AS3689 Preliminary Product Brief, Confidential austriamicrosystems Preliminary Product Brief, Confidential AS3689 Flexible Lighting Management (Charge Pump, DCDC Step Up, Current Sink, ADC, LDO) 1 General Description The AS3689 is a highly-integrated CMOS Power and Lighting Management Unit to supply power to LCD-and cameramodules in mobile telephones, and other 1-cell Li+ or 3-cell NiMH powered devices. The AS3689 incorporates one low-power, lowdropout regulator (LDO), one Step Up DC/DC Converter for white backlight LEDs, one high-power Charge Pump for camera flash LEDs, one Analogto-Digital Converter, support for up to 11 current sinks, a two wire serial interface, and control logic all onto a single device. Output voltages and output currents are fully programmable. The AS3689 is a successor to the austrimicrosystems AS3681 with several additional features (Charge Pump Automatic Up Switching, Extended timer features, autonomous logarithmic and linear PWM dimming, LED pattern generator, DCDC step up overvoltage protection, improved Charge Pump and a fourth high current sink). 2 Key Features High-Efficiency Step Up DC/DC Converter − Up to 25V/50mA for White LEDs − Programmable Output Voltage with External Resistors and Serial Interface − Overvoltage Protection − 0.1Ohm Shunt Resistor High-Efficiency High-Power Charge Pump − 1:1, 1:1.5, and 1:2 Mode − Automatic Up Switching (can be disabled and 1:2 mode can be blocked) − Output Current up to 400mA − Efficiency up to 95% − Very Low effective Resistance (0.5Ω typ. 1Ω max. in 1:1 mode, 1.8Ω typ. in 1:1.5) − Only 4 External Capacitors Required: 2 x 1µF Flying Capacitors, 2 x 2.2µF Input/Output Capacitors − Supports LCD White Backlight LEDs, − Camera Flash White LEDs, and Keypad Backlight LEDs Supports up to 15 Current Sinks − Four Programmable (6-Bit) from: 0.6mA to 37.8mA − Two Programmable (8-bit) from: 0.15mA to 38.5mA − Three High Voltage Programmable (8-bit) from: 0.15mA to 38.5mA (Keyboard LEDs) − Six Programmable (8-bit) from: 0.15mA to 38.5mA (2 RGB LEDs) (ptr) Programmable Hardware Control (Strobe, and Preview or PWM) − Selectively Enable/Disable Current Sinks Internal PWM Generation 8 Bit resolution Logarithmic up/down dimming Led Pattern Generator Autonomous driving for Fun RGB LEDs 10-bit Successive Approximation ADC − 27µs Conversion Time − Selectable Inputs: GPIO, GPI, all current sources, VBAT, CP_OUT, DCDC_FB − Internal Temp. Measurement − Light Sensor, inluding a adjustable current source (0-15uA) to V2_5 Support for automatic LED testing (open and shorted LEDs can be identified) Support for external Temperature Sensor for high current LED protection (CURR3x) Strobe Timeout protection Up to 1600ms Three different timing modes 2 General Purpose Inputs/Outputs GPIO Input/Output, GPI only Input − Digital Input, Digital Output, and Tristate − Programmable Pull-Up, and Pull-Down − GPI can be used as Flash Strobe − GPIO can be used for Preview Mode − GPIO can be used as PWM input Negative or High-Voltage Charge Pump − Regulated Output Voltage, Programmable by Dual Resistors e.g. -6V, 10mA for OLED or ±15V, 5mA for TFT − ±5% Accuracy Programmable LDO (shared with RGB3) − 1.85 to 3.4V, 150mA Programmable via Serial Interface Standby LDO always on − Regulated 2.5V max. output 10mA − 3µA Quiescent Current Wide Battery Supply Range: 3.0 to 5.5V Two Wire Serial Interface Control Overcurrent and Thermal Protection Package: CSP 3 x 3 mm − − − − − − − − 3 Application Power- and lighting-management for mobile telephones and other 1-cell Li+ or 3-cell NiMH powered devices. Revision 