SMT Aluminum Electrolytic Capacitors R % % $ # $ : $*+°((( K =I V $∗@ ! U J!#!U V !U % X " δ &'( )*+° ' -((#! (!- -+((9: ;(<=-(>?)(°@ [ [ B(!(-# F=9@ =H&I B(!(# =9@@=J K Z Z I =B &+)(°L ' F FF -(>?@ &'()(° -+ * ' ' F F'' "K ((( )*+;° ? )(° ! [ δ $;(< K Z((< K ? U J!#!! " [ K Z =φF@ ' +(J!#! =φF@ *=φ!F@ 'J!#! ;F(< B K -((( !FJ!#! [ =φ!F@ R Z \ -(J!#! ;(< Z -((( )*+;° K ? )(° !=J K @ =U 86 @ ? )(° ! ;-(< K [ δ Z K [Z K " X U > = @ V K " =V " & @ - +( ] =9:@ =? ZX @ X =V "Z? @ :N*ZX ;(!F X)(!&(! ? =I@ H;(! φ;(!+ U K =#!@ =@ ;(! =B@ (!FY Y $+(#-9:=I ? @ =B@ R " ? @ J!#!=#@'!F -( -+F++( F-(( X % > [ +!'=φ!F@ U > Z ? XH>BJI] F!( +!' F!F '!+R^ -!+ (!++;(!- (! (!F+ &(!( '!( +!' '!F +!+R^ -!* (!+;(!- -!( (!F+ &(!( H +!( +!' +!F !+R^ ! (!+;(!- -!+ (!F+ &(!( !F +!' ! L!*R^ ! (!+;(!- -!* (!F+&(!( * !F L!L ! L!*R^ ! (!+;(!- -!* (!F+&(!( *!( ! *!F _!+R^ F!' (!+;(!- ! (!F+&(!( : *!( -(! *!F -(!(R^ F!' (!_(;(! F!- (!L(;(! N -(!( -(! -(!F -!(R^ F!+ (!_(;(! '! (!L(;(! =@ )(!-+ )(!-+ )(!-+ )(!-+ )(!-+ )(!-+ '=(N@!F=(O@-(=-@-=-@+=-@ F+=-#@+(=->@F=-O@-((=@ I & H& I & I & I & I & H& I & H& I & H& I & H& I & H& ? ? ? ? ? ? ? !=9:@ ? ? (!H H (! H (!FF H H (!'L H H -!( H H ! H H F!F H H '!L :=@ H H =H@ H -( :=@ =H@ =H@ H =@ H :=@ N=:@ =H@ H=@ =@ =@ =@ =H@ =H@ : FF =H@ N H =@ =@ :=@* =@ N=:@ =@ 'L =H@ N=:@* H =@ =@ =@ N =@ -(( =@ N=:@ :=@* N=:@* =@ * ( =@ N N=:@ N=:@ :* : FF( * =@ N=:@ N N=:@ N=:@ 'L( : * N N =: @ N -((( N=:@ -+(( N J!#!=#@ Design and specifications are subject to change without notice. Ask factory for technical specifications before purchase and/or use. Whenever a doubt about safety arises from this product, please contact us immediately for technical consultation. SMT Aluminum Electrolytic Capacitors I J!#! ! =;(<@ I V ! =U >$ @ R! I " qz I V ! =U >$ @ U ' U δ & =-(>?@ =-(>?@ =)*+°@ =)(°@ = @ = @ U =#@ ? X ? ! F +!' -_ (!FL -((( #(N(U =-@ (N(U ='@ ((( FF ' +!' H (!F+ -((( #(NFF(U =-@ (NFF(U ='@ ((( =9:@ =@ =@ % = @ 'L ' +!' 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L( (! -((( #--(-JI =-@ --(-JI ='@ -((( * (( (!( ((( #--(-I =@ --(-I =+@ -((( !F L!L * - (!- ((( #--^I =-@ ='@ _(( * : *( (!( ((( --^I --I =+@ +(( FF 'L -(( !F ( FF( 'L( -((( FF 'L -(( -( ( FF( 'L( -((( -( FF - 'L -(( ( ! -(! #--I =@ An explanation of the taping dimensions can be found on page 84. Reflow profiles can be found on page 86. Design and specifications are subject to change without notice. Ask factory for technical specifications before purchase and/or use. Whenever a doubt about safety arises from this product, please contact us immediately for technical consultation. SMT Aluminum Electrolytic Capacitors Q I J!