DHW40 SERIES 40 Watts DC/DC Power Converter Single & Dual Outputs Rev B FEATURES • • • • • • • • RoHS & REACH Compliant 40 Watts Output Power 4:1 Ultra Wide Input Voltage Ranges Single & Dual Outputs Remote ON/OFF Control 1500VDC I/O Isolation High Efficiency up to 91% Under Voltage Lockout (UVLO) • • • • • 2.0” x 1.0” x 0.4” Package Size Trimmable Output Voltage Shielded Metal Case with Isolated Base-plate High Power Density Over Load, Short Circuit, Over Voltage, and Over Temperature Protection • UL/cUL/IEC/EN 60950-1 Safety Approvals • Heatsink (Optional) DESCRIPTION Size: 2in x 1in x 0.40~0.43in (50.8mm x 25.4mm x 10.2~11mm) The DHW40 series is the latest generation of high performance DC/DC converters setting a new standard concerning power density. These converters offer 40 Watts of continuous output power in a 2.0” x 1.0” x 0.4” encapsulated, shielded metal package. The DHW40 series has single and dual output models with 4:1 ultra wide input voltage ranges of 9-36VDC and 18-75VDC. Advanced circuit topology provides a very high efficiency up to 91% and an operating temperature range of -40°C to +80°C. Further features include remote on/off, trimmable output voltage, under-voltage lockout as well as over load, over voltage, short circuit, and overtemperature protection. These converters are RoHS compliant and are ideal for use in battery operated equipment, instrumentation, distributed power architectures in communication and industrial electronics and many other space critical applications. MODEL SELECTION TABLE Single Output Models Model Number(1) DHW24S3.3-26 DHW24S5-40 DHW24S12-40 DHW24S15-40 DHW24S24-40 DHW48S3.3-26 DHW48S5-40 DHW48S12-40 DHW48S15-40 DHW48S24-40 Output Current Input Current Input Voltage Output Range Voltage Min Load Max Load No Load Max Load 3.3VDC 0mA 8A 90mA 1.24A 5VDC 0mA 8A 90mA 1.85A 24VDC 12VDC 0mA 3.33A 95mA 1.87A (9~36VDC) 15VDC 0mA 2.67A 105mA 1.87A 24VDC 0mA 1.67A 115mA 1.835A 3.3VDC 0mA 8A 55mA 620mA 5VDC 0mA 8A 55mA 930mA 48VDC 12VDC 0mA 3.33A 60mA 930mA (18~75VDC) 15VDC 0mA 2.67A 65mA 930mA 24VDC 0mA 1.67A 75mA 918mA Output Maximum Over Voltage Reflected Efficiency Power Capacitive Load Protection Ripple Current 26.4W 40W 40W 40W 40W 26.4W 40W 40W 40W 40W 21000µF 13600µF 2400µF 1500µF 600µF 21000µF 13600µF 2400µF 1500µF 600µF 89% 90% 89% 89% 91% 89% 90% 90% 90% 91% 3.9VDC 6.2VDC 15VDC 18VDC 30VDC 3.9VDC 6.2VDC 15VDC 18VDC 30VDC 30mA Typ. 20mA Typ. MODEL SELECTION TABLE Dual Output Models Input Voltage Model Number Range Output Voltage DHW24D12-40 24VDC DHW24D15-40 (9~36VDC) DHW48D12-40 48VDC DHW48D15-40 (18~75VDC) * for each output ±12 VDC ±15 VDC ±12 VDC ±15 VDC 1/9/2018 Output Current Input Current Output Maximum Over Voltage Reflected Efficiency Protection Ripple Current Min Load Max Load No Load Max Load Power Capacitive Load ±145mA ±1.67A 65mA 1.89A 40W 1200µF* 88% ±15 VDC 30mA Typ. ±110mA ±1.33A 65mA 1.89A 40W 750µF* 88% ±18 VDC ±145mA ±1.67A 45mA 950mA 40W 1200µF* 88% ±15 VDC 20mA Typ. ±110mA ±1.33A 45mA 950mA 40W 750µF* 88% ±18 VDC Wall Industries, Inc. • 37 Industrial Drive, Exeter, NH 03833 • Tel: 603-778-2300 • Toll Free: 888-597-9255 • Fax 603-778-9797 website: www.wallindustries.com • e-mail: sales@wallindustries.com Page 1 of 12 DHW40 SERIES 40 Watts DC/DC Power Converter Single & Dual Outputs Rev B SPECIFICATIONS All specifications are based on 25°C, Nominal Input Voltage, Resistive Load and Rated Output