Document 326-1 Common Mode Line Chokes – CMT CMTs feature inductance values up to 125 mH and Irms ratings as high as 15 Amps. • 1250 Vrms, one minute isolation between windings • Industry standard footprint. • Creepage and clearance = 3.2 mm • UL1446 Class B (130°C) Insulation System (UL File E83628) Coilcraft’s CMT toroid style common mode chokes are designed to provide the highest common mode impedance over the widest frequency range. These parts are ideal for any application requiring a high DC current bias and are well suited for use in switch-mode power supplies. Common mode chokes are most effective in filtering supply and return conductors with in-phase signals of equal amplitude. Differential mode inductors are available for filtering out-of-phase or uneven amplitude signals. 0.118 3,00 Recommended PC Board Layout Schematic Part number H max 2 L max 0.120/0.180 3,05/4,57 4 2 3 Internal codes CMTX-X.X-XL XXXX CC-3 Y 1 1 Parts manufactured prior to September 2011 may be marked differently. 1 X Weights: 2 3 W max 4 CMT1: 13.3 – 25.5 g; CMT2: 20.7– 41.7 g; CMT3: 42.5 – 77.2 g; CMT4: 115 – 117 g Terminations: Tin-silver over copper 3 2 Y CMT-1 Series Leakage Lead Part L min1 Irms inductance2 DCR max3 number (mH) (A) max (µH) (Ohms) CMT1-5.0-1L CMT1-8.0-1L CMT1-15.0-1L CMT1-2.5-2L CMT1-4.0-2L CMT1-7.5-2L CMT1-1.3-4L CMT1-2.1-4L CMT1-3.7-4L CMT1-1.0-6L CMT1-1.7-6L CMT1-3.0-6L CMT1-.6-9L CMT1-1.1-9L CMT1-1.9-9L CMT1-.5-12L CMT1-.8-12L CMT1-1.4-12L CMT1-.3-15L CMT1-.6-15L CMT1-1.1-15L 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 5.0 8.0 15.0 2.5 4.0 7.5 1.3 2.1 3.7 1.0 1.7 3.0 0.6 1.1 1.9 0.5 0.8 1.4 0.3 0.6 1.1 1.0 1.0 1.0 2.0 2.0 2.0 4.0 4.0 4.0 6.0 6.0 6.0 9.0 9.0 9.0 12.0 12.0 12.0 15.0 15.0 15.0 80 125 233 42 70 74 20 36 40 19 34 35 11 12 20 9 9 16 6 6.5 13.7 0.207 0.270 0.430 0.090 0.095 0.108 0.029 0.040 0.036 0.022 0.032 0.027 0.012 0.013 0.017 0.008 0.008 0.011 0.005 0.006 0.008 H max L max W max 1.100/27,9 1.100/27,9 1.155/29,4 1.100/27,9 1.050/26,7 1.155/29,4 1.100/27,9 1.100/27,9 1.125/28.6 1.100/27,9 1.155/29,4 1.200/30,5 1.200/30,5 1.300/33.0 1.300/33.0 1.200/30,5 1.200/30,5 1.300/33.0 1.300/33.0 1.250/31.8 1.250/31.8 1.210/30,7 1.210/30,7 1.300/33,0 1.210/30,7 1.210/30,7 1.300/33,0 1.210/30,7 1.210/30,7 1.300/33,0 1.210/30,7 1.300/33,0 1.210/30,7 1.210/30,7 1.210/30,7 1.400/35,6 1.210/30,7 1.210/30,7 1.210/30,7 1.210/30,7 1.210/30,7 1.210/30,7 0.625/15,9 0.625/15,9 0.625/15,9 0.625/15,9 0.625/15,9 0.625/15,9 0.625/15,9 