MPC8280 PowerQUICC™ II Family Reference Manual Supports MPC8270 MPC8275 MPC8280 MPC8280RM Rev. 1, 12/2005 How to Reach Us: Home Page: email: USA/Europe or Locations Not Listed: Freescale Semiconductor Technical Information Center, CH370 1300 N. Alma School Road Chandler, Arizona 85224 (800) 521-6274 480-768-2130 Europe, Middle East, and Africa: Freescale Halbleiter Deutschland GmbH Technical Information Center Schatzbogen 7 81829 Muenchen, Germany +44 1296 380 456 (English) +46 8 52200080 (English) +49 89 92103 559 (German) +33 1 69 35 48 48 (French) Japan: Freescale Semiconductor Japan Ltd. Headquarters ARCO Tower 15F 1-8-1, Shimo-Meguro, Meguro-ku Tokyo 153-0064, Japan 0120 191014 +81 2666 8080 Information in this document is provided solely to enable system and software implementers to use Freescale Semiconductor products. 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Document Number: MPC8280RM Rev. 1, 12/2005 Part I—Overview Overview G2_LE Core Memory Map Part II—Configuration and Reset System Interface Unit (SIU) Reset Part III—The Hardware Interface External Signals 60x Signals The 60x Bus PCI Bridge Clocks and Power Control Memory Controller Secondary (L2) Cache Support IEEE 1149.1 Test Access Port Part IV—Communications Processor Module Communications Processor Module Overview Serial Interface with Time-Slot Assigner CPM Multiplexing Baud-Rate Generators (BRGs) Timers SDMA Channels and IDMA Emulation Serial Communications Controllers (SCCs) SCC UART Mode SCC HDLC Mode SCC BISYNC Mode SCC Transparent Mode SCC Ethernet Mode SCC AppleTalk Mode Universal Serial Bus Controller Serial Management Controllers (SMCs) Multi-Channel Controllers (MCCs) Fast Communications Controllers (FCCs) ATM Controller and AAL0, AAL1, and AAL5 ATM AAL1 Circuit Emulation Service ATM AAL2 Inverse Multiplexing for ATM (IMA) I 1 2 3 II 4 5 III 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 IV 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 I 1 2 3 II 4 5 III 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 IV 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 Part I—Overview Overview G2_LE Core Memory Map Part II—Configuration and Reset System Interface Unit (SIU) Reset Part III—The Hardware Interface External Signals 60x Signals The 60x Bus PCI Bridge Clocks and Power Control Memory Controller Secondary (L2) Cache Support IEEE 1149.1 Test Access Port Part IV—Communications Processor Module Communications Processor Module Overview Serial Interface with Time-Slot Assigner CPM Multiplexing Baud-Rate Generators (BRGs) Timers SDMA Channels and IDMA Emulation Serial Communications Controllers (SCCs) SCC UART Mode SCC HDLC Mode SCC BISYNC Mode SCC Transparent Mode SCC Ethernet Mode SCC AppleTalk Mode Universal Serial Bus Controller Serial Management Controllers (SMCs) Multi-Channel Controllers (MCCs) Fast Communications Controllers (FCCs) ATM Controller and AAL0, AAL1, and AAL5 ATM AAL1 Circuit Emulation Service ATM AAL2 Inverse Multiplexing for ATM (IMA) ATM Transmission Convergence Layer Fast Ethernet Controller FCC HDLC Controller FCC Transparent Controller Serial Peripheral Interface (SPI) I2C Controller Parallel I/O Ports 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 Register Quick Reference Guide Revision History A B Glossary Index GLO IND 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 ATM Transmission Convergence Layer Fast Ethernet Controller FCC HDLC Controller FCC Transparent Controller Serial Peripheral Interface (SPI) I2C Controller Parallel I/O Ports A B Register Quick Reference Guide Revision History GLO IND Glossary Index Contents Paragraph Number Title Page Number Contents About This Book Before Using this Manual—Important Note ................................................................ lxxxi Audience ....................................................................................................................... lxxxi Organization................................................................................................................. lxxxii Suggested Reading...................................................................................................... lxxxiv Conventions ................................................................................................................. lxxxv Acronyms and Abbreviations ..................................................................................... lxxxvi PowerPC Architecture Terminology Conventions...................................................... lxxxix Part I Overview Chapter 1 Overview 1.1 1.2 1.2.1 1.2.2 1.2.3 1.3 1.3.1 1.4 1.5 1.6 1.6.1 1.6.2 1.7 1.7.1 1.7.2 Features ............................................................................................................................ 1-1 Architecture Overview..................................................................................................... 1-5 G2_LE Core................................................................................................................. 1-6 System Interface Unit (SIU) ........................................................................................ 1-7 Communications Processor Module (CPM) ................................................................ 1-7 Software Compatibility Issues ......................................................................................... 1-8 Signals.......................................................................................................................... 1-8 Differences Between MPC860 and MPC8280 .............................................................. 1-10 Serial Protocol Table...................................................................................................... 1-10 MPC8280 Configurations .............................................................................................. 1-11 Pin Configurations ..................................................................................................... 1-11 Serial Performance..................................................................................................... 1-11 Application Examples.................................................................................................... 1-12 Communication Systems ........................................................................................... 1-12 Remote Access Server ........................................................................................... 1-13 Regional Office Router.......................................................................................... 1-14 LAN-to-WAN Bridge Router ................................................................................ 1-14 Cellular Base Station ............................................................................................. 1-15 Telecommunications Switch Controller ................................................................ 1-16 SONET Transmission Controller........................................................................... 1-17 Bus Configurations .................................................................................................... 1-17 Basic System.......................................................................................................... 1-17 MPC8280 PowerQUICC II Family Reference Manual, Rev. 1 Freescale Semiconductor vii Contents Paragraph Number Title Page Number High-Performance Communication....................................................................... 1-18 High-Performance System Microprocessor........................................................... 1-19 PCI ......................................................................................................................... 1-20 PCI with 155-Mbps ATM ...................................................................................... 1-20 The MPC8280 as PCI Agent ................................................................................. 1-21 Chapter 2 G2_LE Core 2.1 2.2 2.2.1 2.2.2 2.2.3 2.2.4 2.2.5 2.2.6 2.3 2.3.1 2.3.2 2.4 2.4.1 2.4.2 Overview.......................................................................................................................... 2-1 G2_LE Core Features ..................................................................................................... 2-3 Instruction Unit ............................................................................................................ 2-5 Instruction Queue and Dispatch Unit........................................................................... 2-5 Branch Processing Unit (BPU) .................................................................................... 2-6 Independent Execution Units....................................................................................... 2-6 Integer Unit (IU) ...................................................................................................... 2-6 Floating-Point Unit (FPU) ....................................................................................... 2-6 Load/Store Unit (LSU) ............................................................................................ 2-7 System Register Unit (SRU).................................................................................... 2-7 Completion Unit .......................................................................................................... 2-7 Memory Subsystem Support........................................................................................ 2-7 Memory Management Units (MMUs)..................................................................... 2-8 Cache Units.............................................................................................................. 2-8 Programming Model ........................................................................................................ 2-8 Register Set .................................................................................................................. 2-8 PowerPC Register Set.............................................................................................. 2-9 MPC8280-Specific Registers................................................................................. 2-11 Hardware Implementation-Dependent Register 0 (HID0) ................................ 2-11 Hardware Implementation-Dependent Register 1 (HID1) ................................ 2-14 Hardware Implementation-Dependent Register 2 (HID2) ................................ 2-14 Processor Version Register (PVR)..................................................................... 2-15 PowerPC Instruction Set and Addressing Modes ...................................................... 2-15 Calculating Effective Addresses............................................................................ 2-15 PowerPC Instruction Set........................................................................................ 2-16 MPC8280 Implementation-Specific Instruction Set.............................................. 2-17 Cache Implementation ................................................................................................... 2-18 PowerPC Cache Model.............................................................................................. 2-18 MPC8280 Implementation-Specific Cache Implementation..................................... 2-18 Data Cache............................................................................................................. 2-19 Instruction Cache ................................................................................................... 2-20 Cache Locking ....................................................................................................... 2-20 MPC8280 PowerQUICC II Family Reference Manual, Rev. 1 viii Freescale Semiconductor Contents Paragraph Number 2.5 2.5.1 2.5.2 2.6 2.6.1 2.6.2 2.7 2.8 Title Page Number Entire Cache Locking ........................................................................................ 2-20 Way Locking...................................................................................................... 2-20 Exception Model............................................................................................................ 2-21 PowerPC Exception Model........................................................................................ 2-21 Implementation-Specific Exception Model ............................................................... 2-22 Memory Management.................................................................................................... 2-25 PowerPC Memory Management................................................................................ 2-25 Implementation-Specific MMU Features .................................................................. 2-25 Instruction Timing.......................................................................................................... 2-26 Differences Between the MPC8280 G2_LE Embedded Core and the MPC603e............................................................................ 2-27 Chapter 3 Memory Map 3.1 Internal Memory Map...................................................................................................... 3-2 Part II Configuration and Reset Chapter 4 System Interface Unit (SIU) 4.1 4.1.1 4.1.2 4.1.3 4.1.4 4.1.5 4.2 4.2.1 4.2.2 4.2.3 4.2.4 4.3 System Configuration and Protection .............................................................................. 4-2 Bus Monitor ................................................................................................................. 4-3 Timers Clock................................................................................................................ 4-3 Time Counter (TMCNT).............................................................................................. 4-4 Periodic Interrupt Timer (PIT)..................................................................................... 4-5 Software Watchdog Timer ........................................................................................... 4-6 Interrupt Controller .......................................................................................................... 4-7 Interrupt Configuration................................................................................................ 4-8 Machine Check Interrupt ......................................................................................... 4-9 INT Interrupt............................................................................................................ 4-9 Interrupt Source Priorities............................................................................................ 4-9 SCC, FCC, and MCC Relative Priority ................................................................. 4-12 PIT, TMCNT, PCI, and IRQ Relative Priority ...................................................... 4-13 Highest Priority Interrupt....................................................................................... 4-13 Masking Interrupt Sources......................................................................................... 4-13 Interrupt Vector Generation and Calculation ............................................................. 4-14 Port C External Interrupts...................................................................................... 4-16 Programming Model ...................................................................................................... 4-17 MPC8280 PowerQUICC II Family Reference Manual, Rev. 1 Freescale Semiconductor ix Contents Paragraph Number 4.3.1 4.3.2 4.3.3 4.3.4 4.4 Title Page Number Interrupt Controller Registers .................................................................................... 4-17 SIU Interrupt Configuration Register (SICR)........................................................ 4-17 SIU Interrupt Priority Register (SIPRR)................................................................ 4-18 CPM Interrupt Priority Registers (SCPRR_H and SCPRR_L) ............................. 4-19 SIU Interrupt Pending Registers (SIPNR_H and SIPNR_L) ................................ 4-21 SIU Interrupt Mask Registers (SIMR_H and SIMR_L)........................................ 4-22 SIU Interrupt Vector Register (SIVEC) ................................................................. 4-24 SIU External Interrupt Control Register (SIEXR)................................................. 4-25 System Configuration and Protection Registers ........................................................ 4-26 Bus Configuration Register (BCR)........................................................................ 4-26 60x Bus Arbiter Configuration Register (PPC_ACR)........................................... 4-29 60x Bus Arbitration-Level Registers (PPC_ALRH/PPC_ALRL)......................... 4-30 Local Bus Arbiter Configuration Register (LCL_ACR) ....................................... 4-31 Local Bus Arbitration Level Registers (LCL_ALRH and LCL_ACRL) .............. 4-32 SIU Module Configuration Register (SIUMCR)................................................... 4-33 Internal Memory Map Register (IMMR)............................................................... 4-36 System Protection Control Register (SYPCR) ...................................................... 4-37 Software Service Register (SWSR) ....................................................................... 4-38 60x Bus Transfer Error Status and Control Register 1 (TESCR1) ........................ 4-39 60x Bus Transfer Error Status and Control Register 2 (TESCR2) ........................ 4-41 Local Bus Transfer Error Status and Control Register 1 (L_TESCR1)................. 4-42 Local Bus Transfer Error Status and Control Register 2 (L_TESCR2)................. 4-43 Time Counter Status and Control Register (TMCNTSC)...................................... 4-43 Time Counter Register (TMCNT) ......................................................................... 4-44 Time Counter Alarm Register (TMCNTAL) ......................................................... 4-45 Periodic Interrupt Registers ....................................................................................... 4-46 Periodic Interrupt Status and Control Register (PISCR) ....................................... 4-46 Periodic Interrupt Timer Count Register (PITC) ................................................... 4-47 Periodic Interrupt Timer Register (PITR).............................................................. 4-48 PCI Control Registers ................................................................................................ 4-48 PCI Base Register (PCIBRx)................................................................................. 4-49 PCI Mask Register (PCIMSKx) ............................................................................ 4-50 SIU Pin Multiplexing..................................................................................................... 4-50 Chapter 5 Reset 5.1 5.1.1 5.1.2 5.1.3 Reset Causes .................................................................................................................... 5-1 Reset Actions ............................................................................................................... 5-2 Power-On Reset Flow.................................................................................................. 5-2 HRESET Flow ............................................................................................................. 5-3 MPC8280 PowerQUICC II Family Reference Manual, Rev. 1 x Freescale Semiconductor Contents Paragraph Number 5.1.4 5.2 5.3 5.4 5.4.1 5.4.2 Title Page Number SRESET Flow.............................................................................................................. 5-3 Reset Status Register (RSR) ............................................................................................ 5-4 Reset Mode Register (RMR) ........................................................................................... 5-5 Reset Configuration ......................................................................................................... 5-6 Hard Reset Configuration Word .................................................................................. 5-8 Hard Reset Configuration Examples ......................................................................... 5-10 Single MPC8280 with Default Configuration ....................................................... 5-10 Single MPC8280 Configured from Boot EPROM ................................................ 5-10 Multiple MPC8280s Configured from Boot EPROM ........................................... 5-11 Multiple MPC8280s in a System with No EPROM .............................................. 5-13 Part III The Hardware Interface Chapter 6 External Signals 6.1 6.2 Functional Pinout ............................................................................................................. 6-1 Signal Descriptions .......................................................................................................... 6-2 Chapter 7 60x Signals 7.1 7.2 7.2.1 7.2.2 7.2.3 Signal Configuration........................................................................................................ 7-2 Signal Descriptions .......................................................................................................... 7-2 Address Bus Arbitration Signals.................................................................................. 7-3 Bus Request (BR)—Output ..................................................................................... 7-3 Address Bus Request (BR)—Output ................................................................... 7-3 Address Bus Request (BR)—Input...................................................................... 7-3 Bus Grant (BG)........................................................................................................ 7-4 Bus Grant (BG)—Input ....................................................................................... 7-4 Bus Grant (BG)—Output..................................................................................... 7-4 Address Bus Busy (ABB)........................................................................................ 7-5 Address Bus Busy (ABB)—Output..................................................................... 7-5 Address Bus Busy (ABB)—Input ....................................................................... 7-5 Address Transfer Start Signal ...................................................................................... 7-5 Transfer Start (TS) ................................................................................................... 7-5 Transfer Start (TS)—Output ................................................................................ 7-5 Transfer Start (TS)—Input....................................................................................... 7-6 Address Transfer Signals ............................................................................................. 7-6 Address Bus (A[0–31])............................................................................................ 7-6 MPC8280 PowerQUICC II Family Reference Manual, Rev. 1 Freescale Semiconductor xi Contents Paragraph Number 7.2.4 7.2.5 7.2.6 7.2.7 7.2.8 Title Page Number Address Bus (A[0–31])—Output......................................................................... 7-6 Address Bus (A[0–31])—Input ........................................................................... 7-7 Address Transfer Attribute Signals.............................................................................. 7-7 Transfer Type (TT[0–4]).......................................................................................... 7-7 Transfer Type (TT[0–4])—Output....................................................................... 7-7 Transfer Type (TT[0–4])—Input ......................................................................... 7-7 Transfer Size (TSIZ[0–3]) ....................................................................................... 7-7 Transfer Burst (TBST)............................................................................................. 7-8 Global (GBL)........................................................................................................... 7-8 Global (GBL)—Output........................................................................................ 7-8 Global (GBL)—Input .......................................................................................... 7-8 Caching-Inhibited (CI)—Output ............................................................................. 7-9 Write-Through (WT)—Output ................................................................................ 7-9 Address Transfer Termination Signals......................................................................... 7-9 Address Acknowledge (AACK) .............................................................................. 7-9 Address Acknowledge (AACK)—Output........................................................... 7-9 Address Acknowledge (AACK)—Input ........................................................... 7-10 Address Retry (ARTRY)........................................................................................ 7-10 Address Retry (ARTRY)—Output .................................................................... 7-10 Address Retry (ARTRY)—Input ....................................................................... 7-10 Data Bus Arbitration Signals ..................................................................................... 7-11 Data Bus Grant (DBG) .......................................................................................... 7-11 Data Bus Grant (DBG)—Input.......................................................................... 7-11 Data Bus Grant (DBG)—Output ....................................................................... 7-11 Data Bus Busy (DBB) ........................................................................................... 7-12 Data Bus Busy (DBB)—Output ........................................................................ 7-12 Data Bus Busy (DBB)—Input ........................................................................... 7-12 Data Transfer Signals................................................................................................. 7-12 Data Bus (D[0–63]) ............................................................................................... 7-13 Data Bus (D[0–63])—Output ............................................................................ 7-13 Data Bus (D[0–63])—Input............................................................................... 7-13 Data Bus Parity (DP[0–7])..................................................................................... 7-13 Data Bus Parity (DP[0–7])—Output ................................................................. 7-14 Data Bus Parity (DP[0–7])—Input .................................................................... 7-14 Data Transfer Termination Signals ............................................................................ 7-14 Transfer Acknowledge (TA) .................................................................................. 7-14 Transfer Acknowledge (TA)—Input ................................................................. 7-15 Transfer Acknowledge (TA)—Output............................................................... 7-15 Transfer Error Acknowledge (TEA)...................................................................... 7-16 Transfer Error Acknowledge (TEA)—Input ..................................................... 7-16 Transfer Error Acknowledge (TEA)—Output................................................... 7-16 MPC8280 PowerQUICC II Family Reference Manual, Rev. 1 xii Freescale Semiconductor Contents Paragraph Number Title Page Number Partial Data Valid Indication (PSDVAL) ............................................................... 7-16 Partial Data Valid (PSDVAL)—Input................................................................ 7-17 Partial Data Valid (PSDVAL)—Output ............................................................. 7-17 Chapter 8 The 60x Bus 8.1 8.2 8.2.1 8.2.2 8.3 8.3.1 8.3.2 8.4 8.4.1 8.4.2 8.4.3 8.4.4 8.4.5 8.5 8.5.1 8.5.2 8.5.3 8.5.4 8.5.5 8.5.6 8.6 8.7 8.7.1 Terminology..................................................................................................................... 8-1 Bus Configuration............................................................................................................ 8-2 Single-MPC8280 Bus Mode........................................................................................ 8-2 60x-Compatible Bus Mode.......................................................................................... 8-3 60x Bus Protocol Overview ............................................................................................. 8-4 Arbitration Phase ......................................................................................................... 8-5 Address Pipelining and Split-Bus Transactions........................................................... 8-6 Address Tenure Operations.............................................................................................. 8-7 Address Arbitration...................................................................................................... 8-7 Address Pipelining....................................................................................................... 8-8 Address Transfer Attribute Signals.............................................................................. 8-9 Transfer Type Signal (TT[0–4]) Encoding .............................................................. 8-9 Transfer Code Signals TC[0–2] ............................................................................. 8-12 TBST and TSIZ[0–3] Signals and Size of Transfer .............................................. 8-12 Burst Ordering During Data Transfers .................................................................. 8-13 Effect of Alignment on Data Transfers.................................................................. 8-14 Effect of Port Size on Data Transfers .................................................................... 8-15 60x-Compatible Bus Mode—Size Calculation ..................................................... 8-17 Extended Transfer Mode ....................................................................................... 8-18 Address Transfer Termination ................................................................................... 8-21 Address Retried with ARTRY ............................................................................... 8-21 Address Tenure Timing Configuration .................................................................. 8-23 Pipeline Control ......................................................................................................... 8-23 Data Tenure Operations ................................................................................................. 8-24 Data Bus Arbitration.................................................................................................. 8-24 Data Streaming Mode ................................................................................................ 8-25 Data Bus Transfers and Normal Termination ............................................................ 8-25 Effect of ARTRY Assertion on Data Transfer and Arbitration ................................. 8-26 Port Size Data Bus Transfers and PSDVAL Termination.......................................... 8-26 Data Bus Termination by Assertion of TEA.............................................................. 8-28 Memory Coherency—MEI Protocol ............................................................................. 8-29 Processor State Signals .................................................................................................. 8-30 Support for the lwarx/stwcx. Instruction Pair ........................................................... 8-31 MPC8280 PowerQUICC II Family Reference Manual, Rev. 1 Freescale Semiconductor xiii Contents Paragraph Number 8.7.2 8.8 Title Page Number TLBISYNC Input ...................................................................................................... 8-31 Little-Endian Mode........................................................................................................ 8-31 Chapter 9 PCI Bridge 9.1 9.2 9.3 9.4 9.5 9.6 9.7 9.8 9.9 9.9.1 9.9.2 9.10 Signals.............................................................................................................................. 9-3 Clocking........................................................................................................................... 9-3 PCI Bridge Initialization.................................................................................................. 9-3 SDMA Interface............................................................................................................... 9-3 Interrupts from PCI Bridge .............................................................................................. 9-4 60x Bus Arbitration Priority ............................................................................................ 9-4 60x Bus Masters............................................................................................................... 9-4 CompactPCI Hot Swap Specification Support ................................................................ 9-5 PCI Interface .................................................................................................................... 9-5 PCI Interface Operation ............................................................................................... 9-6 Bus Commands........................................................................................................ 9-6 PCI Protocol Fundamentals ..................................................................................... 9-7 Basic Transfer Control......................................................................................... 9-8 Addressing ........................................................................................................... 9-8 Byte Enable Signals............................................................................................. 9-9 Bus Driving and Turnaround ............................................................................... 9-9 Bus Transactions...................................................................................................... 9-9 Read and Write Transactions ............................................................................... 9-9 Transaction Termination .................................................................................... 9-11 Other Bus Operations ............................................................................................ 9-13 Device Selection ................................................................................................ 9-13 Fast Back-to-Back Transactions ........................................................................ 9-14 Data Streaming .................................................................................................. 9-14 Host Mode Configuration Access...................................................................... 9-15 Agent Mode Configuration Access ................................................................... 9-16 Special Cycle Command ................................................................................... 9-16 Interrupt Acknowledge ...................................................................................... 9-17 Error Functions ...................................................................................................... 9-17 Parity.................................................................................................................. 9-17 Error Reporting.................................................................................................. 9-18 PCI Bus Arbitration ................................................................................................... 9-19 Bus Parking............................................................................................................ 9-19 Arbitration Algorithm............................................................................................ 9-19 Master Latency Timer............................................................................................ 9-20 Address Map .................................................................................................................. 9-21 MPC8280 PowerQUICC II Family Reference Manual, Rev. 1 xiv Freescale Semiconductor Contents Paragraph Number 9.10.1 9.10.2 9.10.3 9.11 9.11.1 9.11.2 Title Page Number Address Map Programming ....................................................................................... 9-24 Address Translation ................................................................................................... 9-24 PCI Inbound Translation........................................................................................ 9-25 PCI Outbound Translation ..................................................................................... 9-26 SIU Registers ............................................................................................................. 9-26 Configuration Registers ................................................................................................. 9-27 Memory-Mapped Configuration Registers................................................................ 9-27 Message Unit (I2O) Registers................................................................................ 9-30 DMA Controller Registers..................................................................................... 9-30 PCI Outbound Translation Address Registers (POTARx) .................................... 9-30 PCI Outbound Base Address Registers (POBARx) .............................................. 9-31 PCI Outbound Comparison Mask Registers (POCMRx) ..................................... 9-32 Discard Timer Control Register (PTCR) .............................................................. 9-33 General Purpose Control Register (GPCR) .......................................................... 9-33 PCI General Control Register (PCI_GCR) ........................................................... 9-35 Error Status Register (ESR) .................................................................................. 9-35 Error Mask Register (EMR) ................................................................................. 9-37 Error Control Register (ECR) ............................................................................... 9-38 PCI Error Address Capture Register (PCI_EACR) .............................................. 9-39 PCI Error Data Capture Register (PCI_EDCR) .................................................... 9-40 PCI Error Control Capture Register (PCI_ECCR) ............................................... 9-40 PCI Inbound Translation Address Registers (PITARx) ........................................ 9-42 PCI Inbound Base Address Registers (PIBARx) .................................................. 9-42 PCI Inbound Comparison Mask Registers (PICMRx) .......................................... 9-43 PCI Bridge Configuration Registers ........................................................................ 9-45 Vendor ID Register ............................................................................................... 9-47 Device ID Register ............................................................................................... 9-47 PCI Bus Command Register ................................................................................. 9-47 PCI Bus Status Register ........................................................................................ 9-48 Revision ID Register ............................................................................................. 9-50 PCI Bus Programming Interface Register ............................................................ 9-50 Subclass Code Register ......................................................................................... 9-51 PCI Bus Base Class Code Register ....................................................................... 9-51 PCI Bus Cache Line Size Register ....................................................................... 9-52 PCI Bus Latency Timer Register .......................................................................... 9-52 Header Type Register ........................................................................................... 9-53 BIST Control Register .......................................................................................... 9-53 PCI Bus Internal Memory-Mapped Registers Base Address Register (PIMMRBAR) .................................................................................................. 9-53 General Purpose Local Access Base Address Registers (GPLABARx) .............. 9-54 Subsystem Vendor ID Register ............................................................................. 9-55 MPC8280 PowerQUICC II Family Reference Manual, Rev. 1 Freescale Semiconductor xv Contents Paragraph Number 9.12 9.12.1 9.12.2 9.12.3 Title Page Number Subsystem Device ID Register ............................................................................. 9-56 PCI Bus Capabilities Pointer Register .................................................................. 9-56 PCI Bus Interrupt Line Register ........................................................................... 9-57 PCI Bus Interrupt Pin Register ............................................................................. 9-57 PCI Bus MIN GNT ............................................................................................... 9-58 PCI Bus MAX LAT .............................................................................................. 9-58 PCI Bus Function Register ................................................................................... 9-59 PCI Bus Arbiter Configuration Register ............................................................... 9-60 PCI Hot Swap Register Block .............................................................................. 9-61 PCI Hot Swap Control Status Register ................................................................. 9-61 PCI Configuration Register Access from the Core ............................................... 9-62 PCI Configuration Register Access in Big-Endian Mode .................................... 9-62 Additional Information on Endianess ............................................................... 9-63 Notes on GPCR[LE_MODE] ........................................................................... 9-63 Initializing the PCI Configuration Registers ........................................................ 9-64 Message Unit (I2O) ....................................................................................................... 9-66 Message Registers...................................................................................................... 9-66 Inbound Message Registers (IMRx) ..................................................................... 9-67 Outbound Message Registers (OMRx) ................................................................. 9-67 Door Bell Registers ................................................................................................... 9-68 Outbound Doorbell Register (ODR) ..................................................................... 9-68 Inbound Doorbell Register (IDR) ......................................................................... 9-69 I2O Unit .................................................................................................................... 9-70 PCI Configuration Identification .......................................................................... 9-71 Inbound FIFOs ...................................................................................................... 9-71 Inbound Free_FIFO Head Pointer Register (IFHPR) and Inbound Free_FIFO Tail Pointer Register (IFTPR) .................................................... 9-72 Inbound Post_FIFO Head Pointer Register (IPHPR) and Inbound Post_FIFO Tail Pointer Register (IPTPR) .................................................... 9-73 Outbound FIFOs ................................................................................................... 9-75 Outbound Free_FIFO Head Pointer Register (OFHPR) and Outbound Free_FIFO Tail Pointer Register (OFTPR) .................................................. 9-75 Outbound Post_FIFO Head Pointer Register (OPHPR) and Outbound Post_FIFO Tail Pointer Register (OPTPR) ................................................... 9-76 I2O Registers.......................................................................................................... 9-78 Inbound FIFO Queue Port Register (IFQPR) ................................................... 9-78 Outbound FIFO Queue Port Register (OFQPR) ............................................... 9-79 Outbound Message Interrupt Status Register (OMISR) ................................... 9-80 Outbound Message Interrupt Mask Register (OMIMR) .................................. 9-81 Inbound Message Interrupt Status Register (IMISR) ....................................... 9-82 Inbound Message Interrupt Mask Register (IMIMR) ....................................... 9-83 MPC8280 PowerQUICC II Family Reference Manual, Rev. 1 xvi Freescale Semiconductor Contents Paragraph Number 9.13 9.13.1 9.13.2 9.14 9.14.1 Title Page Number Messaging Unit Control Register (MUCR) ...................................................... 9-84 Queue Base Address Register (QBAR) ............................................................ 9-85 DMA Controller............................................................................................................. 9-86 DMA Operation ......................................................................................................... 9-86 DMA Direct Mode................................................................................................. 9-87 DMA Chaining Mode ............................................................................................ 9-87 DMA Coherency.................................................................................................... 9-88 Halt and Error Conditions...................................................................................... 9-88 DMA Transfer Types ............................................................................................. 9-88 DMA Registers ...................................................................................................... 9-89 DMA Mode Registers 0–3 (DMAMRx) .......................................................... 9-89 DMA Status Registers 0–3 (DMASRx) ............................................................ 9-91 DMA Current Descriptor Address Registers 0–3 (DMACDARx) ................... 9-92 DMA Source Address Registers 0–3 (DMASARx) ......................................... 9-93 DMA Destination Address Registers 0–3 (DMADARx) ................................. 9-94 DMA Byte Count Registers 0–3 (DMABCRx) ................................................ 9-94 DMA Next Descriptor Address Registers 0–3 (DMANDARx) ....................... 9-95 DMA Segment Descriptors........................................................................................ 9-96 Descriptor in Big-Endian Mode............................................................................. 9-97 Descriptor in Little-Endian Mode.......................................................................... 9-98 Error Handling ............................................................................................................... 9-98 Interrupt and Error Signals ........................................................................................ 9-99 PCI Bus Error Signals............................................................................................ 9-99 System Error (SERR) ........................................................................................ 9-99 Parity Error (PERR)........................................................................................... 9-99 Error Reporting.................................................................................................. 9-99 Illegal Register Access Error ................................................................................. 9-99 PCI Interface........................................................................................................ 9-100 Address Parity Error ........................................................................................ 9-100 Data Parity Error.............................................................................................. 9-100 Master-Abort Transaction Termination ........................................................... 9-100 Target-Abort Error ........................................................................................... 9-101 NMI ................................................................................................................. 9-101 Embedded Utilities .............................................................................................. 9-101 Outbound Free Queue Overflow ..................................................................... 9-101 Inbound Post Queue Overflow ........................................................................ 9-101 Inbound DoorBell Machine Check.................................................................. 9-101 MPC8280 PowerQUICC II Family Reference Manual, Rev. 1 Freescale Semiconductor xvii Contents Paragraph Number Title Page Number Chapter 10 Clocks and Power Control 10.1 10.1.1 10.1.2 10.1.3 10.1.4 10.1.5 10.1.6 10.1.7 10.2 10.3 10.4 10.5 10.5.1 10.6 MPC8280 Clock Block Diagram ................................................................................... 10-1 Main PLL................................................................................................................... 10-1 Core PLL.................................................................................................................... 10-2 Skew Elimination....................................................................................................... 10-2 Dividers...................................................................................................................... 10-2 Internal Clock Signals................................................................................................ 10-2 PCI Bridge as an Agent Operating from the PCI System Clock ............................... 10-4 PCI Bridge as a Host Generating the PCI System Clock .......................................... 10-4 External Clock Inputs .................................................................................................... 10-5 PLL Pins ....................................................................................................................... 10-5 System Clock Control Register (SCCR)........................................................................ 10-6 System Clock Mode Register (SCMR).......................................................................... 10-7 Core PLL Configurations........................................................................................... 10-8 Clock Configuration Modes........................................................................................... 10-9 Chapter 11 Memory Controller 11.1 11.2 11.2.1 11.2.2 11.2.3 11.2.4 11.2.5 11.2.6 11.2.7 11.2.8 11.2.9 11.2.10 11.2.11 11.2.12 11.2.13 11.2.14 11.3 11.3.1 11.3.2 11.3.3 Features .......................................................................................................................... 11-3 Basic Architecture.......................................................................................................... 11-4 Address and Address Space Checking....................................................................... 11-7 Page Hit Checking ..................................................................................................... 11-8 Error Checking and Correction (ECC) ...................................................................... 11-8 Parity Generation and Checking ................................................................................ 11-8 Transfer Error Acknowledge (TEA) Generation ....................................................... 11-8 Machine Check Interrupt (MCP) Generation ............................................................ 11-9 Data Buffer Controls (BCTLx and LWR) ................................................................. 11-9 Atomic Bus Operation ............................................................................................... 11-9 Data Pipelining ......................................................................................................... 11-9 External Memory Controller Support ...................................................................... 11-10 External Address Latch Enable Signal (ALE) ......................................................... 11-10 ECC/Parity Byte Select (PBSE) .............................................................................. 11-10 Partial Data Valid Indication (PSDVAL) ..................................................................11-11 BADDR[27:31] Signal Connections ....................................................................... 11-12 Register Descriptions ................................................................................................... 11-12 Base Registers (BRx) ............................................................................................... 11-13 Option Registers (ORx) ........................................................................................... 11-15 60x SDRAM Mode Register (PSDMR) .................................................................. 11-20 MPC8280 PowerQUICC II Family Reference Manual, Rev. 1 xviii Freescale Semiconductor Contents Paragraph Number 11.3.4 11.3.5 11.3.6 11.3.7 11.3.8 11.3.9 11.3.10 11.3.11 11.3.12 11.3.13 11.3.14 11.4 11.4.1 11.4.2 11.4.3 11.4.4 11.4.5 11.4.6 11.4.7 11.4.8 11.4.9 11.4.10 11.4.11 11.4.12 11.4.13 11.5 11.5.1 Title Page Number Local Bus SDRAM Mode Register (LSDMR)........................................................ 11-24 Machine A/B/C Mode Registers (MxMR)............................................................... 11-26 Memory Data Register (MDR) ................................................................................ 11-28 Memory Address Register (MAR) .......................................................................... 11-29 60x Bus-Assigned UPM Refresh Timer (PURT)..................................................... 11-30 Local Bus-Assigned UPM Refresh Timer (LURT) ................................................. 11-30 60x Bus-Assigned SDRAM Refresh Timer (PSRT)................................................ 11-31 Local Bus-Assigned SDRAM Refresh Timer (LSRT) ............................................ 11-32 Memory Refresh Timer Prescaler Register (MPTPR) ............................................. 11-32 60x Bus Error Status and Control Registers (TESCRx) .......................................... 11-33 Local Bus Error Status and Control Registers (L_TESCRx) .................................. 11-33 SDRAM Machine ........................................................................................................ 11-33 Supported SDRAM Configurations......................................................................... 11-35 SDRAM Power-On Initialization ............................................................................ 11-35 JEDEC-Standard SDRAM Interface Commands .................................................... 11-35 Page-Mode Support and Pipeline Accesses............................................................. 11-36 Bank Interleaving .................................................................................................... 11-36 Using BNKSEL Signals in Single-MPC8280 Bus Mode.................................... 11-37 SDRAM Address Multiplexing (SDAM and BSMA)......................................... 11-37 SDRAM Device-Specific Parameters...................................................................... 11-38 Precharge-to-Activate Interval............................................................................. 11-39 Activate to Read/Write Interval ........................................................................... 11-39 Column Address to First Data Out—CAS Latency............................................. 11-40 Last Data Out to Precharge.................................................................................. 11-41 Last Data In to Precharge—Write Recovery ....................................................... 11-41 Refresh Recovery Interval (RFRC) ..................................................................... 11-42 External Address Multiplexing Signal................................................................. 11-42 External Address and Command Buffers (BUFCMD)........................................ 11-42 SDRAM Interface Timing ....................................................................................... 11-43 SDRAM Read/Write Transactions........................................................................... 11-46 SDRAM Mode-Set Command Timing .................................................................... 11-47 SDRAM Refresh...................................................................................................... 11-47 SDRAM Refresh Timing ......................................................................................... 11-48 SDRAM Configuration Examples ........................................................................... 11-48 SDRAM Configuration Example (Page-Based Interleaving).............................. 11-49 SDRAM Configuration Example (Bank-Based Interleaving) ................................. 11-50 General-Purpose Chip-Select Machine (GPCM)......................................................... 11-52 Timing Configuration .............................................................................................. 11-53 Chip-Select Assertion Timing ............................................................................. 11-54 Chip-Select and Write Enable Deassertion Timing ............................................. 11-55 Relaxed Timing.................................................................................................... 11-56 MPC8280 PowerQUICC II Family Reference Manual, Rev. 1 Freescale Semiconductor xix Contents Paragraph Number 11.5.2 11.5.3 11.5.4 11.6 11.6.1 11.6.2 11.6.3 11.6.4 11.6.5 11.6.6 11.7 11.8 11.8.1 11.8.2 11.9 11.9.1 11.9.2 11.9.3 11.9.4 11.9.5 Title Page Number Output Enable (OE) Timing ................................................................................ 11-58 Programmable Wait State Configuration ............................................................. 11-59 Extended Hold Time on Read Accesses .............................................................. 11-59 External Access Termination ................................................................................... 11-61 Boot Chip-Select Operation..................................................................................... 11-62 Differences Between the MPC8xx GPCM and MPC82xx GPCM .......................... 11-63 User-Programmable Machines (UPMs)....................................................................... 11-63 Requests ................................................................................................................... 11-65 Memory Access Requests.................................................................................... 11-66 UPM Refresh Timer Requests ............................................................................. 11-66 Software Requests—run Command .................................................................... 11-67 Exception Requests.............................................................................................. 11-67 Programming the UPMs .......................................................................................... 11-67 Clock Timing ........................................................................................................... 11-68 The RAM Array....................................................................................................... 11-70 RAM Words......................................................................................................... 11-71 Chip-Select Signals (CxTx) ............................................................................. 11-75 Byte-Select Signals (BxTx) ............................................................................. 11-76 General-Purpose Signals (GxTx, GOx) ........................................................... 11-77 Loop Control.................................................................................................... 11-77 Repeat Execution of Current RAM Word (REDO) ........................................ 11-77 Address Multiplexing .......................................................................................... 11-78 Data Valid and Data Sample Control................................................................... 11-78 Signals Negation.................................................................................................. 11-79 The Wait Mechanism ........................................................................................... 11-79 Extended Hold Time on Read Accesses ............................................................. 11-80 UPM DRAM Configuration Example ..................................................................... 11-80 Differences Between the MPC8xx UPM and MPC82xx UPM ............................... 11-81 Memory System Interface Example Using UPM ........................................................ 11-82 EDO Interface Example....................................................................................... 11-93 Handling Devices with Slow or Variable Access Times............................................ 11-101 Hierarchical Bus Interface Example ...................................................................... 11-101 Slow Devices Example .......................................................................................... 11-101 External Master Support (60x-Compatible Mode) .................................................... 11-101 60x-Compatible External Masters (non-MPC8280).............................................. 11-102 MPC8280 External Masters................................................................................... 11-102 Extended Controls in 60x-Compatible Mode ........................................................ 11-102 Address Incrementing for External Bursting Masters ........................................... 11-102 External Masters Timing........................................................................................ 11-103 Example of External Master Using the SDRAM Machine ............................... 11-105 MPC8280 PowerQUICC II Family Reference Manual, Rev. 1 xx Freescale Semiconductor Contents Paragraph Number Title Page Number Chapter 12 Secondary (L2) Cache Support 12.1 12.1.1 12.1.2 12.1.3 12.2 12.3 12.4 12.5 L2 Cache Configurations ............................................................................................... 12-1 Copy-Back Mode....................................................................................................... 12-1 Write-Through Mode ................................................................................................. 12-2 ECC/Parity Mode....................................................................................................... 12-4 L2 Cache Interface Parameters ...................................................................................... 12-6 System Requirements When Using the L2 Cache Interface.......................................... 12-7 L2 Cache Operation ....................................................................................................... 12-7 Timing Example............................................................................................................. 12-7 Chapter 13 IEEE 1149.1 Test Access Port 13.1 13.2 13.3 13.4 13.5 13.6 Overview........................................................................................................................ 13-1 TAP Controller............................................................................................................... 13-2 Boundary Scan Register................................................................................................. 13-3 Instruction Register........................................................................................................ 13-5 MPC8280 Restrictions ................................................................................................... 13-7 Nonscan Chain Operation .............................................................................................. 13-7 Part IV Communications Processor Module Chapter 14 Communications Processor Module Overview 14.1 14.2 14.3 14.3.1 14.3.2 14.3.3 14.3.4 14.3.5 14.3.6 14.3.7 14.3.8 14.3.9 14.3.10 Features .......................................................................................................................... 14-1 Serial Configurations ..................................................................................................... 14-3 Communications Processor (CP) ................................................................................... 14-4 CPM Performance Evaluation ................................................................................... 14-4 Features...................................................................................................................... 14-4 CP Block Diagram ..................................................................................................... 14-5 G2_LE Core Interface................................................................................................ 14-7 Peripheral Interface.................................................................................................... 14-7 Execution from RAM ................................................................................................ 14-8 RISC Controller Configuration Register (RCCR) ..................................................... 14-9 RISC Time-Stamp Control Register (RTSCR) ........................................................ 14-10 RISC Time-Stamp Register (RTSR) ........................................................................ 14-11 RISC Microcode Revision Number......................................................................... 14-11 MPC8280 PowerQUICC II Family Reference Manual, Rev. 1 Freescale Semiconductor xxi Contents Paragraph Number 14.4 14.4.1 14.4.2 14.4.3 14.5 14.5.1 14.5.2 14.6 14.6.1 14.6.2 14.6.3 14.6.4 14.6.5 14.6.6 14.6.7 14.6.8 14.6.9 14.6.10 Title Page Number Command Set............................................................................................................... 14-12 CP Command Register (CPCR)............................................................................... 14-12 CP Commands ..................................................................................................... 14-14 Command Register Example ................................................................................... 14-17 Command Execution Latency.................................................................................. 14-17 Dual-Port RAM............................................................................................................ 14-17 Buffer Descriptors (BDs)......................................................................................... 14-21 Parameter RAM ....................................................................................................... 14-21 RISC Timer Tables....................................................................................................... 14-23 RISC Timer Table Parameter RAM......................................................................... 14-23 RISC Timer Command Register (TM_CMD) ......................................................... 14-25 RISC Timer Table Entries........................................................................................ 14-25 RISC Timer Event Register (RTER)/Mask Register (RTMR) ................................ 14-25 set timer Command.................................................................................................. 14-26 RISC Timer Initialization Sequence ........................................................................ 14-26 RISC Timer Initialization Example ......................................................................... 14-27 RISC Timer Interrupt Handling ............................................................................... 14-27 RISC Timer Table Scan Algorithm.......................................................................... 14-27 Using the RISC Timers to Track CP Loading ......................................................... 14-28 Chapter 15 Serial Interface with Time-Slot Assigner 15.1 15.2 15.3 15.4 15.4.1 15.4.2 15.4.3 15.4.4 15.4.5 15.5 15.5.1 15.5.2 15.5.3 15.5.4 15.5.5 15.6 15.6.1 15.6.2 Features .......................................................................................................................... 15-3 Overview........................................................................................................................ 15-4 Enabling Connections to TSA ....................................................................................... 15-7 Serial Interface RAM..................................................................................................... 15-8 One Multiplexed Channel with Static Frames ........................................................... 15-9 One Multiplexed Channel with Dynamic Frames ..................................................... 15-9 Programming SIx RAM Entries .............................................................................. 15-10 SIx RAM Programming Example............................................................................ 15-14 Static and Dynamic Routing .................................................................................... 15-15 Serial Interface Registers ............................................................................................. 15-17 SI Global Mode Registers (SIxGMR) ..................................................................... 15-17 SI Mode Registers (SIxMR) .................................................................................... 15-17 SIx RAM Shadow Address Registers (SIxRSR) ..................................................... 15-24 SI Command Register (SIxCMDR)......................................................................... 15-24 SI Status Registers (SIxSTR)................................................................................... 15-25 Serial Interface IDL Interface Support ........................................................................ 15-25 IDL Interface Example ............................................................................................ 15-26 IDL Interface Programming..................................................................................... 15-29 MPC8280 PowerQUICC II Family Reference Manual, Rev. 1 xxii Freescale Semiconductor Contents Paragraph Number 15.7 15.7.1 15.7.2 Title Page Number Serial Interface GCI Support ....................................................................................... 15-30 SI GCI Activation/Deactivation Procedure ............................................................. 15-32 Serial Interface GCI Programming .......................................................................... 15-32 Normal Mode GCI Programming........................................................................ 15-32 SCIT Programming.............................................................................................. 15-33 Chapter 16 CPM Multiplexing 16.1 16.2 16.3 16.4 16.4.1 16.4.2 16.4.3 16.4.4 16.4.5 16.4.6 Features .......................................................................................................................... 16-2 Enabling Connections to TSA or NMSI ........................................................................ 16-3 NMSI Configuration ...................................................................................................... 16-4 CMX Registers .............................................................................................................. 16-7 CMX UTOPIA Address Register (CMXUAR) ......................................................... 16-7 CMX SI1 Clock Route Register (CMXSI1CR)....................................................... 16-12 CMX SI2 Clock Route Register (CMXSI2CR)....................................................... 16-13 CMX FCC Clock Route Register (CMXFCR) ........................................................ 16-13 CMX SCC Clock Route Register (CMXSCR) ........................................................ 16-16 CMX SMC Clock Route Register (CMXSMR) ...................................................... 16-19 Chapter 17 Baud-Rate Generators (BRGs) 17.1 17.2 17.3 BRG Configuration Registers 1–8 (BRGCx) ................................................................ 17-2 Autobaud Operation on a UART ................................................................................... 17-4 UART Baud Rate Examples .......................................................................................... 17-5 Chapter 18 Timers 18.1 18.2 18.2.1 18.2.2 18.2.3 18.2.4 18.2.5 18.2.6 18.2.7 Features .......................................................................................................................... 18-1 General-Purpose Timer Units ........................................................................................ 18-2 Cascaded Mode.......................................................................................................... 18-3 Timer Global Configuration Registers (TGCR1 and TGCR2).................................. 18-3 Timer Mode Registers (TMR1–TMR4)..................................................................... 18-5 Timer Reference Registers (TRR1–TRR4) ............................................................... 18-6 Timer Capture Registers (TCR1–TCR4) ................................................................... 18-7 Timer Counters (TCN1–TCN4)................................................................................. 18-7 Timer Event Registers (TER1–TER4)....................................................................... 18-7 MPC8280 PowerQUICC II Family Reference Manual, Rev. 1 Freescale Semiconductor xxiii Contents Paragraph Number Title Page Number Chapter 19 SDMA Channels and IDMA Emulation 19.1 19.2 19.2.1 19.2.2 19.2.3 19.2.4 19.3 19.4 19.5 19.5.1 19.5.2 19.5.3 19.5.4 19.6 19.7 19.7.1 19.7.2 19.8 19.8.1 19.8.2 19.8.3 19.8.4 19.8.5 19.9 SDMA Bus Arbitration and Bus Transfers .................................................................... 19-2 SDMA Registers ............................................................................................................ 19-3 SDMA Status Register (SDSR) ................................................................................. 19-3 SDMA Mask Register (SDMR)................................................................................. 19-4 SDMA Transfer Error Address Registers (PDTEA and LDTEA)............................. 19-4 SDMA Transfer Error MSNUM Registers (PDTEM and LDTEM) ......................... 19-4 IDMA Emulation ........................................................................................................... 19-5 IDMA Features .............................................................................................................. 19-5 IDMA Transfers............................................................................................................. 19-6 Memory-to-Memory Transfers .................................................................................. 19-6 External Request Mode.......................................................................................... 19-8 Normal Mode......................................................................................................... 19-9 Working with a PCI Bus ........................................................................................ 19-9 Memory to/from Peripheral Transfers ....................................................................... 19-9 Dual-Address Transfers ....................................................................................... 19-10 Peripheral to Memory ...................................................................................... 19-10 Memory to Peripheral ...................................................................................... 19-10 Single Address (Fly-By) Transfers ...................................................................... 19-10 Peripheral-to-Memory Fly-By Transfers ......................................................... 19-11 Memory-to-Peripheral Fly-By Transfers ......................................................... 19-11 Controlling 60x Bus Bandwidth .............................................................................. 19-11 PCI Burst Length and Latency Control ................................................................... 19-12 IDMA Priorities ........................................................................................................... 19-12 IDMA Interface Signals............................................................................................... 19-13 DREQx and DACKx ............................................................................................... 19-13 Level-Sensitive Mode.......................................................................................... 19-14 Edge-Sensitive Mode........................................................................................... 19-14 DONEx .................................................................................................................... 19-14 IDMA Operation.......................................................................................................... 19-14 Auto Buffer and Buffer Chaining ............................................................................ 19-15 IDMAx Parameter RAM ......................................................................................... 19-16 DMA Channel Mode (DCM)............................................................................... 19-18 Data Transfer Types as Programmed in DCM..................................................... 19-20 Programming DTS and STS ................................................................................ 19-20 IDMA Performance ................................................................................................. 19-22 IDMA Event Register (IDSR) and Mask Register (IDMR) .................................... 19-22 IDMA BDs............................................................................................................... 19-23 IDMA Commands........................................................................................................ 19-26 MPC8280 PowerQUICC II Family Reference Manual, Rev. 1 xxiv Freescale Semiconductor Contents Paragraph Number 19.9.1 19.9.2 19.10 19.10.1 19.11 19.12 19.12.1 19.12.2 19.12.3 Title Page Number start_idma Command............................................................................................... 19-26 stop_idma Command ............................................................................................... 19-26 IDMA Bus Exceptions................................................................................................. 19-27 Externally Recognizing IDMA Operand Transfers ................................................. 19-27 Programming the Parallel I/O Registers ...................................................................... 19-28 IDMA Programming Examples ................................................................................... 19-29 Peripheral-to-Memory Mode (60x Bus to Local Bus)—IDMA2 ............................ 19-29 Memory-to-Peripheral Fly-By Mode—IDMA3 ...................................................... 19-30 Memory-to-Memory (PCI Bus to 60x Bus)—IDMA1 ............................................ 19-32 Chapter 20 Serial Communications Controllers (SCCs) 20.1 20.1.1 20.1.2 20.1.3 20.1.4 20.2 20.3 20.3.1 20.3.2 20.3.3 20.3.4 20.3.5 20.3.6 20.3.7 20.3.8 Features .......................................................................................................................... 20-2 The General SCC Mode Registers (GSMR1–GSMR4) ............................................ 20-3 Protocol-Specific Mode Register (PSMR) ................................................................ 20-9 Data Synchronization Register (DSR)....................................................................... 20-9 Transmit-on-Demand Register (TODR) .................................................................. 20-10 SCC Buffer Descriptors (BDs) .................................................................................... 20-10 SCC Parameter RAM................................................................................................... 20-13 SCC Base Addresses................................................................................................ 20-14 Function Code Registers (RFCR and TFCR) .......................................................... 20-15 Handling SCC Interrupts ......................................................................................... 20-16 Initializing the SCCs................................................................................................ 20-16 Controlling SCC Timing with RTS, CTS, and CD.................................................. 20-17 Synchronous Protocols ........................................................................................ 20-17 Asynchronous Protocols ...................................................................................... 20-20 Digital Phase-Locked Loop (DPLL) Operation....................................................... 20-21 Encoding Data with a DPLL................................................................................ 20-23 Reconfiguring the SCCs .......................................................................................... 20-24 General Reconfiguration Sequence for an SCC Transmitter............................... 20-24 Reset Sequence for an SCC Transmitter.............................................................. 20-25 General Reconfiguration Sequence for an SCC Receiver ................................... 20-25 Reset Sequence for an SCC Receiver.................................................................. 20-25 Switching Protocols ............................................................................................. 20-25 Saving Power ........................................................................................................... 20-25 MPC8280 PowerQUICC II Family Reference Manual, Rev. 1 Freescale Semiconductor xxv Contents Paragraph Number Title Page Number Chapter 21 SCC UART Mode 21.1 21.2 21.3 21.4 21.5 21.6 21.7 21.8 21.9 21.10 21.11 21.12 21.13 21.14 21.15 21.16 21.17 21.18 21.19 21.20 21.21 21.22 Features .......................................................................................................................... 21-2 Normal Asynchronous Mode......................................................................................... 21-2 Synchronous Mode ........................................................................................................ 21-3 SCC UART Parameter RAM ......................................................................................... 21-3 Data-Handling Methods: Character- or Message-Based ............................................... 21-5 Error and Status Reporting............................................................................................. 21-5 SCC UART Commands ................................................................................................. 21-6 Multidrop Systems and Address Recognition ............................................................... 21-7 Receiving Control Characters ........................................................................................ 21-7 Hunt Mode (Receiver) ................................................................................................... 21-9 Inserting Control Characters into the Transmit Data Stream......................................... 21-9 Sending a Break (Transmitter)..................................................................................... 21-10 Sending a Preamble (Transmitter) ............................................................................... 21-10 Fractional Stop Bits (Transmitter) ............................................................................... 21-11 Handling Errors in the SCC UART Controller ............................................................ 21-12 UART Mode Register (PSMR).................................................................................... 21-13 SCC UART Receive Buffer Descriptor (RxBD) ......................................................... 21-15 SCC UART Transmit Buffer Descriptor (TxBD) ........................................................ 21-18 SCC UART Event Register (SCCE) and Mask Register (SCCM) .............................. 21-19 SCC UART Status Register (SCCS)............................................................................ 21-21 SCC UART Programming Example ............................................................................ 21-22 S-Records Loader Application..................................................................................... 21-23 Chapter 22 SCC HDLC Mode 22.1 22.2 22.3 22.4 22.5 22.6 22.7 22.8 22.9 22.10 22.11 22.12 SCC HDLC Features ..................................................................................................... 22-1 SCC HDLC Channel Frame Transmission .................................................................... 22-2 SCC HDLC Channel Frame Reception ......................................................................... 22-2 SCC HDLC Parameter RAM......................................................................................... 22-3 Programming the SCC in HDLC Mode......................................................................... 22-5 SCC HDLC Commands................................................................................................. 22-5 Handling Errors in the SCC HDLC Controller.............................................................. 22-6 HDLC Mode Register (PSMR)...................................................................................... 22-7 SCC HDLC Receive Buffer Descriptor (RxBD) ........................................................... 22-8 SCC HDLC Transmit Buffer Descriptor (TxBD)........................................................ 22-12 HDLC Event Register (SCCE)/HDLC Mask Register (SCCM) ................................. 22-13 SCC HDLC Status Register (SCCS)............................................................................ 22-15 MPC8280 PowerQUICC II Family Reference Manual, Rev. 1 xxvi Freescale Semiconductor Contents Paragraph Number 22.13 22.13.1 22.13.2 22.14 22.14.1 22.14.2 22.14.3 22.14.4 22.14.5 22.14.6 Title Page Number SCC HDLC Programming Examples .......................................................................... 22-16 SCC HDLC Programming Example #1................................................................... 22-16 SCC HDLC Programming Example #2................................................................... 22-18 HDLC Bus Mode with Collision Detection................................................................. 22-18 HDLC Bus Features................................................................................................. 22-20 Accessing the HDLC Bus ........................................................................................ 22-20 Increasing Performance ........................................................................................... 22-21 Delayed RTS Mode.................................................................................................. 22-22 Using the Time-Slot Assigner (TSA) ...................................................................... 22-23 HDLC Bus Protocol Programming.......................................................................... 22-23 Programming GSMR and PSMR for the HDLC Bus Protocol ........................... 22-23 HDLC Bus Controller Programming Example.................................................... 22-24 Chapter 23 SCC BISYNC Mode 23.1 23.2 23.3 23.4 23.5 23.6 23.7 23.8 23.9 23.10 23.11 23.12 23.13 23.14 23.15 23.16 23.17 Features .......................................................................................................................... 23-2 SCC BISYNC Channel Frame Transmission ................................................................ 23-2 SCC BISYNC Channel Frame Reception ..................................................................... 23-3 SCC BISYNC Parameter RAM ..................................................................................... 23-3 SCC BISYNC Commands ............................................................................................. 23-4 SCC BISYNC Control Character Recognition.............................................................. 23-5 BISYNC SYNC Register (BSYNC).............................................................................. 23-7 SCC BISYNC DLE Register (BDLE) ........................................................................... 23-8 Sending and Receiving the Synchronization Sequence ................................................. 23-9 Handling Errors in the SCC BISYNC ........................................................................... 23-9 BISYNC Mode Register (PSMR)................................................................................ 23-10 SCC BISYNC Receive BD (RxBD) ............................................................................ 23-12 SCC BISYNC Transmit BD (TxBD)........................................................................... 23-14 BISYNC Event Register (SCCE)/BISYNC Mask Register (SCCM).......................... 23-15 SCC Status Registers (SCCS)...................................................................................... 23-16 Programming the SCC BISYNC Controller ................................................................ 23-17 SCC BISYNC Programming Example ........................................................................ 23-18 Chapter 24 SCC Transparent Mode 24.1 24.2 24.3 24.4 Features .......................................................................................................................... 24-1 SCC Transparent Channel Frame Transmission Process............................................... 24-2 SCC Transparent Channel Frame Reception Process .................................................... 24-2 Achieving Synchronization in Transparent Mode ......................................................... 24-3 MPC8280 PowerQUICC II Family Reference Manual, Rev. 1 Freescale Semiconductor xxvii Contents Paragraph Number 24.4.1 24.4.2 24.4.3 24.5 24.6 24.7 24.8 24.9 24.10 24.11 24.12 24.13 24.14 Title Page Number Synchronization in NMSI Mode................................................................................ 24-3 In-Line Synchronization Pattern............................................................................ 24-3 External Synchronization Signals.......................................................................... 24-3 External Synchronization Example ................................................................... 24-4 Transparent Mode without Explicit Synchronization............................................ 24-5 Synchronization and the TSA .................................................................................... 24-5 Inline Synchronization Pattern .............................................................................. 24-5 Inherent Synchronization....................................................................................... 24-5 End of Frame Detection............................................................................................. 24-5 CRC Calculation in Transparent Mode.......................................................................... 24-6 SCC Transparent Parameter RAM................................................................................. 24-6 SCC Transparent Commands......................................................................................... 24-6 Handling Errors in the Transparent Controller .............................................................. 24-7 Transparent Mode and the PSMR.................................................................................. 24-8 SCC Transparent Receive Buffer Descriptor (RxBD) ................................................... 24-8 SCC Transparent Transmit Buffer Descriptor (TxBD)................................................ 24-10 SCC Transparent Event Register (SCCE)/Mask Register (SCCM)............................. 24-11 SCC Status Register in Transparent Mode (SCCS) ..................................................... 24-12 SCC2 Transparent Programming Example.................................................................. 24-13 Chapter 25 SCC Ethernet Mode 25.1 25.2 25.3 25.4 25.5 25.6 25.7 25.8 25.9 25.10 25.11 25.12 25.13 25.14 25.15 25.16 25.17 25.18 Ethernet on the MPC8280.............................................................................................. 25-1 Features .......................................................................................................................... 25-2 Connecting the MPC8280 to Ethernet ........................................................................... 25-4 SCC Ethernet Channel Frame Transmission ................................................................. 25-5 SCC Ethernet Channel Frame Reception....................................................................... 25-6 The Content-Addressable Memory (CAM) Interface.................................................... 25-6 SCC Ethernet Parameter RAM ...................................................................................... 25-7 Programming the Ethernet Controller............................................................................ 25-9 SCC Ethernet Commands .............................................................................................. 25-9 SCC Ethernet Address Recognition............................................................................. 25-11 Hash Table Algorithm.................................................................................................. 25-12 Interpacket Gap Time................................................................................................... 25-12 Handling Collisions ..................................................................................................... 25-12 Internal and External Loopback................................................................................... 25-13 Full-Duplex Ethernet Support...................................................................................... 25-13 Handling Errors in the Ethernet Controller.................................................................. 25-13 Ethernet Mode Register (PSMR) ................................................................................. 25-14 SCC Ethernet Receive BD ........................................................................................... 25-16 MPC8280 PowerQUICC II Family Reference Manual, Rev. 1 xxviii Freescale Semiconductor Contents Paragraph Number 25.19 25.20 25.21 Title Page Number SCC Ethernet Transmit Buffer Descriptor................................................................... 25-18 SCC Ethernet Event Register (SCCE)/Mask Register (SCCM) .................................. 25-20 SCC Ethernet Programming Example ......................................................................... 25-22 Chapter 26 SCC AppleTalk Mode 26.1 26.2 26.3 26.4 26.4.1 26.4.2 26.4.3 26.4.4 Operating the LocalTalk Bus ......................................................................................... 26-1 Features .......................................................................................................................... 26-2 Connecting to AppleTalk ............................................................................................... 26-2 Programming the SCC in AppleTalk Mode................................................................... 26-3 Programming the GSMR ........................................................................................... 26-3 Programming the PSMR............................................................................................ 26-4 Programming the TODR............................................................................................ 26-4 SCC AppleTalk Programming Example.................................................................... 26-4 Chapter 27 Universal Serial Bus Controller 27.1 27.2 27.2.1 27.3 27.3.1 27.4 27.4.1 27.5 27.5.1 27.5.2 27.5.3 27.5.4 27.5.5 27.5.6 27.5.7 USB Integration in the MPC8280.................................................................................. 27-1 Overview........................................................................................................................ 27-1 USB Controller Key Features .................................................................................... 27-2 Host Controller Limitations ........................................................................................... 27-2 USB Controller Pin Functions and Clocking............................................................. 27-2 USB Function Description............................................................................................. 27-4 USB Function Controller Transmit/Receive.............................................................. 27-5 USB Host Description ................................................................................................... 27-7 USB Host Controller Transmit/Receive .................................................................... 27-8 Packet-Level Interface ........................................................................................... 27-9 Transaction-Level Interface ................................................................................... 27-9 SOF Transmission for USB Host Controller ........................................................... 27-12 USB Function and Host Parameter RAM Memory Map......................................... 27-12 Endpoint Parameters Block Pointer (EPxPTR) ....................................................... 27-13 Frame Number (FRAME_N)................................................................................... 27-15 USB Function Code Registers (RFCR and TFCR) ................................................. 27-16 USB Function Programming Model ........................................................................ 27-17 USB Mode Register (USMOD)........................................................................... 27-17 USB Slave Address Register (USADR) .............................................................. 27-18 USB Endpoint Registers (USEP1–USEP4)......................................................... 27-18 USB Command Register (USCOM).................................................................... 27-20 USB Event Register (USBER) ............................................................................ 27-20 MPC8280 PowerQUICC II Family Reference Manual, Rev. 1 Freescale Semiconductor xxix Contents Paragraph Number 27.6 27.6.1 27.6.2 27.6.3 27.6.4 27.7 27.7.1 27.7.2 27.8 27.9 27.10 27.10.1 27.11 27.11.1 Title Page Number USB Mask Register (USBMR)............................................................................ 27-21 USB Status Register (USBS)............................................................................... 27-21 USB Start of Frame Timer (USSFT) ................................................................... 27-22 USB Buffer Descriptor Ring........................................................................................ 27-22 USB Receive Buffer Descriptor (Rx BD) for Host and Function ........................... 27-24 USB Transmit Buffer Descriptor (Tx BD) for Function.......................................... 27-26 USB Transmit Buffer Descriptor (Tx BD) for Host ................................................ 27-27 USB Transaction Buffer Descriptor (TrBD) for Host.............................................. 27-29 USB CP Commands..................................................................................................... 27-32 STOP Tx Command................................................................................................. 27-32 RESTART Tx Command ......................................................................................... 27-33 USB Controller Errors ................................................................................................. 27-33 USB Function Controller Initialization Example ........................................................ 27-34 Programming the USB Host Controller (Packet-Level) .............................................. 27-35 USB Host Controller Initialization Example ........................................................... 27-35 Programming the USB Host Controller (Transaction-Level) ...................................... 27-37 USB Host Controller Initialization Example ........................................................... 27-37 Chapter 28 Serial Management Controllers (SMCs) 28.1 28.2 28.2.1 28.2.2 28.2.3 28.2.4 28.2.5 28.2.6 28.3 28.3.1 28.3.2 28.3.3 28.3.4 28.3.5 Features .......................................................................................................................... 28-2 Common SMC Settings and Configurations ................................................................. 28-2 SMC Mode Registers (SMCMR1/SMCMR2)........................................................... 28-2 SMC Buffer Descriptor Operation............................................................................. 28-4 SMC Parameter RAM................................................................................................ 28-5 SMC Function Code Registers (RFCR/TFCR) ..................................................... 28-8 Disabling SMCs On-the-Fly ...................................................................................... 28-8 SMC Transmitter Full Sequence............................................................................ 28-9 SMC Transmitter Shortcut Sequence .................................................................... 28-9 SMC Receiver Full Sequence................................................................................ 28-9 SMC Receiver Shortcut Sequence......................................................................... 28-9 Switching Protocols ............................................................................................... 28-9 Saving Power ........................................................................................................... 28-10 Handling Interrupts in the SMC............................................................................... 28-10 SMC in UART Mode ................................................................................................... 28-10 Features.................................................................................................................... 28-11 SMC UART Channel Transmission Process ........................................................... 28-11 SMC UART Channel Reception Process................................................................. 28-11 Programming the SMC UART Controller ............................................................... 28-11 SMC UART Transmit and Receive Commands ...................................................... 28-12 MPC8280 PowerQUICC II Family Reference Manual, Rev. 1 xxx Freescale Semiconductor Contents Paragraph Number 28.3.6 28.3.7 28.3.8 28.3.9 28.3.10 28.3.11 28.3.12 28.4 28.4.1 28.4.2 28.4.3 28.4.4 28.4.5 28.4.6 28.4.7 28.4.8 28.4.9 28.4.10 28.4.11 28.5 28.5.1 28.5.2 28.5.3 28.5.4 28.5.5 28.5.6 28.5.7 28.5.8 28.5.9 Title Page Number Sending a Break ....................................................................................................... 28-12 Sending a Preamble ................................................................................................. 28-13 Handling Errors in the SMC UART Controller ....................................................... 28-13 SMC UART RxBD .................................................................................................. 28-14 SMC UART TxBD .................................................................................................. 28-17 SMC UART Event Register (SMCE)/Mask Register (SMCM) .............................. 28-18 SMC UART Controller Programming Example...................................................... 28-19 SMC in Transparent Mode........................................................................................... 28-20 Features.................................................................................................................... 28-20 SMC Transparent Channel Transmission Process ................................................... 28-21 SMC Transparent Channel Reception Process ........................................................ 28-21 Using SMSYN for Synchronization ........................................................................ 28-22 Using the Time-Slot Assigner (TSA) for Synchronization...................................... 28-23 SMC Transparent Commands.................................................................................. 28-25 Handling Errors in the SMC Transparent Controller............................................... 28-25 SMC Transparent RxBD.......................................................................................... 28-26 SMC Transparent TxBD .......................................................................................... 28-27 SMC Transparent Event Register (SMCE)/Mask Register (SMCM)...................... 28-28 SMC Transparent NMSI Programming Example.................................................... 28-29 The SMC in GCI Mode ............................................................................................... 28-30 SMC GCI Parameter RAM...................................................................................... 28-30 Handling the GCI Monitor Channel ........................................................................ 28-31 SMC GCI Monitor Channel Transmission Process ............................................. 28-31 SMC GCI Monitor Channel Reception Process .................................................. 28-31 Handling the GCI C/I Channel ................................................................................ 28-31 SMC GCI C/I Channel Transmission Process ..................................................... 28-31 SMC GCI C/I Channel Reception Process .......................................................... 28-32 SMC GCI Commands.............................................................................................. 28-32 SMC GCI Monitor Channel RxBD ......................................................................... 28-32 SMC GCI Monitor Channel TxBD.......................................................................... 28-33 SMC GCI C/I Channel RxBD ................................................................................. 28-33 SMC GCI C/I Channel TxBD.................................................................................. 28-34 SMC GCI Event Register (SMCE)/Mask Register (SMCM).................................. 28-34 Chapter 29 Multi-Channel Controllers (MCCs) 29.1 29.1.1 29.2 29.3 MCC Operation Overview............................................................................................. 29-2 MCC Data Structure Organization............................................................................. 29-2 Global MCC Parameters ................................................................................................ 29-4 Channel-Specific Parameters ......................................................................................... 29-5 MPC8280 PowerQUICC II Family Reference Manual, Rev. 1 Freescale Semiconductor xxxi Contents Paragraph Number 29.3.1 29.3.2 29.3.3 29.3.4 29.4 29.5 29.5.1 29.5.2 29.5.3 29.5.4 29.6 29.7 29.8 29.8.1 Title Page Number Channel-Specific HDLC Parameters ......................................................................... 29-5 Internal Transmitter State (TSTATE)—HDLC Mode ........................................... 29-7 Interrupt Mask (INTMSK)—HDLC Mode ........................................................... 29-8 Channel Mode Register (CHAMR)—HDLC Mode.............................................. 29-8 Internal Receiver State (RSTATE)—HDLC Mode ............................................. 29-10 Channel-Specific Transparent Parameters ............................................................... 29-11 Internal Transmitter State (TSTATE)—Transparent Mode ................................. 29-12 Interrupt Mask (INTMSK)—Transparent Mode ................................................. 29-12 Channel Mode Register (CHAMR)—Transparent Mode.................................... 29-12 Internal Receiver State (RSTATE)—Transparent Mode ..................................... 29-14 MCC Parameters for AAL1 CES Usage.................................................................. 29-14 Channel-Specific Parameters—AAL1 CES ........................................................ 29-14 Interrupt Circular Table Entry and Interrupt Mask (INTMSK) —AAL1 CES............................................................................ 29-15 Channel Mode Register (CHAMR)—AAL1 CES .............................................. 29-15 Channel-Specific SS7 Parameters ........................................................................... 29-17 Extended Channel Mode Register (ECHAMR)—SS7 Mode.............................. 29-20 Signal Unit Error Monitor (SUERM)—SS7 Mode ............................................. 29-22 SUERM in Japanese SS7................................................................................. 29-23 SS7 Configuration Register—SS7 Mode ............................................................ 29-23 AERM Implementation ................................................................................... 29-24 AERM in Japanese SS7................................................................................... 29-24 Disabling SUERM ........................................................................................... 29-25 SU Filtering—SS7 Mode..................................................................................... 29-25 Comparison Mask............................................................................................ 29-25 Comparison State Machine.............................................................................. 29-25 Filtering Limitations ........................................................................................ 29-26 Resetting the SU Filtering Mechanism............................................................ 29-26 Octet Counting Mode—SS7 Mode...................................................................... 29-27 Channel Extra Parameters............................................................................................ 29-27 Superchannels .............................................................................................................. 29-28 Superchannel Table.................................................................................................. 29-28 Superchannels and Receiving .................................................................................. 29-29 Transparent Slot Synchronization............................................................................ 29-29 Superchannelling Programming Examples.............................................................. 29-29 MCC Configuration Registers (MCCFx) .................................................................... 29-32 MCC Commands ......................................................................................................... 29-33 MCC Exceptions.......................................................................................................... 29-34 MCC Event Register (MCCE)/Mask Register (MCCM) ........................................ 29-36 Interrupt Circular Table Entry ............................................................................. 29-37 Global Transmitter Underrun (GUN) .................................................................. 29-38 MPC8280 PowerQUICC II Family Reference Manual, Rev. 1 xxxii Freescale Semiconductor Contents Paragraph Number 29.9 29.9.1 29.9.2 29.10 29.10.1 29.10.2 29.11 Title Page Number TDM Clock...................................................................................................... 29-39 Synchronization Pulse ..................................................................................... 29-39 SIRAM Programming...................................................................................... 29-39 MCC Initialization........................................................................................... 29-40 CPM Bandwidth .............................................................................................. 29-40 CPM Priority.................................................................................................... 29-40 Bus Latency ..................................................................................................... 29-41 Recovery from GUN Errors................................................................................. 29-41 Global Overrun (GOV)........................................................................................ 29-41 MCC Buffer Descriptors.............................................................................................. 29-41 Receive Buffer Descriptor (RxBD) ......................................................................... 29-42 Transmit Buffer Descriptor (TxBD) ........................................................................ 29-44 MCC Initialization and Start/Stop Sequence ............................................................... 29-46 Stopping and Restarting a Single-Channel .............................................................. 29-47 Stopping and Restarting a Superchannel ................................................................. 29-47 MCC Latency and Performance .................................................................................. 29-48 Chapter 30 Fast Communications Controllers (FCCs) 30.1 30.2 30.2.1 30.3 30.4 30.5 30.6 30.7 30.7.1 30.8 30.8.1 30.8.2 30.8.3 30.9 30.10 30.10.1 30.11 30.12 Overview........................................................................................................................ 30-1 General FCC Mode Registers (GFMRx) ....................................................................... 30-3 General FCC Expansion Mode Register (GFEMR) .................................................. 30-7 FCC Protocol-Specific Mode Registers (FPSMRx) ...................................................... 30-8 FCC Data Synchronization Registers (FDSRx)............................................................. 30-8 FCC Transmit-on-Demand Registers (FTODRx).......................................................... 30-9 FCC Buffer Descriptors ............................................................................................... 30-10 FCC Parameter RAM................................................................................................... 30-12 FCC Function Code Registers (FCRx) .................................................................... 30-14 Interrupts from the FCCs ............................................................................................. 30-14 FCC Event Registers (FCCEx) ................................................................................ 30-15 FCC Mask Registers (FCCMx) ............................................................................... 30-15 FCC Status Registers (FCCSx)................................................................................ 30-15 FCC Initialization ........................................................................................................ 30-15 FCC Interrupt Handling ............................................................................................... 30-16 FCC Transmit Errors................................................................................................ 30-16 Re-Initialization Procedure.................................................................................. 30-17 Recovery Sequence.............................................................................................. 30-17 Adjusting Transmitter BD Handling.................................................................... 30-17 FCC Timing Control .................................................................................................... 30-17 Disabling the FCCs On-the-Fly ................................................................................... 30-20 MPC8280 PowerQUICC II Family Reference Manual, Rev. 1 Freescale Semiconductor xxxiii Contents Paragraph Number 30.12.1 30.12.2 30.12.3 30.12.4 30.12.5 30.13 Title Page Number FCC Transmitter Full Sequence............................................................................... 30-21 FCC Transmitter Shortcut Sequence ....................................................................... 30-21 FCC Receiver Full Sequence................................................................................... 30-21 FCC Receiver Shortcut Sequence............................................................................ 30-21 Switching Protocols ................................................................................................. 30-22 Saving Power ............................................................................................................... 30-22 Chapter 31 ATM Controller and AAL0, AAL1, and AAL5 31.1 31.2 31.2.1 31.2.2 31.2.3 31.2.4 31.3 31.3.1 31.3.2 31.3.3 31.3.4 31.3.5 Features .......................................................................................................................... 31-1 ATM Controller Overview............................................................................................. 31-5 Transmitter Overview ................................................................................................ 31-5 AAL5 Transmitter Overview................................................................................. 31-5 AAL1 Transmitter Overview................................................................................. 31-5 AAL1 CES Transmitter Overview .................................................................... 31-6 AAL0 Transmitter Overview................................................................................. 31-6 AAL2 Transmitter Overview................................................................................. 31-6 Transmit External Rate and Internal Rate Modes.................................................. 31-6 Receiver Overview .................................................................................................... 31-6 AAL5 Receiver Overview ..................................................................................... 31-7 AAL1 Receiver Overview ..................................................................................... 31-7 AAL1 CES Receiver Overview......................................................................... 31-8 AAL0 Receiver Overview ..................................................................................... 31-8 AAL2 Receiver Overview ..................................................................................... 31-8 Performance Monitoring............................................................................................ 31-8 ABR Flow Control..................................................................................................... 31-8 ATM Pace Control (APC) Unit...................................................................................... 31-8 APC Modes and ATM Service Types ........................................................................ 31-8 APC Unit Scheduling Mechanism ............................................................................. 31-9 Determining the Scheduling Table Size................................................................... 31-10 Determining the Cells Per Slot (CPS) in a Scheduling Table.............................. 31-10 Determining the Number of Slots in a Scheduling Table .................................... 31-10 Determining the Time-Slot Scheduling Rate of a Channel ..................................... 31-11 ATM Traffic Type .................................................................................................... 31-11 Peak Cell Rate Traffic Type................................................................................. 31-11 Determining the PCR Traffic Type Parameters ................................................... 31-11 Peak and Sustain Traffic Type (VBR) ................................................................. 31-12 Example for Using VBR Traffic Parameters ................................................... 31-12 Handling the Cell Loss Priority (CLP)—VBR Type 1 and 2 .......................... 31-13 MPC8280 PowerQUICC II Family Reference Manual, Rev. 1 xxxiv Freescale Semiconductor Contents Paragraph Number 31.3.6 31.4 31.4.1 31.4.2 31.4.3 31.4.4 31.5 31.5.1 31.5.2 31.5.3 31.6 31.6.1 31.6.2 31.6.3 31.6.4 31.6.5 31.6.6 31.7 31.7.1 31.8 31.9 31.9.1 31.9.2 31.9.3 31.9.4 31.9.5 31.9.6 31.9.7 31.9.8 31.10 Title Page Number Peak and Minimum Cell Rate Traffic Type (UBR+)........................................... 31-13 Determining the Priority of an ATM Channel ......................................................... 31-13 VCI/VPI Address Lookup Mechanism........................................................................ 31-13 External CAM Lookup ............................................................................................ 31-14 Address Compression .............................................................................................. 31-15 VP-Level Address Compression Table (VPLT) .................................................. 31-16 VC-Level Address Compression Tables (VCLTs)............................................... 31-17 Misinserted Cells ..................................................................................................... 31-18 Receive Raw Cell Queue ......................................................................................... 31-18 Available Bit Rate (ABR) Flow Control...................................................................... 31-19 The ABR Model....................................................................................................... 31-20 ABR Flow Control Source End-System Behavior .............................................. 31-20 ABR Flow Control Destination End-System Behavior ....................................... 31-21 ABR Flowcharts .................................................................................................. 31-21 RM Cell Structure.................................................................................................... 31-26 RM Cell Rate Representation .............................................................................. 31-26 ABR Flow Control Setup......................................................................................... 31-27 OAM Support .............................................................................................................. 31-27 ATM-Layer OAM Definitions ................................................................................. 31-27 Virtual Path (F4) Flow Mechanism ......................................................................... 