NPN Silicon AF Transistors BCX 54 … BCX 56 Features For AF driver and output stages ● High collector current ● Low collector-emitter saturation voltage ● Complementary types: BCX 51 … BCX 53 (PNP) ● Type Marking Ordering Code (tape and reel) Pin Configuration 1 2 3 Package1) BCX 54 BCX 54-10 BCX 54-16 BCX 55 BCX 55-10 BCX 55-16 BCX 56 BCX 56-10 BCX 56-16 BA BC BD BE BG BM BH BK BL Q62702-C954 Q62702-C1861 Q62702-C1731 Q62702-C1729 Q62702-C1730 Q62702-C1903 Q62702-C1614 Q62702-C1635 Q62702-C1613 B SOT-89 1) C E For detailed information see chapter Package Outlines. Semiconductor Group 1 04.96 BCX 54 … BCX 56 Maximum Ratings Parameter Symbol BCX 54 Values BCX 55 Unit BCX 56 Collector-emitter voltage VCE0 45 60 80 Collector-base voltage VCB0 45 60 100 Emitter-base voltage VEB0 5 5 5 Collector current IC 1 Peak collector current ICM 1.5 Base current IB 100 Peak base current IBM 200 Total power dissipation, TS = 130 ˚C Ptot Junction temperature Tj Storage temperature range Tstg V A mA 1 W 150 ˚C – 65 … + 150 Thermal Resistance Junction - ambient1) Rth JA ≤ 75 Junction - soldering point Rth JS ≤ 20 1) Package mounted on epoxy pcb 40 mm × 40 mm × 1.5 mm/6 cm2 Cu. Semiconductor Group 2 K/W BCX 54 … BCX 56 Electrical Characteristics at TA = 25 ˚C, unless otherwise specified. Parameter Symbol Values min. typ. Unit max. DC characteristics Collector-emitter breakdown voltage IC = 10 mA BCX 54 BCX 55 BCX 56 V(BR)CE0 Collector-base breakdown voltage IC = 100 µA BCX 54 BCX 55 BCX 56 V(BR)CB0 Emitter-base breakdown voltage IE = 10 µA V(BR)EB0 Collector cutoff current VCB = 30 V VCB = 30 V, TA = 150 ˚C ICB0 Emitter cutoff current VEB = 4 V IEB0 DC current gain1) IC = 5 mA, VCE = 2 V IC = 150 mA, VCE = 2 V BCX 54, BCX 55, BCX 56 BCX 54-10, BCX 55-10, BCX 56-10 BCX 54-16, BCX 55-16, BCX 56-16 IC = 500 mA, VCE = 2 V hFE Collector-emitter saturation voltage1) IC = 500 mA, IB = 50 mA Base-emitter voltage1) IC = 500 mA, VCE = 2 V V 45 60 80 – – – – – – 45 60 100 – – – – – – 5 – – – – – – 100 20 µA – – 20 nA 25 – – 40 63 100 25 – 100 160 – 250 160 250 – VCEsat – – 0.5 VBE – – 1 fT – 100 – nA – V AC characteristics Transition frequency IC = 50 mA, VCE = 10 V, f = 20 MHz 1) Pulse test: t ≤ 300 µs, D = 2 %. Semiconductor Group 3 MHz BCX 54 … BCX 56 Total power dissipation Ptot = f (TA*; TS) * Package mounted on epoxy Transition frequency fT = f (IC) VCE = 10 V Permissible pulse load Ptot max/Ptot DC = f (tp) Collector cutoff current ICB0 = f (TA) VCB = 30 V Semiconductor Group 4 BCX 54 … BCX 56 Collector current IC = f (VBE) VCE = 2 V Collector-emitter saturation voltage IC = f (VCEsat) hFE = 10 Base-emitter saturation voltage IC = f (VBEsat) hFE = 10 DC current gain hFE = f (IC) VCE = 2 V Semiconductor Group 5