Green Power Solutions srl Phone: +39-011-988 2251 Fax: +39-011-988 1358 Web: e-mail: Via Venezia 34D - 10088 Volpiano (TO), Italy GOA9xx14 THREE PHASE AC-SWITCH Fuse protection Temperature sensors Snubber for SCR's protections LINE VOLTAGE UP TO RMS OUTPUT CURRENT GOA95014 Line to line voltage Characteristic IRMS R.M.S. output current VINS (rms) Insulation voltage 500 V 500 V 1400 A GOA94014 400 V Conditions Cooling fans: 3 x W2S130-AA03 01 (EBM) @ Ta=40°C Value 1400 A 3000 V THYRISTOR TRIGGERING CHARACTERISTICS VGT Gate trigger voltage Tj = 25 °C, V D = 5 V 3 V IGT Gate trigger current Tj = 25 °C, V D = 5 V 300 mA FUSE TYPE SIBA 2068132.1250 VNF Rated voltage INF Rated current PVF Power loss I²t 690 V 1250 A At rated current Line voltage 500 V 136 W 2 1348 kA s MECHANICAL AND THERMAL CHARACTERISTICS Width 500 mm Depth 480 mm Height 320 mm Mass 60 kg Ta max Max ambient operating temperature 40 °C Tstg Storage temperature Document GOA9xx14T001 -40 / 125 °C 1400A AC SWITCH GOA9xx14 The part numbering system is reported at the beginning of the Open Assembly section. Customisations are available on request. Please contact factory. In the interest of product improvement Green Power Solutions reserves the right to change any specification given in this data sheet without notice. Document GOA9xx14T001 GOA9xx14 1400A AC SWITCH Blue 31 Y ellow-green Blue 0 Fan M 1Ph Fan M 1Ph MOTOR AC C7 U3 1 2 3 MOTOR AC C8 Brown Brown 1.5-2 uF V3 4 1.5-2 uF R 61 32 Fan Loss S 1 phase 220V 50-60 Hz 0.5-0.6 A 5 T Termoswitch 62 81 82 Fuses F1 F2 FUSE F3 FUSE FUSE K3 G3 K2 G2 K1 G1 T6 T4 T5 T3 T1 T2 K4 G4 K5 G5 K6 G6 U V W Cooling: Fan type: Number of fans: Voltage: Current: Frequency: Noise: single phase axial 2 230 V 0.4 A 50/60 Hz 62 dBA In the interest of product improvement Green Power Solutions reserves the right to change any specification given in this data sheet without notice. Document GOA9xx14T001