31-28 Virtual Channel (F5) Flow Mechanism ................................................................... 31-28 Receiving OAM F4 or F5 Cells............................................................................... 31-28 Transmitting OAM F4 or F5 Cells........................................................................... 31-28 Performance Monitoring.......................................................................................... 31-29 Running a Performance Block Test ..................................................................... 31-30 PM Block Monitoring.......................................................................................... 31-30 PM Block Generation .......................................................................................... 31-31 BRC Performance Calculations........................................................................... 31-32 User-Defined Cells (UDC) .......................................................................................... 31-32 UDC Extended Address Mode (UEAD).................................................................. 31-32 ATM Layer Statistics ................................................................................................... 31-33 ATM-to-TDM Interworking ........................................................................................ 31-33 Automatic Data Forwarding .................................................................................... 31-33 Using Interrupts in Automatic Data Forwarding ..................................................... 31-34 Timing Issues ........................................................................................................... 31-35 Clock Synchronization (SRTS and Adaptive FIFOs) .............................................. 31-35 Mapping TDM Time Slots to VCs........................................................................... 31-35 CAS Support ............................................................................................................ 31-35 Trunk Condition....................................................................................................... 31-36 ATM-to-ATM Data Forwarding............................................................................... 31-36 ATM Memory Structure............................................................................................... 31-36 MPC8280 PowerQUICC II Family Reference Manual, Rev. 1 Freescale Semiconductor xxxv Contents Paragraph Number 31.10.1 31.10.2 31.10.3 31.10.4 31.10.5 Title Page Number Parameter RAM ....................................................................................................... 31-36 Determining UEAD_OFFSET (UEAD Mode Only) .......................................... 31-39 VCI Filtering (VCIF) ........................................................................................... 31-39 Global Mode Entry (GMODE)............................................................................ 31-40 Connection Tables (RCT, TCT, and TCTE) ............................................................ 31-41 ATM Channel Code ............................................................................................. 31-41 Receive Connection Table (RCT)........................................................................ 31-43 AAL5 Protocol-Specific RCT ......................................................................... 31-46 AAL5-ABR Protocol-Specific RCT................................................................ 31-47 AAL1 Protocol-Specific RCT ......................................................................... 31-47 AAL0 Protocol-Specific RCT ......................................................................... 31-49 AAL1 CES Protocol-Specific RCT ................................................................. 31-50 AAL2 Protocol-Specific RCT ......................................................................... 31-50 Transmit Connection Table (TCT)....................................................................... 31-50 AAL5 Protocol-Specific TCT ......................................................................... 31-53 AAL1 Protocol-Specific TCT ......................................................................... 31-54 AAL0 Protocol-Specific TCT ......................................................................... 31-55 AAL1 CES Protocol-Specific TCT ................................................................. 31-55 AAL2 Protocol-Specific TCT ......................................................................... 31-55 VBR Protocol-Specific TCTE ......................................................................... 31-56 UBR+ Protocol-Specific TCTE....................................................................... 31-57 ABR Protocol-Specific TCTE ......................................................................... 31-57 OAM Performance Monitoring Tables .................................................................... 31-60 APC Data Structure ................................................................................................. 31-61 APC Parameter Tables ......................................................................................... 31-62 APC Priority Table .............................................................................................. 31-63 APC Scheduling Tables ....................................................................................... 31-63 ATM Controller Buffer Descriptors (BDs) .............................................................. 31-64 Transmit Buffer Operation................................................................................... 31-64 Receive Buffer Operation .................................................................................... 31-65 Static Buffer Allocation ................................................................................... 31-65 Global Buffer Allocation ................................................................................. 31-66 Free Buffer Pools............................................................................................. 31-67 Free Buffer Pool Parameter Tables.................................................................. 31-68 ATM Controller Buffers....................................................................................... 31-69 AAL5 RxBD........................................................................................................ 31-69 AAL1 RxBD........................................................................................................ 31-71 AAL0 RxBD........................................................................................................ 31-72 AAL1 CES RxBD................................................................................................ 31-73 AAL2 RxBD........................................................................................................ 31-73 AAL5, AAL1 CES User-Defined Cell—RxBD Extension ................................. 31-73 MPC8280 PowerQUICC II Family Reference Manual, Rev. 1 xxxvi Freescale Semiconductor Contents Paragraph Number 31.10.6 31.10.7 31.11 31.11.1 31.11.2 31.11.3 31.12 31.12.1 31.12.2 31.12.3 31.13 31.13.1 31.13.2 31.13.3 31.14 31.15 31.15.1 31.16 31.17 31.17.1 31.17.2 31.17.3 Title Page Number AAL5 TxBDs....................................................................................................... 31-74 AAL1 TxBDs....................................................................................................... 31-75 AAL0 TxBDs....................................................................................................... 31-76 AAL1 CES TxBDs .............................................................................................. 31-77 AAL2 TxBDs....................................................................................................... 31-77 AAL5, AAL1 User-Defined Cell—TxBD Extension.......................................... 31-77 AAL1 Sequence Number (SN) Protection Table..................................................... 31-77 UNI Statistics Table ................................................................................................. 31-78 ATM Exceptions .......................................................................................................... 31-79 Interrupt Queues ...................................................................................................... 31-79 Interrupt Queue Entry .............................................................................................. 31-80 Interrupt Queue Parameter Tables ........................................................................... 31-80 The UTOPIA Interface ................................................................................................ 31-81 UTOPIA Interface Master Mode ............................................................................. 31-81 UTOPIA Master Multiple PHY Operation.......................................................... 31-82 UTOPIA Interface Slave Mode ............................................................................... 31-83 UTOPIA Slave Multiple PHY Operation ............................................................ 31-84 UTOPIA Clocking Modes ................................................................................... 31-84 UTOPIA Loop-Back Modes................................................................................ 31-84 Extended Number of PHYs ..................................................................................... 31-85 ATM Registers ............................................................................................................. 31-85 General FCC Mode Register (GFMR)..................................................................... 31-85 FCC Protocol-Specific Mode Register (FPSMR).................................................... 31-85 ATM Event Register (FCCE)/Mask Register (FCCM)............................................ 31-88 ATM Transmit Command ............................................................................................ 31-89 Transmission Rate Modes—External, Internal, and Expanded Internal...................... 31-90 FCC Transmit Internal Rate Mode .......................................................................... 31-91 FCC Transmit Internal Rate Register (FTIRRx) ................................................. 31-91 Example ............................................................................................................... 31-92 Internal Rate Programming Model ...................................................................... 31-93 FCC Transmit Internal Rate Port Enable Registers (FIRPERx).......................... 31-93 FCC Internal Rate Event Registers (FIRERx) ..................................................... 31-94 FCC Internal Rate Selection Registers (FIRSRx_HI, FIRSRx_LO) ................... 31-95 SRTS Generation and Clock Recovery Using External Logic .................................... 31-97 Configuring the ATM Controller for Maximum CPM Performance........................... 31-98 Using Transmit Internal Rate Mode ........................................................................ 31-98 APC Configuration .................................................................................................. 31-99 Buffer Configuration................................................................................................ 31-99 MPC8280 PowerQUICC II Family Reference Manual, Rev. 1 Freescale Semiconductor xxxvii Contents Paragraph Number Title Page Number Chapter 32 ATM AAL1 Circuit Emulation Service 32.1 32.2 32.2.1 32.2.2 32.3 32.4 32.4.1 32.4.2 32.4.3 32.4.4 32.4.5 32.4.6 32.4.7 32.5 32.5.1 32.6 32.6.1 32.7 32.8 32.8.1 32.9 32.9.1 32.9.2 32.10 32.11 32.11.1 32.11.2 32.12 32.12.1 Features .......................................................................................................................... 32-1 AAL1 CES Transmitter Overview................................................................................. 32-3 Data Path.................................................................................................................... 32-3 Signaling Path ............................................................................................................ 32-3 AAL1 CES Receiver Overview ..................................................................................... 32-4 Interworking Functions.................................................................................................. 32-6 Automatic Data Forwarding ...................................................................................... 32-6 ATM-to-TDM ........................................................................................................ 32-7 TDM-to-ATM ........................................................................................................ 32-7 Timing Issues ............................................................................................................. 32-8 Clock Synchronization (SRTS, Adaptive FIFO) ....................................................... 32-9 Mapping TDM Time Slots to VCs............................................................................. 32-9 Trunk Condition....................................................................................................... 32-10 Channel Associated Signaling (CAS) Support ........................................................ 32-10 Mapping VC Signaling to CAS Blocks ................................................................... 32-11 CAS Routing Table.............................................................................................. 32-12 TDM-to-ATM CAS Support................................................................................ 32-13 CAS Mapping Using the Core (Optional) ....................................................... 32-14 ATM-to-TDM CAS Support................................................................................ 32-14 CAS Updates Using the Core (Optional) ........................................................ 32-15 ATM-to-TDM Adaptive Slip Control .......................................................................... 32-15 CES Adaptive Threshold Tables.............................................................................. 32-16 3-Step-SN Algorithm ................................................................................................... 32-20 The Three States of the Algorithm .......................................................................... 32-20 Pointer Verification Mechanism .................................................................................. 32-21 AAL-1 Memory Structure............................................................................................ 32-22 AAL1 CES Parameter RAM.................................................................................... 32-22 Receive and Transmit Connection Tables (RCT, TCT) ............................................... 32-25 Receive Connection Table (RCT)............................................................................ 32-26 AAL1 CES Protocol-Specific RCT ..................................................................... 32-29 Transmit Connection Table (TCT)........................................................................... 32-32 AAL1 CES Protocol-Specific TCT ..................................................................... 32-34 Outgoing CAS Status Register (OCASSR) ................................................................ 32-36 Buffer Descriptors........................................................................................................ 32-36 Transmit Buffer Operation....................................................................................... 32-36 Receive Buffer Operation ........................................................................................ 32-37 ATM Controller Buffers............................................................................................... 32-38 AAL1 CES RxBD.................................................................................................... 32-39 MPC8280 PowerQUICC II Family Reference Manual, Rev. 1 xxxviii Freescale Semiconductor Contents Paragraph Number 32.12.2 32.13 32.13.1 32.14 32.15 32.16 32.17 32.18 Title Page Number AAL1 CES TxBDs .................................................................................................. 32-40 AAL1 CES Exceptions ................................................................................................ 32-41 AAL1 CES Interrupt Queue Entry........................................................................... 32-41 AAL1 Sequence Number (SN) Protection Table ........................................................ 32-42 Internal AAL1 CES Statistics Tables........................................................................... 32-43 External AAL1 CES Statistics Tables.......................................................................... 32-44 CES-Specific Additions to the MCC ........................................................................... 32-44 Application Considerations.......................................................................................... 32-44 Chapter 33 ATM AAL2 33.1 33.2 33.3 33.3.1 33.3.2 33.3.3 33.3.4 33.3.5 33.4 33.4.1 33.4.2 33.4.3 33.4.4 33.5 Introduction.................................................................................................................... 33-1 Features .......................................................................................................................... 33-3 AAL2 Transmitter.......................................................................................................... 33-5 Transmitter Overview ................................................................................................ 33-5 Transmit Priority Mechanism .................................................................................... 33-6 Round Robin Priority............................................................................................. 33-6 Fixed Priority ......................................................................................................... 33-7 Partial Fill Mode (PFM) ............................................................................................ 33-7 No STF Mode ............................................................................................................ 33-8 AAL2 Tx Data Structures .......................................................................................... 33-9 AAL2 Protocol-Specific TCT................................................................................ 33-9 CPS Tx Queue Descriptor ................................................................................... 33-12 CPS Buffer Structure ........................................................................................... 33-14 SSSAR Tx Queue Descriptor .............................................................................. 33-16 SSSAR Transmit Buffer Descriptor..................................................................... 33-18 AAL2 Receiver ............................................................................................................ 33-19 Receiver Overview .................................................................................................. 33-19 Mapping of PHY | VP | VC | CID............................................................................ 33-20 AAL2 Switching...................................................................................................... 33-21 AAL2 RX Data Structures ....................................................................................... 33-22 AAL2 Protocol-Specific RCT ............................................................................. 33-23 CID Mapping Tables and RxQDs........................................................................ 33-26 CPS Rx Queue Descriptors.................................................................................. 33-26 CPS Receive Buffer Descriptor (RxBD) ............................................................. 33-27 CPS Switch Rx Queue Descriptor ....................................................................... 33-28 SWITCH Receive/Transmit Buffer Descriptor (RxBD)...................................... 33-29 SSSAR Rx Queue Descriptor .............................................................................. 33-30 SSSAR Receive Buffer Descriptor ...................................................................... 33-32 AAL2 Parameter RAM ................................................................................................ 33-34 MPC8280 PowerQUICC II Family Reference Manual, Rev. 1 Freescale Semiconductor xxxix Contents Paragraph Number 33.6 33.7 Title Page Number User-Defined Cells in AAL2 ....................................................................................... 33-37 AAL2 Exceptions ........................................................................................................ 33-38 Chapter 34 Inverse Multiplexing for ATM (IMA) 34.1 34.1.1 34.1.2 34.1.3 34.1.4 34.1.5 34.1.6 34.2 34.2.1 34.2.2 34.2.3 34.3 34.3.1 34.3.2 34.3.3 34.4 34.4.1 34.4.2 Features .......................................................................................................................... 34-1 References.................................................................................................................. 34-3 IMA Versions Supported ........................................................................................... 34-3 MPC8280 Versions Supported................................................................................... 34-3 PHY-Layer Devices Supported.................................................................................. 34-4 ATM Features Not Supported .................................................................................... 34-4 Additional Impact on MPC8280 Features ................................................................. 34-4 IMA Protocol Overview ............................................................................................... 34-4 Introduction................................................................................................................ 34-4 IMA Frame Overview................................................................................................ 34-5 Overview of IMA Cells ............................................................................................. 34-7 IMA Control Cells ................................................................................................. 34-7 IMA Filler Cells..................................................................................................... 34-8 IMA Microcode Architecture ........................................................................................ 34-8 IMA Function Partitioning......................................................................................... 34-8 User Plane Functions Performed by Microcode.................................................... 34-9 Plane Management Functions Performed by Microcode....................................... 34-9 Transmit Architecture ................................................................................................ 34-9 TRL Operation..................................................................................................... 34-10 TRL Service Latency....................................................................................... 34-11 Non-TRL Operation............................................................................................. 34-11 Transmit Queue Operation Examples (ITC mode).............................................. 34-12 Differences in CTC Operation ............................................................................. 34-14 Receive Architecture................................................................................................ 34-15 Cell Reception Task ............................................................................................. 34-15 Cell Processing Activation Function ................................................................... 34-18 On-Demand Cell Processing ........................................................................... 34-18 IDCR-Regulated Cell Processing .................................................................... 34-19 Cell Processing Task............................................................................................ 34-20 IMA Programming Model ........................................................................................... 34-20 Data Structure Organization .................................................................................... 34-20 IMA FCC Programming .......................................................................................... 34-22 FCC Registers ..................................................................................................... 34-22 FPSMRx .......................................................................................................... 34-22 FTIRRx ............................................................................................................ 34-22 MPC8280 PowerQUICC II Family Reference Manual, Rev. 1 xl Freescale Semiconductor Contents Paragraph Number 34.4.3 34.4.4 34.4.5 34.4.6 34.4.7 34.4.8 Title Page Number FCC Parameters ................................................................................................... 34-22 TCELL_TMP_BASE and RCELL_TMP_BASE ........................................... 34-22 GMODE........................................................................................................... 34-22 IMA-Specific FCC Parameters............................................................................ 34-22 IMA Root Table ....................................................................................................... 34-23 IMA Control (IMACNTL) .................................................................................. 34-25 IMA Group Tables ................................................................................................... 34-25 IMA Group Transmit Table Entry ....................................................................... 34-25 IMA Group Transmit Control (IGTCNTL) .................................................... 34-27 IMA Group Transmit State (IGTSTATE) ....................................................... 34-27 Transmit Group Order Table............................................................................ 34-28 ICP Cell Templates .......................................................................................... 34-29 IMA Group Receive Table Entry......................................................................... 34-31 IMA Group Receive Control (IGRCNTL) ..................................................... 34-34 IMA Group Receive State (IGRSTATE) ........................................................ 34-34 IMA Receive Group Frame Size .................................................................... 34-35 Receive Group Order Tables ........................................................................... 34-35 IMA Link Tables...................................................................................................... 34-36 IMA Link Transmit Table Entry .......................................................................... 34-36 IMA Link Transmit Control (ILTCNTL) ....................................................... 34-37 IMA Link Transmit State (ILTSTATE) .......................................................... 34-38 IMA Transmit Interrupt Status (ITINTSTAT) ................................................ 34-39 IMA Link Receive Table Entry ........................................................................... 34-40 IMA Link Receive Control (ILRCNTL) ........................................................ 34-41 IMA Link Receive State (ILRSTATE) ........................................................... 34-42 IMA Link Receive Statistics Table...................................................................... 34-43 Structures in External Memory................................................................................ 34-43 Transmit Queues .................................................................................................. 34-44 Delay Compensation Buffers (DCB)................................................................... 34-44 IMA Exceptions....................................................................................................... 34-45 IMA Interrupt Queue Entry ................................................................................. 34-45 ICP Cell Reception Exceptions ........................................................................... 34-46 IDCR Timer Programming ...................................................................................... 34-47 IDCR Master Clock ............................................................................................. 34-47 IDCR FCC Parameter Shadow ............................................................................ 34-47 MPC8280 Features Unavailable if IDCR is Used ........................................... 34-47 Programming the FCC Parameter Shadow...................................................... 34-48 On-the-Fly Changes of FCC Parameters ......................................................... 34-48 IDCR_Init Command........................................................................................... 34-49 IDCR Root Parameters ........................................................................................ 34-49 IDCR Table Entry ................................................................................................ 34-49 MPC8280 PowerQUICC II Family Reference Manual, Rev. 1 Freescale Semiconductor xli Contents Paragraph Number 34.4.9 34.4.10 34.5 34.5.1 34.5.2 34.5.3 34.5.4 Title Page Number IDCR Counter Algorithm .................................................................................... 34-50 IDCR Events........................................................................................................ 34-50 APC Programming for IMA .................................................................................... 34-51 Programming for CBR, UBR, VBR, and UBR+ ................................................. 34-52 Programming for ABR ........................................................................................ 34-52 Changing IMA Version............................................................................................ 34-53 IMA Software Interface and Requirements ................................................................. 34-53 Software Model........................................................................................................ 34-53 Initialization Procedure............................................................................................ 34-54 Software Responsibilities ........................................................................................ 34-54 System Definition ................................................................................................ 34-54 General Operation................................................................................................ 34-55 Receive Link State Machine Control................................................................... 34-55 Receive Group State Machine Control ................................................................ 34-55 Transmit Link State Machine Control ................................................................. 34-55 Transmit Group State Machine Control............................................................... 34-56 Group Symmetry Control .................................................................................... 34-56 ICP End-to-End Channel Transmission............................................................... 34-56 Link Addition and Slow Recovery (LASR) Procedure ....................................... 34-56 Failure Alarms ..................................................................................................... 34-56 Test Pattern Control ............................................................................................. 34-57 Performance Parameter Measurement and Reporting ......................................... 34-57 SNMP MIBs ........................................................................................................ 34-57 IMA Software Procedures ....................................................................................... 34-57 Transmit ICP Cell Signalling............................................................................... 34-57 Receive Link Start-up Procedure......................................................................... 34-57 Group Start-up Procedure ................................................................................... 34-58 As Initiator (TX).............................................................................................. 34-59 As Responder (RX) ......................................................................................... 34-60 Link Addition Procedure ..................................................................................... 34-60 Rx Steps ........................................................................................................... 34-61 TX Parameters ................................................................................................. 34-61 Link Removal Procedure ..................................................................................... 34-62 Rx Steps ........................................................................................................... 34-62 TX Parameters ................................................................................................. 34-63 Link Receive Deactivation Procedure ................................................................. 34-63 Link Receive Reactivation Procedure ................................................................. 34-64 TRL On-the-Fly Change Procedure..................................................................... 34-64 Transmit Event Response Procedures.................................................................. 34-65 Receive Event Response Procedures ................................................................... 34-65 Test Pattern Procedure ......................................................................................... 34-67 MPC8280 PowerQUICC II Family Reference Manual, Rev. 1 xlii Freescale Semiconductor Contents Paragraph Number Title Page Number As Initiator (NE).............................................................................................. 34-67 As Responder (FE) .......................................................................................... 34-67 IDCR Operation................................................................................................... 34-68 IDCR Start-up.................................................................................................. 34-68 Activating a Group in IDCR Mode ................................................................. 34-69 End-to-End Channel Signalling Procedure.......................................................... 34-69 Transmit ........................................................................................................... 34-69 Receive ............................................................................................................ 34-70 Chapter 35 ATM Transmission Convergence Layer 35.1 35.2 35.2.1 35.2.2 35.2.3 35.2.4 35.3 35.4 35.4.1 35.4.2 35.4.3 35.4.4 35.4.5 Features .......................................................................................................................... 35-2 Functionality .................................................................................................................. 35-3 Receive ATM Cell Functions..................................................................................... 35-3 Receive ATM 2-Cell FIFO .................................................................................... 35-5 Transmit ATM Cell Functions ................................................................................... 35-5 Transmit ATM 2-Cell FIFO................................................................................... 35-6 Receive UTOPIA Interface........................................................................................ 35-6 Transmit UTOPIA Interface ...................................................................................... 35-6 Signals............................................................................................................................ 35-6 TC Layer Programming Mode ...................................................................................... 35-6 TC Layer Registers .................................................................................................... 35-6 TC Layer Mode Registers 1–8 (TCMODEx) ........................................................ 35-7 Cell Delineation State Machine Registers 1–8 (CDSMRx)................................... 35-8 TC Layer Event Registers 1–8 (TCERx) ............................................................... 35-9 TC Layer Mask Register (TCMRx)..................................................................... 35-10 TC Layer General Registers .................................................................................... 35-10 TC Layer General Event Register (TCGER)....................................................... 35-10 TC Layer General Status Register (TCGSR)....................................................... 35-11 TC Layer Cell Counters........................................................................................... 35-11 Received Cell Counters 1–8 (TC_RCCx)............................................................ 35-11 Transmitted Cell Counters 1–8 (TC_TCCx)........................................................ 35-11 Errored Cell Counters 1–8 (TC_ECCx)............................................................... 35-12 Corrected Cell Counters 1–8 (TC_CCCx) ........................................................... 35-12 Transmitted IDLE Cell Counters 1–8 (TC_ICCx)............................................... 35-12 Filtered Cell Counters 1–8 (TC_FCCx)............................................................... 35-12 Programming FCC2................................................................................................. 35-12 Programming and Operating the TC Layer ............................................................. 35-12 Receive ................................................................................................................ 35-12 Transmit ............................................................................................................... 35-13 MPC8280 PowerQUICC II Family Reference Manual, Rev. 1 Freescale Semiconductor xliii Contents Paragraph Number 35.5 35.5.1 35.5.2 35.5.3 35.5.4 35.5.5 35.5.6 35.5.7 35.5.8 35.5.9 Title Page Number Implementation Example ............................................................................................. 35-15 Operating the TC Layer at Higher Frequencies....................................................... 35-15 Programming a T1 Application ............................................................................... 35-15 Step 1 ....................................................................................................................... 35-16 Step 2 ....................................................................................................................... 35-16 Step 3 ....................................................................................................................... 35-16 Step 4 ....................................................................................................................... 35-16 Step 5 ....................................................................................................................... 35-17 Step 6 ....................................................................................................................... 35-17 Step 7 ....................................................................................................................... 35-17 Chapter 36 Fast Ethernet Controller 36.1 36.2 36.3 36.3.1 36.4 36.5 36.6 36.7 36.8 36.9 36.10 36.11 36.12 36.13 36.14 36.15 36.16 36.17 36.18 36.18.1 36.18.2 36.19 36.20 Fast Ethernet on the MPC8280...................................................................................... 36-2 Features .......................................................................................................................... 36-2 Connecting the MPC8280 to Fast Ethernet ................................................................... 36-4 Connecting the MPC8280 to Ethernet (RMII) .......................................................... 36-5 Ethernet Channel Frame Transmission .......................................................................... 36-5 Ethernet Channel Frame Reception ............................................................................... 36-6 Flow Control .................................................................................................................. 36-7 CAM Interface ............................................................................................................... 36-8 Ethernet Parameter RAM............................................................................................... 36-8 Programming Model .................................................................................................... 36-12 Ethernet Command Set ................................................................................................ 36-12 RMON Support............................................................................................................ 36-14 Ethernet Address Recognition ..................................................................................... 36-15 Hash Table Algorithm.................................................................................................. 36-17 Interpacket Gap Time................................................................................................... 36-18 Handling Collisions ..................................................................................................... 36-18 Internal and External Loopback................................................................................... 36-18 Ethernet Error-Handling Procedure ............................................................................. 36-18 Fast Ethernet Registers ................................................................................................ 36-19 FCC Ethernet Mode Registers (FPSMRx)............................................................... 36-19 Ethernet Event Register (FCCE)/Mask Register (FCCM) ...................................... 36-21 Ethernet RxBDs ........................................................................................................... 36-23 Ethernet TxBDs ........................................................................................................... 36-26 MPC8280 PowerQUICC II Family Reference Manual, Rev. 1 xliv Freescale Semiconductor Contents Paragraph Number Title Page Number Chapter 37 FCC HDLC Controller 37.1 37.2 37.3 37.4 37.5 37.5.1 37.5.2 37.6 37.7 37.8 37.9 37.10 Key Features .................................................................................................................. 37-1 HDLC Channel Frame Transmission Processing .......................................................... 37-2 HDLC Channel Frame Reception Processing ............................................................... 37-3 HDLC Parameter RAM ................................................................................................. 37-3 Programming Model ...................................................................................................... 37-5 HDLC Command Set................................................................................................. 37-5 HDLC Error Handling ............................................................................................... 37-6 HDLC Mode Register (FPSMR) ................................................................................... 37-8 HDLC Receive Buffer Descriptor (RxBD).................................................................... 37-9 HDLC Transmit Buffer Descriptor (TxBD) ................................................................ 37-12 HDLC Event Register (FCCE)/Mask Register (FCCM) ............................................. 37-14 FCC Status Register (FCCS) ....................................................................................... 37-16 Chapter 38 FCC Transparent Controller 38.1 38.2 38.3 38.3.1 38.3.2 38.3.3 Features .......................................................................................................................... 38-1 Transparent Channel Operation ..................................................................................... 38-2 Achieving Synchronization in Transparent Mode ......................................................... 38-2 In-Line Synchronization Pattern................................................................................ 38-2 External Synchronization Signals.............................................................................. 38-3 Transparent Synchronization Example ...................................................................... 38-4 Chapter 39 Serial Peripheral Interface (SPI) 39.1 39.2 39.3 39.3.1 39.3.2 39.3.3 39.4 39.4.1 39.4.2 39.4.3 39.5 Features .......................................................................................................................... 39-1 SPI Clocking and Signal Functions ............................................................................... 39-2 Configuring the SPI Controller...................................................................................... 39-2 The SPI as a Master Device....................................................................................... 39-3 The SPI as a Slave Device ......................................................................................... 39-4 The SPI in Multimaster Operation............................................................................. 39-4 Programming the SPI Registers ..................................................................................... 39-6 SPI Mode Register (SPMODE) ................................................................................. 39-6 SPI Examples with Different SPMODE[LEN] Values.......................................... 39-8 SPI Event/Mask Registers (SPIE/SPIM) ................................................................... 39-9 SPI Command Register (SPCOM) .......................................................................... 39-10 SPI Parameter RAM .................................................................................................... 39-10 MPC8280 PowerQUICC II Family Reference Manual, Rev. 1 Freescale Semiconductor xlv Contents Paragraph Number 39.5.1 39.6 39.7 39.7.1 39.8 39.9 39.10 Title Page Number Receive/Transmit Function Code Registers (RFCR/TFCR).................................... 39-12 SPI Commands ............................................................................................................ 39-12 The SPI Buffer Descriptor (BD) Table ........................................................................ 39-13 SPI Buffer Descriptors (BDs) .................................................................................. 39-13 SPI Receive BD (RxBD) ..................................................................................... 39-14 SPI Transmit BD (TxBD) .................................................................................... 39-15 SPI Master Programming Example ............................................................................. 39-16 SPI Slave Programming Example................................................................................ 39-17 Handling Interrupts in the SPI ..................................................................................... 39-17 Chapter 40 Controller I2C 40.1 40.2 40.3 40.3.1 40.3.2 40.3.3 40.3.4 40.4 40.4.1 40.4.2 40.4.3 40.4.4 40.4.5 40.5 40.6 40.7 40.7.1 Features .......................................................................................................................... 40-2 I2C Controller Clocking and Signal Functions.............................................................. 40-2 I2C Controller Transfers ................................................................................................ 40-2 I2C Master Write (Slave Read).................................................................................. 40-3 I2C Loopback Testing................................................................................................ 40-4 I2C Master Read (Slave Write).................................................................................. 40-4 I2C Multi-Master Considerations .............................................................................. 40-5 2C Registers .................................................................................................................. 40-5 I I2C Mode Register (I2MOD) .................................................................................... 40-6 I2C Address Register (I2ADD) ................................................................................. 40-7 I2C Baud Rate Generator Register (I2BRG) ............................................................. 40-7 I2C Event/Mask Registers (I2CER/I2CMR) ............................................................. 40-7 I2C Command Register (I2COM) ............................................................................. 40-8 2 I C Parameter RAM....................................................................................................... 40-9 I2C Commands............................................................................................................. 40-11 The I2C Buffer Descriptor (BD) Table ........................................................................ 40-11 I2C Buffer Descriptors (BDs).................................................................................. 40-12 I2C Receive Buffer Descriptor (RxBD) .............................................................. 40-12 I2C Transmit Buffer Descriptor (TxBD) ............................................................. 40-13 Chapter 41 Parallel I/O Ports 41.1 41.2 41.2.1 41.2.2 41.2.3 Features .......................................................................................................................... 41-1 Port Registers ................................................................................................................. 41-1 Port Open-Drain Registers (PODRA–PODRD) ........................................................ 41-2 Port Data Registers (PDATA–PDATD) ..................................................................... 41-2 Port Data Direction Registers (PDIRA–PDIRD)....................................................... 41-3 MPC8280 PowerQUICC II Family Reference Manual, Rev. 1 xlvi Freescale Semiconductor Contents Paragraph Number 41.2.4 41.2.5 41.3 41.4 41.4.1 41.4.2 41.5 41.6 Title Page Number Port Pin Assignment Register (PPAR)....................................................................... 41-4 Port Special Options Registers A–D (PSORA–PSORD) .......................................... 41-4 Port Block Diagram ....................................................................................................... 41-6 Port Pins Functions ........................................................................................................ 41-6 General Purpose I/O Pins........................................................................................... 41-7 Dedicated Pins ........................................................................................................... 41-7 Ports Tables .................................................................................................................... 41-7 Interrupts from Port C.................................................................................................. 41-20 Appendix A Register Quick Reference Guide A.1 A.2 A.3 PowerPC Registers—User Registers .............................................................................. A-1 PowerPC Registers—Supervisor Registers .................................................................... A-1 MPC8280-Specific SPRs ................................................................................................ A-3 Appendix B Revision History MPC8280 PowerQUICC II Family Reference Manual, Rev. 1 Freescale Semiconductor xlvii Contents Paragraph Number Title Page Number MPC8280 PowerQUICC II Family Reference Manual, Rev. 1 xlviii Freescale Semiconductor Figures Figure Number 1-1 1-2 1-3 1-4 1-5 1-6 1-7 1-8 1-9 1-10 1-11 1-12 1-13 1-14 2-1 2-2 2-3 2-4 2-5 2-6 3-1 4-1 4-2 4-3 4-4 4-5 4-6 4-7 4-8 4-9 4-10 4-11 4-12 4-13 4-14 4-15 4-16 4-17 Title Page Number Figures MPC8280 Block Diagram....................................................................................................... 1-6 MPC8280 External Signals ..................................................................................................... 1-9 Remote Access Server Configuration ................................................................................... 1-13 Regional Office Router Configuration.................................................................................. 1-14 LAN-to-WAN Bridge Router Configuration ........................................................................ 1-15 Cellular Base Station Configuration ..................................................................................... 1-15 Telecommunications Switch Controller Configuration ........................................................ 1-16 SONET Transmission Controller Configuration .................................................................. 1-17 Basic System Configuration.................................................................................................. 1-18 High-Performance Communication ...................................................................................... 1-18 High-Performance System Microprocessor Configuration................................................... 1-19 PCI Configuration ................................................................................................................. 1-20 PCI with 155-Mbps ATM Configuration .............................................................................. 1-20 MPC8280 as PCI Agent ........................................................................................................ 1-21 MPC8280 Integrated Processor Core Block Diagram ............................................................ 2-2 MPC8280 Programming Model—Registers ......................................................................... 2-10 Hardware Implementation Register 0 (HID0) ...................................................................... 2-11 Hardware Implementation-Dependent Register 1 (HID1).................................................... 2-14 Hardware Implementation-Dependent Register 2 (HID2).................................................... 2-14 Data Cache Organization ...................................................................................................... 2-19 Internal Memory ..................................................................................................................... 3-1 SIU Block Diagram................................................................................................................. 4-1 System Configuration and Protection Logic ........................................................................... 4-3 Timers Clock Generation ........................................................................................................ 4-4 TMCNT Block Diagram ......................................................................................................... 4-5 PIT Block Diagram ................................................................................................................. 4-5 Software Watchdog Timer Service State Diagram.................................................................. 4-6 Software Watchdog Timer Block Diagram ............................................................................. 4-7 MPC8280 Interrupt Structure.................................................................................................. 4-8 Interrupt Request Masking.................................................................................................... 4-14 SIU Interrupt Configuration Register (SICR) ....................................................................... 4-17 SIU Interrupt Priority Register (SIPRR) ............................................................................... 4-18 CPM High Interrupt Priority Register (SCPRR_H).............................................................. 4-19 CPM Low Interrupt Priority Register (SCPRR_L)............................................................... 4-20 SIPNR_H .............................................................................................................................. 4-21 SIPNR_L ............................................................................................................................... 4-22 SIMR_H ................................................................................................................................ 4-23 SIMR_L ................................................................................................................................ 4-23 MPC8280 PowerQUICC II Family Reference Manual, Rev. 1 Freescale Semiconductor xlix Figures Figure Number 4-18 4-19 4-20 4-21 4-22 4-23 4-24 4-25 4-26 4-27 4-28 4-29 4-30 4-31 4-32 4-33 4-34 4-35 4-36 4-37 4-38 4-39 4-40 4-41 4-42 5-1 5-2 5-3 5-4 5-5 5-6 5-7 6-1 7-1 8-1 8-2 8-3 8-4 8-5 8-6 8-7 Title Page Number SIU Interrupt Vector Register (SIVEC) ................................................................................ 4-24 Interrupt Table Handling Example........................................................................................ 4-25 SIU External Interrupt Control Register (SIEXR) ................................................................ 4-26 Bus Configuration Register (BCR) ....................................................................................... 4-27 PPC_ACR ............................................................................................................................. 4-29 PPC_ALRH........................................................................................................................... 4-30 PPC_ALRL ........................................................................................................................... 4-31 LCL_ACR............................................................................................................................. 4-31 LCL_ALRH .......................................................................................................................... 4-32 LCL_ALRL........................................................................................................................... 4-33 SIU Model Configuration Register (SIUMCR) .................................................................... 4-33 Internal Memory Map Register (IMMR) .............................................................................. 4-36 System Protection Control Register (SYPCR)...................................................................... 4-37 60x Bus Transfer Error Status and Control Register 1 (TESCR1) ....................................... 4-39 60x Bus Transfer Error Status and Control Register 2 (TESCR2) ....................................... 4-41 Local Bus Transfer Error Status and Control Register 1 (L_TESCR1) ................................ 4-42 Local Bus Transfer Error Status and Control Register 2 (L_TESCR2) ................................ 4-43 Time Counter Status and Control Register (TMCNTSC) ..................................................... 4-44 Time Counter Register (TCMCNT)...................................................................................... 4-45 Time Counter Alarm Register (TMCNTAL) ........................................................................ 4-45 Periodic Interrupt Status and Control Register (PISCR)....................................................... 4-46 Periodic interrupt Timer Count Register (PITC) .................................................................. 4-47 Periodic Interrupt Timer Register (PITR) ............................................................................. 4-48 PCI Base Registers (PCIBRx)............................................................................................... 4-49 PCI Mask Register (PCIMSKx)............................................................................................ 4-50 Power-on Reset Flow .............................................................................................................. 5-3 Reset Status Register (RSR).................................................................................................... 5-4 Reset Mode Register (RMR)................................................................................................... 5-5 Hard Reset Configuration Word.............................................................................................. 5-8 Single Chip with Default Configuration ............................................................................... 5-10 Configuring a Single Chip from EPROM............................................................................. 5-11 Configuring Multiple Chips .................................................................................................. 5-12 MPC8280 External Signals ..................................................................................................... 6-2 Signal Groupings..................................................................................................................... 7-2 Single-MPC8280 Bus Mode ................................................................................................... 8-3 60x-Compatible Bus Mode ..................................................................................................... 8-4 Basic Transfer Protocol........................................................................................................... 8-5 Address Bus Arbitration with External Bus Master................................................................ 8-8 Address Pipelining .................................................................................................................. 8-9 Interface to Different Port Size Devices ............................................................................... 8-16 Retry Cycle ........................................................................................................................... 8-22 MPC8280 PowerQUICC II Family Reference Manual, Rev. 1 l Freescale Semiconductor Figures Figure Number 8-8 8-9 8-10 8-11 8-12 9-1 9-2 9-3 9-4 9-5 9-6 9-7 9-8 9-9 9-10 9-11 9-12 9-13 9-14 9-15 9-16 9-17 9-18 9-19 9-20 9-21 9-22 9-23 9-24 9-25 9-26 9-27 9-28 9-29 9-30 9-31 9-32 9-33 9-34 Title Page Number Single-Beat and Burst Data Transfers................................................................................... 8-26 28-Bit Extended Transfer to 32-Bit Port Size ....................................................................... 8-27 Burst Transfer to 32-Bit Port Size......................................................................................... 8-28 Data Tenure Terminated by Assertion of TEA ..................................................................... 8-29 MEI Cache Coherency Protocol—State Diagram (WIM = 001) .......................................... 8-30 PCI Bridge in the MPC8280 ................................................................................................... 9-2 PCI Bridge Structure ............................................................................................................... 9-2 Single Beat Read Example.................................................................................................... 9-10 Burst Read Example.............................................................................................................. 9-10 Single Beat Write Example ................................................................................................... 9-11 Burst Write Example............................................................................................................. 9-11 Target-Initiated Terminations................................................................................................ 9-12 PCI Configuration Type 0 Translation (Top = CONFIG_ADDR) (Bottom = PCI Address Lines) .............................................. 9-15 PCI Parity Operation ............................................................................................................. 9-18 PCI Arbitration Example ...................................................................................................... 9-20 Address Decode Flow Chart for 60x Bus Mastered Transactions ........................................ 9-21 Address Decode Flow Chart for PCI Mastered Transactions ............................................... 9-22 Address Decode Flow Chart for Embedded Utilities (DMA, Message Unit) Mastered Transactions................................................................. 9-23 Address Map Example .......................................................................................................... 9-24 Inbound PCI Memory Address Translation .......................................................................... 9-25 Outbound PCI Memory Address Translation ....................................................................... 9-26 PCI Outbound Translation Address Registers (POTARx) .................................................... 9-30 PCI Outbound Base Address Registers (POBARx).............................................................. 9-31 PCI Outbound Comparison Mask Registers (POCMRx) ..................................................... 9-32 Discard Timer Control register (PTCR) ................................................................................ 9-33 General Purpose Control Register (GPCR) .......................................................................... 9-34 PCI General Control Register (PCI_GCR) ........................................................................... 9-35 Error Status Register (ESR) .................................................................................................. 9-36 Error Mask Register (EMR).................................................................................................. 9-37 Error Control Register (ECR) ............................................................................................... 9-38 PCI Error Address Capture Register (PCI_EACR) .............................................................. 9-39 PCI Error Data Capture Register (PCI_EDCR) .................................................................... 9-40 PCI Error Control Capture Register (PCI_ECCR) ............................................................... 9-41 PCI Inbound Translation Address Registers (PITARx) ........................................................ 9-42 PCI Inbound Base Address Registers (PIBARx) .................................................................. 9-43 PCI Inbound Comparison Mask Registers (PICMRx).......................................................... 9-44 PCI Bridge PCI Configuration Registers .............................................................................. 9-46 Vendor ID Register................................................................................................................ 9-47 Device ID Register................................................................................................................ 9-47 MPC8280 PowerQUICC II Family Reference Manual, Rev. 1 Freescale Semiconductor li Figures Figure Number 9-35 9-36 9-37 9-38 9-39 9-40 9-41 9-42 9-43 9-44 9-45 9-46 9-47 9-48 9-49 9-50 9-51 9-52 9-53 9-54 9-55 9-56 9-57 9-58 9-59 9-60 9-61 9-62 9-63 9-64 9-65 9-66 9-67 9-68 9-69 9-70 9-71 9-72 9-73 9-74 Title Page Number PCI Bus Command Register ................................................................................................. 9-48 PCI Bus Status Register ........................................................................................................ 9-49 Revision ID Register ............................................................................................................. 9-50 PCI Bus Programming Interface Register............................................................................. 9-50 Subclass Code Register ......................................................................................................... 9-51 PCI Bus Base Class Code Register ....................................................................................... 9-51 PCI Bus Cache Line Size Register........................................................................................ 9-52 PCI Bus Latency Timer Register .......................................................................................... 9-52 Header Type Register ............................................................................................................ 9-53 BIST Control Register .......................................................................................................... 9-53 PCI Bus Internal Memory-Mapped Registers Base Address Register (PIMMRBAR).................................................................................................................. 9-54 General Purpose Local Access Base Address Registers (GPLABARx)............................... 9-55 Subsystem Vendor ID Register ............................................................................................. 9-55 Subsystem Device ID Register ............................................................................................. 9-56 PCI Bus Capabilities Pointer Register .................................................................................. 9-56 PCI Bus Interrupt Line Register............................................................................................ 9-57 PCI Bus Interrupt Pin Register.............................................................................................. 9-57 PCI Bus MIN GNT ............................................................................................................... 9-58 PCI Bus MAX LAT............................................................................................................... 9-58 PCI Bus Function Register.................................................................................................... 9-59 PCI Bus Arbiter Configuration Register ............................................................................... 9-60 Hot Swap Register Block ...................................................................................................... 9-61 Hot Swap Control Status Register......................................................................................... 9-61 Data Structure for Register Initialization .............................................................................. 9-64 PCI Configuration Data Structure for the EEPROM ............................................................ 9-66 Inbound Message Registers (IMRx) ..................................................................................... 9-67 Outbound Message Registers (OMRx) ................................................................................. 9-68 Outbound Doorbell Register (ODR) ..................................................................................... 9-69 Inbound Doorbell Register (IDR) ......................................................................................... 9-69 I2O Message Queue .............................................................................................................. 9-71 Inbound Free_FIFO Head Pointer Register (IFHPR) ........................................................... 9-72 Inbound Free_FIFO Tail Pointer Register (IFTPR) .............................................................. 9-73 Inbound Post_FIFO Head Pointer Register (IPHPR) ........................................................... 9-74 Inbound Post_FIFO Tail Pointer Register (IPTPR) .............................................................. 9-74 Outbound Free_FIFO Head Pointer Register (OFHPR) ....................................................... 9-75 Outbound Free_FIFO Tail Pointer Register (OFTPR).......................................................... 9-76 Outbound Post_FIFO Head Pointer Register (OPHPR) ....................................................... 9-77 Outbound Post_FIFO Tail Pointer Register (OPTPR) .......................................................... 9-78 Inbound FIFO Queue Port Register (IFQPR) ....................................................................... 9-79 Outbound FIFO Queue Port Register (OFQPR) ................................................................... 9-79 MPC8280 PowerQUICC II Family Reference Manual, Rev. 1 lii Freescale Semiconductor Figures Figure Number 9-75 9-76 9-77 9-78 9-79 9-80 9-81 9-82 9-83 9-84 9-85 9-86 9-87 9-88 9-89 10-1 10-2 10-3 10-4 10-5 10-6 11-1 11-2 11-3 11-4 11-5 11-6 11-7 11-8 11-9 11-10 11-11 11-12 11-13 11-14 11-15 11-16 11-17 11-18 11-19 11-20 Title Page Number Outbound Message Interrupt Status Register (OMISR) ....................................................... 9-80 Outbound Message Interrupt Mask Register (OMIMR)....................................................... 9-81 Inbound Message Interrupt Status Register (IMISR)............................................................ 9-82 Inbound Message Interrupt Mask Register (IMIMR) ........................................................... 9-83 Messaging Unit Control Register (MUCR) .......................................................................... 9-84 Queue Base Address Register (QBAR) ................................................................................ 9-85 DMA Controller Block Diagram .......................................................................................... 9-86 DMA Mode Registers 0–3 (DMAMRx) ............................................................................... 9-89 DMA Status Registers 0–3 (DMASRx) ................................................................................ 9-91 DMA Current Descriptor Address Registers 0–3 (DMACDARx) ....................................... 9-92 DMA Source Address Registers 0–3 (DMASARx).............................................................. 9-93 DMA Destination Address Registers 0–3 (DMADARx)...................................................... 9-94 DMA Byte Count Registers 0–3 (DMABCRx) .................................................................... 9-95 DMA Next Descriptor Address Registers 0–3 (DMANDARx)............................................ 9-95 DMA Chain of Segment Descriptors .................................................................................... 9-97 MPC8280 System Clock Architecture.................................................................................. 10-3 PCI Bridge as an Agent, Operating from the PCI System Clock ......................................... 10-4 PCI Bridge as a Host, Generating the PCI System Clock..................................................... 10-5 PLL Filtering Circuit............................................................................................................. 10-5 System Clock Control Register (SCCR) ............................................................................... 10-6 System Clock Mode Register (SCMR) ................................................................................. 10-7 Dual-Bus Architecture .......................................................................................................... 11-2 Memory Controller Machine Selection................................................................................. 11-5 Simple System Configuration ............................................................................................... 11-6 Basic Memory Controller Operation..................................................................................... 11-7 Partial Data Valid for 32-Bit Port Size Memory, Double-Word Transfer ............................11-11 Base Registers (BRx) .......................................................................................................... 11-13 Option Registers (ORx)—SDRAM Mode .......................................................................... 11-15 ORx —GPCM Mode........................................................................................................... 11-17 ORx—UPM Mode .............................................................................................................. 11-19 60x/Local SDRAM Mode Register (PSDMR/LSDMR) .................................................... 11-20 Machine x Mode Registers (MxMR) .................................................................................. 11-26 Memory Data Register (MDR) ........................................................................................... 11-29 Memory Address Register (MAR)...................................................................................... 11-29 60x Bus-Assigned UPM Refresh Timer (PURT)................................................................ 11-30 Local Bus-Assigned UPM Refresh Timer (LURT)............................................................. 11-30 60x Bus-Assigned SDRAM Refresh Timer (PSRT) ........................................................... 11-31 Local Bus-Assigned SDRAM Refresh Timer (LSRT)........................................................ 11-32 Memory Refresh Timer Prescaler Register (MPTPR) ........................................................ 11-32 128-Mbyte SDRAM (Eight-Bank Configuration, Banks 1 and 8 Shown) ......................... 11-34 PRETOACT = 2 (2 Clock Cycles)...................................................................................... 11-39 MPC8280 PowerQUICC II Family Reference Manual, Rev. 1 Freescale Semiconductor liii Figures Figure Number 11-21 11-22 11-23 11-24 11-25 11-26 11-27 11-28 11-29 11-30 11-31 11-32 11-33 11-34 11-35 11-36 11-37 11-38 11-39 11-40 11-41 11-42 11-43 11-44 11-45 11-46 11-47 11-48 11-49 11-50 11-51 11-52 11-53 11-54 11-55 11-56 11-57 11-58 11-59 11-60 Title Page Number ACTTORW = 2 (2 Clock Cycles)....................................................................................... 11-40 CL = 2 (2 Clock Cycles) ..................................................................................................... 11-40 LDOTOPRE = 2 (–2 Clock Cycles).................................................................................... 11-41 WRC = 2 (2 Clock Cycles) ................................................................................................. 11-41 RFRC = 4 (6 Clock Cycles) ................................................................................................ 11-42 EAMUX = 1........................................................................................................................ 11-42 BUFCMD = 1...................................................................................................................... 11-43 SDRAM Single-Beat Read, Page Closed, CL = 3 .............................................................. 11-43 SDRAM Single-Beat Read, Page Hit, CL = 3 .................................................................... 11-44 SDRAM Two-Beat Burst Read, Page Closed, CL = 3........................................................ 11-44 SDRAM Four-Beat Burst Read, Page Miss, CL = 3........................................................... 11-44 SDRAM Single-Beat Write, Page Hit................................................................................. 11-45 SDRAM Three-Beat Burst Write, Page Closed .................................................................. 11-45 SDRAM Read-after-Read Pipeline, Page Hit, CL = 3........................................................ 11-45 SDRAM Write-after-Write Pipelined, Page Hit.................................................................. 11-46 SDRAM Read-after-Write Pipelined, Page Hit .................................................................. 11-46 SDRAM Mode-Set Command Timing ............................................................................... 11-47 Mode Data Bit Settings ....................................................................................................... 11-47 SDRAM Bank-Staggered CBR Refresh Timing................................................................. 11-48 GPCM-to-SRAM Configuration......................................................................................... 11-52 GPCM Peripheral Device Interface .................................................................................... 11-54 GPCM Peripheral Device Basic Timing (ACS = 1x and TRLX = 0) ................................. 11-55 GPCM Memory Device Interface ....................................................................................... 11-55 GPCM Memory Device Basic Timing (ACS = 00, CSNT = 1, TRLX = 0)....................... 11-56 GPCM Memory Device Basic Timing (ACS ≠ 00, CSNT = 1, TRLX = 0)....................... 11-56 GPCM Relaxed Timing Read (ACS = 1x, SCY = 1, CSNT = 0, TRLX = 1) .................... 11-57 GPCM Relaxed-Timing Write (ACS = 1x, SCY = 0, CSNT = 0,TRLX = 1) .................... 11-57 GPCM Relaxed-Timing Write (ACS = 10, SCY = 0, CSNT = 1, TRLX = 1) ................... 11-58 GPCM Relaxed-Timing Write (ACS = 00, SCY = 0, CSNT = 1, TRLX = 1) ................... 11-58 GPCM Read Followed by Read (ORx[29–30] = 00, Fastest Timing) ................................ 11-59 GPCM Read Followed by Read (ORx[29–30] = 01).......................................................... 11-60 GPCM Read Followed by Write (ORx[29–30] = 01) ......................................................... 11-60 GPCM Read Followed by Write (ORx[29–30] = 10) ......................................................... 11-61 External Termination of GPCM Access.............................................................................. 11-62 User-Programmable Machine Block Diagram.................................................................... 11-64 RAM Array Indexing .......................................................................................................... 11-65 Memory Refresh Timer Request Block Diagram ............................................................... 11-66 Memory Controller UPM Clock Scheme for Integer Clock Ratios.................................... 11-68 Memory Controller UPM Clock Scheme for Non-Integer (2.5:1/3.5:1) Clock Ratios ................................................................................................................... 11-69 UPM Signals Timing Example ........................................................................................... 11-70 MPC8280 PowerQUICC II Family Reference Manual, Rev. 1 liv Freescale Semiconductor Figures Figure Number 11-61 11-62 11-63 11-64 11-65 11-66 11-67 11-68 11-69 11-70 11-71 11-72 11-73 11-74 11-75 11-76 11-77 11-78 11-79 11-80 11-81 11-82 11-83 11-84 11-85 11-86 12-1 12-2 12-3 12-4 13-1 13-2 13-3 13-4 13-5 13-6 14-1 14-2 14-3 14-4 Title Page Number RAM Array and Signal Generation .................................................................................... 11-71 The RAM Word................................................................................................................... 11-71 CS Signal Selection............................................................................................................. 11-76 BS Signal Selection............................................................................................................. 11-76 UPM Read Access Data Sampling...................................................................................... 11-79 Wait Mechanism Timing for Internal and External Synchronous Masters ......................... 11-80 DRAM Interface Connection to the 60x Bus (64-Bit Port Size) ........................................ 11-82 Single-Beat Read Access to FPM DRAM .......................................................................... 11-84 Single-Beat Write Access to FPM DRAM ......................................................................... 11-85 Burst Read Access to FPM DRAM (No LOOP) ................................................................ 11-86 Burst Read Access to FPM DRAM (LOOP) ...................................................................... 11-87 Burst Write Access to FPM DRAM (No LOOP)................................................................ 11-88 Refresh Cycle (CBR) to FPM DRAM ................................................................................ 11-89 Exception Cycle .................................................................................................................. 11-90 FPM DRAM Burst Read Access (Data Sampling on Falling Edge of CLKIN)................. 11-92 MPC8280/EDO Interface Connection to the 60x Bus ........................................................ 11-93 Single-Beat Read Access to EDO DRAM.......................................................................... 11-94 Single-Beat Write Access to EDO DRAM ......................................................................... 11-95 Single-Beat Write Access to EDO DRAM Using REDO to Insert Three Wait States ...................................................................................................................... 11-96 Burst Read Access to EDO DRAM .................................................................................... 11-97 Burst Write Access to EDO DRAM ................................................................................... 11-98 Refresh Cycle (CBR) to EDO DRAM................................................................................ 11-99 Exception Cycle For EDO DRAM ................................................................................... 11-100 Pipelined Bus Operation and Memory Access in 60x-Compatible Mode ........................ 11-104 External Master Access (GPCM)...................................................................................... 11-105 External Master Configuration with SDRAM Device...................................................... 11-106 L2 Cache in Copy-Back Mode.............................................................................................. 12-2 External L2 Cache in Write-Through Mode ......................................................................... 12-4 External L2 Cache in ECC/Parity Mode............................................................................... 12-6 Read Access with L2 Cache.................................................................................................. 12-8 Test Logic Block Diagram .................................................................................................... 13-2 TAP Controller State Machine .............................................................................................. 13-3 Output Pin Cell (O.Pin)......................................................................................................... 13-4 Observe-Only Input Pin Cell (I.Obs) .................................................................................... 13-4 Output Control Cell (IO.CTL) .............................................................................................. 13-5 General Arrangement of Bidirectional Pin Cells .................................................................. 13-5 CPM Block Diagram............................................................................................................. 14-3 Communications Processor (CP) Block Diagram................................................................. 14-6 RISC Controller Configuration Register (RCCR.................................................................. 14-9 RISC Time-Stamp Control Register (RTSCR) ................................................................... 14-11 MPC8280 PowerQUICC II Family Reference Manual, Rev. 1 Freescale Semiconductor lv Figures Figure Number 14-5 14-6 14-7 14-8 14-9 14-10 14-11 14-12 15-1 15-2 15-3 15-4 15-5 15-6 15-7 15-8 15-9 15-10 15-11 15-12 15-13 15-14 15-15 15-16 15-17 15-18 15-19 15-20 15-21 15-22 15-23 15-24 16-1 16-2 16-3 16-4 16-5 16-6 16-7 16-8 16-9 Title Page Number RISC Time-Stamp Register (RTSR) ................................................................................... 14-11 CP Command Register (CPCR).......................................................................................... 14-12 Internal RAM Block Diagram............................................................................................. 14-18 Internal Data RAM Memory Map ...................................................................................... 14-19 Instruction RAM Partitioning ............................................................................................. 14-20 RISC Timer Table RAM Usage .......................................................................................... 14-24 RISC Timer Command Register (TM_CMD) .................................................................... 14-25 RISC Timer Event Register (RTER)/Mask Register (RTMR)............................................ 14-26 SI Block Diagram.................................................................................................................. 15-2 Various Configurations of a Single TDM Channel ............................................................... 15-5 Dual TDM Channel Example ............................................................................................... 15-6 Enabling Connections to the TSA......................................................................................... 15-8 One TDM Channel with Static Frames and Independent Rx and Tx Routes ....................... 15-9 One TDM Channel with Shadow RAM for Dynamic Route Change................................. 15-10 SIx RAM Entry Fields ........................................................................................................ 15-10 Using the SWTR Feature .................................................................................................... 15-12 Example: SIx RAM Dynamic Changes, TDMa and b, Same SIx RAM Size .................... 15-16 SI Global Mode Registers (SIxGMR)................................................................................. 15-17 SI Mode Registers (SIxMR) ............................................................................................... 15-18 One-Clock Delay from Sync to Data (xFSD = 01)............................................................. 15-20 No Delay from Sync to Data (xFSD = 00).......................................................................... 15-20 Falling Edge (FE) Effect When CE = 1 and xFSD = 01..................................................... 15-21 Falling Edge (FE) Effect When CE = 0 and xFSD = 01..................................................... 15-21 Falling Edge (FE) Effect When CE = 1 and xFSD = 00..................................................... 15-22 Falling Edge (FE) Effect When CE = 0 and xFSD = 00..................................................... 15-23 SIx RAM Shadow Address Registers (SIxRSR) ................................................................ 15-24 SI Command Register (SIxCMDR) .................................................................................... 15-24 SI Status Registers (SIxSTR) .............................................................................................. 15-25 Dual IDL Bus Application Example ................................................................................... 15-26 IDL Terminal Adaptor......................................................................................................... 15-27 IDL Bus Signals .................................................................................................................. 15-28 GCI Bus Signals.................................................................................................................. 15-31 CPM Multiplexing Logic (CMX) Block Diagram................................................................ 16-2 Enabling Connections to the TSA......................................................................................... 16-4 Bank of Clocks...................................................................................................................... 16-5 CMX UTOPIA Address Register (CMXUAR) .................................................................... 16-7 Connection of the Master Address........................................................................................ 16-9 Connection of the Slave Address .......................................................................................... 16-9 Multi-PHY Receive Address Multiplexing......................................................................... 16-11 CMX SI1 Clock Route Register (CMXSI1CR) .................................................................. 16-12 CMX SI2 Clock Route Register (CMXSI2CR) .................................................................. 16-13 MPC8280 PowerQUICC II Family Reference Manual, Rev. 1 lvi Freescale Semiconductor Figures Figure Number 16-10 16-11 16-12 17-1 17-2 18-1 18-2 18-3 18-4 18-5 18-6 18-7 18-8 18-9 19-1 19-2 19-3 19-4 19-5 19-6 19-7 19-8 19-9 19-10 20-1 20-2 20-3 20-4 20-5 20-6 20-7 20-8 20-9 20-10 20-11 20-12 20-13 20-14 20-15 21-1 Title Page Number CMX FCC Clock Route Register (CMXFCR) ................................................................... 16-14 CMX SCC Clock Route Register (CMXSCR) ................................................................... 16-16 CMX SMC Clock Route Register (CMXSMR) ................................................................. 16-19 Baud-Rate Generator (BRG) Block Diagram ....................................................................... 17-1 Baud-Rate Generator Configuration Registers (BRGCx)..................................................... 17-2 Timer Block Diagram ........................................................................................................... 18-1 Timer Cascaded Mode Block Diagram................................................................................. 18-3 Timer Global Configuration Register 1 (TGCR1) ................................................................ 18-4 Timer Global Configuration Register 2 (TGCR2) ................................................................ 18-5 Timer Mode Registers (TMR1–TMR4)................................................................................ 18-6 Timer Reference Registers (TRR1–TRR4)........................................................................... 18-7 Timer Capture Registers (TCR1–TCR4) .............................................................................. 18-7 Timer Counter Registers (TCN1–TCN4).............................................................................. 18-7 Timer Event Registers (TER1–TER4) .................................................................................. 18-8 SDMA Data Paths ................................................................................................................. 19-1 SDMA Bus Arbitration (Transaction Steal).......................................................................... 19-3 SDMA Status Register (SDSR) ............................................................................................ 19-3 SDMA Transfer Error MSNUM Registers (PDTEM/LDTEM) ........................................... 19-4 IDMA Transfer Buffer in the Dual-Port RAM ..................................................................... 19-7 Example IDMA Transfer Buffer States for a Memory-to-Memory Transfer (Size = 128 Bytes) ............................................................................................................ 19-8 IDMAx Channel BD Table.................................................................................................. 19-15 DCM Parameters................................................................................................................. 19-18 IDMA Event/Mask Registers (IDSR/IDMR) ..................................................................... 19-23 IDMA BD Structure............................................................................................................ 19-23 SCC Block Diagram.............................................................................................................. 20-2 GSMR_H—General SCC Mode Register (High Order)....................................................... 20-3 GSMR_L—General SCC Mode Register (Low Order)........................................................ 20-5 Data Synchronization Register (DSR) .................................................................................. 20-9 Transmit-on-Demand Register (TODR) ............................................................................. 20-10 SCC Buffer Descriptors (BDs)............................................................................................ 20-11 SCC BD and Buffer Memory Structure .............................................................................. 20-12 Function Code Registers (RFCR and TFCR) ..................................................................... 20-15 Output Delay from RTS Asserted for Synchronous Protocols ........................................... 20-18 Output Delay from CTS Asserted for Synchronous Protocols ........................................... 20-18 CTS Lost in Synchronous Protocols ................................................................................... 20-19 Using CD to Control Synchronous Protocol Reception...................................................... 20-20 DPLL Receiver Block Diagram .......................................................................................... 20-21 DPLL Transmitter Block Diagram...................................................................................... 20-22 DPLL Encoding Examples.................................................................................................. 20-23 UART Character Format ....................................................................................................... 21-1 MPC8280 PowerQUICC II Family Reference Manual, Rev. 1 Freescale Semiconductor lvii Figures Figure Number 21-2 21-3 21-4 21-5 21-6 21-7 21-8 21-9 21-10 21-11 21-12 22-1 22-2 22-3 22-4 22-5 22-6 22-7 22-8 22-9 22-10 22-11 22-12 22-13 22-14 22-15 22-16 23-1 23-2 23-3 23-4 23-5 23-6 23-7 23-8 23-9 24-1 24-2 24-3 24-4 24-5 Title Page Number Two UART Multidrop Configurations.................................................................................. 21-7 Control Character Table ........................................................................................................ 21-8 Transmit Out-of-Sequence Register (TOSEQ) ................................................................... 21-10 Asynchronous UART Transmitter ...................................................................................... 21-11 Protocol-Specific Mode Register for UART (PSMR) ........................................................ 21-13 SCC UART Receiving using RxBDs.................................................................................. 21-16 SCC UART Receive Buffer Descriptor (RxBD) ................................................................ 21-17 SCC UART Transmit Buffer Descriptor (TxBD) ............................................................... 21-18 SCC UART Interrupt Event Example ................................................................................. 21-20 SCC UART Event Register (SCCE) and Mask Register (SCCM) ..................................... 21-20 SCC Status Register for UART Mode (SCCS) ................................................................... 21-21 HDLC Framing Structure...................................................................................................... 22-2 HDLC Address Recognition ................................................................................................. 22-4 HDLC Mode Register (PSMR)............................................................................................. 22-7 SCC HDLC Receive Buffer Descriptor (RxBD) .................................................................. 22-8 SCC HDLC Receiving Using RxBDs................................................................................. 22-11 SCC HDLC Transmit Buffer Descriptor (TxBD) ............................................................... 22-12 HDLC Event Register (SCCE)/HDLC Mask Register (SCCM) ........................................ 22-13 SCC HDLC Interrupt Event Example................................................................................. 22-15 CC HDLC Status Register (SCCS) ..................................................................................... 22-15 Typical HDLC Bus Multi-Master Configuration................................................................ 22-19 Typical HDLC Bus Single-Master Configuration............................................................... 22-20 Detecting an HDLC Bus Collision...................................................................................... 22-21 Nonsymmetrical Tx Clock Duty Cycle for Increased Performance ................................... 22-21 HDLC Bus Transmission Line Configuration .................................................................... 22-22 Delayed RTS Mode............................................................................................................. 22-22 HDLC Bus TDM Transmission Line Configuration .......................................................... 22-23 Classes of BISYNC Frames.................................................................................................. 23-1 Control Character Table and RCCM..................................................................................... 23-6 BISYNC SYNC (BSYNC) ................................................................................................... 23-7 BISYNC DLE (BDLE) ......................................................................................................... 23-8 Protocol-Specific Mode Register for BISYNC (PSMR) .................................................... 23-10 SCC BISYNC RxBD .......................................................................................................... 23-12 SCC BISYNC Transmit BD (TxBD) .................................................................................. 23-14 BISYNC Event Register (SCCE)/BISYNC Mask Register (SCCM) ................................. 23-16 SCC Status Registers (SCCS) ............................................................................................. 23-16 Sending Transparent Frames between MPC8280s ............................................................... 24-4 SCC Transparent Receive Buffer Descriptor (RxBD) .......................................................... 24-8 SCC Transparent Transmit Buffer Descriptor (TxBD) ....................................................... 24-10 SCC Transparent Event Register (SCCE)/Mask Register (SCCM).................................... 24-11 SCC Status Register in Transparent Mode (SCCS) ............................................................ 24-12 MPC8280 PowerQUICC II Family Reference Manual, Rev. 1 lviii Freescale Semiconductor Figures Figure Number 25-1 25-2 25-3 25-4 25-5 25-6 25-7 25-8 25-9 25-10 26-1 26-2 27-1 27-2 27-3 27-4 27-5 27-6 27-7 27-8 27-9 27-10 27-11 27-12 27-13 27-14 27-15 27-16 27-17 27-18 27-19 27-20 27-21 28-1 28-2 28-3 28-4 28-5 28-6 28-7 28-8 Title Page Number Ethernet Frame Structure ...................................................................................................... 25-1 Ethernet Block Diagram........................................................................................................ 25-2 Connecting the MPC8280 to Ethernet .................................................................................. 25-4 Ethernet Address Recognition Flowchart ........................................................................... 25-11 Ethernet Mode Register (PSMR) ........................................................................................ 25-14 SCC Ethernet RxBD ........................................................................................................... 25-16 Ethernet Receiving using RxBDs ....................................................................................... 25-18 SCC Ethernet TxBD............................................................................................................ 25-19 SCC Ethernet Event Register (SCCE)/Mask Register (SCCM) ......................................... 25-20 Ethernet Interrupt Events Example ..................................................................................... 25-21 LocalTalk Frame Format....................................................................................................... 26-1 Connecting the MPC8280 to LocalTalk................................................................................ 26-3 USB Interface........................................................................................................................ 27-3 USB Function Block Diagram ............................................................................................. 27-5 USB Controller Operating Modes......................................................................................... 27-6 USB Controller Block Diagram ........................................................................................... 27-8 USB Controller Operating Modes......................................................................................... 27-9 Endpoint Pointer Registers (EPxPTR) ................................................................................ 27-13 Frame Number (FRAME_N) in Function Mode—Updated by USB Controller................ 27-15 Frame Number (FRAME_N) in Host Mode—Updated by Application Software ............. 27-15 USB Function Code Registers (RFCR and TFCR)............................................................. 27-16 USB Mode Register (USMOD) .......................................................................................... 27-17 USB Slave Address Register (USADR) ............................................................................. 27-18 USB Endpoint Registers (USEP1–USEP4) ........................................................................ 27-18 USB Command Register (USCOM) ................................................................................... 27-20 USB Event Register (USBER)............................................................................................ 27-20 USB Status Register (USBS) .............................................................................................. 27-21 USB Start of Frame Timer (USSFT)................................................................................... 27-22 USB Memory Structure....................................................................................................... 27-23 USB Receive Buffer Descriptor (Rx BD),.......................................................................... 27-24 USB Transmit Buffer Descriptor (Tx BD),......................................................................... 27-26 USB Transmit Buffer Descriptor (Tx BD),......................................................................... 27-28 USB Transaction Buffer Descriptor (TrBD), ...................................................................... 27-30 SMC Block Diagram............................................................................................................. 28-1 SMC Mode Registers (SMCMR1/SMCMR2)...................................................................... 28-3 SMC Memory Structure........................................................................................................ 28-5 SMC Function Code Registers (RFCR/TFCR)..................................................................... 28-8 SMC UART Frame Format................................................................................................. 28-10 SMC UART RxBD ............................................................................................................. 28-14 RxBD Example ................................................................................................................... 28-16 SMC UART TxBD.............................................................................................................. 28-17 MPC8280 PowerQUICC II Family Reference Manual, Rev. 1 Freescale Semiconductor lix Figures Figure Number 28-9 28-10 28-11 28-12 28-13 28-14 28-15 28-16 28-17 28-18 28-19 29-1 29-2 29-3 29-4 29-5 29-6 29-7 29-8 29-9 29-10 29-11 29-12 29-13 29-14 29-15 29-16 29-17 29-18 29-19 29-20 29-21 29-22 30-1 30-2 30-3 30-4 30-5 30-6 30-7 30-8 Title Page Number SMC UART Event Register (SMCE)/Mask Register (SMCM) ......................................... 28-18 SMC UART Interrupts Example......................................................................................... 28-19 Synchronization with SMSYNx.......................................................................................... 28-23 Synchronization with the TSA............................................................................................ 28-24 SMC Transparent RxBD ..................................................................................................... 28-26 SMC Transparent Event Register (SMCE)/Mask Register (SMCM) ................................. 28-28 SMC Monitor Channel RxBD............................................................................................. 28-32 SMC Monitor Channel TxBD............................................................................................. 28-33 SMC C/I Channel RxBD..................................................................................................... 28-33 SMC C/I Channel TxBD..................................................................................................... 28-34 SMC GCI Event Register (SMCE)/Mask Register (SMCM) ............................................. 28-35 BD Structure for One MCC .................................................................................................. 29-3 TSTATE High Byte ............................................................................................................... 29-7 INTMSK Mask Bits .............................................................................................................. 29-8 Channel Mode Register (CHAMR) ...................................................................................... 29-8 Rx Internal State (RSTATE) High Byte .............................................................................. 29-10 Channel Mode Register (CHAMR)—Transparent Mode ................................................... 29-12 INTMSK Mask Bits ............................................................................................................ 29-15 Channel Mode Register (CHAMR)—CES Mode............................................................... 29-15 Extended Channel Mode Register (ECHAMR).................................................................. 29-21 SS7 Configuration Register (SS7_OPT) ............................................................................. 29-23 Mask1 Format ..................................................................................................................... 29-25 Mask2 Format ..................................................................................................................... 29-25 Super Channel Table Entry ................................................................................................. 29-28 Transmitter Super Channel Example .................................................................................. 29-30 Receiver Super Channel with Slot Synchronization Example............................................ 29-31 Receiver Super Channel without Slot Synchronization Example....................................... 29-32 SI MCC Configuration Register (MCCF)........................................................................... 29-32 Interrupt Circular Table....................................................................................................... 29-35 MCC Event Register (MCCE)/Mask Register (MCCM).................................................... 29-36 Interrupt Circular Table Entry............................................................................................. 29-37 MCC Receive Buffer Descriptor (RxBD)........................................................................... 29-42 MCC Transmit Buffer Descriptor (TxBD).......................................................................... 29-44 FCC Block Diagram.............................................................................................................. 30-3 General FCC Mode Register (GFMR).................................................................................. 30-4 General FCC Expansion Mode Register (GFEMR) ............................................................. 30-8 FCC Data Synchronization Register (FDSR) ....................................................................... 30-9 FCC Transmit-on-Demand Register (FTODR)..................................................................... 30-9 FCC Memory Structure....................................................................................................... 30-10 Buffer Descriptor Format.................................................................................................... 30-11 Function Code Register (FCRx) ......................................................................................... 30-14 MPC8280 PowerQUICC II Family Reference Manual, Rev. 1 lx Freescale Semiconductor Figures Figure Number 30-9 30-10 30-11 30-12 31-1 31-2 31-3 31-4 31-5 31-6 31-7 31-8 31-9 31-10 31-11 31-12 31-13 31-14 31-15 31-16 31-17 31-18 31-19 31-20 31-21 31-22 31-23 31-24 31-25 31-26 31-27 31-28 31-29 31-30 31-31 31-32 31-33 31-34 31-35 31-36 31-37 Title Page Number Output Delay from RTS Asserted ....................................................................................... 30-18 Output Delay from CTS Asserted....................................................................................... 30-18 CTS Lost ............................................................................................................................. 30-19 Using CD to Control Reception .......................................................................................... 30-20 APC Scheduling Table Mechanism ...................................................................................... 31-9 VBR Pacing Using the GCRA (Leaky Bucket Algorithm) ................................................ 31-12 External CAM Data Input Fields ........................................................................................ 31-14 External CAM Output Fields .............................................................................................. 31-14 Address Compression Mechanism...................................................................................... 31-15 General VCOFFSET Formula for Contiguous VCLTs ....................................................... 31-16 VP Pointer Address Compression....................................................................................... 31-17 VC Pointer Address Compression ...................................................................................... 31-18 ATM Address Recognition Flowchart ................................................................................ 31-19 MPC8280’s ABR Basic Model ........................................................................................... 31-20 ABR Transmit Flow ............................................................................................................ 31-22 ABR Transmit Flow (continued) ........................................................................................ 31-23 ABR Transmit Flow (continued) ........................................................................................ 31-24 ABR Receive Flow ............................................................................................................. 31-25 Rate Format for RM Cells................................................................................................... 31-26 Rate Formula for RM Cells................................................................................................. 31-26 Performance Monitoring Cell Structure (FMCs and BRCs)............................................... 31-29 FMC, BRC Insertion ........................................................................................................... 31-31 Format of User-Defined Cells............................................................................................. 31-32 External CAM Address in UDC Extended Address Mode................................................. 31-33 ATM-to-TDM Interworking................................................................................................ 31-34 VCI Filtering Enable Bits ................................................................................................... 31-39 Global Mode Entry (GMODE) ........................................................................................... 31-40 Example of a 1024-Entry Receive Connection Table ......................................................... 31-42 Receive Connection Table (RCT) Entry ............................................................................. 31-43 AAL5 Protocol-Specific RCT............................................................................................. 31-46 AAL5-ABR Protocol-Specific RCT ................................................................................... 31-47 AAL1 Protocol-Specific RCT............................................................................................. 31-47 AAL0 Protocol-Specific RCT............................................................................................. 31-49 Transmit Connection Table (TCT) Entry ............................................................................ 31-50 AAL5 Protocol-Specific TCT ............................................................................................. 31-53 AAL1 Protocol-Specific TCT ............................................................................................. 31-54 AAL0 Protocol-Specific TCT ............................................................................................. 31-55 Transmit Connection Table Extension (TCTE)—VBR Protocol-Specific ......................... 31-56 UBR+ Protocol-Specific TCTE .......................................................................................... 31-57 ABR Protocol-Specific TCTE ............................................................................................ 31-58 OAM Performance Monitoring Table................................................................................. 31-60 MPC8280 PowerQUICC II Family Reference Manual, Rev. 1 Freescale Semiconductor lxi Figures Figure Number 31-38 31-39 31-40 31-41 31-42 31-43 31-44 31-45 31-46 31-47 31-48 31-49 31-50 31-51 31-52 31-53 31-54 31-55 31-56 31-57 31-58 31-59 31-60 31-61 31-62 31-63 31-64 31-65 31-66 31-67 31-68 31-69 32-1 32-2 32-3 32-4 32-5 32-6 32-7 32-8 32-9 Title Page Number ATM Pace Control Data Structure ...................................................................................... 31-62 The APC Scheduling Table Structure ................................................................................. 31-63 Control Slot ......................................................................................................................... 31-64 Transmit Buffers and BD Table Example ........................................................................... 31-65 Receive Static Buffer Allocation Example ......................................................................... 31-66 Receive Global Buffer Allocation Example ....................................................................... 31-67 Free Buffer Pool Structure .................................................................................................. 31-67 Free Buffer Pool Entry ........................................................................................................ 31-68 AAL5 RxBD ....................................................................................................................... 31-69 AAL1 RxBD ....................................................................................................................... 31-71 AAL0 RxBD ....................................................................................................................... 31-72 User-Defined Cell—RxBD Extension ................................................................................ 31-73 AAL5 TxBD ....................................................................................................................... 31-74 AAL1 TxBD ....................................................................................................................... 31-75 AAL0 TxBDs ...................................................................................................................... 31-76 User-Defined Cell—TxBD Extension ................................................................................ 31-77 AAL1 Sequence Number (SN) Protection Table ................................................................ 31-78 Interrupt Queue Structure.................................................................................................... 31-79 Interrupt Queue Entry ......................................................................................................... 31-80 UTOPIA Master Mode Signals........................................................................................... 31-81 UTOPIA Slave Mode Signals ............................................................................................. 31-83 FCC ATM Mode Register (FPSMR) .................................................................................. 31-86 ATM Event Register (FCCE)/FCC Mask Register (FCCM) .............................................. 31-88 COMM_INFO Field ........................................................................................................... 31-89 FCC Transmit Internal Rate Register (FTIRR)................................................................... 31-92 FCC Transmit Internal Rate Clocking ................................................................................ 31-92 FCC Transmit Internal Rate Port Enable Register (FIRPERx)........................................... 31-94 FCC Internal Rate Event Register (FIRERx)...................................................................... 31-95 FCC Internal Rate Selection Register HI (FIRSRx_HI) ..................................................... 31-96 FCC Internal Rate Selection Register LO (FIRSRx_LO)................................................... 31-96 AAL1 CES SRTS Generation Using External Logic.......................................................... 31-97 AAL1 CES SRTS Clock Recovery Using External Logic ................................................. 31-98 AAL1 Transmit Cell Format ................................................................................................. 32-3 AAL1 SDT Cell Types.......................................................................................................... 32-3 AAL1 Framing Formats........................................................................................................ 32-4 AAL1 CES Receiver Data flow ............................................................................................ 