#! ! =;(<@ FF( - 'L( '!L -( + FF 'L -(( ( FF( I V ! (U >$ @ I V ! =U >$ @ R! I " qz % * -(! : F( (!( ((( #-FF-`I =@ -FF-`I =+@ +(( -( -(! N F*( (!( ((( #-FF-I =@ -FF-I =+@ +(( * -(! : F+( (!( ((( #-'L-`I =@ -'L-`I =+@ +(( -( -(! N '( (!( ((( #-'L-I =@ -'L-I =+@ +(( F +!' - (!- -((( #-'ULU =-@ -'ULU ='@ ((( ' +!' H (!-' ((( #-'ULU =-@ -'ULU ='@ ((( ' +!' H (!( -((( #--((JU =-@ --((JU ='@ ((( + +!' * (!-' ((( #--((U =-@ --((U ='@ -((( + +!' F+ (!( -((( #-(JU =-@ -(JU ='@ -((( !F +!' ++ (!-' ((( #-(I =-@ -(I ='@ -((( + +!' ' (!( -((( #-FF(JU =-@ -FF(JU ='@ -((( !F +!' + (!-' ((( #-FF(I =-@ -FF(I ='@ -((( !F +!' L( (!( -((( #-'L(JI =-@ -'L(JI ='@ -((( !F L!L * -'F (!-' ((( #--(-^I =-@ --(-^I ='@ _(( * ! _- (!- ((( #--(-`I =@ --(-`I =+@ -((( * -(! : -*( (!- ((( #--(-I =@ --(-I =+@ +(( * -(! : F( (!- ((( #--`I =@ --`I =+@ +(( -( -(! N F-( (!- ((( #--I =@ --I =+@ +(( * -(! : L( (!- ((( #-FF-`I =@ -FF-`I =+@ +(( -( -(! N F'( (!- ((( #-FF-I =@ -FF-I =+@ +(( F*( (!- ((( #-'L-I =+@ +(( ='@ ((( =@ =@ = @ 'L( -( -(! N ! F +!' * (!-' -((( #-#UU =@ -'L-I =-@ -#UU F!F F +!' -( (!-' -((( #-#FUFU =-@ -#FUFU ='@ ((( '!L ' +!' H (!- ((( #-#'ULU =-@ -#'ULU ='@ ((( ' +!' H (!- -((( #-#-((JU =-@ -#-((JU ='@ ((( +!' F( (!- ((( #-#-((U =-@ -#-((U ='@ -((( -( F+ U =9:@ U δ & =-(>?@ =-(>?@ =)*+°@ =)(°@ = @ = @ U =#@ ? ! X ? FF 'L -(( + + +!' F (!- -((( #-#(JU =-@ -#(JU ='@ -((( !F +!' ( (!- ((( #-#(I =-@ -#(I ='@ -((( !F +!' ( (!- -((( #-#FF(JI =-@ -#FF(JI ='@ -((( * ! -F( (!-' ((( #-#FF(I =@ -#FF(I =+@ -((( !F +!' L( (!- -((( #-#'L(JI =-@ -#'L(JI ='@ -((( * ! -+ (!-' ((( #-#'L(I =@ -#'L(I =+@ -((( !F L!L * -F (!- ((( #-#-(-^I =-@ -#-(-^I ='@ _(( * -(! : -'( (!-' ((( #-#-(-`I =+@ +(( -( -(! N -( (!-' ((( #-#-(-I =@ -#-(-`I =@ -#-(-I =+@ +(( (( (!-' ((( #-#-`I =@ -#-`I =+@ +(( +(( -(! : -( -(! N F-( (!-' ((( #-#-I =@ -#-I =+@ -( -(! N F+( (!-' ((( #-#FF-I =@ -#FF-I =+@ +(( F +!' - (!-' -((( #->(U-U =-@ ->(U-U ='@ ((( ' +!' H - (!- ((( #->(U-U =-@ ->(U-U ='@ ((( F +!' (!-' -((( #->UU =-@ ->UU ='@ ((( ' +!' H (!- ((( #->UU =-@ ->UU ='@ ((( F +!' F (!-' -((( #->UFFU =-@ ->UFFU ='@ ((( (!- F H ' ((( #->UFFU +!' An explanation of the taping dimensions can be found on page 84. Reflow profiles can be found on page 86. =-@ ->UFFU ='@ ((( ( FF( (!