ADNS-3090 High-Performance Optical Mouse Sensor Data Sheet Description Features The ADNS-3090 is a high performance addition to Avago Technologies’ popular ADNS family of optical mouse sensors. x High speed motion detection – up to 60 ips and 20g The ADNS-3090 is based on a new, faster architecture with improved navigation. The sensor is capable of sensing high speed mouse motion - up to 60 inches per second and acceleration up to 20g – for increased user precision and smoothness. x Programmable frame rate over 6400 frames per second The ADNS-3090 along with the ADNS-2120-001 trim lens, ADNS-2220-001 assembly clip and HLMP-ED80-XX000 form a complete, compact optical mouse tracking system. There are no moving parts, which means high reliability and less maintenance for the end user. In addition, precision optical alignment is not required, facilitating high volume assembly. The sensor is programmed via registers through a four-wire serial port. It is packaged in a 20-pin staggered dual inline package (DIP). Theory of Operation The ADNS-3090 is based on Optical Navigation Technology, which measures changes in position by optically acquiring sequential surface images (frames) and mathematically determining the direction and magnitude of movement. It contains an Image Acquisition System (IAS), a Digital Signal Processor (DSP), and a four-wire serial port. The IAS acquires microscopic surface images via the lens and illumination system. These images are processed by the DSP to determine the direction and distance of motion. The DSP calculates the Δx and Δy relative displacement values. An external microcontroller reads the Δx and Δy information from the sensor serial port. The microcontroller then translates the data into PS2 or USB signals before sending them to the host PC or game console. x Enhanced architecture for greatly improved optical navigation technology x SmartSpeed self-adjusting frame rate for optimum performance x Serial port burst mode for fast data transfer x 1800 cpi or 3500 cpi selectable resolution x Single 3.3 volt power supply x Four-wire serial port along with Chip Select, Power Down, and Reset pins Applications x Mice for game consoles and computer games x Mice for desktop PC’s, Workstations, and portable PC’s x Trackballs x Integrated input devices Pinout Pin Name Description 1 NCS Chip select (active low input) 2 MISO Serial data output (Master In/Slave Out) 20 1 19 2 18 3 SCLK Serial clock input 4 MOSI Serial data input (Master Out/Slave In) 4 3 17 5 LED_CTRL LED control output 5 6 RESET Reset input 6 7 NPD Power down (active low input) 7 8 OSC_OUT Oscillator output 8 9 GUARD Oscillator GND for PCB guard (optional) 9 10 OSC_IN Oscillator input 11 NC No connect 12 OPTP Connect to VDD3 13 REFC Reference capacitor 14 REFB Reference capacitor 15 VDD3 Supply voltage 16 GND Ground 17 VDD3 Supply voltage 18 NC No connect 19 GND Ground 20 NC No connect 2 16 15 14 13 12 11 10 Figure 1. Package outline drawing (top view) Figure 2. Package outline drawing CAUTION: It is advised that normal static precautions be taken in handling and assembly of this component to prevent damage and/or degradation which may be induced by ESD. 3 Overview of Optical Mouse Sensor Assembly 2D Assembly Drawing of ADNS-3090 Shown with ADNS-2120-001, ADNS-2220-001 and HLMP ED80-XX000. Avago Technologies provides an IGES file drawing describing the base plate molding features for lens and PCB alignment. The components interlock as they are mounted onto defined features on the base plate. The ADNS-3090 sensor is designed for mounting on a through hole PCB, looking down. There is an aperture stop and features on the package that align to the lens. The ADNS-2120-001 trim lens provides optics for the imaging of the surface as well as illumination of the Figure 3. Recommended PCB mechanical cutouts and spacing 4 surface at the optimum angle. Features on the lens align it to the sensor, base plate, and clip with the LED. The lens also has a large round flange to provide a long creepage path for any ESD events that occur at the opening of the base plate. The ADNS-2220-001 clip holds the LED in relation to the lens. The LED must be inserted into the clip and the LED’s leads formed prior to loading on the PCB. The clip interlocks the sensor to the lens, and through the lens to the alignment features on the base plate. The HLMP-ED80-XX000 LED is recommended for illumination. If used with the bin table, sufficient illumination can be guaranteed. Figure 4. 2D Assembly drawing of ADNS-3090 (top and side view) NOTE: These new Avago Technologies optical mouse sensors, lenses and clips have different physical configurations that require a different PCB mounting method to optimize the navigation performance. Refer Application Notes AN 5035 for further information. 5 PCB Assembly Considerations HLMP-ED80-xx000 (LED) ADNS-2220-001 (Clip) ADNS-3090 (Sensor) Customer supplied PCB ADNS-2120-001 (Trim Lens) Customer supplied base plate with recommended alignment features per IGES drawing. Figure 5. Exploded view drawing 1. Insert the sensor and all other electrical components into PCB. 2. Insert the LED into the assembly clip and bend the leads 90 degrees. 3. Insert the LED/clip assembly into PCB. 6. Remove the protective kapton tape from optical aperture of the sensor. Care must be taken to keep contaminants from entering the aperture. During mouse assembly process, it is recommended that the PCB is held vertically when kapton tapes are being removed. 4. Wave Solder the entire assembly in a no-wash solder process utilizing solder fixture. The solder fixture is needed to protect the sensor during the solder process. It also sets the correct sensor-to -PCB distance as the lead shoulders do not normally rest on the PCB surface. The fixture should be designed to expose the sensor leads to solder while shielding the optical aperture from direct solder contact. 7. Insert PCB assembly over the lens onto the base plate aligning post to retain PCB assembly. The sensor aperture ring should self-align to the lens. 5. Place the lens onto the base plate. 