0.625/15,9 0.625/15,9 0.625/15,9 0.625/15,9 0.625/15,9 0.625/15,9 0.625/15,9 0.625/15,9 0.650/16,5 0.650/16,5 0.650/16,5 0.625/15,9 0.650/16,5 0.700/17,8 X Y diameter ±0.01/0,25 ±0.01/0,25 nom PC board hole diameter 0.80/20,3 0.80/20,3 0.80/20,3 0.80/20,3 0.80/20,3 0.80/20,3 0.80/20,3 0.80/20,3 0.80/20,3 0.80/20,3 0.80/20,3 0.80/20,3 0.80/20,3 0.80/20,3 0.80/20,3 0.80/20,3 0.80/20,3 0.80/20,3 0.80/20,3 0.80/20,3 0.80/20,3 0.091/2,32 0.091/2,32 0.091/2,32 0.091/2,32 0.091/2,32 0.091/2,32 0.091/2,32 0.091/2,32 0.091/2,32 0.091/2,32 0.091/2,32 0.091/2,32 0.071/1,80 0.071/1,80 0.071/1,80 0.081/2,06 0.081/2,06 0.081/2,06 0.091/2,32 0.091/2,32 0.091/2,32 0.40/10,2 0.40/10,2 0.40/10,2 0.40/10,2 0.40/10,2 0.40/10,2 0.40/10,2 0.40/10,2 0.40/10,2 0.40/10,2 0.40/10,2 0.40/10,2 0.40/10,2 0.40/10,2 0.40/10,2 0.40/10,2 0.40/10,2 0.40/10,2 0.40/10,2 0.40/10,2 0.40/10,2 0.054/1,37 0.054/1,37 0.054/1,37 0.054/1,37 0.054/1,37 0.054/1,37 0.054/1,37 0.054/1,37 0.054/1,37 0.054/1,37 0.054/1,37 0.054/1,37 0.042/1,07 0.042/1,07 0.042/1,07 0.048/1,22 0.048/1,22 0.048/1,22 0.054/1,37 0.054/1,37 0.054/1,37 Inductance is per winding, tested at 15.75 kHz, 0 Adc. Leakage inductance is measured from pin 1 to pin 4 with pins 2 and 3 shorted. DCR is per winding. Operating temperature range –40°C to +85°C. Electrical specifications at 25°C. US +1-847-639-6400 UK +44-1236-730595 Taiwan +886-2-2264 3646 China +86-21-6218 8074 Singapore + 65-6484 8412 Document 326-1 Revised 05/21/12 © Coilcraft Inc. 2013 This product may not be used in medical or high risk applications without prior Coilcraft approval. Specification subject to change without notice. Please check web site for latest information. Document 326-2 Common Mode Line Chokes – CMT Series 0.118 3,00 Recommended PC Board Layout Schematic Part number H max 0.120/0.180 3,05/4,57 2 L max 4 2 3 Internal codes CMTX-X.X-XL XXXX CC-3 Y 1 1 Parts manufactured prior to September 2011 may be marked differently. 1 X Weights: 2 3 W max 4 CMT1: 13.3 – 25.5 g; CMT2: 20.7– 41.7 g; CMT3: 42.5 – 77.2 g; CMT4: 115 – 117 g Terminations: Tin-silver over copper 3 2 Y CMT-2 Series Leakage Lead Part L min1 Irms inductance2 DCR max3 number (mH) (A) max (µH) (Ohms) CMT2-7.5-1L CMT2-13-1L CMT2-3.8-2L CMT2-6.5-2L CMT2-1.9-4L CMT2-3.3-4L CMT2-1.5-6L CMT2-2.6-6L CMT2-.9-9L CMT2-1.5-9L CMT2-.7-12L CMT2-1.2-12L CMT2-.5-15L CMT2-.8-15L 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 7.5 13.0 3.8 6.5 1.9 3.3 1.5 2.6 0.9 1.5 0.7 1.2 0.5 0.8 1.0 1.0 2.0 2.0 4.0 