A-BRIGHT A-BRIGHT INDUSTRIAL CO., LTD. SURFACE MOUNT LED LAMPS 0805 Package Red SMD Chip LED Lamps Part Number: AL-HUB35A Package outlines & Re-flow Profile Reflow Temp./Time Temp. 240℃Max. 10sec Max. 5℃/sec Max. ℃ 60~120sec 4℃/sec Max. Time Soldering iron Basic spec is U 5sec when 260℃. If temperature is higher, time should be shorter (+10℃Æ -1sec ).Power dissipation of iron should be smaller than 15W, and temperatures should be controllable .Surface temperature of the device should be under 230℃ . ITEM MATERIALS Resin (mold) Epoxy Lens color Water Clear Printed circuit board BT Dice AlGaInP Emitted color Red Recommend Pad Layout NOTES: 1. 2. 3. 4. All dimensions are in millimeters (inches); Tolerances are ±0.1mm (0.004inch) unless otherwise noted. Soldering terminal may shift in x, y direction. Polarity referring on to the Cathode mark is reversed on the red. A-BRIGHT A-BRIGHT INDUSTRIAL CO., LTD. SURFACE MOUNT LED LAMPS Part Number: AL-HUB35A ELECTRO-OPTICAL CHARACTERISTICS Parameter (TA=25℃) Value Test Condition Symbol MIN. TYP. MAX. Unit Viewing angle at 50% IV IF=20mA 2θ1/2 130 Deg Forward voltage IF=20mA VF 1.8 2.0 2.6 V Luminous intensity IF=20mA IV − Dominant Wavelength IF=20mA Peak Emission Wavelength IF=20mA Peak pulsing current (1/10 duty f=1kHz) − mcd λd − 630 − nm λp − 625 − nm IFP 100 mA Absolute maximum ratings Parameter 65 (TA=25℃) Symbol Value Unit Forward current IF 30 mA Reverse voltage VR 5 V Reverse current IR 10 μA Power Dissipation PD 62 mW Operating temperature range Top -30 ~+80 ℃ Storage temperature range Tstg -40 ~+90 ℃ A-BRIGHT A-BRIGHT INDUSTRIAL CO., LTD. SURFACE MOUNT LED LAMPS Part Number: AL-HUB35A Test items and results of reliability No. Items Test Condition Test Hours/Cycles Sample Size 1 Solder Heat TEMP:260℃±5℃ 5 sec 48 pcs 2 Temperature Cycle 90℃~ 25℃~ -30℃ ~ 25℃ 30m 5m 30m 5m 300Cycles 48 pcs 3 Thermal Shick 100℃~ -55℃ 10m 10m 100Cycles 48 pcs 4 Operation Life IF=20mA 1000 Hrs 48 pcs 5 High Temperature Storage Temp︰90℃ 1000Hrs 48 pcs 6 Low Temperature Storage Temp︰-30℃ 1000Hrs 48 pcs 7 High Temperature / High Humidity 80℃ / R.H80% 1000Hrs 48 pcs *Refer to reliability test standard specification for in this line. A-BRIGHT A-BRIGHT INDUSTRIAL CO., LTD. SURFACE MOUNT LED LAMPS Part Number: AL-HUB35A A-BRIGHT A-BRIGHT INDUSTRIAL CO., LTD. SURFACE MOUNT LED LAMPS Part Number: AL-HUB35A