+( (! (!FF * Design and specifications are subject to change without notice. Ask factory for technical specifications before purchase and/or use. Whenever a doubt about safety arises from this product, please contact us immediately for technical consultation. SMT Aluminum Electrolytic Capacitors Q 6WDQGDUG3URGXFWV :9 &DS PP % $ % $ 3DUW1R 5R+6 FRPSOLDQW 0LQ 3DFNDJLQJ 4 W\ 7DSLQJ SFV (((+6565 (&(9+$565 (((+$565 (&(9+665 (((+665 (&(9+$65 (((+$65 (&(9+6565 $ (&(9+6565 (((+6565 % (&(9+$565 (((+$565 (&(9+$565 (((+$565 % % (&(9+$5:5 (((+$5:5 & (&(9+$565 (((+$565 & (&(9+$:5 (((+$:5 ' (&(9+$63 (((+$63 (&(9+$:3 (((+$:3 ' ( (&(9+$3 (((+$3 ' (&(9+$;3 (((+$;3 ( (&(9+$83 (((+$83 ) (&(9+$3 (((+$3 ' (&(9+$;3 (((+$;3 KRXUV PP +] °& ) WDQ δ 3DUW1R 5R+6 QRW FRPSOLDQW (QGXU DQFH 5HIORZ 9 5LSSOH &XUUHQW &RGH +] °& P$ 5HIORZ 6SHFLILFDWLRQ &DVH VL]H 'LD /HQJWK 6 L ] H ) (&(9+$83 (((+$83 * (&(9+$3 (((+$3 (((+$83 ) (&(9+$83 * (&(9+$3 (((+$3 (&(9+$3 (((+$3 * ( (&(9-$83 (((-$83 ) (&(9-$3 (((-$3 ) (&(9-$3 (((-$3 ) (&(9-$83 (((-$83 (&(9-$3 (((-$3 * * (&(9-$3 (((-$3 ( (&(9$$53 ((($$53 ( (&(9$$583 ((($$583 ) (&(9$$53 ((($$53 ( (&(9$$83 ((($$83 ) (&(9$$3 ((($$3 ) (&(9$$83 ((($$83 (&(9$$3 ((($$3 (&(9$$3 ((($$3 * * An explanation of the taping dimensions can be found on page 84. Reflow profiles can be found on page 86. Design and specifications are subject to change without notice. Ask factory for technical specifications before purchase and/or use. Whenever a doubt about safety arises from this product, please contact us immediately for technical consultation. SMT Aluminum Electrolytic Capacitors Q 6WDQGDUG3URGXFWV %LSRODU :9 &DS 5HIORZ & (&(9-$15 (((-$15 ' (&(9-$13 (((-$13 ((($$15 SFV % ' (&(9$$13 ((($$13 (((&$515 % (&(9&$515 & (&(9&$15 (((&$15 ' (&(9&$13 (((&$13 (&(9($515 (&(9($515 (((($515 (((($515 (((($13 (((9$515 (((9$515 (((9$13 (&(9+$515 (&(9+$515 (((+$515 (((+$515 (&(9+$515 (&(9+$15 (((+$515 (((+$15 (((+$515 (((+515 (((+$513 % & KRXUV (&(9$$15 0LQ 3DFNDJLQJ 4 W\ 7DSLQJ 3DUW1R 5R+6 FRPSOLDQW PP ) +] °& 3DUW1R 5R+6 QRW FRPSOLDQW PP 9 WDQ δ +] °& P$ (QGXU DQFH 5HIORZ 6SHFLILFDWLRQ &DVH VL]H 'LD /HQJWK 6 L ] H 5LSSOH &RGH &XUUHQW ' % & ' % % % % (&(9($13 (&(99$515 (&(99$515 (&(99$13 & & (&(9+$515 ((91=+55 ' (&(9+$513 An explanation of the taping dimensions can be found on page 84. Reflow profiles can be found on page 86. ■ Frequency Correction Factor of Rated Ripple Current coefficient 50,60 0.70 Frequency (Hz) 120 1k 1.0 1.3 10k~ 1.7 Design and specifications are subject to change without notice. Ask factory for technical specifications before purchase and/or use. Whenever a doubt about safety arises from this product, please contact us immediately for technical consultation. SMT Aluminum Electrolytic Capacitors ■ Endurance Design and specifications are subject to change without notice. Ask factory for technical specifications before purchase and/or use. Whenever a doubt about safety arises from this product, please contact us immediately for technical consultation. 