MOTOROLA SEMICONDUCTOR Order this document by MC68HC11FTS/D TECHNICAL DATA MC68HC11F1 MC68HC11FC0 Technical Summary 8-Bit Microcontroller 1 Introduction The MC68HC11F1 is a high-performance member of the M68HC11 family of microcontroller units (MCUs). High-speed expanded systems required the development of this chip with its extra input/output (I/O) ports, an increase in static RAM (one Kbyte), internal chip-select functions, and a non-multiplexed bus which reduces the need for external interface logic. The timer, serial I/O, and analog-to-digital (A/ D) converter enable functions similar to those found in the MC68HC11E9. The MC68HC11FC0 is a low cost, high-speed derivative of the MC68HC11F1. It does not have EEPROM or an analog-to-digital converter. The MC68HC11FC0 can operate at bus speeds as high as six MHz. This document provides a brief overview of the structure, features, control registers, packaging information and availability of the MC68HC11F1 and MC68HC11FC0. For detailed information on M68HC11 subsystems, programming and the instruction set, refer to the M68HC11 Reference Manual (M68HC11RM/AD). 1.1 Features • MC68HC11 CPU • 512 Bytes of On-Chip Electrically Erasable Programmable ROM (EEPROM) with Block Protect (MC68HC11F1 only) • 1024 Bytes of On-Chip RAM (All Saved During Standby) • Enhanced 16-Bit Timer System — 3 Input Capture (IC) Functions — 4 Output Compare (OC) Functions — 4th IC or 5th OC (Software Selectable) • On-Board Chip-Selects with Clock Stretching • Real-Time Interrupt Circuit • 8-Bit Pulse Accumulator • Synchronous Serial Peripheral Interface (SPI) • Asynchronous Nonreturn to Zero (NRZ) Serial Communication Interface (SCI) • Power saving STOP and WAIT Modes • Eight-Channel 8-Bit A/D Converter (MC68HC11F1 only) • Computer Operating Properly (COP) Watchdog System and Clock Monitor • Bus Speeds of up to 6 MHz for the MC68HC11FC0 and up to 5 MHz for the MC68HC11F1 • 68-Pin PLCC (MC68HC11F1 only), 64-Pin QFP (MC68HC11FC0 only), and 80-pin TQFP package options This document contains information on a new product. Specifications and information herein are subject to change without notice. © MOTOROLA INC., 1997 M 1.2 Ordering Information The following devices all have 1024 bytes of RAM. In addition, the MC68HC11F1 devices have 512 bytes of EEPROM. None of the devices contain on-chip ROM. Table 1 MC68HC11F1 Standard Device Ordering Information Package Temperature Frequency MC Order Number 0° to +70° 5 MHz MC68HC11F1PU5 2 MHz MC68HC11F1CPU2 3 MHz MC68HC11F1CPU3 4 MHz MC68HC11F1CPU4 5 MHz MC68HC11F1CPU5 2 MHz MC68HC11F1VPU2 3 MHz MC68HC11F1VPU3 -40° to +85°C 80-Pin Thin Quad Flat Pack (TQFP) (14 mm X 14 mm, 1.4 mm thick) – 40° to + 105° C – 40° to + 125° C 0° to +70° – 40° to + 85° C 68-Pin PLCC – 40° to + 105° C – 40° to + 125° C 4 MHz MC68HC11F1VPU4 2 MHz MC68HC11F1MPU2 3 MHz MC68HC11F1MPU3 4 MHz MC68HC11F1MPU4 5 MHz MC68HC11F1FN5 2 MHz MC68HC11F1CFN2 3 MHz MC68HC11F1CFN3 4 MHz MC68HC11F1CFN4 5 MHz MC68HC11F1CFN5 2 MHz MC68HC11F1VFN2 3 MHz MC68HC11F1VFN3 4 MHz MC68HC11F1VFN4 2 MHz MC68HC11F1MFN2 3 MHz MC68HC11F1MFN3 4 MHz MC68HC11F1MFN4 Table 2 MC68HC11F1 Extended Voltage (3.0 to 5.5 V) Device Ordering Information Package Temperature Frequency MC Order Number 68-Pin Plastic Leaded Chip Carrier (PLCC) 0° to +70°C 3 MHz MC68L11F1FN3 –40° to +85°C 3 MHz MC68L11F1CFN3 80-Pin Thin Quad Flat Pack (TQFP) 0° to +70°C 3 MHz MC68L11F1PU3 –40° to +85°C 3 MHz MC68L11F1CPU3 MOTOROLA 2 MC68HC11F1/FC0 MC68HC11FTS/D Table 3 MC68HC11FC0 Standard Device Ordering Information Package 64-Pin Quad Flat Pack (QFP) 80-Pin Thin Quad Flat Pack (TQFP) Temperature –40° to +85°C 0° to 70° C –40° to +85°C 0° to 70° C Frequency MC Order Number 4 MHz MC68HC11FC0CFU4 5 MHz MC68HC11FC0CFU5 6 MHz MC68HC11FC0FU6 4 MHz MC68HC11FC0CPU4 5 MHz MC68HC11FC0CPU5 6 MHz MC68HC11FC0PU6 Table 4 MC68HC11FC0 Extended Voltage (3.0 to 5.5 V) Device Ordering Information Package 64-Pin Quad Flat Pack (QFP) 80-Pin Thin Quad Flat Pack (TQFP) MC68HC11F1/FC0 MC68HC11FTS/D Temperature –0° to +70°C Frequency MC Order Number 3 MHz MC68L11FC0FU3 4 MHz MC68L11FC0FU4 3 MHz MC68L11FC0PU3 4 MHz MC68L11FC0PU4 MOTOROLA 3 TABLE OF CONTENTS Section 1 Page Introduction 1.1 1.2 1.3 2 1 Features ......................................................................................................................................1 Ordering Information ...................................................................................................................2 Block Diagrams ..........................................................................................................................6 Pin Assignments and Signal Descriptions 12.1 12.2 8 MC68HC11F1 Pin Assignments ..................................................................................................8 MC68HC11FC0 Pin Assignments .............................................................................................10 Pin Descriptions ........................................................................................................................12 Control Registers 14 MC68HC11F1 Control Registers ...............................................................................................14 MC68HC11FC0 Control Registers ............................................................................................16 Operating Modes and System Initialization 18 Operating Modes .......................................................................................................................18 Memory Maps ............................................................................................................................19 System Initialization Registers ..................................................................................................20 Resets and Interrupts 25 Interrupt Sources .......................................................................................................................25 Reset and Interrupt Registers ...................................................................................................26 Electrically Erasable Programmable ROM 29 EEPROM Operation ..................................................................................................................29 EEPROM Registers ...................................................................................................................29 EEPROM Programming and Erasure ........................................................................................31 CONFIG Register Programming ...............................................................................................32 Parallel Input/Output 33 Port A ........................................................................................................................................33 Port B ........................................................................................................................................33 Port C ........................................................................................................................................33 Port D ........................................................................................................................................33 Port E ........................................................................................................................................33 Port F .........................................................................................................................................33 Port G ........................................................................................................................................34 Parallel I/O Registers ................................................................................................................34 Chip-Selects 38 Chip-Select Operation ...............................................................................................................38 Chip-Select Registers ................................................................................................................38 Serial Communications Interface (SCI) 42 SCI Block Diagrams ..................................................................................................................42 SCI Registers ............................................................................................................................44 Serial Peripheral Interface 49 SPI Block Diagram ....................................................................................................................49 SPI Registers ............................................................................................................................50 Analog-to-Digital Converter 53 Input Pins ..................................................................................................................................54 Conversion Sequence ...............................................................................................................54 A/D Registers ............................................................................................................................55 Main Timer 57 Timer Operation ........................................................................................................................57 Timer Registers .........................................................................................................................59 13.1 13.2 Pulse Accumulator 64 Pulse Accumulator Block Diagram ............................................................................................64 Pulse Accumulator Registers ....................................................................................................64 2.1 2.2 2.3 3 3.1 3.2 4 4.1 4.2 4.3 5 5.1 5.2 6 6.1 6.2 6.3 6.4 7 7.1 7.2 7.3 7.4 7.5 7.6 7.7 7.8 8 8.1 8.2 9 9.1 9.2 10 10.1 10.2 11 11.1 11.2 11.3 12 13 MOTOROLA 4 MC68HC11F1/FC0 MC68HC11FTS/D REGISTER INDEX Register Address Page ADCTL ................ A/D Control/Status .........................................................$1030 ..........................55 BAUD .................. Baud Rate......................................................................$102B ..........................44 BPROT................ Block Protect..................................................................$1035 ..........................29 CFORC ............... Timer Force Compare....................................................$100B ..........................59 CONFIG .............. EEPROM Mapping, COP, EEPROM Enables ...............$103F ............. 24, 28, 30 COPRST ............. Arm/Reset COP Timer Circuitry.....................................$103A ..........................27 CSCTL ................ Chip-Select Control........................................................$105D ..........................39 CSGADR............. General-Purpose Chip-Select Address Register ........... $105E .........................40 CSGSIZ............... General-Purpose Chip-Select Size Register ................$105F ..........................40 CSSTRH ............. Clock Stretching.............................................................$105C ..........................38 DDRA .................. Port A Data Register......................................................$1001 ..........................34 DDRC.................. Data Direction Register for Port C .................................$1007 ..........................35 DDRD.................. Data Direction Register for Port D .................................$1009 ..........................36 DDRG.................. Data Direction Register for Port G .................................$1003 ..........................35 HPRIO................. Highest Priority Interrupt and Miscellaneous ................$103C ................... 20, 27 INIT ..................... RAM and I/O Mapping ...................................................$103D ................... 21, 22 OC1D .................. Output Compare 1 Data ................................................$100D ..........................59 OC1M.................. Output Compare 1 Mask ...............................................$100C ..........................59 OPT2................... System Configuration Option Register 2 .......................$1038 ............. 22, 36, 52 OPTION .............. System Configuration Options .......................................$1039 ............. 23, 26, 56 PACNT ................ Pulse Accumulator Count ..............................................$1027 ..........................66 PACTL................. Pulse Accumulator Control ...........................................$1026 ................... 63, 65 PORTA................ Port A Data ....................................................................$1000 ..........................34 PORTB................ Port B Data ....................................................................$1004 ..........................35 PORTC................ Port C Data ....................................................................$1006 ..........................35 PORTD................ Port D Data ....................................................................$1008 ..........................36 PORTE................ Port E Data ....................................................................$100A ..........................36 PORTF ................ Port F Data ....................................................................$1005 ..........................35 PORTG ............... Port G Data....................................................................$1002 ..........................34 PPROG ............... EEPROM Programming Control ....................................$103B ..........................30 SCCR1 ................ SCI Control 1 ................................................................$102C ..........................46 SCCR2 ................ SCI Control 2 ................................................................$102D ..........................46 SCDR .................. Serial Communications Data Register...........................$102F ..........................48 SCSR .................. SCI Status......................................................................$102E ..........................47 SPCR .................. Serial Peripheral Control ...............................................$1028 ..........................50 SPDR .................. SPI Data .......................................................................