9. Install mouse top case. There MUST be a feature in the top case to press down 8. The optical position reference for the PCB is set by the base plate and lens. Note that the PCB motion due to button presses must be minimized to maintain optical alignment. OSC_IN NCS RESONATOR MOSI MISO LED_CTRL CTRL RESET OSC_OUT REFB IMAGE PROCESSOR REFC VOLTAGE REGULATOR AND POWER CONTROL SCLK Serial Port OSCILLATOR Figure 6. Block diagram of ADNS-3090 optical mouse sensor 6 REFERENCE VOLTAGE FILTER NODE OPTP NPD V DD3 GND 3.3 V POWER Design considerations for improving ESD Performance The flange on the lens has been designed to increase the creepage and clearance distance for electrostatic discharge. The table below shows typical values assuming base plate construction per the Avago Technologies supplied IGES file and ADNS-2120-001 flange. Typical Distance Millimeters Creepage 16.0 Clearance 2.1 For improved ESD performance, the lens flange can be sealed (i.e. glued) to the base plate. Note that the lens material is polycarbonate and therefore, cyanoacrylate based adhesives or other adhesives that may damage the lens should NOT be used. Clip LED Sensor PCB Lens/Light Pipe Base Plate Surface Figure 7. Cross section of PCB assembly 7 LP2950ACZ-3.3 3 Vin Vo 1 0.1 PF 4.7 PF 0.1 PF GND 2 0.1 PF 0.1 PF 4.7 PF Vo 17 14 Vcc 10 Vcc 16 Vpp 15 ADNS 2120 Lens V DD V DD Internal Image GND Sensor 19 GND GND QA SHLD Vcc QB 11 17 18 P 0.7 Vreg P 0.6 P 1.7 P 0.5 USB MCU P 1.5 P 0.4 21 3 22 2 23 4 240 : P 0.3 7 P 1.4 Z LED P 1.0 P 1.2 P 1.1 VSS XTALOUT 13 Notes: All capacitors close to chip 24 MHz and 6 MHz close to chip 1 K: MMBT2222A SCLK MISO 24 P 0.2 LED_CTRL 5 1 3 10 K: 4 10 K: 6 7 20 K Ω 5 L ADNS-3090 MOSI REFB 14 2.2 PF NCS REFC RESET NPD OSC_IN GUARD 20 K Ω OSC_OUT 13 10 9 24 MHz 8 Ceramic Resonator AVX KBR -24.0-MSA Murata CSAL24MOX040 6 M Buttons 20 R 9 11 18 NC 1.3 K: D - NC 15 D - 187 : 1/8 W SURFACE GND D + NC 16 D+ HLMP-ED80 OPTP 12 Vo 3.3V 20 XTALIN 12 6 MHz (Optional) Figure 8. Schematic Diagram for USB, PS/2 mouse application with ADNS-3090 Notes 1. Caps for pins 15 and 17 MUST have trace lengths LESS than 5 mm to nearest ground pin. 2. Pins 15 and 17 caps MUST use pin 16 GND. 3. Pin 9, if used, should not be connected to PCB GND to reduce potential RF emissions. 4. The 0.1 uF caps must be ceramic. 5. Caps should have less than 5 nH of self inductance. 6. Caps should have less than 0.2 Ω ESR. 7. NC pins should not be connected to any traces. 8. Surface mount parts are recommended. 9. Care must be taken when interfacing a 5V microcontroller to the ADNS-3090. Serial port inputs on the sensor should be connected to opendrain outputs from the microcontroller or use an active drive level shifter. NPD and RESET should be connected to 5V microcontroller outputs through a resistor divider or other level shifting technique. 10. VDD3 and GND should have low impedance connections to the power supply. 11. Capacitors connected to pin 15 and 17 should be connected to pin 16 and then to pin 19. 8 Enabling the SROM Regulatory Requirements For best tracking performance,SROM is required to be loaded into ADNS-3090. This architecture enables immediate adoption of new features and improved performance algorithms. The external program is supplied by Avago Technologies as a file which may be burned into a programmable device. A micro-controller with sufficient memory may be used. On power-up and reset, the ADNS-3090 program is downloaded into volatile memory using the burst-mode procedure described in the Synchronous Serial Port section. The program size is 1986 x 8 bits. x Passes FCC B and worldwide analogous emission limits when assembled into a mouse with shielded cable and following Avago Technologies’ recommendations. x Passes IEC-1000-4-3 radiated susceptibility level when assembled into a mouse with shielded cable and following Avago Technologies’ recommendations. x Passes EN61000-4-4/IEC801-4 EFT tests when assembled into a mouse with shielded cable and following Avago Technologies’ recommendations. x UL flammability level UL94 V-0. x Provides sufficient ESD creepage/clearance distance to avoid discharge up to 15kV when assembled into a mouse according to usage instructions above. Sensor Lens 2.40 0.094 Object Surface Figure 9. Distance from lens reference plane to surface 9 Absolute Maximum Ratings Parameter Symbol Minimum Maximum Units Storage Temperature TS -40 Typical 85 oC Operating Temperature TA -15 55 oC 260 oC 3.7 V 2 kV All pins, human body model MIL 883 Method 3015 VDD3+0.5 V NPD, NCS, MOSI, SCLK, RESET, OSC_IN, OSC_OUT, REFC. 20 mA LED_CTRL, MISO Lead Solder Temp Supply Voltage VDD3 -0.5 ESD Input Voltage VIN Output current Iout -0.5 Notes For 7 second, 1.6mm below seating plane. Recommended Operating Conditions Parameter Symbol Minimum Operating Temperature TA 0 Power supply voltage VDD3B 3.10 Power supply rise time VRT 1 Supply noise (Sinusoidal) VNB Oscillator capable Frequency fCLK Maximum Units 40 °C 3.60 Volts us 0 to 3.0V 30 80 mV p-p 10kHz- 300KHZ 300KHz-50MHz 25 MHz Set by ceramic resonator Serial Port Clock Frequency fSCLK 2 500 MHz kHz Active drive, 50% duty cycle Open drain drive with pull-ups on, 50 pF load Resonator Impedance XRES 55 : Distance from lens reference plane to surface Z 2.3 2.5 mm Results in ±0.2 mm DOF, See Figure 9 Speed S 0 60 in/sec @ 6469fps Acceleration A 20 g @ 6469fps Light level onto IC IRRINC 20 24 100 120 6,000 7,200 6,000 7,200 mW/m2 l = 639 nm, FR=1500 fps l = 875 nm, FR=1500 fps l = 639 nm, FR=6469 fps l = 875 nm, FR=6469 fps Frame Rate FR 2000 6469 LED Drive Current ILED 10 10 23 Typical 3.30 24 2.4 Notes Frames/s See Frame_Period register section mA HLMP-ED80-XX000, bin N and brighter. Maximum frame rate may not be maintained on dark surfaces at the minimum LED drive current AC Electrical Specifications Electrical Characteristics over recommended operating conditions. Typical values at 25 °C, VDD3=3.3V, fclk=24MHz. Parameter Symbol VDD to RESET Min. Typical Max. Units Notes tOP 250 Ps From VDD = 3.0V to RESET sampled Data delay after RESET tPU-RESET 35 ms From RESET falling edge to valid motion data at 2000 fps and shutter bound 8290. Input delay after reset TIN-RST 500 Ps From RESET falling edge to inputs active (NPD, MOSI, NCS, SCLK) Power Down tPD 2.1 ms From NPD falling edge to initiate the power down cycle at 500fps (tpd = 1 frame period + 100ms ) Wake from NPD tPUPD 75 ms From NPD rising edge to valid motion data at 2000 fps and shutter bound 8290. Max assumes surface change while NPD is low. Data delay after NPD tCOMPUTE 3.1 ms From NPD rising edge to all registers contain data from new images at 2000fps (see Figure 10) . RESET pulse width tPW-RESET MISO rise time tr-MISO 40 200 ns CL = 50pF MISO fall time tf-MISO 40 200 ns CL = 50pF MISO delay afterSCLK tDLY-MISO 120 ns From SCLK falling edge to MISO data valid, no load conditions MISO hold time thold-MISO 250 ns Data held until next falling SCLK edge MOSI hold time thold-MOSI 200 ns Amount of time data is valid after SCLK rising edge MOSI setup time tsetup-MOSI 120 ns From data valid to SCLK rising edge SPI time between write commands tSWW 50 Ps From rising SCLK for last bit of the first data byte, to rising SCLK for last bit of the second data byte. SPI time between write and read commands tSWR 50 Ps From rising SCLK for last bit of the first data byte, to rising SCLK for last bit of the second address byte. SPI time between tSRW read and subsequent tSRR commands 250 ns From rising SCLK for last bit of the first data byte, to falling SCLK for first bit of the second address byte. SPI read address-data delay tSRAD 50 Ps From rising SCLK for last bit of the address byte, to falling SCLK for first bit of data being read. All registers except Motion & Motion_Burst SPI motion read address-data delay tSRAD-MOT 75 Ps From rising SCLK for last bit of the address byte, to falling SCLK for first bit of data being read. Applies to 0x02 Motion, and 0x50 Motion_Burst, registers NCS to SCLK active tNCS-SCLK 120 ns From NCS falling edge to first SCLK rising edge SCLK to NCS inactive tSCLK-NCS 120 ns From last SCLK falling edge to NCS rising edge, for valid MISO data transfer NCS to MISO high-Z tNCS-MISO ns From NCS rising edge