Current unless otherwise noted. We reserve the right to change specifications based on technological advances. SPECIFICATION TEST CONDITIONS Min Typ Max 9 18 -0.7 -0.7 24 48 36 75 50 100 9 18 Unit INPUT SPECIFICATIONS Input Voltage Range Input Surge Voltage (100ms Max.) Start-Up Threshold Voltage Under Voltage Lockout Input Filter OUTPUT SPECIFICATIONS Output Voltage Voltage Accuracy Line Regulation 24VDC Nominal Input Models 48VDC Nominal Input Models 24VDC Nominal Input Models 48VDC Nominal Input Models 24VDC Nominal Input Models 48VDC Nominal Input Models 24VDC Nominal Input Models 48VDC Nominal Input Models All models Vin=Min. to Max. @Full Load Single Outputs Dual Outputs Min. Load to Full Load Voltage Balance Load Cross Regulation Dual Outputs, Balanced Loads Dual Outputs, Asymmetrical Load 25%/100% Full Load 24V Models % of Nominal Output Voltage Other Models Output Power Output Current Single Output Models Dual Output Models Minimum Load Maximum Capacitive Load Ripple & Noise (20MHz bandwidth)(2) 0-20MHz Bandwidth Transient Recovery Time(3) Transient Response Deviation Start-Up Time (Power On) Temperature Coefficient REMOTE ON/OFF CONTROL Converter On Converter Off On, Vctrl=5.0V Off, Vctrl=0V Control Common Remote OFF Input Current PROTECTION Nominal Vin Short Circuit Protection Over Load Protection Over Voltage Protection Over Temperature Protection GENERAL SPECIFICATIONS Efficiency Switching Frequency Isolation Voltage Isolation Resistance Isolation Capacitance PHYSICAL SPECIFICATIONS Weight Dimensions (L x W x H) Case Material Base Material Pin Material RFI 1/9/2018 3.3V & 5V 12V, 15V, & 24V Models Dual Output Models 25% Load Step Change 25% Load Step Change Nominal Vin and Constant Resistive Load Control Input Current 24V Output Model Others Hiccup Shutdown Temperature 24V Models Other Models 60 Seconds 1 Second 500VDC 100KHz, 1V 24V Models Others VDC VDC 8.3 16.5 Internal LC Type Load Regulation Trim Up/Down Range VDC VDC See Table ±1.0 %Vnom ±0.5 % ±0.5 % ±1.0 ±2.0 % ±5.0 % -10 +20 % ±10 See Table See Table No Minimum Load Requirement See Table See Table 100 150 mVp-p 150 250 µsec ±3 ±5 % 30 ms ±0.02 %/ºC 3.5~12V or Open Circuit 0V~1.2V or Short Circuit 0.5 -0.5 Referenced to Negative Input 2.5 mA mA 0.3Hz Typ. Automatic Recovery Hiccup Mode 1.5Hz Typ. Circuit Limitation at 150% typ. of Iout max. See Table +110 ºC See Table 285 320 1500 1800 1000 KHz VDC MΩ 1500 1.06oz (30g) 2in x 1in x 0.43in (50.8mm x 25.4mm x 11mm) 2in x 1in x 0.40in (50.8mm x 25.4mm x 10.2mm) Aluminum Alloy, Black Anodized Coating FR4 PCB (Flammability to UL 94V-0 Rated) Copper Alloy w/ Gold Plate Over Nickel Subplate Six-Sided Shielded, Metal Case Wall Industries, Inc. • 37 Industrial Drive, Exeter, NH 03833 • Tel: 603-778-2300 • Toll Free: 888-597-9255 • Fax 603-778-9797 website: www.wallindustries.com • e-mail: sales@wallindustries.com Page 2 of 12 DHW40 SERIES 40 Watts DC/DC Power Converter Single & Dual Outputs Rev B SPECIFICATIONS All specifications are based on 25°C, Nominal Input Voltage, and Maximum Output Current unless otherwise noted. We reserve the right to change specifications based on technological advances. SPECIFICATION TEST CONDITIONS Min Typ Max Unit ENVIRONMENTAL SPECIFICATIONS DHW24S3.3-26, DHW48S3.3-26 DHW24S05-40, DHW48S05-40, DHW48S12-40, DHW48S15-40 Natural Convection, Operating Ambient Temperature Nomina Vin, Load 100% DHW24S12-40, DHW24S15-40 (Without