, One. 20 STERN AVE. SPRINGFIELD, NEW JERSEY 07081 U.S.A. TELEPHONE: (973) 376-2922 (212)227-6005 FAX: (973) 376-8960 NDP605A/NDP605B, NDP606A/NDP606B N-Channel Enhancement Mode Power Field Effect Transistor General Description Features These n-channel enhancement mode power field effect transistors are produced using National's proprietary, high cell density, DMOS technology. This very high density process has been especially tailored to minimize on-state resistance, provide superior switching performance, and withstand high energy pulses in the avalanche and commutation modes. These devices are particularly suited for low voltage applications such as automotive and other battery powered circuits where fast switching, low in-line power loss, and resistance ID transients are needed. • 48 and 42 Amp, 50V and 60V, Ros(on) - 0.025J1 and 0.028ft • Critical DC electrical parameters specified at elevated temperature • Rugged internal source-drain diode eliminates the need for external Zener Diode Transient Suppressor • 175*C maximum Junction temperature rating • Easily paralleled for higher current applications • High density cell design (3 million/in?) for extremely low Lower RrjS(on) temperature coefficient OS TO-220AB Absolute Maximum Ratings NDP606A NDP605A NDP606B NDP605B Units VDSS Drain-Source Voltage 60 SO 60 50 V VDGR VGSS Drain-Gate Voltage (RGs - 1 MJ1) 60 50 60 SO V Symbol Parameter ±20 ±40 Gate-Source Voltage—Continuous —Non Repetitive (tp < 50 jis) ID Drain Current—Continuous —Pulsed PD Total Power Dissipation ® TC = 25*C Derate Above 25*C TJ.TSTG Operating and Storage Temperature Range TL Maximum Lead Temperature for Soldering Purposes, 1/e" from Case for 5 sec. V 42 126 48 144 A 100 W 0.67 wrc -65 to 175 •c 275 •c NJ Semi-Conductors reserves the right to change test conditions, parameter limits and package dimensions without notice. Information furnished by NJ Semi-Conductors is believed to.be both accurate and reliable at the time of going to press. However. NJ Semi-Conductors assumes no responsibility for any errors or omissions discovered in its use. NJ Semi-Conductors encourages customers to verify that datasheets are current before placing orders. Quality Semi-Conductors Electrical Characteristics TC > 2s«c unless otherwise noted Symbol Teat Conditions Parameter Typ MM Type Mln Units NDP60SA NDP605B 50 V NDP606A NDP606B 60 V OFF CHARACTERISTICS BVDSS loss Drain-Source Breakdown Voltage Zero Gate Voltage Drain Current VQS - 0V, ID -250 /j,A VDS - Rated Voltage, VQS = 0V, Tj = 25-C All 250 MA VDS - Rated Voltage, V Q S - O V . T J - 125-C All 1.0 mA IGSSF Gate-Body Leakage, Forward VGS - zov All 100 nA ISSSR Gale-Body Leakage, Reverse VQS - -20V All -100 nA 2.0 4,0 V 1.4 3.6 V 0.025 n 0.02B n 0.038 n 0.048 n ON CHARACTERISTICS VQSfth) RDS(on) Gate Threshold Voltage Static Drain-Source On-Resistance VDS - VGS Tj = 26'C ID = 250 pA Tj - 125'C Tj = 25'C ID - 24A NDP605A NDP606A ID = 21A NDP605B NDP606B ID - 24A NDP605A NDP606A ID - 21A NDP605B NDPG06B VQS - 10V Tj •= 125'C VQa - 10V 9FS Forward Transconductance VGS =•= 10V. ID - O-5 Rated ID All All 0.020 0.030 10 18 mhos DYNAMIC CHARACTERISTICS Ci» Input Capacitance VGS -ov, VDS = 25V All 1375 1800 PF CTSS Reverse Transfer Capacitance f = 1 UHz All 300 400 PF coss Output Capacitance All 620 800 PF SWITCHING CHARACTERISTICS ttXon) V Turn-On Delay Time Rise Time V OD - 25V, ID -0.5 Rated ID, RGEN - 7.5n VGS - iov All 16 30 ns All 80 120 ns ns 'D£j«L Turn-Off Delay Time All 30 60 tf Fall Time All 55 100 QQ Cos Total Gate Charge All 60 nC All 6 nC Qsd Gate- Drain Charge All 32 nC Gate-Source Charge VDS - 0.8 Rated VDSS. ID = Rated ID, Vgg = 10V ns Electrical Characteristics TC - 2S-C unless otherwise noted (Continued) Parameter Symbol Teat Condition* I I Type | Mln | Typ | Max | Unit* SOURCE-DRAIN DIODE CHARACTERISTICS Maximum Continuous Source Current >SM VSD Maximum Pulsed Source Current Diode Forward Voltage Reverse Recovery Time Reverse Recovery Current ls - 0.5 Bated Is VQS - 0V NDP605A NDP606A 48 NOP605B NDP606B 42 NDP605A NDP606A 144 NDP605B NDP606B 126 All 1.3 '25'C 125'C All VQS - 0V, ls - 0.5 Rated ls dte/dt = 100 A/MS 1.2 All 85 All 4.8 THERMAL CHARACTERISTICS ROJA Thermal Resistance, Junction to Case 1.50 •C/W Thermal Resistance, Junction to Ambient 62.5 •C/W Typical Electrical Characteristics s \ s V s o.a s D - 3 50 fA \i *x V \0 -25 0.6 0 0,2 0.4 0,6 0.8 1 1.2 1.4 1,6 1.8 2 VDS, DRAIN-SOURCE VOLTAGE (V) Tj. JUNCTION TEMPERATURE <°C) TL/G/11112-3 FIGURE i. On-Reglon Characteristic* TL/G/11112-4 RGURE 2. Gate Threshold Variation with Temperature 0 2