to MISO high-Z state Ps 10 250 SROM download and tLOAD frame capture byte-to-byte delay 10 Ps (see Figure 23 and 24) NCS to burst mode exit tBEXIT 4 Ps Time NCS must be held high to exit burst mode Transient Supply Current IDDT mA Max supply current during a VDD3 ramp from 0 to 3.6V 11 85 DC Electrical Specifications Electrical Characteristics over recommended operating conditions. Typical values at 25 °C, VDD3=3.3V, fclk=24MHz. Parameter Symbol Minimum Typical DC Supply Current IDD_AVG Power Down Supply Current IDDPD Input Low Voltage VIL Input High Voltage VIH Input hysteresis VI_HYS 200 Input current, pull-up disabled IIH_DPU 0 Input current, CMOS inputs IIH 0 Output current, pulled-up inputs IOH_PU 150 Output Low Voltage LED_CTRL VOL,LED Output High voltage, LED_CTRL VOH_LED Output Low Voltage, MISO VOL Output High Voltage, MISO VOH Input Capacitance CIN 5 Maximum Units Notes 52 mA DC average at 6469 fps. No DC load on LED_CTRL, MISO. 90 PA NPD=GND; SCLK, MOSI, NCS=GND or VDD3; RESET=GND 0.8 V SCLK, MOSI, NPD, NCS, RESE V SCLK, MOSI, NPD, NCS, RESET mV SCLK, MOSI, NPD, NCS, RESET ±10 PA Vin=0.8*VDD3, SCLK, MOSI, NCS ±10 PA NPD, RESET, Vin=0.8*VDD3 600 PA Vin=0.2V, SCLK, MOSI, NCS 0.5 V Iout=2mA, LED_CTRL V Iout=-2mA, LED_CTRL V Iout=2mA, MISO V Iout=-2mA, MISO pF OSC_IN, OSC_OUT 0.7 * VDD3 300 0.8*VDD3 0.5 0.8*VDD3 14-22 Detail of NPD rising edge timing NPD Reset Count Oscillator Start 250 μs 340 μs Frame 1 Frame 2 Frame 3 Frame 4 Frame 5 LED CURRENT (shutter mode) SCLK 590 μs Optional SPI transactions with old image data t COMPUTE = 590μs + 5 Frame Periods Figure 10. NPD Rising Edge Timing Detail 12 “Motion” bit set if motion was detected. First read dX = dY = 0 Typical Performance Characteristics Resolution vs. Z Straight line at 45deg, Path length = 4inches, Speed = 6ips, Resolution = 3500cpi 4500 White Paper 4000 Manila White Formica Resolution (counts per inch, cpi) 3500 Black Formica 3000 Spruce Wood 2500 2000 1500 1000 500 0 1.6 1.7 1.8 1.9 2.0 2.1 2.2 2.3 2.4 2.5 2.7 2.6 2.8 2.9 3.0 3.1 3.2 3.3 3.4 Distance from Lens Reference Plane to Navigation Surface, Z (mm) Figure 11. Mean Resolution vs. Z (White Paper) Typical Path Deviation Largest single perpendicular deviation from a staright line at 45deg, Path length = 4inches, Speed = 6ips, Resolution = 3500cpi 40 White Paper Manila 35 White Formica Maximum Deviation (mouse counts) 30 Black Formica Spruce Wood 25 20 15 10 5 0 1.6 1.7 1.8 1.9 2 2.1 2.2 2.3 2.4 2.5 2.6 2.7 2.8 2.9 Distance from Lens Reference Plane to Navigation Surface, Z (mm) Figure 12. Average error vs. Distance (mm) 13 3 3.1 3.2 3.3 3.4 1 0.9 Relative responsivity 0.8 0.7 0.6 0.5 0.4 0.3 0.2 0.1 0 500 400 600 700 wavelength (nm) 800 900 1000 Figure 13. Relative responsivity Average Supply Current vs Frame Rate VDD=3.6V 120% 100% Relative Current 100% 88% 80% 72% 60% 51% 55% 40% 20% 0% 0 Figure 14. Idd vs. Frame Rate 14 2000 4000 Frame Rate (Hz) 6000 8000 Synchronous Serial Port Chip Select Operation The synchronous serial port is used to set and read parameters in the ADNS-3090, and to read out the motion information. The serial port is also used to load SROM data into the ADNS-3090. The serial port is activated after NCS goes low. If NCS is raised during a transaction, the entire transaction is aborted and the serial port will be reset. This is true for all transactions including SROM download. After a transaction is aborted, the normal address-to-data or transaction-to-transaction delay is still required before beginning the next transaction. To improve communication reliability, all serial transactions should be framed by NCS. In other words, the port should not remain enabled during periods of non-use because ESD and EFT/B events could be interpreted as serial communication and put the chip into an unknown state. In addition, NCS must be raised after each burst-mode transaction is complete to terminate burst-mode. The port is not available for further use until burst-mode is terminated. The port is a four-wire, serial port. The host micro-controller always initiates communication; the ADNS-3090 never initiates data transfers. The serial port cannot be activated while the chip is in power down mode (NPD low) or reset (RESET high). SCLK, MOSI, and NCS may be driven directly by a 3.3V output from a micro-controller, or they may be placed in an open drain configuration by enabling on-chip pull-up current sources. The open drain drive allows the use of a 5V micro-controller without any level shifting components. The port pins may be shared with other SPI slave devices. When the NCS pin is high, the inputs are ignored and the output is tri-stated. The lines which comprise the SPI port are: SCLK: Clock input. It is always generated by the master (the micro- controller). MOSI: Input data (Master Out/Slave In). MISO: Output data (Master In/Slave Out). NCS: Chip select input (active low). NCS needs to be low to activate the serial port; otherwise, MISO will be high-Z, and MOSI & SCLK will be ignored. NCS can also be used to reset the serial port in case of an error. 15 Write Operation Read Operation Write operation, defined as data going from the microcontroller to the ADNS-3090, is always initiated by the micro-controller and consists of two bytes. The first byte contains the address (seven bits) and has a “1” as its MSB to indicate data direction. The second byte contains the data. The ADNS-3090 reads MOSI on rising edges of SCLK. A read operation, defined as data going from the ADNS-3090 to the micro-controller, is always initiated by the micro-controller and consists of two bytes. The first byte contains the address, is sent by the microcontroller over MOSI, and has a “0” as its MSB to indicate data direction. The second byte contains the data and is driven by the ADNS-3090 over MISO. The sensor outputs MISO bits on falling edges of SCLK and samples MOSI bits on every rising edge of SCLK. NOTE: The 250 ns minimum high state of SCLK is also the minimum MISO data hold time of the ADNS-3090. Since the falling edge of SCLK is actually the start of the next read or write command, the ADNS-3090 will hold the state of data on MISO until the falling edge of SCLK. SCLK SCLK MOSI tHOLD-MISO tHold,MOSI tDLY-MISO tSetup, MOSI D0 MISO Figure 15. MOSI setup and hold time Figure 18. MISO delay and hold time NCS 1 2 1 A 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 15 14 16 1 2 1 A SCLK MOSI 6 A 5 A 4 A A 3 A 2 A 1 0 D7 D6 D5 D4 D3 D2 D1 D0 MISO MOSI Driven by Micro-Controller Figure 16. Write Operation NCS SCLK Cycle # 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 A6 A5 A4 A3 A2 A1 8 9 10 D7 D6 11 12 13 14 D4 D3 D2 15 16 SCLK MOSI 0 MISO A0 tSRAD delay Figure 17. Read operation 16 D5 D1 D0 6 Required timing between Read and Write Commands (tsxx) There are minimum timing requirements between read and write commands on the serial port. tSWW ³ 50ms SCLK Address Data Address Write Operation Data Write Operation Figure 19. Timing between two write commands If the rising edge of the SCLK for the last data bit of the second write command occurs before the 50 microsecond required delay, then the first write command may not complete