AK10 Series Transient Voltage Suppression Diodes Dimensions A F G L2 L1 D Features t)BMPHFO'SFF t 3P)4DPNQMJBOU t 'PMECBL™ technology for superior clamping factor t (MBTT1BTTJWBUFE+VODUJPO t #JEJSFDUJPOBM t 6MUSB$PNQBDU times less volume than traditional discrete solutions t 7FSZ-PX$MBNQJOH 7PMUBHF t 4IBSQ#SFBLEPXO7PMUBHF t -PX4MPQF3FTJTUBODF B Dimensions AGENCY FILE NUMBER E128662 Maximum Ratings and Thermal Characteristics (TA=25OC unless otherwise noted) Parameter Symbol 7BMVF Unit 0QFSBUJOH+VODUJPOBOE Storage Temperature Range T+ T45( (-)55 to 150 °C IPP 10 kA Current Rating1 Inches Millimeters A 0.950 24.15 B 0.095 2.4 C - 058C/076C 0.236 6.00 C 0.145 3.68 D 0.570 max. 14.48 max. E 0.050 1.270 F 0.500 max. 12.70 max. ($$ 0.200 5.08 ($$ 0.362 9.2 ($ 0.420 10.67 ($$ 0.650 16.50 L1 0.310 7.87 L1 - 380C/430C 0.177 4.5 -" ( - UPMFSBODF JODI NN Agency Approvals AGENCY E C Note: 1. Rated IPP measured with 8 x 20μs pulse. Electrical Characteristics Part Numbers AK10 - 058C AK10 - 076C AK10 - 170C AK10 - 190C AK10 - 240C AK10 - 380C AK10 - 430C Test Max. Clamping Voltage Max. Temp Max. Standoff Max. Agency Reverse Breakdown Current VCL @ Peak Pulse Current Coefficient Capacitance Approval Voltage Reverse Voltage (VBR) @ IT IT (IPP) (Note 1) of VBR 0 Bias 10kHz (VSO) Leakage Volts (IR) @VSO μA O Min Volts Max Volts (mA) VCL Volts IPP Amps (%/ C) (nF) 58 76 170 190 240 380 430 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 64 85 180 200 250 401 440 70 95 220 245 285 443 490 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 110 140 260 290 340 520 625 10,000 10,000 10,000 10,000 10,000 10,000 10,000 0.1 0.1 0.1 0.1 0.1 0.1 0.1 Note: Using 8 x 20μS wave shaped defined in IEC 61000-4-5. http://www.luguang.cn mail:lge@luguang.cn 6.5 6.5 2.8 2.5 2.2 2.0 1.4 X X X X X X X AK10 Series Transient Voltage Suppression Diodes Soldering Parameters Pre Heat Lead–free assembly Ramp-up - Temperature Min (Ts(min)) 150°C - Temperature Max (Ts(max)) 200°C - Time (min to max) (ts) 60 – 180 secs TL Average ramp up rate (Liquidus Temp (TL) to peak 3°C/second max TS(max) to TL - Ramp-up Rate 3°C/second max Reflow tp TP Temperature (T) Reflow Condition Ts(max) Ramp-down Ts(min) ts Preheat 25˚C - Temperature (TL) (Liquidus) 217°C - Time (min to max) (ts) 60 – 150 seconds t 25˚C to Peak Time (t) Peak Temperature (TP) 260+0/-5 °C Time within 5°C of actual peak Temperature (tp) 20 – 40 seconds Flow/Wave Soldering (Solder Dipping) Ramp-down Rate 6°C/second max Peak Temperature : 265OC Time 25°C to peak Temperature (TP) 8 minutes Max. Dipping Time : 10 seconds 280°C Soldering : 1 time Do not exceed Physical Specifications Weight Contact manufacturer Case Epoxy encapsulated Terminal Silver plated leads, solderable per MIL-STD-202 Method 208 Ratings and Characteristic Curves (T =25°C unless otherwise noted) A Peak Power Derating Percent of Rated Value 120 100 80 60 40 20 0 0 25 50 75 100 125 150 AMBIENT TEMPERATURE (°C) http://www.luguang.cn Critical Zone TL to TP tL mail:lge@luguang.cn