If' .~ W Complete, LowPower 12-BitD/A Converter ANAL'OG DEVICES AD370/AD371! [ FEATURES Bipolar Voltage Output: A0370 Unipolar Voltage Output: A0371 Low Power: 150mW max Linearity: f:1/2LSB, -55°C to +125°C (S Version) TTL/CMOS Compatible Compatible with Standard 18-Pin OAC Configurations Hermetic 18-Pin DIP ("0" Package) Factory Trimmed Gain and Offset: No External Adjustments Required Monotonicity Guaranteed Over Specified Temperature Range OBS PRODUCT DESCRIPTION AO370/AO371 FUNCTIONAL OLE BLOCK DIAGRAM IS-PIN DIP PRODUCT HIGHLIGHTS The AD370/AD371 is a complete 12-bit digital-to-analog converter fabricated with the most advanced monolithic and hybrid technologies. The design incorporates a low power monolithic CMOS DAC, precision high speed FET-input operational amplifiers and a low drift reference available in a hermetically sealed package. This innovative design results in significant performance advantages over conventional designs. The integral package-substrate combined with a lower chip count improves reliability over the standard low power hybrids of this type. The converters come in two versions: AD370 with a bipolar output voltage range (-tOV to +10V) and AD371 with a unipolar output voltage range (0 to +10V). Each device is internally laser trimmed for gain and offset to provide adjustmentfree operation with only f:0.05% absolute error. The FET input operational amplifiers optimize the speed vs. power trade-off by settling to I/2LSB from a full scale transition in 3511swith maximum total power dissipation of only 150mW. The low power monolithic CMOS DAC employs a current-switched silicon-chromium R-2R ladder to ensure that mono tonicity is maintained over the full temperatUre range. The AD370/AD371 "K" and "S" features :!:I/2LSB maximum linearity error. Its rated temperatUre ranges are 0 to +70° C for the "J" and "K" versions and -55° C to + 12 5° C for the "S" versIOn. ~ ~- 1. The AD370/AD371 replaces other devices of this type with significant increases in performance. TE 2. Reduced power consumption requirements (150mW max) result in improved stability and shorter wann-up time. 3. The precision output amplifiers and CMOS DAC have been optimized to settle within 1/2LSB for a full scale transition in 3511s. 4. Reduced chip count and integral package-subsrate prove reliability. 5. System performance im- upgrading is possible without redesign. 6. Internally laser trimmed-no gain or offset adjustments required for specified accuracy. are 7. The device is available in a hermetically-sealed ceramic 18 lead dual-in-line package. Processing to MIL-STD-883 Class B is available. . 8. The AD370/AD371 is a second-source DACs of the same configuration. for 18-pin 12-bit IJ ".- 1.\111 1\11'\ IIUI'" (typical at TA = +25°C,Vs = :t15 Voltsunlessotherwisenoted) AD370K ' Model AD370j RANGE -10£0+10 CODE OCBI . :tI :tl :t1/2 :t1/2 LINEARITY ERROR +25°C T miD - T max ABSOLUTE ACCURACY +25°C T miD OFFSET ERROR +25°C INTERNAL DIGITAL AD371K AD370S1 Volts :tl :tl :tI/2 :tl/2 :t1/2 :tl/2 :t1/2 :tl/2 LSB2 max LSB2 max :to. 3 :to.3 % of FSR3 max % of FSR3 max mV max TIME REFERENCE 25(35 max) ~ +10.0 Volts 2.0 0.8 Volts min Volts max INPUTS VINH VINL OBS INPUT LEAKAGE CURRENT INPUT CAPACITANCE POWER SUPPLY REJECTION :t1.0 /lA 8 pI" 0.01 0.01 % FSR3 /% Vs max % FSR3/% Vs max RATIO + 15V Supply -15V Supply POWER SUPPLY Units CBI :t1 :t5 AD371S1 O£O+l0 :to.05 :to.2 - T max FULL SCALE SETTLING TO :t1/2LSB AD371j CURRENTS 3.5( 5 max) 2.5(4 max) + 15V Supply -15V Supply OLE POWER DISSIPATION 105( 150 max) TEMPERATURE 0 £0 -t-70 RANGE NOTES I Also available to MIL-STD~83. Level B. 