correctly. W6:5³ mV 6&/. $GGUHVV 'DWD $GGUHVV :ULWH2SHUDWLRQ 1H[W5HDG 2SHUDWLRQ Figure 20. Timing between write and read commands If the rising edge of SCLK for the last address bit of the read command occurs before the 50 microsecond required delay, the write command may not complete correctly. tSRW & tSRR > 250 ns tSRAD ³ 50 ms for non-motion read tSRAD-MOT ³ 75 ms for register 0x02 SCLK Address Data Read Operation Address Next Read or Write Operation Figure 21. Timing between read and either write or subsequent read commands The falling edge of SCLK for the first address bit of either the read or write command must be at least 250 ns after the last SCLK rising edge of the last data bit of the previous read operation. In addition, during a read operation SCLK should be delayed after the last address bit to ensure that the ADNS-3090 has time to prepare the requested data. 17 Burst Mode Operation Motion Read Burst mode is a special serial port operation mode which may be used to reduce the serial transaction time for three predefined operations: motion read and SROM download and frame capture. The speed improvement is achieved by continuous data clocking to or from multiple registers without the need to specify the register address, and by not requiring the normal delay period between data bytes. This mode is activated by reading the Motion_Burst register. The ADNS-3090 will respond with the contents of the Motion, Delta_X, Delta_Y, SQUAL, Shutter_Upper, Shutter_Lower and Maximum_Pixel registers in that order. After sending the register address, the microcontroller must wait tSRAD-MOT and then begin reading data. All 56 data bits can be read with no delay between bytes by driving SCLK at the normal rate. The data are latched into the output buffer after the last address bit is received. After the burst transmission is complete, the micro-controller must raise the NCS line for at least tBEXIT to terminate burst mode. The serial port is not available for use until it is reset with NCS, even for a second burst transmission. tSRAD-MOT ³ 75 ms SCLK Motion_Burst Register Address Read First Byte First Read Operation Figure 22. Motion burst timing 18 Read Second Byte Read Third Byte SROM Download This function is used to load the Avago Technologiessupplied firmware file contents into the ADNS-3090. The firmware file is an ASCII text file with each 2-character byte (hexadecimal representation) on a single line. This mode is activated by the following steps: 1. Perform hardware reset by toggling the RESET pin 2. Write 0x44 to register 0x20 3. Write 0x07 to register 0x23 4. Write 0x88 to register 0x24 5. Wait at least 1 frame period 6. Write 0x18 to register 0x14 (SROM_Enable register) 7. Begin burst mode write of data file to register 0x60 (SROM_Load register) After the first data byte is complete, the SROM or microcontroller must write subsequent bytes by presenting the data on the MOSI line and driving SCLK at the normal rate. A delay of at least tLOAD must exist between data bytes as shown. After the download is complete, the micro-controller must raise the NCS line for at least tBEXIT to terminate burst mode. The serial port is not available for use until it is reset with NCS, even for a second burst transmission. Avago Technologies recommends reading the SROM_ID register to verify that the download was successful. In addition, a self-test may be executed, which performs a CRC on the SROM contents and reports the results in a register. The test is initiated by writing a particular value to the SROM_Enable register; the result is placed in the Data_Out register. See those register descriptions for more details. Avago Technologies provides the data file for download; the file size is 1986 data bytes. The chip will ignore any additional bytes written to the SROM_Load register after the SROM file. SROM file is now available for download at Avago Technologies’ website. exit burst mode tBEXIT ³4ms NCS SROM_Enable reg write 3 reg writes, see text MOSI address key data SROM_Load reg write address byte 0 byte 1 byte 1985 address enter burst mode ³1 frame period SCLK tNCS -SCLK >120ns tLOAD ³40ms ³10ms tLOAD ³10ms ³10ms soonest to read SROM_ID Figure 23. SROM download burst mode 19 ³100ms Frame Capture This is a fast way to download a full array of pixel values from a single frame. This mode disables navigation and overwrites any downloaded firmware. A hardware reset is required to restore navigation, and the firmware must be reloaded afterwards if required. To trigger the capture, write to the Frame_Capture register. The next available complete 1 2/3 frames (1536 values) will be stored to memory. The data are is retrieved by reading the Pixel_Burst register once using the normal read method, after which the remaining bytes are clocked out by driving SCLK at the normal rate. The byte time must be at least tLOAD. If the Pixel_ Burst register is read before the data is ready, it will return all zeros. To read a single frame, read a total of 900 bytes. The next 636 bytes will be approximately 2/3 of the next frame. The first pixel of the first frame (1st read) has bit 6 set to 1 as a start-of-frame marker. The first pixel of the second partial frame (901st read) will also have bit 6 set to 1. All other bytes have bit 6 set to zero. The MSB of all bytes is set to 1. If the Pixel_Burst register is read past the end of the data (1537 reads and on) , the data returned will be zeros. After the download is complete, the micro-controller must raise the NCS line for at least tBEXIT to terminate burst mode. The read may be aborted at any time by raising NCS. Alternatively, the frame data can also be read one byte at a time from the Frame_Capture register. See the register description for more information. exit burst mode tBEXIT ³4ms NCS pixel dump reg read frame capture reg write MOSI address data frame capture reg address address enter burst mode ³10ms soonest to begin again SCLK tNCS -SCLK >120ns tCAPTURE tSRAD ³50ms MISO P0 bit 6 set to 1 t LOAD ³10ms t LOAD ³10ms P0 P1 all MSB = 1 P899 see note 2 Notes: 1. MSB = 1 for all bytes. Bit 6 = 0 for all bytes except pixel 0 of both frames which has bit 6 = 1 for use as a frame marker. 2. Reading beyond pixel 899 will return the first pixel of the second partial frame. 3. t CAPTURE = 10ms + 3 frame periods. 4. This figure illustrates reading a single complete frame of 900 pixels. An additional 636 pixels from the next frame are available. Figure 24. Frame capture burst mode timing 20 The pixel output order as related to the surface is shown below. Cable Top Xray View of Mouse Positive Y LB RB Positive X 1 A3080 10 20 11 expanded view of the surface as viewed through the lens last output 899 898 897 896 895 894 893 892 891 890 889 888 887 886 885 884 883 882 881 880 879 878 877 876 875 874 873 872 871 870 869 868 867 866 865 864 863 862 861 860 859 858 857 856 855 854 853 852 851 850 849 848 847 846 845 844 843 842 841 840 · · 839 838 · etc. · · · 61 60 59 58 57 56 55 54 53 52 51 50 49 48 47 46 45 44 43 42 41 40 39 38 37 36 35 34 33 32 31 30 29 28 27 26 25 24 23 22 21 20 19 18 17 16 15 14 13 12 11 10 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0 9 first output Figure 25. Pixel address map (surface referenced) Error detection and recovery 1. The ADNS-3090 and the micro-controller might get out of synchronization due to ESD events, power supply droops or micro-controller firmware flaws. In such a case, the micro-controller should pulse NCS high for at least 1 ms. The ADNS-3090 will reset the serial port (but not the control registers) and will be prepared for the beginning of a new transmission after the normal transaction delay. 