Errata on SAM3U Engineering Sample Devices 1. Scope This document describes the known errata found on the SAM3U series engineering samples. It applies to: • AT91SAM3U4E (with Marking ES) AT91 ARM Thumb-based Microcontrollers • AT91SAM3U2E (with Marking ES) • AT91SAM3U1E (with Marking ES) • AT91SAM3U4C (with Marking ES) ATSAM3U Series • AT91SAM3U2C (with Marking ES) • AT91SAM3U1C (with Marking ES) 1.1 Errata Sheet Marking All devices are marked with the Atmel logo and the ordering code. Additional marking is as follows: YYWW V XXXXXXXXX ARM where • “YY”: manufactory year • “WW”: manufactory week • “V”: revision • “XXXXXXXXX”: lot number 6483A–ATARM–04-Aug-09 1.2 1.2.1 Errata Flash Memory FLASH: Flash Reading in 64-bit mode Higher power consumption than expected can be seen when reading Flash in 64-bit mode. Workaround Use 128-bit mode instead. Problem Fix This issue will be fixed in the next revision. FLASH: Flash issue running at frequency lower than 2.5 MHz When the system clock (MCK) is lower then 2.5 MHz with 1 or 2 Wait State (WS) programmed in the EEFC_FMR, the Cortex fetches wrong instructions. Workaround Do not use 1 or 2 WS when running at a frequency lower than 2.5 MHz. Problem Fix This issue will be fixed in the next revision. 1.2.2 12-bit ADC (ADC12B) ADC12B: Single Ended Mode When enabling a channel in single ended mode, AD12B0 (CH0) for example, the associated channel in differential mode, AD12B1 and its associated pin are also activated. If the application is using the PIO pin multiplexed with AD12B1 input, the PIO pin will switch to input Analog Mode when the channel is enabled. However, the conversion result on AD12B0 channel is not impacted. Workaround None. Problem Fix This issue will be fixed in the next revision. ADC12B: Differential Mode When enabling a channel in differential mode, CH0 (AD12B0-AD12B1 inputs) for example, only the AD12B0 input will be set to input analog mode automatically by the ADC Controller. Workaround The associated differential input channel, AD12B1 must be enabled by the user’s software, i.e., CH1. Problem Fix This issue will be fixed in the next revision. ADC12B: Wrong Mode after reset After reset the ADC is not in Off Mode, but in Standby Mode leading to current consumption on VDDANA (1.4 mA. instead of 0.1 µA). Workaround 2 ATSAM3U Errata 6483A–ATARM–04-Aug-09 ATSAM3U Errata Configure the ADC in Off Mode in the ADC Extended Mode Register (ADC_EMR) after reset. Problem Fix This issue will be fixed in the next revision. ADC12B: Current Consumption in Backup Mode on VDDANA In Backup mode, the ADC is not in Off Mode, but in Standby Mode (even if the software has previously put it in Off mode) leading to current consumption on VDDANA (1.4 mA instead of 0.1µA). Workaround None. Problem Fix This issue will be fixed in the next revision. 1.2.3 Serial Wire and JTAG Debug Port (SWJ-DP) SWJ-DP: Asynchronous Trace (TRACESWO) Asynchronous Trace (TRACESWO) does not work. Workaround None. Problem Fix This issue will be fixed in the next revision. SWJ-DP: Processor Reset A processor reset also asserts SWJ-DP. Connection issue in debug mode. Workaround Workaround applied by Segger on SAM-ICE Firmware. Problem Fix This issue will be fixed in the next revision. 1.2.4 Supply Controller (SUPC) SUPC: Bad behavior of SMS and SMOS bit in SUPC_SR in Sample mode When the Supply Monitor is configured in sample mode (SMSMPL > 1), the SMS and SMOS bits of the supply controller status register (SUPC_SR) might not be reliable when polling SUPC_SR. Workaround Use the Supply Monitor Interrupt instead of polling the status register. In the interrupt handler, set the Supply Monitor in Continuos mode to check the bits SMA and SMOS. Problem Fix This issue will be fixed in the next revision. 