Heatsink) Inom DHW24S24-40, DHW48S24-40 DHW24D12-40, DHW24D15-40, DHW48D12-40, DHW48D15-40 DHW24S3.3-26, DHW48S3.3-26 DHW24S05-40, DHW48S05-40, DHW48S12-40, DHW48S15-40 Natural Convection, Operating Ambient Temperature (With Nomina Vin, Load 100% DHW24S12-40, DHW24S15-40 Heatsink) Inom DHW24S24-40, DHW48S24-40 DHW24D12-40, DHW24D15-40, DHW48D12-40, DHW48D15-40 Storage Temperature Natural Convection 100LFM Thermal Impedance (Without Heatsink) 200LFM 400LFM Natural Convection 100LFM Thermal Impedance (With Heatsink) 200LFM 400LFM Relative Humidity Non-Condensing Case Temperature Cooling(4) Lead Temperature 1.5mm from case for 10Sec MTBF MIL-HDBK-217F @25ºC, Ground Benign SAFETY CHARACTERISTICS UL/cUL 60950-1 Recognition (CSA Certificate) Safety Approvals IEC/EN 60950-1 (CB-Report) EMI Conduction EN55032, FCC Part 15 EN55024 ESD EN61000-4-2 Air±8kV, Contact ±6kV Radiated Immunity EN61000-4-3 10V/m Fast Transient EN61000-4-4 ±2kV(5) EMS Surge EN61000-4-5 ±1kV(5) Conducted Immunity EN61000-4-6 10Vrms PFMF EN61000-4-8 3A/m -40 66 -40 51 -40 -40 45 57 -40 40 -40 73 -40 61 -40 -40 57 66 -40 52 -50 12.0 9.0 8.0 6.0 10.0 5.4 4.5 3.0 +125 ºC ºC ºC ºC/W ºC/W 95 +105 Natural Convection. 260 328,000 %RH ºC ºC Hours Class A A A A A A A NOTES 1. Heatsink is available for models. Add “HS1” to model name for 24V model heatsink, or “HS” for other models. 2. Ripple & Noise measurement with a 1µF M/C and a 10µF T/C. 3. Transient recovery time is measured to within 1% error band for a step change in output load of 75% to 100% 4. Natural convection is about 20LFM but is not equal to still air (0 LFM). 5. To meet EN61000-4-4 & EN61000-4-5 an external capacitor across the input pins is required. Suggested capacitor: 330µF/100V. 6. It is recommended to protect the converter by a slow blow fuse in the input supply line. 7. Other input and output voltages may be available, please contact factory. 8. Do not exceed maximum power specification when adjusting output voltage. *Due to advances in technology, specifications subject to change without notice. 1/9/2018 Wall Industries, Inc. • 37 Industrial Drive, Exeter, NH 03833 • Tel: 603-778-2300 • Toll Free: 888-597-9255 • Fax 603-778-9797 website: www.wallindustries.com • e-mail: sales@wallindustries.com Page 3 of 12 Rev B DHW40 SERIES 40 Watts DC/DC Power Converter Single & Dual Outputs DERATING CURVES DHW24S3.3-26 & DHW48S3.3-26 Derating Curve without Heatsink DHW24S3.3-26 & DHW48S3.3-26 Derating Curve with Heatsink DHW24S05-40, DHW48S05-40, DHW48S12-40, DHW48S15-40 Derating Curve without Heatsink DHW24S05-40, DHW48S05-40, DHW48S12-40, DHW48S15-40 Derating Curve with Heatsink DHW24S12-40 & DHW24S15 Derating Curve without Heatsink DHW24S12-40 & DHW24S15 Derating Curve with Heatsink 1/9/2018 Wall Industries, Inc. • 37 Industrial Drive, Exeter, NH 03833 • Tel: 603-778-2300 • Toll Free: 888-597-9255 • Fax 603-778-9797 website: www.wallindustries.com • e-mail: sales@wallindustries.com Page 4 of 12 Rev B DHW40 SERIES 40 Watts DC/DC Power Converter Single & Dual Outputs DHW24D12-40, DHW24D15-40, DHW48D12-40, DHW48D15-40 Derating Curve without Heatsink DHW24D12-40, DHW24D15-40, DHW48D12-40, DHW48D15-40 Derating Curve with Heatsink DHW24S24-40, DHW48S24-40 Derating Curve without Heatsink DHW24S24-40, DHW48S24-40 Derating Curve with Heatsink EFFICIENCY GRAPHS 24VDC Nominal Input Voltage, 25ºC DHW24S03.3-26 Efficiency vs. Load Current 1/9/2018 DHW24S05-40 