4.0 6.0 6.0 9.0 9.0 12.0 12.0 15.0 15.0 90 190 48 98 26 45 21 41 17 15 14 14 8.7 10 0.270 0.415 0.106 0.145 0.038 0.055 0.029 0.040 0.014 0.013 0.011 0.011 0.007 0.007 H max L max W max 1.100/27,9 1.300/33,0 1.100/27,9 1.300/33,0 1.100/27,9 1.300/33,0 1.100/27,9 1.400/35,6 1.200/30,5 1.250/31,8 1.200/30,5 1.200/30,5 1.300/33.0 1.200/30,5 1.310/33,3 1.310/33,3 1.310/33,3 1.310/33,3 1.310/33,3 1.310/33,3 1.310/33,3 1.400/35,6 1.310/33,3 1.250/31,8 1.250/31,8 1.250/31,8 1.300/33,0 1.250/31,8 0.825/21,0 0.825/21,0 0.825/21,0 0.825/21,0 0.825/21,0 0.825/21,0 0.825/21,0 0.900/22,9 0.825/21,0 0.825/21,0 0.825/21,0 0.825/21,0 0.825/21,0 0.825/21,0 X Y diameter ±0.01/0,25 ±0.01/0,25 nom PC board hole diameter 0.90/22,9 0.90/22,9 0.90/22,9 0.90/22,9 0.90/22,9 0.90/22,9 0.90/22,9 0.90/22,9 0.90/22,9 0.90/22,9 0.90/22,9 0.90/22,9 0.90/22,9 0.90/22,9 0.091/2,32 0.091/2,32 0.091/2,32 0.091/2,32 0.091/2,32 0.091/2,32 0.091/2,32 0.091/2,32 0.071/1,80 0.071/1,80 0.081/2,06 0.081/2,06 0.091/2,32 0.091/2,32 0.60/15,2 0.60/15,2 0.60/15,2 0.60/15,2 0.60/15,2 0.60/15,2 0.60/15,2 0.60/15,2 0.60/15,2 0.60/15,2 0.60/15,2 0.60/15,2 0.60/15,2 0.60/15,2 0.054/1,37 0.054/1,37 0.054/1,37 0.054/1,37 0.054/1,37 0.054/1,37 0.054/1,37 0.054/1,37 0.042/1,07 0.042/1,07 0.048/1,22 0.048/1,22 0.054/1,37 0.054/1,37 Inductance is per winding, tested at 15.75 kHz, 0 Adc. Leakage inductance is measured from pin 1 to pin 4 with pins 2 and 3 shorted. DCR is per winding. Operating temperature range –40°C to +85°C. Electrical specifications at 25°C. CMT-3 Series Leakage Lead Part L min1 Irms inductance2 DCR max3 number (mH) (A) max (µH) (Ohms) CMT3-32-1L CMT3-56-1L CMT3-16-2L CMT3-28-2L CMT3-8-4L CMT3-14-4L CMT3-6.6-6L CMT3-11.5-6L CMT3-4-9L CMT3-7-9L CMT3-3-12L CMT3-5.2-12L CMT3-2.5-15L CMT3-4.4-15L 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 32.0 56.0 16.0 28.0 8.0 14.0 6.6 11.5 4.0 7.0 3.0 5.2 2.5 4.4 1.0 1.0 2.0 2.0 4.0 4.0 6.0 6.0 9.0 9.0 12.0 12.0 15.0 15.0 485 780 210 410 57.5 180 49 140 37 104 40 47 42 48 0.650 0.900 0.240 0.330 0.061 0.120 0.048 0.088 0.026 0.045 0.022 0.025 0.019 0.017 H max L max W max 1.400/35,6 1.650/41,9 1.400/35,6 1.650/41,9 1.350/34,3 1.700/43,2 1.400/35,6 1.700/43,2 1.400/35,6 1.760/44,7 1.700/43,2 1.700/43,2 1.750/44,5 1.700/43,2 1.650/41,9 1.650/41,9 1.650/41,9 1.650/41,9 1.650/41,9 1.650/41,9 1.600/40,6 1.650/41,9 1.450/36,8 1.760/44,7 1.700/43,2 1.700/43,2 1.750/44,5 1.700/43,2 0.925/23,5 0.925/23,5 0.925/23,5 0.925/23,5 0.925/23,5 0.950/24,1 