$102A ..........................51 SPSR .................. Serial Peripheral Status .................................................$1029 ..........................51 TCNT................... Timer Count ..................................................................$100E, $100F ..............59 TCTL1 ................. Timer Control 1 ..............................................................$1020 ..........................60 TCTL2 ................. Timer Control 2 ..............................................................$1021 ..........................61 TEST1 ................. Factory Test ..................................................................$103E ..........................24 TFLG1 ................. Timer Interrupt Flag 1 ...................................................$1023 ..........................61 TFLG2 ................. Timer Interrupt Flag 2 ...................................................$1025 ................... 62, 65 TI4O5 .................. Timer Input Capture 4/Output Compare 5 ....................$101E, $101F ..............60 TIC1–TIC3........... Timer Input Capture ......................................................$1010–$1015 ..............60 TMSK1 ................ Timer Interrupt Mask 1 ..................................................$1022 ..........................61 TMSK2 ................ Timer Interrupt Mask 2 ..................................................$1024 ................... 62, 64 TOC1–TOC4 ....... Timer Output Compare .................................................$1016–$101D ..............60 MC68HC11F1/FC0 MC68HC11FTS/D MOTOROLA 5 1.3 Block Diagrams VDD E VSS XTAL 4XOUT IRQ EXTAL XIRQ RESET MODA/ LIR MODB/ VSTBY OSCILLATOR DDRA PORT A PA6 PA5 PA4 PA3 PA2 PA1 PA0 PULSE ACCUMULATOR OC2/OC1 OC3/OC1 OC4/OC1 IC4/OC5/OC1 IC3 IC2 IC1 COP TIMER SYSTEM PERIODIC INTERRUPT A/D CONVERTER AN7 AN6 AN5 AN4 AN3 AN2 AN1 AN0 512 BYTES EEPROM CSPROG CSGEN CSIO1 CSIO2 1024 BYTES STATIC RAM VRH VRL PE7 PE6 PE5 PE4 PE3 PE2 PE1 PE0 PORT E PAI/0C1 PA7 MODE CONTROL INTERRUPT LOGIC DDRG POWER PORT G CLOCK LOGIC CHIP SELECTS DATA BUS MISO MOSI SCK SS SPI DATA7 DATA6 DATA5 DATA4 DATA3 DATA2 DATA1 DATA0 ADDR7 ADDR6 ADDR5 ADDR4 ADDR3 ADDR2 ADDR1 ADDR0 ADDR15 ADDR14 ADDR13 ADDR12 ADDR11 ADDR10 ADDR9 ADDR8 ADDRESS BUS PD0 PD1 RxD TxD DDRD SCI PORT D CPU CORE PG7 PG6 PG5 PG4 PG3 PG2 PG1 PG0 PD2 PD3 PD4 PD5 PORT C R/W DDRC PC0 PC1 PC2 PC3 PC4 PC5 PC6 PC7 PF0 PF1 PF2 PF3 PF4 PF5 PF6 PF7 PORT F PB7 PB6 PB5 PB4 PB3 PB2 PB1 PB0 PORT B Figure 1 MC68HC11F1 Block Diagram MOTOROLA 6 MC68HC11F1/FC0 MC68HC11FTS/D VDD VSS DS E 4XOUT XTAL EXTAL IRQ MODA / LIR XIRQ RESET MODB / VSTBY OSCILLATOR CSPROG CSGEN CSIO1 CSIO2 TIMER SYSTEM CHIP SELECTS PERIODIC INTERRUPT SCI PD2 PD3 PD4 PD5 DATA7 DATA6 DATA5 DATA4 DATA3 DATA2 DATA1 DATA0 PORT C DDRC R/W PF0 PF1 PF2 PF3 PF4 PF5 PF6 PF7 PORT F PB7 PB6 PB5 PB4 PB3 PB2 PB1 PB0 PORT B PD0 PD1 RxD TxD DATA BUS ADDR7 ADDR6 ADDR5 ADDR4 ADDR3 ADDR2 ADDR1 ADDR0 ADDR15 ADDR14 ADDR13 ADDR12 ADDR11 ADDR10 ADDR9 ADDR8 ADDRESS BUS WAIT MISO MOSI SCK SS SPI CPU CORE PC0 PC1 PC2 PC3 PC4 PC5 PC6 PC7 PE6 PE5 PE4 PE3 PE2 PE1 PORT E 1024 BYTES STATIC RAM PG7 PG6 PG5 PG4 PG3 PG2 PG1 PG0 DDRG OC2/OC1 OC3/OC1 OC4/OC1 IC4/OC5/OC1 IC3 IC2 IC1 COP PORT G DDRA PORT A PA6 PA5 PA4 PA3 PA2 PA1 PA0 PULSE ACCUMULATOR DDRD PAI/0C1 PA7 MODE CONTROL INTERRUPT LOGIC PORT D CLOCK LOGIC POWER Figure 2 MC68HC11FC0 Block Diagram MC68HC11F1/FC0 MC68HC11FTS/D MOTOROLA 7 2 Pin Assignments and Signal Descriptions PE7/AN7 PE3/AN3 PE6/AN6 PE2/AN2 PE5/AN5 PE1/AN1 64 63 62 61 MODB/VSTBY 2 65 MODA/LIR 3 66 E 4 VRL R/W 5 67 EXTAL 6 VRH XTAL 7 VSS 4XOUT 8 68 PC0/DATA0 9 2.1 MC68HC11F1 Pin Assignments 10 60 PE4/AN4 PC2/DATA2 11 59 PE0/AN0 PC3/DATA3 12 58 PF0/ADDR0 PC4/DATA4 13 57 PF1/ADDR1 PC5/DATA5 14 56 PF2/ADDR2 PC6/DATA6 15 55 PF3/ADDR3 PC7/DATA7 16 RESET 17 XIRQ 18 IRQ 19 PG7/CSPROG 20 PG6/CSGEN 21 PG5/CSIO1 22 PG4/CSIO2 23 PG3 24 PG2 25 PG1 26 1 PC1/DATA1 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 PG0 PD0/RxD PD1/TxD PD2/MISO PD3/MOSI PD4/SCK PD5/SS VDD PA7/PAI/OC1 PA6/OC2/OC1 PA5/OC3/OC1 PA4/OC4/OC1 PA3/OC5/IC4/OC1 PA2/IC1 PA1/IC2 PA0/IC3 PB7/ADDR15 MC68HC11F1 54 PF4/ADDR4 53 PF5/ADDR5 52 PF6/ADDR6 51 PF7/ADDR7 50 PB0/ADDR8 49 PB1/ADDR9 48 PB2/ADDR10 47 PB3/ADDR11 46 PB4/ADDR12 45 PB5/ADDR13 44 PB6/ADDR14 Figure 3 MC68HC11F1 68-Pin PLCC Pin Assignments MOTOROLA 8 MC68HC11F1/FC0 MC68HC11FTS/D NC NC PB7/ADDR15 PA0/IC3 PA1/IC2 PA2/IC1 PA3/OC5/IC4/OC1 PA4/OC4/OC1 PA5/OC3/OC1 PA6/OC2/OC1 PA7/PAI/OC1 VDD PD5/SS PD4/SCK PD3/MOSI PD2/MISO PD1/TXD PD0/RXD PG0 NC 80 79 78 77 76 75 74 73 72 71 70 69 68 67 66 65 64 63 62 61 NC 1 60 NC NC 2 59 PG1 PB6/ADDR14 3 58 PG2 PB5/ADDR13 4 57 PG3 PB4/ADDR12 5 56 PG4/CSIO2 PB3/ADDR11 6 55 PG5/CSIO1 PB2/ADDR10 7 54 PG6/CSGEN PB1/ADDR9 8 53 PG7/CSPROG PB0/ADDR8 9 52 IRQ PF7/ADDR7 10 51 XIRQ PF6/ADDR6 11 50 RESET PF5/ADDR5 12 49 PC7/DATA7 PF4/ADDR4 13 48 PC6/DATA6 PF3/ADDR3 14 47 PC5/DATA5 PF2/ADDR2 15 46 PC4/DATA4 PF1/ADDR1 16 45 PC3/DATA3 PF0/ADDR0 17 44 PC2/DATA2 PE0/AN0 18 43 PC1/DATA1 PE4/AN4 19 42 NC NC 20 41 NC 39 40 4XOUT 33 MODA/LIR PC0/DATA0 32 38 31 VSS MODB/VSTBY NC 30 VRL VRH 37 29 PE7/AN7 36 28 PE3/AN3 XTAL 27 PE6/AN6 EXTAL 26 PE2AN2 34 25 PE5/AN5 35 24 PE1/AN1 E 23 NC R/W 21 22 NC MC68HC11F1 Figure 4 Pin Assignments for the MC68HC11F1 80-Pin QFP MC68HC11F1/FC0 MC68HC11FTS/D MOTOROLA 9 PB7/ADDR15 PA0/IC3 PA1/IC2 PA2/IC1 PA3/IC4/OC5/OC1 PA4/OC4/OC1 PA5/OC3/OC1 PA6/OC2/OC1 PA7/PAI/OC1 VDD PD5/SS PD4/SCK PD3/MOSI PD2/MISO PD1/TxD PD0/RxD 64 63 62 61 60 59 58 57 56 55 54 53 52 51 50 49 2.2 MC68HC11FC0 Pin Assignments 1 48 PG2 PB5/ADDR13 2 47 PG3 PB4/ADDR12 3 46 PG4/CSIO2 PB3/ADDR11 4 45 PG5/CSIO1 PB2/ADDR10 5 44 PG6/CSGEN PB1/ADDR9 6 43 PG7/CSPROG PB0/ADDR8 7 42 IRQ PF7/ADDR7 8 41 XIRQ PB6/ADDR14 MC68HC11FC0 29 30 31 32 R/W XTAL PC0/DATA0 PE2 EXTAL PC1/DATA1 28 33 E 16 27 VSS 26 PC2/DATA2 DS PC3/DATA3 34 MODB/VSTBY 35 15 25 14 PF0/ADDR0 24 PF1/ADDR1 VSS PC4/DATA4 MODA/LIR PC5/DATA5 36 23 37 13 22 12 PF2/ADDR2 WAIT PF3/ADDR3 21 PC6/DATA6 PE3 38 VDD 11 20 PF4/ADDR4 PE6 PC7/DATA7 18 19 RESET 39 17 40 10 PE5 9 PF5/ADDR5 PE1 PF6/ADDR6 Figure 5 MC68HC11FC0 64-Pin QFP Pin Assignments MOTOROLA 10 MC68HC11F1/FC0 MC68HC11FTS/D PD5/SS PD4/SCK PD3/MOSI 68 67 66 NC VDD 69 PG0 PA7/PAI/OC1 70 61 PA6/OC2/OC1 71 62 PA5/OC3/OC1 72 PD0/RXD PA4/OC4/OC1 73 63 PA3/IC4/OC5/OC1 74 64 PA2/IC1 75 PD2/MISO PA1/IC2 76 PD1/TXD PA0/IC3 77 65 PB7/ADDR15 78 NC 79 80 NC 1 60 NC NC 2 59 PG1 PB6/ADDR14 3 58 PG2 PB5/ADDR13 4 57 PG3 PB4/ADDR12 5 56 PG4/CSIO0 PB3/ADDR11 6 55 PG5/CSIO1 PB2/ADDR10 7 54 PG6/CSGEN PB1/ADDR9 8 53 PG7/CSPROG PB0/ADDR8 9 52 IRQ PF7/ADDR7 10 51 XIRQ PF6/ADDR6 11 50 RESET PF5/ADDR5 12 49 PC7/DATA7 PF4/ADDR4 13 48 PC6/DATA6 PF3/ADDR3 14 47 PC5/DATA5 PF2/ADDR2 15 46 PC4/DATA4 PF1/ADDR1 16 45 PC3/DATA3 PF0/ADDR0 17 44 PC2/DATA2 VSS 18 43 PC1/DATA1 PE4 19 42 NC NC 20 41 NC E 40 34 4XOUT 33 DS PC0/DATA0 32 39 31 VSS MODB/VSTBY 38 30 WAIT MODA/LIR NC 29 37 28 VDD 36 27 PE3 XTAL 26 PE6 EXTAL 25 PE2 35 24 PE5 R/W 22 23 PE1 NC NC 21 MC68HC11FC0 Figure 6 MC68HC11FC0 80-Pin TQFP Pin Assignments MC68HC11F1/FC0 MC68HC11FTS/D MOTOROLA 11 2.3 Pin Descriptions VDD and VSS VDD is the positive power input to the MCU, and VSS is ground. RESET This active-low input initializes the MCU to a known startup state. It also acts as an open-drain output to indicate that an internal failure has been detected in either the clock monitor or the COP watchdog circuits. XTAL and EXTAL These two pins provide the interface for either a crystal or a CMOS-compatible clock to drive the internal clock circuitry. The frequency applied to these pins is four times the desired bus frequency (E clock). E This pin provides an output for the E clock, the basic timing reference signal for the bus circuitry. The address bus is active when E is low, and the data bus is active when E is high. DS The data strobe output is the inverted E clock. DS is present on the MC68HC11FC0 only. WAIT This input is used to stretch the bus cycle to accomodate slower devices. The MCU samples the logic level at this pin on the rising edge of E clock. If it is high, the MCU holds the E clock high for the next four EXTAL clock cycles. If it is low, the E clock responds normally, going low two EXTAL cycles later. The WAIT pin is present on the MC68HC11FC0 only. 4XOUT This pin provides a buffered oscillator signal to drive another M68HC11 MCU. The 4XOUT pin is not present on the 64-pin QFP MC68HC11FC0 package. IRQ This active-low input provides a means of generating asynchronous, maskable interrupt requests for the CPU. XIRQ This interrupt request input can be made non-maskable by clearing the X bit in the MCU’s condition code register. MODA/LIR and MODB/VSTBY The logic level applied to the MODA and MODB pins at reset determines the MCU’s opreating mode (see Table 7 in 4 Operating Modes and System Initialization). After reset, MODA functions as LIR, an open-drain output that indicates the start of an instruction cycle. MODB functions as VSTBY, providing a backup battery to maintain the contents of RAM when VDD falls. R/W In expanded and test modes, R/W indicates the direction of transfers on the external data bus. VRH and VRL These pins provide the reference voltage for the analog-to-digital converter. Use bypass capacitors to minimize noise on these signals. Any noise on VRH and VRL will directly affect A/D accuracy. These pins are not present on the MC68HC11FC0. MOTOROLA 12 MC68HC11F1/FC0 MC68HC11FTS/D Port Signals On the MC68HC11F1, 54 pins are arranged into six 8-bit ports (ports A, B, C, E, F, and G) and one 6-bit port (port D). On the MC68HC11FC0, either 52 or 49 pins are available, depending on the package. General-purpose I/O port signals are discussed briefly in the following pragraphs. For additional information, refer to 7 Parallel Input/Output. Port A Pins Port A is an 8-bit general-purpose I/O port (PA[7:0]) with a data register (PORTA) and a data direction register (DDRA). Port A pins share functions with the 16-bit timer system. Out of reset, PA[7:0] are general-purpose high-impedance inputs. Port B Pins Port B is an 8-bit output-only port. In single-chip modes, port B pins are general-purpose output pins (PB[7:0]). In expanded modes, port B pins act as the high-order address lines ADDR[15:8]. Port C Pins Port C is an 8-bit general-purpose I/O port with a data register (PORTC) and a data direction register (DDRC). In single-chip modes, port C pins are general-purpose I/O pins PC[7:0]. In expanded modes, port C pins are configured as data bus pins DATA[7:0]. Port D Pins Port D is a 6-bit general-purpose I/O port with a data register (PORTD) and a data direction register (DDRD). The six port D lines PD[5:0] can be used for general-purpose I/O or for the serial communications interface (SCI) or serial peripheral interface (SPI) subsystems. Port E Pins Port E is an 8-bit input-only port that is also used as the analog input port for the analog-to-digital converter. Port E pins that are not used for the A/D system can be used as general-purpose inputs. However, PORTE should not be read during the sample portion of an A/D conversion sequence. NOTE The A/D system is not available on the MC68HC11FC0. PE7 and PE0 are not available on the 80-pin MC68HC11FC0. PE7, PE4, and PE0 are not available on the 64-pin MC68HC11FC0. Port F Pins Port F is an 8-bit output-only port. In single-chip mode, port F pins are general-purpose output pins PF[7:0]. In expanded mode, port F pins act as the low-order address outputs ADDR[7:0]. Port G Pins Port G is an 8-bit general-purpose I/O port. When enabled, four chip select signals are alternate functions of PG[7:4]. NOTE PG[1:0] are not available on the 64-pin MC68HC11FC0. MC68HC11F1/FC0 MC68HC11FTS/D MOTOROLA 13 3 Control Registers The MC68HC11F1 and MC68HC11FC0 control registers determine most of the system’s operating characteristics. They occupy a 96-byte relocatable memory block. Their names and bit mnemonics are summarized in the following table. Addresses shown are the default locations out of reset. 3.1 MC68HC11F1 Control Registers Table 5 MC68HC11F1 Register and Control Bit Assignments $1000 Bit 7 PA7 6 PA6 5 PA5 4 PA4 3 PA3 2 PA2 1 PA1 Bit 0 PA0 $1001 DDA7 DDA6 DDA5 DDA4 DDA3 DDA2 DDA1 DDA0 $1002 PG7 PG6 PG5 PG4 PG3 PG2 PG1 PG0 $1003 DDG7 DDG6 DDG5 DDG4 DDG3 DDG2 DDG1 DDG0 DDRG $1004 PB7 PB6 PB5 PB4 PB3 PB2 PB1 PB0 PORTB $1005 PF7 PF6 PF5 PF4 PF3 PF2 PF1 PF0 PORTF $1006 PC7 PC6 PC5 PC4 PC3 PC2 PC1 PC0 PORTC $1007 DDC7 DDC6 DDC5 DDC4 DDC3 DDC2 DDC1 DDC0 $1008 0 0 PD5 PD4 PD3 PD2 PD1 PD0 $1009 0 0 DDD5 DDD4 DDD3 DDD2 DDD1 DDD0 DDRD $100A PE7 PE6 PE5 PE4 PE3 PE2 PE1 PE0 PORTE $100B FOC1 FOC2 FOC3 FOC4 FOC5 0 0 0 CFORC $100C OC1M7 OC1M6 OC1M5 OC1M4 OC1M3 0 0 0 OC1M $100D OC1D7 OC1D6 OC1D5 OC1D4 OC1D3 0 0 0 OC1D $100E $100F Bit 15 Bit 7 14 6 13 5 12 4 11 3 10 2 9 1 Bit 8 Bit 0 TCNT (High) TCNT (Low) $1010 $1011 Bit 15 Bit 7 14 6 13 5 12 4 11 3 10 2 9 1 Bit 8 Bit 0 TIC1 (High) TIC1 (Low) $1012 $1013 Bit 15 Bit 7 14 6 13 5 12 4 11 3 10 2 9 1 Bit 8 Bit 0 TIC2 (High) TIC2 (Low) $1014 $1015 Bit 15 Bit 7 14 6 13 5 12 4 11 3 10 2 9 1 Bit 8 Bit 0 TIC3 (High) TIC3 (Low) $1016 $1017 Bit 15 Bit 7 14 6 13 5 12 4 11 3 10 2 9 1 Bit 8 Bit 0 TOC1 (High) TOC1 (Low) $1018 $1019 Bit 15 Bit 7 14 6 13 5 12 4 11 3 10 2 9 1 Bit 8 Bit 0 TOC2 (High) TOC2 (Low) $101A $101B Bit 15 Bit 7 14 6 13 5 12 4 11 3 10 2 9 1 Bit 8 Bit 0 TOC3 (High) TOC3 (Low) $101C $101D Bit 15 Bit 7 14 6 13 5 12 4 11 3 10 2 9 1 Bit 8 Bit 0 TOC4 (High) TOC4 (Low) $101E $101F Bit 15 Bit 7 14 6 13 5 12 4 11 3 10 2 9 1 Bit 8 Bit 0 TI4/O5 (High) TI4/O5 (Low) $1020 OM2 OL2 OM3 OL3 OM4 OL4 OM5 OL5 TCTL1 $1021 EDG4B EDG4A EDG1B EDG1A EDG2B EDG2A EDG3B EDG3A TCTL2 MOTOROLA 14 PORTA DDRA PORTG DDRC PORTD MC68HC11F1/FC0 MC68HC11FTS/D Table 5 MC68HC11F1 Register and Control Bit Assignments (Continued) Bit 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 Bit 0 $1022 $1023 OC1I OC1F OC2I OC2F OC3I OC3F OC4I OC4F I4/O5I I4/O5F IC1I IC1F IC2I IC2F IC3I IC3F TMSK1 TFLG1 $1024 TOI RTII PAOVI PAII 0 0 PR1 PR0 TMSK2 $1025 TOF RTIF PAOVF PAIF 0 0 0 0 TFLG2 $1026 0 PAEN PAMOD PEDGE 0 I4/05 RTR1 RTR0 PACTL $1027 Bit 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 Bit 0 PACNT $1028 SPIE SPE DWOM MSTR CPOL CPHA SPR1 SPR0 SPCR $1029 SPIF WCOL 0 MODF 0 0 0 0 SPSR $102A Bit 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 Bit 0 SPDR $102B TCLR SCP2 SCP1 SCP0 RCKB SCR2 SCR1 SCR0 BAUD $102C R8 T8 0 M WAKE 0 0 0 SCCR1 $102D TIE TCIE RIE ILIE TE RE RWU SBK SCCR2 $102E TDRE TC