Efficiency vs. Load Current Wall Industries, Inc. • 37 Industrial Drive, Exeter, NH 03833 • Tel: 603-778-2300 • Toll Free: 888-597-9255 • Fax 603-778-9797 website: www.wallindustries.com • e-mail: sales@wallindustries.com Page 5 of 12 Rev B DHW40 SERIES 40 Watts DC/DC Power Converter Single & Dual Outputs DHW24S12-40 Efficiency vs. Load Current DHW24S15-40 Efficiency vs. Load Current DHW24S24-40 Efficiency vs. Load Current DHW24D12-40 Efficiency vs. Load Current DHW24D15-40 Efficiency vs. Load Current 1/9/2018 Wall Industries, Inc. • 37 Industrial Drive, Exeter, NH 03833 • Tel: 603-778-2300 • Toll Free: 888-597-9255 • Fax 603-778-9797 website: www.wallindustries.com • e-mail: sales@wallindustries.com Page 6 of 12 Rev B DHW40 SERIES 40 Watts DC/DC Power Converter Single & Dual Outputs EFFICIENCY GRAPHS 48VDC Nominal Input Voltage, 25ºC DHW48S03.3-26 Efficiency vs. Load Current DHW48S05-40 Efficiency vs. Load Current DHW48S12-40 Efficiency vs. Load Current DHW48S15-40 Efficiency vs. Load Current DHW24S48-40 Efficiency vs. Load Current DHW48D12-40 Efficiency vs. Load Current DHW48D15-40 Efficiency vs. Load Current 1/9/2018 Wall Industries, Inc. • 37 Industrial Drive, Exeter, NH 03833 • Tel: 603-778-2300 • Toll Free: 888-597-9255 • Fax 603-778-9797 website: www.wallindustries.com • e-mail: sales@wallindustries.com Page 7 of 12 DHW40 SERIES 40 Watts DC/DC Power Converter Single & Dual Outputs Rev B MECHANICAL DRAWINGS Pin 1 2 3 4 5 6 Pin Connections Single Output Dual Output +Vin +Vin -Vin -Vin Remote On/Off Remote On/Off +Vout +Vout -Vout Common Trim -Vout T: 11mm (0.43in) for 24V Output Models T: (10.2mm (0.40in) for Other Output Models Notes: All dimensions in mm (inches) Tolerance: X.X±0.25 (X.XX±0.01) X.XX±0.13 (X.XXX±0.005) Pin Diameter Ø 1.0±0.05 (0.04±0.002) Heatsink Option (-HS or -HS1 Suffix) Physical Characteristics Heatsink Material: Aluminum Finish: Black Anodized Coating T: 18.0mm (0.71in) for 24V Output Models T: 17.2mm (0.68in) for Other Output Models The advantages of adding heatsink are: 1. Improve heat dissipation and increase stability and reliability of the DC/DC converters at high operating temperatures. 2. To increase operating temperature of the DC/DC converter, see derating curve. 1/9/2018 Wall Industries, Inc. • 37 Industrial Drive, Exeter, NH 03833 • Tel: 603-778-2300 • Toll Free: 888-597-9255 • Fax 603-778-9797 website: www.wallindustries.com • e-mail: sales@wallindustries.com Page 8 of 12 DHW40 SERIES 40 Watts DC/DC Power Converter Single & Dual Outputs Rev B EXTERNAL OUTPUT TRIMMING Output can be externally trimmed using the method shown below: 3.3VDC Models Trim Down 1 Vout= Vox0.99 Rd= 72.61 2 Vox0.98 32.55 3 Vox0.97 19.20 4 Vox0.96 12.52 5 Vox0.95 8.51 6 Vox0.94 5.84 7 Vox0.93 3.94 8 Vox0.92 2.51 9 Vox0.91 1.39 10 Vox0.90 0.50 % Volts KOhms 1 Vox1.01 60.84 2 Vox1.02 27.40 3 Vox1.03 16.25 4 Vox1.04 10.68 5 Vox1.05 7.34 6 Vox1.06 5.11 7 Vox1.07 3.51 8 Vox1.08 2.32 9 Vox1.09 1.39 10 Vox1.10 0.65 % Volts KOhms 1 Vox0.99 138.88 2 Vox0.98 62.41 3 Vox0.97 36.92 4 Vox0.96 24.18 5 Vox0.95 16.53 6 Vox0.94 11.44 7 Vox0.93 7.79 8 Vox0.92 5.06 9 Vox0.91 2.94 10 Vox0.90 1.24 % Volts KOhms Trim Up Vout= Ru= 1 Vox1.01 106.87 2 Vox1.02 47.76 3 Vox1.03 28.06 4 Vox1.04 18.21 5 Vox1.05 12.30 6 Vox1.06 8.36 7 Vox1.07 5.55 8 Vox1.08 3.44 9 Vox1.09 1.79 10 Vox1.10 0.48 % Volts KOhms 12VDC Models Trim Down Vout= Rd= 1 Vox0.99 413.55 2 Vox0.98 184.55 3 Vox0.97 