11 SMT Aluminum Electrolytic Capacitors ■ Frequency Characteristics at 20°C n=3 4V.W. 100 at 20°C n=3 6.3V.W. 100 (1)ECEV0GS220S( (2)ECEV0GA470S( (3)ECEV0GA101S( (4)ECEV0GA221S( (1)ECEV0JS220W(22µF ,φ3x5.4) (2)ECEV0JA220S (22µF ,φ4x5.4) (3)ECEV0JA470S (47µF ,φ5x5.4) (4)ECEV0JA101S (100µF,φ6.3x5.4) (5)ECEV0JA220S (22µF ,φ8x6.2) (6)ECEV0JA470S (47µF ,φ8x10.2) (7)ECEV0JA101S (100µF,φ10x10.2) 22µF , φ3 x5.4) 47µF , φ4 x5.4) 100µF, φ5 x5.4) 220µF, φ6.3x5.4) Impedance(Ω) Impedance(Ω) 10 10 (1) (2) (3) (4) (1) (2) 1 (5) (6) (3) (7) (4) 0 0.1 0.1 1 10 100 1000 10000 0.1 1 Frequency(kHz) 100 1000 10000 Frequency(kHz) at 20°C n=3 10 V.W. 100 10 (1)ECEV1AA330W(33µF ,φ4x5.4) (2)ECEV1AA470W(47µF ,φ5x5.4) (3)ECEV1AA101S(100µF ,φ6.3x5.4) (4)ECEV1AA221 (220µF ,φ8x6.2) (5)ECEV1AA471U(470µF ,φ8x10.2) (6)ECEV1AA102 (1000µF ,φ10x10.2) at 20°C n=3 16 V.W. 1000 (1)ECEV1CS100S(10µF ,φ3x5.4) (2)ECEV1CA220W(22µF ,φ4x5.4) (3)ECEV1CA470W(47µF ,φ5x5.4) (4)ECEV1CA101W(100µF,φ6.3x5.4) (5)ECEV1CA101P(100µF ,φ8x6.2) (6)ECEV1CA331U(330µF ,φ8x10.2) (7)ECEV1CA471 (470µF,φ10x10.2) 100 10 (2) (3) Impedance(Ω) Impedance(Ω) (1) 10 (1) (2) (3) (4) 1 (4) 1 (5) (5) (6) (6) 0.1 0.1 1 10 100 Frequency(kHz) 1000 10000 (7) 0.1 0.1 1 10 100 1000 10000 Frequency(kHz) Design and specifications are subject to change without notice. Ask factory for technical specifications before purchase and/or use. Whenever a doubt about safety arises from this product, please contact us immediately for technical consultation. SMT Aluminum Electrolytic Capacitors at 20°C n=3 35 V.W. 1000 (1)ECEV1VS3R3S(3.3µF ,φ3x5.4) (2)ECEV1VA4R7S(4.7µF ,φ4x5.4) (3)ECEV1VA100S(10µF ,φ5x5.4) (4)ECEV1VA220S(22µF ,φ6.3x5.4) (5)ECEV1VA330 (33µF ,φ8x6.2) (6)ECEV1VA101U(100µF ,φ8x10.2) (7)ECEV1VA221 (220µF,φ10x10.2) Impedance(Ω) 100 (1) 10 (2) (3) (4) (5) 1 (6) (7) 0.1 0.1 1 10 100 Frequency(kHz) 1000 10000 ■ Temperature Characteristics Design and specifications are subject to change without notice. Ask factory for technical specifications before purchase and/or use. Whenever a doubt about safety arises from this product, please contact us immediately for technical consultation. 13 SMT Aluminum Electrolytic Capacitors Temperature Characteristics Parts No.;ECEV1VA100SR(35V10µF) (φ 5 X 5.4 ) n=3 Parts No.;ECEV1VA220SP(35V 22µF) (φ 6.3 X 5.4 ) n=3 1000 100 -40°C 100 10 -40°C -25°C Impedance(Ω) Impedance(Ω) -25°C -10°C +20°C -10°C 10 1 +85°C +20°C 1 0.1 1 10 100 1000 +85°C 10000 0.1 0.1 1 Frequency(kHz) 10 100 1000 10000 Frequency(kHz) 1000 100 -40°C 100 10 -25°C -40°C -25°C -10°C 10 -10°C ESR(Ω) ESR(Ω) ■ +20°C 1 +85°C +20°C 1 0.1 +85°C 1 10 100 Frequency(kHz) 1000 10000 0.1 0.1 1 10 100 1000 10000 