) CONF_DONE nSTATUS nCEO nCE nWS MSEL3 nRS MSEL2 nCONFIG MSEL1 RDYnBSY MSEL0 N.C. (3) VCC GND Notes to Figure 7–32: (1) (2) (3) If not used, the CS pin can be connected to VCC directly. If not used, the nCS pin can be connected to GND directly. The pull-up resistor should be connected to a supply that provides an acceptable input signal for all devices in the chain. VCC should be high enough to meet the VIH specification of the I/O on the device and the external host. The nCEO pins of both devices are left unconnected when configuring the same configuration data into multiple devices. You can use a single configuration chain to configure Stratix II or Stratix II GX devices with other Altera devices that support PPA configuration, such as Stratix, Mercury™, APEX™ 20K, ACEX® 1K, and FLEX® 10KE devices. To ensure that all devices in the chain complete configuration at the same time or that an error flagged by one device initiates reconfiguration in all devices, all of the device CONF_DONE and nSTATUS pins must be tied together. f For more information on configuring multiple Altera devices in the same configuration chain, refer to the Configuring Mixed Altera FPGA Chains chapter in volume 2 of the Configuration Handbook. 7–80 Stratix II Device Handbook, Volume 2 Altera Corporation January 2008 Configuring Stratix II and Stratix II GX Devices PPA Configuration Timing Figure 7–33 shows the timing waveform for the PPA configuration scheme using a microprocessor. Figure 7–33. Stratix II and Stratix II GX PPA Configuration Timing Waveform Using nWS tCFG Note (1) tCF2ST1 nCONFIG nSTATUS (2) CONF_DONE (3) Byte 0 DATA[7..0] Byte 1 Byte n − 1 Byte n (5) tCSH (5) tDSU (4) CS tCF2WS tCSSU tDH (5) (4) nCS tWSP (5) nWS tRDY2WS (5) RDYnBSY tWS2B tSTATUS tBUSY tCF2ST0 tCF2CD User I/Os tCD2UM High-Z High-Z User-Mode INIT_DONE Notes to Figure 7–33: (1) (2) (3) (4) (5) The beginning of this waveform shows the device in user-mode. In user-mode, nCONFIG, nSTATUS and CONF_DONE are at logic high levels. When nCONFIG is pulled low, a reconfiguration cycle begins. Upon power-up, Stratix II and Stratix II GX devices hold nSTATUS low for the time of the POR delay. Upon power-up, before and during configuration, CONF_DONE is low. The user can toggle nCS or CS during configuration if the design meets the specification for tCSSU, tWSP, and tCSH. DATA[7..0], CS, nCS, nWS, nRS, and RDYnBSY are available as user I/O pins after configuration and the state of theses pins depends on the dual-purpose pin settings. Altera Corporation January 2008 7–81 Stratix II Device Handbook, Volume 2 Passive Parallel Asynchronous Configuration Figure 7–34 shows the timing waveform for the PPA configuration scheme when using a strobed nRS and nWS signal. Figure 7–34. Stratix II and Stratix II GX PPA Configuration Timing Waveform Using nRS and nWS Note (1) tCF2ST1 tCFG nCONFIG (2) nSTATUS tSTATUS tCF2SCD (3) CONF_DONE tCSSU (5) (4) nCS tCSH (5) (4) CS tDH Byte 0 DATA[7..0] (5) Byte n Byte 1 tDSU (5) nWS tWSP tRS2WS tWS2RS tCF2WS nRS (5) tWS2RS tRSD7 INIT_DONE tRDY2WS User I/O High-Z User-Mode tWS2B (5) (6) DATA7/RDYnBSY tCD2UM tBUSY Notes to Figure 7–34: (1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) The beginning of this waveform shows the device in user-mode. In user-mode, nCONFIG, nSTATUS and CONF_DONE are at logic high levels. When nCONFIG is pulled low, a reconfiguration cycle begins. Upon power-up, Stratix II and Stratix II GX devices hold nSTATUS low for the time of the POR delay. Upon power-up, before and during configuration, CONF_DONE is low. The user can toggle nCS or CS during configuration if the design meets the specification for tCSSU, tWSP, and tCSH. DATA[7..0], CS, nCS, nWS, nRS, and RDYnBSY are available as user I/O pins after configuration and the state of theses pins depends on the dual-purpose pin settings. DATA7 is a bidirectional pin. It is an input for configuration data input, but it is an output to show the status of RDYnBSY. Table 7–18 defines the timing parameters for Stratix II and Stratix II GX devices for PPA configuration. Table 7–18. PPA Timing Parameters for Stratix II and Stratix II GX Devices (Part 1 of 2) Max Units tCF2CD Symbol nCONFIG low to CONF_DONE low Parameter 