, One, TELEPHONE: (973) 376-2922 20 STERN AVE. SPRINGFIELD, NEW JERSEY 07081 U.S.A. (212)227-6005 FAX: (973) 376-8960 BUZ71 BUZ71A Power Field Effect Transistor N-Channel Enhancement-Mode Silicon Gate TMOS POWER FETs 12 AMPERES •DSIon) 0.12 OHMS 60 VOLTS TO-220AB MAXIMUM RATINGS Rating Symbol BUZ71 VDSS VDGR Drain-Source Voltage Drain-Gate Voltage (RQS - 20 Mil VGS ID Gale-Source Voltaga Drain Currant — Continuous - Pulsed 'DM PD Total Power Dissipation @ TC - 25°C Darata above 25°C Oparating and Storage-Temperature Range BUZ71A Vdc 50 Vdc ±20 Vde 12 48 Adc 40 0.32 Watts VWC -55 to 150 TJ' Tstg Unit SO °C THERMAL CHARACTERISTICS Thermal Resistance — Junction to Case > — Junction loAmbienl 3.12 62.5 °C/W R&JA TL 275 «c "we Maximum Lead Temp, for Soldering Purpoaea, 1/8" from case for 5 seconds ELECTRICAL CHARACTERISTICS <TC - 25°C unless otherwise noted) LOFF CHARACTERISTICS Charactariatle Draln-Sourca Breakdown Voltaga (VQS - 0, ID » 1 mA) Zero Gate Voltaga Drain Current (VDS " so voitj, VQS - w (VDS = so voits. vGS = o, TJ = i25-ci Gala-Body Leakage Current, Forward (VQSF - 20 Vdc, VDS " 0) Gala-Body leakage Current, Reverse (VQSR - 20 Vdc, VQS = 0) Symbol VIBRIDSS IDSS IGSSF IGSSR 50 — — - Typ Max — _ — Unit Vdc /lAdc 250 1000 10 100 nAdc 10 100 nAdc NJ Semi-Conductors reserves the right to change test conditions, parameter limits and package dimensions without notice. Information furnished by NJ Semi-Conductors is believed to be both accurate and reliable at the time of going to press. However, NJ Semi-Conductors assumes no responsibility for any errors or omissions discovered in its use. NJ Semi-Conductors encourages customers to verify that datasheets are current before placing orders. Quality Semi-Conductors Charaetarlctk Symbol Min TVP Max Unit VGS(th) 2.1 3.1 4 Vdc - 0.08 0.10 0.10 0.12 - 0.48 0.60 - 3 5.5 — mhos — 650 pF - 450 - 280 14 " nC ns ON CHARACTERISTICS* Gate Threshold Voltage (VDS = VQS. ID - 10 mA> Static Drain-Source On-Resistance (VGS - 1° Vdc. ID = 6 Adc) Drain-Source On-Voltage (VQS = 10 V) «D - 6 Adc) (ID - 6 Adc) SFS DYNAMIC CHARACTERISTICS _ Input Capacitance Cis, (VDS • 25 v, VGS * o, _ coss f - 1 MHz) Reverse Transfer Capacitance Total Gate Charge Vdc VDS(on) BUZ71 BUZ71A Forward Transconductance (VDS - 25V, ID = 6 A) Output Capacitance Ohm 'DSIonl BUZ71 BUZ71A Crs, (VDS • 40 v. VGS = K> vdc, ID = 12 A) - Qg See Figures 6 and 12 SWITCHING CHARACTERISTICS* Turn-On Delay Time Rise Time Turn-Off Daisy Time (VDD - 30 V, ID = 3 A, Rgun " 5° ohms) Sea Figures 11 and 12 'd(on) — — 30 tr _ - 85 - 90 - 110 — — 2.2 Vdc - 120 — ns — 110 — ns - 3.5 4.5 - — 7.5 — 'd(off) Fall Time tf - VSD ton Irr SOURCE DRAIN DIODE CHARACTERISTICS* Forward On-Voltage Forward Turn-On Time «S - 24 A, VQS - 0) Havana Recovery Time INTERNAL PACKAGE INDUCTANCE Internal Drain Inductance (Measured from the contact screw on tab to center of die) (Measured from the drain lead 0.25" from package to cantar of die) Ld Internal Source Inductance (Measured fram the source lead 0.25* from package to source bond pad) L, •Pul*t Test: Pulu Width < 300 til. Duty Cycle * 2%. TO-220AB NOTES: 1. DMENSIONMG «ND TOLERANCMG m ANSI V14.SM, 1SE. 2. CONTBOU1HC DIMENSION: INCH. 1 miZDEFMSAZONEWHEKALLBODYAND HAD BMGUUWmES ARE ALLOWED. STYUS: HNVGATE 2. DRAIN 1SOUFW 4. HUM nH