Frequency(kHz) Design and specifications are subject to change without notice. Ask factory for technical specifications before purchase and/or use. Whenever a doubt about safety arises from this product, please contact us immediately for technical consultation. SMT Aluminum Electrolytic Capacitors Temperature Characteristics Parts No.;ECEV1EA101P(25V 100µF) n=3 (φ 8 X 10.2) 100 Impedance(Ω) 10 -40°C -25°C 1 -10°C +20°C +85°C 0.1 0.1 1 10 100 1000 10000 Frequency(kHz) 10 -40°C -25°C ESR(Ω) ■ 1 -10°C +20°C +85°C 0.1 0.1 1 10 100 1000 10000 Frequency(kHz) Design and specifications are subject to change without notice. Ask factory for technical specifications before purchase and/or use. Whenever a doubt about safety arises from this product, please contact us immediately for technical consultation. SMT Aluminum Electrolytic Capacitors Reflow Profile Pre-fix Suffix Case Diameter ECE-V RoHS Terminal Compliant Finish Reflow Condition Reflow Chart Time above 200 Peak Temperature R 3mm to 5mm No Sn-Pb 240 for 5 seconds 20 seconds (1) Fig.1 P 6mm No Sn-Pb 240 for 5 seconds 20 seconds (1) Fig.1 P 8mm to 10mm No Sn-Pb 230 for 5 seconds 20 seconds (2) Fig.2 R 4mm to 5mm No Sn-Pb 240 for 5 seconds 20 seconds (1) Fig.1 P 6mm No Sn-Pb 240 for 5 seconds 20 seconds (1) Fig.1 P 8mm to 10mm No Sn-Pb 230 for 5 seconds 20 seconds (2) Fig.2 Q 12.5mm Yes Sn 230 for 5 seconds 20 seconds EEV- (2) Fig.2 (Except for EB series) (3) Fig.3 (EB series only) (2) Fig.2 (Except for EB series) M 16mm to 18mm Yes Sn 230 for 5 seconds 20 seconds (3) Fig.3 (EB series only) EEE- R 3mm to 5mm Yes Sn-Bi 250 for 5 seconds 60 seconds (4) Fig.4 P 6mm Yes Sn-Bi 250 for 5 seconds 60 seconds (4) Fig.4 P 8mm to 10mm Yes Sn-Bi 235 for 5 seconds 60 seconds (5) Fig.5 Fig. 1 Fig. 2 260 Peak temperature / deg.C Peak temperature / deg.C 260 250 240 230 220 210 200 250 240 230 220 210 200 0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 0 10 20 30 40 50 60 Fig. 3 Fig. 4 260 Peak temperature / deg.C 260 Peak temperature / deg.C 70 Time in 200deg.C or more / s Time in 200deg.C or more / s 250 240 230 220 210 200 250 240 230 220 210 200 0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 Time in 200deg.C or more / s Time in 200deg.C or more / s Fig. 5 Peak temperature / deg.C 260 250 240 230 220 210 200 0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 Mar. 2005 Time in 200deg.C or more / s Design and specifications are subject to change without notice. Ask factory for technical specifications before purchase and/or use. Whenever a doubt about safety arises from this product, please contact us immediately for technical consultation.