0.925/23,5 0.925/23,5 0.925/23,5 0.975/24,8 0.950/24,1 1.000/25,4 1.000/25,4 1.000/25,4 X Y diameter ±0.01/0,25 ±0.01/0,25 nom PC board hole diameter 1.20/30,5 1.20/30,5 1.20/30,5 1.20/30,5 1.20/30,5 1.20/30,5 1.20/30,5 1.20/30,5 1.20/30,5 1.20/30,5 1.20/30,5 1.20/30,5 1.20/30,5 1.20/30,5 0.091/2,32 0.091/2,32 0.091/2,32 0.091/2,32 0.091/2,32 0.091/2,32 0.091/2,32 0.091/2,32 0.071/1,80 0.071/1,80 0.081/2,06 0.081/2,06 0.091/2,32 0.091/2,32 0.70/17,8 0.70/17,8 0.70/17,8 0.70/17,8 0.70/17,8 0.70/17,8 0.70/17,8 0.70/17,8 0.70/17,8 0.70/17,8 0.70/17,8 0.70/17,8 0.70/17,8 0.70/17,8 0.054/1,37 0.054/1,37 0.054/1,37 0.054/1,37 0.054/1,37 0.054/1,37 0.054/1,37 0.054/1,37 0.042/1,07 0.042/1,07 0.048/1,22 0.048/1,22 0.054/1,37 0.054/1,37 Inductance is per winding, tested at 15.75 kHz, 0 Adc. Leakage inductance is measured from pin 1 to pin 4 with pins 2 and 3 shorted. DCR is per winding. Operating temperature range –40°C to +85°C. Electrical specifications at 25°C. US +1-847-639-6400 UK +44-1236-730595 Taiwan +886-2-2264 3646 China +86-21-6218 8074 Singapore + 65-6484 8412 Document 326-2 Revised 05/21/12 © Coilcraft Inc. 2013 This product may not be used in medical or high risk applications without prior Coilcraft approval. Specification subject to change without notice. Please check web site for latest information. Document 326-3 Common Mode Line Chokes – CMT Series 0.118 3,00 Recommended PC Board Layout Schematic Part number H max 0.120/0.180 3,05/4,57 2 L max 4 2 3 Internal codes CMTX-X.X-XL XXXX CC-3 Y 1 1 Parts manufactured prior to September 2011 may be marked differently. 1 X Weights: 2 3 W max 4 CMT1: 13.3 – 25.5 g; CMT2: 20.7– 41.7 g; CMT3: 42.5 – 77.2 g; CMT4: 115 – 117 g Terminations: Tin-silver over copper 3 2 Y CMT-4 Series Leakage Lead Part L min1 Irms inductance2 DCR max3 number (mH) (A) max (µH) (Ohms) CMT4-72-1L 72.0 CMT4-125-1L 125.0 CMT4-36-2L 36.0 CMT4-62-2L 62.0 CMT4-19-4L 19.0 CMT4-32-4L 32.0 CMT4-15-6L 15.0 CMT4-26-6L 26.0 CMT4-10-9L 10.0 CMT4-17-9L 17.0 CMT4-7.5-12L 7.5 CMT4-13-12L 13.0 CMT4-6-15L 6.0 CMT4-10-15L 10.0 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 1.0 1.0 2.0 2.0 4.0 4.0 6.0 6.0 9.0 9.0 12.0 12.0 15.0 15.0 1400 1400 680 750 350 370 275 320 190 220 140 155 111 122 1.150 1.150 0.415 0.415 0.150 0.158 0.114 0.115 0.057 0.062 0.042 0.043 0.030 0.029 H max L max W max 2.100/53,3 2.200/55,9 2.215/56,3 2.200/55,9 2.200/55,9 2.200/55,9 2.200/55,9 2.225/56,5 2.200/55,9 2.280/57,9 2.200/55,9 2.250/57,2 2.250/57,2 2.280/57,9 