800 ns tCF2ST0 nCONFIG low to nSTATUS low 800 ns 7–82 Stratix II Device Handbook, Volume 2 Min Altera Corporation January 2008 Configuring Stratix II and Stratix II GX Devices Table 7–18. PPA Timing Parameters for Stratix II and Stratix II GX Devices (Part 2 of 2) Symbol Parameter Min Max Units tCFG nCONFIG low pulse width 2 tSTATUS nSTATUS low pulse width 10 tCF2ST1 nCONFIG high to nSTATUS high tCSSU Chip select setup time before rising edge on nWS 10 ns tCSH Chip select hold time after rising edge on 0 ns µs 100 (1) µs 100 (1) µs nWS nCONFIG high to first rising edge on nWS 100 µs tST2WS nSTATUS high to first rising edge on nWS 2 µs tDSU Data setup time before rising edge on nWS 10 ns tDH Data hold time after rising edge on nWS 0 ns tWSP nWS low pulse width 15 tWS2B nWS rising edge to RDYnBSY low tBUSY RDYnBSY low pulse width 7 tCF2WS ns 20 ns 45 ns tRDY2WS RDYnBSY rising edge to nWS rising edge 15 ns tWS2RS nWS rising edge to nRS falling edge 15 ns tRS2WS nRS rising edge to nWS rising edge 15 ns tRSD7 nRS falling edge to DATA7 valid with 20 ns RDYnBSY signal tR Input rise time 40 ns tF Input fall time 40 ns tCD2UM CONF_DONE high to user mode (2) 20 100 µs tC D 2 C U CONF_DONE high to CLKUSR enabled 40 tC D 2 U M C CONF_DONE high to user mode with CLKUSR option on ns tC D 2 C U + (299 CLKUSR period) Notes to Table 7–18: (1) (2) This value is obtainable if users do not delay configuration by extending the nCONFIG or nSTATUS low pulse width. The minimum and maximum numbers apply only if the internal oscillator is chosen as the clock source for starting up the device. f Altera Corporation January 2008 Device configuration options and how to create configuration files are discussed further in the Software Settings chapter in volume 2 the Configuration Handbook. 7–83 Stratix II Device Handbook, Volume 2 JTAG Configuration JTAG Configuration f The JTAG has developed a specification for boundary-scan testing. This boundary-scan test (BST) architecture offers the capability to efficiently test components on PCBs with tight lead spacing. The BST architecture can test pin connections without using physical test probes and capture functional data while a device is operating normally. The JTAG circuitry can also be used to shift configuration data into the device. The Quartus II software automatically generates SOFs that can be used for JTAG configuration with a download cable in the Quartus II software programmer. For more information on JTAG boundary-scan testing, refer to the following documents: ■ ■ IEEE 1149.1 (JTAG) Boundary-Scan Testing in Stratix II & Stratix II GX Devices chapter in volume 2 of the Stratix II Device Handbook or the IEEE 1149.1 (JTAG) Boundary-Scan Testing in Stratix II & Stratix II GX Devices chapter in volume 2 of the Stratix II GX Device Handbook Jam Programming Support - JTAG Technologies Stratix II and Stratix II GX devices are designed such that JTAG instructions have precedence over any device configuration modes. Therefore, JTAG configuration can take place without waiting for other configuration modes to complete. For example, if you attempt JTAG configuration of Stratix II or Stratix II GX devices during PS configuration, PS configuration is terminated and JTAG configuration begins. 1 You cannot use the Stratix II and Stratix II GX decompression or design security features if you are configuring your Stratix II or Stratix II GX device when using JTAG-based configuration. A device operating in JTAG mode uses four required pins, TDI, TDO, TMS, and TCK, and one optional pin, TRST. The TCK pin has an internal weak pull-down resistor, while the TDI, TMS, and TRST pins have weak internal pull-up resistors (typically 25 k). The TDO output pin is powered by VCCIO in I/O bank 4. All of the JTAG input pins are powered by the 3.3-V VCCPD pin. All user I/O pins are tri-stated during JTAG configuration. Table 7–19 explains each JTAG pin’s function. 1 7–84 Stratix II Device Handbook, Volume 2 The TDO output is powered by the VCCIO power supply of I/O bank 4. Altera Corporation January 2008 Configuring Stratix II and Stratix II GX Devices f For recommendations on how to connect a JTAG chain with multiple voltages across the devices in the ch