32-6 ATM-to-TDM Interworking.................................................................................................. 32-7 TDM-to-ATM Interworking.................................................................................................. 32-8 Mapping CAS Data on a Serial Interface............................................................................ 32-10 Internal CAS Block Formats............................................................................................... 32-11 Mapping CAS Entry............................................................................................................ 32-12 MPC8280 PowerQUICC II Family Reference Manual, Rev. 1 lxii Freescale Semiconductor Figures Figure Number 32-10 32-11 32-12 32-13 32-14 32-15 32-16 32-17 32-18 32-19 32-20 32-21 32-22 32-23 32-24 32-25 32-26 32-27 32-28 32-29 32-30 32-31 32-32 33-1 33-2 33-3 33-4 33-5 33-6 33-7 33-8 33-9 33-10 33-11 33-12 33-13 33-14 33-15 33-16 33-17 33-18 Title Page Number AAL1 CES CAS Routing Table (CRT) .............................................................................. 32-12 AAL1 CES CAS Routing Table Entry................................................................................ 32-12 CAS Flow TDM-to-ATM.................................................................................................... 32-13 CAS Flow ATM-to-TDM.................................................................................................... 32-14 Data Structure for ATM-to-TDM Adaptive Slip Control ................................................... 32-16 CES Adaptive Threshold Table........................................................................................... 32-17 Pre-Underrun Sequence ...................................................................................................... 32-18 Pre-Overrun Sequence ........................................................................................................ 32-19 Recoverable Sync Fail Sequence Options .......................................................................... 32-20 3-Step-SN-Algorithm .......................................................................................................... 32-21 Pointer Verification Mechanism.......................................................................................... 32-22 Receive Connection Table (RCT) Entry ............................................................................. 32-26 AAL1 CES Protocol-Specific RCT .................................................................................... 32-29 Transmit Connection Table (TCT) Entry ........................................................................... 32-32 AAL1 CES Protocol-Specific TCT..................................................................................... 32-34 Outgoing CAS Status Register (OCASSR)......................................................................... 32-36 Transmit Buffers and BD Table Example ........................................................................... 32-37 Receive Buffers and BD Table Example ............................................................................ 32-38 AAL1 CES RxBD............................................................................................................... 32-39 AAL1 CES TxBD ............................................................................................................... 32-40 AAL1 CES Interrupt Queue Entry...................................................................................... 32-41 AAL1 Sequence Number (SN) Protection Table ................................................................ 32-43 TDM-to-ATM Timing Issue................................................................................................ 32-45 AAL2 Data Units .................................................................................................................. 33-1 AAL2 Sublayer Structure...................................................................................................... 33-2 AAL2 Switching Example .................................................................................................... 33-3 Round Robin Priority ............................................................................................................ 33-6 Fixed Priority Mode .............................................................................................................. 33-7 AAL2 Protocol-Specific Transmit Connection Table (TCT)................................................ 33-9 CPS Tx Queue Descriptor (TxQD) ..................................................................................... 33-13 Buffer Structure Example for CPS Packets......................................................................... 33-14 CPS TxBD........................................................................................................................... 33-15 CPS Packet Header Format................................................................................................. 33-16 SSSAR Tx Queue Descriptor.............................................................................................. 33-16 SSSAR TxBD ..................................................................................................................... 33-18 CID Mapping Process ......................................................................................................... 33-21 AAL2 Switching ................................................................................................................. 33-22 AAL2 Protocol-Specific Receive Connection Table (RCT) ............................................... 33-23 CPS Rx Queue Descriptor................................................................................................... 33-26 CPS Receive Buffer Descriptor .......................................................................................... 33-27 CPS Switch Rx Queue Descriptor ...................................................................................... 33-29 MPC8280 PowerQUICC II Family Reference Manual, Rev. 1 Freescale Semiconductor lxiii Figures Figure Number 33-19 33-20 33-21 33-22 33-23 33-24 34-1 34-2 34-3 34-4 34-5 34-6 34-7 34-8 34-9 34-10 34-11 34-12 34-13 34-14 34-15 34-16 34-17 34-18 34-19 34-20 34-21 34-22 34-23 34-24 34-25 34-26 34-27 34-28 34-29 34-30 34-31 34-32 34-33 35-1 Title Page Number Switch Receive/Transmit Buffer Descriptor ....................................................................... 33-29 SSSAR Rx Queue Descriptor ............................................................................................. 33-31 SSSAR Receive Buffer Descriptor ..................................................................................... 33-32 UDC Header Table.............................................................................................................. 33-37 AAL2 Interrupt Queue Entry CID ≠ 0 ................................................................................ 33-38 AAL2 Interrupt Queue Entry CID = 0 ................................................................................ 33-39 Basic Concept of IMA .......................................................................................................... 34-5 Illustration of IMA Frames ................................................................................................... 34-6 IMA Microcode Overview.................................................................................................... 34-7 IMA Frame and ICP Cell Formats........................................................................................ 34-8 IMA Transmit Task Interaction........................................................................................... 34-10 Transmit Queue Normal Operating State............................................................................ 34-12 Transmit Queue Behavior: Link Clock Rate Same as TRL ................................................ 34-12 Transmit Queue Behavior: Link Clock Rate Slower than TRL .......................................... 34-13 Transmit Queue Behavior: Link Clock Rate Faster than TRL, Worst-Case Event Sequence ...... 34-14 IMA Receive Task Interaction ............................................................................................ 34-15 IMA Microcode: Receive Process ...................................................................................... 34-17 IMA Root Table Data Structures......................................................................................... 34-21 IMA Control (IMACNTL).................................................................................................. 34-25 IMA Group Transmit Control (IGTCNTL)......................................................................... 34-27 IMA Group Transmit State (IGTSTATE)............................................................................ 34-27 Transmit Group Order Table Entry ..................................................................................... 34-28 IMA Group Receive Control (IGRCNTL).......................................................................... 34-34 IMA Group Receive State (IGRSTATE)............................................................................. 34-34 IMA Receive Group Frame Size (IGRSTATE) .................................................................. 34-35 Receive Group Order Table Entry....................................................................................... 34-36 IMA Link Transmit Control (ILTCNTL)............................................................................ 34-38 IMA Link Transmit State (ILTSTATE) ............................................................................... 34-38 IMA Transmit Interrupt Status (ITINTSTAT)..................................................................... 34-39 IMA Link Receive Control (ILRCNTL)............................................................................. 34-41 IMA Link Receive State (ILRSTATE)................................................................................ 34-42 IMA Transmit Queue .......................................................................................................... 34-44 Cell Buffer in Delay Compensation Buffer......................................................................... 34-44 IMA Delay Compensation Buffer ....................................................................................... 34-45 IMA Interrupt Queue Entry................................................................................................. 34-45 IDMA Event/Mask Registers in IDCR Mode (IDSR/IDMR) ............................................ 34-50 COMM_INFO Field ........................................................................................................... 34-53 IMA Microcode/Software Interaction................................................................................. 34-54 Near-End versus Far-End .................................................................................................... 34-60 Serial ATM Using FCC2 and TC Blocks (Single Channel).................................................. 35-1 MPC8280 PowerQUICC II Family Reference Manual, Rev. 1 lxiv Freescale Semiconductor Figures Figure Number 35-2 35-3 35-4 35-5 35-6 35-7 35-8 35-9 35-10 35-11 35-12 36-1 36-2 36-3 36-4 36-5 36-6 36-7 36-8 36-9 36-10 36-11 37-1 37-2 37-3 37-4 37-5 37-6 37-7 37-8 37-9 38-1 38-2 39-1 39-2 39-3 39-4 39-5 39-6 39-7 39-8 Title Page Number TC Layer Block Diagram...................................................................................................... 35-3 TC Cell Delineation State Machine ...................................................................................... 35-4 HEC: Receiver Modes of Operation ..................................................................................... 35-5 TC Layer Mode Registers (TCMODEx)............................................................................... 35-7 Cell Delineation State Machine Registers (CDSMRx) ......................................................... 35-8 TC Layer Event Registers (TCERx) ..................................................................................... 35-9 TC Layer General Event Register (TCGER) ...................................................................... 35-10 TC Layer General Status Register (TCGSR) ...................................................................... 35-11 TC Operation in FCC External Rate Mode......................................................................... 35-14 TC Operation in FCC Internal Rate Mode (Sub Rate Mode) ............................................. 35-14 Example of Serial ATM Application .................................................................................. 35-15 Ethernet Frame Structure ...................................................................................................... 36-1 Ethernet Block Diagram ....................................................................................................... 36-2 Connecting the MPC8280 to Ethernet .................................................................................. 36-4 Connecting the MPC8280 to Ethernet (RMII)...................................................................... 36-5 Ethernet Address Recognition Flowchart ........................................................................... 36-16 FCC Ethernet Mode Registers (FPSMRx) .......................................................................... 36-20 Ethernet Event Register (FCCE)/Mask Register (FCCM).................................................. 36-22 Ethernet Interrupt Events Example ..................................................................................... 36-23 Fast Ethernet Receive Buffer (RxBD) ................................................................................ 36-24 Ethernet Receiving Using RxBDs....................................................................................... 36-26 Fast Ethernet Transmit Buffer (TxBD) ............................................................................... 36-27 HDLC Framing Structure...................................................................................................... 37-2 HDLC Address Recognition Example.................................................................................. 37-5 HDLC Mode Register (FPSMR)........................................................................................... 37-8 FCC HDLC Receiving Using RxBDs................................................................................. 37-10 FCC HDLC Receive Buffer Descriptor (RxBD) ................................................................ 37-11 FCC HDLC Transmit Buffer Descriptor (TxBD) ............................................................... 37-12 HDLC Event Register (FCCE)/Mask Register (FCCM) .................................................... 37-14 HDLC Interrupt Event Example ......................................................................................... 37-16 FCC Status Register (FCCS)............................................................................................... 37-16 In-Line Synchronization Pattern ........................................................................................... 38-2 Sending Transparent Frames between MPC8280s ............................................................... 38-4 SPI Block Diagram ............................................................................................................... 39-1 Single-Master/Multi-Slave Configuration ............................................................................ 39-3 Multi-Master Configuration.................................................................................................. 39-5 SPMODE—SPI Mode Register ............................................................................................ 39-6 SPI Transfer Format with SPMODE[CP] = 0....................................................................... 39-7 SPI Transfer Format with SPMODE[CP] = 1....................................................................... 39-8 SPIE/SPIM—SPI Event/Mask Registers .............................................................................. 39-9 SPCOM—SPI Command Register ..................................................................................... 39-10 MPC8280 PowerQUICC II Family Reference Manual, Rev. 1 Freescale Semiconductor lxv Figures Figure Number 39-9 39-10 39-11 39-12 40-1 40-2 40-3 40-4 40-5 40-6 40-7 40-8 40-9 40-10 40-11 40-12 40-13 40-14 41-1 41-2 41-3 41-4 41-5 41-6 41-7 Title Page Number RFCR/TFCR—Function Code Registers............................................................................ 39-12 SPI Memory Structure......................................................................................................... 39-13 SPI RxBD............................................................................................................................ 39-14 SPI TxBD ............................................................................................................................ 39-15 I2C Controller Block Diagram .............................................................................................. 40-1 I2C Master/Slave General Configuration.............................................................................. 40-2 I2C Transfer Timing .............................................................................................................. 40-3 I2C Master Write Timing ...................................................................................................... 40-3 I2C Master Read Timing ....................................................................................................... 40-4 I2C Mode Register (I2MOD) ................................................................................................ 40-6 I2C Address Register (I2ADD) ............................................................................................. 40-7 I2C Baud Rate Generator Register (I2BRG)......................................................................... 40-7 I2C Event/Mask Registers (I2CER/I2CMR)......................................................................... 40-8 I2C Command Register (I2COM) ......................................................................................... 40-8 I2C Function Code Registers (RFCR/TFCR)...................................................................... 40-10 I2C Memory Structure......................................................................................................... 40-12 I2C RxBD............................................................................................................................ 40-13 I2C TxBD ............................................................................................................................ 40-14 Port Open-Drain Registers (PODRA–PODRD) ................................................................... 41-2 Port Data Registers (PDATA–PDATD) ................................................................................ 41-3 Port Data Direction Register (PDIR) .................................................................................... 41-3 Port Pin Assignment Register (PPARA–PPARD)................................................................. 41-4 Special Options Registers (PSORA–POSRD) ...................................................................... 41-5 Port Functional Operation ..................................................................................................... 41-6 Primary and Secondary Option Programming ...................................................................... 41-8 MPC8280 PowerQUICC II Family Reference Manual, Rev. 1 lxvi Freescale Semiconductor Tables Table Number 1-1 1-2 1-3 2-1 2-2 2-3 2-4 2-5 2-6 3-1 4-1 4-2 4-3 4-4 4-5 4-6 4-7 4-8 4-9 4-10 4-11 4-12 4-13 4-14 4-15 4-16 4-17 4-18 4-19 4-20 4-21 4-22 4-23 4-24 4-25 4-26 5-1 5-2 Title Page Number Tables MPC8280 Serial Protocols.................................................................................................... 1-10 Serial Performance ................................................................................................................ 1-11 MPC8270 Serial Performance .............................................................................................. 1-12 HID0 Field Descriptions ....................................................................................................... 2-11 HID1 Field Descriptions ....................................................................................................... 2-14 HID2 Field Descriptions ....................................................................................................... 2-15 Exception Classifications for the Processor Core ................................................................. 2-22 Exceptions and Conditions.................................................................................................... 2-23 Differences Between G2_LE Core and MPC603e................................................................ 2-27 Internal Memory Map ............................................................................................................. 3-2 System Configuration and Protection Functions .................................................................... 4-2 Interrupt Source Priority Levels............................................................................................ 4-10 Encoding the Interrupt Vector ............................................................................................... 4-14 SICR Field Descriptions ....................................................................................................... 4-18 SIPRR Field Descriptions ..................................................................................................... 4-19 SCPRR_H Field Descriptions ............................................................................................... 4-20 SCPRR_L Field Descriptions ............................................................................................... 4-21 SIEXR Field Descriptions..................................................................................................... 4-26 BCR Field Descriptions ........................................................................................................ 4-27 PPC_ACR Field Descriptions ............................................................................................... 4-30 LCL_ACR Field Descriptions .............................................................................................. 4-31 SIUMCR Register Field Descriptions................................................................................... 4-34 IMMR Field Descriptions ..................................................................................................... 4-37 SYPCR Field Descriptions.................................................................................................... 4-38 TESCR1 Field Descriptions.................................................................................................. 4-39 TESCR2 Field Descriptions.................................................................................................. 4-41 L_TESCR1 Field Descriptions ............................................................................................. 4-42 L_TESCR2 Field Descriptions ............................................................................................. 4-43 TMCNTSC Field Descriptions ............................................................................................. 4-44 TMCNTAL Field Descriptions ............................................................................................. 4-45 PISCR Field Descriptions ..................................................................................................... 4-46 PITC Field Descriptions........................................................................................................ 4-47 PITR Field Descriptions........................................................................................................ 4-48 PCIBRx Field Descriptions................................................................................................... 4-49 PCIMSKx Field Descriptions ............................................................................................... 4-50 SIU Pins Multiplexing Control ............................................................................................. 4-51 Reset Causes ........................................................................................................................... 5-1 Reset Actions for Each Reset Source...................................................................................... 5-2 MPC8280 PowerQUICC II Family Reference Manual, Rev. 1 Freescale Semiconductor lxvii Tables Table Number 5-3 5-4 5-5 5-6 5-7 6-1 7-1 7-2 8-1 8-2 8-3 8-4 8-5 8-6 8-7 8-8 8-9 8-10 8-11 8-12 9-1 9-2 9-3 9-4 9-5 9-6 9-7 9-8 9-9 9-10 9-11 9-12 9-13 9-14 9-15 9-16 9-17 9-18 9-19 9-20 9-21 Title Page Number RSR Field Descriptions........................................................................................................... 5-4 RMR Field Descriptions ......................................................................................................... 5-6 RSTCONF Connections in Multiple-MPC8280 Systems....................................................... 5-7 Configuration EPROM Addresses .......................................................................................... 5-7 Hard Reset Configuration Word Field Descriptions ............................................................... 5-8 External Signals ...................................................................................................................... 6-3 Data Bus Lane Assignments ................................................................................................. 7-13 DP[0–7] Signal Assignments ................................................................................................ 7-14 Terminology ............................................................................................................................ 8-1 Transfer Type Encoding ........................................................................................................ 8-10 Transfer Code Encoding for 60x Bus.................................................................................... 8-12 Transfer Size Signal Encoding.............................................................................................. 8-12 Burst Ordering....................................................................................................................... 8-13 Aligned Data Transfers ......................................................................................................... 8-14 Unaligned Data Transfer Example (4-Byte Example) .......................................................... 8-15 Data Bus: Read Cycle Requirements and Write Cycle Content ........................................... 8-17 Address and Size State Calculations ..................................................................................... 8-18 Data Bus Contents for Extended Write Cycles ..................................................................... 8-19 Data Bus Requirements for Extended Read Cycles.............................................................. 8-19 Address and Size State for Extended Transfers .................................................................... 8-20 PCI Terminology..................................................................................................................... 9-6 PCI Command Definitions...................................................................................................... 9-7 Internal Memory Map ........................................................................................................... 9-27 POTARx Field Descriptions ................................................................................................. 9-31 POBARx Field Descriptions ................................................................................................. 9-31 POCMRx Field Descriptions ................................................................................................ 9-32 PTCR Field Descriptions ...................................................................................................... 9-33 GPCR Field Descriptions...................................................................................................... 9-34 PCI_GCR Field Descriptions................................................................................................ 9-35 ESR Field Descriptions ......................................................................................................... 9-36 EMR Field Descriptions........................................................................................................ 9-37 ECR Field Descriptions ........................................................................................................ 9-39 PCI_EACR Field Descriptions ............................................................................................. 9-40 PCI_EDCR Field Description ............................................................................................... 9-40 PCI_ECCR Field Descriptions.............................................................................................. 9-41 PITARx Field Descriptions ................................................................................................... 9-42 PIBARx Field Descriptions .................................................................................................. 9-43 PICMRx Field Descriptions.................................................................................................. 9-44 PCI Bridge PCI Configuration Registers .............................................................................. 9-45 Vendor ID Register Description............................................................................................ 9-47 Device ID Register Description ............................................................................................ 9-47 MPC8280 PowerQUICC II Family Reference Manual, Rev. 1 lxviii Freescale Semiconductor Tables Table Number 9-22 9-23 9-24 9-25 9-26 9-27 9-28 9-29 9-30 9-31 9-32 9-33 9-34 9-35 9-36 9-37 9-38 9-39 9-40 9-41 9-42 9-43 9-44 9-45 9-46 9-47 9-48 9-49 9-50 9-51 9-52 9-53 9-54 9-55 9-56 9-57 9-58 9-59 9-60 9-61 9-62 Title Page Number PCI Bus Command Register Description.............................................................................. 9-48 PCI Bus Status Register Description..................................................................................... 9-49 Revision ID Register Description ......................................................................................... 9-50 PCI Bus Programming Interface Register Description ......................................................... 9-50 Subclass Code Register Description ..................................................................................... 9-51 PCI Bus Base Class Code Register Description ................................................................... 9-51 PCI Bus Cache Line Size Register Description .................................................................... 9-52 PCI Bus Latency Timer Register Description....................................................................... 9-52 Header Type Register Description ........................................................................................ 9-53 BIST Control Register Description....................................................................................... 9-53 PIMMRBAR Field Descriptions........................................................................................... 9-54 GPLABARx Field Descriptions............................................................................................ 9-55 Subsystem Vendor ID Register Description.......................................................................... 9-56 Subsystem Device ID Description Register.......................................................................... 9-56 PCI Bus Capabilities Pointer Register Description............................................................... 9-56 PCI Bus Interrupt Line Register Description........................................................................ 9-57 PCI Bus Interrupt Pin Register Description.......................................................................... 9-57 PCI Bus MIN GNT Description............................................................................................ 9-58 PCI Bus MAX LAT Description ........................................................................................... 9-58 PCI Bus Function Register Field Descriptions ..................................................................... 9-59 PCI Bus Arbiter Configuration Register Field Description .................................................. 9-60 Hot Swap Register Block Field Descriptions ....................................................................... 9-61 Hot Swap Control Status Register Field Descriptions .......................................................... 9-62 Bit Settings for Register Initialization Data Structure .......................................................... 9-65 IMRx Field Descriptions....................................................................................................... 9-67 OMRx Field Descriptions ..................................................................................................... 9-68 ODR Field Descriptions........................................................................................................ 9-69 IDR Field Descriptions ......................................................................................................... 9-70 IFHPR Field Descriptions ..................................................................................................... 9-72 IFTPR Field Descriptions ..................................................................................................... 9-73 IPHPR Field Descriptions ..................................................................................................... 9-74 IPTPR Field Descriptions...................................................................................................... 9-75 OFHPR Field Descriptions ................................................................................................... 9-76 OFTPR Field Descriptions.................................................................................................... 9-76 OPHPR Field Descriptions ................................................................................................... 9-77 OPTPR Field Descriptions .................................................................................................... 9-78 IFQPR Field Descriptions ..................................................................................................... 9-79 OFQPR Field Descriptions ................................................................................................... 9-80 OMISR Field Descriptions.................................................................................................... 9-80 OMIMR Field Descriptions .................................................................................................. 9-81 IMISR Field Descriptions ..................................................................................................... 9-82 MPC8280 PowerQUICC II Family Reference Manual, Rev. 1 Freescale Semiconductor lxix Tables Table Number 9-63 9-64 9-65 9-66 9-67 9-68 9-69 9-70 9-71 9-72 9-73 10-1 10-2 10-3 10-4 11-1 11-2 11-3 11-4 11-5 11-6 11-7 11-8 11-9 11-10 11-11 11-12 11-13 11-14 11-15 11-16 11-17 11-18 11-19 11-20 11-21 11-22 11-23 11-24 11-25 11-26 Title Page Number IMIMR Field Descriptions.................................................................................................... 9-83 MUCR Field Descriptions .................................................................................................... 9-85 QBAR Field Descriptions ..................................................................................................... 9-85 DMAMRx Field Descriptions............................................................................................... 9-90 DMASRx Field Descriptions ................................................................................................ 9-92 DMACDARx Field Descriptions .......................................................................................... 9-93 DMASARx Field Descriptions ............................................................................................. 9-93 DMADARx Field Descriptions............................................................................................. 9-94 DMABCRx Field Descriptions ............................................................................................. 9-95 DMANDARx Field Descriptions.......................................................................................... 9-96 DMA Segment Descriptor Fields.......................................................................................... 9-96 Dedicated PLL Pins .............................................................................................................. 10-5 SCCR Field Descriptions ...................................................................................................... 10-6 SCMR Field Descriptions ..................................................................................................... 10-7 60x Bus-to-Core Frequency .................................................................................................. 10-8 Number of PSDVAL Assertions Needed for TA Assertion .................................................11-11 BADDR Connections.......................................................................................................... 11-12 60x Bus Memory Controller Registers ............................................................................... 11-12 BRx Field Descriptions ....................................................................................................... 11-13 ORx Field Descriptions (SDRAM Mode) .......................................................................... 11-16 ORx—GPCM Mode Field Descriptions ............................................................................. 11-17 Option Register (ORx)—UPM Mode ................................................................................. 11-19 PSDMR Field Descriptions................................................................................................. 11-21 LSDMR Field Descriptions ................................................................................................ 11-24 Machine x Mode Registers (MxMR) .................................................................................. 11-27 MDR Field Descriptions ..................................................................................................... 11-29 MAR Field Description....................................................................................................... 11-30 60x Bus-Assigned UPM Refresh Timer (PURT)................................................................ 11-30 Local Bus-Assigned UPM Refresh Timer (LURT)............................................................. 11-31 60x Bus-Assigned SDRAM Refresh Timer (PSRT) ........................................................... 11-31 LSRT Field Descriptions..................................................................................................... 11-32 MPTPR Field Descriptions ................................................................................................. 11-32 SDRAM Interface Signals .................................................................................................. 11-33 SDRAM Interface Commands ............................................................................................ 11-35 SDRAM Address Multiplexing (A0–A15) ......................................................................... 11-38 SDRAM Address Multiplexing (A16–A31) ....................................................................... 11-38 60x Address Bus Partition................................................................................................... 11-49 SDRAM Device Address Port during activate Command.................................................. 11-49 SDRAM Device Address Port during read/write Command .............................................. 11-49 Register Settings (Page-Based Interleaving)....................................................................... 11-50 60x Address Bus Partition................................................................................................... 11-50 MPC8280 PowerQUICC II Family Reference Manual, Rev. 1 lxx Freescale Semiconductor Tables Table Number 11-27 11-28 11-29 11-30 11-31 11-32 11-33 11-34 11-35 11-36 11-37 11-38 11-39 11-40 11-41 11-42 11-43 11-44 13-1 13-2 14-1 14-2 14-3 14-4 14-5 14-6 14-7 14-8 14-9 14-10 14-11 14-12 15-1 15-2 15-3 15-4 15-5 15-6 15-7 15-8 15-9 Title Page Number SDRAM Device Address Port During activate Command ................................................. 11-51 SDRAM Device Address Port During read/write Command ............................................. 11-51 Register Settings (Bank-Based Interleaving) ...................................................................... 11-51 GPCM Interfaces Signals.................................................................................................... 11-52 GPCM Strobe Signal Behavior ........................................................................................... 11-53 TRLX and EHTR Combinations......................................................................................... 11-59 Boot Bank Field Values after Reset .................................................................................... 11-62 UPM Interfaces Signals ...................................................................................................... 11-63 UPM Routines Start Addresses........................................................................................... 11-66 RAM Word Bit Settings ...................................................................................................... 11-72 MxMR Loop Field Usage ................................................................................................... 11-77 UPM Address Multiplexing ................................................................................................ 11-78 60x Address Bus Partition................................................................................................... 11-81 DRAM Device Address Port during an activate command ................................................ 11-81 Register Settings ................................................................................................................. 11-81 UPMs Attributes Example .................................................................................................. 11-83 UPMs Attributes Example .................................................................................................. 11-91 EDO Connection Field Value Example .............................................................................. 11-93 TAP Signals........................................................................................................................... 13-2 Instruction Decoding............................................................................................................. 13-6 Possible MPC8280 Applications .......................................................................................... 14-3 Peripheral Prioritization ........................................................................................................ 14-7 RISC Controller Configuration Register Field Descriptions ................................................ 14-9 RTSCR Field Descriptions.................................................................................................. 14-11 RISC Microcode Revision Number .................................................................................... 14-12 CP Command Register Field Descriptions ......................................................................... 14-13 CP Command Opcodes ....................................................................................................... 14-14 Command Descriptions....................................................................................................... 14-15 Buffer Descriptor Format.................................................................................................... 14-21 Parameter RAM .................................................................................................................. 14-22 RISC Timer Table Parameter RAM .................................................................................... 14-24 TM_CMD Field Descriptions ............................................................................................. 14-25 SIx RAM Entry (MCC = 0) ................................................................................................ 15-11 SIx RAM Entry (MCC = 1) ................................................................................................ 15-13 SIx RAM Entry Descriptions.............................................................................................. 15-14 SIxGMR Field Descriptions................................................................................................ 15-17 SIxMR Field Descriptions .................................................................................................. 15-18 SIxRSR Field Descriptions ................................................................................................. 15-24 SIxCMDR Field Description .............................................................................................. 15-25 SIxSTR Field Descriptions ................................................................................................. 15-25 IDL Signal Descriptions...................................................................................................... 15-27 MPC8280 PowerQUICC II Family Reference Manual, Rev. 1 Freescale Semiconductor lxxi Tables Table Number 15-10 15-11 15-12 16-1 16-2 16-3 16-4 16-5 16-6 16-7 17-1 17-2 17-3 18-1 18-2 18-3 18-4 19-1 19-2 19-3 19-4 19-5 19-6 19-7 19-8 19-9 19-10 19-11 19-12 19-13 19-14 19-15 19-16 19-17 20-1 20-2 20-3 20-4 20-5 20-6 20-7 Title Page Number SIx RAM Entries for an IDL Interface ............................................................................... 15-29 GCI Signals ......................................................................................................................... 15-31 SIx RAM Entries for a GCI Interface (SCIT Mode) .......................................................... 15-33 Clock Source Options ........................................................................................................... 16-6 CMXUAR Field Descriptions............................................................................................... 16-7 CMXSI1CR Field Descriptions .......................................................................................... 16-12 CMXSI2CR Field Descriptions .......................................................................................... 16-13 CMXFCR Field Descriptions.............................................................................................. 16-14 CMXSCR Field Descriptions.............................................................................................. 16-16 CMXSMR Field Descriptions............................................................................................. 16-19 BRGCx Field Descriptions ................................................................................................... 17-3 BRG External Clock Source Options.................................................................................... 17-4 Typical Baud Rates for Asynchronous Communication....................................................... 17-5 TGCR1 Field Descriptions.................................................................................................... 18-4 TGCR2 Field Descriptions.................................................................................................... 18-5 TMR1–TMR4 Field Descriptions ......................................................................................... 18-6 TER Field Descriptions......................................................................................................... 18-8 SDSR Field Descriptions ...................................................................................................... 19-3 PDTEM and LDTEM Field Descriptions ............................................................................. 19-5 IDMA Transfer Parameters................................................................................................... 19-7 IDMAx Parameter RAM..................................................................................................... 19-16 DCM Field Descriptions ..................................................................................................... 19-18 IDMA Channel Data Transfer Operation............................................................................ 19-20 Valid Memory-to-Memory STS/DTS Values...................................................................... 19-21 Valid STS/DTS Values for Peripherals ............................................................................... 19-21 IDSR/IDMR Field Descriptions.......................................................................................... 19-23 IDMA BD Field Descriptions ............................................................................................. 19-24 IDMA Bus Exceptions ........................................................................................................ 19-27 Parallel I/O Register Programming—Port C ...................................................................... 19-28 Parallel I/O Register Programming—Port A ...................................................................... 19-28 Parallel I/O Register Programming—Port D ...................................................................... 19-29 Example: Peripheral-to-Memory Mode—IDMA2 ............................................................. 19-29 Example: Memory-to-Peripheral Fly-By Mode (on 60x)–IDMA3 .................................... 19-30 Programming Example: Memory-to-Memory (PCI-to-60x)—IDMA1.............................. 19-32 GSMR_H Field Descriptions ................................................................................................ 20-3 GSMR_L Field Descriptions ................................................................................................ 20-5 TODR Field Descriptions ................................................................................................... 20-10 SCC Parameter RAM Map for All Protocols...................................................................... 20-13 Parameter RAM—SCC Base Addresses............................................................................. 20-15 RFCRx /TFCRx Field Descriptions.................................................................................... 20-15 SCCx Event, Mask, and Status Registers ........................................................................... 20-16 MPC8280 PowerQUICC II Family Reference Manual, Rev. 1 lxxii Freescale Semiconductor Tables Table Number 20-8 20-9 21-1 21-2 21-3 21-4 21-5 21-6 21-7 21-8 21-9 21-10 21-11 21-12 21-13 21-14 22-1 22-2 22-3 22-4 22-5 22-6 22-7 22-8 22-9 22-10 23-1 23-2 23-3 23-4 23-5 23-6 23-7 23-8 23-9 23-10 23-11 23-12 23-13 23-14 23-15 Title Page Number Preamble Requirements ...................................................................................................... 20-22 DPLL Codings .................................................................................................................... 20-24 UART-Specific SCC Parameter RAM Memory Map ........................................................... 21-4 Transmit Commands ............................................................................................................. 21-6 Receive Commands............................................................................................................... 21-6 Control Character Table, RCCM, and RCCR Descriptions.................................................. 21-8 TOSEQ Field Descriptions ................................................................................................. 21-10 DSR Fields Descriptions ..................................................................................................... 21-11 Transmission Errors ............................................................................................................ 21-12 Reception Errors ................................................................................................................. 21-12 PSMR UART Field Descriptions........................................................................................ 21-13 SCC UART RxBD Status and Control Field Descriptions ................................................. 21-17 SCC UART TxBD Status and Control Field Descriptions ................................................. 21-18 SCCE/SCCM Field Descriptions for UART Mode ........................................................... 21-21 UART SCCS Field Descriptions......................................................................................... 21-22 UART Control Characters for S-Records Example ............................................................ 21-24 HDLC-Specific SCC Parameter RAM Memory Map .......................................................... 22-3 Transmit Commands ............................................................................................................. 22-5 Receive Commands .............................................................................................................. 22-5 Transmit Errors ................................................................................................................... 22-6 Receive Errors....................................................................................................................... 22-6 PSMR HDLC Field Descriptions.......................................................................................... 22-7 SCC HDLC RxBD Status and Control Field Descriptions................................................... 22-9 SCC HDLC TxBD Status and Control Field Descriptions ................................................. 22-12 SCCE/SCCM Field Descriptions ....................................................................................... 22-13 HDLC SCCS Field Descriptions......................................................................................... 22-16 SCC BISYNC Parameter RAM Memory Map ..................................................................... 23-3 Transmit Commands ............................................................................................................. 23-5 Receive Commands............................................................................................................... 23-5 Control Character Table and RCCM Field Descriptions ...................................................... 23-7 BSYNC Field Descriptions ................................................................................................... 23-8 BDLE Field Descriptions...................................................................................................... 23-9 Receiver SYNC Pattern Lengths of the DSR........................................................................ 23-9 Transmit Errors ................................................................................................................... 23-10 Receive Errors..................................................................................................................... 23-10 PSMR Field Descriptions.................................................................................................... 23-11 SCC BISYNC RxBD Status and Control Field Descriptions ............................................. 23-12 SCC BISYNC TxBD Status and Control Field Descriptions ............................................. 23-14 SCCE/SCCM Field Descriptions ........................................................................................ 23-16 SCCS Field Descriptions .................................................................................................... 23-17 Control Characters .............................................................................................................. 23-18 MPC8280 PowerQUICC II Family Reference Manual, Rev. 1 Freescale Semiconductor lxxiii Tables Table Number 24-1 24-2 24-3 24-4 24-5 24-6 24-7 24-8 24-9 24-10 25-1 25-2 25-3 25-4 25-5 25-6 25-7 25-8 25-9 27-1 27-2 27-3 27-4 27-5 27-6 27-7 27-8 27-9 27-10 27-11 27-12 27-13 27-14 27-15 27-16 27-17 27-18 27-19 27-20 27-21 28-1 Title Page Number Receiver SYNC Pattern Lengths of the DSR........................................................................ 24-3 SCC Transparent Parameter RAM Memory Map................................................................. 24-6 Transmit Commands ............................................................................................................. 24-6 Receive Commands............................................................................................................... 24-7 Transmit Errors ..................................................................................................................... 24-7 Receive Errors....................................................................................................................... 24-8 SCC Transparent RxBD Status and Control Field Descriptions........................................... 24-9 SCC Transparent TxBD Status and Control Field Descriptions ......................................... 24-10 SCCE/SCCM Field Descriptions ....................................................................................... 24-11 SCCS Field Descriptions .................................................................................................... 24-12 SCC Ethernet Parameter RAM Memory Map ...................................................................... 25-7 Transmit Commands ........................................................................................................... 25-10 Receive Commands............................................................................................................. 25-10 Transmission Errors ............................................................................................................ 25-13 Reception Errors ................................................................................................................. 25-14 PSMR Field Descriptions.................................................................................................... 25-15 SCC Ethernet RxBD Status and Control Field Descriptions .............................................. 25-16 SCC Ethernet TxBD Status and Control Field Descriptions .............................................. 25-19 SCCE/SCCM Field Descriptions ........................................................................................ 25-20 USB Pins Functions .............................................................................................................. 27-3 USB Tokens .......................................................................................................................... 27-6 USB Tokens ........................................................................................................................ 27-10 USB Parameter RAM Memory Map .................................................................................. 27-12 Endpoint Parameter Block .................................................................................................. 27-13 FRAME_N Field Descriptions............................................................................................ 27-15 FRAME_N Field Descriptions............................................................................................ 27-16 RFCR and TFCR Fields...................................................................................................... 27-16 USMOD Fields ................................................................................................................... 27-17 USADR Fields .................................................................................................................... 27-18 USEPx Field Descriptions .................................................................................................. 27-18 USCOM Fields.................................................................................................................... 27-20 USBER Fields ..................................................................................................................... 27-21 USBS Fields ........................................................................................................................ 27-22 USSFT Fields ...................................................................................................................... 27-22 USB Rx BD Fields .............................................................................................................. 27-24 USB Function Tx BD Fields ............................................................................................... 27-26 USB Host Tx BD Fields...................................................................................................... 27-28 USB Host TrBD Fields ....................................................................................................... 27-30 USB Controller Transmission Errors .................................................................................. 27-33 USB Controller Reception Errors ....................................................................................... 27-33 SMCMR1/SMCMR2 Field Descriptions.............................................................................. 28-3 MPC8280 PowerQUICC II Family Reference Manual, Rev. 1 lxxiv Freescale Semiconductor Tables Table Number 28-2 28-3 28-4 28-5 28-6 28-7 28-8 28-9 28-10 28-11 28-12 28-13 28-14 28-15 28-16 28-17 28-18 28-19 28-20 28-21 28-22 28-23 29-1 29-2 29-3 29-4 29-5 29-6 29-7 29-8 29-9 29-10 29-11 29-12 29-13 29-14 29-15 29-16 29-17 29-18 29-19 Title Page Number SMC UART and Transparent Parameter RAM Memory Map ............................................. 28-6 RFCR/TFCR Field Descriptions ........................................................................................... 28-8 Transmit Commands ........................................................................................................... 28-12 Receive Commands............................................................................................................. 28-12 SMC UART Errors.............................................................................................................. 28-13 SMC UART RxBD Field Descriptions ............................................................................... 28-14 SMC UART TxBD Field Descriptions ............................................................................... 28-17 SMCE/SMCM Field Descriptions ...................................................................................... 28-18 SMC Transparent Transmit Commands.............................................................................. 28-25 SMC Transparent Receive Commands ............................................................................... 28-25 SMC Transparent Error Conditions .................................................................................... 28-25 SMC Transparent RxBD Field Descriptions....................................................................... 28-26 SMC Transparent TxBD ..................................................................................................... 28-27 SMC Transparent TxBD Field Descriptions....................................................................... 28-27 SMCE/SMCM Field Descriptions ...................................................................................... 28-28 SMC GCI Parameter RAM Memory Map.......................................................................... 28-30 SMC GCI Commands ......................................................................................................... 28-32 SMC Monitor Channel RxBD Field Descriptions .............................................................. 28-32 SMC Monitor Channel TxBD Field Descriptions .............................................................. 28-33 SMC C/I Channel RxBD Field Descriptions ...................................................................... 28-34 SMC C/I Channel TxBD Field Descriptions ...................................................................... 28-34 SMCE/SMCM Field Descriptions ...................................................................................... 28-35 Global MCC Parameters ....................................................................................................... 29-4 Channel-Specific Parameters for HDLC............................................................................... 29-6 TSTATE High-Byte Field Descriptions ................................................................................ 29-7 CHAMR Field Descriptions.................................................................................................. 29-9 RSTATE High-Byte Field Descriptions .............................................................................. 29-10 Channel-Specific Parameters for Transparent Operation.................................................... 29-11 CHAMR Field Descriptions—Transparent Mode .............................................................. 29-13 CES-Specific Global MCC Parameters .............................................................................. 29-14 CHAMR Field Descriptions—CES Mode.......................................................................... 29-15 Channel-Specific Parameters for SS7 ................................................................................. 29-18 ECHAMR Fields Description ............................................................................................. 29-21 Parameter Values for SUERM in Japanese SS7.................................................................. 29-23 SS7 Configuration Register Fields Description .................................................................. 29-23 Channel Extra Parameters ................................................................................................... 29-27 MCCF Field Descriptions ................................................................................................... 29-32 Group Channel Assignments .............................................................................................. 29-33 MCC Commands................................................................................................................. 29-34 MCCE/MCCM Register Field Descriptions ....................................................................... 29-36 Interrupt Circular Table Entry Field Descriptions .............................................................. 29-37 MPC8280 PowerQUICC II Family Reference Manual, Rev. 1 Freescale Semiconductor lxxv Tables Table Number 29-20 29-21 29-22 30-1 30-2 30-3 30-4 30-5 30-6 31-1 31-2 31-3 31-4 31-5 31-6 31-7 31-8 31-9 31-10 31-11 31-12 31-13 31-14 31-15 31-16 31-17 31-18 31-19 31-20 31-21 31-22 31-23 31-24 31-25 31-26 31-27 31-28 31-29 31-30 31-31 31-32 Title Page Number GUN Error Recovery .......................................................................................................... 29-41 RxBD Field Descriptions .................................................................................................... 29-42 TxBD Field Descriptions .................................................................................................... 29-44 Internal Clocks to CPM Clock Frequency Ratio .................................................................. 30-3 GFMR Register Field Descriptions....................................................................................... 30-4 GFEMRx Field Descriptions ................................................................................................ 30-8 FTODR Field Descriptions ................................................................................................. 30-10 FCC Parameter RAM Common to All Protocols Except ATM .......................................... 30-12 FCRx Field Descriptions..................................................................................................... 30-14 ATM Service Types............................................................................................................... 31-9 External CAM Input and Output Field Descriptions .......................................................... 31-14 Field Descriptions for Address Compression ..................................................................... 31-16 VCOFFSET Calculation Examples for Contiguous VCLTs ............................................... 31-16 VP-Level Table Entry Address Calculation Example......................................................... 31-17 VC-Level Table Entry Address Calculation Example ........................................................ 31-17 Fields and their Positions in RM Cells................................................................................ 31-26 Pre-Assigned Header Values at the UNI ............................................................................. 31-27 Pre-Assigned Header Values at the NNI ............................................................................. 31-28 Performance Monitoring Cell Fields................................................................................... 31-30 ATM Parameter RAM Map................................................................................................. 31-36 UEAD_OFFSETs for Extended Addresses in the UDC Extra Header ............................... 31-39 VCI Filtering Enable Field Descriptions ............................................................................ 31-39 GMODE Field Descriptions................................................................................................ 31-40 Receive and Transmit Connection Table Sizes ................................................................... 31-41 RCT Field Descriptions ...................................................................................................... 31-44 RCT Settings (AAL5 Protocol-Specific) ............................................................................ 31-46 ABR Protocol-Specific RCT Field Descriptions ................................................................ 31-47 AAL1 Protocol-Specific RCT Field Descriptions .............................................................. 31-48 AAL0-Specific RCT Field Descriptions............................................................................. 31-49 TCT Field Descriptions....................................................................................................... 31-51 AAL5-Specific TCT Field Descriptions ............................................................................. 31-53 AAL1 Protocol-Specific TCT Field Descriptions .............................................................. 31-54 AAL0-Specific TCT Field Descriptions ............................................................................. 31-55 VBR-Specific TCTE Field Descriptions............................................................................. 31-56 UBR+ Protocol-Specific TCTE Field Descriptions............................................................ 31-57 ABR-Specific TCTE Field Descriptions............................................................................. 31-58 OAM—Performance Monitoring Table Field Descriptions ............................................... 31-61 APC Parameter Table.......................................................................................................... 31-62 APC Priority Table Entry.................................................................................................... 31-63 Control Slot Field Description ............................................................................................ 31-64 Free Buffer Pool Entry Field Descriptions.......................................................................... 31-68 MPC8280 PowerQUICC II Family Reference Manual, Rev. 1 lxxvi Freescale Semiconductor Tables Table Number 31-33 31-34 31-35 31-36 31-37 31-38 31-39 31-40 31-41 31-42 31-43 31-44 31-45 31-46 31-47 31-48 31-49 31-50 31-51 31-52 31-53 31-54 32-1 32-2 32-3 32-4 32-5 32-6 32-7 32-8 32-9 32-10 32-11 32-12 32-13 32-14 32-15 33-1 33-2 33-3 33-4 Title Page Number Free Buffer Pool Parameter Table....................................................................................... 31-68 Receive and Transmit Buffers............................................................................................. 31-69 AAL5 RxBD Field Descriptions......................................................................................... 31-70 AAL1 RxBD Field Descriptions......................................................................................... 31-71 AAL0 RxBD Field Descriptions......................................................................................... 31-72 AAL5 TxBD Field Descriptions ......................................................................................... 31-74 AAL1 TxBD Field Descriptions ......................................................................................... 31-75 AAL0 TxBD Field Descriptions ......................................................................................... 31-76 UNI Statistics Table ............................................................................................................ 31-78 Interrupt Queue Entry Field Description ............................................................................ 31-80 Interrupt Queue Parameter Table ........................................................................................ 31-81 UTOPIA Master Mode Signal Descriptions ....................................................................... 31-82 UTOPIA Slave Mode Signals ............................................................................................. 31-83 UTOPIA Loop-Back Modes ............................................................................................... 31-85 FCC ATM Mode Register (FPSMR) .................................................................................. 31-86 FCCE/FCCM Field Descriptions ........................................................................................ 31-89 COMM_INFO Field Descriptions ...................................................................................... 31-90 FTIRRx Field Descriptions................................................................................................. 31-92 FIRPERx Field Descriptions (TIREM=1) .......................................................................... 31-94 FIRERx Field Descriptions (TIREM=1)............................................................................. 31-95 IRSRx_HI Field Descriptions (TIREM=1)......................................................................... 31-96 FIRSRx_LO Field Descriptions (TIREM=1) ..................................................................... 31-97 CAS Routing Table Entry Field Descriptions..................................................................... 32-13 CES Adaptive Threshold Table Field Descriptions ............................................................ 32-17 AAL1 CES Field Descriptions............................................................................................ 32-22 AAL1 CES Parameters ....................................................................................................... 32-25 RCT Field Descriptions ...................................................................................................... 32-27 AAL1 CES Protocol-Specific RCT Field Descriptions ...................................................... 32-29 TCT Field Descriptions....................................................................................................... 32-32 AAL1 CES Protocol-Specific TCT Field Descriptions ...................................................... 32-35 OCASSR Field Descriptions............................................................................................... 32-36 Receive and Transmit Buffers............................................................................................. 32-38 AAL1 CES RxBD Field Descriptions ................................................................................ 32-39 AAL1 CES TxBD Field Descriptions................................................................................. 32-40 AAL1 CES Interrupt Queue Entry Field Descriptions ....................................................... 32-41 AAL1 CES DPR Statistics Table ........................................................................................ 32-43 AAL1 CES External Statistics Table .................................................................................. 32-44 AAL2 Protocol-Specific Transmit Connection Table (TCT) Field Descriptions ................. 33-9 CPS TxQD Field Descriptions............................................................................................ 33-13 CPS TxBD Field Descriptions ............................................................................................ 33-15 SSSAR TxQD Field Descriptions....................................................................................... 33-17 MPC8280 PowerQUICC II Family Reference Manual, Rev. 1 Freescale Semiconductor lxxvii Tables Table Number 33-5 33-6 33-7 33-8 33-9 33-10 33-11 33-12 33-13 33-14 33-15 34-1 34-2 34-3 34-4 34-5 34-6 34-7 34-8 34-9 34-10 34-11 34-12 34-13 34-14 34-15 34-16 34-17 34-18 34-19 34-20 34-21 34-22 34-23 34-24 34-25 34-26 34-27 34-28 34-29 35-1 Title Page Number SSSAR TxBD Field Descriptions ....................................................................................... 33-18 AAL2 Protocol-Specific RCT Field Descriptions .............................................................. 33-23 CPS RxQD Field Descriptions............................................................................................ 33-27 CPS RxBD Field Descriptions............................................................................................ 33-28 CPS Switch RxQD Field Descriptions................................................................................ 33-29 Switch RxBD Field Descriptions........................................................................................ 33-30 SSSAR RxQD Field Descriptions....................................................................................... 33-31 SSSAR RxBD Field Descriptions....................................................................................... 33-33 AAL2 Parameter RAM ....................................................................................................... 33-34 AAL2 Interrupt Queue Entry CID ≠ 0 Field Descriptions.................................................. 33-38 AAL2 Interrupt Queue Entry CID = 0 Field Descriptions.................................................. 33-39 IMA Sublayer in Layer Reference Model............................................................................. 34-2 FCC Parameter RAM Additions ......................................................................................... 34-22 IMA Root Table .................................................................................................................. 34-23 IMACNTL Field Descriptions ............................................................................................ 34-25 IMA Group Transmit Table Entry ...................................................................................... 34-25 IGTCNTL Field Descriptions ............................................................................................. 34-27 IGTSTATE Field Descriptions ............................................................................................ 34-28 Transmit Group Order Table Entry Field Descriptions....................................................... 34-28 ICP Cell Template .............................................................................................................. 34-29 IMA Group Receive Table Entry ....................................................................................... 34-31 IGRCNTL Field Descriptions ............................................................................................. 34-34 IGRSTATE Field Descriptions............................................................................................ 34-35 IRGFS Field Descriptions ................................................................................................... 34-35 Receive Group Order Table Entry Field Descriptions ........................................................ 34-36 IMA Link Transmit Table Entry ........................................................................................ 34-36 ILTCNTL Field Descriptions .............................................................................................. 34-38 ILTSTATE Field Descriptions............................................................................................. 34-38 ITINTSTAT Field Descriptions........................................................................................... 34-39 IMA Link Receive Table Entry........................................................................................... 34-40 ILRCNTL Field Descriptions ............................................................................................. 34-41 ILRSTATE Field Descriptions ............................................................................................ 34-42 IMA Link Receive Statistics Table Entry ........................................................................... 34-43 IMA Interrupt Queue Entry Field Descriptions .................................................................. 34-46 Unavailable Features when DREQx used as IDCR Master Clock ..................................... 34-48 IDCR IMA Root Parameters............................................................................................... 34-49 IDCR Table Entry ............................................................................................................... 34-49 IDSR/IDMR Field Descriptions.......................................................................................... 34-50 Examples of APC Programming for IMA .......................................................................... 34-51 COMM_INFO Field Descriptions ...................................................................................... 34-53 TC Layer Signals .................................................................................................................. 35-6 MPC8280 PowerQUICC II Family Reference Manual, Rev. 1 lxxviii Freescale Semiconductor Tables Table Number 35-2 35-3 35-4 35-5 35-6 35-7 35-8 35-9 35-10 35-11 35-12 36-1 36-2 36-3 36-4 36-5 36-6 36-7 36-8 36-9 36-10 36-11 37-1 37-2 37-3 37-4 37-5 37-6 37-7 37-8 37-9 37-10 39-1 39-2 39-3 39-4 39-5 39-6 39-7 39-8 39-9 Title Page Number TCMODEx Field Descriptions.............................................................................................. 35-7 CDSMRx Field Descriptions ................................................................................................ 35-9 TCERx Field Descriptions .................................................................................................... 35-9 TCGER Field Descriptions ................................................................................................. 35-10 TCGSR Field Descriptions ................................................................................................. 35-11 Programming GFMR and FPSMR to Setup the FCC2 ....................................................... 35-16 Enable FCC2 ....................................................................................................................... 35-16 Programming the CPM MUX for a TI Application............................................................ 35-16 Programming the TC Layer Block...................................................................................... 35-17 Programming the SI RAM (Rx or Tx) for a T1 Application .............................................. 35-17 Programming SI Registers to Enable TDM ........................................................................ 35-17 Flow Control Frame Structure .............................................................................................. 36-7 Ethernet-Specific Parameter RAM ....................................................................................... 36-9 Transmit Commands ........................................................................................................... 36-13 Receive Commands............................................................................................................. 36-13 RMON Statistics and Counters ........................................................................................... 36-14 Transmission Errors ............................................................................................................ 36-19 Reception Errors ................................................................................................................. 36-19 FPSMR Ethernet Field Descriptions................................................................................... 36-20 FCCE/FCCM Field Descriptions ........................................................................................ 36-22 RxBD Field Descriptions .................................................................................................... 36-24 Ethernet TxBD Field Definitions........................................................................................ 36-27 FCC HDLC-Specific Parameter RAM Memory Map .......................................................... 37-3 Transmit Commands ............................................................................................................. 37-5 Receive Commands............................................................................................................... 37-6 HDLC Transmission Errors .................................................................................................. 37-6 HDLC Reception Errors ....................................................................................................... 37-7 FPSMR Field Descriptions .................................................................................................. 37-8 RxBD field Descriptions ..................................................................................................... 37-11 HDLC TxBD Field Descriptions ....................................................................................... 37-13 FCCE/FCCM Field Descriptions ........................................................................................ 37-15 FCCS Register Field Descriptions ...................................................................................... 37-17 SPMODE Field Descriptions ................................................................................................ 39-6 Example Conventions ........................................................................................................... 39-8 SPIE/SPIM Field Descriptions.............................................................................................. 39-9 SPCOM Field Descriptions................................................................................................. 39-10 SPI Parameter RAM Memory Map .................................................................................... 39-11 RFCR/TFCR Field Descriptions ......................................................................................... 39-12 SPI Commands.................................................................................................................... 39-12 SPI RxBD Status and Control Field Descriptions............................................................... 39-14 SPI TxBD Status and Control Field Descriptions............................................................... 39-15 MPC8280 PowerQUICC II Family Reference Manual, Rev. 1 Freescale Semiconductor lxxix Tables Table Number 40-1 40-2 40-3 40-4 40-5 40-6 40-7 40-8 40-9 40-10 41-1 41-2 41-3 41-4 41-5 41-6 41-7 41-8 Title Page Number II2MOD Field Descriptions .................................................................................................. 40-6 I2ADD Field Descriptions .................................................................................................... 40-7 I2BRG Field Descriptions..................................................................................................... 40-7 I2CER/I2CMR Field Descriptions........................................................................................ 40-8 I2COM Field Descriptions.................................................................................................... 40-9 I2C Parameter RAM Memory Map....................................................................................... 40-9 RFCR/TFCR Field Descriptions ......................................................................................... 40-11 I2C Transmit/Receive Commands....................................................................................... 40-11 I2C RxBD Status and Control Bits...................................................................................... 40-13 I2C TxBD Status and Control Bits...................................................................................... 40-14 PODRx Field Descriptions ................................................................................................... 41-2 PDIR Field Descriptions ....................................................................................................... 41-3 PPAR Field Descriptions....................................................................................................... 41-4 PSORx Field Descriptions .................................................................................................... 41-5 Port A—Dedicated Pin Assignment (PPARA = 1) ............................................................... 41-8 Port B Dedicated Pin Assignment (PPARB = 1) ................................................................ 41-12 Port C Dedicated Pin Assignment (PPARC = 1) ................................................................ 41-15 Port D Dedicated Pin Assignment (PPARD = 1) .............................................................. 41-17 MPC8280 PowerQUICC II Family Reference Manual, Rev. 1 lxxx Freescale Semiconductor About This Book The MPC8280 is a versatile communications processor that integrates on one chip a high-performance PowerPC™ RISC microprocessor, a very flexible system integration unit, and many communications peripheral controllers that can be used in a variety of applications, particularly in communications and networking systems. The primary objective of this manual is to help communications system designers build systems using any member of the MPC8280 PowerQUICC II™ family of communications processors and to help software designers provide operating systems and user-level applications to take complete advantage of the MPC8280. NOTE: Devices Supported by This Manual This manual supports the MPC8280, the MPC8275, and the MPC8270, which are collectively called either the MPC8280 or the PowerQUICC II throughout this manual. Device numbers are cited only if information does not pertain to all devices. Although this book describes aspects of the PowerPC architecture that are critical for understanding the MPC8280 core, it does not contain a complete description of the architecture. Where additional information might help the reader, references are made to Programming Environments Manual for 32-Bit Implementation of the PowerPC Architecture, Rev. 2. Refer to “Architecture Documentation” for ordering information. The information in this book is subject to change without notice, as described in the disclaimers on the title page of this book. As with any technical documentation, it is the readers’ responsibility to use the most recent version of the documentation. For more information, contact your sales representative. Before Using this Manual—Important Note Before using this manual, determine whether it is the latest revision and if there are errata or addenda. To locate any published errata or updates for this document, refer to the worldwide web at Audience This manual is intended for software and hardware developers and application programmers who want to develop products for the MPC8280. It is assumed that the reader has a basic understanding of computer networking, OSI layers, RISC architecture, and communications protocols described herein. Where useful, additional sources provide in-depth discussions of such topics. MPC8280 PowerQUICC II Family Reference Manual, Rev. 1 Freescale Semiconductor lxxxi Organization Following is a summary and a brief description of the chapters of this manual: • Part I, “Overview,” provides a high-level description of the MPC8280, describing general operation and listing basic features. — Chapter 1, “Overview,” provides a high-level description of MPC8280 functions and features. It roughly follows the structure of this book, summarizing the relevant features and providing references for the reader who needs additional information. — Chapter 2, “G2_LE Core,” provides an overview of the MPC8280 core, summarizing topics described in further detail in subsequent chapters. — Chapter 3, “Memory Map,” presents a table showing where MPC8280 registers are mapped in memory. It includes cross references that indicate where the registers are described in detail. • Part II, “Configuration and Reset,” describes start-up behavior of the MPC8280. — Chapter 4, “System Interface Unit (SIU),” describes the system configuration and protection functions that provide various monitors and timers, and the 60x bus configuration. — Chapter 5, “Reset,” describes the behavior of the MPC8280 at reset and start-up. • Part III, “The Hardware Interface,” describes external signals, clocking, memory control, and power management of the MPC8280. — Chapter 6, “External Signals,” shows a functional pinout of the MPC8280 and describes the MPC8280 signals. — Chapter 7, “60x Signals,” describes signals on the 60x bus. — Chapter 8, “The 60x Bus,” describes the operation of the bus used by processors that implement the PowerPC architecture. — Chapter 9, “PCI Bridge,” describes how the PCI bridge enables the MPC8280 to gluelessly bridge PCI agents to a host processor that implements the PowerPC architecture and how it is compliant with PCI Specification Revision 2.2. — Chapter 10, “Clocks and Power Control,” describes the clocking architecture of the MPC8280. — Chapter 11, “Memory Controller,” describes the memory controller, which controls a maximum of eight memory banks shared among a general-purpose chip-select machine (GPCM) and three user-programmable machines (UPMs). — Chapter 12, “Secondary (L2) Cache Support,” provides information about implementation and configuration of a level-2 cache. — Chapter 13, “IEEE 1149.1 Test Access Port,” describes the dedicated user-accessible test access port (TAP), which is fully compatible with the IEEE 1149.1 Standard Test Access Port and Boundary Scan Architecture. • Part IV, “Communications Processor Module,” describes the configuration, clocking, and operation of the various communications protocols that the MPC8280 supports. — Chapter 14, “Communications Processor Module Overview,” provides a brief overview of the CPM. — Chapter 15, “Serial Interface with Time-Slot Assigner,” describes the SIU, which controls system start-up, initialization and operation, protection, as well as the external system bus. MPC8280 PowerQUICC II Family Reference Manual, Rev. 1 lxxxii Freescale Semiconductor — Chapter 16, “CPM Multiplexing,” describes the CPM multiplexing logic (CMX) that connects the physical layer—UTOPIA, MII, modem lines. — Chapter 17, “Baud-Rate Generators (BRGs),” describes the eight independent, identical baud-rate generators (BRGs) that can be used with the FCCs, SCCs, and SMCs. — Chapter 18, “Timers,” describes the timer implementation, which can be configured as four identical 16-bit or two 32-bit general-purpose timers. — Chapter 19, “SDMA Channels and IDMA Emulation,” describes the two physical serial DMA (SDMA) channels on the MPC8280. — Chapter 20, “Serial Communications Controllers (SCCs),” describes the four serial communications controllers (SCC), which can be configured independently to implement different protocols for bridging functions, routers, and gateways, and to interface with a wide variety of standard WANs, LANs, and proprietary networks. — Chapter 21, “SCC UART Mode,” describes the MPC8280 implementation of universal asynchronous receiver transmitter (UART) protocol that sends low-speed data between devices. — Chapter 22, “SCC HDLC Mode,” describes the MPC8280 implementation of HDLC protocol. — Chapter 23, “SCC BISYNC Mode,” describes the MPC8280 implementation of byte-oriented BISYNC protocol developed by IBM for use in networking products. — Chapter 24, “SCC Transparent Mode,” describes the MPC8280 implementation of transparent mode (also called totally transparent mode), which provides a clear channel on which the SCC can send or receive serial data without bit-level manipulation. — Chapter 25, “SCC Ethernet Mode,” describes the MPC8280 implementation of Ethernet protocol. — Chapter 26, “SCC AppleTalk Mode,” describes the MPC8280 implementation of AppleTalk. — Chapter 27, “Universal Serial Bus Controller,” describes the MPC8280’s USB controller, including basic operation, the parameter RAM, and registers. — Chapter 28, “Serial Management Controllers (SMCs),” describes two serial management controllers, full-duplex ports that can be configured independently to support one of three protocols—UART, transparent, or general-circuit interface (GCI). — Chapter 29, “Multi-Channel Controllers (MCCs),” describes the MPC8280’s multi-channel controller (MCC), which handles up to 128 serial, full-duplex data channels. — Chapter 30, “Fast Communications Controllers (FCCs),” describes the MPC8280’s fast communications controllers (FCCs), which are SCCs optimized for synchronous high-rate protocols. — Chapter 31, “ATM Controller and AAL0, AAL1, and AAL5,” describes the MPC8280 ATM controller, which provides the ATM and AAL layers of the ATM protocol. The ATM controller performs segmentation and reassembly (SAR) functions of AAL5, AAL1, and AAL0, and most of the common parts convergence sublayer (CP-CS) of these protocols. — Chapter 32, “ATM AAL1 Circuit Emulation Service,” describes the implementation of circuit emulation service (CES) using ATM adaptation layer type 1 (AAL1) on the MPC8280. MPC8280 PowerQUICC II Family Reference Manual, Rev. 1 Freescale Semiconductor lxxxiii • • • — Chapter 33, “ATM AAL2,” describes the functionality and data structures of ATM adaptation layer type 2 (AAL2) CPS, CPS switching, and SSSAR. — Chapter 34, “Inverse Multiplexing for ATM (IMA),” describes specifications for the inverse multiplexing for ATM (IMA) microcode. — Chapter 35, “ATM Transmission Convergence Layer,” describes how the MPC8280 can support applications that receive ATM traffic over the standard serial protocols like E1, T1, and xDSL via its serial interface (SIx TDMx and NMSI) ports because of its internally implemented TC-layer functionality. — Chapter 36, “Fast Ethernet Controller,” describes the MPC8280’s implementation of the Ethernet IEEE 802.3 protocol. — Chapter 37, “FCC HDLC Controller,” describes the FCC implementation of the HDLC protocol. — Chapter 38, “FCC Transparent Controller,” describes the FCC implementation of the transparent protocol. — Chapter 39, “Serial Peripheral Interface (SPI),” describes the serial peripheral interface, which allows the MPC8280 to exchange data between other PowerQUICC II chips, the MC68360, the MC68302, the M68HC11, and M68HC05 microcontroller families, and peripheral devices such as EEPROMs, real-time clocks, A/D converters, and ISDN devices. — Chapter 40, “I2C Controller,” describes the MPC8280 implementation of the inter-integrated circuit (I2C®) controller, which allows data to be exchanged with other I2C devices, such as microcontrollers, EEPROMs, real-time clock devices, and A/D converters. — Chapter 41, “Parallel I/O Ports,” describes the four general-purpose I/O ports A–D. Each signal in the I/O ports can be configured as a general-purpose I/O signal or as a signal dedicated to supporting communications devices, such as SMCs, SCCs. MCCs, and FCCs. Appendix A, “Register Quick Reference Guide,” provides a quick reference to the registers incorporated in the G2_LE core. Appendix B, “Revision History,” provides a list of the major differences between revisions of the MPC8280 PowerQUICC II Family Reference Manual. This book also includes an index and a glossary. Suggested Reading This section lists additional reading that provides background for the information in this manual as well as general information about the PowerPC architecture. MPC82xx Documentation Supporting documentation for the MPC8280 can be accessed through the world-wide web at This documentation includes technical specifications, reference materials, and detailed applications notes. MPC8280 PowerQUICC II Family Reference Manual, Rev. 1 lxxxiv Freescale Semiconductor Architecture Documentation Architecture documentation is organized in the following types of documents: • Manuals—These books provide details about individual implementations of the PowerPC architecture and are intended to be used with the Programming Environments Manual. These include the G2 Core Reference Manual (Freescale order #: G2CORERM). • Programming environments manuals—These books provide information about resources defined by the PowerPC architecture that are common to processors that implement the PowerPC architecture. The two versions include one that describes the functionality of the combined 32- and 64-bit architecture models and one that describes only the 32-bit model. The MPC8280 adheres to the 32-bit architecture definition. — Programming Environments Manual for 32-Bit Implementations of the PowerPC Architecture (Freescale order #: MPCFPE32B) • The Programmer’s Pocket Reference Guide for the PowerPC Architecture: MPCPRGREF/D—This guide provides an overview of registers, instructions, and exceptions for 32-bit implementations. • Application notes—These short documents contain useful information about specific design issues useful to programmers and engineers working with Freescale’s processors. For a current list of documentation, refer to Conventions This document uses the following notational conventions: Table 1: Bold entries in figures and tables showing registers and parameter RAM should be initialized by the user. B ld mnemonics Instruction mnemonics are shown in lowercase bold. italics Italics indicate variable command parameters, for example, bcctrx. Book titles in text are set in italics. 0x0 Prefix to denote hexadecimal number 0b0 Prefix to denote binary number rA, rB Instruction syntax used to identify a source GPR rD Instruction syntax used to identify a destination GPR REG[FIELD] Abbreviations or acronyms for registers or buffer descriptors are shown in uppercase text. Specific bits, fields, or numerical ranges appear in brackets. For example, MSR[LE] refers to the little-endian mode enable bit in the machine state register. x In certain contexts, such as in a signal encoding or a bit field, indicates a don’t care. n Used to express an undefined numerical value ¬ NOT logical operator MPC8280 PowerQUICC II Family Reference Manual, Rev. 1 Freescale Semiconductor lxxxv & | AND logical operator OR logical operator Acronyms and Abbreviations Table i contains acronyms and abbreviations used in this document. Note that the meanings for some acronyms (such as SDR1 and DSISR) are historical, and the words for which an acronym stands may not be intuitively obvious. Table i. Acronyms and Abbreviated Terms Term Meaning A/D Analog-to-digital ALU Arithmetic logic unit ATM Asynchronous transfer mode BD Buffer descriptor BIST Built-in self test BPU Branch processing unit BRI Basic rate interface. BUID Bus unit ID CAM Content-addressable memory CEPT Conference des administrations Europeanes des Postes et Telecommunications (European Conference of Postal and Telecommunications Administrations). CMX CPM multiplexing logic CPM Communication processor module CR Condition register CRC Cyclic redundancy check CTR Count register DABR Data address breakpoint register DAR Data address register DEC Decrementer register DMA Direct memory access DPLL Digital phase-locked loop DRAM Dynamic random access memory DSISR Register used for determining the source of a DSI exception DTLB Data translation lookaside buffer EA Effective address EEST Enhanced Ethernet serial transceiver MPC8280 PowerQUICC II Family Reference Manual, Rev. 1 lxxxvi Freescale Semiconductor Table i. Acronyms and Abbreviated Terms (continued) Term Meaning EPROM Erasable programmable read-only memory FPR Floating-point register FPSCR Floating-point status and control register FPU Floating-point unit GCI General circuit interface GPCM General-purpose chip-select machine GPR General-purpose register GUI Graphical user interface HDLC High-level data link control I2C Inter-integrated circuit IDL Inter-chip digital link IEEE Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers IrDA Infrared Data Association ISDN Integrated services digital network ITLB Instruction translation lookaside buffer IU Integer unit JTAG Joint Test Action Group LIFO Last-in-first-out LR Link register LRU Least recently used LSB Least-significant byte lsb Least-significant bit LSU Load/store unit MAC Multiply accumulate MESI Modified/exclusive/shared/invalid—cache coherency protocol MMU Memory management unit MSB Most-significant byte msb Most-significant bit MSR Machine state register NaN Not a number NIA Next instruction address NMSI Nonmultiplexed serial interface No-op No operation MPC8280 PowerQUICC II Family Reference Manual, Rev. 1 Freescale Semiconductor lxxxvii Table i. Acronyms and Abbreviated Terms (continued) Term Meaning OEA Operating environment architecture OSI Open systems interconnection PCI Peripheral component interconnect PCMCIA Personal Computer Memory Card International Association PIR Processor identification register PRI Primary rate interface PVR Processor version register RISC Reduced instruction set computing RTOS Real-time operating system RWITM Read with intent to modify Rx Receive SCC Serial communication controller SCP Serial control port SDLC Synchronous data link control SDMA Serial DMA SI Serial interface SIMM Signed immediate value SIU System interface unit SMC Serial management controller SNA Systems network architecture SPI Serial peripheral interface SPR Special-purpose register SPRG n Registers available for general purposes SRAM Static random access memory SRR0 Machine status save/restore register 0 SRR1 Machine status save/restore register 1 TAP Test access port TB Time base register TDM Time-division multiplexed TLB Translation lookaside buffer TSA Time-slot assigner Tx Transmit UART Universal asynchronous receiver/transmitter MPC8280 PowerQUICC II Family Reference Manual, Rev. 1 lxxxviii Freescale Semiconductor Table i. Acronyms and Abbreviated Terms (continued) Term Meaning UIMM Unsigned immediate value UISA User instruction set architecture UPM User-programmable machine USART Universal synchronous/asynchronous receiver/transmitter USB Universal serial bus VA Virtual address VEA Virtual environment architecture XER Register used primarily for indicating conditions such as carries and overflows for integer operations PowerPC Architecture Terminology Conventions Table ii lists certain terms used in this manual that differ from the architecture terminology conventions. Table ii. Terminology Conventions The Architecture Specification Data storage interrupt (DSI) Extended mnemonics Interrupt ISI exception Exception Privileged mode (or privileged state) Problem mode (or problem state) Relocation DSI exception Simplified mnemonics Instruction storage interrupt (ISI) Real address This Manual Supervisor-level privilege User-level privilege Physical address Translation Storage (locations) Memory Storage (the act of) Access MPC8280 PowerQUICC II Family Reference Manual, Rev. 1 Freescale Semiconductor lxxxix Table iii describes instruction field notation conventions used in this manual. Table iii. Instruction Field Conventions The Architecture Specification BA, BB, BT BF, BFA Equivalent to: crbA, crbB, crbD (respectively) crfD, crfS (respectively) D d DS ds FLM FM FXM CRM RA, RB, RT, RS rA, rB, rD, rS (respectively) SI SIMM U IMM UI UIMM /, //, /// 0...0 (shaded) MPC8280 PowerQUICC II Family Reference Manual, Rev. 1 xc Freescale Semiconductor Part I Overview Intended Audience Part I is intended for readers who need a high-level understanding of the MPC8280. Contents Part I provides a high-level description of the MPC8280, describing general operation and listing basic features. • Chapter 1, “Overview,” provides a high-level description of MPC8280 functions and features. It roughly follows the structure of this book, summarizing the relevant features and providing references for the reader who needs additional information. • Chapter 2, “G2_LE Core,” provides an overview of the MPC8280 core. • Chapter 3, “Memory Map,” presents a table showing where MPC8280 registers are mapped in memory. It includes cross references that indicate where the registers are described in detail. Conventions Part I uses the following notational conventions: mnemonics Instruction mnemonics are shown in lowercase bold. italics Italics indicate variable command parameters, for example, bcctrx. Book titles in text are set in italics. 0x0 Prefix to denote hexadecimal number 0b0 Prefix to denote binary number rA, rB Instruction syntax used to identify a source GPR rD Instruction syntax used to identify a destination GPR REG[FIELD] Abbreviations or acronyms for registers or buffer descriptors are shown in uppercase text. Specific bits, fields, or numerical ranges appear in brackets. For example, MSR[LE] refers to the little-endian mode enable bit in the machine state register. x In certain contexts, such as in a signal encoding or a bit field, indicates a don’t care. n Indicates an undefined numerical value MPC8280 PowerQUICC II Family Reference Manual, Rev. 1 Freescale Semiconductor I-1 Acronyms and Abbreviations Table I-1 contains acronyms and abbreviations that are used in this document. Table I-1. Acronyms and Abbreviated Terms Term Meaning ATM Asynchronous Mode BD Buffer descriptor BPU Branch processing unit COP Common on-chip processor CP Communications processor CPM Communications processor module CRC Cyclic redundancy check CTR Count register DABR Data address breakpoint register DAR Data address register DEC Decrementer register DMA Direct memory access DPLL Digital phase-locked loop DRAM Dynamic random access memory DTLB Data translation lookaside buffer EA Effective address FCC‘ Fast communications controller FPR Floating-point register GPCM General-purpose chip-select machine GPR General-purpose register HDLC High-level data link control I2C Inter-integrated circuit IEEE Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers ISDN Integrated services digital network ITLB Instruction translation lookaside buffer IU Integer unit JTAG Joint Test Action Group LRU Least recently used (cache replacement algorithm) LSU Load/store unit MCC Multi-channel controller MPC8280 PowerQUICC II Family Reference Manual, Rev. 1 I-2 Freescale Semiconductor Table I-1. Acronyms and Abbreviated Terms (continued) Term Meaning MII Media-independent interface MMU Memory management unit MSR Machine state register NMSI Nonmultiplexed serial interface OEA Operating environment architecture OSI Open systems interconnection PCI Peripheral component interconnect RISC Reduced instruction set computing RTC Real-time clock RTOS Real-time operating system Rx Receive SCC Serial communications controller SDLC Synchronous data link control SDMA Serial DMA SI Serial interface SIU System interface unit SMC Serial management controller SPI Serial peripheral interface SPR Special-purpose register SRAM Static random access memory TAP Test access port TB Time base register TDM Time-division multiplexed TLB Translation lookaside buffer TSA Time-slot assigner Tx Transmit UART Universal asynchronous receiver/transmitter UISA User instruction set architecture UPM User-programmable machine VEA Virtual environment architecture MPC8280 PowerQUICC II Family Reference Manual, Rev. 1 Freescale Semiconductor I-3 MPC8280 PowerQUICC II Family Reference Manual, Rev. 1 I-4 Freescale Semiconductor Chapter 1 Overview The MPC8280 is a versatile communications processor that integrates on one chip a high-performance PowerPC™ RISC microprocessor, a very flexible system integration unit, and many communications peripheral controllers that can be used in a variety of applications, particularly in communications and networking systems. The MPC8280 core—a G2_LE—is an embedded variant of the MPC603e microprocessor with 16 Kbytes of instruction cache and 16 Kbytes of data cache. The system interface unit (SIU) consists of a flexible memory controller that interfaces to almost any user-defined memory system, a 60x-to-PCI bus bridge, and many other peripherals making this device a complete system on a chip. The MPC8280 communications processor module (CPM) includes all the peripherals found in the MPC8260 PowerQUICC II family. In addition, the MPC8280 offers USB functionality. This manual describes the functional operation of MPC8280, with an emphasis on peripheral functions. Chapter 2, “G2_LE Core,” is an overview of the microprocessor core; detailed information about the core can be found in the G2 Core Reference Manual (order number: G2CORERM). 1.1 Features The following is an overview of the MPC8280 feature set: • Dual-issue integer (G2_LE) core — A core version of the MPC603e microprocessor — System core microprocessor supporting frequencies of 166–450 MHz — Separate 16-Kbyte data and instruction caches: – Four-way set associative – Physically addressed – LRU replacement algorithm — PowerPC architecture-compliant memory management unit (MMU) — Common on-chip processor (COP) test interface — Supports bus snooping for data cache coherency — Floating-point unit (FPU) • Separate power supply for internal logic and for I/O • Separate PLLs for G2_LE core and for the CPM — G2_LE core and CPM can run at different frequencies for power/performance optimization MPC8280 PowerQUICC II Family Reference Manual, Rev. 1 Freescale Semiconductor 1-1 Overview • • • • — Internal core/bus clock multiplier that provides 2:1, 2.5:1, 3:1, 3.5:1, 4:1, 4.5:1, 5:1, 6:1, 7:1, 8:1 ratios — Internal CPM/bus clock multiplier that provides 2:1, 2.5:1, 3:1, 3.5:1, 4:1, 5:1, 6:1, 8:1 ratios 64-bit data and 32-bit address 60x bus — Bus supports multiple master designs — Supports single- and four-beat burst transfers — 64-, 32-, 16-, and 8-bit port sizes controlled by on-chip memory controller — Supports data parity or ECC and address parity 32-bit data and 18-bit address local bus — Single-master bus, supports external slaves — Eight-beat burst transfers — 32-, 16-, and 8-bit port sizes controlled by on-chip memory controller 60x-to-PCI bridge — Programmable host bridge and agent — 32-bit data bus, 66.67/83.3/100 MHz, 3.3 V — Synchronous and asynchronous 60x and PCI clock modes — All internal address space available to external PCI host — DMA for memory block transfers — PCI-to-60x address remapping PCI bridge — PCI Specification Revision 2.2 compliant and supports frequencies up to 66 MHz — On-chip arbitration — Support for PCI-to-60x-memory and 60x-memory-to-PCI streaming — PCI host bridge or peripheral capabilities — Includes 4 DMA channels for the following transfers: – PCI-to-60x to 60x-to-PCI – 60x-to-PCI to PCI-to-60x – PCI-to-60x to PCI-to-60x – 60x-to-PCI to 60x-to-PCI — Includes all of the configuration registers (which are automatically loaded from the EPROM and used to configure the MPC8280) required by the PCI standard as well as message and doorbell registers — Supports the I2O standard — Hot-swap friendly (supports the hot swap specification as defined by PICMG 2.1 R1.0 August 3, 1998) — Support for 66.67/83.33/100 MHz, 3.3 V specification MPC8280 PowerQUICC II Family Reference Manual, Rev. 1 1-2 Freescale Semiconductor Overview • • • • — 60x-PCI bus core logic that uses a buffer pool to allocate buffers for each port — Uses the local bus signals, removing need for additional pins System interface unit (SIU) — Clock synthesizer — Reset controller — Real-time clock (RTC) register — Periodic interrupt timer — Hardware bus monitor and software watchdog timer — IEEE 1149.1 JTAG test access port 12-bank memory controller — Glueless interface to SRAM, page mode SDRAM, DRAM, EPROM, Flash and other userdefinable peripherals — Byte write enables and selectable parity generation — 32-bit address decodes with programmable bank size — Three user-programmable machines, general-purpose chip-select machine, and page-mode pipeline SDRAM machine — Byte selects for 64-bit bus width (60x) and for 32-bit bus width (local) — Dedicated interface logic for SDRAM CPU core can be disabled and the device can be used in slave mode to an external core Communications processor module (CPM) — Embedded 32-bit communications processor (CP) uses a RISC architecture for flexible support for communications protocols — Interfaces to G2_LE core through an on-chip 32-Kbyte dual-port data RAM, an on-chip 32-Kbyte dual-port instruction RAM and DMA controller — Serial DMA channels for receive and transmit on all serial channels — Parallel I/O registers with open-drain and interrupt capability — Virtual DMA functionality executing memory-to-memory and memory-to-I/O transfers — Three fast communications controllers supporting the following protocols: – 10/100-Mbit Ethernet/IEEE 802.3 CDMA/CS interface through media independent interface (MII) or reduced media independent interface (RMII) – ATM—Full-duplex SAR protocols at 155 Mbps, through UTOPIA interface, AAL5, AAL1, AAL0 protocols, TM 4.0 CBR, VBR, UBR, ABR traffic types, up to 64 K external connections (no ATM support for the MPC8270) – Transparent – HDLC—Up to T3 rates (clear channel) – FCC2 can also be connected to the TC layer (MPC8280 only) MPC8280 PowerQUICC II Family Reference Manual, Rev. 1 Freescale Semiconductor 1-3 Overview — Two multichannel controllers (MCCs) (one MCC on the MPC8270) – Each MCC handles 128 serial, full-duplex, 64-Kbps data channels. Each MCC can be split into four subgroups of 32 channels each. – Almost any combination of subgroups can be multiplexed to single or multiple TDM interfaces up to four TDM interfaces per MCC — Four serial communications controllers (SCCs) identical to those on the MPC860, supporting the digital portions of the following protocols: – Ethernet/IEEE 802.3 CDMA/CS – HDLC/SDLC and HDLC bus – Universal asynchronous receiver transmitter (UART) – Synchronous UART – Binary synchronous (BISYNC) communications – Transparent — Universal serial bus (USB) controller – USB 2.0 full/low rate compatible – USB host mode –Supports control, bulk, interrupt, and isochronous data transfers –CRC16 generation and checking –NRZI encoding/decoding with bit stuffing –Supports both 12- and 1.5-Mbps data rates (automatic generation of preamble token and data rate configuration). Note that low-speed operation requires an external hub. –Flexible data buffers with multiple buffers per frame –Supports local loopback mode for diagnostics (12 Mbps only) – Supports USB slave mode –Four independent endpoints support control, bulk, interrupt, and isochronous data transfers –CRC16 generation and checking –CRC5 checking –NRZI encoding/decoding with bit stuffing –12- or 1.5-Mbps data rate –Flexible data buffers with multiple buffers per frame –Automatic retransmission upon transmit error — Two serial management controllers (SMCs), identical to those of the MPC860 – Provide management for BRI devices as general circuit interface (GCI) controllers in timedivision-multiplexed (TDM) channels MPC8280 PowerQUICC II Family Reference Manual, Rev. 1 1-4 Freescale Semiconductor Overview — — — — — — — 1.2 – Transparent – UART (low-speed operation) One serial peripheral interface identical to the MPC860 SPI One inter-integrated circuit (I2C) controller (identical to the MPC860 I2C controller) – Microwire compatible – Multiple-master, single-master, and slave modes Up to eight TDM interfaces (four on the MPC8270) – Supports two groups of four TDM channels for a total of eight TDMs (one group of four on the MPC8270 and the MPC8275) – 2,048 bytes of SI RAM – Bit or byte resolution – Independent transmit and receive routing, frame synchronization – Supports T1, CEPT, T1/E1, T3/E3, pulse code modulation highway, ISDN basic rate, ISDN primary rate, Freescale interchip digital link (IDL), general circuit interface (GCI), and user-defined TDM serial interfaces Eight independent baud rate generators and 20 input clock pins for supplying clocks to FCCs, SCCs, SMCs, and serial channels Four independent 16-bit timers that can be interconnected as two 32-bit timers Transmission convergence (TC) layer (MPC8280 only) Inverse multiplexing for ATM capabilities (IMA) (MPC8280 only). Supported by eight TC layers between the TDMs and FCC2. Architecture Overview The MPC8280 has two external buses to accommodate bandwidth requirements from the high-speed system core and the very fast communications channels. Figure 1-1 shows the block diagram of the superset MPC8280 device. Features that are device- or package-specific are noted. For package information, refer to the MPC8280 PowerQUICC II Family Hardware Specifications (order number: MPC8280EC). MPC8280 PowerQUICC II Family Reference Manual, Rev. 1 Freescale Semiconductor 1-5 Overview 16 Kbytes I-Cache I-MMU System Interface Unit (SIU) G2_LE Core 16 Kbytes D-Cache Bus Interface Unit Communication Processor Module (CPM) Timers 32 KB Instruction RAM Interrupt Controller Parallel I/O MCC11 MCC2 Serial DMAs FCC2 FCC3 TC Layer Hardware1 SCC1 SCC2 32 bits, up to 100 MHz Clock Counter 4 Virtual IDMAs IMA 1 Microcode FCC1 or Local Bus Memory Controller 32 KB Data RAM 32-bit RISC Microcontroller and Program ROM Baud Rate Generators PCI Bus 32 bits, up to 66 MHz 60x-to-PCI Bridge 60x-to-Local Bridge D-MMU 60x Bus SCC3 SCC4/ USB System Functions SMC1 SMC2 SPI I2C Time Slot Assigner Serial Interface2 8 TDM Ports2 3 MII or RMII Ports 2 UTOPIA Ports3 Non-Multiplexed I/O Notes: 1 MPC8280 only (not on MPC8270, the VR package, nor the ZQ package) 2 MPC8280 has 2 serial interface (SI) blocks and 8 TDM ports. MPC8270 and the VR and ZQ packages have only 1 SI block and 4 TDM ports (TDM2[A–D]). 3 MPC8280, MPC8275VR, MPC8275ZQ only (not on MPC8270, MPC8270VR, nor MPC8270ZQ) Figure 1-1. MPC8280 Block Diagram Both the system core and the CPM have an internal PLL, which allows independent optimization of the frequencies at which they run. The system core and CPM are both connected to the 60x bus. 1.2.1 G2_LE Core The G2_LE core is derived from the MPC603e microprocessor with power management modifications. The core is a high-performance low-power implementation of the family of reduced instruction set computer (RISC) microprocessors. The G2_LE core implements the 32-bit portion of the PowerPC architecture, which provides 32-bit effective addresses, integer data types of 8, 16, and 32 bits. The G2_LE cache provides snooping to ensure data coherency with other masters. This helps ensure coherency between the CPM and system core. The core includes 16 Kbytes of instruction cache and 16 Kbytes of data cache. It has a 64-bit split-transaction external data bus, which is connected directly to the external MPC8280 pins. MPC8280 PowerQUICC II Family Reference Manual, Rev. 1 1-6 Freescale Semiconductor Overview The G2_LE core has an internal common on-chip (COP) debug processor. This processor allows access to internal scan chains for debugging purposes. It is also used as a serial connection to the core for emulator support. The G2_LE core can be disabled. In this mode, the MPC8280 functions as a slave peripheral to an external core or to another PowerQUICC II device with its core enabled. 