108.22 4 Vox0.96 70.05 5 Vox0.95 47.15 6 Vox0.94 31.88 7 Vox0.93 20.98 8 Vox0.92 12.80 9 Vox0.91 6.44 10 Vox0.90 1.35 % Volts KOhms Trim Down Vout= Rd= 1 Vox1.01 351.00 2 Vox1.02 157.50 3 Vox1.03 93.00 4 Vox1.04 60.75 5 Vox1.05 14.40 6 Vox1.06 28.50 7 Vox1.07 19.29 8 Vox1.08 12.37 9 Vox1.09 7.00 10 Vox1.10 2.70 % Volts KOhms 15VDC Models Trim Down Vout= Rd= 1 Vox0.99 530.73 2 Vox0.98 238.61 3 Vox0.97 141.24 4 Vox0.96 92.56 5 Vox0.95 63.35 6 Vox0.94 43.87 7 Vox0.93 29.96 8 Vox0.92 19.53 9 Vox0.91 11.41 10 Vox0.90 4.92 % Volts KOhms Trim Down Vout= Rd= 1 Vox1.01 422.77 2 Vox1.02 189.89 3 Vox1.03 112.26 4 Vox1.04 73.44 5 Vox1.05 50.15 6 Vox1.06 34.63 7 Vox1.07 23.54 8 Vox1.08 15.22 9 Vox1.09 8.75 10 Vox1.10 3.58 % Volts KOhms 24VDC Models Trim Down Vout= Rd= 1 Vox0.99 333.39 2 Vox0.98 148.80 3 Vox0.97 87.26 4 Vox0.96 56.50 5 Vox0.95 38.04 6 Vox0.94 25.73 7 Vox0.93 16.94 8 Vox0.92 10.35 9 Vox0.91 5.22 10 Vox0.90 1.12 % Volts KOhms Trim Down Vout= Rd= 2 Vox1.02 243.70 4 Vox1.04 108.50 6 Vox1.06 63.43 8 Vox1.08 40.90 10 Vox1.1 27.38 12 Vix1.12 18.37 14 Vox1.14 11.93 16 Vox1.16 7.10 18 Vox1.18 3.34 20 Vox1.2 0.34 % Volts KOhms Trim Up Vout= Ru= 5VDC Models Trim Down Vout= Rd= 1/9/2018 Wall Industries, Inc. • 37 Industrial Drive, Exeter, NH 03833 • Tel: 603-778-2300 • Toll Free: 888-597-9255 • Fax 603-778-9797 website: www.wallindustries.com • e-mail: sales@wallindustries.com Page 9 of 12 Rev B DHW40 SERIES 40 Watts DC/DC Power Converter Single & Dual Outputs TEST SETUP Input Reflected-Ripple Current Test Setup Input reflected ripple-current is measured with an inductor Lin (4.7µH) and Cin (220µF, ESR < 1.0Ω at 100KHz) to simulate source impedance. Capacitor Cin, offsets possible battery impedance. Current ripple is measured at the input terminals of the module, measurement bandwidth is 0500KHz. Peak-to-Peak Output Noise Measurement Test Use a 1µF ceramic capacitor and a 10µF tantalum capacitor. Scope measurement should be made by using a BNC socket, measurement bandwidth is 0-20MHz. Position the load between 50mm and 75mm from the DC/DC converter. TECHNICAL NOTES Remote On/Off Positive logic remote on/off turns the module on during a logic high voltage on the remote on/off pin, and off during a logic low. To turn the power module on and off, the user must supply a switch to control the voltage between the on/off terminal and the –Vin terminal. The switch can be an open collector or equivalent. A logic low is 0V to 1.2V. A logic high is 4.7V to 12V. The maximum sink current at the on/off terminal (Pin 3) during a logic low is -100µA. The maximum allowable leakage current of a switch connected to the on/off terminal (Pin 3) at logic high (2.5V to 100V) is 5µA. Over Load Protection To provide hiccup mode protection in a fault (output over load) condition, the unit is equipped with internal current limiting circuitry and can endure overload for an unlimited duration. Over Voltage Protection The output over voltage clamp consists of control circuitry, which is independent of the primary regulation loop that monitors the voltage on the output terminals. The control loop of the clamp has a higher voltage set point than the primary loop. This provides a redundant voltage control that reduces the risk of output overvoltage. The OVP level can be found in data sheet. Input Source Impedance The power module should be connected to a low ac-impedance input source. Highly inductive source impedances can affect the stability of the power module. In applications where power is supplied over long lines and output loading is high, it may be necessary to use a capacitor at the input to ensure startup. Capacitor mounted close to the power module helps ensure stability of the unit, it is recommended to use a good quality low Equivalent Series Resistance (ESR<1.0Ω at 100KHz) capacitor of a 10µF for the 24V and 48V devices. 