3 6483A–ATARM–04-Aug-09 1.2.5 Power Management Controller (PMC) PMC: SysTick does not work properly if MCK/8 is selected as clock source The System Tick (SysTick) of the Cortex®-M3 has two sources of clock, either MCK or MCK/8 and is configured by the CLKSOURCE bit of the SysTick CTRL register. When setting CLKSOURCE to 0 (MCK/8), SysTick does not work properly. Workaround Set CLKSOURCE at 1 (MCK selected as SysTick source). Problem Fix This issue will be fixed in the next revision. PMC: Main Oscillator Crystal Failure detection not functional When the 32768 Hz Crystal Oscillator is selected as slow clock source and if the Main Oscillator Crystal Failure detection is enabled, the CFDEV, CFDS and FOS status bits in the PMC_SR register do not rise. Workaround Use the Embedded 32 kHz RC Oscillator as slow clock source. Problem Fix This issue will be fixed in the next revision. PMC: Main Oscillator Frequency selection if the Main On Chip RC Oscillator is off When the 4/8/12 MHz RC Oscillator is off, the frequency selection (MOSCRCF in CKGR_MOR) can not be changed. The register can be written but the modification on MOSCRCF will not be taken into account. Workaround Modify MOSCRCF when the 4/8/12 MHz RC Oscillator is on (MOSCRCEN =1). Problem Fix This issue will be fixed in the next revision. 1.2.6 SAM3U Matrix (MATRIX) MATRIX: I/D default master for Flash after reset The I/D Cortex-M3 bus is not set as default master for the Flash after reset. There is a minor impact in terms of performance when running the code from the Flash (about 5%). Workaround Configure by software the I/D Cortex-M3 bus as default Master for the Flash. Problem Fix This issue will be fixed in the next revision. 1.2.7 PIO PIO: NCS1 on PA16 The chip select 1 (NCS1) of the SMC on PA16 (Peripheral B) does not work. Workaround 4 ATSAM3U Errata 6483A–ATARM–04-Aug-09 ATSAM3U Errata Use NCS1 available on PC12 (Peripheral A) or use a another chip select or drive the chip select by software. Problem Fix This issue will be fixed in the next revision. 1.2.8 Backup Mode Backup mode: VDDUTMI current consumption in Backup mode In Backup mode, the current consumption measured on VDDUMTI can be around 500 µA instead of less than 0.1 µA. Workaround Disable externally the voltage on VDDUTMI in Backup mode. Problem Fix This issue will be fixed in the next revision. Backup mode: the PIO states are not kept When entering in Backup mode with WFE command, the PIO states are not kept. All the PIOs go into input with pull-up state in Backup mode. Workaround .Instead of using the WFE command to go into Backup mode, set the VROFF bit (SUPC_CR). Problem Fix This issue will be fixed in the next revision. 1.2.9 Wait Mode Wait mode: VDDCORE current consumption Some parts may show a higher current consumption than expected (50 µA instead of 5 µA) on VDDCORE. Workaround None. Problem Fix This issue will be fixed in the next revision. 5 6483A–ATARM–04-Aug-09 Revision History Doc. Rev Comments 6483A First issue 6 Change Request Ref. ATSAM3U Errata 6483A–ATARM–04-Aug-09 Headquarters International Atmel Corporation 2325 Orchard Parkway San Jose, CA 95131 USA Tel: 1(408) 441-0311 Fax: 1(408) 487-2600 Atmel Asia Unit 1-5 & 16, 19/F BEA Tower, Millennium City 5 418 Kwun Tong Road Kwun Tong, Kowloon Hong Kong Tel: (852) 2245-6100 Fax: (852) 2722-1369 Atmel Europe Le Krebs 8, Rue Jean-Pierre Timbaud BP 309 78054 Saint-Quentin-enYvelines Cedex France Tel: (33) 1-30-60-70-00 Fax: (33) 1-30-60-71-11 Atmel Japan 9F, Tonetsu Shinkawa Bldg. 1-24-8 Shinkawa Chuo-ku, Tokyo 104-0033 Japan Tel: (81) 3-3523-3551 Fax: (81) 3-3523-7581 Technical Support AT91SAM Support Atmel techincal support Sales Contacts Product Contact Web Site Literature Requests Disclaimer: The information in this document is provided in connection with Atmel products. No license, express or implied, by estoppel or otherwise, to any intellectual property right is granted by this document or in connection with the sale of Atmel products. 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Unless specifically provided otherwise, Atmel products are not suitable for, and shall not be used in, automotive applications. Atmel’s products are not intended, authorized, or warranted for use as components in applications intended to support or sustain life. © 2009 Atmel Corporation. All rights reserved. Atmel®, Atmel logo and combinations thereof and others are registered trademarks or trademarks of Atmel Corporation or its subsidiaries. ARM®, the ARMPowered ® Logo, Thumb ® and others are registered trademarks or trademarks of ARM Ltd. Other terms and product names may be trademarks of others. 6483A–ATARM–04-Aug-09