1.2.2 System Interface Unit (SIU) The SIU consists of the following: • A 60x-compatible parallel system bus configurable to 64-bit data width. The MPC8280 supports 64-, 32-, 16-, and 8-bit port sizes. The MPC8280 internal arbiter arbitrates between internal components that can access the bus (system core, PCI bridge, CPM, and one external master). This arbiter can be disabled, and an external arbiter can be used if necessary. • A local (32-bit data, 32-bit internal and 18-bit external address) bus. This bus is used to enhance the operation of the very high-speed communication controllers. Without requiring extensive manipulation by the core, the bus can be used to store connection tables for ATM or buffer descriptors (BDs) for the communication channels or raw data that is transmitted between channels. The local bus is synchronous to the 60x bus and runs at the same frequency. • The local bus can be configured as a 32-bit data and up to 66 MHz PCI (version 2.1) bus. In PCI mode the bus can be programmed as a host or as an agent. The PCI bus can be configured to run synchronously or asynchronously to the 60x bus. The MPC8280 has an internal PCI bridge with an efficient 60x-to-PCI DMA for memory block transfers. • Applications that require both the local bus and PCI bus need to connect an external PCI bridge. • Memory controller supporting 12 memory banks that can be allocated for either the system or the local bus. The memory controller is an enhanced version of the MPC860 memory controller. It supports three user-programmable machines. Besides all MPC860 features, the memory controller also supports SDRAM with page mode and address data pipeline. • Supports JTAG controller IEEE 1149.1 test access port (TAP). • A bus monitor that prevents 60x bus lock-ups, a real-time clock, a periodic interrupt timer, and other system functions useful in embedded applications. • Glueless interface to L2 cache (MPC2605) and 4-/16-K-entry CAM (MCM69C232/MCM69C432). 1.2.3 Communications Processor Module (CPM) The CPM contains features that allow the MPC8280 to excel in a variety of applications targeted mainly for networking and telecommunication markets. The CPM is a superset of the MPC860 PowerQUICC CPM, with enhancements on the CP performance and additional hardware and microcode routines that support high bit rate protocols like ATM (up to 155 Mbps full-duplex) and Fast Ethernet (100-Mbps full-duplex). MPC8280 PowerQUICC II Family Reference Manual, Rev. 1 Freescale Semiconductor 1-7 Overview The following list summarizes the major features of the CPM: • The CP is an embedded 32-bit RISC controller residing on a separate bus (CPM local bus) from the 60x bus (used by the system core). With this separate bus, the CP does not affect the performance of the G2_LE core. The CP handles the lower layer tasks and DMA control activities, leaving the G2_LE core free to handle higher layer activities. The CP has an instruction set optimized for communications, but can also be used for general-purpose applications, relieving the system core of small often repeated tasks. • Two serial DMA (SDMA) that can do simultaneous transfers, optimized for burst transfers to the 60x bus and to the local bus. • Three full-duplex, serial fast communications controllers (FCCs) supporting ATM (155 Mbps) protocol through UTOPIA2 interface (there are two UTOPIA interfaces on the MPC8280), IEEE 802.3 and Fast Ethernet protocols, HDLC up to E3 rates (45 Mbps) and totally transparent operation. Each FCC can be configured to transmit fully transparent and receive HDLC or vice-versa. (Note that the MPC8270 does not support ATM (155 Mbps) protocol.) • Two multichannel controllers (MCCs) that can handle an aggregate of 256 X 64 Kbps HDLC or transparent channels, multiplexed on up to eight TDM interfaces. The MCC also supports super-channels of rates higher than 64 Kbps and subchanneling of the 64-Kbps channels. • Four full-duplex serial communications controllers (SCCs) supporting IEEE802.3/Ethernet, highlevel synchronous data link control, HDLC, local talk, UART, synchronous UART, BISYNC, and transparent. • Two full-duplex serial management controllers (SMC) supporting GCI, UART, and transparent operations • Serial peripheral interface (SPI) and I2C bus controllers • Time-slot assigner (TSA) that supports multiplexing of data from any of the four SCCs, three FCCs, and two SMCs. 1.3 Software Compatibility Issues As much as possible, the MPC8280 CPM features were made similar to those of the previous MPC860 PowerQUICC family devices and the MPC8260 PowerQUICC II family devices. The code flow ports easily from previous devices to the MPC8280, except for new protocols supported by the MPC8280. Although many registers are new, most registers retain the old status and event bits, so an understanding of the programming models of the MC68360, MPC860, or MPC85015 is helpful. Note that the MPC8280 initialization code requires changes from the MPC860 initialization code (Freescale provides reference code). 1.3.1 Signals Figure 1-2 shows MPC8280 signals grouped by function. Note that many of these signals are multiplexed and this figure does not indicate how these signals are multiplexed. MPC8280 PowerQUICC II Family Reference Manual, Rev. 1 1-8 Freescale Semiconductor Overview NOTE A bar over a signal name indicates that the signal is active low—for example, BB (bus busy). Active-low signals are referred to as asserted (active) when they are low and negated when they are high. Signals that are not active low, such as TSIZ[0–3] (transfer size signals) are referred to as asserted when they are high and negated when they are low. VCCSYN/GNDSYN/VCCSYN1//VDDH/ ⎯⎯⎯> 100 VDD/VSS PCI_PAR/L_A14 <⎯⎯> 1 SMI/PCI_FRAME/L_A15 <⎯⎯> 1 PCI_TRDY/L_A16 <⎯⎯> 1 CKSTOP_OUT/PCI_IRDY/L_A17 <⎯⎯> 1 PCI_STOP/L_A18 <⎯⎯> 1 PCI_DEVSEL/L_A19 <⎯⎯> 1 PCI_IDSEL/L_A20 <⎯⎯> 1 PCI_PERR/L_A21 <⎯⎯> 1 PCI_SERR/L_A22 <⎯⎯> 1 PCI_REQ0/L_A23 <⎯⎯> 1 CPCI_HS_ES/PCI_REQ1/L_A24 <⎯⎯> 1 PCI_GNT0/L_A25 <⎯⎯> 1 CPCI_HS_LED/PCI_GNT1/L_A26 <⎯⎯⎯ 1 CPCI_HS_ENUM/PCI_CLK/L_A27 <⎯⎯> 1 CORE_SRESET/PCI_RST/L_A28 <⎯⎯> 1 PCI_INTA/L_A29 <⎯⎯> 1 PCI_REQ2/L_A30 <⎯⎯> 1 DLLOUT/L_A31 <⎯⎯> 1 PCI_AD[0–31]/LCL_D[0–31] <⎯⎯> 32 PCI_C/BE[0–3]/LCL_DP[0–3] <⎯⎯> 4 PCI_CFG[3–0]/LBS[0–3]/ <⎯⎯⎯ LSDDQM[0–3]/LWE[0–3] 4 PCI_MODCK_H0/LGPL0/LSDA10 PCI_MODCK_H1/LGPL1/LSDWE PCI_MODCK_H2/LGPL2/LSDRAS/LOE PCI_MODCK_H3/LGPL3/LSDCAS LPBS/LGPL4/LUPMWAIT/LGTA PCI_MODCK/LGPL5 LWR <⎯⎯⎯ <⎯⎯⎯ <⎯⎯⎯ <⎯⎯⎯ <⎯⎯> <⎯⎯> <⎯⎯> 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 PA[0–31] PB[4–31] PC[0–31] PD[4–31] <⎯⎯> <⎯⎯> <⎯⎯> <⎯⎯> 32 28 32 28 PCI_RST/PORESET⎯⎯⎯> RSTCONF⎯⎯⎯> HRESET<⎯⎯> SRESET<⎯⎯> QREQ<⎯⎯⎯ XFC⎯⎯⎯> CLKIN1⎯⎯⎯> TRIS⎯⎯⎯> BNKSEL[0]/TC[0]/AP[1]/MODCK1<⎯⎯> BNKSEL[1]/TC[1]/AP[2]/MODCK2<⎯⎯> BNKSEL[2]/TC[2]/AP[3]/MODCK3<⎯⎯> PCI_MODE ⎯⎯⎯> CLKIN2 ⎯⎯⎯> NC ⎯⎯⎯> 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 2 32 <⎯⎯> L O C A L B U S 6 0 x B U S M E M C P I O R S T C L K M E M C J T A G 5 4 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 64 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 10 1 1 2 1 1 8 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 A[0–31] <⎯⎯> TT[0–4] <⎯⎯> TSIZ[0–3] <⎯⎯> TBST <⎯⎯> GBL/IRQ1 <⎯⎯> CI/BADDR29/IRQ2 <⎯⎯> WT/BADDR30/IRQ3 <⎯⎯⎯ L2_HIT/IRQ4 <⎯⎯> CPU_BG/BADDR31/IRQ5/CINT ⎯⎯⎯> CPU_DBG ⎯⎯⎯> CPU_BR <⎯⎯> BR <⎯⎯> BG <⎯⎯> ABB/IRQ2 <⎯⎯> TS <⎯⎯> AACK <⎯⎯> ARTRY <⎯⎯> DBG <⎯⎯> DBB/IRQ3 <⎯⎯> D[0–63] <⎯⎯> NC/DP0/RSRV/EXT_BR2 <⎯⎯> IRQ1/DP1/EXT_BG2 <⎯⎯> IRQ2/DP2/TLBISYNC/EXT_DBG2 <⎯⎯> IRQ3/DP3/CKSTP_OUT/EXT_BR3 <⎯⎯> IRQ4/DP4/CORE_SRESET/EXT_BG3 <⎯⎯> IRQ5/DP5/TBEN/EXT_DBG3/CINT <⎯⎯> IRQ6/DP6/CSE0 <⎯⎯> IRQ7/DP7/CSE1 <⎯⎯> PSDVAL <⎯⎯> TA <⎯⎯> TEA <⎯⎯> IRQ0/NMI_OUT <⎯⎯> IRQ7/INT_OUT/APE ⎯⎯⎯> CS[0–9] <⎯⎯> CS[10]/BCTL1 <⎯⎯> CS[11]/AP[0] ⎯⎯⎯> BADDR[27–28] ⎯⎯⎯> ALE ⎯⎯⎯> BCTL0 ⎯⎯⎯> PWE[0–7]/PSDDQM[0–7]/PBS[0–7] ⎯⎯⎯> PSDA10/PGPL0 ⎯⎯⎯> PSDWE/PGPL1 ⎯⎯⎯> POE/PSDRAS/PGPL2 ⎯⎯⎯> PSDCAS/PGPL3 <⎯⎯> PGTA/PUPMWAIT/PGPL4/PPBS ⎯⎯⎯> PSDAMUX/PGPL5 <⎯⎯⎯ TMS <⎯⎯⎯ TDI <⎯⎯⎯ TCK <⎯⎯⎯ TRST ⎯⎯⎯> TDO Figure 1-2. MPC8280 External Signals MPC8280 PowerQUICC II Family Reference Manual, Rev. 1 Freescale Semiconductor 1-9 Overview 1.4 Differences Between MPC860 and MPC8280 The following MPC860 features are not included in the MPC8280. • On-chip crystal oscillators (must use external oscillator) • 4-MHz oscillator (input clock must be at the bus speed) • Low power (stand-by) modes • Battery-backup real-time clock (must use external battery-backup clock) • BDM (COP offers most of the same functionality) • True little-endian mode • PCMCIA interface • Infrared (IR) port • QMC protocol in SCC (256 HDLC channels are supported by the MCCs) • Multiply and accumulate (MAC) block in the CPM • Centronics port (PIP) • Pulse-width modulated outputs • SCC Ethernet controller option to sample 1 byte from the parallel port when a receive frame is complete • Parallel CAM interface for SCC (Ethernet) 1.5 Serial Protocol Table Table 1-1 summarizes available protocols for each serial port. Table 1-1. MPC8280 Serial Protocols Port Port FCC SCC ATM (Utopia)1 √ 100BaseT √ 10BaseT √ √ HDLC √ √ √ √ UART √ DPLL √ Multichannel SMC √ √ √ √ √ √ Universal serial bus 1 USB √ HDLC_BUS Transparent MCC Not on the MPC8270 MPC8280 PowerQUICC II Family Reference Manual, Rev. 1 1-10 Freescale Semiconductor Overview 1.6 MPC8280 Configurations The MPC8280 offers flexibility in configuring the device for specific applications. The functions mentioned in the above sections are all available in the device, but not all of them can be used at the same time. This does not imply that the device is not fully activated in any given implementation: The CPM architecture has the advantage of using common hardware resources for many different protocols, and applications. Two physical factors limit the functionality in any given system—pinout and performance. 1.6.1 Pin Configurations Some pins have multiple functions. Choosing one function may preclude the use of another. Information about multiplexing constraints can be found in Chapter 16, “CPM Multiplexing,” and Chapter 41, “Parallel I/O Ports.” 1.6.2 Serial Performance Serial performance depends on a number of factors: • Serial rate versus CPM clock frequency for adequate sampling on serial channels • Serial rate and protocol versus CPM clock frequency for CP protocol handling • Serial rate and protocol versus bus bandwidth • Serial rate and protocol versus system core clock for adequate protocol handling The second item above is addressed in this section—the CP’s ability to handle high bit-rate protocols in parallel. Slow bit-rate protocols do not significantly affect those numbers. Table 1-2 describes a few options to configure the fast communications channels on the MPC8280. The frequency specified is the minimum CPM frequency necessary to run the mentioned protocols concurrently at full-duplex. Table 1-2. Serial Performance1 CPM Clock (MHz) 60x Bus Clock (MHz) 100 BaseT 133 66 100 BaseT 133 66 128 * 64 Kbps channels 133 66 128 * 64 Kbps channels 133 66 155-Mbps ATM 256 * 64 Kbps channels 166 66 100 BaseT 256 * 64 Kbps channels 133 66 45-Mbps HDLC 256 * 64 Kbps 133 66 256 * 64 Kbps 166 66 16 * 576 Kbps 166 66 FCC1 FCC2 FCC3 155-Mbps ATM 100 BaseT 100 BaseT 100 BaseT 155-Mbps ATM 100 BaseT 45-Mbps HDLC 100 BaseT 100 BaseT 100 BaseT 1 MCC For the MPC8270 see Table 1-3. MPC8280 PowerQUICC II Family Reference Manual, Rev. 1 Freescale Semiconductor 1-11 Overview Table 1-3 shows serial performance for the MPC8270, which does not support ATM (155-Mbps). Table 1-3. MPC8270 Serial Performance CPM Clock (MHz) 60x Bus Clock (MHz) 133 66 128 * 64 Kbps channels 133 66 45-Mbps 128 * 64 Kbps channels 133 66 45-Mbps HDLC 45-Mbps 128 * 64 Kbps channels 133 66 45-Mbps HDLC 45-Mbps 100 BaseT 128 * 64 Kbps channels 133 66 100 BaseT 45-Mbps 100 BaseT 8 * 576 Kbps channels 133 66 100 BaseT 100 BaseT 100 BaseT 128 * 64 Kbps channels 133 66 FCC 1 FCC 2 FCC 3 100 BaseT 100 BaseT 100 BaseT 100 BaseT 100 BaseT 100 BaseT MCC FCCs can also be used to run slower HDLC or 10 BaseT, for example. The CP’s RISC architecture has the advantage of using common hardware resources for all FCCs. 1.7 Application Examples The MPC8280 can be configured to meet many system application needs, as described in the following sections and shown in Figure 1-3 through Figure 1-11. NOTE: Differences among MPC8280 PowerQUICC II Family Devices Refer to Figure 1-1 and Section 1.1, “Features,” to determine possible differences in features between a given device and the following descriptions. 1.7.1 Communication Systems The following sections describe the following examples of communication systems: • Section, “Remote Access Server” • Section, “Regional Office Router” • Section, “LAN-to-WAN Bridge Router” • Section, “Cellular Base Station” • Section, “Telecommunications Switch Controller” • Section, “SONET Transmission Controller” MPC8280 PowerQUICC II Family Reference Manual, Rev. 1 1-12 Freescale Semiconductor Overview Remote Access Server Figure 1-3 shows remote access server configuration. MPC8280 SDRAM/DRAM/SRAM Quad TDM0 60x Bus T1 Framer Channelized Data (up to 256 channels) TDM7 SDRAM/DRAM/SRAM 155 Mbps ATM PHY UTOPIA Multi PHY Local Bus or MII Transceiver ATM Connection Tables (optional) 10/100BaseT or Framer E3 clear channel (takes one TDM) DSP Bank Slow Comm SMC/I2C/SPI/SCC PHY Slaves on Local Bus Figure 1-3. Remote Access Server Configuration In this application, eight TDM ports are connected to external framers. In the MPC8280, each group of four ports support up to 128 channels. One TDM interface can support 32–128 channels. The MPC8280 receives and transmits data in transparent or HDLC mode, and stores or retrieves the channelized data from memory. The data can be stored either in memory residing on the 60x bus or in memory residing on the local bus. The main trunk can be configured as 155 Mbps full-duplex ATM, using the UTOPIA interface, or as 10/100 BaseT Fast Ethernet with MII interface, or as a high-speed serial channel (up to 45 Mbps). In ATM mode, there may be a need to store connection tables in external memory on the local bus; for example, 128 active internal connections require 8 Kbytes of dual-port RAM. The need for local bus depends on the total throughput of the system. The MPC8280 supports automatic (without software intervention) crossconnect between ATM and MCC, routing ATM AAL1 frames to MCC slots. The local bus can be used as an interface to a bank of DSPs that can run code that performs analog modem signal modulation. Data to and from the DSPs can be transferred through the parallel bus with the internal virtual IDMA. MPC8280 PowerQUICC II Family Reference Manual, Rev. 1 Freescale Semiconductor 1-13 Overview The MPC8280 memory controller supports many types of memories, including EDO DRAM and page-mode, pipeline SDRAM for efficient burst transfers. Regional Office Router Figure 1-4 shows a regional office router configuration. MPC8280 Quad TDM0 T1 Framer TDM3 SDRAM/DRAM/SRAM MII 10/100BaseT Transceiver 60x Bus Channelized Data (up to 128 channels) 10/100BaseT Slow Comm SMC/I2C/SPI/SCC PHY Figure 1-4. Regional Office Router Configuration In this application, the MPC8280 is connected to four TDM interfaces channelizing up to 128 channels. Each TDM port supports 32–128 channels. If 128 channels are needed, each TDM port can be configured to support 32 channels. This example has two MII ports for 10/100 BaseT LAN connections. In all the examples, the SCC ports can be used for management. LAN-to-WAN Bridge Router Figure 1-5 shows a LAN-to-WAN router configuration, which is similar to the previous example. MPC8280 PowerQUICC II Family Reference Manual, Rev. 1 1-14 Freescale Semiconductor Overview MPC8280 MII Transceiver 10/100BaseT SDRAM/DRAM/SRAM 60x Bus 155 Mbps ATM Data UTOPIA Multi PHY PHY SDRAM/DRAM/SRAM 155 Mbps ATM PHY UTOPIA Multi PHY Local Bus or MII Transceiver ATM Connection Tables (optional) 10/100BaseT Slow Comm SMC/I2C/SPI/SCC PHY Figure 1-5. LAN-to-WAN Bridge Router Configuration Cellular Base Station Figure 1-6 shows a cellular base station configuration. MPC8280 SDRAM/DRAM/SRAM TDM0 Framer 60x Bus TDM1 Channelized Data (up to 256 channels) DSP Bank Local Bus Slow Comm SMC/I2C/SPI/SCC PHY Slaves on Local Bus Figure 1-6. Cellular Base Station Configuration MPC8280 PowerQUICC II Family Reference Manual, Rev. 1 Freescale Semiconductor 1-15 Overview Here the MPC8280 channelizes two E1s (up to 256, 16-Kbps channels). The local bus can control a bank of DSPs. Data to and from the DSPs can be transferred through the parallel bus to the host port of the DSPs with the internal virtual IDMA. The slow communication ports (SCCs, SMCs, I2C, SPI) can be used for management and debug functions. Telecommunications Switch Controller Figure 1-7 shows a telecommunications switch controller configuration. MPC8280 155 Mbps ATM PHY UTOPIA Multi PHY SDRAM/DRAM/SRAM 60x Bus 10/100BaseT MII Transceiver 10/100BaseT SDRAM/DRAM/SRAM Local Bus Slow Comm PHY ATM Connection Tables SMC/I2C/SPI/SCC (10BaseT) Figure 1-7. Telecommunications Switch Controller Configuration The CPM supports a total aggregate throughput of 710 Mbps at 133 MHz. This includes two full-duplex 100 BaseT and one full-duplex 155 Mbps for ATM. The G2_LE core can operate at a different (higher) speed, if the application requires it. MPC8280 PowerQUICC II Family Reference Manual, Rev. 1 1-16 Freescale Semiconductor Overview SONET Transmission Controller Figure 1-8 shows a SONET transmission controller configuration. MPC8280 TDM0 576 Kbps SONET Transceivers TDM3 SDRAM/DRAM/SRAM 60x Bus Channelized Data (up to 16 channels) MII 10/100BaseT Transceiver SDRAM/DRAM/SRAM Local Bus Slow ATM Connection Tables SMC/I2C/SPI/SCC Comm (10BaseT) PHY Figure 1-8. SONET Transmission Controller Configuration In this application, the MPC8280 implements super channeling with the MCC. Nine 64-Kbps channels are combined to form a 576-Kbps channel. The MPC8280 at 133 MHz can support up to sixteen 576-Kbps superchannels. The MPC8280 also supports subchanneling (under 64 Kbps) with its MCC. 1.7.2 Bus Configurations The following sections describe the following possible bus configurations: • Section, “Basic System” • Section, “High-Performance Communication” • Section, “High-Performance System Microprocessor” • Section, “PCI” • Section, “PCI with 155-Mbps ATM” • Section, “The MPC8280 as PCI Agent” Basic System In the basic system configuration, shown in Figure 1-9, the G2_LE core is enabled and uses the 64-bit 60x data bus. The 32-bit local bus data is needed to store connection tables for many active ATM connections. The local bus may also be used to store data that does not need to be heavily processed by the core. The MPC8280 PowerQUICC II Family Reference Manual, Rev. 1 Freescale Semiconductor 1-17 Overview CP can store large data frames in the local memory without interfering with the operation of the system core. MPC8280 SDRAM/SRAM/DRAM/Flash 60x Bus PHY Communication Channels SDRAM/SRAM/DRAM 155 Mbps ATM PHY UTOPIA Local Bus ATM Connection Tables Figure 1-9. Basic System Configuration High-Performance Communication Figure 1-10 shows a high-performance communication configuration. MPC8280-A SDRAM/SRAM/DRAM Local Bus Communication Channels PHY ATM Connection Tables SDRAM/SRAM/DRAM/Flash 155 Mbps ATM PHY UTOPIA 60x Bus MPC8280-B (master/slave) Communication Channels PHY SDRAM/SRAM/DRAM 155 Mbps ATM PHY UTOPIA Local Bus or PCI Bus ATM Connection Tables Figure 1-10. High-Performance Communication MPC8280 PowerQUICC II Family Reference Manual, Rev. 1 1-18 Freescale Semiconductor Overview Serial throughput is enhanced by connecting one MPC8280 in master or slave mode (with system core enabled or disabled) to another MPC8280 in master mode with the core enabled. The core in MPC8280-A can access the memory on the local bus of MPC8280-B. High-Performance System Microprocessor Figure 1-11 shows a configuration with a high-performance system microprocessor (MPC750). MPC750 32-Kbyte I cache 32-Kbyte D cache MPC8280 (slave) Backside Cache SDRAM/SRAM/DRAM 60x Bus Communication Channels PHY SDRAM/SRAM/DRAM 155 Mbps ATM PHY UTOPIA Local Bus ATM Connection Tables Figure 1-11. High-Performance System Microprocessor Configuration In this system, the G2_LE core internal is disabled and an external high-performance microprocessor is connected to the 60x bus. MPC8280 PowerQUICC II Family Reference Manual, Rev. 1 Freescale Semiconductor 1-19 Overview PCI See Figure 1-12 for PCI configuration. MPC8280 SDRAM/SRAM/DRAM/Flash 60x Bus PHY Communication Channels PCI Bus Host or Agent Figure 1-12. PCI Configuration In this system the local bus is configured as PCI (33-MHz 32-bit data bus version 2.1). The MPC8280 can be configured as a host or as an agent on the PCI bus. The 60x bus and PCI bus are asynchronous; there is no frequency dependency between the two. The PCI bus is a 3.3-V bus. PCI with 155-Mbps ATM Figure 1-13 shows the PCI with 155-Mbps ATM configuration. PCI Bus PCI Bridge SDRAM/SRAM/DRAM MPC8280 60x Bus PHY Communication Channels SDRAM/SRAM/DRAM ATM PHY UTOPIA Local Bus ATM Connection Tables Figure 1-13. PCI with 155-Mbps ATM Configuration MPC8280 PowerQUICC II Family Reference Manual, Rev. 1 1-20 Freescale Semiconductor Overview This system supports PCI and implements a 155-Mbps, full-duplex ATM with more than 128 active connections. The MPC8280 cannot support both functions simultaneously. The local bus is needed to store ATM connection tables. Therefore, an external PCI bridge is necessary. In systems with fewer than 128 active connections or where the ATM average bit rate is lower that 155 Mbps, the local bus may not be necessary to store connection tables, and it may be possible to use it as PCI bus. The MPC8280 as PCI Agent Figure 1-14 shows the configuration when the MPC8280 acts as the PCI agent. SDRAM/SRAM/DRAM MPC8280 60x Bus PHY ATM PHY Communication Channels UTOPIA Agent ATM Connection Tables and/or Communication Data PCI Bus Host System Bus PCI Bridge Host Processor Memory Figure 1-14. MPC8280 as PCI Agent In this system, the MPC8280 is a PCI agent on an I/O card and the PCI host resides on the PCI bus. An external PCI bridge is used to connect the host to the PCI bus. The internal PCI bridge in the MPC8280 is used to bridge between the PCI bus and the 60x bus on the MPC8280. MPC8280 PowerQUICC II Family Reference Manual, Rev. 1 Freescale Semiconductor 1-21 Overview MPC8280 PowerQUICC II Family Reference Manual, Rev. 1 1-22 Freescale Semiconductor Chapter 2 G2_LE Core The MPC8280 contains an embedded G2_LE processor core, which is a derivative of the G2 core and the original MPC603e PowerPC microprocessor design. This chapter provides an overview of the basic functionality of the G2_LE processor core. For detailed information regarding the processor, refer to the following: • G2 PowerPC Core Reference Manual • The Programming Environments for 32-Bit Implementations of the PowerPC Architecture This section describes the details of the processor core, provides a block diagram showing the major functional units, and briefly describes how those units interact. MPC8280-specific implementation includes most of the G2_LE features. The unimplemented features are described in the Section 2.2, “G2_LE Core Features.” The signals associated with the processor core are described individually in Chapter 7, “60x Signals.” Chapter 8, “The 60x Bus,” describes how those signals interact. 2.1 Overview The processor core is a low-power implementation of the family reduced instruction set computing (RISC) microprocessors that implement the PowerPC architecture. The processor core implements the 32-bit portion of the PowerPC architecture, which supports 32-bit effective addresses, integer data types of 8, 16, and 32 bits, and floating-point data types of 32 and 64 bits. MPC8280 PowerQUICC II Family Reference Manual, Rev. 1 Freescale Semiconductor 2-1 G2_LE Core Figure 2-1 is a block diagram of the processor core. 64-Bit (Two Instructions) Branch Processing Unit 64-Bit Sequential Fetcher 64-Bit CTR CR LR Instruction Queue System Register Unit 64-Bit (Two Instructions) Dispatch Unit + Instruction Unit 64-Bit 32-Bit Integer Unit / * + GPR File GP Rename Registers 64-Bit Load/Store Unit + XER FloatingPoint Unit / * + FPR File FP Rename Registers FPSCR 32-Bit Completion Unit D MMU SRs DTLB Power Dissipation Control Time Base Counter/ Decrementer JTAG/COP Interface Clock Multiplier Tags DBAT Array I MMU SRs 64-Bit IBAT Array ITLB 16-Kbyte D Cache 16-Kbyte I Cache Tags Touch Load Buffer Core Interface Copy-Back Buffer 32-Bit Address Bus 32-/64-Bit Data Bus Figure 2-1. MPC8280 Integrated Processor Core Block Diagram MPC8280 PowerQUICC II Family Reference Manual, Rev. 1 2-2 Freescale Semiconductor G2_LE Core The processor core is a superscalar processor that can issue and retire as many as three instructions per clock. Instructions can execute out of order for increased performance; however, the processor core makes completion appear sequential. The processor core integrates five execution units—an integer unit (IU), a floating-point unit (FPU), a branch processing unit (BPU), a load/store unit (LSU), and a system register unit (SRU). The ability to execute five instructions in parallel and the use of simple instructions with rapid execution times yield high efficiency and throughput. Most integer instructions execute in one clock cycle. On the processor core, the FPU is pipelined so a single-precision multiply-add instruction can be issued and completed every clock cycle. The processor core provides hardware support for all single- and double-precision floating-point operations for most value representations and all rounding modes. The processor core supports integer data types of 8, 16, and 32 bits, and floating-point data types of 32 and 64 bits. The 32 architecturally-defined floating point registers (FPRs) can be used to hold 32, 64-bit operands that can in turn be transferred to and from the 32 general-purpose registers (GPRs), which can hold 32, 32-bit operands. The processor core provides separate on-chip, 16-Kbyte, four-way set-associative, physically addressed caches for instructions and data and on-chip instruction and data memory management units (MMUs). The MMUs contain 64-entry, two-way set-associative, data and instruction translation lookaside buffers (DTLB and ITLB) that provide support for demand-paged virtual memory address translation and variable-sized block translation. The TLBs and caches use a least recently used (LRU) replacement algorithm. The processor core also supports block address translation through the use of two independent instruction and data block address translation (IBAT and DBAT) arrays of eight entries each. Effective addresses are compared simultaneously with all eight entries in the BAT array during block translation. In accordance with the PowerPC architecture, if an effective address hits in both the TLB and BAT array, the BAT translation takes priority. As an added feature to the MPC603e core, the MPC8280 can lock the contents of 1–3 ways in the instruction and data cache (or an entire cache). For example, this allows embedded applications to lock interrupt routines or other important (time-sensitive) instruction sequences into the instruction cache. It allows data to be locked into the data cache, which may be important to code that must have deterministic execution. The processor core has a 60x bus that incorporates a 64-bit data bus and a 32-bit address bus. The processor core supports single-beat and burst data transfers for memory accesses and supports memory-mapped I/O operations. 2.2 G2_LE Core Features This section describes the major features of the processor core: • High-performance, superscalar microprocessor — As many as three instructions issued and retired per clock cycle — As many as four instructions in execution per clock cycle — Single-cycle execution for most instructions — Pipelined FPU for all single-precision and most double-precision operations MPC8280 PowerQUICC II Family Reference Manual, Rev. 1 Freescale Semiconductor 2-3 G2_LE Core • • • • Five independent execution units and two register files — BPU featuring static branch prediction — A 32-bit IU — Fully IEEE 754–compliant FPU for both single- and double-precision operations — LSU for data transfer between data cache and GPRs and FPRs — SRU that executes condition register (CR), special-purpose register (SPR), and integer add/compare instructions — Thirty-two GPRs for integer operands — Thirty-two FPRs for floating-point operands. They also can be used for general operands using floating-point load and store operations. High instruction and data throughput — Zero-cycle branch capability (branch folding) — Programmable static branch prediction on unresolved conditional branches — BPU that performs CR lookahead operations — Instruction fetch unit capable of fetching two instructions per clock from the instruction cache — A six-entry instruction queue that provides lookahead capability — Independent pipelines with feed-forwarding that reduces data dependencies in hardware — 16-Kbyte data cache—Four-way set-associative, physically addressed; LRU replacement algorithm — 16-Kbyte instruction cache—Four-way set-associative, physically addressed; LRU replacement algorithm — Cache write-back or write-through operation programmable on a per page or per block basis — Address translation facilities for 4-Kbyte page size, variable block size, and 256-Mbyte segment size — A 64-entry, two-way set-associative ITLB — A 64-entry, two-way set-associative DTLB — Eight-entry data and instruction BAT arrays providing 128-Kbyte to 256-Mbyte blocks — Software table search operations and updates supported through fast trap mechanism — 52-bit virtual address; 32-bit physical address Facilities for enhanced system performance — A 32- or 64-bit, split-transaction external data bus with burst transfers — Support for one-level address pipelining and out-of-order bus transactions — Critical interrupt exception support — Hardware support for misaligned little-endian accesses Integrated power management — One power-saving mode: doze — Automatic dynamic power reduction when internal functional units are idle MPC8280 PowerQUICC II Family Reference Manual, Rev. 1 2-4 Freescale Semiconductor G2_LE Core • Deterministic behavior and debug features — On-chip cache locking options for the instruction and data caches (1–3 ways or the entire cache contents can be locked) — In-system testability and debugging features through JTAG and boundary-scan capability Features supported by the G2_LE core not present on the MPC8280: • True little-endian mode for compatibility with other true little-endian devices • Nap and sleep power-saving modes Figure 2-1 shows how the execution units—IU, BPU, LSU, and SRU—operate independently and in parallel. Note that this is a conceptual diagram and does not attempt to show how these features are physically implemented on the chip. The processor core provides address translation and protection facilities, including an ITLB, DTLB, and instruction and data BAT arrays. Instruction fetching and issuing is handled in the instruction unit. The MMUs translate addresses for cache or external memory accesses. 2.2.1 Instruction Unit As shown in Figure 2-1, the instruction unit, which contains a fetch unit, instruction queue, dispatch unit, and the BPU, provides centralized control of instruction flow to the execution units. The instruction unit determines the address of the next instruction to be fetched based on information from the sequential fetcher and from the BPU. The instruction unit fetches the instructions from the instruction cache into the instruction queue. The BPU extracts branch instructions from the fetcher and uses static branch prediction on unresolved conditional branches to allow the instruction unit to fetch instructions from a predicted target instruction stream while a conditional branch is evaluated. The BPU folds out branch instructions for unconditional branches or conditional branches unaffected by instructions in progress in the execution pipeline. Instructions issued beyond a predicted branch do not complete execution until the branch is resolved, preserving the programming model of sequential execution. If any of these instructions are to be executed in the BPU, they are decoded but not issued. Instructions to be executed by the IU, LSU, and SRU are issued and allowed to complete up to the register write-back stage. Write-back is allowed when a correctly predicted branch is resolved, and instruction execution continues without interruption on the predicted path. If branch prediction is incorrect, the instruction unit flushes all predicted path instructions, and instructions are issued from the correct path. 2.2.2 Instruction Queue and Dispatch Unit The instruction queue (IQ), shown in Figure 2-1, holds as many as six instructions and loads up to two instructions from the instruction unit during a single cycle. The instruction fetch unit continuously loads as many instructions as space in the IQ allows. Instructions are dispatched to their respective execution units from the dispatch unit at a maximum rate of two instructions per cycle. Reservation stations at the IU, LSU, and SRU facilitate instruction dispatch to those units. The dispatch unit checks for source and destination register dependencies, determines dispatch serializations, and inhibits subsequent instruction dispatching as required. Section 2.7, “Instruction Timing,” describes instruction dispatch in detail. MPC8280 PowerQUICC II Family Reference Manual, Rev. 1 Freescale Semiconductor 2-5 G2_LE Core 2.2.3 Branch Processing Unit (BPU) The BPU receives branch instructions from the fetch unit and performs CR lookahead operations on conditional branches to resolve them early, achieving the effect of a zero-cycle branch in many cases. The BPU uses a bit in the instruction encoding to predict the direction of the conditional branch. Therefore, when an unresolved conditional branch instruction is encountered, instructions are fetched from the predicted target stream until the conditional branch is resolved. The BPU contains an adder to compute branch target addresses and three user-control registers—the link register (LR), the count register (CTR), and the CR. The BPU calculates the return pointer for subroutine calls and saves it into the LR for certain types of branch instructions. The LR also contains the branch target address for the Branch Conditional to Link Register (bclrx) instruction. The CTR contains the branch target address for the Branch Conditional to Count Register (bcctrx) instruction. The contents of the LR and CTR can be copied to or from any GPR. Because the BPU uses dedicated registers rather than GPRs or FPRs, execution of branch instructions is largely independent from execution of other instructions. 2.2.4 Independent Execution Units The PowerPC architecture’s support for independent execution units allows implementation of processors with out-of-order instruction execution. For example, because branch instructions do not depend on GPRs or FPRs, branches can often be resolved early, eliminating stalls caused by taken branches. In addition to the BPU, the processor core provides three other execution units and a completion unit, which are described in the following sections. Integer Unit (IU) The IU executes all integer instructions. The IU executes one integer instruction at a time, performing computations with its arithmetic logic unit (ALU), multiplier, divider, and XER register. Most integer instructions are single-cycle instructions. Thirty-two general-purpose registers are provided to support integer operations. Stalls due to contention for GPRs are minimized by the automatic allocation of rename registers. The processor core writes the contents of the rename registers to the appropriate GPR when integer instructions are retired by the completion unit. Floating-Point Unit (FPU) The FPU contains a single-precision multiply-add array and the floating-point status and control register (FPSCR). The multiply-add array allows the processor core to efficiently implement multiply and multiply-add operations. The FPU is pipelined so that single-precision instructions and double-precision instructions can be issued back-to-back. Thirty-two floating-point registers are provided to support floating-point operations. Stalls due to contention for FPRs are minimized by the automatic allocation of rename registers. The core writes the contents of the rename registers to the appropriate FPR when floating-point instructions are retired by the completion unit. The processor core supports all IEEE 754 floating-point data types (normalized, denormalized, NaN, zero, and infinity) in hardware, eliminating the latency incurred by software exception routines. MPC8280 PowerQUICC II Family Reference Manual, Rev. 1 2-6 Freescale Semiconductor G2_LE Core Load/Store Unit (LSU) The LSU executes all load and store instructions and provides the data transfer interface between the GPRs, FPRs, and the cache/memory subsystem. The LSU calculates effective addresses, performs data alignment, and provides sequencing for load/store string and multiple instructions. Load and store instructions are issued and translated in program order; however, the actual memory accesses can occur out of order. Synchronizing instructions are provided to enforce strict ordering where needed. Cacheable loads, when free of data dependencies, execute in an out-of-order manner with a maximum throughput of one per cycle and a two-cycle total latency. Data returned from the cache is held in a rename register until the completion logic commits the value to a GPR or FPR. Store operations do not occur until a predicted branch is resolved. They remain in the store queue until the completion logic signals that the store operation will be completed to memory. The processor core executes store instructions with a maximum throughput of one per cycle and a three-cycle total latency. The time required to perform the actual load or store operation varies depending on whether the operation involves the cache, system memory, or an I/O device. System Register Unit (SRU) The SRU executes various system-level instructions, including condition register logical operations and move to/from special-purpose register instructions, and also executes integer add/compare instructions. Because SRU instructions affect modes of processor operation, most SRU instructions are completion-serialized. That is, the instruction is held for execution in the SRU until all prior instructions issued have completed. Results from completion-serialized instructions executed by the SRU are not available or forwarded for subsequent instructions until the instruction completes. 2.2.5 Completion Unit The completion unit tracks instructions from dispatch through execution, and then retires, or completes them in program order. Completing an instruction commits the processor core to any architectural register changes caused by that instruction. In-order completion ensures the correct architectural state when the processor core must recover from a mispredicted branch or any exception. Instruction state and other information required for completion is kept in a first-in-first-out (FIFO) queue of five completion buffers. A single completion buffer is allocated for each instruction once it enters the dispatch unit. An available completion buffer is a required resource for instruction dispatch; if no completion buffers are available, instruction dispatch stalls. A maximum of two instructions per cycle are completed in order from the queue. 2.2.6 Memory Subsystem Support The processor core supports cache and memory management through separate instruction and data MMUs (IMMU and DMMU). The processor core also provides dual 16-Kbyte instruction and data caches, and an efficient processor bus interface to facilitate access to main memory and other bus subsystems. The memory subsystem support functions are described in the following subsections. MPC8280 PowerQUICC II Family Reference Manual, Rev. 1 Freescale Semiconductor 2-7 G2_LE Core Memory Management Units (MMUs) The processor core’s MMUs support up to 4 Petabytes (252) of virtual memory and 4 Gbytes (232) of physical memory (referred to as real memory in the PowerPC architecture specification) for instructions and data. The MMUs also control access privileges for these spaces on block and page granularities. Referenced and changed status is maintained by the processor for each page to assist implementation of a demand-paged virtual memory system. A key bit is implemented to provide information about memory protection violations prior to page table search operations. The LSU calculates effective addresses for data loads and stores, performs data alignment to and from cache memory, and provides the sequencing for load and store string and multiple word instructions. The instruction unit calculates the effective addresses for instruction fetching. The MMUs translate effective addresses and enforce the protection hierarchy programmed by the operating system in relation to the supervisor/user privilege level of the access and in relation to whether the access is a load or store. Cache Units The processor core provides independent 16-Kbyte, four-way set-associative instruction and data caches. The cache block size is 32 bytes. The caches are designed to adhere to a write-back policy, but the processor core allows control of cacheability, write policy, and memory coherency at the page and block levels. The caches use a least recently used (LRU) replacement algorithm. The load/store and instruction fetch units provide the caches with the address of the data or instruction to be fetched. In the case of a cache hit, the cache returns two words to the requesting unit. 2.3 Programming Model The following subsections describe the PowerPC instruction set and addressing modes. 2.3.1 Register Set This section describes the register organization in the processor core as defined by the three programming environments of the PowerPC architecture—the user instruction set architecture (UISA), the virtual environment architecture (VEA), and the operating environment architecture (OEA), as well as the G2_LE core implementation-specific registers. Full descriptions of the basic register set defined by the PowerPC architecture are provided in Chapter 2 in The Programming Environments Manual. The PowerPC architecture defines register-to-register operations for all arithmetic instructions. Source data for these instructions is accessed from the on-chip registers or is provided as an immediate value embedded in the opcode. The three-register instruction format allows specification of a target register distinct from the two source registers, thus preserving the original data for use by other instructions and reducing the number of instructions required for certain operations. Data is transferred between memory and registers with explicit load and store instructions only. Figure 2-2 shows the complete MPC8280 register set and the programming environment to which each register belongs. This figure includes both the PowerPC register set and the MPC8280-specific registers. MPC8280 PowerQUICC II Family Reference Manual, Rev. 1 2-8 Freescale Semiconductor G2_LE Core Note that some registers common to other processors that implement the PowerPC architecture may not be implemented in the MPC8280’s processor core. Unsupported SPR values are treated as follows: • Any mtspr with an invalid SPR executes as a no-op. • Any mfspr with an invalid SPR causes boundedly undefined results in the target register. Conversely, some SPRs in the processor core may not be implemented or may not be implemented in the same way as in other processors that implement the PowerPC architecture. PowerPC Register Set The PowerPC UISA registers, shown in Figure 2-2, can be accessed by either user- or supervisor-level instructions. The general-purpose registers (GPRs) and floating-point registers (FPRs) are accessed through instruction operands. Access to registers can be explicit (that is, through the use of specific instructions for that purpose such as the mtspr and mfspr instructions) or implicit as part of the execution (or side effect) of an instruction. Some registers are accessed both explicitly and implicitly. The number to the right of the register name indicates the number that is used in the syntax of the instruction operands to access the register (for example, the number used to access the XER is 1). For more information on the PowerPC register set, refer to Chapter 2 in The Programming Environments Manual. Note that the reset value of the MSR exception prefix bit (MSR[IP]), described in the G2 Core Reference Manual, is determined by the CIP bit in the hard reset configuration word in the MPC8280. This is described in Section 5.4.1, “Hard Reset Configuration Word.” MPC8280 PowerQUICC II Family Reference Manual, Rev. 1 Freescale Semiconductor 2-9 G2_LE Core SUPERVISOR MODEL Configuration Registers Hardware Implementation Registers USER MODEL General-Purpose Registers (32-Bit) GPR0 GPR1 Floating-Point Registers (64-Bit) FPR0 FPR1 SPR 1008 HID1 1 SPR 1009 HID2 1 SPR 1011 Condition Register CR FPSCR Link Register LR SPR 8 Count Register CTR SPR 9 Time Base Facility (For Reading) TBL SPR268 TBU SPR269 Software Table Search Registers 1 Data BAT Registers DBAT0U SPR 536 IBAT0L SPR 529 DBAT0L SPR 537 IBAT1U SPR 530 DBAT1U SPR 538 IBAT1L SPR 531 DBAT1L SPR 539 IBAT2U SPR 532 DBAT2U SPR 540 IBAT2L SPR 533 DBAT2L SPR 541 IBAT3U SPR 534 DBAT3U SPR 542 IBAT3L SPR 535 DBAT3L SPR 543 1 SPR 560 DBAT4U 1 SPR 568 IBAT4L 1 SPR 561 DBAT4L 1 SPR 569 IBAT5U 1 SPR 562 DBAT5U 1 SPR 570 IBAT5L 1 SPR 563 DBAT5L 1 SPR 571 SR0 IBAT6U 1 SPR 564 DBAT6U 1 SPR 572 SR1 SPR 565 DBAT6L 1 SPR 573 1 SPR 574 SPR 575 1 SPR 566 DBAT7U IBAT7L 1 SPR 567 DBAT7L 1 IBAT7U SPRG0 SPR 272 SPRG1 SPR 273 SPRG2 SPR 274 SPRG3 DSISR SPR 26 SPRG4 SPR 276 SRR1 SPR 27 SPRG5 1 SPR 277 SPRG6 1 SPR 278 Critical Interrupt Registers 1 CSRR0 SPR 58 CSRR1 SPR 59 SPR 977 SPR 978 HASH2 SPR 979 IMISS SPR 980 ICMP SPR 981 RPA SPR 982 SPR 25 Segment Registers SR15 Miscellaneous Registers DEC EAR SPR 282 Time Base Facility (For Writing) Data Address Register DAR SPR 22 External Address Register (Optional) Save and Restore Registers SRR0 SPR 279 DCMP HASH1 SDR1 SPR 18 SPR 275 SPRG7 SPR 976 Decrementer 1 1 DMISS SDR1 DSISR SPR 19 TBL SPR 284 TBU SPR 285 Breakpoint Registers Instruction/Data Address Breakpoint Register 1 IABR 1 Instruction/Data Address Breakpoint Control 1 SPR 1010 IBCR SPR 309 1 SPR 1018 DBCR SPR 310 DABR 1 SPR 1013 DABR2 1 SPR 317 IABR2 1 SPR 287 Memory Management Registers SPRGs SPR 1 PVR SPR 311 Exception Handling Registers XER XER MBAR 2 SPR 286 SPR 528 IBAT6L 1 Floating-Point Status and Control Register Memory Base Address Register SVR 1 IBAT0U IBAT4U FPR31 System/Processor Version Register MSR HID0 1 Instruction BAT Registers GPR31 Machine State Register These implementation-specific registers may not be supported by other PowerPC processors or processor cores. Figure 2-2. MPC8280 Programming Model—Registers MPC8280 PowerQUICC II Family Reference Manual, Rev. 1 2-10 Freescale Semiconductor G2_LE Core MPC8280-Specific Registers The set of registers specific to the MPC603e are also shown in Figure 2-2. Most of these are described in the G2 Core Reference Manual and are implemented in the MPC8280 as follows: • MMU software table search registers: DMISS, DCMP, HASH1, HASH2, IMISS, ICMP, and RPA. These registers facilitate the software required to search the page tables in memory. • IABR and IABR2. These registers facilitate the setting of instruction address breakpoints. • DABR and DABR2. These registers facilitate the setting of data address breakpoints. • IBCR and DBCR. These registers give further control to the instruction and data address breakpoints. The hardware implementation-dependent registers (HIDx) are implemented differently in the MPC8280, and they are described in the following subsections. Hardware Implementation-Dependent Register 0 (HID0) Figure 2-3 shows the MPC8280 implementation of HID0. 0 1 2 3 EMCP — EBA EBD 16 17 18 19 ICE DCE 4 6 7 — 20 21 8 PAR DOZE 22 ILOCK DLOCK ICFI DCFI 23 — 24 IFEM 9 10 11 — STOP DPM 25 26 27 — 12 14 — 28 FBIOB ABE 15 NHR 29 30 — 31 NOOPTI Figure 2-3. Hardware Implementation Register 0 (HID0) Table 2-1 shows the bit definitions for HID0. Table 2-1. HID0 Field Descriptions Bits Name Description 0 EMCP Enable machine check input pin 0 The assertion of the MCP does not cause a machine check exception. 1 Enables the entry into a machine check exception based on assertion of the MCP input, detection of a cache parity error, detection of an address parity error, or detection of a data parity error. Note that the machine check exception is further affected by MSR[ME], which specifies whether the processor checkstops or continues processing. 1 — 2 EBA Enable/disable 60x bus address parity checking 0 Prevents address parity checking. 1 Allows a address parity error to cause a checkstop if MSR[ME] = 0 or a machine check exception if MSR[ME] = 1. EBA and EBD let the processor operate with memory subsystems that do not generate parity. 3 EBD Enable 60x bus data parity checking 0 Parity checking is disabled. 1 Allows a data parity error to cause a checkstop if MSR[ME] = 0 or a machine check exception if MSR[ME] = 1. EBA and EBD let the processor operate with memory subsystems that do not generate parity. Reserved MPC8280 PowerQUICC II Family Reference Manual, Rev. 1 Freescale Semiconductor 2-11 G2_LE Core Table 2-1. HID0 Field Descriptions (continued) Bits Name Description 4–6 — 7 PAR Disable precharge of ARTRY. 0 Precharge of ARTRY enabled 1 Alters bus protocol slightly by preventing the processor from driving ARTRY to high (negated) state, allowing multiple ARTRY signals to be tied together. If this is done, the system must restore the signals to the high state. 8 DOZE Doze mode enable. Operates in conjunction with MSR[POW]. 1 0 Doze mode disabled. 1 Doze mode enabled. Doze mode is invoked by setting MSR[POW] after this bit is set. In doze mode, the PLL, time base, and snooping remain active. 9 — 10 STOP Stop mode enable. Operates in conjunction with MSR[POW]. 1 0 Stop mode disabled. 1 Stop mode enabled. Sleep mode is invoked by setting MSR[POW] while this bit is set. When this occurs, the processor asserts QREQ to indicate that it is ready to enter sleep mode. The main MPC8280’s PLL remains active and all the internal clocks—including the core’s clock—stop. 11 DPM Dynamic power management enable. 1 0 Dynamic power management is disabled. 1 Functional units enter a low-power mode automatically if the unit is idle. This does not affect operational performance and is transparent to software or any external hardware. 12–14 — 15 NHR Not hard reset (software-use only)—Helps software distinguish a hard reset from a soft reset. 0 A hard reset occurred if software had previously set this bit. 1 A hard reset has not occurred. If software sets this bit after a hard reset, when a reset occurs and this bit remains set, software can tell it was a soft reset. 16 ICE Instruction cache enable 2 0 The instruction cache is neither accessed nor updated. All pages are accessed as if they were marked cache-inhibited (WIM = X1X). Potential cache accesses from the bus (snoop and cache operations) are ignored. In the disabled state for the L1 caches, the cache tag state bits are ignored and all accesses are propagated to the bus as single-beat transactions. For those transactions, however, CI reflects the original state determined by address translation regardless of cache disabled status. ICE is zero at power-up. 1 The instruction cache is enabled 17 DCE Data cache enable 2 0 The data cache is neither accessed nor updated. All pages are accessed as if they were marked cache-inhibited (WIM = X1X). Potential cache accesses from the bus (snoop and cache operations) are ignored. In the disabled state for the L1 caches, the cache tag state bits are ignored and all accesses are propagated to the bus as single-beat transactions. For those transactions, however, CI reflects the original state determined by address translation regardless of cache disabled status. DCE is zero at power-up. 1 The data cache is enabled. Reserved Reserved, should be cleared. Reserved MPC8280 PowerQUICC II Family Reference Manual, Rev. 1 2-12 Freescale Semiconductor G2_LE Core Table 2-1. HID0 Field Descriptions (continued) Bits Name Description 18 ILOCK Instruction cache lock 0 Normal operation 1 Instruction cache is locked. A locked cache supplies data normally on a hit, but an access is treated as a cache-inhibited transaction on a miss. On a miss, the transaction to the bus is single-beat, however, CI still reflects the original state as determined by address translation independent of cache locked or disabled status. To prevent locking during a cache access, an isync must precede the setting of ILOCK. 19 DLOCK Data cache lock 0 Normal operation 1 Data cache is locked. A locked cache supplies data normally on a hit but an access is treated as a cache-inhibited transaction on a miss. On a miss, the transaction to the bus is single-beat, however, CI still reflects the original state as determined by address translation independent of cache locked or disabled status. A snoop hit to a locked L1 data cache performs as if the cache were not locked. A cache block invalidated by a snoop remains invalid until the cache is unlocked. To prevent locking during a cache access, a sync must precede the setting of DLOCK. 20 ICFI Instruction cache flash invalidate 2 0 The instruction cache is not invalidated. The bit is cleared when the invalidation operation begins (usually the next cycle after the write operation to the register). The instruction cache must be enabled for the invalidation to occur. 1 An invalidate operation is issued that marks the state of each instruction cache block as invalid without writing back modified cache blocks to memory. Cache access is blocked during this time. Bus accesses to the cache are signaled as a miss during invalidate-all operations. Setting ICFI clears all the valid bits of the blocks and the PLRU bits to point to way L0 of each set. Once the L1 flash invalidate bits are set through an mtspr instruction, hardware automatically resets these bits in the next cycle (provided that the corresponding cache enable bits are set in HID0). 21 DCFI Data cache flash invalidate 2 0 The data cache is not invalidated. The bit is cleared when the invalidation operation begins (usually the next cycle after the write operation to the register). The data cache must be enabled for the invalidation to occur. 1 An invalidate operation is issued that marks the state of each data cache block as invalid without writing back modified cache blocks to memory. Cache access is blocked during this time. Bus accesses to the cache are signaled as a miss during invalidate-all operations. Setting DCFI clears all the valid bits of the blocks and the PLRU bits to point to way L0 of each set. Once the L1 flash invalidate bits are set through an mtspr instruction, hardware automatically resets these bits in the next cycle (provided that the corresponding cache enable bits are set in HID0). 22–23 — 24 IFEM 25–26 — 27 FBIOB 28 ABE Reserved Enable M bit on 60x bus for instruction fetches 0 M bit not reflected on 60x bus. Instruction fetches are treated as nonglobal on the bus. 1 Instruction fetches reflect the M bit from the WIM settings on the 60x bus. Reserved Force branch indirect on bus. 0 Register indirect branch targets are fetched normally 1 Forces register indirect branch targets to be fetched externally. Address broadcast enable 0 dcbf, dcbi, and dcbst instructions are not broadcast on the 60x bus. 1 dcbf, dcbi, and dcbst generate address-only broadcast operations on the 60x bus. MPC8280 PowerQUICC II Family Reference Manual, Rev. 1 Freescale Semiconductor 2-13 G2_LE Core Table 2-1. HID0 Field Descriptions (continued) Bits Name 29–30 — 31 NOOPTI 1 Description Reserved No-op the data cache touch instructions. 0 The dcbt and dcbtst instructions are enabled. 1 The dcbt and dcbtst instructions are no-oped globally. See Chapter 10, “Power Management,” of the G2 Core Reference Manual for more information. See Chapter 4, “Instruction and Data Cache Operation,” of the G2 Core Reference Manual for more information. 2 Hardware Implementation-Dependent Register 1 (HID1) The MPC8280 implementation of HID1 is shown in Figure 2-4. 0 4 5 31 PLLCFG — Figure 2-4. Hardware Implementation-Dependent Register 1 (HID1) Table 2-2 shows the bit definitions for HID1. Table 2-2. HID1 Field Descriptions Bits 0–4 5–31 Name Function PLLCFG PLL configuration setting. These bits reflect the state of the PLL_CFG[0:4] signals. — Reserved Hardware Implementation-Dependent Register 2 (HID2) The processor core implements an additional hardware implementation-dependent register, shown in Figure 2-5. 0 12 — 13 14 HBE — 15 SFP 16 18 19 IWLCK 23 24 — 26 27 DWLCK 31 — Figure 2-5. Hardware Implementation-Dependent Register 2 (HID2) MPC8280 PowerQUICC II Family Reference Manual, Rev. 1 2-14 Freescale Semiconductor G2_LE Core Table 2-3 describes the HID2 fields. Table 2-3. HID2 Field Descriptions Bits Name 0–12 — 13 HBE 14 — 15 SFP 16–18 19–23 24–26 27–31 Function Reserved High BAT enable. Enables the four additional pairs of BAT registers (IBAT4–IBAT7 and DBAT4–DBAT7). These BATs are accessible by the mfspr and mtspr instructions regardless of the setting of HID2[HBE]. Reserved Speed for low power. Setting SFP reduces power consumption at the cost of reducing the maximum frequency, which benefits power-sensitive applications that are not frequency-critical. IWLCK Instruction cache way lock. Useful for locking blocks of instructions into the instruction cache for time-critical applications that require deterministic behavior. See Section, “Cache Locking.” — Reserved DWLCK Data cache way lock. Useful for locking blocks of data into the data cache for time-critical applications where deterministic behavior is required. See Section, “Cache Locking.” — Reserved Processor Version Register (PVR) Software can identify the MPC8280’s processor core by reading the processor version register (PVR). The processor version number is 0x80822013. 2.3.2 PowerPC Instruction Set and Addressing Modes All PowerPC instructions are encoded as single-word (32-bit) opcodes. Instruction formats are consistent among all instruction types, permitting efficient decoding to occur in parallel with operand accesses. This fixed instruction length and consistent format greatly simplifies instruction pipelining. Calculating Effective Addresses The effective address (EA) is the 32-bit address computed by the processor when executing a memory access or branch instruction or when fetching the next sequential instruction. The PowerPC architecture supports two simple memory addressing modes: • EA = (rA|0) + offset (including offset = 0) (register indirect with immediate index) • EA = (rA|0) + rB (register indirect with index) These simple addressing modes allow efficient address generation for memory accesses. Calculation of the effective address for aligned transfers occurs in a single clock cycle. For a memory access instruction, if the sum of the effective address and the operand length exceeds the maximum effective address, the memory operand is considered to wrap around from the maximum effective address to effective address 0. MPC8280 PowerQUICC II Family Reference Manual, Rev. 1 Freescale Semiconductor 2-15 G2_LE Core Effective address computations for both data and instruction accesses use 32-bit unsigned binary arithmetic. A carry from bit 0 is ignored in 32-bit implementations. In addition to the functionality of the MPC603e, the MPC8280 has additional hardware support for misaligned little-endian accesses. Except for string/multiple load and store instructions, little-endian load/store accesses not on a word boundary generate exceptions under the same circumstances as big-endian requests. PowerPC Instruction Set The PowerPC instructions are divided into the following categories: • Integer instructions—These include arithmetic and logical instructions. — Integer arithmetic — Integer compare — Integer logical — Integer rotate and shift • Floating-point instructions—These include floating-point computational instructions, as well as instructions that affect the FPSCR. — Floating-point arithmetic — Floating-point multiply/add — Floating-point rounding and conversion — Floating-point compare — Floating-point status and control • Load/store instructions—These include integer and floating-point load and store instructions. — Integer load and store — Integer load and store with byte reverse — Integer load and store string/multiple — Floating-point load and store • Flow control instructions—These include branching instructions, condition register logical instructions, trap instructions, and other synchronizing instructions that affect the instruction flow. — Branch and trap — Condition register logical — Primitives used to construct atomic memory operations (lwarx and stwcx.) — Synchronize • Processor control instructions—These instructions are used for synchronizing memory accesses and management of caches, TLBs, and the segment registers. — Move to/from SPR — Move to/from MSR — Instruction synchronize MPC8280 PowerQUICC II Family Reference Manual, Rev. 1 2-16 Freescale Semiconductor G2_LE Core • • Memory control instructions—These provide control of caches, TLBs, and segment registers. — Supervisor-level cache management — User-level cache management — Segment register manipulation — TLB management The G2_LE core implements the following instructions, which are defined as optional by the PowerPC architecture: — External Control In Word Indexed (eciwx) — External Control Out Word Indexed (ecowx) — Floating Select (fsel) — Floating Reciprocal Estimate Single-Precision (fres) — Floating Reciprocal Square Root Estimate (frsqrte) — Store Floating-Point as Integer Word (stfiwx) Note that this grouping of the instructions does not indicate which execution unit executes a particular instruction or group of instructions. Integer instructions operate on byte, half-word, and word operands. The PowerPC architecture uses instructions that are four bytes long and word-aligned. It provides for byte, half-word, and word operand loads and stores between memory and a set of 32 GPRs. Floating-point instructions operate on single-precision (one word) and double-precision (one double word) floating-point operands. It also provides for word and double-word operand loads and stores between memory and a set of 32 floating-point registers (FPRs). Computational instructions do not modify memory. To use a memory operand in a computation and then modify the same or another memory location, the memory contents must be loaded into a register, modified, and written back to the target location with separate instructions. Decoupling arithmetic instructions from memory accesses increases throughput by facilitating pipelining. Processors that implement the PowerPC architecture follow the program flow when they are in the normal execution state. However, the flow of instructions can be interrupted directly by the execution of an instruction or by an asynchronous event. Either kind of exception may cause one of several components of the system software to be invoked. MPC8280 Implementation-Specific Instruction Set The G2_LE core instruction set is defined as follows: • The core provides hardware support for all 32-bit PowerPC instructions. • The core provides the following two implementation-specific instructions used for software tablesearch operations following TLB misses: — Load Data TLB Entry (tlbld) — Load Instruction TLB Entry (tlbli) MPC8280 PowerQUICC II Family Reference Manual, Rev. 1 Freescale Semiconductor 2-17 G2_LE Core • 2.4 The G2_LE implements the following instruction, which supports critical interrupts. This is a supervisor-level, context synchronizing instruction. — Return from Critical Interrupt (rfci) Cache Implementation The MPC8280 processor core has separate data and instruction caches. The cache implementation is described in the following sections. 2.4.1 PowerPC Cache Model The PowerPC architecture does not define hardware aspects of cache implementations. For example, some processors, including the MPC8280’s processor core, have separate instruction and data caches (Harvard architecture), while others implement a unified cache. Microprocessors that implement the PowerPC architecture control the following memory access modes on a page or block basis: • Write-back/write-through mode • Caching-inhibited mode • Memory coherency The PowerPC cache management instructions provide a means by which the application programmer can affect the cache contents. 2.4.2 MPC8280 Implementation-Specific Cache Implementation As shown in Figure 2-1, the caches provide a 64-bit interface to the instruction fetch unit and load/store unit. The surrounding logic selects, organizes, and forwards the requested information to the requesting unit. Write operations to the cache can be performed on a byte basis, and a complete read-modify-write operation to the cache can occur in each cycle. Each cache block contains eight contiguous words from memory that are loaded from an 8-word boundary (that is, bits A27–A31 of the effective addresses are zero); thus, a cache block never crosses a page boundary. Misaligned accesses across a page boundary can incur a performance penalty. The cache blocks are loaded in to the processor core in four beats of 64 bits each. The burst load is performed as critical double word first. To ensure coherency among caches in a multiprocessor (or multiple caching-device) implementation, the processor core implements the MEI protocol. These three states, modified, exclusive, and invalid, indicate the state of the cache block as follows: • Modified—The cache block is modified with respect to system memory; that is, data for this address is valid only in the cache and not in system memory. • Exclusive—This cache block holds valid data that is identical to the data at this address in system memory. No other cache has this data. • Invalid—This cache block does not hold valid data. MPC8280 PowerQUICC II Family Reference Manual, Rev. 1 2-18 Freescale Semiconductor G2_LE Core Data Cache As shown in Figure 2-6, the data cache is configured as 128 sets of four blocks each. Each block consists of 32 bytes, two state bits, and an address tag. The two state bits implement the three-state MEI (modified/exclusive/invalid) protocol. Each block contains eight 32-bit words. Note that the PowerPC architecture defines the term ‘block’ as a cacheable unit. For the MPC8280’s processor core, the block size is equivalent to a cache line. 128 Sets Block 0 Address Tag 0 State Words 0–7 Block 1 Address Tag 1 State Words 0–7 Block 2 Address Tag 2 State Words 0–7 Block 3 Address Tag 3 State Words 0–7 8 Words/Block Figure 2-6. Data Cache Organization Because the processor core data cache tags are single-ported, simultaneous load or store and snoop accesses cause resource contention. Snoop accesses have the highest priority and are given first access to the tags, unless the snoop access coincides with a tag write, in which case the snoop is retried and must rearbitrate for access to the cache. Loads or stores that are deferred due to snoop accesses are executed on the clock cycle following the snoop. Because the caches on the processor core are write-back caches, the predominant type of transaction for most applications is burst-read memory operations, followed by burst-write memory operations, and single-beat (noncacheable or write-through) memory read and write operations. When a cache block is filled with a burst read, the critical double word is simultaneously written to the cache and forwarded to the requesting unit, thus minimizing stalls due to load delays. Additionally, there can be address-only operations, variants of the burst and single-beat operations, (for example, global memory operations that are snooped and atomic memory operations), and address retry activity (for example, when a snooped read access hits a modified line in the cache). Setting HID0[ABE] causes execution of the dcbf, dcbi, and dcbst instructions to be broadcast onto the 60x bus. The value of ABE does not affect dcbz instructions, which are always broadcast and snooped. The cache operations are intended primarily for managing on-chip caches. However, the optional broadcast feature is necessary to allow proper management of a system using an external copyback L2 cache. The address and data buses operate independently to support pipelining and split transactions during memory accesses. The processor core pipelines its own transactions to a depth of one level. MPC8280 PowerQUICC II Family Reference Manual, Rev. 1 Freescale Semiconductor 2-19 G2_LE Core Typically, memory accesses are weakly ordered—sequences of operations, including load/store string and multiple instructions, do not necessarily complete in the order they begin—maximizing the efficiency of the internal bus without sacrificing coherency of the data. The processor core allows pending read operations to precede previous store operations (except when a dependency exists, or in cases where a non-cacheable access is performed), and provides support for a write operation to precede a previously queued read data tenure (for example, allowing a snoop push to be enveloped by the address and data tenures of a read operation). Because the processor can dynamically optimize run-time ordering of load/store traffic, overall performance is improved. Instruction Cache The instruction cache also consists of 128 sets of four blocks, and each block consists of 32 bytes, an address tag, and a valid bit. The instruction cache may not be written to except through a block fill operation caused by a cache miss. In the processor core, internal access to the instruction cache is blocked only until the critical load completes. The processor core supports instruction fetching from other instruction cache lines following the forwarding of the critical first double word of a cache line load operation. The processor core’s instruction cache is blocked only until the critical load completes (hits under reloads are allowed). Successive instruction fetches from the cache line being loaded are forwarded, and accesses to other instruction cache lines can proceed during the cache line load operation. The instruction cache is not snooped, and cache coherency must be maintained by software. A fast hardware invalidation capability is provided to support cache maintenance. The organization of the instruction cache is very similar to the data cache shown in Figure 2-6. Cache Locking The processor core supports cache locking, which is the ability to prevent some or all of a microprocessor’s instruction or data cache from being overwritten. Cache entries can be locked for either an entire cache or for individual ways within the cache. Entire data cache locking is enabled by setting HID0[DLOCK], and entire instruction cache locking is enabled by setting HID0[ILOCK]. For more information, refer to the application note Cache Locking on the G2 Core (order number: AN1767). Cache way locking is controlled by the IWLCK and DWLCK bits of HID2. Entire Cache Locking When an entire cache is locked, hits within the cache are supplied in the same manner as hits to an unlocked cache. Any access that misses in the cache is treated as a cache-inhibited access. Cache entries that are invalid at the time of locking will remain invalid and inaccessible until the cache is unlocked. Once the cache has been unlocked, all entries (including invalid entries) are available. Entire cache locking is inefficient if the number of instructions or the size of data to be locked is small compared to the cache size. Way Locking Locking only a portion of the cache is accomplished by locking ways within the cache. Locking always begins with the first way (way0) and is sequential, that is, it is valid to lock ways 0, 1, and 2 but it is not MPC8280 PowerQUICC II Family Reference Manual, Rev. 1 2-20 Freescale Semiconductor G2_LE Core possible to lock just way0 and way2. When using way locking at least one way must be left unlocked. The maximum number of lockable ways is three. Unlike entire cache locking, invalid entries in a locked way are accessible and available for data placement. As hits to the cache fill invalid entries within a locked way, the entries become valid and locked. This behavior differs from entire cache locking, where nothing is placed in the cache, even if invalid entries exist in the cache. Unlocked ways of the cache behave normally. 2.5 Exception Model This section describes the PowerPC exception model and implementation-specific details of the MPC8280 core. 2.5.1 PowerPC Exception Model The PowerPC exception mechanism allows the processor to change to supervisor state as a result of external signals, errors, or unusual conditions arising in the execution of instructions. When exceptions occur, information about the state of the processor is saved to certain registers and the processor begins execution at an address (exception vector) predetermined for each exception. Processing of exceptions occurs in supervisor mode. Although multiple exception conditions can map to a single exception vector, a more specific condition may be determined by examining a register associated with the exception—for example, the DSISR identifies instructions that cause a DSI exception. Additionally, some exception conditions can be explicitly enabled or disabled by software. The PowerPC architecture requires that exceptions be handled in program order; therefore, although a particular implementation may recognize exception conditions out of order, exceptions are taken in strict order. When an instruction-caused exception is recognized, any unexecuted instructions that appear earlier in the instruction stream, including any that have not yet entered the execute stage, are required to complete before the exception is taken. Any exceptions caused by those instructions are handled first. Likewise, exceptions that are asynchronous and precise are recognized when they occur, but are not handled until the instruction currently in the completion stage successfully completes execution or generates an exception, and the completed store queue is emptied. Unless a catastrophic condition causes a system reset or machine check exception, only one exception is handled at a time. If, for example, a single instruction encounters multiple exception conditions, those conditions are handled sequentially. After the exception handler handles an exception, the instruction execution continues until the next exception condition is encountered. However, in many cases there is no attempt to re-execute the instruction. This method of recognizing and handling exception conditions sequentially guarantees that exceptions are recoverable. Exception handlers should save the information stored in SRR0 and SRR1 early to prevent the program state from being lost due to a system reset or machine check exception or to an instruction-caused exception in the exception handler. SRR0 and SRR1 should also be saved before enabling external interrupts. MPC8280 PowerQUICC II Family Reference Manual, Rev. 1 Freescale Semiconductor 2-21 G2_LE Core The PowerPC architecture supports four types of exceptions: • Synchronous, precise—These are caused by instructions. All instruction-caused exceptions are handled precisely; that is, the machine state at the time the exception occurs is known and can be completely restored. This means that (excluding the trap and system call exceptions) the address of the faulting instruction is provided to the exception handler and that neither the faulting instruction nor subsequent instructions in the code stream will complete execution before the exception is taken. Once the exception is processed, execution resumes at the address of the faulting instruction (or at an alternate address provided by the exception handler). When an exception is taken due to a trap or system call instruction, execution resumes at an address provided by the handler. • Synchronous, imprecise—The PowerPC architecture defines two imprecise floating-point exception modes: recoverable and nonrecoverable. Even though the G2_LE core provides a means to enable the imprecise modes, it implements these modes identically to the precise mode (that is, all enabled floating-point enabled exceptions are always precise on the core). • Asynchronous, maskable—The external, system management interrupt (SMI), and decrementer interrupts are maskable asynchronous exceptions. When these exceptions occur, their handling is postponed until the next instruction and any exceptions associated with that instruction complete execution. If no instructions are in the execution units, the exception is taken immediately upon determination of the correct restart address (for loading SRR0). • Asynchronous, nonmaskable—There are two nonmaskable asynchronous exceptions: system reset and the machine check exception. These exceptions may not be recoverable, or may provide a limited degree of recoverability. All exceptions report recoverability through MSR[RI]. 2.5.2 Implementation-Specific Exception Model As specified by the PowerPC architecture, all processor core exceptions can be described as either precise or imprecise and either synchronous or asynchronous. Asynchronous exceptions (some of which are maskable) are caused by events external to the processor’s execution. Synchronous exceptions, which are all handled precisely by the processor core, are caused by instructions. The processor core exception classes are shown in Table 2-4. Table 2-4. Exception Classifications for the Processor Core Synchronous/Asynchronous Precise/Imprecise Exception Type Imprecise Machine check System reset Asynchronous, maskable Precise External interrupt Decrementer System management interrupt Critical interrupt Synchronous Precise Instruction-caused exceptions Asynchronous, nonmaskable Although exceptions have other characteristics as well, such as whether they are maskable or nonmaskable, the distinctions shown in Table 2-4 define categories of exceptions that the processor core handles uniquely. Note that Table 2-4 includes no synchronous imprecise instructions. MPC8280 PowerQUICC II Family Reference Manual, Rev. 1 2-22 Freescale Semiconductor G2_LE Core The processor core’s exceptions, and conditions that cause them, are listed in Table 2-5. Table 2-5. Exceptions and Conditions Exception Type Vector Offset (hex) Causing Conditions Reserved 00000 — System reset 00100 A system reset is caused by the assertion of either SRESET or HRESET. Note that the reset value of the MSR exception prefix bit (MSR[IP]), described in the G2 Core Reference Manual, is determined by the CIP bit in the hard reset configuration word. This is described in Section 5.4.1, “Hard Reset Configuration Word.” Machine check 00200 A machine check is caused by the assertion of the TEA signal during a data bus transaction, assertion of MCP, or an address or data parity error. DSI 00300 The cause of a DSI exception can be determined by the bit settings in the DSISR, listed as follows: 1 Set if the translation of an attempted access is not found in the primary hash table entry group (HTEG), or in the rehashed secondary HTEG, or in the range of a DBAT register; otherwise cleared. 4 Set if a memory access is not permitted by the page or DBAT protection mechanism; otherwise cleared. 5 Set by an eciwx or ecowx instruction if the access is to an address that is marked as write-through, or execution of a load/store instruction that accesses a direct-store segment. 6 Set for a store operation and cleared for a load operation. 11 Set if eciwx or ecowx is used and EAR[E] is cleared. ISI 00400 An ISI exception is caused when an instruction fetch cannot be performed for any of the following reasons: • The effective (logical) address cannot be translated. That is, there is a page fault for this portion of the translation, so an ISI exception must be taken to load the PTE (and possibly the page) into memory. • The fetch access is to a direct-store segment (indicated by SRR1[3] set). • The fetch access violates memory protection (indicated by SRR1[4] set). If the key bits (Ks and Kp) in the segment register and the PP bits in the PTE are set to prohibit read access, instructions cannot be fetched from this location. External interrupt 00500 An external interrupt is caused when MSR[EE] = 1 and the INT signal is asserted. Alignment 00600 An alignment exception is caused when the processor core cannot perform a memory access for any of the reasons described below: • The operand of a floating-point load or store is to a direct-store segment. • The operand of a floating-point load or store is not word-aligned. • The operand of a lmw, stmw, lwarx, or stwcx. is not word-aligned. • The operand of an elementary, multiple or string load or store crosses a segment boundary with a change to the direct store T bit. • The operand of dcbz instruction is in memory that is write-through required or caching inhibited, or dcbz is executed in an implementation that has either no data cache or a write-through data cache. • A misaligned eciwx or ecowx instruction • A multiple or string access with MSR[LE] set The processor core differs from MPC603e User’s Manual in that it initiates an alignment exception when it detects a misaligned eciwx or ecowx instruction and does not initiate an alignment exception when a little-endian access is misaligned. MPC8280 PowerQUICC II Family Reference Manual, Rev. 1 Freescale Semiconductor 2-23 G2_LE Core Table 2-5. Exceptions and Conditions (continued) Exception Type Vector Offset (hex) Causing Conditions Program 00700 A program exception is caused by one of the following exception conditions, which correspond to bit settings in SRR1 and arise during execution of an instruction: • Illegal instruction—An illegal instruction program exception is generated when execution of an instruction is attempted with an illegal opcode or illegal combination of opcode and extended opcode fields (including PowerPC instructions not implemented in the processor core), or when execution of an optional instruction not provided in the processor core is attempted (these do not include those optional instructions that are treated as no-ops). • Privileged instruction—A privileged instruction type program exception is generated when the execution of a privileged instruction is attempted and the MSR register user privilege bit, MSR[PR], is set. In the processor core, this exception is generated for mtspr or mfspr with an invalid SPR field if SPR[0] = 1 and MSR[PR] = 1. This may not be true for all processors that implement the PowerPC architecture. • Trap—A trap type program exception is generated when any of the conditions specified in a trap instruction is met. Floating-point unavailable 00800 A floating-point unavailable exception is caused by an attempt to execute a floating-point instruction (including floating-point load, store, and move instructions) when the floating-point available bit is cleared (MSR[FP] = 0). Decrementer 00900 The decrementer exception occurs when the most significant bit of the decrementer (DEC) register transitions from 0 to 1. Must also be enabled with the MSR[EE] bit. Critical interrupt 00A00 A critical interrupt is caused when MSR[CE] = 1 and the CINT signal is asserted. Reserved 00B00–00BFF — System call 00C00 A system call exception occurs when a System Call (sc) instruction is executed. Trace 00D00 A trace exception is taken when MSR[SE] = 1 or when the currently completing instruction is a branch and MSR[BE] = 1. Floating-point assist 00E00 Not implemented. Reserved 00E10–00FFF — Instruction translation miss 01000 An instruction translation miss exception is caused when the effective address for an instruction fetch cannot be translated by the ITLB. Data load translation miss 01100 A data load translation miss exception is caused when the effective address for a data load operation cannot be translated by the DTLB. Data store translation miss 01200 A data store translation miss exception is caused when the effective address for a data store operation cannot be translated by the DTLB, or when a DTLB hit occurs, and the changed bit in the PTE must be set due to a data store operation. Instruction address breakpoint 01300 An instruction address breakpoint exception occurs when the address (bits 0–29) in the IABR matches the next instruction to complete in the completion unit, and the IABR enable bit (bit 30) is set. MPC8280 PowerQUICC II Family Reference Manual, Rev. 1 2-24 Freescale Semiconductor G2_LE Core Table 2-5. Exceptions and Conditions (continued) Exception Type Vector Offset (hex) Causing Conditions System management interrupt 01400 A system management interrupt is caused when MSR[EE] = 1 and the SMI input signal is asserted. Reserved 01500–02FFF — 2.6 Memory Management The following subsections describe the memory management unit (MMU) features of the PowerPC architecture and the G2_LE implementation. 2.6.1 PowerPC Memory Management The primary functions of the MMU are to translate logical (effective) addresses to physical addresses for memory accesses and to provide access protection on blocks and pages of memory. The core generates two types of accesses that require address translation: instruction accesses and data accesses to memory generated by load and store instructions. The PowerPC MMU and exception model support demand-paged virtual memory. Virtual memory management permits execution of programs larger than the size of physical memory; demand-paged memory implies that individual pages are loaded into physical memory from system memory only when they are first accessed by an executing program. The hashed page table is a variable-sized data structure that defines the mapping between virtual page numbers and physical page numbers. The page table size is a power of two, and its starting address is a multiple of its size. The page table contains a number of page table entry groups (PTEGs). A PTEG contains eight page table entries (PTEs) of 8 bytes each; therefore, each PTEG is 64 bytes long. PTEG addresses are entry points for table search operations. Address translations are enabled by setting bits in the MSR. MSR[IR] enables instruction address translations, and MSR[DR] enables data address translations. 2.6.2 Implementation-Specific MMU Features The instruction and data memory management units in the G2_LE core provide 4 Gbytes of logical address space accessible to supervisor and user programs with a 4-Kbyte page size and 256-Mbyte segment size. Block sizes range from 128 Kbytes to 256 Mbytes and are software selectable. In addition, the core uses an interim 52-bit virtual address and hashed page tables for generating 32-bit physical addresses. The MMUs in the G2_LE core rely on the exception processing mechanism for the implementation of the paged virtual memory environment and for enforcing protection of designated memory areas. Instruction and data TLBs provide address translation in parallel with the on-chip cache access, incurring no additional time penalty in the event of a TLB hit. A TLB is a cache of the most recently used page table MPC8280 PowerQUICC II Family Reference Manual, Rev. 1 Freescale Semiconductor 2-25 G2_LE Core entries. Software is responsible for maintaining the consistency of the TLB with memory. The core TLBs are 64-entry, two-way set-associative caches that contain instruction and data address translations. The core provides hardware assist for software table search operations through the hashed page table on TLB misses. Supervisor software can invalidate TLB entries selectively. For instructions and data that maintain address translations for blocks of memory, the G2_LE core provides independent eight-entry BAT arrays. These entries define blocks that can vary from 128 Kbytes to 256 Mbytes. The BAT arrays are maintained by system software. Adding the HID2[HBE] to the G2_LE enables or disables the four additional pairs of BAT registers. However, regardless of the setting of HID2[HBE], these BATs are accessible by mfspr and mtspr. As specified by the PowerPC architecture, the hashed page table is a variable-sized data structure that defines the mapping between virtual page numbers and physical page numbers. The page table size is a power of two, and its starting address is a multiple of its size. As specified by the PowerPC architecture, the page table contains a number of PTEGs. A PTEG contains eight PTEs of 8 bytes each; therefore, each PTEG is 64 bytes long. PTEG addresses are entry points for table search operations. 2.7 Instruction Timing The G_LE2 core is a pipelined superscalar processor core. Because instruction processing is reduced into a series of stages, an instruction does not require all of the resources of an execution unit at the same time. For example, after an instruction completes the decode stage, it can pass on to the next stage, while the subsequent instruction can advance into the decode stage. This improves the throughput of the instruction flow. For example, it may take three cycles for a single floating-point instruction to execute, but if there are no stalls in the floating-point pipeline, a series of floating-point instructions can have a throughput of one instruction per cycle. The core instruction pipeline has four major pipeline stages, described as follows: • The fetch pipeline stage primarily involves retrieving instructions from the memory system and determining the location of the next instruction fetch. Additionally, if possible, the BPU decodes branches during the fetch stage and folds out branch instructions before the dispatch stage. • The dispatch pipeline stage is responsible for decoding the instructions supplied by the instruction fetch stage, and determining which of the instructions are eligible to be dispatched in the current cycle. In addition, the source operands of the instructions are read from the appropriate register file and dispatched with the instruction to the execute pipeline stage. At the end of the dispatch pipeline stage, the dispatched instructions and their operands are latched by the appropriate execution unit. • In the execute pipeline stage, each execution unit with an executable instruction executes the selected instruction (perhaps over multiple cycles), writes the instruction's result into the appropriate rename register, and notifies the completion stage when the execution has finished. In the case of an internal exception, the execution unit reports the exception to the completion/write-back pipeline stage and discontinues instruction execution until the exception is handled. The exception is not signaled until that instruction is the next to be completed. Execution of most floating-point instructions is pipelined within the FPU allowing up to three instructions to be executing in the FPU concurrently. The FPU pipeline stages are multiply, add, and MPC8280 PowerQUICC II Family Reference Manual, Rev. 1 2-26 Freescale Semiconductor G2_LE Core • round-convert. The LSU has two pipeline stages. The first stage is for effective address calculation and MMU translation, and the second is for accessing data in the cache. The complete/write-back pipeline stage maintains the correct architectural machine state and transfers the contents of the rename registers to the GPRs and FPRs as instructions are retired. If the completion logic detects an instruction causing an exception, all following instructions are canceled, their execution results in rename registers are discarded, and instructions are fetched from the correct instruction stream. A superscalar processor core issues multiple independent instructions into multiple pipelines allowing instructions to execute in parallel. The G2_LE core has five independent execution units, one each for integer instructions, floating-point instructions, branch instructions, load/store instructions, and system register instructions. The IU and the FPU each have dedicated register files for maintaining operands (GPRs and FPRs, respectively), allowing integer and floating-point calculations to occur simultaneously without interference. Integer division performance of the G2_LE core has been improved, with the divwux and divwx instructions executing in 20 clock cycles instead of the 37 cycles required in the MPC603e. The core provides support for single-cycle store and an adder/comparator in the system register unit that allows the dispatch and execution of multiple integer add and compare instructions on each cycle. Because the PowerPC architecture can be applied to such a wide variety of implementations, instruction timing among processor cores varies accordingly. 2.8 Differences Between the MPC8280 G2_LE Embedded Core and the MPC603e The G2_LE processor core is a derivative of the MPC603e microprocessor design. Some changes have been made and are visible either to a programmer or a system designer. Any software designed around an MPC603e is functional when replaced with the G2_LE except for the specific customer-visible changes listed in Table 2-6. Software can distinguish between the MPC603e and the G2_LE by reading the processor version register (PVR). The G2_LE processor version number is 0x0081; the processor revision level starts at 0x0100 and is incremented for each revision of the chip. Table 2-6. Differences Between G2_LE Core and MPC603e Description Impact An additional input interrupt signal, CINT, MSR[CE] is allocated for enabling the critical interrupt implements a critical interrupt function. A new instruction is implemented for critical interrupt Return from Critical Interrupt (rfci) is implemented to return from these exception handlers Vector offset for critical interrupt An exception vector offset of 0x00A00 is defined for critical interrupt Two new registers are implemented for saving processor state for critical interrupts CSRR0 and CSRR1 have the same bit assignments as SRR0 and SRR1, respectively. MPC8280 PowerQUICC II Family Reference Manual, Rev. 1 Freescale Semiconductor 2-27 G2_LE Core Table 2-6. Differences Between G2_LE Core and MPC603e (continued) Description Impact Implements a cache way locking mechanism for both the instruction and data Supports instruction and data cache way-locking in addition to entire instruction caches. One to three of the four ways in the cache can be locked with control bits in the HID2 register. See Section, “Hardware and data cache locking Implementation-Dependent Register 2 (HID2).” Four additional SPRG registers The additional SPRGs reduce latencies that may be incurred from saving registers to memory while in an exception handler One new address breakpoint register IABR2 Instruction address breakpoint exceptions in both the MPC603e and the G2_LE cores use the 0x01300 vector offset Two new data address breakpoint registers are implemented in the G2_LE The two new data address breakpoint registers (DABR and DABR2) expand the debug functionality of the breakpoints. The new breakpoint registers are accessible as SPRs with mtspr and mfspr. One instruction register and one data breakpoint control register are implemented IBCR and DBCR are implemented to support the additional debug features. These registers are accessible as SPRs with mtspr and mfspr. Vector offset for data address breakpoint exception is 0x00300 Data address breakpoint exception is a DSI exception. The cause of a DSI exception can be determined by the bit settings of DSISR[9]. DAR contains the address of the breakpoint match condition. One new register is implemented for supporting system level memory map System memory base address register (MBAR) can be accessed with mtspr or mfspr using SPR311 in supervisor mode. It can store the present memory base address for the system memory map. The G2_LE has eight pairs of data and eight pairs of instruction BAT registers IBAT4–IBAT7 are the four additional pairs of instruction BATs and DBAT4–DBAT7 are the four additional data BATs. HID2[HBE] is added for enabling or disabling the four additional pairs of BAT registers. These BATs are accessible by the mfspr and mtspr instructions regardless of the setting of HID2[HBE]. Added hardware support for misaligned little endian accesses Except for strings/multiples, little-endian load/store accesses not on a word boundary generate exceptions under the same circumstances as big-endian accesses. Removed misalignment support for eciwx These instructions take an alignment exception if not on a word boundary. and ecowx instructions Added ability to broadcast dcbf, dcbi, and Setting HID0[ABE] enables the new broadcast feature (new in the PID7v-603e). dcbst onto the 60x bus The default is to not broadcast these operations. Added ability to reflect the value of the M bit onto the 60x bus during instruction translations Setting HID0[IFEM] enables this feature. The default is to not present the M bit on the bus. Removed HID0[EICE] There is no support for ICE pipeline tracking. Added pin-configurable reset vector The value of MSR[IP], interrupt prefix, is determined at hard reset by the hardware configuration word. Addition of speed-for-power functionality The processor core implements an additional dynamic power management mechanism. HID2[SFP] controls this function. See Section, “Hardware Implementation-Dependent Register 2 (HID2).” MPC8280 PowerQUICC II Family Reference Manual, Rev. 1 2-28 Freescale Semiconductor Chapter 3 Memory Map The MPC8280’s internal memory resources are mapped within a contiguous block of memory. The size of the internal space is 256 Kbytes. The location of this block within the global 4-Gbyte real memory space can be mapped on 256-Kbytes resolution through an implementation-specific special register called the internal memory map register (IMMR). For more information, see Section, “Internal Memory Map Register (IMMR).” Figure 3-1 shows the internal memory resources. DPRAM1 Global memory1 0 0x0_0000 Dual-Port RAM 1 Gbyte 16 Kbytes DPRAM2 16 Kbytes 0x1_0000 (see note 2) 2 Gbyte 0x2_0000 IRAM 3 Gbyte 32 Kbytes 0x3_0000 SIU Memory controller PCI 4 Gbyte 0x4_0000 Interrupt controller Clocks/Reset I/O ports The location of the 256-Kbyte block of internal memory within global memory is selected according to the internal memory map register (IMMR). Internal memory must be mapped on 256-Kbyte resolution. 1 Location of internal memory resources in this figure is for illustration only. 2 The right vertical column is for illustration only. For a complete list of modules and registers, refer to Table 3-1. CPM CPM interface Serial interface Figure 3-1. Internal Memory MPC8280 PowerQUICC II Family Reference Manual, Rev. 1 Freescale Semiconductor 3-1 Memory Map 3.1 Internal Memory Map Table 3-1 defines the internal memory map of the MPC8280. Table 3-1. Internal Memory Map Address (offset) Register R/W Size Reset Section/Page R/W 16 Kbytes — 14.5/14-17 — 16 Kbytes — — R/W 16 Kbytes — 14.5/14-17 — 16 Kbytes — — CPM Dual-Port RAM (Data) 0x00000– Dual-port RAM (DPRAM1) 0x03FFF 0x04000– Reserved 0x07FFF 0x08000– Dual-port RAM (DPRAM2) 0x0BFFF 0x0C000– Reserved 0x0FFFF General SIU 0x10000 SIU module configuration register (SIUMCR) R/W 32 bits see Figure 4-28 0x10004 System protection control register (SYPCR) R/W 32 bits 0xFFFF_FF07 0x10008 Reserved — 6 bytes — — 0x1000E Software service register (SWSR) W 16 bits undefined — 20 bytes — — 0x10010– Reserved 0x10023 0x10024 Bus configuration register (BCR) R/W 32 bits reset configuration 0x10028 60x bus arbiter configuration register (PPC_ACR) R/W 8 bits see Figure 4-22 0x10029 Reserved — 24 bits — — 0x1002C 60x bus arbitration-level register high (first 8 clients) (PPC_ALRH) R/W 32 bits 0x0126_3457 0x10030 60x bus arbitration-level register low (next 8 clients) (PPC_ALRL) R/W 32 bits 0x89AB_CDEF 0x10034 Local arbiter configuration register (LCL_ACR) R/W 8 bits 0x02 0x10035 Reserved — 24 bits — — 0x10038 Local arbitration-level register (first 8 clients) (LCL_ALRH) R/W 32 bits 0x0126_3457 0x1003C Local arbitration-level register (next 8 clients) (LCL_ALRL) R/W 32 bits 0x89AB_ CDEF 0x10040 60x bus transfer error status control register 1 (TESCR1) R/W 32 bits 0x0000_0000 0x10044 60x bus transfer error status control register 2 (TESCR2) R/W 32 bits 0x0000_0000 MPC8280 PowerQUICC II Family Reference Manual, Rev. 1 3-2 Freescale Semiconductor Memory Map Table 3-1. Internal Memory Map (continued) Address (offset) Register R/W Size Reset Section/Page 0x10048 Local bus transfer error status control register 1 (L_TESCR1) R/W 32 bits 0x0000_0000 0x1004C Local bus transfer error status control register 2 (L_TESCR2) R/W 32 bits 0x0000_0000 0x10050 60x bus DMA transfer error address (PDTEA) R 32 bits undefined 19.2.3/19-4 0x10054 60x bus DMA transfer error MSNUM (PDTEM) R 8 bits undefined 19.2.4/19-4 0x10055 Reserved — 24 bits — — 0x10058 Local bus DMA transfer error address (LDTEA) R 32 bits undefined 19.2.3/19-4 0x1005C Local bus DMA transfer error MSNUM (LDTEM) R 8 bits undefined 19.2.4/19-4 — 163 bytes — — 0x1005D– Reserved 0x100FF Memory Controller 0x10100 Base register bank 0 (BR0) R/W 32 bits see Figure 11-6 11.3.1/11-13 0x10104 Option register bank 0 (OR0) R/W 32 bits 0xFE00_0EF4 11.3.2/11-15 0x10108 Base register bank 1 (BR1) R/W 32 bits 0x0000_0000 11.3.1/11-13 0x1010C Option register bank 1 (OR1) R/W 32 bits undefined 11.3.2/11-15 0x10110 Base register bank 2 (BR2) R/W 32 bits 0x0000_0000 11.3.1/11-13 0x10114 Option register bank 2 (OR2) R/W 32 bits undefined 11.3.2/11-15 0x10118 Base register bank 3 (BR3) R/W 32 bits 0x0000_0000 11.3.1/11-13 0x1011C Option register bank 3 (OR3) R/W 32 bits undefined 11.3.2/11-15 0x10120 Base register bank 4 (BR4) R/W 32 bits 0x0000_0000 11.3.1/11-13 0x10124 Option register bank 4 (OR4) R/W 32 bits undefined 11.3.2/11-15 0x10128 Base register bank 5 (BR5) R/W 32 bits 0x0000_0000 11.3.1/11-13 0x1012C Option register bank 5 (OR5) R/W 32 bits undefined 11.3.2/11-15 0x10130 Base register bank 6 (BR6) R/W 32 bits 0x0000_0000 11.3.1/11-13 0x10134 Option register bank 6 (OR6) R/W 32 bits undefined 11.3.2/11-15 0x10138 Base register bank 7 (BR7) R/W 32 bits 0x0000_0000 11.3.1/11-13 0x1013C Option register bank 7 (OR7) R/W 32 bits undefined 11.3.2/11-15 0x10140 Base register bank 8 (BR8) R/W 32 bits 0x0000_0000 11.3.1/11-13 0x10144 Option register bank 8 (OR8) R/W 32 bits undefined 11.3.2/11-15 0x10148 Base register bank 9 (BR9) R/W 32 bits 0x0000_0000 11.3.1/11-13 0x1014C Option register bank 9 (OR9) R/W 32 bits undefined 11.3.2/11-15 0x10150 Base register bank 10 (BR10) R/W 32 bits 0x0000_0000 11.3.1/11-13 0x10154 Option register bank 10 (OR10) R/W 32 bits undefined 11.3.2/11-15 MPC8280 PowerQUICC II Family Reference Manual, Rev. 1 Freescale Semiconductor 3-3 Memory Map Table 3-1. Internal Memory Map (continued) Address (offset) Register R/W Size Reset Section/Page 0x10158 Base register bank 11 (BR11) R/W 32 bits 0x0000_0000 11.3.1/11-13 0x1015C Option register bank 11 (OR11) R/W 32 bits undefined 11.3.2/11-15 0x10160 Reserved — 8 bytes — — 0x10168 Memory address register (MAR) R/W 32 bits undefined 11.3.7/11-29 0x1016C Reserved — 32 bits — — 0x10170 Machine A mode register (MAMR) R/W 32 bits 0x0004_0000 11.3.5/11-26 0x10174 Machine B mode register (MBMR) R/W 32 bits 0x0004_0000 0x10178 Machine C mode register (MCMR) R/W 32 bits 0x0004_0000 0x1017C Reserved — 48 bits — — 0x10184 Memory periodic timer prescaler (MPTPR) R/W 16 bits undefined 11.3.12/11-32 0x10188 Memory data register (MDR) R/W 32 bits undefined 11.3.6/11-28 0x1018C Reserved — 32 bits — — 0x10190 60x bus SDRAM mode register (PSDMR) R/W 32 bits 0x0000_0000 11.3.3/11-20 0x10194 Local bus SDRAM mode register (LSDMR) R/W 32 bits 0x0000_0000 11.3.4/11-24 0x10198 60x bus-assigned UPM refresh timer (PURT) R/W 8 bits 0x00 11.3.8/11-30 0x10199 Reserved — 24 bits — — 0x1019C 60x bus-assigned SDRAM refresh timer (PSRT) R/W 8 bits 0x00 11.3.10/11-31 0x1019D Reserved — 24 bits — — 0x101A0 Local bus-assigned UPM refresh timer (LURT) R/W 8 bits 0x00 11.3.9/11-30 0x101A1 Reserved — 24 bits — — 0x101A4 Local bus-assigned SDRAM refresh timer (LSRT) R/W 8 bits 0x00 11.3.11/11-32 0x101A5 Reserved — 24 bits — — 0x101A8 Internal memory map register (IMMR) R/W 32 bits reset configuration 0x101AC PCI base register 0 (PCIBR0) R/W 32 bits 0x0000_0000 / 49 0x101B0 R/W 32 bits 0x0000_0000 / 49 — 16 bytes — — PCI base register 1 (PCIBR1) 0x101B4– Reserved 0x101C3 0x101C4 PCI mask register 0 (PCIMSK0) R/W 32 bits 0x0000_0000 0x101C8 PCI mask register 1 (PCIMSK1) R/W 32 bits 0x0000_0000 — 52 bytes — — 0x101CC Reserved – 0x101FF MPC8280 PowerQUICC II Family Reference Manual, Rev. 1 3-4 Freescale Semiconductor Memory Map Table 3-1. Internal Memory Map (continued) Address (offset) Register R/W Size Reset Section/Page — 32 bytes — — System Integration Timers 0x10200– Reserved 0x10 21F 0x10220 Time counter status and control register (TMCNTSC) R/W 16 bits 0x0000 0x10224 Time counter register (TMCNT) R/W 32 bits 0x0000_0000 0x10228 Reserved — 32 bits — — 0x1022C Time counter alarm register (TMCNTAL) R/W 32 bits 0x0000_0000 — 16 bytes — — 0x10230– Reserved 0x1023F 0x10240 Periodic interrupt status and control register (PISCR) R/W 16 bits 0x0000 0x10244 Periodic interrupt count register (PITC) R/W 32 bits 0x0000_0000 0x10248 Periodic interrupt timer register (PITR) R 32 bits 0x0000_0000 0x1024C– Reserved 0x102A8 — 92 bytes — — 0x102AA– Reserved 0x1042F — 372 bytes — — PCI 0x10430 Outbound interrupt status register (OMISR) R/W 32 bits 0x0000_0000 0x10434 Outbound interrupt mask register (OMIMR) R/W 32 bits 0x0000_0000 0x10440 Inbound FIFO queue port register (IFQPR) R/W 32 bits 0x0000_0000 0x10444 Outbound FIFO queue port register (OFQPR) R/W 32 bits 0x0000_0000 0x10450 Inbound message register 0 (IMR0) R/W 32 bits undefined 0x10454 Inbound message register 1 (IMR1) R/W 32 bits undefined 0x10458 Outbound message register 0 (OMR0) R/W 32 bits undefined 0x1045C Outbound message register 1 (OMR1) R/W 32 bits undefined 0x10460 Outbound doorbell register (ODR) R/W 32 bits 0x0000_0000 0x10468 Inbound doorbell register (IDR) R/W 32 bits 0x0000_0000 0x10480 Inbound message interrupt status register (IMISR) R/W 32 bits 0x0000_0000 0x10484 Inbound message interrupt mask register (IMIMR) R/W 32 bits 0x0000_0000 0x104A0 Inbound free_FIFO head pointer register (IFHPR) R/W 32 bits 0x0000_0000 0x104A8 Inbound free_FIFO tail pointer register (IFTPR) R/W 32 bits 0x0000_0000 0x104B0 Inbound post_FIFO head pointer register (IPHPR) R/W 32 bits 0x0000_0000 0x104B8 Inbound post_FIFO tail pointer register (IPTPR) R/W 32 bits 0x0000_0000 MPC8280 PowerQUICC II Family Reference Manual, Rev. 1 Freescale Semiconductor 3-5 Memory Map Table 3-1. Internal Memory Map (continued) Address (offset) Register R/W Size Reset Section/Page 0x104C0 Outbound free_FIFO head pointer register (OFHPR) R/W 32 bits 0x0000_0000 0x104C8 Outbound free_FIFO tail pointer register (OFTPR) R/W 32 bits 0x0000_0000 0x104D0 Outbound post_FIFO head pointer register (OPHPR) R/W 32 bits 0x0000_0000 0x104D8 Outbound post_FIFO tail pointer register (OPTPR) R/W 32 bits 0x0000_0000 0x104E4 Message unit control register (MUCR) R/W 32 bits 0x0000_0002 0x104F0 Queue base address register (QBAR) R/W 32 bits 0x0000_0000 0x10500 DMA 0 mode register (DMAMR0) R/W 32 bits 0x0000_0000 0x10504 DMA 0 status register (DMASR0) R/W 32 bits 0x0000_0000 0x10508 DMA 0 current descriptor address register (DMACDAR0) R/W 32 bits 0x0000_0000 0x10510 DMA 0 source address register (DMASAR0) R/W 32 bits 0x0000_0000 0x10518 DMA 0 destination address register (DMADAR0) R/W 32 bits 0x0000_0000 0x10520 DMA 0 byte count register (DMABCR0) R/W 32 bits 0x0000_0000 0x10524 DMA 0 next descriptor address register (DMANDAR0) R/W 32 bits 0x0000_0000 0x10580 DMA 1 mode register (DMAMR1) R/W 32 bits 0x0000_0000 0x10584 DMA 1 status register (DMASR1) R/W 32 bits 0x0000_0000 0x10588 DMA 1 current descriptor address register (DMACDAR1) R/W 32 bits 0x0000_0000 0x10590 DMA 1 source address register (DMASAR1) R/W 32 bits 0x0000_0000 0x10598 DMA 1 destination address register (DMADAR1) R/W 32 bits 0x0000_0000 0x105A0 DMA 1 byte count register (DMABCR1) R/W 32 bits 0x0000_0000 0x105A4 DMA 1 next descriptor address register (DMANDAR1) R/W 32 bits 0x0000_0000 0x10600 DMA 2 mode register (DMAMR2) R/W 32 bits 0x0000_0000 0x10604 DMA 2 status register (DMASR2) R/W 32 bits 0x0000_0000 0x10608 DMA 2 current descriptor address register (DMACDAR2) R/W 32 bits 0x0000_0000 0x10610 DMA 2 source address register (DMASAR2) R/W 32 bits 0x0000_0000 0x10618 DMA 2 destination address register (DAR2) R/W 32 bits 0x0000_0000 0x10620 DMA 2 byte count register (DMABCR2) R/W 32 bits 0x0000_0000 0x10624 DMA 2 next descriptor address register (DMANDAR2) R/W 32 bits 0x0000_0000 0x10680 DMA 3 mode register (DMAMR3) R/W 32 bits 0x0000_0000 0x10684 DMA 3 status register (DMASR3) R/W 32 bits 0x0000_0000 0x10688 DMA 3 current descriptor address register (DMACDAR3) R/W 32 bits 0x0000_0000 0x10690 DMA 3 source address register (DMASAR3) R/W 32 bits 0x0000_0000 0x10698 DMA 3 destination address register (DMADAR3) R/W 32 bits 0x0000_0000 MPC8280 PowerQUICC II Family Reference Manual, Rev. 1 3-6 Freescale Semiconductor Memory Map Table 3-1. Internal Memory Map (continued) Address (offset) Register R/W Size Reset Section/Page 0x106A0 DMA 3 byte count register (DMABCR3) R/W 32 bits 0x0000_0000 0x106A4 DMA 3 next descriptor address register (DMANDAR3) R/W 32 bits 0x0000_0000 0x10800 PCI outbound translation address register 0 (POTAR0) R/W 32 bits 0x0000_0000 0x10808 PCI outbound base address register 0 (POBAR0) R/W 32 bits 0x0000_0000 0x10810 PCI outbound comparison mask register 0 (POCMR0) R/W 32 bits 0x0000_0000 0x10818 PCI outbound translation address register 1 (POTAR1) R/W 32 bits 0x0000_0000 0x10820 PCI outbound base address register 1 (POBAR1) R/W 32 bits 0x0000_0000 0x10828 PCI outbound comparison mask register 1 (POCMR1) R/W 32 bits 0x0000_0000 0x10830 PCI outbound translation address register 2 (POTAR2) R/W 32 bits 0x0000_0000 0x10838 PCI outbound base address register 2 (POBAR2) R/W 32 bits 0x0000_0000 0x10840 PCI outbound comparison mask register 2 (POCMR2) R/W 32 bits 0x0000_0000 0x10878 Discard timer control register (PTCR) R/W 32 bits 0x0000_0000 0x1087C General purpose control register (GPCR) R/W 32 bits 0x0000_0000 0x10880 PCI general control register (PCI_GCR) R/W 32 bits 0x0000_0000 0x10884 Error status register (ESR) R/W 32 bits 0x0000_0000 0x10888 Error mask register (EMR) R/W 32 bits 0x0000_0FFF 0x1088C Error control register (ECR) R/W 32 bits 0x0000_00FF 0x10890 PCI error address capture register (PCI_EACR) R/W 32 bits 0x0000_0000 0x10898 PCI error data capture register (PCI_EDCR) R/W 32 bits 0x0000_0000 0x108A0 PCI error control capture register (PCI_ECCR) R/W 32 bits 0x0000_0000 0x108D0 PCI inbound translation address register 1 (PITAR1) R/W 32 bits 0x0000_0000 0x108D8 PCI inbound base address register 1 (PIBAR1) R/W 32 bits 0x0000_0000 0x108E0 PCI inbound comparison mask register 1 (PICMR1) R/W 32 bits 0x0000_0000 0x108E8 PCI inbound translation address register 0 (PITAR0) R/W 32 bits 0x0000_0000 0x108F0 PCI inbound base address register 0 (PIBAR0) R/W 32 bits 0x0000_0000 0x108F8 PCI inbound comparison mask register 0 (PICMR0) R/W 32 bits 0x0000_0000 0x10900 PCI CFG_ADDR R/W 32 bits undefined 0x10904 PCI CFG_DATA R/W 32 bits 0x0000_0000 0x10908 PCI INT_AC R/W 32 bits undefined R/W 16 bits 0x0000 — 16 bits — — Interrupt Controller 0x10C00 SIU interrupt configuration register (SICR) 0x10C02 Reserved MPC8280 PowerQUICC II Family Reference Manual, Rev. 1 Freescale Semiconductor 3-7 Memory Map Table 3-1. Internal Memory Map (continued) Address (offset) Register R/W Size Reset Section/Page 0x10C04 SIU interrupt vector register (SIVEC) R/W 32 bits 0x0000_0000 0x10C08 SIU interrupt pending register (high) (SIPNR_H) R/W 32 bits undefined 0x10C0C SIU interrupt pending register (low) (SIPNR_L) R/W 32 bits 0x0000_0000 0x10C10 SIU interrupt priority register (SIPRR) R/W 32 bits 0x0530_9770 0x10C14 CPM interrupt priority register (high) (SCPRR_H) R/W 32 bits 0x0530_9770 0x10C18 CPM interrupt priority register (low) (SCPRR_L) R/W 32 bits 0x0530_9770 0x10C1C SIU interrupt mask register (high) (SIMR_H) R/W 32 bits 0x0000_0000 0x10C20 SIU interrupt mask register (low) (SIMR_L) R/W 32 bits 0x0000_0000 0x10C24 SIU external interrupt control register (SIEXR) R/W 32 bits 0x0000_0000 — 88 bytes — — 0x10C28– Reserved 0x10C7F Clocks and Reset 0x10C80 System clock control register (SCCR) R/W 32 bits see Table 10-2 10.4/10-6 0x10C88 System clock mode register (SCMR) R 32 bits see Table 10-3 10.5/10-7 0x10C90 Reset status register (RSR) R/W 32 bits 0x0000_0003 5.2/5-4 0x10C94 Reset mode register (RMR) R/W 32 bits 0x0000_0000 5.3/5-5 — 104 bytes — — 0x10C98– Reserved 0x10CFF Input/Output Port 0x10D00 Port A data direction register (PDIRA) R/W 32 bits 0x0000_0000 41.2.3/41-3 0x10D04 Port A pin assignment register (PPARA) R/W 32 bits 0x0000_0000 41.2.4/41-4 0x10D08 Port A special options register (PSORA) R/W 32 bits 0x0000_0000 41.2.5/41-4 0x10D0C Port A open drain register (PODRA) R/W 32 bits 0x0000_0000 41.2.1/41-2 0x10D10 R/W 32 bits 0x0000_0000 41.2.2/41-2 — 12 bytes — — Port A data register (PDATA) 0x10D14– Reserved 0x10D1F 0x10D20 Port B data direction register (PDIRB) R/W 32 bits 0x0000_0000 41.2.3/41-3 0x10D24 Port B pin assignment register (PPARB) R/W 32 bits 0x0000_0000 41.2.4/41-4 0x10D28 Port B special option register (PSORB) R/W 32 bits 0x0000_0000 41.2.5/41-4 0x10D2C Port B open drain register (PODRB) R/W 32 bits 0x0000_0000 41.2.1/41-2 0x10D30 R/W 32 bits 0x0000_0000 41.2.2/41-2 — 12 bytes — — Port B data register (PDATB) 0x10D34– Reserved 0x10D3F MPC8280 PowerQUICC II Family Reference Manual, Rev. 1 3-8 Freescale Semiconductor Memory Map Table 3-1. Internal Memory Map (continued) Address (offset) Register R/W Size Reset Section/Page 0x10D40 Port C data direction register (PDIRC) R/W 32 bits 0x0000_0000 41.2.3/41-3 0x10D44 Port C pin assignment register (PPARC) R/W 32 bits 0x0000_0000 41.2.4/41-4 0x10D48 Port C special option register (PSORC) R/W 32 bits 0x0000_0000 41.2.5/41-4 0x10D4C Port C open drain register (PODRC) R/W 32 bits 0x0000_0000 41.2.1/41-2 0x10D50 R/W 32 bits 0x0000_0000 41.2.2/41-2 — 12 bytes — — Port C data register (PDATC) 0x10D54– Reserved 0x10D5F 0x10D60 Port D data direction register (PDIRD) R/W 32 bits 0x0000_0000 41.2.3/41-3 0x10D64 Port D pin assignment register (PPARD) R/W 32 bits 0x0000_0000 41.2.4/41-4 0x10D68 Port D special option register (PSORD) R/W 32 bits 0x0000_0000 41.2.5/41-4 0x10D6C Port D open drain register (PODRD) R/W 32 bits 0x0000_0000 41.2.1/41-2 0x10D70 R/W 32 bits 0x0000_0000 41.2.2/41-2 R/W 8 bits 0x00 18.2.2/18-3 — 24 bits — — R/W 8 bits 0x00 18.2.2/18-3 — 11 bytes — — Port D data register (PDATD) CPM Timers 0x10D80 Timer 1 and timer 2 global configuration register (TGCR1) 0x10D81 Reserved 0x10D84 Timer 3 and timer 4 global configuration register (TGCR2) 0x10D85– Reserved 0x10D8F 0x10D90 Timer 1 mode register (TMR1) R/W 16 bits 0x0000 18.2.3/18-5 0x10D92 Timer 2 mode register (TMR2) R/W 16 bits 0x0000 18.2.3/18-5 0x10D94 Timer 1 reference register (TRR1) R/W 16 bits 0x0000 18.2.4/18-6 0x10D96 Timer 2 reference register (TRR2) R/W 16 bits 0x0000 18.2.4/18-6 0x10D98 Timer 1 capture register (TCR1) R/W 16 bits 0x0000 18.2.5/18-7 0x10D9A Timer 2 capture register (TCR2) R/W 16 bits 0x0000 18.2.5/18-7 0x10D9C Timer 1 counter (TCN1) R/W 16 bits 0x0000 18.2.6/18-7 0x10D9E Timer 2 counter (TCN2) R/W 16 bits 0x0000 18.2.6/18-7 0x10DA0 Timer 3 mode register (TMR3) R/W 16 bits 0x0000 18.2.3/18-5 0x10DA2 Timer 4 mode register (TMR4) R/W 16 bits 0x0000 18.2.3/18-5 0x10DA4 Timer 3 reference register (TRR3) R/W 16 bits 0x0000 18.2.4/18-6 0x10DA6 Timer 4 reference register (TRR4) R/W 16 bits 0x0000 18.2.4/18-6 0x10DA8 Timer 3 capture register (TCR3) R/W 16 bits 0x0000 18.2.5/18-7 0x10DAA Timer 4 capture register (TCR4) R/W 16 bits 0x0000 18.2.5/18-7 0x10DAC Timer 3 counter (TCN3) R/W 16 bits 0x0000 18.2.6/18-7 MPC8280 PowerQUICC II Family Reference Manual, Rev. 1 Freescale Semiconductor 3-9 Memory Map Table 3-1. Internal Memory Map (continued) Address (offset) Register R/W Size Reset Section/Page 0x10DAE Timer 4 counter (TCN4) R/W 16 bits 0x0000 18.2.6/18-7 0x10DB0 Timer 1 event register (TER1) R/W 16 bits 0x0000 18.2.7/18-7 0x10DB2 Timer 2 event register (TER2) R/W 16 bits 0x0000 18.2.7/18-7 0x10DB4 Timer 3 event register (TER3) R/W 16 bits 0x0000 18.2.7/18-7 0x10DB6 Timer 4 event register (TER4) R/W 16 bits 0x0000 18.2.7/18-7 — 608 bytes — — R/W 8 bits 0x00 19.2.1/19-3 — 24 bits — — R/W 8 bits 0x00 19.2.2/19-4 — 24 bits — — R/W 8 bits 0x00 19.8.4/19-22 — 24 bits — — R/W 8 bits 0x00 19.8.4/19-22 — 24 bits — — R/W 8 bits 0x00 19.8.4/19-22 — 24 bits — — R/W 8 bits 0x00 19.8.4/19-22 — 24 bits — — R/W 8 bits 0x00 19.8.4/19-22 — 24 bits — — R/W 8 bits 0x00 19.8.4/19-22 — 24 bits — — R/W 8 bits 0x00 19.8.4/19-22 — 24 bits — — R/W 8 bits 0x00 19.8.4/19-22 — 707 bytes — — 0x10DB8– Reserved 0x11017 SDMA–General 0x11018 SDMA status register (SDSR) 0x11019 Reserved 0x1101C SDMA mask register (SDMR) 0x1101D Reserved IDMA 0x11020 IDMA 1 event register (IDSR1) 0x11021 Reserved 0x11024 IDMA 1 mask register (IDMR1) 0x11025 Reserved 0x11028 IDMA 2 event register (IDSR2) 0x11029 Reserved 0x1102C IDMA 2 mask register (IDMR2) 0x1102D Reserved 0x11030 IDMA 3 event register (IDSR3) 0x11031 Reserved 0x11034 IDMA 3 mask register (IDMR3) 0x11035 Reserved 0x11038 IDMA 4 event register (IDSR4) 0x11039 Reserved 0x1103C IDMA 4 mask register (IDMR4) 0x1103D– Reserved 0x112FF MPC8280 PowerQUICC II Family Reference Manual, Rev. 1 3-10 Freescale Semiconductor Memory Map Table 3-1. Internal Memory Map (continued) Address (offset) Register R/W Size Reset Section/Page FCC1 0x11300 FCC1 general mode register (GFMR1) R/W 32 bits 0x0000_0000 30.2/30-3 0x11304 FCC1 protocol-specific mode register (FPSMR1) R/W 32 bits 0x0000_0000 31.13.2/31-85 (ATM) 2 (IMA) 36.18.1/36-19 (Ethernet) 37.6/37-8 (HDLC) 0x11308 FCC1 transmit on demand register (FTODR1) R/W 16 bits 0x0000 30.5/30-9 0x1130A Reserved — 16 bits — — 0x1130C FCC1 data synchronization register (FDSR1) R/W 16 bits 0x7E7E 30.4/30-8 0x1130E Reserved — 16 bits — — 0x11310 FCC1 event register (FCCE1) R/W 16 bits 0x0000_0000 31.13.3/31-88 (ATM) 36.18.2/36-21 (Ethernet) 37.9/37-14 (HDLC) 0x11312 Reserved — 16 bits — — 0x11314 FCC1 mask register (FCCM1) R/W 16 bits 0x0000_0000 31.13.3/31-88 (ATM) 36.18.2/36-21 (Ethernet) 37.9/37-14 (HDLC) 0x11316 Reserved — 16 bits — — 0x11318 FCC1 status register (FCCS1) R 16 bits 0x00 37.10/37-16 (HDLC) 0x11319 Reserved — 24 bits — — 0x1131C FCC1 transmit internal rate registers for PHY0 (FTIRR1_PHY0) R/W 8 bits 0x00 0x1131D FCC1 transmit internal rate registers for PHY1 (FTIRR1_PHY1) R/W 8 bits 0x00 (ATM) 2 (IMA) 0x1131E FCC1 transmit internal rate registers for PHY2 (FTIRR1_PHY2) R/W 8 bits 0x00 0x1131F FCC1 transmit internal rate registers for PHY3 (FTIRR1_PHY3) R/W 8 bits 0x00 MPC8280 PowerQUICC II Family Reference Manual, Rev. 1 Freescale Semiconductor 3-11 Memory Map Table 3-1. Internal Memory Map (continued) Address (offset) Register R/W Size Reset Section/Page FCC2 0x11320 FCC2 general mode register (GFMR2) R/W 32 bits 0x0000_0000 30.2/30-3 0x11324 FCC2 protocol-specific mode register (FPSMR2) R/W 32 bits 0x0000_0000 31.13.2/31-85 (ATM) 2 (IMA) 36.18.1/36-19 (Ethernet) 37.6/37-8 (HDLC) 0x11328 FCC2 transmit on-demand register (FTODR2) R/W 16 bits 0x0000 30.5/30-9 0x1132A Reserved — 16 bits — — 0x1132C FCC2 data synchronization register (FDSR2) R/W 16 bits 0x7E7E 30.4/30-8 0x1132E Reserved — 16 bits — — 0x11330 FCC2 event register (FCCE2) R/W 16 bits 0x0000_0000 31.13.3/31-88 (ATM) 36.18.2/36-21 (Ethernet) 37.9/37-14 (HDLC) 0x11332 Reserved — 16 bits — — 0x11334 FCC2 mask register (FCCM2) R/W 16 bits 0x0000_0000 31.13.3/31-88 (ATM) 36.18.2/36-21 (Ethernet) 37.9/37-14 (HDLC) 0x11336 Reserved — 16 bits — — 0x11338 FCC2 status register (FCCS2) R 16 bits 0x00 37.10/37-16 (HDLC) 0x11339 Reserved — 24 bits — — 0x1133C FCC2 transmit internal rate registers for PHY0 (FTIRR2_PHY0) R/W 8 bits 0x00 0x1133D FCC2 transmit internal rate registers for PHY1 (FTIRR2_PHY1) R/W 8 bits 0x00 (ATM) 2 (IMA) 0x11133E FCC2 transmit internal rate registers for PHY2 (FTIRR2_PHY2) R/W 8 bits 0x00 0x1133F R/W 8 bits 0x00 FCC2 transmit internal rate registers for PHY3 (FTIRR2_PHY3) MPC8280 PowerQUICC II Family Reference Manual, Rev. 1 3-12 Freescale Semiconductor Memory Map Table 3-1. Internal Memory Map (continued) Address (offset) Register R/W Size Reset Section/Page FCC3 0x11340 FCC3 general mode register (GFMR3) R/W 32 bits 0x0000_0000 30.2/30-3 0x11344 FCC3 protocol-specific mode register (FPSMR3) R/W 32 bits 0x0000_0000 31.13.2/31-85 (ATM) 2 (IMA) 36.18.1/36-19 (Ethernet) 37.6/37-8 (HDLC) 0x11348 FCC3 transmit on-demand register (FTODR3) R/W 16 bits 0x0000 30.5/30-9 0x1134A Reserved — 16 bits — — 0x1134C FCC3 data synchronization register (FDSR3) R/W 16 bits 0x7E7E 30.4/30-8 0x1134E Reserved — 16 bits — — 0x11350 FCC3 event register (FCCE3) R/W 16 bits 0x0000 31.13.3/31-88 (ATM) 36.18.2/36-21 (Ethernet) 37.9/37-14 (HDLC) 0x11352 Reserved — 16 bits — — 0x11354 FCC3 mask register (FCCM3) R/W 16 bits 0x0000 31.13.3/31-88 (ATM) 36.18.2/36-21 (Ethernet) 37.9/37-14 (HDLC) 0x11356 Reserved — 16 bits — — 0x11358 FCC3 status register (FCCS3) R 16 bits 0x0000 37.10/37-16 (HDLC) — 32 bytes — — 0x11359– Reserved 0x11379 FCC1 Extended Registers 0x11380 FCC1 internal rate port enable register (FIRPER1) — 32 bit 0x0000_0000 0x11384 FCC1 internal rate event register (FIRER1) — 32 bit 0x0000_0000 0x11388 FCC1 internal rate select register high (FIRSR1_HI) — 32 bit 0x0000_0000 0x1138C FCC1 internal rate select register low (FIRSR1_LO) — 32 bit 0x0000_0000 0x11390 FCC1 general extended mode register (GFEMR1) — 8 bit 0x00 30.2.1/30-7 MPC8280 PowerQUICC II Family Reference Manual, Rev. 1 Freescale Semiconductor 3-13 Memory Map Table 3-1. Internal Memory Map (continued) Address (offset) Register 0x11391– Reserved 0x1139F R/W Size Reset Section/Page — 15 bytes — — FCC2 Extended Registers 0x113A0 FCC2 internal rate port enable register (FIRPER2) R/W 32 bits 0x0000_0000 0x113A4 FCC2 internal rate event register (FIRER2) R/W 32 bits 0x0000_0000 0x113A8 FCC2 internal rate select register high (FIRSR2_HI) R/W 32 bits 0x0000_0000 0x113AC FCC2 internal rate select register low (FIRSR2_LO) R/W 32 bits 0x0000_0000 0x113B0 FCC2 general expansion mode register (GFEMR2) R/W 8 bits 0x00 30.2.1/30-7 — 31 bytes — — R/W 8 bits 0x00 30.2.1/30-7 — 47 bytes — — R/W 16 bits 0x0000 R/W 16 bits 0x0000 R/W 16 bits 0x0000 R/W 16 bits 0x0000 R/W 16 bits 0x0000 R/W 16 bits 0x0000 R/W 16 bits 0x0000 R/W 16 bits 0x0000 R/W 16 bits 0x0000 R/W 16 bits 0x0000 — 12 bytes — — R/W 16 bits 0x0000 R/W 16 bits 0x0000 R/W 16 bits 0x0000 R/W 16 bits 0x0000 R/W 16 bits 0x0000 R/W 16 bits 0x0000 0x113B1– Reserved 0x113CF FCC3 Extended Registers 0x113D0 General FCC3 expansion mode register (GFEMR3) 0x113D1 Reserved TC Layer 11 0x11400 TC1 mode register (TCMODE1)1 0x11402 TC1 cell delineation state machine register 0x11404 TC1 event register (TCER1)1 (CDSMR1)1 (TC_RCC1)1 0x11406 TC1 received cells counter 0x11408 TC1 mask register (TCMR1)1 (TC_FCC1)1 0x1140A TC1 filtered cells counter 0x1140C TC1 corrected cells counter (TC_CCC1)1 (TC_ICC1)1 0x1140E TC1 idle cells counter 0x11410 TC1 transmitted cells counter (TC_TCC1)1 0x11412 TC1 error cells counter 0x11414 Reserved (TC_ECC1)1 TC Layer 21 0x11420 TC2 mode register (TCMODE2)1 0x11422 TC2 cell delineation state machine register 0x11424 TC2 event register (TCER2)1 (TC_RCC2)1 0x11426 TC2 received cells counter 0x11428 TC2 mask register (TCMR2)1 0x1142A TC2 filtered cells counter (TC_FCC2)1 (CDSMR2)1 MPC8280 PowerQUICC II Family Reference Manual, Rev. 1 3-14 Freescale Semiconductor Memory Map Table 3-1. Internal Memory Map (continued) Address (offset) Register R/W Size Reset Section/Page 0x1142C TC2 corrected cells counter (TC_CCC2)1 R/W 16 bits 0x0000 0x1142E TC2 idle cells counter (TC_ICC2)1 R/W 16 bits 0x0000 R/W 16 bits 0x0000 R/W 16 bits 0x0000 — 12 bytes — — (TC_TCC2)1 0x11430 TC2 transmitted cells counter 0x11432 TC2 error cells counter (TC_ECC2)1 0x11434 Reserved TC Layer 31 0x11440 TC3 mode register (TCMODE3)1 R/W 16 bits 0x0000 0x11442 TC3 cell delineation state machine register (CDSMR3)1 R/W 16 bits 0x0000 R/W 16 bits 0x0000 R/W 16 bits 0x0000 R/W 16 bits 0x0000 R/W 16 bits 0x0000 R/W 16 bits 0x0000 R/W 16 bits 0x0000 R/W 16 bits 0x0000 R/W 16 bits 0x0000 — 12 bytes — — (TCER3)1 0x11444 TC3 event register 0x11446 TC3 received cells counter (TC_RCC3)1 (TCMR3)1 0x11448 TC3 mask register 0x1144A TC3 filtered cells counter (TC_FCC3)1 (TC_CCC3)1 0x1144C TC3 corrected cells counter 0x1144E TC3 idle cells counter (TC_ICC3)1 (TC_TCC3)1 0x11450 TC3 transmitted cells counter 0x11452 TC3 error cells counter (TC_ECC3)1 0x11454 Reserved TC Layer 41 0x11460 TC4 mode register (TCMODE4)1 R/W 16 bits 0x0000 0x11462 TC4 cell delineation state machine register (CDSMR4)1 R/W 16 bits 0x0000 R/W 16 bits 0x0000 R/W 16 bits 0x0000 R/W 16 bits 0x0000 R/W 16 bits 0x0000 R/W 16 bits 0x0000 R/W 16 bits 0x0000 R/W 16 bits 0x0000 R/W 16 bits 0x0000 — 12 bytes — — R/W 16 bits 0x0000 (TCER4)1 0x11464 TC4 event register 0x11466 TC4 received cells counter (TC_RCC4)1 (TCMR4)1 0x11468 TC4 mask register 0x1146A TC4 filtered cells counter (TC_FCC4)1 (TC_CCC4)1 0x1146C TC4 corrected cells counter 0x1146E TC4 idle cells counter (TC_ICC4)1 (TC_TCC4)1 0x11470 TC4 transmitted cells counter 0x11472 TC4 error cells counter (TC_ECC4)1 0x11474 Reserved1 TC Layer 51 0x11480 TC5 mode register (TCMODE5)1 MPC8280 PowerQUICC II Family Reference Manual, Rev. 1 Freescale Semiconductor 3-15 Memory Map Table 3-1. Internal Memory Map (continued) Address (offset) Register R/W Size Reset Section/Page 0x11482 TC5 cell delineation state machine register (CDSMR5)1 R/W 16 bits 0x0000 0x11484 TC5 event register (TCER5)1 R/W 16 bits 0x0000 R/W 16 bits 0x0000 R/W 16 bits 0x0000 R/W 16 bits 0x0000 R/W 16 bits 0x0000 R/W 16 bits 0x0000 R/W 16 bits 0x0000 R/W 16 bits 0x0000 — 12 bytes — — R/W 16 bits 0x0000 R/W 16 bits 0x0000 R/W 16 bits 0x0000 R/W 16 bits 0x0000 R/W 16 bits 0x0000 R/W 16 bits 0x0000 R/W 16 bits 0x0000 R/W 16 bits 0x0000 R/W 16 bits 0x0000 R/W 16 bits 0x0000 — 12 bytes — — R/W 16 bits 0x0000 R/W 16 bits 0x0000 R/W 16 bits 0x0000 R/W 16 bits 0x0000 R/W 16 bits 0x0000 R/W 16 bits 0x0000 R/W 16 bits 0x0000 R/W 16 bits 0x0000 R/W 16 bits 0x0000 (TC_RCC5)1 0x11486 TC5 received cells counter 0x11488 TC5 mask register (TCMR5)1 (TC_FCC5)1 0x1148A TC5 filtered cells counter 0x1148C TC5 corrected cells counter (TC_CCC5)1 (TC_ICC5)1 0x1148E TC5 idle cells counter 0x11490 TC5 transmitted cells counter (TC_TCC5)1 0x11492 TC5 error cells counter 0x11494 Reserved (TC_ECC5)1 TC Layer 61 0x114A0 TC6 mode register (TCMODE6)1 0x114A2 TC6 cell delineation state machine register 0x114A4 TC6 event register (TCER6)1 (TC_RCC6)1 0x114A6 TC6 received cells counter 0x114A8 TC6 mask register (TCMR6)1 0x114AA TC6 filtered cells counter (CDSMR6)1 (TC_FCC6)1 0x114AC TC6 corrected cells counter (TC_CCC6)1 (TC_ICC6)1 0x114AE TC6 idle cells counter 0x114B0 TC6 transmitted cells counter (TC_TCC6)1 0x114B2 TC6 error cells counter 0x114B4 Reserved (TC_ECC6)1 TC Layer 71 0x114C0 TC7 mode register (TCMODE7)1 0x114C2 TC7 cell delineation state machine register 0x114C4 TC7 event register (TCER7)1 (TC_RCC7)1 0x114C6 TC7 received cells counter 0x114C8 TC7 mask register (TCMR7)1 0x114CA TC7 filtered cells counter (TC_FCC7)1 0x114CC TC7 corrected cells counter (TC_CCC7)1 0x114CE TC7 idle cells counter 0x114D0 (TC_ICC7)1 TC7 transmitted cells counter (TC_TCC7)1 (CDSMR7)1 MPC8280 PowerQUICC II Family Reference Manual, Rev. 1 3-16 Freescale Semiconductor Memory Map Table 3-1. Internal Memory Map (continued) Address (offset) Register 0x114D2 TC7 error cells counter (TC_ECC7)1 0x114D4 Reserved R/W Size Reset Section/Page R/W 16 bits 0x0000 — 12 bytes — — R/W 16 bits 0x0000 R/W 16 bits 0x0000 R/W 16 bits 0x0000 R/W 16 bits 0x0000 R/W 16 bits 0x0000 R/W 16 bits 0x0000 R/W 16 bits 0x0000 R/W 16 bits 0x0000 R/W 16 bits 0x0000 R/W 16 bits 0x0000 — 12 bytes — — R 16 bits 0x0000 R/W 16 bits 0x0000 17.1/17-2 TC Layer 81 0x114E0 TC8 mode register (TCMODE8)1 0x114E2 TC8 cell delineation state machine register 0x114E4 TC8 event register (TCER8)1 (TC_RCC8)1 0x114E6 TC8 received cells counter 0x114E8 TC8 mask register (TCMR8)1 0x114EA TC8 filtered cells counter (CDSMR8)1 (TC_FCC8)1 0x114EC TC8 corrected cells counter (TC_CCC8)1 (TC_ICC8)1 0x114EE TC8 idle cells counter 0x114F0 TC8 transmitted cells counter (TC_TCC8)1 0x114F2 TC8 error cells counter 0x114F4 Reserved (TC_ECC8)1 TC Layer—General1 0x11500 TC general status register (TCGSR)1 0x11502 (TCGER)1 TC general event register BRGs 5–8 0x115F0 BRG5 configuration register (BRGC5) R/W 32 bits 0x0000_0000 0x115F4 BRG6 configuration register (BRGC6) R/W 32 bits 0x0000_0000 0x1115F8 BRG7 configuration register (BRGC7) R/W 32 bits 0x0000_0000 0x115FC R/W 32 bits 0x0000_0000 — 608 bytes — — R/W 8 bits 0x00 40.4.1/40-6 — 24 bits — — R/W 8 bits 0x00 40.4.2/40-7 — 24 bits — — R/W 8 bits 0x00 40.4.3/40-7 — 24 bits — — R/W 8 bits 0x00 40.4.5/40-8 BRG8 configuration register (BRGC8) 0x11600– Reserved 0x1185F I2C 0x11860 I2C mode register (I2MOD) 0x11861 Reserved 0x11864 I2C address register (I2ADD) 0x11865 Reserved 0x11868 I2C BRG register (I2BRG) 0x11869 Reserved 0x1186C I2C command register (I2COM) MPC8280 PowerQUICC II Family Reference Manual, Rev. 1 Freescale Semiconductor 3-17 Memory Map Table 3-1. Internal Memory Map (continued) Address (offset) Register 0x1186D Reserved 0x11870 I2C event register (I2CER) 0x11871 Reserved 0x11874 I2C mask register (I2CMR) 0x11875– Reserved 0x119BF R/W Size Reset Section/Page — 24 bits — — R/W 8 bits 0x00 40.4.4/40-7 — 24 bits — — R/W 8 bits 0x00 40.4.4/40-7 — 315 bytes — — Communications Processor 0x119C0 Communications processor command register (CPCR) R/W 32 bits 0x0000_0000 14.4.1/14-12 0x119C4 CP configuration register (RCCR) R/W 32 bits 0x0000_0000 14.3.7/14-9 — 14 bytes — — 14.6.4/14-25 0x119C8– Reserved 0x119D5 0x119D6 CP timers event register (RTER) R/W 16 bits 0x0000_0000 0x119DA CP timers mask register (RTMR) R/W 16 bits 0x0000_0000 — 16 bits 0x0000 0x119DE Reserved R/W 16 bits — 0x119E0 R/W 32 bits 0x0000 14.3.9/14-11 17.1/17-2 0x119DC CP time-stamp timer control register (RTSCR) CP time-stamp register (RTSR) 14.3.8/14-10 BRGs 1–4 0x119F0 BRG1 configuration register (BRGC1) R/W 32 bits 0x0000_0000 0x119F4 BRG2 configuration register (BRGC2) R/W 32 bits 0x0000_0000 0x119F8 BRG3 configuration register (BRGC3) R/W 32 bits 0x0000_0000 0x119FC BRG4 configuration register (BRGC4) R/W 32 bits 0x0000_0000 SCC1 0x11A00 SCC1 general mode register (GSMR_L1) R/W 32 bits 0x0000_0000 20.1.1/20-3 0x11A04 SCC1 general mode register (GSMR_H1) R/W 32 bits 0x0000_0000 0x11A08 SCC1 protocol-specific mode register (PSMR1) R/W 16 bits 0x0000 20.1.2/20-9 21.16/21-13 (UART) 22.8/22-7 (HDLC) 23.11/23-10 (BISYNC) 24.9/24-8 (Transparent) 25.17/25-14 (Ethernet) 0x11A0A Reserved — 16 bits — — MPC8280 PowerQUICC II Family Reference Manual, Rev. 1 3-18 Freescale Semiconductor Memory Map Table 3-1. Internal Memory Map (continued) Address (offset) Register R/W Size Reset Section/Page 0x11A0C SCC1 transmit-on-demand register (TODR1) R/W 16 bits 0x0000 20.1.4/20-10 0x11A0E SCC1 data synchronization register (DSR1) R/W 16 bits 0x7E7E 20.1.3/20-9 0x11A10 SCC1 event register (SCCE1) R/W 16 bits 0x0000 0x11A14 SCC1 mask register (SCCM1) R/W 16 bits 0x0000 21.19/21-19 (UART) 22.11/22-13 (HDLC) 23.14/23-15 (BISYNC) 24.12/24-11 (Transparent) 25.20/25-20 (Ethernet) 0x11A16 Reserved — 8 bits — — 0x11A17 SCC1 status register (SCCS1) R/W 8 bits 0x00 21.20/21-21 (UART) 22.12/22-15 (HDLC) 23.15/23-16 (BISYNC) 24.13/24-12 (Transparent) — 8 bytes — — 20.1.1/20-3 0x11A18– Reserved 0x11A1F SCC2 0x11A20 SCC2 general mode register (low) (GSMR_L2) R/W 32 bits 0x0000_0000 0x11A24 SCC2 general mode register (high) (GSMR_H2) R/W 32 bits 0x0000_0000 0x11A28 SCC2 protocol-specific mode register (PSMR2) R/W 16 bits 0x0000 20.1.2/20-9 21.16/21-13 (UART) 22.8/22-7 (HDLC) 23.11/23-10 (BISYNC) 24.9/24-8 (Transparent) 25.17/25-14 (Ethernet) 0x11A2A Reserved — 16 bits — — 0x11A2C SCC2 transmit-on-demand register (TODR2) R/W 16 bits 0x0000 20.1.4/20-10 0x11A2E R/W 16 bits 0x7E7E 20.1.3/20-9 SCC2 data synchronization register (DSR2) MPC8280 PowerQUICC II Family Reference Manual, Rev. 1 Freescale Semiconductor 3-19 Memory Map Table 3-1. Internal Memory Map (continued) Address (offset) Register R/W Size Reset Section/Page 21.19/21-19 (UART) 22.11/22-13 (HDLC) 23.14/23-15 (BISYNC) 24.12/24-11 (Transparent) 25.20/25-20 (Ethernet) 0x11A30 SCC2 event register (SCCE2) R/W 16 bits 0x0000 0x11A34 SCC2 mask register (SCCM2) R/W 16 bits 0x0000 0x11A36 Reserved — 8 bits — — 0x11A37 SCC2 status register (SCCS2) R/W 8 bits 0x00 21.20/21-21 (UART) 22.12/22-15 (HDLC) 23.15/23-16 (BISYNC) 24.13/24-12 (Transparent) — 8 bytes — — 20.1.1/20-3 0x11A38– Reserved 0x11A3F SCC3 0x11A40 SCC3 general mode register (GSMR_L3) R/W 32 bits 0x0000_0000 0x11A44 SCC3 general mode register (GSMR_H3) R/W 32 bits 0x0000_0000 0x11A48 SCC3 protocol-specific mode register (PSMR3) R/W 16 bits 0x0000 20.1.2/20-9 21.16/21-13 (UART) 22.8/22-7 (HDLC) 23.11/23-10 (BISYNC) 24.9/24-8 (Transparent) 25.17/25-14 (Ethernet) 0x11A4A Reserved — 16 bits — — 0x11A4C SCC3 transmit on demand register (TODR3) R/W 16 bits 0x0000 20.1.4/20-10 0x11A4E R/W 16 bits 0x7E7E 20.1.3/20-9 SCC3 data synchronization register (DSR3) MPC8280 PowerQUICC II Family Reference Manual, Rev. 1 3-20 Freescale Semiconductor Memory Map Table 3-1. Internal Memory Map (continued) Address (offset) Register R/W Size Reset Section/Page 21.19/21-19 (UART) 22.11/22-13 (HDLC) 23.14/23-15 (BISYNC) 24.12/24-11 (Transparent) 25.20/25-20 (Ethernet) 0x11A50 SCC3 event register (SCCE3) R/W 16 bits 0x0000 0x11A54 SCC3 mask register (SCCM3) R/W 16 bits 0x0000 0x11A56 Reserved — 8 bits — — 0x11A57 SCC3 status register (SCCS3) R/W 8 bits 0x00 21.20/21-21 (UART) 22.12/22-15 (HDLC) 23.15/23-16 (BISYNC) 24.13/24-12 (Transparent) — 8 bytes — — 20.1.1/20-3 0x11A58– Reserved 0x11A5F SCC4 0x11A60 SCC4 general mode register (GSMR_L4) R/W 32 bits 0x0000_0000 0x11A64 SCC4 general mode register (GSMR_H4) R/W 32 bits 0x0000_0000 0x11A68 SCC4 protocol-specific mode register (PSMR4) R/W 16 bits 0x0000 20.1.2/20-9 21.16/21-13 (UART) 22.8/22-7 (HDLC) 23.11/23-10 (BISYNC) 24.9/24-8 (Transparent) 25.17/25-14 (Ethernet) 0x11A6A Reserved — 16 bits — — 0x11A6C SCC4 transmit on-demand register (TODR4) R/W 16 bits 0x0000 20.1.4/20-10 0x11A6E R/W 16 bits 0x7E7E 20.1.3/20-9 SCC4 data synchronization register (DSR4) MPC8280 PowerQUICC II Family Reference Manual, Rev. 1 Freescale Semiconductor 3-21 Memory Map Table 3-1. Internal Memory Map (continued) Address (offset) Register R/W Size Reset Section/Page 21.19/21-19 (UART) 22.11/22-13 (HDLC) 23.14/23-15 (BISYNC) 24.12/24-11 (Transparent) 25.20/25-20 (Ethernet) 0x11A70 SCC4 event register (SCCE4) R/W 16 bits 0x0000 0x11A74 SCC4 mask register (SCCM4) R/W 16 bits 0x0000 0x11A77 SCC4 status register (SCCS4) — 8 bits 0x00 21.20/21-21 (UART) 22.12/22-15 (HDLC) 23.15/23-16 (BISYNC) 24.13/24-12 (Transparent) — 8 bytes — — R/W 16 bits 0x0000 28.2.1/28-2 — 16 bits — — R/W 8 bits 0x00 — 24 bits — R/W 8 bits 0x00 28.3.11/28-18 (UART) 28.4.10/28-28 (Transparent) 28.5.9/28-34 (GCI) — 7 bytes — — R/W 16 bits 0x0000 28.2.1/28-2 — 16 bits — — R/W 8 bits 0x00 — 24 bits — R/W 8 bits 0x00 28.3.11/28-18 (UART) 28.4.10/28-28 (Transparent) 28.5.9/28-34 (GCI) — 5 bytes — 0x11A78– Reserved 0x11A7F SMC1 0x11A82 SMC1 mode register (SMCMR1) 0x11A84 Reserved 0x11A86 SMC1 event register (SMCE1) 0x11A87 Reserved 0x11A8A SMC1 mask register (SMCM1) 0x11A8B– Reserved 0x11A91 SMC2 0x11A92 SMC2 mode register (SMCMR2) 0x11A94 Reserved 0x11A96 SMC2 event register (SMCE2) 0x11A97 Reserved 0x11A9A SMC2 mask register (SMCM2) 0x11A9B– Reserved 0x11A9F — MPC8280 PowerQUICC II Family Reference Manual, Rev. 1 3-22 Freescale Semiconductor Memory Map Table 3-1. Internal Memory Map (continued) Address (offset) Register R/W Size Reset Section/Page R/W 16 bits 0x0000 39.4.1/39-6 — 4 bytes — — R/W 8 bits 0x00 39.4.2/39-9 — 24 bits — — R/W 8 bits 0x00 39.4.2/39-9 0x11AAB Reserved — 24 bits — — 0x11AAD SPI command register (SPCOM) W 8 bits 0x00 39.4.3/39-10 0x11AAE Reserved – 0x11AFF — 82 bytes — — SPI 0x11AA0 SPI mode register (SPMODE) 0x11AA2 Reserved 0x11AA6 SPI event register (SPIE) 0x11AA7 Reserved 0x11AAA SPI mask register (SPIM) CPM Mux 0x11B00 CPM mux SI1 clock route register (CMXSI1CR) R/W 8 bits 0x00 16.4.2/16-12 0x11B02 CPM mux SI2 clock route register (CMXSI2CR) R/W 8 bits 0x00 16.4.3/16-13 0x11B03 Reserved — 8 bits — — 0x11B04 CPM mux FCC clock route register (CMXFCR) R/W 32 bits 0x0000_0000 16.4.4/16-13 0x11B08 CPM mux SCC clock route register (CMXSCR) R/W 32 bits 0x0000_0000 16.4.5/16-16 0x11B0C CPM mux SMC clock route register (CMXSMR) R/W 8 bits 0x00 16.4.6/16-19 — 8 bits — — R/W 16 bits 0x0000 16.4.1/16-7 — 16 bytes — — 15.5.2/15-17 0x11B0D Reserved 0x11B0E CPM mux UTOPIA address register (CMXUAR)2 0x11B10– Reserved 0x11B1F SI1 Registers 0x11B20 SI1 TDMA1 mode register (SI1AMR) R/W 16 bits 0x0000 0x11B22 SI1 TDMB1 mode register (SI1BMR) R/W 16 bits 0x0000 0x11B24 SI1 TDMC1 mode register (SI1CMR) R/W 16 bits 0x0000 0x11B26 SI1 TDMD1 mode register (SI1DMR) R/W 16 bits 0x0000 0x11B28 SI1 global mode register (SI1GMR) R/W 8 bits 0x00 15.5.1/15-17 0x11B29 Reserved — 8 bits — — 0x11B2A SI1 command register (SI1CMDR) R/W 8 bits 0x00 15.5.4/15-24 0x11B2B Reserved — 8 bits — — R/W 8 bits 0x00 15.5.5/15-25 — 8 bits — — 0x11B2C SI1 status register (SI1STR) 0x11B2D Reserved MPC8280 PowerQUICC II Family Reference Manual, Rev. 1 Freescale Semiconductor 3-23 Memory Map Table 3-1. Internal Memory Map (continued) Address (offset) 0x11B2E Register SI1 RAM shadow address register (SI1RSR) R/W Size Reset Section/Page R/W 16 bits 0x0000 15.5.3/15-24 R/W 16 bits 0x0000 29.8.1/29-36 — 16 bits — R/W 16 bits 0x0000 29.8.1/29-36 — 16 bits — — R/W 8 bits 0x00 29.6/29-32 — 7 bytes — — 15.5.2/15-17 MCC1 Registers1 0x11B30 MCC1 event register (MCCE1)1 0x11B32 Reserved 0x11B34 MCC1 mask register 0x11B36 Reserved 0x11B38 (MCCM1)1 MCC1 configuration register (MCCF1)1 0x11B39– Reserved 0x11B3F SI2 Registers 0x11B40 SI2 TDMA2 mode register (SI2AMR) R/W 16 bits 0x0000 0x11B42 SI2 TDMB2 mode register (SI2BMR) R/W 16 bits 0x0000 0x11B44 SI2 TDMC2 mode register (SI2CMR) R/W 16 bits 0x0000 0x11B46 SI2 TDMD2 mode register (SI2DMR) R/W 8 bits 0x0000 0x11B48 SI2 global mode register (SI2GMR) R/W 8 bits 0x00 15.5.1/15-17 0x11B49 Reserved — 8 bits — — 0x11B4A SI2 command register (SI2CMDR) R/W 8 bits 0x00 15.5.4/15-24 0x11B4B Reserved — 8 bits — — R/W 8 bits 0x00 15.5.5/15-25 — 16 bits — — R/W 16 bits 0x0000 15.5.3/15-24 R/W 16 bits 0x0000 29.8.1/29-36 — 16 bits — — R/W 16 bits 0x0000 29.8.1/29-36 — 16 bits — — R/W 8 bits 0x00 29.6/29-32 — 7 bytes — — 0x11B4C SI2 status register (SI2STR) 0x11B4D Reserved 0x11B4E SI2 RAM shadow address register (SI2RSR) MCC2 Registers 0x11B50 MCC2 event register (MCCE2) 0x11B52 Reserved 0x11B54 MCC2 mask register (MCCM2) 0x11B56 Reserved 0x11B58 MCC2 configuration register (MCCF2) 0x11B59 Reserved USB 0x11B60 USB mode register (USMOD) R/W 8 bits 0x00 0x11B61 USB address register (USADR) R/W 8 bits 0x00 0x11B62 USB command register (USCOM) R/W 8 bits 0x00 MPC8280 PowerQUICC II Family Reference Manual, Rev. 1 3-24 Freescale Semiconductor Memory Map Table 3-1. Internal Memory Map (continued) Address (offset) Register R/W Size Reset Section/Page 0x11B64 USB end point 1 register (USEP1) R/W 16 bits 0x0000 0x11B66 USB end point 2 register (USEP2) R/W 16 bits 0x0000 0x11B68 USB end point 3 register (USEP3) R/W 16 bits 0x0000 0x11B6A USB end point 4 register (USEP4) R/W 16 bits 0x0000 — 32 bits — — R/W 16 bits 0x0000 — 16 bits 0x0000 — 0x11B6C– Reserved 0x11B6F 0x11B70 USB event register (USBER) 0x11B72 Reserved 0x11B74 USB mask register (USBMR) R/W 16 bits 0x0000 0x11B77 USB status register (USBS) R/W 8 bits 0x00 — 1158 bytes — — R/W 512 bytes undefined 15.4.3/15-10 — 512 bytes — — R/W 512 bytes undefined 15.4.3/15-10 — 512 bytes — — R/W 512 bytes undefined 15.4.3/15-10 — 512 bytes — — R/W 512 bytes undefined 15.4.3/15-10 0x12E00– Reserved 0x12FFF — 512 bytes — — 0x13000– Reserved 0x137FF — 2048 bytes — — 0x13800– Reserved 0x13FFF — 2048 bytes — — 0x11B79– Reserved 0x11FFF SI1 RAM 0x12000– 0x121FF SI 1 transmit routing RAM (SI1TxRAM) 0x12200– Reserved 0x123FF 0x12400– 0x125FF SI 1 receive routing RAM (SI1RxRAM) 0x12600– Reserved 0x127FF SI2 RAM 0x12800– 0x129FF SI 2 transmit routing RAM (SI2TxRAM) 0x12A00– Reserved 0x12BFF 0x12C00– 0x12DFF SI 2 receive routing RAM (SI2RxRAM) MPC8280 PowerQUICC II Family Reference Manual, Rev. 1 Freescale Semiconductor 3-25 Memory Map Table 3-1. Internal Memory Map (continued) Address (offset) Register R/W Size Reset 32 Kbytes Undefined Section/Page CPM Dual-Port RAM (Instruction) 0x20000– CPM Instruction RAM (IRAM) 0x27FFF 1 2 R/W MPC8280 only. Reserved on other devices. Reserved on the MPC8270. MPC8280 PowerQUICC II Family Reference Manual, Rev. 1 3-26 Freescale Semiconductor Part II Configuration and Reset Intended Audience Part II is intended for system designers and programmers who need to understand the operation of the MPC8280 at start up. It assumes understanding of the PowerPC programming model described in the previous chapters and a high level understanding of the MPC8280. Contents Part II describes start-up behavior of the MPC8280. It contains the following chapters: • Chapter 4, “System Interface Unit (SIU),” describes the system configuration and protection functions which provide various monitors and timers, and the 60x bus configuration. • Chapter 5, “Reset,” describes the behavior of the MPC8280 at reset and start-up. Suggested Reading Supporting documentation for the MPC8280 can be accessed through the world-wide web at This documentation includes technical specifications, reference materials, and detailed applications notes. Conventions This chapter uses the following notational conventions: Bold entries in figures and tables showing registers and parameter RAM should Bold be initialized by the user. mnemonics Instruction mnemonics are shown in lowercase bold. italics Italics indicate variable command parameters, for example, bcctrx. Book titles in text are set in italics. 