Driving the Digital Lifestyle CVE3 DVD NTSC/PAL/SECAM Video Encoder Product Brief Zoran Corporation 1390 Kifer Road Sunnyvale, CA 94086-5305 Digital Camera Digital TV Imaging IP Cores Te l 408.523.6500 Fax 408.523.6501 www.zoran.com Description Zoran's CVE3 NTSC/PAL/SECAM Video Encoder is a siliconefficient, high-quality Intellectual Property Core for video IC designs requiring the TV output function. The CVE3 encodes YCrCb, 4:2:2 digital video into all NTSC, PAL, or SECAM TV standards. The CVE3 supports vertical blanking interval (VBI) encoding, including closed caption, teletext, WSS and CGMS-A encoding. CVE3 also includes support for Macrovision 7.1.L1, the copy protection scheme used in DVD players and set-top boxes. Six separate output busses for Y, Composite, Chroma, and RGB provide for flexibility in connection and multiplexing to DACs. Proven in silicon and shipping in the millions, the CVE3 video encoder greatly reduces the risk and time involved when integrating the video encoding function into an IC. Zoran’s video encoder technology is incorporated into its own Vaddis DVD playback and COACH digital camera ICs. VIP-II Demonstration System The VIP-II is an FPGA demonstration system for Zoran's IP Core products. The VIP-II accepts composite video, S-video and component video inputs and with its user friendly GUI enables customers to thoroughly evaluate the performance of Zoran's IP Core products. Features • Encodes 4:2:2 YCrCb into all variations of NTSC, PAL or SECAM TV standards • Simultaneous output of composite video, S-video and component video supported • Dual chroma paths for optimal output of both composite video and S-Video component video • CCIR 601, 604 and 656 and SMTPE 253 standards supported • Macrovision 7.1.L1 copy protection • • • • 33-tap luma filter Programmable Notch Filter Outputs 10-bit data to DACs Vertical Blanking Interval (VBI) encoding support including closed caption, teletext, WSS & CGMS Encoding • Fully synchronous design • Process technology independent "softcore" Integrated Circuit Applications • PC video • Digital camera processors • PC graphics • Set top box decoders • Gaming systems • Any system requiring TV output Deliverables • Compilable Verilog source code • Bit accurate, cycle accurate C model • Synopsis synthesis scripts • Test input files • Documentation • VIP-II FPGA demonstration system available Figure 1. CVE3 Video Encoder Block Diagram tt_req Y Cr, Cb Y 31-tap 2x Upsampling Filter Add Sync Setup Timing Generator & Macrovision Control data_write data_read r/w control 7/16/04-TS Register File Y D/A Composite D/A Chroma Modulation and Burst Generation Hblank clk27 Add VBI Pulse (WSS/Closed Y D/A Caption/Teletext) Cb 4x Upsampling Filter Cr 4x Upsampling Filter Vblank tt_data C D/A SECAM Chroma Modulation CVE3 NTSC/PALSECAM Video Encoder R/Pr YUV2RGB G/Y B/Pb CVE3-PB-1.0 Driving the Digital Lifestyle CVE3 NTSC/PAL/SECAM Video Encoder Product Brief Figure 2. CVE3 Video Encoder Pinout Diagram composite[9:0] luma[9:0] chroma[9:0] red[9:0] green[9:0] blue[9:0] comp_sync slave_mode SLAVE MODE INTERFACE VIDEO INPUT INTERFACE TELETEXT INPUT INTERFACE HOST BUST INTERFACE v_blank_in h_blank_in field_in v_blank_in h_blank field VIDEO OUTPUT INTERFACE y[9:0] c[9:0] CVE3 NTSC/PAL/SECAM cpu_clk Video cpu_reset_l reg_rdy reg_rd_wm Encoder reg_addr[5:0] tt_req tt_data reg_din[7:0] cve3_reg_ack cve3_dout[7:0] cve3_dout_rdy clk[6:0] reset_l PARTIAL SLAVE INTERFACE CUSTOMER SPECIFIC INTERFACE resync resync_field resync_linenum[9:0] resync_pixel[9:0] extra_halfline burst_blank at_blank vsync5 my_disable scan_enable For more information, contact Zoran's Sunnyvale office or the office nearest you: Canada China Hong Kong Israel Japan Korea Taiwan Zoran Toronto Lab Zoran China Office Zoran Asia Pacific Ltd. Zoran Microelectronics Ltd. Zoran Japan Office Zoran Korea Office Zoran Taiwan Office Te l : (416) 690-3356 Tel: 86-755-83993777 Tel: +852-2-620-5838 Te l : +972-4-8545-777 Te l : +81-03-5475-1051 Tel: +82-2-761-7471 Te l : +886-2-2659-9797 Fax: (416) 690-3363 Fax: 86-755-83220889 Fax: +852-2-620-5238 Fax: +972-4-8551-551 Fax: +81-03-5475-1053 Fax: +82-2-761-7472 Fax: +886-2-2659-9595 7/16/04-TS CVE3-PB-1.0