MBD4448HAQW/HADW/HCDW/HSDW/HTW Taiwan Semiconductor Small Signal Product Switching Diode FEATURES - Fast switching speed - Surface device type mounting - Moisture sensitivity level 1 - High conductance power dissipation - For general purpose switching applications - Pb free version and RoHS compliant - Packing code with suffix "G" means green compound (halogen-free) SOT-363 MECHANICAL DATA - Case: SOT-363 small outline plastic package - Terminal: Matte tin plated, lead free., solderable per MIL-STD-202, Method 208 guaranteed - High temperature soldering guaranteed : 260°C/10s MAXIMUM RATINGS AND ELECTRICAL CHARACTERISTICS (TA=25°C unless otherwise noted) PARAMETER Power Dissipation Repetitive Peak Reverse Voltage Reverse Voltage Average Rectified Forward Current Average Rectified Output Current Non-Repetitive Peak Forward Surge Current @ t = 1 μs @t=1s SYMBOL VALUE UNIT PD 200 mW VRRM 80 V VR 57 V IF(AV) 500 mA IO 250 mA 4 IFSM Thermal Resistance (Junction to Ambient) RθJA 625 Junction and Storage Temperature Range TJ , TSTG -55 to 150 PARAMETER Reverse Breakdown Voltage IR=100μA IF=10mA V(BR) 80 - V 0.620 0.715 - 0.855 - 1.000 - 1.250 - 100 nA - 50 μA - 30 μA - 25 nA o o VR=25V, TJ=150 C VR=20V C UNIT VR=70V VR=75V, TJ=150 C o MAX IF=150mA Reverse Leakage Current C/W MIN VF IF=100mA o SYMBOL IF=5.0mA Forward Voltage A 1.5 VF V Junction Capacitance VR=6V, f=1MHz CJ - 3.5 pF Reverse Recovery Time IF=5mA, VR=6V trr - 4.0 ns Note 1: Device mounted on FR-4 PCB, 1 inch × 0.85 inch × 0.062 inch Note 2: Short duration test pulse uesd tu minimize self-heating effect Document Number: DS_S1501009 Version: C15 MBD4448HAQW/HADW/HCDW/HSDW/HTW Taiwan Semiconductor Small Signal Product ORDER INFORMATION (EXAMPLE) MBD4448HAQW RFG Green compound code Packing code Part no. DIMENSIONS SOT-363 H A F DIM. B E G C D Unit (mm) Unit (inch) Min Max Min Max A 2.00 2.20 0.079 0.087 B 1.15 1.35 0.045 0.053 C 0.15 0.35 0.006 0.014 D 1.20 1.40 0.047 0.055 E 2.15 2.45 0.085 0.096 F 0.85 1.05 0.033 0.041 G 0.25 0.46 0.010 0.018 H 0.00 0.10 0.000 0.004 SUGGESTED PAD LAYOUT Unit (mm) Unit (inch) Typ. Typ. Z 3.20 0.126 G 1.60 0.063 X 0.55 0.022 Y 0.80 0.031 C1 2.40 0.094 C2 0.95 0.037 DIM. PIN CONFIGURATION Document Number: DS_S1501009 Version: C15 MBD4448HAQW/HADW/HCDW/HSDW/HTW Taiwan Semiconductor Small Signal Product MARKING Part no. Marking code MBD4448HAQW KA5 MBD4448HADW KA6 MBD4448HCDW KA7 MBD4448HSDW KA8 MBD4448HTW KAA Document Number: DS_S1501009 Version: C15 MBD4448HAQW/HADW/HCDW/HSDW/HTW Taiwan Semiconductor Small Signal Product Notice Specifications of the products displayed herein are subject to change without notice. TSC or anyone on its behalf, assumes no responsibility or liability for any errors or inaccuracies. Information contained herein is intended to provide a product description only. No license, express or implied,to any intellectual property rights is granted by this document. Except as provided in TSC's terms and conditions of sale for such products, TSC assumes no liability whatsoever, and disclaims any express or implied warranty, relating to sale and/or use of TSC products including liability or warranties relating to fitness for a particular purpose, merchantability, or infringement of any patent, copyright, or other intellectual property right. The products shown herein are not designed for use in medical, life-saving, or life-sustaining applications. Customers using or seling these products for use in such applications do so at their own risk and agree to fully indemnify TSC for any damages resulting from such improper use or sale. Document Number: DS_S1501009 Version: C15