0x0 Prefix to denote hexadecimal number 0b0 Prefix to denote binary number rA, rB Instruction syntax used to identify a source GPR rD Instruction syntax used to identify a destination GPR REG[FIELD] Abbreviations or acronyms for registers or buffer descriptors are shown in uppercase text. Specific bits, fields, or numerical ranges appear in brackets. For MPC8280 PowerQUICC II Family Reference Manual, Rev. 1 Freescale Semiconductor II-1 example, MSR[LE] refers to the little-endian mode enable bit in the machine state register. In certain contexts, such as in a signal encoding or a bit field, indicates a don’t care. Indicates an undefined numerical value x n Acronyms and Abbreviations Table II-1 contains acronyms and abbreviations that are used in this document. Note that the meanings for some acronyms (such as SDR1 and DSISR) are historical, and the words for which an acronym stands may not be intuitively obvious. Table II-1. Acronyms and Abbreviated Terms Term Meaning BIST Built-in self test DMA Direct memory access DRAM Dynamic random access memory EA Effective address GPR General-purpose register IEEE Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers LSB Least-significant byte lsb Least-significant bit LSU Load/store unit MSB Most-significant byte msb Most-significant bit MSR Machine state register PCI Peripheral component interconnect RTOS Real-time operating system Rx Receive SPR Special-purpose register SWT Software watchdog timer Tx Transmit MPC8280 PowerQUICC II Family Reference Manual, Rev. 1 II-2 Freescale Semiconductor Chapter 4 System Interface Unit (SIU) The system interface unit (SIU) consists of several functions that control system start-up and initialization, as well as operation, protection, and the external system bus. Key features of the SIU include the following: • System configuration and protection • System reset monitoring and generation • Clock synthesizer • Power management • 60x bus interface • Flexible, high-performance memory controller • Level-two cache controller interface • PCI interface • IEEE 1149.1 test-access port (TAP) Figure 4-1 is a block diagram of the SIU. 60x Bus (32-Bit Address/64-Bit Data) G2_LE Core Memory Controller Core Configuration Registers Counters Bridge Memory Controller Local Interrupt Controller Communications Processor Control Control Local Bus (18-Bit Address/32-Bit Data) Figure 4-1. SIU Block Diagram MPC8280 PowerQUICC II Family Reference Manual, Rev. 1 Freescale Semiconductor 4-1 System Interface Unit (SIU) The system configuration and protection functions provide various monitors and timers, including the bus monitor, software watchdog timer, periodic interrupt timer, and time counter. The clock synthesizer generates the clock signals used by the SIU and other MPC8280 modules. The SIU clocking scheme supports stop and normal modes. The 60x bus interface is a standard pipelined bus. The MPC8280 allows external bus masters to request and obtain system bus mastership. Chapter 8, “The 60x Bus,” describes bus operation, but 60x bus configuration is explained in this section. The memory controller module, described in Chapter 11, “Memory Controller,” provides a seamless interface to many types of memory devices and peripherals. It supports up to twelve memory banks, each with its own device and timing attributes. The PCI interface enables the use of standard peripherals. The MPC8280’s implementation supports circuit board test strategies through a user- accessible test logic that is fully compliant with the IEEE 1149.1 test access port. 4.1 System Configuration and Protection The MPC8280 incorporates many system functions that normally must be provided in external circuits. In addition, it is designed to provide maximum system safeguards against hardware and/or software faults. Table 4-1 describes functions provided in the system configuration and protection submodule. Table 4-1. System Configuration and Protection Functions Function Description System The SIU allows the user to configure the system according to the particular requirements. The functions configuration include control of parity checking and part and mask number constants. 60x bus monitor Monitors the transfer acknowledge (TA) and address acknowledge (AACK) response time for all bus accesses initiated by internal or external masters. TEA is asserted if the TA/AACK response limit is exceeded. This function can be disabled if needed. Local bus monitor Monitors transfers between local bus internal masters and local bus slaves. An internal TEA assertion occurs if the transfer time limit is exceeded. This function can be disabled. Software watchdog timer Asserts a reset or NMI interrupt, selected by the system protection control register (SYPCR) if the software fails to service the software watchdog timer for a certain period of time (for example, because software is lost or trapped in a loop). After a system reset, this function is enabled, selects a maximum time-out period, and asserts a system reset if the time-out is reached. The software watchdog timer can be disabled or its time-out period may be changed in the SYPCR. Once the SYPCR is written, it cannot be written again until a system reset. For more information, see Section 4.1.5, “Software Watchdog Timer.” Periodic interrupt timer (PIT) Generates periodic interrupts for use with a real-time operating system or the application software. The periodic interrupt timer (PIT) is clocked by the timersclk clock, providing a period from 122 µs to 8 seconds. The PIT function can be disabled if needed. See Section 4.1.4, “Periodic Interrupt Timer (PIT).” Time counter Provides a time-of-day information to the operating system/application software. It is composed of a 45-bit counter and an alarm register. A maskable interrupt is generated when the counter reaches the value programmed in the alarm register. The time counter (TMCNT) is clocked by the timersclk clock. See Section 4.1.3, “Time Counter (TMCNT).” MPC8280 PowerQUICC II Family Reference Manual, Rev. 1 4-2 Freescale Semiconductor System Interface Unit (SIU) Figure 4-2 is a block diagram of the system configuration and protection logic. Module Configuration Bus clock/8 Bus Monitors timersclk Periodic Interrupt Timer Bus Clock Software Watchdog Timer timersclk Time Counter System Reset Core’s MCP TEA Interrupt System Reset Core’s MCP Interrupt Figure 4-2. System Configuration and Protection Logic Many aspects of system configuration are controlled by several SIU module configuration registers, described in Section 4.3.2, “System Configuration and Protection Registers.” 4.1.1 Bus Monitor The MPC8280 has two bus monitors, one for the 60x bus and one for the local bus. The bus monitor ensures that each bus cycle is terminated within a reasonable period. The bus monitor does not count when the bus is idle. When a transaction starts (TS asserted), the bus monitor starts counting down from the time-out value. For standard bus transactions with an address tenure and a data tenure, the bus monitor counts until a data beat is acknowledged on the bus. It then reloads the time-out value and resumes the count down. This process continues until the whole data tenure is completed. Following the data tenure the bus monitor will idle in case there is no pending transaction; otherwise it will reload the time-out value and resume counting. For address-only transactions, the bus monitor counts until AACK is asserted. If the monitor times out for a standard bus transaction, transfer error acknowledge (TEA) is asserted. If the monitor times out for an address-only transaction, the bus monitor asserts AACK and a core machine check or reset interrupt is generated, depending on SYPCR[SWRI]. To allow variation in system peripheral response times, SYPCR[BMT] defines the time-out period, whose maximum value can be 2,040 system bus clocks. The timing mechanism is clocked by the system bus clock divided by eight. 4.1.2 Timers Clock The two SIU timers (the time counter and the periodic interrupt timer) use the same clock source, timersclk, which can be derived from several sources, as described in Figure 4-3. MPC8280 PowerQUICC II Family Reference Manual, Rev. 1 Freescale Semiconductor 4-3 System Interface Unit (SIU) The user should select external clock and/or BRG1 programming to yield either 4 MHz or 32 KHz at this point. PISCR[PTF] PC[26] Divide by 4 timersclk for PIT Divide by 512 Ports Programming CPM clock timersclk for TMCNT PC[27] BRG1 PC[29] Ports Programming TMCNTSC[TCF] PC[25] Figure 4-3. Timers Clock Generation For details, see Section 41.2.4, “Port Pin Assignment Register (PPAR).” For proper time counter operation, the user must ensure that the frequency of timersclk for TMCNT is 8,192 Hz by properly selecting the external clock and programming BRG1 and the prescaler control bits in the time counter status and control register (TMCNTSC[TCF]) and periodic interrupt status and control register (PISCR[PTF]). 4.1.3 Time Counter (TMCNT) The time counter (TMCNT) is a 32-bit counter that is clocked by timersclk. It provides a time-of-day indication to the operating system and application software. The counter is reset to zero on PORESET reset or hard reset but is not effected by soft reset. It is initialized by the software; the user should set the timersclk frequency to 8,192 Hz, as explained in Section 4.1.2, “Timers Clock.” TMCNT can be programmed to generate a maskable interrupt when the time value matches the value in its associated alarm register. It can also be programmed to generate an interrupt every second. The time counter control and status register (TMCNTSC) is used to enable or disable the various timer functions and report the interrupt source. Figure 4-4 shows a block diagram of TMCNT. MPC8280 PowerQUICC II Family Reference Manual, Rev. 1 4-4 Freescale Semiconductor System Interface Unit (SIU) SEC Interrupt timersclk for TMCNT (8,192 Hz) Divide by 8,192 32-Bit Counter = Alarm Interrupt 32-Bit Register Figure 4-4. TMCNT Block Diagram Section, “Time Counter Register (TMCNT),” describes the time counter register. 4.1.4 Periodic Interrupt Timer (PIT) The periodic interrupt timer consists of a 16-bit counter clocked by timersclk. The 16-bit counter decrements to zero when loaded with a value from the periodic interrupt timer count register (PITC); after the timer reaches zero, PISCR[PS] is set and an interrupt is generated if PISCR[PIE] = 1. At the next input clock edge, the value in the PITC is loaded into the counter and the process repeats. When a new value is loaded into the PITC, the PIT is updated, the divider is reset, and the counter begins counting. Setting PS creates a pending interrupt that remains pending until PS is cleared. If PS is set again before being cleared, the interrupt remains pending until PS is cleared. Any write to the PITC stops the current countdown and the count resumes with the new value in PITC. If PTE = 0, the PIT cannot count and retains the old count value. The PIT is not affected by reads. Figure 4-5 is a block diagram of the PIT. PISCR[PTE] PITC Clock Disable 16-Bit Modulus Counter timersclk for PIT PISCR[PS] PIT Interrupt PISCR[PIE] Figure 4-5. PIT Block Diagram The time-out period is calculated as follows: PIT period PITC + 1 PITC + 1 = ------------------------------------ = ------------------------8192 F timersclk This gives a range from 122 µs (PITC = 0x0000) to 8 seconds (PITC = 0xFFFF). MPC8280 PowerQUICC II Family Reference Manual, Rev. 1 Freescale Semiconductor 4-5 System Interface Unit (SIU) 4.1.5 Software Watchdog Timer The SIU provides the software watchdog timer option to prevent system lock in case the software becomes trapped in loops with no controlled exit. Watchdog timer operations are configured in the SYPCR, described in Section, “System Protection Control Register (SYPCR).” The software watchdog timer is enabled after reset to cause a hard reset if it times out. If the software watchdog timer is not needed, the user must clear SYPCR[SWE] to disable it. If used, the software watchdog timer requires a special service sequence to be executed periodically. Without this periodic servicing, the software watchdog timer times out and issues a reset or a nonmaskable interrupt, programmed in SYPCR[SWRI]. Once software writes SWRI, the state of SWE cannot be changed. The software watchdog timer service sequence consists of the following two steps: 1. Write 0x556C to the software service register (SWSR) 2. Write 0xAA39 to SWSR The service sequence clears the watchdog timer and the timing process begins again. If a value other than 0x556C or 0xAA39 is written to the SWSR, the entire sequence must start over. Although the writes must occur in the correct order before a time-out, any number of instructions can be executed between the writes. This allows interrupts and exceptions to occur between the two writes when necessary. Figure 4-6 shows a state diagram for the watchdog timer. Reset 0x556C/Don’t reload State 0 Waiting for 0x556C State 1 Waiting for 0xAA39 0xAA39/Reload Not 0x556C/Don’t reload Not 0xAA39/Don’t reload Figure 4-6. Software Watchdog Timer Service State Diagram Although most software disciplines permit or even encourage the watchdog concept, some systems require a selection of time-out periods. For this reason, the software watchdog timer must provide a selectable range for the time-out period. Figure 4-7 shows how to handle this need. MPC8280 PowerQUICC II Family Reference Manual, Rev. 1 4-6 Freescale Semiconductor System Interface Unit (SIU) SWSR Service Logic SWE Bus Clock Clock Disable SYPCR[SWTC] Divide By 2,048 Reload MUX 16-Bit SWR/Decrementer Rollover = 0 SWP Time-out Reset or MCP Figure 4-7. Software Watchdog Timer Block Diagram In Figure 4-7, the range is determined by SYPCR[SWTC]. The value in SWTC is then loaded into a 16-bit decrementer clocked by the system clock. An additional divide-by-2,048 prescaler is used when needed. The decrementer begins counting when loaded with a value from SWTC. After the timer reaches 0x0, a software watchdog expiration request is issued to the reset or MCP control logic. Upon reset, SWTC is set to the maximum value and is again loaded into the software watchdog register (SWR), starting the process over. When a new value is loaded into SWTC, the software watchdog timer is not updated until the servicing sequence is written to the SWSR. If SYPCR[SWE] is loaded with 0, the modulus counter does not count. 4.2 Interrupt Controller Key features of the interrupt controller include the following: • Communications processor module (CPM) interrupt sources (FCCs, SCCs, MCCs, timers, SMCs, TC layers, I2C, IDMA, SDMA, and SPI) • SIU interrupt sources (PIT, TMCNT, and PCI) • 24 external sources (16 port C and 8 IRQ) • Programmable priority between PIT, TMCNT, and PCI • Programmable priority between SCCs, FCCs, and MCCs • Two priority schemes for the SCCs: grouped, spread • Programmable highest priority request • Unique vector number for each interrupt source MPC8280 PowerQUICC II Family Reference Manual, Rev. 1 Freescale Semiconductor 4-7 System Interface Unit (SIU) 4.2.1 Interrupt Configuration Figure 4-8 shows the MPC8280 interrupt structure. The interrupt controller receives interrupts from internal sources, such as the PIT or TMCNT, from the CPM, the PCI bridge (with its own interrupt controller), and from external pins (port C parallel I/O pins). Software watchdog timer Memory controller data errors PCI OR Bus monitor address only IRQ[0–7] IRQ0 Fall/ Level 8 IRQ5 MCP CINT IRQ[1–7] 16 Note 1 MPC8280 only Edge/ Fall Timer1 Timer2 Timer3 Timer4 FCC1 FCC2 FCC3 MCC11 MCC2 SCC1 SCC2 SCC3 USB/SCC4 SMC1 SMC2 SPI G2_LE Core INT Interrupt Controller Port C[0–15] PCI TMCNT PIT I2C IDMA1 IDMA2 IDMA3 IDMA4 SDMA RISC Timers TC layers1 Figure 4-8. MPC8280 Interrupt Structure MPC8280 PowerQUICC II Family Reference Manual, Rev. 1 4-8 Freescale Semiconductor System Interface Unit (SIU) If the software watchdog timer is programmed to generate an interrupt, it always generates a machine check interrupt to the core. The external IRQ0 can generate MCP as well. Note that the core takes the machine check interrupt when MCP is asserted; it takes an external interrupt for any other interrupt asserted by the interrupt controller. The core will take the critical interrupt when CINT is asserted. The interrupt controller allows masking of each interrupt source. Multiple events within a CPM sub-block event are also maskable. All interrupt sources are prioritized and bits are set in the interrupt pending register (SIPNR). On the MPC8280, the prioritization of the interrupt sources is flexible in the following two aspects: • The relative priority of the FCCs, SCCs, and MCCs can be modified • One interrupt source can be assigned the highest priority When an unmasked interrupt source is pending in the SIPNR, the interrupt controller sends an interrupt request to the core. When an exception is taken, the interrupt mask bit in the machine state register (MSR[EE]) is cleared to disable further interrupt requests until software can handle them. The SIU interrupt vector register (SIVEC) is updated with a 6-bit vector corresponding to the sub-block with the highest current priority. Machine Check Interrupt There are several sources for a machine check interrupt (MCP): • Software watchdog timer (when programmed to generate an interrupt—See Section 4.1.5, “Software Watchdog Timer.”) • IRQ0 signal (when the internal core is enabled) • Memory controller for parity/ECC errors (see Section 10.2.6, “Machine Check Interrupt (MCP) Generation”) • PCI bridge • Bus monitor time out (on an address only transaction—see Section 4.1.1, “Bus Monitor”) When the internal core is enabled, these sources cause the interrupt controller to send a MCP to the core. When the core is disabled the MCP assertion is reflected on IRQ0/NMI_OUT so that an external core can serve it. INT Interrupt Besides the MCP sources listed above, other interrupts are taken by the core through the INT interrupt. If the internal core is disabled, INT is reflected on IRQ7/INT_OUT so that an external core can serve it. The interrupt controller allows masking of each interrupt source. Multiple events within a CPM sub-block event are also maskable. 4.2.2 Interrupt Source Priorities The interrupt controller has 37 interrupt sources that assert one interrupt request to the core. Table 4-2 shows prioritization of all interrupt sources. As described in following sections, flexibility exists in the MPC8280 PowerQUICC II Family Reference Manual, Rev. 1 Freescale Semiconductor 4-9 System Interface Unit (SIU) relative ordering of the interrupts, but, in general, relative priorities are as shown. A single interrupt priority number is associated with each table entry. Note that the group and spread options, shown with YCC entries in Table 4-2, are described in Section, “SCC, FCC, and MCC Relative Priority.” Table 4-2. Interrupt Source Priority Levels Priority Level Interrupt Source Description Multiple Events 1 Highest — 2 XSIU1 No (TMCNT,PIT,PCI = Yes) 3 XSIU2 (Grouped) No (TMCNT,PIT,PCI = Yes) 4 XSIU3 (Grouped) No (TMCNT,PIT,PCI = Yes) 5 XSIU4 (Grouped) No (TMCNT,PIT,PCI = Yes) 6 XCC1 Yes 7 XCC2 Yes 8 XCC3 Yes 9 XCC4 Yes 10 XSIU2 (Spread) No (TMCNT,PIT,PCI = Yes) 11 XCC5 Yes 12 XCC6 Yes 13 XCC7 Yes 14 XCC8 Yes 15 XSIU5 (Grouped) No (TMCNT,PIT,PCI = Yes) 16 XSIU6 (Grouped) No (TMCNT,PIT,PCI = Yes) 17 XSIU7 (Grouped) No (TMCNT,PIT,PCI = Yes) 18 XSIU8 (Grouped) No (TMCNT,PIT,PCI = Yes) 19 XSIU3 (Spread) No (TMCNT,PIT,PCI = Yes) 20 YCC1 (Grouped) Yes 21 YCC2 (Grouped) Yes 22 YCC3 (Grouped) Yes 23 YCC4 (Grouped) Yes 24 YCC5 (Grouped) Yes 25 YCC6 (Grouped) Yes 26 YCC7 (Grouped) Yes MPC8280 PowerQUICC II Family Reference Manual, Rev. 1 4-10 Freescale Semiconductor System Interface Unit (SIU) Table 4-2. Interrupt Source Priority Levels (continued) Priority Level Interrupt Source Description Multiple Events 27 YCC8 (Grouped) Yes 28 XSIU4 (Spread) No (TMCNT,PIT,PCI = Yes) 29 Parallel I/O–PC15 Yes 30 Timer 1 Yes 31 Parallel I/O–PC14 Yes 32 YCC1 (Spread) Yes 33 Parallel I/O–PC13 Yes 34 SDMA Bus Error Yes 35 USB Yes 36 IDMA1 Yes 37 YCC2 (Spread) Yes 38 Parallel I/O–PC12 No 39 Parallel I/O–PC11 No 40 IDMA2 Yes 41 Timer 2 Yes 42 Parallel I/O–PC10 No 43 XSIU5 (GSIU = 1) No (TMCNT,PIT,PCI = Yes) 44 YCC3 (Spread) Yes 45 RISC Timer Table Yes 46 I2C Yes 47 YCC4 (Spread) Yes 48 Parallel I/O–PC9 No 49 Parallel I/O–PC8 No 50 IRQ6 No 51 IDMA3 Yes 52 IRQ7 No 53 Timer 3 Yes 54 XSIU6 (GSIU = 1) No (TMCNT,PIT,PCI = Yes) 55 YCC5 (Spread) Yes 56 Parallel I/O–PC7 No 57 Parallel I/O–PC6 No 58 Parallel I/O–PC5 No 59 Timer 4 Yes MPC8280 PowerQUICC II Family Reference Manual, Rev. 1 Freescale Semiconductor 4-11 System Interface Unit (SIU) Table 4-2. Interrupt Source Priority Levels (continued) Priority Level Interrupt Source Description Multiple Events 60 YCC6 (Spread) Yes 61 Parallel I/O–PC4 No 62 XSIU7 (GSIU = 1) No (TMCNT,PIT,PCI = Yes) 63 IDMA4 Yes 64 SPI Yes 65 Parallel I/O–PC3 No 66 Parallel I/O–PC2 No 67 SMC1 Yes 68 YCC7 (spread) Yes 69 SMC2 Yes 70 Parallel I/O–PC1 No 71 Parallel I/O–PC0 No 72 XSIU8 (GSIU = 1) No (TMCNT,PIT,PCI = Yes) 73 YCC8(spread) Yes 74 Reserved — Notice the lack of SDMA interrupt sources, which are reported through each individual FCC, SCC, SMC, SPI, or I2C channel. The only true SDMA interrupt source is the SDMA channel bus error entry that is reported when a bus error occurs during an SDMA access. There are two ways to add flexibility to the table of CPM interrupt priorities—the FCC, MCC, and SCC relative priority option, described in Section, “SCC, FCC, and MCC Relative Priority,” and the highest priority option, described in Section, “Highest Priority Interrupt.” SCC, FCC, and MCC Relative Priority The relative priority between the four SCCs, three FCCs, and MCC is programmable and can be changed dynamically. In Table 4-2 there is no entry for SCC1–SCC4, MCC1–MCC2, FCC1–FCC3, but rather there are entries for XCC1–XCC8 and YCC1–YCC8. Each SCC can be mapped to any YCC location and each FCC and MCC can be mapped to any XCC location. The SCC, FCC, and MCC priorities are programmed in the CPM interrupt priority registers (SCPRR_H and SCPRR_L) and can be changed dynamically to implement a rotating priority. In addition, the grouping of the locations of the YCC entries has the following two options • Group. In the group scheme, all SCCs are grouped together at the top of the priority table, ahead of most other CPM interrupt sources. This scheme is ideal for applications where all SCCs, FCCs, and MCCs function at a very high data rate and interrupt latency is very important. MPC8280 PowerQUICC II Family Reference Manual, Rev. 1 4-12 Freescale Semiconductor System Interface Unit (SIU) • Spread. In the spread scheme, priorities are spread over the table so other sources can have lower interrupt latencies. This scheme is also programmed in the SICR but cannot be changed dynamically. PIT, TMCNT, PCI, and IRQ Relative Priority The MPC8280 has seven general-purpose interrupt requests (IRQs), five of which, with the PIT, the PCI interrupt controller, and TMCNT, can be mapped to any XSIU location. IRQ6 and IRQ7 have fixed priority. Highest Priority Interrupt In addition to the FCC/MCC/SCC relative priority option, SICR[HP] can be used to specify one interrupt source as having highest priority. This interrupt remains within the same interrupt level as the other interrupt controller interrupts, but is serviced before any other interrupt in the table. If the highest priority feature is not used, select the interrupt request in XSIU1 to be the highest priority interrupt; the standard interrupt priority order is used. SICR[HP] can be updated dynamically to allow the user to change a normally low priority source into a high priority-source for a certain period. 4.2.3 Masking Interrupt Sources By programming the SIU mask registers, SIMR_H and SIMR_L, the user can mask interrupt requests to the core. Each SIMR bit corresponds to an interrupt source. To enable an interrupt, set the corresponding SIMR bit. When a masked interrupt source has a pending interrupt request, the corresponding SIPNR bit is set, even though the interrupt is not generated to the core. The user can mask all interrupt sources to implement a polling interrupt servicing scheme. When an interrupt source has multiple interrupting events, the user can individually mask these events by programming a mask register within that block. Table 4-2 shows which interrupt sources have multiple interrupting events. Figure 4-9 shows an example of how the masking occurs, using an SCC as an example. MPC8280 PowerQUICC II Family Reference Manual, Rev. 1 Freescale Semiconductor 4-13 System Interface Unit (SIU) SCCE SIPNR Event Bit 13 Input (or 13 Event Bits) Request to the core (Other Unmasked Requests) SCCM SIMR Mask Bit Mask Bit Figure 4-9. Interrupt Request Masking 4.2.4 Interrupt Vector Generation and Calculation Pending unmasked interrupts are presented to the core in order of priority. The interrupt vector that allows the core to locate the interrupt service routine is made available to the core by reading SIVEC. The interrupt controller passes an interrupt vector corresponding to the highest-priority, unmasked, pending interrupt. Table 4-3 lists encodings for the six low-order bits of the interrupt vector. Table 4-3. Encoding the Interrupt Vector Interrupt Number Interrupt Source Description Interrupt Vector 0 Error (No interrupt) 0b00_0000 1 I2C 0b00_0001 2 SPI 0b00_0010 3 RISC Timers 0b00_0011 4 SMC1 0b00_0100 5 SMC2 0b00_0101 MPC8280 PowerQUICC II Family Reference Manual, Rev. 1 4-14 Freescale Semiconductor System Interface Unit (SIU) Table 4-3. Encoding the Interrupt Vector (continued) Interrupt Number Interrupt Source Description Interrupt Vector 6 IDMA1 0b00_0110 7 IDMA2 0b00_0111 8 IDMA3 0b00_1000 9 IDMA4 0b00_1001 10 SDMA 0b00_1010 11 USB 0b00_1011 12 Timer1 0b00_1100 13 Timer2 0b00_1101 14 Timer3 0b00_1110 15 Timer4 0b00_1111 16 TMCNT 0b01_0000 17 PIT 0b01_0001 18 PCI 0b01_0010 19 IRQ1 0b01_0011 20 IRQ2 0b01_0100 21 IRQ3 0b01_0101 22 IRQ4 0b01_0110 23 IRQ5 0b01_0111 24 IRQ6 0b01_1000 25 IRQ7 0b01_1001 26–31 Reserved 0b01_1010–01_1111 32 FCC1 0b10_0000 33 FCC2 0b10_0001 34 FCC3 0b10_0010 35 Reserved 0b10_0011 36 MCC11 0b10_0100 37 MCC2 0b10_0101 38 Reserved 0b10_0110 39 Reserved 0b10_0111 40 SCC1 0b10_1000 41 SCC2 0b10_1001 42 SCC3 0b10_1010 43 SCC4 0b10_1011 MPC8280 PowerQUICC II Family Reference Manual, Rev. 1 Freescale Semiconductor 4-15 System Interface Unit (SIU) Table 4-3. Encoding the Interrupt Vector (continued) 1 Interrupt Number Interrupt Source Description Interrupt Vector 44 TC Layer1 0b10_1100 45–47 Reserved 0b10_11xx 48 PC15 0b11_0000 49 PC14 0b11_0001 50 PC13 0b11_0010 51 PC12 0b11_0011 52 PC11 0b11_0100 53 PC10 0b11_0101 54 PC9 0b11_0110 55 PC8 0b11_0111 56 PC7 0b11_1000 57 PC6 0b11_1001 58 PC5 0b11_1010 59 PC4 0b11_1011 60 PC3 0b11_1100 61 PC2 0b11_1101 62 PC1 0b11_1110 63 PC0 0b11_1111 MPC8280 only. Note that the interrupt vector table differs from the interrupt priority table in only two ways: • FCC, SCC, and MCC vectors are fixed; they are not affected by the SCC group mode, spread mode, or the relative priority order of the FCCs, SCCs, and MCC. • An error vector exists as the last entry in Table 4-3. The error vector is issued when no interrupt is requesting service. Port C External Interrupts There are 16 external interrupts, coming from the parallel I/O port C pins, PC[0–15]. When ones of these pins is configured as an input, a change according to the SIU external interrupt control register (SIEXR) causes an interrupt request signal to be sent to the interrupt controller. PC[0–15] lines can be programmed to assert an interrupt request upon any change. Each port C line asserts a unique interrupt request to the interrupt pending register and has a different internal interrupt priority level within the interrupt controller. Requests can be masked independently in the interrupt mask register (SIMR). Notice that the global SIMR is cleared on system reset so pins left floating do not cause false interrupts. MPC8280 PowerQUICC II Family Reference Manual, Rev. 1 4-16 Freescale Semiconductor System Interface Unit (SIU) 4.3 Programming Model The SIU registers are grouped into the following three categories: • Interrupt controller registers. These registers control configuration, prioritization, and masking of interrupts. They also include registers for determining the interrupt sources. These registers are described in Section 4.3.1, “Interrupt Controller Registers.” • System configuration and protection registers. These include registers for configuring the SIU, defining the base address for the internal memory map, configuring the watchdog timer, specifying bus characteristics, as well as general functionality of the 60x, and local buses such as arbitration, error status, and control. These registers are described in Section 4.3.2, “System Configuration and Protection Registers.” • Periodic interrupt registers. These include registers for configuring and providing status for periodic interrupts. See Section 4.3.3, “Periodic Interrupt Registers.” 4.3.1 Interrupt Controller Registers There are seven interrupt controller registers, described in the following sections: • Section, “SIU Interrupt Configuration Register (SICR)” • Section, “SIU Interrupt Priority Register (SIPRR)” • Section, “CPM Interrupt Priority Registers (SCPRR_H and SCPRR_L)” • Section, “SIU Interrupt Pending Registers (SIPNR_H and SIPNR_L)” • Section, “SIU Interrupt Mask Registers (SIMR_H and SIMR_L)” • Section, “SIU Interrupt Vector Register (SIVEC)” • Section, “SIU External Interrupt Control Register (SIEXR)” SIU Interrupt Configuration Register (SICR) The SIU interrupt configuration register (SICR), shown in Figure 4-10, defines the highest priority interrupt and whether interrupts are grouped or spread in the priority table, Table 4-2. 0 Field 1 — Reset 2 7 8 HP 13 — 14 15 GSIU SPS 0000_0000_0000_0000 R/W R/W Addr 0x10C00 Figure 4-10. SIU Interrupt Configuration Register (SICR) MPC8280 PowerQUICC II Family Reference Manual, Rev. 1 Freescale Semiconductor 4-17 System Interface Unit (SIU) The SICR register bits are described in Table 4-4. Table 4-4. SICR Field Descriptions Bits Name Description 0–1 — Reserved, should be cleared. 2–7 HP Highest priority. Specifies the 6-bit interrupt number of the single interrupt controller interrupt source that is advanced to the highest priority in the table. HP can be modified dynamically. To retain the original priority, program HP to the interrupt number assigned to XSIU1. Port C interrupts have a fixed priority level and cannot be advanced to the highest priority level. 8–13 — Reserved, should be cleared. 14 GSIU Group SIU. Selects the relative XSIU priority scheme. It cannot be changed dynamically. 0 Grouped. The XSIUs are grouped by priority at the top of the table. 1 Spread. The XSIUs are spread by priority in the table. 15 SPS Spread priority scheme. Selects the relative YCC priority scheme. It cannot be changed dynamically. 0 Grouped. The YCCs are grouped by priority at the top of the table. 1 Spread. The YCCs are spread by priority in the table. SIU Interrupt Priority Register (SIPRR) The SIU interrupt priority register (SIPRR), shown in Figure 4-11, defines the priority between IRQ1–IRQ5, PIT, PCI, and TMCNT. 0 2 3 5 6 8 9 11 12 15 Field XS1P XS2P XS3P XS4P — Reset 000 001 010 011 0000 R/W R/W Addr 0x10C10 16 18 19 21 22 24 25 27 28 31 Field XS5P XS6P XS7P XS8P — Reset 100 101 110 111 0000 R/W R/W Addr 0x10C12 Figure 4-11. SIU Interrupt Priority Register (SIPRR) MPC8280 PowerQUICC II Family Reference Manual, Rev. 1 4-18 Freescale Semiconductor System Interface Unit (SIU) The SIPRR register bits are described in Table 4-5. Table 4-5. SIPRR Field Descriptions Bits Name Description 0–2 XS1P–XSIU1 Priority order. Defines which PIT/TMCNT/PCI/IRQs asserts its request in the XSIU1 priority position. The user should not program the same PIT/TMCNT/PCI/IRQs to more than one priority position (1–8). These bits can be changed dynamically. 000 TMCNT asserts its request in the XSIU1 position. 001 PIT asserts its request in the XSIU1 position. 010 PCI asserts its request in the XSIU1 position. 011 IRQ1 asserts its request in the XSIU1 position. 100 IRQ2 asserts its request in the XSIU1 position. 101 IRQ3 asserts its request in the XSIU1 position. 110 IRQ4 asserts its request in the XSIU1 position. 111 IRQ5 asserts its request in the XSIU1 position. 3–11, 16–27 XS2P– XS8P Same as XS1P, but for XSIU2–XSIU8. 12–15, 28–31 — Reserved, should be cleared. CPM Interrupt Priority Registers (SCPRR_H and SCPRR_L) The CPM high interrupt priority register (SCPRR_H), shown in Figure 4-12, define priorities between the FCCs and MCCs. 0 2 3 5 6 8 9 11 12 15 Field XC1P XC2P XC3P XC4P — Reset 000 001 010 011 0000 R/W R/W Addr 0x10C14 16 18 19 21 22 24 25 27 28 31 Field XC5P XC6P XC7P XC8P — Reset 100 101 110 111 0000 R/W R/W Addr 0x10C16 Figure 4-12. CPM High Interrupt Priority Register (SCPRR_H) MPC8280 PowerQUICC II Family Reference Manual, Rev. 1 Freescale Semiconductor 4-19 System Interface Unit (SIU) Table 4-6 describes SCPRR_H fields. Table 4-6. SCPRR_H Field Descriptions Bits Name 0–2 XC1P–XCC1 Priority order. Defines which FCC/MCC asserts its request in the XCC1 priority position. The user should not program the same FCC/MCC to more than one priority position (1–8). These bits can be changed dynamically. 000 FCC1 asserts its request in the XCC1 position. 001 FCC2 asserts its request in the XCC1 position. 010 FCC3 asserts its request in the XCC1 position. 011 XCC1 position not active. 100 MCC1 asserts its request in the XCC1 position.1 101 MCC2 asserts its request in the XCC1 position. 110 XCC1 position not active. 111 XCC1 position not active. 3–11 XC2P–XC4P Same as XC1P, but for XCC2–XCC4 12–15 16–27 — Reserved, should be cleared. XC5P–XC8P Same as XC1P, but for XCC5–XCC8 28–31 1 Description — Reserved, should be cleared. MPC8280 only. The CPM low interrupt priority register (SCPRR_L), shown in Figure 4-13, defines prioritization of SCCs and TC layer. 0 2 3 5 6 8 9 11 12 15 Field YC1P YC2P YC3P YC4P — Reset 000 001 010 011 0000 R/W R/W Addr 0x10C18 16 18 19 21 22 24 25 27 28 31 Field YC5P YC6P YC7P YC8P — Reset 100 101 110 111 0000 R/W R/W Addr 0x10C20 Figure 4-13. CPM Low Interrupt Priority Register (SCPRR_L) MPC8280 PowerQUICC II Family Reference Manual, Rev. 1 4-20 Freescale Semiconductor System Interface Unit (SIU) Table 4-7 describes SCPRR_L fields. Table 4-7. SCPRR_L Field Descriptions Bits Name Description 0–2 YC1P–YCC1 Priority order. Defines which SCC asserts its request in the YCC1 priority position. Do not program the same SCC to multiple priority positions. This field can be changed dynamically. 000 SCC1 asserts its request in the YCC1 position. 001 SCC2 asserts its request in the YCC1 position. 010 SCC3 asserts its request in the YCC1 position. 011 SCC4 asserts its request in the YCC1 position. 100 TC layer asserts its request in the YCC1 position (MPC8280 only. Reserved on other devices.) 1XX YCC1 position is not active. 3–11 YC2P–YC8P Same as YC1P, but for YCC2–YCC8 12–15 — Reserved, should be cleared. 16–27 YC5P–YC8P Same as YC1P, but for YCC5–YCC8 28–31 — Reserved, should be cleared. SIU Interrupt Pending Registers (SIPNR_H and SIPNR_L) Each bit in the interrupt pending registers (SIPNR_H and SIPNR_L), shown in Figure 4-14 and Figure 4-15, corresponds to an interrupt source. When an interrupt is received, the interrupt controller sets the corresponding SIPNR bit. 0 Field PC0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 PC1 PC2 PC3 PC4 PC5 PC6 PC7 PC8 Reset R/W Addr 0x10C08 16 Reset — 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 11 12 PC9 PC10 PC11 PC12 24 IRQ1 IRQ2 IRQ3 IRQ4 IRQ5 IRQ6 IRQ7 28 — Undefined (the user should write 1s to clear these bits before using) R/W R/W Addr 0x10C10 1 These 10 13 PC13 14 15 PC14 PC15 Undefined (the user should write 1s to clear these bits before using) R/W Field 9 29 30 31 TMCNT PIT PCI 01 01 01 fields are zero after reset because their corresponding mask register bits are cleared (disabled). Figure 4-14. SIPNR_H MPC8280 PowerQUICC II Family Reference Manual, Rev. 1 Freescale Semiconductor 4-21 System Interface Unit (SIU) Figure 4-15 shows SIPNR_L fields. 0 1 2 Field FCC1 FCC2 FCC3 3 — 4 5 6 7 2 MCC1 MCC2 8 — 10 11 SCC1 SCC2 SCC3 SCC4 12 TC 13 2 15 — 0000_0000_0000_00001 Reset R/W R/W Addr 0x10C0C 16 Field I2C Reset 9 17 SPI 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 RTT SMC1 SMC2 IDMA1 IDMA2 IDMA3 IDMA4 SDMA 26 — 27 28 29 R/W Addr 0x10C0E 31 TIMER1 TIMER2 TIMER3 TIMER4 — 0000_0000_0000_0001 R/W 30 01 1 These 2 fields are zero after reset because their corresponding mask register bits are cleared (disabled). MPC8280 only. Reserved on all other devices. Figure 4-15. SIPNR_L When a pending interrupt is handled, the user clears the corresponding SIPNR bit. However, if an event register exists, the unmasked event register bits should be cleared instead, causing the SIPNR bit to be cleared. SIPNR bits are cleared by writing ones to them. Because the user can only clear bits in this register, writing zeros to this register has no effect. Note that the SCC/FCC/MCC SIPNR bit positions are not changed according to their relative priority. SIU Interrupt Mask Registers (SIMR_H and SIMR_L) Each bit in the SIU interrupt mask register (SIMR) corresponds to a interrupt source. The user masks an interrupt by clearing and enables an interrupt by setting the corresponding SIMR bit. When a masked interrupt occurs, the corresponding SIPNR bit is set, regardless of the SIMR bit although no interrupt request is passed to the core. If an interrupt source requests interrupt service when the user clears its SIMR bit, the request stops. If the user sets the SIMR bit later, a previously pending interrupt request is processed by the core, according to its assigned priority. The SIMR can be read by the user at any time. MPC8280 PowerQUICC II Family Reference Manual, Rev. 1 4-22 Freescale Semiconductor System Interface Unit (SIU) Figure 4-16 shows the SIMR_H register. 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 Field PC0 PC1 PC2 PC3 PC4 PC5 PC6 PC7 PC8 PC9 PC10 PC11 PC12 Reset PC13 14 15 PC14 PC15 0000_0000_0000_0000 R/W R/W Addr 0x10C1C 16 Field 13 17 — 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 28 IRQ1 IRQ2 IRQ3 IRQ4 IRQ5 IRQ6 IRQ7 Reset 29 30 31 TMCNT PIT PCI 11 12 13 SCC4 TC1 27 28 — 0000_0000_0000_0000 R/W R/W Addr 0x10C1E Figure 4-16. SIMR_H Figure 4-17 shows SIMR_L. 0 1 2 Field FCC1 FCC2 FCC3 3 4 — 5 7 MCC11 MCC2 Reset — 8 9 10 SCC1 SCC2 SCC3 15 — 0000_0000_0000_0000 R/W R/W Addr 0x10C20 16 Field I2C 17 SPI 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 RTT SMC1 SMC2 IDMA1 IDMA2 IDMA3 IDMA4 SDMA Reset 2 6 26 — 29 30 31 TIMER1 TIMER2 TIMER3 TIMER4 — 0000_0000_0000_0000 R/W R/W Addr 0x10C22 MPC8280 only. Reserved on the other devices. Figure 4-17. SIMR_L Note the following: • SCC/TC/MCC/FCC SIMR bit positions are not affected by their relative priority. • The user can clear pending register bits that were set by multiple interrupt events only by clearing all unmasked events in the corresponding event register. • If an SIMR bit is masked at the same time that the corresponding SIPNR bit causes an interrupt request to the core, the error vector is issued (if no other interrupts pending). Thus, the user should always include an error vector routine, even if it contains only an rfi instruction. The error vector cannot be masked. MPC8280 PowerQUICC II Family Reference Manual, Rev. 1 Freescale Semiconductor 4-23 System Interface Unit (SIU) SIU Interrupt Vector Register (SIVEC) The SIU interrupt vector register (SIVEC), shown in Figure 4-18, contains an 8-bit code representing the unmasked interrupt source of the highest priority level. 0 5 Field Interrupt Code Reset 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0000_0000_0000_0000 R/W R Addr 0x10C04 Field Reset 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0000_0000_0000_0000 R/W R Addr 0x10C06 Figure 4-18. SIU Interrupt Vector Register (SIVEC) The SIVEC can be read as either a byte, half word, or a word. When read as a byte, a branch table can be used in which each entry contains one instruction (branch). When read as a half word, each entry can contain a full routine of up to 256 instructions. The interrupt code is defined such that its two lsbs are zeroes, allowing indexing into the table, as shown in Figure 4-19. MPC8280 PowerQUICC II Family Reference Manual, Rev. 1 4-24 Freescale Semiconductor System Interface Unit (SIU) INTR: • • • INTR: • • • Save state R3 <- @ SIVEC R4 <-- BASE OF BRANCH TABLE Save state R3 <- @ SIVEC R4 <-- BASE OF BRANCH TABLE ••• ••• lbz add mtspr bctr RX, R3 (0) # load as byte RX, RX, R4 CTR, RX BASE b Routine1 lhz add mtspr bctr BASE RX, R3 (0) # load as half RX, RX, R4 CTR, RX 1st Instruction of Routine1 • BASE + 4 b Routine2 BASE + 400 1st Instruction of Routine2 • BASE + 8 b Routine3 BASE + 800 1st Instruction of Routine3 BASE + C b Routine4 BASE + C00 1st Instruction of Routine4 • • BASE +10 • BASE +1000 • • BASE + n • BASE + n • • Figure 4-19. Interrupt Table Handling Example NOTE The MPC8280 differs from previous MPC8xx implementations in that when an interrupt request occurs, SIVEC can be read. If there are multiple interrupt sources, SIVEC latches the highest priority interrupt. Note that the value of SIVEC cannot change while it is being read. SIU External Interrupt Control Register (SIEXR) Each defined bit in the SIU external interrupt control register (SIEXR), shown in Figure 4-20, determines whether the corresponding port C line asserts an interrupt request upon either a high-to-low change or any change on the pin. External interrupts can come from port C (PC[0-15]). MPC8280 PowerQUICC II Family Reference Manual, Rev. 1 Freescale Semiconductor 4-25 System Interface Unit (SIU) 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 Field EDPC0 EDPC1 EDPC2 EDPC3 EDPC4 EDPC5 EDPC6 EDPC7 EDPC8 EDPC9 EDPC EDPC EDPC EDPC EDPC EDPC 10 Reset 11 12 13 14 15 0000_0000_0000_0000 R/W R/W Addr 0x10C24 16 Field EDI0 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 EDI1 EDI2 EDI3 EDI4 EDI5 EDI6 EDI7 Reset 24 31 — 0000_0000_0000_0000 R/W R/W Addr R 0x10C26 Figure 4-20. SIU External Interrupt Control Register (SIEXR) Table 4-8 describes SIEXR fields. Table 4-8. SIEXR Field Descriptions Bits Name 0–15 EDPCx 16–23 EDIx 4.3.2 Description Edge detect mode for port Cx. The corresponding port C line (PCx) asserts an interrupt request according to the following: 0 Any change on PCx generates an interrupt request. 1 High-to-low change on PCx generates an interrupt request. Edge detect mode for IRQ x. The corresponding IRQ line (IRQx) asserts an interrupt request according to the following: 0 Low assertion on IRQ x generates an interrupt request. 1 High-to-low change on IRQx generates an interrupt request. System Configuration and Protection Registers The system configuration and protection registers are described in the following sections. Bus Configuration Register (BCR) The bus configuration register (BCR), shown in Figure 4-21, contains configuration bits for various features and wait states on the 60x bus. MPC8280 PowerQUICC II Family Reference Manual, Rev. 1 4-26 Freescale Semiconductor System Interface Unit (SIU) 0 1 3 Field EBM 4 APD 5 L2C 7 L2D Reset note 1 10 PLDP DREF DAM 11 12 13 14 15 EAV ETM LETM EPAR LEPAR R/W 16 18 NPQM 19 20 — Reset 1 9 000_0000_0000_0000 R/W Field 8 21 22 EXDD LPLDP 25 — 26 27 28 SPAR ISPS 0000_0000_000 note 1 R/W R/W Addr 0x10024 31 — 0000 Depends on reset configuration sequence. See Section 5.4.1, “Hard Reset Configuration Word.” Figure 4-21. Bus Configuration Register (BCR) Figure 4-9 describes BCR fields. Table 4-9. BCR Field Descriptions Bits Name Description 0 EBM External bus mode. 0 Single MPC8280 bus mode is assumed 1 60x-compatible bus mode. For more information refer to Section 8.2, “Bus Configuration.” 1–3 APD Address phase delay. Specifies the number of address tenure wait states for address operations initiated by a 60x bus master. BCR[APD] specifies the number of address tenure wait states for address operations initiated by 60x-bus devices. APD indicates how many cycles the MPC8280 should wait for ARTRY, but because it is assumed that ARTRY can be asserted (by other masters) only on cachable address spaces, APD is considered only on transactions that hit one of the 60x-assigned memory controller banks and have the GBL signal asserted during address phase. 4 L2C Secondary cache controller. See Chapter 12, “Secondary (L2) Cache Support.” 0 No secondary cache controller is assumed. 1 An external secondary cache controller is assumed. 5–7 L2D L2 cache hit delay. Controls the number of clock cycles from the assertion of TS until HIT is valid. 8 PLDP 9 DREF Disable reflection. Disables reflection of system bus reflection on external pins of internal transfers on 60x bus. 0 Enable reflection 1 Disable reflection 10 DAM Pipeline maximum depth. See Section 8.4.5, “Pipeline Control.” 0 The pipeline maximum depth is one. 1 The pipeline maximum depth is zero. Delay all masters. Applies to all the masters on the bus (CPU, EXT, CPM). This bit is similar to BCR[EXDD] but with opposite polarity. 0 The memory controller inserts one wait state between the assertion of TS and the assertion of CS when external master accesses an address space controlled by the memory controller. 1 The memory controller asserts CS on the cycle following the assertion of TS by external master accessing an address space controlled by the memory controller. MPC8280 PowerQUICC II Family Reference Manual, Rev. 1 Freescale Semiconductor 4-27 System Interface Unit (SIU) Table 4-9. BCR Field Descriptions (continued) Bits Name Description 11 EAV Enable address visibility. Normally, when the MPC8280 is in single-MPC8280 bus mode, the bank select signals for SDRAM accesses are multiplexed on the 60x bus address lines. So, for SDRAM accesses, the internal address is not visible for debug purposes. However the bank select signals can also be driven on dedicated pins (see SIUMCR[APPC]). In this case EAV can be used to force address visibility. 0 Bank select signals are driven on 60x bus address lines. There is no full address visibility. 1 Bank select signals are not driven on address bus. During READ and WRITE commands to SDRAM devices, the full address is driven on 60x bus address lines. 12 ETM Compatibility mode enable. See Section, “Extended Transfer Mode.” 0 Strict 60x bus mode. Extended transfer mode is disabled. 1 Extended transfer mode is enabled. 13 LETM Local bus compatibility mode enable. See Section, “Extended Transfer Mode.” 0 Extended transfer mode is disabled on the local bus. 1 Extended transfer mode is enable on the local bus. Note that if the local bus memory controller is configured to work with read-modify-write parity, LETM must be cleared. 14 EPAR Even parity. Determines odd or even parity on the 60x bus. 0 Odd parity 1 Even parity Writing the memory with EPAR = 1 and reading the memory with EPAR = 0 generates parity errors for testing. 15 LEPAR Local bus even parity. Determines odd or even parity on the local bus. 0 Odd parity 1 Even parity Writing the memory with LEPAR = 1 and reading the memory with LEPAR = 0 generates parity errors for testing. 16–18 NPQM Non MPC8280 master. Identifies the type of bus masters which are connected to the arbitration lines when the MPC8280 is in internal arbiter mode. Possible types are MPC8280 master and non-MPC8280 master. This field is related to the data pipelining bits (BRx[DR]) in the memory controller. Because an external bus master that is not a MPC8280 cannot use the data pipelining feature, the MPC8280, which controls the memory, needs to know when a non-MPC8280 master is accessing the memory and handle the transaction differently. NPQM[0] designates the type of master connected to the set of pins BR, BG, and DBG. NPQM[1] designates the type of master connected to the set of pins EXT_BR2, EXT_BG2, and EXT_DBG2. NPQM[2] designates the type of master which is connected to the set of pins EXT_BR3, EXT_BG3 and EXT_DBG3 0 The bus master connected to the arbitration lines is a MPC8280. 1 The bus master connected to the arbitration lines is not a MPC8280. 19–20 — Reserved, should be cleared. MPC8280 PowerQUICC II Family Reference Manual, Rev. 1 4-28 Freescale Semiconductor System Interface Unit (SIU) Table 4-9. BCR Field Descriptions (continued) Bits Name Description 21 EXDD External master delay disable. Generally, the MPC8280 adds one clock cycle delay for each external master access to a region controlled by the memory controller. This occurs because the external master drives the address on the external pins (compared to internal master, like the MPC8280’s DMA, which drives the address on an internal bus in the chip). Thus, it is assumed that an additional cycle is needed for the memory controllers banks to complete the address match. However in some cases (when the bus is operated in low frequency), this extra cycle is not needed. The user can disable the extra cycle by setting EXDD. 0 The memory controller inserts one wait state between the assertion of TS and the assertion of CS when external master accesses an address space controlled by the memory controller. 1 The memory controller asserts CS on the cycle following the assertion of TS by external master accessing an address space controlled by the memory controller. 22 LPLDP Local bus pipeline maximum depth. See Section 8.4.5, “Pipeline Control.” 0 The local bus pipeline maximum depth is one. 1 The local bus pipeline maximum depth is zero. 23–25 — 26 SPAR Slave parity check. If set enables parity check on 60x bus transactions to the MPC8280's internal memory space. In case of a parity error a core machine check is asserted and the error is reported in TESCR1[ISBE,PAR] and TESCR2[REGS,DPR,PCI0,PCI1,LCL]. 27 ISPS Internal space port size. Defines the port size of MPC8280’s internal space region as seen to external masters. Setting ISPS enables a 32-bit master to access MPC8280 internal space. 0 MPC8280 acts as a 64-bit slave to external masters accesses to its internal space. 1 MPC8280 acts as a 32-bit slave to external masters accesses to its internal space. 28–31 — Reserved, should be cleared. Reserved, should be cleared. 60x Bus Arbiter Configuration Register (PPC_ACR) The 60x bus arbiter configuration register (PPC_ACR), shown in Figure 4-22, defines the arbiter modes and parked master on the 60x bus. 0 Field Reset 1 — 000 2 3 DBGD EARB1 4 PRKM See note 0010 R/W R/W Addr 0x10028 1 7 Depends on reset configuration sequence. See Section 5.4.1, “Hard Reset Configuration Word.” Figure 4-22. PPC_ACR MPC8280 PowerQUICC II Family Reference Manual, Rev. 1 Freescale Semiconductor 4-29 System Interface Unit (SIU) Table 4-10 describes PPC_ACR fields. Table 4-10. PPC_ACR Field Descriptions Bits Name 0–1 — 2 DBGD Data bus grant delay. Specifies the minimum number of data tenure wait states for 60x bus master-initiated data operations. This is the minimum delay between TS and DBG. 0 DBG is asserted with TS if the data bus is free. 1 DBG is asserted one cycle after TS if the data bus is not busy. See Section 8.5.1, “Data Bus Arbitration.” 3 EARB External arbitration. 0 Internal arbitration is performed. See Section 8.3.1, “Arbitration Phase.” 1 External arbitration is assumed. 4–7 PRKM Parking master. 0000 CPM high request level refers to the IDMA which involves peripherals and the following serial channels (SCC, SPI, SMC, and I2C) 0001 CPM middle request level refers to all other serial channels (FCCs and MCCs) 0010 CPM low request level: it is possible to change the request level for all FCCs and MCCs to low priority when PPC_ACR[4–7] = 0010 and FCRx[1] = 1 (See Section 30.7.1, “FCC Function Code Registers (FCRx).”) 0011 PCI request level. Reserved on all other devices. 0100 Reserved 0101 Reserved 0110 Internal core 0111 External master 1 1000 External master 2 1001 External master 3 Values 1010–1111 are reserved. Description Reserved, should be cleared. 60x Bus Arbitration-Level Registers (PPC_ALRH/PPC_ALRL) The 60x bus arbitration-level registers, shown in Figure 4-23 and Figure 4-24, define arbitration priority of MPC8280 bus masters. Priority field 0 has highest-priority. For information about MPC8280 bus master indexes, see the description of PPC_ACR[PRKM] in Table 4-10. 0 3 4 7 8 11 12 15 Field Priority Field 0 Priority Field 1 Priority Field 2 Priority Field 3 Reset 0000 0001 0010 0110 R/W R/W Addr 0x1002C 16 19 20 23 24 27 28 31 Field Priority Field 4 Priority Field 5 Priority Field 6 Priority Field 7 Reset 0011 0100 0101 0111 R/W R/W Addr 0x1002E Figure 4-23. PPC_ALRH MPC8280 PowerQUICC II Family Reference Manual, Rev. 1 4-30 Freescale Semiconductor System Interface Unit (SIU) PPC_ALRL, shown in Figure 4-24, defines arbitration priority of 60x bus masters 8–15. Priority field 0 is the highest-priority arbitration level. For information about the MPC8280 bus master indexes, see the description of PPC_ACR[PRKM] in Table 4-10. 0 3 4 7 8 11 12 15 Field Priority Field 8 Priority Field 9 Priority Field 10 Priority Field 11 Reset 1000 1001 1010 1011 R/W R/W Addr 0x10030 16 19 20 23 24 27 28 31 Field Priority Field 12 Priority Field 13 Priority Field 14 Priority Field 15 Reset 1100 1101 1110 1111 R/W R/W Addr 0x10032 Figure 4-24. PPC_ALRL Local Bus Arbiter Configuration Register (LCL_ACR) The local bus arbiter configuration register (LCL_ACR), shown in Figure 4-25, defines the arbiter modes and the parked master on the local bus. 0 Field 1 — 2 3 DBGD — Reset 4 7 PRKM 0000_0010 R/W R/W Addr 0x10034 Figure 4-25. LCL_ACR Table 4-11 describes LCL_ACR register bits. Table 4-11. LCL_ACR Field Descriptions Bits Name 0–1 — 2 3 Description Reserved, should be cleared. DBGD Data bus grant delay. Specifies the minimum number of data tenure wait states for PowerPC master-initiated data operations. This is the minimum delay between TS and DBG. 0 DBG is asserted with TS if the data bus is free. 1 DBG is asserted one cycle after TS if the data bus is not busy. See Section 8.5.1, “Data Bus Arbitration.” — Reserved, should be cleared. MPC8280 PowerQUICC II Family Reference Manual, Rev. 1 Freescale Semiconductor 4-31 System Interface Unit (SIU) Table 4-11. LCL_ACR Field Descriptions (continued) Bits Name 4–7 PRKM Parking master. Defines the parked master. 0000 CPM high request level refers to the IDMA which involves peripherals and the following serial channels (SCC, SPI, SMC, and I2C) 0001 CPM middle request level refers to all other serial channels (FCCs and MCCs) 0010 CPM low request level: it is possible to change the request level for all FCCs and MCCs to low priority when PPC_ACR[4–7] = 0010 and FCRx[1] = 1 (See Section 28.7.1, “FCC Function Code Registers (FCRx).” 0011 Host bridge Values 0100–1111 are reserved. Description Local Bus Arbitration Level Registers (LCL_ALRH and LCL_ACRL) The local bus arbitration level registers (LCL_ALRH and LCL_ALRL), shown in Figure 4-26 and Figure 4-27, define arbitration priority for local bus masters 0–7. Priority field 0 has highest-priority. For information about the MPC8280 local bus master indexes see LCL_ACR[PRKM] in Table 4-11. 0 3 4 7 8 11 12 15 Field Priority Field 0 Priority Field 1 Priority Field 2 Priority Field 3 Reset 0000 0001 0010 0110 R/W R/W Addr 0x10038 16 19 20 23 24 27 28 31 Field Priority Field 4 Priority Field 5 Priority Field 6 Priority Field 7 Reset 0011 0100 0101 0111 R/W R/W Addr 0x10040 Figure 4-26. LCL_ALRH MPC8280 PowerQUICC II Family Reference Manual, Rev. 1 4-32 Freescale Semiconductor System Interface Unit (SIU) LCL_ALRL, shown in Figure 4-27, defines arbitration priority of MPC8280 local bus masters 8–15. 0 3 4 7 8 11 12 15 Field Priority Field 8 Priority Field 9 Priority Field 10 Priority Field 11 Reset 1000 1001 1010 1011 R/W R/W Addr 0x1003C 16 19 20 23 24 27 28 31 Field Priority Field 12 Priority Field 13 Priority Field 14 Priority Field 15 Reset 1100 1101 1110 1111 R/W R/W Addr 0x1003E Figure 4-27. LCL_ALRL SIU Module Configuration Register (SIUMCR) The SIU module configuration register (SIUMCR), shown in Figure 4-28, contains bits that configure various features in the SIU module. 0 1 2 3 Field BBD ESE PBSE CDIS Reset see note 4 5 DPPC 6 7 L2CPC 00 R/W Addr 0x10000 17 18 19 Field MMR LPBSE — Reset see note 0 see note 20 21 LBPC 10 11 APPC 12 13 CS10PC 15 BCTLC 31 DBA ABA 0 14 00 22 — 0 see note R/W R/W Addr 0x10002 1 9 see note R/W 16 8 Depends on rest configuration sequence. See Section 5.4.1, “Hard Reset Configuration Word.” Figure 4-28. SIU Model Configuration Register (SIUMCR) MPC8280 PowerQUICC II Family Reference Manual, Rev. 1 Freescale Semiconductor 4-33 System Interface Unit (SIU) Table 4-12 describes SIUMCR fields. Table 4-12. SIUMCR Register Field Descriptions Bits Name Description 0 BBD Bus busy disable. 0 ABB/IRQ2 pin is ABB, DBB/IRQ3 pin is DBB 1 ABB/IRQ2 pin is IRQ2, DBB/IRQ3 pin is IRQ3 1 ESE External snoop enable. Configures GBL/IRQ1 0 External snooping disabled. (GBL/IRQ1 pin is IRQ1) 1 External snooping enabled. (GBL/IRQ1 pin is GBL) 2 PBSE Parity byte select enable. 0 Parity byte select is disabled. GPL4 output of UPM is available for memory control. 1 Parity byte select is enabled. GPL4 pin is used as parity byte select output from the MPC8280. Note: Should not be set if BRx[DECC] = 00. Refer to Section 11.3.1, “Base Registers (BRx).” 3 CDIS Core disable. 0 The MPC8280 core is enabled. 1 The MPC8280 core is disabled. MPC8280 functions as a slave device. 4–5 DPPC Data parity pins configuration. Note that the additional arbitration lines (EXT_BR2, EXT_BG2, EXT_DBG2, EXT_BR3, EXT_BG3, and EXT_DBG3) are operational only when ACR[EARB] = 0. Setting EARB (to choose external arbiter) combined with programming DPPC to 11 deactivates these lines. DPPC Pin 6–7 L2CPC 00 01 10 11 DP(0)/RSRV — DP(0) RSRV EXT_BR2 DP(1)/IRQ1 IRQ1 DP(1) IRQ1 EXT_BG2 DP(2)/TLBISYNC/IRQ2 IRQ2 DP(2) TLBISYNC EXT_DBG2 DP(3)/IRQ3 IRQ3 DP(3) CKSTP_OUT EXT_BR3 DP(4)/IRQ4 IRQ4 DP(4) CORE_SRE SET EXT_BG3 DP(5)/TBEN/IRQ5/CINT IRQ5 DP(5) TBEN EXT_DBG3 DP(6)/CSE(0)/IRQ6 IRQ6 DP(6) CSE(0) IRQ6 DP(7)/CSE(1)/IRQ7 IRQ7 DP(7) CSE(1) IRQ7 L2 cache pins configuration. Multiplexing Pin L2CPC = 00 L2CPC = 01 L2CPC = 10 CI/BADDR(29)/IRQ2 CI IRQ2 BADDR(29) WT/BADDR(30)/IRQ3 WT IRQ3 BADDR(30) L2_HIT/IRQ4 L2_HIT IRQ4 — CPU_BG/BADDR(31)/IRQ5/CINT CPU_BG IRQ5 BADDR(31) MPC8280 PowerQUICC II Family Reference Manual, Rev. 1 4-34 Freescale Semiconductor System Interface Unit (SIU) Table 4-12. SIUMCR Register Field Descriptions (continued) Bits Name Description 8–9 LBPC Local bus pins configuration. Note: LBPC should be programmed only during the hard reset configuration sequence (using the hard reset configuration word). 00 Local bus pins function as local bus 01 Local bus pins function as PCI bus. Reserved on all other devices. 10 Local bus pins function as core pins 11 Reserved 10–11 APPC Address parity pins configuration. Note that during power on reset the MODCK pins are used for PLL configuration. The pin multiplexing indicated in the table applies only to normal operation. Selection between IRQ7 and INT_OUT is according to CPU state. If the core is disabled, the pin is INT_OUT; otherwise it is IRQ7. APPC Pin 12–13 00 01 10 11 MODCK1/AP(1)/TC(0)/ BNKSEL(0) TC(0) AP(1) BNKSEL(0) — MODCK2/AP(2)/TC(1)/ BNKSEL(1) TC(1) AP(2) BNKSEL(1) MODCK3/AP(3)/TC(2)/ BNKSEL(2) TC(2) AP(3) BNKSEL(2) IRQ7/INT_OUT/APE IRQ7/ INT_OUT APE IRQ7/ INT_OUT IRQ7/ INT_OUT CS11/AP(0) CS11 AP(0) CS11 — CS10PC Chip select 10-pin configuration. CS10PC Pin CS10/BCTL1 14–15 BCTLC MMR 01 10 CS10 BCTL1 — Configuration for the control lines for external buffers. 00 01 10 11 16-17 00 BCTL0 is used as W/R control for external buffers. BCTL1 is used as OE control for external buffers. BCTL0 is used as W/R control for external buffers. BCTL1 is used as OE control for external buffers. BCTL0 is used as WE control for external buffers. BCTL1 is used as RE control for external buffers. Reserved Mask masters requests. In some systems, several bus masters are active during normal operation; only one should be active during boot sequence. The active master, which is the boot device, initializes system memories and devices and enables all other masters. MMR facilitates such a boot scheme by masking the selected master’s bus requests. MMR can be configured through the hard reset configuration sequence (see Section 5.4.2, “Hard Reset Configuration Examples”). Typically system configuration identifies only one master is the boot device, which initializes the system and then enables all other devices by writing 00 to MMR. Note: It is not recommended to mask the request of a master which is defined as the parked master in the arbiter, since this cannot prevent this master from getting a bus grant. 00 No masking on bus request lines. 01 Reserved 10 The MPC8280’s internal core bus request masked and external bus requests two and three masked (boot master connected to external bus request 1). 11 All external bus requests masked (boot master is the MPC8280’s internal core). MPC8280 PowerQUICC II Family Reference Manual, Rev. 1 Freescale Semiconductor 4-35 System Interface Unit (SIU) Table 4-12. SIUMCR Register Field Descriptions (continued) Bits Name 18 LPBSE 19 — 20 DBA Data output buffer impedance configuration. The pins in this group include D[0-63] and PWE[0-7]/PSDDQM[0-7]/PBS[0-7]. 0 The output buffer typical impedance is 45 Ω. 1 The output buffer typical impedance is 25 Ω. 21 ABA Address output buffer impedance configuration. The pins in this group include A[0-31], PSDA10/PGPL0, PSDWE/PGPL1, POE/PSDRAS/PGPL2, PSDCAS/PGPL3, PGTA/PUPM, WAIT/PGPl4, PSDAMUX/PGPL5 and BNKSEL[0:2]. 0 The output buffer typical impedance is 45 Ω. 1 The output buffer typical impedance is 25 Ω. 22–31 — Description Local bus parity byte select enable. 0 Parity byte select is disabled. LGPL4 output of UPM is available for memory control. 1 Parity byte select is enabled. LGPL4 pin is used as local bus parity byte select output from the MPC8280. Reserved, should be cleared. Reserved, should be cleared. Internal Memory Map Register (IMMR) The internal memory map register (IMMR), shown in Figure 4-29, contains identification of a specific device as well as the base address for the internal memory map. Software can deduce availability and location of any on-chip system resources from the values in IMMR. PARTNUM and MASKNUM are mask programmed and cannot be changed for any particular device. 0 13 Field ISB Reset 14 15 — Depends on reset configuration sequence. See Section 5.4.1, “Hard Reset Configuration Word.” R/W R/W Addr 0x101A8 16 23 24 31 Field PARTNUM MASKNUM Reset 0000_1010 0000_0000 R/W R Addr 0x101AA Figure 4-29. Internal Memory Map Register (IMMR) MPC8280 PowerQUICC II Family Reference Manual, Rev. 1 4-36 Freescale Semiconductor System Interface Unit (SIU) Table 4-13 describes IMMR fields. Table 4-13. IMMR Field Descriptions Bits Name Description 0–13 ISB Internal space base. Defines the base address of the internal memory space. The value of ISB be configured at reset to one of 8 addresses; it can then be changed to any value by the software. The default is 0, which maps to address 0x0000_0000. ISB defines the 14 msbs of the memory map register base address. IMMR itself is mapped in the internal memory space region. As soon as the ISB is written with a new base address, the IMMR base address is relocated according to the ISB. ISB can be configured to one of 8 possible addresses at reset to enable the configuration of multiple-MPC8280 systems. The number of programmable bits in this field, and hence the resolution of the location of internal space, depends on the internal memory space of a specific implementation. In the MPC8280, all 14 bits can be programmed. See Chapter 3, “Memory Map,” for details on the device’s internal memory map and Chapter 5, “Reset,” for the available default initial values. 14–15 — Reserved, should be cleared. 16–23 PARTNUM Part number. This read-only field is mask-programmed with a code corresponding to the part number of the part on which the SIU is located. It is intended to help factory test and user code which is sensitive to part changes. This changes when the part number changes. For example, it would change if any new module is added or if the size of any memory module is changed. It would not change if the part is changed to fix a bug in an existing module. The part number for the MPC8280 is 0x0A. 24–31 MASKNUM Mask number. This read-only field is mask-programmed with a code corresponding to the mask number of the part on which the SIU is located. It is intended to help factory test and user code which is sensitive to part changes. It is programmed in a commonly changed layer and should be changed for all mask set changes. The first revision of the MPC8280 has 0x00 in this field. The value of this field is changed every revision of the device. System Protection Control Register (SYPCR) The system protection control register, shown in Figure 4-30, controls the system monitors, software watchdog period, and bus monitor timing. SYPCR can be read at any time but can be written only once after system reset. 0 15 Field SWTC Reset 1111_1111_1111_1111 R/W R/W Addr 0x10004 16 23 Field BMT Reset 1111_1111 24 25 PBME LBME 0 R/W R/W Addr 0x10006 0 26 28 — 00_0 29 30 31 SWE SWRI SWP 1 1 1 Figure 4-30. System Protection Control Register (SYPCR) MPC8280 PowerQUICC II Family Reference Manual, Rev. 1 Freescale Semiconductor 4-37 System Interface Unit (SIU) Table 4-14 describes SYPCR fields. Table 4-14. SYPCR Field Descriptions Bits Name Description 0–15 SWTC Software watchdog timer count. Contains the count value for the software watchdog timer. 16–23 BMT 24 PBME 60x bus monitor enable. 0 60x bus monitor is disabled. 1 The 60x bus monitor is enabled. 25 LBME Local bus monitor enable. 0 Local bus monitor is disabled. 1 The local bus monitor is enabled. 26–28 — 29 SWE Software watchdog enable. Enables the operation of the software watchdog timer. It should be cleared by software after a system reset to disable the software watchdog timer. 30 SWRI Software watchdog reset/interrupt select. 0 Software watchdog timer and bus monitor time-out cause a machine check interrupt to the core. 1 Software watchdog timer and bus monitor time-out cause a hard reset (this is the default value after soft reset). 31 SWP Software watchdog prescale. Controls the divide-by-2,048 software watchdog timer prescaler. 0 The software watchdog timer is not prescaled. 1 The software watchdog timer clock is prescaled. Bus monitor timing. Defines the time-out period for the bus monitor, the granularity of this field is 8 bus clocks. (BMT = 0xFF is translated to 0x7f8 clock cycles). BMT is used both in the 60x and local bus monitors. Note that the value 0 in invalid; an error is generated for each bus transaction. Reserved, should be cleared. Software Service Register (SWSR) The software service register (SWSR) is the location to which the software watchdog timer servicing sequence is written. To prevent software watchdog timer time-out, the user should write 0x556C followed by 0xAA39 to this register, which resides at 0x1000E. SWSR can be written at any time, but returns all zeros when read. MPC8280 PowerQUICC II Family Reference Manual, Rev. 1 4-38 Freescale Semiconductor System Interface Unit (SIU) 60x Bus Transfer Error Status and Control Register 1 (TESCR1) The 60x bus transfer error status and control register 1 (TESCR1) is shown in Figure 4-31. 0 Field BM 1 2 ISBE PAR 3 ECC2 4 5 ECC1 WP Reset 6 7 EXT 9 TC 10 11 — 15 TT 0000_0000_0000_0000 R/W R/W Addr 0x10040 Field 16 17 18 — DMD — 19 20 21 22 23 24 PCIMCP DER IRQ0 SWD ADO Reset 31 ECNT 0000_0000_0000_0000 R/W R/W Addr 0x10042 Note: Bits 0–15 and 19–23 are status bits and are cleared by writing 1s. Figure 4-31. 60x Bus Transfer Error Status and Control Register 1 (TESCR1) Table 4-15 describes TESCR1 fields. Table 4-15. TESCR1 Field Descriptions Bits Name 0 BM 1 ISBE Description 60x bus monitor time-out. Set when TEA is asserted due to the 60x bus monitor time-out. Internal space bus error. Indicates that one of the following occurred: • TEA was asserted due to an error on a transaction to MPC8280’s internal memory space • An MCP was caused by a parity error on a transaction to MPC8280’s internal memory space. Possible only if BCR[SPAR] = 1. TESCR2[REGS,DPR, LCL, PCI0, PCI1] indicate which of MPC8280’s internal slaves caused the error. 2 PAR 60x bus parity error. Indicates that an MCP was caused due to one of the following: • Parity error on 60x bus access controlled by the memory controller. TESCR2[PB] indicates which byte lane caused the error; TESCR2[BNK] indicates which memory controller bank was accessed. • Parity error on a transaction to MPC8280’s internal memory space. Possible only if BCR[SPAR] = 1. 3 ECC2 Double ECC error. Indicates that MCP was asserted due to double ECC error on the 60x bus. TESCR2[BNK] indicates which memory controller bank was accessed. 4 ECC1 Single ECC error. Indicates that MCP was asserted due to single bit ECC error on the 60x bus. TESCR2[BNK] indicates which memory controller bank was accessed. Single-bit errors are fixed by the ECC logic. However, if the ECC counter (ECNT) has reached its maximum value, all single-bit errors cause the assertion of MCP. 5 WP Write protect error. Indicates that a write was attempted to a 60x bus memory region that was defined as read-only in the memory controller. Note that this alone does not cause TEA assertion. Usually, in this case, the bus monitor will time-out. 6 EXT External error. Indicates that TEA was asserted by an external bus slave. 7–9 TC Transfer code. Indicates the transfer code of the 60x bus transaction that caused the TEA or MCP. See Section, “Transfer Code Signals TC[0–2],” for a description of the various transfer codes. MPC8280 PowerQUICC II Family Reference Manual, Rev. 1 Freescale Semiconductor 4-39 System Interface Unit (SIU) Table 4-15. TESCR1 Field Descriptions (continued) Bits Name 10 — Reserved, should be cleared. 11–15 TT Transfer type. These bits indicates the transfer type of the 60x bus transaction that caused the TEA or MCP. See Section, “Transfer Type Signal (TT[0–4]) Encoding,” for a description of the various transfer types. 16 — Reserved, should be cleared. 17 DMD 18 — 19 Description Data errors disable. 0 Errors are enabled. 1 All data errors (parity and single and double ECC errors) on the 60x bus are disabled. Reserved, should be cleared. PCIMCP PCI machine check. Set when a core machine check is asserted from the PCI bridge. 20 DER .Data error. Set when a core machine check is asserted due to ECC or parity errors. 21 IRQ0 External machine check. Set when a machine check is asserted due to the external machine check pin (IRQ0). 22 SWD Software watchdog time-out. Indicates that a core machine check was asserted due to a time-out in the software watchdog. See Section 4.1.5, “Software Watchdog Timer.” 23 ADO 60x bus monitor address-only time-out. Set when a core machine check is asserted due to time-out of the bus monitor in an address only transaction. See Section 4.1.1, “Bus Monitor.” 24–31 ECNT Single ECC error counter. Indicates the number of single ECC errors that occurred in the system. When the counter reaches its maximum value (255), MCP is asserted for all single ECC errors. This feature gives the system the ability to withstand a few random errors yet react to a catastrophic failure. The user can set a lower threshold to the number of tolerated single ECC errors by writing some value to ECNT. The counter starts from this value instead of zero. MPC8280 PowerQUICC II Family Reference Manual, Rev. 1 4-40 Freescale Semiconductor System Interface Unit (SIU) 60x Bus Transfer Error Status and Control Register 2 (TESCR2) The 60x bus transfer error status and control register 2 (TESCR2) is shown in Figure 4-32. 0 Field 1 — 2 REGS DPR 3 4 5 6 7 — PCI0 PCI1 — LCL Reset 8 15 PB 0000_0000_0000_0000 R/W R/W Addr 0x10044 16 27 Field BNK Reset 28 31 — 0000_0000_0000_0000 R/W R/W Addr 0x10046 Note: all bits are status bits and are cleared by writing 1s. Figure 4-32. 60x Bus Transfer Error Status and Control Register 2 (TESCR2) The TESCR2 register is described in Table 4-16. Table 4-16. TESCR2 Field Descriptions Bits Name 0 — 1 Description Reserved, should be cleared. REGS Internal registers error. An error occurred in a transaction to the MPC8280’s internal registers. 2 DPR Dual port ram error. An error occurred in a transaction to the MPC8280’s dual-port RAM. 3 — 4 PCI0 PCI memory space 0 error. An error occurred in a transaction to the PCI memory space configured by PCIBR0 and PCIMSK0. 5 PCI1 PCI memory space 1 error. An error occurred in a transaction to the PCI memory space configured by PCIBR1 and PCIMSK1. 6 — 7 LCL Local bus bridge error. An error occurred in a transaction to the MPC8280’s 60x bus to local bus bridge. 8–15 PB Parity error on byte. There are eight parity error status bits, one per 8-bit lane. A bit is set for the byte that had a parity error. 16–27 BNK 28–31 — Reserved, should be cleared. Reserved, should be cleared. Memory controller bank. There are twelve error status bits, one per memory controller bank. A bit is set for the 60x bus memory controller bank that had an error. Note that this field is invalid if the error was not caused by ECC or parity checks. Reserved, should be cleared. MPC8280 PowerQUICC II Family Reference Manual, Rev. 1 Freescale Semiconductor 4-41 System Interface Unit (SIU) Local Bus Transfer Error Status and Control Register 1 (L_TESCR1) The local bus transfer error status and control register 1 (L_TESCR1) is shown in Figure 4-33. 0 Field BM 1 2 — PAR 3 4 — 5 6 WP — Reset 7 9 TC 11 — 15 TT 0000_0000_0000_0000 R/W R/W Addr 0x10048 Field 10 16 17 18 — DMD 19 — 20 21 31 DER Reset — 0000_0000_0000_0000 R/W R/W Addr 0x1004A Note: Bits 0–15 and 19–23 are status bits and are cleared by writing 1s. Figure 4-33. Local Bus Transfer Error Status and Control Register 1 (L_TESCR1) The L_TESCR1 register bits are described in Table 4-17. Table 4-17. L_TESCR1 Field Descriptions Bits Name Description 0 BM Bus monitor time-out. Indicates that TEA was asserted due to the local bus monitor time-out. 1 — Reserved, should be cleared. 2 PAR 3–4 — 5 WP 6 — Reserved, should be cleared. 7–9 TC Transfer code. Indicates the transfer code of the local bus transaction that caused the TEA. 000 60x-local bridge 001 Reserved 010 Local DMA function code 0 011 Local DMA function code 1 1xx Reserved 10 — Reserved, should be cleared. 11–15 TT Transfer type. Indicates the transfer type of the local bus transaction that caused the TEA. Section, “Transfer Type Signal (TT[0–4]) Encoding,” describes the various transfer types. 16 — Reserved, should be cleared. 17 DMD Parity error. Indicates that MCP was asserted due to parity error on the local bus. L_TESCR2[PB] indicates the byte lane that caused the error and L_TESCR2[BNK] indicates which memory controller bank was accessed. Reserved, should be cleared. Write protect error. Indicates that a write was attempted to a local bus memory region that was defined as read-only in the memory controller. Note that this alone does not cause TEA assertion. Usually, in this case, the bus monitor will time-out. Data errors disable. Setting this bit disables parity errors on the local bus. MPC8280 PowerQUICC II Family Reference Manual, Rev. 1 4-42 Freescale Semiconductor System Interface Unit (SIU) Table 4-17. L_TESCR1 Field Descriptions (continued) Bits Name 18–19 — 20 DER 21–31 — Description Reserved, should be cleared. Data error. Set when a core machine check is asserted due to parity errors in the local bus. Reserved, should be cleared. Local Bus Transfer Error Status and Control Register 2 (L_TESCR2) The local bus transfer error status and control register 2 (L_TESCR2) is shown in Figure 4-34. 0 11 Field 12 — Reset 15 PB 0000_0000_0000_0000 R/W R/W Addr 0x1004C 16 27 Field 28 BNK Reset 31 — 0000_0000_0000_0000 R/W R/W Addr 0x1004E Note: all bits are status bits and are cleared by writing 1s. Figure 4-34. Local Bus Transfer Error Status and Control Register 2 (L_TESCR2) Table 4-18 describes L_TESCR2 fields. Table 4-18. L_TESCR2 Field Descriptions Bits Name 0–11 — Reserved, should be cleared. 12–15 PB Parity error on byte. There are four parity error status bits, one per 8-bit lane. A bit is set for the byte that had a parity error. 16–27 BNK Memory controller bank. There are twelve error status bits, one per memory controller bank. A bit is set for the local bus memory controller bank that had an error. Note that BNK is invalid if the error was not caused by ECC or PARITY checks. 28–31 — Description Reserved, should be cleared. Time Counter Status and Control Register (TMCNTSC) The time counter status and control register (TMCNTSC), shown in Figure 4-35, is used to enable the different TMCNT functions and for reporting the source of the interrupts. The register can be read at any time. Status bits are cleared by writing ones; writing zeros does not affect the value of a status bit. MPC8280 PowerQUICC II Family Reference Manual, Rev. 1 Freescale Semiconductor 4-43 System Interface Unit (SIU) . 0 Field 7 — Reset 8 9 SEC ALR 10 11 — 12 13 14 15 SIE ALE TCF TCE 0000_0000_0000_0000 R/W R/W Addr 0x10220 Figure 4-35. Time Counter Status and Control Register (TMCNTSC) Table 4-19 describes TMCNTSC fields. Table 4-19. TMCNTSC Field Descriptions Bits Name 0–7 — 8 SEC Once per second interrupt. This status bit is set every second and should be cleared by software. 9 ALR Alarm interrupt. This status bit is set when the value of the TMCNT is equal to the value programmed in the alarm register. 10–11 — Reserved, should be cleared. 12 SIE Second interrupt enable. 0 The time counter does not generate an interrupt when SEC is set. 1 The time counter generates an interrupt when SEC is set. 13 ALE Alarm interrupt enable. If ALE = 1, the time counter generates an interrupt when ALR is set. 14 TCF Time counter frequency. The input clock to the time counter may be either 4 MHz or 32 KHz. The user should set the TCF bit according to the frequency of this clock. 0 The input clock to the time counter is 4 MHz. 1 The input clock to the time counter is 32 KHz. See Section 4.1.2, “Timers Clock” for further details. 15 TCE Time counter enable. Is not affected by soft or hard reset. 0 The time counter is disabled. 1 The time counter is enabled. Description Reserved, should be cleared. Time Counter Register (TMCNT) The time counter register (TMCNT), shown in Figure 4-36, contains the current value of the time counter. The counter is reset to zero on PORESET reset or hard reset but is not effected by soft reset. MPC8280 PowerQUICC II Family Reference Manual, Rev. 1 4-44 Freescale Semiconductor System Interface Unit (SIU) 0 15 Field TMCNT Reset 0000_0000_0000_0000 R/W R/W Addr 0x10224 16 31 Field TMCNT Reset 0000_0000_0000_0000 R/W R/W Addr 0x10226 Figure 4-36. Time Counter Register (TCMCNT) Time Counter Alarm Register (TMCNTAL) The time counter alarm register (TMCNTAL), shown in Figure 4-37, holds a value (ALARM). When the value of TMCNT equals ALARM, a maskable interrupt is generated. 0 15 Field ALARM Reset 0000_0000_0000_0000 R/W R/W Addr 0x1022C 16 31 Field ALARM Reset 0000_0000_0000_0000 R/W R/W Addr 0x1222E Figure 4-37. Time Counter Alarm Register (TMCNTAL) Table 4-20 describes TMCNTAL fields. Table 4-20. TMCNTAL Field Descriptions Bits Name Description 0–31 ALARM The alarm interrupt is generated when ALARM field matches the corresponding TMCNT bits. The resolution of the alarm is 1 second. MPC8280 PowerQUICC II Family Reference Manual, Rev. 1 Freescale Semiconductor 4-45 System Interface Unit (SIU) 4.3.3 Periodic Interrupt Registers The periodic interrupt registers are described in the following sections. Periodic Interrupt Status and Control Register (PISCR) The periodic interrupt status and control register (PISCR), shown in Figure 4-38, contains the interrupt request level and the interrupt status bit. It also contains the controls for the 16 bits to be loaded in a modulus counter. 0 Field 7 — Reset 8 9 PS 12 — 13 14 15 PIE PTF PTE 0000_0000_0000_0000 R/W R/W Addr 0x10240 Figure 4-38. Periodic Interrupt Status and Control Register (PISCR) Table 4-21 describes PISCR fields. Table 4-21. PISCR Field Descriptions Bits Name Description 0–7 — Reserved, should be cleared. 8 PS Periodic interrupt status. Asserted if the PIT issues an interrupt. The PIT issues an interrupt after the modulus counter counts to zero. The PS bit can be negated by writing a one to PS. A write of zero has no effect on this bit. 9–12 — Reserved, should be cleared. 13 PIE Periodic interrupt enable. If PIE = 1, the periodic interrupt timer generates an interrupt when PS = 1. 14 PTF Periodic interrupt frequency. The input clock to the periodic interrupt timer may be either 4 MHz or 32 KHz. The user should set the PTF bit according to the frequency of this clock. 0 The input clock to the periodic interrupt timer is 4 MHz. 1 The input clock to the periodic interrupt timer is 32 KHz. See Section 4.1.2, “Timers Clock,” for further details 15 PTE Periodic timer enable. This bit controls the counting of the periodic interrupt timer. When the timer is disabled, it maintains its old value. When the counter is enabled, it continues counting using the previous value. 0 Disable counter. 1 Enable counter MPC8280 PowerQUICC II Family Reference Manual, Rev. 1 4-46 Freescale Semiconductor System Interface Unit (SIU) Periodic Interrupt Timer Count Register (PITC) The periodic interrupt timer count register (PITC), shown in Figure 4-39, contains the 16 bits to be loaded in a modulus counter. 0 15 Field PITC Reset 0000_0000_0000_0000 R/W R/W Addr 0x10244 16 31 Field — Reset 0000_0000_0000_0000 R/W R/W Addr 0x10246 Figure 4-39. Periodic interrupt Timer Count Register (PITC) Table 4-22 describes PITC fields. Table 4-22. PITC Field Descriptions Bits Name 0–15 PITC 16–31 — Description Periodic interrupt timing count. Bits 0–15 are defined as the PITC, which contains the count for the periodic timer. Setting PITC to 0xFFFF selects the maximum count period. Reserved, should be cleared. MPC8280 PowerQUICC II Family Reference Manual, Rev. 1 Freescale Semiconductor 4-47 System Interface Unit (SIU) Periodic Interrupt Timer Register (PITR) The periodic interrupt timer register (PITR), shown in Figure 4-40, is a read-only register that shows the current value in the periodic interrupt down counter. The PITR counter is not affected by reads or writes to it. 0 15 Field PIT Reset 0000_0000_0000_0000 R/W Read Only Addr 0x10248 16 31 Field — Reset 0000_0000_0000_0000 R/W Read Only Addr 0x1024A Figure 4-40. Periodic Interrupt Timer Register (PITR) Table 4-23 describes PITR fields. Table 4-23. PITR Field Descriptions Bits Name 0–15 PITC 16–31 — 4.3.4 Description Periodic interrupt timing count. Bits 0–15 are defined as the PIT. It contains the current count remaining for the periodic timer. Writes have no effect on this field. Reserved, should be cleared. PCI Control Registers Two pairs of registers detect accesses from the 60x bus side to the PCI bridge (other than PCI internal registers accesses). Each pair consists of a PCI base register (PCIBRx) for comparing addresses and a corresponding PCI mask register (PCIMSKx). MPC8280 PowerQUICC II Family Reference Manual, Rev. 1 4-48 Freescale Semiconductor System Interface Unit (SIU) PCI Base Register (PCIBRx) Figure 4-41 shows the PCI base register. 0 15 Field BA Reset 0000_0000_0000_0000 R/W R/W Addr 0x101AC (PCIBR0); 0x101B0 (PCIBR1) 16 Field 17 30 BA — Reset 31 V 0000_0000_0000_0000 R/W R/W Addr 0x101AE (PCIBR0); 0x101B2 (PCIBR1) Figure 4-41. PCI Base Registers (PCIBRx) Table 4-24 describes PCIBRx fields. Table 4-24. PCIBRx Field Descriptions Bits Name Description 0–16 BA Base Address. The upper 17 bits of each base address register are compared to the address on the 60x bus address bus to determine if the access should be claimed by the PCI bridge. Used with PCIMSKx[AM] 17–30 — Reserved. Should be cleared. 31 V Valid bit. Indicates that the contents of the PCIBRx and PCIMSKx pairs are valid. 0 This pair is invalid 1 This pair is valid MPC8280 PowerQUICC II Family Reference Manual, Rev. 1 Freescale Semiconductor 4-49 System Interface Unit (SIU) PCI Mask Register (PCIMSKx) Figure 4-42 shows the PCI mask register. 0 15 Field AM Reset 0000_0000_0000_0000 R/W R/W Addr 0x101C4 (PCIBR0); 0x101C8 (PCIBR1) 16 17 31 Field AM — Reset 0000_0000_0000_0000 R/W R/W Addr 0x101C6 (PCIBR0); 0x101CA (PCIBR1) Figure 4-42. PCI Mask Register (PCIMSKx) Table 4-25 describes PCIMSKx fields. Table 4-25. PCIMSKx Field Descriptions Bits Name 31–17 — Reserved. Should be cleared. 16–0 AM Address Mask. Masks corresponding PCIBRx bits. 0 Corresponding address bits are masked. 1 Corresponding address bits are compared. 4.4 Description SIU Pin Multiplexing Some functions share pins. The actual pinout of the MPC8280 is shown in the hardware specifications. The control of the actual functionality used on a specific pin is shown in Table 4-26. MPC8280 PowerQUICC II Family Reference Manual, Rev. 1 4-50 Freescale Semiconductor System Interface Unit (SIU) Table 4-26. SIU Pins Multiplexing Control Pin Name Pin Configuration Control GBL/IRQ1 CI/BADDR29/IRQ2 WT/BADDR30/IRQ3 L2_HIT/IRQ4 CPU_BG/BADDR31/IRQ5/CINT ABB/IRQ2 DBB/IRQ3 NC/DP0/RSRV/EXT_BR2 IRQ1/DP1/EXT_BG2 IRQ2/DP2/TLBISYNC/EXT_DBG2 IRQ3/DP3/CKSTP_OUT/EXT_BR3 IRQ4/DP4/CORE_SRESET/EXT_BG3 IRQ5/DP5/TBEN/EXT_DBG3/CINT IRQ6/DP6/CSE0 IRQ7/DP7/CSE1 CS[10]/BCTL1 CS[11]/AP[0] PCI_PAR/L_A14 SMI/PCI_FRAME/L_A15 PCI_TRDY/L_A16 CKSTOP_OUT/PCI_IRDY/L_A17 PCI_STOP/L_A18 PCI_DEVSEL/L_A19 PCI_IDSEL/L_A20 PCI_PERR/L_A21 PCI_SERR/L_A22 PCI_REQ0/L_A23 PCI_REQ1/L_A24 PCI_GNT0/L_A25 PCI_GNT1/L_A26 PCI_CLK/L_A27 CORE_SRESET/PCI_RST/L_A28 PCI_INTA/L_A29 PCI_REQ2/L_A30 AD[0–31]/LCL_D[0–31] C/BE[0–3]/LCL_DP[0–3] BNKSEL[0]/TC[0]/AP[1]/MODCK1 BNKSEL[1]/TC[1]/AP[2]/MODCK2 BNKSEL[2]/TC[2]/AP[3]/MODCK3 PWE[0–7]/PSDDQM[0–7]/PBS[0–7] PSDA10/PGPL0 PSDWE/PGPL1 POE/PSDRAS/PGPL2 PSDCAS/PGPL3 PGTA/PUPMWAIT/PGPL4/PPBS PSDAMUX/PGPL5 LBS[0–3]/LSDDQM[0–3]/LWE[0–3] LGPL0/LSDA10 LGPL1/LSDWE LGPL2/LSDRAS/LOE LGPL3/LSDCAS LPBS/LGPL4/LUPMWAIT/LGTA LGPL5/LSDAMUX Controlled by SIUMCR programming see Section, “SIU Module Configuration Register (SIUMCR),” for more details. Controlled dynamically according to the specific memory controller machine that handles the current bus transaction. MPC8280 PowerQUICC II Family Reference Manual, Rev. 1 Freescale Semiconductor 4-51 System Interface Unit (SIU) MPC8280 PowerQUICC II Family Reference Manual, Rev. 1 4-52 Freescale Semiconductor Chapter 5 Reset The MPC8280 has several inputs to the reset logic: • Power-on reset (PORESET) • External hard reset (HRESET) • External soft reset (SRESET) • Software watchdog reset • Bus monitor reset • Checkstop reset • JTAG reset All of these reset sources are fed into the reset controller and, depending on the source of the reset, different actions are taken. The reset status register, described in Section 5.2, “Reset Status Register (RSR),” indicates the last sources to cause a reset. 5.1 Reset Causes Table 5-1 describes reset causes. Table 5-1. Reset Causes Name Description Power-on reset (PORESET) Input pin. Asserting this pin initiates the power-on reset flow that resets all the chip and configures various attributes of the chip including its clock mode. Hard reset (HRESET) This is a bidirectional I/O pin. The MPC8280 can detect an external assertion of HRESET only if it occurs while the MPC8280 is not asserting reset. During HRESET, SRESET is asserted. HRESET is an open-collector pin. Soft reset (SRESET) Bidirectional I/O pin. The MPC8280 can only detect an external assertion of SRESET if it occurs while the MPC8280 is not asserting reset. SRESET is an open-drain pin. Software watchdog reset After the MPC8280’s watchdog counts to zero, a software watchdog reset is signaled. The enabled software watchdog event then generates an internal hard reset sequence. Bus monitor reset After the MPC8280’s bus monitor counts to zero, a bus monitor reset is asserted. The enabled bus monitor event then generates an internal hard reset sequence. Checkstop reset If the core enters checkstop state and the checkstop reset is enabled (RMR[CSRE] = 1), checkstop reset is asserted. The enabled checkstop event then generates an internal hard reset sequence. JTAG reset When JTAG logic asserts the JTAG soft reset signal, an internal soft reset sequence is generated. MPC8280 PowerQUICC II Family Reference Manual, Rev. 1 Freescale Semiconductor 5-1 Reset 5.1.1 Reset Actions The reset block has a reset control logic that determines the cause of reset, synchronizes it if necessary, and resets the appropriate logic modules. The memory controller, system protection logic, interrupt controller, and parallel I/O pins are initialized only on hard reset. Soft reset initializes the internal logic while maintaining the system configuration. Because there is no soft nor hard reset in the 603e core, asserting external SRESET generates a reset to the 603e core and a soft reset to the remainder of the device, The impact on the given application is the reset to the core resets the MSR[IP] to the value in the HRCW[CIP], see Table 5-7. Table 5-2 identifies reset actions for each reset source. Table 5-2. Reset Actions for Each Reset Source Reset Source Reset Logic and PLL States Reset Clock System Configuration Module Reset Sampled HRESET Driven Other SRESET Internal Driven 1 Logic Reset Core Reset Power-on reset Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes External hard reset Software watchdog Bus monitor Checkstop No Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes JTAG reset External soft reset No No No No Yes Yes Yes 1 Includes all other CPM and core logic not explicitly noted elsewhere in the table. 5.1.2 Power-On Reset Flow Assertion of the PORESET external pin initiates the power-on reset flow. PORESET should be asserted externally for at least 16 input clock cycles after external power to the chip reaches at least 2/3 Vcc. The value driven on RSTCONF while PORESET changes from assertion to negation determines the chip configuration. If RSTCONF is negated (driven high) while PORESET changes, the chip acts as a configuration slave. If RSTCONF is asserted while PORESET changes, the chip acts as a configuration master. Section 5.4, “Reset Configuration,” explains the configuration sequence and the terms ‘configuration master’ and ‘configuration slave.’ Directly after the negation of PORESET and choice of the reset operation mode as configuration master or configuration slave, the MPC8280 starts the configuration process. The MPC8280 asserts HRESET and SRESET throughout the power-on reset process, including configuration. Configuration takes 1,024 CLOCKIN cycles, after which MODCK[1–3] are sampled to determine the chips working mode. Next the MPC8280 halts until the main PLL locks. As described in Section 10.6, “Clock Configuration Modes,” the main PLL locks according to MODCK[1–3], which are sampled, and to MODCK_HI (MODCK[4–7]) taken from the reset configuration word. The main PLL lock can take up to 200 µs depending on the specific chip. During this time HRESET and SRESET are asserted. When the main PLL is locked, the clock block starts distributing clock signals in the chip. HRESET remains asserted for another 512 clocks and is then released. The SRESET is released three clocks later. MPC8280 PowerQUICC II Family Reference Manual, Rev. 1 5-2 Freescale Semiconductor Reset Figure 5-4 shows the power-on reset flow. PORESET Input External pin is asserted for min 16 RSTCONF is sampled for master determination PORESET Internal MODCK[1–3] are sampled. MODCK_HI bits are ready for PLL HRESET Output PLL is locked (no external indication) SRESET Output PLL locking period PORESET to internal logic is extended for 1024 CLKIN. HRESET /SRESET are extended for 512/515 CLKIN (respectively), from PLL lock time. Interval depends on PLL locking time. In reset configuration mode: reset configuration sequence occurs in this period. Figure 5-1. Power-on Reset Flow 5.1.3 HRESET Flow The HRESET flow may be initiated externally by asserting HRESET or internally when the chip detects a reason to assert HRESET. In both cases the chip continues asserting HRESET and SRESET throughout the HRESET flow. The HRESET flow begins with the hard reset configuration sequence, which configures the chip as explained in Section 5.4, “Reset Configuration.” After the chip asserts HRESET and SRESET for 1,024 input clock cycles, it releases both signals and exits the HRESET flow. An external pull-up resistor should negate the signals. After negation is detected, a 16-cycle period is taken before testing the presence of an external (hard/soft) reset. 5.1.4 SRESET Flow The SRESET flow may be initiated externally by asserting SRESET or internally when the chip detects a cause to assert SRESET. In both cases the chip asserts SRESET for 512 input clock cycles, after which the chip releases SRESET and exits the SRESET flow. An external pull-up resistor should negate SRESET; after negation is detected, a 16-cycle period is taken before testing the presence of an external (hard/soft) reset. While SRESET is asserted, internal hardware is reset but hard reset configuration does not change. MPC8280 PowerQUICC II Family Reference Manual, Rev. 1 Freescale Semiconductor 5-3 Reset 5.2 Reset Status Register (RSR) The reset status register (RSR), shown in Figure 5-2, is memory-mapped into the MPC8280’s SIU register map. 0 15 Field — R/W R/W Reset 0000_0000_0000_0000 Addr 0x10C90 16 25 Field — 26 27 JTRS CSRS R/W 28 SWRS 29 30 31 BMRS ESRS EHRS R/W Reset 0000_0000_0000_0011 Addr 0x10C92 Figure 5-2. Reset Status Register (RSR) Table 5-3 describes RSR fields. Table 5-3. RSR Field Descriptions Bits Name Function 0–25 — 26 JTRS 27 CSRS Check stop reset status. When the core enters a checkstop state and the checkstop reset is enabled by the RMR[CSRE], CSRS is set and it remains set until software clears it. CSRS is cleared by writing a 1 to it (writing zero has no effect). 0 No enabled checkstop reset event occurred 1 An enabled checkstop reset event occurred 28 SWRS Software watchdog reset status. When a software watchdog expire event (which causes a reset) is detected, the SWRS bit is set and remains that way until the software clears it. SWRS is cleared by writing a 1 to it (writing zero has no effect). 0 No software watchdog reset event occurred 1 A software watchdog reset event has occurred 29 BMRS Bus monitor reset status. When a bus monitor expire event (which causes a reset) is detected, BMRS is set and remains set until the software clears it. BMRS can be cleared by writing a 1 to it (writing zero has no effect). 0 No bus monitor reset event has occurred 1 A bus monitor reset event has occurred Reserved, should be cleared. JTAG reset status. When the JTAG reset request is set, JTRS is set and remains set until software clears it. JTRS is cleared by writing a 1 to it (writing zero has no effect). 0 No JTAG reset event occurred 1 A JTAG reset event occurred MPC8280 PowerQUICC II Family Reference Manual, Rev. 1 5-4 Freescale Semiconductor Reset Table 5-3. RSR Field Descriptions (continued) Bits Name Function 30 ESRS External soft reset status. When an external soft reset event is detected, ESRS is set and it remains that way until software clears it. ESRS is cleared by writing a 1 to it (writing zero has no effect). 0 No external soft reset event has occurred 1 An external soft reset event has occurred 31 EHRS External hard reset status. When an external hard reset event is detected, EHRS is set and it remains set until software clears it. EHRS is cleared by writing a 1 (writing zero has no effect). 0 No external hard reset event has occurred 1 An external hard reset event has occurred NOTE The reset status register accumulates reset events. For example, because software watchdog expiration results in a hard reset, which in turn results in a soft reset, RSR[SWRS], RSR[ESRS] and RSR[EHRS] are all set after a software watchdog reset. 5.3 Reset Mode Register (RMR) The reset mode register (RMR), shown in Figure 5-3, is memory-mapped into the SIU register map. 0 15 Field — R/W R/W Reset 0000_0000_0000_0000 Addr 0x10C94 16 Field R/W 30 — 31 CSRE R/W Reset 0000_0000_0000_0000 Addr 0x10C96 Figure 5-3. Reset Mode Register (RMR) MPC8280 PowerQUICC II Family Reference Manual, Rev. 1 Freescale Semiconductor 5-5 Reset Table 5-4 describes RMR fields. Table 5-4. RMR Field Descriptions Bits Name 0–30 — 31 5.4 Function Reserved, should be cleared. CSRE Checkstop reset enable. The core can enter checkstop mode as the result of several exception conditions. Setting CSRE configures the chip to perform a hard reset sequence whenever the core enters checkstop state. 0 Reset not generated when core enters checkstop state. 1 Reset generated when core enters checkstop state. Note: When the core is disabled, CSRE must be cleared. Reset Configuration Various features may be configured during hard reset or power-on reset. For example, one configurable features is core disable, which can be used to configure a system that uses two MPC8280s, one a slave device and the other a the host with an active core. Most configurable features are reconfigured whenever HRESET is asserted. However, the clock mode is configured only when PORESET is asserted. The 32-bit hard reset configuration word is described in Section 5.4.1, “Hard Reset Configuration Word.” The reset configuration sequence is designed to support a system that uses up to eight MPC8280 chips, each configured differently. It needs no additional glue logic for reset configuration. The description below explains the operation of this sequence with regard to a multiple-MPC8280 system. This and other simpler systems are described in Section 5.4.2, “Hard Reset Configuration Examples.” In a typical multi-MPC8280 system, one MPC8280 should act as the configuration master while all other MPC8280s should act as configuration slaves. The configuration master in the system typically reads the various configuration words from EPROM in the system and uses them to configure itself as well as the configuration slaves. How the MPC8280 acts during reset configuration is determined by the value of the RSTCONF input while PORESET changes from assertion to negation. If RSTCONF is asserted while PORESET changes, MPC8280 is a configuration master; otherwise, it is a slave. In a typical multiple-MPC8280 system, RSTCONF input of the configuration master should be hard wired to ground, while RSTCONF inputs of other chips should be connected to the high-order address bits of the configuration master, as described in Table 5-5. MPC8280 PowerQUICC II Family Reference Manual, Rev. 1 5-6 Freescale Semiconductor Reset Table 5-5. RSTCONF Connections in Multiple-MPC8280 Systems Configured Device RSTCONF Connection Configuration master GND First configuration slave A0 Second configuration slave A1 Third configuration slave A2 Fourth configuration slave A3 Fifth configuration slave A4 Sixth configuration slave A5 Seventh configuration slave A6 The configuration words for all MPC8280s are assumed to reside in an EPROM connected to CS0 of the configuration master. Because the port size of this EPROM is not known to the configuration master, before reading the configuration words, the configuration master reads all configuration words byte-by-byte only from locations that are independent of port size. Table 5-6. shows addresses that should be used to configure the various MPC8280s. Byte addresses that do not appear in this table have no effect on the configuration of the MPC8280 chips. The values of the bytes in Table 5-6 are always read on byte lane D[0–7] regardless of the port size . Table 5-6. Configuration EPROM Addresses Configured Device Byte 0 Address Byte 1 Address Byte 2 Address Byte 3 Address Configuration master 0x00 0x08 0x10 0x18 First configuration slave 0x20 0x28 0x30 0x38 Second configuration slave 0x40 0x48 0x50 0x58 Third configuration slave 0x60 0x68 0x70 0x78 Fourth configuration slave 0x80 0x88 0x90 0x98 Fifth configuration slave 0xA0 0xA8 0xB0 0xB8 Sixth configuration slave 0xC0 0xC8 0xD0 0xD8 Seventh configuration slave 0xE0 0xE8 0xF0 0xF8 The configuration master first reads a value from address 0x00 then reads a value from addresses 0x08, 0x10, and 0x18. These four bytes are used to form the configuration word of the configuration master, which then proceeds reading the bytes that form the configuration word of the first slave device. The configuration master drives the whole configuration word on D[0–31] and toggles its A0 address line. Each configuration slave uses its RSTCONF input as a strobe for latching the configuration word during HRESET assertion time. Thus, the first configuration slave whose RSTCONF input is connected to configuration master’s A0 output latches the word driven on D[0–31] as its configuration word. In this way the configuration master continues to configure all MPC8280 chips in the system. The configuration master always reads eight configuration words regardless of the number of MPC8280 parts in the system. MPC8280 PowerQUICC II Family Reference Manual, Rev. 1 Freescale Semiconductor 5-7 Reset In a simple system that uses one stand-alone MPC8280, it is possible to use the default hard reset configuration word (all zeros). This is done by tying RSTCONF input to VCC. Another scenario may be a system which has no boot EPROM. In this case the user can configure the MPC8280 as a configuration slave by driving RSTCONF to 1 during PORESET assertion and then applying a negative pulse on RSTCONF and an appropriate configuration word on D[0–31]. In such a system, asserting HRESET in the middle of operation causes the MPC8280 to return to the configuration programmed after PORESET assertion (not the default configuration represented by configuration word of all zeros). 5.4.1 Hard Reset Configuration Word The contents of the hard reset configuration word are shown in Figure 5-4. 0 1 2 3 Field EARB EXMC CDIS EBM 4 5 BPS Reset Field 6 7 CIP ISPS 8 9 L2CPC 10 11 DPPC 12 13 PLLBP 15 ISB 0000_0000_0000_0000 16 17 BMS BBD Reset 18 19 MMR 20 21 LBPC 22 23 APPC 24 25 CS10PC 26 27 ALD_EN — 28 31 MODCK_H 0000_0000_0000_0000 Figure 5-4. Hard Reset Configuration Word Table 5-7 describes hard reset configuration word fields. Table 5-7. Hard Reset Configuration Word Field Descriptions Bits Name Description 0 EARB1 External arbitration. Defines the initial value for ACR[EARB]. If EARB = 1, external arbitration is assumed. See Section, “60x Bus Arbiter Configuration Register (PPC_ACR).” 1 EXMC External MEMC. Defines the initial value of BR0[EMEMC]. If EXMC = 1, an external memory controller is assumed. See Section 11.3.1, “Base Registers (BRx).” 2 CDIS1 Core disable. Defines the initial value for the SIUMCR[CDIS]. 0 The core is active. See Section, “SIU Module Configuration Register (SIUMCR).” 1 The core is disabled. In this mode the MPC8280 functions as a slave. 3 EBM1 External bus mode. Defines the initial value of BCR[EBM]. See Section, “Bus Configuration Register (BCR).” 4–5 BPS Boot port size. Defines the initial value of BR0[PS], the port size for memory controller bank 0. 00 64-bit port size 01 8-bit port size 10 16-bit port size 11 32-bit port size See Section 11.3.1, “Base Registers (BRx).” 6 CIP1 Core initial prefix. Defines the initial value of MSR[IP]. Exception prefix. The setting of this bit specifies whether an exception vector offset is prepended with Fs or 0s. In the following description, nnnnn is the offset of the exception vector. 0 MSR[IP] = 1 (default). Exceptions are vectored to the physical address 0xFFFn_nnnn 1 MSR[IP] = 0 Exceptions are vectored to the physical address 0x000n_nnnn. MPC8280 PowerQUICC II Family Reference Manual, Rev. 1 5-8 Freescale Semiconductor Reset Table 5-7. Hard Reset Configuration Word Field Descriptions (continued) Bits Name Description 7 ISPS1 8–9 L2CPC1 L2 cache pins configuration. Defines the initial value of SIUMCR[L2CPC]. See Section, “SIU Module Configuration Register (SIUMCR).” 10–11 DPPC1 Data parity pin configuration. Defines the initial value of SIUMCR[DPPC]. For more details refer to Section, “SIU Module Configuration Register (SIUMCR).” 12 PLLBP PLL bypass 0 Normal operation 1 Bypass CPM PLL 13–15 ISB Initial internal space base select. Defines the initial value of IMMR[0–14] and determines the base address of the internal memory space. 000 0x0000_0000 001 0x00F0_0000 010 0x0F00_0000 011 0x0FF0_0000 100 0xF000_0000 101 0xF0F0_0000 110 0xFF00_0000 111 0xFFF0_0000 See Section, “Internal Memory Map Register (IMMR).” 16 BMS Boot memory space. Defines the initial value for BR0[BA]. There are two possible boot memory regions: HIMEM and LOMEM. 0 0xFE00_0000—0xFFFF_FFFF 1 0x0000_0000—0x01FF_FFFF See Section 11.3.1, “Base Registers (BRx).” 17 BBD1 Bus busy disable. Defines the initial value of SIUMCR[BBD]. See Section, “SIU Module Configuration Register (SIUMCR).” 18–19 MMR Mask masters requests. Defines the initial value of SIUMCR[MMR]. See Section, “SIU Module Configuration Register (SIUMCR).” 20–21 LBPC 1 Internal space port size. Defines the initial value of BCR[ISPS]. Setting ISPS configures the MPC8280 to respond to accesses from a 32-bit external master to its internal space. See Section, “Bus Configuration Register (BCR).” Local bus pin configuration. Defines the value of SIUMCR[LBPC]. See Section, “SIU Module Configuration Register (SIUMCR).” 00 Local bus pins function as local bus 01 Local bus pins function as PCI bus 10 Local bus pins function as core pins 11 Reserved 22–23 APPC1 24–25 CS10PC 1 Address parity pin configuration. Defines the initial value of SIUMCR[APPC]. See Section, “SIU Module Configuration Register (SIUMCR).” CS10 pin configuration. Defines the initial value of SIUMCR[CS10PC]. See Section, “SIU Module Configuration Register (SIUMCR).” Note: During the reset configuration sequence, the BCTL1/CS10 pin toggles like POE of the 60x bus GPCM, regardless of the configuration of the reset configuration word. After the reset configuration sequence, the BCTL1/CS10 pin behaves according to the configuration of SIUMCR[CS10PC]. MPC8280 PowerQUICC II Family Reference Manual, Rev. 1 Freescale Semiconductor 5-9 Reset Table 5-7. Hard Reset Configuration Word Field Descriptions (continued) Bits 26 27 Name ALD_EN — Description CP auto load enable. Allows the CP to automatically load the essential PCI configuration registers from the EEPROM during reset. 0 CP auto load is disabled. 1 CP auto load is enabled. Reserved, should be cleared. 28–31 MODCK_H High-order bits of the MODCK bus, which determine the clock reset configuration. See Chapter 10, “Clocks and Power Control,” for details. Note: If the device is configured to PCI mode (PCI_MODE is driven low), this field has no effect and the value for MODCK_H is loaded directly from the MODCK_H pins. Note that the value of the MODCK_H bits are derived from the dedicated PCI_MODCK_H[0:3] pins when operating in PCI mode. 1 The user should exercise caution when changing this bit. This bit has an immediate effect on the external bus and may result in unstable system operation. 