, Una. 'I C/ 20 STERN AVE. SPRINGFIELD, NEW JERSEY 07081 U.S.A. TELEPHONE: (973) 376-2922 (212)227-6005 FAX: (973) 376-8960 Controlled Rectifier C137 35A RMS max., 500-1200 Volts, 125° C max. Junction Temperature The C137 series of silicon controlled rectifiers are reverse blocking triode thyristor semiconductor devices for use in medium power switching and phase control (50 to 400 Hz) applications requiring blocking voltages up to 1200 volts, and overage load current (single-phase, 180° conduction angle) up to 23 amperes. Special features of these SCR's: • • • • No peak forward voltage limitation Minimum dv/dt rating of 100 volts//isec. Maximum di/dt rating of 150 amps/A«ec when switching from 600 volts High surge current capability for overcurrent protection. MAXIMUM ALLOWABLE RATINGS Type C137E C137M C137S C137N C137T C137P C137PB Repetitive Peak Reverse Voltage Repetitive Peak Off-State Voltage, V D RM(1> (2) Tc = -65°Cto +125°C Tc = -65°Cto+125°C Non-repetitive Peak Off-State and Reverse Voltage V D S M andV R S M (D (3) Tc = -65°Cto+125°C 500 Volts 600 Volts 700 Volts 800 Volts 900 Volts 1000 Volts 1200 Volts 500 Volts 600 Volts 700 Volts 800 Volts 900 Volts 1000 Volts 1200 Volts 600 Volts 720 Volts 840 Volts 960 Volts 1080 Volts 1200 Volts 1400 Volts VRRM(1)(2) (1) Values apply for gate terminal open-circuited, (Negative gate bias is permissible.) (2) Maximum case-to-ambient thermal resistance for which maximum V q R M and V R R M ratings apply equals S.OT per watt for full sine wave or full-wave rectified sinusoidal voltage waveform. (3.0^ per watt is maximum case-to-ambient thermal resistance for pure do voltage waveform.) (3) Half sine wave voltage pulse, 10 millisecond maximum duration. NJ Semi-Conductors reserves the right to change test conditions, parameter limits and package dimensions without notice. Information furnished by N.I Semi-Conductors is believed to be both accurate and reliable at the time of going to press. However, NJ Semi-Conductors assumes no responsibility for any errors or omissions discovered in its use. NJ Semi-Conductors encourages customers to verity that datasheets are current before placing orders. Quality Semi-Conductors RMS On-State Current, I T ( R M S j .................................. 35 Amperes (all conduction angles) Average On-State Current, I T ( A V ) ........................ Depends on conduction angle (See Charts 3 and 5) Critical Rate-of-Rise of On-State Current, di/dt: < 4 > Gate triggered operation .................................................. (See Chart 6) Switching from 1001 volts min. to 1 200 volts max ......................... 75 Amperes per microsecond 801 volts min. to 1000 volts max ........................ 100 Amperes per microsecond 601 volts min. to 800 volts max ........................ 125 Amperes per microsecond 600 volts max ................................... 1 50 Amperes per microsecond Breakover voltage triggered operation .................................. 10 Amperes per microsecond Peak One Cycle Surge (non-rep) On-State Current, ITSM .................................. 360 Amperes ' 2 t (for fusing), for time = 1 .0 milliseconds (See Chart 9) ............................ 300 Ampere 2 seconds for time = 8.3 milliseconds (See Chart 9) ............................ 540 Ampere^ seconds Peak Gate Power Dissipation, P GM .................................... 60 Watts for 500 microseconds Average Gate Power Dissipation, P G ( A V ) ............................................. 1.0 Watts 1 eak Negative Gate Voltage, V GM ......... . ....................................... 10 Volts Storage Temperature, TSTG ................................................. -65°C to +150T "Plating Temperature, T, ................................................ -65°C to + 125T Maximum Stud Torque . . . . . ............................................ 30 Lb-in (35 Kg-cm) di/dt rating is established in accordance with E1A Standards Proposal No. 1101, Section Off-state (blocking) voltage capability may be L mP°1''lrily los* imriediately after each current pulse for duration less tlian the period of the applied pulse repetition rate. The pulse repetition rate tor this test is 60 Hz. The duration of the JEDEC di/dt test condition is 300 pulses minimum at 60 Hz. C137 I Test Peak Off-State or Reveise Current (1) (2) CHARACTERISTICS Symbol IGT VGT Peak On-State Voltage VTM Units mA - D.C. Gate Trigger Voltage Holding Currer:! Max. 'DRM or !RRM C137E C137M C137S C137N C137T C137P C137PB D.C. Gate Trigger Current Min. 0.25 - 4.0 3.0 2.8 2.5 2.3 2.0 1.7 40 80 2,2 3.0 ... 2,3 v DRfv1 = V R R M = - 100 200 mAclc Vdc Volts 500 Volts Peal; Tc = 1-25T.', V D = 6 Vdc, R L = • 2 ohms Tc = -65°C, V D = 1 2 Vdc, R L = 1 2 ohms Tc = +25°C, V D = 6 Vdc, R L = 12 ohms Tc = -65°C, V D = 12 Vdc, R[_ = 12 ohms Tc = +1 25°C, Rated V D R M , R, = 1000 ohms Tc = -i-25°C, !TM = "70 A peak, 1 msec v/idi ?*..,.-».. Duty cycle g 2%. Anode supply = 24 Vdc, Gate supply = 10 V, 20 oh ITS. Initial Forward Current Pulse = 0.5 f\, 0.1 to 10.0 mjso •.,ide. Tc = +25"X: Tc = -65^ dv/dt 190 - Volts/' /Jsec Thermal Resistance R0jc - 1.0 _(3) °C/watt Msec (q ~~~ 1000 1200 Critical Rate of Rise of Off-state Voltage. (Higher values may cause device switching.) Circuii Commutated Turn-Off Time ' 600 700 800 900 inAdc IH Test CamditioiTJS Tc ~ -65t: to +1 25°C Tc = +125t:, Rated V D R M , Gats open ciivu: .ed. Junction-io-case, dc Tc = 125"C, I TM = 10 A Peak Rect^ngula C'-vrsnt FU.JP, 50 ^!sec duration. DI/DT < 10 Amps per micvossjin d. Commutation Rate < 5 A per f^seo. PRV = Rated "''i-:^i\/i Volts max. Reverse Voltage at end ol Tvirn-OtY Tims !nten"i! = 15 volts. Repetition Rate = 60 PPS. Rate of Rise of «.;applied Off-State Voltage (dv/dt) = lOOV/^lse:. O/T-Staw Voltage = Rated V D R M Volts. Gate Bias during T-rm-0 .T Time interval = 0 Volts, 1 00 ohms. ~ ' NOTES: (1) Values apply for gate terminal open-circuited, (Negative gate bias is permissible,) (2) Maximum case-to-ambient thermal resistance for which maximum V D R M and V R R M ratings apply equals 5.Of per >vaU for full iine wav: full-wave rectified sinusoidal voltage waveform. (3.0°C per watt is maximum case-to-ambient thermal resistance for pure dc voltage waviicci (3) Turn-off time is not 100% factory tested. Special selections are available upon request. Consult factor)-. The test conditions shown re;;:^ standard factory test conditions for special selections. NOTES; 1. Complete threads to extend within 2V2 threads of seating plane. Diameter of unthreaded portion. 249" (6.32MM) Maximum, .220" (5.59MM) Minimum. 1. Angular orientation of these terminals is undefined, 3. '/4-2E UNF-2A. Maximum pitch diameter of plated threads shall be basic pitch diameter .2268" (5.76MM), minimum pitch d i a m e t e r .2225" (5.66MM), reference: screwthread standards for Federal Service 1957, Handbook H28 1957, PI. 4. A chamfer (or undercut) on one or both ends of hexagonal portions is optional. 5. Case is anode connection. 6. Large terminal is cathode connection. 7. Smoll terminal is gate connection. 8. Insulc'Hng frii cav/silub!* upmi request. A. Vi-28 stee! nut, Ni. plated, .178 min. thk. B. Ext. tooth lockwcsher, steel, Ni. plated, .023 min. thk. OUTUNE (COMPLIES WITH JEDEC TO-48) SYMBO1 SEE INCHES MILLIMETER MiN. MAX. MIN. MAX. iJ07.sS A .330 .505 8.3f, <(>h .115 .140 2.92 ^ 3.53 2 0b, .210 '7.62 2 0D ,_ .300 5.33 .544 12.83 13.82 E .544 .562 13.S2 14.27 F .113 .200 2.87 5.08 r-. J .060 1.193 J, 1 1.52 30.30 .875 .120 22.23 3.05 0M N .422 .453 0t .060 .075 1.53 0t, .125 .165 3.1E w 10.?;; -T$ 1 4.1 ?|~" ...J _ i 3J