RDRF IDLE OR NF FE 0 SCSR $102F Bit 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 Bit 0 SCDR $1030 CCF 0 SCAN MULT CD CC CB CA ADCTL $1031 Bit 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 Bit 0 ADR1 $1032 Bit 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 Bit 0 ADR2 $1033 Bit 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 Bit 0 ADR3 $1034 Bit 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 Bit 0 ADR4 $1035 0 0 0 PTCON BPRT3 BPRT2 BPRT1 BPRT0 BPROT $1036 Reserved $1037 Reserved $1038 GWOM CWOM CLK4X LIRDV 0 SPRBYP 0 0 $1039 0 0 IRQE DLY CME FCME CR1 CR0 OPTION $103A Bit 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 Bit 0 COPRST $103B ODD EVEN 0 BYTE ROW ERASE EELAT EEPGM PPROG $103C RBOOT SMOD MDA IRV PSEL3 PSEL2 PSEL1 PSEL0 HPRIO $103D RAM3 RAM2 RAM1 RAM0 REG3 REG2 REG1 REG0 INIT $103E TILOP 0 OCCR CBYP DISR FCM FCOP 0 $103F EE3 EE2 EE1 EE0 1 NOCOP 1 EEON $1040 to $105B OPT2 TEST1 CONFIG Reserved Reserved $105C I01SA I01SB I02SA I02SB GSTHA GSTGB PSTHA PSTHB CSSTRH $105D I01EN I01PL I02EN I02PL GCSPR PCSEN PSIZA PSIZB CSCTL $105E GA15 GA14 GA13 GA12 GA11 GA10 0 0 CSGADR $105F I01AV I02AV 0 GNPOL GAVLD GSIZA GSIZB GSIZC CSGSIZ MC68HC11F1/FC0 MC68HC11FTS/D MOTOROLA 15 3.2 MC68HC11FC0 Control Registers Table 6 MC68HC11FC0 Register and Control Bit Assignments $1000 Bit 7 PA7 6 PA6 5 PA5 4 PA4 3 PA3 2 PA2 1 PA1 Bit 0 PA0 $1001 DDA7 DDA6 DDA5 DDA4 DDA3 DDA2 DDA1 DDA0 $1002 PG7 PG6 PG5 PG4 PG3 PG2 PG1 PG0 $1003 DDG7 DDG6 DDG5 DDG4 DDG3 DDG2 DDG1 DDG0 DDRG $1004 PB7 PB6 PB5 PB4 PB3 PB2 PB1 PB0 PORTB $1005 PF7 PF6 PF5 PF4 PF3 PF2 PF1 PF0 PORTF $1006 PC7 PC6 PC5 PC4 PC3 PC2 PC1 PC0 PORTC $1007 DDC7 DDC6 DDC5 DDC4 DDC3 DDC2 DDC1 DDC0 $1008 0 0 PD5 PD4 PD3 PD2 PD1 PD0 $1009 0 0 DDD5 DDD4 DDD3 DDD2 DDD1 DDD0 DDRD $100A PE7 PE6 PE5 PE4 PE3 PE2 PE1 PE0 PORTE $100B FOC1 FOC2 FOC3 FOC4 FOC5 0 0 0 CFORC $100C OC1M7 OC1M6 OC1M5 OC1M4 OC1M3 0 0 0 OC1M $100D OC1D7 OC1D6 OC1D5 OC1D4 OC1D3 0 0 0 OC1D $100E $100F Bit 15 Bit 7 14 6 13 5 12 4 11 3 10 2 9 1 Bit 8 Bit 0 TCNT (High) TCNT (Low) $1010 $1011 Bit 15 Bit 7 14 6 13 5 12 4 11 3 10 2 9 1 Bit 8 Bit 0 TIC1 (High) TIC1 (Low) $1012 $1013 Bit 15 Bit 7 14 6 13 5 12 4 11 3 10 2 9 1 Bit 8 Bit 0 TIC2 (High) TIC2 (Low) $1014 $1015 Bit 15 Bit 7 14 6 13 5 12 4 11 3 10 2 9 1 Bit 8 Bit 0 TIC3 (High) TIC3 (Low) $1016 $1017 Bit 15 Bit 7 14 6 13 5 12 4 11 3 10 2 9 1 Bit 8 Bit 0 TOC1 (High) TOC1 (Low) $1018 $1019 Bit 15 Bit 7 14 6 13 5 12 4 11 3 10 2 9 1 Bit 8 Bit 0 TOC2 (High) TOC2 (Low) $101A $101B Bit 15 Bit 7 14 6 13 5 12 4 11 3 10 2 9 1 Bit 8 Bit 0 TOC3 (High) TOC3 (Low) $101C $101D Bit 15 Bit 7 14 6 13 5 12 4 11 3 10 2 9 1 Bit 8 Bit 0 TOC4 (High) TOC4 (Low) $101E $101F Bit 15 Bit 7 14 6 13 5 12 4 11 3 10 2 9 1 Bit 8 Bit 0 TI4/O5 (High) TI4/O5 (Low) $1020 OM2 OL2 OM3 OL3 OM4 OL4 OM5 OL5 TCTL1 $1021 EDG4B EDG4A EDG1B EDG1A EDG2B EDG2A EDG3B EDG3A TCTL2 $1022 $1023 OC1I OC1F OC2I OC2F OC3I OC3F OC4I OC4F I4/O5I I4/O5F IC1I IC1F IC2I IC2F IC3I IC3F TMSK1 TFLG1 $1024 TOI RTII PAOVI PAII 0 0 PR1 PR0 TMSK2 $1025 TOF RTIF PAOVF PAIF 0 0 0 0 TFLG2 MOTOROLA 16 PORTA DDRA PORTG DDRC PORTD MC68HC11F1/FC0 MC68HC11FTS/D Table 6 MC68HC11FC0 Register and Control Bit Assignments (Continued) Bit 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 Bit 0 $1026 0 PAEN PAMOD PEDGE 0 I4/05 RTR1 RTR0 PACTL $1027 Bit 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 Bit 0 PACNT $1028 SPIE SPE DWOM MSTR CPOL CPHA SPR1 SPR0 SPCR $1029 SPIF WCOL 0 MODF 0 0 0 0 SPSR $102A Bit 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 Bit 0 SPDR $102B TCLR SCP2 SCP1 SCP0 RCKB SCR2 SCR1 SCR0 BAUD $102C R8 T8 0 M WAKE 0 0 0 SCCR1 $102D TIE TCIE RIE ILIE TE RE RWU SBK SCCR2 $102E TDRE TC RDRF IDLE OR NF FE 0 SCSR $102F Bit 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 Bit 0 SCDR $1030 to $1037 Reserved Reserved $1038 GWOM CWOM CLK4X LIRDV 0 SPRBYP 0 0 $1039 0 0 IRQE DLY CME FCME CR1 CR0 OPTION $103A Bit 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 Bit 0 COPRST $103B OPT2 Reserved $103C RBOOT SMOD MDA IRV PSEL3 PSEL2 PSEL1 PSEL0 HPRIO $103D RAM5 RAM4 RAM3 RAM2 RAM1 RAM0 REG1 REG0 INIT $103E TILOP 0 OCCR CBYP DISR FCM FCOP 0 TEST1 $103F 0 0 0 0 0 NOCOP 0 0 CONFIG $1040 to $105B Reserved Reserved $105C I01SA I01SB I02SA I02SB GSTHA GSTGB PSTHA PSTHB CSSTRH $105D I01EN I01PL I02EN I02PL GCSPR PCSEN PSIZA PSIZB CSCTL $105E GA15 GA14 GA13 GA12 GA11 GA10 0 0 CSGADR $105F I01AV I02AV 0 GNPOL GAVLD GSIZA GSIZB GSIZC CSGSIZ MC68HC11F1/FC0 MC68HC11FTS/D MOTOROLA 17 4 Operating Modes and System Initialization The 16-bit address bus can access 64 Kbytes of memory. Because the MC68HC11F1 and MC68HC11FC0 are intended to operate principally in expanded mode, there is no internal ROM and the address bus is non-multiplexed. Both devices include 1 Kbyte of static RAM, a 96-byte control register block, and 256 bytes of bootstrap ROM. The MC68HC11F1 also includes 512 bytes of EEPROM. RAM and registers can be remapped on both the MC68HC11F1 and the MC68HC11FC0. On both the MC68HC11F1 and the MC68HC11FC0, out of reset RAM resides at $0000 to $03FF and registers reside at $1000 to $105F. On the MC68HC11F1, RAM and registers can both be remapped to any 4Kbyte boundary. On the MC68HC11FC0, RAM can be remapped to any 1-Kbyte boundary, and registers can be remapped to any 4-Kbyte boundary in the first 16 Kbytes of address space. RAM and control register locations are defined by the INIT register, which can be written only once within the first 64 E-clock cycles after a reset in normal modes. It becomes a read-only register thereafter. If RAM and the control register block are mapped to the same boundary, the register block has priority of the first 96 bytes. In expanded and special test modes in the MC68HC11F1, EEPROM is located from $xE00 to $xFFF, where x represents the value of the four high-order bits of the CONFIG register. EEPROM is enabled by the EEON bit of the CONFIG register. In single-chip and bootstrap modes, the EEPROM is located from $FE00 to $FFFF. 4.1 Operating Modes Bootstrap ROM resides at addresses $BF00–$BFFF, and is only available when the MCU operates in special bootstrap operating mode. Operating modes are determined by the logic levels applied to the MODB and MODA pins at reset. In single-chip mode, the MCU functions as a self-contained microcontroller and has no external address or data bus. Ports B, C and F are available for general-purpose I/O (GPIO). Ports B and F are outputs only; each of the port C pins can be configured as input or output. CAUTION The MC68HC11FC0 must not be configured to boot in single-chip mode because it has no internal ROM or EEPROM. Operation of the device in single-chip mode will result in erratic behavior. In expanded mode, the MCU can access external memory. Ports B and F provide the address bus, and port C is the data bus. Special bootstrap mode is a variation of single chip mode that provides access to the internal bootstrap ROM. In this mode, the user can download a program into on-chip RAM through the serial communication interface (SCI). Special test mode, a variation of expanded mode, is primarily used during Motorola’s internal production testing, but can support emulation and debugging during program development. Table 7 shows a summary of operating modes, mode select pins, and control bits in the HPRIO register. Table 7 Hardware Mode Select Summary Input Pins MODB MODA 1 0 1 1 0 0 0 1 MOTOROLA 18 Mode Description Single Chip Expanded Special Bootstrap Special Test Control Bits in HPRIO (Latched at Reset) RBOOT SMOD MDA 0 0 0 0 0 1 1 1 0 0 1 1 MC68HC11F1/FC0 MC68HC11FTS/D 4.2 Memory Maps $0000 — — — x000 — 1024 BYTES RAM1 $03FF — — — — EXTERNAL x3FF EXTERNAL $1000 — — — — $105F — — — — y000 96-BYTE REGISTER FILE2 y05F EXTERNAL EXTERNAL $BFC0 $BF00 — — — — $BFFF — — — — 256 BYTES BOOTSTRAP ROM $BFFF RESERVED4 512 BYTES EEPROM5 $FE00 — $FFC0 — — — $FFFF — — — — SPECIAL MODE INTERRUPT VECTORS3 — SINGLE CHIP EXPANDED SPECIAL BOOTSTRAP SPECIAL TEST MODA = 0 MODB = 1 MODA = 1 MODB = 1 MODA = 0 MODB = 0 MODA = 1 MODB = 0 $FFC0 NORMAL MODE INTERRUPT VECTORS $FFFF NOTES: 1. RAM can be remapped to any 4-Kbyte boundary ($x000). “x” represents the value contained in RAM[3:0] in the INIT register. 2. The register block can be remapped to any 4-Kbyte boundary ($y000). “y” represents the value contained in REG[3:0] in the INIT register. 3. Special test mode vectors are externally addressed. 4. In special test mode the address locations $zD00—$zDFF are not externally addressable. “z” represents the value of bits EE[3:0] in the CONFIG register. 5. EEPROM can be remapped to any 4-Kbyte boundary ($z000). “z” represents the value contained in EE[3:0] in the CONFIG register. Figure 7 MC68HC11F1 Memory Map MC68HC11F1/FC0 MC68HC11FTS/D MOTOROLA 19 $0000 — — — — 1024 BYTES RAM1 $03FF — — — — EXTERNAL EXTERNAL $1000 — — — — $105F — — — — EXTERNAL 96-BYTE REGISTER FILE2 EXTERNAL $BFC0 $BF00 — — — — $BFFF — — — — SPECIAL MODE INTERRUPT VECTORS 256 BYTES BOOTSTRAP ROM $BFFF $FFC0 NORMAL MODE INTERRUPT VECTORS $FFFF $FE00 — $FFC0 — — — $FFFF — — — — — SINGLE CHIP EXPANDED SPECIAL BOOTSTRAP SPECIAL TEST MODA = 0 MODB = 1 MODA = 1 MODB = 1 MODA = 0 MODB = 0 MODA = 1 MODB = 0 NOTES: 1. RAM can be remapped to any 1-Kbyte boundary, depending on the value contained in the RAM field in the INIT register. 2. The register block can be remapped to $0000, $2000, or $3000, depending on the value contained in REG[1:0] in the INIT register. Figure 8 MC68HC11FC0 Memory Map 4.3 System Initialization Registers HPRIO — Highest Priority Interrupt and Miscellaneous $x03C Bit 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 Bit 0 RBOOT SMOD MDA IRV PSEL3 PSEL2 PSEL1 PSEL0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 1 Single-Chip 0 0 1 0 0 1 0 1 Expanded 1 1 0 1 0 1 0 1 Bootstrap 0 1 1 1 0 1 0 1 Special Test RESET: MOTOROLA 20 MC68HC11F1/FC0 MC68HC11FTS/D RBOOT — Read Bootstrap ROM RBOOT is valid only when SMOD is set to one (special bootstrap or special test mode). RBOOT can only be written in special modes but can be read anytime. 0 = Boot loader ROM disabled and not in memory map 1 = Boot loader ROM enabled and in memory map at $BF00–$BFFF SMOD and MDA — Special Mode Select and Mode Select A The initial value of SMOD is the inverse of the logic level present on the MODB pin at the rising edge of reset. The initial value of MDA equals the logic level present on the MODA pin at the rising edge of reset. These two bits can be read at any time. They can be written at any time in special modes. Neither bit can be written in normal modes. SMOD cannot be set once it has been cleared. Refer to Table 8. Table 8 Hardware Mode Select Summary Input Pins Mode Description Control Bits in HPRIO (Latched at Reset) MODB MODA RBOOT SMOD MDA 1 0 Single Chip 0 0 0 1 1 Expanded 0 0 1 0 0 Special Bootstrap 1 1 0 0 1 Special Test 0 1 1 IRV — Internal Read Visibility This bit can be read at any time. It can be written at any time in special modes, but only once in normal modes. In single-chip and bootstrap modes, IRV has no meaning or effect. 0 = Internal reads not visible 1 = Data from internal reads is driven on the external data bus PSEL[3:0] — See 5.2 Reset and Interrupt Registers, page 27. INIT — RAM and I/O Mapping (MC68HC11FC0 only) RESET: $x03D Bit 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 Bit 0 RAM5 RAM4 RAM3 RAM2 RAM1 RAM0 REG1 REG0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 The INIT register can be written only once in first 64 cycles out of reset in normal modes, or at any time in special modes. NOTE The register diagram above applies to the MC68HC11FC0 only. A diagram and bit descriptions of the INIT register in the MC68HC11F1 are provided elsewhere in this section. RAM[5:0] — Internal RAM Map Position These bits determine the upper six bits of the RAM address and allow mapping of the RAM to any oneKbyte boundary. REG[1:0] — Register Block Map Position These bits determine the location of the register block, as shown in Table 9. Table 9 Register Block Location MC68HC11F1/FC0 MC68HC11FTS/D REG[1:0] Register Block Address 00 $0000 – $005F 01 $1000 – $105F 10 $2000 – $205F 11 $3000 – $305F MOTOROLA 21 INIT — RAM and I/O Mapping (MC68HC11F1 only) $x03D Bit 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 Bit 0 RAM3 RAM2 RAM1 RAM0 REG3 REG4 REG1 REG0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 RESET: The INIT register can be written only once in first 64 cycles out of reset in normal modes, or at any time in special modes. NOTE The register diagram above applies to the MC68HC11F1 only. A diagram and bit descriptions of the INIT register in the MC68HC11FC0 are provided elsewhere in this section. RAM[3:0] — Internal RAM Map Position These bits determine the upper four bits of the RAM address and allow mapping of the RAM to any fourKbyte boundary. Refer to Table 10. REG[3:0] — 96-Byte Register Block Map Position These bits determine bits the upper 4 bits of the register block and allow mapping of the register block to any four-Kbyte boundary. Refer to Table 10. Table 10 RAM and Register Mapping RAM[3:0] Location REG[3:0] Location 0000 $0000-$03FF 0000 $0000-$005F 0001 $1000-$13FF 0001 $1000-$105F 0010 $2000-$23FF 0010 $2000-$205F 0011 $3000-$33FF 0011 $3000-$305F 0100 $4000-$43FF 0100 $4000-$405F 0101 $5000-$53FF 0101 $5000-$505F 0110 $6000-$63FF 0110 $6000-$605F 0111 $7000-$73FF 0111 $7000-$705F 1000 $8000-$83FF 1000 $8000-$805F 1001 $9000-$93FF 1001 $9000-$905F 1010 $A000-$A3FF 1010 $A000-$A05F 1011 $B000-$B3FF 1011 $B000-$B05F 1100 $C000-$C3FF 1100 $C000-$C05F 1101 $D000-$D3FF 1101 $D000-$D05F 1110 $E000-$E3FF 1110 $E000-$E05F 1111 $F000-$F3FF 1111 $F000-$F05F OPT2 — System Configuration Option Register 2 $x038 Bit 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 Bit 0 GWOM CWOM CLK4X LIRDV — SPRBYP — — 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 RESET GWOM — Port G Wired-OR Mode Option Refer to 7.8 Parallel I/O Registers, page 36. MOTOROLA 22 MC68HC11F1/FC0 MC68HC11FTS/D CWOM — Port C Wired-OR Mode Option Refer to 7.8 Parallel I/O Registers, page 37. CLK4X — 4XCLK Output Enable This bit can only be written once after reset in all modes. 0 = 4XOUT clock output is disabled 1 = Buffered oscillator is driven on the 4XOUT clock output LIRDV — Load Instruction Register Driven In order to detect consecutive instructions in a high-speed application, LIR can be driven high for one quarter of an E-clock cycle during each instruction fetch. 