ETC1 CAP-AVX-GX02-001 Surface mount chip capacitor model Datasheet

Model Features
Land pattern (pad) scalable
Substrate scalable
Broadband (DC to 65 GHz)
Equivalent circuit topology
Accurate effective series resistance
DC blocking capacitor
Developed for microstrip interconnects
DC Block
0402 Body Style
Model Description
CAP-AVX-GX02-001 is a substrate scalable model for the AVX GX02ZZ104MAT2 (0.1uF) ultra broad band
capacitor. The model is for use with microstrip applications and accounts for substrate (or printed circuit
board) related parasitic effects. Substrate height, dielectric constant, loss tangent, interconnect metal thickness, component tolerance, pad width, pad length, and pad gap are model input parameters. Effective series resistance (ESR) was measured to 1GHz and incorporated into the model. A Sim_mode switch allows
pad stack effects to be disabled. This model has been validated to 65 GHz on a 5 mil Alumina substrate,
and to lower frequencies using additional printed circuit board materials (see Technical Notes).
Substrate scaling
Legend: 4mil Rogers 4350B, +60mil Rogers 4003,5mil Alumina, Lines - Model, Symbols - Measured data. Measured data
stops at highest valid frequency for each substrate (4 mil - 30 GHz, 60 mil - 8 GHz, 5 mil Alumina - 65 GHz).
Note: The pad dimensions used for the plots are: PADL = 15.5mil, PADW = 28.0mil, PADG = 16.0mil [email protected] Rev. 100714 © 2010
surface mount chip capacitor model
Technical Notes
PC Board Footprint
• Two–port S-parameters measured using a vector network
analyzer and on-board probing with calibration referenced
to the outside edges of the component pad stack.
• Capacitors measured in a series microstrip configuration.
Models for alternative interconnect configurations (e.g.
coplanar waveguide) are available upon request.
• Substrates used to extract the models: 4 mil Rogers
4350B, 60mil Rogers 4003 and 5 mil Alumina.
• Typical range of valid substrate types (substrate height H
in mils and dielectric constant Er): 0.5 ≤ H/Er ≤ 16.6.
Reference Planes
• Highest frequency for measurement validation: 8 GHz (60
mil RO4003), 30 GHz (4 mil RO4350B) and 65GHz (5
mil Alumina)
• Additional information about AVX GX02 capacitors is
available at
Pad length: 14 <= PADL <= 25
Pad width: 20 <= PADW <= 35
Pad gap: 14 <= PADG <= 19
Units in mils
Typical S parameter performance of the model
Legend: o - 5mil Alumina, x - 10mil Rogers 4350B
Line - model performance and symbol - measurement data
1) Data shown in plots corresponds to the following pad dimensions: PADL = 14.0mil, PADW = 20.0mil, PADG = 16.0mil
10mil Rogers 4350 measurement data is supplied by ATC. The pad dimensions used for the measurement:
PADL = 8.0mil, PADW = 22.0mil, PADG = 24.0mil [email protected] Rev. 100714 © 2010
Notice: Modelithics models represent as-measured characteristics of sample devices using specific testing and fixture configurations. The accuracy of models may
vary as a result of differing device characteristics, test fixtures, or test conditions. No liability shall be assumed by Modelithics for use of its models, or for any infringement of rights of third parties that may result from their use. Modelithics reserves the right to revise its models and its product line without prior notice.
Performance Comparison using Different Pad Sizes
Line - Model performance on 5 mil Alumina
Symbol - Measured data on 5 mil Alumina
Blue - Model performance and measured data shown in plots corresponds to PADL = 14.0mil, PADW = 20.0mil, PADG = 16.0mil
Red - Model performance and measured data shown in plots corresponds to PADL = 25.0mil, PADW = 33.0mil, PADG = 16.0mil [email protected] Rev. 100714 © 2010
Notice: Modelithics models represent as-measured characteristics of sample devices using specific testing and fixture configurations. The accuracy of models may
vary as a result of differing device characteristics, test fixtures, or test conditions. No liability shall be assumed by Modelithics for use of its models, or for any infringement of rights of third parties that may result from their use. Modelithics reserves the right to revise its models and its product line without prior notice.
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