<SEm.L-Condu.ckoi ^Ptoducti, Une. 20 STERN AVE. SPRINGFIELD, NEW JERSEY 07081 USA MJE5740 MJE5741* MJE5742* Darlington Transistors 'Motorola Preferred Device The MJE5740, 41, 42 Darlington transistors are designed for high-voltage power switching in inductive circuits. They are particularly suited for operation in applications such as: POWER DARLINGTON TRANSISTORS 8 AMPERES 300, 350, 400 VOLTS 80 WATTS • Small Engine Ignition • Switching Regulators • Inverters • Solenoid and Relay Drivers • Motor Controls MAXIMUM RATINGS Rating Collector-Emitter Voltage Symbol MJE5740 MJE5741 MJE5742 Unit VCEO(SUS) 300 350 400 Vdc VCEV 600 700 800 Vdc Collector-Emitter Voltage Emitter Base Voltage Collector Current — Continuous — Peak(1) Base Current — Continuous — Peak(1) VEB 8 Vdc "c 'CM IB 'BM 8 16 Adc 2.5 5 Adc 2 16 Watts mW/°C 80 640 Watts mW/°C -65 to +150 °C Total Power Dissipation @ TA = 25°C Derate above 25°C PD Total Power Dissipation @ TC = 25°C Derate above 25°C PD Operating and Storage Junction Temperature Range Tj, Tstg (1) Pulse Test: Pulse Width = 5 ms, Duty Cycle = 10%. THERMAL CHARACTERISTICS Symbol Max Unit Thermal Resistance, Junction to Case RBJC 1.56 "C/W Thermal Resistance, Junction to Ambient R6JA 62.5 "C/W TL 275 °c Characteristic Maximum Lead Temperature for Soldering Purposes: 1/8" from Case for 5 Seconds ELECTRICAL CHARACTERISTICS f!"c = 25°C unless otherwise noted) Characteristic TO-220AB Symbol Min Typ vCEO(sus) 300 350 400 — — Collector Cutoff Current (VQEV = Rated Value, VgE(off) = 1 -5 Vdc) (VCEV = Rated Value, VBE(off) = 1 -5 vdc. TC = 1°°°C) !CEV —• — 5 Emitter Cutoff Current (VEB = 8 Vdc, Ic = 0) 'EBO — 75 OFF CHARACTERISTICS (2) Collector-Emitter Sustaining Voltage (1C = 50 mA, IB = 0) MJE5740 MJE5741 MJE5742 — | Max | Unit Vdc 1 mAdc mAdc SECOND BREAKDOWN Second Breakdown Collector Current with Base Forward Biased Clamped Inductive SOA with Base Reverse Biased (2) Pulse Test: Pulse Width = 300 us, Duty Cycle = 2%. IS/b RBSOA See Figure 6 See Figure 7 (continued) NJ Semi-Conductors reserves the right to change test conditions, parameter limits and package dimensions without notice. Information furnished by NJ Semi-Conductors is believed to be both accurate and reliable at the time of going to press. However, NJ Semi-Conductors assumes no responsibility for any errors or omissions discovered in its use. N.I Semi-Conductors entourages customers to verify that datasheets are current before placing orders. Ounlitv MJE574O MJE5741 MJE5742 ELECTRICAL CHARACTERISTICS — continued (Tc = 25°C unless otherwise noted) Characteristic Symbol Win Typ hFE 50 200 100 400 — 2 3 2.2 Vdc — — 2.5 3.5 2.4 Vdc — Vf — — 2.5 Vdc «d «r *s tf — — — 0.04 — — — — _. US 0.5 8 2 tsv tc — 4 — US — US Max Unit ON CHARACTERISTICS (1) DC Current Gain (lc = 0.5 Adc, VCE = 5 Vdc) (lc = 4 Adc, VCE = 5 Vdc) Collector-Emitter Saturation Voltage (lc = 4 Adc, IB = 0.2 Adc) (IC = 8Adc, IB = 0.4 Adc) (1C = 4 Adc, IB = 0.2 Adc, TC = 100°C) vCE(sat) Base-Emitter Saturation Voltage (lc = 4 Adc, IB = 0.2 Adc) (IC = 8 Adc, IB = 0.4 Adc) (lc = 4 Adc, IB = 0.2 Adc, TC = 100°C) vBE(sat) Diode Forward Voltage (2) (Ip = 5 Adc) — SWITCHING CHARACTERISTICS Typical Resistive Load (Table 1) Delay Time (VCc = 250 Vdc, lc(pk) = 6 A 'B1 ~ 'B2 U.^o A, tp ^s p.s, Duty Cycle < 1%) Rise Time Storage Time Fall Time (IS US US Inductive Load, Clamped (Table 1) Voltage Storage Time Crossover Time OC(pk) = 6 A, VCE(pk) = 250 Vdc IB1 = 6.06 A, VBE(off) = 5 Vdc) 2 — (1) Pulse Test: Pulse Width 300 us. Duty Cycle = 2%. (2) The internal Collector-to-Emitter diode can eliminate the need for an external diode to clamp inductive loads. Tests have shown that the Forward Recovery Voltage (Vf) of this diode is comparable to that of typical fast recovery rectifiers. TYPICAL CHARACTERISTICS s 100 ^ £ g § s SEC;OND BF WNDER ATING ,<J 80 \L DE ^ V 60 CD z THE i 40 N^ \\O "X^ ERATING \ LU Q \ X 20 \^ 20 40 60 80 100 120 TC, CASE TEMPERATURE (°C) Figure 1. Power Derating s 140 160 TIME Figure 2. Inductive Switching Measurements 0.2 0.5 1 2 5 lc, COLLECTOR CURRENT (AMPS) 1C, COLLECTOR CURRENT (AMPS) Figure 3. DC Current Gain Figure 4. Base-Emitter Voltage