0 = LIR signal is not driven high. 1 = LIR signal is driven high. Bits 3, 1, 0 — Not implemented. Reads always return zero and writes have no effect. SPRBYP — See 10.2 SPI Registers, page 52. OPTION — System Configuration Options RESET: $x039 Bit 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 Bit 0 ADPU CSEL IRQE* DLY* CME FCME* CR1* CR0* 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 *Can be written only once in first 64 cycles out of reset in normal modes, or at any time in special modes. ADPU — A/D Power-Up This bit is implemented on the MC68HC11F1 only. On the MC68HC11FC0, reads always return zero and writes have no effect. 0 = A/D system disabled 1 = A/D system enabled CSEL — Clock Select This bit is implemented on the MC68HC11F1 only. On the MC68HC11FC0, reads always return zero and writes have no effect. 0 = A/D and EEPROM use system E clock 1 = A/D and EEPROM use internal RC clock IRQE — IRQ Select Edge Sensitive Only 0 = Low level recognition 1 = Falling edge recognition DLY — Enable Oscillator Start-Up Delay on Exit from STOP 0 = No stabilization delay on exit from STOP 1 = Stabilization delay of 4064 E-clock cycles is enabled on exit from STOP CME — Clock Monitor Enable 0 = Clock monitor disabled; slow clocks can be used 1 = Slow or stopped clocks cause clock failure reset FCME — Force Clock Monitor Enable 0 = Clock monitor circuit follows the state of the CME bit 1 = Clock monitor circuit is enabled until the next reset In order to use both STOP and the clock monitor, the CME bit should be written to zero prior to executing a STOP instruction and rewritten to one after recovery from STOP. FCME should be kept cleared if the user intends to use the STOP instruction. CR[1:0] — COP Timer Rate Select Refer to 5.2 Reset and Interrupt Registers, page 27. MC68HC11F1/FC0 MC68HC11FTS/D MOTOROLA 23 CONFIG — EEPROM Mapping, COP, EEPROM Enables RESET $x03F Bit 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 Bit 0 EE3 EE2 EE1 EE0 1 NOCOP 1 EEON U U U U 1 U 1 U U = Unaffected by reset Bits 7:3 — See 6.2 EEPROM Registers, page 30. (These bits are implemented on the MC68HC11F1 only.) NOCOP — COP System Disable 0 = COP enabled (forces reset on time-out) 1 = COP disabled (does not force reset on time-out) TEST1 — Factory Test $x03E Bit 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 Bit 0 TILOP 0 OCCR CBYP DISR FCM FCOP 0 0 0 0 0 — 0 0 0 RESET: These bits can only be written in test and bootstrap modes. TILOP — Test Illegal Opcode This test mode allows serial testing of all illegal opcodes without servicing an interrupt after each illegal opcode is fetched. 0 = Normal operation (trap on illegal opcodes) 1 = Inhibit LIR when an illegal opcode is found Bit 6 — Not implemented. Reads always return zero and writes have no effect. OCCR — Output Condition Code Register to Timer Port 0 = Normal operation 1 = Condition code bits H, N, Z, V and C are driven on PA[7:3] to allow a test system to monitor CPU operation CBYP — Timer Divider Chain Bypass 0 = Normal operation 1 = The 16-bit free-running timer is divided into two 8-bit halves and the prescaler is bypassed. The system E clock drives both halves directly. DISR — Disable Resets from COP and Clock Monitor In test and bootstrap modes, this bit is reset to one to inhibit clock monitor and COP resets. In normal modes, DISR is reset to zero. 0 = Normal operation 1 = COP and Clock Monitor failure do not generate a system reset FCM — Force Clock Monitor Failure 0 = Normal operation 1 = Generate an immediate clock monitor failure reset. Note that the CME bit in the OPTION register must also be set in order to force the reset. FCOP — Force COP Watchdog Failure 0 = Normal operation 1 = Generate an immediate COP failure reset. Note that the NOCOP bit in the CONFIG register must be cleared (COP enabled) in order to force the reset. Bit 0 — Not implemented. Reads always return zero and writes have no effect. MOTOROLA 24 MC68HC11F1/FC0 MC68HC11FTS/D 5 Resets and Interrupts There are three sources of reset on the MC68HC11F1 and MC68HC11FC0, each having its own reset vector: • RESET pin • Clock monitor failure • Computer operating properly (COP) failure There are 22 interrupt sources serviced by 18 interrupt vectors. (The SCI interrupt vector services five SCI interrupt sources.) Three of the interrupt vectors are non-maskable: • Illegal opcode trap • Software interrupt • XIRQ pin (pseudo non-maskable interrupt) The other 19 interrupts, generated mostly by on-chip peripheral systems, are maskable. Maskable interrupts are recognized only if the global interrupt mask bit (I) in the condition code register (CCR) is clear. Maskable interrupts have a default priority arrangement out of reset. However, any one interrupt source can be elevated to the highest maskable priority position by writing to the HPRIO register. This register can be written at any time, provided the I bit in the CCR is set. In addition to the global I bit, all maskable interrupt sources except the external interrupt (IRQ pin) are subject to local enable bits in control registers. Each of these interrupt sources also sets a corresponding flag bit in a control register that can be polled by software. Several of these flags are automatically cleared during the normal course of responding to the interrupt requests. For example, the RDRF flag is set when a byte has been received in the SCI. The normal response to an RDRF interrupt request is to read the SCI status register to check for receive errors, then to read the received data from the SCI data register. It is precisely these two steps that are required to clear the RDRF flag, so no further instructions are necessary. 5.1 Interrupt Sources The following table summarizes the interrupt sources, vector addresses, masks, and flag bits. MC68HC11F1/FC0 MC68HC11FTS/D MOTOROLA 25 Table 11 Interrupt and Reset Vector Assignments Vector Address Interrupt Source CCR Mask Local Mask Flag Bit Reserved — — — TCIE TC FFC0, C1 to FFD4, D5 FFD6, D7 SCI Serial System SCI Transmit Complete SCI Transmit Data Register Empty TIE TDRE ILIE IDLE SCI Receiver Overrun RIE OR SCI Receive Data Register Full RIE RDRF SCI Idle Line Detect I Bit FFD8, D9 SPI Serial Transfer Complete I Bit SPIE SPIF FFDA, DB Pulse Accumulator Input Edge I Bit PAII PAIF FFDC, DD Pulse Accumulator Overflow I Bit PAOVI PAOVF FFDE, DF Timer Overflow I Bit TOI TOF FFE0, E1 Timer Input Capture 4/Output Compare 5 I Bit I4/O5I I4/O5F FFE2, E3 Timer Output Compare 4 I Bit OC4I OC4F FFE4, E5 Timer Output Compare 3 I Bit OC3I OC3F FFE6, E7 Timer Output Compare 2 I Bit OC2I OC2F FFE8, E9 Timer Output Compare 1 I Bit OC1I OC1F FFEA, EB Timer Input Capture 3 I Bit IC3I IC3F FFEC, ED Timer Input Capture 2 I Bit IC2I IC2F FFEE, EF Timer Input Capture 1 I Bit IC1I IC1F FFF0, F1 Real-Time Interrupt I Bit RTII RTIF FFF2, F3 IRQ I Bit None None FFF4, F5 XIRQ Pin X Bit None None FFF6, F7 Software Interrupt None None None FFF8, F9 Illegal Opcode Trap None None None FFFA, FB COP Failure None NOCOP None FFFC, FD Clock Monitor Fail None CME None FFFE, FF RESET None None None 5.2 Reset and Interrupt Registers OPTION — System Configuration Options $x039 Bit 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 Bit 0 ADPU CSEL IRQE* DLY* CME FCME* CR1* CR0* 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 RESET: *Can be written only once in first 64 cycles out of reset in normal modes, or at any time in special modes. Bits [7:6], [4:2] Refer to 4.3 System Initialization Registers, page 23, and 11.3 A/D Registers, page 56. IRQE — IRQ Select Edge Sensitive Only 0 = Low level recognition 1 = Falling edge recognition MOTOROLA 26 MC68HC11F1/FC0 MC68HC11FTS/D CR[1:0] — COP Timer Rate Select The COP system is driven by a constant frequency of E/215. CR[1:0] specify an additional divide-by factor to arrive at the COP time-out rate. Table 12 COP Watchdog Time-Out Periods Frequency Tolerance CR[1:0] = 00 CR[1:0] = 01 CR[1:0] = 10 CR[1:0] = 11 1 MHz -0/+32.768 ms 32.768 ms 131.072 ms 524.288 ms 2.097 s 2 MHz -0/+16.384 ms 16.384 ms 65.536 ms 262.144 ms 1.049 s 3 MHz -0/+10.923 ms 10.923 ms 43.691 ms 174.763 ms 699.051 ms 4 MHz -0/+8.192 ms 8.192 ms 32.768 ms 131.072 ms 524.288 ms 5 MHz -0/+6.554 ms 6.554 ms 26.214 ms 104.858 ms 419.430 ms 6 MHz -0/+5.461 ms 5.461 ms 21.845 87.381 ms 349.525 ms Any E -0/+215/E 215/E 217/E 219/E 221/E COPRST — Arm/Reset COP Timer Circuitry RESET: $x03A Bit 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 Bit 0 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Write $55 to COPRST to arm the COP watchdog clearing mechanism. Then write $AA to COPRST to reset the COP timer. Performing instructions between these two steps is possible provided both steps are completed in the correct sequence before the timer times out. HPRIO — Highest Priority I-Bit Interrupt and Miscellaneous $x03C Bit 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 Bit 0 RBOOT SMOD MDA IRV PSEL3 PSEL2 PSEL1 PSEL0 0 1 0 1 RESET: Bits [7:4] — See 4.3 System Initialization Registers, page 20. PSEL[3:0] — Interrupt Priority Select Bits Can be written only while the I bit in the CCR is set (interrupts disabled). These bits select one interrupt source to have priority over other I-bit related sources. Table 13 Highest Priority Interrupt Selection PSEL[3:0] MC68HC11F1/FC0 MC68HC11FTS/D Interrupt Source Promoted 0000 Timer Overflow 0001 Pulse Accumulator Overflow 0010 Pulse Accumulator Input Edge 0011 SPI Serial Transfer Complete 0100 SCI Serial System 0101 Reserved (Default to IRQ) 0110 IRQ (External Pin) 0111 Real-Time Interrupt 1000 Timer Input Capture 1 1001 Timer Input Capture 2 1010 Timer Input Capture 3 MOTOROLA 27 Table 13 Highest Priority Interrupt Selection (Continued) PSEL[3:0] Interrupt Source Promoted 1011 Timer Output Compare 1 1100 Timer Output Compare 2 1101 Timer Output Compare 3 1110 Timer Output Compare 4 1111 Timer Output Compare 5/Input Capture 4 CONFIG — EEPROM Mapping, COP, EEPROM Enables RESET $x03F Bit 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 Bit 0 EE3 EE2 EE1 EE0 1 NOCOP 1 EEON U U U U 1 U 1 U Bits 7:3, 1:0 — See 6.2 EEPROM Registers, page 30. NOCOP — COP System Disable 0 = COP enabled (forces reset on time-out) 1 = COP disabled (does not force reset on time-out) MOTOROLA 28 MC68HC11F1/FC0 MC68HC11FTS/D 6 Electrically Erasable Programmable ROM The MC68HC11F1 has 512 bytes of electrically erasable programmable ROM (EEPROM). A nonvolatile, EEPROM-based configuration register (CONFIG) controls whether the EEPROM is present or absent and determines its position in the memory map. In single-chip and bootstrap modes the EEPROM is positioned at $FE00–$FFFF. In expanded and special test modes, the EEPROM can be repositioned to any 4-Kbyte boundary ($xE00–$xFFF). NOTE EEPROM is available on the MC68HC11F1 only. 6.1 EEPROM Operation The EEON bit in CONFIG controls whether the EEPROM is present in the memory map. When EEON = 1, the EEPROM is enabled. When EEON = 0, the EEPROM is disabled and removed from the memory map. EEON is forced to one out of reset in single-chip and special bootstrap modes to enable EEPROM. EEON is forced to zero out of reset in special test mode to remove EEPROM from the memory map, although test software can turn it back on. In normal expanded mode, EEON is reset to the value last programmed into CONFIG. An on-chip charge pump develops the high voltage required for programming and erasing. When the E-clock frequency is 1 MHz or above, the charge pump is driven by the E-clock. When the E-clock frequency is less than 1 MHz, select the internal RC oscillator to drive the EEPROM charge pump by writing one to the CSEL bit in the OPTION register. Refer to the discussion of the OPTION register in 4.3 System Initialization Registers, page 23. 6.2 EEPROM Registers BPROT — Block Protect RESET $x035 Bit 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 Bit 0 0 0 0 PTCON BPRT3 BPRT2 BPRT1 BPRT0 0 0 0 1 1 1 1 1 Bits [7:5] — Not implemented. Reads always return zero and writes have no effect. PTCON — Protect for CONFIG 0 = CONFIG register can be programmed or erased normally 1 = CONFIG register cannot be programmed or erased BPRT[3:0] — Block Protect Bits for EEPROM 0 = Protection disabled 1 = Protection enabled Table 14 Block Protect Bits for EEPROM Bit Name Block Protected Block Size BPRT3 $xEE0–xFFF 288 Bytes BPRT2 $xE60–xEDF 128 Bytes PBRT1 $xE20–xE5F 64 Bytes BPRT0 $xE00–xE1F 32 Bytes NOTE Block protect register bits can be written to zero (protection disabled) only once within 64 cycles of a reset in normal modes, or at any time in special modes. Block protect register bits can be written to one (protection enabled) at any time. MC68HC11F1/FC0 MC68HC11FTS/D MOTOROLA 29 PPROG — EEPROM Programming Control RESET $x03B Bit 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 Bit 0 ODD EVEN 0 BYTE ROW ERASE EELAT EEPGM 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 ODD — Program Odd Rows (TEST) EVEN — Program Even Rows (TEST) ROW and BYTE — Row Erase Select Bit and Byte Erase Select The value of these bits determines the manner in which EEPROM is erased. Bit encodings are shown in 6.2 EEPROM Registers, page 30. Table 15 ROW and BYTE Encodings BYTE ROW Action 0 0 Bulk Erase (All 512 Bytes) 0 1 Row Erase (16 Bytes) 1 0 Byte Erase 1 1 Byte Erase ERASE — Erase/Normal Control for EEPROM 0 = Normal read or program mode 1 = Erase mode EELAT — EEPROM Latch Control 0 = EEPROM address and data bus configured for normal reads 1 = EEPROM address and data bus configured for programming or erasing EEPGM — EEPROM Program Command 0 = Program or erase voltage to EEPROM array switched off 1 = Program or erase voltage to EEPROM array switched on CONFIG — EEPROM Mapping, COP, EEPROM Enables RESET $x03F Bit 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 Bit 0 EE3 EE2 EE1 EE0 1 NOCOP 1 EEON U U U U 1 U 1 U U = Unaffected by reset. The CONFIG register is used to assign EEPROM a location in the memory map and to enable or disable EEPROM operation. Bits in this register are user-programmed except when forced to certain values, as noted in the following bit descriptions. EE[3:0] — EEPROM Map Position EEPROM is located at $xE00 – $xFFF, where x is the value represented by these four bits. In singlechip and bootstrap modes, EEPROM is forced to $FE00 – $FFFF, regardless of the state of these bits. On factory-fresh devices, EE[3:0] = $0. Bit 3 — Not implemented. Reads always return one and writes have no effect. NOCOP — COP System Disable 0 = COP enabled (forces reset on time-out) 1 = COP disabled (does not force reset on time-out) MOTOROLA 30 MC68HC11F1/FC0 MC68HC11FTS/D Bit 1 — Not implemented. Reads always return one and writes have no effect. EEON — EEPROM Enable This bit is forced to one in single-chip and bootstrap modes. In test mode, EEON is forced to zero out of reset. In expanded mode, the EEPROM obeys the state of this bit. 0 = EEPROM is removed from the memory map. 1 = EEPROM is present in the memory map. Refer to 6.4 CONFIG Register Programming for instructions on programming this register. 