'LSB, Least Significant Bit J FSR, Full Scale Range .Specifications same as AD370). "Specifications same as AD371). .. .Specifications same as AD370S. Specifications subject to change without notice. mA max mA max . VOL. I, 10.12 DIGITAL-TO-ANALOG CONVERTERS -55 £0 +125 rnW "C TE [ I. ABSOLUTE MAXIMUM RATINGS (TA = +2SoC unless otherwise noted) VDD(toGND) VEE(toGND) Digital Input Voltage Range. StOrage Temperature CAUTION - ELECTROSTATIC +17V 17V . . . . . . . . . . . . . Voo to GND :-65°Cto+150°C 9 10 SENSITIVE DEVICES OBS MSB Figure 3. Burn-In Circuit BIT 2 BIT 11 BITJ BIT 10 BIT 4 BIT 9 AO370/AO371 BIT 8 BIT 6 BIT 7 GAIN TRIM OUTPUT Table 1. Code Table for the AD371 (CBI) DIGITAL INPUT 11111111111] 100000000001 -15V +15V . 1000,00000000 011111111111 000000000000 ADJ70 - OFFSET TRIM ADJ71 - TEST POINT 0 4.9975 Volts 5.0000 Volts 9.9975 Volts OLE BIT 5 GND NOMINAL ANALOG OUTPUT 1111111111]1 100000000000 011111111111 000000000000 LSB 12 11 DIGITAL INPUT NOMINAL ANALOG OUTPUT TE -10.000 Volts -0.0097 Volt -0.0048 0 Volt 9.9952 Volts Table 2. Code Table for the AD370 (OCBI) Figure 1. Pin Designations +1SV SUPPL Y 9 AD371 -15V AD370/AD371 The digital control inputs are zener protected; however permanent damage may occur on unconnected units under high energy electrostatic fields. Keep unused units in conductive foam at all times. AO370/ +15V 0.01pF POWER' SUPPL Y COMMAND 11 0.01pF -15V SUPPL Y 10 Figure 2. Power Supply Decoupling D Accuracy error ot a O/A converter is defined as the difference between the analog outPut that is expected when a given digital code is applied and the output that is actually measured with that code applied to the converter. Accuracy error can be caused by gain error, zero error or linearity error. The initial accuracy of the AD370/AD371 is trimmed to within 0.05% of full scale by laser trimming the gain and zero ~rrors. Of the error specifications, the linearity error specification is the most important since it cannot be corrected by the user. The linearity error of the AD3 70/ AD3 71 is specified over its entire temperature range. This means that the analog output will not vary by more than :1:1I2LSB maximum from an ideal straight line drawn between the end points (inputs all "Is" and all "Os") over the specified operating temperature range of 0 to +70°C for the "K" version and -55°C to +125°C for the "S" version. +15V +15V 10Mi1 20ki1 5Mi1 PIN 8 20ki1 ~ PIN 7 ~ ! ! -15V -15V OFFSET GAIN TRIM TRIM (AD370 ONLY) Figure 4. Optional External Trims SETTLING TIME Settling time for the AD370/AD371 is the total time required for the output to settle within :!:l/2LSB band around its final value after a change in input (including slew time). The settling time specification is given for a full scale step which is 20V for the AD370 and 10V for the AD371. The absolute accuracy of the AD370/AD371 has been guaranteed to :1:0.05%of full scale by internal factory trim of the gain and offset. External gain and offset adjustment terminals have been made available to allow fine adjustment to the :1:0.012% accuracy level. The measurement system used to calibrate the output should be capable of stable resolution of 1/4LSB in the regions of zero and full scale. The adjustment procedure, described