2. Invalid addresses: Writing to an invalid address will have no effect. Reading from an invalid address will return all zeros. 3. Termination of a transmission by the micro-controller may sometimes be required (for example, due to a USB suspend interrupt during a read operation). To accomplish this the micro-controller should raise NCS. The ADNS-3090 will not write to any register and will reset the serial port (but not the control registers) and be prepared for the beginning of future transmissions after NCS goes low. The normal delays between reads or writes (tSWW, tswr, tSRAD, tSRAD-mot) are still required after aborted transmissions. 21 4. The micro-controller can verify success of write operations by issuing a read command to the same address and comparing written data to read data. 5. The micro-controller can verify the synchronization of the serial port by periodically reading the product ID and inverse product ID registers. 6. The microcontroller can read the SROM_ID register to verify that the sensor is running downloaded SROM code. ESD or similar noise events may cause the sensor to revert to native ROM execution. If this should happen, pulse RESET and reload the SROM instructions. Notes on Power-up and the serial port Reset Circuit The ADNS-3090 does not perform an internal power up self-reset. The reset pin must be raised and lowered to reset the chip. This should be done every time power is applied. During power-up there will be a period of time after the power supply is high but before any clocks are available. The table below shows the state of the various pins during power-up and reset when the RESET pin is driven high by a micro-controller. Power Down Circuit The following table lists the pin states during power down. The chip is put into the power down (PD) mode by lowering the NPD input. When in PD mode, the oscillator is stopped but all register contents are retained. To achieve the lowest current state, all inputs must be held externally within 200mV of a rail, either ground or VDD3. The chip outputs are driven low or hi-Z during PD to prevent current consumption by an external load. LED Drive Mode The LED has 2 modes of operation: DC and Shutter. In DC mode it is on at all times the chip is powered except when in the power down mode via the NPD pin. In shutter mode the LED is on only during the portion of the frame that light is required. The LED_MODE bit in the Configuration_bits register sets the LED mode. State of Signal Pins After VDD is Valid Pin Before Reset During Reset After Reset SPI pullups Undefined Off On (default) NCS Hi-Z control functional Hi-Z control functional Functional MISO Driven or hi-Z (per NCS) Driven or hi-Z (per NCS) Low or hi-Z (per NCS) SCLK Undefined Ignored Functional MOSI Undefined Ignored Functional LED_CTRL Undefined Low High RESET Functional High (externally driven) Functional NPD Undefined Ignored Functional State of Signal Pins During Power Down Pin NPD low After wake from PD SPI pullups off pre-PD state NCS hi-Z control functional functional MISO low or hi-Z (per NCS) pre-PD state or hi-Z SCLK ignored functional MOSI ignored functional LED_CTRL low high RESET functional functional NPD low (driven externally) functional REFC VDD3 REFC OSC_IN low OSC_IN OSC_OUT high OSC_OUT 22 Registers The ADNS-3090 registers are accessible via the serial port. The registers are used to read motion data and status as well as to set the device configuration. Address Register Read/Write SROM Default Value 0x00 Product_ID R 0x17 0x01 Revision_ID R 0xNN 0x02 Motion R 0x00 0x03 Delta_X R 0x00 0x04 Delta_Y R 0x00 0x05 SQUAL R 0x00 0x06 Pixel_Sum R 0x00 0x07 Maximum_Pixel R 0x00 0x08 Reserved 0x09 Reserved 0x0a Configuration_bits R/W 0x09 0x0b Extended_Config R/W 0x00 0x0c Data_Out_Lower R Any 0x0d Data_Out_Upper R Any 0x0e Shutter_Lower R 0x85 0x0f Shutter_Upper R 0x00 0x10 Frame_Period_Lower R Any 0x11 Frame_Period_Upper R Any 0x12 Motion_Clear W Any 0x13 Frame_Capture R/W 0x00 0x14 SROM_Enable W 0x00 0x15 - 0x18 Reserved 0x19 Frame_Period_Max_Bound Lower R/W 0xE0 0x1a Frame_Period_Max_Bound_Upper R/W 0x2E 0x1b Frame_Period_Min_Bound_Lower R/W 0x7E 0x1c Frame_Period_Min_Bound_Upper R/W 0x0E 0x1d Shutter_Max_Bound_Lower R/W 0x00 0x1e Shutter_Max_Bound_Upper R/W 0x20 0x1f SROM_ID R 0x00 0x20-0x3c Reserved 0x3d Observation R/W 0x00 0x3e Reserved 0x3f Inverse Product ID R 0xF8 0x40 Pixel_Burst R 0x00 0x50 Motion_Burst R 0x00 0x60 SROM_Load W Any 23 Product_ID Address: 0x00 Access: Read Reset Value: 0x07 Bit 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0 Field PID7 PID6 PID5 PID4 PID3 PID2 PID1 PID0 Data Type: 8-Bit unsigned integer USAGE: This register contains a unique identification assigned to the ADNS-3090. The value in this register does not change; it can be used to verify that the serial communications link is functional. Revision_ID Address: 0x01 Access: Read Reset Value: 0xNN Bit 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0 Field RID7 RID6 RID5 RID4 RID3 RID2 RID1 RID0 Data Type: 8-Bit unsigned integer. USAGE: This register contains the IC revision. It is subject to change when new IC versions are released. NOTE: The downloaded SROM firmware revision is a separate value and is available in the SROM_ID register. Motion Address: 0x02 Access: Read Reset Value: 0x00 Bit 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0 Field MOT Reserved Reserved OVF Reserved Reserved Reserved RES Data Type: Bit field. USAGE: Register 0x02 allows the user to determine if motion has occurred since the last time it was read. If so, then the user should read registers 0x03 and 0x04 to get the accumulated motion. It also tells if the motion buffers have overflowed, and the current resolution setting. Field Name MOT Description Motion since last report or PD 0 = No motion 1 = Motion occurred, data ready for reading in Delta_X and Delta_Y registers OVF Motion overflow, Delta_Y and/or Delta_X buffer has overflowed since last report 0 = no overflow 1 = Overflow has occurred RES Resolution in counts per inch 0 = 3500 1 = 1800 24 Notes for Motion: 1. Reading this register freezes the Delta_X and Delta_Y register values. Read this register before reading the Delta_X and Delta_Y registers. If Delta_X and Delta_Y are not read before the motion register is read a second time, the data in Delta_X and Delta_Y will be lost. 2. Avago Technologies RECOMMENDS that registers 0x02, 0x03 and 0x04 be read sequentially. See Motion burst mode also. 3. Internal buffers can accumulate more than eight bits of motion for X or Y. If either one of the internal buffers overflows, then absolute path data is lost and the OVF bit is set. This bit