1/9/2018 Wall Industries, Inc. • 37 Industrial Drive, Exeter, NH 03833 • Tel: 603-778-2300 • Toll Free: 888-597-9255 • Fax 603-778-9797 website: www.wallindustries.com • e-mail: sales@wallindustries.com Page 10 of 12 DHW40 SERIES 40 Watts DC/DC Power Converter Single & Dual Outputs Rev B Output Ripple Reduction A good quality low ESR capacitor placed as close as practicable across the load will give the best ripple and noise performance. To reduce output ripple, it is recommended to use 4.7µF capacitors at the output. Maximum Capacitive Load The DHW40 series has limitation of maximum connected capacitance at the output. The power module may be operated in current limiting mode during start-up, affecting the ramp-up and the startup time. The maximum capacitance can be found in data sheet. Thermal Considerations Many conditions affect the thermal performance of the power module, such as orientation, airflow over the module, and board spacing. To avoid exceeding the maximum temperature rating of the components inside the power module, the case temperature must be kept below 105ºC. The derating curves are determined from measurements obtained in a test setup. MODEL NUMBER SETUP DHW 24 S 15 Series Name Input Power Output Quantity Output Voltage 24: 9~36VDC S: Single 48: 18~75VDC 3.3: 3.3VDC 5: 5VDC - 40 Ouptut Power 26: 26.4 Watts 40: 40 Watts - HS Heatsink Option HS: Standard Heatsink HS1: Heatsink for 24V Models 12: 12VDC 15: 15VDC 24: 24VDC D: Dual 12: ±12VDC 15: ±15VDC 1/9/2018 Wall Industries, Inc. • 37 Industrial Drive, Exeter, NH 03833 • Tel: 603-778-2300 • Toll Free: 888-597-9255 • Fax 603-778-9797 website: www.wallindustries.com • e-mail: sales@wallindustries.com Page 11 of 12 Rev B DHW40 SERIES 40 Watts DC/DC Power Converter Single & Dual Outputs COMPANY INFORMATION Wall Industries, Inc. has created custom and modified units for over 50 years. Our in-house research and development engineers will provide a solution that exceeds your performance requirements on-time and on budget. Our ISO9001-2008 certification is just one example of our commitment to producing a high quality, well-documented product for our customers. Our past projects demonstrate our commitment to you, our customer. Wall Industries, Inc. has a reputation for working closely with its customers to ensure each solution meets or exceeds form, fit and function requirements. We will continue to provide ongoing support for your project above and beyond the design and production phases. Give us a call today to discuss your future projects. Contact Wall Industries for further information: Phone: Toll Free: Fax: E-mail: Web: Address: 1/9/2018 (603)778-2300 (888)597-9255 (603)778-9797 sales@wallindustries.com www.wallindustries.com 37 Industrial Drive Exeter, NH 03833 Wall Industries, Inc. • 37 Industrial Drive, Exeter, NH 03833 • Tel: 603-778-2300 • Toll Free: 888-597-9255 • Fax 603-778-9797 website: www.wallindustries.com • e-mail: sales@wallindustries.com Page 12 of 12