5.4.2 Hard Reset Configuration Examples This section presents some examples of hard reset configurations in different systems. Single MPC8280 with Default Configuration This is the simplest configuration scenario. It can be used if the default values achieved by clearing the hard reset configuration word are desired. This is applicable only for systems using single-MPC8280 bus mode (as opposed to 60x bus mode). To enter this mode, tie RSTCONF to VCC as shown in Figure 5-5. The MPC8280 does not access the boot EPROM; it is assumed that the default configuration is used upon exiting hard reset. PORESET Vcc Configuration Slave Chip HRESET A[0–31] PORESET Vcc D[0–31] RSTCONF Figure 5-5. Single Chip with Default Configuration Single MPC8280 Configured from Boot EPROM For a configuration that differs from the default, the MPC8280 can be used as a configuration master by tying RSTCONF to GND as shown in Figure 5-6. The MPC8280 can access the boot EPROM. It is assumed the configuration is as defined there upon exiting hard reset. MPC8280 PowerQUICC II Family Reference Manual, Rev. 1 5-10 Freescale Semiconductor Reset PORESET Configuration Master Chip HRESET Address Bus EPROM Control Signals VCC Boot EPROM A[..] A[0–31] D[0–31] RSTCONF Data Bus PORESET D[0–7] Figure 5-6. Configuring a Single Chip from EPROM Multiple MPC8280s Configured from Boot EPROM For a complex system with multiple MPC8280 devices that may each be configured differently, configuration is done by assigning one configuration master and multiple configuration slaves. The MPC8280 that controls the boot EPROM should be the configuration master—RSTCONF tied to GND. The RSTCONF inputs of the other MPC8280 devices are tied to the address bus lines, thus assigning them as configuration slaves. See Figure 5-7. MPC8280 PowerQUICC II Family Reference Manual, Rev. 1 Freescale Semiconductor 5-11 Reset PORESET EPROM Control Signals Configuration Master Chip HRESET Address Bus VCC Boot EPROM A[..] A[0–31] PORESET D[0–7] D[0–31] HRESET PORESET Configuration Slave Chip 1 D[0–31] RSTCONF HRESET PORESET Data Bus RSTCONF A0 Configuration Slave Chip 2 D[0–31] RSTCONF A1 Configuration Slave Chip 7 HRESET PORESET D[0–31] RSTCONF A6 Figure 5-7. Configuring Multiple Chips MPC8280 PowerQUICC II Family Reference Manual, Rev. 1 5-12 Freescale Semiconductor Reset In this system, the configuration master initially reads its own configuration word. It then reads other configuration words and drives them to the configuration slaves by asserting RSTCONF. As Figure 5-7 shows, this complex configuration is done without additional glue logic. The configuration master controls the whole process by asserting the EPROM control signals and the system’s address signals as needed. Multiple MPC8280s in a System with No EPROM In some cases, the configuration master capabilities of the MPC8280 cannot be used. This can happen for example if there is no boot EPROM in the system or the boot EPROM is not controlled by an MPC8280. If this occurs, the user must do one of the following: • Accept the default configuration, • Emulate the configuration master actions in external logic (where the MPC8280 is a configuration slave). • The external hardware should be connected to all RSTCONF pins of the different devices and to the upper 32 bits of the data bus. During PORESET, the rising edge the external hardware should negate all RSTCONF inputs to put all of the devices in their configuration slave mode. For 1,024 clocks after PORESET negation, the external hardware can configure the different devices by driving appropriate configuration words on the data bus and asserting RSTCONF for each device to strobe the data being received. MPC8280 PowerQUICC II Family Reference Manual, Rev. 1 Freescale Semiconductor 5-13 Reset MPC8280 PowerQUICC II Family Reference Manual, Rev. 1 5-14 Freescale Semiconductor Part III The Hardware Interface Intended Audience Part III is intended for system designers who need to understand how each MPC8280 signal works and how those signals interact. Contents Part III describes external signals, clocking, memory control, and power management of the MPC8280. It contains the following chapters: • Chapter 6, “External Signals,” shows a functional pinout of the MPC8280 and describes the MPC8280 signals. • Chapter 7, “60x Signals,” describes signals on the 60x bus. • Chapter 8, “The 60x Bus,” describes the operation of the bus used by PowerPC processors. • Chapter 10, “Clocks and Power Control,” describes the clocking architecture of the MPC8280. • Chapter 9, “PCI Bridge,” describes how the PCI bridge enables the MPC8280 to bridge PCI agents gluelessly to a host processor that implements the PowerPC architecture and how it is compliant with PCI Specification Revision 2.2. • Chapter 11, “Memory Controller,” describes the memory controller, which controlling a maximum of eight memory banks shared between a general-purpose chip-select machine (GPCM) and three user-programmable machines (UPMs). • Chapter 12, “Secondary (L2) Cache Support,” provides information about implementation and configuration of a level-2 cache. • Chapter 13, “IEEE 1149.1 Test Access Port,” describes the dedicated user-accessible test access port (TAP), which is fully compatible with the IEEE 1149.1 Standard Test Access Port and Boundary Scan Architecture. Suggested Reading This section lists additional reading that provides background for the information in this manual as well as general information about the PowerPC architecture. MPC8280 PowerQUICC II Family Reference Manual, Rev. 1 Freescale Semiconductor III-1 MPC82xx Documentation Supporting documentation for the MPC8280 can be accessed through the world-wide web at This documentation includes technical specifications, reference materials, and detailed applications notes. Conventions This document uses the following notational conventions: Bold entries in figures and tables showing registers and parameter RAM should Bold be initialized by the user. mnemonics Instruction mnemonics are shown in lowercase bold. italics Italics indicate variable command parameters, for example, bcctrx. Book titles in text are set in italics. 0x0 0b0 REG[FIELD] x n ¬ & | Prefix to denote hexadecimal number Prefix to denote binary number Abbreviations or acronyms for registers or buffer descriptors are shown in uppercase text. Specific bits, fields, or numerical ranges appear in brackets. For example, MSR[LE] refers to the little-endian mode enable bit in the machine state register. In certain contexts, such as in a signal encoding or a bit field, indicates a don’t care. Indicates an undefined numerical value NOT logical operator AND logical operator OR logical operator Acronyms and Abbreviations Table i contains acronyms and abbreviations used in this document. Note that the meanings for some acronyms (such as SDR1 and DSISR) are historical, and the words for which an acronym stands may not be intuitively obvious. Table I-i. Acronyms and Abbreviated Terms Term Meaning BD Buffer descriptor BIST Built-in self test BRI Basic rate interface CAM Content-addressable memory MPC8280 PowerQUICC II Family Reference Manual, Rev. 1 III-2 Freescale Semiconductor Table I-i. Acronyms and Abbreviated Terms (continued) Term Meaning CPM Communications processor module CRC Cyclic redundancy check DMA Direct memory access DPLL Digital phase-locked loop DRAM Dynamic random access memory DSISR Register used for determining the source of a DSI exception EA Effective address EEST Enhanced Ethernet serial transceiver GCI General circuit interface GPCM General-purpose chip-select machine HDLC High-level data link control I2C Inter-integrated circuit IDL Inter-chip digital link IEEE Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers IrDA Infrared Data Association ISDN Integrated services digital network JTAG Joint Test Action Group LIFO Last-in-first-out LRU Least recently used LSB Least-significant byte lsb Least-significant bit LSU Load/store unit MAC Multiply accumulate MMU Memory management unit MSB Most-significant byte msb Most-significant bit MSR Machine state register NMSI Nonmultiplexed serial interface OSI Open systems interconnection PCI Peripheral component interconnect PCMCIA Personal Computer Memory Card International Association MPC8280 PowerQUICC II Family Reference Manual, Rev. 1 Freescale Semiconductor III-3 Table I-i. Acronyms and Abbreviated Terms (continued) Term Meaning PRI Primary rate interface Rx Receive SCC Serial communications controller SCP Serial control port SDLC Synchronous data link control SDMA Serial DMA SI Serial interface SIU System interface unit SMC Serial management controller SNA Systems network architecture. SPI Serial peripheral interface SPR Special-purpose register SRAM Static random access memory TDM Time-division multiplexed TLB Translation lookaside buffer TSA Time-slot assigner Tx Transmit UART Universal asynchronous receiver/transmitter UISA User instruction set architecture UPM User-programmable machine USART Universal synchronous/asynchronous receiver/transmitter MPC8280 PowerQUICC II Family Reference Manual, Rev. 1 III-4 Freescale Semiconductor Chapter 6 External Signals This chapter describes the external signals. A more detailed description of 60x bus signals is provided in Chapter 8, “The 60x Bus.” 6.1 Functional Pinout Figure 6-1 shows MPC8280 signals grouped by function. Note that many signals are multiplexed and this figure does not indicate how these signals are multiplexed. NOTE A bar over a signal name indicates that the signal is active low—for example, BB (bus busy). Active-low signals are referred to as asserted (active) when they are low and negated when they are high. Signals that are not active low, such as TSIZ[0–1] (transfer size signals) are referred to as asserted when they are high and negated when they are low. MPC8280 PowerQUICC II Family Reference Manual, Rev. 1 Freescale Semiconductor 6-1 External Signals VCCSYN/GNDSYN/VCCSYN1//VDDH/ ⎯⎯⎯> 100 VDD/VSS PCI_PAR/L_A14 <⎯⎯> 1 SMI/PCI_FRAME/L_A15 <⎯⎯> 1 PCI_TRDY/L_A16 <⎯⎯> 1 CKSTOP_OUT/PCI_IRDY/L_A17 <⎯⎯> 1 PCI_STOP/L_A18 <⎯⎯> 1 PCI_DEVSEL/L_A19 <⎯⎯> 1 PCI_IDSEL/L_A20 <⎯⎯> 1 PCI_PERR/L_A21 <⎯⎯> 1 PCI_SERR/L_A22 <⎯⎯> 1 PCI_REQ0/L_A23 <⎯⎯> 1 CPCI_HS_ES/PCI_REQ1/L_A24 <⎯⎯> 1 PCI_GNT0/L_A25 <⎯⎯> 1 CPCI_HS_LED/PCI_GNT1/L_A26 <⎯⎯⎯ 1 CPCI_HS_ENUM/GNT2/L_A27 <⎯⎯> 1 CORE_SRESET/PCI_RST/L_A28 <⎯⎯> 1 PCI_INTA/L_A29 <⎯⎯> 1 PCI_REQ2/L_A30 <⎯⎯> 1 DLLOUT/L_A31 <⎯⎯> 1 PCI_AD[31-0]/LCL_D[0–31] <⎯⎯> 32 PCI_C/BE[3-0]/LCL_DP[0–3] <⎯⎯> 4 32 <⎯⎯> L O C A L B U S B U S PCI_CFG[3–0]/LBS[0–3]/ LSDDQM[0–3]/LWE[0–3] PCI_MODCK_H0/LGPL0/LSDA10 PCI_MODCK_H1/LGPL1/LSDWE PCI_MODCK_H2/LGPL2/LSDRAS/LOE PCI_MODCK_H3/LGPL3/LSDCAS LPBS/LGPL4/LUPMWAIT/LGTA PCI_MODCK/LGPL5 LWR <⎯⎯⎯ 4 <⎯⎯⎯ <⎯⎯⎯ <⎯⎯⎯ <⎯⎯⎯ <⎯⎯> <⎯⎯> <⎯⎯> 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 M E M C PA[0–31] PB[4–31] PC[0–31] PD[4–31] <⎯⎯> <⎯⎯> <⎯⎯> <⎯⎯> 32 28 32 28 P I O PCI_RST/PORESET⎯⎯⎯> RSTCONF⎯⎯⎯> HRESET<⎯⎯> SRESET<⎯⎯> QREQ<⎯⎯⎯ XFC⎯⎯⎯> CLKIN1⎯⎯⎯> TRIS⎯⎯⎯> BNKSEL[0]/TC[0]/AP[1]/MODCK1<⎯⎯> BNKSEL[1]/TC[1]/AP[2]/MODCK2<⎯⎯> BNKSEL[2]/TC[2]/AP[3]/MODCK3<⎯⎯> PCI_MODE ⎯⎯⎯> CLKIN2 ⎯⎯⎯> NC ⎯⎯⎯> 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 2 6 0 x R S T C L K M E M C J T A G 5 4 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 64 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 10 1 1 2 1 1 8 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 A[0–31] <⎯⎯> TT[0–4] <⎯⎯> TSIZ[0–3] <⎯⎯> TBST <⎯⎯> GBL/IRQ1 <⎯⎯> CI/BADDR29/IRQ2 <⎯⎯> WT/BADDR30/IRQ3 <⎯⎯⎯ L2_HIT/IRQ4 <⎯⎯> CPU_BG/BADDR31/IRQ5/CINT ⎯⎯⎯> CPU_DBG ⎯⎯⎯> CPU_BR <⎯⎯> BR <⎯⎯> BG <⎯⎯> ABB/IRQ2 <⎯⎯> TS <⎯⎯> AACK <⎯⎯> ARTRY <⎯⎯> DBG <⎯⎯> DBB/IRQ3 <⎯⎯> D[0–63] <⎯⎯> NC/DP0/RSRV/EXT_BR2 <⎯⎯> IRQ1/DP1/EXT_BG2 <⎯⎯> IRQ2/DP2/TLBISYNC/EXT_DBG2 <⎯⎯> IRQ3/DP3/CKSTP_OUT/EXT_BR3 <⎯⎯> IRQ4/DP4/CORE_SRESET/EXT_BG3 <⎯⎯> IRQ5/DP5/TBEN/EXT_DBG3/CINT <⎯⎯> IRQ6/DP6/CSE0 <⎯⎯> IRQ7/DP7/CSE1 <⎯⎯> PSDVAL <⎯⎯> TA <⎯⎯> TEA <⎯⎯> IRQ0/NMI_OUT <⎯⎯> IRQ7/INT_OUT/APE ⎯⎯⎯> CS[0–9] <⎯⎯> CS[10]/BCTL1 <⎯⎯> CS[11]/AP[0] ⎯⎯⎯> BADDR[27–28] ⎯⎯⎯> ALE ⎯⎯⎯> BCTL0 ⎯⎯⎯> PWE[0–7]/PSDDQM[0–7]/PBS[0–7] ⎯⎯⎯> PSDA10/PGPL0 ⎯⎯⎯> PSDWE/PGPL1 ⎯⎯⎯> POE/PSDRAS/PGPL2 ⎯⎯⎯> PSDCAS/PGPL3 <⎯⎯> PGTA/PUPMWAIT/PGPL4/PPBS ⎯⎯⎯> PSDAMUX/PGPL5 <⎯⎯− TMS <⎯⎯⎯ TDI <⎯⎯− TCK <⎯⎯− TRST −⎯⎯> TDO Figure 6-1. MPC8280 External Signals 6.2 Signal Descriptions The MPC8280 system bus, shown in Table 6-1, consists of all the signals that interface with the external bus. Many of these pins perform different functions, depending on how the user assigns them. MPC8280 PowerQUICC II Family Reference Manual, Rev. 1 6-2 Freescale Semiconductor External Signals Table 6-1. External Signals Signal Description BR 60x bus request—This is an output when an external arbiter is used and an input when an internal arbiter is used. As an output the MPC8280 asserts this pin to request ownership of the 60x bus. As an input an external master should assert this pin to request 60x bus ownership from the internal arbiter. BG 60x bus grant—This is an output when an internal arbiter is used and an input when an external arbiter is used. As an output the MPC8280 asserts this pin to grant 60x bus ownership to an external bus master. As an input the external arbiter should assert this pin to grant 60x bus ownership to the MPC8280. ABB 60x address bus busy—(Input/output) As an output the MPC8280 asserts this pin for the duration of the address bus tenure. Following an AACK, which terminates the address bus tenure, the MPC8280 negates ABB for a fraction of a bus cycle and than stops driving this pin. As an input the MPC8280 will not assume 60x bus ownership as long as it senses this pin is asserted by an external 60x bus master. IRQ2 Interrupt Request 2—This input is one of the eight external lines that can request (by means of the internal interrupt controller) a service routine from the core. TS 60x bus transfer start—(Input/output) Assertion of this pin signals the beginning of a new address bus tenure. The MPC8280 asserts this signal when one of its internal 60x bus masters (core, DMA, PCI bridge) begins an address tenure. When the MPC8280 senses this pin being asserted by an external 60x bus master, it will respond to the address bus tenure as required (snoop if enabled, access internal MPC8280 resources, memory controller support). A[0–31] 60x address bus—These are input/output pins. When the MPC8280 is in external master bus mode, these pins function as the 60x address bus. The MPC8280 drives the address of its internal 60x bus masters and respond to addresses generated by external 60x bus masters. When the MPC8280 is in internal master bus mode, these pins are used as address lines connected to memory devices and controlled by the MPC8280’s memory controller. TT[0–4] 60x bus transfer type—These are input/output pins. The 60x bus master drives these pins during the address tenure to specify the type of the transaction. TBST 60x bus transfer burst—(Input/output) The 60x bus master asserts this pin to indicate that the current transaction is a burst transaction (transfers 4 double words). TSIZ[0–3] 60x transfer size—These are input/output pins. The 60x bus master drives these pins with a value indicating the amount of bytes transferred in the current transaction. AACK 60x address acknowledge—This is an input/output signal. A 60x bus slave asserts this signal to indicate that it identified the address tenure. Assertion of this signal terminates the address tenure. ARTRY 60x address retry—(Input/output) Assertion of this signal indicates that the bus transaction should be retried by the 60x bus master. The MPC8280 asserts this signal to enforce data coherency with its internal cache and to prevent deadlock situations. DBG 60x data bus grant—This is an output when an internal arbiter is used and an input when an external arbiter is used. As an output the MPC8280 asserts this pin to grant 60x data bus ownership to an external bus master. As an input the external arbiter should assert this pin to grant 60x data bus ownership to the MPC8280. MPC8280 PowerQUICC II Family Reference Manual, Rev. 1 Freescale Semiconductor 6-3 External Signals Table 6-1. External Signals (continued) Signal Description DBB 60x data bus busy—(Input/output) As an output the MPC8280 asserts this pin for the duration of the data bus tenure. Following a TA, which terminates the data bus tenure, the MPC8280 negates DBB for a fraction of a bus cycle and than stops driving this pin. As an input, the MPC8280 does not assume 60x data bus ownership as long as it senses DBB asserted by an external 60x bus master. IRQ3 Interrupt request 3—This input is one of the eight external lines that can request (by means of the internal interrupt controller) a service routine from the core. D[0–63] 60x data bus—These are input/output pins. In write transactions the 60x bus master drives the valid data on this bus. In read transactions the 60x slave drives the valid data on this bus. DP[0] 60x data parity 0—(Input/output) The 60x agent that drives the data bus drives also the data parity signals. The value driven on data parity 0 pin should give odd parity (odd number of 1’s) on the group of signals that includes data parity 0 and D[0–7]. RSRV Reservation—The value driven on this output pin represents the state of the coherency bit in the reservation address register that is used by the lwarx and stwcx. instructions. EXT_BR2 External bus request 2—(Input). An external master should assert this pin to request 60x bus ownership from the internal arbiter. IRQ1 Interrupt request 1—This input is one of the eight external lines that can request (by means of the internal interrupt controller) a service routine from the core. DP[1] 60x data parity 1—(Input/output) The 60x agent that drives the data bus drives also the data parity signals. The value driven on data parity 1 pin should give odd parity (odd number of ‘1’s) on the group of signals that includes data parity 1 and D[8–15]. EXT_BG2 External bus grant 2—(Output) The MPC8280 asserts this pin to grant 60x bus ownership to an external bus master. IRQ2 Interrupt request 2—This input is one of the eight external lines that can request (by means of the internal interrupt controller) a service routine from the core. DP[2] 60x data parity 2—(Input/output) The 60x agent that drives the data bus drives also the data parity signals. The value driven on data parity 2 pin should give odd parity (odd number of ‘1’s) on the group of signals that includes data parity 2 and S[16–23]. TLBISYNC TLB sync—This input pin can be used to synchronize 60x core instruction execution to hardware indications. Asserting this pin will force the core to stop instruction execution following a tlbsync instruction execution. The core resumes instructions execution once this pin is negated. EXT_DBG2 External data bus grant 2—(Output) The MPC8280 asserts this pin to grant 60x data bus ownership to an external bus master. MPC8280 PowerQUICC II Family Reference Manual, Rev. 1 6-4 Freescale Semiconductor External Signals Table 6-1. External Signals (continued) Signal Description IRQ3 Interrupt request 3—This input is one of the eight external lines that can request (by means of the internal interrupt controller) a service routine from the core. DP[3] 60x data parity 3—(Input/output) The 60x agent that drives the data bus drives also the data parity signals. The value driven on data parity 3 pin should give odd parity (odd number of 1’s) on the group of signals that includes data parity 3 and D[24–31]. CKSTP_OUT Checkstop output—(Output) Assertion indicates that the core is in its checkstop mode. EXT_BR3 External bus request 3—(Input) An external master should assert this pin to request 60x bus ownership from the internal arbiter. IRQ4 Interrupt request 4—This input is one of the eight external lines that can request (by means of the internal interrupt controller) a service routine from the core. DP[4] 60x data parity 4—(Input/output) The 60x agent that drives the data bus drives also the data parity signals. The value driven on data parity 4 pin should give odd parity (odd number of ‘1’s) on the group of signals that includes data parity 4 and D[32–39]. CORE_SRESET Core system reset—(Input) Asserting this pin will force the core to branch to its reset vector. EXT_BG3 External bus grant 3—(Output) The MPC8280 asserts this pin to grant 60x bus ownership to an external bus master. IRQ5 Interrupt request 5—This input is one of the eight external lines that can request (by means of the internal interrupt controller) a service routine from the core. DP[5] 60x data parity 5—(Input/output) The 60x agent that drives the data bus drives also the data parity signals. The value driven on data parity 5 pin should give odd parity (odd number of ‘1’s) on the group of signals that includes data parity 5 and D[40–47]. TBEN Time base enable—This is a count enable input to the Time Base counter in the core. EXT_DBG3 External data bus grant 3—(Output) The MPC8280 asserts this pin to grant 60x data bus ownership to an external bus master. CINT Critical interrupt—Critical interrupt input to the core IRQ6 Interrupt request 6—This input is one of the eight external lines that can request (by means of the internal interrupt controller) a service routine from the core. DP[6] 60x data parity 6—(Input/output) The 60x agent that drives the data bus drives also the data parity signals. The value driven on data parity 6 pin should give odd parity (odd number of ‘1’s) on the group of signals that includes data parity 6 and D[48–55]. CSE[0] Cache set entry 0—The cache set entry outputs from the core represent the cache replacement set element for the current core transaction reloading into or writing out of the cache. IRQ7 Interrupt request 7—This input is one of the eight external lines that can request (by means of the internal interrupt controller) a service routine from the core. DP[7] 60x data parity 7—(Input/output) The 60x master or slave that drives the data bus drives also the data parity signals. The value driven on data parity 7 pin should give odd parity (odd number of ‘1’s) on the group of signals that includes data parity 7 and D[56–63]. CSE[1] Cache set entry 1—The cache set entry outputs from the core represent the cache replacement set element for the current core transaction reloading into or writing out of the cache. MPC8280 PowerQUICC II Family Reference Manual, Rev. 1 Freescale Semiconductor 6-5 External Signals Table 6-1. External Signals (continued) Signal Description PSDVAL 60x data valid—(Input/output) Assertion of the PSDVAL pin indicates that a data beat is valid on the data bus. The difference between the TA pin and the PSDVAL pin is that the TA pin is asserted to indicate 60x data transfer terminations while the PSDVAL signal is asserted with each data beat movement. Thus always when TA is asserted, PSDVAL will be asserted but when PSDVAL is asserted, TA is not necessarily asserted. For example when a double word (2x64 bits) transfer is initiated by the SDMA to a memory device that has 32 bits port size, PSDVAL will be asserted 3 times without TA and finally both pins will be asserted to terminate the transfer. TA Transfer acknowledge—(Input/output) Indicates that a 60x data beat is valid on the data bus. For 60x single beat transfers, assertion of this pin indicates the termination of the transfer. For 60x burst transfers TA is asserted four times to indicate the transfer of four data beats with the last assertion indicating the termination of the burst transfer. TEA Transfer error acknowledge—(Input/output) Assertion of this pin indicates a bus error. 60x masters within the MPC8280 monitor the state of this pin. MPC8280’s internal bus monitor may assert this pin in case it identified a 60x bus transfer that is hung. GBL Global—(Input/output) When a 60x master within the chip initiates a bus transaction it drives this pin. When an external 60x master initiates a bus transaction it should drive this pin. Assertion of this pin indicates that the transfer is global and it should be snooped by caches in the system. The MPC8280’s data cache monitors the state of this pin. IRQ1 Interrupt request 1—This input is one of the eight external lines that can request (by means of the internal interrupt controller) a service routine from the core. CI Cache inhibit—Output pin. Used for L2 cache control. For each MPC8280 60x transaction initiated in the core, the state of this pin indicates if this transaction should be cached or not. Assertion of the CI pin indicates that the transaction should not be cached. BADDR29 Burst address 29—There are five burst address output pins. These pins are outputs of the 60x memory controller. These pins are used in external master configuration and are connected directly to memory devices controlled by MPC8280’s memory controller. For information on the use of this signal, see Section 11.2.14, “BADDR[27:31] Signal Connections.” IRQ2 Interrupt request 2—This input is one of the eight external lines that can request (by means of the internal interrupt controller) a service routine from the core. WT Write through—Output used for L2 cache control. For each core-initiated MPC8280 60x transaction, the state of this pin indicates if the transaction should be cached using write-through or copy-back mode. Assertion of WT indicates that the transaction should be cached using the write-through mode. BADDR30 Burst address 30—There are five burst address output pins. These pins are outputs of the 60x memory controller. These pins are used in external master configuration and are connected directly to memory devices controlled by MPC8280’s memory controller. For information on the use of this signal, see Section 11.2.14, “BADDR[27:31] Signal Connections.” IRQ3 Interrupt request 3—This input is one of the eight external lines that can request (by means of the internal interrupt controller) a service routine from the core. MPC8280 PowerQUICC II Family Reference Manual, Rev. 1 6-6 Freescale Semiconductor External Signals Table 6-1. External Signals (continued) Signal Description L2_HIT L2 cache hit—(Input) It is used for L2 cache control. Assertion of this pin indicates that the 60x transaction will be handled by the L2 cache. In this case, the memory controller will not start an access to the memory it controls. IRQ4 Interrupt request 4—This input is one of the eight external lines that can request (by means of the internal interrupt controller) a service routine from the core. CPU_BG CPU bus grant—(Output) The value of the 60x core bus grant is driven on this pin to be used by an external MPC2605GA L2 cache. The driven bus grant is not qualified; that is, when using an external arbiter, the user should qualify this signal with the bus grant input to the MPC8280 before connecting it to the L2 cache. BADDR31 Burst address 31—There are five burst address output of the 60x memory controller used in an external master configuration and are connected directly to the memory devices controlled by MPC8280’s memory controller. For information on the use of this signal, see Section 11.2.14, “BADDR[27:31] Signal Connections.” IRQ5 Interrupt Request 5—This input is one of the eight external lines that can request (by means of the internal interrupt controller) a service routine from the core. CINT Critical interrupt—Critical interrupt input to the core CPU_DBG CPU data bus grant—(Output) Valid only when using the internal arbiter (PPC_ACR[EARB] = 0). The OR of all data bus grant signals for internal masters from the internal arbiter is driven on CPU_DBG. CPU_DBG should be connected to the CPU DBG input of an external MPC2605GA L2 cache. (If an external arbiter is used, the CPU DBG input of the external MPC2605GA L2 cache should be connected to the DBG driven from the external arbiter to this MPC8280.) CPU_BR CPU bus request—(Output) The value of the 60x core bus request is driven on this pin for the use of an external L2 cache. CS[0–9] Chip select—These are output pins that enable specific memory devices or peripherals connected to MPC8280 buses. CS[10] Chip select—These are output pins that enable specific memory devices or peripherals connected to MPC8280 buses. BCTL1 Buffer control 1—Output signal whose function is controlling buffers on the 60x data bus. Usually used with BCTL0. The exact function of this pin is defined by the value of SIUMCR[BCTLC]. See Section, “SIU Module Configuration Register (SIUMCR),” for details. CS[11] Chip select—Output that enable specific memory devices or peripherals connected to MPC8280 buses. AP[0] Address parity 0—(Input/output) The 60x master that drives the address bus, drives also the address parity signals. The value driven on address parity 0 pin should give odd parity (odd number of ‘1’s) on the group of signals that includes address parity 0 and A[0–7]. BADDR[27–28] Burst address 27–28—There are five burst address output pins. These pins are outputs of the 60x memory controller. Used in external master configuration and connected directly to the memory devices controlled by MPC8280’s memory controller. For information on the use of these signals, see Section 11.2.14, “BADDR[27:31] Signal Connections.” ALE Address latch enable—This output pin controls the external address latch that should be used in external master 60x bus configuration. MPC8280 PowerQUICC II Family Reference Manual, Rev. 1 Freescale Semiconductor 6-7 External Signals Table 6-1. External Signals (continued) Signal Description BCTL0 Buffer control 0—Output whose function is controlling buffers on the 60x data bus. Usually used with BCTL1 that is multiplexed on CS10. The exact function of this pin is defined by the value of SIUMCR[BCTLC]. See Section, “SIU Module Configuration Register (SIUMCR),” for details. PWE[0–7] 60x bus write enable—Outputs of the 60x bus GPCM. These pins select byte lanes for write operations. PSDDQM[0–7] 60x bus SDRAM DQM—The DQM pins are outputs of the SDRAM control machine. These pins select specific byte lanes of SDRAM devices. PBS[0–7] 60x bus UPM byte select—The byte select pins are outputs of the UPM in the memory controller. They are used to select specific byte lanes during memory operations. The timing of these pins is programmed in the UPM. The actual driven value depends on the address and size of the transaction and the port size of the accessed device. PSDA10 60x bus SDRAM A10—(Output) from the 60x bus SDRAM controller. Part of the address when a row address is driven and is part of the command when a column address is driven. PGPL0 60x bus UPM general purpose line 0—One of six general purpose output lines from UPM. The values and timing of this pin is programmed in the UPM. PSDWE 60x bus SDRAM write enable—(Output) from the 60x bus SDRAM controller. Should be connected to SDRAMs’ WE input. PGPL1 60x bus UPM general purpose line 1—One of six general purpose output lines from UPM. The values and timing of this pin is programmed in the UPM. POE 60x bus output enable—The output enable pin is an output of the 60x bus GPCM. Controls the output buffer of memory devices during read operations. PSDRAS 60x bus SDRAM ras—Output from the 60x bus SDRAM controller. Should be connected to SDRAMs’ RAS input. PGPL2 60x bus UPM general purpose line 2—One of six general purpose output lines from UPM. The values and timing of this pin is programmed in the UPM. PSDCAS 60x bus SDRAM CAS—Output from the 60x bus SDRAM controller. Should be connected to SDRAMs’ CAS input. PGPL3 60x bus UPM general purpose line 3—One of six general purpose output lines from UPM. The values and timing of this pin is programmed in the UPM. PGTA 60x GPCM TA—This input pin is used for transaction termination during GPCM operation. Requires external pull up resistor for proper operation. PUPMWAIT 60x bus UPM wait—This is an input to the UPM. An external device may hold this pin high to force the UPM to wait until the device is ready for the continuation of the operation. PGPL4 60x bus UPM general purpose line 4—One of six general purpose output lines from UPM. The values and timing of this pin is programmed in the UPM. PPBS 60x bus parity byte select—In systems in which data parity is stored in a separate chip, this output is used as the byte-select for that chip. MPC8280 PowerQUICC II Family Reference Manual, Rev. 1 6-8 Freescale Semiconductor External Signals Table 6-1. External Signals (continued) Signal PSDAMUX Description 60x bus SDRAM address multiplexer—This output pin controls the 60x SDRAM address multiplexer when the MPC8280 is in external master mode. PGPL5 60x bus UPM general purpose line 5—One of six general purpose output lines from UPM. The values and timing of this pin is programmed in the UPM. LWE[0–3] Local bus write enable—The write enable pins are outputs of the Local bus GPCM. These pins select specific byte lanes for write operations. LSDDQM[0–3] Local bus SDRAM DQM—The DQM pins are outputs of the SDRAM control machine. These pins select specific byte lanes of SDRAM devices. LBS[0–3] Local bus UPM byte select—The byte select pins are outputs of the UPM in the memory controller. They are used to select specific byte lanes during memory operations. The timing of these pins is programmed in the UPM. The actual driven value depends on the address and size of the transaction and the port size of the accessed device. PCI_CFG[0-3] PCI Configuration—In PCI mode, PCI_CFG[0-3] configure the PCI bridge to Host or agent and control the PCI arbiter operation: • PCI_CFG[0] is PCI_HOST, when High enables the PCI bridge for Agent operation, when Low enables the PCI as Host. • PCI_CFG[1] is PCI_ARB_EN, when Low enables the PCI internal arbiter logic, when High disables the internal arbiter logic (and an external arbiter should be used). • PCI_CFG[2] is the DLL_Enable. In PCI mode, this pin should be pulled high externally in order to use the DLL. • PCI_CFG[3] is reserved and should be pulled high externally. LSDA10 Local bus SDRAM A10—Output from the 60x bus SDRAM controller. Is part of the address when a row address is driven and is part of the command when a column address is driven. LGPL0 Local bus UPM general purpose line 0—This is one of six general purpose output lines from UPM. The values and timing of this pin is programmed in the UPM. PCI_MODCK_H0 PCI MODCK_H0—In PCI mode, defines the operating mode of internal clock circuits. LSDWE Local bus SDRAM write enable—Output from the local bus SDRAM controller. Should be connected to the WE inputs of the SDRAMs. LGPL1 Local bus UPM general purpose line 1—This is one of six general purpose output lines from UPM. The values and timing of this pin is programmed in the UPM. PCI_MODCK_H1 PCI MODCK_H1—In PCI mode, defines the operating mode of internal clock circuits. LOE Local bus output enable—The output enable pin is an output of the Local bus GPCM. Controls the output buffer of memory devices during read operations. LSDRAS Local bus SDRAM RAS—Output from the Local bus SDRAM controller. Should be connected to the SDRAM RAS input. LGPL2 Local bus UPM general purpose line 2—This is one of six general purpose output lines from UPM. The values and timing of this pin is programmed in the UPM. PCI_MODCK_H2 PCI MODCK_H2—In PCI mode, defines the operating mode of internal clock circuits. MPC8280 PowerQUICC II Family Reference Manual, Rev. 1 Freescale Semiconductor 6-9 External Signals Table 6-1. External Signals (continued) Signal Description LSDCAS Local bus SDRAM CAS—Output from the Local bus SDRAM controller. Should be connected to the CAS inputs of the SDRAMs. LGPL3 Local bus UPM general purpose line 3—This is one of six general purpose output lines from UPM. The values and timing of this pin is programmed in the UPM. PCI_MODCK_H3 PCI MODCK_H3—In PCI mode, defines the operating mode of internal clock circuits. LGTA Local bus GPCM TA—This input pin is used for transaction termination during GPCM operation. Requires external pull up resistor for proper operation. LUPMWAIT Local bus UPM wait—This is an input to the UPM. An external device may hold this pin high to force the UPM to wait until the device is ready for the continuation of the operation. LGPL4 Local bus UPM general purpose line 4—One of six general purpose output lines from UPM. The values and timing of this pin is programmed in the UPM. LPBS Local bus parity byte select—In systems in which the data parity is stored in a separate chip, this output is used as the byte select for that chip. LGPL5 Local bus UPM general purpose line 5—This is one of six general purpose output lines from UPM. The values and timing of this pin is programmed in the UPM. PCI_MODCK PCI MODCK—In PCI mode, defines additional operating modes of internal clock circuits. LWR Local write—The local write pin is an output from the local bus memory controller. It is used to distinguish between read and write transactions. L_A14 Local bus address 14—Local bus address bit 14 output pin. In the local address bus bit 14 is most significant and bit 31 is least significant. PCI_PAR PCI parity—PCI parity input/output pin. Assertion of this pin indicates that odd parity is driven across PCI_AD[31-0] and PCI_C/BE[3–0] during address and data phases. Negation of PCI_PAR indicates that even parity is driven across the PCI_AD[31-0] and PCI_C/BE[3–0] during address and data phases. L_A15 Local bus address 15—Local bus address bit 15 output pin. In the local address bus bit 14 is most significant and bit 31 is least significant. SMI System management interrupt—System management interrupt input to the core. PCI_FRAME PCI frame—PCI cycle frame input/output pin. Used by the current PCI master to indicate the beginning and duration of an access. Driven by the MPC8280 when its PCI interface is the master of the access. Otherwise, it is an input. L_A16 Local bus address 16—Local bus address bit 16 output pin. In the local address bus bit 14 is most significant and bit 31 is least significant. PCI_TRDY PCI target ready—PCI target ready input/output pin. This pin is driven by the MPC8280 when its PCI interface is the target of a PCI transfer. Assertion of this pin indicates that the PCI target is ready to send or accept a data beat. MPC8280 PowerQUICC II Family Reference Manual, Rev. 1 6-10 Freescale Semiconductor External Signals Table 6-1. External Signals (continued) Signal Description L_A17 Local bus address 17—Local bus address bit 17 output pin. In the local address bus bit 14 is most significant and bit 31 is least significant. PCI_IRDY PCI initiator ready—PCI initiator ready input/output pin. This pin is driven by the MPC8280 when its PCI interface is the initiator of a PCI transfer. Assertion of this pin indicates that the PCI initiator is ready to send or accept a data beat. CKSTOP_OUT Checkstop output—(Output) Assertion of CKSTOP_OUT indicates the core is in checkstop mode. L_A18 Local bus address 18—Local bus address bit 18 output pin. In the local address bus bit 14 is most significant and bit 31 is least significant. PCI_STOP PCI stop—PCI stop input/output pin. This pin is driven by the MPC8280 when its PCI interface is the target of a PCI transfer. Assertion of this pin indicates that the PCI target is requesting the master to stop the current PCI transfer. L_A19 Local bus address 19—Local bus address bit 19 output pin. In the local address bus bit 14 is most significant and bit 31 is least significant. PCI_DEVSEL PCI device select—PCI device select input/output pin. This pin is driven by the MPC8280 when its PCI interface has decoded its own address as the target of the current PCI transfer. As an input, PCI_DEVSEL indicates whether any device on the PCI bus has been selected. L_A20 Local bus address 20—Local bus address bit 20 output pin. In the local address bus bit 14 is most significant and bit 31 is least significant. PCI_IDSEL PCI initialization device select—(Input) Used to select the MPC8280’s PCI interface during a PCI configuration cycle. L_A21 Local bus address 21—Local bus address bit 21 output pin. In the local address bus bit 14 is most significant and bit 31 is least significant. PCI_PERR PCI parity error—PCI data parity error input/output pin. Assertion of this pin indicates that a data parity error was detected during a PCI transfer (except for a special cycle). L_A22 Local bus address 22—Local bus address bit 22 output pin. In the local address bus bit 14 is most significant and bit 31 is least significant. PCI_SERR PCI system error—PCI system error input/output pin. Assertion of this pin indicates that a PCI system error was detected during a PCI transfer. The PCI system error is for reporting address parity errors, data parity errors on a special cycle command, or other catastrophic system errors. L_A23 Local bus address 23—Local bus address bit 23 output pin. In the local address bus bit 14 is most significant and bit 31 is least significant. PCI_REQ0 PCI arbiter request 0—PCI request 0 input/output pin. When the MPC8280’s internal PCI arbiter is used, this is an input pin. In this mode assertion of this pin indicates that an external PCI device is requesting the PCI bus. When an external PCI arbiter is used, this is an output pin. In this mode assertion of this pin indicates that the MPC8280’s PCI interface is requesting the PCI bus. MPC8280 PowerQUICC II Family Reference Manual, Rev. 1 Freescale Semiconductor 6-11 External Signals Table 6-1. External Signals (continued) Signal Description L_A24 Local bus address 24—Local bus address bit 24 output pin. In the local address bus bit 14 is most significant and bit 31 is least significant. PCI_REQ1 PCI arbiter request 1—PCI request 1 input pin. When the MPC8280’s internal PCI arbiter is used, assertion of this pin indicates that an external PCI device is requesting the PCI bus. CPCI_HS_ES CompactPCI Hot Swap Ejector Switch—Hot Swap Ejector Switch input pin. In a CompactPCI system, when the MPC8280’s internal PCI arbiter is not used, this pin is used for the Hot Swap interface to connect to the ejector switch logic. 0 Switch is closed 1 Switch is open Important note: When functioning as the CPCI_HS_ES input, this signal must be filtered (debounced) by an external circuit. Do not connect this input directly to the ejector switch. The input must be a monotonically rising/falling signal. L_A25 Local bus address 25—Local bus address bit 25 output pin. In the local address bus bit 14 is most significant and bit 31 is least significant. PCI_GNT0 PCI arbiter grant 0—PCI grant 0 input/output pin. When the MPC8280’s internal PCI arbiter is used, this is an output pin. In this mode, assertion of PCI_GNT0 indicates that an the external PCI device that requested the PCI bus with PCI_REQ0 is granted the bus. When an external PCI arbiter is used, this is an input pin. In this mode, assertion of PCI_GNT0 indicates that the MPC8280’s PCI interface is granted the PCI bus. L_A26 Local bus address 26—Local bus address bit 26 output pin. In the local address bus bit 14 is most significant and bit 31 is least significant. PCI_GNT1 PCI arbiter grant 1—PCI grant 1 output pin. When the MPC8280’s internal PCI arbiter is used, assertion of PCI_GNT1 indicates that the external PCI device that requested the PCI bus with PCI_REQ1 pin is granted the bus. CPCI_HS_LED CompactPCI Hot Swap LED—Hot Swap LED output pin. In CompactPCI system, when the MPC8280’s internal PCI arbiter is not used, this pin is used for the Hot Swap interface to connect to the Hot Swap LED. The Hot Swap pins are not available when the internal arbiter is used. 0 LED is off 1 LED is on L_A27 Local bus address 27—Local bus address bit 27 output pin. In the local address bus bit 14 is most significant and bit 31 is least significant. PCI_GNT2 PCI arbiter grant 2—PCI grant 2 output pin. When the MPC8280’s internal PCI arbiter is used, assertion of PCI_GNT2 indicates that the external PCI device that requested the PCI bus with PCI_REQ2 pin is granted the bus. CPCI_HS_ENUM CompactPCI Hot Swap Enumerator—Hot Swap ENUM output pin. In CompactPCI system, when the MPC8280’s internal PCI arbiter is not used, this pin is used for the Hot Swap interface to connect to the host as the enumeration request. MPC8280 PowerQUICC II Family Reference Manual, Rev. 1 6-12 Freescale Semiconductor External Signals Table 6-1. External Signals (continued) Signal Description L_A28 Local bus address 28—Local bus address bit 28 output pin. In the local address bus bit 14 is most significant and bit 31 is least significant. PCI_RST PCI reset—PCI reset output pin. When the MPC8280 is the host in the PCI system, PCI_RST is an output. CORE_SRESET Core system reset—This is an input to the core. When this input pin is asserted the core branches to its reset vector. L_A29 Local bus address 29—Local bus address bit 29 output pin. In the local address bus bit 14 is most significant and bit 31 is least significant. PCI_INTA PCI INTA—(output) When the MPC8280 is an agent of the PCI system, this pin is an output used by the MPC8280 to signal an interrupt to the PCI host. (When the MPC8280 is the host in the PCI system, the general IRQ pins are used for delivering PCI interrupts to the host.) L_A30 Local bus address 30—Local bus address bit 30 output pin. In the local address bus bit 14 is most significant and bit 31 is least significant. PCI_REQ2 PCI arbiter request 2—PCI request 2 input pin. When the MPC8280’s internal PCI arbiter is used, assertion of this pin indicates that an external PCI device is requesting the PCI bus. L_A31 Local bus address 31—Local bus address bit 31 output pin. In the local address bus bit 14 is most significant and bit 31 is least significant. DLLOUT DLL Clock Out—DLL output pin. This is the DLL output reference clock. See Figure 10-2 and Figure 10-3. LCL_D[0–31] Local bus data—Local bus data input/output pins. In the local data bus bit 0 is most significant and bit 31 is least significant. PCI_AD[31-0] PCI address/data—PCI bus address/data input/output pins. During an address phase PCI_AD[31-0] contains a physical address, during a data phase PCI_AD[31-0] contains the data bytes. In the PCI address/data bus, bit 31 is msb and bit 0 is lsb. LCL_DP[0–3] Local bus data parity—Local bus data parity input/output pins. In local bus write operations the MPC8280 drives these pins. In local bus read operations the accessed device drives these pins. LCL_DP[0] is driven with a value that gives odd parity with LCL_D[0–7]. LCL_DP[1] is driven with a value that gives odd parity with LCL_D[8–15]. LCL_DP[2] is driven with a value that gives odd parity with LCL_D[16–23]. LCL_DP[3] is driven with a value that gives odd parity with LCL_D[24–31]. PCI_C/BE[3-0] PCI command/byte enable—PCI command/byte enable input/output pins. The MPC8280 drives these pins when it is the initiator of a PCI transfer. During an address phase the PCI_C/BE[3-0] defines the command, during the data phase PCI_C/BE[3-0] defines the byte enables. PCI_C/BE[3] is the msb and PCI_C/BE[0] is the lsb. IRQ0 Interrupt request 0—This input is an external line that causes an MCP interrupt to the core. NMI_OUT Non-maskable interrupt output—This is an output driven from MPC8280’s internal interrupt controller. Assertion of this output indicates that a non-maskable interrupt is pending in MPC8280’s internal interrupt controller. MPC8280 PowerQUICC II Family Reference Manual, Rev. 1 Freescale Semiconductor 6-13 External Signals Table 6-1. External Signals (continued) Signal Description IRQ7 Interrupt request 7—This input is one of the eight external lines that can request (by means of the internal interrupt controller) a service routine from the core. INT_OUT Interrupt output—This is an output driven from MPC8280’s internal interrupt controller. Assertion of this output indicates that an unmasked interrupt is pending in MPC8280’s internal interrupt controller. APE Address parity error—This output pin is asserted when the MPC8280 detects wrong parity driven on its address parity pins by an external master. TRST Test reset (JTAG)— Input only. This is the reset input to the MPC8280’s JTAG/COP controller. See Section 13.1, “Overview,” and Section 13.6, “Nonscan Chain Operation.” TCK Test clock (JTAG)—Input only. Provides the clock input for MPC8280’s JTAG/COP controller. TMS Test mode select (JTAG)—Input only. Controls the state of MPC8280’s JTAG/COP controller. TDI Test data in (JTAG)—Input only. Data input to MPC8280’s JTAG/COP controller. TDO Test data out (JTAG)—Output only. Data output from MPC8280’s JTAG/COP controller. TRIS Three-state—Asserting TRIS forces all other MPC8280’s pins to high impedance state. PORESET Power-on reset—When asserted, this input line causes the MPC8280 to enter power-on reset state. PCI_RST PCI reset—PCI reset input pin. When the MPC8280 is an agent in the PCI system, PCI_RST is an input. HRESET Hard reset—This open drain line, when asserted causes the MPC8280 to enter hard reset state. SRESET Soft reset—This open drain line, when asserted causes the MPC8280 to enter the soft reset state. QREQ Quiescent request— Output only. Indicates that MPC8280’s internal core is about to enter its low power mode. In the MPC8280 this pin will be typically used for debug purposes. RSTCONF RSTCONF —Input used during reset configuration sequence of the chip. Find detailed explanation of its function in Section 5.1.2, “Power-On Reset Flow,” and Section 5.4, “Reset Configuration.” MODCK1 MODCK1—Clock mode input. Defines the operating mode of internal clock circuits. AP[1] Address parity 1—(Input/output) The 60x master that drives the address bus, drives also the address parity signals. The value driven on address parity 1 pin should give odd parity (odd number of 1s) on the group of signals that includes address parity 1 and A[8–15]. TC[0] Transfer Code 0—The transfer code output pins supply information that can be useful for debug purposes for each of the MPC8280’s initiated bus transactions. BNKSEL[0] Bank Select 0—The bank select outputs are used for selecting SDRAM bank when the MPC8280 is in 60x compatible bus mode. BNKSEL0 is msb of the three BNKSEL signals. MPC8280 PowerQUICC II Family Reference Manual, Rev. 1 6-14 Freescale Semiconductor External Signals Table 6-1. External Signals (continued) Signal Description MODCK2 MODCK2—Clock mode input. Defines the operating mode of internal clock circuits. AP[2] Address parity 2—(Input/output) The 60x master that drives the address bus, drives also the address parity signals. The value driven on address parity 2 pin should give odd parity (odd number of 1s) on the group of signals that includes address parity 2 and A[16–23]. TC[1] Transfer code 1—The transfer code output pins supply information that can be useful for debug purposes for each of the MPC8280’s initiated bus transactions. BNKSEL[1] Bank select 1—The bank select outputs are used for selecting SDRAM bank when the MPC8280 is in 60x-compatible bus mode. MODCK3 MODCK3—Clock mode input. Defines the operating mode of internal clock circuits. AP[3] Address parity 3—(Input/output) The 60x master that drives the address bus, drives also the address parity signals. The value driven on address parity 3 pin should give odd parity (odd number of 1s) on the group of signals that includes address parity 3 and A[24—31]. TC[2] Transfer code 2—The transfer code output pins supply information that can be useful for debug purposes for each of the MPC8280’s initiated bus transactions. BNKSEL[2] Bank select 2—The bank select outputs are used for selecting SDRAM bank when the MPC8280 is in 60x-compatible bus mode. BNKSEL2 is lsb of the three BNKSEL signals. XFC External filter capacitance—Input connection for an external capacitor filter for PLL circuitry. CLKIN1 Clock In—Primary clock input to MPC8280’s PLL. In a PCI system, where the MPC8280 PCI interface is operated from the PCI bus clock, CLKIN should be connected to the PCI bus clock. In that case, the 60x bus clock is driven on CLKOUT. See Figure 10-2 and Figure 10-3. CLKIN2 Clock In2—This is the clock input to the MPC8280’s DLL, which is used for deskewing the output reference clock. See Figure 10-2 and Figure 10-3. PCI_MODE PCI mode pin—This pin enables the PCI bridge of the MPC8280. • When Low, the PCI bridge is enabled, PCI interface replaces the Local bus. • When High, the PCI bridge is disabled, the MPC8280 operates with the Local bus. This pin has an internal pull up resistor so it defaults to Local bus operation. PA[0–31] General-purpose I/O port A bits 0–31—CPM port multiplexing is described in Chapter 41, “Parallel I/O Ports.” PB[4–31] General-purpose I/O port B bits 4–31—CPM port multiplexing is described in Chapter 41, “Parallel I/O Ports.” PC[0–31] General-purpose I/O port C bits 0–31—CPM port multiplexing is described in Chapter 41, “Parallel I/O Ports.” PD[4–31] General-purpose I/O port D bits 4–31—CPM port multiplexing is described in Chapter 41, “Parallel I/O Ports.” Power Supply VDD—This is the power supply of the internal logic. VDDH—This is the power supply of the I/O Buffers. VCCSYN—This is the power supply of the PLL circuitry. GNDSYN—This is a special ground of the PLL circuitry. VCCSYN1—This is the power supply of the core’s PLL circuitry. MPC8280 PowerQUICC II Family Reference Manual, Rev. 1 Freescale Semiconductor 6-15 External Signals MPC8280 PowerQUICC II Family Reference Manual, Rev. 1 6-16 Freescale Semiconductor Chapter 7 60x Signals This chapter describes the MPC8280 processor’s external signals. It contains a concise description of individual signals, showing behavior when a signal is asserted and negated, when the signal is an input and an output, and the differences in how signals work in external-master or internal-only configurations. NOTE A bar over a signal name indicates that the signal is active low– for example, ARTRY (address retry) and TS (transfer start). Active-low signals are referred to as asserted (active) when they are low and negated when they are high. Signals that are not active-low, such as TSIZ[0–3] (transfer size signals) and TT[0–4] (transfer type signals) are referred to as asserted when they are high and negated when they are low. The 60x bus signals used with MPC8280 are grouped as follows: • Address arbitration signals—In external arbiter mode, MPC8280 uses these signals to arbitrate for address bus mastership. The MPC8280 arbiter uses these signals to enable an external device to arbitrate for address bus mastership. • Address transfer start signals—These signals indicate that a bus master has begun a transaction on the address bus. • Address transfer signals (address bus)—These signals are used to transfer the address. • Transfer attribute signals—These signals provide information about the type of transfer, such as the transfer size and whether the transaction is single, single extended, bursted, write-through or cache-inhibited. • Address transfer termination signals—These signals are used to acknowledge the end of the address phase of the transaction. They also indicate whether a condition exists that requires the address phase to be repeated. • Data arbitration signals—The MPC8280, in external arbiter mode, uses these signals to arbitrate for data bus mastership. The MPC8280 arbiter uses these signals to enable an external device to arbitrate for data bus mastership. • Data transfer signals—These signals, which consist of the data bus, data parity, and data parity error signals, transfer the data and ensure its integrity. • Data transfer termination signals—Data termination signals are required after each data beat in a data transfer. In a single-beat transaction, the data termination signals also indicate the end of the tenure. For burst accesses or extended port-size accesses, the data termination signals apply to individual beats and indicate the end of the tenure only after the final data beat. MPC8280 PowerQUICC II Family Reference Manual, Rev. 1 Freescale Semiconductor 7-1 60x Signals 7.1 Signal Configuration Figure 7-1 shows the 60x bus signal configuration grouping of the MPC8280. NOTE The MPC8280 hardware specifications provide a pinout showing numbers of pins. These are shown in Figure 7-1. Bus Request (BR) Address Arbitration Bus Grant (BG) Address Bus Busy (ABB) Address Start Transfer Start (TS) Address (A[0–31]) Address Bus Address Parity (AP[0–3]) Address Parity Error (APE) Transfer Type (TT[0–4]) Transfer Code (TC[0–2]) Transfer Attributes Address Termination 1 Data Bus Grant (DBG) 1 1 Data Arbitration 1 Data Bus Busy (DBB) 1 64 32 Data (D[0–63]) Data Transfer 8 Data Parity (DP[0–7]) 1 Partial Data Valid Indication (PSDVAL) 1 Transfer Acknowledge (TA) 1 Transfer Error Acknowledge (TEA) 4 1 5 3 Transfer Burst (TBST) 1 Transfer Size (TSIZ[0–3]) 4 Global (GBL) 1 Data Termination 1 Cache Inhibit (CI) 1 Write-Through (WT) 1 Address Acknowledge (AACK) 1 1 Reservation Address Retry (ARTRY) 1 1 TLBISYNC Processor State Figure 7-1. Signal Groupings 7.2 Signal Descriptions This section describes individual MPC8280 60x signals, grouped according to Figure 7-1. Note that the following sections briefly summarize signal functions. Chapter 8, “The 60x Bus,” describes many of these signals in greater detail, both in terms of their function and how groups of signals interact. MPC8280 PowerQUICC II Family Reference Manual, Rev. 1 7-2 Freescale Semiconductor 60x Signals 7.2.1 Address Bus Arbitration Signals The address arbitration signals are a collection of input and output signals devices use to request address bus mastership, recognize when the request is granted, and indicate to other devices when mastership is granted. For a detailed description of how these signals interact, see Section 8.4.1, “Address Arbitration.” Bus arbitration signals have no meaning in internal-only mode. Bus Request (BR)—Output The bus request (BR) signal is both an input and an output signal on the MPC8280. Address Bus Request (BR)—Output Following are the state meaning and timing comments for the BR signal output. State Meaning Asserted—Indicates that MPC8280 is requesting mastership of the address bus. Note that BR may be asserted for one or more cycles and then deasserted due to an internal cancellation of the bus request (for example, due to a load hit in the touch load buffer). See Section 8.4.1, “Address Arbitration.” Negated—Indicates that the MPC8280 is not requesting the address bus. The MPC8280 may have no bus operation pending, it may be parked, or the ARTRY input was asserted on the previous bus clock cycle. Timing Comments Assertion—May occur on any cycle; does not occur if the MPC8280 is parked and the address bus is idle (BG asserted and ABB input negated). Negation—Occurs for at least one cycle following a qualified BG even if another transaction is pending; also negated for at least one cycle following any qualified ARTRY on the bus unless MPC8280 asserted ARTRY and requires a snoop copyback; may also be negated if MPC8280 cancels the bus request internally before receiving a qualified BG. High Impedance—Occurs during a hard reset or checkstop condition Address Bus Request (BR)—Input Following are the state meaning and timing comments for the BR signal input. State Meaning Asserted—Indicates that the external master has a bus transaction to perform and is waiting for a qualified BG to begin the address tenure. BR may be asserted even if the two possible pipelined address tenures have already been granted. Negated—Indicates that the external master has no bus transaction to perform, or if the device is parked, that it is potentially ready to start a bus transaction on the next clock cycle (with proper qualification, see BG). Timing Comments Assertion—May occur on any cycle; does not occur if the external master is parked and the address bus is idle (BG asserted and ABB input negated). Negation—Occurs for at least one cycle after a qualified BG even if another transaction is pending; also negated for at least one cycle following any qualified ARTRY on the bus unless this chip asserted the ARTRY and requires to perform MPC8280 PowerQUICC II Family Reference Manual, Rev. 1 Freescale Semiconductor 7-3 60x Signals a snoop copyback; may also be negated if the external master cancels a bus request internally before receiving a qualified BG. High Impedance—Occurs during a hard reset or checkstop condition. Bus Grant (BG) The address bus grant (BG) signal is both an input and an output signal. Bus Grant (BG)—Input The following are the state meaning and timing comments for the BG signal input. State Meaning Asserted—Indicates that the MPC8280 may, with the proper qualification, begin a bus transaction and assume ownership of the address bus. A qualified bus grant is generally determined from the bus state as follows: QBG = BG • ¬ABB • ¬ARTRY where ARTRY is asserted only during the cycle after AACK. Note that the assertion of BR is not required for a qualified bus grant (for bus parking). Negated—Indicates that the MPC8280 is not granted next address ownership. Timing Comments Assertion—May occur on any cycle. Once the MPC8280 has assumed address bus ownership, it does not begin checking for BG again until the cycle after AACK. Negation—May occur whenever the MPC8280 must be prevented from using the address bus. The MPC8280 may still assume address bus ownership on the cycle BG is negated if it was asserted the previous cycle with other bus grant qualifications. Bus Grant (BG)—Output Following are the state meaning and timing comments for the BG signal output. State Meaning Asserted—Indicates that the external device may, with the proper qualification, begin a bus transaction and assume ownership of the address bus. A qualified bus grant is generally determined from the bus state as follows: QBG = BG • ¬ABB • ¬ARTRY where ARTRY is asserted only during the cycle after AACK. Note that the assertion of BR is not required for a qualified bus grant (for bus parking). Negated—Indicates that the external device is not granted next address ownership. Timing Comments Assertion—May occur on any cycle. Once the external device has assumed address bus ownership, it does not begin checking for BG again until the cycle after AACK. Negation—May occur when an external device must be kept from using the address bus. The external device may still assume address bus ownership on the cycle that BG is negated if it was asserted the previous cycle with other bus grant qualifications. MPC8280 PowerQUICC II Family Reference Manual, Rev. 1 7-4 Freescale Semiconductor 60x Signals Address Bus Busy (ABB) The address bus busy (ABB) signal is both an input and an output signal. Address Bus Busy (ABB)—Output Following are the state meaning and timing comments for the ABB output signal. State Meaning Asserted—Indicates that the MPC8280 is the current address bus master. The MPC8280 may not assume address bus ownership in case a bus request is internally cancelled by the cycle a qualified BG would have been recognized. Negated—Indicates that MPC8280 is not the current address bus master. Timing Comments Assertion—Occurs the cycle after a qualified BG is accepted by MPC8280 and remains asserted for the duration of the address tenure. Turn-Off Sequencing—Negates for a fraction of a bus cycle (1/2 minimum, depends on clock mode) starting the cycle following the assertion of AACK. It then goes to the high impedance state. Address Bus Busy (ABB)—Input Following are the state meaning and timing comments for the ABB input signal. State Meaning Timing Comments 7.2.2 Asserted—Indicates that external device is the address bus master. Negated—Indicates that the address bus may be available for use by the MPC8280 (see BG). The MPC8280 also tracks the state of ABB on the bus from the TS and AACK inputs. (See section on address arbitration phase.) Assertion—May occur whenever the MPC8280 must be prevented from using the address bus. Negation—May occur whenever the MPC8280 may use the address bus. Address Transfer Start Signal In the internal only mode the address transfer start signal has no meaning. Address transfer start signal are input and output signals that indicate that an address bus transfer has begun. Transfer Start (TS) The TS signal is both an input and an output signal on the MPC8280. Transfer Start (TS)—Output Following are the state meaning and timing comments for the TS output signal. State Meaning Asserted—Indicates that the MPC8280 has started a bus transaction and that the address bus and transfer attribute signals are valid. It is also an implied data bus MPC8280 PowerQUICC II Family Reference Manual, Rev. 1 Freescale Semiconductor 7-5 60x Signals Timing Comments request if the transfer attributes TT[0–4] indicate that a data tenure is required for the transaction. Negated—Has no special meaning during a normal transaction. Assertion/Negation—Driven and asserted on the cycle after a qualified BG is accepted by MPC8280; remains asserted for one clock only. Negated for the remainder of the address tenure. Assertion is coincident with the first clock that ABB is asserted. High Impedance—Occurs the cycle following the assertion of AACK (same cycle as ABB negation). Transfer Start (TS)—Input Following are the state meaning and timing comments for the TS input signal. State Meaning Asserted—Indicates that another device has begun a bus transaction and that the address bus and transfer attribute signals are valid for snooping. Negated—Has no special meaning. Timing Comments Assertion/Negation—Must be asserted for one cycle only and then immediately negated. Assertion may occur at any time during the assertion of ABB. 7.2.3 Address Transfer Signals In internal only mode the memory controller uses these signals for glueless address transfers to memory and I/O devices. The address transfer signals are used to transmit the address. Address Bus (A[0–31]) The address bus (A[0–31]) consists of 32 signals that are both input and output signals. Address Bus (A[0–31])—Output Following are the state meaning and timing comments for the A[0–31] output signals. State Meaning Content—Specifies the physical address of the bus transaction. For burst or extended operations, the address is a double-word. Timing Comments Assertion/Negation—Driven valid on the same cycle that TS is driven/asserted; remains driven/valid for the duration of the address tenure. High Impedance— Occurs the cycle following the assertion of AACK; no precharge action performed on release. MPC8280 PowerQUICC II Family Reference Manual, Rev. 1 7-6 Freescale Semiconductor 60x Signals Address Bus (A[0–31])—Input Following are the state meaning and timing comments for the A[0–31] input signals. State Meaning Asserted—Indicates that another device has begun a bus transaction and that the address bus and transfer attribute signals are valid for snooping and in slave mode. Negated—Has no special meaning. Timing Comments Assertion/Negation—Must be valid on the same cycle that TS is asserted; sampled by the processor only on this cycle. 7.2.4 Address Transfer Attribute Signals In internal only mode the address transfer attribute signals have no meaning. The transfer attribute signals are a set of signals that further characterize the transfer—such as the size of the transfer, whether it is a read or write operation, and whether it is a burst or single-beat transfer. For a detailed description of how these signals interact, see Section 7.2.4, “Address Transfer Attribute Signals.” Transfer Type (TT[0–4]) The transfer type signals (TT[0–4]) consist of five input/output signals on the MPC8280. For a complete description of TT[0–4] signals and transfer type encoding, see Section, “Transfer Type Signal (TT[0–4]) Encoding.” Transfer Type (TT[0–4])—Output Following are the state meaning and timing comments for the TT[0–4] output signals on the MPC8280. State Meaning Asserted/Negated—Specifies the type of transfer in progress. Timing Comments Assertion/Negation—Same as A[0–31]. High Impedance—Same as A[0–31]. Transfer Type (TT[0–4])—Input Following are the state meaning and timing comments for the TT[0–4] input signals on the MPC8280. State Meaning Asserted/Negated—Specifies the type of transfer in progress for snooping by the MPC8280. Timing Comments Assertion/Negation—Same as A[0–31]. Transfer Size (TSIZ[0–3]) The transfer size (TSIZ[0–3]) signals consist of four input/output signals on the MPC8280, following are the state meaning and timing comments for the TSIZ[0–3] signals on the MPC8280. State Meaning Asserted/Negated—Specifies the data transfer size for the transaction (see Section, “TBST and TSIZ[0–3] Signals and Size of Transfer”). During graphics transfer operations, these signals form part of the Resource ID (see TBST). MPC8280 PowerQUICC II Family Reference Manual, Rev. 1 Freescale Semiconductor 7-7 60x Signals Timing Comments Assertion/Negation—Same as A[0–31]. High Impedance—Same as A[0–31]. Transfer Burst (TBST) The transfer burst (TBST) signal is an input/output signal on the MPC8280. Following are the state meaning and timing comments for the TBST output/input signal. State Meaning Timing Comments Asserted—Indicates that a burst transfer is in progress (see Section, “TBST and TSIZ[0–3] Signals and Size of Transfer”). During graphics transfer operations, this signal forms part of the Resource ID field from the EAR as follows: TBST || TSIZ[0–3] = EAR[28–31]. (See TBST.) Negated—Indicates that a burst transfer is not in progress. Assertion/Negation—Same as A[0–31]. High Impedance—Same as A[0–31]. Global (GBL) The global (GBL) signal is an input/output signal on the MPC8280. Global (GBL)—Output Following are the state meaning and timing comments for the GBL output signal. State Meaning Asserted—Indicates that the transaction is global and should be snooped by other devices. GBL reflects the M bit (WIM bits) from the MMU except during certain transactions. Negated—Indicates that the transaction is not global and should not be snooped by other devices. Timing Comments Assertion/Negation—Same as A[0–31]. High Impedance—Same as A[0–31]. Global (GBL)—Input Following are the state meaning and timing comments for the GBL input signal. State Meaning Asserted—Indicates that a transaction must be snooped by MPC8280. Negated—Indicates that a transaction should not be snooped by MPC8280. (In addition, certain non-global transactions are snooped for reservation coherency.) Timing Comments Assertion/Negation—Same as A[0–31]. MPC8280 PowerQUICC II Family Reference Manual, Rev. 1 7-8 Freescale Semiconductor 60x Signals Caching-Inhibited (CI)—Output The cache inhibit (CI) signal is an output signal on the MPC8280. Following are the state meaning and timing comments for CI. State Meaning Timing Comments Asserted—Indicates that the transaction in progress should not be cached. CI reflects the I bit (WIM bits) from the MMU except during certain transactions. Negated—Indicates that the transaction should be cached. Assertion/Negation—Same as A[0–31]. High Impedance—Same as A[0–31]. Write-Through (WT)—Output The write-through (WT) signal is an output signal on the MPC8280. Following are the state meaning and timing comments for WT. State Meaning Asserted—Indicates that the transaction should operate in write-through mode. WT reflects the W bit (WIM bits) from the MMU except during certain transactions. WT may be asserted during read transactions. Negated—Indicates that the transaction should not operate in write-through mode. Timing Comments Assertion/Negation—Same as A[0–31]. High Impedance—Same as A[0–31]. 7.2.5 Address Transfer Termination Signals The address transfer termination signals are used to indicate either that the address phase of the transaction has completed successfully or must be repeated, and when it should be terminated. For detailed information about how these signals interact, see Section 7.2.5, “Address Transfer Termination Signals.” The address transfer termination signals have no meaning in internal only mode. Address Acknowledge (AACK) The address acknowledge (AACK) signal is an input/output on the MPC8280. Address Acknowledge (AACK)—Output .Following are the state meaning and timing comments for AACK as an output signal. State Meaning Asserted—Indicates that the address tenure of a transaction is terminated. On the cycle following the assertion of AACK, the bus master releases the address-tenure-related signals to the high-impedance state and samples ARTRY. Timing Comments Negated—Indicates that the address bus and the transfer attributes must remain driven, if negated during ABB. Assertion—Occurs a programmable number of clocks after TS or whenever ARTRY conditions are resolved. Negation—Occurs one clock after assertion. MPC8280 PowerQUICC II Family Reference Manual, Rev. 1 Freescale Semiconductor 7-9 60x Signals Address Acknowledge (AACK)—Input Following are the state meaning and timing comments for AACK as an input signal. State Meaning Asserted—Indicates that a 60x bus slave is terminating the address tenure. On the cycle following the assertion of AACK, the bus master releases the address tenure related signals to the high-impedance state and samples ARTRY. Timing Comments Negated—Indicates that the address tenure must remain active and the address tenure related signals driven. Assertion—Occurs during the 60x bus slave access, at least two clocks after TS. Negation—Occurs one clock after assertion. Address Retry (ARTRY) The address retry (ARTRY) signal is both an input and output signal on the MPC8280. Address Retry (ARTRY)—Output Following are the state meaning and timing comments for ARTRY as an output signal. State Meaning Asserted—Indicates that the MPC8280 detects a condition in which an address tenure must be retried. If the MPC8280 processor needs to update memory as a result of snoop that caused the retry, the MPC8280 asserts BR the second cycle after AACK if ARTRY is asserted. High Impedance—Indicates that the MPC8280 does not need the address tenure to be retried. Timing Comments Assertion—Asserted the third bus cycle following the assertion of TS if a retry is required. Negation—Occurs the second bus cycle after the assertion of AACK. Since this signal may be simultaneously driven by multiple devices, it negates in a unique fashion. First the buffer goes to high impedance for a minimum of one-half processor cycle (dependent on the clock mode), then it is driven negated for one bus cycle before returning to high impedance. Address Retry (ARTRY)—Input Following are the state meaning and timing comments for the ARTRY input. State Meaning Asserted—If the MPC8280 is the address bus master, ARTRY indicates that the MPC8280 must retry the preceding address tenure and immediately negate BR (if asserted). If the associated data tenure has started, the MPC8280 also aborts the data tenure immediately even if the burst data has been received. If the MPC8280 is not the address bus master, this input indicates that the MPC8280 should negate BR for one bus clock cycle immediately after external device asserts ARTRY to permit a copy-back operation to main memory. Note that the subsequent address presented on the address bus may not be the one that generated the assertion of ARTRY. MPC8280 PowerQUICC II Family Reference Manual, Rev. 1 7-10 Freescale Semiconductor 60x Signals Timing Comments 7.2.6 Negated/High Impedance—Indicates that the MPC8280 does not need to retry the last address tenure. Assertion—May occur as early as the second cycle following the assertion of TS and must occur by the bus clock cycle immediately following the assertion of AACK if an address retry is required. Negation—Must occur during the second cycle after the assertion of AACK. Data Bus Arbitration Signals The data bus arbitration signals have no meaning in internal-only mode. Like the address bus arbitration signals, data bus arbitration signals maintain an orderly process for determining data bus mastership. Note that there is no data bus arbitration signal equivalent to the address bus arbitration signal BR (bus request), because, except for address-only transactions, TS implies data bus requests. For a detailed description on how these signals interact, see Section 8.5.1, “Data Bus Arbitration.” Data Bus Grant (DBG) The data bus grant signal (DBG) is an output/input on the MPC8280. Data Bus Grant (DBG)—Input DBG an input when MPC8280 is configured to an external arbiter. The following are the state meaning and timing comments for DBG. State Meaning Asserted—Indicates that the MPC8280 may, with the proper qualification, assume mastership of the data bus. The MPC8280 derives a qualified data bus grant when DBG is asserted and DBB and ARTRY are negated; that is, the data bus is not busy (DBB is negated), and there is no outstanding attempt to perform an ARTRY of the associated address tenure. Negated—Indicates that the MPC8280 must hold off its data tenures. Timing Comments Assertion—May occur any time to indicate the MPC8280 is free to take data bus mastership. It is not sampled until TS is asserted. Negation—May occur at any time to indicate the MPC8280 cannot assume data bus mastership. Data Bus Grant (DBG)—Output DBG signal is output when the MPC8280 configured to use the internal arbiter. Following are the state meaning and timing comments for the DBG signal. State Meaning Asserted—Indicates that the external device may, with the proper qualification, assume mastership of the data bus. A qualified data bus grant is defined as the assertion of DBG, negation of DBB, and negation of ARTRY. The requirement for the ARTRY signal is only for the address bus tenure associated with the data bus MPC8280 PowerQUICC II Family Reference Manual, Rev. 1 Freescale Semiconductor 7-11 60x Signals Timing Comments tenure about to be granted (that is, not for another address tenure available because of address pipelining). Negated—Indicates that an external device is not granted mastership of the data bus. Assertion—Occurs on the first clock in which the data bus is not busy and the processor has the highest priority outstanding data transaction. Negation—Occurs one clock after assertion. Data Bus Busy (DBB) The data bus busy (DBB) signal is both an input and output signal on the MPC8280. Data Bus Busy (DBB)—Output Following are the state meaning and timing comments for the DBB output signal. State Meaning Asserted—Indicates that the MPC8280 is the data bus master. The MPC8280 always assumes data bus mastership if it needs the data bus and determines a qualified data bus grant (see DBG). Timing Comments Negated—Indicates that the MPC8280 is not using the data bus. Assertion—Occurs during the bus clock cycle following a qualified DBG. Negation—Occurs for a minimum of one-half bus clock cycle following the assertion of the final TA following TEA or certain ARTRY cases. High Impedance—Occurs after DBB is negated. Data Bus Busy (DBB)—Input Following are the state meaning and timing comments for the DBB input signal. State Meaning Asserted—Indicates that another device is bus master. Negated—Indicates that the data bus is free (with proper qualification, see DBG) for use by the MPC8280. Timing Comments Assertion—Must occur when the MPC8280 must be prevented from using the data bus. Negation—May occur whenever the data bus is available. 7.2.7 Data Transfer Signals Data transfer signals are used in the same way in both internal only and external master modes. Like the address transfer signals, the data transfer signals are used to transmit data and to generate and monitor parity for the data transfer. For a detailed description of how data transfer signals interact, see Section 7.2.7, “Data Transfer Signals.” MPC8280 PowerQUICC II Family Reference Manual, Rev. 1 7-12 Freescale Semiconductor 60x Signals Data Bus (D[0–63]) The data bus (D[0–63]) states have the same meanings in both internal only mode external master mode. The data bus consists of 64 signals that are both inputs and outputs on the MPC8280. Following are the state meaning and timing comments for the data bus. State Meaning The data bus holds 8 byte lanes assigned as shown in Table 7-2. Timing Comments The number of times the data bus is driven depends on the transfer size, port size, and whether the transfer is a single-beat or burst operation. Data Bus (D[0–63])—Output Following are the state meaning and timing comments for the D[0–63] output signals. State Meaning Asserted/Negated—Represents the state of data during a data write. Byte lanes not selected for data transfer do not supply valid data. MPC8280 duplicates data to enable valid data to be sent to different port sizes. Timing Comments Assertion/Negation—Initial beat coincides with DBB, for bursts, transitions on the bus clock cycle following each assertion of TA and, for port size, transitions on the bus clock cycle following each assertion of PSDVAL. High Impedance—Occurs on the bus clock cycle after the final assertion of TA, TEA, or certain ARTRY cases. Table 7-1. Data Bus Lane Assignments Data Bus Signals Byte Lane D0–D7 0 D8–D15 1 D16–D23 2 D24–D31 3 D32–D39 4 D40–D47 5 D48–D55 6 D56–D63 7 Data Bus (D[0–63])—Input Following are the state meaning and timing comments for the D[0–63] input signals. State Meaning Asserted/Negated—Represents the state of data during a data read transaction. Timing Comments Assertion/Negation—Data must be valid on the same bus clock cycle that TA and/or PSDVAL is asserted. Data Bus Parity (DP[0–7]) The eight data bus parity (DP[0–7]) signals both output and input signals. MPC8280 PowerQUICC II Family Reference Manual, Rev. 1 Freescale Semiconductor 7-13 60x Signals Data Bus Parity (DP[0–7])—Output Following are the state meaning and timing comments for the DP[0–7] output signals. State Meaning Asserted/Negated—Represents odd parity for each of 8 bytes of data write transactions. Odd parity means that an odd number of bits, including the parity bit, are driven high. The signal assignments are listed in Table 7-2. Table 7-2. DP[0–7] Signal Assignments Timing Comments Signal Name Data Bus Signal Assignments DP0 D[0–7] DP1 D[8–15 DP2 D[16–23] DP3 D[24–31] DP4 D[32–39] DP5 D[40–47] DP6 D[48–55] DP7 D[56–63] Assertion/Negation—The same as the data bus. High Impedance—The same as the data bus. Data Bus Parity (DP[0–7])—Input Following are the state meaning and timing comments for the DP input signals. State Meaning Asserted/Negated—Represents odd parity for each byte of read data. Parity is checked on all data byte lanes, regardless of the size of the transfer. Detected even parity causes a checkstop if data parity errors are enabled in the BCS[PAR_EN]. Timing Comments Assertion/Negation—The same as D[0–63]. 7.2.8 Data Transfer Termination Signals Data termination signals are required after each data beat in a data transfer. Note that in a single-beat transaction that is not a port-size transfer, the data termination signals also indicate the end of the tenure. In burst or port size accesses, the data termination signals apply to individual beats and indicate the end of the tenure only after the final data beat. For a detailed description of how these signals interact, see Section 8.5, “Data Tenure Operations.” Transfer Acknowledge (TA) The transfer acknowledge (TA) signal is both input and output on the MPC8280. MPC8280 PowerQUICC II Family Reference Manual, Rev. 1 7-14 Freescale Semiconductor 60x Signals Transfer Acknowledge (TA)—Input Following are the state meaning and timing comments for the TA input signal. State Meaning Asserted—Indicates that a single-beat data transfer completed successfully or that a data beat in a burst transfer completed successfully. Note that TA must be asserted for each data beat in a burst transaction. For more information, see Section 8.5.3, “Data Bus Transfers and Normal Termination.” Negated—(During assertion of DBB) indicates that, until TA is asserted, the MPC8280 must continue to drive the data for the current write or must wait to sample the data for reads. Timing Comments Assertion—Depends on whether or not the PCI controller can initiate 60x bus global transactions when the address retry mechanism is in use: PCI controller is not used or cannot initiate global transactions— Assertion must occur at least one cycle following AACK for the current transaction; otherwise, assertion may occur at any time during the assertion of DBB. The system can withhold assertion of TA to indicate that the MPC8280 should insert wait states to extend the duration of the data beat. PCI controller can initiate global transactions—Assertion must occur at least one clock cycle following AACK for the current transaction and at least one clock cycle after ARTRY can be asserted. Negation—Must occur after the bus clock cycle of the final (or only) data beat of the transfer. For a burst transfer, the system can assert TA for one bus clock cycle and then negate it to advance the burst transfer to the next beat and insert wait states during the next beat. (Note: when configured for 1:1 clock mode and is performing a burst read into the data cache, the MPC8280 requires two wait states between the assertion of TS and the first assertion of TA for that transaction, or one wait state for 1.5:1 clock mode.) Transfer Acknowledge (TA)—Output Following are the state meaning and timing comments for TA as an output signal. State Meaning Asserted—Indicates that the data has been latched for a write operation, or that the data is valid for a read operation, thus terminating the current data beat. If it is the last or only data beat, this also terminates the data tenure. Negated—Indicates that master must extend the current data beat (insert wait states) until data can be provided or accepted by the MPC8280. Timing Comments Assertion—Depends on whether or not the PCI controller can initiate 60x bus global transactions when the address retry mechanism is in use: PCI controller is not used or cannot initiate global transactions—Assertion must occur at least one cycle following AACK for the current transaction; occurs on the clock in which the current data transfer can be completed. MPC8280 PowerQUICC II Family Reference Manual, Rev. 1 Freescale Semiconductor 7-15 60x Signals PCI controller can initiate global transactions—Assertion must occur at least one clock cycle following AACK for the current transaction and at least one clock cycle after ARTRY can be asserted. Negation—Occurs after the clock cycle of the final (or only) data beat of the transfer. For a burst transfer, TA may be negated between beats to insert one or more wait states before the completion of the next beat. Transfer Error Acknowledge (TEA) The transfer error acknowledge (TEA) signal is both input and output on the MPC8280. Transfer Error Acknowledge (TEA)—Input Following are the state meaning and timing comments for the TEA input signal. State Meaning Timing Comments Asserted—Indicates that a bus error occurred. The assertion of TEA causes the negation/high impedance of DBB in the next clock cycle. However, data entering the MPC8280 internal memory resources such as GPRs or caches are not invalidated. Negated—Indicates that no bus error was detected. Assertion—May be asserted while DBB is asserted and for the cycle after is TA is asserted during a read operation. TEA should be asserted for one cycle only. Negation—TEA must be negated no later than the negation of DBB. Transfer Error Acknowledge (TEA)—Output Following are the state meaning and timing comments for the TEA output. State Meaning Asserted—Indicates that a bus error has occurred. Assertion of TEA terminates the transaction in progress; that is, asserting TA is unnecessary because it is ignored by the target device. An unsupported memory transaction, such as a direct-store access or a graphics read or write, causes the assertion of TEA (provided TEA is enabled and the address transfer matches the MPC8280 memory map). Negated—Indicates that no bus error was detected. Timing Comments Assertion—Occurs on the first clock after the bus error is detected. Negation—Occurs one clock after assertion. Partial Data Valid Indication (PSDVAL) The partial data valid indication (PSDVAL) is both an input and output on the MPC8280. MPC8280 PowerQUICC II Family Reference Manual, Rev. 1 7-16 Freescale Semiconductor 60x Signals Partial Data Valid (PSDVAL)—Input Following are the state meaning and timing comments for the PSDVAL input signal. Note that TA asserts with PSDVAL to indicate the termination of the current transfer and for each complete data beat in burst transactions. State Meaning Asserted—Indicates that a beat data transfer completed successfully. Note that PSDVAL must be asserted for each data beat in a single beat, port size and burst transaction,. For more information, see Section 8.5.5, “Port Size Data Bus Transfers and PSDVAL Termination.” Negated—(During DBB) indicates that, until PSDVAL is asserted, the MPC8280 must continue to drive the data for the current write or must wait to sample the data for reads. Timing Comments Assertion—Must not occur before AACK for the current transaction (if the address retry mechanism is to be used to prevent invalid data from being used by the MPC8280); otherwise, assertion may occur at any time during the assertion of DBB. The system can withhold assertion of PSDVAL to indicate that the MPC8280 should insert wait states to extend the duration of the data beat. Negation—Must occur after the bus clock cycle of the final (or only) data beat of the transfer. For a burst and/or port size transfer, the system can assert PSDVAL for one bus clock cycle and then negate it to insert wait states during the next beat. (Note: when the MPC8280 processor is configured for 1:1 clock mode and is performing a burst read into the data cache, the MPC8280 requires two wait state between the assertion of TS and the first assertion of PSDVAL for that transaction, or 1 wait state for 1.5:1 clock mode.) Partial Data Valid (PSDVAL)—Output Following are the state meaning and timing comments for PSDVAL as an output signal. State Meaning Asserted—Indicates that the data has been latched for a write operation, or that the data is valid for a read operation, thus terminating the current data beat. If it is the last or only data beat, this also terminates the data tenure. Negated—Indicates that the master must extend the current data beat (insert wait states) until data can be provided or accepted by the MPC8280. Timing Comments Assertion—Occurs on the clock in which the current data transfer can be completed. Negation—Occurs after the clock cycle of the final (or only) data beat of the transfer. For a burst transfer, PSDVAL may be negated between beats to insert one or more wait states before the completion of the next beat. MPC8280 PowerQUICC II Family Reference Manual, Rev. 1 Freescale Semiconductor 7-17 60x Signals MPC8280 PowerQUICC II Family Reference Manual, Rev. 1 7-18 Freescale Semiconductor Chapter 8 The 60x Bus The 60x bus, which is used by processors that implement the PowerPC architecture, provides flexible support for the on-chip MPC603 processor as well as other internal and external bus devices. The 60x bus supports 32-bit addressing, a 64-bit data bus, and burst operations that transfer as many as 256 bits of data in a four-beat burst. The 60x data bus can be accessed in 8-, 16-, 32-, and 64-bit data ports. The 60x bus supports accesses of 1, 2, 3, and 4 bytes, aligned or unaligned, on 4-byte (word) boundaries; it also supports 64-, 128-, 192-, and 256-bit accesses. The address and data buses support synchronous, one-level pipeline transactions. The 60x bus interface can be configured to support both external and internal masters or internal masters only. 8.1 Terminology Table 8-1 defines terms used in this chapter. Table 8-1. Terminology Term Definition Atomic A bus access that attempts to be part of a read-write operation to the same address uninterrupted by any other access to that address. The MPC8280 initiates the read and write separately, but signals the memory system that it is attempting an atomic operation. If the operation fails, status is kept so that MPC8280 can try again. Beat A single state on the MPC8280 interface that may extend across multiple bus cycles. (An MPC8280 transaction can be composed of multiple address or data beats.) Burst A multiple-beat data transfer whose total size is typically equal to a cache block size (in MPC8280: 32 bytes, or 4 data beats at 8 bytes per beat). Cache block The PowerPC architecture defines the basic unit of coherency as a cache block, which can be considered the same thing as a cache line. Clean An operation that causes a cache block to be written to memory if modified, and then left in a valid, unmodified state in the cache. Flush An operation that causes a cache block to be invalidated in the cache, and its data, if modified, to be written back to main memory. Kill An operation that causes a cache block to be invalidated in the cache without writing any modified data to memory. Lane A sub-grouping of signals within a bus. An 8-bit section of the address or data bus may be referred to as a byte lane for that bus. Master The device that owns the address or data bus, the device that initiates or requests the transaction. Modified Identifies a cache block The M state in a MESI or MEI protocol. MPC8280 PowerQUICC II Family Reference Manual, Rev. 1 Freescale Semiconductor 8-1 The 60x Bus Table 8-1. Terminology (continued) Term Definition Parking Granting potential bus mastership without requiring a bus request from that device. This eliminates the arbitration delay associated with the bus request. Pipelining Initiating a bus transaction before the current one finishes. This involves running an address tenure for a new bus transaction before the data tenure for a current bus transaction completes. Slave The device addressed by the master. The slave is identified in the address tenure and is responsible for sourcing or sinking the requested data for the master during the data tenure. Snooping Monitoring addresses driven by a bus master to detect the need for coherency actions. Split-transaction A transaction with separate request and response tenures. Tenure The period of bus mastership. For MPC8280, there can be separate address bus tenures and data bus tenures. Transaction A complete exchange between two bus devices. A typical transaction is composed of an address tenure and a data tenure, which may overlap or occur separately from the address tenure. A transaction can minimally consist of an address tenure alone. 8.2 Bus Configuration The 60x bus supports separate bus configurations for internal masters and external bus masters. • Single-MPC8280 bus mode connects external devices by using only the memory controller. This is described in Section 8.2.1, “Single-MPC8280 Bus Mode.” • The 60x-compatible bus mode, described in Section 8.2.2, “60x-Compatible Bus Mode,” enables connections to other masters and 60x-bus slaves, such as an external L2 cache controller. The figures in the following sections show how the MPC8280 can be connected in these two configurations. 8.2.1 Single-MPC8280 Bus Mode In single-MPC8280 bus mode, the MPC8280 is the only bus device in the system. The internal memory controller controls all devices on the external pins. Figure 8-1 shows the signal connections for single-MPC8280 bus mode. MPC8280 PowerQUICC II Family Reference Manual, Rev. 1 8-2 Freescale Semiconductor The 60x Bus MPC8280 APE TS Latch & A[0–31] DRAM MUX I/O TT[0–4] TBST CI WT Address + Attributes TSIZ[0–3] MEM GBL ARTRY DBG D[0–63] DP[0–7] TA Memory Controller Signals Data + Attributes AACK TEA Memory Control Signals Figure 8-1. Single-MPC8280 Bus Mode NOTE In single-MPC8280 bus mode, the MPC8280 uses the address bus as a memory address bus. Slaves cannot use the 60x bus signals because the addresses have memory timing, not address tenure timing. 8.2.2 60x-Compatible Bus Mode The 60x-compatible bus mode can include one or more potential external masters (for example, an L2 cache, an ASIC DMA, a high-end processor that implements the PowerPC architecture, or a second MPC8280). When operating in a multiprocessor configuration, the MPC8280 snoops bus operations and maintains coherency between the primary caches and main memory. Figure 8-2 shows how an external processor is attached to the MPC8280. MPC8280 PowerQUICC II Family Reference Manual, Rev. 1 Freescale Semiconductor 8-3 The 60x Bus MPC8280 APE TS BR BG TS A[0–31] AP[0–3] Latch I/O TT[0–4] TSIZ[0–3] GBL AACK ARTRY Data + Attributes WT Address + Attributes CI Memory Controller Signals TBST Latch & MEM DRAM MUX DBG External Device Memory Control Signals BR D[0–63] BG DP[0–7] DBG TA TEA Figure 8-2. 60x-Compatible Bus Mode 8.3 60x Bus Protocol Overview Typically, 60x bus accesses consist of address and data tenures, which in turn each consist of three phases—arbitration, transfer, and termination, as shown in Figure 8-3.. The independence of the tenures is indicated by showing the data tenure overlap the next address tenure, which allows split-bus transactions to be implemented at the system level in multiprocessor systems. Figure 8-3 shows a data transfer that consists of a single-beat transfer of as many as 256 bits. Four-beat burst transfers of 32-byte cache blocks require data transfer termination signals for each beat of data. Note that the MPC8280 supports port sizes of 8, 16, 32, and 64 bits and requires the additional bus signal, PSDVAL, which is not defined by the 60x MPC8280 PowerQUICC II Family Reference Manual, Rev. 1 8-4 Freescale Semiconductor The 60x Bus bus specification. For more information, see Section 8.5.5, “Port Size Data Bus Transfers and PSDVAL Termination.” Data Tenure Arbitration 1- or 4-Beat Transfer Termination Independent Address and Data Tenures Next Address Tenure Arbitration Transfer Termination Figure 8-3. Basic Transfer Protocol The basic functions of the address and data tenures are as follows: • Address tenure — Arbitration: Address bus arbitration signals are used to request and grant address bus mastership. — Transfer: After a device is granted address bus mastership, it transfers the address. The address signals and the transfer attribute signals control the address transfer. — Termination: After the address transfer, the system acknowledges that the address tenure is complete or that it must be repeated, signalled by the assertion of the address retry signal (ARTRY). • Data tenure — Arbitration: After the address tenure begins, the bus device arbitrates for data bus mastership. — Transfer: After the device is granted data bus mastership, it samples the data bus for read operations or drives the data bus for write operations. — Termination: Acknowledgment of a successful data transfer is required after each beat in a data transfer. In single-beat transactions, the data termination signals also indicate the end of the tenure. In burst or port-size accesses, data termination signals indicate the completion of individual beats and, after the final data beat, the end of the tenure. 8.3.1 Arbitration Phase The external bus design permits one device (either the MPC8280 or a bus-attached external device) to be granted bus mastership at a time. Bus arbitration can be handled either by an external central bus arbiter or by the internal on-chip arbiter. In the latter case, the system is optimized for three external bus masters besides the MPC8280. The arbitration configuration (external or internal) is determined at system reset by sampling configuration pins. See Section, “60x Bus Arbiter Configuration Register (PPC_ACR),” for more information. MPC8280 PowerQUICC II Family Reference Manual, Rev. 1 Freescale Semiconductor 8-5 The 60x Bus The MPC8280 controls bus access through the bus request (BR) and bus grant (BG) signals. It determines the state of the address and data bus busy signals by monitoring DBG, TS, AACK, and TA, and it qualifies them with ABB and DBB. The following signals are used for address bus arbitration: • BR (bus request)—A device asserts BR to request address bus mastership. • BG (bus grant)—Assertion indicates that a bus device may, with proper qualification, assume mastership of the address bus. A qualified bus grant occurs when BG is asserted while ABB and ARTRY are negated. • ABB (address bus busy)—A device asserts ABB to indicate it is the current address bus master. Note that if all devices assert ABB with TS and would normally negate ABB after AACK is asserted, the devices can ignore ABB because the MPC8280 can internally generate ABB. The MPC8280’s ABB, if enabled, must be tied to a pull-up resistor. The following signals are used for data bus arbitration: • DBG (data bus grant)—Indicates that a bus device can, with the proper qualification, assume data bus mastership. A qualified data bus grant occurs when DBG is asserted while DBB and ARTRY are negated. • DBB (data bus busy)—Assertion by the device indicates that the device is the current data bus master. The device master always assumes data bus mastership if it needs the data bus and is given a qualified data bus grant (see DBG). Note that if all devices assert DBB in conjunction with qualified data bus grant and would normally negate DBB after the last TA is asserted, the devices can ignore DBB because the MPC8280 can generate DBB internally. The MPC8280’s DBB signal, if enabled, must be tied to a pull-up resistor. The following is a summary of rules for arbitration: • • Preference among devices is determined at the request level. The MPC8280 supports eight levels of bus requests. When no bus device is requesting the address bus, the MPC8280 parks the device selected in the arbiter configuration register on the bus. For more information, see Section, “60x Bus Arbiter Configuration Register (PPC_ACR).” 8.3.2 Address Pipelining and Split-Bus Transactions The 60x bus protocol provides independent address and data bus capability to support pipelined and split-bus transaction system organizations. Address pipelining allows the next address tenure to begin before the current data tenure has finished. Although this ability does not inherently reduce memory latency, support for address pipelining and split-bus transactions can greatly improve effective bus/memory throughput. These benefits are most fully realized in shared-memory, multiple-master implementations where bus bandwidth is critical to system performance. External arbitration (as provided by the MPC8280) is required in systems in which multiple devices share the system bus. The MPC8280 uses the address acknowledge (AACK) signal to control pipelining. The MPC8280 supports both one- and zero-level bus pipelining. One-level pipelining is achieved by asserting AACK to the current address bus master and granting mastership of the address bus to the next requesting MPC8280 PowerQUICC II Family Reference Manual, Rev. 1 8-6 Freescale Semiconductor The 60x Bus master before the current data bus tenure has completed. Two address tenures can occur before the current data bus tenure completes. The MPC8280 also supports non-pipelined accesses. 8.4 Address Tenure Operations This section describes the three phases of the address tenure—address bus arbitration, address transfer, and address termination. 8.4.1 Address Arbitration Bus arbitration can be handled either by an external arbiter or by the internal on-chip arbiter. The arbitration configuration (external or internal) is chosen at system reset. For internal arbitration, the MPC8280 provides arbitration for the 60x address bus and the system is optimized for three external bus masters besides the MPC8280. The bus request (BR) for the external device is an external input to the arbiter. The bus grant signal for the external device (BG) is output to the external device.The BG signal asserted by MPC8280’s on-chip arbiter is asserted one clock after the current master on the bus has asserted AACK; therefore, it can be called a qualified BG. Assuming that all potential masters negate ABB one clock after receiving AACK, the device receiving BG can start the address tenure (by asserting TS) one clock after receiving BG. In addition to the external signals, there are internal request and grant signals for the MPC8280 processor, communications processor, refresh controller, and the PCI internal bridge. Bus accesses are prioritized, with programmable priority. When a MPC8280’s internal master needs the 60x bus, it asserts the internal bus request along with the request level. The arbiter asserts the internal bus grant for the highest priority request. The MPC8280 supports address bus parking through the use of the parked master bits in the arbiter configuration register. The MPC8280 parks the address bus (asserts the address bus grant signal in anticipation of an address bus request) to the external master or internal masters. When a device is parked, the arbiter can hold BG asserted for a device even if that device has not requested the bus. Therefore, when the parked device needs to perform a bus transaction, it skips the bus request delay and assumes address bus mastership on the next cycle. For this case, BR is not asserted and the access latency seen by the device is shortened by one cycle. The MPC8280 and external device bus devices qualify BG by sampling ARTRY in the negated state prior to taking address bus mastership. The negation of ARTRY during the address retry window (one cycle after the assertion of AACK) indicates that no address retry is requested. If a device detects ARTRY asserted, it cannot accept a address bus grant during the ARTRY cycle or the cycle following. A device that asserts ARTRY due to a modified cache block hit, for example, asserts its bus request during the cycle after the assertion of ARTRY and assumes bus mastership for the cache block push when it is given a bus grant. The series of address transfers in Figure 8-4 shows the transfer protocol when the MPC8280 is configured in 60x-compatible bus mode. In this example, MPC8280 is initially parked on the bus with BG INT-asserted (note that BG INT is an internal signal not seen by the user at the pins), which lets it start an address bus tenure by asserting TS. During the same clock cycle, the external master’s bus request is asserted to request access to the 60x bus, thereby causing the negation of BG INT internally and the assertion of BG at the pin. Following MPC8280’s address tenure, the external master takes the bus and initiates its address transaction. The on-chip arbiter samples BR during the clock cycle in which AACK is MPC8280 PowerQUICC II Family Reference Manual, Rev. 1 Freescale Semiconductor 8-7 The 60x Bus asserted; if BR is not asserted (no pending request), it negates BG and asserts the parked bus grant (BG_INT in this example). The master can assert BR and receive a qualified bus grant without subsequently using the bus. It can negate (cancel) BR before accepting a qualified bus grant. This can occur when a replacement copyback transaction waiting to be run on the bus is killed by a snoop of another bus master. This can also occur when the reservation set by a pending stwcx. transaction is cancelled by a snoop of another master. In both cases, the pending transaction by the processor is cancelled and BR is negated. CLKOUT BR INT MPC8280 BG INT BR BG ABB ADDR+ MPC8280 External External TS AACK ARTRY Figure 8-4. Address Bus Arbitration with External Bus Master 8.4.2 Address Pipelining The MPC8280 supports one-level address pipelining by asserting AACK to the current bus master when its data tenure starts and by granting the address bus to the next requesting device before the current data bus tenure completes. Address pipelining improves data throughput by allowing the memory-control hardware to decode a new set of address and control signals while the current data transaction finishes. The MPC8280 pipelines data bus operations in strict order with the associated address operations. Figure 8-5 shows how address pipelining allows address tenures to overlap the associated data tenures. MPC8280 PowerQUICC II Family Reference Manual, Rev. 1 8-8 Freescale Semiconductor The 60x Bus CLKOUT ADDR + ATTR TS AACK DBG TA Address Tenure Address 1 Data Tenure Address 2 Data 1 Data 2 Figure 8-5. Address Pipelining 8.4.3 Address Transfer Attribute Signals During the address transfer, the address is placed on the address signals, A[0–31]. The bus master provides other signals that characterize the address transfer—transfer type (TT[0–4]), transfer code (TC[0–2]), transfer size (TSIZ[0–3]), and transfer burst (TBST) signals. These signals are discussed in the following sections. Transfer Type Signal (TT[0–4]) Encoding The transfer type signals define the nature of the transfer requested. They indicate whether the operation is an address-only transaction or whether both address and data are to be transferred. Table 8-2 describes the MPC8280’s action as master, slave, and snooper. MPC8280 PowerQUICC II Family Reference Manual, Rev. 1 Freescale Semiconductor 8-9 The 60x Bus Table 8-2. Transfer Type Encoding 60x Bus Specification2 TT[0–4] MPC8280 as Bus Master 1 Command Transaction Bus Trans. Transaction Source MPC8280 as Snooper MPC8280 as Slave Action on Hit Action on Slave Hit 00000 Clean block Address only Address only (if dcbst (if enabled) enabled) Not applicable AACK asserted; MPC8280 takes no further action. 00100 Flush block Address only Address only (if dcbf (if enabled) enabled) Not applicable AACK is asserted; MPC8280 takes no further action. 01000 sync Address only Address only (if sync (if enabled) enabled) Not applicable Assert AACK. BG is negated until MPC8280 buffers are flushed. 01100 Kill block Address only Address only Flush, cancel reservation AACK is asserted. 10000 eieio Address only Address only (if eieio (if enabled) enabled) Not applicable Assert AACK. BG is negated until MPC8280 buffers are flushed. 101 00 Graphics write Single-beat write ecowx Not applicable No action. 11000 TLB invalidate Address only Not applicable Not applicable Not applicable AACK is asserted; MPC8280 takes no further action. 11100 Graphics read Single-beat read Not applicable MPC8280 takes no action. 00001 lwarx reservation set Address only Not applicable Not applicable Not applicable Address-only operation. AACK is asserted; MPC8280 takes no further action. 00101 Reserved — Not applicable Not applicable Not applicable Illegal 01001 tlbsync Address only Not applicable Not applicable Not applicable Address-only operation. AACK is asserted; MPC8280 takes no further action. 01101 icbi Address only Not applicable Not applicable Not applicable Address-only operation. AACK is asserted; MPC8280 takes no further action. 1XX01 Reserved — for customer Not applicable Not applicable Illegal 00010 WR w/flush CI, WT store, or non-processor master under Flush, cancel reservation Write, assert AACK and TA. Single-beat write (non-GBL) dcbz or dcbi (if enabled) Single-beat eciwx read (non-GBL) Not applicable Single-beat Single-beat write or Burst write MPC8280 PowerQUICC II Family Reference Manual, Rev. 1 8-10 Freescale Semiconductor The 60x Bus Table 8-2. Transfer Type Encoding (continued) 60x Bus Specification2 MPC8280 as Bus Master TT[0–4]1 Command 1 2 Transaction Bus Trans. Transaction Source MPC8280 as Snooper MPC8280 as Slave Action on Hit Action on Slave Hit 00110 WR w/Kill Burst Burst (non-GBL) Castout, ca-op push, or Kill, cancel snoop copyback reservation Write, assert AACK and TA. 01010 Read Single-beat read or burst Single-beat read CI load, CI I-fetch or nonprocessor master Clean or flush Read, assert AACK and TA. 01110 Read with intent to modify Burst Burst Load miss, store miss, or I-fetch Flush Read, assert AACK and TA. 10010 WR w/flush atomic Single-beat write Single-beat write stwcx. Flush, cancel reservation Write, assert AACK and TA 10110 Reserved Not applicable Not applicable Not applicable Not applicable Illegal 11010 Read atomic Single-beat read or burst Single-beat read lwarx (CI load) Clean or flush Read, assert AACK and TA 11110 Read with intent to modify atomic Burst Burst lwarx (load miss) Flush Read, assert AACK and TA 00011 Reserved — Not applicable Not applicable Not applicable Illegal 00111 Reserved — Not applicable Not applicable Not applicable Illegal 01011 Read with no intent to cache Single-beat read or burst Not applicable Not applicable Clean Read, assert AACK and TA 01111 Reserved — Not applicable Not applicable Not applicable Illegal 1XX11 Reserved — for customer Not applicable Not applicable Not applicable Illegal TT1 can be interpreted as a read-versus-write indicator for the bus. This column specifies the TT encoding for the general 60x protocol. The processor generates or snoops only a subset of those encodings. NOTE Regarding Table 8-2: • • For reads, the processor cleans or flushes during a snoop based on the TBST input. The processor cleans for single-beat reads (TBST negated) to emulate read-with-no-intent-to-cache operations. Castouts and snoop copybacks are generally marked as non-global and are not snooped (except for reservation monitoring). However, other masters performing DMA write operations with the same TT encoding and marked as a global WR operation (whether global or non-global) MPC8280 PowerQUICC II Family Reference Manual, Rev. 1 Freescale Semiconductor 8-11 The 60x Bus • will cancel an active reservation during a snoop hit in the reservation register (independent of a snoop hit in the cache). A non-processor read can cause the internal processor to invalidate the corresponding cache line if it exists. Transfer Code Signals TC[0–2] The transfer code signals, TC[0–2], provide supplemental information about the corresponding address (mainly regarding the source of the transaction). Note that TCx signals can be used with the TT[0–4] and TBST to further define the current transaction. Table 8-3. Transfer Code Encoding for 60x Bus 60x Bus TC[0–2] Read Write 000 Core data transaction Any write 001 Core touch load — 010 Core instruction fetch — 011 Reserved — 100 101 Reserved 110 DMA function code 0 111 DMA function code 1 TBST and TSIZ[0–3] Signals and Size of Transfer As shown in Table 8-4, the transfer size signals (TSIZ[0–3]) and the transfer burst signal (TBST) together indicate the size of the requested data transfer. These signals can be used with address bits A[27–31] and the device port size to determine which portion of the data bus contains valid data for a write transaction or which portion of the bus should contain valid data for a read transaction. The MPC8280 uses four double word burst transactions for transferring cache blocks. For these transactions, TSIZ[0–3] are encoded as 0b0010, and address bits A[27–28] determine which double-word is sent first. The MPC8280 supports critical-word-first burst transactions (double-word-aligned) from the processor. The MPC8280 transfers the critical double word of data first, followed by the double words from increasing addresses, wrapping back to the beginning of the eight-word block as required. Table 8-4. Transfer Size Signal Encoding TBST TSIZ[0–3] Transfer Size Comments Source Negated 0 0 0 1 1 Byte Byte Core and DMA Negated 0 0 1 0 2 Bytes Half word Core and DMA MPC8280 PowerQUICC II Family Reference Manual, Rev. 1 8-12 Freescale Semiconductor The 60x Bus Table 8-4. Transfer Size Signal Encoding (continued) TBST TSIZ[0–3] Transfer Size Comments Source Negated 0 0 1 1 3 Bytes — Core and DMA Negated 0 1 0 0 4 Bytes Word Core and DMA Negated 0 1 0 1 5 Bytes Extended 5 bytes SDMA (MPC8280 only) Negated 0 1 1 0 6 Bytes Extended 6 bytes SDMA (MPC8280 only) Negated 0 1 1 1 7 Bytes Extended 7 bytes SDMA (MPC8280 only) Negated 0 0 0 0 8 Bytes Double-word (maximum data bus size) Core and DMA Negated 1 0 0 1 16 Bytes Extended double double word SDMA (MPC8280 only) Negated 1 0 1 0 24 Bytes Extended triple double word SDMA (MPC8280 only) Asserted 0 0 1 0 32 bytes Quad double-word (4 maximum data beats) Core and DMA NOTE The basic coherency size of the bus is 32 bytes for the processor (cache-block size). Data transfers that cross an aligned 32-byte boundary must present a new address onto the bus at that boundary for proper snoop operation, or must operate as non-coherent with respect to the MPC8280. Burst Ordering During Data Transfers During burst transfers, 32 bytes of data (one cache block) are transferred to or from the cache. Burst write transfers are performed zero double-word-first. However, because burst reads are performed critical-double-word-first, a burst-read transfer may not start with the first double word of the cache block and the cache-block-fill operation may wrap around the end of the cache block. Table 8-5 describes MPC8280 burst ordering. Table 8-5. Burst Ordering Double Word Starting Address: Data Transfer A[27–28] = 001 A[27–28] = 01 A[27–28] = 10 A[27–28] = 11 1st data beat DW02 DW1 DW2 DW3 2nd data beat DW1 DW2 DW3 DW0 3rd data beat DW2 DW3 DW0 DW1 4th data beat DW3 DW0 DW1 DW2 1 A[27–28] specifies the first double word of the 32-byte block being transferred; any subsequent double words must wrap-around the block. A[29–31] are always 0b000 for burst transfers by the MPC8280. 2 DW x represents the double word that would be addressed by A[27–28] = x if a nonburst transfer were performed. Each data beat is terminated with an assertion of TA. MPC8280 PowerQUICC II Family Reference Manual, Rev. 1 Freescale Semiconductor 8-13 The 60x Bus Effect of Alignment on Data Transfers Table 8-6 lists the aligned transfers that can occur to and from the MPC8280. These are transfers in which the data is aligned to an address that is an integer multiple of the size of the data. For example, Table 8-6 shows that 1-byte data is always aligned; however, a 4-byte word must reside at an address that is a multiple of 4 to be aligned. In Figure 8-6, Table 8-6, and Table 8-7, OP0 is the most-significant byte of a word operand and OP7 is the least-significant byte. Table 8-6. Aligned Data Transfers Data Bus Byte Lanes Program Transfer Size Byte Half-Word Word Double-Word TSIZ[0–3] A[29–31] D0... ...D31 D32... ...D63 B0 B1 B2 B3 B4 B5 B6 B7 0 0 0 1 000 OP01 —2 — — — — — — 0 0 0 1 001 — OP1 — — — — — — 0 0 0 1 010 — — OP2 — — — — — 0 0 0 1 011 — — — OP3 — — — — 0 0 0 1 100 — — — — OP4 — — — 0 0 0 1 101 — — — — — OP5 — — 0 0 0 1 110 — — — — — — OP6 — 0 0 0 1 111 — — — — — — — OP7 0 0 1 0 000 OP0 OP1 — — — — — — 0 0 1 0 010 — — OP2 OP3 — — — — 0 0 1 0 100 — — — — OP4 OP5 — — 0 0 1 0 110 — — — — — — OP6 OP7 0 1 0 0 000 OP0 OP1 OP2 OP3 — — — — 0 1 0 0 100 — — — — OP4 OP5 OP6 OP7 0 0 0 0 000 OP0 OP1 OP2 OP3 OP4 OP5 OP6 OP7 1 OPn: These lanes are read or written during that bus transaction. OP0 is the most-significant byte of a word operand and OP7 is the least-significant byte. 2 —: These lanes are ignored during reads and driven with undefined data during writes. The MPC8280 supports misaligned memory operations, although they may degrade performance substantially. A misaligned memory address is one that is not aligned to the size of the data being transferred (such as, a word read from an odd byte address). The MPC8280’s processor bus interface supports misaligned transfers within a word (32-bit aligned) boundary, as shown in Table 8-7. Note that the 4-byte transfer in Table 8-7 is only one example of misalignment. As long as the attempted transfer does not cross a word boundary, the MPC8280 can transfer the data to the misaligned address within a single bus transfer (for example, a half-word read from an odd byte-aligned address). It takes two bus transfers to access data that crosses a word boundary. MPC8280 PowerQUICC II Family Reference Manual, Rev. 1 8-14 Freescale Semiconductor The 60x Bus Due to the performance degradation, misaligned memory operations should be avoided. In addition to the double-word straddle boundary condition, the processor’s address translation logic can generate substantial exception overhead when the load/store multiple and load/store string instructions access misaligned data. It is strongly recommended that software attempt to align code and data where possible. Table 8-7. Unaligned Data Transfer Example (4-Byte Example) Data Bus Byte Lanes Program Size of Word (4 bytes) TSIZ[1–3] A[29–31] D0... ...D31 D32... ...D63 B0 B1 B2 B3 B4 B5 B6 B7 Aligned 1 0 0 0 0 0 A1 A A A —2 — — — Misaligned—1st access 0 1 1 0 0 1 — A A A — — — — 2nd access 0 0 1 1 0 0 — — — — A — — — Misaligned—1st access 0 1 0 0 1 0 — — A A — — — — 2nd access 0 1 0 1 0 0 — — — — A A — — Misaligned—1st access 0 0 1 0 1 1 — — — A — — — — 2nd access 0 1 1 1 0 0 — — — — A A A — Aligned 1 0 0 1 0 0 — — — — A A A A Misaligned—1st access 0 1 1 1 0 1 — — — — — A A A 2nd access 0 0 1 0 0 0 A — — — — — — — Misaligned—1st access 0 1 0 1 1 0 — — — — — — A A 2nd access 0 1 0 0 0 0 A A — — — — — — Misaligned—1st access 0 0 1 1 1 1 — — — — — — — A 2nd access 0 1 1 0 0 0 A A A — — — — — 1 2 A: Byte lane used —: Byte lane not used Effect of Port Size on Data Transfers The MPC8280 can transfer operands through its 64-bit data port. If the transfer is controlled by the internal memory controller, the MPC8280 can support 8-, 16-, 32-, and 64-bit data port sizes as demonstrated in Figure 8-6. The bus requires that the portion of the data bus used for a transfer to or from a particular port size be fixed. A 64-bit port must reside on data bus bits D[0–63], a 32-bit port must reside on bits D[0–31], a 16-bit port must reside on bits D[0–15], and an 8-bit port must reside on bits D[0–7]. The MPC8280 always tries to transfer the maximum amount of data on all bus cycles: for a word operation, it always assumes the port is 64 bits wide when beginning the bus cycle; for burst and extended byte cycles, a 64-bit bus is assumed. Figure 8-6. shows the device connections on the data bus. Table 8-8 lists the bytes required on the data bus for read cycles. MPC8280 PowerQUICC II Family Reference Manual, Rev. 1 Freescale Semiconductor 8-15 The 60x Bus Interface Output Register 0 31 OP0 D[0–7] OP0 OP1 OP2 D[8–15] OP1 OP3 D[15–23] OP2 D[24–31] OP3 63 OP4 OP5 D[32–39] OP4 OP6 D[40–47] OP5 OP7 D[48–55] OP6 D[56–63] OP7 64-Bit Port Size OP0 OP1 OP2 OP3 OP4 OP5 OP6 OP7 OP0 OP1 OP2 OP3 OP4 OP5 OP6 OP7 OP0 32-Bit Port Size 16-Bit Port Size 8-Bit Port Size OP7 Figure 8-6. Interface to Different Port Size Devices MPC8280 PowerQUICC II Family Reference Manual, Rev. 1 8-16 Freescale Semiconductor The 60x Bus Table 8-8. Data Bus: Read Cycle Requirements and Write Cycle Content Port Size/Data Bus Assignments Transfer Size TSIZ[0–3] Address State 1 A[29–31] 64-Bit 0–7 Byte (0001) Half Word (0010) Triple Byte (0011) 32-Bit 8–15 16–23 24–31 32–39 40–47 48–55 56–63 2 —3 — — — — — 0–7 8–15 — OP0 — — 16-Bit 16–23 24–31 0–7 8–15 0–7 — OP0 — OP0 000 OP0 001 — OP1 — — — — — — — OP1 — — — 010 — — OP2 — — — — — — — OP2 — OP2 011 — — — OP3 — — — — — — — OP3 — 100 — — — — OP4 — — — OP4 — — — OP4 101 — — — — — OP5 — — — OP5 — — — 110 — — — — — — OP6 — — — OP6 — OP6 111 — — — — — — — OP7 — — — OP7 — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — 000 OP0 OP1 001 — 010 — — 100 — — — — 101 — — — — — 110 — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — 000 OP1 OP2 OP2 OP3 OP0 OP1 OP2 001 — 100 — — — — 101 — — — — Word (0100) 000 Double Word (0000) 000 100 OP1 OP2 OP3 OP0 OP1 OP2 OP3 OP4 OP5 OP5 OP6 OP6 OP7 OP4 OP5 OP6 — — OP5 OP6 OP7 — — OP5 OP6 — — OP6 OP0 OP1 OP2 — OP1 OP2 OP4 OP5 OP6 — OP5 OP6 OP3 OP3 — OP4 OP5 OP5 — OP6 OP7 OP7 OP0 OP1 OP0 — OP1 OP1 OP3 OP2 OP3 OP2 — — OP4 OP5 OP4 — OP5 OP5 OP7 OP6 OP7 OP6 — OP3 — OP7 OP0 OP1 OP0 — OP1 OP1 OP4 OP5 OP4 — OP5 OP5 OP7 OP4 OP5 OP4 OP0 OP1 OP2 OP3 OP4 OP5 OP6 OP7 OP0 OP1 OP2 OP3 OP0 OP1 OP0 — — OP4 OP5 OP2 OP2 OP4 OP5 OP6 OP7 OP4 OP5 OP6 — — — — — OP3 OP0 OP1 OP0 — — OP1 OP2 OP1 OP1 OP0 OP1 OP2 — — — OP0 OP1 8-Bit 1 Address state is the calculated address for port size. OPn: These lanes are read or written during that bus transaction. OP0 is the most-significant byte of a word operand and OP7 is the least-significant byte. 3 — These lanes are ignored during read cycles and driven with undefined data during write cycles. 2 60x-Compatible Bus Mode—Size Calculation To comply with the requirements listed in Table 8-6 and Table 8-7, the transfer size and a new address must be calculated at the termination of each beat of a port-size transaction. In single-MPC8280 bus mode, these calculations are internal and do not constrain the system. In 60x-compatible bus mode, the external slave or master must determine the new address and size. Table 8-9 describes the address and size calculation MPC8280 PowerQUICC II Family Reference Manual, Rev. 1 Freescale Semiconductor 8-17 The 60x Bus state machine. Note that the address and size states are for internal use and are not transferred on the address or TSIZ pins. Extended transactions (16- and 24-byte) are not described here but can be determined by extending this table for 9-, 10-, 16-, 23-, and 24-byte transactions. Table 8-9. Address and Size State Calculations Size State Port Size Byte x x x x x x 2-Byte x x x x 0 Byte x x 0 0 x x 1 x x x 3-Byte Next Size State Next Address State [0–4] Stop Byte x x x x 1 1 Byte x x 0 1 0 0 1 Byte x x 1 1 0 x 0 1 Byte x x x 1 0 x x x 0 x x 0 0 0 x x 0 0 x x 1 x x x Half Stop 2-Byte x x 0 0 1 1 2-Byte x x 0 1 0 0 0 2-Byte x x 1 0 1 1 0 1 2-Byte x x 1 1 0 x 0 0 0 Byte x x 0 1 0 x x 0 0 1 2-Byte x x 0 1 0 x x 1 0 0 Byte x x 1 1 0 x x 1 0 1 2-Byte x x 1 1 0 x x x x x Word x x x 0 0 Byte 3-Byte x x x 0 1 x x x 0 0 Half 2-Byte x x x 1 0 x x x x x Word 5-Byte x x 0 1 1 Byte 4-Byte x x 1 0 0 6-Byte x x 0 1 0 Byte 5-Byte x x 0 1 1 x x 0 1 0 Half 4-Byte x x 1 0 0 7-Byte x x 0 0 1 Byte 6-Byte x x 0 1 0 8-Byte x x 0 0 0 Byte 7-Byte x x 0 0 1 x x 0 0 0 Half 6-Byte x x 0 1 0 x x 0 0 0 Word 4-Byte x x 1 0 0 x x 0 0 0 Double 4-Byte Address State [0–4] Byte Half Stop Stop Stop Extended Transfer Mode The MPC8280 supports an extended transfer mode that improves bus performance. This should not be confused with the extended bus protocol used to support direct-store operations supported in some earlier processors that implement the PowerPC architecture. The MPC8280 can generate 5-, 6-, 7-, 16-, or 24-byte MPC8280 PowerQUICC II Family Reference Manual, Rev. 1 8-18 Freescale Semiconductor The 60x Bus extended transfers. These transactions are compatible with the 60x bus, but some slaves or masters do not support these features. Clear BCR[ETM] to disable this type of transaction. This places the MPC8280 in strict 60x bus mode. The following tables are extensions to Table 8-7, Table 8-8, and Table 8-9. Table 8-10 lists the patterns of the extended data transfer for write cycles when MPC8280 initiates an access. Note that 16- and 24-byte transfers are always eight-byte aligned and use a 64-bit or less port size. Table 8-10. Data Bus Contents for Extended Write Cycles External Data Bus Pattern Transfer Size TSIZ[0–3]) Address State A[29–31] D[0–7] D[8–15] 5 Bytes (0101) 000 OP0 OP1 OP2 OP3 OP4 — — — 011 OP3 OP3 — OP3 OP4 OP5 OP6 OP7 6 Bytes (0110) 000 OP0 OP1 OP2 OP3 OP4 OP5 — — 010 OP2 OP3 OP2 OP3 OP4 OP5 OP6 OP7 7 Bytes (0111) 000 OP0 OP1 OP2 OP3 OP4 OP5 OP6 — 001 OP1 OP1 OP2 OP3 OP4 OP5 OP6 OP7 D[16–23] D[24–31] D[32–39] D[40–47] D[48–55] D[56–63] Table 8-11 lists the bytes required on the data bus for extended read cycles. Note that 16- and 24-byte transfers are always 8-byte aligned and use a maximum 64-bit port size. Table 8-11. Data Bus Requirements for Extended Read Cycles Port Size/Data Bus Assignments Addres Transfer s State Size A[29-31 TSIZ[0–3] ] 5 Byte (0101) 6 Byte (0110) 7 Byte (0111) 64-Bit 0–7 8–15 32-Bit 16–2 24–3 32–3 40–4 48–5 56–6 3 1 9 7 5 3 — — — 000 OP 0 OP OP2 OP3 OP4 1 011 — — 000 OP 0 OP OP2 OP3 OP4 OP5 1 010 — — 000 OP 0 OP OP2 OP3 OP4 OP5 OP6 1 001 — OP OP2 OP3 OP4 OP5 OP6 OP7 1 — OP3 OP4 OP5 OP6 OP7 — — OP2 OP3 OP4 OP5 OP6 OP7 — 0–7 8–15 16-Bit 16–2 24–3 3 1 0–7 8–15 8-Bit 0–7 OP 0 OP1 OP2 OP3 OP0 OP1 OP0 — — OP 0 OP1 OP2 OP3 OP0 OP1 OP0 — — OP2 OP3 OP2 OP3 OP2 OP 0 OP1 OP2 OP3 OP0 OP1 OP0 — OP1 OP2 OP3 — OP3 — — OP3 OP3 OP1 OP1 MPC8280 PowerQUICC II Family Reference Manual, Rev. 1 Freescale Semiconductor 8-19 The 60x Bus Table 8-12 includes added states to the transfer size calculation state machine. Only extended transfers use these states. Table 8-12. Address and Size State for Extended Transfers Size State [0–3] Half 3-Byte Word 5-Byte 6-Byte Address State[0–4] Port Size Next Size State [0–3] Byte Byte x x x 1 1 x x 1 0 1 x x x x x Half x x 0 1 0 Byte x x 1 0 0 x x 0 1 0 x x 1 0 0 x x 0 0 1 x x 0 1 1 x x 0 0 0 x x 0 0 x x 0 x x x Next Address State[0–4] x x 1 0 0 x x 1 1 0 x x 0 1 1 x x 1 0 1 x x 1 0 0 x x 1 1 0 x x 0 1 0 x x 1 0 0 x x 0 0 1 1 x x 0 1 0 1 0 x x 0 1 1 0 1 1 x x 1 0 0 x 0 0 0 x x 0 1 0 x x 0 1 0 x x 1 0 0 x x 0 1 1 Word x x 1 0 0 x x 0 0 0 Byte x x 1 0 0 x x 0 1 1 Word x x 1 0 0 x x x x x Double x x 0 0 0 Byte x x 0 0 1 x x 0 0 1 x x 0 1 0 x x 0 1 0 x x 0 1 1 x x 0 0 0 x x 0 1 0 x x 0 1 0 x x 1 0 0 x x 0 0 0 Half x x 1 0 0 x x 0 1 0 Word x x 1 0 0 x x x x x Half Byte Byte Half Word Half Word Double Stop Half Byte 3-Byte Word 3-Byte Stop 5-Byte Word Stop MPC8280 PowerQUICC II Family Reference Manual, Rev. 1 8-20 Freescale Semiconductor The 60x Bus Table 8-12. Address and Size State for Extended Transfers (continued) Size State [0–3] 7-Byte Address State[0–4] x x 0 0 0 x x 0 0 1 x x 0 0 0 x x 0 0 1 x x 0 0 0 x x 0 0 1 x x x x x Port Size Next Size State [0–3] Byte 6-Byte Half Word Double Next Address State[0–4] x x 0 0 1 x x 0 1 0 5-Byte x x 0 1 0 6-Byte x x 0 1 0 3-Byte x x 1 0 0 4-Byte x x 1 0 0 Stop Extended transfer mode is enabled by setting the BCR[ETM]. 