below, should be carefully followed to assure optimum converter performance. OBS IMPROVED SECOND SOURCE The substrate design of the AD 370/ AD3 71 provides for complete pin-for-pin compatibility with other 18-pin DACs,; Hybrid Systems Corp. DACHO, DAC350 series and Micro Networks Corp, MN360, MN370, MN3200 series 18-pin 12-bit digital-to-analog converters all share the same pin configuration except for pin 7 and pin 8 (see Table 3). The AD370/AD371 is a superior direct replacement for these devices where the function of pins 7 and 8 allow. The versatility designed into the AD370/AD371 allows the function of pin 7 and pin 8 to be configured to exactly second source each of the other units. Information on other second source devices with 4 quadrant multiplying capability is available from Analog Devices, OLE The proper connections for the offset and gain adjustments are shown in Figure 4. For the AD371 full-scale calibration apply a digital input of all "Is" and adjust the gain potentiometer to +9.9975 volts (see Table 1). The offset adjustment of the AD3 70 is made at the half-scale code. Adjust the offset potentiometer until O.OOOVis obtained on the output. The full-scale adjustment is made at the negative endpoint or a code of all "Is", Adjust the gain potentiometer until-10.000 volts is obtained on the output. Analog Devices AD370KD AD37fKD AD370SD AD370SD/883B AD371SD AD371SD/883B TE Hybrid Systems DAC346C-12BPG DACH6C-12UP DACH7LPC-12G DACH7LPS-12G DACH7LPC-12U DACH 7LPB-12U DAC356LPC-12 DAC356LPB-12 DAC356C-12 DAC356B-12 Micro Networks MN360 MN370 MN362 MN371 MN360H MN370H MN362H MN371H Table 3. Cross Reference AD370/AD371 Model Package AD370JN AD370JD AD371JN AD371JD AD370KN AD370KD AD371KN AD371KD AD370S0 A03 70S0/883 B AD371S0 AD371S0/883B Polymer Seal Hennetic Polymer Seal Hennetic Polymer Seal Hennetic Polymer Seal Hennetic Hermetic Hennetic Hennetic Hennetic Package Stylel HYI8A HYI8A HYI8A HYI8A HYI8A HYI8A HYI8A HY18A HY18A HY18A HY18A HY18A 1S<eS<crion 20 for pa.:kag<oouin< infonTIation. VOL. I, 10-14 DIGITAL. TO-ANALOG CONVERTERS ORDERING GUIDE Linearity ILSB lLSB lLSB ILSB 1/2LSB 1/2LSB 1/2LSB l/2LSB 1/2LSB 1/2LSB I/2LSB I/2LSB Output Voltage Range -IOV to + IOV -laY to +IOV 0 to +IOV OtO+IOV -IOVto+IOV -IOV to + IOV 0 to +IOV OtO+IOV -laY to +IOV -lOVto+IOV 0 to +IOV 0 to +IOV Operating Temperature Range 0 to +70°C 0 to +70oC 0 to +70oC 0 to +70oC 0 to +70oC 0 to +70°C Oto+70°C OtO+70oC -ssoC to +12SoC -SsoC to +12SoC -SsoC to +12SoC -SsoC to +12Soc MN3211 MN321O is-PIN PACKAGES (Continued) HYISA IS-Pin Hybrid Package ~::: :] ==J t 11I J:I ~. Lb OBS n ~OL E ~'27' ~ 0 lOSe"" g.g~ BASE" ~ :' ,,;;;;; ~L - - - - - - - 035;0 ] . JL ~~~~iJ~~ 9 0.030 10'6"MAX 1 ---r ~ , 021515'6" t ,,' ~ '-1' \ I Q..~lLillJ 0.0551139" &g~:g=: &m:~:~~: TE 20-PIN PACKAGES D20A 2O-PinCeramic DIP Package 0208 20-Pin Ceramic DIP Package ,0.4301,0.,611 gmEE:r::: :I~]~ L- 0990125.15)~ 65) ."'r"D' ,,~~mmrom 00151038) --11-0.02010.51) - ~ ~ I ~~ ~ ~I ~ ~.!-j 14451 ~ ~lg:~1 "1 100070.010 oT: ~" ~ ~ -I f-°018 J .0002 l~ 1046 .OOSI 0501127) TVP .. - 0900 .0.005 12286 .0.131 TOl NON ACCUM 0.095 0.300 .0.010 17.62 .0.251 -A~' ~ 0.012to.30) --I ~ --11--0010 0.300 17.62) VOL. 1,20-8 PACKAGE INFORMA TlON ]l~ 12540 70251 I" 0.085 -I 004011011 0.05411.37) 0.01210.3051 . ~Q,~I\ 0310"6'41 ~ ~~~~~ (025~~~n Dimensions shown Lead No.1 Identified in inches and (mm). by Dot or Notch. TVP T 0.'00 .0231 .".. .0005 1254.0.13)