is cleared once some motion has been read from the Delta_X and Delta_Y registers, and if the buffers are not at full scale. Since more data is present in the buffers, the cycle of reading the Motion, Delta_X and Delta_Y registers should be repeated until the motion bit (MOT) is cleared. Until MOT is cleared, either the Delta_X or Delta_Y registers will read either positive or negative full scale. If the motion register has not been read for long time, at 1800 cpi it may take up to 72 read cycles to clear the buffers, at 3500 cpi, up to 140 cycles. Alternatively, writing to the Motion_Clear register (register 0x12) will clear all stored motion at once. Delta_X Address: 0x03 Access: Read Reset Value: 0x00 Bit 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0 Field X7 X6 X5 X4 X3 X2 X1 X0 Data Type: Eight bit 2’s complement number. USAGE: X movement is counts since last report. Absolute value is determined by resolution. Reading clears the register. Motion Delta_X -128 -127 -2 -1 0 +1 +2 +126 +127 80 81 FE FF 00 01 02 7E 7F Delta_Y Address: 0x04 Access: Read Reset Value: 0x00 Bit 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0 Field Y7 Y6 Y5 Y4 Y3 Y2 Y1 Y0 Data Type: Eight bit 2’s complement number. USAGE: Y movement is counts since last report. Absolute value is determined by resolution. Reading clears the register. Motion Delta_Y 25 -128 -127 -2 -1 0 +1 +2 +126 +127 80 81 FE FF 00 01 02 7E 7F SQUAL Address: 0x05 Access: Read Reset Value: 0x00 Bit 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0 Field SQ7 SQ6 SQ5 SQ4 SQ3 SQ2 SQ1 SQ0 Data Type: Upper 8 bits of a 10-bit unsigned integer. USAGE: SQUAL (Surface Quality) is a measure of ¼ of the number of valid* features visible by the sensor in the current frame. Use the following formula to find the total number of valid features. Number of features = SQUAL register value *4 The maximum SQUAL register value is 169. Since small changes in the current frame can result in changes in SQUAL, variations in SQUAL when looking at a surface are expected. The graph below shows 250 sequentially acquired SQUAL values, while a sensor was moved slowly over white paper. SQUAL is nearly equal to zero, if there is no surface below the sensor. SQUAL is typically maximized when the navigation surface is at the optimum distance from the imaging lens (the nominal Z-height). SQUAL Values (White Paper) Z =2.4mm, Circle@7.5" diameter, Speed = 6ips SQUAL Value (Count) 100 90 80 70 60 50 40 30 20 10 0 1 101 201 301 401 Counts 501 601 701 Figure 26. Squal values (white paper) SQUAL vs Z (White Paper) Resolution = 3500cpi, Circle@7.5" diameter, Speed = 6ips 100 90 80 70 60 50 40 30 20 10 0 SQUAL (Count) Avg-3sigma Avg Avg+3sigma 1.6 1.8 2.0 2.2 2.4 2.6 2.8 3.0 3.2 3.4 Distance from Lens Reference Plane to Navigation Surface, Z (mm) Figure 27. Mean squal vs. Z (white paper) 26 Pixel_Sum Address: 0x06 Access: Read Reset Value: 0x00 Bit 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0 Field AP7 AP6 AP5 AP4 AP3 AP2 AP1 AP0 Data Type: High 8 bits of an unsigned 16-bit integer. USAGE: This register is used to find the average pixel value. It reports the upper byte of a 16-bit counter which sums all 900 pixels in the current frame. It may be described as the full sum divided by 256. To find the average pixel value, use the following formula: Average Pixel = Register Value * 256 / 900 = Register Value/3.51 The maximum register value is 221 (63 * 900/256 truncated to an integer). The minimum is 0. The pixel sum value can change on every frame. Maximum_Pixel Address: 0x07 Access: Read Reset Value: 0x00 Bit 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0 Field 0 0 MP5 MP4 MP3 MP2 MP1 MP0 Data Type: Six bit number. USAGE: Maximum Pixel value in current frame. Minimum value = 0, maximum value = 63. The maximum pixel value can vary with every frame. Reserved Address: 0x08 Reserved Address: 0x09 27 Configuration_bits Address: 0x0a Access: Read/Write Reset Value: 0x09 Bit 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0 Field 0 LED_MODE Sys Test RES Reserved Reserved Reserved Reserved Data Type: Bit field USAGE: Register 0x0a allows the user to change the configuration of the sensor. Shown below are the bits, their default values, and optional values. Field Name Description BIT 7 Must always be zero LED_MODE LED Shutter Mode 0 = Shutter mode off (LED always on) 1 = Shutter mode on (LED only on when illumination is required) Sys Test System Tests 0 = no tests 1 = perform all system tests, output 16 bit CRC via Data_Out_Upper and Data_Out_Lower registers. NOTE: The test will fail if SROM is loaded. Perform a hardware reset before executing this test. Reload SROM after the test is completed. NOTE: Since part of the system test is a RAM test, the RAM and SRAM will be overwritten with the default values when the test is done. If any configuration changes from the default are needed for operation, make the changes AFTER the system test is run. The system test takes 200ms (@24MHz) to complete. NOTE: Do not access the Synchronous Serial Port during system test. RES Resolution in counts per inch 0 = 3500 1 = 1800 28 Extended_Config Address: 0x0b Access: Read/Write Reset Value: 0x00 Bit 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0 Field Busy Reserved Reserved Reserved Reserved Serial_NPU NAGC Fixed_FR Data Type: Bit field USAGE: Register 0x0b allows the user to change the configuration of the sensor. Shown below are the bits, their default values, and optional values. Field Name Description Busy Read-only bit. Indicates if it is safe to write to one or more of the following registers: Frame_Period_Max_Bound_Upper and Lower Frame_Period_Min_Bound_Upper and Lower Shutter_Max_Bound_Upper and Lower After writing to the Frame_Period_Max_Bound_Upper register, at least two frames must pass before writing again to any of the above registers. This bit may be used in lieu of a timer since the actual frame rate may not be known when running in auto mode. 0 = writing to the registers is allowed 1 = do not write to the registers yet Serial_NPU Disable serial port pull-up current sources 0 = no, current sources are on 1 = yes, current sources are off NAGC Disable AGC. Shutter will be set to the value in the Shutter_Max_Bound registers. 0 = no, AGC is active 1 = yes, AGC is disabled Fixed_FR Fixed frame rate (disable automatic frame rate control). When this bit is set, the frame rate will be determined by the value in the Frame_Period_Max_Bound registers. 