8.4.4 Address Transfer Termination Address transfer termination occurs with the assertion of the address acknowledge (AACK) signal, or retried with the assertion of ARTRY. ARTRY must remain asserted until one clock after AACK; the bus clock cycle after AACK is called the ARTRY window. The MPC8280 controls assertion of AACK unless the cycle is claimed by an external slave, such as an external L2 cache controller. Following the assertion of L2_HIT, the L2 cache controller is responsible for asserting AACK. When AACK is asserted by the external slave, it should be asserted for one clock cycle and then negated for one clock cycle before entering a high-impedance state. The MPC8280 holds AACK in a high-impedance state until it is required to assert AACK to terminate the address cycle. The MPC8280 uses AACK to enforce a pipeline depth of one to its internal slaves. Address Retried with ARTRY The address transfer can be terminated with the requirement to retry if ARTRY is asserted during the address tenure and through the cycle following AACK. The assertion causes the entire transaction (address and data tenure) to be rerun. As a snooping device, the MPC8280 processor asserts ARTRY for a snooped transaction that hits modified data in the data cache that must be written back to memory, or if the snooped transaction could not be serviced. As a bus master, the MPC8280 responds to an assertion of ARTRY by aborting the bus transaction and requesting the bus again, as shown in Figure 8-7. Note that after recognizing an assertion of ARTRY and aborting the current transaction, the MPC8280 may not run the same transaction the next time it is granted the bus. MPC8280 PowerQUICC II Family Reference Manual, Rev. 1 Freescale Semiconductor 8-21 The 60x Bus CLKOUT BR INT BG INT BR External BG ABB ADDR + ATTR MPC8280 External MPC8280 TS AACK ARTRY Figure 8-7. Retry Cycle As a bus master, the MPC8280 recognizes either an early or qualified ARTRY and prevents the data tenure associated with the retried address tenure. If the data tenure has begun, the MPC8280 terminates the data tenure immediately even if the burst data has been received. If the assertion of ARTRY is received up to or on the bus cycle as the first (or only) assertion of TA for the data tenure, the MPC8280 ignores the first data beat. If it is a read operation, the MPC8280 does not forward data internally to the cache, execution unit, or any other MPC8280 internal storage. This address retry case succeeds because the data tenure is aborted in time, and the entire transaction is rerun. This retry mechanism allows the memory system to begin operating in parallel with the bus snoopers, provided external devices do not present data sooner than the bus cycle before all snoop responses can be determined and asserted on the bus. Note that the system must ensure that ARTRY is never asserted later than the cycle of the first or only assertion of TA (if the PCI controller can initiate global transactions, the system must ensure that ARTRY is never asserted on the same cycle or later then the first or only assertion of TA). This guarantees the relationship between TA and ARTRY such that, in case of an address retry, the data may be cancelled in the chip before it can be forwarded internally to the internal memory resources (registers or cache). Generally, the memory system must also detect this event and abort any transfer in progress. If this MPC8280 PowerQUICC II Family Reference Manual, Rev. 1 8-22 Freescale Semiconductor The 60x Bus TA/ARTRY relationship is not met, the master may enter an undefined state. Users may use PPC_ACR[DBGD] to ensure correct operation of the system. During the clock of a qualified ARTRY, each device master determines whether it should negate BR and ignore BG on the following cycle. The following cycle is referred to as the window-of-opportunity for the snooping master. During this window, only the snooping master that asserted ARTRY and requires a snoop copyback operation is allowed to assert BR. This guarantees the snooping master a window of opportunity to request and be granted the bus before the just-retried master can restart its transaction. BG is also blocked in the window-of-opportunity, so the arbiter has a chance to negate BG to an already granted potential bus master to perform a new arbitration. Note that in some systems, an external processor may be unable to perform a pending snoop copyback when a new snoop operation is performed. In this case, the MPC8280 requests the window of opportunity if it hits on the new snooped address. To clear its internal snoop queue, it performs the snoop copyback operation for the earlier snooped address instead of the current snooped address. Address Tenure Timing Configuration During address tenures initiated by 60x-bus devices, the timing of the assertion of AACK by the MPC8280 is determined by the BCR[APD] and the pipeline status of the 60x bus. Because the MPC8280 can support one level of pipelining, it uses AACK to control the 60x-bus pipeline condition. To maintain the one-level pipeline, AACK is not asserted for a pipelined address tenure until the current data tenure ends. The MPC8280 also delays asserting AACK until no more address retry conditions can occur. Note that the earliest the MPC8280 can assert AACK is the clock cycle when the wait-state values set by BCR[APD] have expired. BCR[APD] specifies the minimum number of address tenure wait states for address operations initiated by 60x-bus devices. APD indicates how many cycles the MPC8280 should wait for ARTRY, but because it is assumed that ARTRY can be asserted (by other masters) only on cacheable address spaces, APD is considered only on transactions that hit a 60x-assigned memory controller bank and that have GBL asserted during the address phase. Extra wait states may occur because of other MPC8280 configuration parameters. Note that in a system with an L2 cache, the number of wait states configured by BCR[APD] should be at least as large as the value needed by the L2 controller to assert hit response. In systems with multiple potential masters, the number of wait states configured by BCR[APD] should be at least as large as the value the slowest master would need by to assert a snoop response. For example, additional wait states are required when the internal processor is in 1:1 clock mode; this case requires at least one wait state to generate the ARTRY response. 8.4.5 Pipeline Control The MPC8280 supports the two following modes: • One-level pipeline mode—To maintain the one-level pipeline, AACK is not asserted for a pipelined address tenure until the current data tenure ends. In 60x-compatible bus mode, a two-level pipeline depth can occur (for example, when an external 60x-bus slave does not support MPC8280 PowerQUICC II Family Reference Manual, Rev. 1 Freescale Semiconductor 8-23 The 60x Bus • 8.5 one-level pipelining). When the internal arbiter counts a pipeline depth of two (two assertions of AACK before the assertion of the current data tenure) it negates all address bus grant (BG) signals. No-pipeline mode—The MPC8280 does not assert AACK until the corresponding data tenure ends. Data Tenure Operations This section describes the operation of the MPC8280 during the data bus arbitration, transfer, and termination phases of the data tenure. NOTE: External Master Writes to DPRAM DPRAM is clocked by the CPM clock and not by the 60x bus clock. Therefore, data is not latched at the TA assertion cycle during writes to DPRAM from the external master. Instead, the data is latched earlier. It is necessary, then, that the external master drive the data bus immediately after DBG and hold the data bus until after TA. 8.5.1 Data Bus Arbitration The beginning of an address transfer, marked by the assertion of transfer start (TS), is also an implicit data bus request provided that the transfer type signals (TT[0–4]) indicate that the transaction is not address-only. The MPC8280 arbiter supports one external master and uses DBG to grant the external master data bus.The DBG signals are not asserted if the data bus, which is shared with memory, is busy with a transaction. A qualified data bus grant (QDBG) can be expressed as the assertion of DBG while DBB and ARTRY (associated with the data bus operation) are negated. Note that the MPC8280 arbiter should assert DBG only when it is certain that the first TA will be asserted with or after the associated ARTRY. The MPC8280 DBG is asserted with TS if the data bus is free and if the PPC_ACR[DBGD] = 0. If PPC_ACR[DBGD] = 1, DBG is asserted one cycle after TS if the data bus is not busy. The DBG delay should be used to ensure that ARTRY is not asserted after the first or only TA assertion. For the programming model, see Section, “60x Bus Arbiter Configuration Register (PPC_ACR).” Note that DBB should not be asserted after the data tenure is finished. Assertion of DBB after the last TA causes improper operation of the bus. (MPC8280 internal masters do not assert DBB after the last TA.) Note the following: • External bus arbiters must comply with the following restriction on assertion of DBG which is connected to the MPC8280. In case the data bus is not busy with the data of a previous transaction on the bus, external arbiter must assert DBG in the same cycle in which TS is asserted (by a master which was granted the bus) or in the following cycle. In case the external arbiter asserts DBG on the cycle in which TS was asserted, PPC_ACR[DBGD] should be zero. Otherwise, PPC_ACR[DBGD] should be set. MPC8280 PowerQUICC II Family Reference Manual, Rev. 1 8-24 Freescale Semiconductor The 60x Bus • 8.5.2 External masters connected to the 60x bus must assert DBB only for the duration of its data tenure. External masters should not use DBB to prevent other masters from using the data bus after their data tenure has ended. Data Streaming Mode The MPC8280 supports a special data streaming mode that can improve bus performance in some conditions. Generally, the bus protocol requires one idle cycle between any two data tenures. This idle cycle is essential to prevent contention on the data bus when the driver of the data is changing. However, when the driver on the data bus is the same for both data tenures, this idle cycle may be omitted. In data streaming mode, the MPC8280 omits the idle cycle where possible. MPC8280 applications often require data stream transfers of more than 4 x 64 bits. For example, the ATM cell’s payload is 6 x 64 bits. All this data is driven from a single device on the bus, so data-streaming saves a cycle for such a transfer. When data-streaming mode is enabled, transactions initiated by the core are not affected, while transactions initiated by other bus masters within the chip omit the idle cycle if the data driver is the same. Note that data streaming mode cannot be enabled when the MPC8280 is in 60x-compatible bus mode and a device that uses DBB is connected to the bus. This restriction is due to the fact that a MPC8280 for which data streaming mode is enabled may leave DBB asserted after the last TA of a transaction and this is a violation of the strict bus protocol. The data streaming mode is enabled by setting BCR[ETM]. 8.5.3 Data Bus Transfers and Normal Termination The data transfer signals include D[0–63] and DP[0–7]. For memory accesses, the data signals form a 64-bit data path, D[0–63], for read and write operations. The MPC8280 handles data transfers in either single-beat or burst operations. Single-beat operations can transfer from 1 to 24 bytes of data at a time. Burst operations always transfer eight words in four double-word beats. A burst transaction is indicated by the assertion of TBST by the bus master. A transaction is terminated normally by asserting TA. The three following signals are used to terminate the individual data beats of the data tenure and the data tenure itself: • TA indicates normal termination of data transactions. It must always be asserted on the bus cycle coincident with the data that it is qualifying. It may be withheld by the slave for any number of clocks until valid data is ready to be supplied or accepted. • Asserting TEA indicates a nonrecoverable bus error event. Upon receiving a final (or only) termination condition, the MPC8280 always negates DBB for one cycle, except when fast data bus grant is performed. • Asserting ARTRY causes the data tenure to be terminated immediately if the ARTRY is for the address tenure associated with the data tenure in operation (the data tenure may not be terminated due to address pipelining). The earliest allowable assertion of TA depends directly on the latest possible assertion of ARTRY. Figure 8-8 shows both a single-beat and burst data transfer. The MPC8280 asserts TA to mark the cycle in which data is accepted. In a normal burst transfer, the fourth assertion of TA signals the end of a transfer. MPC8280 PowerQUICC II Family Reference Manual, Rev. 1 Freescale Semiconductor 8-25 The 60x Bus CLKOUT ADDR + ATTR TS AACK DBG TA PSDVAL D[0–63] D0 D1 D2 D3 Figure 8-8. Single-Beat and Burst Data Transfers 8.5.4 Effect of ARTRY Assertion on Data Transfer and Arbitration The MPC8280 allows an address tenure to overlap its associated data tenure. The MPC8280 internally guarantees that the first TA of the data tenure is delayed to be at the same time or after the ARTRY window (the clock after the assertion of AACK). 8.5.5 Port Size Data Bus Transfers and PSDVAL Termination The MPC8280 can transfer data via data ports of 8, 16, 32, and 64 bits, as shown in Section 8.4.3, “Address Transfer Attribute Signals.” Single-beat transaction sizes can be 8, 16, 32, 64, 128, and 192 bits; burst transactions are 256 bits. Single-beat and burst transactions are divided into to a number of intermediate beats depending on the port size. The MPC8280 asserts PSDVAL to mark the cycle in which data is accepted. Assertion of PSDVAL in conjunction with TA marks the end of the transfer in single-beat mode. The fourth assertion of PSDVAL in conjunction with TA signals the end of a burst transfer. Figure 8-9 shows an extended transaction of 4 words to a port size of 32 bits. The single-beat transaction is translated to four port-sized beats. MPC8280 PowerQUICC II Family Reference Manual, Rev. 1 8-26 Freescale Semiconductor The 60x Bus CLKOUT ADDR + ATTR TS AACK DBG PSDVAL TA D[0–31] D0 D1 D2 D3 Figure 8-9. 28-Bit Extended Transfer to 32-Bit Port Size MPC8280 PowerQUICC II Family Reference Manual, Rev. 1 Freescale Semiconductor 8-27 The 60x Bus Figure 8-10 shows a burst transfer to a 32-bit port. Each double-word burst beat is divided into two port-sized beats such that the four double words are transferred in eight beats. CLKOUT ADDR + ATTR TS AACK DBG PSDVAL TA D[0–31] D0 D1 D2 D3 D4 D5 D6 D7 Figure 8-10. Burst Transfer to 32-Bit Port Size 8.5.6 Data Bus Termination by Assertion of TEA If a device initiates a transaction that is not supported by the MPC8280, the MPC8280 signals an error by asserting TEA. Because the assertion of TEA is sampled by the device only during the data tenure of the bus transaction, the MPC8280 ensures that the device master receives a qualified data bus grant by asserting DBG before asserting TEA. The data tenure is terminated by a single assertion of TEA regardless of the port size or whether the data tenure is a single-beat or burst transaction. This sequence is shown in Figure 8-11.. In Figure 8-11. the data bus is busy at the beginning of the transaction, thus delaying the assertion of DBG. Note that data errors (parity and ECC) are reported not by assertion of TEA but by assertion of MCP. Because the assertion of TEA is sampled by the device only during the data tenure of the bus transaction, the MPC8280 ensures that the device receives a qualified data bus grant by asserting DBG before asserting TEA. The data tenure is terminated by a single assertion of TEA regardless of the port size or whether the data tenure is a single-beat or burst transaction. MPC8280 PowerQUICC II Family Reference Manual, Rev. 1 8-28 Freescale Semiconductor The 60x Bus This sequence is shown in Figure 8-11. In Figure 8-11 the data bus is busy at the beginning of the transaction, thus delaying the assertion of DBG. CLKOUT ADDR + ATTR For Single For Burst TS AACK DBG TA TEA Data Figure 8-11. Data Tenure Terminated by Assertion of TEA The MPC8280 interprets the following bus transactions as bus errors: • Direct-store transactions, as indicated by the assertion of XATS. • Bus errors asserted by slaves (internal or external). 8.6 Memory Coherency—MEI Protocol The MPC8280 provides dedicated hardware to ensure memory coherency by snooping bus transactions, by maintaining information about the status of data in a cache block, and by the address retry capability. Each data cache block includes status bits that support the modified/exclusive/invalid, or MEI, cache-coherency protocol. Asserting the global (GBL) output signal indicates whether the current transaction must be snooped by other snooping devices on the bus. Address bus masters assert GBL to indicate that the current transaction is a global access (that is, an access to memory shared by more than one device). If GBL is not asserted for the transaction, that transaction is not snooped. When other devices detect the GBL input asserted, they must respond by snooping any addresses broadcast. Normally, GBL reflects the M bit value specified for the memory reference in the corresponding translation descriptor. Care must be taken to minimize the number of pages marked as global, because the retry protocol discussed in the previous section used to enforce coherency can require significant bus bandwidth. MPC8280 PowerQUICC II Family Reference Manual, Rev. 1 Freescale Semiconductor 8-29 The 60x Bus When the MPC8280 processor is not the address bus master, GBL is an input. The MPC8280 processor snoops a transaction if TS and GBL are asserted together in the same bus clock cycle (a qualified snooping condition). No snoop update to the MPC8280 processor cache occurs if the transaction is not marked global. This includes invalidation cycles. When the MPC8280 processor detects a qualified snoop condition, the address associated with the TS is compared against the data cache tags. Snooping completes if no hit is detected. However, if the address hits in the cache, the MPC8280 processor reacts according to the MEI protocol shown in Figure 8-12. This figure assumes that WIM = 0b001 (memory space is marked for write-back, caching-allowed, and coherency-enforced modes). Invalid SH/CRW SH/CRW WM RM WH Modified Exclusive SH RH RH WH SH = Snoop hit RH = Read hit WH = Write hit WM = Write miss RM = Read miss SH/CRW = Snoop hit, cacheable read/write SH/CIR = Snoop hit, cache-inhibited read SH/CIR = Snoop push = Cache line fill Figure 8-12. MEI Cache Coherency Protocol—State Diagram (WIM = 001) 8.7 Processor State Signals This section describes the MPC8280’s support for atomic update and memory through the use of the lwarx/stwcx. instruction pair. It also describes the TLBISYNC input. MPC8280 PowerQUICC II Family Reference Manual, Rev. 1 8-30 Freescale Semiconductor The 60x Bus 8.7.1 Support for the lwarx/stwcx. Instruction Pair The load word and reserve indexed (lwarx) and the store word conditional indexed (stwcx.) instructions provide a way to update memory atomically by setting a reservation on the load and checking that the reservation is still valid before the store is performed. In the MPC8280, reservations are made on behalf of aligned, 32-byte sections of the memory address space. The reservation (RSRV) output signal is driven synchronously with the bus clock and reflects the status of the reservation coherency bit in the reservation address register. Note that each external master must do its own snooping; the MPC8280 does not provide external reservation snooping. 8.7.2 TLBISYNC Input The TLBISYNC input permits hardware synchronization of changes to MMU tables when the MPC8280 and another DMA master share the MMU translation tables in system memory. A DMA master asserts TLBISYNC when it uses shared addresses that the MPC8280 could change in the MMU tables during the DMA master’s tenure. When the TLBISYNC input is asserted, the MPC8280 cannot complete any instructions past a tlbsync instruction. Generally, during the execution of an eciwx or ecowx instruction, the selected DMA device should assert the MPC8280’s TLBISYNC signal and hold it asserted during its DMA tenure if it is using a shared translation address. Subsequent instructions by the MPC8280 processor should include a sync and tlbsync instruction before any MMU table changes are performed. This prevents the MPC8280 from making disruptive table changes during the DMA tenure. 8.8 Little-Endian Mode The MPC8280 supports a little-endian mode in which low-order address bits are operated on (munged) based on the size of the requested data transfer. This mode allows a little-endian program running on the processor with a big-endian memory system to offset into a data structure and receive the same results as it would if it were operating on a true little-endian processor and memory system. For example, writing a word to memory as a word operation on the bus and then reading in the second byte of that word as a byte operation on the bus. NOTE When the processor is selected for little-endian operation, the bus interface is still operating in big-endian mode. That is, byte address 0 of a double word (as selected by A[29–31] on the bus—after the internal address munge) still selects the most significant (left most) byte of the double word on D[0–7]. If the processor interfaces with a true little-endian environment, the system may need to perform byte-lane swapping or other operations external to the processor. MPC8280 PowerQUICC II Family Reference Manual, Rev. 1 Freescale Semiconductor 8-31 The 60x Bus MPC8280 PowerQUICC II Family Reference Manual, Rev. 1 8-32 Freescale Semiconductor Chapter 9 PCI Bridge The PCI bridge enables the MPC8280 to bridge PCI devices gluelessly to a processor that implements the PowerPC architecture, to serve as a PCI interface for CompactPCI™ (CPCI) systems or as a basis for passive PCI NIC implementations. In addition, multiple MPC8280 processors can interface with each other over the PCI bus. The key features of the PCI bridge are as follows: • PCI Specification Revision 2.2 compliant and supports frequencies up to 66 MHz • On-chip arbitration • Support for PCI-to-60x-memory and 60x-memory-to-PCI streaming • PCI host bridge or peripheral capabilities • Includes 4 DMA channels for the following transfers: — PCI-to-60x to 60x-to-PCI — 60x-to-PCI to PCI-to-60x — PCI-to-60x to PCI-to-60x — 60x-to-PCI to 60x-to-PCI • Includes all of the configuration registers required by the PCI standard as well as message and doorbell registers • Supports the I2O standard • Hot-Swap friendly (supports the Hot Swap Specification as defined by PICMG 2.1 R1.0 August 3, 1998) • Support for 66 MHz, 3.3 V specification • Uses a buffer pool for the 60x-PCI bus interface • Makes use of the local bus signals to avoid the need for additional pins MPC8280 PowerQUICC II Family Reference Manual, Rev. 1 Freescale Semiconductor 9-1 PCI Bridge MPC8280 G2_LE Core 60x Bus PCI Bridge 0 Mux SDMA Communications Processor DPRAM Module PCI Bus 1 60x-to-Local Bridge PCI_MODE Figure 9-1. PCI Bridge in the MPC8280 MPC8280 60x Bus/Local SDMA MPC8280 Internal PCI Bridge I/O Sequencer 60x Interface Buffer Pool Embedded Utilities DMA PCI Interface I2O Regs PCI Bus Figure 9-2. PCI Bridge Structure MPC8280 PowerQUICC II Family Reference Manual, Rev. 1 9-2 Freescale Semiconductor PCI Bridge 9.1 Signals To avoid the need for additional pins, the PCI bridge is designed to make use of the local bus signals. Therefore, many of these pins perform different functions, depending on how the user configures them. PCI bridge signals are described in Chapter 6, “External Signals.” 9.2 Clocking PCI bridge clocking is described in Chapter 10, “Clocks and Power Control.” 9.3 PCI Bridge Initialization The PCI bridge uses fields from the hard reset configuration word (refer to Section 5.4.1, “Hard Reset Configuration Word”) which are loaded during a hard reset (that is, assertion of the HRESET signal). This section discusses PCI bridge initialization issues after reset. The local bus pin configuration (LBPC) field of the hard reset configuration word should be programmed to 0b01 so that the local bus operates as the PCI bus. For PCI agent applications, the PCI_RST signal should be connected to the power-on reset (PORESET) pin of the MPC8280. If the core is disabled, in PCI agent mode, an EEPROM must be provided for loading the PCI configuration data. For core-disabled, PCI agent applications, the communications processor (CP) can perform the minimal initialization of the internal PCI bridge configuration registers required before responding to configuration cycles. When the auto-load enable (ALD_EN) bit is set in the hard reset configuration word, the CP automatically loads the PCI configuration data from the EPROM immediately following hard reset. (In addition to the hard reset configuration word, the PCI configuration register data should be programmed within the EPROM according to the port size. Refer to configuration register loading in Section, “Initializing the PCI Configuration Registers,” for further details.) To prevent premature accesses, CFG_LOCK (see Section, “PCI Bus Function Register”) is automatically set during hard reset so that all attempted PCI accesses are retried. The user must re-enable PCI accesses by clearing CFG_LOCK at the end of the PCI bridge initialization procedure. In addition to the configuration register programming, several configuration pins are available in PCI mode only. See Table 6-1 for a description of the external signals. 9.4 SDMA Interface As shown in Figure 9-1, the PCI bridge has an interface to the SDMA controller. The CP can direct the SDMA controller to bring data from the PCI bus memory/IO space into the dual-port RAM, or vice versa. The user can choose if the data buffers, buffer descriptors, or any other needed data will reside on the 60x bus or on the PCI bus. Because the PCI is replacing the local bus interface when PCI_MODE is active, the PCI path is automatically chosen whenever the choice between 60x and local bus was programmed to local. When the PCI bridge is disabled (PCI_MODE is negated), the SDMA transfers data to local memory through the local bus interface whenever the choice is programmed to local. No change occurs when the programmed option is the 60x bus. Refer to the descriptions of DTB and BIB in Table 31-16. MPC8280 PowerQUICC II Family Reference Manual, Rev. 1 Freescale Semiconductor 9-3 PCI Bridge NOTE Although the user can direct the SDMA to the 60x bus, transactions can be redirected to the PCI bridge if they fall in one of the PCI windows of the 60x bus memory map (PCIBR0 or PCIBR1; refer to Section, “PCI Base Register (PCIBRx)”). Data flow of this kind is not recommended because it is not optimal. However, if it is implemented, the user must set strict 60x bus mode (BCR[ETM] = 0). 9.5 Interrupts from PCI Bridge Each of the PCI bridge interrupt sources—the PCI error condition detector, the DMA unit, and the message unit—can generate an interrupt to the SIU interrupt controller. PCI bridge interrupts are reflected in SIPNR_H[PCI] (refer to Section, “SIU Interrupt Pending Registers (SIPNR_H and SIPNR_L)”). PCI bridge interrupts can be masked in general with SIMR_H[PCI] (refer to Section, “SIU Interrupt Mask Registers (SIMR_H and SIMR_L)”). Specific interrupt sources can be masked independently by masking the relevant bits in the following registers—error mask register, DMA mode register, inbound message interrupt mask register, and the outbound message interrupt mask register. Each of these registers is described in Section 9.11.1, “Memory-Mapped Configuration Registers.” The interrupt service routine can determine the source of the interrupt by reading the status bits of the following registers—the error status register, the DMA general status register, the inbound message interrupt status register, and the outbound message interrupt status register. For PCI interrupt vector calculation, refer to Section 4.2.4, “Interrupt Vector Generation and Calculation.” For the priority of PCI interrupts, refer to Section, “SIU Interrupt Priority Register (SIPRR).” 9.6 60x Bus Arbitration Priority To prevent 60x bus arbitration deadlock, the PCI bridge should be programmed to have a high arbitration priority level within the 60x bus. The 60x bus arbitration-level register (PPC_ALRH) should be programmed so that the PCI request level index (0b0011) has a priority higher than all other 60x bus masters which address the PCI space through the 60x-PCI bridge (that is, the internal core or any external masters). Masters which do not perform transactions in the PCI space (through the 60x-PCI bridge) can have higher priority. Note that the default value of ALRH (0x0126_7893l) does not meet this requirement. The same guidelines to prevent 60x bus arbitration deadlock apply to the programming of the parked master. That is, program the parked master in the 60x bus arbiter configuration register (PPC_ACR[PRKM]) to be the PCI bridge (0b0011); refer to Section, “60x Bus Arbiter Configuration Register (PPC_ACR).” 9.7 60x Bus Masters The number of external 60x bus masters allowed access to the PCI bridge is limited by the number of pending requests that the PCI bridge is able to service. This number depends on the processor type of the master. For example, up to two second generation (G2) processors that implement the PowerPC architecture or three third generation (G3) processors can be accommodated. MPC8280 PowerQUICC II Family Reference Manual, Rev. 1 9-4 Freescale Semiconductor PCI Bridge 9.8 CompactPCI Hot Swap Specification Support CompactPCI is an open specification supported by the PCI Industrial Computer Manufacturers Group (PICMG) and is intended for embedded applications using PCI. CompactPCI Hot Swap is an extension of the CompactPCI specification and allows the insertion and extraction (or “hot swapping”) of boards without adversely affecting system operation. The Hot Swap specification defines three levels of support: • Hot Swap capable • Hot Swap friendly • Hot Swap ready The MPC8280 is a Hot Swap friendly device, meaning that it supports the hardware and software connection processes as defined in the Hot Swap specification. This level of support allows the board and system designers to build full Hot Swap and high availability systems based on the MPC8280 device as a PCI target device. The only compliance exception is that the device pins are not 5-volt tolerant. Application boards should be used in 3.3V signaling back planes, or add 5-to-3.3 volt signaling voltage converters, if needed, to be used in 5V back planes. For more information regarding the Hot Swap process, refer to the Hot Swap Specification PICMG 2.1, R1.0, August 3, 1998. 9.9 PCI Interface The PCI bridge connects the processor and memory system to the I/O components via the PCI system bus. This interface acts as both initiator (master) and target (slave) device. The PCI bridge uses a 32-bit multiplexed, address/data bus that can run at frequencies up to 66 MHz. The interface provides address and data parity with error checking and reporting. The interface provides for three physical address spaces—32-bit address memory, 32-bit address I/O, and PCI configuration space. The PCI bridge can function as either a host bridge or an agent device. Note that the PCI bridge can be configured from the PCI bus while in agent mode. An address translation mechanism is provided to map PCI memory windows between the host and agent. The following are the major features supported by the PCI interface: • PCI Specification Revision 2.2 compliant • On-chip arbitration supports 3 external PCI bus masters (in addition to the PCI bridge itself) • Arbiter supports high-priority request and grant signal pairs • Supports accesses to all PCI address spaces • Supports PCI-to-60x-memory and 60x-memory-to-PCI streaming • Memory prefetching of PCI read accesses and support for delayed read transactions • Supports posting of processor to PCI and PCI to memory writes • Supports selectable snoop • PCI host bridge capabilities MPC8280 PowerQUICC II Family Reference Manual, Rev. 1 Freescale Semiconductor 9-5 PCI Bridge • • PCI agent mode capabilities which include the ability to configure from a remote host Address translation units for address mapping between host and agent. Efforts were made to keep the terminology in this chapter consistent with the PCI Specification, revision 2.2, and other PCI documentation; therefore, the terms found in Table 9-1 may differ from most documentation for processors that implement the PowerPC architecture (for example, architecture specification or reference manuals). Table 9-1. PCI Terminology Term Definition LSB/Lower order Represents bit 0 or the bits closest to the LSB MSB/High order Represents bit 31 or the bits closest to the MSB Byte Represents 8 bits of information Word Represents 16 bits or 2 bytes Double word Represents 32 bits or 2 words or 4 bytes Quad word Represents 64 bits or 2 double-words or 4 words or 8 bytes Beat Represents any valid data during a data transfer Burst Represents any 1 or more beat transfers Edge/Clock edge Represents the rising edge of the PCI clock Cycle/Clock cycle Represents the time period between clock edges Asserted/negated Represents the globally visible state of the signal on the clock edge Address phase Represents the first clock cycle where FRAME is asserted Data phase(s) Represents the clock cycle(s) where IRDY and TRDY are asserted NOTE: PCI Bridge Signal Naming PCI bridge signals are defined in most cases with the prefix “PCI_” (for example, PCI_IRDY—see Figure 6-1). In this chapter, however, the prefix is not used. For descriptions of PCI bridge signals, refer to Chapter 6, “External Signals.” 9.9.1 PCI Interface Operation The following sections discuss the operation of the PCI bus. Bus Commands PCI bus commands indicate the type of transaction occurring on the bus. These commands are encoded on PCI_C/BE[3-0] during the address phase of the transaction. PCI bus commands are described in Table 9-2. MPC8280 PowerQUICC II Family Reference Manual, Rev. 1 9-6 Freescale Semiconductor PCI Bridge Table 9-2. PCI Command Definitions Supported as: PCI_C/BE[3-0] Command Type Definition Initiator Target 0b0000 Interrupt acknowledge YES NO A read implicitly addressed to the system interrupt controller. The size of the vector to be returned is indicated on the byte enables after the address phase. 0b0001 Special cycle YES NO Provides a simple message broadcast mechanism. See Section, “Special Cycle Command.” 0b0010 I/O read YES NO Accesses agents mapped in I/O address space. 0b0011 I/O write YES NO Accesses agents mapped in I/O address space. 0b010x — — — Reserved. No response occurs. 0b0110 Memory read YES YES Accesses agents mapped in memory address space. A read from prefetchable space, when seen as a target, fetches a cache line of data (32 bytes) from the starting address, even though all 32 bytes may not actually be sent to the initiator. 0b0111 Memory write YES YES Accesses agents mapped in memory address space. 0b100x — — — 0b1010 Configuration read YES YES Accesses the configuration space of each agent. An agent is selected when its IDSEL signal is asserted. See Section, “Host Mode Configuration Access” for more detail of configuration accesses. As a target, a configuration read is only accepted if the PCI bridge is configured to be in agent mode. 0b1011 Configuration write YES YES Accesses the configuration space of each agent. An agent is selected when its IDSEL signal is asserted. See Section, “Host Mode Configuration Access”. As a target, a configuration write is only accepted if the PCI bridge is configured to be in agent mode. 0b1100 Memory read multiple YES YES Causes a prefetch of the next cache line. 0b1101 Dual address cycle NO NO Transfers an 8 byte address to devices. 0b1110 Memory read line YES YES Indicates that the initiator intends to transfer an entire cache line of data. 0b1111 Memory write and invalidate NO YES Indicates that the initiator will transfer an entire cache line of data, and if PCI has any cacheable memory, this line needs to be invalidated. Reserved. No response occurs. PCI Protocol Fundamentals The bus transfer mechanism on the PCI bus is called a burst. A burst is comprised of an address phase and one or more data phases. All signals are sampled on the rising edge of the PCI clock. Each signal has a setup and hold window with respect to the rising clock edge, in which transitions are not allowed. Outside this aperture, signal values or transitions have no significance. MPC8280 PowerQUICC II Family Reference Manual, Rev. 1 Freescale Semiconductor 9-7 PCI Bridge Basic Transfer Control PCI data transfers are controlled with three fundamental signals: • FRAME is driven by an initiator to indicate the beginning and end of a transaction. • IRDY (initiator ready) is driven by an initiator, allowing it to force wait cycles. • TRDY (target ready) is driven by a target, allowing it to force wait cycles. The bus is idle when both FRAME and IRDY are negated. The first clock cycle in which FRAME is asserted indicates the beginning of the address phase. The address and the bus command code are transferred in that cycle. The next cycle ends the address phase and begins the data phase. During the data phase, data is transferred in each cycle that both IRDY and TRDY are asserted. Once the PCI bridge, as an initiator, has asserted IRDY it does not change IRDY or FRAME until the current data phase completes, regardless of the state of TRDY. Once the PCI bridge, as a target, has asserted TRDY or STOP it does not change DEVSEL, TRDY, or STOP until the current data phase completes. When the PCI bridge (as a master) intends to complete only one more data transfer, FRAME is negated and IRDY is asserted (or kept asserted) indicating the initiator is ready. After the target indicates it is ready (TRDY asserted) the bus returns to the idle state. Addressing The PCI specification defines three physical address spaces—memory, I/O, and configuration. The memory and I/O address spaces are standard for all systems. The configuration address space has been defined specifically to support PCI hardware configuration. Each PCI device decodes the address for each PCI transaction with each agent responsible for its own address decode. The information contained in the two lower address bits (AD1 and AD0) depends on the address space. In the I/O address space, all 32 address/data lines provide the full byte address. AD[1-0] are used for the generation of DEVSEL and indicate the least significant valid byte involved in the transfer. Once a target has claimed an I/O access, it first determines if it can complete the entire access as indicated by the byte enable signals. If all the selected bytes are not in the address range, the entire access should not be completed; that is, the target should not transfer any data and should terminate the transaction with a “target-abort” (refer to Section, “Bus Transactions”). In the configuration address space, accesses are decoded to a double-word address using AD[7-2]. An agent determines if it is the target of the access when a configuration command is decoded, IDSEL is asserted, and AD[1-0] are 0b00; otherwise, the agent ignores the current transaction. The PCI bridge determines a configuration access is for a device on the PCI bus by decoding a configuration command. When in agent mode, the PCI bridge responds to host-generated PCI configuration cycles when its IDSEL is asserted during a configuration cycle. For memory accesses, the double-word address is decoded using AD[31–2]; thereafter, the address is incremented internally by one double-word (4 bytes) until the end of the burst transfer. Another initiator in a memory access should drive 0b00 on AD[1-0] during the address phase to indicate a linear incrementing burst order. The PCI bridge checks AD[1-0] during a memory command access and provides the linear incrementing burst order. On reads, if AD[1-0] is 0b10, which represents a cache line wrap, the PCI bridge linearly increments the burst order starting at the critical word, wraps at the end of the cache MPC8280 PowerQUICC II Family Reference Manual, Rev. 1 9-8 Freescale Semiconductor PCI Bridge line, and disconnects after reading one cache line. If AD[1-0] is 0bx1 (a reserved encoding) and the PCI_C/BE[3-0] signals indicate a memory transaction, it executes a target disconnect after the first data phase is completed. Note that AD[1-0] are included in parity calculations. Byte Enable Signals The byte enable signals (BE[3-0]) indicate which byte lanes carry valid data. The byte enable signals may enable different bytes for each of the data phases. The byte enable signals are valid on the edge of the clock that starts each data phase and remain valid for the entire data phase. If the PCI bridge, as a target, sees no byte enable signals asserted, it completes the current data phase with no permanent change. This implies that on a read transaction, the PCI bridge expects the data not to be changed, and on a write transaction, the data is not stored. Bus Driving and Turnaround The turnaround-cycle is one clock cycle and is required to avoid contention. This cycle occurs at different times for different signals. IRDY, TRDY, and DEVSEL use the address phase as their turnaround-cycle. FRAME, PCI_C/BE[3-0], and AD[31-0] use the idle cycle between transactions as their turnaround-cycle. (An idle cycle in PCI is when both FRAME and IRDY are negated.) Byte lanes not involved in the current data transfer are driven to a stable condition even though the data is not valid. Bus Transactions The timing diagrams in this section show the relationship of significant signals involved in bus transactions. Note the following conventions: • When a signal is drawn as a solid line, it is actively being driven by the current initiator or target. • When a signal is drawn as a dashed line, no agent is actively driving it. • Three-stated signals with slashes between the two rails have indeterminate values. • The terms ‘edge’ and ‘clock edge’ refer to the rising edge of the clock. • The terms ‘asserted’ and ‘negated’ refer to the globally visible state of the signal on the clock edge, and not to signal transitions. • The symbol represents a turnaround-cycle. Read and Write Transactions Both read and write transactions begin with an address phase followed by a data phase. The address phase occurs when FRAME is asserted for the first time, and the AD[31-0] signals contain a byte address and the PCI_C/BE[3-0] signals contain a bus command. The data phase consists of the actual data transfer and possible wait cycles; the byte enable signals remain actively driven from the first clock of the data phase through the end of the transaction. MPC8280 PowerQUICC II Family Reference Manual, Rev. 1 Freescale Semiconductor 9-9 PCI Bridge A read transaction starts when FRAME is asserted for the first time and the PCI_C/BE[3-0] signals indicate a read command. Figure 9-3 shows an example of a single beat read transaction. PCI_CLK AD[31:0] ADDR PCI_C/BE[3:0] CMD DATA BYTE ENABLES FRAME IRDY DEVSEL TRDY Figure 9-3. Single Beat Read Example Figure 9-4 shows an example of a burst read transaction. PCI_CLK AD[31:0] ADDR PCI_C/BE[3:0] CMD DATA1 BYTE ENABLES 1 DATA2 BYTE ENABLES 2 FRAME IRDY DEVSEL TRDY Figure 9-4. Burst Read Example During the turnaround-cycle following the address phase, the PCI_C/BE[3-0] signals indicate which byte lanes are involved in the data phase. The turnaround-cycle must be enforced by the target with the TRDY signal if using fast DEVSEL assertion. The earliest the target can provide valid data is one cycle after the turnaround-cycle. The target must drive the AD[31-0] signals when DEVSEL is asserted. The data phase completes when data is transferred, which occurs when both IRDY and TRDY are asserted on the same clock edge. When either is negated a wait cycle is inserted and no data is transferred. To indicate the last data phase IRDY must be asserted when FRAME is negated. A write transaction starts when FRAME is asserted for the first time and the PCI_C/BE[3-0] signals indicate a write command. Figure 9-5 shows an example of a single beat write transaction. MPC8280 PowerQUICC II Family Reference Manual, Rev. 1 9-10 Freescale Semiconductor PCI Bridge PCI_CLK AD[31:0] ADDR DATA PCI_C/BE[3:0] CMD BYTE ENABLES FRAME IRDY DEVSEL TRDY Figure 9-5. Single Beat Write Example Figure 9-6 shows an example of a burst write transaction. PCI_CLK AD[31:0] ADDR DATA1 DATA2 DATA3 DATA4 PCI_C/BE[3:0] CMD BEs 1 BEs 2 BEs 3 BEs 4 FRAME IRDY DEVSEL TRDY Figure 9-6. Burst Write Example A write transaction is similar to a read transaction except no turnaround cycle is needed following the address phase because the initiator provides both address and data. Data phases are the same for both read and write transactions. Transaction Termination The termination of a PCI transaction is orderly and systematic, regardless of the cause of the termination. All transactions end when FRAME and IRDY are both negated, indicating the idle cycle. The PCI bridge as an initiator terminates a transaction when FRAME is negated and IRDY is asserted. This indicates that the final data phase is in progress. The final data transfer occurs when both TRDY and IRDY are asserted. A master-abort is an abnormal case of an initiated termination. If the PCI bridge detects that DEVSEL has remained negated for more than four clocks after the assertion of FRAME, it negates FRAME and then, on the next clock, negates IRDY. On aborted reads, the PCI bridge returns 0xFFFF_FFFF. The data is lost on aborted writes. MPC8280 PowerQUICC II Family Reference Manual, Rev. 1 Freescale Semiconductor 9-11 PCI Bridge When the PCI bridge as a target needs to suspend a transaction, it asserts STOP. Once asserted, STOP remains asserted until FRAME is negated. Depending on the circumstances, data may or may not be transferred during the request for termination. If TRDY and IRDY are asserted during the assertion of STOP, data is transferred. This type of target-initiated termination is called a ‘disconnect B,’ shown in Figure 9-7. If TRDY is asserted when STOP is asserted but IRDY is not, TRDY must remain asserted until IRDY is asserted and the data is transferred. This is called a “disconnect A” target-initiated termination, also shown in Figure 9-7. However, if TRDY is negated when STOP is asserted, no more data is transferred, and the initiator therefore does not have to wait for a final data transfer (see the ‘retry’ diagram in Figure 9-7). PCI_CLK FRAME IRDY DEVSEL TRDY STOP Disconnect A Disconnect B PCI_CLK PCI_CLK FRAME FRAME IRDY IRDY DEVSEL DEVSEL TRDY TRDY STOP STOP Latency disconnect Retry Target abort Figure 9-7. Target-Initiated Terminations Note that when an initiator is terminated by STOP, it must negate its REQx signal for a minimum of two PCI clocks (of which one clock is needed for the bus to return to the idle state). If the initiator intends to complete the transaction, it should reassert its REQx immediately following the two clocks or potential starvation may occur. If the initiator does not intend to complete the transaction, it can assert REQx whenever it needs to use the PCI bus again. The PCI bridge terminates a transaction in the following cases: • Eight PCI clock cycles have elapsed between data phases. This is a ‘latency disconnect’ (see Figure 9-7). MPC8280 PowerQUICC II Family Reference Manual, Rev. 1 9-12 Freescale Semiconductor PCI Bridge • • • • AD[1-0] is 0bx1 (a reserved burst ordering encoding) during the address phase and one data phase has completed. The PCI command is a configuration command and one data phase has completed when a streaming transaction crosses a 4K page boundary. A streaming transaction runs out of I/O sequencer buffer entries. A cache line wrap transaction has completed a cache line transfer. Another target-initiated termination is the retry termination. Retry refers to termination requested because the target is currently in a state where it is unable to process the transaction. This can occur because no buffer entries are available in the I/O sequencer, or the sixteen clock latency timer has expired without transfer of the first data. The target latency timer of the PCI bridge can be optionally disabled see Section, “PCI Bus Function Register.” When the PCI bridge is in host mode it does not respond to any PCI configuration transactions. When the PCI bridge is in agent mode and AGENT_CFG_LOCK is set (refer to Section, “PCI Bus Function Register”) the PCI bridge will retry all configuration transactions. Note that all retried accesses need to be completed. An example of a retry is shown in Figure 9-7. Note that because a target can determine whether or not data is transferred (when both IRDY and TRDY are asserted), if it wants to do only one more data transfer and then stop, it may assert TRDY and STOP at the same time. Target-abort refers to the abnormal termination that is used when a fatal error has occurred, or when a target will never be able to respond. Target-abort is indicated by the fact that STOP is asserted and DEVSEL is negated. This indicates that the target requires the transaction to be terminated and does not want the transaction tried again. Note that any transferred data may have been corrupted. The PCI bridge terminates a transaction with target-abort in the case in which it is the intended target of a read transaction from system memory and the data from memory is corrupt. If the PCI bridge is the intended target of a transaction and an address parity error occurs, or a data parity error occurs on a write transaction to system memory, it continues the transaction on the PCI bus but aborts internally. The PCI bridge does not target-abort in this case. If the PCI bridge is mastering a transaction and the transaction terminates with a target-abort, undefined data will be returned on a read and write data will be lost. An example of a target-abort is shown in Figure 9-7. An initiator may retry any target disconnect accesses, except target-abort, at a later time starting with the address of the next non-transferred data. Retry is actually a special case of disconnect where no data transfer occurs at all and the initiator must start the entire transaction over again. Other Bus Operations The following sections provide information on additional PCI bus operations. Device Selection As a target, the PCI bridge drives DEVSEL one clock following the address phase as indicated in the configuration space status register; see Section, “PCI Bus Status Register.” The PCI bridge as a MPC8280 PowerQUICC II Family Reference Manual, Rev. 1 Freescale Semiconductor 9-13 PCI Bridge target qualifies the address/data lines with FRAME before asserting DEVSEL. DEVSEL is asserted at or before the clock edge at which the PCI bridge enables its TRDY, STOP, or data (for a read). DEVSEL is not negated until FRAME is negated, with IRDY asserted and either STOP or TRDY asserted. The exception to this is a target-abort; see Section, “Transaction Termination.” As an initiator, if the PCI bridge does not see the assertion of DEVSEL within 4 clocks of FRAME, it terminates the transaction with a master-abort as described in Section, “Transaction Termination.” Fast Back-to-Back Transactions In the two types of fast back-to-back transactions, the first type places the burden of avoiding contention on the initiator while the second places the burden on all potential targets. The PCI bridge as a target supports both types of fast back-to-back transactions but does not support them as an initiator. The PCI bridge as a target has the fast back-to-back enable bit hardwired to one, or enabled; see Table 9-18. For the first type (governed by the initiator), the initiator may only run a fast back-to-back transaction to the same target. For the second type, when the PCI bridge detects a fast-back-to-back operation and did not drive DEVSEL in the previous cycle, it delays the assertion of DEVSEL and TRDY for one cycle to allow the other target to get off the bus. Data Streaming The PCI bridge provides data streaming for PCI transactions to and from prefetchable memory. In other words, when the PCI bridge is a target for a PCI initiated transaction, it supplies or accepts multiple cache lines of data without disconnecting. For PCI transactions to non-prefetchable space, the PCI bridge disconnects after the first data phase so that no streaming can occur. For PCI memory reads, streaming is achieved by performing speculative reads from memory in prefetchable space. A block of memory can be marked as prefetchable by setting the prefetch bit in the corresponding inbound ATU (see Table 9-18) in the following cases: • When reads do not alter the contents of memory (reads have no side effects) • When reads return all bytes regardless of the byte enable signals • When writes can be merged without causing errors For a memory read command or a memory read line command, the PCI bridge reads one cache line from memory. If the PCI read or read line transaction crosses a cache line boundary, the PCI bridge starts the read of a new cache line. For a memory read multiple command, the PCI bridge reads two cache lines from memory. When the PCI transaction finishes the read for the first cache line, the PCI bridge performs a speculative read of a third cache line. The PCI bridge continues this prefetching until the end of the transaction. For PCI writes to memory, streaming is achieved by buffering the transaction in the space available within the I/O sequencer. This allows PCI memory writes to execute with no wait states. A disconnect occurs if the PCI bridge runs out of buffer space on writes, or the PCI bridge cannot supply consecutive data beats for reads within eight PCI bus clocks of each other. A disconnect also occurs if the transaction crosses a 4K page boundary. MPC8280 PowerQUICC II Family Reference Manual, Rev. 1 9-14 Freescale Semiconductor PCI Bridge For core- or DMA-initiated transfers, the PCI bridge streams over cache line boundaries if the prefetch bit in the corresponding outbound ATU is enabled and the address space identified by the outbound ATU is marked as PCI memory space. Host Mode Configuration Access The PCI bridge provides two types of configuration accesses to support hierarchical bridges. To access configuration space, a value is written to the CONFIG_ADDR register specifying which PCI bus, which device, and which configuration register to be accessed. When the PCI bridge sees an access that falls inside the double-word beginning at the CONFIG_DATA address, it checks the enable bit, the device number and the bus number in the CONFIG_ADDR register. If the enable bit is set and the device number is not equal to all ones, a configuration cycle translation is performed. When the device number field is equal to all ones, it has a special meaning (see Section, “Special Cycle Command”). The format of CONFIG_ADDR is shown in Figure 9-8. Bits 23 through 16 choose a specific PCI bus in the system. Bits 15 through 11 choose a specific device on the bus. Bits 10 through 8 choose a specific function in the requested device. Bits 7 through 2 choose a DWORD in the device’s configuration space. Bit 31 is an enable flag for determining when accesses to CONFIG_DATA should be translated to configuration cycles. 31 30 E 24 23 — 16 15 Bus number 31 11 10 Device number 8 7 Function number 2 Register number 11 10 Only one bit is set at a time (for IDSEL) 2 Function register 1 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 Figure 9-8. PCI Configuration Type 0 Translation (Top = CONFIG_ADDR) (Bottom = PCI Address Lines) There are two types of translations supported: • Type 0 translations—For when the device is on the PCI bus connected to the PCI bridge. (Figure 9-8 shows the Type 0 translation from the CONFIG_ADDR register to the address/data lines on the PCI bus.) • Type 1 translations—For when the device is on another bus somewhere behind the PCI bridge. For Type 0 translations, the PCI bridge decodes the device number field to assert the appropriate IDSEL line and perform a configuration cycle on the PCI bus with AD[1-0] as 0b00. All 21 IDSEL bits are decoded, starting with bit AD[11]. That is, if the device number field contains 0b01011, AD[11] on the PCI bus is set. The IDSEL lines are bit-wise associated with increasing values for the device number such that AD[12] corresponds to 0b01100, and so on up to bit 30. AD[31] is selected with 0b01010. A device number of 0b11111 indicates a special cycle. Device number 0b00000 is used for configuring the PCI bridge itself. Bits 10 through 8 are copied to the PCI bus as an encoded value for components which contain multiple functions. Bits 7 through 2 are also copied onto the PCI bus. The PCI bridge implements address stepping on configuration cycles so that the target’s IDSEL, which is connected directly to one of MPC8280 PowerQUICC II Family Reference Manual, Rev. 1 Freescale Semiconductor 9-15 PCI Bridge the AD lines, reaches a stable value. This means that a valid address and command are driven on the AD and PCI_C/BE lines one cycle before the assertion of FRAME. For Type 1 translations, the PCI bridge copies the contents of the CONFIG_ADDR register directly onto the PCI address/data lines during the address phase of a configuration cycle, with the exception that AD[1-0] contains 0b01 (not 0b00 as in Type 0 translations). NOTE Due to design constraints, the software must write a value to the CONFIG_ADDR register prior to each access to the CONFIG_DATA register, even if the address was not changed. When the MPC8280 is configured as a host device, it sometimes needs to perform configuration reads from unpopulated PCI slots (as part of the system configuration). To avoid getting a machine check interrupt, the following steps should be taken: 1. Mask the “PCI No response” bit in the error mask register (clear bit 3). Refer to Section, “Error Status Register (ESR).” 2. Make the PCI configuration reads. 3. Clear bit 3 in the error status register (by writing 0x08). 4. Unmask (write'1') bit 3 in the error mask register. Refer to Section, “Error Mask Register (EMR).” Agent Mode Configuration Access When the PCI bridge is configured as an agent device, it responds to remote host generated PCI configuration accesses to the PCI interface. This is indicated by decoding the configuration command along with the PCI bridge's IDSEL being asserted. A remote host can access the 256-byte PCI configuration area (Figure 9-32) and the memory-mapped configuration registers within the PCI bridge. Special Cycle Command A special cycle command contains no explicit destination address but is broadcast to all PCI agents. Each receiving agent must determine whether the message is applicable to itself. No assertion of DEVSEL in response to a special cycle command is necessary. A special cycle command is like any other bus command in that it has an address phase and a data phase. The address phase starts like all other commands with the assertion of FRAME and completes when FRAME and IRDY are negated. Special cycles terminate with a master-abort. (In the special cycle case, the received-master-abort bit in the configuration status register is not set.) The address phase contains no valid information other than the command field. Even though there is no explicit address, the address/data lines are driven to a stable state and parity is generated. During the data phase, the address/data lines contain the message type and an optional data field. The message is encoded on the sixteen least-significant bits (AD[15-0]). The data field is encoded on AD[31-16]. When running a special cycle, the PCI bridge can insert wait states, but because no specific target is addressed, the message and data are valid on the first clock IRDY is asserted. MPC8280 PowerQUICC II Family Reference Manual, Rev. 1 9-16 Freescale Semiconductor PCI Bridge When the CONFIG_ADDRESS register gets written with a value such that the bus number matches the bridge’s bus, the device number is all ones, the function number is all ones and the register number is zero, the next time the CONFIG_DATA register is accessed the PCI bridge does either a special cycle or an interrupt acknowledge command. When the CONFIG_DATA register is written, the PCI bridge generates a special cycle encoding on the command/byte enable lines during the address phase, and drives the data from the CONFIG_DATA register onto the address/data lines during the first data phase. If the bus number field of the CONFIG_ADDRESS does not match one of the PCI bridge’s bus numbers, the PCI bridge passes the write to CONFIG_DATA on through to the PCI bus as a type 1 configuration cycle like any other time the bus number field does not match. Interrupt Acknowledge When the CONFIG_ADDRESS register gets written with a value such that the bus number is 0x00, the device number is all ones, the function number is all ones and the register number is zero, the next time the CONFIG_DATA register is accessed the PCI bridge does either a special cycle command or an interrupt acknowledge command. When the CONFIG_DATA register is read, the PCI bridge generates an interrupt acknowledge command encoding on the command/byte enable lines during the address phase. During the address phase, AD[31-0] do not contain a valid address but are driven with stable data and valid parity (PAR). During the data phase, the byte enable signals determine which bytes are involved in the transaction. The interrupt vector must be returned when TRDY is asserted. An interrupt acknowledge transaction can also be issued on the PCI bus by reading from the PCI_INT_ACK register. Error Functions This section discusses PCI bus errors. Parity During valid 32-bit address and data transfers, parity covers all 32 address/data lines and the 4 command/byte enable lines regardless of whether or not all lines carry meaningful information. Byte lanes not actually transferring data are driven with stable (albeit meaningless) data and are included in the parity calculation. During configuration, special cycle or interrupt acknowledge commands, some address lines are not defined but are still driven to stable values and included in the parity calculation. Even parity is calculated for all PCI operations: the value of PAR is generated such that the number of ones on AD[31-0], PCI_C/BE[3-0] and PAR equals an even number. PAR is driven when the address/data lines are driven and follow the corresponding address or data by one clock. The PCI bridge checks the parity after all valid address phases (the assertion of FRAME) and for valid data transfers (IRDY and TRDY asserted) involving the PCI bridge. When an address or data parity error is detected, the detected-parity-error bit in the configuration space status register is set (see Section, “PCI Bus Status Register”). MPC8280 PowerQUICC II Family Reference Manual, Rev. 1 Freescale Semiconductor 9-17 PCI Bridge Error Reporting Except for setting the detected-parity-error bit, all parity error reporting and response is controlled by the parity-error-response bit (see Section, “PCI Bus Command Register”). If the parity-error-response bit is cleared, the PCI bridge completes all transactions regardless of parity errors (address or data). If the bit is set, the PCI bridge asserts PERR two clocks after the actual data transfer in which a data parity error is detected, and keeps PERR asserted for one clock. The PCI bridge asserts PERR when acting as an initiator during a read transaction or as a target involved in a write to system memory. Figure 9-9 shows the possible assertion points for PERR if the PCI bridge detects a data parity error. PCI_CLK AD[31:0] ADDR PCI_C/BE[3:0] CMD DATA BEs ADDR DATA CMD BEs PAR FRAME IRDY DEVSEL TRDY PERR SERR Figure 9-9. PCI Parity Operation As an initiator, the PCI bridge attempts to complete the transaction on the PCI bus if a data parity error is detected and sets the data-parity-reported bit in the configuration space status register. If a data parity error occurs on a read transaction, the PCI bridge aborts the transaction internally. As a target, the PCI bridge completes the transaction on the PCI bus even if a data parity error occurs. If parity error occurs during a write to system memory, the transaction completes on the PCI bus but is aborted internally, insuring that potentially corrupt data does not go to memory. When the PCI bridge asserts SERR, it sets the signaled-system-error bit in the configuration space status register. Additionally, if the error is an address parity error, the parity-error-detected bit is set; reporting an address parity error on SERR is conditioned on the parity-error-response bit being enabled in the command register. SERR is asserted when the PCI bridge detects an address parity error while acting as a target. The system error is passed to the PCI bridge’s interrupt processing logic to assert MCP. Figure 9-9 shows where the PCI bridge could detect an address parity error and assert SERR or where the PCI bridge, acting as an initiator, checks for the assertion of SERR signaled by the target detecting an address parity error. MPC8280 PowerQUICC II Family Reference Manual, Rev. 1 9-18 Freescale Semiconductor PCI Bridge As a target that asserts SERR on an address parity, the PCI bridge completes the transaction on the PCI bus, aborting internally if the transaction is a write to system memory. If PERR is asserted during a PCI bridge write to PCI, the PCI bridge attempts to continue the transfer, allowing the target to abort/disconnect if desired. If the PCI bridge detects a parity error on a read from PCI, the PCI bridge aborts the transaction internally and continues the transfer on the PCI bus, allowing the target to abort/disconnect if desired. In all cases of parity errors on the PCI bus, regardless of the parity-error-response bit, information about the transaction is logged in the PCI error control capture register, the PCI error address capture register and the PCI error data capture register; MCP is also asserted to the core as an option. 9.9.2 PCI Bus Arbitration The PCI bus arbitration approach is access-based. Bus masters must arbitrate for each access performed on the bus. PCI uses a central arbitration scheme where each master has its own unique request (REQx) output and grant (GNTx) input signal. A simple request-grant handshake is used to gain access to the bus. Arbitration for the bus occurs during the previous access so that no PCI bus cycles are consumed waiting for arbitration (except when the bus is idle). The PCI bridge provides arbitration for three external PCI bus masters (besides the PCI bridge itself) by using the REQ0, REQ1, and REQ2 signals and generating the GNT0, GNT1, and GNT2 signals. During reset, the PCI bridge samples the PCI_CFG[1] pin (and programs the PCI_ARB_DIS bit accordingly) to determine if the arbiter is enabled or disabled. The arbiter can also be enabled or disabled by directly programming the PCI_ARB_DIS bit in the arbiter configuration register (see Section, “PCI Bus Arbiter Configuration Register”). If the arbiter is disabled, the PCI bridge uses REQ0 to issue requests to an external arbiter, and uses GNT0 to receive grants from the external arbiter. The PCI bridge implements a two-level priority, round-robin arbitration algorithm. The priority level for the different masters can be programmed in the arbiter configuration register (see Section, “PCI Bus Arbiter Configuration Register”). Bus Parking When no devices are requesting the bus, the bus is granted, or parked, for a specified device to prevent the AD, PCI_C/BE and PAR signals from floating. The PCI bridge can be configured to either park on the PCI bridge or park on the last master to use the bus by programming the parking-mode bit in the arbiter configuration register (see Section, “PCI Bus Arbiter Configuration Register”). Arbitration Algorithm The arbitration algorithm implemented is round-robin with two priority levels. Each of the three external PCI bus masters, plus the PCI bridge, are assigned either a high or a low priority level, as programmed in the arbiter configuration register (see Section, “PCI Bus Arbiter Configuration Register”). Within each priority group (high or low), the bus grant is given to the next requesting device in numerical order, with the PCI bridge itself positioned before device 0. GNTx is asserted for device x as soon as the previously granted device begins a transaction. Conceptually, the lowest priority device at any given time MPC8280 PowerQUICC II Family Reference Manual, Rev. 1 Freescale Semiconductor 9-19 PCI Bridge is the master that is currently using the bus, and the highest priority device is the next one to follow the current master. This is considered to be a fair algorithm because a given device cannot prevent other devices from having access to the bus—a given device automatically becomes the lowest priority device as soon as it begins to use the bus. If a master is not requesting the bus, the transaction slot is given to the next requesting device within the priority group. The grant given to a particular device may be taken away and given to another, higher priority device whenever the higher priority device asserts its request. If the bus is idle when a new device is to receive a grant, no device receives a grant for one clock and then in the next clock, the new winner of the arbitration receives a grant. This operation allows for a turnaround clock when a device is using address stepping or when the bus is parked. The low priority group collectively receives one bus transaction request slot in the high priority group. Therefore, if there are N high-priority devices, each high-priority device is guaranteed to get at least one of (N+1) bus transactions, and the M low priority devices are guaranteed to each get at least one of (N+1) x M bus transactions, with one of the low-priority devices receiving the grant in one of (N+1) bus transactions. If all devices are programmed to the same priority level or if there is only one device at the low priority, the algorithm provides each device an equal number of bus grants in a round-robin sequence. An arbitration example with three masters in the high priority group and two in the low priority group is shown in Figure 9-10. Noting that one position in the high priority group is actually a placeholder for the low priority group, it can be seen that each high priority initiator is guaranteed at least 1 out of 3 transaction slots, and each low priority initiator is guaranteed at least 1 out of 6 slots. Assuming all devices are requesting the bus, the grant sequence (with device 1 being the current master) is as follows: 0, 2, the PCI bridge, 0, 2, 1, 0, 2, the PCI bridge, and so on. If, for example, device 2 is not requesting the bus, the grant sequence becomes 0, the PCI bridge, 0, 1, 0, the PCI bridge, and so on. If device 2 now requests the bus at a point in the sequence when device 0 is conducting a transaction and the PCI bridge is the next grant, then the PCI bridge’s grant is removed, and the higher-priority device 2 is awarded the next grant. e High priority group Low priority group 2 (1/3) 1 (1/6) 0 (1/3) Low (1/3) PCI bridge (1/6) Figure 9-10. PCI Arbitration Example Master Latency Timer The PCI bridge implements the master latency timer register (see Section, “PCI Bus Latency Timer Register”) to prevent the itself from monopolizing the bus. When the master latency timer expires, the PCI bridge checks the state of its GNT signals. If the GNT signal is not asserted, the PCI bridge MPC8280 PowerQUICC II Family Reference Manual, Rev. 1 9-20 Freescale Semiconductor PCI Bridge completes one more data phase and relinquishes the bus. The master latency timer can be disabled if needed (see Section, “PCI Bus Function Register”). 9.10 Address Map A transaction sent to the PCI bridge from any 60x bus master side falls into one of the following three cases: • If the transaction address is within the internal register space of the MPC8280, the transaction is handled by the PCI bridge internal register logic. (The internal registers are described in this chapter.) • If the transaction address is within one of the three outbound PCI translation windows (described in this chapter), the transaction is sent to the PCI bus with address translation. • If the transaction address is not within the internal register space and not within a PCI translation window, the transaction is sent to the PCI bus with no address translation as a PCI memory transaction to non-prefetchable space. An address decode flow chart for transactions from the 60x bus masters to the PCI bridge is shown in Figure 9-11. 60x bus mastered transaction Hit IMMR ? No Yes Hit PCI internal registers ? (1) Hit PCIBR0/PCIBR1 ? No Hit Outbound ATU ? No No Yes Yes Execute register access to PCI interface internal registers Yes Translate the address Issue transaction with un-translated address to PCI No action (1): IMMR+0x10400 ≤ addr ≤ IMMR+0x10bff Issue transaction with translated address to PCI Figure 9-11. Address Decode Flow Chart for 60x Bus Mastered Transactions Transactions directed to the MPC8280 from a PCI bus master are handled as follows: • If the transaction address is within the internal register space of the MPC8280, the transaction is either handled by the PCI bridge internal register logic or forwarded to the core side of the PCI bridge to be handled by the MPC8280 internal register logic as appropriate. MPC8280 PowerQUICC II Family Reference Manual, Rev. 1 Freescale Semiconductor 9-21 PCI Bridge • If the transaction address is within one of the two inbound PCI translation windows, the transaction is sent to the core side of the PCI bridge with address translation. This window is provided for the PCI master to access the MPC8280's internal (dual port) registers/area. Its size is assumed to be fixed at 128K bytes. It translates to the MPC8280's IMMR value for the upper bits of the address. This way, the PCI master can access any of the PCI bridge registers (DMA/MU, etc.) without wasting an inbound translation window. In effect, it suggests that we have a total of three inbound windows, 2 with ATUs and one with PIMMR. An address decode flow chart for transactions from a PCI bus master to the PCI bridge is shown in Figure 9-12. PCI mastered transaction Hit Inbound ATU ? Hit PIMMR ? No Yes No Yes No DEVSEL Translate the address Hit IMMR ? No Yes Hit PCI internal registers ? (1) Yes Issue transaction to 60x bus No (1): IMMR+0x10400 ≤ addr ≤ IMMR+0x10bff Execute register access to PCI interface internal registers Figure 9-12. Address Decode Flow Chart for PCI Mastered Transactions MPC8280 PowerQUICC II Family Reference Manual, Rev. 1 9-22 Freescale Semiconductor PCI Bridge NOTE When a transaction is performed by a PCI master, the bridge checks the address against inbound ATUs and if it does not hit, it then checks against PIMMR; if it is a hit, the bridge translates it to a 60x cycle. Because PIMMR does not have an associated translation register and window size definition, the translation is performed as follows: a 128-Kbyte window is provided for the PCI master to access the MPC8280’s internal (dual port) registers. It translates to the MPC8280’s IMMR value for the upper bits of the address. This allows the PCI master to access any of the PCI-bridge registers without wasting an inbound translation window. In effect, there are a total of three inbound windows, 2 with ATUs and 1 with PIMMR. Transactions initiated by the DMA controller or message unit fall into one of the following cases: • If the transaction address is within one of the outbound PCI translation windows, the transaction is sent to the PCI bus with address translation. • If the transaction address is not within a PCI translation window, the transaction is sent to the core side of the PCI bridge with no address translation. An address decode flow chart for transactions from the DMA controller or message unit to the PCI bridge is shown in Figure 9-13. DMA/MU mastered transaction Hit Outbound ATU ? No Yes Issue transaction with translated address to PCI Issue transaction with un-translated address to 60x bus Figure 9-13. Address Decode Flow Chart for Embedded Utilities (DMA, Message Unit) Mastered Transactions Example address mappings of these different types of transactions are shown in Figure 9-14. Note that the translation mechanism shown is an example only; the address translation, as well as the memory and I/O destinations, can be programmed independently for each address translation window. MPC8280 PowerQUICC II Family Reference Manual, Rev. 1 Freescale Semiconductor 9-23 PCI Bridge 60x bus master view PCI master memory view 0 0 PCI master I/O view 0 Address translation Address translation Address translation PCI bridge Address translation PCI memory Address translation Internal registers Internal registers 4G 4G 4G Figure 9-14. Address Map Example 9.10.1 Address Map Programming The address map has a number of programmable ranges to determine the PCI bridge’s response to all transactions. The following are the PCI bridge’s rules for programming each address range: • All address regions should not overlap but do not have to be contiguous. • All address ranges must be aligned on a multiple of the region size. • Inbound and outbound windows for the same bus should not overlap. This means that a situation where an inbound window translation points back into an outbound window, or a situation where an outbound translation window points back into an inbound window, are not allowed. 9.10.2 Address Translation The address translation registers allow the remapping of inbound and outbound transactions. The reset configuration for outbound transactions are that all outbound requests from the core side of the PCI bridge MPC8280 PowerQUICC II Family Reference Manual, Rev. 1 9-24 Freescale Semiconductor PCI Bridge are routed to the PCI bus with address translation disabled. The reset configuration for inbound transactions are that all inbound requests from the PCI bus are disabled. PCI Inbound Translation For inbound transactions (transactions generated by an external master on the PCI bus where the PCI bridge responds as a slave device), the PCI bridge only responds to PCI addresses within the windows mapped by the PCI inbound base address registers (PIBARs). If there is an address hit in one of the PIBARs, the PCI address is translated from PCI space to local memory space through the associated PCI inbound translation address registers (PITARs). This allows an external master to access local memory on the 60x’s bus. Each PIBAR register is associated with a PITAR and PICMR (PCI inbound comparison mask register) which are located in the PCI bridge’s PCI internal register space. Figure 9-15 shows an example translation window for inbound memory accesses. PCI memory view 60x bus view 0 0 Peripheral memory window System memory Local memory PCI inbound translation address PCI inbound window size Inbound address translation PCI memory PCI inbound base address PCI memory Local peripheral memory PCI inbound window size 4G 4G Figure 9-15. Inbound PCI Memory Address Translation There are two sets of inbound translation registers, allowing two simultaneous translation windows. Software can move the translation base addresses during run-time to access different portions of local memory, but be sure that the PCI inbound translation windows do not overlap. The reset configuration for the windows is disabled; that is, after reset, the PCI bridge does not acknowledge externally mastered transactions on the PCI bus by asserting DEVSEL until the inbound translation windows are enabled. The inbound translation is performed in the PCI interface. MPC8280 PowerQUICC II Family Reference Manual, Rev. 1 Freescale Semiconductor 9-25 PCI Bridge PCI Outbound Translation Outbound address translation is provided to allow the outbound transactions to access any address over the PCI memory or I/O space. Translation window’s base addresses are defined in the PCI outbound base address registers (refer to Section, “PCI Outbound Base Address Registers (POBARx)”). Transactions to these address ranges are issued on the PCI bus with a translated address. The translation addresses are defined in the associated PCI outbound translation address registers (POTARs). Outbound addresses that fall outside the outbound windows are forwarded to the PCI bus without modification. Figure 9-16 shows an example translation window for outbound memory accesses. PCI memory view 60x bus view 0 0 System memory PCI outbound translation address Local memory System memory window Outbound memory window size Outbound address translation PCI memory PCI memory Outbound memory window Transactions outside the window forwarded without modification 4G PCI outbound base address Outbound memory window size 4G Figure 9-16. Outbound PCI Memory Address Translation The three sets of outbound translation registers allow three simultaneous translation windows. Software can move and adjust the host memory window translations and sizes during run-time. This allows software to access host memory or to address alternate memory space on the fly, but be sure that the PCI outbound translation windows do not overlap. Also note that the PCI outbound translation windows should not overlap with the PCI bridge internal register space defined by the PIMMR. 9.10.3 SIU Registers PCI utilizes fields in general SIU registers (SIUMCR, TESCR1, TESCR2, and L-TESCR1). There are also two pairs of PCI-specific registers that detect accesses from the 60x bus side to the PCI bridge (other than PCI internal registers accesses). Refer to Section 4.3.4, “PCI Control Registers.” MPC8280 PowerQUICC II Family Reference Manual, Rev. 1 9-26 Freescale Semiconductor PCI Bridge 9.11 Configuration Registers There are two types of configuration registers in the PCI bridge: PCI-specified and memory-mapped. The PCI-specified type, referred to as PCI configuration registers, are accessed through PCI configuration cycles (refer to Section 9.11.2, “PCI Bridge Configuration Registers”). The memory-mapped configuration registers are placed in the internal memory map of the MPC8280 and are accessed like other internal registers (refer to Section 9.11.1, “Memory-Mapped Configuration Registers”). Both the PCI configuration and memory-mapped internal registers of the PCI bridge are intrinsically little-endian and are described using classic bit-numbering; that is, the lowest memory address contains the least significant byte of the register and bit 0 is the least-significant bit of the register. NOTE: Accessing Configuration Registers For a PCI device to share little-endian (LE) data with the 603e core CPU, software must byte-swap the data of the configuration register. Refer to Section, “PCI Configuration Register Access in Big-Endian Mode,” and Section, “Additional Information on Endianess.” Also note that reserved bits in the configuration registers are not guaranteed to have predictable values. Software must preserve the values of reserved bits when writing to a configuration register. Also, when reading from a configuration register, software should not rely on the value of reserved bits remaining constant. NOTE: Accessing PCI Registers in Non-PCI Mode In non-PCI mode, a 60x bus master should not attempt to access the PCI memory mapped configuration registers. Doing so will cause the internal memory space of the MPC8280 to be inaccessible. Any following access to the internal memory space will not be terminated normally, and can only be terminated by TEA if the 60x bus monitor is activated. The system can recover only after a soft reset. 9.11.1 Memory-Mapped Configuration Registers Table 9-3 describes the memory-mapped configuration registers provided by the PCI bridge. Note that memory gaps not defined are reserved and should not be accessed. Table 9-3. Internal Memory Map Address (offset) Register Access Reset Section/Page 0x10430 Outbound interrupt status register (OMISR) special 0x0000_0000 0x10434 Outbound interrupt mask register (OMIMR) R/W 0x0000_0000 0x10440 Inbound FIFO queue port register (IFQPR) R/W 0x0000_0000 0x10444 Outbound FIFO queue port register (OFQPR) R/W 0x0000_0000 0x10450 Inbound message register 0 (IMR0) R/W undefined 0x10454 Inbound message register 1 (IMR1) R/W undefined MPC8280 PowerQUICC II Family Reference Manual, Rev. 1 Freescale Semiconductor 9-27 PCI Bridge Table 9-3. Internal Memory Map (continued) Address (offset) Register Access Reset Section/Page 0x10458 Outbound message register 0 (OMR0) R/W undefined 0x1045C Outbound message register 1 (OMR1) R/W undefined 0x10460 Outbound doorbell register (ODR) R/W 0x0000_0000 0x10468 Inbound doorbell register (IDR) R/W 0x0000_0000 0x10480 Inbound message interrupt status register (IMISR) R/W 0x0000_0000 0x10484 Inbound message interrupt mask register (IMIMR) R/W 0x0000_0000 0x104A0 Inbound free_FIFO head pointer register (IFHPR) R/W 0x0000_0000 0x104A8 Inbound free_FIFO tail pointer register (IFTPR) R/W 0x0000_0000 0x104B0 Inbound post_FIFO head pointer register (IPHPR) R/W 0x0000_0000 0x104B8 Inbound post_FIFO tail pointer register (IPTPR) R/W 0x0000_0000 0x104C0 Outbound free_FIFO head pointer register (OFHPR) R/W 0x0000_0000 0x104C8 Outbound free_FIFO tail pointer register (OFTPR) R/W 0x0000_0000 0x104D0 Outbound post_FIFO head pointer register (OPHPR) R/W 0x0000_0000 0x104D8 Outbound post_FIFO tail pointer register (OPTPR) R/W 0x0000_0000 0x104E4 Message unit control register (MUCR) R/W 0x0000_0002 0x104F0 Queue base address register (QBAR) R/W 0x0000_0000 0x10500 DMA 0 mode register (DMAMR0) R/W 0x0000_0000 0x10504 DMA 0 status register (DMASR0) R/W 0x0000_0000 0x10508 DMA 0 current descriptor address register (DMACDAR0) R/W 0x0000_0000 0x10510 DMA 0 source address register (DMASAR0) R/W 0x0000_0000 0x10518 DMA 0 destination address register (DMADAR0) R/W 0x0000_0000 0x10520 DMA 0 byte count register (DMABCR0) R/W 0x0000_0000 0x10524 DMA 0 next descriptor address register (DMANDAR0) R/W 0x0000_0000 0x10580 DMA 1 mode register (DMAMR1) R/W 0x0000_0000 0x10584 DMA 1 status register (DMASR1) R/W 0x0000_0000 0x10588 DMA 1 current descriptor address register (DMACDAR1) R/W 0x0000_0000 0x10590 DMA 1 source address register (DMASAR1) R/W 0x0000_0000 0x10598 DMA 1 destination address register (DMADAR1) R/W 0x0000_0000 0x105A0 DMA 1 byte count register (DMABCR1) R/W 0x0000_0000 0x105A4 DMA 1 next descriptor address register (DMANDAR1) R/W 0x0000_0000 0x10600 DMA 2 mode register (DMAMR2) R/W 0x0000_0000 0x10604 DMA 2 status register (DMASR2) R/W 0x0000_0000 MPC8280 PowerQUICC II Family Reference Manual, Rev. 1 9-28 Freescale Semiconductor PCI Bridge Table 9-3. Internal Memory Map (continued) Address (offset) Register Access Reset Section/Page 0x10608 DMA 2 current descriptor address register (DMACDAR2) R/W 0x0000_0000 0x10610 DMA 2 source address register (DMASAR2) R/W 0x0000_0000 0x10618 DMA 2 destination address register (DAR2) R/W 0x0000_0000 0x10620 DMA 2 byte count register (DMABCR2) R/W 0x0000_0000 0x10624 DMA 2 next descriptor address register (DMANDAR2) R/W 0x0000_0000 0x10680 DMA 3 mode register (DMAMR3) R/W 0x0000_0000 0x10684 DMA 3 status register (DMASR3) R/W 0x0000_0000 0x10688 DMA 3 current descriptor address register (DMACDAR3) R/W 0x0000_0000 0x10690 DMA 3 source address register (DMASAR3) R/W 0x0000_0000 0x10698 DMA 3 destination address register (DMADAR3) R/W 0x0000_0000 0x106A0 DMA 3 byte count register (DMABCR3) R/W 0x0000_0000 0x106A4 DMA 3 next descriptor address register (DMANDAR3) R/W 0x0000_0000 0x10800 PCI outbound translation address register 0 (POTAR0) R/W 0x0000_0000 0x10808 PCI outbound base address register 0 (POBAR0) R/W 0x0000_0000 0x10810 PCI outbound comparison mask register 0 (POCMR0) R/W 0x0000_0000 0x10818 PCI outbound translation address register 1 (POTAR1) R/W 0x0000_0000 0x10820 PCI outbound base address register 1 (POBAR1) R/W 0x0000_0000 0x10828 PCI outbound comparison mask register 1 (POCMR1) R/W 0x0000_0000 0x10830 PCI outbound translation address register 2 (POTAR2) R/W 0x0000_0000 0x10838 PCI outbound base address register 2 (POBAR2) R/W 0x0000_0000 0x10840 PCI outbound comparison mask register 2 (POCMR2) R/W 0x0000_0000 0x10878 Discard timer control register (PTCR) R/W 0x0000_0000 0x1087C General purpose control register (GPCR) R/W 0x0000_0000 0x10880 PCI general control register (PCI_GCR) R/W 0x0000_0000 0x10884 Error status register (ESR) R/W 0x0000_0000 0x10888 Error mask register (EMR) R/W 0x0000_0FFF 0x1088C Error control register (ECR) R/W 0x0000_00FF 0x10890 PCI error address capture register (PCI_EACR) R/W 0x0000_0000 0x10898 PCI error data capture register (PCI_EDCR) R/W 0x0000_0000 0x108A0 PCI error control capture register (PCI_ECCR) R/W 0x0000_0000 0x108D0 PCI inbound translation address register 1 (PITAR1) R/W 0x0000_0000 0x108D8 PCI inbound base address register 1 (PIBAR1) R/W 0x0000_0000 MPC8280 PowerQUICC II Family Reference Manual, Rev. 1 Freescale Semiconductor 9-29 PCI Bridge Table 9-3. Internal Memory Map (continued) Address (offset) Register Access Reset Section/Page 0x108E0 PCI inbound comparison mask register 1 (PICMR1) R/W 0x0000_0000 0x108E8 PCI inbound translation address register 0 (PITAR0) R/W 0x0000_0000 0x108F0 PCI inbound base address register 0 (PIBAR0) R/W 0x0000_0000 0x108F8 PCI inbound comparison mask register 0 (PICMR0) R/W 0x0000_0000 0x10900 PCI CFG_ADDR R/W undefined 0x10904 PCI CFG_DATA R/W 0x0000_0000 0x10908 PCI INT_ACK R/W undefined Message Unit (I2O) Registers Message unit registers are described in Section 9.12, “Message Unit (I2O),” on page 9-66. DMA Controller Registers DMA registers are described in Section 9.13, “DMA Controller,” on page 9-86. PCI Outbound Translation Address Registers (POTARx) The PCI outbound translation address registers (POTARx), shown in Figure 9-17, select the starting addresses in PCI address space for locally generated transactions that hit within the outbound translation windows. The new translated address is created by concatenating the transaction offset to this translation address. Refer to Section, “PCI Outbound Translation.” 31 Field 20 19 16 — Reset TA 0000_0000_0000_0000 R/W R/W Addr 0x10802 (POTAR0); 0x1081A (POTAR1); 0x10832 (POTAR2) 15 0 Field TA Reset 0000_0000_0000_0000 R/W R/W Addr 0x10800 (POTAR0); 0x10818 (POTAR1); 0x10830 (POTAR2) Figure 9-17. PCI Outbound Translation Address Registers (POTARx) MPC8280 PowerQUICC II Family Reference Manual, Rev. 1 9-30 Freescale Semiconductor PCI Bridge Table 9-4 describes POTARx. Table 9-4. POTARx Field Descriptions Bits Name 31–20 — 19–0 Translation Address Description Reserved, should be cleared. PCI address which indicates the starting point of the outbound translated address. The translation address must be aligned based on the window’s size. This corresponds to bits 31-12 of a 32-bit address PCI Outbound Base Address Registers (POBARx) The PCI outbound base address registers (POBARx), shown in Figure 9-18, select the base address for the windows which are translated to the PCI address space for transactions generated by the 60x bus master or other local devices such as the DMA controller. 31 20 Field 19 — Reset 16 BA 0000_0000_0000_0000 R/W R/W Addr 0x1080A (POBAR0); 0x10822 (POBAR1); 0x1083A (POBAR2) 15 0 Field BA Reset 0000_0000_0000_0000 R/W R/W Addr 0x10808 (POBAR0); 0x10820 (POBAR1); 0x10838 (POBAR2) Figure 9-18. PCI Outbound Base Address Registers (POBARx) Table 9-5 describes POBARx. Table 9-5. POBARx Field Descriptions Bits Name Description 31–20 — 19–0 Base Address Reserved, should be cleared. Local address which is the starting point for the outbound translation window. This corresponds to bits 31-12 of a 32-bit address Addresses for outbound transactions are compared to the POBARs and the IMMR register. If the transaction does not fall within one of these two spaces, it is forwarded to the PCI bus without modification (see Figure 9-11). DMA-generated transactions to addresses which “miss” the POBARs are issued (without translation) to the 60x bus (see Figure 9-13). MPC8280 PowerQUICC II Family Reference Manual, Rev. 1 Freescale Semiconductor 9-31 PCI Bridge PCI Outbound Comparison Mask Registers (POCMRx) The PCI outbound comparison mask registers (POCMRx), shown in Figure 9-19, defines the window size to translate. Field 31 30 29 28 EN I/O PRE 20 19 16 — Reset CM 0000_0000_0000_0000 R/W R/W Addr 0x10812 (POCMR0); 0x2082A (POCMR1); 0x10842 (POCMR2) 15 0 Field CM Reset 0000_0000_0000_0000 R/W R/W Addr 0x10810 (POCMR0); 0x20828 (POCMR1); 0x10840 (POCMR2) Figure 9-19. PCI Outbound Comparison Mask Registers (POCMRx) Table 9-6 describes POCMRx. Table 9-6. POCMRx Field Descriptions Bits Name Description 31 Enable 30 I/O 29 Prefetchable 28–20 — 19–0 Comparison mask This bit enables this address translation This bit indicates that the translation is to PCI memory or PCI I/O space 0 PCI memory 1 PCI I/O This bit indicates that the address space is prefetchable, so streaming can occur 0 not prefetchable 1 prefetchable Reserved, should be cleared. Comparison mask indicates the size of the space to be translated. The value in the register represents which of the most significant address bits to compare for a window match. Non-contiguous comparison masks will exhibit unpredictable behavior. Examples: POCMR = 0b0xxx_xxxx_xxxx_xxxx_xxxx_xxxx_xxxx_xxxx Translation is disabled. All addresses received pass through unaltered. POCMR = 0b1xxx_xxxx_xxxx_1111_1111_1111_1111_1111 20 bits (physical address bits 31-12) are comparison masked for a 4Kbyte window size. This is the smallest window size allowed. POCMR = 0b1xxx_xxxx_xxxx_1111_1111_1111_0000_0000 12 bits (physical address bits 31-20) for a 1Mbyte window size. MPC8280 PowerQUICC II Family Reference Manual, Rev. 1 9-32 Freescale Semiconductor PCI Bridge Discard Timer Control Register (PTCR) The discard timer control register (PTCR), shown in Figure 9-20, configures the discard timer used to put a time limit on delayed read transactions from non-prefetchable memory. 31 Field 30 24 EN 23 16 — Reset PTV 0000_0000_0000_0000 R/W R/W Addr 0x1087A 15 0 Field PTV Reset 0000_0000_0000_0000 R/W R/W Addr 0x10878 Figure 9-20. Discard Timer Control register (PTCR) Table 9-7 describes PTCR fields. Table 9-7. PTCR Field Descriptions Bits Name 31 Enable 30–24 — 23–0 Preload timer value Description Discard timer enable. 0 Disable the discard timer 1 Enable the discard timer Reserved Preload value for 24-bit discard timer. Delayed PCI read transactions to a non-prefetchable address space remain valid within the PCI bridge a minimum of (224 - Preload Timer Value) internal clock cycles. The discard timer is used to discard delayed reads from non-prefetchable address space if the master has not repeated the transaction in n internal clock cycles, where n = (224 - Preload Timer Value). Valid Preload Timer Values are in the range 0x000000–0xFFFFFE. Example: To discard a delayed completion if the PCI master has not repeated the transaction in 215 PCI clocks and the internal frequency is 2 to 1 to the PCI bus. The Preload Timer Value should equal 224 - 216 (0xFF0000). General Purpose Control Register (GPCR) The general purpose control register (GPCR), shown in Figure 9-21, contains control bits for rerouting interrupts and adjusting the DMA controller’s 60x bandwidth. MPC8280 PowerQUICC II Family Reference Manual, Rev. 1 Freescale Semiconductor 9-33 PCI Bridge 31 20 Field — Reset 18 17 DMABC 16 — 0000_0000_0000_0000 R/W R/W Addr 0x1087E Field 19 15 14 13 — INTPCI MCP2PCI Reset 12 1 — 0 LE_MODE 0000_0000_0000_0000 R/W R/W Addr 0x1087C Figure 9-21. General Purpose Control Register (GPCR) Table 9-8 describes GPCR fields. Table 9-8. GPCR Field Descriptions Bits Name Description 31–20 — 19–18 DMABC 17–15 — 14 INT2PCI Interrupt reroute to PCI. 0 Interrupts are not rerouted to the PCI. Sent to the core if it is enabled or output on IRQ7 if the core is disabled. 1 All SIU pending interrupts are rerouted to PCI's INTA. Useful in agent mode. 13 MCP2PCI Machine check reroute to PCI. 0 Machine check interrupts are not rerouted to the PCI. Sent to the core if it is enabled or output on IRQ0 if the core is disabled 1 All machine check interrupts are rerouted to PICE’s INTA. Useful in agent mode. Reserved, should be cleared. DMA 60x bandwidth control 00 DMA uses low 60x bandwidth. 01 DMA uses high 60x bandwidth. 10 DMA uses maximum 60x bus bandwidth. 11 DMA uses minimum 60x bandwidth. Allows breaks to be inserted in the DMA controller operation. This control may be needed to avoid starvation of other 60x masters because the PCI bridge can have higher priorities than other masters. The breaks are inserted only if some other 60x bus master requests the bus. The user should find the optimum setting by testing, arriving at the best for each specific implementation. For most systems the default value (low 60x bandwidth for the dma) will be good. Note that if the dma is the only master that needs the bus during the period of the transfer, the bandwidth is not affected. Reserved, should be cleared. MPC8280 PowerQUICC II Family Reference Manual, Rev. 1 9-34 Freescale Semiconductor PCI Bridge Table 9-8. GPCR Field Descriptions (continued) Bits Name 12–1 — 0 LE_MODE Description Reserved, should be cleared. Little endian mode. Controls the translation of 60x-PCI and PCI-60x. Refer to Section, “Additional Information on Endianess,” for more details. 0 Big endian mode. 1 Little endian mode. PCI General Control Register (PCI_GCR) The PCI general control register (PCI_GCR), shown in Figure 9-22, contains a bit for controlling the PCI reset signal when in host mode. 31 16 Field — Reset 0000_0000_0000_0000 R/W R/W Addr 0x10882 15 1 Field — Reset 0 SPRST 0000_0000_0000_0000 R/W R/W Addr 0x10880 Figure 9-22. PCI General Control Register (PCI_GCR) Table 9-9 describes PCI_GCR fields. Table 9-9. PCI_GCR Field Descriptions Bits Name 31–1 — 0 Soft PCI Reset Description Reserved, should be cleared. Only valid when in host mode. Allows PCI_RST to be controlled software. Setting this bit drives the PCI reset signal high; clearing it drives the signal low. Error Status Register (ESR) The error status register (ESR), shown in Figure 9-23, contains status bits for various types of error conditions captured by the PCI bridge. Each status bit is set when the corresponding error condition is captured. Each bit is cleared by writing a one. MPC8280 PowerQUICC II Family Reference Manual, Rev. 1 Freescale Semiconductor 9-35 PCI Bridge 31 16 Field — Reset 0000_0000_0000_0000 R/W R/W Addr 0x10886 15 Field 13 — 12 11 10 I2O_ DBMC NMI IRA Reset 9 8 7 6 5 4 I2O_ I2O_ PERR_ PERR_ PCI_ TAR_ IPQO OFQO WR RD SERR ABT 3 NO_ RSP 2 1 0 DATA_ DATA_ ADDR_ PAR_ PAR_ PAR WR RD 0000_0000_0000_0000 R/W R/W Addr 0x10884 Figure 9-23. Error Status Register (ESR) Table 9-10 describes ESR fields. Table 9-10. ESR Field Descriptions Bits Name Description 31–13 — 12 I2O_DBMC Reserved, should be cleared. I2O DoorBell Machine Check. When a PCI-mastered write sets IDBR[31], a machine check is sent to the local processor and the event is reported in ESR[I2O_DBMC]. This bit is also set in the following cases: • An overflow condition in the inbound posted I2O queue • An overflow condition in the outbound free I2O queue. These two interrupts can be masked in the I2O unit. 11 NMI General error/interrupt indication. In host mode, this bit is set when a 60x bus write transaction initiated by the PCI bridge is terminated by the assertion of TEA. In agent mode, this bit is set when the GPCR[MCP2PCI] bit is set and an internal machine check interrupt (MCP) is issued by one of the MPC8280’s MCP sources. Machine check and interrupt assertion is determined by ECR[11]. The reset value of ECR[11], logic zero, indicates that an interrupt will be asserted if ESR[NMI] is set (and enabled per EMR[11]). 10 IRA Illegal register access with incorrect size. 9 I2O_IPQO I2O inbound post queue overflow. 8 I2O_OFQO I2O outbound free queue overflow. 7 PCI_PERR_WR PCI parity error received on a write. 6 PCI_PERR_RD PCI parity error received on a read. 5 PCI_SERR 4 PCI_TAR_ABT PCI SERR received. PCI target abort MPC8280 PowerQUICC II Family Reference Manual, Rev. 1 9-36 Freescale Semiconductor PCI Bridge Table 9-10. ESR Field Descriptions (continued) Bits Name Description 3 PCI_NO_RSP 2 PCI_DATA_PAR_RD PCI read data parity error. 1 PCI_DATA_PAR_WR PCI write data parity error. 0 PCI_ADDR_PAR PCI no response (no DEVSEL; master abort). PCI address parity error (read or write). Error Mask Register (EMR) The error mask register (EMR) register, shown in Figure 9-24, enables the IOU to assert an interrupt or a machine check for the various types of error conditions listed in Table 9-10. Each mask bit is active high. That is, if a bit value is zero, an interrupt or machine check is not asserted for the corresponding error condition. 31 16 Field — Reset 0000_0000_0000_0000 R/W R/W Addr 0x1088A 15 Field 13 12 11 I2O_ DBMC — NMI Reset 10 IRA 9 I2O_ IPQO 8 7 I2O_ OFQO PERR _WR 6 PERR _RD 5 PCI_ SERR 4 TAR_ ABT 3 NO_ RSP 2 1 0 DATA_ DATA_ ADDR PAR_ PAR_ _PAR RD WR 0000_1111_1111_1111 R/W R/W Addr 0x10888 Figure 9-24. Error Mask Register (EMR) Table 9-11 describes EMR fields. Table 9-11. EMR Field Descriptions Bits Name Description 31–13 — 12 I2O_DBMC I2O doorbell machine check. 0 Machine check is not enabled 1 Machine check is enabled 11 NMI General error/interrupt indication. 10 IRA Illegal register access with incorrect size. 9 I2O_IPQO I2O inbound post queue overflow. 8 I2O_OFQO I2O outbound free queue overflow. Reserved, should be cleared. MPC8280 PowerQUICC II Family Reference Manual, Rev. 1 Freescale Semiconductor 9-37 PCI Bridge Table 9-11. EMR Field Descriptions (continued) Bits Name Description 7 PCI_PERR_WR PCI parity error received on a write. The MPC8280 sinks PERR. This error is only a function of data. 6 PCI_PERR_RD PCI parity error received on a read. The MPC8280 sinks PERR. This error is only a function of data. 5 PCI_SERR 4 PCI_TAR_ABT PCI target abort 3 PCI_NO_RSP PCI no response (no DEVSEL; master abort). 2 PCI_DATA_PAR_RD PCI read data parity error. The MPC8280 sources PERR. This error is only a function of data. 1 PCI_DATA_PAR_WR PCI write data parity error. The MPC8280 sources PERR. This error is only a function of data. 0 PCI_ADDR_PAR PCI SERR received. PCI address parity error (read or write). Error Control Register (ECR) The error control register (ECR) register, shown in Figure 9-25, determines whether the IOU asserts an interrupt or a machine check for the error conditions listed in Table 9-10. The IOU asserts an interrupt or machine check only if the mask bit for the error condition (refer to Table 9-11) is set. Each bit is defined as follows: • Zero: The IOU issues an interrupt upon the error condition. • One: The IOU issues a machine check upon the error condition. 31 16 Field — Reset 0000_0000_0000_0000 R/W R/W Addr 0x1088E 15 Field Reset 13 — 12 11 10 I2O_ DBMC NMI IRA 9 8 7 6 5 4 I2O_ I2O_ PERR_ PERR_ TAR_ SERR IPQO OFQO WR RD ABT 3 NO_ RSP 2 1 0 DATA_ DATA_ ADDR_ PAR_ PAR_ PAR WR RD 0000_0000_1111_1111 R/W R/W Addr 0x1088C Figure 9-25. Error Control Register (ECR) MPC8280 PowerQUICC II Family Reference Manual, Rev. 1 9-38 Freescale Semiconductor PCI Bridge Table 9-12 describes ECR fields. Table 9-12. ECR Field Descriptions Bits Name Description 31–13 — 12 I2O_DBMC 11 NMI General error/interrupt indication 10 IRA Illegal register access with incorrect size 9 I2O_IPQO I2O inbound post queue overflow 8 I2O_OFQO I2O outbound free queue overflow 7 PCI_PERR_WR PCI parity error received on a write 6 PCI_PERR_RD PCI parity error received on a read 5 PCI_SERR 4 PCI_TAR_ABT PCI target abort 3 PCI_NO_RSP PCI no response (no DEVSEL; master abort) 2 PCI_DATA_PAR_RD PCI read data parity error 1 PCI_DATA_PAR_WR PCI write data parity error 0 PCI_ADDR_PAR Reserved, should be cleared I2O doorbell machine check 0 ESR[I2O_DBMC] causes an interrupt. 1 ESR[I2O_DBMC] (if enabled) causes a machine check. PCI SERR received PCI address parity error (read or write) PCI Error Address Capture Register (PCI_EACR) The PCI error address capture register (PCI_EACR), shown in Figure 9-26, stores the address associated with the first PCI error captured. 31 16 Field PCI_EAR Reset 0000_0000_0000_0000 R/W R/W Addr 0x10892 15 0 Field PCI_EAR Reset 0000_0000_0000_0000 R/W R/W Addr 0x10890 Figure 9-26. PCI Error Address Capture Register (PCI_EACR) MPC8280 PowerQUICC II Family Reference Manual, Rev. 1 Freescale Semiconductor 9-39 PCI Bridge Table 9-13 describes PCI_EACR fields. Table 9-13. PCI_EACR Field Descriptions Bits Name Description 31–0 PCI_EAR The address associated with the first error captured. PCI Error Data Capture Register (PCI_EDCR) The PCI error data capture register (PCI_EDCR), shown in Figure 9-27, stores the data associated with the first PCI error captured. 31 16 Field PCI_EDR Reset 0000_0000_0000_0000 R/W R/W Addr 0x1089A 15 0 Field PCI_EDR Reset 0000_0000_0000_0000 R/W R/W Addr 0x10898 Figure 9-27. PCI Error Data Capture Register (PCI_EDCR) Table 9-14 describes PCI_EDCR fields. Table 9-14. PCI_EDCR Field Description Bits Name Description 31–0 PCI_EDR The data associated with the first error captured. PCI Error Control Capture Register (PCI_ECCR) The PCI error control capture register (PCI_ECCR), shown in Figure 9-28, stores information associated with the first PCI error captured. MPC8280 PowerQUICC II Family Reference Manual, Rev. 1 9-40 Freescale Semiconductor PCI Bridge 31 Field 30 — 28 27 FET 24 23 BN Reset 21 — 20 19 16 TS ES 0000_0000_0000_0000 R/W R/W Addr 0x108A2 15 Field 22 12 11 CMD 8 7 4 — Reset 3 BE 2 — 1 0 PB VI 0000_0000_0000_0000 R/W R/W Addr 0x108A0 Figure 9-28. PCI Error Control Capture Register (PCI_ECCR) Table 9-15 describes PCI_ECCR fields. Table 9-15. PCI_ECCR Field Descriptions Bits Name Description 31 — 30–28 First error type Reserved, should be cleared. Type of first PCI error captured. This field is the bit index of the error type in Table 9-10. For example, a value of 0b101 indicates a PCI SERR received condition while a value of 0b010 indicates a PCI read data parity error. 27–24 Beat number 23–22 — 21–20 Transaction size 19–16 Error source 15–12 Command 11–8 — 7–4 Byte enables 3–2 — 32-bit data beat number for data parity error (data parity error only) 0000 1 0001 2 … 0111 8 1000 overflow (transaction larger than one cache line) Reserved, should be cleared. This is the size of the transaction in doublewords (4 bytes) (the PCI bridge as master only) 00 4 double words 01 1 double word 10 2 double words 11 3 double words The source of the PCI transaction 0000 External master 0001 60x master 0101 DMA All others are reserved. PCI command Reserved, should be cleared. PCI byte enables. Reserved, should be cleared. MPC8280 PowerQUICC II Family Reference Manual, Rev. 1 Freescale Semiconductor 9-41 PCI Bridge Table 9-15. PCI_ECCR Field Descriptions (continued) Bits Name Description 1 Parity bit Parity bit for PCI bus data word. 0 Valid info When this bit is set, the PCI bus error capture registers (PCI_EACR, PCI_EDCR, and PCI_ECCR) contain valid information. Writing ‘0’ to this bit enables the capture of a new error in the PCI bus error capture registers (PCI_EACR, PCI_EDCR, and PCI_ECCR). PCI Inbound Translation Address Registers (PITARx) The PCI inbound translation address registers (PITARx), shown in Figure 9-29, select the base addresses in the 60x address space of the translation windows for transactions generated by the master on the PCI bus. The new translated address is created by concatenating the transaction offset to this base address. Refer to Section, “PCI Inbound Translation.” 31 20 Field 19 16 — Reset TA 0000_0000_0000_0000 R/W R/W Addr 0x108EC (PITAR0); 0x108D2 (PITAR1) 15 0 Field TA Reset 0000_0000_0000_0000 R/W R/W Addr 0x108EA (PITAR0); 0x108D0 (PITAR1) Figure 9-29. PCI Inbound Translation Address Registers (PITARx) Table 9-16 describes PITARx. Table 9-16. PITARx Field Descriptions Bits Name Description 31–20 — 19–0 Translation address Reserved, should be cleared. 60x address which indicates the starting point of the inbound translated address. The translation address must be aligned based on the window’s size. This corresponds to bits 31-12 of a 32-bit address PCI Inbound Base Address Registers (PIBARx) The PCI inbound base address registers (PIBARx), shown in Figure 9-30, select the starting addresses (in PCI memory space) of the windows to be translated. These registers are tied to the GPLABARx registers; see Section, “General Purpose Local Access Base Address Registers (GPLABARx).” A change MPC8280 PowerQUICC II Family Reference Manual, Rev. 1 9-42 Freescale Semiconductor PCI Bridge in a PIBARx register causes a change in the GPLABARx in the base address bits that are non-masked by PICMRx, and vice versa. The system host is responsible for the configuration of the base address by writing to GPLABARx; therefore, in PCI agent mode, the PIBARx registers should be read-only. However, if the PCI bridge is defined as the PCI host, it may be easier to configure its own inbound base address by writing directly to the PIBARx registers. 31 20 Field 19 — Reset 16 BA 0000_0000_0000_0000 R/W R/W Addr 0x108F2 (PITAR0); 0x108DA (PITAR0) 15 0 Field BA Reset 0000_0000_0000_0000 R/W R/W Addr 0x108F0 (PITAR0); 0x108D8 (PITAR0) Figure 9-30. PCI Inbound Base Address Registers (PIBARx) Table 9-17 describes PIBARx. Table 9-17. PIBARx Field Descriptions Bits Name Description 31–20 — Reserved, should be cleared. 19–0 BA Base address. PCI address which is the starting point for the inbound translation window.This corresponds to bits 31–12 of a 32-bit address. PCI Inbound Comparison Mask Registers (PICMRx) The PCI inbound comparison mask registers (PICMRx), shown in Figure 9-31, defines the inbound window’s size. In PCI agent mode, this register should be initialized (either by the core or by the CP’s automatic EPROM load) before the AGENT_CFG_LOCK bit (see Section, “PCI Bus Function Register”) can be cleared to enable the host to configure the device. Some of the fields of this registers are tied to the GPLABARx registers; see Section, “General Purpose Local Access Base Address Registers (GPLABARx).” MPC8280 PowerQUICC II Family Reference Manual, Rev. 1 Freescale Semiconductor 9-43 PCI Bridge Field 31 30 29 EN NO_ SNOOP_ EN PRE Reset 28 20 19 16 — CM 0000_0000_0000_0000 R/W R/W Addr 0x108FA (PICMR0); 0x108E2 (PICMR1) 15 0 Field CM Reset 0000_0000_0000_0000 R/W R/W Addr 0x108F8 (PICMR0); 0x108E0 (PICMR1) Figure 9-31. PCI Inbound Comparison Mask Registers (PICMRx) Table 9-18 describes PICMRx. Table 9-18. PICMRx Field Descriptions Bits Name Description 31 Enable 30 NO_SNOOP_EN Controls whether the PCI bridge generates snoop transactions on the 60x bus for PCI-to-60x memory transactions which hit in this address translation window. Disabling snooping is a performance enhancement for systems that do not need to maintain coherency on system memory accesses by PCI. 0 Snooping is enabled. 1 Snooping is disabled. 29 Prefetchable Indicates whether the address space is prefetchable so that streaming can occur. 0 not prefetchable 1 prefetchable 28–20 — 19–0 Comparison mask Setting this bit enables address translation Reserved, should be cleared. Indicates the size of the space to be translated. The value in the register represents which of the most significant address bits to compare for a window match. Non-contiguous comparison mask bits cause unpredictable behavior. Examples: PICMR = 0b0xxx_xxxx_xxxx_xxxx_xxxx_xxxx_xxxx_xxxx Inbound window is disabled. PICMR = 0b1xxx_xxxx_xxxx_1111_1111_1111_1111_1111 The mask is 20 bits (physical address bits 31-12) which corresponds to a 4Kbyte window size. This is the smallest window size allowed. PICMR = 0b1xxx_xxxx_xxxx_1111_1111_1111_0000_0000 The mask is 12 bits (physical address bits 31-20) which corresponds to a 1Mbyte window size. MPC8280 PowerQUICC II Family Reference Manual, Rev. 1 9-44 Freescale Semiconductor PCI Bridge 9.11.2 PCI Bridge Configuration Registers The PCI Local Bus Specification defines the configuration registers from 0x00 through 0x3F. Additionally, the PCI bridge specifies these additional registers: the PCI function register (at offset 0x44), the PCI arbiter control register (at offset 0x46), and the PCI Hot Swap register block (at offset 0x48). Table 9-19 and Figure 9-32 shows the PCI configuration registers provided by the PCI bridge for the PCI bus. Note the following sections that apply to all PCI configuration registers (they appear immediately after the descriptions of individual registers): • Section, “PCI Configuration Register Access from the Core,” on page 9-62 • Section, “PCI Configuration Register Access in Big-Endian Mode,” on page 9-62 • Section, “Initializing the PCI Configuration Registers,” on page 9-64 Table 9-19. PCI Bridge PCI Configuration Registers Address (offset) Register Access Reset Section/Page 00 Vendor ID R 0x1057 02 Device ID R 0x18C0 04 PCI command R/W Mode-dependent 06 PCI status Read/bit-reset 0x00B0 08 Revision ID R Rev-dependent 09 Standard programming interface R Mode-dependent 0A Subclass code R 0x00 0B Class code R Mode-dependent 0C Cache line size R/W 0x00 0D Latency timer R/W 0x00 0E Header type R 0x00 0F BIST control R 0x00 10 PIMMR base address register R/W 0xnnnn_0000 14 GPL base address register 0 R/W 0x0000_0000 18 GPL base address register 1 R/W 0x0000_0000 1C Reserved — — — 2C Sub system vendor ID R/W 0x0000 2E Sub system device ID R/W 0x0000 30 Reserved — — — 34 Capabilities pointer R 0x48 35 Reserved — — — 3C Interrupt line R/W 0x00 3D Interrupt pin R 0x01 MPC8280 PowerQUICC II Family Reference Manual, Rev. 1 Freescale Semiconductor 9-45 PCI Bridge Table 9-19. PCI Bridge PCI Configuration Registers (continued) Address (offset) Register Access Reset Section/Page 3E MIN GNT R 0x00 3F MAX LAT R 0x00 40 Reserved — — — 44 PCI function R/W 0x0000 46 PCI arbiter control register R/W Mode-dependent 48 Hot swap register block R/W 0x00nn_0006 Address offset (Hex) 00 Device ID (0x18C0) 04 Vendor ID (0x1057) PCI status PCI command 08 Class code Subclass code Standard programming Revision ID 0C BIST control Header type Latency timer Cache line size 10 PIMMR base address register 14 GPLA base address register 0 18 GPLA base address register 1 •• 2C Subsystem ID Subsystem vendor ID •• — 38 48 Capabilities pointer — MAX LAT MIN GNT 40 44 •• — 34 3C • • — Interrupt pin Interrupt line — PCI arbiter control PCI function Hot swap CSR Hot swap capability ID Figure 9-32. PCI Bridge PCI Configuration Registers The PCI configuration registers are accessible from the core through an indirect method discussed in “Section, PCI Configuration Register Access from the Core” on page 62. The registers are accessible from the PCI bus through the PCI configuration transaction when the PCI bridge is in agent mode. The following sections describe the individual PCI configuration registers. MPC8280 PowerQUICC II Family Reference Manual, Rev. 1 9-46 Freescale Semiconductor PCI Bridge Vendor ID Register Figure 9-33 and Table 9-20 describe the vendor ID register. 15 0 Field VID Reset 0001_0000_0101_0111 R/W R Addr 0x00 Figure 9-33. Vendor ID Register Table 9-20. Vendor ID Register Description Bits Name 15–0 Vendor ID Description Identifies the manufacturer of the device (0x1057 = Freescale) Device ID Register Figure 9-34 and Table 9-21 describes the device ID register. 15 0 Field DID Reset 0001_1000_1100_0000 R/W R Addr 0x02 Figure 9-34. Device ID Register Table 9-21. Device ID Register Description Bits Name 15–0 Device ID Description Identifies the particular device (0x18C0 = MPC8280) PCI Bus Command Register Figure 9-35 and Table 9-22 describe the PCI bus command register that provides control over the ability to generate and respond to PCI cycles. MPC8280 PowerQUICC II Family Reference Manual, Rev. 1 Freescale Semiconductor 9-47 PCI Bridge 15 10 — Field Reset 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0 FB-B SERR — PERRR — MWI SC BM MEM I/O 0000_0000_0000_0000 R/W R/W Addr 0x04 Figure 9-35. PCI Bus Command Register Table 9-22. PCI Bus Command Register Description Bits Name 15–10 — 9 Fast back-to-back 8 SERR 7 — 6 Parity error response 5 — 4 Memory-write-andinvalidate Hardwired to 0, indicating that the PCI bridge acting as a master does not generate the memory-write-and-invalidate command. The PCI bridge generates a memory-write command instead. 3 Special-cycles Hardwired to 0, indicating that the PCI bridge as a target ignores all special-cycle commands. 2 Bus master 1 Memory space 0 I/O space Description Reserved, should be cleared. Hardwired to 0, indicating that the PCI bridge as a master does not run fast back-to-back transactions. Controls the SERR driver of the PCI bridge. This bit (and bit 6) must be set to report address parity errors. 0 Disables the SERR driver 1 Enables the SERR driver Reserved, should be cleared. Controls whether the PCI bridge responds to parity errors on the PCI bus. 0 Parity errors are ignored and normal operation continues. 1 Action is taken on a parity error. Reserved, should be cleared. Controls whether the PCI bridge can act as a master on the PCI bus. This bit is cleared if the PCI bridge is powered-up as an agent device and is set if it is powered-up as a host bridge device. 0 Disables the ability to generate PCI accesses. In host bridge mode, read transactions return undefined data and write transactions lose data. In agent mode, transactions are held until this bit is enabled. 1 Enables the PCI bridge to behave as a PCI bus master Controls whether the PCI bridge as a target responds to memory accesses. 0 The PCI bridge does not respond to PCI memory space accesses. 1 The PCI bridge responds to PCI memory space accesses. Hardwired to 0, indicating that the PCI bridge as a target does not respond to PCI I/O space accesses. PCI Bus Status Register The PCI bus status register, shown in Figure 9-36, is used to record status information for PCI bus-related events. Only 2-byte accesses to address offset 0x06 are allowed. MPC8280 PowerQUICC II Family Reference Manual, Rev. 1 9-48 Freescale Semiconductor PCI Bridge Reads to this register behave normally. Writes are slightly different in that bits can be cleared, but not set. A bit is cleared whenever the register is written, and the data in the corresponding bit location is set. For example, to clear bit 14 and not affect any other bits in the register, write the value 0b0100_0000_0000_0000 to the register. Field 15 14 13 12 11 DPERR SSERR RM-A RT-A ST-A Reset 10 9 DEVSEL_T 8 7 6 5 4 DPD FB-BC — 66MHzC CL 3 0 — 0000_0000_1011_0000 R/W R/W Addr R R/W 0x06 Figure 9-36. PCI Bus Status Register Table 9-23 describes the PCI bus status register fields. Table 9-23. PCI Bus Status Register Description Bits Name Description 15 Detected parity error Set whenever the PCI bridge detects a parity error on the PCI bus, even if parity error handling is disabled (as controlled by bit 6 in the PCI bus command register). 14 Signaled system error 13 Received master-abort Set whenever the PCI bridge, acting as the PCI master on the PCI bus, terminates a transaction (except for a special-cycle) using master-abort. 12 Received target-abort Set whenever a PCI bridge-initiated transaction on the PCI bus is terminated by a target-abort. 11 Signaled target-abort Set whenever the PCI bridge, acting as the PCI target on the PCI bus, issues a target-abort to a PCI master. 10–9 DEVSEL timing Hardwired to 0b00, indicating that the PCI bridge uses fast device-select timing on the PCI bus. 8 Data parity detected Set upon detecting a data parity error on the PCI bus. Three conditions must be met for this bit to be set: • The PCI bridge detects a parity error. • The PCI bridge is acting as the bus master for the operation in which the error occurred. • Bit 6 in the PCI bus command register is set. 7 Fast back-to-back capable Hardwired to 1, indicating that the PCI bridge as a target is capable of accepting fast back-to-back transactions. 6 — 5 66-MHz capable This bit is read-only and indicates that the PCI bridge is capable of 66-MHz PCI bus operation on the PCI bus. 4 Capabilities List Hardwired to 1, indicating that the PCI bridge implements new capabilities on the PCI bus. 3–0 — Set whenever the PCI bridge asserts SERR on the PCI bus. Reserved, should be cleared. Reserved, should be cleared. MPC8280 PowerQUICC II Family Reference Manual, Rev. 1 Freescale Semiconductor 9-49 PCI Bridge Revision ID Register Figure 9-37 and Table 9-24 describe the revision ID register. 7 0 Field RID Reset Refer to Table 9-24. R/W R Addr 0x08 Figure 9-37. Revision ID Register Table 9-24. Revision ID Register Description Reset Value Bits Name 7–0 Revision ID Description Revision Specifies a device-specific revision code for the MPC8280 (assigned Dependent by Freescale). Revision ID = 0x11 for .25µm revisions A.0, B.1, and C.0. Revision ID = 0x20 for 0.13µm devices. PCI Bus Programming Interface Register Figure 9-38 and Table 9-25 describe the PCI bus programming interface register. 7 0 Field PI Reset Refer to Table 9-25. R/W R Addr 0x09 Figure 9-38. PCI Bus Programming Interface Register Table 9-25. PCI Bus Programming Interface Register Description Bits Name Description 7–0 Programming interface 0x00 When the PCI bridge is configured as host bridge. 0x01 When the PCI bridge is configured as a peripheral device to indicate the programming model supports the I2O interface. MPC8280 PowerQUICC II Family Reference Manual, Rev. 1 9-50 Freescale Semiconductor PCI Bridge Subclass Code Register Figure 9-39 and Table 9-26 describe the subclass code register. 7 0 Field SC Reset 0000_0000 R/W R Addr 0x0A Figure 9-39. Subclass Code Register Table 9-26. Subclass Code Register Description Bits Name 7–0 Subclass code Description Identifies more specifically the function of the PCI bridge (0x00 = host bridge and 0x80 = agent mode) PCI Bus Base Class Code Register Figure 9-40 and Table 9-27 describe the PCI bus class code register. 7 0 Field BCC Reset Refer to Table 9-27. R/W R Addr 0x0B Figure 9-40. PCI Bus Base Class Code Register Table 9-27. PCI Bus Base Class Code Register Description Bits Name Description 7–0 Base class code 0x06 When the PCI bridge is configured as a host bridge to indicate “Host Bridge”. 0x0E When the PCI bridge is configured as a target device to indicate the device is an agent and is I2O capable. NOTE: I2O Compliancy When configured as a PCI agent device, the value of the Interface, Subclass Code, and Base Class Code Registers are 0x01, 0x00, and 0x0E respectively, indicating that the MPC8280 supports the I2O protocol. The user should note that the I2O support is not fully standard compliant. MPC8280 PowerQUICC II Family Reference Manual, Rev. 1 Freescale Semiconductor 9-51 PCI Bridge PCI Bus Cache Line Size Register Figure 9-41 and Table 9-28 describe the PCI bus cache line size register. 7 0 Field CLS Reset 0000_0000 R/W R/W Addr 0x0C Figure 9-41. PCI Bus Cache Line Size Register Table 9-28. PCI Bus Cache Line Size Register Description Bits Name Description 7–0 Cache line size Represents the cache line size of the system in terms of 32-bit words (eight 32-bit words = 32 bytes). This register is read-write; however, an attempt to program this register to any value other than 8 results in it being cleared. PCI Bus Latency Timer Register Figure 9-42 and Table 9-29 describe the PCI bus latency timer register. 7 3 Field 2 LT Reset 0 LT 0000_0000 R/W R/W Addr R 0x0D Figure 9-42. PCI Bus Latency Timer Register Table 9-29. PCI Bus Latency Timer Register Description Bits Name Description 7–3 Latency timer Represents the maximum number of PCI clocks that the device, when mastering a transaction, holds the bus after PCI bus grant has been negated. The value is in PCI clocks. Refer to the PCI 2.2 specification for the rules by which the PCI bus interface unit completes transactions when the timer has expired. 2–0 Read-only least-significant bits of the latency timer. (The latency timer value is programmed in multiples of eight.) MPC8280 PowerQUICC II Family Reference Manual, Rev. 1 9-52 Freescale Semiconductor PCI Bridge Header Type Register Figure 9-43 and Table 9-30 describe the header type register. 7 Field 6 0 MD HT Reset 0000_0000 R/W R Addr 0x0E Figure 9-43. Header Type Register Table 9-30. Header Type Register Description Bits Name Description 7 Multifunction device 6–0 Header type The PCI bridge is not a multifunction PCI device. Identifies the layout of bytes 0x10–0x3F of the configuration address space. BIST Control Register Figure 9-44 and Table 9-31 describe the BIST control register. 