6.3 EEPROM Programming and Erasure Programming and erasing the EEPROM is controlled by the PPROG register, subject to the block protect (BPROT) register value. To erase the EEPROM, ensure that the proper bits of the BPROT register are cleared, and then complete the following steps: 1. Write to PPROG with the ERASE and EELAT bits set and the BYTE and ROW bits set or cleared as appropriate. 2. Write to the appropriate EEPROM address with any data. Row erase ($xE00–$xE0F, $xE10– $xE1F,... $xFF0–$xFFF) requires a single write to any location in the row. Perform bulk erase by writing to any location in the array. 3. Write to PPROG with the ERASE, EELAT, and EEPGM bits set and the BYTE and ROW bits set or cleared as appropriate. 4. Delay for 10 ms (20 ms for low-voltage operation). 5. Clear the EEPGM bit in PPROG to turn off the high voltage. 6. Clear the PPROG register to reconfigure EEPROM address and data buses for normal operations. To program the EEPROM, ensure that the proper bits of the BPROT register are cleared, and then complete the following steps: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. Write to PPROG with the EELAT bit set. Write data to the desired address. Write to PPROG with the EELAT and EEPGM bits set. Delay for 10 ms (20 ms for low-voltage operation). Clear the EEPGM bit in PPROG to turn off the high voltage. Clear the PPROG register to reconfigure EEPROM address and data buses for normal operations. 6.3.1 Programming a Byte The following example shows how to program an EEPROM byte. This example assumes that the appropriate bits in BPROT are cleared and that the data to be programmed is present in accumulator A. PROG LDAB STAB STAA LDAB STAB JSR CLR #$02 $103B $FE00 #$03 $103B DLY10 $103B EELAT=1, EEPGM=0 Set EELAT bit Store data to EEPROM address EELAT=1, EEPGM=1 Turn on programming voltage Delay 10 ms Turn off high voltage and set to READ mode 6.3.2 Bulk Erase The following example shows how to bulk erase the 512-byte EEPROM. The CONFIG register is not affected in this example. Note that when the CONFIG register is bulk erased, CONFIG and the 512-byte array are all erased. BULKE LDAB STAB MC68HC11F1/FC0 MC68HC11FTS/D #$06 $103B ERASE=1, EELAT=1, EEPGM=0 Set EELAT bit MOTOROLA 31 STAB LDAB STAB JSR CLR $FE00 #$07 $103B DLY10 $103B Store any data to any EEPROM address EELAT=1, EEPGM=1 Turn on programming voltage Delay 10 ms Turn off high voltage and set to READ mode 6.3.3 Row Erase The following example shows how to perform a fast erase of large sections of EEPROM. This example assumes that index register X contains the address of a location in the desired row. ROWE LDAB STAB STAB LDAB STAB JSR CLR #$0E $103B $xxxx #$0F $103B DLY10 $103B ROW=1, ERASE=1, EELAT=1, EEPGM=0 Set to ROW erase mode Store any data to any address in ROW ROW=1, ERASE=1, EELAT=1, EEPGM=1 Turn on high voltage Delay 10 ms Turn off high voltage and set to READ mode 6.3.4 Byte Erase The following is an example of how to erase a single byte of EEPROM. This example assumes that index register X contains the address of the byte to be erased. BYTEE LDAB STAB STAB LDAB STAB JSR CLR #$16 $103B $0,X #$17 $103B DLY10 $103B BYTE=1, ROW=0, ERASE=1, EELAT=1, EEPGM=0 Set to BYTE erase mode Store any data to address to be erased BYTE=1, ROW=0, ERASE=1, EELAT=1, EEPGM=1 Turn on high voltage Delay 10 ms Turn off high voltage and set to READ mode 6.4 CONFIG Register Programming Because the CONFIG register is implemented with EEPROM cells, use EEPROM procedures to erase and program this register. The procedure for programming is the same as for programming a byte in the EEPROM array, except that the CONFIG register address is used. CONFIG can be programmed or erased (including byte erase) while the MCU is operating in any mode, provided that PTCON in BPROT is clear. To change the value in the CONFIG register, complete the following procedure. Do not initiate a reset until the procedure is complete. The new value will not take effect until after the next reset sequence. 1. Erase the CONFIG register. 2. Program the new value to the CONFIG address. 3. Initiate reset. MOTOROLA 32 MC68HC11F1/FC0 MC68HC11FTS/D 7 Parallel Input/Output On the MC68HC11F1, either 54 or 51 pins are available for general-purpose I/O, depending on the package. These pins are arranged into ports A, B, C, D, E, F, and G. On the MC68HC11FC0, either 52 or 49 pins are available, depending on the package. I/O functions on some ports (B, C, F, and G) are affected by the mode of operation selected. In the single-chip and bootstrap modes, they are configured as parallel I/O data ports. In expanded and test modes, they are configured as follows: • Ports B and F are configured as the address bus. • Port C is configured as the data bus. • Port G bit 7 is configured as the optional program chip select CSPROG. In addition, in expanded and test modes the R/W signal is configured as data bus direction control. The remaining ports (A, D, and E) are unaffected by mode changes. 7.1 Port A Port A is an eight-bit general-purpose I/O port (PA[7:0]) with a data register (PORTA) and a data direction register (DDRA). Port A pins are available for shared use among the main timer, pulse accumulator, and general I/O functions, regardless of mode. Four pins can be used for timer output compare functions (OC), three for input capture (IC), and one as either a fourth IC or a fifth OC. 7.2 Port B Port B is an eight-bit general-purpose output-only port in single-chip modes. In expanded modes, port B pins act as high-order address lines ADDR[15:8], and accesses to PORTB (the port B data register) are mapped externally. 7.3 Port C Port C is an eight-bit general-purpose I/O port with a data register (PORTC) and a data direction register (DDRC). In single-chip modes, port C pins are general-purpose I/O pins PC[7:0]. Port C can be configured for wired-OR operation in single-chip modes by setting the CWOM bit in the OPT2 register. In expanded modes, port C is the data bus DATA[7:0], and accesses to PORTC (the port C data register) are mapped externally. 7.4 Port D Port D is a six-bit general-purpose I/O port with a data register (PORTD) and a data direction register (DDRD). In all modes, the six port D lines (PD[5:0]) can be used for general-purpose I/O or for the serial communications interface (SCI) or serial peripheral interface (SPI) subsystems. Port D can also be configured for wired-OR operation. 7.5 Port E Port E is an eight-bit input-only port that is also used (on the MC68HC11F1 only) as the analog input port for the analog-to-digital converter. Port E pins that are not used for the A/D system can be used as general-purpose inputs. However, PORTE should not be read during the sample portion of an A/D conversion sequence. NOTE PE7 and PE0 are not available on the 80-pin MC68HC11FC0. PE7, PE4, and PE0 are not available on the 64-pin MC68HC11FC0. 7.6 Port F Port F is an eight-bit output-only port. In single-chip mode, port F pins are general-purpose output pins PF[7:0]. In expanded mode, port F pins act as low-order address outputs ADDR[7:0]. MC68HC11F1/FC0 MC68HC11FTS/D MOTOROLA 33 7.7 Port G Port G is an eight-bit general-purpose I/O port with a data register (PORTG) and a data direction register (DDRG). When enabled, the upper four lines (PG[7:4] can be used as chip-select outputs in expanded modes. When any of these pins are not being used for chip selects, they can be used for general-purpose I/O. Port G can be configured for wired-OR operation by setting the GWOM bit in the OPT2 register. NOTE PG[1:0] are not available on the 64-pin MC68HC11FC0. 7.8 Parallel I/O Registers Port pin function is mode dependent. Do not confuse pin function with the electrical state of the pin at reset. Port pins are either driven to a specified logic level or are configured as high impedance inputs. I/O pins configured as high-impedance inputs have port data that is indeterminate. The contents of the corresponding latches are dependent upon the electrical state of the pins during reset. In port descriptions, an “I” indicates this condition. Port pins that are driven to a known logic level during reset are shown with a value of either one or zero. Some control bits are unaffected by reset. Reset states for these bits are indicated with a “U”. PORTA — Port A Data Register $x000 Bit 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 Bit 0 PA7 PA6 PA5 PA4 PA3 PA2 PA1 PA0 RESET: I I I I I I I I Alternate Function: PAI OC2 OC3 OC4 OC5/IC4 IC1 IC2 IC3 And/or: OC1 OC1 OC1 OC1 OC1 — — — I = Indeterminate value DDRA — Port A Data Direction Register $x001 Bit 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 Bit 0 DDA7 DDA6 DDA5 DDA4 DDA3 DDA2 DDA1 DDA0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 RESET: For DDRx bits, 0 = input and 1 = output. PORTG — Port G Data Register $x002 Bit 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 Bit 0 PG7 PG6 PG5 PG4 PG3 PG2 PG1* PG0* RESET: I I I I I I I I Alternate Function: CSPROG CSGEN CSIO1 CSIO2 *These bits are not present on the 64-pin QFP version of the MC68HC11FC0. I = Indeterminate value MOTOROLA 34 MC68HC11F1/FC0 MC68HC11FTS/D DDRG — Port G Data Direction Register RESET: $x003 Bit 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 Bit 0 DDG7* DDG6 DDG5 DDG4 DDG3 DDG2 DDG1 DDG0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 * Following reset in expanded and test modes, PG7/CSPRG is configured as a program chip select, forcing the pin to be an output pin, even though the value of the DDG7 bit remains zero. For DDRx bits, 0 = input and 1 = output. PORTB — Port B Data Register $x004 Bit 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 Bit 0 PB7 PB6 PB5 PB4 PB3 PB2 PB1 PB0 RESET: 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Alternate Function: ADDR15 ADDR14 ADDR13 ADDR12 ADDR11 ADDR10 ADDR9 ADDR8 The reset state of port B is mode dependent. In single-chip or bootstrap modes, port B pins are generalpurpose outputs. In expanded and test modes, port B pins are high-order address outputs and PORTB is not in the memory map. PORTF — Port F Data Register RESET: Alternate Function: $x005 PF7 PF6 PF5 PF4 PF3 PF2 PF1 PF0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 ADDR7 ADDR6 ADDR5 ADDR4 ADDR3 ADDR2 ADDR1 ADDR0 The reset state of port F is mode dependent. In single-chip or bootstrap modes, port F pins are generalpurpose outputs. In expanded and test modes, port F pins are low-order address outputs and PORTF is not in the memory map. PORTC — Port C Data Register RESET: Alternate Function: $x006 Bit 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 Bit 0 PC7 PC6 PC5 PC4 PC3 PC2 PC1 PC0 I I I I I I I I DATA7 DATA6 DATA5 DATA4 DATA3 DATA2 DATA1 DATA0 The reset state of port C is mode dependent. In single-chip and bootstrap modes, port C pins are highimpedance inputs. In expanded or test modes, port C pins are data bus inputs/outputs and PORTC is not in the memory map. The R/W signal is used to control the direction of data transfers. DDRC — Port C Data Direction Register RESET: $x007 Bit 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 Bit 0 DDC7 DDC6 DDC5 DDC4 DDC3 DDC2 DDC1 DDC0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 For DDRx bits, 0 = input and 1 = output. MC68HC11F1/FC0 MC68HC11FTS/D MOTOROLA 35 PORTD — Port D Data Register RESET: Alternate Function: $x008 Bit 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 Bit 0 0 0 PD5 PD4 PD3 PD2 PD1 PD0 0 0 I I I I I I — — SS SCK MOSI MISO TxD RxD DDRD — Port D Data Direction Register RESET: $x009 Bit 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 Bit 0 0 0 DDD5 DDD4 DDD3 DDD2 DDD1 DDD0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 For DDRx bits, 0 = input and 1 = output. NOTE When the SPI system is in slave mode, DDD5 has no meaning or effect. When the SPI system is in master mode, DDD5 determines whether bit 5 of PORTD is an error detect input (DDD5 = 0) or a general-purpose output (DDD5 = 1). If the SPI system is enabled and expects one or more of bits [4:2] to be inputs, those bits will be inputs regardless of the state of the associated DDR bits. If one or more of bits [4:2] are expected to be outputs, those bits will be outputs only if the associated DDR bits are set. PORTE — Port E Data $x00A Bit 7 5 4 3 2 1 Bit 0 PE6 PE5 PE42 PE3 PE2 PE1 PE01 U U U U U U U U AN7 AN6 AN5 AN4 AN3 AN2 AN1 AN0 PE71 RESET: Alternate Function 6 NOTES: 1. These bits are not present on the MC68HC11FC0 and will always read zero. 2. This bit is not present on the 64-pin QFP version of the MC68HC11FC0 and will always read zero. U = Unaffected by rest. PORTE is an input-only register. Reads return the digital state of the I/O pins, and writes have no effect. On the MC68HC11F1, port E is shared with the analog-to-digital converter. (The A/D converter is not present on the MC68HC11FC0.) OPT2 — System Configuration Option Register 2 $x038 Bit 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 Bit 0 GWOM CWOM CLK4X LIRDV — SPRBYP — — 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 RESET GWOM — Port G Wired-OR Mode Option This bit affects all port G pins together. 0 = Port G outputs are normal CMOS outputs 1 = Port G outputs act as open-drain outputs MOTOROLA 36 MC68HC11F1/FC0 MC68HC11FTS/D CWOM — Port C Wired-OR Mode Option This bit affects all port C pins together. 0 = Port C outputs are normal CMOS outputs 1 = Port C outputs act as open-drain outputs CLK4X — 4XCLK Output Enable Refer to 4.3 System Initialization Registers, page 23 LIRDV — Load Instruction Register Driven Refer to 4.3 System Initialization Registers, page 23 Bits 3, 1, 0 — Not implemented. Reads always return zero and writes have no effect. SPRBYP — Refer to 10.2 SPI Registers, page 52. MC68HC11F1/FC0 MC68HC11FTS/D MOTOROLA 37 8 Chip-Selects Chip selects eliminate the need for additional external components to interface with peripherals in expanded non-multiplexed modes. Chip-select registers control polarity, address block size, base address, and clock stretching. 