1.0 / 20051205 1-3 AS3689 Preliminary Product Brief, Confidential austriamicrosystems 4 Block Diagram Figure 1 – Application Diagram of the AS3689 Battery R2 SENSE_P Battery AS3689 Lighting Management Unit SENSE_N L1 10µH LED Test DCDC_GATE Step Up DC/DC Converter C2 1µF D1 R3 1M C10 1.5nF R4 100k C11 15nF C9 4.7µF Q1 DCDC_FB VBAT2 Battery V2_5 C4 1µF VBAT1 References and Temperature Supervision RBIAS C5 1µF C2_P R1 220k C2_N C6 1µF Charge Pump LDO 1.85-3.4V 150mA (Alternative Function) C1_P 1:1, 1:1.5, 1:2 Battery or CPOUT 400mA C1_N Current Sinks 0.156-40mA C7 1µF D8 D11 D14 D9 D12 D15 D10 D13 D16 VSS_CP RGB1 CPOUT RGB2 RGB1 RGB3 (VANA) Current Sinks each 0.6-37.8mA D17,D18,D19 OLED Charge Pump (Alternative Function) LDO VANA e.g. 2.8V Battery or CPOUT C12 2.2µF D3 D4 D5 C8 2.2µF CURR31 CURR32 Current Sinks 0.15-38.5mA CURR33 CURR41 CURR42 RGB2 D2 CURR30 Current Sinks each 0.15-38.5mA CURR43 CURR51 D6 D7 CURR52 D20,D21,D22 8Bit PWM Generator Automatic Dimming and LED Pattern Generator HV Current Sinks each 0.15-38.5mA CURR1 CURR2 V2_5 CURR6 Vtemp GPIO/ ADC Strobe Timer CLK Serial Interface GPIO GPI VDD_GPIO VSS DATA CLK VDD_GPIO R5 1-10k DATA VSS R6 (ptr) Revision 1.0 / 20051205 2-3 AS3689 Preliminary Product Brief, Confidential austriamicrosystems Copyright Copyright © 1997-2005, austriamicrosystems AG, Schloss Premstaetten, 8141 Unterpremstaetten, AustriaEurope. Trademarks Registered ®. All rights reserved. The material herein may not be reproduced, adapted, merged, translated, stored, or used without the prior written consent of the copyright owner. All products and companies mentioned are trademarks of their respective companies. Disclaimer Devices sold by austriamicrosystems AG are covered by the warranty and patent identification provisions appearing in its Term of Sale. austriamicrosystems AG makes no warranty, express, statutory, implied, or by description regarding the information set forth herein or regarding the freedom of the described devices from patent infringement. austriamicrosystems AG reserves the right to change specifications and prices at any time and without notice. Therefore, prior to designing this product into a system, it is necessary to check with austriamicrosystems AG for current information. This product is intended for use in normal commercial applications. Applications requiring extended temperature range, unusual environmental requirements, or high reliability applications, such as military, medical life-support or life-sustaining equipment are specifically not recommended without additional processing by austriamicrosystems AG for each application. The information furnished here by austriamicrosystems AG is believed to be correct and accurate. However, austriamicrosystems AG shall not be liable to recipient or any third party for any damages, including but not limited to personal injury, property damage, loss of profits, loss of use, interruption of business or indirect, special, incidental or consequential damages, of any kind, in connection with or arising out of the furnishing, performance or use of the technical data herein. No obligation or liability to recipient or any third party shall arise or flow out of austriamicrosystems AG rendering of technical or other services. Contact Information Headquarters: austriamicrosystems AG Business Unit Communications A 8141 Schloss Premstätten, Austria T. +43 (0) 3136 500 0 F. +43 (0) 3136 5692 [email protected] For Sales Offices, Distributors and Representatives, please visit: austriamicrosystems (ptr) – a leap ahead Revision 1.0 / 20051205 3-3