7 0 Field BIST_CTRL Reset 0000_0000 R/W R Addr 0x0F Figure 9-44. BIST Control Register Table 9-31. BIST Control Register Description Bits Name Description 7–0 BIST control Optional register for control and status of built-in self test (BIST) PCI Bus Internal Memory-Mapped Registers Base Address Register (PIMMRBAR) In agent mode, the PCI bridge provides one base address register called the PCI bus internal memory-mapped registers base address register (PIMMRBAR) to allow a host processor access to the MPC8280’s internal memory-mapped registers. Transactions from PCI that “hit” the PIMMRBAR are translated to the IMMR and sent to the logic that controls the internal memory-mapped registers. PIMMRBAR is shown in Figure 9-45. MPC8280 PowerQUICC II Family Reference Manual, Rev. 1 Freescale Semiconductor 9-53 PCI Bridge 31 17 Field BA Reset 16 BA 0000_0000_0000_0000 R/W R/W Addr 0x12 15 4 Field BA Reset 3 2 PRE 1 T 0 MSI 0000_0000_0000_0000 R/W R/W Addr 0x10 Figure 9-45. PCI Bus Internal Memory-Mapped Registers Base Address Register (PIMMRBAR) Table 9-32 describes PIMMRBAR fields. Table 9-32. PIMMRBAR Field Descriptions Bits Name 31–17 Base address Indicates the base address for the inbound configuration window. 16–4 Base address Hardwired to zeros, indicating that the PCI bridge requires a 128-KByte space for the configuration registers. 3 Prefetchable Hardwired to 0 to indicate that this address region is not prefetchable. 2–1 Type 0 Description Hardwired to 00 to indicate that the address can be located anywhere in 32-bit address space. Memory space indicator Address is mapped to memory space. General Purpose Local Access Base Address Registers (GPLABARx) Two general purpose local access base address registers (GPLABARx) are provided to allow access to local memory space. These registers are closely tied to PIBARx and PICMRx (see Section, “PCI Inbound Base Address Registers (PIBARx),” and Section, “PCI Inbound Comparison Mask Registers (PICMRx)”). A write to GPLABARx causes a write to PIBARx but only to the bits allowed by the PICMRx mask. Similarly, a write to PIBARx causes a write to GPLABARx of the non-masked bits of the base address. GPLABARx is shown in Figure 9-46. MPC8280 PowerQUICC II Family Reference Manual, Rev. 1 9-54 Freescale Semiconductor PCI Bridge 31 16 Field BA Reset 0000_0000_0000_0000 R/W R/W Addr 0x16 (GPLABAR0); 0x1A (GPLABAR1) 15 12 Field 11 4 BA BA Reset 3 PRE 2 1 T 0 MSI 0000_0000_0000_0000 R/W R/W Addr 0x14 (GPLABAR0); 0x18 (GPLABAR1) Figure 9-46. General Purpose Local Access Base Address Registers (GPLABAR x) Table 9-33 describes GPLABARx fields. Table 9-33. GPLABARx Field Descriptions Bits Name Description 31–12 Base address Represents the base address for the inbound GPLA memory window. The number of upper bits that the PCI bridge allows to be writable is selected through the PICMR; see Section, “PCI Inbound Comparison Mask Registers (PICMRx).” 11–4 Hardwired to zeros. (The minimum window size allowed is 4K.) 3 Prefetchable Corresponds to the prefetchable bit in the PICMR; see Section, “PCI Inbound Comparison Mask Registers (PICMRx).” 2–1 Type Hardwired to 00 to indicate that the address can be located anywhere in 32-bit address space. 0 Memory space indicator Address is mapped to memory space (hardwired to 0). Subsystem Vendor ID Register Figure 9-47 and Table 9-34 describe the subsystem vendor ID register. 15 0 Field SVID Reset 0000_0000_0000_0000 R/W R/W Addr 0x2C Figure 9-47. Subsystem Vendor ID Register MPC8280 PowerQUICC II Family Reference Manual, Rev. 1 Freescale Semiconductor 9-55 PCI Bridge Table 9-34. Subsystem Vendor ID Register Description Bits Name Description 15–0 Vendor ID Identifies the add-in board or subsystem where the PCI device resides. Subsystem Device ID Register Figure 9-48 and Table 9-35 describe the subsystem ID register. 15 0 Field SDID Reset 0000_0000_0000_0000 R/W R/W Addr 0x2E Figure 9-48. Subsystem Device ID Register Table 9-35. Subsystem Device ID Description Register Bits Name Description 15–0 Subsystem ID Identifies the add-in board or subsystem where the PCI device resides. PCI Bus Capabilities Pointer Register Figure 9-49 and Table 9-36 describe the PCI bus capabilities pointer register. 7 0 Field CP Reset 0100_1000 R/W R Addr 0x34 Figure 9-49. PCI Bus Capabilities Pointer Register Table 9-36. PCI Bus Capabilities Pointer Register Description Bits Name Description 7–0 Capabilities pointer Specifies the byte offset in the configuration space containing the first item in the capabilities list. MPC8280 PowerQUICC II Family Reference Manual, Rev. 1 9-56 Freescale Semiconductor PCI Bridge PCI Bus Interrupt Line Register Figure 9-50 and Table 9-37 describes the PCI bus interrupt line register. 7 0 Field IL Reset 0000_0000 R/W R/W Addr 0x3C Figure 9-50. PCI Bus Interrupt Line Register Table 9-37. PCI Bus Interrupt Line Register Description Bits Name Description 7–0 Interrupt line Contains the interrupt routing information. Software can use this register to hold information regarding which input of the system interrupt controller the INTA signal is attached to. Values in this register are specific to the system architecture. PCI Bus Interrupt Pin Register Figure 9-51 and Table 9-38 describe the PCI bus interrupt pin register. 7 0 Field IP Reset 0000_0001 R/W R Addr 0x3D Figure 9-51. PCI Bus Interrupt Pin Register Table 9-38. PCI Bus Interrupt Pin Register Description Bits Name Description 7–0 Interrupt Pin Indicates which interrupt pin the device (or function) uses (0x01 = INTA). MPC8280 PowerQUICC II Family Reference Manual, Rev. 1 Freescale Semiconductor 9-57 PCI Bridge PCI Bus MIN GNT Figure 9-52 and Table 9-39 describes the PCI bus MIN GNT register. 7 0 Field MIN GNT Reset 0000_0000 R/W R Addr 0x3E Figure 9-52. PCI Bus MIN GNT Table 9-39. PCI Bus MIN GNT Description Bits Name Description 7–0 MIN GNT Specifies the length of the device’s burst period. The value 0x00 indicates that the PCI bridge has no major requirements for the settings of latency timers. PCI Bus MAX LAT Figure 9-53 and Table 9-40 describe the PCI bus MAX LAT register. 7 0 Field MAX LAT Reset 0000_0000 R/W R Addr 0x3F Figure 9-53. PCI Bus MAX LAT Table 9-40. PCI Bus MAX LAT Description Bits Name Description 7–0 MAX LAT Specifies how often the device needs to gain access to the PCI bus. The value 0x00 indicates that the PCI bridge has no major requirements for the settings of latency timers. MPC8280 PowerQUICC II Family Reference Manual, Rev. 1 9-58 Freescale Semiconductor PCI Bridge PCI Bus Function Register The PCI bus function register, shown in Figure 9-54, is used to determine the configuration of the PCI bus interface. 15 6 Field — 5 CFG_LOCK Reset 4 3 — 2 1 0 TRGT_ MSTR_ PCI_HA LATENCY_DIS LATENCY_DIS 0000_0000_0010_0000 R/W R/W Addr R 0x44 Figure 9-54. PCI Bus Function Register Table 9-41 describes PCI bus function register fields. Table 9-41. PCI Bus Function Register Field Descriptions Bits Name Description 15–6 — 5 CFG_LOCK Reserved, should be cleared. Agent mode: Setting CFG_LOCK prevents an external PCI master from accessing the configuration space while the 60x bus is doing internal configuration. It is explicitly set and cleared by the 60x bus. 0 PCI bridge accepts accesses to the PCI configuration space or the internal memory-mapped configuration space. 1 PCI bridge retries all accesses to the PCI configuration space or the internal memory-mapped configuration space. Host mode: the PCI configuration space is not accessible from the PCI side when the device is in host mode; therefore, this bit applies only for the internal memory-mapped configuration space. 0 PCI bridge accepts accesses to the internal memory-mapped configuration space. 1 PCI bridge retries all accesses to the internal memory-mapped configuration space. 4-3 — Reserved, should be cleared. 2 TRGT_LATENCY_DIS Target latency time-out disable. Controls whether the PCI bridge as a target time-outs when the first data phase of a transaction has not completed in 16 PCI cycles. 0 Target latency time-out enabled. 1 Target latency time-out disabled. 1 MSTR_LATENCY_DIS Master latency timer disable. Controls whether the PCI bridge as a master ends a transaction after the expiration of the master latency timer. See Section, “PCI Bus Latency Timer Register.” 0 Master latency timer enabled. 1 Master latency timer disabled. 0 PCI_HA Set or cleared by a Power-On configuration bit on power-up and is read-only. 0 PCI interface is in host mode 1 PCI interface is in agent mode MPC8280 PowerQUICC II Family Reference Manual, Rev. 1 Freescale Semiconductor 9-59 PCI Bridge PCI Bus Arbiter Configuration Register The PCI bus arbiter configuration register, shown in Figure 9-55, is used to determine the configuration of the PCI bus arbiter. Only 1-byte or 2-byte accesses to address offset 0x46 are allowed. 15 Field 14 13 PCI_ PM ARB_DIS — 6 4 PCI_BUSMP 3 1 — 0 PCI_ BRIDGE MP 01000_0000_0000_0000 Reset 1 7 R/W R/W Addr 0x46 Reset value determined by PIC_CFG[1] pin value after hard reset. Refer to Table 9-42. Figure 9-55. PCI Bus Arbiter Configuration Register Table 9-42 describes the PCI bus arbiter configuration register fields. Table 9-42. PCI Bus Arbiter Configuration Register Field Description Bit 15 Name Description PCI_ARB_DIS Determines if the PCI bridge is the PCI arbiter on the PCI bus. Set or cleared by (PCI_CFG[1] pin value) the PIC_CFG[1] pin value after hard reset. 0 PCI bridge is the PCI arbiter. 1 PCI bridge is not the PCI arbiter. The PCI bridge presents its request on REQ0 to the external arbiter and receives its grant on GNT0. 14 Parking Mode 13–7 — 6-4 PCI Bus Master Priorities 3–1 — 0 PCI Bridge Master Priority Controls which device receives the bus grant when there are no outstanding bus requests and the bus is idle. 0 The bus is parked with the last device to use the bus. 1 The bus is parked with the PCI bridge. Reserved, should be cleared. Determines the arbitration priority given to the different masters on the PCI bus. Bit 6 corresponds to the priority of the master sourcing REQ0, bit 5 corresponds to REQ1, and bit 4 corresponds to REQ2. 0 Master n has a low priority. 1 Master n has a high priority. Reserved, should be cleared. Determines the PCI bridge’s arbitration priority. 0 The PCI bridge has a low priority. 1 The PCI bridge has a high priority. MPC8280 PowerQUICC II Family Reference Manual, Rev. 1 9-60 Freescale Semiconductor PCI Bridge PCI Hot Swap Register Block The PCI Hot Swap register block, shown in Figure 9-56, is a set of registers in a capability structure. It contains the Hot Swap control status register itself, as well as other fields as required by the capabilities list format. 31 24 Field 23 16 HS_CSR (See Section, “PCI Hot Swap Control Status Register.”) — Reset 0000_0000_0000_0000 R/W R/W Addr 0x4A 15 8 Field 7 0 NXT_PTR CAP_ID Reset 0000_0000_0000_0110 R/W R/W R Addr 0x48 Figure 9-56. Hot Swap Register Block Table 9-43 describes the Hot Swap register block fields. Table 9-43. Hot Swap Register Block Field Descriptions Bits Name Description 31–24 — 23–16 HS_CSR Hot Swap control status register; see Section, “PCI Hot Swap Control Status Register.” 15–8 NXT_PTR Next pointer—an offset into the device’s PCI configuration space for the location of the next item in the capabilities linked list. A value of 0x00 indicates that this is the last item in the list. 7–0 CAP_ID Reserved. Should be cleared. CompactPCI ® Hot Swap capability ID (read only). PCI Hot Swap Control Status Register Figure 9-57 and Table 9-44 describe the Hot Swap control status register. Field 23 22 INS EXT Reset 21 20 — 19 18 17 16 LOO — EIM — 0000_0000 R/W R/W Addr 0x4A Figure 9-57. Hot Swap Control Status Register MPC8280 PowerQUICC II Family Reference Manual, Rev. 1 Freescale Semiconductor 9-61 PCI Bridge Table 9-44. Hot Swap Control Status Register Field Descriptions Bit Name Description 23 INS ENUM status: insertion. Write a ‘1’ to clear this bit. 0 ENUM is not asserted 1 ENUM is asserted 22 EXT ENUM status: extraction. Write a ‘1’ to clear this bit. 0 ENUM is not asserted 1 ENUM is asserted 21–20 — 19 LOO 18 — 17 EIM 16 — Reserved. Should be cleared. LED on/off when the hardware is in state H2. Read/write-able. 0 LED off 1 LED on Reserved. Should be cleared. ENUM signal mask. Read/write-able. 0 Enable signal 1 Mask signal Reserved. Should be cleared. PCI Configuration Register Access from the Core The 60x bus master cannot directly access the PCI configuration registers because they are not in the internal memory-mapped configuration register’s space. The 60x bus master must first load CFG_ADDR (at offset 0x10900 in the memory-mapped configuration registers block) with a 32-bit register address in the form ‘0x8000_0nnn,’ where nnn is the address offset of the desired PCI configuration register. The data can then be accessed in CFG_DATA (at offset 0x10904 in the internal memory map). See Section, “Host Mode Configuration Access.” When accessing the PCI bridge’s PCI configuration registers with the 60x bus master, note the following: • The bus number and device number fields of the CFG_ADDR register should be cleared. • Accesses to CFG_ADDR or CFG_DATA which are greater than 4 bytes generate an illegal register access error setting ECR[IRA]; see Section, “Error Control Register (ECR).” • Accesses to CFG_DATA without a valid offset in CFG_ADDR generates an I/O transaction on the PCI bus. PCI Configuration Register Access in Big-Endian Mode Since the local CPU (internal core or external) is operating in big-endian mode, software must byte-swap the data of the configuration register before performing an access. That is, the data appears in the core register in ascending significance byte order (LSB to MSB). Software loads the configuration register address and the configuration register data into the core register in ascending significance byte order (LSB to MSB). Note that in the following examples, the data in the configuration register (at 0x18) is shown in little-endian order. This is because all the internal registers are intrinsically little-endian. MPC8280 PowerQUICC II Family Reference Manual, Rev. 1 9-62 Freescale Semiconductor PCI Bridge Example: configuration sequence, 2-byte data write to register at address offset 0x1A for PCI bus. Initial values: r0 contains 0x1800_0080 r1 contains IMMR+0x10900 r2 contains IMMR+0x10904 r3 contains 0xDDCC_BBAA Register at 0x18 contains 0xFFFF_FFFF (1B to 18) Code sequence: stw r0,0(r1) sth r3,2(r2) Results: Address IMMR+0x10900 contains 0x8000_0018 (MSB to LSB) Address IMMR+0x10904 contains 0xXXXX_AABB (MSB to LSB) where ‘XXXX’ is the old value and is not affected the sth. Note: the address of PCI_CFG_DATA must match the offset address 0x1A. Register at 0x18 contains 0xAABB_FFFF (1B to 18) This example shows an address of IMMR+0x10906 used to access the PCI_CFG_DATA. This was done in order to align the data with the address 0x1A. The address used to access PCI_CFG_DATA can have a value of IMMR+0x10904, IMMR+0x10905, IMMR+0x10906, or IMMR+0x10907. The two least significant bits of the address used to access PCI_CFG_DATA should match the byte-wise offset of the register being accessed. For instance, if 0x0D is the offset of the register being accessed, then the address used to access PCI_CFG_DATA must be IMMR+0x10905. Additional Information on Endianess The endianess of both the MPC8280's peripheral logic (GPCR[LE_MODE]—see the following section) and the MPC8280's 603e CPU core (MSR[LE]) must be set to the same endianess configuration—that is both must be set for little or big endian operation. For applications where little endian (LE) devices, such as those commonly found on the PCI bus, share memory with the MPC8280, it is recommended to leave the MPC8280's 603e core CPU and peripheral logic in the big endian (BE) modes and then to use a region of the MPC8280 local memory for LE-formatted data. When a little endian PCI device stores data to this memory region, the MPC8280 internal peripheral logic (in big endian mode) stores the data into memory in LE format. Likewise, when a little-endian PCI device reads data from this memory region, the MPC8280 internal peripheral logic (in BE mode) provides the data to the PCI device in LE format. A little-endian PCI device can share this LE memory region with the MPC8280 local processor (603e core CPU) running in big endian if, when the MPC8280 accesses that LE region, it uses the lwbrx and stwbrx commands. The lwbrx command byte-swaps the LE data from that region so the 603e CPU sees the data in BE format. Similarly, the stwbrx command byte-swaps the BE data from the 603e processor being stored to that region of memory, so it is stored into the memory region in LE format. For the MPC603e and the MPC8280 implementations, there is NO latency difference associated with lwbrx and stwbrx commands compared to the other load and store commands. Notes on GPCR[LE_MODE] GPCR[LE_MODE] (refer to Section determines the endianess of the PCI section of MPC8280. The default value of GPCR[LE_MODE] (offset: 0x1087C) is 0. If LE_MODE is set while a program is MPC8280 PowerQUICC II Family Reference Manual, Rev. 1 Freescale Semiconductor 9-63 PCI Bridge executing, care should be taken as to how subsequent accesses to the PCI memory-mapped registers are made. Consider the following two examples (assume internal memory starts at 0x04700000): Example 1— Accessing PCI memory-mapped registers before GPCR[LE_MODE] is set. Assume that one wants to use CPU software to set CTM of PCI DMA0 mode register (DMAMR0[CTM]) located at 0x04710500. The value constructed from the bit field description of the DMAMR0 is 0x00000004. However, the value written to this register is 0x04000000—the byte-swapped version of 0x00000004. Example 2— Accessing PCI memory-mapped registers after GPCR[LE_MODE] is set. Assume that, after GPCR[LE_MODE] is set, one wants to use CPU software to set DMAMR0[CTM]. Because of address munging, this register is now located at 0x04710504. This new address is derived from the following: 1.The register is located at 0x04710500. 2.For a 4-byte access, address munging dictates that the XOR value is 0b100 (refer to Chapter 4 of the Programming Environments Manual for 32-Bit Implementations of the PowerPC Architecture). 3.The last three bits of 0x04710500 is 0b000. 4.XOR 0b000 with 0b100 (0b000 ⊕ 0b100 = 0b100). 5.Therefore, the munged address of this register would be 0x04710504. Therefore, to set CTM in PCI DMA0 mode register, 0x00000004 is written to 0x04710504. Initializing the PCI Configuration Registers The configuration registers are initialized to the reset values shown in the register descriptions. However, they can also be initialized to user-defined values loaded directly from the EEPROM used to configure the MPC8280 by setting the ALD_EN (auto-load enable) bit in the hard reset configuration word; refer to Section 5.4.1, “Hard Reset Configuration Word.” To initialize configuration registers from an EEPROM, the user builds a contiguous table of register initialization data structures in a user-defined space within the EEPROM. Each data structure, shown in Figure 9-58, contains the address of a specific register and its initialization data, as well as some control information. The last data structure entry in the table is marked by setting its ‘Last’ bit. Offset from the table start address 0 28 0x00 0x04 29 30 31 Destination address — Last 0x08 Destination data 0x0C • • • Size[1:0] Figure 9-58. Data Structure for Register Initialization MPC8280 PowerQUICC II Family Reference Manual, Rev. 1 9-64 Freescale Semiconductor PCI Bridge Table 9-45 describes the data structure fields. Table 9-45. Bit Settings for Register Initialization Data Structure Offset Bits Name Description 0x00 0–31 Address Contains the absolute destination address to which the data is written. 0x04 0–28 — 29 Last Indicates that this is the last initialization transaction to be performed. 0 Not last transaction 1 Last transaction 30–31 SIZE Data size in bytes 00 4 bytes 01 1 byte 10 2 bytes 11 3 bytes 0–31 Data Contains the data to be written to the specified address. Data bytes are written according to the value specified in the SIZE field and according to big-endian byte ordering. 0x08 Reserved, should be cleared. Note that the data structure description assumes the following: • Addresses refer to 60x bus addresses. • Address and data byte ordering are big-endian. • Accesses to PCI configuration registers are indirect (through PCI CFG_ADDR and PCI CFG_DATA). A pointer located at address 0x4 of the EEPROM (right after the hard reset configuration word) defines the beginning of the initialization table. The table should be placed beyond the reset configuration data to avoid the EEPROM bytes dedicated to the eight possible hard reset configuration words (refer to Section 5.4.1, “Hard Reset Configuration Word,” and Figure 9-59). MPC8280 PowerQUICC II Family Reference Manual, Rev. 1 Freescale Semiconductor 9-65 PCI Bridge EEPROM start address + 0x00 0x04 Configuration byte Init Table Pointer 0x08 Configuration byte 0x10 Configuration byte Init Table Pointer + 0x00 Address, data, size +0x0C Address, data, size +0x1A +0x28 Address, data, size Address, data, size, LAST Figure 9-59. PCI Configuration Data Structure for the EEPROM After a hard reset, if the auto-load enable bit has been set in the hard reset configuration word, a special internal CP routine checks the EEPROM contents and loads the configuration data into the specified addresses. Note that the initialization data can be loaded into any memory location (not restricted to the PCI configuration space) by this routine. 9.12 Message Unit (I2O) The embedded processor is often part of a larger system containing many processors and distributed memory. These processors tend to work on tasks independent of the host processor(s) and other peripheral processors in the system. Because of the independent nature of the tasks, it is necessary to provide a communication mechanism between the peripheral processors and the rest of the system. One such method is the use of messages. The PCI bridge provides a messaging unit to further facilitate communications between host and peripheral. The PCI bridge’s message unit can operate with either generic messages and door bell registers, or as an I2O interface. 9.12.1 Message Registers The PCI bridge contains two inbound message registers and two outbound message registers. The registers are each 32 bits. The inbound registers allow a remote host or PCI master to write a 32-bit value which in turn causes an interrupt to the local processor that implements the PowerPC architecture because the register indirectly drives an interrupt line to the local processor. The outbound register allows the local processor to write an outbound message which, in turn, causes the outbound interrupt signal INTA to assert. MPC8280 PowerQUICC II Family Reference Manual, Rev. 1 9-66 Freescale Semiconductor PCI Bridge The interrupt to the local processor is cleared by setting the appropriate bit in the inbound message interrupt status register. The interrupt to PCI (INTA) is cleared by setting the appropriate bit in the outbound interrupt status register. Inbound Message Registers (IMRx) The inbound message registers, described in Figure 9-60 and Figure 9-46, are accessible from the PCI bus and the 60x bus in both host and agent modes. 31 16 Field IMSGx Reset Undefined R/W R/W Addr 0x10452 (IMR0); 0x10456 (IMR1) 15 0 Field IMSGx Reset Undefined R/W R/W Addr 0x10450 (IMR0); 0x10454 (IMR1) Figure 9-60. Inbound Message Registers (IMRx) Table 9-46. IMRx Field Descriptions Bits Name 31–0 IMSG x Description Inbound message x. Contains generic data to be passed between the local processor and external hosts. Outbound Message Registers (OMRx) The outbound message registers, described in Figure 9-61 and Figure 9-47, are accessible from the PCI bus and the 60x bus in both host and agent modes. MPC8280 PowerQUICC II Family Reference Manual, Rev. 1 Freescale Semiconductor 9-67 PCI Bridge 31 16 Field OMSGx Reset Undefined R/W R/W Addr 0x1045A (OMR0); 0x1045E (OMR1) 15 0 Field OMSGx Reset Undefined R/W R/W Addr 0x10458 (OMR0); 0x1045C (OMR1) Figure 9-61. Outbound Message Registers (OMRx) Table 9-47. OMRx Field Descriptions Bits Name 31–0 OMSGx 9.12.2 Description Outbound message x. Contains generic data to be passed between the local processor and external hosts. Door Bell Registers The PCI bridge contains an inbound and an outbound door bell register. The registers are 32-bit. The inbound door bell allows a remote processor to set a bit in the register from the PCI bus. This, in turn, causes the PCI bridge to generate an interrupt to the local processor. The local processor can write to the outbound register which causes the outbound interrupt signal INTA to assert thus interrupting the remote processor on the PCI bus. Outbound Doorbell Register (ODR) ODR, described in Figure 9-62 and Table 9-48, is accessible from the PCI bus and the 60x bus in both host and agent modes. MPC8280 PowerQUICC II Family Reference Manual, Rev. 1 9-68 Freescale Semiconductor PCI Bridge 31 29 Field 28 16 ODRx — Reset 0000_0000_0000_0000 R/W Refer to Table 9-48. Addr 0x10462 15 0 Field ODRx Reset 0000_0000_0000_0000 R/W Refer to Table 9-48. Addr 0x10460 Figure 9-62. Outbound Doorbell Register (ODR) Table 9-48. ODR Field Descriptions Bits Name Access 31–29 — R Reserved, should be cleared. ODRx Write 1 to set from local processor. Outbound door bell x, where x is each bit. Writing a bit in Write 1 to clear from PCI. this register from the local processor causes an interrupt (INTA) to be generated. 28–0 Description Inbound Doorbell Register (IDR) IDR, described in Figure 9-63 and Table 9-49, is accessible from the PCI bus and the 60x bus in both host and agent modes. 31 30 Field IMC Reset 16 IDRx 0000_0000_0000_0000 R/W R/W Addr 0x1046A 15 0 Field IDRx Reset 0000_0000_0000_0000 R/W R/W Addr 0x10468 Figure 9-63. Inbound Doorbell Register (IDR) MPC8280 PowerQUICC II Family Reference Manual, Rev. 1 Freescale Semiconductor 9-69 PCI Bridge Table 9-49. IDR Field Descriptions Bits Name Access Description 31 IMC Write 1 to set from PCI. Machine check. Writing to this bit will generate a machine Write 1 to clear from local processor. check interrupt to the local processor. 30–0 IDRx Write 1 to set from PCI. Inbound door bell x, where x is each bit. Writing a bit in this Write 1 to clear from local processor. register from the PCI bus causes an interrupt to be generated through the PCI bridge to the local processor. 9.12.3 I2O Unit The Intelligent Input Output specification (I2O) was established in the industry to allow architecture-independent I/O subsystems to communicate with an OS through an abstraction layer. The specification is centered around a message passing scheme. An I2O embedded peripheral (IOP) is comprised of memory, processor, and input/output device(s). An IOP dedicates space in its local memory to hold inbound (from the remote host) and outbound (to the remote host) messages. The space is managed as memory-mapped FIFOs, with pointers to this memory maintained in hardware. Messages are made up of frames which are a minimum of 64-bytes in length. The message frame address (MFA) is the address which points to the first byte of the message frame. The messages are located in local-system memory. Tracking of the status and location of these messages is done with four FIFOs (two FIFOs for inbound and two for outbound messages) also located in local-system memory. Hardware registers inside the PCI bridge’s core logic manage these FIFOs. One FIFO in each queue keeps track of the free MFAs (Free_LIST FIFO). The other FIFO keeps track of the MFAs which have posted messages (Post_LIST FIFO). Figure 9-64 shows an example of the message queues, although there is no specific order that these queues must follow. MPC8280 PowerQUICC II Family Reference Manual, Rev. 1 9-70 Freescale Semiconductor PCI Bridge Local memory Inbound free list FIFO Local processor write Head pointer MFA MFA MFA Inbound post list FIFO Tail pointer PCI master read PCI master write Inbound queue port Local processor read Head pointer MFA MFA MFA MFA Tail pointer MFA Outbound free list FIFO Local processor read Head pointer PCI master write PCI master read MFA MFA MFA Outbound post list FIFO Tail pointer Outbound queue port Head pointer Local processor write Tail pointer MFA MFA MFA MFA MFA Message frame Message frame Message frame Message frame Message frame Message frame Message frame Message frame Message frame Message frame Message frame Message frame Message frame Message frame Message frame Message frame Figure 9-64. I2O Message Queue I2O defines extensions for the PCI bus hardware through which message queues are managed in hardware. PCI Configuration Identification A host identifies an IOP by its PCI class code. When I2O is enabled, configuration information is provided through the PCI configuration space to the host. Refer to the following: • Section, “PCI Bus Programming Interface Register” • Section, “Subclass Code Register” • Section, “PCI Bus Base Class Code Register” Inbound FIFOs The inbound FIFO allows external PCI masters to post messages to the local processor. I2O defines two inbound FIFOs—an inbound post FIFO and an inbound free FIFO. MPC8280 PowerQUICC II Family Reference Manual, Rev. 1 Freescale Semiconductor 9-71 PCI Bridge The following registers should be accessed only from the 60x bus and only in agent mode. Accesses while in host mode or from the PCI bus have undefined results. Inbound Free_FIFO Head Pointer Register (IFHPR) and Inbound Free_FIFO Tail Pointer Register (IFTPR) The inbound free list FIFO holds the list of empty inbound MFAs. The external PCI master reads IFQPR (refer to Section, “Inbound FIFO Queue Port Register (IFQPR)”) which returns the MFA pointed to by the inbound free list tail pointer register, (IFTPR+QBAR). The PCI bridge’s I2O unit then advances IFTPR. If the inbound free list is empty (no free MFA entries), the unit returns 0xFFFF_FFFF. Free MFAs from the local processor are posted to the inbound free list FIFO that is pointed to by the inbound free_FIFO head pointer register, described in Figure 9-65 and Table 9-50. The local processor is responsible for updating this register. 31 20 Field 19 16 QBA Reset IFHP 0000_0000_0000_0000 R/W R R/W Addr 0x104A2 15 2 Field IFHP Reset 1 0 — 0000_0000_0000_0000 R/W R R/W Addr 0x104A0 Figure 9-65. Inbound Free_FIFO Head Pointer Register (IFHPR) Table 9-50. IFHPR Field Descriptions Bits Name Description 31–20 QBA Queue base address. When read returns the contents of QBAR bits 31-20. 19–2 IFHP Inbound free_fifo head pointer. Local memory offset of the head pointer of the inbound free list FIFO. 1–0 — Reserved, should be cleared. Free MFAs are picked up by the PCI masters that are pointed to by the inbound free_FIFO tail pointer, described in Figure 9-66 and Table 9-51. The PCI read is performed at the inbound queue port. Hardware automatically advances this register after every read. MPC8280 PowerQUICC II Family Reference Manual, Rev. 1 9-72 Freescale Semiconductor PCI Bridge 31 20 Field 19 16 QBA Reset IFTP 0000_0000_0000_0000 R/W R R/W Addr 0x104AA 15 2 Field IFTP Reset 1 0 — 0000_0000_0000_0000 R/W R R/W Addr 0x104A8 Figure 9-66. Inbound Free_FIFO Tail Pointer Register (IFTPR) Table 9-51. IFTPR Field Descriptions Bits Name 31–20 QBA Queue base address. When read returns the contents of QBAR bits 31-20. 19–2 IFTP Inbound free_FIFO tail pointer. Local memory offset of the tail pointer of the inbound free list FIFO. 1–0 — Description Reserved, should be cleared. Inbound Post_FIFO Head Pointer Register (IPHPR) and Inbound Post_FIFO Tail Pointer Register (IPTPR) The inbound post FIFO holds MFAs from external PCI masters which are posted to the local processor. PCI masters, external to the PCI bridge, write to the head of the FIFO by writing the MFA to IFQPR (refer to Section, “Inbound FIFO Queue Port Register (IFQPR)”). The I2O unit transfers the MFA to the location pointed to by the IPHPR. The local address is QBAR + IPHPR. Once the MFA has been written to the queue in local memory, the PCI bridge’s I2O unit advances the IPHPR to set up for the next message. This causes an interrupt to be asserted to the local processor. The inbound post queue interrupt bit in the inbound interrupt status register (IMISR[IPQI]) is set to indicate this condition (refer to Table 9-62). The local processor acknowledges the message (i.e. MFA) by writing a one to the appropriate status bit (IMISR[IPQI]) to clear it. The local processor fetches the MFA by reading the contents of the IPTPR. After the local processor has read the message pointed to by the MFA, the local processor must advance the IPTPR. Once the processor has completed use of the message, it must return the message buffer (i.e. MFA) to the inbound free list FIFO. PCI masters post MFAs to the inbound post list FIFO that is pointed to by the inbound post_FIFO head pointer register, described in Figure 9-67 and Table 9-52. The PCI writes are addressed to the inbound queue port. Hardware (in the I2O module) automatically advances the IPHPR after every write. MPC8280 PowerQUICC II Family Reference Manual, Rev. 1 Freescale Semiconductor 9-73 PCI Bridge 31 Field 20 19 16 QBA Reset IPHP 0000_0000_0000_0000 R/W R R/W Addr 0x104B2 15 2 Field 1 IPHP Reset 0 — 0000_0000_0000_0000 R/W R R/W Addr 0x104B0 Figure 9-67. Inbound Post_FIFO Head Pointer Register (IPHPR) Table 9-52. IPHPR Field Descriptions Bits Name Description 31–20 QBA Queue base address. When read returns the contents of QBAR bits 31-20. 19–2 IPHP Inbound post_FIFO head pointer. Local memory offset of the head pointer of the inbound post list FIFO. 1–0 — Reserved, should be cleared. MFAs posted by PCI hosts are picked up by the local processor via the inbound post_FIFO tail pointer register, described in Figure 9-68 and Table 9-53. The local processor is responsible for updating this register. 31 Field 20 19 QBA Reset IPTP 0000_0000_0000_0000 R/W R R/W Addr 0x104BA 15 Field Reset R/W Addr 16 2 IPTP 1 0 — 0000_0000_0000_0000 R R/W 0x104B8 Figure 9-68. Inbound Post_FIFO Tail Pointer Register (IPTPR) MPC8280 PowerQUICC II Family Reference Manual, Rev. 1 9-74 Freescale Semiconductor PCI Bridge Table 9-53. IPTPR Field Descriptions Bits Name 31–20 QBA Queue base address. When read returns the contents of QBAR bits 31-20. 19–2 IPTP Inbound post_FIFO tail pointer. Local memory offset of the tail pointer of the inbound post list FIFO. 1–0 — Description Reserved, should be cleared. Outbound FIFOs The outbound queues are used to send messages from the local processor to a remote host processor. I2O defines two outbound FIFOs—an outbound post FIFO and an outbound free FIFO. The following registers should be accessed only from the 60x bus and only in agent mode. Accesses while in host mode or from the PCI bus have undefined results. Outbound Free_FIFO Head Pointer Register (OFHPR) and Outbound Free_FIFO Tail Pointer Register (OFTPR) The outbound free list FIFO holds the MFAs of the empty outbound message locations in local memory. When the local processor is ready to send an outbound message, it first fetches an empty MFA by reading the OFTPR. It then writes the message into the MFA. The OFTPR is managed by the local processor. When an external PCI master has completed use of a message that was posted in the outbound post FIFO and wants to return the MFA to the free list, it writes to OFQPR (refer to Section, “Outbound FIFO Queue Port Register (OFQPR)”). The PCI bridge’s I2O unit then writes the MFA to the OFHPR. This, in turn, causes the outbound free head pointer to be advanced. Free MFAs are returned by the PCI masters to the outbound free list FIFO that is pointed to by the outbound free_FIFO head pointer register, described in Figure 9-69 and Table 9-54. The PCI write references the outbound queue port. The I2O hardware automatically advances the address, (i.e. OFHPR) after every write. 31 20 Field 19 QBA Reset 16 OFHP 0000_0000_0000_0000 R/W R R/W Addr 0x104C2 15 2 Field OFHP Reset 1 0 — 0000_0000_0000_0000 R/W R R/W Addr 0x104C0 Figure 9-69. Outbound Free_FIFO Head Pointer Register (OFHPR) MPC8280 PowerQUICC II Family Reference Manual, Rev. 1 Freescale Semiconductor 9-75 PCI Bridge Table 9-54. OFHPR Field Descriptions Bits Name 31–20 QBA 19–2 OFHP 1–0 — Description Queue base address. When read returns the contents of QBAR. Outbound free_FIFO head pointer. Local memory offset of the head pointer of the outbound free list FIFO. Reserved, should be cleared. Free MFAs are picked up by the local processor pointed to by the outbound free_FIFO tail pointer register, described in Figure 9-70 and Table 9-55. This register is updated by the local processor. 31 20 Field 19 QBA Reset 16 OFTP 0000_0000_0000_0000 R/W R R/W Addr 0x104CA 15 2 Field OFTP Reset 1 0 — 0000_0000_0000_0000 R/W R R/W Addr 0x104C8 Figure 9-70. Outbound Free_FIFO Tail Pointer Register (OFTPR) Table 9-55. OFTPR Field Descriptions Bits Name 31–20 QBA Queue base address. When read returns the contents of QBAR bits 31-20. 19–2 OFTP Outbound free_FIFO tail pointer. Local memory offset of the tail pointer of the outbound free list FIFO. 1–0 — Description Reserved, should be cleared. Outbound Post_FIFO Head Pointer Register (OPHPR) and Outbound Post_FIFO Tail Pointer Register (OPTPR) The outbound post FIFO holds MFAs which are posted from the local processor to external processors. The local processor places messages in the outbound post FIFO by writing to the MFA to OPHPR + QBAR. The local processor must then advance the OPHPR. The PCI bridge’s PCI interrupt is generated (INTA) when the FIFO is not empty (head and tail pointers are not equal). The outbound post queue interrupt bit is set in the outbound interrupt status register. The status bit is cleared when the head and tail pointers are equal. The interrupt can be masked using the outbound interrupt mask register. MPC8280 PowerQUICC II Family Reference Manual, Rev. 1 9-76 Freescale Semiconductor PCI Bridge An external PCI master reads the outbound queue port register. This causes the PCI bridge’s I2O unit to read the MFA from local memory pointed to by the OPTPR+QBAR. The unit then advances the OPTPR. When the FIFO is empty (head and tail pointers are equal), the unit returns 0xFFFF_FFFF. The local processor posts MFAs to the outbound post list FIFO that is pointed to by the outbound post_FIFO head pointer register, described in Figure 9-71 and Table 9-56. The local processor is responsible for updating this register. 31 20 Field 19 QBA Reset 16 OPHP 0000_0000_0000_0000 R/W R R/W Addr 0x104D2 15 2 Field OPHP Reset 1 0 — 0000_0000_0000_0000 R/W R R/W Addr 0x104D0 Figure 9-71. Outbound Post_FIFO Head Pointer Register (OPHPR) Table 9-56. OPHPR Field Descriptions Bits Name 31–20 QBA 19–2 OPHP 1–0 — Description Queue base address. When read returns the contents of QBAR bits 31-20. Outbound post_FIFO head pointer. Local memory offset of the head pointer of the outbound post list FIFO. Reserved, should be cleared. Posted MFAs are picked up by PCI hosts that are pointed to by the outbound post_FIFO tail pointer register, described in Figure 9-72 and Table 9-57. The PCI read is performed at the outbound queue port. Hardware automatically advances this register after every read. MPC8280 PowerQUICC II Family Reference Manual, Rev. 1 Freescale Semiconductor 9-77 PCI Bridge 31 20 Field 19 16 QBA Reset OPTP 0000_0000_0000_0000 R/W R R/W Addr 0x104DA 15 2 Field OPTP Reset 1 0 — 0000_0000_0000_0000 R/W R R/W Addr 0x104D8 Figure 9-72. Outbound Post_FIFO Tail Pointer Register (OPTPR) Table 9-57. OPTPR Field Descriptions Bits Name 31–20 QBA Queue base address. When read returns the contents of QBAR bits 31-20. 19–2 OPTP Outbound post_FIFO tail pointer. Local memory offset of the tail pointer of the outbound post list FIFO. 1–0 — Description Reserved, should be cleared. I2O Registers The following sections discuss I2O registers. Inbound FIFO Queue Port Register (IFQPR) IFQPR is used by PCI masters to access inbound messages in local memory. Local processor does not have access to this port. IFQPR should be accessed only from the PCI bus. IFQPR is described in Figure 9-73 and Table 9-58. MPC8280 PowerQUICC II Family Reference Manual, Rev. 1 9-78 Freescale Semiconductor PCI Bridge 31 16 Field IFQP Reset 0000_0000_0000_0000 R/W R/W Addr 0x10442 15 0 Field IFQP Reset 0000_0000_0000_0000 R/W R/W Addr 0x10440 Figure 9-73. Inbound FIFO Queue Port Register (IFQPR) Table 9-58. IFQPR Field Descriptions Bits Name Description 31–0 IFQP Inbound FIFO queue port. Reading this register will return the MFA from inbound free list FIFO. Writing to this register will post the MFA to the inbound post list FIFO. Outbound FIFO Queue Port Register (OFQPR) OFQPR is used by PCI masters to access outbound messages in local memory. Local processor does not have access to this port. OFQPR should be accessed only from the PCI bus. OFQPR is described in Figure 9-74 and Table 9-59. 31 16 Field OFQP Reset 0000_0000_0000_0000 R/W R/W Addr 0x10446 15 0 Field OFQP Reset 0000_0000_0000_0000 R/W R/W Addr 0x10444 Figure 9-74. Outbound FIFO Queue Port Register (OFQPR) MPC8280 PowerQUICC II Family Reference Manual, Rev. 1 Freescale Semiconductor 9-79 PCI Bridge Table 9-59. OFQPR Field Descriptions Bits Name Description 31–0 OFQP Outbound FIFO queue port. Reading this register will return the MFA from outbound post list FIFO. Writing this register will post the MFA to the outbound free list FIFO. Outbound Message Interrupt Status Register (OMISR) OMISR contains the interrupt status of the I2O, door bell, and outbound message registers. A PCI device acknowledges the outbound message interrupt by writing a 1 to the appropriate status bit: OMISR[OM1I] or OMISR[OM0I]. This clears both the interrupt and the corresponding status bit. The local processor provokes an outbound message interrupt by writing to either of the two outbound message registers: OMR0 or OMR1. OMISR should be accessed only from the PCI bus IFQPR should be accessed only from the PCI bus. 31 16 Field — Reset 0000_0000_0000_0000 R/W Refer to Table 9-60. Addr 0x10432 15 6 Field — Reset 5 4 3 2 OPQI — ODI — 1 0 OM1I OM0I 0000_0000_0000_0000 R/W Refer to Table 9-60. Addr 0x10430 Figure 9-75. Outbound Message Interrupt Status Register (OMISR) Table 9-60 describes OMISR fields. Table 9-60. OMISR Field Descriptions Bits 31–6 Name R/W Description — R Reserved, should be cleared. 5 OPQI R Outbound post queue interrupt. When set indicates that a message or messages are posted in the outbound queue. To clear the interrupt, software has to read all MFAs in the outbound post FIFO. This bit is set regardless of the state of the OPQIM mask bit.1 4 — R Reserved, should be cleared. 3 ODI R Outbound doorbell interrupt. When set indicates that there is an outbound doorbell interrupt. 2 — R Reserved, should be cleared. MPC8280 PowerQUICC II Family Reference Manual, Rev. 1 9-80 Freescale Semiconductor PCI Bridge Table 9-60. OMISR Field Descriptions (continued) Bits 1 Name R/W Description 1 OM1I Read/ Write 1 to clear Outbound message 1 interrupt. When set indicates that there is an Outbound message 1 interrupt. 0 OM0I Read/ Write 1 to clear Outbound message 0 interrupt. When set indicates that there is an Outbound message 0 interrupt Note that when conditions for the Outbound Post Queue Interrupt assertion are valid, and OMIMR[OPQIM] is set, OMISR[OPQI] is cleared. The application should always clear OMIMR[OPQIM] before referring to the content of OMISR[OPQI]. Outbound Message Interrupt Mask Register (OMIMR) OMIMR contains the interrupt mask of the I2O, door bell, and message register events generated by the local processor. OMIMR should be accessed only from the PCI bus. 31 16 Field — Reset 0000_0000_0000_0000 R/W Refer to Table 9-61. Addr 0x10436 15 6 Field — Reset 5 4 3 2 OPQIM — ODIM — 1 0 OM1IM OM0IM 0000_0000_0000_0000 R/W Refer to Table 9-61. Addr 0x10434 Figure 9-76. Outbound Message Interrupt Mask Register (OMIMR) Table 9-61 describes OMIMR fields. Table 9-61. OMIMR Field Descriptions Bits Name R/W 31–6 — R 5 OPQIM RW 4 — R 3 ODIM RW 2 — R Description Reserved, should be cleared. Outbound post queue interrupt mask 0 Outbound post queue interrupt is allowed. 1 Outbound post queue interrupt is masked. Reserved, should be cleared. Outbound doorbell interrupt mask 0 Outbound doorbell interrupt is allowed. 1 Outbound doorbell interrupt is masked. Reserved, should be cleared. MPC8280 PowerQUICC II Family Reference Manual, Rev. 1 Freescale Semiconductor 9-81 PCI Bridge Table 9-61. OMIMR Field Descriptions (continued) Bits Name R/W 1 OM1IM RW Outbound message 1 interrupt mask 0 Outbound message 1 interrupt is allowed. 1 Outbound message 1 interrupt is masked. 0 OM0IM RW Outbound message 0 interrupt mask 0 Outbound message 0 interrupt is allowed. 1 Outbound message 0 interrupt is masked. Description Inbound Message Interrupt Status Register (IMISR) This register contains the interrupt status of the I2O, door bell, and message register events. Writing a 1 to the corresponding set bit will clear the bit. The events are generated by the PCI masters. IMISR should be accessed only from the 60x bus and only in agent mode. Accesses while in host mode or from the PCI bus have undefined results. 31 16 Field — Reset 0000_0000_0000_0000 R/W Refer to Table 9-62. Addr 0x10482 15 9 Field — 8 7 OFOI IPOI Reset 6 5 4 3 2 1 0 — IPQI MCI IDI — IM1I IM0I 0000_0000_0000_0000 R/W Refer to Table 9-62. Addr 0x10480 Figure 9-77. Inbound Message Interrupt Status Register (IMISR) Table 9-62 describes IMISR fields. Table 9-62. IMISR Field Descriptions Bits Name Access Description 31–9 — R 8 OFOI R/Write 1 to clear Outbound Free Overflow Interrupt. When set indicates that the Outbound Free_FIFO Head pointer is equal to the Outbound Free_FIFO Tail pointer and the queue is full. A machine check interrupt is generated. 7 IPOI R/Write 1 to clear Inbound Post Overflow Interrupt. When set indicates that the Inbound Post_FIFO Head pointer is equal to the Inbound Post_FIFO Tail pointer and the queue is full. A machine check interrupt is generated. 6 — R 5 IPQI R/Write 1 to clear Reserved, should be cleared. Reserved, should be cleared. Inbound Post Queue Interrupt. When set indicates that the PCI master has posted an MFA to the Inbound Post queue. MPC8280 PowerQUICC II Family Reference Manual, Rev. 1 9-82 Freescale Semiconductor PCI Bridge Table 9-62. IMISR Field Descriptions (continued) Bits Name Access Description 4 MCI R Machine check interrupt. When set indicates that a machine check interrupt condition has been generated by setting the Inbound doorbell register’s bit 31. The interrupt is cleared by resetting the Inbound doorbell register’s bit 31. 3 IDI R Inbound doorbell interrupt. When set indicates that there is an Inbound Doorbell interrupt. 2 — R Reserved, should be cleared. 1 IM1I R/Write 1 to clear Inbound message 1 interrupt. When set indicates that there is an Inbound message 1 interrupt. 0 IM0I R/Write 1 to clear Inbound message 0 interrupt. When set indicates that there is an Inbound message 0 interrupt. Inbound Message Interrupt Mask Register (IMIMR) This register contains the interrupt mask of the I2O, door bell, and message register events generated by the PCI master. IMIMR should be accessed only from the 60x bus and only in agent mode. Accesses while in host mode or from the PCI bus have undefined results. 31 16 Field — Reset 0000_0000_0000_0000 R/W R/W Addr 0x10486 15 9 Field — 8 7 6 OFOIM IPOIM Reset — 5 4 3 IPQIM MCIM IDIM 2 — 1 0 IM1IM IM0IM 0000_0000_0000_0000 R/W R/W Addr 0x10484 Figure 9-78. Inbound Message Interrupt Mask Register (IMIMR) Table 9-63 describes IMIMR fields. Table 9-63. IMIMR Field Descriptions Bits Name Description 31–9 — 8 OFOIM Outbound free overflow interrupt mask 0 Outbound free overflow interrupt is allowed. 1 Outbound free overflow interrupt is masked. 7 IPOIM Inbound post overflow interrupt mask 0 Inbound post overflow interrupt is allowed. 1 Inbound post overflow interrupt is masked. Reserved, should be cleared. MPC8280 PowerQUICC II Family Reference Manual, Rev. 1 Freescale Semiconductor 9-83 PCI Bridge Table 9-63. IMIMR Field Descriptions (continued) Bits Name 6 — 5 IPQIM Inbound post queue interrupt mask 0 Inbound post queue interrupt is allowed. 1 Inbound post queue interrupt is masked. 4 MCIM Machine check interrupt mask 0 Machine check interrupt from the inbound doorbell register is allowed. 1 Machine check interrupt is masked. 3 IDIM Inbound doorbell interrupt mask 0 Inbound doorbell interrupt is allowed. 1 Inbound doorbell interrupt is masked. 2 — 1 IM1IM Inbound message 1 interrupt mask 0 Inbound doorbell interrupt is allowed. 1 Inbound doorbell interrupt is masked. 0 IM0IM Inbound message 0 interrupt mask 0 Inbound message 0 interrupt is allowed. 1 Inbound message 0 interrupt is masked. Description Reserved, should be cleared. Reserved, should be cleared. Messaging Unit Control Register (MUCR) This register allows software to enable and setup the size of the inbound and outbound FIFOs. MUCR should be accessed only from the 60x bus and only in agent mode. Accesses while in host mode or from the PCI bus have undefined results. 31 16 Field — Reset 0000_0000_0000_0002 R/W R/W Addr 0x104E6 15 Field Reset 6 5 — 1 CQS 0 CQE 0000_0000_0000_0000 R/W R/W Addr 0x104E4 Figure 9-79. Messaging Unit Control Register (MUCR) MPC8280 PowerQUICC II Family Reference Manual, Rev. 1 9-84 Freescale Semiconductor PCI Bridge Table 9-64 describes MUCR fields. Table 9-64. MUCR Field Descriptions Bits Name Access 31–6 — R 5–1 CQS RW Circular queue size. CQS refers to each individual queue, not the total size of all four queues together. 00001 4K entries (16 Kbytes) 00010 8K entries (32 Kbytes) 00100 16K entries (64 Kbytes) 01000 32K entries (128 Kbytes) 10000 64K entries (256 Kbytes) All others reserved. 0 CQE RW Circular queue enable. When set will allow PCI masters to access the inbound and outbound queue ports. Writes are ignored and reads will return 0xFFFF_FFFF when this bit is cleared. Normally, this bit is set only if software has initialized all pointers and configuration registers. Description Reserved, should be cleared. Queue Base Address Register (QBAR) This register specifies the beginning of the circular queue structure in local memory. The following QBAR should be accessed only from the 60x bus and only in agent mode. Accesses while in host mode or from the PCI bus have undefined results. 31 20 Field QBA Reset 19 16 — 0000_0000_0000_0000 R/W R/W Addr 0x104F2 15 0 Field — Reset 0000_0000_0000_0000 R/W R/W Addr 0x104F0 Figure 9-80. Queue Base Address Register (QBAR) Table 9-65 describes QBAR fields. Table 9-65. QBAR Field Descriptions Bits Name Access 31–20 QBA RW 19–0 — R Description Queue base address. Base address of circular queue in local memory. It must be aligned to a 1Mbyte boundary. Reserved, should be cleared. MPC8280 PowerQUICC II Family Reference Manual, Rev. 1 Freescale Semiconductor 9-85 PCI Bridge 9.13 DMA Controller The PCI bridge’s DMA controller transfers blocks of data independent of the local core or PCI hosts. Data movement occurs on the PCI and/or 60x bus. The PCI Bridge’s DMA module has four high-speed DMA channels with an aggregate bandwidth conservatively estimated at 210 Mbytes per second, for 60x to PCI transfer. The channels share 144 bytes of DMA-dedicated buffer space to facilitate the gathering and sending of data. Both the local core and PCI masters can initiate a DMA transfer. Features of the DMA controller include the following: • 4 channels • Concurrent execution across multiple channels with programmable bandwidth control • All channels are accessible by local core and remote PCI masters. • Unaligned transfer capability • Data chaining and direct mode • Interrupt on completed segment, chain, and error • Supports all transfer combinations between 60x memory and PCI memory: 60x-to-60x, PCI-to-PCI, 60x-to-PCI, and PCI-to-60x. Figure 9-81 shows a block diagram of the DMA controller. 60x bus DMA0 DMA1 DMA2 DMA3 Interface logic I/O sequencer PCI bus Figure 9-81. DMA Controller Block Diagram 9.13.1 DMA Operation The DMA controller operates in two modes—chaining and direct. In direct mode, the software is responsible for initializing the source, destination and byte count registers. In chaining mode, the software first must build a chain of descriptor segments in external memory, residing either on the 60x or PCI bus, and then initialize the current descriptor address register to point to the first descriptor segment in the chain. In both modes, setting the start bit in the DMA mode register begins the DMA transfer. MPC8280 PowerQUICC II Family Reference Manual, Rev. 1 9-86 Freescale Semiconductor PCI Bridge The DMA controller supports unaligned transfers for both the source and destination addresses. It gathers data beginning at the source address and aligns the data accordingly before sending it to the destination address. The DMA controller assumes that the source and destination addresses are valid PCI or 60x memory addresses. All 60x memory read operations are cache line reads (32 bytes); the DMA controller selects the appropriate/valid data bytes within the cache line when loading its internal queue. Writing to 60x memory depends on the alignment of the destination address and the size of the transfer. The DMA controller writes a full cache line whenever possible. Misaligned destination addresses result in sub-transfers of less than a cache line on the initial and final beats of the transfer; intermediate beats transfer full cache lines. Configuring a DMA channel for a transfer size of less than 8 bytes in address hold mode (DAHE or SAHE is set; refer to Section, “DMA Mode Registers 0–3 (DMAMRx)”) precludes cache line writes. PCI memory read operations depend on the PRC (PCI read command) field in the mode register, the alignment of the source address and the size of the transfer. The DMA controller attempts to read a full cache line whenever possible. Writing to PCI memory depends on the alignment of the destination address and the size of the transfer. DMA Direct Mode In direct mode, the DMA controller does not read a chain of descriptors from memory but instead uses the current parameters in the DMA registers to start a DMA transfer. The DMA transfer finishes after all the bytes specified in the byte count register have been transferred or an error condition has occurred. Below are the initialization steps of a DMA transfer in direct mode. • Poll the CB (channel busy) bit in the status register to make sure the DMA channel is idle (refer to Section, “DMA Status Registers 0–3 (DMASRx)”). • Initialize the source, destination and byte count register (refer to Section, “DMA Destination Address Registers 0–3 (DMADARx),” and Section, “DMA Byte Count Registers 0–3 (DMABCRx)”). • Initialize the CTM (channel transfer mode) bit in the mode register (refer to Section, “DMA Mode Registers 0–3 (DMAMRx)”) to indicate direct mode. Other control parameters in the mode register can also be initialized here if necessary. • First clear then set the CS (channel start) bit in the mode register to start the DMA transfer. DMA Chaining Mode In chaining mode, the DMA controller loads descriptors from memory prior to a DMA transfer. The DMA controller begins the transfer according to the descriptor information loaded for each segment. Once the current segment is finished, the DMA controller reads the next descriptor from memory and begins another DMA transfer. The process is finished if the current descriptor is the last one in the chain or an error condition has occurred. Below are the initialization steps of a DMA transfer in chaining mode. • Build a chain of descriptor segments in memory. Refer to the Section 9.13.2, “DMA Segment Descriptors,” for more information. • Poll the CB (channel busy) bit in the status register to make sure the DMA channel is idle. • Initialize the current descriptor address register to point to the first descriptor in the chain. MPC8280 PowerQUICC II Family Reference Manual, Rev. 1 Freescale Semiconductor 9-87 PCI Bridge • • Initialize the CTM (channel transfer mode) bit in the mode register to indicate chaining mode. Other control parameters in the mode register can also be initialized here if necessary. First clear then set the CS (channel start) bit in the mode register to start the DMA transfer. DMA Coherency The four DMA channels are allocated 4 cache lines (128 bytes) of buffer space in the I/O sequencer module in addition to 16 bytes of local buffer space. Because no address snooping occurs in these internal queues, data posted in these queues is not visible to the rest of the system while a DMA transfer is in progress. It is the responsibility of application software to ensure the coherency of the region being transferred during the DMA process. Snooping of the core data cache is selectable during DMA transactions. A snoop bit is provided in the current descriptor address register and the next descriptor address register which allows software to control when the cache is snooped. These bits are described in Section, “DMA Current Descriptor Address Registers 0–3 (DMACDARx),” and Section, “DMA Next Descriptor Address Registers 0–3 (DMANDARx),” respectively. Halt and Error Conditions DMA transfers are halted either by clearing the CS (channel start) bit in the mode register or when encountering an error condition. In both cases the application software can one of the following: • Continue the DMA transfer • Reconfigure the DMA for a new transfer • Leave the channel in the halted state When a DMA channel is halted, its programming model is completely accessible. If the DMA is halted due to an error condition, the TE (transfer error) bit in the status register must be cleared before the transfer can be resumed or a new transfer initiated. Note that the TE bit is not cleared automatically by hardware. NOTE: DMA Operation After Bus Error After any bus error which occurs in the MPC8280 (either 60x or PCI, not necessarily due to DMA operation), the user must reset the system to avoid DMA malfunction. DMA Transfer Types The DMA controller supports all transfers between 60x memory and PCI memory: 60x-to-60x, PCI-to-PCI, 60x-to-PCI, and PCI-to-60x. All data is temporarily stored in a 144-byte queue prior to transmission. There are four types of DMA transfers: • PCI-memory-to-PCI-memory transfers—The DMA controller begins by reading data from PCI memory space and storing it in the DMA queue. Once sufficient data is stored in the queue, the DMA controller begins writing data from the queue to PCI memory space beginning at the destination address. The process is repeated until there is no more data to transfer or an error condition has occurred on the PCI bus. MPC8280 PowerQUICC II Family Reference Manual, Rev. 1 9-88 Freescale Semiconductor PCI Bridge • • • PCI-memory-to-60x-memory transfers—The DMA controller initiates reads on the PCI bus and stores the data in the DMA queue. Once sufficient data is stored in the queue, a 60x memory write is initiated. The DMA controller stops the transfer either for an error condition on the PCI bus or 60x bus, or when no data is left to transfer. Reading from PCI memory and writing to 60x memory can occur concurrently. 60x-memory-to-PCI-memory transfers—The DMA controller initially fetches data from 60x memory into the DMA queue. As soon as the first data arrives into the queue, the DMA engine initiates write transactions to PCI memory. The DMA controller stops the transfer either when there is an error on the PCI bus or 60x bus, or there is no more data left to transfer. Reading from 60x memory and writing to PCI memory can occur concurrently. 60x-memory-to-60x-memory transfers—The DMA controller begins reading data from 60x memory and storing it in the DMA queue. Once sufficient data is stored in the queue, the DMA controller begins writing data to 60x memory space beginning at the destination address. The process is repeated until there is no more data to transfer or an error condition has occurred while accessing memory. DMA Registers Each DMA channel has a set of seven 32-bit registers (mode, status, current descriptor address, next descriptor address, source address, destination address, and byte count) to support transactions. This section describes the format of the DMA support registers. DMA Mode Registers 0–3 (DMAMRx) The mode register allows software to start the DMA transfer and to control various DMA transfer characteristics. 31 24 Field 23 — 21 BWC Reset 20 19 DM_SEN IRQS 18 17 — DAHTS 0000_0000_0000_0000 R/W R/W Addr 0x10502 (DMAMR0); 0x10582 (DMAMR1); 0x10602 (DMAMR2); 0x10682 (DMAMR3) 15 Field 16 14 13 SAHTS 12 DAHE SAHE Reset 11 10 PRC 9 8 — 7 6 EOTIE 4 — 3 2 TEM CTM 1 0 CC CS 0000_0000_0000_0000 R/W R/W Addr 0x10500 (DMAMR0); 0x10580 (DMAMR1); 0x10600 (DMAMR2); 0x10680 (DMAMR3) Figure 9-82. DMA Mode Registers 0–3 (DMAMRx) MPC8280 PowerQUICC II Family Reference Manual, Rev. 1 Freescale Semiconductor 9-89 PCI Bridge Table 9-66 describes DMAMRx fields. Table 9-66. DMAMRx Field Descriptions Bits Name 31–24 — 23–21 BWC Description Reserved, should be cleared. Bandwidth control. This field only applies when multiple channels are executing transfers concurrently. The field determines how many cache lines a given Channel is allowed to transfer after it is granted access to the IOS interface and before it releases the interface to the next channel. This allows the user to prioritize DMA Channels. 000 1 cache line 001 2 cache lines 010 4 cache lines 011 8 cache lines 100 16 cache lines 20 DM_SEN Direct mode snoop enable. When set allows snooping during direct mode DMA transactions. 19 IRQS 18 — 17–16 DAHTS Destination address hold transfer size. Indicates the transfer size used for each transaction when DAHE is enabled. The Byte Count Register must be in multiples of the size, and the Destination Address Register must be aligned based on the size. 00 1 byte 01 2 bytes 10 4 bytes 11 8 bytes 15–14 SAHTS Source address hold transfer size. Indicates the transfer size used for each transaction when SAHE is enabled. The Byte Count Register must be in multiples of the size, and the Source Address Register must be aligned based on the size. 00 1 byte 01 2 bytes 10 4 bytes 11 -8 bytes 13 DAHE Destination address hold enable. When set will allow the DMA controller to hold the destination address constant for every transfer. The size used for transfer is indicated by DAHTS. Note that hardware supports only aligned transfers for this feature. 12 SAHE Source address hold enable. When set will allow the DMA controller to hold the source address constant for every transfer. The size used for the transfer is indicated by SAHTS. Note that hardware supports only aligned transfers for this feature. 11–10 PRC PCI read command. Indicates the types of PCI read command to use. 00 PCI read 01 PCI read line 10 PCI read multiple 11 Reserved 9–8 — Interrupt steer. When set routes all DMA interrupts to PCI bus through INTA. When clear routes all DMA interrupts to local core. Reserved, should be cleared. Reserved, should be cleared. MPC8280 PowerQUICC II Family Reference Manual, Rev. 1 9-90 Freescale Semiconductor PCI Bridge Table 9-66. DMAMR x Field Descriptions (continued) Bits Name Description 7 EOTIE End-of-transfer interrupt enable. When set will generate an interrupt at the completion of a DMA transfer. No EOT interrupt is generated if this bit is cleared. End of transfer is defined as the end of a direct mode transfer or in chaining mode, as the end of the transfer of the last segment of a chain. 6–4 — 3 TEM Transfer error mask. This bit determines the DMA response in the event of a transfer error. If this bit is set, the DMA will complete the transfer regardless of whether a transfer error occurs (the TE bit is not set). If this bit is clear, the DMA will halt when a transfer error occurs (TE bit is set). 2 CTM Channel transfer mode 0 Chaining mode. See Section, “DMA Chaining Mode.” 1 Direct mode. See Section, “DMA Direct Mode.” 1 CC Channel continue. When this bit is set, the DMA transfer will restart the transferring process starting at the Current Descriptor Address. This bit applies only to chaining mode and is cleared by hardware after every descriptor read. 0 CS Channel start. A 0-to-1 transition occurring on this bit when the channel is not busy (SR[CB] bit is 0) will start the DMA process. If the channel is busy and a 0 to 1 transition occurs, then DMA channel will restart from a previous halt condition. A 1-to-0 transition when the channel is busy (CB bit is 1) will halt the DMA process. Nothing happens if the channel is not busy and a 1 to 0 transition occurs. Reserved, should be cleared. DMA Status Registers 0–3 (DMASRx) The status register reports various DMA conditions during and after the DMA transfer. Writing a 1 to a specific set bit clears the bit. 31 16 Field — Reset 0000_0000_0000_0000 R/W R/W Addr 0x10506(DMASR0); 0x10586 (DMASR1); 0x10606 (DMASR2); 0x10686 (DMASR3) 15 Field Reset 8 — 7 6 TE 3 — 2 CB 1 0 EOSI EOCDI 0000_0000_0000_0000 R/W R/W Addr 0x10504 (DMASR0); 0x10584(DMASR1); 0x10604 (DMASR2); 0x10684 (DMASR3) Figure 9-83. DMA Status Registers 0–3 (DMASRx) MPC8280 PowerQUICC II Family Reference Manual, Rev. 1 Freescale Semiconductor 9-91 PCI Bridge Table 9-67 describes DMASRx fields. Table 9-67. DMASRx Field Descriptions Bits Name Access Description 31–8 — RW 7 TE Read/ Write 1 to clear 6–3 — R 2 CB Read Only Channel busy. When set indicates that a DMA transfer is currently in progress. This bit will be cleared as a result of any of the three following conditions: (1) an error, (2) a halt, or (3) completion of the DMA transfer. 1 EOSI Read/ Write 1 to clear End-of-segment interrupt. After transferring a segment of data, if the EOSIE bit in the current descriptor address register is set, then this bit will be set and an interrupt is generated. Otherwise, no interrupt is generated. 0 EOCDI Read/ Write 1 to clear End-of-chain/direct Interrupt. When the last DMA transfer is finished, either in chaining or direct mode, if DMAMR[EOTIE] is set, this bit will be set and an interrupt is generated. Otherwise, no interrupt is generated. Reserved, should be cleared. Transfer error. This bit is set when there is an error condition during the DMA transfer and the TEM bit is cleared. Reserved, should be cleared. DMA Current Descriptor Address Registers 0–3 (DMACDARx) The current descriptor address register contains the address of the current segment descriptor being transferred. In chaining mode, software must initialize this register to point to the first descriptor in the chain. After processing the first descriptor, the DMA controller moves the contents of the next descriptor address register into DMACDAR, loads the next descriptor into DMANDAR, and executes the current transfer. This process continues until encountering a descriptor whose EOTD (end-of-transfer descriptor) bit is set, which will be the last descriptor to be executed. 31 16 Field CDA Reset 0000_0000_0000_0000 R/W R/W Addr 0x1050A(DMACDR0); 0x1058A (DMACDR1); 0x1060A (DMACDR2); 0x1068A (DMACDR3) 15 Field Reset 5 CDA 4 3 2 SNEN EOSIE 0 — 0000_0000_0000_0000 R/W R/W Addr 0x10508 (DMACDR0); 0x10588 (DMACDR1); 0x10608 (DMACDR2); 0x10688 (DMACDR3) Figure 9-84. DMA Current Descriptor Address Registers 0–3 (DMACDARx) MPC8280 PowerQUICC II Family Reference Manual, Rev. 1 9-92 Freescale Semiconductor PCI Bridge Table 9-68 describes DMACDARx fields. Table 9-68. DMACDAR x Field Descriptions Bits Name Description 31–5 CDA 4 SNEN Snoop enable. When set will allow snooping on DMA transactions. 3 EOSIE End-of-segment interrupt enable. When set will generate an interrupt if the current DMA transfer for the current descriptor is finished. 2–0 — Current descriptor address. Contains the current descriptor address of the segment descriptor in memory. It must be aligned on an 8-word boundary. Reserved, should be cleared. DMA Source Address Registers 0–3 (DMASARx) The source address register, shown in Figure 9-85, indicates the address where the DMA controller will be reading data from. This address can be in either PCI memory or 60x memory. The software has to ensure that this is a valid memory address. The choice between PCI or 60x is done according to the following rule: If the address hits one of the PCI outbound windows, then the source data is read from the PCI memory. Otherwise, it is read from the 60x memory. Refer to Figure 9-13. 31 16 Field SA Reset 0000_0000_0000_0000 R/W R/W Addr 0x10512(DMASAR0); 0x10592 (DMASAR1); 0x10612 (DMASAR2); 0x10692 (DMASAR3) 15 0 Field SA Reset 0000_0000_0000_0000 R/W R/W Addr 0x10510 (DMASAR0); 0x10590 (DMASAR1); 0x10610 (DMASAR2); 0x10690 (DMASAR3) Figure 9-85. DMA Source Address Registers 0–3 (DMASARx) Table 9-69 describes DMASARx fields. Table 9-69. DMASARx Field Descriptions Bit Name Description 31–0 SA Source address of DMA transfer. The content is updated after every DMA read operation. MPC8280 PowerQUICC II Family Reference Manual, Rev. 1 Freescale Semiconductor 9-93 PCI Bridge DMA Destination Address Registers 0–3 (DMADARx) The destination address register, shown in Figure 9-86, indicates the address where the DMA controller will be writing data to. This address can be in either PCI memory or 60x memory. The software has to ensure that this is a valid memory address. The choice between PCI or 60x is done according to the following rule: If the address hits one of the PCI outbound windows, then the destination data is written to the PCI memory. Otherwise, it is written to the 60x memory. Refer to Figure 9-13. 31 16 Field DA Reset 0000_0000_0000_0000 R/W R/W Addr 0x1051A (DMAADAR0); 0x1059A (DMAADAR1); 0x1061A (DMAADAR2); 0x1069A (DMAADAR3) 15 0 Field DA Reset 0000_0000_0000_0000 R/W R/W Addr 0x10518 (DMAADAR0); 0x10598 (DMAADAR1); 0x10618 (DMAADAR2); 0x10698 (DMAADAR3) Figure 9-86. DMA Destination Address Registers 0–3 (DMADARx) Table 9-70 describes DMADARx fields. Table 9-70. DMADARx Field Descriptions Bit Name 31–0 DA Description Destination address. The content is updated after every DMA write operation. DMA Byte Count Registers 0–3 (DMABCRx) This register contains the number of bytes per transfer (maximum transfer size is 64 Mbytes). MPC8280 PowerQUICC II Family Reference Manual, Rev. 1 9-94 Freescale Semiconductor PCI Bridge 31 26 Field 25 16 — BC Reset 0000_0000_0000_0000 R/W R/W Addr 0x10522 (DMABCR0); 0x105A2(DMABCR1); 0x10622 (DMABCR2); 0x106A2 (DMABCR3) 15 0 Field BC Reset 0000_0000_0000_0000 R/W R/W Addr 0x10520 (DMABCR0); 0x105A0 (DMABCR1); 0x10620 (DMABCR2); 0x106A0 (DMABCR3) Figure 9-87. DMA Byte Count Registers 0–3 (DMABCRx) Table 9-71 describes DMABCRx fields. Table 9-71. DMABCRx Field Descriptions Bit Name Description 31–26 — Reserved, should be cleared. 25–0 BC Byte count. Contains the number of bytes to transfer. The value in this register is decremented after each DMA read operation. DMA Next Descriptor Address Registers 0–3 (DMANDARx) The next descriptor address register (NDAR) contains the address for the next segment descriptor in the chain. In chaining mode, this register is loaded from the “next descriptor” field of the descriptor that the current descriptor register is pointing to. Refer to Figure 9-89. 31 16 Field NDA Reset 0000_0000_0000_0000 R/W R/W Addr 0x10526 (DMANDAR0); 0x105A6 (DMANDAR1); 0x10626 (DMANDAR2); 0x106A6 (DMANDAR3) 15 5 Field NDA Reset 4 3 2 NDSNE NDEOSIE N 1 — 0 EOTD 0000_0000_0000_0000 R/W R/W Addr 0x10524 (DMANDAR0); 0x105A4 (DMANDAR1); 0x10624 (DMANDAR2); 0x106A4 (DMANDAR3) Figure 9-88. DMA Next Descriptor Address Registers 0–3 (DMANDARx) MPC8280 PowerQUICC II Family Reference Manual, Rev. 1 Freescale Semiconductor 9-95 PCI Bridge Table 9-72 describes DMANDARx fields. Table 9-72. DMANDARx Field Descriptions Bit Name Description 31–5 NDA Next descriptor address. Contains the next descriptor address of the segment descriptor in memory. It must be aligned on an 8-word (32-byte) boundary. 4 NDSNEN Next descriptor snoop enable. When set will allow snooping on DMA transactions. 3 NDEOSIE Next descriptor end-of-segment interrupt enable. When set will generate an interrupt at the end of this DMA transfer. 2–1 — 0 EOTD 9.13.2 Reserved, should be cleared. End-of-transfer descriptor. When set indicates that this descriptor is the last one to be executed. DMA Segment Descriptors DMA segment descriptors contain the source and destination addresses of the data segment, the segment byte count, and a link to the next descriptor. Segment descriptors are built on cache-line (32-byte) boundaries in either 60x or PCI memory and are linked together into chains using the next-descriptor-address field. Table 9-73. DMA Segment Descriptor Fields Descriptor Field Description Source address Contains the source address of the DMA transfer. After the DMA controller reads the descriptor from memory, this field will be loaded into the source address register. For the bit definition, refer to Section, “DMA Source Address Registers 0–3 (DMASARx).” Destination address Contains the destination address of the DMA transfer. After the DMA controller reads the descriptor from memory, this field will be loaded into the destination address register. For the bit definition, refer to Section, “DMA Destination Address Registers 0–3 (DMADARx).” Next descriptor address Points to the next descriptor in memory. After the DMA controller reads the descriptor from memory, this field will be loaded into the next descriptor address register. For the bit definition, refer to Section, “DMA Next Descriptor Address Registers 0–3 (DMANDARx).” Byte count Contains the number of bytes to transfer. After the DMA controller reads the descriptor from memory, this field will be loaded into the byte count register. For the bit definition, refer to Section, “DMA Byte Count Registers 0–3 (DMABCRx).” Application software initializes the current descriptor address register (DMACDARx) to point to the first descriptor in the chain. For each descriptor in the chain, the DMA controller starts a new DMA transfer with the control parameters specified by the descriptor. The DMA controller traverses the descriptor chain until reaching the last descriptor (with its EOTD bit set). MPC8280 PowerQUICC II Family Reference Manual, Rev. 1 9-96 Freescale Semiconductor PCI Bridge Current descriptor address register 31 0 Next descriptor address register 31 0 Local memory or PCI memory Offset 0x00 0x04 0x08 0x0C 0x10 0x14 0x18 0x1C Source address Reserved Destination address Reserved Next descriptor Reserved Byte count Reserved 31 Offset 0x00 0x04 0x08 0x0C 0x10 0x14 0x18 0x1C Descriptor 0 0 Source address Reserved Destination address Reserved Next descriptor Reserved Byte count Reserved 31 Offset 0x00 0x04 0x08 0x0C 0x10 0x14 0x18 0x1C Descriptor 1 0 Source address Reserved Destination address Reserved Next descriptor Reserved Byte count Reserved 31 Descriptor N (last) EOTD=1 0 Figure 9-89. DMA Chain of Segment Descriptors Descriptor in Big-Endian Mode In big endian mode, the descriptor in 60x memory should be programmed such that data appears in ascending significant-byte order. If segment descriptors are written to memory located in the 60x bus, they should be treated like they are translated from big endian to little endian mode. MPC8280 PowerQUICC II Family Reference Manual, Rev. 1 Freescale Semiconductor 9-97 PCI Bridge Example: Big Endian mode descriptor’s data structure. Note that the descriptor structure must be aligned on an 8-word boundary. struct { double a; /* 0x1122334455667788 double word double b; /* 0x55667788aabbccdd double word double c; /* 0x8765432101234567 double word */ double d; /* 0x0123456789abcdef double word */ } Descriptor; Results: Source Address = 0x44332211 <MSB..LSB> Destination Address = 0x88776655 <MSB..LSB> Next Descriptor Address = 0x21436587 <MSB..LSB> Byte Count = 0x67452301 <MSB..LSB> */ */ Descriptor in Little-Endian Mode In little endian mode, the descriptor in PCI memory should be programmed such that data appears in descending significant byte order. If segment descriptors are written to memory located in the PCI bus, they are obeying the rules for little endian mode. Example: Little Endian mode descriptor’s data structure. Note that the descriptor structure must be aligned on an 8-word boundary. struct { double a; /* 0x8877665544332211 double word double b; /* 0x1122334488776655 double word double c; /* 0x7654321012345678 double word */ double d; /* 0x0123456776543210 double word */ } Descriptor; Results: Source Address = 0x44332211 <MSB..LSB> Destination Address = 0x88776655 <MSB..LSB> Next Descriptor Address = 0x12345678 <MSB..LSB> Byte Count = 0x76543210 <MSB..LSB> 9.14 */ */ Error Handling The PCI bridge provides error detection and reporting. This section describes how the PCI bridge handles different error (or interrupt) conditions. Errors detected by the PCI bridge are reported by asserting internal error signals for each detected error. The system error (SERR) and parity error (PERR) signals are used to report errors on the PCI bus. The PCI command and status registers and the error handling registers enable or disable the reporting and detection of specific errors. There are six registers which define capture and control functionality under error conditions. Refer to section through section The PCI bridge detects illegal transfer sizes to its configuration registers, PCI master-abort cycles, PCI received target-abort errors, PCI parity errors, and overflow/underflow errors in the message unit.The PCI bridge latches the address and type of transaction that caused the error in the error registers to assist diagnostic and error handling software. MPC8280 PowerQUICC II Family Reference Manual, Rev. 1 9-98 Freescale Semiconductor PCI Bridge 9.14.1 Interrupt and Error Signals Although Section 9.11, “Configuration Registers,” contains the definitions for the interrupt and error signals, this section describes the interactions between system components when an interrupt or error signal is asserted. PCI Bus Error Signals The PCI bridge uses two error signals to interact with the PCI bus, SERR and PERR. System Error (SERR) The SERR signal is used to report PCI address parity errors. It is driven for a single PCI clock cycle by the agent that is reporting the error. The agent responsible for driving AD[31–0] on a given PCI bus phase is responsible for driving even parity one PCI clock later on the PAR signal. (That is, the number of 1’s on AD[31–0], PCI_C/BE[3–0], and PAR equals an even number.) The target agent is not allowed to terminate with retry or disconnect if SERR is activated due to an address parity error. Bits 8 and 6 of the PCI command register controls whether the PCI bridge asserts SERR upon detecting one of the error conditions. Parity Error (PERR) The PERR signal is used to report PCI data parity errors during all PCI transactions, except for a PCI special-cycle command. The agent responsible for driving AD[31–0] on a given PCI bus phase is responsible for driving even parity one PCI clock later on the PAR signal. That is, the number of 1’s on AD[31–0], PCI_C/BE[3–0], and PAR equals an even number. The PERR signal must be asserted by the agent receiving data two PCI clocks following the data phase for which a data parity error was detected. Only the master may report a read data parity error and only the selected target may report a write data parity error. Bit 6 of the PCI command register controls whether the PCI bridge ignores PERR. Error Reporting The error signals generated by the PCI bridge indicate which specific error has been detected. The error control and address registers and the data capture registers are used to provide additional information about the detected error. When an error is detected, the associated information is latched inside these registers until all the associated error flags are cleared. Subsequent errors will set the appropriate error flags in the error detection registers, but will not latch additional information. Illegal Register Access Error An illegal register access error occurs when an access to a configuration register is not specified to be 1 beat. When this occurs, ESR[IRA] is set (refer to Section, “Error Status Register (ESR)”). If a read transaction causes the illegal access error the PCI bridge returns 0xFF (all 1s) and a write transaction with an illegal register access error will be dropped. MPC8280 PowerQUICC II Family Reference Manual, Rev. 1 Freescale Semiconductor 9-99 PCI Bridge PCI Interface The PCI bridge supports the error detection and reporting mechanism as specified in the PCI Local Bus Specification, Revision 2.2. The PCI bridge detects master and target abort errors, address parity errors, received SERR, and master and target PERR errors. In these cases, the appropriate bit is set in the ESR, and the address, data and control information about the transaction is loaded in the PCI error address capture register (PCI_EACR), the PCI data capture register (PCI_EDCR) and the PCI error control capture register. Address Parity Error If the PCI bridge is acting as a PCI master and the target detects and reports (by asserting SERR) a PCI address parity error, the PCI bridge sets bit 5 of the ESR and sets the detected parity error bit (bit 15) in the PCI status register. This setting of bit 15 is independent of the settings in the PCI command register. If the PCI bridge is acting as a PCI target and detects a PCI address parity error, the PCI interface of the PCI bridge sets the status bit in the PCI status register (bit 15) and bit 0 of the ESR. If bits 6 and 8 of the PCI command register are set, the PCI bridge reports the address parity error by asserting SERR to the master (two clocks after the address phase) and sets bit 14 of the PCI status register. Data Parity Error If the PCI bridge is acting as a PCI master and a write data parity error is signaled by the target asserting PERR, the PCI bridge sets bit 8 of the PCI status register if the parity error response bit (bit 6) in the PCI command Register is set. The PCI bridge sets bit 7 of the error status register (refer to Section, “Error Status Register (ESR)”), regardless of the configuration of the PCI command register. If the PCI bridge is acting as a PCI master and a read data parity error occurs, the PCI bridge sets bit 8 of the PCI status register if the parity error response bit (bit 6) in the PCI command register is set. The PCI bridge sets bit 2 of the error status register. If the PCI command register of the PCI bridge is programmed to respond to parity errors (bit 6 of the PCI command register is set) the PCI bridge reports the error to the PCI target by asserting PERR and tries to complete the command if possible. The PCI bridge also sets bit 15 of the PCI status register regardless of the value of the parity error response bit (bit 6) in the PCI command register. If the PCI bridge is acting as a PCI target when the write data parity error occurs, the PCI bridge sets bit 15 of the PCI status register and bit 1 of the error status register (ESR). The setting of these bits is independent of the settings in the PCI command register. If bit 6 of the PCI command Register is set, the PCI bridge asserts PERR. When the data has all been transferred, the PCI bridge completes the operation but ignores the data. If the PCI bridge is acting as a PCI target when the master asserts PERR, the PCI bridge sets bit 6 of ESR (refer to Section, “Error Status Register (ESR)”), regardless of the configuration of the PCI command register. Master-Abort Transaction Termination If the PCI bridge, acting as a master, initiates a PCI bus transaction (excluding special-cycle transactions) but there is no response from any PCI agent (DEVSEL has not been asserted within five PCI bus clocks MPC8280 PowerQUICC II Family Reference Manual, Rev. 1 9-100 Freescale Semiconductor PCI Bridge from the start of the address phase), the PCI bridge terminates the transaction with a master-abort and sets the master-abort flag (bit 13) in the PCI status register and bit 3 in the ESR. In the case of no response for a PCI read configuration transaction, the PCI bridge terminates the transaction with a master-abort, but will return data of all ones and will not assert a machine check. This kind of termination enables the host CPU to perform a PCI device scan without having to know in advance if a particular PCI slot is populated or empty. The software still needs to mask the PCI_NO_RSP bit in the error mask register (refer to Section, “Error Mask Register (EMR)”). Any other type of transaction that is terminated with a master-abort results in a machine check interrupt. Target-Abort Error If a PCI transaction initiated by the PCI bridge is terminated by target-abort, the PCI bridge sets the received target-abort flag (bit 12) of the PCI status register and bit 4 of the error status register (refer to Section, “Error Status Register (ESR)”). Note that data transferred in a target-aborted transaction may be corrupt. NMI This signal is captured in bit 11 of the ESR (refer to Section, “Error Status Register (ESR)”). It indicates that an error has occurred on the 60x bus in a transaction that was originally initiated by the PCI bridge. Embedded Utilities Embedded utilities errors are errors detected in the I2O interface. Embedded utilities errors are limited to queue overflows in the I2O outbound free queue and the inbound post queue. Outbound Free Queue Overflow If the PCI bridge detects an I2O outbound free queue overflow, it sets bit 8 of the error status register (refer to Section, “Error Status Register (ESR)”) and freezes all I2O state information. Inbound Post Queue Overflow If the PCI bridge detects an I2O inbound post queue overflow, it sets bit 9 of the error status register (refer to Section, “Error Status Register (ESR)”) and freezes all I2O state information. Inbound DoorBell Machine Check If an external PCI master writes the inbound doorbell register such that the most significant bit is set, then bit 12 of ESR (refer to Section, “Error Status Register (ESR)”) is set and a machine check is asserted to the local processor. MPC8280 PowerQUICC II Family Reference Manual, Rev. 1 Freescale Semiconductor 9-101 PCI Bridge MPC8280 PowerQUICC II Family Reference Manual, Rev. 1 9-102 Freescale Semiconductor Chapter 10 Clocks and Power Control The MPC8280’s clocking architecture includes two PLLs—the main PLL and the core PLL. The main PLL, together with the dividers, provides the internal 60x bus clock and internal clocks for all blocks in the chip except core blocks. The core PLL provides the internal core clocks. The MPC8280’s clocking is a configurable system supporting three clock configuration modes. The clock configuration mode is set during the power on reset. CLKIN is the primary timing reference for the MPC8280. The frequency of CLKIN equals 60x and local bus frequencies. The main PLL multiplies the frequency of the input clock to the final CPM frequency. Refer to Section 10.6, “Clock Configuration Modes.” 10.1 MPC8280 Clock Block Diagram The MPC8280 clocking system, shown in Figure 10-1, is designed around two PLLs—the main PLL and the core PLL. The main PLL receives CLKIN as its input clock and multiplies it to provide MAIN_CLK, which is twice the CPM clock, to the clock block dividers. The dividers shown in Figure 10-1 generate all MPC8280 internal clocks by synchronously dividing MAIN_CLK. These clocks are then output from the clock block to the entire MPC8280. 10.1.1 Main PLL The main PLL performs frequency multiplication and skew elimination. It allows the CPM to operate at a high internal clock frequency while using a low-frequency clock input. This has two immediate benefits: • A lower clock input frequency reduces overall electromagnetic interference generated by the system • Oscillating at different frequencies eliminates the need for another oscillator MPC8280 PowerQUICC II Family Reference Manual, Rev. 1 Freescale Semiconductor 10-1 Clocks and Power Control 10.1.2 Core PLL The core PLL has the same advantages as the main PLL; it performs frequency multiplication and skew elimination for the core blocks. The core PLL input clock is synchronous with the 60x bus clock. Its configuration word, CORE_PLL_CFG[0-4], is determined by the MPC8280 clock configuration mode setting. According to the setting, the core PLL multiplies the internal bus clock and synchronously provides the core clocks. 10.1.3 Skew Elimination The PLL can tighten synchronous timings by eliminating skew between phases of the internal clock and the external clock entering the chip (CLKIN). Skew elimination is always active when the PLL is enabled. Disabling the PLL (PLL bypass) can greatly increase clock skew. 10.1.4 Dividers The PLL output clock, MAIN_CLK, is twice the CPM clock. MAIN_CLK applies to general-purpose dividers. Each MPC8280 internal clock is generated by a dedicated divisor which is a programmable number between 1 and 16. Dividers are determined by the clock configuration modes that are selected by seven bits during the power-up reset—three hardware configuration pins (MODCK[1–3]) and four bits from hardware configuration word[28–31] (MODCK_H). For complete lists of these dividers, refer to the MPC8280 PowerQUICC II Family Hardware Specifications (order number: MPC8280EC). Note that all dividers’ output clocks have identical skew in relation to the input clock because the delay through the dividers for all clocks is identical independent of how its dividers have been programmed. 10.1.5 Internal Clock Signals The internal logic of the MPC8280 generates the next internal clock lines: • CPM general system clocks (CPM_CLK) • 60x bus and local bus (BUS_CLK). Identical to CLKIN. • SCC clocks (SCC_CLK) • Baud-rate generator clock (BRG_CLK) • PCI clock (PCI_CLK) • DLL clocks The PLL synchronizes these clock signals to each other. MPC8280 PowerQUICC II Family Reference Manual, Rev. 1 10-2 Freescale Semiconductor Clocks and Power Control Main PLL for CPM Clocks CPM PLL CLKIN1 X (SCMR[PLLMF] + 1) MAIN_CLK (= 2 X CPM_CLK) General-purpose divider ÷ 2 CPM_CLK General-purpose divider ÷ (SCMR[BUSDF] + 1) BUS_CLK2 General-purpose divider ÷ 4 SCC_CLK General-purpose divider ÷ 22(SCCR[DFBRG] + 1) BRG_CLK General-purpose divider ÷ (SCCR[PCIDF] + 1) PCI_CLK 1 CORE PLL CORE_CLK Core BUS_CLK SCMR[CORECNF]3 Notes: 1 In PCI agent mode, CLKIN = PCI_CLK. Refer to Section 10.1.6, “PCI Bridge as an Agent Operating from the PCI System Clock.” 2 BUS_CLK = CLKIN. 3 The core PLL multiplication is set through SCMR[CORECNF] as described in Table 10-3. 4 SCMR is a read-only register. Its value is determined during power-on reset (PORESET). Refer to Section 10.5, “System Clock Mode Register (SCMR).” Figure 10-1. MPC8280 System Clock Architecture MPC8280 PowerQUICC II Family Reference Manual, Rev. 1 Freescale Semiconductor 10-3 Clocks and Power Control 10.1.6 PCI Bridge as an Agent Operating from the PCI System Clock If the MPC8280 is connected to a system which generates the PCI clock, the PCI clock should be fed to the CLKIN1 pin. The PCI clock is internally multiplied by the PLL to generate the chip’s internal high speed clock. This clock is used to generate the 60x bus clock. The 60x bus clock is then driven by a DLL circuit to the DLLOUT pin, which has a feedback path from the board to the CLKIN2 pin. This feedback clock signal is used by the DLL logic to minimize clock skew between the internal and external clocks. NOTE All PCI timings are measured relative to CLKIN1; all 60x bus timings are measured relative to CLKIN2. CPM_CLK MPC8280 PCI Interface PCI_CLK % Dividers % BUS_CLK dllout PCI Circuit 60x Circuit PLL DLL BUS_CLK clkin2 Bus Clock clkin1 PCI Clock Figure 10-2. PCI Bridge as an Agent, Operating from the PCI System Clock 10.1.7 PCI Bridge as a Host Generating the PCI System Clock In a system where the MPC8280 is the host that generates the PCI clock, the 60x bus clock should be driven to the CLKIN1 pin. The 60x bus clock is internally multiplied by the PLL to generate the CPM high speed clock and then internally divided to generate the PCI bus clock. The PCI bus clock is then driven by the DLL circuit to the DLLOUT pin, which has a feedback path from the board to the CLKIN2 pin. This feedback controls clock skew by ensuring the same internal and external clock timing. NOTE All PCI timings are measured relative to CLKIN2, and all 60x bus timings are measured relative to CLKIN1. MPC8280 PowerQUICC II Family Reference Manual, Rev. 1 10-4 Freescale Semiconductor Clocks and Power Control CPM_CLK MPC8280 PCI Interface PCI_CLK % Dividers % BUS_CLK dllout PCI Circuit PLL DLL 60x Circuit PCI_CLK clkin2 clkin1 60x Bus Clock PCI Clock Figure 10-3. PCI Bridge as a Host, Generating the PCI System Clock 10.2 External Clock Inputs The input clock source to the PLL is an external clock oscillator at the bus frequency. The PLL skew elimination between the CLOCKIN pin and the internal bus clock is guaranteed. 10.3 PLL Pins Table 10-1 shows the dedicated PLL pins. Table 10-1. Dedicated PLL Pins Signal Description VCCSYN1 Drain Voltage—Analog VDD dedicated to core analog PLL circuits. To ensure core clock stability, filter the power to the VCCSYN1 input with a circuit similar to the one in “PLL Filtering Circuit” Figure. To filter as much noise as possible, place the circuit as close as possible to VCCSYN1. The 0.1-µF capacitor should be closest to VCCSYN1, followed by the 10-µF capacitor, and finally the 10-Ω resistor to Vdd. These traces should be kept short and direct. VCCSYN Drain Voltage—Analog VDD dedicated to analog main PLL circuits. To ensure internal clock stability, filter the power to the VCCSYN input with a circuit similar to the one in “PLL Filtering Circuit” Figure. To filter as much noise as possible, place the circuit should as close as possible to VCCSYN. The 0.1-µF capacitor should be closest to VCCSYN, followed by the 10-µF capacitor, and finally the 10-Ω resistor to Vdd. These traces should be kept short and direct. VDD VCCSYN 10ohm 10uF 0.1uF Figure 10-4. PLL Filtering Circuit MPC8280 PowerQUICC II Family Reference Manual, Rev. 1 Freescale Semiconductor 10-5 Clocks and Power Control 10.4 System Clock Control Register (SCCR) The system clock control register (SCCR), shown in Figure 10-5, is memory-mapped into the MPC8280’s internal space. 0 22 Field — Reset 0 23 24 25 PCI_MODE PCI_MODCK 28 PCIDF Refer to Table 10-2 R/W R/W Addr 29 30 31 CLPD DFBRG 0 01 R R/W 0x10C80 Figure 10-5. System Clock Control Register (SCCR) Table 10-2 SCCR Field Descriptions describes SCCR fields. Table 10-2. SCCR Field Descriptions Defaults Bits Name Description POR Hard Reset 0–22 — 0 Unaffected Reserved 23 PCI_MODE PCI_Mode Unaffected PCI Mode 0 Disabled 1 Enabled Reflects the inverted value of the PCI_Mode pin. 24 PCI_MODC K PCI_MODC K Unaffected Reflects the value of the PCI_MODCK pin. 25–28 PCIDF Config pins Unaffected PCI division factor. 29 CLPD 0 Unaffected CPM low power disable. 0 Default. CPM does not enter low power mode when the core enters low power mode. 1 CPM and SIU enter low power mode when the core does. This may be useful for debug tools that use the assertion of QREQ as an indication of breakpoint in the core. 30–31 DFBRG 01 Unaffected Division factor of BRG_CLK. Determines BRG_CLK frequency. Changing the value does not result in a loss of lock condition. BRG_CLK is divided from the PLL output clock (defined as “MAIN_CLK”), which is 2x the CPM clock. Refer to Figure 10-1. The decimal equivalent of the binary value of SCCR[30–31] determines the overall BRG_CLK dividers, as shown in Figure 10-1. MAIN-CLK is divided by 22(DFBRG + 1). 00 Decimal value of 0; MAIN_CLK divided by 4. 01 Decimal value of 1; MAIN_CLK divided by 16 (normal operation). 10 Decimal value of 2; MAIN_CLK divided by 64. 11 Decimal value of 3; MAIN_CLK divided by 256. MPC8280 PowerQUICC II Family Reference Manual, Rev. 1 10-6 Freescale Semiconductor Clocks and Power Control Note: At both Agent and Host PCI modes, when PCI_MODCK = 0, the ratio of CPM_CLK/PCI_CLK should be calculated from PCIDF as follows: CPM_CLK / PCI_CLK = (PCIDF + 1) / 2. At both Agent and Host PCI modes, when PCI_MODCK = 1, the ratio of CPM_CLK/PCI_CLK should be calculated from PCIDF as follows: PCIDF = 3 > CPM_CLK / PCI_CLK = 4 PCIDF = 5 > CPM_CLK / PCI_CLK = 6 PCIDF = 7 > CPM_CLK / PCI_CLK = 8 PCIDF = 9 > CPM_CLK / PCI_CLK = 5 PCIDF = B > CPM_CLK / PCI_CLK = 6 10.5 System Clock Mode Register (SCMR) The PLL, low power, and reset control register (SCMR), shown in Figure 10-6, hold the parameters necessary for determining the output clock frequencies. To understand how the interaction of these values, refer to Section 10.1, “MPC8280 Clock Block Diagram.” 0 Field PLLBP Reset — 2 3 7 — 8 CORECNF 11 12 BUSDF 00 15 CPMDF Refer to Table 10-3 R/W R Addr 0x10C88 16 27 28 31 Field — PLLMF Reset 0000_0000_0000 Refer to Table 10-3 R/W R Addr 0x10C8A Figure 10-6. System Clock Mode Register (SCMR) Table 10-3 describes SCMR fields. Table 10-3. SCMR Field Descriptions Defaults Bits Name Description PORESET Hard Reset 0 PLLBP Config pin1 1–2 — — 3–7 CORECNF Config pins Unaffected Core PLL configuration. Refer to Table 10-4 to see how these bits translate to the actual core PLL multiplication mode. 8–11 BUSDF Config pins Unaffected 60x bus division factor. 12–15 CPMDF Config pins Unaffected CPM division factor. This value is always 1. Unaffected Reset configuration for PLL bypass. 0 Normal operation 1 Bypass CPM PLL — Reserved MPC8280 PowerQUICC II Family Reference Manual, Rev. 1 Freescale Semiconductor 10-7 Clocks and Power Control Table 10-3. SCMR Field Descriptions (continued) Defaults Bits Name Description PORESET Hard Reset 16–27 — — 28–31 PLLMF Config pins 1 2 — Reserved Unaffected PLL multiplication factor. PLLMF controls the value of the divider in the PLL feedback loop. Note: The definition of PLLMF depends on the clock mode2: • Local bus and PCI host: PLLMF = 2(CPM_CLK/CLKIN) – 1 • PCI agent: PLLMF = 2(CPM_CLK/PCI_CLK) – 1 Refer to Sections 10.1.6 and 10.1.7 for more details. MODCK[1-3] and MODCK_H. Refer to Section 10.1.4, “Dividers.” (CPM_CLK/CLKIN) is defined as the CPM Multiplication Factor in the MPC8280 Family Hardware Specifications. (CPM_CLK/PCI_CLK) is defined as the CPM Multiplication Factor in the MPC8280 Family Hardware Specifications. Note: At PCI Agent mode, when PCI_MODCK = 0, the ratio of CPM_CLK/PCI_CLK should be calculated from PLLMF as follows: CPM_CLK / PCI_CLK = (PLLMF + 1) / 2. At PCI Agent mode, when PCI_MODCK = 1, the ratio of CPM_CLK/PCI_CLK should be calculated from PLLMF as follows: PLLMF = 3 > CPM_CLK / PCI_CLK = 4 PLLMF = 5 > CPM_CLK / PCI_CLK = 6 PLLMF = 7 > CPM_CLK / PCI_CLK = 8 PLLMF = 9 > CPM_CLK / PCI_CLK = 5 PLLMF = B > CPM_CLK / PCI_CLK = 6 10.5.1 Core PLL Configurations Table 10-4 shows SCMR[CORECNF] bit values and translations to the core PLL mode. Table 10-4. 60x Bus-to-Core Frequency SCMR[CORECNF] Bus-to-Core Multiplier 0x04, 0x05, 0x15 2x 0x06, 0x11 2.5x 0x08, 0x10 3x 0x0E, 0x1E 3.5x 0x0A, 0x1A 4x 0x07, 0x17 4.5x 0x0B, 0x1B 5x 0x09, 0x19 5.5x 0x0D, 0x1D 6x 0x12 6.5x 0x14 7x 0x16 7.5x MPC8280 PowerQUICC II Family Reference Manual, Rev. 1 10-8 Freescale Semiconductor Clocks and Power Control Table 10-4. 60x Bus-to-Core Frequency (continued) 10.6 SCMR[CORECNF] Bus-to-Core Multiplier 0x1C 8x 0x03, 0x13 PLL off/bypassed 0x0F, 0x1F PLL off Clock Configuration Modes The MPC8280 has three clocking modes: local, PCI host, and PCI agent. The clocking mode is set according to three input pins—PCI_MODE, PCI_CFG[0], PCI_MODCK. In each clocking mode, the configuration of bus, core, PCI, and CPM frequencies is determined by seven bits during the power-on reset—three hardware configuration pins (MODCK[1–3]) and four bits from hardware configuration word[28–31] (MODCK_H). Both the PLLs and the dividers are set according to the selected MPC8280 clock operation mode. For further information and complete lists of each clock mode’s possible clock configurations, see Section 7, “Clock Configuration Modes,” in the MPC8280 PowerQUICC II Family Hardware Specifications (order number: MPC8280EC). MPC8280 PowerQUICC II Family Reference Manual, Rev. 1 Freescale Semiconductor 10-9 Clocks and Power Control MPC8280 PowerQUICC II Family Reference Manual, Rev. 1 10-10 Freescale Semiconductor Chapter 11 Memory Controller The memory controller is responsible for controlling a maximum of twelve memory banks sharing a high performance SDRAM machine, a general-purpose chip-select machine (GPCM), and three user-programmable machines (UPMs). It supports a glueless interface to synchronous DRAM (SDRAM), SRAM, EPROM, flash EPROM, burstable RAM, regular DRAM devices, extended data output DRAM devices, and other peripherals. This flexible memory controller allows the implementation of memory systems with very specific timing requirements. • The SDRAM machine provides an interface to synchronous DRAMs, using SDRAM pipelining, bank interleaving, and back-to-back page mode to achieve the highest performance. • The GPCM provides interfacing for simpler, lower-performance memory resources and memory-mapped devices. The GPCM has inherently lower performance because it does not support bursting. For this reason, GPCM-controlled banks are used primarily for boot-loading and access to low-performance memory-mapped peripherals. • The UPM supports address multiplexing of the external bus, refresh timers, and generation of programmable control signals for row address and column address strobes to allow for a glueless interface to DRAMs, burstable SRAMs, and almost any other kind of peripheral. The refresh timers allow refresh cycles to be initiated. The UPM can be used to generate different timing patterns for the control signals that govern a memory device. These patterns define how the external control signals behave during a read, write, burst-read, or burst- write access request. Refresh timers are also available to periodically generate user-defined refresh cycles. Unless stated otherwise, this chapter describes the 60x bus memory controller. The local bus memory controller provides the same functionality as the 60x bus memory controller except 64-bit port size, ECC, and external master support. The MPC8280 supports the following new features as compared to the MPC860 and MPC850. • The synchronous DRAM machine enables back-to-back memory read or write operations using page mode, pipelined operation and bank interleaving for high-performance systems. • The memory controller supports the local bus and the 60x bus in parallel. The 60x bus and the local bus share twelve memory banks as well as two SDRAM machines, three user-programmable machines (UPMs) and GPCMs. • The memory controller supports atomic operation. • The memory controller supports read-modify-write (RMW) data parity check. • The memory controller supports ECC data check and correction. • Two data buffer controls (one for the local bus). • ECC/parity byte select pin, which enables a fast, glueless connection to ECC/RMW-parity devices. MPC8280 PowerQUICC II Family Reference Manual, Rev. 1 Freescale Semiconductor 11-1 Memory Controller • • • 18-bit address and 32-bit local data bus memory controller. The local bus memory controller supports the following: — 8-, 16-, and 32-bit port sizes — Parity checking and generation — Ability to work in parallel with the 60x bus memory controller Flexible chip-select assignment—The 60x bus and local bus share twelve chip-select lines (controlled by a memory controller bank). The user can allocate the twelve banks as needed between the 60x bus and the local bus. Flexible UPM assignment—The user can assign any of the three UPMs to the 60x bus or the Local bus Figure 11-1 shows the dual-bus architecture. MPC8280 CPM/PCI External Master Core 60x Address [0–31] 60x Address Bus Interface A[0–31] 60x Data[0–63] 60x Data Bus Interface D[0–63] 60x Memory Control Signals SDRAM Local Slave 3 UPM Arrays Local Memory Controller 60x Memory Devices GPCM 2Æ1 60x-to-Local Transactions 60x Memory Controller Address Decoders 60x Slave GPCM CS[0–11] Local Memory Control Signals SDRAM CPM/Local Master LA[14–31] Local Address [0–31] Local Address Bus Interface LD[0–31] Local Data [0–63] Local Data Bus Interface Local Memory Devices Figure 11-1. Dual-Bus Architecture MPC8280 PowerQUICC II Family Reference Manual, Rev. 1 11-2 Freescale Semiconductor Memory Controller 11.1 Features The memory controller’s main features are as follows: • Twelve memory banks — 32-bit address decoding with mask — Variable block sizes (32 Kbytes to 4 Gbytes) — Three types of data errors check/correction: – Normal odd/even parity – Read-modify-write (RMW) odd/even parity for single accesses – ECC — Write-protection capability — Control signal generation machine selection on a per-bank basis — Flexible chip-select assignment between the 60x bus and the local bus — Supports internal or external masters on the 60x bus — Data buffer controls activated on a per-bank basis — Atomic operation — Extensive external memory-controller/bus-slave support — ECC/parity byte-select — Data pipeline to reduce data setup time for synchronous devices • Synchronous DRAM machine (60x or local bus) — Provides the control functions and signals for glueless connection to JEDEC-compliant SDRAM devices — Back-to-back page mode for consecutive, back-to-back accesses — Supports 2-, 4- and 8-way bank interleaving — Supports SDRAM port size of 64-bit (60x only), 32-bit, 16-bit and 8-bit — Supports external address and/or command lines buffering • General-purpose chip-select machine (GPCM)—60x or local bus — Compatible with SRAM, EPROM, FEPROM, and peripherals — Global (boot) chip-select available at system reset — Boot chip-select support for 8-, 16-, 32-, and 64-bit devices — Minimum two clock accesses to external device — Eight byte write enable signals (WE)—four on the local bus — Output enable signal (OE) — External access termination signal (GTA) • Three UPMs — Each machine can be assigned to the 60x or local bus. — Programmable-array-based machine controls external signal timing with a granularity of up to one quarter of an external bus clock period MPC8280 PowerQUICC II Family Reference Manual, Rev. 1 Freescale Semiconductor 11-3 Memory Controller — User-specified control-signal patterns run when an internal or external master requests a single-beat or burst read or write access. — UPM refresh timer runs a user-specified control signal pattern to support refresh — User-specified control-signal patterns can be initiated by software — Each UPM can be defined to support DRAM devices with depths of 64, 128, 256, and 512 Kbytes, and 1, 2, 4, 8, 16, 32, 64, 128, and 256 Mbytes – Chip-select line – Byte-select lines – Six external general-purpose lines — Supports 8-, 16-, 32-, and 64-bit memory port sizes, 8-, 16-, and 32-bit port sizes on the local bus — Page mode support for successive transfers within a burst — Internal address multiplexing for all on-chip bus masters supporting 64-, 128-, 256-, and 512-Kbyte, and 1-, 2-, 4-, 8-, 16-, 32-, 64-, 128-, 256-Mbyte page banks 11.2 Basic Architecture The memory controller consists of three basic machines: • Synchronous DRAM machine • General-purpose chip-select machine (GPCM) • Three UPMs Each bank can be assigned to any one of these machines via BRx[MS] as shown in Figure 11-2. The MS and MxMR[BSEL] bits (for UPMs) assign banks to the 60x bus or local bus, as shown in Figure 11-2.. Addresses are decoded by comparing (A[0–16] bit-wise and ORx[AM]) with BRx[BA]. If an address match occurs in multiple banks, the lowest numbered bank has priority. However, if a 60x bus access hits a bank allocated to the local bus, the access is transferred to the local bus. Local bus access hits to 60x assigned banks are ignored. When a memory address matches BRx[BA], the corresponding machine takes ownership of the external signals that control access and maintains control until the cycle ends. MPC8280 PowerQUICC II Family Reference Manual, Rev. 1 11-4 Freescale Semiconductor Memory Controller MxMR[BS] Bank 0 MS 60x Bank 1 MS Bank 2 MS User-Programmable Machine (A/B/C) Local 60x SDRAM Machine Bank 3 60x MS Local SDRAM Machine 60x General-Purpose Chip-Select Machine Bank 10 MS Bank11 MS Local General-Purpose Chip-Select Machine Local 60x Local Figure 11-2. Memory Controller Machine Selection Some features are common to all machines. • A 17-bit most-significant address decode on each memory bank • The block size of each memory bank can vary between 32 Kbytes (1 Mbyte for SDRAM) and 4 Gbytes (128 Mbytes for SDRAM). • Normal parity may be generated and checked for any memory bank. • Read-modify-write parity may be generated and checked for any memory bank with either 32- or 64-bit port size. Using RMW parity on 32-bit port size bank, requires the bus to be in strict 60x mode (BCR[ETM] = 0. See Section, “Bus Configuration Register (BCR).” • ECC may be generated and checked for any memory bank with a 64-bit port size • Each memory bank can be selected for read-only or read/write operation. • Each memory bank can use data pipelining, which reduces the required data setup time for synchronous devices. • Each memory bank can be controlled by an external memory controller or bus slave. The memory controller functionality minimizes the need for glue logic in MPC8280-based systems. In Figure 11-3, CS0 is used with the 16-bit boot EPROM with BR0[MS] defaulting to select the GPCM. CS1 is used as the RAS signal for 64-bit DRAM with BR1[MS] configured to select UPMA. BS[0–7] are used as CAS signals on the DRAM. MPC8280 PowerQUICC II Family Reference Manual, Rev. 1 Freescale Semiconductor 11-5 Memory Controller EPROM MPC8280 Address GPCM CS0 GPL2/OE BS/WE[0–7] Data Address CE OE WE Data DRAM Address CS1 UPMA GPLx RAS CAS[0–7] W Data Figure 11-3. Simple System Configuration Implementation differences between the supported machines are described in the following: • The SDRAM machine provides a glueless interface to JEDEC-compliant SDRAM devices, and using SDRAM pipelining, page mode, and bank interleaving delivers very high performance. To allow fine tuning of system performance, the SDRAM machine provides two types of page modes selectable per memory bank: — Page mode for consecutive back-to-back accesses (normal operation) — Page mode for intermittent accesses SDRAM machines are available on the 60x and local buses; each memory bank can be assigned to any SDRAM machine. • The GPCM provides a glueless interface to EPROM, SRAM, flash EPROM (FEPROM), and other peripherals. The GPCM is available on both buses on CS[0–11]. CS0 also functions as the global (boot) chip-select for accessing the boot EPROM or FLASH device. The chip-select allows 0 to 30 wait states. • The UPMs provide a flexible interface to many types of memory devices. Each UPM can control the address multiplexing for accessing DRAM devices and the timings of BS[0–7] and GPL. Each UPM can be assigned either to the 60x or to the local bus. Each memory bank can be assigned to any UPM. Each UPM is a programmable RAM-based machine. The UPM toggles the memory controller external signals as programmed in RAM when an internal or external master initiates any external read or write access. The UPM also controls address multiplexing, address increment, and transfer acknowledge (TA) assertion for each memory access. The UPM specifies a set of signal patterns for a user-specified number of clock cycles. The UPM RAM pattern run by the memory controller is selected according to the type of external access transacted. At every clock cycle, the logical value of the external signals specified in the RAM array is output on the corresponding UPM pins. MPC8280 PowerQUICC II Family Reference Manual, Rev. 1 11-6 Freescale Semiconductor Memory Controller Figure 11-4 shows a basic configuration. Internal/External Memory Access Request Select Address (A), Address Type (AT) Address Comparator Bank Select MS/BS Fields SDRAM Machine UPMx GPCM Signals Timing Generator MUX External Signals Figure 11-4. Basic Memory Controller Operation The SDRAM mode registers (LSDMR and PSDMR) define the global parameters for the 60x and local SDRAM devices. Machine A/B/C mode registers (MxMR) define most of the global features for each UPM. GPCM parameters are defined in the option register (ORx). Some SDRAM and UPM parameters are also defined in ORx. 11.2.1 Address and Address Space Checking The defined base address is written to the BRx. The bank size is written to the ORx. Each time a bus cycle access is requested on the 60x or local bus, addresses are compared with each bank. If a match is found on a memory controller bank, the attributes defined in the BRx and ORx for that bank are used to control the memory access. If a match is found in more than one bank, the lowest-numbered bank handles the memory access (that is, bank 0 has priority over bank 1). NOTE Although 60x bus accesses that hit a bank allocated to the local bus are transferred to the local bus, local bus access hits to banks allocated to the 60x bus are ignored. 60x-to-local bus transactions have priority over regular memory bank hits. MPC8280 PowerQUICC II Family Reference Manual, Rev. 1 Freescale Semiconductor 11-7 Memory Controller 11.2.2 Page Hit Checking The SDRAM machine supports page-mode operation. Each time a page is activated on the SDRAM device, the SDRAM machine stores its address in a page register. The page information, which the user writes to the ORx register, is used along with the bank size to compare page bits of the address to the page register each time a bus-cycle access is requested. If a match is found together with bank match, the bus cycle is defined as a page hit. An open page is automatically closed by the SDRAM machine if the bus becomes idle, unless ORx[PMS] is set. 11.2.3 Error Checking and Correction (ECC) ECC can be configured for any bank as long as it is assigned to the 60x bus and is connected to a 64-bit port size memory. ECC is generated and checked on a 64-bit basis using DP[0–7] for the bank if BRx[DECC] = 11. If ECC is used, single errors can be corrected and all double-bit errors can be detected. 11.2.4 Parity Generation and Checking Parity can be configured for any bank, if it is preferred. Parity is generated and checked on a per-byte basis using DP[0–7] or LDP[0–3] for the bank if BR[DECC] = 01 for normal parity and 10 for RMW parity. SIUMCR[EPAR] determines the global type of parity (odd or even). Note that RMW parity can be used only for 32- or 64-bit port size banks. Also, using RMW parity on a 32-bit port size bank requires that the bus is placed in strict 60x mode. This is done by setting BCR[ETM] (BCR[LETM] for the local bus). Refer to Section, “Bus Configuration Register (BCR).” NOTE: RMW Parity and ECC Modes and Pipelined Addresses Due to design constraints, using RMW parity or ECC modes and pipelined addresses (BCR[PLDP] = 0) on the SDRAM interface, requires that the PSDMR[CL] will be set to 10, choosing CAS latency of 2. If CAS latency of 3 is needed, use BCR[PLDP] = 1 for a pipeline depth of zero. When the MPC8280 is decoding a 60x read transaction into one of its internal memory-mapped registers or dual-port RAM that was originated by an external 60x master, it will generate parity bits along with the data bytes on DP[0–7]. The type of parity (odd or even) is determined by the SIUMCR[EPAR] programming. 11.2.5 Transfer Error Acknowledge (TEA) Generation The memory controller asserts the transfer error acknowledge signal (TEA) in the following cases: • An unaligned or burst access is attempted to internal MPC8280 space (registers or dual-port RAM). Note that the dual-port RAM cannot be accessed via bursts. • The core or an external master attempts a burst access to the local bus address space • A bus monitor timeout MPC8280 PowerQUICC II Family Reference Manual, Rev. 1 11-8 Freescale Semiconductor Memory Controller 11.2.6 Machine Check Interrupt (MCP) Generation The memory controller asserts machine check interrupt (MCP) in the following cases: • A parity error • An ECC double-bit error • An ECC single bit error when the maximum number of ECC errors has been reached 11.2.7 Data Buffer Controls (BCTLx and LWR) The memory controller provides two data buffer controls for the 60x bus (BCTL0 and BCTL1) and one for the local bus (LWR). These controls are activated when a GPCM- or UPM-controlled bank is accessed and can be disabled by setting ORx[BCTLD]. An access to an SDRAM-machine controlled bank does not activate the BCTLx controls. The BCTL signals are asserted on the rising edge of CLKIN on the first cycle of the memory controller operation. They are negated on the rising edge of CLKIN after the last assertion of PSDVAL of the access is asserted. (See Section 11.2.13, “Partial Data Valid Indication (PSDVAL).”) If back-to-back memory controller operations are pending, BCTLx is not negated. The BCTL signals have a programmable polarity. See Section, “SIU Module Configuration Register (SIUMCR).” 11.2.8 Atomic Bus Operation The MPC8280 supports the following kinds of atomic bus operations BRx[ATOM]: • Read-after-write (RAWA). When a write access hits a memory bank in which ATOM = 01, the MPC8280 locks the bus for the exclusive use of the accessing master (internal or external). While the bus is locked, no other device can be granted the bus. The lock is released when the master that created the lock accesses the same bank with a read transaction. If the master fails to release the lock within 256 bus clock cycles, the lock is released and a special interrupt is generated. This feature is intended for CAM operations. • Write-after-read (WARA). When a read access hits a memory bank in which ATOM = 10, the MPC8280 locks the bus for the exclusive use of the accessing master (internal or external). During the lock period, no other device can be granted bus mastership. The lock is released when the device that created the lock access the same bank with a write transaction. If the device fails to release the lock within 256 bus clock cycles, the lock is released and a special interrupt is generated. NOTE This mechanism does not replace the PowerPC reservation mechanism. 11.2.9 Data Pipelining Multiple-MPC8280 systems that use data checking, such as ECC or parity, face a timing problem when synchronous memories, such as SDRAM, are used. Because these devices can output data every cycle and because the data checking requires additional data setup time, the timing constraints are extremely hard to meet. In such systems, the user should set the data pipelining bit, BRx[DR]. This creates data pipelining MPC8280 PowerQUICC II Family Reference Manual, Rev. 1 Freescale Semiconductor 11-9 Memory Controller of one stage within the memory controller in which the data check calculations are done, thus eliminating the additional data setup time requirement. Note that this feature cannot be used with L2 cacheable banks and that in systems that involve both MPC8280-type masters and 60x compatible master, this feature can still be used on the 60x bus under the following restrictions: 1. The arbiter and the memory controller are in the same MPC8280. 2. The register field BCR[NPQM] is setup correctly. See “Section 11.9, “External Master Support (60x-Compatible Mode),” and “Section, “Bus Configuration Register (BCR).” 11.2.10 External Memory Controller Support The MPC8280 has an option to allocate specific banks (address spaces) to be controlled by an external memory controller or bus slave, while retaining all the bank properties: port size, data check/correction, atomic operation, and data pipelining. This is done by programming BRx and ORx[AM] and by setting the external memory controller bit, BRx[EMEMC]. This action automatically assigns the bank to the 60x bus. For an access that hits the bank, all bus acknowledgment signals (such as AACK, PSDVAL, and TA) and the memory-device control strobes are driven by an external memory controller or slave. If the device that initiates the transaction is internal to the MPC8280, the memory controller handles the port size, data checking, atomic locking, and data pipelining as if the access were governed by it. This feature allows multiple MPC8280 systems to be connected in 60x-compatible mode without losing functionality and performance. It also makes it easy to connect other 60x-compatible slaves on the 60x bus. 11.2.11 External Address Latch Enable Signal (ALE) The memory controller provides control for an external address latch, needed on the 60x bus in 60x compatible mode. ALE is asserted for one clock cycle on the first cycle of each memory-controller transaction. In this section, whenever ALE is not on a timing diagram, assume that it is asserted on the first cycle in which CS can be asserted. NOTE ALE is relevant only on the 60x bus and only in 60x-compatible mode. 11.2.12 ECC/Parity Byte Select (PBSE) Systems that use ECC or read-modify-write parity, require an additional memory device that requires byte-select like a normal data device. ANDing BS[0–7] through external logic to achieve the logical function of this byte-select can affect the memory access timing because it adds a delay to the byte-select path. The MPC8280’s memory controller provides optional byte-select pins that are an internal AND of the eight byte selects, allowing glueless, faster connection to ECC/RMW-parity devices. This option is enabled by setting SIUMCR[PBSE], as described in Section, “SIU Module Configuration Register (SIUMCR).” MPC8280 PowerQUICC II Family Reference Manual, Rev. 1 11-10 Freescale Semiconductor Memory Controller 11.2.13 Partial Data Valid Indication (PSDVAL) The 60x and local buses have an internal 64-bit data bus. According to the 60x bus specification, TA is asserted when up to a double word of data is transferred. Because the MPC8280 supports memories with port sizes smaller than 64 bits, there is a need for partial data valid indication. The memory controller uses PSDVAL to indicate that data is latched by the memory on write accesses or valid data is present on read accesses. The quantity of the data depends on the memory port size and the transfer size. The memory controller accumulates PSDVAL assertions, and when a double word (or the transfer size) is transferred, the memory controller asserts TA to indicate that a 60x data beat was transferred. Table 11-1 shows the number of PSDVAL assertions needed for one TA assertion under various circumstances. Table 11-1. Number of PSDVAL Assertions Needed for TA Assertion Port Size Transfer Size PSDVAL Assertions TA Assertions 64 Any 1 1 32 Double word 2 1 32 Word/half word/byte (32-bit aligned) 1 1 16 Double Word 4 1 16 Word 2 1 16 Half/byte 1 1 8 Double word 8 1 8 Word 4 1 8 Half 2 1 8 Byte 1 1 Figure 11-5 shows a double-word transfer on 32-bit port size memory. Clock External Data Bus (32 msb) Upper 4 bytes Lower 4 bytes PSDVAL Internal Data Bus (32 msb) Internal Data Bus (32 lsb) Upper 4 bytes Lower 4 bytes TA Figure 11-5. Partial Data Valid for 32-Bit Port Size Memory, Double-Word Transfer MPC8280 PowerQUICC II Family Reference Manual, Rev. 1 Freescale Semiconductor 11-11 Memory Controller 11.2.14 BADDR[27:31] Signal Connections The memory controller uses BADDR[27:31] to interface memory and peripheral devices on the 60x bus in 60x-compatible mode. Not all the BADDR line are necessarily used. Use Table 11-2 to determine which BADDR lines are needed for the device connection. Table 11-2. BADDR Connections Non-SDRAM 32-Bit Port Size Device Any 16-Bit Port Size Device BADDR[x] Non-SDRAM 64/72-Bit Port 64-/72-Bit Port Size SDRAM Size Device BADDR[27] N.C. Connected N.C. Connected Connected Connected BADDR[28] N.C. Connected N.C. Connected Connected Connected BADDR[29] N.C. N.C N.C. Connected Connected Connected BADDR[30] N.C. N.C N.C. N.C Connected Connected BADDR[31] N.C. N.C N.C. N.C. N.C. Connected 11.3 32-Bit Port Size SDRAM Any 8-Bit Port Size Device Register Descriptions Table 11-3 lists registers used to control the 60x bus memory controller. Table 11-3. 60x Bus Memory Controller Registers Abbreviation Name Reference BR0–BR11 Base register banks 0–11 Section 11.3.1 OR0–OR11] Option register banks 0–11 Section 11.3.2 PSDMR 60x bus SDRAM machine mode register Section 11.3.3 LSDMR Local bus SDRAM machine mode register Section 11.3.4 MAMR UPMA mode register Section 11.3.5 MBMR UPMB mode register MCMR UPMC mode register MDR Memory data register Section 11.3.6 MAR Memory address register Section 11.3.7 Memory refresh timer prescaler register Section 11.3.12 PURT 60x bus assigned UPM refresh timer Section 11.3.8 PSRT 60x bus assigned SDRAM refresh timer Section 11.3.10 LURT Local bus assigned UPM refresh timer Section 11.3.9 LSRT Local bus assigned SDRAM refresh timer Section 11.3.11 TESCRx 60x bus error status and control registers Section 11.3.13 LTESCRx Local bus error status and control regs Section 11.3.14 MPTPR MPC8280 PowerQUICC II Family Reference Manual, Rev. 1 11-12 Freescale Semiconductor Memory Controller Base Registers (BRx) 11.3.1 The base registers (BR0–BR11) contain the base address and address types that the memory controller uses to compare the address bus value with the current address accessed. Each register also includes a memory attribute and selects the machine for memory operation handling. Figure 11-7 shows the BRx register format. 0 15 Field BA Reset 0000_0000_0000_0000 R/W R/W Addr 0x10100 (BR0); 0x10108 (BR1); 0x10110 (BR2); 0x10118 (BR3); 0x10120 (BR4); 0x10128 (BR5); 0x10130 (BR6); 0x10138 (BR7); 0x10140 (BR8); 0x10148 (BR9); 0x10150 (BR10); 0x10158 (BR11) 16 17 Field BA Reset 18 19 — 000 20 PS 1 21 22 DECC see note 23 24 WP 26 MS 27 EMEMC 0000_000 28 1 see note 29 ATOM 000 30 31 DR V1 see note R/W R/W Addr 0x10102 (BR0); 0x1010A (BR1); 0x10112 (BR2); 0x1011A (BR3); 0x10122 (BR4); 0x1012A (BR5); 0x10132 (BR6); 0x1013A (BR7); 0x10142 (BR8); 0x1014A (BR9); 0x10152 (BR10); 0x1015A (BR11) 1For BR0 these fields depend on reset configuration sequence. See Section 5.4.1, “Hard Reset Configuration Word.” For BR1–11, these fields are cleared at reset. Figure 11-6. Base Registers (BRx) Table 11-4 describes BRx fields. Table 11-4. BRx Field Descriptions Bits Name Description 0–16 BA Base address. The upper 17 bits of each base address register are compared to the address on the address bus to determine if the bus master is accessing a memory bank controlled by the memor