8.1 Chip-Select Operation There are four programmable chip selects on the MC68HC11F1 and MC68HC11FC0: two for external I/O (CSIO1 and CSIO2), one for external program space (CSPROG), and one general-purpose chip select (CSGEN). CSPROG is active low and becomes active at address valid time. CSPROG is enabled by the PCSEN bit of the chip-select control register (CSCTL). Its address block size is selected by the PSIZA and PSIZB bits of CSCTL. Use the I/O chip selects (CSIO1 and CSIO2) for external I/O devices. These chip-select addresses are found in the memory map block that contains the status and control registers. CSIO1 is mapped from $x060 to $x7FF, and CSIO2 is mapped from $x800 to $xFFF, where x represents the REG[3:0] bits of the INIT register on the MC68HC11F1 or the REG[1:0] bits of the INIT register on the MC68HC11FC0. Polarity and enable-disable selections are controlled by CSCTL register bits IO1EN, IO1PL, IO2EN, and IO2PL. The IO1AV and IO2AV bits of the CSGSIZ register determine whether the chip selects are valid during address or E-clock valid times. The general-purpose chip select is the most flexible of the four chip selects. Polarity, valid assertion time, and block size are determined by the GNPOL, GAVLD, GSIZA, GSIZB, and GSIZC bits of the CSGSIZ register. The starting address is selected with the CSGADR register. Each of the four chip selects has two associated bits in the chip-select clock stretch register (CSSTRH). These bits allow clock stretching from zero to three cycles (full E-clock periods) to accommodate slow device interfaces. Any of the chip selects can be programmed to cause a clock stretch to occur only during access to addresses that fall within that particular chip select’s address range. During the stretch period, the E-clock is held high and the bus remains in the state that it is normally in at the end of E high time. Internally, the clocks continue to run, which maintains the integrity of the timers and baud-rate generators. Priority levels are assigned to prevent the four chip selects from conflicting with each other or with internal memory and registers. There are two sets of priorities controlled by the value of the general-purpose chip-select priority bit (GCSPR) of the CSCTL register. Refer to Table 17. 8.2 Chip-Select Registers CSSTRH — Clock Stretching $x05C Bit 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 Bit 0 IO1SA IO1SB IO2SA IO2SB GSTHA GSTHB PSTHA PSTHB 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 RESET: IO1SA, IOS1B — I/O Chip-Select 1 Clock Stretch IO2SA, IO2SB — I/O Chip-Select 2 Clock Stretch GSTHA, GSTHB — General-Purpose Chip-Select Clock Stretch PSTHA, PSSTHB — Program Chip-Select Clock Stretch Each pair of bits selects the number of clock cycles of stretch for the corresponding chip select. MOTOROLA 38 MC68HC11F1/FC0 MC68HC11FTS/D Table 16 Chip Select Clock Stretch Control Clock Stretch Bits A, B Clock Stretch 00 0 Cycles 01 1 Cycle 10 2 Cycles 11 3 Cycles CSCTL — Chip-Select Control RESET: $x05D Bit 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 Bit 0 IO1EN IO1PL IO2EN IO2PL GCSPR PCSEN* PSIZA PSIZB 0 0 0 0 0 — 0 0 * PCSEN is set out of reset in expanded modes and cleared in single-chip modes. IO1EN — I/O Chip-Select 1 Enable 0 = CSIO1 disabled 1 = CSIO1 enabled IO1PL — I/O Chip-Select 1 Polarity 0 = CSIO1 active low 1 = CSIO1 active high IO1EN — I/O Chip-Select 2 Enable 0 = CSIO2 disabled 1 = CSIO2 enabled IO2PL — I/O Chip-Select 2 Polarity 0 = CSIO2 active low 1 = CSIO2 active high GCSPR — General-Purpose Chip-Select Priority 0 = Program chip-select has priority over general-purpose chip-select 1 = General-purpose chip-select has priority over program chip-select Refer to Table 17. Table 17 Chip Select Priorities GCSPR = 0 GCSPR = 1 On-Chip Registers On-Chip Registers On-Chip RAM On-Chip RAM Bootloader ROM Bootloader ROM 1 On-Chip EEPROM On-Chip EEPROM1 I/O Chip Selects I/O Chip Selects Program Chip Select General-Purpose Chip Select General-Purpose Chip Select Program Chip Select NOTES: 1. EEPROM is present on the MC68HC11F1 only. MC68HC11F1/FC0 MC68HC11FTS/D MOTOROLA 39 PCSEN — Program Chip-Select Enable Reset clears PCSEN in single-chip modes and sets PCSEN in expanded modes. 0 = CSPROG disabled 1 = CSPROG enabled PSIZA, PSIZB — Select Size of Program Chip-Select Table 18 Program Chip Select Size Control PSIZA PSIZB Size Address Range 0 0 64 Kbytes $0000–$FFFF 0 1 32 Kbytes $8000–$FFFF 1 0 16 Kbytes $C000–$FFFF 1 1 8 Kbytes $E000–$FFFF CSGADR — General-Purpose Chip-Select Address Register $x05E Bit 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 Bit 0 GA15 GA14 GA13 GA12 GA11 GA10 — — 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 RESET: GA[15:10] — General-Purpose Chip-Select Starting Address These bits determine the starting address of the CSGEN valid address space and correspond to the high-order address bits ADDR[15:10]. Table 19 illustrates how the block size selected determines which of this register's bits are valid. Table 19 General Purpose Chip Select Starting Address CSGEN Block Size CSGADR Bits Valid 0 Kbytes None 1 Kbyte GA15 – GA10 2 Kbytes GA15 – GA11 4 Kbytes GA15 – GA12 8 Kbytes GA15 – GA13 16 Kbytes GA15 – GA14 32 Kbytes GA15 64 Kbytes None Bits [1:0] — Not implemented. Reads always return zero and writes have no effect. CSGSIZ — General-Purpose Chip-Select Size Register $x05F Bit 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 Bit 0 IO1AV IO2AV — GNPOL GAVLD GSIZA GSIZB GSIZC 0 0 0 0 0 1 1 1 RESET: IO1AV — I/O Chip-Select 1 Address Valid 0 = CSIO1 is valid during E-clock valid time (E-clock high) 1 = CSIO1 is valid during address valid time IO2AV — I/O Chip-Select 2 Address Valid 0 = CSIO2 is valid during E-clock valid time (E-clock high) 1 = CSIO2 is valid during address valid time MOTOROLA 40 MC68HC11F1/FC0 MC68HC11FTS/D Bit 5 — Not implemented. Reads always return zero and writes have no effect. GNPOL — General-Purpose Chip-Select Polarity 0 = CSGEN is active low 1 = CSGEN is active high GAVLD — General-Purpose Chip-Select Address Valid 0 = CSGEN is valid during E-clock valid time (E-clock high) 1 = CSGEN is valid during address valid time GSIZ[A:C] — Block Size for CSGEN Refer to Table 20 for bit values. Table 20 General-Purpose Chip Select Size Control MC68HC11F1/FC0 MC68HC11FTS/D GSIZ[A:C] Address Size 000 64 Kbytes 001 32 Kbytes 010 16 Kbytes 011 8 Kbytes 100 4 Kbytes 101 2 Kbytes 110 1 Kbyte 111 0 Kbytes (disabled) MOTOROLA 41 9 Serial Communications Interface (SCI) The SCI, a universal asynchronous receiver transmitter (UART) serial communications interface, is one of two independent serial I/O subsystems in the MC68HC11F1 and MC68HC11FC0. The SCI has a standard non-return to zero (NRZ) format (one start bit, eight or nine data bits, and one stop bit) and several selectable baud rates. The transmitter and receiver are independent but use the same data format and bit rate. 9.1 SCI Block Diagrams TRANSMITTER BAUD RATE CLOCK (WRITE ONLY) SCDR Tx BUFFER DDD1 10 (11) - BIT Tx SHIFT REGISTER 2 SIZE 8/9 1 0 PIN BUFFER AND CONTROL L PD1 TxD BREAK—JAM 0s 3 PREAMBLE—JAM 1s 4 JAM ENABLE 5 SHIFT ENABLE 6 TRANSFER Tx BUFFER H (8) 7 FORCE PIN DIRECTION (OUT) SCCR1 SCSR1 SCI CONTROL 1 FE NF OR IDLE RDRF TC TDRE WAKE M T8 R8 TRANSMITTER CONTROL LOGIC SCI STATUS 1 TDRE TIE TC SCCR2 SCI Rx QUESTS SBK RWU RE TE ILIE RIE TCIE TIE TCIE SCI CONTROL 2 SCI INTERRUPT REQUEST INTERNAL DATA BUS Figure 9 SCI Transmitter Block Diagram MOTOROLA 42 MC68HC11F1/FC0 MC68HC11FTS/D RECEIVER BAUD RATE CLOCK STOP PD0 RxD PIN BUFFER AND CONTROL DATA RECOVERY H START ÷16 DDD0 10 (11) - BIT Rx SHIFT REGISTER 8 7 6 5 4 3 MSB 2 1 0 L ALL ONES DISABLE DRIVER RE SCCR1 SCSR1 SCI CONTROL 1 FE NF OR IDLE RDRF TC TDRE WAKE M T8 R8 WAKEUP LOGIC SCDR SCI STATUS 1 Rx BUFFER (READ ONLY) RDRF RIE IDLE ILIE OR SCCR2 SBK RWU RE TE ILIE RIE TCIE TIE RIE SCI CONTROL 2 SCI Tx SCI INTERRUPT REQUESTS REQUEST INTERNAL DATA BUS Figure 10 SCI Receiver Block Diagram MC68HC11F1/FC0 MC68HC11FTS/D MOTOROLA 43 9.2 SCI Registers BAUD — Baud Rate $x02B Bit 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 Bit 0 TCLR SCP2 SCP1 SCP0 RCKB SCR2 SCR1 SCR0 0 0 0 0 0 U U U RESET: TCLR — Clear Baud Rate Counters (TEST) Bit 6 — Not implemented. Reads always return zero and writes have no effect. RCKB — SCI Baud-Rate Clock Check (TEST) SCP[2:0] — SCI Baud Rate Prescaler Selects These bits determine the baud rate prescaler frequency. Refer to Table 21 and Figure 11. SCR[2:0] — SCI Baud Rate Selects These bits determine the receiver and transmitter baud rate. Refer to Table 22 and Figure 11. Table 21 Baud Rate Prescaler Selection Prescaler Output1 SCP[2:0] Divide Internal Clock By XTAL = 4.0 MHz XTAL = 4.9152 MHz X00 1 62500 76800 125000 156250 187500 250000 312500 375000 001 3 20833 25600 41667 52083 62500 83333 104167 125000 XTAL = XTAL = XTAL = XTAL = XTAL = XTAL = 8.0 MHz 10.0 MHz 12.0 MHz 16.0 MHz 20.0 MHz 24.0 MHz X10 4 15625 19200 31250 38400 46875 62500 76800 93750 X11 13 4800 5908 9600 12019 14423 19200 24038 28846 101 9 — — — — 20830 — — — NOTES: 1. A blank table cell indicates that an uncommon rate results. Table 22 Baud Rate Selection Baud Rate SCR[2:0] Divide Prescaler By Prescaler Output = 4800 Prescaler Output = 9600 Prescaler Output = 19200 Prescaler Output = 38400 Prescaler Output = 76800 000 1 4800 9600 19200 38400 76800 001 2 2400 4800 9600 19200 38400 010 4 1200 2400 4800 9600 19200 011 8 600 1200 2400 4800 9600 100 16 300 600 1200 2400 4800 101 32 150 300 600 1200 2400 110 64 75 150 300 600 1200 111 128 — 75 150 300 600 The prescaler bits SCP[2:0] determine the highest baud rate, and the SCR[2:0] bits select an additional binary submultiple (divide by 1, 2, 4,..., through 128) of this highest baud rate. The result of these two dividers in series is the 16X receiver baud rate clock. The SCR[2:0] bits are not affected by reset and can be changed at any time. They should not be changed, however, when an SCI transfer is in progress. MOTOROLA 44 MC68HC11F1/FC0 MC68HC11FTS/D Figure 11 illustrates the SCI baud rate timing chain. The prescaler select bits determine the highest baud rate. The rate select bits determine additional divide-by-two stages to arrive at the receiver timing (RT) clock rate. The baud rate clock is the result of dividing the RT clock by 16. EXTAL XTAL OSCILLATOR AND CLOCK GENERATOR INTERNAL BUS CLOCK (PH2) (÷4) ÷3 E X00 ÷4 001 ÷ 13 X10 ÷9 X11 101 SCR[2:0] 0:0:0 ÷2 0:0:1 ÷2 0:1:0 ÷2 0:1:1 ÷2 1:0:0 ÷2 1:0:1 ÷2 1:1:0 ÷2 1:1:1 SCI Receive Baud Rate (16x) ÷ 16 SCI Transmit Baud Rate (1x) Figure 11 SCI Baud Rate Generator Block Diagram MC68HC11F1/FC0 MC68HC11FTS/D MOTOROLA 45 SCCR1 — SCI Control Register 1 RESET: $x02C Bit 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 Bit 0 R8 T8 0 M WAKE 0 0 0 U U 0 0 0 0 0 0 U = Unaffected by reset R8 — Receive Data Bit 8 If M is set, R8 stores the ninth bit of the receive data character. T8 — Transmit Data Bit 8 If M is set, T8 stores the ninth bit of the transmit data character. Bit 5 — Not implemented. Reads always return zero and writes have no effect. M — Mode (Select Character Format) 0 = 1 start bit, 8 data bits, 1 stop bit 1 = 1 start bit, 9 data bits, 1 stop bit WAKE — Wake Up by Address Mark/Idle 0 = Wake up by IDLE line recognition 1 = Wake up by address mark Bits [2:0] — Not implemented. Reads always return zero and writes have no effect. SCCR2 — SCI Control Register 2 RESET: $x02D Bit 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 Bit 0 TIE TCIE RIE ILIE TE RE RWU SBK 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 TIE — Transmit Interrupt Enable 0 = TDRE interrupts disabled 1 = SCI interrupt requested when the TDRE flag is set TCIE — Transmit Complete Interrupt Enable 0 = TC interrupts disabled 1 = SCI interrupt requested when the TC flag is set RIE — Receiver Interrupt Enable 0 = RDRF and OR interrupts disabled 1 = SCI interrupt requested when the RDRF flag or the OR flag is set ILIE — Idle Line Interrupt Enable 0 = IDLE interrupts disabled 1 = SCI interrupt requested when IDLE status flag is set TE — Transmitter Enable When TE goes from zero to one, one unit of idle character time (logic one) is queued as a preamble. 0 = Transmitter disabled 1 = Transmitter enabled RE — Receiver Enable 0 = Receiver disabled 1 = Receiver enabled MOTOROLA 46 MC68HC11F1/FC0 MC68HC11FTS/D RWU — Receiver Wake Up Control 0 = Normal SCI receiver 1 = Wake up enabled and receiver interrupt inhibited SBK — Send Break 0 = Break generator off 1 = Break codes generated as long as SBK = 1 SCSR — SCI Status Register RESET: $x02E Bit 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 Bit 0 TDRE TC RDRF IDLE OR NF FE 0 1 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 TDRE — Transmit Data Register Empty Flag This flag is set when SCDR is empty. Clear the TDRE flag by reading SCSR with TDRE set and then writing to SCDR. 0 = SCDR is busy 1 = SCDR is empty TC — Transmit Complete Flag This flag is set when the transmitter is idle (no data, preamble, or break transmission in progress). Clear the TC flag by reading SCSR with TC set and then writing to SCDR. 0 = Transmitter is busy 1 = Transmitter is idle RDRF — Receive Data Register Full Flag This flag is set if a received character is ready to be read from SCDR. Clear the RDRF flag by reading SCSR with RDRF set and then reading SCDR. 0 = SCDR empty 1 = SCDR full IDLE — Idle Line Detected Flag This flag is set if the RxD line is idle. Once cleared, IDLE is not set again until the RxD line has been active and becomes idle again. The IDLE flag is inhibited when RWU = 1. Clear IDLE by reading SCSR with IDLE set and then reading SCDR. 0 = RxD line is active 1 = RxD line is idle OR — Overrun Error Flag OR is set if a new character is received before a previously received character is read from SCDR. Clear OR by reading SCSR with OR set and then reading SCDR. 0 = No overrun detected 1 = Overrun detected NF — Noise Error Flag NF is set if majority sample logic detects anything other than a unanimous decision. Clear NF by reading SCSR with NF set and then reading SCDR. 0 = Unanimous decision 1 = Noise detected FE — Framing Error FE is set when a zero is detected where a stop bit was expected. Clear the FE flag by reading SCSR with FE set and then reading SCDR. 0 = Stop bit detected 1 = Zero detected MC68HC11F1/FC0 MC68HC11FTS/D MOTOROLA 47 Bit 0 — Not implemented. Reads always return zero and writes have no effect. SCDR — Serial Communications Data Register RESET: $x02F Bit 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 Bit 0 Bit 7 6 5 4 3 2 2 Bit 0 I I I I I I I I I = Indeterminate value Reading SCDR retrieves the last byte received in the receive data buffer. Writing to SCDR loads the transmit data buffer with the next byte to be transmitted. MOTOROLA 48 MC68HC11F1/FC0 MC68HC11FTS/D 10 Serial Peripheral Interface The serial peripheral interface (SPI) allows the MCU to communicate synchronously with peripheral devices and other microprocessors. The SPI protocol facilitates rapid exchange of serial data between devices in a control system. The MC68HC11F1 and MC68HC11FC0 can be set up for master or slave operation. Standard data rates can be as high as one half of the E-clock rate when configured as master, and as fast as the E-clock when configured as slave. The MC68HC11FC0 has an additional control bit that allows the SPI baud rate counter to be bypassed. This allows a master mode baud rate equal to the E-clock frequency. 