0 = automatic frame rate 1 = fixed frame rate 29 Data_Out_Lower Address: 0x0c Access: Read Reset Value: Undefined Bit 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0 Field DO7 DO6 DO5 DO4 DO3 DO2 DO1 DO0 Data_Out_Upper Address: 0x0d Access: Read Reset Value: Undefined Bit 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0 Field DO15 DO14 DO13 DO12 DO11 DO10 DO9 DO8 Data Type: Sixteen bit word. USAGE: Data in these registers come from the system self test or the SROM CRC test. The data can be read out 0x0d, or 0x0d first, then 0x0c. Data_Out_Upper Data_Out_Lower System test results: 0x1B 0xBF SROM CRC Test Result: 0xBE 0xEF System Test: This test is initiated via the Configuration_Bits register. It performs several tests to verify that the hardware is functioning correctly. Perform a hardware reset just prior to running the test. SROM contents and register settings will be lost. SROM CRC Test: Performs a CRC on the SROM contents. The test is initiated by writing a particular value to the SROM_ Enable register. Shutter_Lower Address: 0x0e Access: Read Reset Value: 0x85 30 Bit 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0 Field S7 S6 S5 S4 S3 S2 S1 S0 Shutter_Upper Address: 0x0f Access: Read Reset Value: 0x00 Bit 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0 Field S15 S14 S13 S12 S11 S10 S9 S8 Data Type: Sixteen bit unsigned integer. USAGE: Units are clock cycles. Read Shutter_Upper first, then Shutter_Lower. They should be read consecutively. The shutter is adjusted to keep the average and maximum pixel values within normal operating ranges. The shutter value is checked and automatically adjusted to a new value if needed on every frame when operating in default mode. When the shutter adjusts, it changes by ± 1/16 of the current value. The shutter value can be set manually by setting the AGC mode to Disable using the Extended_Config register and writing to the Shutter_Maximum_Bound registers. Because the automatic frame rate feature is related to shutter value. It may also be appropriate to enable the Fixed Frame Rate mode using the Extended_Config register. Shutter Value (Count) Shown below is a graph of 800 sequentially acquired shutter values, while the sensor was moved slowly over white paper. Shutter Values (White Paper) Z =2.4mm, Circle@7.5" diameter, Speed = 6ips 100 90 80 70 60 50 40 30 20 10 0 1 101 201 301 401 Counts 501 601 701 Figure 28. Shutter Value (white paper) Shutter vs Z (White Paper) Shutter (Count) Resolution = 3500cpi, Circle@7.5" diameter, Speed = 6ips 95 90 85 80 75 70 65 60 55 50 Avg-3sigma Avg Avg+3sigma 1.6 1.8 2 2.2 2.4 2.6 2.8 3 3.2 3.4 Distance from Lens Reference Plane to Navigation Surface, Z (mm) Figure 29. Mean shutter vs. Z (white paper) The maximum value of the shutter is dependent upon the setting in the Shutter_Max_Bound_Upper and Shutter_ Max_Bound_Lower registers. 31 Frame_Period_Lower Address: 0x10 Access: Read Reset Value: Undefined Bit 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0 Field FP7 FP6 FP5 FP4 FP3 FP2 FP1 FP0 Frame_Period_Upper Address: 0x11 Access: Read Reset Value: Undefined Bit 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0 Field FP15 FP14 FP13 FP12 FP11 FP10 FP9 FP8 Data Type: Sixteen bit unsigned integer. USAGE: Read these registers to determine the current frame period and to calculate the frame rate. Units are clock cycles. The formula is Frame Rate = Clock Frequency/Register value To read from the registers, read Frame_Period_Upper first followed by Frame_Period Lower. To set the frame rate manually, disable automatic frame rate mode via the Extended_Config register and write the desired count value to the Frame_Period_Maximum_Bound registers. The following table lists some Frame_Period values for popular frame rates with a 24MHz clock. Counts Frame_Period Frames/second Decimal Hex Upper Lower 6469 3,710 OE7E OE 7E 5000 4,800 12C0 12 C0 3000 8,000 1F40 1F 40 2000 12,000 2EE0 2E E0 Motion_Clear Address: 0x12 Access: Write Reset Value: Undefined Data Type: Any. USAGE: Writing any value to this register will cause the Delta_X, Delta_Y, and internal motion registers to be cleared. Use this as a fast way to reset the motion counters to zero without resetting the entire chip. 32 Frame_Capture Address: 0x13 Access: Read/Write Reset Value: 0x00 Bit 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0 Field FC7 FC6 FC5 FC4 FC3 FC2 FC1 FC0 Data Type: Bit field USAGE: Writing 0x83 to this register will cause the next available complete 1 2/3 frames of pixel values to be stored to SROM RAM. Writing to this register is required before using the Frame Capture burst mode to read the pixel values (see the Synchronous Serial Port section for more details). Writing to this register will stop navigation and cause any firmware loaded in the SROM to be overwritten. A hardware reset is required to restore navigation, and the firmware must be reloaded using the SROM Download burst method. This register can also be used to read the frame capture data. The same data available by reading the Pixel_Burst register using burst mode is available by reading this register in the normal fashion. The data pointer is automatically incremented after each read so all 1536 pixel values (1 and 2/3 frames) may be obtained by reading this register 1536 times in a row. Both methods share the same pointer such that reading pixel values from this register will increment the pointer causing subsequent reads from the Pixel_Burst register (without initiating a new frame dump) to start at the current pointer location. This register will return all zeros if read before the frame capture data is ready. See the Frame Capture description in the Synchronous Serial Port section for more information. This register will not retain the last value written. Reads will return zero or frame capture data. SROM_Enable Address: 0x14 Access: Write Reset Value: 0x00 Bit 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0 Field SE7 SE6 SE5 SE4 SE3 SE2 SE1 SE0 Data Type: 8-bit number. USAGE: Write to this register to start either SROM download or SROM CRC test. Write 0x18 to this register before downloading SROM firmware to the SROM_Load register. The download will not be successful unless this register contains the correct value. Write 0xA1 to start the SROM CRC test. Wait 7ms plus one frame period , then read result from the Data_Out_Lower and Data_Out_Upper registers. Navigation is halted and the SPI port should not be used during this test. Reserved 33 Address: 0x15 – 0x18 Frame_Period_Max_Bound_Lower Address: 0x19 Access: Read/Write Reset Value: 0xE0 Bit 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0 Field FBm7 FBm6 FBm5 FBm4 FBm3 FBm2 FBm1 FBm0 Frame_Period_Max_Bound_Upper Address: 0x1A Access: Read/Write Reset Value: 0x2E Bit 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0 Field FBm15 FBm14 FBm13 FBm12 FBm11 FBm10 FBm9 FBm8 Data Type: 16-bit unsigned integer. USAGE: This value sets the maximum frame period (the MINIMUM frame rate) which may be selected by the automatic frame rate control, or sets the actual frame period when operating in manual mode. Units are clock cycles. The formula is Frame Rate = Clock Frequency / Register value To read from the registers, read Upper first followed by Lower. To write to the registers, write Lower first, followed by Upper. To set the frame rate manually, disable automatic frame rate mode via the Extended_Config register and write the desired count value to these registers. Writing to the Frame_Period_Max_Bound_Upper and Lower registers also activates any new values in the following registers: • Frame_Period_Max_Bound_Upper and Lower • Frame_Period_Min_Bound_Upper and Lower • Shutter_Max_Bound_Upper and Lower Any data written to these registers will be saved but will not take effect until the write to the Frame_Period_Max_ Bound_Upper and Lower is complete. After writing to this register, two complete frame times are required to implement the new settings. Writing to any of the above registers before the implementation is complete may put the chip into an undefined state requiring a reset. The “Busy” bit in the Extended_Config register may be used in lieu of a timer to determine when it is safe to write. See the Extended_Config register for more details. The following table lists some Frame_Period values for popular frame rates (clock rate = 24MHz). In addition, the three bound registers must also follow this rule when set to non-default values: Frame_Period_Max_Bound ≥ Frame_Period_Min_Bound + Shutter_Max_Bound. 