2.100/53,3 2.150/54,6 2.150/54,6 2.150/54,6 2.180/55,4 2.180/55,4 2.180/55,4 2.180/55,4 2.180/55,4 2.250/57,2 2.250/57,2 2.300/58,4 2.250/57,2 2.300/58,4 1.130/28,7 1.130/28,7 1.130/28,7 1.130/28,7 1.130/28,7 1.130/28,7 1.130/28,7 1.130/28,7 1.130/28,7 1.150/29,2 1.130/28,7 1.130/28,7 1.150/29,2 1.130/28,7 X Y diameter ±0.01/0,25 ±0.01/0,25 nom PC board hole diameter 1.50/38,1 1.50/38,1 1.50/38,1 1.50/38,1 1.50/38,1 1.50/38,1 1.50/38,1 1.50/38,1 1.50/38,1 1.50/38,1 1.50/38,1 1.50/38,1 1.50/38,1 1.50/38,1 0.091/2,32 0.091/2,32 0.091/2,32 0.091/2,32 0.091/2,32 0.091/2,32 0.091/2,32 0.091/2,32 0.071/1,80 0.071/1,80 0.081/2,06 0.081/2,06 0.091/2,32 0.091/2,32 0.90/22,9 0.90/22,9 0.90/22,9 0.90/22,9 0.90/22,9 0.90/22,9 0.90/22,9 0.90/22,9 0.90/22,9 0.90/22,9 0.90/22,9 0.90/22,9 0.90/22,9 0.90/22,9 0.054/1,37 0.054/1,37 0.054/1,37 0.054/1,37 0.054/1,37 0.054/1,37 0.054/1,37 0.054/1,37 0.042/1,07 0.042/1,07 0.048/1,22 0.048/1,22 0.054/1,37 0.054/1,37 Inductance is per winding, tested at 15.75 kHz, 0 Adc. Leakage inductance is measured from pin 1 to pin 4 with pins 2 and 3 shorted. DCR is per winding. Operating temperature range –40°C to +85°C. Electrical specifications at 25°C. US +1-847-639-6400 UK +44-1236-730595 Taiwan +886-2-2264 3646 China +86-21-6218 8074 Singapore + 65-6484 8412 Document 326-3 Revised 05/21/12 © Coilcraft Inc. 2013 This product may not be used in medical or high risk applications without prior Coilcraft approval. Specification subject to change without notice. Please check web site for latest information. Document 326-4 Common Mode Line Chokes – CMT Series Typical Common Mode Attenuation (Ref: 50 Ohms) CMT1 and CMT2 CMT3 and CMT4 US +1-847-639-6400 UK +44-1236-730595 Taiwan +886-2-2264 3646 China +86-21-6218 8074 Singapore + 65-6484 8412 Document 326-4 Revised 05/21/12 © Coilcraft Inc. 2013 This product may not be used in medical or high risk applications without prior Coilcraft approval. Specification subject to change without notice. Please check web site for latest information. Document 326-5 Common Mode Line Chokes – CMT Series Typical Impedance CMT1 and CMT2 CMT3 and CMT4 US +1-847-639-6400 UK +44-1236-730595 Taiwan +886-2-2264 3646 China +86-21-6218 8074 Singapore + 65-6484 8412 Document 326-5 Revised 05/21/12 © Coilcraft Inc. 2013 This product may not be used in medical or high risk applications without prior Coilcraft approval. Specification subject to change without notice. Please check web site for latest information.