10.1 SPI Block Diagram SPI STATUS REGISTER SPI CONTROL REGISTER SPIF WCOL MODF MODF SPIF WCOL DOTTED LINE CONNECTIONS PRESENT ON MC68HC11FC0 ONLY SPIE SPE DWOM MSTR CPHA CPOL SPR1 SPR0 SPIE SPE MSTR SPI CONTROL SPI INTERRUPT REQUEST INTERNAL DATA BUS SPE DWOM MSTR M S SYSTEM CONFIGURATION OPTION 2 REGISTER CLOCK CLOCK LOGIC S M PIN CONTROL LOGIC SPR0 SPR1 MSTR CPHA CPOL INTERNAL MCU CLOCK ÷2 ÷4 ÷16 ÷32 SELECT DIVIDER SS PD5 SCK PD4 MOSI PD3 SPRBYP MSB LSB 8-BIT SHIFT REGISTER READ DATA BUFFER M S MISO PD2 Figure 12 SPI Block Diagram MC68HC11F1/FC0 MC68HC11FTS/D MOTOROLA 49 10.2 SPI Registers SPCR — SPI Control Register RESET: $x028 Bit 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 Bit 0 SPIE SPE DWOM MSTR CPOL CPHA SPR1 SPR0 0 0 0 0 0 1 U U U = Unaffected by reset SPIE — SPI Interrupt Enable When SPI interrupts are enabled, a hardware interrupt sequence is requested each time the SPIF or MODF status flag is set. SPI interrupts are inhibited if this bit is cleared or if the I bit in the condition code register is one. 0 = SPI interrupt disabled 1 = SPI interrupt enabled SPE — SPI Enable When the SPE bit is set, PD[5:2] are dedicated to the SPI function. If the SPI is in master mode and the DDRD bit 5 is set, then PD5/SS becomes a general-purpose output instead of the SS input. 0 = SPI off 1 = SPI on DWOM — Port D Wired-OR Mode Option for SPI Pins PD[5:2] 0 = Normal CMOS outputs 1 = Open-drain outputs MSTR — Master Mode Select 0 = Slave mode 1 = Master mode CPOL — Clock Polarity When the clock polarity bit is cleared and data is not being transferred, the SCK pin of the master device has a steady state low value. When CPOL is set, SCK idles high. Refer to Figure 13. CPHA — Clock Phase The clock phase bit, in conjunction with the CPOL bit, controls the clock-data relationship between master and slave. The CPHA bit selects one of two clocking protocols. Refer to Figure 13. SCK CYCLE # (FOR REFERENCE) 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 SCK (CPOL = 0) SCK (CPOL = 1) SAMPLE INPUT (CPHA = 0) DATA OUT MSB 6 5 4 3 2 1 LSB SAMPLE INPUT (CPHA = 1) DATA OUT MSB 6 5 4 3 2 1 LSB SS (TO SLAVE) Figure 13 SPI Data Clock Timing Diagram MOTOROLA 50 MC68HC11F1/FC0 MC68HC11FTS/D SPR[1:0] — SPI Clock Rate Selects These two bits select the SPI clock (SCK) rate when the device is configured as a master. When the device is configured as a slave, the bits have no effect. Refer to Table 23. Table 23 SPI Baud Rates Input Frequency SPR[1:0] = 00 SPR[1:0] = 01 SPR[1:0] = 10 SPR[1:0] = 11 1 MHz 500 kbps 250 kbps 62.5 kbps 31.25 kbps 2 MHz 1 Mbps 500 kbps 125 kbps 62.5 kbps 3 MHz 1.5 Mbps 750 kbps 187.5 kbps 93.75 kbps 4 MHz 2 Mbps 1 Mbps 250 kbps 125 kbps 5 MHz 2.5 Mbps 1.25 Mbps 312.5 kbps 156.25 kbps 6 MHz 3 Mbps 1.5 Mbps 375 kbps 187.5 kbps Any E E/2 E/4 E/16 E/32 NOTE The SPRBYP bit in OPT2 on the MC68HC11FC0 allows the SPI baud rate counter to be bypassed. This permits a maximum master mode baud rate equal to the Eclock frequency on the MC68HC11FC0. SPRBYP is not present on the MC68HC11F1. SPSR — SPI Status Register RESET: $x029 Bit 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 Bit 0 SPIF WCOL 0 MODF 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 SPIF — SPI Transfer Complete Flag SPIF is set when an SPI transfer is complete. It is cleared by reading SPSR with SPIF set, followed by a read or write of SPDR. WCOL — Write Collision WCOL is set when SPDR is written while a transfer is in progress. It is cleared by reading SPSR with WCOL set, followed by a read or write of SPDR. 0 = No write collision 1 = Write collision Bit 5 — Not Implemented. Reads always return zero and writes have no effect. MODF — Mode Fault A mode fault terminates SPI operation. Set when SS is pulled low while MSTR = 1. MODF is cleared by reading SPSR read with MODF set, followed by a write to SPCR. 0 = No mode fault 1 = Mode fault Bits [3:0] — Not Implemented. Reads always return zero and writes have no effect. SPDR — SPI Data Register $x02A Bit 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 Bit 0 Bit 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 Bit 0 Incoming SPI data is double buffered. Outgoing SPI data is single buffered. MC68HC11F1/FC0 MC68HC11FTS/D MOTOROLA 51 OPT2 — System Configuration Option Register 2 $x038 Bit 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 Bit 0 GWOM CWOM CLK4X LIRDV — SPRBYP — — 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 RESET Bits [7:4] — See 4.3 System Initialization Registers, page 22. Bits 3, 1, 0 — Not implemented. Reads always return zero and writes have no effect. SPRBYP — SPI Baud Rate Counter Bypass 0 = Enable SPI baud rate counter 1 = Bypass SPI baud rate counter When the SPI baud rate counter is bypassed, the SPI can transmit at a maximum master mode baud rate equal to the E-clock frequency. SPRBYP is present only on the MC68HC11FC0 and overrides the setting of SPR[1:0] in SPCR. MOTOROLA 52 MC68HC11F1/FC0 MC68HC11FTS/D 11 Analog-to-Digital Converter The MC68HC11F1 analog-to-digital (A/D) converter system uses an all-capacitive charge-redistribution technique to convert analog signals to digital values. The A/D system is an 8-channel, 8-bit, multiplexedinput, successive-approximation converter, accurate to ±1 least significant bit (LSB). Because the capacitive charge redistribution technique used includes a built-in sample-and-hold, no external sampleand-hold is required. Dedicated lines VRH and VRL provide the reference supply voltage inputs. Systems operating at clock rates of 750 kHz or below must use an internal RC oscillator. The CSEL bit in the OPTION register selects the clock source for the A/D system. (The CSEL bit is described in 11.3 A/D Registers, page 56.) A multiplexer allows the single A/D converter to select one of 16 analog signals, as shown in Table 24. NOTE The A/D converter is present on the MC68HC11F1 only. PE0 AN0 VRH 8-BIT CAPACITIVE DAC WITH SAMPLE AND HOLD PE1 AN1 VRL PE2 AN2 SUCCESSIVE APPROXIMATION REGISTER AND CONTROL PE3 AN3 PE4 AN4 RESULT ANALOG MUX PE5 AN5 INTERNAL DATA BUS CA PE7 AN7 SCAN MULT CD CC CB CCF PE6 AN6 ADCTL A/D CONTROL RESULT REGISTER INTERFACE ADR1 A/D RESULT 1 ADR2 A/D RESULT 2 ADR3 A/D RESULT 3 ADR4 A/D RESULT 4 EA9 A/D BLOCK Figure 14 A/D Converter Block Diagram MC68HC11F1/FC0 MC68HC11FTS/D MOTOROLA 53 11.1 Input Pins Port E pins can also be used as digital inputs. Reads of port E pins are not recommended during the sample portion of an A/D conversion cycle, when the gate signal to the N-channel input gate is on. Because no P-channel devices are directly connected to either input pins or reference voltage pins, voltages above VDD do not cause a latchup problem, although current should be limited according to maximum ratings. Figure 15 is a functional diagram of an input pin. DIFFUSION/POLY COUPLER ANALOG INPUT PIN + ~20V – ~0.7V < 2 pF INPUT PROTECTION DEVICE * ≤ 4 KΩ + ~12V – ~0.7V ~ 20 pF 400 nA JUNCTION LEAKAGE DUMMY N-CHANNEL OUTPUT DEVICE DAC CAPACITANCE VRL * THIS ANALOG SWITCH IS CLOSED ONLY DURING THE 12-CYCLE SAMPLE TIME. Figure 15 Electrical Model of an Analog Input Pin (Sample Mode) 11.2 Conversion Sequence A/D converter operations are performed in sequences of four conversions each. A conversion sequence can be repeated continuously or stop after one iteration. The conversion complete flag (CCF) is set after the fourth conversion in a sequence to show the availability of data in the result registers. Figure 16 shows the timing of a typical sequence. Synchronization is referenced to the system E clock. MSB 4 CYCLES SAMPLE ANALOG INPUT 0 CONVERT FIRST CHANNEL, UPDATE ADR1 32 BIT 6 2 CYC BIT 5 2 CYC BIT 4 2 CYC BIT 3 2 CYC BIT 2 2 CYC BIT 1 2 CYC LSB 2 CYC 2 CYC END SUCCESSIVE APPROXIMATION SEQUENCE CONVERT SECOND CHANNEL, UPDATE ADR2 64 CONVERT THIRD CHANNEL, UPDATE ADR3 CONVERT FOURTH CHANNEL, UPDATE 96 ADR4 SET CC FLAG WRITE TO ADCTL 12 E CYCLES REPEAT SEQUENCE, SCAN = 1 E CLOCK 128 — E CYCLES Figure 16 A/D Conversion Sequence MOTOROLA 54 MC68HC11F1/FC0 MC68HC11FTS/D 11.3 A/D Registers ADCTL — A/D Control/Status RESET: $x030 Bit 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 Bit 0 CCF 0 SCAN MULT CD CC CB CA I 0 I I I I I I I = Indeterminate value CCF — Conversions Complete Flag A read-only status indicator, this bit is set when all four A/D result registers contain valid conversion results. Each time the ADCTL register is overwritten, this bit is automatically cleared to zero and a conversion sequence is started. In the continuous mode, CCF is set at the end of the first conversion sequence. Bit 6 — Not implemented. Reads always return zero and writes have no effect. SCAN — Continuous Scan Control 0 = Do four conversions and stop 1 = Convert four channels in selected group continuously MULT — Multiple Channel/Single Channel Control 0 = Convert single channel selected 1 = Convert four channels in selected group CD–CA — Channel Select D through A Refer to Table 24. When a multiple channel mode is selected (MULT = 1), the two least significant channel select bits (CB and CA) have no meaning and the CD and CC bits specify which group of four channels is to be converted. Table 24 A/D Converter Channel Assignments Channel Select Control Bits CD:CC:CB:CA Channel Signal Result in ADRx if MULT = 1 0000 AN0 ADR1 0001 AN1 ADR2 0010 AN2 ADR3 0011 AN3 ADR4 0100 AN4 ADR1 0101 AN5 ADR2 0110 AN6 ADR3 0111 AN7 ADR4 10XX Reserved ADR1–ADR4 1100 VRH1 ADR1 1101 VRL1 ADR2 1110 (VRH)/21 ADR3 1111 Reserved1 ADR4 NOTES: 1. Used for factory testing. MC68HC11F1/FC0 MC68HC11FTS/D MOTOROLA 55 ADR1 – ADR4 — A/D Results $x031 – $x034 $x031 Bit 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 Bit 0 ADR1 $x032 Bit 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 Bit 0 ADR2 $x033 Bit 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 Bit 0 ADR3 $x034 Bit 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 Bit 0 ADR4 Each read-only result register holds an eight-bit conversion result. Writes to these registers have no effect. Data in the A/D converter result registers is valid when the CCF flag in the ADCTL register is set, indicating a conversion sequence is complete. If conversion results are needed sooner, refer to Figure 16, which shows the A/D conversion sequence diagram. Table 25 Analog Input to 8-Bit Result Translation Table Bit 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 Bit 0 50% 25% 12.5% 6.25% 3.12% 1.56% 0.78% 0.39% 2.500 1.250 0.625 0.3125 0.1562 0.0781 0.0391 0.0195 1 Percentage 2 Volts NOTES: 1. % of VRH–VRL 2. Volts for VRL = 0; VRH = 5.0 V OPTION — System Configuration Options $x039 Bit 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 Bit 0 ADPU CSEL IRQE* DLY* CME FCME* CR1* CR0* 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 RESET: *Can be written only once in first 64 cycles out of reset in normal modes, or at any time in special modes. ADPU — A/D Power Up 0 = A/D powered down 1 = A/D powered up CSEL — Clock Select 0 = A/D and EEPROM use system E-Clock 1 = A/D and EEPROM use internal RC clock Bits [5:0] — Refer to 4.3 System Initialization Registers, page 23. MOTOROLA 56 MC68HC11F1/FC0 MC68HC11FTS/D 12 Main Timer The main timer is based on a free-running 16-bit counter with a four-stage programmable prescaler. The timer drives the three input capture (IC) channels, four output compare (OC) channels, one channel programmable for either IC or OC, and the pulse accumulator (PA). All of these functions share port A. The main timer also drives the pulse accumulator, real-time interrupt (RTI), and computer operating properly (COP) watchdog circuits. 