34 Frame_Period_Min_Bound_Lower Address: 0x1B Access: Read/Write Reset Value: 0xAC (before SROM download) 0x7E (after SROM download) Bit 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0 Field FBm7 FBm6 FBm5 FBm4 FBm3 FBm2 FBm1 FBm0 Frame_Period_Min_Bound_Upper Address: 0x1C Access: Read/Write Reset Value: 0x0D (before SROM download) 0x0E (after SROM download) Bit 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0 Field FBm15 FBm14 FBm13 FBm12 FBm11 FBm10 FBm9 FBm8 Data Type: 16-bit unsigned integer. USAGE: This value sets the minimum frame period (the MAXIMUM frame rate) that may be selected by the automatic frame rate control. Units are clock cycles. The formula is Frame Rate = Clock Rate / Register value To read from the registers, read Upper first followed by Lower. To write to the registers, write Lower first, followed by Upper, then execute a write to the Frame_Period_Max_Bound_Upper and Lower registers. The minimum allowed write value is 0x7E0E; the maximum is 0xFFFF. Reading this register will return the most recent value that was written to it. However, the value will take effect only after a write to the Frame_Period_Max_Bound_Upper and Lower registers. After writing to Frame_Period_Max_ Bound_Upper, wait at least two frame times before writing to Frame_Period_Min_Bound_Upper or Lower again. The “Busy” bit in the Extended_Config register may be used in lieu of a timer to determine when it is safe to write. See the Extended_Config register for more details. In addition, the three bound registers must also follow this rule when set to non-default values: Frame_Period_Max_Bound ≥ Frame_Period_Min_Bound + Shutter_Max_Bound. 35 Shutter_Max_Bound_Lower Address: 0x1D Access: Read/Write Reset Value: 0x8C (before SROM download) 0x00 (after SROM download) Bit 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0 Field SB7 SB6 SB5 SB4 SB3 SB2 SB1 SB0 Shutter_Max_Bound_Upper Address: 0x1E Access: Read/Write Reset Value: 0x20 Bit 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0 Field SB15 SB14 SB13 SB12 SB11 SB10 SB9 SB8 Data Type: 16-bit unsigned integer. USAGE: This value sets the maximum allowable shutter value when operating in automatic mode. Units are clock cycles. Since the automatic frame rate function is based on shutter value, the value in these registers can limit the range of the frame rate control. To read from the registers, read Upper first followed by Lower. To write to the registers, write Lower first, followed by Upper, then execute a write to the Frame_Period_Max_Bound_Upper and Lower registers. To set the shutter manually, disable the AGC via the Extended_Config register and write the desired value to these registers. Reading this register will return the most recent value that was written to it. However, the value will take effect only after a write to the Frame_Period_Max_Bound_Upper and Lower registers. After writing to Frame_Period_Max_Bound_ Upper, wait at least two frame times before writing to Shutter_Max_Bound_Upper or Lower again. The “Busy” bit in the Extended_Config register may be used in lieu of a timer to determine when it is safe to write. See the Extended_Config register for more details. In addition, the three bound registers must also follow this rule when set to non-default values: Frame_Period_Max_Bound ≥ Frame_Period_Min_Bound + Shutter_Max_Bound. SROM_ID Address: 0x1F Access: Read Reset Value: 0x00 Bit 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0 Field SR7 SR6 SR5 SR4 SR3 SR2 SR1 SR0 Data Type:8-Bit unsigned integer. USAGE: Contains the revision of the downloaded Shadow ROM firmware. If the firmware has been successfully downloaded and the chip is operating out of SROM, this register will contain the SROM firmware revision, otherwise it will contain 0x00. Note: The IC hardware revision is available by reading the Revision_ID register (register 0x01). Reserved 36 Address: 0x20 – 0x3C Observation Address: 0x3D Access: Read/Write Reset Value: 0x00 Bit 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0 Field OB7 Reserved OB5 Reserved Reserved Reserved OB1 OB0 Data Type: Bit field USAGE: Each bit is set by some process or action at regular intervals, or when the event occurs. The user must clear the register by writing 0x00, wait an appropriate delay, and read the register. The active processes will have set their corresponding bit(s). This register may be used as part of a recovery scheme to detect a problem caused by EFT/B or ESD. Field Name Description OB7 0 = chip is not running SROM code 1 = chip is running SROM code Reserved Reserved OB5 NPD pulse was detected Reserved Reserved Reserved Reserved Reserved Reserved OB1 Set once per frame OB0 Set once per frame Reserved Address: 0x3E Inverse_Product_ID Address: 0x3F Access: Read Reset Value: 0xF8 Bit 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0 Field NPID7 NPID6 NPID5 NPID4 NPID3 NPID2 NPID1 NPID0 Data Type: Inverse 8-Bit unsigned integer USAGE: This value is the inverse of the Product_ID, located at the inverse address. It can be used to test the SPI port. Pixel_Burst Address: 0x40 Access: Read Reset Value: 0x00 Bit 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0 Field PB7 PB6 PB5 PB4 PB3 PB2 PB1 PB0 Data Type: Eight bit unsigned integer USAGE: The Pixel_Burst register is used for high-speed access to all the pixel values from one and 2/3 complete frame. See the Synchronous Serial Port section for use details. 37 Motion_Burst Address: 0x50 Access: Read Reset Value: 0x00 Bit 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0 Field MB7 MB6 MB5 MB4 MB3 MB2 MB1 MB0 Data Type: Various, depending on data USAGE: The Motion_Burst register is used for high-speed access to the Motion, Delta_X, and Delta_Y, SQUAL, Shutter_ Upper, and Shutter_Lower and Maximum_Pixel registers. See the Synchronous Serial Port section for use details. SROM_Load Address: 0x 60 Access: Write Rset Value: N/A Data Type: Eight bit unsigned integer USAGE: The SROM_Load register is used for high-speed programming of the ADNS-3090 from an external SROM or microcontroller. See the Synchronous Serial Port section for use details. For product information and a complete list of distributors, please go to our web site: Avago, Avago Technologies, and the A logo are trademarks of Avago Technologies in the United States and other countries. Data subject to change. Copyright © 2005-2010 Avago Technologies. All rights reserved. Obsoletes 5989-3422EN AV02-2469EN - August 24, 2010