12.1 Timer Operation The following tables summarize timing periods for various M68HC11 functions derived from the main timer for several crystal frequencies. Table 26 Timer Subsystem Count and Overflow Periods PR[1:0] = 00 PR[1:0] = 01 PR[1:0] = 10 PR[1:0] = 11 E-Clock Frequency 1 Count TCNT Overflow 1 Count TCNT Overflow 1 Count 1 MHz 1.000 µs 65.536 ms 4.000 µs 262.144 ms 8.000 µs 524.288 ms 16.000 µs 2 MHz 0.500 µs 32.768 ms 2.000 µs 131.072 ms 4.000 µs 262.144 ms 8.000 µs 524.288 ms 3 MHz 0.333 µs 21.845 ms 1.333 µs 87.381 ms 2.667 µs 174.763 ms 5.333 µs 349.525 ms 4 MHz 0.250 µs 16.384 ms 1.000 µs 65.536 ms 2.000 µs 131.072 ms 4.000 µs 262.144 ms 5 MHz 0.200 µs 13.107 ms 0.800 µs 52.429 ms 1.600 µs 104.858 ms 3.200 µs 209.715 ms 6 MHz 0.167 µs 10.923 ms 0.667 µs 43.691 ms 1.333 µs 87.381 ms 2.667 µs 174.763 ms Any E 1/E 216/E 4/E 218/E 8/E 219/E 16/E 220/E TCNT Overflow 1 Count TCNT Overflow 1.049 s Table 27 Real-Time Interrupt Periods E-Clock Frequency RTR[1:0] = 00 RTR[1:0] = 01 RTR[1:0] = 10 RTR[1:0] = 11 1 MHz 8.192 ms 16.384 ms 32.768 ms 65.536 ms 2 MHz 4.096 ms 8.192 ms 16.384 ms 32.768 ms 3 MHz 2.731 ms 5.461 ms 10.923 ms 21.845 ms 4 MHz 2.048 ms 4.096 ms 8.192 ms 16.384 ms 5 MHz 1.638 ms 3.277 ms 6.554 ms 13.107 ms 6 MHz 1.366 ms 2.731 ms 5.461 ms 10.923 ms Any E 213/E 214/E 215/E 221/E Table 28 COP Watchdog Time-Out Periods E-Clock Frequency RTR[1:0] = 00 RTR[1:0] = 01 RTR[1:0] = 10 RTR[1:0] = 11 1 MHz 32.768 ms 131.072 ms 524.288 ms 2.097 s 2 MHz 16.384 ms 65.536 ms 262.144 ms 1.049 s 3 MHz 10.923 ms 43.691 ms 174.763 ms 699.051 ms 4 MHz 8.192 ms 32.768 ms 131.072 ms 524.288 ms 5 MHz 6.554 ms 26.214 ms 104.858 ms 419.430 ms 6 MHz 5.461 ms 21.845 ms 87.381 ms 349.525 ms 217/E 219/E 221/E Any E MC68HC11F1/FC0 MC68HC11FTS/D 15/E 2 MOTOROLA 57 PRESCALER Divide by 1, 4, 8 or 16 E CLOCK PR1 TCNT (HI) TCNT (LO) TOI 16-BIT FREE RUNNING COUNTER TOF PR0 Interrupt Requests 16-BIT TIMER BUS OC1I (HI) TOC1 (LO) (HI) TOC2 (LO) (HI) TOC3 (LO) (HI) TOC4 (LO) 16-BIT COMPARATOR = OC5 I4O5F (HI) TI4O5 (LO) IC1I TIC2 (HI) TIC2 TIC3 (HI) TIC3 PA3 IC4/OC5 OC1 Bit 2 PA2 IC1 Bit 1 PA1 IC2 Bit 0 PA0 IC3 (LO) CLK 2 IC2F (LO) IC3I 16-BIT LATCH Bit 3 3 IC1F IC2I 16-BIT LATCH PA4 OC4/OC1 4 FOC5 CFORC (HI) TIC1 Bit 4 IC4 CLK I4/O5 TIC1 PA5 OC3/OC1 5 FOC4 I4O5I CLK Bit 5 OC4F 16-BIT COMPARATOR = 16-BIT LATCH PA6 OC2/OC1 6 FOC3 OC4I 16-BIT LATCH Bit 6 OC3F 16-BIT COMPARATOR = TI4O5 PA7 OC1 7 FOC2 OC3I TOC4 Bit 7 OC2F 16-BIT COMPARATOR = TOC3 PORT A Pins 8 FOC1 OC2I TOC2 To Pulse Accumulator OC1F 16-BIT COMPARATOR = TOC1 9 CLK IC3F 1 (LO) TFLG 1 Status Flags TMSK 1 Interrupt Enables Port A Pin Control (Note 1) IC/OC BLOCK NOTE: Registers that control port A action include DDRA, OC1M, OC1D, PACTL, TCTL1 and TCTL2. Figure 17 Main Timer MOTOROLA 58 MC68HC11F1/FC0 MC68HC11FTS/D 12.2 Timer Registers CFORC — Timer Force Compare RESET: $x00B Bit 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 Bit 0 FOC1 FOC2 FOC3 FOC4 FOC5 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 FOCx — Force Output Compare x Action 0 = Not affected 1 = Output compare x action occurs, but OCxF flag bit is not set Bits [2:0] — Not implemented. Reads always return zero and writes have no effect. OC1M — Output Compare 1 Mask RESET: $x00C Bit 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 Bit 0 OC1M7 OC1M6 OC1M5 OC1M4 OC1M3 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Bits set in OC1M allow OC1 to output the corresponding OC1D bits in port A when a successful compare event occurs. OC1M[7:3] — Output Compare Masks 0 = Control of the corresponding port A pin is disabled 1 = Control of the corresponding port A pin is enabled Bits [2:0] — Not implemented. Reads always return zero and writes have no effect. OC1D — Output Compare 1 Data RESET: $x00D Bit 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 Bit 0 OC1D7 OC1D6 OC1D5 OC1D4 OC1D3 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 OC1D[7:3] — Output Compare Data Data in OC1Dx is output to port A bit x on successful OC1 compares if OC1Mx is set. Bits [2:0] — Not implemented. Reads always return zero and writes have no effect. TCNT — Timer Count $x00E, $x00F $x00E Bit 15 14 13 12 11 10 9 Bit 8 High $x00F Bit 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 Bit 0 Low 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 RESET: The 16-bit read-only TCNT register contains the prescaled value of the 16-bit timer. A full counter read addresses the most significant byte (MSB) first. A read of this address causes the least significant byte to be latched into a buffer for the next CPU cycle so that a double-byte read returns the full 16-bit state of the counter at the time of the MSB read cycle. MC68HC11F1/FC0 MC68HC11FTS/D MOTOROLA 59 TIC1–TIC3 — Timer Input Capture $x010–$x015 $x010 Bit 15 14 13 12 11 10 9 Bit 8 High $x011 Bit 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 Bit 0 Low $x012 Bit 15 14 13 12 11 10 9 Bit 8 High $x013 Bit 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 Bit 0 Low $x014 Bit 15 14 13 12 11 10 9 Bit 8 High $x015 Bit 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 Bit 0 Low TICx registers are not affected by reset. TOC1–TOC4 — Timer Output Compare $x016–$x01D $x016 Bit 15 14 13 12 11 10 9 Bit 8 High $x017 Bit 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 Bit 0 Low $x018 Bit 15 14 13 12 11 10 9 Bit 8 High $x019 Bit 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 Bit 0 Low $x01A Bit 15 14 13 12 11 10 9 Bit 8 High $x01B Bit 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 Bit 0 Low $x01C Bit 15 14 13 12 11 10 9 Bit 8 High $x01D Bit 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 Bit 0 Low All TOCx register pairs are reset to ones ($FFFF). TI4/O5 — Timer Input Capture 4/Output Compare 5 $x01E, $x01F $x01E Bit 15 14 13 12 11 10 9 Bit 8 High $x01F Bit 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 Bit 0 Low TI4/O5 is reset to ones ($FFFF). TCTL1 — Timer Control 1 $x020 Bit 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 Bit 0 OM2 OL2 OM3 OL3 OM4 OL4 OM5 OL5 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 RESET: OM2–OM5 — Output Mode OL2–OL5 — Output Level Each OMx–OLx bit pair determines the output action taken on the corresponding OCx pin after a successful compare, as shown in Table 29. OC5 functions only if the I4/O5 bit in the PACTL register is cleared. MOTOROLA 60 MC68HC11F1/FC0 MC68HC11FTS/D Table 29 Output Compare Actions OMx OLx Action Taken on Successful Compare 0 0 Timer disconnected from output pin logic 0 1 Toggle OCx output line 1 0 Clear OCx output line to zero 1 1 Set OCx output line to one TCTL2 — Timer Control 2 RESET: $x021 Bit 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 Bit 0 EDG4B EDG4A EDG1B EDG1A EDG2B EDG2A EDG3B EDG3A 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 EDGxB, EDGxA — Input Capture Edge Control Each EDGxB, EDGxA pair determines the polarity of the input signal on the corresponding ICx that will trigger an input capture, as shown in Table 30. IC4 functions only if the I4/O5 bit in the PACTL register is set. Table 30 Input Capture Configuration EDGxB EDGxA 0 0 Capture disabled Configuration 0 1 Capture on rising edges only 1 0 Capture on falling edges only 1 1 Capture on any edge TMSK1 — Timer Interrupt Mask 1 RESET: $x022 Bit 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 Bit 0 OC1I OC2I OC3I OC4I I4/O5I IC1I IC2I IC3I 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Bits in TMSK1 correspond bit for bit with flag bits in TFLG1. Each bit that is set in TMSK1 enables the corresponding interrupt source. OCxI — Output Compare x Interrupt Enable If the OCxI enable bit is set when the OCxF flag bit is set, a hardware interrupt sequence is requested. I4/O5I — Input Capture 4/Output Compare 5 Interrupt Enable When I4/O5 in PACTL is one, I4/O5I is the input capture 4 interrupt enable bit. When I4/O5 in PACTL is zero, I4/O5I is the output compare 5 interrupt enable bit. ICxI — Input Capture x Interrupt Enable If the ICxI enable bit is set when the ICxF flag bit is set, a hardware interrupt sequence is requested. TFLG1 — Timer Interrupt Flag 1 RESET: $x023 Bit 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 Bit 0 OC1F OC2F OC3F OC4F I4/O5F IC1F IC2F IC3F 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Bits in TFLG1 are cleared by writing a one to the corresponding bit positions. MC68HC11F1/FC0 MC68HC11FTS/D MOTOROLA 61 OCxF — Output Compare x Flag Set each time the counter matches output compare x value. I4/O5F — Input Capture 4/Output Compare 5 Flag Set by IC4 or OC5, depending on which function was enabled by I4/O5 of PACTL. ICxF — Input Capture x Flag Set each time a selected active edge is detected on the ICx input line. TMSK2 — Timer Interrupt Mask 2 RESET: $x024 Bit 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 Bit 0 TOI RTII PAOVI PAII 0 0 PR1 PR0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Bits [7:4] in TMSK2 correspond bit for bit with flag bits in TFLG2. Setting any of these bits enables the corresponding interrupt source. TMSK2 can be written only once in the first 64 cycles out of reset in normal modes, or at any time in special modes. TOI — Timer Overflow Interrupt Enable 0 = Timer overflow interrupt disabled 1 = Interrupt requested when TOF is set RTII — Real-Time Interrupt Enable 0 = Real-time interrupt disabled 1 = Interrupt requested when RTIF is set Bits [5:4] — See 13.2 Pulse Accumulator Registers, page 64. Bits [3:2] — Not implemented. Reads always return zero and writes have no effect. PR[1:0] — Timer Prescaler Select Determines the main timer prescale factor as shown in Table 31. See Table 26 for specific frequencies. Table 31 Main Timer Prescale Control PR[1:0] Prescaler 00 1 01 4 10 8 11 16 TFLG2 — Timer Interrupt Flag 2 RESET: $x025 Bit 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 Bit 0 TOF RTIF PAOVF PAIF 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Bits in this register indicate when certain timer system events have occurred. Coupled with the four high-order bits of TMSK2, the bits of TFLG2 allow the timer subsystem to operate in either a polled or interrupt driven system. Each bit of TFLG2 corresponds to a bit in TMSK2 in the same position. Bits in TFLG2 are cleared by writing a one to the corresponding bit positions. TOF — Timer Overflow Flag Set when TCNT rolls over from $FFFF to $0000. MOTOROLA 62 MC68HC11F1/FC0 MC68HC11FTS/D RTIF — Real-Time Interrupt Flag Set periodically at a rate based on bits RTR[1:0] in the PACTL register. Bits [5:4] — See 13.2 Pulse Accumulator Registers, page 65. Bits [3:0] — Not implemented. Reads always return zero and writes have no effect. PACTL — Pulse Accumulator Control RESET: $x026 Bit 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 Bit 0 0 PAEN PAMOD PEDGE 0 I4/O5 RTR1 RTR0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Bit 7 — Not implemented. Reads always return zero and writes have no effect. Bits [6:4] — See 13.2 Pulse Accumulator Registers, page 65. Bit 3 — Not implemented. Reads always return zero and writes have no effect. I4/O5 — Configure TI4/O5 Register for IC or OC 0 = OC5 function enabled 1 = IC4 function enabled RTR[1:0] — RTI Interrupt Rate Selects These two bits select one of four rates for the real-time interrupt circuit, as shown in Table 32. Table 32 Real-Time Interrupt Periods E-Clock Frequency RTR [1:0] = %00 RTR [1:0] = 01 RTR [1:0] = 10 RTR [1:0] = 11 1 MHz 8.192 ms 16.384 ms 32.768 ms 65.536 ms 2 MHz 4.906 ms 8.192 ms 16.384 ms 32.768 ms 3 MHz 2.731 ms 5.461 ms 10.923 ms 21.845 ms 4 MHz 2.048 ms 4.096 ms 8.192 ms 16.384 ms 5 MHz 1.638 ms 3.277 ms 6.554 ms 13.107 ms 6 MHz 1.366 ms 2.731 ms 5.461 ms 10.923 ms 214/E 215/E 216/E Any E MC68HC11F1/FC0 MC68HC11FTS/D 2 13/E MOTOROLA 63 13 Pulse Accumulator The pulse accumulator can be used either to count events or measure the duration of a particular event. In event counting mode, the pulse accumulator’s 8-bit counter increments each time a specified edge is detected on the pulse accumulator input pin, PA7. The maximum clocking rate for this mode is the Eclock divided by two. In gated time accumulation mode, an internal clock increments the 8-bit counter at a rate of E-clock ÷ 64 while the input at PA7 remains at a predetermined logic level. 13.1 Pulse Accumulator Block Diagram 1 INTERRUPT REQUESTS PAIF PAOVF PAII PAOVI 2 TMSK2 TFLG2 INTERRUPT ENABLES STATUS FLAGS PAI EDGE E ÷ 64 CLOCK (FROM MAIN TIMER) PAEN 2:1 MUX INPUT BUFFER & EDGE DETECTION PA7/ PAI/OC1 OVERFLOW CLOCK PACNT 8-BIT COUNTER ENABLE OUTPUT BUFFER PEDGE PAEN FROM MAIN TIMER OC1 PAMOD PAEN PACTL FROM DDRA CONTROL INTERNAL DATA BUS Figure 18 Pulse Accumulator Block Diagram 13.2 Pulse Accumulator Registers TMSK2 — Timer Interrupt Mask 2 RESET: $x024 Bit 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 Bit 0 TOI RTII PAOVI PAII 0 0 PR1 PR0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Bits [7:4] in TMSK2 correspond bit for bit with flag bits in TFLG2. Setting any of these bits enables the corresponding interrupt source. MOTOROLA 64 MC68HC11F1/FC0 MC68HC11FTS/D Bits[7:6] — See 12.2 Timer Registers, page 62. PAOVI — Pulse Accumulator Overflow Interrupt Enable 0 = Pulse accumulator overflow interrupt disabled 1 = Interrupt requested when PAOVF in TFLG2 is set PAII — Pulse Accumulator Interrupt Enable 0 = Pulse accumulator interrupt disabled 1 = Interrupt requested when PAIF in TFLG2 is set Bits [3:2] — Not implemented. Reads always return zero and writes have no effect. Bits [1:0] — See 12.2 Timer Registers, page 62. TFLG2 — Timer Interrupt Flag 2 RESET: $x025 Bit 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 Bit 0 TOF RTIF PAOVF PAIF 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Bits in TFLG2 are cleared by writing a one to the corresponding bit positions. Bits [7:6] — See 12.2 Timer Registers, page 62. PAOVF — Pulse Accumulator Overflow Flag Set when PACNT rolls over from $FF to $00 PAIF — Pulse Accumulator Input Edge Flag Set each time a selected active edge is detected on the PAI input line Bits [3:0] — Not implemented. Reads always return zero and writes have no effect. PACTL — Pulse Accumulator Control RESET: $x026 Bit 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 Bit 0 0 PAEN PAMOD PEDGE 0 I4/O5 RTR1 RTR0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Bit 7 — Not implemented. Reads always return zero and writes have no effect. PAEN — Pulse Accumulator System Enable 0 = Pulse accumulator disabled 1 = Pulse accumulator enabled PAMOD — Pulse Accumulator Mode 0 = Event counter 1 = Gated time accumulation PEDGE — Pulse Accumulator Edge Control This bit has different meanings depending on the state of the PAMOD bit, as shown in Table 33. MC68HC11F1/FC0 MC68HC11FTS/D MOTOROLA 65 Table 33 Pulse Accumulator Edge Control PAMOD PEDGE Action on Clock 0 0 PAI falling edge increments the counter. 0 1 PAI rising edge increments the counter. 1 0 A zero on PAI inhibits counting. 1 1 A one on PAI inhibits counting. Bit 3 — Not implemented. Reads always return zero and writes have no effect. Bits [2:0] — See 12.2 Timer Registers, page 63. PACNT — Pulse Accumulator Count RESET: $x027 Bit 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 Bit 0 Bit 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 Bit 0 U U U U U U U U U = Unaffected by reset This eight-bit read/write register contains the count of external input events at the PAI input, or the accumulated count. The PACNT is readable even if PAI is not active in gated time accumulation mode. The counter is not affected by reset and can be read or written at any time. Counting is synchronized to the internal PH2 clock so that incrementing and reading occur during opposite half cycles. MOTOROLA 66 MC68HC11F1/FC0 MC68HC11FTS/D MC68HC11F1/FC0 MC68HC11FTS/D MOTOROLA 67 Motorola reserves the right to make changes without further notice to any products herein. Motorola makes no warranty, representation or guarantee regarding the suitability of its products for any particular purpose, nor does Motorola assume any liability arising out of the application or use of any product or circuit, and specifically disclaims any and all liability, including without limitation consequential or incidental damages. "Typical" parameters which may be provided in Motorola data sheets and/or specifications can and do vary in different applications. All operating parameters, including "Typicals" must be validated for each customer application by customer's technical experts. Motorola does not convey any license under its patent rights nor the rights of others. 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